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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

16ca8d No.51534 [View All]

29MAY23 to 01JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 780 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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16ca8d No.59191

File: e4d870ec1324430⋯.png (263.38 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a63c0453e97f45⋯.png (1.6 KB,160x71,160:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933134 (010359ZJUN23) Notable: The IAF grounded its Apache helicopters on Wednesday after an "unusual technical issue" was found during standard maintenance of one of the helicopters

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The Jerusalem Post


The IAF grounded its Apache helicopters on Wednesday after an "unusual technical issue" was found during standard maintenance of one of the helicopters.


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16ca8d No.59192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933180 (010410ZJUN23) Notable: Mexican TV reports that dozens of U.S. AT-4 weapons systems, which were originally shipped to Ukraine, have been purchased by Cartel Golfo

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Here's a recap from March 2022 of the AT-4 - we sent 6,000 in that one package.


And a reminder that Kirby said today - "we are ready to send our 39th package from DOD inventories"

So clearly more than 6k were shipped

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16ca8d No.59193

File: b197086063c3fd0⋯.png (384.95 KB,414x566,207:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f4c19c79879b29⋯.png (110.15 KB,1507x749,1507:749,Clipboard.png)

File: d2cb2661293301a⋯.png (118.39 KB,993x645,331:215,Clipboard.png)

File: ba8eef6e822097a⋯.png (124.9 KB,897x539,897:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933182 (010410ZJUN23) Notable: P = Phoenix?

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P = Phoenix= the head of the satanic council, but supposedly it's also the name of the nwo currency they want. (I think p = pope tho).


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16ca8d No.59194

File: 2b56ac438760c32⋯.jpeg (541.89 KB,1485x1244,1485:1244,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 53fa91f1534b7a0⋯.jpeg (533.34 KB,627x1718,627:1718,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933184 (010410ZJUN23) Notable: Tarmac

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Dan on TS

6:28 PM EDT

5/31/2023 — Beautiful site on the tarmac at LGA…


Drop 1828


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16ca8d No.59195

File: 93b8506b3ed9ece⋯.png (1.54 MB,1540x834,770:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933188 (010412ZJUN23) Notable: Planefags

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US Military burning the midnight oil getting ready for Pride Month

...or something...

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16ca8d No.59196

File: aa1c27f966cff59⋯.png (32.11 KB,598x445,598:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933224 (010421ZJUN23) Notable: Classified documents discussed by Trump on leaked audio reveal Mark Milley had plan to attack Iran

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Adam Schiff


The latest Trump tape exposes his blatant disregard for our nation's safety and security.

It also demonstrates his knowing and willful possession of classified information at a private club.

Accountability is crucial for our democracy's preservation.

Trump must be held accountable.


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16ca8d No.59197

File: 70a4970356d86c1⋯.png (146.47 KB,766x1114,383:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 96f7f5c1e23990f⋯.png (59.52 KB,766x718,383:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933254 (010428ZJUN23) Notable: Classified documents discussed by Trump on leaked audio reveal Mark Milley had plan to attack Iran

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16ca8d No.59198

File: 1c8bc6ba6511449⋯.png (442.5 KB,781x818,781:818,Clipboard.png)

File: 5aa4cde4817539a⋯.jpg (41.72 KB,700x551,700:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933258 (010429ZJUN23) Notable: Planefags

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COLON03 (E6)

Headed back Northeast out of Tinker


Squawking 3466


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16ca8d No.59199

File: cb43ec365704fec⋯.png (794.39 KB,1366x704,683:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933268 (010431ZJUN23) Notable: Planefags

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16ca8d No.59200

File: 5f33494170c345f⋯.png (31.53 KB,598x421,598:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933285 (010434ZJUN23) Notable: Classified documents discussed by Trump on leaked audio reveal Mark Milley had plan to attack Iran

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Adam Schiff


Today I voted to stand with Californians & stop a disastrous default.

A default that would have killed jobs & skyrocketed unemployment.

This bill was far from perfect, but Pres Biden negotiated an end to McCarthy’s hostage taking.

I will always do what’s best for CA families.



>I will always do what’s best for C I A families.

Schiff´s a fucking ganster.

