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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

7aa474 No.51587 [Last50 Posts]

11OCT23 to 14OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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7aa474 No.98293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717215 (112339ZOCT23) Notable: Former Senior Fiscal Officer for Non-Profit Organization Charged With Multi-Million Dollar Embezzlement Scheme

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Former Senior Fiscal Officer for Non-Profit Organization Charged With Multi-Million Dollar Embezzlement Scheme


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7aa474 No.98294

File: 499efd67f835723⋯.jpg (773.84 KB,2517x1363,2517:1363,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf32582cf4d4333⋯.png (256.49 KB,998x2264,499:1132,Clipboard.png)

File: 3096184ff4d6fe5⋯.png (168.05 KB,998x1516,499:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717242 (112342ZOCT23) Notable: President Obama’s NSA-Modified Cell Phones on Display at the National Cryptologic Museum

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Thought anons would find this interesting.

I don't know if these drops are relevant, but I wonder if the NSA kept logs of all the calls/texts from these phones. Surely Obama isn't dumb enough to do all his crimes on these phones, right...?

President Obama’s NSA-Modified Cell Phones on Display at the National Cryptologic Museum

When an NSA employee approached National Cryptologic Museum (NCM) Director Vince Houghton asking if he wanted “the Obama phones,” he didn’t hesitate to acquire the cryptologic gems for display at the museum.

“The Obama phones” are specially modified Motorola A840 models personally used by President Barack Obama during his time in office. The new exhibit, which opened in August this year, includes three of these cell phones in addition to four blackberry devices also used by President Obama, several with the presidential seal.

“We had generic phones like these on display, but these are the ones that belonged to the former president,” said Deana Bowles, NCM’s curator. “When people saw Obama using a phone on television, the internet, social media, or wherever, these are the ones he was using.”

Following Obama’s term, NSA removed security modifications and classified data the phones contained from his presidency. Before the exhibit opening, NCM received approval from NSA and the White House Communications Agency to place the phones on display.

“This display shows people that changes in technology force us to do things differently and get used to new things, even the President of the United States,” Bowles said. “When Obama became President, he insisted on using his blackberry like when he was a senator, but the device would not accept the necessary security modifications. He had to learn these flip phones.”

For 30 years, people from across the Nation have come to witness the museum’s unique displays. According to Houghton, part of the NCM’s mission is to be one-of-a-kind. Since its founding in 1993, the NCM remains the Intelligence Community’s only completely public museum.

The NCM also displays artifacts that can’t be seen anywhere else, including original World War II German enigma machines for visitors to encrypt and decrypt messages, the last existing U.S. Navy Cryptanalytic Bombe, and Johannes Trithemius’ early 16th century “Polygraphiae” — the first-ever printed book on cryptology.

While artifacts like these help to make the NCM unique, Houghton envisions a museum that constantly changes, with new, genuine artifacts tied to moments in history so visitors can experience something new every time they enter the museum.

“I want to be able to say ‘This is the first code talker message ever transmitted during World War I,’” he said. "I want to point to the original Japanese naval message intercepted at Station Hypo in 1942 and proved we had broken the Japanese naval code JN-25.”

The NCM already owns artifacts with ties to people throughout history, including Hitler’s personal enigma machine, General Joseph Hooker’s Union Code Book from the Civil War, “Love letters” with unique encryptions exchanged between U.S. soldiers and their wives and sweethearts during World War II, and much more.

To bring his vision of the future of the museum to life, Houghton has a list of desired artifacts on the wall by his desk. It includes 25 cryptologic devices, machines, and correspondence that he wants to replace in the NCM’s inventory. He's scratched one item off the list so far: the Obama phones.

Houghton hopes others from NSA contact him to offer items for museum display. Many may not consider sending items to the public museum because of classification restrictions, but Houghton explained that NCM has an offsite classified storage space to hold items during the declassification process.

The museum also has a massive storage space for new artifacts to be held safely. According to Houghton, the staff finds more and more each day.

"We still don't know everything we have," he said. "Eventually, they could become part of temporary exhibits for visitors to experience.”

"By late fall this year, we’ll have three to four areas designated for temporary exhibits,” Houghton added. “We’ll be ready for years to come.”


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7aa474 No.98295

File: 3fc35bb80baa635⋯.png (412.28 KB,525x528,175:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717281 (112347ZOCT23) Notable: Martyred journalist was killed by alleged pedo victim, whom he'd groomed from childhood.

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BREAKING: Josh Kruger, the left-wing Philly journalist who was murdered in his home last week by 19-year-old Robert Davis, had been in a sexually relationship with him starting when Davis was 15 and had threatened to post sexually explicit photos of him online, per the family.


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7aa474 No.98296

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717369 (112356ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS Live now

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LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Visits Club 47 in West Palm Beach, FL - 10/11/23


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7aa474 No.98297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717385 (112358ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS Live now

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POTUS Live now


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7aa474 No.98298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717433 (120003ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The love in this room is absolute proof that this is not just a campaign, this is a movement

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President Trump: The love in this room is absolute proof that this is not just a campaign, this is a movement, it's the greatest political movement in the history of our country. The greatest. And when we win next November, it will be an epic political earthquake the likes of which the world has never seen before.

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7aa474 No.98299

File: 5c0b196fdf0c5b2⋯.png (279.44 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717436 (120003ZOCT23) Notable: Ukrainian drone strike kills two in Russian border region

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Ukrainian drone strike kills two in Russian border region – governor

A child is feared trapped under the rubble of a house, according to Belgorod officials

At least two people have been killed and two others wounded in a Ukrainian drone attack on Russia’s Belgorod Region, local Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said early on Thursday.

According to the governor, a plane-type UAV was intercepted by the air defenses en route to the regional capital, but its debris hit several residential buildings, causing a fire. One house was completely destroyed and two more were partially damaged, according to the official.

“Unfortunately, there are casualties. The bodies of two people were recovered from the rubble – a man and a woman. Presumably, there may be a child under the rubble. The rescue operation continues,” Gladkov wrote on Telegram. Two more people suffered injuries and were rushed to a hospital in critical condition.

“The man is in a coma, he has burns of the respiratory tract, upper and lower extremities. Doctors assess the woman's condition as severe, she has a lower limb fracture and a concussion,” Gladkov added.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that an incoming Ukrainian drone was “destroyed” over the Belgorod region around 11:50pm on Wednesday, but did not mention any damage on the ground in its brief statement.

Amid the ongoing hostilities between Moscow and Kiev, Belgorod Region and other areas bordering Ukraine have been the target of intense Ukrainian artillery attacks and drone raids, which have claimed numerous civilian lives. Russian officials have also accused Ukraine of plotting acts of sabotage targeting major infrastructure sites, including nuclear power plants.

Kiev has stepped up assaults on Russian territory in recent months, as the ground counteroffensive of Ukrainian forces launched in early June failed to yield any significant victories.


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7aa474 No.98300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717440 (120004ZOCT23) Notable: DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

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DJT - Roseanne - great friend

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7aa474 No.98301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717464 (120007ZOCT23) Notable: DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

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DJT - Libs Of TikTok - we had a lot of fun at Maralago

DJT - DC Draino - thank you

DJT - Rogan - Shout out - thank you

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7aa474 No.98302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717475 (120008ZOCT23) Notable: DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

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DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

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7aa474 No.98303

File: 0ef0a6eabd2879a⋯.png (56.17 KB,800x632,100:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717479 (120008ZOCT23) Notable: Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard: 'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

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Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard:

'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

Newsbusters, by Tim Graham

Posted By: Imright, 10/11/2023 7:59:55 PM

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio enthusiastically advocates for abortion on a regular basis. A few months ago, their show Morning Edition even aired audio of an abortion as clinic workers cheered it on. On Wednesday, their morning "news" show turned to Memphis-based WKNO reporter Christopher Blank, who promoted billboards supporting women driving up Interstate 55 from Tennessee to Carbondale, Illinois for abortions. The star of the story was a hairdresser named "Queen" - "we're not using her name due to privacy concerns." Blank described her as wearing a T-shirt proclaiming in capital letters "I WILL FOREVER AID AND ABET ABORTIONS." She explained

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7aa474 No.98304

File: 19b4e758f741a00⋯.png (22.12 KB,1017x225,113:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717489 (120009ZOCT23) Notable: Israel war: Biden administration gave money to Hamas-linked groups

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Israel war: Biden administration gave

money to Hamas-linked groups

Washington Examiner, by Sarah Bedford

Posted By: Imright, 10/11/2023 7:52:32 PM

President Joe Biden’s decision to restart aid programs for Palestinians has drawn fresh criticism this week amid questions about how Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip, acquired the resources to launch an attack on Israel. Biden has pledged hundreds of millions of dollars toward Palestinians since taking office, reversing a decision by former President Donald Trump to cut off nearly all aid to Palestinians, in part because of concerns about Hamas’s influence.

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7aa474 No.98305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717519 (120013ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

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DJT. Nickki a "bird brain, DeSantis is "falling like a bird from the sky....

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7aa474 No.98306

File: 151340e3aa83205⋯.png (595.21 KB,800x567,800:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717523 (120013ZOCT23) Notable: Space Systems Command Shines Light on Integrated Resilient Space Capabilities

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Space Systems Command Shines Light on Integrated Resilient Space Capabilities and Exploit, Buy, Build Strategy at Annual Space Industry Days Event

Oct 10, 2023

Space Systems Command’s (SSC) leadership team will be at the forefront of this month’s Space Industry Days, an annual showcase where government and commercial sector professionals come together to find new ways to collaborate on the issues important to the future of the U.S. Space Force and SSC space capabilities.

The annual two-day event takes place Oct. 18- 19 at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott and will feature presentations and industry panels.

SSC Commander, Lt. Gen. Michael A. Guetlein, is scheduled to deliver the opening day keynote address. Other SSC speakers are to include: Dr. Claire Leon, director, Space Systems Integration Office; Col. Po Shiue, director, Warfighter Integration Office; Col. Richard Kniseley, director, Commercial Space Office; Ms. Deanna Ryals, director, International Affairs Office; Col. Rob Davis, PEO for Space Sensing; Ms. Natalie Riedel, director, SSC Contracting; Col. Bryon McClain, PEO for Space Domain Awareness & Combat Power; Ms. Shannon Pallone, PEO for Battle Management, Command, Control and Communications; Mr. Cordell DeLaPena, PEO for Miliary Communication and Positioning, Navigation & Timing; and Brig. Gen. Kristin Panzenhagen, PEO for Assured Access to Space.

U.S. Air and Space Force leaders will also be on-hand with SSC program offices, to share their plans for the next five years. Panels of industry representatives will provide perspectives on challenges they are facing as they develop aerospace solutions. Feedback from the collaborative discussions will help inform government and industry alike as they work though major issues challenging the future of the nation’s space enterprise.to discuss current and emerging mission areas and capabilities.

“Space Industry Days provides an opportunity for audiences from across the space industry to hear from SSC leadership along with other government officials about the overall direction of where space is going,” said Capt. Charles M. Guertler, chief, strategic engagements for the Commander’s Action Group at SSC. “It’s also an opportunity for SSC to hear directly from industry what challenges they’re facing as they continue to develop cutting-edge technology,”

“It really helps foster a dialogue between government and industry – because it’s a partnership to get these capabilities fielded,” Guertler added.


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7aa474 No.98307

File: 083a7249f14922a⋯.png (44.14 KB,1119x452,1119:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717526 (120013ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Classified Docs Probe Broadens After President Sits for Special Counsel Interview

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Biden Classified Docs Probe Broadens After President Sits for Special Counsel Interview


thepoliticsbrief -

October 11, 2023

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7aa474 No.98308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717532 (120015ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

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President Trump: With Crooked Joe Biden, you have chaos, bloodshed, war, terr, and death. Look what's happening today. Because the occupant of the White House is a laughing stock.

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7aa474 No.98309

File: 77f2550e5ca3c20⋯.png (23.85 KB,591x396,197:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717539 (120015ZOCT23) Notable: @annvandersteel Hezbollah is in Venezuela. They are getting Venezuelan passports and coming across the US border by the thousands.

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Ann Vandersteel


Hezbollah is in Venezuela. They are getting Venezuelan passports and coming across the US border by the thousands.

They speak perfect Spanish with perfect accents and body language. They look like Venezuelans. We will have multiple terrorist attacks in this country.

Mark my words

Bookmark this tweet.


12:32 PM · Oct 11, 2023




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7aa474 No.98310

File: 4199c0643f109ab⋯.jpeg (103.12 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717542 (120015ZOCT23) Notable: Zelensky plans ‘solidarity’ tour to Israel -- Axios

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11 Oct, 2023 23:45

Zelensky plans ‘solidarity’ tour to Israel – Axios

Ukraine’s president has previously voiced concerns about losing the West’s attention

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is seeking to visit Israel in order to back Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign against Gaza, Axios reported on Wednesday.

Zelensky’s office has sent Netanyahu’s office an official request to coordinate a visit, the US outlet said, citing anonymous officials from both Ukraine and Israel. Axios claimed such a trip would “boost international support for Israel’s counteroffensive against Hamas in Gaza.”

The discussions are still in the “preliminary”stage and no date has been set, according to Axios’ sources. Neither government would confirm or deny the report on the record, however.

Zelensky was in Belgium on Wednesday, meeting with NATO defense ministers to ask for more weapons and ammunition. Speaking with reporters, he said international support meant a lot to Ukraine in the early days of the conflict with Russia.

“This is why I urge all leaders to visit Israel and show their support for the people,” the Ukrainian leader said. “I’m not talking about any institutions, but about support for the people who suffered from terrorist attacks and are dying today.”

Since Saturday, when Hamas launched rockets and commando raids into Israeli territory, the conflict in Ukraine has virtually disappeared from news coverage in the West. Visiting Romania on Tuesday, Zelensky lamented this absence from the spotlight.

“If international attention shifts away from Ukraine, one way or another, it will have consequences,” he told France 2. “The fate of Ukraine depends on the unity of the rest of the world.”

Zelensky also blamed Moscow for the attacks by the Palestinian militants, claiming Russia “helped Hamas and is behind Hamas,” without offering any evidence. Earlier he cited Ukrainian intelligence claims that Russia wanted to trigger a war in the Middle East in order to “undermine world unity” and “destroy freedom in Europe.”

Israel’s ambassador to Moscow, Alexander Ben Zvi, has rejected such allegations as “complete nonsense” and said his government does not believe that Russia was involved “in any way.”

Washington has endorsed West Jerusalem in much the same terms as it had Kiev, promising Netanyahu massive quantities of weapons and ammunition. The Pentagon has assured reporters that the US has enough to support both Israel and Ukraine, as well as its own troops around the globe.

(What a little fucking attention whore Zelensky isUkraine has inflicted the pain of what Hamas is doing to the people in Israel and Palestine to Doneskt and Lughsnsk for 10 years by bombing and killing them. The general Ukrainian people have not suffered like Israel! I hate this asshole)


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7aa474 No.98311

File: 6d6610940b735b8⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717560 (120018ZOCT23) Notable: DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

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POTUS gave Al Baldasaro a shoutout - Love this guy

Alfred P. Baldasaro (born November 20, 1956) is a Republican politician from the state of New Hampshire. He is a member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Baldasaro lives in Londonderry and represents District 5 in Rockingham County.[2] He is known for his strongly conservative views and provocative remarks, including one in 2016 where he called for Hillary Clinton to be "put in the firing line and shot"

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7aa474 No.98312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717568 (120019ZOCT23) Notable: we need a class action lawsuit against the government for all these grotesque post-modern PSYOPS

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we need a class action lawsuit against the government for all the mental anguish, pain and suffering they've instilled on the population through all their bullshit psyops

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7aa474 No.98313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717665 (120028ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: You know what happens, after about twenty minutes [Biden on stage], the stuff that he's taking wears off…gets a little groggy.

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President Trump: You know what happens, after about twenty minutes [Biden on stage], the stuff that he's taking wears off...gets a little groggy.

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7aa474 No.98314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717680 (120030ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

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President Trump: The six billion dollars was a tremendous amount of money, but nothing compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that Biden allowed them [Iran] to make in oil and other things.

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7aa474 No.98315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717731 (120036ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

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President Trump: In addition, Biden must immediately halt all funding to corrupt Palestinian entities that support these savage terrorist, which, if you remember, I stopped it, because we were paying them about seven hundred and fifty million dollars a year, to the Palestinians, and they were really nasty. They were saying, 'death to America." And I heard about this; I said, "Are we actually paying them money?" 'Yes sir, we have for many years, sir.' I said if they say anything again, we immediately stop it....and so I stopped the money.

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7aa474 No.98316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717799 (120044ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.

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DJT - Bibi Netenyahu let us down

They'd better get themselves straightened out over there

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7aa474 No.98317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717818 (120046ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.

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President Trump: I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.

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7aa474 No.98318

File: 44b25b6083005bd⋯.png (201.22 KB,409x522,409:522,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717849 (120049ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: You know what happens, after about twenty minutes [Biden on stage], the stuff that he's taking wears off…gets a little groggy.

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OMG Trump just insinuated Joe Biden’s on the cocaine 🤣

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7aa474 No.98319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717856 (120050ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

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President Trump: In addition, I will immediately begin the process of building a state of the art missile defense shield in America.

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7aa474 No.98320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717869 (120051ZOCT23) Notable: #24210

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#24210 >>98288

>>98297, >>98296 POTUS Live now

>>98298 President Trump: The love in this room is absolute proof that this is not just a campaign, this is a movement

>>98302, >>98300, >>98301, >>98311 DJT - These are all influencers. Thank you very much

>>98313, >>98318 President Trump: You know what happens, after about twenty minutes [Biden on stage], the stuff that he's taking wears off…gets a little groggy.

>>98317, >>98316 President Trump: I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.

>>98305, >>98308, >>98314, >>98315, >>98319 POTUS 45 RALLY ADDITIONAL BUN

>>98307 Biden Classified Docs Probe Broadens After President Sits for Special Counsel Interview

>>98304 Israel war: Biden administration gave money to Hamas-linked groups

>>98289 @DanScavino I can TRUTH but I can’t TWEET…

>>98293 Former Senior Fiscal Officer for Non-Profit Organization Charged With Multi-Million Dollar Embezzlement Scheme

>>98294 President Obama’s NSA-Modified Cell Phones on Display at the National Cryptologic Museum

>>98290 Former Head of Boro Park Shomrim Society Sentenced to More Than 17 Years in Prison for Sex Trafficking

>>98291, >>98295 Martyred journalist was killed by alleged pedo victim, whom he'd groomed from childhood.

>>98299 Ukrainian drone strike kills two in Russian border region

>>98303 Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard: 'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

>>98306 Space Systems Command Shines Light on Integrated Resilient Space Capabilities

>>98309 @annvandersteel Hezbollah is in Venezuela. They are getting Venezuelan passports and coming across the US border by the thousands.

>>98310 Zelensky plans ‘solidarity’ tour to Israel - Axios

>>98312 we need a class action lawsuit against the government for all these grotesque post-modern PSYOPS


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7aa474 No.98321

File: 4bb6c42e21cce88⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717902 (120054ZOCT23) Notable: #24211

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>baker still seekin handoff

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7aa474 No.98322

File: c19b572cc12d36e⋯.png (433.99 KB,617x490,617:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717913 (120055ZOCT23) Notable: Trump tells story how at the last minute Bebe Netanyahu pulled out of going after Solemani - why would 45 be telling the story today?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump tells story how at the last minute Bebe Netanyahu pulled out of going after Solemani- why would 45 be telling the story today?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717926 (120057ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: He couldn't have been too impressed with our Capitol. It looks like SHIT. - Link: PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEAKS AT CLUB 47

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Trump: He couldn't have been too impressed with our Capitol. It looks like SHIT.

fuckin kek


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7aa474 No.98324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717931 (120057ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: The recent terror attacks are also a reminder of the deadly dangers that we face from Joe Biden's demolition of our own borders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The recent terror attacks are also a reminder of the deadly dangers that we face from Joe Biden's demolition of our own borders here on American soil. Can you imagine what's happening; these people pouring in. Under Biden, the same people that attacked Israel, killing, raping, torturing, and raping innocent civilians, are right now pouring into our once beautiful USA.

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7aa474 No.98325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717937 (120058ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: I will immediately begin building a state of the art missile defense system for America

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“I will immediately begin building a state of the art missile defense system for America”

-Trump at his rally tonight

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7aa474 No.98326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717941 (120058ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: When we get back in, I will immediately reimpose the Trump Travel Ban on entry from terrorist countries

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: When we get back in, I will immediately reimpose the Trump Travel Ban on entry from terrorist countries...upon my inauguration, we will quickly seal the border, and terminate every open borders policy of Crooked Joe Biden.

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7aa474 No.98327

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19717945 (120100ZOCT23) Notable: Sigal Chattah Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Newly Formed Coalition Government In Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Good info

Sigal Chattah Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Newly Formed Coalition Government In Israel. The kids today in Israel do not understand war, that’s why they were having a rave. The last war war 50 years ago the Yom Kippur War



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7aa474 No.98328

File: c3381739ad304c9⋯.png (31 KB,540x334,270:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718014 (120107ZOCT23) Notable: Trump said he never told the story of Israel backing out on taking down Soleimani; 1 of today's Q deltas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>98317 lb, >>98316 lb President Trump: I'll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing.

Trump said he never told that story before; 1 of today's Q deltas.

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7aa474 No.98329

File: 3c6f20cd1169377⋯.png (281.58 KB,270x459,10:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718026 (120108ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: My father, looking down from heaven, he would say my son has beenn indicted times

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"My father, looking down from heaven, he would say my son has beenn indicted times"


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7aa474 No.98330

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718040 (120110ZOCT23) Notable: Sigal Chattah Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Newly Formed Coalition Government In Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sigal Chattah On Israel: "They're dealing with 8th century barbarism in Israel. Netanyahu’s government fell down today and had create a Unity Government with Ganz and the leftists in IDF and gov



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7aa474 No.98331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718051 (120111ZOCT23) Notable: THE RISE OF PHARMA FASCISM AND THE RUINATION OF THE COMMONS

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7aa474 No.98332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718070 (120113ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: If Hillary got in, you would have had a nuclear war [with North Korea]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: If Hillary got in, you would have had a nuclear war [with North Korea].

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98333

File: ac4c2b1c6ad7dd1⋯.png (25.62 KB,183x542,183:542,Clipboard.png)

File: d698a8acae04349⋯.png (23.86 KB,183x567,61:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 9262817c2a923f6⋯.png (875.96 KB,1550x852,775:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718073 (120113ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - A lot of H60's and H47's up tonight…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A lot of H60's and H47's up tonight...

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7aa474 No.98334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718075 (120114ZOCT23) Notable: Trump said he never told the story of Israel backing out on taking down Soleimani; 1 of today's Q deltas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q's ID for that bread ends in bb.

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7aa474 No.98335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718095 (120116ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: The good news is I rebuilt the military…we had fighter jets that were forty-eight years old.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The good news is I rebuilt the military...we had fighter jets that were forty-eight years old.

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7aa474 No.98336

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718104 (120118ZOCT23) Notable: Todd Bensman: Illegal Aliens On FBI Watchlist Are Crossing The Border.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Todd Bensman: Illegal Aliens On FBI Watchlist Are Crossing The Border. It’s very bad anons. Forget Israel for now, think about America’s safety and security. They caught 250 terrorists on the watchlist, not including the gotta-ways of estimated 1.5 million=



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7aa474 No.98337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718110 (120118ZOCT23) Notable: Trump said he never told the story of Israel backing out on taking down Soleimani; 1 of today's Q deltas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Goes back to today's Delta

→ >>98328

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7aa474 No.98338

File: 0059c19718d34c9⋯.png (410.98 KB,600x474,100:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718116 (120118ZOCT23) Notable: Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison States Disgraced Crypto Bro Directed Her to Commit Fraud, ‘Donated $10M to Biden Campaign to Gain Influence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison States Disgraced Crypto Bro Directed Her to Commit Fraud, ‘Donated $10M to Biden Campaign to Gain Influence’ via @gatewaypundit

2:04 AM · Oct 11, 2023




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7aa474 No.98339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718129 (120120ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: She's got a wall around her house [Pelosi]. It didn't help her husband too much, but it helped her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: She's got a wall around her house [Pelosi]. It didn't help her husband too much, but it helped her. What the hell was that all about? Has anyone figured that out? What was that all about, Nancy? Tell us...she's a bad woman. I call her Crazy Nancy, and she was responsible for the security of the Capitol. We offered her ten thousand soldiers, she was responsible for the security of the Capitol, and she failed.

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7aa474 No.98340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718160 (120123ZOCT23) Notable: The IDF said it won't investigate its claim that Hamas killed and decapitated babies at a kibbutz.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



IDF says it won't back up its claim that Hamas decapitated babies in Israel because it is 'disrespectful for the dead'

The IDF said it won't investigate its claim that Hamas killed and decapitated babies at a kibbutz.

A spokesperson said that testimonies provided by soldiers were sufficient evidence.

He said that it would be "disrespectful for the dead" to comment on the conditions of the corpses.

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7aa474 No.98341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718170 (120125ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: I will totally obliterate the deep state, stop the weaponization of our government, and overhaul the corrupt FBI and DOJ.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will totally obliterate the deep state, stop the weaponization of our government, and overhaul the corrupt FBI and DOJ. We're going to fix the DOJ. The DOJ is corrupt, The FBI is corrupt.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718190 (120127ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: I will prevent World War III. It's not going to happen.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I'm able to say very strongly that I'm the only candidate who can make a promise that's a very important promise, the most important promise that you can have. I will prevent World War III. It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98343

File: efb4cd66f28030a⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,848x712,106:89,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718209 (120130ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: If Hillary got in, you would have had a nuclear war [with North Korea]

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7aa474 No.98344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718237 (120135ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: Lee is a big fan of Barack Hussein Obama. I'm just kidding.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP- 'Lee is a big fan of Barack Hussein Obama. I'm just kidding."

Which Lee might he be speaking of?

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7aa474 No.98345

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718249 (120137ZOCT23) Notable: Jeff Rainworth On The Invasion On The Border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jeff Rainworth On The Invasion On The Border: "Everyone in the world is coming through". He is in Lukeville, AZ, its an entire invasion



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7aa474 No.98346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718353 (120152ZOCT23) Notable: The IDF said it won't investigate its claim that Hamas killed and decapitated babies at a kibbutz.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Despite refutations from Israeli military, headlines that Hamas 'beheaded babies' persist

Claim initially made by Israeli news channel allegedly employing dozens of ex-military staff, with close ties with Netanyahu government

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7aa474 No.98347

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718429 (120202ZOCT23) Notable: Brian Kennedy: The U.S. Elite Care More About Preserving The American Empire Than The Constitution

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is important to listen to this;

Brian Kennedy: The U.S. Elite Care More About Preserving The American Empire Than The Constitution. Milley went behind the President’s back and talked to our mortal enemy in China, thats the definition of treason!



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7aa474 No.98348

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718464 (120206ZOCT23) Notable: Brian Kennedy: The U.S. Elite Care More About Preserving The American Empire Than The Constitution

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Brian Kennedy On Ousting McCarthy: “Gaetz Was A Hero Pushing This Forward” the leaders in the House are not taking out debt seriously



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7aa474 No.98349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718492 (120212ZOCT23) Notable: Caroline Ellison Says She and Sam Bankman-Fried Lied for Years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Caroline Ellison Says She and Sam Bankman-Fried Lied for Years

In her second day testifying at the FTX founder’s trial, Ms. Ellison said she had misled lenders and circulated phony financial documents at Mr. Bankman-Fried’s request.

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7aa474 No.98350

File: 25852c0af4055bd⋯.png (419.1 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718633 (120231ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Calls for Global ‘Day of Jihad’ on Friday the 13th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hamas Calls for Global ‘Day of Jihad’ on Friday the 13th;

Palestinian Hamas terror group known as Hamas has called on Muslims worldwide to stage a “Day of Jihad,” or holy war, on Friday, October 13

We declare next Friday, ‘The Friday of the Al-Aqsa Flood,’ as a day of general mobilization in our Arab and Islamic world and among the free people of the world.


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7aa474 No.98351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718658 (120234ZOCT23) Notable: #24211

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notable - FINAL

#24211 >>98321

>>98322 Trump tells story how at the last minute Bebe Netanyahu pulled out of going after Solemani - why would 45 be telling the story today?

>>98323 Trump: He couldn't have been too impressed with our Capitol. It looks like SHIT. - Link: PRESIDENT TRUMP SPEAKS AT CLUB 47

>>98324 Trump: The recent terror attacks are also a reminder of the deadly dangers that we face from Joe Biden's demolition of our own borders

>>98325 Trump: I will immediately begin building a state of the art missile defense system for America

>>98326 Trump: When we get back in, I will immediately reimpose the Trump Travel Ban on entry from terrorist countries

>>98327, >>98330 Sigal Chattah Joins WarRoom To Discuss The Newly Formed Coalition Government In Israel.

>>98328, >>98334, >>98337 Trump said he never told the story of Israel backing out on taking down Soleimani; 1 of today's Q deltas

>>98329 Trump: My father, looking down from heaven, he would say my son has beenn indicted times


>>98332, >>98343 Trump: If Hillary got in, you would have had a nuclear war [with North Korea]

>>98333 PlaneFag Report - A lot of H60's and H47's up tonight…

>>98335 Trump: The good news is I rebuilt the military…we had fighter jets that were forty-eight years old.

>>98336 Todd Bensman: Illegal Aliens On FBI Watchlist Are Crossing The Border.

>>98338 Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Alameda CEO Caroline Ellison States Disgraced Crypto Bro Directed Her to Commit Fraud, ‘Donated $10M to Biden Campaign to Gain Influence

>>98339 Trump: She's got a wall around her house [Pelosi]. It didn't help her husband too much, but it helped her.

>>98340, >>98346 The IDF said it won't investigate its claim that Hamas killed and decapitated babies at a kibbutz.

>>98341 Trump: I will totally obliterate the deep state, stop the weaponization of our government, and overhaul the corrupt FBI and DOJ.

>>98342 Trump: I will prevent World War III. It's not going to happen.

>>98344 Trump: Lee is a big fan of Barack Hussein Obama. I'm just kidding.

>>98345 Jeff Rainworth On The Invasion On The Border

>>98347, >>98348 Brian Kennedy: The U.S. Elite Care More About Preserving The American Empire Than The Constitution

>>98349 Caroline Ellison Says She and Sam Bankman-Fried Lied for Years

>>98350 Hamas Calls for Global ‘Day of Jihad’ on Friday the 13th


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7aa474 No.98352

File: bbb650c4499ef7a⋯.png (231.03 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718678 (120236ZOCT23) Notable: #24212

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As The World Turns

Digital Soldiers


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7aa474 No.98353

File: 24724d13d697af1⋯.png (582.99 KB,1181x1021,1181:1021,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718730 (120244ZOCT23) Notable: China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation - 10/11/23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation

By Micah McCartney On 10/11/23 at 11:37 AM EDT

As Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip continue after the attacks and kidnappings carried out by Hamas militants over the weekend, Chinese state-run media has spread the unverified rumor that Israeli forces are using white phosphorus bombs against civilians in a manner that contravenes international law.

More than 1,600 combined Israelis and Palestinians have reportedly been killed since Hamas launched attacks on Saturday, according to the Associated Press, and hundreds of others have been injured. Israel has been conducting airstrikes on the sealed-off and densely populated Gaza Strip after the deadliest Palestinian militant attack in its history. Hamas, which is funded and armed by Iran, is sworn to Israel's destruction.

A post by the China Internet Information Center web portal, run by Beijing's propaganda office, surfaced Tuesday accusing Israel of deploying phosphorus munitions in densely populated parts of Gaza. The post repeated the claims of media such as the Tasnim News Agency, which is associated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and included photos allegedly showing phosphorus showering down upon Gaza rooftops.

A user on X, formerly Twitter, said that two photos were from Israeli actions against Hamas two and seven years ago.

Newsweek confirmed that the other two images were not captured in Gaza but in Syria. One is an Agence France-Presse file photo taken in Damascus in 2018, and one is from a video of an apparent phosphorus attack in Aleppo in 2016.

The Chinese internet is known for its fast-acting, hypervigilant censors when it comes to topics the Chinese Communist Party deems sensitive, often deleting offending posts within minutes. However, disinformation that supports the party line is often left alone or even actively promoted.

Anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric has become prevalent on China's insular social media in recent years, in part because of Israel's close association with the U.S. and the West. U.S. officials have complained that China has not gone for enough to condemn Hamas for launching its latest attacks.

Though the post has since been taken down from the China Internet Center page, the damage is done for the "hundreds of thousands of Chinese netizens who'd seen it," tweeted Tuvia Gering, a researcher at the Tel Aviv University-affiliated Institute for National Security Studies.

The post remains elsewhere on the Chinese social media app Weibo, including on the account of the nationalist Guancha news outlet, which boasts roughly 2.5 million followers.

Though mainly used to obscure the positions of friendly forces, white phosphorus is hazardous to the human body, causing burns, intense pain, blistering, and even organ damage and death if exposed to a substantial amount.

A U.N. protocol on the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of phosphorus and other corrosive chemicals in highly populated civilian areas.

The Israeli authorities previously admitted to using white phosphorus munitions against Hezbollah in 2006 and in the 22-day offensive against Hamas in Gaza that started in December 2008. They denied using it in civilian areas.

Though the country is not a signatory to the U.N. protocol, the Israel Defense Forces has said it has taken steps to avoid future phosphorus-related civilian casualties.

The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth, with more than 15,000 people per square mile.

Newsweek reached out to the Israeli Ministry of Defense for comment.


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7aa474 No.98354

File: a122d1c64afa986⋯.png (1.21 MB,1067x800,1067:800,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718768 (120248ZOCT23) Notable: The Real History of Antifa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19716331 LB

Keep going; ISIS and Antifa, who created Antifa?

The Real History of Antifa


"To begin at the beginning: Antifa—real name: Antifaschisitsche Aktion—was born during the street-fights of the 1932 Weimar Republic. It was founded by the Stalinist Communist Party of Germany (KPD), although various Communist “anti-fascist defense” units were associated with the KPD much earlier."

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7aa474 No.98355

File: f0e4192ca68cc34⋯.png (241.24 KB,517x534,517:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718887 (120304ZOCT23) Notable: California Introduces "Ebony Alert" To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California Introduces "Ebony Alert" To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

A new California law which goes into effect Jan. 1 is the first of its kind in the nation to prioritize the search for missing black kids and young black women.

On Sunday, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed Senate Bill 673 to create the "Ebony Alert" monitoring system, which will allow the Highway Patrol to activate the alert upon request from local law enforcement when black youth, or women, go missing in an area. The Ebony Alert system will utilize electronic highway signs, and encourages authorities to use social media, TV, radio and other systems to spread word when a black child (or woman!) goes missing, NBC News reports.


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7aa474 No.98356

File: afc2df8d74879e9⋯.png (137.94 KB,765x641,765:641,Clipboard.png)

File: f5b7aa935da9f1a⋯.png (144.81 KB,782x638,391:319,Clipboard.png)

File: cc65f3b955fcd47⋯.png (116.67 KB,777x598,777:598,Clipboard.png)

File: ff4a3520f242c2a⋯.png (51.45 KB,767x250,767:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718929 (120309ZOCT23) Notable: Struggle For The World-Island

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Struggle For The World-Island

In 2017, Robert D. Kaplan wrote an essay describing the geopolitical eclipse of Europe by Asia in the 21st century, and what this meant for U.S. foreign policy. Though Kaplan used the provocative title, “The Return of Marco Polo’s World and the U.S. Military Response,” his analysis was grounded in geography and history. What Kaplan and others have called the Long European War of the 20th century (World Wars I and II, and the Cold War) gave rise to the beginnings of what could be a Long Asian War in which China and the United States struggle for control of the World-Island.

Kaplan described a “new strategic geography” where “Europe disappears, Eurasia coheres,” and the “interactions of globalization, technology, and geopolitics” fulfill Sir Halford Mackinder’s vision of a Eurasian-African supercontinent that he called the “World-Island” in his 1919 book Democratic Ideals and Reality. Mackinder warned that control of the World-Island meant command of the world.


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7aa474 No.98357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19718994 (120319ZOCT23) Notable: Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar

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Friday the 13th

Who has true history of Friday the 13th, the Templar Program and the real reason they fell?

Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar


"In the days and weeks that followed that fateful Friday, more than 600 Templars were arrested, including Grand Master Jacques de Molay, and the Order’s treasurer. But while some of the highest-ranking members were caught up in Philip’s net, so too were hundreds of non-warriors; middle-aged men who managed the day-to-day banking and farming activities that kept the organization humming. The men were charged with a wide array of offenses including heresy, devil worship and spitting on the cross, homosexuality, fraud and financial corruption."

How Medieval Fake News Brought Down the Knights Templar


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7aa474 No.98358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719025 (120324ZOCT23) Notable: Biden did not actually see ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ as he claimed, WH clarifies

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Biden did not actually see ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ as he claimed, WH clarifies

President Biden said Wednesday that he has seen “confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children” in southern Israel following reports that up to 40 babies were butchered over the weekend near the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip – but the White House later walked back the commander in chief’s claim.

“I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children. I never thought I’d ever — anyway,” Biden, 80, told leaders of Jewish groups at the White House Wednesday.

But neither the president nor US officials have seen images or independently confirmed reports of beheaded children, a White House spokesperson later clarified, according to the Washington Post.

The White House says that Biden based his remark on claims made by a spokesman for Israel’s prime minister and media reports coming out of the Jewish state.

The sickening reports emerged Tuesday as the Israeli military offered journalists tours of areas ravaged by Hamas’ Saturday morning surprise attack, which left more than 1,200 civilians and Israeli troops dead and about 150 believed abducted — with at least 22 Americans dead and 17 others still unaccounted for.

A senior White House national security aide told reporters immediately following the event that he had not seen the images to which Biden was referring.


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7aa474 No.98359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719120 (120334ZOCT23) Notable: IDF says it won't back up its claim that Hamas decapitated babies in Israel because it is 'disrespectful for the dead'

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IDF says it won't back up its claim that Hamas decapitated babies in Israel because it is 'disrespectful for the dead'

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7aa474 No.98360

File: a5cfde9a2e37354⋯.png (866.81 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719217 (120346ZOCT23) Notable: NATO book on psyops & brainwashing

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NATO book on psyops & brainwashing


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7aa474 No.98361

File: af146724a3ed681⋯.png (1.08 MB,1625x1934,1625:1934,Clipboard.png)

File: 318e9656558230d⋯.png (76.16 KB,736x500,184:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 519da23785859f8⋯.png (644.67 KB,1848x1281,88:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 291a6c61b102cd3⋯.png (583.74 KB,1832x1587,1832:1587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719220 (120346ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Report - Tron38

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Seems odd.

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7aa474 No.98362

File: 7c85e7c17ed737d⋯.png (203.24 KB,707x511,101:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719462 (120426ZOCT23) Notable: Full List of Lawmakers Who Voted to Block Funding for Israel

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Nothing like trying to shame representatives who wont support war and manufacture a false narrative that to not support Israel is a shamable offense. Will Americans hold those not on this list accountable for putting Israel ahead of Americans?


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7aa474 No.98363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719548 (120443ZOCT23) Notable: #24212

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Notables - FINAL

#24212 >>98352

>>98353 China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation - 10/11/23

>>98354 The Real History of Antifa

>>98355 California Introduces "Ebony Alert" To Find Missing Black Kids, Young Women

>>98356 Struggle For The World-Island

>>98357 Why Friday the 13th Spelled Doom for the Knights Templar

>>98358 Biden did not actually see ‘confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children’ as he claimed, WH clarifies

>>98359 IDF says it won't back up its claim that Hamas decapitated babies in Israel because it is 'disrespectful for the dead'

>>98360 NATO book on psyops & brainwashing

>>98361 PlaneFag Report - Tron38

>>98362 Full List of Lawmakers Who Voted to Block Funding for Israel


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7aa474 No.98364

File: 4c72a3a46d1d461⋯.jpg (43.29 KB,736x460,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719576 (120448ZOCT23) Notable: #24213

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Godspeed Patriots


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7aa474 No.98365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719725 (120536ZOCT23) Notable: Biden admin reportedly prepping funding request for aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and US border security

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Biden admin reportedly prepping funding request for aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and US border security

Figures in the Biden administration have privately informed legislators that the administration is preparing a supplemental funding request that contains assistance for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and American border security, NBC News reported, citing two congressional officials, an administration official, as well as a defense official.

The outlet reported that administration officials noted that the request would seek funding to construct additional weapons in order to tackle the stress that supplying more military assistance to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan would place on the Defense Department's stockpiles.

"Our government's funding Ukraine's government, funding the proxy war with Russia. Israel has their own government. Israel defends themselves. Two separate issues," GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said, according to NBC News. "They shouldn't be tied together. I will not vote to fund Ukraine. Absolutely not," she noted. "Israel is totally separate."

"Our government's funding Ukraine's government, funding the proxy war with Russia. Israel has their own government. Israel defends themselves. Two separate issues," GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said, according to NBC News. "They shouldn't be tied together. I will not vote to fund Ukraine. Absolutely not," she noted. "Israel is totally separate."


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7aa474 No.98366

File: e0a5c54106a72d5⋯.png (34.19 KB,738x628,369:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719804 (120551ZOCT23) Notable: Just a reminder to stay Vigilant…Both Cities & Rural Areas on Sept. Friday 13th..Muslims to engage in 'Jihad' by laying down their lives for the caus

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Just a reminder to stay Vigilant...Both Cities & Rural Areas on Sept. Friday 13th..Muslims to engage in 'Jihad' by laying down their lives for the cause around the globe this Friday the 13th, their holy day.

Khaled Mashal the leader and founding member of Hamas gave a speech today asking Muslims all around the world to do the following:

1. To show anger, especially next Friday, in Muslim countries and Also among Muslim diaspora around the world; he called it “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood”, he said this will send a message of rage to Zionists and to America

2. He asked for financial help from all Muslims around the world; to help with their money, he called it “Financial Jihad”. He asked Muslims to give to the fighters of Gaza in order to compensate them for the destruction

3.He asked political pressure, from Muslim leaders and Muslim nations, to stop Israel’s military invasion of Gaza

4.The most important thing: He asked all Muslims around the world to carry Jihad by their souls; to fight and be martyrs for Al-Aqsa.

He wants Muslims to fight against the Jews, starting with Muslims who live in the countries surrounding Israel: Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt (but also other countries), to go to the borders and try to enter, each by his own means. He said: This is the time for Jihad to be applied on the ground rather than just in theory. He asked the Mujahedeen to go in long caravans to spell their blood on the land of Palestine.

These are his final words:

Funds are important but today we are asking for your blood and souls [to be sacrificed for Palestine]


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7aa474 No.98367

File: 8bdc522002db999⋯.png (370.69 KB,615x971,615:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19719859 (120602ZOCT23) Notable: The White House clarifies that Biden and other US officials have not seen or independently confirmed that Hamas terrorists beheaded Israeli children.

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UPDATE - The White House clarifies that Biden and other US officials have not seen or independently confirmed that Hamas terrorists beheaded Israeli children.

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7aa474 No.98368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720160 (120826ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Ring of fire’ solar eclipse will slice across Americas on Saturday with millions along path

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‘Ring of fire’ solar eclipse will slice across Americas on Saturday with millions along path

Tens of millions in the Americas will have front-row seats for Saturday’s rare “ring of fire” eclipse of the sun.

What’s called an annular solar eclipse — better known as a ring of fire — will briefly dim the skies over parts of the western U.S. and Central and South America.

As the moon lines up precisely between Earth and the sun, it will blot out all but the sun’s outer rim. A bright, blazing border will appear around the moon for as much as five minutes, wowing skygazers along a narrow path stretching from Oregon to Brazil.


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7aa474 No.98369

File: b9a8f1c1a391022⋯.png (530.72 KB,584x871,584:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720243 (120919ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.

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Wall Street Apes


Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.

Reporter: “Mr. President, can you be specific about what you did to try to reappropriate those border funds, especially when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress?”

Biden: “The wall thing? Is that what you're talking about?”

Reporter: “Yes, sir. Yeah, they passed.”

Biden: “Well, I was told that I had no choice.”

5:11 PM · Oct 11, 2023




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7aa474 No.98370

File: a7e6697f87e4d6c⋯.png (55.28 KB,650x375,26:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720254 (120922ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.

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White House admits Biden has NOT seen

'confirmed pictures of Hamas beheading

children' - despite publicly saying he

had HOURS before

Daily Mail (UK), by Harriet Alexander

Posted By: Imright, 10/12/2023 2:16:53 AM

The White House has been forced to reverse Joe Biden's confirmation that he had seen photos from Israel of 'terrorists beheading children' this weekend - only hours after he made the claim. Biden held a meeting with Jewish community leaders in the White House on Wednesday, and said he had been shocked by the brutality of the Hamas attack. 'This attack was a campaign of pure cruelty, not just hate, but pure cruelty, against the Jewish people,' Biden said.

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7aa474 No.98371

File: a9537209eac6ddf⋯.png (190.5 KB,584x570,292:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720317 (120946ZOCT23) Notable: Yes guys, Space Force is subject to the Posse Comitatus Act. They we're added in the 2022 NDAA which was signed into law on 12/27/2021.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jon Herold


Yes guys, Space Force is subject to the Posse Comitatus Act. They we're added in the 2022 NDAA which was signed into law on 12/27/2021.

Not sure who is spreading this or why but the facts are the facts.

NDAA: https://congress.gov/117/plaws/publ81/PLAW-117publ81.pdf

US Code: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title18-section1385&num=0&edition=prelim#sourcecredit


2:55 PM · Oct 11, 2023




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7aa474 No.98372

File: 75a8b37bbbb4fdc⋯.png (156.82 KB,406x570,203:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720369 (121002ZOCT23) Notable: Tucker drops new clip calling Nikki Haley a “child” throwing a “tantrum” when she says America was attacked (we weren’t) & that we should “finish” Iran

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Tucker drops new clip calling Nikki Haley a “child” throwing a “tantrum” when she says America was attacked (we weren’t) & that we should “finish” Iran

“This is not sober leadership”

She is “ignorant” & “bloodthirsty”

Tucker was great at Fox, but Tucker on X is next level!

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7aa474 No.98373

File: c41bc7823d5cb2d⋯.png (536.39 KB,593x876,593:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720455 (121026ZOCT23) Notable: "We pumped dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists… We didn't know of a single atrocity committed by the Cubans.

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Former CIA Agent John Stockwell:

"We pumped dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists... We didn't know of a single atrocity committed by the Cubans. It was pure raw false propaganda to create an illusion of communists eating babies for breakfast."


9:54 AM · Oct 10, 2023




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7aa474 No.98374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720460 (121029ZOCT23) Notable: #24213

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final bun for #24213

wut i got

czech em n see you at the top

#24213 >>98364

>>98365 Biden admin reportedly prepping funding request for aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and US border security

>>98366 Just a reminder to stay Vigilant…Both Cities & Rural Areas on Sept. Friday 13th..Muslims to engage in 'Jihad' by laying down their lives for the caus

>>98367 The White House clarifies that Biden and other US officials have not seen or independently confirmed that Hamas terrorists beheaded Israeli children.

>>98368 ‘Ring of fire’ solar eclipse will slice across Americas on Saturday with millions along path

>>98369, >>98370 Joe Biden is NOT in charge. Confirmed by Joe Biden. This is just insane. Tax paying Americans have a right to know who their President is.

>>98371 Yes guys, Space Force is subject to the Posse Comitatus Act. They we're added in the 2022 NDAA which was signed into law on 12/27/2021.

>>98372 Tucker drops new clip calling Nikki Haley a “child” throwing a “tantrum” when she says America was attacked (we weren’t) & that we should “finish” Iran

>>98373 "We pumped dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists… We didn't know of a single atrocity committed by the Cubans.

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7aa474 No.98375

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720487 (121036ZOCT23) Notable: #24214

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

can tend fer a bit

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7aa474 No.98376

File: 67271f83d9489f6⋯.png (33.61 KB,1020x247,1020:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720558 (121103ZOCT23) Notable: California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that makes it easier for authorities to compel treatment for people with mental illness or addiction issues.

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California Law Will Force People With Mental Illnesses To Seek Treatment

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that makes it easier for authorities to compel treatment for people with mental illness or addiction issues.


AP logo

Oct 11, 2023, 05:37 PM EDT

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7aa474 No.98377

File: 0327748e147f498⋯.png (125.84 KB,594x517,54:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720574 (121108ZOCT23) Notable: Must have been a minor oversight, everyone makes accounting mistakes to the tune of tens of billions. Happens to the best of us: IRS says MS owes $29B in back taxes

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Wall Street Silver


Must have been a minor oversight, everyone makes accounting mistakes to the tune of tens of billions. Happens to the best of us



12:00 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98378

File: 5ed521697e584a4⋯.png (148.19 KB,1944x628,486:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 49db4da9ca106d4⋯.png (1.12 MB,1216x862,608:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720635 (121136ZOCT23) Notable: Repost for effect: Wayne Root - America is “the Main Event.” Here are the Details of the Coming Attack on America by China.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CHYNA is coming...this analysis is SPOT ON...

"First, if I was China, I’d invade Taiwan NOW. To take advantage of a world now distracted by two major wars in Ukraine and the Middle East…and plunged into chaos and crisis.

America is weak. America is led by an incompetent, brain-dead, feeble old man with dementia and diapers, who should be in a nursing home.

Doctor: Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy (Try This Tonight)

1 Simple Trick To Cut Your Electrical Bill By 90%

Dr Phil' Leaving Show After CBS Find This Out

Worse, the Biden Crime Family (and his boss, the real President Obama) are clearly owned by China and the Chinese Communist Party. So, who is going to stop China from invading Taiwan?

America is running dangerously low on weapons and ammo- because Biden left them on the ground in Afghanistan…and gave most of the rest of our stockpile away to Ukraine. The cupboards are bare. America is weak and vulnerable.

Our military is depleted, demoralized and distracted by a focus on climate change, transgenders, diversity and Critical Race Theory. We can’t recruit anyone who wants to join a military like that."


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7aa474 No.98379

File: 3b272de2617fce4⋯.png (31.58 KB,608x253,608:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720678 (121201ZOCT23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Great job by Congressman Greg Steube of Florida talking on “Fox First” about Israel and the horrible atrocities taking place there. Greg is a fantastic leader and fighter for MAGA. He is loved in Florida!

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Donald J. Trump


Great job by Congressman Greg Steube of Florida talking on “Fox First” about Israel and the horrible atrocities taking place there. Greg is a fantastic leader and fighter for MAGA. He is loved in Florida!

Oct 12, 2023, 6:33 AM


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7aa474 No.98380

File: 913c35bb4260ca4⋯.png (297 KB,597x868,597:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720684 (121205ZOCT23) Notable: Comedy Queen Roseanne Barr @therealroseanne is in the front row of the the Club 47 event to see President Trump speak tonight in Palm Beach, FL!

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Here I go, so


President Trump’s shoutout to @therealroseanne



Laura Loomer




Comedy Queen Roseanne Barr @therealroseanne is in the front row of the the Club 47 event to see President Trump speak tonight in Palm Beach, FL!

She received a standing ovation when her name was called! twitter.com/lauraloomer/st…

5:42 PM · Oct 11, 2023




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7aa474 No.98381

File: 5b0bf4556b9744f⋯.jpeg (331.12 KB,1196x1176,299:294,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 03e1874be2245fa⋯.jpeg (256.93 KB,1217x695,1217:695,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720718 (121218ZOCT23) Notable: Armageddon is burning through Argentina… A horrifying wall of fire is bearing down on a city in Argentina. It’s a sight that eerily resembles Armageddon.

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Watch: Armageddon is burning through Argentina…

October 11, 2023 (a day ago)

A horrifying wall of fire is bearing down on a city in Argentina. It’s a sight that eerily resembles Armageddon.

The Daily Mail:

Terrifying footage has shown a wall of fire surrounding an Argentinian city as a wild inferno sparked massive evacuations.

Almost 1,000 firefighters were deployed across Villa Carlos Paz in central Cordoba province as the wildfires raged out of control.

Footage from the area showed massive flames in hills surrounding populated areas as firefighters battled the flames that had reached some homes in the region.

It was not immediately clear how many homes had been affected but dozens of people have been evacuated.

Ulises Xarate, 27, is in custody accused of starting a fire on Monday afternoon in an area close to the city of Villa Carlos Paz in the province’s Punilla region.

He reportedly told cops he wanted to start a campfire to make coffee but lost control of the flames due to the strong winds in the area.

No doubt, this is one of the most incredible and horrifying wildfire scenes we’ve ever seen.

Awful situation unfolding right now in Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina as a fast-moving wildfire is approaching the city. Multiple structures on fire.

Urgent evacuations are underway. pic.twitter.com/6741nRG2ZV

— Nahel Belgherze (@WxNB_)

October 10, 2023

As we witness this harrowing and blazing catastrophe, our thoughts also drift to the Americans in Maui.

Their plight faded from headlines just as quickly as corporations and local authorities began purchasing the fire-damaged land. Numerous questions about that bizarre fire still remain unanswered. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims of these insanely massive fires.

(Is mankind responsible for the end times? I think so)


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7aa474 No.98382

File: b9ca44bdf5c76f5⋯.jpg (525.69 KB,1080x1655,216:331,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720719 (121218ZOCT23) Notable: Obama Administration Stopped Israel From Assassinating Soleimani in 2015

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Report: Obama Administration Stopped Israel From Assassinating Soleimani in 2015


When President Donald Trump gave the order to kill Iran’s Quds Force leader Qasem Soleimani, he not only made an arguably proportionate response to the invasion of the U.S. Embassy this week but he also reversed a policy of the Obama administration. According to a report from 2018, Israel was “on the verge” of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, but Obama’s officials foiled the plan. In fact, they reached out to Iran with news of Israel’s plans.

The Trump administration, on the other hand, gave Israel a green light to assassinate Soleimani, according to a January 1, 2018 report from the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. The paper quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that “there is an American-Israeli agreement” that Soleimani is a “threat to the two countries’ interests in the region.” According to Haaretz, Al-Jarida is generally assumed to be a platform for the Israeli government to disseminate its message to other Middle Eastern governments.

According to the report, the agreement between Israel and the U.S. came three years after Washington thwarted an Israeli attempt to kill the Iranian general.

“The report says Israel was ‘on the verge’ of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general,” Haaretz reported.

The incident “sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue.” That sounds like an understatement.

President Barack Obama frequently snubbed Israel, considered by many to be America’s best ally in the Middle East. Yet the news that the Obama’s administration prevented Israel from assassinating the Quds Force leader seems particularly significant, since the Obama administration also kept a list of approximately 500 American soldiers who were murdered by Iranian IEDs. Since the Quds Force spearheads Iran’s operations outside the Islamic Republic, Soleimani would arguably be responsible for all of those deaths.


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7aa474 No.98383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720740 (121227ZOCT23) Notable: Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…

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Bombshell: Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…

October 11, 2023 (a day ago)

Julie Kelly, an amazing investigative reporter, recently shared her intriguing insights on the House Judiciary Committee’s private interview with Matthew Graves, the disgraced U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. Notably, during the interview, Graves was accompanied by not just one but two Department of Justice lawyers, and much of his story conflicted with other testimony we’ve heard about the Hunter Biden case. Before we get into Julie’s insight, here’s some background on the committee interview with Mr. Graves.

Washington Examiner:

According to the interview, David Weiss wanted to bring charges against Hunter Biden in Washington, D.C., the district’s federal prosecutor told Congress in new testimony, lending credence to whistleblower claims of preferential treatment for President Joe Biden’s son.

U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves said during a closed-door interview last week with the House Judiciary Committee that Weiss, then a U.S. attorney for Delaware, called Graves about the case at the end of February or beginning of March of 2022.

“Mr. Weiss said that he had an investigation that he had been conducting. Some of the charges related to that investigation needed to be venued out of the district, and he described the logistical support that he needed,” Graves said, according to a 180-page transcript of the interview reviewed by the Washington Examiner.

Graves indicated the logistical support Weiss referenced on the call would have included Graves arranging a grand jury in Washington on behalf of Weiss.

Apparently, Graves declined to address several questions, and based on reports, the atmosphere in the committee room became quite tense on occasion. Julie examined the transcripts and has shared her take on the events.

Here’s some of what Julie Kelly said in her post published on X:

I have reviewed House Judiciary Committee’s transcribed interview with Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia.

A few observations related to Hunter Biden inquiry:

* It is obvious that Graves and his team signaled to David Weiss they would not participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden.

*Just one example of Graves’ flailing word salad related to a 10-minute conversation he had with David Weiss in late Feb, early March 2022: “As I recall the conversation, my question is–was: ‘What do you need?’ And my attitude was (emphasis added) ‘Of course we’re going to provide it to you.’ So, you know, how he heard it, what he expected, and the long litany of things one could need in returning, I don’t know, but I could just say my immediate response ‘What do you need’ I was trying to signal we will give you whatever you need logistically.” SURE.

*For the next three weeks, according to Graves, his top deputies analyzed the matter including whether DOJ could pursuade a DC jury to convict Hunter Biden. Following a March 19, 2022 meeting with his team, Graves said his office “conveyed to Delaware that we wouldn’t be looking to add our own prosecutor to the case.”

*Graves refused to name the officials involved.

*Graves did not read the underlying evidence against Hunter Biden including the lengthy report prepared by DOJ Tax Division detailing Hunter Biden’s tax crimes in 2014 and 2015 which included omitting income from Burisma.

*Graves never followed up directly with Weiss.

*Despite claims he offered assistance with grand jury process, Graves also admitted that at that time, the federal courthouse in DC was very busy with grand jury proceedings–yes because his office was charging and prosecuting Capitol protesters.

*His office at the time also was investigating Trump associates (and beginning stage of full blown investigation into Trump himself) for January 6.

This is just a snippet of Julie’s bombshell post. Read the rest here.

Clearly, the key players involved in this coverup believe their sketchy actions are entirely justified. They probably aren’t very concerned about Republican inquiries, feeling they’re well shielded and very protected.


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7aa474 No.98384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720759 (121233ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP AT CLUB 47 IN FLORIDA

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Trump at club 47 - 11th Oct 2023

note: Trump takes the stage at 3.03 timestamp in this video. Very rough notes from rally, sorry anon is already on the pots.



LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Visits Club 47 in West Palm Beach, FL - 10/11/23



Djt: Thank you to the influencers

Djt: Story of Desantis takedown (he is wounded like a injured bird)

Djt: i have spoken to the toughest people around the world

they respected america because they respected me/us.

Djt: Beautiful Hillary story.

Djt: The ISIS story. Al bagdaddy and sulammi

Djt: The Israel story and the jersulam embassy. Golan heights

Djt: Abraham accords story.

Djt: The iran story, what a difference a president makes

Djt: 5 prisoner swap and 6 billion, 9 months away from getting

a nuke.

Djt: who ever heard of the enemy not doing what you tell them

i hope they don't do it. hezbullah attacked from the east

cos the us officials said, i hope they do not attack from the east

Djt: W.H.O funding negotiations story.

Djt: complaining about his Microphone. it is lousey.

Djt: The night before sulammi, i had a lot of problems with israel

this story is classified. plot to blow up 5 american bases

all over the middle east. Imran Khan stated this was the greatest

event of my life. night before Israel would not be participatin

with the attack. bibi netanyahu let us down. Then bibi tried to

take credit.

DJT: Dan scavino, the most powerful man it politics. I could have

the best smartest in history, and his friends. (anons call out)

Djt: They do it from their bedrooms and everywhere. timestamp 3.54 approx

DJT: Barak HUSSAIN Obama is joe bidens boss

Djt: Joe invited a Iranian to the white house and after that

they issued a arrest for me.

Djt: Insurance companies are leaving florida. (the hidden middlemen)

Djt: 44 babies had their heads cut off, can you believe it.

Djt: Electric tank story.

Djt: The windmills are driving the whales to shore. they are

killing the whales.

Djt: i hope biden gets to the finishing line.

Djt: if our currency falls it would be the grestest defeat in 200 years.

Djt: maga represents maybe 100% of the republican party.

Djt: We will make america great again.


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7aa474 No.98385

File: 682454e97307514⋯.png (1011.13 KB,978x524,489:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720762 (121234ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government

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Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government


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7aa474 No.98386

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720838 (121259ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Baker Outlines New Bombshell Information on Jan 6 Footage.

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Steve Baker Outlines New Bombshell Information on Jan 6 Footage. The FBI tried to suppress the interview of Capitol Police



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7aa474 No.98387

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720876 (121305ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Baker Outlines New Bombshell Information on Jan 6 Footage.

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Steve Baker Exposes the Dark Truth About J6 Defendants: Were They Framed By Our Government?



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7aa474 No.98388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720886 (121307ZOCT23) Notable: Hama fighters on drug called captagon

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Note: This could definitely have had something to do with it, maybe these attackers where they are groomed, trained and brain washed with drugs to let loose the zombie nature of those who attacked those in Israel, of course Israel security was missing. Q also mentioned the borne identity in many Q drops. Plus anon first saw this in a movie which this anon has recommended many times called GENECIDAL ORGAN a must watch with so much going on now and predicted in that movie.


The Little-Known Drug That Hamas Terrorists and Others Might Be Taking Before Attacks, with Dr. Drew


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7aa474 No.98389

File: 9041392f940324a⋯.png (87.63 KB,821x770,821:770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720907 (121311ZOCT23) Notable: The real war is, "people vs. the banks"

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The real war is, "people vs. the banks"

Things are not going well for the "rules-based" empire of lies

Alex Krainer

Oct 11, 2022

Recessions, debt, energy crisis, inflation and wars... somehow it is all related, and it is related at a global level, impacting nearly all economies and markets. It all seems to be going rather badly for the "rules based global order," or as some prefer to call it, "the empire of lies."


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7aa474 No.98390

File: 33fe320df67a697⋯.png (15.81 KB,552x267,184:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720912 (121312ZOCT23) Notable: MASSIE IS ASKING WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Get on it!

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Thomas Massie


We might vote (publicly) for a Speaker of the House today. Who do you prefer?

14,478 votes


9 hours left

8:14 AM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98391

File: b0f29f5be98df21⋯.png (780.63 KB,796x826,398:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720915 (121313ZOCT23) Notable: The real war is, "people vs. the banks"

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The power of the Rothschild family begins and ends with central banks. From 1800 until present day, they have created over 153 central banks around the world. This thread shows how they did it.


Aug 18, 2022

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7aa474 No.98392

File: 7f90f648a92303f⋯.png (1.06 MB,1150x988,575:494,Clipboard.png)

File: f97d37f62462b62⋯.png (720.84 KB,900x1050,6:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720926 (121315ZOCT23) Notable: This is how universities should respond to the terror attack in Israel. Well done, UF.

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This is fabulous from the president of the University of Florida. This is how universities should respond to the terror attack in Israel. Well done, UF.

10:18 PM · Oct 11, 2023·423.8K Views


I will not tiptoe around this simple fact: What Hamas did is evil and there is no defense for

terrorism. This shouldn't be hard. Sadly, too many people in elite academia have been so

weakened by their moral confusion that, when they see videos of raped women, hear of a

beheaded baby, or learn of a grandmother murdered in her home, the first reaction of some is to

"provide context" and try to blame the raped women, beheaded baby, or the murdered

grandmother. In other grotesque cases, they express simple support for the terrorists.

This thinking isn't just wrong, it's sickening. It's dehumanizing. It is beneath people called to

educate our next generation of Americans. I am thankful to say I haven't seen examples of that

here at UF, either from our faculty or our student body.

As for us, our educational mission here begins with the recognition and explicit acknowledgment

of human dignity — the same human dignity that Hamas' terrorists openly scorn. Every single

human life matters. We are committed to that truth. We will tell that truth.

In the coming days, it is possible that anti-Israel protests will come to UF's campus. I have told

our police chief and administration that this university always has two foundational commitments:

We will protect our students and we will protect speech. This is always true: Our Constitution

protects the rights of people to make abject idiots of themselves.

But I also want to be clear about this: We will protect our Jewish students from violence. If anti-

Israel protests come, we will absolutely be ready to act if anyone dares to escalate beyond

peaceful protest. Speech is protected — violence and vandalism are not.

I'm grateful to have heard from so many of you. Like I said at the vigil last night: When evil raises

its head, as it has in recent days, it is up to men and women of conscience and courage to draw

strength from truth and commit ourselves to the work of building something better — to the work of

pursuing justice and pursuing peace. That is what we aim to do through education, compassion,

and truth here at the University of Florida.



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7aa474 No.98393

File: 6c167d07f2d9c6d⋯.png (19.92 KB,552x219,184:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720929 (121316ZOCT23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley 150+ ppl on terrorist watch list apprehended crossing S border in FY23

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8:54 = 17

Chuck Grassley


150+ ppl on terrorist watch list apprehended crossing S border in FY23 Highest # on record Biden’s border policies jeopardize our natl security evidenced by terrorists thinking they can walk across border TERRORISTS HV NO PLACE ON U.S. SOIL THEY WILL B DEALT W SWIFTLY& FORCEFULLY

8:54 AM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98394

File: a49eaf507aae523⋯.png (149.9 KB,1106x936,553:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c522f0d03a168b⋯.png (123.15 KB,1354x867,1354:867,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c9f4803ae3026⋯.png (85.68 KB,912x867,304:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720945 (121319ZOCT23) Notable: Hama fighters on drug called captagon

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>>>/qresearch/19720933 ←disregard video, text is relevent.

repost as screenshots did not get posted.

8kun is glitching again.



Notes: what is captagon, Q drops, 5 screen capped, 1 see at link below.

p.s if too small, right click and open in new tab than use zoom to view.


==6 drops on borne, source below.




Official answer

by http://Drugs.com

Captagon was first manufactured in 1961 as an alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine used at the time to treat narcolepsy, fatigue, and the behavioral disorder "minimal brain dysfunction". Dexamphetamine was already being used by the military to enable soldiers to stay awake for long periods of time and to "enhance courage and bravado". Captagon was supposed to be a milder version of these medicines. But by the 1980's the U.S. government declared it a controlled substance with no currently accepted medical use. Manufacturing of the drug ceased in the 1980's.

However, illegal manufacture has continued, and has recently escalated in the past few years in Europe and the Middle East. Some sources suggest Captagon is one of the more popular recreational drugs among affluent youth in the Middle East.

No doubt the "Captagon" used by ISIS or ISI, and other extremist groups, to enhance their soldiers abilities today is far removed from the Captagon of the eighties. Instead of just two main ingredients, illegal manufacturing likely combines several highly addictive stimulants with compounding actions into one destructive little pill. This "new age" Captagon, as with any highly addictive substance, is likely to cause irreversible changes in brain circuitry that govern impulse control and judgement, taking away a person's ability to reason or think rationally.

Captagon has been touted by media as "The Amphetamine Fueling Syria's War" or "The Jihadists' Drug".

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7aa474 No.98395

File: 1551a26de3472b9⋯.png (71.71 KB,537x940,537:940,Clipboard.png)

File: 812b804cb6db629⋯.png (748.81 KB,710x1200,71:120,Clipboard.png)

File: a52cc8413ee117c⋯.png (251.2 KB,420x838,210:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720962 (121325ZOCT23) Notable: Hama fighters on drug called captagon

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Jun 28, 2018 10:03:37 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 309a1c No. 1950407

Jun 28, 2018 9:53:56 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 1a94c7 No. 1950237

Jun 28, 2018 9:51:27 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 346d03 No. 1950200

mind control.JPG






SO is https://operationq.pub/?q=bourneQ telling us Haspel knows of the program, but doesn't know where it is located at? She needs to locate it and terminate it? Time to dig for Ramos' therapist


Covert OPs classified.

Career installed.

Think Cell.

Past drops go missing.


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7aa474 No.98396

File: 612cf6b06b5f35a⋯.png (389.09 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720966 (121325ZOCT23) Notable: Chief Ukrainian rabbi: Remove ‘provocative’ cross

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Chief Ukrainian rabbi: Remove ‘provocative’ cross

Jewish leader makes statement after Hebrew graffiti is found on crucifix near grave of famous rabbi

“Ukraine is not a Jewish country, and Ukrainian Jews respect Christian symbols like crosses,” Bleich told the Jewish Ukrainian news site Еvreiskiy.kiev.ua. “However, the cross raised in Uman, in the immediate vicinity of the tomb of Rabbi Nachman, is a clear provocation.”

Earlier this month, Hebrew graffiti was discovered on the crucifix, which was erected in recent weeks on the banks of a lake near the grave of the 18th-century founder of the Breslav Hasidic movement.

The Hebrew message read: “To exact vengeance on the gentiles.” A further inscription on the crucifix’s leg reads: “Stop desecrating the name of God.”

Referring to an estimated 30,000 Jewish pilgrims expected to arrive in Uman for Rosh Hashanah, Bleich said: “They will not be able to pray there this year.” He said the cross would prevent the pilgrims from performing tashlich, a prayer often accompanied with the ritual of symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread or another food into a body of flowing water.

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7aa474 No.98397

File: 9a683b6d8fdf664⋯.png (13.36 KB,552x182,276:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19720975 (121327ZOCT23) Notable: The 12:15p is described as a “GOP Member-Only Discussion” where they will try to yet again check phones at the door

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Olivia Beavers


The 12:15p is described as a “GOP Member-Only Discussion” where they will try to yet again check phones at the door

9:25 AM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98398

File: 5b93e03f09a1f63⋯.png (669.85 KB,1045x929,1045:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721006 (121333ZOCT23) Notable: CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

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CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it

backed in Iran was undemocratic as it

revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

Associated Press News, by Jon Gambrell

Posted By: FlyRight, 10/12/2023 7:27:22 AM

While revealing new details about one of the most famed CIA operations of all times — the spiriting out of six American diplomats who escaped the 1979 U.S. Embassy seizure in Iran — the intelligence agency for the first time has acknowledged something else as well. The CIA now officially describes the 1953 coup it backed in Iran that overthrew its prime minister and cemented the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as undemocratic. Other American officials have made similar remarks in the past,

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7aa474 No.98399

File: 2cdf2d16461b23b⋯.png (580.31 KB,796x817,796:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721017 (121336ZOCT23) Notable: The Israel Air Force struck Damascus International Airport in Syria just minutes a plane with Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on board, heading home to Tehran

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The Israel Air Force struck Damascus International Airport in Syria just minutes a plane with Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on board.

Instead of landing, the plane is now heading home to Tehran

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7aa474 No.98400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721026 (121338ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Administration Says Israelis Can Travel to U.S. Without a Visa

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Biden Administration Says Israelis Can Travel to U.S. Without a Visa

The U.S. allowed Israel into its visa-waiver program after a summer test run that gave U.S. citizens, including Palestinian Americans, visa-less entry into Israel.

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7aa474 No.98401

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721067 (121348ZOCT23) Notable: The Abraham Accords

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The Abraham Accordsare bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain on September 15, 2020.[1][2] Mediated by the United States, the initial announcement of August 13, 2020, concerned only Israel and the United Arab Emirates before the announcement of a follow-up agreement between Israel and Bahrain on September 11, 2020. On September 15, 2020, the official signing ceremony for the first iteration of the Abraham Accords was hosted by the Trump administration at the White House.[3] As part of the dual agreements, both the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations.

Israel's initial agreement with the United Arab Emirates marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994, when the Israel–Jordan peace treaty came into effect.[4] The Abraham Accords were signed by Bahraini foreign minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani and Emirati foreign minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan vis-à-vis Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with American president Donald Trump as a witness. They were negotiated by Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner and Kushner's assistant Avi Berkowitz.[5]

The official long-form document titles of the separate agreements for the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain were, respectively: Abraham Accords Peace Agreement: Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations and Full Normalization Between the United Arab Emirates and the State of Israel andAbraham Accords: Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly Relations.[6][7] The name of the Abraham Accords is rooted in the common belief of the Abrahamic religions — particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — regarding the role of Abraham as a spiritual patriarch.[8][9]

In December 2020, the Israel–Morocco normalization agreement was signed. In exchange for Morocco's recognition of Israeli sovereignty, the United States recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara.[10]On January 6, 2021, following up on the Israel–Sudan normalization agreement(signed in October 2020), the government of Sudan signed the "Abraham Accords Declaration" in Khartoum, witnessed by American treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Though the process of full normalization is ongoing, the United States has incentivized the deal by agreeing to abolish Sudan's status as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" while also providing a loan of US$1.2 billion to help the Sudanese government clear the country's debts to the World Bank.[11][12] Although Sudan signed the declarative section of the agreement, it did not sign the corresponding document with Israel, unlike the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. As of February 2023, negotiations with the Sudanese government on full normalization with Israel are ongoing.[13]


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7aa474 No.98402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721069 (121349ZOCT23) Notable: Hama fighters on drug called captagon

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7aa474 No.98403

File: b1114eca1fb647f⋯.png (226.84 KB,519x504,173:168,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ecd27d83120810⋯.mp4 (214.54 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721156 (121407ZOCT23) Notable: Henry Kissinger has a revelation at 100

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Henry Kissinger has a revelation at 100:

"It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts.”


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7aa474 No.98404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721165 (121408ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Judiciary Hearing on Victims of Violent Crime in Washington, DC

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LIVE: Judiciary Hearing on Victims of Violent Crime in Washington, DC

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7aa474 No.98405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721198 (121413ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Judiciary Hearing on Victims of Violent Crime in Washington, DC

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Chairman Biggs: No section of this city can be considered safe anymore, and the man who is in charge of prosecuting the criminals has abandoned his responsibilities, and that's Matthew Graves, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, appointed by [Biden]. He is failing to prosecute criminals...in 2021 the US Attorney's office for the District of Columbia opted against prosecuting sixty-seven percent of arrests presented in the DC Superior Court.

