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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

8b888c No.51543 [Last50 Posts]

20JUN23 to 22JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

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8b888c No.65249

File: b12da26be908f37⋯.png (122.46 KB,397x674,397:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038106 (201429ZJUN23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge More reaction to Hunter Biden plea agreement

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More reaction to Hunter Biden plea agreement via



America about to go full vigilante mode.

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8b888c No.65250

File: c3f9f0349a6ee0e⋯.jpg (162.6 KB,1033x607,1033:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da6e707847ce4a3⋯.png (1.06 MB,612x8031,204:2677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038160 (201436ZJUN23) Notable: NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earths solar orbit not because of SUVs and fossil fuels

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NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earths solar orbit not because of SUVs and fossil fuels

This anon told you so... >>>/qresearch/16842175 (one year old post, reposting image)

Earth tilt

NASA admits it :


Earth's axis tilt & perihelion matter

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8b888c No.65251

File: e3668937fa9c644⋯.png (933.57 KB,1220x1264,305:316,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cbd8f57c10056e⋯.png (62.14 KB,1292x827,1292:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038191 (201440ZJUN23) Notable: Roseanne: "I want to apologize to the gentile, non-Jewish world, for all these horrible Jewish people like Epstein, Weinstein

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Roseanne: "I want to apologize to the gentile, non-Jewish world, for all these horrible Jewish people like Epstein, Weinstein. You know the Bible talked about them. Call them what you must but the Bible does name them."



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8b888c No.65252

File: 6f0ac3b5b2e3297⋯.png (3.26 MB,1582x2048,791:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038231 (201446ZJUN23) Notable: Still some tickets for Trump's Sunday speech and dinner Oakland County (Michigan) Republican Party

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Still some tickets for Trump's Sunday speech and dinner

Oakland County (Michigan) Republican Party

$250 each


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8b888c No.65253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038285 (201453ZJUN23) Notable: #23377

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#23377 >>65224

>>65225 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/20/2023

>>65226 The judge in the classified documents case has set an August 14th trial date for Donald Trump

>>65227 The purpose of popularizing a holiday no one had ever heard of which focused on slavery a few weeks ahead of Independence Day was always to replace July 4th

>>65228 Trump can't win': Koch network releases ads targeting ex-president

>>65229, >>65233 Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, will plead guilty to three federal charges

>>65230 President Joe Biden has said that the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin using tactical nuclear weapons is "real"

>>65231, >>65232, >>65234 More Republicans signal support for revised Adam Schiff censure resolution

>>65235 Jack Poso w/CAP: Trump says none of his family will have an official role in his 2nd Administration

>>65236 Kiev offers ‘no stable grounds’ for talks – Kremlin

>>65237 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - The Ñandú in the Milky Way

>>65239 Scandal-plagued Andrey Melnik served as Ukraine’s deputy foreign minister for seven months, Zelensky appoints ‘f-word’ envoy to Brazil

>>65240 QClock June 19, 2023 - v2 Was The Money Worth It…? Titanic Watch The Water

>>65241, >>65243, >>65238 Hunter Biden, is expected to plead guilty to federal tax crimes (not paying taxes) and illegally possessing a firearm.

>>65244 Moscow Warns Kyiv Against Targeting Crimea with Western Arms

>>65245, >>65242, >>65234 2019 Schiffty Schiff

>>65246 Restaurant accused of using fake priest to extract ‘confessions’ from employees

>>65247 @realDonaldTrump Sloppy, Low Energy RINO Bill Barr

>>65249 @CBS_Herridge More reaction to Hunter Biden plea agreement

>>65250 NASA admits climate change occurs because of changes in Earths solar orbit not because of SUVs and fossil fuels

>>65251 Roseanne: "I want to apologize to the gentile, non-Jewish world, for all these horrible Jewish people like Epstein, Weinstein

>>65252 Still some tickets for Trump's Sunday speech and dinner Oakland County (Michigan) Republican Party


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8b888c No.65254

File: 9d4f07207889047⋯.jpeg (82.25 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 91d1ac62f7116c8⋯.jpg (32.78 KB,336x462,8:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f0a456b65abaa63⋯.jpg (158.31 KB,615x410,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 04e933d88cc95f8⋯.jpg (18.44 KB,400x267,400:267,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7613e0b2a07bb6⋯.jpg (8.79 KB,180x300,3:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038303 (201455ZJUN23) Notable: #23378

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8b888c No.65255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038327 (201459ZJUN23) Notable: Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

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Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

Operation enters the second week of Ukraine’s long-awaited and highly touted counteroffensive, some basic conclusions can be drawn even though the fighting continues, and will continue to rage, for some time to come.


First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed. While there is still considerable combat strength left in the Ukrainian military, including more than 75% of the NATO-trained and -equipped 60,000-strong cohort Ukraine had assembled in the past eight months, fundamentally flawed assumptions about the quality of the force on which Ukraine and its NATO allies had placed their collective hopes for victory over Russia have been exposed. In short, Ukraine lacks the military capacity to overcome Russian defenses.

Ukraine’s most elite assault brigades, equipped with the latest Western military technology,failed to advance out of what Russian defensive doctrine calls the “cover” line of defense—the buffer that is designed to channel and disrupt an attacking force prior to reaching the “main” line of defense. Ukrainian casualties were extremely heavy, with Russia achieving a 10:1 kill ratio in terms of manpower, which is unsustainable from the Ukrainian perspective. The reasons for the Ukrainian failure are fundamental in nature, meaning that they cannot be overcome as things currently stand and, as such, the Ukrainian military has zero chance of success, no matter how hard they press subsequent attacks.

First and foremost is the quality of the Russian defenses, especially in terms of the barrier network (minefields, obstacles, and trenches) which, when combined with the tenacity of the Russian defender and the overwhelming superiority Russia enjoys in terms of fire support (both artillery and air-delivered), is the reason the Ukrainians are unable to advance beyond the “cover” layer of the Russian defenses. Ukrainian equipment and tactics are insufficient to the task of breaching the Russian obstacle barriers in any meaningful manner, dooming the attacking forces to be destroyed piecemeal by Russian artillery and air strikes, as well as local counterattacks mounted by Russian special forces.

Besides the poor tactics and equipment deficiencies(yes, the Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles were not the miracle weapons Ukraine and its Western supporters had hyped them up to be), the Ukrainians are paying the price for Russia’s impressive suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) campaign that has been ongoing for many weeks now. Russia has not only neutralized Ukraine’s ability to defend strategic targets far beyond the front lines, but also to project any meaningful air defense capability into the actual zone of conflict. This, combined with the lack of any viable air force, leaves the attacking Ukrainian ground forces exposed to the full weight of Russian air power.

Russian fixed-wing aircraft have been able to deliver precision-guided munitions with deadly effect to the assembly areas used by Ukraine to gather their attacking forces prior to committing them to the battlefield. It is estimated that between 25-30% of Ukraine’s casualties occur from these strikes. Russian helicopters can use their anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) with lethal effect on Ukrainian forces operating in the zone of contact, and Russian loitering munitions (i.e., “kamikaze drones”) have taken a heavy toll of Ukrainian forces as well. Unless Ukraine can reassert some semblance of air defense onto the battlefield, both in the rear areas as well as the frontlines, and sortie its own air power capable of challenging Russian air superiority over the battlefield, then no amount of courage and tactical innovation on the part of the Ukrainian ground forces will alter the deadly calculus of war that currently prevails today…..


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8b888c No.65256

File: 5feab3365448935⋯.jpeg (261.85 KB,1170x1026,65:57,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038332 (201459ZJUN23) Notable: A year-long BBC investigation has uncovered a sadistic global monkey torture ring stretching from Indonesia to the United States.

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A year-long BBC investigation has uncovered a sadistic global monkey torture ring stretching from Indonesia to the United States.

The World Service found hundreds of customers in the US, UK and elsewhere paying Indonesians to torture and kill baby long-tailed macaques on film.

The torture ring began life on YouTube, before moving to private groups on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

Police are now pursuing the buyers and several arrests have already been made.

Mike McCartney, a key video distributor in the US known by his screen name, "The Torture King", agreed to speak to the BBC - and described the moment he joined his first Telegram monkey torture group.

"They had a poll set up," McCartney said. "Do you want a hammer involved? Do you want pliers involved? Do you want a screwdriver?" The resulting video was "the most grotesque thing I have ever seen," he said.



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8b888c No.65257

File: 49450c88f57ca47⋯.jpeg (815.94 KB,1150x1839,1150:1839,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038338 (201500ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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No call sign B1 https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae6bd7

Check other nearby call signs




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8b888c No.65258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038341 (201501ZJUN23) Notable: Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

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One of the many tragediesof the ongoing Ukrainian-Russian conflict is the fact that much ofwhat Ukraine does on the battlefield is dictated not by military necessity, but rather political imperative. The recently concluded months-long Battle for Artemovsk (Bakhmut) is a case in point, where Ukrainian President Zelensky insisted on pouring manpower and equipment into a battle for a town that most military experts believed to hold minimal strategic military value. The geography, however, did not dictate the scope and scale of the battle, but rather the perception of Ukrainian defensive tenacity, and as a resultbetween 60-75,000 Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives in what was a losing effort=. Similarly, the Ukrainian army is being asked to make what amounts to a suicide attack against well-prepared Russian defenses under conditions which, as detailed earlier, can only result in a decisive Ukrainian defeat. This time, the culprit is Ukraine’s NATO allies who, on the eve of their annual summit, are desperate for any sign that the multi-billion-dollar investment they have collectively made in the Ukrainian military can pay even the most rudimentary dividends. For this reason,NATO will continue to pressure Ukraine to double down on defeat, pressing the Russians offensively even though any gains, if in fact any can be had, would be pyrrhic in nature and unsustainable over the long run.

The reality is that when NATO gathers in Vilnius on July 11, the Russians will be well into the process of destroying the third Ukrainian army built by NATO. The first was assembled during the buffer provided by the diplomatic “sham” of the Minsk Accords, from 2015-2022. Some 260,000 strong, this force was largely destroyed by June of 2022. The second army, consisting of some 80,000 newly trained and equipped Ukrainian soldiers backed by thousands of foreign mercenaries, the direct result of tens of billions of dollars of military aid provided by NATO, was able to launch the successful Ukrainian counterattack in the fall of 2022, before being decimated in the positional war that followed (including the Bakhmut slaughter).

The 60,000-strong 12-brigade Ukrainian counterattack force currently operating against the Russians, again the result of tens of billions of dollars in military equipment (including modern Western tanks, artillery, and infantry fighting vehicles), will most probably be destroyed, or facing imminent destruction, by the time the NATO summit convenes. The primary question facing NATO is does it have the political, economic, and military capacity to raise a fourth Ukrainian army, and after its demise, a fifth, sixth, and more?

NATO is politically committed to waging a proxy conflict with Russia “to the last Ukrainian.”This tragic reality means that, regardless of the battlefield reality that exists in Ukraine, NATO will continue to push Ukraine to sacrifice its manpower in a fruitless struggle against Russia for the simple fact that NATO is unwilling to willingly lose political face at home and abroad.

However, this political will does not automatically mean that NATO will be able to sustain this objective either economically or militarily.

While recent statements made by US General Mark Miley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicate that there aretens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in the US/NATO training “pipeline”, and that the US/NATO is assembling equipment sufficient to equip these soldiers, they will not be ready for combat for several months yet—long after the third Ukrainian army has met its fate on the field of battle…


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8b888c No.65259

File: 867a7a153eaa7dc⋯.png (2.82 MB,1120x5205,224:1041,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038357 (201503ZJUN23) Notable: 2 missing after military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa, 2 missing after military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa

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2 missing after military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa

2 others taken to hospital after training flight crashed into Ottawa River

CBC News · Posted: Jun 20, 2023 7:31 AM EDT

Two crew members are missing and another two remain in hospital after a military helicopter crashed into the Ottawa River during a training flight early Tuesday morning, according to the Department of National Defence (DND).

The incident happened around 12:10 a.m. ET Tuesday about 150 kilometres northwest of downtown Ottawa, according to a tweet from the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Four Canadian Armed Forces personnel were on board the CH-147 Chinook at the time, according to a tweet from Anita Anand, minister of national defence.

First responders found two crash victims and took them to hospital; their conditions have not been released.

The two missing crew are members of 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron, according to a news release from DND.

The military says this type of helicopter is used to move people and equipment and that this squadron is based out of Petawawa. It's the air force's only CH-147F Chinook squadron.

Crash leads to local water restrictions

First responders conducting search and rescue efforts in the area include military members — with air support out of Petawawa and 8 Wing Trenton — Ontario Provincial Police and local firefighters.

DND has asked boaters to avoid the river near the base and its Black Bear Beach to avoid "potentially hazardous materials from the aircraft" and preserve the crash scene.

The Town of Petawawa says it has has stopped taking water from the Ottawa River to its water treatment plant as a precaution and has banned non-essential watering, such as for lawns or gardens.

Neighbouring Laurentian Valley and Pembroke are asking residents to conserve water because of high demand "as we assist our (neighbours) with an ongoing Emergency."


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8b888c No.65260

File: 172e3854d381b46⋯.png (389.26 KB,531x487,531:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038366 (201504ZJUN23) Notable: Peter the Mint Eagle used to fly around #Philadelphia during the day & return to the U.S. Mint at night

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Peter the Mint Eagle used to fly around #Philadelphia during the day & return to the U.S. Mint at night, until he died in the late 1820s. Employees chipped in & had him stuffed. Since then, artists have used Peter to inspire reverse designs on numerous U.S. coins! 🦅


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8b888c No.65261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038373 (201505ZJUN23) Notable: Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

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Miley spoke of new air defense systems for Ukraine, and other NATO officials speak of the possibility of providing Ukraine with (old) F-16 aircraft.New air defense systems, however, cannotin and of themselves alter a military reality imposed by Russia on Ukraine through its strategic SEAD victory. Ukraine will simply continue a losing struggle against Russian air power. The same holds true of any F-16 fighters that might be provided to Ukraine—too little, too late, and in any event incapable of achieving a meaningful battlefield result.

In Vilnius,NATO will be confronted with the reality of its impotency as a military alliancewhen it comes to countering Russia in Ukraine. Any military analyst of any competence will know that, as things currently stand,Ukraine simply cannot prevail over Russia. NATO illusions of a “frozen conflict” that seem to drive their insane desire to arm Ukraine to infinity and beyond, moreover, are driven by fundamentally flawed assessments regarding Russian economic competence and capacity, Russian military proficiency, and the will of the Russian people to sustain this conflict.

Here is theroot cause of NATO’s strategic failure in Ukraine—a complete lack of understanding about the reality of Russia today. Russia will be able to out-produce NATO from a standpoint of military technology until which time NATO nations fully transition into a wartime economy, something NATO nations neither have the political will nor economic means to accomplish.

TheRussian military has largely overcome the deficiencieswhich plagued it in the initial phases of the Special Military Operation, and the Russia armed forces assemble in the Special Military Operation zone are highly trained, well-equipped, and properly trained for the tasks they have been assigned. Moreover, the Russian nation has rallied around the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an overwhelming fashion, united in the belief that the proxy war NATO is waging against Russia in Ukraine is existential in nature and, as such, one that Russia cannot lose.P

NATO will not alter coursein the immediate period following the Vilnius summit—there is simply too much political momentum in place to bring about any meaningful alteration of the current trajectory in Ukraine. ==But neither will NATO produce a winning formula in Ukraine•=. Rather, NATO will continue to pursue little more than a variation of an existing theme—to arm Ukraine so that it can fight as long as it is capable of sustaining the fight.

This short-sighted posture will result in theinevitable military collapse of Ukraine, probably sometime between late summer/early fall of this year. When this happens, NATO will be left scrambling to construct some sort of face-saving mechanism to salvage its weakened geopolitical position vis-à-vis Russia. What that will look like is unknown at this time. But one thing is for certain—because NATO refuses to consider an off-ramp from the Ukrainian conflict today, there will be no future for Ukraine tomorrow.NATO political pride will be the downfall and destruction of the Ukrainian nation, its military, and its people.


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8b888c No.65262

File: 5119dc1c39cbcaf⋯.jpeg (364.13 KB,1170x899,1170:899,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038382 (201506ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss said 'the investigation is ongoing'

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U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss said 'the investigation is ongoing'


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8b888c No.65263

File: 0c64458efa84a32⋯.png (814.13 KB,1114x873,1114:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038385 (201506ZJUN23) Notable: Senator, why don’t you tell that story about that time you chased a black jogger and held a shotgun on him, former Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said

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Fetterman story on pulling shotgun on black jogger has wordplay twist to it.

Phones won't accept the word "nigger" and since the "n" is adjacent to the "j", and the "i" adjacent to the "o", the kekboard converts it from "nigger" to "jogger".


Sen. John Fetterman ripped for pulling shotgun on unarmed black jogger after Juneteenth post

“Senator, why don’t you tell that story about that time you chased a black jogger and held a shotgun on him because you thought he was a criminal?” former Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a tweet.

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8b888c No.65264

File: 966fb87088e214b⋯.png (345.97 KB,692x875,692:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b0e8260319537e⋯.jpg (76.75 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038386 (201507ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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On the ground at Travis

Squawk N/A


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8b888c No.65265

File: 1855348710a8657⋯.png (272.6 KB,538x447,538:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038426 (201515ZJUN23) Notable: @SpecialTactics_ We're guardians of the night…Ensuring steadfast security even in the depths of darkness. 🔦 #SpecialTactics

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We're guardians of the night...Ensuring steadfast security even in the depths of darkness. 🔦 #SpecialTactics


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8b888c No.65266

File: f4cc2018eb2b771⋯.png (368.67 KB,1111x623,1111:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 290005daa2b5640⋯.png (349.64 KB,587x343,587:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038474 (201524ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

RUNNR01 USMC C-40A departed Ft. Worth NAS heading WN-this is the first C-40A delivered to the Marines-cap #2

These clippers are almost all Navy with the CNV### (CoNVoy) callsigns and it is doing roundies at Amarillo, TX Rick Husband Int'l and the D.O.E. Pantex plant is located just to the NE of the airport

Pantex is the primary United States nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility that aims to maintain the safety, security and reliability of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile


On May 19, Marine Transport Squadron 1 (VMR-1) welcomed the long-awaited arrival of its first Marine Corps C-40A aircraft during a ceremony at Naval Air Station (NAS) Joint Reserve Base (JRB) Fort Worth. The glossy gray plane, featuring “United States Marines” painted on the side, is part of the Navy Unique Fleet Essential Airlift.


85-0073 B-1 Lancer aka as 'The Bone' out from Dyess AFB (green dot) >>65257

PAT317 Beech C-12V Huron departed Bangor, ME after a ground stop-inbound from Goose Bay Int'l Airport Newfoundland

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B doing some roundies at Richmond Int'l airport from McGuire-this returned from Hickam AFB, Oahu over the weekend

RAF RRR9260 A330 WS over Illinois from an RAF Brize Norton depart earlier today

Over on the west siiide-and Potato still staying in the Bay Area today and has 2 moar fundraisers one in Larkspur and one in SF proper-staying up late too as that one doesn't start until 10pm PST and he doesn't even get the daily briefing until 1pm EST


SWATH13 KC-135 tanker over Potato who actually did go to Moffet Federal Airfield and then it (92-9000) was moved to SFO-San Francisco Int'l...you can see the old Blimp hangar in the background >>65174 pb Alphabet (Google) leases a large portion of this old Navy base (used by NASA as Ames Research center) and they have a 60 year lease on it that was branted back in 2014. Sergey Brin and Larry Page basically use it as a personal airport and also whoever they grant access to

Google Leases NASA's Moffett Field, Historic Hangar for $1.2 Billion


Mexi AF SDN01 G5 NW from Mex. City Int'l

from last night


AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs landed at Dallas Love Field and the AFSOC AC 95-3058 Wolfhound went to New Orleans-Armstrong Int'l from Durango, CO depart

kneepads in Dallas for muh abortion

Kamala Harris heads to Dallas to woo donors and talk abortion rights in Roe’s hometown


Down in the Caribbean-South America

KING04/05 C-130j Super Hercules' departed Curacao and heading back to St. Petersburg-Clearwater Airport most likely-where they came from about a week ago-they have been doing some werk in the Caribbean since that time and returning to Curacao until todays departure

Over Colombia we have 09-0624 MC-12W Liberty ISR doing roundies at 25k near the Venezuela/Colombian border and he looks like he came out of Bogota

11-3104 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146 A Wolfhound departed San Juan int'l heading SE and probably will stop at Trinidad/Tobago

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8b888c No.65267

File: bc8721d097e9f08⋯.png (240 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038513 (201531ZJUN23) Notable: Can Biden Deter a Russia Nuclear Attack on Ukraine? Yes, if He Gives Ukraine Tactical Nukes

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Can Biden Deter a Russia Nuclear Attack on Ukraine? Yes, if He Gives Ukraine Tactical Nukes

Fear of nuclear exchange has long colored White House thinking on Ukraine.

As Russian troops invaded Ukraine sixteen months ago, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan offered to evacuate Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president rebuffed the offer. “I need ammunition, not a ride,” he responded.

Even as Ukrainian forces defied the U.S. intelligence estimate, first blunting and then rolling back the Russian Army, fear of how Russian President Vladimir Putin might react led Washington to restrict assistance that could enable Ukraine to quicken its counterassault and save tens of thousands of lives.

The Biden administration doctored weaponry to prevent long-range use out of fear that Ukraine might strike sites of logistical or military importance in Russia.

The same logic governed the Biden administration’s initial rejection of Ukrainian requests for HIMARS, Abrams tanks and F-16s. Only political and diplomatic pressure convinced Biden to reverse course.

As Ukrainian forces pushed back Russia’s initial invasion and humiliated the Russian army in the skies and on the battlefield, Washington’s fears about how Russia might react grew. If Putin loses or is humiliated, the logic goes, he might lash out with tactical nuclear weapons.

Some, like former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger urged compromise in response, even at the expense of allowing Putin to retain Crimea and other Ukrainian territory. The problem with such advice is both that it would reward aggression and, regardless, Putin rejected Ukraine’s very right to exist.

The war is now at the tipping point. First, there was Ukraine’s destruction of the causeway linking Russian-occupied Crimea to Russia proper. Intelligence leaks suggest Ukraine might have been behind the attack on the Nord Stream-2 pipeline. Anti-Putin Russian insurgents later raided the Russian city of Belgorod from Ukraine, and Ukrainian Special Forces were likely responsible for the brazen drone attack on the Kremlin.

Putin is desperate and erratic. The destruction of the Kakhovka dam is a warning that Putin abides by no redlines. With the Ukrainian counter-offensive underway, the threat that Russia might use tactical nuclear weapons is increasingly a likelihood. It would be unfair to blame Kyiv. There is no moral equivalence. Russia invaded Ukraine; not the other way around. So long as Ukraine was on the verge of victory, Putin would arrive at this point of nuclear retaliation. To self-deter and hand Russia a victory would be immoral and unwise. For Putin, an adversary’s fear is as addictive as cocaine. Should he sense White House fear might bring triumph, he would take another snort: his provocations would only increase, not only against Ukraine but also against Moldova and the Baltic States.

For Biden, the question is now two-fold: How to deter Russian use of tactical nuclear weapons and how to respond should he use them. The same strategy answers both.

If nuclear weapons use changes the war’s momentum, leads a fearful West to impose partition, or even hands Putin a complete victory, the long-term consequence for international security would be dire. To confirm any gain from using tactical nuclear weapons would irreparably shred the eight-decade stigma surrounding nuclear weapons use. Russia might be tempted to use such weapons again. So too would dozens of second tier powers that would seek to acquire tactical nuclear weapons to use against their rivals. International instability would increase to levels not seen since the run-up to World War II.

How Biden Can Stop Russia from Using Nukes in Ukraine

What Biden should instead do is tell Russia clearly that any use of nuclear weapons of any size against Ukraine will lead to U.S. provision of the same types of nuclear weapons to Ukraine without any controls on where and how Ukraine might use them. The non-proliferation mafia might howl with outrage, but the West must gear its nuclear policy toward reality, not wishful thinking or an empty façade of a treaty regimen by which revisionist states no longer abide.

Just as during the Cold War, the best way to deter nuclear weapons use is to demonstrate a willingness to use them.

In the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, the United States and other countries guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty in exchange for its forfeit of nuclear weapons. Twenty years later when Russian forces marched into Crimea, President Obama showed U.S. commitments to be empty and our words to be without meaning.

It is time to reverse that damage. The simple fact is this: United States maintains nuclear weapons because they are an effective deterrent against other nuclear states. Ukraine should have the same right.

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8b888c No.65268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038514 (201531ZJUN23) Notable: Preview of the Upcoming State Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

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11:20 AM EDT

Washington Foreign Press Center Briefing on "Preview of the Upcoming State Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India and News of the Day."


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8b888c No.65269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038522 (201533ZJUN23) Notable: Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon.

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2:00 PM EDT

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Holds Briefing

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon.




Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Deputy Spokesman Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon.


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8b888c No.65270

File: 72eb2f0e547a83a⋯.png (453.19 KB,623x624,623:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038535 (201535ZJUN23) Notable: 2020 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

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Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan:


What was going on in Astana?

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8b888c No.65271

File: 2b1c112f455f7e2⋯.png (18.81 KB,747x207,83:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038552 (201537ZJUN23) Notable: 2020 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

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Confidential banking records related to Hunter Biden in Senate hands:


Absolutely everyone in DC is compromised.

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8b888c No.65272

File: edea1ebca4afa92⋯.png (993.91 KB,1254x836,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: faa9c7586f438cc⋯.png (434.4 KB,571x800,571:800,Clipboard.png)

File: dd21f33c763e3ce⋯.png (213.19 KB,571x719,571:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 91926f0d54695b9⋯.png (838.03 KB,1254x837,418:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038561 (201538ZJUN23) Notable: London man removes ‘carbon surveillance’ cameras, 'This is our country and we’re taking it back'

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London man removes ‘carbon surveillance’ cameras

'This is our country and we’re taking it back'

An anonymous London man last week uploaded a video to Twitter showing dozens of Ultra-Low Emission Zone cameras he took down in defiance of ‘globalist scum’.

Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) are areas in London only accessible to low-emission vehicles. Cars that do not meet the city’s environmental standards are charged £12.50 ($16.00) for entering the ULEZ. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras positioned around the zones read license plates and check them against the vehicles’ make and model in real time. If a vehicle does not meet the environmental threshold, the fine is levied against the car owner.

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR)

Nearly half of London’s residents — over four million people — now live in ULEZs, which cover the North and South Circular Roads. By August 29th of this year, the ULEZ will expand to encompass all London boroughs.

The ANPR cameras, according to Transport for London (TfL), also monitor traffic and serve as security cameras for law enforcement to “prevent and detect crime”.

In his video, the man who removed dozens of cameras explained how to do so using a simple technique, saying that while it takes the city half a day to install one camera, it takes him less than a minute to remove it.

“This is our country and we’re taking it back,” he says, calling on others to follow his example.

Ultra-Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) are areas in London only accessible to low-emission vehicles. Cars that do not meet the city’s environmental standards are charged £12.50 ($16.00) for entering the ULEZ. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras positioned around the zones read license plates and check them against the vehicles’ make and model in real time. If a vehicle does not meet the environmental threshold, the fine is levied against the car owner.

Removing surveillance cameras appears to be a trend...




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8b888c No.65273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038562 (201538ZJUN23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Conversation at the White House on the Impact of the Dobbs Decision

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3:45 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Conversation at the White House on the Impact of the Dobbs Decision

Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, First Lady Jill Biden will host a conversation at the White House with Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Gender Policy Council Jennifer Klein about the impact the Dobbs decision has had and will continue to have on women’s health and lives.

The White House



First Lady Hosts Conversation on Impact Supreme Court Abortion Decision

First Lady Jill Biden hosts a conversation at the White House on the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.


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8b888c No.65274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038574 (201540ZJUN23) Notable: Washington Foreign Press Center Briefing on Preview of the 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States

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3:50 PM EDT

Washington Foreign Press Center Briefing on Preview of the 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States


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8b888c No.65275

File: 5f25b7d652402ad⋯.png (399.84 KB,779x656,19:16,Clipboard.png)

File: d0de76df3e4d6e1⋯.png (126.47 KB,736x630,368:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d7b8e7d9987869⋯.png (133.58 KB,775x661,775:661,Clipboard.png)

File: c0d2ffa26e8ddd4⋯.png (128.67 KB,794x638,397:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038579 (201541ZJUN23) Notable: HRC and Obama concocted another 'get Trump' angle before he left Washington

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HRC and Obama concocted another 'get Trump' angle before he left Washington. Willing participant in the partisan actor called David Ferriero NARA archives.

Article excerpts are from 2018.

Now the National Archives is faced with Hillary Clinton’s history-making assault on government records while secretary of state, which Cass describes as fitting a pattern of “destroy, deny and corrupt the process.” (This is no doubt why Harvard just awarded her the Radcliffe Medal citing her “transformative impact on society.”)

How does David Ferriero plan to deal with this unique challenge to his institution? First, it’s not just his problem, although he must address the realities of gaps in the record and how it will affect plans for the new Obama presidential library. But will there be penalties for violating the 2014 law? Is it even possible to continue the great tradition of maintaining an authentic record center for the United States that President Franklin Roosevelt founded 83 years ago, if that law is not supported?



H.R.1233 - Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014

113th Congress (2013-2014)

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8b888c No.65276

File: 5940361cb5e8345⋯.png (126.7 KB,616x546,44:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038586 (201541ZJUN23) Notable: 2020 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

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Senate report links Hunter Biden to ‘prostitution or human trafficking ring’


I guess the DOJ missed this report completely.

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8b888c No.65277

File: afa347394b22e7d⋯.jpeg (372.12 KB,1114x1686,557:843,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03236255c0f8c26⋯.jpeg (155.95 KB,1241x835,1241:835,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038618 (201546ZJUN23) Notable: Barr Unloads on Trump (Again), Thinks He's in Serious Trouble in Classified Docs Case/optics anons

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Barr Unloads on Trump (Again), Thinks He's in Serious Trouble in Classified Docs Case

Bob Hoge3:45 PM on June 18,

Former Trump Administration Attorney General Bill Barr likes to see himself on TV, evidently. It seems not a Sunday goes by when he does not appear on a talk show, usually slamming his former boss for “reckless” behavior. This time, he appeared on “Face the Nation” for an interview with CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert Costa.

Barr unloaded on Trump concerning the latest classified documents case but felt that the Georgia election meddling case wasn’t nearly as strong.First, he said that although The Donald has been the subject of an overzealous Department of Justice in the past, that doesn’t mean that he’s innocent:

He provoked this whole problem (the classified documents indictment) himself.

Yes, he has been the victim of unfair witch hunts in the past. But that doesn’t obviate the fact that he’s also a fundamentally flawed person who engages in reckless conduct, and that leads to situations, calamitous situations like this, which are very destructive and hurt any political cause he’s associated with. And this was a case, entirely of his own making.

He had no right to those documents. The government tried for over a year, quietly and with respect, to get them back, which was essential that they do, and he jerked them around. And he had no legal basis for keeping them.

Trump has maintained that he was fully cooperating with authorities and the Mar-a-Lago raid was unnecessary. In addition, President Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence have since been found to be in possession of classified docs, yet you don’t see either one of them being hounded by the Department of Justice.

Asked specifically about the charge of obstruction, Barr said the former president is at risk:

Well, it’s very strong, because a lot of the evidence comes from his own lawyers. And furthermore, there’s evidence of him saying things that are completely incompatible with any idea that this was an innocent document dispute.

He’s referring to an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which Trump boasts about having a classified Pentagon document in his possession.

Regarding Trump’s claim that, when president, he could declassify anything just by thinking about it, Barr was dismissive: “The legal theory by which he gets to take battle plans and sensitive national security information as his personal papers is absurd.”(Now if it was Bush Sr & Jr, Clinton, Obama or even Carter it would be perfectly within their rights!)

Barr was less impressed with the probe by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis into allegations that Trump and his allies broke Georgia law by trying to overturn the election results. Trump allegedly called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and said that he “owed me votes because the election was rigged.”

BARR: Yeah, I don’t know much about her case. I don’t know if it’s, you know, a sound case or not.I’m skeptical about that.

Again, because of the First Amendment interests. You know, we don’t want to get into a position where people can’t complain about an election, and claim that an election–

ROBERT COSTA: Trump said on tape he wants the Secretary of State to find votes.

BARR: Yeah, I know. But, you know, there’s- they’re innocent interpretations of what he said, you know, which is, look, of all the votes that we think are bad. You certainly can find among them some that are slam dunk, but whether that’s the proper interpretation or not, I- I am more skeptical of that case. But on the other hand, I think it’s likely that will be brought.

I’m guessing Barr will be back on the talk show circuit next week as well.

(He is doing the wishy washy slap him in the face 10x then be noncommittal, that way he sounds like he’s a deep thinker or drinker. He pretends he’s read the documents at the DOJ when he’s just reading the news.)


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8b888c No.65278

File: a6ba61db9b3bc5c⋯.png (385.87 KB,628x345,628:345,Clipboard.png)

File: 58ba75caaa791ed⋯.png (816.98 KB,1353x764,1353:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f8a322658a1775⋯.png (626 KB,815x742,815:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038639 (201548ZJUN23) Notable: Barr Visits Italy on "Official Business"? – Remember That Audio-Tape Deposition by Joseph Mifsud?…

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Attorney General Bill Barr Visits Italy on "Official Business"? – Remember That Audio-Tape Deposition by Joseph Mifsud?…


‘The enigma of the entire Mueller probe’: Focus on origins of Russian investigation puts spotlight on Maltese professor


Updated December 22, 2020 08:31 p.m. ET

Barr Says 'No' to Special Counsel Probing Hunter Biden


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8b888c No.65279

File: f4a1287227dca4a⋯.png (634.05 KB,1259x802,1259:802,Clipboard.png)

File: f2f91c997a4710d⋯.png (1.24 MB,1235x667,1235:667,Clipboard.png)

File: de4bbba6aca219d⋯.png (628.48 KB,585x725,117:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038671 (201552ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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PlaneFag Yerp/Med/Africa

NGR001 Falcon 7xPresident Bola Ahmed Tinubunorth from Abuja, Nigeria depart-looks like they are going to Brussels and we have some news from them as well

Nigerian president replaces all security chiefs in major shakeup


JAKE17RC -135 Rivet Joint heading back from it's Barents Sea run earlier today >>65182 pb

>flight pattern over northern Norway, and NW Russia (usually just off shore of Murmamsk was the last flight for this AC in the Barents Sea)

4 tankers in the North Sea MOON23, SHINE30, MDRAS50 and PRIMR12

Dutch AF MMF40 A330 with some refueling activity over northern Germany

MOON22 and 20 along with 63-8025 KC-135 tankers over Poland and Czech Republic

German AF GAF813 departed Koln/Bonn heading EN

NATO Air Defender 2023 'exercise' still has 3 days left

from last night-SAM200Blinkenarrived at London Stansted airport >>65182 pb

In the Med

French AF CTM1036 A330 departed from northern Jordan Prince Hussein Air Base-along Syrian border after a ground stop of about 2 hours-inbound from Dhabi depart

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8b888c No.65280

File: 35bd5a0498d2a3b⋯.jpeg (80.2 KB,465x262,465:262,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8bb0fdae1fbbabb⋯.jpeg (180.61 KB,1241x705,1241:705,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038689 (201555ZJUN23) Notable: Charlie Sykes: Bill Barr Makes Me 'Gag'—But Praise Him For Denouncing Trump

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Charlie Sykes: Bill Barr Makes Me 'Gag'—But Praise Him For Denouncing Trump

File this one under our "Sudden Respect" rubric–though a very grudging respect at that. On Monday's Morning Joe, Never Trumper and very frequent MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes praised Bill Barr, Donald Trump's former Attorney General, for the blistering criticism he made of Trump during his Face The Nation appearance on Sunday.

But Sykes couldn't resist taking a nasty shot at Barr for his perceived past sins of supporting Trump. MSNBC played a montage of former Trump officials from Mike Pence to Mark Esper (and anti-Trump Republicans from Asa Hutchinson to ex-Gov. Larry Hogan) There's just a short excerpt of Barr in the montage.

Said Sykes:

"Bill Barr, you need a healthy gag reflex to, you know, sort of accept him. But, you know, coming from Bill Barr, this is extraordinary. This is not on my bingo card for 2023. That he would be the most vociferous and effective critic of Donald Trump."

So Barr makes Sykes want to puke. Butsince he's willing to light into Trump, all is forgiven.

Mika Brzezinski later circles back, and plays an extended excerpt from Barr's comments.

Says Mika Brzezinski in reaction: "Oh my God! That's worse than I thought."

And by "worse," Mika of course means, better!

(Mika is still angry about the facelift comment I guess)


Video next of all the traitors video, I’m sure there is a diligent anon is collecting names.

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8b888c No.65281

File: a2a38c65d6ae5aa⋯.jpeg (35.78 KB,774x440,387:220,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038726 (201601ZJUN23) Notable: Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on Monday (12 June 2023)

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NATO drill is still going on.

Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on Monday (12 June 2023). Twenty-five nations are taking part in the two-week long “Air Defender” exercise, with around 10,000 personnel and 250 aircraft.

I think it said 10 days was lasting for.

Funny how Schumann went weird durning the Event.


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8b888c No.65282

File: 8bf16a351e8c6b2⋯.png (336.34 KB,530x509,530:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038728 (201601ZJUN23) Notable: China Seeks Military Base In Cuba As 'Response' To US Bolstering Taiwan, US Officials Admit

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China Seeks Military Base In Cuba As 'Response' To US Bolstering Taiwan, US Officials Admit


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8b888c No.65283

File: cd6f33898b32a2a⋯.png (368.35 KB,530x582,265:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038740 (201603ZJUN23) Notable: @FORSCOM The Army rolled out its new Army Body Composition Program Monday that outlines a more accurate way to assess body fat.

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The Army rolled out its new Army Body Composition Program Monday that outlines a more accurate way to assess Soldiers’ body fat.

Read more ➡️ http://spr.ly/6010OAnHo

#Readiness #Soldiers



Measuring body fat has come a long way since my time.

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8b888c No.65284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038741 (201603ZJUN23) Notable: CBS & NBC Ignore White Powder Sent to Trump, Thomas & KS GOP

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CBS & NBC Ignore White Powder Sent to Trump, Thomas & KS GOP

Kevin Tober June 19th, 2023 10:05

After outrageously ignoring the initial story during their flagship morning shows, CBS Evening Newsand NBC Nightly Newsrefused to update viewerson a new revelation in the incident involving white powder being sent in envelopes to members of the Kansas Republican Party which is that they were also sent to former President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Much like they did during their morning show Good Morning America, ABC’s World News Tonight kept up with the politically motivated attack on Kansas Republican lawmakers.

CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News did have time however tohyperventilate over bans on abortionsand whine about how they are causing shortages in OB-GYNs (CBS) and that there are supposedly data tracking taking place where abortions are legal (NBC).

“Envelopes containing a suspicious powdery substance were discovered in the mailboxes of a few dozen Kansas lawmakers. But tonight the list of intended recipients is growing,” ABC News investigative reporter Aaron Katersky revealed.

“More than 100 Kansas officials have now received letters and federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News letters were also addressed to former President Trump, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and other high-profile individuals, though we're told the postal inspectors intercepted those letters before they were delivered,” he added.

Two of the Kansas Republicans who had suspicious white powder sent to them were state representative Tory Marie Blew and state Senator Stephen Owens. They both told ABC about their concerns.

“It just was in your typical letter envelope and at the very bottom of it, you could feel that it was very thick,” Blew told ABC.

Owens added that “It was quite terrifying, right, I mean, this is the stuff that you ultimately see in movies, hardly real-life stuff.”

This bias by omission from CBS & NBC was made possible by ADT on CBS and Red Lobster on NBC. Their information is linked.


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8b888c No.65285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038745 (201604ZJUN23) Notable: 'My son has done nothing wrong': Joe Biden DEFENDS scandal-ridden son Hunter

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'My son has done nothing wrong': Joe Biden DEFENDS scandal-ridden son Hunter saying 'I trust him, I have faith in him' - as federal prosecutors close in on the First Son over tax and firearms violations

Joe Biden on Friday spoke to MSNBC in his first television interview since February, and his first since declaring last week he was seeking re-election

Biden was asked about his son Hunter, 53, who is being investigated for potential tax issues and lying on a permit application for a gun

Biden told Stephanie Ruhle: 'My son has done nothing wrong. I trust him, I have faith in him,' and added he was 'proud'

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8b888c No.65286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038748 (201604ZJUN23) Notable: Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on Monday (12 June 2023)

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NATO drill is still going on.

Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on Monday (12 June 2023). Twenty-five nations are taking part in the two-week long “Air Defender” exercise, with around 10,000 personnel and 250 aircraft.

I think it said 10 days was lasting for.

Funny how Schumann went weird durning the Event.


I’m sure I’ve seen those craft round here, or similar.

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8b888c No.65287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038763 (201606ZJUN23) Notable: Agenda 47 “impoundment” unconstitutional Impoundment Control Act of 1974, DIGG!

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Agenda 47 “impoundment”

- unconstitutional Impoundment Control Act of 1974


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8b888c No.65288

File: d2018c44cd4f39d⋯.png (344.29 KB,761x570,761:570,Clipboard.png)

File: 88cec721904dd38⋯.png (788.75 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038765 (201607ZJUN23) Notable: Romanian prosecutors send Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking

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Romanian prosecutors send Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking

June 20, 2023

Romanian prosecutors sent divisive internet personality Andrew Tate, his brother Tristan and two other suspects to trial on Tuesday on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women.

The Tate brothers and two Romanian female suspects are under house arrest pending a criminal investigation for abuses committed against seven women, accusations they have denied.

The four were held in police custody from Dec. 29 until March 31 before a Bucharest court put them under house arrest.

Andrew Tate has also been charged with raping one of the victims, while his brother Tristan has been charged with instigating others to violence.

The trial will not start immediately.

Under Romanian law, the case gets sent to the court’s preliminary chamber, where a judge has 60 days to inspect the case files to ensure legality.

The Tate brothers, former kickboxers who have US and British nationality with millions of online followers, are the highest profile suspects to be sent to trial in Romania for human trafficking.

Prosecutors have said the Tate brothers recruited their victims by seducing them and falsely claiming to want a relationship or marriage.


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8b888c No.65289

File: 7ae0a2c47bd9691⋯.mp4 (873.57 KB,720x1106,360:553,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038770 (201607ZJUN23) Notable: Romanian prosecutors send Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking

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>Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking

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8b888c No.65290

File: 4863e55af0ca538⋯.png (302.65 KB,528x542,264:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038825 (201617ZJUN23) Notable: @USCGSoutheast It's all fun & games until…

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It's all fun & games until...


STA St. Petersburg &


investigated a report of a person on a federal #AtoN in Boca Ciega Bay. The person reported climbing the aid for fun. It's against the law to damage, interfere, or remove federal aids/channel markers. Be smart.


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8b888c No.65291

File: 780a8739aa008b0⋯.png (492.02 KB,650x391,650:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 404621e0c2f985b⋯.png (96.64 KB,933x543,311:181,Clipboard.png)

File: b101c514468c7f4⋯.png (237.71 KB,823x551,823:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038834 (201618ZJUN23) Notable: Dow drops 300 points to start the week as market rally stalls-Algo's tapped out

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Dow drops 300 points to start the week as market rally stalls-Algo's tapped out

Stocks fell Tuesday, the first trading day of the week, as a rally that drove the market to levels not seen in more than a year took a breather. The Dow Jones Industrial Average

fell by 316 points, or 0.92%. The S&P 500 slid 0.79%, while the Nasdaq Composite declined 0.74%. Markets were closed Monday due to the Juneteenth holiday. “We’ve had a significant run,” said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at B. Riley Financial. “As we enter a new albeit holiday-shortened week, we’ve got to find credible reasons to continue to grind higher against the forces of negativity that still linger around potential recession, which seems to be like ‘Waiting for Godot,’ and the potential for the Fed that remain rigorous against inflation.”

Decliners outpaced advancers on the New York Stock Exchange 2.5 to 1 on Tuesday. Energy was the biggest laggard in the S&P 500, with the sector falling more than 2%. Meanwhile, Intel was a drag on the Dow, down by more than 3%. Nike and Boeing also weighed on the benchmark, falling more than 2%, each. Notably, Nvidia bucked the trend, up more than 1% while the major indexes sagged.

Investors are coming off of a strong week, with the S&P 500 hitting its highest level since April 2022. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite posted their best weekly performances since March, with the broad-market benchmark rising 2.6% and the tech-heavy index adding 3.25%. It was also the S&P 500′s fifth positive week in a row — a first since November 2021 — and the Nasdaq’s eighth consecutive positive week, a feat it previously accomplished in 2019. Investors were seemingly receptive toward the central bank’s decision to skip a June rate hike last week. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told a press conference on Wednesday that the central bank has yet to make a decision on policy ahead of the July meeting. However, policymakers are forecasting two more quarter-point rate increases later this year. The decision to skip a hike in June broke the Fed’s streak of ten consecutive interest rate increases.

Despite Powell’s insistence that future Fed policy will remain data dependent, stocks have been on an upswing. In the week ending June 14, investor bullishness rose to 45.2%, up from 27.4% several weeks ago, according to the American Association of Individual Investors. That’s the highest level since November 2021. Wall Street is trying to gauge how last week’s strong market sentiment will hold up in a shortened trading week that is light on economic data.



Cap#3 is the Algo ('bots) trading-blue line and they are tapped out-they are trying to create a blow-off top so they can hand off to retail, 'tutes and hedge funds.

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8b888c No.65292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038835 (201618ZJUN23) Notable: A trusted source delivered to me an audio recording of Jack Maxey confirming in his own words that he is “Swissbro,”

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You’re Swissbro, Right? Jack Maxey Confirms He’s Swissbro [Audio Recording]


A trusted source delivered to me an audio recording of Jack Maxey confirming in his own words that he is “Swissbro,” which marks an important development in what was clearly an orchestrated campaign to malign and marginalize Garrett Ziegler and Marco Polo for the purpose of discrediting their authoritative dossier on the Biden laptop.


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8b888c No.65293

File: 14f496657d0733b⋯.png (133.23 KB,1366x661,1366:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038847 (201619ZJUN23) Notable: Agenda 47 “impoundment” unconstitutional Impoundment Control Act of 1974, DIGG!

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>Impoundment Control Act of 1974


OLC opinion


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8b888c No.65294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038869 (201623ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Plea Deal: CNN Whines GOP ‘Not Going to Let This Go’/they all whine

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Hunter Biden Plea Deal: CNN Whines GOP ‘Not Going to Let This Go’

Hunter Biden got a cushy plea deal from his father’s Justice Department on Tuesday, including the possible drop of a felony gun charge no average America would be afforded. Despite securing the sweetheart deal, one of the immediate reactions from CNN News Central was to whine that congressional Republicans were “not going to let this go” as their investigations into possible corruption from the Biden family and interference in the DOJ’s investigation reported by whistleblowers heated up.

“The political dynamics of this … cannot be understated,” senior Justice correspondent Evan Perez said. He went on to warn that“The Republicans are not going to let this go” as they investigate “what they believeare still some unanswered questions about those financial dealings that Hunter Biden had, other members of the family had overseas, but also just how the Justice Department handled this investigation.”

After giving a crash-course history of the investigation, Perez circled back around to fretting about the Republican efforts to investigate the Justice Department’s handling of the investigation and generally into the Biden family:

But as you guys know,this is probably only the beginning for House Republicans who are now goingto want to see everything that the Justice Department did. One of the complaints they have, that they're looking at is whether the FBI thoroughly looked into all of those financial dealings. The things I just described. The Burisma dealings. The Chinese energy company CEFC. There’s so many thingsthat they believedthat the FBI did not do to properly investigate this, of course, that's going to be now the subject of months of investigation by House Republicans.

Of course, Perezfailed to mention the whistleblower allegations claiming protocols were breached to slow walkand hamper the investigation into Hunter.

When it came to the charges themselves, CNN brought on senior legal affairs correspondentPaula Reid who framed them as a massive and unfair inconvenience for Hunter.

She noted that Hunter’s legal team held a meeting with investigators earlier this year and “made a presentation” with “arguments about why Hunter Biden should not be charged” for being late on his taxes and illegally owning a firearm. “They also argue that this gun charge was not strongly supported by the evidence. And that recent Supreme Court decisions last spring was going to make it difficult for their case to hold up in court,” she parroted, without evidence.

“Now, of course, they did not get their wish,”= she lamented.

Reid concluded her comments by reassuring viewers that Hunter and his team were feeling relieved the harrowing ordeal was finally over:

Again, this is something that’s been going on for about five years now. And the fact that it has finally come to a resolution is certainly a relief, we're told to Hunter Biden to his lawyers.And they tell me that they are overall, they are pleased with this deal.

CNN’s displeasure with GOP investigations into the Bidens was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships 4imprint and PC Matic. Their contact information is linked.

(I’m thoroughly convinced now, anyone in the media or leftists interviewed by the media, are required to use a audio with earphones nightly, that reinforces“lying is good to protect the sensitive public”)


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8b888c No.65295

File: 89a156e479cd74e⋯.png (600.19 KB,1609x837,1609:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038908 (201628ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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Pair of F-16 out of Eglin checking something out in the Gulf of Mexico south of Tallahassee.


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8b888c No.65296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038943 (201635ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Plea Deal: CNN Whines GOP ‘Not Going to Let This Go’/they all whine

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(I’ve read too many of newsbusters but this a jewel of delusional unmatched to any twists they’ve done)

Hunter Gets Indicted, MSNBC Attacks GOP, Hails 'Good News' For Joe

Alex Christy June 20th, 2023 10:28

MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough had a curious reaction to the Tuesday news that Hunter Biden will be pleading guilty to tax and gun-related charges: lash out at Republicans and their “conspiracy theories.” Way Too Early host and Politico White House bureau chief JonathanLemire managed to one up Scarborough by adding that developments are “good news” for President Joe Biden.

After legal analyst Joyce Vance ran through the charges, Scarborough focused on what Hunter wasn’t charged with, “Yeah, and Jonathan Lemire, so obviously Republicans–Trump Republicans have been trying to stir up conspiracy theories left and right. One after another have been disproven. One after another, we found out as the Wall Street Journal editorial page himself said no fire here. A lot of smoke all over the place, no fire.”

In something never said about Robert Mueller and Russia Collusion, Scarborough claimed “Not only have they proven nothing, they havesenior members of the Senate saying we don't care whether he's guilty or not, we don’t care whether he did this stuff or not, it's all been a show. Well, that show has just been exposed by Trump's own prosecutor, Trump-appointed prosecutor in Delaware. He's done a deal with him, a plea deal.”

As for Lemire, he also was focused on Republicans and what Hunter wasn’t charged with, “Certainly Republicans have for literally years now accused Hunter Biden of basically everything under the sun, including he's themastermind behind the Biden Crime Familyand corruption and all that,a charge we don’t need to get into now because they were never brought.” (Oh Really??? Hang on to that thought)

Just because Hunter wasn’t charged with anything corruption-related doesn’t mean what he did wasn’t sleazy and, again, Morning Joe would never say “we don’t need to get into” Russian collusion storylines because no charges of collusion were ever brought.

Lemire then went from anti-Republican hatchet man topro-Democratic spin doctor as he insisted the news makes the Bidens look good. First, on Hunter, Lemire touted Hunter taking responsibility for his actions, “This is what came to be, about the gun and about some minor tax charges and now we are seeing Hunter Biden take responsibility and plead guilty.”

Pausing that train of thought, Lemire went back to attacking Republicans,“Now, that's not going to stop Republicans, I venture to guess. I suspect we will have lots of howling from the GOP along the same lines, that Hunter Biden got easy—why isn’t he—got off easy, why isn't he going to prison. There's a double standard of justice, you know, Biden’s Justice Department taking care of his own. They’ll ignore the facts as they have ignored the facts throughout this process.”

Resuming his pro-Biden spin, Lemire argued that the news is a positive development for Joe Biden,“Certainly, this is a day of closure for the president's family. We know how much this has weighed on the President of the United States, his son in legal jeopardy. So, that is good news there, but this is not going to disappear as a political issue, at least not anytime soon. We are sure the Republicans will continue hammering away no matter what the facts actually hold.”

Scarborough agreed, “Well, exactly, and Donald Trump can now attack a prosecutor, a U.S. Attorney that he appointed himself, it would fit very tightly with everything else that’s going on.You know, they don’t like the facts, they love conspiracy theories. Well, this is another one that didn’t play out for them.”

Even if Hunter Biden’s business dealings were not illegal, they were, at the very least, sketchy and look bad. That’s not a conspiracy theory.

This segment was sponsored by 4imprint.


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8b888c No.65297

File: 38440faeb43689f⋯.png (232.14 KB,532x487,532:487,Clipboard.png)

File: e8908451470e925⋯.png (261.57 KB,665x533,665:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038960 (201637ZJUN23) Notable: Hoover Tower dedicated #OTD in 1941, was designed by Arthur Brown Jr., designer of Stanford's Green Library, SF City Hall, and Coit Tower. Hoover Tower continues to serve as a "north star"

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Hoover Tower dedicated #OTD in 1941, was designed by Arthur Brown Jr., designer of Stanford's Green Library, SF City Hall, and Coit Tower. Hoover Tower continues to serve as a "north star" for the


community. Learn more. https://histories.hoover.org/hoover-today/#group-Hoover-Tower-1A0GKzHCPe




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8b888c No.65298

File: 94a2aa00faddf2b⋯.png (446.41 KB,676x411,676:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038975 (201640ZJUN23) Notable: PF Eyez on the Skyz

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NGR001 Falcon 7xPresident Bola Ahmed Tinubuwent to Paris not Brussels

Tinubu leaves Nigeria Tuesday to participate in Paris Summit for Financial pact


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8b888c No.65299

File: d790d52edcd95c2⋯.jpg (53.97 KB,800x469,800:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038987 (201643ZJUN23) Notable: The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

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The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

BY Julie Sladden, Julian Gillespie

MAY 27, 2023

n 1928 scientist Alexander Fleming returned to his laboratory after a 2-week holiday. A petri dish of bacteria accidentally left on the lab bench, somehow became cross-contaminated with Penicillium notatum mould. Fleming noticed the mould inhibited the growth of the bacteria. This accidental discovery marked the dawn of the antibiotic era and a turning point in medical, and perhaps human history.

Recently, another accidental discovery has scientists wondering whether we have turned another corner in history.

The story begins with Kevin McKernan, a scientist with 25 years experience in the genomic field and a leading expert in sequencing methods for DNA and RNA. He has worked on the Human Genome Project and more recently in medicinal genomics involving DNA sequencing.

In the process of trying to sort out a sequencing problem, McKernan used anonymously sent, Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 bivalent vaccines to act as mRNA controls.

‘Somebody sent me these thinking, this is the perfect control… It should be pure. So, if you get this to work, you’ll sort out your mRNA sequencing problems,’ McKernan explains in a recent interview. ‘They were right about that. It did sort out our problems. But what we discovered in the process is that they weren’t pure mRNA. They actually had a lot of DNA in the background.’


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8b888c No.65300

File: b4d65d025329100⋯.png (545.79 KB,679x510,679:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039048 (201653ZJUN23) Notable: United Airlines demands employees who are suing for firing them over their religious objections to the company’s coronavirus vaccine mandate must turn over their private communications with pastors or religious advisors

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United Airlines demands employees who are suing for firing them over their religious objections to the company’s coronavirus vaccine mandate must turn over their private communications with pastors or religious advisors related to the vaccine, court filings show.

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8b888c No.65301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039062 (201655ZJUN23) Notable: #23378

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#23378 >>65254

>>65257, >>65264, >>65266, >>65279, >>65295, >>65298 PF Eyez on the Skyz

>>65255, >>65258, >>65261 Scott Ritter: Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure

>>65256 A year-long BBC investigation has uncovered a sadistic global monkey torture ring stretching from Indonesia to the United States.

>>65259 2 missing after military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa, 2 missing after military helicopter crash near Garrison Petawawa

>>65260 Peter the Mint Eagle used to fly around #Philadelphia during the day & return to the U.S. Mint at night

>>65262 U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss said 'the investigation is ongoing'

>>65263 Senator, why don’t you tell that story about that time you chased a black jogger and held a shotgun on him, former Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said

>>65265 @SpecialTactics_ We're guardians of the night…Ensuring steadfast security even in the depths of darkness. 🔦 #SpecialTactics

>>65267 Can Biden Deter a Russia Nuclear Attack on Ukraine? Yes, if He Gives Ukraine Tactical Nukes

>>65268 Preview of the Upcoming State Visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi

>>65269 Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh briefs the news media at the Pentagon.

>>65270, >>65271, >>65276 2020 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan

>>65272 London man removes ‘carbon surveillance’ cameras, 'This is our country and we’re taking it back'

>>65273 First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Conversation at the White House on the Impact of the Dobbs Decision

>>65274 Washington Foreign Press Center Briefing on Preview of the 53rd General Assembly of the Organization of American States

>>65275 HRC and Obama concocted another 'get Trump' angle before he left Washington

>>65277 Barr Unloads on Trump (Again), Thinks He's in Serious Trouble in Classified Docs Case/optics anons

>>65278 Barr Visits Italy on "Official Business"? – Remember That Audio-Tape Deposition by Joseph Mifsud?…

>>65280 Charlie Sykes: Bill Barr Makes Me 'Gag'—But Praise Him For Denouncing Trump

>>65281, >>65286 Allied air forces began the largest deployment exercise in NATO’s history on Monday (12 June 2023)

>>65282 China Seeks Military Base In Cuba As 'Response' To US Bolstering Taiwan, US Officials Admit

>>65283 @FORSCOM The Army rolled out its new Army Body Composition Program Monday that outlines a more accurate way to assess body fat.

>>65284 CBS & NBC Ignore White Powder Sent to Trump, Thomas & KS GOP

>>65285 'My son has done nothing wrong': Joe Biden DEFENDS scandal-ridden son Hunter

>>65287, >>65293 Agenda 47 “impoundment” unconstitutional Impoundment Control Act of 1974, DIGG!

>>65288, >>65289 Romanian prosecutors send Andrew Tate to trial for human trafficking

>>65290 @USCGSoutheast It's all fun & games until…

>>65291 Dow drops 300 points to start the week as market rally stalls-Algo's tapped out

>>65292 A trusted source delivered to me an audio recording of Jack Maxey confirming in his own words that he is “Swissbro,”

>>65294, >>65296 Hunter Biden Plea Deal: CNN Whines GOP ‘Not Going to Let This Go’/they all whine

>>65297 Hoover Tower dedicated #OTD in 1941, was designed by Arthur Brown Jr., designer of Stanford's Green Library, SF City Hall, and Coit Tower. Hoover Tower continues to serve as a "north star"

>>65299 The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

>>65300 United Airlines demands employees who are suing for firing them over their religious objections to the company’s coronavirus vaccine mandate must turn over their private communications with pastors or religious advisors


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8b888c No.65302

File: 4ae540128703073⋯.jpg (38.45 KB,521x521,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c56dff40a51aa3⋯.jpeg (728.26 KB,2436x2212,87:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b02fa257c5733e⋯.png (1.37 MB,1000x625,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b76224b73e395c⋯.jpg (33.01 KB,500x449,500:449,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab4119447588ff1⋯.jpg (415.6 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039074 (201658ZJUN23) Notable: #23379

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Baker can continue or defer

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8b888c No.65303

File: 3ff3230aab828e0⋯.png (14.37 KB,603x169,603:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039125 (201707ZJUN23) Notable: *RETIRED NYPD SERGEANT, TWO OTHERS CONVICTED AS AGENTS OF CHINA

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CHINA CHINA CHINA. We need a Bull to run through the shop

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8b888c No.65304

File: 154116bb95a3991⋯.png (137.3 KB,534x448,267:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039144 (201710ZJUN23) Notable: Moderate R2 radio blackout in progress (≥M5 - current: M6.31)

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Moderate R2 radio blackout in progress (≥M5 - current: M6.31)

Follow live on https://spaceweather.live/l/flare


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8b888c No.65305

File: c24a92f978cfc01⋯.jpeg (53.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039160 (201712ZJUN23) Notable: ‘We need Russia, and Russia needs us’ – former Reagan adviser to RT, Suzanne Massie

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20 Jun, 2023 15:31

‘We need Russia, and Russia needs us’ – former Reagan adviser to RT

Talking is easier and cheaper than using weapons, Suzanne Massie says

The US and Russia must find a way to resume dialogue as good bilateral relations are vital for both countries, Suzanne Massie, ascholar of Russian history who advised the administration of Ronald Reaganin the 1980s, has told RT.

Massie, who is considered to have played an important role in efforts to end the Cold War, said in an interview on Tuesday thather desire is now to help Washington and Moscow start talking again. “I believe that we [the US] need Russia, and Russia needs us,” Massie argued.

The two countries “should go and find a way to get back to discussing something else besides war,” the former adviser insisted, referring to the conflict in Ukraine. Russia has described the fighting in the neighboring country as a “proxy war” waged by the Americans and their allies against Moscow.

“It’s a lot easier and a lot cheaper [to talk] than to use weapons,” the 92-year-old added.

Massie, who first visited the Soviet Union in the 1960s, has been studying Russia and writing about it all her life. She described St. Petersburg, where she owns a small apartment, as a “home away from home.”

The American scholar has published five books on Russia, including ‘Land of the Firebird: The Beauty of Old Russia’, which is said to have impressed President Reagan and sparked his own interest in Russia.

Massie said that her recent decision to pass her wholearchive over to the Russian Presidential Library in St. Petersburgwas part of her efforts to mend ties between the US and Russia.

(Just watch it’ll be a bum rush of criticism for her from the Bidan Admin, or insinuations she has dementia. That’s how they roll.)


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8b888c No.65306

File: 991db18064879be⋯.png (490.82 KB,1024x852,256:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039164 (201712ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter: Update: Two Misdemeanors and One Gun Charge – A Slap on the Wrist

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Hunter Biden Has Agreed to Plead Guilty to Multiple Criminal Charges – Update: Two Misdemeanors and One Gun Charge – A Slap on the Wrist

Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to multiple criminal charges according to CNN. The investigation into Hunter Biden has lasted five years.

CNN broke the story minutes ago:

“John, this five year long investigation now coming to head. We have learned from new court filings at the US. District Court here in Wilmington, Delaware, that Hunter Biden has agreed to plead guilty to multiple criminal charges. I’m going to walk you through this. One of these charges involves these are two counts of failing to file tax returns in a timely fashion. Those are misdemeanors. He’s also going to plead guilty to a charge of a firearm offense. This is the possession of a firearm while you are addicted to a controlled substance. Now, the firearm offense is going to be diverted. And what that means is that if he meets certain conditions, that charge will go away. This will be over a set period of time. Otherwise, it’s the tax misdemeanor charges that he has been charged with.”

Here is the letter from US Attorney David Weiss on Hunter’s criminal charges.


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8b888c No.65307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039174 (201715ZJUN23) Notable: Romanian authorities have charged social-media celebrity Andrew Tate with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group

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Andrew Tate charged

The controversial influencer is accused of coercing seven victims into pornographic acts

Romanian authorities have charged social-media celebrity Andrew Tate with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group. Tate was charged along with his brother and two Romanian women, whom prosecutors claim helped him use violence and coercion to build a lucrative pornography business.

Police arrested Tate, his brother Tristan and the two women at their Bucharest home in December. The Tate brothers, who have dual citizenship of the US and UK, were imprisoned until March, when they were moved to house arrest.

Prosecutors with Romania’s anti-racketeering DIICOT unit announced the charges against Tate and his associates on Tuesday. The four are accused of forming an organized crime group in early 2021 and of exploiting seven victims “through acts of physical violence and psychological coercion.” Tate is accused of two counts of rape.

According to a press release from DIICOT, the Tate brothers courted the seven women with declarations of love and promises of relationships before taking them to Bucharest and forcing them to perform pornographic acts for the group’s camgirl business. Aside from physical and psychological violence, the women were allegedly forced into debt to keep them working.

One of the victims was allegedly raped twice by Tate last year, DIICOT claimed. In a recent interview with the BBC, Tate claimed that the alleged rape victim has since attempted to withdraw her accusation.

In a post to Twitter on Tuesday, Tristan Tate did not deny that the brothers ran a camgirl operation but claimed that the studio had been closed for four years by the time the alleged offenses took place.

A former champion kickboxer, Tate became a prominent social-media figure after he appeared on the British reality show ‘Big Brother’ in 2016. Tate maintained a brash and abrasive persona on social media, boasting about his wealth and encouraging his young male followers to pay for courses in which he promised to help them overcome their lack of success with money and women.

Over the past year, Tate began railing against the politics of the Western world, which he referred to as “the Matrix,” and he has claimed that his attacks on the military-industrial complex, anti-white racism, and coronavirus vaccines made him a target for Western authorities.

Tate’s trial is not expected to start immediately, and the two brothers will remain under house arrest. Under Romanian law, trafficking of adults carries a prison sentence of up to ten years.


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8b888c No.65308

File: 22e8a4c6dce92c3⋯.png (151.46 KB,297x555,99:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 92564e17819d087⋯.png (507.18 KB,530x619,530:619,Clipboard.png)

File: cbace4ebd786146⋯.png (560.2 KB,472x686,236:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039184 (201716ZJUN23) Notable: 20 June 1924, WWII hero Audie Murphy is born in Kingston, Texas

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20 June 1924, WWII hero Audie Murphy is born in Kingston, Texas.

Murphy was the most decorated Soldier of #WWII. He received the Medal of Honor at the age of 19 when he held off a company of German Soldiers for an hour and led a counterattack while wounded.



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8b888c No.65309

File: 35620910ad1b1e8⋯.png (173.96 KB,652x757,652:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 184b8bba2a4b785⋯.png (487.14 KB,646x819,646:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039197 (201719ZJUN23) Notable: Beijing Plans a New Training Facility in Cuba, Raising Prospect of Chinese Troops on America’s Doorstep

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Beijing Plans a New Training Facility in Cuba, Raising Prospect of Chinese Troops on America’s Doorstep

Biden administration scrambles to forestall China’s ambitions in the Caribbean

China and Cuba are negotiating to establish a new joint military training facility on the island, sparking alarm in Washington that it could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops and other security and intelligence operations just 100 miles off Florida’s coast, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Discussions for the facility on Cuba’s northern coast are at an advanced stage but not concluded, U.S. intelligence reports suggest. The Biden administration has contacted Cuban officials to try to forestall the deal, seeking to tap in to what it thinks might be Cuban concerns about ceding sovereignty. Beijing’s effort to establish a military training facility in Cuba hasn’t been previously reported.

The White House declined to comment.

The heightened anxiety in Washington over China’s ambitions in the Caribbean and Latin America comes as the administration is seeking to tamp down broader tensions with Beijing that have been stoked by a host of other issues, including U.S. support for Taiwan. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was on a high-profile visit to China these past few days, meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

The trip appeared to halt a downward spiral in relations. But Blinken failed to secure China’s agreement to a U.S. proposal that the two countries resume military-to-military communications to avoid misunderstandings. He also raised U.S. concerns about Chinese intelligence activities in Cuba, according to a State Department statement.

U.S. officials said reference to the proposed new training facility in Cuba is contained in highly classified new U.S. intelligence, which they described as convincing but fragmentary. It is being interpreted with different levels of alarm among policy makers and intelligence analysts.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 8 that China and Cuba had reached an agreement in principle for a new eavesdropping site in Cuba; the White House characterized that reporting as inaccurate but didn’t elaborate. Two days later, the White House declassified intelligence to confirm publicly that Chinese intelligence collection facilities have existed in Cuba since at least 2019.


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8b888c No.65310

File: 8f91ae59c3d4fe8⋯.png (334.63 KB,537x574,537:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039199 (201719ZJUN23) Notable: @AirNatlGuard @175thWing A-10's and Estonian #JTAC's conducted live-fire training off the coast of Saaremaa, Estonia

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A-10's and Estonian #JTAC's conducted live-fire training off the coast of Saaremaa, Estonia during #AirDefender2023

Since 1993,


has partnered with Estonia through the State Partnership Program. #SPP #AD23


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8b888c No.65311

File: fea4802039f2621⋯.png (176.94 KB,426x372,71:62,Clipboard.png)

File: eabb2b599b3a26a⋯.png (307.72 KB,1058x883,1058:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ca1699d61cdef7⋯.png (232.77 KB,1051x925,1051:925,Clipboard.png)

File: eb79532adc76850⋯.png (91.14 KB,989x384,989:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039211 (201722ZJUN23) Notable: Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents

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Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents

An internal investigation by JPMorgan Chase, undertaken in 2019, after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, reveals the disturbing reach of his influence peddling and helps explain why the bank ‘ignored the evidence of Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes and traded victims’ public safety for its own profits’, as per the US Virgin Island’s new judicial filing.

The 22-page report, included in the lawsuit in Federal Court against JPMorgan, reveals multiple instances of the convicted pedophile acting to steer business the bank’s way, even arranging for meetings between a top bank executive (and personal friend) Jes Staley, and members of the UK government at that time, such as chancellor Alistair Darling, and business secretary Peter Mandelson.

Financial Times reported:

“In January 2010, just months after he was released from jail having served a sentence for sex crimes, Epstein wrote to Staley: ‘I’ve set up you and peter to meet in davos with darling’, a reference to the World Economic Forum that was taking place in Switzerland.

A few days later, Staley wrote to Epstein that he saw ‘Peter last night. Darling in 20 minutes. Will talk again with Peter this AM’.”

Those meeting had a very practical objective: JPMorgan Chase had interest in the non-North American units of Sempra Commodities by Royal Bank of Scotland. Sure enough, only months later, the bank bought the business for $1.7bn.

There we can see why the firm would be willing to put up with potential reputational damage of having Epstein as a client: he brought big, valuable businesses to the bank.

In 2010, Epstein advanced a business opportunity connected to currently embattled Prince Andrew, of a company “looking for a $200mn working capital line”.

“In 2009, according to the report, Epstein emailed Staley: “Ask Andrew about [the] island, tell him about your boat plans”, an apparent reference to Little St James, Epstein’s private island in the Caribbean.

[…] ‘Jeffrey Epstein connected JPMorgan Chase’s executives with some of the world’s most high-profile and wealthy individuals’, said a spokesperson for the USVI attorney-general.”

The bank investigation also showed how close Jes Staley was to Epstein. Epstein was even trying to help Staley’s daughter entering Columbia University, in New York.


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8b888c No.65312

File: ac6a0529a780474⋯.png (1.54 MB,1178x1152,589:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039223 (201724ZJUN23) Notable: Homeland Security Deputy Secretary John Tien on Tuesday announced his retirement from the agency

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Homeland Security deputy secretary retires from agency | Just The News


Homeland Security Deputy Secretary John Tien on Tuesday announced his retirement from the agency, making him the latest top Biden official to leave the administration.

"I thank Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas for having the confidence in me to support my nomination to President Biden and even more so, to empower and enable me to 'co-lead' the Department with him," Tien told Homeland Security employees.

Tien had served 24 years in the U.S. Army before he retired in 2011. He worked for the Obama administration and became the deputy secretary of Homeland Security in June 2021.

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8b888c No.65313

File: 91087d37851acd0⋯.png (324.04 KB,618x426,103:71,Clipboard.png)

File: affca38bf40668d⋯.png (217.34 KB,680x399,680:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039226 (201724ZJUN23) Notable: Elitist Media Doctor and COVID Vaccine Promoter Peter Hotez Says Science Should Not Be Debated – Then Plays Victim

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BRAVE NEW WORLD: Elitist Media Doctor and COVID Vaccine Promoter Peter Hotez Says Science Should Not Be Debated – Then Plays Victim

Dr. Peter Hotez is making headlines this week for refusing to debate author and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge Hotez has lashed out at Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan who has invited RFK Jr. on his show several times.

Hotez is unwilling to defend his record or the “science” behind the COVID vaccines.

On Sunday night Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”

Hotez demands you respect him but he is too lazy to defend his theories against attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. According to Hotez – “science” should not be challenged.

Hotez is a flake. Kennedy would tear him apart.

That’s a fact.


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8b888c No.65314

File: 928003b91e8c077⋯.png (629.5 KB,1345x914,1345:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039235 (201726ZJUN23) Notable: TerraUSD: South Korea 'cryptocrash king' Do Kwon jailed

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TerraUSD: South Korea 'cryptocrash king' Do Kwon jailed

Do Kwon, the cryptocurrency boss behind the $40bn (£31.3bn) collapse of the terraUSD and Luna tokens, has been sentenced to four months of jail in Montenegro.

Mr Kwon was found guilty of forging official documents.

He was arrested in March as he tried to board a flight to Dubai at Podgorica Airport, in the country's capital.

Mr Kwon also faces charges in the US and South Korea over the collapse of the two digital tokens last year.

