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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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335940 No.12 [Last50 Posts]


Re-Posts of notables

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335940 No.1535

File: 584cf19fb439f0e⋯.png (399.51 KB,552x697,552:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076623 (050044ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Drama Overdrive bun

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Matt Gaetz Vows Never to Vote for McCarthy and Calls Him “Desperate” After Closed-Door Meeting – Says He’ll Vote “All Week, All Month” But Never for Him

After two days of brutal losses, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 20th District) was huddling with his detractors in a closed-door meeting, according to Punchbowl News.

It is unclear who exactly is in the closed-door meeting.

McCarthy entered a meeting through a back door with several of his high-profile GOP detractors.

Following the meeting, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL 1st District) blasted McCarthy following closed-door meeting.

“He’s a desperate guy whose vote share is dropping with every subsequent vote and I’m ready to vote all night, all week, all month, and never for that person,” Rep. Gaetz told reporters.

Watch the video below:


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335940 No.1536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076629 (050044ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Drama Overdrive bun

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It's all about the break

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335940 No.1537

File: 9935f66de3f626e⋯.png (830.97 KB,1147x722,1147:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ee34a654f9f2d7⋯.png (36.94 KB,572x223,572:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076653 (050047ZJAN23) Notable: Commie Leftist Cori Bush Says Byron Donalds Is not Historic Candidate and He Supports Policy “Perpetuating White Supremacy”

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Commie Leftist Cori Bush Says Byron Donalds Is NOT Historic Candidate and He Supports Policy “Perpetuating White Supremacy”

Marxist Cori Bush is one of the latest members of the America-hating Democrat Squad serving in Congress.

Bush made a name for herself during the Ferguson riots when leftist protesters looted and burned down the Ferguson business district not once but twice in 2014.

The media loved her. Business owners feared and hated her and the criminals she ran with.

Cori Bush also pushed the Democrat Party’s Defund the Police campaign but pays $200,000 a year for her own personal security.

She’s a real gem.

On Wednesday after Byron Donalds became the first Black Republican to be nominated for Speaker of the House of Representatives Cori Bush posted

FWIW, @ByronDonalds is not a historic candidate for Speaker. He is a prop. Despite being Black, he supports a policy agenda intent on upholding and perpetuating white supremacy.

His name being in the mix is not progress—it’s pathetic.

— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) January 4, 2023

“>this awful tweet

Donalds is a Black Republican who came from poverty and is one of the most popular conservatives in Congress today.

But he’s not a hardcore leftist so Cori Bush hates him. Sick.


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335940 No.1538

File: f7307f7bec90489⋯.jpg (49.06 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.jpg)


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They walked into a buzzsaw but America needs a legit JUDICIARY to get them to the gallows.

The 84 people who signed bogus documents claiming that Donald Trump won the 2020 election include dozens of local Republican Party leaders, seven current candidates for public office, eight current office holders and at least five previous state and federal office holders.

Groups from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all allegedly sent lists of so-called alternate electors to the National Archives after the 2020 election. The slate of fake electors includes Lou Barletta and Charlie Gerow, both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania; Burt Jones, a candidate for lieutenant governor in Georgia; James Lamon, a candidate for U.S. Senate from Arizona; and candidates for state legislative seats.

The group also includes eight current officeholders:

Jake Hoffman, an Arizona state representative.

Burt Jones, a Georgia state senator.

Stanley Grot, the Shelby Township clerk in Michigan.

Amy Facchinello, a member of the school board in Grand Blanc, Michigan.

Robert Spindell Jr., a member of the Wisconsin Election Commission.

Sam DeMarco III, an at-large member of the Allegheny County Council in Pennsylvania.

Josephine Ferro, the Monroe County Register of Wills in Pennsylvania.

Kelly Ruh, an alderperson for De Pere, Wisconsin.

In addition to the chair or co-chair of the state Republican Party in all seven states, the group includes people for whom political controversy and investigations are nothing new:

Read more:


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335940 No.1539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076675 (050050ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Drama Overdrive bun

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Warren Davidson Lists Concessions McCarthy Made to People Who Voted Against His Speakership

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH) nominated Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for the speakership Wednesday on the fifth speakership ballot, after the fourth did not produce a victor.

Davidson highlighted a laundry list of concessions that McCarthy promised many Republicans who have repeatedly voted against him, and he urged those members to rally behind the California representative.

“We’re on the precipiceof such a destructive argument today. I plead with all, all of my Republican colleagues, let cooler, more rational heads prevail. Let us unite as Republicans to elect the next speaker of the House,” said Davidson.

He then asserted that 20 of his colleagues, many of whom are part of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC), have repeatedly voted against McCarthy because they do not trust him, adding:

What can heal that divide? Right now, there are a lot of colleagues that don’t trust 20 or more of my fellow Republicans. Right now, though we remain divided, a majority, an actual majority of the House Freedom Caucus members do support Kevin McCarthy.

Davidson, a member of the HFC himself, noted that over the summer, the caucus “started the negotiations with a proposal for new rules,” including “a set of tools that could be structured to make trust more verifiable and allow recourse if that trust is ever broken.” He added that McCarthy engaged in the talks following the election and “led the Congress to adopt substantive reforms that will make our majority more effective.”

He then listed a number of the rules that McCarthy adopted at the request of those representatives who have repeatedly voted against him:

“Andrew Clyde’s proposal to restore public access to the Capitol”

“Lauren Boebert’s proposal to reduce the linkage between the NRCC and the steering committee process”

“Gary Palmer’s proposal to cap spending on suspension bills”

“Ralph Norman’s proposal to limit leadership reports and make conference more about engaging all members”

“Chip Roy’s proposal to provide a five-day notice for suspension votes”

“Dan Bishop’s proposal in privileged resolutions”

“Scott Perry’s proposal for additional conference meetings ahead of key votes”

“Bob Good’s proposal on stand alone appropriations bills”

“Andy Biggs’ proposal limiting suspension waivers from committees”

“Chip Roy’s proposal to make cosponsored amendments in order”

Among other adoptions, Davidson cited the revival of the Holman Rule and “an end to the Gephardt rule” to reign in runaway debt, as well as a new rule worked out with Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) on single subject bills that Davidson said the GOP hopes “to call the Griffith Rule.”

Additionally, he highlighted the promise of “diverse viewpoints on every committee” and a “Church-style commission” attached to the Judiciary Committee, set to be chaired by Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH), to investigate collaborations between the government and big tech “to silence, persecute, or even prosecute our fellow citizens.”

“We, as Republicans, are a big and diverse conference. The real question goes back to strategy,” Davidson later added. “Can we accept incremental process? Can we work for a victory one first down at a time, or can we only accept the high-risk trick plays?”

“Can we take a win every and then and give hope to the forgotten men and women of America who no longer believe this people’s house cares about them,” he wondered.

The fifth ballow ultimately did not yield a speaker and brandished the same results as the fourth round, with McCarthy at 201 votes, Democrat nominee Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) with all 212 Democrat votes, while 20 Republcians voted for Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL). One representative voted present.


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335940 No.1540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076703 (050053ZJAN23) Notable: Amazon to Lay Off Over [17k] Workers, More Than First Planned, now with sauce

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Amazon to layoff more than 17,000 employees

The outlet attributed the staff drawdown in part to the rapid expansion of the firm's online business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Amazon's latest round of layoffs will hit more than 17,000 of its employees, marking the largest such staffing cut among big companies in the past year.

Though the company announced substantial layoffs in November of 2022, which the Wall Street Journal estimated at the time would affect 10,000 positions, the continuing cuts will bring the total reduction to around 17,000, the same outlet reported.

The outlet attributed the staff drawdown in part to the rapid expansion of the firm's online business during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has since leveled off as consumers return to the brick and mortar retail centers that compete with the website.

Amazon expanded its workforce by the thousands during that period and also advanced its other businesses such as grocery delivery. The cuts follow an extensive financial review of the firm's expenses, which it conducted in the middle of last year.

The company's declining post-COVID fortunes have hit its partners as well. Fabric pod array (FPA) manufacturer Gilimex is now suing the company for $280 million after the Big Tech company ended its contract to purchase the FPAs in May of 2022. Amazon uses FPAs as a means of enabling efficient packaging and shipping of products to their customers.

Amazon had dramatically escalated its production targets for Gilimex amid rising shipping costs during the pandemic. The Vietnamese firm now contends that Amazon's termination of the deal has adversely affected the company, as it had to turn away other business to keep up with Amazon's demands and restructured its facilities to accommodate it.


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335940 No.1541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076728 (050055ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Drama Overdrive bun

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20 patriots holding the line

413 uniparty traitors

1 present.

I stand with those brave patriots.

5 minutes to moar endless loop for the clown cartel.

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335940 No.1542

File: b7c348024972356⋯.png (148.33 KB,739x410,739:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dc3fe5b8444a24⋯.png (435.82 KB,555x461,555:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076743 (050058ZJAN23) Notable: PF Tracking Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737

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>>1338 pb

Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737s went to Ciuadad Obregon in southern Sonora State earlier today for about an hour then back to Mexico City and now heading NW for second trip and looks like Tijuana for 3526 and 3528 has not started it's descent yet-SAM947 (shows as tail # 20-1949) G5 landed at to San Diego Int'l about 2h30m ago from JBA depart earlier today

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335940 No.1543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076799 (050105ZJAN23) Notable: Republicans motion to adjourn til tomorrow but Dems vote against it per notice just sent from Whip Clark’s office

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118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues

Happening now.


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335940 No.1544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076809 (050106ZJAN23) Notable: Republicans motion to adjourn til tomorrow but Dems vote against it per notice just sent from Whip Clark’s office

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Vote to adjourn; Denied?

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335940 No.1545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076824 (050107ZJAN23) Notable: Republicans motion to adjourn til tomorrow but Dems vote against it per notice just sent from Whip Clark’s office

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Olivia Beavers Retweeted

Sarah Ferris




Rs probably have the votes to pass this, we're told

Quote Tweet

Nicholas Wu




Seems Republicans might try to motion to adjourn til tomorrow but Dems are being advised to vote against it per notice just sent from Whip Clark’s office


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335940 No.1546

File: 233b8a1e2d3d214⋯.png (48.21 KB,650x375,26:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076868 (050112ZJAN23) Notable: CNN hires Adam Kinzinger as “senior political commentator”

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CNN hires Adam Kinzinger as “senior political commentator”

Breanna Morello @BreannaMorello

Adam Kinzinger has officially been hired at CNN as their “senior political commentator.”

When you thought CNN’s ratings couldn’t get any lower—challenge accepted!

8:05 PM · Jan 4, 2023


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335940 No.1547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18076936 (050119ZJAN23) Notable: #22156

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Notables are not Endorsement




>>1532, >>1535, >>1536, >>1539, >>1541 McCarthy Drama Overdrive bun

>>1543, >>1544, >>1545 Republicans motion to adjourn til tomorrow but Dems vote against it per notice just sent from Whip Clark’s office

>>1507, >>1508, >>1540 Amazon to Lay Off Over [17k] Workers, More Than First Planned, now with sauce

>>1509, >>1511 @NavalInstitute Pentagon Halts F-35 Deliveries Pending Results of Texas Fighter Crash Investigation - USNI News

>>1510, >>1514 The_WEFs_The_Young_Global_Extensive_List_By_Catagories.PDF

>>1512, >>1533 U.S. DOJ to seize $465 million of Robinhood shares tied to Bankman-Fried

>>1515, >>1519, >>1527 You can't just create money out of thin air!

>>1513, >>1521 Storm Watch in Sacramento Valley, and Gavin has already declared a state of emergency

>>1516 When Q talked about the Chair we assumed it was about the Pope, was it actually about the house speaker?

>>1517 Holy shit Brandon Prelogar, Elizabeth’s husband worked at DHS in 2018 under Trump

>>1518 "Fake and Fraudulent" Incorrectly capped. [FF] False Flag?? Stay vigilant.

>>1520 #USNavy Photos of the Day

>>1522, >>1523 OWLS Back in the news. Smithsonian magazine

>>1524 Mike Pence Spouts Off, Urges Republicans to Vote for Kevin McCarthy and Credits McCarthy’s Vision in Taking Back the House

>>1525 NFL Analyst Prays Live On ESPN for Damar Hamlin’s Recovery

>>1528 Brunsons are right and Tracy Beanz is wrong

>>1529 @catturd2 pol: Kevin McCarthy 6.5% Jim Jordan 93.5% (144,787 votes)

>>1531 @Olivia_Beavers Am told Trump was on speaker w/ members of the freshmen GOP class not too long ago.

>>1537 Commie Leftist Cori Bush Says Byron Donalds Is not Historic Candidate and He Supports Policy “Perpetuating White Supremacy”


>>1542 PF Tracking Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737

>>1546 CNN hires Adam Kinzinger as “senior political commentator”


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335940 No.1548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077002 (050125ZJAN23) Notable: House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

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House Reconvenes: Another Vote for Speaker Coming Up – With Live-Feed from Congress – Tucker Says Deal Close for McCarthy???

On Tuesday, Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy failed three times to win the vote for US Speaker of the House. It was the first time in 100 years that Speakership was not decided in the first vote.

Kevin McCarthy lost the third vote for House Speaker on Tuesday afternoon, with 20 Republicans voting for Rep. Jim Jordan.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership. And the GOP holds a narrow 222 to 212 majority in the chamber.

On Thursday morning McCarthy lost a 4th time! Then a fifth time. And then in the afternoon Kevin McCarthy lost a sixth time.

UPDATE: Tucker Carlson told his audience on Wednesday, around 8:20 PM, that there may have been a deal cut for McCarthy to be speaker. We will see.


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335940 No.1549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077019 (050127ZJAN23) Notable: Possible dig site [teamhalo]

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Possible dig sites


>Sirotek said members of the group Team Halo targeted her because of her stance on ivermectin. The group describes itself as “volunteer scientists and healthcare professionals from around the world, working to end this pandemic by contributing our time to address concerns and public health misinformation.”

>Members of the group filed several complaints to Nevada’s state medical board, which Sirotek said costs her $5,000 per complaint to fight.

led to: https://teamhalo.org/

>In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Team Halo was established as part of the United Nations Verified initiative in partnership with Purpose and the Vaccine Confidence Project at the University of London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Support is provided by Luminate, IKEA Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Capgemini.

>website is owned by: Purpose Europe,

led to:https://shareverified.com/about/

>Verified is an initiative of the United Nations, in collaboration with Purpose, to cut through the noise to deliver life-saving information on COVID-19 and stories from the best of humanity.

led to: https://www.purpose.com/ and Jeremy Heimans

>We build and support movements to advance the fight for an open, just, and habitable world.

Supported by the usual suspects and few I didn't expect like Lego and Stella Artois.

I didn't find any hits on qresear.ch for Team Halo, only two for the Verified Initiative, and several for Mr. Heimans but all old.

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335940 No.1550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077030 (050128ZJAN23) Notable: House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

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A win for McCarthy. The House votes to adjourn. Only 4 GOP defectors. They voted with the Dems to adjourn.

The vote, 216-214. Switch one vote, and you have a tie. By rule, the motion to adjourn would have failed at 215-215. Tie votes fail automatically.


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335940 No.1551

File: 54731ac34eb3f95⋯.png (37.6 KB,554x382,277:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 5121bdfbc8028e5⋯.png (90.12 KB,598x512,299:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077035 (050129ZJAN23) Notable: Rep. Byron Donalds is asked: Do you want to be Speaker? Answer: 'Nah, not really.' KEK

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Byron York


How serious are these guys? Rep. Byron Donalds is asked: Do you want to be Speaker? Answer: 'Nah, not really.' So why did you vote for yourself? 'Well, they nominated me. Of course, I voted for myself. That's pretty cool.'



Like a clockwork Q.


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335940 No.1552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077184 (050148ZJAN23) Notable: /pol/ Down, Back Now

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Captcha is broken on 4chan

What’s habbening??

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335940 No.1553

File: 02a6162a11d0396⋯.jpeg (191.31 KB,750x649,750:649,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1e4ca0db4a634d0⋯.jpeg (138.62 KB,750x579,250:193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077200 (050150ZJAN23) Notable: /pol/ Down, Back Now

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Halfchan is broked

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335940 No.1554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077210 (050151ZJAN23) Notable: Jill Biden to Have Lesion Removed From Above Her Right Eye, allegedly

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Jill Biden to Have Lesion Removed From Above Her Right Eye

Jill Biden will have a lesion removed from above her right eye.

The White House physician discovered the lesion during a routine skin cancer screening.

Dr. O’Connor said Jill Biden will have the surgery on January 11 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland.

AP reported:

Jill Biden will undergo a medical procedure next week to remove a small lesion from above her right eye that was discovered during a routine skin cancer screening, the White House announced Wednesday.

The first lady will undergo the outpatient procedure next Wednesday, Jan. 11, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, said Dr. Kevin O’Connor, physician to President Joe Biden, in a memo released by the White House.

Doctors recommended that the lesion be removed from Jill Biden, 71, during what was described as a “common outpatient procedure,” and that it be examined “in an abundance of caution,” O’Connor wrote.


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335940 No.1555

File: daf60bd70743cf9⋯.png (218.44 KB,319x417,319:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077211 (050151ZJAN23) Notable: Jill Biden to Have Lesion Removed From Above Her Right Eye, allegedly

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Breaking: Jill Biden to have procedure

to have 'small lesion' removed after it

was found above her right eye during 'routine'

skin cancer screening

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Posted By: Imright, 1/4/2023 8:20:20 PM

First Lady Jill Biden is set to have a procedure to have a 'small lesion' above her right eye removed. The lesion was discovered by Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Physician to the President, during a 'routine skin cancer screening.' Vanessa Valdivia, the First Lady's Press Secretary, confirmed the news that Biden, 71, would undergo the removal, the second time she's gone under the knife as first lady after having a puncture wound cleaned out in July of last year. The procedure, known as 'Mohs surgery,' will take place on January 11, according to O'Connor. 

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335940 No.1556

File: 40448113749fb25⋯.png (186.28 KB,424x403,424:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077303 (050200ZJAN23) Notable: Conservative Radio Show Host Dies Suddenly - Leaves Behind Wife and 3 Children

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Conservative Radio Show Host Dies Suddenly - Leaves Behind Wife and 3 Children

READ: https://letsgobrandon.plus/kIoTAh

→ @LetsGoBrandon

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335940 No.1557

File: c174f60852dd501⋯.png (106.74 KB,1487x297,1487:297,Clipboard.png)

File: e675efa16bec4f8⋯.png (162.88 KB,1150x580,115:58,Clipboard.png)

File: 0264fc0b9b488f6⋯.png (79.11 KB,598x661,598:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077320 (050202ZJAN23) Notable: We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from @StateDept, over 130 pages are redacted

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We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from @StateDept

in response to ongoing litigation. @StateDept

redacted over 130 pages. Many seem to be related to Covid-19 and its origins.



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335940 No.1558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077370 (050207ZJAN23) Notable: House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

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335940 No.1559

File: d4ae2c84d0c8629⋯.jpg (52.62 KB,595x226,595:226,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077396 (050211ZJAN23) Notable: We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from @StateDept, over 130 pages are redacted

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We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from


in response to ongoing litigation.


redacted over 130 pages. Many seem to be related to Covid-19 and its origins.


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335940 No.1560

File: c6061b15e69d945⋯.png (23.86 KB,989x751,989:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077416 (050214ZJAN23) Notable: /pol/ Down, Back Now

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>>>1552, >>1553 Captcha was broken on 4chan breifly

Okay captcha is back but still can't post apparently

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335940 No.1561

File: 192812a69279ff1⋯.jpeg (186.36 KB,750x584,375:292,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077510 (050226ZJAN23) Notable: Jack P shilling for McCarthy fag Kek

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Imagine this being a concession..

How are you even backing someone like this? Get fucked


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335940 No.1562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077512 (050227ZJAN23) Notable: House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

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House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

Key GOP congressman confirms that party blocs are negotiating Speaker deal after once-in-a-century string of failed votes.


Dig In

In a once-in-century political stalemate, the House rejected Rep. Kevin McCarthy for Speaker over six consecutive votes, prompting frustrated Republicans to break into negotiating teams Wednesday night to find a potential resolution.

Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., confirmed to Just the News that the party's competing wings have entered negotiations to reach a compromise on choosing the next Speaker of the House. Twenty GOP lawmakers have consistently opposed McCarthy's nomination, thwarting him from reaching the required total.

"Every hour in every day that we sit up here, negotiating this and these 20 members holding out on who the mass majority of the conference voted to be speaker is the day we're not working for the American people and fighting against the Biden agenda," Steube told the Just the News, No Noise television show.


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335940 No.1563

File: 7b95047e2757f59⋯.png (92.43 KB,657x661,657:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077545 (050231ZJAN23) Notable: Laura Loomer claims Frank Luntz just tried to have her arrested

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Laura Loomer claims Frank Luntz just tried to have her arrested

Sooooo I just ran into Kevin McCarthy’s roommate @FrankLuntz at the Capitol Hill Club in DC while I was getting out of a car.

He tried to have me arrested for asking him a question about Kevin McCarthy. 🤣🤣

Even better:

There’s video of this.


Video coming soon! His friend who was with him hit my phone while it was in my hand and when it almost fell, it turned off. You can see it in the video. I had to record 3 videos because his friends were behaving like wild animals and wanted to assault me & my phone while he hid.

8:58 PM · Jan 4, 2023


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335940 No.1564

File: 352014a8b0f573b⋯.png (421.29 KB,860x682,430:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077581 (050235ZJAN23) Notable: THE FIX IS IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY

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THE FIX IS IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY

Could this be a coincidence or is the fix in?

Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested on multiple counts of fraud after billions of dollars went missing from his cryptocurrency exchange FTX. It’s still unknown how much money went missing.

When we found that the government’s case against SBF was initiated out of the DOJ’s corrupt Southern District of New York (SDNY) we knew the fix was in. The SDNY is the same district that brought charges against innocent We Build the Wall (WBTW) figures in a political hit. The attorneys in the SDNY were certainly not going to prosecute SBF in the same manner they went after WBTW patriots. They certainly weren’t going to look into FTX’s activities in Ukraine and with the Democrats as well.

We also found that the first judge over the case had conflicts of interest and still she allowed SBF to spend the holidays at his parents’ house in California, flying first class there.

Then when the first judge recused herself for her conflicts with FTX, the next judge placed over the case is Bill Clinton appointed Judge Lewis Kaplan.

Kaplan has allowed the unfounded rape case against President Trump to move forward. Based on her interview on CNN, the accuser appears certifiable. But this Clinton Judge allowed it to move forward.


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335940 No.1565

File: 678983f559902f8⋯.png (1.18 MB,2515x1454,2515:1454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077615 (050238ZJAN23) Notable: /pol/ Down, Back Now

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/pol/ back

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335940 No.1566

File: 2116153ecaa36cb⋯.png (125.82 KB,764x908,191:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077643 (050242ZJAN23) Notable: Former Bolivian Minister of Government Sentenced for Bribery Conspiracy

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Former Bolivian Minister of Government Sentenced for Bribery Conspiracy


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335940 No.1567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077674 (050246ZJAN23) Notable: #22157

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Notables are not Endorsement



>>1548, >>1550, >>1558, >>1562 House rejects McCarthy for Speaker a sixth time, prompting Republicans to negotiate a deal

>>1549 Possible dig site [teamhalo]

>>1551 Rep. Byron Donalds is asked: Do you want to be Speaker? Answer: 'Nah, not really.' KEK

>>1552, >>1553, >>1560, >>1565 /pol/ Down, Back Now

>>1554, >>1555 Jill Biden to Have Lesion Removed From Above Her Right Eye, allegedly

>>1556 Conservative Radio Show Host Dies Suddenly - Leaves Behind Wife and 3 Children

>>1557, >>1559 We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from @StateDept, over 130 pages are redacted

>>1561 Jack P shilling for McCarthy fag Kek

>>1563 Laura Loomer claims Frank Luntz just tried to have her arrested

>>1564 THE FIX IS IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY

>>1566 Former Bolivian Minister of Government Sentenced for Bribery Conspiracy


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335940 No.1568

File: 87222738363f87e⋯.png (203.13 KB,394x561,394:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077745 (050253ZJAN23) Notable: What we are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers intended

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thanks baker…

What you are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers wanted it.

Many people are so use to getting their Speaker quickly because the swamp ‘was’ in control.

Now the swamp are not in control.


