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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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870cef No.42883 [Last50 Posts]

/qresearch/ South Africa

Re-Posts of Notables

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870cef No.43896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18796453 (041720ZMAY23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun / “G4S vows to cooperate after contracts with DCS are terminated” due to the “the brazen prison escape of Thabo Bester” (video)

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“Thabo Bester | A since Facebook rapist escape” - https://youtu.be/feIfdbiWGmY

3 May 2023 marked exactly a year since Thabo Bester made his daring escape from the Mangaung Correctional Centre. Months on the run led to him and his partner, Nandipha Magudumana, being caught in Tanzania. Aviwe Mtila reports.

“G4S vows to cooperate after contracts with DCS are terminated” due to the “the brazen prison escape of Thabo Bester”



Cape Town - Security company G4S confirmed that all Bloemfontein Correctional Contracts (BCC) issued to them through the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) have been terminated.

In a statement, a G4S South Africa spokesperson said they noted the notice of termination.

“G4S South Africa notes that the Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has issued a notice of termination to Bloemfontein Correctional Contracts (BCC), an independent private company that has held the contract to manage the Mangaung Correctional Centre (MCC) since 2000.

“Over the past 22 years, MCC has had a strong track record and has been recognised as a well-run centre by a number of independent oversight bodies, including the Human Rights Commission and the Judicial Inspectorate of Correctional Services (JICS), which, in October 2022, assigned MCC the highest possible rating for a correctional centre,” the statement read.

Earlier this week, DCS said they “decided to terminate its concession contract with BCC”.

This comes after the brazen prison escape of Thabo Bester.

“In line with the concession agreement, a termination notice for a period of 90 days has been given to BCC, and thereafter, the contract will cease to operate,” DCS said in a statement.

An internal exercise for takeover process will resume.

G4S further said: “G4S South Africa holds a non-controlling minority investment in BCC, and on 22 November 2019, announced that upon expiry of BCC’s contract to manage MCC, G4S would no longer be investing in correctional services in South Africa.

“G4S is committed to investment in South Africa, but it remains G4S’s firm intention to discontinue all investment in correctional services in South Africa. The company will continue to co-operate with BCC and DCS and will seek to agree an orderly transition of services when BCC’s contract to manage MCC comes to an end.”

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870cef No.43897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18796458 (041721ZMAY23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun / G4S: South Africa and History – Part 1

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G4S – South Africa and History – Part 1


The Public Private Partnership was the first of its kind in South Africa and G4S is proud to be a part of the consortium responsible for the design, construction and financing of the project. G4S signed a 25-year contract to operate the facility as sub-contractor to the consortium. Mangaung is the second largest private prison in the world and opened in 2001. The purpose-built prison ensures that even though facilities are extensive and provide a range of opportunities for inmates to learn and develop new skills, security is tight and controlled at all times.

Internationally, our Care & Justice Services are built on successful custodial and information businesses, specialising in prison management and security, including institutions for juveniles, electronic tagging of prisoners, and the escorting/transportation of prisoners.


We support our knowledge of global security trends with a deep understanding of our customers’ unique needs. We have an enviable heritage with more than 100 years in the security industry.

2020 -

2020 - The sale of the majority of G4S's conventional Cash Solutions businesses to The Brink's Company was completed. The G4S Academy is launched, establishing one place to share G4S's global expertise. G4S launches COVID-19 business continuity plans and employee protective measures to deliver safe and reliable services to our customers. G4S secures a 10-year contract to run new UK prison, HMP Five Wells. G4S launches the 2020 G4S Supplier Code of Conduct and Inclusion Council. Later in the year, G4S board unanimously recommends offer from Allied Universal to buy G4S.

2021 - G4S is delisted from London Stock Exchange as Allied Universal completes the acquisition of G4S.

2022 - Allied Universal acquires Attenti Group, one of the world’s leading electronic monitoring companies. It also acquires Century Event Security & Staffing which provides security and events services in Las Vegas and Orlando - two of the top exhibition industry cities in the U.S. G4S Secure Solutions UK acquires T.S.S (Total Security Solutions), a major UK provider of security services in the retail sector. The company also wins a four-year contract to provide security services for the London Legacy Development Corporation, which manages Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. G4S Care and Rehabilitation Services wins a ten-year contract to continue operating HMP Parc in Bridgend, South Wales.

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870cef No.43898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18796464 (041722ZMAY23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun / G4S: South Africa and History – Part 2

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G4S – South Africa and History – Part 2


2000 - 2019

2000 - Group 4 and Falck merge to become Group 4 Falck.

In early 2000s, Group 4 Falck acquires security businesses in Germany, Austria, Finland, the Czech Republic, Norway and Hungary, France and South Africa. The company enters the US security market by acquiring The Wackenhut Corporation, the second largest security services company in the US and acquires a Danish intruder alarm business.

Securicor acquires businesses in Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia and the US.

2002 - Nick Buckles becomes CEO of Securicor.

2004 - Securicor merges with Group 4 Falck's security businesses to form Group 4 Securicor (G4S) and begins trading on the London and Copenhagen Stock Exchange.

2005 - Lars Nørby Johansen is succeeded as CEO by Nick Buckles.

2006 - Wackenhut wins a key fire protection and emergency response contract with NASA. G4S announces sponsorship of Skandia Team GBR, backing Britain’s Olympic sailing bid in Beijing 2008 and London 2012.

2007 - G4S 4teen, an innovative global sports development programme, is launched.

In 2007 - 2008, G4S makes acquisitions in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Mozambique and begins providing electronic monitoring equipment and services in New Zealand. In 2008, G4S acquires RONCO Consulting Corporation, one of the world's premier humanitarian and commercial mine action, ordinance disposal and security companies, a support and justice service provider GSL, and Armorgroup, a leading provider of defensive and protective services to national governments and international peace and security agencies.

2008 - A landmark agreement is reached with UNI, the global union federation, on an Ethical Employment Partnership, driving improvements in employment standards across the security industry.

G4S is selected as a support contractor for the US Department of Energy

2009 - G4S acquires Secura Monde International Limited and Shiremoor International Engineering Limited, the UK’s leading specialist banknote and high security technical and commercial advisory companies. Same year in the US, G4S acquires All Star International, a facilities management company that provided services to the US Government and Adesta, US-based provider of integrated security systems. In Asia, G4S acquires Hill & Associates Consultants Limited, Asia’s leading provider of specialist risk mitigation consulting services.

In 2010 - 2011, G4S acquires Munt Centrale in the Netherlands, Plantech and Instalarme in Brazil, Skycom in Africa and The Cotswold Group, an intelligence and investigation company in the UK.

2011 - G4S is awarded two prison contracts and three work programme regions in the UK.

2012 - G4S appoints John Connolly as new chairman. The acquisitions continue when G4S acquires Deposita, South Africa’s leading provider of retail cash solutions technology, and Chubb Emergency Response that provides key holding and response services in the UK.

2013 - G4S launches its landmark human rights policy. Ashley Almanza succeeds Nick Buckles as Group CEO.

2016 - G4S secures a renewed 20-year deal to manage Port Phillip Prison in Victoria, Australia, and becomes the first private security company to secure the UK's Royal Mint.

2017 - G4S joins FTSE4GOOD index in recognition its strong commitment to CSR. G4S is selected to secure Hinkley Point C, the first nuclear power station built in the UK in a generation. In Africa, G4S is awarded Top Employer in 13 countries.

2018 - A new organisational structure creates a Global Cash Division and consolidates Secure Solutions businesses into four regions: Americas, Europe & Middle East, Africa and Asia. The G4S World Cash Report 2018 is published.

2019 - G4S board approves separation of Cash Solutions from the Group. G4S Risk Management is granted membership of the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA) which promotes responsible private security. Cash Solutions in the Netherlands acquires SecurCash.

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870cef No.43899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18796466 (041722ZMAY23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun / G4S: South Africa and History – Part 3

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G4S – South Africa and History – Part 3


1980 - 1999

1988 - Falck is acquired by Baltica, a Danish insurance company. Jørgen Philip-Sørensen takes responsibility for Group 4’s European activities. Securicor Chairman Peter Smith is awarded the OBE for services to the security industry.

1990 - Securicor establishes its Custodial Services operations.

1991 - Group 4 begins managing the first privatised prison in the UK, at Wolds in Humberside.

1993 - Falck acquires the security business of ISS Securitas, to become Falck Securitas.

1995 - Falck is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange.

1997 - Securicor acquires the first Private Finance Initiative prison in the UK.

In the 1990s, Falck acquires security businesses in the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Germany, Poland and Estonia.

Group 4 acquires businesses in Austria, Belgium, Canada and Turkey, establishes operations in the United Arab Emirates and Ukraine, starts activities in Bangladesh and provides security services to governments and private organisations in Hungary.

1950 - 1979

1950 - Philip-Sørensen family businesses are consolidated as Securitas International.

1951 - Night Guards becomes Securicor.

1963 - Falck buys Zonen Redningskorps, an independent fire and rescue service in Denmark.

1965 - Jørgen Philip-Sørensen is appointed managing director of his family’s UK businesses.

1968 - The Philip-Sørensen group of companies becomes Group 4 (Total Security).

1971 - Securicor Group Limited and Security Services Limited are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

1901 - 1949

1901 - Marius Hogrefe starts the guarding company Kjøbenhavn Frederiksberg Nattevagt in Denmark.

1906 - Sophus Falck establishes Redningskorpset, an independent fire and rescue service.

1908 - Redningskorpset establishes the first automobile ambulance in Scandinavia.

1930 - Falck becomes a nationwide operator in Denmark.

1934 - The Philip-Sørensen family establishes Securitas AB in Sweden.

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870cef No.43900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18796530 (041739ZMAY23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun / Public Private Partnerships of South Africa

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>The Public Private Partnership was the first of its kind in South Africa and G4S is proud to be a part of the consortium responsible for the design, construction and financing of the project.

“Public Private Partnerships of South Africa”


South Africa is a leader in public–private partnerships in the southern African region, with a highly developed dedicated legal structure in place. The 1999 Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulation 16 cover national and provincial procedures while municipal public–private partnerships are governed by the 2003 Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). The legal and regulatory framework for public–private partnerships defines differences between national and provincial PPPs, and municipal PPPs in terms of areas of interest and advocacy of public participation. However, affordability, value for money and risk transfers remain common objectives to both frameworks. A PPP unit was founded in 2004 to achieve standardisation and the swift financial close of projects. A unique feature of public–private partnership legislation in South Africa is the terms for Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) articulated as a compatible key objective. PPP legislation defines BEE requirements to alleviate both the precedence of inequality in South Africa and the inequalities that can arise from public–private partnerships in developing countries.

National public–private partnerships far outnumber the quantity of municipal projects in South Africa, though the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Client (MIIC) advocates PPPs and some have been achieved, such as the DTI Provincial Accommodation Project. Mistrust by labour unions still characterises the use of PPPs in municipalities, with anxiety surrounding the average unemployment rate of 26 per cent. Health care and transport are core areas for public–private partnerships in South Africa, with the build–operate–own–transfer model most prevalent.


Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly seen in Africa as an essential mechanism to design, build, finance and/or operate infrastructure facilities hitherto provided by the public sector.

Constraints on public sector resources, growing pressure on government budgets across Africa and concerns about the efficiency [or deliberate failures] of service provision by state enterprises and agencies have led to many governments stepping-up their efforts to encourage partnerships with the private sector.

From the perspective of the private sector, PPPs are becoming increasingly viewed as an effective way to mitigate some of the risks associated with privately-financed and managed projects in Africa. By involving public sector partners, some of the bottlenecks leading to delays and difficulties can be unblocked.

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870cef No.43901

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18797342 (042106ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Winter load shedding warning: From bad to worse - right back to bad

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“Winter load shedding warning: From bad to worse – right back to bad”


4 May 2023

South Africa has been warned that winter load shedding is likely to be the worst on record – but load shedding won’t magically disappear once the worst is over, and Eskom’s resources are wearing thin.

As winter approaches, energy experts have warned that severe load shedding could hit new highs.

In winter, the daily peak electricity consumption increases from an average of 32,000MW in summer to 36,000MW. This is due to the extended use of electrical heating devices, lights, and geysers.

Researchers and analysts estimate that the power shortage during mid-winter will be 2,000MW more than in 2022. Therefore, there may be power outages of up to 8,000MW – the equivalent of stage 8 load shedding – on some days.

Others have given an even more bleak outlook, noting that demand could push up as high as 37,000MW, while Eskom is currently struggling to consistently generate 27,000MW, leaving a 10,000MW (stage 10) hole to be filled by load shedding.

According to the Democratic Alliance, the electricity minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa has suggested that one of the immediate proposals to stave off load shedding in the near-term is to use open-cycle gas turbines (OCGT) to supplement generating capacity from Eskom.

However, OCGTs are typically used as a temporary solution during maintenance or breakdowns and when there are supply issues from Eskom, the DA said. They are not intended to be a permanent solution.

This line of argument has also been repeated by energy regulator Nersa, which has limited Eskom’s diesel budget for energy generation for this exact reason.

The DA noted that to keep load shedding at a manageable level during the winter months, Eskom would need to use its entire proposed diesel budget for the financial year within six months – costing roughly R30 billion.

“When pressed on how Eskom would source more funds for diesel for the balance of the financial year, (Ramokgopa) suggested that a portion of the funds generated through the 18.65% electricity tariff increase could be used to fund diesel purchases,” said the DA.

“While it seems a feasible solution, it is deeply concerning that the tariff increase, which should be used for the upgrading and development of electricity infrastructure, would be used to buy diesel.”

From worse to bad

South Africa is currently gripped by stage 6 load shedding, with breakdowns remaining persistently high. As Eskom brings generating units back to services, those that have been carrying the load in the interim break down.

The DA added that sourcing funds for diesel after the winter ‘burning frenzy’ is another huge issue – and the utility will likely be asking for more money. This is on top of the more than R250 billion debt takeover from National Treasury, and billions more expected to paid over in debt relief for municipalities.

“While it is of some comfort that the minister is alert to and focused on the increased demand during winter – there are other seasons in a year,” the party said.

“We are currently in autumn, and load-shedding is lurching between stages, hitting stage 6 with regular monotony. It doesn’t help to limit the stages in winter only to be unable to mitigate for spring and summer, especially when we are looking at a depleted budget and limitations on the ability of the OCGTs to burn large quantities of diesel.

The minister has faced backlash from multiple angles, with many noting that his overall energy plan is nothing new – OCGTs have often already been used when capacity is low.

Hugo Pienaar, chief economist at the Bureau for Economic Research (BER) at Stellenbosch University, said that the interventions proposed by Ramokgopa are not new and have been ongoing for years. He expressed frustration at the suggestions being presented as novel.

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870cef No.43902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18797359 (042111ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report (Parts 1&2)

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>>>/qresearch/18668622 Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part One

>>>/qresearch/18777739 Final Eskom and Water Crisis Bun Part Two

“Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report” – 1 of 2


4 May 2023

The Gauteng High Court has reportedly given the ANC the right to serve papers relating to its defamation claim against former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter – in Germany.

According to News24 [https://www.news24.com/fin24/economy/anc-to-serve-papers-on-de-ruyter-in-germany-20230504], the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has given the governing party an “edictal citation”, allowing it to serve court papers in a foreign country.

An authorised official under German law will serve the papers to de Ruyter.

De Ruyter went to ground following an explosive interview with eNCA [https://businesstech.co.za/news/energy/666921/de-ruyter-strikes-back-blows-the-lid-on-anc-corruption-political-interference-and-worse-load-shedding-this-winter/] where he made explosive claims of entrenched corruption at Eskom, perpetrated by the ANC.

He alleged that a “high-ranking politician” was directly involved in corruption, and when he reported this to a “senior minister”, the minister in question alluded to being aware of the activity.

The former CEO’s claims made headlines, with opposition parties and South Africans at large speculating on the identities of the politicians mentioned and demanding that de Ruyter name them.

The ANC denied the allegations, and said that de Ruyter had to report the matter to the authorities, open a case with the SAPS, and retract his statements pertaining to the party or face legal action.

However, de Ruyter was nowhere to be seen following the interview, and the ANC struggled to locate him to serve him court papers.

While de Ruyter did finally make an appearance to give his statements to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts in April, his presence was virtual, raising questions as to where he was based.

The former CEO only gave vague indications during his interview with ENCA that it might be in the best interests of his and his family’s safety that he leave the country.

Deep trouble

During his presentation to Scopa, de Ruyter said that his life was not currently under threat, and that he had not received any new threats since his alleged poisoning at the end of 2022.

However, the former Eskom executive is in high demand, with many parties seeking answers to the various claims he has made.

According to News24 investigations, de Ruyter’s claims appear to be based on several intelligence reports that were commissioned by the CEO, which contained some outlandish allegations with little to no evidence to back them up.

Not only is de Ruyter on the hook for not repeating those allegations on a very public platform – and naming the ANC in them – but also for the potentially illegal nature of the private investigation from which they were sourced.

As reported by City Press [https://www.news24.com/citypress/news/eskom-secrets-disturb-authorities-20230429], parliament, the State Security Agency (SSA) and the Public Enterprise’s department want to know how unvetted operatives were given unrestrained access to sensitive information at Eskom during the investigations, while the authorised agencies were given no information.

Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) member Sakhumzi Moyo also previously said that the investigation could pose a risk to Eskom as de Ruyter was also not properly vetted.

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870cef No.43903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18797363 (042111ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report (Parts 1&2)

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“Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report” – 2 of 2


4 May 2023

Answers coming soon?

Speaking to Scopa, de Ruyter was questioned over the senior minister and high-ranking politician he alleged were aware of the entrenched corruption at Eskom.

However, he remained tight-lipped and refused to name names, citing security and litigation risks. He directed Scopa to ask Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, as he was best suited to answer the committee’s questions.

Gordhan is currently in China trying to solve ongoing issues relating to rail contracts but will be invited to appear before Scopa after his trip.

Moreover, the security advisor to President Cyril Ramaphosa, Dr Sydney Mufamadi – also named by de Ruyter as someone who can name specific politicians – is also expected to appear before Scopa.

“The committee plans to meet these cited parties to get more information on the allegations made by Mr de Ruyter. Mr de Ruyter has told SCOPA to contact the HAWKS, Mr Gordhan and Dr Mufamadi for further details on the allegations that he made in the eNCA interview,” the committee said.

“He indicated that he reported the identity of a high-ranking politician as well as individuals he referred to in his interview as allegedly involved in criminal activities in Eskom to Mr Gordhan, Dr Mufamadi and the HAWKS.”

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870cef No.43904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18801277 (051759ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding” – (Part 1)


5 May 2023

Eskom’s System Operator has updated its code of practice around load-shedding that will govern how municipalities must respond to Stage 9 or higher power cuts, News24 reports, https://www.news24.com/fin24/economy/stage-9-and-beyond-protocols-get-ready-to-roll-20230505.

Chair of the National Rationalized Specifications (NRS) Association, Vally Padayachee, said the new code would be submitted to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) in the coming days.

Once approved by Nersa, the code holds legal status.

“There has been a lot of consultation, but we need to now put a stop date on it for the sake of the grid,” Padayachee said in an interview on Tuesday, 2 May 2023.

“We cannot guarantee that in winter, we will not go beyond Stage 8.”

He highlighted issues that could occur if South Africa were to go into Stage 9 load-shedding without a new code in place.

“Then the System Operator and municipal electricity distributors would have to use their own respective operating procedures to protect the national grid,” said Padayachee.

“In that environment, the propensity for human error is very possible.”

While he didn’t explicitly mention what could result from such human error, the codes of practice surrounding load-shedding are designed to protect the integrity of the grid.

Failure to follow the code, or the absence of the code, could result in the grid frequency fluctuating above or below 50Hz — the frequency that keeps the grid alive.

If this were to happen, the grid could collapse and plunge the country into darkness. Restarting the grid is difficult and time-consuming, and South Africa could be without power for weeks.

Eskom’s System Operator sets out how electrical load is shared among users, and the previous code only gave distributors directives up to Stage 8.

Each stage of Eskom’s rotational power cuts equals up to 1,000MW of load being shed. Under Stage 8, South African residents are subjected to 48 hours of power cuts in a four-day cycle of 96 hours.

Stage 9 load-shedding would require more hours, which is set out in the System Operator’s new code of practice.

Padayachee, in April 2023, said Eskom was reviewing the load-shedding framework to prepare for stages higher than Stage 8.

“Eskom’s grid is at a critical stage, and no professional can guarantee that South Africa could not go beyond stage 8 load-shedding,” he said.

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870cef No.43905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18801280 (051800ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding” – (Part 2)


5 May 2023

Stage 9 is on the cards this winter

In April 2023, energy expert Clyde Mallinson revealed that South Africa could face Stage 9 load-shedding this winter during a load-shedding forecast presentation.

He said Eskom faces an 11,000MW shortfall in generation capacity, which would likely mean 2,000MW load-curtailment and Stage 9 load-shedding will be necessary.

Load-curtailment is used to reduce demand on the grid from energy-intensive users like mines and smelters.

Stage 9 load-shedding would mean that households and regular businesses are without power for more than half the day.

“I hope if we do touch stage 9, it will be for very brief periods, like between 17:00 and 20:00 at night,” said Mallinson.

Professor Mark Swilling, co-director of the Centre for Sustainability Transitions at the University of Stellenbosch, concurs with Mallinson’s prediction.

He said the current load-shedding situation would worsen as winter sets in if there is no improvement to Eskom’s generation performance.

He advised that South African brace for higher stages of load-shedding as demand on the grid increases.

Mallinson’s prediction aligns with information shared by Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa.

Ramokgopa said the state-owned power utility would face a shortfall of 8,000 to 11,000 megawatts this winter — which could mean stage 8 to stage 11 load-shedding.

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870cef No.43906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18801509 (051913ZMAY23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way (video)

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“President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way”


May 5, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa has revealed that a health revolution is on the way.

He told the 2nd Presidential Health Summit in Boksburg that the National Health Insurance Bill aims to create a universal healthcare system for all South Africans.

“Concern mounts after survey reveals NHI would force 40% of SA doctors to emigrate”


Published Jan 3, 2020

Durban - South African doctors in private practice strongly oppose the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill and believe that about 40% of doctors would emigrate if a universal health-care system was implemented.

The SA Medical Association (Sama), which represents 17000 doctors across the country, said the organisation could not support the bill, as it was tantamount to creating a “monopoly” in the health-care sector.

The bill is a financing system that pools funds and aims to provide universal access to quality health care for all South African and non-South African citizens, regardless of their financial ability to pay or socio-economic status.

Sama said: “The establishment of the NHI as a single, monopolistic purchaser for health care opens its structures up to large-scale corruption.”

The organisation said the changes the bill proposed could cause wide-scale harm to the delivery of health care if they were not managed properly, and that the bill had been introduced during a time where there was deep public mistrust of the government.

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870cef No.43907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18810723 (071418ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Jan Oberholzer discusses Jacques Pauw’s “distasteful article” [English Translation] (video)

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Jan Oberholzer discusses Jacques Pauw’s “distasteful article” [English Translation] – a Jan Oberholzer book deal changed into an Andre de Ruyter article for Naspers (News24)


English translation

5:00 – “Now how does the matter of Jacques Pauw come to the table? And I think it's important for me to be absolutely open and honest about it. Many people have asked me to write a book. A book about my life, my view on Eskom. My father worked for Eskom for 25 years, so I basically grew up in an Eskom house. I had been an Eskom student, a scholarship holder. I then worked at Eskom for 26 years, I've been gone for 10 years and for the last 5 years I was the group's chief operating officer… Two publishers approached me and told me to write them a letter letting them understand my life and also if I can share what went wrong. From my point of view, what went wrong?… I didn't know how one does it. I basically knew nothing… Because I know Jacques, I contacted Jacques and said, "Jacques, will you please help me. How does one write a book?" Jacques then said, "I’ll get back to you." He came back and said he would be my ghost writer and I wanted to ask, “what is a ghost writer?” Then he said that he will help me write my book. We then agreed with one of the publishers, we signed a contract to write the book… I was very clear from the beginning, this is my story. Nobody else's story… I made it clear that the information is already in the public eye and it will not be anything that Eskom is not aware of but there may be more details. Confidentiality agreements will also be signed… and it was all shared with Jacques. Jacques asked me that he wanted to talk to people in the meantime to get some background and information. And I opened the door to Bowmans [?], to George Fivas, to Tony specifically and I must say that I regard Tony as a very professional person… I have no knowledge of what Tony did during the Apartheid years. I also opened the door for him to two of the former intelligence agents and of course to other people as well. Jacques went and he met these people. When he came back he told me he could no longer write this book and unilaterally canceled the contract with the publisher that was signed by three parties… The next moment this article appeared in News24. So it was a surprise and distasteful to me.I question the ethical values of many people.

17:03 – “I've known Andre for three years, a little more than three years, and what I've experienced with Andre, I don't believe he would say something he can't prove.

17:56 – “In my second stint at Eskom, I think I went through seven or eight investigations where they tried to discredit and get rid of me. In May last year, my family and myself also received a very uncomfortable bomb threat.”

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870cef No.43908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816313 (081907ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / “De Ruyter's claims on Eskom graft wild and untested" - News24 [Jacques Pauw] (video)

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>“I've known Andre for three years, a little more than three years, and what I've experienced with Andre, I don't believe he would say something he can't prove.”


>There isn't a shred of evidence on which Gen Engelbrecht can be prosecuted and we challenge Mr Pauw to demonstrate on what grounds he believes Gen Engelbrecht could be charged.

>Dear President Zuma

>I accept that you have taken note of Mr Jacques Pauw's appeal to you in Rapport of 10th instant to keep your word by "bringing to book every one of the policemen who murdered". You would have made this promise to him in Harare in February 1990.

>Should you heed Mr Pauw's call and order that prosecutions be instituted against the police of the old South Africa, is the question of whether you will then "bring to book" all the ANC members who committed murder and other atrocities. Mr Pauw is evidently not bothered with the murders and atrocities committed by the ANC.



>Pauw is the king of the stratcom media cabal. Had it not been for the CCTV footage, Pauw would have gotten away with this lie. His story would have stuck and the question is how many such stories have been carried without proper editorial scrutiny.

>The information was simply handed over to him – an argument some have made against him when he rubbished the many years of journalist Chris Steyn’s investigation into members of the National Party who were involved in child sex and paedophile rings.


“ESKOM DIRTY DOSSIER | Revealed: Apartheid spook behind De Ruyter's R50m off-the-books Project Ostrich” - https://www.news24.com/news24/investigations/eskom-dirty-dossier-revealed-apartheid-spook-behind-de-ruyters-r50m-off-the-books-project-ostrich-20230426

“De Ruyter's claims on Eskom graft wild and untested - News24 [Jacques Pauw]”


Apr 27, 2023

The evidence used by former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter to implicate top officials in government and the ANC in corruption, is wild and untested. That's according to News24 after it blew the lid on an off-the-books investigation into graft at the parastatal. The report was compiled by an intelligence operative, implicated in apartheid-era crimes.

Investigative journalist and author, Jacques Pauw unpacks his now aborted book on Eskom.

14:37 – “George Fivaz yesterday in some statement he released accused me of ‘Stratcom’ operation with other words sort of like a dirty tricks operation against him. I mean Fivas is talking about the Stratcom. The Stratcom operation is in the reports he produced.”

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870cef No.43909

File: 8000146d3acb8f8⋯.gif (13.66 KB,573x337,573:337,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816337 (081913ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Saps History - George Fivaz

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>I opened the door to Bowmans [?], to George Fivas, to Tony


>“George Fivaz yesterday in some statement he released accused me of ‘Stratcom’ operation with other words sort of like a dirty tricks operation against him. I mean Fivas is talking about the Stratcom. The Stratcom operation is in the reports he produced.”


>Moreover, the security advisor to President Cyril Ramaphosa, Dr Sydney Mufamadi – also named by de Ruyter as someone who can name specific politicians

Saps History – George Fivaz


South Africa became an internationally-accepted democracy in 1994 when President Nelson Mandela was elected as the first President of the new South Africa, bringing the era of "apartheid" to an end. This new democratic order brought about many changes in the country and also had a substantial impact on policing. Mr Sydney Mufamadi was appointed as the first Minister for Safety and Security in the new South Africa. He was assisted by Deputy Minister Joe Matthews.

Prior to 1995, South Africa was divided into the so-called TBVC States, Self-Governing Territories and Development Regions (old South Africa). The TBVC States had independent status but were not widely recognized by the international community. The TBVC States and Self-Governing Territories were also referred to as Homelands (see map). These so-called Homelands were the following:

• TBVC States: Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei

• Self-Governing Territories: Gazankulu, Kangwane, Kwandebele, Kwazulu, Lebowa and Qwaqwa

Every Homeland had its own policing agency, bringing the total number of policing agencies in the country to eleven (ten homelands and the old South African Police). All eleven policing agencies had different uniforms, rank structures and conditions of service and were established under different legislation.

With the adoption of the interim Constitution in 1994, the Homelands and old development regions were abolished and integrated into a united South Africa with nine provinces. The new Constitution established a single National Police Service for South Africa under the executive command and control of a National Commissioner who is appointed by the President.

On 29 January 1995, General George Fivaz was appointed by President Nelson Mandela as the first National Commissioner of the new South African Police Service (click here for his inauguration speech, https://www.saps.gov.za/about/fivaz_inauguration_speech.php). National Commissioner George Fivaz had the responsibility to first and foremost amalgamate the eleven policing agencies into a single united South African Police Service and secondly to align the new Police Service to new legislation and the process of transformation in South Africa.

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870cef No.43910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816392 (081927ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Saps History - George Fivaz

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>But through some heavy drinking, deception and a lot of luck, we [South African Breweries] managed to burgle $3 million. [Meyer Kahn speech - https://youtu.be/Zi0Tcx_vSLk]

"To step up the crime intelligence capacity in KwaZulu/Natal . That is really to get down to the bolts and nuts of crime. Intelligence to pre-empt to be in a position to pre-empt. To be in a position to anticipate what is going to happen in certain areas , you have to infiltrate certain groupings and the activities certain individuals in KwaZulu/Natal.” (4 Jan 1996) [George Fivas] - https://youtu.be/azstFFycAIM [embedded]

George Fivaz


National Commissioner of the South African Police Service. Fivaz, appointed in 1995, was the first non-military person to hold this office. His major tasks were to 'civilianise' the service, to reorganise its structures in order to reflect its new priorities in a new South Africa and to stem the rising tide of crime.


Published Oct 29, 1999

He added that he and Safety and Security Minister Steve Tshwete had an excellent working relationship and that when they reached the stage where they were discussing Fivaz's future, it was Fivaz who suggested that he retire and a black commissioner take his place.

"He said I should stay on. I said I was willing to help but that staying would be wrong," Fivaz recalled. "It is in the best interests of the police to have a black commissioner - only then will people believe in the transformation of the police."

On the day Fivaz's successor was announced, parliament's public accounts committee accused him and SAPS chief executive officer Meyer Kahn [who worked for South African Breweries and was appointed by Nelson Mandela, 14-jaa-winner-meyer-kahn.pdf] of severe mismanagement of funds.

"It was totally unfair and frustrating. There were many remarks that were totally uncalled for and were the biggest load of rubbish," Fivaz said, fuming with rage. "It's absurd to hear them say the police's financial situation is worse than it was two years ago when Meyer Kahn joined us. It's not by coincidence that he made millions in business."

He explained that 11 police forces had been combined into one. This process had mostly been successful, despite the SAPS inheriting "30 000 illiterate policemen".


George Fivaz & Associates, the management company of our Group of Companies, was founded in 2001 by George Fivaz a previous national police commissioner of South Africa, after recognising the necessity to provide organisations in both the public and private sector with expert strategic safety and security and forensic investigation support services. We assist organisations in mitigating risk factors associated with security threats, corruption, fraud, bribery, theft and non-compliance in both a proactive and reactive manner. Our managers and other specialists are all hand selected individuals with a wealth of experience in the forensic support services industry. These employees were selected on the basis of a proven and impeccable service history, their experience and expertise in the relevant disciplines and their uncompromising integrity. A wealth of expertise of more than a 150 years of combined experience allows us to apply a different approach we do not redesign we improve and revolutionise.

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870cef No.43911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816405 (081932ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Stratom: What it actually was and means

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>Pauw is the king of the stratcom media cabal.

>14:37 – “George Fivaz yesterday in some statement he released accused me of ‘Stratcom’ operation with other words sort of like a dirty tricks operation against him. I mean Fivas is talking about the Stratcom. The Stratcom operation is in the reports he produced.”


>As far as political warfare went we were novices. At that stage we did not have a public relations division or “Stratkom” or “Psy-Ops”. We had to wait at least another decade for a public relations division and two decades before we used “Stratkom”.



27 April 2020 13:09

Stratcom, also known as Strategic Communications, was a police unit setup to create and spread false narratives against political enemies of the National Party government.

JOHANNESBURG - The word 'Stratcom' has re-entered South Africa’s political vocabulary and some politicians and their followers are using it comfortably. They exploit it, particularly on social media, in an attempt to discredit journalists whose work they disagree with. The word initially emerged in the 1990s, in the years leading up to the end of apartheid.

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870cef No.43912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816450 (081945ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy (Parts 1-3)

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>“ANC statement on Andre de Ruyter’s unfortunate decampaigning tactics”

The ANC and other socialist/communists are taking advantage of Jacques Pauw's article. There will be of course no accountability. Not sure if George Fivaz can be trusted. Is this the situation where 2 wrongs make a right?

“SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy” – Part 1


SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023

By Prof. Sipho Seepe

The revelation that former Eskom honcho, Andre de Ruyter, relied on a flawed report compiled by an erstwhile apartheid agent, Tony Oosthuizen, for his seemingly outlandish corruption claims against certain individuals has been met with both shock and relief. Equally disturbing is the fact that Business Leadership SA, a self-styled organisation of ethical leadership funded De Ruyter’s clandestine investigation. De Ruyter was the talk of the town following his widely covered interview with television host Annika Larsen.

De Ruyter’s claims were embarrassing for President Cyril Ramaphosa, Minister Pravin Gordhan, and the ANC. They had stuck their neck out for their man, even in the face of his glaring incompetence. He was treated royally. Today, they use all sorts of expletives to debase/insult their former darling. It has since emerged that De Ruyter did not have the security clearance required for someone in such a key position. Being white in the new dawn is still a passport of privilege, a key to top posts, even when the necessary qualifications and clearances are lacking.

De Ruyter’s detractors are relieved that he has finally exposed himself for what he is. Former president Thabo Mbeki argued that De Ruyter is “the classical extreme right-wing anti¬ communist fanatic of the apartheid years – a man driven by his ideological conviction to destroy the anti-Christ, the ANC! Now it looks very strange indeed that we could have counted on this sworn right-wing enemy of the ANC and the democratic revolution to rescue Eskom from its counter-revolutionary captors!”

The shock that De Ruyter sought the services of an apartheid spy is misplaced. It derives from the general misconception of the post-1994 dispensation. The supposedly new dispensation did not dismantle apartheid’s architecture. If anything, apartheid was given a lease of life. Jonty Steinberg’s description of South Africa’s political transition is worth repeating ad infinitum.

Steinberg observed (Business Day 12/12/2014):

“The freedom South Africans acquired in 1994 was mercurial and slippery. Politically, the changes were dramatic. The electorate expanded overnight to include every adult. But the structure of society stayed much the same. And white people remained white people, doing what white people had always done: running the professions, the corporations, the universities. Expertise, wealth, technical knowledge, social confidence – all of these remained deeply associated with whiteness.”

The persistence of apartheid architecture can be attributed to the fact that the ANC was either unable or unwilling to radically transform the apartheid state. It was satisfied with “inheriting the colonially designed structures that did not serve African needs and demands very well”. The post-1994 dispensation has since metamorphosed into what Professor Ndlovu Gatsheni describes as a “post-colonial neocolonized world” defined by the persistence of “the structural, systemic, cultural, discursive, and epistemological pattern of domination and exploitation that has engulfed Africans since (the advent of colonial domination).”

Africans have been duped to settle for emancipatory pretensions instead of real freedom. Regarding this, Mbeki could not have been more brutally honest.

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870cef No.43913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816471 (081950ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy (Parts 1-3)

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>“ANC statement on Andre de Ruyter’s unfortunate decampaigning tactics” – News24: David Mabuza and Gwede Mantashe mentioned in Andre De Ruyter’s report


“SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy” – Part 2


Mbeki observed:

“South Africa is a country of two nations. One of these nations is white, and relatively prosperous, regardless of gender or geographic dispersal. It has ready access to a developed economic, physical, educational, communication, and other infrastructure… The second and larger nation of South Africa is black and poor, with the worst affected being women in the rural areas, the black rural population in general, and the disabled. “This nation lives under conditions of a grossly underdeveloped economic, physical, educational, communication, and other infrastructure. It has virtually no possibility to exercise what in reality amounts to a theoretical right to equal opportunity, with that right being equal within this black nation only to the extent that it is equally incapable of realization.”

The reproduction of the apartheid architecture is sustained by the skilful deployment of what the French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser describes as the state’s ideological and repressive apparatus. According to Althusser, repressive state apparatus comprise the government, the judiciary, the police, and the armed forces whose basic function is to advance and protect the interest of the ruling class. Ideological state apparatus comprises institutions that shape the master narrative of the time. They are part of the superstructure that provides the theoretical, cultural, and ideological logic that undergirds the system. They include media outlets, churches, social and sports clubs, and the family. Their role is to reinforce the ideas and control of the dominant/ruling class. Accordingly, a social class cannot hold state power unless it simultaneously exercises domination over and through the deployment of the repressive and ideological apparatus.

Apartheid masters understood this very well. Regarding the deployment of the ideological apparatus, Steve Biko eloquently argued. “The logic behind white domination is to prepare the black man for the subservient role in this country… To a large extent, the evildoers have succeeded in producing at the output end of their machine a kind of black man who is man only in form… His heart yearns for the comfort of white society and makes him blame himself for not having been ‘educated’ enough to warrant such luxury. Celebrated achievements by whites in the field of science – which he understands only hazily serve to make him rather convinced of the futility of resistance and to throw away any hopes that change may ever come.”

Commenting on the application of repressive state apparatus, Biko observed: “The white man’s quest for power has led him to destroy with utter ruthlessness whatever has stood in his way… The unnecessary harassment of Africans by police, both in towns and inside townships, and the ruthless application of that scourge of the people, the pass laws, are constant reminders that the white man is on top and that the blacks are only tolerated – with the greatest restraints.”

Post-1994 dispensation represents the ANC’s total failure to understand the kinematics and dynamics of power. The ruling party appears to be trapped in the political imagination of apartheid. The new mandarins have become the modern-day enforcers of apartheid. Founding fathers of liberation movements could not have imagined that after almost 30 years in power, Africans would still be pariahs in the country of their birth.

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870cef No.43914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816475 (081951ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy (Parts 1-3)

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“SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy” – Part 3


German Philosopher Karl Marx was correct when he famously opined that “the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: ie, the class, which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.”

The ANC is demonstrably bereft of ideas. It only exists to be in office. It no longer pretends to be a revolutionary party. In his 2017 report the then secretary-general of the ANC Gwede Mantashe [the accused], was correct to point out that “being in power is rapidly becoming a source of political bankruptcy”. What the De Ruyter debacle proves, is that the logic of apartheid remains intact. Thanks to the ANC’s ideological bankruptcy. FW de Klerk went to his grave comforted by the fact that under Ramaphosa, the apartheid project will remain intact.

*Prof. Sipho Seepe is an independent political analyst.

** The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of IOL or Independent Media.

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870cef No.43915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816485 (081951ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Ramaphosa deploys 900 soldiers to guard Eskom power stations

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To protect the criminal syndicate?

“Ramaphosa deploys 900 soldiers to guard Eskom power stations”


Published May 6, 2023

Pretoria - President Cyril Ramaphosa has told Parliament that he has authorised the deployment of 880 members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) to safeguard a number of Eskom power stations around the country.

His spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya said the deployment would be extended until October 17.

“The president has informed Speaker of the National Assembly, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, and NCOP chairperson, Amos Masondo, in writing of the deployment of SANDF personnel for service in co-operation with the South African Police Service (SAPS) for the prevention and combating of crime and preservation of law and order under Operation Prosper,” said Magwenya.

“Previously, 2 700 members of the SANDF were deployed to assist the SAPS in protecting power stations under Operation Prosper from March 17 to April 17.

“The current deployment is authorised in accordance with the provisions of Section 201(2) (a) of the Constitution,” said Magwenya.

He said the likely cost of the deployment was R147 million.

Earlier this week, Independent Media reported that Minister of Minerals and Energy Gwede Mantashe had denied there was a dispute between him and Minister of Electricity Kgosientsho Ramokgopa over the powers of the latter.

Mantashe said he was working closely with the former Tshwane mayor in resolving the energy crisis.

He said Ramaphosa and the Cabinet wanted an end to load shedding, and were taking steps to end it.

Mantashe, who was answering oral questions in the National Council of Provinces on Tuesday, said Ramokgopa was leading the energy action plan to deal with the crisis.

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870cef No.43916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816521 (081958ZMAY23) Notable: National Health Insurance Plan for South Africa” (2009) – funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (video and .pdf)

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>President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way

>He told the 2nd Presidential Health Summit in Boksburg that the National Health Insurance Bill aims to create a universal healthcare system for all South Africans.

“National Health Insurance Plan for South Africa” (2009) – “funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”



[On the cover]

National Health Insurance Plan for Sout Africa

Preapred by the Task Team on National Health Insurance on behalf of the Health and Education Sub-Committee

DATE: 16 February 2009

This project was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Confidential and not for distribution

[Page 8]

Actions Required of the ANC

The African National Congress has commissioned an NHI Task Team to develop a National Health Insurance (NHI) plan for financing health care in South Africa.

[Page 10]

The ANC is advised to take key decisions in the following areas:

The mechanisms for resource mobilization, i.e. the decision to increase the health allocations in real terms via the general tax revenue, supplemental national health insurance payroll level and rerouting of public sector employees contributions to medical schemes to the national health insurance fund. In addition there should be removal of tax deductibles to the medical schemes.

The way health services are to be improved to better serve all our people. Yet “SA's Health Emergency | 'Basic health service collapsed'” [May 4, 2023] - https://youtu.be/l8AYlYlUh1Q [Embedded]

The type of proposed governance and management structure of the NHI.

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870cef No.43917

File: 35a7ac1727e3049⋯.pdf (9.95 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18816539 (082003ZMAY23) Notable: National Health Insurance Plan for South Africa” (2009) – funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (video and .pdf)

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The document is attached.

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870cef No.43918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18819913 (091352ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Wave of bombings hits Graskop and Hazyview

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“Wave of bombings hits Graskop and Hazyview”


4 May 2023

MBOMBELA - A wave of bombings hit the Lowveld over this past long weekend.

On Sunday, two bombings and one business robbery occurred in Graskop within just 45 minutes of one another, leaving one security guard injured and several residents fuming.

They decided enough is enough, took to the streets and went as far as locking the Graskop Police Station up with a lock and chain, demanding the station commander’s resignation. They were elated to report that through unified actions by the various stakeholders in town, they were able to send the station commander packing. “We cannot have businesses 100m away from the police station robbed, and they take no action to prevent these attacks. They also took more than three hours to attend to the crime scene, claiming that they were scared, while we expect them to protect us. We wanted him gone and demand a new commander who will be prepared to fight crime in our town,” one of these citizens said.

A provincial police spokesperson, Brigadier Selvy Mohlala, confirmed that the local SPAR, TOPS and Pep were robbed.

According to Mohlala, it is thought that there were 30 heavily armed robbers. He, however, did not respond to the allegations from business owners that police members said they were too scared to respond to the robberies, nor did he have any comments on why it allegedly took them more than three hours to respond to the crime scene.

Attacks on filling stations in Hazyview have become such a stumbling block for garage owners, that some of them are considering closing down their businesses. Michael Tomlinson, owner of the Sasol garage just outside Hazyview, is one of them.

A recent robbery on Tuesday brings the total incidents at this filling station in the last 15 months to six. With this week’s attack being the second one this year, Tomlinson said this might just be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.


[English translation] The town was under siege on the Sunday (April 30) of a gang of at least 13 heavily armed assailants who blocked all access routes into the town in the early hours of the morning and fired shots into the streets.


This follows the recent criminal attack in Graskop, where a gang of criminals held the small-town hostage while SAPS officers hid in their offices. This incident is not an isolated one and indicates the incompetence and under-resourcing of small town and rural police stations. It underscores the urgent need for action and improved policing in small towns across South Africa.


“'It sounded like war': Graskop under siege as gangs of robbers act with impunity | News24” [8 May 2023] - https://headtopics.com/za/it-sounded-like-war-graskop-under-siege-as-gangs-of-robbers-act-with-impunity-news24-38884579

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870cef No.43919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18819983 (091411ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / “Set aside Eskom judgment", says Pravin Gordhan (Parts 1&2)

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“Set aside Eskom judgment, says Pravin Gordhan” Part 1


TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

Cape Town - The court judgment ordering an uninterrupted supply of electricity to hospitals, schools and police stations would “undermine” efforts to balance the protection of the rights of South Africans with the need to stabilise and protect the grid infrastructure, Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan said.

On Monday, in announcing the department’s intent to lodge an urgent appeal to set aside the High Court in Pretoria judgment, Gordhan said they had serious concerns about the implications of the ruling on the current efforts to stabilise the national grid and get the country out of load shedding.

“While the department respects the independence of the courts, in this case the department believes that the judgment would have unintended consequences and undermine the very efforts to balance the protection of the rights that were ventilated in this case, with the need to stabilise and protect our grid infrastructure," Gordhan said.

The high court on Friday ordered the government to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to all government hospitals, clinics, schools and police stations following an application by the UDM, Action SA, Bosa and other political and civic organisations.

In it, the organisations argued the government and Eskom violated basic human rights by implementing load shedding that has knocked critical areas of the economy such as hospitals.

The court gave Gordhan 60 days to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply to these facilities.

Judge Norman Davis, who wrote the judgment, said in cases where sites could not be isolated from the grid to exempt them from load shedding, arrangements must be made for alternative power supply to these government institutions, such as generators. [While “South Africa’s ministers have generators funded – and don’t pay for water!” https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/south-africa-ministers-have-generators-funded-dont-pay-for-water-breaking-10-october-2022/]

“We find that there have been repeated breaches by the state of its Constitutional and statutory duties and that these infringe on citizen’s rights to healthcare, security and education,” Davis said.

Gordhan on Monday said that the department had studied the ruling and “determined through legal advice that the prudent step to take is to lodge an appeal to set aside the ruling and allow for the ongoing efforts to end load shedding to proceed without putting undue risk on the country’s grid infrastructure”.

Bosa spokesperson Sbu Zondi said the government must stop wasting taxpayer’s money on court cases and deliver electricity to its citizens.

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870cef No.43920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18819985 (091412ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / “Set aside Eskom judgment", says Pravin Gordhan (Parts 1&2)

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“Set aside Eskom judgment, says Pravin Gordhan” Part 2


TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

“We originally brought the matter to court based on the gross violation of human rights, not only in the health, educational and security sectors, but across all spheres of South African society,” Zondi said.

“The fact that the court not only concurred, but, while showing deference to the separation of powers, was damning in its condemnation of the government's derogation of its duty, provided all South Africans with a sense of imminent restoration of justice and reinstatement of their human rights.”

A professor of technology management at the University of Pretoria, David Richard Walwyn, said although the court's decision was laudable, it may be impossible to implement in the short term, and uneconomic in the longer term.

“To exclude schools and hospitals from load shedding would require individual connections or cables from main substations to literally thousands of unique sites.

“It would be more practical for Eskom to provide standby generators, using diesel, to hospitals and perhaps, some of the schools. Even this step would cost more than Eskom can currently afford, and would open more opportunities for the theft of diesel and generating equipment.

“It was inevitable that Eskom would appeal the judgment,” he said.

Energy activist Peter Becker said the responsibility to exempt hospitals, schools and police stations in many cases rested with municipalities, some of which were already dysfunctional and did not have the staff, equipment or budget needed to modify the distribution infrastructure as necessary to comply with the court order.

“It would be good to know the total government, and in particular the Department of Mineral Resources (DMRE), will spend on pointlessly defending and appealing legal action,” he said.

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870cef No.43921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18820086 (091439ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SIU demands answers on appointment of intelligence operation by De Ruyter at Eskom

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“SIU demands answers on appointment of intelligence operation by De Ruyter at Eskom”


TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

Cape Town - The Special Investigating Unit is demanding answers about the use of a private intelligence operation by former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter to probe corruption.

SIU boss Andy Mothibi said they were surprised to learn that De Ruyter had used a private company to gather intelligence and was funded by the private sector.

He said De Ruyter should have approached the SIU on matters that he wanted to be investigated and they would have agreed.

The SIU, the Hawks and the SAPS were appearing before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) on Tuesday, following damning allegations by De Ruyter of massive corruption at Eskom.

Mothibi said they have a number of questions on the appointment of the private company, headed by former SAPS national commissioner George Fivaz, to gather intelligence.

De Ruyter told Scopa two weeks ago that he sought funding from big business for Operation Ostrich.

It was stated that R50 million went into the project.

Mothibi said they have a number of questions on the private intelligence operation at Eskom.

“We want to understand who authorised the appointment of the private company that the former CEO referred to. Why would Eskom put an investigating company when the allegations could have been referred to the SIU or DPCI (Hawks) or State Security Agency? Whether the report of the private investigating company was handed to Eskom and the accounting authority, which is the Board. If the report was handed to Eskom or the accounting authority we would want to have access to that report, to consider it for further investigations that could be further required from a recovery perspective. How was the private investigating company paid or even appointed? If the investigation itself was paid for by third parties, who would be these third parties. Whether the outcome by the private company is acted upon? If so, how is it acted upon and by who?” Mothibi asked.

He added that this would help the SIU to get to the bottom of the appointment of Fivaz’s company at Eskom.

He said the Hawks, the SIU, the police and the National Prosecuting Authority have been investigating a number of cases of corruption from Eskom.

Some of these cases have been referred to the NPA for a decision to prosecute.

Already there are matters that are before court.

But all state agencies are working on corruption cases at Eskom, said Mothibi. [This has been going on for a number of years but no major players have been prosecuted and Eskom is destroyed.]

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870cef No.43922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18826325 (102017ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Eskom expected to implement up to Stage 10 load shedding

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“Eskom expected to implement up to Stage 10 load shedding”


TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023

Electricity consumers should brace for intensified power cuts of up to Stage 10 load shedding this winter, as nearly half of Eskom’s generation capacity is offline due to breakdowns.

Eskom ramped up load shedding to Stage 6 indefinitely on Sunday, with breakdowns nearing the highest level at 19 333MW of generating capacity, while 4 524MW was out of service for planned maintenance.

The last time breakdowns were this high was at the height of severe power cuts in February, with 21 243MW, while 3 566MW was out for maintenance at the time.

Independent energy analyst Lungile Mashele yesterday said Eskom currently had about a 6 000MW deficit, and the power utility could supply only about 25 000MW against the electricity demand of about 31 000MW.

“I anticipate that during this week, we are going to see Stage 7 and Stage 8 load shedding which we have seen before, but obviously the utility will not communicate it as they typically do, and they will simply say we are load shedding at Stage 6 even though the number hours is much higher,” she said.

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870cef No.43923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18826327 (102018ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Agri SA bemoans impact of load shedding on Food Security

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28 April 2023 20:44

The agricultural sector further said there's no constitutional framework to highlight an independent mandate of the minister of electricity.

CAPE TOWN - The agricultural sector noted that persistent load shedding was fast becoming a threat to food security – as it may lead to shortages of food in the country.

It said the turf war between the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, and the Minister of Electricity, Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, hindered the efforts to resolve the rampants power cuts crisis.

The sector further said there's no constitutional framework to highlight an independent mandate of the minister of electricity.

Agri SA executive director Christo van der Rheede said the government must prioritise the devastating state of power in the country.

"What people need to realise is that there's no use you have a good harvest, but you can't process it, and our food processors are really facing an uphill battle when it comes to the processing of those food products into edible food stuff. We have also seen that our vegetable farmers are struggling with irrigation."

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870cef No.43924

File: 0fbc54496b973af⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,707x725,707:725,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18826340 (102020ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Countrywide blackout’: Botswana went dark on Monday

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A test run?

“‘Countrywide blackout’: Botswana went dark on Monday”


09-05-2023 08:51

Botswana implemented load shedding after it suffered a nationwide blackout. Investigations into the grid disturbance are ongoing.

Botswana implemented load shedding on Monday, 8 May, after a grid disturbance occurred in the early hours of the morning.


The Botswana Power Corporation said the grid disturbance resulted in an outage at both the Morupule A and B Power plants, which supply electricity to most of the country. The disturbance also affected the Transmission Power Line that connects Botswana and South Africa.

The disturbance led to a “countrywide blackout experienced at 00:13. We are currently undertaking investigations to determine the cause of the grid disturbance,” said the neighbouring power utility in a statement on Monday.

The BPC said that at the time of the grid disturbance, it was generating 505MW of electricity and exporting 60MW.


In 2022, Botswana implemented occasional load shedding for the first time since 2015. It also offered to sell Eskom off-peak electricity last year.

Despite the offer, Botswana still imports some electricity from South Africa and Zambia due to performance issues at Morupule.

In South Africa, Stage 6 load shedding was implemented until further notice on Sunday, 7 May, due to the breakdown of some generating units and the delay in returning other units to service. The elevated power cuts are expected to last for the entire week.

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870cef No.43925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18826347 (102022ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SASRIA will not pay claims related to grid failure (video)

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“SASRIA won’t pay claims from ESKOM grid collapse & SABC calls “radio licence” fake news | VN | 154” - https://youtu.be/IQ9Gx-UcwcI

“SASRIA will not pay claims related to grid failure”


Monday 8 May 2023 - 2:14pm

JOHANNESBURG - The state-owned insurer, Sasria, says it will not cover unrest-claims that may arise if the electricity grid fails.

Sasria provides cover for strikes, riots and other forms of civil unrest to state and private property owners.

In a circular to clients the insurer said that its re-insurers have been urging it to eliminate claims related to load shedding and power grid failure.

The insurer says from the first of June all its existing and new policies will exclude cover for electricity grid failure.

Sasria paid R32 billion in claims following 20-21 July riots.

The government had to inject R22 billion into the insurer for these claims.



09 May 2023 09:47

This comes with the news that neighbouring Botswana suffered a countrywide blackout after midnight on Monday.

Energy analyst and physicist at University of Johannesburg, professor Hartmut Winkle said Botswana is much smaller than South Africa and their problems were quickly sorted out.

However, a blackout in South Africa would be far more serious.

“If we were to have a blackout essentially what would happen is that a breakdown somewhere can then trigger breakdowns everywhere down the line. So, what we want to avoid is a situation where the tripping of one power station - which happens a lot - doesn’t then progress to collapsing the rest of the grid.”

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870cef No.43926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18830125 (111522ZMAY23) Notable: Meet Dr Patrick Moore: Greenpeace co-founder who left the organisation hijacked by political left (video)

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“Meet Dr Patrick Moore: Greenpeace co-founder who left the organisation hijacked by political left”


May 8, 2023

Dr Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace, shares how he came to join the fledgling group that founded Greenpeace, the bold endeavours and significant victories obtained by the young organisation during its early years, and the details behind his decision to walk away from the organisation after 15 years of devoted involvement. Moore's comprehensive understanding of the Earth's geologic time scale and contextualisation of climate change, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and extreme weather events, among others, is solid and fascinating. A true environmentalist, Moore is a rare example of someone who placed his principles above all else.


00:00 Dr Patrick Moore on growing up in absolute wilderness

02:16 On doing a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Biology, followed by a PhD in Ecology after getting certified

02:54 How joining a fledgling group of people whose aim was to stop nuclear testing began Greenpeace

04:38 On the efforts of Greenpeace leading to President Nixon's cancellation of future tests of nuclear weapons in Alaska, signifying the beginning of the environmental movement

04:58 On going against French atmospheric nuclear testing in the South Pacific

07:02 On Greenpeace's Save the Whales campaign in the 1970s and active campaigning against toxic waste

11:06 On Greenpeace being hijacked by the political left

12:06 On the separation of science from politics being absolutely essential

13:35 On his book, "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom." [“The truth of the matter is is that there is no hard evidence that carbon dioxide is causing anything to happen to the temperature of the earth. There's none. It is totally theoretical.”]

17:34 On the history of the temperature and CO2 on Earth

21:54 How human beings have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by about 50%. [“This is one of the best things that has happened in the history of life.”]

22:39 On human beings' capacity to be evil

24:05 On Net Zero [“It’s a suicide pact”]

25:09 On where we would get CO2 from if the world were to abandon fossil fuels and adopt nuclear energy

27:19 On coral reefs and the myth that they are going to die if it gets too hot

28:17 How the consensus is bought and paid for

29:44 How scientists who disagree with the consensus are discredited

31:14 On the claim that extreme weather events evidence catastrophic climate change

33:26 On Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports

36:10 On his decision to walk away from Greenpeace [“It came to the point where the environmental movement including Greenpeace was basically characterizing humans as the enemies of nature.”]

46:44 On the potential motivation driving climate alarmism [“More control than money… It’s a communist kind of approach to the situation… The earth is actually doing quite fine right now. The human species can be immensely proud of itself in retrospect. Not because we did it on purpose, but because we have reversed the decline of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which no other species could have done and this is a good thing, the replenishment. Every molecule of CO2 we emit, came from the environment in the first place… We are just putting it back where it came from and when it was there, life flourished. So that’s all you need to know. You really don’t need to know anything more than that.”]

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870cef No.43927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18830622 (111737ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben E Brigety: “US had found that [Russian ship] Lady R was loaded with weapons.” (video)

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“SA involvement in Russia-Ukraine war unpacked” – US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben E Brigety: “US had found that [Russian ship] Lady R was loaded with weapons.”

“SA involvement in Russia-Ukraine war unpacked” [Worth watching]


May 11, 2023

The US ambassador to SA Rueben Brigety said he would stake his life on the claim that our government has sold arms and ammunition to Russia for its war in Ukraine. SA Institute of International Affairs Moeletsi Mbeki and #Newzroom405’s Ziyanda Ngcobo dissect these developments.

“Did South Africa provide Russia with weapons? The US thinks so”


11-05-2023 15:53

The US government believes South Africa provided Russia with weapons when a sanctioned Russian cargo vessel docked in Simon’s Town.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has acknowledged reports that the United States government believes South Africa provided Russia with weapons.


Ramaphosa’s spokesperson, Vincent Magwenya, took to Twitter and wrote, “The Presidency has noted the reported remarks attributed to the US Ambassador, and we will respond in due course.”

According to reports, US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben E Brigety, said the US had found that Lady R, a sanctioned Russian cargo vessel that docked at Simon’s Town in December 2022, was loaded with weapons.

The ambassador said the issue was raised as a concern during the recent visit to the US by a high-level South African delegation.

As previously reported, Simon’s Town residents saw container trucks enter the dockyard and cranes loading and unloading cargo from the ship under cover of night. Armed security personnel reportedly oversaw the operations.

South Africa has maintained that it is taking a neutral stance on the Russia/Ukraine conflict. However, Brigety said there were a series of issues, including Lady R allegedly leaving South Africa with arms, which indicated otherwise.

“The docking of the Russian cargo ship, Lady R, in Simon’s Town between December 6 and 8, 2022, which we are confident loaded weapons and ammunition in Simon’s Town as it made its way back to Russia,” the ambassador is quoted as saying by the Sunday Times.

Brigety held a media briefing in Pretoria on Thursday, 11 May.

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870cef No.43928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18830765 (111805ZMAY23) Notable: AfriForum wins order against Rand Water with costs

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“AfriForum wins order against Rand Water with costs”


May 11, 2023

AfriForum won an order against Rand Water with costs in the Pretoria High Court on 10 May 2023. In November 2020, Rand Water reduced the water pressure in several areas due to the Govan Mbeki Local Municipality’s inability to settle outstanding debts.

Although the water pressure was greatly reduced in several towns, parts of Bethal and Leandra were left completely without water.

Residents had to get by without running water for weeks at a time.

In March 2021, AfriForum submitted an application to review the decision to lower the water pressure after the organisation determined that there was insufficient public participation in the process.

The matter was finally settled by Rand Water’s legal team after two years of delay and the decision was declared invalid and illegal by the High Court in Pretoria.

AfriForum set up emergency water points in Bethal and other affected towns to help communities if their taps ran dry.

These emergency water points are filled by volunteers at no extra cost.

“AfriForum will not just stand by and watch as communities are punished as a result of the mismanagement of state organs and municipalities and we will not hesitate to act if these draconian measures were to be implemented again in other areas,” says Hennie Bekker, AfriForum’s District Coordinator in the Highveld. You can help your town! Add your name here and give AfriForum the mandate to do the same in your town.

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870cef No.43929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18831021 (111853ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims (Parts 1&2)

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“MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims” – (1 of 2)


THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023

South African lawmakers have hauled Eskom’s top brass over the coals for failing to investigate serious wrongdoing, fraud and corruption at the power utility, following allegations made by former group CEO, André de Ruyter.

De Ruyter deposed an affidavit to Parliament last month, formally stating his televised allegations of corruption amounting to R1 billion a month at Eskom by at least four politically connected cartels.

Eskom chairperson Mpho Makwana told Parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) yesterday, that the board had convened a special meeting with De Ruyter to discuss his shocking allegations and their impact.

He said the board was of the view that some of the utterances De Ruyter made had brought the utility into disrepute, and that the board had resolved to agree to the variation of his notice period.

“A good number of the allegations misled the public as if there were new developments that had been shared firstly with the board, and that was not the case,” Makwana said.

“Second, it would have misled the public by indicating that no action was taken internally by Eskom and all concerned,” he added.

But Scopa chairperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa took issue with the manner in which Eskom had dealt with De Ruyter, bringing forward his notice period by a month, and releasing him from his duties.

“Were you not interested in finding out more information about these organised syndicates killing people every day in Mpumalanga from Mr de Ruyter?” Hlengwa asked.

“Here’s your CEO going publicly making these allegations and the default position is to resign him. He was fired, that’s what it is, but that’s the board’s decision. But the issue is did you test the allegations that he made?”

Makwana replied that Eskom’s internal state capture and corruption task team was tasked with investigating the information that flowed from the assertions made by De Ruyter.

Further, he said they had resolved to have a legal independent panel appointed, headed by a retired judge to guide the board independently on the appropriate execution of its fiduciary duties, and its responsibilities in this regard.

“Since the establishment of that state capture task team, a lot of disciplinary hearings have occurred inside Eskom. In the public domain, it is known that in the period around late September or mid-October, 26 former executives – including a former acting CEO of Eskom – were arrested and appeared in court in relation to the allegations,” he said.

“When Eskom made a statement that there was nothing new, it was because these matters were already in court, with regard to the 26 executives arrested,” Makwana said.

In a presentation, Eskom’s chief transmission executive Segomoco Scheepers detailed all the gains they had made in dealing with procurement irregularities such as clamping down on excessive use of “free text” within the SAP system.

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870cef No.43930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18831026 (111853ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims (Parts 1&2)

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“MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims” – (2 of 2)


THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023

Scheepers said some irregularities relating to warehouse management had resulted in the culprits being tracked and criminally charged, and they were observing year-on-year improvements in inventory write-offs.

With regard to inventory corruption, fuel oil theft, and non-technical losses due to electricity theft, he said they were making strides as they had reduced fuel oil expenditure at Tutuka power station by R100 million per month.

Even though Eskom said the current executive was not aware nor involved in the controversial privately funded investigation by third parties sanctioned by De Ruyter, former board chairperson Malegapuru Makgoba confirmed knowing about the investigation.

Makgoba said the probe that De Ruyter undertook was an operational matter because Eskom at the time was besieged with sabotage and corruption, while failing to make headway with law enforcement agencies.

As an example, he cited one or two meetings that De Ruyter had with the former head of the National Prosecuting Authority’s Investigating Directorate advocate Hermione Cronje where concerns were raised about the lack of progress.

“The Hawks were not doing what they were supposed to. Not that they were not investigating, but they were just taking too long, almost lackadaisical about what needed to be done while Rome was burning,” Makgoba said.

“And this was repeating itself in a number of ways around cases that were being reported either to the SAPS and to the Hawks, with very little action.

“And as the board, we were concerned that our crown in the jewel was being destroyed when we had a security cluster that seemed to be asleep, and these were matters of grave concern,” he said.

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870cef No.43931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18831050 (111857ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Ramaphosa to appoint retired judge to probe Russian ship

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>Dr Sydney Mufamadi

“Ramaphosa to appoint retired judge to probe Russian ship”


THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa will appoint a retired judge to lead a probe into the docking of a Russian naval ship in the country that allegedly uploaded weapons and ammunition for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

This was after Ramaphosa slammed US Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety II for going public on the matter.

He said the ambassador went public on the matter in spite of an agreement between the two countries that an investigation was under way.

This issue was also discussed when Ramaphosa’s national security adviser Sydney Mufamadi met with top Biden administration officials in Washington recently.

Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the conduct of Brigety was against the spirit of co-operation.

“It is public knowledge that a Russian vessel known as Lady R docked in South Africa. Allegations have since been made about the purpose of the voyage. While no evidence has been provided to date to support these allegations, the government has undertaken to institute an independent inquiry to be led by a retired judge.

“In recent engagements between the South African delegation and US officials, the Lady R matter was discussed and there was agreement that an investigation will be allowed to run its course and that the US intelligence services will provide whatever evidence in their possession.

“It is therefore disappointing that the US ambassador has adopted a counter-productive public posture that undermines the understanding reached on the matter and the very positive and constructive engagements between the two delegations,” said Magwenya.

A political analyst warned that the possible fallout between South Africa and the US could lead to the removal of the country from the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa).

Professor Bheki Mngomezulu from the Nelson Mandela University said South Africa could land in trouble with the US as it can remove it from Agoa.

However, it would be difficult for the US to impose sanctions on South Africa as it would have to seek support from its allies in the West as they did with Russian President Vladimir Putin when the war started in Ukraine last February.

The immediate threat would be Agoa.

Mngomezulu said South Africa would have a tough time when it came to Agoa.

“The threat is Agoa. They say if relations get sour between South Africa and the US they might not renew Agoa. The fact of the matter is that South Africa is a sovereign state and it takes its own decisions. If the ship was carrying weapons why didn’t they take it up with the ambassador at the time before it escalated?” asked Mngomezulu.

He said there was no reason for the US to be angry with South Africa.

There was no reason for the sanctions as there was no substance to the claims by the US ambassador. There needs to be evidence to back up these allegations, he said.

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870cef No.43932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835870 (121640ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / "Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow," Scopa told (Parts 1&2; video)

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“Standing Committee on Public Accounts, 10 May 2023” - https://youtu.be/QWWu4U1yTqY

“‘Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow,’ Scopa told” – Part 1


10 May 2023

Eskom has denied knowing about the private intelligence investigation into Eskom corruption.

The privately-funded intelligence investigation, initiated by former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter, into corruption at the power utility dominated proceedings in Parliament on Wednesday.

Eskom’s current board appeared before the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa) to brief MPs about their response to De Ruyter’s allegations of sabotage and organised crime.

The meeting comes a day after the Hawks, the South African Police Service (Saps) and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) accounted to the committee.

It emerged on Tuesday that the law enforcement authorities had no knowledge of any details contained in a report of the R50 million intelligence investigation, which was funded by private donors.

Hawks head Godfrey Lebeya told the committee that he was not aware of the investigation or its findings, despite national police commissioner Fannie Masemola’s claim that the directorate had been informed by Saps.

Lebeya said he first learnt of the private investigation and the related allegations when De Ruyter appeared before to Scopa two weeks ago.

‘Eskom was besieged’

On Wednesday, further details surfaced on how the private investigation came about.

Former Eskom interim board chairperson Malegapuru Makgoba revealed to Scopa that Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan may have planted the seed for De Ruyter to pursue the investigation.

“I think the Minister of Public Enterprises was the one who brought this matter…. he said to André that ‘you have to gather some intelligence somehow… he didn’t say it must be done in the manner that André did it, but he said we needed to gather some information in order to be on top of this problem because load shedding and criminal activities were increasing,” he said.

Makgoba criticised the police and Hawks for being non-responsive when Eskom reported any criminal activities during De Ruyter’s tenure.

“The issue that Mr De Ruyter undertook was an operational matter because Eskom at the time was besieged with sabotage and corruption and we were not getting a mileage from the law enforcement agencies.”

He said there was “very little action” from the authorities “when Rome was burning”.

“This was repeating itself in a number of ways around cases that were being reported… so as the board we were concerned that our crown in the jewel was being destroyed when we have security cluster that seems to be asleep.”

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870cef No.43933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835874 (121641ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / "Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow," Scopa told (Parts 1&2; video)

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“‘Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow,’ Scopa told” – Part 2


10 May 2023

Intelligence-driven operations

Makgoba also told the committee that De Ruyter had in fact reported his concerns about Eskom to Gordhan and President Cyril Ramaphosa’s national security advisor, Sydney Mufamadi, on 5 July 2022.

Then on 16 July De Ruyter took several ministers – including Gordhan and Police Minister Bheki Cele – to the Tutuka power station in Mpumalanga, according to Makgoba.

He said the president came later and was briefed on the same day.

Makgoba pointed out that Ramaphosa made a reference to an “intelligence-driven operation” at Eskom that led to 43 arrests during his State of the Nation Address (Sona) on 9 February this year.

“Which intelligence-driven operation is this?” he asked.

Makgoba further confirmed knowing about the private investigation although he personal did not see a hard copy of the report, which was compiled by the investigating agency of former police commissioner George Fivaz.

“It seems like Saps and Hawks have only woken up after they had this intelligence-related information. As the interim chair of the board of Eskom, I never received any evidence or documentation, but nevertheless I did get the message [via] word of mouth. I can also confirm that the ExCo was not privy to what was going on in terms of this intelligence gathering,” he added.

Eskom board

Earlier, Eskom denied knowing about the investigation or being possession of the report.

“We don’t have the details around what transpired here,” Eskom chief executive for Transmission, Segomoco Scheepers said.

Eskom board chairperson Mpho Makwa also dismissed suggestion that De Ruyter told him about the intelligence operation on 22 November last year.

“No that is not correct,” he said.

De Ruyter last month told Scopa that the constant interference by Gordhan and Eskom’s new board played a role in his decision to resign as they made it difficult for him to carry out his duties.

He claimed that the new board had adopted a different approach to the previous board led by Makgoba, which he had a positive relationship with.

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870cef No.43934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835928 (121651ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / US may have better insight about alleged weapons SA gave to Russia- Bruce (video)

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==“US may have better insight about alleged weapons SA gave to Russia- Bruce” -

Discuss Eskom, destroying SA economy==


May 12, 2023

Sunday Times columnist Peter Bruce tells Xoli Mngambi "The Americans could have positioned a satellite on top of Lady R (Russian cargo ship)," to get a full understanding of what was happening with the alleged weapons SA provided to Russia.

1:12 – “What stood out for me Peter was the information from the former board chair Professor Malegapuru Makgoba who says that it was Minister Pravin Gordhan who said to Andre De Ruyter, “gather some intelligence around corruption at this power utility.” What stood out for you?… Exactly that. I mean that it just stood out like a sore thumb… It was just so powerful and it cuts a sway through all of the other nonsense and obfuscation that you get from the ministers and the ANC and everybody else involved in Eskom. He told the truth pretty easy, it turned out.”

4:10 – “They’re [ANC] in trouble. They’re in such trouble that they can’t tell the truth and they’ve got an election now probably less than a year out.”

4:35 – “Let’s then focus the attention a little bit on Eskom and the impact it is having, not just on the economy but the actualy daily lives of people. You already have protests that erupted in Mpumalanga. In Soweto we’re told that there were scenes of violence overnight, people blockading roads. I’m raising that because yesterday I had a conversation with Magda Wierzycka [https://youtu.be/qrzQgP45bW8]. This is an established businesswoman who is not afraid to call a spade, a spade. She had these words to say about not just the state of our economy but the Ramaphosa Administration… “What we are now being forced to accept is no longer poor government, it’s incompetent one. It’s no longer about creating jobs, it’s actually about actively destroying those jobs but not being able to manage the economy. We no longer talking about supporting business. We are talking about again by load shedding, sabotaging businesses and not big business. It’s the SMMEs that you must worry about and again not about flatlining the economy where we are now talking about actually killing the economy and it’s this inability to deal with the infrastructure, the corruption involved, the incompetency on display. So my issue is how can we can even talk about South Africa being a non-failed state.”

8:43 – “We only make, and this is provable, there’s only the facility here to make artillery and shells and bullets that fit NATO weapons and the the Russians employ the Warsaw Pact, used to employ - and still do - an entirely different size of shell and bullets. So it’s going to be very interesting to see what the evidence is and I think the Americans are actually obliged to tell us what the evidence is.”

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870cef No.43935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835948 (121654ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Why would Russia’s Kalashnikov make a NATO-friendly assault rifle? - AK-19

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>“We only make, and this is provable, there’s only the facility here to make artillery and shells and bullets that fit NATO weapons and the the Russians employ the Warsaw Pact, used to employ - and still do - an entirely different size of shell and bullets. So it’s going to be very interesting to see what the evidence is and I think the Americans are actually obliged to tell us what the evidence is.”

Not sure about the other weapons but…

“Why would Russia’s Kalashnikov make a NATO-friendly assault rifle?” – AK-19


Feb 23, 2021

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Firearms manufacturer Kalashnikov is exhibiting its new AK-19 rifle for the first time outside of Russia during an arms trade show in the United Arab Emirates.

The assault rifle meets NATO’s caliber standards: It is chambered for 5.56 x 45mm rounds, and it has a Picatinny rail, a new collapsible folding stock to adjust length, improved aperture sight and a quick-detachable suppressor.

The gun is based on the AK-12, which was accepted into service by the Russian military in 2018. The AK-19 is compact and suitable for concealed carry.

Defense News asked the Russian company’s CEO, Dmitry Tarasov, why it would design a NATO-friendly rifle when there are measures in place that prevent NATO members from buying it.

“The 5.56 × 45mm round has been traditionally used by many countries of the [Middle East], Southeast Asia and Latin America. It is a huge market, and many countries in those regions view the weapons originating from Russia with much respect. AK-19 is aimed to woo these markets,” Tarasov replied. “The [Middle East] region is, indeed, in our focus as a fast-growing market for defense products. Our legendary brand is well-established in the region, and we are planning to build upon that.”

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870cef No.43936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18835991 (121700ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Cyril's Rubicon? RW Johnson on arms-to-Russia torpedo for SA's motor industry, AGOA, ARV supplies (video)

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>>>/qresearch/18519466, >>>/qresearch/18519471 Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1&2)

>>>/qresearch/18519482, >>>/qresearch/18519484, >>>/qresearch/18519488, >>>/qresearch/18519498, >>>/qresearch/18519509 Further notes on South African history – PW Botha’s Rubicon Speech (Parts 1-5)

“Cyril's Rubicon? RW Johnson on arms-to-Russia torpedo for SA's motor industry, AGOA, ARV supplies.”


May 12, 2023

“South Africa’s foremost political scientist RW Johnson provides context on the US’s accusation that South Africa has been supplying arms to Russia. It’s reminiscent of PW Botha’s “Rubicon”[interesting that they are using this as a comparison] blunder in August 1985, which sparked massive disinvestment, demand for immediate repayment of foreign debt, an economic collapse and rocketing interest rates. Johnson says Pretoria’s actions threaten hundreds of thousands of South African jobs - and lives. Most apparent are SA motor manufacturers whose lifeblood is selling into the USA and Europe. Equally at risk is the country’s membership of AGOA which gives SA exporters duty-free access to the US market “as a favour” because, strictly speaking, SA shouldn’t qualify. Johnson also points out that millions of South Africans living with HIV/Aids receive antiretrovirals purely through the generosity of US donors - another critical source of goodwill threatened by Pretoria’s actions. He spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.”

1:18 – “Two things. First of all, he wouldn’t have made that statement without the go-ahead from the State Department. So the idea that he is somehow operating as a sort of lone wolf is not on. Secondly, of course… the fact is that American intelligence does operate within South Africa and they’ve always had people here from the CIA and I’m sure they still do. Now obviously this is a sensitive point because they probably don’t want to reveal much about that which is why of course South Africa is demanding the evidence because they hope that it will force them to reveal that sort of thing.

4:14 – “This is now 6 months ago that the Lady R was here and several months since the exercises in Admiral Gorshkov. At the time when the Lady R was here, people asked Thandi Modise, the defense minister, what was going on… She said well I can’t be certain about that until I all the full documentation and then I’ll know but after that she said nothing. Now this is 6 months on… It’s amazing, they [the SA government] turn around and say well what is your [US] evidence?… I doubt whether the Americans have got any patience with this and I suspect that there may be a motive for why the Ambassador spoke out so firmly.

9:59 – “There’s a clause as the Ambassador pointed out in the Agoa Treaty itself which says that this is an agreement between partners who agree that they will not act against the national security interest of the United States.

12:21 – “I think we’re heading for serious trouble here.”

12:55 – “The ANC has been very vocal about mercenaries drawn essentially from western countries in the Congo and elsewhere but this [Wagner Group] is a more brutal and more rapacious mercenary group than anything we’ve seen before and the ANC has not said a word about it which is very very strange. One of the things I have pointed out in that article is that the [https://www.biznews.com/premium/2023/05/08/rw-johnson-sa-link-wagner-group] is that Illusion 76 [aircraft] which came out more recently. Now the Americans have not yet talked about this. Well I suspect that’s coming because that too was a very strange visit and it looks like something funny was going on there as well. Now that came from the Chkalovsky base in Russia which is used by Wagner as its headquarters for all its logistics. So already the connection there which is very interesting and odd and the [SA] government really needs to talk about that. I mean again this preposterous excuse that the airplane was delivering diplomatic mail… It’ absurd. The Russian embassy has been in Pretoria since 1992. The first thing an embassy has to do is to set up arrangements to receive and send diplomatic mail that’s now being operating for 31 years. Why is there suddenly need for a huge military transport plane to fly all the way from Russia to deliver diplomatic car [?]… That plane was delivering stuff all over Africa which must in many cases have been for Wagner because that’s the only Russian forces which need military supplies which is operating on the continent.”

21:30 – “The reports are that the Russians are paying for the ANC’s municipal election campaign in 2016 already. Apparently as quid pro quo hoping to get Zuma to sign on nuclear power stations. So we know that Russian money is coming into the ANC and helping to pay salaries there right now.”

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870cef No.43937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18838646 (130225ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / (from General) 'It's a serious issue': White House responds to claims South Africa passed weapons to Russia

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General Research #2123 >>>/qresearch/18838567

'It's a serious issue': White House responds to claims South Africa passed weapons to Russia

It is claimed that a Russian ship picked up weapons in South Africa last year - an act which would represent a breach of Pretoria's declared neutrality in the Ukraine war.

Mark Stone US correspondent @Stone_SkyNews Friday 12 May 2023 19:11, UK

White House National Security Council spokesman Admiral John Kirby has described reports that a Russian cargo ship transported weapons from a port in South Africa to Russia in December as a "serious issue".

Speaking to Sky News, he said: "We have consistently and strongly urged countries not to provide any support for Russia's war.

"We don't believe that anybody should be making it easier for Mr Putin to kill innocent Ukrainian people, period.

"We've had multiple conversations at multiple levels, with multiple countries about those concerns, but obviously I'm not going to get into the diplomatic conversations themselves.

"It's a serious issue."

Supplying weapons

America's ambassador to South Africa said on Thursday that he was confident a Russian ship, the Lady R, had picked up weapons in the country last year, which would represent a breach of Pretoria's declared neutrality in the war.

"We are confident that weapons were loaded on to that vessel, and I would bet my life on the accuracy of that assertion," Ambassador Rueben Brigety told journalists in South Africa.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa responded, saying his government would open an inquiry.

"The matter is being looked into and in time, we'll be able to speak about [it]," the president said.

Phone call

The development comes as both President Ramaphosa and President Putin spoke by phone in a call, which the Kremlin claimed was initiated by the South African side.

In a brief summary of the call, released by the Kremlin, the two "expressed their intentions to further intensify mutually beneficial ties in various fields".

According to the Kremlin, Mr Putin told Mr Ramaphosa that Moscow had never refused the "diplomatic track" to resolving the conflict in Ukraine.

Kremlin officials said that President Putin supported President Ramaphosa's peace proposal, which involves African leaders in an initiative to bring about peace.

Summit in August

Russia and South Africa are both members of the BRICS group of nations including Brazil, India and China.

The next BRICS summit is to be held in Durban, South Africa, on 15 August. It is not clear if President Putin will defy sanctions on his travel to attend the summit.


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870cef No.43938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18842617 (132328ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / (from Canada #42) Secrets of Manufactured Consent

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Canada #42 >>43790

Secrets of Manufactured Consent


Danger: Arch criminals Gates and Tedros buying influence in African health

Thanks to Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. The last few weeks have seen WHO director-general Tedros and vaccine profiteer Bill Gates surface prominently in South Africa, where a controversial mRNA production hub was recently launched. While Tedros received a controversial honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria, Gates is reportedly funding a secretive maternal and newborn conference to the volume of at least $9 million.

The conference, which launches 8 May 2023, is described on its website: “For the first time in more than eight years, the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) 2023 will bring together the maternal newborn health communities in Cape Town, South Africa. More than 1,500 stakeholders from around the world will come together to accelerate solutions to improve maternal and newborn survival and prevent stillbirths as we strive to achieve the ambitious targets outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.” Interestingly, this mega-conference is not listed on the CTICC website.

A whistle-blower alerted CHD Africa executive director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed about the conference. She shared “They called it the maternity event, they are keeping it quite, they are not advertising it. Last week, WHO people were there, and Tedros received honours from Tuks university. Doctors from America, Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand etc are attending this conference, it’s more than 10 000 doctors, I’m really scared for the future and mRNA vaccines for babies.”

This well referenced article from the Africa Chapter of Children’s Health Defense is well worth the read: Manufactured Consent – https://childrenshealthdefense.co.za/home-page/manufactured-consent-gates-and-tedros-buy-influence-in-african-health/

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870cef No.43939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846278 (141908ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / US ambassador to SA has ‘apologised unreservedly’: Dirco after demarche

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It is interesting that Dirco stated that Reuben Brigety apologized when he met with Naledi Pandor… I wonder if he did/will do it in public.

“ANC, SACP accuse US ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety of reckless behaviour” - https://youtu.be/sMcgS2Z5TX4

3:35 – “If you look at Agoa, it almost ceased to be a legitimate state and investment relationship instrument. It has been used as a weapon of war. As a weapon, to extract concessions and undermine democratic sovereignty of the nations that benefit from the relationship.”

“US ambassador to SA has ‘apologised unreservedly’: Dirco after demarche”


13 May 2023 - 09:15

US ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety has apologised “unreservedly” after he admitted to “crossing the line” at a briefing he held on Thursday.

This is according to the department of international relations and co-operation (Dirco) which in a diplomatic démarche on Friday expressed the government's “utter displeasure” with Brigety's “conduct and statements”.

Brigety caused a furore on Thursday when he told reporters a Russian ship that had docked at Simon's Town naval base had left South Africa loaded with weapons.

He also said Washington had established the vessel was loaded with weapons while docked at the naval base in December.

There was controversy when the vessel docked, with Pretoria silent on its activities while in South African waters.

Brigety's comments sparked a local outcry, with questions being raised about the manner he chose to raise these concerns.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has since announced the government would institute an independent inquiry to probe these allegations.

Dirco in a statement released after the démarche confirmed Brigety's apology.

“Dirco finds this behaviour puzzling and at odds with the mutually beneficial and cordial relationship that exists between the US and South Africa.

“Following today’s [Friday] meeting, the ambassador admitted that he crossed the line and apologised unreservedly to the government and the people of South Africa. South Africa is known globally for having one of the most stringent processes when selling arms to other countries [LOL!].

“The process is managed by the National Convention Arms Control Committee (NCACC), which was created through an act of parliament, the National Conventional Arms Control Act (NCAC Act), and the constitution.

Dirco also welcomed Ramaphosa's announcement, saying the “process will allow for facts to be established and for role players to be identified”.

“Anyone found to have broken the law will face severe consequences. South Africa calls on the US embassy in Pretoria to use established diplomatic channels of communication to convey any concerns or to seek clarity on any misunderstandings that may arise in the bilateral relationship,” it said.

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870cef No.43940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846288 (141911ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / SACP accuses Brigety of Reckless Behaviour due to his utterances (video)

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870cef No.43941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846292 (141912ZMAY23) Notable: How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen (Parts 1-3)

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>“Following today’s [Friday] meeting, the ambassador admitted that he crossed the line and apologised unreservedly to the government and the people of South Africa. South Africa is known globally for having one of the most stringent processes when selling arms to other countries [LOL!].

“How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen” Part 1


03 May, 2021

Analysis: Despite attempts at oversight, Yemen is awash with weapons made by South Africa's arms industry.

As the country stood on the brink of democracy in November 1993, Nelson Mandela proudly promised that in the new South Africa human rights would be the "light that guides our foreign affairs." However, decades later, South African-made weaponry has been deeply involved in the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Reports confirm that the country's arms control body continues to approve weapons exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), central protagonists leading a military campaign in Yemen since 2015 that has been characterised by widespread human rights violations and war crimes.

A history of arms sales

In September 1994 - just four months after Mandela's inauguration - the ANC-led government was rocked by media reports that a large consignment of South African weapons had been sold by the government-owned arms company, Armscor, to war-torn Yemen.

As a central pillar of the apartheid regime, Armscor was established to circumvent the UN arms embargo imposed on Pretoria in 1977. Not only did Armscor arm apartheid security forces so they could internally crush resistance to apartheid, but it also supplied weapons to fuel destabilising wars throughout southern Africa in an effort to weaken support for South Africa's liberation movements.

Weapons of South African origin were involved in killing fields across the world, from massacres in the former Yugoslavia to genocide in Rwanda. Armscor's culture of impunity was inconsistent with the principles of a liberated South Africa, leading Mandela's government to swiftly investigate weapons sales.

A new beginning for SA's arms industry

Mandela's investigation transformed South Africa's weapons industry and precipitated the formation of the National Conventional Arms Control Committee (NCACC). The NCACC was comprised of ministers from various government departments, including Defence, Justice, and International Affairs, with a mandate to ensure that South Africa did not become complicit in human rights violations.

In 2002, the government passed the National Conventional Arms Control Act, requiring arms companies to apply for export permits. Permits were granted only after the NCACC assessed each application, ensuring that weapons were not being sent to "governments that systematically violate or suppress human rights."

The purchasing country must honour an end-user certificate (EUC) and agree not to transfer munitions to other parties without South Africa's permission. Weapons were not to be sold to governments that violated EUC undertakings.

On paper, South Africa had a rigorous set of laws and institutions to ensure that its post-apartheid weapons industry could free itself from a sordid history of illicit arms trafficking to some of the world's most murderous regimes.

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870cef No.43942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846295 (141913ZMAY23) Notable: How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen (Parts 1-3)

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“How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen” Part 2


03 May, 2021

The NCACC and Yemen

However, evidence suggests that 27 years into its democracy, South Africa's arms trade still bears a resemblance to its apartheid-era predecessor.

A new report [https://www.opensecrets.org.za/wp-content/uploads/Profiting-from-Misery.pdf] by South African civil society group, Open Secrets [https://www.opensecrets.org.za/who_we_are/], has exposed what appears to be an indifferent approach on the part of the NCACC to both human rights and regulation, and the lethal consequences of its failure to properly scrutinise weapons exports.

In 2015, more than 42% of South Africa's weapons exports went to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. In 2016, that number climbed to 48.9%. In 2017 and 2018, over a third of all SA weapons exports went to the Emiratis and the Saudis.

Over this same period, there have been scores of publicly documented deadly air strikes by the Saudi and UAE-led coalition on Yemeni homes, schools, hospitals, markets, mosques, weddings, and funerals. In this time the NCACC has continued approving weapons exports to these countries.

Weapons gone astray

In violation of its EUC agreements, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been diverting South African weapons to militias in Yemen. Since 2015, SA-made weaponry has been documented on all sides of the conflict in Yemen.

Some weapons were produced by South Africa's state-owned manufacturer Denel, a descendent of Armsco; others by German company Hensoldt, which has production facilities in South Africa.

One of the most egregious diversions of South African weapons involves Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM), a joint venture between German arms company Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH and South African Denel.

There is compelling evidence from independent experts and the UN that the mortars used in a 2018 attack on a fish market and hospital in Hodeidah which killed 64 civilians – and which was deemed a war crime – had likely originated from RDM.

The National Conventional Arms Control Act and the UN Arms Trade Treaty require the NCACC to take diversion of weapons into account when considering export applications. However, the NCACC continues to approve arms destined for the Emiratis and the Saudis – serial violators of EUC agreements.

Assessing weapons applications

There is confusion about the information that the NCACC uses to assess weapons applications.

Jackson Mthembu was the chairperson of the NCACC until his death in January 2021. In August 2020, Mthembu told Open Secrets that the NCACC relied on the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), the State Security Agency (SSA) and Defence Intelligence (DI) for information and to flag concerns.

However, three months prior, Defence Committee chairperson Cyril Xaba, told parliament that the NCACC relies almost entirely on the media and public reporting for information.

Public reports from the UN, Yemeni and international NGOs have painstakingly analysed the devastation in Yemen and the role of the Saudi-led coalition, but have been widely ignored by the NCACC.

Mthembu also told Open Secrets that RDM's possible involvement in the Hodeidah attack "is of no concern to the NCACC" because information on the incident had not been directed to South Africa's UN Mission in New York.

Mthembu's response suggests that the legal and institutional frameworks established to ensure that South Africa's weapons trade is not complicit in human rights violations may not be functioning correctly.

The role of the Department of International Relations and Co-operation (DIRCO) is acutely aware of the devastation caused by the war in Yemen.

In 2019, Minister Naledi Pandor spoke about Yemen at the UN. In 2020, South Africa's representatives to the UN expressed concern at the human rights situation of Yemeni civilians.

DIRCO has not used its position within the NCACC to discourage the export of weapons to countries involved in the conflict in Yemen.

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870cef No.43943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846297 (141913ZMAY23) Notable: How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen (Parts 1-3)

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“How South African weapons are fuelling war crimes in Yemen” Part 3


03 May, 2021

A missed opportunity

In 2019, the NCACC briefly halted weapons exports to Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Two years earlier, the NCACC had moved a clause requiring on-site inspections to the front page of its end-user agreements. Saudi Arabia, UAE, and several other countries, refused to sign the agreements [https://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/south-africa/2019-11-23-south-africa-blocks-arms-sales-to-saudi-and-uae-in-inspection-row/], alleging that it violated their sovereignty.

A diplomatic spat followed and by the end of 2019 the NCACC had stopped approving weapons exports to these countries. South African weapons companies, however, used the threat of job losses [https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/comment/2019/11/27/south-africa-must-permanently-ban-saudi-weapons-sales] to lobby the NCACC to restore exports.

In May 2020, it was announced [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-safrica-defence-idUSKBN22P1EH] that on-site inspections could be performed through an unspecified 'diplomatic process'.

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870cef No.43944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18846309 (141915ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / U.S. accusation a veiled threat? (video)

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“U.S. accusation a veiled threat?” – Very Interesting Discussion


May 13, 2023

U.S. Ambassador to SA, Reuben Brigety, has apologised for accusing the country of supplying Russia with arms. Professor Chris Landsberg, Chairperson of African Diplomacy and Foreign Policy at UJ, says the accusation is a strategic way to warn other African countries to not 'try what SA has done'.

3:34 – “It seems that, first of all, that message was not only done for America and by America. America was also speaking on behalf of NATO, the so-called leader of the so-called free world. It seems that the irritation with South Africa has now gone beyond that and it’s now reached in a point of alienation and what they did by single out the purported, the giant in Africa and do it such a brazen fashion was to send a message, not just to us but to the region and to all of Africa that any one of you dare do a think like this. Like South Africa… America is a dictatorship abroad. It adopts a posture of do as I say, don’t do as I do. But let me come to more serious implications. One of the ministers in the Presidency yesterday used very strong language that South Africa seems to want to almost induce Africa into “economic warfare”. I think that’s exactly what America is saying.

7:59 – “The real issue here is… if there is any veracity of truth that we did give weapons to Russia then I’m telling you the implication is twofold; we have effectively become a member in this conflict/war then any future attempt to claim neutrality and non-alignment is blown out of the water. The attempt here was to delegitimize South Africa’s role in the world to create a credibility crisis for South Africa which I think it has. There’s a lack of confidence in our world affairs.”

10:00 – “We know that these comments have sparked a local outcry with questions being raised about the manner he chose to raise the concerns… There are still more questions than answers, like when there’s a state-of-the-art cargo terminal available at Cape Town’s port was a sanctioned Russian freighter allowed to dock at a South African Naval Base? especially because it’s such a tiny base… Just allow me a few seconds to respond but this is very key. Let me tell you what the Ambassador omitted to say yesterday. This is how propaganda works. He omitted to tell us… Last year, 2020, 2017, 2013, 2011 – South Africa did US Army SANDF military training camps in South Africa on our soil with America. Russia sends a ship, they take umbrage. They do exercises with China, they take umbrage. They want to choose for South Africa their friends. Why would the Ambassador omit something like that. What is key about your point it’s not just that this Russian Lady [R] docked there but that port there has so much strategic importance for the Americans… Nobody is focused on President Putin’s reaction overnight… While we focus on the Ambassador’s reaction, the Kremlin, not the Ambassador in Washington or in Pretoria, the Kremlin releases a statement saying, by the way, we had an extensive call, my friend Cyril Ramaphosa and I, and they release gory details basically saying the South Africans confirmed we are the ally; economically, politically and so on. Even they are cornering South Africa now and the idea that President Putin should join the BRICS summit in August virtually. Guess what President Putin said to our President, “You dare do that. There will be consequences from Russia as well.” There are prices and consequences for our choices… And the problem sits with us.

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870cef No.43945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18849431 (150818ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

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US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

Reuters May 14, 2023

May 14 (Reuters) – South African Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said his country had resolved a dispute with the U.S. over allegations that Pretoria supplied weapons to Russia, and South Africa is unlikely to face U.S. repercussions, Bloomberg News reported Godongwana said in an interview on Sunday.

“A number of actions were taken in order to ensure that our relationship with the US remains and that relationship should be normal and cordial,” the minister told Bloomberg in an interview in Cape Town on Sunday. “The Americans are not likely to respond with any anger tomorrow.”

U.S. Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety said last week he was confident that a Russian ship had picked up weapons in South Africa in December, in a possible breach of Pretoria’s declared neutrality in the Ukraine conflict.

South Africa’s government denied the claims. After a meeting between Brigety and South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor on Friday, the ambassador “admitted that he crossed the line and apologized unreservedly,” a South African government statement said on Friday.

A finance ministry statement on Saturday said, “Action was taken long ago once this matter was brought to the attention of South African officials” when U.S. Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen met with Godongwana in February.

When asked for comment, the U.S. State Department referred to a tweet by Brigety on Friday that said he had corrected “any misimpressions left by my public remarks.”

South Africa’s Finance Ministry did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.


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870cef No.43946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18856532 (161636ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

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>US ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigety has apologised “unreservedly” after he admitted to “crossing the line” at a briefing he held on Thursday.

>This is according to the department of international relations and co-operation (Dirco) which in a diplomatic démarche on Friday expressed the government's “utter displeasure” with Brigety's “conduct and statements”.


>South African Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana said his country had resolved a dispute with the U.S. over allegations that Pretoria supplied weapons to Russia, and South Africa is unlikely to face U.S. repercussions, Bloomberg News reported Godongwana said in an interview on Sunday.

It is interesting that all the statements came from South Africa but no response from the US to reaffirm SA’s claims.

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870cef No.43947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18856649 (161716ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Cosatu - ‘Farmers rape and murder their workers’: HRC – ‘It’s not a human rights violation’

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“Cosatu – ‘Farmers rape and murder their workers’: HRC – ‘It’s not a human rights violation’”


May 15, 2023

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) believes that Cosatu’s statements that farmers are murderers and rapists merely cause hurt feelings and do not amount to a human rights violation.

“With such a statement, the HRC has once again shown that they judge matters unilaterally and ultimately do little to protect or promote human rights, although this is their primary task,” said Bennie van Zyl, general manager of TLU SA. “We will certainly not let the matter rest, as our primary task is to protect the sustainability of farmers.”

TLU SA approached the HRC in March after Cosatu [Congress of South Africa Trade Unions] released a national statement [http://mediadon.co.za/2023/03/21/cosatu-human-rights-day-statement-2023/] on Human Rights Day claiming that farm workers are being exploited and abused throughout the country.

The statement further said that farmers rape, assault and murder their workers.

TLU SA indicated that the comments are generalisations and devoid of any truth. It also contributes to worsening the relationship between farmers and their workers and increases the incidence of farm attacks as it incites people – not necessarily farm workers – to violence.

TLU SA insisted that Cosatu should publicly apologise to all the farmers in the country and pay R5 million in reparation to victims of farm attacks.

However, the HRC rejected the complaint on 12 April 2023 and said the statement does not constitute hate speech.

In further discussions with the HRC, TLU SA again emphasised that such statements incite hatred and threaten their safety. The HRC, however, maintained that – although “the language used is not ideal”, – the statement is not hate speech and merely “hurtful”.

Meanwhile, the Appeals Court ruled in April that displaying the old South African flag, even in one’s own home, is indeed hate speech as it incites and promotes hatred.