The former finance officer of Mr Kwon's company Terraform Labs, Han Chang-joon, was also sentenced to four months in prison after being found guilty of the same charges.

Mr Kwon and Mr Han pleaded not guilty at their first court hearing in May.

The sentences will include the time that Mr Kwon and Mr Han have already spent in detention after being arrested in March, the court said in a statement.

They will also be able to appeal the verdict within eight days of receiving written notification from the court.

In February, US regulators charged Mr Kwon and his company Terraform Labs with "orchestrating a multi-billion dollar crypto asset securities fraud".

"We allege that Terraform and Do Kwon failed to provide the public with full, fair, and truthful disclosure as required for a host of crypto asset securities, most notably for Luna and TerraUSD," US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Gary Gensler said in a statement.

Last year, a South Korean court issued arrest warrants for Mr Kwon and five other individuals connected to the case.

Prosecutors said they believed that Terraform Labs, which is registered in Singapore, had violated capital market rules.

Montenegro does not have extradition treaties with the US or South Korea.

The collapse of the terraUSD stablecoin and the associated Luna token rocked cryptocurrency markets in May 2022.


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8b888c No.65315

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039244 (201728ZJUN23) Notable: Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents

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Ask Jamie Dimon about J.P Morgan's books.

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8b888c No.65316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039248 (201728ZJUN23) Notable: EU preparing $55 billion bailout for Kiev

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EU preparing $55 billion bailout for Kiev – Bloomberg

Western taxpayers’ money will be used to pay for Ukrainian pensions and the wages of government employees

The European Commission wants member states to cough up €50 billion ($55 billion) to bankroll the Ukrainian government, so it can pay wages and pensions, and commence reconstruction projects, sources cited by Bloomberg have said.

The terms of the proposed bailout are subject to change pending an official announcement on Tuesday, the outlet reported on Tuesday. The package will be financed by direct contributions from member states, as opposed to borrowing from the market.

The aid will be provided in the form of grants, concessional loans and guarantees rather than some “burdensome reconstruction instrument,” the outlet said, adding that the money would be provided between 2024 and 2027.

The Ukrainian budget has been receiving cash injections from Western sponsors to keep it running. Washington and its allies have pledged to help Kiev “for as long as it takes” to defeat Russia, including through the provision of non-military support.

The US alone provided $26.4 billion in budgetary aid between January 2022 and February 2023, according to the Council on Foreign Relations think tank. The aid package announced by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) on February 24 was worth $9.9 billion.

Critics of the policy have claimed Ukraine has a lengthy record of grafting and argued that the money could have been spent by Western nations at home to solve their own immediate problems. Bloomberg sources suggested that the EU funding would be made conditional on Kiev delivering reforms “to improve the rule of law and address corruption.”

According to Reuters, the European Commission is set to publish a report this week about Kiev’s effort, which will state that it has met two of the seven conditions to start membership negotiations. The milestones reportedly relate to judicial reform and media regulation.


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8b888c No.65317

File: 257aa7863cb70ae⋯.png (60.04 KB,588x346,294:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039252 (201729ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Hunter/Joe Biden settlement is a massive COVERUP & FULL SCALE ELECTION INTERFERENCE “SCAM” THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN IN OUR COUNTRY BEFORE

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Donald J. Trump



Jun 20, 2023, 1:20 PM

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8b888c No.65318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039253 (201730ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The Hunter/Joe Biden settlement is a massive COVERUP & FULL SCALE ELECTION INTERFERENCE “SCAM” THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN IN OUR COUNTRY BEFORE

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8b888c No.65319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039261 (201731ZJUN23) Notable: Judge Sets August 14 Trial Date For Trump Documents Case

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Judge Sets August 14 Trial Date For Trump Documents Case

US District Judge Aileen Cannon set an initial trial date of August in Florida on Donald Trump's federal charges of willful retention of classified government records and obstruction of justice, according to a court order on Tuesday.

The Justice Department's special counsel in the case, Jack Smith, promised a speedy trial after a 37-count indictment charging Trump with willfully retaining classified government records and obstructing justice. But the complexities of handling highly classified evidence, the degree to which Trump's legal team challenges the government's pre-trial motions, and the way the judge manages the schedule could all lead to a trial that is anything but swift, legal experts claim.

The latest order came after a U.S. judge on Monday ordered Trump's defense lawyers not to release evidence in the classified documents case to the media or the public, according to a court filing.

The order from U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart also put strict conditions on Trump's access to the materials.

Trump was arraigned in Miami federal court last Tuesday, during which he pleaded not guilty to charges he unlawfully kept national-security documents when he left office and lied to officials who sought to recover them.


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8b888c No.65320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039268 (201732ZJUN23) Notable: Surprise Shakeup At Alibaba As CEO Steps Down, Moves To Cloud Unit, Daniel Zhang

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Surprise Shakeup At Alibaba As CEO Steps Down, Moves To Cloud Unit

After a surprise managerial shakeup, Alibaba shares fell in premarket trading in New York. Eight-year veteran CEO and Chairman Daniel Zhang sent a memo to staff on Tuesday explaining his departure. This comes after Zhang unveiled the splitting of Alibaba into six separate units in what was called the "most significant" overhaul of the Chinese e-commerce company in its quarter-century existence. Analysts say the move will support the firm's restructuring, while some must see growth before they can regain confidence amid a growth slowdown in a post-Covid era.

Zhang, 51, will relinquish the top job at one of China's leading technology conglomerates come September. He will remain CEO of the cloud computing business as it pushes towards a spin-off and future public listing. Alibaba announced plans to spin off its cloud division in May.

Executive Vice Chairman Joseph Tsai, a longtime friend of co-founder Jack Ma, will succeed Zhang. The reshuffle is a move to put Ma's trusted team back at the helm of the technology company valued at $240 billion.

Zhang's unexpected departure comes months after the company announced it would split into six independently run entities:

Cloud Intelligence Group

Taobao Tmall Commerce Group

Cainiao Smart Logistics

Local Services Group

Global Digital Commerce Group

Digital Media and Entertainment Group

In the internal memo that Zhang sent to staff, which CNBC has obtained, he stated:

"Cloud Intelligence Group is now full speed ahead on its spin-off plans and we are approaching a crucial stage of the process, so it is the right time for me to dedicate my full attention and time to the business."

He also said:

"From a corporate governance perspective, we also need clear separation between the board and management team as Cloud Intelligence Group proceeds down the path to becoming an independent public company. It would be inappropriate for me to continue serving as Chairman and CEO of both companies at the same time during the spin-off process."

During premarket trading, BABA shares in New York were down 2% on the surprise shakeup. Shares are back to 2016 levels, plunging 80% since late 2020, primarily due to Beijing's crackdown on tech. Shares have yet to rally from depressed levels as the e-commerce giant hemorrhages market share and struggles to revive growth after the world's second-largest economy reopened earlier this year.


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8b888c No.65321

File: 87bc40fc6e2dfa2⋯.png (9.87 KB,277x143,277:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039279 (201735ZJUN23) Notable: Moderate R2 radio blackout in progress (≥M5 - current: M6.31)

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17:31 UTC - Type IV Radio Emission

Begin Time: 20/06/2023 17:07 UTC


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8b888c No.65322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039297 (201737ZJUN23) Notable: McCain, Romney Donor Leads DeSantis Fundraiser in Silicon Valley.

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McCain, Romney Donor Leads DeSantis Fundraiser in Silicon Valley.

Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis’s Silicon Valley Peninsula fundraiser was hosted by John Hamilton, a real estate investor who has donated tens of thousands to RINOs and former presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and John McCain.

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Hamilton contributed over $25,000 to McCain in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election. He contributed $18,000 alone in August while also making three smaller donations of $2,300 across that year, with one of those going to the McCain fund. Not once does he appear to have donated to Trump, or anti-establishment candidates, with recent contributions going to Kristi Noem, Kevin McCarthy, and Mitch McConnell.

Hamilton also donated a total of $27,500 to Romney for the latter’s 2012 presidential campaign, making a large individual donation of $20,000 in April, as well as three further donations of $2,500.

The DeSantis fundraiser was held at Hamilton’s own home on Monday afternoon. Earlier in the day, the Florida Governor held another fundraiser at the Del Paso Country Club, for which he struggled to find more than one sponsor. Tickets for the event cost upwards of $3,3oo.


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8b888c No.65323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039310 (201739ZJUN23) Notable: Serial Rapist Cop Gets Off with a Wrist Slap as Taxpayers Forced to Pay His Victims

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Serial Rapist Cop Gets Off with a Wrist Slap as Taxpayers Forced to Pay His Victims

“[The settlement] was obviously a lot lower than I think is the correct number because there's not a number for rape.”

Once again, in a case that illustrates the clear injustice in our system, Louisville Metro taxpayers are forced to cough up $275,000 to compensate for the heinous actions of one of their former police officers, Pablo Cano. This serial rapist admitted to nonconsensual sex with five women between 2015 and 2017, a series of vile acts committed while he was supposed to be protecting and serving the community.

Back in June 2017, the first lawsuit claiming sexual assault was lodged against Cano, after he allegedly followed a woman home and raped her. Upon the revelation, the Louisville Metro Police Department placed him on administrative leave during their investigation. However, this predator had the audacity to simply resign from his post in September 2017. Astonishingly, news coverage of Cano's monstrous deeds led even more women to step forward, accusing him of sexual abuse - approximately ten, including his former girlfriends.

Among the victims, Jane Doe IV courageously revealed that Cano forced himself on her during a traffic stop, with the incident partially caught on his body camera. Sadly, these brave women felt they had to settle, hoping to avoid reliving their trauma through a court ordeal. The irony is that it is the city and, by extension, the taxpayers, who are financially accountable for Cano's crimes.

Attorney Shannon Fauver, who represented the victims, emphasized that the settlement fails to compensate for the torment inflicted by Cano and the city's abysmal response. The settlement divided up amounts to $50,000 each for four victims, while Jane Doe IV received $75,000.

“[The settlement] was obviously a lot lower than I think is the correct number because there's not a number for rape,” Fauver said. “But at any point, the judges could have decided that the city was not financially responsible, and then [the women] would have gotten nothing.”

As TFTP reported at the time, the first complaint was made public in 2017 when it was revealed that a woman filed a report claiming she had been raped by Cano, twice.

The woman claimed she first met Cano at a city park, and then he showed up at her house weeks later and raped her. After the rape, he came back the next day and did it again. He was allegedly in uniform the first time, and then in plain clothes the next day when he came to rape her again, but had a gun at the time of the crime.


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8b888c No.65324

File: 461f8c03e094e46⋯.png (256.43 KB,558x424,279:212,Clipboard.png)

File: f49ea43495588b2⋯.png (40.09 KB,559x306,559:306,Clipboard.png)

File: d4faac8751261f7⋯.png (95.15 KB,680x780,34:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039330 (201744ZJUN23) Notable: YouTube Censors Jordan Peterson Interview of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Election Interference: YouTube Censors Jordan Peterson Interview of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

YouTube has taken down a video interview by Jordan Peterson of Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., prompting accusations that the Google-owned platform is once again seeking to manipulate national politics and interfere in a presidential election in the U.S.

The interview took place on the Jordan B. Peterson podcast, and is over an hour and a half long. It can still be watched in full on Twitter, whose owner, Elon Musk, hosted the Democrat candidate for a Spaces interview earlier this month.

“Now YouTube has taken upon itself to actively interfere with a presidential election campaign,” said Jordan Peterson after news of the censorship broke.

RFK Jr. also spoke out, calling for public pressure to address the platform’s actions.

“Do you really need Big Tech censors to decide what you should hear? Or would you prefer to be treated as a competent adult who can listen to various viewpoints and come to his or her own conclusions?”


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8b888c No.65325

File: 45bfcb7ec965897⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,533x680,533:680,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 033ca66698d472a⋯.jpg (73.71 KB,680x560,17:14,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d345e06c7e0ea69⋯.png (70.12 KB,1758x468,293:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039339 (201746ZJUN23) Notable: @Kash called it

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Kash Patel on May 5: “I believe Hunter Biden will be charged, and soon, but I think they’ll roll it up into what we call this global plea agreement, where he basically gets charged with some Mickey Mouse lower-level offenses, walks into a super light sentence, and then they will cover up the cover-up.”






He has the greatest lawyer in the world. Or something else!


Greg Price


BREAKING: Hunter Biden has been charged with two tax misdemeanors and illegal possession of a firearm, pleading guilty to the first two and entering into a pre-trial diversion agreement on the latter, which will undoubtedly keep him out of jail.


Greg Price


Not only will it keep him out of jail, but the pre-trial agreement means that the charge will literally go away if Hunter stays out of trouble for a few years.

Making millions on corrupt foreign business dealings while enjoying foreign sex trafficking rings is perfectly fine when your Daddy is the president.


Cernovich Retweeted

Rep. James Comer





Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery.

Read my full statement.👇

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8b888c No.65326

File: 81c8876182c3600⋯.png (467.13 KB,552x693,184:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039349 (201747ZJUN23) Notable: Garland Conveniently Making ‘Surprise’ Overseas Visit When Hunter Biden Charges Drop

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Merrick Garland Conveniently Making ‘Surprise’ Overseas Visit When Hunter Biden Charges Drop

Attorney General Merrick Garland is apparently unavailable to comment on the agreement the Department of Justice reached with Hunter Biden on Tuesday because Garland is out of the country on a “surprise” visit to the Hague.

Garland made an unannounced stop at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Monday to meet with its top prosecutor, Karim Khan, but the ICC provided no details about the meeting. The United States is not a party to the ICC, but the meeting represents another step in a gradual warming of relations between the two.

The meeting occurred just a day before the DOJ reached a deal with Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, on charges related to tax evasion and gun crimes. He agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanors for failing to pay federal taxes in 2017 and 2018, and is entering a pretrial diversion agreement for illegally possessing a gun in 2017.

Garland has not publicly commented on the charges and it is unclear if he plans to do so.

Under the Trump administration, the U.S. sanctioned top officials at the ICC after the court accused American troops of committing war crimes. Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the court a “broken and corrupt institution.”

The Biden administration lifted those sanctions, and has applauded the ICC’s work prosecuting war crimes committed by Russia during its invasion of Ukraine.


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8b888c No.65327

File: 9d6a8814ba0ca0b⋯.png (118.63 KB,907x486,907:486,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039353 (201748ZJUN23) Notable: Durham tomorrow 9am EST

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Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham


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8b888c No.65328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039355 (201748ZJUN23) Notable: LIVE: Constitutional lawyer Dr. John Eastman defending his law license from attacks based on actions he took re 2020 election

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LIVE: Constitutional lawyer Dr. John Eastman defending his law license from attacks based on actions he took re 2020 election - including strategy and advocacy positions in favor of President Trump.

LIVE hearing NOW:


- or -

–California State Bar Zoom:


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8b888c No.65329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039356 (201748ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Plea Deal Excludes Alleged Biden $10M ‘Bribery’ Scheme

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Hunter Biden Plea Deal Excludes Alleged Biden $10M ‘Bribery’ Scheme

Hunter Biden’s plea deal with United States Attorney David Weiss appears to exclude the alleged Biden $10 million “bribery” scheme an FBI informant documented and that Weiss reportedly obtained from former Attorney General William Barr.

Hunter Biden on Tuesday agreed to plead guilty to two federal tax violation charges and one violation of gun laws, per reports Tuesday morning.

The decision of whether to ultimately charge Hunter Biden was up to Donald Trump-appointed United States Attorney David Weiss. In March, Attorney General Merrick Garland said he would personally have to authorize any potential charges against Hunter Biden.

But notably, the plea deal with Weiss appears to exclude any charges related to the alleged Biden “bribery” scheme in which Hunter and President Joe Biden accepted $5 million each from a Ukrainian energy company executive, Mykola Zlochevsky, according to an FBI informant file reviewed by the House Oversight Committee.

In June, Barr said the informant file was sent to Weiss during the Trump administration. At the time, Weiss had an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden.

“It was sent to Delaware for further investigation,” Barr told the Federalist.

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Tuesday ripped the Justice Department for appearing to ignore the bribery scandal.

“If the DOJ thinks this dismisses the $5 million alleged bribery scheme or the years of reported Biden family corruption, they are mistaken,” she posted on Twitter.

According to recent polling, 83 percent of voters believe the FBI should make public its informant file that alleges Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky. In addition, a majority of voters believe Joe Biden took the $5 million bribe.


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8b888c No.65330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039367 (201750ZJUN23) Notable: Moar Barr. Durham to Rome/Mifsud

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Amid impeachment furor, Barr and John Durham flew to Rome to hear a secret tape of Joseph Mifsud, mysterious professor at center of Mueller investigation

October 02, 201911:12 AM

Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham met with Italian intelligence and listened to a secret recording of Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious professor at the center of the Trump-Russia saga.

The quiet trip to Rome by Barr and Durham last week as impeachment furor swept Washington, D.C., was part of the “investigation of the investigators.” The Justice Department is looking into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation into Russian election interference in 2016 and any possible ties to the Trump campaign, which later became part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Barr and Durham listened to a taped deposition of Mifsud at the U.S. Embassy in Rome as well as met with Italian security officials who provided them with other informationthat the Italian government had on Mifsud, according to the Daily Beast. Mifsud explained why he was leaving his job at Rome’s Link University and asked for police protection, claiming that his life might be endangered. (That’s how he disappeared probably helped by IC)

The Trump administration's interest in Mifsud likely stems from a 2016 conversation in which Mifsud allegedly told Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos about possible Russian dirt on then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos allegedly mentioned this to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, who passed it to the Australian government, who passed it to the United States, leading to the official launch of the Trump-Russia investigation in July 2016.

The Australian government is also cooperatingwith Barr in his efforts, and the DOJ said last week that Barr and Durham were reaching out to foreign governments for help.

“Mr. Durham is gathering information from numerous sources,including a number of foreign countries,” DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said. “At Attorney General Barr’s request, the president has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the attorney general and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials.”

Stephan Roh, a lawyer who says he represents Mifsud and shared a picture of Mifsud allegedly signing a power of attorney in 2018, told the Washington Examiner that Mifsud “is in Italy, at least until recently.” But Roh said Mifsud, whose whereabouts are unknown, hadn’t contacted him in a while.

Mifsud denied he told Papadopoulos the Russians had Clinton's emails, and Roh claimshis client cooperated with Western intelligence, not Russian intelligence, aligning with what some GOP investigators have said. Roh previously said Durham was seeking an interview with Mifsud, but it was not clear if Durham and Barr were doing so.

Papadopoulos has claimedMifsud has “connections to Italian intelligence.”

The Mueller report confirmed the role information from Mifsud played in prompting the FBI “to open an investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with the Russian government in its interference activities.” The investigation “did not establish” any criminal conspiracy between the Kremlin and anyone associated with Trump.

Mueller's report said Mifsud “had connections to Russia” and “maintained various Russian contacts.” Mueller also said Mifsud misled investigators when they questioned him, but he was not charged. As part of Mueller’s Russia investigation, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty in 2017 to making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Mifsud and served 12 days in prison late last year.

Republicans have alleged thatforeign intelligence agencies, like those in Western Europe, may haveplayed a role in monitoring Trump associates in 2016.

Durham’s investigation is separate from the one just finished by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The DOJ watchdog investigated allegations of abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and the FBI, and Horowitz has spoken with Durham, who is handling any criminal referrals from Horowitz’s investigation.

(Did Barr give Trump a report when he came back? Is that why DOJ and FBI had to raid Mar A Lago? BTW what other foreign countries?)


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8b888c No.65331

File: f350f19f3e0c957⋯.png (139.02 KB,675x656,675:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039404 (201756ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon spying on social media, getting exact locations, to protect top officers from ‘negative sentiment,’ ’embarrassment,’ report says

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Pentagon spying on social media, getting exact locations, to protect top officers from ‘negative sentiment,’ ’embarrassment,’ report says

Documents show the U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion utilizes technology to monitor social media, protecting top Pentagon officials from online “threats” and “negative sentiment.”

The U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion, a Pentagon division similar to the Secret Service, is responsible for the protection of top U.S. military leaders. According to Army records obtained by The Intercept, the U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion protects both current and former miliary officers from threats such as injury, kidnapping, assassination and embarrassment.

The Intercept recently reported that a procurement document from last September expanded the U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion’s duty to include the identification of “negative sentiment” and the monitoring of “direct, indirect, and veiled” threats to U.S. military officials on social media.

“There may be legally valid reasons to intrude on someone’s privacy by searching for, collecting, and analyzing publicly available information, particularly when it pertains to serious crimes and terrorist threats,” Privacy International Program Director Ilia Siatitsa told The Intercept. “However, expressing ‘positive or negative sentiment towards a senior high-risk individual’ cannot be deemed sufficient grounds for government agencies to conduct surveillance operations, even going as far as ‘pinpointing exact locations’ of individuals.”

Siatitsa said the ability of individuals to vocalize opinions, criticisms, assumptions, and value judgments regarding public officials is a “quintessential part” of democracy.

The procurement document explains that monitoring social media is a requirement of the Protective Services Field Office and Protective Intelligence Brach in order to provide “global protective services” for officials with the Department of Defense. The document also outlines how the U.S. Army Protective Services Battalion is tasked with mitigating “online threats” and identifying “positive or negative sentiment relating specifically to our senior high-risk personnel.”

Also included in the procurement document is a description of how software would be utilized to create “a reliable social media threat mitigation service.”


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8b888c No.65332

File: a0c78abf645f476⋯.png (880.63 KB,1045x580,209:116,Clipboard.png)

File: b1b1583d56018c1⋯.png (285.7 KB,571x438,571:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039419 (201758ZJUN23) Notable: IMF Managing Director: “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”

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IMF Managing Director: “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”

“If we are to be successful, CBDCs could not be fragmented national propositions.”

During a presentation at a conference in Morocco, Kristalina Georgievahe the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that the global body is “working hard on the concept of a global CBDC platform.”

Georgieva declared that Central Bank Digital Currencies need to be interoperable between countries, noting “If we are to be successful, CBDCs could not be fragmented national propositions.”

“To have transactions more efficient and fairer, we need systems that connect countries,” Georgieva continued, adding “In other words, we need interoperability.”

The IMF MD argued that global digital currencies would “give more people access to financial services and bring the cost down,” adding that “CBDCs can provide for more resilient and efficient payment systems,” and “can be a cheaper way, and a quicker way, to do cross-border payments, to pass remittances… and also simplify other transfers.”

Some have warned that a digital global currency in the hands of globalist entities could usher in a hyper-centralized techno-Communist dystopia, allowing all purchases to be tracked and even linked to a social credit score system.

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki recently cautioned that CBDCs would open the door for an unprecedented level of surveillance of Americans.

“In essence, it replicates George Orwell’s dystopian society depicted in 1984. Big Brother will be constantly monitoring our financial activity, and this is precisely the problem with central bank digital currency,” he added.

“As an individual, I become nervous at the thought of this. I do not want them to monitor my every transaction or be privy to my spending habits. It is a violation of my privacy, and they have no business knowing how I choose to allocate my resources,” the author warned.

Reflecting such concerns, Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) recently introduced a bill that would ban the Federal Reserve from introducing CBDCs, as well as forcing the Fed to remain transparent with Congress on its research into the issue.


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8b888c No.65333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039422 (201758ZJUN23) Notable: Why has AG Barr enlisted Italy and Australia to review the origins of the Russia probe?

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Why has AG Barr enlisted Italy and Australia to review the origins of the Russia probe?

ABC NewsOctober 1, 2019

As President Donald Trump last week defended his prodding of Ukraine’s president to dig into still-unfounded allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General William Barr quietly flew to Italy to dig into another set of politically-charged allegations pushed by Trump: allegations that the FBI improperly targeted members of Trump’s presidential campaign during its probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

In fact, according to a Justice Department official,the trip to Italy was organized with help from Trump himself, who introduced Barr to theItalian prime minister and other “appropriate officials,” as a Justice Department spokeswoman described them.

Among the otherscontacted by Trumpon Barr’s behalf was theprime minister of Australia, the Justice Department official told ABC News.

What do Italy and Australia have to do with Russian interference in the 2016 election and members of Trump’s presidential campaign? A lot, actually.

At the heart of Barr's inquiry is whether the FBI or any other U.S. agency abused its authority in investigating and conducting surveillance of certain members of Trump's campaign.

In early 2016, Trump’s campaignrecruiteda new adviser: businessman Carter Page, who by his own admission had been targeted by Russian spies for recruitment years earlier. After being announced as a member of Trump’s campaign team, Page flew to Moscow to give the commencement address at a prominent graduate school that U.S. authorities have said has ties to Kremlin officials. (Page said he volunteered)

Then, in late July 2016, the FBI received what FBI officials at the time described as a startling tip from the Australian government: The Russians had obtained "dirt" on Hillary Clinton and were willing to help the Trump campaign defeat Hillary Clinton.

The tip was passed through another Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos.

A few months earlier, looking to promote his work outside the campaign, Papadopoulos flew to Rome, Italy, where he was introduced by an unidentified individual to Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese-born professor with ties to Russia, according to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report.

“Mifsud at first seemed uninterested in Papadopoulos when they met in Rome,” Papadopoulos told Mueller’s team, the report recounted. “After Papadopoulos informed Mifsud about his role in the Trump Campaign, however, Mifsud appeared to take greater interest in Papadopoulos.”…

The Australian government then alerted the FBI. And, “The FBI opened its investigation of potential coordination between Russia and the Trump Campaign a few days later based on [that] information,” according to Mueller’s report.

In particular, former FBI officials told lawmakers, the FBI wanted to identify who inside the Trump campaign could be in a position to work even unwittingly with Russian intelligence services.

As the FBI saw it, Carter Page, who was previously targeted for recruitment by Russian spies, was a distinct possibility. And in addition to Mifsud’s meeting with Papadopoulos in Rome a subsequent allegation against Page relayed to the FBI in Rome is likely part of why Barr is now so interested in Italy.

While Steele’s reports didn’t prompt the opening of the FBI’s investigation, they did play a substantial part in the FBI later obtaining a federal judge’s approval to eavesdrop on Page’s communications.

That secret surveillance and whether it was appropriately “predicated” is now a central part of Barr’s review, the attorney general has said. Mueller's investigation ultimately "did not establish" that Page or anyone else on Trump's team "coordinated with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election," Mueller's report said.

"I think spying did occur," Barr told lawmakers in April.

The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, has conducted a similar review, and Horowitz’s office recently completed a draft of its report on the matter, the inspector general recently told lawmakers.


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8b888c No.65334

File: cba4995df4af49a⋯.jpg (854.56 KB,1079x1946,1079:1946,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039426 (201759ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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8b888c No.65335

File: c6019ad22753e69⋯.jpg (767.1 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 83ed5b952b386d7⋯.jpg (389.5 KB,935x1001,85:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039442 (201803ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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No callsign

P8 poseidon


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8b888c No.65336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039468 (201806ZJUN23) Notable: lb, on Frontline video on Ginni & Clarence Thomas

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ALERT!!! Ginni Thomas MUST SEE THIS!

PBS's Frontline ran a documentary 2 months ago titled: CLARENCE & GINNI THOMAS, Politics, Power and the Supreme Court. It was a hit piece for sure but anon believes there is (at least) one lie in the documentary which is easily proven and is criminal or civil actionable. https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjyRx1wARUk

1:21:55 mark: Angela Wright calls Clarence Thomas a liar. 1:22:05 mark: Narrator says Biden's committee NEVER CALLED Angela Wright or a number of witnesses to testify.

Now let us so the the video of the actual Biden's Committee Hearing, shall we. https://www.c-span.org/video?22216-1/thonas-hearing-day-2-part-2 43:36 mark: Joe Biden made an announcement. Note: Angela was subpoenaed and scheduled to testify that Clarence did bad things (she bad talked him in the above PBS hit piece) and a woman named ms. Jourdain was scheduled to testify to confirm Angela is telling God's truth. Anyway, Joe said: After many conversations with Angela Wright (oh yeah, Anita Hill had already contacted Biden and told him: in the interest of time she's willing to forego the other women's testimony) I just wrote her a letter: Dear Ms. Wright. It is my preference that you testify before the Judicial Committee but understand the 'in the interest of time' I have vitiated yur subpoena. I want to make clear, however, that if you want to appear in person, I will honor that request. There was a ps from Ms Wright: I agree that the admission of the transcripts of my interviews and those of Ms. Jourdain without rebuttal is fine with me

PBS said Wright and Jourdain was not called to testify. That's a bald faced lie. Joe Biden subpoenaed, scheduled and then begged Wright to testify,.,

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8b888c No.65337

File: 8e73ae49ea076d3⋯.png (567.27 KB,1247x1123,1247:1123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039484 (201810ZJUN23) Notable: PDJT: THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED

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==DJT: The election was rigged!"


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8b888c No.65338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039486 (201810ZJUN23) Notable: Mayo Clinic Suspends Medicine Prof Who Said ‘Testosterone Improves Athletic Performance’

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Mayo Clinic Suspends Medicine Prof Who Said ‘Testosterone Improves Athletic Performance’

“proved problematic in the media and the LGBTQI+ community at Mayo Clinic”

Mayo Clinic professor suspended after saying testosterone improves athletic performance

A Mayo Clinic College of Medicine professor was recently suspended — and remains under the threat of termination — after he told a news outlet his stance on trans-athletes in women’s sports and plasma treatments for COVID-19.

Administrators suspended Professor Michael Joyner without pay for a week, citing his “use of idiomatic language” and comments he made in a June 2022 New York Times article as justification for the disciplinary actions, according to a March 5 disciplinary letter that recently came to light.

The memo also told him to refrain from speaking to the media unless given permission.

The college expressed that Dr. Joyner’s opinions “proved problematic in the media and the LGBTQI+ community at Mayo Clinic,” according to a letter Joyner received from the college, which was recently published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.

In June 2022, Joyner told the Times that, when it comes to telling the difference between biological males and females, “you see the divergence immediately as the testosterone surges into the boys,” he said. “There are dramatic differences in performances.”

The “idiomatic language” the college could be referring to comes later in the New York Times article when Joyner stated “there are social aspects to sport, but physiology and biology underpin it… testosterone is the 800-pound gorilla.”

Inside Higher Ed reported this interview prompted headlines featuring Joyner’s statements such as “Doctors confirm trans swimmer Lia Thomas DOES have an unfair advantage even after taking testosterone suppressants” and “Doctors Verify the ‘Scientific Evidence’ Proves Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas’ Unfair Advantage Over Females.”

More recently, in January, Joyner spoke to CNN about the benefits of convalescent plasma as a treatment for immune-compromised individuals who contract COVID-19 and expressed his frustration with the government and other medical professionals who discount plasma as an effective course of treatment.


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8b888c No.65339

File: d7e9d9da5237a8a⋯.png (102.91 KB,838x815,838:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039518 (201814ZJUN23) Notable: Judicial Watch Sues Homeland Security for Records Tied to Election Censorship Collusion

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Judicial Watch Sues Homeland Security for Records Tied to Election Censorship Collusion

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the DHS’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency failed to comply with an October 27, 2022, FOIA request for:

1. All emails, direct messages, task management alerts, or other records of communication related to the work of the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) sent via the Atlassian Jira platform between any official or employee of the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency and any member, officer, employee, or representative of any of the following:

The Election Integrity Partnership

The University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public

Stanford University’s Internet Observatory

The Center for Internet Security

The Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing & Analysis Center

The National Association of Secretaries of State

The National Association of State Election Directors


The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensics Research Laboratory

Any social media company

2. All memoranda of understanding, guidelines, or similar records related to the Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency’s use of the Atlassian Jira platform for work related to the Election Integrity Partnership.

Jira is a software application developed by the Australian company Atlassian. The Atlassian websitestates: “Jira helps teams plan, assign, track, report, and manage work. It brings teams together for everything from agile software development, customer support, start-ups, and enterprises.”


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8b888c No.65340

File: 4b84a579f4c7b98⋯.png (372.6 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039526 (201816ZJUN23) Notable: Kyiv: The time has come for Netanyahu to visit Ukraine

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Kyiv: The time has come for Netanyahu to visit Ukraine

The head of the Zelensky administration called for Netanyahu to visit Ukraine and for the Israeli government to condemn Putin's remarks on Zelensky’s Jewish heritage.

Israel should allow Ukraine to use its defensive weapons against Iran-made drones, Andriy Yermak, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff, said Tuesday.

“No country other than Israel has the capabilities Ukraine needs to defend itself,” he told Israeli reporters in a briefing. “This equipment will be used in Ukraine against Iranian weapons.”

Ukraine knows that it shares an enemy with Israel – Iran, and “we don’t understand why the government and Israeli politicians don’t understand this,” Yermak said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should “express his support for Ukraine,” he said, adding that he expects him to visit Ukraine.

Israel was “the most neutral among countries that have good relations with Ukraine,” Yermak said.

“As a person with a Jewish father, I cannot understand why Israel is not reacting,” he added.


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8b888c No.65341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039557 (201823ZJUN23) Notable: Deadly E-Bike Store Explosion (batteries are DANGEROUS)

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E-bike fire: 4 killed, 2 hurt in New York explosion

E-bikes and EVs still are too risky to garage, much less on the first floor of an apartment building.

Also, NYC is rife with illegal upgraded E-bike batteries, was bound to happen, sadly.

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8b888c No.65342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039562 (201824ZJUN23) Notable: Homeland Security deputy secretary retires from agency

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Homeland Security deputy secretary retires from agency

A major portion of Tien's work at Homeland Security was Operation Allies Refuge and Operation Allies Welcome, both of which focused on Afghan refugees after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Homeland Security Deputy Secretary John Tien on Tuesday announced his retirement from the agency, making him the latest top Biden official to leave the administration.

"I thank Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas for having the confidence in me to support my nomination to President Biden and even more so, to empower and enable me to 'co-lead' the Department with him," Tien told Homeland Security employees.

Tien had served 24 years in the U.S. Army before he retired in 2011. He worked for the Obama administration and became the deputy secretary of Homeland Security in June 2021.

A major portion of Tien's work at Homeland Security was Operation Allies Refuge and Operation Allies Welcome, both of which focused on Afghan refugees after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

While at Homeland Security, Tien "coordinated interagency efforts in support of international pre-screening operations in Operation Allies Refuge; led interagency policy development in Operation Allies Welcome [and] created innovative programs to disrupt and dismantle international criminal organizations involved in fentanyl and human smuggling," among other things, Mayorkas said.

Tien plans on returning to live with his family in Atlanta, as he has been living in D.C. for the past two years. He will formally leave the agency on July 20.

As of May 26, the Biden administration's turnover rate for top officials was 52%, according to the Brookings Institute, a D.C. think tank.


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8b888c No.65343

File: 34fab11774b5a4f⋯.png (255.74 KB,555x461,555:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039601 (201835ZJUN23) Notable: Bongino shares leaked audio of Biden telling ex-Ukrainian leader not to worry about FBI

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‘Wink, wink’: Bongino shares leaked audio of Biden telling ex-Ukrainian leader not to worry about FBI

Conservative political commentator Dan Bongino is blowing up the Internet playing President Biden on tape allegedly assuring former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko that he shouldn’t worry about the FBI looking into corruption in Ukraine.

One Twitter user retweeted a segment of Bongino’s show pointing out Biden’s purported involvement in corrupt dealings with Ukraine, “Here’s corrupt, compromised, criminal biden ON TAPE trying to cover up his corruption in Ukraine.”

“Poroshenko is the Ukrainian president whom Biden extorted. Onyshchenko works for him. Right after Trump won in 2016, a Poroshenko aide, that’s Onyshchenko, offered to give DOJ incriminating evidence about Biden’s calls with Poroshenko. Which we’ll play in a second. As fate would have it, the aide’s info went to Andrew Weissmann who probably buried it all,” Bongino railed on his show.

He then said it was almost like Weissmann wanted it to go away, snarking, “So good we have a Department of Justice in this country, isn’t it?”


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8b888c No.65344

File: bc800a80cb664cb⋯.png (569.71 KB,769x665,769:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039611 (201838ZJUN23) Notable: NYC's Eric Adams expands work requirement for housing vouchers, infuriating council

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Mayor expands work requirement for housing vouchers, infuriating council

When Mayor Eric Adams last week eliminated a rule requiring people to stay 90 days in shelter before applying for rental aid, he said the move would bring his administration closer to the City Council’s package of bills that seek to reform the housing voucher program.


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8b888c No.65345

File: 42e7d71e2f6f236⋯.png (406.84 KB,545x740,109:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039614 (201839ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk recommends Jim Caviezel’s movie on child trafficking be streamed on Twitter

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Elon Musk recommends Jim Caviezel’s movie on child trafficking be streamed on Twitter

'Sound of Freedom,' to be released on July 4, is based on the life of Tim Ballard, a former CIA agent who founded Operation Underground Railroad in 2013 to root out trafficking efforts across the world.

Twitter owner Elon Musk has encouraged Angel Studios to stream Sound of Freedom, its upcoming movie about child trafficking starring Jim Caviezel, on the platform.

“I recommend putting it on this platform for free for a brief period or just asking people to subscribe to support (we would not keep any funds),” Musk tweeted Tuesday night.


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8b888c No.65346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039621 (201841ZJUN23) Notable: Mel Gibson Helped Dismantle an International Pedophile Ring

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Mel Gibson Helped Dismantle an International Pedophile Ring.

Mel Gibson provided “valuable intelligence” on a pedophile ring preying on children in Ukraine, according to Operation Underground Railroad.

Rumors Gibson was making a “docu-series on the $34 billion global child sex trafficking market involving countries like Ukraine” went viral following an unsourced tweet from Leading Report.

Writer Katherine Brodsky later reported these claims were false, but cited Operation Underground Railroad president Tim Ballard, who revealed Gibson made a vital contribution to the fight against child sex trafficking.

“Mel is a personal hero of mine and called me back in 2022 with valuable intelligence regarding children who were rumored to be vulnerable to human traffickers in Ukraine,” Ballard said.

“Using that intelligence, we went to Ukraine, where Operation Underground Railroad, Aerial Recovery Group, and The Nazarene Fund were successful in beginning the process of dismantling a dangerous international pedophile ring,” he added.

The flurry of interest around the alleged Gibson documentary comes as an enormous pedophile network operating largely unhindered on Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram has been exposed.


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8b888c No.65347

File: 1cce9c99add1006⋯.png (531.6 KB,867x877,867:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 50db67e4d945a21⋯.png (138.91 KB,310x232,155:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039636 (201843ZJUN23) Notable: Federal buildings to get $1B sustainability upgrade from climate law

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Federal buildings to get $1B sustainability upgrade from climate law


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8b888c No.65348

File: 884293ce99d5c3b⋯.png (294.37 KB,601x502,601:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039641 (201843ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker: Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent

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Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.


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8b888c No.65349

File: a585dd7b74a7dd7⋯.png (254.5 KB,623x491,623:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c65f62306502a6⋯.mp4 (15.07 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039643 (201845ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker: Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent

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Tucker on Twitter....episode #5....enjoy

Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.


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8b888c No.65350

File: 8e73ae49ea076d3⋯.png (567.27 KB,1247x1123,1247:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: b1cf509914ff8ac⋯.png (454.76 KB,1949x1204,1949:1204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039648 (201846ZJUN23) Notable: PDJT: THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED

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Q+ retruths GWP article sourced by Karli Bonne.


We're the news now.

That's it, that's the post.


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8b888c No.65351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039650 (201846ZJUN23) Notable: BlackRock, JP Morgan set up 'reconstruction bank' for Ukraine

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BlackRock, JP Morgan set up 'reconstruction bank' for Ukraine

BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are reportedly aiding the Ukrainian government in setting up a reconstruction bank that could see rebuilding projects being heavily invested in by private entities. The Financial Times noted that it would cost Ukraine roughly $411 billion to rebuild their country amid the onslaught of attacks by Russia, but the cost is continuing to increase.

The Ukraine Development Fund is still in the early stages of setting up the reconstruction bank, but potential investors will get an inside preview of how things will look during a London conference that is set to take place this week.

With the steep cost to rebuild, the Ukrainian government reached out to BlackRock in November to see if there was a conceivable way of attracting investments. JPMorgan was soon added in February. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed last month that he was working with the two financial institutions and consultants at McKinsey, per the report.

Philipp Hildebrand, BlackRock vice-chair, said: “So many of today’s long-term challenges are best addressed through blended finance and this is one. You need these vehicles to mobilise capital at scale.”

Though BlackRock and JPMorgan are offering their services, they will likely have the first look at potential investments in the Eastern European country. The report noted that the current development has only deepened JPMorgan’s relationship with its long-standing client, Ukraine. The financial institution has helped Ukraine raise more than $25 billion in sovereign debt since 2010, and it led in the country’s $20 billion debt reconstruction in 2022.

BlackRock has claimed that Ukraine needs a “development finance bank” that would provide the country with infrastructure, climate, and agriculture opportunities. This will apparently make them more attractive to other long-term investors. JPMorgan was added to the venture due to its debt expertise.

Stefan Weiler, JPMorgan’s head of debt capital markets in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, said: “The fund is being set up to also give public and private sector investors the opportunity to invest into specific projects and sectors.”

“There will be different sectoral funds that the fund identified as priorities for Ukraine. That aim is to maximise capital participation.”

However, it does not appear that Ukraine is expected to receive such investments until the end of the conflict with Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with the African Union, revealed that Ukraine had allegedly signed a treaty in the spring of 2022. But the country went back on it after Russia had agreed to the terms.


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8b888c No.65352

File: d8deb687caa91b2⋯.png (255.92 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039655 (201848ZJUN23) Notable: John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’

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John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’

This will not end until there is mass nonviolent noncompliance with an illegitimate Federal government, the UN, WEF, CFR, CIA, FBI, IRS, WHO, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits,” et al., and the various One World Government apparatchiks like John Kerry.

Read full story

“Biden’s” “climate” henchman is directly linked to Klaus Schwab’s WEF, the Fabian Society, UN, WHO, CFR, et al. and has been tapped on his shoulder to escalate their eugenics operation. fear-mongering.

The answer to malnutrition for these technocommunist psychotics is ever more malnutrition in the form of chitin-rich toxic bugs:


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8b888c No.65353

File: ce8d084bd0df2e4⋯.png (330.04 KB,640x830,64:83,Clipboard.png)

File: ea2e12fde3485be⋯.png (405.67 KB,640x1059,640:1059,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039668 (201852ZJUN23) Notable: CIA Memo 1967: CIA Coined and Weaponized the Label “Conspiracy Theory”

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CIA Memo 1967: CIA Coined and Weaponized the Label “Conspiracy Theory”

In 1967 The CIA released a dispatch that coined the label “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” to attack anyone who challenged the official narrative from the Warren Commission. It’s interesting to note that the document is labelled “psych”, for psychological operations or disinformation. It’s also marked “CS copy” at the bottom, meaning “Clandestine Services” Unit.

This document was requested and released to The New York Times in 1976 via The Freedom of Information Act. Below is the CIA dispatch. Read it for yourself.

CIA Dispatch: Weaponizing “conspiracy theorist” label Page#1


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8b888c No.65354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039673 (201853ZJUN23) Notable: Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians

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Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians

Influx of Indian workers to Israel would be tangible sign of cooperation with New Delhi filtering down to daily Israeli life

Israel is set to bring 10,000 workers from India to staff jobs in construction and nursing industries, in a sign of deepening economic and political cooperation with New Delhi, according to multiple Hebrew language news sites.

Reports say workers will arrive in stages, with 2,500 filling jobs in both construction and nursing. The final agreement for labour is still being worked out between Israeli and Indian officials.

“We expect the agreements to be approved shortly, and we will soon be able to start setting up the necessary mechanisms to employ skilled labour in a proper and supervised manner,” a spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Population and Immigration said.

The talks come on the heels of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen’s visit to India in early May where he signed an agreement with his Indian counterpart, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, to bring some 42,000 Indian foreign workers to Israel, with 34,000 earmarked for construction and 8,000 in elder care.

Israeli officials reportedly toured workplace training centres in India in March ahead of the talks. Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority described the Indian workers as diligent, experienced and fluent in English.

Israel and India have been forging closer ties for years. In January, India’s Adani Group acquired a 70 percent stake in the now privatised Haifa Port, for $1.2bn. The two are also part of US efforts to deepen security and economic cooperation with the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

Washington is promoting a plan for a vast infrastructure network that would connect Gulf and Arab countries to India via rail and shipping lanes. President Joe Biden’s top national security advisor met with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and officials from India and the UAE to discuss the plan this month.

But the influx of Indian workers to Israel would be one of the most tangible signs of cooperation with New Delhi filtering down to daily life in Israel.

Roughly 100,000 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank and Gaza work legally in Israel, with the bulk of those jobs in the construction sector. They often face hazardous working conditions and exploitation. Almost half of the West Bank workers are forced to pay around 2,500 shekels ($746) a month to brokers to secure work permits.

Meanwhile, Palestinian citizens of Israel have also faced discrimination for their political actions. In 2021, when Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories were swept by mass protests, hundreds of workers were fired by Israeli employers for participating in a general strike.

Israel also regularly uses the issuing of work permits to exert influence and control over the Palestinian economy, experts say.

Indian officials have pointed to Israel’s policies as a model for their control of Kashmir, where New Delhi has been accused of conducting a mass eviction drive against Muslims to alter the disputed valley’s demographics.


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8b888c No.65355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039683 (201854ZJUN23) Notable: LIVE: Constitutional lawyer Dr. John Eastman defending his law license from attacks based on actions he took re 2020 election

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Legal defense funding page for President Trump's former attorney (2020 election issues):


Campaign Created by: John Eastman

The funds from this campaign will be received by John Eastman.

==Goal: USD $500,000

Raised: USD $ 384,038==

"John Eastman served as President Trump's lawyer on several legal challenges arising out of the 2020 election, including President Trump's Motion to Intervene in the U.S. Supreme Court in Texas v. Pennsylvania et al., and Trump's own Petition in Trump v. Boockvar asking the Supreme Court to review three unconstitutional Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions.Dr. Eastman also advised the President about constitutional ways to prevent illegal conduct of the election from determining the results, and he spoke before the President at the Save America rally on January 6.

"For his efforts to ensure a free and fair election, he was "retired" from his tenured faculty position at Chapman University's law school, where he had previously served as Dean, and had his classes and speaking responsibilities cancelled at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he was serving as the Visiting Professor of Conservative Thought and Policy.He has been targeted by hard core leftist activists who have filed a bar complaint against him, seeking to have him disbarred and thereby lose his source of income.He has also been subpoenaed by the hyper-partisan January 6 Committee in the House of Representatives, which is targeting anyone involved in election integrity efforts as well as those engaged in freedom of speech and association to voice their objections to illegality in the conduct of the election.Responding to both of these attacks has required Dr. Eastman to hire outside counsel, at significant cost to himself.

"We, as Americans, need to push back against illegal conduct in elections.Elections are the way we give our "consent" to government, and if they are not free and fair, We the People are no longer sovereign and we no longer have a government that derives its "just powers from the consent of the governed," as the Declaration of Independence promises.The stakes for freedom are high, and Dr. Eastman asks for your support.The funds raised will be used to pay for his legal team (responding to January 6 Committee and bar complaints, as well as bringing suits for violations of constitutional rights).

Important Links: [LOTS MOAR...]


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8b888c No.65356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039684 (201855ZJUN23) Notable: Biden’s policy on China is now outright appeasement

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Biden’s policy on China is now outright appeasement

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the White House claim to be pleased by his trip to Beijing: President Xi Jinping actually met with him and agreed to continue talking.

Thing is, it seems China will only deign to keep talking as long as Washington keeps appeasing it with actual concessions.

Blinken didn’t even get his central ask, restoring military-to-military communication channels that Beijing cut last year but the Bidenites paint as the best way to avoid stumbling into a war.

(Indeed, the Chinese Communists still won’t even meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.)

Crucially, Washington had to bribe Beijing to even get this meeting: It has played down Beijing’s intensifying intelligence-gathering (the Cuba spy base, the spy balloon, China’s “secret police” stations inside our country) and is delaying the declassifying of intelligence on COVID’s origins.

It’s also stalling planned restrictions on investment in China linked to its defense industry and on export of US semiconductor tech that could boost Beijing’s military.

Does the White House need to continue holding off on all this to keep the talks going?

Remember, Blinken was set to go to Beijing in February before the spy-balloon incident (which the administration tried to keep from the US public!) forced him to cancel.

Why did Washington need to do anything to grease the skids to get the trip back on?

Worse, during the visit, Blinken gave Beijing a free pass on the balloon, too: “That chapter should be closed,” he said.


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8b888c No.65357

File: 4f8cd42cc01c766⋯.png (356.83 KB,855x611,855:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039741 (201906ZJUN23) Notable: AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes etc

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AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes


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8b888c No.65358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039743 (201906ZJUN23) Notable: Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

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Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

Proposed changes to the criminal code envisage compulsory treatment of child molesters, the General Prosecutor’s Office says


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8b888c No.65359

File: b4b79bd63ee800e⋯.png (189.09 KB,825x752,825:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039755 (201908ZJUN23) Notable: Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations?

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Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations?

Sen. Chuck Grassley implied the FBI may have defined the scope of its Hunter Biden investigation so narrowly, bribery allegations couldn’t be probed.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, rarely asks a question to which he doesn’t know the answer. When the question concerns the politicization and weaponization of the FBI, you can bet some damning information rests behind his query.

So when Grassley asked on Thursday whether bribery was within the parameters of Delaware’s investigation into Hunter Biden, it likely means the FBI defined the scope of the federal investigation into the president’s son so narrowly that agents lacked the authority to properly probe a “highly credible” confidential human source’s reporting implicating the Biden family. Specifically, the CHS reported that Hunter and Joe Biden each received $5 million in bribes from the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma.

The Iowa senator posed his question last Thursday during the executive business meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee. After several exchanges between Republican members of the Judiciary Committee and Democrat Chair Dick Durbin over the question of what, if anything, the FBI had done to investigate the bribery alleged in the CHS’s FD-1023 report, Grassley interjected this query:

“In regard to U.S. Attorney Weiss, do we know if his job follows up on bribery, or is it just this tax stuff that we’ve been reading about? If it doesn’t include bribery, then he can’t do anything about investigating.”

And with those two sentences, Grassley revealed the initial answer Americans need to assess whether the DOJ and FBI sabotaged a criminal probe into the Biden family.

As Crossfire Hurricane and related sub-investigations established, when the FBI opens a full investigation, the “Electronic Communication” identifies the underlying suspected criminal offense. In the case of the investigation into the Trump campaign and connected individuals, Peter Strzok identified the Foreign Agents Registration Act as the relevant criminal statute. Further, the controlling Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide, or DIOG, stresses that “it is particularly important clearly to identify and document the law enforcement or national security basis of the Full Investigation.”

What law enforcement basis did the FBI identify in launching an investigation into Hunter Biden? Did the Electronic Communication list only tax offenses? Or maybe also money laundering?

The crime identified in the EC will determine the course of the investigation, and unless the FBI updated the basis for the investigation, agents will only undertake investigative techniques likely to uncover evidence relevant to the stated offense. Thus, Grassley questioned whether bribery was within the scope of the investigation being handled by U.S. Attorney David Weiss because if not, it is unlikely the allegations in the FD-1023 received any scrutiny.

Relatedly, congressional oversight committees should inquire whether, after Attorney General William Barr sent Delaware the FD-1023’s reporting of the alleged bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden, agents opened an assessment for bribery or considered bribery within the scope of the already-predicated investigation into Hunter Biden. If not, and if the FBI had defined the scope of the already-launched full investigation of Hunter Biden narrowly, agents’ hands would be tied. They could not conduct even the most rudimentary of investigative techniques to probe the CHS’s reporting.


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8b888c No.65360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039763 (201910ZJUN23) Notable: 81% of foreign components of Russian missiles are manufactured in United States

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81% of foreign components of Russian missiles are manufactured in United States

Russia uses electronic components manufactured in the United States, Switzerland, Germany and Japan to produce missiles, but the United States accounts for 81% of such microelectronics.

Source: a new document of the Yermak-McFaul sanctions group, which was obtained by LIGA.net

Details: According to the Yermak-McFaul group, the Kh-101 air-launched cruise missiles contain at least 53 types of electronic components (microchips, chips, etc.) manufactured by foreign companies.

In particular, these are components of such companies as STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), Vicor (USA), XILINX (USA), Intel Corporation (USA), Texas Instruments (USA), ZILOG (USA), Maxim Integrated (USA) and Cypress Semiconductor (USA).

At least 45 types of foreign-made electronic components are used to produce 3M-14 Kalibr sea-launched cruise missiles.

9M723 ballistic missiles and 9M728/9M729 cruise missiles from the Iskander systems are equipped with at least 15 and 32 types of foreign electronic components, respectively.

As part of the Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missiles, at least 48 foreign components are used.

And in the Russian Tornado-S rocket, particularly in the warhead, a chip manufactured by the world-famous American company Intel was found.

Most of Russia's foreign electronic component base for missile production is made in the United States (81%).

The second-largest share after the United States is in electronic components manufactured in Switzerland (8%). Germany and Japan each have 3.5%.


Earlier, Andrii Yermak, the Head of the Office of the President, reported that about 50 components in the Kh-101 missile, which was used by the Russians to attack a residential building in Kryvyi Rih on 13 June, and was made in Russia in April 2023, are mainly microelectronics produced in the countries of the free world and delivered to the Russian Federation in various ways.


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8b888c No.65361

File: 3634506e1b71330⋯.png (952.1 KB,1165x877,1165:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039782 (201915ZJUN23) Notable: Bombshell report finds Pentagon’s new surveillance tools can ‘pinpoint’ private citizens

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Bombshell report finds Pentagon’s new surveillance tools can ‘pinpoint’ private citizens

The use of these enhanced surveillance

techniques extend beyond major social media platforms, by granting the Army access to 'CCTV feeds, radio stations, news outlets, personal records, hacked information, webcams, and – perhaps most invasive – cellular location data.'

WHEN THE CHAIR of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley enters into his scheduled retirement later this year, one of the perks will include a personal security detail to protect him from threats — including “embarrassment.”


they only tell us after it's too late to stop it.

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8b888c No.65362

File: 735b4d46914388d⋯.png (258.28 KB,409x744,409:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f972b2aca9ab7a⋯.png (257.14 KB,343x744,343:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bafa4306cd279e⋯.png (366.52 KB,479x744,479:744,Clipboard.png)

File: d282f7e95a21955⋯.png (425.42 KB,598x460,13:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039817 (201924ZJUN23) Notable: White powder sent to Trump, Clarence Thomas and KS Repub lawmakers

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We will bring you continuing coverage of the Trump Family Anthrax attacks over the coming days and weeks from the site of the 9/11 Anthrax attacks in Windber, Pennsylvania. We will interview Anthrax letter recipients as those interviews become available.


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8b888c No.65363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039833 (201929ZJUN23) Notable: Jill Biden hosts a convo w/WH Gender Policy Council on Dobbs decision

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3:45 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Hosts a Conversation at the White House on the Impact of the Dobbs Decision

Ahead of the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, First Lady Jill Biden will host a conversation at the White House with Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Gender Policy Council Jennifer Klein about the impact the Dobbs decision has had and will continue to have on women’s health and lives.

The White House



First Lady Hosts Conversation on Impact Supreme Court Abortion Decision

First Lady Jill Biden hosts a conversation at the White House on the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.



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8b888c No.65364

File: 3b05f88e71645a9⋯.png (107.96 KB,276x183,92:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039887 (201936ZJUN23) Notable: #23380

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Bakers not her man

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8b888c No.65365

File: bd7393f24090e7e⋯.png (457.85 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039904 (201939ZJUN23) Notable: United demands access to employees' private convos w/pastors in vaccine mandate lawsuit

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UAL statement.

“Plaintiffs hide behind the shield of clergy privilege in an attempt to protect against discovery of communications that might tend to undermine any claim of sincerity, or that may otherwise show their positions on vaccines are not supported by the religious teachings of their church and instead are motivated by political, secular or other reasons not protected by Title VII.”

What is the definition of a religious group known as a “church” according to IRS tax code??? I know the answer. Therefore, the issue at hand being asked by the following question is dead on arrival.

“…supported by the religious teachings of their church…”

Church according to IRS tax code is void of any incorporation documents.

UAL uses the term “clergy”. Ask UAL to define that according to each believer’s religious document. Does not occur in the Torah or Christian Bible.


I am my own clergy. I need not explain my beliefs or justfy them in any way. FAFO.

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8b888c No.65366

File: d1acae9b9b41c51⋯.png (43.22 KB,542x274,271:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039914 (201942ZJUN23) Notable: The United States Armed Forces have tasked several Cyber units to look up "mean & slanderous" posts about current and former American military officers up in the high command

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The United States Armed Forces have tasked several Cyber units to look up "mean & slanderous" posts about current and former American military officers up in the high command.

Unknown if there will be repercussions for active or reserve personnel who share or make such posts.

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8b888c No.65367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039949 (201954ZJUN23) Notable: POtato Participates in a Meeting on AI with "Civil Society" Leaders

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4:00 PM EDT

President Biden Participates in a Meeting on Artificial Intelligence with Civil Society Leaders

President Biden discusses his Administration’s commitment to seizing the opportunities and managing the risks of Artificial Intelligence.

San Francisco, CA




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8b888c No.65368

File: ab6f9ff4b9994ec⋯.png (311.14 KB,764x538,382:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039950 (201954ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Ep. 5 bun / cap and partial link pointing out messed-upun view count

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Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.

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8b888c No.65369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039982 (202001ZJUN23) Notable: More Hotez BS

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Anti-science conspiracies pose new threats to US biomedicine in 2023

Peter Hotez

First published: 02 May 2023

Prof Peter Hotez is a co-inventor of a COVID-19 recombinant protein vaccine technology owned by Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) that was recently licensed by BCM non-exclusively and with no patent restrictions to several companies committed to advance vaccines for low- and middle-income countries. The co-inventors have no involvement in license negotiations conducted by BCM. Similar to other research universities, a long-standing BCM policy provides its faculty and staff, who make discoveries that result in a commercial license, a share of any royalty income, according to BCM policy. Prof. Hotez is also the author of several books published by Johns Hopkins University Press and ASM-Wiley Press and receives royalties from those books.

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8b888c No.65370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19039999 (202004ZJUN23) Notable: lb, on Frontline video on Ginni & Clarence Thomas

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>>65336 lb

Poster last bread. Didn't have a BAKER. Hope we have one this bread. If this post is noted as a notable we can be sure Ginni get it. If not her then someone she knows. She checks in and has friends who to as well.


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8b888c No.65371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040005 (202005ZJUN23) Notable: FOIA'd document on Barr memo to Rosenstein

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PN>>65330 Moar Barr. Durham to Rome/Mifsud

I found this FOIA'd document on Barr memo to Rosenstein on how Mueller was trying to push obstruction on President Trump and demand his deposition. Barr had a very lengthy letter of 19 pages saying a lot about OBSTRUCTION and how it doesn't apply (at that time), but details obstruction and if it can applied. He was very wordy about his defense of Pres. Trump at that time, examples below, and PDF. A lawfag would understand if this info applies to the Smith case. But it's obvious Barr seemingly doesn't understand the law now that he is opposed to Trump (Wasn't Weissman running the Mueller team, and also happened to compose a recommendation on how to prosecute Trump, that got sent to Smith and Lisa Monaco": Weissmann recommended obstruction at that time also)

MEMORANDUM 8 June 2018

To: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Assistant Attorney General Steve Engel

From: Bill Barr

Re: Mueller’s “Obstruction” Theory


I am writing as a former official deeply concerned with the institutions of the Presidency and the Department of Justice. I realize that I am in the dark about many facts, but I hope my views may be useful.

It appears Mueller’s team is investigating a possible case of “obstruction” by the President predicated substantially on his expression of hopethat the Comey could eventually “let…go” of its investigation of Flynn and his action in firing Comey. In pursuit of this obstruction theory, it appears thatMueller’s team is demanding that the President submit to interrogation about these incidents, using the threat of subpoenas to coerce his submission.

Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction. Apart from whether Mueller a strong enough factual basis for doing so, Mueller’s obstruction theory is fatally misconceived. As I understand it, his theory is premised on a novel and legally insupportable reading of the law. Moreover, in my view, if credited by the Department, it would have grave consequences far beyond the immediate confines of this case and ==would do lasting damage to the Presidency and to the administration of law within the Executive


As things stand, obstruction laws do not criminalize just any act that can influence a “proceeding.” Rather they are concerned with acts intended to have a particular kind of impact. A “proceeding” is a formalized process for finding the truth.In general, obstruction laws are meant to protect proceedings from actions designed subvert the integrity of their truth-finding function through compromising the honesty of decision-makers (e.g., judge, jury) or impairing the integrity or availability of evidence testimonial, documentary, or physical.

Thus, obstruction laws prohibit a range of “bad acts” such as tampering with a witness or juror; or destroying, altering, or falsifying evidence all of which are inherently wrongful because, by their very nature, they are directed at depriving the proceeding of honest decision-makers or access to full and accurate evidence. In general, then, the actus reus of an obstruction offense is the inherently subversive “bad act” of impairing the integrity of a decision-maker or evidence. The requisite mens rea is simply intending the wrongful impairment that inexorably flows from the act.

Obviously, the President and any otherofficial can commit obstruction in this classic sense of sabotaging a proceeding’s truth-finding function. Thus, for example, if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction. Indeed,the acts of obstruction alleged against Presidents Nixon and Clinton in their respective impeachments were all such “bad acts” involving the impairment of evidence. __Enforcing these laws against the President in no way infringes on the President’s plenary power over law enforcement because exercising this discretion such as his complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding – does not involve commission of any of

these inherently wrongful, subversive acts__.



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8b888c No.65372

File: 54cf7d5d3212e86⋯.png (488.03 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040008 (202005ZJUN23) Notable: . IMF says they're working hard on a global CBDC

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Stress test on the 28th

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8b888c No.65373

File: 2d3e4d3c3956e64⋯.png (102.44 KB,580x389,580:389,Clipboard.png)

File: e4c53db9687bf85⋯.png (871.82 KB,2708x1701,2708:1701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040036 (202010ZJUN23) Notable: . IMF says they're working hard on a global CBDC

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notable - previous article about 28th june banks stress test below from anons archives

note: being led by the I.M.F a NGO charity alledgely, moar of a economic terrorist organisation which has already captured the u.k bank and the prime minister and chanceller positions.



Note: Anons will remember every time they had a training exercise it turned into a real event., 9/11 New York - 7/7 Train stations in London examples of the biggest. probably lots moar.






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8b888c No.65374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040051 (202012ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Ep. 5 bun

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Tucker Carlson Ep. 5

As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.

2:41 PM · Jun 20, 2023


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8b888c No.65375

File: e56865f6fad3f52⋯.png (214.16 KB,598x420,299:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040056 (202012ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Ep. 5 bun / cap and partial link 2.3M Views

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8b888c No.65376

File: 6c65f62306502a6⋯.mp4 (15.07 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 5288b6a72732636⋯.png (265.44 KB,750x696,125:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040069 (202014ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Ep. 5 bun

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>Tucker Carlson Ep. 5

mp4and cap

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8b888c No.65377

File: 3b027146f558ccf⋯.png (221.87 KB,364x357,52:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040079 (202015ZJUN23) Notable: More Hotez BS

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BREAKING: Respected scientists announce a mass exodus from Twitter after Republican billionaire Elon Musk joins an anti-vax pile-on against vaccine researcher Peter Hotez, claiming that "he's afraid of public debate because he knows he's wrong."

It all started when infamous podcaster Joe Rogan publicly challenged Hotez to a debate on vaccines. Hotez demurred but the situation quickly spiraled out of control as MAGA lunatics attacked and smeared him.

The saga culminated in far-right freaks approaching Hotez to harass him at his house, demonstrating how terrifyingly quickly Twitter encounters can turn into real life dangers.

During the flood of attacks and smears against Hotez, the alway-desperate-for-attention Musk jumped in and absurdly insisted that the researcher was "afraid of public debate" and "wrong."

Of course, Hotez is neither of those things. He said that he would go on Rogan's show but would not debate RFK Jr.. He simply knows that debating conspiracy theorists does nothing but strengthen and embolden them.

In response to the shameful incident, Michael Mina, the chief science officer at eMed and immunologist, stated that Twitter is "no longer a tool that's accelerating science. On the contrary." He is an avid Twitter user but says that he will likely leave in the next few months due to the platform's deterioration.

Mina said that Twitter is now "another big noisy mess."

Numerous other scientists and medical researchers have also told Axios that they are finding Twitter less useful by the day and find it all very "scary." The rise of anti-vax rhetoric is convincing more and more of them to finally jump ship.

At this rate, soon the only people left on Twitter will be anti-science maniacs.

RT and ❤️ if you think social media should be pro-science — and consider investing in Tribel, a “woke” new Twitter competitor that is currently doing a round of equity crowdfunding and just blew past $1.4 million raised from 3,600 of its users. If you want to own a small piece of what is quickly becoming the “next big thing” in social media, here is the link to do so, http://wefunder.com/Tribel. You can invest as little as $100 — or as much as you’d like. Here’s the link to download the new Tribel app that Elon Musk is so afraid of: http://tribel.app.link/okwPIHYCIqb

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8b888c No.65378

File: 84b4ce925948dab⋯.jpeg (116.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040145 (202027ZJUN23) Notable: Ukrainian counteroffensive to end in weeks – Russian MP

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20 Jun, 2023 16:54

Ukrainian counteroffensive to end in weeks – Russian MP

Moscow’s troops are likely to repel Kiev’s offensive in July and launch an attack of their own, Andrey Kartapolov has claimed

Kiev’s forces willexhaust their offensive capabilities in Julyif the current Ukrainian casualty rate persists, the head of Russia’s State Duma Defense Committee, Andrey Kartapolov, said on Tuesday.

Ukrainian troops havelost some 900 soldiers to deaths and injuries over the past 24 hoursalone, the colonel general explained. According to Kartapolov, they have alsolost nine tanks and dozens of armored vehiclesover the same period. “If it continuesat this pace, I believewe will finish repelling [this offensive] in three weeksandmove on to dynamic actionsourselves,” the MP predicted in an appearance on the ‘Solovyov Live’ show.

The lawmaker claimed that Ukrainehad already lost around 20,000 soldiersout of the 40,000 to 50,000 it had reportedly trained for the offensive. While he did not name his sources, he claimed the much-awaited Ukrainian operation had largely failed.

“Every tactic they have used has not worked as of now,” he said. Kiev’s troopsdid not advancefurther than the Russian forward defense area security zone and did not even reach the first defense line, the MP added.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, over 600 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed over the past 24 hours, as Kiev’s troops continued their attacks on Russian positions. The Ukrainian forces also lost dozens of armored vehicles, as well as a dozen artillery pieces, includingat least three US-made M777 howitzers, the ministry revealed in its daily briefing on Tuesday.

Kiev’s large-scale offensive began on June 4. Ukrainian troops have suffered heavy losses in the attacks, which have been repelled by Russian forces, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Last week, it said that 7,500 of Kiev’s frontline troops had either been killed or wounded. Russian President Vladimir Putin also said last week that Kiev had lost up to 30% of the heavy equipment supplied to it by the West.


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8b888c No.65379

File: 4f4c01f143acdb2⋯.png (261.66 KB,761x649,761:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040176 (202031ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Ep. 5 bun

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Tucker Ep 5 BUN

>>65368 cap and partial link pointing out messed-upun view count

>>65374 full link and embedded

>>65375 cap and partial link 2.3M Views

>>65376 cap and mp4 2.3M view

This is fresh cap with 2.8M views

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8b888c No.65380

File: 2997283c25c0f1f⋯.jpeg (130.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040187 (202032ZJUN23) Notable: Russian soldier collects $13,000 reward for destroying German tank

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20 Jun, 2023 16:04

Russian soldier collects $13,000 reward for destroying German tank

Andrey Kravtsov was awarded the bonus for eliminating a Leopard 2 in Ukraine

Andrey Kravtsov has become the first Russian soldier to receive a million-ruble reward, the equivalent of $13,000, for destroying a German-made Leopard tank on the battlefield in Ukraine. Themoney was provided by entrepreneursfrom Novosibirsk Region through the Care of Siberia fund.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Tuesday that Kravtsov had personally been handed the certificate by Novosibirsk senator andthree-time Olympic wrestling championAlexander Karelin.

“These are wonderful additional payments for those who cause significant damage to the enemy,” Karelin said, explaining that these payments are an additional reward and not a substitute for any state payouts.

Kravtsov is currently undergoing treatment for his wounds at the National Medical Research Center for High Medical Technologies in Moscow. Thesoldier says he did not even know that he had successfully destroyed a German tankduring the battle until he arrived at the hospital.

“Heavy artillery was firing upon us. The tank was also targeting us,” Kravtsov recalled in a video released by the Defense Ministry. “I took a grenade launcher and began to go around from the flank, to identify the armored vehicles that were firing on us.”

“I fired. There was smoke. Only after I came to the hospital did I find out that it was a German Leopard,” he said.

The soldier stressed thatmoney was not the motivationbehind his decision to take part in Russia’s military operation, and he simply wanted to defend his country. “I’m a patriot. I love my country,” Kravtsov said.

Ever since Kiev’s Western backers started delivering increasingly advanced weaponry to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a number of Russian regional authorities, as well as private entrepreneurs, have offered bounties for the destruction of foreign weaponry on the battlefield.

Last week, a group of Russian pop stars also offered one million rubles to any Russian servicemen who successfully destroy or capture Western-supplied military hardware in Ukraine.

Before that, similar bounties were issued by the governor of Zabaikalsky Region in eastern Russia and the chemical manufacturer Fores. In February, the Pavel Sudoplatov Battalion, an international volunteer unit created in the part of Zaporozhye Region held by Russia, offered to “pay 12 million rubles ($170,000) for each serviceable captured Leopard, Abrams, or Challenger tank.”

Commenting on such offers, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in February that they were proof of the “unity and the desire of all” to contribute to achieving the goals of Russia’s ongoing military campaign.


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8b888c No.65381

File: 5d561d14f9dd503⋯.png (488.55 KB,720x539,720:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040195 (202033ZJUN23) Notable: More Hotez BS

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Pack of scientific mediocrities quite twitter when called on to defend methodology. Sound like these are political scientists.

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8b888c No.65382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040200 (202035ZJUN23) Notable: Donald Trump: Defiant former president says US is 'going to hell' - Sky News

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Donald Trump: Defiant former president says US is 'going to hell'

Sky News

6.43M subscribers

19K views 2 months ago #skynews #donaldtrump #unitedstates

Donald Trump has claimed he is the victim of "election interference", as he condemned New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg for bringing criminal charges against him

"grimmly historic"

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8b888c No.65383

File: 4aa2154bbadb598⋯.png (180.16 KB,547x574,547:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040216 (202037ZJUN23) Notable: Federal Prosecutor Derek Hines Linked to Controversial Deal Involving Hunter Biden

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Federal Prosecutor Derek Hines Linked to Controversial Deal Involving Hunter Biden, Which Raises Potential Conflict of Interest

New revelations have emerged concerning the role of federal prosecutor Derek Hines in a contentious deal associated with Hunter Biden.

Derek Hines, previously serving as special counsel to former FBI director Louis Freeh, is one of the federal prosecutors on Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal.

The revelations also shed light on a significant financial contribution made by Freeh to a trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren in April 2016.

Former Chief Counsel for Nominations and Law Clerk Mike Davis pointed out this new revelation.

New York Post reported:

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a trust for two of President Biden’s grandchildren as he sought to pursue “some very good and profitable matters” with him, newly surfaced emails revealed Thursday.

Freeh apparently made the gift in April 2016 — when Biden was the outgoing vice president — and shortly before he told Biden’s son Hunter, “I would be delighted to do future work with you,” according to the emails.

“I also spoke to Dad a few weeks ago and would like to explore with him some future work options,” Freeh wrote on July 8, 2016.

“I believe that working together on these (and other legal) matters would be of value, fun and rewarding.”

Derek Hines’ role as a federal prosecutor raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the impartiality of the legal process. Serving as special counsel to Louis Freeh from 2013 to February 2015, Hines worked closely with the former FBI director, which adds further significance to his connection to the subsequent events involving Hunter Biden.

One user commented, “Just one of those happy little coincidences that make Our Democracy so special.”

Julie Kelly wrote, “These people make the mafia look legit.”

Earlier today, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to multiple criminal charges according to CNN. The investigation into Hunter Biden has supposedly lasted five years.

After five years of investigation, the Biden DOJ found Hunter Biden guilty of TWO MISDEMEANORS and ONE GUN CHARGE!


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8b888c No.65384

File: d4242625657ff2e⋯.png (270.13 KB,851x929,851:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040226 (202039ZJUN23) Notable: Bitcoin Surges After New Cryptocurrency Exchange Backed By Citadel, Fidelity And Schwab Starts Operations

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Bitcoin Surges After New Cryptocurrency Exchange Backed By Citadel, Fidelity And Schwab Starts Operations

EDX Markets, a newcomer to the cryptocurrency exchange landscape, has made a notable entry with backing from some of Wall Street's biggest institutions including Citadel Securities, Fidelity Investments, and Charles Schwab. The company recently unveiled the launch of its digital asset market on June 20, marking its official entry into the industry, Cointelegraph reported.

