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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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870cef No.42883 [View All]

/qresearch/ South Africa

Re-Posts of Notables

338 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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870cef No.44234

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19508076 (072035ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN (video)

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>In this regard, Dr. King once wrote: This, I feel, is one of the greatest tragedies of Communism. Read Lenin as he says 'Lying, deceit and violence are justifiable means to bring about a classless society.' This is where the principle of nonviolence breaks with Communism and any other method which holds to the same belief. . . . So, in the long run, destructive means cannot bring about constructive ends, because the ends are pre-existent in the means.

“Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN”


Sep 6, 2023

The Inter-Ministerial Committee on political killings in KZN will today brief the media on the latest successes of the police task team investigating these cases, following a meeting of the ministers of State Security, Justice, and Police.

Over the past 10 months, 17 councillors have been killed in the province. In the past month, two councillors have been killed in attacks in Nongoma and Pietermaritzburg, with two additional attempts on the lives of councillors in separate incidents.

“The three political parties affected by political killings”


07-09-2023 13:05

ANC, IFP, and NFP are the most affected parties in political killings in KZN, says Cele.

Following the increasing spate of political killings in Kwazulu-Natal, the inter-ministerial committee investigation into the matter has revealed that the African National Congress (ANC), National Freedom Party (NFP), and Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) are the three political parties most affected by political killings.

According to reports, since 2011, out of the 52 councillors who were reported killed, the ANC had the highest number of killed, with 31, followed by the NFP with 14. The NFP has lost at least four of its councillors, while the EFF and ACDP have lost two and one, respectively, to date.

Cele revealed that 103 officials working in municipalities as office bearers and politicians were killed in KZN alone.

The number of political assassination cases has been on the rise since the end of the 1990s political unrest, with KZN registering the highest number of murder cases nationwide in the crime figures for 2022–23.

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870cef No.44235

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19512536 (081724ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Political killings: KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA (video)

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>The number of political assassination cases has been on the rise since the end of the 1990s political unrest, with KZN registering the highest number of murder cases nationwide in the crime figures for 2022–23.

“Political killings | KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA”


Sep 6, 2023 #DStv403

Nineteen councillors have been assassinated in KwaZulu-Natal - so far. This is just for this local government term alone - which is almost halfway through. According to SALGA in the province, these figures are only from September last year to date. Mabhunu Mkhize of the ANC in Msunduzi Municipality, in Pietermaritzburg is the latest councillor to be murdered in the province. UMgungundlovu, eThekwini and Zululand Districts are considered some of the leading hotspots for councillor killings in the province. eNCA’s Siphamandla Goge reports.

0:57 – ““We will not allow in KZN to be the killing fields of South Africa”… This was President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2018. He just visited the family of slain ANC member and former councilor… Despite the president’s touch talk the killing of councilors continues in KwaZulu Natal.”


The time frame for the search was 2000 to 2017.

The province that experienced the greatest number of hits in the recording period was KwaZuluNatal, followed by Gauteng and the Western Cape.


The April 1994 democratic elections in South Africa seemed to signal an end to the political violence which had plagued the country for a decade. However, close observers of the situation in KwaZulu-Natal considered that most of the factors leading to violence in the province remained in place. They concluded that the victory of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in flawed provincial elections would not lead to peace.

Violence has continued since April 1994, although at a reduced level. Sixteen hundred people were killed in political violence in 1994 and 837 in 1995. Some 500,000 have been displaced from their homes - about six per cent of the population of the province.


Continuing violence in the post-election period has generally been characterized by "political cleansing", mainly in rural areas. That is to say, it has been aimed at eliminating pockets of support for the minority party in any given area. As the local government elections approached in June 1996, the non-governmental Human Rights Committee identified 30 areas of the province where the ANC could not campaign and 22 which were corresponding "no-go areas" for the IFP. The Lower South Coast and the Mandini area have both been particular focuses of violence, as have parts of the Midlands, including Impendle and Bulwer.

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870cef No.44236

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524643 (101755ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”

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“PICS: Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”


Published Aug 30, 2023

Excerpts below

Durban – The victim of a farm attack shared details of the morning she and her husband were attacked by a gang.

One of the attackers is alleged to have chanted “Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer” during a farm attack almost two weeks ago.

Tim and Amanda Platt were attacked and robbed in a rental cottage 15km outside Pietermaritzburg in the early hours of August 17.

The cottage is about 20m from the main farmhouse.

Recalling what happened at about 1.45am that morning, Amanda said that she and her husband were in bed; he was asleep but she was awake.

“The whole incident took place in about 50 minutes, which felt like an eternity,” Amanda said.

“I shouted ‘just go’ and he leaned over the door grabbing me, hitting me on the arm with some object then he pulled me so hard trying to get me over it that my copper bangle changed shape, shouting ‘Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer’.

“Police arrived four hours later at about 7am only. They took a statement from Tim only and not me,” Amanda continued.

Reacting to the incident, AfriForum’s community safety spokesperson Jacques Broodryk said: “The chanting of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ is nothing else but the incitement of violence against a minority group. I can only assume that those who try to tell us that the song is just a metaphor, actually support these attacks.

“AfriForum has 168 neighbourhood and farm watches countrywide with roughly 11 000 trained volunteers. We will continue to expand these safety networks and continue to train more volunteers to fight back against this scourge of cowardly attacks. I applaud Mrs Platt for her bravery.”

Given the chanting of ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during a farm attack almost three weeks before, AfriForum will appear in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein on September 4 to appeal the Equality Court’s decision that the “Kill the Boer” chant is not hate speech.

AfriForum’s campaign officer for strategy and content Ernst van Zyl added: “As the evidence keeps mounting that chants like ‘Kill the Boer’ in fact have horrific real-world effects, it becomes increasingly difficult for those excusing it to not appear apathetic to violent crime victims when they happen to be farmers.”

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870cef No.44237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524645 (101755ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray

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“Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray”


Published Sep 6, 2023

Johannesburg - The Rule of Law Project (RoLP) has become the latest organisation to enter the fray, seeking to appeal the Equality Court’s ruling that the singing of Dubul’ iBhunu (Kill the Boer) by the EFF and its leader Julius Malema was not hate speech.

As the court case brought by civil organisation AfriForum kicked off in the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein on Monday, Rolp, an initiative of the Free Market Foundation (FMF), announced its entry into the spat.

The foundation said it entered the matter as a friend of the court in an effort to stand up for equality before the law against what it described as a “shocking ruling”.

“The Equality Court ruling undermines the principle of equality before the law, as there have been many cases in recent years of less prominent individuals who were ordered to pay heavy fines or serve jail time for far less heinous utterances,” said FMF CEO David Ansara.

“It can’t be that political elites like Julius Malema get off without so much as a slap on the wrist after deliberately inciting violence and calling for mass murder, yet ordinary citizens are treated far more harshly.”

The organisation said the decision by the courts created an impression of “double standards”, which implied that South Africans were not equal before the law, as ordinary citizens faced harsh sanctions if found guilty of hate speech while members of the high-ranking political class, like Malema, got off scot-free.

“We’re at risk of setting a dangerous precedent here, one that flies in the face of our Constitution,” Ansara added.

The organisation’s counsel, advocate Mark Oppenheimer, submitted in court that the ruling created a category of specially protected speech uttered by political role-players.

He added this elevated politicians over ordinary citizens and flew in the face of the fundamental requirement of the rule of law that no one was above the law.

He added that equality before the law required that the rules of evidence were applied equally to parties in similar circumstances, yet the Equality Court both included and excluded expert and lay witness testimony for inappropriate reasons.

Oppenheimer also submitted that the finding that AfriForum had failed to show the song targeted people based on race and ethnicity posed a threat to Afrikaners as second-class citizens unworthy of protection.

“The Equality Court’s judgment undermines the founding value of non-racialism by implicitly creating different rules based on the race of the perpetrators and the victims.”

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870cef No.44238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524649 (101757ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias

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“AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias”



AfriForum has called for acting Supreme Court of Appeals Judge Raylene Keightley to recuse herself from the ‘Kill the Boer’ case, accusing her of being bias against the non-profit organisation.

In October last year, the Equality Court dismissed a hate speech case against EFF leaders Julius Malema and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, ruling that the singing of kill the boer was not hate speech, but was in fact part of the Struggle, it should be allowed to be sung as freedom of speech and in the political arena.

AfriForum chief executive Kallie Kriel said their legal team had sent a letter to the SCA registrar on Friday requesting Keightley’s recusal as she had apparently lashed out against AfriForum in court in 2018, saying it was unable to move beyond it's “anachronistic” position.

Kriel said Keightley ruled against AfriForum in the Pretoria High Court case regarding Unisa’s decision to scrap Afrikaans as a language of instruction. She granted AfriForum leave to appeal against her ruling, but then apparently went on a rant against the organisation. The ruling was eventually overturned by the SCA and the Constitutional Court.

AfriForum said Keightley apparently said the organisation should consider applying for her recusal in future matters involving them.

“If Keightley, who is currently acting as Judge of Appeal, wanted a permanent appointment in the said court, she would have to appear before the Judicial Service Commission, of which Julius Malema is a member, and be recommended for the position by Malema and other members.

“AfriForum has always had high regard for the Supreme Court of Appeal and its judges, but this kind of conflict of interest and Keightley’s actions pose the danger that ordinary people may lose confidence in the courts,” said Kriel.

Kriel said they were calling on Keightley to follow her conscience and recuse herself from the panel of judges hearing the case, but if she did not, they would formally make an application in court to have her removed.

The organisation said they had reasonable suspicion that Keightley was bias against it.

Meanwhile; the matter of the singing of the song has been a divisive one, with Malema emphatically resisting any public pressure to stop singing the song, saying he would sing it when and where he wanted. He said he won in court and had the right to sing if he so wished.

Even one of the world's richest men, Elon Musk, chimed in, saying it was white genocide.

Former president Thabo Mbeki also questioned why Malema was insisting on singing the chant.

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870cef No.44239

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524661 (101802ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

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>In March, IFP founder Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi said he has been pushing for reconciliation between the ANC and IFP since the 90s.




“[Dr. Zweli] Mkhize [ANC NEC member]: End of an era within the IFP” - https://youtu.be/o8SKTmzuvAQ

2:50 – “The sad part is that [Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s] passing away has happened before the conclusion of what he has been calling for which is the ultimate and total and full reconciliation between the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party. The real reason for it is the fact that Inkatha Freedom Party when it was formed was actually not a hostile movement of the African National Congress. It was supposed to be a part of the ANC.

4:01 – “As the TRC, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, unfolded, it became clear that underlying all of this conflict was a driving force which was called a ‘third’ force. It was the Apartheid government… driving this machinery that caused the hostilities.” [Yet ANC was able to be headquartered in London and have meetings there to discuss their armed struggle. They even saw the IFP as a threat after having a meeting with Buthelezi there. See below for more details]

Headquarters of the African National Congress, at 28 Penton Street N1 London, 1978 to 1994. [https://ditsong.org.za/en/2022/08/18/anc-intelligence-communication-from-london-to-lusaka-radio-freedom/]

“EXPLAINER: This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s” (Part 1)



Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death on Saturday morning aged 95 has begun a debate about his legacy.

It also brought back memories of the black-on-black violence that left over 20,000 people dead in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

We explain what sparked the violence and how it ended.

In the 1960s the apartheid banned several anti-apartheid movements like the ANC and jailed prominent leaders like Nelson Mandela.

That move silenced all its critics and the fight for apartheid was significantly weakened as most leaders were either in jail or in exile.

In the 70s the ANC mission in exile came up with the strategy to mobilize along cultural lines and tasked its then ANC youth league member, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi to form the then Inkatha Yenkululeko Yesizwe.

The party was to disguise itself by mobilising along cultural lines and having registered membership.

Buthelezi embraced the idea and he formed the party. Immediately after it was formed, Buthelezi had to take up the position of leading the KwaZulu Bantustan government.

The problem then started when the ANC wanted to stage an armed struggle and at the same time have South Africa sanctioned.

Buthelezi, during his lifetime, said he was against the use of violence to achieve the objective of liberating South Africa.