“We would like to establish with the HRC how they distinguish between hurtful and hate speech,” said Van Zyl. “For us, displaying an old flag may be hurtful to some people, but certainly not hateful. On the other hand, statements that farmers rape, assault and murder their workers are hateful in the worst form.

“We would also like to know if it would be considered hate speech if TLU SA said Cosatu members are arsonists and criminals because one of their members was possibly involved in burning pack stores in Kirkwood.

“The problem – apart from the fact that the HRC clearly acts unilaterally and that some people’s human rights in the country are being treated more equally than others – is that the HRC wants to reason about terminology while people’s lives are being threatened.”

TLU SA has again written to the HRC regarding the issues mentioned above.

TLU SA further insists that the HRC should make the 37 000 pieces of evidence (complaints and case numbers) of assault, rape and murder against farmers available before dismissing the matter out of hand.

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870cef No.43948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18856654 (161717ZMAY23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours - Attackers make themselves dinner

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>TLU SA indicated that the comments are generalisations and devoid of any truth. It also contributes to worsening the relationship between farmers and their workers and increases the incidence of farm attacks as it incites people – not necessarily farm workers – to violence.

“Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours – Attackers make themselves dinner”


May 1, 2023

A farmer, Francis Davidson (74) was attacked in his farmhouse on 26 April 2023, at 18:00, by three attackers. He was held captive and brutalised by them for thirteen hours.

During the assault the attackers made themselves dinner, ransacked the home and only fled the following day at 07:00.

The attack took place on a farm in Maclear in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. The three attackers gained entry to the home by forcing open the front door.

Francis Davidson was assaulted, beaten with a blunt object, burned with paraffin, dragged around the garden and tied up.

He was found on 27 April 2023, still tied up laying injured on the floor by a neighbour who went to investigate after family members could not reach him.

The attackers fled in the farmers bakkie with a number of household items.

The bakkie was later found in the Katkop area burnt out.

It was reported in the media that Davidson survived a farm attack seven years ago in the same house.

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870cef No.43949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18857412 (161947ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / U.S. says relationship with South Africa strong despite claim ally supplying arms to Russia

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U.S. says relationship with South Africa strong despite claim ally supplying arms to Russia

By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Monday, May 15, 2023

The State Department and the Pentagon on Monday were silent on allegations from the U.S. ambassador to South Africa that Pretoria is supplying arms to Russia for use in its war against Ukraine.

Officials at the State Department referred questions about the claims to the South African government.

“Our relationship with South Africa remains strong. We continue to be committed to the affirmative agenda of our bilateral relationship,” State Department spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters. “There are a number of issues that we look forward to working with them on.”

Last week, Ambassador Reuben Brigety told local media in South Africa that U.S. officials were confident that the Lady R, a Russian-flagged ship that docked in South Africa, was filled with military hardware and bound for offensive operations in Ukraine.

“I will bet my life on the accuracy of that assertion,” Mr. Brigety said.

Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder declined to address the specifics of Ambassador Brigety’s claims, which have prompted a diplomatic row between both countries.

“This is something that we’re taking very seriously (and) it’s something that the U.S. government has raised and discussed with the South African government,” Gen. Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters on Monday. “The U.S. has strongly urged countries not to provide support to Russia’s war machine.”

Mr. Brigety later partly walked back his allegations following official protests from the South African government.

“I was grateful for the opportunity to speak with (South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor) and correct any misimpressions left by our public remarks. I reaffirmed the strong partnership between our two countries and the important agenda our presidents have given us,” Mr. Britety said on Twitter.

South African officials denied that they had violated their policy of not taking sides in the war in Ukraine.

“We have been firm on this point. South Africa has not been, and will not be, drawn into a contest between global powers,” President Cyril Ramaphosa said.

Sen. James Risch of Idaho, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, defended Ambassador Brigety, saying the way he was treated by South African government officials “doesn’t reflect friendship or a neutral partner.”



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870cef No.43950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18860724 (171220ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R (Parts 1&2)

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“Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R” – 1 of 2


16 MAY 2023

The Russian government has weighed in on the Lady R weapons saga, denying that South Africa had sent the country any weapons on board the sanctioned cargo vessel, as was claimed by US ambassador Reuben Brigety.

A statement on the Russian Federation’s official South African embassy website on Tuesday said that, according to media reports, Brigety had provided no evidence to support his allegations, which appeared to be an attempt to change Pretoria’s stance on the war in Ukraine.

In addition, the calibre and type of ammunition manufactured in South Africa was not suitable for the weapons used by the Russian Federation’s army, it said.

Brigety’s comments last week sent the rand into freefall and sparked a scramble by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s administration — which has appointed a retired judge to probe their accuracy — to limit potential damage to South Africa’s trade relations with the US.

The country has been at pains to maintain its non-aligned stance over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — and has abstained in the voting in successive resolutions on the matter before the UN General Assembly.

According to the Russian embassy statement, Brigety’s unproven allegations were part of a campaign to force South Africa to abandon this stance.

“Appointing guilty parties at [its] own discretion and resorting to ‘megaphone diplomacy’ have become typical characteristics of US foreign policy. In this context, the words of the US official cannot be perceived otherwise than as an attempt to sway the independent sovereign state’s foreign policy,” the Russian embassy said.

“This comes as no surprise, as the US seems to have lost its ability to interact with partners on [an] equal basis long ago. One’s friendship with the US is only possible under US rules.”

The embassy said a campaign to “pressure” South Africa, co-ordinated with mainstream Western media, was “increasingly gaining momentum”.

“The reason for that is the country’s non-aligned position with regard to the Ukraine conflict, which proves unsatisfactory for the United States,” it said.

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870cef No.43951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18860726 (171221ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R (Parts 1&2)

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“Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R” – 2 of 2


16 MAY 2023

The embassy said the docking of the Lady R in Simon’s Town was “being used as a pretext” and was “totally fabricated and as false as the notorious tube presented by US state secretary Colin Powell at the United Nations Security Council, which was followed by a full-scale invasion of Iraq and cost the lives of one million Iraqis”.

According to the statement, the Russian military did not use the type and calibre of ammunition produced by South Africa, while the “miniscule” amount of arms and ammunition allegedly loaded onto the ship could not have influenced the outcome of the conflict in Ukraine.

The embassy said the US and other Western countries had supplied $100 billion in weapons to Ukraine since 2014 and had recently approved an additional $1.2 billion.

US mission spokesperson David Feldmann said his embassy stood by Brigety’s statement and had “nothing more to add”.

Addressing a state visit by Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Cape Town on Tuesday, Ramaphosa said that he had presented an African Union peace proposal to both Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskiy during separate phone calls.

“Principal to our discussions are efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the devastating conflict in the Ukraine, its cost in human lives and impact on the African continent,” Ramaphosa said.

“In this regard, I presented the initiative on behalf of African heads of state, from Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda, Egypt and South Africa. The two leaders agreed to receive the mission and the African heads of state, in both Moscow and Kyiv.”

Ramaphosa said he had agreed with both Putin and Zelenskiy “to commence with preparations for engagements with the African heads of state.”

He said that the UN secretary general had been briefed about the initiative and had welcomed it.

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870cef No.43952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18860733 (171223ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Joint Press Conference between PM Lee Hsien Loong and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (video)

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>Addressing a state visit by Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Cape Town on Tuesday, Ramaphosa said that he had presented an African Union peace proposal to both Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelenskiy during separate phone calls.

The article failed to mention that the Brazzaville Foundation facilitated this.

The timing is interesting. Soon after being accused of selling weapons to Russia, SA is on a peace mission to end the conflict.

“Joint Press Conference between PM Lee Hsien Loong and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa” – Cyril discusses Africa’s peace mission to end Russia-Ukraine conflict


May 16, 2023

10:26 – “I had the opportunity to brief Prime Minister Lee on South Africa’s position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. I informed him that over the weekend I had the opportunity to represent the views of a number of African leaders with regards to the peace mission that those African leaders have been talking about for quite a number of months and consulting amongst themselves with regards to how Africa can make a contribution to bring about a solution to the conflict in Ukraine and Russia… Group of African heads of states took the view that Africa does needs to put forward an initiative, a peace initiative, that would help to contribute to the solution of that conflict. Facilitated by the Brazzaville Foundation, we’ve been able to have these discussions. Principled to our discussion our efforts to a peaceful resolution to the devastating conflict in Ukraine. Its costs on human lives and the impact on the African continent. And in this regard representing various heads of government, I presented the initiative on behalf of these countries; Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Brazzaville, Uganda, Egypt and South Africa as well… This peace mission will contribute to the various other missions that are underway to bring a solution to that conflict.

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870cef No.43953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18860752 (171232ZMAY23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Another “Plot for Peace”? Jean-Yves Ollivier founded Brazzaville Foundation (video)

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>Group of African heads of states took the view that Africa does needs to put forward an initiative, a peace initiative, that would help to contribute to the solution of that conflict. Facilitated by the Brazzaville Foundation, we’ve been able to have these discussions.

Another “Plot for Peace”? [https://youtu.be/kvUVMZApJkw – embedded]

Are African leaders about to be made “heroes”?


Jean-Yves Ollivier, the French businesman who claimed to have stage managed South Africa's transition, in a still from the film… Plot for Peace” tells the story of Ollivier, a French oil and coal trader, who intervened in southern Africa’s liberation wars. The film suggests that Nelson Mandela’s release from prison was the direct outcome of Ollivier’s game of cards, in which he used business contacts to bring together key players in the Cold War in southern Africa.

“Plot for Peace” was funded by the Ichikowitz Family Foundation. Ivor Ichikowitz (who Patrick Bond has called “Africa’s most aggressive arms dealing entrepreneur”) has been criticized for his close connections with the ANC, including Matthews Phosa (interviewed in the film about the ANC, Cuba, and Angola), Moeletsi Mbeki (former president Thabo’s brother) and Sandile Majali (best known for the Oilgate scandal).

Jean-Yves Ollivier founded Brazzaville Foundation


Jean-Yves Ollivier was, behind the scenes, the kingpin of the Brazzaville protocol [https://www.brazzavillefoundation.org/en/history/#protocole-brazzaville]. He is the only foreigner to have received South Africa's highest honors, first in 1987 for organising the first and most important regional prisoner exchange, and then from Nelson Mandela in 1995 for his contribution to peace. Jean-Yves Ollivier has made a career as a commodities trader in China, the Middle East and Africa and has engaged privately in international mediation, using his professional contacts in the service of peace. Among the many other peace mediations in which he has participated, Jean-Yves Ollivier played an important role in the negotiations that facilitated the departure of mercenary Bob Denard from the Comoros in 1989 and in the Sun City talks that led to power sharing in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between President Joseph Kabila and four rebel leaders in 2002. He also played a role in the reconciliation between Uganda and Sudan, paving the way for the independence of Southern Sudan in 2011. Wanting to work in the philanthropic community, he founded Brazzaville Foundation in 2015.

Brazzaville Protocol


The Brazzaville Protocol (Official name; Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cuba and the Government of the People's Republic of Angola for the Conclusions of the Internationalist Mission of the Cuban Military Contingent)[1] mandated the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola, paving the way for Namibia's independence through the New York Accords.[2] Representatives from the governments of Angola, Cuba, and South Africa signed the protocol on December 13, 1988 in Brazzaville, Congo.

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870cef No.43954

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18860761 (171235ZMAY23) Notable: ANC Bun | Brazzaville Foundation Bun / “Meet the Brazzaville Foundation: The royal-backed UK charity accused of ‘laundering’ the reputation of an oil-rich African autocrat

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>Brazzaville Foundation

“Meet the Brazzaville Foundation: The royal-backed UK charity accused of ‘laundering’ the reputation of an oil-rich African autocrat (…with a little help from Bell Pottinger)”


15 May 2019

A Finance Uncovered investigation today reveals details about a royal-backed UK charity accused of bolstering the regime that runs one of Africa’s most authoritarian and kleptocratic countries.

The findings centre on the City of London-registered Brazzaville Foundation, fronted by the Queen’s controversial cousin, Prince Michael of Kent, as its patron.

It was established in 2014 to tackle environmental challenges, help broker peace in Libya and raise awareness about the scourge of fake medicines in Africa – all causes about which its trustees appear to be sincere and passionate.

But some Congolese experts and opposition activists exiled in Europe have viewed the charity with suspicion, believing some of its activities to be reputation-laundering vehicles for their country’s authoritarian president, Denis Sassou-Nguesso. Indeed, early versions of the charity’s website – since removed – described him as its “inspiration”.

These accusations are strongly denied by the charity, which says any suggestion it is “a tool to promote President Sassou-Nguesso’s interests is factually wrong and completely unfounded”.

But Finance Uncovered’s investigation into the charity’s origins have raised new concerns.

* It was set up by Jean-Yves Ollivier, a wealthy French commodities trader who has been a friend of Sassou-Nguesso for more than 30 years;

* He established it shortly after his company received a $60m windfall from an oil deal he brokered with Sassou-Nguesso;

* Ollivier and his company provided the bulk of the charity’s initial funding, largely through invoice offsets from his personal and company expenses;

* He set it up with the help of one of Britain’s most controversial PR gurus, Lord Tim Bell, who became a trustee;

* Bell’s now disgraced and defunct PR firm Bell Pottinger also advised Sassou-Nguesso on how to win a constitutional referendum the following year that extended his grip on power; and

* Ollivier once boasted that the charity would be attractive to its members as a networking platform with other business and political figures.

Duncan Hames, policy director of Transparency International UK, said: “There is a risk that charities could be used or recruited to help give an air of legitimacy to those who have abused their power. That charities might be used to burnish the credentials of kleptocratic regimes is particularly galling to those who are impoverished because of their crimes.”

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870cef No.43955

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916772 (281926ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / DA reacts to appointment of panel to probe docking of Russian vessel (video)

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“DA reacts to appointment of panel to probe docking of Russian vessel”


May 28, 2023

Phineas Mojapelo will head the three-member independent panel to look into the circumstances surrounding the docking of a Russian vessel in the Western Cape last year. Mojapelo will be joined by Advocate Leah Gcabashe senior counsel, and Enver Surty as the other members of the panel. The panel has been given six weeks to conclude the investigations and will present the findings of the report to Ramaphosa. Member of Parliament and DA Shadow Minister of Defence, Kobus Marais weighs in.

3:09 – “Obviously then we need to know government’s involvement because we know that AB Logistics which is the logistical company belonging to Armscor was responsible for the handling of the freight and delivering of the rounds and shells from Russia to our ammunition depot.”

“SA’s arms control under global scrutiny following arms-to-Russia allegations”


26th May 2023

Arms-to-Russia row raises doubt about South Africa’s compliance with arms control. It could face tougher scrutiny in future

The South African defence industry comprises state-owned entities such as Denel, Armscor and a division of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and private companies. Armscor, as the government’s acquisition agency, has its own logistical capability called AB Logistics. It is authorised to move sensitive, controlled, and hazardous military goods in support of the South African National Defence Force, South African defence industry companies and, in some cases, for foreign clients.

The defence force itself is not mandated to engage in arms transactions except through Armscor.

What this shows is that the investigation into the allegations of arms supply to Russia would involve public and private role-players.

Further compounding matters is the fact that the Lady R cargo ship docked at the time when Russia was preparing for participation in the joint military exercise with China and South Africa (Ex Morsi II) which took place in February 2023. It is not clear if its arrival was linked to the joint military exercise, which would be easy for government to clarify. Regrettably, this coincided with the first anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

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870cef No.43956

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916821 (281935ZMAY23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Phineas Mojapelo to head Ramaphosa's panel into Russian vessel matter (video)

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>Phineas Mojapelo

“Phineas Mojapelo to head Ramaphosa's panel into Russian vessel matter” - https://youtu.be/2nmQo4S7C9E




11 June 1951, Polokwane, Limpopo province, South Africa

Married: Dr Setlola Lorna Esther Phoshoko-Mojapelo

Four Children: One son and three daughters

Three grandchildren: One girl and three boys


Matric: Tshebela High School

B Proc and LLB: University of the North (now Limpopo)

Attorneys Admission Board Exams


Lecturer – 1 year at University of Limpopo

Admitted as Attorney of High Court of South Africa: January 1980

Acting Judge of the High Court, Pretoria: 1999 and 2001

Permanent judge of High Court of South Africa (then TPD): 27 January 2003

Deputy Judge President of WLD (now Gauteng Division, Johannesburg): 01 January 2005 - to date (2020)

Acting Judge, Supreme Court of Appeal: 01 December 2019 – 31 March 2020

Professional History:

Candidate Attorney: Webber Wentzel, Johannesburg: Jan 1978 – Dec 1979

Member: Law Society of the Transvaal: 1980 to Dec 2002

Member: Black Layers Association (BLA): 1980 to Jan 2003

Member: National Association of Democratic Laws (Nadel): 1987-1989

Examiner and Senior Examiner: Law Society of South Africa: +- 1988 – 2002

Secretary, BLA: 1985 -1991;

National President, BLA: 1991-1995

IBA Mission to Kenya re Threats to the Independence of the Legal Profession and the Judiciary: 1996

ICJ Mission to Sri Lanka re Threats to the Independence of the Judiciary: 1997

Board Member, BLA-Legal Education Centre: 1995 - 2006

Chair: BLA-Legal Education Centre Trust: +- 2001 – 2006

Commissioner: Judicial Service Commission: 1994 – 2002

Commissioner: South African Law Reform Commission: 1997/8 – 2000/1

LLD (Hon causa): University of Limpopo – 2007

Instructor/Trainer on Trial Advocacy for BLA and Motion Court for the Bar Council: 1996 -2019

Judicial Skills Training for members of Law Society: 2005 – 2018

Attended intensive course on Court Annexed Mediation, Utah, USA: Oct 2019 – Nov 2019

Publications on Legal Topics:

Doctrine of Separation of Powers in SA Context: Advocate 2013

Regular Column on History of the BLA – in several issues of African Law Review: 2017 - date

Papers on variety of subjects delivered over the years

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870cef No.43957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916836 (281937ZMAY23) Notable: Webber Wentzel law firm

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>Candidate Attorney: Webber Wentzel, Johannesburg: Jan 1978 – Dec 1979

Webber Wentzel – 1 of 2


Webber Wentzel is an African firm founded in South Africa more than 150 years ago. We provide in-depth legal and tax services throughout the continent. Our alliance with Linklaters and network of deep relationships with Africa's leading firms allows us to draw on the highest quality and most business relevant pan-African advice - matching this to the needs of our clients. We have over the last 50 years worked on some of the most transformative and significant matters on the African continent.

We are committed to exceptional client service consistently delivered through every client experience. We have extensive experience in advising on matters spanning Africa's countries, regions and languages: our track record is testimony to this. We support our clients across Africa: we do this independently or working alongside our established and integrated network of alliance and key relationship firms. Whether you work with us independently or alongside our network firms, we deliver a 'single firm' experience. With our culturally diverse teams and African proximity, we have developed a fundamental understanding of the continent's multiple and varied legal systems and cultures. We also bring international perspective to our clients through our alliance with global firm. Linklaters.


Webber Wentzel was founded in 1868 and is the only large South African law firm to retain a traditional partnership organisation and not incorporate into a limited liability company.

Notable deals[edit]

• Transaction between The Coca-Cola Company, SABMiller Plc and GFI to create the largest Coca-Cola bottler in Africa[28]

• Lead African legal adviser in the largest transaction ever to be done in Africa, AB InBev's take-over of SABMiller[29]

• Old Mutual[30] plc on its Managed Separation – African homecoming (listings on the Johannesburg, London, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe Stock Exchanges)

• Wal-Mart's acquisition of Massmart[31] – entry into Africa

• Mercer Africa's (Marsh & McLennan) acquisition of Alexander Forbes[32]

• Oceana Group's acquisition of Daybrook Fisheries in the USA[33]

• Gold Fields' 50:50 incorporated joint venture with Asanko Gold Inc.[34]

• Structuring of the African entities of General Electric[35]

• Tokio Marine Holdings' acquisition of Hollard[36] enabling it to acquire precious foothold in full-scale African expansion

• Pioneer Foods Group Ltd in respect of the firm intention offer by PepsiCo[37] Inc. to acquire the ordinary shares by way of a scheme of arrangement or standby offer valued at ZAR 25 billion

• USD 2,1 billion combination of the majority of Barclays' African operations with Absa Group – the largest cross-border African M&A transaction in 2013[38]

• Actis-backed Emerging Markets Knowledge Holdings' acquisitions relating to its tertiary education buy-and-build platform[39]

• The Carlyle Group (via its Sub-Saharan Africa Fund[40]) on various M&A transactions and fund structuring

• American Tower Corporation's acquisition of up to 723 of Telkom Kenya's transmission towers[41] – ATC's first entry into the Kenyan market, its fifth market in Africa

• Anglo American's restructuring of its shareholding in Anglo American Platinum and its interests in De Beers (combined deal value of ZAR 87 billion)

• Vodafone Group in respect of the disposal of its indirect 34,94% interest in Safaricom to Vodacom Group for ZAR 35 billion

• Woolworths on its takeover of Australian retailer, David Jones, valued at AUD 2,14 billion, and its acquisition of Country Road[42]

• Anglo American on the sale of the New Largo thermal coal project in South Africa to New Largo Coal[43]

• Sibanye Stillwater in respect of its US$500 million streaming transaction with Wheaton Precious Metals International[44]

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870cef No.43958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916842 (281940ZMAY23) Notable: Webber Wentzel law firm

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Webber Wentzel – 2 of 2


Notable cases[edit]

• In 1957 the firm advised Consolidated Diamond Mines of South-West Africa (CDM) in the Great South-West Diamond Case. CDM had been given exclusive rights to mine for diamonds in a diamond-rich area by the administrator of South West Africa, who subsequently conferred the right to Suidwes-Afrika Prospekteers. CDM successfully sued South West Africa to protect their sole right to mine.[6]

• In 1973 the firm successfully completed the case of Venkatrathnan and Another vs Officer Commanding Robben Island. In the case the court decided that prisoners were in principle entitled to study for tertiary degrees.[6]

• In 2004 the firm successfully challenged South African pharmaceutical price capping legislation in the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa in terms of which pharmacists, when dispensing prescription medicine, could charge a fixed fee limited to 26% and capped at R26.00.[6][45]

Notable alumni[edit]

Notable alumni of the firm include:[6]

Bruce Cleaver, CEO of De Beers Group[46]

Charles Augustus Wentzel, former Chief Magistrate of the Witwatersrand

Henry Charles Hull, former board member of Anglo American Corporation and the first Minister of Finance (South Africa)[47]

• Sir Edward Solomon, former South African Senator and Minister of Public Works (South Africa)[48]

• Walter Webber, former Member of Parliament for the Labour Party in Troyeville, founder and champion of the Bantu Men's Social Centre and the Joint Council of Europeans and Natives.

• Ed Southey, President of the Law Society of the Transvaal (1985 and 1986) President of Association of Law Societies of Republic of South Africa (1991)[49]

• Stanley Sessel, former president of the Council of the Association of Law Societies

Brett Kebble, mining magnate [murdered][50]

• Sheila Camerer, South African ambassador to Bulgaria[51]

• Nicky Newton-King, chief executive officer of the JSE Limited.

• Eric Pfaff, founder of the Maitland Group.[9]

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870cef No.43959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916863 (281946ZMAY23) Notable: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide - Armcor

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>“Obviously then we need to know government’s involvement because we know that AB Logistics which is the logistical company belonging to Armscor was responsible for the handling of the freight and delivering of the rounds and shells from Russia to our ammunition depot.”

Armscor continues business, from Apartheid to now.

“The Secretary: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide” – Armscor 1 of 2


May 11, 2023


Rather, declassified archival material shows how for years apartheid South Africa and its allies—some of them permanent members of the UN Security Council—circumvented the arms embargo using a complex network to launder cash for arms and to create end-user certificates. Zaire, in particular, served as a central node for the transit of weapons bought illegally by the apartheid regime for União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) in Angola.18 This relationship was also exploited for Mobutu Sese Seko’s suppression of opposition in Zaire; for meetings between South African envoys and representatives of Gabon’s Omar Bongo and Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang Nguema Mbasogo; and to aid Hissene Habre’s coup in Chad.19

State-owned arms company Armscor sold infantry weapons worth millions to the Rwandan government between 1980 and 1992.21 Between 1990 and 1993 alone, South Africa was estimated to have sold arms worth $32 million to Rwanda.22

With regard to the Rwandan civil war and genocide, there are two documented arms sales between South Africa and Rwanda: one in 1992 between Armscor and the Rwandan government and the other in May 1994 (which is the subject of this investigation). The weapons Armscor sold to Rwanda in 1992 were used not only in the civil war but also in the genocide.

Ehlers’ selection as a secretary of PW Botha, the ‘Big Crocodile’, was no coincidence. The young man’s military experience, exposure to state secrets, and ties to the apartheid power elite had groomed him to become part of the regime’s inner circle. He would be Botha’s side when he was developing strategy and consulting with foreign dignitaries.

In late 1989, Ters Ehlers lost his position. PW Botha was ousted as leader of his beloved National Party, and within months, his cabinet was successful in evicting the ailing Botha, who had suffered multiple strokes, from the presidency too.

The 42-year-old Ehlers left his offices at the Union Buildings in Pretoria carrying a little black book that was second to none. His decade as handlanger or assistant to Botha had set him up for life. He, like many securocrats, would leave government to privatise his services. Ehlers packed up his navy uniform and set up shop as a fixer and middleman in the dangerous and dirty world of highly lucrative arms deals. Ehlers became part of what Human Rights Watch, in a report published in 2000, described as South Africa’s ‘old-boy network’ spanning national defence and private business and drawing on experience gained dodging apartheid arms embargoes. This network would go on to run the arms trade in Africa and globally, which included dealing with some of the world’s worst human rights offenders.

In 1990, Ehlers made a seamless transition from the security state to one of its most curious, secret front companies—the Seychelles-based GMR. Named after Italian Giovanni Mario Ricci, GMR was a sanctions-busting front for the apartheid regime from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s.13 Ehlers was tasked with taking over the reins of GMR from Craig Williamson, who he knew well from his days in Botha’s presidency.14 This relationship with GMR is important for our understanding of Ehlers’ role in the arms sales to Rwanda during the genocide as those weapons transited through the Seychelles in 1994.

In June 1994, as South Africa settled into a tenuous peace in its second month as a democracy and the genocide in Rwanda reached an alarming crescendo, Ehlers was facilitating a secretive and circuitous arms transaction. He travelled from South Africa to the scenic Seychelles islands to buy weapons, which were sold on to a Rwandan colonel, who provided a falsified end-user certificate (EUC) from then Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC).

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870cef No.43960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916868 (281947ZMAY23) Notable: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide - Armcor

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“The Secretary: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide” – Armscor 2 of 2


May 11, 2023

The arms travelled to their destination— Rwanda—with Colonel Théoneste Bagosora on a DC-8 plane registered in Zaire.6 Bagosora was an official in the Rwandan ministry of defence and a leader of the Interahamwe,7 the extremist militia considered to be the main perpetrator of the genocide. This circuitous trip was undertaken twice, and was unsuccessful the third time, as the media and people in the Seychelles learned that the arms were supporting the ongoing genocide in Rwanda.8 This arms sale was in explicit contravention of United Nations (UN) sanctions on the sale of weapons to the genocidal Rwandan regime.

Using declassified records from South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO); Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) cables and faxes; and police affidavits, witness testimonies, and other documents of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, we show that Ters Ehlers and Théoneste Bagosora facilitated and perpetuated crimes against humanity and genocide in Rwanda in June 1994—a genocide that claimed the lives of over 800,000 to one million people in just 100 days.14

Among the documents Ehlers showed us, there was one he said he is very proud of—it is his certificate, signed by President Nelson Mandela, appointing him as honorary consul of Colombia.

He says that this was the result of work he conducted for the Colombians at the behest of a good friend who held an ambassadorial post at the UN in Geneva. This friend told him that Colombia was ‘struggling with Armscor’. While Armscor and Colombia had a relatively good relationship and Colombia already bought lots of ammunition from Armscor, the South African state-owned arms company was reluctant to sell a Mirage aircraft part that it had developed, which cost half of what it did in France and lasted five times longer.

To assist the Colombians, Ehlers called the chairman of Armscor. Later, in 1995, ‘the friend in Geneva’ called to say that the Colombians had managed to secure the deal with his help. Two months later, the Colombian ministry of foreign affairs offered Ehlers an honorary consul position in South Africa, as Colombia did not have an embassy in South Africa at the time.

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870cef No.43961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924452 (301227ZMAY23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Glencore Subsidiary Buys Sherwin Alumina at Bankruptcy Auction

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Glencore has interests in Corpus Christi…

Glencore Subsidiary Buys Sherwin Alumina at Bankruptcy Auction


APR. 25, 2016

Texas’ Corpus Christi Alumina (CCA) purchased the assets of Sherwin Alumina at auction last week, winning the bid with a US$54 million offer. Both companies are subsidiaries of Anglo-Swiss multinational commodity trading and mining company Glencore plc.

Although the Port of Corpus Christi submitted a bid, court filings indicated that Sherwin had a pre-existing plan to sell to CCA when it (Sherwin) filed for Chapter 11 reorganization in January. The plan involved Sherwin selling CCA the entirety of its assets in exchange for forgiveness of US$95 million of debt, plus US$250 thousand in cash. Another Glencore company has given Sherwin US$40 million to continue operating during bankruptcy proceedings. Sherwin was able to accept a higher bid if one was offered, but this arrangement is part of a plan to move Sherwin through bankruptcy quickly and in a debt-free condition.

The next step in the plan is to take the plan back to bankruptcy court. The court, namely the US Bankruptcy Court of the Southern District of Texas in Houston, will set a date to consider the plan within the next several days or weeks.

The firm is also in negotiations with labor at the plant, but according to a spokesman for US Steelworkers, which represents the plant’s labor force, said it is too early to tell what the sale might mean for labor negotiations. Negotiators are planning to meet with Sherwin’s attorneys this week in an effort to come to an amicable conclusion to talks that have gone on for over one-and-a-half years.

If negotiations fall through, USW’s representatives said that they will work towards separating workers from the plant and securing any back payments Sherwin may owe them. That would allow them to re-apply with Sherwin, but not as members of USW. The union’s attorneys are also working to insure that any agreements made with Sherwin will remain in force once the company’s ownership is settled.

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870cef No.43962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924456 (301227ZMAY23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Glencore Subsidiary Buys Sherwin Alumina at Bankruptcy Auction

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“Power plant at old Sherwin Alumina site to resume operations”


May 2, 2019

A shuttered power plant on the old Sherwin Alumina property in Gregory is planning to restart operations in June.

The natural gas plant was built in 2002 to provide energy to its partner, Sherwin Alumina, said David Knox, a spokesman for NRG Energy Inc. It was "mothballed" in 2016 when Sherwin Alumina filed for bankruptcy and ceased operations, he said.

Now that some issues related to that bankruptcy filing have been resolved, work is underway to get the power plant back up and running as a combined cycle facility by early June 2019, according to a news release.

"I am pleased to announce the return to service of this highly efficient natural gas plant," said Mauricio Gutierrez, president and CEO of NRG, in a statement. "The Public Utility Commission of Texas' recent actions to further strengthen the ERCOT market reinforced our decision to return Gregory to service ahead of summer, providing additional reliability to our customers and Texas' growing economy."

The Sherwin Alumina property has been undergoing environmental remediation since the company entered into bankruptcy. And while the plant is situated on the property, it is not located within the old Sherwin Alumina facility or on the land being cleaned up, Knox said.

The NRG plant is capable of powering about 77,000 homes on the hottest days of the year at full power, the release states.

The plant will also undergo some revamping, as it shifts away from providing steam to the Sherwin Alumina plant, Knox said. It will have eight full-time employees.

"Instead of doing that steam out (to the plant), it just focuses all that steam on the steam turbine and generating that power," he said. "Without the primary customer, we needed to have the economics work."

After its closure, the Sherwin Alumina site was put under the ownership of Corpus Christi Alumina, a subsidiary of Sherwin Alumina's Swiss-based parent company, Glencore Holdings. A representative with Glencore declined to comment when contacted by the Caller-Times on Thursday.

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870cef No.43963

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924464 (301229ZMAY23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Bribery Scandal To Cost Glencore $1.1 Billion, While Billionaire Execs Avoid Blame—For Now

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Its business as usual eventhough…

“Bribery Scandal To Cost Glencore $1.1 Billion, While Billionaire Execs Avoid Blame—For Now”


May 26, 2022,11:44am EDT

Below are excerpts

Marc Rich, the legendary commodities trader, fled the United States for Europe in 1983 after being indicted for trading Iranian oil during the 1979 hostage crisis and evading $50 million in taxes. From Switzerland, Rich continued to operate Marc Rich & Co. until selling the trading house to his protégés in 1994. By the time President Bill Clinton pardoned Rich on his last day in office in 2001, the company had been renamed Glencore International. Rich died in 2013, age 79, a billionaire and a free man—an example that Glencore’s next generation of fat cats now seek to follow.

Including Rich (and his longtime right hand Pincus Green, now retired with an estimated $900 million) the company has birthed at least nine billion-dollar fortunes. The richest of the Glencore gang is former CEO Ivan Glasenberg, at $8.9 billion, according to the Forbes Real-Time Billionaire rankings. Others include Daniel Maté, 58, a metals trader worth an estimated $3.6 billion, and oil trader Tor Peterson at $2.7 billion.

All three left the company in the past two years, but neither they nor other billionaire executives have yet been fingered in the Department of Justice investigation into Glencore’s misdeeds, resolved this week with the company’s admissions of guilt and $1.1 billion in fines.

According to a statement from U.S. Attorney Damian Williams, the execs likely knew something: “With approval and knowledge of top executives,” Glencore traders for more than a decade until 2018 made illicit payments seem customary. Glencore admits now that its traders bribed foreign officials to secure contracts and cargoes, bribed bureaucrats to avoid audits, and bribed judges to make lawsuits disappear. Its fine under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act will amount to $430 million, with forfeiture of $270 million of ill-gotten gains.

Two Glencore traders have so far pled guilty and are soon to be sentenced. First, Emilio Jose Heredia Collado of California admitted to conspiring to manipulate the price of marine fuel oil in the ports of Los Angeles and Houston. (Those shenanigans will cost Glencore a fine of $341 million and the forfeiture of $144 million in profits.) Second is the government’s star witness, Anthony Stimler, formerly a senior oil trader overseeing West Africa. Stimler last year pled guilty to bribery and money laundering. He has reportedly shown remorse, and has been helping to elucidate for prosecutors the details of how Glencore, via “dozens of agreements” paid millions in bribes to Nigerian officials.

In 2014 Stimler, according to DOJ filings, was told to contribute an “advance” of $300,000 toward the reelection campaign of a Nigerian official. The payment flowed via wire transfer from a Glencore bank account in Switzerland through a New York bank to a Nigerian-owned account in Cyprus. In 2015 in order to get the opportunity to buy cargoes of oil from Nigeria, Glencore was required to submit $50,000 per cargo as an “advance payment.” According to court documents, Glencore made illicit profits of $124 million due to the scheme.

Other details include $147,000 in “Operation Carwash” payments made to three Brazilian officials at state-controlled oil giant Petrobras, which were disguised as a “service fee” of 50 cents per barrel of Brazilian oil that Glencore bought. All told, Glencore allegedly made $40 million in illicit payments to Brazilian officials.

In Venezuela, Glencore paid government-connected intermediaries $1.3 million in order to speed up $12 million in late payments that Petroleos de Venezuela owed the trading house under oil contracts.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, when a lawsuit alleged that Glencore had breached a contract and owed $16 million in damages, a company intermediary had a private meeting with the judge presiding over the case, paid a bribe of $500,000 disguised as a fake invoice for legal work, and the lawsuit went away. In DRC, Glencore admits to paying $27.5 million in bribes.

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870cef No.43964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924476 (301233ZMAY23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / “Killer cholera hits amid decade-long bickering over Hammanskraal water crisis - and tender scandals”

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>Minister of Electricity Kgosientsho Ramokgopa

“Corruption blamed for Hammanskraal water crisis”


May 25, 2023

Former Tshwane MMC for Utility Services, Abel Tau says the Hammanskraal cholera water crisis, which has claimed 17 lives so far, could have been avoided years ago if corruption was not rife and political leaders paid attention to the cries of the community. This comes after the Special Investigation Unit revealed that it has enough preliminary grounds to probe a tender for the upgrade of the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hammanskraal.

The tender in question was awarded to controversial businessman Edwin Sodi and later revoked by then-MMC Abel Tau. He unpacks this further.

“Killer cholera hits amid decade-long bickering over Hammanskraal water crisis – and tender scandals” [including the new Minister of Electricity, ANC’s Kgosientsho ‘Sputla’ Ramokgopa”


23 May 2023

The cholera outbreak has killed 15 people so far in Hammanskraal, Tshwane, where water issues have long been used as a campaigning tool by political parties to gain votes and control in the metro.

Thirteen years ago, it was reported that the Department of water affairs had declared the Apies River a disaster area after raw sewage had been pouring into the river located near the Rooiwal sewage treatment plant. That was in 2010.

In response to AfriForum’s petition calling on the Tshwane council to resolve the issue, the then council led by former mayor and now Minister of Electricity ANC’s Kgosientsho ‘Sputla’ Ramokgopa earmarked R11-million for maintenance and upgrading of the treatment plant.

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870cef No.43965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924486 (301236ZMAY23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Life in the Time of Cholera - the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization (Parts 1&2)

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“Fikile Mbalula here in interview with HardTalk's Stephen Sakur” - https://youtu.be/NwwK9qcJnrM

“Life in the Time of Cholera – the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization” – 1 of 2


29th May 2023

The cholera outbreak in Hammanskraal, which has killed 21 people so far, is not only tragic but an ominous sign of the continuing disintegration of the South African state. Under the ANC, one after another of the nation’s essential services has fallen to pieces.

In his appalling interview on Hard Talk on the BBC last week, Fikile Mbalula, Secretary General of the ANC, said that electricity was the “one single failure” of 29 years of ANC rule. The interviewer, Stephen Sackur, did not even pick him up on this preposterous claim. Electricity is but one of a multitude of failures which is ruining our country, and by no means the most important one. Failures in education, crime prevention, and unemployment are all more important than our collapsing electricity supply, although none of them have the sudden, spectacular effects of load-shedding. Perhaps most important of all is the ANC’s failure to maintain two of the greatest needs of civilisation: clean water and good sanitation.

Cholera can be treated simply by giving the patient water with suitable salts, cheap and plentifully available, either by drinking or by injection. It is an utter disgrace that anyone in the world today should die of cholera. In South Africa this month, over twenty people did so at Hammanskraal, in the richest province in South Africa, purely as a result of misgovernance.

The ANC’s manifold failures – in education, crime prevention, health, water and sanitation, railways, ports, municipalities, railways, and employment – are caused not only by corruption, incompetence, neglect and arrogance but also by deliberate policy. The ANC has deliberately forced upon the nation policies it knows are ruinous and to which it would never dream of submitting itself. Consider somewhat similar failures in another country far away a century ago.

One of the world’s worst epidemics of malaria happened in Russia in 1922, spreading as far north as Archangel on the Arctic Circle. Nowadays, it would have been blamed on climate change (in the freezing cold!), but actually, it was caused by the collapse of Russian health services following the brutal disruption of the communist revolution and the civil war. (Malaria decimated the European population during the horrible cold of the 16th and 17th Centuries and probably killed Cromwell.) But an even worse loss of life, this time by starvation, was caused by deliberate communist policy.

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870cef No.43966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924491 (301238ZMAY23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Life in the Time of Cholera - the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization (Parts 1&2)

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“Life in the Time of Cholera – the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization” – 2 of 2


29th May 2023

Forced upon the nation

In South Africa, the ANC has forced upon the nation policies such as racial affirmative action, employment equity, transformation, cadre deployment and BEE, which it knows full well are ruinous. It knows that these policies have ruined education for the great mass of our people. ANC ministers would not dream of sending their own children to schools with affirmative action teachers, 92% of whom were black (in line with the Employment Equity Act, which the ANC has recently strengthened). BEE procurement has helped to ruin Eskom, but the ANC keeps pushing it harder and harder. From what we know about the tragedy at Hammanskraal and here, some of the facts seem as muddy as the water the local people have to drink; these ANC policies are largely responsible for the loss of life.

Hammanskraal is a large peri-urban municipality in the north of Gauteng. It falls under the Tshwane local authority, which was ruled by the ANC until 2016 when a DA-led coalition took over. It has a long history of failing water supply and sanitation. In 2008, sewage from the Rooiwal Waste Water Treatment Plant (RWWT) in the Tshwane municipality began flowing into the Apies River. Nothing much seems to have been done about it then. In 2011, the ANC closed the Temba Water Purification Plant. In 2019, Thembeka Mphefu, a Tshwane official and the divisional head of supply chain management, awarded a tender worth R295 million to upgrade the RWWT to a consortium of three companies, all owned by a businessman, Edwin Sodi, described as “an ANC benefactor”. Had Mr Sodi completed the work as he promised, the water at Hammanskraal would this month have been safe to drink, and 21 people would not have died. He did not do so and did not have the competence to do so.

According to a tweet by Koketso Resane on 23 May 2023, published in The Citizen, “Instead of using the money to upgrade the plant and ensure Hammanskraal residents get clean water, Edwin bought additional luxury cars, paid ANC salaries, and bagged Kefilwe Mabote as his side.” (Please google “Kefilwe Mabota images”.) In other words, he acted in full compliance with BEE procurement, which President Ramaphosa has recently confirmed he supports. I notice that Comrade Fikile Mbalula blames the DA for the Hammanskraal tragedy.

Will the ANC reverse its ruinous racial policies and allow the poor people in the municipalities to receive the best services at the lowest prices from the most competent and honest suppliers and contractors, regardless of their race or political connections? Will it consider the provision of clean water and good sanitation to all the people to be more important than racial ideology and favours to rich cronies? I don’t think so. Just listen to Fikile Mbalula in the Hard Talk interview, and you won’t think so, either. Stalin thought that achieving socialism was more important than feeding starving people. The ANC thinks that racial ideology and enrichment of the few are more important than the welfare of the many.

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870cef No.43967

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924517 (301253ZMAY23) Notable: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide - Armcor

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>Rather, declassified archival material shows how for years apartheid South Africa and its allies—some of them permanent members of the UN Security Council—circumvented the arms embargo using a complex network to launder cash for arms and to create end-user certificates. Zaire, in particular, served as a central node for the transit of weapons bought illegally by the apartheid regime for União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA) in Angola.18 This relationship was also exploited for Mobutu Sese Seko’s suppression of opposition in Zaire; for meetings between South African envoys and representatives of Gabon’s Omar Bongo and Equatorial Guinea’s Obiang Nguema Mbasogo; and to aid Hissene Habre’s coup in Chad.19

Mobutu Sese Seko Connections


Tue 10 Feb 2015 07.58 EST

In 1963 he was invited by president John F Kennedy to the White House and effectively recruited to the capitalist side in the cold war’s African battleground. Two years later he declared himself head of state, renamed his country Zaire, renamed himself Mobutu Sese Seko Koko Ngbendu wa za Banga (meaning “the all-powerful warrior who, because of endurance and an inflexible will to win, will go from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake”) and adopted his infamous leopard-skin hat.

America, his patron, appeared willing to bankroll or turn a blind eye to any excess. Mobutu rapidly set the tone for his rule by ordering the public hanging of four former ministers at a sports stadium for an alleged coup plot.

There was no greater symbol of excess than Gbadolite and its palaces, for which he hired the Tunisian-born French architect Olivier Clement Cacoub and Senegal’s Pierre Goudiaby Atépa.

Guests over the years reputedly included Pope John Paul II, the king of Belgium, French president Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, UN secretary-general Boutros Boutros Ghali, self-declared emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa of the Central African Republic, American televangelist Pat Robertson, oil scion David Rockefeller, businessman Maurice Tempelsman and William Casey, director of the CIA.


His country was a lonely outpost of anti-communism on a continent rife with post-colonial socialism. The CIA helped him rise to power in the 1960s, and American aid was vital to his rule. President George Bush praised him in 1989 as ``one of our most valued friends.''

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870cef No.43968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924528 (301258ZMAY23) Notable: How Middlemen and Corporations Armed the Rwandan Genocide - Armcor

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Keep in mind…

Maurice Tempelsman, De Beers/Oppenheimers/US Connections



NARRATOR: Maurice Tempelsman is an independent diamond dealer and a key intermediary for De Beers.

Mr. ASKIN: In a matter of, oh, 10 days, Maurice Tempelsman holds consultations in Brussels with key officials. He meets with the U.S. embassy in Kinshasa, has consultations with the U.S. State Department, speaks with Mobutu, flies on to go meet with Mr. Oppenheimer of De Beers in South Africa in what, according to what is certainly shown by a number of declassified U.S. State Department documents to be an attempt to stitch together a relationship between the De Beers empire and the Mobutu regime. So it's very clear that from the very beginning of the Mobutu regime Tempelsman had an important role in, to put it most charitably, advising and guiding Mobutu on how to deal with companies like De Beers.-

NARRATOR: The Oppenheimers, through Tempelsman, arranged to have the exclusive supply of diamonds shipped to their offices in London. De Beers has done well on Zaire's diamonds. So has President Mobutu.

Is it coincidence?…


Belgian-born Maurice Tempelsman has a long and bloody history in Africa. When Congo’s first Premier, Patrice Lumumba, pledged to return diamond wealth back to the newly independent Congo in the early 60’s, Tempelsman, who began with De Beers in the 1950’s, helped engineer the coup d’etat that consolidated the dictatorship of 29 year-old Colonel Mobutu, and the coup against Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah; diamonds were at stake in each.

“I believe this was the beginning of what we now know of as conflict diamonds in the Congo,” says blood diamond expert and investigative journalist Janine Roberts, author of the book Glitter and Greed: The Secret World of the Diamond Cartel. “From then on diamonds would be extensively used to discreetly fund wars, coups, repression and dictatorships, in Africa.”

Maurice Tempelsman is Chairman of the American Jewish Congress, a Zionist pressure group that claims it works closely with the Israeli military. SEC filings show that LKI directors are high-rolling Zionist lawyers and investment bankers: one director belongs to the law firm that once represented President Kennedy—another Tempelsman friend. LKI is also connected to the euphemistically named United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The Tempelsman empire remains rock solid behind Leon Tempelsman & Sons, De Beers, and Lazare Kaplan International—supplier of Tiffany’s and Cartier’s diamonds. A client of Adelai Stevenson’s law firm during the first Congo crises (1960-1970), Tempelsman later hired Lawrence Devlin, a CIA station chief responsible for covert operations in Katanga, to maintain the Mobutu diamond/cobalt connections into the late 1980’s.

Tempelsman is the deep pockets of the Democratic party, a regular supporter of the campaigns of John Kerry (D); Ed Royce (R); Tom Daschle (D); Barack Obama (D); Maxine Waters (D); John Rockefeller (D); Richard Gephardt (D); Howard Wolpe (D); Patrick (D) and Edward Kennedy (D); and the 1988 win of George H.W. Bush.

Tempelsman contributed some $500,000 to Clinton for president, and he is backing Hillary (D)… Botswana’s President Mogae attended the 1999 Attracting Capital to Africa Summit in Houston (TX), organized by the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), the “who’s who” of multinational corporations. CCA chairman Maurice Tempelsman organized the summit, where 10 African heads of state met with half of Clinton's Cabinet and 200 corporate representatives.[26] Tempelsman and the CCA organized the U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Africa in 2001, featuring DRC President Joseph Kabila, coordinated with an Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) meeting involving President G. W. Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powel.

Maurice Tempelsman was Jackie O’Nassis Kennedy’s lover and he reportedly courted Madeline Albright.

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870cef No.43969

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924629 (301338ZMAY23) Notable: Webber Wentzel law firm

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>Phineas Mojapelo [Candidate Attorney: Webber Wentzel, Johannesburg: Jan 1978 – Dec 1979] to head Ramaphosa's panel into Russian vessel matter


>Webber Wentzel


>Bruce Cleaver, CEO of De Beers Group[46]

“Alessandra Berridge - Executive Vice-president, Commercial and Partnerships” at De Beers Group and was a partner at Webber Wentzel


Alessandra was appointed Executive Vice-President, Commercial and Partnerships, in February 2018.

Skills and Experience

Alessandra was Lead Legal Counsel for Anglo American from 2013 to 2018, leading on mergers and acquisitions and strategic transactions. Previously, she was Group General Counsel for De Beers Group from 2008. She has also served as a director of De Beers UK, De Beers Group Services and De Beers Marine.

Before joining De Beers, she was a partner at Webber Wentzel, Africa’s largest law firm.

Alessandra is a qualified lawyer with a BA in English, Philosophy and Law and an LLB from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She is also an Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa.

External Appointments


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870cef No.43970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18924675 (301351ZMAY23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Botswana says it is still keen on De Beers partnership, confident of new deal

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“Botswana says it is still keen on De Beers partnership, confident of new deal”


30th May 2023

Botswana wants to maintain its partnership with De Beers and is confident that ongoing negotiations for a new diamond sales agreement will succeed, a government spokesperson said on Tuesday.

Botswana is negotiating a new sales deal with Anglo American's De Beers ahead of the expiry of its current agreement, signed in 2011, later this year.

President Mokgweetsi Masisi's threats to walk away from the negotiations if Botswana fails to secure a bigger share of rough diamonds produced by Debswana, their 54-year-old diamond mining joint venture, have fueled speculation that the government may end the relationship.

But in a statement, government spokesperson William Sentshebeng said the negotiations between the government and De Beers "are ongoing, and we are confident that they will result in a deal that will benefit both parties".

Botswana's share of Debswana's output increased to 25% in 2020 from 10% in 2011. Although Botswana has not publicly stated what share it is seeking in the new deal, it is believed to be as high as 50%.

Sentshebeng said talks to renew De Beers' diamond mining rights, which are due to expire in 2029, were also being held well in advance to allow for critical investment decisions.

De Beers and Botswana plan to invest in capital intensive expansion projects at their two largest mines, Jwaneng and Orapa, to extend their lifespans by another 20 years.

In March, Masisi's announcement that Botswana will take up a 24% stake in Belgian gem cutter and trader HB Antwerp was seen as an attempt to reduce De Beers’ dominance over the country’s diamond industry.

But Sentshebeng said Botswana's partnership with HB Antwerp was meant to secure a stake in diamond processing and value addition.

“The partnership with HB Antwerp will not affect or replace the partnership with De Beers, which is premised on mining and selling rough diamonds,” Sentshebeng said.

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870cef No.43971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935782 (011804ZJUN23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Glencore to honour pre-existing Russia contracts, no new deals

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Glencore is deep in Russian oil.

“Glencore to honour pre-existing Russia contracts, no new deals”


March 30, 20228:15 AM EDT

LONDON, March 30 (Reuters) - Global mining and trading Glencore (GLEN.L) said on Wednesday it had "no realistic way to exit" its stakes in Russian company En+ Group and state oil firm Rosneft (ROSN.MM) after reviewing its business ties.

The London-listed miner added in the statement that it would "not enter into any new trading business in respect of Russian origin commodities unless directed by the relevant government authorities".

On March 1, the Swiss company said it was reviewing its business activities in Russia.


“Glencore sells stake in Russia's Russneft to cap 20-year partnership”


February 15, 2022

MOSCOW/LONDON (Reuters) - Glencore has sold out of Russneft, capping two decades of investments which saw the Swiss commodities firm trading millions of barrels of the Russian group's oil even as it witnessed some of Russia's top corporate and political battles.

Glencore had helped [Mikhail] Gutseriyev build Russneft from scratch since the early 2000s into a top-10 Russian oil firm by funding the firm's expansion in return for oil export rights.

The deal allowed Glencore, one of the top three global oil traders, to market large volumes of Russian oil.

Glencore remained a shareholder in Russneft during decades of turbulence surrounding the firm, including Gutseriyev losing control, fleeing Russia to London in 2007, and returning home later to become a loyal Kremlin partner again.

Other challenges included Russneft's billions of dollars of debt to Russian state banks, as well as bankruptcies at other financial institutions founded by Gutseriyev.

Keep in mind…

“Glencore Poised to Become Largest Russian Oil Trader”


Feb 02, 2013, 6:00 PM

An unprecedented deal between Russia’s state-controlled Rosneft and Glencore (GLEN:LN)—the world’s largest oil trader—gives Rosneft much-needed cash and positions Glencore to become the world’s largest trader of Russian oil. This is no small deal for a foreign company in Russia.

The deal—sealed in late Decemberwill first see Glencore and another trading major, Vitol, pay Rosneft $10 billion in advance for future Russian oil.- Under the deal, What does $10 billion buy Glencore and its deal partner Vitol? Quite a lot: they will take 67 million tons of Rosneft's oil exports for the next five years.

The cash will help Rosneft recoup after acquiring TNK-BP.

To many analysts, this is a perfect marriage of one of the world’s largest producers and the world’s largest trader. And no one expected the deal to close so quickly. Glencore had long attempted such a move but had failed repeatedly to make it happen. Apparently, though, some shaky relationships have recently been strengthened; namely that between the circle around Russian President Vladimir Putin and a Russian aluminum tycoon, Oleg Deripaska, who has close ties to Glencore.

Where does this put Glencore? At the top of the Russian oil trading list. The Russian oil futures represent almost one-tenth of Glencore’s entire global holdings of 2.5 million barrels per day.

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870cef No.43972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935789 (011805ZJUN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Second Major Railway Grinds To Halt In South Africa

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“Second Major Railway Grinds To Halt In South Africa”


Thursday, Jun 01, 2023 - 06:55 AM

The precise question one needs to ask is: What the hell is continuing to unfold in South Africa? An economic crisis is worsening, and extended rolling blackouts have been the norm over the last several months, but in the last week, multiple major railways have ground to a halt due to rampant theft of power cables.

Bloomberg said a 535-mile rail line used to haul iron ore and manganese from Kumba Iron Ore Ltd.'s giant Sishen mine in the Northern Cape province to west coast ports was paralyzed on Tuesday after criminal organized gangs stole power cables used to power electric locomotives.

Transnet SOC Ltd., the state-owned entity that operates the line, wrote in a statement:

"Security teams were immediately activated and are working with law enforcement agencies, stakeholders and customers to curb this security threat.

"Our employees will be working around the clock to get services back to normal and get customers' cargo moving as soon as possible."

The 535-mile rail line is the second to be vandalized by theft within a week. This time last week, a 428-mile rail line from the Port of Durban to Gauteng province had capacity significantly reduced due to "theft, vandalism, and rail damage" by gangs.

Meanwhile, this morning, South Africa's rand hit a new record low against the dollar due to rising diplomatic tensions and worsening economic risks.

The rand touched 19.9204 per dollar, just shy of the 20 handle.

Bloomberg noted:

The latest setback for investors is the government's plan to provide diplomatic immunity to attendees of BRICS meetings as it prepares to host Russian President Vladimir Putin at an August summit. That's added to power cuts that are hurting the economy, concerns over China's growth, and renewed gains in the US dollar.

And it's been about a week since the African National Congress, a social-democratic political party in the country, warned that the country could become a "failed state."

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870cef No.43973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935795 (011807ZJUN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk

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>And it's been about a week since the African National Congress, a social-democratic political party in the country, warned that the country could become a "failed state."

South Africa is already in a failed state when laws like this are passed. The key point in this article, “the proposed regulations exempt mining companies”

“Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk”


1 Jun

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) recently published draft revised Regulations regarding the Procedural Requirements for Water Use Licence Applications and Amendments for comment. According to the draft regulations, certain enterprises applying for water use licenses to take or store water, will in the future have to allocate shares of up to 75% to black South Africans in order for such water use licenses to be granted. The consequences for food security and the sustainability of the agricultural sector should these regulations be passed in the current form cannot be understated – they would have a devastating impact on the sector and its ability to provide the country with a secure supply of food. This is because focussing solely on ownership, to the exclusion of all other relevant factors, will mean the loss (or partial loss) of water resources for numerous currently viable commercial farming enterprises.

Similar requirements are also prescribed in the draft with respect to so-called “stream flow reduction activities” (essentially commercial forestry plantations). The regulations also make provision for hydraulic fracturing (which is a further risk and threat to food security).

The prescribed minimum black South African shareholding requirements of 25%, 50%, or 75%, required for a water use license to succeed depends on the volume of water abstracted or stored, or the area covered (in the case of commercial forest plantations).

The proposed regulations are seen as the DWS’s most radical and sweeping effort to date toward changing the demographics with respect to water use in South Africa. The agricultural and forestry sectors appear to be the primary target of the proposed regulations. The agricultural sector accounts for approximately 60% of South Africa’s total water use. It is worth noting that the proposed regulations exempt mining companies, the state and state-owned entities, as well as 100% black-owned entities.

“Agri SA is of the view that the proposed regulations will have a devastating effect on South Africa’s commercial agricultural sector if adopted in their current form,” says Janse Rabie, legal and policy executive at Agri SA. “It is well known that the DWS envisages compulsory licensing of existing lawful water uses in the near future (a fact which is emphasised by regulation 13 of the proposed regulations). By far the greatest number of agricultural water uses are exercised in terms of historic existing lawful water uses.”

Concerningly, the draft regulations would seem to be attempting to replace the current suite of considerations which apply to granting water licenses with ownership demographics. In terms of section 27 of the National Water Act, the DWS must take all relevant factors into account when issuing a water use license. This already includes the need to redress the results of past racial and gender discrimination.

“Section 27 of the National Water Act however also contains at least 10 other considerations that the DWS (as being the responsible authority for granting water use licenses) needs to consider before granting any application for a water use license. What the proposed regulations seek to achieve is to make BBBEE the sole consideration for granting licenses,” says Rabie.

By contrast, Rabie stresses that this effort by government cannot have come at a worse time for the sector and the economy, which is already reeling from the impact of load shedding, rural crime and deteriorating public infrastructure.

The commentary period on the proposed Revision of Regulations regarding the Procedural Requirements for Water Use Licence Applications and Amendments will expire on 18 July 2023.

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870cef No.43974

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935804 (011809ZJUN23) Notable: Solidarity to companies – you do not have the right to obey injustice (with .pdf)

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>“Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk”

“Solidarity to companies – you do not have the right to obey injustice”


Thursday | 01 June | 2023

Solidarity today wrote to at least 2 000 of South Africa’s major companies, asking them to record their protest against the government’s latest race laws.

Companies are requested to collectively refuse to implement the Act, to exert political pressure on the government and to join the legal battle.

Solidarity Chief Executive writes that now is not the time for blind obedience, but it is time for positive protest. This will be for the good of everyone in South Africa.

According to the letter, companies that obey this new injustice are not only complicit in the injustice but also in the deepening crisis in the country. The letter also points out that companies do not have the right to obey injustice.

It is also pointed out in the letter that the new Act deprives employers of the right to do business and employees of the right to work.

Therefore, as Hermann writes, the onus to stop the Act and the regulations rests largely on businesses.

Hermann further states that these regulations make South Africa the most racially regulated country in the world. These regulations place employers in an impossible position. They are unimplementable, but will become law.

Continuing, the letter reads: “Flip Buys, chairperson of the Solidarity Movement, writes in a column that the new racial laws should not be seen in isolation from the broader disasters the government has wrought upon the country. It is the very same ideology that has led to the country’s decay, the impunity of corruption, the crime crisis and economic collapse. Companies that support these racial laws should not complain about the energy crisis, municipal decay or about the risk of the US kicking us out of the AGOA agreement. This is just another piece of the same puzzle.”

The new race law and the regulations give the Minister of Employment and Labour the right to identify sectors and to set race quotas for these sectors that can be imposed on employers.

The minister has published 60 pages of regulations prescribing in detail to employers what their race numbers should look like.

“Redressing imbalances or creating more jobs is a legitimate goal but the focus is not on redress or jobs but on race – even if it is at the cost of jobs,” Hermann writes.

Here, https://solidariteit.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06cebdddb93ed5ecee55f281f&id=ac40cca4e8&e=1320ada9cf, is the letter to employers, and here, https://solidariteit.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06cebdddb93ed5ecee55f281f&id=f90671b3cf&e=1320ada9cf. is the report’s executive summary. See attachments

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870cef No.43975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935811 (011811ZJUN23) Notable: Solidarity to companies – you do not have the right to obey injustice (with .pdf)

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>Here, https://solidariteit.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06cebdddb93ed5ecee55f281f&id=ac40cca4e8&e=1320ada9cf, is the letter to employers

The letter also states;

Two injustices are at stake here. The first is the injustice done to white, coloured and Indian persons, relegating them to second-class citizenship.

The second injustice is that there are still many companies in the country that accept this injustice as “just” and normal.

The onus to stop the Act and the regulations rests largely on companies.

In light of this, we kindly request you to:

• Not implement this Act and the regulations as the implementation thereof will condone it;

• Put pressure on the government to withdraw the Act and the regulations;

• Bring an application against the Act yourself, or be admitted to the litigation as a friend of the court; and to

• Make a contribution towards Solidarity’s litigation if you cannot bring an application yourself.

This is going to be an epic and expensive court battle for the benefit of everyone across traditional boundaries.

Now is not the time for blind obedience but for positive protest.

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870cef No.43976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982897 (101455ZJUN23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato (Parts 1&2)

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>However, evidence suggests that 27 years into its democracy, South Africa's arms trade still bears a resemblance to its apartheid-era predecessor.

>In violation of its EUC agreements, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been diverting South African weapons to militias in Yemen. Since 2015, SA-made weaponry has been documented on all sides of the conflict in Yemen.

>One of the most egregious diversions of South African weapons involves Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM), a joint venture between German arms company Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH and South African Denel.


“President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato” – Part 1


Published Jun 6, 2023

I am not privy to the cost implication of the inquiry to the taxpayer, save to allude to the historically exorbitant fees out of the fiscus every time an initiative of this nature is undertaken. But, still, that is the lesser of my concerns.

In fact, that at hand is of utmost importance in SA’s foreign policy practice is an understatement. Any slight finding that could give credence to Brigety’s publicly discredited allegations will be of dire consequences to Pretoria.

Already, US-SA relations are at their lowest in history, aggravated by SA’s non-aligned stance in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The US has failed to prevail over SA to take their side against Russia, much to Washington’s exasperation with Pretoria’s seeming stubbornness.

I have earlier argued against the narrow terms of reference awarded to the Commission. As a self-declared non-aligned sovereign state, methinks the Ramaphosa administration should have extended to the terms of references to cover, among others, whether any of the Nato states has supplied SA-sourced weapons or military equipment to Ukraine without the requisite permission of SA.

There have been reports – hitherto unchallenged – that Estonia has supplied its batch of SA-purchased Mamba 4x4 Armoured Personnel Carrier vehicles to Ukraine as part of the US-led Nato appeal for the armament of the Kyiv’s Zelensky administration.

According to international law, an “End User Certificate (EUC) is required prior to the export, or re-export, of conventional arms, irrespective of origin.”

Estonia has had no permission from SA to re-export the Mambas to Ukraine. SA could never have granted such a permission as Pretoria’s stance is non-aligned in the conflict.

Yet, there has been no threat of consequences looming against Estonia, ostensibly insulated from reprisals by its Nato membership.

Apart from the Estonian example of how SA’s rights were likely violated under international law, there are further examples where Nato states could be doing just the same at this very moment – with impunity.

For example, last December Rheinmetall Denel Munition (RDM), a consortium that comprises SA’s arms’ manufacturer Denel, won a multimillion-euro contract to build an explosives factory in Hungary, a Nato state.

DefenceWeb reported that in terms of the deal – signed on December 15, 2022 – a new plant would be built this year and production expected to begin in the next few years.

The new plant is expected to produce explosives that can be used for artillery, tank and mortar ammunition, among others.

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870cef No.43977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18982901 (101455ZJUN23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato (Parts 1&2)

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“President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato” – Part 2


Published Jun 6, 2023

Rheinmetall explained in interviews that their undertaking in Hungary “is in response to the shortage of explosives resulting from strong demand for ammunition in Europe and Nato”.

RDM specialises in “the development, design and manufacture of large and medium calibre ammunition as well as plant engineering”. The consortium at whose centre is SA arms manufacturer Denel, a state-owned entity, is credited with establishing “filling plants in three dozen different countries over the last three decades”.

RDM’s “Assegai family of artillery ammunition can be fired from any Nato STANAG-compatible artillery system, including the PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzer”. Germany has supplied “a number of PzH 2000s to Ukraine, which is using them against Russian forces”. Furthermore, the system is in service in Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, Lithuania, Hungary, Qatar and Croatia.

Another company that ought to come under the government’s scrutiny is explosives and landmines specialists, DCD Protected Mobility – a Boksburg-based company near OR Tambo International.

DCD’s general manager Cornelius Grundling was quoted as follows: “The company’s flagship product, the Husky – also known as the Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector (VMMD) – is in service in 17 countries around the world, including Nato nations.”

Furthermore, “DCD Protected Mobility has a long-standing partnership with the US-based AirBoss Defense Group (ADG),” through which the Husky Mine Detection System is marketed and supported, according to the company.

My argument is that, if the government’s primary concern is the claims by Brigety, so be it. Let’s accept that the US claims triggered the probe. However, in the light of plausible claims that SA-manufactured ammunition supplied to Nato countries are freely forwarded to the battlefield in Ukraine is a grave matter that cannot be ignored.

Non-aligned means SA is not involved in the conflict – on either side – directly or indirectly. Nato countries cannot be at liberty to flaunt the international rules, practices and laws in their Russophobia-inspired aid to Ukraine by doing as they please about SA-acquired arms.

Since the facts about SA weapons-manufacturing companies’ likely involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict are public knowledge, methinks officials in the Presidency or elsewhere in the government should flag this probable transgression of international law. A probe led by the retired judge should have its powers expanded, and terms of reference widened, so that the government establishes facts about the extent of the country’s involvement – if any, in the conflict.

A holistic enquiry will likely answer most, if not all the curious public interest-related questions, instead of partial accountability.

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870cef No.43978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18983193 (101602ZJUN23) Notable: ‘If this was about a bailout, they would be here’: Denel board snubs Scopa

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>Rheinmetall explained in interviews that their undertaking in Hungary “is in response to the shortage of explosives resulting from strong demand for ammunition in Europe and Nato”.

>RDM specialises in “the development, design and manufacture of large and medium calibre ammunition as well as plant engineering”. The consortium at whose centre is SA arms manufacturer Denel, a state-owned entity, is credited with establishing “filling plants in three dozen different countries over the last three decades”.

“‘If this was about a bailout, they would be here’: Denel board snubs Scopa“


6 Jun 2023

The financially embattled Denel pulled a no-show on Tuesday at a meeting with parliament’s Standing Committee of Public Accounts (Scopa).

The state-owned enterprise (SOE) was scheduled to appear before Scopa on Tuesday to explain why it did not table its annual report, and to provide an update on its liquidity crisis.

The committee was also expected to receive an update on the investigations conducted by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) at Denel.

But the meeting was adjourned after Denel’s board snubbed Scopa, leaving members of the committee frustrated.

Delays accountability

At the beginning of Tuesday’s meeting, Scopa chairperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa indicated that he was notified that Denel board chairperson Gloria Serobe was abroad.

However, he was informed that there would be other board members available, although Denel Group interim CEO Mike Kgobe was present at the meeting.

Hlengwa said the Denel board’s no-show was disrespectful and unacceptable.

“The accounting authority of Denel is the board, not the executives,” he said, adding that the meeting cannot proceed without the board.

Another DA MP Benedicta van Minnen also expressed her frustration with Denel, pointing out that Denel has received a total of R9 billion in bailouts over five years.

Denel restructuring

Denel is currently under a restructuring process carried out by the Department of Public Enterprises amid allegations of malfeasance against Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, City Press has reported.

Denel was granted a R3.2 billion bailout by the National Treasury in February to help turn around the state arms manufacturer within the next two years.

Denel is also reportedly being sued for R112 million by Armscor over contract failure.

The company was awarded a contract, worth R8 billion by Armscor for the full-scale production of new-generation 8×8 Badger infantry combat vehicles in 2013.

The tender is at risk of being cancelled and could cost taxpayers R7.4 billion.


Hlengwa said they would reconvene next Wednesday and that the board would have to explain at the next meeting as to why the cost incurred by the MPs, Department of Public Enterprises and Special Investigating Unit should not be borne by them personally [with taxpayer funds].

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870cef No.43979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988979 (111856ZJUN23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Ramaphosa expected to go to Moscow in an attempt to convince Putin to attend BRICS summit virtually (video)

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>While we focus on the Ambassador’s reaction, the Kremlin, not the Ambassador in Washington or in Pretoria, the Kremlin releases a statement saying, by the way, we had an extensive call, my friend Cyril Ramaphosa and I, and they release gory details basically saying the South Africans confirmed we are the ally; economically, politically and so on. Even they are cornering South Africa now and the idea that President Putin should join the BRICS summit in August virtually. Guess what President Putin said to our President, “You dare do that. There will be consequences from Russia as well.” There are prices and consequences for our choices… And the problem sits with us.”

“Ramaphosa expected to go to Moscow in an attempt to convince Putin to attend BRICS summit virtually”


Jun 11, 2023

As the 15th BRICS summit draws closer, President Cyril Ramaphosa is reportedly expected to travel to Moscow in a last ditch attempt to convince Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend the gathering virtually. The summit is meant to be held in South Africa this August. According to Business Day, cabinet ministers considered moving the summit to China to get round the problem of Putin’s arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court. Can this matter be resolved in time? Conflict resolution expert Dr Kingsley Makhubela weighs in.

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870cef No.43980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18988989 (111858ZJUN23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS expansion will accelerate creation of a new world order

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“BRICS expansion will accelerate creation of a new world order”


SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2023


In preparation for the 15th BRICS Summit in August, the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs met in Cape Town.

About 14 countries, some of whom have expressed their desire to join BRICS, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Argentina, Egypt, Bangladesh, and Uruguay, were invited to the meeting.

The ministers deliberated on key global issues, including strengthening multilateralism, the implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, international trade and finance, climate change negotiations and violent conflicts, among other things.

The ministerial meeting of the respective countries’ top diplomats helps set the agenda for the summit and ensure that bloc members are aligned on important global issues.

The upcoming summit will be important, because it will potentially change the structure and size of the bloc by admitting new members, most likely Iran and Argentina, who have long submitted formal applications to join the group.

With a combined GDP of $847 billion and a combined population of 133 million people, Argentina and Iran will sure add immense strategic value to the group. Their addition will strengthen the BRICS’ case for de-dollarisation and also further shift the global economy towards a South-South orientation through increased volumes of trade, technology transfers, and investments.

The meeting discussed pertinent and critical issues affecting the global economy and security. These include strengthening multilateralism especially by elevating the central role of the United Nations (UN) as the main platform for sovereign states to co-operate in delivering global public goods.

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870cef No.43981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18989009 (111902ZJUN23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Secrecy surrounding Lady R probe questioned

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“Secrecy surrounding Lady R probe questioned”


Published Jun 6, 2023

The DA said it has submitted an application in terms of the Promotion of Access to Information Act (Paia) to obtain the panel’s terms of reference, while the party is obtaining legal advice to “challenge Ramaphosa’s plan to hide the report once it is complete”.

This comes after The Presidency said the terms of reference for the inquiry would not be gazetted nor published as the investigation covers issues of national security and classified information, which is protected from disclosure.

The panel has been tasked to establish persons who were aware of the cargo ship’s arrival, and, if any, the contents to be off-loaded or loaded, the departure and destination of the cargo. The panel will also evaluate whether constitutional, legal or other obligations were complied with in relation to the cargo ship’s arrival, its stay, the loading or off-loading of its contents, and its departure.

DA leader John Steenhuisen said hiding the panel’s findings will completely undermine the ability of prosecutors and the public to hold guilty parties accountable for any violations of the law. “Hiding the findings of the report will only further damage South Africa’s international standing, as it will create legitimate fears of a cover up.

“The fact that Ramaphosa has suddenly announced his intention to hide the report from the public suggests he has already become aware of incriminating information that he wants to hide from public view to protect his ANC government.”

Legal expert Mpumelelo Zikalala said questions will be raised about the attempt to classify material before the panel has started its work. “You cannot hide anything by simply saying it is a matter of national security because there is significant public interest in this.

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870cef No.43982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999686 (131626ZJUN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / SA Presidency acknowledges receipt of call for farm murder commission, eight farmers murdered in a week

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“SA Presidency acknowledges receipt of call for farm murder commission”, “Eight farmers murdered in a week.”


12th Jun 2023

The latest spate of farm killings has seen renewed calls for action including a commission of inquiry and an appeal to the national agricultural community to “intensify” security and readiness.

Since the start of June there have been at least eight farm related murders reported in Limpopo and Western Cape.

The call for a commission of inquiry was made to South African President Cyril Ramaphosa by Noko Masipa, Democratic Alliance (DA) Shadow Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister. Her letter was acknowledged by The Presidency on the same day it was electronically sent.

Part of the Masipa letter reads: “Despite the frequency of farm attacks and murders, the DA and indeed the whole of South Africa, remain perplexed not much is being done to protect our farmers from criminal elements terrorising rural communities. Lawlessness has taken root on our farms and in rural communities but nothing is done to deal with the scourge decisively”.

“If we continue to pursue rural crime prevention as a separate activity from food production value chain, we continue to expose farmers and rural residents to criminal networks,” she warns the South African number one.

Pieter Groenewald’s Freedom Front Plus (FF+) maintains farmers are under siege and cannot be blamed “if they take the law into their own hands to protect themselves”.

“Eight farmers murdered in a week. That is the same number as was murdered in the first three months of this year, according to the latest SA Police Service (SAPS) crime statistics. Government is too quick to label farm murders as ordinary criminality. This excuse has been held up for far too long now,” Groenewald said, adding “burning farm murder victims alive does not amount to ordinary criminality” and pointing out the use of AK-47assault rifles should not qualify for the SAPS “ordinary criminality” descriptor.

While nowhere near the official SAPS statistic of close to 70 murders a day in South Africa, FF+ statistics show one farm murder for every eight rural attacks over the past four years.

He warns: “If the police do not take swift, decisive action to address farm attacks, it should be no surprise if farmers increasingly start taking the law into their own hands”.

AfriForum, long a vociferous campaigner for improved policing in South Africa’s agricultural sector, also made its voice heard in the wake of the latest attacks and deaths.

“AfriForum urges farmers and rural residents to urgently become part of local neighbourhood or farm watches. The only way to curb these horrific attacks is for communities to mobilise and step up preparedness,” Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum community safety spokesman, said.

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870cef No.43983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999691 (131626ZJUN23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives

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“‘Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives’”


June 7, 2023

The recent wave of farm attacks that have plagued the country in the past eight days can most likely be attributed to inflammatory remarks from organisations such as Cosatu, which believe that farmers are rapists and murderers, fueling animosity towards farmers.

According to TLU SA’s statistics on farm attacks and murders – tracked since 1990 – there was a slight decrease in these crimes in May of this year compared to the same period in 2022. This was also reflected in the crime figures released a week ago. However, the past week’s attacks indicate that there must have been a catalyst somewhere.

“We once again appeal to the Human Rights Commission to consider ‘offensive’ statements against farmers in a more serious light,” says Bennie van Zyl, the CEO of TLU SA.

“Farmers cannot rely on the police or the government to protect us. Getting a quick response from security companies in rural environments is also not as easy as in cities. Therefore, we are reliant on ourselves to secure our communities and change the narrative about farmers – that they assault workers, have lots of money, and stole the land.”

TLU SA is continuously involved in rural security projects and readily provides input and advice on improving the system.

“We will continue to build relationships with the police on a rural and personal level to establish a security network,” says Van Zyl.

“We have experienced several foot soldiers in the police who still believe in what they do and try to perform their duties properly under tough circumstances. We sympathise with the challenges that hinder them, such as poor top-level management, a shortage of basic resources like reliable vehicles, and a lack of experienced specialised forces. However, this impacts the safety of farmers, their families, workers, and ultimately food production.

TLU SA urgently appeals to President Ramaphosa and the rest of the cabinet to dismiss the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and officials who fail to fulfil their duties properly and replace them with driven, loyal, diligent, and experienced officials who are up to the task of combating crime.”

Read: Cosatu – ‘Farmers rape, assault and murder their workers’ – TLU SA files hate speech complaint - https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/cosatu-farmers-rape-assault-and-murder-their-workers-tlu-sa-files-hate-speech-complaint/

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870cef No.43984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999696 (131627ZJUN23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS Summit: Police Minister and SAPS high level delegation visit China

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>TLU SA urgently appeals to President Ramaphosa and the rest of the cabinet to dismiss the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and officials who fail to fulfil their duties properly and replace them with driven, loyal, diligent, and experienced officials who are up to the task of combating crime.”

“BRICS Summit: Police Minister and SAPS high level delegation visit China”


June 12, 2023

Police Minister, General Bheki Cele has successfully wrapped up a five day official visit to the People’s Republic of China, ahead of the upcoming 15th BRICS Summit to be hosted in Johannesburg in August 2023.

Minister Cele led a delegation of senior officials from the South African Police Service (SAPS) headed by the Deputy National Commissioner of the SAPS, Lieutenant General Tebello Mosikili.

The official visit to the People’s Republic of China saw the South African and Chinese police delegations, discuss among other policing matters, the strengthening of China-South Africa practical law-enforcement cooperation and collaboration.

The three city tour to Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai was characterised by engagements with various key safety and security role players of China.

China’s Minister of Public Security, Wang Xiaohong hosted Minister Cele and the South African delegation on 8 June 2023.

High on the agenda of the fruitful engagement was the establishment of a formal and rigorous policing exchange program of personnel capabilities and training between the two countries.

The two Ministers also reflected on security preparations of the 15th BRICS summit to be hosted in Johannesburg, where President Xi Jinping will join other head of states and attend the summit in August.

Transnational and environmental crimes, the collaboration to deal with violent crimes in South Africa, through technological interventions and the safety of nationals residing in both countries also featured high on the agenda.

“We have no doubt that the fruitful security and safety discussions on this trip will be cemented and put into action in the shortest possible time. While we share a rich history with China and have had several cooperations with our law enforcements over the years, we are encouraged by the new avenues being explored to boost South African techniques in law enforcement with our Chinese counterparts. The first price for both our countries is a revived policing partnership that will translate to the safety of citizens and the improvement of policing through technology, specialised skills and modernised South African police service that is people orientated.”

Engagements with the management and senior officials from the Chinese Department of Public Safety and the China People’s Public Security University (CPPSU) ranked the most elite police academy in China; also formed part of the five day official visit. Members from SAPS specialised units such as the National Intervention Unit (NIU) and Special Task Force (STF) recently received combat and educational training and graduated from the University.

Minister Cele and the South African delegation also throughout the week in the People’s Republic, visited police stations in Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai.

The delegation noted the country’s police station models which serve as one-stop service centre points for residents promoting transparency and an open-door policy between police and the communities they serve.

SAPS Newsroom - https://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/msspeechdetail.php?nid=46616

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870cef No.43985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18999706 (131628ZJUN23) Notable: US Cracks Down On Entities Training Chinese Pilots, Including Erik Prince's Frontier Services Group - South Africa mentioned

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“US Cracks Down On Entities Training Chinese Pilots, Including Erik Prince's Frontier Services Group” - South Africa mentioned


TUESDAY, JUN 13, 2023 - 06:55 AM

The Biden administration is going after China's ability to train pilots abroad, particularly while utilizing NATO or Western resources. On Monday the Biden administration added 43 entities to an export control list involved in training programs for Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) pilots.

Front and center on the list is Frontier Services Group Ltd, which is the Hong Kong-based security and aviation company founded and led until April 2021 by Erik Prince, also the founder of the now defunct and infamous Blackwater private security firm.

Reuters reviews that the new listings "include Frontier Services Group sites in China, Kenya, Laos and the United Arab Emirates; TFASA units in South Africa, China, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom; and AVIC entities in China and South Africa."

The US Bureau of Industry and Security said of its export control list that the entities are being targeted as they have been training PLA pilots using "Western and NATO sources." These have been deemed activities which "threaten national security."

Further, according to Reuters, some of the companies have hired elite pilots from the UK to teach Chinese military pilots.

"The Test Flying Academy of South Africa, a flight school under scrutiny by authorities in Britain for recruiting British ex-military pilots to train Chinese military fliers, was also added to the U.S. Commerce Department's Entity List," per the report.

The listed companies are now blocked from receiving US exports for any activities seen as running counter to American interests.

Reuters also notes of the export control list that "Thirty-one Chinese entities in total were added to the list, some for acquiring U.S.-origin items in support of China's military modernization, such as hypersonic weapons development."

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870cef No.43986

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19002435 (132347ZJUN23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / (from General Research) Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit - media

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General Research #23331 >>>/qresearch/19001992

13 Jun, 2023 15:58

Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit – media

The French president would be the first Western leader to sit in on the gathering of emerging economies

French President Emmanuel Macron has asked South African President Cyril Ramaphosa for an invitation to the upcoming BRICS summit in Pretoria, French newspaper L’Opinion reported on Monday.Macron’s recent attempts to win over his African counterparts have fallen flat.

He raised the possibility of attending the summit during a phone call with Ramaphosa earlier this month, L’Opinion stated, citing sources in the Elysee palace.

According to one “well-informed” source, Ramaphosa was non-committal. “Presence at this summit was mentioned during the conversation between the two leaders, but Pretoria gave no indication of whether or not to extend this meeting to other international leaders,” the source said.

If Macron were to attend the summit,he would be the first leader of a G7 nation to do so. BRICS leaders and Macron apparently share a desire to overhaul the global financial and geopolitical order, with Macron hosting a conference in Paris next week aimed at overhauling the financial system to better benefit the developing world. Ramaphosa is due to attend the conference, and a cordial meeting between him and Macron could set the stage for the French president to make history in Pretoria.

However,Macron’s relations with the rest of the BRICS bloc– Brazil, Russia, India, and China –are fractious at best, and Paris has sent mixed messages to these nations. For example, Macron has called for peace negotiations in Ukraine and put himself forward as a potential mediator, yet has backed a Ukrainian-drafted peace plan that Russia categorically rejects, while continuing to send heavy weapons to Kiev.

Likewise, Macron has asserted that Europe must not follow the US into a confrontation with China, and has opposed the opening of a controversial NATO liaison office in Japan.

However, he signed a joint communique with other G7 leaders last month labeling China “the greatest challenge to global security and prosperity in our time,” a position identical to that of the US.

Meanwhile in Africa, Macron’s condemnations of Russia have irritated France’s former colonies on the continent, who see Russia as a more reliable partner than their former master.

Since the term was first coined in 2001, BRICS has grown from an acronym into an informal alliance that has overtaken the US-led G7 bloc in its share of global GDP, has its own development bank, and counts Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Argentina among 19 prospective members.


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870cef No.43987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19017498 (161815ZJUN23) Notable: Parliament has passed NHI Bill

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>“National Health Insurance Plan for South Africa” (2009) - “funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”

“Parliament has passed NHI Bill”


TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023

Health Minister Joe Phaahla says the adoption of the National Health Insurance Bill was to stop two trains travelling on parallel tracks heading for a crash.

But the situation can be rescued if they can be pulled together so that they complement each other.

This was how Phaahla described the role that would be played by the NHI in the country to end the two tier system in the healthcare system.

He said the current situation was not sustainable.

But opposition parties said they did not support the Bill as the healthcare system in the country was already facing challenges.

The Freedom Front Plus threatened the government with action if the Bill was signed into law after going through the National Council of Provinces and other processes.

But the ANC on Tuesday muscled through the National Health Insurance Bill in the National Assembly with a majority of 205 members against 125 votes from the opposition parties.

Phaahla said they need to adopt universal health coverage in the country.

He said the NHI Bill has been in the making for 12 years.

“Honourable members in simple terms what the NHI seeks to do is stop the two trains, that is, private health and public health travelling on parallel tracks but both surely going toward crashing while if they can be pooled together there is a good chance of complementing each other.

“The NHI seeks to pool resources of those who can only contribute to the fiscus through indirect means such as VAT and other collections and those of us who are able and are already making fragmented contributions into 81 different schemes into one pool which can purchase services from both the public health system and private providers from lowest level of care up to the highest,” said Phaahla.

The DA said it would be difficult to implement the NHI because in the UK the NHS system was already buckling under pressure with a backlog of 7.6 million people on the waiting list for hospital services.

The IFP said hospitals and clinics were already stretched to the limit and there were no doctors and nurses in public health facilities.

But Phaahla defended the implementation of the NHI saying it would provide equal access to healthcare services for all South Africans.

“What we have not been so successful with is the avoidance of replacement of race-based differentiation of access and quality by a class-based differentiation. As inequality has been growing in our country even cutting across race, access to quality health services has been a casualty with those who have private medical insurance consuming 51% of the national spending while constituting only 16% of the population, while 84% depend on 49% resources from the fiscus and services provided by the Public Health System only.

“This has led to a situation where the Public Health System is under tremendous pressure while private healthcare is over-servicing its clients leading to ever rising costs to the members of medical schemes while the investors are enjoying huge dividends including from the JSE,” said Phaahla.

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870cef No.43988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19017499 (161815ZJUN23) Notable: Parliament has passed NHI Bill

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“Medical Association rejects NHI Bill in current form”


Published May 31, 2023

The bill, looks to give every South African the right to access comprehensive health-care services free of charge at accredited health facilities such as clinics, hospitals and private health practitioners.

Sama chairperson Dr Mvuyisi Mzukwa said the association had been engaging the bill since 2007, and participated in all the stages of the submissions.

"While universal health coverage as envisaged in the objectives of the bill intends to improve the health and livelihoods of the citizens of South Africa, the bill in its current form sets up the health-care system for failure at the expense of further deterioration of the health and well-being of all who live in the country," Mzukwa said.

“In all those engagements we raised issues because we realised that we have a vision in the country that has to fit into the UN’s sustainable goals, especially on universal health coverage.

“We agree that our health-care system needs reform, but how that reform comes about is the debate we are engaging in.”

Mzukwa said one of the concerns was that there had not been any proof of concept in terms of piloting the NHI project.

“The pilot project between 2012 and 2013 had serious deficiencies as it did not talk about the reinvestment mechanisms, the private sector and contracting of general practitioners. There were many elements that were left out,” said Mzukwa.

He said the funding mechanism was open to corruption as it gave immense power to the health minister.

“If we allow the NHI to go without a watchdog, we are worried we will face the same corruption challenges we faced during Covid-19.”

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870cef No.43989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19017506 (161816ZJUN23) Notable: Parliament has passed NHI Bill

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“Condemnation after Parliament accepts the new bill on National Health Insurance”


June 15, 2023

The civil rights organisation AfriForum strongly condemns parliament’s decision to accept the new bill on National Health Insurance (NHI).

The organisation has also already assembled a team of the country’s top legal experts, economists, and medical experts to oppose the legislation on all possible levels.

According to AfriForum, NHI is just one more of the castles in the sky that the ANC government has built with the aim of campaigning for votes in light of next year’s national election.

The current public health system is succumbing to its ANC inflicted wounds, yet government now wants to force all citizens to become even more dependent on the state with their culture of mismanagement.

The result will be that medical practitioners leave the country, patients die, and cadres are further enriched through corrupt medical contracts.

“People thought load shedding was bad, but this policy will lead to health care shedding,” says Jacques Broodryk, spokesperson for AfriForum.

“Besides, there is no way the already overburdened taxpayer is going to be able to finance the state’s new pipe dream. Do you think for one moment that the members of parliament who passed the legislation use government hospitals when they are sick? No, they use top private hospitals or even travel abroad for medical treatment,” concludes Broodryk.

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870cef No.43990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19017513 (161818ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

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“‘Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa”


FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023

Cape Town - The Foreign Ministry of Poland confirmed the detainment of a plane in Warsaw, which precipitated a standoff, attributing it to the presence of dangerous goods onboard for which the security team had no permission to bring into the country.

The Ministry indicated that thorough preparations had been undertaken for President Cyril Ramaphosa's trip to Poland on Thursday.

This trip was part of a peace mission by African leaders and was intended as a stopover en route to Kyiv, Ukraine. Ramaphosa arrived in Kyiv on Friday and toured various regions of the conflict before his meeting with his counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Polish Foreign Ministry highlighted that it had held several discussions with South African officials to adequately prepare for Ramaphosa's trip, aiming to address all necessary details for the visit.

However, the Ministry noted that the plane's detainment was due to it carrying dangerous goods.

"The plane had dangerous goods onboard, which the South African representatives were not authorized to bring in. Additionally, there were individuals onboard the aircraft whose presence the Polish side hadn't been informed of in advance," stated the Foreign Ministry.

“Racism allegations fly as South African plane with security forces denied disembarkation in Poland”


FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023

South Africa said on Friday a plane carrying the security personnel accompanying President Cyril Ramaphosa on a peace mission to Ukraine was held up in Poland, in an incident that sparked a diplomatic squabble.

A charter flight carrying security forces and journalists was blocked upon landing at Warsaw Chopin Airport on Thursday, with Polish authorities not allowing those on board to disembark, according to South African officials.

The Polish government said some of those on board did not have permission to carry weapons into the country and were thus not allowed to disembark.

"They were not given permission to leave the plane with their weapons. They considered that they would remain on board," said the country's deputy minister for special services, Stanislaw Zaryn.

Magwenya said South African officials were working to resolve the impasse, which earlier triggered an outburst from the head of Ramaphosa's security, who accused Polish authorities of racism - a charge Zaryn dismissed as "nonsense".

The plane left Pretoria early on Thursday, reportedly carrying about 120 people, in between security personnel and journalists.

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870cef No.43991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19019972 (170232ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / (from General Research) Zelensky offers zero flexibility to African leaders

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General Research #23354 >>>/qresearch/19019916

Zelensky offers zero flexibility to African leaders

Ukraine’s leader has again rejected the offer to mediate an end to the conflict

16 Jun, 2023 22:12

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky brushed off the African Union peace initiative on Friday, insisting there can be no negotiations with Russia. The high-ranking delegation, led by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, visited Kiev and is headed to Moscow next.

“I have said clearly and many times during our meeting today that allowing any talks with Russia while the occupiers are still on our land means freezing the conflict, the pain and the suffering,” Zelensky said at the press conference afterward.

According to Zelensky, Russia “deceived” the world for years with the Minsk process and is trying to do so again. For peace to happen, he argued, “Russian troops need to leave our entire independent territory.”

The Franco-German proposal Ukraine had agreed to in 2015 was supposed to bring peace in the Donbass, but former German chancellor Angela Merkel admitted last year that its true intent was to buy time for NATO to arm Ukraine. Former French president Francois Hollande has confirmed Merkel’s account. Russian President Vladimir Putin reacted with disappointment, saying he believed for years that Berlin and Paris had been sincere.

Zelensky also told reporters that Ukraine was greatly helping African nations with food security and setting up “grain hubs” on the continent “with our partners,” accusing Russia of using hunger and social instability as a tool of political pressure.

The grain Kiev exported under the terms of the Black Sea Initiative, however, has mostly gone to the EU and ended up as animal feed. Meanwhile, the UN has failed to unblock the export of Russian food and fertilizer to Africa, which used to account for a far greater share of the continent’s needs.

The African Union mission got off to an inauspicious start in Warsaw, when Polish authorities held up Ramaphosa’s security detail. While in Kiev on Friday, the visitors were reportedly told to take shelter from incoming “Russian missiles.” Ukrainian authorities later claimed to have shot down six Russian hypersonic rockets.

“There's obviously some deliberate misinformation being spread here,”Ramaphosa’s spokesman Vincent Magwenya later told South African media, adding that the delegation didn’t hear any explosions or see anything out of the ordinary.

Zelensky has previously turned down the Vatican’s offer to mediate a ceasefire as well, telling the papal envoy Cardinal Matteo Zuppi earlier this month that he would only accept the terms of his own Ukrainian “peace formula.” The list of ten demands includes Russia’s withdrawal from all territories Kiev claims as its own, payment of reparations, war crimes trials and NATO membership for Ukraine. Moscow has dismissed it as delusional and said that any peace talks will be with Zelensky’s “masters” in the West, rather than their puppet.


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870cef No.43992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022249 (171629ZJUN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

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“‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims”


2 Jun 2023

Some MPs have come to the defence of the Section 194 Committee chairperson, Qubudile Dyantyi, amid allegations that he attempted to solicit a bribe from suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane.

Dyantyi, African National Congress (ANC) chief whip Pemmy Majodina and former minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson have been accused trying to extort funds from Mkhwebane to make her impeachment inquiry into her fitness to hold office “go away”.

While a case has since been opened with the police, National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula also advised Mkhwebane to formally file a complaint with the Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests.


In a meeting on Friday, United Democratic Movement (UDM) MP Bantu Holomisa asked the committee to address the allegations hanging over Dyantyi before the inquiry resumed next week.

“It would be possible that on Monday the chairperson of the Ethics Committee, who has been approached by the public protector on the advice of the Speaker, comes and briefs the committee before we start.

“Perhaps the Speaker or the Ethics Committee, if they want, should also liase with the Hawks who I believe are investigating this matter so that we know [what happened] because these allegations are serious,” Holomisa said.

But ANC deputy chief whip Doris Dlakude urged the committee to refrain from getting involved.

“It will be unfair to get into a matter that doesn’t concern us,” she said.

ANC MP Boyce Maneli shared the same sentiments, saying the matter should be dealt with by the relevant structures unless it affected the committee’s work.

“I’m saying this without subtracting the fact that we are where we are because the committee has bent backwards to enter into a space that we believe that we should have not, but all of this was done because it had material implications for the continuation of this inquiry,” Maneli said.

Xola Nqola, also from the ANC, labelled the allegations as “fiction” aimed at tainting the inquiry as the process edges towards its finality.

“We are not going to allow ourselves to be defocused by gossip in the streets or any fictitious kind of activity that is happening out there.”

Dyantyi, meanwhile, highlighted that the committee would not stop any person from raising their grievances.

“There are always platforms, whether it’s the court and if there are serious allegations of corrupt activities and criminality, where those things must be sent to, whether it’s laying charges… they are within their own rights to do that,” he said.

‘Expose the whistleblower’

Speaking to the SABC on Thursday, Mkhwebane insisted that there was evidence to back up the allegations and this was given to the police when her husband, Mandla Skosana, opened a case of extortion last week.

The public protector also confirmed that she laid her complaint with the Ethics Committee, but expressed her dissatisfaction with the Speaker’s decision to decline her request for a meeting.

“I said I wanted to discuss with you as a whistleblower and privately I wanted to engage her and tell her and inform her what has transpired. She then as well said no I can’t meet with you, just refer the matter to the Ethics Committee.

“Now the worst part is that she went ahead to even expose the whistleblower. The letter is very clear, very clear that can you keep this, there’s a confidential and very sensitive matter I would want to discuss with you involving the members of the committee,” Mkhwebane said.

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870cef No.43993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022252 (171630ZJUN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

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>Tina Joemat-Pettersson have been accused trying to extort funds from Mkhwebane to make her impeachment inquiry into her fitness to hold office “go away”.

“Tina Joemat-Pettersson leaves a complicated legacy” – Part 1


6 Jun 2023

As tributes pour in for former Cabinet minister and African National Congress (ANC) MP Tina Joemat-Pettersson, she leaves a complicated legacy behind.

South Africa learnt of Joemat-Pettersson’s death at the age of 59 on Monday evening, sparking mixed reactions from the public as the former minister was no stranger to controversy.

Here’s what you need to know about Joemat-Pettersson:


Born on 16 December 1963 in Kimberly, Joemat-Pettersson attended William Pescod High School before she earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and History and a Higher Diploma in Education – both from the University of the Western Cape.

She also obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Executive Management in Education from the University of Cape Town (UCT).


Joemat-Pettersson worked as a teacher before beginning her activism in the Azanian Students Organisation (Azaso) around 1985 and was later a member of the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu).

She then became active in politics in 1994, campaigning for the ANC in the Northern Cape in the first democratic elections.

The ANC member was subsequently elected as a member of the Northern Cape legislature, where she served as the Education, Arts and Culture MEC for 10 years and was the Agriculture MEC for a term.

She also held various leadership positions in the South Africa Communist Party (SACP), where she was a chairperson in the Northern Cape in 1998, and in 2003 she was elected as the ANC provincial treasurer in her home province.

In 2009, she was elected to Parliament and was appointed as the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Minister.

Former president Jacob Zuma appointed her as Energy Minister in 2014.

Joemat-Pettersson further served as an ANC MP and chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police from 2019 until her death.

Fuel reserves scandal

Her tenure as Energy Minister came with some controversy, especially the 2015 sale of South African oil reserves, where she was found to have flouted the Public and Financial Management Act (PFMA) and other statutes.

Joematt-Pettersson allegedly approved a deal for the Strategic Fuel Fund (SFF) to sell 10.3 million barrels of the country’s oil reserves at a discounted rate.

She told Parliament that it was not a sale but simply a rotation of the stock, despite no new stock having been purchased.

However, Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane later found no wrongdoing on Joemat-Pettersson’s part in a report on maladministration and misconduct allegations against her pertaining to the deal.

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870cef No.43994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022254 (171631ZJUN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

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“Tina Joemat-Pettersson leaves a complicated legacy” – Part 2


6 Jun 2023

Nuclear deal

Joemat-Pettersson during this time also signed an intergovernmental nuclear power deal with Russian state nuclear firm Rosatom.

The deal would have seen Rosatom build reactors in South Africa with a total installed capacity of up to 9 600MW, but the agreement was declared unlawful and unconstitutional by the courts.