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7aa474 No.98406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721205 (121415ZOCT23) Notable: GAME THEORY

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Anons Work #Together, Rinos will be exposed, the border will be secured, Black Democrats will leave the party and Meme Cannon will help get the word out 24/7

1. Bidens Border must be exposed. Push for memes - Trump vs Biden Border

2. 8kun must be more Inviting to Normies and Anons need to work to help draw them here. Push for Memes - Welcome to 8kun Normie

3. RINOS are the internal Destruction of GOP - Push for memes exposing RINOS and calling for Impeachment

4. More of the Black Females need to register as R - Push for memes for Black Females to leave the democrat party and join the R

5. Meme Cannon is a useful tool to continuously post against Xtwiter. Push for Anons to use Meme Cannon in their arsenal.


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7aa474 No.98407

File: b57814e2992a0a1⋯.jpeg (59.06 KB,1035x389,1035:389,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9fea93ff393ac8⋯.jpeg (300.92 KB,1057x1392,1057:1392,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 95c3effe86ef176⋯.jpeg (229.51 KB,1128x887,1128:887,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721221 (121418ZOCT23) Notable: It’s time to strip General Michael Hayden of his rank, medals and pension…

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It’s time to strip General Michael Hayden of his rank, medals and pension…

October 11, 2023 (a day ago)

As many of you are aware, Senator Tommy Tuberville has taken a stand that is both much-needed and appreciated regarding the military’s stance on abortion. Tuberville, who serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has placed holds on the confirmations of hundreds of military officers nominated for leadership positions. This is in protest of a Pentagon policy that covers the expenses of troops’ out-of-state travel for abortions. Tuberville’s protest has effectively slowed down the Senate Armed Services Committee’s process of swiftly confirming nominations through unanimous votes. Consequently, Senator Schumer has had to send certain promotions to the full Senate floor for voting. The left is furious over this move, while the right is genuinely pleased to see a Republican taking a strong stance and actually fighting back. Bravo, Tommy.

That brings us to the disgraceful General Hayden, whose recent comment is nothing short of repugnant and should bring his embarrassing career to an immediate end. In response to the question of whether Senator Tuberville should be removed from his committee, General Hayden, the former director of the CIA, shockingly suggested that Senator Tuberville should be “removed” from the human race.

Here’s what journalist Mollie Hemingway said about Hayden’s reprehensible, violent comment on X:

This is Hayden’s arrogant and indefensible response to the backlash he faced for his violent and inflammatory comment:

Hayden is known for his nasty online chirping. That’s one thing, but calling for the death of a United States senator is quite another, especially in Biden’s violent and unstable America. Hayden’s response, he lies about wat he said

Gen Michael Hayden




I was surprised to wake up this morning and discover that many MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestion that “Coach”Tuberville not be considered a member of the human race. I stand by that view. I’m wishing you all a nice day even the intransigent Tommy Tuberville.

8:39 AM · Oct 10, 2023

The New York Post:

Hayden, a retired Air Force general who also served as director of the National Security Agency between 1999 and 2006, overseeing the agency’s domestic mass surveillance program, has taken shots at Tuberville in the past over his hold on military promotions.

“Tommy Tuberville is an idiot!“ Hayden tweeted in May 2022, in response to a video of the Alabama senator grilling Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on the US’s involvement in Ukraine’s efforts to rebuff Russia’s invasion.

“Tuberville absolutely is a racist,” Hayden said in another tweet last month, in response to a user asking if it is “wrong to call Sen. Tommy Tuberville a racist?”

Hayden was also among dozens of retired military and State Department officials tosign an open letter in August blasting Tuberville’s “reckless” protest.

“Risking our military’s planning and preparedness, and our national security to make a political point is far out of bounds,” the letter states. “The world is too dangerous to cede our leadership, which is why we urge Senator Tuberville swiftly end his blockade and to respect our nation’s service members and their families.”

Hayden was also one of the 51 former intelligence officialswho attempted to discredit The Post’s 2022 report on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop by falsely claiming in an open letter that the first son’s emails were Russian disinformation

This disturbing incident involving Hayden serves as additional proof that the self-proclaimed “experts” running our intelligence apparatus are lunatics with questionable judgment and emotional instability. These are not the kind of cool-headed, unbiased leaders we should entrust with positions of authority and leadership in the CIA or any other intelligence department, or the military, for that matter. In a serious country, this dangerous and vile man would be stripped of his rank, medals, and pension. Sadly, we’re not a serious country, so he will face no ramifications for his actions. However, if Hayden were a right-wing Trump supporter, this would be an entirely different story.


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7aa474 No.98408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721299 (121429ZOCT23) Notable: #24214

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#24214 >>98375

>>98376 California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a bill that makes it easier for authorities to compel treatment for people with mental illness or addiction issues.

>>98377 Must have been a minor oversight, everyone makes accounting mistakes to the tune of tens of billions. Happens to the best of us: IRS says MS owes $29B in back taxes

>>98378 Repost for effect: Wayne Root - America is “the Main Event.” Here are the Details of the Coming Attack on America by China.

>>98379 DJT TS w/CAP: Great job by Congressman Greg Steube of Florida talking on “Fox First” about Israel and the horrible atrocities taking place there. Greg is a fantastic leader and fighter for MAGA. He is loved in Florida!

>>98380 Comedy Queen Roseanne Barr @therealroseanne is in the front row of the the Club 47 event to see President Trump speak tonight in Palm Beach, FL!

>>98381 Armageddon is burning through Argentina… A horrifying wall of fire is bearing down on a city in Argentina. It’s a sight that eerily resembles Armageddon.

>>98382 Obama Administration Stopped Israel From Assassinating Soleimani in 2015

>>98383 U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…


>>98385 Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government

>>98383 Matthew Graves signaled to David Weiss they would NOT participate in the prosecution of Hunter Biden…

>>98386, >>98387 Steve Baker Outlines New Bombshell Information on Jan 6 Footage.

>>98388, >>98394, >>98402, >>98395, Hama fighters on drug called captagon

>>98389, >>98391 The real war is, "people vs. the banks"

>>98390 MASSIE IS ASKING WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Get on it!

>>98392 This is how universities should respond to the terror attack in Israel. Well done, UF.

>>98393 @ChuckGrassley 150+ ppl on terrorist watch list apprehended crossing S border in FY23

>>98396 Chief Ukrainian rabbi: Remove ‘provocative’ cross

>>98397 The 12:15p is described as a “GOP Member-Only Discussion” where they will try to yet again check phones at the door

>>98398 CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

>>98399 The Israel Air Force struck Damascus International Airport in Syria just minutes a plane with Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on board, heading home to Tehran

>>98400 Biden Administration Says Israelis Can Travel to U.S. Without a Visa

>>98401 The Abraham Accords

>>98403 Henry Kissinger has a revelation at 100

>>98404, >>98405 LIVE: Judiciary Hearing on Victims of Violent Crime in Washington, DC


>>98407 It’s time to strip General Michael Hayden of his rank, medals and pension…


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7aa474 No.98409

File: f577c6c8f56dcdd⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,474x274,237:137,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5a5e621155e1d22⋯.jpg (40.52 KB,540x385,108:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d158fb8398a37f0⋯.jpg (150.15 KB,600x776,75:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c23af2b74566a1⋯.jpg (109.48 KB,700x933,700:933,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721314 (121431ZOCT23) Notable: #24215

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7aa474 No.98410

File: 785a7b1c55b41aa⋯.png (120.32 KB,387x444,129:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721322 (121433ZOCT23) Notable: Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

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🇺🇸 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 Former US Vice President Pence:

If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

📎 Clash Report (https://twitter.com/clashreport/status/1712344818792186224)

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7aa474 No.98411

File: e33f38246344ca0⋯.png (4.56 KB,206x86,103:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721343 (121435ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092-93

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092

Price Inflation Higher When Debt Increases, Oh Wow! Hurrrrr Durrrrr!

https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/12/cpi-september-2023.html ←-rigged stats

Establishment economists are stumbled, as usual.



Actually factoring in food and energy costs!

Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Open Border Policies


When Americans see illegal foreigners and crime all over the place, no shit!

A submarine arms race is intensifying as China embarks on production of a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines that for the first time are expected to pose a challenge to growing US and allied efforts to track them.


Recessions, debt, energy crisis, inflation and wars… somehow it is all related, and it is related at a global level, impacting nearly all economies and markets. It all seems to be going rather badly for the "rules based global order" or as some prefer to call it, the empire of lies.


Trump Says The Obvious Out Loud, Hezbollah Is Emboldened By Western Stupidity


Priceless! Look At Western Hypocrisy! Russia vs Israel War Crime Reactions!


When Russia cuts off energy to Ukraine it's horrible, when Israel cuts off energy, food and WATER to Gaza, crickets!

Qatar is now threatening to cut their oil supply to the world if Israel invades Gaza.


So if the Arabs DO cut-off oil supplies, the United States no longer has a massive 714 Million Barrel reserve from which to draw to keep the country going. Biden voters and riggers, YOU DID THIS!

Israel Attacks Damascus Airport as IRAN Foreign Minister Plane Coming-in, Plane Forced to Divert


View of Gaza Skyline as Israel Bombards Hamas Targets (Oct. 12)


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7aa474 No.98412

File: f3c630a40bca88d⋯.png (177.14 KB,519x680,519:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721359 (121439ZOCT23) Notable: GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98413

File: 8c76e56c1449abd⋯.jpg (356.8 KB,850x2084,425:1042,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 01c642fa1fef7ae⋯.jpg (394.57 KB,850x2111,850:2111,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a6122e1be927fe⋯.jpg (293.34 KB,850x2083,850:2083,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 514e4683a43ee7d⋯.png (321.47 KB,825x478,825:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721364 (121440ZOCT23) Notable: The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

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The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs. As such, it is similar to France’s Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, Britain’s Magna Carta, and the US Declaration of Independence. Although it was composed in a time of great tension, the declaration is succinct, written in expressive but not flowery language. While it conveys the spirit of those dramatic days, it also addresses itself effectively to the future. Because there was no time to spare, [due to EMERGENCY] the Declaration was read from a mimeographed sheet, and the 37 signatories – members of the Provisional Council of State – signed their names to a blank parchment sheet. The official copy of the Declaration was later inscribed by an artist. It was laid out in the form of a scroll and placed in a silver case.


Blue Helmets

Blue Lines

Blue Laws

The Blues

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7aa474 No.98414

File: 1919c3402c68a3e⋯.png (128.81 KB,408x432,17:18,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721366 (121440ZOCT23) Notable: Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

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👨‍🦲🇷🇺🇰🇬 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

🔴 @DDGeopolitics

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7aa474 No.98415

File: 29ff94edbf6dbd9⋯.png (255.04 KB,1258x1288,629:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721376 (121443ZOCT23) Notable: @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

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7aa474 No.98416

File: 49274ad1cc9e94f⋯.png (28.15 KB,601x474,601:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721385 (121444ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

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General Mike Flynn


The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker of #WeThePeople ‘s House of Representatives!

No more behind closed doors.

No more inside, compromising deals.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

There is already enough distrust in our federal government.

Debate in public and Vote in public! No more hiding!


3:34 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98417

File: 2f025a931869041⋯.png (343.48 KB,594x679,594:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721399 (121447ZOCT23) Notable: I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

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Wall Street Silver


I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

This was one of the most foreseeable consequences ever. It was not a mistake. This was always the plan and they are accelerating the plan now. They are rapidly trying to destabilize Europe and the USA.


End Wokeness




Henry Kissinger: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts”

3:25 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98418

File: 7a53b87a85e2b7d⋯.png (1.74 MB,1170x1308,195:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721417 (121451ZOCT23) Notable: The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

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Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof buff.ly/3PTpePz


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7aa474 No.98419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721426 (121454ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

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Remarkable – President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

October 12, 2023 | Sundance | 202 Comments

When President Donald Trump goes full wolverine, he doesn’t stop until the bones are bleaching in the sun. Oh my. This is a remarkable public evisceration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for pulling out of a military operation at the last minute.

At his rally in West Palm Beach, former President Trump recounted how Israeli PM Benjamin “let us down” for not being part of the strike on Iranian general Qasem Soleimani,but then tried to “take credit” for the operation.WATCH:

Here’s the full story!



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7aa474 No.98420

File: 38b9b404bc427a8⋯.png (76.53 KB,627x588,209:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721428 (121454ZOCT23) Notable: Hillary's deprogramming scheme

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Hillary's deprogramming scheme

American Thinker, by Barret Tillman

Posted By: DW626, 10/12/2023 10:14:54 AM

The railroad cars squealed to a stop where lines of police and soldiers stood by to receive the deplorable passengers. The human cargo nearly all middle aged to seniors debarked with their few permitted possessions and turned where the uniformed guardians directed. Those using crutches or wheelchairs took separate routes for greater efficiency. Some of the deplorable detritus still sported red hats rather than yellow stars. Welcome to Hillary Clinton’s Amerika. In a CNN interview earlier this month Clinton said, “At some point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the (Trump) cult members.”

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7aa474 No.98421

File: 2f4d9415e3c10cb⋯.png (767.04 KB,659x676,659:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721442 (121455ZOCT23) Notable: Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

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Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military

Exercises with China

Breitbart, by John Hayward

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/12/2023 9:51:17 AM

The government of Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday that the Saudi and Chinese navies have commenced a three-week joint exercise known as “Blue Sword.” The first Blue Sword drill was held in 2019, near Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea port city of Jeddah. This year’s exercise was launched from the southern Chinese city of Zhanjiang, with a ceremony attended by hundreds of troops. “The goal of the exercise is to boost the mutual trust and friendly relations between the Chinese and the Saudi Arabian navies, enhance the participants’ capabilities in naval combat and comprehensively improve the joint operational capabilities of overseas armed rescue units,” said China’s state-run Global Times.

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7aa474 No.98422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721468 (121502ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

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"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."

President John F. Kennedy

Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City

April 27, 1961

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7aa474 No.98423

File: 9799d4cf8b7fa88⋯.png (1.92 MB,1024x1022,512:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721476 (121504ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 12, 2023

Mu Cephei

Mu Cephei is a very large star. An M-class supergiant some 1500 times the size of the Sun, it is one of the largest stars visible to the unaided eye, and even one of the largest in the entire Galaxy. If it replaced the Sun in our fair Solar System, Mu Cephei would easily engulf Mars and Jupiter. Historically known as Herschel's Garnet Star, Mu Cephei is extremely red. Approximately 2800 light-years distant, the supergiant is seen near the edge of reddish emission nebula IC 1396 toward the royal northern constellation Cepheus in this telescopic view. Much cooler and hence redder than the Sun, this supergiant's light is further reddened by absorption and scattering due to intervening dust within the Milky Way. A well-studied variable star understood to be in a late phase of stellar evolution, Mu Cephei is a massive star too, destined to ultimately explode as a core-collapse supernova.


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7aa474 No.98424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721513 (121508ZOCT23) Notable: Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

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12 Oct, 2023 12

No humanitarian aid to Gaza – Israeli energy minister

Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released, said Israel Katz

Israel’s siege of Gaza will not be lifted unless Hamas releases all the hostages it has captured, Energy Minister Israel Katz said on Thursday. His announcement came after Israeli authorities cut off water, fuel and electricity to the Palestinian exclave following a surprise attack by Hamas militants on Saturday.

“Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on, no water pump will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home,” wrote Katz on X, formerly known as Twitter.

In a previous post, the minister stated that Israel had for years supplied Gaza with electricity, water and fuel. “Instead of saying thank you, they sent thousands of human animals to slaughter, murder, rape and kidnap babies, women and the elderly,” Katz said, adding that Israel will continue totighten the siege of Gaza “until the Hamas threat to Israel and the world is removed.”

The blockade of Gaza was initially announced by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday, who said he had ordered a “complete siege of the Gaza Strip” and that there will be “no electricity, no food, no fuel and no water.”

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” Gallant said.

Meanwhile, both the EU and the UN have raised concerns over Israel’s actions in Gaza, with EU foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell stating on Tuesday that depriving the civilian population of Gaza of food, water and electricity was not in line with international law.

The UN, in turn, has announced that it will launch investigations into potential war crimes committed during the latest escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, noting that it had “clear evidence” that both sides had committed serious violations of international human rights laws.

The latest surge in violence began on Saturday when Hamas, a Palestinian militant group which controls much of Gaza, launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, firing rockets and sending commandos deep into Israeli territory. The IDF responded by bombing Gaza and cutting off all of its utilities, as Israel made an official declaration of war.

As of Thursday morning, Israel had recorded at least 1,300 dead and some 3,300 injured among its citizens. The Palestinian authorities in Gaza have recorded at least 1,203 dead and over 5,763 wounded since the outbreak of hostilities.


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7aa474 No.98425

File: ee753aca6ebd7aa⋯.jpg (364.6 KB,501x689,501:689,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721539 (121511ZOCT23) Notable: Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

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Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

Morgan State University leaders have announced plans to build a wall around the campus after a shooting that injured five people, including four students, during homecoming week celebrations. Police, meanwhile, are calling on the public to help them identify two persons of interest in the case.

David Wilson, the president of Morgan State University, said at a campus town hall Tuesday that the wall would effectively "eliminate unfettered access" by extending existing barriers by about 8,000 feet, encircling 90% of the campus.

“We’re doing this, let me be clear, not to keep out our neighbors and our community writ large," Wilson said. "We are doing it to keep out the bad actors."


but i thought walls didn't work...

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7aa474 No.98426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721547 (121512ZOCT23) Notable: Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

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(KEK. A lot of heads exploding in Ukraineright now, what will the do to get attention?)

12 Oct, 2023 11:59

Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons – CNN

A ground operation in Gaza would require the types of arms for which stockpiles are already low, the news network said

The US is scrambling to ensure it can supply munitions to Israel in case of a possible ground incursion into Gaza, CNN has reported, citing multiple US officials. US stockpiles are already significantly depleted due to the arming of Ukraine.

The Pentagon has provided public assurances that it can support both Israel and Ukraine without compromising its own security and global force projection. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reiterated that stance on Wednesday after announcing the latest $200 million aid package for Kiev.

So far Israel has requested and received from the US interceptor missiles for its Iron Dome system. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s greatest needs are 155mm artillery shells and other arms required for ground combat. But if and when Israel starts a ground incursion into Gaza, it may need supplies of those too, the outlet suggested.

According to CNN, the Pentagon is instructing defense producers to speed up existing Israeli orders to expedite shipments. It is also “working around the clock … to identify extra stores of munitions around the world and how to move them to Israel quickly.”

The US has used some of its stockpiles of artillery shells from Israel to bolster Ukraine’s resources in its fight against Russia.

The Israeli government has predicted that the military campaign against the Hamas group would likely be “prolonged.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly informed US President Joe Biden on Monday that Israel will eventually send ground troops into Gaza. The Jewish state said it was determined to “obliterate” the militant movement for its deadly incursion last Saturday.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has expressed concern that the Israeli crisis would draw Western attention away from his nation. He made an unannounced visit to NATO headquarters on Wednesday and participated in a meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a body that coordinates military assistance to Kiev. Participating countries are normally represented at meetings by their defense ministers.

Contributing to the uncertainty for Kiev is the chaos in the US Congress, which started before the outbreak of violence in the Middle East. Pressured by Ukraine-skeptical Republicans, lawmakers opted not to include aid for Ukraine in a stopgap spending bill last month.

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives was left without a speaker after Kevin McCarthy was ousted for allegedly striking a secret deal with the White House to ensure continued funding of Ukraine – something that McCarthy denied.

US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby suggested on Wednesday that thePentagon may find itself “at the end of the rope” in terms of long-term assistance to Ukrainedue to the appropriations turmoil. (The buried lead!)


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7aa474 No.98427

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721555 (121514ZOCT23) Notable: Argo

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Interesting read.



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7aa474 No.98428

File: d9bc983c1545f21⋯.png (29.94 KB,591x342,197:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721568 (121515ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

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Ezra A. Cohen


Correct. If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.


Norman Roule




Qatar has been an important partner for the U.S. and Doha asserts that it does not support Hamas but supports the people of Gaza. Nonetheless, the political leadership of an organization that conducted an attack on the scale of 9/11 operates from Doha. Israelis, Americans and…

Show more

4:06 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721586 (121518ZOCT23) Notable: India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

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>>98385 Biden Regime Is Forcing Americans Trapped in Israel to Sign Promissory Notes to Repay All Travel Costs If They Decide to Be Rescued by US Government PN

12 Oct, 2023 09:05

India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

The first group of Indians will be brought back by a special flight on Thursday

India has launched an operation to repatriate its citizens stuck in Israel as the deadliest clashes between the Palestinian armed group Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces entered its fifth day, with heavy casualties on both sides.

“Launching #OperationAjay to facilitate the return from Israel of our citizens who wish to return,” India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, posted on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday. “Special charter flights and other arrangements are being put in place. Fully committed to the safety and well-being of our nationals abroad.”

The first group of Indians will be brought back to their country via a special flight on Thursday. “The Embassy has emailed the first lot of registered Indian citizens for the special flight tomorrow (Thursday),” India’s embassy in Israel posted on X, “Messages to other registered people will follow for subsequent flights.”

Sanjeev Singla, India’s envoy to Israel, released a video statement for the Indian diaspora in the country, saying that the embassy is “working constantly” for their safety and welfare. “Do remain calm and vigilant,” he cautioned, adding that the embassy continues to watch developments closely.

India has set up a round-the-clock control room “to monitor the situation in the war-torn regions and provide information and assistance to Indian citizens,” the foreign ministry said. Around 18,000 citizens of India reside in Israel, according to the mission’s website, primarily caregivers employed by elderly Israelis, diamond traders, IT professionals, and students. There are also approximately 85,000 Jews of Indian origin in Israel who were part of the primary waves of emigration from India to Israel in the 1950s-60s.

An emergency helpline was also created for Indian nationals in the West Bank, who were advised to contact the local representative office of India.

India’s move to repatriate its citizens begins a day after the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, affirming to the latter that “India stands firmly with Israel.” Posting to X, Modi also underscored that “India strongly and unequivocally condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations” – remarks reiterated in a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office.


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7aa474 No.98430

File: 0ee48bd2f51cdbf⋯.png (15.67 KB,596x178,298:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721598 (121520ZOCT23) Notable: @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

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Emerald Robinson ✝️


I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”

3:49 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98431

File: 0bc66c94d58f204⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721608 (121522ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

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>potus is pissed bibi turned his back

POTUS ignores Bibi.

Saved Dec 2021, dont have exact date for this though.

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7aa474 No.98432

File: b8c51396637d69a⋯.png (1.04 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: be1e5d137704759⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 52abd7cd0f22b14⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721642 (121526ZOCT23) Notable: Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

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Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair ofTENEO

Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization…run byDoug Band


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7aa474 No.98433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721648 (121526ZOCT23) Notable: Argo

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CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — While revealing new details about one of the most famed CIA operations of all times — the spiriting out of six American diplomats who escaped the 1979 U.S. Embassy seizure in Iran — the intelligence agency for the first time has acknowledged something else as well.

The CIA now officially describes the 1953 coup it backed in Iran that overthrew its prime minister and cemented the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as undemocratic

Other American officials have made similar remarks in the past, but the CIA’s acknowledgment in a podcast about the agency’s history comes as much of its official history of the coup remains classified 70 years after the putsch. That complicates the public’s understanding of an event that still resonates, as tensions remain high between Tehran and Washington over the Islamic Republic’s rapidly advancing nuclear program, its aiding of militia groups across the Mideast and as it cracks down on dissent.

The “CIA’s leadership is committed to being as open with the public as possible,” the agency said in a statement responding to questions from The Associated Press. “The agency’s podcast is part of that effort — and we knew that if we wanted to tell this incredible story, it was important to be transparent about the historical context surrounding these events, and CIA’s role in it.”

In response to questions from the AP, Iran’s mission to the United Nations described the 1953 coup as marking “the inception of relentless American meddling in Iran’s internal affairs” and dismissed the U.S. acknowledgments.

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7aa474 No.98434

File: 2dfb9bf3acc2513⋯.png (315.91 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721656 (121526ZOCT23) Notable: "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

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Citizen Free Press


Former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett snaps at Sky News reporter for asking about Palestinian civilians dying in hospitals because the power has been cut.

"Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

0:47 / 3:02


Sky News

4:14 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98435

File: 111bf34af04a635⋯.jpeg (890.41 KB,1170x1455,78:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721661 (121527ZOCT23) Notable: Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

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Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda. So much corruption and this goes pretty far and deep into the leadership. All these very expensive attacks and it’s not even election time! Must be getting to them.

Pray for these people standing against the establishment. Pray more will have the courage to stand with them too



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7aa474 No.98436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721662 (121527ZOCT23) Notable: Argo

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==CIA publicly acknowledges 1953 coup it backed in Iran was undemocratic as it revisits ‘Argo’ rescue


“The U.S. admission never translated into compensatory action or a genuine commitment to refrain from future interference, nor did it change its subversive policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the mission said in a statement.

The CIA’s podcast, called “The Langley Files” as its headquarters is based in Langley, Virginia, focused two recent episodes on the story of the six American diplomats’ escape. While hiding at the home of the Canadian ambassador to Iran, a two-man CIA team entered Tehran and helped them fly out of the country while pretending to be members of a crew scouting for a made-up science fiction film.

The caper, retold in the 2012 Academy Award-winning film “Argo” directed by and starring Ben Affleck, offered a dramatized version of the operation, with Affleck playing the late CIA officer Antonio “Tony” Mendez. The podcast for the first time identified the second CIA officer who accompanied Mendez, naming him as agency linguist and exfiltration specialist Ed Johnson. He previously only had been known publicly by the pseudonym “Julio.”

“Working with the six — these are rookies,” Johnson recounts in an interview aired by the podcast. “They were people who were not trained to lie to authorities. They weren’t trained to be clandestine, elusive.”

But in the podcast, which aired about a month before Hamas’ unprecedented attack Saturday on Israel, another brief exchange focuses on the 1953 coup in Iran.

In it, CIA spokesman and podcast host Walter Trosin cites the claims of agency historians that the majority of the CIA’s clandestine activities in its history “bolstered” popularly elected governments.

“We should acknowledge, though, that this is, therefore, a really significant exception to that rule,” Trosin says of the 1953 coup.

CIA historian Brent Geary, appearing on the podcast, agrees.

“This is one of the exceptions to that,” Geary says.

Seven decades later, the 1953 coup remains as hotly debated as ever by Iran, its theocratic government, historians and others.

Iran’s hard-line state television spent hours discussing the coup that toppled Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh on its anniversary in June. In their telling, a straight line leads from the coup to the 1979 Islamic Revolution that ultimately toppled the fatally ill shah. It still fuels the anti-Americanism that colors decisions made by the theocracy, whether in arming Russia in its war on Ukraine or alleging without evidence that Washington fomented the recent nationwide mass protests targeting it.

From the U.S. side, the CIA’s hand in the coup quickly was revealed as a success of Cold War espionage, though historians in recent years have debated just how much influence the agency’s actions had. It also led the CIA into a series of further coups in other countries, including Guatemala, where American clandestine action in 1954 installed a military dictator and sparked a 40-year civil war that likely killed some 245,000 people.

That’s led to an American political reappraisal of the 1953 CIA action in Iran. Then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright acknowledged the U.S.’ “significant role” in the coup in 2000. President Barack Obama, speaking in Cairo in 2009, described the CIA’s work as leading to the “overthrow of a democratically elected Iranian government.”

But largely absent from the discussion was the CIA itself. After years of conflicting versions of the coup both in public and classified papers, a member of the CIA’s own in-house team of historians wrote a reappraisal of the operation in a 1998 paper titled “Zendebad, Shah!” in Farsi — or “Long Live the Shah!”

But despite a series of American historical documents being made public, including a major tranche of State Department papers in 2017, large portions of that CIA reappraisal remain heavily redacted despite attempts to legally pry them loose by the George Washington University-based National Security Archive. That’s even after pledges by former agency directors Robert Gates and James Woolsey Jr. in the 1990s to release documents from that coup and others engineered by the agency.

Further complicating any historical reckoning is the CIA’s own admission that many files related to the 1953 coup likely had been destroyed in the 1960s.

“It’s wrong to suggest that the coup operation itself has been fully declassified. Far from it,” said Malcolm Byrne of the National Security Archive. “Important parts of the record are still being withheld, which only contributes to public confusion and encourages myth-making about the U.S. role long after the fact.”

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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7aa474 No.98437

File: 0dd81c3c4c17327⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721665 (121528ZOCT23) Notable: Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

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Teneo and sex trafficking


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7aa474 No.98438

File: c6258d5bdc882c6⋯.jpg (2.9 MB,1173x8226,391:2742,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721668 (121528ZOCT23) Notable: Argo

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CIA admits Operation ARGO was CIA-backed


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7aa474 No.98439

File: 08ca9b617dfbde8⋯.png (496.3 KB,1700x1049,1700:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: 53dc96bb07f1d04⋯.png (74.36 KB,843x606,281:202,Clipboard.png)

File: ed7dcb594131ab3⋯.png (264.87 KB,1618x1009,1618:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a97a54496cc9a0⋯.png (263.54 KB,594x628,297:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721686 (121531ZOCT23) Notable: Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

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Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538 when c to Wayback Machine archives from 11/12/21 & 12/19/21. @CDCgov What's the reason for this?



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7aa474 No.98440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721696 (121533ZOCT23) Notable: Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

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TENEO doug band

This story is morphing really into a story of Graham and Braverman in Haiti beginning in 2010 forming the IHRC, and ending with the murder of Monica Petersen in November of 2016. The story now begins with Laura Graham sitting in her car on the Staten Island Ferry on December 7th, 2011, one foot on the accelerator, ready to drive her car into the water. On the radio, she is listening to a New York radio station talking about Laura Silsby being arrested in January of 2010, and how Hillary seemed to fly to Haiti to meet with Haitian officials, but does not get off the plane. People on the radio show are speculating the Clinton Foundation gave Hillary's entourage $100,000 to bribe Haitian officials. Graham knows the money was withdrawn quickly, and there is an audit trail. She makes a call to Doug Band, and she decides not to kill herself. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/3332#efmAdAAmB Braverman is brought in to replace Graham in 2013 to replace Graham after she has had a nervous breakdown. When your predecessor has a nervous breakdown, you have to worry a bit about the job, but he agrees to directly managing the IHRC (Interim Haiti Relief Commission) anyway that he was overseeing before nice 2011 as a consultant with McKinsey. Braverman's questions about photographs on the progress of housing projects continue to bedevel Graham as well as the progress on other projects. His trips to Haiti to inspect projects have only caused more questions. Braverman now can drill down directly on the books to see where the money is actually going in July of 2013. The Hillary email drama is unfolding just as Bravermen takes over as CEO. Bruce Lindsey is still hiding the Giustra 1,100 donors from Bravermen, making his contribution look like on lump sum from Clinton Giustra Partnership. This will continue for all the time Braverman is at the Clinton Foundation. Braverman brings in Simpson Thatcher for the first true, quiet, unofficial audit in the history of the Foundation. The results shock him. Simpson auditors joke with Bravermen about how the Foundation should be called the Quid Pro Quo Foundation and if Braverman looks good in the color orange. They pick up the 12 page Doug Band member about Teneo, and say the Attorney General of the Souther District of New York only need this one email to shut the Foundation down. The next year is a constant struggle for transparency in even modest forms like introducing people on the Board who are not Clinton insiders. He is rebuffed at every turn. After receiving a raise and promotion in December of 2014, he finds out from Huma the confab will be held in Morocco in May 2015, email controversy with House Oversight notwithstanding. He knows he is the fall guy now, so he leaves the Foundation. Braverman goes to Politico to clear his name in March of 2015 to clear his name before the May 2015 confab with the notorious King of Morocco who has been sanctioned by the UN for human rights violations in Western Sahara including beheadings and torture. DNC and Podesta email trickle out in the summer and Fall of 2016, and then the pizza talk begins. Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and also previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. She is murdered in November of 2016, and in one of her last posts she mentions the Clinton Foundation's ties to sex trafficking in Haiti. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yODFMmhGOMs

Why would Hillary not want the weapons back for more topples?

Sid Email to HRC - Ideas On How To Mentor Egyptian Revolutionaries - Recommends OTPOR



Adding to your list of MAJOR DONORS.

(And further proof Clinton provided special treatment to CF donors and staff, in emails over her unsecured server.)

Judicial Watch, 2/2/2017: "New State Department Records Reveal Clinton Aide Abedin Secured State Dept. Lunch Invitation for Major Clinton Foundation Donor."

Named in emails (dated 2009):

* Donor and trustee of Foundation: Sant Chatwal, Indian businessman

* Huma Abedin, emails with Sant Chatwal

* Hillary Clinton/Clinton Foundation, emails w/Abedin regarding:

* Sid Blumenthal, on analysis of U.S. Afghanistan policy

* Doug Band, founder and exec. of Teneo

Sant Chatwal had track record of legal troubles (bank fraud, tax evasion, etc.) in U.S. and abroad yet was appointed as CF trustee in 2001.


Overview of Chatwal legal troubles:


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7aa474 No.98441

File: a1320274eb94b95⋯.png (130.36 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f4a6fd4af1663a7⋯.gif (9.95 MB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: 0de1fac7648b28b⋯.png (64.31 KB,649x680,649:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721701 (121533ZOCT23) Notable: What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

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What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

The first U.S. location to experience the annular "ring of fire" stage of the eclipse will be Oregon at 9:13 a.m. PT (12:13 p.m. EDT, 1613 GMT) on Oct. 14. Prior to that, the partial eclipse stage of the eclipse begins off the West Coast of the United States at 11:03 EDT (1503 GMT.)

The eclipse will then pass through seven other U.S. states before moving across the Gulf of Mexico and over Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Brazil, making the famous "ring of fire" visible to millions of people.

You can see the whole path of annularity including start and end times for different stages of the solar eclipse at each location in this interactive map created by French eclipse expert Xavier Jubier. NASA has also created a helpful interactive map for those interested in tracking the eclipse across the U.S. down to the last second and seeing what it will look like from select destinations along the route.

If you're not fortunate enough to be able to get to the path of annularity in person, you can watch the eclipse live here on Space.com courtesy of NASA — the livestream will start at 11:30 a.m. EDT (1530 GMT). Keep up to date with the latest eclipse coverage with our annular eclipse live blog.

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon is positioned between the sun and Earth, and casts a shadow on our planet. The moon appears relatively small and does not cover the entire disk of the sun, leaving a thin outer ring commonly referred to as a "ring of fire."

Observers situated within the path of annularity — a 125-mile (200-kilometer) wide track — will experience the "ring of fire," while those just outside the path will see a partial solar eclipse where the moon appears to take a 'bite' out of the sun — pending clear skies of course!

Observers in northeastern Arizona should note that all Navajo Tribal Parks will be closed from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. MDT on October 14, 2023, due to Navajo cultural beliefs. This includes Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park and parts of the Tséyi’ Diné Heritage Area in Canyon de Chelly National Monument.

REMEMBER to NEVER look directly at the sun. To view this solar eclipse safely you must use solar filters at all times. Whether your location will experience a partial solar eclipse or an annular solar eclipse, the dangers are the same. Observers will need to wear solar eclipse glasses, and cameras, telescopes and binoculars must have solar filters placed in front of their lenses at all times.


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7aa474 No.98442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721717 (121535ZOCT23) Notable: Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TENEO doug band 2/2

Sudan - Lukas Ludin


What about Lukas Lundin and Lundin petroleum/mining?




Lundin comes into this Sudan timeline 1997


2001 in Sudan


2007 press release for $100 million to Clinton Foundation from Lundin


Also Lundin has a hand in the Congo... keeps going.

Just something extra someone already has looked at I imagine


Teneo consulting name came up

Step 1 - Gaddafi’s Stingers, Sarin Gas To Get NATO Bombing

Step 3+4 - Petraeus Ships Sarin to King Abdullah

3 - Oil/Arms Rat Line

4 - Gas Attack to Topple

Step 3 - Jordanian Officers Driving Off Truckloads Stingers

2 - Send Cute Kids to Malta? Greece?

Libya Just One Of Seven Countries in

Middle East Project - 2003, PNAC

Step 2 - Topple Gaddafi 2.5 Kill Amb

Benghazi Whistleblowers–Eye witnesses to the war crimes committed in Libya by Hillary Clinton

The story behind the cover-up


Weapons worth billions of dollars seized by Syrian forces in stores terrorists in Aleppo


Video Explains Gaddafi’s Weapons Going to Syria


Wesley Clark

Plans to Invade Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran


Mark Mazetti, NYT, Pulitzer, Jordanian Officers Driving Arms to Rebels


Fox News - Libya Arms and Chemical Weapons Not Yet Controlled


Two Arrested for Syria Convoys to ISIS


CIA Contractor in Libya Says Stingers Being Flown to Jordan


https://www.facebook.com/sabowfilm/ https://www.facebook.com/sabowfilm/videos/651803001688877/

Russia Sending Sarin Gas Sample to World Court


Churchill Shells French - Mers El Kebir


Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi


Medicare Fraud Doc ODs Five on Methodone In 20 months

Lapeer, MI - Town of 8,800

Javed Brothers Run Largest Medicare Ever Fraud - Rolexs


Dr. Death

Tariq Awan - TOR, DET, LAS, CA

Cheri Pfieffer - FAN - Families Against Narcotics - The Heoine of Lapeer


Doctor Prescribes Five Methadone Overdoses in One Year - Three Men, 41, 47, 51, in 2012, Two Women in 2013


Ataya Almost Has32 Year Old Women Die After Men Die, Two More Women Die Next Year


Dem Donor Doctors in Largest Medicare Scheme Ever


US vs Tahir


Largest Medicare Fraud Ever


Families Against Narcotics


Sixteen Doctors in Medicaid Fraud Scheme


Lapeer MI


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7aa474 No.98443

File: 936882457d03149⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721748 (121541ZOCT23) Notable: Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98444

File: 573b58deb128b7f⋯.png (394.24 KB,568x319,568:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721759 (121543ZOCT23) Notable: "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"All Wars Are Bankers Wars"


"This was a tough red pill to swallow, especially for anyone who is or was in the military such as myself. We like to think we are fighting for something but the reality is we haven't fought for anything worthy since the War of 1812. All this time we have been fighting for the central banking cartel. We have been told a lie all our lives."

Not bitter. Not bitter at all...........

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7aa474 No.98445

File: 3c90b5540b1f82a⋯.jpeg (686.97 KB,1170x1247,1170:1247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721791 (121549ZOCT23) Notable: SCALISE DROPPING OUT! HE DOESN’T HAVE THE VOTES! JJ up

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721793 (121550ZOCT23) Notable: SCALISE DROPPING OUT! HE DOESN’T HAVE THE VOTES! JJ up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING 🚨 Steve Scalise (R-LA) is expected to drop out of the House Speaker race. Jim Jordan (R-OH) could jump back in if he withdraws.

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7aa474 No.98447

File: 5f36f18e13f4b0e⋯.png (1.15 MB,1128x1832,141:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721800 (121550ZOCT23) Notable: Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

October 11, 2023

By Accuracy In Media

Thirty-four student groups at Harvard University signed a letter earlier this week in response to the attack on Israel by Hamas that left 1,200 dead and at least 2,700 wounded. That letter blamed Israel for the attacks.

“We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence. The apartheid regime is the only one to blame,” the letter reads. “Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years.”

The letter initially contained the names of the groups who signed the letter, but after widespread backlash, it was amended to say, “This statement was co-authored by a coalition of Palestine solidarity groups at Harvard. For student safety, the names of all original signing organizations have been concealed at this time.”

By the time it was amended, the list had already been spread far and wide. Just five of the student groups have withdrawn their signatures: Harvard College Act on a Dream, Amnesty International at Harvard, the Harvard Islamic Society, Harvard Undergraduate Ghungroo, and the Harvard Undergraduate Nepali Student Association.

The remaining groups and members of their leadership stand by the letter and its inflammatory claims. The names Accuracy in Media has been able to independently confirm are listed below.

African American Resistance Organization

Kiersten B. Hash, Founder

Amari M. Butler, Founder

Prince A. Williams, Founder

Clyve Lawrence, Founder

Kojo Acheampong, Founder

Harvard Muslim Law School Association

Hussain Awan, Co-President

Reema Doleh, Co-President

Ariq Hatibie, Executive Board Member

Saeed Ahmad, Executive Board Member

Hurya Ahmed, Vice President of Communications

Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee'

Shraddha Joshi, organizer

Josh Willcox, organizer

Sanaa Kahloon, member

This list will be continually updated as Accuracy in Media is able to confirm them.

An earlier version of this list included a member of the Harvard Muslim Law School Association who resigned from the board in protest of the signing of the letter. His name has been removed.

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7aa474 No.98448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721801 (121551ZOCT23) Notable: The HighWire today.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#DrAseemMalhotra #AaronSiriEsq #ICANLegal #LegalUpdate #PREPAct #DrJeffBarke #COVID #RussellBrand #FreeSpeech #DelBigtree #EP341

I wanted this in red text regarding the subjects on The HighWire today.


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7aa474 No.98449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721817 (121553ZOCT23) Notable: Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98450

File: cf99380e799a57b⋯.jpeg (484.31 KB,1170x1145,234:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721823 (121554ZOCT23) Notable: Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

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Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98451

File: d649ecde95150fb⋯.png (11.94 KB,463x80,463:80,Clipboard.png)

File: a591113b31d855a⋯.png (71.79 KB,883x305,883:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721828 (121555ZOCT23) Notable: Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DOUG BAND - sources that anon posted clippets from








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7aa474 No.98452

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721836 (121556ZOCT23) Notable: Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ivey [DC Violent Crime Hearing]: Smart on crime is more effective than tough on crime.

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7aa474 No.98453

File: bbae09979157a61⋯.jpeg (221.39 KB,1170x808,585:404,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721844 (121557ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian $6B REFROZEN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iranian $6B REFROZEN!


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7aa474 No.98454

File: 9db4ef0ed23f3a6⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1170x1427,1170:1427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721866 (121602ZOCT23) Notable: MN stand off, cops shot

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5 police officers shot in Minnesota.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721871 (121604ZOCT23) Notable: Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

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The diverted flight was met by a large emergency service response at Stansted


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7aa474 No.98456

File: 521f51fd99c51a3⋯.png (1.22 MB,950x1266,475:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721887 (121606ZOCT23) Notable: King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya rt

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AIR SCARE Stansted Airport: Kenya Airways flight surrounded by police on tarmac & ‘armed cops storm inside’ after plane diverted



RAF fighter jets escort Kenya Airways flight to Stansted Airport as bomb disposal teams called


Que pasa?

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7aa474 No.98457

File: 790f132b0c404c8⋯.jpeg (264.97 KB,1170x607,1170:607,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721905 (121610ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING | NBC News: Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.


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7aa474 No.98458

File: e25ee90c2690550⋯.jpeg (580.72 KB,1170x1083,390:361,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721941 (121616ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.

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additional salsa.


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7aa474 No.98459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721974 (121622ZOCT23) Notable: NASA 65th Anniversary: A Journey Beyond the Stars

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NASA 65th Anniversary: A Journey Beyond the Stars

Oct 12, 2023

Celebrating 65 years, NASA is a symbol of human creativity and exploration. NASA has consistently pushed boundaries, from the historic Apollo missions that landed the first humans on the Moon to the Space Shuttle program that built the International Space Station. Missions like Landsat and Cassini have deepened our understanding of Earth and our solar system. With NASA launching the James Webb Space Telescope, the future holds even more exciting discoveries. Throughout all these adventures, NASA's commitment to exploration and science continues to lead the way.

Today, the Artemis missions herald a new chapter, aiming to return humanity to the Moon and laying robust foundations for expeditions to Mars and beyond. As we honor NASA's storied past, we anticipate a future filled with discoveries, technologies, and deep-space exploration encouraged by a new generation of dedicated explorers. Here's to NASA, commemorating 65 years of cosmic exploration, innovation, and the undying quest to expand our universal frontier.


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7aa474 No.98460

File: 63661aea252734b⋯.jpg (293.61 KB,1448x1058,724:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721982 (121623ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092-93

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000093

BEWARE NEO-CONS! China Has A Defense Industry, Whereas The United States Has A War Industry


China is not wasting expensive equipment on endless wars for profit. Just like Russia, IF China uses their weapons it will be to mercilessly and ruthlessly destroy an enemy nation that poses an exponential threat!

Russian Parliament To Vote On ENDING Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


The US government is scrambling to ensure it can supply munitions to Israel in case of a possible ground incursion into Gaza, CNN has reported, citing multiple US officials. US stockpiles are already significantly depleted due to the arming of Ukraine.


US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby suggested on Wednesday that thePentagon may find itself “at the end of the rope” in terms of long-term assistance to Ukrainedue to the appropriations turmoil.

NATO Forced To Choose Funding & Supporting Israel or Ukraine, They Can't Save Both


EU Divided Over Israel's Violation Of International War Crime Laws


International law states a country cannot attack civilians or cut them off from basic essentials they need to live! Those that do so are committing war crimes which is terrorism!

Israel Responds To EU: Food, Water and Power To Be Restored To Gaza After All Israeli Hostages Released


IDF Dropping Leaflets To Civilians Over Gaza Warning of Pending Attack


Hamas Founder Found Dead, Bombed By Airstrike


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98461

File: 46e6d3f29fc3d82⋯.png (74.51 KB,762x894,127:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a2a1536043a1aa⋯.png (458.61 KB,600x613,600:613,Clipboard.png)

File: e728b4b680a039d⋯.png (34.74 KB,600x278,300:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721983 (121623ZOCT23) Notable: 10th Mountain Division, Task Force Badger Unit Ministry Team provides light during times of uncertainty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Operation Inherent Resolve



10th Mountain Division, Task Force Badger Unit Ministry Team provides light during times of uncertainty


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7aa474 No.98462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19721998 (121626ZOCT23) Notable: Secretary Blinken News Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Secretary Blinken News Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks in Tel Aviv, Israel, following meetings with President Herzog, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and a visit to a donation site where he met volunteers and survivors of the Hamas attacks.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722114 (121640ZOCT23) Notable: #24215

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#24215 >>98409

>>98410 Pence: If I was President of the United States, I’d have the team in the Situation Room and direct the Joint Special Operations Command to stand up special forces and have them immediately be prepared to deploy into Gaza.

>>98411, >>98460 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000092-93

>>98412 GOP Member Only House discussion 12:15p EDT

>>98413 The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the State of Israel and is regarded as an expression of the nation’s vision and its central beliefs

>>98414 Vladimir Putin arrived in Kyrgyzstan. The current visit is the first foreign one for the Russian president this year.

>>98415 @austerewyatt1 Zionists Rotchilds

>>98416, >>98422 @GenFlynn The members of the House of Representatives MUST immediately come out from behind closed doors and publicly vote for the next Speaker

>>98417 I don’t believe for a second that Henry Kissinger didn’t know exactly how this was going to play out decades ago.

>>98418 The Bee: Palestinian Flag Outside Rashida Tlaib's Office Seen Throwing Pride Flag Off The Roof

>>98419, >>98431 President Trump Recounts How Netanyahu Backed Out on Joint Operation to Target Soleimani

>>98420 Hillary's deprogramming scheme

>>98421 Saudi Arabia Announces Joint Military Exercises with China

>>98423 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Mu Cephei

>>98424 Water, fuel and electricity won’t be turned back on until Israeli hostages are released

>>98425 Morgan State University plans to build wall around campus after homecoming week shooting

>>98426 Israel may elbow Ukraine out for US weapons/heads expode n such

>>98428 ECW: If Qatar does not immediately turn over Hamas leadership, they should be prepared for consequences, including but not limited to the relocation of forces at Al Udeid and severe sanctions.

>>98429 India flies citizens out of war-torn Israel

>>98430 @EmeraldRobinson I’m told that, behind closed doors, Jim Jordan was asked about defunding the Biden regime’s DOJ & FBI and that his responses were “disappointing.”???

>>98432, >>98437, >>98440, >>98442, >>98451 Llistening to Bannon playing clip of Paul Ryan being introduced as Vice chair of TENEO, Teneo is the Clinton’s child trafficking organization/Dough Band

>>98433, >>98427, >>98436, >>98438 Argo

>>98434 "Are you seriously asking me about Palestinian civilians? What is wrong with you? We're fighting Nazis."

>>98435 Looks like the RINOS in SC are nervous about the Freedom Caucus reps challenging their globalist agenda.

>>98439 Pneumonia deaths currently reported on the CDC website spanning from 3-20-21 to 9-4-21 have unexpectedly increased by 22,538

>>98441 What time is the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14?

>>98443 Six Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>98444 "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"


>>98447 Meet the key figures propelling antisemitism at Harvard

>>98448 The HighWire today.

>>98449, >>98452 Stimson [Heritage Foundation, DC Violent Crime Hearing]: The number one age is fifteen, here in the District, who are doing armed carjackings.

>>98450, >>98455, >>98456 Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted

>>98453 Iranian $6B REFROZEN!

>>98454 MN stand off, cops shot

>>98457, >>98458 Sen. Robert Menendez (D) is accused of acting as foreign agent according to a superseding indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan.

>>98459 NASA 65th Anniversary: A Journey Beyond the Stars

>>98461 10th Mountain Division, Task Force Badger Unit Ministry Team provides light during times of uncertainty

>>98462 Secretary Blinken News Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98464

File: 4952b5791eb4cdb⋯.jpg (39.67 KB,430x327,430:327,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7ef828a44650d37⋯.jpg (47.57 KB,490x356,245:178,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e15550bf5d4e84c⋯.webp (37.11 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: 05413742ee81627⋯.png (224.86 KB,1080x606,180:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d10c78488ab5c5⋯.png (2.25 MB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722128 (121643ZOCT23) Notable: #24216

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98465

File: b80c7298cf8ff83⋯.png (26.38 KB,585x238,585:238,Clipboard.png)

File: f345eab87a1cfbf⋯.png (178.17 KB,944x664,118:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722143 (121645ZOCT23) Notable: put 8kun on the twit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>98464 TYB!






>#Joinus @ 8kun




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7aa474 No.98466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722156 (121648ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby.



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7aa474 No.98467

File: 941e615c417d69a⋯.png (172.34 KB,1152x1200,24:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 59429a175cd9f5f⋯.png (94.61 KB,907x660,907:660,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bcf26c2cf26bb7⋯.png (402.18 KB,1079x888,1079:888,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722162 (121648ZOCT23) Notable: put 8kun on the twit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Join Us

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7aa474 No.98468

File: 86eba74d3313f1c⋯.png (192.6 KB,600x470,60:47,Clipboard.png)

File: 752c0cafaaa077c⋯.png (424.96 KB,1228x371,1228:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722167 (121651ZOCT23) Notable: @CJTFOIR 82nd Airborne Division to replace 10th Mountain Division Headquarters in Europe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



82nd Airborne Division to replace 10th Mountain Division Headquarters in Europe

by: Isabella Colello

Posted: Sep 20, 2023 / 04:40 PM EDT


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7aa474 No.98469

File: bbd710f77703e86⋯.png (178.94 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d1ebd83dbab06c⋯.png (216.29 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722177 (121653ZOCT23) Notable: Tedros Admitting they created this crap And now unable to control it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Admitting they created this crap

And now unable to control it

That's just great


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98470

File: ffeafdbb7bc1c75⋯.png (616 KB,1750x904,875:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722178 (121653ZOCT23) Notable: Where is the hospital in Los Lunas NM?

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Where is the hospital in Los Lunas NM? Taxes have been collected since 2007 and almost 17 years later, Nada, squat, nothing, what happened to the money. No one Knows. its gone?! hmmmmmmmmmm

go 30 minutes to albuquerque and hope you don't die on the way I guess.

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7aa474 No.98471

File: c5fb88cfa644ab0⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722182 (121654ZOCT23) Notable: What other options will we have if Congress does not authorize using subpoena power to call witnesses?

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Dr. Greer spells it out.

The question was: What other options will we have if Congress does not authorize using subpoena power to call witnesses?


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7aa474 No.98472

File: 93ffda26bc95aa4⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,1162x1867,1162:1867,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 296956ed65fb4d6⋯.png (736.71 KB,3750x521,3750:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722194 (121657ZOCT23) Notable: Preamble to the Texas Constitution

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Preamble to the Texas Constitution


In the name of almighty God, supreme author and legislator of society. The general constituent congress of the Mexican nation in discharge of the duties imposed upon it by its constituents in order to fix their political independence, to establish and consolidate their liberty and to promote their prosperity and glory decree as follows:




Of the Mexican Nation, its Territory and Religion.

ARTICLE 1. The Mexican nation is for ever free and independent of the Spanish government and of every other power.

Article 2. Its territory comprehends the former vice-royalty of New Spain, the captain-generalship of Yucatan, the former commandancies of the internal provinces of the East and West and Upper and Lower California with the lands annexed and the adjacent islands in both oceans. A constitutional law will be made for designating the boundaries of the Federation as soon as circumstances will permit.

Article 3. The religion of the Mexican nation shall perpetually remain the Roman Catholic and Apostolic. The nation protects it by wise and just laws and prohibits the exercise of any other.

(Transcription, errors in original preserved)


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7aa474 No.98473

File: 18189b7cca82576⋯.png (107.01 KB,600x357,200:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722199 (121658ZOCT23) Notable: @CENTCOM The 354th Fighter Squadron and their A-10 Thunderbolt IIs arrived in the region to support the U.S.'s increased posture

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U.S. Central Command



The 354th Fighter Squadron and their A-10 Thunderbolt IIs arrived in the region to support the U.S.'s increased posture. These aircraft are in addition to the A-10s from the 75th Fighter Squadron already in the region.



I'm only recently beginning to understand the depth of these ideas.


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7aa474 No.98474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722204 (121659ZOCT23) Notable: Chechens in Gaza

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7aa474 No.98475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722266 (121715ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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John Kirby [White House press conference]: We can now update the number of Americans that we know have been killed [Israel] to twenty-seven, and the number of unaccounted for stands today at fourteen.

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7aa474 No.98476

File: bf37fef7afdd1ba⋯.png (669.41 KB,897x1445,897:1445,Clipboard.png)

File: a0082588a36af77⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,720x1162,360:581,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722273 (121716ZOCT23) Notable: Palestine supporters parade through the streets of London, flying Palestinian flags while calling on people to r*pe Jewish women.

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NEW: Palestine supporters parade through the streets of London, flying Palestinian flags while calling on people to r*pe Jewish women.

Sick people. I wonder if the UK is regretting their lax immigration policy right now.

“F* all of them. F* their mothers. F* their daughters… Shut them up. R*pe their daughters.”

“We have to send a message.”

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7aa474 No.98477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722278 (121717ZOCT23) Notable: Cenk Uygur announces stunning presidential run promising to defeat Joe Biden, Community Notes, and the US Constitution. Chuck Pigur ! For Moar Keks!

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BREAKING - Cenk Uygur announces stunning presidential run promising to defeat Joe Biden, Community Notes, and the US Constitution. Chuck Pigur ! KEK

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7aa474 No.98478

File: 0a409678f10f6d7⋯.png (101.76 KB,446x438,223:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722286 (121719ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Malone: Doctors are being coerced into buying dangerous COVID shots by state health boards

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This is also out of NY.


Dr. Malone: Doctors are being coerced into buying dangerous COVID shots by state health boards

There is a lot to look at in this piece. I'd like to call out Dr. Malone's mention of the "Vaccines for Children Program" (pic related).

I have a high degree of suspicion that "school-based" health care called out recently here may involve the use of "Vaccines for Children Program" vaccinations for children who are not covered by insurance. This would mean that the "provider" would be backstopped against liability both by involvement of the VCP products and by the Federal Tort Claims Act. I would think this would be unconstitutional, but in the mean time it seems possibly children could be injected during the school day without informed consent from parents.

I have not checked out Cory's Digs in some time. I think that the author successfully tied the VCP to the Clintons.

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7aa474 No.98479

File: 0b577eb8a465214⋯.png (328.93 KB,600x580,30:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 891d717dc570681⋯.jpg (176.38 KB,1179x1175,1179:1175,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722294 (121720ZOCT23) Notable: Elon is a clockfag.

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7aa474 No.98480

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722295 (121721ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby: The [Iranian] regime was never gonna see a dime of that money [six billion], and this account, although it's moved from South Korea to Qatar, was set up by the previous administration for this exact purpose.

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7aa474 No.98481

File: 76fc228aee46193⋯.png (14.34 KB,474x211,474:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722312 (121723ZOCT23) Notable: The 8 Genders of the Talmud

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Where Did LGBTQ+ Come From?

The 8 Genders of the Talmud

Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.

by Rachel Scheinerman

Thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? Think again. The ancient Jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume.

The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:

1. Zachar, male.

2. Nekevah, female.

3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.

4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.

5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.

6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.

7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.

8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

In fact, not only did the rabbis recognize six genders that were neither male nor female, they had a tradition that the first human being was both.

Versions of this midrash are found throughout rabbinic literature, including in the Talmud:

Rabbi Yirmeya ben Elazar also said: Adam was first created with two faces (one male and the other female). As it is stated: “You have formed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.” (Psalms 139:5)

Eruvin 19a

Rabbi Yirmeya ben Elazar imagines that the first human was created both male and female — with two faces. Later, this original human being was separated and became two distinct people, Adam and Eve. According to this midrash then, the first human being was, to use contemporary parlance, nonbinary.

Genesis Rabbah 8:1 offers a slightly different version of Rabbi Yirmeya’s teaching:

    Rabbi Yirmeya ben Elazar: In the hour when the Holy One created the first human, He created him as an androgynos (one having both male and female sexual characteristics), as it is said, “male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

For the rabbis, the androgynos wasn’t just a thing of the mythic past. The androgynos was in fact a recognized gender category in their present — though not with two heads, only both kinds of sex organs. The term appears no less than 32 times in the Mishnah and 283 times in the Talmud. Most of these citations are not variations on this myth, but rather discussions that consider how Jewish law (halakhah) applies to one who has both male and female sexual characteristics.

The Mishnah describes half a dozen categories that are between male and female

Less common than the androgynos and tumtum, but still found throughout rabbinic texts, are the aylonit, who is born with organs identified as female at birth but develops male characteristics at puberty or no sex characteristics at all, and the saris, who is born with male-identified organs and later develops features recognized as female (or no sex characteristics). These changes can happen naturally over time (saris hamah) or with human intervention (saris adam).

Sauce: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/

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7aa474 No.98482

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722313 (121723ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Reporter: Has the united States independently verified the photos released by the Israeli Prime Minster's twitter account today showing the images of dead children?

Kirby: I don't think we're going to be in the business of having to validate or approve those images, they are coming from the Prime Minister of Israel, and we have absolutely no reason to doubt their authenticity.

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7aa474 No.98483

File: 93a17a7924c2bfa⋯.png (1.75 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722381 (121733ZOCT23) Notable: GOP crowded field panic

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GOP crowded field panic


Byron YorkOctober 11, 2023

GOP CROWDED FIELD PANIC. The Republicans who most want to defeat former President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination have long complained about the size of the GOP field. Dividing the opposition to Trump among so many candidates is a recipe for disaster, they say. And by "disaster," they mean allowing Trump to run away with the Republican nomination. So they want the Republican field to shrink, fast.

Events in the race have been enormously frustrating to this group. It is mid-October, and the only candidates who have dropped out are Xavier Suarez and Will Hurd, neither of whom ever even qualified for a debate. Everybody else is still in. They are, in order of support in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls:

Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President Mike Pence, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson. The bottom five are all under 5% support. Burgum and Hutchinson have less than 1% support.

Trump's lead in the RealClearPolitics national average, at the moment, is 44.9 percentage points. His support is significantly more than all his opponents combined. In Iowa, his lead in the RealClearPolitics average is 33.2 points. In New Hampshire, it is 30.8 points. And in South Carolina, it is 32.5 points.

Trump's advantage is shaping his strategy. Why should he take part in Republican debates if he is so far ahead?

Certainly skipping the first two hasn't hurt him. Why should he stand on the stage with all those candidates who are so far behind?

Right now, Trump is running what amounts to a quasi-incumbent reelection campaign. He doesn't have to engage his opponents, so he isn't. It seems unlikely his strategy will change unless he experiences an erosion in the polls.

Those Republicans who want a smaller field are becoming more and more nervous. Recently, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, and former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who was Romney's 2012 running mate, convened a meeting of big donors at the swanky Stein Eriksen Lodge in Park City, Utah. One big purpose of the gathering was to make a plea to Republicans to unite around a single candidate to challenge Trump.

But the problem was illustrated, not lessened, by the fact that four GOP candidates

— Haley, Pence, Christie, and Burgum — showed up to work the (very wealthy) room. If they're not willing to drop out, how does that get the anti-Trump faction any closer to a single challenger?

As the conference ended, the field remained unchanged.


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7aa474 No.98484

File: 305abd1f0908b6f⋯.png (226.12 KB,600x458,300:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722391 (121734ZOCT23) Notable: To be fair, it was just most of the world/Lindsey Graham Calls On The United States To Bomb Every Country In The World

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Elon Musk



To be fair, it was just most of the world

The Babylon Bee



Lindsey Graham Calls On The United States To Bomb Every Country In The World buff.ly/3rRaY1R



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7aa474 No.98485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722397 (121735ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Malone: Doctors are being coerced into buying dangerous COVID shots by state health boards

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This quote is especially telling: "Now, dear reader, do you have a better understanding of how this works?Do you understand that, by signing up for what seems like a perfectly acceptable federal program, front line doctors have sold (for a few pieces of silver) their personal autonomy to advise patients, practice medicine, decide what medicines to purchase and stockpile in their own medical practices, and to even think and speak independently?

I hope that this little real-world example helps you to better understand the jam that front line physicians now find themselves in. They now must comply with diktats from an industry-dominated federal advisory committee and the bureaucrats who administer it.Any consideration of the “states’ rights” to regulate their ability to practice medicine is just window dressing."

(Red text added.)

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7aa474 No.98486

File: 1b440a84e09dfec⋯.png (11.63 MB,2147x3000,2147:3000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722403 (121735ZOCT23) Notable: GOP crowded field panic

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Another, almost amusing, indicator of GOP field panic is a new piece by the longtime conservative columnist George F. Will. Its headline in the Washington Post is: "Tim Scott, please drop out, urge others to follow and unite behind Haley." A Scott withdrawal and endorsement of fellow South Carolinian Haley would be "statesmanlike," said Will, who then outlined its benefit: "By catalyzing a coalescence around Haley, Scott could transform the nation's political mood. As long as the Republican race pits Donald Trump against a cluster of lagging pursuers, the nominating electorate cannot ponder a binary choice. When, however, it is Trump against one experienced, polished, steely, and unintimidated adversary, voters can internalize this exhilarating reality: There is a choice suitable for a great nation."

That's a pretty common argument in anti-Trump GOP circles, so its expression by the anti-Trump Will is not really remarkable. What is remarkable is this note preceding the column in the Washington Post: "Disclosure: The columnist's wife, Mari Will, an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott, disagrees with this column."

So it's hard to agree on what should happen next, even within one household. Trump's critics are hoping the field will somehow magically reduce itself. That's not going to happen. A lot of campaigning will have to take place before the day of a single Trump Republican opponent arrives if it ever does.


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7aa474 No.98487

File: 0bb83ed20b7ffb9⋯.png (224.03 KB,465x279,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722414 (121737ZOCT23) Notable: King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya rt

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>>98450, >>98455, >>98456 Police attending incident at Stansted Airport after Kenya Airways plane from Nairobi to London Heathrow is diverted PN

(Weird Eh that Charles and whats her face is going to Kenya, just a day ago???)

King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya

Monarch’s recognition will come as country prepares to celebrate 60 years of independence from Britain

Nadeem Badshah

Wed 11 Oct 2023 14.32 EDTFirst published on Wed 11 Oct 2023 13.34 EDT

King Charles will acknowledge the “painful aspects” of Britain’s past actions in Kenya during a state visit later this month.

The visit follows an invitation from the country’s president, William Ruto, whose country will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its independence from Britain on 12 December. The two countries have enjoyed a close relationship in recent years despite the violent colonial legacy of an uprising in the early 1950s, which led to a period known as “the emergency”, which ran from 1952 until 1960.

The Mau Mau armed movement was fuelled by the resentment some members of the Kikuyu tribe felt towards their British rulers and European settlers who farmed land in Kenya, as well as at a lack of political representation. White farmers were targeted in violent attacks as were some Kikuyu who were said to have collaborated with the authorities.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission said 90,000 people were executed, tortured or maimed during the British administration’s counterinsurgency operation. The UK government made a historic statement of regret in 2013 over the “torture and other forms of ill-treatment” perpetrated by the colonial administration during the emergency period and paid reparations of £19.9m to about 5,200 people.

Charles and Queen Camilla spend four days in Kenya from 31 October to 3November. It will mark Charles’s first visit to a Commonwealth country as king.

His deputy private secretary, Chris Fitzgerald, said: “The king and queen’s programme will celebrate the close links between the British and Kenyan people in areas such as the creative arts, technology, enterprise, education and innovation.

“The visit will also acknowledge the more painful aspects of the UK and Kenya’s shared history, including the emergency … His Majesty will take time during the visit to deepen his understanding of the wrongs suffered in this period by the people of Kenya.”

The development came after a legal battle between a number of elderly victims and the UK government.

Charles signalled his support in April for research into the British monarchy’s historical links with transatlantic slavery after the emergence of a document showing a predecessor’s stake in a slave-trading company.

The Guardian published a previously unseen document showing the 1689 transfer of £1,000 of shares in the slave-trading Royal African Company to King William III, from Edward Colston, the company’s deputy governor.

Buckingham Palace did not comment on the document but said it supported a research project, co-sponsored by Historic Royal Palaces (HRP), which manages several palaces, into the monarchy’s involvement in the slave trade.

In June 2022, the then prince of Wales expressed his “personal sorrow” about “slavery’s enduring impact” at the opening of the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.

He said:“To unlock the power of our common future, we must also acknowledge the wrongs which have shaped our past. Many of those wrongs belong to an earlier age with different, and in some ways lesser, values.” (Are you kidding me, what common future? What a weirdo, UK must be paying them billions)

Prince William expressed similar sentiments in March 2022 during an address to Jamaica’s prime minister and other dignitaries that stopped short of the apology activists had demanded.

He said: “Slavery was abhorrent and it never should have happened. I strongly agree with my father, the Prince of Wales, who said in Barbados last year that the appalling atrocity of slavery forever stains our history.”


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7aa474 No.98488

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722422 (121739ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Reporter just said that Hamas used North Korean rockets against Israel. Kirby refused to confirm.

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7aa474 No.98489

File: 7bf223bbdc37b42⋯.png (681.49 KB,827x920,827:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722444 (121743ZOCT23) Notable: The US Has Poured Hundreds Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Into Gaza Since Hamas Took Over

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The US Has Poured Hundreds Of Millions

Of Taxpayer Dollars Into Gaza Since Hamas

Took Over

Daily Caller, by Jake Smith

Posted By: Beardo, 10/12/2023 1:23:32 PM

The United States has sent hundreds of millions in taxpayer money to the Gaza Strip since the territory has been under the control of the terrorist group Hamas. (snip) The White House granted $316 million to Palestinian territories in 2022, including funds to build a 4G wireless infrastructure network in Gaza. Roughly $500 million was approved between 2021 and 2024 to fund “programming to support the Palestinian people,” including populations in Gaza, according to USAID. An additional $250 million was approved to “advance peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians

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7aa474 No.98490

File: 9a477b75fb5842b⋯.png (76.26 KB,762x938,381:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 005c16583cb997f⋯.png (325.17 KB,600x545,120:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 75b51640ff9b64a⋯.png (203.3 KB,600x600,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722447 (121744ZOCT23) Notable: Speaking in Tel Aviv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he has seen pictures of 'an infant riddled with bullets'.

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Sky News



"We did see photographs and videos that the Israeli government shared with us. It is hard to find the right words."

Speaking in Tel Aviv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he has seen pictures of 'an infant riddled with bullets'.




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7aa474 No.98491

File: 7ef3ab4b3882dde⋯.png (1.65 MB,1200x597,400:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722454 (121744ZOCT23) Notable: GOP crowded field panic

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George Will's Wife Disagrees With His New Column For An Understandable Reason


David Moye

Conservative columnist George Will just wrote a piece for The Washington Post urging Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) to drop out of the presidential race. And the Post wants you to know that Will’s wife, Mari Will, disagrees with the premise ― although once you know the facts, you can’t really blame her.

Scott, one of many Republicans seeking the party’s presidential nomination, is currently favored by only 2.4% of GOP voters, according to RealClearPolitics.

In a column posted Tuesday, Will suggested that Scott could better serve the country if he dropped out of the presidential race and instead endorsed former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley:

This is the South Carolina senator’s choice: He can acknowledge that his energetic campaigning has failed to enkindle sufficient enthusiasm and depart as he campaigned, cheerfully.

Or he can try to become someone whom, to his credit, he has no aptitude for being — another peddler of synthetic anger, stoking today’s rage culture.

Will’s column isn’t especially remarkable on its own. But it’s topped with what Mediaite describes, correctly, as an “all-time disclosure note”:

Disclosure: The columnist’s wife, Mari Will, an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Sen.Tim Scott (S.C.), disagrees with this column.

Scott reacted to the column by telling CNN’s Eva McKend, “I guess this just proves there are mixed marriages.” He added that he has no plans to drop out of the race.

I asked Scott about this George Will column calling on him to drop out. Will's wife Mari Will is advising Scott's campaign, disagrees w/ her husband.

“I guess this just proves there are mixed marriages," he told me, said “of course" he will stay in racehttps://t.co/U81OGRJj2I

— Eva McKend (@evamckend) October 10, 2023

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7aa474 No.98492

File: 520dfc81328ff5c⋯.png (55.13 KB,627x461,627:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722458 (121745ZOCT23) Notable: With Hamas’s war crimes against Israel, leftist Jews are reaping what they sowed

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With Hamas’s war crimes against Israel,

leftist Jews are reaping what they sowed

American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg

Posted By: DVC, 10/12/2023 1:08:49 PM

“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Hosea 8:7. If it weren’t so unutterably tragic, it would be amusing to watch leftist Jews shout their outrage at fellow leftists who are siding with Hamas. These leftist Jews may have been pro-Israel and afraid of a second Holocaust, but their support for leftist policies led to the slaughter that horrifies them now. What happened in Israel was not war. It was, instead, a grotesque violation of modern norms driven by people who have, for 1,500 years, proudly and unabashedly

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7aa474 No.98493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722462 (121745ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby: There is no intention or plan to put American troops on the ground in Israel. There's no desire from the Israelis for that outcome.

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7aa474 No.98494

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722473 (121747ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Kirby says he taught a class at Georgetown on how to separate fact and misinformation. kek

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7aa474 No.98495

File: f06a4121a764d1b⋯.png (35.18 KB,1294x336,647:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722482 (121747ZOCT23) Notable: Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here

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Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here

Townhall.com, by Kurt Schlichter

Posted By: DW626, 10/12/2023 12:57:54 PM

Understand that our foreign and domestic enemies not only eagerly support the frenzy of rape and murder we saw in Israel but that they want it repeated here in America. When they talk about “the consequences of colonialization” or complain that Israel has defended itself, they are normalizing mass atrocities by their purported allies against their actual enemies. Their enemies in Israel are Jews – men, women, and children – and here, their enemies are normal Americans – again, men, women and children. Denial simply empowers these monsters, and attempts by the goo-goos to appeal to our enemies’ morality, or to point out

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7aa474 No.98496

File: 4af9f4cab7fa515⋯.png (120.11 KB,624x808,78:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722490 (121749ZOCT23) Notable: The Truth About Hamas

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The Truth About Hamas

American Thinker, by Gary Gindler

Posted By: Imright, 10/12/2023 12:24:06 PM

Hamas the Gaza branch of the Muslim Brotherhood murdered approximately a thousand people on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur 1973 War. While Israeli armed forces deal with the attack, the ideological brothers-in-arms of the perpetrators in the West celebrate. Countless demonstrations have been organized worldwide from Berlin to Amsterdam to London to anti-Israeli protests in New York, Washington, D.C. (a pro-Hamas parade in front of the White House), Florida, and many Canadian provinces. When the Sydney Opera House was illuminated in the Israeli flag colors at night in Australia, hundreds of Hamas supporters gathered to attack the Opera House while chanting, "Gas the Jews!"

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7aa474 No.98497

File: de0941656a44c20⋯.png (872.42 KB,817x545,817:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722508 (121751ZOCT23) Notable: Beware the “Anger Manager” /JJ

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>Gym Jordan is owned by the FBl

Beware the “Anger Manager” – Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Says He Would Accept House Speaker Role


October 4, 2023

My dearest friends, as much as I do not want to accept certain things, this one is critical to accept. Jim Jordan has shown over time that he is simply a purposefully placed “anger manager” on behalf of the Professionally Republican wing of the administrative state.

Perhaps we lost him before the 2020 election, when the “six ways to Sunday” group fired a shot across his bow with the issues about “widespread sexual abuse in OSU’s wrestling program.” The timing seems to fit with the overall dynamic and how the intelligence apparatus operates. Regardless of whether that was the inflection point, the extreme visibility & promotion of the claims, in combination with the sudden disappearance of them, was the impetus –or if it was something similarly timed– something consequential changed in the political orbit of Jim Jordan.

For the past several years, as more intensity has swirled around us, Representative Jim Jordan has appeared as more of a useful “anger manager,” better positioned to satiate the masses than actually deliver any accountability results. The media appearances seemed to align with that intent, and then a very big datapoint surfaced that few -other than myself- seemed to be concerned about.

When the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government was formed, it was constructed in the lane of the House Judiciary Committee. Meaning, the House Judiciary Committee would be the presumptive authority committee under which the select subcommittee would form. For most casual observers, this seemed to be just a parliamentary decision; however, for me it also held concern.

Those concerns were then realized when it was announced that Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan would also sit as the Chairman of the Select Subcommittee. If you are cynical and/or knowledgeable as to how the Deep State operates, this approach positioned Jordan as a backstop against the issuance of subpoenas that would be against the interests of the Professionally Republican leadership. Trying to protect the flickering flame of hope, I held my powder and watched.