He said he was also against the use of sanctions to force the apartheid government to abandon its racial policies.

After a tense meeting with former ANC President, Oliver Tambo and other ANC leaders in London in 1979, the meeting ended in a bitter and defining stalemate, Buthelezi came back to SA deeply embittered.

The 1979 London meeting would prove to be a pivotal point in the relationship between Inkatha and the ANC. It became the basis for ANC anti-Inkatha propaganda. In all his discussions with the ANC Mission in Exile Prince Buthelezi was adamant that Inkatha should remain Inkatha and that it should remain committed to the Black popular will which expressed itself in Inkatha's massive membership, which had doubled in 1977 and again doubled in 1978.

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870cef No.44240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19524667 (101802ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

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“EXPLAINER: This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s” (Part 2)



“Inkatha rightly interpreted this massive increase of membership as a rejection by Black South Africans of the armed struggle. After the London meeting, for the first time in his career Mr. Tambo began criticising Buthelezi and Inkatha publicly. He had sided with those in his ranks who saw Inkatha as a threat and who wanted no evidence that black democratic opposition and black non-violent tactics and strategies were powerful forces for bringing about change,” IFP official archives recounted the meeting like this.

Buthelezi and the ANC took separate ways and the hostilities between the ANC and IFP began. Apartheid strategists saw an opportunity to ferment a full-blown conflict and ignited what later became to be known as the black on black violence.

Buthelezi over the years, tried to highlight what led to the divorce. To prove that the IFP was formed with the blessing of past ANC leaders, he repeatedly said that it used ANC colours because it was aligned with the ruling party.

In August 2019, while putting down some luggage by leaving his longtime IFP leadership position, he delivered a long speech at a conference held in the historic Zulu town of Ulundi in northern KwaZulu-Natal.

He tearfully - and once more - recalled the bitter and fatal fallout between the IFP and the ANC.

Towards the end of that part of the swan song speech, choking with emotions, he took a deep breath and the marquee went dead silent such that you could hear a pin drop. He said he would die happy if there would be a reconciliation between the ANC and IFP during his lifetime.

Speaking at KwaPhindangene on Sunday, ANC NEC member, Dr Zweli Mkhize acknowledged that the IFP was a project of the ANC even though they later had a fallout.

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870cef No.44241

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19530741 (111727ZSEP23) Notable: (from Canada #46) G20 admits African Union as permanent member

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Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19524477

G20 admits African Union as permanent member

The 55-state bloc received a formal offer at the summit in New Delhi on Saturday

The African Union (AU) has formally taken its seat as a new member of the G20 group of leading economies. The announcement was made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the bloc's summit in New Delhi on Saturday.

The AU now has the same status as the European Union, which was the only regional bloc with full membership. The African Union’s previous designation was “invited international organization.”

“With everyone’s approval, I request the AU head to take his seat as a permanent G20 member,” Modi said in his opening address, with the African bloc’s head Azali Assoumani then taking a seat alongside world leaders.

Founded in 1999, the African Union is made up of 55 African countries and encompasses virtually the entire continent. The member-states collectively make key political and economic decisions. One of the AU’s main objectives is to eliminate “the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid” as well as promoting unity and solidarity among its members. South Africa was previously the only African country with membership in the G20.

The idea of the AU taking a permanent seat at the G20 was first advocated by Senegalese President Macky Sall, who told the UN General Assembly in September 2022 that the move would mean “that Africa can, at last, be represented where decisions are taken that affect 1.4 billion Africans.”


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870cef No.44242

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19532019 (112116ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings (video)

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“NGOs caused this.”


Sep 1, 2023

0:22 – “Kenny Kunene, the MMC for Transport in the City of Joburg, explains it succinctly, “But the biggest challenge for us as the City when we tried to respond to this, is the law. The law of South Africa protects criminality. The property laws of South Africa protect criminals who hijack buildings. Today in Turffontein, in Rosettenville, you go on holiday for a week when you come back people are staying in your house. When you try to take them out, they call the police, they say this person has rented the house to us, now they want to evict us. The police say you have to go to court to evict them. So the biggest problem to evict these criminals because once you say a building has been hijacked, a crime has been committed… So the problem is the law because the law says before you can take them out, you have to find an alternative place for them even if they are illegal in the country.

1:28 – “The law that he is reffering to, all of those laws, were precedents set by the Constitutional Court through court cases brought in by foreign funded NGOs. Foreign funded NGOs have created the phenomenon of hijacked buildings around this entire country.


The repeal of apartheid legislation and the end of National Party rule changed all of this. The conflictual relationship between anti-apartheid NGOs and the state was transformed with the transition to democracy in South Africa. The 1994 elections, in which the ANC gained 63% of the vote, ushered in a new era and forced a shift from the politics of resistance to a politics of reconstruction (Marais, 1998). NGOs and state institutions now were seen as partners in a national project - the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP)

The resources of NGOs have been carried into the transition process in three main ways:

(1)Many NGOs have been absorbed into, or fused with, the institutions of the new state; important policy positions, key personnel, and much funding have moved into the state.

(2)NGOs that were closest to the mass-based movements—and have survived the impact of assimilation into state structures—have, often by building on personal networks, repositioned themselves as NGOs with a complementary role to the new state by undertaking partnerships with government departments, developing policies, or providing welfare and development services.

(3)NGOs that have been liberal in orientation have recast themselves as NGOs taking up a position as "watchdogs" of the new state, advocating various policy positions and asserting their independence from the state with the intent of strengthening civil society.

Nelson Mandela (1996) has written: "Non-governmental organizations played an outstanding role during the dark days of apartheid. Today, many people who received their training within the NGO sector play important roles in government." In fact, to some, the acronym NGO is taken to stand for Now Government Official. In some respects the former shadow state has become the new state.

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870cef No.44243

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542361 (131250ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun / High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption (video)

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“Politicians implicated in Eskom intelligence report” - https://youtu.be/R3894zJFZsI

“High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption”



The Special Investigating Unit and the Hawks are investigating high-profile individuals who are behind the looting and theft at Eskom.

Head of the Hawks Godfrey Lebeya said their investigations into Eskom corruption flows from a report that was initiated by former CEO André de Ruyter.

De Ruyter had previously said he told Pravin Gordhan, the Minister of Public Enterprises, and Sydney Mufamadi, the national security adviser to President Cyril Ramaphosa, that high-ranking politicians were involved in corruption at Eskom.

Mothibi and Lebeya said they have taken this report from De Ruyter to conduct investigations.

Lebeya said they want to put together evidence that will link prominent individuals to Eskom’s corruption.

“There were also prominent and influential persons that were mentioned. As the SIU indicated, there are names that have been mentioned in this report. We have analysed them and what we need is evidence to link them to specific crimes,” said Lebeya.

Head of the SIU, advocate Andy Mothibi and Lebeya were on Tuesday briefing the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on corruption at the power utility.

Lebeya said the Hawks were investigating 150 cases at Eskom.

He said there was intimidation and threats against staff members by members of the cartels that are operating there.

In these cases they have been trying to gather evidence so that they will present dockets to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) with cases that were winnable in court.

“The gathered information needs to be corroborated. It is this corroboration that we are looking for that, indeed, some crimes may have been committed. We need to produce something that the NPA may take to court,” said Lebeya.

Lebeya said they will continue and apprehend those who are behind the theft and looting at Eskom.

De Ruyter said a few months ago that Eskom was losing R1 billion a month due to corruption.

Lebeya said there was a coal syndicate operating at Eskom.

Mothibi also told Scopa there was a syndicate dealing on the destruction of infrastructure and this forces Eskom to use emergency procurement to buy parts that are damaged at excessive costs.

It was these syndicates that both the SIU and Hawks were also investigating.

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870cef No.44244

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542376 (131256ZSEP23) Notable: Floyd Shivambu warns IFP against infighting after Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death (video)

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>[Floyd Shivambu] “Forward to seven tenament pillars, forward! Forward to socialism, forward! Forward to socialism, forward! Forward to expropriation of land without compensation, forward!”


>In the 70s the ANC mission in exile came up with the strategy to mobilize along cultural lines and tasked its then ANC youth league member, Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi to form the then Inkatha Yenkululeko Yesizwe.

“EFF visits Mangosuthu Buthelezi's home” - https://youtu.be/1xODv_74lYw

2:01 – “The long overdue change which our people have been looking up to, to say that let us make 2024 to go 1994 where we then redefine South Africa’s politics without the ANC.

“WATCH: Floyd Shivambu warns IFP against infighting after Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death”



Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) deputy president, Floyd Shivambu has cautioned the leadership and members of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) not to engage in factional battles after the death of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi.

According to Shivambu, if all members of the party want to honour Buthelezi’s legacy, they must avoid the temptation adding that the IFP is central to a coalition government next year.

Shivambu made the remarks on Tuesday at KwaPhindangene where he led the EFF’s delegation to mourn the late Zulu traditional prime minister who died aged 95 last Saturday.

He recalled how the EFF’s leadership met Buthelezi in 2014 to apologise for controversial remarks they had made while still members of the ANC Youth League.

“Do not use this opportunity … to cause internal strife and fights. The IFP is a solid organisation. It has a role to play here in KwaZulu-Natal.

“It must stand for what it stands for, it must not be divided with people fighting each other. You know how to handle your own issues.

“Don’t destroy the organisation, because if you do, you destroy the legacy of Umntwana ka Phindangene,” he said.

He highlighted that the IFP will be needed after next year’s provincial and national elections as there will be a change of guard at the provincial and national levels.

“You must have this organisation solid because generally what is going to happen in 2024 there is going to be a government that is not led by a party that is leading now.

“So, next year in KwaZulu-Natal there will be a different government. The IFP and the EFF and all other strategic organisations will be playing an important role.

“And definitely not the ANC, that is where we are going, so the IFP must remain steadfast in terms of what it stands for,” he added.

IFP President, Velenkosini Hlabisa also spoke after Shivambu and pledged that they will preserve Buthelezi’s legacy.

He hinted that they will be in touch with the EFF regarding several political issues.

Also pleading Buthelezi’s legacy to be preserved was Prince Zuzifa Buthelezi, the son of the departed traditional leader.

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870cef No.44245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19542397 (131304ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / >>195424147 Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office (video)

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“Holomisa presents alleged CR17 funding evidence to national assembly speaker” - https://youtu.be/fBxDb-AL3u8

“Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office”


September 11, 2023 | 5:24 pm

318 of the 400 MPs voted in favour of Section 194 committee report to remove Mkhwebane

Three hundred and eighteen of the 400 MPs voted in favour of the Parliament’s Section 194 Committee report for Mkhwebane to be removed. Forty-three voted no.

Cope’s Mosiuoa Lekota abstained from voting.

DA MP Siviwe Gwarube said her removal must serve as a lesson to the institution on the importance of selecting fit-for-purpose candidates at all times, given that a new public protector will be announced next Thursday.

“Today was not just a vote to remove the first head of a Chapter 9 institution but a confirmation of the DA’s relentless commitment to the rule of law and accountability,” said Gwarube.

‘Political witch hunt’

EFF treasurer general Omphile Maotwe said the report to remove Mkhwebane was the political witch hunt by the DA and supported by the ANC to punish Mkhwebane in order to protect President Cyril Ramaphosa.

UDM leader Bantu Holomisa said Mkhwebane was being targeted because she “hit a raw nerve” with her 2019 report.

“The ANC has closed ranks with a vengeance, and we are at the juncture where they are merely getting rid of her for doing her job too well,” said Holomisa.

“This House should come up with a mechanism to establish which companies are doing business with government and have donated to this campaign and why monies ended up in some cabinet members’ pockets as shown in [Mkhwebane’s 2019 report].”

ANC Chief Whip Pemmy Majodina, ahead of the vote, said if party members voted against the party line, which was to vote for Mkhwebane to be removed, they would be dealt with, and the party is not afraid to part ways with them.

ANC MP Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma was not in parliament for the vote.