Sekunjalo scandal

Joemat-Pettersson was also involved in controversy in 2012 when she was at the centre of an R800 million tender.

As Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, she oversaw the granting of the multimillion contract to businessman Iqbal Survé’s Sekunjalo Marine Services Consortium to manage the department’s fishery, research and patrol vessels. [Dr Iqbal Survé, Non-Executive Chairman of Independent Media, and Chairman of the Sekunjalo Group - https://www.iol.co.za/authors/dr-iqbal-surve, https://www.iol.co.za/business-report/economy/dr-iqbal-surve-we-need-to-move-forward-together-as-wef-2023-starts-0d69e6f6-e4ac-406b-b7e1-aa77d01c6a51, https://www.iol.co.za/business-report/economy/wef-2023-3-things-sa-must-do-now-for-tomorrow-says-surve-5e4a6816-f84f-4147-8eb9-d97a7e53eeea]

This despite the company having no experience in the field. The contract was declared improper and irregular.

She was then found guilty of maladministration by former public protector Thuli Madonsela in 2013 for her role in the matter.

Violated Ethics Code

In 2019, Joemat-Pettersson was found to have brought the ANC into disrepute following the release of a report by the public protector.

She was found to have violated the Executive Ethics Code when she spent over R150 000 to fly her two children and their nanny home from an overseas trip in 2010.

Although she was ordered to pay back the funds, the ANC’s integrity commission in April this year cleared her of wrongdoing.

Mkhwebane extortion allegations

More recently, Joemat-Pettersson was accused of trying to extort funds from Mkhwebane to make her impeachment inquiry “go away”.

The committee’s chairperson, Qubudile Dyantyi, and ANC chief whip, Pemmy Majodina have also been implicated.

Mkhwebane’s husband, David Skosana, has opened a case of extortion.

Skosana reportedly gave screenshots of WhatsApp messages purported to be between Joemat-Pettersson and himself to the police.

Mkhwebane has also reported the allegations to the Ethics and Members Committee.

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870cef No.43995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19022282 (171637ZJUN23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / "The biggest corruption scandal to hit SA's Parliament" - Mkhwebane shares alleged bribe clips (video)

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>“‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims”


>South Africa learnt of Joemat-Pettersson’s death at the age of 59 on Monday evening

>However, Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane later found no wrongdoing on Joemat-Pettersson’s part in a report on maladministration and misconduct allegations against her pertaining to the deal.

“"The biggest corruption scandal to hit SA's Parliament" - Mkhwebane shares alleged bribe clips”


Jun 13, 2023

Suspended Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane released the clips to back up her claims that the late Tina Joemat-Pettersson, another ANC MP Pemmy Majodina and the chairperson of the Parliament's Section 194 inquiry Richard Dyanti tried to solicit a R600,000 bribe from her to make the inquiry disappear.


“Ramaphosa implicated in ‘money laundering’ and misleading parliament by Mkhwebane – report”


9 Jun 2019

If a leaked preliminary report by the public protector is made final, the president may sit with an embarrassing black mark next to his name.

The Sunday Independent has reported that Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has found President Cyril Ramaphosa guilty of “inadvertently misleading” parliament over his R500,000 campaign donation from Bosasa in her preliminary report.

The paper has had access to the report, which they claim includes the bombshell that Ramaphosa and his campaign team may have become part of money laundering activities, since the donation from controversial Bosasa CEO Gavin Watson had gone through a number of intermediary companies to reach them. [Keep in mind, “Gavin Watson: Pathologist concludes he was dead before fatal crash – report” - https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/gavin-watson-death-cause-pathologist-report-how/]


“Mkhwebane fights against suspension: Ramaphosa is ‘heavily implicated’”



Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane says President Cyril Ramaphosa should not suspend her, because HE is heavily implicated…


“President Cyril Ramaphosa suspends Public Protector Adv Busisiwe Mkhwebane”


9 Jun 2022

President Cyril Ramaphosa has, in accordance with section 194 (3)(a) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, decided to suspend Advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane from the office of the Public Protector effective 9 June 2022.

Section 194(3) (a) of the Constitution provides that the President may suspend the Public Protector (or any member of a Chapter 9 institution) “at any time after the start of proceedings by a committee of the National Assembly for [their] removal”.

Advocate Mkhwebane will remain suspended until the section 194 process in the National Assembly has been completed.

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870cef No.43996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19027267 (181525ZJUN23) Notable: Another vote of no confidence for the new Johannesburg mayor scheduled for 20 June 2023

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“Of parties and puppets | Carte Blanche | M-Net” – Another vote of no confidence for the new Johannesburg mayor scheduled for 20 June 2023


𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝟭𝟰 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯.

Johannesburg is the economic hub of Gauteng. It’s a cosmopolitan metropolis that boasts the tallest building in the country; a symbol of wealth towering above Africa’s richest square mile. It should be the envy of every municipality. But poor service delivery, corruption and gross mismanagement have turned the City of Gold into neglected decay. And its troubles don’t end there… While Joburg falls into a state of disrepair, the elected political elite – entrusted with the care of the city – have been squabbling for power, leaving the municipality rudderless. Now, there’s a new, new sheriff in town – the third mayor in just the last five months. A man with virtually no digital footprint or discernible experience in running a multi-billion-rand municipal budget, Kabelo Gwamanda seems wholly out of his depth.

“CONFIRMED: Joburg Mayor ran dodgy funeral scheme”


18-06-2023 09:36

All this comes just days before Joburg Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda is set to face a motion of no confidence against him in the council

The City of Johanesburg’s Mayor, Kabelo Gwamanda’s seat is in jeopardy, now more than ever: Opposition parties in the council who have been calling for his removal could now have the ammunition they need to get rid of him as the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) has reportedly confirmed to Sunday Times that he was at the centre of an illegal funeral scheme.


Kabelo Gwamanda is accused of defrauding vulnerable people through his funeral insurance and burial scheme. Investigative journalism programme Carte Blance did a story on the allegations, which led to ActionSA filing a motion of no confidence against him.

The embattled mayor is said to have convinced his victims to make monthly contributions to this scheme, but they were unable to claim from it when the time came.


The motion of no confidence against the mayor of Africa’s economic hub is schedule for Tuesday, 20 June 2023. ActionSA is believed to have met with the different political parties to lobby for its support when the motion is heard.

ActionSA reportedly reached out to the DA on 15 May 2023 seeking a meeting about all parties discussing the need for a motion of no confidence in the wake of the Carte Blanche allegations.

The DA reportedly failed to respond to these requests despite several parties in the moonshot pact discussions observing the importance of repairing the reputational damage to the confidence in our multi-party coalition project at a local level.

Gwamanda became Joburg’s mayor in the beginning of May 2023, following the resignation of his fellow Al Jama-ah councillor Thapelo Amad. There are concerns about the lack of stability in the City of Joburg, which many have attributed to the rows between the various political parties in the council.

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870cef No.43997

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032117 (191345ZJUN23) Notable: ANC Bun | Brazzaville Foundation Bun / Brazzaville Foundation: Behind the African Peace Mission Between Kyiv and Moscow

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>Facilitated by the Brazzaville Foundation, we’ve been able to have these discussions.



“Brazzaville Foundation: Behind the African Peace Mission Between kyiv and Moscow”


Published May 17, 2023

The announcement by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to send an African peace mission to Ukraine and Russia surprised many African diplomats, as preparations are being carried out by the Brazzaville Foundation, created and directed by the French Jean-Yves Olivier.

The announcement was made on Tuesday, May 16th by Cyril Ramaphosa. According to the South African president, Kyiv, and Moscow have agreed to host a delegation led by the heads of state of Zambia, Senegal, Congo-Brazzaville, Uganda, Egypt, and the ‘South Africa.

It is therefore in parallel with the usual diplomatic frameworks that this mission project was set up. With, at the heart of its presidential networks, the Brazzaville Foundation was created in 2015 and chaired by the Frenchman Jean-Yves Ollivier. The businessman made his fortune trading commodities around the world, particularly in Africa, where he has forged strong ties with decision-makers over the past four decades. From former Ivorian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny to President of Congo-Brazzaville Denis Sassou-Nguesso via Angolan José dos Santos, Jean-Yves Ollivier is a regular at presidential palaces. “I devoted myself to business and politics caught up with me”.

Close to President Jacques Chirac, Jean-Yves Olivier worked in the shadows in South Africa during apartheid and then with Nelson Mandela, in the DRC, the Comoros, and even Sudan. In 2020, he also organized a conference in Lomé on the fight against counterfeit medicines with seven heads of state from the continent. “We know today that trafficking corrupts from the base to the highest level of the state, that it also feeds terrorism,” he said at the end of the event.

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870cef No.43998

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032138 (191351ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine (Parts 1&2)

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“The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine” – Part 1


19 JUN 2023

Yoweri Museveni, infamously, manages his own Twitter account. Uganda’s 78-year-old president knows how to craft a viral tweet, but he does make the occasional mistake.

On 5 June, Museveni met on Zoom with six fellow African presidents. They were discussing their proposed mission to mediate Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.

Also present, officially, was Jean-Yves Ollivier, a controversial French businessman who is claiming the credit for organising the African peace mission (“I will play Kissinger,” he told the Financial Times, referring to the notorious US diplomat who has been implicated in multiple alleged war crimes).

After the Zoom call, Museveni tweeted a screenshot of the video gathering. There, sharing Ollivier’s screen, was a middle-aged, greying white man, whose involvement had not previously been made public – and for good reason.

The man, whose name is Ivor Ichikowitz, owns one of the largest arms manufacturers on the African continent.

Ichikowitz’s Paramount Group sells weaponised drones, infantry combat vehicles, naval patrol ships and fighter jets, among other weapons systems.

Its clients include dictatorial regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Congo. The group has been implicated in multiple corruption allegations – most notably in Malawi, where a scandal over a $145-million contract to supply patrol boats helped to bring down the government of former president Joyce Banda.

Ichikowitz denies any wrongdoing, saying that neither he or his company has ever been formally charged with corruption.

The murky nature of Ichikowitz’s involvement was highlighted when The Continent requested comment from a spokesperson for South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is ostensibly leading the African peace mission, and was present on the Zoom call.

“It’s the first time I hear of Ivor’s involvement,” Vincent Magwenya told The Continent. “I’m not certain as to what will be Ivor’s role.”

Ichikowitz is a major donor to the African National Congress, Ramaphosa’s political party.

Ichikowitz and Ollivier’s Brazzavile Foundation did not respond to The Continent’s requests to answer questions for this story.

But Ollivier, in private correspondence seen by The Continent, said of the arms dealer’s role in the peace mission: “Mr Ichikowitz is for a long time a friend of the Brazzaville Foundation. In the present initiative, Mr Ichikowitz [has] offered pro bono resources, contacts, access and advice. He was officially [thanked] by the six heads of state during the 5 June Summit meeting for his contribution.”

[Take note: “Ichikowitz also owns Molori Safari Lodge in the Madikwe Game Reserve bordering Botswana, dubbed the Camp David of Africa because of its popularity among statesmen and A-list celebrities alike, as well as the ultra-exclusive cliff top Moledi Gorge retreat in the Magaliesberg.” https://ivorichikowitz.com/industrialist/]

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870cef No.43999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032167 (191356ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine (Parts 1&2)

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“The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine” – Part 2


19 JUN 2023

Kremlin connections

The stated intention of the African peace mission is to end the war in Ukraine, but the mission is not off to an auspicious start.

By the time the delegation disembarked at the Kyiv train station on Friday morning, three presidents had already dropped out (Egypt’s Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, the Republic of Congo’s Denis Sassou Nguesso and Museveni).

Ramaphosa was travelling with a reduced security detail after the bulk of his security was grounded at the airport in Warsaw. Polish police said they did not have the appropriate authorisations for their weapons. This claim is disputed by Ramaphosa’s security head, who said Poland was trying to “sabotage” the mission.

On arrival in Kyiv, the presidents – Ramaphosa, Azali Assoumani of the Comoros, Macky Sall of Senegal and Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia – were greeted by the sound of air-raid sirens and explosions.

These were caused by a Russian missile attack, which could have led to awkward questions on Saturday, when the African leaders met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg. Russian authorities would have been well aware of the presence of four African presidents during the missile strike.

The revelation of Ichikowitz’s role, and his potential commercial interest, likely further complicated the negotiations. It is not known whether Paramount Group is selling weapons to either side in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, although at least one piece of military equipment produced by Paramount – a Marauder-type armoured vehicle – has been spotted with Russian forces on the front line, according to news website DefenceWeb.

Ichikowitz is known to be connected to at least one major oligarch who is close to Putin. Both Ichikowitz and the Brazzaville Foundation’s Ollivier spoke at the 2019 edition of the Rhodes Forum, described by some as “Putin’s Davos”.

The Rhodes Forum is organised by Vladimir Yakunin, a former KGB officer who later served as the president of Russian Railways. He has been under United States sanctions since 2014 due to his support for Russia’s actions in Ukraine. Australian sanctions on Yakunin describe him as “a close personal and financial associate of Vladimir Putin”.

Despite this, in 2020, the Brazzaville Foundation – of whom Ichikowitz has been an enthusiastic supporter and funder – announced a formal partnership with Yakunin’s think tank, the Dialogue of Civilizations, saying they “share many of the same objectives”. It has since said that this partnership “was never implemented”.

Ollivier’s ties to Russia are even closer, having served as an advisor to the state-owned nuclear energy company, Rosatom. This is the same energy company that was embroiled in a massive corruption scandal in South Africa under Ramaphosa’s predecessor, Jacob Zuma – a scandal that in part paved the way for Ramaphosa to take power.

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, declined to comment specifically on the role of Ichikowitz and Ollivier.

He told The Continent: “When anyone in the world comes up with initiatives that ‘we will talk to Ukraine and Russia and settle everything’, we politely advise: if you want to actually help, and not pretend to mediate, so as not to take a position, focus on specific actions.”

This article first appeared in The Continent, the pan-African weekly newspaper produced in partnership with the Mail & Guardian. https://www.thecontinent.org/_files/ugd/287178_f84c8a1a7c80467cb308746909192747.pdf?index=true

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870cef No.44000

File: c01ea94943c5f02⋯.jpg (63.15 KB,603x489,201:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032189 (191400ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Yoweri K Museveni Tweet about African ‘peace mission’ meeting

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>Yoweri Museveni, infamously, manages his own Twitter account. Uganda’s 78-year-old president knows how to craft a viral tweet, but he does make the occasional mistake.

>On 5 June, Museveni met on Zoom with six fellow African presidents. They were discussing their proposed mission to mediate Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine.

>Also present, officially, was Jean-Yves Ollivier, a controversial French businessman who is claiming the credit for organising the African peace mission (“I will play Kissinger,” he told the Financial Times, referring to the notorious US diplomat who has been implicated in multiple alleged war crimes).

>After the Zoom call, Museveni tweeted a screenshot of the video gathering. There, sharing Ollivier’s screen, was a middle-aged, greying white man, whose involvement had not previously been made public – and for good reason.

>The man, whose name is Ivor Ichikowitz, owns one of the largest arms manufacturers on the African continent.

Yoweri K Museveni Tweet about African ‘peace mission’ meeting


Jun 5, 2023

I thank President Cyril Ramaphosa for hosting the virtual meeting of the Presidents of the African Peace Initiative, in collaboration with the Brazzaville Foundation, to discuss how Africa can facilitate a peaceful resolution through open dialogue between Russia and Ukraine.

This war affects all of us, and it can get worse than it is now. It is threatening world peace plus the sanctions that have impacted banking & marine transport among others. Since we in Africa have our own perspective, we can share with them how we have solved our problems here.

Africa has good credentials in solving disputes, like that of South Africa (Apartheid), Congo, Somalia, etc.

I therefore pledge our support and contribution to the peace process through dialogue between Russia and Ukraine.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44001

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032601 (191552ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Cyril Ramaphosa hails ‘historic’ Ukraine peace mission after talks (video)

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“President Cyril Ramaphosa and Africa peace mission team back home”


The crew that was meant to accompany President Cyril Ramaphosa to the war-torn Ukraine and Russia is back home, after being stuck in Poland for their visit. The almost 120-member team comprising 11 local journalists and over 90 SAPS and SANDF members was denied passage to both Ukraine and Russia due to the nature of weapons they were carrying on their flight. They arrived home just after 9pm yesterday at the Waterkloof Airforce Base in Pretoria. Meanwhile, President Ramaphosa is also back in the country after what he described as a successful mission.

He was with six other African heads of state on the African Peace Mission to meet with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymir Zelenskyy.

“Cyril Ramaphosa hails ‘historic’ Ukraine peace mission after talks”


19-06-2023 12:32

South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday hailed an African mission to broker peace in Ukraine as “historic” upon returning from talks in Kyiv and Saint Petersburg that however did not yield any immediate results.

“This initiative has been historic in that it is the first time African leaders have embarked on a peace mission beyond the shores of the continent,” Ramaphosa said in a weekly newsletter on Monday.

On Monday, Cyril Ramaphosa said “one of the key achievements” of the mission “was the positive reception” it received from both sides, “which we found encouraging and which provides cause for optimism that the proposals will be given consideration.”

Both Zelensky and Putin have agreed to further engagements, he said.

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870cef No.44002

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032638 (191559ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

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>The almost 120-member team comprising 11 local journalists and over 90 SAPS and SANDF members was denied passage to both Ukraine and Russia due to the nature of weapons they were carrying on their flight.

“Govan Whittles’ account of SA flight's grounding in Poland”


Jun 19, 2023

Questions continue to be raised about why President Cyril Ramaphosa's security team was blocked from proceeding from Poland to Ukraine and Russia. There are also calls from the EFF for the Polish embassy to be downgraded and the ambassador to be expelled from South Africa. Newzroom Afrika’s Govan Whittles unpacks how the drama unfolded.

2:11 – “As soon as we landed, the air traffic controllers at Chopin International Airport in Poland ushered the South African plane to the furthest edge of the terminal building… We were with the cargo planes… Then right next to our plane was the perimeter fence of the airport and as soon as we touched down, the Polish media were already set up with cameras outside the fence. Clearly they were told that we were about to land… Only about 7 hours later does the head of the presidential security call us to the front and say, “come see what’s happening. The police here, they’re threatening to confiscate our weapons if we offload them.”

6:59 – “To be fair, this trip of which the preparation was very secret and weren’t allowed to say anything about our intention to travel to this area. We were explicitly advised not to report on it beforehand. Remember, even in the presidential briefing by the spokesperson the day before we went, the spokesperson said the President was only going to Geneva for that International Labor Organization Summit. He didn’t mention that from Geneva he would fly to Pland to attend to the African Peace Mission. That’s the level of secrecy that was around this.”

10:34 – “-What happened here is that the invitation was extended to us as a lift on the airplane which was being chartered by the presidency. Not at our request but they had offered us a lift and said that we could cover the African Peace Mission.” [Interesting! It reminds me of “Plot for Peace” - >>43953]

11:45 – “Right now, we’re waiting for a statement from the presidency. A lot has happened and there were serious infringements alleged by the presidential protection services for which we’re hoping the presidency will clarify. We’ve been told that they’re not going to do so. Until they do, the only official statement on record about what happened is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Poland which says that they didn’t have premits for the weapons and they didn’t have the correct documentation. Of course there are other geopolitical factors here which are obvious based on how we were treated. We’ll get into that at a later stage. We should also point out that most of the presidential protection services and police hold diplomatic passports. So the allegation that they didn’t have proper documentation is neither here nor there. There did appear to be some wrangling of political forces in the background probably linked to the question of where those were going and then we get into the discussion of Lady R but we hope to unpack that through the afternoon.”

12:48 – “I think it was in the Sunday Times where they alleged that there was a conversation that was had prior to this trip about the return of a prisoner from South Africa, a Polish prisoner. Were there murmurs about this at all during your time there?… No none that we were aware of. As far as we were aware, the negotiations between the South African presidential protection services and the police were hostile and didn’t achieve much if anything, and those kind of negotiations would have happened during the Presidential check-in with his Polish counterpart which we understand didn’t last for more than a half an hour which is highly unusual for President to check-in with his counterpart and then be back on the plane within 45 minutes. So there did appear to be tension from that moment and that needs to be explored because, of course, after our President visited the Polish President and then made his way to off to Ukraine, the negotiations to let us off the plane deteriorated significantly. With him was our International Relations Minister, Naledi Pandor who we confirmed didn’t have extensive discussions with the Polish counterpart during that check-in in Warsaw.-”

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870cef No.44003

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032970 (191659ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

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>The almost 120-member team comprising 11 local journalists and over 90 SAPS and SANDF members

“SA security officials 'warned about Polish protocols on weapons'”


Jun 19, 2023

Members of the Presidential Protection Service and journalists travelling with President Cyril Ramaphosa on the African Union peace mission to Ukraine and Russia were grounded in Poland at the weekend. A PPS member was also strip-searched by Polish police. They wanted to confiscate weapons from the chartered flight. Security officials were reportedly warned about custom requirements for transporting weapons via Poland. Security Expert Rory Steyn weighs in.

4:35 – “Well, it is completed unprecedented. I have never ever heard of that large a number of security personnel traveling with our President.

6:05 – “Having done this previously, how much security detail did the former President or the first President [Mandela] of the democratic South Africa enjoy?… I’m going to decline to answer that question as I always do. You’re not the first one to ask me that. Out of respect for my colleagues that still do this work, it would be inappropriate of me to comment on the numbers around the President because I don’t want to compromise either their safety nor that of our President. So I’m going to decline to answer that… Suffice to say, I’ve never heard of 120 South Africa personnel leaving the shore of South Africa for any presidential cooperation.

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870cef No.44004

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19032975 (191700ZJUN23) Notable: SA hosts high-level foreign delegations (video)

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“SA hosts high-level foreign delegations”


Jun 19, 2023

Today, the French foreign minister is in SA to hold meetings with International Relations Minister Naledi Pandor, while tomorrow there will be high-level delegations from Denmark and The Netherlands in the country. University of Pretoria's Roland Henwood weighs in.

0:11 – “Over the last 3 months or so, you may have noticed there’s been a really high number of State visits to South Africa. People from diverse places such as Finland and many other places coming through to Pretoria.”

0:27 – “It’s really a parade of people. So many of them from European countries to South Africa. Is there any particular reason why there have been so many state visists here so recently?… The answer lies probably in history and the fact that especially European countries have been heavily invested in South Africa over a very long time.”

2:14 – “One must remember that traditionally Pretoria holds a very specific and interesting position in global politics in that this is one of the best connected diplomatic capitals in the world, after Washington, the second most missions. [It] used to be, I’m not sure if it’s still that high.

10:49 – “We’re not discussing much closer to home what could be a civil war in Sudan for example. Is that simply because of how important the Russia Ukraine conflict is? The impact on food prices? Was it just because some fo the Western Powers have been able to make it the most important thing for us to discuss?… I think it’s a combination of these factors that yes it is a key issue. It is redefining global politics. We cannot ignore that. Yes it is also important because influential and powerful governments are driving this but there are other reasons also. It’s important because media is focused on that. It’s more accessible, it’s more visible and probably much bigger than anything we’ve had in a very long time. The problem with Sudan is it’s an African conflict and that does not make it less important but that makes it less newsworthy. It’s very difficult to get access and information and to show that to the rest of the world. This is the interesting part, African media houses are also fixating on the Russia-Ukraine war and are ignoring what is happening in Sudan by and large.

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870cef No.44005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038359 (201503ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission “due to aviation insurance exclusions” (Parts 1&2)

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“Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission (“due to aviation insurance exclusions”)” – 1 of 2


13 June 2023 - 20:46

The multimillion-rand mission by six African heads of state spearheaded by President Cyril Ramaphosa to forge peace in the war in Ukraine hit a glitch this week.

The advance team of the presidential protection services was scheduled to leave for Russia via Poland to establish its security apparatus and personnel before the imminent mission to Russia but encountered difficulties due to aviation insurance exclusions for certain aircraft operators into Russia.

According to aviation sources closely involved in the aviation charter business, a passenger jet costing more than R20m sourced from a North African airline apparently was no longer available due to insurance limitations travelling into Russia.

An aircraft was then apparently sourced in the United Arab Emirates, but the departure is expected to be delayed because clearances required for such flights were by Tuesday morning still in process. By the afternoon, the chartered aircraft had not arrived in Johannesburg.

This could mean a delay in the placement of the protectors and the timely completion of a threat assessment before the presidential mission, as well as the intricate logistics involved in the mission to succeed.

The heads of state from Egypt, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as Ramaphosa are leading the peace mission. While it was expected to start soon, Ramaphosa was to depart on Tuesday night for Geneva where he will attend the World of Work Summit, hosted by the International Labour Organisation.

The SA Police Service (SAPS) in its response did not elaborate much due to “operational security” reasons, but confirmed that the flight was “on schedule”. It is understood that the flight was scheduled to leave Tuesday night with about 120 passengers and equipment on board.

Security concerns

At a media briefing on Monday, presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said the departure and flight details of the presidential peace mission would not be made public due to security concerns in a high-risk area.

It is also unclear how and where Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky will fit into the negotiations as the advance team at least will fly only to Russia and back — not to Kyiv, Ukraine.

“The presidential protection services team is heading over there to conduct their usual advance security threat assessment and planning exercise once dates are affirmed [before the presidential mission],” Magwenya said.

Police national spokesperson Brig Athlenda Mathe said in response to Business Day’s questions that the charter of the team’s aircraft was not handled by the air force as it was only responsible for the air transport of the president and deputy president. The flight arrangements were therefore handled by the police.

The air force sources chartered aircraft as per a list of approved VVIP service providers on a government contract. Business Day understands from sources in the aviation industry that the service providers in turn need to find aircraft abroad for certain international flights if none is available in SA.

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870cef No.44006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038362 (201504ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission “due to aviation insurance exclusions” (Parts 1&2)

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“Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission (“due to aviation insurance exclusions”)” – 2 of 2


13 June 2023 - 20:46

Need assurance

Even though Mathe said the service provider was on the approved Treasury database, the aircraft sourced in North Africa encountered problems with the airline’s insurers because of the flight’s destination.

According to Mathe, the issue of insurance was not the police’s problem, but that of the airline responsible for supplying the chartered jet. The police just needed to be assured that the airline complied with international aviation rules and regulations.

Most SA service providers “contacted the same airline [for aircraft] but inflated the price [quoted to the police] with almost 200% in profit”, Mathe said.

She confirmed the flight path was from SA to Poland, then on to Russia and back to Poland, back to Russia and back to SA.

Insurance for aircraft operators became an issue after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the subsequent sanctions issued by the US and the EU. Russia closed its airspace to countries that maintained sanctions against it while the same applied to restrictions on Russian-registered aircraft over Europe, the US and other countries that sided with the US and the EU.

About 500 commercial aircraft leased from EU and US companies and operating within Russia remain trapped in Russia after the sanctions were announced. Russia subsequently confiscated the aircraft refusing to allow them to fly back to its lessors, causing millions of dollar in losses.

While certain airlines and aviation operators still continue with scheduled flights in and out of Russia, some chartered aircraft are leased under different insurance restrictions and would therefore not be covered when flying into the four countries. Aircraft from the UAE continue to operate in and out of Russia without any restrictions.

The peace talks in Russia would only be announced on the day they started in Moscow, Magwenya said.

Ramaphosa will host a joint working visit by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen next Tuesday.

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870cef No.44007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038369 (201504ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Ramaphosa’s plane “failed to get clearance to fly over Italian airspace”

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Ramaphosa’s plane “failed to get clearance to fly over Italian airspace”


16-06-2023 05:29

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s peace mission has not been without drama as members of his security staff along with a number of South African journalists are stuck in Poland. According to several news reports, the flight, which left the country in the wee hours of Thursday, was flagged by aviation authorities after it failed to get clearance to fly over Italian airspace.

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870cef No.44008

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038744 (201603ZJUN23) Notable: SA hosts high-level foreign delegations (video)

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Naledi Pandor Interview – Netherland and Denmark visit, G20 Summit, etc.

It is interesting that activists tend to become Presidents or Prime Ministers.


Jun 20, 2023

President Cyril Ramaphosa will today host a joint working visit by the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and the Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen in Pretoria. The Prime Ministers are on a two-day working visit to South Africa aimed at solidifying the three countries' relationship in the areas of green hydrogen, renewable energy and just energy transition. It is expected that South Africa and the Netherlands will sign the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on green hydrogen. The visit also brings a substantial group of investors to South Africa. The investors will take part in a joint business seminar. Let's now cross to our International News Editor Sophie Mokoena.

0:36 – “These countries are quite important to South Africa. These are countries that supported South Africa during Apartheid. When you look at Netherlands in particular, you know that it was the queen of the Netherlands in the 60s who took the decision that she was not going to visit South Africa under the Apartheid government… until South Africa was free. That is why the late President Nelson Mandela, when he was released in prison, the Netherlands was also part of those countries that were prioritized in terms of visiting those countries.

9:28 – “The Prime Minister of Denmark is her first visit but I do know having met her before that she was a young lady of 12 involved in all the protests against Apartheid in her country and she shared with me as we walked from the airplane to the car that it was her dream to visit the country when it is free [for criminals] and she’s realizing her dream by being here.

11:41 – “As South Africa prepares to assume the G20 Chair in 2025.”

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870cef No.44009

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19038831 (201618ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Eskom rescues technicians from dangerous Joburg areas (video)

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>it is free [for criminals]

The South Africans struggle continues…

“Government only understands language of violence - Diepsloot residents” - https://youtu.be/rt43isBbVtA

“Eskom rescues technicians from dangerous Joburg areas”


TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2023

Eskom has withdrawn its technicians in the Diepsloot and Marlboro areas over the safety of its technicians.

The power utility issued a statement on Tuesday indicating that it had become unsafe for its staff members to resolve technical issues in the area.

"We will return to the areas when we deem it safe for our employees to operate. Their safety is important to us," the parastatal said.

Over the last few days, protests in the Dieplsoot turned violent as residents have vowed to wage war against high-levels of crime in the area.

In images that have gone viral, residents could be seen barricading roads with burning tyres and setting alight shacks which they say belong to criminals and drug lords.

Stalls belonging to some undocumented migrant vendors had to be closed down, with some of them being attacked by angry community members.

Meanwhile, in Marlboro, Eskom had already begun a process to remove illegal connections.

According to the utility, this was part of its initiative to "safeguard electricity infrastructure against overloading."

It said it was also doing this to prevent supply interruptions as well as any injuries and fatalities that may occur due to the illegal connections.

As a result, Eskom technicians have been targeted, prompting the utility halting its operations in the area.

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870cef No.44010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19047814 (212157ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / (from General) NATO member threatens African aid cuts over support for Russia

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General Research #23390 >>>/qresearch/19047755

21 Jun, 2023 16:02

NATO member threatens African aid cuts over support for Russia

The Finnish government’s approach is a classic case of coercive diplomacy, a South African politician has told RT

African countries that back Russia in the Ukraine conflictwill lose development assistance from Finland, the country’s foreign trade and development minister, Ville Tavio, said on Monday.

The new Finnish government led by Petteri Orpo is seeking to cut development aid by around $1 billion and redirect the savings. Tavio told national broadcaster YLE that “Ukraine will become a new recipient country.”

In a separate interview with The Times, the minister claimed his country’s “primary duty is to support Ukraine,” arguing that it is “morally wrong” for countries that support Russia’s “aggression” against Kiev to continue receiving development aid from Finland.

“Developing nations should focus on their internal development instead of endorsing Russia’s war. I am keeping an eye on countries that receive aid from Finland, but choose not to respectinternational rules-based orderand Ukraine’s state sovereignty,” Tavio said.

Although the minister did not name any countries, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, and Mozambique are Finland’s main partners in Africa, having received foreign aid from Helsinki for decades.

Several countries on the continent, including South Africa, have remained non-aligned in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, despite foreign pressure to back Kiev.

South African politician Themba Godi, a former member of the National Assembly, described it as a “disgrace” for the Finnish government to threaten African nations with aid cuts.

“It’s a classic case of coercive diplomacy where threats and blackmail are used to achieve certain positions,” Godi told RT. He added that “positions that countries take on the Russia-Ukraine conflict may not necessarily be informed by rational thinking and independent decisions but may be the product of blackmail.”

According to Godi, Helsinki’s stance only reinforces the view that countries that are US allies have no regard for Africans.

The continent’s nations, he added, are more drawn toward Russia and China as a result of bullying by Finland and others.

The new Finnish government has additionally outlined plans to tighten immigration rules and make it more difficult for foreign nationals to obtain residency or citizenship in the country.


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870cef No.44011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19053808 (222101ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

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“Peace mission fiasco in Poland – FF Plus demands answers”


June 20, 2023

The FF Plus demands that Maj. Gen. Wally Rhoode must appear before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Police to explain the fiasco in Poland involving President Cyril Ramaphosa’s security detail.

Maj. Gen. Rhoode, head of the presidential protection unit, was part of the security group denied entry into Poland.

According to the Polish authorities, there had been problems with documents and permits for goods and personnel.

According to a media report (News24, 18 June 2023: Ramaphosa’s protection team ignored warnings about Polish permits), air force officials had warned the “leadership” of the security contingency about this.

It seems that they were specifically informed about the documentation required to travel with certain goods and personnel. This warning was, however, ignored.

Still, Maj. Gen. Rhoode decided to have an impromptu media conference on the plane’s steps at the Chopin Airport and accused Poland of racism.

By making such rash statements, Maj. Gen. Rhoode entered the political arena.

It is not appropriate for a member of the police to make such statements, and he must be called to account.

Clarity must also be provided on why such a large security contingency was needed, and why they had taken weapons along.

I will ask the Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, whether a permit was issued for the weapons, and he must also indicate how many weapons and how much ammunition was taken along.

What transpired here is to be expected when it comes to any form of planning by the ANC government.

It is, however, still an embarrassment for the whole of South Africa, and the country and its people deserve answers.

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870cef No.44012

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19064930 (241639ZJUN23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament (video)

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“Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament”


Jun 23, 2023

He references Pfizer.

18:41 – “Let’s read this because we have to read this into the record everywhere I go. “Until an infectious disease crisis is very real present and at the emergency threshold that is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis,” he said, “we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” Sounds like public health? Sounds like the best of humanity? No ladies and gentlemen, this was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race and it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.”

Watch it in full!… It’s just brilliant!

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870cef No.44013

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19064964 (241646ZJUN23) Notable: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ (video)

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>“Until an infectious disease crisis is very real present and at the emergency threshold that is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis,” he said, “we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

This is not just in health… It’s all about profit and not humanity.

“BREAKING: BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’”


Jun 20, 2023

2:33 – “BlackRock, one of the world’s leading asset and investment managers which owns significant shares in companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Anheuser-Busch, Meta, Target, Proctor & Gamble, Comcast, CNN, Fox News and, yes, Pfizer.


“The senators…are f***ing cheap – you got 10 grand, you can buy a senator,” Varlay remarked in what is arguably the most unabashed description of corruption and bribery from their own company we’ve ever heard. The extended soundbite from Varlay is below:

You can take this big f*** ton of money and buy people, I work for a company called BlackRock…It’s not who is the president it’s who is controlling the wallet of the president. You could buy your candidates. First, there is the senators these guys are fuckin cheap. Got 10 grand you can buy a senator I’ll give you 500k right now It doesn’t matter who wins they’re in my pocket.

Varlay doesn’t stop there, he goes on to describe what those in his line of work think of the tragedy of war saying its “real f***ing good for business”.

Ukraine is good for business, you know that right? Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos and the price of wheat is going to go mad up. The Ukrainian economy is the wheat market. The price of bread goes up, this is fantastic if you’re trading. Volatility creates opportunity for profit…

Varlay added that its “exciting when s*** goes wrong.”

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870cef No.44014

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19077312 (261719ZJUN23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Economic sabotage: Mantashe accuses Lesotho government after 31 illegal miners die in Free State mine (video)

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“Illegal mining is economic sabotage – Mantashe” - https://youtu.be/CSGM-htlqpA

“Economic sabotage: Mantashe accuses Lesotho government after 31 illegal miners die in Free State mine”


Published Jun 23, 2023

Pretoria - As news broke on the presence of at least 31 bodies of suspected illegal miners, believed to be Basotho nationals, underground at the Virginia Mine in Free State, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe has accused Lesotho of interfering with South Africa’s economy.

Mantashe said officials of the Lesotho government have more information on the tragic incident, after survivors of the mining tragedy in Free State “ran to Lesotho to report” without informing any South African authorities.

Mantashe said on Thursday, Lesotho’s minister in charge of mineral resources was deployed to Welkom, Free State. He said the Lesotho minister “made a very strange suggestion”, that surviving illegal miners should be deployed to go underground and retrieve bodies of the deceased illegal miners.

“I asked him a very straightforward question: should we send people into a methane-infested shaft knowingly? What happens if more die, would you take responsibility? This incident, more than any other incident, has confirmed our view that this thing of illegal mining is actually economic sabotage, it is war on our economy and, therefore, those who died there are almost like soldiers dying in combat,” Mantashe said in an interview with broadcaster Newzroom Afrika on Friday.

“It is quite a serious matter and I don’t know why is the Lesotho government not seeing that this is quite dangerous, because they give us a lot of instructions, coming from the prime minister of Lesotho in trying to talk to the executives of Harmony (mining company [owned by Patrice Motsepe]) and everybody.

“I think it is a dangerous issue for neighbours to do that to one another. Lesotho must come partner with us in mining if they want to. They must come through the front door. We have done that with their water, we went there, met them, had a bilateral and we committed ourselves. The president has visited Lesotho and so on. They should do that,” said Mantashe.

He said Lesotho as a nation cannot be having “some strange relationship with illegal miners” operating in South Africa.

Earlier, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) said it received a report that at least 31 suspected illegal miners who are believed to be Basotho nationals, have lost their lives in a ventilation Shaft 5 Virginia Mine, in Welkom, Free State province.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of the Kingdom of Lesotho relayed this message to the High Commission of South Africa that, on May 18, 2023, a group of suspected illegal miners died in a mine ventilation shaft which was last operational in the 1990s,” said Makhosonke Buthelezi, spokesperson for South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources and Energy.

“Although information on this tragic situation comes sporadically, we are doing our utmost best to act on the information, including information regarding three bodies which have been reported to be retrieved and brought to the surface by other illegal miners.

“Working in collaboration with the previous owners of the mine, Harmony, the DMRE inspectors have assessed the situation and determined that methane levels at the mine ventilation shaft 5 are very high. As such, it is currently too risky to dispatch a search team to the shaft,” said Buthelezi.

However, the South African authorities are considering various options to speedily deal with the situation.

“Although this is a unique and strange situation, all relevant stakeholders will endeavour to ensure that the suspected deceased illegal miners are brought to the surface,” said Buthelezi.

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870cef No.44015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110654 (021425ZJUL23) Notable: Webber Wentzel law firm

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>Webber Wentzel

>Notable alumni of the firm include:

>Brett Kebble, mining magnate [murdered]

“Agliotti tells all in new book” - https://youtu.be/FiSjJ5uUVXc

“Agliotti dies on hospital operating table”


2 Jul 2023

Convicted drug dealer Glenn Agliotti, left, who turned state witness against late former police commissioner Jackie Selebi and stood trial for Brett Kebble’s 2005 murder, is believed to have died on the operating table of a Joburg hospital on Saturday.

According to a police source, his family rushed him to Olivedale Clinic in the morning where he later died. An inquest into his death has been opened.

A police officer stationed at Douglasdale police station, north of Joburg, said Agliotti, 66, who was required to report to the station for his parole, had recently been ill and seemed to be getting worse.

“He was required to check in and sign in and you could tell he was not well. At times he wouldn’t step out of the car when he came because he couldn’t walk,” said the officer.

Police spokesperson Lt-Col Mavela Masondo said he could not confirm the details surrounding Agliotti’s death. He declined to comment on social media rumours that Agliotti slipped and bumped his head on stairs at home and died of a brain haemorrhage in hospital.

“We cannot comment on the allegations until we receive a hospital report and until the inquest into Mr Agliotti’s death has been finalised,” said Masondo.

Agliotti was a key figure in the drug related prosecution of Selebi, with his evidence used to implicate and prosecute the former police boss, who died in 2015. Agliotti agreed to turn state witness against Selebi in exchange for a lenient sentence on drug trafficking charges.

He earned himself several nicknames in court, including being known as the “Landlord” for being a player in a drug syndicate, a name he insisted was misplaced.

Then there was Germiston magistrate Deon Snyman, who presided over a drug trafficking trial where he referred to Agliotti and his co-accused as “snitches, pimps, rats who would sell their soul to evade a long prison term”.

At the time of the Selebi court case, the state made a deal with three alleged drug dealers — Stefanos Paparas, his father Dimitri and their driver Stanley Poonin — who were acquitted by the Germiston magistrate’s court on the grounds that the evidence against them might be unreliable.

But perhaps Agliotti was best known for a quote from the late Selebi himself, who said about Agliotti: “He is my friend, finish and klaar”. Selebi was convicted in 2010 and sentenced to 15 years in prison.

In November 2010, Agliotti was granted a discharge application that freed him from the four charges, including a count of murder for the Kebble slaying.

“I am relieved … justice was done, justice wasn’t only done, it was seen to be done,” he said at the time. “I am angry at the same time.”

Agliotti’s co-accused in that case, including Mikey Schultz, Nigel McGurk and Faizel Smith, who shot Kebble, received indemnity from prosecution after testifying against Agliotti.

Judge Frans Kgomo, who granted the discharge application, was unimpressed with the outcome, saying: “This case is about corrupt civil servants as well as politicians or politically connected officials wining and dining with the devil incarnate under shade of darkness.”

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870cef No.44016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110660 (021427ZJUL23) Notable: Webber Wentzel law firm

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>Convicted drug dealer Glenn Agliotti, left, who turned state witness against late former police commissioner Jackie Selebi and stood trial for Brett Kebble’s 2005 murder, is believed to have died on the operating table of a Joburg hospital on Saturday.

Kebble, Agliotti and Selebi Timeline


02 July 2023


September 27 2005, 9pm - Brett Kebble was shot and killed in his Mercedes-Benz on a bridge over the M1 highway in Melrose, northern Johannesburg.

November 16 2006 - Glenn Agliotti was charged with Kebble's murder.

January 2008 - Former national police commissioner Jackie Selebi was arrested for corruption, based on his relationship with convicted druglord Agliotti.

July 26 2010 - Agliotti's trial begins in the Johannesburg High Court

August 3 2010 - Selebi is found guilty of corruption and sentenced to 15 years in jail.

November 4 2010 - Agliotti applies for the charges against him to be dismissed.

November 25 2010 - Agliotti is acquitted of murdering Kebble.

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870cef No.44017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110760 (021443ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Judge Joffe goes out with a bang: Minutes after sentencing Jackie Selebi, he announced his retirement

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>Agliotti was a key figure in the drug related prosecution of Selebi, with his evidence used to implicate and prosecute the former police boss, who died in 2015. Agliotti agreed to turn state witness against Selebi in exchange for a lenient sentence on drug trafficking charges.

“Judge Joffe goes out with a bang” (Minutes after sentencing Jackie Selebi, “he announced his retirement")


Published Aug 4, 2010

It was Judge Meyer Joffe's last sitting in the Johannesburg High Court as a judge but it will be the one he is remembered for.

On Tuesday after presiding over one of the most high profile cases in recent South African history, Judge Joffe sentenced former national police commissioner Jackie Selebi to 15 years in jail.

Minutes later he announced his retirement. He told a packed gallery that he had five minutes to vacate his office at the high court.

He is due to take up an executive director position at the South African Judicial Institute.

The institute was formed last year to train aspirant judges and would be temporarily housed in the CBD while its offices at Constitutional Hill are being built.

Despite this Judge Joffe indicated he would be available for Selebi's application for leave to appeal against his conviction and sentence if it was brought before him.

In October 2006, Judge Joffe was a presiding officer in the case of Thembekile Mankanyi, a South African gold miner, in his failed attempt to sue his employer AngloGold Ashanti, stating that he had developed the lung disease silicosis while working in the Vaal Reefs Mine.

Mankayi at the time sought R2.6 million.

Judge Joffe ruled against Mankayi.

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870cef No.44018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110853 (021458ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Judge Joffe fights back: Defence's argument to have him recused from the corruption trial of former top cop Jackie Selebi

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“Judge Joffe fights back” – “defence's argument to have him recused from the corruption trial of former top cop Jackie Selebi “


Published Oct 29, 2009

Judge Meyer Joffe on Thursday angrily challenged several aspects of the defence's argument to have him recused from the corruption trial of former top cop Jackie Selebi.

Visibly infuriated at times, Joffe fired a rapid line of questions at defence lawyer Jaap Cilliers about arguments made that the judge showed pro-State bias.

Cilliers also criticised the judge's handling of a City Press article on which the defence wanted to cross-examine State witness Glenn Agliotti.

The article detailed a secret tape which showed Agliotti talking to the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) in January 2008.

In the article, the journalist said Agliotti appeared "enthusiastic" in the recording in requesting a meeting with intelligence officials.

In previous testimony Agliotti said he was summoned to a meeting with intelligence later that month.

Joffe stopped a question from the defence to Agliotti about his "enthusiasm" which he said was merely about a journalist's impression, rather than factual.

"I allowed it to an extent that I felt was correct," replied Joffe.

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870cef No.44019

File: 3ce853d71f814b8⋯.jpg (49.4 KB,500x264,125:66,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111414 (021633ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Judge Joffe was a presiding officer in the case of Thembekile Mankanyi, a South African gold miner, in his failed attempt to sue his employer AngloGold Ashanti

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>In October 2006, Judge Joffe was a presiding officer in the case of Thembekile Mankanyi, a South African gold miner, in his failed attempt to sue his employer AngloGold Ashanti, stating that he had developed the lung disease silicosis while working in the Vaal Reefs Mine.

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870cef No.44020

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111422 (021635ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Meyer Joffe tipped for top job at judicial institution

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>On Tuesday after presiding over one of the most high profile cases in recent South African history, Judge Joffe sentenced former national police commissioner Jackie Selebi to 15 years in jail.

>Minutes later he announced his retirement. He told a packed gallery that he had five minutes to vacate his office at the high court.

>He is due to take up an executive director position at the South African Judicial Institute.

“Meyer Joffe tipped for top job at judicial institution”


27 NOV 2009

The Western Cape legal fraternity’s hopes of seeing the back of Judge President John Hlophe appear to have been dashed after it emerged this week that the Jackie Selebi trial judge, Meyer Joffe, is the only contender for the South African Judicial Institute’s top job.

The Mail & Guardian can reveal that Judge Joffe — who has been at the centre of some controversy as the judicial officer presiding over the corruption trial of South African’s former top cop — is the only judge who will be interviewed on Friday for the executive director’s position.

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870cef No.44021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111427 (021635ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Retired judge [Meyer Joffe] to lead inquiry into Gupta assets

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“Retired judge [Meyer Joffe] to lead inquiry into Gupta assets”


Monday, 31 August 2020

Retired Judge Meyer Joffe will chair a closed inquiry into how an estimated R1bn of assets, cash, high-value residential and commercial properties and mining equipment belonging to the Guptas’ Islandsite company allegedly vanished, says a Sunday Times report.

The disappearance is alleged to have occurred through questionable business rescue practices and irregular intercompany loans, property valuations and sales agreements.

Islandsite, which was placed in business rescue in 2018 after SA’s banks unbanked the Guptas, reportedly owed creditors R770m. These debts included: Bank of India (R31m); Sahara Computers (R467m); and the Gupta’s Westdawn (R200m).

Law enforcement sources investigating the family allege the Guptas used Islandsite to channel funds from questionable government contracts to buy a Midrand office building, a Cessna jet, luxury German cars and plush homes in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban.

Islandsite owns nearly R100m worth of residential and commercial properties as well as an estimated R500m worth of mining equipment which, through Westdawn, was leased to the Gupta’s Optimum Coal Mine.

Last week, Gauteng High Court (Pretoria) Judge Joseph Raulinga granted Islandsite’s new business rescue practitioner, Mahier Tayob, permission to hold an inquiry into the company’s affairs.

Declining to name those who would testify in-camera at the inquiry, to be held in Pretoria in September, Tayob said they would be subpoenaed this week.

The Sunday Times says it understands they include bank executives, shareholders, lawyers, estate agents and executives of Gupta-linked companies.

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870cef No.44022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111438 (021639ZJUL23) Notable: Jackie Selebi Bun | Violence and Crime Bun | Webber Wentzel Bun / Browse Mole report a ‘mixture of fact and fiction’

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>Jackie Selebi

Remember this older post.

Prior to Jackie Selebi’s conviction…

“Browse Mole report a ‘mixture of fact and fiction’”


3 Jul 2008

Suspended head of the National Prosecuting Authority Vusi Pikoli had a feeling that the first version of the Special Browse Mole Report would cause trouble but didn’t do anything about it immediately because he was advised to ”file” it and his department already had a heavy workload.

”It was one of those documents that you wish you have never seen. I had this gut feel about this document, that this was going to cause trouble,” he said in Johannesburg on Thursday at the Ginwala commission of inquiry into his fitness to hold office.

The report was handed to him in March or April 2006 by former Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) [or Scorpions] head Leonard McCarthy [he worked for the World Bank after the scorpions were disbanded October 2008].

McCarthy said that because he was so busy, there was no harm in filing it away because he was going to give him a final report.

Although it already contained a number of conclusions ”on the face of it”, Pikoli considered it a ”mixture of fact and fiction”.

The report contained allegations of a foreign funded operation to bring African National Congress president Jacob Zuma to power.

One of the ”high profile” investigations that the DSO was working on was a corruption case against Zuma. The other was a corruption case against police National Commissioner Jackie Selebi.

When he read the final version in June/July he became angry and thought that ”if there was a time that Mr McCarthy was going to leave the DSO, it was going to be that time”.

It had clearly been produced by someone who had contact with ”old apartheid structures of intelligence”, he said, and not a single member of the DSO had the capacity to produce it.

He believed it was clearly an intelligence report, and not the mandate of the DSO, although it had some elements of organised crime in it.

Pikoli was suspended on September 23 last year on the grounds of a breakdown in relations with Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Brigitte Mabandla and that he did not fully appreciate maters of national security.

He believes it is because of the Selebi investigation. – Sapa

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870cef No.44023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111447 (021641ZJUL23) Notable: Jackie Selebi Bun | Violence and Crime Bun | Webber Wentzel Bun / Cops obstruct Selebi investigation

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>Convicted drug dealer Glenn Agliotti, left, who turned state witness against late former police commissioner Jackie Selebi and stood trial for Brett Kebble’s 2005 murder,

“Cops obstruct Selebi investigation”


5 JUL 2008

Police and National Intelligence Agency leaders appear to be waging a war of attrition against the National Prosecuting Authority and the Scorpions.

Evidence at Jackie Selebi’s court appearance and at the Ginwala Inquiry suggests acting police commissioner Tim Williams and NIA boss Manala Manzini have instituted a campaign to frustrate the Selebi case.

Selebi’s lawyers last week tabled a series of letters between Williams and acting National Director of Public Prosecutions Mokotedi Mpshe as part of their unsuccessful application to oppose the postponement of Selebi’s case.

The correspondence shows Williams has blocked access by Scorpions investigators to crucial evidence needed for the Selebi prosecution.

In January and May Mpshe wrote to Williams asking him to facilitate the handing over of information in police hands, including:

details of alleged mobster Glenn Agliotti’s role and payments as a police informer;

police videos on which Agliotti is recorded;

information on whether John Stratton, the Australian accused of planning Brett Kebble’s murder, was a police informer;

the diaries of key players, including Selebi and members of crime intelligence, who interacted with Agliotti; and

Selebi’s travel records.

Williams’s responses are sarcastic and hostile. In his first reply, he said the request was so ”vague and filled with discrepancies” that it was impossible for him to assist.

”My willingness at our informal meeting to assist you with a request for further material related to your already instituted prosecution of Commissioner Selebi did not amount to a willingness to conduct a further investigation on behalf of the DSO,” he wrote.

”I was under the impression, gleaned from media statements issued by yourself and your media relations officer — that you were already in a position to proceed with your prosecution against the national commissioner.

”Your request at this late stage is unreasonable and I would not want to become a reason for or a stumbling block preventing you from commencing with your prosecution without delay.”

On May 27 Mpshe repeated the request in more detail, providing explanations for how each piece of evidence would be useful to the prosecution.

Conveniently for Selebi, Mpshe’s correspondence and Williams’s reply were leaked to the media and some of it was published on June 22, allowing Selebi’s lawyers to write to the police on June 23 asking for it.

Contrasting starkly with their response to the NPA, the police sent Selebi’s lawyers the full correspondence on the same day, including Williams’s second reply, also dated June 23. Selebi may have seen the response before Mpshe did.

In his second reply Williams lectured Mpshe on the role of the crime intelligence division (CID), emphasising the prohibition on the disclosure of intelligence sources and methods.

He complained that the CID’s requests to the Scorpions for details of their investigation were denied: ”In fact the [Scorpions] deliberately misled the division regarding the extent of their investigation.”

Williams does not acknowledge that he knows key members of the CID are considered suspects in the Scorpions’ case. Williams states that as members of the investigation team were allowed supervised ”access” to informer documentation relating to Agliotti and others, this should suffice.

He would not provide the actual material, meaning it could not be used as evidence.

The same applied to video material, including a crucial 2003 recording in which Agliotti admits to crime intelligence boss Mulangi Mphego that he tried to get money from Kebble needed to pay Selebi.

Williams declined to say whether Stratton was a police informer, as this would disclose the ”secret services” of the SAPS. However, Mphego is known to have boasted to the media of Stratton’s status as his agent.

Also for reasons of ”secret service” Williams declined to make diaries available. On the subject of Selebi’s travel records, Williams complained provision of these would be a ”monumental task” but he would do his best to assist.

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870cef No.44024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111485 (021652ZJUL23) Notable: Jackie Selebi Bun | Violence and Crime Bun | Webber Wentzel Bun / Browse Mole report a ‘mixture of fact and fiction’

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>The report was handed to him in March or April 2006 by former Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) [or Scorpions] head Leonard McCarthy [he worked for the World Bank after the scorpions were disbanded October 2008].

Correction, Leonard McCarthy worked for the World Bank prior to the Scorpions being disbanded.

Leonard Frank McCarthy, Integrity Vice President, World Bank Group


In June 2008, Leonard McCarthy was appointed by Robert B. Zoellick, President of the World Bank, to serve as Vice President of the World Bank. He heads the Integrity Vice Presidency (INT), whose mandate it is to anticipate, detect, deter and prevent fraud and corruption in Bank Group-supported activities. INT impacts the work of the World Bank by ensuring that funds are used for their intended purposes, thereby contributing to the organization’s core mission of promoting development and reducing poverty.

Prior to joining the World Bank Group, Mr. McCarthy headed the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) in South Africa, specializing in crime analysis, investigation, prosecution, forensic accounting, asset forfeiture, and civil litigation. During his tenure, the DSO successfully prosecuted many entities involved in financial crime, organized criminal enterprises, grand corruption, urban terror and money rackets. In addition, the DSO generated millions of rands destined for criminal restraint, and interdicted drugs and other contraband worth billions.

Since joining the World Bank Group, Mr. McCarthy has spearheaded significant operational and organizational changes within INT that have increased its capacity to address fraud and corruption in a more concerted manner. Under his leadership, INT focuses on promoting creative solutions in investigations, integrity due-diligence, litigation, forensic audits and settlements, to solidify the lending environment and provide assurance to World Bank shareholders.

INT’s newly-created Preventive Services Unit analyzes insights gained from investigations, and disseminates good practices to other Bank staff and governments in the form of structural precautions, fiduciary mechanisms, detection tools and sound advice. The recent increase in cooperation efforts with international stakeholders, facilitates information sharing and joint action with other investigating institutions.

Previously, Mr. McCarthy held the position of Director of Public Prosecutions in South Africa, to which he was appointed by then President, Nelson Mandela.

He is a lawyer by profession and holds the following degrees: Baccalaureus Artium (BA), Bachelor of Law (B.Juris), and LLB (Bachelor of Laws).

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870cef No.44025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111495 (021654ZJUL23) Notable: Jackie Selebi Bun | Violence and Crime Bun | Webber Wentzel Bun / Scorpions were disbanded in October 2008 (3 months after Selebi trial) and was unconstitutional

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>Police and National Intelligence Agency leaders appear to be waging a war of attrition against the National Prosecuting Authority and the Scorpions.


>Judge Frans Kgomo, who granted the discharge application, was unimpressed with the outcome, saying: “This case is about corrupt civil servants as well as politicians or politically connected officials wining and dining with the devil incarnate under shade of darkness.”


“Scorpions were disbanded in October 2008 (3 months after Selebi trial) and was unconstitutional”

“Scorpions disbanding unconstitutional”


18 MAR 2011

The Constitutional Court ruled on Thursday that sections of the Acts that disbanded the Scorpions and created the Hawks were inconsistent with the Constitution. It has given Parliament 18 months to rectify the legislation.

The ANC and its allies were cautious in their responses to the ruling but opposition parties expressed enthusiasm.

Deputy Chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke delivered the majority judgment, prepared with Justice Edwin Cameron, which ruled that “the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation [the Hawks] is insufficiently insulated from political interference”.

The judgment was a narrow majority one, supported by five of the court’s nine judges.

Justices Johan Froneman, Bess Nkabinde and Thembile Skweyiya concurred with Moseneke and Cameron’s judgment.

A minority judgment, prepared by Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, found that the Hawks’ structural and operational autonomy was already secure.

Acting Justice Frederik Brand and Justices Mogoeng Mogoeng and Zakeria Yacoob concurred with him.

The Hawks is a unit in the South African Police Service that reports to the ministry of safety and security, and is therefore in effect directed by the executive.

The former Scorpions was a unit in the National Prosecuting Authority and so was nominally independent of the executive.

The Scorpions achieved a conviction rate of more than 90% and pursued high-profile cases, including the arms deal investigation that led to the conviction of Zuma’s former financial adviser, Durban businessman Schabir Schaik, on fraud and corruption charges.

The unit’s “search and seizure” methods were bitterly opposed by sections of the alliance and it was formally disbanded in October 2008 after Parliament adopted the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act and the South African Police Service Amendment Act.

The Hawks, which has all but shut down the arms deal probe, said it welcomed the judgment and “will be taking the necessary steps under the guidance of Parliament to give effect to the judgment”.

“The DA’s shadow minister for police, Dianne Kohler Barnard, said the Scorpions should have been retained. Disbanding them “was designed to shut down investigations into ANC politicians and allow [them] to continue to dispense patronage, as well as engage in corruption”, she said.”

Cope spokesperson Philip Dexter said the judgment put an onus on the government to “do the right thing” and the closure of the Scorpions had left a void in corruption investigations.

He cited police National Commissioner Bheki Cele, who “is implicated in wrongdoing. How can the Hawks investigate their own commissioner?”

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870cef No.44026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117473 (032051ZJUL23) Notable: ANC Bun | Brazzaville Foundation Bun

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>>43906 President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way (video)

>>43964 “Killer cholera hits amid decade-long bickering over Hammanskraal water crisis - and tender scandals”

>>43965, >>43966 Life in the Time of Cholera - the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization (Parts 1&2)

>>43973 Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk

>>43992, >>43993, >>43994, >>43995 ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

>>43995 "The biggest corruption scandal to hit SA's Parliament" - Mkhwebane shares alleged bribe clips (video)

Brazzaville Foundation Bun

>>43953 Jean-Yves Ollivier founded Brazzaville Foundation (video)

>>43954 “Meet the Brazzaville Foundation: The royal-backed UK charity accused of ‘laundering’ the reputation of an oil-rich African autocrat

>>43997 Brazzaville Foundation: Behind the African Peace Mission Between Kyiv and Moscow

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870cef No.44027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117487 (032052ZJUL23) Notable: G4S Security Company Bun

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G4S Security Company Bun

>>43896 “G4S vows to cooperate after contracts with DCS are terminated” due to the “the brazen prison escape of Thabo Bester” (video)

>>43897 G4S: South Africa and History – Part 1

>>43898 G4S: South Africa and History – Part 2

>>43899 G4S: South Africa and History – Part 3

>>43900 Public Private Partnerships of South Africa

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870cef No.44028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19117497 (032053ZJUL23) Notable: Jackie Selebi Bun | Violence and Crime Bun | Webber Wentzel Bun

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Jackie Selebi Bun

>>44022, >>44024 Browse Mole report a ‘mixture of fact and fiction’

>>44023 Cops obstruct Selebi investigation

>>44025 Scorpions were disbanded in October 2008 (3 months after Selebi trial) and was unconstitutional

Violence and Crime Bun

>>43909, >>43910 Saps History - George Fivaz

>>43911 Stratom: What it actually was and means

>>43918 Wave of bombings hits Graskop and Hazyview

>>43947 Cosatu - ‘Farmers rape and murder their workers’: HRC – ‘It’s not a human rights violation’

>>43948 Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours - Attackers make themselves dinner

>>43972 Second Major Railway Grinds To Halt In South Africa

>>43982 SA Presidency acknowledges receipt of call for farm murder commission, eight farmers murdered in a week

>>43983 Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives

Webber Wentzel Bun

>>43957 Webber Wentzel law firm (Part One)

>>43958 Webber Wentzel law firm (Part Two)

>>43969 Alessandra Berridge - Executive Vice-president, Commercial and Partnerships” at De Beers Group and was a partner at Webber Wentzel

>>44016 Kebble, Agliotti and Selebi Timeline

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870cef No.44029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19126684 (051206ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Selebi’s attorney raised 3 issues to justify Judge Meyer Joffe’s recusal

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>“Judge Joffe fights back” – “defence's argument to have him recused from the corruption trial of former top cop Jackie Selebi “



>Agliotti was a key figure in the drug related prosecution of Selebi, with his evidence used to implicate and prosecute the former police boss, who died in 2015. Agliotti agreed to turn state witness against Selebi in exchange for a lenient sentence on drug trafficking charges.

Selebi’s attorney raised 3 issues to justify Judge Meyer Joffe’s recusal

“Selebi trial: Judge Joffe stands firm”


30 OCT 2009

Earlier on Thursday, Cilliers listed the ways in which Selebi felt that Joffe had been biased against him. The first was that when Agliotti admitted to lying to the court Joffe did not raise the issue of the ”conduct of the prosecution” who ”had knowledge of the fact that their witness was lying”.

Cilliers’s next point was that chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel and his prosecuting team withheld important documents from the defence, which they then included in a bundle they had handed to Joffe.

”The prosecution acted with ulterior motive … they manipulated the evidence,” said Cilliers. ”You did not raise how it came about that the documents were put in that bundle.”

Joffe, appearing to be nearing the end of his tether, asked Cilliers: ”Mr Cilliers, how long have you been senior counsel? If you felt hard done by by Mr Nel’s conduct, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve dealt with it. Why do you put it at my door and not raise it yourself … I’m being taken to task for not chastising Mr Nel. I’m putting it to you, why didn’t you raise the objection?”

The third issue revolved around a controversial City Press article of two weeks ago, which described a video that had been leaked to the newspaper by an unknown source. Joffe had not allowed Cilliers to complete cross-examining Agliotti on the article.

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870cef No.44030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19126722 (051222ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun / Judge [Meyer Joffe] suggests City Press be investigated on Selebi tape

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>The third issue revolved around a controversial City Press article of two weeks ago, which described a video that had been leaked to the newspaper by an unknown source. Joffe had not allowed Cilliers to complete cross-examining Agliotti on the article.

“Judge [Meyer Joffe] suggests City Press be investigated on Selebi tape”


20 Oct 2009

SOUTH Gauteng High Court Judge Meyer Joffe has suggested that City Press be investigated on how it obtained a secret recording of a meeting Glenn Agliotti had with National intelligence Agency last year.

The meeting, held at a Sandton hotel on 4 January 2008, shows that Agliotti requested a meeting with then acting police crime intelligence head Mulangi Mphego because he had information he wanted to share with him.

Giving his testimony in the trial of former police commissioner Jackie Selebi, Agliotti had told the court that Mphego – who was at the January 4 meeting – requested a meeting with him which was held three days later.

However, video evidence seen by City Press reporters revealed that it was Agliotti – and not Mphego as the court heard – who requested the meeting.

In the video Agliotti said: “Look there are some things that I left out in the statement that I want to share with you. This is my brother (pointing at Mphego), and I’m willing to meet him again. You are a very busy man Mr Manzini. I really want to meet with Mphegs.”

Agliotti has testified that he met with NIA’s then-director general Manala Manzini and his deputy, Arthur Fraser, because he wanted a “better deal” for himself to stop his prosecution for the murder of mining magnate Brett Kebble.

Today Selebi’s lawyer, Jaap Cilliers, had begun asking Agliotti about the City Press article when state advocate Gerrie Nel objected, saying the witness could not be cross-examined on information contained in a newspaper. But Judge Joffe allowed Agliotti to answer a question on whether he remembered requesting the meeting with Mphego.

“It was later at night, I cannot remember or confirm. The only thing I can remember is that there was an arrangement for a meeting with Mphego,” Agliotti said.

When further questioning based on the article ensued, Nel objected and Cilliers suggested that, based on the City Press article, there was a video in existence which should be traced.

Judge Joffe said that the City Press reporter, Jackie Mapiloko, should be investigated on how she obtained the tape because “it is clear that someone is trying to improperly influence the court by leaking information” to the newspaper.


Cilliers maintained that the video was pivotal, as it will show Agliotti as a witness lacking credibility. ”The witness misled you when he tried to indicate how this meeting came about … The witness clearly stated in his evidence in chief how the January 4 and January 7 statements came about. This clearly contradicts his version.”

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870cef No.44031

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19126731 (051224ZJUL23) Notable: >19140862, Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)

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Below are excerpts

APPEAL NO. 208/2014










By a letter dated 22nd November 2010, Amaplat and Amari disputed ZMDC’s entitlement to terminate the MoUs and insisted that they remained legally binding.

The MoUs had arbitration clauses. As a result, Amaplat and Amari referred the matter to the International Court of I Arbitration (ICA) for arbitration. The ICA set up an arbitral Tribunal in terms of the Rules of that Court. The 3rd Appellant in the| first matter, Mr Stuart Isaacs, QC of the United Kingdom was nominated by the United Kingdom ICC National Committee as Chairman. The 4th Appellant in the first matter, Justice Meyer Joffe of South Africa, was nominated by Amaplat and Amari as co-arbitrator. Mr James Prince Mutizwa of Zimbabwe was nominated by ZMDC as co-arbitrator. On the 12th of May 2011, the ICA appointed Lusaka, Zambia as the seat of arbitration. Despite this, the matter was set down for hearing in Cape Town, South Africa, from the 13th of August to the 24th of August 2012.

The hearing commenced in Cape Town. ZMDC was suspicious of some of the questions posed by Judge Joffe to an Amaplat witness. They asked Judge Joffe to recuse himself. They also asked Mr. Stuart Isaacs, QC, to recuse himself, after he refused to determine a jurisdictional challenge brought by ZMDC. On the 27th of September 2012, the ICA dismissed the application asking Judge Joffe and Mr. Isaacs to recuse themselves.

1. A declaration that Judge Joffe and Mr. Stuart Isaacs, QC have conducted themselves in a manner that raised doubts as to their impartiality and that they demonstrated biasness or a perception of biasness;

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870cef No.44032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19126855 (051301ZJUL23) Notable: Same players seen in both Selebi and Zuma’s trials

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>Agliotti has testified that he met with NIA’s then-director general Manala Manzini and his deputy, Arthur Fraser, because he wanted a “better deal” for himself to stop his prosecution for the murder of mining magnate Brett Kebble.


>a video that had been leaked to the newspaper

In both trials, they have the same players and leaked videos. Coincidence?

Even Judge Meyer Joffe came out of retirement to address the Gupta assets. >>44021

Remember, the Zondo Commission and the media pushed the narrative; “South Africa's Jacob Zuma would do anything for the Guptas - Zondo report” - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-61269603


>When he read the final version [Browse Mole Report] in June/July he became angry and thought that ”if there was a time that Mr McCarthy was going to leave the DSO, it was going to be that time”.

>It had clearly been produced by someone who had contact with ”old apartheid structures of intelligence”, he said, and not a single member of the DSO had the capacity to produce it.

>He believes it is because of the Selebi investigation.


>Police and National Intelligence Agency leaders appear to be waging a war of attrition against the National Prosecuting Authority and the Scorpions.

>Mokotedi Mpshe

Same players seen in both Selebi and Zuma’s trials


14 September 2021

He [Jacob Zuma] was in fine fettle as he defied the law for days until he was taken in by his security detail at midnight on July 7. Until that day the man could offer a lusty rendition of Awulethe Umshini Wami (Bring Me My Machine Gun) at the drop of a hat.

The only long-term illness Zuma suffers from is an aversion to facing the law, getting his day in court and answering allegations against him linked to the arms deal and his role in state capture. To evade the law, Zuma will do absolutely anything, including what his benefactor Schabir Shaik did over 10 years ago — faking it.

No-one should be surprised by the arrogant announcement on Tuesday evening by Arthur Fraser, the correctional services commissioner and former director-general of state security during Zuma’s presidency, that he had overruled a recommendation that his former boss should not be released on medical parole.

We all knew that Zuma was going to walk the minute he was taken to the Estcourt prison. Why? Because Fraser, who oversaw every detail of the destruction of the state security agency that has been detailed at the Zondo commission, was in charge of the prisons service – and he has delivered for his former boss before.

Remember that the Mail & Guardian newspaper told us back in 2009 that the leaked secret recordings of conversations between former Scorpions boss Leonard McCarthy and others, which Mokotedi Mpshe used to (wrongly) justify his dropping of corruption charges against Zuma, were leaked by Fraser. [Did Fraser also leak the Selebi recording?]

Giving Zuma a “get out of jail free” card for the second time was a cinch.

Ramaphosa’s ‘unity’ to blame

So what does this all mean?

No matter how anyone looks at it, the state capture cabal has won a significant victory. Ask any ordinary citizen today and they will tell you that in SA, there is nothing like the concept of “equal before the law”.

Indeed, many would declare that we are in full-on Animal Farm mode and that there is no equality across the entire society.

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s belief that it is his job to keep the ANC united is at the heart of the problem. Fraser should have been showed the door as soon as Zuma was out of power. Instead, Ramaphosa shifted him to correctional services.

Tolerating crooks

Unity should not mean tolerance of criminality — but Ramaphosa has largely allowed the criminal element in the ANC to hang around. There is merit in keeping one’s enemies close, but there is no merit in giving them the space to undermine your administration and your country.

We know now that the July riots were orchestrated from the heart of the intelligence structures [soon after Zuma handed himself over to the police].

We know this because Ramaphosa fired the state security minister and brought the intelligence portfolio into his office, with an instruction to former minister Sydney Mufamadi to clean house. He didn’t do this for fun — it was because his initial play of leaving the intelligence structures in the hands of Zuma-ites was used against him [or the intelligence has full control of the country now and are running it].

Consider the secretary-general’s office at the ANC head office. Walking into that office was like stepping into the living room at the Gupta family home: it was a hotbed of Zuma acolytes.

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870cef No.44033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134522 (062048ZJUL23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / SANDF union reveals how N1 highway assault victims were pushed off the road by VIP ‘blue light bullies (video)

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“WATCH | Motorist viciously assaulted by members of police's VIP Unit” - https://youtu.be/Uj_QP2DX1Bg

“SANDF union reveals how N1 highway assault victims were pushed off the road by VIP ‘blue light bullies’”


Published Jul 5, 2023

The SA National Defence Union has shed some light on the circumstances that led to the three men seen being brutally assaulted by a group of six VIP protection officers this week, saying they were pushed off the road and firearms were pointed at them while driving on the N1 highway in Joburg.

The union's secretary, Pikkie Greeff said the three victims - who are all attached to the SANDF - were boxed in and aggressively pushed to the side of the road by the VIP officers who were driving in two police-owned BMW X5s.

The VIP officers have since been revealed to be attached to Deputy President Paul Mashatile, although he was not present in any of the cars when the incident took place earlier this week.

Greeff said one of the victims was a member of the union, while two others were still military trainees.

Greeff said the soldiers were travelling from Johannesburg to Pretoria when the incident, which has caused national fury against the blue lights brigade, occurred.

He said at least one of the VIP police officers pointed a firearm at the victims while they were being pushed off the road in their blue VW Polo with NKR (Ladysmith) licence plates.

He explained that the victims were boxed in by more SUVs and forced to stop on the left lane of the N1 freeway before being brutally assaulted and kicked.

Video of the incident showed the VIP officers attempting to smash the windscreen of the victims' car, upon failing to smash the windscreen, they broke the rear window and assaulted them as they lay on the ground.

The police watchdog, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) had interviewed the soldiers on Tuesday, and advised them not to speak to SAPS officers, while the Ipid investigation continues.

Ipid confirmed on Wednesday that it had opened a case of assault, malicious damage to property and pointing of a firearm against the SAPS VIP officers, at the Sandton Police Station.

Police spokesperson Brigadier Athlenda Mathe told television news channel eNCA that Ipid was leading the criminal investigation against the officers and they supported the Ipid investigation.

SAPS was also instituting its own internal disciplinary investigation on the matter.

Mathe said four VIP members involved in the incident had been identified and served with letters expressing an intention to suspend. She said they were expected to provide reasons as to why they should not be suspended.

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870cef No.44034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134665 (062116ZJUL23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / “Acting public protector denies Phala Phala report was a 'whitewash'” (video)

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“Adv. Paul Hoffman on Phala Phala report”


Jul 3, 2023

A report by Acting Public Protector Kholeka Gcaleka has found that President Cyril Ramaphosa didn't violate the Executive Ethics Code in relation to the Phala Phala theft. Some opposition parties are now planning to challenge the findings, which have been described as illogical. Constitutional law expert Adv. Paul Hoffman says Gcaleka could have done better on the report.

“Acting public protector denies Phala Phala report was a 'whitewash'”


06 July 2023 - 08:30

“I am confident the court would not find us biased. I am not worried that any malice would be found in the manner in which this report has been investigated.”

Unfazed acting public protector Kholeka Gcaleka said this as opposition parties threaten court action against her office’s report that found President Cyril Ramaphosa did not misuse state resources in the Phala Phala scandal.

The public protector investigated whether Ramaphosa had violated the executive ethics code for cabinet members and whether he abused state resources after millions of US dollars were stolen from his game farm in Limpopo in February 2020.

“The allegation that the president abused his power in using state resources by causing the PPS [presidential protection services] to be deployed to Phala Phala farm and to investigate a housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft at the said farm is not substantiated,” the report read [https://www.pprotect.org/sites/default/files/legislation_report/Phala%20Phala%20Final%20Report.pdf].

Speaking on Newsroom Afrika, Gcaleka said the report by her office was not biased in protection of Ramaphosa.

“This report has been well thought out. I am confident that this is a matter in which the public protector would not be found to have been biased, or to have dealt with the matter in an unbecoming manner.

“The court might arrive at a different decision — that is really up to the court but we are confident that we have done the best we could in line with the law,” she said.

The advocate said the report did not clear Ramaphosa of any wrongdoing relating to claims of the US dollars sale being fraudulent.

She said this was for the Hawks’ criminal investigation.

Gcaleka said her office did not investigate the sale transaction further as it was of a private entity and did not fall under her office’s mandate.

“We have made no findings on those matters. The president has not been cleared on whether there was anything untoward in respect of this particular transaction,” she said.

The EFF, DA , ATM and ActionSA have called for the report to be reviewed and set aside as they accused Gcaleka of protecting Ramaphosa.

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870cef No.44035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19134701 (062123ZJUL23) Notable: Zuma 'likely' to appeal ruling against the private prosecution of Ramaphosa

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“Zuma 'likely' to appeal ruling against the private prosecution of Ramaphosa”


06 July 2023 06:51

JOHANNESBURG - It looks like former president Jacob Zuma will be appealing the Johannesburg High Court's ruling to set aside his private prosecution of President Cyril Ramphosa.

In December, on the eve of the African National Congress’s (ANC) national elective conference, Zuma instituted a private prosecution against Ramaphosa.

He accused him of being an accessory after the fact to contraventions of the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) Act, which he further accused State advocate Billy Downer of in a separate private prosecution.

This was because Ramaphosa had, according to Zuma, at least, failed to act on a complaint against Downer.

However, the court on Wednesday set aside the private prosecution as unlawful and unconstitutional.

Spokesperson for the Jacob Zuma Foundation Mzwanele Manyi said the former president’s legal team was studying the judgment and a way forward would be announced in due course.

In June, the Pietermaritzburg High Court set aside Zuma’s private prosecution of Downer and Karyn Maughan and Zuma has since lodged an appeal against the ruling.

“The likelihood is that this matter, too, will be appealed,” Manyi said.

If that happened, he said, the two appeals would likely be referred to the Supreme Court of Appeal and heard together, depending on what the court said.

In the meantime, Manyi said they believed their prospects of success were “more than good”.

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870cef No.44036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140862 (072107ZJUL23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Amari Holdings vs Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)

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Amari Holdings vs Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)

“Zim assets face seizure”


Dec. 23, 2019

Companies linked to British Virgin Islands-based Amari Holdings won the right to seize assets worth US$65,9 million in compensation for Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)’s cancellation of nickel and platinum ventures formed in 2007 and 2008.

The ruling by the International Court of Arbitration was made after a hearing in Lusaka, Zambia.

The development comes at a difficult time for Zimbabwe, with the government forecasting the economy will contract 6,5% this year because of crippling foreign-currency, fuel, wheat and power shortages. The State is seeking to convince investors from Cyprus, South Africa, Russia and Nigeria to spend billions of dollars developing its platinum reserves, the world’s third-largest. It’s also rich in gold, chrome and iron ore.

The dispute arose over plans Amari had to develop mines in Zimbabwe. The company formed platinum and nickel ventures with ZMDC that were 50% and 45% owned by the state company respectively.

Zimbabwe’s assertion that the deals were not appropriately approved by ZMDC officials and the Mines minister were rejected by the court.

Amari will seek to seize fixed assets owned by Zimbabwe and ZMDC both in the country and elsewhere and may also target shipments of diamonds and tobacco, Small-Smith said.

Amari was founded by Mike Nunn, the South African mining entrepreneur who established Tanzanite One Ltd to exploit the blue precious stone found only in Tanzania.


MAY 24, 2023

Amaplat Mauritius Ltd. et al v. Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation et al: Amended Complaint

Amended Complaint “to recognize and enforce the judgment of the High Court of Zambia, at the Commercial Registry at Lusaka, dated August 9, 2019 … in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation and the Chief Mining Commissioner, Ministry of Mines of Zimbabwe” in Amaplat Mauritius Ltd. and Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd., both of Mauritius v. Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, The Chief Mining Commissioner, Ministry of Mines of Zimbabwe, and the Republic of Zimbabwe at the U. S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

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870cef No.44037

File: 33fdc41f22b1620⋯.jpg (16.84 KB,413x516,413:516,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140873 (072109ZJUL23) Notable: Kropz

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>Amari was founded by Mike Nunn, the South African mining entrepreneur who established Tanzanite One Ltd to exploit the blue precious stone found only in Tanzania.

Michael Nunn – Non-Executive Director of Kropz


Non-Executive Director

Michael (Mike) Nunn is a South African mining entrepreneur and investor. Mike has founded and developed various businesses related to the mining industry in Africa. Mike is widely recognised as being the pioneer of the global tanzanite industry and was the founder of TanzaniteOne. Subsequent to his involvement in tanzanite, Mike established Amari in 2005, where he developed multiple mining businesses in various sub-Saharan African countries. Mike established Kropz in 2012 with the objective of developing a world class fertiliser business with a sub-Saharan African focus. Mike sits on the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.


Kropz is an AIM-listed, Africa-based company focused on responsible rock phosphate exploration, mining and processing.

Solidly backed by its cornerstone investor, African Rainbow Capital [Patrice Motsepe], the company’s objective is to secure quality resources across the continent, to initially supply the global fertiliser industry with phosphate feedstock, supporting the invaluable contribution of this to agriculture and thus to food security worldwide.

In the short term, Kropz expects to begin production from its Elandsfontein project on South Africa’s west coast in Q4 2021, taking advantage of the current buoyant prices, together with the company’s access to excellent shipping routes to major international markets. Traders have already been appointed to market Elandsfontein’s production.

In the medium term, in line with its mission to become a significant contributor to greater food production to help feed Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing population, the company plans to augment Elandsfontein’s production with that from its Hinda Project in the Republic of Congo. There is potential to blend streams from the two to meet specific market requirements.

Together, Elandsfontein and Hinda could contribute 4-5% of the internationally traded rock phosphate market.

Our mission is to set a new standard in the green mining of fertiliser feed minerals and to develop a world class plant nutrient fertiliser production and distribution capacity that will meaningfully contribute towards feeding sub-Saharan Africa for generations to come.


The company does so, recognising, delivering on and reporting about its environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities and accountabilities.

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870cef No.44038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19140923 (072118ZJUL23) Notable: Kropz

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>The company [Kropz] does so, recognising, delivering on and reporting about its environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities and accountabilities.


>The proposed regulations are seen as the DWS’s most radical and sweeping effort to date toward changing the demographics with respect to water use in South Africa. The agricultural and forestry sectors appear to be the primary target of the proposed regulations. The agricultural sector accounts for approximately 60% of South Africa’s total water use. It is worth noting that the proposed regulations exempt mining companies, the state and state-owned entities, as well as 100% black-owned entities.

“Cape High Court to STOP KROPZ from further dewatering Elandsfontein aquifer for a dormant mine . . .” - 1 of 2


OCTOBER 11, 2017

First it was tanzanite mining king Mike Nunn’s controversial Elandsfontein Exploration and Mining (EEM) company that applied for mining rights to access the sedimentary phosphate on a piece of farmland adjacent to the West Coast National Park. No sooner did they get the mining licence (in a most suspicious way) or the company changed its name overnight to KROPZ and launched a major marketing campaign with double spread “green” advertisements promising to fertilize the entire African continent . . .

The next moment it stated that the phosphate is actually earmarked for international markets in Asia, Brazil or Australia . . . and long before an environmental impact study was completed or a water use licence was granted, a multi-million rand infrastructure was erected in record-time on the Elandsfontein aquifer. This came despite public outrage and several pending court applications lodged by the West Coast Environmental Protection Association (WCEPA) in an attempt to save the sensitive environment and lagoon from an “illegal” mine that threatens the entire region’s underground water network . An investigation by Carte Blanche confirmed the irregularities and inconsistencies in the granting of the mining rights.

During the Easter holiday (April 2017) the Water Use Licence (WUL) was finally granted . . . against all odds and despite the worst drought in more than a century in the West Coast. In August the entire mining project was suddenly iced for an indefinite, extended period due to “technical, market, and regulatory problems” although the dewatering of the mine continued. Meanwhile persistent rumours prevail that the temporary delay is just the calm before the storm and that KROPZ is secretly attempting to extend its mining activities to sections within the West Coast National Park.

This fuelled the WCEPA into renewed action, and this week the environmental association filed an urgent interdict application to stop Kropz from unlawfully dewatering the Elandsfontein aquifer for a dormant mine.

The media release and attached court papers read as follows:

The West Coast Environmental Protection Association (WCEPA), represented by environmental law firm,Cullinans and Associates, this week launched an urgent interdict application in the Cape Town High Court against Kropz Elandsfontein (Pty) Ltd (Kropz) to stop the mining company from continuing to unlawfully dewater and recharge the Elandsfontein aquifer – a critical water source situated on the water stressed West Coast – while the mine’s water use licence (WUL) is suspended.

Kropz’s controversial Elandsfontein phosphate mine is located in the aquifer and borders the West Coast National Park, which includes the Langebaan Lagoon Marine Protected Area. Impacts on the 5 to 10 million year old aquifer have not been properly assessed by the mine, and may affect the Langebaan Lagoon, a Ramsar site and wetland of international importance; a significant tourist attraction; and a water body on which many scale fishers depend. The mining site cuts through a biodiverse and climate change resilient corridor which was earmarked for inclusion in the West Coast National Park, and the Lagoon is also one of the most sensitive biodiversity regions along the coast of Africa. The fact that the Lagoon is surrounded by the 32,000 hectare National Park makes it unique.

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870cef No.44039

File: 3d3661ba9055164⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,413x516,413:516,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19141022 (072134ZJUL23) Notable: Kropz

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Interesting to find Renwick on the board.

Lord Robin Renwick – Chairman of Kropz



Lord Robin Renwick of Clifton is a former diplomat and served as British Ambassador to South Africa and the United States. He served subsequently as Deputy Chairman of the merchant bank Robert Fleming, then for fifteen years as Deputy Chairman of J.P. Morgan Europe. He has served on many boards including BHP Billiton, Fluor Corporation, SABMiller, British Airways and Harmony Gold [Patrice Motsepe]. He is currently a director of Stonehage Fleming and Senior Adviser to Richemont [Johann Rupert]. Lord Renwick chairs the Remuneration and Nomination Committee and sits on the Audit, Risk and Sustainability Committee.

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870cef No.44040

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149332 (091258ZJUL23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / SANDF union reveals how N1 highway assault victims were pushed off the road by VIP ‘blue light bullies (video)

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“Ban the blue light mafia - Ian Cameron” - https://youtu.be/1Wt9jGHlSnQ [Jul 4, 2023]

“Motorists assaulted by VIP police allegedly prohibited by SANDF from speaking out”


08-07-2023 11:16

The motorists assaulted by the police’s VIP unit on the N1 have allegedly been prohibited by SANDF to speak to anyone about the attack.

SANDF allegedly prohibited the motorists assaulted by VIP police on N1 from speaking out about the attack.


Civil organisation Action Society is representing one of the victims in civil litigation to be pursued against the police.

The motorists who were assaulted by the police’s VIP unit on the N1 in Johannesburg have allegedly been prohibited by their employer, the SA National Defence Force (SANDF), to speak to anyone about the attack unless a general is present.

The organisation’s Ian Cameron told the media this alleged order remained “even after hours in their personal capacity.”

According to reports, Action Society’s legal representative, Daniël Eloff, has challenged this order, saying it was an attempt to curtail the victims’ right to freedom of expression.

“In terms of South African law and the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, the SANDF has no jurisdiction to inhibit the victims or any individual from expressing their views or recounting their experiences outside of work hours and off military premises,” Eloff said.

“More importantly, one would expect the upper echelons of the defence force to stand by its members, supporting them in their time of need rather than aiding in the protection of the alleged assailants from the SAPS VIP Unit.

“The truth must be brought to light, and the victims have every right to bring their personal experiences into public view.”


This comes after the occupants of the blue Volkswagen Polo initially thought they were being hijacked, as the VIP officers had allegedly tried to ram them off the road.

Forcing the Polo to a stop on the side of the highway, several officers allegedly got out and tried to break the driver’s window with an assault rifle, according to Cameron.

In a video shared on social media, the men can be seen being dragged from the Polo.


At least two of the VIP members start kicking the men as they lie on the ground.

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870cef No.44041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19149620 (091406ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / “Carping Point: There are so many things we will never know about that Ukraine trip”

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“Carping Point: There are so many things we will never know about that Ukraine trip”


Published Jun 24, 2023

Johannesburg - And so, the SAA Airbus returned to OR Tambo, with its John Wick manifest of bodyguards and a handful of hacks who’d gone to cover President Cyril Ramaphosa’s peace mission to Ukraine and Russia. The aircraft eventually got as far Poland, being grounded in Warsaw where it remained, until the talks were over and it flew back.

Ironically, Ramaphosa managed to get to Kyiv and then to St Petersburg where, by most accounts, he was resolute and unequivocal with President Vladimir Putin. But who knows? Putin apparently ordered the live feed stopped just after Cyril the Meek made his opening remarks.

The ongoing war won’t be stopped overnight – and the African bid is just one of many, including the Vatican, that are trying to get the two countries to the table to start speaking. History reminds us though that everyone said the same about ending apartheid in South Africa. In the end it was a host of different events and initiatives, in which the non-aligned African states played quite a considerable role in breaking the impasse.

The biggest lessons for Ramaphosa, who wasn’t stuck on a stationary aircraft with rapidly filling chemical toilets for more than 26 hours, will have been salutary. Notwithstanding his own access to generators and load-shedding exemptions, it will have been interesting for him to learn that a country in the grip of a vicious war and subject to almost daily artillery and rocket barrages actually has electricity.

It would have been novel for him to ride on a train from one country into another – apparently the only safe way to Kyiv from Poland – on infrastructure that has withstood 15 months of war when Transnet has been rendered almost wholly dysfunctional under almost 30 years of the ANC and entire rail networks have been destroyed and/or built over.

Perhaps the most significant lesson would have been that he was safe in two capitals of countries at war, while his 120 protectors were stuck back in a third country, along with 13 crates of unspecified arms and material that spooked the Poles.

What was in those crates? We’ll probably never know, just as we won’t know what was loaded onto Lady R or if the US faked the moon landings on Area 51. We won’t know either why the President has put his safety in the hands of Wally Rhoode. Nominally a major general in the police, Rhoode never served as a police officer. It’s a bit like appointing a fan of Masterchef as the executive chef of a five-star hotel, when the only culinary skill they’ve mastered is the TV remote.

Rhoode appears to have been the architect of last week’s VIP protection shambles, ignoring advice from professionals in the Department of Defence and Dirco. In a way it’s not that surprising, not if you look at how he handled the Phala Phala scandal. That was obviously just a taster of things to come. The mind boggles about what the President’s “protector” could achieve on his next attempt.

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870cef No.44042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150447 (091648ZJUL23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Both Amaplat Mauritius Ltd and Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd have the same address in Mauritius

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>Companies linked to British Virgin Islands-based Amari Holdings won the right to seize assets worth US$65,9 million in compensation for Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)’s cancellation of nickel and platinum ventures formed in 2007 and 2008.


>Mike established Amari in 2005, where he developed multiple mining businesses in various sub-Saharan African countries. Mike established Kropz in 2012




>Chairman of Kropz

>Lord Robin Renwick of Clifton is a former diplomat and served as British Ambassador to South Africa and the United States.


>The ICA set up an arbitral Tribunal in terms of the Rules of that Court. The 3rd Appellant in the| first matter, Mr Stuart Isaacs, QC of the United Kingdom was nominated by the United Kingdom ICC National Committee as Chairman. The 4th Appellant in the first matter, Justice Meyer Joffe of South Africa, was nominated by Amaplat and Amari as co-arbitrator. Mr James Prince Mutizwa of Zimbabwe was nominated by ZMDC as co-arbitrator. On the 12th of May 2011, the ICA appointed Lusaka, Zambia as the seat of arbitration. Despite this, the matter was set down for hearing in Cape Town, South Africa, from the 13th of August to the 24th of August 2012.

Both Amaplat Mauritius Ltd and Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd have the same address in Mauritius



Civil Action No. l-22-cv-0058-CRC

Amaplat Mauritius Ltd., c/o CKLB International Management Ltd., P.O. Box 80, Felix House, 24 Dr. Joseph Riviere Street, Port Louis 11602, Mauritius;


Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd., c/o CKLB International Management Ltd., P.O. Box 80, Felix House, 24 Dr. Joseph Riviere Street, Port Louis 11602, Mauritius,

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870cef No.44043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19150466 (091651ZJUL23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Fronts, False Invoices, and Offshore Financial Façades Raise Questions About Tagwirei Mine Purchase (video)

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Then watch and read this.

“How Zim political bigwig illegally moved funds to London”


A joint report by investigative organisation The Sentry, and non-profit organisation, Open Secrets, has revealed how Zimbabwean presidential advisor, Kudakwashe Tagwirei, illegally moved funds to London. It is alleged that South African and Mauritians played a critical role in assisting Tagwirei to move the millions. Head of Research at Open Secrets, Michael Marchant explains these findings.

“PRESS RELEASE| Fronts, False Invoices, and Offshore Financial Façades Raise Questions About Tagwirei Mine Purchase” – South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Cayman Islands, United Kingdom


July 6, 2023

Below are excerpts

A joint investigative report by The Sentry and Open Secrets exposes how Zimbabwean presidential advisor and business tycoon Kudakwashe Tagwirei, the subject of numerous corruption allegations, was able to move suspect funds from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to the City of London using a combination of fronts, apparently false invoices, and offshore financial façades.

The report, “Fronts, Fakes, and Façades: How South African and Mauritian Enablers Helped Move Millions from Zimbabwe to Britain” focuses on three payments that secured Tagwirei’s purchase of two Zimbabwean mines—Bindura Nickel and Freda Rebecca Gold Mine. Tagwirei, already surrounded by corruption allegations at the time of the deal, sought to create an offshore empire built on Zimbabwean mining.

Tagwirei’s deal may not have been possible without enablers—South African company directors, a Mauritian management company agent, a Cayman Islands investment fund, banks in numerous jurisdictions, and the company administrators in the United Kingdom—that, wittingly or unwittingly, facilitated Tagwirei’s purchase of the two mines. Many of these actors knew that Tagwirei was behind the deal. Some designed structures that had the effect of obscuring his involvement. Others had enough information that they should have suspected he was involved and asked appropriate questions.

Michael Marchant, Head of Investigations at Open Secrets, said: “The role of professionals around the globe in facilitating dubious money flows, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is a key contributor to the outflow of resources from poor countries like Zimbabwe to rich ones like the United Kingdom. It is essential that we see swift and effective action by regulators to hold these enablers to account.”

The investigative report reveals how Tagwirei used Sotic International, a Mauritian company that documents suggest was his front, to buy the mines for $29.5 million (R431 million, £23 million) from ASA Resource Group (ASA), a bankrupt firm that was being run by British company administrators Duff & Phelps (now known as Kroll). These purchases were made in three payments with each stage involving behavior that raises questions:

• Sotic’s Zimbabwean subsidiary, Landela Investments, obtained hard currency from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) at a favorable exchange rate when cashing in a $60 million portion of a large Treasury Bill given to Tagwirei’s company, Sakunda Holdings, with Landela telling the RBZ that some of the funds were needed to buy Bindura Nickel.

• To get money into Mauritius from Zimbabwe for Sotic’s second £12 million payment, South African directors created invoices for exports that could not be found in Zimbabwe’s official customs records, raising questions as to whether trade misinvoicing, a technique commonly used in trade-based money laundering, had occurred.

• For the final £8.7 million payment, Tagwirei moved his money into Sotic via a complex offshore façade that had the effect of disguising the source of funds.

After Tagwirei was sanctioned and accused of corruption by the US government in 2020, control of the two mines shifted from Sotic to Kuvimba Mining, which in 2021 was 65% owned by the Zimbabwean state and 35% owned by companies and trusts linked to Tagwirei.

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870cef No.44044

File: 4bf578174bf6f75⋯.pdf (4.57 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179689 (142018ZJUL23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Fronts, False Invoices, and Offshore Financial Façades Raise Questions About Tagwirei Mine Purchase (video)

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Attached is the report

“Zimbabwe Investigation| Fronts, Fakes and Façades”


6 July 2023

In 2019, Zimbabwean presidential advisor Kudakwashe Tagwirei moved millions of dollars in suspect funds from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to the City of London. The funds were used to buy two Zimbabwean mines— Bindura Nickel and Freda Rebecca Gold Mine—for $29.5 million (£23 million) from a bankrupt firm being run by British company administrators Duff & Phelps (now known as Kroll). At the time of the purchase, accusations of corruption and cronyism had already been swirling around Tagwirei for years.

The report relies on almost 2,000 emails and documents, including financial records and correspondence, provided by a whistleblower. These documents and additional investigations reveal that the purchase of the mines involved behaviour that raises questions and may carry policy implications when it comes to deterring powerful and connected individuals from exploiting the international financial system.

Entities/individuals involved


KUDAKWASHE TAGWIREI: The business tycoon and presidential advisor who used a front company in Mauritius to purchase Zimbabwean gold and nickel mines from a British company

SAKUNDA HOLDINGS: A fuel company owned by Tagwirei that received a favourable exchange rate for a Treasury Bill from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ)

LANDELA INVESTMENTS: A company owned by Tagwirei that was the official purchaser of the gold and nickel mines. It also received a favourable exchange rate from the RBZ when exchanging a Treasury Bill.

RIMOSA TRADING: A Zimbabwean trading company that made payments to Sotic International in response to seemingly fake invoices, where no product was shipped, according to customs data.

RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE (RBZ): The Zimbabwean central bank. It exchanged Treasury Bills for Sakunda and Landela at a favourable rate.

KUVIMBA MINING HOUSE: The Zimbabwean company that received the gold and nickel mines in 2020 after the purchase was complete. The Zimbabwean government claims to own 65 per cent of Kuvimba.


JOZEF BEHR: A commodity trader, formerly of Trafigura, who was one of the South African directors of and co-head of trading at Sotic International.

RONELLE SINCLAIR: An accountant who was one of the South African directors of and head of finance at Sotic International.

CHRISTOPHER FOURIE: A former metallurgist who was one of the South African directors of Sotic International and who managed the purchase of the mines on Tagwirei’s behalf. Fourie later became a whistle-blower.

REDFOX MANAGEMENT: A South African company that acted in an administrative role for Sotic International. A Redfox stamember generated an apparently fake invoice for Sotic International to provide to Rimosa Trading.


CAPITAL HORIZONS LIMITED (CHL): A company services agent headquartered in Mauritius, but with oces in South Africa and the UAE, that set up and administered Sotic International.

SHAAN KUNDOMAL: The CEO of CHL who also acted as a director of Sotic International.

AFRASIA BANK: The bank that provided banking facilities to Sotic International and to Kudakwashe Tagwirei.