According to the announcement, the exchange hopes to attract "industry leaders" by incorporating best practices from traditional finance and offering unique advantages, including liquidity, competitive quotes, and - most importantly - a non-custodial model designed to minimize conflicts of interest, and avoiding entanglements with the SEC. Currently, EDX supports the trading of only four cryptocurrencies, namely: Bitcoin, Ether, Litecone and Bitcoin Cash, none of which have been identified as securities by the SEC. Such a conservative approach to listing cryptocurrencies could help EDX stay out of trouble with the SEC, which has sued Coinbase and a number of other crypto exchanges for listing coins that the agency deems to be securities.

A spokeswoman for Citadel Securities confirmed to the WSJ that it was trading cryptocurrencies on EDX. Ironically, Citadel Securities’ billionaire founder, who made his fortune in traditional markets, was publicly hostile to crypto as recently as a year and a half ago.

"I wish all this passion and energy that went into crypto was aimed at making the United States stronger,” Griffin said at a public appearance in Chicago in October 2021. “Let’s face it, it’s a jihadist call that we don’t believe in the dollar.” Griffin also acknowledged at the time that his firm would still trade crypto on behalf of online brokerages if there were regulatory clarity.


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8b888c No.65385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040234 (202040ZJUN23) Notable: AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

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Canada #44 >>>/qresearch/19037843

AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

Ethan Huff June 19, 2023

(Natural News) Actual human beings are getting phased out of health care in exchange for artificial intelligence (AI) robots that are now reportedly overruling nurses at hospitals.

The life-or-death decisions that have long been made by real people at health care facilities are now being made by computers that have been programmed with who-knows-what to do God-only-knows to patients.

One oncology nurse by the name of Melissa Beebe who relies on her observational skills to help patients in need of emergency care spoke with The Wall Street Journal about the changes she is seeing in the way care is administered due to the AI infiltration.

“I’ve been working with cancer patients for 15 years so I know a septic patient when I see one,” Beebe said about an alert she recently received in the oncology unit at UC Davis Medical Center in California that she knew was wrong. “I knew this patient wasn’t septic.”

The alert Beebe received had been created by AI based on an elevated white blood cell count it observed in said patient, which it correlated with a septic infection. What the AI system failed to recognize is that the patient in question also had leukemia, which can also cause similar elevated white blood cell counts.

“The algorithm, which was based on artificial intelligence, triggers the alert when it detects patterns that match previous patients with sepsis,” the Journal reported. “The algorithm didn’t explain its decision.”

(Related: If leftists are able to program the ChatGPT AI robot into promoting anti-white hate, can the same thing be done to the AI robots that are in charge of people’s medical care at hospitals?)

Being admitted to a hospital in the age of AI is a recipe for early death

The rules at the hospital where Beebe works stipulate that she and all other nurses must follow certain protocols whenever a patient is flagged for sepsis – even if the flag is a mistake based on wrong assumptions made by AI.

The only way to override the AI’s decision is to get a doctor to approve – though if the modified decision ends up being wrong, then nurses can face disciplinary action. The threat of this causes most of them to simply follow orders, even when they know those orders are wrong.

“When an algorithm says, ‘Your patient looks septic,’ I can’t know why,” Beebe, a representative of the California Nurses Association, says. “I just have to do it.”

“I’m not demonizing technology,” she added while noting that, in the case of the aforementioned cancer patient, she was right and the AI was wrong. “But I feel moral distress when I know the right thing to do and I can’t do it.”

While there are arguably some things that AI can maybe, possibly do better than a human being, relying on AI systems to control the direction of medicine and care at hospitals is dangerous business.

Who is to say that the AI machines will not suddenly start targeting certain patients for early elimination if their names come up on a government-created “agitator” list, as one hypothetical dystopian outcome? What about when the AI machines are just plain wrong and hospital staff are too tired, ambivalent, or even apathetic to try to override it and risk their own careers in the process?

“AI should be used as clinical decision support and not to replace the expert,” warns Kenrick Cato, a professor of nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and a nurse scientist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.”

“Hospital administrators need to understand there are lots of things an algorithm can’t see in a clinical setting.”

The AI takeover of the world is perhaps the biggest threat to civilization besides globalism.





Original Article: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-06-19-ai-overriding-decisions-human-care-nurses-hospitals.html


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8b888c No.65386

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040241 (202041ZJUN23) Notable: 100 Envelopes with White Powder Sent to Kansas Republican Lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

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Developing: 100 Envelopes with White Powder Sent to Kansas Republican Lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

On Friday night the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) reported that 30 Kansas legislators were sent envelopes containing white powder.

KBI agents working alongside the FBI, KDHE, OSFM, Kansas National Guard, KHP, and several local police departments, sheriff’s offices, and fire departments have responded after mail was received by legislators and other public officials containing a suspicious white powder.

As of Sunday night approximately 100 envelopes with white powder were sent to Kansas legislators and public officials.

The media ignored this story over the weekend.

President Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas were also sent envelopes with white powder.

This did not make any headlines. Wonder why?

The AP reported:

About 100 letters containing suspicious white powder have been sent to lawmakers and other public officials across Kansas, officials said.

No injuries have been reported, according to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. It had counted more than 30 letters as of late Friday afternoon and increased the tally to 100 as of Sunday.

In a Facebook post Sunday, the bureau said preliminary tests on the substance were negative for common dangerous toxins.

In emails sent to legislators and obtained by The Topeka Capital-Journal, Tom Day, director of Legislative Administrative Services, said the Kansas Highway Patrol had informed his office of the letters, which contain a return address of either Kansas City or Topeka.


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8b888c No.65387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040243 (202041ZJUN23) Notable: YouTube stream shutdown on John Eastman law license proceeding. Only Zoom available?

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>>65328 lb

YouTube stream shutdown on John Eastman law license proceeding. Only Zoom available, to my knowledge.


Journalisthttps://twitter.com/meghanncuniffis doing atwitter feedof the Bar proceeding.

John Eastman testimony to begin after lunch break: 1:45 PST.

Opening argument snippets:


State Bar Prosecutor Duncan Carling says John Eastman's post-election actions were "completely unsupported by historical precedent or law, and contrary to our values as a nation."

"He was fully aware in real time that his plan was damaging the nation."

12:19 PM · Jun 20, 2023



Eastman's lawyer Randy Miller:

"In my extensive research, I was not able to find anything else quite like this case and the issues the court is prepared to deal with. We'll work hard and try to present the evidence on behalf of Dr. Eastman in an orderly way."

12:22 PM · Jun 20, 2023



Miller says Eastman can't be disciplined for advocating positions he as a lawyer obligated to present for his client. He says Eastman's email exchange with Pence adviser Greg Jacobs was, "An honest debate held in good faith."

12:41 PM · Jun 20, 2023



The email exchange between John Eastman and Greg Jacob (no s) that Eastman's lawyer called "two smart people" debating a constitutional issue includes the email in which Jacob tells Eastman, "And thanks to your bullshit, we are under siege." [Screenshot of email displayed]

12:45 PM • Jun 20, 2023



Former Trump lawyer John Eastman’s disbarment proceedings over actions taken to challenge 2020 election and J6 are live streaming this week and next (8 days estimated).


Have to join Zoom broadcast as a participant but may be able to proceed without filling out name or email (in any event, no verification pursued to my knowledge).It's a "public" hearing and they don't require ID if you're sitting in the back of an open courtroom so ....

No recording, no screenshots, allowed.

It appears they/the CA State Bar people (I'm guessing) have shut down the YouTube channel that was parallel streaming it live.

So the only avenue to "participate in the public hearing" is the Zoom link.


More info:

Docket / filings:

Search for Docket #SBC-23-O-30029on


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8b888c No.65388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040258 (202043ZJUN23) Notable: Eight questions that were not fully addressed in the report that House lawmakers are likely to ask this week

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Here are eight questions that were not fully addressed in the report that House lawmakers are likely to ask this week, according to Just the News interviews with lawmakers and their staff:

Why were more senior officials like ex-FBI Director James Comey, his deputy Andrew McCabe, former lead agent Peter Strzok and others not charged with any crimes and was a conspiracy case ever considered? And why were many of the key players not even interviewed by Durham’s team? All have denied wrongdoing.

Did former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, former CIA Director John Brennan and other top intelligence officials make false statements furthering the public narrative that Trump was a Russian stooge when they knew there was no evidence of collusion with Vladimir Putin? This question is taking on new significance as Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., pursues a second vote this month to censure Schiff for his role in promoting the Russia collusion allegations?

Did Durham find any evidence that U.S. or allied country officials began investigating or crafting the Russian collusion narrative before the FBI’s official start of Crossfire Hurricane on July 31, 2016? A European academic named Joseph Mifsud and his lawyer have alleged he was prompted to begin targeting Trump advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page in early spring 2016.

It has been confirmed that Brennan briefed then-President Barack Obama in July 2016 that U.S. intelligence was aware of an alleged plot approved by Clinton to craft the Trump-Russia collusion narrative as a way of distracting from her classified emails scandal. How did US spy agencies learn this, what evidence did they gather and distribute to other agencies and did anyone urge that Clinton be investigated for trying to influence the election or any other crimes?

Did the Obama administration, the FBI or any US spy agencies ask foreign countries to assist in spying on Donald Trump’s campaign or furthering the Russian narrative? And is there any evidence that Russia assisted Hillary Clinton’s campaign in spreading, or establishing the false narrative?

Did Durham find any evidence or intelligence that disputes the Obama administration’s intelligence assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 campaign and was trying to benefit Donald Trump?

What, if any, role did President Joe Biden have in furthering the false Russia collusion narrative as vice president, and how much did he know about Hillary Clinton’s plot to dirty up Trump with Russia allegations?

What additional reforms are needed to ensure the FBI and the intelligence community don’t politically meddle in future elections like they did with the Russia collusion probe in 2016?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65389

File: 96812adf7858fa0⋯.png (373.31 KB,499x599,499:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040268 (202045ZJUN23) Notable: The UN's iVerify System Is Here

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The iVerify System Is Here

The UN’s new fact-checking system is going to be a game changer, but so far the mainstream media is being really quiet about it.

Perhaps that is because they don’t want millions of us to object to this sort of tyranny.

The UN developed iVerify in conjunction with big tech companies and Soros-funded organizations, and it will be used to crack down on “disinformation” and “hate speech” all over the globe…

The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

The global body’s “automated fact-checking tool”, was developed in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC), Facebook and Google-funded fact checker Meedan, the Meta-owned CrowdTangle, and the Soros-funded International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

Needless to say, this tool will not be used to crack down on points of view that Big Tech and George Soros agree with.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65390

File: 73767fd2467d1b8⋯.webp (97.45 KB,879x934,879:934,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040274 (202046ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, baby mama Lunden Roberts settle child support dispute with first son’s payments slashed

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This chick gave her baby a COMMS name


Navy Joan Roberts

could have been

Navy Joan Biden

and the tax shit and reduction of payment deal to the baby momma

is all theatre for the public to see he is hurting for money

and look how she just wasted it as well

dumb stripper narrative smear

with private settlement

all so Hunter can skate

Pulling a "we don't say his name"

Hunter, 53, initially denied paternity of Navy Joan Roberts until a DNA test in 2019 proved he was the child’s father.

In his memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter claimed he had

“no recollection of our encounter.”

Diaper dad Joe

will soon do the same

pull a McCain





How was she ever getting 20K, what a disgrace.

Quote Tweet

Jon Levine



NEW from @mirandadevine

Lunden Roberts, 32, the mother of Hunter’s long-unacknowledged 4-year-old daughter, agreed to her monthly child support payments being slashed by more than 75% — from $20,000 to less than $5,000.


Show this thread


Hunter, 53, initially denied paternity of Navy Joan Roberts until a DNA test in 2019 proved he was the child’s father.

In his memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter claimed he had “no recollection of our encounter.”

Roberts met Hunter in 2017 at strip club Mpire in Washington, DC, where she danced under the stage name “Dallas” while studying at college. She was placed on the Biden scion’s company payroll for nine months during an affair conducted while he was also in a relationship with his widowed sister-in-law, Hallie.

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden never have acknowledged their

seventh grandchild. >(because we know the #6 is the special number)


so baby mama has Leopard print and baby has the Roses in the article front and center


News of the settlement came on the same day federal prosecutors in Delaware said Hunter had agreed to

plead guilty to federal tax charges as part of a deal with the Justice Department that will likely keep him out of jail.

As part of the deal, Biden’s son will plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax for 2017 and 2018, as well as enter a pre-trial diversion on a felony gun possession charge.

The charges brought against Hunter – which were slammed by Republicans as a slap on the wrist — were the outcome of a five-year investigation that largely focused on money he received from overseas business interests.

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8b888c No.65391

File: 4e8c709b5b94548⋯.png (766.02 KB,875x632,875:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040277 (202046ZJUN23) Notable: Musk has confirmed Twitter will submit to the European Union’s online censorship regime

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Tech billionaire Elon Musk has confirmed Twitter will submit to the European Union’s online censorship regime, telling French media: “If a law is enacted, Twitter commits to comply with it.” His response came in reference to the Digital Services Act, an EU-wide law which requires large platforms to enforce the EU’s strict and censorious rules on alleged misinformation and hate speech. France’s government, which alongside Germany is the driving force in the EU, threatened Twitter would be banned in the bloc if it failed to follow its rules three weeks ago. The EU has nothing resembling America’s First Amendment, with the section of the European Convention on Human Rights which supposedly enshrines the right to freedom of expression making it clear that this right can be abridged “in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”


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8b888c No.65392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040279 (202046ZJUN23) Notable: #23379

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pb notables COMPLETE


#23379 >>65302


>>65304, >>65321 Moderate R2 radio blackout in progress (≥M5 - current: M6.31)

>>65305 ‘We need Russia, and Russia needs us’ – former Reagan adviser to RT, Suzanne Massie

>>65306 Hunter: Update: Two Misdemeanors and One Gun Charge – A Slap on the Wrist

>>65307 Romanian authorities have charged social-media celebrity Andrew Tate with rape, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group

>>65308 20 June 1924, WWII hero Audie Murphy is born in Kingston, Texas

>>65309 Beijing Plans a New Training Facility in Cuba, Raising Prospect of Chinese Troops on America’s Doorstep

>>65310 @AirNatlGuard @175thWing A-10's and Estonian #JTAC's conducted live-fire training off the coast of Saaremaa, Estonia

>>65311, >>65315 Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents

>>65312 Homeland Security Deputy Secretary John Tien on Tuesday announced his retirement from the agency

>>65313 Elitist Media Doctor and COVID Vaccine Promoter Peter Hotez Says Science Should Not Be Debated – Then Plays Victim

>>65314 TerraUSD: South Korea 'cryptocrash king' Do Kwon jailed

>>65316 EU preparing $55 billion bailout for Kiev


>>65319 Judge Sets August 14 Trial Date For Trump Documents Case

>>65320 Surprise Shakeup At Alibaba As CEO Steps Down, Moves To Cloud Unit, Daniel Zhang

>>65322 McCain, Romney Donor Leads DeSantis Fundraiser in Silicon Valley.

>>65323 Serial Rapist Cop Gets Off with a Wrist Slap as Taxpayers Forced to Pay His Victims

>>65324 YouTube Censors Jordan Peterson Interview of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

>>65325 @Kash called it

>>65326 Garland Conveniently Making ‘Surprise’ Overseas Visit When Hunter Biden Charges Drop

>>65327 Durham tomorrow 9am EST

>>65328, >>65355 LIVE: Constitutional lawyer Dr. John Eastman defending his law license from attacks based on actions he took re 2020 election

>>65329 Hunter Biden Plea Deal Excludes Alleged Biden $10M ‘Bribery’ Scheme

>>65330 Moar Barr. Durham to Rome/Mifsud


>>65334, >>65335 PF

>>65331 Pentagon spying on social media, getting exact locations, to protect top officers from ‘negative sentiment,’ ’embarrassment,’ report says

>>65332 IMF Managing Director: “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”

>>65333 Why has AG Barr enlisted Italy and Australia to review the origins of the Russia probe?


>>65338 Mayo Clinic Suspends Medicine Prof Who Said ‘Testosterone Improves Athletic Performance’

>>65339 Judicial Watch Sues Homeland Security for Records Tied to Election Censorship Collusion

>>65340 Kyiv: The time has come for Netanyahu to visit Ukraine

>>65341 Deadly E-Bike Store Explosion (batteries are DANGEROUS)

>>65342 Homeland Security deputy secretary retires from agency

>>65343 Bongino shares leaked audio of Biden telling ex-Ukrainian leader not to worry about FBI

>>65351 BlackRock, JP Morgan set up 'reconstruction bank' for Ukraine

>>65352 John Kerry Declares War on US Farmers: Gov’t Farm Confiscations ‘Not Off The Table’

>>65353 CIA Memo 1967: CIA Coined and Weaponized the Label “Conspiracy Theory”

>>65354 Israel Set to Bring 10,000 Indian Labourers for Jobs Traditionally Held by Palestinians

>>65356 Biden’s policy on China is now outright appeasement

>>65357 AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes etc

>>65358 Belarus to introduce chemical castration of pedophiles

>>65359 Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations?

>>65360 81% of foreign components of Russian missiles are manufactured in United States

>>65361 Bombshell report finds Pentagon’s new surveillance tools can ‘pinpoint’ private citizens

>>65362 White powder sent to Trump, Clarence Thomas and KS Repub lawmakers

>>65363 Jill Biden hosts a convo w/WH Gender Policy Council on Dobbs decision

>>65344 NYC's Eric Adams expands work requirement for housing vouchers, infuriating council

>>65345 Elon Musk recommends Jim Caviezel’s movie on child trafficking be streamed on Twitter

>>65346 Mel Gibson Helped Dismantle an International Pedophile Ring

>>65347 Federal buildings to get $1B sustainability upgrade from climate law

>>65348, >>65349 Tucker: Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040288 (202048ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden, baby mama Lunden Roberts settle child support dispute with first son’s payments slashed

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Hunter Biden, baby mama Lunden Roberts settle child support dispute with first son’s payments slashed

By Miranda Devine

June 20, 2023

Hunter Biden and his baby mama have privately settled their child support dispute in Arkansas, according to a source close to the first son.


Lunden Roberts, 32, the mother of Hunter’s long-unacknowledged 4-year-old daughter, agreed to her monthly child support payments being slashed by more than 75% — from $20,000 to less than $5,000.

She also is understood to have dropped her legal bid to change the little girl’s surname to Biden, a request rejected by Hunter’s attorneys.

The settlement was reached in a private conversation between Hunter and his former lover, who showed up in person to his deposition in Little Rock last week.

Roberts is believed to have $11,000 in savings put aside for the child from the $750,000 received from Hunter since their 2020 settlement.

Hunter applied last year to the Batesville, Ark., court to reduce his child support payments, citing reduced circumstances, but turned heads by flying into town last month in a friend’s private jet.

During contentious legal arguments, lawyers for Roberts asked the judge to jail the president’s son for contempt after he failed to produce all the financial documents they demanded to prove his newfound poverty.

Hunter Biden and his baby mama Lunden Roberts have privately settled their child support dispute.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File

Hunter, 53, initially denied paternity of Navy Joan Roberts until a DNA test in 2019 proved he was the child’s father.

In his memoir “Beautiful Things,” Hunter claimed he had “no recollection of our encounter.”

Roberts met Hunter in 2017 at strip club Mpire in Washington, DC, where she danced under the stage name “Dallas” while studying at college. She was placed on the Biden scion’s company payroll for nine months during an affair conducted while he was also in a relationship with his widowed sister-in-law, Hallie.

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden never have acknowledged their seventh grandchild.

Roberts with her 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan.


News of the settlement came on the same day federal prosecutors in Delaware said Hunter had agreed to plead guilty to federal tax charges as part of a deal with the Justice Department that will likely keep him out of jail.

As part of the deal, Biden’s son will plead guilty to misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax for 2017 and 2018, as well as enter a pre-trial diversion on a felony gun possession charge.

The charges brought against Hunter – which were slammed by Republicans as a slap on the wrist — were the outcome of a five-year investigation that largely focused on money he received from overseas business interests.

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8b888c No.65394

File: 2581c194dc97b82⋯.jpeg (68.44 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6046611c6b9f21c⋯.jpeg (56.67 KB,650x350,13:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040308 (202051ZJUN23) Notable: Nigerian president sacks security chiefs

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20 Jun, 2023 11:19

Nigerian president sacks security chiefs

Bola Tinubu has demanded the immediate retirement of all service chiefs, including the police inspector general

(Sounds like Obama took over, wasn’t he visiting there are that time?Yep it was ObamaIt looks Obama got his guy elected. See below)

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu on Monday ordered the removal of the country’s security chiefs and the chief of police, less than a month after taking office, in a major reshuffle of the defense and security sector.

The president retired the defense chief, along with the heads of the army, navy and the air force, and named new officers as their replacements.

According to a statement issued on Monday, Tinubu has "approved the immediate retirement from service of all Service Chiefs and the Inspector-General of Police, Advisers, and Comptroller-General of Customs, as well as their replacements with immediate effect."

The head of state appointed Nuhu Ribadu, former head of the country's economic and financial crimes agency, as his national security adviser, while Major General Christopher Musa, who led the military's counter-insurgency efforts until last year, takes over as chief of defence staff, replacing Lucky Irabor.

The West African country has been grappling with a spike in criminal activity, including jihadist insurgencies, terrorism, and ransom kidnappings, sparking persistent calls on the government to tackle the situation.

President Tinubu assured Nigerians during his inaugural speech on May 29 that security would be his government's top priority, saying that neither prosperity nor justice can thrive in the presence of insecurity and violence.

Aside from the security sector reshuffle, the president has also dissolved the boards of federal government institutions, agencies, and state-owned enterprises. The boards of the judicial council, the electoral commission, and the police service are among those unaffected by the changes.


VIDEOVideo: Obama on NigeriaDecides 2023, ‘leaders, violent has no place in democratic elections’

Published 4 months ago

b. 21, 2023

As the 2023 general elections in Nigeria draw closer, former United States President, Barack Obama congratulated the country on fighting for political independence, fighting off a military incursion into civil government amidst other commendable fits.

He urged Nigerians to vote for credible leaders and asked political leadership to discourage electoral violence as according to him ” Violent has no place in democratic elections”


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8b888c No.65395

File: f5f5d072e521179⋯.png (1.35 MB,1600x1066,800:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040310 (202052ZJUN23) Notable: Navy, TRANSCOM Supporting Search for Submersible Missing After Dive to Titanic Wreck

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Navy, TRANSCOM Supporting Search for Submersible Missing After Dive to Titanic Wreck - USNI News


Navy, TRANSCOM Supporting Search for Submersible Missing After Dive to Titanic Wreck

The Navy and U.S. Transportation Command are sending salvage equipment to help find a submersible that went missing while trying to travel to the wreck of RMS Titanic, the Coast Guard announced Tuesday.

The U.S. Coast Guard set up a unified command Monday that brings together the U.S. and Canadian coast guards, the U.S. Navy and the Canadian armed forces to coordinate rescue efforts. The unified command is working with the U.S. Navy and TRANSCOM to determine which naval assets to send, Capt. Jamie Frederick said during a First Coast Guard District news conference Monday.

“This is a complex search effort, which requires the use of subject matter expertise and specialized equipment,” Frederick said. “While the U.S. Coast Guard has assumed the role of search and rescue mission coordinator, we do not have all of the necessary expertise and equipment required in a search of this nature. The unified command brings that expertise and additional capability together to maximize effort in solving this very complex problem.”

The Navy is sending a Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System, as well as subject matter experts, the sea service said in a Tuesday afternoon statement.

The Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System is a “motion compensated lift system designed to provide reliable deep ocean lifting capacity for the recovery of large, bulky, and heavy undersea objects such as aircraft or small vessels,” according to the statement.

The Navy previously used the salvage system to recover an F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter that crashed into the South China Sea after a ramp strike on USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), USNI News previously reported. The Navy was able to recover the aircraft from 12,400 feet.

Both the salvage system and subject experts are expected to arrive at St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada, tonight.

Canadian Coast Guard and Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft have been part of the surface search. RCAF C-140 Aurora anti-submarine warfare aircraft have dropped sonobuoys in an effort to search below the surface for Titan and the five aboard.

MV Deep Energy, a 194-meter pipe laying vessel that has remotely operated vehicle capabilities, arrived Tuesday to help with the search, Frederick said. The vessel started an ROV dive with operations ongoing.

The Titan submersible, operated and built by company OceanGate Exploration, departed Friday from St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada aboard former Canadian Coast Guard ice breaker MV Polar Prince. On Sunday, Titan attempted to reach the wreck in the late afternoon and was reported missing about an hour and 45 minutes into the dive by the team aboard Polar Prince.

The crew included a pilot with OceanGate and four passengers the company refers to as “mission specialists,” who paid a $250,000 fee to descend on Titan to survey the wreck as part of an eight-day expedition.

It’s not clear how much air is left in the submersible, Frederick said, but the estimate is about 40 hours.

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8b888c No.65396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040339 (202056ZJUN23) Notable: OMG video - BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ - https://youtu.be/WOhAgYonAY4

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BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ Undercover Footage

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040347 (202057ZJUN23)

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let's make it official.


need notes, baker for current bread.

UPDATED DOUGH once again:


PB notetaker OUT

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65398

File: f840c56b42ad88f⋯.jpeg (61.2 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040348 (202057ZJUN23) Notable: Let NATO fight, Russia is prepared

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20 Jun, 2023 20:38

Let NATO fight, Russia is prepared – Lavrov

The Western bloc has committed to fighting Russia in Ukraine, the foreign minister said

Russia is prepared for NATO to continue to fight in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday. Several days earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg rejected any moves to “freeze” the conflict, despite mounting Ukrainian losses.

In an interview with Germany’s Welt am Sonntag published on Sunday, Stoltenberg declared that “peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting a deal that is dictated by Russia.” Stoltenberg added that “only Ukraine can define the conditions that are acceptable,”an explicit endorsement of Kiev’s vow to drive Russian forces back to pre-conflict borders and seize the Russian territory of Crimea.

“If NATO, through the mouth of Stoltenberg, once again declares that theyare against freezing, as they say, the conflict in Ukraine, then they want to fight,” Lavrov told a press conference. “Well, let them fight, we are ready for this,we have long understood the goals of NATO in the situation around Ukraine, which have been formed for many years.”

Officials in Moscow have long accused the US and itsNATO allies of arming Ukraine and using the country to instigate conflictwith Russia. Russian President Vladimr Putin has described the conflict as pitting his forces against “the entire Western military machine,”and Lavrov echoed this sentiment on Tuesday, stating that the West’s continued arms shipments to Kiev show that theWest is “a direct participant in the hybrid war declared against Russia, and indeed the hot war.”

While Lavrov claimed thatsome Western leaders are beginning to “sober up” about the nature of the conflict, Kiev has demanded that the weapons keep flowing. “Nothing will be enough, however much they send, because if there is no victory, that means it was not enough,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview on Monday.

With Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive faltering against a “well-prepared” Russian defense, Stoltenberg told reporters on Monday thatNATO states would soon send equipment to help Ukrainian troops clear Russian minefields. He did not say, however, what kind of equipment would be sent, or which members would provide it.

Last month, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the TASS news agency that Moscow was “in solidarity” with the West about the fact that the conflict cannot be “frozen.” He said theonly option that Moscow is currently considering is “completing the special military operation”or demilitarizing Ukraine and securing its neutrality by force.


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8b888c No.65399

File: ee9528f4bdd3d4d⋯.png (47.9 KB,585x355,117:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dc200d5ec5fcbc⋯.png (308.48 KB,840x2434,420:1217,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a5c2fafb1738df⋯.png (56.63 KB,840x586,420:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 9454da772e9120e⋯.png (68.72 KB,840x718,420:359,Clipboard.png)

File: c4f04a18fdc5de0⋯.png (62.13 KB,840x542,420:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040404 (202106ZJUN23) Notable: DJT misspelled angles and said angELs instead.

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DJT misspelled angles and said angELs instead.


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8b888c No.65400

File: d6b4b254b0a3ffd⋯.png (298.5 KB,527x624,527:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040419 (202107ZJUN23) Notable: Jenna Ellis: Why is Hunter getting preferential treatment??

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This is literally still up on Justice’s main page on the pretrial diversion program.

Why is Hunter getting preferential treatment??



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8b888c No.65401

File: 60f7e760cd724a0⋯.png (302.15 KB,558x500,279:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040445 (202111ZJUN23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy: Plea Deal Means DOJ Can No Longer Withhold Information on Hunter Biden

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Speaker McCarthy: Plea Deal Means DOJ Can No Longer Withhold Information on Hunter Biden

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Tuesday that the plea deal announced for Hunter Biden should mean that the Justice Department “should not be able to withhold” any documents from Congress in its investigations into President Joe Biden and his son, citing a “pending” investigation.

He told reporters:

My first reaction is it continues to show the two-tiered system in America. If you are the President’s leading political opponent, the DOJ tries to literally put you in jail and give you prison time. If you are the president’s son, you get a sweetheart deal.

Now, this does nothing to our investigation, and it actually should enhance our investigation because the DOJ should not be able to withhold any information now, saying that there’s a pending investigation. They should be able to provide Chairman Comer with any information that he requires.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) also pledged the committee would continue its investigations into the Bidens in his own statement Tuesday.

“Hunter Biden is getting away with a slap on the wrist when growing evidence uncovered by the House Oversight Committee reveals the Bidens engaged in a pattern of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery. These charges against Hunter Biden and sweetheart plea deal have no impact on the Oversight Committee’s investigation,” he said.

“We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes are revealed,” he added.


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8b888c No.65402

File: 25d1c58a1499444⋯.png (296.47 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040565 (202126ZJUN23) Notable: LA Times: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy

Back in the dawn of the Trump era — just prior to his 2017 inauguration — the line of would-be suck-ups queuing up for face time with the president-elect included a man with a distinguished name.

He was Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scion of one of the leading families of Democratic Party politics. What brought him together with Trump was their shared interest in the anti-vaccination movement.

At least Kennedy, who had been an anti-vaccine crusader for well more than a decade and was pushing a long-discredited claim that the MMR vaccine caused autism, thought so. He announced upon emerging from the meeting that Trump had asked him to chair a commission “on vaccine safety and scientific integrity.”

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8b888c No.65403

File: b8c6dea5485e025⋯.mp4 (9.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 300fda95ffe6877⋯.png (334.67 KB,756x749,108:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040591 (202130ZJUN23) Notable: OMG video - BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ - https://youtu.be/WOhAgYonAY4

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O’Keefe Media Group

BREAKING: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ While Spilling Info on Asset Giant #BlackRockExposed

James O'Keefe

5:05 PM · Jun 20, 2023


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8b888c No.65404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040652 (202137ZJUN23) Notable: #23381

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==twice baked=


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8b888c No.65405

File: f5d4382d6445cee⋯.png (294.21 KB,547x431,547:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040686 (202142ZJUN23) Notable: Biden says "I'm very proud of my son" as his handlers rush the media out of the room.

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Biden says "I'm very proud of my son" as his handlers rush the media out of the room.


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8b888c No.65406

File: b12bad3a3f05287⋯.jpg (92 KB,720x757,720:757,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc11216f4ea06c5⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,634x360,317:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040711 (202144ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon announces 'accounting error' provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine

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Pentagon announces 'accounting error' provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine


You gotta be shittin me

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8b888c No.65407

File: 8f67ab29afbae5d⋯.png (5.59 MB,1667x3812,1667:3812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040716 (202145ZJUN23) Notable: America First Legal Reacts to Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart DOJ Plea Deal

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June 20, 2023

America First Legal Reacts to Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart DOJ Plea Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty in a federal income tax and gun case.

According to Fox News, Hunter “will plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax. Hunter Biden also agreed to enter into a pretrial diversion agreement regarding a separate charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.” This sweetheart deal, seemingly designed to protect Joe Biden and his family’s influence-peddling business with, among others, the Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian oligarchs, is a diversion from the Bidens’ potentially historic bribery scheme.

Since its inception, America First Legal (AFL) has fought to protect equal justice and the rule of law. This is why AFL sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for illegally concealing records from Joe Biden’s time as Vice President and exposed devastating facts:

▶ Hunter Biden advised then-Vice President Biden on China and Africa and had unrestricted access to the Obama White House.

▶ There is substantial evidence that Hunter’s personal business activities comingled with Joe Biden’s official business as early as Biden’s first year as Vice President.

▶ There was a close working relationship between Vice President Biden’s office, his son’s business partners at Rosemont Seneca, and the mainstream media.

▶ There is substantial evidence linking Joe Biden to Hunter’s payments from Ukraine.

▶ Hunter Biden should have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Even the Obama Administration had concerns about Biden’s Burisma entanglements.

The Department of Justice’s sham plea deal with the Biden family is simply another illustration that the justice system has been weaponized to protect those who are part of the governing regime and imprison those who are viewed as enemies of the political left:

▶ While the federal bureaucracy has launched an all-out “holy war” against former President Trump and his allies, it is working overtime to protect Joe Biden and his family, just as it did for Hillary Clinton when it turned a blind eye to the corruption of the Clinton Global Initiative, Hillary’s illegal private email server, and her staff’s destruction of reams of emails and physical evidence to obstruct a lawful Congressional investigation.

▶ Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, was sentenced to 43 months in prison for an alleged tax violation, which could easily have led to death in prison at his age.

▶ None of the Deep State government officials who lied to Congress about the Russia collusion hoax have been prosecuted.

▶ The FBI sent a swat team to arrest a peaceful pro-life protestor for a “crime” that local authorities did not believe occurred while standing by as pro-abortion activists attacked churches and pro-family groups nationwide.

▶ The Biden Administration launched the largest investigative and prosecutorial effort in American history targeting January 6 protestors, while those who rioted, burned, and looted during the summer of 2020 were praised and given unprecedented leniency.

The left’s ongoing assault on our Constitution, the ruling elite’s systemic corruption, and the Deep State’s double standards and contempt for equal justice under the law, undermine public faith in our government, erode our nation’s stability, and endanger every citizen. America First Legal will continue to fight for the American people, to expose Biden’s corruption, and to hold the Washington elites accountable. ...


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8b888c No.65408

File: ad1bc99225dbb88⋯.jpeg (716.97 KB,1161x1836,43:68,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040760 (202152ZJUN23) Notable: PF GTMO844 up

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GTMO844 up https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae06e9

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8b888c No.65409

File: 802eb707940be56⋯.png (94.07 KB,1205x578,1205:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040828 (202203ZJUN23) Notable: This is why Trump 'had' to 'lose' the 2020 election.

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This is why Trump 'had' to 'lose' the 2020 election.

If he won, and TRUE JUSTICE occurred, with the arrests, and hangings/prison for the treason conspirators, that would have included many of who would have been Presidential candidates against Trump as POTUS for 2024, and YOU CAN BE GUARANTEED that the lying hypocritical pieces of shit Fake News, and the entire Demokkkrat Party, would have screamed and yelled 'Trump is weaponizing government! Fascism! Go out in the streets and BURN EVERYTHING, RIOT, REVOLT!'.

The world had to SEE the truth about the globalist cult.


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8b888c No.65410

File: a5759ad87d48c25⋯.png (301.67 KB,535x597,535:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040831 (202204ZJUN23) Notable: @BlackRock Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

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BREAKING: @BlackRock Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

“It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president”

“You got $10K? You can buy a senator"

“War is real f***ing good for business” #BlackRockExposed


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8b888c No.65411

File: 60b36200f95a8e5⋯.png (15.52 KB,603x172,603:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040849 (202207ZJUN23) Notable: Former CNN producer John Griffin sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing 9-year-old girl

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Former CNN producer John Griffin sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing 9-year-old girl


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8b888c No.65412

File: dfc28b765dea36f⋯.png (395.74 KB,595x660,119:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040873 (202210ZJUN23) Notable: @BlackRock Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

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James O'Keefe


BREAKING: @BlackRock

Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

“It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president”

“You got $10K? You can buy a senator"

“War is real f***ing good for business” #BlackRockExposed

4:12 / 11:38

10:02 AM · Jun 20, 2023




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8b888c No.65413

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040892 (202212ZJUN23) Notable: What to know about the 5 passengers on the missing Titanic sub

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What to know about the 5 passengers on the missing Titanic sub

By Aimee Picchi, Updated on: June 20, 2023 / 5:48 PM / MoneyWatch

...OceanGate billed the trip as an opportunity to "become one of the few to see the Titanic with your own eyes."

The company said the fee for securing a seat on the vessel was $250,000, according to its website. The trip wasn't billed as mere tourism, however, with OceanGate noting that each of its dives has a scientific purpose. ...

Here's what to know about the passengers on the vessel.

Hamish Harding, chairman of Action Aviation

Harding is the ‘’’chairman of a company called Action Aviation, which sells aircraft to Fortune 100 companies, international corporations, heads of state and people in the entertainment and sports industries’’’, according to its website. The British businessman is referred to as a billionaire in the British press, but Forbes magazine noted that he's not included on its list of the world's richest people.

Aside from his business, Harding is known for his exploits as an adventurer. He holds several records with the Guinness Book of World Records, including "fastest circumnavigation of Earth via both the geographic poles" by airplane, which he and a team accomplished in 2019 in a little over 46 hours.

Harding also was ‘’’one of six people on Jeff Bezos-owned Blue Origin's mission last June, when they flew to the edge of space.’’’

Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman Dawood

Shahzada Dawood, 48, is the ‘’’vice chairman of Dawood Hercules, an investment and holding company based in Karachi, Pakistan.’’’

Dawood Hercules is part of the Dawood Group, a family business for more than a century, according to his biography at the SETI Institute, where he also serves on the board. Dawood is heir to one of Pakistan's largest family fortunes according to the New York Times.

British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, who are two of the five people on board a small submersible vessel that went missing on June 18, 2023, as it dived toward the wreckage of the Titanic in the North Atlantic.

Dawood is a resident of the U.K. with his wife and two children, Suleman and daughter Alina, the SETI Institute noted. He also is an "ardent animal lover" and has a masters degree in global textile marketing from Philadelphia University in the U.S. and a law degree from Buckingham University in the U.K.

Suleman Dawood is 19 years old, …

Paul-Henri Nargeolet, "Titanic's Greatest Explorer"

Nargeolet is known as a Titanic expert, according to the OceanGate website. He's led six expeditions to the ship's wreckage site and is known as "Titanic's Greatest Explorer," the company said.

He's also the ‘’’director of underwater research’’’ for RMS Titanic, an American company that owns the salvage rights to the wreck and operates exhibits featuring artifacts from the ship. …

Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate

Rush is the ‘’’CEO of the company running the expedition’’’.

When he was 19, Rush was the youngest person to become a jet transport-rated pilot when he earned a DC-8 Type/Captain's rating at the United Airlines Jet Training Institute, according to his biography at OceanGate.

Rush earned a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from Princeton University in 1984 and an MBA from the Berkeley Haas School of Business in 1989. In 2009, Rush founded OceanGate, where he oversees the company's financial and engineering strategies, according to the company.


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8b888c No.65414

File: ad86a43328328f3⋯.png (240.44 KB,760x628,190:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040932 (202218ZJUN23) Notable: Former CNN producer John Griffin sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing 9-year-old girl

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Notable - anon remembers he paid to have sex with a mother and her daughter who was obviously 9 years old - time for justice prison style, hope he gets raped by a gang of nigga;s

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8b888c No.65415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040945 (202220ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon announces 'accounting error' provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine

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Click to copy

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Pentagon accounting error provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid

A Ukrainian self propelled artillery of 30th brigade fires towards Russian position in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

1 of 3

A Ukrainian self propelled artillery of 30th brigade fires towards Russian position in Donetsk region, Ukraine, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon said Tuesday that it overestimated the value of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine by $6.2 billion over the past two years — about double early estimates — resulting in a surplus that will be used for future security packages.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said a detailed review of the accounting error found that the military services used replacement costs rather than the book value of equipment that was pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine. She said final calculations show there was an error of $3.6 billion in the current fiscal year and $2.6 billion in the 2022 fiscal year, which ended last Sept. 30.

As a result, the department now has additional money in its coffers to use to support Ukraine as it pursues its counteroffensive against Russia. And it come as the fiscal year is wrapping up and congressional funding was beginning to dwindle.


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8b888c No.65416

File: 277be3e3ad97d60⋯.png (934.39 KB,1176x1128,49:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19040969 (202223ZJUN23) Notable: House Oversight Chair @RepJamesComer tells @CBS_Herridge he plans to call David Weiss, U.S. Attorney in Delaware, to Capitol Hill, “I would expect the US Attorney to testify in front of the House of Representatives very soon….”

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House Oversight Chair @RepJamesComer

tells @CBS_Herridge he plans to call David Weiss, U.S. Attorney in Delaware, to Capitol Hill, “I would expect the US Attorney to testify in front of the House of Representatives very soon….” and


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8b888c No.65417

File: 25a939135af4367⋯.png (2.61 MB,1800x1472,225:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b179cc09aab0c5⋯.png (1.8 MB,1800x1404,50:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041023 (202230ZJUN23) Notable: The Justice Wrecking Ball Crew

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Cartoon published 06/20/2023

The Justice Wrecking Ball Crew

Breaking News: Hunter Biden Biden will plead guilty to willful failure to pay federal income tax. He will enter a “pretrial diversion program” regarding his gun crime, indicating that he will face no jail time. A slap on the wrist by our two tier justice system as President Trump faces 100 years in prison in trumped up document hoax.

The FBI continues to destroy justice in America. They are the strong arm of the Democrat Marxist Party. The FBI is becoming the old KGB.

FBI agents were infiltrators, directors, and participates during the January 6 protest at the Capitol—only the FBI calls it a riot and ‘insurrection.’ They set up and arrested as many protestors as they could, whether they were at the Capitol building or not. They used an obvious ‘glowie,’ Ray Epps to lure protestors into the Capitol dome, thus entrapping them. They continue to round up people such as Stewart Rhodes, the leader of ‘Oath Keepers,’ and use Democrat judges to mete out ridiculously long prison sentences based on little or no evidence.

Christopher Wray refused to hand over to Congress a non-classified document that proves Joe Biden took bribes and sold out his country. Wray only relented when threatened with contempt of Congress charges and impeachment. We know the FBI hid Hunter Biden’s laptop evidence to help his father win the presidential election. The FBI influences elections by suppressing and banning conservative voices on Twitter and Facebook. They lied to judges in order to obtain warrants and permission to spy on Trump and his campaign. The FBI will not turn over the manifesto written by the trans-male girl, Audrey Hale, who murdered people at a Christian school in Tennessee. The FBI covered up information about Seth Rich and will not release that, either. For some reason the FBI now gets to control free speech and access to information by real journalists (the corporate media as long been compromised—they are propagandists, not journalists).

The US security agencies are unaccountable. They are allowed to do what they want.

Cutting off funding to the FBI is a solution, but it’s doubtful anyone in Congress will have the gumption to do that. Sure, they will complain mightily as did Senator Ted Cruz when he questioned Paul Abbate, the deputy FBI director. Abbate stonewalled Cruz at every turn and would not answer questions, yet he was not arrested for contempt of Congress. Someone needs to do more than complain about the FBI. It may be hopeless to cut off funding to the CIA—they probably make their cash from the globalists and by means of drug dealing, but the FBI can be shut down by cutting off their funding. Congress won’t do it. Instead, we will continue to hear complaints only.

It’s time to dismantle the FBI before it completely dismantles us.

— Ben Garrison


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8b888c No.65418

File: 3cb8cbdc2921210⋯.png (272.34 KB,476x393,476:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041033 (202232ZJUN23) Notable: People line up to hear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on “Peace and Diplomacy" at @SaintAnselm College in Manchester, NH

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Timcast News


People line up to hear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on “Peace and Diplomacy" at


College in Manchester, NH


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8b888c No.65419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041036 (202233ZJUN23) Notable: Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas’ Ban on Gender Transition Procedures For Minors

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Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas’ Ban on Gender Transition Procedures For Minors

A radical Obama appointed judge struck down an Arkansas law that banned so-called ‘gender-affirming’ hormone treatment and surgery (mutilation) for minors.

US District Judge Jay Moody issued a permanent injunction against the Arkansas law on Tuesday.

Recall, former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson in 2021 vetoed HB 1570, which banned gender transition procedures for minors.


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8b888c No.65420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041073 (202237ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: They never show the pictures of the actual rally [January 6th] where I made the speech. All they do is show the Capital, with maybe a thousand people.

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President Trump: They never show the pictures of the actual rally [January 6th] where I made the speech. All they do is show the Capital, with maybe a thousand people. It was the largest crowd that I've ever spoken before, and some people say it was way over a million people.

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8b888c No.65421

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041101 (202241ZJUN23) Notable: DNV Strengthens Cyber Security Offering with Nixu Acquisition

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I wonder what Marketfags would think of this...

DNV Strengthens Cyber Security Offering with Nixu Acquisition

Mike Schuler June 20, 2023

International classification society and risk management firm DNV has announced plans to acquire Helsinki-headquartered cyber security firm Nixu.

Under the agreement, DNV will acquire over 93% of Nixu’s shares and move to acquire the remaining shares before delisting Nixu from the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange. DNV has already initiated a public tender offer for the remaining shares.

DNV says the deal is valued 98 million euros (~$107 million) and will create one of Europe’s fastest-growing cyber security businesses with a team of more than 500 cyber security experts.

The new cyber security services business will provide a market-leading portfolio of consulting and services to manage cyber risks and build resilience across multiple industries, from energy and maritime to telecommunications and financial services. The deal will also combine the two companies’ cyber security certification businesses.

DNV’s President and CEO Remi Eriksen said the companies will work together to make cyberspace more secure and manage emerging risks for over 100,000 customers and their supply chains.

“In this decade of transformations, fulfilling our purpose of safeguarding life, property, and the environment is no longer restricted to managing risk for physical systems – it must now cover many distributed and interlinked cyber-physical systems,” Eriksen said.

The acquisition comes amid the ever-growing cyber threat on maritime assets and critical infrastructure. DNV itself fell victim to a cyber attack earlier this year when its fleet management software fell victim to a ransomware attack, impacting some 1,000 vessels.

Nixu CEO Teemu Salmi will lead the new business, which will include experts from DNV, Nixu and Applied Risk, an industrial cyber security specialist acquired by DNV in 2021. The combined business will operate across Europe, including in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, and Romania.

“This is an exciting time. With more than 500 cyber security professionals and expertise across multiple disciplines, we are creating a leading European cyber security services business. We have the scale to bring even greater value to our customers and be an exceptional place to work for cyber security professionals,” said Teemu Salmi, CEO, Nixu.

DNV said its focus will be on achieving rapid organic growth, as well as pursuing strategic acquisitions and partnerships on a global scale.

DNV has initiated a subsequent tender offer period for Nixu shares, with a deadline of 16:00 EET on June 26, 2023.


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8b888c No.65422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041228 (202307ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP INTERVIEW WITH BRETT BAIER

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Note: This is the first 32 minutes of the interview from the19th June 2023. two links below - youtube and bitchute.






Donald J. Trump 🇺🇸 speaks out following indictment ❗

Fox News’ Bret Baier discusses highlights of his interview with former President Donald J. Trump 🇺🇸 on ‘The Story’

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8b888c No.65423

File: f204f498fe2b4d1⋯.png (235.94 KB,599x552,599:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041360 (202328ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released

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#OTD in 1975, JAWS was released. Millions of people would learn about the ordeal of the sailors of USS Indianapolis from Quint's monologue. After the Indy was sunk, the crew had to endure exposure, dehydration and shark attacks. Only 316 of the crew of 1,195 survived.


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8b888c No.65424

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041371 (202331ZJUN23) Notable: Morning Joe goes off about the faithful supporting Trump

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OMG Morning Joe goes off about the faithful supporting Trump, and talks about his evangelical background and he tries every day, but he falls down and gets up again. He’s talking with another faith republican, how all these faithful including Catholics have welcomed the devil Trump in. They should be condemning him, like Joe and Mika are doing because they are so committed to their faith. Too bad Joe killed his assistant he could have have been more of a lunatic on this video.Just imagine Joe and Mika being devoted to faith in God, yikesJoe and his buddy go on for six minutes calling the flock home to their god!

8 hours ago

Bannon: “Blessed Is MAGA For It Will Save the Republic”

9:50 minutes

Joe’s voice drives me crazy, I had to fast forward it, Mika chimed in for one second because thats how much faith she had growing up!


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8b888c No.65425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041376 (202332ZJUN23) Notable: Parts of Broward County under quarantine after return of invasive (giant) African land snail./ROFLMAO

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Comms? Broward County (again):

"Snail hunters" and "snail canines" hunting invasive, giant snails that can carry parasitical "rat" lungworms. One of the "most damaging" snails "in the world." They've been eradicated 2x before in Broward County over the last 50 years. When found, they are "gathered up," "bagged," and "disposed of" with "bait" left for others.

Parts of Broward County under quarantine after return of invasive (giant) African land snail.

The snailscarrythe parasiterat lungworm, known to cause meningitis in humans.

Ryan Mackey, Digital Journalist

Published: June 20, 2023 at 10:25 AM

Updated: June 20, 2023 at 6:50 PM

Tags: Miramar, Broward County, Wild Florida, African land snail

full article:

BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Parts of Broward County are under quarantine after the return of the invasive African land snail.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ordered parts of Broward County to quarantine Tuesday after the snails were found in the Miramar area.

The snails pose a serious health risk to humans by carrying the parasite rat lungworm, known to cause meningitis in humans.

Officials said as treatment begins, the FDACS will continue to use the same treatment methodology for this pest, which is a metaldehyde-based molluscicide (snail bait) and is approved for residential use.

According to a U.S. Department of Agriculture news release, the African land snail isone of the most damaging snails in the worldbecause it consumes at least 500 types of plants and produces about 1,200 eggs in a single year.

It’s been eradicated twice in Florida within the past 50 years.

Local 10 News spoke with Moreen Hamilton who lives in the ‘Escar-no-go zone.’

“The only thing I saw here is just the iguanas,” she said.

Hamilton lives on Southwest 24th Court in Miramar where the Florida Department of Agriculture has been busy over the past few days.

“They brought a piece of paper stating that if we had ever seen any of those snails, we could just call them,” she said.

Local 10 News also spoke with Dr. William Kern, an entomologist with the University of Florida.

“Withany invasive species, if youfind it early, you may be able tocontrol it or eliminate it,” he said.

The snails were detected in the area, earlier this month.

“The primary danger is that they’re voracious plant eaters, so they can do an awful lot of damage to both landscapes and to agriculture,” said Kern. “If the snails crawl on uncooked vegetables, you can have a problem with it getting a human infection.”

Its why Kern says state inspectors are going yard-to-yard, within the quarantine zone.

“They literally just look and when they find them, theygather them up, bag them up to be disposed of, and they will treat those yards with thebait,” he said.

Officials say there’sno way to know how many African land snails are out there,but residents that live in the quarantined are hoping to never encounter them.

According to officials, it’s illegal to move plants, plant parts, yard waste, soil and building materials within and out of the defined quarantine zone without a signed compliance agreement.

Owners of a veggie or fruit garden are being urged to wash them thoroughly before eating and of course, if you see these giant African land snails, call state officials.

Click here to view the quarantine and treatment areas.

Inspectors, snail hunters and snail caninesare expected to continuesearchingfor the snailsthroughout Broward County for the next few weeks.

All publicly available information on giant African land snails and the current quarantine can be found at FDACS.gov/GALS.

Copyright 2023 by WPLG Local10.com - All rights reserved.

About the Author:

Ryan Mackey is our newest digital journalist at WPLG. He is New York born and South Florida raised.


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8b888c No.65426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041390 (202334ZJUN23) Notable: #23381

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#23381 >>65404

>>65405 Biden says "I'm very proud of my son" as his handlers rush the media out of the room.

>>65406, >>65415 Pentagon announces 'accounting error' provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine

>>65407 America First Legal Reacts to Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart DOJ Plea Deal

>>65408 PF GTMO844 up

>>65409 This is why Trump 'had' to 'lose' the 2020 election.

>>65410, >>65412 @BlackRock Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

>>65411, >>65414 Former CNN producer John Griffin sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing 9-year-old girl

>>65413 What to know about the 5 passengers on the missing Titanic sub

>>65416 House Oversight Chair @RepJamesComer tells @CBS_Herridge he plans to call David Weiss, U.S. Attorney in Delaware, to Capitol Hill, “I would expect the US Attorney to testify in front of the House of Representatives very soon….”

>>65417 The Justice Wrecking Ball Crew

>>65418 People line up to hear Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on “Peace and Diplomacy" at @SaintAnselm College in Manchester, NH

>>65419 Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas’ Ban on Gender Transition Procedures For Minors

>>65420 President Trump: They never show the pictures of the actual rally [January 6th] where I made the speech. All they do is show the Capital, with maybe a thousand people.

>>65421 DNV Strengthens Cyber Security Offering with Nixu Acquisition


>>65423 #OTD in 1975, JAWS was released

>>65424 Morning Joe goes off about the faithful supporting Trump

>>65425 Parts of Broward County under quarantine after return of invasive (giant) African land snail./ROFLMAO


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8b888c No.65427

File: dfc28b765dea36f⋯.png (395.74 KB,595x660,119:132,Clipboard.png)

File: bf1eea9e32e19b9⋯.png (1.45 MB,790x1200,79:120,Clipboard.png)

File: be1271871ecc996⋯.png (483.02 KB,669x532,669:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041410 (202337ZJUN23) Notable: #23382

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65428

File: 4480d87d1955fc5⋯.png (2.98 MB,789x6233,789:6233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041464 (202347ZJUN23) Notable: 2021 Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson

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DATED: JUNE 29, 2021

Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson

On May 6, Dr. Peter Hotez, often cited in the news media as an expert on vaccine safety, tweeted a fabricated claim about me. He falsely stated that I had endorsed an article on my website that encouraged people to go on the attack against him and compared him to "Mengele."

I had never even seen such an article, let alone "endorsed" it on my website or anywhere else.

Hotez then used the supposed attacks against him as the basis to go on a media tour claiming that "anti-vaxxers" and white supremacists were threatening his safety.

After being contacted by my attorney, Hotez has publicly acknowledged his mistake:


FULL CAP attached


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8b888c No.65429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041469 (202349ZJUN23) Notable: RFKJr Live

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From Dark to Light...

Live Now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041479 (202350ZJUN23) Notable: June 21 at 9:00 AM Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Live in 13 hours

June 21 at 9:00 AM

Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

House Judiciary GOP

42 waiting Scheduled for Jun 21, 2023

Learn more at http://republicans-judiciary.house.gov

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JudiciaryGOP

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/JudiciaryGOP


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8b888c No.65431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041489 (202352ZJUN23) Notable: #23380

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22380 >>65364

>>65365 United demands access to employees' private convos w/pastors in vaccine mandate lawsuit

>>65366 The United States Armed Forces have tasked several Cyber units to look up "mean & slanderous" posts about current and former American military officers up in the high command

>>65367 POtato Participates in a Meeting on AI with "Civil Society" Leaders

>>65369, >>65377, >>65381 More Hotez BS

>>65336 lb, >>65370 on Frontline video on Ginni & Clarence Thomas

>>65371 FOIA'd document on Barr memo to Rosenstein

>>65372. >>65373 IMF says they're working hard on a global CBDC

>>65374, >>65376, >>65379 Tucker Ep. 5 bun

>>65378 Ukrainian counteroffensive to end in weeks – Russian MP

>>65380 Russian soldier collects $13,000 reward for destroying German tank

>>65382 Donald Trump: Defiant former president says US is 'going to hell' - Sky News

>>65383 Federal Prosecutor Derek Hines Linked to Controversial Deal Involving Hunter Biden

>>65384 Bitcoin Surges After New Cryptocurrency Exchange Backed By Citadel, Fidelity And Schwab Starts Operations

>>65385 AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals

>>65386 100 Envelopes with White Powder Sent to Kansas Republican Lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

>>65387 YouTube stream shutdown on John Eastman law license proceeding. Only Zoom available?

>>65388 Eight questions that were not fully addressed in the report that House lawmakers are likely to ask this week

>>65389 The UN's iVerify System Is Here

>>65391 Musk has confirmed Twitter will submit to the European Union’s online censorship regime

>>65393, >>65390 Hunter Biden, baby mama Lunden Roberts settle child support dispute with first son’s payments slashed

>>65394 Nigerian president sacks security chiefs

>>65395 Navy, TRANSCOM Supporting Search for Submersible Missing After Dive to Titanic Wreck

>>65396, >>65403 OMG video - BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ - https://youtu.be/WOhAgYonAY4

>>65398 Let NATO fight, Russia is prepared

>>65399 DJT misspelled angles and said angELs instead.

>>65400 Jenna Ellis: Why is Hunter getting preferential treatment??

>>65401 Speaker McCarthy: Plea Deal Means DOJ Can No Longer Withhold Information on Hunter Biden

>>65402 LA Times: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65432

File: 5128069cc35ab39⋯.png (101.8 KB,740x490,74:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041509 (202354ZJUN23) Notable: 2021 Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson

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Lou Dobbs Retweeted

Sharyl Attkisson 🕵️‍♂️💼🥋

A reminder about the dishonesty of Dr. Peter Hotez.

Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson


UPDATE: Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson | Sharyl...

10:35 PM · Jun 19, 2023


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8b888c No.65433

File: ef2c78ee9bfce2b⋯.png (19.05 KB,590x214,295:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041528 (202359ZJUN23) Notable: A federal court permanently blocked an Arkansas law that would have banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth

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BREAKING: A federal court permanently blocked an Arkansas law that would have banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth, finding the law violates the constitutional rights of transgender youth, their parents, and their medical providers.


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8b888c No.65434

File: 1c601a4ea0014f5⋯.jpg (78.36 KB,720x559,720:559,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fdd53396e60e95f⋯.jpg (127.69 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041551 (210002ZJUN23) Notable: Children with dynamite attempt to blow-up packed grocery store

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#Philadelphia #Breaking

Children with dynamite attempt to blow-up packed grocery store

This should be the top story, this could've killed scores of people...

@ATFPhiladelphia @FBIPhiladelphia

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8b888c No.65435

File: 12fd5608b0a5066⋯.png (278.49 KB,615x827,615:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041593 (210007ZJUN23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII We’re installing a dead man’s switch so that all the footage launches just in case.

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See new Tweets


James O'Keefe




BREAKING: @BlackRock

Recruiter Who “Decides People’s Fate” Spills Info on Company’s World Impact

“It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president”

“You got $10K? You can buy a senator"

“War is real f***ing good for business” #BlackRockExposed

Occam’s Razor




No way this is real! He would be suicided before he hit record

You Retweeted

James O'Keefe


We’re installing a dead man’s switch so that all the footage launches just in case.

11:40 AM · Jun 20, 2023




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8b888c No.65436

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041627 (210012ZJUN23) Notable: 2/3rds of Voters Believe U.S. Helped Cover-Up CCP COVID Plot, Biden Corruption Polled

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2/3rds of Voters Believe U.S. Helped Cover-Up CCP COVID Plot, Biden Corruption Polled

11:11 minutes

China is our biggest enemy!And the of majority voters know Fauci was/is tied to China with the Covid virus that killed millions.

Even independents are aligning with republicanswhich is unheard of==!

Trump is ahead of Bidan by 20% with independents, a couple of months ago Bidan was only down by 8%.

Trump Is picking up major Independent support, the worm has turned anons, this is what we’ve been waiting for. To wake up independents is HUGE


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8b888c No.65437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041643 (210015ZJUN23) Notable: anon notes for 23380

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>>65365 united-airlines-demands-access-to-employees-private-conversations-with-pastors-in-vaccine-mandate-lawsuit/

>>>/qresearch/19039922 hunter-biden-appears-court-child-support-deposition-arkansas

>>>/qresearch/19039933 This is exactly why I am suing Robert Malone and his conspirators



>>>/qresearch/19039963 hundreds of millions of views on Tuckers twitters vids. incredible

>>>/qresearch/19039943 NanoFerritin for sale…

>>65369 Anti-science conspiracies pose new threats to US biomedicine in 2023

>>65371 I found this FOIA'd document on Barr memo to Rosenstein on how Mueller was trying to push obstruction on President Trump and demand his deposition.

>>65372, >>65373 Stress test on the 28th

>>>/qresearch/19040026 spitballin at pm's. dead cat bounce lines up with next monday

>>>/qresearch/19040057 Q Proof?

>>65376 >Tucker Carlson Ep. 5

>>65377 BREAKING: Respected scientists announce a mass exodus from Twitter

>>>/qresearch/19040119 Davie Attenborough "shoot him"

>>65378 Ukrainian counteroffensive to end in weeks – Russian MP

>>>/qresearch/19040152 The narrative is now pushing a battle between the 4th of July and Juneteenth

>>65383 Federal Prosecutor Derek Hines Linked to Controversial Deal Involving Hunter Biden, Which Raises Potential Conflict of Interest

>>65384 Bitcoin Surges After New Cryptocurrency Exchange Backed By Citadel, Fidelity And Schwab Starts Operations

>>65386 Developing: 100 Envelopes with White Powder Sent to Kansas Republican Lawmakers, President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

>>65389 The iVerify System Is Here

>>>/qresearch/19040304 Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and an NBC News reporter had a tense interview published Monday

>>65394 Nigerian president sacks security chiefs

>>65395 Navy, TRANSCOM Supporting Search for Submersible Missing After Dive to Titanic Wreck

>>65396 BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ Undercover Footage

>>65398 Let NATO fight, Russia is prepared – Lavrov

>>>/qresearch/19040365 pedo hollywood victim speaks

>>65400 Why is Hunter getting preferential treatment??

>>65401 Speaker McCarthy: Plea Deal Means DOJ Can No Longer Withhold Information on Hunter Biden

>>>/qresearch/19040517 The Storm Before The Storm The beginning of the end of the Roman Republic Mike Duncan

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65438

File: 8c32e9ad2026708⋯.png (40.96 KB,1225x284,1225:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041657 (210017ZJUN23) Notable: Disney-owned ABC News profiles child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'

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Disney-owned ABC News profiles child identifying

as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a

girl person'

Fox News, by Jeffrey Clark

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/20/2023 4:01:55 PM

ABC News, a company owned by Disney, published a sympathetic profile about parents in Texas who claim their child came out as transgendered at age 3. "When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I'm a girl person,’ a parent told ABC News in a story published Sunday. It was National Daughters Day "and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story, told ABC News. The child is now 7 years old and was referred to as Elsa, a character from the Disney movie "Frozen," in the piece. Her parents "asked that she be referred

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8b888c No.65439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041660 (210017ZJUN23) Notable: FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

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Canada #44 >>>/qresearch/19032656

FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

by Jim Hoft Jun. 19, 2023

Dr. Peter Hotez is making headlines this week for refusing to debate author and attorney Robert Kennedy, Jr. on the effectiveness of the COVID19 vaccines.

Rather than accept the challenge Hotez has lashed out at Robert Kennedy Jr. and Joe Rogan who has invited RFK Jr. on his show several times.

Hotez is running from accountability.

On Sunday night Hotez actually said, “Science is not something that is typically debated.”

The Gateway Pundit first reported on Dr. Hotez in late December 2021. In our report by Dr. Lawrence Sellin, we noted that Dr. Hotez was the recipient of a grant from Dr. Fauci for $1 million a year. But Dr. Hotez wasn’t alone.

One of the two other Principal Investigators on the project is Shibo Jiang, who lists two affiliations related to grant R01AI098775:

Laboratory of Viral Immunology, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute, New York Blood Center, New York, NY, USA

Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of Ministries of Education and Health, Shanghai Medical College and Institute of Medical Microbiology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

Shibo Jiang’s connections with China’s People’s Liberation Army have been exhaustively detailed in Gateway Pundit articles, here, here and here.

We also noted:

With Shibo Jiang as the conduit, Fauci’s R01AI098775 grant funneled U.S. taxpayer money to support the research of multiple Chinese scientists with connections to the People’s Liberation Army.

Two of the publications arising from grant number R01AI098775 are worth noting, both dealing with coronaviruses and, strangely, in neither of which the Project Leader Peter Hotez participated.

That is, both studies were entirely designed and conducted by Chinese scientists.

Dr. Hotez isn’t just a charlatan, he’s also the recipient of millions from Dr. Fauci that was shared with the PLA. Maybe that should be debated?


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8b888c No.65440

File: 2f665d8a3e317b0⋯.png (2.37 MB,1902x929,1902:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041675 (210020ZJUN23) Notable: China 'is in advanced talks to build new military training facility in Cuba'

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China 'is in advanced talks to build new

military training facility in Cuba', triggering

alarm among White House officials at prospect

of Xi's troops stationed just 100 miles

off Florida

Daily Mail (UK), by Keith Griffith

Posted By: Dreadnought, 6/20/2023 12:23:25 PM

China is in talks to build a joint military training facility in Cuba, triggering alarm in the Biden administration at the prospect of Chinese troops within 100 miles of Florida's coast, according to a new report. Discussions are at an advanced stage but are not yet final, and the Biden administration has contacted Havana in an attempt to head off the deal, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing current and former US officials. The officials said the plans were revealed in highly classified new US intelligence, which they said is being interpreted with varying levels of alarm by analysts and policymakers.

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8b888c No.65441

File: d3427e6df1ae733⋯.png (174.51 KB,492x421,492:421,Clipboard.png)

File: e4368497a14cc74⋯.png (117.28 KB,876x889,876:889,Clipboard.png)

File: d039d793bc0b554⋯.png (115.17 KB,631x887,631:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041703 (210024ZJUN23) Notable: New York Federal Reserve Currency Swaps EURO/Dollar with European Central Bank YTD: $9,516,400,000

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>>65316 pb EU preparing $55 billion bailout for Kiev

New York Federal Reserve Currency Swaps EURO/Dollar with European Central Bank YTD: $9,516,400,000

While they are preparing to give Z another yuge chunk of digital munee the ECB still gets it's (on avg) about $435m each week via the NYFRB Currency Swap desk. Last weeks ($287.5m) was much smaller than the avg. and these were at abrounf $200m each week all last year as well-they doubled them starting this year

Central Bank Liquidity Swap Operations

These swap facilities are designed to improve liquidity conditions in global money markets and to minimize the risk that strains abroad could spread to U.S. markets, by providing foreign central banks with the capacity to deliver U.S. dollar funding to institutions in their jurisdictions. The New York Fed undertakes certain small value transactions from time to time for the purpose of testing operational readiness. The results of the central bank liquidity swap operations and small value exercises of the central bank liquidity swap lines are published on a weekly basis when conducted.


Caps 2-3 are larger version of Cap#1

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8b888c No.65442

File: 3acf1c96f66f9f7⋯.png (171.78 KB,379x685,379:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041713 (210025ZJUN23) Notable: Medics fear COVID vaccine link to cricketer Shane Warne's sudden death

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Medics fear COVID vaccine link to cricketer Shane Warne's sudden death

“The post-mortem findings for Warne, 52, revealed coronary atherosclerosis or heart disease. They said their research shows that a COVID mRNA vaccine can cause a rapid acceleration of coronary disease, especially in those that may already have undetected mild heart disease.”



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8b888c No.65443

File: e64635e23e871d4⋯.jpeg (313.4 KB,1170x921,390:307,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041721 (210026ZJUN23) Notable: Durham addressed Crossfire Hurrican and FBI misconduct in private Intel hearing

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8b888c No.65444

File: 13ef7b116a54b2f⋯.png (226.2 KB,594x608,297:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041737 (210028ZJUN23) Notable: Bill Barr's son-in-law was a Treasury Department official responsible for "reviewing foreign investments in U.S. businesses for national security risks."

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Natalie Winters


Bill Barr's son-in-law was a Treasury Department official responsible for "reviewing foreign investments in U.S. businesses for national security risks."


2:44 AM · Jun 20, 2023




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8b888c No.65445

File: 4e658748946e62f⋯.png (456.1 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041741 (210029ZJUN23) Notable: I have NEVER heard a judge jump in so many times, taking over the questioning of the Dr. Eastman from the California State Bar attorney

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Listened (lawfag) to parts of the 1st day of legal license-revocation hearing of former president Trump’s attorney, John Eastman.

I have NEVER heard a judge jump in so many times, taking over the questioning of the Dr. Eastman from the California State Bar attorney, interrupting the witness, interrupting the Bar attorney, imposing her own objections to the witness' statements, challenging the witness over and over – e.g., when he was qualifying his answer so as to avoid violating attorney-client privilege (telling him he cannot answer the question he wished had been asked, when that was not what he was doing), restating the Bar attorney's questions by "admittedly paraphrasing" the questions into “better” questions (for one side - hint: not Eastman's).

It is shocking. Not subtle at all.

Maybe license revocation / disciplinary hearings are more lax than a superior, appellate or Supreme Court in California but I would expect the rules of evidence and procedure still apply, as would, I would expect, the rules and codes of ethical conduct and non-partisanship for "triers of fact" - in this case, the judge.

Bar Court Judge Yvette D. Roland

She also excluded key evidence, expert testimony, sought to be introduced in the coming days by Eastman (when ruling earlier in the day on motions in limine).

For his part, Dr. Eastman was a consummate pro. Nothing seemed to phase him. He was consistent, explained the what-why-and how his challenges to the 2020 election were lawful, dropped a lot of red pills, were one to be listening for them. No doubt many more red pills in the reported 100,000 pages of documents in the case.



[Eastman's] attorney Randall A. Miller said the hearing against the former dean “ispart of a nationwide effort to use the bar discipline process to penalize attorneys who opposed the current administration in the last presidential election. Americans of both political parties should be troubled by this politicization of our nation’s state bars.”


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8b888c No.65446

File: c4ef2fb9b4d2b2a⋯.png (112.77 KB,600x505,120:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041766 (210032ZJUN23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII We’re installing a dead man’s switch so that all the footage launches just in case.

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O’Keefe Media Group


OOPS: BlackRock Recruiter Serge Varlay has DELETED his LinkedIn!

Before After



10:40 AM · Jun 20, 2023




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8b888c No.65447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041791 (210036ZJUN23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII We’re installing a dead man’s switch so that all the footage launches just in case.

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O’Keefe Drops Biggest Story Yet: BlackRock Recruiter Spills Info on Company’s World Impact – “You Got $10K? You Can Buy a Senator” (VIDEO)

James O’Keefe and O’Keefe Media Group on Tuesday dropped their biggest story yet.

OMG released footage of a BlackRock recruiter Serge Varlay spilling the beans on the company’s world impact.

BlackRock is one of the largest (manages $20 trillion) and most powerful (and dangerous) asset and investment managers in the world.

Serge Varlay said BlackRock doesn’t want to be in the news and they don’t want people talking about them.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations – Here Is One Way To Do It

“It’s not who the president is- it’s who’s controlling the wallet of the president,” BlackRock recruiter Serge Varlay told an undercover journalist.

Serge Varlay said all the financial institutions – hedge funds, BlackRock, the banks – buy politicians – and US Senators are the cheapest.

“These guys run the world,” Varlay said.

“Campaign financing. Yup, you can buy your candidates. Obviously we have a system in place. First, there’s the senators. These guys are f*cking cheap,” he said.

“You got $10 grand? You can buy a senator,” he added.

“War is real f*cking good for business,” Varlay said as he elaborated how Ukraine is good for business.


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8b888c No.65448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041806 (210038ZJUN23) Notable: Comer fumes after FBI heavily redacts docs related to alleged Biden bribery scandal

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Comer fumes after FBI heavily redacts docs related to alleged Biden bribery scandal

"The FBI must provide unredacted copies of these records and answers about what investigative actions were taken to verify these serious bribery allegations against President Biden," he demanded.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer on Tuesday raged against the FBI for heavily redacting two key documents related to an alleged bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national.

Comer on Tuesday reviewed two form FD-1023 documents related to an earlier such document detailing the scheme in which Biden allegedly pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor investigating gas company Burisma, of which his son Hunter sat on the board, in exchange for $5 million paid to two members of the now-first family.

A form FD-1023 records allegations from the bureau's confidential human sources. The original June 30, 2020 form details conversations one such source had with a foreign national who claimed to have bribed Biden. 

"Today the FBI brought two unclassified FD-1023 forms that were heavily redacted to a secure facility to be reviewed," Comer stated in a press release. "What is the FBI hiding from Congress? Americans have lost confidence in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and the FBI’s secrecy shows that they aren’t interested in regaining their trust."

"The FBI must provide unredacted copies of these records and answers about what investigative actions were taken to verify these serious bribery allegations against President Biden," he demanded.