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870cef No.44246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19549266 (141328ZSEP23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun / BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations

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“BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations’”



Durban – The CEO of TV BRICS Media Network, Janna Tolstikova, said the expansion of the BRICS member nations to 11 countries offered the media the opportunity to reach out and strengthen the ties of the people of the BRICS nations because it was all about people-to-people connections.

The TV BRICS Media Network has more than 50 national media partners in 11 countries, including African countries such as Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, and Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Cuba, and is already in co-operation with several news sources in Argentina.

TV BRICS sees the growing role of information exchange between national media in strengthening relations between countries.

Tolstikova said being a joint partner in the international media network, TV BRICS constantly accumulate, prepare and distribute the information about the BRICS joint agenda as well as each member's national agenda using local media resources in all the member states.

“Our media network has been actively pursuing a policy of exchanging high-quality information with the BRICS countries since we were established six years ago.

“We integrate our national news content in other news agenda of local media that already has its own viewers or users.

“We collect and distribute local news stories prepared by the local editorial boards in our information exchange, making steps to bring those countries closer to each other.”

Tolstikova said the network was pleased to welcome local media companies from Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to join it in multilateral information exchange in order to speak up and to work together with BRICS national media.

“I believe the expansion of the bloc will give a new impetus to interaction between the already established members of the association and will bring BRICS to a completely new level of economic and cultural relations.

“The agenda is expanding and our mission is to focus on distributing a constructive, peaceful agenda related to existing and potential co-operation between countries.”

Tolstikova said the network paid attention to the social issues, education, health care and cultures of the BRICS countries.

“We believe that peaceful content can truly unite the member countries of the bloc, at the same time in reaching and strengthening ties of the people of the BRICS because it is all about people-to-people connections.

“New participants are representatives of different continents, different cultures and representatives of traditions and this opens up an unusual and interesting world for the audiences of the TV BRICS partner media resources… a new world that will now be available to all of us through proper media coverage pursued by local journalists.”

In August, Tolstikova addressed the BRICS Media Forum in Johannesburg, in a panel session on “Strengthening Exchanges: The Role of Media in Fostering Africa's Economic Growth”.

She highlighted the value of presenting information to the global community through Africa’s own national media, along with its vision from local journalists and creators.

“Africa’s media resources should have access to freely perform its own vision to global audiences. This would allow them to talk more about Africa’s economic agenda, the struggles its countries face and what solutions Africa has to offer the world. [Does the world really want to follow Africa’s example?]

“This can be done through an international information exchange that shapes the national agenda of each country to the audience of another country, and brings them closer and builds a base for further connections and mutual interests in various fields. We believe it helps to stimulate the development of each country and to enhance the common growth between the countries when we put a light on any field using media tools.”

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870cef No.44247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552219 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated BRICS Summit Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Updated BRICS Summit Bun

>>43979 Ramaphosa expected to go to Moscow in an attempt to convince Putin to attend BRICS summit virtually (video)

>>43980 BRICS expansion will accelerate creation of a new world order

>>43984 BRICS Summit: Police Minister and SAPS high level delegation visit China

>>43986, >>44207 (from General Research) Macron asks for invitation to BRICS summit - media

>>44071, >>44072 Why Putin won’t go to South Africa for the BRICS summit in August (Parts 1&2)

>>44197 “Call to support farmers” hosted by South Africa which does not

>>44198, >>44199 Dr. Iqbal Survé's speech at 2023 BRICS Media Forum” - “I now want to address the New World Order.” (Parts 1&2) (videeo)

>>44200 BRICS Summit: One-on-one with Dr. Patrice Motsepe (video)

>>44201 (from Canada #46) BRICS Summit, Day One: Xi Hypes the ‘Global South’, Putin Sees ‘Alternative to G7’, Modi Touts Indian Economy, Lula Calls for Common Currency, Ramaphosa Stresses Ties Between Members

>>44202 “Six countries, including Egypt and Ethiopia join BRICS” also Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (video)

>>44203 BRICS Summit 2023 LIVE: South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa Meets China's President Xi Jinping (video)

>>44206 Two fighter jets spotted in Sandton for three days since the beginning of 15th BRICS Summit

>>44246 BRICS expansion ‘will allow media to strengthen relations

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552225 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Castleton Commodities International Bun

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Castleton Commodities International Bun

>>44181 Henry R. Slack, Chairman of Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI)

>>44182, >>44187 William C. Reed II, Chief Executive Officer, CCI, serves on the board of the Night Stalker Foundation

>>44183 Eileen A. Aptman, Director of CCI, Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation Investment Committee

>>44184 Kristen Eshak Weldon, Board member of CCI, Managing Director and Global Head of BlackRock Alternative Investors Sustainable Investing

>>44185 Michael J. Zimmerman, Vice Chairman CCI, was a Managing Director at Salomon Brothers Inc

>>44186 People who worked for companies [Enron, Lehman Brothers, Arthur Andersen] which folded, found a home at CCI

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552227 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

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Updated Covid & Other Pestilence Bun

>>43938 (from Canada #42) Secrets of Manufactured Consent

>>44012 Covid Is Genocide - A Biological Warfare Crime - Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament (video)

>>44088 Mark Suzman, CEO, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation and Helen Suzman’s nephew (video)

>>44194 Aspen's vaccines deal with Serum Institute of India: Stavros Nicolaou (video)

>>44221, >>44222 “Big pharma bullied SA govt on Covid-19 vaccines, newly released contracts obtained by Health Justice Initiative show (Parts 1&2)

>>44223 The Health Justice Initiative v The Minister of Health and Information Officer, Department of Health

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552228 (142244ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Eskom Bun

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Updated Eskom Bun

>>43901 Winter load shedding warning: From bad to worse - right back to bad

>>43902, >>43903 Andre de Ruyter to be served court papers in Germany: report (Parts 1&2)

>>43904, >>43905 South Africa prepares for Stage 9 load-shedding (Parts 1&2)

>>43907 Jan Oberholzer discusses Jacques Pauw’s “distasteful article” [English Translation] (video)

>>43908 “De Ruyter's claims on Eskom graft wild and untested" - News24 [Jacques Pauw] (video)

>>43912, >>43913, >>43914 SA’s new third force poses a grave threat to democracy (Parts 1-3)

>>43915 Ramaphosa deploys 900 soldiers to guard Eskom power stations

>>43919, >>43920 “Set aside Eskom judgment", says Pravin Gordhan (Parts 1&2)

>>43921 SIU demands answers on appointment of intelligence operation by De Ruyter at Eskom

>>43922 Eskom expected to implement up to Stage 10 load shedding

>>43923 Agri SA bemoans impact of load shedding on Food Security

>>43924 Countrywide blackout’: Botswana went dark on Monday

>>43925 SASRIA will not pay claims related to grid failure (video)

>>43929, >>43930 MPs rap Eskom brass on the knuckles for forcing De Ruyter out instead of probing claims (Parts 1&2)

>>43932, >>43933 "Gordhan told De Ruyter to gather intelligence somehow," Scopa told (Parts 1&2; video)

>>44009 Eskom rescues technicians from dangerous Joburg areas (video)

>>44047 Eskom confirms the return of Stage 6 load shedding “until further notice”

>>44122 R400 000 to kill Eskom employee

>>44204 SA charts energy growth path with China

>>44205 The donation is exactly that’: Ramokgopa clears the air on China’s R170m donation to South Africa

>>44243 High-profile individuals linked to Eskom corruption (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552251 (142248ZSEP23) Notable: Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

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Updated Russia and Ukraine Bun

>>43935 Why would Russia’s Kalashnikov make a NATO-friendly assault rifle? - AK-19

>>43936 Cyril's Rubicon? RW Johnson on arms-to-Russia torpedo for SA's motor industry, AGOA, ARV supplies (video)

>>43952 Joint Press Conference between PM Lee Hsien Loong and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (video)

>>43953 Another “Plot for Peace”? Jean-Yves Ollivier founded Brazzaville Foundation (video)

>>43990, >>44002, >>44003, >>44011 Unapproved dangerous’ goods on plane spark diplomatic spat between Poland and South Africa (video)

>>43991 (from General Research) Zelensky offers zero flexibility to African leaders

>>43998, >>43999 The arms dealer behind the African peace mission to Ukraine (Parts 1&2)

>>44000 Yoweri K Museveni Tweet about African ‘peace mission’ meeting

>>44001 Cyril Ramaphosa hails ‘historic’ Ukraine peace mission after talks (video)

>>44005, >>44006 Protection services delayed before Russia peace mission “due to aviation insurance exclusions” (Parts 1&2)

>>44007 Ramaphosa’s plane “failed to get clearance to fly over Italian airspace”

>>44010 (from General) NATO member threatens African aid cuts over support for Russia

>>44041 “Carping Point: There are so many things we will never know about that Ukraine trip”

>>44082 Lady with Cookies: Victoria Nuland Is Going to South Africa (video)

>>44196 Russia’s ‘African Village’: a beacon of hope for South African Boers amid growing tensions

>>44233 Russia's long-lost relationship with South Africa's Afrikaans-speaking community (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19552253 (142248ZSEP23) Notable: Taxi Strike Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Taxi Strike Bun

>>44118 United Kingdom issues travel alert over Cape Town taxi violence (video)

>>44119 Eskom withdraws services in six Cape Town areas after petrol-bombing of vehicle

>>44120 Update on Western Cape taxi strike (video)

>>44121 The Bloody South African TAXI WAR(Kill or Be Killed)

>>44123 W Cape Taxi Stayaway: Confirmation of Avanza driver killed, commuters left in distress (video)

>>44144 'No talks with taxi operators if violence persists (video)

>>44145 Transport Minister and JP Smith in war of words over taxi strike

>>44148 Taxi strike in Cape Town leads to violence, deaths: Gugu Nonjinge (video)

>>44149 Cape Town taxi strike: DA calls for accountability from Bheki Cele

>>44151 Taxi industry law unto itself - Sandile Swana (video)

>>44152 South African Taxi Industry: the establishment of SANTACO 2014

>>44153 From 2011: South African National Taxi Council (SANTACO) to launch taxi industry training academy

>>44154, >>44155 From 2010: Address at the South African National Taxi Council (Santaco) launch of The TR3 2020 Strategy by Mr Sibusiso Ndebele, Minister of Transport

>>44156, >>44157 Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1&2)

>>44158 A great relief’ — Santaco calls off Western Cape taxi strike (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561102 (161415ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC, EFF eyeing political points, using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains

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“ANC, EFF eyeing political points”, "using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains"


Published Sep 15, 2023

Durban — The DA IN KwaZulu-Natal has lashed out at the ANC and the EFF for what it called using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains.

Both the EFF and the ANC national leadership visited KwaPhindangene residence in Ulundi north of the province to pay their respects on Tuesday.

During their visits, the parties indicated their willingness to form a coalition with the IFP after next year’s elections in honour of Buthelezi’s legacy and wishes. However, the DA labelled them as “political hyenas” who were “unashamed to scavenge” for political points over Inkosi Buthelezi’s dead body.

DA provincial chairperson Dean Macpherson said it was unfortunate for the ANC and the EFF to use Buthelezi’s death to score political points, because they did not want him while he was still alive. He added that it was recorded that despite Buthelezi’s impassioned plea to reconcile with the ANC before his death, the party never took him seriously and ignored him until his death.

On the EFF gestures, Macpherson said it was also known that the party dumped the IFP after demanding it be given uMhlathuze Local Municipality, which the IFP rejected. Macpherson questioned the party’s U-turn since the IFP had not changed its position on uMhlathuze.

The IFP and the DA have cemented their relationship in uMhlathuze, which resulted in the appointment of the DA deputy mayor Christo Botha.

“The ANC and the EFF made a fool of Shenge’s grieving family by saying things they knew wouldn’t happen. If the ANC and the EFF really wanted to restore the working relationship with Inkosi Buthelezi and the IFP why did they wait for him to die first? These are political hyenas who went to KwaPhindangene to scavenge for political points over uMntwana’s dead body,” said Macpherson.

ANC deputy president Paul Mashatile, who led his party’s delegation to KwaPhindangene on Tuesday, said the ANC would ensure that the IFP and ANC’s relationship was restored to fulfil Buthelezi’s wishes. He added that uMntwana waKwaPhindangene died crying for the renewal of his ANC membership card and that after the funeral the party would meet the IFP to finish the reconciliation process.