LIGHTHOUSE TRUST: A trust set up by CHL (as trustee) with Christopher Fourie as settlor of the trust. It held Sotic’s shares until January 2020.

SOTIC INTERNATIONAL: The front company for Kudakwashe Tagwirei in Mauritius, administered by CHL and with various South African directors. It made the payments to Du‰ & Phelps for the mines.


DUFFS & PHELPS: Multinational financial consultancy that acted as the administrators of ASA Resources. Duff & Phelps is now Kroll.

ASA RESOURCES: The UK-based firm that owned Freda Rebecca Gold Mine and Bindura Nickel but had declared bankruptcy and was in administration.

SHOOSMITHS: The law firm that acted for Duff & Phelps.

ROYAL BANKS OF SCOTLAND: The bank where Shoosmiths held a client account that received payments from Sotic for the mines.


ALMAS CAPITAL: The financial services company that also manages an investment fund in the Cayman Islands.


ALMAS GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY FUND: The investment fund managed by Almas Capital which was used to facilitate a special loan that had the effect of hiding Kudakwashe Tagwirei as the source of the funds for the purchase of the mines.



Multinational commodity trading firm that previously had a joint venture with Kudakwashe Tagwirei and that now receives revenue from the mines to pay off an oil debt owed to it by the RBZ.


CITIBANK: The bank that acted as the correspondent bank for payments from Sotic’s account in Mauritius to the account of Duff & Phelps in the UK.

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870cef No.44045

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179698 (142021ZJUL23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Highway truck attacks aimed at creating ‘mayhem and disruption’ (video)

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“Dashcam captures truck hijacking before suspect sets it alight from inside” - https://youtu.be/GOOU5l7UZ0E, Jul 12, 2023

“Highway truck attacks aimed at creating ‘mayhem and disruption’ – RFA”


10th July 2023

Armed gangs this weekend created havoc on the N3 and N4 highways by settings several trucks alight.

The first attack occurred on Saturday night on the N3 highway at Van Reenen’s Pass, when armed attackers forced six trucks to a halt, setting them alight.

Five trucks were then set alight on Sunday night on the N4 at Emgwenya, in Mpumalanga.

Armed attackers again forced the drivers out of the vehicles before setting them alight.

Both the N3 and N4 are busy freight corridors operated by toll concessionaires.

The South African Police Service says that these types of incidents have, in the past, been associated with attacks on foreign truck drivers. Now, however, it appears as if competition among truck operators may also be a factor.

The Road Freight Association (RFA) says it regards the attacks as a “coordinated attack on the road-freight sector”.

The road freight sector – trucks – carries 80% of the goods that are moved in and around South Africa.

RFA CEO Gavin Kelly says these “ruthless” attacks on the road-freight supply chain will have far-reaching effects.

While immediate short-term losses will run into millions of rands – including the costs of the vehicles, cargo and personal effects, repairing the road damage and deploying first responders, with additional costs in terms of freight delays and shipping penalties – the long-term impact will be seen in increased security costs, insurance premiums and toll fees, as well as a reduction in freight movement through South Africa and, ultimately, the closure of freight companies, which will lead to substantial job losses in the logistics sector.

“Who is behind this attack, and why?” asks Kelly.

“There was no looting of vehicles, and, thankfully, none of the drivers or staff on the vehicles were injured or killed.

“The targeted precision of the attack is worrying. This was well planned and efficiently implemented.

“At this point, no group has acknowledged that they are responsible.”

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870cef No.44046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179707 (142022ZJUL23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Highway truck attacks aimed at creating ‘mayhem and disruption’ (video)

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“Truck Attacks | Owner will no longer be able to keep employees” - https://youtu.be/U9Z7a5Wnwb0

2:11 – “I’m a South African as well, child of a former domestic worker and a farm worker during the Apartheid years. I’ve rebuilt my life to where it is but unfortunately it said that my own people are the one taking food away from my family, my children and those that are employed. It hurts me and this nonsense of this criminality must come to an end and its perpetrated by our own people. That is why I’ve taken a decision that I must come on live and indicate this thing… I had to give instruction to my team… that all of our trucks running South Africa… must go to the nearest police station and stop there until all this madness that is caused by our own people, it’s not caused by foreigners, it’s not caused by white people or Chinese. It’s caused by African people, black people like me who have suffered under Apartheid.”

“‘I hire South Africans only but my truck was also burnt’ - Gauteng truck owner”


Jul 12, 2023

Businessman Bongani Philip has condemned the ongoing robbery of truck drivers and burning of the haulage trucks, after one of his trucks was destroyed in an arson attack by unknown individuals.

The seemingly co-ordinated fashion in which the trucks have come under attack, with armed assailants using at least two cars before setting the trucks alight, has raised questions, while the lack of crime intelligence has been questioned.

IOL has reported on a number of these incidents being recorded since the weekend.

Phillip who runs a successful coal export company LI Coal Clean Coal Gasification (Pty) Ltd, with a fleet of about 20 trucks, said the excuse that the trucking industry is targeted because it employs foreign nationals is false and misleading.

“I can tell you now, the grievances of these faceless individuals who we do not know who they are – but our black people know who they are – is based on false premise that the trucking industry is dominated or employing largely foreigners,” Phillip said in an interview with broadcaster Newzroom Afrika.

“We do have 20 drivers, all of those drivers are South Africans. This morning I have two drivers, with their families, who will find themselves unemployed. These drivers are from Eastern Cape and the families that are going to suffer are South African black people. There is not a single foreigner that we are employing in our business both in terms of export and in trucking,” Phillip said during the televised interview.

“We are employing South Africans because as we all know, you would have a cousin (who wants the job) what is called the black tax. There is no black person who can employ any foreigner when we know that we have a burden of black tax. We have zero foreigners that we are employing in our business.”

Phillip said he received information on Wednesday morning from his staff that one of his trucks was burn between Ermelo and Piet Retief in Mpumalanga while it was travelling to Richards Bay.

“We are an exporting company that is using our own trucking company as well to truck our coal to the port for exporting to various countries in Europe. As a company we were trying to assist some of the crisis happening within our rail industry in the country. We then took a decision to buy additional trucking fleet to assist in our business,” told Newzroom Afrika.

Phillip said the burning of trucks is a sad epoch in the history of South Africa.

“This is a sad story. You are talking here to a black child whose mother was a tea girl, and whose father was a farm worker, and who grew up knowing poverty very well. I grew up in the time of apartheid and it is very sad that we find that, given that background, we suffered under apartheid and suffering under the democracy again, we find ourselves being targeted by criminal elements,” he said.

He said the arson attacks are economic sabotage.

On Tuesday, IOL reported another three trucks had been torched in Limpopo, bringing to 14 the number of trucks destroyed. This followed attacks in KZN that saw two more trucks destroyed on Monday night.

Police Minister Bheki Cele revealed on Wednesday that at least 21 haulage trucks have been attacked and burnt in Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces in recent days.

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870cef No.44047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19179713 (142024ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / Eskom confirms the return of Stage 6 load shedding “until further notice”

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Then this…

“Eskom confirms the return of Stage 6 load shedding “until further notice””


July 12, 2023

Just like a bad rash you can’t manage to shake; Stage 6 load shedding has returned. Unfortunately, Eskom isn’t the type to make jokes — this is really happening. The news comes straight from the horse’s Twitter account, citing the increased shed to the loss of generating units overnight.

“Stage 4 loadshedding will be implemented at 07:00 this morning [12 July] until 14:00,” the power-denier said. Don’t get too comfortable, because it followed that statement up with: “Thereafter, Stage 6 loadshedding will be implemented from 14:00 today until 05:00 on Thursday.”


13-07-2023 16:56

Eskom says Stage 6 load shedding will continue to be implemented over the upcoming weekend. Here’s the updated schedule below.

Eskom said it is obliged to carry generation reserves to cater for unforeseen events as the reserves were used on Monday and Tuesday to buffer the effects of the cold weather.

“Unfortunately due to the failure of additional generation units since Sunday, the reserves have been depleted and can no longer buffer the lingering effects of the cold weather and make up for the lost generation capacity. Therefore, Stage 6 load shedding will continue to be implemented over the weekend to replenish the depleted emergency reserves to permit a possible reduction in the stages of load shedding in the coming week,” the power utility said.


Eskom said breakdowns are currently at 17 679MW of generating capacity while the generating capacity out of service for planned maintenance is 3 090MW.

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870cef No.44048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195134 (171418ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Parts 1&2) (video)

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>We know now that the [2021] July riots were orchestrated from the heart of the intelligence structures

>We know this because Ramaphosa fired the state security minister and brought the intelligence portfolio into his office, with an instruction to former minister Sydney Mufamadi to clean house.


>His [Zuma's] jailing sparked the July 2021 unrest that saw KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng businesses looted and burned, and over 350 people killed. [And they want him jailed again.]


>we suffered under apartheid and suffering under the democracy again, we find ourselves being targeted by criminal elements


Also Ramaphosa is inciting violence! He also shares that the Prime Minister of Denmark was an ANC Youth League member when she was 11, the start to her political career.

“ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference” – 1 of 2


Jul 2, 2023

ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers the closing remarks at the 26th ANC Youth League National Conference being held in Nasrec, south of Johannesburg.

11:26 – “We are here after 8 years in a position where the young people of the African National Congress can take charge of reviving their organization. You are the heirs a very proud and distringuished legacy. You stand as the youth league and all of you as delegates here on the shoulders of giants of the liberation movement and you must stretch every muscle in you to ensure that you live up to the proud and militant traditions bestowed upon you by comrades such as Anton Lembede, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and the generation of Steve Biko who revived internal mass resistance in whose world the ranks of the ANC’s [military wing] uMkhonto we Sizwe. This includes the Young Lions of the 1980s who rose to the calls to revive the formation of the organizations… after the burning o fthe black consciousness student organization in 1977. Who spearheaded the education campaign… The young lions also include the thousands of who rose to the call to form youth organizations in every township and village that spearheaded the call to make our country ungovernable and Apartheid unworkable and who also formed the very militant youth organization, the South African Youth Congress in 1987. It also includes the generation who launched the ANC Youth League in 1991 in KwaNdebele [a Bantustan] who went on to defend the young people and communities to face a third force violence and ensure the young people participated in and supported the negotiations process, took part in the formulation of the RDP and ensured an ANC elections victory in 1994. It was this generation who contributed to crafting the youth policy architecture of our country today and I’m very pleased that you have veterans of the ANC Youth League here sitting on the stage… The young lions of 1944 wanted to change the nature of resistance from passive deputations to mass boycotts and a more militant program of action. Many of these young leaders would go on to become outstanding leaders of the ANC itself and succeeded in changing the very history of our movement and our country. So comrades, this is your history. This is where your organization has come from and indeed this is your legacy. You must own it. But it is also a legacy which you must strive to emulate. As you claim this legacy which you must own, your tasks were clearly set out in the 2017 strategy and tactics document which was adopted by the conference in 2017 which declared that the ANC Youth League has the responsibility of harnessing the energies of young people to learn vigor and dynamism to this process of social transformation. It acts as a school for imparting theory and practical experience to young people who align themselves with the policies of the ANC… The league must have… the humility to drink the well of the liberation mvoements collective experience… This is a very high standard.”

18:48 – “So you know the Youth League has also had a global image. A global image that goes way beyond the borders of our country. A few weeks ago I had an occasion to meet someone who is not a South African, who is Danish, who informed me that she became a member of the Youth League at the age of 11 when the ANC was still in exile and that was the first political organization that she joined and she joined it because of the values that the ANC Youth League stood for and she said continues to stand for. She became the Prime Minister of Denmark having first joined the ANC Youth League which offered membership at the time when it was still in exile.

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870cef No.44049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195139 (171419ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Parts 1&2) (video)

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“ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference” – 2 of 2


Jul 2, 2023

23:07 – “Like the generation of comrades Anton Lembede, Nelson Mandela, the Young Lions of the 80s who formed student organizations and contributed to making this country ungovernable and the 1991 generation who launched the Youth League, again you are called upon to define yourself what it means to be a vibrant, strong, autonomous, militant and disciplined ANC Youth League of the African National Congress.”

24:15 – “You must now emerge as an autonomous organization and you are free now to be the ANC Youth League and get out of the shadows of.. the ANC… but the political part has to be executed and must adhere to the policy, political programs and strategy and tactics as well as the ideological view of the African National Congress.”

29:05 – “You are also required as the ANC Youth League to mobilize for a decisive victory of the African National Congress in 2024. You are the motive force that we have longed to have to ensure that we bring out our people in their millions to support and to vote for the ANC to ensure an overwhelming victory of the African National Congress in 2024… To embark also on a huge membership drive and engage in political education to recruit young people. I want you to lay emphasis on political education.”

33:33 – “It is imperative that the Youth League at the national level participates fully in the structures of the Alliance especially the progressive Youth Alliance as part of the efforts that we need to take to strengthen progressive youth activism across society. This will play an important role of ensuring that youth debates become genuinely progressive and constructive… The yough league must also form part of and participate in International Progressive Youth Forum and ensure that the message of the ANC finds the response throughout the world. You must mobilize young for economic freedom, yes, and social change.”

36:36 - “This ANC government recognize that the State should create an environment for jobs to be created and that it does have an important role to create employment and other economic opportunities especially for young people.”

37:46 – “Remember that it was the youth of 1944 that came up with strategies, that came up with tactics to inject more activism in a struggle of resistance and in a struggle to bring an end to Apartheid.”

38:22 – Discuss the electricity crisis

39:56 – Discuss education

41:47 – Discusses the National Health Insurance.

46:35 – “The revival of youth structures represent a significant and fundamental pillar of overall renewal and rebuilding of our revolutionary movement. Without a militant, a vibrant and disciplined youth movement that is responsive to the needs of young people, the ANC may eventually lose the ability to grow and to renew itself. So therefore, I call upon you to return to the militancy of the ANC Youth League of the 1944 era. To go back to the militancy of the ANC Youth League of the 80s and the 90s. This is your heritage. That is where you belong. That is where we want to see the ANC Youth League returning to. We don’t want to see an ANC Youth League that is docile. We don’t want to see an ANC Youth League that is asleep during a revolution. You are the revolution.”

48:57 – “Yes, we have delivered on that January 8th statement. The ANC Youth League is back and the revived ANC Youth League is expected to be focused, to be revolutionary, to be militant, to be innovative in its ideas and we expect it to lead the young people of South Africa… Roar, young lions, roar! Roar, young lions, roar!”

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870cef No.44050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19195492 (171543ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC - "VIP'S OF VIOLENCE" c.1987 (video)

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>"The revival of youth structures represent a significant and fundamental pillar of overall renewal and rebuilding of our revolutionary movement. Without a militant, a vibrant and disciplined youth movement that is responsive to the needs of young people, the ANC may eventually lose the ability to grow and to renew itself. So therefore, I call upon you to return to the militancy of the ANC Youth League of the 1944 era. To go back to the militancy of the ANC Youth League of the 80s and the 90s. This is your heritage. That is where you belong. That is where we want to see the ANC Youth League returning to. We don’t want to see an ANC Youth League that is docile. We don’t want to see an ANC Youth League that is asleep during a revolution. You are the revolution."

>The ANC Youth League is back and the revived ANC Youth League is expected to be focused, to be revolutionary, to be militant, to be innovative in its ideas and we expect it to lead the young people of South Africa… Roar, young lions, roar! Roar, young lions, roar!



It is fitting to repost this video to show how the militant ‘young lions’ rallied the people to support the ANC during the 80s.

“"ANC - VIP'S OF VIOLENCE" c.1987”


3:54 – “The ANC is a terrorist organization. An international terrorist organization… made up of people such as the Joe Slovos of the world. People who have been trained in the Soviet Union as international terrorists, have been trained in Cuba and have been trained in the Middle East to carry out the most horrendous acts of violence that I have ever seen in my life.”

23:48 – “Sanctions will weaken Apartheid and this will be a contribution to our struggle. When you give solidarity to us, you are not helping some needy poor blacks in the jungles of Africa… You are promoting your own struggle in your own country because the liberation of South Africa will mean the weakening of international imperialism. [ANC Spokesman Franciss Meli addressing youth wing of German Communist Party and Marxist Student Alliance]”

26:40 – “I believe that I have made 3 discoveries, simple but overwhelmingly strong since coming to Africa. First that whatever the ANC started out to be, it can no longer promise South Africans anything more than bloodshed and suffering of the vilest kind. Whatever its most well-meaning supporters may once have hoped for or hope for still, should it succeed in its Marxist, Leninist revolutionary aims, all hope for a free democratic and prosperous society will be over. South Africa will become one more squalid bankrupt and ruthless tyranny of the kind that countenances no reform and no criticism. Africa already has an abundance of these… It is equally clear to me that we in the West have hardly begun to inform ourselves about South Africa… Too many of our political and moral leaders have accepted uncritically the authority and agenda of the extremists who have no proven mandate from the black people of South Africa. What I have learned has persuaded me that the imposition of trained sanctions will ultimately destroy the possibility of a politically and economically free South Africa. But far worse than that, we will have on our hands the malnutrition, illness, despair and death of what may become hundreds and thousands of children and their families. Can we find the courage to admit, we have been wrong?”

28:56 – “They [ANC] look to see who is in the road to their path to power and they are not about improving the conditions of people, they are about taking power.”

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870cef No.44051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19196275 (171743ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Biggest African Port to Be Partially Privatized

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Biggest African Port to Be Partially Privatized

By Antony Sguazzin (Bloomberg) — July 17, 2023

Africa’s biggest harbor will be partly owned and operated by the Philippines’ International Container Terminal Services Inc., a first for South Africa’s national ports company.

The company, known as ICTSI, has been selected as an equity partner to run and expand Durban Container Terminal Pier 2. Almost three quarters of the freight volume moved through the eastern port goes through the terminal and it accounts for 46% of South Africa’s total port traffic, according to state logistics company, Transnet SOC Ltd.

This agreement “is a key catalyst for repositioning the Port of Durban as a container hub port,” Transnet said in a statement on Monday.

South Africa is seeking to boost private participation in its ports, the poor performance of which is a drag on the economy. In a 2021 World Bank index of container port performance, Durban ranked 364th out of 370 and two other Transnet ports were in the bottom 10.

Transnet will own a 50% plus one share in a new company that will manage the terminal for 25 years and will seek to boost its annual capacity to 2.8 million twenty-foot equivalent units, or TEUS, from two million, it said. TEUs are used to measure trade volumes at container ports.

Ultimately Transnet wants to boost Durban’s total container capacity to 11.4 million TEUs from 3.3 million.

ICTSI, which operates terminals across six continents, was one of six bidders for the contract, Transnet said. It didn’t specify whether ICTSI will pay for its stake or whether it will have to fund the expansion.

An announcement on the port of Ngqura will follow, Transnet said.


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870cef No.44052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200197 (181314ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / The ANC Method Violence 1986 (video)

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>It is fitting to repost this video to show how the militant ‘young lions’ rallied the people to support the ANC during the 80s.



Also this one…

“The ANC Method Violence 1986 [documentary]”


20:16 - “Anyone who has seen the confiscated videotapes of necklacing has first-hand evidence of what children can do and it’s horrifying, but anger about South Africa should be directed at those who encourage children to murder and mutilate and stand on the smoldering bodies and dance their savagery before the TV cameras.”

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870cef No.44053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200208 (181316ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Murdered Papua New Guinea Ports Official Benefitted From Suspect Offshore Payments - ICTSI

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“Murdered Papua New Guinea Ports Official Benefitted From Suspect Offshore Payments” - ICTSI


2 March 2023

Below are excerpts

A Manila-based multinational paid millions of dollars into the offshore account of an Australian consultant around the time it won lucrative contracts to operate Papua New Guinea’s biggest ports.“Senior PNG Ports officials — including one who was recently killed — then received money and apparent benefits.” - International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI)

Key Findings

• Senior officials at Papua New Guinea’s state ports company received apparent financial benefits from an offshore bank account in Singapore controlled by an Australian businessman with a checkered past.

• The account set up by the businessman, Don Matheson, received millions of dollars from a Philippines-based ports operator, International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI).

• The funds landed around the time ICTSI received a lucrative contract from PNG Ports.

• Matheson’s Singapore company account sent money, which was apparently used to pay for perks for PNG Ports’ boss, Fego Kiniafa. They included a racehorse and medical equipment.

• Kiniafa was murdered last September in what police are treating as an unrelated case.

Kiniafa’s murder on September 17, 2022, shocked Papua New Guinea. Enraged, thousands of his tribesmen descended on the villages near the site of his death, torching over 400 homes and causing over 3,000 people to flee.

Kiniafa’s killing was also bad news for the flagship Australian infrastructure project he helped create. Australia had agreed to fund the project as part of what it calls its “step-up” in the Pacific to fend off China’s growing business and political clout in the strategic region.

Documents show that a Singapore company set up by Matheson received roughly $4.35 million in 2017 from a Philippines-based multinational ports operator, International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI). The funds landed around the same time ICTSI received lucrative contracts to run PNG’s largest terminals.

John Chevis, a former Australian Federal Police officer who advises Papua New Guinea’s financial authorities, said the transactions should prompt investigations to check for any kickbacks to influence PNG Ports, including in its contracts with ICTSI.

“It is critical that one is not going in blindly, that one is aware that when it comes to the state-owned enterprises, including PNG Ports, there has been a long track record of misappropriation [and] malpractice,”Paul Barker said.

Police initially treated Kinifa’s killing as a drunken brawl gone wrong. But OCCRP and the ABC learned that law enforcement are now investigating the possibility that his murder may have been planned in advance, and was possibly connected to his decisions as head of PNG Ports.

Kiniafa’s big-ticket deal with Australia deftly played off the rivalry between China and the West. China’s growing presence in the region had prompted Australia — a close U.S. ally that administered PNG until the country became independent in 1975 — to create a multi-billion-dollar development fund known as the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific.

The PNG port redevelopment is the largest single project in Australia’s regional financing plans. Just weeks before he was killed, Kiniafa told the ABC that the project had been born out of a conversation he’d had over coffee with Australian officials in PNG’s capital, Port Moresby.

In total, seven payments labeled as “professional fees” or “consultation fees” were sent from ICTSI to Coral Seas Planning Consultants between June and December 2017, the records show.

Right in the middle of these payments, in September 2017, PNG Ports and ICTSI finalized agreements for ICTSI to operate the country’s two biggest container terminals, in the city of Lae and at Motukea island near Port Moresby.

Shortly before his death, Kiniafa told ABC that ICTSI was chosen in a competitive bid of “around three to four serious contenders.”

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870cef No.44054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200217 (181317ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Terminal operator, ICTSI denies involvement in alleged shady deal in Onne Port

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“Terminal operator, ICTSI denies involvement in alleged shady deal in Onne Port”


May 10, 2021

The International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI), a terminal operator in Onne Port located in Eastern Nigeria, has refuted the allegation making round linking the company to a shady deal involving the sale of some berths in Onne Port.

A statement by ICTSI signed by Hans-Ole Madsen, senior vice president of ICTSI, disclosed that the company was not owned or in any way affiliated with the Dangote Group of companies.

‘‘We would like to clarify that International Container Terminal Services Inc. (ICTSI) is a Philippine publicly listed independent company engaged in the operation of 33 ports on six continents of the world. ICTSI ranks as a top-10 port operator in the world,” Madsen said in the statement, which was sent to BusinessDay.

Recall that there was a recent report in the media alleging that ICTSI was a proxy owned by the Dangote Group and linked it to an alleged shady deal involving Hadiza Bala-Usman, the suspended managing director of the Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA).

According to the report, last year, some coastline terminals, formerly operated by Integrated Logistics Services’ (INTELs) in Onne ports complex, Rivers State, were confiscated by the NPA under the management of Bala-Usman, and subsequently awarded to Dangote Group through a proxy company, International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI) Nigeria Limited.

Meanwhile, Bala-Usman, who reacted to the allegation, described the report as false, without any foundation and a figment of some wild imagination of the news platform.

ICTS was established in December 1987 in the Philippines. Soon after consolidating and strengthening its flagship operations at the Manila International Container Terminal, the company launched an international and domestic expansion programme, and now, operates in many countries across the world, employing more than 7,000 people.

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870cef No.44055

File: 00252f9ed33e20c⋯.jpg (427.02 KB,1920x942,320:157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200230 (181321ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / ICTSI Profiting off Crippling Communities

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There is a website dedicated to exposing ICTSI

“ICTSI Profiting off Crippling Communities”


This website is a summary of issues across the ICTSI’s global network based on publicly available evidence and original research.


Enrique Razon, Chairman and President of ICTSI, is the third richest man in the Philippines. His personal wealth is equivalent to half of Madagascar's GDP, where workers at ICTSI's Toamasina terminal earn as little as US$40 a month and struggle to feed their families and send their children to school.

Razon stated to the Wall Street Journal that ICTSI profits off some of the poorest countries in the world. Despite labour rates that are some of the lowest in the world, ICTSI proudly references the higher than average tariffs and yields in its African operations. Their Annual Report makes clear that ICTSI has taken advantage of its monopoly or near monopoly status in Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to achieve significant yields:

“At these terminals, there are limited opportunities for competition from other port operators, other ports or other terminals within the same ports due to high barriers to entry. […] This means that there are few substitutes for the Company’s services, which allows [ICTSI] to maintain significant pricing power contributing to strong margins.”

This opportunistic price gouging by ICTSI punishes communities, as increased tariffs and container rates are passed on to end consumers through increased prices for imported goods, including food and other basic necessities.

Africa is a very good place for us. There is very little competition and they need the investment badly. Bottom line: Returns are best there with high yields in the handling business. To handle a box in our terminal in Yantai, [China], we charge about $45-$50. The same container in Africa easily goes for $200-$250.

Enrique K. Razon

Chairman and President of ICTSI

Source of attached image, https://investors.ictsi.com/our-company/group-corporate-structure

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870cef No.44056

File: ac12f53c2eb5dd2⋯.jpg (18.71 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200239 (181324ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Johan Swart, ICTSI's VP, Head of Global Engineering - Equipment Maintenance - Previously worked for Transnet

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Johan Swart, ICTSI's VP, Head of Global Engineering - Equipment Maintenance – Previously worked for Transnet


Prior to his current role, Mr. Swart served as Vice President for Maintenance at Global Container Terminals in Canada. From 2008 to 2015, he was Head of Engineering at APM Terminals in Ghana and Nigeria. He also spent 30 years working for Transnet Port Terminals in Cape Town and Durban, holding several positions such as Container Crane Commissioning Electrician, Technical Assistant – Electrical Engineering Container Cranes, Senior Technical Supervisor – Electrical Engineering Container Lifting Equipment and Technical Manager – Electrical and Mechanical.

Mr. Swart holds a National Technical Certificate in Electrical Engineering from Maitland Technical College South Africa and a Diploma in Electrical Engineering at Transnet Port Terminals, South Africa, among other certifications.

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870cef No.44057

File: e8eebafa241c757⋯.jpg (23.35 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200252 (181326ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Enrique K. Razon Jr., ICTSI’s Chairman and President, Executive Director

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Interesting to learn more about ICTSI’s leadership

Enrique K. Razon Jr., ICTSI’s Chairman and President, Executive Director


Enrique K. Razon Jr. is the Chairman of the Board and President of International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI), a Philippine-based company involved in the management and operation of 34 ports and terminals in 20 countries. He is also Chairman of Bloomberry Resorts Corp. (BRC), owner of Solaire Resort and Casino in Entertainment City and in Quezon City, Philippines. He is Chairman of Manila Water Company (MWC), the private concessionaire of Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System that serves the more than seven million population of the East Zone of Metro Manila and the Rizal Province.

ICTSI, BRC and MWC are listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange.

Mr. Razon also chairs Prime Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (Prime Infra) focused on environmentally resilient and socially relevant projects that help enable the Philippines and emerging economies move forward on their sustainable economic growth plans. Prime Infra develops and operates critical infrastructure in the renewable energy, water, and waste management and sustainable fuel sectors.

Prime Infra acquired a 45-percent operating stake in the Malampaya deep water gas-to-power project, which produces natural gas that supplies up to 20 percent of Luzon’s total electricity requirement. Prime Infra is the developer of the 1,400 MW Ahunan pumped storage hydropower plant, and the Terra Solar battery energy storage system project hailed as the world’s largest endeavor of its kind.

Recently, Prime Infra inaugurated phase 1 of the Wawa Bulk Water Supply Project, a national flagship infrastructure project that ensures water security in Metro Manila and Rizal Province. Upon completion of phase 2, the facility will deliver at least 518 million liters per day.

Mr. Razon sits on the board of most ICTSI subsidiaries worldwide and of several foreign and Philippine corporations. His other investments are in real estate, mining, oil and gas exploration, and leisure facilities including a golf course in the Philippines. Mr. Razon also chairs the ICTSI Foundation, Inc., which implements the ICTSI Group’s corporate social responsibility advocacies worldwide. He is also Chairman of Pilipinas Golf Tournaments, Inc., which stages the Philippine Golf Tour, Southeast Asia’s largest professional golfing circuit.

Mr. Razon is a member of the US Philippines Society, ASEAN Business Club, and Philippines, Inc.

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870cef No.44058

File: 1909d47c8033f02⋯.jpg (19.76 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200261 (181327ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Cesar A. Buenaventura, ICTSI’s Independent Director

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Cesar A. Buenaventura, ICTSI’s Independent Director


Cesar is an Independent Director of ICTSI* since 2019. He is a member of Corporate Governance Committee, Audit Committee, Environment, Social and Governance Sub-Committee, Board Risk Oversight Committee, and Related Party Transactions Committee of ICTSI*.

Concurrently, he is an Independent Director of Manila Water Company, Inc.*; a Director of Semirara Mining and Power Corp.*, iPeople, Inc*, Petroenergy Resources Corp.*, Concepcion Industrial Corp.*,Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corp.*, DM Consunji Inc., and The Country Club; a Chairman of Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Phils., Inc., and Buenaventura Echauz and Partners, Inc.; a Founding Chairman of Pilipinas Shell Foundation, Inc.; a Trustee of Bloomberry Cultural Foundation, and ICTSI Foundation, Inc.; and an Independent Trustee of Manila Water Foundation.

Cesar is a former Director of Philippine American Life Insurance Co., AG&P Co. of Manila, Ayala Corporation*, First Philippine Holdings Corp.*, Philippine Airlines*, Philippine National Bank*, Benguet Corporation*, Asian Bank, Ma. Cristina Chemical Industries, Paysetter International Inc., Maibarara Geothermal Inc., Manila International Airport Authority and Shell Group of Companies.

In 1991, Cesar was made Honorary Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Cesar received his Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of the Philippines and his Master’s degree in Civil Engineering majoring in Structures from Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in 1954, as a Fulbright scholar.

*Publicly Listed Company

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870cef No.44059

File: 11588c9a246c956⋯.jpg (19.45 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200264 (181329ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Carlos C. Ejercito, ICTSI’s Independent Director

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Carlos C. Ejercito, ICTSI’s Independent Director


Carlos was elected as Independent Director of ICTSI* on April 21, 2022. He is the Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee, Nomination Sub-Committee, Remuneration Sub-Committee, Board Risk Oversight Committee and Related Party Transactions Committee of ICTSI*.

Concurrently, he is an Independent Director of Century Properties Group, Inc.* and Bloomberry Resorts Corporation*; and a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Mount Grace Hospitals, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries.  

Carlos is a former Independent Director of Aboitiz Power Corporation* and Monte Oro Resources and Energy Corporation; and a former Director of United Laboratories Inc. and several of its subsidiaries, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines, Ayala Greenfield Development Corporation, Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation, and Bonifacio Land Corporation.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, cum laude, from the University of the East, and completed the coursework for the MBA candidate from Ateneo Graduate School of Business. He also attended the Program for Management Development at Harvard Business School.

*Publicly Listed Corporation

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870cef No.44060

File: 758dd95a9576feb⋯.jpg (19.97 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200271 (181329ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director

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Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director


Governance Sub-Committee and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee, Board Risk Oversight Committee and Related Party Transactions Committee of ICTSI*.

Concurrently, he is an Independent Director of Bloomberry Resorts Corporation*, San Miguel Corporation*, Philippine Business Bank and Manila Hotel.

Chief Justice Peralta (ret.) was appointed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from October 23, 2019 until his retirement on March 27, 2021.  He served as Associate Justice of the Philippines from 2009 to 2019; Presiding Judge of the Sandiganbayan from 2008 to 2009; Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan from 2002 to 2008; and Judge in the Regional Trial Court – Branch 95 Quezon City from 1994 to 2000.

Chief Justice Peralta also provided work in the private sector as a General Manager for Ace Agro Development Corp.; a Senior Assistant Personnel Manager and Assistant Personnel Manager for Cosmos Bottling Corp.; and an Operations Supervisor for Wisdom Management, Inc.

Chief Justice Peralta completed his Bachelor of Science degree in San Juan de Letran in 1974 and his Bachelor of Laws degree at the University of Santo Tomas in 1979. He passed the Bar Examination in 1980. On April 9, 2010 he received his Doctor of Laws degree, honoris causa, from Northwestern University, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.

*Publicly Listed Corporation

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870cef No.44061

File: 42196238d47e01d⋯.jpg (19.16 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200276 (181331ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Jose C. Ibazeta, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director

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Jose C. Ibazeta, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director


Jose has been a Director of ICTSI* since December 1987. He is a Chairman of the Nomination Sub-Committee of ICTSI.

Concurrently, he is a Director of Prime Metro Power Holdings Corporation, Anscor Consolidated Corporation, AFC Agribusiness Corporation, Anscor Holdings, Inc., Minuet Realty Corporation, Phelps Dodge Philippine Energy Products Corporation and Vicinetum Holdings, Inc. He is also a Consultant to the Chairman of the Board of A. Soriano Corporation*; a Chairman and President of Island Aviation, Inc., and Pamalican Holdings, Inc.; a Founding Chairman and Director of Philippine Stratbase Consultancy Incorporated; and a Senior Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer and a Member of Compliance Committee of Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Company of Manila.

Jose is a member of the Board of Trustees of ICTSI Foundation, Inc., Radio Veritas and St James the Great Parish Foundation.

He received his Bachelor of Science in Economics degree from the Ateneo de Manila University in 1963 and his Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of San Francisco, USA in 1968. He completed all academic requirements and passed the comprehensive exams for an Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance from the New York University in 1975

*Publicly Listed Corporation

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870cef No.44062

File: b6bfd5f0d2f1672⋯.jpg (18.76 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200280 (181332ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Stephen A. Paradies, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director

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Stephen A. Paradies, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director


Stephen has been a Director of ICTSI* since December 1987. He is the Chairman of the Board Risk Oversight Committee; and a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Sub-Committee, Remuneration Sub-Committee, and Environmental, Social and Governance Sub-Committee of ICTSI*.

Concurrently, he is a Director of Sociedad Puerto Industrial Aguadulce S.A., Apex Mining Co. Inc.*, Union Investments Corp., Sureste Properties, Inc., Prime Metro BMD Corp., Prime Metro Power Holdings, Inc., Prime Metro Infrastructure Capital, Inc., MORE Palawan Power Corp., Amber Electric & Power Corp. and The Country Club Inc; the Chairman of Napagapa Beverages, Inc. and MORE Electric & Power Corp.; and a Trustee of Bloomberry Cultural Foundation, Inc. 

Stephen served as the Group Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President and Corporate Information Officer of Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc.; and was a Director of UnionBank of the Philippines.

He has received his Bachelor of Science Degree, Major in Business Management, from the Santa Clara University, California, USA.

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870cef No.44063

File: e751f81cecfd887⋯.jpg (19.13 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200287 (181334ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Andres Soriano III, Non-Executive Director

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Andres Soriano III, Non-Executive Director


Concurrently, he is the Chairman and Executive Officer of A. Soriano Corporation*; the Chairman and President of Anscor Consolidated Corp.; and the Chairman of The Andres Soriano Foundation, Inc., Phelps Dodge International Philippines, Inc., Phelps Dodge Philippines Energy Products Corp., Seven Seas Resorts and Leisure, Inc., and Pamalican Resort, Inc.  

Andres served as President and Chief Operating Officer of San Miguel Corporation; and was subsequently, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of San Miguel Corporation. He was also the Chairman of Coca-Cola (Philippines), Coca-Cola Amatil (Australia) and Nestle (Philippines).

He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Economics, majoring in Finance and International Business, from Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania, USA in 1972.

*Publicly Listed Corporation

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870cef No.44064

File: a700933db40adb4⋯.jpg (21.58 KB,350x350,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19200292 (181336ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Christian Martin R. Gonzalez, Executive Vice President

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Christian Martin R. Gonzalez, Executive Vice President


Christian is the Executive Vice President and Compliance Officer of ICTSI*. He is the Global Corporate Head of ICTSI Group and also served as Vice President, Regional Head - Asia Pacific.

Prior to his current role, he served as the Director General and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Madagascar International Container Terminal Services Ltd. (MICTSL), which operates the port in Toamasina, Madagascar, and thereafter, appointed as the Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific Region & Manila International Container Terminal.

When he first joined the ICTSI Group in 1997, he worked in various Operations departments before he was appointed as the Assistant Manager for Special Projects of ICTSI Ltd. He was named MICT Operations Manager in 2003. In 2006, he was designated as the Chief Operating Officer and later CEO of MICTSL in 2009. In 2010, he was designated as a Director of Bloomberry Resorts and Hotels, Inc. and The Country Club. In 2012, Mr. Gonzalez was appointed as the Head of ICTSI’s Business Development for Asia region. He was also appointed as the President of ICTSI Foundation, Inc. on April 15, 2016. He is currently the Chairman and President of Manila Harbor Center Port Services, Inc., Subic Bay International Terminal Holdings, Inc., ICTSI Subic, Inc.,President of ICTSI Asia Pacific Business Services, Inc., Chairman of Yantai International Container Terminal Limited and Victoria International Container Terminal Limited, Chairman and President of Intermodal Terminal Holdings, Inc., President of IW Cargo Handlers, Inc., and the Chairman of Cordilla Properties Holdings, Inc., ICTSI Far East Pte. Ltd., Mindanao International Container Terminal Services, Inc. and ICTSI Ltd.; President Commissioner of PT ICTSI Jasa Prima Tbk.; an alternate member of Sociedad Portuario Industrial Aguadulce S.A.; a Director of Bauan International Port, Inc., Davao Integrated Port & Stevedoring Services Corp.,HijoInternational Port Services, Inc., South Cotabato Integrated Ports Services, Inc., ICTSI Honduras Ltd., ICTSI (Hong Kong) Ltd., International Container Terminal Services Private Limited, Abbotsford Holdings, Inc., IWI Container Terminal Holdings, Inc., ICTSI Project Delivery Services Co. Pte. Ltd., ICTSI South Asia Pte. Ltd., Asiastar Consultants Limited, Manila North Harbour Port, Inc., Bloomberry Resorts Corporation*, Sureste Properties, Inc., ICTSI D.R. Congo S.A., Motukea International Terminal Limited, South Pacific International Container and Prime Metroline Transit Corporation; and a Commissioner of PT Makassar Terminal Services.

Christian is a graduate of Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE) Business School, the graduate school of management of the University of Navarra, in Barcelona, Spain, where he received his Bilingual Master's in Business Administration. He is also a graduate of Business Administration from Pepperdine University in California.

*Publicly Listed Corporation

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870cef No.44065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201158 (181628ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director

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>Enrique K. Razon Jr., ICTSI’s Chairman and President, Executive Director

>He is also Chairman of Bloomberry Resorts Corp. (BRC), owner of Solaire Resort and Casino in Entertainment City and in Quezon City, Philippines.


>Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director

>he is an Independent Director of Bloomberry Resorts Corporation

This article can explain why they have a former Chief Justice of the Philippines as a director.

“Bloomberry Resorts Billionaire CEO Faces US Lawsuit Over Termination of Philippines Casino Deal”


March 30, 2021

• GGAM's Philippines subsidiary filed the lawsuit against Enrique Razon on Monday in New York

• The Bloomberry chairman and CEO terminated the Solaire Resort management deal in 2011

• A Singapore tribunal delivered its verdict in 2016, including a $296.6m arbitration award

• GGAM is yet to receive any funds and argues that Razon is hiding his assets in US companies

Enrique Razon, chairman and CEO of Bloomberry Resorts, is facing a lawsuit over the termination of a casino contract in Manila. The Philippine billionaire withdrew from an agreement regarding the operation of Solaire Resort and Casino in 2013.

A Philippines-based subsidiary of Global Gaming Asset Management (GGAM) filed the suit in federal court in New York on Monday. As defendants, it names Razon, two Bloomberry subsidiaries, and other US companies associated with the business tycoon.

plaintiff is seeking to confirm a $296.6m arbitration award handed down by a Singapore tribunal

The dispute relates back to 2013 when Bloomberry removed GGAM Philippines from the Solaire Resort’s management team. As a result, the plaintiff is seeking to confirm a $296.6m arbitration award handed down by a Singapore tribunal.

The lawsuit alleges that Razon is avoiding paying the funds to Las Vegas-based casino investment firm GGAM by hiding assets in the US.


Razon and Bloomberry Resorts formed a five-year agreement with GGAM during the development of the Solaire Resort and Casino in 2011. This permitted GGAM to have a significant role in operating and managing the casino once it opened. Razon terminated the deal six months after the venue began operating.

Bloomberry Resorts and its subsidiary Sureste Properties claimed that the termination resulted from a lack of high-roller traffic. The companies argued that GGAM broke its management services agreement in failing to provide as many VIP gamblers as promised.

GGAM subsequently took its grievances to a Singapore arbitration tribunal, which ruled that Bloomberry was unjustified in its termination of the contract. The tribunal ultimately dished out the $296.6m award order in September 2016.

The Bloomberry subsidiaries attempted to overturn the court’s decision, describing it as “procured by fraud” and “in violation of public policy.” This resulted in another case in September 2019, which ended with an arbitration court confirming the original ruling.


According to Bloomberg News, the New York lawsuit claims Razon has avoided paying the $296.6m arbitration award by hiding his assets in the US. It describes “a vast network of shell companies” used by Razon and his agents to conceal his holdings in the country.

The plaintiff adds that Razon has diverted assets from the Philippines to the US to benefit himself and his family. The Bloomberry owner has also allegedly taken action to prevent GGAM from selling its stake in the Solaire Resort.

Lawyers representing Bloomberry and its subsidiaries have consistently argued that the arbitration award can only be enforced by a Philippine court.

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870cef No.44066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19201175 (181630ZJUL23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun / Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director

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“New York court supports decision to dismiss case against Bloomberry Resorts in US$81 million hacker case” - The Bangladesh Bank heist


Thu 1 Jun 2023 at 06:14

The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court has upheld a decision by the Supreme Court to dismiss a complaint filed against Bloomberry Resorts Corp, owner and operator of Manila’s Solaire Resort Entertainment City, by Bangladesh Bank in relation to a 2016 hacking case.

According to details filed with the Philippine Stock Exchange on Wednesday, the latest decision was handed down on 20 May in support of the Supreme Court’s decision from April 2022 in which it determined the case did not have jurisdiction.

Bloomberry Resorts Corp subsidiary Bloomberry Resorts and Hotels, Inc.’s (BRHI) had earlier been named alongside Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation and Eastern Hawaii Leisure Company, Ltd, operator of Midas Hotel & Casino in Clark, in the suit, which accused all of conversion, theft and misappropriation; aiding and abetting the same; conspiracy to commit the same; fraud; aiding and abetting and conspiracy to commit fraud; conspiracy to commit trespass against chattels; unjust enrichment; and return of money received.

The case relates to US$81 million that was stolen from Bangladesh Bank by North Korean hackers in 2016 via 35 fraudulent instructions to transfer almost US$1 billion from the bank’s account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The US bank blocked the majority of those but not before five transactions worth a combined US$101 million were processed.

Bangladesh Bank eventually recouped US$20 million traced to Sri Lanka, however US$81 million transferred to the Rizal Commercial Banking Corp (RCBC) in the Philippines was transacted and lost, partially through casinos, including Solaire, where some of the funds were used to purchase gaming chips and play in junket rooms.

Bangladesh Bank has been looking to recoup at least some of the stolen funds ever since.

“What went before: The Bangladesh Bank heist”


September 21, 2020

Excerpts below

It was the stuff of Hollywood suspense.

The stolen funds found their way into a major Philippine bank, converted into pesos by remittance companies, and disappeared in Manila’s smoky casinos.

The timing of the cyber-heist was elaborate. No one was looking — Bangladesh Bank was shut down for the weekend and it was Chinese New Year in Manila.

On the day of the transfer, an account was opened for “William Go DBA Centurytex Trading,” and received $22.73 million from the Lagrosas account.

The money was converted into pesos by Philrem and other remittance companies, and distributed to the bank accounts of Weikang Xu, Eastern Hawaii Leisure Co., operator of Midas Hotel and Casino, and Bloomberry Resorts and Hotels Inc., which holds the gaming license of Solaire Resorts and Casino.

Also in March 2016, the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) filed a complaint against casino junket operators Kam Sin Wong and Weikang Xu, alleging that they should have flagged the funds transferred to their accounts as suspicious or stolen. The cases were dismissed by DOJ, citing lack of proof.

Go supposedly ordered Philrem to remit the total amount of $80.9 million to recipients including Bloomberry Hotel and Resorts Inc. ($29 million) and Eastern Hawaii Leisure Co. Ltd. ($21.2 million) owned by Wong.

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870cef No.44067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19208910 (200030ZJUL23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg Blast

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General Research #23592 >>>/qresearch/19208882

Major blast rocks South Africa’s largest city

19 Jul, 2023 21:11

A suspected gas explosion left a huge sinkhole in the central business district of Johannesburg, with multiple injuries reported

Several people have been injured following a suspected gas pipeline explosion in central Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city. The underground blast left a huge sinkhole on the street, damaging and overturning multiple cars.

Footage from the scene shows a deep crack in the ground, with vehicles scattered along the street in the city’s central business district.


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870cef No.44068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213366 (202034ZJUL23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg Blast

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“WATCH | The moment Joburg CBD exploded: A loud bang, billowing smoke, dust and absolute mayhem” - https://youtu.be/h8sPMug_NTE

“Joburg implements total shutdown of all pipelines in CBD to inspect infrastructure after explosion”



The City of Johannesburg has announced that all underground pipelines will be shut down to allow full inspection of existing infrastructure.

The existing underground pipeline on Bree Street (Lillian Ngoyi Street) includes infrastructure for Egoli Gas, Telkom, City Power, Joburg Water - who have sewer and water pipelines, and Sasol, to name a few.

All companies and public entities reported to the operations command centre that their infrastructure was in tact, but they have now all been told to restrict supply to ensure the necessary inspections to take.

During a media briefing from the command centre in Newtown, Joburg city manager Floyd Brink said natural gas reticulator, EGoli Gas, had been ordered to shut down its underground gas pipelines in the inner city within the next two hours.

Brink said Joburg Water and City Power had also been ordered to shut down their infrastructure in the inner city.

Brink explained that the cause of the explosion was likely from three possible scenarios.

What could have caused the Joburg CBD underground explosion?

“At this stage, our preliminary investigations have presented us with three possible scenarios for the explosion.

These are:

– an ignition of methane gas in underground storm water systems due to sewerage ingress;

– the ignition of natural gas, mixed with air in underground storm water drainage systems or service ducts;

– the ignition of gas from a gas pipe burst.

“At this stage only one of the above potential causes appear to be warranted, accidental leakage of natural into the service duct reaching explosion concentration levels of 5-15% and was ignited by a source unknown at this stage.

“The source of gas in the service duct is unknown. Investigations in this regard will continue to try locate the source over the next few days,” said Brink.

Brink said to mitigate against the services being shut down in the inner city, water tankers and mobile toilets would be provided for residents in the area.

He also said no evacuations were necessary as all buildings were still structurally sound after the explosion.

Brink said they were taking the step to shut down all underground infrastructure to allow technicians an opportunity to assess along the 400 metre pipeline which has been affected.

Brink also said technical teams would tomorrow use pressure fans to blow out any excess gas which remained before teams were expected to physically inspect.

“The digging and trenching to be done now will have to be done by hand until we are confident the site is safe and all hazardous factors are cleared,” he said.

City Power’s general manager for the service delivery centre, Charles Mohlaka, said they had already turned off the electrical supply into the area and would only restore it once the area had been declared safe.

Earlier, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi ordered the JMPD and SAPS to fence off the area with barbed wire to limit the number of people in the area.

Brink added that 250 law enforcement officers, which include 50 security officers, would be deployed to the area to ensure the area.

Brink said they were reluctant to bring in any heavy machinery yet and it was unclear how long it would take for the situation to return to normalcy on Bree Street and the inner city.

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870cef No.44069

File: a6f0caaa3a99869⋯.jpg (163.46 KB,610x805,122:161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19213377 (202037ZJUL23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg Blast

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>the ignition of gas from a gas pipe burst.

“Confusion reigns as Egoli Gas denies Joburg CBD explosion was caused by gas leak”


Published Jul 19, 2023

Disaster management and emergency services are attempting to clear out residents, business owners and onlookers in the Johannesburg central business district (CBD) after an explosion rocked the city centre on Wednesday evening.

Egoli Gas has claimed the explosion was not the result of a gas leak. In a tweet, Egoli Gas said it believed “it is unlikely that the explosion in Jhb CBD, Bree Street, JHB was caused by a gas pipeline or leak. Our network has experienced no pressure loss which indicates the gas pipelines are intact. Our customers in the area continue to receive gas uninterrupted.”

Egoli Gas is a piped natural gas reticulator, servicing more than 8,500 customers across various markets in the Greater Johannesburg area with regulated servicing the Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal industries.

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi told media on the scene that emergency teams were assessing the area where gas could still be smelled in the air even after 8pm on Wednesday night.

Lesufi said that it was extremely worrying that even though the gas explosion caused massive destruction to the tarred road and possible damage to the foundations of a number of high rise buildings in the area, onlookers were still in the area walking around.

He has further confirmed that Egoli Gas experts were on the scene still assessing where the gas explosion emanated from, what is the gas that is currently being inhaled by those in the CBD and how best to control the situation.

Lesufi said that some people in the area were complaining of headaches and chest pains and emergency services were treating them.

He said it was imperative that Egoli Gas experts find the gas line and close it soon.

City Manager Floyd Brinks said the area remains a risk and disaster however they were still waiting on a report from the initial assessment before they could report back to the public on the way forward.

He said, importantly, the assessors were assessing the structural integrity of the buildings to avoid further disaster.

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870cef No.44070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19218359 (211939ZJUL23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Russian plane at Air Force Base and the Lady R - "ANC has not been playing open cards"

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“Russian plane at Air Force Base and the Lady R – ‘ANC has not been playing open cards’”


July 20, 2023

The ANC has not been playing open cards with South Africa regarding the freight plane of a private Russian company, Aviacon Zitotrans, which landed at the Waterkloof Air Force Base on 24 April this year.

In reply to written questions by the FF Plus about the matter, the Minister of Defence, Thandi Modise, said that the flights from other countries that landed at Waterkloof in the last five financial years were all “government to government”.

From the reply it can also be gleaned that up until 28 March this year, no Russian aircraft had landed at Waterkloof during the past five financial years.

The first Russian aircraft – this one from the commercial aircraft company Aviacon Zitotrans – landed there on 24 April 2023.

According to media reports, this company is subject to sanctions by both America and Britain because it transported arms for the Russian army.

The FF Plus demanded answers from government about the landing by enquiring why Waterkloof was used and not an ordinary airport. In response, Minister Modise said that the plane was delivering diplomatic mail and it, therefore, had permission to land there.

A spokesperson of the SANDF, Brigadier General Andries Mahapa, confirmed that the plane was granted “diplomatic status” so it was allowed to land.

I will pose follow-up questions about this to the Minister. Including how it is possible that a private company subjected to international sanctions could be granted diplomatic status in South Africa.

This matter must be considered alongside the secrecy surrounding the Russian freight ship, the Lady R. America openly accused South Africa by claiming that arms had been loaded onto the ship when it docked at Simons Town on 8 December last year.

But like with Aviacon Zitotrans, all irregularities were denied.

Concerning the Lady R matter, former Judge Phineas Mojapelo and his panel have concluded their investigation into the incident and they now have two weeks to compile a report.

The FF Plus will insist that the report be made public.

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870cef No.44071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19218370 (211941ZJUL23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August (Parts 1&2)

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South Africa is the messenger again.

“Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August” – Part 1


New Delhi | Updated: July 21, 2023 09:41 IST

ICC, an international court, has issued a warrant of arrest against Russia's President for alleged war crimes. South Africa accepts the jurisdiction of the ICC. India does not.

South Africa has said that President Vladimir Putin of Russia will not attend a scheduled summit of the BRICS grouping in Johannesburg from August 22-24. The decision has been taken by “mutual agreement”, South Africa, which has the BRICS presidency, said.

What is the significance of this development?

A difficult situation has been resolved for South Africa, which would have been theoretically obligated to arrest Putin for alleged war crimes if he had arrived in its jurisdiction.

South Africa had earlier sought an exemption from the obligation, arguing that arresting Putin would amount to a declaration of war, and could potentially scupper the efforts to end the fighting in Ukraine, a Reuters report said.

But why would South Africa be obligated to arrest Putin?

On March 17, the International Criminal Court (ICC) had issued “warrants of arrest for two individuals in the context of the situation in Ukraine: Mr Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Ms Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova”.

Lvova-Belova is the “Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation”.

The ICC, which is headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, is an independent judicial body that began functioning on July 1, 2002, to prosecute the most heinous offences where a country’s own legal machinery failed to act — like in Rwanda and erstwhile Yugoslavia.

Unlike the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which deals with countries and inter-state disputes, the ICC prosecutes individuals — it “investigates and, where warranted, tries individuals charged with the gravest crimes of concern to the international community: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression”.

South Africa has said it is neutral in the war in Ukraine. But as a member of the ICC, it is in theory obligated to execute the warrant for arrest.

What has Putin done for the warrants to be issued against him?

According to a press release issued by the ICC at the time, Putin, 70, and Lvova-Belova, 38, are “allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation…and unlawful transfer” of children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation”, for which they have been charged under “Articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute”.

The Rome Statute, adopted in 1998, is the international treaty that established the ICC.

According to the ICC, “the crimes were allegedly committed in Ukrainian occupied territory at least from 24 February 2022”, the day Russian forces invaded Ukraine.

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870cef No.44072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19218372 (211941ZJUL23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August (Parts 1&2)

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“Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August” – Part 2


New Delhi | Updated: July 21, 2023 09:41 IST

But does the ICC have the authority to prosecute President Putin?

Russia has repeatedly said that it does not.

The ICC’s jurisdiction is limited to offences that occurred after it came into existence on July 1, 2002, and were committed either in a country that has ratified the agreement, or by a national of a country that has ratified the agreement.

Russia is not one of the 123 States Parties to the Rome Statute that recognise the authority of the ICC. The United States isn’t a signatory either, and it has over the years repeatedly and aggressively denounced the ICC.

China and India too do not recognise the ICC’s jurisdiction.

Even Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute. However, in 2014, it accepted “the jurisdiction of the Court over alleged crimes committed on its territory from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014” and then, in 2015, accepted the ICC’s jurisdiction “from 20 February 2014 onwards, with no end date”.

So is there a risk of arrest for Putin outside Russia?

Only if he travels to a State Party to the ICC — like South Africa — and only in theory.

This is the first time that the ICC has issued an arrest warrant against the head of one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Sudan’s former President Omar al-Bashir and Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi are the only other leaders to have been indicted by the ICC while serving as head of state, a Reuters report said.

The charges against Gaddafi were dropped after he was overthrown and killed in 2011. Bashir, who was indicted in 2009, remained President until 2019 and travelled to many ICC Member States during this period. Out of power, he has been tried in Sudan, but he has not been handed over to the ICC.

The ICC charged Kenya’s William Ruto and Uhuru Kenyatta before they became President of their country, but subsequently dropped the charges.

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870cef No.44073

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227479 (231537ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism (Parts 1&2)

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>George Soros

>Malcolm X

What has Malcolm X and Steve Biko have in common? They both spoke against the liberal establishment and they both were murdered while the ‘heroes’ of the struggle have survived.

Take note

George Soros began his philanthropy in 1979, giving scholarships to Black South Africans under apartheid. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/george-soros


Nurturing Democracy and Addressing Inequality in Post-Apartheid South Africa

As apartheid falls, the Open Society Foundations office in South Africa focuses on addressing injustices—and creating opportunities—in a country that has systematically discriminated against the majority of its citizens for decades. The Open Society Foundations spend more than $150 million in South Africa over the next 25 years to support reconciliation, legal reform, education, public health, and independent media. George Soros makes a separate pledge in 1995 of $50 million to help the government build housing for people living in makeshift shacks and overcrowded city dwellings.


“George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism” 1 of 2


March 14, 2022

Below are excerpts

South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism: South Africa’s transition from apartheid to polyarchy provides a devastating example of the power of capitalism to penetrate and dismantle a vibrant movement demanding massive social change and effectively harmonize them into a neoliberal social order.

As Ian Taylor reports, “[o]ne of the most active groups within the change industry” in South Africa was the Institute for a Democratic Alternative for South Africa — a group that later became known as the Institute for Democracy in South Africa.

The cofounders of this Institute, van Zyl Slabbert and Alex Boraine, represented what might be considered the “compassionate face of liberalism,” and prior to setting up their Institute (in 1986), both been part of the “corporate-funded Progressive Federal Party, an organisation that ‘bore the Oppenheimer imprint from the start’.” (4)

Despite their elite backgrounds, Slabbert and Boraine had initially failed to garner foreign support from the US leading liberal foundations, and it was only when they were introduced to George Soros, who immediately decided to support their venture, that the equally well-endowed American foundations reconsidered working with them. Slabbert recalled:

“We wanted $150,000 and he signed a cheque of $75,000. In the lift, Boraine and I passed the cheques to and fro in disbelief. Soros did not ask for any guarantee and said, in passing, that we could send him a report if we wished. We obtained the rest of the money from the ever-reliable Scandinavians and the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.”(5)

IDASA’s current chair, Njabulo Ndebele, is a former resident scholar at the Ford Foundation.

Ndebele is also a trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation where he serves alongside current Open Society Foundation of South Africa board member (and former Rockefeller Foundation trustee) Mamphela Ramphele. (7)

Former board member of the Open Society Foundation of South Africa, Khehla Shubane, helped establish the Nelson Mandela Foundation, while also serving as the CEO of Business Map Foundation — a “research institution focusing on black economic empowerment and monitoring foreign investment patterns.” (8)

Since it was formed in 1995 “with core funding from South African businesses,” the Centre for Development and Enterprise has been headed by Ann Bernstein, who had previously served as the executive director of the Urban Foundation from 1989 until its demise in 1995. [With Anglo-American's Harry Oppenheimer as chairperson, and the doyen of Afrikaans business, Anton Rupert, as deputy, the U F (Urban Foundation) began operating early in 1977… Its initial finances came almost exclusively from the local business community, the biggest piece coming from Anglo-American itself. http://www.transformationjournal.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/trans018-019006.pdf]

More recently, from 2005 until 2006, Berstein served as a Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow at the NED. Given the openly pro-corporate polyarchal agenda of Berstein’s Centre it is intriguing to note that their board of directors includes Ishmael Mkhabela.

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870cef No.44074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227494 (231540ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism (Parts 1&2)

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“George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism” 2 of 2


March 14, 2022

Below are excerpts

On top of being a board member of the conservative South African Institute of Race Relations, Mkhabela serves as the chairperson of the Steve Biko Foundation, which was ostensibly set up to commemorate the murder of a revolutionary activist and thinker, Steve Biko. Surely Biko himself would be most distraught with the manner by which his name is used to deflect criticism from polyarchal elites. Writing in 1970, before his murder at the hand of the state (in 1977), Biko said:

“Nowhere is the arrogance of the liberal ideology demonstrated so well as in their insistence that the problems of the country can only be solved by a bilateral approach involving both black and white.

This has, by and large, come to be taken in all seriousness as the modus operandi in South Africa by all those who claim they would like a change in the status quo. Hence the multiracial political organisations and parties and the “nonracial” student organisations, all of which insist on integration not only as an end goal but also as a means.” [SASO (South Africa Students Association) was formed in 1969, under the leadership of Steve Biko, with whom she (Mamphela Ramphele) later had a child. https://www.sahistory.org.za/people/dr-mamphela-aletta-ramphele] (9)

Certainly elite support of the Steve Biko Foundation is not new, and neither is it a recent phenomenon, (10) and the Foundation’s former director Xolela Mangcu is presently a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution.

Such connections are no mere accidents, and they provide an elegant demonstration of the extent to which polyarchal ideology has been fruitfully propagated. As William Robinson, the leading critical theorist of the democracy-manipulating establishment, observes:

US “democracy promotion,” as it actually functions, sets about not just to secure and stabilize elite-based polyarchic systems but to have the United States and local elites thoroughly penetrate civil society, and from therein assure control over popular mobilization and mass movements (that is, correct the “flukes,” or “dysfunctions,” of democracy).

This is in distinction to earlier strategies to constrain social and political mobilization though a focus on control of the state and governmental apparatus. (13)

Leftist activists must collectively recognize this manipulative reorientation of the elite foreign policy-making community. If they continue to overlook the full extent of this change — as many doctrinal human rights groups and progressive media outlets continue to do — there will be little to prevent their activism from acting in the service of imperialism and polyarchy, not justice and grassroots democracy.

This situation is intolerable: how many people must be crushed before activists recognize that the revolution will not be funded? By capitalists anyway.

7. Another notable trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation is Irene Menell, an individual who had helped cofound the Urban Foundation (in 1977) with the aid of Anglo American.

9. Steve Biko, I Write What I Like (Heinemann, 1987), p.20. Biko adds: “Let me hasten to say that I am not claiming that segregation is necessarily the natural order; however, given the facts of the situation where a group experiences privilege at the expense of others, then it becomes obvious that a hastily arranged integration cannot be the solution to the problem. It is rather like expecting the slave to work together with the slave-master’s son to remove all the conditions leading to the formers enslavement.” (pp.20-1)

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870cef No.44075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227501 (231542ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

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“The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society”


June 15, 2022

Below are excerpts

The Open Society Institute and related Soros enterprises fund and herd uncountable thousands of private groups and globalist agencies, seeking to overthrow African governments and seize natural resources, in the name of fighting tyranny and corruption.

One side of this nightmare is the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).

It began when the George Soros organization known as Publish What You Pay, aided by propaganda from the Soros-funded Global Witness group, demanded that nations with valuable natural resources be compelled to turn over to mutinational cartels and to the British government, all records of their transactions on these resources — so as to stop bribes!

In 2002, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in Johannesburg, announced he had accepted this Soros proposal. In 2003 Blair formed the EITI as a London-based global agency, which would seek to pull in the United States and would attempt to enforce open domination over world resources.

Led originally by Anglo-Dutch Shell Oil, DeBeers, and Anglo American, EITI’s participating corporations now include include such mining companies as AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BHP Billiton, DeBeers, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, Gold Fields, Katanga Mining Limited, Newmont, Rio Tinto; and oil companies such as Chevron, ConocoPhilips, Eni, ExxonMobil, Hess, Pemex, and Petrobras.

In 2006, EITI’s governing secretariat was set up in Norway and placed under Soros management, with money from Open Society Institute and EITI board members from Soros agencies Publish What You Pay, Revenue Watch Institute, and Global Witness.

To launch EITI as a Soros arm, then-World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz (an architect of the Iraq catastrophe) came to Norway and did a press conference on the need to direct the “revenue stream from extractive industries” in “developing countries.” [Note; In 2000 she (Dr Mamphela Ramphele) became a managing director of the World Bank, based in Washington, DC, a post she held until end of 2004. http://mamphela-ramphele.com/]

“Conflict diamonds” have provided the propaganda power behind the Soros Initiative.

As world opinion was revulsed by accounts of genocidal wars over African diamonds, gems used as currency by mafias, mercenaries, and militias, the Soros group Global Witness, in tandem with the top diamond companies, shaped the issue of “blood diamonds” towards London’s objectives.

In 2000, the {World Diamond Council} was set up in Brussels, Belgium, led by DeBeers (historically Cecil Rhodes/Rothschild) of London and South Africa; by DeBeers agent Maurice Tempelsman, head of New York-based Lazare Kaplan diamond company; and by Israeli diamond billionaire Dan Gertler and his family. The World Diamond Council’s “reforms” of the industry’s looting are approved by Global Witness and are an integral part of the EITI’s agenda.

Belgian-born Maurice Tempelsman started out in the former Belgian Congo. After the 1961 murder of nationalist prime minister Patrice Lumumba, Tempelsman hired as his liasion to the replacement government the former CIA station chief there, Larry Devlin, who had been ordered to murder Lumumba but claims others did it. From his Congo base, Tempelsman participated in the work-up to the British coup against Ghana’s nationalist President Kwami Nkruma.

Tempelsman became the number one U.S.-based affiliate of DeBeers and London’s world diamond cartel. Tempelsman lived with President John Kennedy’s widow, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, from the mid-1970s until her 1994 death.

A power in the post-JFK Democratic Party alongside Felix Rohatyn and George Soros, Tempelsman is a director of the National Democratic Institute component of the National Endowment for Democracy that funds Global Witness and many other Soros fronts.

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870cef No.44076

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227551 (231550ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Who are the Menell Family? EFF question links to Ramaphosa - Urban Foundation

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>Since it was formed in 1995 “with core funding from South African businesses,” the Centre for Development and Enterprise has been headed by Ann Bernstein, who had previously served as the executive director of the Urban Foundation from 1989 until its demise in 1995. [With Anglo-American's Harry Oppenheimer as chairperson, and the doyen of Afrikaans business, Anton Rupert, as deputy, the U F (Urban Foundation) began operating early in 1977… Its initial finances came almost exclusively from the local business community, the biggest piece coming from Anglo-American itself. http://www.transformationjournal.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/trans018-019006.pdf]


>Another notable trustee of the Nelson Mandela Foundation is Irene Menell, an individual who had helped cofound the Urban Foundation (in 1977) with the aid of Anglo American.

“Who are the Menell Family? EFF question links to Ramaphosa” – Urban Foundation


09-06-2020 16:05

The Menell family name was thrown in the midst of the battle as the red berets took aim at President Cyril Ramaphosa.

It was during his speech where he caught headlines by referring to South Africa’s number 1 as a “bastard”, accusing him of selling the country to the Menell family at the wake of its democracy.


Ramaphosa will not have been born when a certain Slip Menell co-founded the Anglovaal Group in 1933.

The group started off as a mining company but has since branched off into other sectors, such as finance and industry.

The company thrived in the old South Africa and, as the apartheid rule approached its end, founded the Urban Foundation, which focused on, among other things, urban development, housing and education in black townships.

The foundation advanced the cause of education among black people, among other causes and had perhaps its greatest successes in Ramaphosa, who was in his early 20s when the two connected.


The Urban Foundation is credited for transforming Ramaphosa from aspiring lawyer to mining magnate.

He was recruited by the foundation in 1977, a year after the Soweto uprisings – which the month of June is dedicated to, following the well-documented student protests.

At the time, Clive Menell headed the gold-mining conglomerate.

The connection with the Menell family brought him closer to what was then South Africa’s biggest workforce, the miners.

It is at the mining industry where he would embark on his journey as a unionist, as he promoted an alternative to potentially violent labour disputes while growing what remains one the largest unions among mineworkers in South Africa – the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).

His involvement with the Menell family would – at the dawn of democracy – spawn the new Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu).

In his speech on Monday, Malema mentioned how Ramaphosa allegedly sold South Africa out to the family which, according to the EFF’s ideology, equated to giving the country away to its detested white monopoly capital.

This may have been through his close ties with Nelson Mandela, who had earmarked him as his successor prior to the ANC taking up power.


Clive Mennell took over the family business (gold mining) in South Africa. He was friends with Nelson Mandela, and when he died, Mandela delivered the eulogy at his funeral!

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870cef No.44077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227563 (231552ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell

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>Clive Mennell took over the family business (gold mining) in South Africa. He was friends with Nelson Mandela, and when he died, Mandela delivered the eulogy at his funeral!

“Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell”


4 August 1996

Clive Menell was a leader of great distinction and a person of rare quality. The rich contribution he made to our society and the imprint he has left on its history goes far beyond what is known by each one of us who had the privilege to work with him or to count him amongst our friends. It is only now, when we come together from the many walks of life that he touched, that the sum of his gifts can be felt.

Born into privilege of a kind that few people can ever know, he gave of his energies and talents not only in his inherited station, but also to the cause of changing our society and upliftment of the poor. The combination of vision with the capacity to give it practical effect made him a leader in many spheres.

Transformation in South Africa and global economic change have brought historic challenges to our business community - it will sorely miss the leadership of Clive Menell, who has helped guide it through this period of economic, political and social transition. Our economy needs leaders who can pursue the interrelated goals of competing in the global market-place and building a partnership of business, government and labour for growth, reconstruction and development.

Our young people are the nation's greatest asset, and education therefore has immense power to shape the character of our society. The small band of visionaries who established Waterford School were affirming, in a very practical and concrete way, and during apartheid's darkest years, that even those who were able to enjoy the privileges of the system could also align themselves with the oppressed for a non-racial future. My own childen, like those of many other friends of mine, studied at Waterford. Many of the school's students, some of them in leadership positions, are now helping to build our Rainbow Nation.

It was this same understanding of the importance of education for our future which led Clive to devote his energies to promoting student exchange that would bring educational opportunities to those denied it in their own country.

The plight of South Africa's children as a consequence of apartheid, is one of the most shameful blots on our country's history. I long cherished the vision of South Africans from every quarter of society joining hands to redeem that neglect. When the time came to make that a reality, in the form of the Children's Fund, Clive Menell's experience, and the time he unstintingly gave, were of immense value.

Many people, including myself, will sorely miss Clive. Our thoughts are with you, Irene, and the family, knowing that your loss is a much deeper one. But we do all take comfort in the knowledge that his life has helped make ours a better society, and that he will be remembered by so many with love and appreciation.

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870cef No.44078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227574 (231555ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers (Parts 1-3)

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>Steve Biko, I Write What I Like (Heinemann, 1987), p.20. Biko adds: “Let me hasten to say that I am not claiming that segregation is necessarily the natural order; however, given the facts of the situation where a group experiences privilege at the expense of others, then it becomes obvious that a hastily arranged integration cannot be the solution to the problem. It is rather like expecting the slave to work together with the slave-master’s son to remove all the conditions leading to the formers enslavement.” (pp.20-1)

“Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers'” 1 of 3


5 May 2011

A South African gold mining company owned by members of the Mandela and Zuma families is accused of exploiting its political connections to avoid punishment over its abuse of workers.

The company is also accused of profiting from selling mine assets it does not own - a claim it vehemently denies.

"I'm drowning in debts at the moment, and I don't have any food because I have no income," says Primrose Javu.

"We're living in a very, very bad condition here."

She is standing in the kitchen of her small three-room flat, proud of the furniture, TV and hi-fi she bought herself when she was getting paid for working hundreds of metres underground, in a gold mine.

But she knows it will not be long before the debt collectors come and take it all away.

"They can come to fetch it any time, because I am not getting any salary. This company called Aurora, they just ran away with our pay. We don't get anything."

Ms Javu's employer, Aurora Empowerment Systems, took control of two gold mines just outside Johannesburg around 18 months ago.

Today, South Africa's mining unions claim the company owes its workers more than 12m rand (£1.1m; $1.8m) in unpaid salaries.

Famous families

The managing director of Aurora is Zondwa Gadaffi Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela. The chairman is Khulubuse Zuma, nephew of President Jacob Zuma. Another board member, Michael Hulley, is the personal legal advisor to the president.

Despite having no previous experience in the mining industry, a high court-appointed liquidator gave Aurora control of two gold mines after the previous owner went bust. Aurora outbid seasoned mining firms with an offer of 605m rand (£55.5m; $92m).

Since then, the company has been at the centre of huge controversy in South Africa, with critics claiming that the company has committed multiple legal and regulatory infringements, but has escaped any kind of sanction because of the significant political connections of its senior management.

When Aurora took over the gold mines in October 2009, it promised steady jobs, decent housing and education bursaries for the children of its workers.

"All these things, all these beautiful promises - that worried me," reflects Frans Baleni, secretary general of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) - South Africa's largest, most powerful union, and a close political ally of the ruling African National Congress (ANC).

"They started to seriously default on the payment of salaries in December 2009, and in the following year, 2010, for the first three months, they were not paying workers' salaries at all."

The BBC has repeatedly approached Aurora to request an interview with the company's senior management, but they declined to speak or issue a statement.

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870cef No.44079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227581 (231556ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers (Parts 1-3)

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“Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers'” 2 of 3


5 May 2011

Food for votes?

Many of the 5,200 mine workers employed at the two mines in Orkney and Grootvlei - to the south-west and east of Johannesburg respectively - have since been living on donations and food parcels provided by the unions.

Mamosa Nonyane was a former surveyor working on the Orkney mine.

"It's very painful to live on charity," she says.

Recently, the ANC also delivered food parcels to the workers at the Orkney mine. Ms Nonyane holds a plastic bag of maize meal, cooking oil and sugar, given to her by the party, but she is cynical about their motives.

"They are not helping us… they just want us to vote for them," she says, referring to the local elections taking place later this month.

It was recently revealed that Aurora's chairman had made a private donation of 1m rand (£91,400, $151,000) to the ANC, when his company is yet to pay outstanding wages to its workers.

The NUM has demanded the money be handed to the destitute miners, but the ANC has refused.

Former mine worker Primrose Javu is furious.

"Khulubuse Zuma gave one million rand to the ANC. For what reason? He gave it to them just to shut [them] up. They must shut their mouths. They mustn't say anything about these conditions," she says.

And indeed the ANC has been silent. Mr Baleni says there is one clear reason for this.

"Because of the names which are associated with this saga, we have got a barrier. The ANC has been very silent on this - not a single word, not a single statement."

'Daylight robbery'

At Aurora's Grootvlei operation there is an open hole in the ground, 400 metres deep, at the mine's Ndlovu shaft.

It is all that is left of what was one of the country's most modern mines, opened in 2008 at a cost of 40m rand (£3.6m; $6m) - a year before Aurora took control of it.

The mine has since been stripped bare and its headgear and machinery sold off for scrap, it is claimed, by Aurora themselves.

"What you see here is the best description of daylight robbery, because Aurora don't actually own the mine," says Gideon du Plessis, deputy general secretary of Solidarity - the union representing mainly white and skilled mine workers.

Since taking over operations in 2009, Aurora has never secured the financing to buy the mines outright as it had planned.

This is despite company chairman, Khulubuse Zuma, boasting to South African media that the company had "deep pockets" promising profits of "5 to 10 billion dollars" in the first 10 years of business.

"Some people believe Aurora were never interested in running a gold mine, and that from the beginning they realised there's a lot of money to be made in selling scrap and mining equipment," said Mr du Plessis.

The company has strongly denied they stripped the mines, and says the equipment was stolen by illegal miners - a significant problem in South Africa.

Mr du Plessis thinks it highly unlikely illegal miners would have had the trucks and equipment to completely dismantle a mine shaft, let alone do so without being caught.

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870cef No.44080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227585 (231557ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers (Parts 1-3)

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“Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers'” 3 of 3


5 May 2011

Tragic ending

The closure of the shafts at Grootvlei has severely affected the local economy in the nearby town of Springs, where local pawn shops are full of furniture, TVs, fridges, and even clothes, sold by former Aurora workers - black and white - struggling to make ends meet.

"We had to sell some of our curtains, our crockery, a lot of stuff," Susan Ferreira says, forlornly.

"It's things you get over the years, and it breaks your heart to do a thing like that, just to get some food on the table."

Mrs Ferreira's husband, Marius, worked at the Grootvlei mine, and like many others, saw his pay packet dry up over a year ago.

The Solidarity union says the company owed Mr Ferreira approximately 170,000 rand (£15,500; $25,600).

"He stressed a lot, and said he couldn't go on any more. And my husband took his life - he's gone."

Tears stream down Mrs Ferreira's cheeks.

"He said he's tired of life and he can't look after me like he did before, and he drank some poison. I didn't ever believe he'd do a thing like that. I was shocked."

Over the past couple of years, Aurora have made repeated public statements declaring a finance deal was 'imminent', and the problems will be resolved, but the money has never materialised.

The latest suggestion is that a Chinese state-owned company, Shandong Mining & Exploration, is to invest $100m (£60.6m) in the two gold mines.

While the mining unions and its members hope that this proposal comes to fruition in order to restore jobs, it will come too late for former miners like Mr Ferreira.

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870cef No.44081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19227639 (231609ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Nelson Mandela Foundation says farewell to a long-serving mentor Irene Menell

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> [Malcolm X] In this game of deceiving and using the American negro [and Africans in Africa], the white liberals have complete co-operation of the negro civil rights leader who sell our people out for a few crumbs of token recognition, token gains, token progress.








“[Nelson Mandela] Foundation says farewell to a long-serving mentor” - Irene Menell


23 November 2017

Below are excerpts

The Nelson Mandela Foundation was hoping to hang on to one of its greatest advisers, despite her retiring from the Foundation Board, CE Sello Hatang said on 22 November.

-Irene Menell was one of the first people Nelson Mandela asked to join the Foundation’s Board after he stood down from his presidency in 1999. She has also served on the Board of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund and that of the READ Educational Trust in a life of service spanning more than 50 years.

“My logic was always to do what Mrs Menell would do,” said Hatang at a farewell ceremony for Menell, a recipient of the Order of the Baobab (Silver) for her community service and dedication to the educational empowerment of black youth. “Now that sounding board is gone, but we can still use your logic,” he said.

Menell was founding chair of the READ Educational Trust, established in 1979 to promote education for black children at a time when it was beleaguered.

“We’re all privileged to serve, not Madiba, but what he stood for – that very, very deep respect for human beings,” said Menell, using Mandela’s clan name, by which he is affectionately known.

Menell described Mandela as “the best fundraiser that the world has ever seen” and told of how his fundraising and the Foundation’s resultant grant-giving somewhat smothered the Foundation’s original mandate in its initial years.

Menell first met Mandela in the late 1950s, after she and her husband, mining executive Clive Menell, had helped to finance the 1959 staging of South Africa’s first all-black musical, King Kong. The show, incidentally, was restaged in Johannesburg this year.

“I’ve seen it three times,” said Menell. “The first time I thought, ‘Oh, this is not King Kong’ … The third time I loved it.”

The 1959 show was loved by Mandela, who reportedly saw it more than once. Some time after that the Menells were asked to host him in Cape Town, and did. Clive Menell and Mandela became firm friends.

“I don’t know what it was about them, but they did click very well,” Menell said. “It’s embarrassing, but Clive did not carry pictures of his children in his wallet. He carried pictures of Mandela.”

Menell’s community service ranges from the READ Educational Trust, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, to her more than 25 years as a manager in liberal politician Helen Suzman’s Houghton constituency. She is also patron of Afrika Tikkun, a youth development organisation, and other organisations.

As a parting, Menell told Foundation staff to “make your contribution in this very, very transitional and confusing world … Just be your best you. It’s a cliche, but it is not a bad one.”

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870cef No.44082

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19233524 (241825ZJUL23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Lady with Cookies: Victoria Nuland Is Going to South Africa (video)

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“USA Is Sending Their Chief Warmonger To South Africa.” - https://youtu.be/SC3e1eAk2KU

“Lady with Cookies: Victoria Nuland Is Going to South Africa”



U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland may soon pay a visit to South Africa. This is reported by Foreign Policy magazine.

“One of the State Department’s top officials Victoria Nuland … is expected to travel to South Africa in the coming weeks, while Democratic House member Gregory Meeks, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and an influential member of the Congressional Black Caucus, is mulling plans for his trip to South Africa next month,” the publication writes.

It is noted that the visitors are looking for ways to pressure South Africa to reconsider its relations with Russia.

A group of four U.S. lawmakers last month urged the Joe Biden administration to drop plans to hold a trade summit in South Africa because the event, among other things, could serve as “an endorsement… of South Africa’s support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,” Foreign Policy reported.

“I wonder what the reaction of the South African leadership will be to the arrival of an envoy of chaos, carrying them an ultimatum… In her luggage she will certainly have cookies for potential protesters for freedom and democracy in South Africa,” Ukrainian Telegram channel ZeRada commented on the news.

Ukraine knows what they say – Ukraine knows well the taste of Nuland’s cookies from 2014. Until now, the bloody belching …

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870cef No.44083

File: fae3de4b968f565⋯.png (100.3 KB,1200x628,300:157,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19239671 (251904ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Afrika Tikkun

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>[Irene Menell] is also patron of Afrika Tikkun

“Afrika Tikkun”


Established in 1994, Afrika Tikkun NPC is a leading non-profit organisation, proudly homegrown in authentic South African values and both locally and internationally recognised for our commitment to holistically developing the lives of our young community members.

Many members of the Jewish community are active in fields such as counselling, training, community development and inter-group contact. A significant Jewish initiative in the area of reconstruction and development was the establishment of TIKKUN which is a community project to uplift the disadvantaged. TIKKUN, which is spearheaded by the industrialist Mr Bertie Lubner and Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris, is the coordinating body of Jewish organisations involved in upliftment and is harnessing Jewish community resources, individual skills and expertise to fulfill its outreach projects. The operational sectors of TIKKUN cover Education, Agriculture, Business and Professions, Health, Welfare, Housing, Public Relations, Youth and Sport, Art and Culture. Limited progress has been made to date but these activities are being intensified. We are aware that the need for healing and for reparation in its broader sense are great and we would be happy to join further local and national initiatives in this field wherever this may prove feasible.

Recognising the moral imperatives governing human affairs, men and women of goodwill can face up to the challenge of our time and make the caring society a reality.” So it was from that idea that the word Tikkun was used to start an initiative that would harness the energies of those committed to building a new South Africa. The Chief Rabbi said that the concept of Afrika Tikkun was twofold – ideological while at the same time ‘brutally practical’. He saw his role as co-chairman of Afrika Tikkun as “the inspirer to continue the efforts… to create new avenues of help and get more and more of our community involved”.


As the needs proliferated and the vision grew, the pair [Mr Bertie Lubner and Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris] reached out to like-minded individuals, namely Herby Rosenberg, Ann Harris, Arnold Forman, Jack Tworetsky and Benny Reich. By then, the impact of Afrika Tikkun was far-reaching, even to national icons such as the late and honourable Nelson “Madiba” Mandela.


A story forged on a Tuesday. That’s how it started. Two visionaries after the same rainbow – Nelson Mandela and Bertie Lubner, founder of Afrika Tikkun – met on the second Tuesday of every other month to discuss the love they both shared for their country, South Africa. What transpired was a deep seated friendship, and a plan: to eradicate poverty by empowering the children and the youth of South Africa… When Nelson Mandela bore witness to an early Tikkun project in Orange Farm in 1996, he said he had “seen a miracle”. Through the work being harnessed by the good people of Tikkun, uTata (Mr) Nelson Mandela volunteered to become the Patron-in-Chief of Afrika Tikkun.

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870cef No.44084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19239695 (251912ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Afrika Tikkun

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>>>/qresearch/18777741 Mervyn King Bun

>>>/qresearch/18777730 Barloworld Bun

even Glencore

“Prof. Mervyn King | Virtual Address | The Conscious Leadership & Ethics Summit 2023” - https://youtu.be/WNV_DNM3s9E

3:49 – “It’s interesting that over the years that the Conscious Company has been running under the leadership of Brenda [Kali]… I include myself in it because I was with Brenda when it was founded.

6:52 – “There’s no self-interest. [The conscious leader] cross the Rubicon of intellectual honesty and honestly apply their minds in the best long-term interests of this incapacitated entity, the company, which is the most important citizen in every country in the world.

Afrika Tikkun: “Our Donors & Investment Partners” – Part 1


Our Investment Partners

Smart Media - https://www.smartmedia.co.za/

Betapoint - https://www.betapoint.co.za/

InfoSlips - https://www.infoslips.com/

Lynne Davis & Co. - https://lynnedavisandco.com/ [Gary Levinsohn (Academy-award winning producer, Saving Private Ryan) "No job or favor has ever been too big or too small for her to make both her clients and their customers feel special and understood".]

C-Corp International [Conscious Companies] - https://consciouscompanies.co.za/

Our Donors

TownshipFlevan - https://townshipfleva.co.za/

Department Social Development, Republic of South Africa - https://www.dsd.gov.za/

Joe Public - https://joepublic.co.za/

Apex Transformation Advisory - https://www.apexta.co.za/

Hero Ticket - https://www.heroticket.co.za/

Liberty - https://www.liberty.co.za/

Sasfin - https://sasfin.com/

TotalEnergies - https://totalenergies.co.za/

Belron - https://www.belron.com/

KFC - http://www.kfc.co.za/

Absa - https://www.absa.co.za/

Simply Chicken

Care for Education - https://www.carefored.co.za/

Barloworld - https://www.barloworld.com/

Maersk - https://www.maersk.com/

Executrac - https://www.executrac.co.za/

The Coca-Cola Company - https://www.coca-cola.com/za/en

AGT Food and Ingredients - http://www.agtfoods.com/

CKR - https://ckr.co.za/ [Founded in 1982 with its roots in Johannesburg, South Africa, CKR Consulting Engineers has grown to become one of the leading multi-disciplinary engineering firms in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. https://ckr.co.za/about-ckr]

NGK [Niterra South Africa (Pty) Ltd.] - https://www.ngksparkplugs.co.za/

ACS - https://www.acs.co.za/

RCL Foods - https://rclfoods.com/

African Bank - https://www.africanbank.co.za/en/home/

Huawei - https://consumer.huawei.com/za/

SASSA [South African government social grants] - https://www.sassa.gov.za/SitePages/HomePage.aspx

Dis-Chem Pharmacies - https://www.dischem.co.za/

Student Village - https://studentvillage.co.za/

Acer - https://shopacer.co.za/

Superiate - https://superiate.com/

Pick n Pay - https://www.pnp.co.za/

Boxer - https://www.boxer.co.za/

RB - https://r-b.org.za/

Stonehage Fleming - https://www.stonehagefleming.com/

Tshikululu Social Investments - https://tshikululu.org.za/

Do More Foundation - https://domore.org.za/

Telesure Investment Holdings - https://tihsa.co.za/

Renico Group - https://www.renicoconstruction.co.za/

Solidarity Fund - https://solidarityfund.co.za/ [The Solidarity Fund was formed as an expression of the courage and unity of South Africans who came together to face a new unknown enemy that was causing havoc across the world – the COVIC-19 pandemic.]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19239698 (251912ZJUL23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Afrika Tikkun

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Afrika Tikkun: “Our Donors & Investment Partners” – Part 2


JSE - https://www.jse.co.za/

The Holder Family

CDH (Cliff Dekker Hofmeyer, Incorporating Kieti Law LLP, Kenya) - https://www.cliffedekkerhofmeyr.com/en/index.html [With more than 260 lawyers & a track record of 169 years]

KFC’s Add Hope

Glencore International AG - https://www.glencore.com/

Allan Gray Orbis Foundation - https://allangrayorbis.org/

NLC (National Lotteries Commission] - https://www.nlcsa.org.za/

Constantia - https://www.constantiagroup.co.za/

Graham and Rhona Beck - https://grahambeck.com/legacy/initiatives/philanthropy-trusts

Khaliques - https://www.khaliques.co.za/

Western Cape Government - https://www.westerncape.gov.za/dept/social-development

Workonline Communications - https://www.workonline.africa/

Dis-Chem Foundation - https://www.dischem.co.za/

Oppenheimer Memorial Trust - https://www.omt.org.za/

RGA - https://www.rgare.com/

Eric & Sheila Samson Foundation - https://www.samsonfoundation.org/

Human Dignity Foundation - https://www.humandignity.foundation/

Nissan - https://www.nissan.co.za/

SLVR Soft - https://silversoft.co.za/

HSBC - https://www.hsbc.co.za/

Lancaster Foundation - http://lancasterfoundation.co.za/

MMI Foundation - https://www.momentummetropolitan.co.za/

Dimension Data - https://www.dimensiondata.com/ [Dimension Data and NTT are accelerating technology for good in Africa and around the world. https://www.dimensiondata.com/en-us/about-us]

World Jewish Congress - https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en

Australian Aid - https://ghana.embassy.gov.au/acra/2013AusAid.html [This is the link they provided.]

Alchemy - www.alchemy-brands.com

Indwe Risk Services - https://www.indwe.co.za/

WH Auctioneers - https://www.whauctions.com/#!/

Edcon - https://www.edcon.co.za/

Truworths - https://www.truworths.co.za/

Mini So

Lithuanian Development Cooperation - https://www.orangeprojects.lt/

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of South Africa - https://il.mfa.lt/il/en/news/consular-mission-to-the-republic-of-south-africa-november-24-28 [Notice the logo at the top states, “Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel”. Remember, “90% of all Jews in South Africa are Litvaks”, https://vilnews.com/2011-01-litvaks-in-south-africa]

Gautrain - https://www.gautrain.co.za/

Yes 4 Youth - https://www.yes4youth.co.za/for-youth

City of Johannesburg - https://www.joburg.org.za/

National Department of Basic Education - https://www.education.gov.za/

Datatec - https://www.datatec.com/ [Datatec is an international ICT solutions and services group operating in more than 50 countries across North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Through three core divisions, the Group offers Integration and Managed Services (Logicalis International and Logicalis Latin America) and Technology Distribution and Financial Services (Westcon International).]

Quan Wessels Creating Champions - https://quanwessels.co.za/

EXL - https://www.exlservice.com/south-africa

Old Mutual - https://www.oldmutual.co.za/ [Old Mutual was established in Cape Town in 1845 as South Africa's first mutual life assurance society… We now employ over 30 000 people and operate in 14 countries across two regions: Africa (South Africa, Botswana, eSwatini, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe) and Asia (China). https://www.oldmutual.co.za/about/]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19278931 (011521ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa (Parts 1&2) (video and pdf)

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“LIVE: Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa” (Part 1)


Originally called Project Grapevine and funded by the Rupert, Oppenheimer and Rothschild families - it was renamed Project Spider Web. In 2010 the Oppenheimer and Rothschild families stopped funding the project which was then taken over by the Rupert family. What control do the Rupert family have over the ANC? Tonight you will find out. We will also release Ramaphosa's CR-17 bank statement during the live stream - a document that has been concealed by court order in South Africa.

2:15-3:43 – Video of Nelson Mandela receiving his Knights of Malta robe.

7:56 – “That is the fact, if you Google “SEC Republic of South Africa” you’ll see that South Africa is actually a registered corporation at Wall Street. It’s not a country. It’s a registered corporation which means that everyone living in South Africa is basically an employee of that corporation… My understanding is that the CEO of the registered company know as South Africa is one Johann Rupert.

18:52 – “Well basically what happened is that Surtie family alleged that at the time that they had money that would have come from Britain in 1984-85 has disappeared and they could not trace… I offered to assist in search of this money and that is how I subsequently was able to trace the money at ABSA… In terms of how I was allowed to claim… When I first found the account, I wondered what would have given them the power to block this account and I found out that there was a legislation that was done so therefore in terms of the Surtie claim the cause of action would have arose from what we call statutory causes which means it was by a legislation. Now that legislation limited my claim in a sense that I could only claim from the time the money was received in South Africa and exchanged in ZAR which was then subsequently invested into government bonds. So that limited my period of claim. So I had to claim the capital amount which at the time was US$36 billion exchange into ZAR at the time in June 1985… the exchange rate was in the region of R2.44 per dollar exchange.”

27:25 – “I understand from the PIC’s [Public Investment Corporation] website that they only have R2.53 trillion under investment so where’s the rest of it?… That’s a very interesting part and that is a ruse. Basically it is intended to mislead the public while at the same time the 2.5 that they are openly declaring and listing is also questionable as to how they would have ended up with such a lot of money but I’m going to to deal with that one a bit later.”

28:35 – “Is that undeclared money what they call dormant pension funds which is all the profits have been creamed off to pay the ANC with black economic empowerment shates and stugg like that?… Absolutely… These monies came from the same source which is the special restricted account which came into being 1985 which included the Surtie family, the [?] family, the[?] family and the Bernard Blazer family. Their monies was also block during that period and these are the monies that were then concealed and hidden in this dormant account which was found to be at Absa Bank.”

45:01 – “What is clear here is that PIC, Public Investment Corporation, the subsidiary Isibiya and government pension funds I used as entities of serious money laundering in this country by the likes of the Ruperts… The plan is this. Let them implicate themselves.

47:34 – “The people in South Africa really are ignorant to the fact that this country is in serious danger. Being registered as a corporation that means more specifically with the [SEC]… any violation that may be found.. that means these countries have the right to sue the country which is registered as a corporation down to zero.

1:07:39 – “They show those money as being invested as share into these companies and yet in their own financials, they don’t show any return of investment… So basically, it’s just a ruse to fool people. This money that were paid to this corporate were actually a gift and remain to be a gift by virtue it remained to be stolen money which the big corporates [Anglo-American, Remgro Group, etc.] of this country benefitted, this is including the banks of this country.”

1:09:56 – Scott reads a letter from someone in the UK [US SEC whistleblower] who is investigating Glencore’s role in getting Ramaphosa elected as president in 2018

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44087

File: 729a269f1dfca31⋯.pdf (4.01 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 19cfa8637888526⋯.pdf (10.28 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19278957 (011527ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa (Parts 1&2) (video and pdf)

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“LIVE: Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa” (Part 2)


1:25:29 – “He [Jacob Zuma] gave me an assurance, “I will on the 8th of February, I will actually announce it in my State of the Nation address.” … So I am here to say without any doubt that Zuma was quickly, uprecidentally removed from his position because he was going to spill the beans on the ANC and their involvement in concert with the Broederbond of stealing dead people’s money.”

1:28:10 – “Mandela sold the entire ANC.”

1:49:51 – “Let me talk about the money movement out of the Surtie account in 2020 to 2022 during the COVID period which was an ideal time to commit this kind of crime while everybody was worried about being affected… then you have monies being moved by Absa Bank through the national payment system of the Reserve Bank in hundreds of billions. The total for that period was 2.5 trillion… and yet no alarms went off.”

2:07:59 – “There is no 2 ways about south Africa going into blacklisting in terms of all the evidences now coming out and if we combine the evidence between myself and the British, authorities in the US, there’s absolutely no getting away out of this thing. South Africa is one the biggest money launderers”

2:23:53 – “What they didn’t see coming was that Brian [Molefe], instead of criticizing and blaming everything on the Guptas, he made a u-turn and started blaming Glencore for all [problems at Eskom]… [Glencore] owned Optimum Mine that was eventually bought by the Guptas. That’s how the Guptas got involved with Eskom in terms of the coal supply and the same Glencore was a company that gave Ramaphosa shares where he first opened his mining company, Shanduka.”

2:28:39 – “In 2022/21 there was a court made a ruling… I want to talk about that ruling because that was a misconception. The Surtie status of the case is currently before the Bloemfontein Appeals Court. We are appealing a judgment that was issued on the 6th of October 2022. A very dubious, bias, patent, error judgment, that’s it. In order for us to be successful with a claim, we need to first challenge the constitutionality of the legislation… That is why I took so long from 2011 to eventually launch a claim in 2019 because I knew there was certain part of the legislation that needed to be challenged and one of the last parts that needed to be challenged was the prejudice legislation on regulation which forbidded the money from being paid to Lesotho citizen.”

“Part One: Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web – influencing policy in S Africa”



Originally called Project Grapevine and funded by the Rupert, Oppenheimer and Rothschild families – it was renamed Project Spider Web. In 2010 the Oppenheimer and Rothschild families stopped funding the project which was then taken over by the Rupert family. What control do the Rupert family have over the ANC? Tonight you will find out.

We will also release Ramaphosa’s CR-17 bank statement during the live stream – a document that has been concealed by court order in South Africa.

Part Two of this live stream: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/28/part-two-jeff-koorbanally-on-the-rupert-family-and-project-spider-web-influencing-policy-in-s-africa/

Part three: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/28/part-three-jeff-koorbanally-on-the-rupert-family-and-project-spider-web-influencing-policy-in-s-africa/

Download CR-17 bank statements: https://lovinglifetv.com/wp-content/uploads/CR17-Bank-statemennt-1.pdf

Our earlier live stream with Jeff exposing the Rupert family and the ANC collaboration: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/07/live-jeff-koorbanaly-on-the-looting-of-pension-funds-in-south-africa-by-the-ruperts-and-anc-cabal/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19279341 (011657ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / Mark Suzman, CEO, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation and Helen Suzman’s nephew (video)

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>Helen Suzman


>This is the same person [Bill Gates] who, just six months before the outbreak of the [COVID-19] pandemic, organised a series of four role-playing simulations of a corona pandemic with very high-ranking participants.

“Suzman on public health setbacks” [Mar 2, 2023] - https://youtu.be/QEoz15yuHlM

1:39 – “On the pandemic space we’re saying, the world as a whole having just come through this unprecedented crisis with millions of deaths, with trillions of dollars of economic damage and with, I say, the inevitability that there will be another virus and pandemic at some point, should be investing much quickly in a range of interventions. There should be a global health emergency core set up, ideally the World Health Organization.

Mark Suzman, CEO, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation and Helen Suzman’s nephew


Mark's upbringing in apartheid South Africa instilled in him a desire to use the advantages afforded to him to help tackle injustice and inequality. He began his career doing that through journalism, writing for the Johannesburg Star and then the Financial Times, where he covered international trade policy, welfare reform, and political issues, including the historic 1994 election of Nelson Mandela. In 2000, Mark joined the United Nations, where he was part of the effort to implement the Millennium Development Goals under the leadership of then Secretary-General Kofi Annan. He held multiple positions at the UN over his six-year tenure, including senior advisor for policy and strategic communications in the Office of the Secretary General, and policy director in the Office of the Administrator of the United Nations Development Program.