What followed was the worst-case scenario that I previously outlined {Go Deep}. It is no longer a question of whether the Select Subcommittee was constructed in an effort to dissuade, dilute, and deflect the outrage of the American people who were witnessing the weaponization of government. That’s exactly what the subcommittee result was as a result of Jim Jordan’s leadership.


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7aa474 No.98498

File: c0bc740ef0f74a1⋯.png (459.26 KB,599x828,599:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722516 (121752ZOCT23) Notable: @thejimwatkins That is not how it works. Of course, nobody trusts Vice. They are used as a source and then cited inconspicuously inside proper news sites. Vice is used to sanitize gaslighting for the mainstream media.

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James Watkins


That is not how it works. Of course, nobody trusts Vice. They are used as a source and then cited inconspicuously inside proper news sites. Vice is used to sanitize gaslighting for the mainstream media. They are not alone in this. The Daily Beast is also used this way, and other sites too. When you wonder how that website can be so shiny and glittery and still be in business. It is because they are supported by money that has ulterior reasons for the existence of the website.






Oct 10

Replying to @thejimwatkins

Is there anyone who trusts Vice? If there are I have no idea who they are. Everyone I hear talk about Vice talks about them is a very negative way. It's good to know who the enemy is and Vice does a great job at exposing themselves.

6:16 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98499

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722518 (121752ZOCT23) Notable: Beware the “Anger Manager” /JJ

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I told several people at the time, after watching about 5 months of the subcommittee work, “It’s over.” Meaning there never was a genuine, actionable effort on behalf of the new Republican majority to confront the weaponization of government. It was all another farce – another railcar in a “long train of Republican abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object,” gaslighting and kicking the proverbial can.

As much as I did not want to accept it, we were once again victims.

Kevin McCarthy’s Lucy has unlimited footballs.

Jim Jordan is the carefully positioned guardian of Kevin McCarthy. Jordan was the general selected to hang out with the troops and play the role of steering leader; one foot in the trenches and the other foot in the mahogany meeting room. If he did his job well, he would control the glances by the regulars toward the indulgences of leadership.

Jim Jordan did his job very well.

Jordan is corrupt; perhaps that’s too strong a word; perhaps compromised is a better way to put it. Not corrupt/compromised in a way of directly lying, cheating or stealing, but rather corrupt in the same familiar manner that generates all of the frustration we feel. Corrupt in the sense of satiating the masses while being disingenuous in the extreme of creating ZERO accountability.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy used Jim Jordan for exactly this institutional preservation purpose, and Jordan knows it…. and willingly goes along with it…. and willingly plays the role of “anger manager” on behalf of his leadership. That’s the part that has become more obvious and needs to be accepted.

Once you understand this, the next part makes total sense.

WASHINGTON — Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on Wednesday became the first lawmaker to announce a bid for speaker of the House, one day after Kevin McCarthy was ousted from the top job in a historic vote.

Asked by reporters in the Capitol if he was running, Jordan replied unequivocally: “Yes.”

“We need to unite the conference,” said Jordan, who had just met with Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., a likely rival for speaker, to inform him of his decision.

Later Wednesday, Jordan sent a letter to colleagues touting his work on immigration and oversight issues on the Judiciary panel and asking for their support.

“Now is the time for our Republican conference to come together to keep our promises to Americans. The problems we face are challenging, but they are not insurmountable. We can focus on the changes that improve the country and unite us in offering real solutions,” Jordan wrote. “But no matter what we do, we must do it together as a conference. I respectfully ask for your support for Speaker of the House of Representatives.”

Jordan said he made his decision after many of his GOP colleagues reached out, urging him to run. A source familiar with Jordan’s thinking said the congressman has repeatedly said that choosing the next speaker “will be a decision for the conference” and now the conference is asking. (read more)

Every element of the professional Republican apparatus in DC, positions their interests for the long game.

When a person grabs the flag at the front of the parade, watch who they hand it to… Often, there’s an intent.


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7aa474 No.98500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722523 (121753ZOCT23) Notable: @thejimwatkins That is not how it works. Of course, nobody trusts Vice. They are used as a source and then cited inconspicuously inside proper news sites. Vice is used to sanitize gaslighting for the mainstream media.

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Vice is Soros

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7aa474 No.98501

File: c8dc4d5b97d3ffe⋯.png (861.87 KB,876x1200,73:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 450bdd8787750cd⋯.png (497.49 KB,835x355,167:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722524 (121753ZOCT23) Notable: Beware the “Anger Manager” /JJ

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7aa474 No.98502

File: b329f75ec8737d0⋯.png (883.16 KB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722526 (121753ZOCT23) Notable: UK to send Navy ships, planes, helicopters and Royal Marines to 'support Israel'

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BREAKING UK to send Navy ships, planes, helicopters and Royal Marines to 'support Israel'

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

BREAKING UK to send Navy ships, planes, helicopters and Royal Marines to 'support Israel'

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story

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7aa474 No.98503

File: 2fa69261d8e67f6⋯.png (1.39 MB,1200x802,600:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722541 (121756ZOCT23) Notable: Beware the “Anger Manager” /JJ

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>What followed was the worst-case scenario that I previously outlined {Go Deep}.

Rep. Jim Jordan accused of participating in OSU sexual abuse cover-up by ex-wrestler


Liz Roscher

Ohio congressman Jim Jordan has been accused of covering up sexual abuse in Ohio State's athletics department. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Ohio congressman and former Ohio State assistant wrestling coach Jim Jordan has been accused of participating in the cover-up of widespread sexual abuse in OSU’s wrestling program.

Jordan was accused by Adam DiSabato, who was the team captain in the late 1980s and early 1990s. DiSabato was appearing in front of a hearing in the Ohio legislature as a witness for House Bill 249, which would waive the statute of limitations and allow the OSU athletes who had been abused to sue the university.

DiSabato told the House Civil Justice Committee that several team officials, including Jordan, were aware that the team’s open shower facilities put them at risk of being abused and harassed by a team doctor, but did nothing about it. Then DiSabato detailed a phone conversation between him and Jordan, in which Jordan asks DiSabato to help him cover up wrongdoing.

Via Cleveland.com:

[DiSabato] also said Jordan called him repeatedly in July 2018, after media outlets quoted his brother, Michael DiSabato, saying Strauss’ abuse was common knowledge to those surrounding the wrestling program, including Jordan.

“Jim Jordan called me crying, groveling… begging me to go against my brother…That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on there,” he said.

“Are you guys going to do what you’re voted to do?” he told lawmakers later. “That’s the only reason I’m here.”

Jordan’s name has already come up in this scandal numerous times. When the news broke in April 2018 that Dr. Richard Strauss had been accused of sexually abusing over 150 OSU wrestlers between 1978 and 1998, Jordan denied knowing anything about it, despite being an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995.

Jordan continued to deny having any knowledge of student sexual abuse even after independent investigators released a report in May 2019 that concluded that Strauss, who had been employed by OSU’s athletics department and student health center until he was suspended in 1996, abused at least 177 male student athletes and patients. Strauss died by suicide in 2005.

A spokesman for Jordan called DiSabato’s accusations “a total lie.”

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7aa474 No.98504

File: e5aebf77c9a1474⋯.png (11.01 KB,595x145,119:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722543 (121756ZOCT23) Notable: Israel 'emergency government' sworn in

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Israel 'emergency government' sworn in

6:37 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98505

File: 1cd5f1a18a8bc9e⋯.png (3.07 MB,3224x1817,3224:1817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722564 (121759ZOCT23) Notable: Elon is a clockfag.

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Elon is a clockfag.

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7aa474 No.98506

File: 96ca44abc2664a2⋯.png (150.25 KB,386x608,193:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722582 (121802ZOCT23) Notable: Here’s donations to @SteveScalise from both Google and Facebook.

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[ Album ]

I don’t want a Speaker of the House who takes money from Google and Facebook. We all know Big Tech worked with the FBI and the Democrat Party to steal the POTUS Election from President Trump in 2020.

Here’s donations to


from both Google and Facebook.

Not good!

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7aa474 No.98507

File: 5f23ab1370af773⋯.png (467.68 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 34ce66b679e5cf1⋯.png (630.89 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: fb75dab4e56fb2f⋯.png (633.52 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 2be1c9761fe7a4b⋯.png (724.26 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722586 (121802ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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RC 135 very interesting flight path

Squwak 624

Fork 82. Was squwaking 1115

Chang to 1747

Are there matching posts to these

Won't load Q posts

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7aa474 No.98508

File: ebf5066fd7d3ba7⋯.png (69.28 KB,389x571,389:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722601 (121805ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Bob Menendez charged with acting as a foreign agent in superseding indictment, court docs

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Sen. Bob Menendez charged with acting as a foreign agent in superseding indictment


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7aa474 No.98509

File: bb198355c2d6b54⋯.png (430.52 KB,670x575,134:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722607 (121806ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli President Herzog Blasts CNN for Accusing Israel of ‘War Crime’

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Watch: Israeli President Herzog Blasts

CNN for Accusing Israel of ‘War Crime’

Breitbart Media, by Joel B. Pollak

Posted By: Imright, 10/12/2023 12:18:20 PM

Israeli President Isaac Herzog slammed CNN on Thursday for accusing his country of committing a “war crime” by imposing hardships on the people of Gaza as it responds to a massive terror attack by the Hamas terrorist group, which operates throughout the Gaza Strip. Herzog, whose role is ceremonial and diplomatic, is a former left-wing politician who had advocated for peace and negotiations with the Palestinians. But he, like much of the rest of Israel, strongly supports overwhelming response to Palestinian terrorism.In a news conference with the foreign press, Herzog described some of the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians, and said that Israel would respond to Palestinian terro

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7aa474 No.98510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722618 (121808ZOCT23) Notable: Buckwheat n Kirby up

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Reporter: Has the crisis in Israel caused [Biden's] major address on Ukraine to be delayed, and does he still plan to deliver it?

Jean-Pierre: I don't have any update on [Biden's] Ukraine address. I'm sure we will continue to hear from [Biden]...next week he's going to put forth a supplemental plan on additional funding that he's going to be asking for.

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7aa474 No.98511

File: b07b6694ea21e66⋯.png (74.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722625 (121810ZOCT23) Notable: African nation orders UN official to leave/Niger

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12 Oct, 2023 09:55

African nation orders UN official to leave

The organization has sabotaged Niger’s full participation in international gatherings, Nigerien coup leaders have claimed

Niger’s military government has ordered the resident United Nations coordinator in the country, Louise Aubin, to leave Niamey within 72 hours. The expulsion, announced in a statement on Tuesday, is in response to the authorities’ claims that the global organization was interfering in Niger’s diplomatic affairs, in particular by preventing it from attending international gatherings.

The Nigerien foreign ministry accused the UN of using “underhanded maneuvers” at the behest of France to prevent the West African country from fully participating in the meetings of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York last month.

This sponsored sabotage continued in Viennaon the occasion of the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] General Conference from September 25 to 29, 2023, in Vienna and at the 4th Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) from October 1 to 5, 2023, in Riyadh (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia),” the ministry stated.

As a result, the government has decided to terminate the mandate of Aubin, the ministry said, arguing that the actions of the UN Secretary-General were intended to harm Niger and its people. The diplomat must “take all necessary measures to leave Niamey” within three days, the statement said.

Tensions between Niger and its foreign partners and regional allies have been high since the new authorities took control in July, following the coup that ousted pro-Western President Mohamed Bazoum. The coup leaders have previously suspended military cooperation agreements with France and expelled the French ambassador. Paris began withdrawing some 1,500 troops from Niger this week at the demand of the military rulers, whose authority the French government has repeatedly challenged.

The US government, which has around 1,000 soldiers stationed in the former French colony, only officially declared the July takeover by Niger’s new military leadership a “coup d’état” on Tuesday.

Washington also announced that it was suspending “most” of its assistance to the African country. Earlier in August, the US halted around $200 million in foreign aid to Niger. The State Department announced on Tuesday that these programs, as well as the Niger Regional Transportation Compact project worth $302 million and other activities, would be suspended until further notice.

(I don't think the Niger leaders care if the US and others stop funding Niger, because the money has always been stolen. They are fighting to reform their country.)


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7aa474 No.98512

File: 91712ccddd5de4e⋯.png (283.77 KB,600x621,200:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722634 (121811ZOCT23) Notable: Aussie: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent delay to key climate targets will actually cost households more, rather than saving them money as he claimed, his own climate advisers have concluded 👇

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Sky News



Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent delay to key climate targets will actually cost households more, rather than saving them money as he claimed, his own climate advisers have concluded 👇



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7aa474 No.98513

File: 4ba6bed31625808⋯.jpg (91.24 KB,508x508,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722637 (121811ZOCT23) Notable: which lobbyists own Jim Jordan? Call to Diggz

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Call to DIGG

Great question, which lobbyist own Jim Jordan?

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7aa474 No.98514

File: b7562e1197bcc6e⋯.jpg (35.18 KB,474x308,237:154,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722657 (121816ZOCT23) Notable: PARIS: "France on Thursday said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the grounds such protests threaten public order.

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PARIS: "France on Thursday said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the grounds such protests threaten public order. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said in a note to regional prefects that the demonstrations "are likely to generate disturbances to public order", adding that organisers should face arrest as well as any troublemakers. In defiance of his order, several hundred people had gathered in the central Place de la Republique in Paris, AFP correspondents reported. The protestors chanted pro-Palestine slogans expressing solidarity with Gaza Palestinians amid unprecedented bombardment from the Israeli side. So far, twenty-four people have been arrested in such protests while two pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Paris had been banned Thursday for fear of outbursts, Reuters reported."


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7aa474 No.98515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722666 (121818ZOCT23) Notable: PARIS: "France on Thursday said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the grounds such protests threaten public order.

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LIVE: Protest in Paris; Gaza streams

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7aa474 No.98516

File: 35bd3345c1a7fbe⋯.jpg (121.31 KB,768x542,384:271,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722669 (121818ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000094

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000094

Americans Trust In State-run Corporate Media Hits All Time Low


Homeless Camps Are Coming To School and Church Parking Lots In Commiefornia


Henry Kissinger Starts To Regret Deliberate Destabilization Policy (It Might Blowback Against Criminal Cabal?)


France Bans All Pro-Palestinian Protests In Drastic Crackdown


Foreign nationals who break the rules will be systematically deported.

Graphic video shows chaos at Gaza refugee camp after Israeli airstrike.


Netanyahu Wants America To Be Dragged Into Their War Says Ex-Pentagon Official


Israel's Defense Chief Apologies For Failure To Protect Citizens After Security Collapse


Russians Burst Into Avdiivka, Ukraine - Heavy Fighting Reported Inside The Town


NATO Instructors Rumored To Have Been Killed In Ukraine


Young Turks Founder Cenk Uygur To Run For President In 2024 As Democrat


Robert F Kennedy Jr. To Run For President In 2024 As Independent


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7aa474 No.98517

File: cb4a80792ce17df⋯.png (279.73 KB,598x562,299:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722700 (121824ZOCT23) Notable: NBC: Conservative social media influencers have shared speculation with no evidence that attacks in Israel would soon be followed by similar attacks in the U.S.

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NBC News


Conservative social media influencers have shared speculation with no evidence that attacks in Israel would soon be followed by similar attacks in the U.S.

The FBI says it has no information indicating a credible terrorist threat against the U.S.

7:16 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722711 (121826ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Bob Menendez charged with acting as a foreign agent in superseding indictment, court docs

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Democrat Senator Menendez Charged with Conspiring to Act as Foreign Agent in Superseding Indictment

Embattled Democrat Senator Bob Menendez on Thursday was charged with acting as a foreign agent in a superseding indictment.

The new indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan claims Menendez “provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt.”

Last month federal prosecutors announced that Democrat U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and his wife, have been indicted on charges of bribery and corruption.

Federal prosecutors out of the Southern District of New York obtained a 3-count indictment against Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez.

Fred Daibes, a real estate developer, New Jersey businessman Wael Hana and Joseph Uribe were also charged.

“The Senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes….. cash, gold, home mortgage payments, jobs, cars, and other things of value” in exchange for “using his power and influence to protect and enrich [New Jersey] businessmen and to benefit the government of Egypt,” US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said.

Nadine Menendez was given a “no-show” or “low-show” job, a Mercedes Benz and other things of value, Damian Williams said.

Special agents discovered $500,000 of cash stuffed into envelopes in closets. “Some of the cash was stuffed in the Senator’s jacket pockets. Some of the envelopes of cash contained Daibes’ fingerprints and Daibes’ DNA,” Williams said at a press conference last month.

“It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat. I am not going anywhere,” Menendez said.


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7aa474 No.98519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722717 (121827ZOCT23) Notable: Trump on Israel

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>>>/qresearch/19721263 (pb)

I'm listening to the West Palm Beach 47 Club speech again and I'll post the quote when I hear him say it.

OK at about

1:13:59 into the RSBN video, at 9:10 PM Eastern Time, President Trump says the following:

"But think what our country would have been like if the election had not been rigged and stolen. Just think of this. Israel would not now be under attack, would never be under attack. They'd be flourishing, they'd be happy .

All of those people who are dead, right now dead, beautiful daughters and sons, fathers, and mothers, babies. 44 Babies had their heads cut off. Did you hear that, right? Babies. Babies. These are babies. They had their heads cut off today. But Israel would be flourishing, they would have no problem. Iran would never have played that game"

the video is here:


this was a repost from last bread.

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7aa474 No.98520

File: 9dbb60ef9a2171b⋯.png (283.87 KB,606x585,202:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 0077c340fa0d9bb⋯.png (559.25 KB,598x621,26:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722720 (121827ZOCT23) Notable: @RonDeSantis Right now is a moment for leadership. We must stand with Israel as they eradicate Hamas.

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Ron DeSantis


Right now is a moment for leadership.

It is not a moment to be asleep at the switch or to be airing personal grievances about the Israeli Prime Minister.

We must stand with Israel as they eradicate Hamas.

0:23 / 1:38

7:17 AM · Oct 12, 2023





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7aa474 No.98521

File: 6806def3ddba589⋯.png (45.3 KB,651x413,93:59,Clipboard.png)

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File: 48ef1242794d7c2⋯.png (597.22 KB,698x814,349:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722721 (121828ZOCT23) Notable: Tomorrow day of jihad???

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7aa474 No.98522

File: c15149cbf5ac86f⋯.png (1004.77 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722760 (121835ZOCT23) Notable: PARIS: "France on Thursday said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the grounds such protests threaten public order.

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Macron to address nation amid rise in antisemitic acts in France

PARIS, Oct 12 (Reuters) - President Emmanuel Macron will meet political party leaders on Thursday and address the nation on TV to call for unity and try to prevent any spillover of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in France, where there has been a rise in antisemitic acts.

Darmanin said France had seen a spike in online hatred but also more direct threats.

"Since Saturday and the terrorist massacres in Israel, there has been over a hundred antisemitic acts, mainly tags and swastikas," Darmanin told France Inter radio, "but also insults ... and people arrested with a knife at the entrance of a school or synagogue ... and a drone flying over a Jewish place of worship."

Twenty-four people have been arrested. The government has assigned 10,000 police to protect some 500 sites.

Darmanin said intelligence services saw no specific terrorist threats against France's Jewish community, but that threats could come from individuals rather than organised groups.

With two pro-Palestinian protests scheduled on Thursday banned but expected to go ahead, Darmanin said protests would be given the green light - or not - on a case-by-case basis.


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7aa474 No.98523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722771 (121837ZOCT23) Notable: Thai Hookers, Chinese Bribes: 'Star Witness' Ellison Unveils Chaos Behind FTX's Fake Balance Sheets

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Thai Hookers, Chinese Bribes: 'Star Witness' Ellison Unveils Chaos Behind FTX's Fake Balance Sheets

What would a second day of testimony in the FTX trial for Caroline Ellison have been without mentions of identity theft from Thai prostitutes and bribing Chinese officials?

Taking the stand on Wednesday, Sam Bankman-Fried's former love interest turned star government witness against him, Ellison, spoke about the balance sheet that led to the downfall of Bankman-Fried's companies.

Ellison stated that this balance sheet was a manipulated version of what Alameda had sent to its lenders, deliberately crafted to give the impression that the firm was in a more robust financial condition than was actually the case. She described the document as "deceptive."

However, even the manipulated figures were concerning—laden with FTX's FTT token and other tokens closely affiliated with Bankman-Fried—casting doubt on the financial viability of both Alameda and FTX. Among potential lenders was Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Ellison testified Wednesday.

She also lied to Genesis, one of FTX's lenders, about Alameda's balance sheet, @teddyschleifer reported on X Wednesday.

"Caroline Ellison testified that Sam Bankman-Fried ordered her to lie in mid 2022 to Genesis, one of FTX's lenders, about Alameda's balance sheet," he wrote. "Caroline prepared a bunch of bullshit balance-sheets that they could send, and Sam chose 'Alternative 7' as the best lie of the bunch."

Ellison reportedly said: "I didn't want to be dishonest, but I didn't want them to know the truth."

Ellison testified on Wednesday: “I was in a constant state of dread. I knew we would have to take the money from our line of credit and that was money that could be called in at any time.”

And where was the money going? Ellison testified that she and Alameda executives had “paid a large bribe to Chinese officials” to obtain funds that were locked on a Chinese exchange.

After initial attempts to unfreeze funds by negotiating with the Chinese government through lawyers proved unsuccessful, Ellison stated that the FTX/Alameda team then endeavored—yet failed again—to access the funds by setting up fictitious exchange accounts using IDs that she believed belonged to "Thai prostitutes."

Ultimately, Ellison was able to secure the funds after making a $100 million payment to a cryptocurrency account she believed was somehow connected to Chinese government officials. Ellison recounted an episode where an employee, whose father was a Chinese government official, voiced objections to the plan during a meeting. In response, Bankman-Fried became increasingly irritated and eventually told the employee to "shut the f*** up."

In a confidential "State of Alameda" memo authored by Ellison in November 2021, shortly after the payment was executed, she included an entry labeled "-150m from the thing?" under a section outlining "notable/idiosyncratic" financial events. During her testimony, she explained that this entry was a reference to the payment made to Chinese authorities, stating, "I didn’t want to put in writing that we paid what I believed were bribes."


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7aa474 No.98524

File: bbedde7506cbc38⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722785 (121838ZOCT23) Notable: Trump on Israel

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7aa474 No.98525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722786 (121839ZOCT23) Notable: EU gives Zuckerberg 24 hours to address ‘disinformation’ concerns

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EU gives Zuckerberg 24 hours to address ‘disinformation’ concerns

Commissioner Thierry Breton has warned Meta about the alleged spread of fake news at the threat of fines

EU Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton has warned Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the spread of false information on its platforms, Facebook in particular. The official has given Zuckerberg, who is also the corporation's founder and Chairman, 24 hours to respond and comply with bloc law.

In a letter to the Meta boss published on Wednesday, Breton stated that the warning concerns disinformation in light of upcoming elections in the EU.

According to the official, although Meta has addressed the risk of the spread of misinformation during elections, there is still a significant amount of deep fakes circulating on social media.

“I remind you that the DSA [Digital Services Act] requires that the risk of amplification of fake and manipulated images and facts generated with the intent to influence elections is taken extremely seriously in the context of mitigation measures,” Breton said.

The platform’s obligation to moderate posts and remove illegal content in the EU stems from the new European Digital Services Act (DSA), which came into force in August. Failure to comply with the rules will result in penalties, including fines of up to 6% of total global annual turnover.

Moreover, the letter noted an increase in illegal content and disinformation spread in the EU by “certain platforms” following the Hamas attack on Israel. Breton has therefore urged Meta “to be very vigilant” in removing alleged illegal content.

A Meta spokesperson responded to the allegations by saying that their teams were working “around the clock” to take action on content that violates their policies or local law, and coordinating with third-party fact checkers in the conflict to limit the spread of misinformation, the BBC reported.

Breton sent a similar warning to the owner of X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk, on Tuesday. Musk responded that their policy was “open source and transparent.” He then asked him to flag any offending content publicly on X, but Breton declined the offer, claiming Musk was already made aware of violations by its users.

Subsequently, X CEO Linda Yaccarino posted a letter to Breton, telling him the platform had removed or labeled “tens of thousands of pieces of content” linked to Hamas.

The latest surge of violence began on Saturday when Hamas, a Palestinian militant group which controls much of Gaza, launched ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’, firing rockets and sending commandos deep into Israeli territory. The Israel Defense Force (IDF) responded by bombing Gaza and cutting off all of its utilities, as Israel made an official declaration of war.


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7aa474 No.98526

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722792 (121839ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Davis Reveals The Plan That Could Have Saved McCarthy’s Speakership

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Mike Davis Reveals The Plan That Could Have Saved McCarthy’s Speakershipgood listen



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7aa474 No.98527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722798 (121840ZOCT23) Notable: Syria accuses Israel of bombing international airports

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Syria accuses Israel of bombing international airports – media

Sites in Damascus and Aleppo have reportedly been damaged in a “simultaneous strike” by the Israeli military

International airports in the Syrian capital of Damascus, and the western city of Aleppo, have been hit in “simultaneous” missile strikes by Israel, the state SANA news agency reported on Thursday, citing a source within the Syrian military. The incident comes amid a major flareup of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The airports were struck at around 2pm local time, a source told SANA, adding that an attack on each of the two airports involved several missiles that damaged their landing strips and forced both facilities to close.

There have been no reports of casualties linked to the attacks and West Jerusalem has not commented on the incident, which took place as Syrian President Bashar Assad discussed the situation in Gaza with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Israeli PM Netanyahu met with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Assad and Raisi reaffirmed their support for Palestinians and what they called legitimate Palestinian resistance aimed at restoring their rights. The Syrian leader also called on the Israeli air raids on Gaza “targeting women and children” to stop.

The Israeli military fired artillery and mortar shells towards Syrian territory on Tuesday, following shelling targeting Israel’s border regions. Reuters reported at the time that a Palestinian faction in southern Syria had fired three rockets at Israel. The Israeli military said that they were targeting the alleged missile launch sites with return fire.

The developments came amid a major escalation between Israel and the Gaza-based Hamas group, which broke out after a massive militant attack on Israel. Thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli territory and fighters briefly overran Israeli settlements near Gaza over the weekend. The attack reportedly claimed the lives of more than 1,300 Israelis, mostly civilians, according to officials.

West Jerusalem responded with a massive bombing campaign against Gaza, along with a “total blockade” of the Palestinian enclave that cuts off any water, electricity, or fuel until Hamas frees Israeli hostages, the nation’s energy minister, Israel Katz, said on Thursday. The death toll in Gaza linked to the Israeli air raids currently stands at 1,200, local officials have reported.


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7aa474 No.98528

File: 621dd2dea33a0c1⋯.jpg (513.42 KB,1080x1735,216:347,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722806 (121841ZOCT23) Notable: Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive 'private' comms channel with Israel

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Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive 'private' comms channel with Israel

By Gregg Re Fox News

Published March 21, 2019 6:19pm EDT Updated March 22, 2019 1:49am EDT

A newly unearthed batch of heavily redacted, classified emails from Hillary Clinton's personal email server revealed that the former secretary of state discussed establishing a "private, 100% off-the-record" back channel to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and that one of her top aides warned her that she was in "danger" of being "savaged by Jewish organizations, in the Jewish press and among the phalanx of neoconservative media" as a result of political machinations by "Bibi and the Jewish leadership."

The 756-page group of new documents, revealed Thursday as part of a transparency lawsuit by Judicial Watch, seemingly contradicted Clinton's insistence under oath in 2015 that she had turned over all of her sensitive work-related emails to the State Department, and included a slew of classified communications on everything from foreign policy to State Department personnel matters.

The files came from a trove of 72,000 documents the FBI recovered and turned over to the State Department in 2017.

The documents, representing a small proportion of the tens of thousands of emails still unaccounted for from Clinton's server, also underscored the apparently significant political threat that the Obama administration felt it faced at the hands of Israel.

Additionally, according to the email dump, Clinton chatted with former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair about classified foreign policy matters before she was sworn in, aided the application of at least one State Department applicant who was connected to her daughter, Chelsea, and apparently met with Putin-aligned Georgian oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili before he became prime minister on a staunchly pro-Russian platform - and with reported help from a Russian interference operation.

Ivanishvili pointedly did not criticize Putin during his campaign, despite Putin's invasion of Georgia years earlier - and in 2012, Ivanishvili made headlines for refusing to meet with Clinton unless it was a one-on-one sitdown.

Clinton's discussions with Blair included a classified 2011 conversation on foreign policy, and another classified, redacted 2011 conversation concerning a "speech." Clinton also apparently discussed job-related topics with Blair on January 16, 2009 - while George W. Bush was still president but after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had approved her for the job. In one email thread with the subject line "Re: Gaza," dated January 16, 2009, Blair said he wanted to have a matter "resolved before Tuesday," apparently referring to Obama's inauguration.

Clinton replied: “Tony – We are finally moving and I am looking forward to talking w you as soon as I’m confirmed, tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Your emails are very helpful so pls continue to use this address, hr15@att.blackberry.net."

Moar: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/clinton-in-newly-revealed-classified-emails-discussed-secret-comms-channel-with-israel

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7aa474 No.98529

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722809 (121842ZOCT23) Notable: UN detains peacekeepers in DR Congo over sexual exploitation claims

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UN detains peacekeepers in DR Congo over sexual exploitation claims

The organization said the troops have been suspended from duty and confined to quarters pending an investigation

The United Nations has issued a statement saying it has detained peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that it is investigating allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse.

It added that the Office of Internal Oversight Services is investigating the matter and the suspension is in line with its “zero-tolerance policy for sexual exploitation and abuse and other forms of misconduct.”

The statement, issued on Wednesday, does not indicate how many peacekeepers belonging to the Organization Stabilization Mission (MONUSCO) have been detained, but media reports based on the internal documents of the Mission say they belong to the South African contingent of the UN force.

These documents indicate that eight peacekeepers had been detained on October 1 in connection with allegations of sexual misconduct, while a ninth had been suspended a week later for intimidating and threatening UN personnel.

Further details in the documents reported that bars and brothels named after South African townships and cities had popped up around the MONUSCO base at Mavivi, near Beni.

According to the UN, 1,184 South African peacekeepers serve in the country.

“These initial measures include the suspension from duty, detention, and confinement to quarters of concerned peacekeepers pending receipt of additional information on the allegations, including through the conduct of a full-fledged investigation,” the UN statement said.

The organization condemned behavior unbefitting of personnel and irestated its commitment to continuing to “support the rights and dignity of the victims.”

Last month, the DR Congo’s President Felix Tshisekedi told the UN General Assembly there was a need to accelerate the departure of the peacekeeping force, saying that it had failed to cope with rebellions and armed conflicts, despite being deployed for 25 years.

Tshisekedi added that he wanted the withdrawal to be accelerated from December 2024 to December of this year.

The Mission has also been involved in clashes with citizens. In February, eight people were killed and 28 wounded when a MONUSCO convoy was attacked in the east of DR Congo. Locals accused the UN peacekeeping mission of failing to protect them last year when a rebel group known as M23 staged a violent offensive that displaced hundreds of thousands and caused dozens of deaths in the region.

The Mission had said that it was conducting a joint investigation with local authorities into the circumstances of the incident.


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7aa474 No.98530

File: c7278bd128b598e⋯.png (105.42 KB,390x640,39:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722815 (121842ZOCT23) Notable: Cenk Uygur announces stunning presidential run promising to defeat Joe Biden, Community Notes, and the US Constitution. Chuck Pigur ! For Moar Keks!

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BREAKING - Cenk Uygur announces stunning presidential run promising to defeat Joe Biden, Community Notes, and the US Constitution.




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7aa474 No.98531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722920 (121900ZOCT23) Notable: #24216

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Bun Iz Full

#24216 >>98464

>>98465, >>98467 put 8kun on the twit

>>98466, >>98475, >>98480, >>98482, >>98488, >>98493, >>98494, >>98510 Buckwheat n Kirby up

>>98468 @CJTFOIR 82nd Airborne Division to replace 10th Mountain Division Headquarters in Europe

>>98469 Tedros Admitting they created this crap And now unable to control it

>>98470 Where is the hospital in Los Lunas NM?

>>98471 What other options will we have if Congress does not authorize using subpoena power to call witnesses?

>>98472 Preamble to the Texas Constitution

>>98473 @CENTCOM The 354th Fighter Squadron and their A-10 Thunderbolt IIs arrived in the region to support the U.S.'s increased posture

>>98474 Chechens in Gaza

>>98476 Palestine supporters parade through the streets of London, flying Palestinian flags while calling on people to r*pe Jewish women.

>>98477, >>98530 Cenk Uygur announces stunning presidential run promising to defeat Joe Biden, Community Notes, and the US Constitution. Chuck Pigur ! For Moar Keks!

>>98478, >>98485 Dr. Malone: Doctors are being coerced into buying dangerous COVID shots by state health boards

>>98481 The 8 Genders of the Talmud

>>98483, >>98486, >>98491 GOP crowded field panic

>>98484 To be fair, it was just most of the world/Lindsey Graham Calls On The United States To Bomb Every Country In The World

>>98487 King Charles to acknowledge ‘painful’ colonial past on state visit to Kenya rt >>98456

>>98489 The US Has Poured Hundreds Of Millions Of Taxpayer Dollars Into Gaza Since Hamas Took Over

>>98490 Speaking in Tel Aviv, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he has seen pictures of 'an infant riddled with bullets'.

>>98492 With Hamas’s war crimes against Israel, leftist Jews are reaping what they sowed

>>98495 Leftists Want the Same Massacre to Happen Here

>>98496 The Truth About Hamas

>>98497, >>98499, >>98501, >>98503 Beware the “Anger Manager” /JJ

>>98498, >>98500 @thejimwatkins That is not how it works. Of course, nobody trusts Vice. They are used as a source and then cited inconspicuously inside proper news sites. Vice is used to sanitize gaslighting for the mainstream media.

>>98502 UK to send Navy ships, planes, helicopters and Royal Marines to 'support Israel'

>>98504 Israel 'emergency government' sworn in

>>98505, >>98479 Elon is a clockfag.

>>98506 Here’s donations to @SteveScalise from both Google and Facebook.

>>98507 PF updates

>>98508, >>98518 Sen. Bob Menendez charged with acting as a foreign agent in superseding indictment, court docs

>>98509 Israeli President Herzog Blasts CNN for Accusing Israel of ‘War Crime’

>>98511 African nation orders UN official to leave/Niger

>>98512 Aussie: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's recent delay to key climate targets will actually cost households more, rather than saving them money as he claimed, his own climate advisers have concluded 👇

>>98513 which lobbyists own Jim Jordan? Call to Diggz

>>98514, >>98515, >>98522 PARIS: "France on Thursday said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations on the grounds such protests threaten public order.

>>98516 End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000094

>>98517 NBC: Conservative social media influencers have shared speculation with no evidence that attacks in Israel would soon be followed by similar attacks in the U.S.

>>98520 @RonDeSantis Right now is a moment for leadership. We must stand with Israel as they eradicate Hamas.

>>98521 Tomorrow day of jihad???

>>98523 Thai Hookers, Chinese Bribes: 'Star Witness' Ellison Unveils Chaos Behind FTX's Fake Balance Sheets

>>98525 EU gives Zuckerberg 24 hours to address ‘disinformation’ concerns

>>98524, >>98519 Trump on Israel

>>98526 Mike Davis Reveals The Plan That Could Have Saved McCarthy’s Speakership

>>98527 Syria accuses Israel of bombing international airports

>>98528 Clinton, in newly revealed emails, discussed classified foreign policy matters, secretive 'private' comms channel with Israel

>>98529 UN detains peacekeepers in DR Congo over sexual exploitation claims


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7aa474 No.98532

File: def05ef5f57545b⋯.jpg (47.04 KB,568x733,568:733,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722941 (121902ZOCT23) Notable: #24217

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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7aa474 No.98533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722963 (121905ZOCT23) Notable: ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US — Biden wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all

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ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US — Biden wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is currently overseeing 5.7 million migrants in the US — who could soon be provided free medical services, food, and even housing by the Biden administration, The Post has learned.

The record number of non-detained migrants being monitored by the federal agency — 2.4m more than before Biden became president — was buried in paperwork detailing its “Release and Reporting Management” (RRM) program.

The plan is for private companies to join ICE’s monitoring of migrants through ankle monitors, phone apps, and in-person check-ins.

However, the initiative also aims to provide a range of other perks to the non-citizens on the taxpayer’s dime.

The program would cost “billions” and effectively be a “welfare” program for non-detained migrants awaiting court dates, former ICE director Tom Homan told The Post.

“The RRM is just a push by the open border advocates to provide welfare benefits to 6 million people,” the former ICE director continued.

RRM is anticipated to “replace all of ICE’s non-detained programs” and would “apply to the entire non-detained docket,” a question and answer form ICE published in September reads, clarifying: “The current non-detained docket is 5.7M.”

Those held in ICE detention for processing at the border or in facilities awaiting deportation are not included in the 5.7m number

The services for “all RRM participants” would include: “legal assistance; psychosocial services; therapeutic services; medical services; food and clothing banks; housing; public transportation information; parental information; education information; and repatriation and reintegration services,” according to the RFI form published Aug. 17.

“These services are designed to increase participant compliance with immigration obligations through information, stabilization, and support. Services will be individualized to each participant’s needs and may range from basic referrals to intensive direct assistance,” the RFI form reads.

Homan criticized the program for providing legal assistance to migrants who crossed over the border.

“They’re going to give legal assistance to illegal aliens at the taxpayer’s expense to fight the government,” he said. All the services combined are a “massive giveaway that are going to cost billions of dollars.”


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7aa474 No.98534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722974 (121906ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu’s “False Flag” Is a “Copy and Paste”: The Pentagon’s Secret “Operation Northwoods”(1962)

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Netanyahu’s “False Flag” Is a “Copy and Paste”: The Pentagon’s Secret “Operation Northwoods”(1962) Directed Against Cuba. “Casualty Lists Would Cause a Helpful Wave of Indignation”

The Northwoods 1962 document was titled “Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba”. ”

Author’s Introductory Note

Early Saturday October 7, 2023, Hamas launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.” On that same day, Netanyahu confirmed a so-called “State of Readiness For War.” A complete blockade on the Gaza Strip was initiated on October 9, 2023 consisting in blocking and obstructing the importation of food, water, fuel, and essential commodities to 2.3 million Palestinians. It’s an outright crime against humanity. It’s genocide.

Was “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” a “surprise attack”? Was it a “False Flag” Attack by a faction within Hamas which was intent upon justifying Netanyahu’s all out war against Palestine?

At this stage we have scanty evidence regarding who was behind the Hamas attack. False flag agendas are carefully planned intelligence operations.

The following article, which is of relevance to the Hamas Al Aqsa Storm attack, examines the logic of a “false flag agenda” formulated in 1962 by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff as a means to justify an invasion and all-out war against Cuba.

The fundamental premise of Operation Northwoods was to trigger civilian deaths in the U.S. as a justification for military intervention (“on humanitarian grounds”). That same diabolical “false flag” premise largely characterizes Netanyahu’s all-out war against Palestine.

Operation Northwoods was prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the support of US intelligence. The logic of this false flag plan was

“to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba”.

“Casualty Lists Would Cause a Helpful Wave of Indignation”.

President John F. Kennedy refused to carry out “Operation Northwoods.” That happened a year before his assassination in November 1963.

The secret documents pertaining to Operation Northwoods were declassified more than 15 years ago.

Read them carefully. Netanyahu’s war on the People of Palestine is a “copy and paste” of “Operation Northwoods.”

While the implementation of Operation Northwoods was shelved, its fundamental (diabolical) premise of using civilian deaths (described by the Pentagon as a “massive casualty producing event”) as a justification for military intervention (“on humanitarian grounds”) remains of utmost relevance.


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7aa474 No.98535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19722990 (121909ZOCT23) Notable: Germany Offers Direct Military Aid to Israel, Vows Crackdown on Hamas Terrorist Support at Home

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Germany Offers Direct Military Aid to Israel, Vows Crackdown on Hamas Terrorist Support at Home

Germany became the first European country to offer direct military aid to Israel on Thursday while promising a crackdown on Hamas terrorist supporters at home.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz underlined Germany’s historical responsibility for Israel’s security as cause for the offer which has already seen the Jewish state request ammunition for its warships and military attack drones.

AP reports the Defense Ministry said it agreed to an Israeli request to use up to two of five Heron TP combat drones currently leased by the German military and were already in Israel for the training of German servicepeople.

Defense Minister Boris Pistorius noted in Brussels that Israel has also requested ammunition for warships, a request that will now be discussed.

“Over 1,000 citizens of Israel have been killed in these terror acts. Thousands of them were severely injured and are fighting for their lives in the hospitals of Israel. In a country with 9 million inhabitants, that means that nearly everybody knows one of the victims,” Scholz said in a speech at the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament.

“In the whole country of Israel currently, there is mourning … Dear friends in Israel, we mourn with you and we share your suffering,” the chancellor said.

Scholz slammed the actions of Hamas and said Israel was entitled to defend itself.

“At this moment, there is only one place for Germany — the place at Israel’s side,” he told lawmakers.

“Our own history, our responsibility arising from the Holocaust, makes it a perpetual task for us to stand up for the security of the state of Israel,” he added.



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7aa474 No.98536

File: fc43902fc53ed90⋯.png (720.91 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723011 (121914ZOCT23) Notable: 281 Human Smuggling Stash Houses Busted in FY23 in Single Texas Border Sector

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281 Human Smuggling Stash Houses Busted in FY23 in Single Texas Border Sector

El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents raided more than 280 human smuggling stash houses during the recently ended Fiscal Year 2023. The raids on the stash house operations in far West Texas and southern New Mexico led to the apprehension of more than 3,600 migrants who were in the process of being smuggled into the U.S. interior.

El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials report their agents participated in the disruption of 281 human smuggling stash house operations during FY23, which ended on September 30. This is up from approximately 240 the previous year — an increase of more than 17 percent. The El Paso Sector area of responsibility included the far western portion of Texas and the New Mexico border with Mexico.

During the stash house raids, agents apprehended 3,665 smuggled migrants, KFOX14 in El Paso reported. Officials report the migrants are frequently packed into overcrowded houses and other deplorable conditions.

Border Patrol agents frequently team up with ICE Homeland Security Investigations special agents and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers in prosecuting the raids, officials report.

“Homeland Security Investigation is tasked with identifying, disrupting, and dismantling terrorist and transnational criminal organizations that seek to exploit our trade, travel, financial, and immigration system,” HSI Special Agent in Charge Francisco Burrola told the local Fox affiliate.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott called the State Legislature into special session earlier this month to deal with this issue, among other border security issues. The Texas Senate Committee on Border Security moved quickly to unanimously approve Senate Bill 4 to the Senate floor for a vote, CBS Austin reported.

The bill, sponsored by State Senators Pete Flores (R-Pleasanton), Bob Hall (R-Rockwall) and Phil King (R-Weatherford), would subject the operators of a human smuggling stash house to a third-degree felony with a minimum sentence of ten years in state prison.


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7aa474 No.98537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723054 (121922ZOCT23) Notable: X Safety Team Announces Removal Of ‘Hamas-Affiliated Accounts’ Amid Attacks On Israel

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X Safety Team Announces Removal Of ‘Hamas-Affiliated Accounts’ Amid Attacks On Israel

The internal safety team of the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, stated they will be removing accounts that are “Hamas-Affiliated” following the group’s attacks against Israel.

On Monday, the safety team shared a post on the platform, stating that they will be taking action to restrict hateful speech, violent posts, and misinformation about the Hamas attack on Israel.

Under its “Violent and Hateful Entities Policy,” X reps stated that it will deactivate newly formed Hamas-affiliated accounts and take additional steps to prevent the spread of what it called terrorist information on the network.

The steps mention addressing and removing specific posts that contain graphic media as well as violent and hateful statements.

X also stated that it is monitoring the platform for additional anti-Semitic content.

X is currently working with other social media platforms through the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) in order to stop the spread of terrorist-related content on the internet.

GIFCT released a statement to the press where they said they will be monitoring and identifying content and online activity related to terrorists involved in the offline violence.

“In this rapidly evolving situation, we continue to work with our members to identify and follow trends in content and activity online related to terrorist and violent extremist actors involved in the offline violence,” GIFCT said. “This includes the possibility that a range of terrorist and violent extremist networks and groups may seek to exploit the conflict for their own purposes, as we have seen in past events.”

Furthermore, the statement asserts that users now have more control over the information they see, allowing them to block graphic or violent images from appearing on their timelines.

The new measures will monitor if antisemitism have intensified through various metrics. Community Notes, a user-generated fact check, will also be applied in real time to posts.

X also stated that since the attacks, which began early Saturday morning and have now resulted in more than 1500 dead, including 900 Israelis, there have been “more than 50 million posts globally focusing on the weekend’s terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas.”


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7aa474 No.98538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723069 (121924ZOCT23) Notable: Vice resident Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

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3:45 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation - Vice President Harris continues her nationwide “Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour by participating in a moderated conversation with students at the North Las Vegas campus of the College of Southern Nevada - a community college, Hispanic-Serving Institution, and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution.

North Las Vegas, Nevada



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7aa474 No.98539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723071 (121925ZOCT23) Notable: House Judiciary Committee Holds A Hearing On Violent Crime In Washington, DC

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House Judiciary Committee Holds A Hearing On Violent Crime In Washington, DC


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7aa474 No.98540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723131 (121935ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands Of Local Governments Fail To Report How They’ve Spent COVID-19 Relief Funds

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Thousands Of Local Governments Fail To Report How They’ve Spent COVID-19 Relief Funds

States and local governments have spent about 45% of the $350 billion given out through one federal COVID-19 relief program, but tracking that money has been difficult and 4,268 local governments – about 14% – have yet to submit reports on how the money was used.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury hasn’t publicly released the names of the small local governments that have failed to report back on what they did with the money because it doesn’t want to put “undue pressure” on them, according to a report released Wednesday.

When Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, it created the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program. The U.S. Treasury allocated $350 billion in State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to tribal governments, states, the District of Columbia, local governments and U.S. territories. The money was to help cover a broad range of costs stemming from the pandemic, including revenue replacement.

Two years later, states and the District of Columbia have reported 60% ($118.3 billion) of that money has been obligated and 45% ($88.2 billion) has been spent as of March 31, according to a U.S. Government Accountability Office report.


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7aa474 No.98541

File: e148f8b443a77a1⋯.png (313.13 KB,509x630,509:630,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723194 (121944ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines

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Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines

Helen Grus is a true hero. She should be awarded the Order of Canada, instead, she is being crushed.

The Canadian media is trash — instead, the most comprehensive coverage of this story has come from an independent journalist, Donald Best, who has written 11 articles about it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Best is a former Detective Sergeant with the Toronto Police who has spent his life investigating organized crime.

He's attended all of Helen Gru’s court hearings in person, and shared his notes with me, which I have attempted to summarize and disseminate in a digestible, self-contained format, although in the name of brevitiy I had to cut many good points he made.

Follow Donald on X and read his website.

To most American readers, what you are about to read will be unfathomable; to me, a jaded, bitter, Canadian who has already fled the country for greener pastures, this story is mundane. Sadly, this is just what life is like in Canada now. The crime that Constable Helen Grus—a 20-year veteran detective with the sexual assault and child abuse unit of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS)—her two recent performance reviews in 2019 and 2021 were, “Meets and exceeds expectations; exceeds all expectations”—is accused of, is crazy.

This story makes me want to puke.

According to the Ottawa Citizen: Grus allegedly accessed case files of newborn and infant death investigations to which she wasn't assigned and inquired with the coroner about whether the parents of babies who had died unexpectedly during the pandemic were vaccinated against COVID-19.

Investigators also alleged Grus contacted the father of a deceased baby directly on Jan. 30, 2022, to inquire about the mother’s COVID-19 vaccination status.

Yes, you read that right: in Canada, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if you are a detective who “contacted the father of a deceased baby to inquire about the mother’s COVID-19 vaccination status.”

During the Covid era, a waiter or grocery store clerk could inquire about a parent's vaccination status, but a detective couldn't.

The investigation by Ottawa Police into potential links between mRNA vaccines and Sudden Infant Deaths in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers was halted due to Grus's suspension and subsequent charges.

“Attention all Ottawa Police SIDS investigators... don't mention the Covid vaccines again.”

— Ottawa Police Sargeant Marc-Andre Guy

Formally, Grus is charged with “ discreditable conduct” under section 2(1) of Ontario’s Police Services Act, plus, the prosecution has served her with a notice of increased penalty, which allows the OPS to seek her dismissal, demote her, or ask for a forfeiture of pay or vacation.


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7aa474 No.98542

File: 6b93a4f76a61ce7⋯.png (338.8 KB,586x514,293:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723220 (121947ZOCT23) Notable: AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to “Give Send Go”: Demands Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Of Alternate GOP Electors

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The Gateway Pundit


IS MI OFFICIALLY A POLICE STATE? Dem AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to “Give Send Go” Demanding Bank Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Fund Of Alternate GOP Electors via @gatewaypundit

8:25 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98543

File: 8169edf3106a204⋯.webp (85.59 KB,1020x672,85:56,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723228 (121949ZOCT23) Notable: Canada rejects request to protect northern spotted owl habitat

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Canada rejects request to protect northern spotted owl habitat

Wed 11 Oct 2023


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7aa474 No.98544

File: 28e07a5f3dc54c4⋯.png (68.9 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723230 (121950ZOCT23) Notable: Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike (RT)

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12 Oct, 2023 17:46

Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike

While producer Khaibar Akifi suffered severe injuries, his four-year-old daughter died in the bombing

The four-year-old child, and parents-in-law, of a Sputnik Afghanistan producer were killed in n a Ukrainian strike on Russia’s Belgorod Region on Wednesday.

Khaibar Akifi and his wife Olesya were wounded in the attack, according to his employers in Moscow. Their dead daughter was been named as Amina.

“Our staff member Khaibar Akifi, 29, was severely hurt in the strike and is in intensive care,” the head of the ‘Rossiya Segodnya’ media group, Dmitry Kiselyov, told RIA Novosti.

Akifi’s family lost three members in incident, Kiselyov said, calling it an “enormous tragedy.” His wife’s parents died in the strike as well.

The journalist is still “in critical condition,” the head of the Belgorod Region health department, Andrey Ikonnikov, said on Telegram on Thursday. Akifi’s condition is still “unstable,” he said, adding that medical personnel are “doing everything to save his life.” Earlier, the region's governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said that Akifi had suffered burns to his respiratory tract, upper and lower extremities, and was in a coma.

The journalist’s wife Olesya, who is a philologist and a lecturer at Belgorod State Technical University, underwent surgery and is being treated in the regional hospital’s intensive care unit as well, Ikonnikov said, describing her condition as “stable.” Previously, Gladkov called her condition “severe,” adding that she suffered a lower limb fracture and a concussion.

RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan, also commented on the incident, confirming Akifi’s identity and saying that the man had “worked throughout the weekend” as he was covering a massive earthquake that struck Afghanistan. After that, he took several days off to visit his wife’s parents living in the Belgorod Region. That was when the Ukrainian drone struck their home.

An impromptu memorial was set up at the site of the tragedy as the locals sought to pay their respects to the victims, RIA Novosti reported, publishing a video from the area. Footage shows bouquets of flowers and children’s toys laid near the destroyed family’s house.

On Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported “destroying” an aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) launched by Ukrainian forces towards Belgorod Region. The initial report mentioned no casualties or damage on the ground.

According to the governor, the drone was intercepted en route to the regional capital. Its debris hit several residential buildings, causing a fire. Two houses were completely destroyed and another one was partly damaged.

Russia’s border regions, including the Belgorod Region, have frequently come under Ukrainian shelling, artillery, and drone strikes since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev. Such attacks have claimed numerous civilian lives.

Ukrainian forces have increased their attacks on Russian territory over the past several months, at the same time as a much-touted summer counteroffensive by their forces has failed to achieve major results.

(This is the third or fourth Russian journalist to be killed by Ukraine, they target them specifically. Russia is not going to hold back in some areas, they will never attack civilians but ==expect a major multiple bombing and drone strikes in the middle of the night or early morning soon.)


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7aa474 No.98545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723294 (122000ZOCT23) Notable: Sen. Graham Says ‘We’re in a Religious War,’ Calls to ‘Level’ Gaza

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Sen. Graham Says ‘We’re in a Religious War,’ Calls to ‘Level’ Gaza

Graham has also said the US should bomb Iran if Hamas kills prisoners

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday declared that “we’re in a religious war” and called for Israel to “level” the Gaza Strip, home to over 2 million people, including about 1 million children.

“We’re in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,” Graham said on Fox News. The hawkish senator posted a clip of his call for the destruction of Gaza on X.

Since Hamas launched an attack on southern Israel, Graham has been leading the charge in the US, calling for major escalations. On Monday, he said the US should bomb Iran if Hamas kills Israelis it has captured and brought into Gaza.

“For every Israeli or American hostage executed by Hamas, we should take down an Iranian oil refinery,” Graham said. “The only way you’re gonna keep this war from escalating is to hold Iran accountable.”

Graham has said Iran was involved in the Hamas even though the Israeli military has said it has no evidence to support the claim. Hamas and Iran have also denied any Iranian involvement in the operation.

“I am confident this was planned and funded by the Iranians,” he added. “Hamas is a bunch of animals who deserve to be treated like animals … If I was Israel, I would go in on the ground. There is no truce to be had here. I would dismantle Hamas.”


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7aa474 No.98546

File: d295fbe9cff3a39⋯.png (20.09 KB,554x242,277:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723337 (122007ZOCT23) Notable: JakeSherman: House Republican Conference a complete and utter mess. No closer to picking a speaker. They are a month away from shutdown.

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Jake Sherman


The House Republican Conference is a mess. Complete and utter mess. They are no closer to picking a speaker. They are a month away from a shutdown. Israel is asking for aid, which needs to pass in the next few weeks.

They are completely lost. And have no idea how they will get out

3:38 PM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98547

File: 34615444931f5b8⋯.png (230.17 KB,534x400,267:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723396 (122015ZOCT23) Notable: Holy shit, this is glorious news! Soros closing up shop(s).

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Holy shit, this is glorious news! Soros closing up shop(s).

The $25 billion international network of foundations started by George Soros is shuttering offices around the world as it prepares to cut more than 40% of its staff.

Employees of the Open Society Foundations’ Africa operations received correspondence last week detailing the next steps of the process, which includes closing half a dozen offices on the continent in addition to its Baltimore and Barcelona locations, according to a copy of the emails seen by Bloomberg.

“I’m very sorry that it’s turned out this way,” Wanyeki wrote to staff in an email seen by Bloomberg. “It’s obviously not what any of us expected and I’m also very sorry that I didn’t have the information on this earlier,” she added, saying the changes aren’t what leadership “committed to two years ago.”

The Barcelona and Baltimore closures were announced earlier this year and the Africa offices “have been in varying stages of transition to close or merge into one regional entity” since 2021, an OSF spokesperson said in an email. Many of the satellite offices are set to close by the end of 2023, the spokesperson added.

The emails to staff come after Inside Philanthropy reported in July that OSF had removed more than a dozen offices across Africa and Asia from a list on its website.

Sauce: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/soros-closes-offices-across-25-billion-philanthropy-empire/ar-AA1i6wdd

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7aa474 No.98548

File: 7da97fe099a4e33⋯.png (939.91 KB,906x960,151:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723418 (122018ZOCT23) Notable: Jordan Foreign Ministry: "We warn against any attempt to displace Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and transfer the crisis to neighboring countries."

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🚨JUST IN: Jordanian Foreign Ministry:

"We warn against any attempt to displace Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and transfer the crisis to neighboring countries."

2:54 PM · Oct 12, 2023·105.9K


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7aa474 No.98549

File: 09929f1b9ae4d14⋯.png (183.92 KB,1004x637,1004:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723429 (122020ZOCT23) Notable: Seventeen Broward Sheriff’s Office Employees Charged with COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fraud

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Seventeen Broward Sheriff’s Office Employees Charged with COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fraud


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7aa474 No.98550

File: f1430f1c02fd8b4⋯.jpeg (187.94 KB,1170x488,585:244,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723513 (122029ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's Minister of Information Galit Distel has resigned!

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BREAKING: Israel's Minister of Information Galit Distel has resigned!


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7aa474 No.98551

File: 87abba7a75b9f1d⋯.png (26.73 KB,592x286,296:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723536 (122033ZOCT23) Notable: GovRonDeSantis Today I signed an executive order authorizing rescue operations in Israel to bring Floridians home and transport supplies to our allies.

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Ron DeSantis


Today I signed an executive order authorizing rescue operations in Israel to bring Floridians home and transport supplies to our allies.

We will not leave our residents behind.

To the many Floridians who are stuck in Israel, trying to get home — help is on the way.

2:33 PM · Oct 12, 2023





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7aa474 No.98552

File: 0179e1ea9378f74⋯.png (224.23 KB,466x262,233:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723562 (122038ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's Minister of Information Galit Distel has resigned!

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Al Arabiya English


#Israel's Minister of Information Galit Distel-Atbaryan resigns from her position, Al Arabiya reports.


4:25 PM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98553

File: cfca293f7ecb92c⋯.png (710.76 KB,932x847,932:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723644 (122049ZOCT23) Notable: Military Secretary of Netanyahu met today with social media influencers to instruct them to promote Israeli narrative regarding Gaza/HAMAS

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🚨JUST IN: The military secretary to the Israeli Prime Minister met today with a number of social media influencers to instruct them to promote content that strengthens the Israeli narrative regarding what is happening in Gaza

2:53 PM · Oct 12, 2023




Think they read my post?

>>>/qresearch/19719032 (pb)

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7aa474 No.98554

File: c45cb8bc68a20ad⋯.png (2.68 MB,1064x1236,266:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723728 (122100ZOCT23) Notable: #24218 (eDough)

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Emergency Bread Activated

Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

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7aa474 No.98555

File: c380d50d20f40ed⋯.png (119.3 KB,844x424,211:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723740 (122103ZOCT23) Notable: Slava Israelya?: NY Gov restricts pro-palestianian protests

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The cynic in anon first thinks.... This is a great time for the feds to do some FF's for the further removal of civil liberties.

Have to make sure the Patriot Act continues to expand its ever encroachment on the US Constitution.

All in the guise of 'safety'. When it is these clowns that refuse to secure the southern border.

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7aa474 No.98556

File: 18d17a4e24270c7⋯.png (1.76 MB,1170x922,585:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723758 (122107ZOCT23) Notable: 7 Websites to Learn Linux the Fun Way

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7 Websites to Learn Linux the Fun Way


Zunaid Ali

Published 2 days ago

Linux doesn't have to be hard to learn

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7aa474 No.98557

File: 04b702727b44a5a⋯.jpeg (916.09 KB,1170x1368,65:76,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723763 (122107ZOCT23) Notable: Protests General #1: We must protest! (whatever)

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Large gathering of pro-Palestine demonstrators at Columbia University in New York City. An Israeli student has reportedly been beaten with a stick in front of the university’s library, according to local media.


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7aa474 No.98558

File: 0f9b5e359c2e32f⋯.png (21.63 KB,600x297,200:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723781 (122111ZOCT23) Notable: CM Ron: Speaker of the House Debate linked to NHI (non-human intelligence) technology?

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A large, mostly unreported, battle behind the scenes in choosing a new Speaker of the House has to do with the congressional disclosure of NHI (non-human intelligence) technology.

A handful of our Representatives are fighting hard for NHI disclosure.

Stand strong.

9:55 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98559

File: f2ead28125f9896⋯.jpg (400.01 KB,1080x1789,1080:1789,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723804 (122116ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder: Trump Peace Plan (2020)

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This is what a future State of Palestine can look like, with a capital in parts of East Jerusalem.

6:26 pm · 28 Jan 2020


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7aa474 No.98560

File: 0a786d42230b7ca⋯.png (311.78 KB,593x552,593:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723845 (122123ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Shapiro's Israeli Burned Baby shown to be fake AI image

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George Galloway reposted

Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


Holy sh*t

The image that Ben Shapiro tried to pass off as a “burnt baby corpse” was an AI-generated fake image!



10:18 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98561

File: b432d6bf68e4808⋯.png (259.4 KB,398x480,199:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723872 (122126ZOCT23) Notable: #24217 (posted in #24218)

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...If you can call these 'notes', do whatever with 'em. (All LB)


#24217 >>98532

>>98533 ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US — Biden wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all

>>98534 Netanyahu’s “False Flag” Is a “Copy and Paste”: The Pentagon’s Secret “Operation Northwoods”(1962)

>>98535 Germany Offers Direct Military Aid to Israel, Vows Crackdown on Hamas Terrorist Support at Home

>>98536 281 Human Smuggling Stash Houses Busted in FY23 in Single Texas Border Sector

>>98537 X Safety Team Announces Removal Of ‘Hamas-Affiliated Accounts’ Amid Attacks On Israel

>>98538 Vice resident Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

>>98539 House Judiciary Committee Holds A Hearing On Violent Crime In Washington, DC

>>98540 Thousands Of Local Governments Fail To Report How They’ve Spent COVID-19 Relief Funds

>>98541 Trudeau regime puts Canadian detective on trial for investigating link between infant deaths and mRNA vaccines

>>98542 Dem AG Nessel Issues Search Warrant to “Give Send Go” Demanding Bank Routing Numbers Tied to Contributions For Legal Defense Fund Of Alternate GOP Electors

>>98543 Canada rejects request to protect northern spotted owl habitat

>>98544 Sputnik journalist's infant child killed in Ukrainian strike (RT)

>>98545 Sen. Graham Says ‘We’re in a Religious War,’ Calls to ‘Level’ Gaza

>>98546 JakeSherman - The House Republican Conference is a mess. Complete and utter mess. They are no closer to picking a speaker. They are a month away from a shutdown.

>>98547 Holy shit, this is glorious news! Soros closing up shop(s).

>>98548 Jordanian Foreign Ministry: "We warn against any attempt to displace Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and transfer the crisis to neighboring countries."

>>98549 Seventeen Broward Sheriff’s Office Employees Charged with COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fraud

>>98550, >>98552 Israel's Minister of Information Galit Distel has resigned!

>>98551 GovRonDeSantis Today I signed an executive order authorizing rescue operations in Israel to bring Floridians home and transport supplies to our allies.

>>98553 The military secretary to the Israeli Prime Minister met today with a number of social media influencers to instruct them to promote content that strengthens the Israeli narrative regarding what is happening in Gaza


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7aa474 No.98562

File: feb8a74c573bff0⋯.jpeg (207.8 KB,1603x2048,1603:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a507de3d62b98d2⋯.jpeg (179.11 KB,1198x1355,1198:1355,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723876 (122127ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Shapiro's Israeli Burned Baby shown to be fake AI image

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AI burned baby

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7aa474 No.98563

File: f1d36b5a6df4783⋯.png (74.76 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723906 (122131ZOCT23) Notable: Meanwhile. Re. Ukraine

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12 Oct, 2023 19:40

MEPs call for change of EU policy on Ukraine

Brussels needs to urge Kiev to make peace, according to a Voice of Europe roundtable

Ukrainian lives are being sacrificed by the “totally corrupt” elitein Kiev to which the EU recklessly sends billions of euros, several members of the European Parliament said at an event on Wednesday hosted by the think-tank Voice of Europe.

“We must stop this tragicomedy for Europe, for Ukraine and for Russia. We must try to find a path to prosperity again, and the first step is peace,” MEP Thierry Mariani of the French National Rally (RN) party argued at the roundtable, held in the central hall of the European Parliament in Brussels.

“Ukraine must remain a bridge” between Russia and Europe, Mariani added. He also pointed out that the current conflict has roots in 2013, when the EU tried to push Kiev to renounce a free trade deal with Russia and sign the Association Agreement with Brussels.This led to the Maidan demonstrations and the February 2014 coup.

Maximilian Kra of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) said he had traveled around Ukraine, describing it as “a beautiful country with very decent people.”

“I’m afraid that these decent people of Ukraine are now being sacrificed for the interests of the Kiev elite,” who own millions in real estate in southern France, Kra said. He also voicedfears that the US may ask the EU to foot the bill for the Ukraine conflict, now that Washington’s attention has been preoccupied by Israel.

“That's what I'm afraid of. And I can tell you that this is already happening.

Because Germany has already promised $1 billion to Ukraine, while the US will allocate only $200 million,” he said. (He doesn’t mention the US has sent $145 billion already, Trump is always right!)

Marcel de Graaff of the Dutch Forum for Democracy (FvD) argued that Ukraine needs to make peace with Russia as soon as possible. “I speak very directly becausethey have already lost. They are now sacrificing people up to 70 years old at the front. They no longer have reserves. They are losing right now,” said de Graaf.

He also described Ukraine as “the most corrupt country in the world,” now being given “tens of billions of euros” by the West. “I heard that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s mother-in-law bought a villa in Egypt for several million dollars, and we are still wondering where our money is going. This is a totally corrupt civilization,” de Graaf added.

One major problem, according to the Dutch MEP, is that all trust has been lost between Russia and the West after the revelations by former German and French leaders that the Minsk Agreements were a ploy to buy Kiev time to prepare for war.

Kra brought up that Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Medvedchuk had presented the German Bundestag a “smart” peace plan based on Minsk II, a proposal that would have seen the rebel republics of Donetsk and Lugansk rejoin Ukraine with broad autonomy.

“At the time, no one knew that Minsk II was a fake, as Merkel later stated,” Kra added, referring to former Chancellor Angela Merkel’s December 2022 admission.

Henri Malos, president of Voice of Europe and host of the roundtable, also lamented the demise of the Minsk Agreements, which he said offered security and sovereignty for both Russia and Ukraine.

(Finally some honest dialogue, these guys are going to be criticized by the countries and Brussels that approved this boondoggle. Or the EU leaders told them to hold this on TV)


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7aa474 No.98564

File: 5d915873e64bce1⋯.png (454.69 KB,710x646,355:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723963 (122139ZOCT23) Notable: The Babylon Bee: Lindsey Graham says "We Must Bomb The Entire World"

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7aa474 No.98565

File: 861b28bd4f109b2⋯.png (250.43 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723971 (122140ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Shapiro's Israeli Burned Baby shown to be fake AI image

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸



Holy sh*t

The image that Ben Shapiro tried to pass off as a “burnt baby corpse” was an AI-generated fake image!


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7aa474 No.98566

File: e651fffffd0cb47⋯.png (1.03 MB,1196x1030,598:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19723973 (122140ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Shapiro's Israeli Burned Baby shown to be fake AI image

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sloppy job Mossad


>NEWS ALERT: The Image Ben Shapiro Posted Depicting Burnt Jewish Babies Has Been Revealed To Be A Fake AI-Generated Photo

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7aa474 No.98567

File: 49008ae6e4fa9d7⋯.png (141.75 KB,549x755,549:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724110 (122155ZOCT23) Notable: Canada's NFA: RCMP Sending Around Letters To Give Up Israeli "Assault Rifle" Tavor X95

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7aa474 No.98568

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724118 (122156ZOCT23) Notable: For Those Hard Of Reading/'Membering: Israel Created HAMAS. CIA created ISIS. HAMAS is ISIS.

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I guess 8kun can’t handle the Truth


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7aa474 No.98569

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724316 (122219ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Rips Ex-IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Accused Of Leaking Tax Return

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Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Rips Ex-IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Accused Of Leaking Tax Return

President Trump's lawyer Alina Habba slams Charles Littlejohn, the ex-IRS contractor accused of leaking his tax return.


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7aa474 No.98570

File: c88ba3d6e4f782b⋯.png (632.14 KB,800x534,400:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 18a94ff4d9e03f2⋯.png (61.36 KB,552x491,552:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724389 (122228ZOCT23) Notable: Officials Order Evacuation After Gas Line Explosion In Middleton, Idaho

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Officials Order Evacuation In Idaho Town After Gas Line Explosion

A rural town in Idaho, containing about 10,000 people, has been ordered to evacuate after a gas line exploded at an intersection near the area.

On Thursday, officials in Middleton, Idaho, briefly ordered residents to evacuate the town due to a gas line explosion that occurred near a rural intersection.

Joe Decker, a spokesperson for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office, announced that he had not heard of any reported injuries that were connected to the explosion in southwestern Idaho.

Additionally, he claimed that everyone within a 4-mile radius (6.4-kilometer) of the explosion was forced to evacuate. Meanwhile, officials assessed the cause of the situation.

However, the evacuation mandate was lifted soon after, with the sheriff’s office confirming that the gas to the line had been shut off. As a result, residents were told to “shelter in place” instead. The order was removed at around 11:40 a.m. on Thursday after local police ensured that the gas line had been turned off.

There are around 10,600 residents in Middleton, Idaho.

Video footage taken at the scene depicts the explosion’s aftermath, after people allegedly heard a series of “rumble” sounds for several miles.

Many elementary schools in the area were not emptied or told to evacuate. The schools have since resumed class, instructors said.

Several social media accounts for the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office informed residents in the area of the incident after the explosion occurred. Smoke was still seen coming from the intersection where it happened.

Authorities were not able to identify exactly what caused the leak or explosion, although officers from nearby Ada County were still reportedly examining the scene in the afternoon on Thursday.

An Ada County Sheriff shared a tweet soon before the evacuation order was lifted, warning drivers who had been preparing to travel to Idaho State Highway 44 to “stay away” as access to the road remained blocked.

Additional video footage was shared to social media that showed a more detailed and up-close view at the leak that potentially created the explosion, where a steady stream of vapor could be seen coming out of a broken pipe.


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7aa474 No.98571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724493 (122240ZOCT23) Notable: #24218

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#24218 >>98554 (eDough)

>>98555 Slava Israelya?: NY Gov restricts pro-palestianian protests

>>98556 7 Websites to Learn Linux the Fun Way

>>98557 Protests General #1: We must protest! (whatever)

>>98558 CM Ron: Speaker of the House Debate linked to NHI (non-human intelligence) technology?

>>98559 Reminder: Trump Peace Plan (2020)

>>98563 Meanwhile. Re. Ukraine

>>98560, >>98562, >>98565, >>98566 Ben Shapiro's Israeli Burned Baby shown to be fake AI image

>>98564 The Babylon Bee: Lindsey Graham says "We Must Bomb The Entire World"

>>98567 Canada's NFA: RCMP Sending Around Letters To Give Up Israeli "Assault Rifle" Tavor X95

>>98568 For Those Hard Of Reading/'Membering: Israel Created HAMAS. CIA created ISIS. HAMAS is ISIS.

>>98569 Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Rips Ex-IRS Contractor Charles Littlejohn Accused Of Leaking Tax Return

>>98570 Officials Order Evacuation After Gas Line Explosion In Middleton, Idaho

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98572

File: b27a460fba69e69⋯.png (146.75 KB,450x352,225:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724523 (122244ZOCT23) Notable: #24219

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7aa474 No.98573

File: 54623d6592d2ad5⋯.jpg (700.53 KB,1080x1922,540:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724603 (122300ZOCT23) Notable: Seattle: "We need weeks & weeks, a month's worth of rain, to really start to refill reservoirs,"

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Seattle reservoirs continue to drop as call continues to conserve water


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7aa474 No.98574

File: 41725d3f9613aa8⋯.png (43.83 KB,743x402,743:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724608 (122301ZOCT23) Notable: Israel-Hamas 'War' - Another Excuse To Shutdown Free Speech

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Israel-Hamas 'War' - Another Excuse To Shutdown Free Speech

As a brand new war-narrative unfolds, there’s already efforts underway to parlay the conflict into tighter controls on free speech and freedom of expression, both in person and on the internet.

The headlines have been filled with nothing but Israel and Hamas since the “surprise attack” on Saturday, with the predictable back and forth of historical grievances and accusations of racism, punctuated by unsubstantiated claims of atrocities.

“Atrocity Propaganda” is nothing new. It is the opening salvo of every war as state combatants try to win the public to their side.

For example, the totally unsubstantiated claim that Hamas “threw forty Jewish babies out of their cribs and beheaded them”, which was doing the rounds yesterday. As far as atrocity propaganda goes the claim is startling in its unoriginality (Nayirah anyone?)

There’s a lot of that right now, lurid claims of graphic and pointless violence directed against the innocent, most of which survives just long enough to cause some outrage before being “debunked” or walked-back.

Part of that is the general “fog of war”, heightened by the advent of social media. When a lot of people can talk a lot more is said (good and bad).

But there’s another interpretation: That fake war stories are being intentionally seeded onto social media and then “debunked” to discredit platforms and appear to justify digital censorship.

Within the past twenty-four hours Reuters, NBC, YahooNews, The Guardian and the AP have run stories criticising the proliferation of “fake war news” on social media. Al Jazeera joined in too.

Almost all of those accusations have been directed solely at Twitter/X – increasingly the media’s anti-free speech strawman.

Governments have not been quiet on the issue either, with the European Union reportedly “warning” Elon Musk there would be “penalties” for the spread of war-related “misinformation” on his platform.

It’s not just “misinformation” either, but also “hate”. In an unusually subtle headline, NBCNews warns of the “increasingly fraught nature of online speech”. USA Today is more on the nose, claiming “online hate” is “surging”.

Oh, and there are the “unregulated” sites to worry about, where terrorists allegedly upload violent videos, at least so the New York Times says:

Hamas Seeds Violent Videos on Sites With Little Moderation”


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7aa474 No.98575

File: 965b7f0811f427d⋯.png (620.22 KB,1860x770,186:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724610 (122301ZOCT23) Notable: George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

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Home / World News / George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

The charity doles out more than $1 billion in grants annually, including over $100 million in Africa

1 min read Last Updated : Oct 13 2023 | 0:06 AM IST

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7aa474 No.98576

File: 87d580a56fc1fb0⋯.jpg (727.76 KB,1079x1923,1079:1923,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724612 (122301ZOCT23) Notable: (Keks only) You Making The Frogs Gay: Female Frogs Play Dead To Avoid Male Advance

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Here's one for the frogs.