When asked what caused the delay until Buthelezi’s death, Mashatile said the party was still processing the matter and the office of the secretary-general was busy processing Buthelezi’s membership card. He did not want to respond to questions on how their working relationship would be restored since the IFP was now part of the moonshot pact.

EFF deputy president Floyd Shivhambu called on the IFP not to use Buthelezi’s death to cause internal strife. He said the IFP would be needed next year to form a government that would not be led by the ANC.

IFP president Velenkosini Hlabisa said the ball was in the ANC’s court. The ANC’s seriousness in reconciling with the IFP was also questioned by IFP stalwart Musa Zondi, who is now spokesperson for the Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Foundation.

Speaking at Buthelezi’s memorial on Wednesday, Zondi said that as much he welcomed the ANC’s promise to restore working relations with the IFP, he wanted to know why the ANC had waited until Buthelezi’s death.

Nelson Mandela Bay University-based political analyst Professor Bheki Mngomezulu said he preferred to adopt a wait-and-see approach since politicians were good at making promises, but lacking in implementation.

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870cef No.44254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561121 (161421ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe

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>“NGOs caused this.”


>“Meet Dr Patrick Moore: Greenpeace co-founder who left the organisation hijacked by political left”

“NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe”


Published Sep 14, 2023

Cape Town - Several civil organisations protested outside the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) on Wednesday, where the 3rd annual Southern Africa Oil and Gas Conference took place.

Activists and concerned residents from across communities in and around Cape Town gathered for the protest, calling for solutions to be sought in the renewable energy sector, as opposed to new investments in oil and gas exploration.

Organisations present included Green Connection, South African Faith Communities’ Environmental Institute (Safcei), Project 90 By 2030, Climate Justice Charter Movement, Feed The Future For Life, African Climate Alliance, Save Our Sacred Lands, and Extinction Rebellion Cape Town.

Student Qhama Kali from Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG) said: “We need to stop what we are doing, this polluting the air and burning fossil fuels. We need to move to more sustainable energy like solar, wind, hydro, instead of using coal because coal pollutes the air and endangers everyone.”

Kali said more engagements should take place with affected communities on “what they wanted”.

SAFCEI co-ordinator Sizwe Manqele said: “We are here today because we believe that God created this world for all of us, and so as people of faith we want to make sure that justice gets done.

“That the oil and gas extraction is not only happening in the name of profit, but that we do justice by leaving it in the soil and finding alternative means to have energy, such as renewable energy.

“Not much is being said on the negative effects of organic matter extraction, and that it impacts people negatively in terms of pollution and illnesses that people get due to this, and that's not to mention the money that people do not get due to the whole oil and gas extraction.”

Mantashe was present at the two-day conference, convened by the department and Petroleum Agency SA and the South African Oil & Gas Alliance.

The theme for this year’s conference is "Oil and gas development to address Southern Africa’s energy challenges while ensuring a Just Energy Transition”. The conference will conclude on Thursday.

During his keynote address, Mantashe said South Africa had a responsibility to “exploit deposits” and convert this into wealth for the country.

“And that wealth can help us deal with all the problems that we’re faced with – unemployment, poverty, inequality. You can only successfully fight those if we have access to resources.

“Development and climate change must co-exist. If they don't co-exist, there is a problem because in Africa, more than seven million people have no access to electricity. So when we talk about decarbonisation, your message becomes hollow on the continent.”

Mantashe said the country continues to face opposition from non-governmental organisations, which he claimed were foreign funded.

“Many of the NGOs that take us to court have unlimited resources, they're funded by foreign entities. It is deliberate to block development. It's not an accident, it's a deliberate problem that is directed at blocking development in a poor country like South Africa, and we’re determined to fight off that obstacle to development.”

Mantashe ended off by saying that South Africa was “open for business” to the global community and investors. He said the government would be supporting oil exploration in the West Coast and East Coast.

“All those explorations we’ll support and we’ll take that fight to the end.”

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870cef No.44255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561124 (161422ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects” 1 of 2



South Africa needed a “war room” to boost its oil and gas developments and to better coordinate government departments on these projects, Deputy Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Pinky Kekana said yesterday.

She said in an address to the Southern Africa Oil & Gas Conference 2023 that, “Mozambique is up and running, Namibia is up and running, South Africa wake up!”

She said that the Petroleum Agency for South Africa (PASA) estimated South Africa potentially held 27 billion barrels of oil and 60 trillion cubic metres gas offshore, let alone the onshore resources, but development in the sector remains weak due to a number of factors including weak infrastructure, insufficient investment and technological issues.

She said the “war room” should comprise all the relevant government departments, so that “there is one centre” for these developments, promoting “one message”, and various government departments did not pull investors in different directions, she said.

Adrian Strydom, the CEO at the South African Oil and Gas Alliance, said the growth of the sector had “game-changing potential for the region and we cannot afford to ignore this.

“The load shedding we are experiencing was an indication of the need to allow for all the energy technologies and resources to be explored,” he said.

Dr Bongani Sayidini, the chief operating officer at PASA, said South Africa had sufficient gas resources to realise the aims of its gas sector policies. Internationally, gas utilisation as a primary source of energy in developed countries had averaged 24%, but in South Africa this figure was less than 3%.

A government integrated resource development plan had stated a target to increase this to 16% by 2030.

What little existing regional gas supply there was to the country, to Sasol via the Pande Temane fields in Mozambique, was expected to decrease sharply from 2026 as the reserves were depleted - an event Sasol had already notified its many industrial off-take partners of.

Dr Sayidini said apart from the estimated 60 trillion cubic feet of gas (tcf) offshore of South Africa, there were also some 200tcf of gas onshore.

“We do have the gas,” he said, citing production estimates from the West, Southern and Eastern coast offshore exploration areas.

He said the Ibuhesi gas find on the West Coast operated by Sunbird Energy, which was discovered many years ago, had become a “stranded asset” as the project developers could not find a close and big enough market to justify developing the field.

A similar situation had arisen with Namibia’s Kudu Gas Fields, but “given where we are at with the Just Energy Transition”, moves were afoot to monetise the fields.

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870cef No.44256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19561128 (161422ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun / South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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“South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects” 2 of 2



On the south coast, regulatory approvals was still underway for the significant Brulpadda and Luiperd gas discoveries operated by TotalEnergies in the 11B and 12B offshore blocks. Along the east coast, seismic surveys were suspended by court action by stakeholders.

He said in Mpumalanga, on land close to the existing gas infrastructure near Secunda and many electrical power stations, the Kinektico Energy Company had discovered significant liquid natural gas (LNG) resources that might be able to mitigate the potential negative impacts of gas depletion to Sasol.

Nick de Blocq, the CEO at Kinektico Energy, said they had spudded 41 wells over 12 years and each had been successful, with a 42nd well currently being spudded.

He said this “100% strike rate” rate was unheard of in the gas industry, and in addition, the quality of the gas was exceptional, comprising up to 98% methane, while the rest was nitrogen. There was also no need to frack or do horizontal drilling.

The gas would also maybe find a market at the nearby coal mines, which were having to burn large quantities of diesel due to load shedding.

He said they had registered the gas project with the President’s Special Infrastructure Project (SIP) Commission, in the hope that it would help to expedite the regulatory guidelines and other processes when it came to develop the project further.

Thabang Audat, the chief director at the Department of Mineral and Energy Resources, who worked with the team responsible for the draft Gas Master Plan 2023, said they were advocating for a future mix of energy sources, not just gas, but that a clear policy on the development of the gas industry was required.

A middle-case scenario was for gas to be phased in as feedstock, to replace coal, for Eskom’s power stations, as they were decommissioned during the next few years to 2035.

He said LNG might need to be imported by ships in the future to account for the declining gas from the Pande Temane gas field in Mozambique, which would require the flow of the gas pipeline from Richards Bay to Secunda to be reversed.

He said South Africa was in an energy crisis, and the various rounds of renewable energy projects had not yet been enough to alleviate this crisis. LNG, which was a cleaner source of energy than coal, “is necessary to complement renewable energy”.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19589096 (211602ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields (video)

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>That people’s war was supposed to be actually… turned on the white minority that was ruling the country but it was turned on other black people… about 20 000 black people died.

The violence continues…

“It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields.”


Sep 18, 2023

2:34 – “”So frequent are the killings that they are now colloquially referred to as tournaments in northern parts of the province where killings are rife.” You remember in the run-up to the 1994 elections where many people, thousands of people were killed in political violence and when Mangosuthu Buthelezi passed on, a lot of people blamed him for being quiet when this happened back in the day.”


“Killing Councillors | 'The tournament is done': KZN councillors gunned down to win political fights”


“ANC councillor gunned down in KZN” [SEPTEMBER 20, 2023]



African National Congress (ANC) councillor Mzwandile Shandu is the latest victim of political killings in KwaZulu-Natal after he was gunned down on Wednesday.

Shandu was a councillor in Ward 7 under Mkhambathini Local Municipality.

According to the regional spokesperson, Njabulo Mtolo, the details surrounding the shooting are still a bit sketchy.

His death comes after he survived an assassination attempt in August when he was attending a ceremony held at the KwaMahleka location in Mbumbulu.

"It is very unfortunate that this incident took place just a few weeks after there was a failed attempt on his life. Also, just a few weeks after yet another ANC Councillor, Comrade Mubhungu Mkhize, was brutally killed,’’ said Mtolo.

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870cef No.44258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19589131 (211608ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts

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>“I’m very pleased that you mentioned it… I’m very pleased because of that lie, that ANC lie. When it was public knowledge that the ANC was going to kill me as a South African, I didn’t have an army, Transkei had an army, Ciskei had an army but I had no army. I had a small police force which I could not even issue firearm licenses to them. Licenses were issued by Pretoria because we were not independent. So when I was going to be killed, I had to tell the government that I needed protection. So the government said to […], he must choose about 200 people to be trained in VIP protection to protect me, to protect my ministers, to protect our building. Just 200 people… They took them. We didn’t know where they were trained. It eventually came out that they were trained in the Caprivi. Then during what you call the conflicts… that’s when this lie comes in where it is said that they were a hit squad for the IFP. What nonsense. I mean any person with anything between his ears can just see this. You cannot say when ANC had 1000s of MK that 200 people could fight an army of the ANC with 1000s of people… You cannot believe a fantasy like that.”

The Apartheid government was better at protecting its own people than the ANC.

Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts”


20 September 2023 - 22:08

Western Cape police are investigating the murder of an ANC councillor who was gunned down outside his home.

Arthur Gqeba was shot just before midnight in Vredenburg on Friday. The 40-year-old Saldanha Bay councillor had survived two previous attempts on his life.

ANC provincial spokesperson Muhammad Khalid Sayed said the party’s provincial secretary Neville Delport was aware of the threats to Gqeba’s life. Delport is the former ANC west coast regional secretary.

“Delport, at the time he was the regional secretary, was most certainly aware of the two assassination attempts on the late comrade Arthur Gqeba,” said Sayed. “In this capacity he, together with the regional leadership, immediately took the matter up and mandated the ANC chief whip in the Saldanha Bay municipality to raise the issue with the speaker and security was provided. That was the intervention that the ANC managed to push.”

He said the ANC was not in a position to provide security.

“ANC is not necessarily able to provide security. That is the responsibility of government — particularly the government structure where the public representative is serving and that provision was made,” he said. “But the major concern was that the municipality withdrew the security and the ANC expressed its dismay at that — even inside council.”

Sayed said Delport was not aware of the motive of the killing.

“According to the provincial secretary, it is very important for security to be ramped up by the local government — not only for ANC councillors but for councillors at large. Councillors are at the cutting edge of service delivery issues which are linked to tensions in communities where there is huge competition.

Ethne Lawrence, the spokesperson for Saldanha Bay municipality, would not be drawn to comment on why Gqeba’s security was withdrawn.

“Saldanha Bay Municipality is saddened by the loss of councillor Arthur Gqeba and we strongly condemn this violent and brutal attack,” . said Lawrence.