Mark joined the foundation in 2007 as director of Global Development Policy, Advocacy, and Special Initiatives. Prior to becoming CEO, he served as managing director of Country Offices, president of Global Policy and Advocacy, and chief strategy officer. In these roles, he built and oversaw the development of the foundation’s offices in India, China, Africa, and Europe, and managed the foundation’s relationships with government, private philanthropists, and civil society. He also implemented a new system for how the foundation measures impact and manages tradeoffs across its strategic priorities.

Mark holds a doctorate in international relations from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He earned his bachelor's degree, summa cum laude, from Harvard University.


Feb 24, 2020

I started my career in journalism because, growing up in my native South Africa, I learned to cherish the truth. Being white meant I was spared the horrors of apartheid, but my family made sure I never looked away from them. My great aunt, Helen Suzman, spent her life trying to tear down the regime. She served in South Africa’s parliament for 36 years, many of them as literally the only voice opposing apartheid. She was brave and she was brilliant.

One thing I got to see was the end of apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela as president in 1994. I had the opportunity to meet Mandela several times, and the lesson he imparted is that in many ways it takes even more bravery and brilliance to build a just new system as it does to tear down an unjust old one. That requires reaching out to enemies to build a new culture, one centered on equality for all.

In 2000, while working for the Financial Times in Washington D.C., I published a piece about the UN. The gist of it was that a lot of people thought the organization was too rigid and resistant to change. A few days later, I received call from the new head of the UN Development Program. Instead of calling me to complain, he offered me a job. “If you think the UN needs changing,” he said, “come help change it.” When I took him up on his offer, I was acting on what I’d learned from Mandela. I wanted to play a small part in creating big, lasting change. And during Kofi Annan’s tenure as Secretary General I had the opportunity to do just that, playing a part in the creation and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, which for the first time galvanized the global community around a set of concrete targets for dramatically improving health and wellbeing for all people, no matter where they live.

I moved eventually from the UN to the Gates Foundation, where I have spent 13 years working alongside thousands of partners and colleagues, including Bill, Melinda, and my predecessor as CEO, the incomparable Sue Desmond-Hellmann.

There is Helen, of course, and during a moment while I was driving in Cape Town along what’s now named “Helen Suzman Boulevard” in her honor, I reflected on how her influence has shaped me.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284433 (021341ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 (Parts 1-3)

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>Our earlier live stream with Jeff exposing the Rupert family and the ANC collaboration: https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/07/07/live-jeff-koorbanaly-on-the-looting-of-pension-funds-in-south-africa-by-the-ruperts-and-anc-cabal/



From 1:06:00 – Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 – Part 1


Mr Marinus Daling

Mr Johan Myberg

Mr Danie Cronje

Mr Barend Du Plessis

Mr Anton Rupert

Mr Gerrit Ferreira

Project (Files and Shares)

Opening remarks by the Hon. Minister.

Introduction of all the beneficiary names and co-operation regarding new transactions and deeds.

Mr. B. du Plessis.

The current matter at hand, has been duly discussed and agreed on by all relevant parties and new members. Allocations of all former, present and future proceeds will be duly distributed with the consent of the leadership as per agreements. All the names of recipients and parties will be awarded as per fiscal allowance and all inputs and other correspondence will be communicated via the elected members as per instruction by the leaderships.

It was also decided that a closed meeting of all the elected recipients will be informed of the offsets and investments arms are agreed. All documentation realting to these matters has been allocated to the reserve bank for concurrence and all the financial assistants to all parties will be agreed on once the full division of the investments have been calculated. It was also decided to finance the other newly elected members as per advise of the leaderships.

Remember that as agreed, we will have Ramaphosa as a non voting delegate at their conference to further our agenda and that as time goes on, we will have all our agreed plans and action in full operation. The main subject would be for him to become their SG so the our influence and orders in the organisation can be installed and carried out. He will make sure that Moisia gets into the position as organised and Gordon will be recommended to a position of influence as directed by the leaderships. These will all be steps that will be implemented and the leaderships has agreed on all these acts in principal.

The full amounts of transfers will be discussed at the next leadership meetings and it will be at the Groote schuur complex with the full agenda of the transfers and current and newly suggested parties. It must also be added that all the amounts runs into billions and extra care will be taken to assure all parties of a fair share and that no additions will be allowed to exist or no unauthorized transactions will be entertained as instructed by the full leadership. It was also deced that the bailouts of certain bank will be changed to rescue plan and that the other banks will assist in the set up of account and will assist all new parties with properties, vehicles and other needs as requested.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284437 (021342ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 (Parts 1-3)

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From 1:06:00 – Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 – Part 2


“The ANC Delegation”

It has been decided in principal that the shares and all the other deposits will be decided between all parties as agreed by the full leadership. The accumulated amounts and other disposable assets will be listed and will be deposited into the agree accounts and companies as suggested by the Broederbond [Anton Rupert as leader] delegation. There will be accounts created for specific deposits and those deposits will be regarded as shares into the financial markets. The bonds will be administered by the newly formed bank [ABSA] and will be the source of the income as prescribed in our past meetings.

The reserve bank governor will stay int hat position as advised by the full leaderships to oversee the full effect of all transfers of assets and funds and will assist in the investment portfolios of all new parties. The principle agreement to pay the outgoing administration and to secure the exact opportunities for the incoming party will be implemented with immediate effect as agree by the leaderships.

There is also an agreement with all the external banks who hold large deposit to make certain changes and to act in a manner that satisfy all parties mention in the memorandum that was co signed by the full leadership of all concerned parties.

It has been agreed that the H Hughes account will be available to assist and distribute funds to the new establishment. Full details of the account has been given to the leaderships and a resolution on the matter was taken with the full acknowledgement of the banks.

It will be decide at a later date or by the leadership on how to deal with the Luxembourg gold refinery operations and the other smaller refineries. The new establishment will allow the reserve bank shareholders to advise on these matters and will also assist in the operations shut down.

Here are the incoming party “ANC” members who will take over the investments and other financial benefits as agreed by the full leadership:

1. Mr T Sexwala (who was one of the first on the scene when Chris Hani was murdered on 10 April 1993)

2. Mr Maharaj

3. Mr J Radebe (Nomination Provided)

4. Ms R Mompati

5. Mr Thomas Nkobi

6. Mr M Khumalo

7. Mr A Stofile

8. Mr M Phosa

9. Mr A Kathrada

10. Mr P Maduna

The other members will be advised at a later date of assistants in all financial matters and can be assured of future benefits. The Swiss Payment that was received in January, as agreed (R110m) will be shared amongst those members not listed or whose names will be included in the new revised settlements will share in the mentioned Swiss funds. Allocations of vehicles and other assets will be distributed in accordance with the agreed memorandum of understanding that was drafted by the Busines components.

-All those members who will not make it into certain government or other related institutions, will be incorporated into company boards with benefits as agreed by the leaderships and will hold certain positions to further the cause of other. It must be stressed that all the other members will be accommodated after 1994 as agreed by the leaderships.

Mr Barends will also inform the leaderships of the current trenches of cash flows to assist the leagues and other internal parts of the organisation.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284441 (021343ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 (Parts 1-3)

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From 1:06:00 – Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 – Part 3


Lesotho as the Republic of Lesotho.

All related funds from the Lesotho Republic will be distributed amongst the most senior leaders and will include those in the Broederbond Establishment.

The current funds in the Reserve Bank will be allocated to the beneficiaries list current with the local board and the must oversee the full redistribution of the all those funds.

-All leaderships agreed that most funds must be routed to international institutions and that such funds will be returned to South Africa after the new finance ministers appointment. The funds will still be guided as per transaction details prescribed to the fund holders and the incoming panel of a joint taks team from all sides will assist and set-up the beneficiary list.

Mr Rupert will guide the panel as instructed and will make all transactions via the insurance and bond related accounts and will liaise directly with the fund holders and will have full excess to the boards of the three banks and also that of the reserve bank.

It has also been agreed that the leadership of the UDF members and those in the church dominations, will be included on the advise of the ANC leadership.

Mr K Coetzee has agreed in principal that certain people be relocated as to the previous Lusaka Memo of Understanding and that those people under the guide of the London instructions must be incorporated to the Transvaal area as for safety and accommodation reasons.

Mr Hughes will be informed as to the direction of transfers and will be guided on this matter by the bank who holds the majority stock of transfers.

All other related matters regarding the new system to be introduced in the next few months will be implemented and as per instructions of by the full leadership, the bonds system and naming of the finance instruments will be altered to give excess to the new owners as was agreed.

This memorandum has been agreed to by all relevant parties.

1:30:18 – “This is the story to be told to the world… It’s only the beginning of the story to be told.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284461 (021348ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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>The “Project Hammer” classified documents and all other past operations document has been moved to the agreed meeting places under the instructions and careful guide of Mr. Van Rooyen. I have also noted that all the financial aspects and the sale and negotiations around the gold and diamonds from the stocks from the homelands [Bantustans] and surrounding countries, were all redirected by the instructions of Mr. Stander. This information is just the tip of an iceberg and I can directly implicate so many names and corporations that had their hands in deposits that was looted from other institutions and private business owners from Botswana, Lesotho, Ciskei, and South West Africa [Namibia].

>Mr G Laubsher


>It has been agreed that the H Hughes account will be available to assist and distribute funds to the new establishment.


>Mr Hughes will be informed as to the direction of transfers and will be guided on this matter by the bank who holds the majority stock of transfers.



6 May 2017

Article by: Lethu Menziwa


For 2 decades accusations against the FW de Klerk government have been flying about. Many people have been whispering about huge sums of money being paid over by Swiss Bank accounts to NP politicians and government operators to hand over the SA government to the ANC. For 18 years nothing could be proven, till now:


Gen. Erle Cocke ran Nugan Hand Bank’s Washington office. In April 2000, Cocke gave a deposition running to 67 pages concerning his knowledge and involvement in Project Hammer.

Ten days later he died from Pancreatic cancer. His explosive deposition reveals him as a very significant and highly connected player in a world few of us are familiar with.

Cocke related in his statement how Citibank was used as halfway stop for dodgy financial dealings in ‘black gold’ through “Project Hammer”– some 30 accounts used.

Asked where these accounts were located, Cocke responded saying – “In almost one solid block at Citibank.”


Project “Hammer” was a desperate undertaking by the USA gov. to rescue some of its major banks, who, by the end of the 1980’s, faced insolvency. These banks included Citibank, HSBC, Chase Manhatten and the Bank of New York. The project was designed to cipher gold and diamonds as collateral as an emergency buoy for the ailing banks and to put the USA’s economy on track again. It is at this stage that South Africa’s De Klerk government entered the fray – as major gold and diamond supplier, it was the easiest and cheapest way to rescue the USA banking sector. Only one small problem: South Africa was in political turmoil with the white rightwing challenging the NP government on all fronts.

The best smokescreen Citibank could think upon to move large amounts of money and gold bullion was: Create political instability (between the NP gov. and the ANC. Then create a political vacuum where dodgy gold and diamond deals could be done without too many questions (maybe even an interim NP/ANC gov. where the minimum control would facilitate covert gold and diamond movements). Project ” Hammer “involved the trading of $13.6 trillion in debentures resulting in a ‘fallout’ of about $1.1 trillion which was stashed in the Howard Hughes account in Credit Suisse. Obviously, in a project of this size, a lot of organizations had to be involved: The CIA, FBI, all the NSA agencies, Pentagon in the broadest sense of it and as such, the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Nobody got out of the act, and everybody wanted to get in on the act –for there was lots and lots of money to be made.

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870cef No.44093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284467 (021349ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017


Another individual who has played a considerable role in Project “Hammer,” was Rolf van Rooyen, who operated a number of business entities including one called ‘Oceantech’ and another called ‘Eastech’ International Bank. At one time Van Rooyen worked for SA Intelligence and is also believed to have been working for the CIA at the time Project “Hammer ” was in process. Of significance is the fact that Gen. Cocke and Van Rooyen knew each other, although Cocke says he only spoke to him on the phone but never ‘shook hands with him’.

During a police interview in Germany in 1995, Van Rooyen – when questioned about Project “Hammer ” responded:” If you are referring to Operation Hamer, it is an extremely large, very delicate operation in co-operation with the authorities of various countries in which Oceantech is involved..”

Working alongside Van Rooyen, was SA ntelligence operative Riaan Stander. Both Stander and Van Rooyen were board members of the “Eastcorp Syndicate” which boasted almost two dozen other companies in it’s stable. Included were Intercol Pty Ltd, Cavo Shipping – which conducted intelligence gathering missions for governments, and Bridge S.A. The latter was registered in Monrovia, Liberia.

According to Peter Goslar, once a close friend of Riaan Stander, other board members of Bridge S.A., were Colonel Tim Spicer and Mick Ranger of ‘Sandline’ fame. In a letter written to a Washington law firm involved in a lawsuit involving Project “Hammer“-, Goslar fingers Bridge S.A. – and hence Van Rooyen and Riaan Stander, as “part of the Executive Outcomes operation.” Eastech International Bank, was underwritten by a Mexican firm Ro-Mar Pharmaceuticals, a firm claiming to control over $100 billion in gold.

Van Rooyen and Stander entered Eastech into an agreement to purchase 5000 metric tones of gold at a discount of 4% from the Second London Fix. This gold was held in the free zone area beneath Zurich’s Kloten Airport. Interestingly, the contract, which ran to 6 pages, bears the official stamp of the Swiss Police, authorizing and validating the transaction. By 1995, Eastech International Bank had begun to hit the radar screen of regulatory authorities around the world that viewed it with suspicion, but by then it seems probable that much of Project “Hammer’s ” SA objectives had been fulfilled. Fearing the worse, Rolf Van Rooyen left S.A. and traveled to Germany. According to his one time friend, Peter Goslar, this is where he still lives albeit protected by former members of the East Germany’s Stasi spy-network.

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870cef No.44094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284474 (021350ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017

Rudolph Ignatius van Rooyen – born in Kroonstad on 29 April 1959

Last known address: Rheinstern Hotel 1610, Rheinstern, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Alias – Rolf Rondine.

Director – Eastech International Bank, established in China and underwritten by a Mexican Firm. Contact person – Miss Lin Ying, China.

Riaan Stander – Security director of Eastech

Steve Potnak – managing director of Eastech Bank

Steve Pansegrow – military intelligence officer supplying Eastech with intelligence reports. He also supplied highly confidential information to C1, in the names of Eugene de Kock and Pieter Botha. Pansegrow’s wife was a receptionist for Van Rooyen and Stander.

Irma Els – operator helping in Ifafa – Eastcorp.

Fanie Smith – operator who signed validation certificates for Eastcorp.

– Letter of credit no. 9022101 signed by Fanie Smith and honoured by the bank and with a revenue stamp of the Greek gov.

– Certificate of deposit of $5 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Certificate of deposit of $25 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Directors of Eastcorp and Intercol as at the registrar of companies: Roelf van Rooyen, Riaan Stander, Douglas Randall. Intercol: Eugene de Kock, Gen. Tai Minnaar, Pieter Botha. Policemen and members of military intelligence served on both Eastcorp and Intercol.

– Dr. HP Bauer – involved with operator “Rosie”, Dr. HJ Schuster – agent of FAS in the US, Julian Rosie – director of FAS in South Africa.

– Riaan Stander liased directly with intel. Officers fromC1 (SA Police), namely Eugene de Kock, Chappies Kloppers, Pieter Botha and Willie Nortje. They asked help from Eastech to infiltrate rightwing groups in Pietersburg and for help in the movement of large quantities of weapons.

– MAS 57/08/92 – Pretoria North Case ref, investigation officer – Lt. Col. AE Botha conducted and investigation into the irregularities, but it wasnever made public or brought to court.

In October 1998, a German intelligence operator forwarded a document marked “Top Secret” to Gerhard Laubsher of the S.A. National Intelligence Agency, marked MZ/HRB/10-10/98 ser. Noj/IBI citing the disappearance of $223 104 000 008 from the South African economy through ‘black gold’ dealings.

In the report the following 47 persons were named:

FW de Klerk, Hernus Kriel, Chris Stals, Japie Jacobs, Org Marais, Anton Rupert, Johan Rupert, James Cross, Christo Wiese (SARB), Christo Wiese (Boland Bank), Dr. Swanepoel, Dr. Groenewald, Mr. Potgieter, Alwyn Lombard, Jan Lombard, Barend du Plessis, Commisionar Blaauw (western cape), Simon Nothnagel, Simon and Peter Nassau, Giel Nieuwoudt, Ben Zuma, Anton Welch, George Hill, BB de Klerk, Chris Nissan, Kobus Kirsten,Van Deventer, Boet Claasen, Big John Smith, Willem Korden/Kordan, Daniel Julius, Jan Koch, John and Faize Adams, Peter Blake, Nick Fourie, Magistrate Liebenberg, Casiem and Shahida Brey, Peter Mopp, Riaan Engelbrecht, Peter Goslar, Detective Justin Swart, Charles/Lester Newton, Robert Ferguson and Wynand Louw:

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870cef No.44095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284475 (021352ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017

The report quotes:

4.7 The RSA has in excess 3000 tons of gold in storage. We can identify that Cloten in Switzerland, Luxembourg and London are used extensively for stored gold.

4.8 The RSA has a small refinery in Switzerland and deals with an other small refinery in Luxembourg (owned by Italian members) to refine gold, remove the markings on the gold.

4.9 The RSA selling 550 tons of gold every year and approximately 50 tons of gold is stolen every year.

4.12 Some of this money is then recycled back in RSA.

4.13 Some examples: The recent announced merger of Goldfields and Gencor. The purchase of BOE, NBS, OK Bazaars etc. by Christo Wiese. Old Mutual Bibby Group. Gencor’s Billiton Group. Rembrands Richmond Group. Anglo Americans Miners Group.

6.3 High yield investments goes generally through Volkskas Bank, Nedbank, Boland andStandard-Chartered Bank RSA, all with approval from the SARB.

6.4 Arnold van Eck, offshore in –Imposses des Michandes, Veyreier du Luc, 74000 Anmecy-France, Bis Avenue D’Albigny, 74000 Anmecy-Le Veux, Adriaan (Riaan) Stander, Switzerland, 17 Rue de Levi, Crans Montana.

6.5 Van Ecks Associates, Clientel, Co. Directors are all well known military intelligence officers and political figures. Large sums of funds to almost $1.6 billion were handled and controlled by the Van Eck Syndicate on instructions of these politicians and intelligence officers – There are in RSA R37 million in farms unaccounted for. $40 million are being held in secret accounts in Van Ecks name. An unauthorized amount of$6 million was paid to Mrs. Van Eck. There are in RSA various assets of enormous value, belonging to Afri-Air, a total of at least R700 million.Overseas funding in $ 400 million, is also unaccounted for. A further amount of $ 7000 million unaccounted, controlled by Van Eck.

After scrutinizing some of Riaan Stander’s bank accounts, the following was found:

Adriaan Barend Stander

Selbornelaan 141

Lyttelton Manor, Pta.

Account name: Intercol Consultants (Pty) Ltd.

Volkskas bank – 0609-142-596, Verwoerdburg branch.

Account name: Intercol Consultants


Arcadia, Pretoria branch

Eastcorp South Africa

Bankcorp London

Swiftref – TBOAGB2L

90 Long Acre

London SC2E 9SF

Account name

Eastcorp main account – 01-38496030-4

El Rosario Trust account – (Eastcorp HQ) – 01-38497030-0

Anti Crisi (Eastcorp Technical Division) 01-38498030-5

Eastech International Bank SA

Boland bank

Swiftref: BOLBZAJC

Pretoria branch

Account name: Estech International Bank – 136 873 6001

Relevant bank official – Mr. L. Coetzee – Gen Man.

Eastech International Bank – Tacoma, Washington.

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870cef No.44096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284480 (021353ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017

Moving money between accounts is easy, especially when it is done with the blessing of the major banks and government, but moving gold and weapons around the globe is not so easy.

Enter one of the key players, shipping tycoon Tony Giordiadis, from Greece. Giordiadis had very close ties with Richard Carter (now corporate manager of BMW), the spokesperson for the SA President FW de Klerk. On May 11 and 12, 1990, De Klerk paid an official visit to Greece.Here he met with Pres. Caramanlis and Prime Minister Mitsosakies. De Klerk also met Tony Gordiakis at this time. Of Greek origin, but London based, Georgiadis shipped oil to SA in contravention of sanctions and developed close relations with members of the NP gov. to distribute money freely, Georgiadis opened a bank account in Liberia for Mallar Incorporated (it was also through this account that bribes to the tune of $22 million were paid to ANC officials during the Arms Deal).

Geordiadis’s father-in-law Lanaras once served as director of the shipping firm Alandis. The conspirators were faced by another huge obstacle – the loyal members of the Defence Force, Military Intelligence, National Intelligence Agency and the South Africa Police, who would immediately put a stop to the transactions, should they find out.


De Klerk fired all loyal officers so that his collaborators could move freely. On December 19, 1992, FW de Klerk fired 23 senior army officers, including navy officers, who could pose a threat to his plans.

So great was the speed with which De Klerk acted that even the army’s public relations office was not informed of the press conference. In addition, many of the officers disciplined, were on holiday and were unaware of their suspension.

The axed officers included: Major-General Chris Thirion, Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, who had a reputation of being one of the more progressive of the younger generation of generals, Major-General Hennie Rouw, Chief of Army Intelligence, Brigadier Ferdie Van Wyk, Director of Army Communications, who master-minded “Project Echoes,” Brigadier Tolletjies Botha, Director – Directorate of Covert Collection, which was raided in November by investigators of the Goldstone Commission, including UN personnel, Brigadier Oos van der Merwe,Director of Army Intelligence, Commander Jack Widdowson of the Navy. He named only three other officers, Colonel At Nel, Colonel Chris Prinsloo and Commandant Stephen Snyders, who were all put on “compulsory leave.”

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870cef No.44097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284487 (021355ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017

This followed the purge of 19 police generals in August as part of a drive to bring the police” in line with the negotiation process. ” The further Indemnity Act pushed through parliament in August, needed to help ease officers out. The November raid on Military Intelligence’s Directorate of Covert Collection in November, by Goldstone investigators which provided the pretext for setting up the probe headed by Gen. Pierre Steyn.

A top-level meeting between senior Umkhonto We Sizwe and SADF officials in early August, brokered by the National Intelligence Service, which generally carries out the will of the cabinet. December’s ‘rationalisation’ measures which include the retrenchment of 6000 middle ranking officers followed. In just 5 months, De Klerk had opened the door wide, for his own operators to continue the sell-out.

“I have never before seen a government destroy its own power base, such as this one is doing” – said former chief of Military Intelligence, Gen. Tienie Groenewald, while the country is steadily moving towards complete chaos, the government has effectively neutralized the SADF’s intelligence capacities by removing the eyes, ears and nose of the defense forces.

The Greek shipping tycoon could now go about his business unhindered. Georgiadis was of course also implicated in the swindle with the sinking of the greek ship , Salem, off the African coast earlier in what was decribed by Loydds of Great Britian as “the biggest maritime swindle ever. “Salem – Lloyd’s pursues what may be the biggest maritime swindle ever – At 10:50am Greenwich time on Jan. 17, crewmen aboard the tanker British Trident, sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal in Northwest Africa. The Salem, a 214 000 ton supertanker, registered in Liberia, was listing and dead in the water. By radio contact with the tanker, Trident learned that a series of mysterious explosions was responsible for the disaster. Indeed, a cloud of orange smoke billowed from the tanker’s deck. By 11:30 the disabled ship’s greek-born captain, Dimitrios Georgoulis, and his 22 crewmen, most of them Tunisians, had….”

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870cef No.44098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284490 (021357ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

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6 May 2017

Side note:

It was at this time that the whole Project “Hammer ” was put at risk by FW de Klerk’s impulsiveness. German operators learned that De Klerk was having an affair with Georgiadis’s wife, Elita (Lanaras’s daughter).

A memorandum was sent to the CIA, who decided to put a lid on the affair, until after the completion of Project “Hammer.

“Knowledge of the affair would not only open a can of worms, but it was not clear what Georgiadis’s reaction to the affair would be. It this only became public after another two years.

There would be a twist – Marike de Klerk.. When FW de Klerk divorced Marike to marry Elita, a clause was written into the divorce agreement that De Klerk would be able to censor any books or article Marike might decide to write – which indeed he did when he prevented the publication of a chapter titled Grotgesprek (cave conversation) in the autobiography titled “‘n Plek waar die son weer skyn.”

But Marike de Klerk was not done yet. Then, sadly, on 2 Dec. 2001, she was brutally “murdered” in her Dolphin Beach complex, Bloubergstrand apartment, hours after sending an undisclosed fax to Holland.

Curiously – the European Union paid R30 000 into the account of the murder accused – Mboniswa, channeled by the Foundation for Human Rights, for “DNA tests.”

Mboniswa stood trial in the Western Cape High Court and was found guilty of the murder, without taking the stand in his own defense.

What was to follow was the orchestrated and directed ‘political reform’ as was dictated to by foreigners of this country. The reform was steered by international banks/financiers as well as foreign intelligence agencies. The subsequent buy-out of South African politicians and role players, culminated in the demise of a country…

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870cef No.44099

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284657 (021447ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

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“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40” – Part 1


30 July 2023

By: Allan Boesak

Below are excerpts

My sincere apologies for responding only now to your invitation to join your group “UDF40” in your commemoration of the UDF and your “Call to Action” on August 20. Thank you very much for the invitation and for your patience. You honour me by inviting me to be a part of this event, which under different circumstances would have brought great joy to my heart. You and I had been comrades in the UDF, and shared so much of the dreams and hopes of our people, in those extraordinary times. I will, in return, honour you by trying to be as honest as I can. I am writing this letter, rather than talk on the telephone, so that I can be as clear as possible, and there would be no misunderstanding on why I will not be joining you in this effort, and in your celebrations of the UDF on August 20.

Across the country, there is virtually no disagreement on what South Africans are facing right now as a result of governmental mismanagement over thirty years, that something needs to be done urgently, and that our people need to be united and inspired toward action. However, I have been confirmed in my instinctive hesitation about the group you represent. That is the group you yourself have identified as the so-called “Defend our Democracy” group.

That refusal to take any responsibility at all, while the ANC is so obsessed with “collective decision making” when it suits them, is a political Pontius Pilate washing-of-the-hands attitude that has now become disastrously ingrained in the ANC. It is a prime example of the pseudo-innocence I talked about already in 1976: the feigning of ignorance while reaping the benefits of abusive power and systemic injustice. It is the fig leaf for political chicanery and moral recklessness that is the open door to that impunity that have destroyed our people’s trust in our democratic institutions from parliament to the courts. No wonder his was a “dawn” where the sun never rose.

Those who tried to do their constitutional duty were either publicly debased, intimidated, or suspended. Still, not a word.

It looks to me that you were not so much defending our democracy as defending Cyril. That is not about principle. It is about personal political and economic gain…Not just that Cyril Ramaphosa has to go, but that the ANC as a whole is enveloped by a culture that has put it beyond redemption; that in fact, the whole system chosen for our people in your secret talks with the old apartheid white capitalist class, is rotten to the core. Like apartheid, it cannot be reformed, it has to be irrevocably eradicated. I said this in 1983. It is even more true today.

But also, my Brother, as I look through the names you mention and names I know in this faction, I recognise those who, when the ANC with such unseemly haste decided to demolish the UDF, were singing loudest in that choir. I remember who they sent to me to convince me of the political rightness of that decision, how I refused, until they sent Madiba, under whose weight I eventually crumbled – a moment I still deeply regret. But they supported that position, because it would prove to be so rewarding. It is only a few weeks ago that I heard, for the first time after all these years, that the funeral of the UDF in Mitchell’s Plain was followed by a celebration party in the old Carlton Hotel. How fitting, and how ineffably sad. So I have to ask myself, are these the same people who are now calling for the revival of the UDF?

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870cef No.44100

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284667 (021451ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

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>I can tell you the readers [k]now that Mr Boesak will become a scapegoat [to] them because of what he was aware of and the directions that was ordered by Malherbe and Rupert.


>It has also been agreed that the leadership of the UDF members and those in the church dominations, will be included on the advise of the ANC leadership.


“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40” – Part 2


30 July 2023

By: Allan Boesak

Below are excerpts

Moreover, in these decades of ANC rule, many of those persons have taken governmental responsibility at one level or another, made decisions about policy to the detriment of the vast majority of our people. They have gained position, privileges and riches beyond imagination over these last thirty years, including those nine dark years. The darkness did not matter, as long as the bank accounts were swelling. Many of us came to the conclusion that these were efforts, not to defend our democracy, but their faction’s version of the ANC instead, and to protect the president, from whose favour so many blessings flow, in the process shamelessly exploiting, and betraying, the trust of the people, spitting upon their sacrifices.

Now, however, it seems that the game is up. The ANC can no longer hide the fact that it is a factionalised, paralysed party, mesmerised by greed, and hypnotised by its own delusions, chief of which is the myth that it can “correct itself.” But, as the Bible says, “Your sins will find you out.” As the 2024 elections draw near, the ANC has not only run out of ideas, or courage, or vision. It has outrun its nobility, in the process leaving the people behind, as in the picture drawn by the prophet Isaiah, almost three thousand years ago: “We grope like the blind along a wall … we stumble at noon as in the twilight…” All because “justice is far from us.”

For there was a time in South Africa forty years ago, when faith communities and educational institutions, universities and high schools, lecturers and students, workers and the unemployed, people from all walks of life, across the artificial barriers of skin colour, race, class, culture, religion, and language came together. We saw the world of apartheid through the eyes of those who suffered, and we rose up in resistance. Our protest was relentless and purposeful, and not in any way, as Adam Small cautioned us, a form of begging.

But that was before the days of euphoria and illusion. Before we told ourselves that a negotiated settlement signified the coming of the reign of God. Before we decided that honouring our people’s sacrifices was too much of a hindrance to the profitable deals made with the old white, apartheid, capitalist class. Before we were so mesmerised by the wizardry of Mammon and the intoxications of power that we forgot the subversive memories of struggle. That was before we began to use parliamentary privilege to disguise our crimes, turning the people’s House into a refuge for scoundrels. Before we left the battlefields of justice to hide ourselves in the draughty caves of kleptocracy, self-aggrandizement and instant gratification.

It is no wonder that we ended up where we are today, as a country, and as a people. We are a people severely diminished by politics without principles, leadership without vision, policies without commitment, and hence by failure after failure. We are drowning in corruption, and lies, and cover-ups. We are plagued by deceit and confounded by subterfuge. Our disastrous choices for neo-liberal capitalist economic policies have deepened the generational impoverishment of our people while creating new millionaires every second week it seems, by some crooked scheme or another, making us the most unequal society in the world today.

In 1985, in those state-of-emergency days, I made a poster of the words of African Church Father Augustine. ”A government that does not know justice is no more than a gang of robbers.” That was as true in the 5th century as it was in the 20th. It is as true now, in the 21st, under Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC. We are indeed ruled by a gang of robbers.

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870cef No.44101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284687 (021455ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

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“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40” – Part 3


30 July 2023

By: Allan Boesak

Below are excerpts

So now, some in the ANC realise the enormity of that mistake, for that is the “spirit of the UDF” you are now all looking for. That, however, is the very spirit you have tried to banish, thirty two years ago. That is why there are some now regurgitating (in my presence!) the false claim that the UDF was, in actual fact, the “internal wing” of the ANC, its own child, so to speak. I find that repetition of the old National Party propaganda trope unspeakably cynical, for what does it make you when you are the one who killed your own child? And can people, who never speak of miracles, but rather of “the balance of forces” and their own cleverness, now claim to believe in something miraculous like a resurrection?

But even more importantly, a spirit has to find a home. I do not believe that the spirit of the UDF will find a home in the ANC as it is today. That spirit is indeed desperately needed, but it has to find a home within the people, like in 1983, from all walks of life, across the boundaries of race, pigmentation, religion, language and culture, and like in 1983, outside of institutionalised politics. Not connected to a factionalised, self-centered, vote-seeking but not people-serving political organisation that since its return has been smothering every possibility for a just, equitable, inclusive, truly non-racial, democratic society, when it reintroduced those despised apartheid racial categories that we had so marvellously overcome in the Black Consciousness Movement and in the UDF. Even to this day, with its new Employment Equity Amendment Act. Despite the clumsy gymnastics, so-called coloured people know exactly what that means. They have experienced it from the first mention of affirmative action, from denying and erasing their role in the struggle to pretending that they abandoned the ANC as soon as 1994 dawned. But they were at the heart and soul of the UDF and they don’t forget. Our people on the Cape Flats and in the far platteland may not be powerful and many are not highly educated, but they are not stupid.

As you can imagine, everywhere I go these days there are people reminding me of my speech at the launch. You’ve seen the clips going around, I’m sure. So I went back to remind myself of some of my words. Please indulge me if I repeat them here, for you and me both, since for me, they have remained a kind of pledge. “This country is our country, and its future is not safe in the hands of people – white or black – who despise democracy and trample on the rights of the people. Its future is not safe in the hands of people – white or black – who depend upon economic exploitation and human degradation to build their empires. Its future is not safe in the hands of people – white or black – who need the flimsy and deceitful cloak of ethnic superiority to cover the nakedness of their racism. Its future is not safe in the hands of people – white or black – who seek to secure their unjustly required positions by violent repression of the weak, the exploited and the needy. Its future is not safe in the hands of people – white or black – who put their faith simply in the madness of growing militarism. So for the sake of our country and our children, whether you be white or black, resist those people, whether they be white or black.” That’s exactly where we are today, and that is what I am still trying to do, as faithfully as I can.

As far as I could determine, you have not been able to convince the people as a whole that your agenda is anything but an effort to give life, credibility, and authenticity to the ANC, floundering in the stormy seas of its own hubris.

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870cef No.44102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284691 (021456ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

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“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40” – Part 4


30 July 2023

By: Allan Boesak

Below are excerpts

Our people cannot be at home in an organisation that we loved and entrusted our power to, and that now leaves us at the ballot box, wondering why we have to choose between the lesser of multiple evils, instead of securing and consolidating our freedom. I say this because, at this moment, I have very little faith in other political parties as an alternative. Meanwhile, there is all this talk about “the grand coalition” with the DA. Desperation makes for strange bedfellows, but perhaps there is something more sinister afoot. Nonetheless, that will be a disaster, not only because the DA, where it governs, has a better record than the ANC, and with the ANC’s weak leadership will be the senior partner, whichever way one looks at it; but primarily in my view, because the DA is the most successful neo-colonialist project on the continent. Our downslide into neo-liberalist capitalist chaos will only continue, to the detriment of the vast majority our people.

So it pains me to say that for all these reasons, and more that I will not discuss here my dear Brother, I will not be joining you. But thank you for doing me the courtesy of inviting me.

Sincerely and with warm regards

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870cef No.44103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19284761 (021518ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Harry Oppenheimer biography shows the South African mining magnate’s hand in economic policies

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>Urban Foundation





>Lusaka [Zambia]

“Harry Oppenheimer biography shows the South African mining magnate’s hand in economic policies”


Published: June 1, 2023 4.39pm CEST

[Michael] Cardo’s reckoning is that Oppenheimer transcended his country’s parochial political arena to become a significant figure on the world stage. As chairman of both Anglo-American Corporation and De Beers Consolidated Mines, he expanded their global reach and dominion.

Later, when liberals formed the Progressive Party, he [Harry Oppenheimer] lent them his firm support. He became the party’s main funder and power behind the throne.

Cardo characterises Oppenheimer’s liberalism as “pragmatic”, opposing the idea of a universal franchise. Instead, he favoured a common roll qualified franchise. On this basis, he met Albert Luthuli, leader of the African National Congress (ANC), to see if he would play ball (which he wouldn’t). Nonetheless, he gave discreet financial backing to the defendants in the Treason Trial which, beginning in 1956, saw 156 anti-apartheid activists, including Nelson Mandela, accused of treason.

Regarding himself heir to British colonialist and businessman Cecil Rhodes, he deplored the threat to civilisation represented by “primitive tribesmen”. Yet he had to accommodate Africa’s new heads of state if his ever-expanding commercial empire was to flourish. He struck up cordial relationships with both presidents Kenneth Kaunda (of today’s Zambia) and Julius Nyerere (of today’s Tanzania), despite questioning their socialist policies. Indeed, his fondness for Kaunda survived the latter’s (catastrophic) nationalisation of Anglo’s operations in Zambia in 1974.

Shocked by the Soweto uprising in 1976 and fearing bloody revolution and the installation of a Marxist government, he collaborated with fellow tycoon and philanthropist Anton Rupert to establish the Urban Foundation.

Even after his retirement in 1982, Oppenheimer’s influence did not wane. His views remained highly sought after, especially internationally. He exercised all the soft power at his disposal, through Anglo and his personal contacts with politicians locally and internationally.

His advice to prime minister and president PW Botha to inaugurate multiracial negotiations was ignored. But when Botha’s notorious “Rubicon” speech in August 1985 prompted a massive outflow of capital, he urged US companies to resist the disinvestment drive. Meanwhile, he backed initiatives for democracy which would not crash the economy.

All these efforts were capped by Gavin Relly, who had succeeded Oppenheimer as chairman of Anglo, meeting with the ANC in exile. Oppenheimer considered Relly’s initiative “unwise” (p. 375), yet he did not move to stop it. When the meeting was held at Kaunda’s safari ranch in Zambia, it was a roaring success. There was a friendly but robust exchange of views between the old white corporate elite and the new black political elite about the inevitability of liberal democratic governance (p.376).

Oppenheimer and Anglo now reached out to leading figures in the ANC to reshape their ideas on the economy. In Nelson Mandela they found a man who was willing to listen. Soon he became a regular dinner guest at Brenthurst. Yet, famously, it was not Oppenheimer and Anglo who shifted Mandela’s views on nationalisation, but the advice of Chinese and Vietnamese socialist leaders at the meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos in February 1992. Oppenheimer grew in confidence as his intimacy with Mandela developed, and the message that private enterprise was essential was getting home. He foresaw a new government with which business could work (p.399). Nonetheless, he had long since sent much of his money abroad! (p.401).

Their solution, pioneered by Anglo and Sanlam, the historically Afrikaans insurance company, involved the transfer of unbundled assets to ANC luminaries. They established the model later codified as Black Economic Empowerment (p.413). Ultimately, Cardo concludes, this gave rise to an undesirable form of “comprador capitalism” – the alliance between big business and dependent political elites– for which Anglo and Oppenheimer must share the blame.

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870cef No.44104

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290248 (031237ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Richard Goldstone

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>he [Harry Oppenheimer] gave discreet financial backing to the defendants in the Treason Trial which, beginning in 1956, saw 156 anti-apartheid activists, including Nelson Mandela, accused of treason.


>Menell first met Mandela in the late 1950s, after she and her husband, mining executive Clive Menell, had helped to finance the 1959 staging of South Africa’s first all-black musical, King Kong. The show, incidentally, was restaged in Johannesburg this year.

>The 1959 show was loved by Mandela, who reportedly saw it more than once. Some time after that the Menells were asked to host him in Cape Town, and did. Clive Menell and Mandela became firm friends.

>“I don’t know what it was about them, but they did click very well,” Menell said. “It’s embarrassing, but Clive did not carry pictures of his children in his wallet. He carried pictures of Mandela.”

“Nelson Mandela is spared from a death sentence” – written by Richard Goldstone


By Richard J. Goldstone

November 1, 2013, 9:45 am CDT

Nelson Mandela rose to prominence in the 1950s as a leader of the African National Congress, a key opposition group to the apartheid policy of the government in South Africa. In 1963, Mandela and several other ANC leaders were charged with planning to commit sabotage and overthrow the government. Convictions could have resulted in the death penalty.

The court was to hear arguments the next day on the constitutionality of the death sentence under our new Bill of Rights. Mandela’s words moved the 11 new justices (including this writer) who had just taken their oaths of office to contemplate how radically different our history would have been if the three judges who had found Mandela and his comrades guilty of sabotage had imposed the death penalty as requested by the prosecutor.

All but one of the defendants were convicted, but Judge Quartus de Wet stopped short of ordering their executions and instead sentenced them to life in prison.


On 12 June 1964 Judge Quartus de Wet sentenced Nelson Mandela and seven others to life imprisonment for sabotage. For many years people incorrectly referred to the Rivonia Trial as the Rivonia Treason Trial. This was because in his remarks Justice De Wet said their crime was ‘in essence one of high treason’.

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870cef No.44105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290278 (031241ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Richard Goldstone

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>Brigadier Tolletjies Botha, Director - Directorate of Covert Collection, which was raided in November by investigators of the Goldstone Commission


>This followed the purge of 19 police generals in August as part of a drive to bring the police” in line with the negotiation process. ” The further Indemnity Act pushed through parliament in August, needed to help ease officers out. The November raid on Military Intelligence’s Directorate of Covert Collection in November, by Goldstone investigators which provided the pretext for setting up the probe headed by Gen. Pierre Steyn.

“Hon.RichardGoldstone” – Part 1


Former Judge, Constitutional Court

Richard J. Goldstone was born on the 26th October 1938. After graduating from the University of the Witwatersrand with a BA LLB cum laude in 1962 he practised as an Advocate at the Johannesburg Bar. In 1976 he was appointed Senior Counsel and in 1980 was made Judge of the Transvaal Supreme Court. In 1989 he was appointed Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. From July 1994 to October 2003 he was a Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. Since the spring of 2004, Justice Goldstone has been teaching as a visiting professor of law at number of United States Law Schools including Harvard Law School, Stanford Law School, NYU Law School, Fordham Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, and the University if Virginia Law School. During 2016 he also taught at the Central European University in Budapest and at Oxford University.

Justice Goldstone is a member of the boards of Physicians for Human Rights, and the Fordham University’s International Institute for Humanitarian Affairs. He is the chairman of the International Advisory Board of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. He chairs the advisory boards of the Brandeis University Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life, the Institute for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation and the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. He is a member of the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability. In April 2004, he was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the Independent International Committee, chaired by Paul Volcker, to investigate the Iraq Oil for Food program. He is the Honorary President of the Human Rights Institute of the International Bar Association. In 2008, he chaired a UN Committee to advise the United Nations on appropriate steps to preserve the archives and legacy of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. In 2009. he chaired the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on possible war crimes and international human rights violations committed by any party in the context of the military action in Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009.

From 1991 - 1994, he served as Chairperson of the Commission of Inquiry regarding Public Violence and Intimidation that came to be known as the Goldstone Commission. He was the Chairperson of the Standing Advisory Committee of Company Law from 1984 to 2004. From 15 August 1994 to September 1996 he served as the Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. During 1998 he was the chairperson of a high level group of international experts that met in Valencia, Spain, and drafted a Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities for the Director General of UNESCO (the Valencia Declaration). From August 1999 until December 2001he was the chairperson of the International Independent Inquiry on Kosovo. In December 2001 he was appointed as the co-chairperson of the International Task Force on Terrorism which was established by the International Bar Association. From 1999 to 2003 he served as a member of the International Group of Advisers of the International Committee of the Red Cross. From 1985 to 2000, Justice Goldstone was National President of the National Institute of Crime Prevention and the Rehabilitation of Offenders (NICRO).

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870cef No.44106

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290288 (031243ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Richard Goldstone

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“Hon.RichardGoldstone” – Part 2


From 1995 to 2007 he was the Chancellor of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The many awards he has received locally and internationally include the International Human Rights Award of the American Bar Association (1994) and Honorary Doctorates of Law from universities in South Africa, Europe, North America and Israel. He is an Honorary Bencher of the Inner Temple, London, an Honorary Fellow of St Johns College, Cambridge, an Honorary Member of the Association of the Bar of New York, and a Fellow of the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs at Harvard University. He is a Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In October 2006 he shared with Louise Arbour, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Thomas J. Dodd Prize in International Justice and Human Rights. In May, 2007 he received the Richard E. Neustadt Award from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In January 2007 he received the World Peace Through Law Award from the Whitney Harris Institute for Global Legal Studies at International Law at Washington University in St. Louis. In May 2009, he received the International Justice Award of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and in December 2009, the Stockholm Award for International Justice.

He is the author of For Humanity: Reflections of a War Crimes Investigator, (2001) Yale University Press, and the co-author of International Judicial Institutions: the Architecture of International Justice at Home and Abroad (2008) Routledge.

He is married (wife Noleen) and has two married daughters - Glenda and Nicole. He has four grandsons, Jason, Sean, Ben and Jordan.

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870cef No.44107

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290355 (031251ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant (Parts 1&2)

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Malema gets free coverage and farm murders continue…

“South Africa’s black party sings “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”.” - https://rumble.com/embed/v311orf/?pub=4

““Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant” – Part 1


31 Jul 2023 11:08 pm

The EFF leader's chanting of the controversial 'Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer' has now caught international attention.

South African-born Twitter owner Elon Musk has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to speak up amid the uproar over Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema‘s “Kill the Boer” chant.

The EFF leader is trending on social media following his party’s 10th-anniversary celebration at the FNB Stadium, where he chanted “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer”.

Malema’s chants have caught international attention, with Benny Johnson, an American commentator tweeting: “Shocking video shows South Africa’s black party singing ‘kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer’. This is all downstream from the rotten secular religion of wokeness and CRT plaguing America today. You have been warned.”

Shocking video shows South Africa’s black party singing “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer”

This is all downstream from the rotten secular religion of wokeness and CRT plaguing America today.

You have been warned.


pic.twitter.com/P4T8XqSjMq— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 31, 2023

Johnson’s tweet caught Musk’s attention, who accused the EFF of calling for the genocide of white people.

Musk commented: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa. @CyrilRamaphosa, why do you say nothing?”

The EFF leader, seemingly unmoved, told Musk he was talking [expletive].

‘Kill the Boer’: Malema vs AfriForum

The Equality Court last August ruled that the singing of “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer” by EFF supporters in Senekal in October 2020 was not hate speech.

However, AfriForum is appealing the ruling.

“The matter was heard in the High Court and there was a ruling on the matter last year. The matter will also serve before the Supreme Court of Appeals in September,” explained Ernst Roets, head of policy and action at AfriForum, on Monday.

Laying criminal charges with the Police against Malema for his “Kill the Boer …” and “shoot to kill” utterances the weekend pic.twitter.com/c6RyZeJVqA— Pieter Groenewald (@GroenewaldPJ) July 31, 2023

“This ruling creates a very dangerous precedent. The ruling sends out the disturbing message that the incitement of heinous murders on a certain group – based on their identities – is acceptable and carries no penalty.

“The question is whether the singing of the song “Kill the boer, kill the farmer” is indeed hate speech.

“Given the fact that the case is still sub judice and in the process of going to court, Malema has no right to sing the song.”

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870cef No.44108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19290356 (031252ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant (Parts 1&2)

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““Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant” – Part 2


31 Jul 2023 11:08 pm

Enters the Democratic Alliance

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader John Steenhuisen also announced on Monday his party would be filing charges against both Malema and the ANC government at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

“The first element of our UN case will focus on Malema’s repeated incitement of ethnic violence,” said Steenhuisen.

“The second element will charge the ANC national government before the UN over its years-long failure to take action against their one-time protégé even as brutal farm murders continue to escalate in the wake of Malema’s demagoguery.”

According to Steenhuisen, the charge will be laid in terms of Malema’s alleged violation of, at least, three key UN charters:

• The first is the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

• The second is the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities.

• The third is Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

“In addition to turning to the international community, we will also file a complaint with Parliament’s ethics committee against Malema, in his capacity as a Member of Parliament.

“We are further obtaining legal advice on approaching the Public Protector and the courts. But it is also important that we are honest about one thing.

“For more than a decade, the SA state has utterly failed to use appropriate internal remedies to stop Malema.”

In response, Malema said: “Bring it on small boy, we are not the ANC.”

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870cef No.44109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292545 (031932ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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>It has also been agreed that the leadership of the UDF members and those in the church dominations, will be included on the advise of the ANC leadership.


>“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40”


>Oppenheimer did not stop his duplicity with “liberal” political parties but also funded the “anti-Apartheid” movement through the United Democratic Front (UDF)

Popo Molefe


The Order of Luthuli in Silver

Profile of Popo Molefe

Popo Molefe was born in 1952 in Sophiatown, Johannesburg. He was one of eight children. He comes from a strong tradition of working-class parents. His mother was a domestic worker and his father a labourer. His political awareness began when he visited his mother in the suburb where she worked. He also bore witness to security police brutality in the townships. These experiences sharpened him politically from a young age. He looked for like-minded groups and found a home in the Black People’s Convention in 1973, which he joined while still at school. He also joined the South African Students’ Movement and became involved in the 1976 Soweto Uprising.

Molefe was part of the Soweto Action Committee, which founded the Azanian People’s Organisation (Azapo) in 1978. He became the chairperson of the Soweto branch of Azapo for a year in 1979 and 1980. With the influence of struggle stalwarts such as Joe Gqabi, Nelson Mandela and others, Molefe realised that there was a need to involve people of other race groups in the struggle against apartheid. This prompted him to work with other movements.

He resigned from Azapo due to clash of ideologies in 1981. He continued to work with groups that were looking to work together in realising the dream of a democratic South Africa. He was part of the group that established the Soweto Civic Organisation, and served on its committee between 1982 and 1984. In 1983 Molefe participated in the formation of the United Democratic Front (UDF). He was elected Secretary for the Transvaal region, and later served as National Secretary. He was involved in the UDF throughout its existence, and played an important role in the UDF, aside from when he was in prison.

In 1990 he was elected chairperson of the African National Congress’ (ANC) Alexandra branch and deputy chairperson of the ANC’s Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging region. In 1991 Molefe was elected to the National Executive Committee and the National Working Committee of the ANC. He became involved with rebuilding the ANC, was appointed chairperson of the 80th Anniversary Celebration Committee of the ANC and in 1992 became chairperson of the national election commission of the ANC. In 1994 Molefe became Premier of North West, a position he held until April 2004. Molefe continues to contribute to the development of South Africa as a democratic society. Molefe is currently Brand Ambassador for South Africa.

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870cef No.44110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292580 (031937ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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>He resigned from Azapo due to clash of ideologies in 1981. He continued to work with groups that were looking to work together in realising the dream of a democratic South Africa. He was part of the group that established the Soweto Civic Organisation, and served on its committee between 1982 and 1984. In 1983 Molefe participated in the formation of the United Democratic Front (UDF). He was elected Secretary for the Transvaal region, and later served as National Secretary. He was involved in the UDF throughout its existence, and played an important role in the UDF, aside from when he was in prison.

“The Conflict between the AZAPO and the UDF - popular violence in the 1980s and 1990s”


Below are excerpts

Popular violence in the decade between 1984 and 1993 is well documented. Existing literature on this brutally violent chapter in the history of the liberation struggle focuses largely on the conflict between the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). Equally significant was the bloody confrontation between the Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO) and the UDF. This feature examines this violent conflict, an intriguing episode as it pitted two liberation movements against each other.

Contemporary accounts of the conflict between AZAPO and the UDF emphasise the ideological divide as the root cause. A closer examination of the conflict reveals the existence of powerful local tensions that reinforced and were in turn reinforced by the divide between AZAPO and the UDF. In what the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) characterised as “war between AZAPO and the UDF in Soweto”, local tensions were as significant – if not more so – as ideological differences. This feature traces the origins and development of the ideological divide between AZAPO and the UDF. It then considers the ways in which this ideological divide shaped and influenced the conflict between AZAPO and the UDF in Soweto from 1984 to 1993.

At its inception in 1979 AZAPO adopted the Black Consciousness (BC) philosophy of the Black People’s Convention (BPC). In the first four years of its existence from 1979 to 1983, AZAPO included in its ranks activists increasingly drawn to non-racialism as articulated in the Freedom Charter. These included Curtis Nkondo, president in 1979 and sacked in 1980 for exhibiting what was referred to as “charterist tendencies”. Nkondo was elected president “in the mistaken belief that he was either PAC-inclined (Pan Africanist Congress) or would unite different groups” (Seekings, Jeremy, The UDF: A History of the United Democratic Front in South Africa, 1983-1991, p.36).

During 1982 Charterists were asserting themselves in civic associations, student organisations and trade unions. A broad front comprising the African National Congress (ANC), PAC-aligned formations and AZAPO, to be known as Maluti, was proposed. This was reported to have been suggested by the ANC in Swaziland and backed by Winnie Mandela. The proposal was communicated to Charterists in key centres across South Africa by MK Malefane – an associate of Mandela who claimed to be acting as her agent during her stay in Brandfort.

Charterists in Cape Town viewed the proposal with suspicion, fearing it would undermine the principles of non-racialism enshrined in the Freedom Charter. In Natal Malefane approached Archie Gumede, at the time the most senior ANC member who was active during the 1950s, with the proposal. While Gumede appeared to be considering its merits, the Soweto branch – led by Popo Molefe – rejected the idea. It is at this stage that the idea of a broad front made up of Charterists came to be considered a priority. Such a front was formed in April 1983, and became known as the UDF.

In the Eastern Cape Charterists became active in the resistance movement ahead of the formation of UDF in 1983. The Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation (PEBCO) adopted the Freedom Charter at its inception in 1979. AZAPO too had a significantly large following in the area. This could be associated with the legacy of Steve Biko and the influence of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM). Indeed, as popular violence spread to areas across South Africa, there were skirmishes between AZAPO and the UDF in the Eastern Cape. While, the conflict may have been ideological, there is no doubting the fact that it was also shaped by localized tensions that were reinforced by the ideological divide.

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870cef No.44111

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292590 (031939ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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>Popo Molefe

“Billions of Swedish Krona Supported Anti-Apartheid Struggle” – ““Palme’s secret agent,” Popo Molefe, co-founder of UDF” 1 of 2


March 14, 2019

Between 1982 and 1988 Birgitta Karlström Dorph was on a secret mission in South Africa. “Why didn’t they stop us? Probably they were not aware of the scope of the operation. The money was transferred through so many different channels. We were clever,” Karlström Dorph says.

The work was initiated by the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and the Swedish government, the details of which were not discussed in public.

Altogether, Sweden’s financial support for the black resistance against apartheid in South Africa between 1972 and 1994 amounted to more than SEK 4 billion ($443 million) in today’s value and that is an underestimation, according to figures reported by SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, https://www.sida.se/English/.

From 1982, a Swedish humanitarian committee, headed by the general director of SIDA, handled a huge aid effort whose secret elements the government perhaps was not fully aware of. Karlström Dorph’s work in South Africa was twofold comprising her official diplomatic posting and her secret mission.

“The documents that show what we did to support the underground resistance are still classified,” she explains.

Money from Sweden was transferred to leaders within the black resistance in South Africa. Sweden paid for Nelson Mandela’s lawyer, including while he was incarcerated on Robben Island. Sweden also provided the priest and anti-apartheid activist Beyers Naudé with funds when he was subjected to a banning order.

Funds were channeled from SIDA to organizations and small groups in Sweden and then into accounts of community organizations in South Africa.

One of the most important objectives was to build a civil society that eventually could negotiate with the government; individuals and organizations that eventually could take over.

“We established a program for scholarships. The Swedish Ecumenical Council, an umbrella organization of churches of all denominations, administered about 500 scholarships. People got money transferred into their accounts directly from Sweden. We tried to find relevant organizations throughout the black community,” she says.

People organized themselves and formed a more united opposition in South Africa. UDF, the United Democratic Front, was an umbrella organization for about 600 member organizations against apartheid. Many of the UDF leaders received money through the scholarships.

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870cef No.44112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292600 (031941ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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“Billions of Swedish Krona Supported Anti-Apartheid Struggle” – ““Palme’s secret agent,” Popo Molefe, co-founder of UDF” 2 of 2


March 14, 2019

According to Horst Kleinschmidt, a former political activist, Sweden contributed between 60 and 65 percent of the budget of the International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern Africa, or IDAF, an anti-apartheid organization. Between 1964 and 1991 the organization brought 100 million British Pounds into South Africa for the defense of thousands of political activists and to provide aid for their families while they were in prison.

The defense of political prisoners meant that when the prosecutor demanded capital punishment, the sentence was reduced to life in prison. Between 1960 and 1990 this effort saved tens of thousands of lives, according to the Swedish author Per Wästberg, who was involved in IDAF’s work.

Karlström Dorph got in touch with Winnie Mandela and visited her while Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.

In the Swedish documentary “Palme’s secret agent,” Popo Molefe, co-founder of UDF, explains Karlström Dorph’s role.

“Without the support of a strong and committed personality like Birgitta Karlström Dorph I do not think we would have been able to form the United Democratic Front, a coalition of social forces,” he says.

Between 1972 and 1994 the exiled ANC received about SEK 1.7 billion, or $188 million, in today’s value. At the time the ANC was considered a terrorist organization by the governments in the United Kingdom and the United States. The financial support from Sweden was more or less kept secret until the beginning of the 1990s.

Sweden’s involvement had been stronger and much more far-reaching than what was ever reported officially. [Think of Swedish environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, pushing the climate change agenda]

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870cef No.44113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19292657 (031952ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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>“UDF 40 : Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40”

>My sincere apologies for responding only now to your invitation to join your group “UDF40” in your commemoration of the UDF and your “Call to Action” on August 20.


>you must stretch every muscle in you to ensure that you live up to the proud and militant traditions bestowed upon you by comrades such as Anton Lembede, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and the generation of Steve Biko who revived internal mass resistance in whose world the ranks of the ANC’s [military wing] uMkhonto we Sizwe… The young lions also include the thousands of who rose to the call to form youth organizations in every township and village that spearheaded the call to make our country ungovernable and Apartheid unworkable and who also formed the very militant youth organization, the South African Youth Congress in 1987.


>Popular violence in the decade between 1984 and 1993 is well documented. Existing literature on this brutally violent chapter in the history of the liberation struggle focuses largely on the conflict between the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). Equally significant was the bloody confrontation between the Azanian People’s Organisation (AZAPO) and the UDF. This feature examines this violent conflict, an intriguing episode as it pitted two liberation movements against each other.

History repeating to distract the people from their criminality?

“Popo Molefe | Defend our Democracy Launching Congress”


Jun 8, 2023

1:08 – “Now to mark this important anniversary, former UDF leaders and members of the affiliates of the United Democratic Front and activists have convened a committee to celebrate outstanding and seminal role of the UDF in the struggle against Apartheid. We call this initiative UDF40… We are doing so comrades and friends because as was the case in 1983, we all have a vital mission which is of critical importance to our country and our democracy. Put simply, we have to ensure that our democracy is not derailed.

4:56 – “Our approach is to ensure the tireless mobilisation of the citizenry to be true agents of change, transformation and accountability.

5:36 – “We must reaffirm the supremacy of our democracy and constitution. In the coming months, comrades, you will hear the mantra of the UDF40. Active citizenry. Active citizenry. Active citizenry. We will be taking this call to South Africans from all localities, provinces and nationally. Urging them to engage actively in issues that effect them at all levels of society. This is critical for the sustenance and strengthening of our democracy.”

6:52 – “We may want to invoke the overused slogan… “The new man and the new woman did not appear by accident. The new man and the new woman are born in the revolutionary reconstruction of society.”

13:15 – “We must unite young and old activists in meaningful ways if we are truly to bring about change.”

17:35 – “We believe the UDF40 anniversary will provide the necessary leverage to unleash every energy and creativity of our citizenry and it will do so at all levels of society. We believe the UDF40 Anniversary, like in the UDF days, should allow multiple thoughts to bloom.”

21:06 – “If we are to succeed, active citizenry should find strategic ways to engage at partner and partner with corporate sector, with a well considered programs and projects that can motivate and lead to tangible changes to the poor and marginalized communities.”

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870cef No.44114

File: 275029493a9dc6f⋯.jpg (44.12 KB,696x409,696:409,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19296794 (041540ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / 21 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders in South Africa, July 2023

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>Malema gets free coverage and farm murders continue…

>““Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant”

“21 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders in South Africa, July 2023”


August 4, 2023

During the month of July 2023, there were twenty-one farm attacks and four farm murders in South Africa.

In June 2023, there were twelve farm attacks and ten farm murders in the country.

And in May 2023, there were ten farm attacks and four farm murder.

These farm attacks and murders are often accompanied by extreme violence, torture and rape and are being openly fueled by black South African leaders in the country.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2020:

446 Farm attacks and 77 farm murders.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2021:

248 Farm attacks and 43 farm murders.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2022:

156 Farm attacks and 39 farm murders.

Farm attacks and Farm murders 2023:

January 2023 – 22 Farm attacks and 3 farm murders.

February 2023 – 15 Farm attacks and 2 farm murders.

March 2023 – 11 Farm attacks and 5 farm murders.

April 2023 – 5 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.

May 2023 – 10 Farm attacks and 4 farm murders.

June 2023 – 12 Farm attacks and 10 farm murders.

July 2023 – 21 Farm attacks and 4 farm murders.

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870cef No.44115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19297459 (041729ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

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>6:52 - [Popo Molefe] “We may want to invoke the overused slogan… “The new man and the new woman did not appear by accident. The new man and the new woman are born in the revolutionary reconstruction of society.””


>In the Swedish documentary “Palme’s secret agent,” Popo Molefe, co-founder of UDF, explains Karlström Dorph’s role.

>“Without the support of a strong and committed personality like Birgitta Karlström Dorph I do not think we would have been able to form the United Democratic Front, a coalition of social forces,” he says.

“Socialism and man in Cuba” - New man and new woman


Written: March, 1965

To build communism it is necessary, simultaneous with the new material foundations, to build the new man and woman.

In this period of the building of socialism we can see the new man and woman being born. The image is not yet completely finished — it never will be, since the process goes forward hand in hand with the development of new economic forms.

The resulting theory will, no doubt, put great stress on the two pillars of the construction of socialism: the education of the new man and woman and the development of technology. Much remains to be done in regard to both, but delay is least excusable in regard to the concept of technology as a basic foundation, since this is not a question of going forward blindly but of following a long stretch of road already opened up by the world's more advanced countries. This is why Fidel pounds away with such insistence on the need for the technological and scientific training of our people and especially of its vanguard.

Socialism is young and has its mistakes. We revolutionaries often lack the knowledge and intellectual audacity needed to meet the task of developing the new man and woman with methods different from the conventional ones; conventional methods suffer from the influences of the society that created them. (Once again the theme of the relationship between form and content is posed.) Disorientation is widespread, and the problems of material construction absorb us. There are no artists of great authority who also have great revolutionary authority. The members of the party must take this task in hand and seek the achievement of the main goal: to educate the people.

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870cef No.44116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298258 (041934ZAUG23) Notable: Durban Port and ICTSI Bun

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Durban Port and ICTSI Bun

>>44051 Biggest African Port to Be Partially Privatized

>>44053 Murdered Papua New Guinea Ports Official Benefitted From Suspect Offshore Payments - ICTSI

>>44054 Terminal operator, ICTSI denies involvement in alleged shady deal in Onne Port

>>44055 ICTSI Profiting off Crippling Communities

>>44056 Johan Swart, ICTSI's VP, Head of Global Engineering - Equipment Maintenance - Previously worked for Transnet

>>44057 Enrique K. Razon Jr., ICTSI’s Chairman and President, Executive Director

>>44058 Cesar A. Buenaventura, ICTSI’s Independent Director

>>44059 Carlos C. Ejercito, ICTSI’s Independent Director

>>44060, >>44065, >>44066 Chief Justice Diosdado M. Peralta (ret.), ICTSI’s Independent Director

>>44061 Jose C. Ibazeta, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director

>>44062 Stephen A. Paradies, ICTSI’s Non-Executive Director

>>44063 Andres Soriano III, Non-Executive Director

>>44064 Christian Martin R. Gonzalez, Executive Vice President

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870cef No.44117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19298260 (041934ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun

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Updated Judge Meyer Joffe Bun

>>44017 Judge Joffe goes out with a bang: Minutes after sentencing Jackie Selebi, he announced his retirement

>>44018 Judge Joffe fights back: Defence's argument to have him recused from the corruption trial of former top cop Jackie Selebi

>>44019 Judge Joffe was a presiding officer in the case of Thembekile Mankanyi, a South African gold miner, in his failed attempt to sue his employer AngloGold Ashanti

>>44020 Meyer Joffe tipped for top job at judicial institution

>>44021 Retired judge [Meyer Joffe] to lead inquiry into Gupta assets

>>44029 Selebi’s attorney raised 3 issues to justify Judge Meyer Joffe’s recusal

>>44030 Judge [Meyer Joffe] suggests City Press be investigated on Selebi tape

>>44031 2014 Application by Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation for removal of Judge Joffe and others as Arbitrators

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870cef No.44118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303960 (051847ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / United Kingdom issues travel alert over Cape Town taxi violence (video)

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“Violence amid Western Cape taxi strike” - https://youtu.be/EZ0vSn5jcp4

“United Kingdom issues travel alert over Cape Town taxi violence”



The United Kingdom has issued a travel alert for its residents following a wave of violent protests in the city of Cape Town.

Issued on Friday afternoon, the alert: "Information about current strikes affecting Cape Town, including general safety and travel to/from the airport."

The protest by the SA National Taxi Council stems from the City of Cape Town's decision to implement a by-law that empowers officers to impound a taxi instead of issuing a fine.

Friday marked the second day of violence in the Cape CBD following a strike by taxi association, Santaco, which has also led to the closure of the Vanguard Hospital in Bonteheuwel as well as the stoning of vehicles and torching of buses.

The City of Cape Town said the protests are having a severe impact on commuters, as well as City services as some employees cannot get to work, nor attend to service requests in volatile areas.

"Thousands of people are stranded due to sustained attacks on other public transport services, with incidents of stoning of private vehicles and blockading of major routes. Several City facilities located in volatile areas have been closed until further notice, in the interest of the safety of staff, and to prevent vandalism and attacks on the infrastructure.

“The City and the Western Cape Government are gathering evidence of damage to infrastructure and incitement of public violence and will not hesitate to approach the courts for relief, including a civil claim for damages," the City said in a statement.

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870cef No.44119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303962 (051848ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Eskom withdraws services in six Cape Town areas after petrol-bombing of vehicle

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“Eskom withdraws services in six Cape Town areas after petrol-bombing of vehicle”


Published Aug 4, 2023

Eskom has suspended its services in Khayelitsha, Delft, Belhar, Dunoon, Philippi and Fisantekraal after its vehicle was allegedly petrol-bombed in an incident the company has linked to the ongoing taxi strike.

“An Eskom vehicle was petrol-bombed in the early hours of Friday in Khayelitsha. The Eskom employee was off duty at the time of the incident. Eskom security is investigating the incident. Unfortunately, various incidents are being reported across the Cape Peninsula that delays Eskom from responding rapidly to faults,” Eskom said in a statement urging customers to remain patient and follow the channels made available to log a fault.

“Services are suspended in the following affected areas: Khayelitsha, Delft, Belhar, Dunoon, Philippi and Fisantekraal. Eskom will exercise extreme caution when delivering services to other Eskom supply areas. Customers are encouraged to use the Alfred Chatbot on the Eskom website to log faults or to download the MyEskom Customer App, which is available on the iStore and Google Play Store.”

Meanwhile, Parliament’s select committee on education and technology, sports, arts and culture has called on the Western Cape Department of Education to devise a catch-up plan for learners who will miss school days due to the ongoing taxi strike.

The South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) announced on Thursday that it was withdrawing from negotiations with the City and would only return on August 10. This follows violent clashes between minibus taxi drivers and the City’s law enforcement officers after a number of vehicles were impounded on Monday.

“Many of our learners attend school in areas outside where they reside and this necessitates a form of transport. In the Cape Town metro, minibus taxis have usurped this function. If they pull out as abruptly as they have done, it means so many learners will be affected.

“In fact, so many learners had been seen along major routes walking home on the first day of the strike. This is a concerning development and should not continue unmitigated,” said committee chairperson Elleck Nchabeleng.

He said schools should adopt a flexible approach while the industry and the City tried to find each other.

“If no resolution is found sooner, something needs to be done for learners who will miss class time. If the taxi industry goes on strike, it only follows that thousands of learners will be affected.”

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870cef No.44120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19303967 (051849ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Update on Western Cape taxi strike (video)

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“Update on Western Cape taxi strike”


Aug 5, 2023

Chaos and violence in the Western Cape amid the week-long taxi strike over the impounding of taxis. Cape Town Safety and Security MMC JP Smith has more. #dstv403

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870cef No.44121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19304266 (051946ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / The Bloody South African TAXI WAR(Kill or Be Killed)

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The taxis associations are the mafia. Now that the City of Cape Town wants to address the citizens' concerns, the taxis have gone to war with the City and its people.

“The Bloody South African TAXI WAR(Kill or Be Killed)”


Premiered Aug 3, 2022

This is a short documentary about the South African Taxi Industry.

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870cef No.44122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315136 (071350ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / R400 000 to kill Eskom employee

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“R400 000 to kill Eskom employee”


Aug 6, 2023

Eskom employee Dorothy Mmushi is living in fear - after an alleged hitman told her that he was offered R400 000 to kill her.

The whistleblower told City Press that a senior executive at the power utility is out for blood, after she reported cartel operations to police.

Mmushi says she is being threatened for doing a job she is employed to do.

Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.

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870cef No.44123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315141 (071351ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / W Cape Taxi Stayaway: Confirmation of Avanza driver killed, commuters left in distress (video)

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“[GRAPHIC] W Cape Taxi Stayaway | Confirmation of Avanza driver killed, commuters left in distress”


Aug 7, 2023

Let's take you back to the Western Cape where SABC News reporter Atule Joka has been monitoring the taxi strike. Talks collapsed yesterday between SANTACO and provincial and local authorities.

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870cef No.44124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315162 (071357ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Carl Niehaus (video)

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Carl Niehaus [former ANC Member] defending the song, ‘Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer’ and he even admitted that he sang the song during the ‘struggle’ days but fails to mention that the farmers were regarded as the enemy then and were murdered. These murders continue to this day.Malema is being used to fuel racial divide with the help of MSM. Where does Carl fit in or is he just good at protecting his own hide?

“Mpangazitha [Carl Niehaus] explains the 'Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer' liberation struggle chant.”


Aug 1, 2023

In this video the President of ARETA, comrade Carl 'Mpangazitha' Niehaus, explains the historical context of the liberation struggle chant: 'Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer'. He condemns the Democratic Alliance's (DA) cynical racist misinterpretation of this chant to stoke on unfounded fears, and mobilise white voters to support them.

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870cef No.44125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315164 (071358ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Carl Niehaus (video)

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“Expulsion of Carl Niehaus from the ANC: Samkele Maseko” [Dec 12, 2022] - https://youtu.be/QekF3oGvwQc

Carl Niehaus History


Carl Niehaus was born on 25 December 1959 and grew up in Zeerust, North West Province. He completed his higher education at Rand Afrikaans University (RAU). A student of theology, Niehaus was months away from his final exams in 1980 when he was expelled from RAU for putting up campus posters that supported Nelson Mandela's release from prison.

In the same year, he resigned from the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) as he was opposed to their compliance with the apartheid system. He joined and became a deacon in the African Dutch Reformed Church in Alexandra and in July 1980 Niehaus joined the African National Congress.

He worked in the ANC underground inside South Africa until he and his fiancé (and later wife) Johanna (Jansie) Lourens were arrested in August 1983. During the same period Niehaus completed a degree in Industrial sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand. Carl and Jansie were found guilty of High Treason and he received a 15 year sentence while Jansie was sentenced to four years in prison.

Jansie served her full sentence and Niehaus served seven and a half years of his sentence. Carl and Jansie got married in prison. He did two degrees in theology through the University of South Africa and finished both Summa cum Laude.

By 1991, the process of dismantling apartheid had begun and Niehaus was released from prison in March 1991 following ANC negotiations with the previous Nationalist Party Government for the release of political prisoners. Immediately after his release Niehaus became the media liaison spokesperson for the ANC, and from 1992 until the General Election on 27 April 1994 he was head of the ANC's media liaison unit.

After having served for two consecutive terms on the Regional Executive Council (REC) of the ANC in Gauteng (the old PWV Region), Niehaus was elected at the ANC's National Conference in Bloemfontein (December 1994) to the National Executive Committee of the ANC. He also chaired the NEC's Commission on Religious Affairs.

In 1996, Niehaus was a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly. He chaired the Select Committee on Correctional Services, and also served on the Select Committee for Justice and Communication. The Transformation Forum on Correctional Service was also chaired by him.

Later in life, Niehaus was surrounded by controversy. His alleged degree in Industrial Sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand, and a PhD in Theology at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands raised much controversy. In 2009, it was revealed that Niehaus did not have a degree from the University of Utrecht and that he had in fact falsified additional information regarding his qualifications and work for the ANC. Niehaus claimed he obtained a doctoral degree in theology at Utrecht during his tenure as South Africa's ambassador in The Hague from 1997-2000.

Following an enquiry, a university official told the Beeld newspaper, "I can inform you that Mr Carl Niehaus had not obtained a doctorate in Theology in the period you mentioned."

In addition, allegations of fraud were brought against Niehaus, most of which he admitted to. He apparently convinced the owner of a travel agency to temporarily cover the expenses of a family holiday to Mauritius and when he was expected to repay the amount of money, he refused to do so. He was forced to resign from the ANC in February 2009.

Niehaus has also written an autobiography "Om te Veg vir Hoop". The book was translated into English and Dutch.


https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2018-04-06-ill-support-zuma-no-matter-what-says-carl-niehaus-outside-court/, 06 April 2018

“ANC national executive member and Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association spokesperson Carl Niehaus”


https://www.sabcnews.com/sabcnews/anc-expels-carl-niehaus-as-a-member/¸12 December 2022, 2:39 PM

“ANC expels Carl Niehaus as a member”

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870cef No.44126

File: b059d15e8bb67c6⋯.jpg (135.66 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315168 (071359ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Carl Niehaus (video)

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>In the same year, he resigned from the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) as he was opposed to their compliance with the apartheid system. He joined and became a deacon in the African Dutch Reformed Church in Alexandra and in July 1980 Niehaus joined the African National Congress.


“Carl Niehaus pays lobola for Noluthando Mdluli”


31 Oct 2022

Niehaus refused to say how much he had paid for his bride, saying it was a private matter.

Suspended uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association spokesperson Carl Niehaus has paid lobola for his wife Noluthando Mdluli.

Niehaus, who was born in Zeerust in the North West province, splashed the news on social media platforms Twitter and Facebook on Sunday.

“Today is a beautiful day. I paid lobola for my beautiful wife,” tweeted Niehaus.

How much lobola?

It is unclear how much lobola Niehaus had paid.

After posting his comment about paying lobola, Niehaus was asked how much he had paid for his bride. He, however, refused to disclose the amount, saying it was a private matter.

“I just announced that I paid lobola, not the amount. How much is honestly none of your business,” he said.

However, Fhatuwani was scathing of Niehaus’s marriage.

“Are you not too old for this girl mara? Do you literally take off your clothes for this child who is young enough to be your granddaughter? Unesbindi strue. Anyway, it’s your choice. Congratulations, I guess. Did you have your family accompanying you? The uncles for instance.”

What is lobola?

Lobola, or bride price, is a tradition practised by many African cultures to celebrate the matrimony of two individuals and joining of their families.

Negotiations can take days – or months – and the exchange commonly takes the form of the groom’s family gifting the bride’s family with money.

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870cef No.44127

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315171 (071400ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Carl Niehaus (video)

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“Carl Niehaus, the sanctimonious con artist and mascot to corruption and incompetence”


29 Dec 2022

The former ANC spokesperson and Jacob Zuma’s number-one cheerleader is synonymous with unashamed hypocrisy and venal dishonesty, and is deserving of Daily Maverick's Moegoe Lifetime Achievement award 2022.

ix months ago, Carl Niehaus led a march to Luthuli House and gave the President 48 hours to resign over the Phala Phala scandal. ANC members demanded accountability and the march was “the first of many protests to come”, he said.

Wearing a Panama hat, thick-rimmed glasses and ANC merchandising mistakes, Jacob Zuma’s number-one cheerleader embarked on an often solitary #RamaphosaMustGo campaign, warning that the President was “very damaging if not totally destructive for the African National Congress”.

Niehaus’s campaign to save both party and country was building up to the Nasrec conference. He’d been staging a one-man protest outside the venue by defiantly holding a #RamaphosaMustGo poster. But days before the conference began, he was expelled from the ANC over comments he made in July 2021. He had vowed to fight any attempt to arrest Zuma after the Constitutional Court’s contempt judgment. The uprising that followed Zuma’s incarceration led to 354 deaths and about R50-billion in damages.

Niehaus’s life has been spiralling towards the absurd for years.

In his twenties he was studying to be a Dutch Reformed Church minister in Johannesburg before he left the whites-only organisation and joined the anti-apartheid movement. He was arrested in 1983 after, unbeknown to him, working with a security police spy on plans to sabotage the Johannesburg Gas Works. He served seven-and-a-half years in prison, which he often inflates to nine-and-a-half or 10 years.

In the democratic era, he chaired a parliamentary committee and later served as ANC spokesperson. This is, of course, to say there was a time before “Carl Niehaus” was a synonym for unashamed hypocrisy and venal dishonesty, before he became an empty body of lies in a real soldier’s uniform.

In a profile from 2021, Niehaus told DM168’s Rebecca Davis that he’d realised the material things he previously strived for, “which led to financial problems, are not important”. They rarely are when you get exposed as not just a liar but also a sanctimonious con artist who would betray friends and family – not to mention the fight for a just and democratic society – for a buck.

Debt and the undead

Niehaus’s financial deceit has become the stuff of legend. In 2009, he resigned as ANC spokesperson after tearfully admitting to Mail & Guardian journalist Pearlie Joubert that he had forged signatures while working at the Gauteng Economic Development Agency. He borrowed huge sums from ANC comrades and business leaders, without paying them back. He left a job at Deloitte & Touche in 2003 owing to his embarrassing financial fancies and owed the Rhema Church more than R700,000.

An East London travel agency owner said she fronted Niehaus R100,000 so he could go on holiday with his family while he was battling leukaemia (he wasn’t).

When a landlord demanded Niehaus pay R4.3-million in rent and damages for two Sandton apartments, he claimed his mother had died and he would use his inheritance to pay the debt. Magrietha Niehaus, who in 1983 had told the court her son was “still a good boy at heart”, was still alive.

In 2011, he borrowed money from then deputy justice minister Andries Nel to bury his father. Nel reportedly tried to attend the funeral but Niehaus’s father was, in fact, alive.

He was also exposed for lying about having a doctorate in theology from Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

In a perverse way, even though he lost his ANC job and party membership, the Ramaphosa years have been kind to Niehaus. He’s been on a crusade of loyalty to the likes of Zuma, Ace Magashule, Bathabile Dlamini and the Radical Economic Transformation forces. He’s more a mascot to corruption and incompetence than a political player and has had ample opportunities to don the MK fatigues in which he never trained nor served.

The day after he was expelled by the ANC, Niehaus protested outside Parliament ahead of the debate on the Phala Phala report. He stood his ground against police shields like a veteran activist who refuses to give up the cause. Niehaus clearly still has a lot of struggle left in him, but despite all the bluster his fight is and always will be for his own relevance. DM168

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870cef No.44128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315241 (071416ZAUG23) Notable: >>1931526, Julius Malema Speech and others at EFF 10th Anniversary (video)

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>“Socialism and man in Cuba”


>“The Conflict between the AZAPO and the UDF - popular violence in the 1980s and 1990s”

Julius Malema Speech and others at EFF 10th Anniversary – Part 1


Jul 29, 2023

5:22 – [SAFTU]“President and the commander in chief of the Economic Freedom Fighters, Julius Malema, on behalf of the South African Federation of Trade Unions, SAFTU, I wish to pass our revolutionary greetings and salutations to their ground forces gathering here and the leadership of the EFF this important day. The occasion of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the EFF. We note that it is among others, the blood of the mattias of Marikana that nourished the seed of the birth of the EFF. Marika Massacre which represents the highest peak of the class struggle since the advent of the liberal democracy in 1994 become the catalytic event that gave birth to this giant the EFF today… Finally, as we say, only socialism that can truly liberate the oppressed groups and liberate workers from exploitation… Capitalism must be abolished and EFF has the role play as the key leader in that struggle. Happy Birthday EFF

9:22 – [Azapo] “That as Azapo, we have faith in the EFF, we believe in the EFF, we think that there is hope in this country. We stand here this afternoon to say happy 10th anniversary to the EFF. When we see you gathered like this as Azapo, we see change. When we see gathered like this, there is hope that it will not be only black people who live in townships in this country. It will not only be black people who in shacks in this country. It will not only be black children who study in mud schools in this country. It will not only be black children who study under trees in this country. It will not only be black people who are unemployed in this country. When we see you, we see change. The EFF brought change in the politics in this country. Before, the parliament was a bathroom. The parliament was a ‘slaapkamer’ [bedroom]. People were snoring in that parliament and when the EFF walked in the parliament has changed. Now the parliament is a boxing ring. Now the parliament is a fighting space that is why you can say, pay back the money. It is now time to say, bring back the land, bring back the land, bring back the land, bring back the land, bring back the land…

14:51 – [PAC] “Today, as the PAC, we are brining to you a message of solidarity. Indeed, because of EFF, political landscape of this country has changed. Indeed you brought what the struggle was all about in the fall. The strugglein this country was about the land… The land belongs to Africans. We are happy that the EFF has brought that message of hope. We are happy that the EFF is able to unite all of us under the same roof. We are looking forward for us to working together with the EFF. We the Pan African Congress of Azania, we are for the fraternal relationship of all African people. Unity of African people is sacrosaned. Eff stand for that. Thank you very much ground forces, you have proved naysayers wrong. You have proved that indeed you are a force. You have proved that indeed you are ground forces. You have proved that indeed South Africa will never be the same again. You have proved that next year, in the center stage of this country, everything will be about the land. Everything will be about what the liberation was all about which is the land, the return of the land to African people. Thank you EFF. Happy 10th anniversary…

Then announces the list of kings present.

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870cef No.44129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315252 (071418ZAUG23) Notable: >>1931526, Julius Malema Speech and others at EFF 10th Anniversary (video)

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>Forward to seven tenament pillars, forward!

“The 7 Non-negotiable pillars of the EFF”


Expropriation of land without compensation for equitable redistribution

Nationalisation of mines, banks and other strategic sectors of the economy.

Building state and government capacity.

Free quality education, healthcare, houses, and sanitation.

Massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable jobs, including the introduction of minimum wages in order to close the wage gap between the rich and the poor.

Massive investment in the development of the African economy.

Open, accountable, corrupt-free government and society without fear of victimisation by state agencies.

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870cef No.44130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315378 (071444ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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>Young Lions


>commemoration of the UDF and your “Call to Action” on August 20.



>he Conflict between the AZAPO and the UDF - popular violence in the 1980s and 1990s





It is worth reposting this article as a reminder to draw similarities. This is what Sweden supported.

“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 1


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

When the first waves of violence first started hitting formerly peaceful South African farming communities a common analogy drawn by those affected was with the Rhodesian Bush War. This was a reference to the conflict between the Rhodesian Front government of Ian Smith and ZAPU and ZANU guerrillas, in which white farmers were a particular target of armed attack. Between 1964 and 1980 around 300 white farmers and their family members were killed, most in the intense and vicious final few years of the conflict.

South African statistics on farm murders date back to 1991 when the South African Agricultural Union (SAAU) - now Agri-SA - started trying to first document this disturbing phenomenon. This was the year after the unbanning of the liberation movements by President FW de Klerk, the release of political prisoners, the start of the return of cadres from exile, and the ANC’s de jure suspension of the armed struggle.

The SAAU figures record 66 farm murders in 1991, rising to 92 in 1994. This was clearly part of the trend of politically-related violence, and more general lawlessness, that swept South Africa at the time.

Instead of falling back post-1994, however, the number of murders committed during attacks on predominantly minority-owned farms and smallholdings continued on an upward trajectory, reaching 150 a year by the end of the decade, according to the South African Police Service (SAPS).

Though there has been no shortage of intellectuals willing to argue the contrary over the years, the prevalence of this type of murder (especially in rural areas) is clearly abnormal, the age profile of the murder victims (usually elderly) is abnormal, and the level of brutality often involved is abnormal.

Equally inexplicable, on the face of it, has been the ANC government’s lethargic response to this crisis. Although some concrete efforts were taken to address the issue during Nelson Mandela’s presidency, such as declaring farm attacks a priority crime in 1998, the same cannot be said of the Mbeki and Zuma presidencies. Indeed in May 2003 cabinet announced that the commando system, the farming community’s main line of defence, would be progressively dismantled over the next few years. Having done so it was then announced that farm attack statistics would no longer be released. This moratorium was only recently lifted, with three years of data still missing, and the reliability of more recent figures under question. To this day the ANC government steadfastly refuses to once again treat farm attacks as a priority crime.

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870cef No.44131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315380 (071445ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 2


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

In this ideological schema the white farmer (or “Boer”) was the individual embodiment of the “historic injustice”, the illegitimate occupier of stolen land, and a ruthless exploiter of the labour of those who had been dispossessed. The Zulu King Dingane was praised on occasion in ANC propaganda for the sly and ruthlessly effective way in which he had dealt with trekking parties and their leaders in Natal, “scattering the Boers like terrified rats.”[2] It was regarded as axiomatic too that these “white colonialists” who “took our land by force” could not be made to hand it back without force.

Then in 1983 national protests had broken out – led by the newly formed United Democratic Front [UDF] – against the new ‘Tricameral’ constitution. This was followed in September 1984 by the Vaal uprising, the start of a sustained insurrection against apartheid and continued white rule in South Africa. The activists on the ground, and in the leadership of the UDF, looked to the ANC in exile for tactical, strategic and ideological guidance.

An early indication of the direction that the ANC/SACP was moving in, when it came to the land question, was contained in the ANC National Executive Committee’s January 8th statement of 1984 delivered by Oliver Tambo, which also made the call for South Africa to be made ungovernable. This stated that:

“On the commercial farms, the most merciless brutalisation of our people, especially women and children, takes place, every day and every hour of the day at the hands of the landowners. One of the fundamental elements for the solution of the problems facing our people in the countryside is the resolution of the land question in favour of the tillers. Our immediate task, therefore, is to mobilise the rural masses around the question of land. It is only when the countryside is organised that the rural masses will be able to respond resolutely to the call: ‘Seize the land!’"

1985: Resolving the land issue “the hard way”

Tambo’s January 8th statement in 1985 returned to the importance of organising in the farming areas of the country and placing “the perspective of seizing the land from the dispossessor in front of our rural masses and educate them to understand that this is a task that calls for dedication, determination and sacrifice.” This address stated “The dispossession of our people of the land that is theirs remains one of the most burning national grievances….Millions of our people in the rural areas are brutally exploited as agricultural workers on farms carved out of their ancestral lands. Their daily lives are dominated by the dictates of the racist White farmers and agricultural companies against whom they have absolutely no redress, because they are the least organised and mobilised.” It then delivered the ominous warning, “The land question must be resolved, if needs be, the hard way.”

In Radio Freedom broadcasts through late 1984 and early 1985 the ANC in exile exhorted its young supporters on the ground in South Africa to completely discard adherence to the criminal law and basic Christian morality; to organise themselves into military-style units, to link up with MK operatives, to sabotage industries and farms, to rob whites and take their guns, and to use these (and whatever other weapons were at hand) to “eliminate” black policemen, councillors, suspected informers, and other categories of the enemy.

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870cef No.44132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315381 (071445ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 3


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

The Kirkwood area of the Sundays River valley was one of innumerable areas across the country where such a call to arms received a ready response. On 5th May 1985 the EP Herald reported on how the formerly peaceful farming community there had, over the past six weeks, suddenly been afflicted by strikes, consumer boycotts, arson attacks and death threats against individual farmers. Then on the night of the 17th of June 1985 an elderly farming couple - Koos de Jager, 72, and his wife, Myrtle, 68 - were brutally murdered. They were found “in their blood spattered homestead on their farm near Addo. Mr De Jager fought desperately against the killers before he was overpowered and bludgeoned to death with an axe. His wife died of stab wounds.”[4] The killers took various minor items, including a .22 rifle and a pellet gun, and had driven away in the couple’s Datsun bakkie, which was later found burnt out in Motherwell Township, Port Elizabeth.

The twelve youths who carried out the attack were all members of the Addo Youth Congress, an affiliate of the UDF. Eight members of the group were arrested and charged and convicted for the murders, four were sentenced to death, with two eventually being hanged in April 1989. They would be reburied by the ANC government as heroes in 2017, https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/how-these-udf-cadres-ended-up-on-death-rowmichae. Some of the group however escaped over the border and joined MK. On his return from exile one of them, Khanyiso Malgas, was integrated into the South African National Defence Force and applied for amnesty from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the killings. He told his hearing in 1999 that the League had held a meeting where the decision was taken “that farmers should be killed. After that meeting Chairperson, an action was taken. We went from Addo. We went to kill the farmers and then this first farmer was killed.” Asked why the De Jagers were targeted in particular, he expounded: “We did not target a specific farm, the farmers were killed and if our plans did not fail, I think that a lot of farmers would have been killed, more than one, but what happened is that our plan failed, so it was difficult for us to continue killing the farmers. So we did not target a specific farmer, we were killing farmers.”-

The targeting of white farmers was also top of mind of the ANC leadership in exile at that time. A discussion document for the Commission on Armed Struggle prepared for the ANC’s Kabwe conference, held in June 1985, stated: “We should liquidate and harass the enemy manpower, puppets and traitors including the rural bourgeoisie (white farmers…)”. The Commission on Strategy and Tactics talked about using the liberation movement’s urban strongholds as a springboard for launching the armed struggle in the rural areas. It stated:

“In the rural areas it is necessary to create underground and mass political bases as a foundation for the armed struggle. In areas where suitable conditions exist units must be sent to be based in the terrain to make contact with and train the local population for action against the enemy. We must undertake a sustained drive to clear the white farms and harass the enemy with mine warfare. Sustained armed activity in the rural areas is important both as a politicising factor locally and nationally, and as a tactic to disperse the enemy.” (My italics)

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870cef No.44133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315385 (071446ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 4


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

Although a key reason for targeting white farmers was ideological –the start of an offensive designed to “seize the land” from the “white colonialists” - the ANC still remained formally committed to the principle, enshrined in the Geneva conventions, that MK would not directly target white civilians. The Commission argued around this by claiming that “the enemy has begun to transform almost every farm into a military outpost. Certainly in the countryside they are more and more blurring the distinction between what is civilian and what is military.” The white farming class as a whole was thereby redefined as a legitimate “military” target.

Among the 30 NEC members elected or re-elected at Kabwe were Moses Mabhida, Joe Slovo, Joe Modise, Mac Maharaj, Joe Nhlanhla, Sizakele Sigxashe, Aziz Pahad, Chris Hani, Thabo Mbeki, and Jacob Zuma. The campaign to take the struggle into white areas would involve both a propaganda element, involving incitement, and a military element, with MK cadres either going after particular targets themselves, or training and arming radicalised ANC supporting youth and then directing them to do the same. The Composite and Organisational Report of the National Preparatory Committee for Kabwe talked about building “MK units among workers and peasants, drawing in the unemployed” and creating “politico-military units in factories, farms, mines and other places of work.” It described the ideally trained MK cadre as an “all-rounder who can impart the skills of a soldier, agitator, propagandist, etc, to people inside the country. Stress must be put on MK fighters as political militants.”

In a Radio Freedom broadcast in October 1985 the ANC called on its supporters to “use all means” to get weapons from the “privileged white community” that it said was “armed to the teeth.” These weapons it said were “meant to mow down our people.” It called on “our compatriots who are working as domestic servants to take a leading role. They know where their employers keep their weapons and they are the ones who can devise plans of transferring the ownership of the weapons.”

A pamphlet distributed by the ANC later that year stated that the “time has come to take the war to the White areas. White South Africa cannot be at peace while the Black townships are in flames.” It elaborated that “taking the war to the white areas” meant inter alia “forming underground units and combat groups in our places of work and taking such actions as sabotage in the factories, mines, farms and suburbs” and “well-planned raids on the armouries and arms dumps of the army, police, farmers and so on to secure arms for our units.” Even in this somewhat watered down call to action then farms were explicitly mentioned as a legitimate targets both for sabotage and robbery.

After the Kabwe conference meanwhile MK, under the direction of the ANC NEC’s Politico-Military Council, also set about implementing the ANC leadership’s instructions to drive white farmers off the land, beginning with the border areas. Operations would be carried out under the command of Julius Maliba, the head of the MK’s Regional Politico-Military Committee in Zimbabwe, and Siphiwe Nyanda, the head of the RPMC responsible for the Eastern Transvaal, and from Botswana as well.

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870cef No.44134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315393 (071447ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 5


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

The first fatality of the landmine campaign was Jas Balie, 25, a black tractor driver. His vehicle had struck a landmine on a farm road on 27th November and he died the following day. A day or two later another black farm worker, Philemon Ngcobo, was killed when his tractor was blown up on a farm in the area.[5]

On 15th December six people were killed when the bakkie they were driving in detonated a landmine on a game farm near Messina. Mrs Kobie van Eck, 34, her children Ignatius, 2, and Nellmarie, 8, Marie Denyschen, 59, and her grandchildren Kobus, 3, and Karna, 9, were all killed in the blast. Two weeks later Elize de Beer, 32, and her father-in-law Hubert de Beer, 63, died after their vehicle struck a landmine on a farm close to the Botswana border near Ellisras in the Northern Transvaal. A Radio Freedom broadcast on 6th January 1986 described the victims of the first attack as “six white Boer farmers and one black” and the second as “two Boers” and said that, while ANC HQ in Lusaka could not confirm responsibility, whoever carried out these attacks was “most certainly a South Africa patriot.” The following day Lukas Marais, a successful sugar-cane farmer was shot dead in cold blood on his farm by an assailant with an AK-47 rifle in the Komatipoort district in the Eastern Transvaal.

1986: Give the enemy no quarter

The ANC NEC’s January 8th statement of 1986, delivered by Tambo, stated that “the charge we give to Umkhonto we Sizwe and to the masses of our people is attack, advance, give the enemy no quarter-an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!” On the land question the NEC noted that “Our mass political offensive must of necessity also succeed to draw in the millions of our people in the countryside, both inside and outside the Bantustans. It is clear that, relative to the situation in the past, we have made considerable progress in mobilising and organising the people in the countryside.” Tambo added that MK had also “taken the armed struggle both into the Bantustans and into the enemy rural military zones, striking blows that have worried the enemy and its puppets.” He then stated:

“Much organisational and mobilisation work still needs to be done in these areas, raising to the fore such questions as the need to destroy the oppressive Bantustan system, to rise up against the blood-sucking white soldier-farmers and to address the central task of the landless masses seizing the land which rightfully belongs to them.” (My italics)

In his address to MK at this time Chris Hani stated that in 1986 there should be a qualitative change in the way in which the enemy was fought. This should be the year in which MK should be made a “people’s army involving the whole population in the fight”. It would also finally be in a position “to arm the young lions who have been battling with the racist army for more than a year”. 1986, he said, should also be the year: “when the countryside should be unsafe for the enemy. Already there are indications that this is beginning to take place. But what has happened is the tip of the iceberg. We should spread those operations in the rural areas and the farms.” To make all this happen, Hani added, MK need to “plunge itself into the country, train and arm our people and be part of the struggles of those millions of our people.”

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870cef No.44135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315405 (071450ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 6


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

In March 1986 Radio Freedom broadcast a call for farm workers to find ways of sabotaging the production process on the “Boer farms where millions of our compatriots are working under slave conditions.” In another broadcast that month Hani reiterated the ANC’s call for the people to arm themselves. “There are arms everywhere in that country. The white community is a militarised community. Every shopkeeper, every dealer, every farmer has got weapons. The people must grab those weapons and use them against the enemy.”

On the 15th April three members of the Paarl Youth Congress (PAYCO), an affiliate of the UDF, raided Vlakkeland Farm to seize weapons for their fight with AZAPO. In the attack the domestic worker, Anne Foster, and the gardener, John Geyser, were shot dead, the latter while he was tied up and completely helpless. Unable to find weapons the culprits instead made off with a box containing jewellery and money.

In mid-1986, at the height of the insurrection, the SACP magazine Umsebenzi called for the consolidation of gains of the revolution in the face of President PW Botha’s declaration of a state of emergency. It noted that “the flames of urban resistance and defiance have spread to the hated Bantustans. Names like Bophuthatswana, Lebowa, Transkei, KwaNdebele are being added to the lists of nationwide flashpoints of upsurge.” The urgent need now, it stated, was to “intensify the offensive against all the sell-out administrations and those at the top who use their positions as out-and-out puppets of Pretoria. It is also time to begin to clean out the countryside of the racist farmers.” (My italics)

In a broadcast on Radio Freedom on 21st October 1985 the ANC noted that “quite a number of racist farmers” had been killed or seriously injured in a spate of landmine explosions in the areas around the northern borders of South Africa. The ANC said that it had long ago declared these areas war zones, after these farmers, their wives and children were integrated into the state’s security and defence network. “These racist farmers” it continued, “are notorious for their brutal oppression and exploitation of African labour. Our people employed by these farmers go to the fields under the shadow of the whip and the gun. They work under slave conditions for slave wages.”

“Sabotage his farming operations. Destroy his crops. Sabotage his implements and machinery. Daring actions of Umkhonto we Sizwe are not the only way of confronting the enemy. Sabotage operations are part of the people's war. And actions of the people are. Do not allow the Boers to arm you against the people. Take the guns and communication equipment [in their possession] and everything you can lay your hands on and turn them on the exploitative farmers. These are the actions we have to take to end this state of tyranny which occupies our land. Let us all unite and fight for a new South Africa where the land shall not be the property of white farmers only but shall be shared among all those who [work it].”