Some female frogs play dead to avoid unwanted male advances, study says


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7aa474 No.98577

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724621 (122302ZOCT23) Notable: Orthodox Jews w/ Palestinian Flag Escort IDF Out Of Their Neighborhood

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Orthodox Jews carrying a Palestinian flag escort the IDF out of their neighborhood


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7aa474 No.98578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724626 (122303ZOCT23) Notable: What About Ukraine? Russians Burst Into Avdiivka, Ukraine

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Russians Burst Into Avdiivka, Ukraine - Heavy Fighting Reported Inside The Town


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7aa474 No.98579

File: 747bb4703f0c38d⋯.png (276.23 KB,486x462,81:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724714 (122316ZOCT23) Notable: Black Swans Up Next?

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7aa474 No.98580

File: 504a80474dc6727⋯.jpeg (16.21 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724866 (122341ZOCT23) Notable: Change In Stock Futures Ahead Of Friday’s Big Bank Earnings?

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Stock futures are little changed ahead of Friday’s big bank earnings

Article link below

‘’’MarketFag commentary’’’

All big banks equity prices are supported by MASSIVE share buybacks (they are currently under blackout from doing because of earnings season). They all suffer from billions of $s of hold to maturity (HTM) bond losses and are allowed to not count them on the balance sheets because Federal Banking Regulations allow it. See Silicon Valley Bank in march this year. The biggest losses occur in the “big 6” and four of those report on a Friday so those stocks will be bought HARD. Remember the FDIC insolvency video from late last year. They will make that NONE of actual results of these fake insolvent banks are a talking point over the weekend. They all loaded up US Debt at low rates so not only has the coupon rate increased the actual value of a large percentage of bonds have lost the most value in the shortest period of time since 1787. Not a typo.

Bank earnings kick off with JPMorgan, Wells Fargo amid concerns about rising rates, bad loans


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7aa474 No.98581

File: 3eec19f8c86d475⋯.png (105.18 KB,693x645,231:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 642b165db75abed⋯.png (154.95 KB,729x570,243:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724885 (122345ZOCT23) Notable: Evidence Shows Federal Workers And Biden Insiders Covered Up Classified Docs For Over A Year

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Evidence Shows Federal Workers And Biden Insiders Covered Up Classified Docs For Over A Year

‘There is no reasonable explanation as to why this many White House employees and lawyers were so concerned with retrieving boxes they believed only contained personal documents and materials,’ Comer wrote.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee announced it has evidence a team of at least five White House employees, President Joe Biden’s personal attorneys, a Department of Defense employee, and more covered up the president’s documents scandal for more than a year and lied about it.

While the president’s lawyers said that the classified documents, which were kept from Biden’s time as vice president, were discovered at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022, the House Oversight Committee has compiled “evidence showing the timeline of relevant events began in 2021 and involved at least five White House employees.”

“There is no reasonable explanation as to why this many White House employees and lawyers were so concerned with retrieving boxes they believed only contained personal documents and materials,” said Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer in a letter to White House counsel Edward Siskel.

The letter details how White House staff coordinated “the organizing, moving, and removing of boxes [at Penn Biden Center] that were later found to contain classified materials” beginning in March of 2021. However, not until Nov. 2, 2022 — over a year later — did the Biden administration inform the National Archives that it had discovered improperly held classified documents.

On March 18, 2021, Annie Tomasini, who was an assistant and senior adviser to the president and director of Oval Office operations, went to the Penn Biden Center “to take inventory of President Biden’s documents and materials,” the letter said.

Then on June 28, 2022, at the direction of Dana Remus, former White House counsel and assistant to the president, Biden’s former assistant Kathy Chung “pack[ed] up President Biden’s documents and materials.” Notably, Remus contacted Chung on a personal phone number and private email address, “thus evading potential Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures,” Comer wrote. The day of that communication, May 24, 2022, was also “the exact same day the Department of Justice (DOJ) subpoenaed former President Trump for classified documents,” he added.

According to the letter, two days later after Chung packed up Biden’s documents, Remus; Anthony Bernal, an sssistant to the president and senior advisor to the first lady; and a White House employee whose name is unknown went to Penn Biden Center to haul away as many boxes of documents and other materials as would fit in their vehicle.

Several months passed, and on Oct. 12, 2022, Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Oval Office Operations Ashley Williams and Biden’s personal attorney Pat Moore went to the center to do “the next wave of assessing of files and looking at boxes.” The next day, Williams went back to retrieve “a few” of Biden’s boxes, and another of Biden’s personal attorneys, Bob Bauer, texted Chung to say Moore had started sifting through the boxes at the Penn Biden Center.

According to Bauer, Biden’s classified documents were first found at the Penn Biden Center on Nov. 2, 2022 — but the timeline of events he provided leaves out all the aforementioned planning and meddling related to the documents.

Moreover, the White House and Bauer claimed that the National Archives took “possession of the materials” the morning after it was contacted. Yet the White House and Bauer failed to mention that Moore “scheduled a FedEx pickup with Penn Biden Center employees” the day they contacted the Archives on Nov. 2, 2022, and that the delivery driver arrived that day to “load[] the documents and then [take them] down to the loading dock” for shipping.


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7aa474 No.98582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724898 (122348ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken: Iran Has ‘Always Been Allowed to Use’ $6 Billion, We Just Moved it to Where It ‘Could Actually Be Used’

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Blinken: Iran Has ‘Always Been Allowed to Use’ $6 Billion, We Just Moved it to Where It ‘Could Actually Be Used’

During a portion of an interview with NBC News set to air on Thursday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the $6 billion in Iranian assets unfrozen by a prisoner swap deal the Biden administration brokered was money Iran was allowed to accrue under the Trump administration and Iran has “always been allowed to use” these funds for humanitarian reasons, but “for technical reasons, Iran was having trouble actually using the funds,” and the Biden administration moved it to a different account, “where the money could actually be used, but under the supervision of our Treasury Department, only for humanitarian purposes.”

Blinken said, “The money in question, Iranian money, not American taxpayer dollars, is money that was allowed to accrue in a bank account from the sale of Iranian oil. And that mechanism, allowing Iran to accrue this money, to get the money and have it in an account, was established by the Trump administration. Now, the account that it was established in in South Korea, for technical reasons, Iran was having trouble actually using the funds, which it’s always been allowed to use for humanitarian purposes, under our sanctions, under our laws, we always carve out humanitarian, food, medicine, medical equipment. So, what we did is we moved the money from one account in South Korea, to another account in Qatar, where the money could actually be used, but under the supervision of our Treasury Department, only for humanitarian purposes. And not a dollar of that money has been spent to date. And we retain the right to freeze that account.”


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7aa474 No.98583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724918 (122350ZOCT23) Notable: Roseanne Barr at Club 47 on the US Corporation

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Guise whaya think about this?

Roseanne had front row VIP seat at Club 47 the other night. DJT calls her and others out as 'infuencers' and thanks them vm.

The day before, Roseanne appears on the huge PBD show on YT saying 'Trump is The Commander in Chief'.

And, that Biden is POTUS of a defunct 'US Corporation'.

Check it out there's more.

Listen from 1hr 46

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7aa474 No.98584

File: 2387fdd465eb839⋯.jpg (168.87 KB,537x791,537:791,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8e0443c3844b3f3⋯.jpg (85.69 KB,675x1200,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724960 (122357ZOCT23) Notable: Roseanne Barr at Club 47 on the US Corporation

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The interviewer says WTF Roseanne and asks if 'this is QAanon?'

Roseanne says no, it's Continuation of Government and to do with some EOs Trump signed before he left office.

She says to look up Dr Jan Halper Hays who works for the Dept of Defence, and that she explains it.

So anon checks Dr Jan Halper (picrel) and finds she was on Trump's transition team and his long time friend from NY.

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7aa474 No.98585

File: 9c6911a73bfb525⋯.jpeg (888.81 KB,1125x1528,1125:1528,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 59ad0e1a47f303d⋯.jpeg (189.18 KB,1125x613,1125:613,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724972 (122359ZOCT23) Notable: Scalise Pulling Out Of Race For Speaker Of The House?

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7aa474 No.98586

File: 69c3f10ddb9bdf3⋯.png (257.33 KB,523x467,523:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19724984 (130002ZOCT23) Notable: Outrage With The ADL: Prominent Fringe-Left Groups Shamelessly Expressing Support For Hamas

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Some prominent fringe-left groups like chapters of the Democratic Socialists of America, are shamelessly expressing support for Hamas’s murderous attacks in the name of “resistance” and “liberation.”


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7aa474 No.98587

File: 3aa6003226aaa79⋯.png (1.88 MB,1288x1249,1288:1249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725044 (130010ZOCT23) Notable: Egypt Says I Told You So: Deep State in Israel allowed the attacks to happen

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The Deep State in Israel allowed the attacks to happen because the same Deep State launched the attacks using Hamas 'assets'.


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7aa474 No.98588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725063 (130013ZOCT23) Notable: For The LawFags? Dershowitz & Cornel West Discussing Israel & Palestine

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11:23 PM · Oct 11, 2023

WATCH - Cornel West, Alan Dershowitz, and Sean Hannity get into a heated debate about Israel and Palestine.

WEST: "The words were Israel's policies of war crimes and collective punishment against Palestinians in context, and Hamas must take responsibility for killing innocent people... 545 Palestinian children died in August 2004. Not one American said a word. I believe a Palestinian baby has the same value as an Israeli baby."

DERSHOWITZ: "I complained when Palestinian children were killed, but I explained why they were killed. Here is one of the leaders of Hamas. 'For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry. The elderly excel at this, and so do the children. This is why we have formed human shields of women and children.' Hamas is the one responsible for the killing of Palestinian children."

WEST: "I have the same outrage when Palestinian babies are killed as when Israeli babies are killed. I want you to have the same indignation when Palestinians are killed."

DERSHOWITZ: "You're running for President of the U.S. What would you do if terrorists were firing at American children in America and the terrorists were hiding behind Palestinian children? Would you allow the killing of Americans to continue?"

WEST: "First, truth and morality tend to be two casualties in any context of war. I would want to tell the American people the truth. I will tell them what the context is and how we found ourselves in this situation. I would not jump to a military invasion and a genocidal attack on Gaza. This is like Warsaw 1943. Where do they go?"

DERSHOWITZ: "They go the UN. The UN has places in Gaza. They go to Egypt. The Israelis have said to get out of Gaza City. Go to Rafah. Go to Khan Yunis. And you know what Hamas is saying. Don't go."

WEST: "With no water. No electricity. No food. I'm not here to defend Hamas. Don't you ever lie on me like that, brother. I'm defending the suffering of Palestinians. Anybody who commits war crimes is barbaric. I'm saying that explicitly. But I want you to say, if the Israeli Defense Force is killing children, are they barbaric too?"

DERSHOWITZ: "Never in history have they ever targeted a child deliberately. Not purposely. You don't have to be pure not to kill a child."

WEST: "Have they ever targeted children? They've never ever targeted a child? Brother, you've got to get off the crack pipe."


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7aa474 No.98589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725066 (130014ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder: POTUS Trump & Netanyahu over West Bank Settlements (2017)

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Trump and Netanyahu have awkward exchange over West Bank settlements

Feb 15, 2017

President Donald Trump welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House earlier on Wednesday.

During a press conference, the two heads of state shared an awkward exchange over the issue of settlements in the West Bank.


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7aa474 No.98590

File: 94c344d028d51aa⋯.png (588.7 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725186 (130032ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Had Been Secretly Planning Invasion Of Southern Israel For Two Years

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Report:Hamas Began Planning Attack on Israel Two Years Ago — After Afghanistan

Hamas began planning Saturday’s terrorist attacks across Israel two years ago, according to an interview Sunday by a senior Hamas official.

Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka told Russia Today on Sunday (via the Middle East Media Research Institute) that Hamas had been secretly planning the invasion of southern Israel for two years — which would mean after President Joe Biden took office, and after the disastrous, deadly U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“We have been preparing for this for two years. We have local factories for everything. We have rockets with ranges of 250 kms, 160 kms, 80 kms, 45 kms, and 10 kms,” he said in an October 8, 2023, Russia Today interview.

“We have factories for mortars and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing B-7 and B-10 guns and their shells. We have factories for manufacturing Kalashnikov rifles and their bullets. We have a Russian license to produce Kalashnikov bullets in Gaza,” he added.

Baraka saidHamas was assisted by Iran— a claim for which the Biden administration it lacks direct evidence. /moar

12 Oct 2023


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7aa474 No.98591

File: 6c2d4581cf8c19e⋯.jpg (95.12 KB,1060x612,265:153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725223 (130037ZOCT23) Notable: Iran's Raisi & Saudi Crown Prince Hold 1st Ever Phone Call Amid Israel-Gaza War

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Iran's Raisi & Saudi Crown Prince Hold 1st Ever Phone Call Amid Israel-Gaza War

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) held their first-ever telephone conversation late on Wednesday to discuss "the need to end war crimes against Palestine.”

State-run news agency Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said MBS stressed the “necessity of adhering to the principles of international humanitarian law and expressed deep concern for the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and its impact on civilians” and “reaffirmed the kingdom’s stance against targeting civilians in any way and the loss of innocent lives.”


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7aa474 No.98592

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725269 (130044ZOCT23) Notable: #24219

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#24219 Final Notes

>>98573 Seattle: "We need weeks & weeks, a month's worth of rain, to really start to refill reservoirs,"

>>98574 Israel-Hamas 'War' - Another Excuse To Shutdown Free Speech

>>98575 George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

>>98576 (Keks only) You Making The Frogs Gay: Female Frogs Play Dead To Avoid Male Advance

>>98577 Orthodox Jews w/ Palestinian Flag Escort IDF Out Of Their Neighborhood

>>98578 What About Ukraine? Russians Burst Into Avdiivka, Ukraine

>>98579 Black Swans Up Next?

>>98580 Change In Stock Futures Ahead Of Friday’s Big Bank Earnings?

>>98581 Evidence Shows Federal Workers And Biden Insiders Covered Up Classified Docs For Over A Year

>>98582 Blinken: Iran Has ‘Always Been Allowed to Use’ $6 Billion, We Just Moved it to Where It ‘Could Actually Be Used’

>>98583, >>98584 Roseanne Barr at Club 47 on the US Corporation

>>98585 Scalise Pulling Out Of Race For Speaker Of The House?

>>98586 Outrage With The ADL: Prominent Fringe-Left Groups Shamelessly Expressing Support For Hamas

>>98587 Egypt Says I Told You So: Deep State in Israel allowed the attacks to happen

>>98588 For The LawFags? Dershowitz & Cornel West Discussing Israel & Palestine

>>98589 Reminder: POTUS Trump & Netanyahu over West Bank Settlements (2017)

>>98590 Hamas Had Been Secretly Planning Invasion Of Southern Israel For Two Years

>>98591 Iran's Raisi & Saudi Crown Prince Hold 1st Ever Phone Call Amid Israel-Gaza War

Please carry anything notable over to next

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7aa474 No.98593

File: ba2ad20005eb692⋯.png (241.31 KB,870x232,15:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725306 (130048ZOCT23) Notable: #24220

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7aa474 No.98594

File: 45eb906a863b0bc⋯.png (1.7 MB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725329 (130053ZOCT23) Notable: @Borderwatch: 36 CBP vehicles. 50 miles on each patrol & we never see anyone but illegals. Wonder Why?

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Borderwatch.org @Borderwatch

Saw 36 Border Patrol vehicles, 8 Dept. Homeland Security vehicles. 12 National Guard, 7 Department Public Safety, 8 boats, several undercover vehicles, 3 buses, 3 bulldozers 3 skids 11 tents, and a dog !

All in one spot (Eagle Pass)counting illegal aliens as they cut the fence and let them in.

We drive 50 miles on each patrol. One way. We never see anyone except illegals.

Wonder why ?

I think the dog is the smartest in that crowd.

Oct 12, 2023, 11:29 AM


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7aa474 No.98595

File: 97bbe0157b75366⋯.png (351.42 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725380 (130100ZOCT23) Notable: Anon ponders Space Force

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Anons, I was driving home with my wife, listening to Alex Jones (yes, I know how lucky I am…) and it occurred to me: NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THE SPACE FORCE!

It doesn’t come up in Defense briefings, Secretary Austin doesn’t talk about them, it’s never brought up in WH press briefings, nobody in the “conservative” media mentions them, ANONS never post about them, hell, even TRUMP doesn’t talk about them! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY *NO* mention of them ANYWHERE.

From a research perspective, it’s become a blind spot for us, and we, as anons, have seemingly dropped the ball here. That’s why I am calling anons toACTION.

We MUST dedicate time into looking into this secretive branch of our military.

I’m not saying it needs to be the central focus of our efforts, but I AM saying we need to pay more attention to them.

What are their capabilities?

What’s their mandate?

What the fuck are they doing up there?!

I know these are unprecedented and historic times, but if you think for the sake of the Great Awakening the Space Force needs to be examined more, then please consider checking in on them from time to time.

God Speed, Patriots.

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7aa474 No.98596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725403 (130106ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI: President Trump meets Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in White House Oval Office (Jan 2020)

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President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Oval Office Meeting

January 27, 2020

President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House Oval Office.


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7aa474 No.98597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725433 (130110ZOCT23) Notable: 4 Books One Might Want To Have In Their Library

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There are only 4 books one needs in their library (in no particular order):

1) The Bible

2) Brave New World

3) 1984

4) Atlas Shrugged

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7aa474 No.98598

File: bf3aa9f6a86856e⋯.png (8.56 KB,521x126,521:126,Clipboard.png)

File: 42797eb56331663⋯.png (11.71 KB,521x161,521:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cf975e3eb3ec86⋯.png (10.34 KB,521x151,521:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725494 (130122ZOCT23) Notable: Speaker Of The House - Updates

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Speaker Updates:




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7aa474 No.98599

File: 4e90989c84eaeee⋯.png (553.7 KB,802x830,401:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725509 (130124ZOCT23) Notable: Rich McCormick (GA, R) introduced legislation to use frozen Russian assets to reimburse for Ukraine Aid

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EXCLUSIVE: GOP Rep Unveils Bill That Would

Allow US To Pay Itself Back For Ukraine

Aid With Frozen Russian Assets

Daily Caller, by Jake Smith

Posted By: 4250Luis, 10/12/2023 8:53:56 PM

Republican Georgia Rep. Rich McCormick introduced legislation on Wednesday that would allow the U.S. to use frozen Russian assets to reimburse itself for aid to Ukraine, according to a copy of the bill exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. Approximately $330 billion in Russian-related assets has been seized and frozen by the U.S. and NATO allies, as part of a larger effort to impose sanctions on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, the bill states. McCormick’s proposal, called the “Make Putin Pay” Act,

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7aa474 No.98600

File: f05bbe314421e5e⋯.png (81.89 KB,905x729,905:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725513 (130125ZOCT23) Notable: Poll: Designate BLM as terrorist organization given they're openly supporting Hamas?

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Should BLM be designated as a terrorist organization now that they are openly supporting Hamas?

A - 100% they are supporting the terror and murder of women, children, and the elderly.

B - No, they have not committed the crimes they support.

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7aa474 No.98601

File: 56794b8b149e9a9⋯.png (134.2 KB,384x408,16:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725552 (130132ZOCT23) Notable: Covering The Angles: IL's Pritzker says "some taxpayer funds were diverted to illegal immigrants"

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Democratic Governor Says Taxpayer Dollars Have Been Diverted to Care for Illegal Aliens

READ: http://w-j.co/s/289eb

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7aa474 No.98602

File: 4ffc60c37b5cf11⋯.png (62.7 KB,660x464,165:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725592 (130136ZOCT23) Notable: They Can't Have Their Cake & Eat It: Israeli Donor Quits Harvard Board After Woke, "Insensitive" Response to Hamas

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Israeli billionaire and his wife QUIT board of Harvard's famed Kennedy School of business after slamming college's woke president Claudine Gay's 'shocking and insensitive' response to Hamas massacre

Idan Ofer is the founder of Eastern Pacific Shipping reportedly worth over $14billion

His wife Batia told a Hebrew-language outlet that she and her husband are both quitting the school's executive board over their callous response to the attacks

She specifically cited President Claudine Gay's response to 31 Harvard organizations signing a letter placing the blame on Israel

By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com

Published: 20:51 EDT, 12 October 2023 | Updated: 21:16 EDT, 12 October 2023

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7aa474 No.98603

File: fa90c76d977500d⋯.png (527.6 KB,918x599,918:599,Clipboard.png)

File: ba508a2480647a4⋯.png (26.73 KB,871x165,871:165,Clipboard.png)

File: ef0ba4a986d1780⋯.png (52.84 KB,899x293,899:293,Clipboard.png)

File: b48ed5295cd994b⋯.png (62.12 KB,923x323,923:323,Clipboard.png)

File: a97cdf8e71841b8⋯.png (388.11 KB,573x602,573:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725875 (130212ZOCT23) Notable: Bridgeport Dem Registrar of Voters Patricia Howard admits she had not been following law regarding mail-in ballots

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Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

For the first time on Thursday, a judge began examining evidence in the legal case aimed at overturning the outcome of the Bridgeport Mayoral Primary in Connecticut.

The investigation comes in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the state’s largest city, where surveillance footage captured a woman inserting multiple pieces of paper into an absentee ballot drop box just one week before the mayoral primary election.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video last month showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said on his Facebook page.

“This is an undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation. It’s time to restore lasting credibility to our city’s democracy. Once and for ALL. Enough is enough!” he added.


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7aa474 No.98604

File: b63689a16278cce⋯.png (222.68 KB,600x503,600:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19725970 (130227ZOCT23) Notable: Initial Reports IDF Arrested Senior Hamas Leader Azis Dweik in Overnight Raid in West Bank

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Initial Reports that Israeli Defense Forces have conducted an Overnight Raid in the West Bank which led to the Arrest of Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and Senior Hamas Leader, Aziz Dweik; Dweik is also seen by many Palestinians as the Interim-President of the Palestinian National Authority.


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7aa474 No.98605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726010 (130232ZOCT23) Notable: #24220

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Would Appreciate if you could take it, tbh

#24220 >>98593

>>98594 @Borderwatch: 36 CBP vehicles. 50 miles on each patrol & we never see anyone but illegals. Wonder Why?

>>98595 Anon ponders Space Force

>>98596 ICYMI: President Trump meets Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in White House Oval Office (Jan 2020)

>>98597 4 Books One Might Want To Have In Their Library

>>98598 Speaker Of The House - Updates

>>98599 Rich McCormick (GA, R) introduced legislation to use frozen Russian assets to reimburse for Ukraine Aid

>>98600 Poll: Designate BLM as terrorist organization given they're openly supporting Hamas?

>>98601 Covering The Angles: IL's Pritzker says "some taxpayer funds were diverted to illegal immigrants"

>>98602 They Can't Have Their Cake & Eat It: Israeli Donor Quits Harvard Board After Woke, "Insensitive" Response to Hamas

>>98603 Bridgeport Dem Registrar of Voters Patricia Howard admits she had not been following law regarding mail-in ballots

>>98604 Initial Reports IDF Arrested Senior Hamas Leader Azis Dweik in Overnight Raid in West Bank

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7aa474 No.98606

File: b062816d47dcc72⋯.jpg (70.95 KB,900x563,900:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726069 (130238ZOCT23) Notable: #24221

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7aa474 No.98607

File: 72ec11ac57cd6ea⋯.png (1.76 MB,1165x1212,1165:1212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726083 (130241ZOCT23) Notable: Unsatisfied With Merely Pushing Degenerate Movies, Disney To Begin Online Gambling Den

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Unsatisfied With Merely Pushing Degenerate Movies, Disney To Begin Online Gambling Den



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7aa474 No.98608

File: 6b1bd02a3961515⋯.png (297.55 KB,744x580,186:145,Clipboard.png)

File: eec2df5b9273f3e⋯.png (305.51 KB,711x604,711:604,Clipboard.png)

File: a2934835b0a65cc⋯.png (462.89 KB,763x597,763:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f951657dd8d706⋯.png (320.21 KB,795x595,159:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 88f7f9b45ebcd1f⋯.png (526.21 KB,759x597,253:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726087 (130243ZOCT23) Notable: Drones Up Near Turkey/Romania

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Drones Up Near Turkey/Romania


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7aa474 No.98609

File: 0049d975345b843⋯.png (1.69 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726110 (130248ZOCT23) Notable: Trump says Hamas attacked Israel because Biden is a 'laughingstock'

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Trump says Hamas attacked Israel because Biden is a 'laughingstock' and claims Democratic president is on drugs at Florida campaign event with House rabble-rouser Matt Gaetz and comedian Roseanne Barr

Former President Donald Trump headlined a 'Club 47' event in West Palm Beach, Florida Wednesday night

There he claimed that Israel wouldn't have been attacked by Hamas had the 2020 election not been 'rigged'

Trump also pushed, without evidence, that President Joe Biden was on drugs


PUBLISHED: 21:29 EDT, 11 October 2023 | —UPDATED: 02:23 EDT, 12 October 2023—

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7aa474 No.98610

File: 4b25cf064d85560⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,391x127,391:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726185 (130258ZOCT23) Notable: Matt Gaetz LIVE on Twit-X

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Interesting shit going on live on "X"....Matt Gaetz...

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7aa474 No.98611

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726196 (130259ZOCT23) Notable: Israel tells 1.1 million to leave the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

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Middle East

7 minutes ago

Live blog:Israel warns 1.1 million in Gaza to relocate south

As Israel-Palestine war reaches its seventh day, Israeli military pulverizes besieged Gaza with air strikes ahead of a possible ground invasion with civil defence workers still pulling bodies from the rubble and counting the dead

Friday, October 13, 2023

0245 GMT — Israeli military has informed UN that all Palestinians north of Wadi Gaza should relocate to southern Gaza in next 24 hours, UN spokesman said, adding that's approximately 1.1 million besieged people.

UN strongly appeals for any such order to be rescinded to avoid a "calamitous situation," the spokesman added.


where do a million trapped people go?

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7aa474 No.98612

File: 26c4e6908fe87a4⋯.png (455.78 KB,920x770,92:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726209 (130301ZOCT23) Notable: Israel tells 1.1 million to leave the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

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BREAKING - Israel tells UN to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours, Axios reports

10:48 PM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726210 (130301ZOCT23) Notable: Latest U.S. Marshals Operation North Star III Nabs More Than 4,400 Fugitives

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Latest U.S. Marshals Operation North Star III Nabs More Than 4,400 Fugitives

OCTOBER 10, 2023

San Juan PR – The U.S. Marshals Service’s (USMS) latest high-impact fugitive apprehension initiative, dubbed Operation North Star III (ONS III), focused on 20 cities over three months, has resulted in 4,455 fugitive arrests.

Of those arrested, 2,818 were wanted for violent offenses, to include homicide, forcible sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and firearms violations. Investigators also seized 555 firearms, more than $1 million in illicit currency and 85 kilograms of illegal narcotics.

The primary jurisdictions of ONS III were Albuquerque; Baltimore; Buffalo, New York; Chicago; Cleveland; Columbus, Ohio; Detroit; Houston; Indianapolis; Jackson, Mississippi; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angeles; Memphis, Tennessee; Milwaukee; New Orleans; New York; Oakland, California; Philadelphia; Puerto Rico; and Washington, D.C.

In total, 105 fugitives were apprehended in Puerto Rico, including seven from the Puerto Rico Police Department’s 10 Most Wanted list, three from the U.S. Marshals 10 Most Wanted list, and seven fugitive sexual offenders.

Notable arrests included:

Heidy Marmolejo-Garcia was arrested for planning and collaborating in the homicide of her ex-boyfriend. During the investigation, information was received of a possible location in Texas. The District of Puerto Rico, in collaboration with the USMS North Texas Fugitive Task Force, arrested Marmolejo-Garcia on July 19.

Martin V. Vazquez was wanted by the state of Ohio for aggravated assault and sexual assault of a minor since 1993. The state of Ohio requested assistance for his capture from the District of Puerto Rico. On August 11, Vázquez was arrested by the USMS Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force in the municipality of Naranjito.

Osward Oliveras-Cardona was the prime suspect in several homicides in the metropolitan area. On July 31, the fugitive opened fire on three municipal officers, leaving two of them wounded and one of them dead. On August 10, the USMS Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force in San Juan located and arrested Oliveras-Cardona.

Santiago Apolinar-Rondon was wanted for the homicide of two brothers in a restaurant, Ropa Vieja, who were working at the time of the events. On July 13, Apolinar-Rondón was arrested by the USMS Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force.

Michael Reyes-Vázquez was the leader of a criminal organization called "Los Marcianos," which was dedicated to drug trafficking and was linked to a series of homicides in the metropolitan area. The USMS Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force launched an investigation that culminated in the arrest of Reyes Vázquez on June 2.

"The fact that Puerto Rico has been chosen to be part of the task force of Operation North Star III is an important distinction for the office of the United States Marshals Service, District of Puerto Rico,” said U.S. Marshal Wilmer Ocasio-Ibarra. “This action by the U.S. Attorney General's Office is an honor for our workforce here at the District of Puerto Rico. It is important to note that thanks to the support of our sister law and order agencies, these violent and dangerous fugitives have been apprehended and brought to justice. We thank the citizens for their cooperation. Their help has contributed to reducing criminal violence here and, in every city, where this operation took place."

This enforcement action marks the third ONS since July 2022. In total, U.S. Marshals have apprehended more than 6,700 wanted fugitives, of which 900 were charged with homicide, in addition to removing more than 900 weapons associated to violent crime. The concept behind interagency law enforcement operations such as ONS evolved largely from regional and district fugitive task forces. Since the 1980s, the U.S. Marshals Service has combined their resources and expertise with local, state, and federal agencies to find and apprehend dangerous fugitives.


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7aa474 No.98614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726213 (130301ZOCT23) Notable: Israel tells 1.1 million to leave the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

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7aa474 No.98615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726246 (130305ZOCT23) Notable: SpaceX wins $70 million Space Force contract for Starshield military satellites

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SpaceX wins $70 million Space Force contract for Starshield military satellites

Brett Tingley

SpaceX has won its first contract with the United States Space Force for its new Starshield satellite constellation.

The one-year contract is worth $70 million and was confirmed by a Space Force spokesperson in a statement given to CNBC. SpaceX has not yet commented on the contract.

Though little is known about Starshield, SpaceX has revealed some key aspects of the endeavor. For instance, this project will use the same type of broadband technology found in the company's Starlink satellite constellation, yet will be geared towards government uses, particularly by the U.S. military and its associated agencies. SpaceX also has an official website for the project.

"Starshield leverages SpaceX's Starlink technology and launch capability to support national security efforts," the site states.

Related: SpaceX reveals 'Starshield' satellite project for national security use

According to the same site, the project will have three main uses: Earth observation, communications and hosting "the most demanding customer payload missions." That third use leaves open the possibility of a wide variety of instruments and mission types. "Starshield satellites are capable of integrating a wide variety of payloads, offering unique versatility to users," SpaceX adds.

Starlink, SpaceX's consumer broadband communications satellite network, is used primarily for high-speed internet access in remote areas, at sea or at sites without existing internet infrastructure. However, Starlink has been used widely by the Ukrainian government and military throughout Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

The U.S. Air Force has also tested Starlink for military purposes as early as 2020. This is when the Air Force conducted a "massive live fire" exercise that saw the satellites provide communication links between military assets spread throughout the U.S. to help shoot down a drone and a cruise missile. "SpaceX has been a great industry partner for us," then-U.S. Air Force acquisition chief William Roper told reporters at the time. "They are very excited and we are excited to learn more about their satellites through the demonstration."

Starshield will offer higher levels of cybersecurity than typical Starlink satellites, according to SpaceX's Starshield page, featuring "additional high-assurance cryptographic capability to host classified payloads and process data securely, meeting the most demanding government requirements."

The satellites will be able to communicate with existing Starlink satellites through a laser communications systems already aboard SpaceX's massive broadband constellation, potentially boosting the range and capabilities of Starshield as the company and the Pentagon develop the new military-focused constellation.

SpaceX has already launched more than 5,000 Starlink satellites to date, according to astronomer Jonathan McDowell, and over 4,000 remain operational. The company has applied to launch nearly 30,000 additional satellites on top of those.

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7aa474 No.98616

File: f745159a1de41c2⋯.png (477.76 KB,998x504,499:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726317 (130313ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Jan Halper calls out Matrixxx, Shady & Authority Q as Disinformation & Division

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This is a must listen to ! https://rumble.com/v3oskih-dr.-jan-halper-hayes-congress-your-jig-is-up.html

Dr. Jan Halper calls out Matrixxx, Shady & Authority Q as Disinformation & Division...

it is incredible in so far as she’s from President Trump’s transition team, is on a DoD task force, her viral video was reposted by Trump and he called it a “masterpiece.”

“Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is fantastic.”

Streamed today, Thursday, October 12th at 11AM Pacific Time — on RUMBLE

Dr. Jan discusses the temperature… *infighting on social media, and much more!

00:01 - Intro & Bio

03:18 - Not a Psyop but taking the temperature.

03:50 - Concerned about the unity, certain groups on social media that are making claims.

05:40 - right now they are really concerned about 3 podcaster groups

1️ Shady Groove,

2️ intheMatrixxx,

3️The Authority Q

Elijah Streams

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7aa474 No.98617

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726339 (130317ZOCT23) Notable: Dr. Jan Halper calls out Matrixxx, Shady & Authority Q as Disinformation & Division

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7aa474 No.98618

File: 4d77b521414f219⋯.png (238.59 KB,522x433,522:433,Clipboard.png)

File: a97ed166c3b5b79⋯.png (11.65 KB,531x140,531:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726354 (130319ZOCT23) Notable: Israel tells 1.1 million to leave the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

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BREAKING - Israel tells UN to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours, Axios reports


UPDATE: UN asks Israel to rescind northern Gaza evacuation order to avoid 'devastating' consequences: statement


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7aa474 No.98619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726404 (130326ZOCT23) Notable: Sudan claiming to show Ukrainian special forces present in the country.

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Sudan claiming to show Ukrainian special forces present in the country.

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7aa474 No.98620

File: 67fc2614e9d324a⋯.png (411.66 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8803226be6f72d2⋯.png (1.09 MB,1025x1280,205:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 80733382f2a7c61⋯.png (1.78 MB,1284x1409,1284:1409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726411 (130327ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Attack Manual Discovered; Plan for ‘Raid,’ ‘Hostages’ Since 2022

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PHOTOS:Hamas Attack Manual Discovered; Plan for ‘Raid,’ ‘Hostages’ Since 2022

A manual reportedly used by Palestinian Hamas terrorists has been discovered by first responders in a Toyota pickup truck used in Saturday’s attack on Israel.

Dating to October 2022, the “operational document” includes plans for a raid on Israeli towns near Gaza, including details about breaching the border fence, and about expected Israeli defenses. The plan also called for taking “prisoner soldiers, residents, and … hostages for negotiations.” The plan was circulated Thursday by “South First Responders” on Telegram. /moar

The fact that the manual is dated October 2022 — a full year before the attack on Saturday, Oct. 7 — suggests that Hamas has been planning the attack for a long time, likely with assistance, funding, and equipment from Iran. A senior Hamas official told Russia Today on Sunday that Hamas had been planning the attack for two years, and was surprised by its success. /moar

12 Oct 2023


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7aa474 No.98621

File: f6d7bbe4b4cca2c⋯.png (150.83 KB,537x587,537:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726427 (130330ZOCT23) Notable: Map showing area to be evacuated

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7aa474 No.98622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726455 (130335ZOCT23) Notable: TIMES OF ISRAEL claims that Trump is privately calling for Netanyahu to be ‘impeached,’ asking aides if he should do so publicly [true or false? ANONS DIG]

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Trump privately calling for Netanyahu to be ‘impeached,’ asking aides if he should do so publicly

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7aa474 No.98623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726480 (130339ZOCT23) Notable: Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said in Oct 8 interview that Hamas had been secretly planning the invasion of southern Israel for two years

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Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said in an October 8, 2023 interview that aired on Russia Today TV that Hamas had been secretly planning the invasion of southern Israel for two years, even as it was making it seem like it was busy governing the Gaza Strip. He explained that this is the reason Hamas did not join the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in its previous round of fighting against Israel. He said that Hamas notified its allies in other Palestinian factions, in Hizbullah, in Iran, in Turkey, and in Russia only after the invasion started, and he stated that any prisoner exchange deal should involve Hamas prisoners held in the United States. Later in the interview, Baraka said that Hamas has a license from Russia to locally produce bullets for Kalashnikovs, that Russia sympathizes with Hamas, and that it is pleased with the war because it is easing American pressure on it with regard to the war in Ukraine.

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7aa474 No.98624

File: 497e5777c9c8a01⋯.png (789.89 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 89083749eef164b⋯.png (531.56 KB,595x728,85:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726486 (130340ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza - One Of The Most Densely Populated Places On Earth

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Gaza - One Of The Most Densely Populated Places On Earth

Explainer: Gaza - One Of The Most Densely Populated Places On Earth Scarred By War

Gaza is home to over two million people living on a 362-square-kilometre (140 square miles) strip of land.

The Gaza Strip has virtually no industry and suffers from a chronic lack of water, fuel and electricity.

Around half of the population is unemployed, according to the World Bank, and more than two-thirds are reliant on development aid.

October 08, 2023


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7aa474 No.98625

File: 0b8a6c4b24cac02⋯.jpg (152 KB,720x1141,720:1141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1c34c9717717724⋯.mp4 (2.67 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726493 (130341ZOCT23) Notable: AOC on Israeli situation

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The United States’ responsibility is to human rights. That means supporting the safety of the Israeli people and preventing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Oh SHIT! AOC farts on camera

@ :39 seconds she releases methane into the atmosphere KEK

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7aa474 No.98626

File: 9d74124033d11f5⋯.png (322.88 KB,949x592,949:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726532 (130349ZOCT23) Notable: PF: US on Ground in Israel, No Callsign UTAH

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US on Ground in Israel

No Callsign


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7aa474 No.98627

File: 551619059076452⋯.png (168.94 KB,559x540,559:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726549 (130353ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Thomas Massie: It’s time to elect Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House

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Thomas Massie


Steve Scalise resigned from the Speaker’s race today. It’s time to elect Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House. America agrees.

11:29 PM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98628

File: aaef2d6709dd225⋯.png (585.21 KB,917x1576,917:1576,Clipboard.png)


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>>98612 (me)



Minutes ago, Israel requested the UN to inform Gaza residents in the North to evacuate to the South.

The UN quickly responded, urging Israel to revoke this request, to prevent severe humanitarian consequences.

Now, the Palestinian Government Media reacts, urging citizens to ignore the request:

'The warning to the residents of Gaza to relocate is false propaganda and we urge our citizens not to follow it.'

11:54 PM · Oct 12, 2023·4,290 Views

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7aa474 No.98629

File: 1d1bdf3e64969a1⋯.png (113.26 KB,398x372,199:186,Clipboard.png)

File: aada95c90766f2e⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726715 (130422ZOCT23) Notable: Scavino re DJT: “There can be no coexistence with this violence..."

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


“There can be no coexistence with this violence. There can be no tolerating it, no accepting it, no excusing it, and no ignoring it. Every time a terrorist murders an innocent person, and falsely invokes the name of God, it should be an insult to every person of faith. Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death…..”


12:09 AM · Oct 13, 2023





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7aa474 No.98630

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726718 (130424ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA WAR - LIVE

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Lookner has it live (no homo)

>>>/qresearch/19726708 (me)

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7aa474 No.98631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726723 (130426ZOCT23) Notable: Two survivors of Nova festival in Israel give first full account of what happened

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EXCLUSIVE: Two survivors of Nova festival in Israel give first full account of how Hamas slaughtered their friends, took one hostage... and what they endured to survive. Now watch and read how they escaped - all caught on dramatic video


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7aa474 No.98632

File: 2870209d8e4727e⋯.png (311.18 KB,537x578,537:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726738 (130429ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Planned Parenthood announces the IDF has destroyed their only facility in Gaza in an airstrike

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸



BREAKING: Planned Parenthood announces the IDF has destroyed their only facility in Gaza in an airstrike


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7aa474 No.98633

File: f17282f3cad2ce9⋯.png (104.26 KB,537x409,537:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726774 (130435ZOCT23) Notable: Poso reminder of Trump's tweet: "The Supreme Art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

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7aa474 No.98634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726783 (130438ZOCT23) Notable: @24221

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#24221 >>98606

>>98611 , >>98612, >>98614, >>98618 Israel tells 1.1 million to leave the northern Gaza Strip within 24 hours

>>98621 Map showing area to be evacuated

>>98624 Gaza - One Of The Most Densely Populated Places On Earth


>>98607 Unsatisfied With Merely Pushing Degenerate Movies, Disney To Begin Online Gambling Den

>>98608 Drones Up Near Turkey/Romania

>>98609 Trump says Hamas attacked Israel because Biden is a 'laughingstock'

>>98610 Matt Gaetz LIVE on Twit-X

>>98613 Latest U.S. Marshals Operation North Star III Nabs More Than 4,400 Fugitives

>>98615 SpaceX wins $70 million Space Force contract for Starshield military satellites

>>98617, >>98616 Dr. Jan Halper calls out Matrixxx, Shady & Authority Q as Disinformation & Division

>>98619 Sudan claiming to show Ukrainian special forces present in the country.

>>98620 Hamas Attack Manual Discovered; Plan for ‘Raid,’ ‘Hostages’ Since 2022

>>98622 TIMES OF ISRAEL claims that Trump is privately calling for Netanyahu to be ‘impeached,’ asking aides if he should do so publicly [true or false? ANONS DIG]

>>98623 Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka said in Oct 8 interview that Hamas had been secretly planning the invasion of southern Israel for two years

>>98625 AOC on Israeli situation

>>98626 PF: US on Ground in Israel, No Callsign UTAH

>>98627 Rep. Thomas Massie: It’s time to elect Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House

>>98629 Scavino re DJT: “There can be no coexistence with this violence..."

>>98630 GAZA WAR - LIVE

>>98631 Two survivors of Nova festival in Israel give first full account of what happened

>>98632 BREAKING: Planned Parenthood announces the IDF has destroyed their only facility in Gaza in an airstrike

>>98633 Poso reminder of Trump's tweet: "The Supreme Art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."



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7aa474 No.98635

File: 060b6f2b4e6f9cf⋯.png (149.65 KB,337x339,337:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726789 (130439ZOCT23) Notable: #24222

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baker seeking handy, will ghost soon

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7aa474 No.98636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726825 (130447ZOCT23) Notable: Sputnik: Israel Used White Phosphorus in Lebanon, Gaza Strikes, according to Human Rights Watch

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Israel Used White Phosphorus in Lebanon, Gaza Strikes, Human Rights Watch Finds


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7aa474 No.98637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726852 (130454ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA Watch LIVE

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the rooster is still crowing. cam viewers have affectionately named him Steve.


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7aa474 No.98638

File: 40e037073192162⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726863 (130457ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA Watch LIVE

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98639

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726867 (130458ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA Watch LIVE

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7aa474 No.98640

File: c8d18b4483b43e9⋯.png (332.17 KB,490x495,98:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19726918 (130519ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA Watch LIVE

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7aa474 No.98641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727028 (130556ZOCT23) Notable: Wind Turbine Illegal Dump Site

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Wind Turbine Illegal Dump Site

Texas: The city of Sweetwater and Nolan County have approximately 4,000 used wind turbine blades laying in two different dump sites. The company that said they would take them for recycling is nowhere to be found. Now, the sites have been declared illegal dumping grounds.


Aug 25, 2022


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7aa474 No.98642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727104 (130638ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli man makes video teasing Palestinians for not having water or electricity

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>Israeli man makes video teasing Palestinians for not having water or electricity

they really dont see where this is going

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7aa474 No.98643

File: 1807dacfb307618⋯.png (769.06 KB,750x541,750:541,Clipboard.png)

File: ce44761bfd5b5b1⋯.png (1.53 MB,898x1143,898:1143,Clipboard.png)

File: c636dfeb0fe292a⋯.png (128.58 KB,750x246,125:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 807d4acddfe77c8⋯.png (676.8 KB,689x1491,689:1491,Clipboard.png)

File: 6587b233ac41912⋯.png (268.34 KB,937x723,937:723,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727110 (130639ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - Sean Hannity and Vivek Ramaswamy, tonight…

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Donald J. Trump


Sean Hannity and Vivek Ramaswamy, tonight…

Oct 13, 2023, 1:13 AM


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7aa474 No.98644

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727111 (130641ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump - Sean Hannity and Vivek Ramaswamy, tonight…

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"I think it is asinine that people that work in defense should not be qualified to be President. I think people that have never held public office, like you, maybe shit, they aren't qualified to be President." Sean Hannity to Vivek Ramaswamy after a 7 mins of bullshit



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7aa474 No.98645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727123 (130645ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Protests in Iraq and Jordan; Gaza streams

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LIVE: Protests in Iraq and Jordan; Gaza streams

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7aa474 No.98646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727138 (130651ZOCT23) Notable: George Washington’s 1796 farewell address as the first president of the United States, he issued a stern warning against the poisonous influence of foreign govt's

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In George Washington’s 1796 farewell address as the first president of the United States, he issued a stern warning against the poisonous influence of foreign governments on the affairs of the young nation.

"Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence... the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government."

While Washington resisted foreign influence as president, the framers of the Constitution recognized that the possibility of a corruptible American president was real.

“In the words of the constitutional scholar Cecilia Kenyon, many of the founders were ‘men of little faith,’” says Bilder. “They fundamentally believed that people’s private ambitions and thirst for more power or money were powerful motivators. You couldn't rely on the goodness of human nature. In fact, you had to create these redundant structures to guard against it.”


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7aa474 No.98647

File: ac85ee116cfcc45⋯.png (509.11 KB,785x903,785:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727145 (130653ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Marshals Service’s (USMS) has resulted in 4,455 fugitive arrests.

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MIAMI (USMS) – The U.S. Marshals Service’s (USMS) latest high-impact fugitive apprehension initiative, dubbed Operation North Star III (ONS III), focused on 20 cities over three months, has resulted in 4,455 fugitive arrests.

Of those arrested, 2,818 were wanted for violent offenses, to include homicide, forcible sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and firearms violations. Investigators also seized 555 firearms, more than $1 million in illicit currency and 85 kilograms of illegal narcotics.

The primary jurisdictions of ONS III were Albuquerque; Baltimore; Buffalo, New York; Chicago; Cleveland; Columbus, Ohio; Detroit; Houston; Indianapolis; Jackson, Mississippi; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angeles; Memphis, Tennessee; Milwaukee; New Orleans; New York; Oakland, California; Philadelphia; Puerto Rico; and Washington, D.C.

In total, 105 fugitives were apprehended in Puerto Rico, including seven from the Puerto Rico Police Department’s 10 Most Wanted list, three from the U.S. Marshals 10 Most Wanted list, and seven fugitive sexual offenders.

Notable arrests included:


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7aa474 No.98648

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727218 (130724ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump So much for RFK Jr. being a Republican!

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Donald J. Trump



So much for RFK Jr. being a Republican!

Oct 13, 2023, 12:49 AM


RFK Jr. saying his truths



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7aa474 No.98649

File: 933c09e24fc905a⋯.png (1.78 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 8428e08f0e6b1dc⋯.png (420.23 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f3985041ae8125⋯.png (1.08 MB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727219 (130724ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Call sign BD11. Squawk 4262. USAF F-16 Fighting Falcon 89-2030 up from Aviano AFB and flying over the Adriatic Sea. Speeds have been supersonic at times during this flight.

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7aa474 No.98650

File: bb411ae364eec89⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: e598725e2ed58e6⋯.png (1.14 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b385217e51d8ca⋯.png (1.4 MB,1600x1087,1600:1087,Clipboard.png)

File: cf22ce800a20ddc⋯.png (2.69 MB,1600x1083,1600:1083,Clipboard.png)

File: a9ca85d670c139c⋯.png (1.75 MB,1600x1113,1600:1113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727305 (130759ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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USN 737 getting escort from German Eurofighter.




USAF F-16 returning Aviano AFB.

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7aa474 No.98651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727325 (130810ZOCT23) Notable: Bloomberg NY headquarters changes roof colors from Ukrainian to Israeli

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🇺🇸 Bloomberg's headquarters in New York for the first time since the beginning of the special military operation changed the neon image of the Ukrainian flag on the roof - now it is in the colors of Israel.




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7aa474 No.98652

File: b93335c1dc20a6d⋯.png (901.51 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727345 (130823ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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Turkey flying in military cargo aircraft around 30 miles SW of Gaza.

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7aa474 No.98653

File: ae2bd80efd3ddc9⋯.png (576.18 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727353 (130826ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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Looks like the pilot lined up on the wrong runway?

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7aa474 No.98654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727362 (130839ZOCT23) Notable: DEMOLITION BY DERIVATIVES: When Will The Banksters Trigger That Quadrillion Dollar Market Implosion

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DEMOLITION BY DERIVATIVES: When Will The Banksters Trigger That Quadrillion Dollar Market Implosion

I saw the information on DTCC and "Cede" here a while ago. This is about that.

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7aa474 No.98655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727391 (130906ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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>Now Special Air Mission being escorted by Belgian F-16.

Getting the blackmail tapes out of country?

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7aa474 No.98656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727399 (130910ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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prepare for insecurity? invasion?

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7aa474 No.98657

File: 7213e60265e7693⋯.png (1.72 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727420 (130926ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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>Two flights of two USAF F-15s out of RAF Lakenheath/Mildenhall.



Maybe Aviano AFB?

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7aa474 No.98658

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727429 (130931ZOCT23) Notable: @EricTrump tells @KariLake what he’ll do when President Trump wins the 2024 Election: MAKE POPCORN!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



@EricTrump tells @KariLake what he’ll do when President Trump wins the 2024 Election:

“I will pop the greatest bag of popcorn that day that he wins, because I’m telling you, he will upend the system like never before.”



@EricTrump tells @KariLake what he’ll do when President Trump wins the 2024 Election: “I will pop the greatest bag of popcorn that day that he wins, because I’m telling you, he will upend the system like never before.”



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7aa474 No.98659

File: d422fd1c938f392⋯.png (373.78 KB,590x572,295:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727437 (130933ZOCT23) Notable: Poso:Govt will use atrocities to pursue their agenda

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING: Govt will use atrocities to pursue their agenda. Don't be surprised if they use a war to cancel the 2024 election or skip the gulags to draft Trump supporters for war with Iran

ALEX STEIN: Modern warfare is Twitter, Instagram, and social media


Human Events

8:38 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98660

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727442 (130939ZOCT23) Notable: Rand Paul says he has enough to put Fauci in jail

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Rand Paul says he now has evidence that will "bring down" Dr. Fauci. He funded 8 different agencies to hide the the money trail, and Paul has an email from Fauci in Jan 2020 freakin out that he knew it was gain of function and knew it came from Wuhan. He knowingly lied to congress



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7aa474 No.98661

File: 5427a9ffa456c0b⋯.png (137.52 KB,408x555,136:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727444 (130941ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump must stop talking about Israel’s military and defensive areas of weakness and vulnerability

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President Trump (https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111225817006129441) - American “Security Analysts,” and people that work for Crooked Joe Biden, must stop talking about Israel’s military and defensive areas of weakness and vulnerability, giving the enemies ideas that will not be allowed to exist, because the United States of America will stand FULLY behind Israel!

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7aa474 No.98662

File: 841d132381984e1⋯.png (265.6 KB,591x795,197:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727450 (130944ZOCT23) Notable: @AmThoughtLeader: I asked @Kash based on his experience, how many positions in federal agencies don't need to exist: "At least 1/3."

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Truth Details

55 replies


American Thought Leaders


I asked @Kash based on his experience, how many positions in federal agencies don't need to exist.

"At least 1/3."

"You have these billets & positions added over years…Every year, they're looking to justify their existence."

🔴 PREMIERE 9PM ET on @EpochTV: ept.ms/S1012KashPatel

Oct 12, 2023, 10:21 AM

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7aa474 No.98663

File: 99c64067106acf8⋯.png (1.33 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727458 (130956ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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Aviano AFB about to get busy. Two F-16s from the Netherlands and Four USAF F-15s arriving.

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7aa474 No.98664

File: 755919cf55a4ae0⋯.png (243.1 KB,603x825,201:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727460 (130957ZOCT23) Notable: Mortgage rates have hit a 23-year high.

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Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Mortgage rates have hit a 23-year high.

The average 30-year fixed mortgage rate is now 8.1%

People with mortgages under 4%, how are you feeling? Any plans to move in the near future?


7:09 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98665

File: d90893ce8f0a825⋯.jpg (83.78 KB,371x207,371:207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727466 (131002ZOCT23) Notable: GAZA Watch LIVE

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screen cap from vid feed

there's a tank meeting at the border

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7aa474 No.98666

File: d7aa47e905d67a7⋯.png (433.56 KB,587x510,587:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727468 (131004ZOCT23) Notable: Tensions erupt in Paris as riot police deployed after Pro Palestine protests

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Insider Paper


JUST IN - Tensions erupt in Paris as riot police deployed after Pro Palestine protests


Timothée Forget

11:22 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727469 (131004ZOCT23) Notable: re Dr. Jan Halper talking about receiving call from to SPACE FORCE in Hawaii

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>98617, >>98616 Dr. Jan Halper calls out Matrixxx, Shady & Authority Q as Disinformation & Division PN

Starts at 9:18 in the video:

Anons, did you catch at the beginning Steve was welcoming Jan and saying it was not too late for her, its about 7 pm on UK time, she says its not too late I’m up at all hours and Space Force is often calling from Hawaii so we have an 11 hour time difference

Why is Space Force calling her?

•. She said she works for DOD.

• Space Force created by Trump

• Does Space Force have a base in HI?

• Did Space Force track and know who did the attack on Maui?

• Does Space Force have Q clearance?

•. Is that why Pelosi wanted to dissolve the new agency?

Pretty interesting, did she just reveal the agency that she works with under the DOD early on. This makes me more curious about her true role, so is Q in Space Force? He sure knew a lot about satellites.

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7aa474 No.98668

File: ada05c6d199a672⋯.png (418.1 KB,580x636,145:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727471 (131005ZOCT23) Notable: Flynn says worth a listen: Byrne: What REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Michael T. Flynn 🙏🏼 🇺🇸


Fascinating and informative. Well worth the listen.



That REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure


Oct 12, 2023, 10:55 PM

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7aa474 No.98669

File: 6ced53c949acd34⋯.png (326.82 KB,583x717,583:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727479 (131008ZOCT23) Notable: X22 Report on Shadow Deals Coming to Light

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



X22 Report



Oct 12, 2023, 12:15 PM

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7aa474 No.98670

File: 8bbb42d64b1e544⋯.png (217.03 KB,600x737,600:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727489 (131012ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken lands in Amman, Jordan amid Israel-Hamas war

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Insider Paper


JUST IN - Blinken lands in Amman, Jordan amid Israel-Hamas war


John Hudson

11:29 AM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98671

File: d0cffd7d383a69d⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e28c2a1df7cfe⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727507 (131021ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98672

File: d3a24ce8169c70f⋯.png (1.44 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 27ff25299a6cd94⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727511 (131027ZOCT23) Notable: >>9727371, PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98673

File: 46e354873681087⋯.png (59.14 KB,701x564,701:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727557 (131059ZOCT23) Notable: The Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa, BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama

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The Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa,

BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 10/13/2023 6:19:36 AM

If the most informative response to the Hamas atrocities was Victor Davis Hanson’s Twitter post on Israel’s “50th anniversary war,” then the most interesting was written in The Spectator by Brendan O’Neill, who asked “why isn’t Antifa condemning the tide of anti-Semitism?” “Where is Antifa?” he wondered. “Where are those self-styled anti-fascists who love to rage against anything that is even vaguely reminiscent of the 1930s?” He knows what the rest of us do: That there’s nothing anti-fascist about Antifa. “To the modern left, everything is fascism except actual fascism,” says O’Neill.

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7aa474 No.98674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727568 (131107ZOCT23) Notable: #24222

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final bun o' fun for #24222

hold yer laties tight its clos'n time

czech em

#24222 >>98635

>>98637, >>98639, >>98638, >>98640, >>98665 GAZA Watch LIVE

>>98636 Sputnik: Israel Used White Phosphorus in Lebanon, Gaza Strikes, according to Human Rights Watch

>>98641 Wind Turbine Illegal Dump Site

>>98642 Israeli man makes video teasing Palestinians for not having water or electricity

>>98643, >>98644 @realDonaldTrump - Sean Hannity and Vivek Ramaswamy, tonight…

>>98645 LIVE: Protests in Iraq and Jordan; Gaza streams

>>98646 George Washington’s 1796 farewell address as the first president of the United States, he issued a stern warning against the poisonous influence of foreign govt's

>>98647 U.S. Marshals Service’s (USMS) has resulted in 4,455 fugitive arrests.

>>98648 @realDonaldTrump So much for RFK Jr. being a Republican!

>>98649, >>98650 PF

>>98651 Bloomberg NY headquarters changes roof colors from Ukrainian to Israeli

>>98652, >>98653, >>>/qresearch/9727371, >>98655, >>98656, >>98657,>>98663 , >>98671, >>98672 PF

>>98654 DEMOLITION BY DERIVATIVES: When Will The Banksters Trigger That Quadrillion Dollar Market Implosion

>>98658 @EricTrump tells @KariLake what he’ll do when President Trump wins the 2024 Election: MAKE POPCORN!

>>98659 Poso:Govt will use atrocities to pursue their agenda

>>98660 Rand Paul says he has enough to put Fauci in jail

>>98661 President Trump must stop talking about Israel’s military and defensive areas of weakness and vulnerability

>>98662 @AmThoughtLeader: I asked @Kash based on his experience, how many positions in federal agencies don't need to exist: "At least 1/3."

>>98664 Mortgage rates have hit a 23-year high.

>>98666 Tensions erupt in Paris as riot police deployed after Pro Palestine protests

>>98667 re Dr. Jan Halper talking about receiving call from to SPACE FORCE in Hawaii

>>98668 Flynn says worth a listen: Byrne: What REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure

>>98669 X22 Report on Shadow Deals Coming to Light

>>98670 Blinken lands in Amman, Jordan amid Israel-Hamas war

>>98673 The Intersection Of Evil: Hamas, Antifa, BLM, Harvard And Barack Obama

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7aa474 No.98675

File: a9e574a83c762f3⋯.png (701.51 KB,919x683,919:683,Clipboard.png)

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727608 (131126ZOCT23) Notable: #24223

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Morn'n Baker requesting handoff

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7aa474 No.98676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727617 (131129ZOCT23) Notable: Why Donald Trump Has the Perfect Presidential Temperment

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Trump's Temperament

_`I wrote this two part series after interviewing soon to bePresident Trump in 2016.1/2


AUG 6, 2023

Why Donald Trump Has the Perfect Presidential Temperament

According to three failed presidential candidates, Donald Trump does not have the right temperament to be President of the United States. But one must ask: Did Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, or Mitt Romney have the right temperament to survive and succeed in their presidential campaigns? Their election results speak for themselves.

Even the so-called experts – the TV political pundits and commentators – consistently claim that Trump does not have the right temperament to be president. Yet, the most glaring issue with this popular meme is that many of the punditsdon’t know the difference between temperament – which we’re born with – and personality, which is shaped by our social environments.

All one has to do is review the pundits’ commentary and opponents’ Tweets to see that the main criticism of Trump is his personality, not his temperament.

The truth is, much of the criticisms of Trump focuses on hisastute ability to zero in and attack his opponent’s weaknesses. It is easier to label Trump a “bully” than to accept the assessments of his competitors. For example, while Jeb Bush took pride in being a “joyful tortoise,” once Trump labelled him as “low-energy,” it was all over for Bush.

Trump’s uncanny ability to take the voters’ pulse resonates with the public because he says what others have been thinking. And while controversial, Trump has grabbed everyone’s attention by describing the potential solutions in concrete, utilitarian terms: ‘’Build a wall,” “Until we know what the hell is going on, ban Muslims from coming to the USA,” and “Make America great again.’’

In one GOP debate, Senator Ted Cruz refrained from criticising Trump’s temperament, saying, “I think that is an assessment the voters are going to make.” Cruz was right: The voters were able to see what Trump would bring to the presidency better than anyone else.

So, let’s finally put this criticism of Trump’s temperament to rest: His temperament is exactly what our country needs at this critical time in our history.

The United States of America is poised for the greatest, most necessary, and vital transformation in decades, and Trump’s temperament falls into the same category as such history-making former presidents as Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Ronald Reagan.

How do I know? Simple.Mr. Trump, at my request, took the Keirsey Presidential Temperament Evaluation; an unbiased assessment tool used to evaluate the temperament of 41 presidents.

Trump’s Keirsey Presidential Evaluation revealed that he is a master of the practical; he eschews “social approval” and instead strives to find and implement solutions that work; he’s astutely aware of reality; he prefers concrete tactical solutions to abstract concepts; and he values “doing the right thing in the right way at the right time.” If diplomacy has a tactical purpose, he’ll make it a priority.

So, how does Trump compare to some of these former presidents? Let’s start with personality descriptions of JFK and LBJ. Johnson lacked Kennedy’s East Coast breeding, social connections, and urbane style, wit, and grace. Johnson was more like an axe, preferring to be brazen and pugnacious. Compared to Kennedy, LBJ was considered rude, unpolished, and sometimes cunning…


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7aa474 No.98677

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727623 (131131ZOCT23) Notable: Why Donald Trump Has the Perfect Presidential Temperment

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Many political wonks and historians agree that Kennedy and Johnson were powerful politicians who understood the game and played it energetically, shrewdly, and unflinchingly. Both were crafty, hard-working opportunists, able to use any event to accomplish a goal. Kennedy and Johnson could be equally underhanded, unprincipled, scheming, brazen, and downright dirty in the way they played the game of politics.

History shows Kennedy and Johnson shared more similarities when it came to getting the job done. They were both disinterested in ideas that did not have a practical application to their immediate objectives. Kennedy had a special tactical prowess coupled with subtlety and dexterity, deceit, and seduction. And Johnson once said of himself, ‘’I’m just like a fox. I can see the jugular in any man and go for it, but I always keep myself in rein. I keep myself on a leash, just like you would an animal.”

Louis Banks, managing editor of Fortune, said of Kennedy, “He is a man completely and vigorously engaged in events of the moment. Thus he regards his past acts as more or less an irrelevant prologue; his future acts as something to be determined under future circumstances.”

It was their temperament that led to their success.Like it or not, the Keirsey Presidential Evaluation reveals that Trump has the same temperament as these arguably successful past presidents. Presenting a vision for our country’s future, which focuses on the present issues, is one of the strongest qualities Trump shares with Kennedy and Johnson. Kennedy launched the first modern presidential campaign and tapped into popular culture using the exciting new medium of television. With grand ambition, Johnson launched sweeping social programs, public radio and television.

Donald Trump’s prescient concerns for our country have been consistent. He underscored and predicted in 1988 that the USA could not be a debtor nation. As Mr. Trump said to Oprah, ‘’I get tired of watching our nation being ripped off.’’ Though his focus was then on Japan and now it is China, the same exact point holds true: these countries sell their products to Americans but free trade is a misnomer.

Scrutinizing the temperaments and characteristics of past presidents, it’s clear that what some pundits consider Trump’s weaknesses are actually evidence of his deeply ingrained principles: love of country, a desire to impact others in a positive way, a realistic grasp on how the world really works, and a strong mission to get things done.

One thing is certain: Trump has keen instincts and will survive setbacks which might leave other candidates’ immobilized. But win or lose, succeed or fail, you can count on a President Trump to be adaptable and to roll with the punches and land on his feet. He always has and he always will. And isn’t that what we want in the President of the United States? Especially now.

Coming in Part Two of This Series: The Power of Vision and the Press…

I’ll post the second article of 2 parts next


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7aa474 No.98678

File: 964fdaab7c95189⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c20ef4d9afada0b⋯.png (227.76 KB,1258x630,629:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 21affd5674aed2c⋯.png (449.23 KB,1130x765,226:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727739 (131209ZOCT23) Notable: Not only did Potato get a Funeral/Foreign dignitary salute, Potus got an actual 21 gun salute at JBA

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>The cannon salute video's.

Not only did Potato get a Funeral/Foreign dignitary salute, Potus got an actual 21 gun salute at JBA

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7aa474 No.98679

File: 3107b1505791f5c⋯.png (217.84 KB,527x442,31:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727764 (131215ZOCT23) Notable: Israel supports 'safe areas' for civilians within Gaza, US official says

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BREAKING: Israel supports 'safe areas' for civilians within Gaza, US official says


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7aa474 No.98680

File: 94c5563d4b82b92⋯.png (480.7 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727794 (131223ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

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Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

For the first time on Thursday, a judge began examining evidence in the legal case to overturn the outcome of the Bridgeport Mayoral Primary in Connecticut.

The investigation comes in the wake of a scandal that has rocked the state’s largest city, where surveillance footage captured a woman inserting multiple pieces of paper into an absentee ballot drop box just one week before the mayoral primary election.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video last month showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

On Thursday, Bridgeport Democratic Registrar of Voters Patricia Howard admitted in court that she had not been following Connecticut law regarding the handling of mail-in ballots. The law mandates that each absentee ballot must be signed off by the town clerk, and if this requirement is not met, the ballot cannot be counted.


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7aa474 No.98681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727810 (131229ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Diplomat Stabbed In China After Hamas Calls For ‘Day Of Rage’ Worldwide

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- Israeli Diplomat Stabbed In China After Hamas Calls For ‘Day Of Rage’ Worldwide

sauce.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ge7hPfSSXY

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7aa474 No.98682

File: a8b11ba0d935a87⋯.gif (100.15 KB,902x719,902:719,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727831 (131234ZOCT23) Notable: The $25 billion international network of foundations started by George Soros is shuttering offices around the world

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BREAKING: The $25 billion international network of foundations started by George Soros is shuttering offices around the world


(Bloomberg) - The $25 billion international network of foundations started by George Soros is shuttering offices around the world as it prepares to cut more than 40% of its staff.

Employees of the Open Society Foundations’ Africa operations received correspondence last week detailing the next steps of the process, which includes closing half a dozen offices on the continent in addition to its Baltimore and Barcelona locations, according to a copy of the emails seen by Bloomberg.

Borrow from Your Home, Not the Bank ($25k for $164/mo)

Borrow from Your Home, Not the Bank ($25k for $164/mo)



“With the decision by the board in June to cut the staff by more than 40%, our staffing size and footprint by necessity needs to diminish,” Binaifer Nowrojee, OSF’s vice president of programs, said in one of the emails. “We no longer have the bandwidth to operate multiple small offices, and thus the decision to further reduce our locations.”

The hedge fund titan’s charity doles out more than $1 billion in grants annually, including over $100 million in Africa. The locations where OSF will no longer have staff include Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Kampala, Uganda; Cape Town; Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Abuja, Nigeria; and Freetown, Sierra Leone, according to an email from Africa Executive Director Muthoni Wanyeki. Offices in Nairobi, Kenya; Dakar, Senegal; and Johannesburg will remain open.

“I’m very sorry that it’s turned out this way,” Wanyeki wrote to staff in an email seen by Bloomberg. “It’s obviously not what any of us expected and I’m also very sorry that I didn’t have the information on this earlier,” she added, saying the changes aren’t what leadership “committed to two years ago.”

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7aa474 No.98683

File: 01f496e266d46ba⋯.png (50.79 KB,467x358,467:358,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump



Oct 13, 2023, 8:41 AM


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7aa474 No.98684

File: 8d4e98678189c6f⋯.png (10.24 KB,528x146,264:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727953 (131255ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. military deploys four B-1B Lancers heavy bombers to the UK amid "growing global instability"

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NEW - U.S. military deploys four B-1B Lancers heavy bombers to the UK amid "growing global instability" — Gloucestershire Live


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7aa474 No.98685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727956 (131256ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Hundreds of thousands’ dodging draft in Ukraine - minister

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13 Oct, 2023 12:39

‘Hundreds of thousands’ dodging draft in Ukraine – minister

Kiev’s (counterfeit) counteroffensive’ has resulted in 90,000 casualties among its troops since June, according to Moscow

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men are dodging the draft at present, amid the ongoing mobilization, Deputy Defense Minister Natalya Kalmykova has said. She added that the authorities are working on legislation that will “help settle this issue.”

Speaking to Ukraine’s Rada TV on Friday, Kalmykova said that “unfortunately, we see a lot of situations… when people don’t want and plan to avoid mobilization somehow, the need to defend their country.” She claimed that the number of draft dodgers amountsto “tens, hundreds of thousands of people.”

Speaking to Ukrainskaya Pravda last week, Interior Minister Igor Klimenko warned that the Ukrainian government is looking at ways to punish those who have fled the country to avoid military service. He told the newspaper that they will likely face administrative fines, adding, however, that those who have used fake papers or illegally secured documents to allow them to leave Ukraine could end up in prison.

In recent months, the Ukrainian authorities have reportedly been exploring the possibility of getting men of military age who have fled the country to return. In late August, a senior lawmaker from President Vladimir Zelensky’s ruling party, David Arakhamia, said Kiev could seek the extradition of draft dodgers from the EU.

Multiple EU states, including Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, have already made it clear theywill not round up draft dodgers and send them back to Ukraine.

Total mobilization has been repeatedly prolonged in Ukraine ever since Russia launched its military operation in the country in February 2022. Recruitment officers regularly conduct raids in public spaces, cafes, and on the streets. Local media outlets have reported on cases in which officials have used force to detain those who refuse to join the army.

Zelensky has publicly acknowledged that Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which was launched in early June, has run into difficulties. Last month, he attributed the slow pace of the operation to Russian air superiority, as well as the failure of Kiev’s Western backers to send the necessary weapons.

Western military officials have also stated that Russian defenses have proven more resilient than expected.

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin put the number of Ukrainian casualties since the start of the counteroffensive at 90,000, estimating that nearly 1,900 armored vehicles and 557 tanks have been destroyed as well.

(This is what happened in America with Viet Nam. They didn’t want to go into the meat grinder, and when Johnson knew he couldn’t win and out of pride, he still sent 500,000 men over there and had to enact the draft. The most destructive useless war of all time. Thats why many went to Canada)


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7aa474 No.98686

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19727977 (131300ZOCT23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 10/13/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 10/13/2023



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7aa474 No.98687

File: 28c723376e0a4d8⋯.png (291.13 KB,991x531,991:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cef26857aee64e⋯.png (266.84 KB,789x443,789:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b645c76448017a⋯.png (534.75 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f8f128979109c2⋯.png (986.51 KB,1312x922,656:461,Clipboard.png)

File: e25732246a1161e⋯.png (1.17 MB,847x2833,847:2833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728002 (131305ZOCT23) Notable: PF update stuffs

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>Just looking to consolidate all the tidbits.

>Mention anything I have missed.



How many years of Air Force 1 pilot not tagging it as AF1 on the transponder?


Tagging it asQ+ (Q0)when Trump on board

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7aa474 No.98688

File: 330389ae185154f⋯.png (557.27 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728004 (131306ZOCT23) Notable: NATO to hold major annual nuclear exercise next week

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NATO to hold major annual nuclear exercise next week

NATO will hold a major nuclear exercise next week, the alliance’s chief said Thursday, in an announcement that came after Russia warned it would pull out of a global nuclear test ban agreement.

NATO’s “Steadfast Noon” exercise is held annually and runs for about a week. It involves fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear warheads but does not involve any live bombs. Conventional jets and surveillance and refueling aircraft also routinely take part.


This is a regular annual exercise deployment'

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7aa474 No.98689

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728027 (131310ZOCT23) Notable: PF update stuffs

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There we go.

Not only proof Big T still prez, but proof mil doesn't view Potato as legit Comander in Chief or president.

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7aa474 No.98690

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728044 (131313ZOCT23) Notable: NATO to hold major annual nuclear exercise next week

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>NEW - U.S. military deploys four B-1B Lancers heavy bombers to the UK amid "growing global instability" — Gloucestershire Live

NATO will hold a major nuclear exercise next week as Russia plans to pull out of a test ban treaty

NATO's “Steadfast Noon” exercise is held annually and runs for about a week. It involves fighter jets capable of carrying nuclear warheads but does not involve any live bombs. Conventional jets and surveillance and refueling aircraft also routinely take part.

“This is a routine training event that happens every October,”

The exercise is scheduled to run from Monday until Oct. 26. It will involve 13 NATO allies and a mix of aircraft types, including advanced fighter jets and U.S. B-52 bombers that will fly in from the United States. The bulk of the training is held at least 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) from Russia’s borders.


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7aa474 No.98691

File: 3d28a95ec5120a3⋯.jpg (257.9 KB,519x671,519:671,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49a3cfa84636209⋯.jpg (112.96 KB,519x347,519:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7150d31ecc36dd0⋯.png (1.83 MB,1346x4197,1346:4197,Clipboard.png)

File: c8bf29b9a77411f⋯.jpg (221.99 KB,830x506,415:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728084 (131320ZOCT23) Notable: What's in your seal?

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Donald Trump left the White House in January 2021 and is still using the presidential seal at his New Jersey golf club

July 20, 2022

At the LIV Golf Invitational tournament at Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., course, the seal has been widely visible, according to the Washington Post. And that could be a violation of federal law.

Donald Trump may no longer be president, but he still likes to show the world the presidential seal — an act that some are saying is a violation of federal law.

The Washington Post reported Friday that the former president “was spotted using the presidential seal on multiple items during the LIV Golf tournament at his Bedminster, N.J., golf course.” The story went on to note that the seal “was plastered on towels, golf carts and other items” when Trump played in the pro-am of the Saudi-sponsored tournament Thursday.

As the Post noted, “It is against federal law to use the presidential and vice-presidential seals in ways that could convey” the U.S. government’s sponsorship or approval.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s use of the seal has come into question. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, took Trump to task over the issue in 2018.

Trump’s office didn’t immediately respond to a MarketWatch request for comment.