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16ca8d No.59201

File: a91157cc369acf8⋯.png (342.16 KB,776x898,388:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933290 (010436ZJUN23) Notable: Planefags

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VVPE538 (RQ-4)

Out of Patuxent


Squawking 5366

nice lil glitch there


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16ca8d No.59202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933304 (010439ZJUN23) Notable: #23243

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#23243 >>59145

>>59146 Trump and DeSandpaper were both in Iowa today

>>59147 Little Amal, a 12-foot puppet of a Syrian refugee, will journey across the United States this fall (voodoo vibes)

>>59148, >>59164, >>59156, >>59157, >>59184, >>59159, >>59160, >>59171, >>59167, >>59169 moar Oprah: Buckle Up comms

>>59149, >>59153, >>59158 "No" votes on the Debt-Limit bill

>>59150 Xi: Must adhere to worst-case scenario thinking, and prepare to undergo major tests of "strong winds and even dangerous stormy seas"

>>59151 (2hr vid) House votes on debt ceiling legislation

>>59152 The U.S. Government's Over-Classification Epidemic: Ratcliffe

>>59154 The Sacklers, the billionaire family that owns Purdue Pharma, will receive government immunity for their role in sparking America’s opioid crisis

>>59155 Graham says Russians are in for rude awakening, Medvedev, UK our eternal enemy, UnionPay tops VISA, U/1

>>59161, >>59180, >>59172 Blue Jays Pitcher To Face Disciplinary Action After Sharing Support for Boycott of Target and Bud Light on Social Media

>>59162 Randi Weingarten Has Zero Credibility

>>59163, >>59188, >>59192 Mexican TV reports that dozens of U.S. AT-4 weapons systems, which were originally shipped to Ukraine, have been purchased by Cartel Golfo

>>59165 MSNDC reports on alleged audio of Trump talking about classified doc

>>59166 Amazon fined $47 million for hoarding kids’ data, spying through cameras

>>59168 By passing the TEXIT initiative, Texas would gain complete control over the state’s southern border, and handle the crisis as they see fit

>>59170, >>59174, >>59195, >>59198, >>59199, >>59201 Planefags

>>59173 Jeffries and McCarthy apparently made a side deal to secure critical Dem votes on debt ceiling rule, four Dem lawmakers on the matter tell @axios

>>59175 LIVE: “Defend America Rally, Hosted by Kari Lake and Tom Homan” 5/31/23

>>59176 @RepMTG: I’m excited to share the good news that just as I promised the J6 tapes are being released

>>59177 Oklahoma Supreme Court rules abortion laws unconstitutional

>>59178 How CIA Operative Fooled President Bush

>>59179 President Trump meeting with @SimonRadio1776 and the crew before his interview in Des Moines, IA

>>59181 Retired NYPD sergeant helped Chinese spies stalk dissidents and threaten to kill their wives and kids

>>59182, >>59185 Holy woke! Fans livid after discovering paragraph that Chick-fil-A buried on its website

>>59183 NASA holds historic UFO hearing: Agency unveils first findings from study into unidentified craft in our skies and oceans

>>59186, >>59187, >>59196, >>59197, >>59200 Classified documents discussed by Trump on leaked audio reveal Mark Milley had plan to attack Iran

>>59189 Russian Ambassador Claims Maidan-Style Coup Attempt Unfolding In Belgrade

>>59190 UAE’s Falcon 40B, World’s Top-Ranked AI Model from Technology Innovation Institute, is Now Royalty-Free

>>59191 The IAF grounded its Apache helicopters on Wednesday after an "unusual technical issue" was found during standard maintenance of one of the helicopters

>>59193 P = Phoenix?

>>59194 Tarmac


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16ca8d No.59203

File: df1a857ce5de4b7⋯.png (640.96 KB,751x499,751:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933313 (010442ZJUN23) Notable: #23244

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16ca8d No.59204

File: 07e46c6ec3eefdf⋯.png (695.02 KB,1726x1732,863:866,Clipboard.png)

File: e9aa955db6ef9aa⋯.png (8.74 KB,439x238,439:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933340 (010451ZJUN23) Notable: Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

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16ca8d No.59205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933342 (010452ZJUN23) Notable: Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

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16ca8d No.59206

File: abbd21b7eb344f7⋯.jpg (183.59 KB,1080x1579,1080:1579,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933394 (010508ZJUN23) Notable: Welcome to the Terrordome

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16ca8d No.59207

File: a18e3e6e838b127⋯.png (314.7 KB,598x553,598:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933421 (010513ZJUN23) Notable: ever moar 'Buckle Up'

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>Q Research General #23244: Buckle Up Edition

more Buckle up.