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870cef No.44136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19315444 (071458ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

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“The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic” – Part 7


James Myburgh |

20 June 2018

Below are excerpts

It is worth noting at this point the similarity between the message conveyed in this broadcast, and the words of the war song "Dubul'ibhunu" sung by MK cadres in exile:

Dubula! Dubula! Dubula nge s'bhamu

Dubul' ibhunu

Dubula' Dubula Dubula nge s'bhamu

Mama, ndiyeke ndidubul' ibhunu

Dubula' Dubula' Dubula nge s'bhamu

Ziyareypa lezinja

Dubula! Dubula! Dubula nge s'bhamu

[Shoot! Shoot! Shoot them with a gun

Shoot the Boer

Shoot! Shoot! Shoot them with a gun

Ma, let me "shoot the Boer

Shoot! Shoot Shoot them with a gun.

These dogs rape us

Shoot shoot shoot them with a gun.]

On the 14th of November a farmer, Dries van der Westhuizen, was driving home with his eight-year-old son Pieter when the rear wheel of their bakkie detonated a Soviet-made landmine on a farm road close to their homestead near the Botswana border. The vehicle was blown apart and the two were flung clear. The father was found by his neighbour bleeding and in a state of shock, holding his critically injured and unconscious son in his arms.[6]

In a press conference on the 20th November the Chief of the South African Army, General Kat Liebenberg, said that MK cadres were being infiltrated into South Africa from Botswana through two routes. Their instructions were “to carry out a programme of selective murders of White farmers with the aim of intimidating farmers into abandoning their land, and to spy out deserted farms on which ANC sub-bases could be set up.” He said that MK operatives operating out of Botswana were responsible for six mine incidents and fourteen other incidents so far this year.[7]

By 1987 the ANC leadership’s high hopes for the imminent overthrow of the regime had receded, and it was forced to switch its approach. On the one hand it placed greater emphasis on diplomatic and political initiatives, including talks with intermediaries of the Afrikaner establishment. Mbeki’s role in these talks was, as Mark Gevisser later wrote, to demonstrate to his “white compatriots” that he and the ANC could be trusted in “the face of their Piet Retief anxieties.”[9] On the other it sought to build up the ANC’s underground presence within South Africa through Operation Vula, in which only the most trusted operatives were involved. This involved extensive arms smuggling and stockpiling. [These weapons are still in the country] The intention was that the next mass insurrection would not fail for the reasons that the first one had. Siphiwe Nyanda, among others, was deployed into the country for this purpose in 1988. In the second half of 1987 the ANC leadership now sought, for the first time, to actively discourage the use of the necklace method against black targets of the liberation movement. It also put the landmine campaign in the white farming areas temporarily on hold.

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870cef No.44137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321213 (081259ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / South Africa's ANC controls eight of nine provinces - why the Western Cape will remain elusive in the 2024 elections (video)

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>“Like the generation of comrades Anton Lembede, Nelson Mandela, the Young Lions of the 80s who formed student organizations and contributed to making this country ungovernable and the 1991 generation who launched the Youth League, again you are called upon to define yourself what it means to be a vibrant, strong, autonomous, militant and disciplined ANC Youth League of the African National Congress.”


>ANC National Executive Committee’s January 8th statement of 1984 delivered by Oliver Tambo, which also made the call for South Africa to be made ungovernable.


>gathering evidence of damage to infrastructure and incitement of public violence

ANC continuing their campaign to make the Western Cape ungovernable. [“Timeline of ANC & ANCYL's WCape ungovernability campaign” (15 August 2012), https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/timeline-of-anc-ancyls-wcape-ungovernability-camp]

“Taxi strike | WC government considers calling in army”


Aug 7, 2023

“South Africa's ANC controls eight of nine provinces - why the Western Cape will remain elusive in the 2024 elections”


Published: August 1, 2023 2.38pm CEST

By history and demography, the ANC in the Western Cape faces tougher challenges than anywhere else in the country. In all other provinces, black Africans constitute the majority of voters. But in the Western Cape the majority are coloured voters. “Coloured” in South African history means people who are of biracial or multiracial descent, or whose ancestors were Khoisan, not Bantu-speaking Africans. The country’s other population categories are white and Indian.

The mass support in the Western Cape for the United Democratic Front [UDF], a loose coalition of anti-apartheid organisations allied to the then-banned ANC, between 1983 and 1990, misleadingly suggested support for the unbanned ANC after 1990. In fact, the ANC in that province faced devastating defeats in all the elections from 1994 onwards.

The ANC started by winning only 33% (rounded off) of the votes in the first democratic 1994 election, rising to 42% in 1999 and peaking at 45% in 2004. After that it declined to 32% of the votes in 2009 and 2014, dropping further to 29% in 2019. It attracted still fewer votes in local government elections, getting for example only 21% of the votes in 2021. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has run the province with an absolute majority for over a decade.

The effect of the ANC’s governance and poor performance in the eight provinces and most municipalities it runs is the main factor in the ANC’s nationally declining vote in the four general elections held since 1994. In media, commentariat, and auditor-general reports, the DA is judged to do a much better job of running the Western Cape province and Cape Town metro.

What can explain such a spectacular divide? As a political scientist and historian, I suggest that one factor is that in Cape Town, the DA of 2023 is based upon the old network of its historical predecessor the Progressive Party (Prog) branches, and the current DA politicians were mentored into politics by Helen Zille, the party’s federal chair, and other old Prog leaders. These were liberal activists and veterans committed to nonracialism.

But in the rural Western Cape, today’s DA branches are based upon the renamed National Party branches of the 20th century. National Party politicians, responsible for driving the apartheid programme, were late converts to non-racialism, and often tone deaf to what black voters will take as priority issues, or insults. The DA is made up of the former Progs and National Party adherents.

Another factor in the ANC’s declining vote is the declining moral standards of ANC leadership. The first ANC Western Cape chair after 1994 was the respected Chris Nissen, a trilingual clergyman (speaking isiXhosa, English and Afrikaans) from the Presbyterian church. This enabled him to speak to all voters in their mother tongue.

By 2016 the chair was Marius Fransman, a career politician, who had to step down from all posts after complaints of being a sex pest were lodged against him. The ANC judged that these complaints also merited suspending his membership for five years.

After that, the ANC Western Cape was unable to elect anyone at all as its chair for six years, due to factionalism and branches, zonal, and regional structures becoming defunct. Simultaneously, nationwide, the ANC Youth League was disbanded, and the ANC Women’s League very little in evidence. The plight of the ANC in this province was evident to all.

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870cef No.44138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321217 (081259ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Zama-Zamas (video)

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“Brazen zama-zamas can look forward to more police raids”


7 Aug 2023

Below are exerpts

AFTER yesterday’s gunfight in Matholeville, close to Riverlea, between law enforcement officers and zama-zamas, law enforcement officers said they intended to continue the raids on zamazama strongholds.

A variety of mining gear was confiscated, including milling machines, generators, gas cylinders, phendukas, and more. The informal settlement is thought to be home to a number of zama-zamas.

In addition to finding what was thought to be the zama-zamas’ operational headquarters, the authorities also found five large-calibre weapons, explosives and other mining machinery.

“A gang of zama-zamas operating in Matholeville opened fire on police, and police retaliated. This is an area we have been told is very risky. This is the place where zama-zamas took women to the top and raped them around February and March this year. The zama-zamas raped the women for about four days. This place is very dangerous; no SAPS has come here,” said Tshwaku.

“The locals have been crying about the high rate of crime in this area; every month they have to pay ransom to the zama-zamas and they are robbed. We confiscated a number of items, including equipment, sand and firearms,” he said.

He said rape was a significant problem that the majority of community members complained about.

Eight women who were in the area filming a music video in 2022 were gang raped by a group of zama-zamas.

All the taverns in Riverlea would be shut down, according to Tshwaku.

”I told them that I was going to close down all taverns because when people are drunk, they rape and kill and they don’t care," said Tshwaku.

The raid came after the community of Riverlea threatened to take matters into their own hands should police not deal decisively with the zama-zamas.

The police were shown the locations of some of the illegal miners by several locals. The majority of them claimed that they were terrified of the illegal miners, who occasionally engage in shooting warfare among themselves.

One zama-zama was killed over the weekend during an operation where police discovered their headquarters.

About 200 zama-zamas, the majority of whom are from Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi, have been arrested, according to Police Minister Bheki Cele, who made the announcement at an illegal mining imbizo on Friday in Riverlea.

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870cef No.44139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321220 (081300ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Zama-Zamas (video)

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“No will to stop the zama-zamas”


7 Aug 2023

LAST year, the so-called zama-zamas (dominated by Lesotho nationals) raped five women filming a movie in West Village, near Krugersdorp. They were apprehended and later released. Whatever happened to justice?

Kagiso residents took to the street, demonstrating against the crimes committed by zama-zamas in their area.

Minister of Police, Bheki Cele, and his crew visited Kagiso. In a packed stadium, Cele promised to stop the zama-zama activities. Did he?

In other areas, Gauteng in particular, there are also serious complaints about zama-zamas. The complaints are about gunshots, murders and crime overall. Police are doing nothing to stop the nonsense.

Last week, residents in Riverlea, near Johannesburg, protested against zama-zamas. They live in fear because of the gunshots near their area and other criminal activities committed by zama-zamas.

Cele visited Riverlea and promised that the police would patrol the area. What’s new? He always comes after the fact and makes hollow promises.

Clearly, there is no political will to stop zama-zamas from destroying our beautiful country and nation.

Are our political leaders benefiting from the zama-zamas’ criminal activities in our country? There is no easy answer.

It’s time we take our government to court to explain why it’s allowing foreign nationals to engage in illegal mining, destroy infrastructure and terrorise communities.

Otherwise, zama-zamas will continue unabated.

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870cef No.44140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321224 (081301ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Zama-Zamas (video)

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>“No will to stop the zama-zamas”

“Explosive details emerge on underworld of hijacked mines in SA”


Aug 7, 2023

TimesLive investigative journalists Tankiso Makhetha and Aron Hyman reveal to @XoliMngambi details of their investigation into the underworld of hijacked mines and gun fights by zama zamas in SA. Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.

6:57 – “Basically the mines have been pleading with government since at least 2017 to please intervene and help them to deal with these illegal miners. What was happening is they found themselves engaged in a low scale war. Their security officers were fighting with these guys and dying, often running out of ammunition during gun fights with them on a weekly basis. They were discovering sex slaves of literally children as young as 13 being found in the mines, being trafficked to the mines, being used as sex slaves and who were regularly being rescued by mining staff and the poilice.

11:43 – “Even though these groups may appear to be zama zama groups, they actually extend far beyond that. They form part of the social structures of Lesotho… Some of these members we find that they are police officers and Lesotho defense soldiers. In some instances, these same members, these same law enforcement members will break into armories and steal guns and basically ship them off into South Africa for zama zamas to continue their wars…

14:18 – “Aron, let’s conclude the conversation with you. You have intimated that our Police Minister, Bheki Cele, may have met the group leaders in the so-called zama zama wars?… Based on what you have seen, do you think that South Africa has a handle on this situation? Are we winning this war against illegal mining?… [response] It’s not a may have Xoli, his office confirmed that they did meet. They didn’t want to go into detail about what that meeting was about. Although we were told by the members of the leaders of these groups that the meeting was about their alleged involvement in the Mdlalose’s tavern massacre and what resulted after that was a botched SAPS operation which led to these guys actually making their way across the border… Just to refer to Tankiso’s work on this going further, so many witness in cases involving zama zamas have been killed last year. They distributed videos of some police witnesses being brutally murdered and chopped up as a warning to other witnesses in this country. You can see how these zama zamas brandish their weapons, they don’t hide their faces and they are literally calling out the police in South Africa to say, “come, come at us. We’ll show you.” This is what’s happening. This is why the citizens in Klerksdorp, in some of these other towns that have been dealing with this for years have complained to the police. For years they’ve been complaining to government, to their local government structures for years. The police have done nothing and it starts with upper management. I’m not talking about talking about police officers on the ground who are thinly spread and who have been trying to fight these zama zamas.”

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870cef No.44141

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321225 (081301ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Zama-Zamas (video)

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870cef No.44142

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321244 (081309ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa (video)

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>On the other it sought to build up the ANC’s underground presence within South Africa through Operation Vula, in which only the most trusted operatives were involved. This involved extensive arms smuggling and stockpiling. [These weapons are still in the country] The intention was that the next mass insurrection would not fail for the reasons that the first one had. Siphiwe Nyanda, among others, was deployed into the country for this purpose in 1988.

“THE SECRET SAFARI – DVD” - https://youtu.be/2GLDgvy4UDc

Made in 2001 this film tells the story of how weapons were smuggled to the ANC under the bums of tourists travelling on Safari holidays across Africa to Johannesburg and Cape Town

50:30 – “Between 1986 and 1993 the Africa Hinterland Safari entered South Africa forty times carrying one tonne of weapons on each trip. They were never caught.”

50:46 – “This film is dedicated to the memory of Oliver Tambo, Chris Hani, Joe Slovo and Cassius Make, the commanders of the Africa Hinterland Operation”

“Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa”


14 OCT 2015

A consistent and disturbing trend in post-apartheid South Africa is the rate that state-owned guns land in the hands of criminals through theft, negligence, fraud and corruption. The police’s secretariat recently said that more than 1 900 guns belonging to the police, defence force and the prisons went missing over the past year.

The AK-47, an iconic struggle weapon of African liberation, lasts 20 to 40 years. It is also the weapon of choice for terrorists and drug lords globally. It is easily transported, smuggled to conflict zones and cached.

The sources of the proliferate weapons in Africa are many and diverse, legal and illegal. Their flow is extremely difficult to track or monitor. One important source is the stockpiles of Cold War weaponry still circulating throughout the continent. Small arms and light weapons are frequently recycled from conflict zone to conflict zone, and among fighters, security forces and war profiteers.

With post-Cold War weapons still in circulation and caches of arms of the liberation armies seemingly not accounted for, post-apartheid South Africa was always at risk of continued instability from armed crime.

This has been the post-conflict experience in Africa, where criminal syndicates fill the vacuum caused by the cessation of political hostilities, capitalising on existing arms networks. Porous and extensive borders such as those of South Africa facilitate the illegal trafficking of weapons, other illicit goods and the movements of crime syndicates.

Research confirms that the proliferation of arms and the process of militarisation in regions where structural violence is the norm exacerbate societal dysfunction, political turmoil and erode state authority.

“I was a teenage gun runner”


Tue 13 Feb 2001 03.14 GMT

Fifteen years later, the story of how 30 [more like 40] tons of weapons and ammunition were smuggled into the country by, among others, an A-level student from the Midlands, has been rescued from obscurity by South African television. David Brown made Secret Safari, broadcast in South Africa this week, after learning that his father, Mannie, had helped to set up a travel agency in London which for seven years was a front organisation for transporting guns and ammunition into the hands of Umkhonto weSizwe, the armed wing of the ANC, in the days when war in South Africa seemed inevitable.

What they didn't know was that it had been set up by the ANC. The agency, Africa Hinterland, had premises in Greenwich High Road, south-east London. "We had a budget of £80,000," says Mannie Brown. "That was to buy the vehicle, convert it and get it to Mombasa. We bought a second-hand Bedford and converted it on farmland near Ipswich. My nephew did all the welding."

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870cef No.44143

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321269 (081317ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa (video)

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>“Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa”

“Mbeki, Mnangagwa meet” [Dec 16, 2019] - https://youtu.be/vIDlB9q_Vp8

“How ED [Emmerson Mnangagwa] helped ANC comrades during Apartheid” smuggle weapons


September 21, 2019

Less than a month into Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980, then African National Congress leader Oliver Tambo met with then Prime Minister Robert Mugabe over how the new nation would help the liberation movement execute its war against Apartheid.

The two leaders then set up a committee co-led by Emmerson Mnangagwa, then Mininster of State Security and Thabo Mbeki, that time a high ranking ANC cadre to come up with a deal and operationalise it.

This new interesting detail is according to former President of South Africa and ANC struggle veteran Thabo Mbeki who recentrly gave a eulogy during a recent commemoration even held in honour of the life of Zimbabwe’s ex-President, Cde Robert Mugabe, who died a fortnight ago.

Cde Mbeki said the committee then came up woth a cocktail of interventions that oiled the ANC’s struggle for independence, including movement of weapons from Zambia and cadres, using Zimbabwean identity cards.

“Emmerson Mnangagwa, was Minister of State Security that time and I worked with him. He is now President of Zimbabwe. Under the deal we crafted, Zimbabwe moved a whole battalion to the Limpopo river at the border with South Africa.

“That means the Zimbabwean soldiers would cross our weapons from Zambia to the Limpopo. Our people would then cross from South Africa, without weapons and get them in Zimbabwe. There were a lot of roadblocks then,” said Mbeki.

Mbeki said, many ANC cadres travelled to sensitive meeting abroad, I would go as Patrick Zhuwao,” he said, drawing laughter from the crowd that included former Zimbabwean a minister Patrick Zhuwao.

The security situation then was very fragile and dangerous. Its was a transitional period and Ian Smith’s spies were still in government.

“Imagin it was just within a month of Zimbabwe’s independence and the security situation was still delicate. There we were, requesting Zimbabwe to host our freedom fighters. Mugabe then said let us come up with a team from both sides to operationalise the process.

“We needed to cross our weapons from Zambia through Zimbabwe to our border, the into South Africa. Mnangagwa helped our cadres get Zimbabwean identity cards and our people carrying weapons passed every roadblock without problem. Each time they produced Zimbabwean IDs they passed through each road block without problems.

“This is a secret am letting out for the first time. That is how Mugabe and Mnangagwa stood by us. I could say more. But Zimbabwe played a very important role until we got our independence in 1994,” said Mbeki much to applause.

“The Liberation struggle in South Africa had reached fever pitch, inspired by the new State of Zimbabwe, and needing to up the guerilla movement against black discrimination. For some of us in the ANC, Zimbabwe is a very special country.”

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870cef No.44144

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19321355 (081341ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / 'No talks with taxi operators if violence persists (video)

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>“Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa”

>The AK-47, an iconic struggle weapon of African liberation, lasts 20 to 40 years.



“'No talks with taxi operators if violence persists'”


Aug 8, 2023

SANTACO says it welcomes the call to release impounded taxis. Cape Town Mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis says as long as violence persists in the city, they won't have engagements with taxi operators. He speaks to Nasiphi Same. Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.

4:09 – “There was a statement actually that the meeting collapsed on Sunday. Why then did that meeting collapse and the taxi driver leave that particular meeting that you spoke of Sunday afternoon?… [response] Because certain of the taxi bosses showed up with automatic rifles like AK-47s and machine guns. That in itself is a crime. There’s not a private citizen that is allowed to have a weapon like that. There’s no way that you can get a license for a weapon like that. You can’t just carry it around the street to meetings with you. This is the kind of thing that we are dealing with. This is the point that we keep making. You don’t want to be on the side of people who perpetrating violence and it’s very strange to me that the National Minister of Transport would choose the side of people like that. National ministers, as this government is, should be on the side of commuters, people who are trying to get to work, people who are trying to get to school and standing up for the rule of law.

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870cef No.44145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323419 (081933ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Transport Minister and JP Smith in war of words over taxi strike

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>National Minister of Transport

“Transport Minister and JP Smith in war of words over taxi strike”



Transport Minister Sindi Chikunga is flying to Cape Town to take part in negotiations to solve the taxi crisis that has crippled the city and province.

Chikunga said the taxi industry strike could be resolved if all parties, including the City of Cape Town, come to the negotiating table.

The minister also accused the city of using the wrong by-laws to impound 6,000 taxis.

But MMC for Safety and Security in Cape Town JP Smith denied the claim by the minister and accused her of inciting violence.

“Minister Chikunga, why are you trying to incite further violence by making false statements?

“Please can the public help us, whoever is closest to the minister, lean over her and explain to her very slowly. ‘No minibus taxi has ever been impounded within Cape Town, because of a by-law. Never. Taxis have only been impounded under her National Land Transport Act. It’s her Act. From 2009. If it is illegal, how come she only decided this today? After 14 years’,” said Smith.

Chikunga, who was briefing the media on Tuesday, said the municipality has been using wrong laws to impound taxis.

She ordered it to release 6,000 taxis that had been impounded using these wrong laws.

“We call on the City of Cape Town to respect and uphold national laws as they currently stand. To this end, we call on the city to return to the negotiating table, address the areas of disagreement and demonstrate a genuine effort to find a lasting solution to the current challenges. We call on the city to immediately release without any conditions all vehicles impounded based on the National Road Traffic Act and leave those that are impounded on the basis of the National Land Transport Act of 2009.

“We have the National Land Transport Act and the issue of impounding minibus taxis is actually found in that legislation. It is in section 87 of the National Land Transport Act and that act specifies when you can impound a minibus taxi,” said Chikunga.

She said the city can make by-laws, but they must be consistent with national laws.

“They can make by-laws but those cannot be in conflict with the national legislation as no national legislation can be in conflict with the Constitution. What is not illegal is for the city to have by-laws, but those by-laws when they are in conflict with national legislation, then it’s illegal.

“The taxi strike emanates from the impoundment of their vehicles, 6,000 of them are impounded and not in operation. Why that impoundment? Because the city is executing and implementing a wrong legislation and that is why we are forced to talk about these two pieces of legislation,” said Chikunga.

She was hoping the meeting on Tuesday will be able to find a solution to the crisis.

But she was going to stay in Cape Town for as long as it takes to reach an agreement by all parties.

Chikunga said the strike was reflecting badly on South Africa, as countries have already issued travel alerts to the citizens about what was happening, and this would impact on the economy.

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870cef No.44146

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323437 (081937ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / ‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa (video)

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It’s about time that the international media starts talking about the farm murders and race baiting in South Africa. It is great that Sky News Australia called out on the New York Times’s article, “‘Kill the Boer’ Song Fuels Backlash in South Africa and U.S.” which states, “Right-wing commenters claim that an old anti-apartheid chant is a call to anti-white violence, but historians and the left-wing politician who embraces it say it should not be taken literally.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/02/world/africa/south-africa-kill-boer-song.html.

“‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa”|Sky News Australia


Aug 5, 2023

Sky News host Rita Panahi has raised concerns about “anti-white racism” occurring in South Africa where political leaders chant about "killing white farmers".

“These attacks are real and yet this murderous chant is not only tolerated but celebrated by some race-baiting miscreants,” Ms Panahi said.

“These people are real, these farm attacks are real and have been happening for several years now but South Africa's Equality Court ruled just last year that chants about killing farmers were NOT hate speech.

“If you can't by now detect the very real, very dangerous anti-white racism, the dehumanization and degradation of people based on nothing other than the colour of their skin, then you haven't been paying attention.”

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870cef No.44147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19323448 (081939ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Elon Musk Calls For Cancelling New York Times Over ‘Genocide Support’

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> It is great that Sky News Australia called out on the New York Times’s article, “‘Kill the Boer’ Song Fuels Backlash in South Africa and U.S.” which states, “Right-wing commenters claim that an old anti-apartheid chant is a call to anti-white violence, but historians and the left-wing politician who embraces it say it should not be taken literally.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/02/world/africa/south-africa-kill-boer-song.html.



>“Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant”

“Breaking: Elon Musk Calls For Cancelling New York Times Over ‘Genocide Support’”


August 5, 2023

Tesla CEO and billionaire Elon Musk called for boycotting The New York Times over an article he alleges to be supporting genocide of white people in South Africa. Controversy erupted over the “Kill the Boer!” chant raised by Julius Malema, a South African leader during a recent rally in Johannesburg. In response, Musk had on July 31, 2023, asked South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa on the open calls for “Genocide of white people in South Africa.”

The “Kill the Boer!” chant was referred to white farmers. The latest New York Times report quoted a professor of saying that the chant does not literally mean to promote violence against individual farmers. It added that Malema called Musk an illiterate when asked about the tweet from Musk on open genocide calls. “Why must I educate Elon Musk? He looks like an illiterate. The only thing that protects him is his white skin,” Malema reportedly said.

In response to the news article from the publication, Musk called for cancelling the publication, accusing it of supporting the calls for genocide.

“The New York Times actually has the nerve to support calls for genocide! If ever there was a time to cancel that publication, it is now.”

Also, the billionaire criticized the New York Times’ coverage of the FTX cofounder Sam Bankman-Fried. He alleged that the publication had a lot of sympathy for the cofounder but not for the victims of FTX collapse. This confrontation could have huge political ramifications both in the United States and South Africa, considering Musk’s popularity and global reach. Earlier, CoinGape reported that the Tesla CEO is actually the most favorable political figures in the US, beating the likes of US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

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870cef No.44148

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19329903 (092106ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Taxi strike in Cape Town leads to violence, deaths: Gugu Nonjinge (video)

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“Santaco Taxi Strike | Taxi strike in Cape Town leads to violence, deaths: Gugu Nonjinge”


Aug 9, 2023

It's been several days of violence linked to the taxi strike in the City of Cape Town. Vehicles have been petrol-bombed, roads have been blocked, and two men have been confirmed to have been shot and killed during the demonstrations. This follows last week's announcement by the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco), declaring a seven-day strike in response to the City of Cape Town authorities impounding multiple vehicles last week. The taxis have ceased operations, leaving commuters and public servants, such as healthcare, teachers, and social workers, stranded. Joining us now is Gugu Nonjinge, an advocacy specialist at the Centre for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation (CSVR).

For more news, visit sabcnews.com and #SABCNews on all Social Media platforms.

2:23 – “I think our research pretty much shows how there’s no single cause of violence in South Africa and perhaps our conversation should be rooted on the normalisation and the widespread tolerance of violence which is a very critical issue. South Africa has a strong history of violence right? And I think more than anything it reflects the widely held laws and beliefs which often see violence as a necessary and justified means of resolving conflicts or other difficulties in our country and in our communities. It happened before during Apartheid, it happened after democracy, it’s still happening now and there are several factors that feed into the perpetuation of the culture of violence in our country and perhaps we need to focus our energies quite more on those in order for us to be able to prevent violence and address its effects.”

3:14 – “We’re also seeing the national government weighing in on this and whether we look at the police minister, Bheki Cele, or we look at the transport minister, Sindisiwe Chikunga, basically calling the City of Cape Town out saying that the impounding of taxis are unlawful and the City should release the vehicles without condition. Yet there is legislation that says that what they’re doing is unlawful and this is now taking sides and it’s becoming a bit of a political scuffle as well.

5:14 – “One thing we didn’t even touch on is the issue of so many countries like the US, the UK, Australia issuing citizens to really sort of stop planning travel to the City. Some suggesting delay trips if possible to avoid any harm.”

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870cef No.44149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19329915 (092109ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Cape Town taxi strike: DA calls for accountability from Bheki Cele

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>“We’re also seeing the national government weighing in on this and whether we look at the police minister, Bheki Cele, or we look at the transport minister, Sindisiwe Chikunga, basically calling the City of Cape Town out saying that the impounding of taxis are unlawful and the City should release the vehicles without condition. Yet there is legislation that says that what they’re doing is unlawful and this is now taking sides and it’s becoming a bit of a political scuffle as well.”


>ANC continuing their campaign to make the Western Cape ungovernable. [“Timeline of ANC & ANCYL's WCape ungovernability campaign” (15 August 2012), https://www.politicsweb.co.za/documents/timeline-of-anc-ancyls-wcape-ungovernability-camp]

“Cape Town taxi strike: DA calls for accountability from Bheki Cele”


04 Aug 2023

The DA is deeply concerned over the taxi strike declared by Santaco in Cape Town, which has resulted in significant hardship for our city, particularly impacting the most vulnerable members of our community, including children. The economic devastation caused by the strike is also alarming, and it is incumbent upon us to address the situation urgently.

Of even greater concern is the presence of Police Minister Bheki Cele at the meeting where the strike was declared. It raises questions about his involvement and role in a matter that falls outside the scope of his responsibilities. The primary responsibility of the Police Minister is to maintain law and order and ensure the safety of all citizens, regardless of the circumstances.

It is distressing that while the strike was underway and acts of violence were being perpetrated, Minister Cele was not seen addressing these incidents. The burning of buses and looting of trucks have put innocent lives at risk, and the recent shooting of a bus driver in Khayelitsha is a tragic incident that should not be overlooked.

As the Police Minister, Cele should have taken immediate action to mitigate the violence that erupted during the strike. The lack of a visible and proactive response is deeply troubling and undermines public confidence in the ability of the South African Police Service (SAPS) to protect its citizens.

We call on Minister Cele to clarify his involvement in the meeting where the strike was declared and to provide a detailed account of his actions during the strike. Moreover, he must outline his plan to ensure the remainder of the strike proceeds peacefully and without endangering lives and property.

This strike and the associated violence bring back memories of previous attempts to render the Western Cape ungovernable during election periods. The presence of an ANC minister at the meeting where the decision to strike was made raises questions about the potential political motivations behind this action. The focus should be on addressing legitimate concerns within the taxi industry through constructive dialogue and adherence to the by-laws governing the sector.

Minister Cele must prioritise his duty to protect residents and uphold the law. It is essential that he ensures the SAPS operates effectively and that there is no room for a lawless taxi industry. The safety and security of our citizens should never be compromised.

We urge the relevant authorities to take swift action to resolve the taxi strike and engage all stakeholders to find a lasting solution to the issues facing the industry. Our priority remains the well-being and safety of the people of Cape Town.

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870cef No.44150

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19329984 (092122ZAUG23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / “Why Won't Mandela Renounce Violence?” 1990 (video)

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>perhaps our conversation should be rooted on the normalisation and the widespread tolerance of violence which is a very critical issue. South Africa has a strong history of violence right? And I think more than anything it reflects the widely held laws and beliefs which often see violence as a necessary and justified means of resolving conflicts or other difficulties in our country and in our communities. It happened before during Apartheid, it happened after democracy, it’s still happening now and there are several factors that feed into the perpetuation of the culture of violence in our country and perhaps we need to focus our energies quite more on those in order for us to be able to prevent violence and address its effects.





On 31 January 1985 State President P. W. Botha offers Nelson Mandela, leader of the banned African National Congress (ANC), conditional release from the prison sentence he had been serving since the conclusion of the Rivonia Trial in 1964. The condition of his release is that he renounces violence, and violent protest, as a means to bring about change in South Africa. Mandela communicates his refusal of the offer through his daughter, Zindzi Mandela, who reads his statement to this effect at a rally in Soweto on 10 February 1985. He states that the ANC's only adopted violence as a means of protest "When other forms of resistance were no longer open to us".


“"THE QUANTUM LEAP" F.W. de Klerk's Speech to Parliament - February 2, 1990” [unbanning of the liberation movements and unconditional release of Mandela] - https://youtu.be/8DdNV6nbByM

“Why Won't Mandela Renounce Violence?”


June 21, 1990

Who is the real Nelson Mandela? Before his supporters drape him in the garments of Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr., they should take a close look.

Understandably, Americans are eager to hear Mr. Mandela's opinions delivered in person, after his release from 27 years of imprisonment. But he, in turn, needs to answer one simple question: Why won't he and the A.N.C. renounce violence?

Mr. Mandela's conflicting public statements on violence may be prolonging the suffering. At a May 26 rally in Atterigeville, Mr. Mandela said of rival black groups: There are organizations which have imaginary armies, who have not conducted a single armed struggle in this country, who criticize us for trying to secure peace. Our patience is not likely to last very long. Two days later, the A.N.C. clashed with members of the Azanian People's Organization [AZAPO], a militant black-consciousness movement, in Maokeng, Orange Free State. Seven people were injured, three of them seriously.

The stain of violence has even touched Mr. Mandela's wife, Winnie, and her personal bodyguard squad, the Mandela United Football Club. The brutal beating and stabbing death last year of James (Stompie) Mokhetsi Seipei, a 14-year-old black youth accused by the defendants of collaboration, is a shocking tragedy close to the Mandela inner circle. The Government insists that Mrs. Mandela had no role in the beatings or killing. Nevertheless, two children who survived the beatings alleged in court testimony that Mrs. Mandela beat Stompie and flogged him with a sjambok, a leather whip often used by the South African police.

In this regard, Dr. King once wrote: This, I feel, is one of the greatest tragedies of Communism. Read Lenin as he says 'Lying, deceit and violence are justifiable means to bring about a classless society.' This is where the principle of nonviolence breaks with Communism and any other method which holds to the same belief. . . . So, in the long run, destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends, because the ends are pre-existent in the means.

Even Mr. Mandela's most ardent disciples should admit that he would do far better to associate himself more closely with the words of Dr. King and Gandhi than those of Lenin.

Americans must question Mr. Mandela on the A.N.C.'s use of violence. Those of us who are genuinely interested in his opinions regarding a post-apartheid South Africa must neither be swayed by the adulation of his admirers nor the contempt of his critics.

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870cef No.44151

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335084 (101834ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Taxi industry law unto itself - Sandile Swana (video)

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“Taxi industry law unto itself - Sandile Swana”


Aug 10, 2023

The Western Cape taxi strike continues as SANTACO has extended its stayaway by two days. Political Analyst Sandile Swana says it's no surprise that the law-abiding City of Cape Town is in conflict with the taxi industry. Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.

4:14 – “What we cannot run away from and the ANC government has been avoiding this problem for the longest time is that the taxi industry was inaugurated in South Africa in 1988 by FW de Klerk. It was released to us as a highly politicised industry, totally unregulated until today, … and it has a history of violence as in destroying trains, destroying buses, murder and other things that are very very criminal. It has a criminal and mafia character. So it is not surprise that a City that is run according to the laws of South Africa is in conflict with the taxi industry in the Western Cape and in Cape Town because the taxi industry wants to be above the laws of South Africa wherever they operate. They want to be above everybody except that they will shoot you dead or burn you or burn your property.

8:54 – “So, if the City of Cape Town has decided to bring an end to the mafia that has been running the taxi industry since 1988 and Bheki Cele it’s good for him to say he will not get involved because I am yet to discover a place where the ANC government and Bheki Cele have actually stopped crime. They have not been able to stop the zama zamas, they have not been able to stop the political killing in KZN… and so many other things. They are just a failure.”

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870cef No.44152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335103 (101838ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / South African Taxi Industry: the establishment of SANTACO 2014

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A different tune was sung back in 2014

“South African Taxi Industry” – the establishment of SANTACO


1 Oct 2014 | 9:53 am

Taxi drivers are not the most popular people the world over, most certainly in South Africa. But there can be few more successful examples of creating order from chaos as that of the South African national Taxi Council (SANTACO) in its 13 years of existence.

Taxi related violence as recorded by the SA Institute for Race Relations caused the deaths of more than 2000 people from 1991 to 1999. Eleven years later in 2010 SANTACO launched its TR3 2020 strategy for the industry, which includes smartcard and tracking technology, free WiFi at all taxi ranks by December this year and in all registered taxis by 2017. In July 2013 SANTACO introduced a Taxi Fare Index which determines taxi increases by taking into account the costs of short versus long distance taxi operations as well as coastal and inland cost differentials.

SANTACO, which was established in 2001 with the mandate to restore stability to and unify the industry, has evolved into a structure today consisting of a National Council, nine provincial structures, 69 regional bodies and 1300 local associations. It is recognised by government as the official representative of the taxi industry to the exclusion of competing associations.

According to the Who Owns Whom report on the Minibus Taxi and Bus Industry, the minibus taxi industry carries 69% of the 80% of the South African population who use public commuter transport. It contributes R40bn to the GDP, employs 650 000 people, spends R30bn annually on fuel, R5bn on insurance and R800m on tyres.

SANTACO is an association not a company but to give a context the combined turnover of its members is twice that of Tiger Brands. There are 300 000 permitted taxis on the road with an average ownership of two taxis per operator which translates to roughly 150 000 entrepreneurs. If the newly created Department for Small Business Development was wondering where to find entrepreneurs with the experience of running a business they need look no further.

The Department of Transport introduced the Taxi Recapitalisation Programme (TRP) in September in 2013 under which taxi owners were paid a scrapping allowance for old taxis to be used to purchase a new vehicle, or leave the industry. Under the programme 58 000 taxis have been scrapped but SANTACO’s view is that the scrapping allowance was insufficient to make the purchase of a new vehicle viable. In addition owners were obligated to buy TRP-compliant vehicles which many believed are not suitable for the purpose and those leaving the industry were not offered support to establish a new business outside of the industry.

The industry faces a significant threat from the Bus Rapid Transport Systems which have been installed in Johannesburg, Tshwane and Cape Town as well as the replacement of the municipal metro bus fleets and the metro rail rolling stock.

A short term opportunity has been created by the phasing out of contracted metro busing where private operators have been subsidised for years on a month-by-month contract and consequently there has been no investment in their ageing bus fleet. SANTACO has also lodged a complaint with the Competition Commission that the subsidisation of buses should extend to taxis otherwise it constitutes unfair competition.

The introduction of smart card technology has been slow due the individual ownership profile of the industry but once it gains traction so does the potential for transaction-based revenue generation. A project has been initiated by Taxichoice to install TV screens in each taxi to provide travel and other information to passengers as well generate advertising revenue for the operator.

The formalisation of the industry by SANTACO has been necessary to guard against pirate (and therefore unlicensed) competition and to establish their authority when negotiating with government; one of the results is the exemption of permit holding taxis from paying e-tolls.

The primary constraint on the industry’s long term competitiveness against new and revived modes of commuter transport is funding, which could be solved by the introduction of an institutionally funded franchise structure.

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870cef No.44153

File: cee64eee227dfd7⋯.jpg (44.32 KB,396x278,198:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335108 (101839ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / From 2011: South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) to launch taxi industry training academy

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>Eleven years later in 2010 SANTACO launched its TR3 2020 strategy for the industry, which includes smartcard and tracking technology, free WiFi at all taxi ranks by December this year and in all registered taxis by 2017.

“South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) to launch taxi industry training academy”


21 October 2011

The South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) will be launching the first ever taxi industry training academy. The Training Academy is part of SANTACO’s new vision that seeks to transform the taxi industry called the TR3 2020 strategy. The Training Academy reinforces the taxi industry’s commitment towards the Decade of Action for Road Safety that aims to half road carnage by the 2020.

SANTACO however intends to have reduced taxi related accidents drastically by 2015 through the taxis’ road safety programme called the Hlokomela campaign. Through the Hlokomela campaign SANTACO seeks to improve customer care and promote responsible driving which require behavioural change in order to achieve reduction of road accidents. There is presently a recruitment process of women who will be trained as taxi drivers.

Transport Minister Sbu Ndebele will deliver a keynote address at the launch which will also be attended by among other speakers; the Free State MEC for Tourism, Environmental & Economic Affairs Mr M Dukwana and CEO of TETA (Transport Training & Education Authority) Ms M Matlala. The Programme will begin at the SANTACO Academy and will proceed to the Pakisa Racecourse.

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870cef No.44154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335117 (101841ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / From 2010: Address at the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) launch of The TR3 2020 Strategy by Mr Sibusiso Ndebele, Minister of Transport

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>TR3 2020 Strategy

“Address at the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) launch of The TR3 2020 Strategy by Mr Sibusiso Ndebele, Minister of TransportMidrand Conference Centre”


2 Nov 2010

Excerpts below

Ten years ago we said, in South African terms, public transportation virtually denoted horror. It painted gory pictures of minibus-taxi road crashes, taxi violence and bodies of our loved ones scattered on our roads. But we also said, on the other hand, the taxi industry represented, and still does, a great model of successful Black economic self-empowerment. It is the only sector where Black people control an entire sector through their ownership of the taxi mode of transportation.

We are ready to work together with the industry to identify opportunities. Over the past ten years we have seen an increase towards investment by the taxi industry in the transport sector. Today the industry owns garages, dealership networks such as Taxi Choice, partnerships with Toyota - all of which have seen serious returns for you as the taxi industry.

The initiatives of the Department of Transport on the economic empowerment of the taxi industry commenced as far back as 1996. Today in November 2010, more than ten years later we are here to recommit ourselves to a new taxi development agenda. We have both the objective and subjective factors which are conducive for a major, giant leap forward. The main objective factor is that public transport is on the rise and defines the future of mobility in South Africa, in Africa and the world.

We cannot afford to continue building more roads and parking bays in cities as this simply encourages more traffic over the medium term to long term. No city in the world not even London, Chicago, Venezuela, Paris or New York has solved urban mobility challenges through private car use.

Switching car users to public transport, walking and cycling will make a major contribution to our global responsibilities of protecting the environment. Public transport provides a greater level of safety and stress free travel than private transport.

Over the past five years we have invested R48 billion in our Bus Rapid System (BRT), rail and the Taxi Recapitalisation Programme. This expenditure pattern is going to continue over the next ten years.

We have spent over R9 billion rolling out the Integrated Public Transport Networks in four cities. Already, in the Rea Vaya BRT in Gauteng, the taxi industry owns and is involved in the operation of the BRT. There are concrete plans to extend these Rapid Networks into other cities. Secondly, we are about to develop new long-term contracted services in all provinces.

This will be completed in all provinces over the next two years. These contracts will vary between seven and 12 years at an average of R5 billion a year as subsidy from government.

New dawn in taxi industry

Today marks the launch of the Taxi Industry’s Strategy for 2010- 2020 and the Taxi Academy. These two achievements are the fulfillment of our vision applied through our three-pronged approach which involves:

1. The creation of a structured engagement on all matters between government and the taxi industry.

2. The development of a structural framework to enable the taxi industry to engage collectively in economic activities.

3. The setting-up, within the environment of a solid structural framework, of actual business ventures aimed at turning the taxi industry into a serious economic force.

Firstly, we want to adopt your TR3 2010-2020 Strategy as the basis for our partnership with the industry.

Let us give ourselves three months to consolidate the strategic partnerships with key private sector partners including banks, vehicle manufacturers, technology and other relevant partners

To conclude, a vibrant taxi industry that shares the vision of transformation in improving public transport in addition to bus operators and passenger rail operations is what is needed in this country. We have faith in South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO). SANTACO has the mandate to lead efforts to unite the taxi industry.

It is only through working together, the taxi industry, government and the private sector, that our endeavor to implement our much needed integrated public transport networks can be achieved.

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870cef No.44155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335139 (101849ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / From 2010: Address at the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) launch of The TR3 2020 Strategy by Mr Sibusiso Ndebele, Minister of Transport

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Old Mutual


>Standard Bank

More on Santaco


26 Nov 2019

Santaco is the only government-recognised representative body of the minibus taxi industry.


19 November 2018


SA Taxi, a major subsidiary of Transaction Capital, is a vertically integrated business platform that provides a comprehensive financial, insurance and allied services offering to minibus taxi operators. Today SA Taxi and SANTACO (a national body which represents the interests of its members who are individual minibus taxi operators) announced a unique transformational equity partnership transaction whereby SANTACO will acquire a 25% interest in SA Taxi.


In 2018, Santaco and SA Taxi announced a much-welcomed Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) deal. The transaction was hailed as long overdue as it gave the minibus industry a stake in a value chain worth billions of rands.

Santaco, through a special purpose vehicle, acquired a 25% stake in the share capital of SA Taxi. The deal, valued at R1.7-billion, was largely funded by Africa’s largest lender, Standard Bank, and FutureGrowth Asset Management, a member of Old Mutual Investment Group. About R1.2-billion came from the former and the latter, and was used to buy 15.7% of ordinary shares in SA Taxi. The remaining R500-million for the 9.3% of ordinary shares was funded via vendor finance from JSE-listed Transaction Capital, the majority shareholder of SA Taxi.


The ANC has destroyed most public transport for the black working-classes. It has wrecked passenger rail. It does nothing when criminals, almost certainly part of the taxi mafia, attack buses and shoot their drivers. Last year there were over 150 violent attacks on long-distance buses, mainly in the Eastern Cape. The taxi mafia was believed to be responsible for most of them. Fikile Mbalula, then Minister of Transport, was asked by Intercape, a bus company, to take action against the criminals. He refused. They took the matter to court, and the court ordered Mbalula to take action. He appealed against the court decision. Why? Was he just another ANC coward, scared of the thugs in the taxi industry? Or could it be that he had interests in the taxi industry? I don’t know. (There is no doubt that the police are behind many of the cash-in-transit robberies. Maybe other ANC instruments of state power also have interests in organised crime.)

What I do know is that as railways and buses have become less available, the working-classes are forced to depend on mini-bus taxis for transport. Uber drivers, whom I have always found reliable, safe, and law abiding, are also likely to be threatened by the taxi mafia.

I believe in capitalism, and the minibus taxis have some capitalist features. They receive no subsidies from the state; they stand alone. But they negate the two crucial features of successful capitalism: they don’t allow the rule of the law or the free market. They break the law and kill competitors. Now they are in financial trouble. Transaction Capital, a company whose main business was providing finance for the taxi industry (and whose second business is We Buy Cars) is in big trouble now when the taxi companies cannot afford to take out and repay loans. This is because of South Africa’s economic decline under the ANC and the ravages of the dreadful Covid lockdown.

One of the things that strikes me so dramatically about the minibus drivers is their hatred. They exude menace. They are very vengeful. Their awful behaviour is more than a desperate attempt to earn some money; it is also an attempt to dominate and be feared. I have heard numerous stories of people who hooted when a minibus cut them off, and were then followed by the taxi and cursed and even beaten up.

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870cef No.44156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335142 (101850ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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“Riot and strike warning for South Africa” (Part 1)


10 Aug 2023

As the City of Cape Town and the City of Tshwane are beset by striking taxi drivers and public workers, the insurance industry has warned that South Africa faces the risk of even more tensions and blowouts in the months to come.

This is according to professional services and consulting firm Aon’s latest State of the Insurance Market report for South Africa, which outlines the significant shifts that have been seen in the country and how they have impacted one of the biggest financial services industries.

According to the group, one of the biggest shifts in the market globally and in South Africa relates to growing instances of civil unrest.

Globally, the onset of the war between Russia and Ukraine in February of 2022 proved to be a seismic geopolitical event with tragic direct and indirect consequences – most importantly, loss of life and senseless destruction.

While the impact of the war has spanned across the globe, the volatility in markets had a severe knock-on effect that will be felt for years to come.

Notably, Aon said, the war has resulted in global insurers hardening for the first time since the September 11th attacks in the United States – and it is continuing to harden.

For South Africa, the global issues around riots, strikes and terrorism insurance are exacerbated by local troubles.

Aon said there has been a marked increase in conflicts, civil unrest and economic pressures. This has limited the number of underwriters in operation and has led to significant losses in the market.

It warned that South Africa is currently operating in a troubled political climate and that tensions are likely to rise with the national elections coming soon in 2024.

These risks are making affordable insurance coverage unachievable, the group said.

Following the July 2021 riots, the industry already took a massive hit. The state-owned South African Special Risk Insurance Association (Sasria) hiked rates and imposed limits in subsequent years, and certain sectors simply cannot find coverage anymore.

This has hit particularly hard in the retail, warehousing and mining industries, Aon said, which are at greatest risk of these incidents.

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870cef No.44157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19335144 (101851ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1&2)

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“Riot and strike warning for South Africa” (Part 2)


10 Aug 2023

Ticking timebomb

Sasria warned in July that South Africa faces a repeat of the July 2021 riots if the country does not address pressing economic issues that have only been exacerbated by local and global issues.

One of the biggest issues, however, is youth unemployment, the group said.

Sasria said that young people in South Africa are sitting idle, and the anger of joblessness can be easily ignited.

In June, the Institute of Risk Management South Africa (IRMSA) said that among the country’s biggest risks is growing social unrest, with the group already noting a rise in protests and riots, fuelled by social and economic pressures that have persisted for almost a decade.

Economic challenges include stagnant growth, high unemployment, and persistent inequality – these have consistently ranked among the country’s major risks for years, IRMSA said.

Concerns over corruption, governance, the rule of law, and breakdowns in public service delivery have also been recurring themes.

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) has also, in recent weeks, warned that the country is a ticking timebomb, urging the government to deal with flare-ups of discord and protest swiftly.

Despite the warnings and calls to do something, at least three major outbreaks of violent or disruptive protest have occurred in the past month alone.

In July, a spate of truck attacks and looting once again hit services on key freight routes on the N3 transport corridor. The July 2021 riots started from a similar seed of violence.

Heading into August, public service workers in the City of Tshwane downed tools and disrupted critical services in the municipality after being told they would not get a wage increase this year.

Despite the courts declaring the strike illegal – and the city moving to fire workers who don’t pitch for duty – the strike has continued.

The latest and most widely covered social unrest has broken out in Cape Town, with taxi drivers and owners, under the representation of the South African National Taxi Council, ceased all services and blockaded roads in the city for over a week.

The Cape Town taxi strike was expected to end on August 9th but was extended to the end of this week.

Worryingly, the strike has been accompanied by acts of intimidation and violence that have resulted in at least five deaths. Various industries impacted by the disruption have issued alerts calling for the end of the strike, pleading for stakeholders not to allow it to go the way of the 2021 riots.

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870cef No.44158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19340743 (111730ZAUG23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun / A great relief’ — Santaco calls off Western Cape taxi strike (video)

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“South African police battle looters after days of taxi driver protests” [Aug 8, 2023] - https://youtu.be/2bjhmVIqP34

“‘A great relief’ — Santaco calls off Western Cape taxi strike”


10 Aug 2023

Santaco called off its taxi strike in the Western Cape on Thursday evening, saying it would use the next 14 days to work on releasing vehicles that had been wrongfully impounded.

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870cef No.44159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19355884 (141308ZAUG23) Notable: Iqbal Survé Biography; “founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)” and “founding member of the BRICS Business Council (Parts 1&2, video)

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>its founding chairman of BRICS Business Council, Patrice Motsepe, is Cyril Ramaphosa’s brother-in-law, a mining magnet, heavily involved in the WEF

“Inside the mind of the “Struggle Doctor” Dr. Iqbal Survé” - https://youtu.be/xxQ0kGsoFcs

3:19 – “When I became a doctor many of the people involved in the struggle became my patients… While I was at Grootte Schuur, I was linking up with the Robin Island prisoners. Eventually they asked me to leave because I had been the go between the prisoners and the ANC in exile.”

6:15 – “Mandela put together a grouping of people to really fund the ANC at the time and he wanted people he could trust and they included editors and ministers and others. After a while that fizzled out and then people were speaking about empowerment… I was pulled in at the beginning when I was still practicing as a trustee and then eventually you know this became a business… I was a socialist to be honest in the sense that I was community driven… I ended being the youngest chief executive on the JSE when we listed the company in May 1999, 18 months after I left medicine.

Iqbal Survé – Biography; “founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)” and “founding member of the BRICS Business Council” 1 of 2


April 5, 2022

Cape Town-born Chairman of Sekunjalo Investment Holdings and Executive Chairman of Independent Media South Africa, Dr. Survé is committed towards meaningful transformation of the social and economic landscape of South Africa, in order to redress the economic legacy of apartheid. As the founder of The Sekunjalo Group, Survé has led the organization from initial seed capital of 20 000 USD (1997) to its current portfolio which includes more than 200 investments across the African continent with a presence in 40 African countries and an intrinsic market value of billions of dollars.

Noteworthy investments include the multisided platform Sagarmatha Technologies, Africa’s largest print and online media group, Independent Media and African News Agency, founded in 2015, is Africa’s first global news, text, picture, video content syndication service and Loot, one of Africa’s largest and fastest growing e-commerce companies. Survé Philanthropies (SP), the philanthropic foundation of Dr Survé and the Survé family, has 7 separate Foundations supporting children’s, women’s and human rights, education, music, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, social impact investing, climate change and health care.

Dr Survé carries out a number of engagements on behalf of a number of multi-lateral institutions and global organizations to which he is affiliated. He is a founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and has twice been honoured by President Bill Clinton for his contribution to CGI.

He served as a founding member of the BRICS Business Council, appointed by the President of South Africa and from 2017 was the Chair for the South African Chapter of the BRICS Business Council. In 2018 Survé assumed the Presidency of the Business Council for the five BRICS countries. Given Sekunjalo’s membership to the prestigious World Economic Forum (WEF), Survé is a regular contributor and participant in the Davos and Summer meetings.

He has served as the first Chairman of the Global Growth Companies (GGC) Advisory Board and Vice Chairman of the Global Agenda Council (GAC) for Emerging Multinationals. He is a participant of the G20 meeting and serves on B20 Task Team as well as the UNGA private sector forum.

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870cef No.44160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19355885 (141308ZAUG23) Notable: Iqbal Survé Biography; “founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)” and “founding member of the BRICS Business Council (Parts 1&2, video)

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Iqbal Survé – Biography; “founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)” and “founding member of the BRICS Business Council” 2 of 2


April 5, 2022

He was one of the first blacks to be awarded the Afrikaanse Sakeleir Van die jar by the Afrikaanse Handels Institutt. He was listed as one of Africa’s most influential leaders by Africa Magazine; honored by Mayor Higgins of the city of New Orleans; and appointed as Honorary Consul for Cape Town of Finland. He is an alumnus of the HRH Prince of Wales Business & Environment program hosted by HRH Prince Charles with CPI, a Fellow of the African Leadership Initiative (ALI), a patron of the South Africa-Italy Summit, until recently he was Co-chairman of the South Africa-Saudi Arabia Business Council (SASABC). He is a patron of the Munich based GISAID, a patron along with Queen Silvia and former President Nelson Mandela of the Swedish based World Children Prize for the Rights of the Child (WCPRC), a founder member of the Siemans Global Sustainability Advisory Board, a member of the YPO Gold Cape Town Chapter, a patron of the South African chapter of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation, and twice honoured with the Directors award for his contribution to tertiary education by the University of Cape Town (UCT), Graduate School of Business where he served for several years as Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Business School.

Dr Survé is an alumnus of the University of Cape Town (UCT), the Graduate School of Business (GSB), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Harvard University with degrees in medicine, science and business.

*MBChB (UCT), BSc. (Med) (Hons) Sports Medicine (UCT), Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (FACSM), MBA (UCT), SEP (Harvard), Trustee of the College of Medicine South Africa

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870cef No.44161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19355888 (141309ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa’s Mail & Guardian

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“Iqbal Survé threatens to ‘expose’ M&G” – Part 1


23 AUG 2013

This was after he was asked about the structure of his consortium buying the Independent group.

Survé's Sekunjalo Independent Media consortium has bought 55% of Independent News and Media South Africa alongside the state-owned Public Investment Corporation (PIC, 25%) and two Chinese state-owned companies (20%). The deal was completed last week, Sekunjalo said in a statement on August 21.

• PODCAST: Listen to the interview with Surve here; http://www.mg.co.za/multimedia/2013-08-22-independent-news-boss-surves-bloody-agent-moment

The large stake held by South African and Chinese state entities and the make-up of the rest of Survé's consortium have raised questions about media independence.

Approached with questions about these concerns this week, Survé reacted angrily. "No. First go and ask [Mail & Guar¬dian owner Trevor Ncube] if he is funded in Washington; if the entity that funds him is linked to the CIA [the United States Central Intelligence Agency] or to a fund that's got an indirect link to the CIA," he said.

Survé claimed to have "high-level" and "factual" information to substantiate the allegation.

"I want to give it to independent journalists to also publish. If you don't publish it, somebody's going to publish it, I can assure you of that, because you started it."

Ncube denied the allegations.

Secrecy jurisdiction

Core concerns about the takeover of the Independent group include the extent to which both the Chinese and South African governments might be able to influence the company. It is understood that the Chinese consortium and the PIC will be loaning money to the Independent group and Sekunjalo, but the size of these loans, and whether they will be convertible to a larger future shareholding remains a mystery.

The Chinese investment is to be housed in a company registered in Mauritius, a tax haven and business secrecy jurisdiction.

When the Competition Commis¬sion conditionally approved Sekunjalo's bid last month, it said, "two Chinese investors have filed a transaction to acquire a controlling 20% stake in [the Independent group]".

At the time, deputy commissioner Trudi Makhaya said "control" was defined by the Competition Act in that the Chinese investors would be able to "materially influence the policy" of the Independent group.

But Survé said previous M&G articles referring to Chinese "control" were "bullshit", a word he used 13 times in eight minutes.

He said: "The Chinese consortium does not have control." But he refused to discuss this in detail.

The commission later revealed that the Chinese investors were the state-owned China-Africa Development Fund and China International Television Corporation.

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870cef No.44162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19355895 (141312ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa’s Mail & Guardian

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“Iqbal Survé threatens to ‘expose’ M&G” – Part 2


23 AUG 2013

Editorial interference

The development fund was established by former Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2007 with funding from the China Development Bank. It is understood to be investing more than $400-million in a handful of South African projects. The fund has not responded to questions.

The website of a China Inter¬national Television Corporation subsidiary describes the company's goal as "putting in an effort to implement the 16th National People's congress's (the Chinese Parliament) requirements for developing the cultural industry, and earnestly representing the orientation of advanced culture". It could not be reached for comment.

The PIC owns large stakes in two other major South African media groups. In its approval, the Competition Commission included the condition that the PIC should institute a system of "Chinese walls" to prevent anti-competitive information flows between the news groups should the PIC gain control over the Independent group.

But the commission did not raise issues of editorial interference as this does not fall under competition law.

In the past, the PIC, as an activist shareholder, has pressured companies to influence issues around empowerment. It has not responded to questions.

The Sekunjalo consortium, as detailed in a June statement by Survé, is dominated by a list of politically connected players.

These include ANC parliamentarian Mandla Mandela; Sandile Zungu, the South African representative on the council of the Brics grouping; three ANC-allied union investment companies; the Umkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association; and various "women's business community organisations, represented by Lindiwe Barbara Ngcobo and Manemele Maria".

Maria could not be traced, but a company director search for Ngcobo suggests she has held business interests with various members of the Zuma family, notably sons Edward and Mxolisi – who could not be reached – and with Zuma benefactor Vivian Reddy and KwaZulu-Natal Premier Zweli Mkhize [who was the Minister of Health during COVID and his share of scandals, https://mg.co.za/politics/2021-06-03-mkhize-to-quit-over-covid-19-scandal/].

Mkhize and Reddy said their respective co-directorships were now defunct. They denied any knowledge of the Independent buyout.

Survé said the media would be invited to a press conference shortly, where: "We'll give you information that we want to give you."

'The CIA doesn't fund M&G'

Mail & Guardian owner Trevor Ncube this week dismissed alleged Central Intelligence Agency links to him and the newspaper: "I have been funded by Zimbabwean and South African banks in addition to my own resources. I have no foreign links and I have never received money from the CIA."

He said M&G Media is 10% owned by the New York-based Media Development Investment Fund, which is a 39% shareholder in his Alpha Media Holdings, the owner of four Zimbabwean papers.

"I am not aware of any links between the CIA and the fund, and doubt any exist," Ncube said.

"As a former journalist I am alive to the importance of proprietors staying clear of editorial issues. I guard the editorial independence of our journalists jealously."

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870cef No.44163

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19356343 (141455ZAUG23) Notable: All the companies Naspers owns (Parts 1&2)

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>the author uses Naspers owned media, News24,… as one of his sources.


>Survé is the chair of Sekunjalo Investments, a company that is invested in more than 30 companies, among them Independent Media

Naspers and “Argus Holdings (now the Independent Media / Sekunjalo)” were partners!

“All the companies Naspers owns” 1 of 2


31 July 2021

Naspers has grown into a global internet giant and, in combination with Prosus, owns 58 companies worldwide.

First established in 1915 as “Die Nasional Pers”, Naspers was originally founded as a news media company. It had the support of prominent South African politicians, including Jan Smuts, Louis Botha, and J.B.M. Hertzog.

Its first two publications were De Burger in 1915, which remains in publication as Die Burger in the Cape provinces — and De Huisgenoot in 1916, which is still in publication as Huisgenoot.

It would go on to found multiple news publications across different provinces, including the Eastern Cape’s Die Oosterlig in 1937 and Die Transvaler in the same year.

Naspers introduced Die Beeld in 1965 as competition to Perskor’s Dagbreek publication, and by 1970 the two were merged into Rapport.

It also invested in multiple print ad publishing companies after entering the book publishing market in 1918, acquiring Human & Rousseau, JL van Schaik, and Drum Publications, publishers of City Press and Drum magazine.

Until 1986 Naspers’ investments were primarily in the South African news and publishing space.

Digital shift

Naspers founded M-Net in 1986, partnering with Johnnic Communications (now Tiso Blackstar / Times Media), Argus Holdings (now the Independent Media / Sekunjalo) and Perskor (now partly Caxton) in doing so.

M-Net proved a success and steadily expanded operations in the 1990s with sister companies MultiChoice and Mweb.

In 1998 the company founded News24 and Kalahari.net, and, in the same year, its name was officially changed to Naspers Limited. In 2001, the company paid $32 million — around R260 million at the time — for a 46.5% share in Tencent.

Its Tencent investment is considered one of the most successful venture capital investments of all time. Tencent’s market capitalization is currently $687 billion (R9.76 trillion).

Naspers took full ownership of M-Net, Multichoice and Mweb in 2003, and in 2007 the company acquired a 30% share in the Mail.ru Group, Russia’s largest internet company, for $165 million, which would now be worth around $1.46 billion, or R21 billion.

After a series of investments in numerous developing countries, Naspers merged Kalahari.net with Takealot.com in 2015, and by 2018 it had acquired a 96% share in the company.

Over time, Naspers grew to such an extent that it had an overbearing effect on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

To diversify its investment portfolio and unlock more value for shareholders, Naspers founded Prosus in 2019 and listed the company on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange.

Prosus became the biggest internet company in Europe the moment it debuted.

However, the shares of both companies still trade at a discount compared to its Tencent holding — a problem shareholders still want Naspers and Prosus to address.

The global investment portfolio of Naspers has grown substantially in the past decade. Its holdings are listed in the image and table below.

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870cef No.44164

File: 709f83852896031⋯.jpg (75.39 KB,800x278,400:139,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19356350 (141457ZAUG23) Notable: All the companies Naspers owns (Parts 1&2)

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“All the companies Naspers owns” 2 of 2


31 July 2021

Naspers and Prosus Shareholdings

Company Country Industry

Tencent China Internet/Gaming

Takealot South Africa Online Retail

eMag Romania Online Retail

Media24 South Africa News/Media

Autotrader South Africa Auto Classifieds

Autovit.ro Romania Auto Classifieds

Avito Russia Classifieds

Domofund.ru Russia Real Estate

Imovirtual Portugal Real Estate

OfferUp/Letgo USA Classifieds

OLX Netherlands Classifieds

OLX Autos Netherlands Auto Classifieds

OLX Brasil Brasil Classifieds

Otodom Poland Real Estate

Otomoto Poland Auto Classifieds

Properati Argentina Real Estate

Property 24 South Africa Real Estate

Standvirtual Portugal Auto Classifieds

Creditas Brazil Instant Loans

LazyPay India Pay Later Platform

Luno UK Cryptocurrency

Paysense India Instant Loans

PayU India Payment Provider

Red Dot Payment Singapore Payment Provider

Remitly USA Remittance Payments

Delivery Hero Germany Food Delivery

Flink Germany Food Delivery

iFood Brazil Food Delivery

Oda Norway Food Delivery

Wolt Finland Food Delivery

Mail.ru Group Russia Social Media

99 Minutos Mexico Courier Service

Bibit Indonesia Investment Platform

Bux Netherlands Investment Platform

Bykea Pakistan Personal Transport

DappRadar Lithuania App Store

DeHaat India Agriculture Sales Platform

Dott Netherlands Electric Scooter Rentals

ElasticRun India Business to Business Courier

Honor USA Personal Home Care

Klar Mexico Financial Management Platform

Meesho India Social Commerce Platform

Movile Brazil Food Delivery and Logistics

PharmEasy India Online Pharmacy and Healthcare

Quickride India Personal Transport

Republic USA Investment Platform

Shipper Indonesia Logistics

SimilarWeb USA Digital Tracking and Insights

Urban Company India Digital Marketplace

Brainly Poland Peer-to-peer education

Byju’s India Online learning

Brainly Poland Peer-to-peer Education

Byju’s India Online learning

Codecademy USA Coding Education

Eruditus Singapore Executive Education

Skillsoft USA Management Education

Sololearn USA Online learning

Stack Overflow USA Question and Answer Coding Forum

Udemy USA Online Class Platform

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870cef No.44165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19356771 (141614ZAUG23) Notable: Convicted paedophile Gerhard Ackerman sentenced on 12 life terms, asks court for retrial

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“Could this man [Paul Kennedy] be South Africa's very own Jeffrey Epstein?” [Aug 31, 2022] - https://youtu.be/T6qSN5tJsYY

“MAN ACCUSED OF RUNNING SEX RING WITH PAUL KENNEDY [the counsel in the State Capture Commission of Inquiry] TO CONTINUE PLEA IN COURT”


Human rights lawyer Kennedy’s co-accused, Gerhard Ackerman, faces over 700 counts of charges ranging from human trafficking, to the production and distribution of child pornography, and rape.

The Johannesburg High Court on Monday heard how one of the counsel in the State Capture Commission of Inquiry allegedly paid to watch the sexual exploitation of teenage boys to fulfil his lewd fantasies.

Renowned human rights lawyer and acting judge Paul Kennedy was one of two accused in the case of a sex ring.

While he was leading evidence at the State Capture Commission of Inquiry, he was also being investigated for crimes including rape and the exploitation of minor boys for the production and consumption of live child sexual abuse material.

It is alleged several boys between the ages of 14 and 16 were paid to give massages to men, which often led to their rape and sexual assault.

Kennedy died by suicide while he was out on bail last year.

But his co-accused, 52-year-old Gerhard Ackerman, faces over 700 counts of charges ranging from human trafficking, to the production and distribution of child sexual abuse material, and rape.

The State believes Kennedy used Ackerman as a middleman to lure the boys in. He would allegedly pay the boys through Ackerman, who was accused of having made a living from the exploitation.

State prosecutor advocate Valencia Dube told the court on Monday how Ackerman allegedly took a cut from the fees Kennedy and others paid, sometimes pocketing all the money.

Not only is he accused of ferrying some of the boys by cab and train in 2020 and linking them with adult men including Kennedy, but he is also accused of actively participating in the rape of boys.

Judge Mohamed Ismail ended proceedings before Ackerman could finish pleading.

After standing in the dock for about two hours, pleading to about 700 counts, Ackerman will continue with his plea on Tuesday morning.

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870cef No.44166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19356774 (141615ZAUG23) Notable: Convicted paedophile Gerhard Ackerman sentenced on 12 life terms, asks court for retrial

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“Convicted paedophile Gerhard Ackerman sentenced on 12 life terms, asks court for retrial”



Convicted paedophile Gerhard Ackerman has been sentenced to 12 life terms in the High Court in Johannesburg on Monday, on the more than 700 charges related to him running a child trafficking ring.

He was sentenced on charges of rape, human trafficking, attempted murder and malicious damage to property.

In handing down his sentence, Judge Mohamed Ismail, said Ackerman's sentences will run concurrently, meaning he will only serve one life term behind bars.

Ismail further declared Ackerman unfit to work with children. He added that Ackerman showed no remorse throughout the trial.

Ismail reprimanded Ackerman during proceedings on Monday after he raised his hand in an attempt to address the court.

“This is not a school. You cannot just raise your hand. It’s rude and also distracting,” Ismail said.

Moments after he was sentenced, Ackerman fired his legal representation and asked for a retrial.

Ismail reminded Ackerman that he was on leave and came to court today (Monday) to hand down judgement.

Ismail instructed Ackerman to file his motion for a retrial with the court and State by November 15 and the motion for retrial will be heard on November 30.

IOL previously reported that Ackerman was convicted on charges including attempted murder, rape, sexual exploitation of children and sex trafficking. Ackerman was charged alongside acting judge and senior advocate Paul Kennedy.

The two ran the human trafficking ring between September 2020 and July 2021. Kennedy died by suicide.

The men were charged with sexually grooming children, being in possession of child pornography, creating child pornography, committing rape, sexual assault, compelled rape, compelled sexual assault, human trafficking, sexually grooming children and benefiting from sexually exploiting children.

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870cef No.44167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19357471 (141813ZAUG23) Notable: Niger military says it will prosecute ousted President Mohamed Bazoum for treason (video)

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“Niger military says it will prosecute ousted President Mohamed Bazoum for treason”

6:16 – “So Niger is only one of a number of West African states that on the surface were democratic but beneath that veneer of democratic structures and processes and all the structural weaknesses of corruption, unemployment and of course excessive and intrusive foreing interference. Niger epitomizes the challenges that the Sahel and West African states are facing.”


Aug 14, 2023

The military junta that seized power in Niger in a coup last month has said it will prosecute ousted President Mohamed Bazoum for high treason over his exchanges with foreign heads of state and international organisations. The coup leaders imprisoned Bazoum and dissolved the elected government, drawing condemnation from global powers and neighbouring West African countries, which have activated a standby military force that could intervene to reinstate Bazoum. The Ecowas leadership has shot itself in the foot by threatening to deploy a standby force in Niger. This is according to Professor Emmanuel Kwesi Aning of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre.

Since the coup in Niger last month, Ecowas has had two meetings where it discussed ways to return democratic rule to Niger.

Professor Aning spoke to the SABC's International news editor, Sophie Mokoena.

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870cef No.44168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19357473 (141814ZAUG23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Hawks' senior member killed by SANDF special forces unit'” - Links to an Ethiopian abduction and Lady R (video)

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“'Hawks' senior member killed by SANDF special forces unit'” – Links to an Ethiopian abduction and Lady R

0:00 – “The organisation, Open Secrets, says it now has some evidence that appears to link the assassination of a senior member of the Hawks perhaps to an SANDF Special Forces Unit that may also been involved in the abduction of an Ethiopian national from the Mall of Africa. A car belonging to that unit which was in the parking lot of the shopping center at the time of the abduction was also in the area around the Simonstown Naval Base when the Russian ship, the Lady R, docked in December last year.”


Aug 14, 2023

The organisation Open Secrets says that it now has some evidence that appears to link the assassination of a senior member of the Hawks to an SANDF special forces unit that may also have been involved in the abduction of an Ethiopian.

Director of Open Secrets Hennie van Vuuren speaks to Stephen Grootes about how they came to this conclusion.

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870cef No.44169

File: f022ff0ca86d1f3⋯.jpg (53.1 KB,865x523,865:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19357509 (141821ZAUG23) Notable: Convicted paedophile Gerhard Ackerman sentenced on 12 life terms, asks court for retrial

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>“After President Ramaphosa’s administration took over in 2018, we started to assist bringing private sector and government closer to each other on the sectoral basis. So that it keeping me busy as well.”





Was Paul Kennedy a scapegoat? Is this another cover-up? Is this the main reason Roelf Meyer and Ramaphosa are actively working together again?

“Cyril [Ramaphosa] and his friend, Roelf Meyer were fingered on the Lost Boys of Bird Island where boys were sexually abused”


“People say Zweli Mkhize has Cyril Ramaphosa’s nudes, there’s a high probability of such since Cyril and his friend, Roelf Meyer were fingered on the Lost Boys of Bird Island where boys were sexually abused (Molested). To which Mark Minnie shortly died after uncovering that story”


21 Nov 2017

The incident was recorded by the late Allister Sparks: ‘A friend invites the ANC’s chief negotiator Cyril Ramaphosa and his opposite number Roelf Meyer Fishing. When Meyer embeds a trout hook in his hand, Ramaphosa is the only one who can extrct it’ That moment, when Ramphosa fed Meyer a stiff whisky before removing the hook, was but one of many that built the relationship into a political game-changer.

According the Meyer, ‘[t]hat fishing incident was just one of many, but it was indicative of the kind of relationship that we succeeded in building, the friendship that we have succeeded finally to build, and the chemistry that exists between us’.

This ‘friend’ was “Sidney Frankel: The true legacy of a ‘paedophile’ philanthropist”


23 May 2017

The great “philanthropist” Sidney Lewis Frankel – on the day of his death, even talk radio station 702, whose indefatigable Mandy Weiner did more than any other journalist to publicise the story, was using the word. Frankel sure did give a lot of money to charity, it appeared. He also gave generously of his time and resources. Below, for your edification, a passage from Anthony Butler’s 2008 biography Cyril Ramaphosa:

“The true significance of the famous story about Cyril Ramaphosa removing a fish-hook from (National Party Cabinet minister) Roelf Meyer’s thumb is that their host on the day, Sidney Frankel, was chairman of Frankel Pollak, the largest stockbroker on the (then) Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Frankel acted as a facilitator of relationships between foreign and domestic business investors and government. By 1987 Frankel was well connected with the “left” in (the National Party) government – with people such as Gerrit Viljoen, Barend du Plessis and Roelf Meyer – and he began to reach out to the United Democratic Front. On one occasion, he recalls, (President) PW Botha discovered that (Finance minister) Du Plessis was attending a conference, where he was talking to a senior UDF member. Botha had Du Plessis summoned to a telephone and instructed him to leave forthwith.”

Sure, so even if the man never met a government he didn’t like, he knew how to spin the PR. It’s hardly a crime. What is a crime, however, is hanging out at the orphanage under the guise of being the big macher Jewish philanthropist and fiddling (allegedly) with the kids.

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870cef No.44170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19362494 (151259ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Julius Malema cries "Kill the Boer" at rally: Could South Africa end up going the way of Zimbabwe? (video)

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“Julius Malema cries "Kill the Boer" at rally: Could South Africa end up going the way of Zimbabwe?”


Aug 6, 2023

'South African political leader Julius Malema has called for the murder of white South African farmers.'

Leo Kearse asks: could South Africa end up going the same way as Zimbabwe?'

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870cef No.44171

File: d0140e046d8a08f⋯.jpg (84.33 KB,1173x850,69:50,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19363794 (151630ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa’s Mail & Guardian

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>Mail & Guardian owner Trevor Ncube this week dismissed alleged Central Intelligence Agency links to him and the newspaper: "I have been funded by Zimbabwean and South African banks in addition to my own resources.

Attached images were taken from ;



The Open Society Foundations have supported independent journalism since first giving grants in post-Communist East and Central Europe in the early 1990s. SEDF’s [Soros Economic Development Fund] investment in MDIF [Media Development Investment Fund] reflects Open Society’s continued deep commitment to the field. https://www.soroseconomicdevelopmentfund.org/investments/media-development-investment-fund

“MDIF acquires majority stake in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian” – Part 1


12 DECEMBER 2017

The restructured ownership also sees M&G’s Chief Executive Officer, Hoosain Karjieker, acquire a minority stake in the business as part of a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) transaction. The former majority shareholder, Trevor Ncube, has disposed of his equity interest in M&G.

“MDIF has worked with M&G for more than a decade and knows the company intimately,” said CEO Harlan Mandel. “We have invested in M&G because it is a uniquely important media organization with a great future. Its independent reporting has a profound impact on the national debate and it is a beacon for independent journalism across the continent, and indeed the world. We are committed to building on this legacy and re-establishing M&G as a commercially and journalistically dynamic institution at this important time in South African politics.”

MDIF has a 22-year history of helping to build print, digital and broadcast media companies in emerging markets. Since 1996, it has invested in more than 100 media companies in 39 countries on five continents.

Mr. Karjieker said the MDIF’s knowledge of the M&G would provide a good foundation for the future of the company.

“This new structure bodes well for the long term sustainability of the M&G,” he said.

MDIF Deputy CEO Mohamed Nanabhay said: “We are excited about this new chapter for M&G, and are looking forward to working with management, editorial and other staff to revive this great and relevant company’s fortunes. M&G is rightly recognized as one of Africa’s great media brands and we are thrilled to be able to bring our expertise in helping to build media companies to such an iconic institution.”

MDIF first provided a loan to M&G in 2003 when Mr. Ncube purchased a controlling interest from the UK’s Guardian Media Group at a time when the company was in a perilous financial position. Further debt and equity investment helped stabilise the company, build its distribution network and develop its award-winning digital news site.

As part of the transaction, MDIF has exited its equity stake in Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) in Zimbabwe to Mr. Ncube. MDIF still retains AMH as a loan client.

Mr. Mandel said: “Trevor Ncube has played a vital role in the history of M&G, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to its editorial independence and high standards of journalism. He deserves enormous credit for successfully turning around a failing paper and charting a new strategy with new relevance for post-apartheid South Africa.”

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870cef No.44172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19363800 (151631ZAUG23) Notable: South Africa’s Mail & Guardian

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“MDIF acquires majority stake in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian” – Part 2


12 DECEMBER 2017

About MDIF

MDIF is a New York-based not-for-profit investment fund for independent media in countries where independent media are under threat. It has more than 20 years’ experience of helping build quality, news and information companies – print, digital and broadcast – in emerging markets. It has:

• invested more than $163 million in 113 media companies

• worked in 39 countries on 5 continents

• a current portfolio of more than $60 million invested in over 50 media organizations

In South Africa, MDIF manages the South Africa Media Innovation Program (SAMIP) – a three year, US$4m initiative to accelerate digital media innovation among independent media outlets and encourage new entrants.

About Mail & Guardian

The M&G is a quality, investigative and comment news publication, based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence. The publication was started as an alternative newspaper by a group of journalists in 1985 after the closure of two leading liberal newspapers, The Rand Daily Mail and Sunday Express. It was originally known as the Weekly Mail. The paper was renamed the Weekly Mail & Guardian on 30 July 1993. The London-based Guardian Media Group (GMG), publishers of The Guardian, became the majority shareholder of the print edition in 1995, and the name was changed to Mail & Guardian.

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870cef No.44173

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19363862 (151643ZAUG23) Notable: The Rand Daily Mail: Anglo American and Harry Oppenheimer

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>The publication was started as an alternative newspaper by a group of journalists in 1985 after the closure of two leading liberal newspapers, The Rand Daily Mail and Sunday Express.


>Allister Sparks, former editor of South Africa’s Rand Daily Mail

>Sparks served at the helm of the now-defunct Daily Mail between 1977 and 1981. During that time, the newspaper broke the political scandal known as Muldergate in which officials from the Department of Information secretly planned to use state resources for a propaganda campaign for the apartheid government. The scandal led to the resignation of Prime Minister John Vorster in 1978, and Sparks was named International Editor of the Year in 1979 for his leadership of the paper’s coverage.

“THE RAND DAILY MAIL: CONVENIENT SCAPEGOAT” - Anglo American controlled it




Summary - Just 20 years ago, the Anglo American Corporation closed the Rand Daily Mail, leaving behind a trail of sacked editors and loyal journalists and readers who even now express their sorrow at its departure.

The paper lingers on, however, at the Witwatersrand University’s Business School, where its demise has become the subject of a lecture on how not to run a business. The lecture deals with the tricky subject of how costs should be allocated in companies where common resources are shared between their various enterprises.

The allocations to the Mail were grossly miscalculated. When the paper closed on 30 April 1985, the company’s overdraft was R10 million; a month later with no Mail to absorb the wrongly calculated and over-estimated costs, the overdraft had soared to R40 million and the company was forced to sell its building and presses to try to remain solvent.

The closure caused huge damage elsewhere; it seared the country’s news gathering and distribution systems, from which the industry has still not recovered.

The Afrikaans press had pounced on each issue of the Mail for story ideas. Foreign correspondents had looked to the Mail as a reliable source for their reports.

Among its readers were people who entertained liberal ideas and were bolstered by the Mail in their opposition to apartheid and a large number of black people, many of whom still praise the paper for taking up their cause so vociferously. But there were also ardent Nationalists who read the Mail. They were among the Afrikaners who formed 21 per cent of the paper’s readership.

Then the indifference of Anglo American, which did not want to be seen to be in control of the English press, as indeed it was, came into play. Anglo American could have intervened but nothing happened and the paper was closed.

But the real damage caused by that ill-considered shameful closure of the Mail has been visited on the practice of journalism in South Africa. Australian and some British papers profited when the Mail closed and some of its best journalists emigrated [to spread their propaganda]. In Australia they are still improving the quality of papers such as the Melbourne Age and the Sydney Morning Herald.

A few were African National Congress cadres engaged in underground activities but they tried hard not to embarrass the paper and seldom did. A fair number, especially the black reporters, were roughly handled or assaulted. Several went to jail to protect their sources; others were incarcerated by the police for suspected subversive activity.

Anglo-American could have intervened — indeed legendary editor Laurence Gandar, former editor Allister Sparks and myself tried on three occasions in three years to persuade the Anglo American director Gordon Waddell, who was Saan chairman from 1983 to 1985, to take strong action against the management — but nothing happened and the paper was closed.

President Botha cheered the closure, congratulating the paper’s owners and bestowing an award on Anglo American chairman Harry Oppenheimer, though it has never been confirmed that there was a causal connection between the two events.

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870cef No.44174

File: 2d2f8658d923a59⋯.jpg (39.64 KB,480x555,32:37,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19363905 (151653ZAUG23) Notable: The Rand Daily Mail: Anglo American and Harry Oppenheimer

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>Then the indifference of Anglo American, which did not want to be seen to be in control of the English press, as indeed it was, came into play. Anglo American could have intervened but nothing happened and the paper was closed.

>A few were African National Congress cadres engaged in underground activities but they tried hard not to embarrass the paper and seldom did.


>Rand Daily Mail


>The M&G is a quality, investigative and comment news publication, based on a culture of editorial independence and excellence. The publication was started as an alternative newspaper by a group of journalists in 1985 after the closure of two leading liberal newspapers, The Rand Daily Mail and Sunday Express. It was originally known as the Weekly Mail. The paper was renamed the Weekly Mail & Guardian on 30 July 1993. The London-based Guardian Media Group (GMG), publishers of The Guardian, became the majority shareholder of the print edition in 1995, and the name was changed to Mail & Guardian.

>>44076 - reposting the image

Harry Oppenheimer owned the Rand Daily Mail


21 August 2000 • 12:00am

HARRY OPPENHEIMER, the former chairman of Anglo-American Corporation who has died in Johannesburg aged 91, was the last of the Randlords; born into a huge fortune made by his father in the mines of South Africa, he proceeded to increase to it to such an extent that he was reckoned to be one of the richest men in the world.

He [Harry Oppenheimer] also owned the Rand Daily Mail, regarded as the voice of South African liberalism.


27 MAY 2023

In June 1986, Anton Harber, the editor of the Weekly Mail — an anti-apartheid newspaper started as an “alternative” to the mainstream press after the closure of the Rand Daily Mail – wanted to do something out of the ordinary to celebrate his publication’s one-year anniversary. So he decided to invite two very different men, “in the middle of the toughest political battles of the time”, to share a stage in appreciation of the media’s role in society.

One was Harry Oppenheimer [HFO], the elderly epitome of English mining capital and an early promoter of black trade union rights (he had, incidentally, made a modest contribution of R5 000 to the Weekly Mail’s start-up costs); the other was Cyril Ramaphosa, a young, fiery, rabble-rousing revolutionary riding to prominence in the NUM [National Union of Mineworkers].

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870cef No.44175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19368466 (161245ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / How illegal mining has continued to thrive in SA (video)

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>It is worth noting that the proposed regulations exempt mining companies, the state and state-owned entities, as well as 100% black-owned entities.


>Then the indifference of Anglo American, which did not want to be seen to be in control of the English press, as indeed it was, came into play. Anglo American could have intervened but nothing happened and the paper was closed.

“How illegal mining has continued to thrive in SA” - Mining companies "are a law unto themselves'


Aug 15, 2023

Eyewitness News delves deeper into the issues surrounding illegal mining in South Africa, and looks at why authorities are struggling to get a handle on the matter.

15:57 – “Government wants to essentially resolve the issues of zama zamas in South Africa. It’s likely to be put onto the taxpayers for this to be done and this is due to a number of loopholes within the Act which regulates mining in South Africa and that’s the Mineral’s Petroleum Resources Development Act. What mining companies essentially do as they’ve found loopholes or legislative loopholes in this Act and they continue to use these loopholes to get themselves out of any sort of responsibility or accountability of rehabilitating mining sites. They do this by mining the area and then simply going under business rescue and liquidating. Now the Mineral Resources Petroleum Development Act states that the Minister of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy can hold the directors and shareholders of those companies responsible, should they not rehabilitate areas of which they’ve mined but we’ve yet to see that happen. The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy’s silence regarding issues of zama zamas that has erupted in South Africa of recent is questionable and despite a 2018 report by Parliament that the Minister should be holding mining companies and their directors and shareholders accountable, nothing yet has been seen or been done regarding these mining companies. They are a law unto themselves and they’ve been allowed free reign to operate and do as they please in South Africa but more than the environmental impacts that we’ve seen is now an impact of criminality which is plaguing communities.

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870cef No.44176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377267 (171903ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] (Parts 1&2)

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>>>/qresearch/18777730 Barloworld Bun


>Barloworld - https://www.barloworld.com/


>Then the indifference of Anglo American, which did not want to be seen to be in control of the English press, as indeed it was

>the Anglo American director Gordon Waddell, who was Saan [South African Associated Newspapers] chairman from 1983 to 1985,

“REVIEW: ANGLO – Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] – Part 1


South African workers are probably aware of the significant role which a few large companies play in their lives. How those companies reached their present positions of power is less well-known, and how they are linked together is a subject shrouded in mystery.

Duncan Innes*s book, Anglo, deals first with the origins of Anglo American Corporation. Because Anglo Americans growth was made possible in large part by its association with De Beers Consolidated Diamond Mines, Dr Innes begins with a short history of diamond mining and the development of the De Beers near-monopoly in this industry. This material provides the background for an account of the way in which the group system was formed on the Witwatersrand gold fields during the years 1886-1910. Under this system, most gold mines came under the control of a small number of mining "houses" such as Gold Fields and the Corner House group (a forerunner of Barlow Rand [Now Barloworld]). [Remember, “1994: Barlow Rand plays a major role during South Africa’s political transition. Its large size helps to bring different political parties together, assist in the management of the 1994 elections and move with the country towards a peaceful democracy.” https://www.barloworld.com/about-barloworld/our-history/]

Anglo American itself was born during the first world war. The company was formed to tap American as well as other sources of finance, but its base lay in gold and coal mining groups which already owned rich properties in various areas. From the start, Anglo American was a highly profitable venture. Its rich mines allowed it to ride out problems - including the strikes of 1920 and 1922 - better than some others.

Meanwhile, De Beers faced mounting problems in the diamond market. Its difficulties increased throughout the twenties, and with the support of foreign backers, Anglo American was able to acquire effective control of De Beers at the start of the depression in 1929. With increased resources at its disposal. Anglo American was well placed to expand beyond the mining industry.

During the thirties, manufacturing industry in South Africa began to grow more rapidly. The mining houses had capital available which enabled them to participate in this expansion, Anglo American developed interests in the production of mining and drilling equipment, and through De Beers in the cher^ ical industry (especially in AE&CI). It also began to expand its investments outside South Africa - in "Rhodesia" (ie. in both Zambia and Zimbabwe) and in Namibia particularly.

During and after the second world war, the mining houses, including Anglo American, invested heavily in the new Far West Rand and Orange Free State gold fields. As these new mines contributed an ever larger proportion of group profits, Anglo American's strong position in the new fields helped it to become the biggest gold producer of all by 1958. At the same time, its stake in other mining groups became significant. Johannesburg Consolidated Investment (JCI) fell under Anglo American control, while Anglo cemented relations with mainly Afrikaner-owned companies by assisting them to acquire control over General Mining, the central part of today's Gencor. Anglo American's position as the dominant mining house was now undisputed. New fields remained for it to conquer.

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870cef No.44177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377280 (171905ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] (Parts 1&2)

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>Naspers founded M-Net in 1986, partnering with Johnnic Communications (now Tiso Blackstar / Times Media), Argus Holdings (now the Independent Media / Sekunjalo) and Perskor (now partly Caxton) in doing so.

>>>/qresearch/17918524, >>>/qresearch/17918536 Chester Crocker stated that South Africa is the Saudi Arabia of minerals. He later became a Director of Minorco

“REVIEW: ANGLO – Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] – Part 2


Industrial expansion was rapid during the sixties. Anglo American's presence in, for example, Highveld Steel, AE&CI, Scaw Metals, Sappi - reveals the company's interests in some of the largest plants in almost every industrial sector. In addition, the corporation acquired large stakes in property (Amaprop), construction (LTA) and publishing (Argus). Dr Innes argues that during the sixties South African capitalism became dominated by "monopoly" corporations, like Anglo American, which were able to exert a big influence over most parts of the economy. In the seventies, as economic expansion slowed down, these groups tightened their control by absorbing more and more other companies - a process termed "centralization”. An example of this is to be found in Anglo American's control over the car manufacturer, Sigma, later named Amcar, this corporation has now merged with Ford in South Africa as well, to become Samcar. Similarly, Anglo American tightened and extended its control over coal mining, other industries and financial institutions. At the same time its foreign investments became increasingly important.

Anglo American begins its investment in other parts of the world mainly in mining. Thus, it still has large interests in copper mines in Zambia and various mines in Zimbabwe; it owns mrines in Canada and Brazil. Through control of companies registered in other countries, like Charter Consolidated (UK) and Minorco (Bermuda), Anglo American reaches into a very large number of African countries, as well as other parts of the world. Dr Innes treats these interests as the culmination of Anglo American's successful expansion programme, and relates them to the attempts of the South African government to develop closer ties with other African countries.

Financial analysts who work for stockbrokers in Diagonal Street or for business newspapers presumably know a great deal about the corporate links which give Anglo American its unique position in the South African economy. Dr Innes’s book makes this information available to the rest of us. It is a useful tool in understanding how much strength lies behind the employer which workers confront, for example, at Vaal Reefs. However, the pattern of Anglo American's investments and structure changes all the time, and information needs to be constantly updated.

From the point of view of the workers' movement in South Africa, the most important questions about the giants of the economy have to do with how their parts link together. How does each company in the group relate to others? Which parts of the group are dependent on which other parts? How can the group use its resources to withstand strike action against one company? Which are the most vulnerable parts, or strategically the most important? Where are the parts of the group which are most immediately dependent on the labour of the workers, without which the entire group face severe difficulties - if any? Dr Innes’s book provides a useful starting point for analysing these issues. Any group of workers who want to know more about the history of big companies in South Africa or about the Anglo American-De Beers group in particular, will find Anglo an interesting book to discuss. Such discussion will also reveal how much more remains to be done in order to understand the structure, strengths and weaknesses of capital in South Africa today.

(Alan Mabin, May 1985)

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870cef No.44178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377315 (171911ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] (Parts 1-3)

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“A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] – Part 1


April 11, 1982

The South African diamond and minerals empire controlled by Harry F. Oppenheimer is rapidly becoming a major investor in mining, energy and commodities companies in the United States and Canada.

Through a subsidiary called Minorco, a holding company based in Bermuda, the South African firms headed by Oppenheimer have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in North American coal, uranium, gold, copper and other important minerals, and have developed the capital resources to finance further acquisitions.

Documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission show that dozens of mining and minerals companies throughout the United States and Canada are wholly or partially controlled by the South African interests. Although no figure for the value of their holdings is available, a new study by a New York researcher says the South African group has been one of the biggest foreign investors in the United States over the past two years.

The investments reflect a long-range corporate strategy that Oppenheimer developed in the 1970s and spoke about publicly at the time. Oppenheimer sought to expand his companies' stake outside South Africa for economic and political reasons, and to do it he transferred assets now worth more than $2 billion to the Bermuda subsidiary to circumvent his country's restrictions on the export of funds.

The policy of investing in North America "is no accident," corporate research specialist Ruth Kaplan says in a report to be published by The Africa Fund. "It offers a stable area politically and economically; it is an area rich in mineral and energy resources and the company will realize a high return on successful investment." In addition, she said in a telephone interview, "it allows them to position themselves outside South Africa in the event of trouble there." [Economic sanctions were placed against South Africa by mid 1980s to push for transformation. Coincidence?]

In addition to investments by Minorco, Kaplan said, "a total of 144 separate investments in North America by the Anglo group have been identified; 108 of these investments are in the United States (in 32 states) and 36 are in Canada."

Business relationships between U.S. firms and South Africa have been controversial for many years because, critics say, they contribute to the economic power of the white-minority regime in South Africa and support its apartheid racial policy. Most attention from church groups, institutional investors and stockholders, however, has focused on investments in South Africa by U.S. corporations. The extent of South African investment in the United Stateswhich has the same effect of forging links of mutual interest between U.S. and South African companieshas been little noticed.

A few critics who have examined South Africa's growing involvement in the U.S. economy have objected that the investments are financed by the fruits of apartheid and that they strengthen the power of the ruling minority.

For example, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a Protestant church group that monitors corporate performance on social and environmental issues, plans to offer a stockolders resolution at the forthcoming annual meeting of Citicorp to get Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston off the board of directors of Minorco. Citicorp, parent of the giant Citibank, has continued to make loans to South Africa when most other major banks have stopped doing so.

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870cef No.44179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377319 (171912ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] (Parts 1-3)

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“A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] – Part 2


April 11, 1982

Oppenheimer, one of the world's richest men, has a longstanding reputation as a liberal, at least in the South African context, using his personal wealth and power to oppose apartheid and improve living conditions for his country's blacks. Nevertheless, Timothy Smith, director of the Interfaith Center, said Oppenheimer is still a "profiteer" whose fortune was built on the backs of low-paid black miners.

Oppenheimer is chairman of the Anglo American Corp. and of its affiliate, De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., each of which owns a substantial interest in the other.

According to Kaplan, whose findings are confirmed by SEC records and by investment experts in the Commerce Department, "Anglo American is the biggest single economic factor in South Africa . . . the Western world's largest producer of gold, diamonds and platinum." De Beers "operates a monopoly in the diamond trade, marketing 80 percent of the world's diamonds, including the Soviet Union's."

Oppenheimer is chairman of Minorco, an acronym for Minerals and Resources Corp. Also on the board of directors, besides Wriston, are Robert Clare, a partner in the New York law firm of Shearman & Sterling, which represents Citibank; Felix Rohatyn, head of the investment banking firm Lazard Freres, and Cedric Ritchie, chairman of the Bank of Nova Scotia.

Minorco, which is wholly owned by the Anglo-De Beers interests and their subsidiaries, is the largest stockholder in Phibro Corp., the giant New York commodities trading company. Minorco, according to SEC records, owns 18.5 million shares of Phibro stock, or 27.2 percent of all outstanding shares, a stake worth almost $450 million. H. Ronald Fraser, president of Minorco, sits on Phibro's board of directors.

Phibro, the world's largest publicly owned commodities trading company, had worldwide sales of more than $25 billion last year, a fourfold increase over its sales five years earlier. It is also the sole owner of the New York investment house of Salomon Brothers, which Phibro acquired last year for $800 million.

That acquisition, Kaplan noted, offers Minorco "potential new sources of capital and different ways to get at it," because of Salomon Brothers' expertise at corporate fund raising and merger management.

Phibro became a separate company last year when it was spun off from the former Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corp., now known as Engelhard Corp. Minorco is the largest stockholder in Engelhard, with 7.4 million shares, or 27 1/2 percent. Engelhard in turn owns a network of petroleum and minerals subsidiaries, and controls a major segment of the market for kaolin, a clay used in making, among other things, porcelain.

Another branch of the complex Anglo American family tree runs through Consolidated Gold Fields Ltd. of Britain. De Beers secretly acquired 29 percent of Consolidated's stock in 1980, then transferred its holdings to Minorco in exchange for Minorco stock.

Consolidated Gold is the largest stockholder in Newmont Mining Co., one of the largest U.S. copper producers. Consolidated owns 22.4 percent of Newmont's shares and has an option to increase its stake to 26 percent.

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870cef No.44180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377326 (171913ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] (Parts 1-3)

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“A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] – Part 3


April 11, 1982

Newmont in turn controls an extensive network of oil, uranium, zinc and cement companies, including sole ownership of Atlantic Cement Co., Newmont Oil, and Carlin Gold Mining Co. of Nevada and majority interests in Dawn Mining Co. and Magma Mining Co.

Newmont also owns 27 1/2 percent of Peabody Coal Co., the biggest U.S. coal company, which indirectly gives Anglo American one of its largest stakes in U.S. energy resources.

Another skein of the Anglo American web runs through Canada, where Anglo Amcan of Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary of Minorco, owns 45 percent of the stock of Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. According to data compiled by Kaplan, the chairman and chief executive officer of HudBay is H. Ronald Fraser, the same Minorco executive who sits on the Phibro board.

HudBay controls the Terra group of fertilizer and chemical companies and group of seed, fertilizer and agricultural warehouse companies in the Midwest farm states, according to Kaplan's report. Amcan and HudBay also hold a controlling interest in the Francana oil and gas companies in Canada, she said.

The Anglo American group's pattern has been to leave the operating management of its acquired or controlled companies in place, keeping an eye on its investment through its network of interlocking directorates.

"Anglo's control of its subsidiaries and affiliated companies is not organized in a hierarchical structure but rather as an associated group of companies with interlocking connections," Kaplan's report says. "In effect, Anglo gets maximum control with a minimum investment."

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870cef No.44181

File: 99f3a6665d78b7f⋯.jpeg (139.8 KB,1080x1029,360:343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377368 (171922ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / Henry R. Slack, Chairman of Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

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>Roger Phillimore and Tony Lea, Minorco's joint managing directors, have been replaced with a single chief executive, Hank Slack, and two new directors have been appointed to the board.

>Mr Slack, son-in-law of the patriarch Harry Oppenheimer, has been president of Minorco since 1985.

Henry R. Slack, Chairman of Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)


The majority of Henry (Hank) Slack’s career has been in the natural resources business. During this period, he has been (often concurrently) Chief Executive Officer of Minorco SA, then one of the world’s leading operating resource groups; a director and member of the Executive Committee of Anglo American Corporation, and the Chairman of Terra Industries (NYSE), which was an industrial nitrogen-based fertilizer company. More recently he was Chairman of Alico, Inc. (NASDAQ), a Florida based citrus and land company. He is the senior partner of Quarterwatch LLC, a private investment company. During his long career with Anglo American and Minorco, he was actively involved in the full range of those companies’ mining, financial and industrial activities worldwide. Mr. Slack has been a Director of W.R. Grace since 2019.