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870cef No.44259

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19590370 (211959ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers (video)

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“Unmasking the Truth: ANC's Claims on Farm Murders/Attacks Exposed!”


Streamed live on Sep 20, 2023

AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers.

Jacques Broodryk and I dive into the numbers and expose the ANC’s lies.



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870cef No.44260

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19590376 (212000ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun / Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings (video)

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“Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings”


Sep 21, 2023

Lawyers have allegedly been implicated in the hijacking of buildings in the Joburg city centre. Investigations by the city show that some are in cahoots with the deeds office, allegedly allowing for the ownership of buildings to be changed. Joburg Public Safety MMC Mgcini Tshwaku says they have an undercover unit working hard to uncover the building hijackers.

“COJ closing in on suspected kingpins of hijacked buildings”


21 September 2023, 6:40 AM

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Public Safety in Johannesburg, Mgcini Tshwaku, has reported significant progress in identifying several suspected masterminds behind the hijacking of buildings in the inner city.

Tshwaku made this revelation during a recent operation conducted by City Power, which involved disconnecting electricity to numerous hijacked buildings in the Jeppestown area.

According to Tshwaku, a notable development is that many of the suspected kingpins behind these hijackings are legal professionals, specifically lawyers. It has come to light that some occupants of these buildings are making rental payments to trusts overseen by these lawyers, diverting funds that should rightfully go to the city.

This practice has raised concerns about the legitimacy of these arrangements.

One lawyer named Jan de Baas, residing in Florida, is among those implicated in the hijacking of the Tigerburg building, which comprises approximately 125 units. Authorities are actively pursuing leads and gathering evidence to build cases against these alleged criminal networks.

Tshwaku emphasized that law enforcement agencies are intensifying their efforts to address this issue, with undercover units deployed to gather crucial intelligence. The city is determined to clamp down on these illicit activities and swiftly bring those responsible to justice.

The crackdown on hijacked buildings in Johannesburg comes on the backdrop of numerous building fires in the inner city. It also reflects ongoing efforts to restore law and order, improve living conditions for residents, and combat illegal activities that have plagued the inner city for years.

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870cef No.44261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607319 (251345ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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>Marikana Massacre survivors continue their civil case against Ramaphosa


>One was Harry Oppenheimer [HFO], the elderly epitome of English mining capital and an early promoter of black trade union rights (he had, incidentally, made a modest contribution of R5 000 to the Weekly Mail’s start-up costs); the other was Cyril Ramaphosa, a young, fiery, rabble-rousing revolutionary riding to prominence in the NUM [National Union of Mineworkers].

Both Tiny Rowland and Harry Oppenheimer mentored Cyril Ramaphosa and had their businesses in London

“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 1


Saturday, December 23, 2017 — updated on July 03, 2020

Dollar millionaire Cyril Ramaphosa, the new African National Congress (ANC) president, is on the road to becoming South Africa's president - perhaps.

Had British mining billionaire Roland "Tiny" Rowland his business mentor been alive today, he would have toasted to a super victory.

Mr Rowland always moulded his trusted lieutenants in his own lavish image.

When he died in 1998, Mr Rowland was eulogised as "secretive, ruthless and contemptuous of anything that smacked of Establishment hypocrisy".

In Tom Bower's biography, Mr Rowland is said to have made a remark aboard one of his Gulfstream Jets as he looked down on vast lands in Africa:

"These African leaders are so corrupt that there's not a single one of them whom I could not buy."


In all the countries that his company Lonrho operated, Mr Rowland knew how to connect business with political power.

Today, Mr Ramaphosa is the majority stake owner of what remained of Lonrho empire in South Africa the world's third largest platinum mine in Highveld platinum belt.

While for years he was the mask of Lonrho's mines (renamed Lonmin), Mr Ramaphosa is now its face.

Lonmin was the scene of Marikana massacre of August 2012 when police shot at striking mine workers.

It was later found that it was Ramaphosa who in a chain of emails released to the Farlam inquiry who called for the police to move in.

He wrote: "The terrible events that have unfolded cannot be described as a labour dispute. They are plainly dastardly criminal and must be characterised as such…”


In his tenure, Mr Rowland left a legacy in Lonrho where the company balanced both the political and business interests by seeking services of those close to the political elite.

In Kenya, and when he reigned in wealth and power, Mr Rowland's Lonrho empire was always at the hands of those close to State House.

In the Jomo Kenyatta years, he had picked Udi Gecaga, Kenyatta's son-in-law, to manage his local interests.

But as soon as Kenyatta died in 1978, Mr Rowland quickly fired Mr Gecaga, easily forgetting that this was the man who once saved him from a boardroom coup in London in 1973 led by Sir Basil Smallpeice, administrative adviser to the Royal Household, and Nicholas Elliott, the former head of M16.

He even went further to disparage Mr Gecaga describing his tenure as "a mistake I truly regret".


In South Africa, Mr Rowland was one of the secret financiers of African National Congress and when Oliver Tambo had a heart attack on August 12, 1989, a Lonrho jet was sent to take him to London for treatment

[Also, “Rowland's Lonrho purchased the ANC's Johannesburg headquarters for them, and is bankrolling a planned new ANC newspaper.” https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1993/eirv20n19-19930514/eirv20n19-19930514_036-did_british_intelligence_kill_ha.pdf]

The Executive Intelligence Review later reported that in 1992, a year before he was forced out as CEO, Mr Rowland purchased a mansion in the Sandhurst section of Sandton, a posh Johannesburg suburb, for Cyril Ramaphosa, then ANC's secretary general.

When he died of cancer in 1998, Nelson Mandela described him as "a long-standing friend in the struggle against apartheid".

But he was a double-dealer whose efforts on behalf of the British establishment was to make sure that ANC did not disrupt or nationalise the apartheid economic systems including the mines and farms.

But to understand how Mr Rowland and Lonrho worked, let us bring the story closer home.


After Mr Gecaga was forced out, Mr Rowland picked President Moi's homeboy, Mark Too, who was known as Bwana Dawa because he could help fix any problem.

Mr Rowland did not know Mark Too, though he was an employee in Lonrho's Uasin Gishu-based East African Tanning and Extract Company (EATEC).

On the day they met, Mr Rowland was at the Norfolk wondering who could connect him to President Moi.

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870cef No.44262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607326 (251348ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 2


Somebody pointed to Mark Too who made the call and Mr Rowland got an appointment.

For that call and no other qualification he became Lonrho's point man in Kenya.


Apparently, Mr Too, a man who could leave Moi in stitches, was the only person who was allowed to see President Moi after six o'clock in the evening or "even after midnight" - according to David Kimaiyo, then head of Presidential Escort.

In firing Mr Gecaga, and by picking Mr Too, the mining baron hoped to have direct contact to the political elite.

And that is why he donated 1,000 acres for the construction of Moi University and managed to bring in British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to sponsor the building of the university library, which is named after her.

There was a reason for this. Mr Rowland on behalf of Thatcher's government was in covert business in southern Africa by delivering arms to the apartheid regime, and being the contact person for National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) rebels in Angola - according to Hennie van Vuuren's new book Apartheid, Guns and Money: A Tale of Profit.


He would always arrange international travel for Unita rebels and then transfer them back to their bolt-holes in Cuango Valley where illicit mining of diamond had become the lifeline of both guerrillas and some international wheeler dealers.

Mr Rowland also donated the land on which Moi International Airport is built, albeit with some controversy.

While this land was a donation to "the President", the government sent its valuer to value it.

He came up with a figure of Sh150 million. Parliament was later told that Lonrho sent another valuer who gave a figure of S10 million.

The next was a circus because the government opted to purchase the gift from "the President" and it went with Lonrho's figure an illegality since the government does not rely on private valuers.


While it paid Sh200 million for the land, the government decided to offset the balance by giving Tiny Rowland the Uplands Bacon Factory land in Kiambu, which was owned by a private organisation Uplands Pigs Producers Association. The rest is a story for another day.

But when Mark Too fell out with President Moi, he was tossed around like a ball and finally, he was forced to resign by the new Lonrho chief executive, Mr Keith Atkinson, who said that Mr Too left due to "pressure of work". It was a lie.

Mr Rowland was also the king of dirty games, too.

-When he fell out with Moi, his Observer newspaper ran a string of articles exposing corruption and political assassinations in Kenya under Moi, especially that of Dr Robert Ouko.


Again, when the British government once decided to investigate the affairs of Lonrho, the investigators, Allan Heyman and Sir William Slimmings, reported in a 1000-page dossier that the company was guilty of "bribery, larceny, sanctions busting, and corruption", which characterised the years that Mr Rowland was in charge.-

Interestingly, it was reported that most copies of this report, which was printed in Her Majesty's letterhead, were instantly purchased by Lonrho and most people did not manage to get to know its content; a series of payments from Mr Rowland's private accounts disguised as "special payments" and which the investigators said they were bribes.

As the Independent newspaper once wrote: "He was a master at seducing the British establishment.

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870cef No.44263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607357 (251401ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

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>Kojo [Mills] is the former acting CEO and a co-founder of Shanduka Group, a South African investment company that has a multi-industry portfolio of 30+ investments valued in excess of $1 billion. He was also previously the Managing Director of Shanduka’s R300 million private equity fund, Shanduka Value Partners Fund I… Prior to joining DLJ, he was employed as a financial analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc. [Harry Oppenheimer's son-in-law, Hank Slacks, was on the board of Salomon Brothers >>44181] He is currently a director of numerous companies including Invictus Africa Group, Shanduka Group and Stanbic Bank Ghana, the Ghanaian subsidiary of the Standard Bank Group of South Africa.

“ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland.” [2017] – Part 3


"By a mixture of charm and financial inducements he persuaded a parade of well-connected, if second-rank, politicians on to Lonrho's board, from Duncan Sandys to Sir Edward du Cann."


That is the man who bankrolled some ANC bigwigs with fast cars, land, cash and houses.

Even during apartheid years, ANC leader Oliver Tambo who was in exile for over 30 years had unrestricted use to the Lonrho jet.

With the end of apartheid, the new ANC government came up with a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE), which allowed multinationals operating there to give a slice of their stake to Africans.

In 1994, Ramaphosa had just lost out to Thabo Mbeki for the position of ANC deputy president.

According to Anthony Butler's biography, Ramaphosa sulked and declined President Nelson Mandela's offer to be foreign minister.

He also did not attend Mandela's inauguration on May 10, 1994.

He left to join the likes of Dr Nthato Motlana, Mandela's doctor, to form the black-owned companies, which were to line up and get shares in the multinational corporations for a song.

These companies were owned by the elites within ANC and that is how the majority were short-charged in South Africa.


Critics have ever since dismissed this policy as "a token corporate blackwash" and said that it only enriched a few individuals at the expense of majority.

And that explains the kind of problems the ANC has been having with Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), which has been promising to scrap the programme.

The second notable critic is retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu who said BEE only serves a few black elite and left millions in "dehumanising poverty".

And the third is former President Thabo Mbeki's brother, Moeletsi Mbeki, who says BEE is "a device for white-dominated corporations to build bridges with the ANC elite It doesn't create wealth or add value to the economy".


Mr Moeletsi's main concern is that a "new class of rich blacks, many of them ANC politicians and former politicians, has emerged in South Africa whose interests are virtually indistinguishable from those of the old economic oligarchy…"

The jury is still out on whether BEE or what the South Africans now call Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBEE) has achieved its aims among the poor South Africans or whether it perpetuates "institutionalised corruption" as Mr Moeletsi puts it.

To take advantage of this state policy (forget the ANC politics), Mr Ramaphosa first joined New Africa Investment Limited (NAIL), which was brokering deals, and had an investment banking company called Pleiade Investment Corporation.

He later formed his own Shanduka Resources, which became the BEE partner of Lonmin the new name for Lonhro's mining unit.


For a man who in 1982 was only a secretary general for 300,000-strong National Union of Mine Workers (NUM), his rise into wealth is also the story of South Africa's black elite.

It is also the story of many other politicos in Africa.