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16ca8d No.59208

File: a297bb3e88b75fd⋯.png (83.39 KB,461x1024,461:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933431 (010517ZJUN23) Notable: Did you know that a cancer-causing monkey virus contaminated millions of batches of polio vaccine?

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10:25 Ok





Did you know that a cancer-causing monkey virus contaminated millions of batches of polio vaccine?

Did you know this virus has now been found inside people and inside their cancers?

The health authorities would like the American public to forget these facts. But it happened, and the repercussions are still with us today.

This known contamination took place at the end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s, but may have continued for the next 40 years. In fact, over the last 60 years, cancer rates for every age group in America have continued to climb.

How did this vaccine contamination hannandAndirthern-linktathe

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16ca8d No.59209

File: fb99eb7dab56ff2⋯.png (1.27 MB,722x5616,361:2808,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933434 (010518ZJUN23) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Yes On The Fuck America Act Today

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Yes On The Fuck America Act Today

MTG is a traitor. There are plenty. But she deserves special attention because many patriots falsely believe she is not a swamp creature. We saw her giving blowjobs to McCarthy during the Speaker vote. She insulted Q and anons during her freshman term in Congress. Enough is enough.

Let all patriots know, she was never one of us. Let all patriots know she is a swamp whore. Let all patriots know she needs to be primaried. Spread the word on Truth Social, Gab, Gettr, Facebook, 4 Chan, Twitter, and among friends and family member. She deserves special attention because she easily fools good honest unsuspecting American's. Show them the receipt from attached image or link below.


>Republican names in Roman

D>emocrat names in Italics

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16ca8d No.59210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933440 (010519ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for June 1: Roger ball has been called, good and green | MSNBC / MSDNC | Unity is Humanity | All assets deployed

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Qpost Deltas for June 1: Roger ball has been called, good and green | MSNBC / MSDNC | Unity is Humanity | All assets deployed

(all June 1 Qposts were made in 2020)


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16ca8d No.59211

File: 65955e46f7a21fd⋯.jpg (182.2 KB,1080x996,90:83,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f8423d56447ac11⋯.mp4 (5.4 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933460 (010526ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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16ca8d No.59212

File: f5e510f36aaa997⋯.jpeg (174.35 KB,947x2048,947:2048,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ace29646112a224⋯.jpg (46.04 KB,1000x750,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933463 (010526ZJUN23) Notable: anon's Oprah: Buckle Up analysis

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Oprah pic put me out on a limb but...

Thumb points to pearl

Purple- DS royalty- top dogs

*Warning- it's about to get really hairy- more than it has been

*Gather for rituals

*Switch to high-end secure mil clandestine comms for the storm

Op in top corner


*operators activated

*OP- gaming term for overpowered


G in top corner- cut off to look as such

*George comms warning

*go time

*gathering time


The cover is about menstruation as the topic- bleeding- uncontrollable- monthly- scheduled

*royalty coven gathering

*request for more supplies


Opposing view-

*things are about to get bad and many of "us" are about to go down- bleed

*time to sacrifice some of our underlings that may compromise us


Tried to piece together Pedo, Purple and Pearl- nothing solid but lead to this as possible alternate comms- military tech (imagine that)




Gathered more but just some quick thoughts. May lead to discoveries.

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16ca8d No.59213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933484 (010533ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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He deleted that post & made the exact same post before deleting his first. Anon didn't gt the delta.


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16ca8d No.59214

File: 453c92c56cd1032⋯.png (374.74 KB,598x573,598:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933499 (010541ZJUN23) Notable: Global brands downplayed the threat of ‘forever chemicals’

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New York Post


Global brands lied about ‘forever chemicals’ threat: PFAS coverup report



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16ca8d No.59215

File: 2ab783b2bafd379⋯.png (177.09 KB,1122x637,1122:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933534 (010556ZJUN23) Notable: Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

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Anyone see this weird Zuckerberg post?