Comer and the committee previously issued a subpoena to the FBI for the original FD-1023, though the bureau dragged its feet, forcing the Kentucky Republican to initiate contempt proceedings against Director Christopher Wray. The bureau ultimately relented, in part, permitting committee members to review the document in a secure location.


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8b888c No.65449

File: a4a7e4c754ea8d2⋯.png (156.04 KB,380x609,380:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041849 (210043ZJUN23) Notable: June 21 at 9:00 AM Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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John Durham will meet with the House Intelligence Committee tomorrow afternoon behind closed doors at 3:00 pm ET.

Then he will publicly testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday at 9:00 am ET 🍿


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8b888c No.65450

File: a028a777e70d8e1⋯.png (406.32 KB,584x351,584:351,Clipboard.png)

File: ad69e9a9e02399f⋯.png (184.75 KB,1285x831,1285:831,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c31f3f926dc30c⋯.png (26.12 KB,627x405,209:135,Clipboard.png)

File: f025dea3d4e1b63⋯.png (27.25 KB,627x408,209:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041866 (210046ZJUN23) Notable: O.C.C. Precious Metals Derivatives increased by $90B from Q4 '22 to Q1 '23

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O.C.C. Precious Metals Derivatives increased by $90B from Q4 '22 to Q1 '23

As mentioned yesterday JP Moran is jacked to the tits in OTC derivatives by adding over $10T in one qtr so let's head over to the Precious Metals area of that report and we will find a large increase in that area as well-the orange portion of that graph represent short term contracts (all under 1 year) so these have to be rolled over or held to maturity in taht time frame. You'll also see an increase in the 1-5 year ranger as well.

Page 44


Now what clouds all this is that starting in January 2022 Gold was taken out of the FOREX (currency) bucket of this report and placed into Precious Metals (see yellow highlight in cap 2-they even announced it in 2020 and has been exhaustively covered in here) so they knew exactly what was gong to be habbening starting in 2022 and all of that goes back to the byzantine lease/swap deal between Bank of America and JP Morgan (of 1.2B ozs of phyzz) that began shortly after JP Moran settled it's Silver Manipulation charges with the D.O/.J under s adeferred prosecution agreement ((that they have already vilated by trading in it's house account on the COMEX) so we'll see if they extend that as it is due to run out in Sept of this year.

You can see what they did to both Metals basically on the NYMEX open-today (that action is not reflected in the OCC data that is COMEX by prescient nonetheless.)

The data for both these trades will be out in the middle of the night and they probably dumped about 400m ozs (in paper) on Ag to get that done today



>>65154 pb Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-"jacked to the tits" adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

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8b888c No.65451

File: f6d985dff9bbfb2⋯.png (259.12 KB,680x511,680:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041900 (210052ZJUN23) Notable: Refresher: Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

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Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a major Republican donor, first hired the research firm that months later produced for Democrats the salacious dossier describing ties between Donald J. Trump and the Russian government, the website said on Friday.

The Free Beacon, funded in large part by the New York hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer, hired the firm, Fusion GPS, in 2015 to unearth damaging information about several Republican presidential candidates, including Mr. Trump. But The Free Beacon told the firm to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee had begun paying Fusion GPS in April for research that eventually became the basis for the dossier.

The Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee on Friday that it had retained the firm. That committee is one of a number of congressional committees investigating Russian attempts to disrupt the 2016 election and whether there was any collusion with Mr. Trump’s associates.

The role of the website answers one of the lingering mysteries behind the events leading up to the production of the dossier and its publication by BuzzFeed in January.

It has long been known that Fusion GPS was first hired by Republicans, but it was not known who was the source of the funding. This week, Mr. Trump and his allies seized on the fact that Democrats had paid the firm for the research as evidence that the dossier was part of a political smear campaign.

Mr. Trump said on Wednesday that it was a “disgrace” that Democrats had funded the dossier, calling it “a very sad commentary on politics in this country.”

At the heart of the story is Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm founded by former Wall Street Journal employees. Little is known about the firm’s list of clients, and Republicans in Congress have pressed the firm and one of its founders, Glenn Simpson, to hand over documents about the funding and research that produced the dossier.

The Free Beacon’s editor, Matthew Continetti, and its chairman, Michael Goldfarb, said in a statement that the website was not involved in the dossier.

“All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to The Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that The Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier,” they said. “The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele.”

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee retained Fusion GPS to research any possible connections between Mr. Trump, his businesses, his campaign team and Russia, court filings revealed this week. Working for them, the firm retained Christopher Steele, a respected former British intelligence officer.

He went on to produce a series of memos that alleged a broad conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to influence the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Mr. Trump. The memos, which became known as the “Steele dossier,” also contained unsubstantiated accounts of encounters between Mr. Trump and Russian prostitutes, as well as real estate deals that were intended as bribes.

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8b888c No.65452

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041902 (210052ZJUN23) Notable: Refresher: Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

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Speculation had circulated for months that Mr. Singer was involved in the dossier, but his allies had denied that. On Friday, an associate said Mr. Singer had not been aware of the dossier or Mr. Steele’s involvement in Fusion GPS’s research until January, when BuzzFeed published the dossier.

Mr. Singer was among the leading Republican critics of Mr. Trump during the Republican presidential primary race. Even after Mr. Singer’s first choice, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, dropped out of the race, Mr. Singer continued to fund efforts to block Mr. Trump from the party’s nomination.

The revelation of The Free Beacon’s involvement with Fusion GPS threatens a rapprochement between Mr. Trump and Mr. Singer, who donated $1 million to the president’s inaugural fund and has visited the White House on multiple occasions. After one such visit, Mr. Trump declared that Mr. Singer “was very much involved with the anti-Trump or, as they say, ‘Never Trump,’ and Paul just left, and he’s given us his total support and it’s all about unification.”

Josh Levy, a lawyer representing Fusion GPS, said questions about who funded Mr. Steele’s work should be secondary to its credibility.

The Free Beacon has a history of employing so-called opposition research firms to assist in news articles critical of targets like Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton. In their statement, Mr. Continetti and Mr. Goldfarb said that “we stand by our reporting, and we do not apologize for our methods.”

Investigators working with several congressional committees and the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, have delved into Mr. Steele’s work as part of inquiries into connections between Russia and Mr. Trump and his associates, including whether they conspired to influence last year’s election.

The Free Beacon’s notification to the House Intelligence Committee came a few days before a deadline set by a federal judge for Fusion GPS’s bank to respond to a subpoena issued by the committee for financial records that could have revealed who funded the dossier.

Fusion GPS had filed a motion to block the subpoena on the grounds that it would “irreparably damage” the company’s business and also “chill” its free speech rights and those of “many others engaging in opposition research on political candidates.”

In a telephone conference with representatives for Fusion GPS, the committee and the bank, the judge hearing the case said that Fusion GPS’s clients have “the expectation of confidentiality.” But the judge added that it was “not to say that the congressional committee doesn’t have interests that may trump those expectations of confidentiality.”

The firm’s connection to Democrats was revealed in a letter this week from Matthew J. Gehringer, the general counsel of the law firm Perkins Coie. The letter said that Fusion GPS had already been conducting the research “for one or more other clients during the Republican primary contest,” and urged the earlier clients to waive their confidentiality “given the interest in this issue.”

Perkins Coie was paid $12.4 million to represent the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 race, according to campaign finance filings, though most of that money probably went to legal compliance.

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8b888c No.65453

File: 7d401993e3cb126⋯.png (15.19 KB,603x169,603:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041961 (210100ZJUN23) Notable: Disney chief diversity officer Latondra Newton has stepped down after six years

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Disney chief diversity officer Latondra Newton has stepped down after six years: Variety reports


We still keeping track of resignations?

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8b888c No.65454

File: 8efea11a661efa7⋯.png (41.71 KB,1017x352,1017:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19041998 (210105ZJUN23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

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Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

Actor Jim Caviezel joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday evening.

Caviezel, who is most famous for his role of Jesus in The Passion of Christ, went on the War Room to promote his upcoming film “Sound of Freedom” by Angel Studios. The film is based on a true story that exposes the darkness of child trafficking.

** You can purchase your tickets here for an exclusive showing on July 4th in theaters across America.

Caviezel worked with several former federal agents and 30 Navy SEALS while filming in Colombia.

During the interview, Jim Caviezel implicated several US agencies in child sex trafficking and worse.

Steve Bannon: Do you believe that that’s part of the senior government apparatus just does not want to touch this? They profit off it. They don’t mind if it happens. I mean, why would DHS when when they’re in charge and like you said, there’s five drug agents to every one human trafficking agent… It’s my opinion I don’t know what Jim’s opinion is, but it’s definitely my opinion that this is something they don’t want to solve…

Jim Caviezel: …You might have 14 people in the room and they all want you, but two have big enough voices where they can shut down those twelve. And so right now, I don’t think it was smart for Bud Light to somebody woke up in the morning and said, “Hey, let’s put this transgender on our beer can.” Okay? And then Target is looking going, “Wow, look at all the billions they’re losing. We got to do this, too.” Obviously, something’s going on, right?… The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. What monastery are they from?…

Let’s go back to Ms. Rodas. She comes out and says, 85,000 children are missing. That’s damn near a Rose Bowl stadium. And I think it’s a lot more than that. After I talked to Tim and many of them, they were saying, Jim, these are small numbers. Okay, fine. But that’s not newsworthy the next day. Like, you don’t want to pick that up? And then I started noticing that’s a tell. But it’s a huge tell. It’s over and over. Every time something trafficking comes out, next day, nothing. Nobody wants to talk about this story. Nothing. But I went through this on The Passion of the Christ. Yes. I was told every day that this…

This is the most important film. This is why movies were supposed to be made. This is why I wanted to become an actor. I wanted to do things to bring the light on evil. And this is a perfect good versus evil film…

But while we were doing this, I had a really great team around me (in Colombia) But all of a sudden, they disappeared. They saved 200 children in the middle of this whole thing,

Steve Bannon: Tim’s team was working the film down there. Those guys go out and they save they saved 200 children while we were down there. This is the power of this movie… Okay, go to angel.com/WarRoom to get your tickets. You got to take your friends on 4 July… Look, you’ve got all these other issues – about harvesting and all this apparatus. You say the alphabet agencies are here are involved somehow. You’re meeting with people. You want hearings, you want investigations, you want whistleblowers, you want everybody to start coming…


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8b888c No.65455

File: 48320ef30b2b17b⋯.png (156.8 KB,375x531,125:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042022 (210109ZJUN23) Notable: More Than Just Sex Trafficking: Epstein Influence Peddling Revealed in New Court Filing

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More Than Just Sex Trafficking: Epstein Influence Peddling Revealed in New Court Filing – Bankers, Royals, Politicians and Businessmen in His Web of Contacts – Musk Reacts To Recent Documents


read + comment + share ⭐️

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8b888c No.65456

File: 88bff84b58e90a7⋯.png (365.85 KB,534x633,178:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042040 (210111ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1970, USS Tautog (SSN-639) collided with Soviet sub K-108. Chunks of K-108's screw became embedded in Tautog's sail

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#OTD in 1970, USS Tautog (SSN-639) collided with Soviet sub K-108. Chunks of K-108's screw became embedded in Tautog's sail. The U.S. was convinced that K-108 had been sunk in the accident, but later learned that the sub managed to return to port. The incident was kept secret.


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8b888c No.65457

File: 65d04da2ebea605⋯.png (315.97 KB,731x415,731:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042055 (210113ZJUN23) Notable: PF AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs departed Dallas Love Field after muh abortion

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AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs departed Dallas Love Field after muh abortion

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65458

File: 3d3ad18476c59fa⋯.png (170.02 KB,386x628,193:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042097 (210119ZJUN23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

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Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, he says there are multiple Epstein Islands run by intelligence agencies/governments, he once again calls out the Rothschilds, and says the conspiracy theory of nazis in Ukraine happened to turn out to be true.

"The adrenochrome empire. It is a chemical compound. It is an elite drug that they've used for many years. It's ten times more potent than heroine. It has some mystical qualities as far as making you look younger...

The agents that I've spoken to: Barrels of oil (body parts) are being sent to biolabs.

Who is NATO? Who is the UN? Who are the Central Banks? The Rothschilds banks.

Epstein Island isn't the only sex island out there. In this film they do a raid and the lady that ran that (island) wasn't in prison. You've got a lot of agencies involved in this."

Highlights of his interview. 👀

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8b888c No.65459

File: 37f83fba6952dc6⋯.png (282.79 KB,674x417,674:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042107 (210120ZJUN23) Notable: PF AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs departed Dallas Love Field after muh abortion

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can't say that I have since its civil as don't spend too much time on that

But since you mention it ..just left Trenton-Mercer Airport

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8b888c No.65460

File: 883f80ebd03db18⋯.png (136.4 KB,385x315,11:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042120 (210122ZJUN23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

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Interview Jim Caviezel part 1

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8b888c No.65461

File: 1e08fb8cbd96932⋯.png (201.16 KB,386x311,386:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042127 (210123ZJUN23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

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Interview Jim Caviezel part 2

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042147 (210125ZJUN23) Notable: #23382

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#23382 >>65427

>>65428, >>65432 2021 Dr. Peter Hotez admits he fabricated false attack against Sharyl Attkisson

>>65429 RFKJr Live

>>65430, >>65449 June 21 at 9:00 AM Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

>>65433 A federal court permanently blocked an Arkansas law that would have banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth

>>65434 Children with dynamite attempt to blow-up packed grocery store

>>65435, >>65446, >>65447 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re installing a dead man’s switch so that all the footage launches just in case.

>>65436 2/3rds of Voters Believe U.S. Helped Cover-Up CCP COVID Plot, Biden Corruption Polled

>>65437 anon notes for 23380

>>65438 Disney-owned ABC News profiles child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'

>>65439 FLASHBACK: As TGP Previously Reported, Dr. Peter Hotez Received Millions of Dollars from Dr. Tony Fauci in Same Grant that Funded Chinese Communist Regime Scientists

>>65440 China 'is in advanced talks to build new military training facility in Cuba'

>>65441 New York Federal Reserve Currency Swaps EURO/Dollar with European Central Bank YTD: $9,516,400,000

>>65442 Medics fear COVID vaccine link to cricketer Shane Warne's sudden death

>>65443 Durham addressed Crossfire Hurrican and FBI misconduct in private Intel hearing

>>65444 Bill Barr's son-in-law was a Treasury Department official responsible for "reviewing foreign investments in U.S. businesses for national security risks."

>>65445 I have NEVER heard a judge jump in so many times, taking over the questioning of the Dr. Eastman from the California State Bar attorney

>>65448 Comer fumes after FBI heavily redacts docs related to alleged Biden bribery scandal

>>65450 O.C.C. Precious Metals Derivatives increased by $90B from Q4 '22 to Q1 '23

>>65451, >>65452 Refresher: Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

>>65453 Disney chief diversity officer Latondra Newton has stepped down after six years

>>65454, >>65458, >>65460, >>65461 Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse

>>65455 More Than Just Sex Trafficking: Epstein Influence Peddling Revealed in New Court Filing

>>65456 #OTD in 1970, USS Tautog (SSN-639) collided with Soviet sub K-108. Chunks of K-108's screw became embedded in Tautog's sail

>>65457, >>65459 PF AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs departed Dallas Love Field after muh abortion


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8b888c No.65463

File: a4dfdeae8d412d3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c8830978a8ae7b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dc5757ed0197d0⋯.jpeg (246.84 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042193 (210129ZJUN23)

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Baker taps

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8b888c No.65464

File: 6a604168896729e⋯.png (175.22 KB,594x584,297:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042218 (210133ZJUN23) Notable: Massive Police Response To Reported Shooting at Walmart In Lenoir City, Tennessee

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DEVELOPING: Massive Police Response To Reported Shooting at Walmart In Lenoir City, Tennessee



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8b888c No.65465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042230 (210134ZJUN23) Notable: Congress prepares to unseal testimony, evidence from IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden case

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Congress prepares to unseal testimony, evidence from IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden case

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith scheduled Thursday morning closed door meeting to vote out evidence to public.

The House Ways and Means Committee took final steps Tuesday to release to the public as early as this week the testimony and evidence from an IRS whistleblower who alleges the Justice Department gave favorable treatment to Hunter Biden and engaged in political interference in the criminal tax case against the first son.

Committee Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., scheduled an executive session for 8 a.m. Thursday where lawmakers are expected to vote to free the whistleblower evidence and testimony of IRS supervisory criminal agent Gary Shapley from the 6103 privacy requirements that normally shield Americans' tax information from public disclosure.

The development came just hours after U.S. Attorney David Weiss in Delaware announced in a court filing that Hunter Biden has struck a deal to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of willfully failing to pay taxes and to enter a probation program that could eliminate a third charge, a felony, accusing him of lying on a gun application.

You can read the notice here.



The vote by the GOP-led committee will allow the evidence Shapley provided in six hours of testimony last month as well as 23 pages of evidence from the Hunter Biden tax probe to be released to the public.

Sources familiar with Shapley's testimony told Just the News that he turned over seven documents totaling 23 pages that summarized the evidence and predicate for the original investigation into the taxes and overseas finances of President Joe Biden's son.

The memos also summarized multiple instances dating to 2020 in which DOJ officials thwarted, hampered or interfered with the frontline career investigators’ efforts – ranging from blocking certain tactics to allowing tolling agreements to expire that extended the statute of limitations on certain alleged offenses. Shapley described IRS and FBI agents being concerned by the interference, the sources said.


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8b888c No.65466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042254 (210137ZJUN23) Notable: Border Patrol Has Already Nabbed 127 Illegal Migrants On The Terror Watchlist This Fiscal Year, Up Nearly 30% From 2022

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Border Patrol Has Already Nabbed 127 Illegal Migrants On The Terror Watchlist This Fiscal Year, Up Nearly 30% From 2022

Border Patrol arrested 127 illegal migrants whose names appeared on the terror watchlist between October 2022 and May, a nearly 30% increase from all of fiscal year 2022, according to updated U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

Border agents captured 27 migrants in April alone, when the Trump-era expulsion order known as Title 42 ended, whose names were on the terror watchlist, according to the data, which CBP updated Tuesday. Border Patrol encountered three migrants whose names appeared on the watchlist in fiscal year 2019, three in fiscal year 2020 and 15 in fiscal year 2021 and 98 in fiscal year 2022.

“Encounters of watchlisted individuals at our borders are very uncommon, underscoring the critical work CBP Agents and Officers carry out every day on the frontlines. DHS works tirelessly to secure our borders through a combination of highly trained personnel, ground and aerial monitoring systems, and robust intelligence and information sharing networks,” CBP says on its website of such watchlist arrests.

Out of the 127 individuals on the watchlist nabbed by Border Patrol, 125 were arrested at the southern border with Mexico. Border Patrol captured the two others at the northern border with Canada.

In fiscal year 2022, the number of illegal immigrants considered to be of “special interest” to authorities due to their countries of origin posing potential risks to national security, increased by nearly 600% to 25,627, according to internal CBP data previously obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Anybody that doesn’t think that serious threats to this country are sneaking in right now is naïve,” former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott previously told the DCNF at the time of the “special interest” migrant apprehensions.


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8b888c No.65467

File: e8c92652f160ff1⋯.png (1.87 MB,1843x1377,1843:1377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042263 (210138ZJUN23) Notable: Plural: Mind control in a pretty package with a bow.

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Go to the "experts" and fall deeper into their trap.

Mind control in a pretty package with a bow.



Power to the Plurals


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8b888c No.65468

File: 5af4689651cfc94⋯.png (207.79 KB,494x398,247:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 72debff4fd5fd58⋯.png (282.03 KB,858x793,66:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042313 (210145ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error", Clearing More Aid For Ukraine

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Pentagon Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error", Clearing More Aid For Ukraine

How could this possibly happen?

Due to a massive accounting error, which happened just four weeks after a $3 billion accounting error, the value of weapons supplied to Ukraine by the United States was overstated by $6.2 billion over the past two years, according to AP.

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that a detailed review of the accounting error found that replacement costs were recorded for the equipment, not the actual book value of items pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine, adding that final calculations reveal a $3.6 billion error in the current fiscal year, and $2.6 billion in the 2022 FY, which ended last Sept. 30.


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8b888c No.65469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042320 (210146ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error", Clearing More Aid For Ukraine

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who is their accountant

bernie made off

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8b888c No.65470

File: f34e1907497cacf⋯.png (324.9 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042323 (210147ZJUN23) Notable: John Griffin,, Disgraced former CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex crimes

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Disgraced former CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex crimes

John Griffin, 45, confessed to coercing a woman online into bringing her nine-year-old daughter to Ludlow, Vermont for illicit sexual acts.

Former CNN producer John Griffin has been sentenced to 19 years in prison on Tuesday for committing child sex crimes in Vermont.

John Griffin, 45, confessed to coercing a woman online into bringing her nine-year-old daughter to Ludlow, Vermont for illicit sexual acts, according to Breaking 911.

The US Attorney's Office for the District of Vermont charged Griffin with three counts of using a facility of interstate commerce to attempt to entice minors to engage in unlawful sexual activity in 2021, however, Griffin entered into a plea agreement in December and the government dropped two additional charges of enticing a minor after he confessed his crimes.

A criminal complaint filed in the state of Nevada against a mother accused of pimping her 9-year-old daughter out to CNN's John Griffin revealed that authorities arrested the mother in August 2020 and seized Griffin's devices the following month.

This means that law enforcement allegedly knew about Griffin's abuse for more than a year before his arrest.

According to court documents, federal investigators seized computer storage media, devices, phones, cameras, MicroSD cards, images, and video from Griffin on Sept. 2, 2020.

The indictment alleged that Griffin lured a mother and her underage daughter to his home for the purposes of sexual abuse in July 2020. From April to July 2020, Griffin used online messaging systems such as Kik and Google Hangouts to reach out to parents with underage daughters.

Griffin is also alleged to have attempted to "entice two other children over the internet to engage in sexual activity," and tried to engage a mother and her 14-year-old daughter in a "virtual training session" where he would instruct them to take off their clothes and touch each other per his wishes.

Griffin also was said to have attempted luring another mother and her 16-year-old daughter to take a "little mother daughter trip" to his Vermont property so that he could engage in "sexual training" with the teen.

Griffin was a producer for CNN's senior political analyst John Avlon before he was arrested by the FBI in December 2021 following charges filed by a federal grand jury in Vermont.


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8b888c No.65471

File: 68b1782e935acda⋯.png (34.95 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042335 (210148ZJUN23) Notable: Blackrock pushing pedos, evil fuglys (Cap 0;47)

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8b888c No.65472

File: 116350025f35568⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042352 (210150ZJUN23) Notable: Blackrock pushing pedos, evil fuglys (Cap 0;47)

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We asked members of our employee Out and Allies Network to share their thoughts on the importance of #PrideMonth and how to support #LGBTQ+ colleagues throughout the year.

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8b888c No.65473

File: eed8571e945037c⋯.png (580.44 KB,861x722,861:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042372 (210153ZJUN23) Notable: Schumann 6/20/23 with definitive "E"

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Schumann 6/20/23 with definitive "E"

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8b888c No.65474

File: b8c6dea5485e025⋯.mp4 (9.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042377 (210153ZJUN23) Notable: OMG: BlackRock Recruiter(Cap 11:38)

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BlackRock Recruiter

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8b888c No.65475

File: e5636b65253a485⋯.mp4 (9.21 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042382 (210154ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, has mystical properties (Cap 2:57) AZOF battalion

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Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, he says there are multiple Epstein Islands run by intelligence agencies/governments, he once again calls out the Rothschilds, and says the conspiracy theory of nazis in Ukraine happened to turn out to be true.

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8b888c No.65476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042408 (210158ZJUN23) Notable: United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts

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Jewish Created and Owned, and BOOMER MINION APPROVED United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts

Jews and boomers jerk off all over each other as they destroy every last vestige of privacy.

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8b888c No.65477

File: b8c6dea5485e025⋯.mp4 (9.52 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c769382968d5ade⋯.png (712.7 KB,828x721,828:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042447 (210207ZJUN23) Notable: OKeefe Media Group Presents: Blackrock et al. :America For Sale

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OKeefe Media Group Presents: Blackrock et al. :America For Sale


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8b888c No.65478

File: bc846c66a6c126a⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB,480x640,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042474 (210211ZJUN23) Notable: WEF Financial Warfare Racketeering (Cap 2:46)

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WEF Financial Warfare Racketeering


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8b888c No.65479

File: d261c8413912c86⋯.png (2.39 MB,4007x1080,4007:1080,Clipboard.png)

File: d5ee8d744a6e5a6⋯.png (1.64 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c9df0be13da6517⋯.png (1.56 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cafc8021c2022c⋯.png (1.19 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042479 (210212ZJUN23) Notable: A trio of images highlight BepiColombo’s third Mercury flyby

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A trio of images highlight BepiColombo’s third Mercury flyby

June 20, 2023

The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission has made its third of six gravity assist flybys at Mercury, snapping images of a newly named impact crater as well as tectonic and volcanic curiosities as it adjusts its trajectory for entering Mercury orbit in 2025.


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8b888c No.65480

File: 1ab299097396aed⋯.png (774.91 KB,1043x695,1043:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042498 (210214ZJUN23) Notable: BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink (light blue shirt) is in regular contact with Zelensky to ensure it and JP Morgan control the rebuilding of Ukraine after the conclusion of hostilities with Russia.

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BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink (light blue shirt) is in regular contact with Zelensky to ensure it and JP Morgan control the rebuilding of Ukraine after the conclusion of hostilities with Russia.

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8b888c No.65481

File: e7b08897ce85272⋯.png (557.18 KB,917x618,917:618,Clipboard.png)

File: c30fb2146dd4708⋯.png (124.63 KB,275x307,275:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042500 (210214ZJUN23) Notable: Both AF2 and SAM2A made a stop at Love Field on the way home to DC.

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Both AF2 and SAM2A made a stop at Love Field on the way home to DC.

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8b888c No.65482

File: 75669ffe844fbe2⋯.png (95.62 KB,1080x558,60:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042512 (210215ZJUN23) Notable: Who are the 7 owners of BlackRock? BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson

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Who are the 7 owners of BlackRock?

BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson

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8b888c No.65483

File: 312c5e5a7abb5bf⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,828x468,23:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042520 (210216ZJUN23) Notable: missing titanic sub $250,000 per passenger?

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$250,000 per passenger?

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8b888c No.65484

File: 9f59f616e82c523⋯.jpg (382.76 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042544 (210219ZJUN23) Notable: missing titanic sub Fishy shit, Connects with NASA fuckery, Ask Buzz, Terramar project

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Fishy shit

Connects with NASA fuckery

Ask Buzz


The five people aboard a missing submersible that toured the ruins of the Titanic include a space-traveling British billionaire, one of Pakistan’s wealthiest men

and a retired commander in the French navy

who led the first expedition to the site of the “unsinkable” ship.

Airplane sales executive and Guinness World Records holder Hamish Harding, 58, is among the missing, according to family members and social media posts made by the British billionaire.

Harding had previously flown to space on a Blue Origin mission, accompanied former astronaut

Buzz Aldrin

to the South Pole and was on a flight mission that visited both of the Earth’s poles in record time.

Also aboard the five-person vessel were Shanzada Dawood, 48, and his son Sulaiman, 19, according to family members.

Dawood is vice chairman of the Pakistani energy manufacturing and tech conglomerate Engro Corporation and sits on the Global Advisory Board for King Charles’ charity, Prince’s Trust International

He is also a trustee of California-based research institute SETI, whose website states that he lives in the UK with Sulaiman and his wife and daughter.

Experienced deep diver Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77, is also aboard the vessel.

Nargeolet led the first expedition to the Titanic wreckage in 1987 after retiring from the French navy, where he served as a commander.

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8b888c No.65485

File: 5e8468426d7c62f⋯.png (1.45 MB,1041x942,347:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042547 (210220ZJUN23) Notable: President Biden Lands in Silicon Valley, Greeted by NASA Ames Director

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President Biden Lands in Silicon Valley, Greeted by NASA Ames Director

Jun 20, 2023

President Joe Biden arrived in California’s Silicon Valley on Monday, June 19, 2023, where he was welcomed by Dr. Eugene Tu, center director at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Biden landed aboard Air Force One at Moffett Federal Airfield, located at Ames, before departing for a series of events in the area.

The President’s visit included a focus on climate resilience and the administration’s investments that will help communities prepare for the increasing consequences of climate change, using tools specific to their local needs.


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8b888c No.65486

File: abfe73df3c3a88c⋯.png (164.02 KB,634x631,634:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042568 (210223ZJUN23) Notable: missing titanic sub $250,000 per passenger?

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In a longform, interview given late last year, Rush repeatedly said that the explorers would be safe and had the oxygen necessary to survive but also did not appear unaware of the risks involved.

'You know, there’s a limit. You know, at some point, safety just is pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don’t get out of bed,' he said. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12212757/Titanic-expedition-firms-CEO-Stockton-Rush-insisted-mission-safe.html

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8b888c No.65487

File: efa1943226e2fb0⋯.png (14.64 KB,554x176,277:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042572 (210224ZJUN23) Notable: missing titanic sub $250,000 per passenger?

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BNO News


"Banging sounds" were detected on Monday close to where the Titanic sub went missing and it continued for several hours at 30-minute intervals - Rolling Stone

9:35 PM · Jun 20, 2023


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8b888c No.65488

File: 975ba983a2ca509⋯.png (695.68 KB,1111x938,1111:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042575 (210224ZJUN23) Notable: Both AF2 and SAM2A made a stop at Love Field on the way home to DC.

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heels up went wheels down to pass the hat in Dallas. Four hours in Dallas.

Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday urged Texans to help reelect Joe Biden in order to protect freedoms that she said are under assault by Republican extremists.

“Right now we have so-called leaders, extremists... who are on a full-on attack against hard-won freedoms,” Harris told supporters at a North Dallas fundraiser. “We must stand up for what we believe in as a country.”


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8b888c No.65489

File: 8420a5368e7a147⋯.png (222.68 KB,983x797,983:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 784256c68112a35⋯.png (65.58 KB,971x223,971:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042577 (210225ZJUN23) Notable: Former Augusta city commissioner sentenced to prison for destroying records, lying to federal investigators

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Former Augusta city commissioner sentenced to prison for destroying records, lying to federal investigators


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8b888c No.65490

File: cd65ecf5fdfbc76⋯.png (194.34 KB,554x546,277:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 828f99c47829aea⋯.png (63.79 KB,980x321,980:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042585 (210226ZJUN23) Notable: missing titanic sub $250,000 per passenger?

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8b888c No.65491

File: 651e41accc6e2f8⋯.jpeg (918.51 KB,1170x1474,585:737,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042593 (210227ZJUN23) Notable: Project 92 Mark Zuckerberg's masterplan to kill off Twitter

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Project 92


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8b888c No.65492

File: 1dbd7d6f59f9163⋯.jpeg (156.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042595 (210227ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon ‘factored in’ Ukrainian casualties

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20 Jun, 2023 22:07

Pentagon ‘factored in’ Ukrainian casualties

Washington still believes that Kiev’s offensive can be successful

The US military believes that Ukraine has everything it needs to succeed on the battlefield, the Pentagon’s deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters on Tuesday.

“We have accounted for losses. We know that there’s going to be losses on the battlefield. That’s the unfortunate part of this war, but it’s something that we’ve seen the Ukrainians overcome from the beginning,” Singh said, responding to a question about Ukrainian casualties in men and equipment.

“We know this is going to be a hard fight. We know that it’s going to take time,” Singh added. “We are confident that the Ukrainians have what they need – they have the combat power – they have the ability to be successful in their counteroffensive operations.”

Singh’s comments come after two weeks of heavy fighting on the Zaporozhye front, in which the Ukrainian brigades trained by the West failed to reach the main Russian defensive line, while losing thousands of men and hundreds of armored vehicles, according to Moscow. The losses have included German-made Leopard tanks and US-made Bradleys.

On Monday, the New York Times reported that some cemeteries in western Ukraine were digging up old graves to make room for new burials amid the “seemingly countless funerals.”

Ukraine’s deputy defense minister Anna Malyar said on Tuesday that it was “quite difficult” for troops to advance, but that theoperation’s success should not be measured in territorial gains. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has acknowledged that Ukrainians faced “a difficult terrain” and “dug-in Russian resistance.”

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that Ukraine had lost more than 600 armored vehicles, including 186 tanks, in less than two weeks of fighting and “won’t be able to wage war like that for long” relying solely on supplies from the West.

At this rate, Ukraine will exhaust its offensive capability by July, Russian lawmaker Andrey Kartapolov said in a TV appearance on Tuesday.

Every tactic they have used has not worked,”he said on the ‘Solovyov Live’ show. The Ukrainian military, he added, had already lost around 20,000 of the 50,000 troops it had reportedly trained for the offensive, with 900 dead and wounded in just the past 24 hours.

Kartapolov commanded the Russian expeditionary force in Syria between December 2016 and March 2017, overseeing the second liberation of Palmyra. He retired in 2021 with the rank of a four-star general, and currently chairs the State Duma’s defense committee.

(Does the Pentagon ever regret lying to them? This is plan evil!)


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8b888c No.65493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042597 (210227ZJUN23) Notable: Did we ever have DNA discussions in relation to the Y chromosome and the Y head? I searched the archives, didn't find much

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Did we ever have DNA discussions in relation to the Y chromosome and the Y head? I searched the archives, didn't find much.



Almost all humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of every cell in their body. Each of those 23 pairs has one chromosome from the mother and one from the dad. A person’s sex is determined by that 23rd pair. You always get an X chromosome from your mother (that’s all a woman can give to her eggs), but men can give their children either an X or a Y. If you ended up with an X from your mom and an X from your dad, you are a female. On the other hand, if the sperm that fertilized the egg that became you had a Y chromosome, then you are an XY, and therefore a man. XX = female, XY = male. It doesn’t matter what clothes I wear or what I legally change my name to or what plastic surgeons do to me, if you ask any cell in my body, the DNA tells you that I am a man.

Why care about the Y?

My Y chromosome came from my dad, and he got his from his dad, who got it from my great-grandfather. Further generations back, a Lindley carried his DNA across the ocean from Ireland and then further back to Britain to a village named Lindley, and we lose the trail there. All of the men in my line share the same Y chromosome. The other chromosomes get shuffled randomly at each generation, but the Y is what makes us men and since there is only one copy per cell, it cannot get shuffled. More importantly the Y chromosome that has been passed down is almost identical (it changes very slightly from generation to generation), so whoever my distant grandfather was in the village of Lindley 400 or so years ago, my Y chromosome is nearly the same as his as to all of his other male descendants (and there must be hundreds or thousands of us). Interestingly about 16 million men alive today in Asia share the same Y chromosome. These are all thought to be distant grandsons of the Mongolian Emperor, Genghis Kahn.

Moses’s Y chromosome (this is crazy)

Moses got his Y chromosome from his dad, Amram. His brother, Aaron, also had that same Y chromosome. It turns out that, although they didn’t know it at the time, Aaron’s Y chromosome had a peculiar repeating series of genetic code in it, the “Aaronic gene marker”. We don’t know what became of Moses’ sons and their descendants, but we do know what became of Aaron’s sons, they became priests. And their sons became priests. In fact if you know a Jewish man alive today with the last name of Cohen or Kahn or something similar (based on the Hebrew word for priest, Kohanim) they are descended from the priestly line of Aaron and have that gene marker. There are even some Ethiopian Jews who have the Aaronic gene marker from priests that traveled back and forth to Africa.

But what about Jesus’ Y chromosome?

A prophecy was given through Isaiah (7:14) that said, Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel. We know this to have been fulfilled in about 3 BC. A woman named Mary who was a poor descendant of King David got a visit from an angel. He informed her she would be giving birth to the Messiah (Luke 1:26-33). Then Mary said unto the angel, “How shall this be, seeing that I know not a man?” In blunter, more modern terms she was saying, “I have never had sex with a man, so where would the Y chromosome come from?”

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8b888c No.65494

File: 4bbb676200f4098⋯.png (385.94 KB,582x346,291:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 30b3a5a0d86a3f9⋯.png (169.51 KB,300x200,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 09919ddd3c1a2a5⋯.jpg (246.77 KB,713x917,713:917,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fbb0b104a261298⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042633 (210233ZJUN23) Notable: Project 92 Mark Zuckerberg's masterplan to kill off Twitter

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both non-original....

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8b888c No.65495

File: 38bf16cc54f8612⋯.png (697.57 KB,1553x1194,1553:1194,Clipboard.png)

File: 20752b79f52ed60⋯.png (1.09 MB,1699x1262,1699:1262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042642 (210234ZJUN23) Notable: Judah Friedman: Trump Was The Best Foreign Policy President Of Our Lifetime, And He Would Be Again

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JUDAH FRIEDMAN: Trump Was The Best Foreign Policy President Of Our Lifetime, And He Would Be Again



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8b888c No.65496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042651 (210235ZJUN23) Notable: Public backs GOP calls for U.S. military to attack Mexican cartels

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Public backs GOP calls for U.S. military to attack Mexican cartels

Americans are showing a surprising appetite for direct military intervention in Mexico to wage war against smuggling cartels that are pumping drugs and illegal immigrants into the U.S.

A poll this month found that 61% of Americans back the idea of deploying the military to “fight the Mexican cartels.” A poll released in May found that 53% of Americans support “deployment of U.S. military personnel and assets inside Mexico.”

The idea has gained strength amid the chaos of the southern border and calls from high-profile Republican presidential hopefuls, including former President Donald Trump and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina.

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8b888c No.65497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042922 (210315ZJUN23) Notable: ‘It’s an independent model’: Premier Daniel Andrews defends 3.5 per cent pay increase for Victorian MPs

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‘It’s an independent model’: Premier Daniel Andrews defends 3.5 per cent pay increase for Victorian MPs

Premier Daniel Andrews has stood by the 3.5 per cent pay increase handed down to Victorian MPs, arguing the decision was taken at an arm’s length from his government.

Premier Daniel Andrews has defended the decision by the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal to hand state MPs a pay increase.

As a result of the 3.5 per cent bump, which comes into effect from July 1, the base salary for an MP will be $198,839.

Mr Andrews, already the highest paid Premier in the country, will receive a total remuneration of $481,190 – which includes $60,480 in expenses.

In defending the decision by the body, Mr Andrews pointed to steps taken by his government to reform how politicians received pay increases.

“There was a time when politicians set their own pay and we took steps to change that. We stand by those decisions,” he told reporters.

“We will negotiate in good faith with all of our workforce, and we hope that all employers negotiate in good faith with all employees regardless of industry, regardless of circumstance, that’s our approach.

“It’s an independent model. We do not set our own pay… it’s set by an independent, arm’s length tribunal, and that is far preferable in my mind, to MPs setting their own pay rises.”

Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan, who is widely expected to take over from Mr Andrews, will receive $409,608.

John Pesutto is set to receive $383,760 per annum, which is about the same as other government cabinet ministers. Picture: David Crosling


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8b888c No.65498

File: 7ec3890f01712e4⋯.png (999.77 KB,1556x1218,778:609,Clipboard.png)

File: b470d43914c9fc4⋯.png (2.53 MB,1910x1622,955:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042932 (210317ZJUN23) Notable: CHEAT32 over Little Rock KING31 over Georgia

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CHEAT32 over Little Rock

KING31 over Georgia

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8b888c No.65499

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042956 (210320ZJUN23) Notable: #23384

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8b888c No.65500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042970 (210324ZJUN23) Notable: RMS TITANIC Mission

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I am proud to finally announce that I joined @oceangateexped for their RMS TITANIC Mission as a mission specialist on the sub going down to the Titanic.

Due to the worst winter in Newfoundland in 40 years, this mission is likely to be the first and only manned mission to the Titanic in 2023. A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow. We started steaming from St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada yesterday and are planning to start dive operations around 4am tomorrow morning. Until then we have a lot of preparations and briefings to do.

The team on the sub has a couple of legendary explorers, some of which have done over 30 dives to the RMS Titanic since the 1980s including PH Nargeolet.

More expedition updates to follow IF the weather holds!

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8b888c No.65501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042972 (210324ZJUN23) Notable: POTUS told us exactly where & when we are in The Plan. This is the "Pause" and it will last 4 years.

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"...one of the important factors of the pause is that we see how bad they’ve done so we will be able to do it properly and it will be much easier. Everybody will agree with us because everybody sees what a bad job has been done during this two year period, and it will be a four year period. Everybody sees that it will be much easier for us to do what has to be done."



Remember Anons.... POTUS told us exactly where & when we are in The Plan. This is the "Pause" and it will last 4 years.


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8b888c No.65502

File: a71f41c08cb7833⋯.png (744.61 KB,1370x932,685:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042983 (210327ZJUN23) Notable: Pedophile John Griffin Ex-CNN producer sentenced to more than 19 years, links

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Some links

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8b888c No.65503

File: 925ef178ea6f68c⋯.png (2.27 MB,2394x1368,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 3aa8b5e68ee193a⋯.png (751.22 KB,1036x682,518:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042996 (210332ZJUN23) Notable: AF Special Operations over BLACKWATER

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AF Special Operations over BLACKWATER

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8b888c No.65504

File: 517830b182afbec⋯.png (229.16 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19042997 (210332ZJUN23) Notable: ANSWER FREDDY YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

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>>>/qresearch/19042888 lb/pb 11.11.18 and relationships.

>Q should post again just so my wife starts seeing 11:11 everywhere again

Let her know, Anon, that she should celebrate. Anons will back you up. Tell her there is more to look forward to:



>>>/qresearch/4117309 (lb/pb)

Think WAVES.


Define 'unified'


SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?

[Controlled] moment activated? [17]

Do you believe in coincidences?



The seismic waves began on the morning of November 11 near the tiny French island of Mayotte, off the southeastern coast of Africa. They were so powerful, instrumentation picked up the tremors all over the world – Kenya, Chile, New Zealand, Hawaii and Canada. For 20 minutes, the seismic waves registered on earthquake-detecting equipment around the world. “I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” Dr. Göran Ekström, a seismologist at Columbia University, told National Geographic.


The bizarre waveform is what scientists call “monochromatic”. Earthquakes normally produce waves of so many different frequencies, the wave readings appear more jumbled. ut the mystery waveform from Mayotte was a crisp zigzag, which repeated after steady 17-second intervals.

“They're too nice. They're too perfect to be nature,” joked the University of Glasgow’s Helen Robinson, who is study for a PhD in applied volcanology.



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8b888c No.65505

File: 03bc8cb9b30ad1b⋯.png (784.35 KB,948x672,79:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043006 (210335ZJUN23) Notable: Carlos Ghosn sues Nissan for $1bn in Lebanon

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Carlos Ghosn sues Nissan for $1bn in Lebanon

Fugitive former car executive vows 'fight to the end' in lawsuit

Carlos Ghosn said on Tuesday he will fight "to the end" in a $1 billion lawsuit the former Nissan chairman has brought against the Japanese carmaker, marking his first such challenge. Ghosn's lawsuit, which he filed in Lebanon and a copy of which was seen by Reuters, includes allegations of defamation, slander, libel and the fabrication of material evidence by Nissan as well as 12 individuals and two other companies. A Nissan spokesperson said it will not be commenting.

"We have a long battle in front of us. We are going to fight it to the end," Ghosn told Reuters in Lebanon, where he has lived since fleeing Japan hidden in a box aboard a private jet. Ghosn's lawsuit seeks $588 million in lost remuneration, and another $500 million in moral damage. "What I am asking for is only a little compensation compared to what they've done to me," the 69-year-old, wearing a blue open-necked shirt, said during an interview in Beirut.

Once a global car industry titan, Ghosn was arrested in Japan in late 2018 and charged with under-reporting earnings, breach of trust and misappropriation of company funds. He denied the charges and said his detention was part of a plot against him by Nissan. Ghosn fled Japan in December 2019 (inside a stand-up bass case) as he awaited trial and after arriving in his childhood home of Lebanon said he was escaping a "rigged" justice system and would clear his name. Tokyo prosecutors have previously said Ghosn's allegations of a conspiracy were false.

Asked whether he would expand his legal action to include Renault, part of the alliance with Nissan which he masterminded, Ghosn said his focus was currently on Nissan. "I'm not precluding anything for the future. Today we are concentrating on the Nissan plot," he said. If found guilty, Nissan "will have to pay," Ghosn said. "It's a large company and they have assets everywhere and you can go after their assets anywhere, so this is not a joke," he said. "I hope they are going to provision this amount of money and I hope they are going to talk to their shareholders about what is happening and why this is happening," he said.

Ghosn, who holds French, Lebanese and Brazilian citizenships, said he has not left Lebanon since 2019 because of an Interpol Red Notice issued by Japan. "I'm stuck here. I cannot make a complaint of this size in another country," he said, adding that putting his case together had taken his legal team time as they reconstituted the facts. A judicial source in Lebanon said the prosecutor has scheduled a court session on Sept. 18 to begin proceedings. Ghosn said documents had been taken from his home in Lebanon under false pretenses on the day of his arrest in Japan and shared with Japanese authorities. His lawsuit alleges that "the sanctity of a residence" had been violated and says crimes were committed in Lebanon, Japan, France, Brazil, the United States and the Netherlands. "I have the intention [to] get my rights back, to repair my reputation," he said. "I am going to dedicate all the time necessary for the truth to prevail."


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8b888c No.65506

File: d21ff38967f42e5⋯.png (713.92 KB,1964x1210,982:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043021 (210338ZJUN23) Notable: CABAL73 over AUS

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CABAL73 over AUS

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8b888c No.65507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043022 (210338ZJUN23) Notable: RMS TITANIC Mission

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Ghosts of the Abyss Titanic documentary


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8b888c No.65508

File: b81d96ba1bc41e1⋯.mp4 (8.87 MB,576x758,288:379,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043033 (210341ZJUN23) Notable: Top-Fucking-Kek (Cap 3:51)

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8b888c No.65509

File: 61b0e3b018d43a1⋯.png (1.28 MB,723x863,723:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043037 (210342ZJUN23) Notable: Watch the water: New maps give most detailed look yet at mostly undersea continent of Zealandia

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8b888c No.65510

File: 68463f3c664d567⋯.png (130.67 KB,728x398,364:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 29eb1f0d7517ed4⋯.gif (2.18 MB,840x544,105:68,Clipboard.gif)

File: f5cf974bcc267d2⋯.png (244.3 KB,489x608,489:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043052 (210346ZJUN23) Notable: JASDF JF01 777Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masakodeparted Jakarta after arriving from Tokyo, Narita Int'l departure on 0617-heading to Yogyakarta, Java

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JASDF JF01 777Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masakodeparted Jakarta after arriving from Tokyo, Narita Int'l departure on 0617-heading to Yogyakarta, Java

The other one JF02 (tail # 80-1112) should be departing shortly

Indonesia's President Widodo hosts Japanese Emperor Naruhito


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8b888c No.65511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043076 (210351ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

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YESSSSS !!!!!! Pointed! OOoooooooo! Go Q !!! Outrageous and planned, very deliberate!

Trump says: " ... 21% ... JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person."

Absolutely deliberate, and if you know Q well you know why.

This is delicious.

Of course always with plausible deniability.


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8b888c No.65512

File: 418de1c0cb8fbbe⋯.png (1.8 MB,1484x1000,371:250,Clipboard.png)

File: b2b445aaf8a88c9⋯.png (339.6 KB,1200x815,240:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043088 (210353ZJUN23) Notable: Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again RESQ5863

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That's a nice way to spell "rescue."

Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again

-it's nice that they have become more tolerant like that.



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8b888c No.65513

File: 47203b31d9ad3f0⋯.png (715.74 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043101 (210356ZJUN23) Notable: Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again RESQ5863

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it's just an incorrect image pulled for display on the site

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8b888c No.65514

File: 12dd78d92035337⋯.png (337.89 KB,1366x703,1366:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043103 (210357ZJUN23) Notable: Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again RESQ5863

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65515

File: 21e26e86cf78995⋯.png (38.57 KB,377x570,377:570,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043104 (210357ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>65511 Trump says JFK not RFK


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043124 (210401ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Nov 01, 2017 12:48:20 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147444934

I’ve dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of JEOPARDIZING the operation.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65517

File: 106e56d5426adae⋯.mp4 (365.92 KB,384x848,24:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043125 (210401ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>Trump says JFK not RFK


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65518

File: 9943d96efc9466c⋯.png (1.81 MB,992x2722,496:1361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043127 (210401ZJUN23) Notable: Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again RESQ5863

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


only one result for 5863

Sessions / Epstein

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8b888c No.65519

File: 55952c728fdb1fe⋯.png (94.32 KB,1582x392,113:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043144 (210404ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65520

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043146 (210405ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

June 20, 2023


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8b888c No.65521

File: ac4668854eb110a⋯.jpeg (104.7 KB,500x678,250:339,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043158 (210406ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



I thought this was interesting, From May 1999 JFK Jr holds bottle of “ALEVE” with his finger on the E.

It looks like ALIVE


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8b888c No.65522

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043169 (210408ZJUN23) Notable: British rescue mission for Titan ‘blocked by US officials’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


British rescue mission for Titan ‘blocked by US officials’

Remotely operated vehicle capable of winching submersible out of the Atlantic waiting to leave airport in Channel Islands

A remotely operated vehicle capable of winching the stricken submersible Titan out of the Atlantic has been blocked from joining the rescue mission by the US government, The Telegraph understands.

A team from deepwater specialists Magellan Limited has been waiting to leave an airport in the Channel Islands since 7pm on Monday, but approval for take-off has yet to be received.

The Guernsey-based firm produced the first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic last summer, the largest underwater project of its kind as two submarines put together 700,000 images of the wreck.

Bretton Hunchak, former president of RMS Titanic, Inc, which collaborated with Magellan, says the company has essential equipment and expertise to help locate OceanGate’s Titan submersible that went missing on a dive to the wreck of the luxury passenger liner, which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in April 1912.

But despite receiving apparent clearance from the Ministry of Defence to leave UK airspace, the American government has allegedly yet to authorise the team’s request to join rescuers 435 miles south of St John’s, Newfoundland.

Mr Hunchak said US officials have indicated they would prefer to use a New York-based vessel capable of exploring 3,000m below water, whereas Magellan’s can plunge depths of up to 5,000m.

He added Magellan’s remotely operated vehicle was unique in that it was likely the only asset available to have a winch capable of dragging submersibles from the depths of the ocean. It can also detect signals and send them above the surface.

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8b888c No.65523

File: ca125de08d476a7⋯.jpg (72.82 KB,548x515,548:515,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043190 (210412ZJUN23) Notable: Bald Eagles Have Adopted a Baby Hawk in the Bay Area

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Bald Eagles Have Adopted a Baby Hawk in the Bay Area

Photographer Doug Gillard witnessed the first fuzzy baby hawk arrive—and at first assumed it was dinner for the eaglet.

by Kate Golden

June 15, 2023

The female bald eagle arrived suddenly, swooping low over wildlife photographer Doug Gillard, just as he was on his way back to his car from five hours of watching the nest in mid-May. In her talons, she clutched a fuzzy, light-gray baby bird—alive.

Dinner for the much larger young eaglet, Gillard assumed. He’d been shooting the nest since January, mostly by himself, watching “Lola,” as he nicknamed it (after his granddaughter), hatch and grow. “Nature can be cruel!” he wrote in a May 20 post to a Facebook group of birders, posting pictures of the eagle flying with what turned out to be a red-tailed hawk. “I’ve heard that BEs [bald eagles] will rob nests to feed their young, but this is the first time I’ve photographed it.” (Gillard was well-equipped; he runs a camera-review YouTube channel called “Let’s Go Birding.”)

When Gillard came back a week later, he saw “just a little tiny head poking out” over the nest. The eyas (the term for a baby hawk) was still alive. He nicknamed it “Tuffy,” given the ordeal it had survived. Gillard’s video shows the bald eagle parent feeding the chick.

“A week later, another little white flash caught my eye,” Gillard says. A second eyas.

Eaglet and two young hawks.

“I think you can definitely call this confirmed,” wrote Katie LaBarbera of the San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory, noting how thoroughly Gillard had documented the situation. Normally, hawks and eagles don’t mix. Yet eagles have been known to raise red-tailed hawks occasionally (plus at least one glaucous-winged gull chick, in the Aleutian Islands). Academic papers are few on such interspecific adoptions; one 1993 Journal of Raptor Research paper noted that 3 of 662 eagle pairs raised mixed broods in observations over 1987-1991. A National Geographic video from 2015 shows a hawk raised by eagles that grew up to act, in some ways, like an eagle.



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8b888c No.65524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043202 (210414ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65525

File: b5cfe9a13eb59a2⋯.png (136.4 KB,786x907,786:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043203 (210415ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043207 (210415ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

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Look at his hand signaling ALIVE.

It is the Q sign in the hearing impaired alphabet.

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8b888c No.65527

File: 07f7f5c6bcde876⋯.png (19.26 KB,590x190,59:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043222 (210418ZJUN23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein received $300 million in tax incentives from the U.S. Virgin Islands while the governor's wife helped manage his local companies and arranged visas, JPMorgan Stacey Plaskett

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Jeffrey Epstein received $300 million in tax incentives from the U.S. Virgin Islands while the governor's wife helped manage his local companies and arranged visas, JPMorgan says - Reuters


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8b888c No.65528

File: 562d26a18764976⋯.png (23.71 KB,592x240,37:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043253 (210427ZJUN23) Notable: Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.

The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform.


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8b888c No.65529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043308 (210439ZJUN23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein received $300 million in tax incentives from the U.S. Virgin Islands while the governor's wife helped manage his local companies and arranged visas, JPMorgan Stacey Plaskett

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who is that black cunt that reps VI

miss trump should be shot

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8b888c No.65530

File: 74c0904af1b980d⋯.webp (33.76 KB,1049x698,1049:698,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043318 (210442ZJUN23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein received $300 million in tax incentives from the U.S. Virgin Islands while the governor's wife helped manage his local companies and arranged visas, JPMorgan Stacey Plaskett

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Former linebacker Stacey Plaskett.

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8b888c No.65531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043334 (210447ZJUN23) Notable: CHOSE98 Yellow brick road

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The chooser, the chosen, and the choice.

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8b888c No.65532

File: 109cfbdde4661e2⋯.png (1.83 MB,1468x910,734:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043358 (210450ZJUN23) Notable: CHOSE98 Yellow brick road

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65533

File: ac1cfbfd4e77140⋯.png (522.78 KB,1366x703,1366:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043365 (210452ZJUN23) Notable: CHOSE98 Yellow brick road

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there are two chose 17

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8b888c No.65534

File: 869bc5f77fee0ab⋯.png (312.82 KB,1366x703,1366:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 434440c7ea85734⋯.png (562.78 KB,472x650,236:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043377 (210456ZJUN23) Notable: CHOSE98 Yellow brick road

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is a real Yellow Brick Road lol

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65535

File: 83d5e54503c569e⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043429 (210514ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent. (Cap 12:53)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter Biden paying a hooker $20,000 per month. And this is how this unwanted bastard knows Hillary...

Tucker Carlson on Twitter s01e05


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8b888c No.65536

File: 7b404931ea2491b⋯.png (287.09 KB,598x528,299:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043432 (210515ZJUN23) Notable: Iranian Hedge Fund Billionaire Threatens To Kill Entire Trump Family

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iranian Hedge Fund Billionaire Threatens To Kill Entire Trump Family


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043435 (210517ZJUN23) Notable: June 21 Live Broadcast: Delta IV Heavy NROL-68 3:09AM United Launch Alliance

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

June 21 Live Broadcast: Delta IV Heavy NROL-68


United Launch Alliance


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8b888c No.65538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043471 (210526ZJUN23) Notable: #23383

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Q Research General #23383: Night Shift Rocks Down Edition




>>65464 Massive Police Response To Reported Shooting at Walmart In Lenoir City, Tennessee

>>65465 Congress prepares to unseal testimony, evidence from IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden case

>>65466 Border Patrol Has Already Nabbed 127 Illegal Migrants On The Terror Watchlist This Fiscal Year, Up Nearly 30% From 2022

>>65467 Plural: Mind control in a pretty package with a bow.

>>65468, >>65469 Pentagon Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error", Clearing More Aid For Ukraine

>>65470 John Griffin,, Disgraced former CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex crimes

>>65471, >>65472 Blackrock pushing pedos, evil fuglys (Cap 0;47)

>>65474 OMG: BlackRock Recruiter(Cap 11:38)

>>65473 Schumann 6/20/23 with definitive "E"

>>65475 Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, has mystical properties (Cap 2:57) AZOF battalion

>>65476 United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked to Bank Accounts

>>65477 OKeefe Media Group Presents: Blackrock et al. :America For Sale

>>65478 WEF Financial Warfare Racketeering (Cap 2:46)

>>65479 A trio of images highlight BepiColombo’s third Mercury flyby

>>65480 BlackRock's CEO Larry Fink (light blue shirt) is in regular contact with Zelensky to ensure it and JP Morgan control the rebuilding of Ukraine after the conclusion of hostilities with Russia.

>>65481, >>65488 Both AF2 and SAM2A made a stop at Love Field on the way home to DC.

>>65482 Who are the 7 owners of BlackRock? BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Larry Fink, Robert S. Kapito, Susan Wagner, Barbara Novick, Ben Golub, Hugh Frater, Ralph Schlosstein, and Keith Anderson

>>65483, >>65486, >>65487, >>65490 missing titanic sub $250,000 per passenger?

>>65484 missing titanic sub Fishy shit, Connects with NASA fuckery, Ask Buzz, Terramar project

>>65485 President Biden Lands in Silicon Valley, Greeted by NASA Ames Director

>>65489 Former Augusta city commissioner sentenced to prison for destroying records, lying to federal investigators

>>65491, >>65494 Project 92 Mark Zuckerberg's masterplan to kill off Twitter

>>65492 Pentagon ‘factored in’ Ukrainian casualties

>>65493 Did we ever have DNA discussions in relation to the Y chromosome and the Y head? I searched the archives, didn't find much

>>65495 Judah Friedman: Trump Was The Best Foreign Policy President Of Our Lifetime, And He Would Be Again

>>65496 Public backs GOP calls for U.S. military to attack Mexican cartels

>>65497 ‘It’s an independent model’: Premier Daniel Andrews defends 3.5 per cent pay increase for Victorian MPs

>>65498 CHEAT32 over Little Rock KING31 over Georgia

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8b888c No.65539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043494 (210534ZJUN23) Notable: Durham is actually "testifying" tomorrow. Who is he testifying to? The House Judiciary Committee.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Durham is actually "testifying" tomorrow.

Who is he testifying to? The House Judiciary Committee.

What is the role of the House Judiciary Committee? Enjoy:

The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, also known as the House Judiciary Committee, is a standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of issues related to the administration of justice, including:

Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law Subcommittee

Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet Subcommittee

Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security Subcommittee

Immigration and Citizenship Subcommittee

The Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Subcommittee

The committee is responsible for considering and reporting legislation related to these areas, as well as conducting oversight of the executive branch and the federal judiciary. The committee also has the authority to impeach federal officials, including the President, and to consider articles of impeachment.

The House Judiciary Committee is chaired by the Speaker of the House or, in the Speaker's absence, the Majority Leader. The ranking minority member is the Minority Leader or, in the Minority Leader's absence, the Minority Whip. The committee is composed of members of the U.S. House of Representatives, with each state represented by at least one member.


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8b888c No.65540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043499 (210538ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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Don’t know if anybody made this connection yet or if it’s even a connection worth making

Biden said “God save the Queen’

Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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8b888c No.65541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043502 (210540ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sure he didn't say

God save tbe Queer


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8b888c No.65542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043514 (210545ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Anon's wouldn't think there may be something, apart from it not being the Titanic, on board that may be very important, would they? I for one am well satisfied with the video, no need to risk being turned into a softball when the sub implodes. That brings up another point, surly they have sonar on the mother ship so no implosion? Haven't heard. I'm really not buying it, especially since the US wont let other countries help!

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8b888c No.65543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043515 (210545ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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> Lisa Monaco

Her wiki page says she is swampy as fuck.


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8b888c No.65544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043525 (210548ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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The whole operation sounds to me like a great way to put some people into witness protection.

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8b888c No.65545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043528 (210549ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PB >>>/qresearch/18951731

PB >>>/qresearch/19010330

A hummingbird hums, hmmm.......

The board froze after this post.

There are no coincidences.

Revelation 3.7:

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Q Post 2347

Oct 05, 2018 1:53:48 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 342


Important moment in time.

The picture will be the SIGNIFIER.

The SIGNIFIER will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


Red White and Blue baby,

Just call me flag


This post is the same as where it froze except for the word "Book"

Anonymous 09/08/22 (Thu) 09:29:50d3426d (3) No.17514477


Revelation 3:7

King James Version

7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Book and 7

This is where the board froze.

Anonymous 09/08/22 (Thu) 09:33:29d3426d (3) No.17514488 >>>/qresearch/17514490


Revelation 3:7

King James Version

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Note the absence of Book and 7.

Note >>>/qresearch/17514378 Points to Q post 2120 and the name of the signifying picture was FREEDOM.jpg

Board stop page https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/17514144.html#17514378

Proof page


Search for humm

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8b888c No.65546

File: 837a487472437f3⋯.png (210.69 KB,1262x793,1262:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043530 (210549ZJUN23) Notable: RMS TITANIC Mission

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65547

File: fb7b0914846a184⋯.png (136.24 KB,840x982,420:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043538 (210553ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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>Don’t know if anybody made this connection yet or if it’s even a connection worth making

>Biden said “God save the Queen’

>Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

Objective [end]: checkmate king

Do you attack the king at the beginning of the game?

Do you attack and remove pawns first?

Do you attack and remove bishops, rooks, knights next?

Do you attack and remove queen mid-to-end?

Is the game being played public or private?

Do emotions affect critical thinking?

Add: important king control pieces [elim rogue elements]?

Add: how do you set the stage [board] re: public opinion [optics]?

“At this time.”


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8b888c No.65548

File: eb9b115f69f5479⋯.png (244.57 KB,902x1842,451:921,Clipboard.png)

File: 55343872a77151d⋯.png (70 KB,550x272,275:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043544 (210557ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Q leave us a clue as to what it was...

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8b888c No.65549

File: d058858de4db7b1⋯.png (3.02 MB,1326x1666,39:49,Clipboard.png)

File: b23cbbe82b80070⋯.png (4.25 MB,1276x1904,319:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043550 (210559ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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>[Lisa Mona]co

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8b888c No.65550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043553 (210600ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Radio news tonight said they are picking up some banging noises every 30 minutes near the site

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8b888c No.65551

File: 13e7f030668d507⋯.png (2.94 MB,2534x1678,1267:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043562 (210604ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65552

File: e869a2674f08ce1⋯.png (2.09 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043568 (210606ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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Titanic tourist submersible: Search refocused after noises heard


1 hour ago

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8b888c No.65553

File: 55c3820d0175066⋯.png (484.57 KB,1048x712,131:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043583 (210611ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043584 (210612ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic Talk

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sub is named titan

what is IC



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8b888c No.65555

File: 768896e8b775dbd⋯.png (4.05 MB,2744x1614,1372:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043588 (210613ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65556

File: fecb6026f94cdc1⋯.png (1.96 MB,2280x1182,380:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043591 (210614ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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greco/persian princess



who's LAB is this?

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8b888c No.65557

File: 44303a046ba888f⋯.png (845.9 KB,1326x514,663:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043595 (210616ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65558

File: 0902095d11d2cf5⋯.png (1.21 MB,892x878,446:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043633 (210630ZJUN23) Notable: Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043653 (210637ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent. (Cap 12:53)

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Tucker Carlson


Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.


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8b888c No.65560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043660 (210643ZJUN23) Notable: 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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This says she was a White House intern for Bill Clinton when Lewinsky was there

Abe, she interned for some judge in Delaware

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8b888c No.65561

File: 8560ae302096c37⋯.jpg (76.01 KB,800x550,16:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c2b8f9cd1b9441⋯.jpg (170.62 KB,794x992,397:496,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043674 (210653ZJUN23) Notable: RMS TITANIC Mission

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Something regarding this missing Titanic submersible story seems very fishy. Anon has been away from board for 5 days. Have other anons discussed this on board yet?

I would say this story and event has all the workings of a Deep State murder plot. Lots of predictive programming associated with this sub company by mainstream media for months on a potential failed mission and high risk.

Have anons done a deep dive on the passengers? All were extremely wealthy and one with ties to Bezos. Is this the Deep State killing its own kind?

Just curious if any anons thought thr same and if it has been discussed on board already?



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8b888c No.65562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043687 (210702ZJUN23) Notable: #23384

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>>>/qresearch/19043684 #23384



#23384 >>65499

>>65508 Top-Fucking-Kek (Cap 3:51)

>>65511, >>65517, >>65515, >>65521, >>65526, >>65516, >>65558 Baier interview: Trump says: " … 21% … JFK JR, who's a very nice person, I know him very well. He's a very very fine person." (Cap 0:16)

>>65500, >>65507, >>65546, >>65561 RMS TITANIC Mission

>>65542, >>65544, >>65548, >>65550, >>65552, >>65519, >>65524, >>65525, >>65554 Titanic Talk

>>65522 British rescue mission for Titan ‘blocked by US officials’

>>65501 POTUS told us exactly where & when we are in The Plan. This is the "Pause" and it will last 4 years.

>>65502 Pedophile John Griffin Ex-CNN producer sentenced to more than 19 years, links

>>65503 AF Special Operations over BLACKWATER


>>65505 Carlos Ghosn sues Nissan for $1bn in Lebanon

>>65506 CABAL73 over AUS

>>65509 Watch the water: New maps give most detailed look yet at mostly undersea continent of Zealandia

>>65510 JASDF JF01 777Emperor Naruhito & Empress Masakodeparted Jakarta after arriving from Tokyo, Narita Int'l departure on 0617-heading to Yogyakarta, Java

>>65512, >>65513, >>65518, >>65514 Super Hornet identifying as a C130 again RESQ5863

>>65520 Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

>>65523 Bald Eagles Have Adopted a Baby Hawk in the Bay Area

>>65527, >>65529, >>65530 Jeffrey Epstein received $300 million in tax incentives from the U.S. Virgin Islands while the governor's wife helped manage his local companies and arranged visas, JPMorgan Stacey Plaskett

>>65528 Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.

>>65531, >>65532 >>65533 >>65534 CHOSE98 Yellow brick road

>>65535, >>65559 Tucker Carlson Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent. (Cap 12:53)

>>65536 Iranian Hedge Fund Billionaire Threatens To Kill Entire Trump Family

>>65537 June 21 Live Broadcast: Delta IV Heavy NROL-68 3:09AM United Launch Alliance

>>65539 Durham is actually "testifying" tomorrow. Who is he testifying to? The House Judiciary Committee.

>>65540, >>65541, >>65543, >>65545, >>65547, >>65549, >>65551, >>65553, >>65555, >>65556, >>65557, >>65560 8Anybody made this connection yet, Biden said “God save the Queen’, Bongino said that the Queen of the Deep a state is known as Lisa Monaco

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8b888c No.65563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043705 (210710ZJUN23) Notable: #23385

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Q Research General #23385: Baier Interview: Trump says: 21% JFK Jr He's a very very fine person? Edition

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8b888c No.65564

File: 7b1b5fc73964a19⋯.jpg (153.75 KB,720x924,60:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c54f18b35f3f485⋯.jpg (138.07 KB,1164x943,1164:943,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043727 (210721ZJUN23) Notable: thunberg fake arrest again

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Her fake arrest rap sheet is growing

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8b888c No.65565

File: b5b392ce04064b9⋯.jpg (31.67 KB,375x372,125:124,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37918b0075413e1⋯.png (93.58 KB,688x445,688:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043741 (210729ZJUN23) Notable: thunberg fake arrest again

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Greta arrest = boring machine comms?

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8b888c No.65566

File: 3442e11879e781d⋯.jpeg (26.48 KB,304x360,38:45,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80205ea96108e82⋯.jpeg (24.67 KB,275x360,55:72,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043856 (210851ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine’s Commander in Chief Spotted Alive After Being Reported Dead as Ukraine Faces Major Losses

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Ukraine’s Commander in Chief Spotted Alive After Being Reported Dead as Ukraine Faces Major Losses

A new video released by Ukrainian generals shows Ukraine’s Commander in Chief donning a Disney-themed patch.

Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhnyi was spotted in a video wearing a Baby Yoda patch on top of his military uniform while looking over some maps.

Ukraine released video of its top commander, apparently to rebut Russian suggestions that he had been killed, injured or had fled, and his Star Wars badge stole the show.

The video, released by the General Staff late on Monday, showed Commander-in-Chief Valeriy Zaluzhnyi poring over maps with other generals. A clock in one shot showed Saturday’s date.

The video showed Zaluzhnyi in combat uniform sporting a badge of Grogu, the pale green, pointy-eared hero best known as “Baby Yoda” from the hit Disney Star Wars TV show “The Mandalorian”.

The Defense of Ukraine has embraced the patch and released a cartoon defending their Commander in Chief wearing a Baby Yoda patch.


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8b888c No.65567

File: a99335cb92ce6fe⋯.png (1.05 MB,1114x765,1114:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043902 (210914ZJUN23) Notable: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse (VIDEO)

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Breaking: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft Jun. 20, 2023 7:56 pm

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8b888c No.65568

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043920 (210923ZJUN23) Notable: I-95 slated for reopening this weekend; $25-$30 million cost

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I-95 slated for reopening this weekend; $25-$30 million cost

“The federal government … made clear they would cover the full cost,” Shapiro said.

(The Center Square) — The worst fears after the Interstate 95 bridge collapse in Philadelphia won’t be realized: Gov. Josh Shapiro announced that the major roadway will reopen for traffic soon.

“Based on the tremendous progress we have made in the last 72 hours and the time it takes to complete remaining steps, I can confidently state traffic will be flowing on I-95 this weekend,” Shapiro said during a Tuesday press conference in front of the collapsed portion.

“We have moved with all possible speed and precision at every level of government,” Shapiro said. “We’re showing the rest of the country that Philly and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania – we’re tough ... This is what it looks like when we all work together."

At first, officials worried the rebuild could take months. When the road reopens, three lanes of traffic will flow northbound and three lanes southbound. Construction will continue from outside those lanes, not disrupting traffic, the governor noted.

In a press conference last week, Shapiro demurred on offering a timeline and cost estimates weren’t offered. On Tuesday, Shapiro said that the federal government estimated the cost at between $25 million and $30 million.

“The federal government … made clear they would cover the full cost,” Shapiro said.


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8b888c No.65569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043927 (210925ZJUN23) Notable: Biden HHS proposal would shield sex crimes, coerced abortions, child sterilization: critics

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Biden HHS proposal would shield sex crimes, coerced abortions, child sterilization: critics

"You can't suddenly redefine human beings out of existence in order to further abortion politics," says Trump health privacy regulator Roger Severino.

The Biden administration is pursuing the same type of "massive resistance" threatened by an earlier Democrat to frustrate school desegregation, but this time to protect abortion and potentially sterilizing treatments for gender-confused youth, according to a Trump administration official who enforced the health privacy regulations under review.

The Department of Health and Human Services received more than 11,000 comments on its notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and "protected health information" before it closed Friday, only 65 of which are currently accessible to the public.

The proposed rulemaking, if approved, would change HIPAA's definitions of "person" to exclude human beings before birth, "reproductive health care" to "broadly" apply to the reproductive system, and "public health" to exclude use and disclosure of PHI for investigations or proceedings related to reproductive healthcare.

The NPRM cites the 2022 Supreme Court decision in Dobbs, which returned abortion regulation to the states, as its primary motivation. While it does not mention so-called gender affirming care, the proposal appears broad enough to encompass puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and genital removal for transgender and nonbinary patients.

It is likely to "inhibit states’ ability to investigate or enforce abortion laws or laws prohibiting minors from accessing gender transition drugs and surgeries," according to an analysis by Ethics and Public Policy Center fellow Rachel Morrison.



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8b888c No.65570

File: dcd534dd9ed9c29⋯.jpg (95 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19043969 (210946ZJUN23) Notable: CHANDLER, Ariz. - A 2-day operation targeting online child predators ended with the arrests of 13 people, the Chandler Police Department said.

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Chandler, AZ. (city next to Phoenix and Tempe and Mesa)

Published June 20, 2023 8:22PM

CHANDLER, Ariz. - A 2-day operation targeting online child predators ended with the arrests of 13 people, the Chandler Police Department said.

On May 18 and 19, Chandler Police as well as several other law enforcement agencies, targeted people online who were "seeking to engage in illicit sexual activities with children in the city of Chandler and adjoining cities.".

In all, 13 people were arrested and are accused of a total of 30 sex-related felony crimes. Chandler Police say drugs and guns were also seized during the operation.

The suspects, according to Chandler PD, are:

Enrique Taylor Jr.

Wyatt Roanhorse

Abdiel Hernandez

Marc Anthony Martinez

Clayton Carpenter Mahon

Aaron Joseph

Wayne Bancroft

Warren Locks Jr.