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335940 No.1569

File: dcbbf72ecb95676⋯.jpg (52.25 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077777 (050257ZJAN23) Notable: If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going

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335940 No.1570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077793 (050259ZJAN23) Notable: What we are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers intended

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"Under the system and principles of the founders and old revolutionaries, all power comes FROM the people.

They don’t need to ask for it. They don’t need to beg for it. And they don’t need to demand they get it as a gift from government, or get it back at all.

They just need to take it."


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335940 No.1571

File: 532bbb7566a538b⋯.jpg (381.51 KB,1278x1360,639:680,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077853 (050308ZJAN23) Notable: @SBF_FTX gave 90% of FTX political donations to Democrats. And the other 10% to RINOs. I now fully understand why people are staunchly opposing

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gave 90% of FTX political donations to Democrats. And the other 10% to RINOs. I now fully understand why people are staunchly opposing


. He’s just as crooked as Nancy Pelosi and her ilk it would seem.


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335940 No.1572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077868 (050309ZJAN23) Notable: #speakertrump #6moreyears #saveamerica

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335940 No.1573

File: 3ed2ba52e9822d0⋯.mp4 (3.64 MB,424x240,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077873 (050311ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity gets sweaty and disheveled trying to intimidate and talk over Congresswoman LAUREN BOEBERT, WHO WANTS TO VOTE FOR SPEAKER TRUMP!!!

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probably posted already but some things are worth a second look

great seeing someone beat H at his own game….stfu sean


BOEBERT: "I am not going to support Kevin McCarthy."

HANNITY: "You will not abide by what you told President Trump you'd abide by?"

BOEBERT: "I love President Trump. You're not turn me on him. You’re not going to pit him against me. I love you. I love President Trump."


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335940 No.1574

File: 072c803cb539227⋯.jpg (125 KB,1088x649,1088:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 94096dccd687283⋯.jpg (294.1 KB,1594x1065,1594:1065,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077922 (050316ZJAN23) Notable: What we are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers intended

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They just doesn't understand what these brave patriots are doing.

The gang of 20 Patriots United

fighting for the people.

They will continue drawing staws on a name and only voting for that name.

McCarthy loses EVERYTIME.

Dems are a unified traitors. Twitter files check both parties.

Kari lake is getting delayed by these corrupt fucks pushing it back down from the supreme court.

We have the house in check with 20 +1 Patriot players.

413 cannot move from this endless cycle of clownmanship.

To all those saying nothing is happening. FUCK you. It's most certainly happening.

The Omni bus bill passed. Giving the house 10 months of play.

Just got shut the fuck down by 20 + 1 and could easily go 10 months.


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335940 No.1575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077972 (050322ZJAN23) Notable: Some kind of happening by the White House? Marine One lifts over the crime scene.

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Murder by the White House as Marine One lifts over the crime scene.



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335940 No.1576

File: 2a33c6ba79ce93d⋯.jpg (59.21 KB,800x258,400:129,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f77e3720b2892f⋯.png (485.3 KB,991x817,991:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18077987 (050324ZJAN23) Notable: Pelosi gave Schiff the chair of the Intel Committee, chair serves the Master. something like that?

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>>1516 pb

Pelosi gave Schiff the chair of the Intel Committee

p = c

Pelosi equals Chair.

Chair serves the Master.

something like that

anon thought of that a few weeks ago because Pelosi represent the Vatican Crime Family. And Schiff represents the Roth / Rocky Bankers / crime network.

So they were a team.

Pelosi 's been Chair off and on

Lotsa Power; and you can see how freaked they get when it looks like they will lose control of it.

a Something Burger.

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335940 No.1577

File: 18e1357c3294af9⋯.png (95.18 KB,1170x445,234:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078017 (050328ZJAN23) Notable: [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

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335940 No.1578

File: 9ac7778d50fc1d5⋯.jpeg (463.25 KB,1290x1140,43:38,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078025 (050329ZJAN23) Notable: CA New Law Starts 2023 Removes the requirements that Police Officers be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. FUCKERY ALERT

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California New Law Starts 2023

Removes the requirements that Police Officers be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S.


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335940 No.1579

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078064 (050333ZJAN23) Notable: Arizona Supreme Court Responds To Kari Lake’s Petition For Transfer In Historic Election Challenge – ORDER INCLUDED

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Arizona Supreme Court Responds To Kari Lake’s Petition For Transfer In Historic Election Challenge – ORDER INCLUDED

Supreme Court told Kari Lake, “The Court notes that the Court of Appeals has entered a scheduling order directing respondents in the special action proceeding.” The order continues, “No good cause appears to transfer the matter to this Court.”

“IT IS ORDERED denying the Petition to Transfer both the appeal and the petition for special action without prejudice to seeking expedited review of an adverse decision in either proceeding,” the order concludes.

Lake is still confident that this case will move forward to the Supreme Court. The order denies a transfer “without prejudice to seeking expedited review of an adverse decision in either proceeding.”

Lake told The Gateway Pundit,

We’re expecting justice. We’re expecting some brave judges to emerge when Arizona’s voters need them most. Our trial proved more than 300,000 invalid ballots were pumped into a crooked system, and we witnesses the sabotage of Election Day voting—and that’s just in Maricopa County. The facts and evidence back that up. Either this stops now, or we don’t have a country. Our case is the case that can turn things around. My court case will be going before the Appeals Court prior to the Arizona Supreme Court because it’s already been scheduled for review.

This decision was done without prejudice & I am confident the case will end up in their hands eventually. We’re moving forward.


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335940 No.1580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078078 (050335ZJAN23) Notable: [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

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335940 No.1581

File: bbb035d15533143⋯.png (368.81 KB,1328x1011,1328:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078079 (050335ZJAN23) Notable: [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

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>mass shooting

mass shooting? meh, moar like extreme act of domestic violence

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335940 No.1582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078144 (050343ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity gets sweaty and disheveled trying to intimidate and talk over Congresswoman LAUREN BOEBERT, WHO WANTS TO VOTE FOR SPEAKER TRUMP!!!

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4:25 min on vidya: https://youtu.be/8UrIRNBsc04

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335940 No.1583

File: 8fc325962214be2⋯.png (90.32 KB,980x504,35:18,Clipboard.png)

File: 75a916be4e0c615⋯.png (632.72 KB,945x825,63:55,Clipboard.png)

File: 344992a52499a78⋯.png (269.2 KB,978x881,978:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a8167892d9abbf⋯.png (357.14 KB,956x850,478:425,Clipboard.png)

File: f6a338e00211311⋯.png (631.54 KB,971x715,971:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078186 (050347ZJAN23) Notable: Alabama Rep. Covers Tracks on His Zelenskyy Visit In Ukraine, Sponsored by Epstein’s CCP-Aligned Non-Profit

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Alabama Rep. Covers Tracks on His Zelenskyy Visit In Ukraine, Sponsored by Epstein’s CCP-Aligned Non-Profit

In the closing months of 2022, Rep. Barry Moore stunned constituents in Alabama by his refusal to take questions about his Kiev dealings with President Zelenskyy or on his alleged meetings with the Soros NGOs in Kiev. Moore also refuses to take questions on his position as advisor to the Epstein-CCP partnered ‘Humpty Dumpty Institute,’ and whether this participation aligns with the conservative values of his voters in Alabama.

In August 2021, months before the Russia-Ukraine war began, the Epstein-CCP wedded ‘Humpty Dumpty Institute’ (HDI) non-profit escorted a U.S. GOP Congressional Delegation, including freshman Alabama Congressman, Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL-02), to a pre-war Ukraine – to meet with none other than Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy.

Along for the ride to the country where Donbass was already in conflict was a cadre of Ukraine-Soros ‘Non-Profits,’ Ukrainian Generals, Ukrainian Arms Dealers, and a Ukrainian Dating-App Founder.

In the closing months of 2022, Rep. Barry Moore stunned constituents in Alabama by his refusal to take questions about his Kiev dealings with President Zelenskyy or on his alleged meetings with the Soros NGOs in Kiev. Moore also refuses to take questions on his position as advisor to the Epstein-CCP partnered ‘Humpty Dumpty Institute,’ and whether this participation aligns with the conservative values of his voters in Alabama.

In-line, Moore has seemingly, and likely purposefully, omitted all references to his Ukraine trip, including the Zelenskyy meeting, from both of his active Social Media accounts, his Press Releases and his monthly Congressional newsletters. In fact, his newsletter dated August 10, 2021 stated that he “looked forward to being back in Sweet Home Alabama for the next several weeks,” though his trip to Ukraine was scheduled for the following day, on August 11, 2021.

Even more oddly, Moore’s recent statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine also makes no mention of his recent visit to Kiev, ignoring, among other things, one fairly salient meeting with international man-of-the-moment, President Zelenskyy, puppet of the Azov Battalion chieftain and bona-fide international Zionist mobster, Igor ‘The Chainsaw’ Kolomoisky.

Indeed, and adding to the mask of intrigue, the specific and intimate Moore-HDI meeting with Zelenskyy was not mentioned in HDI’s three post-trip press releases, either. It was omitted despite the delegation’s broader visit being trumpeted by Ukrainian news as “…one of the stages in the preparation of President Zelenskyy’s future trip to the United States.” And they were not lying. Zelenskyy’s visit to the Oval Office occurred the following month, with his infamous greet-Congress-in-a-tracksuit moment shortly thereafter in 2022.

The primary sponsor who paid for the trip was Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI), a non-profit founded by Mark Epstein, and is connected to the CCP-PLA and the State of Israel, which worked with the American Charity Fund for Helping the Children of Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) and Moldova Inc. (ACFHCPM) to bring a U.S. GOP Congressional delegation of Rep. Moore, Rep. Anthony Gonzales (R-TX), and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) to Ukraine.



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335940 No.1584

File: ba409a3e2a4ed77⋯.png (759.25 KB,958x842,479:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 71ce5a3d1a70041⋯.png (717.68 KB,981x909,109:101,Clipboard.png)

File: eb179966d67dc0f⋯.png (386.82 KB,962x550,481:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078198 (050348ZJAN23) Notable: Alabama Rep. Covers Tracks on His Zelenskyy Visit In Ukraine, Sponsored by Epstein’s CCP-Aligned Non-Profit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


National File concludes the following stunning accusations against HDI, Mark Epstein’s “non-profit” 501c3 charity, as it relates to Ukraine:

HDI encouraged freshmen US Congressmen with limited to no foreknowledge of the situation, aside from US military and US military-industrial complex ties, to meddle extremely complex in Ukraine-Russia security affairs

HDI facilitated meetings, shrouded in secrecy, with Ukraine’s now wartime President.

HDI facilitated meetings with a Ukrainian Major General, months before a major war began.

HDI facilitated a meeting with a key participant in Ukraine’s current cyberwarfare operations; a cyberwarfare operator who is now openly threatening US companies.

HDI facilitated a meeting with a major Ukrainian defense contractor financed by NATO and a partner of the US Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenct (DARPA).

HDI facilitated a meeting with the head of Ukraine’s space agency months at a time when Ukraine have just canceled their space co-operation with Russia, and just months ahead of the launch of Ukraine’s first military satellite in the last ten years

HDI introduced and allowed US Congressmen to tour with a purported Israeli spy with tangible connections to the Israeli security and government apparatus, as National File will soon divulge.

HDI allowed the US Congressmen’s trip to be co-funded and largely influenced by Ukrainian-Moldovan nationals, one of whom (Polyakov’s Noosphere Ventures) is a registered Federal Lobbyist and/or Foreign Agent, and the other of whom (ACFHCPM) very little information is known about their Directors (see also Olga Morozova, a USAID and Yale-trained, Ukrainian-Moldovan infectious diseases expert), nor about their opaque source/s of funding.

HDI likely encouraged all participants to keep much, if not all of the trip, a relative secret; in an unusual step for HDI, their own members’ specific participation has also not been disclosed

HDI behavior follows a similar and peculiar pattern of collaboration with hostile and questionable foreign actors.

Consider that this is the same HDI that has in the past facilitated close door meetings, seen below, between US Congress and HDI’s ally and partner, Taihe Institute, which as National File has disclosed in the past is a Chinese Communist Party ‘thinktank’ with strong bonds to CCP elites, the PLA, and the transhumanist movement.


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335940 No.1585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078239 (050354ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “very good things are happening behind the scenes" 10:11 PM ETDrop 2211: “behind the scenes” 4x

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you forgot something


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335940 No.1586

File: 69eb52850f11caa⋯.png (349.44 KB,577x1055,577:1055,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078247 (050355ZJAN23) Notable: What we are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers intended

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Don't forget how to PLAY.


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335940 No.1587

File: 3ef4ea0426e7abd⋯.png (145.1 KB,647x741,647:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078253 (050355ZJAN23) Notable: Private US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British Intelligence to Target Russian Troops - sputniknews

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Report: Private US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British Intelligence to Target Russian Troops

Explosive documents leaked to an independent American media outlet show how Western powers are using privately-owned intelligence contractors to circumvent laws protecting their citizens from being spied on by their own governments.

A private American spy firm is using illegal technology to track over a billion people across the globe and using a British intelligence cutout extensively linked to NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine to funnel the data to the UK military, new documents show.

According to independent American investigative outlet The Grayzone, leaked files indicate that surveillance technology used by the company in question, Anomaly 6, has “enabled the planning of military offensives and artillery attacks, assassinations, asset recruitment, and other measures” via “aggressive harvesting of data.”

Anomaly 6 carries out its illicit surveillance by scraping the data of smartphone users across the globe and matching it to their online profiles. The spy firm, which was reportedly founded by a pair of intelligence-linked US military veterans and is headquartered just a 20-minute drive from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, claims it can track around 3 billion devices in real time.

Because their “spying services are absolutely illegal under many national and international data protection regimes,” Anomaly 6’s findings are laundered through Prevail Partners, a “private military company which The Grayzone has exposed as Whitehall’s arm’s-length cutout for prosecuting its proxy war in Ukraine,” journalist Kit Klarenberg explained.


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335940 No.1588

File: a8b01948b7ffc38⋯.jpg (182.84 KB,898x1021,898:1021,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb354d1b82cf5ae⋯.jpg (185.94 KB,1080x1319,1080:1319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec511a10da42370⋯.png (1.39 MB,1748x1400,437:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cd827e15c3ab6f⋯.png (926.21 KB,1772x1336,443:334,Clipboard.png)

File: 53ba9405e2cbd37⋯.png (503.75 KB,1958x670,979:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078307 (050403ZJAN23) Notable: What did Kevin McCarthy know of the FTX-Alameda problem and why did he not finance America First patriots instead of working against the MAGA program?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>What did Kevin McCarthy know of the Twitter problem before Enon bought it?

What did Kevin McCarthy know of the FTX-Alameda problem and why did he not finance America First patriots instead of working against the MAGA program?

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335940 No.1589

File: e88c1bed91e63db⋯.jpeg (242.83 KB,1450x2048,725:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078333 (050405ZJAN23) Notable: Leonidas Raisini is trying to buy Twitter from Elon for a very low price compared to what he paid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Leonidas Raisini is trying to buy Twitter from Elon for a very low price compared to what he paid. Elon has margin loans on TSLA stock which is being sold off relentlessly. A big margin call would be a problem for Elon. Cabal desperation? I don't know. You be the judge.

Here is the sauce from the Raisini account.


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335940 No.1590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078351 (050408ZJAN23) Notable: [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Domestic violence, offed ?wives, 5 kids

ENOCH, Iron County — Eight members of a family were found dead of gunshot wounds in an Enoch home on Wednesday.

A press release from Enoch officials said three adults and five minors were found dead during a welfare check, each with gunshot wounds, at a home in the 4900 block of Albert Drive.

"At this time, we do not believe there is a threat to the public or that there are any suspects at large," the press release said.

Officials from the small town north of Cedar City said the investigation is ongoing and they plan to provide more information "at a later time."

The Iron County School District sent a letter to all of the parents in the district confirming that "eight members of a family residing in Enoch with five students in our schools tragically passed away" on Wednesday afternoon.

"This loss is sure to raise many emotions, concerns, and questions for our entire school district, especially our students," the letter said. "We are saddened by the loss to our school community and will make every effort to help you and your child as needed."

A crisis intervention team is available to help students, parents and school employees and the district said counselors are available at their counseling center or school administrative offices.

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335940 No.1591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078377 (050412ZJAN23) Notable: [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



By: Jeff TavssPosted at 6:42 PM, Jan 04, 2023 and last updated 11:07 PM, Jan 04, 2023

ENOCH, Utah — Eight bodies were found inside an Enoch City home Wednesday; all suffering from gunshot wounds, police say.

Enoch City officials said three adults and five minors were among those found inside the home in the 4900 North block of Albert Drive. Police were called to the house in reference to a welfare check and found the bodies inside.

"This is not normal, this is not something that happens often at all, and in a small community in rural Utah. We're all family, so this affects everybody and everybody had some connection to the individuals and some connection to the family," said Enoch City City manager Rob Dotson.

Names and ages of the victims have yet to be released, but those that knew the family were shocked to hear what had happened.

"I just feel terrible, they were just really nice people and I mean, it's going be one of those things that who knows," said neighbor Tom Deville.

Officials added that they do not believe there is a threat to the public or that any suspects are at large.

The five minors were all students in the Iron County School District. The district said a Crisis Intervention Team will be at schools to help students and staff who need help or assistance dealing with the incident.

"We are saddened by the loss to our school community and will make every effort to help you and your child as needed," the district wrote in a statement.

An active investigation is currently underway.

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335940 No.1592

File: 6f8eac544d1a8f4⋯.png (751.5 KB,1170x1299,390:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078392 (050414ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “very good things are happening behind the scenes" 10:11 PM ETDrop 2211: “behind the scenes” 4x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1593

File: dbf0b755b0f15ff⋯.png (1.32 MB,1280x869,1280:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078396 (050414ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Just up from Joint Base Andrews under callsign KECK226

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just up from Joint Base Andrews under callsign KECK226.


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335940 No.1594

File: 18ae07d1513ac39⋯.png (466.72 KB,1439x1012,1439:1012,Clipboard.png)

File: 1693b7c9ac1c18c⋯.png (541.59 KB,740x552,185:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078401 (050415ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint 64-14846 orbiting above the southern end of the Taiwan Strait.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint 64-14846 orbiting above the southern end of the Taiwan Strait.

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335940 No.1595

File: 6c3977f689b3499⋯.png (216.18 KB,853x430,853:430,Clipboard.png)

File: e9ea1fc66329102⋯.png (125.59 KB,423x400,423:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078409 (050416ZJAN23) Notable: PF: Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737s departed Tijuana Int'l after a stop of 2h15m and back to Mexico CIty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>1542 PF Tracking Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737

Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737s departed Tijuana Int'l after a stop of 2h15m and back to Mexico CIty

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335940 No.1596

File: 2608e02a321094c⋯.png (1.31 MB,1137x1999,1137:1999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078417 (050417ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump “very good things are happening behind the scenes" 10:11 PM ETDrop 2211: “behind the scenes” 4x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump “very good things are happening behind the scenes”

Timestamp 10:11 PM ET

Drop 2211: “behind the scenes” 4x

Sauce: https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109634408553855936

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335940 No.1597

File: 06a7b8bf531a369⋯.jpeg (360.09 KB,1232x2211,112:201,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078450 (050422ZJAN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Trump: It will be a big one 5:09 PM ET, Drop 1709: Something BIG is about to drop

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Second one I caught—

Trump: It will be a big one

Timestamp: 5:09 PM ET

Drop 1709: Something BIG is about to drop

Sauce: https://truthsocial.com/users/realDonaldTrump/statuses/109633221356040594

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335940 No.1598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078471 (050425ZJAN23) Notable: #22158

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Notables are not Endorsement



>>1573, >>1582 Hannity gets sweaty and disheveled trying to intimidate and talk over Congresswoman LAUREN BOEBERT, WHO WANTS TO VOTE FOR SPEAKER TRUMP!!!

>>1578 CA New Law Starts 2023 Removes the requirements that Police Officers be U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents of the U.S. FUCKERY ALERT

>>1568, >>1570, >>1574, >>1586 What we are seeing is the process of Speaker of the house playing out how America’s forefathers intended

>>1569 If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going

>>1572 #speakertrump #6moreyears #saveamerica

>>1571 @SBF_FTX gave 90% of FTX political donations to Democrats. And the other 10% to RINOs. I now fully understand why people are staunchly opposing

>>1576 Pelosi gave Schiff the chair of the Intel Committee, chair serves the Master. something like that?

>>1575 Some kind of happening by the White House? Marine One lifts over the crime scene.

>>1577, >>1580, >>1581, >>1590, >>1591 [8] fatally shot inside Utah home, police say. [ENOCH] Iron County

>>1579 Arizona Supreme Court Responds To Kari Lake’s Petition For Transfer In Historic Election Challenge – ORDER INCLUDED

>>1583, >>1584 Alabama Rep. Covers Tracks on His Zelenskyy Visit In Ukraine, Sponsored by Epstein’s CCP-Aligned Non-Profit

>>1587 Private US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British Intelligence to Target Russian Troops - sputniknews

>>1589 Leonidas Raisini is trying to buy Twitter from Elon for a very low price compared to what he paid

>>1588 What did Kevin McCarthy know of the FTX-Alameda problem and why did he not finance America First patriots instead of working against the MAGA program?

>>1593 PF: Just up from Joint Base Andrews under callsign KECK226

>>1594 PF: Boeing RC-135V Rivet Joint 64-14846 orbiting above the southern end of the Taiwan Strait.

>>1595 PF: Mexican AF FAM3526 and 3528 737s departed Tijuana Int'l after a stop of 2h15m and back to Mexico CIty

>>1592, >>1596, >>1585 @realDonaldTrump “very good things are happening behind the scenes" 10:11 PM ETDrop 2211: “behind the scenes” 4x

>>1597 @realDonaldTrump Trump: It will be a big one 5:09 PM ET, Drop 1709: Something BIG is about to drop


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335940 No.1599

File: 3f9d70e863fcb03⋯.png (507.71 KB,1169x602,167:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078552 (050438ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18078492 (LB/PB) End of bread notable.

HAPPENING NOW: McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors: Report

GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy has reportedly caved and has given in to all demands made by the high-profile GOP detractors.

The US House voted for Speaker for the 6th time Wednesday afternoon.

McCarthy lost the 6th vote.

20 GOP lawmakers defected and refused to vote for McCarthy.


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335940 No.1600

File: 7fa59fab0c33a03⋯.png (1.32 MB,974x1545,974:1545,Clipboard.png)

File: 758fad733b1562f⋯.gif (154.8 KB,220x275,4:5,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078560 (050439ZJAN23) Notable: CNN welcomes Adam Kinzinger as a Senior Political Commentator

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Join us in welcoming @AdamKinzinger to CNN as a Senior Political Commentator. Welcome to CNN, Adam!

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335940 No.1601

File: 35c9558d84c4b7e⋯.png (392.48 KB,652x678,326:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078567 (050440ZJAN23) Notable: California Arsonists Light Themselves on Fire After Dousing Business with Gasoline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Can someone grab this vid?


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335940 No.1602

File: 6968e281a591886⋯.png (777.41 KB,597x1012,597:1012,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078568 (050440ZJAN23) Notable: What's going on at the Capitol? (scaffolding?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What's going on at the Capitol?

I can't find any reports or media stories about the renovation.

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335940 No.1603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078576 (050442ZJAN23) Notable: What's going on at the Capitol? (scaffolding?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Saw the scaffolding on a fake news clip earlier. Wondered the same thing

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335940 No.1604

File: 21a072d1f623ccf⋯.png (78.84 KB,663x493,39:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 83e558f603e35a7⋯.png (354.35 KB,650x425,26:17,Clipboard.png)

File: b78936f35412386⋯.png (248.4 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078584 (050443ZJAN23) Notable: Andrew Tate and his brother ‘have 11 luxury cars seized by Romanian police’ after they were arrested on trafficking charges

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335940 No.1605

File: 5976c8cc67012f4⋯.png (686.53 KB,897x605,897:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078620 (050450ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity fail Boomerang bun

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last bread anon posts:

not saying I believe this

haven't seen this angle contemplated

perhaps this is another show for the public

mcC is a RINO, pretty much played the game which means he's comp'd

DJT/MIL offered him a deal, keep playing the game, and become a double agent, help defeat Satan and we'll let you live

>good people were forced into bed with these monsters, remember, if offered a way out…

to keep his cover, mcC will need to show his weakness v. MAGA, but ultimately, in order to keep power, he will negotiate many rules that are needed but obvs the cabal doesn't want him to concede

but the more this goes on, and the 20 remain firm…

the more nervous and desperate [they] become, b/c their chosen pet may not be selected!

now we're publicly floating DJT again as a name to nominate…

they're in PANIC right now!