For many years Mr. Slack was director of investment committee member of E. Oppenheimer & Son International Limited, formerly a private investment and family holding company for the South African based family.

In addition, Mr. Slack has been a member of the board of Engelhard Corporation (1981-2007). He also was on the boards of Salomon Brothers (1982-1988) and SABMiller (1998-2002). Currently, he is a board member of W.R. Grace & Co. as well as other private companies internationally.

Mr. Slack graduated form Princeton University with a B.A. in history.


CCI was formed in 1997 as a subsidiary of the Louis Dreyfus Group and became Louis Dreyfus Highbridge Energy LLC in 2006. Acquired in 2012 by a group of private investors and management, the company was renamed Castleton Commodities International LLC.

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870cef No.44182

File: f32281a0ad0823e⋯.jpg (102.06 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377376 (171923ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / William C. Reed II, Chief Executive Officer, CCI, serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation

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>Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

William C. Reed II, Chief Executive Officer, CCI

Mr. Reed is the CEO of CCI. He joined Louis Dreyfus Highbridge Energy (LDHE) in September 2007 and was appointed CEO in October 2008. In 2012, Mr. Reed executed the buyout of LDHE, forming CCI. Previously, he was founding partner and head of trading at Saracen Energy Advisors, where he was one of four partners responsible for establishing the fund that grew from $30 million to $1.4 billion at the time of his departure.

Mr. Reed served in the U.S. Army 160th Special Operations Aviations Regiment and serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation. Mr. Reed earned an M.B.A. with a concentration in Finance and Accounting from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and a B.S., summa com laude, in Mathematics and Economics from the University of Pittsburgh.

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870cef No.44183

File: d6f2df8ff0e914e⋯.jpeg (172.43 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377383 (171925ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / Eileen A. Aptman, Director of CCI, Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Investment Committee

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>Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

Eileen A. Aptman, Director of CCI


Eileen Aptman is the Chief Investment Officer for Belfer Management LLC, a family investment firm. Belfer Management aims to compound capital via a diversified portfolio managed under a long term, tax efficient fundamentally driven investment strategy. The firm seeks to maximize risk-adjusted returns through a combination of public and private investments with a global mandate. Eileen provides leadership and management of inverment team.

Prior to joining Belfer Management, Eileen was a Vice President in the Asset Management division of Goldman Sachs. She started her investing career as an analyst for Scot Black at Delphi Management.

Ms. Aptman has served on the boards of directors of public and private companies and is currently a director of Castleton Commodities International. Ms. Aptman is a Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Investment Committee as well as the Board of Trustees and Investment Committee of Tufts University. Ms. Aptman received a BA from Tufts University in Political Science and Asian Studies and is a CFA charter holder.

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870cef No.44184

File: f804215a2324bf3⋯.jpg (118.73 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377397 (171928ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / Kristen Eshak Weldon, Board member of CCI, Managing Director and Global Head of BlackRock Alternative Investors Sustainable Investing

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>Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

Kristen Eshak Weldon, Board member of CCI


Kristen Weldon is a Managing Director and Global Head of BlackRock Alternative Investors Sustainable Investing. Kristen is responsible for instilling BlackRock’s firm-wide sustainable investing strategy across BAI’s Real Esate, Infrastructure, Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Credit businesses. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2021, Kristen was Global Head of ESG and Impact Investing at Partners Capital. [Take note, “Lord Jacob Rothschild, OM GBE CVO” is the “Strategic Shareholder”. https://partners-cap.com/our-team/meet-the-shareholders/] Before this, Ms. Weldon was a member of the Executive Group at Louis Dreyfus Company, leading the Food Innovation & Downstream Strategy. Ms. Weldon joined the company in 2019 after 13 years at Blackstone, where she held several positions of increasing responsibility, lastly as Senior Managing Director and Co-Head of London office for Blackstone Alternative Asset Management. Ms. Weldon was also Head of the Commodity Strategy and was involved in portfolio management as well as hedge fund manager evaluation, selection and monitoring. Prior to Blackstone, she worked in commodity and interest rate derivatives at JPMorgan in London and New York. Ms. Weldon also served as Founding Board Member of 100 Women in Finance Ltd. Between 2007 and 2017.

In addition to a Sloan Fellowship Master’s degree in Leadership and Strategy from London Business School, she holds a degree in Finance & International Business from Georgetonw University (US), UK and US securities regulatory FCA qualifications, and has received several awards over the years recognizing leading women in finance.

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870cef No.44185

File: f1ca7957efc31b4⋯.png (1.29 MB,1080x1042,540:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377426 (171934ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / Michael J. Zimmerman, Vice Chairman CCI, was a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers Inc

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>Minorco, which is wholly owned by the Anglo-De Beers interests and their subsidiaries, is the largest stockholder in Phibro Corp., the giant New York commodities trading company. Minorco, according to SEC records, owns 18.5 million shares of Phibro stock, or 27.2 percent of all outstanding shares, a stake worth almost $450 million. H. Ronald Fraser, president of Minorco, sits on Phibro's board of directors.

>Phibro, the world's largest publicly owned commodities trading company, had worldwide sales of more than $25 billion last year, a fourfold increase over its sales five years earlier. It is also the sole owner of the New York investment house of Salomon Brothers, which Phibro acquired last year for $800 million.

>That acquisition, Kaplan noted, offers Minorco "potential new sources of capital and different ways to get at it," because of Salomon Brothers' expertise at corporate fund raising and merger management.

>>44181 - Hank was on the board of Salomon Brothers




>Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

Michael J. Zimmerman, Vice Chairman CCI

Michael J. Zimmerman has served as Vice Chairman of the Company since 2012 and is a member of the Board of Directors. Prior to serving as Vice Chairman, Mr. Zimmerman served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and Senior Vice President, Investments and Strategy. Before joining the Company, Mr. Zimmerman was a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers Inc. Currently, he is a Director of Stifel Financial Corp. and has served on the board on a number of public companies. Active in many nonprofit organizations, he currently serves as a trustee of the Mount Sinai Health System. He is Chairman of the Investment Committee of the U.S. Holocuast Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Mr. Zimmerman earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Trninty College and his Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard Business School.

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870cef No.44186

File: 1eca2ef4a0cabfd⋯.jpg (91.6 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8723d34323da5a6⋯.jpg (89.39 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: df9663c55d29576⋯.jpg (81.25 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377443 (171938ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / People who worked for companies [Enron, Lehman Brothers, Arthur Andersen] which folded, found a home at CCI

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>Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

People who worked for companies [Enron, Lehman Brothers, Arthur Andersen] which folded, found a home at CCI


The failure of Enron in the early 2000’s is one of the largest bankruptcies in US history (with Lehman Brothers in 2008 as the largest). Its accounting scandal led to Enron’s bankruptcy as well as the dissolution of Arthur Andersen, one of the big five accounting firms. Shareholders were wiped out, and tens of thousands of employees left with worthless retirement accounts.


Zal S. Masani, Senior Managing Director, Head of CCI Europe, Global Head of Oil and Head of European Gas and Power

Prior to CCI, Mr. Masani was an investment banker at Citigroup focused on mergers, acquisitions, and IPOs for financial institutions. He began his career in the commodity trading divisions of Enron and American Electric Power.

Robert Ruckman, Senior Managing Director, Head of North American Gas & Power

Prior to CCI, Mr. Ruckman held power and gas trading roles at Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers. Prior to his career in the energy industry he served as an Armor Officer in the United States Army which included leadership and staff assignments in both the United States and Iraq.

Richard Dolcetti, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer

He began his career at Arthur Andersen as a financial statement auditor, and subsequently served as a Tax Manager in its Transaction Advisory Services Group advising investment banks and private equity firms on tax matters.

Ahmet Atamen, Senior Managing Director, Chief Risk Officer

Prior to joining CCI in May 2008, Mr. Atamen served as Vice President of Proprietary Risk and Commodities Risk at Lehman Brothers where, since 2006, he was responsible for Lehman’s internal hedge funds and principal risk, and its global commodity proprietary and flow business. Mr. Atamen began his career at KPMG where he served within Financial Risk Management and Risk Advisory groups for clients in the investment banking and energy industries from 2003 tto 2006.

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870cef No.44187

File: 24407e2e1283b8b⋯.png (66.52 KB,250x233,250:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dff4e43a5a2d42⋯.jpg (8.3 KB,183x275,183:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19377464 (171944ZAUG23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun / William C. Reed II, Chief Executive Officer, CCI, serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation

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>Mr. Reed served in the U.S. Army 160th Special Operations Aviations Regiment and serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation

Night Stalkers Foundation


Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Gothic Serpent, The Battle of Mogadishu, “Black Hawk Down”

You are invited to hear from America’s Elite Special Operations Aviators, the Night Stalkers. The Night Stalkers have flown on every high-stakes clandestine operation starting with Grenada in 1983, Panama, Somalia, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Bin Laden Raid, and many, many more. On this night we will gather to honor those who flew on the “Black Hawk Down” mission on the 3rd of Oct, 1993 in Mogadishu Somalia. This mission rings loudly in the minds of every Night Stalker when they hear the unit motto,


The US Army owes its modern night-fighting aviation capabilities to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), headquartered at Ft. Campbell, KY. Originally formed from attachments of the 101st Airborne Division, after years of development, training and deployments it has become the world’s most elite special operations night-operating aviation force.

They are commonly called the Night Stalkers because of their ability to strike undetected during night-time operations. Since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001, units of the Night Stalkers have been continuously and actively engaged in special operations combat deployments around the world.

The formation of the Night Stalkers was a direct result of the failed Iran hostage rescue attempt in April 1980, which clearly showed the need for a dedicated, specialized night-operating aviation force.

Curiously, Stratton Leopold is a Board member


Stratton Leopold is an ice cream entrepreneur, a Hollywood movie producer and a community leader in his hometown of Savannah, GA. Stratton grew up in the ice cream business under the guidance of his father and uncles and has since traveled the world for more than 40 years making major motion pictures.

Stratton has worked in many areas of the motion pictures business and after years of working his way up, served as Vice President of Production at Paramount Pictures. His production career has been long and successful with credits that include Paycheck, The Sum of All Fears [in Q posts], Mission: Impossible III, and the most recent adaptation of The Wolfman.

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870cef No.44188

File: 5fd7d091fab6a7a⋯.pdf (9 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400179 (211825ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Anglo American and AngloGold Ashanti] (Parts 1&2)

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”Dirty Profits 2; Report on Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Anglo American and AngloGold Ashanti] Part 1



122 Page report

This report focuses on the following company violations:

→ violence against local community members,

→ the absence/inadequacy of environmental and social monitoring,

→ severe environmental destruction (e.g., water, soil, and air contamination),

→ damages to employee and/or community health,

→ the destruction of community livelihoods, especially those of indigenous groups,

→ forced resettlements,

→ illegal deforestation,

→ instances of child labor,

→ poor, or hazardous working conditions,

→ unfair employee wages,

→ union intimidation,

→ production/transfer of illegal and/or controversial weapons,

→ arms exports to countries that disrespect human rights,

→ pervasive tax noncompliance,

→ obstruction of justice, and

→ intimidation of the free press.


Anglo American operates a controversial joint venture, the Cerrejón Coal Mine in Colombia, along with BHP Billiton and Glencore Xstrata. Labor disputes and pollution complaints, as well as calls for adequate community compensation (mostly from indigenous communities like the Wayuu) frequently disrupt operations.

The Brazilian government, motivated by the prospect of economic stimulation, has accelerated construction of necessary infrastructure (roads, railways, dams, etc.) in the Amazon in order to make the area more suitable for mining activities.6 The government is also attempting to amend certain laws to allow mining companies to operate on designated indigenous lands.

In December 2012, former gold miners and their dependents filed South Africa’s largest-ever class action lawsuit against 30 mining companies, including Anglo American South Africa Ltd. (Anglo American’s South African subsidiary). The lawsuit claims the company knowingly exposed workers to hazardous mine dust, causing them to develop the life-threatening respiratory disease, silicosis. Over 200,000 former miners potentially suffer from the disease. Workers could possibly seek R1 million (approx. $117,000) each in damages.13 In March 2013, eighteen miners (later twenty-two) suffering from silicosis filed an additional class action lawsuit against Anglo American South Africa Ltd.14 The case was settled confidentially in September 2013.15

In February 2013, nine employees were injured at Anglo American’s Siphumelele mine in Rustenburg, South Africa, after Anglo American Platinum security personnel fired rubber bullets to disperse a union dispute.16

In 2007, the Tanzanian government evicted residents from the town of Mine Mpya to make way for AngloGold Ashanti’s Geita Gold Mine (GGM). Residents were relocated to a tent city that borders the mine, Sophiatown, where they have been living for the past six years. Wastewater dumped from the mine is highly toxic and threatens to contaminate people and farm animals.3 The displaced residents have not received compensation for their seized lands or for the loss of their livelihoods. Residents live under deplorable living conditions in the tent city subsisting on nominal incomes gleaned from sporadic farm and labor jobs.4

In South Africa, miners who contracted silicosis signed a petition against 30 companies, AngloGold Ashanti included.

The Federation for Sustainable Environment has accused AngloGold Ashanti of groundwater pollution following repeated leaks from its tailings dam in Stilfontein, South Africa. Radioactive contaminated groundwater near the Vaal River has reportedly seeped into local pastures and killed grazing cattle. A study conducted by the North-West University concluded that uranium levels in the livers of the deceased cattle were 4,350 times higher than normal.8 AngloGold Ashanti is also involved in a case before the Gauteng North High Court for allegedly violating a Department of Water and Environmental Affairs directive by failing to prevent groundwater contamination.9

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870cef No.44189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400230 (211833ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Anglo American and AngloGold Ashanti] (Parts 1&2)

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”Dirty Profits 2; Report on Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Glencore} Part 2




Glencore Xstrata plc is a Swiss-based diversified natural resources commodity company formed in May 2013 after Glencore’s $30 billion dollar acquisition of mining giant Xstrata.

Both Glencore and Xstrata have well-established reputations for human rights, environmental, and trade violations. Sagittarius Mines Inc. (SMI), a 62.5% subsidiary of Xstrata Copper, runs the Tampakan Copper-Gold Project on the Philippine island of Mindanao.5 Commercial production is set to begin in 2019. The project requires that 5,000 indigenous people be resettled, puts community livelihoods at risk, and threatens vital water sources… , inOctober 2012, soldiers killed an indigenous woman (Juvy Capion) and hertwo sons belonging to the B’laan, a tribal group that opposes the project.7 A court case against them was dismissed in October 2013.8 SMI reportedly funds military and paramilitary forces in several communities around the mine.9

Espinar’s mayor, Oscar Mollohuanca believes that the Tintaya mine is responsible for this contamination.16 Anti-mine protests in May/June 2012 resulted in two deaths and multiple injuries. Mayor Mollohuanca was among those arrested for disturbing the public order. Peru’s prime minister, Oscar Valdes, labeled the protesters as extremists and declared a state of emergency in the region, stripping inhabitants of many of their basic rights for 30 days.17

In June 2013, a Peruvian Glencore Xstrata subsidiary (33.75%), the Antamina copper mine, was fined $77,000 for spilling 45 tons of toxic slurry into the neighboring community of Cajacay.18

Xstrata has held a 24.9% stake in the controversial British mining company, Lonmin, since 2008.21 In a decisive step towards consolidating power over Lonmin’s operations, Glencore Xstrata recently appointed Gary Nagle, (Glencore head of alloys division [Now CEO of Glencore, https://www.glencore.com/media-and-insights/insights/meet-our-new-ceo-gary-nagle]), and Paul Smith, (Glencore head of strategy and communications), to Lonmin’s board of directors in September 2013.22

In August 2012, Lonmin was involved in one of the most deadly police clashes since the end of apartheid. The South African Police Services (SAPS) used violent force to subdue protestors at Lonmin’s Marikana platinum mine, killing 34 and wounding 78.23 Workers were protesting for higher wages. In September 2013, South Africa’s Marikana Commission of Inquiry discovered inconsistencies and falsehoods in police accounts of the incident that suggested doctoring. The Commission is still performing its investigation, however, it has advised the South African Police Services to consult with their legal advisors. Thus far, no arrests have been made.24

The last edition of Dirty Profits stated that the European Investment Bank suspended loans to Glencore over governance concerns, particularly in connection with allegations of tax evasion at Glencore’s Mopani Copper mine in Zambia. Although the investigation is complete, the EIB has restrained from publishing the results despite holding to its decision to let the loans remain frozen. Christian Aid, a British development charity, has been urging the EIB to make the results of their investigation into Mopani Copper mines public.27

In March 2013, Reuters reported that Glencore possibly violated international trade restrictions by providing raw alumina to an Iranian firm that supplies Iran’s nuclear program “in a manner that circumvents sanctions.”28 Glencore is also suspected of being involved in a price fixing scandal to artificially inflate the price of aluminum. The United States’ Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has issued a “do not destroy” order pending a formal investigation of these allegations.29

Falcondo, an Xstrata subsidiary in the Dominican Republic, is accused of undervaluing the average price of nickel extracted from their Loma Peguera and Loma Ortega mine sites and failing to report their use of other metals, like iron and cobalt that make up their ferronickel alloy, thus dodging around $100 million in tax dollars owed to the DominicanRepublic since 2007.30 Apublic complaintagainst Falcondo was filed in February 2013.31

There are many more companies mentioned in this report.

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870cef No.44190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400255 (211839ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Glencore 'used relationship' with Ramaphosa to 'extort' Eskom, former CEO Brian Molefe claims (video)

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>“What they didn’t see coming was that Brian [Molefe], instead of criticizing and blaming everything on the Guptas, he made a u-turn and started blaming Glencore for all [problems at Eskom]… [Glencore] owned Optimum Mine that was eventually bought by the Guptas. That’s how the Guptas got involved with Eskom in terms of the coal supply and the same Glencore was a company that gave Ramaphosa shares where he first opened his mining company, Shanduka.”

“South Africa - Ramaphosa Changes Post” (14 Apr 1996) [deployed to the private sector] - https://youtu.be/usyEhjEE6mo

“Glencore 'used relationship' with Ramaphosa to 'extort' Eskom, former CEO Brian Molefe claims”


2ND MARCH 2021

Former Eskom CEO Brian Molefe has told the State Capture Inquiry that Glencore used its relationship with President Cyril Ramaphosa, who used to be the chairperson of its Optimum coal mine, to try to extort money from the power utility as it renegotiated the terms of its contract.

Optimum, which supplied Eskom with coal, ran into a contractual dispute with the power utility over the terms of agreement of the deal with the mining company, claiming that the fallout forced it into business rescue.

In his evidence at the inquiry on Tuesday, Molefe narrated an incident that occurred while he was still CEO at Transnet when companies had to sign a "take-or-pay agreement" with the logistics firm for the railing of coal to the Richards Bay Coal Terminal. He said all companies had signed with the exception of Optimum.

The take-or-pay agreement ensures that companies bear the costs when Transnet trains don't find the expected coal loads when they arrive for collection.

Molefe said the reason given by the Optimum for not the signing the agreement was that it was waiting for Eskom to "sign certain agreements" with it, but the company's former CEO Clinton Ephron eventually signed.

The two executives were to cross paths again, when Molefe was seconded to Eskom and found himself seized with the Glencore coal-supply agreement dispute in 2015. The company wanted to renegotiate the terms of its contract and increase the coal price from R150 per ton to R442.


Molefe likened Glencore's proposal to "extortion" and insisted that he acted in the best interest of Eskom by not signing the agreement.

"They were trying to extort us," he said.

"I think Optimum could not be allowed to play us like that … maybe that was because they had a close relationship with the then-deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa".

Ramaphosa, a BEE partner in the company, was in appointed chairperson of Optimum in March 2012. He later relinquished active involvement in business following his return to politics in 2014. But Molefe has repeatedly referred to Ramaphosa's relationship with Glencore as as being one of the bargaining tools used by the Swiss mining company to strong-arm Eskom during negotiations regarding the Optimum contract.

He said Glencore had threatened to stop supply to Hendrina power station and used a threat of load shedding as a negotiating tactic to force Eskom to give into their demand.

The company did halt the coal supply for only a month, and Molefe said Eskom had to "scavenge" for coal in a bid to prevent interruptions at Hendrina.

The Gupta-owned Tegeta Exploration and Resources in December 2015 entered into an agreement to buy the Optimum mine for R2.15-billion after Glencore had placed the mine under administration, citing the financial hardship it ran into as a result of its partnership with Eskom.

Molefe and other Eskom executives have vehemently rejected Glencore's claim that its financial woes were forced by the power utility's punitive fines it had imposed on the company, as well as the collapse of negotiations over the terms of its contract.

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870cef No.44191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400262 (211841ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Disgraced Glencore comes out swinging in defence of Ramaphosa

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“Disgraced Glencore comes out swinging in defence of Ramaphosa”


1 Jun 2022


Glencore’s shadowy dealings have been slowly coming to light – a while back it set aside $1.5-billion in provisions for penalties it expected to pay as investigations into the extent of its rot wrapped up.

On 24 May, the US Department of Justice announced that Glencore had pleaded guilty to foreign bribery and market manipulation schemes and agreed to pay fines of over $1.1-billion. Fines from other jurisdictions are in the pipeline.

Glencore’s crimes were committed in several countries including the US, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nigeria. South Africa has not been mentioned, which could be taken as a rare example of a good news story on the domestic corruption front.

Here was a global criminal syndicate that was – per the US Department of Justice – engaged in bribery on a “staggering” scale.

Yet somehow, South Africa – run by what detractors claim is its own criminal syndicate called the ANC – was not tainted by Glencore’s graft. It’s almost too good to be true! Imagine the Sopranos doing work in Sicily with no hint of malfeasance.

Still, Glencore has felt the need to set the record straight, issuing a statement on Wednesday which had the following nutshell paragraph – no doubt to be a staple of any future media statements:

“We acknowledge the misconduct identified in these investigations and have clearly stated that this type of behaviour has no place in the Glencore of today. We are committed going forward to operating transparently under a well-defined set of values, with openness and integrity at the forefront,” it said.

And moving swiftly along – nothing to dwell on here, folks! – the statement went on:

“Regarding the allegations relating to Optimum Coal, Glencore cooperated fully with the Public Protector investigation and Zondo Commission into State Capture. Glencore denies any allegation of wrongdoing and the conclusion of both processes confirms this.”

“Mr Ramaphosa had no direct involvement in the day-to-day operations of Optimum Coal Holdings (OCH) or Optimum Coal Mine (OCM). Mr Ramaphosa divested his entire interest in OCH on 22 May 2014 prior to him taking office as the Deputy President and prior to his involvement with the Eskom War Room.

“Mr Ramaphosa therefore had no interest in OCH following the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement and during the period when OCM/OCH were negotiating with Eskom regarding potential amendments to the Coal Supply Agreement (CSA) with Eskom and an extension to the CSA.

“The suggestion that Glencore involved Mr Ramaphosa in the acquisition of OCH with a view to, or with the expectation of, leveraging Mr Ramaphosa’s influence to achieve amendments to the CSA, is false and baseless.”

Again, multiple investigations in a number of jurisdictions have not linked Glencore in South Africa to any of the hanky-panky elsewhere that enabled corruption in failing states with impoverished populations and is going to cost its shareholders $1.5-billion.

Still, like it or not, South Africans are a jaded and suspicious lot, and tend to connect the dots – an exercise that can, admittedly, be unfair and baseless, but there you go. It’s almost become a national sport – a way to pass the time when the lights go out or your car gets stuck in a crater-sized pothole.

The optics are also, it must be said, not great.

Given the scale of the past wrongdoing that Glencore has admitted to, perhaps it would have done Ramaphosa more of a favour if it had just shut it.

Friends like these going to bat for you are just handing your enemies a bat to donner you with.

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870cef No.44192

File: abfcc65c7139093⋯.jpg (54.76 KB,620x388,155:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400435 (211907ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Glencore and Xstrata ties go back to the beginning before the merger

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>Anglo American operates a controversial joint venture, the Cerrejón Coal Mine in Colombia, along with BHP Billiton and Glencore Xstrata.


>Both Glencore and Xstrata have well-established reputations for human rights, environmental, and trade violations.



Glencore and Xstrata ties go back to the beginning before the merger


Glencore, or Marc Rich + Co AG as it was then, was to remain in Rich’s hands for another 10 years. In 1990, Marc Rich & Co AG became a majority shareholder of another Swiss commodities company called Xstrata.


Glencore began life in 1974 as a commodity trading firm set up by secretive billionaire commodities merchant Marc Rich, who sold out to management in 1994.

The men who run Glencore now, Chairman Willy Strothotte and Chief Executive Ivan Glasenberg, may not be as famous but they have arguably been as successful.

Strothotte, 63, who is chairman of Xstrata in addition to Glencore, began his career working for Rich and others as a metals trader in the 1970s.


Until Bill Clinton granted him a pardon in 2000, [Marc] Rich was wanted by the US authorities for tax evasion, tax fraud, and breaking UN and US embargoes.

Doubtless [Mick] Davis has been irritated that Xstrata's connection to Glencore has been used as a way of smearing the company – unfairly given that Rich has not been involved for a decade. Glencore's minority stake in Xstrata was used by takeover target Falconbridge as ammunition for its defence, and again by Australian miner WMC, for which Davis was eventually outbid by BHP Billiton.

Davis, aged 52, spends much of his little free time with his family, his wife Barbara and their three children Sarah, Ronit and Eitan. He is a highly devout, observant Jew and chairman of Jewish charity UJIA. He has a close relationship with Glencore, whose chief executive Ivan Glasenberg comes from the same South African Jewish community.


In a remarkable move, Glasenberg is calling on the miner’s shareholders to back his takeover bid rather than the original merger, oust Xstrata’s chief executive Davis and appoint him instead.

For years, it has been an open secret that Glasenberg, called the Dealer after his trading empire, and Davis, known as the Digger for his mining expertise – two school friends from South Africa – were planning to merge their empires and become “Glenstrata”. The tie-up would have brought the friends together, with Davis staying on as chief executive and Glasenberg taking on the job of deputy CEO and president.

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870cef No.44193

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400460 (211909ZAUG23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / Macsteel’s founder Eric Samson passes away

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>She also requests that Ramaphosa call Macsteel founder, Eric Samson to "thank him for the money and ask for another R10m".


“Yahrzeit service in honour of Eric Samson - Ezriel ben David z”l” [Even Cyril Ramaphosa and Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement, Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation was a 2021 ‘Initiative’, interesting to look at the pictures with state leaders, etc.] - https://youtu.be/Tgsv9Q48KTE, Premiered Jan 9, 2022

“Macsteel’s founder Eric Samson passes away”


21 January 2021

OBITUARY: Eric Samson — the mogul who made the Nelson Mandela Children’s hospital a reality

Samson, who died at his home in Newport, California on Tuesday, has continued to donate R1m to the hospital every July on Mandela’s birthday


Steel magnate Eric Samson, best known for building Macsteel into one of South Africa’s largest companies, has died aged 83.

In this tribute, Macsteel Global chairperson Mick Davis reflects on the life and contribution of Eric Samson, who he describes as softly spoken, compassionate and generous.

“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of the founder and majority shareholder of the Macsteel Group, Eric Samson. The board and entire management of Macsteel Group are deeply saddened by his passing.”

“After joining his father’s fencing and wiring business, Pan Africa Staalhandel in 1958, he became MD of the company in 1965 and he later founded Machanick Steel & Fencing, which is now named Macsteel.”

“Eric, over five decades, built Macsteel into one of the largest steel merchants in South Africa and created a dynamic international trading and shipping business operating in over 35 countries across three continents. Highly regarded across the world as an astute yet humble businessman who eschewed the limelight, Eric always focused on creating value for all of Macsteel’s stakeholders.”

“Eric and his wife, Sheila, set up the Eric and Sheila Samson Foundation and throughout their marriage gave back to the communities in which they lived. Eric’s vision was to empower people to make the world a better place.”

“The title of Honorary Life World Campaign Chairman of Keren Hayesod was bestowed upon him in recognition of his service to the Jewish People. He also served on the board of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, as well as numerous Jewish communal boards.

“On behalf of all my colleagues, I express our heartfelt sympathy to Sheila and the family. They have lost a loving husband and father; an extraordinary man who was a friend and teacher to us all.”

“The octogenarian billionaire – who shied away from the spotlight throughout his life – died in Newport, California. He had a career spanning more than five decades in the steel industry and made his fortune, which was valued at some US$1.1 billion by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index in 2015 and over US$1 billion by Wealth-X in 2018, primarily through steel and real estate assets.”

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies described him in a statement as a “visionary leader and man of unsurpassed generosity”, saying his legacy would benefit the country long into the future.

The statement added that he was “a South African giant”, saying “the magnitude of his achievements was surpassed only by the greatness of his heart.

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870cef No.44194

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19400836 (212024ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / Aspen's vaccines deal with Serum Institute of India: Stavros Nicolaou (video)

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>The final leaked email, dated November 7, 2017, is from Stavros Nicolaou, who has been described as a long-time supporter of the ANC.

Stavros Nicolaou

“Aspen's vaccines deal with Serum Institute of India: Stavros Nicolaou”


Sep 2, 2022

After its deal with Johnson and Johnson was disappointing, local pharmaceutical company Aspen is now turning to the Serum Institute of India. It has signed a deal with the Institute to manufacture and sell four Aspen branded vaccines for Africa. Stavros Nicolaou is Group Strategic Trade Senior Executive for Aspen Pharmacare.

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870cef No.44195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410871 (231304ZAUG23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Factually incorrect police statistics about farm murders raise serious questions

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“Factually incorrect police statistics about farm murders raise serious questions”


August 21, 2023

The civil rights organisation AfriForum has blasted the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) statistics on farm murders for the second quarter of 2023.

The SAPS today released their statistics which indicated that only 14 people were murdered on farms during this time. AfriForum, however, released its statistics earlier this week which indicated that 24 people were murdered on farms during the same period. [https://afriforum.co.za/en/afriforum-accelerates-the-expansion-of-safety-networks-after-a-sharp-increase-in-farm-murders/]

“Whether this is incompetence or maliciousness by the South African Police Service, I cannot tell but it is extremely worrying that the SAPS cannot keep track of crime statistics. Every one of the murders that AfriForum has kept record of has been verified,” says Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s spokesperson for Community Safety.

According to AfriForum, there seems to be a deliberate effort by the South African government to downplay the seriousness of farm attacks.

“Firstly, we have a president who denied in front of international media that farm murders are taking place and now it seems we have a police service who are trying to downplay the issue by reporting factually incorrect data,” concluded Broodryk.

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870cef No.44196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19410876 (231305ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Russia’s ‘African Village’: a beacon of hope for South African Boers amid growing tensions

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“Russia’s ‘African Village’: a beacon of hope for South African Boers amid growing tensions”


August 12, 2023

A rural community situated between Moscow and St. Petersburg is on track to become the home of a pioneering “African village,” an initiative spearheaded by the African International Congress in Russia.

The venture forms part of a five-year pilot program aiming to resettle thousands of South African migrants in Russia.

With African diplomats and local officials from the Tver Region in attendance, the project’s symbolic cornerstone near the hamlet of Porechye was unveiled last week.

Konstantin Klimenko, the Eurasian International University (EIU) head and the AIC’s general representative in Russia conveyed the project’s intent.

To establish up to 30 settlements across Russia for Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch settlers from the mid-1650s.

“These are Boers, farmers of European descent. Many are currently converting to Orthodoxy and migrating to Russia, drawn by our moral and traditional family values,” Klimenko stated.

The ongoing pilot project in Moscow and Tver regions aims to settle around 3,000 Boer families, with hopes to extend to other parts of Russia if successful.

However, the backdrop to this initiative is somber.

For years, white farmers in South Africa have endured discrimination, dispossession, and a troubling series of violent assaults and murders.

Simone Kerseboom, an MP from FVD, shared her personal ordeal when her parents in South Africa were assaulted at their home.

The thieves took valuables, including a cherished family heirloom.

Kerseboom lamented, “South Africa is breathtakingly beautiful, but living there entails a daily fear for the safety of loved ones.”

To support this migration, the EIU is launching an online Russian language program for about 200 South African settlers starting September.

Furthermore, a partnership with a local farmer, Alexei Trofimov, will establish the ‘Milkburg’ cheesery near the upcoming village, providing the initial settlers, who are dairy farmers, with a local supply and sales outlet.

Notably, this resettlement initiative appears distinct from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent announcement at the Russia-Africa Summit, which focused on expanding African economic and educational opportunities.

Russia’s compassion isn’t just limited to African farmers.

In a separate announcement in May, plans for an “American village” were revealed, aimed at sheltering US conservative families fleeing political and religious persecution.

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870cef No.44197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411855 (231600ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / “Call to support farmers” hosted by South Africa which does not

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The Irony…

“Call to support farmers” hosted by South Africa which does not


August 23, 2023

BRICS countries have been challenged to take the lead and develop a system that can create a resilient farming community.

The call was made during panel discussions focusing on agriculture, held on Tuesday at the Sandton Convention Centre.

The discussions were held at the BRICS (Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Russia) Business Forum, which looked at sustainable development in agriculture across BRICS nations and the promotion of trade and investment in the sector across the bloc of nations.

Emphasising the need for the creation of a reward system, the Indian chapter of the BRICS Business Council chair, Jai Shroff, said food security is a big issue, while climate change has a huge impact on farmers.

“Soil is the biggest thing for government and we need to create a reward system for farmers to sustain agriculture.

“If BRICS can take a lead, we can see a massive change that will really help improve soil and also create a revenue system,” he noted.

He said leaders should also reward farmers for sustaining the environment.

Bruno Ferla, who chairs the Brazil chapter of the BRICS Business Council, said his home country, which is currently one of the powerhouses of agriculture, managed to achieve this with technology to produce food.

Meanwhile, Chief Economist of the Agricultural Business Chamber, Wandile Sihlobo, noted a current change in temperature of certain chemicals and seeds, which are so critical for agricultural productivity.

“BRICS countries have to take [a] particular view on how they think about that,” he said, adding that improving intra-trade is very important, especially for South Africa.

Agreement to export avocados to China

Meanwhile, Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza, today signed an agreement with Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi for the export of agricultural products to China.

Didiza expressed excitement on the signing of the agreement with China.

“Gaining access to China is a vital step in driving an export led growth for the South African avocado, which is a commitment the government has made under the Agriculture and Agro-Processing Master Plan.

“In recent years, the avocado industry has expanded by 4 750 hectares increasing the total hectares to over 18 000,” Didiza said.

Didiza added that China is likely to become one of the world’s major consumers of avocados and thus offers an immense opportunity to expand avocado production in South Africa.

The agreement comes as Chinese President Xi Jinping is on a State Visit to South Africa. Xi is also attending the 15th BRICS Summit which is being held at the Sandton Convention Centre. – SAnews.gov.za

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870cef No.44198

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411904 (231608ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” - “I now want to address the New World Order.” (Parts 1&2) (videeo)

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>Iqbal Survé - Biography; “founding member of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)” and “founding member of the BRICS Business Council”

The chairperson’s speech does not seem to be on MSM.

“Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” – “I now want to address the New World Order.” – Part 1


Aug 20, 2023

South African chairperson of the BRICS Media Forum, Dr Iqbal Survé addressing the BRICS Media Forum 2023.

4:39 – “Our unity underscores our belief in shared values and stories forging a stronger, more informed world. Let’s reignite trust in journalism serving as beacons of integrity by sharing resources insights and innovative practices, we can reshape the media landscape and inspire the next generation of storytellers. I now want to address the New World Order. Today we convene at the BRICS Media Forum to discuss vital topics that extend beyond our newsrooms as media houses all carries great responsibility as we shape narratives that can influence the New World Order. Never before in the most recent times has the world face a crisis like it faces today. A crisis that potentially can result in wars and millions and millions of people either die or starving from the consequences of these wars. We have to act now. The new world order is not just about geopolitics. It encompasses ideas values and aspirations guiding humanity. In this evolving area where the media’s role transcends borders, our Forum becomes crucial in shaping the narrative… I am really glad the more countries have applied to join BRICS. Our diverse cultures and viewpoints enrich global conversations. With the diversity, we advocate for inclusive, cooperative and a just New World Order. We’re harnessing our strengths in the BRICS Media Forum, we contribute to a world of cooperation and shared progress striving to overcome conflicts. So how then can we leverage our platforms to shape this New World Order? The BRICS Media Forum’s existence from 2015. This is now the 6th BRICS Media Forum Summit and as I said we hosted in Cape Town 5 years ago… It’s now really important that we move from idea, from concepts, from theory to practice and we implement those practices because the world needs us now more than ever.

8:03 – “Secondly, some in the BRICS countries such as China for example, have an advantage in terms of digital technology and digital presence. For sometime now, I’ve asked at the BRICS Media Forum that our colleagues in China in partlcular, share this with us. It’s really important to help the other BRICS countries and the BRICS+ countries especially those in Africa to be able to use the digitalization and its technology more effectively because we are competing very much against the western system of advance digital technology.”

11:37 – “It’s important for us to realise as part of the BRICS Media Forum that the next war in the world is very much a war for narrative. Those who win the war for narrative, eventually win. The economic and political wars and it is those wars of narrative that shapes the thinking of societies and governments and it’s very important we unite.

12:46 – “Recently I’ve given a speech at a meeting in Cape Town and I explained the origin of the word ‘comrade’… We love to use the word ‘comrade’ in South Africa. The word ‘comrade’ originally originated from 16th century with merchants trusting each other and subsequent to that, ‘comrade’ became a term which was used for revolutions and it meant. ‘I’m with my comrade in the trenches of war.’ If it was the Bolshevik revolution, if it was Chairman Mao’s revolution, it was the revolution from others all over the world. The word ‘comrade’ meant something and I’m not shy to use the word comrade.”

14:06 – “We are all experiencing the trenches of information war and other wars today. It’s very critical my dear friends, your excellencies that we become ‘comrades’ in the true spirit of the word. That we help each other, that we become real partners and we give effect to what we can do, the media and as media partners in the world today.”

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870cef No.44199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411915 (231609ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” - “I now want to address the New World Order.” (Parts 1&2) (videeo)

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>Cape Town-born Chairman of Sekunjalo Investment Holdings and Executive Chairman of Independent Media South Africa, Dr. Survé is committed towards meaningful transformation of the social and economic landscape of South Africa, in order to redress the economic legacy of apartheid. As the founder of The Sekunjalo Group, Survé has led the organization from initial seed capital of 20 000 USD (1997) to its current portfolio which includes more than 200 investments across the African continent with a presence in 40 African countries and an intrinsic market value of billions of dollars.

“Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” – “I now want to address the New World Order.” – Part 2


Aug 20, 2023

14:32 – “In conclusion, I was a medical doctor. I was a very close confident of President Mandela. I’ve been a close confident of every president of this country and I’ve seen much. When I left medicine, it was President Mandela that got me to leave medicine to become a businessman. When I founded Sekunjalo - the company which I head which is one of the few South African companies in African companies that are member of the World Economic Forum - when I founded that group that employs thousands of people, in tens of thousands of dependents, an industrialised conglomerate, the word ‘Sekunjalo’ came from Mandela, standing in front of others, like I stand in front of you today, and saying, ‘Sekunjalo ke nako”. In the vernacular of Africa… Sekunjalo means ‘now is the time’ or ‘it is so’… now is the time for us to unite as a BRICS Media Forum. Practically, to give effect to a New World Order and to be part and to shape that New World Order.

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870cef No.44200

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19411945 (231615ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS Summit: One-on-one with Dr. Patrice Motsepe (video)

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> its founding chairman of BRICS Business Council, Patrice Motsepe, is Cyril Ramaphosa’s brother-in-law, a mining magnet, heavily involved in the WEF


>ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference



“BRICS Summit | One-on-one with Dr. Patrice Motsepe”


Aug 23, 2023

In conversation with businessman and the Inaugural Chairperson of the BRICS Business Council, SA Chapter Patrice Motsepe.

0:22 – “Let me tell you, South African companies are the largest trading partners on the African continent, from the continent. We sometimes don’t give the CEOs and the companies on the continent the sort of credibility and respect they deserve. They’re world class. Many of them are as good as the best in the world… I go to Nigeria,… Kenya,… Egypt,… Algeria,… Morroco,… Tanzania, I see South African companies there… I think the key issue is that the governments have to increase their partnerships with the private sector.”

3:57 – “The BRICS Business Council is a unique platform, a unique foundation for consistent engagements with governments, with the heads of state.

6:48 – “I seldom go to meetings or to conferences. I came today because I’ve got an emotional connection with BRICS countries. Of course I’ve got ties with the rest of the world but we’ve got a history as South Africa with many of the BRICS countries which emanates from the years of our fights for democracy. So that history is very important. Of course we’ve got the similar history with other parts of the world but we build on those historical support that they’ve given to initiatives and the struggle towards democracy and that history we use as a basis to build a very strong mutually beneficial business and investment ties.

9:05 – “We went as a family into football as part of our philanthropic obligation. I mean, we are made what we are by the people of this country and the people of the continent and football is one of the areas where we are trying to connect with the youth… You’ve got to be where the youth is to try and engage with them and influence them in directions that you thing is appropriate. So the key for us is African has got about 400 million young people between the age of 15 and 25… If we don’t give a future to those young people, all of us don’t have a future. So we use all sorts of vehicles and instruments and tools we have to connect with the youth and football like music and various forces or means is an important tool to engage with the youth.

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870cef No.44201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19412149 (231650ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / (from Canada #46) BRICS Summit, Day One: Xi Hypes the ‘Global South’, Putin Sees ‘Alternative to G7’, Modi Touts Indian Economy, Lula Calls for Common Currency, Ramaphosa Stresses Ties Between Members

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Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19411618

BRICS Summit, Day One: Xi Hypes the ‘Global South’, Putin Sees ‘Alternative to G7’, Modi Touts Indian Economy, Lula Calls for Common Currency, Ramaphosa Stresses Ties Between Members

by Paul Serran Aug. 22, 2023

The much-anticipated BRICS Summit has finally kicked off in Johannesburg, South Africa.

We can safely say that the event is already a success, at least in terms of visibility. There is a massive media coverage, from all continents, with all kinds of different agendas and preconceptions, both for and against the club.

Below I tried to get a glimpse of the speeches of the five heads of state, whether in-person, via video link (in the case of Putin), or even off-campus (in the case of Xi Jinping, who surprisingly ditched the official ‘Business Forum’, but spoke in a separate event along with South African Ramaphosa).

For Chinese Chairman Hi Jinping, the ‘Global South’ should wield more influence.

Bloomberg reports:

“’We should practice multilateralism and work towards giving a boost to countries in the Global South’, Xi told a joint briefing in Pretoria with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa following a state visit. ‘We believe our countries should be strategic partners, we should deepen political mutual trust’.

BRICS leaders are also expected to discuss how they can increase direct trade in their own currencies and possibly hold tentative talks on introducing a common unit – an idea that hasn’t gained traction so far.”

During the event, Xi was awarded the Order of South Africa, the country’s highest honor, by President Ramaphosa.

“Xi told Ramaphosa during their joint briefing in Pretoria that China is ready to import more ‘quality products’ from South Africa and that it would deepen bilateral cooperation in electricity, new energy and innovation, while encouraging Chinese companies to invest in Africa’s most industrialized nation.

‘We believe our countries should be strategic partners, we should deepen political mutual trust’, Xi told his host. ‘We support substantive progress in G20 and support South Africa employing a greater role. Under current circumstances it is important to step up’, he said.”

Maybe Xi’s absence from the Business Forum was meant not to upstage Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who participated via video link, due to the International Criminal Court controversy.

In his opening remarks, Putin said the bloc ‘was on the course to meet the aspirations of most of the world community’.

WION reported:

“In a virtual address delivered on Tuesday (August 22), Putin said, ‘We cooperate on the principles of equality, partnership support, respect for each other’s interests, and this is the essence of the future-oriented strategic course of our association, a course that meets the aspirations of the main part of the world community, the so-called global majority’.

In his address, Putin said the US Dollar was losing its global role in an ‘objective and irreversible’ process. De-dollarization is ‘gaining momentum’ he said, adding that members of the group of major emerging economies are seeking to reduce their reliance on the greenback in mutual transactions.”

Following his agenda of transforming the economic group into an alternative power axis to the west, Putin compared BRICS with the G7.

“The Russian leader said the five nations – Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa – are becoming the new world economic leaders, and that their cumulative share of global GDP has reached 26 per cent.

He added that if measured by purchasing power parity, BRICS has already surpassed the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations – accounting for 31 per cent of the global economy, compared to 30% for the G7.”

The most representative presence in the Business Forum ended up being Indian PM Narendra Modi. And he focused his address in touting the favorable economic perspectives for India.



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870cef No.44202

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19418465 (241412ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / “Six countries, including Egypt and Ethiopia join BRICS” also Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (video)

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“Six countries, including Egypt and Ethiopia join BRICS” also Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates


Aug 24, 2023

The selections are certainly strategic, especially Egypt as the Suez Canal is located in that country.

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870cef No.44203

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19421262 (242109ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS Summit 2023 LIVE: South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa Meets China's President Xi Jinping (video)

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BRICS Summit 2023 LIVE: South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa Meets China's President Xi Jinping


Streamed live on Aug 22, 2023

10:19 – “Ladies and gentlemen please join me as I invite his excellency president [Cyril Ramaphosa (CR)] who has decided to bestow the Order of South Africa on his excellency President XI Jinping for your principled commitment to fraternal bilateral relations between the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of South Africa. Furthermore this is an appreciation of the historic support of the People’s Republic of China for the liberation of South Africa. The strategic partnership between our 2 countries is evidence by an expansive economic cooperation as well as our shared commitment to a just, equitable and inclusive Global Order.

32:18 – [CR]“This visit coincides with 25 years of diplomatic relations between South Africa and the People’s Republic of China. We are grateful for the support and friendship that China has provided as we worked to rebuild and transform our country after the devastation of our Apartheid [but it had an impeccable infrastructure compared to now with no load shedding, water shedding, etc.]. We recall with gratitude the solidarity demonstrated by China during our struggle but we also recall with great appreciation the support that we also received from China during a perilous time in the world when we confronted COVID19. China supplied much needed equipment, materials and vaccines to our country as well as to other African nations. During this state visit South Africa and China have reaffirmed political support for each other’s core interests.”

38:04 – [CR]“We are gratified that the friendship between the People’s Republic of China and South Africa has endured over many years. The friendship that exists between our 2 countries is living proof of what is set out in our freedom charter which is the forerunner of the South African Constitution which declared that the shall be peace and friendship. We look forward to an era of even greater ties between our 2 countries. “

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870cef No.44204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19421273 (242110ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / SA charts energy growth path with China

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>We are grateful for the support and friendship that China has provided as we worked to rebuild and transform our country after the devastation of our Apartheid [but it had an impeccable infrastructure compared to now with no load shedding, water shedding, etc.]

“SA charts energy growth path with China”


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

South Africa aims to enhance its energy collaboration with China, focusing on aligning the two countries' shared dedication to environmentally friendly, low-carbon and climate-resilient development.

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Tuesday hosted his Chinese counterpart, President Xi Jinping, on a State Visit in Tshwane, as eminent world leaders converge in Johannesburg for the 15th BRICS Summit in Sandton, Gauteng. Collaboration across a range of fields took centre stage as the two leaders met.

President Ramaphosa extended his heartfelt gratitude to President Xi for China’s acts of generosity and solidarity towards South Africa.

“South Africa deeply appreciates China’s support in addressing our current energy challenges. This includes the donation of emergency power equipment worth R167 million and availing a grant of approximately R500 million as development assistance.

“Energy cooperation with China is a recent development that we look to deepen, particularly in line with our respective commitments to low-carbon, climate-resilient development,” the President said.

President Ramaphosa said the relationship between the people of South Africa and China stretches back many decades, with the Chinese people supporting South Africa during its struggle for freedom and democracy.

China has been a valued friend and developmental partner of South Africa throughout the course of rebuilding South Africa from the "ruins of apartheid".

“I wish to make special mention of China’s support during the COVID-19 pandemic through the provision of personal protective equipment, vaccines and other essential items to South Africa and other African countries. This support extended to the cancellation of the debt of a number of Africa countries,” President Ramaphosa said.

The President told his counterpart that Chinese companies, encouraged by his government, responded with enthusiasm to SA’s investment drive, which has raised more than R1.5 trillion in investment commitments over the last five years.

Over the years, the relationship between South Africa and China has been steadily strengthened and has transformed into a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, underpinned by 10-Year Strategic Programmes of Cooperation.

“It is this common outlook that has enabled us to deepen our cooperation on several fronts. South Africa maintains high-level cooperation with China in several areas. These include, but are not limited to, international politics, trade, investment, infrastructure development, science, innovation and education,” President Ramaphosa said.

With China being South Africa's largest global trading partner and South Africa being China's biggest trading partner in Africa, the bilateral trade has grown exponentially, from less than R1 billion in 1998 to over R614 billion in 2022.

He emphasised that South Africa is looking forward to hosting the 15th BRICS Summit, having taken over from China as Chair in 2022.

“We thank China for its support in convening this summit. We share your view, President Xi, that BRICS has a vitally important role to play in the reform of global governance and in the promotion of multilateralism and cooperation throughout the world.

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870cef No.44205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19421285 (242112ZAUG23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / The donation is exactly that’: Ramokgopa clears the air on China’s R170m donation to South Africa

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>South Africa deeply appreciates China’s support in addressing our current energy challenges. This includes the donation of emergency power equipment worth R167 million

“‘The donation is exactly that’: Ramokgopa clears the air on China’s R170m donation to South Africa”


23 August 2023 - 14:01

Electricity minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa says there are no conditions attached to China's donations to South Africa.

The Chinese government donated R170m in emergency power equipment and made available a grant of about R500m as development assistance to alleviate South Africa's energy crisis.

On Wednesday Ramokgopa signed a joint memorandum of co-operation with Chinese entities on behalf of government.

“The donation is exactly that,” he said at the Brics Summit in Sandton.

“Donations are not attached to any conditions. We are getting gasoline and diesel generators, power supply vehicles and off-grid PV energy storage supply systems ranging from 6KW to 200KW.”

Ramokgopa said the donation will assist with providing sustainable electricity to some major public installations such as clinics, hospitals and police stations.

“We are going to get 552 of those units and 450 are already on the way. It means more than 500 public facilities are going to have access to uninterrupted alternative power supply. Thank you to the Chinese for the generous contribution. The equipment ranges from 6kw up to 200kw, which can support a clinic and a medium-sized hospital, so this is relief for South African people,” he said.

President Cyril Ramaphosa said South Africa appreciated China’s support in addressing the energy challenges.

He said Chinese companies, encouraged by their government, responded with enthusiasm to his investment drive, which has raised more than R1.5-trillion in commitments in the past five years.

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870cef No.44206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19421309 (242114ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / Two fighter jets spotted in Sandton for three days since the beginning of 15th BRICS Summit

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“Two fighter jets spotted in Sandton for three days since the beginning of 15th BRICS Summit”


August 24, 2023

Johannesburg - Residents of Sandton and those visiting the area in the past three days as the country hosts the 15th BRICS Summit have been seeing and hearing the sounds of fighter jets.

Two fighter jets are regularly seen and heard making a loud noise flying over the Sandton Convention Centre.

At this stage, no official authority is prepared to give The Star official comment or details on the purpose of the fighter jets flying over the area at short intervals.

Already, there is a high presence of law enforcement agencies in and around the venue, where over 50 heads of state from across the globe are gathering for the summit, which ends today.

Morena Mokoena, an employee in one of the retail shops in Sandton City, said at first, after hearing the noise from the jets, he thought there was an attack because he is not used to the sound.

“I am aware that there is currently a BRICS summit taking place just outside my workplace, but the first time I heard the loud, unusual sound, I could not help but think there was some kind of an attack. During my lunch break while outside, I heard the sound. I looked up and spotted not one but two fighter jets,” said Mokoena.

Some citizens took to social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) to express their thoughts towards the fighter jets.

X user Bo Mbinwane wrote: “SANDF drama. Every ten minutes fly pass!!! What fighter jets from which country are about to send missiles to Sandton? Drama. What intelligence product is making SAAF panic like this? Who is about to have an air assault in Sandton. So much money is being wasted flying Swedish jets!”

Another user, Mags Heystek, wrote: “Not everyday you see a fighter jet flying over Sandton. Oh wait, this is the third day in a row.”

Other citizens went as far as criticising the government for wasting money on these meticulous machines; however, it is not clear whether they are from South Africa or not.

“Why are these fighter jets just flying around the Sandton skies? How much does it cost to keep them in the air? All this window dressing surely comes with a huge price tag,” said Bev Thrilla.

If it happens that the jets might belong to the SANDF, it would be strange because, recently, it was reported that SANDF pilots are grounded due to non-airworthy aircraft and have instead been doing administration work while the crisis persists.

SANDF spokesperson General Andries Mahapa was reached for comment; however at the time of publishing there was no response.

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870cef No.44207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19458118 (300432ZAUG23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / (from General Research) Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit - media

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>>43986 (me)

Guess he never got the invite he wanted

General Research #23897 >>>/qresearch/19458014

French President Criticizes BRICS Expansion: “World fragmentation and confrontation against the U.S.”

French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed concern over the expansion of the BRICS group, stating that the addition of new members to the bloc could lead to “world fragmentation.”

The French President went on to warn that the expansion of the BRICS would add a new chapter to the ongoing confrontation between China and the US. Macron made the remarks during a meeting with ambassadors on Monday, 28.

During the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg on August 22-24, several new countries joined the bloc, including Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, and Iran. With the addition of these new members, the group now represents nearly 40% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).

The expansion of the BRICS grouping poses a potential threat to the United States, primarily because of the support that Iran and other authoritarian countries are likely to receive as they integrate with Western nations in the group.

Macron expressed:

“The expansion of BRICS shows an intention to build an alternative global order to the existing one, which is seen as too Western. All this takes place in the context of the ongoing confrontation between the United States and China, which also violates international law and the accepted order in the field of international trade.”

Asserting that the new configuration of BRICS could pose a risk of weakening Europe, Macron declared his intention to have discussions with all partners to avert this scenario.

Macron’s statement reflects a sense of concern shared by some global powers following the expansion of the BRICS group.


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870cef No.44208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466649 (311725ZAUG23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Joburg CBD fire - A disaster ‘waiting to happen’ as death toll climbs to 74 (video)

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“Terrifying moment blaze rips through Johannesburg apartment block killing over 70 people” - https://youtu.be/aJN2N0Ly6HM

“LIVE BLOG: Joburg CBD fire - A disaster ‘waiting to happen’ as death toll climbs to 74” – Cyril Ramaphosa cancelled his address to the nation about BRICS and Lady R to visit site



In the early hours of Thursday morning, a fire ripped through a five storey building in the Johannesburg CBD killing, at last count, 73 people.

Follow IOL’s live coverage of the tragedy.

A Malawian national who was living in the five-story building in Johannesburg CBD when a fire broke out, told IOL how she had to jump from the second floor with her luggage while the fire engulfed the building.

“By midnight, I just heard people screaming and crying saying, ‘fire’ inside, ‘fire!’”

The sound of people shouting echoed through the burning building in Johannesburg CBD, said a survivor who was trapped inside.

Ramaphosa to visit site of hijacked building where over 70 died

President Cyril Ramaphosa, who was scheduled to address the nation on Thursday night, has since cancelled address and is now on his way to the Johannesburg CBD where a fire gutted a "hijacked" building, resulting in over 70 deaths.

Ramaphosa was due to address the nation on the outcomes of the 15th BRICS Summit and on the outcome of the panel investigation into the docking of the Lady R vessel in South Africa.

Following the disaster in Johannesburg, Ramaphosa is now scheduled to conduct a site visit to Marshalltown in Johannesburg to receive a briefing on the emergency and recovery operations and on the support the government is providing to the affected families.

Joburg City Manager Floyd Brink says over 140 foreigners arrested previously for collecting money from residents

Joburg City Manager said over 140 foreign nationals were in 2019 arrested for collecting rent from residents at the building. He confirmed the City had rented the building to the Gauteng Department of Social Development, who used it as a shelter for abused women and children, before it was hijacked. Brink said there was no update from the SA Police Services regarding the case of the 140 foreigners who were arrested for illegally collecting rent during a raid. [Will this trigger xenophobic attacks?]

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870cef No.44209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466673 (311727ZAUG23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings (video)

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“City Of Johannesburg pledges support for victims of CBD fire tragedy” - https://youtu.be/XUS-M_T_cYY

“Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings”



City of Joburg’s Council Speaker Colleen Makhubele has visited the site where more than 70 people died during an inferno at a hijacked building in downtown Johannesburg on Thursday morning.

Makhubele said the scourge of hijacked buildings across central Joburg, illegally occupied continues to be a headache for the City as several non-governmental organisations stand with the illegal dwellers.

“I am sure you saw at some point MMC Kenny Kunene (as acting Joburg mayor that time) was dealing with the issue. He got a lot of backlash and he was taken to court for dealing with the unsafe, hijacked city that is non-compliant,” Makhubele told journalists outside the building.

“That is what I am saying, there are some NGOs that are hellbent on preventing the city from dealing with this. It needs decisive action and there will be casualties, but let there be no death,” she said.

“If we succumb to pressure because we are taken to court, there are court orders, we cannot move etc, then something like this happens.”

She said the city will assist the affected families, including with burial costs.

While the death toll from the inferno which gutted the hijacked building in the Joburg CBD on Thursday continues to escalate, City of Johannesburg’s Emergency Management Services (EMS) staff were faced with the sordid reality of carrying charred bodies out of the building.

“It is a sad day indeed in the City of Johannesburg,” Joburg EMS spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi said, speaking to broadcaster Newzroom Afrika at the scene.

Before 11am on Thursday, the revised death toll showed that at least 73 bodies have been removed from the gutted building. One of the deceased people is a toddler.

Mulaudzi said in his decades of serving in the emergency service, he had not seen such a harrowing scene.

He said the five-storey building was heavily partitioned inside, which might have made an escape difficult for residents fleeing the flames.

Mulaudzi said maneuvering was also very difficult for EMS officials.

“The building is a hijacked building. It is actually an informal settlement inside a building. So there is a lot of debris which we have to go through to make sure that there is not any other bodies which might still be trapped inside the building,” he said.

Mulaudzi said from outside, the buildings looks formal, but there are countless partitions “like shacks” inside the densely-populated building which was occupied illegally.

“From the first floor to the fifth floor, it is an informal area, hence you find the intensity of the fire. There is also the issues of the integrity of the building, it had been abandoned for so long, we have to exercise caution as we do this search and recovery operation,” he said.

Last month, at least one people died in a massive explosion which rocked the Joburg CBD, while 41 other people were injured.

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870cef No.44210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466685 (311728ZAUG23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Joburg CBD Fire: Inside the dilapidated hijacked buildings that sprawl the Johannesburg city centre

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“Joburg CBD Fire: Inside the dilapidated hijacked buildings that sprawl the Johannesburg city centre”



Johannesburg - The Johannesburg Property Owners and Managers Association (JPOMA) has called on the City of Joburg to act against those who have hijacked buildings in the inner city, plunged them into squalor and turning them into crime hotspots.

According to Angela Rivers, the association’s general manager, the issue has escalated over the past few years to the point where their members seek advice on a weekly basis about how to protect their tenants and their businesses. The association represents most of the landlords in Johannesburg’s inner city.

“The issue is such a thorn in the city’s side, and our research indicates that there are criminals who have been getting away with this for a decade or more. They undermine the law, rule with violence and allow the complete degradation of buildings in the inner city as the services get cut off due to non-payment. Even the police are afraid to confront these thugs,” says Rivers.

Platinum Place is one such building. Situated at 31 Van Beek Street in New Doornfontein, in the heart of a former industrial area, the building is believed to have housed clothing manufacturing businesses, before the garment trade faltered as cheap Chinese imports flooded the market. The unoccupied building was hijacked at some point, and deteriorated into utter squalor over a number of years.

When property company Afhco purchased the building on auction in 2010, it was part of a plan to upgrade the surrounding area. The company had bought two other, adjoining buildings across the street with the idea to create a well-managed precinct. The city had just upgraded the nearby taxi rank and it was a perfect opportunity.

But the reality of what they were faced with proved to be daunting, said Afhco COO at the time, Renney Plit. Water and power to Platinum Place had been cut so the inhabitants had damaged the water pipes to get free access to water, and water and sewage was seeping into the street. Power was stolen from neighbouring properties. The building was in effect a garbage tip, with the lift shaft used to dump refuse into and the interior finishes ripped out from floor to ceiling. Illegal tenants were living in this squalor, paying the hijackers around R600 per week.

According to Plit the entire city block had been hijacked and was in effect sold as one. “It took us two years to evict the illegal tenants and about three months to clean it at a cost, back then, of R600 000 – today that would have been around R2 million. We had to use a front loader to clear the rubbish as there was simply too much to have people clean it manually. We collected 165 skips of rubbish. During the time we were cleaning up we had to spend a further R100 000 to secure the building every month to prevent it being re-hijacked.”

Afhco transformed Platinum Place, and today it is unrecognisable from the horrors of a decade ago, offering clean, safe, affordable housing in a functioning, well-managed building. However, the neighbourhood’s problems have not gone away, because Msibi House, right across the road, has resisted all attempts to oust the hijackers, and remains an eyesore 16 years after it was first hijacked.

As the photographs show, hijacked buildings are not fit for human habitation.

“The private sector can and does its bit, but we need the City to take action once and for all and formulate a workable strategy against hijacking of buildings,” says Rivers. “People should be able to live and work safely in the inner city, in accommodation that is affordable but maintained properly. What is happening in our city borders on human rights violations.”

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870cef No.44211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466738 (311736ZAUG23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg is accelerating its plans to become a smart city

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>Of parties and puppets | Carte Blanche | M-Net” - Another vote of no confidence for the new Johannesburg mayor


>Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings


>Joburg CBD fire - A disaster ‘waiting to happen’ as death toll climbs to 74

>>44067, >>44068, >>44069

>Johannesburg Blast

Are all of these events orchestrated and being used to accelerate their plans?

“Johannesburg is accelerating its plans to become a smart city”


Oct 9, 2020

Lloyd’s, the world’s leading specialist insurance and reinsurance market, announced a new report: Cities at risk – Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres [https://www.lloyds.com/news-and-risk-insight/risk-reports/library/understanding-risk/cities-at-risk], published in association with Urban Foresight and Newcastle University.

The report presents seven case studies: London, New York City, Miami, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Riyadh and Shanghai. These cities have characteristics of other metropolises around the world and are used to demonstrate global issues and cross learning. The case studies also serve as scenarios to understand how specific risks are managed and mitigated at city level.

According to the findings, Johannesburg remains a mid-technological, weaker resilience city, despite being viewed as a key economic player in the southern hemisphere and as a gateway to the African continent for South African businesses.

Amit Khilosia, Regional Head for Africa, Lloyd’s, said: “Johannesburg has so much potential as a regional business and investment hub. We believe that – with the appropriate risk management plans – it can become the city we all know it can be. Together with our partners, we look forward to working with key stakeholders, including local authorities and governments, to assess all relevant risk factors and to better understand our customers’ needs”.

This report treats cities as highly interconnected systems of systems. In so doing it adopts a holistic view of urban risk. Cities at Risk aims to give cities the tools they require to preserve and enhance the lived urban experience whilst managing the many challenges they face.

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870cef No.44212

File: 05fd83780252ac5⋯.pdf (8.71 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19466778 (311743ZAUG23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Cities at risk; Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres

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>Lloyd’s, the world’s leading specialist insurance and reinsurance market, announced a new report: Cities at risk – Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres [https://www.lloyds.com/news-and-risk-insight/risk-reports/library/understanding-risk/cities-at-risk], published in association with Urban Foresight and Newcastle University.


>No city in the world not even London, Chicago, Venezuela, Paris or New York has solved urban mobility challenges through private car use.

>Switching car users to public transport, walking and cycling will make a major contribution to our global responsibilities of protecting the environment. Public transport provides a greater level of safety and stress free travel than private transport.

“Cities at risk; Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres”



Johannesburg’s Corridors of Freedom (CoF) vision has a goal to overcome the negative effects of urban sprawl and the reliance on private cars or crowded public transport for citizens living in wealthier suburban communities (Du & Lvovna Gelman, 2018)

The economic centres along these corridors will continue to undergo further densification with high-rise residential developments, new office buildings and retail and leisure space. By connecting marginalised communities to new districts, the CoF aims to link economic development with improved social health and wellbeing. In addition to changing the shape and appearance of Johannesburg the city government is accelerating its plans to become Africa’s leading smart city


Launched in 2011, the Johannesburg 2040 Growth and Development Strategy (JOBURG 2040 GDS) defines the city’s vision for the next 30 years – “Johannesburg – a World Class African City of the Future – a vibrant, equitable African city, strengthened through its diversity; a city that provides real quality of life; a city that provides sustainability for all its citizens; a resilient and adaptive society” (Joburg - a world class African city, 2011). The city of Johannesburg has stepped-up strategic effort aimed at rebranding itself as a smart city and competitive city at the centre of innovation toward improved life experiences. JOBURG 2040 GDS aims to ensure that socioeconomic infrastructure will ultimately improve citizens’ experience. Four major outcomes define the Joburg 2040 GDS.

− Outcome 1: Improved quality of life and development-driven resilience for all

− Outcome 2: Provide a resilient, liveable, sustainable urban environment – underpinned by infrastructure supportive of a low-carbon economy

− Outcome 3: An inclusive, job-intensive, resilient and competitive economy that harnesses the potential of citizens

− Outcome 4: A high performing metropolitan government that pro-actively contributes to and builds a sustainable, socially inclusive, locally integrated and globally competitive Gauteng City Region

City of Johannesburg - Climate Change Adaptation Plan

As a result of projected climatic changes, the city of Johannesburg in 2009 launched the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The plan integrates and prioritises strategic investments and activities to reduce climate risks. A number of risks have been identified and categorised according to an “Action Plan” based upon the potential magnitude of the risk’s impact and the likelihood of the risk eventuating. Strategic adaptations have also been developed and focus on the following areas (City of Johannesburg, 2009):

− Integrating climate change adaptation into existing strategic planning mechanisms

− Developing alternative financing options for the funding of adaptations

− Developing an Information Management System to support ongoing climate change risk assessment and costbenefit analysis

− Maintaining and expanding stakeholder engagement.

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870cef No.44213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472479 (011611ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg fire: what are 'hijacked buildings' and why are they dangerous? (video)

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“In conversation with Herman Mashaba over deadly Joburg fire” - https://youtu.be/kExp45dBLr8

“Johannesburg fire: what are 'hijacked buildings' and why are they dangerous?”


August 31, 20233:12 PM UTC

Since the end of apartheid in 1994, a housing crisis in South Africa's largest city of Johannesburg, in Gauteng province, has grown worse, as big businesses moved out of the inner city into affluent suburbs.

Criminal syndicates in the 1990s and 2000s started "hijacking" buildings that were left empty and renting them out illegally. They quickly became dilapidated centres of drugs crime and other lawlessness.

In some instances, the syndicates occupied buildings with fraudulent title deeds, said Angela Rivers, general manager at Johannesburg Property Owners and Managers Association.

People living there were convinced of the criminals' ownership and either paid rent or were pushed out, Rivers said.


“Former Johannesburg Mayor says he identified over 600 hijacked buildings in the city between 2016 and 2019”

After a fire in a hijacked building killed over 70 people in Johannesburg, the city's former mayor says he identified more than 600 buildings like the one that burned down but received little help to fix the problem

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870cef No.44214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472602 (011630ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Joburg fire: [city-owned building,] Shelter for abused women was hijacked, cops had made arrests

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“Joburg fire: [city-owned building,] Shelter for abused women was hijacked, cops had made arrests”


31 August 2023 - 14:13

Maile said the city-owned building was “hijacked” after it was leased to a nonprofit organisation meant to assist displaced women.

“It is unfortunate that we have to keep responding to situations of this nature, where a building is leased for the purpose of rehabilitating society. Because it was an NGO that dealt specifically with displaced women.”

The NGO had been shut down due to safety reasons and law enforcement operations were initiated, he said.

“A while back, it was raided by the city with SAPS and home affairs, with arrests made. It was also found that there were people who were collecting rent and therefore SAPS was delegated to deal with the matter.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19472747 (011657ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / JHB CBD Fire: Marshalltown building was apartheid-era centre for receiving foreign nationals (video)

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>Since the end of apartheid in 1994, a housing crisis in South Africa's largest city of Johannesburg, in Gauteng province, has grown worse, as big businesses moved out of the inner city into affluent suburbs.

>Criminal syndicates in the 1990s and 2000s started "hijacking" buildings that were left empty and renting them out illegally. They quickly became dilapidated centres of drugs crime and other lawlessness.


“JHB CBD Fire | Marshalltown building was apartheid-era centre for receiving foreign nationals”


Sep 1, 2023

2:59 – “What city officials are saying that this building initially had been original Lindela building during the time of Apartheid. So this is a building that was initially built by Home Affairs. It was sort of like a Home Affairs Department and any foreign nationals that were coming into South Africa were brought here. There were temporary housing accommodation and at the rooftop of the building itself there was a temporary court where foreign nationals or asylum seekers were processed by the court to try to ascertain whether or not they can get some sort of a foreign national status or whether they would be returned back. It so important to know the history of this building itself… It is such an odd juxtaposition to see this blue tab here that verifies that this building itself is actually a Heritage building. So that means that this building has been here for more than 50 years and it’s a building that should have been preserved… The city official authority is telling us that the reason why this building itself became derelict is that the building had been loaned out to provincial government by the city and there was a problem between the provincial government and the city and this building became fallow. With it being fallow and unoccupied, that’s when it allowed the criminal elements to come in and illegally occupy.

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870cef No.44216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482177 (031348ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC remains committed to reform and development, says Ramaphosa

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>Joburg City Manager said over 140 foreign nationals were in 2019 arrested for collecting rent from residents at the building. He confirmed the City had rented the building to the Gauteng Department of Social Development, who used it as a shelter for abused women and children, before it was hijacked.


>JHB CBD Fire | Marshalltown building was apartheid-era centre for receiving foreign nationals

>>44086 - Zondo commission was a sham


>"Life was better under apartheid" is this a normal thing to hear in the townships (Alexandra specifically) Because while volunteering I heard this from poor people almost every day.

The irony, the building which processed foreign nationals during Apartheid has become a source of income for foreign national thugs during ANC rule. The ANC now wants to ‘revise’ laws to make it easier to reinforce their tyranny.

“ANC remains committed to reform and development, says Ramaphosa”


02 September 2023 - 15:56

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the ANC has a good story to tell, arguing the ruling party has worked to ensure South Africa is a better place than it was during apartheid.

Speaking at a media engagement as part of the party's manifesto review ahead of the 2024 general elections, Ramaphosa said there was evidence that his party remained committed to developing the state.

This included access to electricity — with an end to load-shedding in sight — some passenger rail services coming back online and the provision of school nutrition.

“I know people never want to be blamed. It is reflecting on the damage apartheid did and apartheid continues to cast its shadow on our future trajectory. We cannot run away from it. Just like in America, they are saying the past (slavery) does cast a shadow on African Americans (today)” Ramaphosa said.

On the scourge of corruption and cleaning up state capture, Ramaphosa said he was committed to reform.

“Work is underway. It is not like people are sitting back. We have committed that having spent more than a billion rand [on the state capture inquiry] and having spent considerable time going through the evidence, we will implement the recommendations of the commission.

“I know the people want to see scalps … I have often said there are processes that have to be followed,” Ramaphosa said.

Ramaphosa also commented on the fire in a building in the Johannesburg CBD on Thursday which left more than 70 people dead, including children. He said it had served as a “wake up call” for the government.

“I am told that is a [City of Johannesburg]-owned building … The building is so old and parts of it are not safe and local government sought to take people out, but it was stopped by some NGOs [which went to court].”

Ramaphosa added that South Africa had become a deeply litigious society and suggested it was hampering progress.

“In some cases we have swung the pendulum too much in the way of red tape and restrictions that impedes us from doing good by our people. I have directed ministers to look at unnecessary laws. Human rights are sacrosanct but laws that impede need to be revised,” he said.

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870cef No.44217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482521 (031508ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT) (video)

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“Former ANC SG Ace Magashule launches new political party - African Congress for Transformation” - https://youtu.be/yCRaOBr_Zts

“Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT)


30-08-2023 13:21

ANC Secretary General Fikile Mbalula was quick to react to the news of his predecessors new political party- the African Congress for Transformation (ACT).

Two months after his expulsion, former ANC SG, Ace Magashule has launched his own political party at an event in Soweto on Wednesday.


During the media briefing, Magashule introduced the party’s interim leaders, with representation from every province, meanwhile Mbalula was airing his views on his social media account.

In one of his tweets Mbalula says, “Ace Magashules chapter finally closed in the ANC It has being long, but finally we are here.”

Magashule refused to be drawn into talking about his former party the ANC or any other party. The former Free State Premier eluded to his party will be fighting for transformation, equality, an end to corruption amongst other.

Mbalula then went as far as calling Magashule umdlwembe meaning ‘a delinquent’.

Magashule was shown the door at Luthuli House in June after failing to apologise for his misconduct. He was also given a chance to explain when he should not be expelled, and he failed to do so.

Former Hawks head Berning Ntlemeza was revealed as the party’s leader in the Eastern Cape. It came as no surprise that Mbalula had no kind words to say.

There is bad blood between Mbalula and Ntlemeza, dating far back to 2017, when Mbalula as Minister of Police and Ntlemeza as the head of the Hawks came at loggerheads, leading to Mbalula firing Ntlemeza.


He's roped in former Hawks head, Berning Ntlemeza, and a number of ANC councillors to join his movement.

“This new party is going to work with all progressive strictures, and in October we will go to a conference and unveil our manifesto, and you will see the leadership of this organisation.”


Former African National Congress (ANC) Secretary General Ace Magashule has accused wealthy businessman Johan Rupert of being behind his expulsion from the ruling party.

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870cef No.44218

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482541 (031513ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT) (video)

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>“Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT)

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870cef No.44219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482589 (031521ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launching parties (Parts 1&2)

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>Existing literature on this brutally violent chapter in the history of the liberation struggle focuses largely on the conflict between the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP).


>The Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) was the underground military wing of the Pan African Congress (PAC)


>the United Democratic Front was a front of the African National Congress.

List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launching parties [1 of 2]

Pan-Africanist Congress [PAC]

In the mid-1950s, the ANC formed the Congress Alliance with other antiapartheid organizations to oppose the white state. On June 26, 1955, alliance members adopted the Freedom Charter, which advocated the creation of a nonsocialist multiracial society, but the debate over the charter widened an ideological rift in the ANC between Charterists and Africanists, concerning the question of multiracialism. A few activists opposed the ANC's inclusive policies and established the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) in 1959 to press for black political control. https://countrystudies.us/south-africa/78.htm

Chief Mangosutho (Gatsha) Buthelezi [InKhata Freedom Party]

Buthelezi, who was a former member of the ANC but a fervent Zulu nationalist,… formally re-launched the Inkatha cultural movement on 21 March 1975, at KwaNzimela, in Northern KwaZulu… Several founding members of Inkatha had either been former members of ANC, or members of the new urban middle class.

However, in 1979 he openly broke with the ANC in exile, its policy of sanctions and the use of the armed struggle to bring down the apartheid system. (The IFP was originally founded with tacit but private support from the African National Congress).

The ANC-Inkatha relationship deteriorated into bitter enmity, with the ANC branding Buthelezi as a counter-revolutionary force.


George, Mosiuoa Lekota and Mbhazima Shilowa [COPE]

He said because [Thabo] Mbeki's recall led COPE co-founders George, Mosiuoa Lekota and Mbhazima Shilowa to leave the ANC, this "debunked the lie and the hypocrisy" that the former president had nothing to do with the formation of the new party.

He said the idea to form (COPE) was "opportunistic" and included "mobilising people on tribal lines, Xhosanostra".

[Fikile] Mbalula, who is Xhosa himself, said the decision was sparked by Mbeki's recall "to mobilise in defence of the Xhosa struggle".


Bantu Holomisa [UDM]


>In 1996, he was expelled from the ANC after testifying to theTruth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) about irregular activities in the Transkei. He refused to retract his testimony, arguing that what he had said was of historical knowledge to all concerned. Holomisa co-founded the United Democratic Movement (UDM) in 1997 with Roelf Meyer and currently serves as its President.

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870cef No.44220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19482605 (031525ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launching parties (Parts 1&2)

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>“Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant”

List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launch parties [2 of 2]

Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu [EFF]

Malema began his political career at a young age. He joined the Masupatsela (Trailblazers), a movement of the African National Congress (ANC) at the age of nine, where, according to Malema, their main task was to remove National Party posters placed outside police stations. At the age of 14 Malema was elected as both chairperson of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) branch in Seshego and the regional chair in 1995. Two years later in 1997, he became the chair of the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) for the Limpopo province. In 2001, he was elected as the national president of COSAS.

Malema was elected as president of the ANCYL in April 2008

On 16 August 2011, the ANC served charges to Julius Malema and Floyd Shivabmu, the spokesperson for the ANCYL.

Julius Malema and Floyd Shivambu… were to do this by establishing a political party of their own, namely the Economic Freedom Fighters launched on 10 July 2013.


Carl Niehaus [Areta]

Despite being expelled by the ANC national disciplinary committee (NDC), Niehaus “officially” quit the party last year. https://www.citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/politics/carl-niehaus-political-party-invites-anc-members/

Carl Niehaus and members of the African Radical Economic Transformation Alliance (Areta) have registered their movement as a political party ahead of the general elections in 2024. https://www.iol.co.za/the-star/news/carl-niehaus-registers-areta-as-a-political-party-ahead-of-2024-elections-9954d941-6ed0-49fb-9660-2266af908e8e


Ace Magashule [ACT]



Axed African National Congress (ANC) leader, Ace Magashule, has announced the formation of his new political party named African Congress for Transformation (ACT). https://ewn.co.za/2023/08/30/ex-anc-member-ace-magashule-unveils-new-political-party-act

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870cef No.44221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499931 (061339ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / “Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show (Parts 1&2)

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“Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show” – Part 1



Excerpts Below

The non-profit organisation Health Justice Initiative has released Covid-19 vaccination contracts, which show how the South African government was bullied by global pharmaceuticals and made to pay over the odds compared to wealthier countries like the United Kingdom for vaccines.

The reports, which show South Africa’s Covid-19 contracts with big pharmaceuticals such as Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson, Covax, and the Serum Institute of India, were released publicly for the first time on Tuesday after the Health Justice Initiative was granted access to the contracts by the Gauteng North High Court in August.

The contracts can be found here. https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/2023/09/01/state-to-comply-provide-contracts/

The contracts show how big pharmaceuticals insisted on indemnity clauses, forced the government to pay more than double what they charged wealthy countries in the west, forced government to have indemnity clauses, insisted on vaccine injury compensation funds on their own, and had sweeping waivers, effectively leaving governments hanging out to dry.

The Health Justice Initiative took the matter to court [https://www.iol.co.za/pretoria-news/news/health-justice-initiative-challenges-state-to-disclose-records-concerning-procurement-of-covid-19-vaccines-c117d65a-3836-471a-8b90-5aa066d2af8c#:~:text=The%20Health%20Justice%20Initiative%20yesterday,the%20National%20Department%20of%20Health.] and secured a ruling in August. Part one of the contracts shows the purchase agreements and terms between the South African government and big pharmaceutical companies, including Johnson and Johnson (Jansen), Pfizer, Covax, and the Serum Institute of India.

Health Justice Initiative founder and director Fatima Hassan welcomed that the government did not appeal the court order and that the State was releasing the contracts to the HJI, saying it was "a strong signal to powerful pharmaceutical companies and others that in South Africa, transparency cannot be bartered and is not up for sale—there really is no room for this much of secrecy in the health or any other sector".

Reflecting on the contracts during a webinar on Tuesday, Hassan said it was clear that big pharma was "holding the government ransom" and bemoaned how the government paid inflated prices for all the contracts.

"This should never happen again," she said, calling on the matter of pharmaceuticals bullying governments to be addressed at a global level.

Other concerns that have been raised are about how big pharmaceutical companies in places like Latin America demanded sovereign assets such as control of bank accounts and state buildings as sureties as part of their Covid-19 vaccine agreements.

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870cef No.44222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499934 (061339ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / “Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show (Parts 1&2)

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“Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show” – Part 2



Excerpts Below

"We believe governments in the Global South need to take the necessary steps so that this type of bullying is not repeated in the next pandemic," said Hassan.

She said South Africa had managed to avoid any pressure from pharmaceutical companies that wanted to include clauses demanding State assets as surety after one of the ministers went public with the matter, leading to a swift rethink and the matter being dropped.

"But they made the government setup a very speedy parliamentary process to create a vaccine injury compensation fund. Both J&J and Pfizer said if you don't create this fund, they will not give a single supply [they probably knew about the side effects]. We also see how the Serum Institute also extracted the highest price possible and how it was also shrouded in secrecy," said Hassan.

"There is this implied threat that if you breach this, we will deal with you in the future. The power the companies have is quite real because of these threats," [Professor Brook Baker] said.

Nick Dearden, the director of Justice Now UK, said the release of the contracts to the public was important as "big pharmaceuticals gain power during secrecy".

"This is a sizable portion of the money the SA government. We will demand the contracts the British government signed be put in the public domain as well.

"There are so many lessons we need to learn here. This is not going to be the last epidemic. We need to learn from this for the next time," he said.

In an email to IOL on Wednesday, the Janssen Pharmaceutica, the company behind the Johnson & Johnson vaccine said South Africa paid the same per instance, its vaccine, as all nation-partners did globally at USD 7.50 per dose.

It said in a statement: "Johnson & Johnson supported and worked closely with South Africa in every phase of our response to the pandemic. We supplied our vaccine to South Africa at our final global price of $7.50 per dose, transferred our technology to Aspen Pharmacare in Gqeberha to enable the local fill and finish of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine and later enabled Aspen to manufacture, market and sell its own Covid-19 vaccine, “Aspenovax.” In addition, we advocated for and supported the donation of hundreds of millions of vaccine doses by the U.S. Government, EU Member States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand to COVAX to under-resourced countries. To date, more than 85 percent of our doses have been delivered to low- and middle-income countries".

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870cef No.44223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19499937 (061340ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun / The Health Justice Initiative v The Minister of Health and Information Officer, Department of Health

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>The contracts can be found here. https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/2023/09/01/state-to-comply-provide-contracts/

“The Health Justice Initiative v The Minister of Health and Information Officer, Department of Health”


On 22 February 2022 in Gauteng, South Africa, the HJI launched legal proceedings for the disclosure of all Covid-19 vaccine contracts and any applicable agreements with relevant companies and entities.

This follows an access to information request to the National Department of Health (NDoH) which was refused.

This case was heard by Millar J in the Pretoria High Court on Tuesday, 25 July 2023.

On 17 August 2023, the Pretoria High Court ruled in our favour in our bid to compel the National Department of Health to provide access to the COVID-19 vaccine procurement contracts. The Court ordered (per Millar J) that all COVID-19 vaccine contracts must be made public, and the costs of the case were awarded in our favour.


Today we can confirm that the Department handed documents for part 1 to our legal team. Further to this, it has undertaken to share the remainder (part 2) of the documents it was ordered to disclose, and in agreement with us, by no later than 29 September 2023.

The release of part 2 will follow the same process, becoming available in early October 2023.

Access the judgment and court papers

• Access the High Court judgment here, https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/F-1000922-the-health-justice-vs-min-of-health-judgm.pdf. (3MB)

• Access our press release on the judgment here, https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/2023/08/17/judgement-handed-down-on-covid-19-vaccine-secrecy-a-victory-for-democracy/. (17 August 2023)

• Access all other court papers here, https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/2023/07/18/the-health-justice-initiative-approaches-the-south-african-courts-for-the-disclosure-of-all-vaccine-manufacturer-contracts-and-agreements-for-covid-19/.

• Access our fact-sheet about the case here, https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/2022/02/22/fact-sheet-case-1-open-contracts/.

Download the Contracts here:

• COVAX Facility – Gavi Alliance – Committed Purchase Agreement. (10.4 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/COVAX-Facility-%E2%80%93-Gavi-Alliance-%E2%80%93-Committed-Purchase-Agreement.pdf]

• Janssen Pharmaceutica – Advance Purchase Agreement. (14.9 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRJanssen-1_Redacted.pdf]

• Janssen Pharmaceutica – Advance Purchase Agreement – Additional Doses. (13.5 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRJanssen-2_Redacted.pdf]

• Janssen Pharmaceutica – Term Sheet. (2.72 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRJanssen-3-no-sig.pdf]

• Pfizer – Manufacturing and Supply Agreement. (13.5 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRPfizer-1_Redacted.pdf]

• Pfizer – Amendment to Manufacturing and Supply Agreement. (1.14 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRPfizer-2_Redacted.pdf]

• Pfizer – Binding Term Sheet. (2.38 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRPfizer-3_no-sign.pdf]

• Serum Institute of India – Vaccine Purchase Agreement. (22.5 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRSerum-1_Redacted.pdf]

• Serum Institute of India – Term Sheet. (2.07 MB) [https://healthjusticeinitiative.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/OCRSerum-2_Redacted.pdf]

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870cef No.44224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505638 (071314ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Panel finds no evidence of arms loaded on to Lady R, claims Ramaphosa - but will still keep the full report secret (video)

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“FULL ADDRESS: Full investigative report into 'Lady R' will not be disclosed says Ramaphosa” [He also talks about BRICS] - https://youtu.be/U8ul5mSXL3M

5:31 – “The BRICS Summit made several decisions to take forward the struggle for a fairer and more inclusive world order that is focused on the equal development of all peoples. One the key decision taken by the BRICS member countries was to support the call for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including its Security Council with a view to making it more democratic, representative, effective and efficient.

“Panel finds no evidence of arms loaded on to Lady R, claims Ramaphosa – but will still keep the full report secret”


04 Sep 2023

Excerpts below

The panel tasked with investigating the circumstances surrounding the docking of the Lady R in Simon’s Town last December has found no evidence to support the allegations that weapons were loaded on to the vessel destined for Russia, President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Sunday.

The President was addressing the nation on the outcomes of the 15th BRICS Summit and the findings of the independent panel appointed to investigate the allegations that the US-sanctioned Russian cargo ship Lady R uploaded arms for Russia at the Simon’s Town Naval Base.

“From its investigation, the panel found no evidence that any cargo of weapons was loaded for export on to the ship Lady R,” Ramaphosa said.

“When all matters are considered, none of the allegations made about the supply of weapons to Russia have been proven to be true, and none of the persons who made these allegations could provide any evidence to support the claims that had been levelled against our country,” he continued.

Ramaphosa said he would not release the report in light of “the fact that the evidence given to the panel was classified and the fact that revealing the details of the equipment offloaded could jeopardise the work and safety of South Africa’s forces in various deployments on the continent”.

He said that during its investigation, the panel visited Simon’s Town Naval Base and “obtained evidence under oath from nearly 50 people in every relevant component of government”. He added that more than 100 documents were submitted to the panel for review.

“A number of entities and persons that had publicly claimed to have information on this matter were invited to make submissions to the panel. Many of those invited either failed to do so or said they had no independent knowledge of the relevant facts.”

The panel concluded that the ship docked in Simon’s Town to “deliver equipment that had been ordered for the South African National Defence Force [SANDF] in 2018 by Armscor, the country’s arms procurement company.

“In terms of the contract for the supply of the arms, neither Armscor nor the [SANDF] had any control over the means through which the supplier of the ordered equipment would transport them to South Africa,” he said.

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870cef No.44225

File: 8a4cf7a15f93be4⋯.pdf (143.32 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505646 (071315ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / Lady R executive summary report released (with pdf)

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Lady R executive summary report released


06 September 2023 09:16

CAPE TOWN - The independent panel investigating the docking of the sanctioned Russian cargo ship, Lady R, in South African waters has found that the vessel and those who assisted it contravened a number of provisions.

The panel has also confirmed that the vessel turned off its transponder detection system when it pulled into the Simon's Town naval base in December.

The findings are contained in a five-page executive summary of the investigative report released by the Presidency on Tuesday night.

President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed a three-member panel in May to investigate the circumstances of the vessel docking in Cape Town, after the United States (US) ambassador to South Africa, Reuben Brigety, alleged that the country was supplying weapons to Russia.

According to the report summary, Lady R and its helpers contravened laws for the docking of commercial vessels at South African ports, including bypassing customs.

The panel said it was told that Lady R’s automatic identification system transponder was turned off because it was being tracked by foreign intelligence agencies.

The panel found that the equipment it was carrying was not properly packed in containers. Instead, it was offloaded in pallets that were then loaded into empty containers brought to the harbour on the back of trucks.

The panel said it accepted the explanation that the equipment was moved at night to minimise the security risk of it being visible in the daytime’s open pallets.

It said there was no evidence to suggest that anything was loaded onto the vessel once the military equipment was offloaded.

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) suggested the ship docked at Simons Town after shipping agents at Ngqura refused to service the ship, given US sanctions against it.

The panel said the equipment it was carrying was ordered by the Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor) from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2018, but the delivery was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The SANDF said it had no control over the choice of vessel to deliver the goods and because the sanctions on the vessel were not endorsed by the United Nations (UN), it was not binding on South Africa.

The panel said it interviewed 47 people, received 23 written submissions on the matter, and visited the Simon's Town harbour.

Due to the classified nature of the shipment, Ramaphosa says he won’t be releasing the full report.

The executive summary is available for download here https://www.presidency.gov.za/download/file/fid/2862.

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870cef No.44226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505771 (071333ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / South African Communist Party, “a strong faction within the ANC“

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>United Democratic Front was a front of the African National Congress


>We are proud of the umbilical relationship between COSATU and the UDF.

South African Communist Party, “a strong faction within the ANC “



In 1994 the South African Communist Party (SACP) was not an independent political entity, but a strong faction within the ANC, where its members held important leadership positions. Former party leaders, Joe Slovo and Chris Hani, for example, had both served as chief of staff of the ANC's military wing and on its most important committees. The SACP won strong representation in the National Assembly in 1994, not by participating openly in the April 1994 elections, but by having SACP members well represented among delegates from the ANC.

The SACP was originally founded as the Communist Party of South Africa (CPSA) in July 1921 in Cape Town. The CPSA was formed out of the merger of several leftist organizations, including the International Socialist League (ISL), the Social Democratic Federation, the Durban Marxist Club, the Cape Communist Party, and the Jewish Socialist Society. The CPSA affiliated with the Communist International (Comintern), headquartered in Moscow, which provided it with political direction, although some party factions opposed Moscow's intervention in South African affairs.

Although whites dominated the party in the 1920s, some CPSA leaders attempted to strengthen its reputation as an indigenous communist organization by increasing its African membership and orientation. David Ivon Jones and Sidney Percival Bunting, formerly of the ISL, translated the concept of social revolution into a struggle for a "black republic" and a "democratic native republic, with equal rights for all races." The major stumbling block they encountered was the belief, inherent in Marxist dogma, that all workers fundamentally share the same interests.

Despite efforts at Africanization, the CPSA failed to establish strong ties with black political organizations, many of which were dominated by traditional tribal leaders. In 1928, for example, the ANC denounced the "fraternization" between the ANC and the CPSA. ANC President James T. Gumede was removed from office in 1930, after trying to educate ANC members about Marxism. Even as the CPSA gradually succeeded in recruiting more black members, its leadership continued to be white. For this reason, two ANC Youth League leaders in the 1940s Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu opposed any alliance between the ANC and the CPSA at that time.

By the mid-1940s, CPSA membership was increasing, and the party had gained influence after a few CPSA members (all white) won political office. After the 1948 NP election victory, however, the government quickly restricted black political activity and in 1950 banned the CPSA. The party went underground temporarily but also strengthened its ties to local nationalist organizations, such as the ANC. During the years it was banned, while the ANC continued to operate legally, the CPSA viewed the ANC as the primary expression of black aspirations for a multiracial socialist state under eventual communist leadership. The Comintern's Sixth Congress declared that "the CPSA could now play an active role in the ANC." The party re-emerged in 1953 under the leadership of Joe Slovo and his wife, Ruth First, and changed its name to the SACP.

The SACP and the ANC in the 1950s held similar views about policy and tactics as embodied in the ANC's Freedom Charter; in addition, they both advocated the use of guerrilla warfare against the apartheid regime in order to bring about the dual-phase revolution of political liberation followed by economic transformation.

The SACP-ANC relationship evolved into a symbiosis, derived in part from their dual memberships and overlapping leadership ranks. Throughout the 1980s, for example, the SACP was well represented on the ANC's NEC and in other key ANC positions, and in ANC-affiliated labor organizations, such as COSATU.

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870cef No.44227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505829 (071342ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / >>1955835, The truth about the Xhosa Nostra (Parts 1-5)

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>Bantu Holomisa


>The Azanian People's Liberation Army (APLA) was the underground military wing of the Pan African Congress (PAC)


>A few activists opposed the ANC's inclusive policies and established the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC) in 1959


>Martin Moshal was dubbed ‘CyberSol’, after the Sun City entrepreneur Sol Kerzner


>South African Breweries Limited (‘SAB Limited’) and hotel magnate, Sol Kerzner, partnered to create Southern Sun Hotels (‘Southern Sun’)





To understand how one got here one must start with the determination of the Verwoerd government to deal with the problem of the politicised Xhosa by making the Transkei the first self-governing bantustan. The result was to create a historic split among the territories of the chiefly families and thus an intimate crisis for the ANC whose leaders were closely associated with them. Nelson Mandela's cousins, the Matanzimas, sided with the Sigcaus and the Madikizelas (Winnie Mandela's family) in favour of self-government, while the Tembu chief, Sabata Dalinyebo, led the opposition to the move. Ultimately the two Matanzima brothers, Kaiser and George, both became prime ministers of the Transkei, the Pondo paramount chief, Botha Sigcau, became its first president and Winnie's father, Columbus Madikizela, became a cabinet minister in the Transkei government. Dalinyebo resisted bravely but was finally forced to flee into exile, dying tragically in Zambia. When his remains were brought back for burial at the Great Place of the Tembus, the Matanzima government swooped on the body the day before the burial and interred it elsewhere.

Stella Sigcau, Chief Botha Sigcau's daughter, became one of the longest serving ministers in the Transkei government but was forced to resign by Kaiser Matanzima in I 977 because she was unmarried and pregnant. Returning to government in 1980 she nonetheless had a troubled relationship with George Matanzima and when the latter was forced out of office in a welter of corruption charges in 1987, Stella was accordingly chosen to succeed him because she was seen as his opponent. However, when the Alexander Commission revealed that amid the general corruption she had accepted R50 000 from the R2 million bribe paid to Matanzima by the hotel magnate, Sol Kerzner, she was deposed by her indignant defence force chief, General Bantu Holomisa - for Holomisa and his cadre of young officers had supported Stella's accession to power as part of an anti-corruption drive and were outraged to discover that she too was tainted.

For tine next seven years Holomisa ruled the Transkei. The son of a chief himself (his nephew, Pathekile Holomisa, is the leader of the Congress of Traditional Leaders (Contralesa). Holomisa restored power and prestige to the chiefs who had suffered under the Matanzimas but, anxious not to create further dissension among the chiefly elite, was careful to leave the Matanzimas alone: neither man went to jail and both continued to collect pensions from the Transkei government. But in a major gesture of redress, he also had Dalinyebo's body disinterred and reburied in its rightful position at the Great Place.

-Holomisa took an extremely bold stance against the National Party government and by the time the ANC, PAC and SACP were legalised in 1990 he had achieved considerable popularity among black radicals, though he was careful not to join any party organisation. In effect he offered a home to both ANC and PAC, so both Umkhonto and APLA bases mushroomed within the Transkei. In particular Holomisa became close to Chris Hani, whose MK soldiers even saved Holomisa from an attempted coup.

Hani spent most of his time in the Transkei, building up both MK and his own regional base there. He, too, was not above occasionally flattering ethnic pride, claiming that Xhosas had been Umkhonto's bravest fighters - a claim which produced bitter allegations of Xhosa favouritism within MK… Certainly, the contrast between Hani and his leadership rival, Thabo Mbeki, was striking: their pre-election strategies could not have been more different. Mbeki set out to charm the white business community, attempted to get the ANC to abandon economic sanctions, distanced himself from the communist party just as Hani was electing to take over as its leader, and was soon appearing in photographs driving his BMW and carousing at his birthday party with Sol Kerzner.

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870cef No.44228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505844 (071344ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / >>1955835, The truth about the Xhosa Nostra (Parts 1-5)

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Holomisa took dramatic revenge by appearing before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and testifying about Sigcau's acceptance of the R50,000 bribe from Kerzner. She took umbrage and complained to Mbeki, who apparently failing to realise that the R50,000 bribe was an old and established fact, decreed that Holomisa be disciplined. It was a fatal error, for it meant that by attempting to punish someone for what he had said before the commission, the ANC had put itself in the wrong, and therefore had continually to change the basis of its complaint. Holomisa was, in any case, one of its most popular figures - he had been elected top of the entire list by party delegates at the ANC conference of 1994. The lack of enthusiasm among Africans within the ANC for the role of prosecutor against Holomisa was reflected in the way this dirty job was handed to non-Africans (Asmal and Alec Erwin - with Asmal rescuing himself when he got the chance). Holomisa, for his part, burnt his bridges by public attacks on Mbeki (whom he saw as responsible for bringing Kerzner to the ANC), Tshwete, Tokyo Sexwale, Zola Skweiyia and others. The mess was completed when the case against Holomisa came apart with Mandela's admission that the ANC, all previous denials to the contrary notwithstanding, had indeed received R2 million from Kerzner.