Emilio Gurule

Thomas Coppola

Martin Vargas Acosta

Gerson Edgardo-Perdomo Caceres

Unidentified suspect

Details about each suspect's arrest weren't detailed.

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8b888c No.65571

File: 94d333f1e0079d0⋯.jpeg (26.17 KB,480x327,160:109,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044062 (211028ZJUN23) Notable: Jupiuter lightning: Anons wondering if this has anything to do with the green laser coming out of South Pole.

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Nasa’s Juno spacecraft, currently in orbit around Jupiter, has captured images of a vortex and eerie green lightning on the gas giant.

In this view of Jupiter’s north pole, the spaceship observed the glow from a bolt of lightning.


Anons wondering if this has anything to do with the green laser coming out of South Pole.

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8b888c No.65572

File: b80c55c427b04f8⋯.png (223.97 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044165 (211110ZJUN23) Notable: Barr Says He’d Testify Against Trump In Documents Case If Asked

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Barr Says He’d Testify Against Trump In Documents Case If Asked

Former Attorney General Bill Barr says he’d be willing to testify against former President Donald Trump in the ongoing case related to Trump’s handling of classified documents as president.

Trump is accused of mishandling an array of classified documents, including documents classified as “top secret,” the highest level of classification. Trump has dismissed the investigation, led by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, as “partisan” and a “witch hunt.”

Now Barr, who has already been critical of his former boss, said he’d be willing to testify against Trump if asked by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is leading the federal action against Trump.

“If they called me in as a witness, of course I would testify,” Barr said during a June 18 appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” adding that he doesn’t expect to be called in for any such testimony.

Barr, a former Trump ally who served as his attorney general, has increasingly sought to distance himself from Trump since the end of the 2020 election. The former attorney general now says he’s “adamantly against” another Trump presidency.


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8b888c No.65573

File: 7d98f238fa193c0⋯.png (88.4 KB,926x502,463:251,Clipboard.png)

File: db0dcd8b20e3c49⋯.png (226.08 KB,747x614,747:614,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d025287b049ccf⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0a31f3ba8cf954e⋯.jpg (208.67 KB,1124x986,562:493,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb006bcd3b8ad0b⋯.jpg (181.29 KB,1004x1192,251:298,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044167 (211112ZJUN23) Notable: Lisa Monaco DeepState Queen? Interdasting

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Lisa Monaco DeepState Queen? Interdasting

Biden wraps up his remarks in Connecticut: "Alright, God save the queen, man"


DJT Truth: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110573486349887964

searched the bitch in Trump twitter archive No tweets

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8b888c No.65574

File: b384a42e5b51dcf⋯.png (186.17 KB,500x200,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044184 (211119ZJUN23) Notable: War Is Coming

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War Is Coming

Will Upcoming NATO Summit Launch Forever War In Europe?

Pressure is mounting to make some sort of formal declaration over Ukraine’s membership at meetings in Vilnius next month...

An article in the New York Times on Wednesday claimed that pressure is building on Biden to announce a timetable for Ukrainian membership in NATO at its Vilnius Summit next month.

Supposedly Biden is “isolated” among NATO allies in his reluctance to do so, even though that claim is contradicted by the story’s own last paragraph (the one that Noam Chomsky once quipped should be read first), which acknowledges that “others argue more quietly” that NATO membership “could give Mr. Putin more incentive to continue the war, or to escalate it.”

Indeed, since Moscow has already declared NATO membership for Ukraine to be completely unacceptable and an existential threat — the prevention of which is one of its chief war aims — a Vilnius Declaration that Ukraine will join NATO when the war ends will effectively ensure that the war goes on forever. It will also take off the table the West’s central bargaining chip to achieve peace, which is a neutral Ukraine.

It’s clear that the “pressure” on Biden is coming from Zelensky and some of the eastern NATO countries, specifically Poland and the Baltic States. Zelensky said two weeks ago that Ukraine would not even attend the Vilnius Summit unless given a firm signal on its eventual membership. Former NATO secretary general Anders Rasmussen, now a consultant to Zelensky, even threatened that “if NATO cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action.” In particular, “the Poles would seriously consider going in,” triggering direct war between NATO and Russia.


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8b888c No.65575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044199 (211124ZJUN23) Notable: War Is Coming

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8b888c No.65576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044212 (211132ZJUN23) Notable: War Is Coming

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NATO is the US State Department, the CIA, the NSA, and several other Foreign Governments, but it is NOT the American People, the German People, or the Other Foreign Government's respective People.

Nato has Alligned itself with NAZIS and is stealing the wealth of all our nations against the will of the people of all these nations.

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8b888c No.65577

File: 6e17f1c8e553f18⋯.png (136.98 KB,540x303,180:101,Clipboard.png)

File: afb612c3022e223⋯.png (467.15 KB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044227 (211137ZJUN23) Notable: Jupiuter lightning: Anons wondering if this has anything to do with the green laser coming out of South Pole.

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>eerie green lightning


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8b888c No.65578

File: a6c0342a5a2c34b⋯.png (96.98 KB,636x513,212:171,Clipboard.png)

File: ab9928728befbf1⋯.png (123.37 KB,636x403,636:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044244 (211142ZJUN23) Notable: Calls for BoE to trigger a RECESSION to curb inflation: Brits face 6% interest rates by Christmas sparking mortgage meltdown after core CPI rises...

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Calls for BoE to trigger a RECESSION to curb inflation: Brits face 6% interest rates by Christmas sparking mortgage meltdown after core CPI rises to a 30-year high in May


Definition of inflation: The mechanism by which money is transferred from the poor to the rich.

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8b888c No.65579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044246 (211143ZJUN23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JOHN DURHAM TO TESTIFY TODAY - STARTING IN ABOUT 2 HOURS !!

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Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

Scheduled for 21 Jun 2023


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8b888c No.65580

File: e02b4cbb2057218⋯.png (518.63 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044257 (211146ZJUN23) Notable: planned parenthood beatdown update: The suspect is still at large.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A white male with brown hair and a beard wearing blue jeans and a gray t-shirt kicks 73-year-old Mark Crosby in the face outside the Baltimore Planned Parenthood. The suspect is still at large.

Baltimore Police / YouTube screenshot

Know yer enemies. Work in teams. Carry where you can. FFS.

Anon could forgive this pig, after administering a proportionate beating.

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8b888c No.65581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044261 (211148ZJUN23) Notable: Calls for BoE to trigger a RECESSION to curb inflation: Brits face 6% interest rates by Christmas sparking mortgage meltdown after core CPI rises...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Fed paused rate hikes to boost home sales, but by end of the year rates will be a point higher

Technically, a recession is when paper assets become worthless and real assets appreciate at a ridiculous level.

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8b888c No.65582

File: 54184687dae164f⋯.png (812.67 KB,937x527,937:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044296 (211159ZJUN23) Notable: The largest ‘wooden city’ in the world is going up in Stockholm

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The largest ‘wooden city’ in the world is going up in Stockholm

Spanning 25 blocks, 30 sustainable mass timber buildings will add 7,000 new offices and 2,000 new homes.

In an old industrial zone in Stockholm filled with former factory buildings and parking lots, developers are planning to build a “wooden city”—the largest mass-timber development in the world, with 30 wood buildings spanning 25 blocks.


Guess the state gonny have to insure it, cause nobody in his right mind would.

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8b888c No.65583

File: 7f7de8fe6b673a0⋯.png (257.15 KB,474x508,237:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044324 (211210ZJUN23) Notable: 70% of US welfare weapons donated to Ukraine could not be accounted for.

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70% of US welfare weapons donated to Ukraine could not be accounted for.

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8b888c No.65584

File: 204211fd2b54f3b⋯.png (1.27 MB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044344 (211214ZJUN23) Notable: Germany only has 20,000 high explosive artillery shells left

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Germany only has 20,000 high explosive artillery shells left

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8b888c No.65585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044399 (211231ZJUN23) Notable: Shocking footage of botched abduction as Grandmother and child attacked on their doorstep

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shocking footage of botched abduction as Grandmother and child attacked on their doorstep


The Telegraph

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8b888c No.65586

File: 113aa081276c5a1⋯.png (283.04 KB,598x640,299:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044434 (211246ZJUN23) Notable: ARCHIVING - JOHN DURHAM TO TESTIFY TODAY - STARTING IN ABOUT 2 HOURS !!

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Catherine Herridge


John Durham, Trump-era special counsel, testifies to Congress on FBI's Russia probe. "It was very clear that Mr. Durham believes that there was misconduct," ⁦@MikeTurnerOH

⁩ chairman house intel told reporters via ⁦@CBSNews


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8b888c No.65587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044437 (211246ZJUN23) Notable: Shocking footage of botched abduction as Grandmother and child attacked on their doorstep

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Fugger already been arrested anon.



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8b888c No.65588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044443 (211249ZJUN23) Notable: Blast occurs at Romania's black sea petromidia refinery — emergency response unit

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Blast occurs at Romania's black sea petromidia refinery — emergency response unit

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8b888c No.65589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044449 (211251ZJUN23) Notable: Blast occurs at Romania's black sea petromidia refinery — emergency response unit

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8b888c No.65590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044463 (211254ZJUN23) Notable: Canadian aircraft detects undersea sounds during search for Titanic submersible

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Canadian aircraft detects undersea sounds during search for Titanic submersible

The U.S. coast guard says a Canadian aircraft has detected underwater noises while scanning the North Atlantic for the tourist submersible lost during an expedition to the Titanic wreck.

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8b888c No.65591

File: 1149158975fbac4⋯.jpg (50.21 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044481 (211258ZJUN23) Notable: CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex trafficking and extreme sexual assault of minors

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BREAKING: CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex trafficking and extreme sexual assault of minors


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8b888c No.65592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044489 (211300ZJUN23) Notable: #23385

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final bun for #23385

hold yer laties till the top. morn'n baker has to wurkfag to either take the handoff or notes for incoming b -ty

>>>/qresearch/19044469 en masse

#23385 >>65563

Ghost Grab

>>65564, >>65565 thunberg fake arrest again

>>65566 Ukraine’s Commander in Chief Spotted Alive After Being Reported Dead as Ukraine Faces Major Losses

>>65567 Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse (VIDEO)

>>65568 I-95 slated for reopening this weekend; $25-$30 million cost

>>65569 Biden HHS proposal would shield sex crimes, coerced abortions, child sterilization: critics

>>65570 CHANDLER, Ariz. - A 2-day operation targeting online child predators ended with the arrests of 13 people, the Chandler Police Department said.

>>65571, >>65577 Jupiuter lightning: Anons wondering if this has anything to do with the green laser coming out of South Pole.

>>65572 Barr Says He’d Testify Against Trump In Documents Case If Asked

>>65573 Lisa Monaco DeepState Queen? Interdasting

>>65574, >>65575, >>65576 War Is Coming

>>65578, >>65581 Calls for BoE to trigger a RECESSION to curb inflation: Brits face 6% interest rates by Christmas sparking mortgage meltdown after core CPI rises...


>>65580 planned parenthood beatdown update: The suspect is still at large.

>>65582 The largest ‘wooden city’ in the world is going up in Stockholm

>>65583 70% of US welfare weapons donated to Ukraine could not be accounted for.

>>65584 Germany only has 20,000 high explosive artillery shells left

>>65585, >>65587 Shocking footage of botched abduction as Grandmother and child attacked on their doorstep

>>65588, >>65589 Blast occurs at Romania's black sea petromidia refinery — emergency response unit

>>65590 Canadian aircraft detects undersea sounds during search for Titanic submersible

>>65591 CNN producer sentenced to 19 years for child sex trafficking and extreme sexual assault of minors

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8b888c No.65593

File: 581a178ab7fce9b⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e60cd3526a1cde⋯.png (261.31 KB,590x633,590:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044515 (211304ZJUN23) Notable: #23386

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Baker Requesting Handoff

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8b888c No.65594

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044518 (211305ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

| Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham | Full Committee Hearing | EVENT ID 116122 | RM#2141


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8b888c No.65595

File: a7e5e97a0f2db77⋯.png (1.2 MB,1279x782,1279:782,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044537 (211308ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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8b888c No.65596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044541 (211309ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -









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8b888c No.65597

File: d93753802912b7f⋯.png (6.57 KB,398x87,398:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044546 (211310ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Was Durham Q teams hail mary. Fuck I hope not.

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8b888c No.65598

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044547 (211311ZJUN23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/21/2023

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/21/2023


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8b888c No.65599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044548 (211312ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chairman Jordan: Nothing has changed, and frankly, they're never gonna stop. Seven years of attacking Trump is scary enough, but what's more frightening; any one of us could be next.

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8b888c No.65600

File: 61ff98fc174f33e⋯.png (755.54 KB,1264x719,1264:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044551 (211313ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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8b888c No.65601

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044552 (211314ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chairman Jordan: Guess who gets it the worst? Whistleblowers. If you dare come forward and tell congress what's going on, look out. They will come for you. They will take your clearance, they will take your pay, they will even take your kid's clothes.

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8b888c No.65602

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044561 (211316ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


All eyes on Durham, but Durham isn't the only game in town.

Watch your 6?

Tick Tock.

People are tired of the finger pointing and want ACTION.

(unfortunately, watching Durham, with any Dem speaking, it's just moar bullshit. If you're an R, you side them. If you're a D, you side with them. Listening to this Penguin babble about how Orange Man still bad and I'm gonna turn it off in 3, 2. ...)

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8b888c No.65603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044565 (211317ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nadler: Republicans have planned this hearing, and constructed an entire false narrative around the work of Special Council Durham, in an effort to distract from the former president's legal troubles, and mislead the American public. To be clear, the Durham Report is, by itself, a deeply flawed vessel.

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8b888c No.65604

File: d48fea591036449⋯.jpeg (88.34 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044577 (211320ZJUN23) Notable: White House lays out its preconditions for Ukraine peace talks

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21 Jun, 2023 10:05

White House lays out its preconditions for Ukraine peace talks

President Zelensky’s ten-point plan to settle the conflictshould at least be discussedat the start of negotiations, John Kirby says

Washington would only welcome talks on settling the conflict between Moscow and Kiev if they begin with the understanding thatUkraine’s territorial integrity has to be preserved, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby stated during a briefing on Tuesday. (Such a vague statement because the regions that voted to join Russia legally are Russian territory, so sure Ukraine can keep their territory Russia was never interested in.)

The US authorities “support [Ukrainian] President [Vladimir] Zelensky’s vision of ajust peace” in the conflict with Russia, Kirby said. (A new NWO word, without definition or the definition changes regarding to the country.)

Any negotiations “would be welcome only if it’s going to becredible and sustainable, which means that it has to start with afoundation of a belief in Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrityand start – at least start – with a discussion of the ten-point proposal that President Zelensky has put forward,” he continued. (So Kirby is acknowledging Zelensky’s 10 point “punish, shame and extort” Russia peace plan is a joke, but Kirby says, he should be able to say it once, and the talks will move on from nonsense.)

The Ukrainian leader has for months promoted his so-called ten-point “peace plan,” which among other things calls for Russia to withdraw its forces to borders claimed by Ukraine, to pay reparations and to submit to war crime tribunals. Zelensky says he would like to stage a Global Peace Summit – without Russia’s participation – to discuss his initiative. However, a date for such an event hasn’t yet been set.

Russia has rejected Zelensky's plan as “unacceptable,” saying it ignores the reality on the groundand is actually a sign of Kiev’s unwillingness to resolve the crisis through diplomatic means. According to Moscow, this leaves it no other options other than to work towards achieving its goals in Ukraine through military means.

Kirby claimed that the US, which has been Ukraine’s main backer throughout the conflict, supplying it with funds, weapons and intelligence,“want[s] to see this war end. We’d like to see it end today.” For that to happen, Russian President Vladimir Putin has to “do the right thing and pull his troops out,” he said. (Kirby is throwing a bone out knowing all of it will be rejected and if they continue they will eventually get to what Russia wants.)

“Obviously, he’s not going to do that, and he’s doubling down, and there’s some pretty vicious fighting going on right now in the east and in the south of Ukraine,” the spokesman acknowledged.

In early June, Ukraine launched its long-anticipated counteroffensive along the frontline with Russia. However, according to Moscow, Kiev’s troops have so far been unable to achieve any significant advances, while suffering heavy losses in manpower and equipment.

Last week, Russia’s Defense Ministry estimated that some 7,500 Ukrainian troops had been killed in failed attacks since the beginning of June. Russian President Vladimir Putin also said that some 30% of Ukraine’s Western-supplied military hardware, including a number of German Leopard 2 tanks and US-made Bradley fighting vehicles, have already been destroyed.

(Sounds like the US & EU don’t want it get out that 100s of 1000s of Ukrainians have been killed and injured in a war they caused, and wasted billions on a Nazi country to destroy Russia. It will all come out and I hope 20+ whistleblowers reveal everything!)


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8b888c No.65605

File: d23ddc71c4f7de9⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044609 (211325ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Holy crap, anons!

Spend a lot of time arguing with lefties about Trump. If Nads is any indicator,they still believe in the Russia Hoax!

That is why they cannot be reasoned with.

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8b888c No.65606

File: c127cd713b5234b⋯.png (985.72 KB,1080x1125,24:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044611 (211326ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mmmmm, water

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8b888c No.65607

File: 4696b5a75011a81⋯.jpeg (95.29 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044628 (211328ZJUN23) Notable: Poles sue German firms over Nazi-era damages

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21 Jun, 2023 10:49

Poles sue German firms over Nazi-era damages

Descendants of victims of the occupation are seeking millions of dollars in compensation

Several Polish nationals have suedtwo German companiesfor damage that their ancestors allegedly suffered at the hands of the Nazis during World War II. The plaintiffs claim that the firms are liable asthey profited from cooperation with the Third Reich.

The two lawsuits were filed on Tuesday with the district court of Krakow, a Polish organization representing the claimants announced at a press conference hosted by the Polish Press Agency.

One case targets the Kassel-based mechanical engineeringcompany Henschel – a major producer of weapon componentsduring World War II. Four grandsons of Jewish Polish entrepreneur Leopold Wellisz seek more than $4.2 million in compensation for Henschel’stakeover of the Polish firm Fablok, where he was a majority stakeholder. They also want a personal apology.

The other case was filed by the daughter of Tadeusz Sledzinski, who was a prisoner at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. Hisforced labor benefited the firm IG Farben, the lawsuit said. As asuccessor organization, Bayeris liable for this and must pay $400,000 in damages, the plaintiff argued.

The Polish foundation Defenders for Defenders, which represents the plaintiffs, hopes the two cases that it prepared on their behalf will help set a precedent for future litigation, the lawyers explained at the event. They differ from Warsaw’s demand for compensation directly from the German government, as they arecivil lawsuits against private firms which cannot claim state immunity.

In the long run, the group hopes to create a streamlined international framework for victims of armed conflicts to sue what it termed “aggressor” states.

The current Polish government has complained about the way in which the matter of German war reparations was settled in the 1950s and 1970s. Last year, it estimated that Berlin should pay €1.3 trillion ($1.4 trillion) for damage inflicted by the Third Reich. The German government has refused to do so.

(Sue all the bankers first! That would take care of world reparations!)


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8b888c No.65608

File: 5dadb115b5a245b⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,848x560,53:35,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 52ee2fad105c13d⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044631 (211328ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham thread


The Real Toria Brooke


THREAD — June 21, 2023, 9:00 AM ET.

The House Judiciary Committee holds hearing to focus on Special Counsel John Durham’s Report that examined the origins and justifications of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation against then-Presidential candidate @realDonaldTrump


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8b888c No.65609

File: d2d8cb0b32db4e7⋯.png (539.2 KB,741x563,741:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044651 (211331ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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sup wif chompers?

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8b888c No.65610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044677 (211334ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Johnson: I'll try to set the table here at the outset, from twenty thousand feet.

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8b888c No.65611

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044678 (211334ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Live!! with John Durham in Congress and the guys at their best! Join us for an early start!

Covering the Durham testimony.

Come join us!


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8b888c No.65612

File: e720a28bb0120c2⋯.png (270.04 KB,537x614,537:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044730 (211340ZJUN23) Notable: The CEO of OceanGate, didn’t want to hire any experienced “50 year old white guys” because they weren’t “inspirational.”

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The CEO of OceanGate, which is operating the missing Titanic tourist submarine, explains that the company didn’t want to hire any experienced “50 year old white guys” because they weren’t “inspirational.”


Catch Up

12:21 AM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65613

File: 6b1b472f0c17926⋯.png (909.76 KB,960x915,64:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044738 (211340ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 21, 2023

Three Sun Paths

Does the Sun follow the same path every day? No. The Sun's path changes during the year, tracing a longer route during the summer than the winter. Pictured here, the Sun's arc was captured from noon to sunset on three days, from highest in the sky to lowest: summer solstice, equinox, and winter solstice. The images were taken near Gatto Corvino Village in Sicily, Italy in 2020 and 2021. The path and time the Sun spends in the sky is more important in determining the season than how close the Earth is to the Sun. In fact, the Earth is closest to the Sun in January, during northern winter. Today is a solstice, so today the Sun is taking its longest path of the year across the sky in Earth's northern hemisphere, but the shortest path in the southern hemisphere.


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8b888c No.65614

File: 44bb5a1bfd1fb57⋯.mp4 (287.72 KB,1294x720,647:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044759 (211344ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Oooooh That's It's

Nadler Says it's all not True

Case Closed, Go home everyone

Game over man, Game Over

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8b888c No.65615

File: 44b88d9193a948d⋯.jpg (138.87 KB,720x1028,180:257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5f2c158dcdff22⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044793 (211348ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Special Counsel John Durham has arrived🔥


Whats with the bright blue umbrella? raining in DC?

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8b888c No.65616

File: d642b2a5b816822⋯.png (219.14 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: efd844c97b0deb8⋯.png (85.5 KB,136x416,17:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044806 (211350ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Does any one else see the 8 on the ==deer park= water bottle its a recycling logo but still

it was facing the camera a bit ago

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8b888c No.65617

File: 5404093e8442a93⋯.png (263.93 KB,569x546,569:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044838 (211355ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Comes to a "Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham"

Doesn't talk about what was Found & Instead Accuses him of Violating a Policy

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8b888c No.65618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044863 (211358ZJUN23) Notable: charles dolan. need digz

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charles doulin.

need digz

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8b888c No.65619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044880 (211400ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Durham: We interviewed the first supervisor of the Crossfire investigation, the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information, he indicated he had never seen it before. He immediately became emotional, got up and left the room with his lawyer, spent some time in the hallway, came back...

Chairman Jordan: He was ticked off, wasn't he? He was ticked off , because this is something he should had as an agent on the case. This is important information that the director of the FBI kept from the people doing the investigation.

Durham: the information was kept from him.

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8b888c No.65620

File: 62ddfa89ffb2272⋯.png (697.87 KB,1347x892,1347:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044881 (211400ZJUN23) Notable: Democratic operative Charles Dolan Jr. testified Thursday that he lied to Igor Danchenko in 2016 when he claimed to have information from a GOP insider

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Democratic operative Charles Dolan Jr. testified Thursday that he lied to Igor Danchenko in 2016 when he claimed to have information from a GOP insider about why Paul Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign.

The false claim actually had been pulled from a cable news talking head, Mr. Dolan said at the federal trial of Mr. Danchenko, a Russian analyst who was the primary subsource for the so-called Steele dossier.

The accusation ultimately found its way into that salacious unverified dossier of anti-Trump accusations compiled by British ex-spy Christopher Steele and attributed to “an American political figure associated with Donald Trump.”


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8b888c No.65621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044893 (211402ZJUN23) Notable: Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim

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Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim


Victor NavaOctober 14, 2022

A Democratic PR executive and ally of the Clinton family who contributed information to the infamous Steele dossier said Thursday that he made up the sourcing of a claim that wound up in the discredited anti-Trump report.

Charles Dolan Jr., a former aide to Hillary Clinton, testified in John Durham’s trial against Igor Danchenko on Thursday that he heard a claim about Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign while watching TV and regurgitated it to Danchenko, telling him that he had heard it from a “GOP friend” over drinks.

“I actually got it off of cable news,” Dolan said, according to the Washington Times, adding that he was “trying to throw [Danchenko] a bone because he was helping me.”

The nugget of information was relayed to former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and purportedly provided insight into why he had left the campaign. It made it into ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s dossier via Danchenko, despite the sourcing being completely fabricated.

Danchenko, a private researcher and former FBI informant, emailed Dolan in August 2016 informing him that he was working on a “project against Trump” and asked the Democratic operative for “any rumor, thought, or allegation” related to Manafort.

“Let me dig around on Manafort,” Dolan responded, later emailing Danchenko the lie that he “had a drink with a GOP friend of mine” who told him Corey Lewandowski, who previously served as Trump’s campaign manager, “hates Manafort” and “is doing [a] dance” about Manafort’s resignation.

What do you think? Post a comment.

“I thought I’d embellish a bit,” Dolan said on the witness stand.

Dolan also testified that the information he sent to Danchenko was “substantially similar” to the material in the Steele dossier, but that he didn’t realize the information he passed along to Danchenko was used in it until Durham’s team showed him.

Danchenko has been charged with five counts of making false statements to the FBI regarding the way he compiled information used in the Democratic National Committee- and Hillary Clinton presidential campaign-funded dossier.

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8b888c No.65622

File: ed7f40dc162febc⋯.png (421 KB,555x486,185:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044905 (211404ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Comes to a "Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham"

Doesn't talk about what was Found

Instead Accuses the Witness of being Biased

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8b888c No.65623

File: 6ba29f10305d604⋯.png (1.11 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044920 (211406ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

21ST JUNE 2023



Chairman Jordan: Nothing has changed, and frankly, they're never gonna stop. Seven years of attacking Trump is scary enough, but what's more frightening; any one of us could be next.

Chairman Jordan: Guess who gets it the worst? Whistleblowers. If you dare come forward and tell congress what's going on, look out. They will come for you. They will take your clearance, they will take your pay, they will even take your kid's clothes.

Nadler: Republicans have planned this hearing, and constructed an entire false narrative around the work of Special Council Durham, in an effort to distract from the former president's legal troubles, and mislead the American public. To be clear, the Durham Report is, by itself, a deeply flawed vessel.

Nadler: Over the ensuing years, Mr. Durham constructed a flimsy story, built on shaky inferences and dog-whistles, to far-right conspiracy theorists.

Durham: While I'm encouraged by some of the reforms that have been implemented by the FBI, the problems identified in this report, anybody that actually reads the report, the details of the report, the documented portions of the report, I think will find that the problems identified in the report are not susceptible to overnight fixes

Johnson: I'll try to set the table here at the outset, from twenty thousand feet.

Johnson: The FBI and the DOJ have been turned into activated political weapons against citizens, and even a former president, because of their opposing viewpoints.

Nadler: Mr. Durham, your report reads lie a defense of the Trump campaign and an attack on Hillary Clinton…Donald Trump wanted you to investigate the investigators to show the deep state conspiracy, but you never found one.

Nadler: Some of my colleagues across the aisle have started calling this the 'Russia Hoax'. It's the theory that Russia did not actually interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

['Russia Hoax' actually refers to the false claim that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia]

>>65615 Whats with the bright blue umbrella? raining in DC? - twat and mp4 vid

>Charles Dolan.


Durham: We interviewed the first supervisor of the Crossfire investigation, the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information, he indicated he had never seen it before. He immediately became emotional, got up and left the room with his lawyer, spent some time in the hallway, came back…

Chairman Jordan: He was ticked off, wasn't he? He was ticked off , because this is something he should had as an agent on the case. This is important information that the director of the FBI kept from the people doing the investigation.

Durham: the information was kept from him.

>>65621 Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim - nyp article

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8b888c No.65624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19044957 (211411ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

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Cline: The FBI did not have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Hurricane, correct?

Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI failed to examine all available exculpatory evidence, correct?

Durham: FBI leadership continued the investigation even when case agents were unable to verify the evidence, correct?

Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI did not interview key witnesses in Crossfire Hurricane, correct?

Durham: Correct.

Cline: Individuals within the FBI abused their authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, correct?

Durham: Correct.

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8b888c No.65625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045001 (211416ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

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Cohen: Mr. Trump has called Mr, Barr a, 'gutless pig', a 'coward', and a RINO. Which of those is correct, which isn't?

Durham: In my experience, none of those is correct.

Cohen: So Mr. Trump isn't that good of an expert on character and judging people. In your opinion, he isn't, because he's not a 'gutless pig', but Trump says he is.

Durham: That's outside the scope of my report.

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8b888c No.65626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045012 (211417ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Cohen just threatened Durham

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8b888c No.65627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045017 (211418ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Cohen is ==OWNING=• Durham. No convictions or arrests

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8b888c No.65628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045022 (211418ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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The Democrats are still trying to inject Russian collusion in the video saying Don jr’s meeting was really about sanctions, Durham says no it was about adoptions and there are three reports done on that

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8b888c No.65629

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045038 (211419ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J Trump - Lockdown Ron - RMBL

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Donald J Trump - Lockdown Ron

Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65630

File: f6ec564597e6c07⋯.jpeg (179.91 KB,1284x723,428:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045051 (211420ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Cohen threatening you’ll be on a “pyre”

Wonder what Cohen did?

C b4 D?

Cohen before Durham

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8b888c No.65631

File: 53e6c0afd72d315⋯.jpg (44.21 KB,679x368,679:368,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 390d6bb89eb0c2c⋯.jpg (53.05 KB,500x547,500:547,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 842bdec1e7913df⋯.jpg (66.24 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01da0356718eb55⋯.png (46.8 KB,650x472,325:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045086 (211424ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65632

File: cba66a3fe94de31⋯.png (321.7 KB,518x517,518:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045112 (211427ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Comes to a "Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham"

Doesn't talk about what was Found in the Report

Instead talks about How it Started, how much it cost & how he Thinks it "Failed" to Produce Results

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8b888c No.65633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045119 (211427ZJUN23) Notable: Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted for Allegedly Lying to FBI While Pushing Trump-Russia Connection

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Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted for Allegedly Lying to FBI While Pushing Trump-Russia Connection

The Justice Department says Michael Sussmann came to the FBI seemingly as a concerned citizen and not on behalf of a client — and then billed the Clinton campaign for the meeting

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8b888c No.65634

File: 5991921da67ab2d⋯.png (770.31 KB,825x697,825:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045184 (211437ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65635

File: 58fe2d72fa6624a⋯.png (11.97 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 4854058667e2fb0⋯.png (286.08 KB,587x431,587:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 4783f7735a5eb9e⋯.png (241.7 KB,598x400,299:200,Clipboard.png)

File: d294185fe5346ab⋯.png (284.61 KB,598x440,299:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045187 (211437ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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TREND: Durham


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8b888c No.65636

File: a31718c479ed897⋯.png (81.08 KB,305x295,61:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045193 (211438ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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schiff now going after donald trump, jr

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8b888c No.65637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045213 (211440ZJUN23) Notable: RMBLE, MP4, MP4, Memes, Meme, Trend, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham: People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that.

Schiff: The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent, is that what you're saying?

Durham: I don't that's such as unique, in your experience.

[the phony phone call to Schiff kek]

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8b888c No.65638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045237 (211443ZJUN23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed 100 year charges for Trump over paperwork filing, a plea deal for Hunter over the laptop. Are you paying attention yet?

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Jack Poso 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec


100 year charges for Trump over paperwork filing, a plea deal for Hunter over the laptop

Are you paying attention yet?

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Jack Poso 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec


They want Trump to die in prison

They want the Bidens off the hook

It isn’t hypocrisy, it’s hierarchy

They don’t expect you to buy it, they expect you to do nothing

they expect you to do nothing >MAGA PATRIOTS!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045261 (211446ZJUN23) Notable: #23386

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#23386 >>65593

>>65594, >>65595, >>65596, >>65597, >>65600, >>65602, >>65605, >>65606, >>65608, >>65610, >>65609, >>65611 RMBLE, >>65614 MP4, >>65615 MP4, >>65616, >>65617, >>65619, >>65622, >>65623, >>65626, >>65627, >>65628, >>65630, >>65631 Memes, >>65632, >>65634 Meme, >>65635 Trend, >>65636, >>65637 Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

>>65599, >>65601, >>65603, >>65624, >>65625 Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

>>65598 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/21/2023

>>65604 White House lays out its preconditions for Ukraine peace talks

>>65607 Poles sue German firms over Nazi-era damages

>>65612 The CEO of OceanGate, didn’t want to hire any experienced “50 year old white guys” because they weren’t “inspirational.”

>>65613 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>65618 charles dolan. need digz

>>65620 Democratic operative Charles Dolan Jr. testified Thursday that he lied to Igor Danchenko in 2016 when he claimed to have information from a GOP insider

>>65621 Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim

>>65629 Donald J Trump - Lockdown Ron - RMBL

>>65633 Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted for Allegedly Lying to FBI While Pushing Trump-Russia Connection

>>65638 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed 100 year charges for Trump over paperwork filing, a plea deal for Hunter over the laptop. Are you paying attention yet?


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8b888c No.65640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045279 (211448ZJUN23) Notable: #23387

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#23387 https://fullchan.net/?b265aab0f622e2c0#6TnrC8o8mvA13E6NFHZiyzyJ8zq6eo6TNMZuvWBDCeBQ

LIVE: Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham - 6/21/23

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8b888c No.65641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045296 (211450ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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>>65594, >>65595, >>65596, >>65597, >>65600, >>65602, >>65605, >>65606, >>65608, >>65610, >>65609, >>65611 RMBLE, >>65614 MP4, >>65615 MP4, >>65616, >>65617, >>65619, >>65622, >>65623, >>65626, >>65627, >>65628, >>65630, >>65631 Memes, >>65632, >>65634 Meme, >>65635 Trend, >>65636, >>65637 Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

>>65599, >>65601, >>65603, >>65624, >>65625 Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

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8b888c No.65642

File: fcb7b4dbb8ad68d⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1170x1830,39:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 54a2e1b33cd774d⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1162x1679,1162:1679,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045316 (211453ZJUN23) Notable: PF R08221 Black Rock Forest nearby

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Black Rock Forest nearby

Just a coincidence


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8b888c No.65643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045322 (211454ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Dems are trying to raise the talking point that because of Trump Jr and muh russia based upon the findings of the Mueller fraud that the Durham report findings are crap because he is saying that the Crossfire Hurricane was legitimate. They are trying to say what the FBI did was legitimate, am I understanding their spin correctly.

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8b888c No.65644

File: 5340528031d4daa⋯.png (7.86 MB,2778x1284,463:214,Clipboard.png)

File: c4eb91391551481⋯.jpeg (602.4 KB,1218x685,1218:685,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f6ec564597e6c07⋯.jpeg (179.91 KB,1284x723,428:241,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c17630930aaab52⋯.jpeg (149.22 KB,1197x679,171:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045323 (211454ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Durham reigning.

Truth stands.

Covfefe - Covfefe before Durham!

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8b888c No.65645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045329 (211455ZJUN23) Notable: Who are the two witnesses?

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Thanks Baker man.

Revelation 11:3

“And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

January 6th 2021 + 1260 days = Juneteenth 2024

January 21st 2021?+ 1260 days = July 4th 2024

Who are the two witnesses?

Biden and Trump?

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8b888c No.65646

File: 31252ee7ac0fdd4⋯.png (237.75 KB,319x500,319:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045372 (211501ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Durham testimony notes continued

Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

21ST JUNE 2023



Chairman Jordan: Nothing has changed, and frankly, they're never gonna stop. Seven years of attacking Trump is scary enough, but what's more frightening; any one of us could be next.

Chairman Jordan: Guess who gets it the worst? Whistleblowers. If you dare come forward and tell congress what's going on, look out. They will come for you. They will take your clearance, they will take your pay, they will even take your kid's clothes.

Nadler: Republicans have planned this hearing, and constructed an entire false narrative around the work of Special Council Durham, in an effort to distract from the former president's legal troubles, and mislead the American public. To be clear, the Durham Report is, by itself, a deeply flawed vessel.

Nadler: Over the ensuing years, Mr. Durham constructed a flimsy story, built on shaky inferences and dog-whistles, to far-right conspiracy theorists.

Durham: While I'm encouraged by some of the reforms that have been implemented by the FBI, the problems identified in this report, anybody that actually reads the report, the details of the report, the documented portions of the report, I think will find that the problems identified in the report are not susceptible to overnight fixes

Johnson: I'll try to set the table here at the outset, from twenty thousand feet.

Johnson: The FBI and the DOJ have been turned into activated political weapons against citizens, and even a former president, because of their opposing viewpoints.

Nadler: Mr. Durham, your report reads lie a defense of the Trump campaign and an attack on Hillary Clinton…Donald Trump wanted you to investigate the investigators to show the deep state conspiracy, but you never found one.

Nadler: Some of my colleagues across the aisle have started calling this the 'Russia Hoax'. It's the theory that Russia did not actually interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

['Russia Hoax' actually refers to the false claim that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia]

>>65615 Whats with the bright blue umbrella? raining in DC? - twat and mp4 vid

>Charles Dolan.


Durham: We interviewed the first supervisor of the Crossfire investigation, the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information, he indicated he had never seen it before. He immediately became emotional, got up and left the room with his lawyer, spent some time in the hallway, came back…

Chairman Jordan: He was ticked off, wasn't he? He was ticked off , because this is something he should had as an agent on the case. This is important information that the director of the FBI kept from the people doing the investigation.

Durham: the information was kept from him.

>>65621 Clinton crony Charles Dolan Jr. lied about source of Steele dossier claim - nyp article

>>65623 Durham testimony first bun notes

Cline: The FBI did not have an adequate basis on which to launch Crossfire Hurricane, correct?


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8b888c No.65647

File: 4a6f85c68d4a0f9⋯.png (390.22 KB,632x500,158:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045375 (211501ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI failed to examine all available exculpatory evidence, correct?

Durham: FBI leadership continued the investigation even when case agents were unable to verify the evidence, correct?

Durham: That's correct.

Cline: The FBI did not interview key witnesses in Crossfire Hurricane, correct?

Durham: Correct.

Cline: Individuals within the FBI abused their authority under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, correct?

Durham: Correct.

Cohen: Mr. Trump has called Mr, Barr a, 'gutless pig', a 'coward', and a RINO. Which of those is correct, which isn't?

Durham: In my experience, none of those is correct.

Cohen: So Mr. Trump isn't that good of an expert on character and judging people. In your opinion, he isn't, because he's not a 'gutless pig', but Trump says he is.

Durham: That's outside the scope of my report.

anon opine: The Democrats are still trying to inject Russian collusion in the video saying Don jr’s meeting was really about sanctions, Durham says no it was about adoptions and there are three reports done on that

Durham to Cohen: My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, my family, and my Lord.

I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir. (gets applauses from those in congress)

Hank Johnson: None of the individuals you prosecuted were ever charged with being part of a hoax, or a fraud, or a with hunt, or a politically-motivated, deep state conspiracy against Donald Trump, isn't that correct?

Durham: We charged Mr. Sussmann with having knowingly providing false information to the FBI regarding Alpha Bank.

Johnson: But he was acquitted though, right?

Durham: That wasn't your question.

Durham: People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that.

Schiff: The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent, is that what you're saying?

Durham: I don't that's such as unique, in your experience.

[the phony phone call to Schiff kek]

Schiff: "Really the son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent is that what you are saying?"

Durham: "I don't think this is unique in your experience."

Swalwell: Mr. Durham, my MAGA colleagues want you to be someone you're not…they want you to join the law firm of 'Insurrection LLC', which, incidentally, and probably appropriately, is chaired by a guy that never passed the BAR exam.

continuing collecting notes

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8b888c No.65648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045388 (211504ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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schiff, swalwell and lieu keep going back to Trump, who was obviously joking, said on national tv that the russians should provide hillary's missing 3000 e-mails if they have them...

these 3 liberal california dems under the thumb and control of nancy pelosi

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8b888c No.65649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045390 (211505ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Lieu: Mr. Durham, you can hold yourself out as an objective Department of Justice official, or as a partisan hack, and the more that you try to spin the facts and not answer my questions, you sound like the latter.

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8b888c No.65650

File: bf4feba37d13820⋯.png (272.4 KB,493x551,17:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045400 (211506ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Ignores what Durham Found

Instead Calls Durham a Partisan Hack

All they have is

Character Assassination

Personal Attacks

& Deflection

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8b888c No.65651

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045419 (211508ZJUN23) Notable: Whistleblower Claims Antarctica IceCube Laboratory has Energy Weapons that Can Cause Earthquakes

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Whistleblower Claims Antarctica IceCube Laboratory has Energy Weapons that Can Cause Earthquakes

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located at the South Pole, searches for high energy subatomic particles called “neutrinos.” The IceCube Collaboration is operated by an international group of scientists, comprised of approximately 300 physicists in 14 countries. Steven Greer introduced whistleblower Erick Hecker, who is reported to have been a contractor for military weapons manufacturer Raytheon and worked at IceCube for about a year (2010 -2011). He is now warning about alleged technology associated with IceCube that includes off-world exotic vehicle detection, faster-than-light communications, an earthquake-generating device, an ELF system that may be used for “nefarious purposes”, and an atmospheric research observatory that utilizes a laser for communication and/or a defense system.



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8b888c No.65652

File: 248fdef2b42e010⋯.png (584.39 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045427 (211510ZJUN23) Notable: Newsom’s Gun Grabbing Constitutional Addition Would Repeal the Second Amendment

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Gavin Newsom’s Gun Grabbing Constitutional Addition Would Repeal the Second Amendment

California Governor Gavin Newsom proposed a new country-wide four-part constitutional amendment to restrict gun rights in America. His scheme involves four principals: barring civilian purchase of ‘assault weapons’, raising the legal age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21, a waiting period before buying a gun, and universal background checks for private gun transfers. The Democrats’ real goal is a new government database that knows who owns every gun in the country and where they live. The objective is to lay the legal groundwork for confiscating guns in the United States. Democrats should focus on enforcing existing gun laws by removing Soros-backed district attorneys who refuse to prosecute gun crimes before they try to create new laws. Newsom was roasted on the internet and one critic asked when he would give up his six body guards.



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8b888c No.65653

File: 4f17108baf09f51⋯.jpg (143.16 KB,750x1014,125:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045431 (211510ZJUN23) Notable: The Left is blatantly transparent about its embrace of Satanism.

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The Left is blatantly transparent about its embrace of Satanism.


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8b888c No.65654

File: 120237e13a2710e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045433 (211510ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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8b888c No.65655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045446 (211512ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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McClintock: Was Danchenko a Russian intelligence source?

Durham: Mr. Danchenko had been investigated by the FBI for espionage, they closed the case when they mistakenly thought he had left the country. Mr. Danchenko's status in connected with that espionage matter was never resolved by the bureau, the bureau, in fact, never opened or perused it.

McClintock: He was the source for much of the Steele dossier.

Durham: He said that he was responsible for eighty percent of the intelligence in the dossier.

McCLintock: Who commissioned the Steele dossier?

Durham: The Steele dossier was done by Fusion GPS, who was hired by Perkins Coie, who represented the Clinton campaign.

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8b888c No.65656

File: c695c0d489a6f41⋯.png (417.97 KB,1262x712,631:356,Clipboard.png)

File: baf533ae2c2f522⋯.png (269.28 KB,585x288,65:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 7885c54edfa0f02⋯.png (222.43 KB,797x491,797:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045471 (211515ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS/Central & South America/Caribbean Activity

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PlaneFag CONUS/Central & South America/Caribbean Activity

Something you don't see every day for sure: N879AD DC-9 which is called Firebird II and is primarily a radar and missile seeker testing platform-it is highly modified (check that nose and the fin arrays)-big Raytheon facility located at Tucson Int'l and heading WN after taxi from Raytheon Bldg

SAM298 arrived at San Francisco Int'l last night while SWATH30 KC-135 tanker is over Potato as the mobile filling station

Potato gets the daily briefing in about an hour and then leaves SFO for JBA at 1:05pm EST

Has a meeting/dinner with Indian PM Modi later https://factba.se/biden/calendar

IRON99 E-6B Mercury left Travis AFB heading EN

RCH3240 C-17 Globemaster heading south from McChord to go p/u Potato's equipment

SAM261 G5 departed Miami Int'l ES after an overnight-arrived from JBA yesterday

GTMO844 Beech UC-12M Huron-one of the usual weekly flight(s) heading heading to Ft. Lauderdale or NAS Jax

91-0512 C-26B Metro ES from Dane Cty Regional Airport (Madison, WI) part of te 187th Fighter Wing (Ops group) https://www.187fw.ang.af.mil/Units/Operations-Group/

GRZLY50 C560 departed Ft. Lauderdale Exec. Airport and arrived on 0616 from a stop at Houston-Ellington Airport and departed MCAS Miramar (home base)

Central South America/Mexico/Caribbean

WYU Beech Super King Air departed Hermosillo after a ground stop-left Guadalajara -Zapopan AB after about 5.5 h on ground

12-3060 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146 Wolfhound departed Guatemala City overnight-arrived from Bogota depart and stopped at Comayaguay AB in Honduras before Guat City arrival yesterday

TEAL71 WC-130j Hurricane Hunter ES from St. Croix USVI heading out to check the incoming storm

From yesterday: 11-3104 USAFSOC C-146 Wolfhound went to Manaus, Brazil after a stop at Trindad and Tobago-left San Juan earlier yesterday

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8b888c No.65657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045480 (211516ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Jayapal: Mr. Durham, I think you were given an impossible task by Attorney General Bill Barr. He asked you to figure out how to make Donald Trump's Spygate claims true. But you couldn't do that because you quickly realized that the claims were false, and so you set about, as many republicans on cable news do, try to find a way to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump's woes.

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8b888c No.65658

File: 0cc0cc8d1e6fa34⋯.png (500.35 KB,757x658,757:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045496 (211518ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal And - a few key questions for Durham

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Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal And - a few key questions for Durham

June 20, 2023

A deal that would almost make Jeffrey Epstein jealous.

Hunter Biden has reached a deal with his father’s Administration, pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay federal income tax, in violation of USC § 7203. He further agreed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement with respect to the charge of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of, or is addicted to, a controlled substance. Prosecutors have agreed to dismiss the firearm charge “if he completes a two-year period of probation.”

The tax charges stem from Hunter Biden failing to pay income tax in 2017 and 2018, despite receiving taxable income in excess of $1.5 million for each of those years. The firearm charge relates to the 2018 possession of a firearm while he was an unlawful user/addict of illegal drugs.

It has been reported that Hunter will likely not face jail time for these charges. If true, this a deviation from the norm. There are a number of examples of less egregious tax evasion cases or 26 USC § 7203 cases where the defendant receives a tougher punishment, whether through a felony conviction or prison time. One such case involved a defendant receiving 6 years maximum for violating 26 USC § 7203 (failure to file Forms 8300). That case didn’t involve hiding millions of dollars in income from the federal government via shell companies.

A more comparable case involved Wesley Snipes, who served three years for tax evasion. For further reference, courtesy of our friend Mike Cernovich, the US Sentencing Commission, calculated that “the average sentence for tax fraud offenders was 16 months.”

More important for Hunter – and for his father (and their family) – is that this appears to end the DOJ’s investigation into the Bidens. I say “appears” because there’s this caveat from the press release of Davi Weiss, the US Attorney for the District of Delaware: “The investigation is ongoing.”


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8b888c No.65659

File: c210c3b911e7031⋯.png (39.49 KB,708x380,177:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045512 (211521ZJUN23) Notable: Rep. Jim Jordan At the time of the initial Carter Page FISA application, the FBI never corroborated a single substantive allegation contained in the Steele reports.

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Rep. Jim Jordan

At the time of the initial Carter Page FISA application, the FBI never corroborated a single substantive allegation contained in the Steele reports.

And they still haven’t.


11:16 AM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65660

File: 8b8282f4d7797e1⋯.png (56.17 KB,728x361,728:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045520 (211522ZJUN23) Notable: Rep. Jim Jordan FBI Headquarters executives, including Deputy Director McCabe, unanimously supported opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation without ever considering the CREDIBILITY and underpinnings of the statements attributed to Papadopoulos.

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Rep. Jim Jordan

FBI Headquarters executives, including Deputy Director McCabe, unanimously supported opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation without ever considering the CREDIBILITY and underpinnings of the statements attributed to Papadopoulos.

They were out to get Trump no matter what.

Last edited 11:14 AM · Jun 21, 2023



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8b888c No.65661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045524 (211522ZJUN23) Notable: Charles Francis Dolan Dig

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Charles Francis Dolan (born October 16, 1926) is an American billionaire businessman, best known as founder of Cablevision and HBO.[1] Today, Dolan controls Madison Square Garden Sports, MSG Networks, Madison Square Garden Entertainment, Madison Square Garden, MSG Sphere at The Venetian, MSG Sphere London, Radio City Music Hall, BBC America and AMC Networks. As of October 2021, his net worth was estimated at US$5.6 billion.[2]

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8b888c No.65662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045553 (211525ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without speaking to the people who provided the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane on a Sunday, only three days after reviewing the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without any significant review of it's own intelligence database?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without interviewing the essential witnesses?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed in evaluating intelligence?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI consider the possibility that it was the target?

Durham: It didn't appear so to me from the evidence.

Gooden: Can you tell us why, and under what motivation, would a prosecutorial agency act in such a way where it willfully ignores multiple instances of exculpatory evidence throughout the course of it's investigation.

Durham: In my experience, that is not the norm. That is not how the FBI performs. In this particular case, as is reflected in the report, there appear to be persons in the FBI who were central to opening the investigation, that had rather strong views concerning then candidate Trump.

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8b888c No.65663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045630 (211537ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Durham Currently trending at #️6 with 71K tweets


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8b888c No.65664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045634 (211538ZJUN23) Notable: Fresh footage from Nord Stream 2 filmed a few days ago

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Fresh footage from Nord Stream 2 filmed a few days ago

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8b888c No.65665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045635 (211539ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

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Moore: Did the [Steele] dossier come from President Trump's political opponents?

Durham: It was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC...that's how it was paid for.

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8b888c No.65666

File: e5f440e32d96e2a⋯.mp4 (480.24 KB,660x360,11:6,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045655 (211542ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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John Durham calls out Adam Schiff to his face regarding the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

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8b888c No.65667

File: a8904f90e866b02⋯.png (703.32 KB,972x705,324:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 7983c720c7c30e1⋯.png (936.16 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045662 (211543ZJUN23) Notable: Massive fire burns at apartment complex construction site in southwest Las Vegas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Massive fire burns at apartment complex construction site in southwest Las Vegas

June 20, 2023

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - Dozens of Clark County Fire Department units responded on Tuesday afternoon after a large fire broke out at an apartment complex under construction in the southwest Las Vegas Valley at approximately 4:29 p.m.

CCFD reported at least 20 units responded to a two-alarm fire on the 8000 block of W. Maule Ave., with more on the way.

Upon arrival, the Battalion Chief called a 2nd alarm due to the amount of fire at the location. As of 11 p.m., crews are still battling the fire and are trying to limit exposures to surrounding properties.

Witnesses told FOX5 they heard loud popping sounds like a car backfiring or someone throwing boards off roof when it started. Part of the 215 was shut down as smoke covered the roadway. High winds fueled the fire.

No injuries were reported to construction crews on site when the fire broke out.

It appears to have started on the roof or upper floor but the cause remains under investigation.


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8b888c No.65668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045675 (211546ZJUN23) Notable: DURHAM UP AND SPAM IS STRONG KNOW UR BUNKER

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8b888c No.65669

File: ebc9a88abec7a86⋯.png (294.52 KB,833x455,119:65,Clipboard.png)

File: ada948e277b5477⋯.png (500.92 KB,652x665,652:665,Clipboard.png)

File: f0939b772a9ea34⋯.png (414.7 KB,577x593,577:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045697 (211549ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe-Blinken leaves London after Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag Europe-Blinken leaves London after Ukraine 'Recovery' meeting, SoKo Prez bails Paris after Macron meeting

SAM200 C-32ABlinkendeparted London-Stansted Airport after arriving from Baku ground stop and Beijing depart on 0619


SAM056 G5 departed Stockholm Int'l along with Spanish AF AME4521 Falcon 900

Swiss AF SUI016 Falcon 900 departed Bern WN >>>/qresearch/19045618

Korean AF KAF001 747President Yoondeparted Paris heading ES after meeting with Macron and a financial summit (NGR001 arrived yesterday from Abuja)

President Yoon visits Paris


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65670

File: a419b8798825769⋯.png (821.92 KB,1279x715,1279:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045699 (211549ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




McClintock: Was Danchenko a Russian intelligence source?

Durham: Mr. Danchenko had been investigated by the FBI for espionage, they closed the case when they mistakenly thought he had left the country. Mr. Danchenko's status in connected with that espionage matter was never resolved by the bureau, the bureau, in fact, never opened or perused it.

McClintock: He was the source for much of the Steele dossier.

Durham: He said that he was responsible for eighty percent of the intelligence in the dossier.

McCLintock: Who commissioned the Steele dossier?

Durham: The Steele dossier was done by Fusion GPS, who was hired by Perkins Coie, who represented the Clinton campaign.

Jayapal: Mr. Durham, I think you were given an impossible task by Attorney General Bill Barr. He asked you to figure out how to make Donald Trump's Spygate claims true. But you couldn't do that because you quickly realized that the claims were false, and so you set about, as many republicans on cable news do, try to find a way to blame Hillary Clinton for Donald Trump's woes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without speaking to the people who provided the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane on a Sunday, only three days after reviewing the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without any significant review of it's own intelligence database?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without interviewing the essential witnesses?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed in evaluating intelligence?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI consider the possibility that it was the target?

Durham: It didn't appear so to me from the evidence.

Gooden: Can you tell us why, and under what motivation, would a prosecutorial agency act in such a way where it willfully ignores multiple instances of exculpatory evidence throughout the course of it's investigation.

Durham: In my experience, that is not the norm. That is not how the FBI performs. In this particular case, as is reflected in the report, there appear to be persons in the FBI who were central to opening the investigation, that had rather strong views concerning then candidate Trump.

Chairman Jordan: This is straight out of the movies….you can't make this stuff up. But that's what Comey's FBI did.

>>>/qresearch/19045567 mcclintock mp4 video questions to durham

Moore: Did the [Steele] dossier come from President Trump's political opponents?

Durham: It was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC…that's how it was paid for.

Durham: The Clinton campaign funded the information that showed up in the [Steele] dossier. The Clinton campaign funded the information that was put together concerning an alleged secret communications channel between Trump and Alpha Bank, which was presented to the FBI through Mr. Sussmann.

continuing note taking

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8b888c No.65671

File: 41b4957df196a87⋯.mp4 (14.81 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045702 (211550ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





🚨BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research such as the Steele Dossier."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65672

File: 2cd71072adbce5c⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045725 (211553ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




John Durham Report Hearing:

They ALL knew that Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisor manufactured a fake scandal to falsely tie Donald Trump to Russia. This was never given to the FISA court...

Barack Obama knew.

Joe Biden knew.

James Comey knew.

Loretta Lynch knew.


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8b888c No.65673

File: 2cd71072adbce5c⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045739 (211555ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Today, Special Counsel John Durham is testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions pertaining to the conclusions of his report on the FBI's flawed Trump-Russia investigation.

Watch my questioning:


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8b888c No.65674

File: efc1e3ee6942a82⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4d6a6be29f57587⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045752 (211557ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045753 (211557ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kiley: Mr. Schiff, in 2017, 2018, made statements such as, "The Russians offered help [to Trump], the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help, and the president made full use of that help, and that is pretty damning." He also said there's clear evidence on the issue of collusion. He said, "I think there's plenty evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight." Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the conclusions of the Muller Report?

Schiff: Will the gentleman yield?

Kiley: No. Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the Muller Report?

Durham: I don't believe so.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65676

File: a1cab2683e44de1⋯.png (302.6 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 6eaab56d4e1901c⋯.png (304.8 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

File: aa2b40445112bdc⋯.png (306.47 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ba28b05754cc85⋯.png (306.88 KB,598x509,598:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045773 (211602ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Partisan hack



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65677

File: 163c8669d7ebfd9⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045780 (211603ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


you're vid isn't working past the 10 second mark for me; here's a new one

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65678

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045783 (211603ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>>65671 The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research such as the Steele Dossier." - mp4 vid and twat

Dean: We have a very dangerous former president, and criminal indictments to come. A mess of Mr. Trump's own making, I am baffled of this committee's lifting up of a corrupt president.

>>65672 They ALL knew that Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisor - twat and mp 4 vid

>>65673 Special Counsel John Durham is testifying in front of the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions pertaining to the conclusions of his report on the FBI's flawed Trump-Russia investigation. - mp4 and twat

>>65674 Mr Fitzgerald mp4 video questioning of durham

Kiley: Mr. Schiff, in 2017, 2018, made statements such as, "The Russians offered help [to Trump], the campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help, and the president made full use of that help, and that is pretty damning." He also said there's clear evidence on the issue of collusion. He said, "I think there's plenty evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight." Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the conclusions of the Muller Report?

Schiff: Will the gentleman yield?

Kiley: No. Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the Muller Report?

Durham: I don't believe so.

break taken in congress - note up to date including mp4 vides

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8b888c No.65679

File: f6d85e1cd91e842⋯.png (167.09 KB,530x487,530:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045798 (211607ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1788, the US began its government under the Constitution

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#OTD in 1788, the US began its government under the Constitution when New Hampshire became the ninth of 13 states to ratify it. Celebrate the first day of summer with a unique #beachread: https://archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution-transcript


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8b888c No.65680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045802 (211607ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Overall, Durham’s answers, when he is allowed to answer by democrats and republicans he maintains his objectivity and non biased demeanor. The questions by dems sidestep his entire report, and they reached biased and lying conclusions without the benefit of answering a question. The dems refuse to ask him questions and use their time to preach to their base, “Trump is still colluding with Russia, and he’s a criminal”.

I wonder how many millions of dems are waking up listening to their bullshit. Barely one of them reference’s his report which was supposed to be the point of this hearing. It's obvious they are perfectly fine with how the FBI works today

Durham is actually shocked how contentious they are, he asks “do you go through this everyday?”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65681

File: 58f9ef109f2190c⋯.png (518.37 KB,1168x1238,584:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045814 (211610ZJUN23) Notable: @ChuckCallesto Evidence emerges revealing the DNC conspired with Ukraine, "A FORIGN GOVERNMENT' against Trump to INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Evidence emerges revealing the DNC conspired with Ukraine, "A FORIGN GOVERNMENT' against Trump to INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election.

Miranda served as Communications Director for the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 election cycle.

DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country in hopes of forcing the issue before Congress. - The Hill


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8b888c No.65682

File: 4c767cfb06e18ea⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045819 (211611ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

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Things I think we just missed...

Durham walks in with an umbrella, was he expecting a storm???...was he telling us there is a storm???

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8b888c No.65683

File: 93caa680c798316⋯.png (18.41 KB,530x234,265:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045828 (211612ZJUN23) Notable: The Australian “diplomat” who lied about me (the reason the sham crossfire investigation investigation went nowhere)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Australian “diplomat” who lied about me (the reason the sham crossfire investigation investigation went nowhere) also just happened to earmark $25 million to the Clinton foundation while he was Australia’s foreign minister.

Are you catching on yet?


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8b888c No.65684

File: cc31f5236dd6648⋯.png (109.14 KB,589x466,589:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045829 (211612ZJUN23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

June 21, 2023

Furious and Disgusted

Dear Patriots,

There is no stronger evidence of the corruption of the Deep State, specifically The United States Department of Justice, than the sweetheart deal they made with criminal Hunter Biden.

As we have been pointing out to you (Sidney, literally, wrote the book) that the DOJ has been compromised for more than a decade. Now we have even more proof.

This deal is all the words: outrageous, unfair, shocking, dangerous, hypocritical, cover-up, frustrating.

It is more important than ever so share the real information of the Biden Crime Family with others. Many people, sadly, are not paying attention. But this plea deal is raising awareness. Now is the time to offer more information to those in your orbit who are unaware of the very serious crimes that Hunter, Joe, and other members of that family continue to get away with.

1- For a good rundown on the Hunter Biden situation, watch and then share this video from Tucker Carlson. You do not have to be on Twitter to view this.

Tucker On Twitter Episode 5

2- Now more than ever we need Republicans in Congress to step up and hold all Democrats accountable and stop helping them push their agenda.


J.D. Vance Doubles Down on Holding Up Biden DOJ Nominees

3- We pray that they will vote to release this testimony from the IRS whistleblower.

Just The News

Congress prepares to unseal testimony, evidence from IRS whistleblower in Hunter Biden case

4- The deal given to Hunter is a cover-up for the $10 million bribery evidence.


Sen. Ron Johnson to Newsmax: Hunter Plea Deal Attempt to Keep Truth From Public

5- The public wants to know. The public deserves to know about the current occupant of the White House who sold out the country while Vice President.


Poll: 83% of Voters Say FBI Should Make Biden ‘Bribery’ File Public



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8b888c No.65685

File: 6c24bde4940f4c4⋯.gif (420.51 KB,500x375,4:3,Clipboard.gif)

File: 41a88ddd6d11e3e⋯.png (89.77 KB,792x680,99:85,Clipboard.png)

File: d4b9895e03ca7ea⋯.png (1.53 MB,1271x1091,1271:1091,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045830 (211612ZJUN23) Notable: California Home Sales Down 23.6% YoY in May, Median Prices Decline 6.4% YoY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California Home Sales Down 23.6% YoY in May, Median Prices Decline 6.4% YoY

California doesn’t report monthly inventory numbers, but they do report sales and the change in months of inventory. Note: The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is scheduled to release May existing home sales tomorrow, Thursday, June 22, 2023, at 10:00 AM ET. The consensus is for 4.24 million SAAR.

Last Friday, housing economist Tom Lawler noted: Based on publicly-available local realtor/MLS reports released across the country through today, comprising over 225,000 transactions, I project that existing home sales as estimated by the National Association of Realtors ran at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.25 million in May, down 0.7% from April’s preliminary pace and down 21.3% from last May’s seasonally adjusted pace.

Here is the press release from the California Association of Realtors® (C.A.R.): Interest rate reprieve boosts California home sales to highest level in eight months, C.A.R. reports

California’s median home price exceeded $800,000 in May for the second straight month, increasing 3.0 percent from April’s $811,950 to $836,110 in May.The statewide median price continued to rise and reached the highest level in nine months.

• Existing, single-family home sales totaled 289,460 in May on a seasonally adjusted annualized rate, up 9.8 percent from April and down 23.6 percent from May 2022.

• May’s statewide median home price was $836,110, up 3.0 percent from April and down 6.4 percent from May 2022.



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8b888c No.65686

File: f6076c14b5917db⋯.png (1.36 MB,1910x1514,955:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045910 (211623ZJUN23) Notable: LB BUN, wiki dossier, Trend 'Durham', MP4, MP4, ( MP4, MP4), MP4, MP4's, Call to Twitter, Anon Notes, MP4, MEME, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045925 (211626ZJUN23) Notable: #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lol. #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

Anyone notice this?


0:09 / 0:39

10:47 AM · Jun 21, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19045983 (211636ZJUN23) Notable: . Transcripts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Van Drew: Danchenko was a foreign agent, who the FBI was paying hundreds of thousand of taxpayer dollars, tells a blatant lie, which leads to four FISA applications, and lays the foundation for the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax...one of the greatest disgraces this country, in my opinion, has ever seen. Americans are literally paying the price for this corruption...Mr. Durham, is it accurate to say the Crossfire Hurricane investigators made little to no effort to corroborate Danchenko's events relating to Millian?

Durham: That would be correct.

Van Drew: And is it accurate to say that despite not corroborating this information, that Crossfire Hurricane still used the Millian accusation to bolster the Carter Page FISA applications.

Durham: That information was used in the initial FISA application, and the three renewal applications.

Van Drew: So the answer is yes.

Durham: Yes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046018 (211641ZJUN23) Notable: #23387

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

>>65641 LB BUN, >>65643, >>65644, >>65648, >>65650, >>65654 wiki dossier, >>65663 Trend 'Durham', >>65666 MP4, >>65671 MP4, ( >>65672 MP4, >>65677 MP4), >>65673 MP4, >>65674 MP4's, >>65676 Call to Twitter, >>65678 Anon Notes, >>65680, >>65682 MP4, >>65686 MEME


>>65646, >>65647, >>65649, >>65655, >>65657, >>65662, >>65665, >>65670, >>65675. >>65688

#23387 >>65640

>>65659 Rep. Jim Jordan At the time of the initial Carter Page FISA application, the FBI never corroborated a single substantive allegation contained in the Steele reports.

>>65660 Rep. Jim Jordan FBI Headquarters executives, including Deputy Director McCabe, unanimously supported opening the Crossfire Hurricane investigation without ever considering the CREDIBILITY and underpinnings of the statements attributed to Papadopoulos.

>>65658 Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal And - a few key questions for Durham

>>65683 The Australian “diplomat” who lied about me (the reason the sham crossfire investigation investigation went nowhere)

>>65687 #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

>>65642 PF R08221 Black Rock Forest nearby

>>65645 Who are the two witnesses?

>>65651 Whistleblower Claims Antarctica IceCube Laboratory has Energy Weapons that Can Cause Earthquakes

>>65652 Newsom’s Gun Grabbing Constitutional Addition Would Repeal the Second Amendment

>>65653 The Left is blatantly transparent about its embrace of Satanism.

>>65656 PlaneFag CONUS/Central & South America/Caribbean Activity

>>65661 Charles Francis Dolan Dig

>>65664 Fresh footage from Nord Stream 2 filmed a few days ago

>>65667 Massive fire burns at apartment complex construction site in southwest Las Vegas


>>65669 PlaneFag Europe-Blinken leaves London after Ukraine

>>65679 #OTD in 1788, the US began its government under the Constitution

>>65681 @ChuckCallesto Evidence emerges revealing the DNC conspired with Ukraine, "A FORIGN GOVERNMENT' against Trump to INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME of the 2016 election.

>>65684 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>65685 California Home Sales Down 23.6% YoY in May, Median Prices Decline 6.4% YoY


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8b888c No.65690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046038 (211643ZJUN23) Notable: LIVE: Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham - 6/21/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23387 https://fullchan.net/?c02ce1757ad26a96#FELnCgMiuoHBCPdP9C9xhrsAS31A2iiWTYmBRVfJRhyK

LIVE: Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham - 6/21/23


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8b888c No.65691

File: 3fdccae91581973⋯.png (271.7 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046069 (211647ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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8b888c No.65692

File: 70c79fa624e8e39⋯.png (369.22 KB,778x473,778:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046070 (211647ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ban FBI buying Data


Sign Ron Paul’s Letter on H.R. 6415 to Ban Central Bank Digital Currency


Audit the Fed


End 702


Stop the WHO Pandemic


Pass the REINS Act


Hold FBI accountable


She Just SLANDERED another member

She should have been STOPPED right then!

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8b888c No.65693

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046084 (211649ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cori Bush: St. Louis and I are here today to set the record straight about this political investigation, conducted on behalf of the twice impeached, twice indicted, former white supremacist-in chief, Donald Trump.

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8b888c No.65694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046123 (211652ZJUN23) Notable: @KevinKileyCA goes scorched earth on Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Co. for making false claims about Russian collusion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.@KevinKileyCA goes scorched earth on Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Co. for making false claims about Russian collusion and claiming "we have an illegitimate President in the White House" which aren't supported by the Mueller report.

11:58 AM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65695

File: 7dec76d76b1e430⋯.jpg (119.97 KB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2436ddc8970093b⋯.mp4 (159.52 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046126 (211653ZJUN23) Notable: Huge explosion rocks Paris! #Paris

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Huge explosion rocks Paris! #Paris

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046133 (211653ZJUN23) Notable: #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lol. #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

Anyone notice this?


10:47 AM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65697

File: a2ff45c7deeacb3⋯.png (116 KB,706x388,353:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046147 (211655ZJUN23) Notable: Hurricane Hunter out of St. Croix earlier today TEAL71

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hurricane Hunter out of St. Croix earlier today


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8b888c No.65698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046152 (211656ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Spartz and Durham Testimony

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep Spartz and Durham


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8b888c No.65699

File: aa2b19919752be9⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB,888x476,222:119,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046225 (211706ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65700

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046264 (211711ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham just explained why he brought the low level cases for prosecution:

It was the only way he could subpoena all the players he needed testimony from that refused to be intervied voluntarily.

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8b888c No.65701

File: c2fe8f9500b586a⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB,518x288,259:144,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046266 (211711ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65702

File: a4573842996334f⋯.png (597.49 KB,995x572,995:572,Clipboard.png)

File: df6c9bb058ced07⋯.png (201.33 KB,529x392,529:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046289 (211713ZJUN23) Notable: Potato in 92-9000 747 (VC-25) departed San Francisco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>65656 lb

Potato in 92-9000 747 (VC-25) departed San Francisco Int'l after 2 days of munee grabbing (and litle else)

09-0015 C-32A departed March AFB earlier and headed up coast-now vectoring EN as potato takes off

SWATH31 KC-135 Tanker should bail back the Beale AFB (where it originated from)

RCH3240 C-17 Globemaster landed at Castle Airport (old Castle AFB-closed in 1995 and Google was using that for the balloon inet shit until they say they closed it down a few years ago)

CLUB22 E-4B Nightwatch should be leaving Davis-Monthan AFB soon

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8b888c No.65703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046308 (211716ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Balint: Donald Trump has made it clear that if he is reelected, he wants to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies, regardless of the facts. And he has shown that he is willing to dismantle American democracy if it will put him on top.

[the facts show actual massive crimes committed]

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8b888c No.65704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046363 (211723ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham's lawyer left the team because they found out she was being spied on? How else would the NYTimes know what they claimed? Bullshit article, but they would have had to make it up to cover the spying. Is Schiff trying to find out how the team found out she was being spied on? Trump would have had that info if the means was established while he was still President. They all left the spy channel open and just fed it misinfo. Boomerang.

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8b888c No.65705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046365 (211723ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Roy: Besides being fired, have Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, or Peter Strzok, been held accountable for these glaring violations, have they been hauled before a grand jury, or charged in any way, and if not, why not.

Durham: I'm not going to talk about matters that occur before the grand jury, because I can't, but with respect to have any of those individuals been charged, the answer is no.

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8b888c No.65706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046367 (211724ZJUN23) Notable: Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the US government to obtain the contents of data...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dec. 31, 2023

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the US government to obtain the contents of data, communications, and associated non-content metadata—usually in real time—from electronic communications service providers. Section 702 will expire on Dec. 31, 2023 unless Congress quickly acts to renew it.

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8b888c No.65707

File: c4fd521ee14d0a3⋯.png (49.29 KB,640x473,640:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046377 (211725ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censure bill will be coming to the House floor soon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I’m told the Adam Schiff censure bill will be coming to the House floor soon

Stay tuned for live updates

Will House GOP actually represent their voter interests?

12:59 PM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65708

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046442 (211733ZJUN23) Notable: PASTEBIN OF NOTES TAKEN SO FAR IN DURHAM TESTIMONY https://controlc.com/171ac075

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>65646, >>65647, >>65670, >>65678 Durham testimony notes including mp4 vids and twats.

All above is last bread notes.

bringing notes upto date from durham testimony.

still collecting.



Durham: He was sentenced to twelve months probation for [laughs] fabricating a document that was used to get a surveillance order on an American citizen.

Van Drew: Danchenko was a foreign agent, who the FBI was paying hundreds of thousand of taxpayer dollars, tells a blatant lie, which leads to four FISA applications, and lays the foundation for the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax…one of the greatest disgraces this country, in my opinion, has ever seen. Americans are literally paying the price for this corruption…Mr. Durham, is it accurate to say the Crossfire Hurricane investigators made little to no effort to corroborate Danchenko's events relating to Millian?

Durham: That would be correct.

Van Drew: And is it accurate to say that despite not corroborating this information, that Crossfire Hurricane still used the Millian accusation to bolster the Carter Page FISA applications.

Durham: That information was used in the initial FISA application, and the three renewal applications.

Van Drew: So the answer is yes.

Durham: Yes.

Spartz: This case has all classic earmarks of collusion and cover-up. However not one person went to jail, and Clinton campaign operatives like Jake Sullivan now have the highest national security position in our government, who is driving a very slow response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Spartz: Do u believe justice has been served? Yes or no?

Durham: We tried to serve justice to the best of our ability.

>>65698, >>>/qresearch/19046205, Rep Spartz and Durham mp4 vid

Ms Spartz ran us all the way back to Uranium 1

Durham just explained why he brought the low level cases for prosecution:

It was the only way he could subpoena all the players he needed testimony from that refused to be intervied voluntarily. Spartz was on FIRE:- mp4 vid spartz section.

Cori Bush: St. Louis and I are here today to set the record straight about this political investigation, conducted on behalf of the twice impeached, twice indicted, former white supremacist-in chief, Donald Trump.

Bush: Republicans will do anything, say anything, and spend any amount of money, to hide the basic truth that their leader is a criminal, corrupt, narcissistic buffoon

Nehls: My democrat colleagues across the aisle, the Clintons, the dishonest mainstream media, and the rest of the deep state, have been terrified of Donald Trump from the beginning. And their hatred and fear remains today.