IF mcC is working with the white hats, then this is all a show to restore power back to the people - in order for mcC to keep his toes in both camps (black and white), he has to tow the line - and [they] will eventually allow him to compromise on rules that the plan needs to continue to MAGA in order to keep their puppet in 'power'.. 5D.

there's a reason for this public display, and the injured sportsballguy, probably a distraction from this house chaos

other thoughts?

DJT now has 100% plausible deniability when someone noms him and he's voted in!

"It wasn't my idea! I supported Kevin! But if you insist…"



CNN is replaying the Hannity Boebert vid

CNN loves Hannity now

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335940 No.1606

File: f8652b58c4ae96a⋯.png (254.03 KB,969x394,969:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 9466fed9d4098f7⋯.png (346.38 KB,666x434,333:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 19eaa9f3914f4e4⋯.png (1.2 MB,1057x853,1057:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078657 (050456ZJAN23) Notable: PF Tracking extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PF: RC-135 Rivet Joint on the track over southern Taiwan straight-from Kadena AB, Okinawa-these are usually here and seen on a semi-regular basis and this one for sure wants to be seen running that pattern

The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

The interior seats more than 30 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and in-flight maintenance technicians.

The Rivet Joint fleet was re-engined with CFM-56 engines with an upgraded flight deck instrumentation and navigational systems to FAA/ICAO standards. These standards include conversion from analog readouts to a digital "glass cockpit" configuration.


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335940 No.1607

File: 64eb2469ce9f89a⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078686 (050501ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1608

File: caa13b842c4d70b⋯.png (599.17 KB,1320x1000,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078692 (050502ZJAN23) Notable: The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

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335940 No.1609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078705 (050504ZJAN23) Notable: The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


disagree w/your disagree.

morons and sheep are hysterical. they see an add then they think they have it and the med industry proffits while people who need help are waiting 3 months for these morons to get their prescriptions they saw on TV.

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335940 No.1610

File: 51a58dd1ede55d4⋯.mp4 (9.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078717 (050505ZJAN23) Notable: Why would both AOC & Steny Hoyer give Kevin a PASS on #FTXScandal ahead of the #SpeakerVote?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

National File @NationalFile


AOC is NONCOMMITTAL on investigations into Kevin McCarthy's involvement in #FTX. QUESTION: Why would both AOC & Steny Hoyer give Kevin a PASS on #FTXScandal ahead of the #SpeakerVote ? ANSWER: Because they know they can spring it on him AFTER he wins, killing his entire term.


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335940 No.1611

File: 863025fcb65d019⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: ce5c0acf4d904cd⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078734 (050508ZJAN23) Notable: California Arsonists Light Themselves on Fire After Dousing Business with Gasoline

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Tax & Immigration business

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335940 No.1612

File: bcc2f6c2d34cf79⋯.jpg (116.02 KB,713x827,713:827,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078759 (050513ZJAN23) Notable: Pope Benedict uninvites potato to his funeral, post mortem

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Pope Benedict uninvites potato

Pro- abortion Joe Biden will not attend the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI, as requested by the late pontiff himself. This was confirmed by White House press secretary.

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335940 No.1613

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078774 (050516ZJAN23) Notable: wapo at it again: "The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

wapo at it again


The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump

In another sign of the former president’s waning influence, his efforts to bolster McCarthy’s bid as House speaker have not persuaded 20 Republicans to drop their opposition

By Ashley Parker and Josh Dawsey

January 4, 2023 at 7:06 p.m. EST

President Donald Trump speaks alongside Republican Kevin McCarthy, then the House minority leader, in the White House Rose Garden in 2019. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

For the first time in recent memory, former president Donald Trump found himself relegated this week to the outskirts of a humiliating Republican implosion.

Instead, at the center of the latest conflagration stood Kevin McCarthy, the California Republican who on Tuesday sat through three devastating votes in which he failed to earn the House speaker’s gavel, only to return Wednesday for three more rounds of self-abasement. As of Wednesday evening, the House still had no speaker.

In the long run-up to the race for speaker, Trump was the leading character in a bevy of political parlor games — including breathless, overhyped scenarios in which the former president would offer himself up for the gavel and speculation about whether Trump would endorse McCarthy’s bid.

On Jan. 4, Republican Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) failed to garner the 218 votes needed to be elected House speaker. (Video: Adriana Usero/The Washington Post)

In the end, Trump supported McCarthy’s candidacy — and his party responded with a collective shrug. The former president and his endorsement, it seemed, were essentially irrelevant.

The 20 Republicans who voted against McCarthy were nearly all hardcore Trump loyalists; all but two were election deniers — echoing Trump’s false and baseless claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen — and 15 of the 20 had received Trump’s endorsement during the primaries.

Some, such as Matt Gaetz (Fla.), have made fealty to the former president almost their entire political brand. Yet Gaetz was one of the five original “Never Kevin” Republicans who made clear his chief mission was to deny McCarthy the gavel, regardless of the consequences for the party or the nation.

Even after Trump put out a statement Wednesday morning on his Truth Social platform reiterating his support for McCarthy, Gaetz remained unmoved: “Sad!” Gaetz told Fox News Digital in a statement. “This changes neither my view of McCarthy, nor Trump, nor my vote.”

And none of the floor speeches Tuesday even invoked Trump or suggested that his support of McCarthy was in any way meaningful or persuasive.

Marc Short, former chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, said Trump’s opinion on this issue is inconsequential for most Republicans.

“I don’t think he factors into it,” Short said. “Do you see any evidence he’s swaying anybody?”

As a former president who has seen his potency wane in the wake of disappointing midterm results, Trump no longer instills fear throughout his party, Short said — especially not over an inside-the-Beltway Republican conference vote.

“What could the punishment be?” Short said. “What levers does he have over them at this point?”

Trump’s main relevance during the unfolding drama came only when he specifically injected himself into it, such as during a brief interview with NBC News on Tuesday night that suggested he might be waffling in his support for McCarthy.

But even those remarks felt more like a former president desperate for attention than an actual player in the ongoing House speaker battle.

“We’ll see what happens,” Trump said when asked directly if he was sticking with McCarthy, who by then had lost three rounds of voting.


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335940 No.1614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078775 (050517ZJAN23) Notable: wapo at it again: "The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump"

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>The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump (cont)

Two Trump advisers said that Trump’s call with NBC News, as well as a subsequent one with Punchbowl News, were the result of the reporters directly calling one of the former president’s cellphones and were not orchestrated by his team. “He just answers the phone,” one of these people said, who like some others interviewed for this report spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose internal details, and added that Trump was considering take that cellphone out of rotation for a while.

On Wednesday morning, Trump reiterated his endorsement of McCarthy on Truth Social, his social media site, calling on all “GREAT Republican House Members to VOTE FOR KEVIN, CLOSE THE DEAL, TAKE THE VICTORY.” He added, “Kevin McCarthy will do a good job, and maybe even a GREAT JOB — JUST WATCH!”

His 2024 presidential campaign also blasted the statement out in an “In Case You Missed It” email, and his team additionally sent it around to House Republicans, a Trump adviser said. But unlike his presidential tweets, which often sent Republicans scurrying and claiming they hadn’t seen the missive, his show of support on Truth Social swayed no one.

Republican Lauren Boebert (Colo.), a Trump loyalist who enjoyed his support during her primary, took to the House floor Wednesday to bluntly say that Trump’s efforts to influence his supporters were not compelling.

“Even having my favorite president call us and tell us we need to knock this off, I think it actually needs to be reversed,” Boebert said. “The president needs to tell Kevin McCarthy that, ‘Sir, you do not have the votes and it’s time to withdraw.’”

Democrats, who have watched the whole spectacle with delight, greeted her comments with a round of gleeful “Oohs.”

“The most extreme Republicans are upset Kevin McCarthy isn’t extreme enough for them,” said Ammar Moussa, a Democratic National Committee spokesman. “Despite it all, the way Trump’s potential 2024 opponents are tripping over themselves to be the most MAGA proves Trump’s stranglehold isn’t going anywhere.”

Trump, for his part, had spent recent weeks making calls to Republican House members to try to gin up support for McCarthy, a Trump adviser said. But the former president found that none of the far-right conservatives trust McCarthy, and though they would listen politely, they made no commitments of support, this person added.

This week, Trump received calls from lawmakers — some who griped about McCarthy, others who asked for his help in shoring up the California Republican.


Trump called McCarthy several times for updates, a Trump adviser said, adding that he also reached out to some of the holdout lawmakers, urging them to talk to McCarthy. The holdouts have all offered slightly different reasons for disliking McCarthy, and Trump has grown exasperated listening to them — privately expressing incredulity at how “stupid” the fight is, because none of the hard-right Republicans can seem to articulate a clear plan. The former president watched the proceedings all day Tuesday and complained they were a political embarrassment, an adviser said.

"This needs to end,” Trump has told the recalcitrant Republicans, the adviser said. “You all need to figure this out. Kevin is the one who can get the most votes. We ought to try and make a deal.”

McCarthy — whom Trump has called “my Kevin” and who once instructed his staff to sort through a supply of Starbursts to provide Trump with his favorite cherry and strawberry flavors — has spent much of the last half decade trying to kowtow to the whims of Trump.

He was the first major elected Republican to appear publicly with Trump in the wake of the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, in a visit to Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago Club that helped resuscitate the former president. And though their relationship can be mercurial, Trump views McCarthy as “predictable and steady” and generally likes him more than many of his colleagues, a Trump adviser said.

He especially appreciates McCarthy’s obsequious loyalty, save for one notable exception: McCarthy’s suggestion, in the immediate aftermath of the Jan. 6 attacks, that Trump be censured — a moment Trump refers to as “the C-word” and over which he still needles McCarthy, this person added.

But after the NBC News interview, McCarthy’s team grew nervous that Trump was wavering in his support, and the two men spoke Tuesday night.


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335940 No.1615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078780 (050518ZJAN23) Notable: wapo at it again: "The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump"

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>The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump (cont)

“He thinks it’s better if all the Republicans get together and solve this,” McCarthy told reporters when asked about his phone call with Trump. “It doesn’t look good for Republicans. But we want to be able to solve it where we’re stronger in the long run.”

Specifically asked if Trump encouraged him to stay in the race, McCarthy added, “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.”

But the former president’s allies say they can sense his support is hardly generous.

“I can tell you one thing: Trump’s base is 99.9 to 0.1 percent against McCarthy,” said Stephen K. Bannon, a former senior adviser in the Trump White House and the host of “War Room,” a far-right podcast. “His Truth posts had zero impact. People love him; they respect him. On this one, he’s just dead wrong.”

Short added that while the contingent opposing McCarthy is clearly made up of Trump loyalists, both the inside-baseball nature of the fight and Trump’s somewhat tepid support have blunted the former president’s potential impact. Several Trump advisers said he didn’t plan to “savage” any of the unsupportive lawmakers, noting that many of them have praised him extensively — and that Trump could cut bait if it’s clear McCarthy cannot win.

“They are all still Trump supporters, but they don’t really believe that Trump’s heart is in it,” Short said. “And they don’t really believe that most of their voters are really worried about a House leadership matter.”

Despite remaining the de facto leader of the Republican Party, Trump’s influence has been waning for some time. He lost the 2020 election to President Biden, and many Republicans blamed him for the loss of two Senate seats in Georgia several months later.

In the 2022 midterm elections, Trump’s primary endorsements helped usher in a slate of extremist candidates unable to win a general election, leading to a disappointing showing for Republicans; Democrats retained control of the Senate, and the Republicans made smaller-than-expected gains in the House — an underlying cause of McCarthy’s current dilemma. Trump then went on to unsuccessfully endorse Rick Scott (R-Fla.) for Senate minority leader over Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who won handily.

Trump’s early entry into the 2024 presidential primary field has not dissuaded a number of prominent Republicans from considering their own 2024 bids, and some have begun publicly dismissing him as a loser whose moment has passed.

“Trump misused his power within the party in the midterms and it has cost him, and it’s made him more of a traditional political influencer,” said Tim Miller, a former Republican strategist and ardent Trump critic who works as a writer for the Bulwark website. “Does he have more influence than [Fox News host] Laura Ingraham right now? Not really.”

“The juice,” Miller added, “is gone.”

Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), who on Tuesday pulled his vote from McCarthy on the third ballot, saying he had switched because he didn’t think McCarthy had a path to victory, was more charitable.

Trump’s support of McCarthy, he said, was “all well and good.”

“But the members are going to decide this process,” Donalds said. “And, you know, that’s no disrespect to President Trump. That’s just the reality of the House of Representatives.”


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335940 No.1616

File: 4ead29e498c054e⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078782 (050518ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity fail Boomerang bun

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Becker News


Lauren Boebert: "I am not going to support Kevin McCarthy."

Hannity: "You will not abide by what you told President Trump you'd abide by?"

Boebert: "I love President Trump. You're not turn me on him. You’re not going to pit him against me. I love you. I love President Trump."


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335940 No.1617

File: 708e252c311e91e⋯.png (386.78 KB,778x450,389:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 3abf816f0dc69ca⋯.png (892.45 KB,1280x719,1280:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 90edf322951ea64⋯.png (658.18 KB,1024x530,512:265,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bf4e2dc2031459⋯.png (745.16 KB,1200x631,1200:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 916775661acfe49⋯.png (260.41 KB,474x244,237:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078793 (050520ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity fail Boomerang bun

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Hannity fail


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335940 No.1618

File: 25b2a977454178a⋯.png (43.52 KB,655x345,131:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078794 (050521ZJAN23) Notable: wapo at it again: "The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump"

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"De facto"

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335940 No.1619

File: 0051f3b326c018b⋯.jpg (68.03 KB,1268x766,634:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078806 (050525ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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What is this???


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335940 No.1620

File: 2ab37fb5457c97e⋯.png (43.83 KB,732x472,183:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078818 (050528ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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335940 No.1621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078821 (050529ZJAN23) Notable: The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

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>The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

well DUH!

advertizing by definition is for DISCRETIONARY purchases. meds are (or should be) only a necessity.

in the first place, no ordinary person can purchase a Rx med w/o a Rx from a dr, so why advertize TO PATIENTS? (rhetorical question… i KNOW the answer, thx).

furthermore, the advertizing budget of big pharma exceeds the R&D budget, by A LOT. banning ads should cut big pharma costs (and Rx costs) IN HALF.

it's a sad testament to public stupidity that virtually NO ONE recognizes that the TRILLIONS spent on the non-stop ad for drs, hospitals, drugs, insurance, etc, ALL ultimately come out of their healthcare premiums.

can i have "why are we paying so much, for $1000, alex?"

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335940 No.1622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078831 (050532ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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Yes, it's a live talk by Gaetz. He's talking about what they want.

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335940 No.1623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078837 (050534ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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I would like to Nominate Terry Crews to take the spot over McCarthy.

If we are going to turn the country into a Joke might as well go Big.

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335940 No.1624

File: 0ca3361d1a62c9d⋯.png (12.72 KB,492x215,492:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078845 (050536ZJAN23) Notable: Hannity, Those Patriots have a lot more than just 20 on their side

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Hannity, Those Patriots have a lot more than just 20 on their side.


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335940 No.1625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078870 (050544ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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Gaetz is now saying he can't vote for Kevin because he has no values and is owned by the lobbyists.

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335940 No.1626

File: fc1e7b4ac8a9d4f⋯.png (354.76 KB,598x560,299:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078896 (050549ZJAN23) Notable: Private #US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British #Intelligence to Target Russian Troops

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Russia state-affiliated media

Report: Private #US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British #Intelligence to Target Russian Troops

A private American spy firm is using illegal technology to track over a billion people across the globe and using a British intelligence cutout extensively linked to NATO’s proxy war against Russia in Ukraine to funnel the data to the UK military, new documents show.

According to independent American investigative outlet The Grayzone, leaked files indicate that surveillance technology used by the company in question, Anomaly 6, has “enabled the planning of military offensives and artillery attacks, assassinations, asset recruitment, and other measures” via “aggressive harvesting of data.”

Anomaly 6 carries out its illicit surveillance by scraping the data of smartphone users across the globe and matching it to their online profiles. The spy firm, which was reportedly founded by a pair of intelligence-linked US military veterans and is headquartered just a 20-minute drive from CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, claims it can track around 3 billion devices in real time.

Because their “spying services are absolutely illegal under many national and international data protection regimes,” Anomaly 6’s findings are laundered through Prevail Partners, a “private military company which The Grayzone has exposed as Whitehall’s arm’s-length cutout for prosecuting its proxy war in Ukraine,” journalist Kit Klarenberg explained.




Q was right about everything.

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335940 No.1627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078902 (050550ZJAN23) Notable: Re: Pelosi in the Chair?

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Help me out anons

Re sits in the chair.. was there something abour P?

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335940 No.1628

File: 235297aed04cbd5⋯.jpg (346.76 KB,1067x1570,1067:1570,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48bb082e9b76a4c⋯.jpg (462.33 KB,1071x1475,1071:1475,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078935 (050557ZJAN23) Notable: Re: Pelosi in the Chair?

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Pelosi in the Chair?

The chair is also the leader in freemasonry?

The master mason sits in the chair

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335940 No.1629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078945 (050600ZJAN23) Notable: Murder by the White House as Marine One lifts over the crime scene.

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>What's going on at the Capitol?

Penguinsix on YT shows lots of that.

Murder by the White House as Marine One lifts over the crime scene.

Busy busy day. It started with a Marine One operation, but off to the side I couldn't help but notice a large police presence that wasn't supporting the helicopter operations. After Marine One lifted, I made my way over only to discover a homeless man had been murdered earlier that morning. In fact, it very well might have been one of the homeless men we helped on Christmas Eve. I then went off to a fire in NE DC, followed by a falling tree on the Vice President's house fence and Marine Two landing back at the USNO. Busy busy day. Good thing I had two lunches.

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335940 No.1630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078956 (050604ZJAN23) Notable: Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

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how is this for a source? Boom?


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335940 No.1631

File: ddaf8d0fd991a45⋯.png (48.43 KB,598x481,46:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078961 (050605ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAdamSchiff With another heavy storm upon us, stay safe out there, Californians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Schiff


With another heavy storm upon us, stay safe out there, Californians.

Sign up for your county's emergency alerts, know your family's emergency plan, and stay alert for major flooding or power disruptions.

Rain, shine, or bomb cyclone - you can never be too prepared.


Godspeed anons.

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335940 No.1632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078974 (050607ZJAN23) Notable: Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

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Sweet. They mention Sasha.


How motherfucking long, people?

How motherfucking long?

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335940 No.1633

File: b9052a653296730⋯.png (562.15 KB,598x678,299:339,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a19edc3e29857f⋯.jpg (32.24 KB,480x296,60:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078976 (050607ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAdamSchiff With another heavy storm upon us, stay safe out there, Californians.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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335940 No.1634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078984 (050610ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

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Matt is no longer speaking and I have no recording. Maybe another anon recorded ? This leaks to the Twitter Space that is still active


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335940 No.1635

File: e6e29d9508b1fa7⋯.png (429.29 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078988 (050611ZJAN23) Notable: Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This news outlet WhoIs says it was just created 4 months ago not sure if trustable. looks fishy



January 5, 2022

New Docs Reveal Department of Defense Controlled COVID-19 Program from the Start

FDA Vaccine Approval Process was Theater

A combinationofthePREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization, and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) Shielded Big Pharma, Agencies,and Medical Participants that Delivered Unregulated Vaccines from Any Liability

WASHINGTON, DC -According to congressionally passed statutes, research of active laws,and extra details obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the Department of Defense owns, implements, and oversees the COVID-19 vaccine program as a“Countermeasure” to foreign attack.While the public was bombarded with an orchestrated fear campaign,the U.S.Government managed the Covid response as a national security threat.

The research and documentswere obtained bya former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (CRO), Sasha Latypova,and intensive legal researcherKatherine Watt.

The Three-Legged Stool

The undercover operation was orchestrated utilizing three critical legal maneuvers:

1. Emergency Use Authorization EUA.

2. Prep Act,

3. Other Transactions Authority


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335940 No.1636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18078993 (050613ZJAN23) Notable: 'WhoIs' ARMEDFORCES.PRESS dig RE: above note ^

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WhoIs info:


Registry Domain ID: D316908064-CNIC

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Updated Date: 2022-12-06T17:22:35.0Z

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Registry Expiry Date: 2023-08-10T23:59:59.0Z

Registrar: Epik LLC

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URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/

>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2023-01-05T06:10:43.0Z <<<

For more information on Whois status codes, please visit https://icann.org/epp


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335940 No.1637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079015 (050618ZJAN23) Notable: 'WhoIs' ARMEDFORCES.PRESS dig RE: above note ^

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Got it from sidney powells telegram

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335940 No.1638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079024 (050621ZJAN23) Notable: TUCKER CARLSON: This was a 'manufactured panic' about Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TUCKER CARLSON: This was a 'manufactured panic' about Russia

4 Jan 23


Maybe I am wrong—tragically wrong—but I cannot dismiss the suspicion that [we are witnessing an elaborate charade], grossly magnified by prominent elements of the American media, to serve a domestic political end.

So far as Ukraine is concerned, U.S. intrusion into its domestic politics was deep—to the point of seeming to select a prime minister. It also, in effect, supported an illegal coup d’etat that changed the Ukrainian government in 2014, a procedure not normally considered consistent with the rule of law or democratic governance.

Well, as I have suggested earlier, maybe this is just an expensive charade.

14 Feb 22


"Your real Russia story is uranium."

— President Donald Trump


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335940 No.1639

File: c76378f8c4dc782⋯.gif (477.86 KB,100x100,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079083 (050638ZJAN23) Notable: Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in "covid countermeasures" enterprise.

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335940 No.1640

File: c8e5ccb5453223e⋯.png (77.43 KB,1220x529,1220:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079086 (050640ZJAN23) Notable: Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

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This seems related: https://ratical.org/PandemicParallaxView/ALwKW-DomesticBioteroProg-110422.html

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335940 No.1641

File: fd46ff9703caa3a⋯.png (1.02 MB,1424x1406,712:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079092 (050641ZJAN23) Notable: Meta hit with massive fine

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Meta hit with massive fine

Targeted ads by Facebook and Instagram violated EU privacy law, the Irish data regulator has found

Facebook parent firm Meta has been fined $414 million by Ireland’s data regulator for tracking Facebook and Instagram users’ online activity for advertising purposes. The fine, imposed on Wednesday, brings the total penalties handed to Meta by Dublin to more than $1.3 billion in just over a year.

In a statement on its website, the Dublin-based Data Protection Commission (DPC) announced that Meta would be fined €210 million ($222.5 million) for breaches relating to Facebook, and €180 million ($191 million) for breaches related to Instagram, adding up to $416 million.

A separate investigation involving the Meta-owned WhatsApp messaging service is still underway.

Facebook and Instagram gathered information on users’ browsing history to target them with personalized ads, the DPC explained. When the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in 2018, Meta changed its terms of service, effectively forcing Facebook and Instagram to consent to their data being harvested. The DPC found that this change violated the GDPR.

Meta said in a statement that it plans to appeal the rulings and the fines.

Austrian lawyer Max Schrems, who filed the complaints against Meta in 2018, said the ruling could damage the firm’s EU profits, because “people now need to be asked if they want their data to be used for ads or not” and can withdraw their consent at any time.

The DPC has fined Meta a total of $1.36 billion since October 2021. The tech giant was hit with a $275 million penalty in November for a Facebook data breach affecting more than half a billion users. Meta was also forced to pay out $420 million in September, $17 million in March, and around $233 million in October 2021 for various violations.

Most major tech firms, including Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, have their EU headquarters in Ireland, owing largely to the country’s low corporate tax rate. Accordingly, it has fallen on the DPC to ensure that these companies comply with the GDPR.

However, a 2021 report by the Irish Council for Civil Liberties found that, at the time of publication, the DPC had not yet taken action in 98% of GDPR cases referred to Ireland. “EU GDPR enforcement against Big Tech is paralyzed by Ireland’s failure to deliver draft decisions on major cross-border cases,” the account read.


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335940 No.1642

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079107 (050645ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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came on by chance after another YT video - hard to believe it will remain long on YT but available from this website:


Texas Dr. Burzynski: Cancer Cure Cover Up

Jan. 1, 2023

Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up is the story of a pioneering biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers.

This documentary takes the audience on a near 50-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have been enduring in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons. Defying the face of skepticism, legal attacks from state and federal agencies, and a powerful propaganda campaign to stop Burzynski – this doctor and his patients are still going strong.