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7aa474 No.98692

File: 46a0155affcf836⋯.jpeg (22.93 KB,400x215,80:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06cf37ff58b1416⋯.jpeg (75.7 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728103 (131323ZOCT23) Notable: MarketFag on what passes for bank ‘earnings’ at JP Moran…the others will be similar

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>>98580 pb

marketFag on what passes for bank ‘earnings’ at JP Moran…the others will be similar

Results out from The ‘Morgue (jp moran) and as expected, on a Friday no less, it is reported as “record earnings”. The placement of First Republic largely responsible for its record results. Net charge offs Yuge and also needed $113m of reserves to boot as well as $250 in home loan destruction.

What they never tell you is that whatever amount they use that was set aside for loan losses or ‘reserves’….and this applies to ALL OF THEM gets put back onto the books as earned income thus padding the overall Earnings Per Share by $2b for Q3. So you essentially have less shares you have to divide these shitty results by. Let us also not forget the record amounts of share buybacks that reduce the overall equity float thus making any result easily achievable-this is across the ENTIRE EQUITY MARKETS. A total of $770m was used JUST FOR CREDIT CARD LOSSES of that $1.5b of net charges….nuffin to see here /s.

You can look at further details in the link but this is probably one of the most dishonest and manufactured ‘result’ I haven’t ever witnessed.

Going back to 1987 for context. Short covering and Janet pushing the ESF button is also fueling its pre market move. When your net income drops 3% but your result is achieved largely by being gifted First Republic by the system you can see that using these qtrly releases for anything other then toilet paper proves it’s just window dressing

Jamie ‘not his real name’ Dimon and the BoD need a firing squad but as mentioned in the pb post it is a Friday and none of the mechanics of how these manufactured results were accomplished will be spoken about beyond today.

The US banking system is insolvent and has been for decades but if you saw the spike in bank shares yesterday and bought it to unload into todays news…good for you…that is what any successful trader does

Book your profit… yer not gonna buy the bottom and sell the top but todays move from a trading perspective is manna. If you were short my condolences. Don’t fight the Fed.


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7aa474 No.98693

File: 1e2ac761dbd769a⋯.jpg (125.77 KB,720x844,180:211,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dc3d66c8f9168a8⋯.jpg (103.57 KB,983x985,983:985,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728222 (131340ZOCT23) Notable: Two more US B-1B bombers heading to Gloucestershire.

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Two more US B-1B bombers heading to Gloucestershire.

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7aa474 No.98694

File: b22fafb2ec400f9⋯.jpg (70.72 KB,966x302,483:151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728241 (131344ZOCT23) Notable: Two more US B-1B bombers heading to Gloucestershire.

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After taking part in aSpecial Mission...dasting

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7aa474 No.98695

File: 35855ab4ccdb3df⋯.png (1.31 MB,1438x931,1438:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728254 (131346ZOCT23) Notable: PF update stuffs

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JAG28 in descent with JAG92 close behind.

Headed to Grissom?

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7aa474 No.98696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728277 (131351ZOCT23) Notable: 'DJT is Commander in Chief' diggz

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Thanks baker

Here's some notes on this 'DJT is Commander in Chief' dig

>>>/qresearch/19727614, Roseanne Barr at Club 47 on the US Corporation - DJT CIC (dig cont)

>>>/qresearch/19727685, >>>/qresearch/19727685, >>>/qresearch/19727807, >>>/qresearch/19727790, >>>/qresearch/19727807 DJT's continued use of The Presidential Seal 1

>>>/qresearch/19727846, >>>/qresearch/19727930, >>>/qresearch/19728039, >>98691 DJT's continued use of The Presidential Seal 2

>>98678, >>>/qresearch/19727852, >>>/qresearch/19727892 Potato got a Funeral/Foreign dignitary salute, Potus got an actual 21 gun salute at JBA

>>98687 How many years of Air Force 1 pilot not tagging it as AF1 on the transponder?

>>>/qresearch/19728129 Peaceful transition to military power 19 January 2021 - Vid

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7aa474 No.98697

File: 388ff64c1f6f666⋯.png (447.55 KB,1080x942,180:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728284 (131352ZOCT23) Notable: Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing Set for FBI’s Records on Hunter Biden Gun Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing Set for FBI’s Records on Hunter Biden Gun Scandal – FBI Refuses to Divulge Number of Records Due to ‘Ongoing Criminal Investigation’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today announced that a federal court hearing is scheduled for Friday, October 13 in its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit for records regarding the gun owned by Hunter Biden that reportedly was thrown in a trash can behind a Delaware grocery store. The FBI is refusing to disclose basic information about the records because it alleges doing so would interfere with the criminal prosecution of Hunter Biden.

The court hearing, before Judge Jia M. Cobb of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, is set for October 13, 2023, at 10 a.m. ET.

In an August 2023 joint status report to the court, the FBI claims it has completed a search for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request and is “currently processing” the records but added that its “position is that the number of potentially responsive records is exempt from disclosure … as this case relates to an ongoing criminal investigation.”

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the FBI withheld records in response to a January 30, 2023, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:23-cv-00920)). Judicial Watch is asking for:

All records, including investigative reports, telephone logs, witness statements, memoranda, and firearms purchase documentation, related to the reported purchase, possession, and disposal of a firearm owned by Hunter Biden discarded in a Delaware trash receptacle circa October 2018.

All records of communications of FBI officials regarding the reported purchase, possession, and disposal of the firearm.

Judicial Watch argues that the Hunter Biden gun case “is indisputably of significant public intertest:”

It is also time sensitive. [Judicial Watch] has asked and Defendant has refused to provide the number of potentially responsive records that needs to be processed in this case. Without this number, Plaintiff cannot evaluate – let alone agree to – a processing time of 120 days. In addition, because it appears as though Defendant will be providing [Judicial Watch] with a “no number, no list” response at the end of the 120 days, it could be more efficient and economical for the parties to simply commence summary judgment briefing and for Defendant to file its opening brief in 60 days.

“The FBI unlawfully hid records about its Hunter Biden cover-up and now is using the compromised prosecution of Hunter Biden as an after-the-fact justification for its cover-up,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It is simply remarkable that the Biden administration is invoking privileges – that are usually used to protect national security information – to hide details of the FBI’s clean-up operation about Hunter’s mishandling of his gun.”

In February 2023, from a separate lawsuit, Judicial Watch released records from the United States Secret Service that implicate the FBI in the unusual action of helping Hunter Biden.

In response to a February 24, 2021, email inquiry from Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger regarding the Secret Service’s involvement in the investigation of the Hunter Biden gun incident, the Communications Department asked for “more information or documentation.” Schreckinger responded: “Sure thing. Agents visited StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply and asked to take possession of the paperwork Hunter had filled out to purchase a gun there. The FBI also had some involvement in the investigation.”

In October 2020, The Blaze reported that in October 2018, Hunter Biden’s handgun was taken by Hallie Biden, the widow of then-presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Beau. In 2021, Politico reported:

Hallie took Hunter’s gun and threw it in a trash can behind a grocery store, only to return later to find it gone.

Delaware police began investigating, concerned that the trash can was across from a high school and that the missing gun could be used in a crime, according to law enforcement officials and a copy of the police report obtained by POLITICO.

But a curious thing happened at the time: Secret Service agents approached the owner of the store where Hunter bought the gun and asked to take the paperwork involving the sale, according to two people, one of whom has firsthand knowledge of the episode and the other was briefed by a Secret Service agent after the fact.

Judicial Watch has multiple federal lawsuits focused on Biden family corruption.


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7aa474 No.98698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728299 (131354ZOCT23) Notable: 'DJT is Commander in Chief' diggz

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Bun of notes from this dig.

Any missed?

>>>/qresearch/19727614, Roseanne Barr at Club 47 on the US Corporation - DJT CIC (dig cont)

>>>/qresearch/19727685, >>>/qresearch/19727685, >>>/qresearch/19727807, >>>/qresearch/19727790, >>>/qresearch/19727807 DJT's continued use of The Presidential Seal 1

>>>/qresearch/19727846, >>>/qresearch/19727930, >>>/qresearch/19728039, >>98691 DJT's continued use of The Presidential Seal 2

>>98678, >>>/qresearch/19727852, >>>/qresearch/19727814, >>>/qresearch/19727892 Potato got a Funeral/Foreign dignitary salute, Potus got an actual 21 gun salute at JBA

>>98687 How many years of Air Force 1 pilot not tagging it as AF1 on the transponder?

>>>/qresearch/19728129 Peaceful transition to military power 19 January 2021 - Vid

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7aa474 No.98699

File: 098230ec976d706⋯.png (1.22 MB,1024x684,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728348 (131403ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Hydrogen Clouds of M33

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 13, 2023

Hydrogen Clouds of M33

Gorgeous spiral galaxy Messier 33 seems to have more than its fair share of glowing hydrogen gas. A prominent member of the local group of galaxies, M33 is also known as the Triangulum Galaxy and lies a mere 3 million light-years away. The galaxy's central 30,000 light-years or so are shown in this sharp galaxy portrait. The portrait features M33's reddish ionized hydrogen clouds or HII regions. Sprawling along loose spiral arms that wind toward the core, M33's giant HII regions are some of the largest known stellar nurseries, sites of the formation of short-lived but very massive stars. Intense ultraviolet radiation from the luminous, massive stars ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas and ultimately produces the characteristic red glow. In this image, broadband data were combined with narrowband data recorded through a hydrogen-alpha filter. That filter transmits the light of the strongest visible hydrogen emission line.


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7aa474 No.98700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728352 (131404ZOCT23) Notable: Psyche Launches to a Metal Asteroid

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Psyche Launches to a Metal Asteroid

Watch the Psyche spacecraft launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. NASA and SpaceX are now targeting launch at 10:19 a.m. EDT (1419 UTC) Friday, Oct. 13. The mission to Psyche will take us on a journey to a metal-rich asteroid.

During this mission we will be researching the largest metallic object in the solar system, how planets form and testing high-speed laser communications with Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) technology.



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7aa474 No.98701

File: 7999cb8e966fcc0⋯.png (9.61 KB,517x125,517:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728360 (131405ZOCT23) Notable: Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction/keks in no humanity given

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JUST IN - Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction


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7aa474 No.98702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728389 (131410ZOCT23) Notable: SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches NASA's Psyche asteroid mission

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T-00:10:00 (Live)

Watch Live: SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches NASA's Psyche asteroid mission

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7aa474 No.98703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728435 (131417ZOCT23) Notable: Global Knife Attack Frenzy as Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ Gets Underway

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Global Knife Attack Frenzy as Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ Gets Underway

Fri, October 13, 2023 at 8:16 AM EDT

(Yahoo seems pretty happy about this).

Frenzied knife attacks were reported in Chinaand France on Fridayafter Hamas called for the 13th to be a global “day of rage” in response to the group’s ongoing war with Israel.

The disturbing acts of violencecannot be immediately linked to the warbut the first victim was an employee of the Israeli embassy. The second attack, which killed at least one man, came in France where the local media reports that the assailant—who was known to the authorities as an Islamist radical—shouted “Allahu Akbar” during an attack on multiple people at a school. A terrorism investigation has been launched. (WTF?)

The call for a “day of rage” has prompted security alerts all over the world with Jewish schools and synagogues from Palo Alto to London and Aukland closing for the day while the American authorities increased security measures in major cities and at the U.S. Capitol.

In Beijing, the Israeli embassy staffer was attacked with a knife in broad daylight before being taken to the hospital. Chinese authorities have not released a motive for the attack, which comes after Israel admonished China for failing to condemn the unprecedented Hamas attacks which led to at least 1,300 Israeli soldiers and civilians being killed.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the embassy worker—who was not named—is in a stable condition following the assault, adding that the attack did not take place inside the embassy compound. Disturbing video footage purportedly showing the incident began circulating online Friday, appearing to show a man screaming and bleeding as he’s repeatedly stabbed by another man wielding a knife.

A witness said the attack took place at around 2:20 p.m. local time, according to the South China Morning Post, with the victim allegedly helped by an English-speaking passerby. Another witness who heard screaming said he saw a tall, thin man wearing a white top leave the scene while carrying a knife. An investigation is now underway.

It came after the Israeli Foreign Ministry said it expressed “deep disappointment” in a call with the Chinese envoy to the Middle East over Beijing’s failure to condemn Hamas’ weekend attack.

Elsewhere, a teacher was killed and two others were left seriously injured in a stabbing attack at a school in France. The attack took place in a high school in the northern city of Arras, according to French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. Citing police and prefecture sources, the Agence France-Presse news agencyreported that the attacker shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) during the rampage.

According to French network BFMTV, the assailant is a 20-year-old Chechen. Darmanin confirmed the perpetrator had been arrested, while BFMTV claimed the suspect’s brother was also arrested “near another high school.” According to Le Figaro, the alleged Arras attacker was on France’s state security watchlist. The country’s National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into the incident on charges including “assassination in relation to a terrorist enterprise.”

Tensions were already running high around the world after a former Hamas leader called for a “day of rage” to show solidarity with the group on Friday. Khaled Meshaal, who currently serves as the head of Hamas’ diaspora office, said Tuesday that Muslims should “mobilize for jihad,” according to The Jerusalem Post. “I say very clearly that this is the moment for the nation to engage in the battle and for us to fight together,” he added.

The alarming call has led to law enforcement agencies around the world bolstering security. On Thursday, U.S. House and Senate security officials said security at the U.S. Capitol complex would be stepped up over the next few days, according to Axios. House Sergeant-at-Arms William McFarland reportedly cited the “day of rage” as the reason for the tightening.

At least three Jewish schools in California planned to close on Friday owing to the security concerns, while New York Mayor Eric Adams said Thursday night that law enforcement would be increased at potentially vulnerable locations. He nevertheless encouraged residents to continue attending their places of worship and sending their children to school. “New York City will do whatever it takes to keep our people safe,” he said.


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7aa474 No.98704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728460 (131424ZOCT23) Notable: #24223

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Wrapped 'Mo's

#24223 >>98675

>>98676, >>98677 Why Donald Trump Has the Perfect Presidential Temperment

>>98678 Not only did Potato get a Funeral/Foreign dignitary salute, Potus got an actual 21 gun salute at JBA

>>98679 Israel supports 'safe areas' for civilians within Gaza, US official says

>>98680 Democrat Election Clerk Gives BOMBSHELL Testimony in Court, Admitting She Has Not Been Following the Law on Mail-In Ballots

>>98681 Israeli Diplomat Stabbed In China After Hamas Calls For ‘Day Of Rage’ Worldwide

>>98682 The $25 billion international network of foundations started by George Soros is shuttering offices around the world


>>98684 U.S. military deploys four B-1B Lancers heavy bombers to the UK amid "growing global instability"

>>98685 ‘Hundreds of thousands’ dodging draft in Ukraine - minister

>>98686 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 10/13/2023

>>98687, >>98689, >>98695 PF update stuffs

>>98688, >>98690 NATO to hold major annual nuclear exercise next week

>>98691 What's in your seal?

>>98692 MarketFag on what passes for bank ‘earnings’ at JP Moran…the others will be similar

>>98693, >>98694 Two more US B-1B bombers heading to Gloucestershire.

>>98696, >>98698 'DJT is Commander in Chief' diggz

>>98697 Judicial Watch: Federal Court Hearing Set for FBI’s Records on Hunter Biden Gun Scandal

>>98699 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Hydrogen Clouds of M33

>>98700 Psyche Launches to a Metal Asteroid

>>98701 Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction/keks in no humanity given

>>98702 SpaceX Falcon Heavy launches NASA's Psyche asteroid mission

>>98703 Global Knife Attack Frenzy as Hamas ‘Day of Rage’ Gets Underway


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7aa474 No.98705

File: ab5c2b1f3815df3⋯.jpg (115.45 KB,500x545,100:109,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63be5429fd360e1⋯.png (934.32 KB,688x750,344:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 98776b202076900⋯.png (556.85 KB,500x545,100:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d65f6a7be8ea19⋯.png (941.22 KB,688x750,344:375,Clipboard.png)

File: ca4e84b02af4f55⋯.png (854.68 KB,990x550,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728471 (131425ZOCT23) Notable: #24224

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7aa474 No.98706

File: 8ccb2e52cefd858⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x2080,27:52,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b18ebe1799d62a⋯.png (1016.31 KB,1080x2105,216:421,Clipboard.png)

File: d892250fc44d418⋯.png (1.69 MB,952x1597,952:1597,Clipboard.png)

File: af274be2995c6ac⋯.png (1.66 MB,951x1611,317:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728477 (131427ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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7aa474 No.98707

File: 3679829e9b3c44c⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1284x1251,428:417,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728499 (131432ZOCT23) Notable: Former US Space Force Commander EXPOSES What’s REALLY Going On…

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Former US Space Force Commander EXPOSES What’s REALLY Going On…


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7aa474 No.98708

File: 0cd17f53628954b⋯.png (347.5 KB,1496x1182,748:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 40f2dc9274fe01f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1260x677,1260:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 34c636fa0d47146⋯.png (51.01 KB,483x371,69:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c857fc5a195ef6⋯.png (1.45 MB,1396x797,1396:797,Clipboard.png)

File: a3278c07245da64⋯.png (595.77 KB,1440x796,360:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728507 (131435ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump THE ATTACK ON ISRAEL WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED, ZERO CHANCE, IF THE ELECTION OF 2020 WAS NOT RIGGED AND STOLLEN

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7aa474 No.98709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728513 (131436ZOCT23) Notable: The Judge In Trump’s Federal J-6 Election Trial Should Recuse Herself, But Probably Won’t

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The Judge In Trump’s Federal J-6 Election Trial Should Recuse Herself, But Probably Won’t

read further

However, the greatest obstacle for the defense is the person who will decide the motion to recuse —the judge herself. Chutkan sits in judgment of herself, which is a glaring conflict of interest. Put another way, an allegedly biased judge is being asked to recognize her own bias that she may not discern. So, what’s to prevent her from issuing a prejudicial ruling in her own favor on the issue of prejudice? Nothing, really.

The other part of this is “perception.” Because of Chutkan’s statements, will the public now view the case as “tainted” because the judge was exposed pre-trial as unfair? If Americans are to have confidence in important trials, the people must believe that her Honor was dispassionate and unbiased —not passionately driven by personal bias.

Trump’s defense team is claiming that Judge Chutkan is undermining the public’s trust. The lawyers cited case law to support it. “What matters is not the reality of bias, but it’s appearance,” they argued in their brief.

The four indictments of Donald Trump are already perceived by many to be politically driven. Public opinion polls bear that out. 85% of Republicans think Trump should not be prosecuted, according to a national poll from Quinnipiac University.

The chosen venues make matters worse. In the Washington DC trial, the jury pool will be composed of people who almost certainly despise the former president and voted overwhelmingly against him. This puts his Constitutional “right to an impartial jury” under the Sixth Amendment in obvious jeopardy.

Americans are deeply divided over the criminalization of political disputes and unequal justice. A neutral judge and an impartial jury might not resolve that division, but at least it would be a valued step in the direction of fairness in our system of justice.


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7aa474 No.98710

File: 256fbe860d32b71⋯.png (633.27 KB,1196x922,598:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728527 (131439ZOCT23) Notable: Emir of Qatar: "If the bombing of Gaza doesn't stop, we will stop gas supply of the world."

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Well that escalated quickly


>Emir of Qatar:

>"If the bombing of Gaza doesn't stop, we will stop gas supply of the world."

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7aa474 No.98711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728529 (131440ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

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James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

October 13, 2023 (10 hours ago)

Over the past week, we’ve seen something deeply troubling:many on the left are openly supporting Islamic terrorism. Amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, a number of left-leaning people and groups—including Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization that’s been heavily promoted by our government, Hollywood, and big business—have come out in favor of the radical Islamic terror group Hamas, following their killing of hundreds of innocent people. No matter where you stand on the Israel-Hamas issue, we should all agree that the slaughter of innocent civilians, including children and the elderly, is indefensible and should never be celebrated. Unfortunately, many on the left just can’t help themselves. They’ve been applauding these heinous acts at pro-Palestine rallies and on social media. Black Lives Matter stunned many when they posted a meme supporting the Hamas paragliders who attacked a music festival, killing hundreds of young attendees.

Many people were shocked by this behavior, but they shouldn’t be. After all, Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization led by militant, angry lesbian women who’ve been accused of embezzlement. But behind all the fake “civil rights” activism, these self-proclaimed “victims” have a long history of supporting Palestinians. And now,this 2015 video clipunearthed by actor James Woods sheds light on exactly why BLM and other left-wingers are celebrating Hamas.

A new video has also emerged of a black guy in Philly grinning ear to ear that the “field hands” broke into massa’s house with a knife “ready to cut their f** throats.”

It’s not hard to see why BLM might find common ground with a terrorist organization like Hamas. Let’s not forget that BLM was behind the so-called “Summer of Love,” a three-month stretch of violence that rocked communities across the US. This wave of “love” left over 20 people dead, countless injured, and many more devastated by looting, vandalism, and fires.

Hamas was probably proud.


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7aa474 No.98712

File: 32f004c25764388⋯.png (113.93 KB,1080x1147,1080:1147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728541 (131441ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

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He's a good egg.

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7aa474 No.98713

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728543 (131442ZOCT23) Notable: Former US Space Force Commander EXPOSES What’s REALLY Going On…

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7aa474 No.98714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728556 (131444ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

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James is still a great actor.

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7aa474 No.98715

File: b31f30707fa7541⋯.png (989.74 KB,1080x2146,540:1073,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728564 (131445ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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Interdasting Call Sign

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7aa474 No.98716

File: 6ebe8cfa1c5d382⋯.png (382.58 KB,568x426,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728579 (131449ZOCT23) Notable: FYI: Hamas terrorists wearing the green headbands you see in vids have taken a martyrdom oath

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Matthew Bracken




Paul Sperry @paulsperry_

Oct 11

FYI: Hamas terrorists wearing the green headbands you see in vids have taken a martyrdom oath

FYI: The "Allahu Akbar!" they keep shouting means "Allah is Greatest!"

FYI: Raising 1 finger in air means, "There is only 1 God, Allah, and he has no partners" (an F-U to Christianity)

FBI has monitored Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Biden's backyard for decades as terror hub. It hired an AQ preacher who ministered to 9/11 hijackers there. The bookstore's sold maps w Israel wiped out. Its heavily Palestinian congregation has already raised $7k for "Palestine Emergency"

Biden ignorantly claims Hamas doesn't represent "the Palestinian people," even tho they voted Hamas into power! He thinks Hamas is bullying them. So how does he explain all the Palestinians celebrating in NY, Dearborn, Sweden, Germany, Australia, where they're not under Hamas rule?

‘We Were Ecstatic’: Gazans Respond to Hamas Attack, Calling It a Historic Day

FYSA: Global Jihad has awakened from its slumber. Islamists weren't enlightened by the 9/11 backlash or the defeat of the ISIS caliphate. They just went into strategic hibernation. Now thx to Biden, they have hi-tech US weaponry and a safe harbor from which to plan an encore 9/11


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7aa474 No.98717

File: 45c92d3d111eba8⋯.png (344.76 KB,627x662,627:662,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b66fe278d4a591⋯.png (118.77 KB,631x359,631:359,Clipboard.png)

File: a2ec46864963529⋯.png (644.96 KB,1440x624,30:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d187909eb0167f⋯.png (394.67 KB,597x560,597:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 5875b417b4be018⋯.png (162.29 KB,861x552,287:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728603 (131454ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

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>He's a good egg.



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7aa474 No.98718

File: 6513766b1bf258d⋯.png (147.44 KB,363x480,121:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728607 (131455ZOCT23) Notable: 50 misinformation, disinformation and outright covid lies told by the Australian government and regulators

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The title says Australian government...but the list looks to apply to any western govt...

50 misinformation, disinformation and outright covid lies told by the Australian government and regulators

1. Failure to recognise that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is of laboratory origin.

2. Implementation of cruel lockdowns without any scientific evidence of usefulness.

3. Declare experimental gene-based mRNA injections as “safe and effective” when this was not supported by the available evidence. The 95% efficacy claim was false. The covid “vaccines” have been reported to cause more death and injury than any drug in history.

4. Failure of the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) to properly evaluate the covid injections for quality, safety and efficacy. The TGA said the covid “vaccines” were properly assessed and proven to be safe.

5. Failure to stop senseless vaccine mandates when there was never any evidence that the injections would stop transmission.

6. Falsely claiming the covid injections would keep you from getting covid, getting seriously ill or going to the hospital. The hospital statistics show this is false.

7. Falsely claiming masks prevent transmission or infection. There is no credible evidence that masks prevent transmission or acquisition of air-borne viral infection.

8. Falsely claiming it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

9. Ramping up public fear to force people into getting “vaccinated.”

10. Denying early treatment which could have saved thousands of lives. Such advice has never been given in medicine for any serious infection.

11. Orchestrating and supporting outrageous epidemiologic claims of expected deaths (150,000 predicted by the Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates).

12. Failure to properly assess thousands of vaccine-related deaths reported in adverse drug event reporting systems including the Database of Adverse Event Notifications (“DAEN”).

13. Courts failing to consider the scientific facts regarding covid and the lack of safety and efficacy of covid injections.

14. Contributing to the media censorship of any scientist or doctor who criticised the government narrative of “vaccine” safety and efficacy.

15. Permitting the Australian Professional Health Regulation Agency (“APHRA”) to suspend the registration of any health practitioner who disagreed with the government covid management policy.

16. Preventing proper and full informed consent given to patients by doctors prior to covid injections – patients were not fully advised of the risks.

17. Falsely stating it was safe to use covid injections for babies, children and pregnant women when there was no credible data to support such use.

18. Falsely inflating “covid case” numbers and deaths using an inappropriate test (“PCR”) to justify population-wide covid injections.

19. Failure to recognise or investigate natural immunity in relation to vaccine policy.

20. Falsely claiming there was no clinical evidence to support ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of covid-19.

21. Destroying millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine and blocking the prescribing of ivermectin for covid-19.

22. Manipulating Australian Bureau of Statistics mortality data and Excess Death data using data analysis which effectively minimises the impact of All-Cause Mortality following covid “vaccine” rollout.

23. Permitting and facilitating plans for a World Health Organisation (“WHO”) takeover of future Australian government pandemic health policy by unelected, unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats connected to the vaccine industry and apex predators of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).

24. Maintaining total secrecy surrounding the contracted arrangements with vaccine manufacturers and spending hundreds of billions of dollars needlessly on unscientific and unsound covid pandemic policies.

25. Brutally suppressing peaceful demonstrations using rubber bullets and physical force never before witnessed in Australia.

26. Proceeding to build pharmaceutical plants to produce “vaccines” using the mRNA platform without any long-term safety data and with the full knowledge these injections have produced the highest reported incidence of death and serious adverse events of any vaccine in history.

27. Failure to explain or investigate the cause of the non-covid unexpected Excess Deaths following the covid “vaccine” rollouts (estimated at 30,000).

28. Failure to conduct a proper risk/benefit assessment of lockdowns, vaccine mandates or covid “vaccination” OR to enquire why other countries had much fewer “cases” and deaths despite having much smaller health care budgets.

29. Failure of the TGA to report ongoing cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with the covid “vaccines.”



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7aa474 No.98719

File: a4994668899a56b⋯.png (564.63 KB,1080x1886,540:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728618 (131458ZOCT23) Notable: Microsoft Closes $69 Billion Activision Deal, Overcoming Regulators’ Objections

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Microsoft Closes $69 Billion Activision Deal, Overcoming Regulators’ Objections

The megadeal could strengthen Microsoft’s standing in the video game industry, after a year and a half of negotiations with regulators around the world.


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7aa474 No.98720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728638 (131505ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Embassy staffer stabbed in Beijing on ‘day of Jihad’

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Israeli Embassy staffer stabbed in Beijing on ‘day of Jihad’

Harrowing video appears to catch the moment a staffer at the Israeli Embassy in Beijing was stabbed on a sidewalk — on the day that Hamas’ former leader called on all members of Islam to wage a “day of Jihad.”

The Israeli Embassy staffer, who has not been identified, is seen being stabbed repeatedly by the male assailant Friday after a brief struggle as he lies on a sidewalk, according to the South China Morning Post.

The victim manages to get away and the attacker limps off after the brutal incident as passersby look on. A trail of blood is left behind.

“The employee was transferred to hospital and he is in a stable condition,” the Israeli Foreign Ministry said in a statement, without giving additional details.

It added that Israeli officials were still trying to assess the “background” of what happened in the shocking incident. China did not immediately acknowledge the assault.

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7aa474 No.98721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728643 (131506ZOCT23) Notable: DeSantis attacks Trump over his critique of Israel’s government—but nearly 90% of Israelis agree with Trump…

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DeSantis attacks Trump over his critique of Israel’s government—but nearly 90% of Israelis agree with Trump…

October 12, 2023 (a day ago)

Ron DeSantis is plummeting, trailing by a whopping 50 points in some polls. He’s eager to generate some buzz and potentially chip away at President Trump’s lead, so he seized on Trump’s recent criticism of Israel’s government and their massive intelligence failure regarding the Hamas attacks. In a post on X, DeSantis implied that, during a recent speech, Trump “praised terrorists.” An accusation that reminded many of the left-wing “very fine people” hoax, where Trump’s words were taken out of context and used against him for years.

Here’s what Ron had to say in response to


Terrorists have murdered at least 1,200 Israelis and 22 Americans and are holding more hostage, so it is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as “very smart.”

As President, I will stand with Israel and treat terrorists like the scum that they are.

Like the left-wing media and politicians, DeSantis also misconstrued Trump’s words. The full remarks from Trump provide a much clearer perspective on the matter.

Clearly, Trump wasn’t singing the praises of terrorists; he was acknowledging that the enemy is shrewd and intelligent and that we have to take their words and actions seriously. Unfortunately, Israel overlooked warnings of an impending “big event” related to Gaza, and as a result, innocent civilians suffered greatly. Further complicating DeSantis’ attack is the fact that most people in Israel actually agree with President Trump’s assessment of the situation.

Jerusalem Post:

Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.

An overwhelming majority – 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership, while a staggering 92% said the war is causing anxiety.

Furthermore, almost all the respondents (94%) believe the government must bear some responsibility for the lack of security preparedness that led to the assault, with over 75% saying the government holds most of the responsibility.

This recent maneuver by DeSantis has raised questions about his grasp of the America First movement, sparking concerns that he’s more aligned with establishment politics than with the people. It’s concerning that Ron DeSantis may be too focused on pandering to Israel to put America first.

While Trump presided over four years of peace and encouraged hostile foreign enemies to work things out and make peace, DeSantis’ pandering approach is likely only to foment more war, chaos, and unrest abroad.

Here’s what some folks online are saying about the DeSantis remark.

“You should delete this but you won’t because your campaign is run by frauds.”

“When your campaign is in the shitter, you’ve blown through your wad of cash and got nowhere, I guess the final act of self-immolation is to try and trash the guy who is leading you by 50+ points. You’re just a thinner Chris Christie and apparently about as smart.”

“It’s sad what you’re willing to say when you’re 50 points down. Trump will be the GOP nominee for President. You can either join us and help defeat communism in America, or not.”

“Some of us want to bring back WORLD PEACE. Your donors profit from the military industrial complex, so it doesn’t surprise me that your staffers tweet from your account with blood in their eyes.”

More and more, DeSantis’ moves feel like desperate Hail Marys thrown in hopes of reaching the end zone. His campaign is likely hoping it’s not the final nail in his coffin.


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7aa474 No.98722

File: 202df34f85550df⋯.png (237.11 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728647 (131507ZOCT23) Notable: Joint Statement on U.S.-Singapore Space Dialogue

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Joint Statement on U.S.-Singapore Space Dialogue

Oct 12, 2023

As called for in the March 2022 U.S.-Singapore Joint Leaders’ Statement, the United States and Singapore held the first bilateral Space Dialogue in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 2023. The U.S.-Singapore Space Dialogue is a platform designed to strengthen bilateral exchanges and entrench cooperation in civil space matters. It is yet another example of the expansion of cooperation between the United States and Singapore into emerging and frontier areas.

The U.S. delegation was led by Valda Vikmanis-Keller, Director, State Department Office of Space Affairs, and the Singapore delegation by Ronald Tong, Acting Executive Director, Office for Space Technology & Industry (OSTIn). Both delegations were represented by a range of ministries and agencies involved in civil space activities.

Both sides agreed that earth observation is a priority area for bilateral cooperation. They discussed a range of programs that use satellites to better understand climate change and environmental conditions, prepare for and respond to disasters, and improve natural resource use. They agreed to consider possible joint projects in a range of areas including air quality research, fire and smoke haze detection and assessment, and the use of small satellites for earth observation.

The delegations recognized the potential for expanded cooperation on space-related use cases. One area of cooperation is in the maritime domain, where satellite remote sensing and communications will enhance maritime domain awareness and connectivity. This will support the broad range of government and commercial interests in security, ensure the safety of life at sea, protect the environment, and promote the development of digital and decarbonization solutions. Another area of cooperation is in the aviation domain whereby the provision of safe and efficient air traffic management can be enhanced with satellite voice and data communications over oceanic and remote areas. Satellite data communications will also become increasingly important for future aviation concepts of operations.

Both countries reviewed joint efforts to promote the sustainability of the outer space environment. This includes work in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and other UN bodies, and work under the Artemis Accords, which seeks to establish guidelines to ensure safety and responsible behavior in outer space as countries explore the Moon and beyond. They also noted the importance of dealing with the growing problem of orbital debris.

Following the government-to-government discussions, both sides held a commercial Roundtable which brought together over twenty private space companies and research institutions from each of the two countries. The Roundtable was chaired by Richard DalBello, Director of the Department of Commerce’s Office of Space Commerce, and Ronald Tong, Acting Executive Director, OSTIn. The session allowed industry representatives to better understand how the United States and Singapore promote their respective commercial space sectors and to outline their interests in bilateral cooperation. Existing partnerships were examined to help boost ties between the two commercial space sectors. A networking session was also held to discuss how to create new partnerships between the commercial space industries from the United States and Singapore.

Both countries agreed to continue work in the areas mentioned above and to explore other joint research and development collaborations, policy discussions, industry engagements, and educational exchanges.


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7aa474 No.98723

File: 97d471e71d69b6f⋯.png (268.42 KB,459x320,459:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728648 (131507ZOCT23) Notable: Newsom Repeals California Law that ‘Censored’ Doctors Giving COVID Care

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Newsom Repeals California Law that ‘Censored’ Doctors Giving COVID Care

California Governor Gavin Newsom repealed a Democrat-backed law to stop doctors and other medical professionals from spreading “disinformation” about the COVID virus and the effectiveness of COVID vaccines, under threat of revoking their licenses. Doctors were essentially prevented from giving their patients information and advice that was outside of the official narrative, especially regarding the danger of the COVID injections. A lawyer representing doctors said that California repealed the unconstitutional law rather than suffer further humiliation in federal court. The law firm said that the law violated the doctors’ First Amendment rights to free speech and their 14th Amendment rights to due process of law.



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7aa474 No.98724

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728649 (131508ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Embassy staffer stabbed in Beijing on ‘day of Jihad’

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- Israeli Embassy Employee attacked and stabbed

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/CmZFjYAt9zTu/

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7aa474 No.98725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728653 (131509ZOCT23) Notable: 10,000 Illegal Aliens Will Soon Cross US Border Daily, Warns Mexican President

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10,000 Illegal Aliens Will Soon Cross US Border Daily, Warns Mexican President

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador warned last week that the US will soon see 10,000 illegal immigrants entering our southern border every day. Obrador seemed to join Colombian President Gustavo Petro in blaming the situation on US sanctions on countries like Venezuela and Cuba, whose citizens make up a large part of the migrant flow. Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson had warned in 2019 that 1,000 crossings a day constitutes a crisis that “overwhelms” the immigration system.

The influx of illegal aliens has become so dire that the Biden regime has started resuming building a border wall and deploying Secretary of State Antony Blinken and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to Mexico for damage control.



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7aa474 No.98726

File: ecea2d2863d9634⋯.png (290.84 KB,421x263,421:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728660 (131510ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

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Democrat who Supported Black Lives Matter Shot Dead by Black Teen While Canvassing

Michigan: Ingham County Democrat Party Secretary Theodore “Ted” Lawson, a 63-year old white man who supported Black Lives Matter, was allegedly shot and killed by a black 15-year-old boy while going door-to-door canvassing for a local politician. Three teens were recorded on camera walking on the opposite side of the street from Lawson and one crossed over and moved toward the politician; they moved out of camera range and a gunshot was recorded on audio. The video then showed the three teens running away. Lamar Patrick Kemp, 15, has been arrested and charged with murder and will be tried as an adult.



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7aa474 No.98727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728666 (131511ZOCT23) Notable: The seeds of all of this carnage and destruction begins more than a century ago, long before the Holocaust

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The seeds of all of this carnage and destruction begins more than a century ago, long before the Holocaust, with the consolidation of Jewish power over the financial infrastructure of the Western world through usury and fractional reserve banking, high interest loans through dynastic banking houses to governments backed up by the nations’ taxes, incredible wealth accumulation devices and practices which Christians did not participate in at scale comparable to the Jews — and then their monopoly control of newspapers and the press, domination of communications networks which began the first iteration of cancel culture against “anti-Semitic” critics like Henry Ford and others, titans of Industry who named the “Jew” and called out the war of Finance against Industry, the weaponization of labor rights movements, and the subjugation of the American national interest to Jewish monied interests and supercontrol and influence in the halls of power, which became the guiding hand in foreign affairs through coercion against Washington politicians and puppets of organized Jewry such as Woodrow Wilson and others, creating conditions suitable for the overthrow of the Russian Czar and support for a Jewish homeland through the British Mandate in Palestine, two destructive world wars and more.

With the Balfour Declaration, a letter to Lord Rothschild in aftermath of WW1 when the Ottoman Empire broke apart, the idea under British Mandate of opening Palestine to settlement as a homeland for the Jews was borne. Zionism as a movement was already burgeoning among Europe’s Jews. It wasn’t until after the Holocaust that widespread and near universal Western support for Israeli statehood was realized with Israel’s recognition by the United Nations in 1948, a milestone of their Zionist ethnostate project. Ethnic wars with the neighboring Arabs would wage for decades. With the support of world powers and international Jewry lending financial and political support, Israel’s place in the Middle East was secure.

By undermining nationalism and supporting open borders in Western nations to protect their own position in Western societies as the other and the outsider, encouraging tolerance and financing minority rights movements that undermined the historic majority by weaponizing Christian ethics and democracy against us, the peculiar power of the Zionist lobby and the Jewish control matrix over our politics has not coincidentally led to our own national destruction and the criminalization of criticism of Jewish power while we fund and lend military support to the advancement of Greater Israel and the security of the Jewish people through our taxes and military spending.

The GWOT (Global War on Terror) ushered in after the 9/11 Attacks was a product of the manufactured consent created by the entrenched neoconservative faction which was literally the brainchild of Jewish individuals. The Office of Special Plans and the forces in the Bush administration that justified and pushed for the Iraq War were misled by a combination of false intelligence and deliberate manipulation to take out Saddam Hussein, a major regional threat to Israel’s security. The elimination of Ghadafi and attempted elimination of Assad further destabilized the region, preventing any strong rival Islamic power from threatening the State of Israel. Endless wars in the Middle East were also supported by evangelical Zionist ideology, which is a poisonous bi-product more than a century in the making of the Scofield Bible, a mass published Study Bible proliferated in American churches and homes that was financed by Jewish donors to mold American Christianity into a more Jewish-friendly religion, twisting scripture to nullify replacement theology (The church has replaced the Jews as the new Israel) with the ‘Jews are still God’s chosen people’ lie.

Now, with America’s government and politicians fully captured by Jewish interest groups, the completion of the Zionist project continues. It is Israel First and America Last. Our national psyche is molded by The Holocaust Guilt narrative and weaponized Slavery narrative used to disarm our people in the face of hostile moral blackmail and resource extraction by a foreign power, supported by a fifth column in the American ruling class. The group insulates itself from threats and criticism of their disproportionate power and influence through censorship groups like the ADL and other organizations. Social media poses a major threat to their control.

God bless Gab. God save Free Speech.


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7aa474 No.98728

File: 91c32c2715a82c8⋯.png (334.55 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728683 (131513ZOCT23) Notable: CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel

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Fake News: CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel

CNN has been accused of publishing another fake wartime video as the network has been shown to stage provocative stunts in the past. CNN aired a video of Chief International Correspondent Clarissa Ward breathing hard as she hunkered down in a ditch to purportedly avoid being hit by a “massive barrage of rockets.” When Ward was finally able to get up, she described a chaotic scene claiming that militants had allegedly shot up vehicles near her and her crew. She claimed smoke was rising in the distance in Gaza from air strikes. The jig appeared to be up when two plain-clothes citizens casually strolled into the report’s frame showing no concern over any supposed incoming missile strikes.

CNN has been caught on several other occasions staging phony propaganda reports: Charles Jaco and Carl Rochelle pretended to be on-site during the Gulf War, Anderson Cooper appeared to be sitting in flood water to make it look deeper and more catastrophic, and Nancy Grace and Ashleigh Banford got caught having a satellite interview in the same parking lot while pretending to be in different locations.



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7aa474 No.98729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728692 (131514ZOCT23) Notable: CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel

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CNN- First Gulf War

seems legit

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7aa474 No.98730

File: 47dfc1ff2f60cd6⋯.png (915.75 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 45268dd55e087a0⋯.png (175.92 KB,731x1061,731:1061,Clipboard.png)

File: 805e35a84dafd94⋯.png (207.62 KB,732x1278,122:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728699 (131516ZOCT23) Notable: Is this the Arabs using the Jews own tactics, except they're willing to genocidaly suicide the Palastinians

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>>>/qresearch/19726700 (pb)

>Is this the Arabs using the Jews own tactics, except they're willing to genocidaly suicide the Palastinians for real as a huge world sympathy play?

Yup, exactly what it is.

It's a crime of opportunity. Mafia exists in all cultures. The criminal attacks those that are closest - i.e. his own people. He will amass fame and fortune within his community thus engendering a certain amount of fear and respect. He will capitalize on this to further his crime syndicate. The CIA, Mossad, Hamas, Hezbollah, The Archdiocese, are all the same animals in different cloaks.

*Now somebody is gonna scream, "Israel created Hamas" To which I respond, at what point do you give people credit enough to be accountable to their own actions?

Now someone will say, "The Jews control it all". To which I respond, you don't think the #2 & #3 spots are vying for the #1 spot? How did Soros replace (Y) - see drop #189. Also, how did Trump remove one side of the pyramid (see #140).

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7aa474 No.98731

File: 37f5c1a3b8f19e6⋯.webp (16.55 KB,976x549,16:9,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728709 (131519ZOCT23) Notable: New Hampshire student admits threatening Republican congressman Matt Gaetz

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==New Hampshire student admits threatening Republican congressman Matt Gaetz=p


56 minutes ago. By Madeline Halpert

A US college student has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Republican congressman Matt Gaetz.

Allan Poller, 24, admitted he left an expletive-laden voicemail for the lawmaker on 29 March.

Poller said: "If you keep on coming for the gays, we're gonna strike back... We will kill you if that's what it takes."

According to the plea agreement, the student made the call after becoming "emotional and intoxicated" while watching videos on TikTok.

Poller, a student at Keene State College in the state of New Hampshire, faced a federal charge of transmitting a threat in interstate commerce.

While authorities did not name Mr Gaetz in court documents, his office told US media he was the subject of the threat.

A source familiar with the investigation also confirmed to the BBC's US partner CBS News that Mr Gaetz was the member of Congress targeted.

Lawmakers across the country have faced a rise in harassment and threats in recent years.

The charge carries up to five years in prison, but the government is recommending a three-year probation sentence, according to court documents obtained by CBS.

Poller was originally charged with two counts, but one was dropped as a part of the plea deal.

The BBC has reached out to a lawyer for Poller and Mr Gaetz's office for comment.

In a statement to CNN, Poller's attorney Jesse Friedman said his client "recognises that hate in any form is wrong and hurtful".

"He accepts responsibility for his actions and did not intend for his acts to cause harm or a threat to anybody," added Mr Friedman.

Poller left the voicemail after Mr Gaetz's office did not answer the phone. The foul-mouthed message said the Florida lawmaker would take a bullet to the head.

"And then if you want to keep going down that path, you know who's next," he said.

A spokesman for Keene State College said Poller had been suspended for the rest of the semester following his arrest, but could not immediately confirm if he remained an active student.

At the time of his arrest, the college said in a statement "it does not espouse violence, or threats of violence, as a means for overcoming differences".

Poller will be sentenced in January.


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7aa474 No.98732

File: 9e8fc8febe0424f⋯.png (162.7 KB,884x895,884:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728716 (131521ZOCT23) Notable: 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

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Vivek has hit his ceiling

Too many have caught on to his flip-flopping on past statements, whether they were 2 years ago or 2 weeks ago

This is what happens when you don’t actually hold the core beliefs you claim to have (which I called out very early)

You can MagaGPT the “right” answer for each crowd, but your inconsistent beliefs eventually catch up with you

But he ain’t no POTUS


Scott Morefield




🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air:

"Why don't you just own what you say and stand by it and stop playing these games?"

10:47 AM · Oct 13, 2023





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7aa474 No.98733

File: 7fabc2e69954275⋯.jpeg (366.59 KB,1125x1192,1125:1192,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728719 (131522ZOCT23) Notable: proposal to lift internal speaker threshold to 217 has been tabled

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7aa474 No.98734

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728736 (131526ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden is Finished. Chinese News???

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- Joe Biden is Finished. Chinese News

sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/lBfu5QI47HMq/

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7aa474 No.98735

File: 724ec485d47c520⋯.png (246.91 KB,906x1058,453:529,Clipboard.png)

File: fec820ee56837df⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728748 (131528ZOCT23) Notable: Pending PR disaster for Germany, as it is revealed German & EU VIPs were in Gaza paragliding 3 months ago

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Pending PR disaster for Germany, as it is revealed German & EU VIPs were in Gaza paragliding 3 months ago

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7aa474 No.98736

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728750 (131528ZOCT23) Notable: 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

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1. Vivek Ramaswamy and Obama, same words…



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7aa474 No.98737

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728757 (131529ZOCT23) Notable: 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2. Vivek Ramaswamy and Obama, same words…




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7aa474 No.98738

File: 52d736c0c0cabba⋯.png (649.25 KB,780x1315,156:263,Clipboard.png)

File: d0b8d43279c6499⋯.png (1.27 MB,1010x1016,505:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d62c6db73f38de⋯.png (715.23 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: cb7deae25adce05⋯.png (303.82 KB,661x967,661:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728787 (131535ZOCT23) Notable: 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

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7aa474 No.98739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728798 (131538ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Protest in Rome; Gaza streams

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LIVE: Protest in Rome; Gaza streams

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7aa474 No.98740

File: 9b66a82699d8187⋯.webp (33.39 KB,1023x575,1023:575,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728828 (131542ZOCT23) Notable: Mysterious Graffiti Star Banksy May Be Doxxed in Lawsuit

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Mysterious Graffiti Star Banksy May Be Doxxed in Lawsuit – Underground Figure Is Now a Collective of Artists, Backed by an Army of Lawyers, Art Dealers and Curators.

We are living in momentous days, in which much of what has been hidden is getting dragged over to the light. Yesterday’s secrets are becoming today’s disclosures.

And the art world isn’t any different. Now, it surfaces that the graffiti artist known to the world as Banksy may be unmasked in an upcoming UK court defamation case.

The lawsuit was prompted by Banksy’s use of Instagram to invite shoplifters to go to a Guess store and loot it, since it had used his imagery without permission.

The case could end up forcing Banksy to relinquish his anonymity, which has been central to his success.


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7aa474 No.98741

File: b69f0294bece11b⋯.png (477.17 KB,793x921,793:921,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b9786bb365d254⋯.png (3.82 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 577e94e0f662a79⋯.png (665.5 KB,929x691,929:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 28249f5330bfb57⋯.jpg (200.36 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728865 (131549ZOCT23) Notable: Battle for the gavel: Scalise drops OUT, Jim Jordan stays IN

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Battle for the gavel: Scalise drops OUT, Jim Jordan stays IN

October 13, 2023

The House of Representatives has yet to secure a new Speaker in the wake of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s, R-Calif., ousting, drawing attention to what may be contentious inner negotiations among Republicans at Capitol Hill.

According to Just the News, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., withdrew his name from the Speaker’s race on Thursday, citing a lack of unity in the congressional conference. Previously, Scalise won the Speakership nomination in a private ballot conference in D.C. by a vote of 113 against Rep. Jim Jordan’s 99.

However, with Scalise out of the race, Rep. Jordan may yet have a path to winning the gavel. The Ohio congressman has been endorsed by President Donald J. Trump.

Steve Scalise resigned from the Speaker’s race today. It’s time to elect Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House. America agrees. pic.twitter.com/FZdZuz2Mir

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) October 13, 2023

As reported by RSBN, a candidate needs to secure 217 votes to win the Speakership, and without Scalise running for the seat, more votes are expected to swing toward Jordan. However, Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., could possibly jump into the race, as well, according to a report from Fox News.

Emmer is the Republican Majority Whip.

A contingency of America First representatives in the House have followed Trump’s lead and endorsed Jordan for Speaker, including Reps. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., and Thomas Massie, R-Ky.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who initiated the motion to vacate Rep. McCarthy from the position of Speaker, explained on X that his goal is to “get the most conservative Speaker of the House with broad trust across the conference.”

He continued, “The Swamp of Washington D.C. is going crazy right now because they are not in complete and total control–this gives us a great opportunity to put the interests of our fellow Americans first.”

Currently, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., is serving as the Speaker Pro Tempore until Congress selects a Speaker.


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7aa474 No.98742

File: b8271973d988252⋯.png (540.68 KB,717x477,239:159,Clipboard.png)

File: f5ed3c3fe41a81b⋯.png (328.24 KB,548x714,274:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728874 (131550ZOCT23) Notable: US Space Force pauses use of ChatGPT-like tools due to security fears

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US Space Force pauses use of ChatGPT-like tools due to security fears: Report

Oct 12, 2023

The United States Space Force has temporarily banned its staff from using generative artificial tools while on duty to protect government data, according to reports.

Space Force members were informed that they “are not authorized” to web-based generative AI tools — to create text, images and other media unless specifically approved, according to an Oct. 12 report by Bloomberg, citing a memorandum addressed to the Guardian Workforce (Space Force members) on Sept. 29.

“Generative AI will undoubtedly revolutionize our workforce and enhance Guardian’s ability to operate at speed,” Lisa Costa, Space Force’s deputy chief of space operations for technology and innovation, reportedly said in the memorandum.

However, Costa cited concerns over current cybersecurity and data handling standards, explaining that AI and large language model (LLM) adoption needs to be more “responsible.”

The United States Space Force is a space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces tasked with protecting the U.S. and allied interests in space.

The Space Force’s decision has already impacted at least 500 individuals using a generative AI platform called “Ask Sage,” according to Bloomberg, citing comments from Nick Chaillan, former chief software officer for the United States Air Force and Space Force.

Chaillan reportedly criticized the Space Force’s decision. “Clearly, this is going to put us years behind China,” he wrote in a September email complaining to Costa and other senior defense officials.

“It’s a very short-sighted decision,” Chaillan added.

Chaillan noted that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and its departments have developed generative AI tools of their own that meet data security standards.

Concerns that LLMs could leak private information to the public have been a fear for some governments in recent months.

Italy temporarily blocked AI chatbot ChatGPT in March, citing suspected breaches of data privacy rules before reversing its decision about a month later.

Tech giants such as Apple, Amazon and Samsung are among the firms that have also banned or restricted employees from using ChatGPT-like AI tools at work.


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7aa474 No.98743

File: 4a92939c3c7032c⋯.png (91.57 KB,444x696,37:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728948 (131603ZOCT23) Notable: Hezbollah Statement: "Permission has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory."

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Hezbollah Statement:

"Permission has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory."

In response to Israeli attacks on the outskirts of several southern Lebanese towns this Friday, the Islamic Resistance fighters attacked the following Israeli sites: Al-Abbad site, Maskafa'am site, Ramia site, and Jal Al-Alam site, using appropriate and direct weapons, and achieved precise hits.

And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise"


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7aa474 No.98744

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728954 (131604ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon Questions Why The U.S. Must Solve The Middle East’s Problems

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McCaul has deep ties to MIC!

Bannon Questions Why The U.S. Must Solve The Middle East’s Problems

Bannons War Room



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7aa474 No.98745

File: 3f0a0e79225804a⋯.png (17.61 KB,467x300,467:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728959 (131605ZOCT23) Notable: Hezbollah Statement: "Permission has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory."

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The IDF will protect the people of Israel.

Hamas indiscriminately slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians.

Now Hamas is hiding behind the people in Gaza.

That's why we're asking them to move.

Because the IDF will protect the people of Israel.


Let them work it out themselves.

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7aa474 No.98746

File: 2c4815a94955ca5⋯.png (157.46 KB,492x595,492:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728971 (131608ZOCT23) Notable: Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

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Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse


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7aa474 No.98747

File: d0cfe5dca91c21f⋯.jpg (74.84 KB,792x612,22:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728973 (131608ZOCT23) Notable: Emir of Qatar: "If the bombing of Gaza doesn't stop, we will stop gas supply of the world."

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Knew I read it somewhere. Thanks, Q!


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7aa474 No.98748

File: b8fd617e0b1ec76⋯.png (1.13 MB,1192x1346,596:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 71a3b23a313903b⋯.png (384.91 KB,2702x1536,1351:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 417033996178ae1⋯.png (977.92 KB,1512x1462,756:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 0faddb502202fcd⋯.png (556.89 KB,1190x1262,595:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728974 (131608ZOCT23) Notable: Pending PR disaster for Germany, as it is revealed German & EU VIPs were in Gaza paragliding 3 months ago

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"Man Arrested in Scotland After PARAGLIDER Unfurls Anti-Trump Banner" - July 15, 2018


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7aa474 No.98749

File: 2d6fcc6f1ca9636⋯.png (339.35 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

File: abc04d02e610f54⋯.jpg (76.28 KB,680x568,85:71,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19728991 (131612ZOCT23) Notable: Bidens involvement in cover-up of Obama's murder of SealTeam 6 retweeted by DJT

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"When are you people going to finally do something about this?"

Mae Brussell - 1977


Bidens involvement in cover-up of Obama's murder of SealTeam 6 retweeted by DJT

(no wonder Twit erased his history there?)

Obama's payoff to Iran to cover-up murder of SEAL TEAM 6

what happened to them?

remember "Curl in the middle of the forehead"

Aaron Vaughn?

Were they taken from the ground for torture and to hold for blackmail?

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7aa474 No.98750

File: fd2fc95dcc1911b⋯.png (29.42 KB,524x228,131:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729022 (131617ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I have always been impressed by the skill and determination of the Israeli Defence Forces

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I have always been impressed by the skill and determination of the Israeli Defence Forces. As they defend their Nation against ruthless terrorists, I want to wish every soldier the best of luck. May you return home safely to your families, and may God bless you all!


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7aa474 No.98751

File: 51f7e6e90ea8094⋯.png (632.39 KB,800x579,800:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729029 (131619ZOCT23) Notable: UFO researcher: a specimen is also kept in Hungary

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UFO researcher: a specimen is also kept in Hungary

Oct 12, 2023

According to Hungarian UFO researcher János Kalmár, in 1996 a plane collided with a spaceship over the village of Pápa. An alien creature has been held in Hungary ever since.

UFO in Hungary Recently, on a Ryanair flight, both the passengers and the pilot sighted a UFO. János Kalmár, president of the Hungarian UFO Research Association, believes that the open air makes it easy for UFOs to fly over our surface.

The expert has been involved in UFO research for 30 years. According to Kalmár, when a phenomenon is reported, the evidence and the location are always carefully checked. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that many people cheat, which, according to the expert, harms the subject and the researcher.

Not all UFOs that shine

Kalmár jokes that “not everything is UFO that shines”. You have to investigate the reports carefully. The Hungarian expert recently attended a conference in Finland, where it was revealed that “aliens travel between galaxies in interstellar vehicles 800 kilometres long, 330 kilometres wide and 50 kilometres high.”

Kalmár also said that there is a UFO in Hungary, where a “little grey” has been detained since 1996. Although he has not seen it himself, he has been to the place where the alien has been kept for 27 years. In November, there will be a full-day conference in Budapest, which anyone can attend, rtl.hu reports.


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7aa474 No.98752

File: 38597a1bb2cda87⋯.png (125.3 KB,528x425,528:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729031 (131620ZOCT23) Notable: CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that "babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated" has now apologized for spreading false information

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The CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that "babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated" has now apologized for spreading false information.


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7aa474 No.98753

File: 4c3f2ca3e772940⋯.jpeg (217.16 KB,1125x704,1125:704,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729035 (131621ZOCT23) Notable: Rep Austin Scott R-GA will challenge JJ

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No we have never heard of you sit down! The people have spoken…Jordan! Jordan!


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7aa474 No.98754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729048 (131624ZOCT23) Notable: Bidens involvement in cover-up of Obama's murder of SealTeam 6 retweeted by DJT

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Anons already know this, Obama is a treasonous faggot and will burn on earth as well as hell

note: Watch below. has all the reciepts and evidence also.

Alan Parrot Video Call (FULL) w/ Benghazi Whistleblower & Father of Killed Navy SEAL


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7aa474 No.98755

File: 2880b10af26191a⋯.jpg (69.65 KB,426x210,71:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729052 (131625ZOCT23) Notable: Rep Austin Scott R-GA will challenge JJ

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in office since 2011 and never heard of him.


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7aa474 No.98756

File: 4cf9e2fbf7216aa⋯.jpeg (328 KB,1125x875,9:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729062 (131627ZOCT23) Notable: Rep Austin Scott R-GA will challenge JJ

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Nobody pols from GA. Y’all are Batshit.


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7aa474 No.98757

File: e2a706f1218a5ab⋯.png (152.67 KB,533x432,533:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729083 (131632ZOCT23) Notable: Israel to enforce complete internet blackout in Gaza starting tomorrow, Saturday

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Israel to enforce complete internet blackout in Gaza starting tomorrow, Saturday


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7aa474 No.98758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729109 (131636ZOCT23) Notable: 2023 China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties

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China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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7aa474 No.98759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729124 (131639ZOCT23) Notable: CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that "babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated" has now apologized for spreading false information

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Kirby yesterday:

Reporter: Has the united States independently verified the photos released by the Israeli Prime Minster's twitter account today showing the images of dead children?

Kirby: I don't think we're going to be in the business of having to validate or approve those images, they are coming from the Prime Minister of Israel, and we have absolutely no reason to doubt their authenticity.

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7aa474 No.98760

File: 8ef7074f55eeb4b⋯.png (253.48 KB,526x437,526:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729132 (131640ZOCT23) Notable: Falcon Heavy launches

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Falcon Heavy launches


’s interplanetary



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7aa474 No.98761

File: 0d675b4353a2887⋯.png (195.15 KB,529x465,529:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729156 (131644ZOCT23) Notable: The US says that North Korea dispatched 300 freight containers loaded with munitions to Russia via rail

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BREAKING: The US says that North Korea dispatched 300 freight containers loaded with munitions to Russia via rail - VOA


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7aa474 No.98762

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729170 (131647ZOCT23) Notable: Flynn retruth: What REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure

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Flynn retruth: What REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure

The MSM has the what and the why, but not the how. Let me tell you what really caused this catastrophic failure in Israeli intelligence last Saturday.

As my regulars are aware, I have spent some time this year in Israel, in the technology and start-up community, pursuing a couple of blockchain investments. in that capacity, I have come to learn a thing or two about the Israeli cyber-warfare community and its political discontents.

Tune in here to hear me describe political events in that community over the last 2+ years, and how the real blame for this intelligence catastrophe should be placed with the machinations of the Biden Regime, and in particular, SoS Anthony Blinken, DNI Avril Haines, and Dan Shapiro.






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7aa474 No.98763

File: baba0b8b4a99e1f⋯.png (21.26 KB,521x270,521:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729205 (131651ZOCT23) Notable: Rep Austin Scott R-GA will challenge JJ

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Olivia Beavers


Petition to bring cellphones back… or just sneak them in anyway (oops, I said it 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Juliegrace Brufke




A lawmaker tells me a member in this morning’s GOP meeting raised wanting cellphones to be allowed back in the room so me and @Olivia_Beavers can once again live tweet.

12:32 PM · Oct 13, 2023


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7aa474 No.98764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729252 (131659ZOCT23) Notable: #24224

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#24224 >>98705

>>98706, >>98715 PF updates

>>98707, >>98713 Former US Space Force Commander EXPOSES What’s REALLY Going On…


>>98709 The Judge In Trump’s Federal J-6 Election Trial Should Recuse Herself, But Probably Won’t

>>98710, >>98747 Emir of Qatar: "If the bombing of Gaza doesn't stop, we will stop gas supply of the world."

>>98711, >>98712, >>98714, >>98717, >>98726 James Woods unearths damning 2015 BLM video that explains exactly why they support Islamic terrorists…

>>98716 FYI: Hamas terrorists wearing the green headbands you see in vids have taken a martyrdom oath

>>98718 50 misinformation, disinformation and outright covid lies told by the Australian government and regulators

>>98719 Microsoft Closes $69 Billion Activision Deal, Overcoming Regulators’ Objections

>>98720, >>98724 Israeli Embassy staffer stabbed in Beijing on ‘day of Jihad’

>>98721 DeSantis attacks Trump over his critique of Israel’s government—but nearly 90% of Israelis agree with Trump…

>>98722 Joint Statement on U.S.-Singapore Space Dialogue

>>98723 Newsom Repeals California Law that ‘Censored’ Doctors Giving COVID Care

>>98725 10,000 Illegal Aliens Will Soon Cross US Border Daily, Warns Mexican President

>>98727 The seeds of all of this carnage and destruction begins more than a century ago, long before the Holocaust

>>98728, >>98729 CNN Accused of Staging Wartime Reporting In Israel

>>98730 Is this the Arabs using the Jews own tactics, except they're willing to genocidaly suicide the Palastinians

>>98731 New Hampshire student admits threatening Republican congressman Matt Gaetz

>>98732, >>98736, >>98737, >>98738 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

>>98733 proposal to lift internal speaker threshold to 217 has been tabled

>>98734 Joe Biden is Finished. Chinese News???

>>98735, >>98748 Pending PR disaster for Germany, as it is revealed German & EU VIPs were in Gaza paragliding 3 months ago

>>98739 LIVE: Protest in Rome; Gaza streams

>>98740 Mysterious Graffiti Star Banksy May Be Doxxed in Lawsuit

>>98741 Battle for the gavel: Scalise drops OUT, Jim Jordan stays IN

>>98742 US Space Force pauses use of ChatGPT-like tools due to security fears

>>98743, >>98745 Hezbollah Statement: "Permission has been given to those who are being fought because they were wronged, and indeed, Allah is capable of granting them victory."

>>98744 Bannon Questions Why The U.S. Must Solve The Middle East’s Problems

>>98746 Why NASA Will Fire Three Rockets At The ‘Ring Of Fire’ Solar Eclipse

>>98749, >>98754 Bidens involvement in cover-up of Obama's murder of SealTeam 6 retweeted by DJT

>>98750 @realDonaldTrump I have always been impressed by the skill and determination of the Israeli Defence Forces

>>98751 UFO researcher: a specimen is also kept in Hungary

>>98752, >>98759 CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that "babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated" has now apologized for spreading false information

>>98753, >>98755, >>98756, >>98763 Rep Austin Scott R-GA will challenge JJ

>>98757 Israel to enforce complete internet blackout in Gaza starting tomorrow, Saturday

>>98758 2023 China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties

>>98760 Falcon Heavy launches

>>98761 The US says that North Korea dispatched 300 freight containers loaded with munitions to Russia via rail

>>98762 Flynn retruth: What REALLY Caused Israeli's Catastrophic Intelligence Failure


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7aa474 No.98765

File: 09e53db5e5fcbb2⋯.png (231.75 KB,430x430,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 25b5733345af746⋯.jpg (60.78 KB,500x544,125:136,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4cf9e2fbf7216aa⋯.jpeg (328 KB,1125x875,9:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7091f76912dd8fd⋯.png (1.72 MB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729273 (131702ZOCT23) Notable: #24225

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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7aa474 No.98766

File: 68bfa035a87a0b1⋯.png (710.62 KB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729280 (131703ZOCT23) Notable: 8Kun MP4 Archive Updated!

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8Kun MP4 Archive Updated!

100 Videos Uploaded

3600 Total Videos atm.

Enjoy, Archive and Share


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7aa474 No.98767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729288 (131703ZOCT23) Notable: 8Kun MP4 Archive Updated!

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kek, Link related


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7aa474 No.98768

File: 6469e826e30a9b9⋯.png (427.84 KB,527x626,527:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729309 (131710ZOCT23) Notable: US Navy on Hawkeyes

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🔍 👀 Eyes in the sky

#DYK the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye’s 24-foot diameter radar provides 360-degree coverage for a variety of missions, including airborne battle management, command and control, communications relay, and close air support coordination.



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7aa474 No.98769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729314 (131711ZOCT23) Notable: Angry letters between Ben Gurion and JFK

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Israel for Last is getting good

JFK blown away what else do i have to say


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7aa474 No.98770

File: aef6ae87fb4ef55⋯.mp4 (10.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729325 (131712ZOCT23) Notable: New Footage of J6

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BAKERtaps at 20



>>>/qresearch/19729255 Lb - VID CAP

>>>/qresearch/19728941 Lb - NEW FOOTAGE OF J6

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7aa474 No.98771

File: be46a4a4b5239c6⋯.png (576.62 KB,998x504,499:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729328 (131713ZOCT23) Notable: Dr Jan Halper-Hayes news

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maybe just change up the delivery?

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7aa474 No.98772

File: 309f57ef348cdc3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1437x938,1437:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729448 (131734ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Right now

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7aa474 No.98773

File: 79f68e297d14e81⋯.png (1.27 MB,1431x932,1431:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729473 (131738ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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JAG is off and away from Indianapolis

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7aa474 No.98774

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729494 (131741ZOCT23) Notable: Predatory advertising

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Predatory advertising

Quote:"Predatory advertising, or predatory marketing, can be largely understood as the practice of manipulating vulnerable persons or populations into unfavorable market transactions through the undisclosed exploitation of these vulnerabilities."

(Red text added)

Anyone ever heard of "predatory marketing"? Saw something in my neighborhood. A recent hail storm (June?) left houses in one part of my city with hail damage, apparently. Soon after signs started going up all around neighborhoods that roofs were being replaced. Fine. But it is 3+ months later and folks are going around offering "inspections" to determine if there is damage. Probably even long standing issues can be viewed from the street. To cut a long story short it seems that people's personal information is being sold to marketers who go around offering said "free" inspections. However, they are betting on insurance coverage for "hail damage" and once you receive the inspection the person doing the "inspection" and who has likely photoed your house now wants to provide you with the "free" (minus deductible) roof. How is this okay? In my area there are lots of elderly who likely let these people onto their properties and get scammed into filing a claim that in my opinion might leave them in worse shape than if the roof had been left alone. How does this affect their insurability? For those who have taken rebates to put solar panels on their roof is this tacit admission the panels are at high risk?

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7aa474 No.98775

File: 7999cb8e966fcc0⋯.png (9.61 KB,517x125,517:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729536 (131746ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction

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JUST IN - Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction


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7aa474 No.98776

File: 34388a85d5f7329⋯.png (383.4 KB,600x545,120:109,Clipboard.png)

File: f2adb2e84c016fc⋯.png (256.61 KB,600x452,150:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b95c4a4588795e⋯.png (168.61 KB,537x602,537:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729538 (131746ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas' Telegram channel claims the group fired an Ayyash 250 rocket at the IDF Northern Command HQ in Safed (180km to Gaza)

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Fabian Hinz



Hamas' Telegram channel claims the group fired an Ayyash 250 rocket at the IDF Northern Command HQ in Safed (distance of about 180km to Gaza).




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7aa474 No.98777

File: 8762fbd1da7d508⋯.png (14.55 KB,522x158,261:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729546 (131747ZOCT23) Notable: United States has reportedly given the “Green Light” to Israel for them to conduct any Operation which they deem Necessary in order to Confront any Threat- IS THIS TRUE? DIG CALL

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The United States has reportedly given the “Green Light” to Israel for them to conduct any Operation which they deem Necessary in order to Confront any Threat, on any Front, in any Geography.


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7aa474 No.98778

File: b17ab37489086a2⋯.png (294.51 KB,744x692,186:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729553 (131748ZOCT23) Notable: Emir of #Qatar has announced that if the bombing of #Gaza does not stop, he will stop the supply of gas to the world

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US strategic reserve situation now this.

Stop War!




The Emir of #Qatar has announced that if the bombing of #Gaza does not stop, he will stop the supply of gas to the world.


War is cruel, heartless, and no humanity💔

"Day of Jihad" - "Day of Rage" - Friday the 13th


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7aa474 No.98779

File: fc7bf81ad5a01c8⋯.png (545.28 KB,647x899,647:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729578 (131751ZOCT23) Notable: SF residents must rely on self-help to locate their stolen cars

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LOST AND FOUND My car was stolen, no one could find it – then I checked the parking ticket website & all the clues I needed were there

Kristen Brown

Published: 18:59 ET, Oct 12 2023Updated: 0:23 ET, Oct 13 2023

A WOMAN has shared how she found her stolen car by looking up parking tickets on her city website.

She and other residents have been left baffled by the fact that their stolen cars were being ticketed - all while they had no idea where the vehicles were.

Almost 100 stolen vehicles were collecting street sweeper tickets after they were abandoned, according to the SF Chronicle, San Francisco, California's largest newspaper.

The publication analyzed stolen car data and found that 97 vehicles had yet to be recovered but continued to rack up parking tickets.

Between May 1 and September 17 of this year, 2,000 cars were reported stolen to San Francisco police, and 411 of them were issued tickets after the theft, the newspaper reported.

Normally, ticketing officials with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Association (SFMTA) are supposed to run the license plates of vehicles they're ticketing to ensure they're not stolen.

If a plate comes back as stolen, the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) could return the vehicle to its rightful owner.

Apparently, the vehicles are being ticketed without plates being run.

This phenomenon is so common in San Francisco that some victims of theft are able to recover their cars themselves by checking the SFMTA database of transit tickets, SF Chronicle reported.

Christy Gagan did just that.

Gagan posted about her stolen car on the Nextdoor app and several neighbors suggested she run her license plate through the SFMTA ticketing database to see if her car had been ticketed.

Sure enough, she was able to see that her car got a ticket in the Fillmore area after it was stolen from her West Portal home - a five mile trip one way.

Her husband drove to their stolen Infiniti SUV and phoned the SFPD, who instructed him to wait by the car for an officer.

Gagan's husband found a plethora of stolen merchandise in the vehicle and, after waiting a few hours, drove the car to a police station.

Stolen credit cards and a variety of auto parts were strewn across the victim's vehicle, and they told the SF Chronicle it looked like a "chop shop was set up in my car."

A chop shop is an element of the black market for automotive parts.

It's common for vehicles to be stolen for the sole purpose of being stripped down to sell individual pieces, as stolen car parts are nearly impossible to trace.

“The concept that you need to rely on self-help to find your stolen car is nuts,” Susan Kostal, another car theft victim, told the Chronicle.

“Neither SFPD nor SFMTA seems concerned about finding cars and closing these cases. It’s pretty clear it’s a low priority for both agencies.”

An SFMTA spokesperson told the Chronicle that ticketing officials no longer have access to a police database for California, though officials in San Diego do - after they undergo a strict background test.

“We have no specific policy regarding checking vehicles to see if they are stolen during the normal course of duties,” Stephen Chun, SFMTA spokesperson, told the SF Chronicle.

It isn't clear whether the vehicle owner is responsible for tickets that were issued before their stolen car was recovered.

After the SF Chronicle investigation, the mayor ordered SFMTA to stop ticketing stolen vehicles and help reunite them with their owners instead, the newspaper reported.

The U.S. Sun has reached out to both the SFPD and SFMTA for comment.


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7aa474 No.98780

File: 7ec75b4e3fb4dd3⋯.png (136.39 KB,593x467,593:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729591 (131752ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: 10/13/23

Dear Patriots,

We have many items of good news this week, even amidst the terror in Israel.

As always if you want to read more, we provide links.

1- Thank you God for sending us good men who will do hard things. Thank you for people who will race to help others. As Representative Mills says: "... the American spirit's very much alive and I think standing up and stepping in is really what these people were looking for...". Indeed.

Mills rescued 32 Americans stranded in Israel. He also rushed to help in September 2021 during the disastrous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.


GOP Rep. Mills: I Had to Help Get Americans out of Israel Because Biden Won't Do His Job

2- FINALLY! We have been urging people for years to stop giving money to their alma maters as they have turned into communist reeducation camps.

Now, Marc Rowan, a billionaire, chair of the Board of Overseers of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and mega donor says: CLOSE YOUR WALLETS!

This is a very important development. Read this entire piece. Pass it along to people at your universities who give money or sit on boards. This may be the start of stopping the insanity.

Marc Rowan at The Free Press

University Donors, Close Your Checkbooks

3- We will watch and see if these CEOs are able to withstand the onslaught from the left over this decision. But for now we pray for them as warriors.

The Daily Mail

At least a dozen more CEOs endorse Bill Ackman's vow not to hire Harvard students who blamed Israel for Hamas terror attack

4- Health workers are gaining needed protection from government mandates through the courts in New York.

Children's Health Defense

'Victory!' New York State Supreme Court Upholds Ruling That Struck Down COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers

5- Any actions to protect children from this trash is good news.

The National Pulse

Utah Is Suing TikTok

6- We always had the treatment for Covid-CCP available but it was denied to us because the left would not allow Trump a solution.