Durham just explained why he brought the low level cases for prosecution:

It was the only way he could subpoena all the players he needed testimony from that refused to be intervied voluntarily.

Balint: Donald Trump has made it clear that if he is reelected, he wants to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies, regardless of the facts. And he has shown that he is willing to dismantle American democracy if it will put him on top.

[the facts show actual massive crimes committed]

Roy: Besides being fired, have Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, or Peter Strzok, been held accountable for these glaring violations, have they been hauled before a grand jury, or charged in any way, and if not, why not.

Durham: I'm not going to talk about matters that occur before the grand jury, because I can't, but with respect to have any of those individuals been charged, the answer is no.

Dec. 31, 2023

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the US government to obtain the contents of data, communications, and associated non-content metadata—usually in real time—from electronic communications service providers. Section 702 will expire on Dec. 31, 2023 unless Congress quickly acts to renew it.

Hunt: What happened in 2016 was unprecedented. The same government agencies that were investigating President Trump and his campaign, were looking the other way when it came to the allegations against the Clintons. In the same time, the Clinton campaign paid for the Steele dossier, the DOJ and FBI were helping to cover up Clinton's crimes. We know this to be a fact.

continuing collecting

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8b888c No.65709

File: 1e8ab9ac9d67236⋯.jpeg (842.6 KB,1398x1604,699:802,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046488 (211741ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff Taunts Over Standard Hotel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Schiff Taunts Over Standard Hotel

FDR said that sometimes you can judge a person by the enemies they’ve made.

By that standard, I’m doing pretty damn well.


The sack of shit actually thinks he got away with the Standard incident.

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8b888c No.65710

File: 835f7c0271b4206⋯.png (70.43 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046491 (211743ZJUN23) Notable: PASTEBIN OF NOTES TAKEN SO FAR IN DURHAM TESTIMONY https://controlc.com/171ac075

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



thank fuck for that - congress in recess for 30 minutes.

Baker please add to note collected already including the last 3 breads into this one.

will continue taking when they get back.


durham testimony notes up to recess on the 21st june 2023.



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8b888c No.65711

File: 846ba97ca7e882f⋯.png (53.94 KB,427x510,427:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046492 (211743ZJUN23) Notable: QDelta 6/21 Q&A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jun 21 2018 01:06:16 (EST)


Q&A Saturday.

Time TBD.


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8b888c No.65712

File: 02c8112a8e795f5⋯.jpeg (926.19 KB,1170x1682,585:841,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046550 (211753ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “John Durham reveals FBI kept intel on Hillary Clinton's plan to 'link' Trump with 'Russia collusion' in 2016 from agents working the case”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046557 (211754ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff Taunts Over Standard Hotel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Can you pair the reply with notable, relevant Proof. Tanx o7



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8b888c No.65714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046558 (211754ZJUN23) Notable: Rep. Massie’s *real* reason for protecting Adam Schiff exposed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨Rep. Massie’s *real* reason for protecting Adam Schiff exposed🚨

Twitter Space from 12/16/22


says House Intel Chairman @DevinNunes

was part of Deep State, compares him to Mitch Mcconnell & Lindsey Graham


fires back - “are you really saying the man who go to the bottom of [Obama & Hillary spying on Trump] is part of the Deep State?”

When you listen to Massie, he attacks the man who is almost entirely responsible for exposing the illegal spying on President Trump that was just proven in the Durham Report (released 5 months after this Space)

This is why he just defended Adam Schiff from censure & fines last week - deep down he believes the Deep State was correct for investigating President Trump under false pretenses

He hates President Trump and the MAGA movement

This is why I have been exposing Massie so much this past week. I couldn’t believe he voted to defend Adam Schiff. But when you dig deeper, you learn that he is part of the Uniparty. I was a big supporter of Massie until this last week when I learned who he truly was.

He voted against Trump’s wall

He voted to certify the fraud on J6

He voted to pass the debt ceiling

He defends Mitch McConnell

He trashes Devin Nunes, the man who singlehandedly exposed Deep State spying on President Trump

He votes to protect Adam Schiff from being held accountable

It’s not fun, but we *must* expose the snakes in the Republican Party if we are going to truly drain the swamp

I regret to inform you that Massie is one of them


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8b888c No.65715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046564 (211755ZJUN23) Notable: According to reports coming out of the GOP House after meeting with John Durham, and they say Donald Trump did NOT collude with Russia!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


According to reports coming out of the GOP House after meeting with John Durham, and they say Donald Trump did NOT collude with Russia!!

Holy fucking shit,IT’S HAPPENING!!

This is literally breaking RIGHT NOW!

More to follow…

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8b888c No.65716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046592 (211800ZJUN23) Notable: Former Special Counsel John Durham Opening Statement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Special Counsel John Durham Opening Statement



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8b888c No.65717

File: 8bce3a198d0790c⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1127x2074,1127:2074,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046615 (211804ZJUN23) Notable: Massive prison riot erupts as MS-13 gang clash leaves dozens dead: 'Monstrous murder'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Barrio 18

>killed 46 so far

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8b888c No.65718

File: b4bcf85b5f4e3f0⋯.png (173.53 KB,548x619,548:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 44454464d4416eb⋯.png (435.92 KB,997x1029,997:1029,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046623 (211805ZJUN23) Notable: CAP Donald J. Trump RT - Your FBI at work

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Truth Details

Donald J. Trump


Jun 21, 2023, 12:52 PM


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8b888c No.65719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046627 (211806ZJUN23) Notable: House Votes on Motion to Table Resolution Censuring Rep. Adam Schiff LIVE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1:15 PM EDT

House Votes on Motion to Table Resolution Censuring Rep. Adam Schiff LIVE


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8b888c No.65720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046631 (211807ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's testimony will lead to military being unleashed?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Durham's testimony will lead to military being unleashed. Setting the stage.

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8b888c No.65721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046665 (211814ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Spartz quoting the Durham report

>17 material errors and omissions

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8b888c No.65722

File: 9a3b26759d11919⋯.png (262.49 KB,710x719,710:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 773d5d9d1175172⋯.png (1.04 MB,1535x950,307:190,Clipboard.png)

File: cd9577e90b7177f⋯.png (492.59 KB,1019x553,1019:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046675 (211815ZJUN23) Notable: CAP Donald J. Trump RT - Your FBI at work

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS posted pic1 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110583478692557010

Snipped list — are there any of the 45 Communist goals NOT accomplished?

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. 4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war… 6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind… (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. 12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States…. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.” 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” 32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems. … https://archive.is/keWI7


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8b888c No.65723

File: e9874bfe4a19428⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046680 (211816ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Steve Cohen: "Your reputation will be damaged."

Durham: "My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir."


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8b888c No.65724

File: df0d00191688a79⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,888x484,222:121,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046711 (211821ZJUN23) Notable: Mrs. Luna MP4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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8b888c No.65725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046736 (211826ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Durham investigated the stuff that was covered up and he only got so far.

Had to make a record of how everything looked covered up.

The cover-up is worse than the crime.

Who is investigating the cover-up?

There were no indications in the Durham report that Durham uncovered cover-ups.

Are there cover-up crimes that weren't in the Durham report?

Did they successfully cover-up their crimes to where Durham couldn't find?

Did Obummer implement, or try to implement, continuity of government before he left office in Jan. '17?

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8b888c No.65726

File: d07d4a82b663981⋯.png (400.2 KB,1178x1460,589:730,Clipboard.png)

File: 310405fb3b2276f⋯.png (895.14 KB,1158x1424,579:712,Clipboard.png)

File: c91584ddc5e381b⋯.png (198.52 KB,1016x1016,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046738 (211826ZJUN23) Notable: Gen Flynn TACTICAL NUKES

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Gen Flynn



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8b888c No.65727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046748 (211829ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

gaetz going hard against durham.

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8b888c No.65728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046755 (211830ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Massie: DId you interview Joseph Mifsud?

Durham: We attempted to interview him. We perused every lead that we had...we were never able to make contact with him so we could intereview him.

Massie: Do you thin he is a western source? Is he associated with western intelligence?

Durham: It's hard to say who Mr. Mifsud is associated with. He was tied up with Link University...hard to say who Mifsud is.

Gaetz: Hard to say who Mifsud is? He's the guy that started the whole thing. We've known it for years.

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8b888c No.65729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046756 (211831ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

is Mifsud alive or dead?

interesting question.

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8b888c No.65730

File: e30d1f788183589⋯.png (752.21 KB,799x1000,799:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046757 (211831ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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8b888c No.65731

File: a396d21e45a02ea⋯.png (842.9 KB,975x609,325:203,Clipboard.png)

File: c1e4845871924b7⋯.png (521.77 KB,900x536,225:134,Clipboard.png)

File: 9584ab8608a4e28⋯.png (206.45 KB,720x608,45:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046758 (211831ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65732

File: b5f2c158dcdff22⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046764 (211834ZJUN23) Notable: MP4, MP4, MP4, MEME, MEMES, MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65733

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046766 (211834ZJUN23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gaetz: This whole thing was an op, Mr. Durham. This wasn't like bumbling, fumbling FBI that like couldn't get FISA straight. They ran an op. So who put Mifsud in play? You don't know, do you?

Durham: I don not know.

Gaetz: Years to find out the answer to what Mr. Jordan said was the seminal question, and you don't have it. And it begs the question whether or not you were really trying to find that out.

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8b888c No.65734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046788 (211838ZJUN23) Notable: #23388

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23388 >>65690

Durham FBI

>>65691, >>65692, >>65699 MP4, >>65700, >>65701 MP4, >>65721, >>65723 MP4, >>65725, >>65727, >>65729, >>65730 MEME, >>65731 MEMES, >>65732 MP4, Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham

>>65693, >>65703, >>65704, >>65705, >>65728, >>65733 Special Counsel John Durham TRANSCRIPTS

>>65690 LIVE: Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham - 6/21/23

>>65696 #durham alludes to @RepAdamSchiff’s being plunked by the Russian DJs.

>>65698 Rep Spartz and Durham Testimony

>>65706 Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the US government to obtain the contents of data...

>>65708, >>65710, PASTEBIN OF NOTES TAKEN SO FAR IN DURHAM TESTIMONY https://controlc.com/171ac075

>>65720 Durham's testimony will lead to military being unleashed?

>>65712 @realDonaldTrump “John Durham reveals FBI kept intel on Hillary Clinton's plan to 'link' Trump with 'Russia collusion' in 2016 from agents working the case”

>>65716 Former Special Counsel John Durham Opening Statement

>>65715 According to reports coming out of the GOP House after meeting with John Durham, and they say Donald Trump did NOT collude with Russia!!

>>65718, >>65722 CAP Donald J. Trump RT - Your FBI at work

Schiff Censure

>>65694 @KevinKileyCA goes scorched earth on Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and Co. for making false claims about Russian collusion

>>65707 Adam Schiff censure bill will be coming to the House floor soon

>>65709, >>65713 Schiff Taunts Over Standard Hotel

>>65714 Rep. Massie’s *real* reason for protecting Adam Schiff exposed

>>65719 House Votes on Motion to Table Resolution Censuring Rep. Adam Schiff LIVE

>>65724 Mrs. Luna MP4


>>65695 Huge explosion rocks Paris! #Paris

>>65697 Hurricane Hunter out of St. Croix earlier today TEAL71

>>65702 Potato in 92-9000 747 (VC-25) departed San Francisco

>>65711 QDelta 6/21 Q&A

>>65717 Massive prison riot erupts as MS-13 gang clash leaves dozens dead: 'Monstrous murder'

>>65726 Gen Flynn TACTICAL NUKES


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8b888c No.65735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046798 (211840ZJUN23) Notable: #23389-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23389 https://fullchan.net/?aca2be1cfa3d6af7#75kP32HR9U1Rn1TfEQFPscwF56cR9mUUdWiCnK9yqzHh

Hearing on the Report of Special Counsel John Durham


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8b888c No.65736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046839 (211847ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gaetz: When you are part of the cover-up, Mr. Durham, then it makes our job harder.

Durham: Well if that's your thought, there's no way of dissuading you from that. I can tell you that it's offensive, and that the people who worked on this investigation have spent their lives trying to protect the people in this country.

Gaetz: You tried two cases, lost both of them, and then the one guilty plea you got, Clinsmith? Clinesmith is back to practicing law in Washington, DC today.

Durham: That's beyond my control.

Gaetz: The fact you allowed that plea to occur, and then the punishment was unsufficient, the fact that you didn't charge Andrew McCabe, you didn't convict lying democrats or lying Russians, you didn't investigate Mifsud or the Muller Probe, even though that was your charge.

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8b888c No.65737

File: 6af23d3faea6ef8⋯.png (336.35 KB,648x820,162:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 96c5e876d138b5e⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046841 (211847ZJUN23) Notable: Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Testifies on the 'Censorship Enterprise' the U.S. Government Deployed Against Americans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Testifies on the 'Censorship Enterprise' the U.S. Government Deployed Against Americans

"The censorship activities had grown so widespread that the Department of Homeland Security last year worked to create a 'disinformation governance board' to coordinate efforts to censor between government agencies. Following these efforts the court has characterized DHS as the nerve center of a federally directed censorship enterprise."



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8b888c No.65738

File: f651ec0d18a16b3⋯.gif (1.5 MB,500x207,500:207,Clipboard.gif)

File: 6d228b52c64ec2b⋯.png (1.66 MB,1148x1427,1148:1427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046846 (211848ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

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>>>/qresearch/19046811 lb

Gaetz going after durham.

Naw he is every right.

barr and garland let him waste time.

another psyop

you do not pay and allow something that damages you.

barr is c.i.a and was on the secret advisory board with pompeo who also put haspel in power in the u.k


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8b888c No.65739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046850 (211849ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

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THIS - Durham is just extension of FBI and DOJ - covering for crimes against the people.

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8b888c No.65740

File: b87e551aaec1f11⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,178x98,89:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046852 (211849ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TY Baker

Matt Gaetz grilling Durham about his search fo Mifsud.

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8b888c No.65741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046861 (211851ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65742

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,260x256,65:64,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046863 (211851ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

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Gaetz : have you heard of the washington generals, they get paid to show up and lose.

holy sheeitt

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8b888c No.65743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046866 (211852ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"You're report, Mr. Durham, doesn't dispute anything Mueller found did it?" -Adam Schiff

"No, our object, our aim was not to dispute Director Mueller. I have the greatest regard, highest regard for Director Mueller, he's a Patriot." - Durham, 6-21-23

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8b888c No.65744

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046867 (211852ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is theater, Anons. Gaetz here is helping push the DOJ corruption/injustice view >> which leads to public demand/outrage >> which leads to MIL.

Like 45, Durham is totally willing to sacrifice personal optics (slings and arrows) to play this role.

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8b888c No.65745

File: 37f5a3309d9cfee⋯.png (51.7 KB,224x198,112:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046870 (211853ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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Mueller team wiped their phones, any opinions on bald guy ? he seems to know his shit

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8b888c No.65746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046874 (211853ZJUN23) Notable: Hageman questioning Durham

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hageman: The very people who cooked this up, and the ones that ran this entire operation: Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, Clinesmith, Steele, the DNC, Perkins Coie; it was never their purpose to prove Russian collusion, and, in fact, from the very beginning they knew that no such thing actually existed. They knew that the entire Russican collusion narrative was fabricated by the Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her mishandling of classified materials, and destruction of official emails. They didn't need to prove Russian collusion. They just had to keep the investigation alive. And so long as they had a complicit press, and so long as they had people in this very body; one of the gentleman who has been here much of the day [Schiff], who would go on TV every night and lie about the smoking gun, they could further their personal and political agendas.

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8b888c No.65747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046875 (211853ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


if the only way is military everything needs to be shown as corrupt, only way to knock out the foundations of the temple is with evidence. This has happened there is evidence yet no arrests the very thing anons bitch about is what needs to happen.

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8b888c No.65748

File: 34da22d6e7940a7⋯.mp4 (10.57 MB,576x324,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 02a5f2ba35b8a97⋯.png (93.58 KB,926x570,463:285,Clipboard.png)

File: 6adfc29b6007ab5⋯.png (250.65 KB,926x1324,463:662,Clipboard.png)

File: 034ebc1894a48cc⋯.png (116.1 KB,804x809,804:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046889 (211857ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

june 21, 2023 Misfud DEAD or Alive?

Haha #Hopium dead I hope from a Tribunal

When did it start? When did it Really start?

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8b888c No.65749

File: a9b7441bd160e54⋯.png (120.89 KB,890x640,89:64,Clipboard.png)

File: 29e0fc8626fcf71⋯.png (117.08 KB,923x820,923:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 700f05a24e7b3ba⋯.png (150.61 KB,926x761,926:761,Clipboard.png)

File: ba92d6d774850d4⋯.png (300.55 KB,917x1344,131:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 5600c34adf3738c⋯.png (213.88 KB,926x1028,463:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046905 (211900ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

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It's prob classified (Ihope) Another Prosecutor?

PANIC Is good :) It was over before it began?

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8b888c No.65750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046909 (211900ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



I have reconsidered my original thought on what appears to be panic.

That’s just good acting.

The Ds are secretly elated with this report because it was cover for them.

The uniparty Rs feigned like Durham had accomplished something.

Gaetz was the only one with appropriate demeanor.

All of the Rs should have been outraged that Durham didn’t do the job he was charged with.

Jordan needs to go

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8b888c No.65751

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046933 (211903ZJUN23) Notable: “John Durham Is Part Of The System”: Bannon Tells Truth About Durham Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“John Durham Is Part Of The System”: Bannon Tells Truth About Durham Report

5:51 minutes


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8b888c No.65752

File: 041f53175f16a00⋯.png (803.49 KB,854x566,427:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046939 (211905ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Mifsud is involved in ongoing investigations that they can't talk about!


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8b888c No.65753

File: 4f3b87c18b19b94⋯.mp4 (388.77 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bcb29069af368f4⋯.png (265.66 KB,650x612,325:306,Clipboard.png)

File: c1aaf815243da21⋯.png (180.58 KB,540x370,54:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046940 (211905ZJUN23) Notable: Openly threatening witnesses in Congress is completely normal… in totalitarian dictatorships.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Openly threatening witnesses in Congress is completely normal... in totalitarian dictatorships.


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8b888c No.65754

File: e7d3c585fa24a7f⋯.png (41.58 KB,1018x434,509:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 916e47e52c12052⋯.png (179.32 KB,1790x552,895:276,Clipboard.png)

File: f34244249fc8660⋯.png (99.53 KB,1024x978,512:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046947 (211906ZJUN23) Notable: Time between last Durham post and today = 951 days; Mirror 159 = missing submarine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Time between last Durham post and today = 951 days

Mirror 159 = missing submarine

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8b888c No.65755

File: 84db1ace49a4a6b⋯.jpg (144.22 KB,1048x672,131:84,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ddbc0d10049bd8e⋯.png (240.69 KB,944x1001,944:1001,Clipboard.png)

File: a4caddf19a40d8a⋯.png (414.34 KB,722x759,722:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e67c805d516110⋯.jpg (118.61 KB,1048x672,131:84,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 32efa69a5d300ee⋯.png (642.18 KB,1284x734,642:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046967 (211909ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

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Disguised under 'leaker' Investigations? #Hopium

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8b888c No.65756

File: 52bdef7713dbcc2⋯.mp4 (7.6 MB,720x396,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046969 (211909ZJUN23) Notable: SGT report: Vaccines happened under Trump to force cabal to accelerate plans

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>Under Trump and Q - VACCINES HAPPENED…

forced the cabal to accelerate their plans


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8b888c No.65757

File: 1bf061c0518ac76⋯.png (43.05 KB,1072x313,1072:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c3f7c938199d6⋯.png (113.54 KB,808x876,202:219,Clipboard.png)

File: ba1da062decda67⋯.png (52.36 KB,254x220,127:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046977 (211910ZJUN23) Notable: Senate confirms Dale Ho to be a federal judge

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8b888c No.65758

File: a0cc1c4f32019f6⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19046997 (211914ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Testimony - Hold the Line, This was Expected https://controlc.com/f7d94b5e

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note: This includes all mp4 vids posted

Summary: Right now it seems that Durham was a time waster from the clowns lead by pompeo who had barr on a secret advisory board in 2017 and got promoted to A.G, pompeo also installed Gina haspel, Barr appointed Durham, Garland allowed it to continue and was fully funded but all that was found was that fbi, doj and all instuitions are corrupt

So what and what are you going to do about it.


Durham testimony 21st June 2023 full notes.


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8b888c No.65759

File: b6a44450c64dd08⋯.png (2.49 MB,2504x1528,313:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047007 (211916ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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>"You're report, Mr. Durham, doesn't dispute anything Mueller found did it?" -Adam Schiff

>"No, our object, our aim was not to dispute Director Mueller. I have the greatest regard, highest regard for Director Mueller, he's a Patriot." - Durham, 6-21-23


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8b888c No.65760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047009 (211916ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Goes Off On FBI, CIA, Schiff During Wednesday Testimony

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Durham Goes Off On FBI, CIA, Schiff During Wednesday Testimony

Update (1351ET): More bombshells from Durham on Wednesday, where he told the House Judiciary Committee that the CIA knew that Hillary Clinton approved a plan to smear then-candidate Donald Trump with Russia allegations in order to distract from her classified email scandal, and that the FBI did not "sufficiently scrutinize information it received," nor "apply the same standards to allegations it received about the Clinton and Trump campaigns."

"The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated opposition research, such as the Steele dossier," said Durham, adding "The FBI relied on the dossier and FISA applications, knowing there was likely material originating from a political campaign or political opponent."

Durham said that it's "going to take time to rebuild the public's confidence in the institution," referring to the FBI following its mishandling of the Russia collusion probe.

Under questioning from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Durham said former FBI Director Jim Comey withheld a referral memorandum from the agents working the Crossfire Hurricane case.

The memo contained intelligence from a high-level briefing with Director of the Central Intelligence Agency John Brennan related to then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's attempts to tie Trump to Russia.

"They kept key intelligence from the investigators. This is how bad this investigation was but here's the scary part: I don't think anything has changed," Jordan said. -Just the News

A few highlights:

John Durham SNAPS at Adam Schiff after trying to justify Russiagate Hoax by asking if leaked emails were stolen: “In your mind!” pic.twitter.com/WD6VQNZazK

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65761

File: d8ce16bd11cdc87⋯.jpg (12.69 KB,290x174,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047031 (211920ZJUN23) Notable: CROWN Act reported out of committee

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CROWN Act reported out of committee

HARRISBURG, June 20 – State Rep. La’Tasha D. Mayes’ CROWN Act (H.B. 1394), which would end hair discrimination in Pennsylvania, was reported out of the PA House State Government Committee today by a 12-9 vote.

The CROWN Act would update Pennsylvania’s current anti-discrimination law to prohibit discrimination based on hair type, hair texture or hairstyle.

“I am thankful that the House State Government Committee reported the CROWN Act out of committee today,” Mayes, D-Allegheny, said. “Previously introduced by Speaker of the House Joanna McClinton, the CROWN Act did not receive consideration under a House Republican majority in 2021 and 2019. With the new House Democratic majority, we can now make progress to ensure all Pennsylvanians are equal by prohibiting hair discrimination.”

While the city of Pittsburgh, where Mayes’ district is located, passed a CROWN ordinance, similar to Philadelphia, Mayes’ legislation would prohibit hair discrimination for all Pennsylvanians.

“With this bill, people can live their lives to the fullest extent, without worrying about the hair that grows out of their head or the hairstyle they wear,” Mayes said. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance the CROWN Act through to final passage on the House floor.”

Since 2019, 22 states, including Texas, have passed a CROWN Act into law. If passed in both chambers and signed by Gov. Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania would become the 23rd state to enact the CROWN Act.


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8b888c No.65762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047034 (211920ZJUN23) Notable: AG Garland Deflects When Asked if Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal and Trump’s Indictment Reflect a “Different Standard of Justice Depending on Political Leanings”

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AG Garland Deflects When Asked if Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal and Trump’s Indictment Reflect a “Different Standard of Justice Depending on Political Leanings”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday was asked about Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal with federal prosecutors.

Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in a sweetheart deal given by his corrupt father’s Justice Department after a five year investigation (mop up operation).

Hunter Biden will likely get probation for not paying his taxes – only peasants go to prison for not paying taxes.

As far as the gun charge – A FELONY – Hunter Biden won’t even be pleading to that crime.

Merrick Garland took questions after delivering remarks in Stockholm, Sweden.

A reporter asked Garland about the different standards of justice depending on political leanings.

“Do [Pres. Trump’s and Hunter Biden’s cases] reflect a different standard of justice depending on political leanings?” a reporter asked Merrick Garland on Wednesday.

Merrick Garland deflected and referred questions to US Attorney David Weiss’s office.

“I would leave this matter in the hands of the United States Attorney who was appointed by the previous president and assigned to this matter by the previous administration that he would be given full authority to decide…” Garland said.


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8b888c No.65763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047041 (211921ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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Aisha Hasnie: All of this is to set the stage forCongress to go after FISA

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8b888c No.65764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047062 (211923ZJUN23) Notable: Christie Says Transgender Procedures On Minors Should Be Allowed If Parents Consent

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Christie Says Transgender Procedures On Minors Should Be Allowed If Parents Consent

While governor of New Jersey, Christie signed into law a measure that allows self-identifying transgender minors to use the bathroom that accords with their professed gender identity. That proposal advanced amid national debate over whether transgender people should use opposite-sex bathrooms, particularly biological males using female bathrooms.

Now, a number of states have passed laws restricting access to transgender procedures for minors as the country has seen a sharp uptick in the number of youths who question their gender identity.

States with laws that limit transgender procedures include Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona. Similar legislation is pending, having been approved by at least one state legislative chamber, in Texas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Missouri, Kansas, and Wyoming. In total, 33 states have at least a pending bill addressing the topic.

Critics of transgender transitions by minors say minors aren’t developmentally equipped to make such decisions, arguing that the procedures used—double mastectomy, chemical or physical castration, and potentially sterilizing hormones and puberty blockers—are permanent and don’t take into account the prospect that a child may become more comfortable with their biological sex later in life. Supporters say these procedures are the most effective way to treat gender dysphoria, the subjective feeling that one’s “true” gender does not align with the gender they were “assigned” at birth.

Christie took a midline position on the issue, suggesting that he would allow the procedures as president but would emphasize the importance of parental involvement.

“Many Republican governors across the country have been banning hormone therapy and puberty blockers for transgender people under 18 years old,” anchor Jake Tapper said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

“As governor of New Jersey, you signed into law some legal protections for trans people, including students. What do you make of your fellow Republican governors and candidates going in the opposite direction?”

Christie responded, “Jake, what I believe we should be focused on most importantly in these issues, is making sure there’s parental involvement and every step along the way.

“I don’t think that the government should ever be stepping into the place of the parents in helping to move their children through a process where those children are confused or concerned about their gender. And I just would say the parents are the people who are best positioned to make these judgments. And so what I’d like to make sure each state does is require that parents be involved in these decisions.

“The fact is, that folks who are under the age of 18 should have parental support and guidance and love as they make all of the key decisions of their life. And this should not be one that’s excluded by the government in any way.”

The comments put Christie at odds with some of his top rivals for the Republican nomination.


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8b888c No.65765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047074 (211925ZJUN23) Notable: Brussels piles more sanctions on Moscow

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Brussels piles more sanctions on Moscow

The latest penalties target third nations for circumventing the existing restrictions

EU member states agreed on a new batch of sanctions targeting Russia on Wednesday. Sweden, which currently holds the EU’s rotating presidency, announced the deal on Twitter.

The 11th set of EU punitive measures is mainly aimed at stopping third countries and companies from bypassing the existing sanctions.

“Today, the EU Ambassadors agreed on the 11th package of sanctions against Russia. The package includes measures aimed at countering sanctions circumvention and individual listings,” the Swedish presidency said.

The latest package bans the transit of dual-use goods and technology through Russia to prevent the use of these products in the country’s defense and security sector. The new sanctions also allow the bloc to impose restrictions on the sale of sensitive dual-use goods and technology to nations that may resell them to Russia.

The EU has also expanded the list of restricted goods that could serve Russia’s military sector. The latest set of penalties extends the suspension of the broadcasting licenses in the EU of five Russian state-controlled media outlets.


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8b888c No.65766

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047087 (211927ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

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Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

25:51 minutes


God this is awful

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8b888c No.65767

File: d440591b49a9a67⋯.png (87.01 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047089 (211927ZJUN23) Notable: WWF declared ‘undesirable’ in Russia

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WWF declared ‘undesirable’ in Russia

The Swiss-based NGO was allegedly working against Russian economic interests

Russia’s Prosecutor-General on Wednesday declared the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), also known as the World Wildlife Fund, “undesirable.” Moscow accused the Switzerland-based nonprofit of working on behalf of the US against Russia’s economic and security interests, especially in the Arctic.

The Prosecutor-General’s Office said that the WWF used environmental and educational activities “as a cover for implementing projects that pose security threats in the economic sphere.”

Specifically, “under the pretext of preserving the environment, the WWF is carrying out activities aimed at preventing the implementation of [Russia’s] policies for the industrial development and exploration of natural resources in the Arctic territories, while developing and legitimizing restrictions that could serve as a basis for transferring the Northern Sea Route into the exclusive economic zone of the US.”

The NGO is especially targeting large enterprises engaged in the energy sector, the oil and gas industry, and also the mining of mineral deposits and precious metals, according to Russian officials. The Prosecutor-General’s Office in particular objected to the WWF’s use of the ESG (Environmental/Social/Governance) scores to rate Russian companies, which are based solely on the “subjective standards and criteria developed by the WWF.”

The WWF has provided material and other support for several Russian NGOs that have been included in the registry of foreign agents, such as ‘Friends of the Baltic’ and the ‘Sakhalin Environmental Watch’. The Russian Ministry of Justice declared the WWF itself a foreign agent in March this year.

Being declared undesirable is an effective ban on the organization. It must shut down its offices in Russia, and doing business with it is punishable with a fine or jail in case of repeat offenders. The first organization to be designated so was the US Congress-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in 2015.

Another environmentalist NGO, Greenpeace, was declared unwelcome last month after allegations it had sought destabilization and change of government in Russia “through unconstitutional means.”


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8b888c No.65768

File: 66f01a094a92eca⋯.png (920.75 KB,1436x944,359:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047109 (211930ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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there is a GECKO89 over NC right now

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8b888c No.65769

File: 7af65c650fa0cdd⋯.png (49.14 KB,965x306,965:306,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047113 (211931ZJUN23) Notable: GOP Rep. Kevin Kiley Lists Off Numerous Lies by Democrats Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell, and Lieu on Trump Russia Hoax – Durham Agrees

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GOP Rep. Kevin Kiley Lists Off Numerous Lies by Democrats Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell, and Lieu on Trump Russia Hoax – Durham Agrees

Former special counsel John Durham will testify before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning starting at 9 AM Eastern.

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report earlier this month in his investigation on the launch of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax by top intelligence Durham concluded the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016. And the FBI still had no evidence when they opened the Mueller Special Counsel in 2017.

The Crossfire Hurricane CI investigation was based on lies conjured up by Hillary Clinton and her paid for fake Russia dossier.

Rep. Kiley: Mr. Durham, several people today, including ranking member Nadler and three representatives from California Mr. Schiff, Mr. Swalwell and Mr. Lieu have attacked you. Ranking Member Nadler called your report a political exercise with ethical ambiguity. Mr. Lieu called you a partisan hack.

However, it seems that they’re taking issue not so much with the conclusions of your report court as those of Mr. Mueller’s report, which concluded that the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

That conclusion directly contradicted statements made on the record by those representatives. For example, Mr. Schiff in 2017 2018 made statements such as the Russians offered help, the campaign accepted help, the Russians gave help, and the President made full use of that help. And that is pretty damning. He also said there’s clear evidence on the issue of collusion. He said, I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. Mr. Durham, are those statements supported by the conclusions of the Mueller Report?

John Durham: I don’t believe so.

Rep Kiley: Mr. Nadler stated It’s clear that the campaign concluded, and there’s a lot of evidence of that. The question is, was the President involved? Mr. Nadler also said there was obviously a lot of collusion. Mr. Durham, were those statements supported by the Mueller report?

John Durham: I don’t believe so.

Rep. Kiley: Mr. Lew stated in a press release in March of 2017, the bombshell revelation that US. Officials have information that suggests Trump associates may have colluded with the Russians means we must pause the entire Trump agenda. We may have an illegitimate President of the United States currently occupying the White House. Mr. Durham, did the Mueller report establish that we had an illegitimate President occupying the White House?

John Durham: Not to my knowledge.

Rep. Kiley: Even here today, we had Mr. Schiff raise questions about your public statement during the investigation, saying this somehow violated a DOJ policy. However, Mr. Mueller himself made a public statement in January of 2019. This is an article from CNN Headline. Mueller’s office disputes. BuzzFeed report that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. So whatever policy there might exist in the DOJ with respect to public statements by Special Counsels, it would seem that you and Mr. Moore would be on equal footing with respect to it. Is that correct?

John Durham: it seems so.


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8b888c No.65770

File: 8164b424add56b1⋯.png (391.94 KB,600x497,600:497,Clipboard.png)

File: e43840ca6ef724f⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047116 (211931ZJUN23) Notable: US imposes sanctions on Myanmar's defense ministry, two banks

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US imposes sanctions on Myanmar's defense ministry, two banks -Treasury website



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8b888c No.65771

File: 5b4646a78619cf3⋯.png (305.93 KB,551x604,551:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047129 (211933ZJUN23) Notable: FB META Announces Release of “Twitter Rival” Called THREADS So They Can Censor, Ban and Silence Conservatives on New Platform

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Dirty Facebook META Announces Release of “Twitter Rival” Called THREADS So They Can Censor, Ban and Silence Conservatives on a Whole New Platform

Facebook-META wants to challenge Twitter with a new platform called “THREADS.”

The dirty social media company hopes to gain users so they can censor, ban and silence conservative voices in a whole new arena.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on Facebook censorship of conservative voices for years. Facebook META has banned a photo of Santa kneeling before Baby Jesus, the Star Spangled Banner video, and the Bible verse John 3:16.

Facebook eliminated or censored ALL of the top Pro-Trump pages in 2017 immediately after President Trump’s victory.

META misses the good old days – when they could ban millions of conservative users on a whim. So the dirtbags at the corrupt company is launching a Twitter rival called THREADS to take on Twitter.

Mario Nawful reported:

META, the same company that copied Snapchat, TikTok, StumbleUpon, Foursquare, BeReal and Clubhouse, began coding ‘Project 92’ three months after Elon acquired Twitter.

Rumors have been circulating about the app’s public name being ‘Threads’.

META’s chief product officer Chris Cox described Project 92 as “our response to Twitter” and mentioned that it will allow Instagram users to automatically transfer their followers and user information straight to the new app.

Cox threw shade at


‘s Twitter by claiming Meta’s “been hearing from creators and public figures who are interested in having a platform that is sanely run.”


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8b888c No.65772

File: 755cd2178ef36a4⋯.png (270.19 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 62b80d1717bca4a⋯.png (106.54 KB,600x258,100:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047166 (211943ZJUN23) Notable: Pennsylvania: Failed GOP Nominee Carrie DelRosso Now a Lobbyist for DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS

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Pennsylvania: Failed GOP Nominee Carrie DelRosso Now a Lobbyist for DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS

Carrie DelRosso was the GOP establishment's chosen nominee for Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania in 2022. Now she's working as a lobbyist and representing the notorious voting company at the very center of 2020 election fraud investigations.

Carrie DelRosso, the failed 2022 GOP nominee for Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, who’s been widely credited by her own party with helping sink the statewide GOP ticket, led by America First gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, has gone to work as a lobbyist representing Dominion Voting Systems.

DelRosso was the Pennsylvania establishment’s hand-chosen nominee for Lt. Governor in 2022, as they mobilized to take down the Trump-aligned primary campaign of Teddy Daniels and, eventually, the general election campaign of Doug Mastriano, who’d endorsed Daniels in the primary and was also backed by President Trump.

Now, DelRosso has gone to work as a lobbyist on behalf of Dominion Voting Systems, the electronic voting company at the center of 2020 election fraud investigations that won a whopping $787.5 million after suing Fox News for the apparent crime of some of its hosts questioning the reported 2020 election results. The company has also been reported to have directed Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson.

A recent report in The Philadelphia Inquirer, headlined “Post-Mastriano, DelRosso goes team Dominion”, details Carrie DelRosso’s new employment, revealing that DelRosso “is now a lobbyist for Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney.”

The lobbying firm, The Inquirer reported, “has been lobbying for Dominion since 2017,” well before the 2020 Presidential Election and during a period of time in which electronic voting companies pushed hard to seize control of American elections – with great success, largely thanks to big-money lobbying firms and their paid political hacks.

DelRosso and a Dominion spokesman each refused to comment when reached by The Inquirer, the report adds.


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8b888c No.65773

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047176 (211944ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

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Second part of Jim Caviezel

Jim Caviezel: "All of our children are in trouble, it's got to stop, we have the power to do it"

16:39 minutes

You must listen to these two videos


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8b888c No.65774

File: 4554536615b74aa⋯.png (204.26 KB,808x941,808:941,Clipboard.png)

File: b72aae01a0c67e0⋯.png (1.15 MB,2456x1888,307:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047178 (211945ZJUN23) Notable: Stepson of Titanic submarine passenger attends Blink-182 concert amid search: 'Helped me through hard times'

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**1+8= [9]


**9+2= [11]








Stepson of Titanic submarine passenger attends Blink-182 concert amid search: 'Helped me through hard times'

911 COMMS!

911 COMMS!

911 COMMS!





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8b888c No.65775

File: ce5158f46387b36⋯.png (34.39 KB,686x355,686:355,Clipboard.png)

File: b36d82d326826bf⋯.png (24.86 KB,649x215,649:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047185 (211946ZJUN23) Notable: Joe Biden Spills ‘Sensitive’ Intelligence about Chinese Spy Balloon to Campaign Donors

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Report: Joe Biden Spills ‘Sensitive’ Intelligence about Chinese Spy Balloon to Campaign Donors

President Joe Biden spilled “sensitive” United States intelligence about China to campaign donors at a recent event in California, according to a report.

At the fundraiser in California, Biden revealed to attendees what the U.S. intelligence agencies had learned about the Chinese spy balloon incident earlier this year, reportedly surprising U.S. officials.

The New York Times reported that at the fundraiser, Biden “set off into what appeared to be an unplanned riff” about the spy balloon incident, “revealing what United States intelligence agencies had learned about the internal confusion in Beijing during the incident.”

According to the Times, Biden told about 130 guests in attendance at the fundraiser: “The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there.”

“No, I’m serious. That’s what’s a great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened,” Biden said.

The Times reported that “other U.S. officials were surprised on Tuesday night that the president would discuss the sensitive information in a public setting.”

The paper reported:

U.S. officials have previously said they suspected the craft was supposed to conduct surveillance over U.S. military bases in Guam and Hawaii but got blown off course to Alaska and eventually the continental United States, but they had not publicly disclosed Mr. Xi’s apparent ignorance.

An official briefed on the intelligence who spoke on the condition of anonymity told the outlet that Biden’s remarks accurately reflected the American government’s private assessment.

Biden also discussed other U.S. government assessments of China.


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8b888c No.65776

File: 6aa86a1d70c3192⋯.png (347.63 KB,559x555,559:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047202 (211950ZJUN23) Notable: Gaetz: Durham is part of the COVERUP!

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Matt Gaetz


Durham is part of the COVERUP!

Quote Tweet

Greg Price




Rep. @mattgaetz spends five minutes destroying Durham for not going after Andy McCabe, investigating the Mueller team and why they smashed phones, or who honeypotted George Papadopoulos, or putting anyone in jail, comparing him to the Washington Generals who get "paid to lose."

3:26 PM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65777

File: 48f664257bd625c⋯.png (603.65 KB,976x604,244:151,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047208 (211950ZJUN23) Notable: Capitol Hill Townhouse Tied to FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Poised to Sell

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Capitol Hill Townhouse Tied to FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Poised to Sell

<Owned by Guarding Against Pandemics


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8b888c No.65778

File: b5817287c84ff54⋯.png (258.36 KB,576x527,576:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047213 (211950ZJUN23) Notable: Massive Explosion at Paris’ American Academy Leaves Dozens Injured

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Massive Explosion at Paris’ American Academy Leaves Dozens Injured

A strong explosion hit a building in Paris’ Left Bank on Wednesday, leaving 24 injured and igniting a fire that sent smoke soaring over city monuments and prompted the evacuation of surrounding buildings, police said. The cause of the blast was not immediately known.

The facade of a building in the 5th arrondissement, or district, collapsed, and emergency services were working to determine if anyone was still inside, a Paris police official said. The explosion happened near the historic Val de Grace military hospital.

Paris police chief Laurent Nunez said the building where the explosion occurred was a private school, the Paris American Academy, which was founded in 1965 and offers teaching in fashion design, interior design, fine arts and creative writing.

The fire was contained but not yet extinguished. Some 270 firefighters were involved in putting out the flames and 70 emergency vehicles were on the scene.


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8b888c No.65779

File: 1723f0256b4c84d⋯.png (3.49 MB,3818x2041,3818:2041,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047222 (211953ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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GTMO844out of Jacksonville

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8b888c No.65780

File: 4d4d88a59be5e13⋯.png (566.03 KB,940x693,940:693,Clipboard.png)

File: eff1353e7f4c41c⋯.png (274.55 KB,917x1310,7:10,Clipboard.png)

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File: 390c914d9bb1039⋯.mp4 (509.2 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047233 (211954ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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Q2429 Umbrella meaning (it was a little rainy in DC) I checked

Why isn't Durham authorized to talk about it? Italy trip


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8b888c No.65781

File: d8fa5447c80755f⋯.png (1.25 MB,2116x2012,529:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047239 (211954ZJUN23) Notable: What is ‘Disease X,’ the disease COVID researchers say could be the next pandemic?

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What is ‘Disease X,’ the disease COVID researchers say could be the next pandemic?

Updated: Jun. 21, 2023, 6:39 a.m.|Published: Jun. 21, 2023, 5:30 a.m.

Researchers at the World Health Organization say that "Disease X" — a placeholder for an unknown pathogen that causes human infections — might cause the next pandemic. (NIAID-RML via AP, File)AP

By Katherine Rodriguez | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of diseases that could cause the next pandemic includes the ominous “Disease X.”

The pathogen “Disease X” is a new disease agent unknown to medical science that likely does not have any treatments or vaccines.

Researchers have to prepare for the unknown when it starts to spread.

“You cannot prevent an unknown pathogen from evolving into one that could lead to a pandemic,” Dr. Sandra Adams, a biology professor and virologist at Montclair State University, told NJ Advance Media.

However, researchers can use the knowledge they have gained to fight against pandemics.

“You can, however, use what we learned to combat the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” she added. The “availability of vaccines worldwide to prevent deaths and serious illness” and “mitigation strategies to reduce the spread” of COVID-19 “until vaccines were developed” were crucial in preventing the most recent pandemic from becoming much worse.

Most researchers believe the next “Disease X” will come from animals before infecting humans.

“If a ‘Disease X’ pathogen does evolve, it will likely be from a zoonotic RNA virus,” Adams said. “This means an RNA virus that resides in an animal will develop mutations that will allow it to infect human hosts.”

But they have not ruled out other sources, such as laboratory accidents or incidences of bioterrorism.

The WHO started using the term “Disease X” in 2018. It last used the term as COVID-19′s original name when the virus first began spreading across China.

“The COVID-19 pandemic was not the first to wreak havoc on the world and it will not be the last,” the authors of a 2021 article from the journal Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology wrote. “Thus, we need to prepare for the next outbreak as soon as possible.”

Adams had a more positive outlook on the fate of “Disease X.”

“Hopefully, we will take the knowledge gained from battling SARS-CoV-2 to prevent ‘Disease X pathogen’ from becoming the next pandemic,” Adams said.


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8b888c No.65782

File: ab1f25abd5c9d30⋯.png (246.21 KB,2764x2060,691:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047244 (211955ZJUN23) Notable: What is ‘Disease X,’ the disease COVID researchers say could be the next pandemic?

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Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creeping danger

Journal List Cambridge University Press - PMC COVID-19 Collection PMC8367867

As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature.

Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health.

Learn more about our disclaimer.

Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 Jul 26 : 1–2.

Published online 2021 Jul 26. doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.342

PMCID: PMC8367867

PMID: 34308811

Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creeping danger

Muhammad Junaid Tahir, MBBS, 1 Imaduddin Sawal, MBBS, 2 Mohammad Yasir Essar, MBBS, 3 Abdul Jabbar, MPhil, 4 Irfan Ullah, MBBS, 5 and Ali Ahmed, PhD 6

To the Editor—An old adage says, “Prevention is better than cure.” Nothing exemplifies this idea better than “Disease X.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease.”1

Richard Hatchett, chief executive officer (CEO) of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), said about Disease X, “It might sound like science fiction, but Disease X is something we must prepare for.”2

In a list of diseases that the WHO considers high priority in terms of research and development, Disease X occupies a spot among diseases such as Ebola, Zika, and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).1

Unexpected outbreaks of infectious disease (Disease X) have repeatedly rocked the medical confidence and have taken the medical world by surprise.3

Some experts have even commented that COVID-19, caused by severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), met the standards to be considered the first Disease X,4

while some authors have called Zika a Disease X.5 However, one unfortunate possibility is that COVID-19 and other recent pandemics might have been milder versions of what will eventually be the most prominent Disease X.

Disease X is supposed to be caused by a “pathogen X.”

Such a pathogen is expected to be a zoonosis, most likely an RNA virus, emerging from an area where the right mix of risk factors highly promotes the risk for sustained transmission.6

The WHO has been criticized for underreacting on pandemics such as the 2014 Ebola pandemic,7

and as an organization with limited funding and weak political power, the WHO usually fails when it comes to timely and strong acts to reduce the spread of transmissible diseases.8

A study that aimed at figuring out where the responsibility lies for the 2014 Ebola outbreak also concluded that while the WHO might have been partly to blame, it’s also the lack of cooperation from governments and delayed funding aggravates the situation.7

Scientists have also commented that although the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world, as soon as it disappears into the background, healthcare systems will remain the same.

Politicians might use the weak recovering economy due to the pandemic as a reason to delay funding for epidemic preparation, as a result failing to produce timely effective measures.8

Similarly, while emerging zoonotic pathogens are a threat that needs to be monitored, the possibility of an engineered pandemic pathogen also cannot be ignored.9

The release of such pathogens, either through laboratory accidents or as an act of bioterrorism, might lead to a disastrous Disease X as well and has been remarked as a global catastrophic risk.10

There is a dire need to seriously fund the surveillance of, research into, and treatment of emerging potential pandemic agents that could cause Disease X.8 Despite the grim situation, steps can be taken to stop Disease X and to reduce the spread and damage of Disease X by properly and preemptively preparing for it. (1)

We need to develop international guidelines to control bioterrorism. Bioterrorism attacks could also result in an epidemic, for example, if Ebola or Lassa viruses were used as biological agents. (2)

Advice of the academics should be sought in a timely way without any political involvement. (3)

Immediate and appropriate travel restrictions and airport screening will need to be implemented to contain the spread of pathogen X across borders. (4)

The world’s scientists, clinicians, and infectious disease experts must act collaboratively to investigate, control, and eliminate the disease in a timely way. (5)

Widespread testing and aggressive contact tracing can effectively contain the outbreak. (6) Timely investments can be made to accelerate the development, availability, and approval of medical countermeasures (like diagnostics, vaccines, and clinical trials) required before and during the pandemic. (7)

Active surveillance of virus laboratories is needed to avoid a potential leak of a new virus.

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8b888c No.65783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047245 (211955ZJUN23) Notable: What is ‘Disease X,’ the disease COVID researchers say could be the next pandemic?

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Disease X: A hidden but inevitable creeping danger

Journal List Cambridge University Press - PMC COVID-19 Collection PMC8367867

A One Health approach has also been proposed that provides a complete way to address the underlying issues for the spread of Disease X: bridging institutional gaps, defining priority risk areas and pathogens, and emphasizing supposed risk factors for subsequent events involving emerging and re-emerging infectious disease pathogens.11

The COVID-19 pandemic was not the first to wreak havoc on the world and it will not be the last. Thus, we need to prepare for the next outbreak as soon as possible.


1. Prioritizing diseases for research and development in emergency contexts. World Health Organization website. https://www.who.int/activities/prioritizing-diseases-for-research-and-development-in-emergency-contexts. Accessed May 30, 2021.

2. Disease X: science fiction or a very real and frightening threat? The Telegraph website. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/must-work-together-prevent-disease-x/. Accessed June 1, 2021.

3. Honigsbaum M.Disease X and other unknowns. Lancet 2019;393:1496–1497. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4. Jiang S, Shi ZL.The first Disease X is caused by a highly transmissible acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Virol Sin 2020;35:263–265. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

5. Barrett AD.Developing Zika vaccines: the lessons for Disease X. Genome Med 2018;10:47. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

6. Simpson S, Kaufmann MC, Glozman V, Chakrabarti A.Disease X: accelerating the development of medical countermeasures for the next pandemic. Lancet Infect Dis 2020;20(5):e108–e115. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

7. Kamradt-Scott A.WHO’s to blame? The World Health Organization and the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Third World Qtrly 2016;37:401–418. [Google Scholar]

8. Iserson KV.The next pandemic: prepare for “Disease X.” West J Emergency Med 2020;21:756. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

9. Armitage R, Nellums LB.Disease X: availability bias, biotechnology, and seeing beyond zoonotic risk. Public Health 2021;190:e25. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

10. Bostrom N, Cirkovic MM, editors. Global Catastrophic Risks. Cambridge, UK: Oxford University Press; 2011. [Google Scholar]

11. Chatterjee P, Nair P, Chersich M, et al. One Health,“Disease X,” and the challenge of “unknown” unknowns. Indian J Med Res 2021;153:264. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]


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8b888c No.65784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047249 (211956ZJUN23) Notable: 170K Migrants Apprehended in May at Southern Border Doubles Biden’s Inaugural Month

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170K Migrants Apprehended in May at Southern Border Doubles Biden’s Inaugural Month

Border Patrol agents along the southwest border with Mexico apprehended nearly 170,000 migrants who crossed between ports of entry in May. While this is down from the more than 183,000 apprehended in April, it is more than double the 71,141 apprehensions in January 2021 — the month President Joe Biden took office.

Border Patrol agents in the nine southwest border sectors apprehended 169,244 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry in May. This is down by less than eight percent from the 183,079 apprehended in April.

The apprehension numbers do not include an estimated 51,000 migrants who were classified as known got-aways, according to a CBP source not authorized to speak to the media. This brings the number of known migrant crossers to more than 220,000 migrants.

While the Biden administration credited the decrease in apprehensions to new border security and immigration policies, the number is an increase of nearly 125 percent from the 75,316 migrant apprehensions in January 2021 — Joe Biden’s inaugural month.

“As a result of comprehensive planning and preparation efforts, there has been a significant reduction in encounters along the Southwest border since the return to full Title 8 immigration enforcement on May 12,” Senior Official Performing the Duties of CBP Commissioner Troy A. Miller said in a written statement rolling out the May numbers. “As we continue to execute our plans –including delivering strengthened consequences for those who cross unlawfully while expanding access to lawful pathways and processes– we will continue to monitor changes in encounter trends and adjust our response as necessary.”

CBP officials continue claiming to operate a “safe, orderly, and humane immigration system.]


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8b888c No.65785

File: dd18f0b4dd8bad8⋯.png (451.51 KB,598x552,13:12,Clipboard.png)

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File: f26c1d504f9ed05⋯.png (40.49 KB,204x142,102:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047277 (211959ZJUN23) Notable: #WorldRefugeeDay and unaccompanied refugee children - ANONS DIG

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The Obama Foundation Retweeted

The HOME Project


On this #WorldRefugeeDay, we are reflecting on the democratic values of equality, inclusion, and diversity that guide our work in protectingunaccompanied refugee children.


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8b888c No.65786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047291 (212001ZJUN23) Notable: Beware of WEF- and Bill Gates-funded Apeel “Organipeel” food coating chemical on ORGANIC produce

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Beware of WEF- and Bill Gates-funded Apeel “Organipeel” food coating chemical on ORGANIC produce

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) has dropped a bombshell this week about a chemical substance called “Organipeel,” produced by a company called Apeel, that is hiding in plain sight as a protective coating on organic produce.

The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) reportedly gave Apeel’s Organipeel the green light “presumably based on citric acid being the active ingredient.” However, Organipeel only contains 0.66 percent citric acid; the other 99.44 percent of the substance remains a mystery.

Perhaps not surprisingly, both the World Economic Forum (WEF) and billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates of Microsoft fame are behind Organipeel. The WEF and Gates were instrumental in convincing the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to approve it for use on organic produce, even though it appears to be anything but organic.

The OCA reported that citric acids is allowed in organic foods, despite technically being non-organic, just so long as it is not synthetically derived – yes, there are different forms of citric acid. However, it is unclear what the rest of the Organipeel formula contains.

Organipeel, also known as Edipeel, contains ingredients derived using toxic solvents that may leave behind residues of mercury, cadmium and other poisons on food

A 45-page document submitted by Apeel Sciences to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) submission to the federal agency on Oct. 9, 2019, offers a few clues about Organipeel, which in this document is referred to as Edipeel – Apeel has multiple names for the substance depending on how it is applied to organic food.

The main ingredient, based on this document, is monoacylglycerides extracted from grape seed, which might sound natural until you realize that Apeel’s extraction methods involve the use of multiple toxic solvents. These solvents can leave behind toxic residues of mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, palladium, heptane, and ethyl acetate in the final product.

On Nov. 8, 2021, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) conducted a review of monoacylglycerides, which in Europe is labeled on food as E 471. That review concluded that “the potential exposure to toxic elements resulting from the consumption of E 471 could be substantial.”

In 2017, the EFSA conducted another review that concluded the potential presence of glycidol, a carcinogen, in monoacylglycerides. And long before that in 2000, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glycidol as being “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

Despite all this, the WEF, Gates, and other globalist entities are insistent that monoacylglycerides, the main ingredient in Organipeel and Edipeel, are safe to consume even though they are linked to a cancer-causing carcinogen called glycidol, not to mention all those toxic metals aforementioned that linger on food as well.

It turns out that monoacylglycerides are also linked to diabetes. These environmental compounds, according to evidence provided in the 2012 issue of Diabetes Care, are linked to the “prevalent and chronic” problem of insulin resistance and associated diabetes, which has become a type of plague in modern society.

In 2021, Apeel was valued at $2 billion, thanks to the government’s approval of its questionably toxic Organipeel and Edipeel food preservative coating, which could be hiding in your organic fruits and vegetables. And you have the WEF and Gates to thank for this hidden poison.


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8b888c No.65787

File: f55577f887314c4⋯.png (412.59 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047324 (212009ZJUN23) Notable: Majority of 2,500 “climate mitigation” projects funded by the World Bank have little to do with climate

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Majority of 2,500 “climate mitigation” projects funded by the World Bank have little to do with climate

According to an analysis by the Breakthrough Institute and the Centre for Global Development, the majority of climate projects funded by the World Bank between 2020 and 2022 turned out to have little to do with climate at all.

The World Bank is by far the largest provider of climate finance. Its climate portfolio comprises almost $119 billion in various types of funding that it will spend over the course of 23 years. Of that, it has already invested $37 billion between 2020 and 2022 to fund 2,554 climate projects from low- and middle-income countries, including 1,179 described as being focused on climate mitigation activities.

The researchers, who analysed every project in the portfolio, found that a large number of the ones tagged as “climate” had little to nothing to do with it, and included instead administrative and bureaucratic projects: payment automation for salaries in Afghanistan, municipal transparency in Gaza, fiscal management in Benin.

Even projects that were more specifically related to climate failed to provide accurate estimates of the greenhouse gas emission reductions the projects would deliver.

Part of the issue is one of transparency and data collection: Since it’s hard to access detailed information about the projects, it’s also difficult to measure their results. But this can lead to overstating of climate investment. In the case of the World Bank, a separate analysis by Oxfam estimated that the institution is effectively putting 40% less funding into climate change than it believes it is.

The above are extracts from an article published by Quarts ‘The World Bank has spent $37 billion since 2020 on “climate mitigation” projects. Most have little to do with climate’. Read the full article HERE.


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8b888c No.65788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047339 (212012ZJUN23) Notable: 12-year-old girl's alleged rape by boy in trans-inclusive bathroom discovered

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12-year-old girl's alleged rape by boy in trans-inclusive bathroom discovered after mother read her diary: 'I was raped. F***ing kill me'

A 12-year-old girl alleged that she was raped in a middle school bathroom in October 2021, but the incident was not brought to light until the girl's mother discovered her diary entry about the attack, according to the Post Millennial.

In Rio Rancho, New Mexico, the young girl was washing her hands in what was described as a girls' restroom at the ASK Academy middle school. At that point a male came into the bathroom and allegedly walked over to the girl, pinned her against the counter, and wrestled her onto the floor. After allegedly hitting her head, he also reportedly held the girl down and raped her.

“I was raped. I was raped. I was raped. F***ing kill me," the girl, who is being referred to as Ray, reportedly wrote in her diary. The discovery of the passage by her mother, being referred to as Maggie, explained the shift in mood and mental health that her daughter had inexplicably been going through.


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8b888c No.65789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047357 (212016ZJUN23) Notable: John Kerry hit with ethics complaint over 'inaccurate' climate death toll claims

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John Kerry hit with ethics complaint over 'inaccurate' climate death toll claims

John Kerry was hit with an ethics complaint Tuesday alleging he "disregarded" scientific evidence on climate issues.

Protect the Public's Trust filed the complaint against the Biden administration's special presidential envoy for climate, detailing a May 10 speech in which Kerry claimed 15 million people perish every year due to greenhouse gas emissions.

"This claim is both tremendously consequential and entirely unsupported by scientific evidence," the letter to State Department and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy officials states.

PPT is calling for an investigation into Kerry's comments for violating the Biden administration's scientific integrity policies and are asking the government to "adequately correct the public record and deter similar hysterical claims in the future."

“[Fifteen] million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself," Kerry, a former secretary of state, said at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's AIM for Climate Summit. "Without action, millions of lives and the livelihood of the planet is at risk."

In addition to Kerry's 15 million air deaths, he also said another 10 million people die annually from extreme heat.

“There are few more perilous breaches of scientific integrity than for public officials to convey inaccurate data to the public knowingly or recklessly, especially when it is done to justify politically motivated decisions or agendas," PPT Director Michael Chamberlain told the Washington Examiner. "Simply put, hysteria, hyperbole, and misrepresentation of data have no place in our government’s official pronouncements."

PPT's letter countered Kerry's claims with data with some of the most far-reaching death toll predictions in scientific literature, which claim the globe could see 3.4 million deaths per year by 2100, which is both significantly less than Kerry's prediction and also 77 years from now. Many of the deaths are attributed to wildfires and mosquito-borne illnesses.

"Despite the enormity of Mr. Kerry’s claim, he did not cite any scientific evidence for its basis," the letter states. "Nor is there any apparent scientific research that supports a claim that there are currently 15 million people dying yearly due to greenhouse gas emissions – or any other single cause of death that is tracked."

According to PPT, Kerry violated several of the Biden administration's scientific integrity policies, including a February 2021 memorandum called "Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking," OSTP's "Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity Policy and Practice," and the State Department's scientific integrity policy.


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8b888c No.65790

File: 0237e67fba3a184⋯.jpeg (652.69 KB,1170x1856,585:928,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047358 (212016ZJUN23) Notable: PF

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GTMO844 back up


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8b888c No.65791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047366 (212018ZJUN23) Notable: Coalition MK: LGBTQ community poses greater threat to Israel than Hezbollah or Hamas

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Coalition MK: LGBTQ community poses greater threat to Israel than Hezbollah or Hamas

Yitzhak Pindrus of the United Torah Judaism party says that it’s his duty to ‘not only prevent the Pride parade, but in general to prevent this movement’

A Haredi member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition blasted the LGBTQ community in an interview Tuesday, saying it was a graver threat to Israel than Islamist terror groups and adding that it was his duty to prevent Pride marches.

Yitzhak Pindrus, a senior member of the United Torah Judaism party who has a history of controversial remarks, including against members of the LGBTQ community, told Channel 12 news that “I understand I may have not correctly conveyed my message [previously], I will now try to explain it better.

“In my worldview, the most dangerous thing to the State of Israel — more than Islamic State, more than Hezbollah, more than Hamas — is the permissiveness regarding arayot, because that’s what the Torah says,” Pindrus said, using a term for sexual relationships and practices that are forbidden by the Bible and by Jewish law, including intercourse between men, among many other examples not related to LGBTQ people.


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8b888c No.65792

File: 9bb0b0880dc52cd⋯.png (332.39 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047370 (212018ZJUN23) Notable: Revised Motion to Censure Adam Schiff Moves Forward; Vote Expected Wednesday Afternoon

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Revised Motion to Censure Adam Schiff Moves Forward; Vote Expected Wednesday Afternoon

By Jennifer Van Laar | 4:00 PM on June 21, 2023

After announcing on Tuesday night that she’d secured the votes necessary for passage, freshman Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) brought a revised censure motion to the House floor Wednesday afternoon. Last Thursday the measure failed when 20 Republicans voted against it, many of them explicitly citing the provision for a $16 million fine, which they believe is not constitutional, as the reason. The new version of the motion does not include the fine.


I have called up my censure motion and will be bringing the vote to hold Adam Schiff accountable to the floor tomorrow.

8:05 PM · Jun 20, 2023

Democrats voted to table the motion, but that effort failed in a party-line vote.

Introducing the resolution, Luna noted that Americans do not trust Congress – in good part because of Schiff – then said:

This man occupied a position of the highest trust and authority. As Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortions against a sitting US President at the expense of every single citizen in this country and the honor of the House of Representatives. With access to sensitive information unavailable to most Members of Congress and certainly not accessible to the American people, Schiff abused his privileges, claiming to know the truth, while leaving Americans in the dark about this web of lies, lies so severe that they altered the course of the country forever.

Her entire introduction is sobering and makes Schiff’s destruction crystal clear.


Schiff replied with a passionate but unrepentant (and fantasy-filled) speech on the House floor, directed at Republicans. Calling it a “hollow sop to the MAGA crowd,” Schiff began:

You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood. You, who are the authors of a big lie about the last election, must condemn the truth tellers, and I stand proudly before you. Your words tell me that I have been effective in the defense of our democracy and I am grateful.

If you can stomach five minutes of Schiff’s delusions, the full video is below.


The motion is expected to be voted on late Wednesday afternoon, and Speaker McCarthy expects it to pass.

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8b888c No.65793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047375 (212019ZJUN23) Notable: OceanGate Employee Warned Of Major Safety Issues With Titan Sub In 2018

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OceanGate Employee Warned Of Major Safety Issues With Titan Sub In 2018—And Was Soon Fired'''

Former employee of OceanGate Expeditions, the company that sent out the now-missing submersible full of tourists to see the wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic, lodged major concerns about the vessel in a quality inspection report—but was met with “hostility and denial” from the company and fired, according to his allegations from a lawsuit in 2018.

OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, left, asked the former employee to conduct an inspection of the now missing Titan submersible.

David Lochridge, a Scottish submarine pilot, began working for OceanGate in Washington State in 2015, first as a contractor and then as director of marine operations, according to a 2018 claim he filed against the company, alleging that he was unfairly fired.

According to the claim, the company held a meeting in January 2018 about concerns over the quality control and safety of the Titan submersible, the 22-foot vessel now missing in the Atlantic Ocean after it dove Sunday morning with five people aboard.

Lochridge had alleged major safety issues: there had been almost no unmanned testing of the craft; the alarm system would only sound off “milliseconds” before an implosion; and the porthole was only certified to withstand pressure of 1,300 meters, even though OceanGate planned to take the submersible 4,000 meters underwater.

Throughout the inspection, Lochridge alleged he “was met with hostility and denial of access to necessary documentation that should have been freely available,” and was soon given “approximately ten minutes to immediately clear out his desk and exit the premises.”

According to the New York Times, OceanGate said it seemed like “Lochridge was trying to be fired” and he had refused some company data when he was conducting his research (the suit was later settled).

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Forbes reached out to OceanGate for comment.

Key Background

Lochridge filed the lawsuit as a counterclaim in response to a suit filed against him by OceanGate, alleging he had disclosed confidential information about the Titan. The lawsuit adds to growing concerns about the safety and review process for the submersible, which has now been missing for four days and has roughly 24 hours of oxygen left as of Wednesday morning. A report from CBS in 2022 showed some of the “jerry-rigged” construction qualities of the Titan, including off-the-shelf materials, a video game controller used to operate the system and construction pipes acting as ballast. OceanGate was founded in 2009 and began offering the first-ever tourist trips to view the famous Titanic shipwreck for $250,000, with the first successful excursions

Here's What We Know About OceanGate's Sub That Tours Titanic—Using 1 Button (Forbes)


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8b888c No.65794

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047384 (212021ZJUN23) Notable: Here’s the link to buy tickets for “Sound of Freedom” for July 4th in your area

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Here’s the link to buy tickets for “Sound of Freedom” for July 4th in your area

Under warroom there are 494,745 tickets sold, they need to get two million, country wide. There’s 30 theaters in GA that want to or are going to show the film.


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8b888c No.65795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047386 (212021ZJUN23) Notable: Revised Motion to Censure Adam Schiff Moves Forward; Vote Expected Wednesday Afternoon

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House advances Schiff censure resolution, teeing up final vote


Mychael SchnellJune 21, 2023

The House advanced a resolution Wednesday to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), overcoming a procedural hurdle that blocked a similar measure targeting the Democrat last week and teeing up a final vote later in the day.

A motion to table the measure was rejected 218-208 on party lines, with Republicans rejecting the Democratic-led effort to block the resolution from coming to the floor for a vote.

The chamber is expected to vote on the censure resolution, which will require a simple majority, late Wednesday afternoon. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told reporters Tuesday that he expects the resolution to pass the House.

Wednesday’s vote marked the second time the House voted on a motion to table a resolution to censure Schiff for his handling of investigations into former President Trump.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) forced a vote on a resolution to censure Schiff last week, but the effort was blocked after 20 Republicans joined Democrats in supporting a motion to table the measure, effectively killing it.

Some of the GOP defectors raised concerns with a nonbinding “whereas” clause in the resolution that said if the Ethics Committee found that Schiff “lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information,” he should be fined $16 million.

That number was half the amount of money that American taxpayers paid to fund the investigation into potential collusion between Trump and Russia, according to the resolution.

Luna, however, introduced a revised censure resolution last week — which nixed the fine language, among other changes — and brought it to the floor as a privileged measure Tuesday.

A number of last week’s GOP defectors changed their vote and helped advance the bill Wednesday.

Luna’s resolution seeks to censure Schiff “for misleading the American public and for conduct unbecoming of an elected Member of the House of Representatives.” It would also direct the Ethics Committee to conduct an investigation of him.

Two-thirds approve of investigations into PGA Tour-LIV Golf merger: survey McConnell: Democrats should ‘stay out’ of Supreme Court’s business

In addition to removing language about a $16 million fine, the revised Schiff censure resolution just calls for censuring Schiff; last week’s involved censuring and condemning the congressman.

The new version also omitted nonbinding “whereas” clauses that say Schiff “purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people” and that he “exploited” his positions on the House Intelligence Committee “to encourage and excuse abusive intelligence investigations of Americans for political purposes.”

The revamped resolution does, however, add several clauses: It cites a March 2019 letter signed by Republicans on the Intelligence panel calling on Schiff — the committee’s chairman at the time — to resign from the top post, argues that Schiff “hindered the ability of the Intelligence Committee to fulfill its oversight responsibilities over the Intelligence Community” and says he “misled the American people and brought disrepute upon the House of Representatives.”

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8b888c No.65796

File: d149cc6dbaacdbb⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,106x64,53:32,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047392 (212022ZJUN23) Notable: Hageman questioning Durham

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Wyoming Rep. Harriet Hageman's "let's get to the brass tacks" closing in the Durham hearing today.

Talks about how "we are dealing with something so corrupt, and so rotten, that no amt of face paint, deflection or whitewashing can fix this."

The point of the Steele dossier was to never to expose Russion collusion, only to DESTROY DONALD J. TRUMP.

"How do I know this is true?" Because THEY TOLD US [in their emails etc]."

They didn't need to prove Russion collusion, "they just needed to keep the issue alive."

Goal was make it impossible for him to govern.

This has destroyed some of the key foundations of this country.

It has left a smoldering hot volcanic mess where the soul of this country used to be.


My question is this:

How long do you think this country will survive a two-tiered justice system that seeks to persecute people based on their political beliefs?


I don't think that things can go too much further with the view that the law enforcement, particularly the FBI and the Dept. of Justice, runs a two-tiered system of justice. The nation can't stand under those circumstances.

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8b888c No.65797

File: 8da27a0b1e278e9⋯.jpeg (867.26 KB,1170x1868,585:934,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047393 (212022ZJUN23) Notable: House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

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Name ONE new thing you learned from Durham today.

You can’t lol.


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8b888c No.65798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047405 (212024ZJUN23) Notable: Gannett sues Google, Alphabet, says their monopoly on digital ad sales has 'demolished' competition

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Gannett sues Google, Alphabet, says their monopoly on digital ad sales has 'demolished' competition

Largest newspaper publishing company says Google has 'monopolized the markets' in online advertisement

Gannett, the company that owns USA Today and hundreds of local newspapers, has filed a federal lawsuit against Google that alleges the Big Tech company has a monopoly on the digital ad market.

The publishing company filed the suit Tuesday in a New York federal court, arguing Google and parent company Alphabet controls how publishers buy and sell ads online, which is costing Gannett and other publishers.

“The result is dramatically less revenue for publishers and Google’s ad-tech rivals, while Google enjoys exorbitant monopoly profits,” the lawsuit states.

Papers are still making much of their money off of ad revenue.

Gannett CEO Mike Reed writes in an op-ed in USA Today that digital advertising is now a $200 billion business – roughly eight-time what it was in 2009. However, he argues, the revenue news publishers has over the same period declined.

"Our lawsuit seeks to restore fair competition in a digital advertising marketplace that Google has demolished," Reed said. "The core of the case and our position is that Google abuses its control over the ad server monopoly to make it increasingly difficult for rival exchanges to run competitive auctions."

This is not the first time Google has been sued for alleged monopolistic control in the online advertising ecosystem.

In January, the Justice Department and eight states reportedly filed an antitrust suit against the tech giant. And in June 2021 the European Union conducted an antitrust investigation to learn whether Google was holding back competition in digital advertising technology.

Reed accused Google of bolstering its own gains at the expense of the newspapers, especially local ones.


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8b888c No.65799

File: 11ed5e18baf5afa⋯.png (41.4 KB,632x397,632:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047436 (212029ZJUN23) Notable: House Leadership finally joining the People

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House Leadership finally joining the People

This looks like a good sign about tonight’s vote…

4:00 PM · Jun 21, 2023

Adam Schiff abused his position as Chair of Intel to lie and lead America through a national nightmare with the fake Russia collusion narrative.

As Speaker, I removed him from the Intel Committee, and now the full House will vote to censure him and open an ethics investigation.

3:27 PM · Jun 21, 2023


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8b888c No.65800

File: f659822293d8ae2⋯.png (367.85 KB,598x636,299:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047438 (212029ZJUN23) Notable: Wray discussed the Bureau's approach to artificial intelligence and defending against hostile actors looking to exploit it.

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Yesterday, in remarks to the Atlanta Commerce Club and the Atlanta Press Club, #FBI Director Christopher Wray discussed the Bureau's approach to artificial intelligence and defending against hostile actors looking to exploit it.

Read his remarks:


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8b888c No.65801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047439 (212029ZJUN23) Notable: Boebert Introduces Biden Impeachment Articles To House Floor For ‘Willful Negligence” At Southern Border

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Rep. Lauren Boebert Introduces Biden Impeachment Articles To House Floor For ‘Willful Negligence” At Southern Border

12:14 minutes

Comer received more documents heavily redacted from the FBI, its outrageous about the bribing docs


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8b888c No.65802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047485 (212038ZJUN23) Notable: 'You Tweeted It!': John Kennedy Has Fiery Brawl With Dem Witness About His Past Tweets

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Jun 21, 2023

At today's Senate Budget Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) did battle with Democratic witness Richard Painter.


'You Tweeted It!': John Kennedy Has Fiery Brawl With Dem Witness About His Past Tweets

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8b888c No.65803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047503 (212044ZJUN23) Notable: #23389-A

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#23389-A >>65735


>>65741, >>65743, >>65759, >>65744, >>65745, >>65763, >>65780, >>65797 House Cmte on the Judiciary: Durham testimony

>>65736, >>65739 , >>65738, >>65740, >>65742, >>65747, >>65743, >>65748, >>65750, >>65749, >>65755, >>65752 Gaetz grilling Durham about Clinesmith, Misfud

>>65746, >>65796 Hageman questioning Durham

>>65751 “John Durham Is Part Of The System”: Bannon Tells Truth About Durham Report

>>65753 Openly threatening witnesses in Congress is completely normal… in totalitarian dictatorships.