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16ca8d No.59216

File: b0fda18051a28b1⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB,228x480,19:40,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 6a55fe0e7d68c28⋯.png (182.81 KB,494x296,247:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933535 (010557ZJUN23) Notable: Just a reminder that they tried to "Maiden" Trump this time May/June 2020

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Just a reminder that they tried to "Maiden" Trump this time May/June 2020


Meanwhile everyone laughed that he was taken to the bunker when the guardshack was set on fire.

Thanks to the USSS who were on to the game and were visible the next day crossing the plaza.

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16ca8d No.59217

File: 3a7b810b320f4f1⋯.png (137.47 KB,412x503,412:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933554 (010604ZJUN23) Notable: Welcome to the Terrordome

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Time Magazine

Milley in the news involving Iran ie 'Leak'


Timestamp 01:05 (15)

Qpost #4250 (May 15)

-It's time to end the horror (terror) show

Time = 4 letters

Welcome to the Terrordome = 4 words

-'250' Independence Day Anniversary Truth by Trump

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16ca8d No.59218

File: f2e7e2996aa2eb5⋯.png (241.01 KB,765x402,255:134,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e2408d15b8a083⋯.png (300.28 KB,1219x949,1219:949,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933559 (010606ZJUN23) Notable: Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

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Yea odd there was a domain name registered that matches those numbers a few hours apart.

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16ca8d No.59219

File: 96ee0993d5ea969⋯.png (452.68 KB,598x557,598:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933562 (010607ZJUN23) Notable: GOP Govs. Youngkin and McMaster sending National Guard troops to southern border

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New York Post


GOP Govs. Youngkin and McMaster sending National Guard troops to southern border




Traitors first.

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16ca8d No.59220

File: 25058afba0cd5f2⋯.png (246.11 KB,742x682,371:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933566 (010608ZJUN23) Notable: Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

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MARK Zuckerberg has confused thousands of people with his latest Facebook status. "1140648592060760981," Zuckerberg announced, and immediately followed up in the comments. The status has since disappeared from Facebook. 1140648592060760981 Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 "Follow me please," his comment read for ten minutes. So far, it is not known what it is about, i.e. whether Zuckerberg was trolling his Facebook community or whether it was some other experiment.


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16ca8d No.59221

File: 58d970952fde0dd⋯.png (37.1 KB,411x751,411:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933574 (010616ZJUN23) Notable: ever moar 'Buckle Up'

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Check out the Qposts with 'Buckle Up', undertones of le pain. 1 of them coincides with Trump's Time magazine Truth: 'THE TIME IS NOW'


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16ca8d No.59222

File: c1bbe8726c6d7ed⋯.png (183.83 KB,485x482,485:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933607 (010630ZJUN23) Notable: Just a reminder that they tried to "Maiden" Trump this time May/June 2020

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I think at one point, everyone was looking for the source of the infamous picture of DC at night taken during the riots?

WIth Twitter accounts restored - looks like this is the original source.


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16ca8d No.59223

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933621 (010635ZJUN23) Notable: Japanese Prof. Murakami weighs in on Pfizer’s DNA Plasmids

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https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/18857974.html#q18929874 cb

Japanese Prof. Murakami weighs in on Pfizer’s DNA Plasmids



The SV40 sequence promotes cancer, and permanent genetic modification through migration of the injected DNA into human cell nuclei "This is outrageously malicious"

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16ca8d No.59224

File: 5b6c2277aacf6bc⋯.png (40.9 KB,411x877,411:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933623 (010636ZJUN23) Notable: Global brands downplayed the threat of ‘forever chemicals’

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16ca8d No.59225

File: 689fe4bf6356544⋯.mp4 (14.21 MB,544x304,34:19,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933693 (010711ZJUN23) Notable: "Illegals in line for application process are told not to talk to a normie conservative asking them questions...

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"Illegals in line for application process are told not to talk to a normie conservative asking them questions. The woman telling them not to talk is part of an NGO called Jewish Family Services. That's an interesting name for an organization helping illegals flood our country.