The National Pulse

New Study Finds Trump-Backed Hydroxychloroquine Was an Effective Covid Treatment After All.

7- It is good news that more people see the dangers in these continued injections. The truth about this hoax is leaking out.

The National Pulse

Over 80% Of Eligible Americans Refused Booster Shots.

8- Inch by inch the public is getting the truth on corporations and their politics.

American Action News

American Support For Corporate Activism Wanes

9- It is always good to see a little accountability for pushing a dangerous political fad.


Ad Agency Behind Bud Light Fiasco Fires Top Execs

10- All we want is sports! Sports without politics!

Daily Caller

Round Of Applause! NHL Bans LGBTQ+-Themed Nonsense And Decides To Just Stick To Sports In Epic Liberal Tear Jerker

11- Little by little, the sane people are winning over the corporations which have been grooming our children.

Editorial at Daily Caller

Disney CEO Bob Iger Reportedly 'Overwhelmed And Exhausted' As Mickey Mouse & Co. Continues To Crumble

12- It is good news when fewer people get their news from the left's public relation mouthpiece, the Washington Post.

Since 2021:

-Audience: down 28 percent.

-Subscriptions: down 15 percent (to around 2.5 million).

-Print revenue: down 10 percent.

-Digital ads: down 30 percent.

The Post Millennial

Washington Post to cut 240 positions as Americans turn away from corporate media

13- Renewable energy is not practical for main sources of energy. Investors are noticing and cutting off the money for this folly. Now, we need to get the government to stop subsiding this craziness.


Investors Dump Renewable Energy Funds At A Record Pace

PRAY for divine intervention. PRAY for Sidney and all the warriors. PRAY for peace in the world. SHARE the truth.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic



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7aa474 No.98781

File: 50b0495f6c5a87b⋯.png (249.41 KB,537x500,537:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729593 (131753ZOCT23) Notable: Prosecutor Clay Trivett reports that he has lined up lots of live FBI testimony for the Nov. 6+ hearings

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Carol Rosenberg


Oct 12

Prosecutor Clay Trivett reports that he has lined up lots of live FBI testimony for the Nov. 6+ hearings.Special agents Perkins, Butsch, Fitzgerald and a skilled Arabic-English linguist named Antoon.Most will testify inside the actual court rather than on videofeed, he says.


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7aa474 No.98782

File: c0ef9d5cd8b731d⋯.png (378.9 KB,591x844,591:844,Clipboard.png)

File: 164f8729a37127a⋯.jpg (431.94 KB,758x946,379:473,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 196b84766c60795⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729596 (131753ZOCT23) Notable: Dr Jan Halper-Hayes news

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"DJT felt that people needed to see how bad it could really get"

Roseanne - "DJT is Commander In Chief. Look up Jan Halper-Hayes. She works for the DoD. She says it."

DJT - "Everyone has to watch her interview" (below)

Jan Halper Halper Hayes Interview - DJT Said to Watch

"You know I sit on a task force at the Dept of Defence, and the thing is, they've got the goods. (re election interference)

And Trump knew that if he presented any of the goods early on, we'd have a civil war. That he really felt that people needed to see how bad it could really get."

"He (DJT) didn't subvert anything. He set up the Deep State to come out and that's why we're seeing all these things. It was revealed by whistleblowers"

(Joe, Barisma & Ukraine)


From 5:00

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7aa474 No.98783

File: 13c69f8e56a3132⋯.png (1.05 MB,1662x886,831:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e1fce14e3b1fc2⋯.png (424.89 KB,562x594,281:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 7028a66a3572a9e⋯.png (642.64 KB,784x914,392:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729598 (131754ZOCT23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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December 29, 2020: At 11:27 a.m., Meadows sent Rosen a copy of a letter dated December 27 and authored by Carlo Goria, an apparent representative of USAerospace Partners, a U.S.-based aviation service group.167 Meadows emailed Rosen the letter without additional comment. Goria’s letter was addressed to Trump and written in Italian, although Meadows later sent an English version to Rosen as well. The letter made several claims related to a conspiracy theory known as “Italygate,” which holds that an information technology employee of Italian

aerospace company Leonardo S.p.A. coordinated with the CIA to use military satellites to remotely switch Trump votes to Biden votes





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qlc88sV7TP4 MSNBC - Defense Secretary Called Italy To Debunk Ridiculous 'Italygate' Conspiracy Theory







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7aa474 No.98784

File: 986ed2797220b64⋯.png (478.31 KB,735x863,735:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729621 (131757ZOCT23) Notable: Fake burn photo: Here are some of the photos Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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Shapiro's not the only one to use the burn photo.

Prime Minister of Israel


Here are some of the photos Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Warning: These are horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters.

Hamas is inhuman.

Hamas is ISIS.


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7aa474 No.98785

File: 0a775f4c818a42a⋯.jpg (495.66 KB,1123x798,1123:798,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e12d9a6818c6ba1⋯.jpg (558.52 KB,1202x797,1202:797,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3925b6b299e05b6⋯.jpg (771.1 KB,1484x791,212:113,Clipboard.jpg)

File: af7ce76b981ae7c⋯.jpg (620.01 KB,964x797,964:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729662 (131802ZOCT23) Notable: Dr Jan Halper-Hayes news

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"That was an optic to tell us, that he then was going to bankrupt the US Corporation"

Jan Halper Halper Hayes Interview - DJT Said to Watch

"You know, they made fun of him because they assumed he broke protocol and walked in front of the Queen, NO. If you go back and look at it you will see he looked at her, she gave a wave with her hand, he proceeded, she took a couple of steps, he stopped and he waited for her to join.

That was an optic to tell us, that he then was going to bankrupt the US Corporation, because it was The Vatican, The Crown and The US that was part since 1871.

And we (the US) were giving you (the British) our tax dollars. We were paying back.

You know forget this Tea Party and without taxation and without representation, we owed you a lot of money because you helped us in the Civil War.

And so that is what Trump has now, he told the Queen "I'm ending this. I'm disolving this corportation. We're going to go back to being a republic and we'll all be seperate".

The Pope wasn't happy you should find the picture of him visiting The Pope. It took 650 planes to remove our gold from The Vatican Bank."


From 7:49

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7aa474 No.98786

File: cd080afaecfe02c⋯.jpeg (870.61 KB,1170x1379,1170:1379,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729716 (131808ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Brian Mast stands with Israel

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98787

File: 06881506864ed3c⋯.png (240.25 KB,557x655,557:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729757 (131813ZOCT23) Notable: US Navy celebrates 248 years of maritime excellence

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🎂 Happy 248th Birthday To Us 🎉

Cheers to many more years of keeping our country safe in the air, on land, and at sea, because we believe that there is no substitute for presence and for people.

U.S. Navy Celebrates 248 Years of Maritime Excellence

9:01 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98788

File: 22ea9f0424c95b3⋯.png (38.92 KB,792x628,198:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729800 (131820ZOCT23) Notable: House committee launches oversight of Biden’s ‘climate corps’ jobs program

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House committee launches oversight of Biden’s ‘climate corps’ jobs program

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7aa474 No.98789

File: 0421aa6b7ea6656⋯.png (519.66 KB,967x896,967:896,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729810 (131821ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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YEah that's not exactly what happened


>>98732, >>98736, >>98737, >>98738 🚨Wow, just wow! Sean Hannity just personally ended the VivekGPT candidacy live on the air

Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

The former U.N. ambassador went from virtually no savings in 2017 to a small fortune in part from defense contracting and war advocacy ties.

Lee Fang

Aug 24, 2023

∙ Paid

When should America deploy its armaments and forces to conflicts around the globe? And how much of the American military intervention abroad is shaped by genuine humanitarian and U.S. interests versus the tangled web of foreign alliances, special interest groups, and defense contractors?

These questions, which have long divided both major political parties, were on display in Milwaukee last night at the first Republican presidential debate as foreign policy loomed as a key point of contention.

Vivek Ramaswamy, as the only candidate directly against any escalation in the Ukraine-Russia war and against any additional U.S. funds, argued that the conflict represented “another no-win war” like the wars in Iraq and Vietnam. The biotech investor favors a quick negotiated end to the fighting and an alliance with Russia to help contain China against any future aggression, as well as a greater focus on domestic issues, such as immigration.

Several candidates, in contrast, bitterly argued that supporting Ukraine is a moralistic necessity.

Mike Pence, a proponent of increased military support to Ukraine, said that Russian President Vladimir Putin “is a dictator and a murderer, and the United States of America needs to stand against authoritarianism.”

Nikki Haley, who also backs more American funds and military support for the conflict, made similar remarks. “Look at what Putin did today. He killed Prigozhin. When I was at the U.N., the Russian ambassador suddenly died. This guy is a murderer,” said Haley.

But the debate turned personal a moment later, as Haley charged that Ramaswamy is “choosing a murderer over a pro-American country.”

"I wish you well on your future career on the boards of Lockheed and Raytheon," Ramaswamy shot back.

“You would make America less safe. You have no foreign policy experience, and it shows,” countered Haley.

The incendiary exchange, which instantly became a viral, made-for-television exchange clip shared widely, belied a deeper divide in foreign policy and the curious background of Haley, who went from near negligible wealth –with virtually no assets or investments other than a bank account with less than $15,000 in 2017 and up to $1 million in debt– to a sizable fortune.

Over the last year, Haley and her husband reported a vast investment stock portfolio and $12 million of income.

The former South Carolina governor left the Trump administration in 2018 at a time when her parents were struggling financially and had just faced foreclosure. Those days are over. Haley now resides in a 5,700-square-foot mansion on Kiawah Island now worth close to $5 million. Haley and her husband also helped sell a strip mall once owned by her parents and worked to clear the family of previous debts.

Along the way, Haley became wealthy in large part from her ties to a network of defense interests and hawkish advocacy organizations tied to U.S. and Israeli intelligence officials.

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7aa474 No.98790

File: 2e69d74b78d9200⋯.png (497.19 KB,592x487,592:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729836 (131826ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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>YEah that's not exactly what happened

Sean is back to towing the warmonger line and defending the latest RINO candidate since Desanctus tanked. Sean is lookin a little worn down. Hadn't seen him since November 2020. Vivek's Tucker plug was top notch

In one of her first reported private sector jobs after leaving her last government post,Haley joined the board of Boeing, a defense contractor, a position that paid around $300,000 a year in cash and stock. Haley, according to disclosures, still owns up to $250,000 in Boeing stock.

Haley’s primary income, aside from speaking engagements, is from United Against a Nuclear Iran, an advocacy group shrouded in secrecy.

The group, which has lobbied for military strikes on Iran, is advised by Zohar Palti and Tamir Pardo, two former Israeli intelligence officials, as well as many former U.S. national security officials. The Department of Justice previously intervened in a lawsuit to prevent the disclosure of United Against a Nuclear Iran's donors, claiming that doing so would "cause harm to national security."

Haley also works as a consultant to Prism Global Management, a New York-based investment fund run by Richard Kang, a position that earned $708,335. While the investment fund has no substantial online presence,Kang is active in the defense world and serves as an advisor to America’s Frontier Fund, a new group backed by former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt and run day-to-day by Gilman Louie, the former head of In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm.

At a launch event for the fund last year, a participant openly discussed the fact that America’s Frontier Fund is investing strategically in “choke points” in case of war between China and Taiwan, in which case the fund’s portfolio would increase “10x, like overnight.”

Michael Haley, Nikki’s husband, also launched his own defense contracting firm in recent years.Michael who previously served with the National Guard, along with stints in human resources and at a high-end clothing store, earns up to $500,000 from a company called Allied Defense.

An investigation from the Daily Beast showed that Allied Defense appears to overlap with a sister company, Defense Engineering Services, that helps clients “navigate political and legal concerns to allow for defense system acquisition."

IKOR Systems, a firm founded by Michael, touts clients in “aerospace manufacturing,” as well as gaming. The website for the company provides few details. But the company brought in up to $1 million in income for the couple.


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7aa474 No.98791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729862 (131830ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Brian Mast stands with Israel

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Same Brian Mast?

Member of the

U.S. House of Representatives

from Florida


Assumed office

January 3, 2017

Preceded by Patrick Murphy

Constituency 18th district (2017–2023)

21st district (2023–present)

Personal details

Born Brian Jeffery Mast

July 10, 1980 (age 43)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.

Political party Republican

Spouse Brianna Watkins ​(m. 2007)​

Children 4

Education Palm Beach Atlantic University

American Military University

Harvard Extension School (ALB)

Website House website

Military service

Allegiance United States

Branch/service Army

Years of service 2000–2011


Staff Sergeant


28th Ordnance Company[1]

Battles/wars War in Afghanistan

Operation Enduring Freedom


Bronze Star

Purple Heart

Defense Meritorious Service Medal

Army Commendation Medal

with "V" for valor

Brian Jeffery Mast (born July 10, 1980) is an American politician and U.S. military veteran who has served as the U.S. representative for Florida's 21st congressional district since 2017. The district, numbered as the 18th district from 2017 to 2023, includes portions of the Palm Beaches and Treasure Coast. Mast is a member of the Republican Party.

A veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, Mast lost both his legs while serving as a U.S. Army explosive ordnance disposal technician in Afghanistan in 2010.

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7aa474 No.98792

File: 903e5a0ab9dd575⋯.jpg (204.67 KB,534x531,178:177,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49a3cfa84636209⋯.jpg (112.96 KB,519x347,519:347,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d28a95ec5120a3⋯.jpg (257.9 KB,519x671,519:671,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729864 (131830ZOCT23) Notable: Dr Jan Halper-Hayes news

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* Roseanne was thanked as an 'influencer' by DJT a few days ago at Club 47

* The day before she was on the PBD show on YT saying "DJT is Commander in Chief - look up Jan Haper Hayes of the DoD - she says it"

* DJT truthed to watch the Jan Halper Hayes interview

* In the interview, Hayes states that DJT bankrupt the US Corporation and seperated from The Vatican and The Crown

* Biden is the legitimate president of the NOW BANKRUPT US Corporation

* DJT is the legitimate President of The USA (Republic)


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7aa474 No.98793

File: d987125882f9450⋯.png (137.62 KB,520x480,13:12,Clipboard.png)

File: a9fb1f10c7644f9⋯.mp4 (108.29 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729867 (131831ZOCT23) Notable: Why Biden going to Delaware? Olivia Dalton: "The president is making a brief stop at home"

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"What's the reason for the president's trip to Delaware this afternoon?"

Biden spokesperson Olivia Dalton: "The president is making a brief stop at home"


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7aa474 No.98794

File: f96ee9a619a5635⋯.png (764.03 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729871 (131832ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Minot AFB B-52 flying incognito.

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7aa474 No.98795

File: 423060cb77c7e45⋯.png (246.75 KB,600x480,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729886 (131835ZOCT23) Notable: CNN reporter issues an apology and clarifies that the news of baby beheadings

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Mario Nawfal



🚨JUST IN: CNN reporter issues an apology and clarifies that the news of baby beheadings by Hamas was unconfirmed. The Israeli government also stated it cannot confirm the news from Netanyahu's office.



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7aa474 No.98796

File: d30296f8f9d9b52⋯.png (25.54 KB,600x227,600:227,Clipboard.png)

File: f61d4639d2e6400⋯.png (20.01 KB,431x318,431:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729910 (131839ZOCT23) Notable: Congrats to @NASA & @SpaceX teams for successfully launching the Psyche probe to interplanetary transfer orbit!

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Elon Musk



Congrats to @NASA & @SpaceX teams for successfully launching the Psyche probe to interplanetary transfer orbit!




Watch live as Falcon Heavy launches @NASA’s Psyche mission to an interplanetary transfer orbit nitter.net/i/broadcasts/1Ly…

Oct 13, 2023 · 4:58 PM UTC



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7aa474 No.98797

File: 083644b6a638368⋯.png (265.23 KB,521x697,521:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729950 (131846ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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NH Secretary of State


Some lucky 4th graders touring the NH State House got to meet presidential candidate Nikki Haley this morning. Just your typical First-in-the-Nation Friday! #FITN

12:01 PM · Oct 13, 2023


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7aa474 No.98798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729960 (131848ZOCT23) Notable: A Stanford University instructor has been removed from the classroom amid reports they called Jewish students colonizers and downplayed the Holocaust

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A Stanford University instructor has been removed from the classroom amid reports they called Jewish students colonizers and downplayed the Holocaust



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7aa474 No.98799

File: 9e6d1eb920de291⋯.png (561.46 KB,521x682,521:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729964 (131848ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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Fox News



@NikkiHaley shares how she doubled her support in a month: https://trib.al/z1dMDf4

12:05 PM · Oct 13, 2023


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7aa474 No.98800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19729998 (131854ZOCT23) Notable: Biden says Bidenomics creates union job, investing in USA, clean energy future KEK

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3:15 PM EDT

President Biden Makes an Announcement on Hydrogen Hubs - President Biden discusses how his Bidenomics agenda is creating good-paying union jobs, investing in America, and building the clean energy future.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania




President Biden Remarks on Economy in Philadelphia

President Biden gives remarks in Philadelphia on his administration’s economic policy.


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7aa474 No.98801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730009 (131856ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Forces Enter Gaza with Infantry and Armor to Conduct “Localized Raids”

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Israeli Forces Storm Into Gaza with Infantry and Armor to Conduct “Localized Raids”

Israel ratcheted up their war against Islamist terrorists on Friday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) exclusively revealed to Fox News’ Trey Yingst that Israeli forces have stormed into Gaza with infantry and armor to conduct what they call “localized raids.” This development comes as Iran-funded Hezbollah took responsibility for targeting Israeli military posts with small-arms fire along the country’s border with Lebanon, which the Israelis responded to with artillery strikes.

Yingst notes that these actions are NOT part of the much-anticipated ground invasion. One could, however, consider this a possible precursor to the big show.

These “raids” have been conducted to clear the area of terrorists and also attempt to locate missing Israelis. These operations inside Gaza are occurring in specific locations.

As many as 150 people are believed to have been taken captive by terrorists and held in Gaza, according to Fox News.

We’re just learning this right now. The IDF tells FOX News that Israeli forces entered the Gaza Strip today, both infantry forces and tanks, to conduct “localized raids.” This was not the full scale invasion everyone was anticipating but it was an effort by Israeli military to eliminate militants along the border and also to cater information on hostages held inside the Gaza Strip.

But again, Fox News can report Israeli forces entered Gaza today to conduct “localized raids.”

Jim Hoft previously reported the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) issued an urgent warning to the United Nations to evacuate its staff in Gaza. Moreover, they also called for the evacuation of all 1.1 million civilians of Gaza City from their homes southwards for their own safety and protection and move to the area south of the Wadi Gaza.

This is all in preparation for a full-scale invasion to wipe Hama off the map once and for all. The invasion will reportedly occur within the next 24 hours.


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7aa474 No.98802

File: 426f50a08159536⋯.png (1014.96 KB,2136x1436,534:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730025 (131857ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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7aa474 No.98803

File: 17dc1036ef27a49⋯.png (1.64 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: d6aeee76e2c4a85⋯.png (2.08 MB,1280x880,16:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730032 (131858ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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Houston PD Helo. Average day? Probably.

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7aa474 No.98804

File: d8afdd37a504125⋯.png (384.84 KB,561x455,561:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 206d01c00c1569e⋯.mp4 (5.58 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730080 (131903ZOCT23) Notable: Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

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Adam Sexton


A big crowd greets @NikkiHaley

as she arrives to file for the #FITN New Hampshire primary #NHPolitics #WMUR

11:38 AM · Oct 13, 2023


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7aa474 No.98805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730089 (131904ZOCT23) Notable: #24225

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24225 >>98765

>>98766, >>98767 8Kun MP4 Archive Updated!

>>98768 US Navy on Hawkeyes

>>98769 Angry letters between Ben Gurion and JFK

>>98770 New Footage of J6

>>98772, >>98773, >>98794, >>98803 PF

>>98774 Predatory advertising

>>98775 JUST IN - Red Cross says Hamas attack doesn't justify Gaza destruction

>>98776 Hamas' Telegram channel claims the group fired an Ayyash 250 rocket at the IDF Northern Command HQ in Safed (180km to Gaza)

>>98777 United States has reportedly given the “Green Light” to Israel for them to conduct any Operation which they deem Necessary in order to Confront any Threat- IS THIS TRUE? DIG CALL

>>98778 Emir of #Qatar has announced that if the bombing of #Gaza does not stop, he will stop the supply of gas to the world

>>98779 SF residents must rely on self-help to locate their stolen cars

>>98780, >>98783 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>98781 Prosecutor Clay Trivett reports that he has lined up lots of live FBI testimony for the Nov. 6+ hearings

>>98784 Fake burn photo: Here are some of the photos Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

>>98785, >>98771, >>98782, >>98792 Dr Jan Halper-Hayes news

>>98786, >>98791 Rep. Brian Mast stands with Israel

>>98787 US Navy celebrates 248 years of maritime excellence

>>98788 House committee launches oversight of Biden’s ‘climate corps’ jobs program

>>98789, >>98790, >>98797, >>98799, >>98802 Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

>>98793 Why Biden going to Delaware? Olivia Dalton: "The president is making a brief stop at home"

>>98795 CNN reporter issues an apology and clarifies that the news of baby beheadings

>>98796 Congrats to @NASA & @SpaceX teams for successfully launching the Psyche probe to interplanetary transfer orbit!

>>98798 A Stanford University instructor has been removed from the classroom amid reports they called Jewish students colonizers and downplayed the Holocaust

>>98800 Biden says Bidenomics creates union job, investing in USA, clean energy future KEK

>>98801 Israeli Forces Enter Gaza with Infantry and Armor to Conduct “Localized Raids”


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7aa474 No.98806

File: 3bbd56f94256655⋯.png (274.94 KB,1092x449,1092:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730132 (131908ZOCT23) Notable: #24226

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baker seeking handoff

Nikki Haley's Sudden Wealth Rooted in Weapons Industry, Pro-War Advocacy Network

The former U.N. ambassador went from virtually no savings in 2017 to a small fortune in part from defense contracting and war advocacy ties.

Lee Fang

Aug 24, 2023


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7aa474 No.98807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730134 (131909ZOCT23) Notable: Steve Bannon: The DC Elite Want To Forever Change The Nation Behind Closed Doors. 10 people want to run for leaders now

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Steve Bannon: The DC Elite Want To Forever Change The Nation Behind Closed Doors. 10 people want to run for leaders now



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7aa474 No.98808

File: e17130ea7643c11⋯.png (739.07 KB,913x905,913:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 7325da9f17c14c9⋯.png (409.75 KB,715x597,715:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730136 (131909ZOCT23) Notable: Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah's statement: "We confirm our readiness to act against Israel." KISS THE RING

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🚨JUST IN: Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah's statement:

"We confirm our readiness to act against Israel."

2:52 PM · Oct 13, 2023·73.6K Views

Kiss The Ring

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7aa474 No.98809

File: 07967a90b17bd67⋯.png (1.46 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730150 (131911ZOCT23) Notable: Eight UN peacekeepers detained over sex abuse claims in DR Congo

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Eight UN peacekeepers detained over sex abuse claims in DR Congo

The UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) announced on Wednesday that it had taken "strong measures" against peacekeepers suspected of "serious misconduct".

According to internal documents of the MONUSCO peacekeeping mission, seen by AFP, the eight peacekeepers deployed in Beni, eastern DR Congo, were arrested on October 1 and an officer suspended a week later in connection with alleged sexual exploitation and violence.

All belong to the South African contingent of the UN force, and may be involved in what internal reports describe as a "systematic widespread violation" of UN rules.

"The Office of Internal Oversight Services has been apprised and precautionary measures have already been taken in accordance with the UN Secretary-General's zero-tolerance policy," MONUSCO said in a statement late Wednesday.

The measures taken "include the suspension, detention and confinement of the peacekeepers concerned", the UN force said, adding that it "strongly condemns such behaviour, which is unworthy of UN personnel".


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7aa474 No.98810

File: 120f3bf967eb8bb⋯.png (73.57 KB,652x658,326:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730163 (131914ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Aircraft Arrive to Support Israel Amid Border Crisis at Home

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U.S. Aircraft Arrive to Support Israel Amid Border Crisis at Home

The Biden Administration has directed the military to the Middle East as America's own southern border is under siege.

American attack aircraft have arrived in the Middle East as part of a larger deployment of military resources and personnel to the region, in what the Biden Administration says is meant to show support for Israel in its conflict with Hamas and deter military intervention by Iran and Hezbollah. The expediting of military resources once again to the Middle East comes as America’s own southern border is under siege and experiences an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

The first grouping of the A-10 attack aircraft that Joe Biden ordered to the Middle East arrived in the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, The Wall Street Journal reported. Designed for close air support, including for engaging enemy vehicle convoys, the A-10s are part of a wider military deployment to the region meant to deter Iran, Hezbollah, and any other comers from intervening on behalf of Hamas in its current conflict with Israel.

Though the conflict, at this point, is just days old, the United States has rapidly sprung into action, with the Biden Administration heading up a large bi-partisan coalition that appears eager to get the U.S. deeply involved in the Middle East once again and, in addition to maneuvering troops into the region, has begun mass munitions shipments to the IDF.

But while a Middle Eastern news script once again seizes the attention of Americans, like it has on-demand for a generation, America’s southern border is under siege and experiencing a historically unprecedented humanitarian crisis of its own.

Though the southern border had finally begun receiving some coverage in recent months, that attention has quickly evaporated from the news cycle since the latest conflict in Israel began.

Nevertheless, the situation is worse than ever before and is continuing to spiral even further out of control. Recently, Ryan Matta, the host of the Matta of Fact news program, undertook an investigative journalism effort along the U.S. border, where he’s tracking, among other things, the trafficking, exploitation, and constant death of children (among virtually all other walks of people).

In a recent video report, Matta profiled what he described as a massive child concentration camp, where the (often unaccompanied) children drawn to the U.S. border by Joe Biden’s false promises are being held.

While the corporate media and political class attempt to manipulate the public into backing yet another Middle Eastern war by way of unverified news stories about the slaughter of children, they’re covering up the death, abuse, and trafficking of kids in the United States.


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7aa474 No.98811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730177 (131917ZOCT23) Notable: Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend says FTX used $100M of customer deposits to bribe Chinese officials, set up accounts in names of Thai prostitutes

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Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend says FTX used $100M of customer deposits to bribe Chinese officials, set up accounts in names of Thai prostitutes

Sam Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend and business colleague, Caroline Ellison, stated in court that the former FTX boss had directed her to commit fraud-related crimes, as well as used loans to make political donations. She also alleged customer deposits were used to bribe Chinese officials.

Bankman-Fried, who had just sat through a few days of colleagues Adam Yedidia and Gary Wang pointing the finger at him, was once again on the receiving end of the blame for the catastrophe that was the collapse of crypto-currency trading company FTX.

Ellison has been complying with federal authorities and was expected to receive a plea deal in exchange for her cooperation in taking down her ex-boyfriend.

At the beginning of her testimony, Ellison confirmed that she had committed fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, and money laundering, to which she pled guilty in December 2022, according to the Epoch Times.

"He directed me to commit these crimes," Ellison reportedly said in court. It was also noted that she was paid more than $20 million in salary and bonuses in 2021 as head of Alamada Research, FTX's sister hedge fund.

Ellison made other shocking allegations, "CBS Mornings" reported, such as the claim that Alameda used $100 million of FTX customer deposits to bribe Chinese officials.

This was allegedly done in order to gain access to up to $1 billion in cryptocurrency that was frozen in China. The company also allegedly tried to regain the money through accounts set up in the names of Thai prostitutes.

Ellison claimed that Bankman-Fried also considered selling shares in the company to investors such as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Ellison reportedly told jurors that Alameda lent money to Bankman-Fried and other FTX executives, funds that would then be used to make political donations.

In addition, the aforementioned Yedidia, who worked out of FTX’s Hong Kong office and then the Bahamas before the company collapsed, had previously testified that FTX was using customer deposits to pay off loans. He called the company's actions "flagrantly wrong."

FTX took a reported $10 billion from customer deposits.

Realistically, this would allegedly mean that FTX was taking customer deposits, let Alameda Research take out loans from that money, then Bankman-Fried allegedly loaned money back to himself to pay of his own loans and debts.

Political donations predominantly included $5.2 million to President Biden's campaign in 2020, which immediately shot Bankman-Fried to near the top of the donor list. According to Time, more than $70 million was donated to election campaigns, along with another $40 million to politicians and committees ahead of the 2022 midterms.


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7aa474 No.98812

File: 8bdf7f29c11d8ac⋯.png (441.88 KB,640x362,320:181,Clipboard.png)

File: eb4756d8318c8b8⋯.png (608.14 KB,549x655,549:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fac8c67b002b4a⋯.png (564.27 KB,555x664,555:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730196 (131920ZOCT23) Notable: Jordanian Forces Deploy Tear Gas Against Protesters Approaching Western Border; ‘Day of Jihad’ March Continues Towards Israeli Territory

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Jordanian Forces Deploy Tear Gas Against Protesters Approaching Western Border; ‘Day of Jihad’ March Continues Towards Israeli Territory

Jordanian police fired tear gas at protesters who were marching towards the West Bank border in solidarity with Palestinians. The Jordanian government has asked people to avoid confrontations amidst the growing tensions. Some protesters accused the Jordanian police of “treason” for their actions.

The protests in Jordan were part of a larger ‘Day of Jihad’ called by Hamas. The terrorist group urged tribes and armies from neighboring countries to join the fight against Israel. Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’s office in the diaspora, said that the governments and people of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt had a responsibility to support Palestinians in Gaza.


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7aa474 No.98813

File: 7b4548cc5bacb41⋯.png (170.73 KB,932x491,932:491,Clipboard.png)

File: b9ce3b55561dd1e⋯.png (49.19 KB,1006x333,1006:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730203 (131921ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - Trump / Scavino posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

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JUST IN - Trump posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

3:13 PM · Oct 13, 2023 ·24.2K Views


#IStandWithIsrael #IStandWithBibi

627 ReTruths1.87k Likes

Oct 13, 2023, 2:54 PM

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7aa474 No.98814

File: 48ce2af7121099e⋯.png (416.37 KB,594x457,594:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730221 (131924ZOCT23) Notable: Far Left MSNBC Loses 33 Percent of Their Primetime Audience During Coverage of Middle East Conflict

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The Gateway Pundit


Far Left MSNBC Loses 33 Percent of Their Primetime Audience During Coverage of Middle East Conflict via @gatewaypundit

2:37 PM · Oct 12, 2023




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7aa474 No.98815

File: 53c8a341efa1aa8⋯.jpg (139.01 KB,814x367,814:367,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7975528193150d7⋯.jpg (175.53 KB,847x592,847:592,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 107670ab6d4ded8⋯.jpg (275.83 KB,747x756,83:84,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730225 (131925ZOCT23) Notable: Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah's statement: "We confirm our readiness to act against Israel." KISS THE RING

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Aqeeq (agate) rings such as these are commonly worn by muslim men all around the world.

Wearing Rings and Gemstones in Islam: Philosophy and Benefits


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7aa474 No.98816

File: 3211917a12a2f7b⋯.png (365.33 KB,507x512,507:512,Clipboard.png)

File: b2933c0f48cb102⋯.png (161.79 KB,744x557,744:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730251 (131929ZOCT23) Notable: Iran FM Meets Nasrallah, Threatens To Open Hezbollah War With Israel If 'Brutality' Against Gaza Doesn't Cease

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Iran FM Meets Nasrallah, Threatens To Open Hezbollah War With Israel If 'Brutality' Against Gaza Doesn't Cease

On Friday Lebanese Hezbollah released a rare photograph of a meeting between Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. The two discussed the Gaza crisis and ongoing hostilities with Israel, also after days of internecine shelling and exchanges of fire along the Israel-Lebanon border.

Hezbollah's Media Relations Office's emphasized that the two allies discussed how to provide continued support to the Palestinian people amid what Hamas has dubbed its "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood" - which has resulted in the deaths of some 1,300 Israelis, including Americans. Israel has in the meantime dropped over 6,000 bombs on the Gaza Strip over a period of five days.

"From Beirut, we firmly declare that the international community and Islamic nations cannot stand idly by in the face of the persistent war crimes perpetrated by the Israeli entity against the Palestinian populace," Amir-Abdollahian said.

And importantly according to one Beirut-based news source, "He also stressed that a new front against Israel could be opened if the brutality unleashed against the population of Gaza and the occupied West Bank continues."

"In the case of the continuation of war crimes and the humanitarian blockade of Gaza and Palestine, every possibility and decision by the other currents of the resistance is possible,” the Iranian foreign minister stated. "The forced displacement of Palestinians within a mere three days, coupled with the denial of basic necessities such as water, electricity, and medicine to the people of Gaza, unequivocally constitutes a grave war crime on the part of the Zionist entity."

The top Iranian diplomat had also met with Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati. The two discussed the possibility of the war spreading. In prior battles between Israel and Hezbollah, Israeli forces typically punish the whole country of Lebanon, for example with attacks on Beirut airport - as happened in 2006.

Meanwhile there are fresh reports that Israeli forces have shelled south Lebanon once again on Friday:



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7aa474 No.98817

File: 44fbbb7837fb0e1⋯.png (410.37 KB,530x419,530:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730257 (131930ZOCT23) Notable: Alameda Employee Quit Shortly After Hearing About FTX Backchannel Loans

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"That Seems Pretty Bad": Alameda Employee Quit Shortly After Hearing About FTX Backchannel Loans


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7aa474 No.98818

File: 2f382803164ac4d⋯.png (309.66 KB,540x480,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730258 (131930ZOCT23) Notable: ANON: Choose Israel: you're Islamophobic who supports the killing of Women & Children - - Choose Palestine: you're Anti-sematic who supports the killing of Women & Children

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Choose Israel: you're Islamophobic who supports the killing of Women & Children

Choose Palestine: you're Anti-sematic who supports the killing of Women & Children

But Seriously Normies

Just Stay out of it

We've got bigger Problems Closer to home than a Blood feud 10,000 Km away

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7aa474 No.98819

File: 42f0466c7732153⋯.png (250.31 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 0060cf1cb13f73b⋯.png (199.04 KB,869x618,869:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730260 (131930ZOCT23) Notable: Israel’s use of white phosphorus verified - Human Rights Watch

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Israel’s use of white phosphorus verified – Human Rights Watch

Munitions that pose a high risk of maiming civilians have been fired over Gaza City and in Lebanon, the watchdog has claimed

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has reported having verified videos of Israel deploying controversial white phosphorus munitions, including over Gaza City, amid the ongoing confrontation with Hamas. The substance produces an incendiary effect and when discharged over densely populated areas risks indiscriminate harm to civilians.

The Israeli military fired 155mm airburst artillery shells over Gaza’s port on Wednesday and over two rural locations in the border area of Lebanon on Tuesday, the international organization reported on Thursday. It analyzed video footage of the incidents and interviewed witnesses to confirm the nature of the weapons used. The deployment of white phosphorus in Gaza is of particular concern, since it puts civilians in the area at risk, the watchdog noted.

“Any time that white phosphorus is used in crowded civilian areas, it poses a high risk of excruciating burns and lifelong suffering,” said Lama Fakih, Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

“White phosphorus is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause egregious harm to civilians,” she added.


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7aa474 No.98820

File: 5da46037e5959fb⋯.png (545.86 KB,917x1400,131:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730261 (131931ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu: "We will eliminate Hamas and it will take time"

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>>>/qresearch/19730223 (me)



>Part of the club.

>>98813 (me), >>>/qresearch/19730209, >>>/qresearch/19730219


🚨 BREAKING - Netanyahu: "We will eliminate Hamas and it will take time"

- "We are united in the war we are fighting"

- "We are striking our enemies with unprecedented force, and this is the beginning"

- "We will not allow the world to forget the catastrophe that occurred"

- "We will eliminate Hamas and it will take time, but we will prevail"

- "I met with the US Secretary of Defense to secure the required weapons"

- "Our enemies have begun to pay the price, and this is only the beginning."

2:36 PM · Oct 13, 2023 ·240.5K Views


At first I didn't think too much of this, but then with the finger and one of you pointing out the band aid on the Iranian guy. When I look at the photo now the thing I notice is that the hand is not hidden!!! Then, throw in the Trump #IStandWithBibi, makes me think Bibi is now resigned to working with Trump on the final takedown of the global cabal. Just a SWAG.

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7aa474 No.98821

File: 0d0e35de794c543⋯.png (1.62 MB,1228x1149,1228:1149,Clipboard.png)

File: 0213f28bf868255⋯.png (3.63 MB,1792x1024,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bb54e18d4ed15b⋯.png (3.97 MB,1792x1024,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: f210536c98bbf2c⋯.png (3.81 MB,1792x1024,7:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730279 (131933ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - Trump / Scavino posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

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7aa474 No.98822

File: e299c5d56e7a572⋯.png (684.23 KB,677x676,677:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730294 (131934ZOCT23) Notable: Hunter and James Biden’s Deadline to Comply with Subpoenas Passes

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Hunter and James Biden’s Deadline to

Comply with Subpoenas Passes

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 10/13/2023 2:43:30 PM

The deadline set by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) for Hunter Biden and James Biden to comply with the committee’s subpoenas passed on Thursday without any new information about whether the Bidens complied. “You’ll be the first to know,” Comer told Punchbowl News on Thursday about any update on the subpoenas. “I’m sure Jamie Raskin will call you. He’ll say there’s nothing in there!”The committee did not respond to a request for comment when Breitbart News inquired about the status of the subpoenas and if Hunter and James Biden’s lawyers are in communication with the committee.

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7aa474 No.98823

File: aa407df6d43eb06⋯.png (482.52 KB,647x577,647:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730319 (131937ZOCT23) Notable: Inside the 'Gaza Metro': Hamas' secret labyrinth of tunnels where militants plan operations and launch attacks into Israel

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Inside the 'Gaza Metro': Hamas' secret

labyrinth of tunnels where militants plan

operations and launch attacks into Israel

Daily Mail (UK), by David Averre & Lauren Lewis

Posted By: Imright, 10/13/2023 11:48:36 AM

Israel is on the cusp of an armed military incursion into the Gaza Strip to battle Hamas militants who slaughtered hundreds of civilians this past weekend in a series of ruthless surprise attacks. In the meantime, Israel's air force is pounding Gaza with constant airstrikes in an attempt to reduce Hamas infrastructure and military targets to rubble. There's just one problem.Hamas does not operate like a normal enemy, nor do they live in obvious, above-ground compounds or travel through the streets like most Palestinian civilians bearing the brunt of Israel's bombs.

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7aa474 No.98824

File: ebb58b00f5a71c1⋯.png (574.99 KB,1217x974,1217:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730342 (131940ZOCT23) Notable: China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation

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Two days ago from Newsweek.

China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation


As Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip continue after the attacks and kidnappings carried out by Hamas militants over the weekend, Chinese state-run media has spread the unverified rumor that Israeli forces are using white phosphorus bombs against civilians in a manner that contravenes international law.

More than 1,600 combined Israelis and Palestinians have reportedly been killed since Hamas launched attacks on Saturday, according to the Associated Press, and hundreds of others have been injured. Israel has been conducting airstrikes on the sealed-off and densely populated Gaza Strip after the deadliest Palestinian militant attack in its history. Hamas, which is funded and armed by Iran, is sworn to Israel's destruction.

A post by the China Internet Information Center web portal, run by Beijing's propaganda office, surfaced Tuesday accusing Israel of deploying phosphorus munitions in densely populated parts of Gaza. The post repeated the claims of media such as the Tasnim News Agency, which is associated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and included photos allegedly showing phosphorus showering down upon Gaza rooftops.

A user on X, formerly Twitter, said that two photos were from Israeli actions against Hamas two and seven years ago.

Newsweek confirmed that the other two images were not captured in Gaza but in Syria. One is an Agence France-Presse file photo taken in Damascus in 2018, and one is from a video of an apparent phosphorus attack in Aleppo in 2016.

The Chinese internet is known for its fast-acting, hypervigilant censors when it comes to topics the Chinese Communist Party deems sensitive, often deleting offending posts within minutes. However, disinformation that supports the party line is often left alone or even actively promoted.

Anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric has become prevalent on China's insular social media in recent years, in part because of Israel's close association with the U.S. and the West. U.S. officials have complained that China has not gone for enough to condemn Hamas for launching its latest attacks.

Though the post has since been taken down from the China Internet Center page, the damage is done for the "hundreds of thousands of Chinese netizens who'd seen it," tweeted Tuvia Gering, a researcher at the Tel Aviv University-affiliated Institute for National Security Studies.

The post remains elsewhere on the Chinese social media app Weibo, including on the account of the nationalist Guancha news outlet, which boasts roughly 2.5 million followers.

Though mainly used to obscure the positions of friendly forces, white phosphorus is hazardous to the human body, causing burns, intense pain, blistering, and even organ damage and death if exposed to a substantial amount.

A U.N. protocol on the 1980 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of phosphorus and other corrosive chemicals in highly populated civilian areas.

The Israeli authorities previously admitted to using white phosphorus munitions against Hezbollah in 2006 and in the 22-day offensive against Hamas in Gaza that started in December 2008. They denied using it in civilian areas.

Though the country is not a signatory to the U.N. protocol, the Israel Defense Forces has said it has taken steps to avoid future phosphorus-related civilian casualties.

The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas on Earth, with more than 15,000 people per square mile.

Newsweek reached out to the Israeli Ministry of Defense for comment.


So now RT reporting this. Truth is going to be elusive and is the first casualty of war.

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7aa474 No.98825

File: 3a0eed4c2e19e65⋯.png (9.87 KB,336x149,336:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730358 (131943ZOCT23) Notable: Second speaker nominee vote is underway

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Olivia Beavers


Second speaker nominee vote is underway

3:39 PM · Oct 13, 2023


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7aa474 No.98826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730360 (131943ZOCT23) Notable: Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent

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Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake”, and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

Speaking to Politico in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Saturday, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. He told the publication observing celebrations in German cities in support of Hamas is “painful” to watch.

Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that”.

Europe should give “unconditional political support for Israeli action” now the terrorist attack has happened, Kissinger continued, and not least because in his view European states have a vested interest in making sure no precedent is set for raids and mass taking of hostages from Western nations is set. He concluded: “Israel must vindicate its sovereignty in that area, and that it cannot permit Gaza to return to a state where it could emerge, take thousands or a large number hostage, kill thousands, and then live in that condition side-by-side with Israel.


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7aa474 No.98827

File: 77301c09cbd89e5⋯.png (36.57 KB,590x262,295:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730390 (131947ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Truth Post about defeat of ISIS and Hamas

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Many are using an example of “just the way ISIS was defeated in Iraq and Syria, HAMAS will likewise be defeated.” Please remember that it was the Trump Administration that defeated ISIS, and quickly, after years of futile attempts by previous administrations! Someday we will be given proper credit for all of the many successes we had. In the meantime, we will do it again in 2024! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN


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7aa474 No.98828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730453 (131957ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Says No Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza Until Captives Released

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Israel Says No Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza Until Captives Released

Aid groups are pleading to allow fuel into Gaza to prevent hospitals from turning into morgues

An Israeli minister said Thursday that Israel would not allow any humanitarian aid into Gaza unless Hamas releases Israelis it has taken into the enclave.

“Humanitarian aid to Gaza?” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz wrote on X. “No electric switch will be turned on, no water tap will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home.”

The comments came as human rights groups are pleading to allow aid into Gaza to prevent the enclave’s hospitals from turning into morgues amid a relentless, indiscriminate bombing campaign. Gaza’s sole powerplant has been turned off due to a lack of fuel, and hospitals only have a few more days worth of fuel to power generators.

“As Gaza loses power, hospitals lose power, putting newborns in incubators and elderly patients on oxygen at risk. Kidney dialysis stops, and X-rays can’t be taken. Without electricity, hospitals risk turning into morgues,” said Fabrizio Carboni, regional director of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Doctors Without Borders also issued a statement on Thursday calling for humanitarian aid into Gaza. “Millions of men, women and children are facing a collective punishment in the form of total siege, indiscriminate bombing, and the pending threat of a ground battle. Safe spaces must be established, humanitarian supplies must be allowed into Gaza,” the statement said.

On Thursday, Egypt received a shipment of humanitarian aid for Gaza from Jordan, but it’s not clear if it will make it into the besieged enclave. Israeli TV has reported that Israel threatened to bomb aid trucks that enter Gaza from Egypt.


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7aa474 No.98829

File: ec458a324e38e35⋯.png (980.92 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730454 (131957ZOCT23) Notable: NATO holds long-planned annual nuclear exercise

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There are annual NATO exercises in Europe

NATO holds long-planned annual nuclear exercise

NATO will launch its long-planned annual nuclear exercise “Steadfast Noon” on Monday (16 October 2023) with up to 60 aircraft taking part in training flights over southern Europe.


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7aa474 No.98830

File: 3949973704783bc⋯.png (192.76 KB,557x555,557:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730465 (132000ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Admin Threatens Banks That Refuse To Lend Money To Illegal Immigrants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Admin Threatens Banks That Refuse To Lend Money To Illegal Immigrants

The Biden administration released a statement Thursday warning financial institutions against using a person’s immigration status in credit applications.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) released a joint statement telling financial institutions that while it is not illegal to consider a person’s immigration status in the decision on whether to lend money, an overreliance on it could run afoul of the law, according to the statement. The statement implicates the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex and more in considering a person’s credit application as the mechanism, even though the law does not list citizenship status as a protected attribute.

“Fair access to credit is crucially important for building wealth and strengthening household financial stability,” Rohit Chopra, CFPB director, said in a press release. “The CFPB will not allow companies to use immigration status as an excuse for illegal discrimination.”

The CFPB notes that the reason for the guidance comes after the agency received a number of instances of consumers being rejected in their applications for credit cards and auto, student, personal and equipment loans on the basis of their noncitizen status despite having a good credit history and a tie to the United States, according to the press release.

“Lenders should not deny people the opportunity to take out a loan to buy a home, build their businesses or otherwise pursue their financial goals because of unlawful bias and without regard to their actual ability to repay,” Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general of the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, said in the press release. “This guidance reminds lenders that denying someone access to credit based solely on their actual or perceived immigrant status may violate federal law.”

The two agencies acknowledge that while the ECOA permits creditors to consider someone’s citizenship status, the act of doing so may violate prohibitions on the consideration of other factors like national origin or race, according to the press release. The regulators emphasize that there is no “safe harbor” when considering an applicant’s immigration status.


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7aa474 No.98831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730496 (132007ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon chief Austin says Hamas atrocities are ‘worse than what I saw with ISIS’

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Pentagon chief Austin says Hamas atrocities are ‘worse than what I saw with ISIS’

‘This isn’t time for neutrality’: Visiting Tel Aviv, SecDef vows US ‘will make sure Israel has what it needs,’ decries ‘false equivalence,’ says ‘time for resolve and not revenge’


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7aa474 No.98832

File: fc85a046e088b3f⋯.png (954.36 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730519 (132009ZOCT23) Notable: NATO holds long-planned annual nuclear exercise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



NATO confirms Belgium-based nuclear deterrence exercise

NATO will begin a routine nuclear deterrence exercise on Monday from Kleine-Brogel Air Base in Limburg, against a backdrop of tensions with Russia over the invasion of Ukraine.

In an unprecedented display of transparency, the alliance issued a statement confirming that the exercise, dubbed ‘Steadfast Noon,’ would take place. It had already been announced by NATO’s Secretary General, Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg, and Belgian Defence Minister Ludivine Dedonder.

According to the Atlantic Alliance, NATO air forces will train their nuclear deterrent capabilities over northwest Europe between 17 and 30 October. The exercise has been presented by NATO as a “routine and recurring training activity” not linked “to any current global event.”


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7aa474 No.98833

File: 7617d56ac8017e7⋯.png (159.19 KB,1119x715,1119:715,Clipboard.png)

File: ad1fa01a3135512⋯.png (90.7 KB,1037x927,1037:927,Clipboard.png)

File: bd632c6c0e8f65a⋯.png (50.08 KB,515x872,515:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730543 (132011ZOCT23) Notable: FLASHBACK 2011: Hamas Is the Muslim Brotherhood

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>Hamas Is the Muslim Brotherhood

>Hamas Is the Muslim Brotherhood

Don’t take my word for it(although I covered the topic in some detail in The Grand Jihad). Don’t even take the word of the Justice Department, which amply demonstrated during the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing prosecution that the Muslim Brotherhood’s top project in the U.S. has been to drum up support for Hamas.Look, instead, at some relevant sections of Hamas’s 1988 charter(“The Charter of Allah: The Platform of the Islamic Resistance Movement”), ==announcing the terrorist organization’s existence:

From the Introduction: This is the Charter of the Islamic Resistance (Hamas) which will reveal its face, unveil its identity, state its position, clarify its purpose, discuss its hopes, call for support to its cause and reinforcement, and for joining its ranks. For our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave, so much so that it will need all the loyal efforts we can wield, to be followed by further steps and reinforced by successive battalions from the multifarious Arab and Islamic world, until the enemies are defeated and Allah’s victory prevails. Thus we shall perceive them approaching in the horizon, and this will be known before long: “Allah has decreed: Lo! I very shall conquer, I and my messenger, lo! Allah is strong, almighty.”


Article Two: The Link between Hamas and the Association of Muslim Brothers. The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of the Muslim Brothers in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a world organization, the largest Islamic Movement in the modern era. It is characterized by a profound understanding, by precise notions and by a complete comprehensiveness of all concepts of Islam in all domains of life: views and beliefs, politics and economics, education and society, jurisprudence and rule, indoctrination and teaching, the arts and publications, the hidden and the evident, and all the other domains of life.


Article Seven: The Universality of Hamas:…. Hamas is one of the links in the Chain of Jihad in the confrontation with the Zionist invasion. It links up with the setting out of the Martyr Izz a-din al-Qassamand his brothers in the Muslim Brotherhoodwho fought the Holy War in 1936; it further relates to another link of the Palestinian Jihad and the Jihad and efforts of the Muslim Brothers during the 1948 War, and to the Jihad operations of the Muslim Brothers in 1968 and thereafter. But even if the links have become distant from each other, and even if the obstacles erected by those who revolve in the Zionist orbit, aiming at obstructing the road before the Jihad fighters, have rendered the pursuance of Jihad impossible; nevertheless, the Hamas has been looking forward to implement Allah’s promise whatever time it might take. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree. [This is taken directly from authoritative hadith collections of Bukhari and Muslim.]

Article Eight: The Slogan of the Hamas: Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur’an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief.

Note that Hamas’s slogan is indistinguishable from the Brotherhood’s: “Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu-akbar!”



Apr 22, 2018 1:31:31 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3e4934 No. 1141069

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD]must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

https:// clarionproject.org/muslim_brotherhood_explanatory_memorandum/


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7aa474 No.98834

File: 64e7cefc5df37ca⋯.png (352.31 KB,542x550,271:275,Clipboard.png)

File: ec6a08fc13b58c9⋯.mp4 (5.61 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730549 (132012ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian supporters are currently gathered in Times Square after former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called for a "Global Day of Jihad"

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Palestinian supporters are currently gathered in Times Square after former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called for a "Global Day of Jihad" on October 13, 2023.

Israeli supporters are counter-protesting nearby.

NYPD on high alert.


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7aa474 No.98835

File: fbb438191a64bb6⋯.png (1.22 MB,941x532,941:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730672 (132028ZOCT23) Notable: 'The world stands in solidarity with Israel, even though they see and know how it exterminates the Palestinian people.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'The world stands in solidarity with Israel, even though they see and know how it exterminates the Palestinian people.

“We build a huge barrier around the Gaza Strip; its underground structure cost 3 billion shekels ($766 million) and we will be safe. We rely on the geniuses of Unit 8200 and the Shin Bet agents who know everything and will warn us at the right time. We move half the army from the Gaza enclave to the Huwara enclave just to secure the settlers’ Sukkot celebrations, and everything will be fine, whether in Huwara or Erez. Then it turns out that a primitive, ancient bulldozer can break through even the most complex and expensive obstacles in the world with relative ease, when there is a great incentive to do so.”



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7aa474 No.98836

File: 6ee83c63e3ca719⋯.png (17.85 KB,584x142,292:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730705 (132030ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - Trump / Scavino posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald J. Trump


#IStandWithIsrael #IStandWithBibi

Oct 13, 2023, 7:54 AM

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7aa474 No.98837

File: 56d7e6792b1a796⋯.png (114.04 KB,399x440,399:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 43c905392341be4⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,656x360,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730823 (132044ZOCT23) Notable: JUST IN - Trump / Scavino posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


May 23, 2017 | Israel Museum

“On behalf of the United States, we pledge to stand by you and defend our shared values, so that together we can defeat terrorism, and create safety for ALL of Gods Children…All decent people want to live in PEACE, and all humanity is threatened by the evils of terrorism. Diverse nations can unite around the goal of protecting innocent life, upholding human dignity, and promoting PEACE and stability in the region…”



4:30 PM · Oct 13, 2023





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7aa474 No.98838

File: 43e43f8c64e3e98⋯.png (9.54 KB,519x141,173:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730851 (132048ZOCT23) Notable: US HOUSE TO LEAVE FOR WEEKEND WITH GOP UNABLE TO ELECT SPEAKER

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7aa474 No.98839

File: 9c61ec64af3734f⋯.png (415.9 KB,591x478,591:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730860 (132049ZOCT23) Notable: GP: The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Outrageous! The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas — Email: ICRC.GVA@ICRC.ORG via @gatewaypundit

8:46 AM · Oct 13, 2023





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7aa474 No.98840

File: 308874cd95d1af6⋯.png (31.26 KB,594x402,99:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730887 (132050ZOCT23) Notable: Gen Flynn: “This is why we need to be very analytical and slow to speak…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


Well said … @SunTzusWar

“This is why we need to be very analytical and slow to speak and wait for the dust to settle before making accusations and claims (this includes me as well).”


Sun Tzu




Joe Biden and Ehud Barrack created the intelligence failure in Israel, which resulted in the Israeli people being blindsided by Hamas. This is fascinating analysis from @PatrickByrne.

This is why we need to be very analytical and slow to speak and wait for the dust to settle… twitter.com/genflynn/statu…

Show more

3:51 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98841

File: 08b06fd4993b6ec⋯.png (1.47 MB,638x897,638:897,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730945 (132101ZOCT23) Notable: #24227

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Emergency Bread Activated

Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

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7aa474 No.98842

File: 146d7b0c1b9acc2⋯.png (593.61 KB,569x939,569:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19730998 (132107ZOCT23) Notable: Large explosion near Israeli airport/ Hamas targets US military cargo plane

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🚨Breaking: large explosion near Israeli airport/ Hamas targets US military cargo plane

🧢tip: Amir Tsarfati on TG

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7aa474 No.98843

File: 794a0aadacf3743⋯.png (51.6 KB,604x363,604:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731018 (132109ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Can anyone imagine that with all of the self inflicted and imposed problems that the United States is experiencing, both at home and abroad, that I am being forced to fight off politically hungry Prosecutors, Radical Left Democrats all, on the greatest political Witch Hunt of all time

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Donald J. Trump


Can anyone imagine that with all of the self inflicted and imposed problems that the United States is experiencing, both at home and abroad, that I am being forced to fight off politically hungry Prosecutors, Radical Left Democrats all, on the greatest political Witch Hunt of all time - All started by Crooked Joe Biden as an unprecedented attack against his Political Opponent, ME, for purposes of Election Interference, and more. What a Shame, what a Shame!!!

Oct 13, 2023, 4:06 PM


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7aa474 No.98844

File: 58ef16cf4a3f158⋯.png (235.37 KB,600x498,100:83,Clipboard.png)

File: ec27b6ef7a775f0⋯.mp4 (355.86 KB,492x270,82:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731052 (132114ZOCT23) Notable: Large explosion near Israeli airport/ Hamas targets US military cargo plane

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mario Nawfal



🚨JUST IN FOOTAGE: Video shows the Sa'ar plane shot down by Hamas, yet no information provided about the fate of the soldiers on board. The situation remains uncertain.

Source: Hebrew Channel 12


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7aa474 No.98845

File: ec428b9d6a8f8f5⋯.png (399.02 KB,598x755,598:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731064 (132117ZOCT23) Notable: @EzraCohen repost: Leaked video of interrogation with Hamas terrorist. Watch how he nonchalantly says "we raped them" and "we cut off their heads" - use discernment when viewing wartime media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new posts


Ezra A. Cohen reposted

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome


Leaked video of interrogation with Hamas terrorist. Watch how he nonchalantly says "we raped them" and "we cut off their heads".

0:12 / 1:30

3:16 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98846

File: 5b55cd5384446c9⋯.png (121.45 KB,600x568,75:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731072 (132118ZOCT23) Notable: UN Special Envoy Griffiths speaks out: "The order to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza contradicts the rules of war and basic humanitarian rules."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mario Nawfal



🚨JUST IN - UN Special Envoy Griffiths speaks out:

"The order to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza contradicts the rules of war and basic humanitarian rules."



Imagine the smell.

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7aa474 No.98847

File: 24224206ce96743⋯.png (392.28 KB,811x747,811:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 8615f81ed91ecfe⋯.png (784.03 KB,1852x1150,926:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731086 (132120ZOCT23) Notable: IDF announces that a plane carrying 50 soldiers was hit by a missile in Be’eri and everyone on board was killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>IDF announces that a plane carrying 50 soldiers was hit by a missile in Be’eri and everyone on board was killed


thanks to halfchan for linky

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7aa474 No.98848

File: de2b4fccfabacb5⋯.png (331.23 KB,600x621,200:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731089 (132121ZOCT23) Notable: @EzraCohen repost: Leaked video of interrogation with Hamas terrorist. Watch how he nonchalantly says "we raped them" and "we cut off their heads" - use discernment when viewing wartime media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hey Cohen.

Lurk moar.


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7aa474 No.98849

File: 3c95af964579c96⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731109 (132123ZOCT23) Notable: @EzraCohen repost: Leaked video of interrogation with Hamas terrorist. Watch how he nonchalantly says "we raped them" and "we cut off their heads" - use discernment when viewing wartime media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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7aa474 No.98850

File: 1e56c8d78072445⋯.png (292.56 KB,1021x189,1021:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731111 (132124ZOCT23) Notable: IDF announces that a plane carrying 50 soldiers was hit by a missile in Be’eri and everyone on board was killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks the a chopper tail rotor...

But I'm no planefag

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7aa474 No.98851

File: a7e42f4eaac80bd⋯.png (160.26 KB,457x514,457:514,Clipboard.png)

File: 2825ea3596b8c81⋯.jpg (38.46 KB,396x858,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731113 (132125ZOCT23) Notable: Proceedings inside City Hall in #Chicago were just shut down after violent Palestinian rioters stormed the building and carried out violent acts inside the building

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: Proceedings inside City Hall in #Chicago were just shut down after violent Palestinian rioters stormed the building and carried out violent acts inside the building. One livestream caught police on camera removing the rioters who are seen screaming and assaulting police officers. #Jihad



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7aa474 No.98852

File: 49290fa66f364ef⋯.jpeg (75.25 KB,948x537,316:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3de615e2ffb6e7f⋯.jpeg (318.52 KB,1500x851,1500:851,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 127062d4aa97472⋯.jpeg (459.7 KB,4463x3347,4463:3347,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731205 (132135ZOCT23) Notable: pb MarketFag on JP Morgan earnings

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>98692 pb marketFag on JP Moran earnings

Regional Banks continue being set up as the next “repo’d car” FHLB in San Francisco (Janet ‘the dude’ Hellen’s old gig is SF FED)

Big Bank Loan Volumes Continue To Decline As Deposit Outflows Return

Retail money-market funds inflows continued this week, and more troubling (ahead of the coming regional bank earnings),usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility jumped to a new record high over $109BN.Big banks had a good day today on earnings.

That's the not-so-rosy picture ahead of tonight's bank deposit data debacle from The Fed. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, total deposits declines by $12.4BN (after two big weekly deposit inflows)... However, on an unadjusted basis, total deposits rose $41.5BN... And so, removing foreign bank flows, we see domestic banks diverging on an SA vs NSA basis once again ($41.6BN inflows NSA, $17.5BN outflows On the bright side, the gap between SA and NSA deposits outflows since the SVB crisis is narrowing (only $57BN now)...On the other side of the ledger, loan volumes shrank again by over $10BN with large bank loan volumes declining for the 3rd straight week...

The key warning sign continues to trend lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now).

we sure hope these banks are making plans to fill the $109BN hole in their balance sheets they are filling with expensive Fed loans.


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7aa474 No.98853

File: f8c5fd3b4cb1a18⋯.png (93.96 KB,758x631,758:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731242 (132140ZOCT23) Notable: #24226 posted in #24227''''

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19731021 (me), >>>/qresearch/19731119, >>98841


#24226 >>98806

>>98807 Steve Bannon: The DC Elite Want To Forever Change The Nation Behind Closed Doors. 10 people want to run for leaders now

>>98808, >>98815 Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah's statement: "We confirm our readiness to act against Israel." KISS THE RING

>>98809 Eight UN peacekeepers detained over sex abuse claims in DR Congo

>>98810 U.S. Aircraft Arrive to Support Israel Amid Border Crisis at Home

>>98811 Bankman-Fried's ex-girlfriend says FTX used $100M of customer deposits to bribe Chinese officials, set up accounts in names of Thai prostitutes

>>98812 Jordanian Forces Deploy Tear Gas Against Protesters Approaching Western Border; ‘Day of Jihad’ March Continues Towards Israeli Territory

>>98813, >>98821, >>98836, >>98837 JUST IN - Trump / Scavino posts #IStandWithIsrael on his social network.

>>98814 Far Left MSNBC Loses 33 Percent of Their Primetime Audience During Coverage of Middle East Conflict

>>98816 Iran FM Meets Nasrallah, Threatens To Open Hezbollah War With Israel If 'Brutality' Against Gaza Doesn't Cease

>>98817 Alameda Employee Quit Shortly After Hearing About FTX Backchannel Loans

>>98818 ANON: Choose Israel: you're Islamophobic who supports the killing of Women & Children - - Choose Palestine: you're Anti-sematic who supports the killing of Women & Children

>>98819 Israel’s use of white phosphorus verified – Human Rights Watch

>>98820 Netanyahu: "We will eliminate Hamas and it will take time"

>>98822 Hunter and James Biden’s Deadline to Comply with Subpoenas Passes

>>98823 Inside the 'Gaza Metro': Hamas' secret labyrinth of tunnels where militants plan operations and launch attacks into Israel

>>98824 China's State Media Accused of Spreading Anti-Israel Disinformation

>>98825 Second speaker nominee vote is underway

>>98826 Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent

>>98827 Trump Truth Post about defeat of ISIS and Hamas

>>98828 Israel Says No Humanitarian Aid Into Gaza Until Captives Released

>>98829, >>98832 NATO holds long-planned annual nuclear exercise

>>98830 Biden Admin Threatens Banks That Refuse To Lend Money To Illegal Immigrants

>>98831 Pentagon chief Austin says Hamas atrocities are ‘worse than what I saw with ISIS’

>>98833 FLASHBACK 2011: Hamas Is the Muslim Brotherhood

>>98834 Palestinian supporters are currently gathered in Times Square after former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called for a "Global Day of Jihad"

>>98835 'The world stands in solidarity with Israel, even though they see and know how it exterminates the Palestinian people.


>>98839 GP: The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas

>>98840 Gen Flynn: “This is why we need to be very analytical and slow to speak…"

#24226 Posted in #24227

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7aa474 No.98854

File: 57dd22fe41e84e5⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x727,1024:727,Clipboard.png)

File: bc753eeacf6c2d4⋯.png (793.17 KB,1456x1836,364:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cd28dc500c4571⋯.png (1.05 MB,810x1080,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 165ef1214637bdb⋯.png (872.79 KB,810x1080,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f878e47782ee73⋯.png (1.8 MB,1080x2234,540:1117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731281 (132146ZOCT23) Notable: Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Documents Proving Pfizer was Secretly Manufacturing the Deadly Drug REMDESIVIR

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Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Documents Proving Pfizer was Secretly Manufacturing the Deadly Drug REMDESIVIR

Before getting to the damning receipts proving that Pfizer was always behind the manufacture of the deadly drug Remdesivir, here is proof that our whistleblower is in fact who she says she is:

Some backstory on how Pfizer was able to clandestinely manufacture Remdesivir is in order before disclosing the evidence: Hospira was an American global pharmaceutical and medical device company with around 19,000 employees before it was acquired on September 3, 2015 by Pfizer. Pfizer would then go on to use Hospira as a front company for their various shadowy dealings, not limited to Remdesivir.

Our whistleblower described the Hospira/Pfizer scheme as follows:

Yes, they still would put Hospira labels on things. But Pfizer bought Hospira in 2015. Pfizer wouldn’t put their label on it, we would send it out made, but not labeled and Gilead would put their label on it.

Dr. Fauci and his partners-in-crime all knew that Remdesivir does nothing whatsoever to prevent or attenuate or in any way treat a respiratory disease, but they all knew full well as per the disastrous Ebola trial that this deadly drug would rapidly induce renal failure. When they deliberately pushed intubation as a PSYOP-19 hospital protocol, they also all knew full well that the fluids rising up through the lungs from the Remdesivir-caused kidney failure would in turn be pressurized by the ventilators in a fatal combination protocol therapy which could then be easily classified as “death from COVID pneumonia.”

Now we have proof that the maker of the slow kill bioweapon injections was also behind this democidal hospital protocol that drove the excess mortality higher such that they could leverage these associated deaths to get far more Modified mRNA “vaccine” servings into the populace.

This additional evidence further establishes that the “pandemic” Crimes Against Humanity were carefully orchestrated by a select few players that knew precisely what they were doing all along.


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7aa474 No.98855

File: 50873c774a5a136⋯.png (425.62 KB,634x359,634:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731303 (132149ZOCT23) Notable: Stanford scientists have discovered a molecule they hope could be turned into an anti-aging drug

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Stanford scientists discover fountain of youth molecule that revives deteriorating muscles - now they want to turn it into an anti-aging drug

UPDATED: 14:24 EDT, 13 October 2023

- Mice who received the injections saw muscles regenerate bigger and stronger

- Drug to reverse muscle atrophy has major implications for ALS and more

Stanford scientists have discovered a molecule they hope could be turned into an anti-aging drug.

Testing in lab mice revealed that by blocking the action of an aging-related protein in the body called 15-PGDH, they could repair broken nerve and muscle fiber connections to restore strength and muscle mass.

The discovery could have wide-reaching implications for adults who start seeing muscle strength wane 10 percent with every passing decade, as well as tens of thousands of Americans with muscle-wasting diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Their research is the first to show that damaged motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord can be regenerated by blocking the activity of 15-PGDH to regenerate muscle while boosting levels of a replenishing molecule called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2).

The Stanford University research team’s latest finding expands on earlier research that showed blocking 15-PGDH, also known as a gerozyme, significantly improved the mice’s leg strength and endurance when running on a treadmill.

Dr Helen Blau, the lead researcher, and director of the Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology at Stanford University, said: ‘This is the first time a drug treatment has been shown to affect both muscle fibers and the motor neurons that stimulate them to contract in order to speed healing and restore strength and muscle mass. It’s unique.

‘PGE2 is part of the body’s natural healing mechanism, and its levels increase in muscle after injury. We wanted to learn how age triggers an increase in 15-PGDH, and therefore the degradation and loss of PGE2.’

In 2021, the research team began daily injections of a small 15-PGDH-blocking molecule into 24-month-old mice, which is technically old age for the animals. They simulated an injury to the mice’s sciatic nerves before administering the treatments.

They found that inhibiting 15-PGDH even partially restored PGE2 to levels typically found in younger mice and their muscle fibers grew back larger and stronger.

They now know why this is. 15-PGDH builds up in muscles while breaking down PGE2 as people age.

PGE2 is released by the body in response to inflammation such as a muscle tear or strain in order to speed up the healing process.

The researchers also identified hidden clumps of 15-PGDH in the muscle fibers of people with neuromuscular disorders such as ALS, muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis, suggesting that the gerozyme may have a role in causing these debilitating human disorders.

Dr Blau said: ‘Our next steps will be to examine whether blocking 15-PGDH function in people with spinal muscular atrophy can increase lost muscle strength in combination with gene therapy or other treatments.

‘We are also looking at ALS to see if something like this might help these patients. It’s really exciting that we are able to affect both muscle function and motor neuron growth.’

Muscle frailty is especially common in seniors, affecting around 30 percent of people over 80. But the course of muscle deterioration starts as early as one’s 50s.

It also has a steep economic cost. As muscles waste away over time, a person loses their ability to work and care for themselves, have a higher risk of a bad fall or other injury, and become increasingly less mobile.

The result is billions spent by the government to care for seniors at greatest risk of harm, on top of the mountain of money spent by insurance companies to cover the cost of care for the millions who don’t get coverage through the federal government.


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7aa474 No.98856

File: b9d7b00da8983ef⋯.jpg (150.69 KB,812x953,812:953,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fd14910fcdeba6e⋯.jpg (53.1 KB,562x524,281:262,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48999c537f05714⋯.jpg (90.41 KB,679x907,679:907,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9f3d3cc3c247b32⋯.jpg (84.63 KB,572x642,286:321,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bdfd3b43946918⋯.jpg (160 KB,1315x1206,1315:1206,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731341 (132156ZOCT23) Notable: UN Special Envoy Griffiths speaks out: "The order to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza contradicts the rules of war and basic humanitarian rules."

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comparable areas.

it really is a lot of people to evacuate in a short time

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7aa474 No.98857

File: caad652e492b404⋯.png (135.21 KB,995x552,995:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731400 (132204ZOCT23) Notable: Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Convicted of Federal Election Campaign Act Violations and False Statements

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Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Convicted of Federal Election Campaign Act Violations and False Statements


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7aa474 No.98858

File: ef94590dad26b5f⋯.png (132.92 KB,745x645,149:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731415 (132205ZOCT23) Notable: Shipbuilding Company CEO Charged with Witness Tampering and Obstruction

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Shipbuilding Company CEO Charged with Witness Tampering and Obstruction


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7aa474 No.98859

File: ac92142f9a91648⋯.png (158.31 KB,999x639,111:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731422 (132207ZOCT23) Notable: Former Chairman of 1 Global Pleads Guilty to Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme

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Former Chairman of 1 Global Pleads Guilty to Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme


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7aa474 No.98860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731436 (132209ZOCT23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu deliver remarks at the White House - 1/28/2020

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President Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu deliver remarks at the White House– 1/28/2020

President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu on announcement of a peace deal, The Abraham Accords

Quote PDJT:

“Forging peace between Israelis and Palestinians may be the most difficult challenge of all. All prior Administrations from President Lyndon Johnson, have tried and bitterly failed. But “I was not elected to do small things, or to shy away from big problems”



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7aa474 No.98861

File: 58af2bc61df1229⋯.mp4 (10.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e794ed8790949fc⋯.jpg (139.3 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7af81a83ac35eb1⋯.png (996.77 KB,1021x754,1021:754,Clipboard.png)

File: 29a433bb549a8cc⋯.png (144.65 KB,239x300,239:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731484 (132215ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: Call sign TENACITY EAM broadcast to WAHOO73 @ 20:46 ZULU: EGQUQRFPLFMUSKPMAMNOGTNCFITCUS

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Call sign WAHOO73. USN E-6B Mercury 164408. Squawk 3647.


Call sign TENACITY EAM broadcast to WAHOO73 @ 20:46 ZULU



mp4 attached

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7aa474 No.98862

File: ab627454cd0f9cb⋯.png (359.89 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731504 (132217ZOCT23) Notable: Congresswoman Michelle Steel launches bid to STOP U.S. sending hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Palestinians following Hamas atrocity in Israel

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EXCLUSIVE: Republican congresswoman launches bid to STOP U.S. sending hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Palestinians following Hamas atrocity in Israel

- The U.S. currently funnels hundreds of millions in humanitarian aid for Palestinian people

- The Biden-era policy is a departure from former President Trump who axed Palestinian aid

- In exchange for aid, the Palestinian Authority would have to recognize Israel's right to exist, remove and bar Hamas from govt and condemn terrorism

California GOP Rep. Michelle Steel is introducing a new bill to cut off all U.S. aid for the Palestinian territory until the Palestinian Authority renounces Hamas and recognizes Israel.

The U.S. currently funnels hundreds of millions in humanitarian aid for Palestinian people. The Biden-era policy is a departure from former President Trump who axed Palestinian aid.

'This is commonsense. Not a single American taxpayer dollar should be sent to the corrupt, murderous Palestinian Authority until we have full confidence that it will never allow an evil like this to happen again,' Steel said in a statement.

In exchange for aid, the Palestinian Authority would have to recognize Israel's right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state, remove and bar Hamas from any government position and condemn terrorism.

Between April 2021 and March 2022 the U.S. provided $417 million for Palestinian refugees through the United Nations, $75 million in economic aid through USAID and $20.5 million in Covid and Gaza recovery assistance.

For 2022 the U.S. planned to offer $45 million to support the 'rule of law' in Gaza.

Meanwhile a federal judge allowed the discovery period to begin on a lawsuit that alleges President Biden is sending taxpayer funds to Palestinian territory in violation of a law that prohibits funding terrorist organizations.

The ruling comes during the outbreak of war after Hamas launched a series of surprise attacks on Israel that have left 1,300 dead. Israel's counter-attacks have killed some 1,500 - and the Israeli government has now ordered 1.1 million locals to evaquate northern Gaza as the conflict drags on.

The U.S. and Qatar have agreed to freeze $6 billion in Iranian assets - a reversal of earlier plans to unfreeze the money as part of a prisoner swap.

Iran has denied any involvement in the attack, but the sophisticated tactics used by Hamas suggest otherwise. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that Iranian security officials helped Hamas plan the attack.

News of the planned change came hours after Joe Biden issued his first public warning to Iran since the Hamas attack on Israel.

'We've 'made it clear to the Iranians: Be careful,' Biden said at a meeting with Jewish leaders at the White House on Wednesday.