>>65754 Time between last Durham post and today = 951 days; Mirror 159 = missing submarine

>>65758 Durham Testimony - Hold the Line, This was Expected https://controlc.com/f7d94b5e

>>65760 Durham Goes Off On FBI, CIA, Schiff During Wednesday Testimony

>>65769 GOP Rep. Kevin Kiley Lists Off Numerous Lies by Democrats Schiff, Nadler, Swalwell, and Lieu on Trump Russia Hoax &ndash; Durham Agrees

>>65776 Gaetz: Durham is part of the COVERUP!

>>>/qresearch/19047503 #23389-A

final final

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8b888c No.65804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047505 (212046ZJUN23) Notable: Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced to 14 Years in Federal Prison for Transportation of CP

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Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced to 14 Years in Federal Prison for Transportation of Child Pornography

EUGENE, Ore.—On June 20, 2023, a former Veteran’s Administration police officer and resident of Roseburg, Oregon was sentenced to federal prison for repeatedly placing hidden cameras in sensitive personal locations to capture sexually explicit photos and videos of minors.

Robert Wayne Roady, 50, was sentenced to 168 months in federal prison and 10 years’ supervised release.

In October 2020, Roady’s conduct was reported to the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office who opened an investigation. Roady later admitted to hiding the cameras.

On November 5, 2020, a federal grand jury in Eugene returned an indictment charging Roady with attempted sexual exploitation of a child. On March 1, 2023, Roady pleaded guilty to a one-count criminal information charging him with attempted transportation of child pornography.

This case was investigated by the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office with assistance from the FBI. It was prosecuted by Adam E. Delph and Jeffrey S. Sweet, Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the District of Oregon with assistance from Allison D. Eichmann, Chief Deputy District Attorney for the Douglas County District Attorney’s Office.

If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.

Anyone who has information the physical or online exploitation of children are encouraged to call the FBI at (503) 224-4181 or submit a tip online at tips.fbi.gov.

This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse. For more information about Project Safe Childhood, please visit www.justice.gov/psc.


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8b888c No.65805

File: 9580752df4fc4ae⋯.png (200.74 KB,1001x658,143:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047512 (212048ZJUN23) Notable: National MS-13 Gang Leader Along with 22 MS-13 Members and Associates Indicted for Murders and Other Acts of Violence

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National MS-13 Gang Leader Along with 22 MS-13 Members and Associates Indicted for Murders and Other Acts of Violence


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8b888c No.65806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047516 (212049ZJUN23) Notable: Sen. Hawley Questions Female Sports Advocate Riley Gaines On Competing Against Transgender Athletes

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Sen. Hawley Questions Female Sports Advocate Riley Gaines On Competing Against Transgender Athletes

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8b888c No.65807

File: c4c17ae4c685e1b⋯.png (172 KB,972x645,324:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047521 (212050ZJUN23) Notable: Former FBI Analyst Sentenced for Retaining Classified Documents

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Former FBI Analyst Sentenced for Retaining Classified Documents


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8b888c No.65808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047549 (212057ZJUN23) Notable: #23389-B

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>>65737 Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Testifies on the 'Censorship Enterprise' the U.S. Government Deployed Against Americans

>>65756 SGT report: Vaccines happened under Trump to force cabal to accelerate plans

>>65757 Senate confirms Dale Ho to be a federal judge

>>65761 CROWN Act reported out of committee

>>65762 AG Garland Deflects When Asked if Hunter’s Sweetheart Deal and Trump’s Indictment Reflect a “Different Standard of Justice Depending on Political Leanings”

>>65764 Christie Says Transgender Procedures On Minors Should Be Allowed If Parents Consent

>>65765 Brussels piles more sanctions on Moscow

>>65766, >>65773 Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom"

>>65767 WWF declared ‘undesirable’ in Russia

>>65768, >>65768, >>65779, >>65790 PF

>>65770 US imposes sanctions on Myanmar's defense ministry, two banks

>>65771 FB META Announces Release of “Twitter Rival” Called THREADS So They Can Censor, Ban and Silence Conservatives on New Platform

>>65772 Pennsylvania: Failed GOP Nominee Carrie DelRosso Now a Lobbyist for DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS

>>65774 Stepson of Titanic submarine passenger attends Blink-182 concert amid search: 'Helped me through hard times'

>>65775 Joe Biden Spills ‘Sensitive’ Intelligence about Chinese Spy Balloon to Campaign Donors

>>65777 Capitol Hill Townhouse Tied to FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Poised to Sell

>>65778 Massive Explosion at Paris’ American Academy Leaves Dozens Injured

>>65781, >>65782, >>65783 What is ‘Disease X,’ the disease COVID researchers say could be the next pandemic?

>>65784 170K Migrants Apprehended in May at Southern Border Doubles Biden’s Inaugural Month

>>65785 #WorldRefugeeDay and unaccompanied refugee children - ANONS DIG

>>65786 Beware of WEF- and Bill Gates-funded Apeel “Organipeel” food coating chemical on ORGANIC produce

>>65787 Majority of 2,500 “climate mitigation” projects funded by the World Bank have little to do with climate

>>65788 12-year-old girl's alleged rape by boy in trans-inclusive bathroom discovered

>>65794 Here’s the link to buy tickets for “Sound of Freedom” for July 4th in your area

>>65789 John Kerry hit with ethics complaint over 'inaccurate' climate death toll claims

>>65791 Coalition MK: LGBTQ community poses greater threat to Israel than Hezbollah or Hamas

>>65792, >>65795, >>65796 Revised Motion to Censure Adam Schiff Moves Forward; Vote Expected Wednesday Afternoon

>>65793 OceanGate Employee Warned Of Major Safety Issues With Titan Sub In 2018

>>65798 Gannett sues Google, Alphabet, says their monopoly on digital ad sales has 'demolished' competition

>>65799 House Leadership finally joining the People

>>65800 Wray discussed the Bureau's approach to artificial intelligence and defending against hostile actors looking to exploit it.

>>65801 Boebert Introduces Biden Impeachment Articles To House Floor For ‘Willful Negligence” At Southern Border

>>65802 'You Tweeted It!': John Kennedy Has Fiery Brawl With Dem Witness About His Past Tweets

>>65804 Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer Sentenced to 14 Years in Federal Prison for Transportation of CP

>>65805 National MS-13 Gang Leader Along with 22 MS-13 Members and Associates Indicted for Murders and Other Acts of Violence

>>65806 Sen. Hawley Questions Female Sports Advocate Riley Gaines On Competing Against Transgender Athletes

>>65807 Former FBI Analyst Sentenced for Retaining Classified Documents



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8b888c No.65809

File: b87e551aaec1f11⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,178x98,89:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047558 (212100ZJUN23) Notable: #23390

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baker seeking handoff ghosting in @20

left extra notable buns so anons can follow the Durham action for the day.

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8b888c No.65810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047561 (212101ZJUN23) Notable: Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

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Jun 21, 2023 #TheJimmyDoreShow

In 2016 actor Robert DeNiro was actively promoting a documentary called “Vaxxed,” which alleged a connection between vaccines and autism. He even went on the Today show to encourage viewers to watch the film and consider its message. Then, practically overnight>>65809

, DeNiro suddenly stopped talking about the movie and clammed up about vaccines and autism. But why?

Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on this controversial subject.

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8b888c No.65811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047566 (212102ZJUN23) Notable: Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

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Search for Missing Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

By Joseph Ax and Steve Gorman June 21, 2023

June 21 (Reuters) – Rescuers searching for a missing submersible near the wreck of the Titanic on Wednesday concentrated their efforts on a remote area of the North Atlantic where a series of undersea noises have been detected, though officials cautioned the sounds may not have originated from the vessel.

With estimates suggesting the air supply on board the submersible could run out by Thursday morning, an international coalition of rescue teams has swept a vast expanse of the ocean for the Titan, which disappeared on Sunday while taking five people deep into the ocean to visit the century-old wreck as part of a tourist expedition.

The U.S. Coast Guard said remotely operated vehicle (ROV) searches were deployed in the area where Canadian aircraft recorded the noises using sonar buoys on Tuesday and Wednesday but have not found any sign of the Titan yet.

Coast Guard Captain Jamie Frederick said at a press conference that analysis of the noises has been “inconclusive.”

“When you’re in the middle of a search-and-rescue case, you always have hope,” he said. “With respect to the noises specifically, we don’t know what they are, to be frank with you.”

Even if the submersible is located, retrieving it presents huge logistical challenges, given the extreme conditions miles below the surface.

Teams from the United States, Canada and France using airplanes and ships have searched more than 10,000 square miles (25,900 square km) of open sea, roughly the size of Lebanon or the U.S. state of Massachusetts.

The 22-foot (6.7-meter) submersible Titan, operated by U.S.-based OceanGate Expeditions, began its descent at 8 a.m. (1200 GMT) on Sunday. It lost contact with its parent surface vessel during what should have been a two-hour dive to the Titanic.

The submersible had 96 hours of air, according to the company’s specifications, which would mean the oxygen could run out by Thursday morning. But experts say the air supply depends on a range of factors, including whether the submersible remains intact and still has power.

The wreck of the British ocean liner, which sank when it hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage in 1912, lies on the seabed at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,810 meters). It is about 900 miles (1,450 km) east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and 400 miles south of St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Those aboard the submersible, the highlight of a tourist adventure that costs $250,000 per person, included British billionaire and adventurer Hamish Harding, 58, and Pakistani-born businessman Shahzada Dawood, 48, with his 19-year-old son Suleman, who are both British citizens.

French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet, 77, and Stockton Rush, founder and chief executive of OceanGate Expeditions, were also reported to be on board.

A friend of Harding, Jannicke Mikkelsen, who has accompanied the British entrepreneur on other expeditions, told Reuters on Tuesday she was hoping for good news but was not optimistic. “It would be a miracle if they are recovered alive,” she said.

Questions about the safety of the Titan were raised in a 2018 lawsuit filed by OceanGate’s former director of marine operations, David Lochridge, who claimed he was fired for voicing concerns that the hull could not withstand extreme depths.

In its own court claim against Lochridge, OceanGate said he refused to accept the lead engineer’s assurances and accused him of improperly sharing confidential information. The two sides settled their court case in November 2018.

Neither the company nor Lochridge’s attorney have commented on the details of the dispute.

Months prior to the suit, a group of submersible industry leaders wrote to OceanGate warning that the “experimental” approach” to the sub’s development could result in “minor to catastrophic” problems, the New York Times reported.

A French research ship carrying a deep-sea diving robot submersible was expected to arrive later on Wednesday.

The unmanned robot is capable of diving as deep as the Titanic wreck and could help free the submersible if it is stuck, though the robot cannot lift the 21,000-pound (9,525 kg) Titan on its own. The robot could also help hook the sub to a ship on the surface that is able to lift it up, the operator said.



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8b888c No.65812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047570 (212102ZJUN23) Notable: US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation’s first ‘lab-grown’ meat

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US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation’s first ‘lab-grown’ meat

For the first time, U.S. regulators on Wednesday approved the sale of chicken made from animal cells, allowing two California companies to offer “lab-grown” meat to the nation’s restaurant tables and eventually, supermarket shelves.

The Agriculture Department gave the green light to Upside Foods and Good Meat, firms that had been racing to be the first in the U.S. to sell meat that doesn’t come from slaughtered animals — what’s now being referred to as “cell-cultivated” or “cultured” meat as it emerges from the laboratory and arrives on dinner plates.

The move launches a new era of meat production aimed at eliminating harm to animals and drastically reducing the environmental impacts of grazing, growing feed for animals and animal waste.

“Instead of all of that land and all of that water that’s used to feed all of these animals that are slaughtered, we can do it in a different way,” said Josh Tetrick, co-founder and chief executive of Eat Just, which operates Good Meat.

The companies received approvals for federal inspections required to sell meat and poultry in the U.S. The action came months after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration deemed that products from both companies are safe to eat. A manufacturing company called Joinn Biologics, which works with Good Meat, was also cleared to make the products.

Cultivated meat is grown in steel tanks, using cells that come from a living animal, a fertilized egg or a special bank of stored cells. In Upside’s case, it comes out in large sheets that are then formed into shapes like chicken cutlets and sausages. Good Meat, which already sells cultivated meat in Singapore, the first country to allow it, turns masses of chicken cells into cutlets, nuggets, shredded meat and satays.


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8b888c No.65813

File: 3a7d7edc8bdee77⋯.png (199.18 KB,601x475,601:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047571 (212103ZJUN23) Notable: Video Allegedly Shows Woman Luring 4-Year-Old Boy From Ohio Home While Pretending to Be CPS Worker

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WATCH: Video Allegedly Shows Woman Luring 4-Year-Old Boy From Ohio Home While Pretending to Be CPS Worker


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8b888c No.65814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047578 (212104ZJUN23) Notable: Three Netanyahu Advisors Face Charges of Witness Tampering in Corruption Trial

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Three Netanyahu Advisors Face Charges of Witness Tampering in Corruption Trial

The three advisers are accused of aggravated witness tampering in the so-called 'Case 4000', a crime which could potentially carry a five-year prison sentence

Three advisers working for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will face criminal prosecution pending hearings for harassing the state's witness in one of the trials against Netanyahu, Israel's State Prosecutor announced on Wednesday.

The three advisers, Yonatan Urich, Ofer Golan and Israel Einhorn, are suspected of witness tampering in the so-called "Case 4000," which involves suspicions that Netanyahu, in his role as communications minister from 2014 to 2017 (while he was also prime minister), intervened with regulators to help Bezeq telecommunications company, which is controlled by Shaul Elovitch.

In exchange, Elovitch, a long-time friend of Netanyahu’s, allegedly ordered Bezeq’s Walla news site to provide favorable coverage of the prime minister and his wife Sara.

The three advisers are accused of aggravated witness tampering, a crime which could potentially carry a five-year prison sentence. The State Prosecutor alleges that the three advisers placed a car near the home of state witness Shlomo Filber, who formally served as director general of the communications ministry.

In the car, the advisers allegedly placed a loudspeaker system and played a recorded message calling on Filber to recant his agreement to become a state's witness.

The incident occurred in late August 2019, and an investigation into the matter began roughly one month later. However, the investigation was stopped after claims were made regarding digital searches that were executed without warrants.

The Supreme Court allowed the investigation to continue despite the fact that it began without a warrant from the court.


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8b888c No.65815

File: e10dab407e740ed⋯.png (36.25 KB,182x268,91:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047580 (212104ZJUN23) Notable: Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

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Vaxxed - Wikipedia


Contributors to Wikimedia projects

Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe is a 2016 American pseudoscience propaganda film[1]: 1 [2]: 1 [3] alleging a cover-up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of a purported link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[4][5][6] According to Variety, the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine";[7] critics derided Vaxxed as an anti-vaccine propaganda film.

The film was directed by discredited anti-vaccine activist Andrew Wakefield, who was struck off the medical register in the United Kingdom in 2010 due to ethical violations related to his fraudulent research into the role of vaccines in autism.[4][12][13][14] It was scheduled to premiere at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival but was withdrawn by the festival.[15] In reviewing the film, Indiewire said that "Wakefield doesn't just have a dog in this fight; he is the dog".[16]

In November 2019, a sequel, Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, was released.


Further information: MMR vaccine and autism and Lancet MMR autism fraud

In 1998 Wakefield and 12 other authors published a study in The Lancet suggesting that the MMR vaccine caused autism. In 2010 the study was retracted, and Wakefield was struck off the medical register in the United Kingdom due to "ethical violations and a failure to disclose financial conflicts of interest" and for his invention of evidence linking the MMR vaccine to autism.[4][17][18][19] A substantial body of subsequent research has established that there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.[20][21][22] Wakefield went on to become a leader in the anti-vaccination movement that his discredited study helped create.[23]

Del Bigtree, a producer of Vaxxed, was formerly a producer of The Doctors, an American medical advice talk show.[24] The British Medical Journal conducted a study on The Doctors and The Dr. Oz Show and concluded with this warning about the shows: "Consumers should be skeptical about any recommendations provided ... as details are limited and only a third to one half of recommendations are based on believable or somewhat believable evidence".[25][26] As with all American medical programmes and medical teleshopping shows, the two programmes carry Food and Drug Administration-required mandatory disclaimers at the end of each episode which state their advice is not a medical endorsement and viewers should consult with a physician based on the advice given.

The film was produced by Autism Media Channel,[7] of which Wakefield is a director.[27]


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8b888c No.65816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047584 (212105ZJUN23) Notable: Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

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According to Variety, the film "purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who revealed that the CDC had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR vaccine."[7] The film features the so-called "CDC whistleblower" narrative that is based on anti-vaccination activist[24] and associate professor Brian Hooker's paper describing claims by senior CDC scientist William Thompson that he and his co-authors had omitted mention of a correlation they found between vaccination and autism in African-American boys in a CDC study. However a 2011 IOM report showed that evidence favors rejection of a relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.[28][29] The film contains edited excerpts of several phone calls between Hooker and Thompson recorded without Thompson's knowledge.[24][30] Hooker's 2014 paper on the narrative was subsequently retracted due to "serious concerns about the validity of its conclusions"[31][32] and in 2015 the CDC had confirmed that any such initial correlation had ceased to exist once they performed a more in-depth analysis of the children in the study.[33]

These sometimes spliced-together[33] unauthorized phone recordings of Thompson, according to the Houston Press, form the "crux of the entire movie ... And ... that's it".[34] On the "CDC whistleblower" narrative, Philip LaRussa, a professor of paediatric medicine at Columbia University Medical Center, said the film-makers "were saying, there's this silver bullet here, and the CDC is hiding it, and no one else has looked at this issue, which is not the case".[35] Thompson does not appear in the film and did not see it before it was released.[23] Thompson had released a statement on the controversy in 2014 which the New York Times discussed in its coverage of Vaxxed; the Times described it as "saying that while he questioned the 2004 study's presentation of some data, he would never advise people not to get vaccinated."[23][36]

Premiere and distribution

The film had been scheduled to premiere at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival but this was the subject of public outcry and widespread criticism, particularly for allowing Wakefield to distribute his discredited theories.[37][38][39][40] Actor Robert De Niro, who co-founded the festival, initially defended the decision to show the film, writing on Facebook that the film was "very personal" to him due to him having a child with autism,[41] and saying that he hoped the film would open a dialog about the controversy.[41] But shortly before the evening of March 26 De Niro announced that the film would not screen, stating that consultation with other film festival representatives, and members of the scientific community, had led him to conclude that screening the film would not contribute to or further the discussion of the topic presented.[15][42]

After the film was dropped from the Tribeca Film Festival, it was picked up for distribution by Cinema Libre.[7] The film premiered at the Angelika Film Center in New York City on April 1, 2016[43] to an audience of "a few dozen".[44]

In reaction to Cinema Libre's decision to distribute the film, Todd Drezner, the father of an autistic son and creator of a neurodiversity-themed movie that was distributed by Cinema Libre, wrote an open letter to Cinema Libre criticizing Vaxxed and Cinema Libre's decision to distribute it, writing: "By releasing Vaxxed, Cinema Libre is actively harming thousands of autistic people. While we should be discussing ways to best support autistic people and help them lead fulfilling lives, you would instead have us follow a discredited scientist and dishonest filmmaker down a rabbit hole that leads only to long-debunked conspiracy theories. I am profoundly disappointed."[45][46]

The film was given a private screening in Cannes in 2017 while the Cannes Film Festival was underway,[47] and at that time Cinema Libre said that it had earned $1.2 million and that they had signed distribution deals in Italy, Germany, Poland, and China.[48]


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8b888c No.65817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047586 (212105ZJUN23) Notable: Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

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On review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 38% based on 13 reviews, and an average rating of 4.3/10.[49]

In his film debut, Wakefield has cast himself as the victim of a massive conspiracy to hide the truth ... What drove Wakefield from being a respected researcher to a conspiracy theorist?

—Paul Offit in The Hollywood Reporter.[50]

Documentary director Penny Lane stated, "This film is not some sort of disinterested investigation into the 'vaccines cause autism' hoax; this film is directed by the person who perpetuated the hoax."[1]

A review by Ed Cara from the health and science news-site Medical Daily states that "[Vaxxed] doesn't care about convincing its audience with evidence. Instead, Wakefield, Hooker, and producer Del Bigtree run the viewer through a well-trod gauntlet of emotional pleas, context-free statistics ... and shadowy conspiracies."[33] Eric Kohn from an independent film news-site Indiewire says: "Wakefield's by-the-numbers approach to didactic storytelling relies on tons of random factoids positioned out of context to drive home his agenda."[8]

Joe Leydon, a film critic from Variety magazine. describes the film as a "slickly produced but scientifically dubious hodgepodge of free-floating paranoia" and warns of its "anti-Big Pharma conspiracy mongering."[51] Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote:

The vast majority of people who see this film will not have the scientific knowledge to assess the film's veracity. But it's fair to say that the documentary, though characterized as antivaccination, isn't quite that. The point of view is more nuanced. It's against the vaccination of children ages 2 and younger. And it's particularly against the MMR — that is, the giving of three vaccines at once ... it's a passionate advocate for its viewpoint, and that makes for compelling viewing. ... Of course, it's possible that the children would have developed autism anyway, and that one event didn't cause the other. But the parents presented here are convinced otherwise.[52]

Pete Vonder Haar of Houston Press described the film as a "tragic fraud."[34] Sarah Gill of The Age called the film "another desperate attempt to hoodwink the public for no greater purpose than making money."[12] Mick LaSalle of SFGate states that Vaxxed "is not the end of the discussion and doesn't contain the whole story ... But it's a passionate advocate for its viewpoint, and that makes for compelling viewing."[53]


In November 2019, Vaxxed II: The People's Truth, produced by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was released in the US.[54] The core of the film is video of individuals telling their stories to those who drove the Vaxxed promotional bus across the US in 2016.[2]

Of the film, Newsweek stated that it "touts the myth that there is a "vaccine injury epidemic."" and that the "trailer features distressing footage of parents making anecdotal and unfounded claims that vaccines caused their children to have developmental problems, including autism."[55]

The Guardian stated that "The film makes no effort to address the scientific evidence that the parents’ experiences of autism in their children have nothing to do with vaccines, or the coincidence that symptoms of autism often appear between 12 and 24 months of age, exactly when the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine is given."[2]

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8b888c No.65818

File: 7dde416ce750463⋯.png (56.89 KB,423x587,423:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047599 (212107ZJUN23) Notable: Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

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An investigation into the CDC's destruction of a study linking autism to the MMR vaccine.

Release date: April 1, 2016 (USA)

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8b888c No.65819

File: e66fb8f99606d78⋯.png (187.41 KB,1201x457,1201:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c308f6420013d6⋯.png (376.02 KB,1729x916,1729:916,Clipboard.png)

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,260x256,65:64,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047624 (212113ZJUN23) Notable: Dasting Durham Testimony Deltas

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Do not be disappointed anons.

nothing much has changed.

We knew that durham testimony would just be theatre and nothing would come of it.

but as proof. see linked and screenshot posts below !!

now this night shift meme vid sounds right. he was pat of the swamp.



>>65758 lb Durham Testimony - Hold the Line, This was Expected https://controlc.com/f7d94b5e



>>65109 pb

>>65104 pb

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8b888c No.65820

File: e2357886625fe71⋯.jpg (661.8 KB,1080x1937,1080:1937,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e174dff0e8520f0⋯.jpg (675.78 KB,1080x2084,270:521,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33b1865106d7f8d⋯.jpg (230.47 KB,1080x1236,90:103,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4bada6ab5562346⋯.jpg (315.72 KB,1050x1945,210:389,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb9b2ae5ccfa5f3⋯.jpg (388.28 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047659 (212122ZJUN23) Notable: Boatfag bun

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MiawpuKEK ?

CCGS Sir Humphrey Gilbert[a] was a Canadian Coast Guard light icebreaker and buoy tender and now a privately owned Arctic icebreaker Polar Prince. The ship entered service with the Department of Transport Marine Service in 1959 and transferred to the newly created Canadian Coast Guard in 1962, active until 2001. The icebreaker was sold to private interests in Newfoundland and renamed Polar Prince, sitting mostly idle until resold in 2009 to GTX Technology Canada Limited for service in the Arctic Ocean as a commercial icebreaker. In 2017, the vessel was temporarily rechristened Canada C3 and used for a high-profile voyage around Canada's three maritime coasts as part of the nation's 150th anniversary. In November 2021 the ship was purchased by Miawpukek Horizon Maritime Service Ltd, a joint venture between Horizon Maritime and the Miawpukek First Nation and chartered for educational and research expedition use.


Miawpukek First Nation is a Mi'kmaq First Nations band government in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, with a registered population of 834 living on-reserve as of September 2019, with another 2,223 living off-reserve.[1] They control the reserve of Samiajij Miawpukek in Bay d'Espoir on the island of Newfoundland. It was formerly known as Conne River until the 1980s.[5] Samiajij Miawpukek was established as a federal Indian reserve in 1987, the first in Newfoundland and Labrador. In 1991, Miawpukek was one of the poorest communities in Atlantic Canada. Due in part to increased education of its members, it has gone on to become the most well-off First Nation in Atlantic Canada after Membertou.[6][7]




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8b888c No.65821

File: e8e8f0b90c3b503⋯.png (811.06 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047685 (212129ZJUN23) Notable: Boatfag bun

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POLAR PRINCE latest AIS Position, 4 minutes old

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8b888c No.65822

File: cb9290009541115⋯.png (488.75 KB,597x678,199:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047698 (212131ZJUN23) Notable: @DC_Draino “The most underreported story in Boston right now is…man in cardiac arrest & found a horrifying scene filled w/men in drag & at least 5 children between the ages of 5-10”

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“The most underreported story in Boston right now is first responders were called to a public housing complex in Boston for a man in cardiac arrest & found a horrifying scene filled w/men in drag & at least 5 children between the ages of 5-10”

What the…


City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies,...

The most underreported story in Boston right now is the fact that over the weekend first responders were called to a public housing complex in South Boston for a man in cardiac arrest and found a...

10:25 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65823

File: 8431290ffe6180b⋯.png (493.68 KB,599x732,599:732,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047700 (212132ZJUN23) Notable: Who is the Schiff family? The richest family you never heard of?

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The Punisher


Schiff Family

History of corruption

The richest family you never heard of, who is the Schiff family?

Going all the way back to a Jewish settlement in the middle ages, the Schiff and Rothschilds lived under one roof in Europe. Continued for centuries..


12:36 PM · Apr 29, 2020

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8b888c No.65824

File: 5d4ad1ff7129987⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047708 (212135ZJUN23) Notable: "Jean-Pierre calls herself an "historic figure" …

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8b888c No.65825

File: 18ffa45217ad336⋯.png (338.02 KB,597x619,597:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047709 (212135ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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Hans Mahncke


Is it humanly possible to be so incompetent?

(Durham's reaction is an instant classic)

8:50 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047777 (212149ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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8b888c No.65827

File: 07ffbd023a9e98d⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047812 (212156ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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8b888c No.65828

File: fc2d5f93e1e021f⋯.png (634.51 KB,717x621,239:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047829 (212201ZJUN23) Notable: David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal.

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The attorney for hip-hop artist Kodak Black, who was sentenced to three years in prison for falsifying information on federal forms to buy firearms, ripped the plea deal given to Hunter Biden, who had admitted to the facts of a similar crime.

Biden received a pretrial diversion agreement over the gun charge; Black was sentenced in 2019 but had a 46-month sentence commuted in 2021 by former President Trump.

“There’s no such thing as not getting jail time on a gun charge on any kind of gun charge,” Bradford Cohen, Black’s criminal defense attorney told Fox News Digital. He added on Instagram, “2 tiers of justice? Kodak was charged for the same crime. Got over 3 years. Mr. Biden will not serve a day. Feels right? Do FBI agents and federal authorities take cases personally?”

“I’ve never seen anyone where this offense was charged,” Cohen pointed out, “and they didn’t get some sort of prison sentence. And in fact, most of the time in federal court, you very rarely see people get anything but a prison sentence.”

“A federal crime is supposed to be a federal crime,” Cohen continued. “And federal crimes are supposed to be very serious federal crimes, and that’s why you look at prison sentences. … I think that this is like, you know, they figured the easiest way for them to save face [was] to charge him, not give him prison, and then hope that [Joe] Biden doesn’t give him a pardon until he’s on his way out.”

Black, who had a prior criminal record, admitted he had lied on background check forms while buying more than one firearm; two of the guns were later found by the police at crime scenes, according to prosecutors.

“Young people do stupid things,” U.S. District Court Judge Federico Moreno told Black at his trial. “But the problem is that you’ve been doing stupid things since you were 15.”

“I’m sorry for the actions that led me for where I’m standing,” Black said before he was sentenced. “I do take full responsibility for my mishap.”

Hunter Biden answered “no” to a question on a background-check questionnaire asking, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” He had been discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine Five years prior to that.

At the beginning of March, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) warned Attorney General Merrick Garland of potentially criminal evidence against Hunter Biden, saying, “Recent lawfully protected whistleblower disclosures to my office indicate that the Justice Department and the FBI had at one time over a dozen sources who provided potentially criminal information relating to Hunter Biden. … The alleged volume and similarity of the information would demand that the Justice Department investigate the truth and accuracy of the information.”


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8b888c No.65829

File: f5e9e574b073030⋯.png (224.14 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047835 (212202ZJUN23) Notable: New Nord Stream blast aftermath footage released

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21 Jun, 2023 15:10

New Nord Stream blast aftermath footage released (VIDEO)

The recording suggests that small explosive devices were used to sabotage the pipelines

Video footage published by multiple European news outlets shows that one of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines was severed cleanly, potentially with a small, shaped explosive charge. The recording was released amid aflurry of reports blaming Ukraine for the attack.

Filmed using a submersible drone by Norwegian firm Blueye, the footage was published on Wednesday by Germany’s RTL, Denmark’s TV2, and France’s La Liberation. It showsone of the two Nord Stream 2 lines split neatly in two, with jagged metal the only sign that an explosion had taken place.

Footage of the Nord Stream 1 pipelines released last year showed greater damage, withat least 50 meters of pipe torn apartand a large gouge taken out of the seabed. Both Nord Stream 1 lines were destroyed, while only one Nord Stream 2 line was severed.

It clearly looks like a shaped charge to me,” former Danish military officer Niels Kamp told RTL. “Huge forces were at work that were very focused.It was a small explosive device.” A retired French military diver seconded Kamp’s opinion, telling RTL that the charge likely weighed “a few kilograms.”

“This would also make it more feasible for a smaller commando unit,” RTL noted.

The Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines were destroyed in a series of near-simultaneous explosions off the Danish island of Bornholm in late September. The blasts severed a key conduit for Russian natural gas to Europe,effectively removing the possibility of European countries lifting their sanctionson Moscow and restarting gas purchases.

A small commando unit deploying light explosives fits in with the theory – recently set out by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and several European news outlets – that a team of Ukrainians used a rented yacht to transport explosives to the blast sites. Kiev denies any involvement in the alleged plot, which the Wall Street Journal claims was known to the CIA months in advance.

One theory left unexaminedby the Western mediais that of American reporter Seymour Hersh. Citing US intelligence sources, Hersh claimed in February that the CIA destroyed the pipelines with the help of the Norwegian navy, under direct orders from the White House. According to Hersh, the explosives were planted during NATO exercises in the Baltic Sea last June and detonated remotely three months later.

Hersh claimed that the story of Ukrainian commandos using a rented yacht was planted in the US and German media as ared herring by the CIAand its German counterpart, the BND.


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8b888c No.65830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047851 (212205ZJUN23) Notable: Naledi Pandor Interview – Netherland and Denmark visit, G20 Summit, etc.

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South Africa #11 >>44008

Naledi Pandor Interview &ndash; Netherland and Denmark visit, G20 Summit, etc.

Jun 20, 2023

It is interesting that activists tend to become Presidents or Prime Ministers.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will today host a joint working visit by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and the Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen in Pretoria. The Prime Ministers are on a two-day working visit to South Africa aimed at solidifying the three countries' relationship in the areas of green hydrogen, renewable energy and just energy transition. It is expected that South Africa and the Netherlands will sign the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on green hydrogen. The visit also brings a substantial group of investors to South Africa. The investors will take part in a joint business seminar. Let's now cross to our International News Editor Sophie Mokoena.

0:36 &ndash; “These countries are quite important to South Africa. These are countries that supported South Africa during Apartheid. When you look at Netherlands in particular, you know that it was the queen of the Netherlands in the 60s who took the decision that she was not going to visit South Africa under the Apartheid government… until South Africa was free. That is why the late President Nelson Mandela, when he was released in prison, the Netherlands was also part of those countries that were prioritized in terms of visiting those countries.”

9:28 &ndash; “The Prime Minister of Denmark is her first visit but I do know having met her before that she was a young lady of 12 involved in all the protests against Apartheid in her country and she shared with me as we walked from the airplane to the car that it was her dream to visit the country when it is free [for criminals] and she’s realizing her dream by being here.”

11:41 &ndash; “As South Africa prepares to assume the G20 Chair in 2025.”

Vid: https://youtu.be/dacKhcMkSP4

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8b888c No.65831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047860 (212207ZJUN23) Notable: Naledi Pandor Interview – Netherland and Denmark visit, G20 Summit, etc.

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>>65830 (me)

Lets see if the vid will post thins time


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8b888c No.65832

File: e8a6d5a02b00453⋯.png (18.95 KB,761x181,761:181,Clipboard.png)

File: cf8d6f3f2e487e9⋯.png (706.99 KB,707x559,707:559,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d903a58689f68⋯.png (198.17 KB,375x438,125:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047863 (212208ZJUN23) Notable: David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal.

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WASHINGTON — Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-Texas) said Wednesday that he was outraged by first son Hunter Biden’s probation-only plea deal for tax and gun crimes, saying that black men are serving prison sentences for similar offenses.

“The American people are sick and tired of this two-tiered justice system and as a black man, I’m tired of seeing this kind of discretion used to favor people like Hunter Biden because he’s white and the son of a president,” Hunt said during a House Judiciary Committee hearing.

“While Hunter Biden will serve no jail time for these charges, black men across this country are in prison for years for the exact same crimes,” the 41-year-old said.

The committee was hearing testimony from special counsel John Durham about his findings that the FBI improperly investigated former President Donald Trump for possibly conspiring with Russia to win the 2016 election.

Hunt, who represents suburban Houston, sought to broaden the focus of the discussion just a day after Delaware US Attorney David Weiss announced the generous deal for President Biden’s son, despite hard time behind bars in well-known comparable cases.

The West Point graduate, onetime Apache helicopter pilot, and one of four black House Republicans added a jab at Hunter’s father: “I guess selective justice shouldn’t come as a surprise … after all, Joe Biden was one of the authors of the ’94 crime bill, one of my all time favorites. We can see what that has done to black men across this country.”

Durham also expressed concern during the hearing that Americans perceive a “two-tiered” legal system.

“I don’t think that things can go too much further with the view that law enforcement — particularly the FBI or the Department of Justice — runs a two-tiered system of justice. The nation can’t stand under those circumstances,” Durham said in response to an inquiry from Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.).

Hageman said she believed the Justice Department is “weaponized to protect the favored few elites — the Clintons, the Bidens — while targeting political enemies” such as Trump, who faces federal criminal charges for allegedly mishandling classified documents. President Biden’s own handling of sensitive records is under investigation by special counsel Robert Hur.

Hunter Biden, 53, agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay taxes on time in 2017 and 2018 and a felony count for being a drug user in possession of a gun, which he purchased in 2018 by lying about his drug use on a federal gun-purchase form.

The president’s son will have the felony conviction expunged if he completes two years of probation pursuant to the plea deal, which a judge must approve.

Similar cases have resulted in much harsher penalties.

Rapper Kodak Black, then 22 years old, was sentenced in 2019 to 46 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to providing an incorrect Social Security number on a federal gun purchase form in order to buy three guns from a Miami-area shop despite a previous criminal record.


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8b888c No.65833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047874 (212210ZJUN23) Notable: Trudeau's Canada Caught Downplaying Covid Vaxxcine Injuries and deaths To protect the health Regime

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Trudeau's Canada Caught Downplaying Covid Vaxxcine Injuries and deaths

To protect the health Regime

FOIA Memo shows

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8b888c No.65834

File: c60b65530cb7e9a⋯.png (2.13 MB,2130x1780,213:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047889 (212212ZJUN23) Notable: Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

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The CEO seems to be a total asshole on many fronts...

But in 2018, submersible experts expressed "unanimous concern" over the experimental approach taken by Oceangate when building the Titan and warned of potential "catastrophic" issues with its design.

In a letter to Mr Rush unearthed by the New York Times, the Marine Technology Society said the company was making "misleading" claims about its design exceeding established industry safety standards.


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8b888c No.65835

File: aa197fda9fb97bf⋯.png (391.52 KB,384x461,384:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047903 (212217ZJUN23) Notable: Who is the Schiff family? The richest family you never heard of?

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8b888c No.65836

File: 196f2d8eb0b08f9⋯.mp4 (13.19 MB,640x336,40:21,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047912 (212218ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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THE most important question asked today. And we got an honest answer. First time I got to observe the elusive Bull Durham in action. If he's lying he's good at it. Hope he didn't attend one of those CIA classes highlighted by Fat Slim Pompeo.

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8b888c No.65837

File: 6e717575742dd5c⋯.png (352.08 KB,894x882,149:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 89b76efc8a94023⋯.png (124.96 KB,747x712,747:712,Clipboard.png)

File: b218af0132a40ad⋯.png (528.29 KB,750x700,15:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f01fe489f22388⋯.png (141.76 KB,1153x688,1153:688,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047934 (212222ZJUN23) Notable: Where is Joseph Misfud?

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Note: The hunt for Joseph Misfud is on !!!




LONDON — While the world was looking for Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor who allegedly delivered word of Hillary Clinton’s stolen emails to Donald Trump's campaign, his passport and wallet sat for 17 months in a lost-and-found office in a Portuguese airport.

The items were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco that's popular with tourists and best known for being the birthplace of soccer superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. The passport and wallet were found on Aug. 5, 2017, some three months before Mifsud disappeared from public view and six months after he was questioned by FBI officers investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.


Mifsud was last seen in public on Oct. 31, 2017, at Link Campus in Rome where he gave an interview to La Repubblica that was published the next day. Italian media revealed last month that Mifsud hid away at the house of an associate of the university’s in Esanatoglia, a small village in the Marche hills about 130 miles north-east of Rome, until the end of 2017. The university has repeatedly stated it has no knowledge of his whereabouts.


Russagate, Scotti: "Zampini wrote to Cda Link about why he hosted Mifsud"

November 14, 2019 | 19.14

Adnkronos editorial staff

READING: 2 minutes


The president of the Roman university, contacted by Adnkronos, with a note makes it known that he had received a short letter, without however revealing the mystery of the presence of the Maltese professor in the house near Matelica

Contacted by Adnkronos about the news published by the Truth on the hospitality offered at the end of 2017 to the Maltese professor Mifsud ( who has disappeared for years, protagonist of the Russagate ) by Alessandro Zampini already linked to Link Campus, the Roman university itself responds with a note of a few lines. E ’ signed by president Vincenzo Scotti is does not clarify the mystery of the Maltese professor's presence in the house near Matelica di Zampini, companion of Vanna Fadini, the administrator of the Link management company who had denied Adnkronos to know anyone in that of Matelica.

Scotti reveals that Zampini sent a letter to the university board of directors explaining why he had hosted the “fugitive ” Mifsud. The content of the letter was not disclosed by Scotti but submitted to the attention of the University Board of Directors.

Scotti writes to Adnkronos: “ As president of the Board of Directors of Link Campus University I received a short letter addressed to the members of the Board of Directors by Dr Alessandro Zampini explaining the personal reasons for the short hospitality he offered to Joseph Mifsud and those for whom he felt he wanted to inform the Board of Directors only at this moment. I will proceed to submit the contents of the letter ” to the members of the Board of Directors.

The mystery continues. This morning always to the Truth, Zampini had cut short: “ I will never tell you why I hosted it, but it is so strangely trivial that you have no idea. And ’ my personal fact ”.

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8b888c No.65838

File: 3e165022fcf8ea1⋯.jpeg (64.52 KB,855x432,95:48,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047948 (212224ZJUN23) Notable: Massive military movements being reported in multiple states across the US

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Massive military movements being reported in multiple states across the US

Why all this sudden military activity on US soil? Are these drills? All taking place almost at the same time across multiple states around the US? Or is something bigger taking place?

Here some Twitter videos:


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8b888c No.65839

File: 50c51d28ec379ce⋯.png (227 KB,600x614,300:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047956 (212227ZJUN23) Notable: Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

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Reporting from a rabbithole: Wendy Rush, OceanGate comms director and wife of CEO/pilot Stockton Rush, is the great-great-grandchild of Titanic victims Isidor and Ida Straus. Fictionalized versions of them were seen in the James Cameron movie.


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8b888c No.65840

File: ed5fec6fd7e543a⋯.jpg (61.28 KB,3840x2160,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047965 (212229ZJUN23) Notable: Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

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J. Pierpont Morgan

architect of the titantic fraud and sinking...

They always follow same mo.. kill the other parent investors.



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8b888c No.65841

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047979 (212233ZJUN23) Notable: David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal.

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David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal. Clements says this deal is “much worse” than people think they are. Hunter doesn’t get charged with many charges on the laptop, sexual abuse and sexual assault. It eliminates everything on the laptop

6:35 minutes

It’s a fucking travesty! There’s no more federal crimes by the SC, he lied!


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8b888c No.65842

File: b1981ca8506706f⋯.png (264.82 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: a3f18130b8e38c2⋯.png (197.93 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 08ed5c1f53cc5aa⋯.png (314.75 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047993 (212238ZJUN23) Notable: Alt PNT Reverse Industry Day is First Event in New COSMIC Center

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Alt PNT Reverse Industry Day is First Event in New COSMIC Center

June 21, 2023

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. &ndash; Space Systems Command (SSC) hosted a two-day Alternative/Augmented Position, Navigation, and Timing Reverse Industry Day event June 7-8 at its new COSMIC Collaboration Center in Chantilly, Virginia.

The goal of the event was to understand the “art of the possible” for alternative sources and integration of positioning, navigation, and timing information, to enhance and compliment current Global Positioning System (GPS) architecture performance and resilience.

“As a country, we are reliant on precise positioning, navigation, and time synchronization data,” said Mr. Cordell DeLaPena, program executive officer for Military Communications and Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (MilComm and PNT) at SSC.

“The conventional satellite-based GPS system is a universal source of such information and remains a fundamental construct for navigation but may not be available either due to natural obstacles, or man-made hindrances such as jamming or spoofing,” DeLaPena said.

During the two-day event led by SSC’s MilComm and PNT office, senior DoD officials interfaced directly with more than 200 industry attendees representing more than 80 companies. Attendees, in-person and virtually, participated in government briefings, presentations, breakout sessions and one-on-one meetings.

Industry capabilities and future concepts for providing expedient solutions to augment PNT were discussed, as well as operational capabilities designed to rapidly acquire, launch and operate on-orbit assets to deter adversary actions, respond to on-orbit threats, and augment existing capabilities. These alternative/augmented PNT concepts included rapid launch, space vehicles, command and control, receivers, and integration with Space Force operators.

Government attendees included representatives from SSC, Space Operations Command, Headquarters Space Staff, Department of Transportation, National Space-Based PNT Coordination Office, Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Development Agency, other government agencies, and some U.S. allies.

“The Alternative/Augmented PNT Reverse Industry Day event was a great opportunity for government and industry to come together to better understand the future vision and share ideas on advancing Position, Navigation and Timing space capabilities,” said Barbara Baker, Deputy PEO for MilComm & PNT. “Our collaborative sessions with industry will serve as a building block to advance PNT future as we look to leverage the entire space community’s strengths and encourage innovation.”

The Reverse Industry Day event was SSC’s first event held in the new COSMIC facility. COSMIC, which stands for Commercial Space Marketplace for Innovation and Collaboration, is a partnership between SSC and Virginia Tech Applied Research Corporation (VT-ARC), to help SSC collaborate with commercial industry, drive synergies with government agency partners, and deliver capabilities to the warfighter with greater speed and cost efficiency.


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8b888c No.65843

File: 4598965f99f1b63⋯.png (704.25 KB,1705x923,1705:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047996 (212239ZJUN23) Notable: Where is Joseph Misfud?

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8b888c No.65844

File: 682fc69072f7037⋯.png (679 KB,879x653,879:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e0bf95db02dc68⋯.png (159.75 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047998 (212239ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update-'full house' +1 at JBA for arrivals-Blinken returns, Potato back and Modi arrived

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PlaneFag CONUS update-'full house' +1 at JBA for arrivals-Blinken returns, Potato back and Modi arrived

SAM200 C-32ABlinkenon final to JBA from London-Stansted departure >>65669 pb

Potato in 92-9000 and the escort 09-0015 C-32A from SFO and March AFB respectively >>65702 pb

SAM056 G5 from Stockholm Int'l depart and SAM135 from Paris >>65669 pb

INDIA1 777PM Modi(shows as VT-ALV) on ground at JBA as well-arrived earlier today

They'll give Joe another shot for his meeting and dinner w/ Modi

7:15pm EST hosts Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Republic of India for dinner and then Modi addressess Congress tomorrow


PM Modi In Washington; Dinner With Bidens, US Congress Address Ahead: 10 Points


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8b888c No.65845

File: 2a58e88124a4544⋯.mp4 (12.33 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047999 (212240ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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Jim Caviezel bringing some serious smoke to the War Room. He and MG and Vince Vaughn are the only 3 Amigos in Hollywood. The rest can stay in Hell.

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8b888c No.65846

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048005 (212241ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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RFK Jr. Is Leading An Anti-Establishment “Political Realignment” That The Democrats Won't Let Win. Chris is the replacement by Rachel Madcow. He talks about how bad the low vaccination rate is US. Very interesting education from Bannon

11:44 minutes


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8b888c No.65847

File: 425de844966376d⋯.png (1.02 MB,1810x910,181:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048011 (212243ZJUN23) Notable: Where is Joseph Misfud?

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>Mifsud was last seen in public on Oct. 31, 2017, at Link Campus in Rome

next location in rome italy

note: Durham stated that he travelled to italy and had to get barr to go along so they would co-operate.



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8b888c No.65848

File: 094ae0beb9887c2⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048023 (212245ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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Very organised. A barrel or oil vs a barrel of body parts. Wait till the American people find out.

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8b888c No.65849

File: 4d5abf4a148b5c2⋯.png (262.33 KB,490x282,245:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048027 (212247ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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8b888c No.65850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048045 (212250ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

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Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

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8b888c No.65851

File: 89730ca5f052472⋯.png (454.7 KB,633x356,633:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048053 (212251ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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the animals won't even let the Speaker speak.

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8b888c No.65852

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048060 (212252ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Is #1 World Consumer Of Child Trafficking While Mexico Is #1 Supplier | Eduardo Breaks Down How U.S.-Mexico Are Hurting Each Other

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U.S. Is #1 World Consumer Of Child Trafficking While Mexico Is #1 Supplier | Eduardo Breaks Down How U.S.-Mexico Are Hurting Each Other. Eduardo Verastigui director

11:44 minutes

60% of child pornography is created in MX and consumed in US!


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8b888c No.65853

File: 39c033631bb6657⋯.jpeg (19.3 KB,250x250,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048066 (212253ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

Not too far a stretch that his dad Joe might have also…

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8b888c No.65854

File: 815667caf653b02⋯.png (228.65 KB,456x324,38:27,Clipboard.png)

File: 108f6ecb8760639⋯.png (271 KB,575x500,23:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048075 (212254ZJUN23) Notable: Where is Joseph Misfud?

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Note: We know that italy was involved, that comey stated that he had a higher calling, that nancy pelosi went to see the pope, that the pope was not pleased to see Trump, melania and Ivanka. That the pope is all in with the globalist and pushing the vax's and a one world religion. So anon believes that we are correct that it was a global attempt to ensure that trump was taken down and they bidded their time until 2020 to steal back their power.

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8b888c No.65855

File: 1d17b9fd78ae61c⋯.mp4 (12.34 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048089 (212257ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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"Won't be able to walk down the street". Heard that before.

+ Bannon did his best Hannity imitation in this interview. Diverting important parts of the conversation? Especially Chrome. Why? How about shut the fuck up when the truth is being spoken.

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8b888c No.65856

File: a90496a03283ee0⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1148x1916,287:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048105 (212301ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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JORDAN: In the SUMMER of 2016 did our government receive intelligence that suggested Secretary Clinton had approved a plan to tie President Trump to Russia?


JORDAN: Was that intelligence important enough for Director Brennan to go brief the President of the United States, the Vice President of the United States, the AG of the United States and the Director of the FBI?



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8b888c No.65857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048108 (212302ZJUN23) Notable: Who is the Schiff family? The richest family you never heard of?

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Every time Shifty was up the RSBN chat lit up with:


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8b888c No.65858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048113 (212302ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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they all rallying around schitt

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8b888c No.65859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048123 (212304ZJUN23) Notable: Video Allegedly Shows Woman Luring 4-Year-Old Boy From Ohio Home While Pretending to Be CPS Worker

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Popped into my mind. The majority of lost kids are bred and CPS kids that don’t have anyone looking out for them. That’s why Oprah loves this guy. He helps her look like he cares for the safety of children.

Gavin DeBecker on lost kids…

“ My daughter had been totally frightened when she couldn’t find me in the store and her instinct was to scream and run. I’d like to teach her a better way of responding when she is lost. What should I do?

Answer: I don’t believe in teaching inflexible rules because it’s not possible to know if they’ll work in all situations. There is one rule, however, that enhances safety in most situations:

Teach your child to go to a woman if she is lost.

Why? First, if your child selects a woman, it’s highly unlikely that the woman will be a sexual predator. Next, a woman approached by a lost child asking for help is likely to stop whatever she is doing, get down to the kid’s eye level, commit to that child, and not rest until the child is safe. A man approached by the same child might say, ‘‘Head over there to the manager’s desk,’’ whereas a woman is most likely to get involved and stay involved.

Is what I’ve said politically incorrect? Maybe so, but the luxury of not running for office is that I don’t care if it’s politically incorrect. The fact is that men in all cultures and at all ages and at all times in history are more violent than women — and facts are not political.”


He’s now helpin Megan and Harry…

“De Becker, indeed, is a celebrity in his own right, thanks to his bestselling memoir The Gift of Fear – now published in 18 languages and a favourite of Oprah Winfrey’s – that detailed his violent childhood with a heroin-addicted mother. He moved in with a friend’s family where the mother, the singer Rosemary Clooney (who starred alongside Bing Crosby in White Christmas), gave him a job as her road manager – and his client list proceeded to expand across Hollywood.“


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8b888c No.65860

File: 21c69f304e23e88⋯.png (407.62 KB,1213x437,1213:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048134 (212306ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

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water island to little st james not too far...


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8b888c No.65861

File: afa8b125e825a53⋯.png (665.57 KB,1000x572,250:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048142 (212307ZJUN23) Notable: Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

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107. On wing


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8b888c No.65862

File: 28b9a460bc68523⋯.png (1.56 MB,1758x1332,293:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048156 (212310ZJUN23) Notable: Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

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At the 6:37 mark of this video, Jim Caviezel says, “How many coincidences have to occur before the public realizes that that’s mathematically impossible?”



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8b888c No.65863

File: 3f0020aea4a3f40⋯.png (770.06 KB,985x657,985:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048171 (212315ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Welcomes Ecuador as 26th Artemis Accords Signatory

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NASA Welcomes Ecuador as 26th Artemis Accords Signatory

Jun 21, 2023

During a ceremony at the Ecuador embassy in Washington on Wednesday, Ecuador became the 26th country to sign the Artemis Accords. Karen Feldstein, NASA associate administrator for International and Interagency Relations, participated in the signing ceremony for the agency, and Gustavo Manrique Miranda, Ecuador’s foreign affairs minister, signed on behalf of Ecuador.

“Today, Ecuador joins the group of nations committed to safeguarding outer space for the future,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “The achievements made in in this golden era of exploration will benefit the Artemis Generation – in our nations and around the globe.”

The Artemis Accords establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation among nations, including those participating in NASA’s Artemis program.

“Signing the Artemis Accords sends a powerful message to the international community that the Ecuadorian government is committed to pursue cutting-edge efforts in technology and is open to innovation, investment, workforce development to promote sustainable growth, and international collaboration to help solve humanity’s greatest challenges,” said Ivonne Baki, Ecuador's ambassador to the United States.

NASA, in coordination with the U.S. Department of State, established the Artemis Accords in 2020 together with seven other founding member nations.

The Artemis Accords reinforce and implement key obligations in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. They also reinforce the commitment by the United States and signatory nations to the Registration Convention, the Rescue and Return Agreement, as well as best practices and norms of responsible behavior that NASA and its partners have supported, including the public release of scientific data.

“Ecuador today adds its voice to a diverse and growing set of nations committed to the notion that humanity’s rapid expansion into space, toward the Moon and destinations beyond, is peaceful, safe, and in full accordance with international law,” said Feldstein.

Additional countries will sign the Artemis Accords in the months and years ahead, as NASA continues to work with its international partners to establish a safe, peaceful, and prosperous future in space. Working with both new and existing partners will add new energy and capabilities to ensure the entire world can benefit from our journey of exploration and discovery.


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8b888c No.65864

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048174 (212315ZJUN23) Notable: TUCKERS LATEST VIDEO ON ELON MUSK

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Note: This is for those who do not see the bigger picture, coming from the global elites and Davos, and the W.E.F !!!



First published at 23:03 UTC on June 21st, 2023.


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8b888c No.65865

File: 26b95a713ba56d7⋯.png (43.63 KB,611x271,611:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048180 (212316ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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What does this really mean though?

BREAKING — The Republican-led House has formally censured Representative Adam B. Schiff, Democrat of California, over his role investigating President Donald J. Trump. (NYT)


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8b888c No.65866

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048205 (212320ZJUN23) Notable: James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class.

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James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class. You can buy a senator for $10,000, its so cheap. We don’t want the Ukraine conflict to end, we make so much money on it

6:32 minutes

Thank God for O’Keefe, I hope he and his staff have serious protection!


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8b888c No.65867

File: cd7045eb839f487⋯.png (454.84 KB,985x469,985:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048206 (212320ZJUN23) Notable: NASA, Department of Agriculture Advance Exploration, Science

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NASA, Department of Agriculture Advance Exploration, Science

Jun 21, 2023

NASA and the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) signed a memorandum of understanding Wednesday strengthening the collaboration between the two agencies, including efforts to improve agricultural and Earth science research, technology, agricultural management, and the application of science data and models to agricultural decision making.

The agreement affirms the two agencies’ interest in continuing their longstanding partnership on mutually beneficial collaborative activities furthering education, communication, and outreach activities to inspire the youth in America to pursue careers in STEM and agriculture. This partnership will build on NASA’s Bridge Program to foster workforce development partnerships with higher-education partners including Tribal and Minority Serving Institutions and the USDA’s newly launched NextGen program, which invests $262.5 million to cultivate the next generation of diverse food and agriculture professionals.

“From the heavens to the Heartland, NASA and the Department of Agriculture are reaffirming our commitment to getting essential data in the hands of America’s farmers and preparing future generations to lead and strengthen America’s agriculture industry,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “As the climate continues to change, NASA's Earth observation data will only grow more critical to our nation's effort to create more climate-resilient food systems, helping our famers develop more sustainable farming and aquaculture practices.”

The agencies intend to explore opportunities to improve crop performance to meet Earth and space-based goals, including activities in support of NASA’s Artemis program, which includes landing the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon, and establishing long-term lunar exploration for preparation of human exploration of Mars.

"From ensuring that future generations are able to reach new heights as they pursue careers in STEM and agriculture, to providing producers with critical data and improving global agricultural practices, USDA is honored to strengthen our partnership with NASA,” said U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. “We recognize the critical interface between planet-wide food security, climate change, and space, and together we are advancing cutting edge innovation, research, and workforce development to tackle some of Earth’s greatest challenges.”

Space exploration cooperation with the USDA includes plant-related research on the International Space Station and other space and ground platforms that have led to new ways to improve American and global agriculture, protect the environment, and help improve human health.

This memorandum of understanding will build on the partnership between USDA and NASA starting in 2015. Examples of recent and ongoing efforts include:

- USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and NASA, along with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, an 1890 land grant university, partnered to send 16 young people to NASA Space Camp in 2022. Held at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, these week-long camps give youth the chance to learn robotics, teamwork, leadership and critical thinking skills and experience real-world STEM applications.

- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and NASA created a free online tool called Crop-CASMA to help farmers and researchers use soil data to track droughts and floods, plan crop planting, and forecast ag yields. USDA incorporates the data into NASS’s weekly crop progress reports to inform farmers and farm managers operational decisions and strategic plans.

- USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and NASA scientists are developing a hyperspectral imaging system to monitor plant health for astronauts to use in plant growth chambers for their pick-and-eat crops – such as fresh salad greens – to eat during future space missions. ARS and NASA are also teaming up to discover other ways to grow sustainable, fresh food during space travel, such as plants that have the potential to continually flower and produce.


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8b888c No.65868

File: 0806f1bcd4cbc86⋯.png (164.87 KB,439x509,439:509,Clipboard.png)

File: 13117659a2986e6⋯.png (520.45 KB,1008x1018,504:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048220 (212324ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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8b888c No.65869

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048234 (212326ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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3rd Video Eduardo

Witness American Hero Tim Ballard In The Film “Sound Of Freedom” At Angel.com/WarRoom

4:45 minutes


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8b888c No.65870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048244 (212330ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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Today, for the first time, the broader American public met the face of the four-year investigation into the origin of the Trump-Russia hoax. Special Counsel John Durham testified before the House Judiciary Committee.

What a larger audience is now recognizing is what people on these pages have been discussing for quite some time. John Durham was/is the institutional preservation officer hired by Bill Barr to carefully navigate the corruption of the DOJ and FBI without actually holding anyone accountable for the corruption within the DOJ and FBI. Put succinctly, Bill Barr was the Bondo application and John Durham was the spray paint.


The rotting and corrupt carcass of our justice system is what remains hidden underneath the efforts of Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham.




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8b888c No.65871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048257 (212333ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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>Schiff Censured.


We watched it this bread, live. You missed it, it happened.


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8b888c No.65872

File: 0da87f9d9baa5cf⋯.png (529.28 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048267 (212336ZJUN23) Notable: Boatfag bun

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Dangit! My bad, that was 7.78 to Dog Island

7.14 to Little St. James

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8b888c No.65873

File: 4f3c539aae44dd0⋯.jpg (88.36 KB,1124x1073,1124:1073,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048281 (212340ZJUN23) Notable: Boatfag bun

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How many giraffes is that?

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8b888c No.65874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048288 (212342ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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>Adam Schiff censured.

Fuck him.

Schiff censured as GOP could be lining up impeachment votes next

Democrats surround Schiff after vote, shout ‘shame’ at GOP


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8b888c No.65875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048312 (212351ZJUN23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office.

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😂. Maybe your overdressed wife should come to the rescue.

Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office.

Would-be GOP nominee Ron DeSantis is hosting a fundraiser at the offices of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, one of the top D.C. lobbying firms who served as lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems, and count amongst their top directors Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff.


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8b888c No.65876

File: 13117659a2986e6⋯.png (520.45 KB,1008x1018,504:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048316 (212352ZJUN23) Notable: Durham Bun

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This is interesting. House Judiciary is saying the Kre,lin was the source for the phony info that set the foundation for the Steele Dossier

-we know that the US rogues were funded by SA, so what does this mean?

It means that the Kremlin had its own rogues, and they were working in concert with the US government rogues

...and both Nation's rogues were working against their own national interests.

I wonder if this was a deception originally designed to start a seemingly legitimate conflict between US and Russia.

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8b888c No.65877

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048317 (212352ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon war room bun

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Rogan O'Handley Gives Update On Adam Schiff's Censure

6:50 minutes

I literally hate this guy. Schitt is taking rounds of approval from MSM, for how pathetic the Durham hearing went. Jordan and Republican need to man up and ask advice from Nunes and Kash!


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8b888c No.65878

File: 9f3197ecc2acb74⋯.png (236.87 KB,946x512,473:256,Clipboard.png)

File: dd50dcc79783ca2⋯.png (766.96 KB,1072x804,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fc57985dfdd6fa⋯.png (168.8 KB,848x566,424:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048322 (212354ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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House Censures Adam Schiff Over His Role Investigating Trump


Republicans take the rare step of censuring Rep. Adam Schiff over Trump-era probes





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8b888c No.65879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048333 (212356ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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Have Biden and Harris been notified yet. They should make an appearance. Yes? Let the supporters know this is just an isolated incident. Lets be calm and move forward with the Agenda.

Boston First Responders Horrified to Find Four Children at Transgender-Drag Party with a Dead Body and Drugs and Sex Toys Scattered Throughout the Home

In a disturbing incident, four children were discovered in a squalid apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a deceased man, as reported by first responders and city officials.

Boston Fire Department first responders were called to a public housing complex for a man in cardiac arrest on Saturday morning.

What they found was horrifying! The crew found themselves confronting far more than a routine medical emergency.

“This is sickening,” City Councilor Michael Flaherty said. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”


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8b888c No.65880

File: 60c4121a46945a0⋯.png (84.12 KB,1114x663,1114:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 3afd7f6b378c8d7⋯.png (13.05 KB,346x519,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c35746c7880157e⋯.png (317.06 KB,1193x495,1193:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048348 (212359ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff CENSURED

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BILL TITLE & DESCRIPTION: Censuring Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California

Roll no. 283&#09;H. Res. 521&#09;YEA-AND-NAYPassed

QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Resolution

a lot of rinos Present or Not Voted

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8b888c No.65881

File: 9c00029aad3432f⋯.png (10.4 KB,202x255,202:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048357 (220001ZJUN23) Notable: #23391

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8b888c No.65882

File: 0d58c649ca80342⋯.png (1.34 MB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048369 (220003ZJUN23) Notable: United States of America v. Robert Hunter Biden

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🖊️ United States V Robert Hunter Biden

Initial appearance July 26

Criminal Action

Wilmington, DE

NOTE: Pretrial motions due Trump classified documents July 24, though likely to shift



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8b888c No.65883

File: 862acf21823872e⋯.jpg (3.59 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048391 (220009ZJUN23) Notable: Submarine event aligned with Qclock

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8b888c No.65884

File: d827b55c4c2b360⋯.png (3.26 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048414 (220013ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

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To my Republican colleagues who introduced this sham resolution: You honor me with your enmity.

You flatter me with this falsehood.

Your words tell me that I have been effective in the defense of our democracy, and I am grateful.

2:05 PM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65885

File: 0422f073a96b2f2⋯.png (55.9 KB,519x706,519:706,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f89a641678f3dd⋯.png (579.39 KB,735x413,105:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048421 (220014ZJUN23) Notable: Durham is not the only game in town

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Durham was on point.

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8b888c No.65886

File: bfa269f805ad652⋯.png (26.52 KB,908x515,908:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048439 (220017ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Roll no. 283&#09;H. Res. 521&#09;YEA-AND-NAY&#09;Passed

QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Resolution

BILL TITLE & DESCRIPTION: Censuring Adam Schiff, Representative of the 30th Congressional District of California





Buchanan Rhino FL Not Voting

Fischback Rhino MN Present

Garbarino Rhino NY Present

Guest Rhino MS Present

Joyce Rhino OH Present

Posey Rhino FL Not Voting

Rutherford Rhino FL Present

Williams Rhino TX Not Voting

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8b888c No.65887

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048440 (220017ZJUN23) Notable: Peter Navarro: "Republicans in Congress are letting this country down"

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Peter Navarro: "Republicans in Congress are letting this country down"OMG Pelosi showed up in the house for the censure of Adam Schitt! Has she been there all this time or did she fly in to object. We haven’t seen her months, since December. Schitt is desperatehalfway through the video. PS she looks as drunk as she always has!she comes in at 11:39 minutes

22:18 minutes


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8b888c No.65888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048457 (220019ZJUN23) Notable: Here Are the Vessels Working to Find the Titan Sub

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Here Are the Vessels Working to Find the Titan Sub

Mike Schuler June 21, 2023

A massive search continues in the remote North Atlantic Wednesday for the missing Titan submersible with five people on board as the clock ticks for any remaining chance of survival.

The 21-foot unregulated submersible operated by U.S.-based OceanGate Expeditions has been missing since Sunday after losing contact with its topside support vessel approximately an hour and 45 minutes into its dive to the infamous Titanic shipwreck.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, the submersible was launched at 8 a.m. that morning and was expected to resurface at 3 p.m., but the vessel never resurfaced. The expedition support vessel Polar Prince reported the overdue submersible Sunday evening at 5:40 p.m. EDT.

Titan comes with an advertised 96 hours of life support. While the U.S. Coast Guard has stressed is only a single datapoint of many that are taken into consideration in the operation, based on that timeline the Titan has until Thursday morning before it runs out of oxygen—assuming a catastrophic incident hasn’t already occurred.

A Unified Command consisting of the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy, Canadian Coast Guard and OceanGate Expeditions is now coordinating the massive effort to find the missing submersible and return those on board home safely despite the odds.

With that said, here are some of the vessels that are participating in the search as of now:

The TechnipFMC’s, Deep Energy, arrived on scene around 7 a.m. EDT Tuesday morning and began remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operations. The Deep Energy was delivered in 2013 as one of the largest and most capable pipelay vessels ever built.

Horizon Maritime operates the Polar Prince, a former Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker turned expedition support vessel for OceanGate’s expeditions to the Titanic. The vessel is the one that reported the submersible missing and its has remained on scene throughout the search and rescue operation.

Horizon Maritime’s CEO Sean Leet gave a press conference on Wednesday providing additional insight into search operations thus far. “The equipment that’s been mobilized for this is the finest in the world, the most capable in the world, and we have to hold out hope,” he said.

Horizon Maritime is also sending the Horizon Arctic, one of its highly capable offshore support vessels. In his press conference, Leet thanked charterer ExxonMobil for the support in providing the vessel to search and rescue. The vessel loaded deepwater equipment, including an U.S. military ROV that was flown into St. Johns late Wednesday night. Reports indicate the deepwater equipment includes the U.S. Navy’s Flyaway Deep Ocean Salvage System (FADOSS), a portable, ship lift system designed to provide deep ocean lifting capacity.

The Horizon Arctic departed the Port of St. John’s Wednesday morning at 5 a.m. “We are very aware of the time-density of this mission,” Leet said.

Arriving on scene Wednesday morning was the Canadian Coast Guard vessel CCGS John Cabot, a fishery science equipped with side scanning sonar, and the commercial vessel Atlantic Merlin, an anchor-handling tug owned and operated by Atlantic Towing.

The Canadian Coast Guard said it was also sending the heavy icebreaker CCGS Terry Fox and CCGS Ann Harvey, a buoy tending and SAR vessel equipped with a helicopter, along with search and rescue equipment.

The commercial vessel Skandi Vinland also arrived on scene at approximately 7 p.m. local time Tuesday and got to work conducting search patterns, now working alongside the John Cabot and Atlantic Merlin. Skandi Vinland is a multi-purpose offshore support vessel that is operated by DOF and is equipped with two ROVs and an ROV operations team capable of providing 24-hour assistance.

Weather on scene today was reported as winds of 23mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Sea state is 6-7ft swells with an air temp of 50°f.

Other assets that are participating in the response, but not necessarily on scene, include the French research vessel L’Atalante, an ocean research vessel equipped with an ROV and the Canadian Navy ship Glace Bay, a Maritime Coastal Defence Vessel (MCDV) equipped with a mobile decompression chamber and medical personnel.

During a Coast Guard media briefing Wednesday afternoon, USCG Capt. Jamie Frederick emphasized that the operation remains a search and rescue operation and that on-scene assets would be doubled (from 5 to 10) within the next 24-48 hours.


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8b888c No.65889

File: d85f94d989daabd⋯.png (547.08 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048473 (220022ZJUN23) Notable: Here Are the Vessels Working to Find the Titan Sub

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>>65888 (me)

Got TERRY FOX, two more tracks just slightly southeast, satellite positions on them for now.

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8b888c No.65890

File: 6dcf345970e1a32⋯.png (2.15 MB,882x4554,49:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e3b75446971e0b⋯.png (248.79 KB,552x708,46:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048487 (220023ZJUN23) Notable: FISA = START

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“There is not a single substantive piece of information in the [Steele Dossier] that has ever been corroborated by the FBI or, to my knowledge, by anyone else.” - Special Counsel John Durham, 06/21/2023, Washington, DC.


The Great Awakening has only JUST STARTED. Zero predicate for CrossFire Hurricane to begin, 'dossier' was a fabrication, intel the whole op was HRC kept from FISA court. The criminal act committed at the FISA court is the START of the corresponding public awareness of what happened.

Since this information is now 'public', in text AND SPEECH, after a multi year special counsel investigation, words spoken under oath, live streamed to the world, THAT is in this Anon's opinion confirmation that today is the day that the Great Awakening 'starts'.

"FISA will be the start and prepare public for ]HUBER[." - Q

Let the unsealing begin.


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8b888c No.65891

File: 003a48808c1ba7b⋯.png (65.85 KB,729x742,729:742,Clipboard.png)

File: 2873ce62d379325⋯.png (162.84 KB,551x420,551:420,Clipboard.png)

File: 138e94a8f9eb197⋯.png (1.07 MB,569x782,569:782,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048494 (220024ZJUN23) Notable: Marketfag

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COMEX trading from yesterday (the big drop on the NYMEX open): 665.585m ozs in paper dumped on it

Stated it would be about 400k so I was off by quite a bit...the yearly production in Silver ozs mined WW is a bit north of 900m so basically 2/3rds of yearly production 'created' on paper and dumped on the price starting just after the official open yesterday morning-see caps3-4 from below link on PM Derivatives.

So although I won't 'call it'666it's only 415k ozs off of that so it might as well be that as when you create millions of ozs on paper what is 415k in the grand scheme of things?....not much I can assure you.

A pretty hefty amount (616) for the EFP or Exchange for Physical-this is where they 'pay off' the contracts and then take it to the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) which is NOT an exchange, "for delivery" because the COMEX simply doesn't have it any longer and what happens to it after that is anyones guess. See Cap #2 for the total amount of registered Ag 'available' for delivery-keep in mind this is not always accurate and updated infrequently (you actually have to believe this as well-I don't but this is what we have to tell the story but mark muh werds...the ability to tell THAT story is rapidly running out-as of yesterday it stood at 27.1m ozs...totally NUFFIN as a big whale could wipe that out in a millisecond however they (the criminals at the CFTC) wouldn't allow that. Just understand that this situation exists and eventually they will have to take the price down even farther (as I said prior to it bouncing off of $26 recently) to free up some supply from the retail sector. They took an additional 1.95% out of today. Be patient...buy what you can and don't think you are going to get rich..this is wealth protection and also insurance from a drop in the dollar...wanna "get rich"? go play with overpriced equities this is not the place for you.

EFP=An exchange for physical trade (EFP) is a privately negotiated and simultaneous exchange of a futures position for a cash position...Yellow highlight on Cap#1 with red line circling 616-


Anecdotal and anon information: One LCS (that I have dealt with for over 20 years through 2 owners) has plenty of Gold in all sizes-you'll pay a much higher premium for fractional so understand that the bigger you go the better the price per oz (Sovereign and Generics) but has very little Ag in size or selection so the bottom line is that his wholesaler is in the same position as well and the orders (for silver) being placed today are being extended out further and further for delivery-they would not give me a date or even an estimate for when those orders would be rec'd so I am guessing for specific thing s it is over 6 weeks (and it was that was in the last run up to just under $50 in 2011 but it never stayed that way for this long.

With Credit card rates at an average level of 20.69% and consumer credit card loan charge offs at a reported 2.43% (and climbing since that was just for May) bank charge off rates for same at 2.90% (and again climbing) and Consumer Loans (that include Credit Cards and other Revolving Plans just about to cross the $1T level...as well as the Banking system having to suck up about $1T in US Treasury issues (since the debt ceiling 'fix't' I'm sure everything will be just fine in the banking system going forward-NOW is the time to make your purchases in PMs as the systems participants is/are not in the news any longer-at least as they were and their problems of solvency continue to get worse each and every day-do you think they just solved the hold to maturity problem in the last few weeks? kek...

Buy what your LCS has in stock (and it might be from some different mints or sources for Silver-I've seen some interdasting stuff from the middle east where they (muh local LCS) never had things like that and that came from the wholesaler so it wasn't a turn in-it was an order. The COMEX issue is just getting worse and the games played with the amount of Ag 'Registered for deleivery' is at around 30m ozs-this has lastedt a little longer than I thought it would but nevertheless it continues to dwindle and the above chart (COMEX contracts for yesterday) proves what they have to do just to keep the price contained (and enrich whoever is left trading COMEX contracts in size-and that isn't too many-plus you've got another large institution taking over the legacy short position, rumored in many places to be BlackRock itself who has bought long into PSLV to hedge it's rumored short positions in SLV (that it is the custodian for).