To cut a long story short, in 2010, Mr Ramaphosa joined the board of Lonmin as a non-executive director after his Shanduka Resources took majority control by owning 50.03 per cent in R2.8 billion (Sh280 billion) transaction.

Those who have gone through the works of Prof Steven Langdon on how multinationals behave in Africa, will quickly place Mr Ramaphosa within the league of "African insiders" who are given shares by the multinational corporations (MNCs) in return for political and business support.

It is a known practice among the MNCs and has been prevalent since the 1960s.

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870cef No.44264

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612958 (261612ZSEP23) Notable: BizNews: “President” Trump will want his pound of flesh from SA… Tough renegotiations of AGOA likely” - Dr Edward Mienie (video)

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It is interesting to listen to Dr Edward Mienie and then consider the New York Post’s article and his biography.

“one of the dirtiest tricks in electoral history was played on the American people by 51 former intelligence officials, who used the false alarm of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president.” https://nypost.com/2022/10/19/its-been-two-years-since-51-intelligence-agents-interfered-with-an-election-they-still-wont-apologize/

““President” Trump will want his pound of flesh from SA… Tough renegotiations of AGOA likely” - Dr Edward Mienie


Sep 23, 2023

If Donald Trump returns to the White House for another stint of President of the US, he may want to renegotiate the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). And those could be tough negotiations because Trump would want his pound of flesh. So says Dr Edward Mienie, the Executive Director of the Strategic Studies Programme & Partnerships and Professor of Strategic & Security Studies at the University of North Georgia in Atlanta. Dr Mienie, a former diplomat for both the National Party (NP) and the African National Congress (ANC) governments, speaks to BizNews as speculation mounts across the world that Trump could pull of another “unthinkable” political victory that would bring about significant shifts in US foreign policy.

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870cef No.44265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613032 (261634ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa

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Take note

Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa


The NIA was formed in 1994 following South Africa’s first multi-racial elections. It was created to take over from the domestic intelligence segment of the then National Intelligence Service (NIS) with the foreign intelligence functions being taken over by the South African Secret Service (SASS). Both the SASS and NIA were created as part of the Intelligence Act of 1994. They were created out of the six intelligence organisations consisted of the NIS, Department of Intelligence and Security (ANC), Pan African Security Service (PAC), and the three intelligence services of Venda [former Bantustan], Transkei [former Bantustan] and Bophuthatswana [former Bantustan]. These two new organisation’s would consist of a total of 4000 people with 2130 from the NIS, 910 from DIS (ANC), 340 from Bophuthatswana Intelligence and Internal Security Service (BISS), 233 from Transkei Intelligence Service (TIS), 76 Venda National Intelligence Service (VNIS) and rest from the PASS (PAS)

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870cef No.44266

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617536 (271340ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / NCA: Crime in SA: Kidnappings on the rise (video)

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“Crime in SA | Kidnappings on the rise”


Sep 27, 2023

There has been an increase in kidnapping cases across the country. Police Minister Bheki Cele says this form of crime is being carried out by a particular group of people. He says some of the suspects arrested recently have been linked to 56 other kidnappings. Anti-crime activist Yusuf Abramjee, gives us more insights into new kidnapping trends.

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870cef No.44267

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617552 (271344ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun / Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools (video)

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Is this part of the reason why we have such crime? Students only need 30% to pass in South African and then cannot find work.

“Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools”


Sep 27, 2023

Solidarity is gearing up the fight the African National Congress (ANC) government in court to stop it from “capturing” South Africa’s schools - and stripping parents of a say in the education of their children. BizNews speaks to Solidarity’s Johnell van Vollenhoven after a Parliamentary Portfolio Committee - in which the ANC and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) “used their numbers to obtain a majority” - accepted the BELA Amendment Bill this week. The Amendment Bill was therefore accepted for submission to the National Assembly (NA). This is the next step in the process of making it into law. Van Vollenhoven says such as law would mean “that we as parents and our governing bodies that we choose to govern our schools will be stripped of their powers”. The Bill was accepted despite widespread objection from the public with nearly 9 000 of the 11 000 inputs against the amendment of existing laws. “…they are not interested in looking at what the people are saying, they are only interested in pushing through their own ideology in this regard,” Van Vollenhoven charges. - Chris Steyn

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870cef No.44268

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19617556 (271345ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun / DA opposes Lady R report being classified (video)

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“DA opposes Lady R report being classified”


Sep 27, 2023

The Democratic Alliance is in court to challenge the classification of the Lady R report. In an application filed in the Pretoria High Court, the party is challenging President Cyril Ramaphosa’s bid to keep the report into alleged weapons smuggling to Russia secret. Last month, the panel led by Judge President Phineas Mojapelo, found no evidence that weapons had been loaded onto the ship.

DA MP Glyniss Breytenbach speaks to Xoli Mngambi about the legal challenge.

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870cef No.44269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624252 (281351ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Secret CIA-funded group linked to UK Ministersand South Africa

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Excerpts below

The group, known as Le Cercle, was described by former Conservative minister Alan Clark in his diaries as “a right-wing think (or rather thought) tank, funded by the CIA, which churns Cold War concepts around”.

Le Cercle has existed since the 1950s but has no public presence, and has never revealed its funders. Even the group’s existence is only occasionally disclosed. It is unclear how influential Le Cercle – which is believed to meet twice a year, once in Washington DC and once elsewhere – actually is.

Declassified has found that eight current Conservative parliamentarians are associated with the group. Two current ministers – business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng and his deputy minister Greg Hands – have been funded by Le Cercle.

Rory Stewart, who served as a justice minister under Theresa May, was previously chair of Le Cercle.

Several high-profile US figures are also linked to the group. US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who sat on America’s most powerful court from 1986 until his death in 2016, attended at least one Le Cercle meeting while sitting on the court.

Current education secretary Nadhim Zahawi, a former business minister, is another previous chair of Le Cercle.

Zahawi and Stewart both claim, despite their senior roles in Le Cercle, that they don’t know how the networking group is funded. A “Whitehall security source” told the Daily Telegraph that Stewart was an MI6 officer before he entered politics.

Le Cercle was founded in the 1950s by conservative French prime minister Antoine Pinay, and Konrad Adenauer, the former German Chancellor. Described as “one of the most influential, secretive, and…exclusive political clubs in the West”, it is also known as the Pinay Cercle.

The only significant article on Le Cercle published in the British press appeared in the Independent in 1997. It named [Former foreign minister Alan] Duncan, then a Conservative MP, as one of the group’s “leading political lights”.

Duncan, minister for Europe and the Americas from 2016-19, is a former oil trader with close links to the UK’s allied regimes in the Gulf.

He was the key government official involved in evicting Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in 2019. Declassified last week revealed that Duncan is a 40-year “good friend” of Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett, the judge who will soon decide Julian Assange’s fate in his extradition case.

Attendees at Le Cercle meetings have included the former US director of national intelligence, John Negroponte, former US national security advisers Henry Kissinger and John Bolton, as well as the former US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Margaret Thatcher is also listed as a one-time attendee. It is not known if any of these political figures attended while in post.

“American regulars” were said to include two directors of the CIA: William Colby, who headed the agency from 1973-76, and William J. Casey, who was director from 1981-87.

Le Cercle’s current political activities are unclear. South African researcher Hennie van Vuuren found declassified documents in Pretoria which showed Le Cercle “had support for apartheid South Africa at the top of their agenda”.

The apartheid regime, he found, “helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings.”

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870cef No.44270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624263 (281353ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Declassified: Apartheid Profits - Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers

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>South African researcher Hennie van Vuuren found declassified documents in Pretoria which showed Le Cercle “had support for apartheid South Africa at the top of their agenda”.

>The apartheid regime, he found, “helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings.”

“Declassified: Apartheid Profits – Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers”


24 Oct 2017

Excerpts below

South Africa helped fund the organisation, and hosted several meetings. It was welcomed into this fold by people such as Le Cercle luminary and chairman Julian Amery.

Amery followed in the footsteps his father Leo Amery who had been a former British colonial secretary and an ally of jingoists such as Alfred Milner, and rose to become a pillar of Britain’s conservative political establishment. Between 1950 and the early 1990s he was a regular visitor to South Africa, meeting with the business and economic elite. He would on a number of occasions find respite between meeting PW Botha’s securocrats by lounging about Harry Oppenheimer’s Milkwood mansion, North of Durban.

As detailed in a previous article in this series, The Sanctions Busters’ Toolkit, the Khan Committee was set up in 1991 by FW de Klerk to investigate apartheid’s secret projects. The report characterised Le Cercle as an “informal forum of influential representatives of a conservative cast of of mind from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Oman, the USA and South Africa”. It concluded that it was a “valuable source of advice and friendship” for Pretoria. The feeling was mutual. Le Cercle benefited from Pretoria’s donations and, in return, South Africa gained access to influential friends and key intelligence.

In addition to providing donations, South Africa also hosted several of Le Cercle’s bi-annual meetings. With Oman, it was the only country outside of the USA and Europe to host a meeting. In January 1984, South Africa hosted its first gathering in Stellenbosch. The 30 attendees included former French ministers, German MPs, UK politicians and US securocrats. To create some distance from the government’s involvement, the official host was Le Cercle member and head of the South African Army, General CA Fraser. Despite this, newly declassified documents reveal that the Department of Foreign Affairs planned the meeting, including providing low-priced South African Airways (SAA) tickets and upgrades at no cost.

South Africa’s business elite also came to the party to assist. Some VIP guests were accommodated at the Rupert-owned Fleur du Cap residence in Somerset West. Both the head of Anglo American, Gavin Relly, and Barclay Bank’s Basil Hersov received personal invitations to the next Le Cercle meeting planned to take place in July 1984 in Bavaria. Along with Julian Ogilvie Thompson from De Beers and the Rembrandt Group’s Anton Rupert, the four businessmen were thereafter on most Le Cercle invitation lists from that period which we have had access to.

The ties between Le Cercle and the apartheid regime were strengthened over the years with two more meetings taking place in South Africa in 1988 and 1991.

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870cef No.44271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624303 (281359ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

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>This was thanks to Lonrho chairperson Sir Edward du Cann, who was instrumental in getting [Margaret] Thatcher elected as leader of the Conservative Party in 1975.

“Meet “Le Cercle” – making Bilderberg look like amateurs” (Part 1)


Excerpts below

Le Cercle originally set up as a Franco-German alliance, is a deep state milieu – an environment where powerful figures can secretly meet. They are careful to commit as little as possible to paper or p.c. – making them hard to hack, leak or track – and for good reason. It is smaller and considerably more secretive than Bilderberg.

Its purpose is to subvert the democratic principles and processes of individual countries and are by nature ideologically ‘hawkish’ – distributing propaganda, stoking fear of communist plots from Russia, vote rigging and hacking the accounts of politicians and prominent global figures. Promoting the ‘war on terror’ has been a major factor in their activities of recent years and in so doing broker weapons deals and setting up false flag operations the world over to suit its own agenda. It is reported that ‘Gladio‘ style attacks, much like the clandestine NATO “stay-behind” sabotage, guerrilla warfare and assassination operations in Europe have been conducted along with illegal business operations, financial fraud and arms dealing – all attributed to this group.

Brian Crozier, the author and well-known Cold-Warrior with close ties to MI6 and the CIA, is a senior member. Anthony Cavendish, the former senior MI5 man, is an old Cercle hand. Nicholas Elliot, the ex-MI6 officer, used to go to their meetings.

Bilderberg meetings usually end with mass protests, arrests and ample media coverage, Le Cercle meetings go unreported.

Attendees of Le Cercle are generally found to be part of the deep state – i.e. mostly made up of politicians, spooks, bankers, diplomats, military officers, editors and publishers or experts in geopolitical products such as energy. All are deep political actors with real influence. Members are almost exclusively from western or western-oriented countries. It is noteworthy that many important members tend to be affiliated with aristocratic circles in London and accusations of links to fascism and synarchist (rule by a secret elite) are anything but uncommon in this milieu.

The earliest known public reference to Le Cercle was probably in Time Out magazine’s 1975 leaked documents from the Institute for the Study of Conflict. To date there have been no American commercially-controlled media sources known to have mentioned the group.