Due to the continued failed efforts of state and federal agencies in their attempts to stop Burzynski from continuing to treat patients and expand his research, special interest groups have since launched a relentless propaganda campaign against Dr. Burzynski, and his supporters and patients, in hopes that this game-changing innovation never reach the open market.

The primary reason that the cancer industry and its regulatory agencies fear the approval of Antineoplastons is purely economical.

If Antineoplastons were FDA-approved for just one cancer type this would mean that anyone of any age diagnosed with any type of cancer could legally insist their oncologist provide them with Antineoplastons “off-label”. Given the gentle and nontoxic nature of these medications, most people would begin to opt for Antineoplastons as a first line of defense against their cancer instead of first choosing life-threatening yet profitable chemotherapy and radiation.

Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-up investigates this hidden cancer treatment and the decades of failed lawsuits the US government and FDA have pursued in order to try to silence him.


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335940 No.1643

File: 9db6eeb563d9bc3⋯.png (40.37 KB,891x290,891:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 6316857a5bc717d⋯.png (581.9 KB,892x585,892:585,Clipboard.png)

File: 1540056f993b747⋯.png (231.68 KB,888x849,296:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079114 (050647ZJAN23) Notable: Gaetz: “The best possible outcome is Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House.”

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Julia @MadamPresident · 16m

I asked Rep. Matt Gaetz what the best possible outcome would be in the heated race for House Speaker.

“The best possible outcome is Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House.”

Jan 05, 2023, 12:25 AM




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335940 No.1644

File: d9772fe0d35d99c⋯.jpg (448.7 KB,2330x2255,466:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079127 (050652ZJAN23) Notable: Another SJW gone suddenly

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SJW is gone suddenly




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335940 No.1645

File: 85b50b20dda5613⋯.png (449.57 KB,869x905,869:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079133 (050653ZJAN23) Notable: PF: That Rivet Joint has been maintaining this aggressive flight pattern all night

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I'm aware this was already brought up in the last bread but this is very odd that a Rivet Joint has been maintaining this aggressive flight pattern for so long tonight.

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335940 No.1646

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079141 (050657ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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The river blindness drug Ivermectin and related macrocyclic lactones inhibit WNT-TCF pathway responses in human cancer


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335940 No.1647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079145 (050658ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug


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335940 No.1648

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079162 (050703ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Abstract 2320: Ivermectin suppresses pancreatic cancer via mitochondria dysfunction


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335940 No.1649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079166 (050704ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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335940 No.1650

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079168 (050705ZJAN23) Notable: Gaetz: “The best possible outcome is Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House.”

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Here is what I was able to grab from the Twitter space Matt Gaetz was on.

Give the 20 some love: https://files.catbox.moe/mli5d4.mp4

Gaetz talks about McCarthy residing in the speakers office: https://files.catbox.moe/kl02le.mp4

Victoria the +1/Present vote, supercharges all no votes: https://files.catbox.moe/tlcc5e.mp4

Crenshaw, the best possible outcome, stick with the 20 to send a shockwave, different working groups within the 20. Kevin does not have the votes: https://files.catbox.moe/ok8qjb.mp4

Sometimes you must achieve certain objectives to unlock a series of other options. Kevin McCarthy does not have the votes, will not be speaker: https://files.catbox.moe/eaznuw.mp4

AOC memes, Dems walking on the vote and Kevin getting speaker with less than the 218. AOC on the Alex Wagner Show. Lauren Boebert is a national treasure: https://files.catbox.moe/7693fn.mp4

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335940 No.1651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079169 (050705ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Anti-Parasite drug Ivermectin shows promise against cancer


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335940 No.1652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079175 (050707ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem‑like cells


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335940 No.1653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079188 (050709ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Ivermectin for cancer?


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335940 No.1654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079190 (050710ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by regulating lncRNA-EIF4A3-mRNA axes


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335940 No.1655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079202 (050714ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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The Anti-Cancer Effects of Anti-Parasite Drug Ivermectin in Ovarian Cancer


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335940 No.1656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079204 (050716ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Liposomal ivermectin in cancer treatment


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335940 No.1657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079222 (050722ZJAN23) Notable: TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

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Ivermectin induces cell cycle arrest and caspase-dependent apoptosis in human urothelial carcinoma cells


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335940 No.1658

File: e401abcc8633e36⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079226 (050723ZJAN23) Notable: Perhaps you saw the wrong interview

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Perhaps you saw the wrong interview.

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335940 No.1659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079260 (050730ZJAN23) Notable: #22159

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Notables are not Endorsement



>>1658 Perhaps you saw the wrong interview

>>1599, >>1607 McCarthy Caves, Gives In to Every Demand Made by GOP Detractors

>>1605, >>1616, >>1617 Hannity fail Boomerang bun

>>1600 CNN welcomes Adam Kinzinger as a Senior Political Commentator

>>1601, >>1611 California Arsonists Light Themselves on Fire After Dousing Business with Gasoline

>>1602, >>1603 What's going on at the Capitol? (scaffolding?)

>>1629 Murder by the White House as Marine One lifts over the crime scene.

>>1604 Andrew Tate and his brother ‘have 11 luxury cars seized by Romanian police’ after they were arrested on trafficking charges

>>1606 PF Tracking extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint

>>1608, >>1609, >>1621 The ban on prescription drug advertising NEEDS to be reinstated

>>1610 Why would both AOC & Steny Hoyer give Kevin a PASS on #FTXScandal ahead of the #SpeakerVote?

>>1612 Pope Benedict uninvites potato to his funeral, post mortem

>>1613, >>1614, >>1615, >>1618 wapo at it again: "The House hard-liners blocking McCarthy aren’t listening to Trump"

>>1619, >>1620, >>1622, >>1623, >>1625, >>1634 Matt Gaetz live on Twitter spaces, who will be the next contender?

>>1624 Hannity, Those Patriots have a lot more than just 20 on their side

>>1626 Private #US Firm Feeding Illegal Spy Tech to British #Intelligence to Target Russian Troops

>>1627, >>1628 Re: Pelosi in the Chair?

>>1630, >>1630, >>1632, >>1635, >>1639, >>1640 Did Department of Defense Control COVID-19 Program from the Start?

>>1636, >>1637 'WhoIs' ARMEDFORCES.PRESS dig RE: above note ^

>>1631, >>1633 @RepAdamSchiff With another heavy storm upon us, stay safe out there, Californians.

>>1638 TUCKER CARLSON: This was a 'manufactured panic' about Russia

>>1641 Meta hit with massive fine

>>1642, >>1646, >>1647, >>1648, >>1649, >>1651, >>1652, >>1653, >>1654, >>1655, >>1656, >>1657 TX Dr. Burzynski: IVM Cancer Cure Cover Up bun

>>1643, >>1650 Gaetz: “The best possible outcome is Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House.”

>>1644 Another SJW gone suddenly

>>1645 PF: That Rivet Joint has been maintaining this aggressive flight pattern all night

fin fin

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335940 No.1660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079333 (050750ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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Holy schmoly lauren boebert was excellent on msnbc 11th hour with stephanie ruhle Ruhle body language and facial expressions was delicious to watch. The tv broadcast had stephanie after luaren was gone, come back and practically apologize to audience for allowing her to be on and speak. This video does not reflect that.

Again, holy schmoly, lauren is dynamite.

She got a lot said and was very clear and no hemming or hawing. Rhule was clearly disgusted and it was a juicy view. Kek.


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335940 No.1661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079336 (050751ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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335940 No.1662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079341 (050753ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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I will watch, hope its better than what I've seen from her today.

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335940 No.1663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079346 (050754ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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Thomas Massie would be great!

The man is an ardent patriot and genius.


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335940 No.1664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079348 (050755ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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The comments are very entertaining to read.

Many collectible for sure.


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335940 No.1665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079359 (050758ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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The commenters and obviously msnbc people are not even remotely happy that the show even let boebert on to speak. This entire event is great. It really is what the constition writers would want to happen. Messy, but right.

20 can do this.

Old saying…

"It is tight, but right."


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335940 No.1666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079369 (050801ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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Keep,eye on stephanies face, what disgust and arms folded, frowny face allstar.


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335940 No.1667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079376 (050803ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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She says she has common sense requests but never explains what those requests are? Boebert talks about the motion to vacate and McCarthy is bending to that request already. Stephanie is clearly dismissive, but her networks agenda kinda requires this I think. Boebert's strongest argument that she has brought to the press today is that republican voters didn't vote for the status-quo on the hill, and this is true. McCarthy represents the status-quo to an extent. Like I've said, I support Boebert and the 20 but its damaging to the movement to have someone with no clear answers address the media. Gaetz was far clearer, even as he informally addressed a Twitter Space tonight. Optics are important, and at least in my opinion Boebert is failing on the optics front.

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335940 No.1668

File: 3233a423ffe1b83⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,595x458,595:458,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079394 (050811ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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335940 No.1669

File: 80dfb502351b972⋯.mp4 (12.3 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079401 (050813ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder: Boebert on Hannity. with bonus faux chatter

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>hope its better than what I've seen from her today.

Giving Hannity the ass whooping of his life did not impress anon?

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335940 No.1670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079416 (050818ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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Eyes on is habbening. Most never engage or even look. Boebert has got all talking and engaging. I like what is occurring.

First time in along time things matter and we get to see the machine failures and the original instructions being pulled out for review and application. Again, i love this. I hope it goes 117 rounds.



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335940 No.1671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079424 (050820ZJAN23) Notable: WATCH LIVE: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's funeral at St. Peter's Basilica

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WATCH LIVE: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's funeral at St. Peter's Basilica

>2,362 watching now Started streaming 45 minutes ago

Pope Francis is due to preside over Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s funeral at St. Peter's Basilica on Thursday, January 4. The event is expected to draw heads of state and royalty despite Benedict’s requests for simplicity and Vatican efforts to keep the first funeral for an emeritus pope in modern times low-key.

By the time the basilica’s doors were shut to the public on Wednesday evening, about 200,000 people had paid their respects to Benedict in over three days of public viewing.

Benedict, who was elected pope in 2005 following John Paul’s death, became the first pope in six centuries years to resign when he announced in 2013 he no longer had the strength to lead the Catholic Church.

Thursday's funeral service is expected to begin at 3:00 a.m. ET.

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335940 No.1672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079450 (050829ZJAN23) Notable: Covid disaster: Holyoke Soldiers’ Home indictment case goes before Massachusetts’ top court

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Holyoke Soldiers’ Home indictment case goes before Massachusetts’ top court

re: top officials who oversaw the pandemic disaster at the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home

The three parties — the AG’s office and the two defendants — made arguments both about legal analysis and the state of the facts around the decision to combine two dementia wards of asymptomatic but in some cases exposed patients.

Healey’s office alleged the move created a dangerous situation in a way that was so reckless that it was criminal.

“It was a deathtrap,” she said one witness recounted, chock full of elderly and disabled vets in “incredibly cramped space.”

Lumelsky: “The staffing issue that was created was the result of their own conduct and their own repeated ignoring of offers for help from the Holyoke Medical Center and suggestions by others to contact them.”

4 Jan 23




How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was 'safe' to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?


"Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older."




Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else's death while committing a dangerous act.



Who benefits the most?

Why only [D] governors?

How do you reasonably explain what occurred?


2020-06-22 00:51:55 (UTC+1)


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335940 No.1673

File: 90355b56329b3b0⋯.png (742.9 KB,1080x1390,108:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079466 (050831ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Goetz: A game show would produce a better Speaker than Kevin McCarthy

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335940 No.1674

File: 317d24df32b8748⋯.png (1.44 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 2adbe1b422bb587⋯.png (1.02 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 0efbd01f8465832⋯.png (1.19 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079485 (050837ZJAN23) Notable: Cause of death revealed for millionaire pharma exec Gigi Jordan, who killed 8-year-old son - Suicide

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Cause of death revealed for millionaire pharma exec Gigi Jordan, who killed 8-year-old son

January 4, 2023

Gigi Jordan, the millionaire pharmaceutical executive convicted of manslaughter in the death of her 8-year-old son, committed suicide by putting a plastic bag over her head filled with nitrogen gas, the city’s medical examiner’s office said Wednesday.

Jordan, 62, was found dead inside her Brooklyn apartment at around 12:30 a.m. on Dec. 30 — just hours after US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued an order that was expected to send her back to prison.

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner ruled the manner of death a suicide on Wednesday. And said the cause was: “Asphyxia by covering of head with plastic bag and displacement of oxygen by nitrogen gas.”

It came more than a decade after Jordan was accused of force-feeding her autistic son, Jude Mirra, a lethal dose of pills in February 2010 inside a luxury suite at the Peninsula Hotel.

During a six-week trial, the mom’s defense argued she killed the boy because she feared her ex-husband was about to murder the him.

A Manhattan jury acquitted her of the top murder count but found Jordan guilty of manslaughter in 2014.

Jordan was sentenced to 18 years in prison — but a federal judge tossed her conviction in 2020 over a procedural misstep.

Jordan was sprung from prison on Dec. 9, 2020, after serving more than 10 years of her sentence. At the time, a federal judge ordered her released to home confinement on a $250,000 bond as her case played out.

The day before she was found dead, Sotomayor issued the order reversing a previous one from Dec. 20 allowing her to remain free on bail while the high court weighed her appeal.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or are experiencing a mental health crisis and live in New York City, you can call 1-888-NYC-WELL for free and confidential crisis counseling. If you live outside the five boroughs, you can dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or go to SuicidePreventionLifeline.org.

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/01/04/murder-mom-gigi-jordan-killed-herself-with-plastic-bag-nitrogen-official-said/

Anon is no medical pro and a reluctant rookie but presumably she took the easiest possible path? That's the only sad part of her offing herself. That poor child, no words can express…glad u ded bish.

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335940 No.1675

File: 317d24df32b8748⋯.png (1.44 MB,1536x1132,384:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 2adbe1b422bb587⋯.png (1.02 MB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 0efbd01f8465832⋯.png (1.19 MB,1065x1535,213:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079485 (050837ZJAN23) Notable: Cause of death revealed for millionaire pharma exec Gigi Jordan, who killed 8-year-old son - Suicide

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Cause of death revealed for millionaire pharma exec Gigi Jordan, who killed 8-year-old son

January 4, 2023

Gigi Jordan, the millionaire pharmaceutical executive convicted of manslaughter in the death of her 8-year-old son, committed suicide by putting a plastic bag over her head filled with nitrogen gas, the city’s medical examiner’s office said Wednesday.

Jordan, 62, was found dead inside her Brooklyn apartment at around 12:30 a.m. on Dec. 30 — just hours after US Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued an order that was expected to send her back to prison.

The NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner ruled the manner of death a suicide on Wednesday. And said the cause was: “Asphyxia by covering of head with plastic bag and displacement of oxygen by nitrogen gas.”

It came more than a decade after Jordan was accused of force-feeding her autistic son, Jude Mirra, a lethal dose of pills in February 2010 inside a luxury suite at the Peninsula Hotel.

During a six-week trial, the mom’s defense argued she killed the boy because she feared her ex-husband was about to murder the him.

A Manhattan jury acquitted her of the top murder count but found Jordan guilty of manslaughter in 2014.

Jordan was sentenced to 18 years in prison — but a federal judge tossed her conviction in 2020 over a procedural misstep.

Jordan was sprung from prison on Dec. 9, 2020, after serving more than 10 years of her sentence. At the time, a federal judge ordered her released to home confinement on a $250,000 bond as her case played out.

The day before she was found dead, Sotomayor issued the order reversing a previous one from Dec. 20 allowing her to remain free on bail while the high court weighed her appeal.

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or are experiencing a mental health crisis and live in New York City, you can call 1-888-NYC-WELL for free and confidential crisis counseling. If you live outside the five boroughs, you can dial the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or go to SuicidePreventionLifeline.org.

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2023/01/04/murder-mom-gigi-jordan-killed-herself-with-plastic-bag-nitrogen-official-said/

Anon is no medical pro and a reluctant rookie but presumably she took the easiest possible path? That's the only sad part of her offing herself. That poor child, no words can express…glad u ded bish.

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335940 No.1676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079523 (050855ZJAN23) Notable: History: Number of ballots needed to elect Speaker of the house

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34th Congress (1855): 133 ballots

31st congress (1849): 63 ballots

36th congress (1859): 44 ballots

16th congress (1819): 22 ballots

17th congress (1821): 12 ballots

26th congress (1839): 11 ballots

23rd congress (1833): 10 ballots

68th congress (1923): 9 ballots

118th congress (2023): 7 ballots (so far) ←– YOU ARE HERE

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335940 No.1677

File: c98842db5ad2fb4⋯.png (598.29 KB,638x754,11:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079572 (050911ZJAN23) Notable: West Coast Storm Incoming

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Storm hitting west coast. Hope all anons are well and safe. God bless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1678

File: 979b9e4b45fa2ee⋯.png (492.55 KB,632x671,632:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 41161cc639b78b0⋯.png (324.23 KB,659x439,659:439,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ffb77822941089⋯.png (686.81 KB,1200x600,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079599 (050925ZJAN23) Notable: Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

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Mockingbird bish is as frustrated as Hannity. Boebert is standing on principle and the clown insert can't sway the conversation. She wants blind obedience. That must be the order from on high. Blind obedience like all the others they bought and paid for.

8:13- bargaining

presumably most of the stages of grief are represented as she continues to fail to sway. Even more polished than earlier, less nerves. CrazyGing is going at her like a High School Principal (some knowZ) and twisting in the wind.

We can talk policy anytime… lists off Biden's failures herself. fkn top kek

She used basically the same script as Hannity but they had a female come hard instead of good old trustworthy Sean. Grandmas love the guy…

It's a very old game they play.

"Until the cherry blossoms bloom"

None of that is going to stop- Oh but yes, yes it is bish. January 13, 2023, the Hill minions will not get paid.


Nope, not sick of it, keep it coming…

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335940 No.1679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079603 (050930ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker Carlson (full show) includes Matt Taibbi discussing twitter files

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Note: Anon is watching it now, will post summary later, full time run 40 minutes

p.s Bannon or Tucker, does not matter both talking heads. anons can discern with impunity.



First published at 08:29 UTC on January 5th, 2023.


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335940 No.1680

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079606 (050930ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker Carlson (full show) includes Matt Taibbi discussing twitter files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


nuts forgot to embed, this time - tucker full show


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335940 No.1681

File: 8eac8268a24e5a2⋯.png (1.08 MB,866x888,433:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079617 (050937ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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Busy morning in Europe. This is ONLY military aircraft…

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335940 No.1682

File: eecc7f0e3cc9ae0⋯.png (1.14 MB,860x911,860:911,Clipboard.png)

File: a159f4d35fd9147⋯.jpg (111.71 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079623 (050941ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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Most notable military aircraft in EU this morning is the Boeing E-8C Joint STARS heading EAST.

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335940 No.1683

File: 942adfb138c5819⋯.png (335.29 KB,862x915,862:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079629 (050946ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag reporting

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and as of 0945 zulu there are ZERO military aircraft pinging trackers above the great United States of America. God bless this country and God bless all anons. Good night folks.

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335940 No.1684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079655 (051022ZJAN23) Notable: West Coast Storm Incoming

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California storms live stream if you're bored.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1685

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079681 (051042ZJAN23) Notable: Mindmap - Matt Taibbi unveils Twitter Files 11, details collusion between Twitter and the FBI to censor free speech

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: Anon like his presentation mainly due to the mindmap process that he uses to archive his findings. Got to learn how to do that, looks like a great tool for researching !!


Twitter Files 11: FBI is "Belly Button" of Government Censorship

Robert Gouveia Published January 4, 2023




Matt Taibbi unveils Twitter Files 11, which details collusion between Twitter and the FBI to censor free speech in America. In newly released emails, we see the FBI pushing itself into Twitter moderation efforts, making Twitter a state actor of the Government.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1686

File: 7699f573dfc4d77⋯.jpg (56.8 KB,421x408,421:408,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d8e8174cec893b0⋯.jpeg (118.35 KB,540x680,27:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4acc7a1738c7c8f⋯.jpg (89.73 KB,648x800,81:100,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cc8a8fdaa2ce4d8⋯.jpg (72.69 KB,800x570,80:57,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e19ff89e24cf093⋯.jpg (512.42 KB,1280x1779,1280:1779,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079690 (051047ZJAN23) Notable: Fraudci Files (Bun)

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There are NO COINCIDENCES…Call them what they are BIOWEAPONS!.

Cytokine storms are one of the key mechanisms of lethality in COVID-19, … of COVID-19 patients was similar to that of HIV…and after COVID-19 vaccination.

Why do the mRNA death jabs attack T-cells like HIV? The mRNA-based vaccines, all of which encode the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein

Previous Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions" Theory" Paper Officially Withdrawn! It Disappeared off of the internet within days after it appeared on the internet early Feb.2020….

and replaced with the Bill Gates/WHO/CDC funded Lancet's New Non-Bioweapon/Non-Weaponized Virus (Bat-Soup) Theory

And Who funds the Lancet…., WHO, UK's CDC! Who Funds The Lancet…..WHO (World Health Organization), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

'It's All Coming Together': Seth Holehouse Makes the Case that the C19 Injections Are CCP Bioweapons

(No coincidence that it mainly targets healthy athletic males Military age in addition to others)

The Defense Minister of China, in 2000, said that they would have to use a bioweapon to kill millions and colonize America because nuclear weapons would damage the farmland.

Are mRNA Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants/Mutations?

“[Healthcare] workers who had received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely.”

There are NO Coincidences Covid 19 and HIV both have some of the highest mutation rates known.

Mutations/Variants same thing, like Bioweapons/Gain of Function are the same thing.

There Are No Coincidences…The Walter Reed "vaccine"?

A Company has created a proprietary cell line that produces fully human monoclonal antibodies that target and neutralizes the HIV virus.


No coincidences…HIV AIDS and Fraudci's death vaccine ATZ History & Handy-work. Also The HIV Gov.Timeline reflects the history of the domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic from the first reported cases in 1981 (Wow, 40 yrs like Fraudci)






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335940 No.1687

File: 0fc5d2ee2cb6cdf⋯.png (309 KB,1851x973,1851:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079710 (051052ZJAN23) Notable: History: Number of ballots needed to elect Speaker of the house

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335940 No.1688

File: 2d12439bed4d5e9⋯.jpg (358.82 KB,1396x1161,1396:1161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 218e60d1743eae1⋯.jpg (94.36 KB,915x1096,915:1096,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fe7aaf9c36466f4⋯.jpg (208.71 KB,1110x1207,1110:1207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079711 (051052ZJAN23) Notable: History: Number of ballots needed to elect Speaker of the house

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>118th congress (2023): 7 ballots (so far) ←– YOU ARE HERE



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335940 No.1689

File: 49cd066e6e3b9a5⋯.png (184.05 KB,359x375,359:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079714 (051054ZJAN23) Notable: History: Number of ballots needed to elect Speaker of the house

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burnt the sauce



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335940 No.1690

File: 56c20ab8cf765b6⋯.png (298.75 KB,562x771,562:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 345f7a0323496f5⋯.png (476.57 KB,653x776,653:776,Clipboard.png)

File: 968f8d1f823d03f⋯.png (515.21 KB,598x560,299:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 7df33971f25cb10⋯.jpg (96.54 KB,1599x932,1599:932,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1e687d4cb166c91⋯.jpg (216.44 KB,528x816,11:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079718 (051055ZJAN23) Notable: Fraudci Files (Bun)

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Why are clinics and hospitals in blue states still using them? Practicing Medicine from the Middle Ages!

The Foegen effect: Study: Mask mandates increase death rate

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate

A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate-2/18/22



Study: Mask mandates increase death rate~~ The Foegen effect



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335940 No.1691

File: 72dab27fa8ccb66⋯.png (479.94 KB,989x669,989:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079726 (051100ZJAN23) Notable: Victor Davis Hanson: The Coup We Never Knew - did someone or something seize control of the US?

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The Coup We Never Knew

American Greatness, by Victor Davis Hanson

Posted By: GustoGrabber, 1/5/2023 4:59:47 AM

Did someone or something seize control of the United States? What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased? Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1692

File: d9fee2f5fc4b4d7⋯.png (136.11 KB,1023x821,1023:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e327e18cba9195⋯.jpg (93.73 KB,408x528,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2ba2a52481c2537⋯.png (214.77 KB,1170x1373,1170:1373,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ca317eaeb91a5a⋯.png (255.67 KB,437x531,437:531,Clipboard.png)

File: 4587427a956e254⋯.png (88.76 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079727 (051100ZJAN23) Notable: Fraudci Files (Bun)

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First Hospital Homicide Process: Perform covid tests until a Positive result occurs

Second Hospital Homicide Process: Midazolam (Pfizer) to tranquilize the lungs.