Speaking in Tel Aviv, on a visit to Israel, Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended the original prisoner swap arrangement that had seen the Iranian funds transferred from South Korea to Qatar.

He added: 'None of the funds that have now gone to Qatar have actually been spent or accessed by Iran in any way.'


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7aa474 No.98863

File: 44a39525b37ccac⋯.jpeg (375.94 KB,1169x2059,1169:2059,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 53aa3d7779dccd8⋯.jpeg (156.34 KB,1084x728,271:182,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731584 (132230ZOCT23) Notable: Chinese President Xi statement on Palestine/Israel conflict: The historical injustices done to the Palestinian people should not be left unattended indefinitely - China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine

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7aa474 No.98864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731757 (132256ZOCT23) Notable: #24228

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Twice bakered dough


thought someone was baking???

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7aa474 No.98865

File: 571b9748f15687e⋯.png (175.77 KB,537x636,179:212,Clipboard.png)

File: ab18a308db62514⋯.png (119.42 KB,844x421,844:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731818 (132306ZOCT23) Notable: The United States Air Force Activates "Operation Nightwatch"

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Mario Nawfal



🚨JUST IN: The United States Air Force Activates "Operation Nightwatch"

The U.S. Air Force has initiated "Operation Nightwatch," involving the Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post (AACP), a strategic command and control military aircraft. The E-4 series is specially modified from the Boeing 747-200B for the National Emergency Airborne Command Post (NEACP) program.

This plane hasn't been flown since the start of the Ukraine war.


Witches + Snowman.

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7aa474 No.98866

File: 935ff5e31339e71⋯.png (45.42 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731839 (132308ZOCT23) Notable: Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

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13 Oct, 2023 21:16

Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

Kiev’s endemic corruption was most likely to blame, the Russian president has said

That some of the weapons sent to Ukraine ended up in the hands of Hamas militants probably has more to do with corruption than deliberate deliveries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.

“I doubt that there were deliveries of weapons from Ukraine, but I have no doubt there were leaks of weapons from Ukraine,”Putin explained at a press conference in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek.

“We know the level of corruption in Ukraine is very high. The black market arises when there are many who want to buy, and in Ukraine there are many who want to sell,” he added, noting that Ukrainians were “definitely selling” weapons on the international market through countries in Africa and the Middle East.

“Why, they even sell [weapons] to Russia, and if they can sell them to Russia, nothing surprises me anymore,” the Russian president said.

The issue of Hamas using weapons the US and its allies had sent to Ukraine was first raised by former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who claimed such equipment was “being actively used in Israel.” Kiev’s military intelligence responded by accusing Russia of sending Western weapons captured in Ukraine to Hamas in a “false flag” operation designed to make Kiev look bad to its backers.

Israel has neither confirmed nor denied Medvedev’s weapons claim, but rejected the Ukrainian insinuations of Russian involvement in the Hamas attack as “complete nonsense.”

Hamas militants fired hundreds of rockets into Israel on Saturday, followed by raids into nearby Israeli settlements, villages, and towns. Israeli authorities said more than 1,300 people died in the surprise attack. West Jerusalem has responded by declaring a “war” against Gaza.

Speaking about the escalating conflict, Putin noted that Israel is facing an unprecedented attack but that its response has been “quite brutal.”

He also offered Russian mediation, given that Moscow had “very good relations” with Israel, as well as traditional ties with the Palestinians, “so no one can suspect that we want to play some kind of games.”


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7aa474 No.98867

File: adf439eed92a5ab⋯.png (326.45 KB,474x312,79:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731864 (132312ZOCT23) Notable: Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

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7aa474 No.98868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731898 (132316ZOCT23) Notable: Live footage from Palestine

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something happening.

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7aa474 No.98869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731901 (132316ZOCT23) Notable: Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

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Who is the guy in the photo Putin is shaking hands with?

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7aa474 No.98870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731912 (132318ZOCT23) Notable: Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

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Late Ytzakh Rabin

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7aa474 No.98871

File: 1837f6b72f9eaab⋯.png (173.13 KB,786x581,786:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731971 (132329ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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Up out of Ecuador

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7aa474 No.98872

File: e0899b0b8e75011⋯.png (299.39 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: f32045a135c03e3⋯.png (577.54 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: b9a9ec662c45988⋯.png (280.75 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: a55f2768b0809cd⋯.png (804.95 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19731998 (132334ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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RC 135


And an F 18

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7aa474 No.98873

File: c37e74bf881814c⋯.png (415.19 KB,850x602,425:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732049 (132348ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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Out of Israel

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7aa474 No.98874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732058 (132350ZOCT23) Notable: Live footage from Palestine

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Big Boom.

Gaza Live: Real-time HD Camera Feeds from Gaza


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7aa474 No.98875

File: 277672d1f31697f⋯.png (276.83 KB,555x693,185:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 50daf3512fb67ae⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732060 (132351ZOCT23) Notable: Birdbrain explains how not to lose popular vote during a USA TODAY town hall

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"Expand the tent." Nikki Haley explains how not to lose popular vote during a USA TODAY town hall.

8:09 PM · Oct 12, 2023


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7aa474 No.98876

File: 188888211df1799⋯.png (11.79 KB,676x619,676:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732080 (132355ZOCT23) Notable: Birdbrain explains how not to lose popular vote during a USA TODAY town hall

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> Nikki Haley explains how not to lose popular vote

that's not how any of this works

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7aa474 No.98877

File: 42e11b61608d2d1⋯.png (12.46 KB,526x144,263:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732088 (132356ZOCT23) Notable: Leon Panetta just told Bret Baier he has zero regrets about falsely asserting Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation

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Leon Panetta just told Bret Baier he has zero regrets about falsely asserting Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.


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7aa474 No.98878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732141 (140007ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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the Invasion was fake & gay, that's clear


Now they're dropping bombs

If anyone is still in northern Gaza, I ask the Question... Why are they still in Northern Gaza?

Did they Stay by Choice or by Force?

if by Choice, Why? Israel isn't bluffing

If by force, Who forced them?

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7aa474 No.98879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732180 (140015ZOCT23) Notable: Starbucks is Giving 10% of Proceeds to Hamas

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Starbucks is Giving 10% of Proceeds to Hamas

Have fun going out of Business


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7aa474 No.98880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732191 (140017ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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Palestinian anon here

Have relatives currently in northern Gaza

They are all huddled in a church with continuous prayers

The situation is dire

They have tons of family around the globe and we can get them out if it was about money

Palestinian movement in Gaza is super restricted, it’s only allowed for the Hamas VIP and not the people

So I’ll give an example: my relative’s mom passed away in Jerusalem like 10 years ago, her mom was very sick, she got papers from the hospital asking permission for visit, they kept asking for more papers at the end they asked for 1500$ and she gave it, it took 6 weeks of back and forth by that time her mom died and even with the funeral the soldiers laughed and said no need to go now she is dead anyway

They traumatize the shit out of them because of all the filth programming on both sides courtesy of the rottenchild plans

It’s ugly

So no one can leave

Last I heard was this morning from someone in Jerusalem that they are still alive

They texted “pray for us, asking God for Mercy, help us get the kids out, we are safe for now”

That’s it

It’s not easy at all

Anon trusts in God fully and spent the whole day praying for peace and guidance

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7aa474 No.98881

File: db21838dde59119⋯.jpg (95.82 KB,978x636,163:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732201 (140018ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Jordan wins internal vote to become GOP's speaker nominee

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Jim Jordan wins internal vote to become GOP's speaker nominee


House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) won the GOP nomination for speaker in an internal vote on Friday, the second Republican to win the speaker nomination in the past three days.

Why it matters: Republicans are on day 10 of not having a speaker, and Jordan faces an uphill climb in getting the 217 votes needed to secure the gavel amid strong tensions within the highly fractured conference.

- Jordan defeated new challenger Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.), who entered the race on Friday, by a vote of 124-81, according to two lawmakers in the room.

- Jordan — a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus — was first elected to the House in 2006, later serving as Republican Study Committee chairman.

- He was previously seen as a thorn in leadership's side, having played a role in former Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio) exit from Congress and having run against former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in the race for House minority leader in 2018. He later forged a strong working relationship with McCarthy.

Zoom in: Jordan has been one of former President Trump's most vocal allies and defenders in Congress, playing a leading role in defending him during Democrats impeachment inquiries.

- He was nominated by Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), the chairman of the moderate Republican Main Street Coalition, in an effort to sway moderates.

The intrigue: Jordan is struggling to garner the support of moderates and Scalise allies within the conference.

- Jordan attempted to offer a deal to nominate and back Scalise on the floor only in exchange for backing if he failed on the first ballot, sparking backlash from some within the conference.

- Centrist lawmakers representing swing districts fear he could be a liability in their districts and have raised concerns about his ability to fundraise.

The big picture: No member of the House Republican conference has the support of 217 members, with some weighing teaming up with Democrats to find a consensus speaker who could work across the aisle amid the gridlock.

- The first GOP speaker nominee this week, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), withdrew Thursday evening after being unable to find a route to the 217 votes to win on the House floor.

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7aa474 No.98882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732205 (140019ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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So Hamas is using the Civilians as human Shields?

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7aa474 No.98883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732208 (140019ZOCT23) Notable: Starbucks is Giving 10% of Proceeds to Hamas

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NO nono no no no no no no no no anon

it's the union, not the lizard bitch herself

Starbucks disagrees with union over its ‘solidarity with Palestine’ post


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7aa474 No.98884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732253 (140027ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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They are claiming there is tunnels

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7aa474 No.98885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732255 (140027ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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There was 2 Trump decodes that leads to ISIS. So ISIS is putting on the Hamas mask, riling up Muslims... MOSSAD is riling up Israelis by letting Hamas attack them... the only victims are civilians caught in a meatgrinder.

Ukraine laundromat ends, another one begins? They just need civilians to sacrifice somewhere to get the engine going. The more countries that get involved the worse it will get.

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7aa474 No.98886

File: fb80b1cd2c42a5b⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732299 (140036ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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Call sign FX61. Squawk 4621. FA-18 SUPER HORNET 169212. PF doesn't see these that often on ADS-B Exchange.

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7aa474 No.98887

File: 959ab13eda27fa4⋯.png (30.48 KB,977x502,977:502,Clipboard.png)

File: cf1e65639b0f1fd⋯.png (1.11 MB,1280x929,1280:929,Clipboard.png)

File: deb9b659ba857e6⋯.png (171.33 KB,1024x1072,64:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732331 (140040ZOCT23) Notable: Planefags

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According to hex decode this must be an EA-18G Growler.

The Boeing EA-18G Growler is an American carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft, a specialized version of the two-seat F/A-18F Super Hornet.



Electronic Attack Squadron 129 (VAQ-129) is the United States Navy's only EA-18G Growler training squadron. Known as the "Vikings", they are a Fleet Replacement Squadron, or FRS, and are charged with training all EA-18G aviators and developing standard operating procedures for the maintenance and operation of the aircraft. The squadron is permanently stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, in Puget Sound, Washington.


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7aa474 No.98888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732348 (140044ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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Hamas is brutal anon

Any opposition and people get killed or vanish

So you have an oppression from inside and from outside

Gaza is the only place in the whole globe where people can’t flee at all

It’s unprecedented

We used to have a family member that was a high up in some European country in Jerusalem and we used to get them out in the counsel car with the counsel approval

But after the wall they banned all this

It’s madness

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7aa474 No.98889

File: d67be640b72b07b⋯.jpeg (475.67 KB,1125x1280,225:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732398 (140051ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas funded by MOSSAD

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Is this true?


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7aa474 No.98890

File: 3959ced90972525⋯.mp4 (8.58 MB,720x408,30:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732410 (140052ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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Warning from the horses mouth.

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7aa474 No.98891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732420 (140054ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinian anon reports

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When hamas fires they try and do it in open fields but sometimes they do it between houses but it’s not like you can say anything

People try to prevent it by closing their neighborhood and using their weapons but it’s not that easy

Also some facts regarding the conflict:

The refugees inside Gaza Lost everything and were uprooted more than one time (at least 4/5 times)

So these people were attacked and went there ethnic cleansing

For the past two years settlers been terrorizing Palestinian children while going to schools (I’m talking about guns shots at 7 years old) and provoking them in the rock of the dome

Every time you pass through checkpoints you get humiliated and treated like an animal

Again I don’t take sides because it’s not Jews vs Palestinian

The enemy is the deep state and the rotten child and these people who have zero empathy

There are many people on the street that try to calm things 80 % wants peace and the only way is one country

You see the picture with every land grab there was wars with bombs and uprooting so these people are angry very angry

As a Palestinian it’s one of the hardest thing to wake up people to the untouchables

I have Jewish friends that try and help

People help people

Evil starts wars


White hats flooded tunnels systems but when it comes to the Middle East they use bombs !! It doesn’t make sense

The Middle East didn’t have fanatics, same in Afghanistan

It’s all creation of evil

They created East vs west

They crest Christians vs Muslims

It’s all bullshit

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7aa474 No.98892

File: 9fa3c8a58ce0d1c⋯.png (164.07 KB,701x746,701:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732482 (140101ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas funded by MOSSAD

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7aa474 No.98893

File: b486907ae1bc10e⋯.png (147.71 KB,653x712,653:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732489 (140103ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas funded by MOSSAD

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7aa474 No.98894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732514 (140106ZOCT23) Notable: #24228

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#24228 >>98864

>>98865 The United States Air Force Activates "Operation Nightwatch"

>>98866, >>98867, >>98869, >>98870 Putin comments on Ukrainian weapons in Hamas hands

>>98868, >>98874 Live footage from Palestine

>>98871, >>98873, >>98872, >>98886, >>98887 Planefags

>>98875, >>98876 Birdbrain explains how not to lose popular vote during a USA TODAY town hall

>>98877 Leon Panetta just told Bret Baier he has zero regrets about falsely asserting Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation

>>98878, >>98880, >>98882, >>98884, >>98885, >>98888, >>98891, >>98890 Palestinian anon reports

>>98879, >>98883 Starbucks is Giving 10% of Proceeds to Hamas

>>98881 Jim Jordan wins internal vote to become GOP's speaker nominee

>>98889, >>98892, >>98893 Hamas funded by MOSSAD


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7aa474 No.98895

File: aff7b0536269a39⋯.png (111.32 KB,926x907,926:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732536 (140107ZOCT23) Notable: #24229

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seeking offhand

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7aa474 No.98896

File: 5327d01bc0a769c⋯.png (400.3 KB,600x695,120:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732563 (140112ZOCT23) Notable: Why did IBM remove humanitarian organizations in Israel from their employee donation portal?

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See new posts


Ezra A. Cohen




Why did ⁦@IBM

⁩ remove humanitarian organizations in Israel from their employee donation portal?

Does IBM have business in Hamas controlled Gaza or with the PLO?

Ezra A. Cohen


“IBM removed Israeli organizations from a donation site set up for the company's employees. The global IBM company established a special donation site for the company's employees and uploaded Israeli organizations such as MDA and the Hadassah Medical Center. After a day, the company removed those organizations, leaving only Palestinian organizations to which donations can continue”

12:50 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732567 (140113ZOCT23) Notable: With chaos comes opportunity (human trafficking)

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How many tunnels are there under the Gaza strip?

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7aa474 No.98898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732575 (140114ZOCT23) Notable: With chaos comes opportunity (human trafficking)

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7aa474 No.98899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732584 (140116ZOCT23) Notable: With chaos comes opportunity (human trafficking)

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>1:45; tunnel fighting


Pete Hegseth lays out how Israel could invade Hamas

Fox News

10.7M subscribers

116K views 22 hours ago #foxnews #fox #jessewattersprimetime

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7aa474 No.98900

File: 7f8dc8f28b601c4⋯.jpg (243.1 KB,1484x2100,53:75,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732589 (140116ZOCT23) Notable: To truly demoralize a nation requires a public spectacle of the grandest scale (also movie-set explosions)

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To truly demoralize a nation requires a public spectacle of the grandest scale.

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7aa474 No.98901

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732594 (140117ZOCT23) Notable: The CCP is Using Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to Project Global Terror

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Joshua Philipp: How Hamas Uses Deception And Media To Project Global Terror

This is really interestingthe CCP is using Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. China’s goal was they had to start 4 different wars for America. Xi met with Hamas, CCP is trying to pull the US in terrorism. He talks about how they are using Sun Tzu and the Chinese are using these wars to defeat us.



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7aa474 No.98902

File: ab78ffd1b5ed59c⋯.png (412.56 KB,1039x740,1039:740,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732653 (140126ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

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Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

by Cristina Laila Oct. 13, 2023 8:00 pm

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7aa474 No.98903

File: f37d9902e13e0bf⋯.png (1.96 MB,1596x1348,399:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732657 (140127ZOCT23) Notable: Fatal explosion at Hornady Manufacturing in Wood River

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Fatal explosion at Hornady Manufacturing in Wood River



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7aa474 No.98904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732692 (140133ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

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Judge Aileen Cannon cut a hearing short and blasted Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutor for wasting the Court’s time.

A Thursday hearing in the classified documents case against Trump abruptly ended after Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, accused DOJ prosecutor David Harbach of “wasting the court’s time,” according to The Palm Beach Post.

Harbach argued that attorneys Stanley Woodward and John Irving should not be able to represent Trump’s co-defendants Walt Nauta and Carlos Oliveira because the attorneys’ other clients could be called in to testify against them.

The DOJ prosecutor, in a last-minute legal argument, said the lawyers have a conflict of interest.

Judge Cannon abruptly ended the hearing and blasted Jack Smith’s prosecutor for not addressing this issue in any of the court filings leading up to the hearing.

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7aa474 No.98905

File: 4f327321b068a04⋯.png (317.8 KB,537x564,179:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732703 (140134ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken to meet with Saudi partners to discuss working together to prevent Hamas / Israel conflict from spreading

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Mario Nawfal



🚨JUST IN: US Secretary of State Blinken Arrives in Riyadh stating:

"I will meet with our Saudi partners to discuss the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel and the need to work together to prevent the conflict from spreading."

Source: Channel 11 Israel



>"Operation Nightwatch" top kek for ignorance

Nessun dorma.

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7aa474 No.98906

File: f4879c2a1102856⋯.png (817.67 KB,893x874,47:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732725 (140138ZOCT23) Notable: Only 2 Percent of Americans Have Received New COVID Vaccine: CDC

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Only 2 Percent of Americans Have Received

New COVID Vaccine: CDC

By Jack Phillips




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7aa474 No.98907

File: 3de615e2ffb6e7f⋯.jpeg (318.52 KB,1500x851,1500:851,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 127062d4aa97472⋯.jpeg (459.7 KB,4463x3347,4463:3347,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 49290fa66f364ef⋯.jpeg (75.25 KB,948x537,316:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732738 (140139ZOCT23) Notable: Marketfag

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>>98692 pb marketFag on JP Moran earnings

Regional Banks continue being set up as the next “repo’d car” FHLB in San Francisco (Janet ‘the dude’ Hellen’s old gig is SF FED)

Big Bank Loan Volumes Continue To Decline As Deposit Outflows Return

Retail money-market funds inflows continued this week, and more troubling (ahead of the coming regional bank earnings),usage of The Fed's emergency funding facility jumped to a new record high over $109BN.Big banks had a good day today on earnings.

That's the not-so-rosy picture ahead of tonight's bank deposit data debacle from The Fed. On a seasonally-adjusted basis, total deposits declines by $12.4BN (after two big weekly deposit inflows)… However, on an unadjusted basis, total deposits rose $41.5BN… And so, removing foreign bank flows, we see domestic banks diverging on an SA vs NSA basis once again ($41.6BN inflows NSA, $17.5BN outflows On the bright side, the gap between SA and NSA deposits outflows since the SVB crisis is narrowing (only $57BN now)…On the other side of the ledger, loan volumes shrank again by over $10BN with large bank loan volumes declining for the 3rd straight week…

The key warning sign continues to trend lower (Small Banks' reserve constraint), supported above the critical level by The Fed's emergency funds (for now).

we sure hope these banks are making plans to fill the $109BN hole in their balance sheets they are filling with expensive Fed loans.


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7aa474 No.98908

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732750 (140140ZOCT23) Notable: New J6 footage shows van arriving at 6:30am to build the fake gallows for Pence, FBI related

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy Shit Gregg, Catherine and others got some of footage of J6 and found a van arriving at 6:30 am on J6 to build the fake gallows for Pence but there is more evidence they were related to the FBi. Open.ink | A Revolutionary Platform Revealing The Truth Of J6


They are doing what they did with ballot stuffers with 2000 mules, but have some incredible info.The videos and analysis are on open.inkAnons, autists and diggers time to dig, collect the videos and analysis, we can help them find more


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7aa474 No.98909

File: e0364ce49287cb4⋯.png (714.78 KB,841x2845,841:2845,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732777 (140143ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Shapiro rejects Claim That Photo Of Slaughtered Israeli Baby Was AI-Generated

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Ben Shapiro Exposes, Rejects Absurd Claim That Photo Of Slaughtered Israeli Baby Was AI-Generated


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7aa474 No.98910

File: 176641fe85eb09a⋯.png (52.13 KB,588x531,196:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732785 (140144ZOCT23) Notable: Kash: "Biden Admin Achievements..."

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Kash Patel


Biden Admin Achievements:

1) open southern border- 100,000 dead Americans from CCP Fentanyl

2) open border- 2 dozen known terrorists affiliates in US, and DHS lost them

3) started two world wars

4) Afghanistan disaster, 13 murdered

5) dozens of dead americans in israel and children taken hostage

6) Billions to Iran

7) should we keep going, or can you know say the quiet part outloud: @realDonaldTrump is needed

Oct 13, 2023, 2:26 PM

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7aa474 No.98911

File: 18cf707c49bcc58⋯.png (40.08 KB,589x442,589:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732820 (140148ZOCT23) Notable: @laralogan

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Lara Logan


Liz Cheney, the people you stand with made up a conspiracy called Russia collusion that broke the law & cost the American people millions. You did nothing to hold anyone accountable. You participated in putting innocent, decent Americans behind bars for exercising their 1st amendment rights on January 6th & you have aligned yourself with the most dishonest, self-serving worthless traitors in congress. Do you understand how much millions of Americans despise you? Obviously not.


Liz Cheney




Jim Jordan was involved in Trump's conspiracy to steal the election and seize power; he urged that Pence refuse to count lawful electoral votes. If Rs nominate Jordan to be Speaker, they will be abandoning the Constitution. They’ll lose the House majority and they’ll deserve to.

2:33 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98912

File: ae2cdae0f1c988f⋯.png (19.69 KB,584x282,292:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732835 (140150ZOCT23) Notable: Another US Congressman has traded stocks before the start of the Middle East Conflict, stocks that benefit directly from war

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JUST IN: : Another US Congressman has traded stocks before the start of the Middle East Conflict, stocks that benefit directly from war.

Representative Markwayne Mullin disclosed purchasing up to $50,000 of Raytheon, $RTX, on Sept 13.

He sits on the Committee of Armed Services.

9:39 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98913

File: 80b0150b625a8c1⋯.png (673.35 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732909 (140158ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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Mexican Air Force looks to be making a second flight to Israel and Colombian Air Force just left there. This really does look to be stacking up like a world war. MSM is not talking much about this are they? MSM just wants to stoke fear and thereby sell advertising time. Here, have another slice of swift bundt cake.


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7aa474 No.98914

File: 8d649ba94bc9a8a⋯.png (489.38 KB,606x468,101:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732914 (140159ZOCT23) Notable: Sunny Hostin Makes Distasteful Comparison Between Proud Boys and Hamas

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The Gateway Pundit


Watch: Sunny Hostin Makes Distasteful Comparison Between Proud Boys and Hamas via @gatewaypundit

12:25 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98915

File: e1fdd4229dd554d⋯.jpeg (276.39 KB,1125x1359,125:151,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732920 (140159ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: "Please remember that it was the Trump Administration that defeated ISIS"...

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7aa474 No.98916

File: 60e5ab3dfefb1ce⋯.png (3.15 MB,1471x901,1471:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732937 (140201ZOCT23) Notable: Kash: "Biden Admin Achievements..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98917

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732942 (140202ZOCT23) Notable: Boris Epshteyn: "President Trump continues to speak the truth and be the leader of our country"

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Boris Epshteyn: "President Trump continues to speak the truth and be the leader of our country"



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7aa474 No.98918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732947 (140202ZOCT23) Notable: Sunny Hostin Makes Distasteful Comparison Between Proud Boys and Hamas

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It's not Complicated

It's a 2,000 year Blood Feud

Stay out of it & Choose Peace

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7aa474 No.98919

File: 12723f74db6d94f⋯.png (427.81 KB,598x529,26:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732957 (140203ZOCT23) Notable: Jim Watkins: Revolution Radio 10-13-23

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James Watkins


Revolution Radio 10-13-23

James Watkins


Revolution Radio 10-13-23

2:53 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98920

File: 4ccfc7d04ea479b⋯.png (427.85 KB,599x538,599:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19732992 (140208ZOCT23) Notable: TX State Sen @BorrisLMiles thinks ‘experts’ from the Texas Medical Center should be allowed to force working Texans to get the COVID shots

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Mary Talley Bowden MD


TX State Sen @BorrisLMiles

thinks the ‘experts’ from the Texas Medical Center should be allowed to force working Texans to get the COVID shots. @mayes_middleton

shuts him down. SB7 passed in the Senate last night.

9:29 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98921

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733016 (140211ZOCT23) Notable: #24227 posted in #24229''''

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Notables are not endorsements #24227

#24227 >>98841

>>98842, >>98844 Large explosion near Israeli airport/ Hamas targets US military cargo plane

>>98843 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Can anyone imagine that with all of the self inflicted and imposed problems that the United States is experiencing, both at home and abroad, that I am being forced to fight off politically hungry Prosecutors, Radical Left Democrats all, on the greatest political Witch Hunt of all time

>>98845, >>98848, >>98849 @EzraCohen repost: Leaked video of interrogation with Hamas terrorist. Watch how he nonchalantly says "we raped them" and "we cut off their heads" - use discernment when viewing wartime media

>>98846, >>98856 UN Special Envoy Griffiths speaks out: "The order to evacuate 1.1 million people from northern Gaza contradicts the rules of war and basic humanitarian rules."

>>98847, >>98850 IDF announces that a plane carrying 50 soldiers was hit by a missile in Be’eri and everyone on board was killed

>>98851 Proceedings inside City Hall in #Chicago were just shut down after violent Palestinian rioters stormed the building and carried out violent acts inside the building

>>98852 pb MarketFag on JP Morgan earnings

>>98854 Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Documents Proving Pfizer was Secretly Manufacturing the Deadly Drug REMDESIVIR

>>98855 Stanford scientists have discovered a molecule they hope could be turned into an anti-aging drug

>>98857 Former U.S. Congressional Candidate Convicted of Federal Election Campaign Act Violations and False Statements

>>98858 Shipbuilding Company CEO Charged with Witness Tampering and Obstruction

>>98859 Former Chairman of 1 Global Pleads Guilty to Running $250 Million Securities Fraud Scheme

>>98860 President Donald J. Trump and Israeli PM Netanyahu deliver remarks at the White House - 1/28/2020

>>98861 PF reports: Call sign TENACITY EAM broadcast to WAHOO73 @ 20:46 ZULU: EGQUQRFPLFMUSKPMAMNOGTNCFITCUS

>>98862 Congresswoman Michelle Steel launches bid to STOP U.S. sending hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Palestinians following Hamas atrocity in Israel

>>98863 Chinese President Xi statement on Palestine/Israel conflict: The historical injustices done to the Palestinian people should not be left unattended indefinitely - China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine



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7aa474 No.98922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733051 (140217ZOCT23) Notable: Xi / Palestine

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>>>/qresearch/19732821 Xi / Palestinereplacement for


Why does this sound soooooo familiar though?

China, Palestinian Authority form 'strategic partnership' to deepen ties


China inks ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinan Authority as it expands Middle East presence

Published 6:58 AM EDT, June 14, 2023

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is head of the ruling Communist Party, told Abbas at the start of their meeting.

“We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”


China Inks 'Strategic Partnership' With Palestinian Authority as It Expands Middle East Presence

June 14, 2023 12:45 PM

"China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible," Xi said.


China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

By AP 14 June 2023, 3:04 pm


Xi: China willing to help foster Palestinian peacemaking with Israel

June 14, 2023

"The fundamental solution to the Palestinian issue lies in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital," Xi said, according to Chinese state media.


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7aa474 No.98923

File: 34d85882666dafd⋯.mp4 (1.63 MB,720x1060,36:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733077 (140220ZOCT23) Notable: To truly demoralize a nation requires a public spectacle of the grandest scale (also movie-set explosions)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98924

File: 67a570606183858⋯.png (395.96 KB,422x533,422:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733104 (140225ZOCT23) Notable: All The Things

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imagine if all the countries of the world came together and put all the brightest minds together then instead of funding stupid ass projects they funded every family a fucking anti-gravity warp drive ship and then all of our energy/resources were spent on colonizing space and/or other galaxies

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7aa474 No.98925

File: 9bf1a65f30bf9c8⋯.png (1.23 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: ab2023d324fc2a3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1022x682,511:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29a433bb549a8cc⋯.png (144.65 KB,239x300,239:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733206 (140241ZOCT23) Notable: Planefag

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Two E-6B Mercury aircraft flying right now. Call sign WALLY81. Squawk 0557. Call sign COWAN82. Squawk 3632.

COWAN82 now looks to be on descent into Barksdale AFB.

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7aa474 No.98926

File: 859aa65ee04629b⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733260 (140252ZOCT23) Notable: Ron Paul states that Hamas, and other terror groups in the Middle East, are created and funded by Israel and the U.S. government

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Former US congressman Ron Paul (father of Rand Paul) states that Hamas, and other terror groups in the Middle East, are created and funded by Israel and the U.S. government.

So what happened to Rand?

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7aa474 No.98927

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733278 (140256ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Yon Predicts 1 Million Migrants To Pass Through Darien Gap Per Month By 2025

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Michael Yon Predicts 1 Million Migrants To Pass Through Darien Gap Per Month By 2025. A lot if Hamas a Hezbollah have been imbedded in South America for years.

Must ListenAnons keep your guns and protect our country. This is the 3rd of four wars CCP brings to the US mentioned by Epoch Times video from Bannon. Posted video earlier. “Joshua Philipp: How Hamas Uses Deception And Media To Project Global Terror”. The 4 wars started at the steal of 2020 election:

• open border

• Ukraine

• Israel

• The last is Terrorism WW

These are the number of people to just get through the Darien Gap not every entry, there are many entries.Ben Bergquam and Oscar Blue are getting very sick every time they go to the Darien Gap. There are numerous diseases these illegals are bringing, just like Trump said.. Must listen. This is fucking sick what Obama is doing



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7aa474 No.98928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733313 (140301ZOCT23) Notable: #24229

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#24229 >>98895

>>98896 Why did IBM remove humanitarian organizations in Israel from their employee donation portal?

>>98897, >>98898, >>98899 With chaos comes opportunity (human trafficking)

>>98900, >>98923 To truly demoralize a nation requires a public spectacle of the grandest scale (also movie-set explosions)

>>98901 The CCP is Using Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to Project Global Terror

>>98902, >>98904 Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

>>98903 Fatal explosion at Hornady Manufacturing in Wood River

>>98905 Blinken to meet with Saudi partners to discuss working together to prevent Hamas / Israel conflict from spreading

>>98906 Only 2 Percent of Americans Have Received New COVID Vaccine: CDC

>>98907 Marketfag

>>98908 New J6 footage shows van arriving at 6:30am to build the fake gallows for Pence, FBI related

>>98909 Ben Shapiro rejects Claim That Photo Of Slaughtered Israeli Baby Was AI-Generated

>>98910, >>98916 Kash: "Biden Admin Achievements..."

>>98911 @laralogan

>>98912 Another US Congressman has traded stocks before the start of the Middle East Conflict, stocks that benefit directly from war

>>98913, >>98925 Planefag

>>98914, >>98918 Sunny Hostin Makes Distasteful Comparison Between Proud Boys and Hamas

>>98915 DJT: "Please remember that it was the Trump Administration that defeated ISIS"...

>>98917 Boris Epshteyn: "President Trump continues to speak the truth and be the leader of our country"

>>98919 Jim Watkins: Revolution Radio 10-13-23

>>98920 TX State Sen @BorrisLMiles thinks ‘experts’ from the Texas Medical Center should be allowed to force working Texans to get the COVID shots

>>98922 Xi / Palestine

>>98924 All The Things

>>98926 Ron Paul states that Hamas, and other terror groups in the Middle East, are created and funded by Israel and the U.S. government

>>98927 Michael Yon Predicts 1 Million Migrants To Pass Through Darien Gap Per Month By 2025


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7aa474 No.98929

File: eac51e4a047ea9b⋯.png (61 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733328 (140303ZOCT23) Notable: #24230

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7aa474 No.98930

File: 0dfa0555d1f9935⋯.png (854.02 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: c82b8a292e48000⋯.png (724.8 KB,1077x743,1077:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 80b6c218f27dfa3⋯.png (2.33 MB,1600x1034,800:517,Clipboard.png)

File: ebe0eebdc5569b5⋯.png (843.94 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733392 (140314ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

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Constant Phoenix up! Call sign ATOM36. USAF WC-135 Constant Phoenix 64-14836 now up from Qatar. Squawk 3273.


WC-135 Constant Phoenix


The WC-135W Constant Phoenix atmospheric collection aircraft supports national level consumers by collecting particulate and gaseous effluents and debris from accessible regions of the atmosphere in support of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963.


The aircraft is a modified C-135B or EC-135C platform. The Constant Phoenix's modifications are primarily related to its on-board atmospheric collection suite, which allows the mission crew to detect radioactive "clouds" in real time. The aircraft is equipped with external flow-through devices to collect particulates on filter paper and a compressor system for whole air samples collected in holding spheres.

The cockpit crew is from the 45th Reconnaissance Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and special equipment operators are assigned to Det. 1, Air Force Technical Applications Center at Offutt AFB.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower commissioned the Constant Phoenix program on Sept. 16, 1947, when he charged the Army Air Forces with the overall responsibility for detecting atomic explosions anywhere in the world. In September 1949, a WB-29 flying between Alaska and Japan detected nuclear debris from Russia's first atomic test-an event thought not possible until mid-1950.

Beginning in August 1950, WB-50 aircraft were converted for the air-sampling mission over a two-year period. WC-135 aircraft began replacing the WB-50s in December 1965 and became the workhorse of the atmospheric collection program.

Air sampling missions were routinely conducted over the Far East, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Mediterranean Sea, the Polar regions, and off the coasts of South America and Africa. The WC-135W played a major role in tracking radioactive debris from the Soviet Union's Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster.

Currently the air-sampling mission supports the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963, which prohibits any nation from above ground nuclear weapons testing. WC-135s are currently the only aircraft in the inventory conducting air-sampling operations.

General Characteristics

Primary function: Air sampling and collection operations

Contractor: Boeing Aerospace Co.

Power Plant: WC-135C, Four Pratt & Whitney TF33-P9 turbofans without thrust reversers;

WC-135W, Four Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-5 turbofans with thrust reversers

Thrust: 16,050 pounds each engine

Wingspan: 130 feet, 10 inches (39.8 meters)

Length: 139 feet, 11 inches (42.5 meter)

Height: 42 feet (12.8 meters)

Weight: 120,170 pounds (54,508 kilograms)

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 300,500 pounds (136,304 kilograms)

Fuel Capacity: 130,000 pounds (58,967 kilograms)

Speed: 403 miles per hour (350 knots)

Ceiling: 40,000 feet (12,192 feet)

Range: 4,000 nautical miles

Crew: Varies with mission

Unit Cost: unavailable

Initial operating capability: December 1965

Inventory: Active force, 2; ANG, 0; Reserve, 0


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7aa474 No.98931

File: 629194b4eab9033⋯.png (475.34 KB,523x502,523:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733427 (140325ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of protesters demanding US end Israel aid arrested outside Schumer’s NYC home

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Dozens of protesters demanding US end Israel aid arrested outside Schumer’s NYC home


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7aa474 No.98932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733466 (140335ZOCT23) Notable: France: Man of Chechen origin who was under surveillance by French security services over suspected radicalization stabbed a teacher to death at his former high school and critically wounded two others

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Police: Suspect Shouted 'Allahu Akbar' Before Fatal Stabbing in French School

A man of Chechen origin who was under surveillance by the French security services over suspected radicalizationstabbed a teacher to death at his former high school and critically wounded two other people in northern France on Friday, authorities said.

The attack was being investigated as potential terrorism amid soaring global tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas. It also happened almost three years after another teacher, Samuel Paty, was beheaded by a radicalized Chechen man near a Paris area school.

French anti-terror prosecutors were leading the investigation into the stabbings at the Gambetta-Carnot school, which enrolls students ages 11-18 and is located in the city of Arras, some 115 miles (185 kilometers) north of Paris.

A colleague and a fellow teacher identified the dead educator as Dominique Bernard, a French language teacher at the school.

President Emmanuel Macron, who visited the school hours after the attack, said the victim “stepped in and probably saved many lives.” Macron also said that police thwarted an “attempted attack” in another French region after the teacher's fatal stabbing, but he did not provide details.

SAUCE: https://www.newsmax.com/world/globaltalk/france-school-stabbing-arras/2023/10/13/id/1138154/

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7aa474 No.98933

File: 98d7c49f184115e⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,717x957,239:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3f4c8f93962ed14⋯.jpg (131.98 KB,720x712,90:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733507 (140347ZOCT23) Notable: Democrat Secretary of Ingham County Ted Lawson was shot and killed in Lansing, MI while going door to door for a city council candidate

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Democrat Secretary of Ingham County Ted Lawson was shot and killed in Lansing, MI

He was killed by Lamar Patrick Kemp (15) while going door to door for a city council candidate

These woke white BLM loving motherfuckers keep getting killed by black people

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7aa474 No.98934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733534 (140357ZOCT23) Notable: Israel launches first ground raids into Gaza, bodies were collected from and transported to Israeli territory

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14 Oct, 2023 00:14

Israel launches first ground raids into Gaza

The IDF reportedly managed to recover several bodies of Israelis during a “localized” incursion

The Israel Defense Force sent tanks and foot soldiers into Gaza on Friday, to conduct what it termed “localized raids” ahead of a likely invasion of the Palestinian enclave, in an effort to locate some of the people taken hostage by Hamas militants.

IDF forces carried out several raids into the territory of the Gaza Strip in order to “cleanse the area of ​​terrorists and weapons” while making “an effort… to locate missing people,”according to the IDF account on X, formerly Twitter.

“Infantry and armored forces searched and gathered in the area for findings that may help in the effort to locate the missing and thwarted terrorist infrastructure and terrorist cells found in the area,” the Israeli military added.

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari also said that the raids targeted “anti-tank guided missile squads that intended to infiltrate into Israeli territory.”

The forward units reported “discoveries” of missing Israelis near the border, prompting a decision to send in a larger force under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Shimon Putrabani, according to the Jerusalem Post. After the brigade surrounded the location,bodies were collected from and transported to Israeli territory, the newspaper reported.

The IDF forces were “preparing for a ground maneuver,” but the government had yet to give the final order for the operation, spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Hecht said on Thursday.

The death toll in Israel stood at over 1,300 people, with nearly 3,500 injured as of Friday night, according to Israeli officials. Dozens of Israelis and foreigners were taken hostage, with the IDF saying it had contacted 120 families of those missing.

In Gaza, at least 1,900 Palestinians, including 614 children and 370 women, have been killed in Gaza over the past week, according to the latest figures from the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Friday that the counteroffensive in Gaza was “just the beginning” as he vowed to “eradicate” Hamas. In a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Netanyahu declared that “there will be many difficult days ahead,” but that Israeli forces will “crush” the “barbarians” of Hamas.

“I would like to emphasize: this is just the beginning. Our enemies have only started paying the price,” Netanyahu said, adding he “will not detail now what is yet to come, but I would like to tell you this is just the beginning.”


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7aa474 No.98935

File: c385f674daf85cb⋯.jpeg (47.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733550 (140405ZOCT23) Notable: Putin when asked about US media: "Just listen to the former president of the United States. Listen to him, he will give you a good description of the current level of development of the American media"

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This is fucking funny

13 Oct, 2023 19:03

US media is bad – Putin

The Russian president insisted that US news outlets often distort reality

Russian President Vladimir Putin has encouraged reporters to read the American media less. The remark came during a press conference in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek in response to a question about reports that the Russian Kant air base in Kyrgyzstan had been abandoned due to the conflict in Ukraine.

“American media outlets are saying that all the equipment is in Ukraine, and that the [Kant] base is deserted,” claimed an Izvestia journalist at the press conference. He did not specify which US outlets had made such claims.

“You are reading the American media in vain,”Putin told the reporter who had asked the question. “First, they very often distort reality –=just listen to the former president of the United States. Listen to him, he will give you a good description of the current level of development of the American media,” the president said, apparently referring to Donald Trump and adding thatAmerican media will “teach you bad things.”

Putin insisted that the Kant military base remains active and continues to act as a “deterrent factor for various extremists.” He added that there is also an active aviation unit there which includes combat aircraft and helicopters.

“They are at Kant, on combat duty and service,” Putin said.

On Thursday, the Russian leader, together with his Kyrgyz counterpart Sadyr Japarov, took part in a ceremony dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the opening of the Kant base.

During the ceremony, Putin declared that Russia will continue to provide the base with the most modern weapons and promised to solve all the issues that the military personnel serving at the base may have.

The Russian president’s visit to Kyrgyzstan marks the first time he has traveled abroad since the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for him earlier this year. Next week, Putin is expected to travel to China to meet with President Xi Jinping during the international Belt and Road forum.


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7aa474 No.98936

File: 961acf0adbbd435⋯.jpeg (48.52 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733589 (140416ZOCT23) Notable: African nation blocks Air France from resuming flights

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France is getting brutalized and put in their place, finally

13 Oct, 2023 13:55

African nation blocks Air France from resuming flights

Mali claims that the French company inappropriately suspended operations

Flights by French national carrier Air France to Mali will remain suspended until a review of a previous authorization is completed, the West African country’s military government announced on Wednesday.

“Flights were unilaterally suspended by the company without informing authorities and customers in a manner appropriate in advance,” the Malian Transport Ministry said in the statement published by local media, adding that it remains committed to “defending Mali's sovereignty.”

The decision came a day after Air France announced it would resume flights to Mali beginning on Friday, a route that had been halted in August, in response to the coup in neighboring Niger. It planned to resume operations using “a Boeing 777-200 ER belonging to Portuguese carrier EuroAtlantic Airways,” rather than its own planes.

The airline told the French state-funded agency AFP that its return to Bamako was “in coordination with the French DGAC [Directorate General of Civil Aviation] and the Malian authorities.”

It had to backtrack on the move, however, due to a lack of air traffic rights from the Malian authorities.

Mali's transport ministry said the National Aeronautical Authority was still “examining the request to resume flights made by the airline Air France.”

“Consequently, Air France flights remain suspended during this file examination procedure,” the ministry added.

On Wednesday, the Malian military government also fired Colonel Drissa Kone, director of the country’s aviation agency, allegedly for negotiating the French company’s resumption of operations without the prior approval of the “highest authorities.”

Air France said it has postponed the resumption of flights to Bamako until further notice “following additional requests from the Malian authorities.”

Relations between Mali and its former colonial ruler, France, have deterioratedfollowing military takeovers in 2020 and 2021 respectively.

Mali announced in August that it had suspended the issuance of visas to French nationals indefinitely in retaliation for a similar action by Paris. The French Foreign Ministry has designated Bamako a “red zone,” citing “strong regional tensions” after the military in Niger ousted President Mohammed Bazoum from power in July.

(I personally find it funny as hell that France’s arrogance and rebuke is being displayed on the world stage, Mali, Niger are gone and other African countries considering their separation)


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7aa474 No.98937

File: a6d1a1d63708d09⋯.png (152.93 KB,400x478,200:239,Clipboard.png)

File: e9ac70fbdc41a5d⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733618 (140423ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavinoJr mp4

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




12:16 AM · Oct 14, 2023


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7aa474 No.98938

File: d5dd758b0820271⋯.jpeg (64.29 KB,680x340,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733623 (140424ZOCT23) Notable: Team DeSanctimonious and Team Haley Pitch Themselves to the Never Trump Billionaires During Donor Strategy Meeting in Texas

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Sundance is funny!

Team DeSantis and Team Haley Pitch Themselves to the Never Trump Billionaires During Donor Strategy Meeting in Texas

October 13, 2023

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says he can beat Trump 😂…. Nikki Haley says, no, DeSantis is a diminishing meatball now; only her neocon curriculum vitae is strong enough to go against Godzilla Trump. Team DeSantis scoffs… Team Haley sneers….Can you imagine being a billionaire stupid enough to subject themselves to this nonsense?

The R.A.T coalition (Republicans Against Trump) is so desperate, they held a strategy session with DeSantis and Haley to decide which one of them would carry the banner of most approved & purchased candidate.And the candidates each thought this was a good thing. 😂🤣😂 I just do not understand this level of goofy dissonance.

(TEXAS) – Top officials with Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign made the case to a gathering of top donors opposed to Donald Trump on Friday that rival GOP candidate Nikki Haley could not defeat the former president in a head-to-head matchup.

[…] In another presentation made to the same group, Haley’s team argued the opposite. DeSantis’ campaign had flatlined, they insisted, pointing to data that showed that the former UN ambassador was ascendent and, therefore, the logical choice for the anti-Trump crowd.

Haley’s team, according to a person familiar with the arguments they made, pointed to public and private polling that showed her ahead of DeSantis in key early voting states. They also noted that Haley’s campaign has more cash on hand than DeSantis, who is leaning heavily on an allied super PAC to pick up much of the tab.

“By every metric,” the person said, “Nikki is moving up and Ron is moving down. It IS a two-person race: one man and one woman.”

The dueling presentations were delivered to a major Republican donor network gathering that includes hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer and investor Ken Griffin, two of the biggest contributors in the party. It was delivered amid growing concern in some quarters of the party that a Trump nomination is quickly becoming inevitable.

Real estate developer Harlan Crow organized the conference in Dallas with an eye toward helping consolidate the field of Republican candidates. Many anti-Trump donors have been eager to winnow down the race to a one-on-one contest with Trump, who is leading in the polls against a splintered field. (read more)

In the best-case scenario, together these two knuckleheads have maybe 20% support.

So, the billionaires are meeting with the hopeless losers and deciding which loser should get the majority of their financial support?Think about the stupidity of that!

These rich people, together with the RNC and RGA, are trying to cling to the figment of something that no longer exists.

They are totally detached from the reality that surrounds them.


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7aa474 No.98939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733635 (140427ZOCT23) Notable: Amazon accidentally published a job posting for a director of security engineering for something called "Project Panda" with a strange description indicating the listing would be used to find "opportunistic candidates."

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"Project Panda" eyes on, anons

Strange Amazon job posting suggests the company is fishing for 'opportunistic' hires

October 13, 2023

Amazon accidentally published a job posting for a director of security engineering for something called "Project Panda" with a strange description indicating the listing would be used to find "opportunistic candidates."

"This posting was listed in error and we're working to remove it," Brad Glasser, an Amazon spokesperson said.

"Pooling requisition for security," the now-deleted job posting repeatedly stated. "Using to push through opportunistic candidates to have conversations with security leaders." The posting was originally listed on Amazon's careers website and shared from its official LinkedIn page.

"Opportunistic" is generally understood in recruiting to describe candidates who are so good that companies will make a place for them even if they aren't hiring.

"Opportunistic hiring is a recruitment strategy that involves always being open and mindful of bringing on new talent, regardless of whether there is a specific vacancy or job role to be filled," one recruiting strategist wrote on LinkedIn. "This approach is strategic and reserved for high-demand skills or exceptional A+ talent who are truly unique."

It's unclear what the codename "Project Panda" describes or if it's a real project, but that's also what Amazon called its warehouse in Detroit.

The job posting, and the description in particular, fueled speculation among insiders over if Amazon is advertising positions the company doesn't intend to fill, one told us.

"This is Amazon speak for 'we're not intending to hire but if we find an absolutely amazing person we will move some things around to give them an org,'" this person said. It may have worked too. We noted the posting had 28 LinkedIn applications before it was closed.

Amazon laid off 27,000 employees over the past year, and has put a hiring freeze in many teams across the company.

The job cuts were, in part, driven by over-hiring during the post-pandemic boom that failed to sustain. An internal document Insider reported on earlier this year stated Amazon lacked internal oversight and governance in job listing posts, leading to over hiring. One team posted 24,988 positions opened in 2022, when only 7,798 positions were approved for, according to the document. An Amazon spokesperson at the time said that multiple job openings were made to seek candidates in varied geographies and disputed that AWS had over hired beyond its approved headcount.

Amazon may start hiring more aggressively across the company later this year, as its business is recovering from a slowdown, one person familiar with the matter told Insider.

>circumvent paywall via Tor/Onion


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7aa474 No.98940

File: c0e44289ba19d6e⋯.jpg (303.39 KB,1534x1729,118:133,Clipboard.jpg)


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7aa474 No.98941

File: 37f964412f65756⋯.png (123.33 KB,537x382,537:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733685 (140437ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavinoJr reposts Trump's "NO MERCY TO TERRORISTS you dumb bastards!" 2013 tweet

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7aa474 No.98942

File: 8e08dd855713934⋯.png (1.81 MB,2885x1951,2885:1951,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733727 (140447ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports: Atom36 in the air along the Straight of Hormuz

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FAFO: Atom36 in the air along the Straight of Hormuz

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7aa474 No.98943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733732 (140448ZOCT23) Notable: PF reports

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7aa474 No.98944

File: e3cbc9dcf63d3d0⋯.jpg (151.08 KB,682x813,682:813,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733782 (140507ZOCT23) Notable: End Times News #493 E:102

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000102

Gullible Humans Fall For Yet Another False Flag Psyop: HOLY WAR!


Israel has the best, most powerful border patrol and security in the world. By far. Their surveillance is state-of-the-art, operating 24/7. They vet ANYONE who wants a passport before entering their country. How on Earth did they fail to do their job right when a bunch of terrorists with machine guns flood out from Gaza? At the very least they must have allowed it to happen, so they could finally justify leveling Gaza and expanding Israel territory. So a few Jews were sacrificed to make that happen, big deal right? Just like the American government sacrificed 3,000 Americans on 9/11 for endless wars in the Middle East back in 2001.

Hamas Releases Footage Of Them Feeding and Clothing Israeli Babies Whom Allegedly Were Beheaded


MY COMMENT: This footage was released by Hamas to prove the Israel & US governments LIED about the beheadings! There is still NO PROOF to that claim! Were they kidnapped? Yes! But there is no proof Hamas has killed these kids. A deal should be made to give the kids back to their parents!

Biden Claimed He Saw “Confirmed Pictures” of Hamas Beheading Children Turns Out A COMPLETE LIE


GOP Lawmaker Flies To Israel To Rescue Americans After Tons of Requests


Why [Every Nation] Needs A Second Amendment


If you are armed, you can protect yourself from criminals or terrorists who want to hurt you and your family.

Hal Turner Makes A Brutal But Good Point: Just Let Them Kill One Another


I am 61 years old and for much of my life, I have seen the Arab/Israeli hatred for each other manifest in tragedy after tragedy, fight after fight, war after war and frankly I'm sick of it. I say, let them fight it out to the death... Their never-ending fighting, bickering, and warring has been going on since before Jesus Christ walked the earth two thousand or so years ago. And these Barbarians - and that's what they are - have hated each other, deceived each other, fought each other, and killed each other for that entire time.

If You Eat Fast Food, You Are Eating Poisoned Food


Kissinger Finally Admits Leftist Migration Policy Will Collapse America (That Was Their Plan All Along!)


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7aa474 No.98945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733804 (140514ZOCT23) Notable: AI makes breakthrough reading 2,000-year-old scroll burned in Mt. Vesuvius eruption

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AI makes breakthrough reading 2,000-year-old scroll burned in Mt. Vesuvius eruption

October 13, 2023

After 21 years, cutting-edge technology pioneered at the University of Kentucky is being used to read a 2,000-year-old scroll.

The Herculaneum scrolls were burned and buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D., and now the scrolls are too fragile to unfurl.

But Brent Seales, a computer science professor at the University of Kentucky, and his researchers developed technology to read what’s on the scrolls without opening them.

It’s been a 20-year passion for Seales, but now his work is being used to unlock history.

The unopened scrolls belong to the Institut de France in Paris and are believed to be from a library owned by a senior Roman statesman.

“What I expect is writing that expresses what it means to be human, speaking of love and war and of all the things that still matter to us because we are human, just like they were human, and the gulf that separates us, the 2,000 years, is much more narrow than you might think,” Seales told Nexstar’s WDKY.

There’s a worldwide competition to learn what’s written in the scrolls. Using Seales’ technology, one word that’s already been deciphered, πορφύραc, is “purple dye” or “clothes of purple.”

Two computer science students, Luke Farritor in Nebraska and Youssef Nader in Berlin, found the word as part of the Vesuvius Challenge. Farritor won $40,000, and Nader won $10,000.

According to a news release for the University of Kentucky, earlier this year the team used “virtual unwrapping” to read text from the ancient En-Gedi scroll, revealing it to be the beginning of the Book of Leviticus.

The Vesuvius Challenge was launched in 2023 with a grand prize of $700,000 for anyone who could decode four passages from the scrolls.

“We have pursued the dream of reading this extremely challenging material from Herculaneum. We have now proven that it is possible. There is a huge emotional component, which is powerful and inspiring,” Seales said in a news release. “Overcoming damage incurred during a 2,000-year span is no small challenge. But that’s what researchers do — together, we conquer the seemingly impossible.”


>About the reward that was offiered


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7aa474 No.98946

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733858 (140535ZOCT23) Notable: Roseanne and Eddie Bravo talk about the levels of evil in Hollywood and then discuss Epstein island

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Roseanne and Eddie Bravo talks about the levels of evil in Hollywood and then discuss Epstein islandand the first tier losers looking for whores and second tier that sip their drinks and wait for the 1st tier losers to leave to bring out the children. And her experience in HW, she said the real evil is mostly at the second and lowest tier, not the older stars. Probably changed now though.

#016 Eddie Bravo | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

I can’t believe she only has 51.3 thousand folliwers!


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7aa474 No.98947

File: a36b43b2ba9e1ac⋯.png (480.36 KB,838x768,419:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733899 (140552ZOCT23) Notable: Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide, With Recent 50+ Closures from Bank of America In Just One Week

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Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide, With Recent 50+ Closures from Bank of America In Just One Week

Nope, the system isn't collapsing.

White hats aren't doing anything.

The Satan-worshipin' child rapists will NEVER LOSE!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!


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7aa474 No.98948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733930 (140618ZOCT23) Notable: Ports of LA, Long Beach expected to reap millions as hydrogen hub test sites

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Ports of LA, Long Beach expected to reap millions as hydrogen hub test sites

October 13, 2023

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach stand to reap millions of dollars from a federal Clean Energy Grant announced Friday, Oct. 13, which will bring $1.2 billion to California.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and a number of city and LA port officials gathered at the waterfront in San Pedro to hail the announcement. A similar celebration took place earlier in the day in Long Beach.

“This is a very exciting morning in Los Angeles,” Bass said in her remarks.

Altogether, President Joe Biden named seven locations that will become so-called hydrogen hubs:

-Mid-Atlantic (Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey).

-Appalachia (West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania).


-Gulf Coast (Texas).

-Heartland (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota).

-Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan).

-Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Montana).

Out of the $1.2 billion statewide for California, Bass said, “a large sum will come to Los Angeles.”

Projects now will have to be submitted statewide for specific funding amounts.

“This was a broad coalition of labor, business and government demonstrating what is possible when we work together across lines to create a future that is inclusive for everyone,” Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson said in a separate news conference Friday morning.

He emphasized his city’s commitment for carbon neutrality by 2045.

The California award, according to a White House release, “will leverage the Golden State’s leadership in clean energy technology to produce hydrogen exclusively from renewable energy and biomes. It will provide a blueprint for decarbonizing public transportation, heavy duty trucking and port operations — key emissions drivers in the state and sources of air pollution that are among the harder to decarbonize.”

A significant amount is also expected to be used for the conversion to blended hydrogen fuel at the Scattergood Power Plant near Playa del Rey, a project by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

A project labor agreement is part of California’s deal for the funding, which the federal government said “will expand opportunities for disadvantaged communities and create an expected 220,000 direct jobs” in construction, with some 90,000 permanent jobs anticipated.

Los Angeles Councilmember Tim McOsker, who represents the Watts-to-San Pedro district, also hailed the news.

“You don’t have to choose between a good economy and jobs and a clean environment,” he said, adding it’s all possible and the new technology will increase job opportunities. “We will get it right.”

U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Long Beach, issued a written statement calling the announcement “a home run for both our climate and economy.”

And Port of Long Beach CEO Mario Cordero said the funding “will play a vital role in the Port of Long Beach in efforts to develop a promising source of clean energy” for port operations and goods movement.

The funding was sought in a statewide application for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub program.

Both ports joined in the application and expect to get more than half a billion dollars to test out the benefits of using the fuel to power trucking and terminal equipment.

The $1.2 billion for California comes from a larger $7 billion federal grant announcement by Biden early Friday to build out the regional hydrogen hubs across the country.

The program was made possible through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and will create a network of hydrogen producers, consumers and local connective infrastructure to accelerate the use of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier.

Port of Los Angeles Executive Director Gene Seroka noted that just five years earlier at the same waterfront spot port officials announced their 2030 and 2035 target dates for achieving zero-emissions cargo equipment and drayage trucks, respectively. This grant, Seroka said, will be a significant boost for the port’s ongoing efforts. POLB has the same target dates.

The grant, Seroka also said, sends a message to the private sector and those within the production chain that commercially testing and ramping up the ready availability of those cleaner vehicles is viable.

Commercial availability has been part of the challenge as the ports continue what will be an uphill climb toward clean operations.

Hydrogen is considered part of the solution that will be needed to clean the environment going forward.

While the Port of Long Beach will continue pursuing electric technology, for example, green hydrogen technology further benefits the port in its future move to zero-emissions, Cerdero said.


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7aa474 No.98949

File: 716e328d9725abe⋯.png (476.82 KB,522x488,261:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733931 (140618ZOCT23) Notable: Hunter Biden attorney, prosecutors agree on schedule that would push trial date past January 2024

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Hunter Biden attorney, prosecutors agree on schedule that would push trial date past January 2024


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7aa474 No.98950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733988 (140726ZOCT23) Notable: "The Hamas Apocalypse has crafted a New World Order"

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The Hamas Apocalypse has crafted a New World Order

October 14, 2023

As in 1914, this week's attacks have the power to reshape the world – we must be wary that the worst lessons of history are not repeated

The start of the summer had been filled with hope. Burnley had just beaten Liverpool in the FA Cup final, thanks to a goal by England international Bert Freeman.

The weather was gorgeous, noted the poet Alice Meynell, with moon after moon “heavenly sweet” as the “silken harvest climbed the down”.

Abroad too, things looked peaceful, as one senior diplomat observed. “I have not seen such calm waters since I have been at the Foreign Office,” wrote Sir Arthur Nicolson, until recently ambassador to Russia, and now permanent under-secretary for foreign affairs. It was May 1914.

Within a few weeks, the idyllic days and calm waters had vanished following the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. The decisions made in the weeks that followed changed the world forever: soon, all of Europe was at war, spilling over into Asia and Africa not long after.

Within four years, millions were dead, with many more wounded; Russia was gripped by revolution and a spiral towards Communist authoritarianism; the curtain had been brought down on the age of European empires, even if for some – like the British – flickered on briefly. No one saw it coming.

No one saw the attacks on Israel coming last weekend either. Just over two weeks ago, Jake Sullivan, the US national security advisor, had talked with optimism about the changes in the Middle East and about his hopes – shared by many in the region – of stability and continuing integration.

“The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” he said at the Atlantic Festival on 29 September.

Eight days later, Hamas began an attack that resulted in the deaths of more Jews than on any day since the Holocaust. The horrors of those scenes are almost impossible to describe, from the festival-goers mown down in cold blood to the taking of hostages, many of whom are women, children and elderly.

Their lives are now likely to be traded or lost as Israel’s response to this crisis escalates.

The retaliatory measures being taken to hunt down those responsible are themselves haunting to watch, with multi-storey buildings crumbling after being flattened by missile strikes and detonations.

The siege and bombardment of Gaza by Israel’s military forces has now been followed by the order for more than a million people living north of Wadi Gaza to evacuate to the south.

How the young, the elderly or infirm are supposed to do so, or where they are to go or stay, what they are to eat and drink and how they are to remain safe is not clear.

All are to be forced into one half of what is already one of the most densely populated places on Earth. Borders with Egypt are closed, with the Egyptian government thus far refusing to open up corridors to allow civilians to leave.

Hamas has called for people to stay put and “to remain steadfast in your homes and stand firm”. Many fear what the coming hours, days and weeks will bring. We are watching a humanitarian catastrophe in the making.

MOAR: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-new-world-order-middle-east-iran-saudi-russia/

>circumvent the paywall on tor/onion

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7aa474 No.98951

File: d3bc94ef5e18d4f⋯.png (70.23 KB,845x342,845:342,Clipboard.png)

File: cb857ded6ae0794⋯.jpg (50.29 KB,730x487,730:487,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733990 (140728ZOCT23) Notable: @paulsperry: Gen. Flynn: "The 51 [US intel officials] who lied [re Hunter's laptop] should be subpoenaed by House Weaponization...

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Paul Sperry reposted

Paul Sperry


NEW: Gen. Flynn just told me: "The 51 [US intel officials] who lied [re Hunter's laptop] should be subpoenaed by House Weaponization. They should all have their security clearances suspended and banned for life from ever working with or on behalf of the USG even w govt contracts"

12:37 PM · Oct 10, 2023






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7aa474 No.98952

File: c46ae69eae573b2⋯.png (393.66 KB,863x753,863:753,Clipboard.png)

File: ccfbea8cb9f0b35⋯.png (71.37 KB,888x405,296:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733991 (140730ZOCT23) Notable: @paulsperry: Court records reveal the FBI monitored Hunter and Jimmy Biden's phone/email convo's w/partner Patrick Ho, tracked their bank transactions and raided Ho's offices while prosecuting Ho for bribery/money laundering BUT NOT THE BIDENS

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Paul Sperry



Oct 11


Paul Sperry


Court records reveal the FBI monitored Hunter and Jimmy Biden's phone and email conversations with Chinese partner Patrick Ho, tracked their bank transactions and raided Ho's offices while prosecuting Ho for bribery and money laundering BUT NOT THE BIDENS

2:32 PM · May 10, 2023





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7aa474 No.98953

File: 5dec1268688d54b⋯.png (354.3 KB,863x813,863:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733992 (140731ZOCT23) Notable: @paulsperry: Bobulinski says he told the FBI about Hunter's Burisma dealings, but the FBI summary omits references to Burisma

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Paul Sperry


NEW: Bobulinski says he told the FBI about Hunter's Burisma dealings, but the FBI summary of their 2020 interview curiously omits references to Burisma

FBI knew all about Joe and Hunter’s business dealings, laptop authenticity — and did nothing: files

1:31 PM · Oct 11, 2023


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7aa474 No.98954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19733996 (140736ZOCT23) Notable: 17 Broward County Sheriff’s Office employees charged in Covid relief fraud

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17 Broward County Sheriff’s Office employees charged in Covid relief fraud

October 13, 2023

The employees collectively received $495,171 in assistance and used the money to “unjustly enrich themselves," U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe said.

Seventeen Broward County Sheriff's Office employees charged with defrauding Covid financial relief programs collectively received half a million dollars, federal prosecutors said.

The employees were each indicted separately on charges of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. They were suspended pending the outcome of the investigation, Sheriff Gregory Tony said, calling it a standard procedure.

Further disciplinary action is expected.

"I’m not going to sugarcoat or dance around this, at the end of the day they will be gone," Tony said Thursday at a joint news conference with U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida.

"If they’re being criminally charged, there’s no place for them in this organization," the sheriff continued. "How can we have anyone out here wearing a badge that is stealing from the American people?"

The employees are accused of providing fraudulent information in order to obtain loans from the Paycheck Protection Program, or PPP, and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan, or EIDL, program, Lapointe's office said in a news release. The loans were given to business owners struggling during the pandemic.

Lapointe's office said together they collected $495,171 in assistance and used the money to "unjustly enrich themselves."

"The U.S. Attorney’s Office and our law enforcement partners will continue to uncover the fraud schemes and hold anyone involved accountable — regardless of an individual’s role in the community," Lapointe said in a statement. "No matter the amount, we will not allow limited federal tax dollars, which were intended to provide a lifeline to small businesses as they struggled to stay afloat during the economically devastating pandemic lockdown, to be swindled by those who were employed in a position of trust and cast aside their duty to uphold and abide by the law."

The scheme was uncovered after the sheriff's office's Public Corruption Unit received a tip from an employee that several workers may have committed PPP loan fraud, Tony said. He then instructed the unit to investigate the agency's roughly 5,500 employees, he said at the news conference.

The accused workers include eight from the Department of Law Enforcement, including one sergeant, eight detention deputies and one sergeant from the Department of Detention, Sheriff Tony said, according to the sheriff.

"For five years, I’ve maintained an organization committed to transparency and accountability," he said in a statement. "I will continue to expect integrity and commitment to excellence from every BSO employee."

The Union of Police Associations (I.U.P.A.) Local 6020 said it is aware of the investigation.


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7aa474 No.98955

File: c4a24145095ae5a⋯.png (330.58 KB,974x846,487:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734007 (140750ZOCT23) Notable: UPDATE: Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination for Speaker - 55 RINOs Say They Won’t Vote for Jordan on the House Floor

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UPDATE: Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination for Speaker – 55 RINOs Say They Won’t Vote for Jordan on the House Floor

Jim Jordan has been officially nominated as the Republican’s choice for Speaker, beating out Steve Scalise ally Austin Scott of Georgia.


Working to confirm vote total.

But what i’ve heard is VERY low for Jordan.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 13, 2023

It was not a massive margin, though. The total was 124-81.


JORDAN – 124

SCOTT – 81

Jordan picked up just 25 votes. Scott, who didn’t campaign for the job and got in minutes before the race, got 81 votes.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 13, 2023

Cristina Laila previously reported that Jim Jordan entered the race for Speaker today. She also reported that Scott launched a last minute challenge to stop him.

Jordan will now face off against Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) provided he can garner enough support. The Hill notes this could prove a challenge, however.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), chair of the House Armed Services Committee, is among a number of RINOs who remain strongly opposed to Jordan as Speaker. He told reporters Friday that there was nothing that Jordan could do to win him over.

In fact, he may have approximately 65 problems. The House GOP held a second vote to ask members if they will support Jordan on the House floor.

He “won” the vote by 152-55 margin. This is 65 votes short of a total to prevail.

BREAKING — JIM JORDAN wins validation vote 152-55

WAY short of a total to be in a position to go to the floor.

He’s 65 votes short of 217.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) October 13, 2023

While nothing is impossible, Jordan certainly faces a steep climb and lots of skepticism from stubborn RINOS.

Conservative strategist Greg Price proposes an interesting strategy: take the vote to floor anyway to force these anonymous RINOs to vote down Jordan publicly. Certainly is much easier to act tough behind closed doors.

BREAKING: In a second secret ballot on whether Republican members would support @Jim_Jordan for Speaker on the floor, the vote was 152-55.

Now take it to the floor and let those 55 vote in public on whether they want a good conservative as Speaker.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 13, 2023

I’m sure the reason many of these people are voting against Jordan is because it’s being held behind closed doors. Most of these people want to talk conservative in public while hiding who they really are.

To the floor!

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 13, 2023

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


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7aa474 No.98956

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734021 (140805ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump interviewed on FOX re Israel, Speaker's race, Haley & RFKjr

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Former President Trump on Israel, Speaker’s race, Nikki Haley & RFK, Jr.


Oct 12, 2023

Former President Trump joined Brian for a wide ranging interview in which he criticized Israel’s lack of preparedness for the horrific attack by the terrorist group Hamas on Saturday, October 7th. The former president also weighed in on the GOP House Speaker race, saying it would be difficult for either Rep. Jim Jordan or Rep. Steve Scalise to secure the votes necessary to replace Kevin McCarthy.

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7aa474 No.98957

File: a48d6b64d206073⋯.png (372.78 KB,944x907,944:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734032 (140818ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

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Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

Judge Aileen Cannon cut a hearing short and blasted Special Counsel Jack Smith’s prosecutor for wasting the Court’s time.

A Thursday hearing in the classified documents case against Trump abruptly ended after Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, accused DOJ prosecutor David Harbach of “wasting the court’s time,” according to The Palm Beach Post.

Harbach argued that attorneys Stanley Woodward and John Irving should not be able to represent Trump’s co-defendants Walt Nauta and Carlos Oliveira because the attorneys’ other clients could be called in to testify against them.

The DOJ prosecutor, in a last-minute legal argument, said the lawyers have a conflict of interest.

Judge Cannon abruptly ended the hearing and blasted Jack Smith’s prosecutor for not addressing this issue in any of the court filings leading up to the hearing.

The Palm Beach Post reported:

A routine hearing in the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump ended abruptly after a clipped exchange between the judge and a federal prosecutor Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon admonished the Justice Department’s David Harbach for “wasting the court’s time” with a last-minute legal argument.

Harbach had suggested that attorneys Stanley Woodward and John Irving should be precluded from participating fully in the defense of Trump’s co-defendants, Waltine Nauta and Carlos de Oliveira, because a number of the lawyers’ current and former clients may be called to testify against them.

Thursday’s hearings were meant to give Nauta and Oliveira an opportunity to “digest and contemplate the risks” associated with their attorneys’ potential conflicts of interest, but it devolved into debate during the second of the two hearings.

Judge Cannon has repeatedly put Jack Smith in check.

In August Aileen Cannon on Monday blasted Jack Smith for operating a secret, out-of-district grand jury.

Cannon rebuked Jack Smith in a blistering order reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

Recall, at the last minute, Jack Smith empaneled a grand jury in Miami to indict Trump in Florida.

Jack Smith had been using a grand jury in DC to investigate Trump’s classified documents case.

Out of nowhere, a Florida grand jury popped up and indicted Trump.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Judge Cannon demanded Jack Smith explain “the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate” Trump and his associates.

“Among other topics as raised in the Motion, the response shall address the legal propriety of using an out-of-district grand jury proceeding to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings matters pertinent to the instant indicted matter in this district,” Judge Cannon wrote referring to the DC grand jury.

Jack Smith quietly ended his DC grand jury investigating Trump’s classified documents case after Cannon rebuked him.

Over the summer Judge Cannon smacked down Special Counsel Jack Smith and denied his request to speed up the sharing of classified documents.


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7aa474 No.98958

File: 3a52beae684c9ce⋯.png (314.33 KB,598x819,46:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734038 (140825ZOCT23) Notable: AM mockingbird media, talking points today, pffft they are not sending their best

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=4am mockingbird media, talking points today, pffft they are not sending their best==


Fox News




Capitol Hill rollercoaster: Jordan clinches speaker nomination but still battles for the gavel foxnews.com/politics/jordan-cl

Capitol Hill rollercoaster: Jordan clinches speaker nomination but still battles for the gavel

After a rollercoaster week and much deliberation within the conference, the House GOP selected Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio as their next horse in the speaker race.



Fox News




From the frying pan to the fire: Government funding fight awaits next speaker foxnews.com/politics/governmen

From the frying pan to the fire: Government funding fight awaits next speaker

The next House speaker will be out of the frying pan and into the fire with the likely first order of business a series of federal appropriations bills.



Fox News




Dems, GOP face first test ahead of 2024 elections as voters head to polls in Louisiana foxnews.com/politics/democrats

Dems, GOP face first test ahead of 2024 elections as voters head to polls in Louisiana

Louisiana voters are heading to the polls Saturday in the first electoral test for Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2024 elections.


Fox News




Capitol Hill rollercoaster: Jordan clinches speaker nomination but still battles for the gavel foxnews.com/politics/jordan-cl

Capitol Hill rollercoaster: Jordan clinches speaker nomination but still battles for the gavel

After a rollercoaster week and much deliberation within the conference, the House GOP selected Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio as their next horse in the speaker race.



Fox News




From the frying pan to the fire: Government funding fight awaits next speaker foxnews.com/politics/governmen

From the frying pan to the fire: Government funding fight awaits next speaker

The next House speaker will be out of the frying pan and into the fire with the likely first order of business a series of federal appropriations bills.



Fox News




Dems, GOP face first test ahead of 2024 elections as voters head to polls in Louisiana foxnews.com/politics/democrats

Dems, GOP face first test ahead of 2024 elections as voters head to polls in Louisiana

Louisiana voters are heading to the polls Saturday in the first electoral test for Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2024 elections.


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7aa474 No.98959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734040 (140827ZOCT23) Notable: Orsted Slumps as US Wind Cost Ruling Stokes Writedown Fear

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==Orsted Slumps as US Wind Cost Ruling Stokes Writedown Fear

By Todd Gillespie and Allegra Catelli (Bloomberg) — October 13, 2023

Orsted A/S shares dropped to a six-year low after New York regulators rejected a cost adjustment for offshore wind farms, prompting investor fears about a further writedown for one of the company’s US projects.

The New York Public Service Commission unanimously decided Thursday that developers must abide by the terms of existing contracts for projects, including Orsted’s Sunrise Wind, an 880-megawatt wind farm it’s developing with Eversource Energy. Offshore wind developers are being hit by the rising costs of materials, higher interest rates and inflation.

Orsted already warned of impairments of as much as 16 billion Danish kroner ($2.3 billion) to its US portfolio in August. The New York ruling deals another blow to the Sunrise Wind project, which was already being held up by supplier delays. The adjustments sought by Orsted, Equinor ASA and others would have burdened consumers with as much as $12 billion in added costs.