There are reports that “throughout the 1970s Le Cercle was actively influencing elections in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Belgium.”

Earlier documents in the Langemann Papers from November 1979 quote a planning paper by Brian Crozier about a Cercle complex operation “to affect a change of government in the United Kingdom that saw Margaret Thatcher into No10 Downing Street. The operation was set up three years earlier known as “Shield Group.”

It is noteworthy, although unconnected to Le Circle from this research that David Cameron sold three nuclear weapons (with the sanction of Margaret Thatcher), of a foreign state (south Africa’s collapsed apartheid regime), put them in unsafe hands (Oman) resulting in the Conservative party banking of nearly £19 million which then sets the pretext for a conflict that kills a million people in Iraq. All these events are highly likely to be linked one way or another to the activities of members of Le Circle.

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870cef No.44272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624319 (281401ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

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“Meet “Le Cercle” – making Bilderberg look like amateurs” (Part 2)


Excerpts below

Le Cercle’s interest in “terrorism” and arms dealing lends support to the suggestion that it may have been important in devising the “War on Terror”.

It seems unlikely to be a coincidence that at least three members of this group (Brian Crozier, Robert Moss, Gerhard Lowenthal) gave presentations at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism, the seminal event in the development of the establishment’s “War on Terror” narrative. Many of the other speakers were closely connected to known members.

Joël van der Reijden (Dutch investigative reporter specialising in the Deep State) infers that Le Cercle may be connected to the Strategy of Tension that the world has been experiencing in recent decades.

Ted Shackley was involved in oil deals after he left the CIA in 1979, facilitated by his close friend and fellow Cercle member, Conrad Gerber and oil smuggler John Deuss.

Funding for the group has changed over the years. The group states that it is “privately funded”. Multinational companies including Philips, Shell, the Ford Foundation and Standard Elektrik Lorenz have given the group money.

Robin Ramsay, editor of Lobster Magazine believes the CIA funds (Globalisation and Covert Politics Report) the group, a claim that Alan Clark also makes in his diaries. In the 1980s, the South African government was a major source of funds.

John E Lewis writes in his book The Mammoth Book of Cover-Ups (extract page) that Le Cercle was funded, amongst others, by the CIA for its “militant anti-leftism as it wars against it enemies more than jaws about them.”In the last few years Le Cercle has become even more secretive with its activities largely unknown.

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870cef No.44273

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624417 (281418ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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>Prime Minister Edward Heath publicly labeled [Lonrho] as the “unacceptable face of capitalism,”


>“Cyril [Ramaphosa] and his friend, Roelf Meyer were fingered on the Lost Boys of Bird Island where boys were sexually abused” [They were part of South Africa's negotiations to 'majority' rule]

Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Part 1)


Excerpts Below

As was noted in the first installment, much of Le Cercle's leadership seems to have been dominated by the most reactionary elements of the Vatican as personified by groups such as Opus Dei and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (both groups were heavily represented within Le Cercle).

Little noticed is the fact that rumors of pedophile networks involving British elites have been circulating since at least the 1970s. As noted above, former Conservative prime minister Edward Heath had faced such dark rumblings for years until he was implicitly implicated in pedophile networks in 2014. Nor was Heath the only Conservative politician to be tagged. In point of fact, there have long been rumblings that numerous members of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet and other political allies were involved in pedophile rings. These allegations were apparently made in what became known as the "Westminster pedophile dossier" and in recent years they have gained fresh legs thanks to the leaks in the wake of the Savile revelations ("incidentally," Savile also seems to have been close to Thatcher).

It is also interesting to note that more recently the alleged "ultra-liberal" BBC has invested considerable effort into debunking the pedophilia claims specifically pertaining to the Westminster scandal. This is of course the same BBC whom Savile worked for for many years and which has had numerous other employees implicated in the pedophile scandals. And here it is trying to protect Thatcher and numerous other Conservative politicians. No doubt this is another elaborate plot of the Communist conspiracy…

Let us now consider some of the names linked to elite pedophile networks in Britain and Cercle:

Leon Brittan: Held several posts under Thatcher including Home Secretary; Brittan allegedly suppressed a dossier outing a pedophile ring in Thatcher's cabinet (the original Westminster scandal); in 2014 and 2015 victims came forward to accuse Brittan of both homosexual rape and pedophilia; possibly a member of Le Cercle as Janus (a website that organizes the papers of Cambridge University) reports a letter from Julian Amery to Brittan concerning a recent Cercle meeting; close to Amery and also future Cercle chairman Norman Lamont; Lamont attended Cambridge with Brittan where they were a part of the "Cambridge Mafia" and was also present at Brittan's funeral.

Keith Joseph: Thatcher's Secretary of State for Education and Science; a very close adviser to Thatcher; name apparently turned up in the original 1984 Westminster dossier and more allegations have emerged since; In Free Agent, Crozier notes: "With Mrs. Thatcher's approval, I liaised with Keith Joseph in certain psychological actions in the election year, 1987" (pgs. 277-278). This researcher has not been able to link Joseph to the 6I or Cercle, but here clearly collaborated with Crozier at times

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870cef No.44274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19624449 (281422ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun / Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Part 2)


Excerpts Below

David Atkinson: Conservative MP from 1977 till 2005 who was close to the Thatcher regime; reputedly a closet homosexual as well as a pedophile; his son described him as a pedophile, but later recanted; was very close to Cercle chairman Jonathan Aitken, serving as vice-president of Aitken's Christian Solidarity Worldwide organization.

Julian Lewis: Conservative MP who became a key member of Crozier's 6I network in the 1980s; during the early '90s the now defunct Scallywag magazine was investigating a pedophile network centered around Wrexham that may have been linked to the Westminster group; Lewis was alleged to been involved in the cover-up

And seemingly here is Lewis, a figure very close to Crozier, attempting to cover up a major pedophile scandal. It is interesting to note that both Lewis and Leigh have also been accused of pedophile. So have at least three British Cercle members who became chairmen of the group: Julian Amery, Jonathan Aitken (who apparently has been on multiple "retreats" organized by the Jesuits) and Norman Lamont (a member of the Catholic order known as the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George). The evidence is not as strong against these figures as those mentioned above, but none the less this would strongly indicate that the Cercle network was aware of the elite pedophile networks in England.

There are other potential links as well. For instance, both Maurice Oldfield and Peter Heyman, the former Director-General and Deputy Director-General of MI6 respectively, have been implicated in Britain's pedophile networks (such as here and here, respectively). Crozier himself was of course very close to MI6 while one of the 6I founders, Nicholas Elliott, was one of the most storied MI6 officers of the twentieth century. Crozier and Elliott were both friendly with Oldfield, and Elliott surely knew Hayman, but these relationships do not seem to have been especially strong. Still, it surely would have been useful to Crozier and Elliott being aware of Oldfield and Heyman's involvement in such things.

And here is this mysterious international body, Le Cercle, that seemingly had ties to both the pedophile rings in Britain and Belgium. Indeed, both Brian Crozier and Jean Violet (who both had served as Cercle chairman at different ties) may have been deeply involved with both networks via the 6I and the Academy, which were essentially intelligence networks for Cercle. And that would mean that Cerlce's intelligence wing would be well positioned to, say, blackmail prominent politicians in either country….

All of this is rather curious and yet has largely flown under the radar of both of mainstream media as well as the "alternative." No doubt the exposurer of Monarch programming amongst British performers took precedence among the latter, though such "researchers" would stand a much better chance of finding credible evidence of some type of cult (or possibly multiple ones) in the Cercle complex. Still, its hard to ignore the Machiavellian mastermind that is Gary Glitter….

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870cef No.44275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19627135 (281945ZSEP23) Notable: AfriForum presents politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform before parliament (video)

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“AfriForum presents politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform before parliament”


Sep 28, 2023

The civil rights organisation AfriForum today continued its fight against the Expropriation Bill [B23-2020] with an oral presentation before the Select Committee on Transport, Public Service and Administration, Public Works and Infrastructure in the Parliamentary Precinct (National Council of Provinces) in Cape Town. This follows after a further opportunity for public comments was opened regarding this controversial bill.

Ernst van Zyl, AfriForum's Head of Public Relations, presented the Parliamentary Committee with a list of politically inconvenient facts about land and land reform in South Africa, as well as a list of AfriForum's solutions.

Add your voice to AfriForum's challenge by visiting www.onteiening.co.za.

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870cef No.44276

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19631889 (291520ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community

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“Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community”


September 28, 2023

The Police in Calcutta are in pursuit of suspects who fatally shot a truck driver (45) on the R40 Road in Marite outside Hazyview earlier today, Tuesday 26 September 2023, at around 08:30. During this incident, some members of the public reportedly looted some dairy products that were inside the truck, in spite of the lifeless body of the victim laying behind the steering wheel.

According to a report, the driver as well as two of his crew members were driving along the R40 Road in a truck heading towards Bushbuckridge for a delivery. As they were passing through Marite next to a certain filling station, it is alleged that approximately four to five armed suspects emerged from the roadside with firearms. It is further alleged that the suspects attempted to stop the truck by standing in the road. The driver reportedly made a U-Turn and bumped into another vehicle. Further information indicates that the suspects began firing shots towards the truck. Unfortunately the driver was hit by the hail of bullets and the truck came to a halt after crashing into a tree after losing control as the driver was shot.

Two of the crew members escaped with minor injuries.

It was during this difficult moment as victims needed urgent help but rather, some members of the public are said to have helped themselves with items from the truck instead of assisting those that were in need.

Meanwhile, the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has strongly condemned the incident. “We are really disappointed by the acts of immorality displayed in this incident. On top of the robbery and the murder of an innocent soul, people had the audacity to steal from the truck though its driver was lying motionless in the pool of blood, inside the truck. People seems to have lost their moral campus. Be as it may, we are going to hunt down and arrest those who were involved in this incident without fear or favour,” said the General.

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870cef No.44277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19631925 (291526ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun / Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence

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>We are really disappointed by the acts of immorality displayed in this incident. On top of the robbery and the murder of an innocent soul, people had the audacity to steal from the truck though its driver was lying motionless in the pool of blood, inside the truck. People seems to have lost their moral campus.

People have become desensitized and desperate

“Squid Game | Official Trailer | Netflix” - https://youtu.be/oqxAJKy0ii4

“‘Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence?”


06-10-2021 12:12

If you’ve watched Netflix’s Squid Game, chances are you might not have flinched much. As South Africans, we’re used to hearing, reading and even experiencing a gruesome amount of violence on a regular basis.

According to the Gallup Law and Order Index poll, SA was listed as the fifth most dangerous country in the world in 2020 – and our crime rate has been compared to a literal warzone.

We’re only a few steps behind Afghanistan – who are now living under the terrifying rule of the Taliban, who govern the country with an iron clad fist and dictate the movements of every citizen.


Squid Game – the South Korean “survival drama” about an ordinary, yet gravely desperate group of people who risk their lives in the hopes of getting cold, hard cash under extremely dangerous circumstances – sounds like some not so far-fetched for many South Africans who live in abject poverty.

Despite being in lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, murder, gender-based violence/rape and violent crimes continue to top SA’s crimes stats for the first quarter of the financial year (2020/2021), as noted by Police Minister Bheki Cele

He said in his speech in August: “Contact crimes such as murder, attempted murder, sexual offences and all categories of assault registered a 60, 6% increase, compared to the corresponding period of the previous financial year.”

With this being said, many tweeps think that Mzansi has much in common with the hit Netflix series, albeit the somewhat child-like references.

“If you live in South Africa you are already playing Squid Game”, posted one tweep. “South Africa is the real Squid Game for Females…one step and it’s lights out”, said another

“Survive the streets and get your pay,” said a third.