Intravenous midazolam has been associated with respiratory depression and respiratory arrest. Midazolam does induce some sedation — drowsiness or sleep — but doesn't stop a patient from feeling pain.

Autopsies from 32 inmates who had been executed using midazolam as a sedative, showed the that 87% of them had developed pulmonary edema. The lungs were filled with a mixture of blood, plasma and other fluids. Pulmonary edema can induce the feeling of suffocation or drowning.

Third Hospital Homicide Process: Remdesivir

Experimental Covid Drug Remdesivir Failed in Human Trial~April 24, 2020

After a month, 13.9% of the patients on remdesivir had died compared to 12.8% of those in the control group. The difference is not statistically significant. No mortality benefit has been demonstrated for remdesivir!

Remdesivir Doesn’t Save Lives: Why Did The FDA Approve It As COVID Treatment?

No mortality benefit has been demonstrated for remdesivir! “This will be the standard of care,” Dr. Anthony Fauci announced at the White House on April 29, 2020, about the anti-viral drug remdesivir.

The recommendation of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 came from the NIH Panel on COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines. Seven people on the panel had financial ties to Gilead.

Fourth and Final Hospital Homicide Process: Ventilators

Almost 90 percent of coronavirus patients on ventilators died~Washington Post

Ventilators are notorious for causing lung damage, Ventilator-associated pneumonia is the most common (22.8%)

Out of 37 critically ill Covid-19 patients who were put on mechanical ventilators, 30 died within a month. In a U.S. study of patients in Seattle, only one of the seven patients older than 70 who were put on a ventilator survived.

Almost 90 percent of coronavirus patients on ventilators died~Washington Post

Of course these Covid protocols all are strongly recommended/controlled/DICTATED by the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO…NWO Nanny State Medicine.

It's only a matter of time before the 90% of the patients die.

And look at the Covid $$$ Incentives Hospitals by state receive…covid death certificates too profitable???

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335940 No.1693

File: 8bdeaceaee0ddd9⋯.jpg (363.11 KB,816x528,17:11,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dbb19fdee076cf6⋯.png (145.3 KB,429x373,429:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 95651f2365475fd⋯.jpeg (274.21 KB,1241x1344,1241:1344,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 550e26df4a01c29⋯.png (193.09 KB,444x633,148:211,Clipboard.png)

File: ea388460f748d8f⋯.png (99.05 KB,445x342,445:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079738 (051109ZJAN23) Notable: Fraudci Files (Bun)

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The Fraudci Files part 4


-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca

-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson

-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation

-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum

-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO

-Anthony Fauci

-Peter Daszak

-Francis Collins

-Bill Gates

-George Soros

-Barack Obama

-Hillary Clinton

-Bill Clinton

-Joe Biden

-John Podesta

-John Brennan

-James Comey

-Adam Schiff

-Peter Strzok

-Mark Zuckerberg

-Melinda Gates

-Nancy Pelosi

And about 20 other treasonous bastards in politics, 6 Dem. Governors, Judges, Federal Agencies, FDA, CDC, WHO, Liberal Main Stream Media, Reuters, Politifact, etc., big tech, Pedowood/Pedoland

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335940 No.1694

File: ea388460f748d8f⋯.png (99.05 KB,445x342,445:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079744 (051112ZJAN23) Notable: Fraudci Files (Bun)

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Under the spotlight: Excess deaths and the Covid vaccine

FORMER Wall Street executive Edward Dowd, whom I interviewed for TCW last year, has been dissecting excess mortality statistics recorded since the Covid pandemic began three years ago. He has analysed and reanalysed the numbers and has concluded that excess death rates, in those aged 26-41, are closely related to the administration of Covid vaccinations.

‘From February 2021 to March 2022, millennials experienced the equivalent of a Vietnam war, with more than 60,000 excess deaths,’ he said. ‘The Vietnam war took 12 years to kill the same number of healthy young people we’ve just seen die in 12 months.’

This 12-month period covers the Covid vaccination rollout for that age group so in theory we would have expected to see a decrease in excess mortality, not an increase.

All-cause mortality remains relatively constant, and in 2017, 2018 and 2019 around 2.8million Americans died. Figures spiked in 2020 (Covid), although less than you might imagine, but in 2021 the stats were off the charts.

The CEO of insurance company OneAmerica brought this alarming trend to our attention in 2022 when he disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021 death in the 18-64 age group was 40 per cent higher than before the pandemic. Significantly, most deaths were not attributed to Covid.

Covid is not a significant cause of death in young people so what caused the shift in deaths from older to younger?

Fit, young athletes, the healthiest among us, were collapsing and failing down dead while playing sports….

In 2006 the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland, looked at sudden cardiac death in athletes under 35 years old. They found 1,101 cases over a period of 38 years. The site http://goodsciencing.com reported that by December 2022, 1,616 athletes had suffered cardiac arrests since their Covid injections and that 1,114 of them were dead, despite immediately being attended to by first responders and qualified first-aiders.

Is this a coincidence as they would like us to believe? The first Covid vaccine was administered on December 8, 2020, starting with those aged 65 and over. Other age groups were introduced gradually and by April 2021, the 45-64 age group were targeted. In May 2021, vaccination of the 15-44 group began.

We then began hearing reports of teenagers dying in their sleep, which is just as rare as athletes expiring on the pitch.

Media and government tried to dismiss reports that the vaccinated were suffering injury and death, but the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the US equivalent to our MHRA Yellow Card Scheme, has nearly 1.5million reports of adverse reactions associated with Covid vaccines, most entered by medical professionals. The idea that significant numbers of these reports are fake, entered by antivaxxers, is ridiculous, especially as it is a federal offence to file a false VAERS report.

Josh Stirling, a former institutional investor and Wall Street insurance analyst, was recruited by Dowd to help gather evidence. He began to run the numbers from the group life and disability divisions of insurance companies. Any change there is considered significant because group life is very stable.

After mass vaccination, the uptick in deaths was clear. If the vaccines were working, there should have been a decline in deaths. Stirling studied the US Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) excess mortality data. Millennials saw an excess mortality in the second half of 2021 at 84 per cent above baseline. The authorities said it must be more suicides, overdoses or missed cancer screening during lockdowns but Stirling and Dowd found this was statistically impossible for a spike in the same three-month period as the vaccine rollout.

The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) published their Covid-19 mortality survey report on 17 August 2022. It represented approximately 80 per cent of the group life US revenues. One of their tables showed clearly that excess mortality was 78 per cent for the 25-34 age group and 100 per cent for the 35-44 age group in the same quarter that Biden introduced vaccine mandates and corporate America complied.

Another independent source showed the same disturbing data. The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre (CRC) and the Johns Hopkins Centre for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) tracked and analysed Covid data worldwide. They said that 68 per cent of the world’s population was vaccinated and 13billion doses administered. If they had been safe and effective, how could they explain that the highest death rate occurred after mass vaccination?

It seems obvious that an urgent investigation should be carried out….


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335940 No.1695

File: d9553f415b850af⋯.png (20.39 KB,492x330,82:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079844 (051203ZJAN23) Notable: JDFreedomRocket w/ CAP: How about DC stop playing politics & just f*cking listen to We The People for once? No one wants Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Literally no one.

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ᴅᴊ ꜰʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ ʀᴏᴄᴋᴇᴛꜱ


How about DC stop playing politics & just f*cking listen to We The People for once? No one wants Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Literally no one.

Only DC politicians want him. Understand how off base y'all are & listen to the people who got you elected!

I know…crazy idea, right?

6:15 AM · Jan 5, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1696

File: 595f3316f7b36ce⋯.png (631.3 KB,704x600,88:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079855 (051209ZJAN23) Notable: Virginia AG Takes Action, Announces 2 Civil Rights Suits Against HS That Hid Scholarship-Worthy Awards for 'Equity'

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As we reported, an elite Virginia high school allegedly hid the fact that members of its student body–some of whom were of Asian ancestry–had earned National Merit awards that could lead to valuable scholarships to colleges, to keep other students from feeling inferior, in the name of “equity.” My colleague Bob Hoge explained the grave harm these actions caused the deserving students:

By hiding the awards, the administrators at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology not only denied the students their accomplishments, but they made it impossible for them to use the distinction on their college applications.

Bob also wrote about the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Lieutentant Governor, Winsome Spears, speaking out boldly about the school’s actions, during an appearance as a guest on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” program on Tuesday morning:

Sears powerfully lays out the argument that assuring equal outcomes in school—or elsewhere—does not work in the real world and leads to unprepared people being thrust out into the workforce. It also leads to those who work hard for their achievements being openly discriminated against, and as she points out, that’s just not the American way.

Winsome vows to investigate this matter, and let’s hope she holds this school and these prejudiced administrators accountable.

Toward the close of his piece, Bob included a tweet from the lieutenant governor; in it, she shared the concrete action she was taking–instead of just giving the issue lip service. She had “reached out to the Governor and Attorney General and asked for an investigation.”

Now, “The Center Square – Virginia” site is reporting that the state’s AG, Jason Miyares has done just that, with two lawsuits on civil rights grounds–one on the merit awards issue and the other on the school’s admission practices:

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares announced Wednesday civil rights investigations into allegations Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology withheld national awards from students, potentially costing them millions in scholarships.

At the same time, Miyares announced a second, separate civil rights investigation into the school’s admission policy, which Miyares says has resulted in a significant drop in the Asian American student population at the school and violates the Virginia Human Rights Act.

“Racism and race-based government decision making is wrong and goes against who we are, and I want to get to the bottom of this,” Miyares said in a Wednesday news conference.

Miyares continued:

No student should be treated differently because of their race. Students at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology are amongst the brightest in the nation, yet some have been punished in the name of ‘equity.’

The controversial admissions policies at TJHSST, which have significantly decreased the amount of Asian American students enrolled in recent years, is another example of students being treated differently because of their ethnicity.


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335940 No.1697

File: c8dfcb96696fdcd⋯.png (13.07 KB,490x182,35:13,Clipboard.png)

File: db37b0c17a07adb⋯.png (17.11 KB,490x205,98:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079894 (051232ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder: Boebert on Hannity. with bonus faux chatter

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I do believe "We the People" have decided we no longer want Paul Ryan's Fox News Channel picking our leaders.

4:12 PM · Jan 4, 2023




Fox News is the propaganda wing of the McCarthy team. They've called conservative opponents fools, psychos, clowns, terrorists. Which Fox show will be the first to call the Freedom Caucus a bunch of Nazis?

9:49 PM · Jan 4, 2023


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335940 No.1698

File: 1d7a3666088c5f9⋯.png (9.79 KB,380x140,19:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079908 (051237ZJAN23) Notable: elon musk w/ CAP: Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker. catturd responds with poll results: 87% say no

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Elon Musk


Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker

5:23 AM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1699

File: e2be2085e907e03⋯.png (23.07 KB,492x341,492:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079913 (051239ZJAN23) Notable: elon musk w/ CAP: Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker. catturd responds with poll results: 87% say no

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New Poll! Jump on it!

Catturd ™


Replying to


Should Kevin McCarthy be Speaker?





52,998 votes


22 hours left

5:42 AM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1700

File: de60ee5d8708ec4⋯.jpeg (66.65 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079947 (051258ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy PAC Agrees with Conservatives on No Spending in Safe Open-Seat Primaries

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Speaker Race Breakthrough:McCarthy PAC Agrees with Conservatives on No Spending in Safe Open-Seat Primaries

(Funny how the news that this process is the basis of a representative government, and its a good thing)

Ashley Oliver4 Jan 2023

The conservative and influential Club for Growth announced it cut a deal with the super PAC affiliated with House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), signaling possible movement in the House speaker race after a stalemate had resulted in no speaker through six rounds of voting as of Wednesday afternoon.

The deal with the McCarthy-affiliated super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF), involves CLF agreeing to stay out of open-seat Republican primaries in safely red districts, as well as CLF vowing not to enable other super PACs to do the same.

Club for Growth President Dave McIntosh said in a statement the agreement “fulfills a major concern” that his organization had held and noted that as long as certain “principles” are met, Club for Growth would endorse McCarthy for speaker.

“This agreement on super PAC’s fulfills a major concern we have pressed for,” McIntosh stated. “We understand that Leader McCarthy and Members are working on a rules agreement that will meet the principles we have set out previously. Assuming these principles are met, Club for Growth will support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker.”

Club for Growth is a well-funded group that endorses candidates who promote limited government and economic conservatism.

Coming to an agreement with CLF, a fundraising juggernaut, is significant in that some of McCarthy’s opposers in the speaker race had sought to eliminate CLF’s involvement in Republican primaries.

CLF President Don Conston noted that Republicans had picked up seats in 2020 and 2022 under McCarthy’s leadership and that CLF wanted McCarthy to stay at the helm so Republicans could “pick up seats for the third cycle in a row.”

Conston vowed, “CLF will not spend in any open-seat primaries in safe Republican districts and CLF will not grant resources to other super PAC’s to do so. CLF has never spent a dollar against a Republican incumbent before and obviously will continue that policy in the future.”

McCarthy indicated to Punchbowl News after the news of the Club for Growth development that “talks are progressing” in his pursuit to negotiate with some of the 20 members who have repeatedly opposed him.

A seventh round of voting for a speaker is expected either Wednesday night or Thursday.


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335940 No.1701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079957 (051305ZJAN23) Notable: [they] skeerd: GOP Rep. Buck: Republicans Should Start Looking at Scalise for Speaker

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GOP Rep. Buck: Republicans Should Start Looking at Scalise for Speaker

Pam Key4 Jan 2023

Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) said Wednesday on CNN’s “The Lead” that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) needed to step aside and let Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) run for Speaker of the House.

Buck said, “I had a number of conversations with Kevin and I basically told him at some point this needs to break loose, he needs to make a deal to bring the 19 or 20 over or he needs to step aside and give somebody a chance to do that.”

Anchor Jake Tapper asked, “So, your message to Kevin mMcCarthy is we need to fish or cut bait. Like, if you can’t get to 218 or 217, whatever the threshold is, we need to find someone else. Who might that be?”

Buck said, “The next is line is Steve Scalise. I don’t know if he gets more or less, at some point, we have to start to look at the rules and the committee assignments and other things and get back to the basics of what the people’s self-interest is in the case and meet some of those interests and get the votes.”

He added, “There are a few 20 that wouldn’t vote for Kevin McCarthy but would vote for somebody else. There are others who want changes in the rules and others who care about policy. I think if Steve meets those needs he will be able to move forward and take the speakership.”

Buck concluded, “I think that at some point today, the conference as a whole needs to make a decision. I think what’s happening right now is people are getting worn down. We are starting to get some open conflict on the floor as well as behind closed doors. I think this that conflict is not healthy.”

(This comment negates the fact that Americans want them to fight, we don’t care if its public, if we are ever going to get a somewhat fait deal, they should fight like hell,the Trump way. Its a hard no for Scalise, he’ll just be managed by McCarthy. Buck is a big supporter of McCarthy so this is a shift)


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335940 No.1702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079969 (051310ZJAN23) Notable: Ohio Statehouse Elects ‘Moderate’ Republican for Speaker with Democrat Support

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Ohio Statehouse Elects ‘Moderate’ Republican for Speaker with Democrat Support

Jacob Bliss4 Jan 2023

The Ohio statehouse elected a “moderate” Republican with help from Democrats on Tuesday over the Republican caucus’s initial choice for the top spot.

Ohio state Rep. Jason Stephens (R) won the speakership in the statehouse on a 54-43 margin over state Rep. Derek Merrin (R), who was considered the speaker-elect after he won the unofficial vote from his caucus only three months ago. Stephens won support from all 32 Democrats in the statehouse and another 22 other Republicans, while Merrin only received 43 votes, which all came from Republicans.

According to Cleveland.com, over the last few days, Stephens and his allies won support from the Democrats to propel him into the speakership. Without the support from the Democrats, Stephens’ bid for the speakership against Merrin would have split the vote, and neither candidate would receive a majority of the votes needed.

Cleveland.com’s Jeremy Pelzer explained:

Merrin was expected to move the House even farther to the right than the GOP-dominated chamber has been in recent years, backing measures that, to date, haven’t passed –including a near-total abortion ban, an anti-union “right-to-work” bill, a proposal to phase out Ohio’s income tax, and a “backpack bill” that would expand school vouchers. Stephens, while conservative, is not considered to be as far to the right as Merrin.

It’s the second time in four years that a Republican has been elected speaker of the Ohio House thanks to votes from Democrats. In 2019, Democrats provided Larry Householder the votes he needed to unseat then-Speaker Ryan Smith, though they later came under criticism after Householder was arrested the following year and charged with overseeing a $60 million bribery scheme.

As speaker, Stephens will have broad power over which bills are voted on by the lower chamber and which die in committee. State lawmakers will have to pass a massive new two-year state budget plan this year and have a number of controversial issues to tackle, from abortion to taxes.

(Why is school choice vouchers a “blackpill”? Because the Education labor union owns the democrats!)


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335940 No.1703

File: 205dbb431cac285⋯.png (64.31 KB,739x430,739:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18079988 (051321ZJAN23) Notable: John Carillo w/CAP: The 20 holdouts only plan was McCarthy caving to all of their demands. He didn’t and now they’re scrambling…

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Cardillo is calling your bluff. GET IN LINE OR THE Rs WILL CEDE WITH Ds.


The 20 holdouts only plan was McCarthy caving to all of their demands.

He didn’t and now they’re scrambling.

It’s now a game of chicken with a ticking clock that hopefully won’t run out before cucks join with Dems and vote for someone far worse than McCarthy.

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335940 No.1704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080026 (051333ZJAN23) Notable: #22160

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final bun o' fun on the eve of 22161

hold em fags. we on final approach



>>1660, >>1661, >>1662, >>1663, >>1664, >>1665, >>1666, >>1667, >>1668, >>1670, >>1678 Lauren Boebert was excellent on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle

>>1681, >>1682, >>1683 Planefag reporting

>>1679, >>1680 Tucker Carlson (full show) includes Matt Taibbi discussing twitter files

>>1677, >>1684 West Coast Storm Incoming

>>1676, >>1687, >>1688, >>1689 History: Number of ballots needed to elect Speaker of the house

>>1675 Cause of death revealed for millionaire pharma exec Gigi Jordan, who killed 8-year-old son - Suicide

>>1673 Matt Goetz: A game show would produce a better Speaker than Kevin McCarthy

>>1672 Covid disaster: Holyoke Soldiers’ Home indictment case goes before Massachusetts’ top court

>>1671 WATCH LIVE: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's funeral at St. Peter's Basilica

>>1669, >>1697 Reminder: Boebert on Hannity. with bonus faux chatter

>>1685 Mindmap - Matt Taibbi unveils Twitter Files 11, details collusion between Twitter and the FBI to censor free speech

>>1694 Fraudci Files (Bun)

>>1691 Victor Davis Hanson: The Coup We Never Knew - did someone or something seize control of the US?

baker grabbed ghost

>>1695 JDFreedomRocket w/ CAP: How about DC stop playing politics & just f*cking listen to We The People for once? No one wants Kevin McCarthy as Speaker. Literally no one.

>>1696 Virginia AG Takes Action, Announces 2 Civil Rights Suits Against HS That Hid Scholarship-Worthy Awards for 'Equity'

>>1698, >>1699 elon musk w/ CAP: Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker. catturd responds with poll results: 87% say no

>>1700 McCarthy PAC Agrees with Conservatives on No Spending in Safe Open-Seat Primaries

>>1701 [they] skeerd: GOP Rep. Buck: Republicans Should Start Looking at Scalise for Speaker

>>1702 Ohio Statehouse Elects ‘Moderate’ Republican for Speaker with Democrat Support

>>1703 John Carillo w/CAP: The 20 holdouts only plan was McCarthy caving to all of their demands. He didn’t and now they’re scrambling…

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335940 No.1705

File: 004df978db20356⋯.jpeg (160.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4487757391acf25⋯.jpeg (2.01 MB,1333x1202,1333:1202,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080051 (051339ZJAN23) Notable: #22161

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Baker requesting handoff

wurkfag doodies commence

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335940 No.1706

File: 94d8f2d8b969aaa⋯.png (326.14 KB,599x612,599:612,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f67be0cd3b05ee⋯.png (2.64 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 0992688f0634dee⋯.png (853.47 KB,1092x819,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7184782f389adf6⋯.png (2.35 MB,2048x1256,256:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080109 (051354ZJAN23) Notable: Rep.-elect Robert Garcia, the “first immigrant and LGBTQ mayor” in the history of Long Beach/superman comic swear in

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Note: Look at the stats on this tweet, 5.7 million views and moar !!


Matt Laslo @MattLaslo

DEVELOPING: A member of the House of Representatives is taking their oath on a classic Superman comic book

6:45 pm · 3 Jan 2023 - 5.7M Views 3,067 - Retweets 1,608 - Quote Tweets 39.3K Likes



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335940 No.1707

File: 15cd97c659aedcf⋯.jpg (403.72 KB,548x700,137:175,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080162 (051406ZJAN23) Notable: Rep.-elect Robert Garcia, the “first immigrant and LGBTQ mayor” in the history of Long Beach/superman comic swear in

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Rep.-elect Robert Garcia, who is described by his office as the “first immigrant andLGBTQmayor” in the history of Long Beach, is now prepared to enter Congress as the first person to describe himself that way in that body.


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335940 No.1708

File: d540c7abbcfcc61⋯.png (25.87 KB,598x513,598:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080168 (051407ZJAN23) Notable: Gen Flynn twitter acct still suspended

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335940 No.1709

File: 3240c5a1f3c3dff⋯.png (1.31 MB,998x1142,499:571,Clipboard.png)

File: f7a72025de1a577⋯.png (47.27 KB,189x255,63:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080199 (051415ZJAN23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm. ️

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The calm before the storm. 🌧️

#FiresStrong #TeamSill #CallToService




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335940 No.1710

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080206 (051416ZJAN23) Notable: Problematic Debt Ceiling Budget/Swamp Cartel of Established Uni-party Bannons War Room

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Ralph Norman lays out what going to happen with McCarthy, how and why he can never be trusted. Gaetz has said even he caves on everything they want, he still won’t vote for him.

Ralph Norman: Problematic Debt Ceiling Budget

Bannons War Room

January 4, 2023


Bob Good’s video is good also. They are short clips.


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335940 No.1711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080213 (051417ZJAN23) Notable: Problematic Debt Ceiling Budget/Swamp Cartel of Established Uni-party Bannons War Room

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Bob Good: Post McCarthy, Battle Of Debt Ceiling

Bannons War Room

January 4, 2023


Good’s earlier video on War room was very fiery


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335940 No.1712

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080222 (051419ZJAN23) Notable: Problematic Debt Ceiling Budget/Swamp Cartel of Established Uni-party Bannons War Room

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Second Good interview, this was inspiring to watch

Congressman Bob Good on Transformational Change To Congress, Swamp Cartel of Established Uni-party

Bannons War Room

January 4, 2023



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335940 No.1713

File: f5e33448dfe5e45⋯.png (454.47 KB,770x599,770:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080231 (051422ZJAN23) Notable: aircraft, from the 437th Airlift Wing, will fly from the Atlantic Ocean north over the bridge around 11 a.m. Thursday

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Published: Jan. 5, 2023 at 8:27 AM EST|Updated: 52 minutes ago

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - Around 20 C-17 aircraft from Joint Base Charleston will fly over the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge Thursday morning.

The aircraft, from the 437th Airlift Wing, will fly from the Atlantic Ocean north over the bridge around 11 a.m. Thursday.

“We hope the Lowcountry can come out and witness Joint Base Charleston’s airpower in action,” Col. Robert Lankford, 437th AW commander said. “It is a sight to be seen, and we appreciate all the support from the local community as we train and operate to preserve our nation’s freedom.”

The flyover begins a day-long kick-off event for Mobility Guardian 2023. The event is the Air Mobility Command’s air mobility exercise in the Indo-Pacific region this summer.

The exercise, consisting of members of the Air Force, Army and Marines, demonstrates and tests the ability of the forces to respond to global threats at a moment’s notice.

Joint Base Charleston encourages videos and photos of the flyover to be shared on social media using the hashtag #MG23.


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335940 No.1714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080247 (051425ZJAN23) Notable: Who do you think the 20+1 will nominate today?