Orsted may have to decide whether to write down the wind farm even more and keep building, or walk away and pay termination fees, according to a Citigroup Inc. analyst.

“This will be a tough choice for Orsted, having to choose between the lesser of two evils,” Citigroup’s Jenny Ping wrote in a note. She estimated cancellation fees for this project alone would be about $215 million.

Orsted declined 9.4% in Copenhagen to its lowest price since September 2017. Its shares are down 48% year-to-date.

Chief Executive Officer Mads Nipper said in September the company was prepared to walk away from US projects without further support. It’s in talks with the White House to secure further subsidies from the Inflation Reduction Act to support its Sunrise Wind, Ocean Wind 1 and Revolution Wind developments.

Orsted is “paying the price for the strategic decision” of early spending in the US in the first wave of offshore wind developments there, JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts, including Javier Garrido, wrote in a note, adding such struggles aren’t necessarily mirrored by industry peers.

Orsted’s chief executive officer for the Americas, David Hardy, said the company was “disappointed” in the PSC’s decision.

“We are reviewing the PSC’s order, but Sunrise Wind’s viability and therefore ability to be constructed are extremely challenged without this adjustment,” he said in an emailed statement.

Clean-energy stock valuations are facing pressure lately. A Goldman Sachs Group Inc. renewables basket that includes Orsted, Vestas Wind Systems AS and Portugal’s EDP SA is trading at a 28% discount to the MSCI Europe Growth Index, based on forward earnings.


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7aa474 No.98960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734041 (140828ZOCT23) Notable: End of an age: DVDs are heading down the VHS path of extinction

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End of an age: DVDs are heading down the VHS path of extinction

Customers are slowly running out of places to buy DVDs and Blu-rays as digital and streaming services become the preferred viewing option.

With websites such as Netflix and Paramount+ becoming the predominant sources for movies and television, users are buying fewer physical copies of the films and television they love. This development is forcing some businesses to slowly step away from offering DVD options to customers due to declining interest. The latest victim was Best Buy, which announced on Friday that it will no longer sell DVDs and CDs in their stores in 2024. They are not the only ones, however.


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7aa474 No.98961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734047 (140833ZOCT23) Notable: US Imposes First Sanctions Over Russia Oil Cap as Impact Fades

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US Imposes First Sanctions Over Russia Oil Cap as Impact Fades

By Daniel Flatley and Christopher Condon (Bloomberg) — October 12, 2023

The US imposed the first sanctions for violations of the price cap on Russian oil introduced by the Group of Seven nearly a year ago, as signs mount the restriction is failing to cut Kremlin revenues as hoped.

The Treasury Department called the steps a new phase in the enforcement of a policy aimed at limit the flow of money to Russia to fund its war in Ukraine. It announced sanctions on two firms and blocked two vessels it said had violated the cap.

That measure was aimed at keeping Russian oil flowing to the world market to ensure prices didn’t spike but choking off the Kremlin’s financial gains. To do that, the cap bans companies from providing services like shipping and insurance to any cargoes priced above the $60/barrel limit.

Russia has managed to accumulate a fleet of its own, however, and shifted export flows to countries like India, which didn’t join the price cap. In recent months, the price of Russian sales has reached $80 or more and even US officials began to publicly admit the limit was losing effectiveness.

“We remain committed to implementing a price cap policy that has two goals: reducing the oil profits upon which Russia relies to wage its unjust war against Ukraine and keeping global energy markets stable and well-supplied despite turbulence caused by Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine,” Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo said in a statement.

The US Treasury Department sanctioned United Arab Emirates-based Lumber Marine SA, the registered owner of SCF Primorye, and Ice Pearl Navigation Corp, the registered owner of the Yasa Golden Bosphorus.

Read More: Russian Oil Revenue Rises to 14-Month High on Prices and Exports

The Primorye is accused of carrying Novy Port crude priced above $75 per barrel from a port in the Russian Federation after the cap went into effect in December. The Golden Bosphorus carried ESPO crude priced above $80 per barrel after the cap took effect. Both vessels used US-based service providers while transporting the oil, Treasury said in a statement.

The Yasa Golden Bosphorous, is currently in the Atlantic Ocean and signalling that its next destination is Houston, according to vessel tracking data compiled by Bloomberg. It was unclear whether the ship was going to complete that voyage.

Treasury released its new guidance and announced the sanctions just as G-7 finance minsters were meeting in Marrakech, Morocco, on the sidelines of the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

A US official indicated there were currently no plans to lower the cap, as some European nations have suggested. The official also acknowledged that the size of the Russian fleet has grown, though the exact size could not be determined.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen last month said the effectiveness of the cap in reducing Russian revenue had waned over time as Moscow had found ways to evade its reach and break its rules.

A key metric of the cap’s impact is the discount of Russia’s Urals grade crude oil to Brent, a global benchmark. For many months that discount exceeded $30, but has recently fallen to about $10.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told reporters on Thursday that “loopholes” had emerged in the cap that the Group of Seven nations needed to address.


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7aa474 No.98962

File: 4424bd5d06e4ac1⋯.png (458.72 KB,884x890,442:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734068 (140851ZOCT23) Notable: One of the men who built the “gallows” on Jan. 6 just happened to know where to get coffee @ 6:45am: the FBI building across the street.

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Liz Harrington




So strange! One of the men who built the “gallows” on Jan. 6 just happened to know where would be open at 6:45 in the morning so he could get coffee. Where did he go? Right across the street from the FBI building.

Eagle Ed Martin




Who is Mr. Coffee? Who built the gallows at J6? We are all citizen journalists, like @elonmusk said. #ProAmericaReport🇺🇸 #January6thTruth


can anon pls get the vid?


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7aa474 No.98963

File: 5ac2d17d4541280⋯.png (537.03 KB,776x891,776:891,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bdb3a5b0e05c6b⋯.png (980.34 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734075 (140855ZOCT23) Notable: Establishment Republican @RepMikeRogersAL is trying to stop Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker, ringleader - You may remember him for trying to fight Matt Gaetz

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Greg Price


Establishment Republicans are trying to stop Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker.

Many of them are openly talking about making a deal with Democrats rather than vote for a conservative Speaker

The ringleader?



You may remember him for trying to fight Matt Gaetz.

9:16 PM · Oct 13, 2023





The ringleader? is @RepMikeRogersAL

You may remember him for trying to fight Matt Gaetz.

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7aa474 No.98964

File: 6d502c032d02138⋯.png (92.36 KB,872x830,436:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734076 (140856ZOCT23) Notable: Latest on state vote in Australia with 30.3% counted

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.98965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734107 (140912ZOCT23) Notable: #24230

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#24230 >>98929

>>98930, >>98943 PF reports

>>98931 Dozens of protesters demanding US end Israel aid arrested outside Schumer’s NYC home

>>98932 France: Man of Chechen origin who was under surveillance by French security services over suspected radicalization stabbed a teacher to death at his former high school and critically wounded two others

>>98933 Democrat Secretary of Ingham County Ted Lawson was shot and killed in Lansing, MI while going door to door for a city council candidate

>>98934 Israel launches first ground raids into Gaza, bodies were collected from and transported to Israeli territory

>>98935 Putin when asked about US media: "Just listen to the former president of the United States. Listen to him, he will give you a good description of the current level of development of the American media"

>>98936 African nation blocks Air France from resuming flights

>>98937 @DanScavinoJr mp4

>>98938 Team DeSanctimonious and Team Haley Pitch Themselves to the Never Trump Billionaires During Donor Strategy Meeting in Texas

>>98939 Amazon accidentally published a job posting for a director of security engineering for something called "Project Panda" with a strange description indicating the listing would be used to find "opportunistic candidates."


>>98941 @DanScavinoJr reposts Trump's "NO MERCY TO TERRORISTS you dumb bastards!" 2013 tweet

>>98942 PF reports: Atom36 in the air along the Straight of Hormuz

>>98944 End Times News #493 E:102

>>98945 AI makes breakthrough reading 2,000-year-old scroll burned in Mt. Vesuvius eruption

>>98946 Roseanne and Eddie Bravo talk about the levels of evil in Hollywood and then discuss Epstein island

>>98947 Major Banks Close Over 3,000 Branches Nationwide, With Recent 50+ Closures from Bank of America In Just One Week

>>98948 Ports of LA, Long Beach expected to reap millions as hydrogen hub test sites

>>98949 Hunter Biden attorney, prosecutors agree on schedule that would push trial date past January 2024

>>98950 "The Hamas Apocalypse has crafted a New World Order"

>>98951 @paulsperry: Gen. Flynn: "The 51 [US intel officials] who lied [re Hunter's laptop] should be subpoenaed by House Weaponization...

>>98952 @paulsperry: Court records reveal the FBI monitored Hunter and Jimmy Biden's phone/email convo's w/partner Patrick Ho, tracked their bank transactions and raided Ho's offices while prosecuting Ho for bribery/money laundering BUT NOT THE BIDENS

>>98953 @paulsperry: Bobulinski says he told the FBI about Hunter's Burisma dealings, but the FBI summary omits references to Burisma

>>98954 17 Broward County Sheriff’s Office employees charged in Covid relief fraud

>>98955 UPDATE: Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination for Speaker - 55 RINOs Say They Won’t Vote for Jordan on the House Floor

>>98956 President Trump interviewed on FOX re Israel, Speaker's race, Haley & RFKjr

>>98957 Judge Aileen Cannon Cuts Hearing Short, Blasts Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Prosecutor For Wasting Court’s Time

>>98958 AM mockingbird media, talking points today, pffft they are not sending their best

>>98959 Orsted Slumps as US Wind Cost Ruling Stokes Writedown Fear

>>98960 End of an age: DVDs are heading down the VHS path of extinction

>>98961 US Imposes First Sanctions Over Russia Oil Cap as Impact Fades

>>98962 One of the men who built the “gallows” on Jan. 6 just happened to know where to get coffee @ 6:45am: the FBI building across the street.

>>98963 Establishment Republican @RepMikeRogersAL is trying to stop Jim Jordan from becoming Speaker, ringleader - You may remember him for trying to fight Matt Gaetz

>>98964 Latest on state vote in Australia with 30.3% counted





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7aa474 No.98966

File: 1be79e40b6248f3⋯.png (575.96 KB,1250x682,625:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734120 (140915ZOCT23) Notable: #24231

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baker must sleep




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7aa474 No.98967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734170 (140931ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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#012 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

This is an important video to watch. He mentions Pence’s decision. The whole video is interesting Pence part starts at about 1 hour. He talks earlier about Bannon and Executive privilege etc.

Ps: Pence is so fucked, his boy-scout

Hat is gonna be ripped from his head


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7aa474 No.98968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734180 (140935ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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It starts at about 57 minute to see the plan for challenging the 2020 election in the House and the Senate

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7aa474 No.98969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734199 (140950ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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Roseanne said she knew Pence was bad when he got the letter at GHWB’s funeral. Roseanne has been asking what other people thoughts on what was in the letter that they all got, for all these years, and nothing satisfied her and she woke up one night and heard in her head ,“It was a friggin subpoena”!Now that makes sense!

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7aa474 No.98970

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734217 (141000ZOCT23) Notable: Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

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This is really interesting: Poso says that some people say that President Trump signed a blanket “pocket pardon” (secret) for himself, because knew they would come after him to take him down in any way the could

Time 1:03:50

The whole video is interesting

#012Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast


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7aa474 No.98971

File: 4b8cb04aeebc47c⋯.png (376.75 KB,591x571,591:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734224 (141006ZOCT23) Notable: ISIS, before and after TRUMP did his thing!!!

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Donald J. Trump


You’re welcome!


Donald J. Trump




ISIS, before and after TRUMP did his thing!!!

Oct 13, 2023, 5:58 PM

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7aa474 No.98972

File: b9c1b5c8b56b059⋯.png (451.42 KB,592x508,148:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734239 (141013ZOCT23) Notable: NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

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JUST IN - Conservative National Party is on the path to victory in the New Zealand election, defeating Labour, the left-wing party of former PM Jacinda Ardern.


10:36 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98973

File: 57f429007305190⋯.png (678.21 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734242 (141016ZOCT23) Notable: NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

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NZ Election results: Devastating verdict on Jacinda Ardern years as New Zealand votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' - as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM


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7aa474 No.98974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734249 (141018ZOCT23) Notable: French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud

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Note:: UBS is a bank which took over the assets of credit suisse and is a swiss bank, around 250 years old with most of the elites accounts around the world.


French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud | The Chris Hedges Report



48,185 views Premiered 18 hours ago The Real News Network Podcasts

Warning signs of the instability of the global financial system abounded in the months leading up to the 2008 Lehman Brothers crash. Among these early signs were the astounding revelations about UBS, the world's largest private bank, by Stephanie Gibaud, who was employee at the bank's French division. Gibaud refused instructions given to her and other employees to delete all their company files. In doing so, she helped reveal a vast web of corruption and fraud linking UBS to a shadowy tax evasion scheme. More than 15 years later, Gibaud has endured harassment, professional ostracization, lawsuits, and threats. She joins The Chris Hedges Report to speak on her ordeal and the extent of corruption in the international banking system.

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7aa474 No.98975

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734268 (141029ZOCT23) Notable: French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud

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Switzerland, the home of the B.I.S, even before it was established, Switzerland was the neutral country for money laundering and blood money.




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7aa474 No.98976

File: 14165f68caa4a5f⋯.png (1.26 MB,1048x807,1048:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734277 (141034ZOCT23) Notable: Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn’t Happening

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Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn’t Happening

by Mike LaChance Oct. 13, 2023 10:00 pm

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7aa474 No.98977

File: ff2c9dcf19d2ad5⋯.png (1.12 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: e4987e672ae0c60⋯.png (1.08 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734326 (141108ZOCT23) Notable: Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

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Why is it that BOTH Doug Logan and Ben Cotton WHO BOTH were involved in Multi-State Election Audits from the inside NOW testifying for the Prosecution in Michigan? Anybody? And why when we see evidence presented in Arizona are Randy Pullen and Ken Bennet always in the middle?


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7aa474 No.98978

File: d015c094ff99e07⋯.png (363.61 KB,588x852,49:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734331 (141111ZOCT23) Notable: "The media could have stopped it if hadn't reprinted government propaganda" - Julian Assange

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Wall Street Silver


"I've discovered that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies"

"The media could have stopped it if they'd searched deep enough and hadn't reprinted government propaganda"

- Julian Assange 🚨🚨🚨

8:09 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98979

File: 29679e599a1b7f6⋯.png (363.27 KB,789x583,789:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734361 (141129ZOCT23) Notable: Biden awards $7 billion for 'clean hydrogen' hubs across the country

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Biden awards $7 billion for 'clean hydrogen' hubs across the country

The Biden administration has selected clean-energy projects from Pennsylvania to California for a $7 billion program to kickstart development and production of hydrogen fuel

ByMATTHEW DALY Associated Press

October 12, 2023, 10:31 PM

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7aa474 No.98980

File: 37995b1c56e36c8⋯.png (1.56 MB,1818x1342,909:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734382 (141144ZOCT23) Notable: Israel received official warning from Egypt possible attack from Gaza 3 days b4 Hamas assault

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"A senior US politician said Israel had received an official warning from Egypt of a possible attack from Gaza three days before Hamas launched its deadly cross-border assault on Saturday.

Michael McCaul, the chair of the US House foreign affairs committee, speaking after an intelligence briefing to senior members of Congress, said it was not clear at what level the warning was given.

“We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen,” McCaul, a Republican, told reporters on Wednesday. “I don’t want to get too much into classified [details], but a warning was given. I think the question was at what level.”

Israel was caught off-guard by Saturday’s surprise attack, when more than 1,500 Hamas fighters breached the Gaza border fence in a number of locations, killing over 1,200 Israeli civilians at a music festival, kibbutzim and other sites near the border. It took several hours before Israel’s military was able to respond on the ground.

Earlier this week, the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, denied Israel had received any advance warning from Cairo, when reports first emerged that an alert had been passed on from the country’s intelligence services.

Netanyahu said such claims were “fake news” in an address to the Israeli people on Monday. Earlier that day his office said “no early message came from Egypt” and denied that the prime minister had recently met with the head of Egyptian intelligence to discuss any such warning.



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7aa474 No.98981

File: b97e0b2d73692e3⋯.png (504.98 KB,595x837,595:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734391 (141148ZOCT23) Notable: Putin speaks out against Gaza blockade and Israeli airstrikes

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Citizen Free Press


Putin speaks out against Gaza blockade and Israeli airstrikes:

"Casualties among civilians will be absolutely unacceptable. The Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip is unacceptable and is like the Nazi siege of Leningrad."


Channel 4 News

3:19 AM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734393 (141148ZOCT23) Notable: NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

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Tranny Party, Labour out in NZ.

New Zealand's National Party to lead new government as Labour concedes

By Lucy Craymer

WELLINGTON (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) -New Zealand's centre-right National Party led by Christopher Luxon will form a new government with its preferred coalition party ACT, after Labour leader Chris Hipkins conceded he could not form a government following the country's general election.

The National Party, now in opposition, had 40% of the votes while the ACT party had 9%, which based on the current tally would give the two parties enough seats to form a government, according to the Electoral Commission.

https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/new-zealan ... r-concedes

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7aa474 No.98983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734394 (141148ZOCT23) Notable: Israel received official warning from Egypt possible attack from Gaza 3 days b4 Hamas assault

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Supernova Sukkot was only moved to the Re'im site two days prior, after another site in southern Israel fell through. “The festival was so much fun,” Barel says of Supernova Sukkot through a translator. “Amazing people, it was really full of joy.” Everything changed when rockets started falling early Saturday morning


Found A source with the info I wanted. They had moved the festival just Prior to the attack they knew where it was going to come from so they placed the concert people there knowing they would be an easy target for the attack .This was all set up and planned. I am sure there are other sources more detailed about the concert venue change but Israel allowed this to happen.

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7aa474 No.98984

File: 2af6adbc060d81a⋯.png (485.57 KB,600x565,120:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734397 (141149ZOCT23) Notable: Germany’s fed intelligence listed estimated 450 active Hamas operatives in central European country

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Ezra A. Cohen reposted

The Jerusalem Post


As Israeli troops entered the Gaza Strip for “localized raids” to root out Hamas terrorists on Thursday, Germany’s federal intelligence listed an estimated 450 active Hamas operatives in the central European country.

#Israel | #Germany | #Hamas

3:20 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98985

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734401 (141152ZOCT23) Notable: what time is it in Gaza right now? Safe passage only guaranteed until 1600 local time

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Its almost showtime people, what time is it in Gaza right now? Safe passage only guaranteed until 1600 local time.


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7aa474 No.98986

File: 6913ef60f4a66d1⋯.png (338.24 KB,593x842,593:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734429 (141201ZOCT23) Notable: @davidicke: One good thing about the last few weeks is the way fake 'heroes' claiming to be 'alternative' to The System have shown themselves to be children of The System

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David Icke


One good thing about the last few weeks is the way fake 'heroes' claiming to be 'alternative' to The System have shown themselves to be children of The System. Now perhaps the TRULY alternative media can emerge from their fallen celebrity shadows. FAKE 'alternative' media speaks






Ben Shapiro says Israel will be forced to use nuclear weapons to wipe out Gaza & Lebanon if the US doesn’t support the war…



9:37 PM · Oct 13, 2023




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7aa474 No.98987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734431 (141202ZOCT23) Notable: Earthquake felt in Taiwan's capital Taipei

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Earthquake felt in Taiwan's capital Taipei

Oct 14th, 03:05:31

TAIPEI (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) - An earthquake briefly shook buildings in Taiwan's capital Taipei on Saturday, with no immediate reports of damage.

Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau said the quake happened in the sea off the island's east coast.


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7aa474 No.98988

File: b37a42e052f1b7f⋯.png (21.76 KB,606x202,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734450 (141211ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: LOUISIANA, VOTE BIG FOR JEFF LANDRY TODAY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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Donald J. Trump



Oct 14, 2023, 7:05 AM


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7aa474 No.98989

File: 0630a158aedb192⋯.png (681.17 KB,598x709,598:709,Clipboard.png)

File: a9596e6397aa7be⋯.png (359.04 KB,568x301,568:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734454 (141212ZOCT23) Notable: Dems have become party of misfits, Marxist BLM & terrorist sympathizers cheering on terrorist attacks

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Lou Dobbs



says the Dems have become a party of misfits, Marxist BLM and terrorist sympathizers cheering on these terrorist attacks. He wonders why Biden has left our border wide open for all to come? Join us today on


1:00 AM · Oct 14, 2023




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7aa474 No.98990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734466 (141215ZOCT23) Notable: @AFP: Israel army says killed Hamas elite unit commander

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AFP News Agency




#BREAKING Israel army says killed Hamas elite unit commander

#UPDATE Ali Qadi, a Hamas militant who Israel said led a unit of commando forces that gunned down civilians in last week's attack on southern Israel, has been killed in an air strike, the military said Saturday.

#UPDATE Israeli military "aircraft killed Ali Qadi, a company commander of the Hamas 'Nukhba' (elite) commando force," a statement said without specifying the location or timing of the strike. A Hamas official told AFP "no comment" on the Israeli claim.



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7aa474 No.98991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734475 (141218ZOCT23) Notable: Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines

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Goin' mainstream...

Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines

The Gardasil vaccine is linked to undeniable death and undeniable severe injuries as previously reported in this series of reports. An ingredient in Gardasil may contribute to these harms.

Let's shift the lens to the beautiful Pyrenees in Europe where sheep were cherished for their wool, nourishment, and companionship. However, a mysterious sheep illness occurred around a decade ago.


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7aa474 No.98992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734476 (141218ZOCT23) Notable: Michael Cohen health issue delays court showdown with Donald Trump

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Michael Cohen health issue delays court showdown with Donald Trump

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen will not testify next week in the $250 million civil fraud case against the former president because of a health-related issue, two sources confirmed to NBC News on Friday.

It was not immediately clear how long Cohen’s testimony would be delayed. Cohen’s health-related issue was first reported by the Daily Beast.

News of Cohen's absence comes a day after sources confirmed that Trump was planning on attending the trial Tuesday and Wednesday to see him on the stand.

Cohen told NBC News on Thursday that he thought Trump was "scared."

“It’s been five years since we have seen one another. Assuming I am even on to testify next week, I look forward to the reunion. I hope Donald does, as well,” Cohen said.

It's unclear if Trump will still be in court early next week. A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday night.

The trial, which started this month in Manhattan, is expected to last until late December.

Trump was already scheduled to be in New York on Tuesday for another legal matter: sitting for a two hour deposition in a case involving former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Stzrok alleges in his suit against the Justice Department that he was wrongfully terminated, while Page, who resigned as an FBI lawyer in May 2018, has argued privacy violations in relation to the public disclosures of her text messages to Stzrok.

Trump attended the first few days of his civil fraud trial, and is listed as a witness by both the New York attorney general’s office and his own defense team.

New York Attorney General Letitia James has said the probe that led to her suit against Trump and his company was sparked by Cohen’s testimony to Congress. James said last week she planned to be in court for Cohen’s testimony.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing in the case. The lawsuit accuses Trump, his company and two of his children of fraudulently overvaluing their financial statements.

This article was originally published on NBCNews.com


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7aa474 No.98993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734481 (141221ZOCT23) Notable: Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters march through London to protest against Israel

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Live: Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters march through London to protest against Israel

The absolute state of London...

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7aa474 No.98994

File: aad10de707c4a31⋯.png (672.17 KB,744x914,372:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734488 (141226ZOCT23) Notable: Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues, time wake up

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Marc Rowan: University Donors, Close Your Checkbooks

Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues. It’s time to wake up.

By Marc Rowan

October 11, 2023

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7aa474 No.98995

File: bdb1d57b58c1dc6⋯.png (434.43 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734523 (141239ZOCT23) Notable: Up to 100 pro-Palestine protesters demanding US halt aid to Israel are arrested outside Jewish Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's NYC home, as Biden phones families of US kidnap victims

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Up to 100 pro-Palestine protesters demanding US halt aid to Israel are arrested outside Jewish Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's NYC home, as Biden phones families of US kidnap victims


So the left is now turning on their own? Because they do realise half of the democrats they bow down too are Jewish, right? Stupid fucking liberals...

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7aa474 No.98996

File: e3520ac5f5fbf00⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734526 (141241ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher - Who is Mr. Coffee

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>>98962 lb

Who is Mr. Coffee?


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7aa474 No.98997

File: 6e1a6422a714f07⋯.gif (900.61 KB,446x336,223:168,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734608 (141313ZOCT23) Notable: Notes notes (ty)

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Notes for incoming BAKER

TY anons wkfag gotta run.


#24231 >>98966

>>98967, >>98968, >>98969, >>98970 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>98971 ISIS, before and after TRUMP did his thing!!!

>>98973, >>98972, >>98982 NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

>>98974, >>98975 French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud

>>98976 Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn’t Happening

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "The media could have stopped it if hadn't reprinted government propaganda" - Julian Assange

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "media could have stopped it if they'd searched deep enough, hadn't reprinted gov propaganda" Julian Assange

>>98979 Biden awards $7 billion for 'clean hydrogen' hubs across the country

>>98980, >>98983 Israel received official warning from Egypt possible attack from Gaza 3 days b4 Hamas assault

>>98981 Putin speaks out against Gaza blockade and Israeli airstrikes

>>98984 Germany’s fed intelligence listed estimated 450 active Hamas operatives in central European country

>>98985 what time is it in Gaza right now? Safe passage only guaranteed until 1600 local time

>>98986 @davidicke: One good thing about the last few weeks is the way fake 'heroes' claiming to be 'alternative' to The System have shown themselves to be children of The System

>>98987 Earthquake felt in Taiwan's capital Taipei


>>98989 Dems have become party of misfits, Marxist BLM & terrorist sympathizers cheering on terrorist attacks

>>98990 @AFP: Israel army says killed Hamas elite unit commander

>>98991 Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines

>>98992 Michael Cohen health issue delays court showdown with Donald Trump

>>98993 Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters march through London to protest against Israel

>>98994 Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues, time wake up


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7aa474 No.98998

File: 21dc06624d4d35a⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,528x528,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734628 (141318ZOCT23) Notable: (Canada) Military investigating at least 6 active soldiers for supporting convoy protests

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Military investigating at least 6 active soldiers for supporting convoy protests

2 among the 6 are members of elite JTF2 counterterrorism unit

February 16, 2022

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7aa474 No.98999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734634 (141320ZOCT23) Notable: (Canada) Military investigating at least 6 active soldiers for supporting convoy protests

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Military investigating New Brunswick officer after video calling pandemic measures tyranny

Canadian Forces spokesperson says it will take ‘appropriate action’

February 11, 2022

A Canadian Army officer in New Brunswick is under investigation after calling for other military members and police to rise up over vaccination and pandemic restrictions.

Maj. Stephen Chledowski spoke in uniform in a seven-minute video Thursday, describing government actions during the pandemic as tyranny. He went on to describe vaccination for COVID-19 as "genocide."

Daniel Le Bouthillier, the head of media relations for the Canadian Forces, confirmed in an email that Chledowski is an active member of the military based at 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

"We are investigating the incident and will be taking appropriate action," Le Bouthillier said in the statement without specifying what that action may be.

In the video, Chledowski describes himself as a soldier of nearly 21 years and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. He says he has not been vaccinated.

The military has required its members to get vaccinated. More than 98 per cent were vaccinated, the Canadian Press reported last month.

Chledowski describes measures meant to reduce the spread of COVID-19 as being imposed by "government traitors."

The military's statement says "a hallmark of our democracy is the principle that the military is accountable to our duly elected officials.

"Discipline is another key principle that underpins our effectiveness as a military."

It says those who disregard the principle undermine the institution.

"Any member of the Armed Forces who brings discredit to the CAF through either conduct or performance deficiencies, be it through actions or words, will be held accountable," Le Bouthillier said.

Reached by phone Friday, Chledowski said he had been "ordered not to give any interviews. What I've said is what I've said."

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7aa474 No.99000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734669 (141330ZOCT23) Notable: but whether the Justice Department is acting as an agent of the principal Biden?

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Jonathan Turley




The inclusion of the FARA charge against Menendez only highlights the absence of any charge against Hunter. There is a glaring contradiction in how the government has approached the Biden case given its treatment of past defendants like Paul Manafort.

...For many, the question is not whether Hunter has acted as an agent of "foreign principals" but whether the Justice Department is acting as an agent of the principal Biden.


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7aa474 No.99001

File: 6599a9ec23a131f⋯.png (250.86 KB,437x327,437:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734672 (141330ZOCT23) Notable: Man surrenders to Polish police after incident that closed Warsaw square

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Man surrenders to Polish police after incident that closed Warsaw square

Polish police negotiators persuaded a man to come down from a monument in a central Warsaw square, a spokesperson said, putting an end to an incident that had seen part of the capital cordoned off amid reports of a bomb threat.

Private broadcaster Polsat News reported that at around 1130 GMT the man surrendered to police. Its footage showed him climbing down from the monument, taking off his jacket and walking away with his hands in the air.

A police officer at the scene had told a Reuters reporter: "No entrance, there is a bomb," but Marczak. quoted by the state-run PAP news agency, did not confirm the reports that the man was threatening to blow himself up.

Footage posted on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, had showed a man standing on top of the Smolensk monument, which commemorates the victims of a 2010 air disaster that killed 96 people including President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, Maria.

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7aa474 No.99002

File: ad21fa29097f7b7⋯.png (457.21 KB,595x494,595:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734678 (141332ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Regime Gave Hamas Leadership in Gaza $75 Million in Early October Knowing a Genocidal Attack by Hamas on Israel Was in the Works via @gatewaypundit

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The Gateway Pundit


Biden Regime Gave Hamas Leadership in Gaza $75 Million in Early October Knowing a Genocidal Attack by Hamas on Israel Was in the Works via @gatewaypundit

1:46 AM · Oct 14, 2023




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7aa474 No.99003

File: 7ab319b0398ca74⋯.png (394.62 KB,450x574,225:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734693 (141337ZOCT23) Notable: Gates Foundation to Accelerate mRNA Vaccine Innovation and Manufacturing in Africa and Globally

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Think Africa will take this with Open Arms?

Gates Foundation to Accelerate mRNA Vaccine Innovation and Manufacturing in Africa and Globally

Today at the 2023 Grand Challenges Annual Meeting, Bill Gates, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, announced new investments to advance access to mRNA research and vaccine manufacturing technology that will support low- and middle-income countries’ (LMICs) capacity to develop high-quality, lifesaving vaccines at scale.

The move builds on lessons the foundation has learned from more than 20 years of working with vaccine manufacturers in LMICs and the opportunity to leverage recent scientific advances to develop low-cost, high-quality health tools that reach more people around the world. mRNA technology is considered a potential game-changer for a range of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, and Lassa fever, which disproportionately affect people in LMICs. This new technology can significantly lower the costs of mRNA research and manufacturing and enable expanded access—helping to close critical gaps.


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7aa474 No.99004

File: 2a6a9ca848c5a21⋯.png (624.67 KB,855x696,285:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734706 (141341ZOCT23) Notable: George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

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7aa474 No.99005

File: edfe3fc737df88f⋯.png (244.29 KB,754x573,754:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734720 (141344ZOCT23) Notable: FLASHBACK: How TV News Spun for Hamas During the Last Gaza War

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FLASHBACK: How TV News Spun for Hamas During the Last Gaza War

Rich Noyes

October 14th, 2023 8:49 AM

Text to Speech



Font Size

Seven days ago, Hamas started a new Middle East war with a massacre of more than 1,200 Israeli civilians. Next up: a likely ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, a patch of the Mediterranean coast controlled by the terrorist organization since 2005. The last time Israel sent tanks into Gaza, in 2014, we saw many in the U.S. media work to undermine the effort by blaming the Israelis for heavy casualties among Palestinian civilians who were, in fact, put in danger by the cruel decisions of cynical Hamas leaders.

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7aa474 No.99006

File: e4d13568d9aaebb⋯.png (1.52 MB,1069x822,1069:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734728 (141347ZOCT23) Notable: Obama’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Who Signed Letter Labeling Hunter Biden’s Laptop as Russian Disinformation, Says He Has No Regrets Due to Distrust of Russians (VIDEO)

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Obama’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta,

Who Signed Letter Labeling Hunter Biden’s

Laptop as Russian Disinformation, Says

He Has No Regrets Due to Distrust of Russians (Video)

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Imright, 10/14/2023 4:17:35 AM

In October 2020 – just days before the presidential election – 51 former intelligence officials signed and published a letter that baselessly decried the contents of Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell’ had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” This was a lie. They all knew it was a lie. In March, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced a House Resolution that would strip security clearances from dozens of federal intelligence officials who signed on to the letter declaring the infamous Hunter Biden laptop as “Russian disinformation” shortly after it emerged leading up to the rigged 2020 election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99007

File: 440828139aea305⋯.png (1005.2 KB,1109x1280,1109:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734841 (141411ZOCT23) Notable: The US debt situation looks 'unsustainable,' and corporate defaults are rising, IMF warns

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IMF: America’s Debt Situation ‘Unsustainable’ ….‘Worst Debt Crisis of Any Country in the World’….


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7aa474 No.99008

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734878 (141418ZOCT23) Notable: #24232

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going with and then returning

#24231 >>98966

>>98967, >>98968, >>98969, >>98970 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>98971 ISIS, before and after TRUMP did his thing!!!

>>98973, >>98972, >>98982 NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

>>98974, >>98975 French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud

>>98976 Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn’t Happening

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "The media could have stopped it if hadn't reprinted government propaganda" - Julian Assange

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "media could have stopped it if they'd searched deep enough, hadn't reprinted gov propaganda" Julian Assange

>>98979 Biden awards $7 billion for 'clean hydrogen' hubs across the country

>>98980, >>98983 Israel received official warning from Egypt possible attack from Gaza 3 days b4 Hamas assault

>>98981 Putin speaks out against Gaza blockade and Israeli airstrikes

>>98984 Germany’s fed intelligence listed estimated 450 active Hamas operatives in central European country

>>98985 what time is it in Gaza right now? Safe passage only guaranteed until 1600 local time

>>98986 @davidicke: One good thing about the last few weeks is the way fake 'heroes' claiming to be 'alternative' to The System have shown themselves to be children of The System

>>98987 Earthquake felt in Taiwan's capital Taipei


>>98989 Dems have become party of misfits, Marxist BLM & terrorist sympathizers cheering on terrorist attacks

>>98990 @AFP: Israel army says killed Hamas elite unit commander

>>98991 Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines

>>98992 Michael Cohen health issue delays court showdown with Donald Trump

>>98993 Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters march through London to protest against Israel

>>98994 Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues, time wake up

>>98995 Up to 100 pro-Palestine protesters demanding US halt aid to Israel are arrested outside Jewish Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's NYC home, as Biden phones families of US kidnap victims

>>98996 Refresher - Who is Mr. Coffee

>>98997 Notes notes (ty)

>>98998, >>98999 (Canada) Military investigating at least 6 active soldiers for supporting convoy protests


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99009

File: e0d0ba694d85e9f⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734951 (141436ZOCT23) Notable: PF update Rivet Joint off coast of Israel

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Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint flying off coast of ISREAL

Plane Fags

What is this plane and function?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99010

File: efb35a8675bd7e4⋯.png (359.53 KB,893x585,893:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734955 (141438ZOCT23) Notable: New Zealand abandons Labour and shifts to the right as country votes for wholesale change

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New Zealand abandons Labour and shifts

to the right as country votes for wholesale change

Guardian [U.K.], by Eva Corlett

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/14/2023 10:16:11 AM

New Zealand voters have delivered a forceful rejection of the Labour government as a surge in support for the National party delivered what analysts described as a “bloodbath” for the government and a new right-leaning era for politics in the country. The result marked a dramatic change in fortunes for the Labour party, which three years earlier – led by Jacinda Ardern - secured a historic mandate, but saw its support dwindle in the face of rising living costs and the Covid pandemic. Speaking to a large crowd of party-faithful at his election night event in Auckland, National party leader Christopher Luxon said his party was on course to form

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7aa474 No.99011

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c71e13d29b8b5d⋯.png (512.21 KB,780x950,78:95,Clipboard.png)

File: 91f5a4dd3cc640f⋯.png (582.59 KB,1458x940,729:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734959 (141440ZOCT23) Notable: flashback He was rejected by the CIA, came to journalism by chance and ended up being the most watched anchor in the United States, Who is Tucker Carlson?

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He was rejected by the CIA, came to journalism by chance and ended up being the most watched anchor in the United States, Who is Tucker Carlson?

After more than ten years at Fox News, he announced that he is ending his contractual relationship with the company and will seek new challenges. April 25, 2023

Tucker Carlson will leave Fox News after 14 years. The news shook both the journalistic and political worlds, as the popular anchor enjoyed millions of viewers every night. While he decides his future, let's take a look back at his career, from when he wanted to join the CIA to when he became the highest rated man on American television.

He was born on May 16, 1969 in San Francisco, California to a wealthy family and attended high school in Rhode Island, where he met his later wife, Susan Andrews.

He was raised by a single father and from an early age showed interest and debating skills, so he started organizing debates in high school.

When it was time to go to college, he entered Trinity College in Connecticut, where he again participated in numerous debates. It is said that at that time she began to wear her distinctive bow tie.

Failed entry into the CIA and beginnings in journalism

By 1992, with a history degree under his belt, Carlson tried unsuccessfully to join the CIA. Frustrated, he sought advice from his father, who advised him to go into journalism because "they'll take anyone".

He found his first job in the industry at Policy Review, where he was a fact-checker. He later landed at the Arkansas Democrat Gazzette, where he made a name for himself as a columnist.

According to POLITICO's John F. Harris, Carlson was seen for years as "an important voice of the intelligentsia," reaching out with his columns to outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Esquire, Slate and The Daily Beast, among others.

One of his most memorable moments during his time in the print media was with George W. Bush as the protagonist.

When the journalist published the interview he had with the then presidential candidate, he quoted him repeatedly using the word "caraj..." and mocking Karla Faye Tucker, executed in Texas during Bush's tenure as governor.

"Mr. Carlson misunderstood me, mischaracterized me. He is a good reporter, he just misunderstood how serious I was. I take the death penalty very seriously," the then-candidate clarified at the time. At the time, the article was widely applauded by the most leftist and anti-Republican.

His landing on television was purely by chance and thanks to former footballer O.J. Simpson who was accused of double homicide in the 1990s.

Specifically, he claimed to be an expert on his case in order to win the space on a television panel, which was not true. Since then, he got used to being in front of a camera.


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7aa474 No.99012

File: 14e4f8323950b82⋯.png (669.33 KB,670x714,335:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734960 (141440ZOCT23) Notable: Attorneys General Demand Biden End ‘Catch and Release’ of Millions of Illegal Aliens Amid Terrorism Concerns

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Attorneys General Demand Biden End ‘Catch

and Release’ of Millions of Illegal

Aliens Amid Terrorism Concerns

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 10/14/2023 10:15:08 AM

A coalition of Republican attorneys general are calling on President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to close its catch and release network that has freed nearly three million border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States. This week, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, along with 26 fellow Republican attorneys general, filed a Petition for Rulemaking to DHS, asking the agency to end its catch and release network that includes a parole pipeline where border crossers and illegal aliens arrive at the southern border in the hopes of being released into American communities.

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7aa474 No.99013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734961 (141441ZOCT23) Notable: flashback He was rejected by the CIA, came to journalism by chance and ended up being the most watched anchor in the United States, Who is Tucker Carlson?

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Tucker Carlson comes to television

He came to CNN' s screen in 2001, when he played the Republican wing alongside Robert Novak in the program Crossfire.

The cycle came to an end in 2004, after his exchange with Jon Stewart. At that time, the comedian assured that the program was not good for society, so it should be cancelled. Here the versions are different.

According to the network, Carlson was told that he would not continue, while the presenter claims to have resigned.

Once the controversy was over, he briefly migrated to PBS, and then ended up at MSNBC, where he hosted a new program called Tucker, where he began to captivate the audience with his provocative, sincere and histrionic style, always from the most conservative and libertarian side.

His popularity led him to participate in season three of the reality show Bailando con las Estrellas. After a better performance by Cha-cha-cha, he was the first eliminated of the contest. In 2009 he was hired by Fox News, a channel that allowed him to reach the peak of popularity in his career.

He began as a collaborator, panelist and substitute host, until, after the 2016 presidential elections, the network ceded prime time to him. Here's how it came to be Tucker Carlson Tonight the show would make him the highest-rated anchor in cable news history.

His tenure in the media was marked by periods of high ratings and controversy for his remarks on Black Lives Matter, immigration, Coronavirus and Islam.

His crosses with leftist activists often went viral on social networks, making him a controversial figure in journalism.

Exit Fox News

As for his political views, he is more related to conservatism and libertarianism.

Although he voted Republican in the 2000 election, he was highly critical of Mitt Romney in 2012 and maintains a back-and-forth relationship with former President Donald Trump.

Despite criticizing him on numerous occasions, it is believed that he influenced certain decisions of his government.

Although he never sought public office, his name was rumored as a Libertarian candidate in the 2008 presidential election, as well as for the office of vice president in 2024, as part of the Republican ticket.

His departure from Fox News came just under a week after the media outlet settled a lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems.

The parties reached an $800 million settlement, thus avoiding a trial in which Carlson was expected to testify.

The news triggered an initial drop of more than 5% in the company's shares, which then fell to less than 4%, the equivalent of millions of dollars.

"FOX News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways. We thank him for his service to the network as an anchor and previously as a contributor," the company wrote in a statement.


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7aa474 No.99014

File: 1e5a5498cc355f9⋯.png (558.74 KB,721x1998,721:1998,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734963 (141440ZOCT23) Notable: The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

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Dan Cohen



Erza Yachin was a member of the Lehi, the Zionist terrorist group that twice attempted to ally with Nazi Germany and sought to found a copycat fascist state.

On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."

Middle East Eye



“These animals can no longer live.”

Ezra Yachin, a 95-year-old Israeli army reservist, is seen inciting “every Jew with a weapon” to kill Palestinians and “erase the memory of them”

Oct 13, 2023 · 9:32 PM UTC


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7aa474 No.99015

File: ca9ec6a9b0bb772⋯.png (1.59 MB,2346x1054,69:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734971 (141442ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy says He's Backing Jim Jordan for Speaker

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19734989 (141446ZOCT23) Notable: #24231 posted #24232

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#24231 >>98966

>>98967, >>98968, >>98969, >>98970 Jack Posobiec | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

>>98971 ISIS, before and after TRUMP did his thing!!!

>>98973, >>98972, >>98982 NZ votes out Labour party in 'bloodbath' as ex-Air New Zealand CEO becomes next PM

>>98974, >>98975 French whistleblower Stephanie Gibaud exposes worldwide banking fraud

>>98976 Federal Lawsuit Filed Over New York State Ban on Gas Stoves That Democrats Said Wasn’t Happening

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "The media could have stopped it if hadn't reprinted government propaganda" - Julian Assange

>>98977 Doug Logan, Ben Cotton involved Multi-State Election Audits from inside NOW testifying 4 Prosecution Michigan

>>98978 "media could have stopped it if they'd searched deep enough, hadn't reprinted gov propaganda" Julian Assange

>>98979 Biden awards $7 billion for 'clean hydrogen' hubs across the country

>>98980, >>98983 Israel received official warning from Egypt possible attack from Gaza 3 days b4 Hamas assault

>>98981 Putin speaks out against Gaza blockade and Israeli airstrikes

>>98984 Germany’s fed intelligence listed estimated 450 active Hamas operatives in central European country

>>98985 what time is it in Gaza right now? Safe passage only guaranteed until 1600 local time

>>98986 @davidicke: One good thing about the last few weeks is the way fake 'heroes' claiming to be 'alternative' to The System have shown themselves to be children of The System

>>98987 Earthquake felt in Taiwan's capital Taipei


>>98989 Dems have become party of misfits, Marxist BLM & terrorist sympathizers cheering on terrorist attacks

>>98990 @AFP: Israel army says killed Hamas elite unit commander

>>98991 Undeniable Toxic Ingredients In HPV Vaccines

>>98992 Michael Cohen health issue delays court showdown with Donald Trump

>>98993 Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters march through London to protest against Israel

>>98994 Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues, time wake up

>>98995 Up to 100 pro-Palestine protesters demanding US halt aid to Israel are arrested outside Jewish Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's NYC home, as Biden phones families of US kidnap victims

>>98996 Refresher - Who is Mr. Coffee

>>98997 Notes notes (ty)

>>98998, >>98999 (Canada) Military investigating at least 6 active soldiers for supporting convoy protests

>>99000 but whether the Justice Department is acting as an agent of the principal Biden?

>>99001 Man surrenders to Polish police after incident that closed Warsaw square

>>99002 Biden Regime Gave Hamas Leadership in Gaza $75 Million in Early October Knowing a Genocidal Attack by Hamas on Israel Was in the Works via


>>99003 Gates Foundation to Accelerate mRNA Vaccine Innovation and Manufacturing in Africa and Globally

>>99004 George Soros closes offices across $25 billion philanthropy empire

>>99005 FLASHBACK: How TV News Spun for Hamas During the Last Gaza War

>>99006 Obama’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Who Signed Letter Labeling Hunter Biden’s Laptop as Russian Disinformation, Says He Has No Regrets Due to Distrust of Russians (VIDEO)

>>99007 The US debt situation looks 'unsustainable,' and corporate defaults are rising, IMF warns

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735001 (141449ZOCT23) Notable: Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

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and so it begins...

Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

Experts predict a million refugees might flee the Gaza Strip amid the war between Israel and Hamas, and socialists and far-left lawmakers said America should welcome them.

“Fifty percent of the population in Gaza are children. The international community as well as the United States should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being very careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas,” said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad” who remains under investigation for pulling a fire alarm in the House Cannon Office Building earlier this month.

But Republicans have already slammed the door shut on the issue.

Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said they would oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts here.

“The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The Post.

Scott added that “the entire focus of the United States right now should be on rescuing American hostages, and making sure that Israel has every resource needed to defeat Iran backed-Hamas and defend its homeland.”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735004 (141450ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy says He's Backing Jim Jordan for Speaker

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99019

File: c66f49900397d2b⋯.jpg (19.17 KB,474x433,474:433,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735017 (141452ZOCT23) Notable: #24232

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fixes to numbering in notables


and random acts of baker goodness if there is such a thing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99020

File: 79a63904facdc4f⋯.png (314.17 KB,884x1140,221:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735028 (141454ZOCT23) Notable: The left faces a reckoning as Israel divides Democrats

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The left faces a reckoning as Israel divides Democrats

The divide on the left about Israel is not new, but it has never been so visible.

Israel has been so fraught in some progressive circles that many preferred not to talk about it, enforcing a sort of strategic silence to avoid dividing the movement and distracting it from common ground issues.

That long-stifled debate is now spilling into public view in heated and sometimes ugly ways, dividing Democrats and exposing what some say is antisemitism that has been allowed to fester on the left for years.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No.613229 📁

Mar 10 2018 13:04:36 (EST)



We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7aa474 No.99021

File: 4fdbb2fd4627c9f⋯.png (28.1 KB,685x250,137:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f9a5baf0ae28e2⋯.png (603.58 KB,1240x965,248:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735063 (141503ZOCT23) Notable: The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

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>the Lehi, the Zionist terrorist group that twice attempted to ally with Nazi Germany and sought to found a copycat fascist state.

Where have I seen that logo before?

The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

By Morgan Dunn | Edited By Leah Silverman

Published May 19, 2020

Updated May 20, 2020

Although never numbering more than 200, Lehi would leave a permanent mark on Israeli politics, history, and culture due to their violence.

Lehi established a reputation in Palestine for indiscriminate aggression, grandiose politics, and a willingness to do whatever it took to create an ethnic Jewish state.

In the first half of the 20th century, a profusion of groups worked to establish a Jewish nation in the state of Israel. Known as Zionists, these activists believed that Israel was the rightful land of the Jewish people and should be governed as such.

But one faction of Zionists took an extremist position. It was 1940, and amid the most vicious war humanity had ever seen, Lohamei Herut Israel, or Lehi, was just forming.

The self-described “terrorists” were led by the charismatic operative Avraham “Yair” Stern, and they vowed to stop at nothing, including assassinations, bombings, and allying themselves with Hitler himself, in order to realize their vision.

Indeed, Lehi did what was, for Zionists, unthinkable: they attempted to ally with Nazi Germany to establish a fascist Israel.

The Political Climate Before Lehi Zionism

Long before Stern established his group, militant Zionists struggled for independence from the more pragmatic Zionists under the guidance of Russian-born political activist Ze’ev Jabotinsky. Jabotinsky had also helped to found Irgun, a radical terrorist group that sought to evict the British from Palestine, which at that time loosely ruled the West Bank.

Palestine was already populated by opposing groups when the British invaded. These included Christians, Jews, Arabs, and Druze, among others, who each believed they held more right to the land than the others.

This uneasy balance in Palestine was further upset in 1939 when Britain mandated that it needed to become a Jewish state within ten years. Until such time, however, Jewish immigration into Palestine would be restricted. Both Arabs and Zionists rejected this mandate, viewing it as a betrayal of earlier promises they’d each made with Britain.

But when Irgun decided against an open revolt on the British, one of its members decided to go his own way.

Avraham Stern’s Bizarre Offer

Avraham Stern was born in 1907 in what is now Poland and emigrated to Palestine at the age of 18 as part of the Second Aliyah, which was the second time Jews immigrated en masse to Israel.

By 1939, Stern was a veteran of Irgun and other militant groups. He had come to believe that Britain was Israel’s most significant enemy and posed the greatest threat to the establishment of a Jewish state in Israel.

While Stern believed that Adolf Hitler was an anti-Semite, he also believed that the Führer could be useful in realizing his vision of a revived Kingdom of Israel founded on authoritarian principles.

Avraham Stern Portrait

Wikimedia CommonsStern was a poet and an activist, and he was convinced that Britain posed the greatest threat to the establishment of Israel.

Stern consequently led a splinter group of Irgun called Lohamei Herut Yisrael or “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.” The British referred to them as “the Stern Gang.”

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7aa474 No.99022

File: 46b150c180612bd⋯.png (308.49 KB,1111x910,1111:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735066 (141504ZOCT23) Notable: The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

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>The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

He took Jabotinsky’s idea of a mass exodus of European Jews to Palestine and crafted an outlandish proposal: in return for Lehi swearing their allegiance to the Axis Powers, Stern wanted all Jews under the Nazi administration to be transferred to Palestine, 40,000 of whom would be immediately armed and trained to rebel against the British authorities.

This proposal wasn’t entirely illogical. Stern had experienced firsthand how hostile the British were to Zionists and, until 1942, one could imagine that Hitler might have been satisfied with simply evicting the Jewish population out of his empire rather than exterminating them as he chose to do instead.

Besides, by this time, the Axis powers seemed invincible with their iron grip on Western Europe and it seemed like only a matter of time before Britain fell to them, too. Stern, misguided though he was, thought Lehi was taking the winning side in history.

Lehi Collapses

Stern made his offer three times, first to the Italians and then to the Germans, in 1941. But as far as is known, neither of these fascist governments took the proposal seriously.

Stern’s resolve against the British hardened when he learned that his father was trapped in Poland. He believed this was because of British restrictions on Jewish travel and did not realize that it was actually because Nazi death squads were preparing for the wholesale murder of Polish Jews.

Ultimately though, Stern’s biggest mistake was in failing to recognize Hitler for the monster he was, having so desperately hoped to establish an alliance with the powers he believed would take over the world.

NYT Article On Folke Bernadottes Assassination

Though Lehi’s mission was lofty and brutal, their ranks never numbered more than 200 at a time and were constantly broke. As such, their violent plans didn’t always come to fruition, and when they did, they often failed.

For instance, in January 1942, Lehi militants attempted to rob a bank in Tel Aviv, resulting in the deaths of two Jewish bystanders. This was followed by another attempt in the same month to kill the British commander of the Criminal Investigation Department. Three policemen were killed, two of them Jewish.

Furthermore, British intelligence was far too effective for a small terrorist organization like Lehi to succeed. Every detail of what they had attempted to do was known and the British even arrested an emissary Lehi had sent to meet with Italian diplomats in Beirut.

Although it’s possible that the Reich may have briefly considered Stern’s preposterous alliance, it would never amount to anything but a garish dream anyway.

In February 1942, with a price on his head, Stern was shot dead in uncertain circumstances in a Tel Aviv apartment. Lehi would be forced to struggle on without his dubious leadership.

Further Bloodshed

With Stern dead and many of his followers arrested or in hiding, Lehi was comatose. But then two leading operatives, Yitzhak Shamir and Eliyahu Giladi, escaped from custody and wasted no time in re-establishing the organization based on a campaign of bank robbery, bombing, assassination, and kidnapping wealthy Jews throughout Palestine.

William Guinness Lord Moyne

Imperial War Museum, LondonWhen Lehi assassinated Walter Edward Guinness, First Baron Moyne, in 1944, Britain was enraged and mainstream Zionists turned against them.

In 1944, Lehi succeeded in killing Walter Guinness, First Baron Moyne, and the highest-ranking British official in the Middle East. Killing a high-profile Brit garnered Lehi the notoriety they craved, but it won them no sympathy from Palestinian Jews and further infuriated the British government under Winston Churchill.

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7aa474 No.99023

File: f40cacb5295a5ec⋯.png (557.17 KB,1072x655,1072:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735072 (141505ZOCT23) Notable: The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

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>>The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

Then Lehi bombed the Cairo-Haifa train, killing nearly 100 and wounding dozens.

But their most renowned crime would come only after the war.

In 1947, more Jews than ever poured into Palestine and the time seemed nigh for the establishment of an all-Jewish Israel. But when the United Nations proposed the creation of separate Palestinian states for Jews and Arabs, Irgun and Lehi were outraged. They were committed to creating a purely Jewish nation free of Arab inhabitants, so they joined forces.

In April 1948, 120 Irgun and Lehi militants attacked the Arab village of Deir Yassin, massacring 100 to 250 villagers and wounding 12.

The massacre made the two groups hated by all but the most radical of Zionists. Along with international condemnation, the massacre was a vital catalyst in the decision of Jordan to invade and thus begin the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, finally ending with the creation of an independent Israel.

A Little-Known But Lasting Legacy

The Stern Gang quietly evaporated after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, with its last few leaders on trial despite its efforts to transition into a pro-Soviet political party. Those members who didn’t join the newly-formed Israel Defense Forces, or retire voluntarily, drifted into even more fanatical groups that continued to pursue campaigns based on assassination and bombing.

Yitzhak Shamir, one of Stern’s successors, would later become the seventh prime minister of Israel. He established a reputation for being relatively open to compromising with Israel’s neighboring Arab states.

Geulah Cohen, Lehi’s primary radio DJ, became a member of Knesset, the Israeli parliament, acting as a far-right hardliner until her retirement in 1992.

But while Lehi’s members may have seen themselves as liberators and nation-builders, their actions likely only hindered any hopes for a peaceful establishment of the nation they longed for, and their violence sealed their reputation as radical terrorists.


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7aa474 No.99024

File: 5d3f7e46e548125⋯.png (550.95 KB,1135x721,1135:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735122 (141516ZOCT23) Notable: Revealed: How Israel Turned Nazi War Criminals Into Mossad Agents

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>>The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis



>The following is a partial list of Lehi operations


>List of Lehi members

Revealed: How Israel Turned Nazi War Criminals Into Mossad Agents

Newly declassified files shed light on Israel's decision to overcome its sense of unease andenlist the help of Nazi murderersin its espionage agency throughout the course of the Cold War

One day, two and a half years ago, the Jerusalem-based historian Danny Orbach received a surprising phone call from his wife. She told him that a “huge, fat envelope” was sticking precariously out of their mailbox, and that it bore the logo of the Prime Minister’s Office.

When Orbach got home, he was astounded to discover that the Mossad had sent him internal documents that – until then – had been classified, and so were inaccessible to both scholars and the general public. The items were related to a historical phenomenon he was investigating: Nazi war criminals who were employed as mercenaries all over the world during the Cold War. Some of them worked for West Germany, others for the Soviet Union and the United States; some assisted Arab countries and some even collaborated with the Jewish state.

Orbach, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, had waited a long time for the documents. “At first, I tried to work through all kinds of people I knew in the organization, but it didn’t help,” he says. “Afterward, I decided to try the most official way. I got in touch with the spokesperson’s unit at the Prime Minister’s Office [to which the Mossad is accountable], and I waited for a reply. I was already quite desperate, though I had been warned that things in that organization move slowly.”

The documents in the envelope helped Orbach write his latest book, “Fugitives: A History of Nazi Mercenaries during the Cold War” (Pegasus Books, 2022, with the Hebrew translation published this month by Kinneret-Zmora Bitan). But Orbach was not the only one who ever received a fat envelope from the Mossad. Another was Alois Brunner, though the contents of his envelope were very different. Brunner, who was Adolf Eichmann’s deputy, fled after the war to Egypt and subsequently settled in Syria.

ד"ר דני אורבך

Jerusalem-based historian Danny Orbach, who investigated the stories of Nazi war criminals who were employed as mercenaries all over the world during the Cold War.

“As Eichmann’s chief aide, he was responsible for multiple genocidal crimes,” Orbach notes. “He was a solver of problems that arose during the deportations and was in charge of a systematic apparatus of hunting people, of plunder and of transport to the camps.” Beginning in the mid-1950s, under a new identity he stole from another former SS official – Georg Fischer – he found new allies. “He chose to devote his life to the Arab struggle,” Orbach says. Living in an apartment in an affluent Damascus neighborhood, Brunner worked for the Syrian intelligence services and was also an arms dealer, notably with Middle Eastern countries that were Israel’s enemies.

On top of this, he came up with a number of outlandish ideas. For example, after the capture of Eichmann in 1960, he suggested that the Syrians mount a seaborne commando operation in which they would infiltrate Israel and liberate the escaped Nazi from prison. Another brainstorm idea of his for springing Eichmann was to abduct Nahum Goldmann, the president of the World Jewish Congress, and offer to trade him in exchange for the Nazi's release.

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7aa474 No.99025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735180 (141534ZOCT23) Notable: anon asks about nuclear material found in Odesa from Xenia, OH

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Remember Russians finding a canister with nuclear material. It was found in Odesa (also spelled ODESSA). I think the drum itself was made in Xenia, OH. Will need to dig. I think the drum the Russians reported on came from another European country.

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7aa474 No.99026

File: 9d63fc40bef23e3⋯.png (39.17 KB,1337x275,1337:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735197 (141540ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Sent Millions of Dollars In Covid Relief Funds to Palestine

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Biden Sent Millions of Dollars In Covid

Relief Funds to Palestine

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 10/14/2023 11:08:43 AM

Americans are not in President Joe Biden’s best interest. Instead, making good with foreign countries is at the top of his concise list of to-dos. According to recent reports, the Biden Administration sent $33.7 million from the American Rescue Plan to a Palestinian relief organization previously accused of providing safe harbor to terrorists in Gaza.Data from USASpending.gov shows that the COVID relief bill allocated $33.7 million to the United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) through the State Department’s Migration and Refugee Assistance program, which was part of $500 million that was in the bill for the State Department to fund migration and refugee assistance.

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7aa474 No.99027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735213 (141546ZOCT23) Notable: refresher re: Jan 6/Mr. Coffee/Lawyers and such vs Trump on ballot

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This is all known but not by the masses and probably good to make it all notable...

And it is GLORIOUS to watch it all unspool...which all anons should enjoy...

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7aa474 No.99028

File: ce0d58d846f3d5c⋯.png (310.2 KB,2168x932,542:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735234 (141551ZOCT23) Notable: anon asks about nuclear material found in Odesa from Xenia, OH

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"PIKETON, Ohio (AP) — Uranium enrichment is getting underway this week at a facility in southern Ohio, a federally authorized demonstration project considered critical to produce the type of fuel needed for newer, more efficient nuclear reactors.

Bethesda, Maryland-based Centrus Energy Corp. will be producing the high-assay, low-enriched uranium at the American Centrifuge Plant in Piketon, about 68 miles (109 kilometers) south of Columbus. That form of uranium contains far more of the isotope U-235 than is typically found in current nuclear reactor fuel.

At an event on Wednesday, Centrus chief executive and president Daniel Poneman called it “the first launch of a new U.S. technology uranium enrichment plant to begin production in this country since 1954,” the Columbus Dispatch reported. He said it will fuel smaller and more efficient nuclear reactors that will have longer operating cycles as well as fuel for existing reactors.

The 3,800-acre (1,500 hectare) site was where uranium had been enriched until 2001 at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant.Poneman said the U.S. has since become the world’s biggest importer of enriched uranium. Cleanup and decontamination of the Portsmouth plant are continuing.

Centrus now has 125 workers there, but hundreds more may be added."


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7aa474 No.99029

File: cfbfeb936f93659⋯.png (48.91 KB,581x597,581:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735292 (141607ZOCT23) Notable: Ring of Fire reminder

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: The "ring of fire" begins to darken the skies across the United States



5:02 AM · Oct 14, 2023




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7aa474 No.99030

File: eda61df7041336d⋯.png (1.69 MB,1983x1195,1983:1195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735299 (141609ZOCT23) Notable: Hobbs: Arizona will use lottery funds to keep Grand Canyon open in government shutdown

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Hobbs: Arizona will use lottery funds to keep Grand Canyon open in government shutdown

Gov. Katie Hobbs said Arizona would use the state’s lottery money to keep the national park open. She added that the Grand Canyon is critical to the state’s economy and that it shouldn’t be affected by political gridlock.

Her announcement came after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he wasn’t giving up trying to pass a temporary funding bill through the House.

In 2019, Arizona spent a little over $193,000 to keep the Grand Canyon open under then-Gov. Doug Ducey.


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7aa474 No.99031

File: 73ea19931b178d5⋯.png (333.25 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 67eb20e27a3e34f⋯.png (1.24 MB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735330 (141617ZOCT23) Notable: China discovers never-before-seen ore containing a highly valuable rare earth element

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China discovers never-before-seen ore containing a highly valuable rare earth element

Oct 14, 2023

Scientists in China have unearthed a never-before-seen type of ore that contains a rare earth element sought after for its superconductive properties.

The ore, dubbed niobobaotite, is made of niobium, barium, titanium, iron and chloride, the South China Morning Post reported.

It's the niobium that is causing excitement: This light-gray metal is currently used mostly in the production of steel, which it strengthens without adding significant weight. Niobium is also used in making other alloys (materials made of mixes of metals) and can be found in particle accelerators and other advanced scientific equipment because it is a superconductor at low temperatures, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry.

The deposit was found in the Bayan Obo ore deposit in the city of Baotou in Inner Mongolia on Oct. 3. The brownish-black ore is the 17th new type found in the deposit and one of 150 new minerals found in the region, according to the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC).

The discovery may be a windfall for China, which currently imports 95% of its niobium, according to the South China Morning Post.

"Depending on the volume and quality of this niobium it could make China self-sufficient," Antonio H. Castro Neto, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS), told the newspaper.

Brazil is the world's largest supplier of the rare earth metal, with Canada a distant second. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a project to open a niobium mine and processing facility is underway in southern Nebraska. The Elk Creek Critical Minerals Project would be the only niobium mine in the U.S.

The metal may also be in greater demand in the future, as researchers are working to develop niobium-lithium and niobium-graphene batteries.

According to S&P Global, these batteries can reduce the risk of fires when used along with lithium. Niobium-lithium batteries also charge faster and can be recharged more often than traditional lithium batteries.

In May, researchers at the the Centre for Advanced 2D Materials (CA2DM) at the NUS, which is developing niobium-graphene batteries, said the batteries could last around 30 years — 10 times longer than lithium-ion batteries — and can fully charge in less than 10 minutes.


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7aa474 No.99032

File: 5cd4698aaa00c11⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 17e5a4a7451cfe9⋯.png (724.12 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d2ec7eb3323f12d⋯.png (347.98 KB,1381x1002,1381:1002,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735342 (141619ZOCT23) Notable: PF update NASA LRC B200 (Firesense mission?)

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Call sign NASA529

Tail number N529NA




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7aa474 No.99033

File: 450dba9f174b3fe⋯.png (272.46 KB,391x586,391:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735365 (141626ZOCT23) Notable: + + EU Commission increases Gaza aid by 50 million + +

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JUST IN - EU Commission increases Gaza aid by 50 million.


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7aa474 No.99034

File: fd045f3c716c54c⋯.png (263.75 KB,599x565,599:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735380 (141630ZOCT23) Notable: New evidence may destroy Biden’s defense in his classified documents case

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Jonathan Turley


The Hill is out with my column on new evidence that appears to shatter the prior claims of President Biden and the White House in the classified documents investigation. The new timeline could hold serious implications for both prosecution and impeachment.


10:30 AM · Oct 14, 2023


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7aa474 No.99035

File: abd03abeed29ab7⋯.png (275.38 KB,1276x771,1276:771,Clipboard.png)

File: c8bb9b940fcdb03⋯.png (346.92 KB,1256x772,314:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735381 (141631ZOCT23) Notable: Ring of Fire reminder

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This feed is pretty cool. Pics related. Over Roswell soon?

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7aa474 No.99036

File: f09eb6b6a95467b⋯.png (782.31 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735503 (141712ZOCT23) Notable: Ukraine war LIVE: Vladimir Putin 'avoids stray fire' as war risks spilling into NATO

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Ukraine war LIVE: Vladimir Putin 'avoids stray fire' as war risks spilling into NATO

Russia is being "careful" not to accidentally strike the territory of NATO members like Romania as the Ukrainian infrastructure near the border comes under attack.

According to the UK Ministry of Defence, the risk of a spillover means Russia has taken steps to ensure the bombing around the Ukrainian port city of Izium does not spill over.

Russia official declares Ukrainian counteroffensive 'finished'

Russian UN representative Vasily Nebenzia has declared that Ukraine's month-long counter-offensive has ended with Russia now ordering its soldiers onto the attack.Nebenzia a UN Security Council meeting: "Russian troops have, for several days now, switched over to active combat action practically throughout the entire frontline,” Nebenzia told a session of the UN Security Council.

"The so-called Ukrainian counteroffensive can therefore be considered finished."


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7aa474 No.99037

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735532 (141722ZOCT23) Notable: Ukrainian drone attack thwarted near Sochi – Russian MOD

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14 Oct, 2023 05:49

Ukrainian drone attack thwarted near Sochi – Russian MOD

The Defense Ministry reports that two UAVs were downed over the Black Sea, with unverified videos emerging

Russian air defenses have prevented an “attempted terrorist attack by the Kiev regime”off the for Olympic host city of Sochi, the Defense Ministry has reported. Officials revealed that two drones were brought down on Saturday morning.

According to a statement published on the ministry’s Telegram channel, “air defenses destroyed two unmanned aerial vehicles over the Black Sea off Krasnodar Region’s shore.”

Mayor Aleksey Kopaygorodsky, wrote on Telegram that “there are no casualties or damage in the city” as a result of the incident. He stated that Sochi airport continues normal operations, adding that “there is no danger for the life and health of city residents and guests, everything is calm at the resort.”

Meanwhile, Telegram channels, citing local residents, claimed that there were between five and six explosions, with the lights allegedly going out in a number of buildings.

Several unverified video clips, purportedly showing the intercepts, have also been circulating on Telegram.

Over the past few months, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported dozens of foiled drone attacks in multiple regions, mostly Crimea and those that border Ukraine, but also several thwarted incursions in and around Moscow. In a case similar to this Saturday’s, Russian air defenses downed two plane-type UAVs off the southeastern coast of Crimea and in the Tuapse district of Krasnodar Region late last month.

(Ukraine’s counteroffensive has officially failed according to Russia, so Kiev is accelerating terrorist attacks on Russia.)


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7aa474 No.99038

File: 81847b2a717ab08⋯.png (749.58 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: a14e8fa14429563⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

File: c13bc24ae8595a6⋯.jpg (184.7 KB,850x1099,850:1099,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735540 (141724ZOCT23) Notable: Police threaten action against pro-Palestinian protesters setting off fireworks

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Police threaten action against pro-Palestinian protesters setting off fireworks

The Metropolitan Police has issued a warning to protesters who set off flares and fireworks at today's march in support of Palestine through Central London.

"We are aware of people lighting flares/fireworks within the group. This is clearly a danger to them and those around them.

"Action will be taken when we identify those in possession of/throwing them."


Oddly the area of London marked out by the police matches the outline of the Gaza Strip

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7aa474 No.99039

File: 0f5603f1606c3fe⋯.png (312.56 KB,600x626,300:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735613 (141740ZOCT23) Notable: Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin speaks to Vatican Media about the outbreak of war in the Holy Land

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Vatican News


Oct 13

Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin speaks to Vatican Media about the outbreak of war in the Holy Land, saying the priority is the release of hostages and affirming that the Holy See is willing to mediate.



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7aa474 No.99040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735620 (141743ZOCT23) Notable: Putin explains why Ukraine rejected 2013 EU deal

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14 Oct, 2023 09:33

Putin explains why Ukraine rejected 2013 EU agreement

The Russian president claims the Association Agreement effectively called for the destruction of all of the country's industry

The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement essentially envisaged the death of all Ukrainian industry, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed. The ratification of the accord was put on hold in late 2013 by then-President Viktor Yanukovich, which sparked the Maidan coup that led to his overthrow.

The new Ukrainian government signed the agreement in 2014.

Speaking to reporters on Friday, Putin said: “If you read what the EU proposed to Ukraine, this is what is apparently being realized now – this was tantamount to the destruction of all key industries that the Soviet Ukraine once prided itself on.” The president added that “we now see exactly that there’s nothing left there already.”

According to Putin, Yanukovich was weighing Kiev’s options and simply postponed the ratification of the agreement with the EU in 2013.

In an interview with Politico late last month, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmigal said Kiev expects full EU membership within two years, and will not settle for anything less. He cited the “huge price” his country has paid to join the bloc.

Shmigal went on to pledge thatUkraine will “not be bringing problems” to the EU, but will be a helpful addition. (Kek, its impossible for Kiev to make that promise, many EU leaders, prior leaders and countries have opposed Ukraine joining because they are more corrupt then they were years ago; and essentially they would be a welfare state in the EU. Based on their current terrorism on other countries they could never be trusted, they have already fought with EU countries about selling their grain inside the countries. Not to mention their grain is GMO with toxic pesticides)

Speaking at a press conference following a summit of EU leaders in the Spanish city of Granada last week, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the process of accession for any aspiring nation should be strictly “merit-based,” with certain “milestones that have to be achieved” first.

The joint declaration adopted by the member states calls on Ukraine and other hopefuls to “step up their reform efforts, notably in the area of rule of law.”

European Council President Charles Michel said the EU should be ready to expand by 2030.

However, this timeframe apparently did not sit well with all member states. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte insisted that“it’s not a question of when countries are ready; it’s a question of whether countries are ready.”(Kiev has not complied with EU demands fir them to join and have gotten worse in all areas of the government over the years.)

Joining the EU has been among the key stated objectives of pro-West Ukrainian politicians for decades. Kiev had not achieved much progress on this path prior to February 2022, when Moscow launched its military operation in the country. The conflict appears to have re-invigorated the process, with top officials repeatedly demanding membership due toUkraine’s perceived role in defending the EU from an allegedly looming Russian invasion. (This is a false dichotomy, Russia has never threatened or attacked EU countries, they had one mission to stop the mass killing of Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine, to free their territories from terrorism and to demilitarize and de-nazify Ukraine. Further they have failed in their counteroffensive, so they did not succeed in the perceived threat. The promises of the EU and NATO for Ukraine to join was always a false promises, to keep Kiev motivated)


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7aa474 No.99041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735640 (141747ZOCT23) Notable: #24232

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@700 final

bring and others forward


#24232 >>99019

>>99009 PF update Rivet Joing off coast of Israel

>>99010 New Zealand abandons Labour and shifts to the right as country votes for wholesale change

>>99011, >>99013 flashback He was rejected by the CIA, came to journalism by chance and ended up being the most watched anchor in the United States, Who is Tucker Carlson?

>>99012 Attorneys General Demand Biden End ‘Catch and Release’ of Millions of Illegal Aliens Amid Terrorism Concerns

>>99014, >>99021, >>99022, >>99023 The Story Of Lehi, The Jewish Terrorist Organization That Tried To Form An Alliance With The Nazis

>>99015, >>99018 McCarthy says He's Backing Jim Jordan for Speaker

>>99017 Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees

>>99020 The left faces a reckoning as Israel divides Democrats

>>99024 Revealed: How Israel Turned Nazi War Criminals Into Mossad Agents

>>99025, >>99028 anon asks about nuclear material found in Odesa from Xenia, OH

>>99035, >>99029 Ring of Fire reminder

>>99026 Biden Sent Millions of Dollars In Covid Relief Funds to Palestine

>>99027 refresher re: Jan 6/Mr. Coffee/Lawyers and such vs Trump on ballot

>>99030 Hobbs: Arizona will use lottery funds to keep Grand Canyon open in government shutdown

>>99031 China discovers never-before-seen ore containing a highly valuable rare earth element

>>99032 PF update NASA LRC B200 (Firesense mission?)

>>99033 + + EU Commission increases Gaza aid by 50 million + +

>>99034 New evidence may destroy Biden’s defense in his classified documents case

>>99036 Ukraine war LIVE: Vladimir Putin 'avoids stray fire' as war risks spilling into NATO

>>99037 Ukrainian drone attack thwarted near Sochi – Russian MOD

>>99038 Police threaten action against pro-Palestinian protesters setting off fireworks

>>99039 Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin speaks to Vatican Media about the outbreak of war in the Holy Land

>>99040 Putin explains why Ukraine rejected 2013 EU deal

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7aa474 No.99042

File: 5edcea3bf31dab5⋯.png (931.01 KB,750x1000,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19735669 (141751ZOCT23) Notable: #24233-B

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7aa474 No.99043

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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