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16ca8d No.59226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933858 (010923ZJUN23) Notable: Nearly 10K photos from Hunter Biden's laptop hit the web: 'Truth and transparency'

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Nearly 10K photos from Hunter Biden's laptop hit the web: 'Truth and transparency'

Nudity and private information – like social security and credit card numbers –were redacted from the photos

Ziegler also noted that videos from the laptop will be available for public viewing at a later date.

Describing why it will take longer for the videos from the laptop to be uploaded to the site, Ziegler said his team has to use AI tools to assist with censoring portions of the videos because "there's so much pornography."

Ziegler said there are "several" questionable photos in particular that he believes reporters should take a look at.

The White House and Hunter Biden's attorney did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment.


Kevin McCarthy

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16ca8d No.59227

File: f30d41afe9ac678⋯.mp4 (9.93 MB,608x640,19:20,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933914 (011004ZJUN23) Notable: After injecting the world with an unknown substance, they have now discovered 🧄GARLIC🧄 cures Covid-19

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After injecting the world with an unknown substance, they have now discovered 🧄GARLIC🧄 cures Covid-19

Video Credit: https://twitter.com/karma44921039/status/1663882596890075136?s=46


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16ca8d No.59228

File: b67798b0961ad12⋯.png (55.82 KB,1185x354,395:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18933983 (011050ZJUN23) Notable: The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice will require Amazon to overhaul its deletion practices and implement stringent privacy safeguards...

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The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice will require Amazon to overhaul its deletion practices and implement stringent privacy safeguards to settle charges the company violated the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Rule (COPPA Rule) and deceived parents and users of the Alexa voice assistant service about its data deletion practices.

According to a complaint filed by the Department of Justice on behalf of the FTC, Amazon prevented parents from exercising their deletion rights under the COPPA Rule, kept sensitive voice and geolocation data for years, and used it for its own purposes, while putting data at risk of harm from unnecessary access.

“Amazon’s history of misleading parents, keeping children’s recordings indefinitely, and flouting parents’ deletion requests violated COPPA and sacrificed privacy for profits,” said Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “COPPA does not allow companies to keep children’s data forever for any reason, and certainly not to train their algorithms.”

Under the proposed federal court order also filed by DOJ, Amazon will be required to delete inactive child accounts and certain voice recordings and geolocation information and will be prohibited from using such data to train its algorithms. The proposed order must be approved by the federal court to go into effect.

According to the complaint, Amazon prominently and repeatedly assured its users, including parents, that they could delete voice recordings collected from its Alexa voice assistant and geolocation information collected by the Alexa app. The company, however, failed to follow through on these promises when it kept some of this information for years and used the data it unlawfully retained to help improve its Alexa algorithm, according to the complaint.


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16ca8d No.59229

File: 5e7d8ee536a3835⋯.png (227.19 KB,734x700,367:350,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934005 (011101ZJUN23) Notable: Interdasting…a BUNCH of big wigs must have gotten blown up over the weekend…

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Morning anons...


Interdasting...a BUNCH of big wigs must have gotten blown up over the weekend...

"They write that after the blow to the building of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, a new star appeared on the board of honor for the dead CIA employees, the 140th in a row (for the entire existence of the CIA - at the beginning of May there were 139)."

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16ca8d No.59230

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934070 (011134ZJUN23) Notable: #23244

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final bun for #23244

hold em till the top. put'n night bred to bed

>>>/qresearch/18934053 kek

#23244 >>59203

>>59210 Qpost Deltas for June 1: Roger ball has been called, good and green | MSNBC / MSDNC | Unity is Humanity | All assets deployed

>>59204, >>59205, >>59215, >>59218, >>59220 Zuckerberg latest Facebook status with the string of numbers: 1140648592060760981

>>59206, >>59217 Welcome to the Terrordome

>>59207, >>59221 ever moar 'Buckle Up'

>>59208 Did you know that a cancer-causing monkey virus contaminated millions of batches of polio vaccine?