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Who do you think the 20+1 will nominate today?

I picture them huddling like spartan warriors, laughing at which person they are going to pick next.

As long as 6 vote for whatever person, the endless loop continues.


Will the 20+1 gain more today?

My opinion +10.

30 would create maximum chaos.

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335940 No.1715

File: 0c49f4e48545577⋯.png (1.72 MB,1654x1460,827:730,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080271 (051430ZJAN23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm. ️

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335940 No.1716

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080274 (051431ZJAN23) Notable: uniparty shills

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There's no longer any question about where the lines are drawn.








Are all RINO Uniparty shills.

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335940 No.1717

File: 6c5ea064e9e7f7f⋯.png (1.57 MB,1176x1244,294:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080275 (051431ZJAN23) Notable: Michigan's U.S. Sen. Stabenow tells me she won't seek reelection in 2024

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BREAKING: Michigan's U.S. Sen. Stabenow tells me she won't seek reelection in 2024


sauce is Detroit News but paywall. Stabenow is a Dem.

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335940 No.1718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080281 (051432ZJAN23) Notable: Who do you think the 20+1 will nominate today?

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They are all dead in the water.

20+1 shutdown the government, negate their omnibus and completely destroy the media script.

Their panic and pain will really start showing as the days turn into weeks and months.

Mental fatigue will drain them to the point where the slightest insult will result in fist fights on the floor.

It's going to be GLORIOUS.

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335940 No.1719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080284 (051433ZJAN23) Notable: uniparty shills

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Forgot one…


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335940 No.1720

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080286 (051433ZJAN23) Notable: Who do you think the 20+1 will nominate today?

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Who are the real power-hungry? Out of no where some noobs are holding hostage McCarthy and the Red Wave that's been building momentum for so long.

Scott Perry already used the "let's make history by voting in black guy" card. Use your brains morans.

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335940 No.1721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080287 (051433ZJAN23) Notable: uniparty shills

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I agree with the list, but I don't think President Trump actually realizes it. I think he has the blinders on sometimes. Nothing else explains his support of McCarthy, Oz, et al. I think he means well but is too trusting and not necessarily as "in-the-know" as he ought to be when it comes to some DC pols.

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335940 No.1722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080293 (051435ZJAN23) Notable: uniparty shills

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They can't help or stop anything.

They only expose themselves.

Everything they accuse the 20+1 they are guilty of.

Genius play.

Trump and his team of patriots are playing offense.

The Congress will remain shutdown until the patriots have everything they want.

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335940 No.1723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080297 (051435ZJAN23) Notable: uniparty shills

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An opinion I just read on Conservative Treehouse stated that by Trump endorsing Kevin, he essentially locked out Kevin from getting Dem votes. The dems would be hesitant to go along with anyone Trump endorsed.

Makes sense in a 5D chess kinda way.

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335940 No.1724

File: 99108f14c700cd9⋯.png (9.74 MB,2880x1921,2880:1921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080310 (051437ZJAN23) Notable: Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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Part 1 of 3

JANUARY 5, 2023

Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

by Suzanne Irby, Virginia Tech

A look inside the ProtoDune Cyrostat Final structure inside a mine in South Dakota. Credit: CERN

Neutrinos mind their own business. Each second, billions of these fundamental particles will pass through stars, planets, buildings, and human bodies and will rarely ever be stopped by them, like a subatomic subway crowd. It's why they're often described as "ghostly" or "elusive."

If scientists could create and capture the rare instances when these tiny and weakly interactive particles run into something, they could step into the gray area that all physicists ultimately hope to explore, said theoretical physicist Patrick Huber: that of facts that exist outside the standard model of Particle Physics, beyond its explanation. Neutrinos live there, and so does dark matter.

Neutrino behavior, if accurately measured, could hold the evidence for how we—and our bodies and buildings and planets and stars, all made of matter—have been able to exist since the Big Bang. "There are certain things that the standard model does not explain, like why there's more matter than antimatter in the universe," said Huber, a professor in the Department of Physics and a Roger Moore and Mojdeh Khatam-Moore Faculty Fellow in the Virginia Tech College of Science. "But we never have found the ingredients which make these known facts outside of the standard model really work. If there is to be a large contribution of new physics, it can only really manifest itself in neutrinos."

To find out what neutrinos are up to, physicists will need to shoot them from the most powerful beam ever made at a distant, massive, subterranean, and painstakingly precise particle detector. More than a thousand scientists have come together to create that kind of experiment in a decades-long project called the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab.

For the past decade and in the buildup to DUNE's development, Huber has collaborated with experimental physicist Camillo Mariani at Virginia Tech's Center for Neutrino Physics, where they've looked at ways to achieve the unprecedented precision an experiment like DUNE will need to measure neutrino behavior and discover the "new physics" sought by the field.

Mariani has brought what they've learned to his work on DUNE's international team as they develop the facility. Their pursuit of precision is one piece of a puzzle that Raymond Davis Jr. and John Bahcall started in the 1960s, with attempts to count solar neutrinos.

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335940 No.1725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080320 (051438ZJAN23) Notable: Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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>>1724 - Part 1

Part 2 of 3

JANUARY 5, 2023

Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

When two physicists stared up at the sun

Raymond Davis Jr. led one of the first experiments to measure neutrinos coming from one of nature's abundant sources: the sun. As Davis built the experiment at the Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, Bahcall calculated the amount of solar neutrinos he predicted the experiment would collect from the nuclear reactions that took place inside its large, underground tank filled with cleaning fluid. But the Homestake Experiment, which ran from 1970–92, only collected one-third of the neutrinos Bahcall had predicted.

Most physicists at the time figured that either Davis had done something wrong with the experiment or that Bahcall's calculations were off. The issue of the missing neutrinos became known as the "solar neutrino problem" that physicists would try to solve for years. Scientists at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory finally solved it in a 2002 experiment at a Canadian mine.

Using a giant sphere full of heavy water, they measured neutrinos via the light produced inside by nuclear reactions. They found the reason for the missing neutrinos: Neutrinos change type, or "flavor," as they fly through space.

There are three known neutrino flavors: electron, muon, and tau. The Sudbury experiment was sensitive to all three, unlike Davis's, which only picked up electron neutrinos. It's this phenomenon of changing flavors, known as "neutrino oscillation," that directly contradicts the standard model, which had predicted neutrinos to be massless.

Mariani breaks down neutrino oscillations using ice cream flavors. "You can imagine that you go to an ice cream shop, and you get your favorite: banana," Mariani said. "And then you step out, and your ice cream flavor now becomes strawberry. You take another two steps, and the strawberry becomes vanilla. Another three steps, and the vanilla becomes coconut. This is what people call an oscillation. And it can be a function of distance traveled over a function of time. And these only happen if the mass of the particle is not zero."

With the problem of missing solar neutrinos solved, physicists have since moved on to probing how neutrino oscillations work. The big, underlying science question today is whether these flavor changes in neutrinos and antineutrinos happen at the same rate or not, Huber said. If they oscillate differently, that difference—a physical process known as CP violation—could help to explain why our universe consists of us and our surroundings, over light and light alone.

Physicists believe that 14 billion years ago, there were exactly the same amounts of matter and antimatter in the universe. "If that were true, and it always remained like that, then eventually, all matter and antimatter would have met each other and become light," Huber said. "The universe would then contain only light and nothing else. Obviously, that's not how it happened."

Because we exist, it's clear that matter dominated over antimatter during the Big Bang, in a break of symmetry. Neutrino oscillations could show how this was possible by demonstrating their own asymmetry. DUNE provides a way to catch that asymmetry in the act—or not.

The difference in oscillation rate between neutrinos and antineutrinos—or lack thereof—is not going to be glaring, Huber said, which is why physicists like him and Mariani are so fixated on precision. It could come down to tenths or hundredths of a number in DUNE's measurements. Though it's a feat, DUNE is the minimum needed to get it done, Huber said, because in the case of precisely measuring neutrino oscillations, "you need a Saturn rocket to fly to the moon."

"Physics in the last two decades has gone from a field where we're happy just saying, "Oh, we've seen neutrinos, hooray," to the point where we're trying to do very precise measurements," Huber said. "DUNE is the epitome of that. That really is the end of a decades-long evolution where neutrino physics became more and more precise. DUNE is trying to do one of the most precise measurements ever attempted with neutrinos."

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335940 No.1726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080331 (051440ZJAN23) Notable: Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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>>1724 - Part 1

>>1725 - Part 2

Part 3 of 4 (woops..its 4)

JANUARY 5, 2023

Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

A Saturn rocket to fly to the moon

There are some musts in measuring neutrino oscillations: creating enough neutrino events, only a handful of which will be snatched up by an experiment; putting enough distance between the neutrinos' source and their endpoint for them to exhibit their oscillations; and establishing a setup that's massive and highly-resolved enough to capture the energy the events leave behind.

DUNE's answer to this starts with a powerful neutrino beam based at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois. Here, physicist will shoot neutrinos underground across 1,300 kilometers of underground distance at a 40,000-ton particle detector filled with liquid argon. The detector will be located at the same mining area used by the Homestake Experiment in South Dakota.

As neutrinos bump into the argon inside the detector and leave behind trails of energy, that material will offer unmatched precision in measuring them, Mariani said. "Essentially, it's like taking a photo camera from the 1980s and comparing that with your phone camera that has millions of pixels," he said.

The College of Science has another DUNE connection, quite close, too. Kevin Pitts, who started his tenure as dean of the college this past June and who is an affiliated faculty member of the Department of Physics, last year was named the chief research officer at Fermilab. There, he oversaw the lab's science program, which includes the multibillion-dollar DUNE project.

"The DUNE experiment will be a truly remarkable technological achievement that will lead to truly remarkable scientific insights," Pitts said. "This experiment will feature 40,000 tons of liquid argon a mile underground in an abandoned gold mine in the Black Hills. Scientists from around the world are contributing to this effort because they are excited by the transformational science that will be performed at this facility."

For years, Mariani and Huber have worked at ensuring that this part of the DUNE project doesn't fail. Because scientists don't actually see neutrinos themselves as the particles hit a detector, they must reconstruct the interaction that took place with the energy left behind.

Getting that right depends on the microphysics of what happens within the interaction, Huber said. Reconstructing the interaction is as complex as tracing the effects of shooting a bullet at a clock, he said, "Depending on how you may hit the clock, you may have gears flying out, you may have the numerals fly off. To really reconstruct the clock, or the whole interaction, from that, I need to know the probability for the bullet to eject each given subpart of the system."

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335940 No.1727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080340 (051442ZJAN23) Notable: Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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>>1724 - Part 1

>>1725 - Part 2

>>1726 - Part 3 of 4 (woops..its 4)

&ndash;Part 4 of 4 (woops..its 4)

JANUARY 5, 2023

Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

When shooting neutrinos at argon atoms, argon nuclei can eject all sorts of particles: neutrons, protons, and new particles like pions, which are easy for detectors to miss and which all need to be counted for an accurate measurement of the total energy produced by the neutrino event. "In our work with Dr. Mariani, I think we were the first group who really tried to look into the details of that and quantify what kind of systematic uncertainties would arise from that," Huber said. "I think that work had a huge impact on how people think about designing the whole experiment."

Huber and Mariani see the Center for Neutrino Physics as one of the few places where that degree of collaboration between theorists and experimentalists could happen. Since its founding in 2010, the center has built up both its theoretical and experimental programs with the sense that as neutrino physics evolved, theorists and experimentalists would always need each other.

When an experimentalist and a theorist go for coffee

In physics, theory and experiments tend to go back and forth in a feedback cycle: the theorists put forward a question, the experimentalists figure out a way to build an experiment to try to answer the question, and once they have the data, the theorists try to figure out what it means.

When theorists and experimentalists have trouble understanding each other, this back and forth won't go smoothly. It's becoming easier and easier for that to happen, Huber said, as carving out a career path in physics tends to push scientists to self-identify as either a theorist or an experimentalist. "By the time you're a grown researcher, you often lose this ability to effectively communicate with each other," Huber said. "I think the only way around this is regular social interaction, where in the end, you learn to understand the language of the other side."

Huber, the center's director, said it's important to look for ways to keep theorists and experimentalists talking, in theory-experiment joint seminars or in something as simple as a shared cup of coffee. "Dr. Mariani happens to have a nice coffee machine," he said. "It's really that you have this casual social interaction and a relationship where nobody feels embarrassed to ask stupid questions. I can go down the hallway and ask any of my experimental colleagues, "Hey, what happens if you did X?" And mostly they will tell me, "Well, X will blow up," or something like that. But sometimes you find you have some genuinely interesting new things you can do."

So it will go with DUNE. The project's ability to surface new insights on neutrinos will depend in part on how its scientists can center their different talents on the same question, Huber said.

DUNE is planned to collect data on neutrino oscillations for 20 years, starting in 2029. It'll be another 10 to 15 years before physicists can find meaning in the results. They may or may not find evidence answering the question of matter's dominance over antimatter in the universe. But DUNE's potential goes beyond that, Huber said.

DUNE represents a facility with technologies physicists will be able to use in ways they haven't yet dreamed up. "This is where it gets really interesting," Huber said. "Once you have this new facility and technical capability, people become very creative and find thousands of other ways to extract new science from that. In reality, what we do in science is driven by curiosity. That's the reason we're doing this."

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335940 No.1728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080345 (051442ZJAN23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm. ️

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203 DAYS (exact delta to minute)

203 mod30 = 23



Pain Confirmed!

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335940 No.1729

File: 344257324db5dc3⋯.png (1.41 MB,1343x830,1343:830,Clipboard.png)

File: 259c75cdc2e13a6⋯.png (467.75 KB,612x379,612:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 09b33a887ed48dc⋯.png (380.09 KB,529x507,529:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080361 (051444ZJAN23) Notable: Planefag Europe/Med Activity

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Planefag Europe/Med Activity: The 'rats' left and leaving Rome after Benedict funeral: German AF GAF832 A32-and they have the biggest amount of 'guests',President Frank-Walter Steinmeier or Olaf Scholzalso in attendance were speakers of both houses of parliament and the chief justice of the Federal Constitutional Court for Germany, Belgian AF Falcon 7xKing Philippe and Queen Mathildedropped off at Nice and AC departing back to Brussels-must be nice, Czech AF CEF02 A319 PM Peter Fialaback to Prague, Spanish AF4511 Falcon 900Queen Sophiaback to Madrid, Hungarian AF HUAF103 A319President Katalin Novákback to Budapest, Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135FM Ioannis Kasoulidesback to Larnaca, Croatian AF 9ACRO CL-600, Slovenia AF LSV401 'slumming it' in an L-410 Turbolet, Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudaback to Warsaw

Thousands mourn Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in unprecedented Vatican City funeral


Italian AF PERSE71 G550 SIGINT over eastern Poland and ID USAF F-15 did some roundies on Poland/Ukraine border and now back to Lodz AB, REDEYE6 E-8C Joint STARS also over central/eastern Poland and further south we have VIPER72 F-16 out into the Adriatic from Aviano with QID31 KC-135 tanker and another C-17 appears on the same track as the 20 over the last 10 days-lotsa those RCH172 back to Ramstein AFB see yesterday 18073417 pb and over to the left side we have RAF RRR9956X Eurofighter and RRR9958 MRTT KC-2 Voyager that came out of Syria via Jordan) and back to Cyprus, Spanish AF4509Falcon 900 west from Athens depart and finally GLASS50 USAF C-146 Wolf hound 'Special Ops' departed Sigonella AB NW along with RG01 C-2 Greyhound off the USS Poppy Bush (CVN77) also to Sigonella AB, Sicily

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335940 No.1730

File: 40b18561a943824⋯.png (627.23 KB,1216x1549,1216:1549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080398 (051450ZJAN23) Notable: DeSantis is requesting every state university system in Florida to report all resources being dedicated to CRT and DEI

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Governor DeSantis is requesting every state university system in Florida to report all resources being dedicated to CRT and DEI


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335940 No.1731

File: 9b56f875a28b2e3⋯.png (870.32 KB,1024x686,512:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080471 (051501ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Jan 5 2023

Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione

Hurtling through a cosmic dust cloud a mere 400 light-years away, the lovely Pleiades or Seven Sisters open star cluster is well-known for its striking blue reflection nebulae. It lies in the night sky toward the constellation Taurus and the Orion Arm of our Milky Way galaxy. The sister stars are not related to the dusty cloud though. They just happen to be passing through the same region of space. Known since antiquity as a compact grouping of stars, Galileo first sketched the star cluster viewed through his telescope with stars too faint to be seen by eye. Charles Messier recorded the position of the cluster as the 45th entry in his famous catalog of things which are not comets. In Greek myth, the Pleiades were seven daughters of the astronomical titan Atlas and sea-nymph Pleione. Their parents names are included in the cluster's nine brightest stars. This well-processed, color-calibrated telescopic image features pin-point stars and detailed filaments of interstellar dust captured in over 9 hours of exposure. It spans more than 20 light-years across the Pleiades star cluster.


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335940 No.1732

File: b63bb7bfc7cab72⋯.jpg (97.92 KB,556x638,278:319,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080525 (051510ZJAN23) Notable: Air Nuigini ie fuel shortage cuts flights??? Papua New Guinea

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335940 No.1733

File: e2a707ff2b44638⋯.png (10.96 MB,3000x2410,300:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080529 (051511ZJAN23) Notable: A cruise missile is basically a small, pilotless airplane

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any of a class of fixed-wing aircraft that is heavier than air, propelled by a screw propeller or a high-velocity jet, and supported by the dynamic reaction of the air against its wings.

A cruise missile is basically a small, pilotless airplane. Cruise missiles have an 8.5-foot (2.61-meter) wingspan, are powered by turbofan engines and can fly 500 to 1,000 miles (805 to 1,610 km) depending on the configuration.

You're a normie with zero discernment or research skills.

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335940 No.1734

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080535 (051511ZJAN23) Notable: It's a coordinated effort to save the country. 1855- 133 votes. Compare Bannon(comfy) vs hannity et al(panic)

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Bannon war room

Watch it.

Understand what he is saying.

It's a coordinated effort to save the country.

1855- 133 votes.

We are going well past that.

Realize it.

Compare Bannon(comfy) vs hannity et al(panic)

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335940 No.1735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080541 (051512ZJAN23) Notable: Air Nuigini ie fuel shortage cuts flights??? Papua New Guinea

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>>>/qresearch/18080527 https://twitter.com/GelsonMadu3 (Various Twitter chat for two days - English is not native language)

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335940 No.1736

File: 1721b85d58c6f10⋯.png (60.54 KB,974x501,974:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b79e3aa47432bf⋯.png (279.65 KB,453x551,453:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080551 (051514ZJAN23) Notable: Air Nuigini ie fuel shortage cuts flights??? Papua New Guinea

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>Puma Energy Accessing US Dollars

The continued and slow-motion train wreck destruction of the US$


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335940 No.1737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080555 (051514ZJAN23) Notable: Air Nuigini ie fuel shortage cuts flights??? Papua New Guinea

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>>1735 https://twitter.com/quentinchakumai/status/1610612386628796417

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335940 No.1738

File: 04d3fb7a2de2fb8⋯.png (471.63 KB,1592x1112,199:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080628 (051525ZJAN23) Notable: Operators have reported that the Pacheco Reservoir Dam spillway has failed, and downstream Lovers Lane will see life-threatening flash flooding. #Hollister #California

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Joshua Rodriguez


🚨#BREAKING: Operators have reported that the Pacheco Reservoir Dam spillway has failed, and downstream Lovers Lane will see life-threatening flash flooding. #Hollister #California

9:16 AM · Jan 5, 2023


Watch the water

Watch CA

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335940 No.1739

File: db781c0ea364b83⋯.png (432.25 KB,853x480,853:480,Clipboard.png)

File: e51846acccdd700⋯.png (137.51 KB,910x590,91:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080636 (051525ZJAN23) Notable: Silvergate Shares Plunge After Withdrawals Top $8.1 Billion During Crypto Meltdown

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Silvergate Shares Plunge After Withdrawals Top $8.1 Billion During Crypto Meltdown

Here are some of the top headlines (via Bloomberg) from Silvergate's call with investors this morning:









* * *

Silvergate Capital shares have been on a rollercoaster in the last 24 hours. Soaring 27% on a short squeeze Wednesday and now down 40% on Thursday morning after the crypto bank reported a run on deposits following the FTX bankruptcy, slashed its workforce by 40%, and shelved plans to launch its own digital currency.

Amid the FTX debacle in the fourth quarter, the bank said in an early release of some quarterly results that crypto-related deposits plunged 68%. The digital asset industry has undergone a transformational shift, with significant over-leverage in the industry leading to several high-profile bankruptcies. These dynamics have sparked a crisis of confidence across the ecosystem and led many industry participants to shift to a "risk off" position across digital asset trading platforms. In turn, Silvergate's total deposits from digital asset customers declined to $3.8 billion at the end of the fourth quarter. Silvergate was forced to liquidate the debt it was holding on its balance sheet to satisfy the surge in withdrawals. It expects a $718 million loss in the selling of debt that exceeds the bank's total profits since 2013.

As a result of the run on withdraws and souring crypto space, Silvergate also announced it would slash 40% of its workforce, or approximately 200 employees, "in order to account for the economic realities facing the business and industry today." Silvergate said it had $4.6 billion in cash at the end of the fourth quarter, more than its $3.8 billion in remaining deposits. And another $5.6 billion in U.S. government or agency-backed securities were liquid. An update on the Silvergate Exchange Network ("SEN") Platform that enables institutional investor clients to send dollars and euros 24 hours a day to change for crypto was still "operating 24/7 with average daily volume totaling $1.3 billion."

The company also shelved its own digital currency planned for an early 2023 launch, specifying it would "take an impairment charge of $196 million in the fourth quarter of 2022 related to developed technology assets purchased from the Diem Group."

Alan Lane, chief executive officer of Silvergate, said: "In response to the rapid changes in the digital asset industry during the fourth quarter, we took commensurate steps to ensure that we were maintaining cash liquidity in order to satisfy potential deposit outflows, and we currently maintain a cash position in excess of our digital asset related deposits."

Silvergate shares tumbled more than 40% in premarket trading. Current @11.94-10.01 (-45.60%)


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335940 No.1740

File: 2ad2a28de8b5f03⋯.png (343.65 KB,694x294,347:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080722 (051540ZJAN23) Notable: Operators have reported that the Pacheco Reservoir Dam spillway has failed, and downstream Lovers Lane will see life-threatening flash flooding. #Hollister #California

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earthen dam and way past it's prime-and that was 20 years ago

Gilroy gonna get flooded (member the FF Garlic Festival shootings).

Creek gonna flood Hiway 101 and the only major southern access point to the Santa Clara Valley-plus the truckers from the central valley use 152 (2 lane road both sides, but only 1 each way around that) from the 5

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335940 No.1741

File: 5836b00a01c04ae⋯.jpg (761.82 KB,1080x1804,270:451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080725 (051541ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080732 (051542ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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The truth hurts (them)

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335940 No.1743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080738 (051543ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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I wonder if we'll get some FauciFiles today or tomorrow…

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335940 No.1744

File: e8145bf095dbe33⋯.png (299.2 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: dca1519c0c2c5d2⋯.jpg (143.41 KB,797x825,797:825,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26cc2a4f876687c⋯.jpg (113.03 KB,680x659,680:659,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cffa49becdf00cc⋯.png (220.91 KB,710x708,355:354,Clipboard.png)

File: ba666969999bf02⋯.png (533.66 KB,1038x509,1038:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080747 (051545ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080755 (051546ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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The more they deny.

The more will die.

They are probably all scared shitless that are next but still won't admit that it's the vax.

Which vax did they get? The saline or the death vax?