This fact that this intense battle was viewed by other groups as essentially a fight among Xhosas (Mandela, Holomisa, Skweiyia, Tshwete, Sigcau, Mbeki) did not inhibit a broader feeling among such groups that the government was tipped too far towards Nguni interests, with a ministerial predominance in the two major Nguni groups (Zulus and Xhosas) cemented by the IFP's all-Zulu ministerial representation on the one hand and Mandela's care to bring in ANC Zulus such as Mrs Zuma, Jeff Hadebe and Sibusiso Bengu on the other. The position of the cabinet's Zulus was, however, seen as far weaker - they were politically divided and half belonged to the anathematised IFP - and attention centred on the notion of Xhosa favouritism.

A long list of grievances fed this charge. The appointment of Sigcau, a veteran of a corrupt homeland regime, was criticised even by the Weekly Mail as suggesting that the rules were somewhat different if one was a Xhosa princess. The way in which the Matanzima brothers were allowed to enjoy their retirement in peace was contrasted with the way Mangope, Cqozo and even Buthelezi were pursued and harassed. Zola Skweiyia's control over the public service was seen as placing this key patronage post under Xhosa control with a consequent pro-Xhosa bias in civil service appointments: the up-market civil service suburb of Centurion (the former Verwoerdburg) was said to be filling up with Xhosa newcomers.

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870cef No.44229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505882 (071349ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / >>1955835, The truth about the Xhosa Nostra (Parts 1-5)

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>A member of Muslim minority political party, Al Jama-ah councillor Kabelo Gwamanda, was elected as the new of mayor of the City of Joburg on Friday.








Perhaps the heaviest symbolism of all, however, lay in the fact that the ANC's 1994 election list, carefully avoiding the all-Xhosa (Mandela, Tambo, Sisulu) line up of the past, had read: 1. Mandela (Xhosa) 2. Ramaphosa (Venda) 3. Mbeki (Xhosa) 4. Lekota (South Sotho), with Tokyo Sexwale the highest placed Northern Sotho. In short order Ramaphosa was marginalised, Lekota sacked and Sexwale apparently squeezed out, leaving a Xhosa-to-Xhosa succession once again. The fact that the ethnic groups of the Northern Province, the most solid ANC redoubt of all, were so weakly represented was a persistent grievance and has perhaps contributed to the rise of Tito Mboweni (Shangaan), the retention of the ineffective Sydney Mufamadi (Venda), the return from purdah of Peter Mokaba (North Sotho) and the touting of Joel Netshitenzhe (Venda) as a possible deputy president. Perhaps the most striking thing about such figures, however, is that all of them are, for the moment, still second or third rank players. There is no real heavyweight to replace Ramaphosa or Hani.

Powerful Asians

The paucity of representation for Tswanas and North and South Sothos has not been made more palatable by the large number of powerful Asians in the government, a fact noted with equal asperity by Coloureds who have just one representative in the cabinet (Trevor Manuel) and who have now seen Cheryl Carolus passed over for the top ANC post and talking of quitting politics entirely. Indeed, the best refutation of the hypothesis of a new Nguni hegemony lies in the fact that, as Africanists are quick to point out, the most over-represented group in government is neither Xhosa nor Zulu but Asian, with five full ministers - Asmal, Jay Naidoo, Mac Maharaj, Mohamed Valli Moosa and Dullah Omar and two others, Aziz and Essop Pahad who are full ministers in all but name.

Almost as remarkable as this over-representation of the million-odd Asians is the preponderance of Muslims, themselves a small minority within the Asian community. It is alleged by their opponents within the ANC that many recent foreign policy decisions have been taken by an all-Muslim, all-communist group consisting of Asmal, the two Pahad brothers and the deputy-director general of foreign affairs, Abdul Minty- which, if true, may well explain such strange gambits as the Syrian arms deal.

The allegations of a Xhosa Nostra at the heart of government are off target in other ways too. For a start, as the Dalinyebo-Matanzima, Hani-Mbeki and Holomisa affairs all show, Xhosa-speakers have generally been a badly divided group. Secondly, no part of the country has fared worse in the new South Africa than the Xhosa heartland of the Eastern Cape. The region is in an utter shambles, with corruption and waste on a huge scale. No baseline accounts yet exist for the Transkei and Ciskei even for 1994. Records have been destroyed and even the most elementary statistics are lacking - no one knows how many schools there are or how many children in them.

The number of state employees has risen from an estimated I 22,000 in 1994 to some 145,000. Many of them are supernumeraries, that is they get paid but have no jobs, but others are clearly phantoms, allowing the payment of double salaries. The region is now being run for the benefit of its civil service elite even more than it was under apartheid and the province has been reduced to finger-printing its civil servants in order to discover how many of them there really are.

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870cef No.44230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19505959 (071401ZSEP23) Notable: Islamic banking continues to grow in South Africa (from 2021)

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>It is alleged by their opponents within the ANC that many recent foreign policy decisions have been taken by an all-Muslim, all-communist group consisting of Asmal, the two Pahad brothers and the deputy-director general of foreign affairs, Abdul Minty- which, if true, may well explain such strange gambits as the Syrian arms deal.

“Islamic banking continues to grow in South Africa”


May 10, 2021

Underscoring the increase in demand, the Banking Association of South Africa (BASA) said at its first Islamic Finance Conference held in September last year that much of what is required to help the country address its economic challenges can be found in the fundamental tenets of Islamic banking: fairness, transparency, risk-sharing and socio-economic responsibility.



1. Purpose

The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the workings and principles of Islamic banking and finance.

2. Introduction

Islamic Banking refers to a method of banking that is based on Islamic Law (Shari’ah) which prohibits interest-based banking and encourages risk and reward sharing based banking. Islamic Banking is based on four main principles namely, the prohibition of interest, ethics by prohibiting investment in unlawful businesses, transparency, and equitable sharing of risk and reward primarily through the use of profit and loss sharing contracts.

Banks include;

Standard Bank - https://www.standardbank.co.za/southafrica/personal/learn/what-is-shariah-banking

Absa Bank - https://www.absa.co.za/personal/bank/islamic-banking/explore/

Nedbank - https://personal.nedbank.co.za/learn/blog/shariah-compliant-wills-and-investments.html

Even the World bank - https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/financialsector/brief/islamic-finance

And so on…

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870cef No.44231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506209 (071452ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Davos 1999 - Nelson Mandela: WEF integrated ANC members when they were still in exile (video)

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>In 1994 the South African Communist Party (SACP) was not an independent political entity, but a strong faction within the ANC, where its members held important leadership positions.

Then consider Klaus Schwab's words…

“Davos 1999 – Nelson Mandela” – WEF integrated ANC members when they were still in exile


3:18 – [Klaus Schwab]“I feel no one should forget South Africa’s transition to democracy is truly a miracle… The World Economic Forum takes great pride in having accompanied you and all South African, our friends, over the last decade. In the late 80s and early 90s, we were searching for ANC officials living in exile camps and integrated them already at that time into our community.”

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870cef No.44232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19506215 (071452ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Davos 1999 - Nelson Mandela: WEF integrated ANC members when they were still in exile (video)

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870cef No.44233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19507133 (071749ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun / Russia's long-lost relationship with South Africa's Afrikaans-speaking community (video)

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>“Russia’s ‘African Village’: a beacon of hope for South African Boers amid growing tensions”

This is very curious. Playing both sides?

“Russia's long-lost relationship with South Africa's Afrikaans-speaking community”


Sep 5, 2023

The relationship between the Afrikaans-speaking people in Southern Africa and Russia dates back to the 1900s from the Anglo-Boer war, where valuable assistance was offered by Nicholas II of Russia, the former emperor of Russia.

5:17 – “South Africa was the first African nation to recognize the Russian Federation in December 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. [Ilya Igorevich Rogachev, Russian Ambassador] I can tell you that the year 2023 marks the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and South Africa.

5:50 – “South Africa majority African National Congress government also has strong ties with Moscow for their assistance it led its fighters during the years of anti-apartheid struggle.

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870cef No.44234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508076 (072035ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN (video)

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>In this regard, Dr. King once wrote: This, I feel, is one of the greatest tragedies of Communism. Read Lenin as he says 'Lying, deceit and violence are justifiable means to bring about a classless society.' This is where the principle of nonviolence breaks with Communism and any other method which holds to the same belief. . . . So, in the long run, destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends, because the ends are pre-existent in the means.

“Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN”


Sep 6, 2023

The Inter-Ministerial Committee on political killings in KZN will today brief the media on the latest successes of the police task team investigating these cases, following a meeting of the ministers of State Security, Justice, and Police.

Over the past 10 months, 17 councillors have been killed in the province. In the past month, two councillors have been killed in attacks in Nongoma and Pietermaritzburg, with two additional attempts on the lives of councillors in separate incidents.

“The three political parties affected by political killings”


07-09-2023 13:05

ANC, IFP, and NFP are the most affected parties in political killings in KZN, says Cele.

Following the increasing spate of political killings in Kwazulu-Natal, the inter-ministerial committee investigation into the matter has revealed that the African National Congress (ANC), National Freedom Party (NFP), and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) are the three political parties most affected by political killings.

According to reports, since 2011, out of the 52 councillors who were reported killed, the ANC had the highest number of killed, with 31, followed by the NFP with 14. The NFP has lost at least four of its councillors, while the EFF and ACDP have lost two and one, respectively, to date.

Cele revealed that 103 officials working in municipalities as office bearers and politicians were killed in KZN alone.

The number of political assassination cases has been on the rise since the end of the 1990s political unrest, with KZN registering the highest number of murder cases nationwide in the crime figures for 2022–23.

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870cef No.44235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512536 (081724ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Political killings: KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA (video)

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>The number of political assassination cases has been on the rise since the end of the 1990s political unrest, with KZN registering the highest number of murder cases nationwide in the crime figures for 2022–23.

“Political killings | KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA”


Sep 6, 2023 #DStv403

Nineteen councillors have been assassinated in KwaZulu-Natal - so far. This is just for this local government term alone - which is almost halfway through. According to SALGA in the province, these figures are only from September last year to date. Mabhunu Mkhize of the ANC in Msunduzi Municipality, in Pietermaritzburg is the latest councillor to be murdered in the province. UMgungundlovu, eThekwini and Zululand Districts are considered some of the leading hotspots for councillor killings in the province. eNCA’s Siphamandla Goge reports.

0:57 – ““We will not allow in KZN to be the killing fields of South Africa”… This was President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2018. He just visited the family of slain ANC member and former councilor… Despite the president’s touch talk the killing of councilors continues in KwaZulu Natal.”


The time frame for the search was 2000 to 2017.

The province that experienced the greatest number of hits in the recording period was KwaZuluNatal, followed by Gauteng and the Western Cape.


The April 1994 democratic elections in South Africa seemed to signal an end to the political violence which had plagued the country for a decade. However, close observers of the situation in KwaZulu-Natal considered that most of the factors leading to violence in the province remained in place. They concluded that the victory of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in flawed provincial elections would not lead to peace.

Violence has continued since April 1994, although at a reduced level. Sixteen hundred people were killed in political violence in 1994 and 837 in 1995. Some 500,000 have been displaced from their homes - about six per cent of the population of the province.


Continuing violence in the post-election period has generally been characterized by "political cleansing", mainly in rural areas. That is to say, it has been aimed at eliminating pockets of support for the minority party in any given area. As the local government elections approached in June 1996, the non-governmental Human Rights Committee identified 30 areas of the province where the ANC could not campaign and 22 which were corresponding "no-go areas" for the IFP. The Lower South Coast and the Mandini area have both been particular focuses of violence, as have parts of the Midlands, including Impendle and Bulwer.

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870cef No.44236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524643 (101755ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”

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“PICS: Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”


Published Aug 30, 2023

Excerpts below

Durban – The victim of a farm attack shared details of the morning she and her husband were attacked by a gang.

One of the attackers is alleged to have chanted “Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer” during a farm attack almost two weeks ago.

Tim and Amanda Platt were attacked and robbed in a rental cottage 15km outside Pietermaritzburg in the early hours of August 17.

The cottage is about 20m from the main farmhouse.

Recalling what happened at about 1.45am that morning, Amanda said that she and her husband were in bed; he was asleep but she was awake.

“The whole incident took place in about 50 minutes, which felt like an eternity,” Amanda said.

“I shouted ‘just go’ and he leaned over the door grabbing me, hitting me on the arm with some object then he pulled me so hard trying to get me over it that my copper bangle changed shape, shouting ‘Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer’.

“Police arrived four hours later at about 7am only. They took a statement from Tim only and not me,” Amanda continued.

Reacting to the incident, AfriForum’s community safety spokesperson Jacques Broodryk said: “The chanting of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ is nothing else but the incitement of violence against a minority group. I can only assume that those who try to tell us that the song is just a metaphor, actually support these attacks.

“AfriForum has 168 neighbourhood and farm watches countrywide with roughly 11 000 trained volunteers. We will continue to expand these safety networks and continue to train more volunteers to fight back against this scourge of cowardly attacks. I applaud Mrs Platt for her bravery.”

Given the chanting of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during a farm attack almost three weeks before, AfriForum will appear in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein on September 4 to appeal the Equality Court’s decision that the “Kill the Boer” chant is not hate speech.

AfriForum’s campaign officer for strategy and content Ernst van Zyl added: “As the evidence keeps mounting that chants like ‘Kill the Boer’ in fact have horrific real-world effects, it becomes increasingly difficult for those excusing it to not appear apathetic to violent crime victims when they happen to be farmers.”

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870cef No.44237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524645 (101755ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray

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“Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray”


Published Sep 6, 2023

Johannesburg - The Rule of Law Project (RoLP) has become the latest organisation to enter the fray, seeking to appeal the Equality Court’s ruling that the singing of Dubul’ iBhunu (Kill the Boer) by the EFF and its leader Julius Malema was not hate speech.

As the court case brought by civil organisation AfriForum kicked off in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein on Monday, Rolp, an initiative of the Free Market Foundation (FMF), announced its entry into the spat.

The foundation said it entered the matter as a friend of the court in an effort to stand up for equality before the law against what it described as a “shocking ruling”.

“The Equality Court ruling undermines the principle of equality before the law, as there have been many cases in recent years of less prominent individuals who were ordered to pay heavy fines or serve jail time for far less heinous utterances,” said FMF CEO David Ansara.

“It can’t be that political elites like Julius Malema get off without so much as a slap on the wrist after deliberately inciting violence and calling for mass murder, yet ordinary citizens are treated far more harshly.”

The organisation said the decision by the courts created an impression of “double standards”, which implied that South Africans were not equal before the law, as ordinary citizens faced harsh sanctions if found guilty of hate speech while members of the high-ranking political class, like Malema, got off scot-free.

“We’re at risk of setting a dangerous precedent here, one that flies in the face of our Constitution,” Ansara added.

The organisation’s counsel, advocate Mark Oppenheimer, submitted in court that the ruling created a category of specially protected speech uttered by political role-players.

He added this elevated politicians over ordinary citizens and flew in the face of the fundamental requirement of the rule of law that no one was above the law.

He added that equality before the law required that the rules of evidence were applied equally to parties in similar circumstances, yet the Equality Court both included and excluded expert and lay witness testimony for inappropriate reasons.

Oppenheimer also submitted that the finding that AfriForum had failed to show the song targeted people based on race and ethnicity posed a threat to Afrikaners as second-class citizens unworthy of protection.

“The Equality Court’s judgment undermines the founding value of non-racialism by implicitly creating different rules based on the race of the perpetrators and the victims.”

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870cef No.44238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524649 (101757ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias

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“AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias”



AfriForum has called for acting Supreme Court of Appeals Judge Raylene Keightley to recuse herself from the ‘Kill the Boer’ case, accusing her of being bias against the non-profit organisation.

In October last year, the Equality Court dismissed a hate speech case against EFF leaders Julius Malema and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, ruling that the singing of kill the boer was not hate speech, but was in fact part of the Struggle, it should be allowed to be sung as freedom of speech and in the political arena.

AfriForum chief executive Kallie Kriel said their legal team had sent a letter to the SCA registrar on Friday requesting Keightley’s recusal as she had apparently lashed out against AfriForum in court in 2018, saying it was unable to move beyond it's “anachronistic” position.

Kriel said Keightley ruled against AfriForum in the Pretoria High Court case regarding Unisa’s decision to scrap Afrikaans as a language of instruction. She granted AfriForum leave to appeal against her ruling, but then apparently went on a rant against the organisation. The ruling was eventually overturned by the SCA and the Constitutional Court.

AfriForum said Keightley apparently said the organisation should consider applying for her recusal in future matters involving them.

“If Keightley, who is currently acting as Judge of Appeal, wanted a permanent appointment in the said court, she would have to appear before the Judicial Service Commission, of which Julius Malema is a member, and be recommended for the position by Malema and other members.

“AfriForum has always had high regard for the Supreme Court of Appeal and its judges, but this kind of conflict of interest and Keightley’s actions pose the danger that ordinary people may lose confidence in the courts,” said Kriel.

Kriel said they were calling on Keightley to follow her conscience and recuse herself from the panel of judges hearing the case, but if she did not, they would formally make an application in court to have her removed.

The organisation said they had reasonable suspicion that Keightley was bias against it.

Meanwhile; the matter of the singing of the song has been a divisive one, with Malema emphatically resisting any public pressure to stop singing the song, saying he would sing it when and where he wanted. He said he won in court and had the right to sing if he so wished.

Even one of the world's richest men, Elon Musk, chimed in, saying it was white genocide.

Former president Thabo Mbeki also questioned why Malema was insisting on singing the chant.

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870cef No.44239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524661 (101802ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

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>In March, IFP founder Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi said he has been pushing for reconciliation between the ANC and IFP since the 90s.




“[Dr. Zweli] Mkhize [ANC NEC member]: End of an era within the IFP” - https://youtu.be/o8SKTmzuvAQ

2:50 – “The sad part is that [Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s] passing away has happened before the conclusion of what he has been calling for which is the ultimate and total and full reconciliation between the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party. The real reason for it is the fact that Inkatha Freedom Party when it was formed was actually not a hostile movement of the African National Congress. It was supposed to be a part of the ANC.

4:01 – “As the TRC, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, unfolded, it became clear that underlying all of this conflict was a driving force which was called a ‘third’ force. It was the Apartheid government… driving this machinery that caused the hostilities.” [Yet ANC was able to be headquartered in London and have meetings there to discuss their armed struggle. They even saw the IFP as a threat after having a meeting with Buthelezi there. See below for more details]

Headquarters of the African National Congress, at 28 Penton Street N1 London, 1978 to 1994. [https://ditsong.org.za/en/2022/08/18/anc-intelligence-communication-from-london-to-lusaka-radio-freedom/]

“EXPLAINER: This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s” (Part 1)



Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death on Saturday morning aged 95 has begun a debate about his legacy.

It also brought back memories of the black-on-black violence that left over 20,000 people dead in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

We explain what sparked the violence and how it ended.

In the 1960s the apartheid banned several anti-apartheid movements like the ANC and jailed prominent leaders like Nelson Mandela.

That move silenced all its critics and the fight for apartheid was significantly weakened as most leaders were either in jail or in exile.

In the 70s the ANC mission in exile came up with the strategy to mobilize along cultural lines and tasked its then ANC youth league member, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi to form the then Inkatha Yenkululeko Yesizwe.

The party was to disguise itself by mobilising along cultural lines and having registered membership.

Buthelezi embraced the idea and he formed the party. Immediately after it was formed, Buthelezi had to take up the position of leading the KwaZulu Bantustan government.

The problem then started when the ANC wanted to stage an armed struggle and at the same time have South Africa sanctioned.

Buthelezi, during his lifetime, said he was against the use of violence to achieve the objective of liberating South Africa.

He said he was also against the use of sanctions to force the apartheid government to abandon its racial policies.

After a tense meeting with former ANC President, Oliver Tambo and other ANC leaders in London in 1979, the meeting ended in a bitter and defining stalemate, Buthelezi came back to SA deeply embittered.

The 1979 London meeting would prove to be a pivotal point in the relationship between Inkatha and the ANC. It became the basis for ANC anti-Inkatha propaganda. In all his discussions with the ANC Mission in Exile Prince Buthelezi was adamant that Inkatha should remain Inkatha and that it should remain committed to the Black popular will which expressed itself in Inkatha's massive membership, which had doubled in 1977 and again doubled in 1978.

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870cef No.44240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524667 (101802ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

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“EXPLAINER: This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s” (Part 2)



“Inkatha rightly interpreted this massive increase of membership as a rejection by Black South Africans of the armed struggle. After the London meeting, for the first time in his career Mr. Tambo began criticising Buthelezi and Inkatha publicly. He had sided with those in his ranks who saw Inkatha as a threat and who wanted no evidence that black democratic opposition and black non-violent tactics and strategies were powerful forces for bringing about change,” IFP official archives recounted the meeting like this.

Buthelezi and the ANC took separate ways and the hostilities between the ANC and IFP began. Apartheid strategists saw an opportunity to ferment a full-blown conflict and ignited what later became to be known as the black on black violence.

Buthelezi over the years, tried to highlight what led to the divorce. To prove that the IFP was formed with the blessing of past ANC leaders, he repeatedly said that it used ANC colours because it was aligned with the ruling party.

In August 2019, while putting down some luggage by leaving his longtime IFP leadership position, he delivered a long speech at a conference held in the historic Zulu town of Ulundi in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

He tearfully - and once more - recalled the bitter and fatal fallout between the IFP and the ANC.

Towards the end of that part of the swan song speech, choking with emotions, he took a deep breath and the marquee went dead silent such that you could hear a pin drop. He said he would die happy if there would be a reconciliation between the ANC and IFP during his lifetime.

Speaking at KwaPhindangene on Sunday, ANC NEC member, Dr Zweli Mkhize acknowledged that the IFP was a project of the ANC even though they later had a fallout.

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870cef No.44241

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19530741 (111727ZSEP23) Notable: (from Canada #46) G20 admits African Union as permanent member

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Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19524477

G20 admits African Union as permanent member

The 55-state bloc received a formal offer at the summit in New Delhi on Saturday

The African Union (AU) has formally taken its seat as a new member of the G20 group of leading economies. The announcement was made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the bloc's summit in New Delhi on Saturday.

The AU now has the same status as the European Union, which was the only regional bloc with full membership. The African Union’s previous designation was “invited international organization.”

“With everyone’s approval, I request the AU head to take his seat as a permanent G20 member,” Modi said in his opening address, with the African bloc’s head Azali Assoumani then taking a seat alongside world leaders.

Founded in 1999, the African Union is made up of 55 African countries and encompasses virtually the entire continent. The member-states collectively make key political and economic decisions. One of the AU’s main objectives is to eliminate “the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid” as well as promoting unity and solidarity among its members. South Africa was previously the only African country with membership in the G20.

The idea of the AU taking a permanent seat at the G20 was first advocated by Senegalese President Macky Sall, who told the UN General Assembly in September 2022 that the move would mean “that Africa can, at last, be represented where decisions are taken that affect 1.4 billion Africans.”


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870cef No.44242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19532019 (112116ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings (video)

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“NGOs caused this.”


Sep 1, 2023

0:22 – “Kenny Kunene, the MMC for Transport in the City of Joburg, explains it succinctly, “But the biggest challenge for us as the City when we tried to respond to this, is the law. The law of South Africa protects criminality. The property laws of South Africa protect criminals who hijack buildings. Today in Turffontein, in Rosettenville, you go on holiday for a week when you come back people are staying in your house. When you try to take them out, they call the police, they say this person has rented the house to us, now they want to evict us. The police say you have to go to court to evict them. So the biggest problem to evict these criminals because once you say a building has been hijacked, a crime has been committed… So the problem is the law because the law says before you can take them out, you have to find an alternative place for them even if they are illegal in the country.

1:28 – “The law that he is reffering to, all of those laws, were precedents set by the Constitutional Court through court cases brought in by foreign funded NGOs. Foreign funded NGOs have created the phenomenon of hijacked buildings around this entire country.


The repeal of apartheid legislation and the end of National Party rule changed all of this. The conflictual relationship between anti-apartheid NGOs and the state was transformed with the transition to democracy in South Africa. The 1994 elections, in which the ANC gained 63% of the vote, ushered in a new era and forced a shift from the politics of resistance to a politics of reconstruction (Marais, 1998). NGOs and state institutions now were seen as partners in a national project - the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)

The resources of NGOs have been carried into the transition process in three main ways:

(1)Many NGOs have been absorbed into, or fused with, the institutions of the new state; important policy positions, key personnel, and much funding have moved into the state.

(2)NGOs that were closest to the mass-based movements—and have survived the impact of assimilation into state structures—have, often by building on personal networks, repositioned themselves as NGOs with a complementary role to the new state by undertaking partnerships with government departments, developing policies, or providing welfare and development services.

(3)NGOs that have been liberal in orientation have recast themselves as NGOs taking up a position as "watchdogs" of the new state, advocating various policy positions and asserting their independence from the state with the intent of strengthening civil society.

Nelson Mandela (1996) has written: "Non-governmental organizations played an outstanding role during the dark days of apartheid. Today, many people who received their training within the NGO sector play important roles in government." In fact, to some, the acronym NGO is taken to stand for Now Government Official. In some respects the former shadow state has become the new state.

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870cef No.44243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542361 (131250ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption (video)

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“Politicians implicated in Eskom intelligence report” - https://youtu.be/R3894zJFZsI

“High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption”



The Special Investigating Unit and the Hawks are investigating high-profile individuals who are behind the looting and theft at Eskom.

Head of the Hawks Godfrey Lebeya said their investigations into Eskom corruption flows from a report that was initiated by former CEO André de Ruyter.

De Ruyter had previously said he told Pravin Gordhan, the Minister of Public Enterprises, and Sydney Mufamadi, the national security adviser to President Cyril Ramaphosa, that high-ranking politicians were involved in corruption at Eskom.

Mothibi and Lebeya said they have taken this report from De Ruyter to conduct investigations.

Lebeya said they want to put together evidence that will link prominent individuals to Eskom’s corruption.

“There were also prominent and influential persons that were mentioned. As the SIU indicated, there are names that have been mentioned in this report. We have analysed them and what we need is evidence to link them to specific crimes,” said Lebeya.

Head of the SIU, advocate Andy Mothibi and Lebeya were on Tuesday briefing the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on corruption at the power utility.

Lebeya said the Hawks were investigating 150 cases at Eskom.

He said there was intimidation and threats against staff members by members of the cartels that are operating there.

In these cases they have been trying to gather evidence so that they will present dockets to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) with cases that were winnable in court.

“The gathered information needs to be corroborated. It is this corroboration that we are looking for that, indeed, some crimes may have been committed. We need to produce something that the NPA may take to court,” said Lebeya.

Lebeya said they will continue and apprehend those who are behind the theft and looting at Eskom.

De Ruyter said a few months ago that Eskom was losing R1 billion a month due to corruption.

Lebeya said there was a coal syndicate operating at Eskom.

Mothibi also told Scopa there was a syndicate dealing on the destruction of infrastructure and this forces Eskom to use emergency procurement to buy parts that are damaged at excessive costs.

It was these syndicates that both the SIU and Hawks were also investigating.

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870cef No.44244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542376 (131256ZSEP23) Notable: Floyd Shivambu warns IFP against infighting after Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death (video)

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>[Floyd Shivambu] “Forward to seven tenament pillars, forward! Forward to socialism, forward! Forward to socialism, forward! Forward to expropriation of land without compensation, forward!”


>In the 70s the ANC mission in exile came up with the strategy to mobilize along cultural lines and tasked its then ANC youth league member, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi to form the then Inkatha Yenkululeko Yesizwe.

“EFF visits Mangosuthu Buthelezi's home” - https://youtu.be/1xODv_74lYw

2:01 – “The long overdue change which our people have been looking up to, to say that let us make 2024 to go 1994 where we then redefine South Africa’s politics without the ANC.

“WATCH: Floyd Shivambu warns IFP against infighting after Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death”



Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) deputy president, Floyd Shivambu has cautioned the leadership and members of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) not to engage in factional battles after the death of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi.

According to Shivambu, if all members of the party want to honour Buthelezi’s legacy, they must avoid the temptation adding that the IFP is central to a coalition government next year.

Shivambu made the remarks on Tuesday at KwaPhindangene where he led the EFF’s delegation to mourn the late Zulu traditional prime minister who died aged 95 last Saturday.

He recalled how the EFF’s leadership met Buthelezi in 2014 to apologise for controversial remarks they had made while still members of the ANC Youth League.

“Do not use this opportunity … to cause internal strife and fights. The IFP is a solid organisation. It has a role to play here in KwaZulu-Natal.

“It must stand for what it stands for, it must not be divided with people fighting each other. You know how to handle your own issues.

“Don’t destroy the organisation, because if you do, you destroy the legacy of Umntwana ka Phindangene,” he said.

He highlighted that the IFP will be needed after next year’s provincial and national elections as there will be a change of guard at the provincial and national levels.

“You must have this organisation solid because generally what is going to happen in 2024 there is going to be a government that is not led by a party that is leading now.

“So, next year in KwaZulu-Natal there will be a different government. The IFP and the EFF and all other strategic organisations will be playing an important role.

“And definitely not the ANC, that is where we are going, so the IFP must remain steadfast in terms of what it stands for,” he added.

IFP President, Velenkosini Hlabisa also spoke after Shivambu and pledged that they will preserve Buthelezi’s legacy.

He hinted that they will be in touch with the EFF regarding several political issues.

Also pleading Buthelezi’s legacy to be preserved was Prince Zuzifa Buthelezi, the son of the departed traditional leader.

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870cef No.44245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542397 (131304ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / >>195424147 Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office (video)

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“Holomisa presents alleged CR17 funding evidence to national assembly speaker” - https://youtu.be/fBxDb-AL3u8

“Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office”


September 11, 2023 | 5:24 pm

318 of the 400 MPs voted in favour of Section 194 committee report to remove Mkhwebane

Three hundred and eighteen of the 400 MPs voted in favour of the Parliament’s Section 194 Committee report for Mkhwebane to be removed. Forty-three voted no.

Cope’s Mosiuoa Lekota abstained from voting.

DA MP Siviwe Gwarube said her removal must serve as a lesson to the institution on the importance of selecting fit-for-purpose candidates at all times, given that a new public protector will be announced next Thursday.

“Today was not just a vote to remove the first head of a Chapter 9 institution but a confirmation of the DA’s relentless commitment to the rule of law and accountability,” said Gwarube.

‘Political witch hunt’

EFF treasurer general Omphile Maotwe said the report to remove Mkhwebane was the political witch hunt by the DA and supported by the ANC to punish Mkhwebane in order to protect President Cyril Ramaphosa.

UDM leader Bantu Holomisa said Mkhwebane was being targeted because she “hit a raw nerve” with her 2019 report.

“The ANC has closed ranks with a vengeance, and we are at the juncture where they are merely getting rid of her for doing her job too well,” said Holomisa.

“This House should come up with a mechanism to establish which companies are doing business with government and have donated to this campaign and why monies ended up in some cabinet members’ pockets as shown in [Mkhwebane’s 2019 report].”

ANC Chief Whip Pemmy Majodina, ahead of the vote, said if party members voted against the party line, which was to vote for Mkhwebane to be removed, they would be dealt with, and the party is not afraid to part ways with them.

ANC MP Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma was not in parliament for the vote.

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870cef No.44246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549266 (141328ZSEP23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations

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“BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations’”



Durban – The CEO of TV BRICS Media Network, Janna Tolstikova, said the expansion of the BRICS member nations to 11 countries offered the media the opportunity to reach out and strengthen the ties of the people of the BRICS nations because it was all about people-to-people connections.

The TV BRICS Media Network has more than 50 national media partners in 11 countries, including African countries such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Cuba, and is already in co-operation with several news sources in Argentina.

TV BRICS sees the growing role of information exchange between national media in strengthening relations between countries.

Tolstikova said being a joint partner in the international media network, TV BRICS constantly accumulate, prepare and distribute the information about the BRICS joint agenda as well as each member's national agenda using local media resources in all the member states.

“Our media network has been actively pursuing a policy of exchanging high-quality information with the BRICS countries since we were established six years ago.

“We integrate our national news content in other news agenda of local media that already has its own viewers or users.

“We collect and distribute local news stories prepared by the local editorial boards in our information exchange, making steps to bring those countries closer to each other.”

Tolstikova said the network was pleased to welcome local media companies from Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to join it in multilateral information exchange in order to speak up and to work together with BRICS national media.

“I believe the expansion of the bloc will give a new impetus to interaction between the already established members of the association and will bring BRICS to a completely new level of economic and cultural relations.

“The agenda is expanding and our mission is to focus on distributing a constructive, peaceful agenda related to existing and potential co-operation between countries.”

Tolstikova said the network paid attention to the social issues, education, health care and cultures of the BRICS countries.

“We believe that peaceful content can truly unite the member countries of the bloc, at the same time in reaching and strengthening ties of the people of the BRICS because it is all about people-to-people connections.

“New participants are representatives of different continents, different cultures and representatives of traditions and this opens up an unusual and interesting world for the audiences of the TV BRICS partner media resources… a new world that will now be available to all of us through proper media coverage pursued by local journalists.”

In August, Tolstikova addressed the BRICS Media Forum in Johannesburg, in a panel session on “Strengthening Exchanges: The Role of Media in Fostering Africa's Economic Growth”.

She highlighted the value of presenting information to the global community through Africa’s own national media, along with its vision from local journalists and creators.

“Africa’s media resources should have access to freely perform its own vision to global audiences. This would allow them to talk more about Africa’s economic agenda, the struggles its countries face and what solutions Africa has to offer the world. [Does the world really want to follow Africa’s example?]

“This can be done through an international information exchange that shapes the national agenda of each country to the audience of another country, and brings them closer and builds a base for further connections and mutual interests in various fields. We believe it helps to stimulate the development of each country and to enhance the common growth between the countries when we put a light on any field using media tools.”

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870cef No.44247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552219 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun

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Updated BRICS Summit Bun

>>43979 Ramaphosa expected to go to Moscow in an attempt to convince Putin to attend BRICS summit virtually (video)

>>43980 BRICS expansion will accelerate creation of a new world order

>>43984 BRICS Summit: Police Minister and SAPS high level delegation visit China

>>43986, >>44207 (from General Research) Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit - media

>>44071, >>44072 Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August (Parts 1&2)

>>44197 “Call to support farmers” hosted by South Africa which does not

>>44198, >>44199 Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” - “I now want to address the New World Order.” (Parts 1&2) (videeo)

>>44200 BRICS Summit: One-on-one with Dr. Patrice Motsepe (video)

>>44201 (from Canada #46) BRICS Summit, Day One: Xi Hypes the ‘Global South’, Putin Sees ‘Alternative to G7’, Modi Touts Indian Economy, Lula Calls for Common Currency, Ramaphosa Stresses Ties Between Members

>>44202 “Six countries, including Egypt and Ethiopia join BRICS” also Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (video)

>>44203 BRICS Summit 2023 LIVE: South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa Meets China's President Xi Jinping (video)

>>44206 Two fighter jets spotted in Sandton for three days since the beginning of 15th BRICS Summit

>>44246 BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations

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870cef No.44248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552225 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun

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Castleton Commodities International Bun

>>44181 Henry R. Slack, Chairman of Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

>>44182, >>44187 William C. Reed II, Chief Executive Officer, CCI, serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation

>>44183 Eileen A. Aptman, Director of CCI, Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Investment Committee

>>44184 Kristen Eshak Weldon, Board member of CCI, Managing Director and Global Head of BlackRock Alternative Investors Sustainable Investing

>>44185 Michael J. Zimmerman, Vice Chairman CCI, was a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers Inc

>>44186 People who worked for companies [Enron, Lehman Brothers, Arthur Andersen] which folded, found a home at CCI

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870cef No.44249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552227 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

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Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

>>43938 (from Canada #42) Secrets of Manufactured Consent

>>44012 Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament (video)

>>44088 Mark Suzman, CEO, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation and Helen Suzman’s nephew (video)

>>44194 Aspen's vaccines deal with Serum Institute of India: Stavros Nicolaou (video)

>>44221, >>44222 “Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show (Parts 1&2)

>>44223 The Health Justice Initiative v The Minister of Health and Information Officer, Department of Health

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870cef No.44250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552228 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun

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Updated Eskom Bun

>>43901 Winter load shedding warning: From bad to worse - right back to bad

>>43902, >>43903 Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report (Parts 1&2)

>>43904, >>43905 South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding (Parts 1&2)

>>43907 Jan Oberholzer discusses Jacques Pauw’s “distasteful article” [English Translation] (video)

>>43908 “De Ruyter's claims on Eskom graft wild and untested" - News24 [Jacques Pauw] (video)

>>43912, >>43913, >>43914 SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy (Parts 1-3)

>>43915 Ramaphosa deploys 900 soldiers to guard Eskom power stations

>>43919, >>43920 “Set aside Eskom judgment", says Pravin Gordhan (Parts 1&2)

>>43921 SIU demands answers on appointment of intelligence operation by De Ruyter at Eskom

>>43922 Eskom expected to implement up to Stage 10 load shedding

>>43923 Agri SA bemoans impact of load shedding on Food Security

>>43924 Countrywide blackout’: Botswana went dark on Monday

>>43925 SASRIA will not pay claims related to grid failure (video)

>>43929, >>43930 MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims (Parts 1&2)

>>43932, >>43933 "Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow," Scopa told (Parts 1&2; video)

>>44009 Eskom rescues technicians from dangerous Joburg areas (video)

>>44047 Eskom confirms the return of Stage 6 load shedding “until further notice”

>>44122 R400 000 to kill Eskom employee

>>44204 SA charts energy growth path with China

>>44205 The donation is exactly that’: Ramokgopa clears the air on China’s R170m donation to South Africa

>>44243 High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption (video)

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870cef No.44251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552251 (142248ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

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Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>43935 Why would Russia’s Kalashnikov make a NATO-friendly assault rifle? - AK-19

>>43936 Cyril's Rubicon? RW Johnson on arms-to-Russia torpedo for SA's motor industry, AGOA, ARV supplies (video)

>>43952 Joint Press Conference between PM Lee Hsien Loong and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (video)

>>43953 Another “Plot for Peace”? Jean-Yves Ollivier founded Brazzaville Foundation (video)

>>43990, >>44002, >>44003, >>44011 Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

>>43991 (from General Research) Zelensky offers zero flexibility to African leaders

>>43998, >>43999 The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine (Parts 1&2)

>>44000 Yoweri K Museveni Tweet about African ‘peace mission’ meeting

>>44001 Cyril Ramaphosa hails ‘historic’ Ukraine peace mission after talks (video)

>>44005, >>44006 Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission “due to aviation insurance exclusions” (Parts 1&2)

>>44007 Ramaphosa’s plane “failed to get clearance to fly over Italian airspace”

>>44010 (from General) NATO member threatens African aid cuts over support for Russia

>>44041 “Carping Point: There are so many things we will never know about that Ukraine trip”

>>44082 Lady with Cookies: Victoria Nuland Is Going to South Africa (video)

>>44196 Russia’s ‘African Village’: a beacon of hope for South African Boers amid growing tensions

>>44233 Russia's long-lost relationship with South Africa's Afrikaans-speaking community (video)

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870cef No.44252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552253 (142248ZSEP23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun

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Taxi Strike Bun

>>44118 United Kingdom issues travel alert over Cape Town taxi violence (video)

>>44119 Eskom withdraws services in six Cape Town areas after petrol-bombing of vehicle

>>44120 Update on Western Cape taxi strike (video)

>>44121 The Bloody South African TAXI WAR(Kill or Be Killed)

>>44123 W Cape Taxi Stayaway: Confirmation of Avanza driver killed, commuters left in distress (video)

>>44144 'No talks with taxi operators if violence persists (video)

>>44145 Transport Minister and JP Smith in war of words over taxi strike

>>44148 Taxi strike in Cape Town leads to violence, deaths: Gugu Nonjinge (video)

>>44149 Cape Town taxi strike: DA calls for accountability from Bheki Cele

>>44151 Taxi industry law unto itself - Sandile Swana (video)

>>44152 South African Taxi Industry: the establishment of SANTACO 2014

>>44153 From 2011: South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) to launch taxi industry training academy

>>44154, >>44155 From 2010: Address at the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) launch of The TR3 2020 Strategy by Mr Sibusiso Ndebele, Minister of Transport

>>44156, >>44157 Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1&2)

>>44158 A great relief’ — Santaco calls off Western Cape taxi strike (video)

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870cef No.44253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561102 (161415ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC, EFF eyeing political points, using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains

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“ANC, EFF eyeing political points”, "using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains"


Published Sep 15, 2023

Durban — The DA IN KwaZulu-Natal has lashed out at the ANC and the EFF for what it called using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains.

Both the EFF and the ANC national leadership visited KwaPhindangene residence in Ulundi north of the province to pay their respects on Tuesday.

During their visits, the parties indicated their willingness to form a coalition with the IFP after next year’s elections in honour of Buthelezi’s legacy and wishes. However, the DA labelled them as “political hyenas” who were “unashamed to scavenge” for political points over Inkosi Buthelezi’s dead body.

DA provincial chairperson Dean Macpherson said it was unfortunate for the ANC and the EFF to use Buthelezi’s death to score political points, because they did not want him while he was still alive. He added that it was recorded that despite Buthelezi’s impassioned plea to reconcile with the ANC before his death, the party never took him seriously and ignored him until his death.

On the EFF gestures, Macpherson said it was also known that the party dumped the IFP after demanding it be given uMhlathuze Local Municipality, which the IFP rejected. Macpherson questioned the party’s U-turn since the IFP had not changed its position on uMhlathuze.

The IFP and the DA have cemented their relationship in uMhlathuze, which resulted in the appointment of the DA deputy mayor Christo Botha.

“The ANC and the EFF made a fool of Shenge’s grieving family by saying things they knew wouldn’t happen. If the ANC and the EFF really wanted to restore the working relationship with Inkosi Buthelezi and the IFP why did they wait for him to die first? These are political hyenas who went to KwaPhindangene to scavenge for political points over uMntwana’s dead body,” said Macpherson.

ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile, who led his party’s delegation to KwaPhindangene on Tuesday, said the ANC would ensure that the IFP and ANC’s relationship was restored to fulfil Buthelezi’s wishes. He added that uMntwana waKwaPhindangene died crying for the renewal of his ANC membership card and that after the funeral the party would meet the IFP to finish the reconciliation process.

When asked what caused the delay until Buthelezi’s death, Mashatile said the party was still processing the matter and the office of the secretary-general was busy processing Buthelezi’s membership card. He did not want to respond to questions on how their working relationship would be restored since the IFP was now part of the moonshot pact.

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivhambu called on the IFP not to use Buthelezi’s death to cause internal strife. He said the IFP would be needed next year to form a government that would not be led by the ANC.

IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa said the ball was in the ANC’s court. The ANC’s seriousness in reconciling with the IFP was also questioned by IFP stalwart Musa Zondi, who is now spokesperson for the Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Foundation.

Speaking at Buthelezi’s memorial on Wednesday, Zondi said that as much he welcomed the ANC’s promise to restore working relations with the IFP, he wanted to know why the ANC had waited until Buthelezi’s death.

Nelson Mandela Bay University-based political analyst Professor Bheki Mngomezulu said he preferred to adopt a wait-and-see approach since politicians were good at making promises, but lacking in implementation.

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870cef No.44254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561121 (161421ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe

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>“NGOs caused this.”


>“Meet Dr Patrick Moore: Greenpeace co-founder who left the organisation hijacked by political left”

“NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe”


Published Sep 14, 2023

Cape Town - Several civil organisations protested outside the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on Wednesday, where the 3rd annual Southern Africa Oil and Gas Conference took place.

Activists and concerned residents from across communities in and around Cape Town gathered for the protest, calling for solutions to be sought in the renewable energy sector, as opposed to new investments in oil and gas exploration.

Organisations present included Green Connection, South African Faith Communities’ Environmental Institute (Safcei), Project 90 By 2030, Climate Justice Charter Movement, Feed The Future For Life, African Climate Alliance, Save Our Sacred Lands, and Extinction Rebellion Cape Town.

Student Qhama Kali from Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG) said: “We need to stop what we are doing, this polluting the air and burning fossil fuels. We need to move to more sustainable energy like solar, wind, hydro, instead of using coal because coal pollutes the air and endangers everyone.”

Kali said more engagements should take place with affected communities on “what they wanted”.

SAFCEI co-ordinator Sizwe Manqele said: “We are here today because we believe that God created this world for all of us, and so as people of faith we want to make sure that justice gets done.

“That the oil and gas extraction is not only happening in the name of profit, but that we do justice by leaving it in the soil and finding alternative means to have energy, such as renewable energy.

“Not much is being said on the negative effects of organic matter extraction, and that it impacts people negatively in terms of pollution and illnesses that people get due to this, and that's not to mention the money that people do not get due to the whole oil and gas extraction.”

Mantashe was present at the two-day conference, convened by the department and Petroleum Agency SA and the South African Oil & Gas Alliance.

The theme for this year’s conference is "Oil and gas development to address Southern Africa’s energy challenges while ensuring a Just Energy Transition”. The conference will conclude on Thursday.

During his keynote address, Mantashe said South Africa had a responsibility to “exploit deposits” and convert this into wealth for the country.

“And that wealth can help us deal with all the problems that we’re faced with – unemployment, poverty, inequality. You can only successfully fight those if we have access to resources.

“Development and climate change must co-exist. If they don't co-exist, there is a problem because in Africa, more than seven million people have no access to electricity. So when we talk about decarbonisation, your message becomes hollow on the continent.”

Mantashe said the country continues to face opposition from non-governmental organisations, which he claimed were foreign funded.

“Many of the NGOs that take us to court have unlimited resources, they're funded by foreign entities. It is deliberate to block development. It's not an accident, it's a deliberate problem that is directed at blocking development in a poor country like South Africa, and we’re determined to fight off that obstacle to development.”

Mantashe ended off by saying that South Africa was “open for business” to the global community and investors. He said the government would be supporting oil exploration in the West Coast and East Coast.

“All those explorations we’ll support and we’ll take that fight to the end.”

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870cef No.44255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561124 (161422ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects” 1 of 2



South Africa needed a “war room” to boost its oil and gas developments and to better coordinate government departments on these projects, Deputy Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Pinky Kekana said yesterday.

She said in an address to the Southern Africa Oil & Gas Conference 2023 that, “Mozambique is up and running, Namibia is up and running, South Africa wake up!”

She said that the Petroleum Agency for South Africa (PASA) estimated South Africa potentially held 27 billion barrels of oil and 60 trillion cubic metres gas offshore, let alone the onshore resources, but development in the sector remains weak due to a number of factors including weak infrastructure, insufficient investment and technological issues.

She said the “war room” should comprise all the relevant government departments, so that “there is one centre” for these developments, promoting “one message”, and various government departments did not pull investors in different directions, she said.

Adrian Strydom, the CEO at the South African Oil and Gas Alliance, said the growth of the sector had “game-changing potential for the region and we cannot afford to ignore this.

“The load shedding we are experiencing was an indication of the need to allow for all the energy technologies and resources to be explored,” he said.

Dr Bongani Sayidini, the chief operating officer at PASA, said South Africa had sufficient gas resources to realise the aims of its gas sector policies. Internationally, gas utilisation as a primary source of energy in developed countries had averaged 24%, but in South Africa this figure was less than 3%.

A government integrated resource development plan had stated a target to increase this to 16% by 2030.

What little existing regional gas supply there was to the country, to Sasol via the Pande Temane fields in Mozambique, was expected to decrease sharply from 2026 as the reserves were depleted - an event Sasol had already notified its many industrial off-take partners of.

Dr Sayidini said apart from the estimated 60 trillion cubic feet of gas (tcf) offshore of South Africa, there were also some 200tcf of gas onshore.

“We do have the gas,” he said, citing production estimates from the West, Southern and Eastern coast offshore exploration areas.

He said the Ibuhesi gas find on the West Coast operated by Sunbird Energy, which was discovered many years ago, had become a “stranded asset” as the project developers could not find a close and big enough market to justify developing the field.

A similar situation had arisen with Namibia’s Kudu Gas Fields, but “given where we are at with the Just Energy Transition”, moves were afoot to monetise the fields.

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870cef No.44256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561128 (161422ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects” 2 of 2



On the south coast, regulatory approvals was still underway for the significant Brulpadda and Luiperd gas discoveries operated by TotalEnergies in the 11B and 12B offshore blocks. Along the east coast, seismic surveys were suspended by court action by stakeholders.

He said in Mpumalanga, on land close to the existing gas infrastructure near Secunda and many electrical power stations, the Kinektico Energy Company had discovered significant liquid natural gas (LNG) resources that might be able to mitigate the potential negative impacts of gas depletion to Sasol.

Nick de Blocq, the CEO at Kinektico Energy, said they had spudded 41 wells over 12 years and each had been successful, with a 42nd well currently being spudded.

He said this “100% strike rate” rate was unheard of in the gas industry, and in addition, the quality of the gas was exceptional, comprising up to 98% methane, while the rest was nitrogen. There was also no need to frack or do horizontal drilling.

The gas would also maybe find a market at the nearby coal mines, which were having to burn large quantities of diesel due to load shedding.

He said they had registered the gas project with the President’s Special Infrastructure Project (SIP) Commission, in the hope that it would help to expedite the regulatory guidelines and other processes when it came to develop the project further.

Thabang Audat, the chief director at the Department of Mineral and Energy Resources, who worked with the team responsible for the draft Gas Master Plan 2023, said they were advocating for a future mix of energy sources, not just gas, but that a clear policy on the development of the gas industry was required.

A middle-case scenario was for gas to be phased in as feedstock, to replace coal, for Eskom’s power stations, as they were decommissioned during the next few years to 2035.

He said LNG might need to be imported by ships in the future to account for the declining gas from the Pande Temane gas field in Mozambique, which would require the flow of the gas pipeline from Richards Bay to Secunda to be reversed.

He said South Africa was in an energy crisis, and the various rounds of renewable energy projects had not yet been enough to alleviate this crisis. LNG, which was a cleaner source of energy than coal, “is necessary to complement renewable energy”.

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870cef No.44257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19589096 (211602ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields (video)

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>That people’s war was supposed to be actually… turned on the white minority that was ruling the country but it was turned on other black people… about 20 000 black people died.

The violence continues…

“It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields.”


Sep 18, 2023

2:34 – “”So frequent are the killings that they are now colloquially referred to as tournaments in northern parts of the province where killings are rife.” You remember in the run-up to the 1994 elections where many people, thousands of people were killed in political violence and when Mangosuthu Buthelezi passed on, a lot of people blamed him for being quiet when this happened back in the day.”


“Killing Councillors | 'The tournament is done': KZN councillors gunned down to win political fights”


“ANC councillor gunned down in KZN” [SEPTEMBER 20, 2023]



African National Congress (ANC) councillor Mzwandile Shandu is the latest victim of political killings in KwaZulu-Natal after he was gunned down on Wednesday.

Shandu was a councillor in Ward 7 under Mkhambathini Local Municipality.

According to the regional spokesperson, Njabulo Mtolo, the details surrounding the shooting are still a bit sketchy.

His death comes after he survived an assassination attempt in August when he was attending a ceremony held at the KwaMahleka location in Mbumbulu.

"It is very unfortunate that this incident took place just a few weeks after there was a failed attempt on his life. Also, just a few weeks after yet another ANC Councillor, Comrade Mubhungu Mkhize, was brutally killed,’’ said Mtolo.

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870cef No.44258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19589131 (211608ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts

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>“I’m very pleased that you mentioned it… I’m very pleased because of that lie, that ANC lie. When it was public knowledge that the ANC was going to kill me as a South African, I didn’t have an army, Transkei had an army, Ciskei had an army but I had no army. I had a small police force which I could not even issue firearm licenses to them. Licenses were issued by Pretoria because we were not independent. So when I was going to be killed, I had to tell the government that I needed protection. So the government said to […], he must choose about 200 people to be trained in VIP protection to protect me, to protect my ministers, to protect our building. Just 200 people… They took them. We didn’t know where they were trained. It eventually came out that they were trained in the Caprivi. Then during what you call the conflicts… that’s when this lie comes in where it is said that they were a hit squad for the IFP. What nonsense. I mean any person with anything between his ears can just see this. You cannot say when ANC had 1000s of MK that 200 people could fight an army of the ANC with 1000s of people… You cannot believe a fantasy like that.”

The Apartheid government was better at protecting its own people than the ANC.

Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts”


20 September 2023 - 22:08

Western Cape police are investigating the murder of an ANC councillor who was gunned down outside his home.

Arthur Gqeba was shot just before midnight in Vredenburg on Friday. The 40-year-old Saldanha Bay councillor had survived two previous attempts on his life.

ANC provincial spokesperson Muhammad Khalid Sayed said the party’s provincial secretary Neville Delport was aware of the threats to Gqeba’s life. Delport is the former ANC west coast regional secretary.

“Delport, at the time he was the regional secretary, was most certainly aware of the two assassination attempts on the late comrade Arthur Gqeba,” said Sayed. “In this capacity he, together with the regional leadership, immediately took the matter up and mandated the ANC chief whip in the Saldanha Bay municipality to raise the issue with the speaker and security was provided. That was the intervention that the ANC managed to push.”

He said the ANC was not in a position to provide security.

“ANC is not necessarily able to provide security. That is the responsibility of government — particularly the government structure where the public representative is serving and that provision was made,” he said. “But the major concern was that the municipality withdrew the security and the ANC expressed its dismay at that — even inside council.”

Sayed said Delport was not aware of the motive of the killing.

“According to the provincial secretary, it is very important for security to be ramped up by the local government — not only for ANC councillors but for councillors at large. Councillors are at the cutting edge of service delivery issues which are linked to tensions in communities where there is huge competition.

Ethne Lawrence, the spokesperson for Saldanha Bay municipality, would not be drawn to comment on why Gqeba’s security was withdrawn.

“Saldanha Bay Municipality is saddened by the loss of councillor Arthur Gqeba and we strongly condemn this violent and brutal attack,” . said Lawrence.

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870cef No.44259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19590370 (211959ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers (video)

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“Unmasking the Truth: ANC's Claims on Farm Murders/Attacks Exposed!”


Streamed live on Sep 20, 2023

AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers.

Jacques Broodryk and I dive into the numbers and expose the ANC’s lies.



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870cef No.44260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19590376 (212000ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings (video)

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“Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings”


Sep 21, 2023

Lawyers have allegedly been implicated in the hijacking of buildings in the Joburg city centre. Investigations by the city show that some are in cahoots with the deeds office, allegedly allowing for the ownership of buildings to be changed. Joburg Public Safety MMC Mgcini Tshwaku says they have an undercover unit working hard to uncover the building hijackers.

“COJ closing in on suspected kingpins of hijacked buildings”


21 September 2023, 6:40 AM

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Public Safety in Johannesburg, Mgcini Tshwaku, has reported significant progress in identifying several suspected masterminds behind the hijacking of buildings in the inner city.

Tshwaku made this revelation during a recent operation conducted by City Power, which involved disconnecting electricity to numerous hijacked buildings in the Jeppestown area.

According to Tshwaku, a notable development is that many of the suspected kingpins behind these hijackings are legal professionals, specifically lawyers. It has come to light that some occupants of these buildings are making rental payments to trusts overseen by these lawyers, diverting funds that should rightfully go to the city.

This practice has raised concerns about the legitimacy of these arrangements.

One lawyer named Jan de Baas, residing in Florida, is among those implicated in the hijacking of the Tigerburg building, which comprises approximately 125 units. Authorities are actively pursuing leads and gathering evidence to build cases against these alleged criminal networks.

Tshwaku emphasized that law enforcement agencies are intensifying their efforts to address this issue, with undercover units deployed to gather crucial intelligence. The city is determined to clamp down on these illicit activities and swiftly bring those responsible to justice.

The crackdown on hijacked buildings in Johannesburg comes on the backdrop of numerous building fires in the inner city. It also reflects ongoing efforts to restore law and order, improve living conditions for residents, and combat illegal activities that have plagued the inner city for years.

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870cef No.44261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607319 (251345ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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>Marikana Massacre survivors continue their civil case against Ramaphosa


>One was Harry Oppenheimer [HFO], the elderly epitome of English mining capital and an early promoter of black trade union rights (he had, incidentally, made a modest contribution of R5 000 to the Weekly Mail’s start-up costs); the other was Cyril Ramaphosa, a young, fiery, rabble-rousing revolutionary riding to prominence in the NUM [National Union of Mineworkers].

Both Tiny Rowland and Harry Oppenheimer mentored Cyril Ramaphosa and had their businesses in London

“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 1


Saturday, December 23, 2017 — updated on July 03, 2020

Dollar millionaire Cyril Ramaphosa, the new African National Congress (ANC) president, is on the road to becoming South Africa's president - perhaps.

Had British mining billionaire Roland "Tiny" Rowland his business mentor been alive today, he would have toasted to a super victory.

Mr Rowland always moulded his trusted lieutenants in his own lavish image.

When he died in 1998, Mr Rowland was eulogised as "secretive, ruthless and contemptuous of anything that smacked of Establishment hypocrisy".

In Tom Bower's biography, Mr Rowland is said to have made a remark aboard one of his Gulfstream Jets as he looked down on vast lands in Africa:

"These African leaders are so corrupt that there's not a single one of them whom I could not buy."


In all the countries that his company Lonrho operated, Mr Rowland knew how to connect business with political power.

Today, Mr Ramaphosa is the majority stake owner of what remained of Lonrho empire in South Africa the world's third largest platinum mine in Highveld platinum belt.

While for years he was the mask of Lonrho's mines (renamed Lonmin), Mr Ramaphosa is now its face.

Lonmin was the scene of Marikana massacre of August 2012 when police shot at striking mine workers.

It was later found that it was Ramaphosa who in a chain of emails released to the Farlam inquiry who called for the police to move in.

He wrote: "The terrible events that have unfolded cannot be described as a labour dispute. They are plainly dastardly criminal and must be characterised as such…”


In his tenure, Mr Rowland left a legacy in Lonrho where the company balanced both the political and business interests by seeking services of those close to the political elite.

In Kenya, and when he reigned in wealth and power, Mr Rowland's Lonrho empire was always at the hands of those close to State House.

In the Jomo Kenyatta years, he had picked Udi Gecaga, Kenyatta's son-in-law, to manage his local interests.

But as soon as Kenyatta died in 1978, Mr Rowland quickly fired Mr Gecaga, easily forgetting that this was the man who once saved him from a boardroom coup in London in 1973 led by Sir Basil Smallpeice, administrative adviser to the Royal Household, and Nicholas Elliott, the former head of M16.

He even went further to disparage Mr Gecaga describing his tenure as "a mistake I truly regret".


In South Africa, Mr Rowland was one of the secret financiers of African National Congress and when Oliver Tambo had a heart attack on August 12, 1989, a Lonrho jet was sent to take him to London for treatment

[Also, “Rowland's Lonrho purchased the ANC's Johannesburg headquarters for them, and is bankrolling a planned new ANC newspaper.” https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1993/eirv20n19-19930514/eirv20n19-19930514_036-did_british_intelligence_kill_ha.pdf]

The Executive Intelligence Review later reported that in 1992, a year before he was forced out as CEO, Mr Rowland purchased a mansion in the Sandhurst section of Sandton, a posh Johannesburg suburb, for Cyril Ramaphosa, then ANC's secretary general.

When he died of cancer in 1998, Nelson Mandela described him as "a long-standing friend in the struggle against apartheid".

But he was a double-dealer whose efforts on behalf of the British establishment was to make sure that ANC did not disrupt or nationalise the apartheid economic systems including the mines and farms.

But to understand how Mr Rowland and Lonrho worked, let us bring the story closer home.


After Mr Gecaga was forced out, Mr Rowland picked President Moi's homeboy, Mark Too, who was known as Bwana Dawa because he could help fix any problem.

Mr Rowland did not know Mark Too, though he was an employee in Lonrho's Uasin Gishu-based East African Tanning and Extract Company (EATEC).

On the day they met, Mr Rowland was at the Norfolk wondering who could connect him to President Moi.

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870cef No.44262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607326 (251348ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 2


Somebody pointed to Mark Too who made the call and Mr Rowland got an appointment.

For that call and no other qualification he became Lonrho's point man in Kenya.


Apparently, Mr Too, a man who could leave Moi in stitches, was the only person who was allowed to see President Moi after six o'clock in the evening or "even after midnight" - according to David Kimaiyo, then head of Presidential Escort.

In firing Mr Gecaga, and by picking Mr Too, the mining baron hoped to have direct contact to the political elite.

And that is why he donated 1,000 acres for the construction of Moi University and managed to bring in British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to sponsor the building of the university library, which is named after her.

There was a reason for this. Mr Rowland on behalf of Thatcher's government was in covert business in southern Africa by delivering arms to the apartheid regime, and being the contact person for National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) rebels in Angola - according to Hennie van Vuuren's new book Apartheid, Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit.


He would always arrange international travel for Unita rebels and then transfer them back to their bolt-holes in Cuango Valley where illicit mining of diamond had become the lifeline of both guerrillas and some international wheeler dealers.

Mr Rowland also donated the land on which Moi International Airport is built, albeit with some controversy.

While this land was a donation to "the President", the government sent its valuer to value it.

He came up with a figure of Sh150 million. Parliament was later told that Lonrho sent another valuer who gave a figure of S10 million.

The next was a circus because the government opted to purchase the gift from "the President" and it went with Lonrho's figure an illegality since the government does not rely on private valuers.


While it paid Sh200 million for the land, the government decided to offset the balance by giving Tiny Rowland the Uplands Bacon Factory land in Kiambu, which was owned by a private organisation Uplands Pigs Producers Association. The rest is a story for another day.

But when Mark Too fell out with President Moi, he was tossed around like a ball and finally, he was forced to resign by the new Lonrho chief executive, Mr Keith Atkinson, who said that Mr Too left due to "pressure of work". It was a lie.

Mr Rowland was also the king of dirty games, too.

-When he fell out with Moi, his Observer newspaper ran a string of articles exposing corruption and political assassinations in Kenya under Moi, especially that of Dr Robert Ouko.


Again, when the British government once decided to investigate the affairs of Lonrho, the investigators, Allan Heyman and Sir William Slimmings, reported in a 1000-page dossier that the company was guilty of "bribery, larceny, sanctions busting, and corruption", which characterised the years that Mr Rowland was in charge.-

Interestingly, it was reported that most copies of this report, which was printed in Her Majesty's letterhead, were instantly purchased by Lonrho and most people did not manage to get to know its content; a series of payments from Mr Rowland's private accounts disguised as "special payments" and which the investigators said they were bribes.

As the Independent newspaper once wrote: "He was a master at seducing the British establishment.

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870cef No.44263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607357 (251401ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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>Kojo [Mills] is the former acting CEO and a co-founder of Shanduka Group, a South African investment company that has a multi-industry portfolio of 30+ investments valued in excess of $1 billion. He was also previously the Managing Director of Shanduka’s R300 million private equity fund, Shanduka Value Partners Fund I… Prior to joining DLJ, he was employed as a financial analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc. [Harry Oppenheimer's son-in-law, Hank Slacks, was on the board of Salomon Brothers >>44181] He is currently a director of numerous companies including Invictus Africa Group, Shanduka Group and Stanbic Bank Ghana, the Ghanaian subsidiary of the Standard Bank Group of South Africa.

“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 3


"By a mixture of charm and financial inducements he persuaded a parade of well-connected, if second-rank, politicians on to Lonrho's board, from Duncan Sandys to Sir Edward du Cann."


That is the man who bankrolled some ANC bigwigs with fast cars, land, cash and houses.

Even during apartheid years, ANC leader Oliver Tambo who was in exile for over 30 years had unrestricted use to the Lonrho jet.

With the end of apartheid, the new ANC government came up with a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), which allowed multinationals operating there to give a slice of their stake to Africans.

In 1994, Ramaphosa had just lost out to Thabo Mbeki for the position of ANC deputy president.

According to Anthony Butler's biography, Ramaphosa sulked and declined President Nelson Mandela's offer to be foreign minister.

He also did not attend Mandela's inauguration on May 10, 1994.

He left to join the likes of Dr Nthato Motlana, Mandela's doctor, to form the black-owned companies, which were to line up and get shares in the multinational corporations for a song.

These companies were owned by the elites within ANC and that is how the majority were short-charged in South Africa.


Critics have ever since dismissed this policy as "a token corporate blackwash" and said that it only enriched a few individuals at the expense of majority.

And that explains the kind of problems the ANC has been having with Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which has been promising to scrap the programme.

The second notable critic is retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu who said BEE only serves a few black elite and left millions in "dehumanising poverty".

And the third is former President Thabo Mbeki's brother, Moeletsi Mbeki, who says BEE is "a device for white-dominated corporations to build bridges with the ANC elite It doesn't create wealth or add value to the economy".


Mr Moeletsi's main concern is that a "new class of rich blacks, many of them ANC politicians and former politicians, has emerged in South Africa whose interests are virtually indistinguishable from those of the old economic oligarchy…"

The jury is still out on whether BEE or what the South Africans now call Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBEE) has achieved its aims among the poor South Africans or whether it perpetuates "institutionalised corruption" as Mr Moeletsi puts it.

To take advantage of this state policy (forget the ANC politics), Mr Ramaphosa first joined New Africa Investment Limited (NAIL), which was brokering deals, and had an investment banking company called Pleiade Investment Corporation.

He later formed his own Shanduka Resources, which became the BEE partner of Lonmin the new name for Lonhro's mining unit.


For a man who in 1982 was only a secretary general for 300,000-strong National Union of Mine Workers (NUM), his rise into wealth is also the story of South Africa's black elite.

It is also the story of many other politicos in Africa.

To cut a long story short, in 2010, Mr Ramaphosa joined the board of Lonmin as a non-executive director after his Shanduka Resources took majority control by owning 50.03 per cent in R2.8 billion (Sh280 billion) transaction.

Those who have gone through the works of Prof Steven Langdon on how multinationals behave in Africa, will quickly place Mr Ramaphosa within the league of "African insiders" who are given shares by the multinational corporations (MNCs) in return for political and business support.

It is a known practice among the MNCs and has been prevalent since the 1960s.

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870cef No.44264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612958 (261612ZSEP23) Notable: BizNews: “President” Trump will want his pound of flesh from SA… Tough renegotiations of AGOA likely” - Dr Edward Mienie (video)

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It is interesting to listen to Dr Edward Mienie and then consider the New York Post’s article and his biography.

“one of the dirtiest tricks in electoral history was played on the American people by 51 former intelligence officials, who used the false alarm of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president.” https://nypost.com/2022/10/19/its-been-two-years-since-51-intelligence-agents-interfered-with-an-election-they-still-wont-apologize/

““President” Trump will want his pound of flesh from SA… Tough renegotiations of AGOA likely” - Dr Edward Mienie


Sep 23, 2023

If Donald Trump returns to the White House for another stint of President of the US, he may want to renegotiate the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). And those could be tough negotiations because Trump would want his pound of flesh. So says Dr Edward Mienie, the Executive Director of the Strategic Studies Programme & Partnerships and Professor of Strategic & Security Studies at the University of North Georgia in Atlanta. Dr Mienie, a former diplomat for both the National Party (NP) and the African National Congress (ANC) governments, speaks to BizNews as speculation mounts across the world that Trump could pull of another “unthinkable” political victory that would bring about significant shifts in US foreign policy.

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870cef No.44265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613032 (261634ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa

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Take note

Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa


The NIA was formed in 1994 following South Africa’s first multi-racial elections. It was created to take over from the domestic intelligence segment of the then National Intelligence Service (NIS) with the foreign intelligence functions being taken over by the South African Secret Service (SASS). Both the SASS and NIA were created as part of the Intelligence Act of 1994. They were created out of the six intelligence organisations consisted of the NIS, Department of Intelligence and Security (ANC), Pan African Security Service (PAC), and the three intelligence services of Venda [former Bantustan], Transkei [former Bantustan] and Bophuthatswana [former Bantustan]. These two new organisation’s would consist of a total of 4000 people with 2130 from the NIS, 910 from DIS (ANC), 340 from Bophuthatswana Intelligence and Internal Security Service (BISS), 233 from Transkei Intelligence Service (TIS), 76 Venda National Intelligence Service (VNIS) and rest from the PASS (PAS)

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870cef No.44266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617536 (271340ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / NCA: Crime in SA: Kidnappings on the rise (video)

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“Crime in SA | Kidnappings on the rise”


Sep 27, 2023

There has been an increase in kidnapping cases across the country. Police Minister Bheki Cele says this form of crime is being carried out by a particular group of people. He says some of the suspects arrested recently have been linked to 56 other kidnappings. Anti-crime activist Yusuf Abramjee, gives us more insights into new kidnapping trends.

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870cef No.44267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617552 (271344ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools (video)

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Is this part of the reason why we have such crime? Students only need 30% to pass in South African and then cannot find work.

“Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools”


Sep 27, 2023

Solidarity is gearing up the fight the African National Congress (ANC) government in court to stop it from “capturing” South Africa’s schools - and stripping parents of a say in the education of their children. BizNews speaks to Solidarity’s Johnell van Vollenhoven after a Parliamentary Portfolio Committee - in which the ANC and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) “used their numbers to obtain a majority” - accepted the BELA Amendment Bill this week. The Amendment Bill was therefore accepted for submission to the National Assembly (NA). This is the next step in the process of making it into law. Van Vollenhoven says such as law would mean “that we as parents and our governing bodies that we choose to govern our schools will be stripped of their powers”. The Bill was accepted despite widespread objection from the public with nearly 9 000 of the 11 000 inputs against the amendment of existing laws. “…they are not interested in looking at what the people are saying, they are only interested in pushing through their own ideology in this regard,” Van Vollenhoven charges. - Chris Steyn

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870cef No.44268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617556 (271345ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / DA opposes Lady R report being classified (video)

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“DA opposes Lady R report being classified”


Sep 27, 2023

The Democratic Alliance is in court to challenge the classification of the Lady R report. In an application filed in the Pretoria High Court, the party is challenging President Cyril Ramaphosa’s bid to keep the report into alleged weapons smuggling to Russia secret. Last month, the panel led by Judge President Phineas Mojapelo, found no evidence that weapons had been loaded onto the ship.

DA MP Glyniss Breytenbach speaks to Xoli Mngambi about the legal challenge.

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870cef No.44269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624252 (281351ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Secret CIA-funded group linked to UK Ministersand South Africa

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Excerpts below

The group, known as Le Cercle, was described by former Conservative minister Alan Clark in his diaries as “a right-wing think (or rather thought) tank, funded by the CIA, which churns Cold War concepts around”.

Le Cercle has existed since the 1950s but has no public presence, and has never revealed its funders. Even the group’s existence is only occasionally disclosed. It is unclear how influential Le Cercle – which is believed to meet twice a year, once in Washington DC and once elsewhere – actually is.

Declassified has found that eight current Conservative parliamentarians are associated with the group. Two current ministers – business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng and his deputy minister Greg Hands – have been funded by Le Cercle.

Rory Stewart, who served as a justice minister under Theresa May, was previously chair of Le Cercle.

Several high-profile US figures are also linked to the group. US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who sat on America’s most powerful court from 1986 until his death in 2016, attended at least one Le Cercle meeting while sitting on the court.

Current education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, a former business minister, is another previous chair of Le Cercle.

Zahawi and Stewart both claim, despite their senior roles in Le Cercle, that they don’t know how the networking group is funded. A “Whitehall security source” told the Daily Telegraph that Stewart was an MI6 officer before he entered politics.

Le Cercle was founded in the 1950s by conservative French prime minister Antoine Pinay, and Konrad Adenauer, the former German Chancellor. Described as “one of the most influential, secretive, and…exclusive political clubs in the West”, it is also known as the Pinay Cercle.

The only significant article on Le Cercle published in the British press appeared in the Independent in 1997. It named [Former foreign minister Alan] Duncan, then a Conservative MP, as one of the group’s “leading political lights”.

Duncan, minister for Europe and the Americas from 2016-19, is a former oil trader with close links to the UK’s allied regimes in the Gulf.

He was the key government official involved in evicting Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in 2019. Declassified last week revealed that Duncan is a 40-year “good friend” of Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett, the judge who will soon decide Julian Assange’s fate in his extradition case.

Attendees at Le Cercle meetings have included the former US director of national intelligence, John Negroponte, former US national security advisers Henry Kissinger and John Bolton, as well as the former US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Margaret Thatcher is also listed as a one-time attendee. It is not known if any of these political figures attended while in post.

“American regulars” were said to include two directors of the CIA: William Colby, who headed the agency from 1973-76, and William J. Casey, who was director from 1981-87.

Le Cercle’s current political activities are unclear. South African researcher Hennie van Vuuren found declassified documents in Pretoria which showed Le Cercle “had support for apartheid South Africa at the top of their agenda”.

The apartheid regime, he found, “helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings.”

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870cef No.44270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624263 (281353ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Declassified: Apartheid Profits - Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers

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>South African researcher Hennie van Vuuren found declassified documents in Pretoria which showed Le Cercle “had support for apartheid South Africa at the top of their agenda”.

>The apartheid regime, he found, “helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings.”

“Declassified: Apartheid Profits – Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers”


24 Oct 2017

Excerpts below

South Africa helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings. It was welcomed into this fold by people such as Le Cercle luminary and chairman Julian Amery.

Amery followed in the footsteps his father Leo Amery who had been a former British colonial secretary and an ally of jingoists such as Alfred Milner, and rose to become a pillar of Britain’s conservative political establishment. Between 1950 and the early 1990s he was a regular visitor to South Africa, meeting with the business and economic elite. He would on a number of occasions find respite between meeting PW Botha’s securocrats by lounging about Harry Oppenheimer’s Milkwood mansion, North of Durban.

As detailed in a previous article in this series, The Sanctions Busters’ Toolkit, the Khan Committee was set up in 1991 by FW de Klerk to investigate apartheid’s secret projects. The report characterised Le Cercle as an “informal forum of influential representatives of a conservative cast of of mind from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Oman, the USA and South Africa”. It concluded that it was a “valuable source of advice and friendship” for Pretoria. The feeling was mutual. Le Cercle benefited from Pretoria’s donations and, in return, South Africa gained access to influential friends and key intelligence.

In addition to providing donations, South Africa also hosted several of Le Cercle’s bi-annual meetings. With Oman, it was the only country outside of the USA and Europe to host a meeting. In January 1984, South Africa hosted its first gathering in Stellenbosch. The 30 attendees included former French ministers, German MPs, UK politicians and US securocrats. To create some distance from the government’s involvement, the official host was Le Cercle member and head of the South African Army, General CA Fraser. Despite this, newly declassified documents reveal that the Department of Foreign Affairs planned the meeting, including providing low-priced South African Airways (SAA) tickets and upgrades at no cost.

South Africa’s business elite also came to the party to assist. Some VIP guests were accommodated at the Rupert-owned Fleur du Cap residence in Somerset West. Both the head of Anglo American, Gavin Relly, and Barclay Bank’s Basil Hersov received personal invitations to the next Le Cercle meeting planned to take place in July 1984 in Bavaria. Along with Julian Ogilvie Thompson from De Beers and the Rembrandt Group’s Anton Rupert, the four businessmen were thereafter on most Le Cercle invitation lists from that period which we have had access to.

The ties between Le Cercle and the apartheid regime were strengthened over the years with two more meetings taking place in South Africa in 1988 and 1991.

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870cef No.44271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624303 (281359ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

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>This was thanks to Lonrho chairperson Sir Edward du Cann, who was instrumental in getting [Margaret] Thatcher elected as leader of the Conservative Party in 1975.

“Meet “Le Cercle” – making Bilderberg look like amateurs” (Part 1)


Excerpts below

Le Cercle originally set up as a Franco-German alliance, is a deep state milieu – an environment where powerful figures can secretly meet. They are careful to commit as little as possible to paper or p.c. – making them hard to hack, leak or track – and for good reason. It is smaller and considerably more secretive than Bilderberg.

Its purpose is to subvert the democratic principles and processes of individual countries and are by nature ideologically ‘hawkish’ – distributing propaganda, stoking fear of communist plots from Russia, vote rigging and hacking the accounts of politicians and prominent global figures. Promoting the ‘war on terror’ has been a major factor in their activities of recent years and in so doing broker weapons deals and setting up false flag operations the world over to suit its own agenda. It is reported that ‘Gladio‘ style attacks, much like the clandestine NATO “stay-behind” sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassination operations in Europe have been conducted along with illegal business operations, financial fraud and arms dealing – all attributed to this group.

Brian Crozier, the author and well-known Cold-Warrior with close ties to MI6 and the CIA, is a senior member. Anthony Cavendish, the former senior MI5 man, is an old Cercle hand. Nicholas Elliot, the ex-MI6 officer, used to go to their meetings.

Bilderberg meetings usually end with mass protests, arrests and ample media coverage, Le Cercle meetings go unreported.

Attendees of Le Cercle are generally found to be part of the deep state – i.e. mostly made up of politicians, spooks, bankers, diplomats, military officers, editors and publishers or experts in geopolitical products such as energy. All are deep political actors with real influence. Members are almost exclusively from western or western-oriented countries. It is noteworthy that many important members tend to be affiliated with aristocratic circles in London and accusations of links to fascism and synarchist (rule by a secret elite) are anything but uncommon in this milieu.

The earliest known public reference to Le Cercle was probably in Time Out magazine’s 1975 leaked documents from the Institute for the Study of Conflict. To date there have been no American commercially-controlled media sources known to have mentioned the group.

There are reports that “throughout the 1970s Le Cercle was actively influencing elections in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium.”

Earlier documents in the Langemann Papers from November 1979 quote a planning paper by Brian Crozier about a Cercle complex operation “to affect a change of government in the United Kingdom that saw Margaret Thatcher into No10 Downing Street. The operation was set up three years earlier known as “Shield Group.”

It is noteworthy, although unconnected to Le Circle from this research that David Cameron sold three nuclear weapons (with the sanction of Margaret Thatcher), of a foreign state (south Africa’s collapsed apartheid regime), put them in unsafe hands (Oman) resulting in the Conservative party banking of nearly £19 million which then sets the pretext for a conflict that kills a million people in Iraq. All these events are highly likely to be linked one way or another to the activities of members of Le Circle.

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870cef No.44272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624319 (281401ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

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“Meet “Le Cercle” – making Bilderberg look like amateurs” (Part 2)


Excerpts below

Le Cercle’s interest in “terrorism” and arms dealing lends support to the suggestion that it may have been important in devising the “War on Terror”.

It seems unlikely to be a coincidence that at least three members of this group (Brian Crozier, Robert Moss, Gerhard Lowenthal) gave presentations at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism, the seminal event in the development of the establishment’s “War on Terror” narrative. Many of the other speakers were closely connected to known members.

Joël van der Reijden (Dutch investigative reporter specialising in the Deep State) infers that Le Cercle may be connected to the Strategy of Tension that the world has been experiencing in recent decades.

Ted Shackley was involved in oil deals after he left the CIA in 1979, facilitated by his close friend and fellow Cercle member, Conrad Gerber and oil smuggler John Deuss.

Funding for the group has changed over the years. The group states that it is “privately funded”. Multinational companies including Philips, Shell, the Ford Foundation and Standard Elektrik Lorenz have given the group money.

Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster Magazine believes the CIA funds (Globalisation and Covert Politics Report) the group, a claim that Alan Clark also makes in his diaries. In the 1980s, the South African government was a major source of funds.

John E Lewis writes in his book The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (extract page) that Le Cercle was funded, amongst others, by the CIA for its “militant anti-leftism as it wars against it enemies more than jaws about them.”In the last few years Le Cercle has become even more secretive with its activities largely unknown.

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870cef No.44273

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624417 (281418ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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>Prime Minister Edward Heath publicly labeled [Lonrho] as the “unacceptable face of capitalism,”


>“Cyril [Ramaphosa] and his friend, Roelf Meyer were fingered on the Lost Boys of Bird Island where boys were sexually abused” [They were part of South Africa's negotiations to 'majority' rule]

Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Part 1)


Excerpts Below

As was noted in the first installment, much of Le Cercle's leadership seems to have been dominated by the most reactionary elements of the Vatican as personified by groups such as Opus Dei and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (both groups were heavily represented within Le Cercle).

Little noticed is the fact that rumors of pedophile networks involving British elites have been circulating since at least the 1970s. As noted above, former Conservative prime minister Edward Heath had faced such dark rumblings for years until he was implicitly implicated in pedophile networks in 2014. Nor was Heath the only Conservative politician to be tagged. In point of fact, there have long been rumblings that numerous members of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet and other political allies were involved in pedophile rings. These allegations were apparently made in what became known as the "Westminster pedophile dossier" and in recent years they have gained fresh legs thanks to the leaks in the wake of the Savile revelations ("incidentally," Savile also seems to have been close to Thatcher).

It is also interesting to note that more recently the alleged "ultra-liberal" BBC has invested considerable effort into debunking the pedophilia claims specifically pertaining to the Westminster scandal. This is of course the same BBC whom Savile worked for for many years and which has had numerous other employees implicated in the pedophile scandals. And here it is trying to protect Thatcher and numerous other Conservative politicians. No doubt this is another elaborate plot of the Communist conspiracy…

Let us now consider some of the names linked to elite pedophile networks in Britain and Cercle:

Leon Brittan: Held several posts under Thatcher including Home Secretary; Brittan allegedly suppressed a dossier outing a pedophile ring in Thatcher's cabinet (the original Westminster scandal); in 2014 and 2015 victims came forward to accuse Brittan of both homosexual rape and pedophilia; possibly a member of Le Cercle as Janus (a website that organizes the papers of Cambridge University) reports a letter from Julian Amery to Brittan concerning a recent Cercle meeting; close to Amery and also future Cercle chairman Norman Lamont; Lamont attended Cambridge with Brittan where they were a part of the "Cambridge Mafia" and was also present at Brittan's funeral.

Keith Joseph: Thatcher's Secretary of State for Education and Science; a very close adviser to Thatcher; name apparently turned up in the original 1984 Westminster dossier and more allegations have emerged since; In Free Agent, Crozier notes: "With Mrs. Thatcher's approval, I liaised with Keith Joseph in certain psychological actions in the election year, 1987" (pgs. 277-278). This researcher has not been able to link Joseph to the 6I or Cercle, but here clearly collaborated with Crozier at times

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870cef No.44274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624449 (281422ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Part 2)


Excerpts Below

David Atkinson: Conservative MP from 1977 till 2005 who was close to the Thatcher regime; reputedly a closet homosexual as well as a pedophile; his son described him as a pedophile, but later recanted; was very close to Cercle chairman Jonathan Aitken, serving as vice-president of Aitken's Christian Solidarity Worldwide organization.

Julian Lewis: Conservative MP who became a key member of Crozier's 6I network in the 1980s; during the early '90s the now defunct Scallywag magazine was investigating a pedophile network centered around Wrexham that may have been linked to the Westminster group; Lewis was alleged to been involved in the cover-up

And seemingly here is Lewis, a figure very close to Crozier, attempting to cover up a major pedophile scandal. It is interesting to note that both Lewis and Leigh have also been accused of pedophile. So have at least three British Cercle members who became chairmen of the group: Julian Amery, Jonathan Aitken (who apparently has been on multiple "retreats" organized by the Jesuits) and Norman Lamont (a member of the Catholic order known as the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George). The evidence is not as strong against these figures as those mentioned above, but none the less this would strongly indicate that the Cercle network was aware of the elite pedophile networks in England.

There are other potential links as well. For instance, both Maurice Oldfield and Peter Heyman, the former Director-General and Deputy Director-General of MI6 respectively, have been implicated in Britain's pedophile networks (such as here and here, respectively). Crozier himself was of course very close to MI6 while one of the 6I founders, Nicholas Elliott, was one of the most storied MI6 officers of the twentieth century. Crozier and Elliott were both friendly with Oldfield, and Elliott surely knew Hayman, but these relationships do not seem to have been especially strong. Still, it surely would have been useful to Crozier and Elliott being aware of Oldfield and Heyman's involvement in such things.

And here is this mysterious international body, Le Cercle, that seemingly had ties to both the pedophile rings in Britain and Belgium. Indeed, both Brian Crozier and Jean Violet (who both had served as Cercle chairman at different ties) may have been deeply involved with both networks via the 6I and the Academy, which were essentially intelligence networks for Cercle. And that would mean that Cerlce's intelligence wing would be well positioned to, say, blackmail prominent politicians in either country….

All of this is rather curious and yet has largely flown under the radar of both of mainstream media as well as the "alternative." No doubt the exposurer of Monarch programming amongst British performers took precedence among the latter, though such "researchers" would stand a much better chance of finding credible evidence of some type of cult (or possibly multiple ones) in the Cercle complex. Still, its hard to ignore the Machiavellian mastermind that is Gary Glitter….

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870cef No.44275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19627135 (281945ZSEP23) Notable: AfriForum presents politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform before parliament (video)

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“AfriForum presents politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform before parliament”


Sep 28, 2023

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today continued its fight against the Expropriation Bill [B23-2020] with an oral presentation before the Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure in the Parliamentary Precinct (National Council of Provinces) in Cape Town. This follows after a further opportunity for public comments was opened regarding this controversial bill.

Ernst van Zyl, AfriForum's Head of Public Relations, presented the Parliamentary Committee with a list of politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform in South Africa, as well as a list of AfriForum's solutions.

Add your voice to AfriForum's challenge by visiting www.onteiening.co.za.

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870cef No.44276

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19631889 (291520ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community

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“Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community”


September 28, 2023

The Police in Calcutta are in pursuit of suspects who fatally shot a truck driver (45) on the R40 Road in Marite outside Hazyview earlier today, Tuesday 26 September 2023, at around 08:30. During this incident, some members of the public reportedly looted some dairy products that were inside the truck, in spite of the lifeless body of the victim laying behind the steering wheel.

According to a report, the driver as well as two of his crew members were driving along the R40 Road in a truck heading towards Bushbuckridge for a delivery. As they were passing through Marite next to a certain filling station, it is alleged that approximately four to five armed suspects emerged from the roadside with firearms. It is further alleged that the suspects attempted to stop the truck by standing in the road. The driver reportedly made a U-Turn and bumped into another vehicle. Further information indicates that the suspects began firing shots towards the truck. Unfortunately the driver was hit by the hail of bullets and the truck came to a halt after crashing into a tree after losing control as the driver was shot.

Two of the crew members escaped with minor injuries.

It was during this difficult moment as victims needed urgent help but rather, some members of the public are said to have helped themselves with items from the truck instead of assisting those that were in need.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has strongly condemned the incident. “We are really disappointed by the acts of immorality displayed in this incident. On top of the robbery and the murder of an innocent soul, people had the audacity to steal from the truck though its driver was lying motionless in the pool of blood, inside the truck. People seems to have lost their moral campus. Be as it may, we are going to hunt down and arrest those who were involved in this incident without fear or favour,” said the General.

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870cef No.44277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19631925 (291526ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence

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>We are really disappointed by the acts of immorality displayed in this incident. On top of the robbery and the murder of an innocent soul, people had the audacity to steal from the truck though its driver was lying motionless in the pool of blood, inside the truck. People seems to have lost their moral campus.

People have become desensitized and desperate

“Squid Game | Official Trailer | Netflix” - https://youtu.be/oqxAJKy0ii4

“‘Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence?”


06-10-2021 12:12

If you’ve watched Netflix’s Squid Game, chances are you might not have flinched much. As South Africans, we’re used to hearing, reading and even experiencing a gruesome amount of violence on a regular basis.

According to the Gallup Law and Order Index poll, SA was listed as the fifth most dangerous country in the world in 2020 – and our crime rate has been compared to a literal warzone.

We’re only a few steps behind Afghanistan – who are now living under the terrifying rule of the Taliban, who govern the country with an iron clad fist and dictate the movements of every citizen.


Squid Game – the South Korean “survival drama” about an ordinary, yet gravely desperate group of people who risk their lives in the hopes of getting cold, hard cash under extremely dangerous circumstances – sounds like some not so far-fetched for many South Africans who live in abject poverty.

Despite being in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, murder, gender-based violence/rape and violent crimes continue to top SA’s crimes stats for the first quarter of the financial year (2020/2021), as noted by Police Minister Bheki Cele

He said in his speech in August: “Contact crimes such as murder, attempted murder, sexual offences and all categories of assault registered a 60, 6% increase, compared to the corresponding period of the previous financial year.”

With this being said, many tweeps think that Mzansi has much in common with the hit Netflix series, albeit the somewhat child-like references.

“If you live in South Africa you are already playing Squid Game”, posted one tweep. “South Africa is the real Squid Game for Females…one step and it’s lights out”, said another

“Survive the streets and get your pay,” said a third.

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870cef No.44278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19635994 (300229ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun

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Final ANC Bun

>>43906 President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way (video)

>>43964 “Killer cholera hits amid decade-long bickering over Hammanskraal water crisis - and tender scandals”

>>43965, >>43966 Life in the Time of Cholera - the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization (Parts 1&2)

>>43973 Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk

>>43992, >>43993, >>43994, >>43995 ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

>>43995 "The biggest corruption scandal to hit SA's Parliament" - Mkhwebane shares alleged bribe clips (video)

>>44048, >>44049 ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Parts 1&2) (video)

>>44050 ANC - "VIP'S OF VIOLENCE" c.1987 (video)

>>44052 The ANC Method Violence 1986 (video)

>>44073, >>44074 George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism (Parts 1&2)

>>44075 The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

>>44076 Who are the Menell Family? EFF question links to Ramaphosa - Urban Foundation

>>44077 Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell

>>44078, >>44079, >>44080 Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers (Parts 1-3)

>>44081 Nelson Mandela Foundation says farewell to a long-serving mentor Irene Menell

>>44083, >>44084, >>44085 Afrika Tikkun

>>44086, >>44087 Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa (Parts 1&2) (video and pdf)

>>44089, >>44090, >>44091 Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 (Parts 1-3)

>>44092, >>44093, >>44094, >>44095>>44096, >>44097, >>44098 Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

>>44099, >>44100, >>44101, >>44102 Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

>>44103 Harry Oppenheimer biography shows the South African mining magnate’s hand in economic policies

>>44104, >>44105, >>44106 Richard Goldstone

>>44109, >>44110, >>44111, >>44112, >>44113, >>44115 Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

>>44124, >>44125, >>44126, >>44127 Carl Niehaus (video)

>>44137 South Africa's ANC controls eight of nine provinces - why the Western Cape will remain elusive in the 2024 elections (video)

>>44142, >>44143 Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa (video)

>>44150 “Why Won't Mandela Renounce Violence?” 1990 (video)

>>44216 ANC remains committed to reform and development, says Ramaphosa

>>44217, >>44218 Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT) (video)

>>44219, >>44220 List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launching parties (Parts 1&2)

>>44226 South African Communist Party, “a strong faction within the ANC“

>>44227, >>>/qresearch/1955835, >>44228, >>44229 The truth about the Xhosa Nostra (Parts 1-5)

>>44231, >>44232 Davos 1999 - Nelson Mandela: WEF integrated ANC members when they were still in exile (video)

>>44239, >>44240 This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

>>44245, >>>/qresearch/195424147 Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office (video)

>>44253 ANC, EFF eyeing political points, using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains

>>44261, >>44262, >>44263 ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

>>44265 Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa

>>44267 Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools (video)

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870cef No.44279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636006 (300231ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun

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Le Cercle Bun

>>44269 Secret CIA-funded group linked to UK Ministersand South Africa

>>44270 Declassified: Apartheid Profits - Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers

>>44271, >>44272 Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

>>44273, >>44274 Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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870cef No.44280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636010 (300232ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun

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Final Commodities Bun

>>43961, >>43962 Glencore Subsidiary Buys Sherwin Alumina at Bankruptcy Auction

>>43963 Bribery Scandal To Cost Glencore $1.1 Billion, While Billionaire Execs Avoid Blame—For Now

>>43970 Botswana says it is still keen on De Beers partnership, confident of new deal

>>43971 Glencore to honour pre-existing Russia contracts, no new deals

>>44014 Economic sabotage: Mantashe accuses Lesotho government after 31 illegal miners die in Free State mine (video)

>>44036 Amari Holdings vs Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)

>>44042 Both Amaplat Mauritius Ltd and Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd have the same address in Mauritius

>>44043, >>44044 Fronts, False Invoices, and Offshore Financial Façades Raise Questions About Tagwirei Mine Purchase (video)

>>44175 How illegal mining has continued to thrive in SA (video)

>>44176, >>44177 Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] (Parts 1&2)

>>44178, >>44179, >>44180 A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] (Parts 1-3)

>>44188, >>44189 Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Anglo American and AngloGold Ashanti] (Parts 1&2)

>>44190 Glencore 'used relationship' with Ramaphosa to 'extort' Eskom, former CEO Brian Molefe claims (video)

>>44191 Disgraced Glencore comes out swinging in defence of Ramaphosa

>>44192 Glencore and Xstrata ties go back to the beginning before the merger

>>44193 Macsteel’s founder Eric Samson passes away

>>44254 NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe

>>44255, >>44256 South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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870cef No.44281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636018 (300233ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun

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Final Johannesburg Bun

>>44067, >>44068, >>44069 Johannesburg Blast

>>44208 Joburg CBD fire - A disaster ‘waiting to happen’ as death toll climbs to 74 (video)

>>44209, >>44242 Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings (video)

>>44210 Joburg CBD Fire: Inside the dilapidated hijacked buildings that sprawl the Johannesburg city centre

>>44211 Johannesburg is accelerating its plans to become a smart city

>>44212 Cities at risk; Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres

>>44213 Johannesburg fire: what are 'hijacked buildings' and why are they dangerous? (video)

>>44214 Joburg fire: [city-owned building,] Shelter for abused women was hijacked, cops had made arrests

>>44215 JHB CBD Fire: Marshalltown building was apartheid-era centre for receiving foreign nationals (video)

>>44260 Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings (video)

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870cef No.44282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636019 (300233ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun

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Final Lady R Probe Bun

>>43927 US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben E Brigety: “US had found that [Russian ship] Lady R was loaded with weapons.” (video)

>>43931 Ramaphosa to appoint retired judge to probe Russian ship

>>43934 US may have better insight about alleged weapons SA gave to Russia- Bruce (video)

>>43937 (from General) 'It's a serious issue': White House responds to claims South Africa passed weapons to Russia

>>43939 US ambassador to SA has ‘apologised unreservedly’: Dirco after demarche

>>43940 SACP accuses Brigety of Reckless Behaviour due to his utterances (video)

>>43944 U.S. accusation a veiled threat? (video)

>>43945, >>43946 US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

>>43949 U.S. says relationship with South Africa strong despite claim ally supplying arms to Russia

>>43950, >>43951 Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R (Parts 1&2)

>>43955, >>43956 DA reacts to appointment of panel to probe docking of Russian vessel (video)

>>43956 Phineas Mojapelo to head Ramaphosa's panel into Russian vessel matter (video)

>>43976, >>43977 President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato (Parts 1&2)

>>43981 Secrecy surrounding Lady R probe questioned

>>44070 Russian plane at Air Force Base and the Lady R - "ANC has not been playing open cards"

>>44168 Hawks' senior member killed by SANDF special forces unit'” - Links to an Ethiopian abduction and Lady R (video)

>>44224 Panel finds no evidence of arms loaded on to Lady R, claims Ramaphosa - but will still keep the full report secret (video)

>>44225 Lady R executive summary report released (with pdf)

>>44268 DA opposes Lady R report being classified (video)

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870cef No.44283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636028 (300235ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun

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Final Violence and Crime Bun

>>43909, >>43910 Saps History - George Fivaz

>>43911 Stratom: What it actually was and means

>>43918 Wave of bombings hits Graskop and Hazyview

>>43947 Cosatu - ‘Farmers rape and murder their workers’: HRC – ‘It’s not a human rights violation’

>>43948 Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours - Attackers make themselves dinner

>>43972 Second Major Railway Grinds To Halt In South Africa

>>43982 SA Presidency acknowledges receipt of call for farm murder commission, eight farmers murdered in a week

>>43983 Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives

>>44033, >>44040 SANDF union reveals how N1 highway assault victims were pushed off the road by VIP ‘blue light bullies (video)

>>44034 “Acting public protector denies Phala Phala report was a 'whitewash'” (video)

>>44045, >>44046 Highway truck attacks aimed at creating ‘mayhem and disruption’ (video)

>>44107, >>44108 Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant (Parts 1&2)

>>44114 21 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders in South Africa, July 2023

>>44130, >>44131, >>44132, >>44133, >>44134, >>44135, >>44136 The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

>>44138, >>44139, >>44140, >>44141 Zama-Zamas (video)

>>44146 ‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa (video)

>>44147 Elon Musk Calls For Cancelling New York Times Over ‘Genocide Support’

>>44156, >>44157 Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1-2)

>>44170 Julius Malema cries "Kill the Boer" at rally: Could South Africa end up going the way of Zimbabwe? (video)

>>44195 Factually incorrect police statistics about farm murders raise serious questions

>>44234 Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN (video)

>>44235 Political killings: KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA (video)

>>44236 Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”

>>44237 Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray

>>44238 AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias

>>44257 It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields (video)

>>44258 Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts

>>44259 AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers (video)

>>44266 NCA: Crime in SA: Kidnappings on the rise (video)

>>44276 Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community

>>44277 Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence

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