>>59209 Marjorie Taylor Greene Voted Yes On The Fuck America Act Today


>>59212 anon's Oprah: Buckle Up analysis

>>59214, >>59224 Global brands downplayed the threat of ‘forever chemicals’

>>59216, >>59222 Just a reminder that they tried to "Maiden" Trump this time May/June 2020

>>59219 GOP Govs. Youngkin and McMaster sending National Guard troops to southern border

>>59223 Japanese Prof. Murakami weighs in on Pfizer’s DNA Plasmids

>>59225 "Illegals in line for application process are told not to talk to a normie conservative asking them questions...

>>59226 Nearly 10K photos from Hunter Biden's laptop hit the web: 'Truth and transparency'

>>59227 After injecting the world with an unknown substance, they have now discovered 🧄GARLIC🧄 cures Covid-19

>>59228 The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice will require Amazon to overhaul its deletion practices and implement stringent privacy safeguards...

>>59229 Interdasting…a BUNCH of big wigs must have gotten blown up over the weekend…

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16ca8d No.59231

File: f47382cc68516a0⋯.png (537.05 KB,729x372,243:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a66061193a14fc⋯.jpg (63.02 KB,425x481,425:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934091 (011142ZJUN23) Notable: #23245

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call the ball if you wanna baker

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16ca8d No.59232

File: 7a872753527277a⋯.png (597.87 KB,787x638,787:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934124 (011156ZJUN23) Notable: ESG investing came under heavy fire during a major environmental conference on Tuesday.

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Advocates for environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing are warning that the Republican-led anti-woke movement is disrupting their efforts.

ESG investing came under heavy fire during a major environmental conference on Tuesday.

Proponents of the ESG movement remain defiant, however.

Witold Henisz, a vice dean and faculty director of the ESG Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, insists that anti-wokesters are wasting their time.

“I don’t think there’s any chance that the anti-ESG movement will win,” said Henisz.

Nevertheless, “there is real concern and fear” in the business world about defending ESG, Henisz warned.

ESG advocates made their case at Sustainability Week, an event held by The Economist, a free-market, socially liberal publication based in London.

Speakers at the three-day event include numerous Biden administration officials and other influential Democrats, alongside figures spanning the corporate world, the environmental movement, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, the Ivy League, climate philanthropy, high finance, and defense contracting.

Biden adviser John Podesta, Environmental Protection Agency director Michael Regan, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and White House national climate adviser Ali Zaidi are some of the high-profile participants.

Henisz spoke about the anti-ESG push on a panel with Carol Jeppesen, of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), and Marco Taricco, of the activist investing firm Bluebell Capital Partners.

John Ferguson, global lead for “new globalization” with Economist Impact, moderated the talk.

The pro-ESG professor’s comments met with broad approval from his fellow speakers.

“This ESG backlash is creating some concerns and challenges, some very tangible ones,” Jeppesen said.

She cited American states’ boycotts of financial institutions they believe to be undercutting oil, gas, and coal through ESG practices.

The use of ESG by pension fund managers has also touched off conflict.

Weeks after Biden vetoed a joint resolution intended to thwart his Labor Department ESG investing rule, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) and other Republicans introduced legislation to keep federal money out of any ESG-influenced retirement funds.

Although some ESG critics have put their money where their mouths are by developing counter-ESG investing strategies, Jeppesen argued that ongoing anti-ESG efforts in many states “can only lead to suboptimal returns in portfolios and additional costs when they’re issuing debt.”

“It’s really the opposite, if you will, of the free market economy,” the UNPRI representative said.

“In practice, irrespective of what some of the politicians attacking ESG are saying, the train has really left the station, and investors increasingly are understanding the material significance of issues like climate transition to their investment portfolios, and really to the overall economy at a systemic level as well,” she added.

Henisz described an example of what he called “greenhushing”—that is, companies’ attempts to cover up their actions on climate and related areas: BlackRock’s Larry Fink pushed back the release of his annual letter.

The professor complained that the timing meant those at the World Economic Forum’s January meeting in Davos couldn’t read the message while gathered in the luxury Swiss ski resort town.

Yet, he and Taricco voiced frustration with the offerings from BlackRock that are labeled ESG.

“There’s very little in the way of ESG tilt, and as a result, they don’t really deliver strong ESG performance or notable financial performance,” Henisz said.

He added that “more sophisticated” products from that company’s competitors were losing out.