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335940 No.1746

File: 2bbcbbcf71ab130⋯.jpg (149.68 KB,610x689,610:689,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080758 (051546ZJAN23) Notable: Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

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carefully worded statement

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335940 No.1747

File: 2fd2d126b985dcb⋯.png (145.21 KB,931x571,931:571,Clipboard.png)

File: b80741df3a281a2⋯.png (200.63 KB,1005x724,1005:724,Clipboard.png)

File: 0997589d8fa96e0⋯.gif (1.7 MB,300x189,100:63,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080783 (051549ZJAN23) Notable: US Trade Deficit Unexpectedly Plunges In Biggest Drop Since Global Financial Crisis (that manufactured one in 2008)

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US Trade Deficit Unexpectedly Plunges In Biggest Drop Since Global Financial Crisis (that manufactured one in 2008)

In a day when strong jobs data (Challenger, ADP, Initial Claims all coming in strong or stronger than expected) has been viewed by markets as bad for risk assets as it signals continued economic strength and continued rate hikes by the Fed, we got yet another conflicting economic signal, this time from the latest US trade deficit, which narrowed in November by much more than expected. According to the BEA, the November trade deficit narrowed to $61.5b from $77.8b in prior month, coming in below the median estimate of $63.0BN (and just barely missing the top end of the range of $61.3BN to $80.5BN from 42 economists). Remarkably, the 20% one-month decline in the deficit was the single biggest drop in the US trade deficit on a percentage basis going back to the global financial crisis. And while it would have been welcome economic news if the drop in the deficit was the result of a surge in exports, the plunge was driven not by rising exports but rather by shrinking imports - a telltale sign of economic slowdown - with consumer goods, industrial supplies, capital goods and autos all contributing to the decline, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis said. To wit, while exports fell 2% in Nov. to $251.9BN from $257.0BN in Oct, imports fell a striking 6.4% in Nov. to $313.4BN from $334.8BN in Oct. Here are the detials:

Exports of goods and services decreased $5.1 billion, or 2.0 percent, in November to $251.9 billion. Exports of goods decreased $5.3 billion and exports of services increased $0.2 billion.

The decrease in exports of goods reflected decreases in industrial supplies and materials ($3.6billion) and in capital goods ($1.3 billion). An increase in consumer goods ($0.9 billion) partly offset the decreases. The increase in exports of services reflected increases in other business services ($0.1 billion), in telecommunications, computer, and information services ($0.1 billion), and in charges for the use of intellectual property ($0.1 billion). A decrease in travel ($0.2 billion) partly offset the increases. Imports of goods and services decreased $21.5 billion, or 6.4 percent, in November to $313.4 billion. Imports of goods decreased $20.7 billion and imports of services decreased $0.8 billion.

The decrease in imports of goods reflected decreases in consumer goods ($8.8 billion), in industrial supplies and materials ($3.7 billion), in automotive vehicles, parts, and engines ($3.3 billion), and in capital goods ($3.0 billion). The decrease in imports of services reflected decreases in transport ($0.7 billion) and in travel ($0.4billion). An increase in charges for the use of intellectual property ($0.2 billion) partly offset the decreases.

Whether the plunge in imports is due to a the reverse bullwhip effect, or general economic malaise is unclear; adding to the confusion, the slowdown in US consumer demand for foreign goods and services will serve to boost GDP due to the way net trade is imputed for GDP purposes. In other words, expect a jump in Q4 GDP estimates due to a plunge in US imports.


Cap #2 is the #s w/o Oil

The blue line is the total deficit, and the black line is the 'petroleum deficit', and the red line is the trade deficit ex-petroleum products.

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335940 No.1748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080797 (051552ZJAN23) Notable: #22161

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#22161 >>1705

>>1706, >>1707 Rep.-elect Robert Garcia, the “first immigrant and LGBTQ mayor” in the history of Long Beach/superman comic swear in

>>1708 Gen Flynn twitter acct still suspended

>>1709, >>1728, >>1715 @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm. 🌧️

>>1710, >>1711, >>1712 Problematic Debt Ceiling Budget/Swamp Cartel of Established Uni-party Bannons War Room

>>1713 aircraft, from the 437th Airlift Wing, will fly from the Atlantic Ocean north over the bridge around 11 a.m. Thursday

>>1714, >>1720, >>1718 Who do you think the 20+1 will nominate today?

>>1716, >>1719, >>1721, >>1722, >>1723 uniparty shills

>>1717 Michigan's U.S. Sen. Stabenow tells me she won't seek reelection in 2024

>>1724, >>1725, >>1726, >>1727 Unraveling the neutrino's mysteries at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

>>1729 Planefag Europe/Med Activity

>>1730 DeSantis is requesting every state university system in Florida to report all resources being dedicated to CRT and DEI

>>1731 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 45: The Daughters of Atlas and Pleione

>>1734 It's a coordinated effort to save the country. 1855- 133 votes. Compare Bannon(comfy) vs hannity et al(panic)

>>1732, >>1735, >>1736, >>1737 Air Nuigini ie fuel shortage cuts flights??? Papua New Guinea

>>1733 A cruise missile is basically a small, pilotless airplane

>>1738, >>1740 Operators have reported that the Pacheco Reservoir Dam spillway has failed, and downstream Lovers Lane will see life-threatening flash flooding. #Hollister #California

>>1739 Silvergate Shares Plunge After Withdrawals Top $8.1 Billion During Crypto Meltdown

>>1741, >>1742, >>1743, >>1744, >>1745, >>1746 Covid BS still rolls from theY'r DS mouths

>>1747 US Trade Deficit Unexpectedly Plunges In Biggest Drop Since Global Financial Crisis (that manufactured one in 2008)


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335940 No.1749

File: 3e43f9c4f3fbb5e⋯.png (102.75 KB,978x486,163:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aee2dca508ff11⋯.png (292.36 KB,636x773,636:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080861 (051602ZJAN23) Notable: Moar WHO fear pron, starting in UK

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World Health Organisation warns XBB.1.5 is the 'most transmissible' Covid variant yet as 'the Kraken' strain starts sweeping the UK

There are no signs XBB.1.5 is more deadly than previously dominant variants

But the WHO said it is 'concerned about its growth advantage in particular'

XBB.1.5 has already taken hold in the US but has now started to spread in UK

22:27, 4 January 2023 | UPDATED: 12:08, 5 January 2023


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335940 No.1750

File: 58f4e11d13dba2b⋯.png (2.01 MB,1536x852,128:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080880 (051606ZJAN23) Notable: GOP Holdout Dan Bishop Suggests He’ll Resign If Bid To Stop McCarthy Speakership Fails Rats Jumping Ship

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GOP Holdout Dan Bishop Suggests He’ll Resign If Bid To Stop McCarthy Speakership Fails

January 5, 2023

One of the 20 Republicans refusing to vote for GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy to become the next speaker of the House has suggested he would resign from Congress if the group is unable to unsuccessful in their effort to bring change in the lower chamber.

“After six votes in two days, House Republicans still do not have a consensus candidate for speaker, and 20 GOP holdouts remain opposed to Rep.-elect Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., for the job. One of the group, Dan Bishop of North Carolina, went so far as to say he would resign from Congress if they are unsuccessful in their effort to bring about institutional change in the House – which they do not trust McCarthy to deliver,” Fox News reported.

“Such is the opposition the majority of the Republican conference faces as they struggle to find 218 votes for the next House Speaker. McCarthy can only afford to lose four votes in his quest for the speaker’s gavel and not even the urging of former President Donald Trump for Republicans to rally behind him was enough to change minds. Until a speaker is elected, House Republicans cannot conduct business – they are not even sworn in – and their campaign promises to serve as a check and balance on the Biden administration on day one hang in limbo. The last time a speaker vote failed was in 1923,” the outlet added.


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335940 No.1751

File: 2f7472cdf05957a⋯.jpg (35.84 KB,658x680,329:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080882 (051606ZJAN23) Notable: Moar WHO fear pron, starting in UK

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335940 No.1752

File: cb347e6fce515e6⋯.png (1.38 MB,1172x1394,586:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080894 (051607ZJAN23) Notable: Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas, Ukraine rejects

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BREAKING: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas, the Kremlin said on Thursday.

Russian troops must hold fire for 36 hours from 1200 on Jan. 6, the Kremlin said.


Many Orthodox Christians, including those living in Russia and Ukraine, celebrate Christmas on Jan. 6-7.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, called on Thursday for both sides of the war in Ukraine to observe a Christmas truce, a step dismissed by Kyiv as a cynical trap.

"Taking into account the appeal of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, I instruct the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation to introduce a ceasefire regime along the entire line of contact of the parties in Ukraine from 12.00 on January 6, 2023 to 24.00 on January 7, 2023," Putin said in the order.

"Proceeding from the fact that a large number of citizens professing Orthodoxy live in the areas of hostilities, we call on the Ukrainian side to declare a ceasefire and allow them to attend services on Christmas Eve, as well as on Christmas Day," Putin said.

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335940 No.1753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080905 (051609ZJAN23) Notable: The former North Korean foreign minister who was with Kim Jong Un when he held a summit in 2019 with then President Donald Trump has been purged

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Donald Trump: North Korea 'Will Be Met With Fire And Fury'

Aug 8, 2017

President Trump issues a stern warning to North Korea after the latest missile news, saying the nation “best not make any more threats to the United States.”

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335940 No.1754

File: 2babb57018a2f4b⋯.png (350.74 KB,598x696,299:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080922 (051610ZJAN23) Notable: The former North Korean foreign minister who was with Kim Jong Un when he held a summit in 2019 with then President Donald Trump has been purged

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Vincent Lee


Bloomberg: The former North Korean foreign minister who was with Kim Jong Un when he held a summit in 2019 with then President Donald Trump has been purged, according to a South Korean lawmaker who sits on an intelligence committee.


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335940 No.1755

File: 345de23823e987d⋯.gif (1.29 MB,400x360,10:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080929 (051611ZJAN23) Notable: Moar WHO fear pron, starting in UK

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Initially COVID-19 was 5 x more transmissible than influenza.

Then, delta strain. It was another 5 x moar transmissible than generic COVID.

Then Omicron, and another 5 x greater than delta.

Now XBB even MORE transmissible?

At some point one reaches theoretical AND real world limitations of transmissible-ness. Have we not already exceeded that threshold?

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335940 No.1756

File: 3da9c135890f1ca⋯.png (64.58 KB,647x394,647:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080951 (051613ZJAN23) Notable: House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

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House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

@nytimes congressional correspondent. Luke Broadwater☀️@lukebroadwater

Update from House Administration committee about Hill staffers not getting paid until there’s a Speaker.

“For committee staff, absent a Rules package there is no authority to process payroll.”

Payroll is processed once a month, with the deadline for this month being Jan. 13.

10:21 AM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080958 (051614ZJAN23) Notable: House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

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Gotta drag it out then. Fuck them all.

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335940 No.1758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080962 (051615ZJAN23) Notable: House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

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Another fringe benefit of shutting Congress down - Congress doesn't get paid. Gee, this anon is all broke up.

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335940 No.1759

File: 659dee1dd8da114⋯.png (1.09 MB,1168x1138,584:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080965 (051615ZJAN23) Notable: Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas, Ukraine rejects

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Ukraine Rejects Putin's Christmas Truce Proposal As "Hypocrisy" & "A Trap"


Within a mere hour after President Putin declared there would be a 36-hour ceasefire for all Russian forces along the line of contact in observation of Orthodox Christmas, Zelensky's office has issued a firm rejection, calling it "hypocrisy" and demanding that all Russian troops must leave occupied territory immediately.

Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak announced on Twitter, that Russian forces…

must leave the occupied territories - only then will it have a "temporary truce". Keep hypocrisy to yourself.

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335940 No.1760

File: 5fcef73dea91be1⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080990 (051618ZJAN23) Notable: @TrumpWarRoom President Donald J. Trump Announces Plan to Destroy the Drug Cartels

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NEW VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump Announces Plan to Destroy the Drug Cartels

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335940 No.1761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18080993 (051618ZJAN23) Notable: House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

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Good. Many of the 'staffers' are career criminals behind the scenes.

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335940 No.1762

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081019 (051621ZJAN23) Notable: Why Kevin McCarthy won't step down.

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>>1734 pb


posts excerpt from War Room


Why Kevin McCarthy won't step down.

most anons likely understood this yesterday,

but they make it explicit

Ties to $$$ and generalized systemic corruption

Has to be hidden to continue

Saving the Country = throwing out the invaders, eliminating the treason, stopping hemorrhage of USA America's life blood, throwing light on their Uni-party Cabal including Mass Media.

Who uncorruptible can be found and trusted to take that place?

Who has the skill to navigate from here?

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335940 No.1763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081057 (051624ZJAN23) Notable: After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him

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Boebert could work.

After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him. YOu can sense a good-hearted honest man in everything he says in the video.

Anon has a sixth sense of these things.

Get a chance, watch it.


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335940 No.1764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081060 (051625ZJAN23) Notable: @TrumpWarRoom President Donald J. Trump Announces Plan to Destroy the Drug Cartels

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Embed link isn't popping up.

President Donald J. Trump Declares War on Cartels

Donald J. Trump Published January 5, 2023


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335940 No.1765

File: 00eb8e84049b8fe⋯.png (574.17 KB,1028x680,257:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081065 (051625ZJAN23) Notable: Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas, Ukraine rejects

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>Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas

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335940 No.1766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081072 (051626ZJAN23) Notable: After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him

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massie is real deal.

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335940 No.1767

File: 0720418e96a835e⋯.png (447.8 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081076 (051627ZJAN23) Notable: Moar WHO fear pron, starting in UK

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I members. Just before the 2008 market crash

We had the 2007 pandemic

Health dept sez. See

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335940 No.1768

File: 098eef2468950f0⋯.png (136.48 KB,1165x668,1165:668,Clipboard.png)

File: d631602929ce952⋯.png (128.44 KB,826x539,118:77,Clipboard.png)

File: ff59a8c47f407c5⋯.png (690.29 KB,973x771,973:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081094 (051630ZJAN23) Notable: Rents Continue to Decline More than Seasonally Normal

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Rents Continue to Decline More than Seasonally Normal

OER and rent of primary residence have mostly moved together. The Zillow index started in 2014, the ApartmentList index started in 2017, and CoreLogic in 2004. Here is a graph of the year-over-year (YoY) change for these measures since January 2015. Most of these measures are through November 2022, except CoreLogic is through October and Apartment List is through December 2022. Note that new lease measures (Zillow, Apartment List) dipped early in the pandemic, whereas the BLS measures were steady. Then new leases took off, and the BLS measures are picking up. The CoreLogic measure is up 8.8% YoY in October, down from 10.2% in September, and down from a peak of 13.9% in April 2022. The Zillow measure is up 8.4% YoY in November (of course!), down from 9.6% YoY in October, and down from a peak of 17.1% YoY in February 2022. The ApartmentList measure is up 3.9% YoY as of December, down from 4.5% in November, and down from a peak of 18.1% YoY November 2021.


As a reminder the OER -Owners Equivilent Rent portion of the CPI won't see any decline until about Feb/March as it is 5 months in arears-perect for them as they exploded higher-but won't be able to show the drops that started until then for the next CPI reading that occurs next week-see cap #3 for how they (BLS) 'say' do these but the last FOMC meeting there was a leak (they do the same thing-embargo the press) as the markets moved 2 minutes prior to the actual data release'

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335940 No.1769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081110 (051632ZJAN23) Notable: After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him

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335940 No.1770

File: c7a7040643e6a7d⋯.png (165.47 KB,879x569,879:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081125 (051634ZJAN23) Notable: CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

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CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

And now it's clear why they tried to hide them.

FOIA of CDC's VAERS safety signal analysis for mRNA COVID vaccines by @ EpochTimes' @ ZackStieber shows safety signals for death & a range of thrombo-embolic, cardiac, neurological, haemorrhagic, hematological, immune-system, menstrual & other adverse events in U.S. adults. 🧵



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335940 No.1771

File: 2a30ffae7a0c370⋯.jpg (98 KB,470x684,235:342,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081127 (051634ZJAN23) Notable: House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1772

File: 14493c1c1b9aab5⋯.png (764.04 KB,899x1047,899:1047,Clipboard.png)

File: e6662d8cc29b042⋯.png (510.52 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 73bde8a5b9a7cbe⋯.png (841.3 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: f61e275f0720e70⋯.png (573.65 KB,1000x667,1000:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ccb400e1d1046d⋯.png (1.25 MB,1000x1500,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081161 (051639ZJAN23) Notable: @MCRD_SD WE QUELL THE STORM, AND RIDE THE THUNDER!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



U.S. Marine Corps recruits with Bravo Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, participate in the Crucible at @MCIWPendletonCA, Calif., Jan. 3, 2023.



8:57 PM · Jan 4, 2023

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335940 No.1773

File: 9463f471144ab51⋯.png (6.05 KB,348x82,174:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 86d48dc2814cef9⋯.png (195.12 KB,598x555,598:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081166 (051639ZJAN23) Notable: We got a Trend Started: #StoptheShotsNow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We got a Trend Started: #StoptheShotsNow




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1774

File: 3a0de8d13ebd76e⋯.jpg (511.31 KB,1431x920,1431:920,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081178 (051640ZJAN23) Notable: @MCRD_SD WE QUELL THE STORM, AND RIDE THE THUNDER!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081186 (051641ZJAN23) Notable: @MCRD_SD WE QUELL THE STORM, AND RIDE THE THUNDER!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Q the storm'

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335940 No.1776

File: 831bbf5f4d94c18⋯.png (106.59 KB,1174x410,587:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081210 (051644ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081222 (051644ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081224 (051645ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trendy or No

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1779

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081243 (051647ZJAN23) Notable: After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Worth watching.

I have a new perspective on him.

He really represents everything I wish for in govt.

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335940 No.1780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081255 (051648ZJAN23) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Right after Trump's recent speech, notice?

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335940 No.1781

File: 282a77aa636ef27⋯.png (327.06 KB,712x431,712:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a780456b8897a6⋯.png (426.86 KB,559x473,13:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081268 (051650ZJAN23) Notable: PF ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed JBA WS -this AC went back to Offutt (STRATCOM) yesterday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed JBA WS -this AC went back to Offutt (STRATCOM) yesterday as same after arriving from MacDill (CENTCOM) as CLUB23 on 0103 Tuesday

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335940 No.1782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081313 (051657ZJAN23) Notable: House Live 7th round

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Let's get ready to rumble!!!

Who's it going to be today?

Will they pray for Ukraine like they did yesterday?

Let the clown show begin

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335940 No.1783

File: 22e54b9e293db50⋯.png (88.79 KB,656x685,656:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081322 (051657ZJAN23) Notable: WH released a summary of Biden’s new unilateral executive mass amnesty. In short:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WH released a summary of Biden’s new unilateral executive mass amnesty. In short:

1. Amnesty+work permits for 30K NEW illegals every month BEFORE they get to our borders

2. Amnesty for illegals who ask for admission at ports of entry

3. Faster catch-and-release for all others


If you want to know what a high crime looks like, this is it.

This isn’t just dereliction: it’s a criminal crusade against America launched from inside the Oval Office.

Stephen Miller - 11:50 AM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1784

File: 3a615cca31defb5⋯.png (204.86 KB,659x958,659:958,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081342 (051659ZJAN23) Notable: WH released a summary of Biden’s new unilateral executive mass amnesty. In short:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Oval Office launches a criminal crusade against America

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335940 No.1785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081415 (051709ZJAN23) Notable: Just ruled a quorum is present.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Just ruled a quorum in present.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1786

File: 8d844615da118e0⋯.png (641.01 KB,803x1280,803:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081484 (051718ZJAN23) Notable: 💢More Than 270 Sudden Cardiac Deaths in US Athletes After Vaccination

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

💢More Than 270 Sudden Cardiac Deaths in US Athletes After Vaccination: Peer-Reviewed Study



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335940 No.1787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081518 (051722ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy has John James talking about winning under McCarthy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy has John James talking about winning under McCarthy.

this is too rich. he should be in the senate, but the R's stabbed him in the back.

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335940 No.1788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081543 (051726ZJAN23) Notable: Finally the two traitors are done talking. Byron Donald's day two. Ok, Dan Bishop. (Chess it is)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally the two traitors are done talking.

Byron Donald's day two. Ok, Dan Bishop. (Chess it is)

Preach it.

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335940 No.1789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081548 (051728ZJAN23) Notable: Dan Bishop - "Byron Donalds ain't no prop", CNN Dana Bash called him a prop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Bishop - "Byron Donalds ain't no prop"

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335940 No.1790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081549 (051728ZJAN23) Notable: Dan Bishop - "Byron Donalds ain't no prop", CNN Dana Bash called him a prop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


he ain't no prop!

CNN Dana Bash called him a prop.

I heard it and i posted it yesterday

CNN is rascist

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335940 No.1791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081550 (051728ZJAN23) Notable: Dan Bishop - "Byron Donalds ain't no prop", CNN Dana Bash called him a prop.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


So did Rep Cori Bush

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335940 No.1792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081573 (051731ZJAN23) Notable: #22162

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>1749, >>1755, >>1751, >>1755, >>1767 Moar WHO fear pron, starting in UK

>>1750 GOP Holdout Dan Bishop Suggests He’ll Resign If Bid To Stop McCarthy Speakership Fails Rats Jumping Ship

>>1752, >>1759, >>1765 Putin has ordered a cease fire in Ukraine over Orthodox Christmas, Ukraine rejects

>>1754, >>1753 The former North Korean foreign minister who was with Kim Jong Un when he held a summit in 2019 with then President Donald Trump has been purged

>>1756, >>1757, >>1758, >>1761, >>1771 House Staff won't get paid on time if no speaker by J13

>>1760, >>1764 @TrumpWarRoom President Donald J. Trump Announces Plan to Destroy the Drug Cartels

>>1762 Why Kevin McCarthy won't step down.

>>1763, >>1766, >>1769, >>1779 After watching Massie's Off Grid YT video, I've always liked him

>>1768 Rents Continue to Decline More than Seasonally Normal

>>1770 CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA


>>1773 We got a Trend Started: #StoptheShotsNow

>>1776, >>1777, >>1778, >>1780 @RepAndyBiggsAZ tells me that House opposition to McCarthy is gathering support for Byron Donalds as next speaker.

>>1781 PF ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed JBA WS -this AC went back to Offutt (STRATCOM) yesterday

>>1782 House Live 7th round

>>1783, >>1784 WH released a summary of Biden’s new unilateral executive mass amnesty. In short:

>>1785 Just ruled a quorum is present.

>>1786 More Than 270 Sudden Cardiac Deaths in US Athletes After Vaccination

>>1787 McCarthy has John James talking about winning under McCarthy.

>>1788 Finally the two traitors are done talking. Byron Donald's day two. Ok, Dan Bishop. (Chess it is)

>>1789, >>1790, >>1791 Dan Bishop - "Byron Donalds ain't no prop", CNN Dana Bash called him a prop.


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335940 No.1793

File: 49da1572869041b⋯.png (2.33 MB,1247x1663,1247:1663,Clipboard.png)

File: d82a00f1af68365⋯.jpg (154.39 KB,1600x1000,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dea0289e439d47e⋯.png (253.17 KB,490x375,98:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081584 (051733ZJAN23) Notable: #22163

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Baker guud for one moar or can defer

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335940 No.1794

File: 226ccee47cbc386⋯.png (274.94 KB,656x809,656:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a7649e50d3b0cb⋯.mp4 (897.66 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0124bc5e6a382ad⋯.png (197.4 KB,656x627,656:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081624 (051738ZJAN23) Notable: C17s on the move

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

C17s on the move

Elephant Walk underway 🦣🦣🦣

Planefags - can you 'firm any other activity?



Take a look at this! Right now - a formation of more than 20 C-17s is flying over the Charleston Harbor/Ravenel Bridge, heading north. This show of force demonstrates JBC’s ability to launch quickly when our nation calls. Use #MG23 & tag in your photos/videos! @AirMobilityCmd

11:02 AM · Jan 5, 2023


pb >>>/qresearch/18080766

>Noted anon, gettin' STORMY!

>Watching the water, make it RAIN

>(C17 gunship style![ ])

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335940 No.1795

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081631 (051739ZJAN23) Notable: again wuts with the no -shows, absolute delinquency of duty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

again wuts with the no -shows

absolute delinquency of duty

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335940 No.1796

File: 45a277f776df5d7⋯.png (415.25 KB,673x457,673:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081658 (051742ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy is now 0-7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thanks Baker

Kevin McCarthy is now 0-7

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335940 No.1797

File: 33658ac18b47590⋯.png (88.86 KB,1180x370,118:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081664 (051743ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy is now 0-7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've seen enough: GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R) will not win the speaker's gavel on the seventh ballot.


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335940 No.1798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081670 (051744ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy is now 0-7

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Day 3


126 moar votes to reach 1855's 133

It takes over an hour to do this process.

At this rate it's going to take MONTHS

Realize as long as the Congress is shutdown the American people are winning.

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335940 No.1799

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081675 (051746ZJAN23) Notable: Kari Lake: Hobbs Knows “When She Took Her Oath That She Stole The Election”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy Shit this is good. Kari Lake: Hobbs Knows “When She Took Her Oath That She Stole The Election”

She’s afraid to be in public, thats why there was a private swearing in with her giggling. Hobbs couldn’t cheat big enough.