Don't wait to hear the news of "Gee we don't have anything in stock and won't for a number of weeks"....it's summer and people are not thinking about this right now...which means (You) should be

Average credit card interest rate is a record 20.69%


Reset to 1y view for these as well

Delinquency Rate on Credit Card Loans, All Commercial Banks


Charge-Off Rate on Credit Card Loans, All Commercial Banks


Consumer Loans: Credit Cards and Other Revolving Plans, All Commercial Banks


>>65450 pb O.C.C. Precious Metals Derivatives increased by $90B from Q4 '22 to Q1 '23

>The data for both these trades will be out in the middle of the night and they probably dumped about 400m ozs (in paper) on Ag to get that done today

>>65154 pb Quarterly Report (1st Qtr 2023) on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities-JP Moran retakes the top spot from Goldman Sachs-"jacked to the tits" adding over $10T in OTC derivatives in 90 days

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8b888c No.65892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048499 (220025ZJUN23) Notable: Peter Hotez on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett for 7 minutes

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PeterHotez on OutFrontCNN with ErinBurnett for nearly 7 minutes

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8b888c No.65893

File: df7029bdf314769⋯.png (14.6 KB,608x177,608:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048526 (220029ZJUN23) Notable: Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Appointed To DHS School Safety Board

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Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Appointed To DHS School Safety Board


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8b888c No.65894

File: ecf3a18d7019bf3⋯.png (213.25 KB,840x1510,84:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048535 (220030ZJUN23) Notable: FISA = START

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>the whole op

[D] or [F]?

Q3931: Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the 'People'] of the United States [START - LEAD-IN].

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8b888c No.65895

File: 53db28c633a14ea⋯.png (408.37 KB,605x469,605:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 35861993cb82520⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048538 (220031ZJUN23) Notable: Pinocchio Schiff

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Pinocchino Schiff...


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8b888c No.65896

File: c8e76d49745fdbf⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB,518x288,259:144,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048546 (220032ZJUN23) Notable: Ms Hageman's Durham report statement

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Ms Hageman:

Mr Durham, in reviewing your report. I sincerely wanted to understand the work that you did and decipher the various investigations that we have been discussing the origins, the history, the backstory, the who's the, why's the, what's the, what ifs and the how I desperately wanted to figure out what happened to what was once our flagship law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the DOJ to determine what went wrong and to evaluate how we can go forward from here. I have listened with great interest, hoping to find some answers to the burning questions of the day and I have reached a few conclusions that I do not believe are subject to dispute or debate. Now, I truly appreciate your regard for the agency you have dedicated your career to. I am sure that as your investigation progressed, you must have been truly saddened by what you found, what you have exposed. However, is that we are dealing with something so corrupt and so rotten that no amount of face paint deflection or whitewashing can fix this. You have been asked lots of questions about predicates protocols, the steel dossier, the Australian connection. Mr Papadopoulos, Mr Carter, the Pfizer court and crossfire hurricane among others. Your responses have been enlightening but let's get to the Brass tax. None of those people or documents or reports were relevant to the FBI when it identified Donald Trump as public enemy.

The accuracy and veracity of the Steele dossier was irrelevant to the FBI, the accuracy and veracity of the reports coming from the Australian Embassy were irre irrelevant to the FBI. The fact that the Russian experts in the CIA FBI, NSA and other agencies had no evidence of any kind of relationship between Mr Trump and Putin or Russia was irrelevant to the FBI. And the fact that there was no verifiable evidence such as testimony, documents, videos or recordings of Russian collusion was irrelevant to the FBI. Nothing and I repeat nothing that the FBI did was designed to show that Donald J Trump was a Russian asset. That wasn't the purpose of the entire charade. How do I know this is true because they told us so the very people who cooked this up are the ones who ran this entire opera operation. Strock Lisa Page Andrew mccabe Klein Smith Steele, the DNC Perkins coy. And in fact, from the very beginning, they knew that no such thing actually existed. They knew that the entire Russian collusion narrative was fabricated by the Clinton campaign to deflect attention from her mishandling of classified materials and destruction of official emails, but they didn't need to prove Russian collusion. They just had to keep the investigation alive. And so long as they had a complicit press and so long as they had people in this very body who has been here, one of the gentlemen who has been here much of the day who would go on TV, every night and lie about the smoking gun, they could further their personal and personal and political agendas. Well, no, the purpose of crossfire hurricane wasn't to prove Russia conclusion. It was to destroy Donald Donald J Trump. And they told us that with the text messages that are set forth on page 49 and 51 of your report, 49 and 50 of your report. And then if they failed at blocking Mr Trump from being elected as president, well, they had a backup plan. They had their insurance policy to use Stros terminology, which was to make it impossible for him to govern, to use whatever tools were available to taint his presidency, the legitimacy of his election, his ability to work with foreign leaders and to make everything about Russia, Russia, Russia. And how has this corruption and rap manifested itself in our everyday lives in our national culture and our ability to solve the problems we are facing. It has destroyed some of the key foundations of this country.

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8b888c No.65897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048555 (220034ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

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Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

Elizabeth Elkind - 1h ago

The House voted Wednesday to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for pushing claims that former President Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russia – a vote that madeSchiff just the third member of the House to be censured since the turn of the century.

Yes! Yes! Yes! God bless the heroes of our country!


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8b888c No.65898

File: e12a4949f9df2b3⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB,774x450,43:25,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048558 (220034ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

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8b888c No.65899

File: b5f2c158dcdff22⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048575 (220036ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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hey that's Durham's umbrella

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8b888c No.65900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048588 (220039ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff's censure was the first this century (23 years)

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Being censured just means a formal disproval by your colleagues. Anything else?

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8b888c No.65901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048633 (220046ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff's censure was the first this century (23 years)

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It doesn’t matter, its the first this century meaning 23 years. Also the committee decides what his punishment is, the big one is to come, its not over.

PS it can ruin his senate run!

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8b888c No.65902

File: 726a40b4a055a77⋯.jpeg (238.32 KB,720x1039,720:1039,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048636 (220046ZJUN23) Notable: Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Appointed To DHS School Safety Board

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>Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Appointed To DHS School Safety Board


"Why is the head of the Teachers Union Randi Weingarten constantly in Ukraine?" - May 8, 2023


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8b888c No.65903

File: 674164a740fb1d6⋯.png (293.06 KB,1836x864,17:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 36c0deda24a9a38⋯.png (252.84 KB,1885x758,1885:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048662 (220051ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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Private military company




United States


The Umbrella Corporation is an American private military company founded in 2007. It was formed out of the American division of the Umbrella Corporation, an international pharmaceutical company that went bankrupt in 2003.[1] To differentiate it from its predecessor, its logo was given a blue hue and nicknamed "Blue Umbrella", separating it from the red-hued "Red" Umbrella. Blue Umbrella is not related to Neo Umbrella, the bioterrorist organization founded and led by Carla Radames, that was responsible for the 2012-2013 Global Bioterrorist Attacks.



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8b888c No.65904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048697 (220055ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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Storm incoming of course.

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8b888c No.65905

File: 65d932f46234b1d⋯.png (167.12 KB,1083x733,1083:733,Clipboard.png)

File: a701e2bb36f9e0a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048715 (220057ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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plenty of hits here:


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8b888c No.65906

File: 39642a3fb3a4fd7⋯.jpg (178.33 KB,1025x512,1025:512,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048728 (220058ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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Umbrella Corp Wuhan

among others.

(We) Are The News – OFFLINE ARCHIVE for Jan 23, 2020 MAGA • MEGA • WWG1WGA • Home • About • Archives

Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab Back to Jan 23, 2020 • Back to 8kun /qresearch/ thread #10095 • Original link: https://wearethene.ws/78907 Previous: spreadsheet updated Next: coronavirus in texas, allegedly

Post 7889053 Thu, Jan 23, 2020 3:17 PM EST • View on 8kun


The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab Was Studying "The World's Most Dangerous Pathogens"

"But worries surround the Chinese lab, too. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times…"

Jan 23, 2020 2:10 PM



Now that not one but seven Chinese cities - including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic - and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine…

… comparisons to the infamous Raccoon City from Resident Evil are coming in hot and heavy. And, since reality often tends to imitate if not art then certainly Hollywood, earlier today we jokingly asked if the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University would end up being China's version of Umbrella Corp.

Is the Medical Research Institute at Wuhan University, Center for Immunology and Metabolism also called "Umbrella Corp" for short?


— zerohedge (@zerohedge) January 23, 2020

As it turns out, it wasn't a joke, because moments ago it was brought to our attention that in February 2017, Nature penned an extensive profile of what it called the "Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens." The location of this BSL-4 rated lab? Why, Wuhan.

A quick read of what this lab was meant to do, prompts the immediate question whether the coronavirus epidemic isn't a weaponized virus that just happened to escape the lab:

The Wuhan lab cost 300 million yuan (US$44 million), and to allay safety concerns it was built far above the flood plain and with the capacity to withstand a magnitude-7 earthquake, although the area has no history of strong earthquakes. It will focus on the control of emerging diseases, store purified viruses and act as a World Health Organization ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world. “It will be a key node in the global biosafety-lab network,” says lab director Yuan Zhiming.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences approved the construction of a BSL-4 laboratory in 2003, and the epidemic of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) around the same time lent the project momentum. The lab was designed and constructed with French assistance as part of a 2004 cooperative agreement on the prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases. But the complexity of the project, China’s lack of experience, difficulty in maintaining funding and long government approval procedures meant that construction wasn’t finished until the end of 2014.

The lab’s first project will be to study the BSL-3 pathogen that causes Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever: a deadly tick-borne virus that affects livestock across the world, including in northwest China, and that can jump to people.

Future plans include studying the pathogen that causes SARS, which also doesn’t require a BSL-4 lab, before moving on to Ebola and the West African Lassa virus,

What does BSL-4 mean?

BSL-4 is the highest level of biocontainment: its criteria include filtering air and treating water and waste before they leave the laboratory, and stipulating that researchers change clothes and shower before and after using lab facilities. Such labs are often controversial. The first BSL-4 lab in Japan was built in 1981, but operated with lower-risk pathogens until 2015, when safety concerns were finally overcome.

And here's why all this is an issue:

Worries surround the Chinese lab. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.

Below we repost the full Nature article because it strongly hints, without evidence for now, that the coronavirus epidemic may well have been a weaponized virus which "accidentally" escaped the Wuhan biohazard facility.

Post 7889135 Thu, Jan 23, 2020 3:25 PM EST • View on 8kun

The Real Umbrella Corp: Wuhan Ultra Biohazard Lab Was Studying "The World's Most Dangerous Pathogens"

Now that not one but seven Chinese cities - including Wuhan, ground zero of the coronavirus epidemic - and collectively housing some 23 million people, are under quarantine…

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8b888c No.65907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048736 (220058ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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14 qposts with the term 'umbrella'


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8b888c No.65908

File: 4c6478c186f5a39⋯.png (71.65 KB,1807x346,1807:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048739 (220059ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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Baker House Incident

The Baker House Incident was an outbreak of a Mold-based bioweapon engineered by The Connections, which consumed the ranch belonging to the Baker family in Louisiana. Lasting from October 2014-July 2017, the human B.O.W. prototype "Eveline" infected a number of people measuring from the dozens to hundreds and was able to manipulate infected people into aiding in the abduction and murder of others. Blue Umbrella became aware of the outbreak by July 2017, and understood that one of the family members, Lucas Baker, was free from Eveline's control and was aiding The Connections in Mold research.

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8b888c No.65909

File: 65cfeb1f83d1f5f⋯.png (20.76 KB,600x286,300:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048751 (220100ZJUN23) Notable: John Solomon: Bryan Kohberger cheek swab matches crime scene DNA

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John Solomon


Watch: Bryan Kohberger cheek swab matches crime scene DNA


Bryan Kohberger cheek swab matches crime scene DNA

Prosecutors say a cheek swab taken from suspect Bryan Kohberger is a statistical match to DNA found at the site of the murders of four Idaho college students. Bryan Kohberger, 28, is charged with...

4:40 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65910

File: bbfc2983e763bb8⋯.png (357.72 KB,599x541,599:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048764 (220101ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Boebert explains that Republican leadership is not supporting her resolution to impeach Joe Biden right now

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Grace Chong 🇺🇸


Rep Boebert explains that Republican leadership is not supporting her resolution to impeach Joe Biden right now.

☎️CALL: 202-225-3121 or http://house.gov/representatives

3:31 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65911

File: 951a6e4d3f31608⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,888x496,111:62,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048774 (220102ZJUN23) Notable: Rep Boebert explains that Republican leadership is not supporting her resolution to impeach Joe Biden right now

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Bush sr and nixon behind the fence>>65910



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8b888c No.65912

File: a47dac1ca777f8a⋯.png (339.98 KB,600x574,300:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048777 (220102ZJUN23) Notable: Satanic Temple to Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Concerts at State Capitols in Protest of Christian Musician Sean Feucht

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Satanic Temple to Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Concerts at State Capitols in Protest of Christian Musician Sean Feucht


Satanic Temple to Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Concerts at State Capitols in Protest of Christian Musician...

The Satanic Temple is planning to host a “Let Us Burn” concert series at multiple state capitols in protest of Christian musician Sean Feucht’s ongoing “Let Us Worship” tour.

4:35 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65913

File: a161f85f6773984⋯.png (509.48 KB,675x709,675:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048787 (220103ZJUN23) Notable: Peter Schweizer: James Comer’s Probe Will Lead ‘Directly to Joe Biden’s Doorstep’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Exclusive – Peter Schweizer: James Comer’s

Probe Will Lead ‘Directly to Joe Biden’s Doorstep’

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 6/21/2023 8:13:24 PM

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer’s (R-KY) probe into the Biden family’s business will lead directly to President Joe Biden’s “doorstep” in the coming months, Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer exclusively told the Breitbart News Daily podcast. On Tuesday, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to two federal tax violation charges and one violation of gun laws, essentially triggering the end of the Justice Department’s probe into the president’s son, according to Schweizer. However, the Oversight Committee’s probe into the Bidens remains ongoing and capable of uncovering wrongdoing related to Joe Biden.

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8b888c No.65914

File: 072b1e706a313f8⋯.jpg (337.02 KB,1158x694,579:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0be7cf0ba02ccf1⋯.jpg (81.68 KB,780x516,65:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048790 (220103ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



As it turns out, it wasn't a joke, because moments ago it was brought to our attention that in February 2017, Nature penned an extensive profile of what it called the "Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens." The location of this BSL-4 rated lab? Why, Wuhan.

A quick read of what this lab was meant to do, prompts the immediate question whether the coronavirus epidemic isn't a weaponized virus that just happened to escape the lab:

The Wuhan lab cost 300 million yuan (US$44 million), and to allay safety concerns it was built far above the flood plain and with the capacity to withstand a magnitude-7 earthquake, although the area has no history of strong earthquakes. It will focus on the control of emerging diseases, store purified viruses and act as a World Health Organization ‘reference laboratory’ linked to similar labs around the world. “It will be a key node in the global biosafety-lab network,” says lab director Yuan Zhiming.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences approved the construction of a BSL-4 laboratory in 2003, and the epidemic of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) around the same time lent the project momentum. The lab was designed and constructed with French assistance as part of a 2004 cooperative agreement on the prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases. But the complexity of the project, China’s lack of experience, difficulty in maintaining funding and long government approval procedures meant that construction wasn’t finished until the end of 2014.

The lab’s first project will be to study the BSL-3 pathogen that causes Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever: a deadly tick-borne virus that affects livestock across the world, including in northwest China, and that can jump to people.

Future plans include studying the pathogen that causes SARS, which also doesn’t require a BSL-4 lab, before moving on to Ebola and the West African Lassa virus,

What does BSL-4 mean?

BSL-4 is the highest level of biocontainment: its criteria include filtering air and treating water and waste before they leave the laboratory, and stipulating that researchers change clothes and shower before and after using lab facilities. Such labs are often controversial. The first BSL-4 lab in Japan was built in 1981, but operated with lower-risk pathogens until 2015, when safety concerns were finally overcome.

And here's why all this is an issue:

Worries surround the Chinese lab. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.

Below we repost the full Nature article because it strongly hints, without evidence for now, that the coronavirus epidemic may well have been a weaponized virus which "accidentally" escaped the Wuhan biohazard facility.


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8b888c No.65915

File: b4ad9b382df23ca⋯.png (568.65 KB,681x718,681:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048796 (220104ZJUN23) Notable: Geraldo Rivera Leaving Fox News

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Geraldo Rivera Leaving Fox News ‘The

Five’ ‘Being Odd Man Out Isn’t Always Easy.’

Breitbart Media, by Elaine Mallon

Posted By: Imright, 6/21/2023 8:07:49 PM

Geraldo Rivera is departing from the Fox News show The Five. The 79-year-old shared the news to Twitter with his 376,000 plus followers Wednesday morning: Morning, it’s official, I’m off @TheFive. My last scheduled show appearances are Thursday and Friday June 29th and 30th. It’s been a great run and I appreciate having had the opportunity. Being odd man out isn’t always easy. For the time being, I’m still Correspondent at Large. (Tweet) Last year, Jessica Tarlov, Harold Ford Jr, and Rivera were named as rotating guest hosts for the show after Juan Williams departed in 2021, the Daily Beast reported.

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8b888c No.65916

File: 533a49e36325a7a⋯.png (87.56 KB,949x817,949:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048814 (220107ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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>It was a rainy day in DC. Umbrella means it was raining.

he's the only one with an umbrella and he walked alllll the way in and it was bright fucking blue


>Resident Evil lore?

yeah baker needs to remove these, didn't catch it at first myself


baker pls remove

>>65908, >>65903

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8b888c No.65917

File: 4757fd8bc84c61a⋯.png (19.34 KB,1213x166,1213:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048818 (220108ZJUN23) Notable: 13-year-olds see largest ever drop in math scores; reading levels sink to 1975 average

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13-year-olds see largest ever drop in

math scores; reading levels sink to 1975 average

Just the News, by Addison Smith

Posted By: Ida Lou Pino, 6/21/2023 5:49:37 PM

Students aged 13 years old have had a never-before-seen decline in math skills as well as a notable downfall in reading, according to a brand new data assessment from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). The Nation’s Report Card’s Long-Term Trend data found that students in 2023 tested in mathematics on par with the average score from 1990, the "largest declines ever recorded" in math, according to the NCES press release. Reading levels for 2023 were just a point above the average in 1971, and came out as the same average (256) scored in 1975.

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8b888c No.65918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048827 (220109ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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Umbrella Corp is legit though, not just Resident Evil related. Why bring the Umbrella inside with him? He can't leave it outside of the courtroom with his other belongings?

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8b888c No.65919

File: 3dfc1fd9ce884a8⋯.png (51.79 KB,440x604,110:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048839 (220110ZJUN23) Notable: Schiff's censure was the first this century (23 years)

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>Being censured just means a formal disproval by your colleagues. Anything else?

House Ethics Committee investigates. They all voted Present to show impartiality.


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8b888c No.65920

File: 8a17a87a41ddf55⋯.png (567.06 KB,609x868,87:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048849 (220112ZJUN23) Notable: DC_Draino: It is my pleasure to inform you that Bud Light has suffered its worst sales drop since the boycott began - 26.8%

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It is my pleasure to inform you that Bud Light has suffered its worst sales drop since the boycott began


The boycott is somehow getting stronger

Conservatives have made it clear to BlackRock & the WEF that their Marxist ESG agenda will be met with severe consequences


3:36 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65921

File: 5e5807122c56947⋯.png (352.39 KB,594x456,99:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048873 (220115ZJUN23) Notable: What does Durham have on Schiff?

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Karli Bonne’


Dammmmmm- What does Durham have on Schiff

3:39 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65922

File: c3aab8b725a600c⋯.png (12.01 KB,591x165,197:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048882 (220116ZJUN23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein got $300 million in US Virgin Islands tax incentives, JPMorgan says

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Insider Paper


NEW - Jeffrey Epstein got $300 million in US Virgin Islands tax incentives, JPMorgan says

2:46 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65923

File: 8c6589831bacb28⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048884 (220117ZJUN23) Notable: Durham: “My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir”

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>DURHAM: “My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir”

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8b888c No.65924

File: 0139139154c167a⋯.png (343.38 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 5026de80412e787⋯.png (520.35 KB,1006x1023,1006:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: d37dfa6aaa0df2d⋯.png (228.92 KB,469x262,469:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 9121de84e246d9d⋯.png (190.69 KB,393x262,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048889 (220117ZJUN23) Notable: Robert Gottlieb, Eminent Editor From le Carré to Clinton, Dies at 92

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Robert Gottlieb, Eminent Editor From le Carré to Clinton, Dies at 92

At Simon & Schuster, Alfred A. Knopf and The New Yorker, he polished the work of a who’s who of mid-to-late 20th century.

/Robert C. Gottlieb is the founder of the law firm, Robert C. Gottlieb & Associates PLLC. He is former prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and has been a criminal defense lawyer for 38 years.

/Scott Gottlieb is Trump's pick to lead FDA

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8b888c No.65925

File: b58dee269b52de1⋯.png (245.19 KB,579x669,193:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048898 (220118ZJUN23) Notable: Fresh X22

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Truth Details


X22 Report



Jun 21, 2023, 12:34 PM

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8b888c No.65926

File: a41fa9c5bf6f750⋯.mp4 (9.27 MB,1284x720,107:60,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048916 (220121ZJUN23) Notable: Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

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Speaker McCarthy announces that the House of Reps has voted to censure Adam Schiff for 'misleading the American public'

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8b888c No.65927

File: f3d87c2e0827c00⋯.png (233.4 KB,592x877,592:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048925 (220122ZJUN23) Notable: In March, prescription pharmaceutical brands spent an estimated $403.4 million on national TV advertising

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Chief Nerd


“In March, prescription pharmaceutical brands spent an estimated $403.4 million on national TV advertising…That’s almost twice as much as the second top-spending category for the month, automakers (est. $216.1 million), and a 16% increase from prescription pharma’s February outlay.”



Quote Tweet





I’m not anti-pharma, but I am pro-transparency.

How much money do the nytimes, CNN, NPR/public radio, & Fox News, each make from pharma advertising?

What percentage of their overall revenue is it?

Has it ever resulted in editorial pressure?

Americans deserve to know.

2:42 AM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65928

File: 048d40c629356ee⋯.png (421.79 KB,661x676,661:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048948 (220125ZJUN23) Notable: Facebook Admits in Court That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just Opinion

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Facebook Admits in Court That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just Opinion


In this image from video, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Thursday, March 25, 2021. (House Energy and Commerce Committee via AP)

House Energy and Commerce Committee via AP

Allum Bokhari13 Dec 2021

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8b888c No.65929

File: 6ddda37f5191761⋯.png (309.28 KB,605x573,605:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048962 (220127ZJUN23) Notable: Peter Hotez on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett for 7 minutes

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Dr. Joseph Mercola


Hotez is bankrolled by Bill Gates and directly linked to the gain-of-function research in Wuhan.


Critic of congressional probe into gain-of-function research helped fund Wuhan gain-of-function...

A prominent scientist who has denounced a congressional investigation into gain-of-function research helped fund WIV gain-of-function work

2:40 AM · Jun 20, 2023




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8b888c No.65930

File: 17b22941e797737⋯.png (1.12 MB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 5be2e94584edcd1⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048974 (220130ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz questions Durham

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Matt Gaetz


**yellow tie

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8b888c No.65931

File: 4a43b79d01db051⋯.png (172.3 KB,605x597,605:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19048994 (220133ZJUN23) Notable: AG Barr asked why Jeffrey Epstein committed “suicide” while under his care and if he found it odd that his father hired him to teach at The Dalton School

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


This is the way.

Quote Tweet

Alex Strenger 🍊




I politely asked AG Barr why Jeffrey Epstein committed “suicide” while under his care and if he found it odd that his father hired him to teach at The Dalton School. He was unavailable for comment 😢

Show this thread

2:26 PM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65932

File: f201261de004828⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049008 (220135ZJUN23) Notable: AG Barr asked why Jeffrey Epstein committed “suicide” while under his care and if he found it odd that his father hired him to teach at The Dalton School

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8b888c No.65933

File: b3d9ff633ff03f0⋯.png (436.54 KB,592x569,592:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049016 (220136ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz: I’m introducing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to ban taxpayer funds from being used to host drag shows on military bases

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rep. Matt Gaetz


COMMON SENSE: I’m introducing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to BAN taxpayer funds from being used to host drag shows on military bases.

How could anyone disagree with this amendment???

2:00 PM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65934

File: 6259a696799ed2f⋯.png (139.6 KB,1681x814,1681:814,Clipboard.png)

File: acd0c9eec4430ec⋯.png (83.21 KB,1619x776,1619:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049019 (220136ZJUN23) Notable: Durham's blue umbrella

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>>located @ 304 Culpepper Court, Durham

The other day "Bone" kept coming up and I couldn't figure out??





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8b888c No.65935

File: 9f19cddecb734c0⋯.png (384.03 KB,586x606,293:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049031 (220138ZJUN23) Notable: James O'Keefe: Tomorrow, my full interaction with Serge at #BlackRock

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James O'Keefe


TOMORROW, My full interaction with Serge at #BlackRock.

He walks himself into the 50th Precinct, NYC.

Then invites me in…

It’s WILD #BlackRockExposed

1:15 PM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65936

File: b46e25c43e3d231⋯.png (466.46 KB,635x770,127:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049041 (220139ZJUN23) Notable: Happy Censured Birthday Adam Schiff

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Schiff's birthday is tomorrow... do you think his staff will make him some "Liddle" cupcakes again like on June 22, 2018 five years ago?


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8b888c No.65937

File: 288c1cacb6e55dc⋯.jpeg (544.89 KB,1241x2125,73:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3f3a1b5401613d0⋯.jpeg (501.42 KB,1241x1682,1241:1682,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2908a76bc3c4d82⋯.jpeg (295.41 KB,1242x1560,207:260,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049044 (220140ZJUN23) Notable: Gen Flynn: The $64K question now is...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Mike Flynn@GenFlynn

The $64K question now is how will those who perpetrated this treasonous crime against President Trump, his family, those on his staff, my entire family and I, and the American people, be held accountable?

We cannot allow them to get away with this crime! AND how dare Durham not even question the culprits and criminals behind this conspiracy!?

The entire Russia Hoax was a lie, based on an approved by Hillary Clinton, dirty trick campaign narrative. She is the worst of the lot and can rot in hell for all I care.

It is particularly those who were serving in government and had swore an oath of office to protect and defend the constitution and miserably failed doing so that we need to bring to account first.

So @GOP , @HouseGOP ,

@SpeakerMcCarthy , @RepTiffany

, @Jim_Jordan , @RepGregSteube

and many others across the USG, what will you do next?

The majority of American people have lost all faith in our justice system, have little faith in Congress, and have no faith in our FBI.

If you do nothing, our country is done. Now that all Americans, and the world, know how it all began in July, 2016, the current persecution of President Trump must immediately end—it all started with a lie and the lie simply continues!

America is at grave risk and yes, these are times that try men’s souls but also forge our hearts and our patriotism. As an American who served our country in peace and war, we need all Americans to demand from their elected officials to stand your ground and act according to the law! But act now…we have little time remaining to fix the monumental challenges we face.

Lastly, where are our Republican governors. Oh that’s right, many are running for POTUS—if they could only put the nation ahead of their egos, we might have a chance to get our country back on track. An argument for another day.

May God continue to bless and protect America because it will only be through the grace of God Almighty that we rise out of the mess we’re in.



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8b888c No.65938

File: b4313f261e84b87⋯.png (270.94 KB,595x550,119:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049045 (220140ZJUN23) Notable: James O'Keefe: Tomorrow, my full interaction with Serge at #BlackRock

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John Solomon



PV founder continues undercover sting operations | Credit Brandon Bell


James O’keefe responds after BlackRock bombshell seemingly suppressed in Google algorithm

BlackRock owns a substantial share of Google Inc.

12:24 PM · Jun 21, 2023




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8b888c No.65939

File: f514f3266ec52bd⋯.png (429.41 KB,579x679,579:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049054 (220142ZJUN23) Notable: Trump’s Deputy National Security Advisor explains that the difference in the 2024 election is that we now have “cold hard evidence to charge these people with crimes”

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Trump’s Deputy National Security Advisor KT McFarland explains that the difference in the 2024 election is that we now have “cold hard evidence to charge these people with crimes” bc of Durham & the congressional investigations.

“Their neck is now on the line.”

They are terrified and will do anything.

She nails this!🔥

Jun 21, 2023, 1:00 PM

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8b888c No.65940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049097 (220147ZJUN23) Notable: #23391

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23391 >>65881

>>65882 United States of America v. Robert Hunter Biden

>>65883 Submarine event aligned with Qclock

>>65885 Durham is not the only game in town

>>65886, >>65897, >>65884, >>65898, >>65926 Adam Schiff censured by House for ‘false’ allegations on Trump-Russia collusion

>>65887 Peter Navarro: "Republicans in Congress are letting this country down"

>>65888, >>65889 Here Are the Vessels Working to Find the Titan Sub

>>65890, >>65894 FISA = START

>>65891 Marketfag

>>65892, >>65929 Peter Hotez on OutFrontCNN with Erin Burnett for 7 minutes

>>65893, >>65902 Teachers Union Head Randi Weingarten Appointed To DHS School Safety Board

>>65895 Pinocchino Schiff

>>65896 Ms Hageman's Durham report statement

>>65899, >>65904, >>65903, >>65908, >>65934, >>65907, , >>65905, >>65906, >>65914, >>65916, >>65918 Durham's blue umbrella

>>65900, >>65901, >>65919 Schiff's censure was the first this century (23 years)

>>65909 John Solomon: Bryan Kohberger cheek swab matches crime scene DNA

>>65910, >>65911 Rep Boebert explains that Republican leadership is not supporting her resolution to impeach Joe Biden right now

>>65912 Satanic Temple to Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Concerts at State Capitols in Protest of Christian Musician Sean Feucht

>>65913 Peter Schweizer: James Comer’s Probe Will Lead ‘Directly to Joe Biden’s Doorstep’

>>65915 Geraldo Rivera Leaving Fox News

>>65917 13-year-olds see largest ever drop in math scores; reading levels sink to 1975 average

>>65923 Durham: “My concern about my reputation is with the people who I respect, and my family, and my Lord, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my reputation with them, sir”

>>65920 DC_Draino: It is my pleasure to inform you that Bud Light has suffered its worst sales drop since the boycott began - 26.8%

>>65921 What does Durham have on Schiff?

>>65922 Jeffrey Epstein got $300 million in US Virgin Islands tax incentives, JPMorgan says

>>65924 Robert Gottlieb, Eminent Editor From le Carré to Clinton, Dies at 92

>>65925 Fresh X22

>>65927 In March, prescription pharmaceutical brands spent an estimated $403.4 million on national TV advertising

>>65928 Facebook Admits in Court That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just Opinion

>>65930 Matt Gaetz questions Durham

>>65931, >>65932 AG Barr asked why Jeffrey Epstein committed “suicide” while under his care and if he found it odd that his father hired him to teach at The Dalton School

>>65933 Matt Gaetz: I’m introducing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to ban taxpayer funds from being used to host drag shows on military bases

>>65935, >>65938 James O'Keefe: Tomorrow, my full interaction with Serge at #BlackRock

>>65936 Happy Censured Birthday Adam Schiff

>>65937 Gen Flynn: The $64K question now is...

>>65939 Trump’s Deputy National Security Advisor explains that the difference in the 2024 election is that we now have “cold hard evidence to charge these people with crimes”

>>>/qresearch/19049084 #23391

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8b888c No.65941

File: 0d58c649ca80342⋯.png (1.34 MB,960x1280,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049111 (220148ZJUN23) Notable: #23392

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8b888c No.65942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049118 (220150ZJUN23) Notable: Wife of Titan pilot and OceanGate CEO is great-great-granddaughter of Macy's founder and his spouse made famous in James Cameron's Titanic film

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Many waters cannot quench love—neither can the floods drown it.




Isidor could enter a lifeboat with Ida, Isidor refused to be made an exception while women and children were still on board, while Ida is reported to have said, "I will not be separated from my husband. As we have lived, so will we die, together." Ida gave her maid her fur coat and insisted she get into a lifeboat. Isidor and Ida were last seen on deck arm in arm; eyewitnesses described the scene as a "most remarkable exhibition of love and devotion". The ship sank at 2:20 am.

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8b888c No.65943

File: 7fc522c451fcd17⋯.jpg (378.72 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049119 (220151ZJUN23) Notable: Usually after a censure and ethics probe, indictment follows

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Usually after a censor and Ethics Probe... Indictment to follow

07 GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!

btw think the last censor occurred 33years ago for the masons following along


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8b888c No.65944

File: 9edfbc095f60d2a⋯.mp4 (14.04 MB,518x288,259:144,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049135 (220154ZJUN23) Notable: Ms. Lee questions Durham

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Ms Lee

I'd like to focus on the Department of Justice's procedures as to FISA applications when that process is conducted appropriately to begin with. Fisa surveillance application must include an affidavit from a federal law enforcement officer. Correct.


That's correct.

Ms Lee

And that affidavit must demonstrate cause to believe that the target of the surveillance is an agent of a foreign power. Is that also right?

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8b888c No.65945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049161 (220200ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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I went on the Titanic submarine — it was a suicide mission

“It was a suicide mission back then!” exclaimed the Bavarian entrepreneur, recalling his own journey into the abyss. “The first submarine didn’t work, then a dive at 1,600 meters had to be abandoned.”

Loibl explained that they ended up launching five hours late due to electrical issues — which he suspects is to blame for the Titan crews’ current predicament.

Not only that but right before the voyage, the bracket of the stabilization tube — which balances the sub — tore and had to be “reattached with zip ties,” he said.

Unfortunately, the cramped conditions on board the Titan weren’t exactly reassuring.

“You need strong nerves, you mustn’t be claustrophobic and you have to be able to sit cross-legged for ten hours,” described the aquanaut, who has circumvented Titanic’s remains twice in Titan.

During one of the dives, he even touched down aboard the ill-fated cruise liner.

However, out of all the daredevil’s adventures — flying over Russia in a MiG-29 fighter plane and visiting both the North and South Poles — Loibl says the Titan expeditions were “the most extreme.”

As such, he is praying for the safe return of all parties aboard the sunken sub. “It must be hell down there. There’s only 2.50 meters of space, it’s four degrees, there’s no chair, no toilet,” Loibl described.

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8b888c No.65946

File: d2be534db7c35d9⋯.jpeg (760.88 KB,1467x828,163:92,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049167 (220201ZJUN23) Notable: Ms. Lee questions Durham

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That’s a strange label on Durhams bottle of water.

Looks like a “bitcoin” on the right side?!

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8b888c No.65947

File: 8e99210a2dcd1b9⋯.gif (29.58 KB,112x112,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049169 (220201ZJUN23) Notable: Ms. Lee questions Durham

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"The umbrella case" ~ Durham


Possible link with the blue umbrella?

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8b888c No.65948

File: bdcd690da74a9fc⋯.png (1.63 MB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: db62cbbdffce96d⋯.jpg (34.68 KB,550x422,275:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049180 (220203ZJUN23) Notable: Ms. Lee questions Durham

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8b888c No.65949

File: c4a6f1dfdb5d5f6⋯.png (831.27 KB,1024x681,1024:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049182 (220204ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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Deep-sea robot Victor 6000 rushed to site in Titanic race-against-time rescue

Rescue crews plumbing the depths of the Atlantic for the Titan submersible that was lost Sunday with five people aboard will get assistance from the Victor 6000 robot — a highly advanced, deep-sea craft and one of the few vessels on Earth capable of reaching the wreck.

The Victor 6000 is being rushed to the search site aboard French research vessel L’Atalante, but is not expected to arrive until Wednesday evening EST — around 12 hours before the oxygen supply on the missing submersible is expected to run out Thursday.

A 10-foot-long, remote-controlled robot with a bright yellow back, the Victor 6000 has been described as a “flagship device for underwater operations,” by the French network BMTV, and is capable of reaching a depth of 6,000 meters (20,000 feet).

With the Titanic lying 12,500 feet beneath the waves on the ocean floor, the craft should be more than capable of reaching it.

A rescue would see the Victor 6000 accompanied by Horizon Arctic, a powerful tug and supply ship which has a large cable which the deep sea craft can take down with it toward the wreck of the Titanic.

Victor 6000 is equipped with a robotic arm, which could be used for dislodging the lost Titan submersible if it is discovered trapped within the Titanic wreckage. It can also attach the cable from the Horizon Arctic to the vessel to help pull it to safety.

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8b888c No.65950

File: 2b4d4f2122f2a4a⋯.png (296.69 KB,598x502,299:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049185 (220204ZJUN23) Notable: A military pilot gives Putin a gift - an aviation watch, saying it is a lucky watch that has gone a long way

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A military pilot gives Putin a gift – an aviation watch, saying it is a lucky watch that has gone a long way



>comms comms*

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8b888c No.65951

File: a9a39a2545b93a8⋯.png (250 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049192 (220205ZJUN23) Notable: MTG & Elise Stefanik Working to Expunge Trump Impeachment

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MTG & Elise Stefanik Working to EXPUNGE Trump Impeachment.

Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY) are set to introduce a resolution expunging Donald Trump’s impeachments, The National Pulse has learned. The move relies in part on conversations detailed by the now infamous FD-1023 form which detailed “conversations an FBI informant had about allegations that an executive at Ukrainian gas company Burisma offered bribes to then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.” “President Trump was impeached over a perfect phone call asking questions about a Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired at the direction of [then-Vice President Joe Biden]. All while the FBI had information that Joe Biden and his son were paid $5 million to get [a Ukrainian] prosecutor fired in a political bribery pay-to-play scheme,” said Greene, referring to the first impeachment and FD-1023. Stefanik, who chairs the House Republican Conference, backed a resolution to expunge Trump’s second impeachment, led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin in May 2022, when the Democrats still controlled the House. While his first impeachment concerned Ukraine, the second alleged he incited an insurrection on January 6th. In January 2023, as the Republicans took control of the House, Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he would “look at” expunging the impeachments, but not as a priority. Both impeachments ended with Trump being acquitted by the U.S. Senate.


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8b888c No.65952

File: e20d3d684101323⋯.png (628.12 KB,1142x1786,571:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049205 (220208ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Delta June 21st: Censor / Censure | Adam Schiff | Durham

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Check out these 2 qpost deltas for June 21st.


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8b888c No.65953

File: 254fe5c95f7959f⋯.png (229.75 KB,445x445,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049206 (220208ZJUN23) Notable: Ms. Lee questions Durham

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8b888c No.65954

File: 9e25ad8cc7150cb⋯.png (192.85 KB,586x418,293:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049226 (220213ZJUN23) Notable: Far-left group tries to downplay NM’s abysmal child well-being ranking

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Lara Logan


The tyranny of those who’re supposed to care for children& hide behind their charitable status. Millions of people see through this now. pinonpost.com/far-left-group-t

Far-left group tries to downplay NM’s abysmal child well-being ranking

A far-left group called New Mexico Voices for Children, which advocates for things such as abortion up-to-birth, weakened election

Piñon Post

Jun 21, 2023, 8:47 AM

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8b888c No.65955

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049231 (220213ZJUN23) Notable: Gang slaughtered 46 women at Honduran prison with machetes, guns and flammable liquid

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Gang slaughtered 46 women at Honduran prison with machetes, guns and flammable liquid

Gang members in a women’s prison in Honduras slaughtered 46 other women inmates by spraying them with gunfire, hacking them with machetes and then locking survivors in their cells and dousing them with flammable liquid, an official said Wednesday.

The carnage in Tuesday’s riot was the worst atrocity at a women’s prison in recent memory, something President Xiomara Castro called “monstrous.”

Relatives said inmates at the facility had been threatened for weeks by members of the notorious Barrio 18 gang.

Chillingly, the gang members were able to arm themselves with prohibited weapons, brush past guards and attack; they even carried locks to shut their victims inside, apparently to burn them to death. The intensity of the fire left the walls of the cells blackened and beds reduced to twisted heaps of metal.

“A group of armed people went to the cellblock of a rival gang, locked the doors, opened fire on them,” said Juan López Rochez, the chief of operations for the country’s National Police.

Miguel Martínez, a security ministry spokesman, said the attack was taped by security cameras, up to the moment the gang members destroyed them in what he called a “planned” attack.

“You can see the moment in which the women overcome the guards, leaving them helpless, and take their keys,” Martínez said.

Castro said Tuesday’s riot at the prison in the town of Tamara, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) northwest of Honduras’ capital, was “planned by maras (street gangs) with the knowledge and acquiescence of security authorities.”

Castro fired Security Minister Ramón Sabillón, and replaced him with Gustavo Sánchez, who had been serving as head of the National Police.

But Castro but did not explain how inmates identified as members of the Barrio 18 gang were able to get guns and machetes into the prison, or move freely into an adjoining cell block. Initial reports suggested the doors to the gang’s cell block had been left open, facilitating the attack.

The amount of weaponry found in the prison after the riot was impressive: 18 pistols, an assault rifle, two machine pistols and two grenades — all of which were smuggled into the prison.

“Obviously, there must have been human failures,” López Rochez said. “We are investigating all the employees at the center.”

Sandra Rodríguez Vargas, the assistant commissioner for Honduras’ prison system, said the attackers “removed” guards at the facility — none appeared to have been injured — around 8 a.m. Tuesday.

Twenty-six of the victims were burned to death and the remainder shot or stabbed, said Yuri Mora, the spokesman for Honduras’ national police investigation agency. At least seven inmates were being treated at a Tegucigalpa hospital.

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8b888c No.65956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049232 (220214ZJUN23) Notable: Gang slaughtered 46 women at Honduran prison with machetes, guns and flammable liquid

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The riot’s death toll surpassed that of a fire at a female detention center in Guatemala in 2017, when girls at a shelter for troubled youths set fire to mattresses to protest rapes and other mistreatment at the overcrowded institution. The smoke and fire killed 41 girls.

The worst prison disaster in a century also occurred in Honduras, in 2012, at the Comayagua men’s penitentiary, where 361 male inmates died in a fire possibly caused by a match, cigarette or some other open flame.

There were ample warnings ahead of Tuesday’s tragedy, according to Johanna Paola Soriano Euceda, who was waiting outside the morgue in Tegucigalpa for news about her mother, Maribel Euceda, and sister, Karla Soriano. Both were on trial for drug trafficking but were held in the same area as convicted prisoners.

Soriano Euceda said they had told her Sunday that “they (Barrio 18 members) were out of control, they were fighting with them all the time. That was the last time we talked.”

Another woman, who did not want to give her name for fear of reprisals, said she was waiting for news about a friend, Alejandra Martínez, 26, who was been held in the ill-fated Cell Block One on robbery charges.

“She told me the last time I saw her on Sunday that the (Barrio) 18 people had threatened them, that they were going to kill them if they didn’t turn over a relative,” she said.

Gangs sometimes demand victims “turn over” a friend or relative by giving the gang their name, address and description, so that enforcers can later find and kidnap, rob or kill them.

Officials described the killings as a “terrorist act,” but also acknowledged that gangs essentially had ruled some parts of the prison.

Julissa Villanueva, head of the prison system, suggested the riot started because of recent attempts by authorities to crack down on illicit activity inside prison walls and called Tuesday’s violence a reaction to moves “we are taking against organized crime.”

“We will not back down,” Villanueva said in a televised address after the riot.

Gangs wield broad control inside the country’s prisons, where inmates often set their own rules and sell prohibited goods.

They were also apparently able to smuggle in guns and other weapons, a recurring problem in Honduran prisons.

“The issue is to prevent people from smuggling in drugs, grenades and firearms,” said Honduran human rights expert Joaquin Mejia. “Today’s events show that they have not been able to do that.”

Meanwhile, the grim task continued of trying to identify the bodies, some terribly burned. Officials on Wednesday began turning over some of the corpses to families for burial.

The wait for news was torture for many families of inmates. Dozens of anxious, angry relatives gathered outside the rural prison.

“We are here dying of anguish, of pain ... we don’t have any information,” said Salomón García, whose daughter is an inmate at the facility.

Tuesday’s riot may increase the pressure on Honduras to emulate the drastic zero-tolerance, no-privileges prisons set in up in neighboring El Salvador by President Nayib Bukele. While El Salvador’s crackdown on gangs has given rise to rights violations, it has also proved immensely popular in a country long terrorized by street gangs.

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8b888c No.65957

File: c22e5c3f098864b⋯.jpeg (182.84 KB,1158x1820,579:910,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049244 (220217ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ loses bid to move Michael Flynn malicious prosecution suit to DC

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Eyes 👀 on

DOJ loses bid to move Michael Flynn malicious prosecution suit to DC

Earlier this year, Flynn filed a $50 million claim against the government for malicious prosecution in connection with the now-thoroughly debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax.



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8b888c No.65958

File: 26352674ae2d878⋯.png (230.5 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: ee5cc4d890c6672⋯.png (200.22 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049248 (220217ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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8b888c No.65959

File: e106da39364241c⋯.png (133.28 KB,1673x735,239:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 48e47862987b734⋯.png (93.95 KB,1651x616,1651:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c22d2a4f239ad5⋯.png (182.84 KB,1708x708,427:177,Clipboard.png)

File: ee447d3093a30a9⋯.png (126.65 KB,910x781,910:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 86e34b0bd2b2ab3⋯.png (300.5 KB,1686x903,562:301,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65960

File: 88551e88afa371d⋯.jpg (79.16 KB,1080x1919,1080:1919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049360 (220242ZJUN23) Notable: #23390 collected in bread #23392''''

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#23390 >>65809

>>65836, >>65825, >>65827, >>65856, >>65870, >>65876, >>65868 Durham Bun

>>65826, >>65849, >>65878, >>65871, >>65865, >>65874, >>65851, >>65858, >>65879, >>65880 Schiff CENSURED

>>65823, >>65835, >>65857 Who is the Schiff family? The richest family you never heard of?

>>65837, >>65843, >>65854, >>65847 Where is Joseph Misfud?

>>65810, >>65815, >>65816, >>65817, >>65818 Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious case of DeNiro’s about-face on VAXXED

>>65811, >>65834, >>65839, >>65840, >>65861 Search for Missing [Oceangate] Titan Sub Focuses on Area Where Sounds Detected

>>65812 US approves chicken made from cultivated cells, the nation’s first ‘lab-grown’ meat

>>65813, >>65859 Video Allegedly Shows Woman Luring 4-Year-Old Boy From Ohio Home While Pretending to Be CPS Worker

>>65814 Three Netanyahu Advisors Face Charges of Witness Tampering in Corruption Trial

>>65819 Dasting Durham Testimony Deltas

>>65820, >>65821 Boatfag report: MiawpuKEK ?

>>65844 PlaneFag CONUS update-'full house' +1 at JBA for arrivals-Blinken returns, Potato back and Modi arrived

>>65822 @DC_Draino “The most underreported story in Boston right now is...man in cardiac arrest & found a horrifying scene filled w/men in drag & at least 5 children between the ages of 5-10”

>>65824 "Jean-Pierre calls herself an "historic figure" ...

>>65841, >>65828, >>65832 David Clements: Hunter Biden CLEARED Of All Criminal Charges From Laptop Due To Plea Deal.

>>65829 New Nord Stream blast aftermath footage released

>>65830, >>65831 Naledi Pandor Interview &ndash; Netherland and Denmark visit, G20 Summit, etc.

>>65833 Trudeau's Canada Caught Downplaying Covid Vaxxcine Injuries and deaths To protect the health Regime

>>65838 Massive military movements being reported in multiple states across the US

>>65842 Alt PNT Reverse Industry Day is First Event in New COSMIC Center

>>65852 U.S. Is #1 World Consumer Of Child Trafficking While Mexico Is #1 Supplier | Eduardo Breaks Down How U.S.-Mexico Are Hurting Each Other

>>65853, >>65850, >>65860, >>65862 Jim Caviezel says the Hunter laptop had evidence of Hunter taking Adrenochrome.

>>65845, >>65846, >>65848, >>65855, >>65869, >>65877 Bannon war room bun

>>65863 NASA Welcomes Ecuador as 26th Artemis Accords Signatory


>>65866 James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class.

>>65867 NASA, Department of Agriculture Advance Exploration, Science

>>65875 Ron DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office.

>>65820, >>65821, >>65872, >>65873 Boatfag bun

>>65844 PlaneFag CONUS update-'full house' +1 at JBA for arrivals-Blinken returns, Potato back and Modi arrived


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8b888c No.65961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049392 (220249ZJUN23) Notable: Blue umbrella continued

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8b888c No.65962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049429 (220256ZJUN23) Notable: 'The seal is broken'

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anons, what does it mean the seal is broken?

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8b888c No.65963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049504 (220309ZJUN23) Notable: Only 25 Reps have been censured in US history

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Shame, Shame, Shame!



🚨BREAKING: Adam Schiff has been officially Censured by Congress🚨

Only 25 Reps have been censured in US history

He will now have to stand in front of Congress while Speaker McCarthy scolds him for his role in aiding & abetting illegal spying on President Trump



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8b888c No.65964

File: 6b804f6d4d225a8⋯.png (205.18 KB,1246x736,623:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f8ab358698473c⋯.png (42.05 KB,349x321,349:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049505 (220309ZJUN23) Notable: Blue umbrella continued

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Blue Umbrella GRC

"Don’t lose sleep over your compliance."

Uncertainty in your compliance and risk management activities is the worst. And tedious manual tasks drain already time-stretched compliance professionals. Both Status and Blue Umbrella GRC are designed to centralize, automate and reduce the number of tools you use to manage risk with your third parties.

Blue Umbrella has a decade of experience in helping some of the largest corporations on the planet manage risk in their business relationships. We know how vital it is to get visibility into business risks arising from your third-parties, especially when it’s spread across lines of business. That’s why we’ve made it remarkably easy to get the insights you need with innovative technology and high quality research.


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8b888c No.65965

File: 47a4f688584c396⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,518x288,259:144,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049521 (220312ZJUN23) Notable: Mr. Gooden questions Durham

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Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without speaking to the people who provided the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane on a Sunday, only three days after reviewing the information?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without any significant review of it's own intelligence database?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without interviewing the essential witnesses?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI open Crossfire Hurricane without using any of the standard analytical tools typically employed in evaluating intelligence?

Durham: Yes.

Gooden: Did the FBI consider the possibility that it was the target?

Durham: It didn't appear so to me from the evidence.

Gooden: Can you tell us why, and under what motivation, would a prosecutorial agency act in such a way where it willfully ignores multiple instances of exculpatory evidence throughout the course of it's investigation.

Durham: In my experience, that is not the norm. That is not how the FBI performs. In this particular case, as is reflected in the report, there appear to be persons in the FBI who were central to opening the investigation, that had rather strong views concerning then candidate Trump.

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8b888c No.65966

File: d3545fa653637b4⋯.png (279.38 KB,1075x836,1075:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049525 (220312ZJUN23) Notable: Only 25 Reps have been censured in US history

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8b888c No.65967

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049526 (220313ZJUN23) Notable: 'The seal is broken'

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contracts are such that terms are written and then sealed.

if the contract is violated by either party, the seal is broken and the terms of what the consequences are then get revealed.

the seal being broken means that the stipulations of violating the contract are now going to be learned, and the violation will result in some mitigation, as described by whatever was under seal, and now can be revealed.

in a law case it might mean that evidence that had been kept 'under seal' is now to be released to a grand jury, and charges and consequence will follow for those who violated the terms of whatever had been agreed upon.

so it could mean a bunch of things.

I think in the case of what President Trump truthed (on Truth Social) it was about some people who had made agreements to keep the evidence of crimes under seal. But they have violated their agreements and now the evidence is unsealed.

I don't know this for sure.

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8b888c No.65968

File: 23529da77e008ca⋯.jpeg (323.03 KB,1241x1659,1241:1659,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049531 (220314ZJUN23) Notable: Ed Buck / Adam Schiff

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DC draino is in the know


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8b888c No.65969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049537 (220314ZJUN23) Notable: 'The seal is broken'

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My take: The fools charged DJT under the Espionage Act. The Rosenbergs were executed for violations of this Act, it is a very serious Act.

However, in the case of DJT and his documents as a former President, it is not an Act that even applies to the situation, so it is curious why it was utilized ...maybe.

How was "a seal" broken?

There is now a legal precedent for charging an ex-president under the Espionage Act. Today, in the House Judiciary hearing where Durham provided testimony -Congressional Committee member named Mr Tiffany asked Durham if he had any documents relating to the 2016 Oval Office meeting between President Obama, Vice President Biden, FBI Director James Comey ...and Hillary Clinton as Secreatry of State

-where they discussed the plot to attack the incoming president and disrupt his bility to govern.

He didn't ask if the meeting occurred -he already knows it did ...he just asked if Durham had found any of Comey's documents relating to the meeting in his investigation.

Durham answered "No"

-and the entire scenario suggest that everyone at the meeting will be charged under the Espionage Act -including both past and current presidents

...now that the seal is broken -because precedent has been set.

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8b888c No.65970

File: 517e00b9a1043cc⋯.jpeg (672.56 KB,1170x1536,195:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049540 (220315ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Americans are fed up with the selective justice and two-tiered system in this Country

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“If you’re a Biden, you are protected. If you’re a Clinton, you are protected. If you’re a Trump, you will be prosecuted.

Americans are fed up with the selective justice and two-tiered system in this Country.”



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8b888c No.65971

File: 5c0a07e13ca507b⋯.jpeg (417.57 KB,1242x1843,1242:1843,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f22f8c5411b7c1f⋯.jpeg (222.65 KB,1241x1126,1241:1126,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049544 (220317ZJUN23) Notable: Only 25 Reps have been censured in US history

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Massie has not made any friends recently, he should try humility


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8b888c No.65972

File: 064034f56c94bc9⋯.jpeg (531.01 KB,1242x1710,69:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049564 (220319ZJUN23) Notable: City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

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8b888c No.65973

File: 222f39ed419fa7c⋯.png (477.2 KB,643x516,643:516,Clipboard.png)

File: e225b0c3a81df21⋯.png (605.43 KB,653x723,653:723,Clipboard.png)

File: c17cfe569c8e068⋯.png (412.13 KB,620x733,620:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 70c9a5d699f813f⋯.png (485.82 KB,634x789,634:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049574 (220322ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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ALL FIVE people believed to be on board the stranded Titan submarine have been named - including a father & son and a British billionaire are understood to be trapped beneath the surface.

Hamish Harding, 58, is a British businessman, aviator and space tourist - known for his incredible adventures.

He is based in Dubai and he holds a number of Guinness World Records for his daring exploits.

The billionaire posted to social media about his long-awaited voyage to the Titanic.

He said: "A weather window has just opened up and we are going to attempt a dive tomorrow."

Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 73, is a veteran submarine pilot and longtime researcher of the wreck of the Titanic.

He spent 20 years in the French Navy before joining the "French Institute for Research andExploitation of the Sea."

“If you are 11m or 11km down, if something bad happens, the result is the same," said the diver.

“When you’re in very deep water, you’re dead before you realise that something is happening, so it’s just not a problem.”

Shahzada Dawood, 48, is one of Pakistan's richest men and he is understood to have been on board with his son, Suleman, 19. Dawood is the vice chairman of Engro Corporation, whichmakes fertilisers, foodand energy, as well as the chemical firm Dawood Hercules Corporation.

The company previously revealed it uses Elon Musk's Starlink to communicate with the vessel, however, it's not clear what has gone wrong with the network.


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8b888c No.65974

File: 4e11209622d3199⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB,1620x2037,540:679,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049582 (220323ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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Mike Pence thought Titanic was popular because it symbolized the US abandoning its values

By Andrew Prokopandrew@vox.com Mar 31, 2015, 1:10pm EDT



12-Nov-2017 9:16:24 AM PST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline.

Who died on the Titanic?

What year did the Titanic sink?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?

What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

Why is this relevant?

How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

How were names and bodies recorded back then?

When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?

Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

Less than 10.

What is the FED?

What does the FED control?

Who controls the FED?

Who approved the formation of the FED?

Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


07-NOV-2017 (TUE)


07-Nov-2017 4:05:59 PM PST



The graphic is your key.

Let's pause and say hello to the rogue intelligence agencies currently monitoring these threads.

Was the money worth it?




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8b888c No.65975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049589 (220324ZJUN23) Notable: City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

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Kids, ‘drugs, sex toys,’ dead man in South Boston apartment: ‘Sickening’

Officials call for ramped-up inspections of public housing projects

Four children living in squalid conditions while being hidden from first responders were found in an apartment filled with “alcohol, drugs, sex toys” and a dead man, according to an incident report and outraged officials.

“This is sickening,” said At-Large City Councilor Michael Flaherty. “I was informed by people at the scene that there were drugs, alcohol, sex toys all around the apartment as well as a dead body on the floor.”

That fire department report, obtained by the Herald and confirmed by police response, states that a BFD crew was sent to Old Colony Avenue Saturday morning for a call that a man had gone into cardiac arrest and required medical attention. That address is the Mary Ellen McCormack Housing complex run by the city.

However, according to the incident report, firefighters found more than just a routine medical emergency.

“The apartment was in extremely unsanitary conditions. Approximately 6 adults, who appeared to be males, were seen in the apartment,” they wrote, saying they subsequently found “four children in the back bedroom being hidden by an adult male from first responders.”

According to the incident report the children ranged from ages 5 to 10.

“All of the adult parties were being uncooperative and did not provide helpful information. All adults present denied having children inside the apartment,” they wrote.

Fire crews say they filed a “51A form with the appropriate state agency.”

A 51A form is available for download from the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families and is titled “Report of Child(ren) Alleged to be Suffering from Abuse or Neglect.”

A spokesperson for DCF could not be reached to comment on the disposition of the children due to the Juneteenth federal holiday, though the agency does not typically comment on their work.

The fire crews, according to the incident report, performed CPR on the person in cardiac arrest, who apparently died. The Boston Police Department is investigating. A fire department spokesman confirmed a call came in for that address.

“At about 11:11 AM, on Saturday, June 17th, officers responded to the area of 381 Old Colony Avenue for a death investigation. District Detectives handling, not suspicious, no further information,” a BPD spokesperson told the Herald.

It is unclear whether the children were relatives of the people the fire department described as “appearing to be male” or if they lived in the apartment.

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8b888c No.65976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049599 (220325ZJUN23) Notable: City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

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City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs


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8b888c No.65977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049672 (220336ZJUN23) Notable: City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

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There is another story at the Boston Herald about this situation and it is the most current.

The state has taken custody of the four children.


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8b888c No.65978

File: 166ff5376660fe7⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1170x1862,585:931,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049673 (220337ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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WHIM02 over Delaware

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8b888c No.65979

File: 9453b536488cb95⋯.png (219.07 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ccf884b911e25f⋯.png (201.21 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049676 (220337ZJUN23) Notable: Titanic submarine bun

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The French ship with that Victor 6000 onboard is doing her best to get there. AIS reporting 12 knots, her recorded maximum speed 12.7 knots

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8b888c No.65980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049679 (220338ZJUN23) Notable: Adult female fraudulently enrolled in BPS high schools, worked for state agency

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‘A really disturbing situation:’ Adult fraudulently enrolled in BPS high schools worked for state agency

An adult woman who enrolled in three BPS high schools over the last year and is now being investigated by police worked in the state Department of Children and Families until February, the governor said.

“She was no longer a DCF employee as of February of this year, but a disturbing situation and we’ll continue to learn more from authorities as they investigate,” Gov. Maura Healey said Wednesday.

The woman, who was reportedly 32 years old, used an “extremely sophisticated fraud” to enroll in Jeremiah Burke, Brighton and English high schools in the 2022-23 school year, Superintendent Mary Skipper said Tuesday.

A police report on the incident from June 14 said the fraud was discovered when a man came to pick up the woman, who he called his daughter, at school and told an administrator she would be transferring to a Catholic school.

This set up alarms for the staff member, as she had been enrolled in the school for less than a week.

The staff member investigated further, eventually finding that a DCF social worker on the student’s paperwork did not exist and called the police.

Skipper told families Tuesday that “school officials have not identified any incidents of harm to students or staff” but the investigation is still in early stages. Families at the schools may be contacted by investigators and school staff as the investigation continues, she said.

Asked if there should be changes to enrollment procedures to address the vulnerabilities, Healey said the question is under the purview of “local authorities and officials.”

Skipper addressed the situation at Wednesday night’s School Committee meeting, indicating the district “will continue to review all of our systems and processes to make sure that what we did was correct.”

“At this time, I cannot comment further as this remains an ongoing investigation,” Skipper added. “But I do want to publicly thank the BPS staff who caught this quickly acted as well as the Boston Police for launching an immediate investigation. We will provide additional updates if relevant information becomes available through the investigation.”

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8b888c No.65981

File: 220cf1261a3783a⋯.jpeg (726.43 KB,1151x1836,1151:1836,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049682 (220338ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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8b888c No.65982

File: 83d5e54503c569e⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049688 (220339ZJUN23) Notable: Tucker on Twitter Ep. 5

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049690 (220339ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for June 22: Cuomo | EXTREMELY Damaging piece on (D)s nursing home deaths! | Digital warriors ready - Prepare Memes / Music | China / Elections

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Qpost Deltas for June 22: Cuomo | EXTREMELY Damaging piece on (D)s nursing home deaths! | Digital warriors ready - Prepare Memes / Music | China / Election Interference


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8b888c No.65984

File: 47cedf8c2633577⋯.jpeg (733.32 KB,1136x1845,1136:1845,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049697 (220341ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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NOGS/NOGGS over Texas

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8b888c No.65985

File: d6d0dd312c5fd40⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049700 (220341ZJUN23) Notable: Felicity, Arizona

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65986

File: c2b683d43f07ad1⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB,444x324,37:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049734 (220348ZJUN23) Notable: Qanan

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Got an mp4.

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8b888c No.65987

File: 76730ab17896368⋯.png (230.99 KB,548x455,548:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049764 (220354ZJUN23) Notable: 'The seal is broken'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8b888c No.65988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049767 (220355ZJUN23) Notable: Felicity, Arizona

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It's in California near Yuma, AZ.


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8b888c No.65989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049785 (220357ZJUN23) Notable: Qanan

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President Trump Answers Question About QAnon- "Is That Supposed to be a Bad Thing?" 8-19-20

Right Side Broadcasting Network

1.57M subscribers

36,759 views Aug 19, 2020

"Is That Supposed to be a Bad Thing?" "We are saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone, the rest of the world will follow."

Wednesday August 19, 2020: Watch Live as President Donald J. Trump holds a news conference from the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at The White House.

President Trump Answers Question About QAnon- "Is That Supposed to be a Bad Thing?" 8-19-20


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8b888c No.65990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049836 (220405ZJUN23) Notable: #23392

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#23392 >>65941

>>65983 Qpost Deltas for June 22: Cuomo | EXTREMELY Damaging piece on (D)s nursing home deaths! | Digital warriors ready - Prepare Memes / Music | China / Elections

>>65942 Wife of Titan pilot and OceanGate CEO is great-great-granddaughter of Macy's founder and his spouse made famous in James Cameron's Titanic film

>>65943 Usually after a censure and ethics probe, indictment follows

>>65944, >>65947, >>65946, >>65948, >>65953 Ms. Lee questions Durham

>>65945, >>65949, >>65958, >>65973, >>65974, >>65979 Titanic submarine bun

>>65950 A military pilot gives Putin a gift - an aviation watch, saying it is a lucky watch that has gone a long way

>>65951 MTG & Elise Stefanik Working to Expunge Trump Impeachment

>>65952 Qpost Delta June 21st: Censor / Censure | Adam Schiff | Durham

>>65954 Far-left group tries to downplay NM’s abysmal child well-being ranking

>>65955, >>65956 Gang slaughtered 46 women at Honduran prison with machetes, guns and flammable liquid

>>65957 DOJ loses bid to move Michael Flynn malicious prosecution suit to DC

>>65959, >>65961, >>65964 Blue umbrella continued

>>65962, >>65967, >>65969, >>65987 'The seal is broken'

>>65963, >>65966, >>65971 Only 25 Reps have been censured in US history

>>65965 Mr. Gooden questions Durham

>>65968 Ed Buck / Adam Schiff

>>65970 DJT: Americans are fed up with the selective justice and two-tiered system in this Country

>>65972, >>65976, >>65975, >>65977 City Leaders Quiet About 4 Kids Found At South Boston Transgender Party Filled With Dead Bodies, Sex Toys, Drugs

>>65978, >>65981, >>65984 Planefag

>>65980 Adult female fraudulently enrolled in BPS high schools, worked for state agency

>>65985, >>65988 Felicity, Arizona

>>65982 Tucker on Twitter Ep. 5

>>65986, >>65989 Qanan


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8b888c No.65991

File: e9f18c6c2d0e214⋯.png (1.39 MB,1080x1068,90:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049858 (220407ZJUN23) Notable: #23393

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8b888c No.65992

File: 97fba94e288069e⋯.png (160.36 KB,490x2634,245:1317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049904 (220416ZJUN23) Notable: Elon Musk deems LGBT activists' terms 'cisgender' and 'cis' to be slurs on Twitter

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>>>/qresearch/19049357 pb

>>>/qresearch/19049358 pb

>>>/qresearch/19049379 pb


'cis' and 'cis-gender' is a slur coming from the hardline queer theory (marxist) lefties who use the trans issue to promote marxist globalism by changing the language to make biological sex seem like it's arbitrary rather than innate. They also like to informally equate it with 'sissy', a clear slur (see below).

Trans activists use 'cis' to dis those who are actual biological males and females by calling them cis-men or cis-women instead of just men and women (along with referring to our birth sex as the "sex assigned at birth" not simply "sex"). Usual tactic of subverting the language to destroy historical categories and replace them with Woke categories.

The term 'cis' supposedly comes from science:



== Elon Musk deems LGBT activists' terms 'cisgender' and 'cis' to be slurs on Twitter


Elon Musk has taken another consequential stand against gender ideology and its exponents, this time prohibiting the abusive and repeated use of the neologisms "cis" and "cisgender" on Twitter.

The move was spurred by an apparent LGBT activist harassment campaign targeting a gender ideology critic.

James Esses is the co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists, a U.K.-based advocacy group of counselors, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists "with a shared concern about the impact of gender identity ideology on children and young people."

Esses tweeted Monday, "I formally and publicly declare that I reject the label of 'cis'. I don’t believe in gender ideology. I don’t self-identify as 'cis'. Using this term makes me feel unsafe and is demonstrative of your hatred towards me. Anyone who uses the term 'cis' to describe me is a bigot."

LGBT activists took the bait, barraging Esse with messages calling him "cis," a "cissy," and accusing him of having a "cissyfit."

Esses eventually responded, noting he had received a "slew of messages from trans activists calling me 'cissy' and telling me that I am 'cis' 'whether or not I like it,'" adding, "Just imagine if the roles were reversed."

Early Wednesday morning, Musk laid down the law, writing, "Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions. The words 'cis' or 'cisgender' are considered slurs on this platform."


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8b888c No.65993

File: f86eb16021f4972⋯.jpeg (404.34 KB,1241x1628,1241:1628,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0bf0683cf5509bc⋯.jpeg (425.96 KB,1241x1612,1241:1612,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049906 (220417ZJUN23) Notable: DC Draino on fact checkers running cover for CIA

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8b888c No.65994

File: 353e2bd5a3a8503⋯.png (668.45 KB,634x845,634:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 056dfbd7cc433af⋯.png (194.36 KB,634x357,634:357,Clipboard.png)

File: aff91094ca101ea⋯.png (249.17 KB,464x624,29:39,Clipboard.png)

File: d72a8868a9261cf⋯.png (628.42 KB,910x961,910:961,Clipboard.png)

File: 6496c9c4e4082fe⋯.png (700.93 KB,660x1146,110:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049913 (220419ZJUN23) Notable: Titan sub discussion

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REVEALED: Wife of Titan pilot and OceanGate CEO is great-great-granddaughter of Macy's founder and his spouse made famous in James Cameron's smash movie as the elderly couple embracing on bed as Titanic went down

Wendy Rush is the wife of Stockton Rush, the founder and CEO of OceanGate, who is on board the missing Titanic tourist submersible

Rush's great-great-grandfather, Isidor Straus, co-owned Macy's with his brother Nathan: Straus and his wife Ida died on board the Titanic

In James Cameron's 1997 film, Straus and his wife are depicted lying on their bed in their first-class cabin as the water rises around them

June 21, 2023

The wife of the CEO of OceanGate, who was piloting the missing Titanic tourist submersible, is descended from a wealthy New York couple who drowned on the Titanic when the famed ship hit an iceberg in 1912.

Wendy Rush is the wife of Stockton Rush, one of the five people trapped in a Titan sub that went missing Sunday after a trip to visit the Titanic wreckage.

Crews are now racing to try and find the missing sub in a massive international rescue effort.

Wendy's great-great-grandparents, Isidor and Ida Straus, died in the 1912 disaster.

Isidor is a co-founder of Macy's department store. He and his wife were featured in James Cameron's 1997 film about the disaster as the two fictionalized versions were shown embraced on a better as water rushed into the ship and around them.

The pair had in real life been offered seats on a lifeboat - her as a woman, and him as a well-known former congressman and co-owner of Macy's department store. But Isidor refused, saying he would not go until all the women and children had gone, and Ida then refused to go without her husband of 40 years.

She gave her mink coat to her maid, Ellen Bird, to keep her warm as she sailed away on the lifeboat.

Wendy Rush, born Wendy Hollings Weil, married engineer and entrepreneur Stockton Rush in 1986.

She is descended from Isidor and Ida Straus's daughter Minnie, who married Dr. Richard Weil in 1905.

Their son, Richard Weil Jr., later served as president of Macy's New York, and his son, Dr. Richard Weil III, is Wendy Rush's father, The New York Times reported.

Wendy Rush has visited the Titanic wreckage three times with her husband's company in the last two years, and works as OceanGate's communications director.

Stockton Rush, 61, founded OceanGate in 2009.

The Seattle-born, Princeton-educated aeronautical engineer worked on fighter jets and initially hoped to go to Mars before switching his attention to the sea.

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12220775/Submersible-pilots-wife-descendant-famous-Titanic-couple-died-arm-arm.html

In other Titanic news, the Grandson needs somebody to sit on his face to make him feel better... true story...

"'Your stepdad is lost at sea!' California man whose billionaire stepfather is on missing sub asks OnlyFans model to SIT on him 30 minutes after pleading for prayers, as he triggers war of words with Cardi B over Blink-182 concert

British billionaire Hamish Harding is among those on OceanGate's Titan sub

His stepson Brian Szasz posted about going to a Blink-182 concert on Monday


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8b888c No.65995

File: 3d81962dba36d9e⋯.mp4 (13.96 MB,518x288,259:144,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049929 (220422ZJUN23) Notable: Durham hearing news & discussion

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Van Drew: Danchenko was a foreign agent, who the FBI was paying hundreds of thousand of taxpayer dollars, tells a blatant lie, which leads to four FISA applications, and lays the foundation for the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax…one of the greatest disgraces this country, in my opinion, has ever seen. Americans are literally paying the price for this corruption…Mr. Durham, is it accurate to say the Crossfire Hurricane investigators made little to no effort to corroborate Danchenko's events relating to Millian?

Durham: That would be correct.

Van Drew: And is it accurate to say that despite not corroborating this information, that Crossfire Hurricane still used the Millian accusation to bolster the Carter Page FISA applications.

Durham: That information was used in the initial FISA application, and the three renewal applications.

Van Drew: So the answer is yes.

Durham: Yes.

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8b888c No.65996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049933 (220423ZJUN23) Notable: Titan sub discussion

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My Theory only...The people in the sub were already dead when they dropped them into the ocean...let them drop to whatever depth...and now we are just waiting for them to be brought up dead...easy pleasy...

One thing that bothers me on this whole thing is why didn't they have at least two locators pingers on that sub??(almost all subs and semi-subs have the pingers...even cheap ones would work)...my theory is they probably do have them, but you can't use them if you are already dead...

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8b888c No.65997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049953 (220427ZJUN23) Notable: Titan sub discussion

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You would expect an buoyancy system be triggered after set time.

If sub near surface it would be easy to launch a satellite location distress device that would float above water.

Even a low frequency noise generator would allow them to triangulate their position.

So much wrong about this playstation submarine.

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8b888c No.65998

File: d0d4b569eaa43b8⋯.png (220.26 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19049954 (220427ZJUN23) Notable: Boat fagging 3 hours of air left on sub TITAN

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The French ship L'ATALANTE is now at 2 knots, she might be launching the Victor 6000. Was not able to get a positive ID on those other two ships now with her. There is another track coming in fro the west, same as the others, satellite track only

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8b888c No.65999

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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