“The largest driver of inflows is the size of your fund family, giving BlackRock a huge advantage, and the financial returns that your funds generate relative to their benchmark,” he said.

“That’s a problem. We need to call more attention to that.

“The money we manage is not our own—it belongs to our clients, many of whom make their own asset allocation and portfolio construction decisions.

“For clients interested in incorporating sustainability strategies into their portfolios, we offer solutions across public and private markets, including broad index funds, active strategies, impact funds, and more.”


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16ca8d No.59233

File: 167ea919ed08188⋯.jpeg (69.25 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fc895bc06422093⋯.jpeg (135.15 KB,1024x786,512:393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934125 (011157ZJUN23) Notable: UAE Says It Withdrew from U.S.-Led Maritime Coalition Two Months Ago

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UAE Says It Withdrew from U.S.-Led Maritime Coalition Two Months Ago (FJB)

John Hayward31 May 2023

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday announced that itquietly withdrew from a U.S.-led security coalition called the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) two months ago.

The government claimed the reason behind the departure was an “ongoing evaluation of effective security cooperation with all partners,” but some speculated the move was a sign of a growing rift between Gulf Arab states and America after PresidentJoe Biden drove Saudi Arabia into the arms of China and Iran.

Iran International noted on Wednesday that thewithdrawal time frameprovided by the UAE “roughly corresponds with Saudi Arabia’s decision inearly Marchto restore diplomatic relations with Iran, which has been much discussed as a shift in Riyadh’s regional policies.”

The rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran announced in March was brokered by China, which touted the achievement as proof that China has surpassed the United States as a diplomatic power.

It was also the next step in a Saudi realignment away from the U.S. that began when Biden vowed during his 2020 campaign to make the Saudis into a “pariah” among nations. Biden wound up begging the Saudis for oil after his approval ratings plummeted in office, but Riyadh evidently did not forget the insult.

The CMF is headquartered in Bahrain, along with the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet. It is commanded by the same U.S. Navy Vice Admiral who oversees the Fifth Fleet and U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT). The deputy commander is a commodore in the U.K. Royal Navy.

Before the UAE withdrew, CMF had 34 members, who volunteered to help with “countering illicit non-state actors on the high seas and promoting security, stability, and prosperity across approximately 3.2 million square miles of international waters.”

Those waters include some of the most vital shipping lanes in the world, so the CMF focuses on activities such as “counter-narcotics” and “suppressing piracy.”

Iranian threats to shipping in the Persian Gulf have been in the news of late, including two tankers seized by Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) forces near the Strait of Hormuz in late April and early May. One of those tankers was bound for a port in the UAE when it was captured.

Iran International suggested the UAE and other regional powers have been uneasy ever since the Trump administration backed down from military retaliation against Iran for using its Yemeni proxies to bomb Saudi oil facilitiesin 2019.

The UAE was reportedly even more frustrated by the Biden administration’s passivity in the face of escalating Iranian assaults on Gulf shipping. Iran International suggested theEmiratis might have concluded the U.S. will not protect them, so seeking “diplomatic engagement” with Iran is the best way to secure UAE shipping lanes….


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16ca8d No.59234

File: f7dbfcbb8f74267⋯.png (1.64 MB,1240x827,1240:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934138 (011201ZJUN23) Notable: Pentagon leaders cancel drag show at a Nevada Air Force base

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>The Department of Defense has CANCELED a scheduled "child-friendly" drag show after I demanded answers from @SecDef Austin and General Milley!


Pentagon leaders cancel drag show at a Nevada Air Force base

Air Force leaders approved the show at Nellis AFB in celebration of Pride Month, but Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley said no.

Defense Department leaders have stepped in to stop a drag show scheduled for Thursday at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, according to two defense officials and a U.S. official.

The show, which was in celebration of Pride Month, was approved by Air Force leaders, but Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, told the Air Force it is not Pentagon policy to fund drag shows on bases and the show should be canceled or moved off base.

Drag shows and events on military bases have become a politically contentious issue in recent months, with conservative politicians and pundits arguing the military should not be spending taxpayer money on them.