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870cef No.44278

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19635994 (300229ZSEP23) Notable: Final ANC Bun

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Final ANC Bun

>>43906 President Ramaphosa reveals that a health revolution is on the way (video)

>>43964 “Killer cholera hits amid decade-long bickering over Hammanskraal water crisis - and tender scandals”

>>43965, >>43966 Life in the Time of Cholera - the SA reality as ANC governance falls behind 19th Century civilization (Parts 1&2)

>>43973 Proposed water licensing regulations requiring up to 75% black South African shareholding place tenuous food security at further risk

>>43992, >>43993, >>43994, >>43995 ‘Section 194 Inquiry won’t be distracted by gossip,’ says ANC MP on Mkhwebane extortion claims

>>43995 "The biggest corruption scandal to hit SA's Parliament" - Mkhwebane shares alleged bribe clips (video)

>>44048, >>44049 ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses 26th ANC Youth League National Conference (Parts 1&2) (video)

>>44050 ANC - "VIP'S OF VIOLENCE" c.1987 (video)

>>44052 The ANC Method Violence 1986 (video)

>>44073, >>44074 George Soros and South Africa’s transition from Apartheid to Robbery Capitalism (Parts 1&2)

>>44075 The Looting of Africa under corrupt African leaders? George Soros Open Society

>>44076 Who are the Menell Family? EFF question links to Ramaphosa - Urban Foundation

>>44077 Address by President Nelson Mandela at the Memorial for Clive Menell

>>44078, >>44079, >>44080 Mandela and Zuma gold mine 'exploiting workers (Parts 1-3)

>>44081 Nelson Mandela Foundation says farewell to a long-serving mentor Irene Menell

>>44083, >>44084, >>44085 Afrika Tikkun

>>44086, >>44087 Jeff Koorbanally on the Rupert family and Project Spider Web - influencing policy in S Africa (Parts 1&2) (video and pdf)

>>44089, >>44090, >>44091 Document: Memorandum of Understanding in the matter between; Dated: February 1993 (Parts 1-3)

>>44092, >>44093, >>44094, >>44095>>44096, >>44097, >>44098 Project Hammer (Parts 1-7)

>>44099, >>44100, >>44101, >>44102 Celebrated Anti-Apartheid activist, cleric and former patron of the UDF, Dr. Allan Boesak responds to Popo Molefe’s invitation to UDF40 (Parts 1-4)

>>44103 Harry Oppenheimer biography shows the South African mining magnate’s hand in economic policies

>>44104, >>44105, >>44106 Richard Goldstone

>>44109, >>44110, >>44111, >>44112, >>44113, >>44115 Popo Molefe, AZAPO, & UDF

>>44124, >>44125, >>44126, >>44127 Carl Niehaus (video)

>>44137 South Africa's ANC controls eight of nine provinces - why the Western Cape will remain elusive in the 2024 elections (video)

>>44142, >>44143 Illegal guns fuel violent crime, wreak deadly havoc in South Africa (video)

>>44150 “Why Won't Mandela Renounce Violence?” 1990 (video)

>>44216 ANC remains committed to reform and development, says Ramaphosa

>>44217, >>44218 Fikile Mbalula reacts to Ace Magashule’s new party” - African Congress for Transformation (ACT) (video)

>>44219, >>44220 List of Former ANC members establishing/re-launching parties (Parts 1&2)

>>44226 South African Communist Party, “a strong faction within the ANC“

>>44227, >>>/qresearch/1955835, >>44228, >>44229 The truth about the Xhosa Nostra (Parts 1-5)

>>44231, >>44232 Davos 1999 - Nelson Mandela: WEF integrated ANC members when they were still in exile (video)

>>44239, >>44240 This is what sparked violence between ANC and IFP in late 80s, early 90s (video)

>>44245, >>>/qresearch/195424147 Mkhwebane’s fate sealed, becomes first public protector removed from office (video)

>>44253 ANC, EFF eyeing political points, using Inkosi Mangosuthu Buthelezi’s death for political gains

>>44261, >>44262, >>44263 ANC leader Ramaphosa and the tidy legacy of Lonrho's Rowland

>>44265 Apartheid intelligence agents were amalgamated into the ‘Rainbow Nation’, South Africa

>>44267 Solidarity fights to stop ANC “capture” of schools (video)

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870cef No.44279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636006 (300231ZSEP23) Notable: Le Cercle Bun

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Le Cercle Bun

>>44269 Secret CIA-funded group linked to UK Ministersand South Africa

>>44270 Declassified: Apartheid Profits - Le Cercle, the Phantom Profiteers

>>44271, >>44272 Meet “Le Cercle” - making Bilderberg look like amateurs (Parts 1&2)

>>44273, >>44274 Le Cercle has ties to pedophiles and the Order of Malta (Parts 1&2)

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870cef No.44280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636010 (300232ZSEP23) Notable: Final Commodities Bun

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Final Commodities Bun

>>43961, >>43962 Glencore Subsidiary Buys Sherwin Alumina at Bankruptcy Auction

>>43963 Bribery Scandal To Cost Glencore $1.1 Billion, While Billionaire Execs Avoid Blame—For Now

>>43970 Botswana says it is still keen on De Beers partnership, confident of new deal

>>43971 Glencore to honour pre-existing Russia contracts, no new deals

>>44014 Economic sabotage: Mantashe accuses Lesotho government after 31 illegal miners die in Free State mine (video)

>>44036 Amari Holdings vs Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC)

>>44042 Both Amaplat Mauritius Ltd and Amari Nickel Holdings Zimbabwe Ltd have the same address in Mauritius

>>44043, >>44044 Fronts, False Invoices, and Offshore Financial Façades Raise Questions About Tagwirei Mine Purchase (video)

>>44175 How illegal mining has continued to thrive in SA (video)

>>44176, >>44177 Anglo American and the rise of modern South Africa” [May 1985] (Parts 1&2)

>>44178, >>44179, >>44180 A South African Empire Reaches to U.S.” [April 11, 1982] (Parts 1-3)

>>44188, >>44189 Companies and Financial Institutions Benefiting from Violations of Human Rights” [Anglo American and AngloGold Ashanti] (Parts 1&2)

>>44190 Glencore 'used relationship' with Ramaphosa to 'extort' Eskom, former CEO Brian Molefe claims (video)

>>44191 Disgraced Glencore comes out swinging in defence of Ramaphosa

>>44192 Glencore and Xstrata ties go back to the beginning before the merger

>>44193 Macsteel’s founder Eric Samson passes away

>>44254 NGOs are blocking SA’s energy development, says Mantashe

>>44255, >>44256 South Africa needs a ‘war room’ to expedite oil and gas projects (Parts 1&2)

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870cef No.44281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636018 (300233ZSEP23) Notable: Final Johannesburg Bun

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Final Johannesburg Bun

>>44067, >>44068, >>44069 Johannesburg Blast

>>44208 Joburg CBD fire - A disaster ‘waiting to happen’ as death toll climbs to 74 (video)

>>44209, >>44242 Johannesburg CBD: Speaker Colleen Makhubele says NGOs block efforts to remove people from hijacked buildings (video)

>>44210 Joburg CBD Fire: Inside the dilapidated hijacked buildings that sprawl the Johannesburg city centre

>>44211 Johannesburg is accelerating its plans to become a smart city

>>44212 Cities at risk; Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres

>>44213 Johannesburg fire: what are 'hijacked buildings' and why are they dangerous? (video)

>>44214 Joburg fire: [city-owned building,] Shelter for abused women was hijacked, cops had made arrests

>>44215 JHB CBD Fire: Marshalltown building was apartheid-era centre for receiving foreign nationals (video)

>>44260 Lawyers 'in cahoots' with deeds office in hijacking of buildings (video)

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870cef No.44282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636019 (300233ZSEP23) Notable: Final Lady R Probe Bun

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Final Lady R Probe Bun

>>43927 US ambassador to South Africa, Reuben E Brigety: “US had found that [Russian ship] Lady R was loaded with weapons.” (video)

>>43931 Ramaphosa to appoint retired judge to probe Russian ship

>>43934 US may have better insight about alleged weapons SA gave to Russia- Bruce (video)

>>43937 (from General) 'It's a serious issue': White House responds to claims South Africa passed weapons to Russia

>>43939 US ambassador to SA has ‘apologised unreservedly’: Dirco after demarche

>>43940 SACP accuses Brigety of Reckless Behaviour due to his utterances (video)

>>43944 U.S. accusation a veiled threat? (video)

>>43945, >>43946 US Unlikely To Sanction South Africa In Russia Weapons Dispute

>>43949 U.S. says relationship with South Africa strong despite claim ally supplying arms to Russia

>>43950, >>43951 Russia denies weapons were loaded onto the Lady R (Parts 1&2)

>>43955, >>43956 DA reacts to appointment of panel to probe docking of Russian vessel (video)

>>43956 Phineas Mojapelo to head Ramaphosa's panel into Russian vessel matter (video)

>>43976, >>43977 President Ramaphosa must expand Lady R probe to include Nato (Parts 1&2)

>>43981 Secrecy surrounding Lady R probe questioned

>>44070 Russian plane at Air Force Base and the Lady R - "ANC has not been playing open cards"

>>44168 Hawks' senior member killed by SANDF special forces unit'” - Links to an Ethiopian abduction and Lady R (video)

>>44224 Panel finds no evidence of arms loaded on to Lady R, claims Ramaphosa - but will still keep the full report secret (video)

>>44225 Lady R executive summary report released (with pdf)

>>44268 DA opposes Lady R report being classified (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

870cef No.44283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19636028 (300235ZSEP23) Notable: Final Violence and Crime Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Final Violence and Crime Bun

>>43909, >>43910 Saps History - George Fivaz

>>43911 Stratom: What it actually was and means

>>43918 Wave of bombings hits Graskop and Hazyview

>>43947 Cosatu - ‘Farmers rape and murder their workers’: HRC – ‘It’s not a human rights violation’

>>43948 Maclear farmer (74) tortured for 13 hours - Attackers make themselves dinner

>>43972 Second Major Railway Grinds To Halt In South Africa

>>43982 SA Presidency acknowledges receipt of call for farm murder commission, eight farmers murdered in a week

>>43983 Farm attacks and farm murders are being driven by false narratives

>>44033, >>44040 SANDF union reveals how N1 highway assault victims were pushed off the road by VIP ‘blue light bullies (video)

>>44034 “Acting public protector denies Phala Phala report was a 'whitewash'” (video)

>>44045, >>44046 Highway truck attacks aimed at creating ‘mayhem and disruption’ (video)

>>44107, >>44108 Elon Musk urges Ramaphosa to address Malema’s ‘Kill the Boer’ chant (Parts 1&2)

>>44114 21 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders in South Africa, July 2023

>>44130, >>44131, >>44132, >>44133, >>44134, >>44135, >>44136 The origins of South Africa's farm murder epidemic (Parts 1-7)

>>44138, >>44139, >>44140, >>44141 Zama-Zamas (video)

>>44146 ‘Anti-white racism’: Farmers being targeted in South Africa (video)

>>44147 Elon Musk Calls For Cancelling New York Times Over ‘Genocide Support’

>>44156, >>44157 Riot and strike warning for South Africa (Parts 1-2)

>>44170 Julius Malema cries "Kill the Boer" at rally: Could South Africa end up going the way of Zimbabwe? (video)

>>44195 Factually incorrect police statistics about farm murders raise serious questions

>>44234 Police Minister Bheki Cele leads security briefing on political killings in KZN (video)

>>44235 Political killings: KZN continues to be the killing fields of SA (video)

>>44236 Victim recalls the morning a suspect chanted ‘Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer’ during farm attack”

>>44237 Rule of Law Project enters 'Kill the Boer’ fray

>>44238 AfriForum calls for SCA acting judge to recuse herself in ‘Kill the Boer’ case, citing bias

>>44257 It is called a Tournament when a hit is out on a Councillor. KZN killing fields (video)

>>44258 Western Cape: “Murdered ANC councillor had survived two previous assassination attempts

>>44259 AfriForum’s latest report on farm attacks/murders offers a perspective on the nationality of arrested farm attackers (video)

>>44266 NCA: Crime in SA: Kidnappings on the rise (video)

>>44276 Truck driver fatally shot in Marite, dairy products looted from truck by local community

>>44277 Squid Game’: Have we [South Africans] become desensitized to hyper-violence

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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