At a House Armed Services Committee hearing on March 29, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., angrily questioned Austin and Milley about drag queen story hours on bases around the world, including in Montana, Nevada, Virginia and Germany.

“Drag queen story hours is not something that the department funds,” Austin told the committee.

Milley chimed in, asking to see the flyers for the events Gaetz was referring to and saying he was not aware of such events and does not support their being held on military bases.

“I’d like to take a look at those, because I don’t agree with those,” Milley said.

When Milley was informed about the event this week, he was visibly angry about the decision to host the event on base, a U.S. official and a defense official said.

“Consistent with Secretary Austin’s congressional testimony, the Air Force will not host drag events at its installations or facilities. Commanders have been directed to either cancel or relocate these events to an off-base location,” an Air Force official said when asked about the Nellis event.

“Per DoD Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), certain criteria must be met for persons or organizations acting in non-Federal capacity to use DoD facilities and equipment. As Secretary Austin has said, the DOD will not host drag events at U.S. military installations or facilities. Hosting these types of events in federally funded facilities is not a suitable use of DOD resources,” deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh said in a statement.

The Nellis drag show was scheduled for Thursday, but the base commander was informed in the past few days that it must either be canceled or moved off base, the officials said.

“I can confirm the Nellis commander informed the private organization that the drag event would have to be canceled or relocated to an off-base location,” a source familiar with the matter said.

Nellis AFB hosted a Pride Month drag show in June 2021, named “Drag-u-Nellis.” A spokesperson for the base said in a statement that it was intended to promote inclusivity and diversity.

On May 23, Gaetz sent a letter about the issue to Austin and Milley, detailing six other cases of drag shows or events on bases or approved by the U.S. military. Gaetz asked the Pentagon leaders to provide information about the events and to say whether any punitive action has or will be taken against anyone who used taxpayer money on them.

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16ca8d No.59235

File: 51c318fa659b1da⋯.jpeg (372.88 KB,735x600,49:40,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934140 (011201ZJUN23) Notable: UAE Says It Withdrew from U.S.-Led Maritime Coalition Two Months Ago

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Everyone abandoned Woody Wilson’s League of Nations right before WW1

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16ca8d No.59236

File: acf535318dbfdb1⋯.png (87.98 KB,1076x670,538:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b7198e8e2970e5⋯.png (903.33 KB,898x505,898:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934144 (011202ZJUN23) Notable: BidenLaptopMedia.com

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Kyle Morris

Thu, June 1, 2023 at 3:50 AM CDT

A trove of photos from Hunter Biden's laptop has been made available to the public through a new website that launched Thursday.

The website – BidenLaptopMedia.com – houses almost 10,000 photos spanning from 2008 to 2019 and took months to complete, Garrett Ziegler, the founder of nonprofit Marco Polo, told Fox News Digital.


Photos provided exclusively to Fox News Digital ahead of the website's launch showed remnants of the drugs Hunter Biden had used in 2018, and another that showed Hunter Biden cozying up with his then-lover, Zoe Kestan, the same year.

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16ca8d No.59237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934154 (011207ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: House PASSES bill to suspend $31 TRILLION debt ceiling

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House PASSES bill to suspend $31 TRILLION debt ceiling: 165 Democrats help Kevin McCarthy beat uprising from 71 Republicans - five days before the US runs out of money


Ermm, So who is going to tell America they ran out of money, completely. Your children's children will not even be able to pay this back, but keep paying your tax and bills!

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16ca8d No.59238

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934162 (011210ZJUN23) Notable: They've announced Marburg. scary cause lots of blood.

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>>>/qresearch/18928422 pb

>>>/qresearch/18928393 pb

They've announced Marburg.

skarycause lots of blood.

"MARBURG" next SCAM for EUGENICS hustle?"


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16ca8d No.59239

File: d018f19c92f63db⋯.png (460.12 KB,697x671,697:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 4738020b6a77e0b⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934181 (011214ZJUN23) Notable: @CBS_Herridge Federal investigators obtain audio recording of former President Donald Trump in which he acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document

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Catherine Herridge


Federal investigators obtain audio recording of former President Donald Trump in which he acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document after he left the White House. Trump Spox: “Leaks from radical partisans behind this political persecution.”


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16ca8d No.59240

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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