The paid the woman in Pinal county a $25,000 bonus to inject an inaccurate vote count into the system and now she’s disappeared!

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023


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335940 No.1800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081680 (051746ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.1801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081681 (051747ZJAN23) Notable: Every moment Congress has no Speaker is a moment Congress spends no money, makes no laws and pays no staff to screw the American people ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Every moment Congress has no Speaker is a moment Congress spends no money, makes no laws and pays no staff to screw the American people over.

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335940 No.1802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081683 (051747ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gaetz just voted Trump!!!

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335940 No.1803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081684 (051747ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We got a TRUMP vote for Speaker!!!!!!!!! by Gaetz!

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335940 No.1804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081685 (051747ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Gaetz you wildman.

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335940 No.1805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081691 (051747ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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335940 No.1806

File: 4128ed7944a1227⋯.png (414.69 KB,766x443,766:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 69d24a261452e01⋯.png (89.1 KB,350x274,175:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081699 (051748ZJAN23) Notable: PF FRED5:5 C-5 Galayy NW from Travis and TEAL83 Hurricane Hunter SW from same

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


5:5 over the last 10-11 days about 20 C-17s have been heading south from Ramstein AFB and then switching off see >>1381 pb for description and example

A coupla RCHC-17s with four digits went into Travis last night from McGuire I think

Travis is training base for those pilots as well so always many ins/out there of those

FRED5:5 C-5 Galaxy NW from Travis and TEAL83 Hurricane Hunter SW from same

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335940 No.1807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081705 (051748ZJAN23) Notable: Every moment Congress has no Speaker is a moment Congress spends no money, makes no laws and pays no staff to screw the American people ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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335940 No.1808

File: 21d933f47643640⋯.png (162.61 KB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081714 (051749ZJAN23) Notable: Colonial Pipeline Shuts Critical Conduit Supplying Fuel To Northeast After Spill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Colonial Pipeline Shuts Critical Conduit Supplying Fuel To Northeast After Spill

A critical conduit supplying fuel to the US Northeast was halted on Wednesday, when the Colonial Pipeline temporarily shut operations after a spill, the latest disruption to energy flows following an outage to the Keystone oil pipeline last month.

As Bloomberg first reported, some product was released at Colonial’s Witt delivery station near Danville, Virginia, prompting the shutdown of its Line 3, spokeswoman Meredith Stone said in an email. The company is planning a restart at around 12 p.m. Eastern time on Saturday, according to a notice shared with users of the pipeline.

Colonial’s Line 3 transports refined products such as distillates and gasoline to the New York Harbor market from Greensboro, North Carolina, and is part of a broader system that supplies fuels to the eastern US. The system’s key gasoline conduit was shut for nearly a week in 2021 after a cyberattack.

Colonial's vast product system which includes Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 are a vital source of fuels for the eastern US. Lines 1 and 2 extend from the Houston area and meet in Charlotte, North Carolina, to form Line 3 into New York Harbor.

The incident follows the outage to TC Energy Corp’s Keystone pipeline after the biggest onshore oil spill since 2010. The conduit, which can deliver as much as 600,000 barrels a day of Canadian crude into the US Midwest, only fully returned to service last week.

Colonial didn’t provide the cause of the leak or the volume that was discharged from Line 3, although it did say the impact had been contained within its property.


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335940 No.1809

File: 2572e605b0fdf3f⋯.png (12.4 KB,384x193,384:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 90dcbf4bd871b51⋯.png (127.7 KB,598x596,299:298,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c3437c4d23c93⋯.png (25.21 KB,561x150,187:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081728 (051751ZJAN23) Notable: Bills safety Damar Hamlin is awake and holding hands with family members.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bills safety Damar Hamlin is awake and holding hands with family members.

Imagine That



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335940 No.1810

File: 2e2cc223d74ca95⋯.png (470.94 KB,1098x732,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081742 (051752ZJAN23) Notable: Chinese Scientists Explore Using MOSQUITOS to Distribute VACCINES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Communist Chinese Scientists Explore Using MOSQUITOS to Distribute VACCINES, Could Create Dangerous MUTANT Insects Instead

Designing a killer virus evidently was just a little test run for the Chicoms. Now they might unleash mankind’s most notorious insect to supposedly “vaccinate” wildlife and reduce viral infections.

Hard to imagine any unintended consequences will occur. It’s not like mosquitos spread nasty infections like Yellow Fever, Malaria, West Nile, and Dengue Fever to humans.

The South China Morning Post reported Wednesday that Chinese scientists claim they found a way to turn the disease-carrying nuisance into an indispensable ally of all humanity. Of course, this required them to create a few genetically modified insects.

Here are their findings. No question they applied this trial with the same rigor and caution as their other gain of function research projects:


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335940 No.1811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081757 (051754ZJAN23) Notable: Chinese Scientists Explore Using MOSQUITOS to Distribute VACCINES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



This is a crime against humanity. This should NOT BE ALLOWED. These frankeninsects aren't going to stay within Chinese borders. They'll invade the entire world.

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335940 No.1812

File: fe0dd05929a29c8⋯.png (379.77 KB,849x398,849:398,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c8ab118ea0114d⋯.png (1.03 MB,788x1024,197:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b664e3c9fe03df⋯.png (395.26 KB,670x440,67:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081758 (051754ZJAN23) Notable: Pf US Navy AE6787 P-8 Poseidon did some time over Baltic Sea, like right over Nordstream again

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Navy AE6787 P-8 Poseidon did some time over Baltic Sea, like right over Nordstream again as well as northern Poland and heading NE now

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335940 No.1813

File: c2179fa0c3a7dc0⋯.png (413.63 KB,717x477,239:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fcfb51ea81e213⋯.png (210.2 KB,553x629,553:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 3736454e6208bce⋯.png (169.69 KB,546x474,91:79,Clipboard.png)

File: d3efed5dc330f97⋯.png (54.88 KB,690x398,345:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081781 (051756ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter data breach: Hacker put 200M users’ private information up for grabs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twitter data breach: Hacker put 200M users’ private information up for grabs

The hacker had demanded $200,000 to return the breached data back in December but warned that if their conditions are not fulfilled, they will release the data for free.

200 million Twitter users’ private information, including their email addresses, was put for sale after a breach exposed 400 million users’ private information in the last week of December 2022.

The hacker behind the December breach had earlier demanded $200,000 from Twitter in a bid to return the stolen data and warned if the demand is not fulfilled, the data will be released for free. The latest set of data posted on the hacker forum has been traced back to the same breach from December 2022.

Researchers at Privacy Affairs confirmed that the leaked data set on the hacker forum is the same from December. The 200 million number, in this case, resulted from the removal of duplicates. The released data set doesn’t contain phone numbers. The researchers warned that these data sets could be used to initiate social engineering or “doxing” campaigns.

The data set was originally 63GB, but after removing duplicates and compressing the files, the size of the latest data set was reduced to 4GB and free to download.

The hacker also noted that the analysis of original file dates and account creation dates “strongly suggest” that this was collected from early November 2021 through December 14, 2021.


Cyber Polygon

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335940 No.1814

File: 07e976516745dd5⋯.mp4 (10.93 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081795 (051757ZJAN23) Notable: @realLizUSA Georgia Election Manager about to blow the lid on the cheating in our elections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia Anons, get ready, it’s time to fightFinally

Kari Lake@KariLake

“It’s going to blow your mind..”Georgia Election Manager about to blow the lid on the cheating in our elections.


This could get VERY interesting.

Liz Harrington@realLizUSA

It is serious. It is deep. It is so real…the USB ports, I really would love to go live with that because the ballots is history…Now it’s the USB ports. So I need an attorney. I want to go live, I’ll go live on every platform because it is going to blow your mind.”


12:08 PM · Jan 4, 2023


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335940 No.1815

File: 9f4771511509e9f⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081800 (051758ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



The funny thing is smart people sound stupid to ignorant people.

Enjoy the show.

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335940 No.1816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081833 (051803ZJAN23) Notable: Chad P just said on Fox news : "to keep in mind that the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chad P just said on Fox news : "to keep in mind that the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House"

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335940 No.1817

File: 7552144295bc704⋯.png (3.75 KB,316x40,79:10,Clipboard.png)

File: 7da3cb21ea197fa⋯.png (26.86 KB,598x118,299:59,Clipboard.png)

File: ec08d2552866569⋯.png (26.59 KB,598x178,299:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 339664267f6b5ac⋯.png (19.6 KB,598x98,299:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081834 (051803ZJAN23) Notable: "Qevin McCarthy" - Rick Wilson attempts to tie KMC with Q….but why????

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Qevin McCarthy"


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335940 No.1818

File: 27091b928c84b98⋯.png (401.02 KB,528x521,528:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081856 (051806ZJAN23) Notable: @NavalAcademy #USNA is somewhere under the rainbow 🌈

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#USNA is somewhere under the rainbow 🌈


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335940 No.1819

File: 02f49343a16b8fa⋯.png (755.31 KB,849x478,849:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081929 (051814ZJAN23) Notable: again wuts with the no -shows, absolute delinquency of duty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

loads missing from the roll call

two dems also.

nadler and nancy out boozing

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335940 No.1820

File: 1bfec61664df0c4⋯.png (42.15 KB,813x355,813:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081934 (051815ZJAN23) Notable: Swiss organization to provide people with SAFE blood transfusions from UNVAXXED purebloods

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Swiss organization to provide people with SAFE blood transfusions from UNVAXXED purebloods

An organization in Switzerland called Safe Blood Donation has been set up to provide people all over the world with safe blood transfusions exclusively from people who remain unvaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

The organization was founded in late 2022 by Swiss naturopath George Della Pietra. According to the group’s website, the group’s goal is to provide people all over the world with a way to receive life-saving blood transfusions while refusing to take the vaccines developed against COVID-19.

“Be it an emergency, a scheduled operation or because you need regular transfusions for other medical reasons. This is where Safe Blood Donation comes into play as an intermediary,” reads a statement on the organization’s website.

The group will essentially act as a middleman to connect people all over the world with medical partners who are willing to accept blood donations and provide blood transfusions to people with health needs, but are hesitant to go to hospitals where they will almost certainly receive blood from vaccinated individuals.

Della Pietra created his organization due to the release of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines causing disputes all over the world over blood treatments and transfusions. Specifically, people who are skeptical of the benefits that come with taking the experimental vaccines and doesn’t want their body tainted by the unsafe products.

In Dec. 2022, a baby less than a year old was taken by the government of New Zealand from his parents due to their refusal to allow blood tainted by the COVID-19 vaccines to be used during a life-saving surgery to repair the infant’s heart defect.

Mainstream medical establishment refusing to provide unvaccinated with clean blood transfusions

Della Pietra has contacted hundreds of clinics all over Europe, all of which still don’t allow people “the human right of free blood choice.” Furthermore, dozens of clinics he contacted have all refused to become a partner of the new organization. Some of these clinics are sympathetic, but claimed they do not want to be mentioned for fear of reprisals from the mainstream medical community.

The founder further noted that his main goal is not to run Safe Blood Donation as a blood bank, noting that “this is not possible at the moment” due to legal concerns, but to act as a quick referral service “to match blood donors and recipients” who are then sent to a medical partner’s clinic where the safe, unvaccinated blood transfusion will be handled.

In return for providing people with this service, members are also urged to “make themselves available as blood donors” for other people looking for unvaccinated blood transfusions.

There is no blood bank with mRNA-free blood yet, but Safe Blood Donation declared that “we will not give up until we can offer a worldwide network of such clinics.”


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335940 No.1821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081956 (051817ZJAN23) Notable: again wuts with the no -shows, absolute delinquency of duty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 members didn't vote

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335940 No.1822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081960 (051818ZJAN23) Notable: again wuts with the no -shows, absolute delinquency of duty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>3 members didn't vote

then they should be fired. Do your fucking job faggots.

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335940 No.1823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081964 (051818ZJAN23) Notable: Perry just voted for Donalds the 20 + 1 held firm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Perry just voted for Donalds.

the 20 + 1 held firm

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335940 No.1824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081973 (051819ZJAN23) Notable: Perry just voted for Donalds the 20 + 1 held firm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

All 20 held the line! Woot Woot!

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335940 No.1825

File: 095c553d8e6c110⋯.png (265.62 KB,1100x387,1100:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081984 (051820ZJAN23) Notable: Israel: MP says time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israel: MP says time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

Lawmaker Zvika Fogel told Channel 12 that going to war with Gaza every two or three years was not enough

An Israeli MP in the governing coalition has called for a "final war" against the Palestinians to "subdue them once and for all", following international condemnation of security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir's incursion into Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem.

Hamas, the Palestinian group that controls Gaza, threatened retaliation on Tuesday after Ben-Gvir marched across Al-Aqsa in defiance of longstanding agreements preventing unsanctioned visits to the site by non-Muslims.

On Wednesday, Zvika Fogel - an MP with Ben-Gvir's ultra-nationalist Jewish Power party - hit out at Hamas, saying in an interview on Channel 12 that Israel's policy of going to war with Palestinians "every two or three years" was not enough and that it should "subdue them once and for all".

"It would be worth it because this will be the final war, and after that we can sit and raise doves and all the other beautiful birds that exist," he said, according to Haaretz.

Thousands of Palestinians have died as a result of Israeli assaults on Gaza since the strip was put under siege in 2007.

'We are too merciful'

The Jewish Power party, who have become kingmakers in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government, espouses an openly racist Jewish supremacist ideology based on the teachings of the late far-right Rabbi Meir Kahane.

In December, Fogel told the UK's Channel 4 News that he wants to end any form of proportionality when dealing with Palestinians, whom he claimed Israel has been "too merciful" towards.


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335940 No.1826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18081990 (051821ZJAN23) Notable: Israel: MP says time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

certainly sounds like a final solution

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335940 No.1827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082007 (051823ZJAN23) Notable: Israel: MP says time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


saving Israel for "last war"??

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335940 No.1828

File: e3e50accb7f7c56⋯.png (52.75 KB,507x617,507:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082011 (051823ZJAN23) Notable: trumpforspeaker trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


trumpforspeaker trending


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335940 No.1829

File: 2561c02bf096bf4⋯.jpg (81.19 KB,680x643,680:643,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d00f10aae4ea27c⋯.png (120.77 KB,380x1655,76:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082033 (051825ZJAN23) Notable: trumpforspeaker trending

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>Byron Donalds



>CSPAN and finally trending on Twitter is speaker Trump.

we haz trends now

few minutes ago

John James


Dan Bishop







President Harris

Praise God










Jake Paul




Bed Bath & Beyond




New Covid



Denny Kellington

Orthodox Christmas


Happy Founders

Founders Day

Trump for Speaker


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335940 No.1830

File: 02d87f04f88c217⋯.jpg (325.69 KB,615x585,41:39,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082035 (051825ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

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FLASHBACK: March 2022:


: “Give us the ability to Fire Nancy Pelosi, take back the majority, impeach Joe Biden and I’m gonna nominate Donald Trump as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.”


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335940 No.1831

File: 41ddacf9d309d4c⋯.mp4 (60 KB,704x560,44:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082056 (051828ZJAN23) Notable: trumpforspeaker trending

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335940 No.1832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082085 (051831ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert's turn next, after trolling gaetz into doing it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


boebert's turn next, after trolling gaetz into doing it.

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335940 No.1833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082096 (051833ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert's turn next, after trolling gaetz into doing it

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I double dog dare her! Donald Trump Vote for speaker of the house.

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335940 No.1834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082099 (051833ZJAN23) Notable: Wow Speaker Trump could ascend back to the oval - finish this two years and get another four this could be pretty tasty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wow Speaker Trump could ascend back to the oval - finish this two years and get another four

this could be pretty tasty

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335940 No.1835

File: 44d9807504ff1d6⋯.png (197.05 KB,720x1234,360:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b4bec71e504f24⋯.png (12.07 KB,255x164,255:164,Clipboard.png)

File: 85d48b5aef3ccca⋯.png (10.37 KB,255x182,255:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082111 (051835ZJAN23) Notable: De C12 2018 Q

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KEK intensifies

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335940 No.1836

File: f0667876c8b21af⋯.png (501.24 KB,735x515,147:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082119 (051836ZJAN23) Notable: European Parliament Suspends Quincy Author Over Unregistered Work for Qatar and Morocco

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

European Parliament Suspends Quincy Author Over Unregistered Work for Qatar and Morocco

Eldar Mamedov used think tank perch to push policies important to Qatar

A contributor to the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft’s flagship website was suspended in late December from an advisory role at the European Parliament amid allegations he was working as an unregistered operative for Qatar and Morocco.

Eldar Mamedov, who has authored more than 50 op-eds for the isolationist think tank bankrolled by billionaires George Soros and Charles Koch, was referred to Belgian authorities as part of an investigation into foreign influence peddling, according to Politico. Mamedov’s suspected role in the operation is raising questions about how he used his perch at Quincy to advocate in favor of increased ties with Iran—one of Qatar’s closest regional allies.

But the allegations against Mamedov could explain why he used his perch at Quincy to push for increased relations with Tehran. While he hasn't written there about Morocco or Qatar specifically, he has used his position to press issues important to the latter. Mamedov’s writing focused on opening relations with Iran and reentering the 2015 nuclear accord, which also is a chief priority for the Quincy Institute. In October, for instance, Mamedov argued the anti-regime protests erupting across Iran "make restoring the [nuclear deal] more urgent than ever." In August, he advocated the United States take "a more nuanced view of Iran." A new nuclear deal with Iran would boost Qatar’s clout in the region and enable it to continue doing business with the country’s hardline regime.

While the Quincy Institute bills itself as immune to the whims of a "narrow elite in Washington," it has struggled to beat back accusations that some of its scholars are doing the bidding of America’s adversaries. Quincy executive vice president Trita Parsi, for instance, has long been dogged by accusations he served as an unregistered lobbyist for the Iranian regime. And Quincy Institute fellow Amir Handjani, formerly a registered foreign agent for Saudi Arabia’s state-owned Public Investment Fund, is alleged to have played a central role in a hack-and-leak operation funded by a wealthy kingdom in the United Arab Emirates.

"It's bad enough that Quincy peddles dictator-friendly ideas. But it's even worse that it does so with people who appear to be mired in conflicts of interest, commercial ties with tyrannical regimes, and in one case alleged to be connected to a major bribery scandal," Kaveh Shahrooz, an Iranian dissident and Toronto-based senior fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, told the Washington Free Beacon. "This think tank and its views ought to be ignored by every decent person."

Quincy, in its policy mission, decries the "influence of the ‘military industrial complex’" and says that America’s foreign policy positions "should not be driven by the preferences of a narrow elite in Washington." It routinely positions itself as a voice untouched by the foreign money campaigns that plague many Washington, D.C., institutes.

The Quincy Institute did not respond to a Free Beacon request for comment.

The Mamedov scandal has increased scrutiny on the think tank and its associates.

In addition to housing Parsi and Handjani, the Quincy Institute recently brought aboard Blaise Malley, the son of U.S. Iran envoy Robert Malley, who is leading negotiations with Iran surrounding a revamped nuclear deal.

Blaise Malley lists himself as a reporter for the Quincy Institute as of December 2022 and now works under Parsi—one of the most vocal supporters of a new nuclear deal. Malley has already written about Middle Eastern issues that intersect with his father’s work. This has drawn further accusations of ethical impropriety at the think tank.

"Rob Malley’s son Blaise writes for Quincy to promote Rob’s policy," wrote Xiyue Wang, a former U.S. hostage in Iran who now works on Capitol Hill. "Is it ethical for a senior [U.S. government] official to have his direct relative work in a think tank promoting his policy??"

A State Department official told the Free Beacon it has no issue with the younger Malley’s work, saying, "Private citizens are entitled to their own beliefs and their own views on U.S. policy."


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335940 No.1837

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082174 (051842ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert's turn next, after trolling gaetz into doing it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Don't think Gaetz nominated Trump, he just voted for him. That's why his vote went in the 'other' line.

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335940 No.1838

File: df22a2e798b006b⋯.png (392.39 KB,747x416,747:416,Clipboard.png)

File: fe9228d8a182701⋯.png (170.82 KB,667x374,667:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082207 (051845ZJAN23) Notable: PF EJM473 G650 arrived at Morristown Muni last night from Palm Beach Int'l departure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EJM473 G650 arrived at Morristown Muni last night from Palm Beach Int'l departure

Used by 45 for rally's/personal business and legal team

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335940 No.1839

File: 3889b4b6aa8f2fc⋯.png (406.68 KB,663x428,663:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 87fc13308247e6c⋯.png (375.96 KB,605x417,605:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082211 (051845ZJAN23) Notable: WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Screenshots of Trump's nomination being called out at end with captioning.


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335940 No.1840

File: 342d8e828fdf4d4⋯.png (252.69 KB,529x508,529:508,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082223 (051847ZJAN23) Notable: Drug Cartels

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Must watch.


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335940 No.1841

File: 6513ab9d5c659ba⋯.png (487.3 KB,925x404,925:404,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ac13c3248e4292⋯.png (267.38 KB,678x316,339:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082264 (051851ZJAN23) Notable: Pf ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch heading back to JBA after a refueling exercise with MASH82 KC-135 tanker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>1781 lb

ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch heading back to JBA after a refueling exercise with MASH82 KC-135 tanker

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335940 No.1842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082339 (051901ZJAN23) Notable: #22163

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#222163 >>1793

>>1794 C17s on the move

>>1795, >>1819, >>1821, >>1822 again wuts with the no -shows, absolute delinquency of duty

>>1796, >>1797, >>1798 Kevin McCarthy is now 0-7

>>1799 Kari Lake: Hobbs Knows “When She Took Her Oath That She Stole The Election”

>>1800, >>1802, >>1805, >>1803, >>1804, >>1815, >>1830, >>1839 WE HAVE A TRUMP NOMINATION.

>>1801, >>1807 Every moment Congress has no Speaker is a moment Congress spends no money, makes no laws and pays no staff to screw the American people ABSOLUTELY GLORIOUS

>>1806 PF FRED5:5 C-5 Galayy NW from Travis and TEAL83 Hurricane Hunter SW from same

>>1808 Colonial Pipeline Shuts Critical Conduit Supplying Fuel To Northeast After Spill

>>1809 Bills safety Damar Hamlin is awake and holding hands with family members.

>>1810, >>1811 Chinese Scientists Explore Using MOSQUITOS to Distribute VACCINES

>>1812 Pf US Navy AE6787 P-8 Poseidon did some time over Baltic Sea, like right over Nordstream again

>>1813 Twitter data breach: Hacker put 200M users’ private information up for grabs

>>1814 @realLizUSA Georgia Election Manager about to blow the lid on the cheating in our elections

>>1816 Chad P just said on Fox news : "to keep in mind that the Speaker does not have to be a member of the House"

>>1817 "Qevin McCarthy" - Rick Wilson attempts to tie KMC with Q….but why????

>>1818 @NavalAcademy #USNA is somewhere under the rainbow 🌈

>>1820 Swiss organization to provide people with SAFE blood transfusions from UNVAXXED purebloods

>>1823, >>1824 Perry just voted for Donalds the 20 + 1 held firm

>>1825, >>1826, >>1827 Israel: MP says time to 'subdue Palestinians once and for all' in the 'last war'

>>1828, >>1829, >>1831 trumpforspeaker trending

>>1834 Wow Speaker Trump could ascend back to the oval - finish this two years and get another four this could be pretty tasty

>>1835 De C12 2018 Q

>>1836 European Parliament Suspends Quincy Author Over Unregistered Work for Qatar and Morocco

>>1832, >>1833, >>1837 Boebert's turn next, after trolling gaetz into doing it

>>1838 PF EJM473 G650 arrived at Morristown Muni last night from Palm Beach Int'l departure

>>1840 Drug Cartels

>>1841 Pf ORDER66 USAF E-4B Nightwatch heading back to JBA after a refueling exercise with MASH82 KC-135 tanker


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335940 No.1843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082381 (051906ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden's Laptop Into the Congressional Record

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Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden's Laptop Into the Congressional Record

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335940 No.1844

File: 95939daf2dd70ec⋯.png (1.47 MB,1269x735,423:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082384 (051906ZJAN23) Notable: Round 8 underway

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Round 8 underway

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335940 No.1845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082391 (051907ZJAN23) Notable: Watch live: House of Representatives continues speaker vote

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Watch live: House of Representatives continues speaker vote into day three | USA TODAY


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335940 No.1846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082393 (051907ZJAN23) Notable: Round 8 underway

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9 moar to go

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335940 No.1847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082395 (051907ZJAN23) Notable: Round 8 underway

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stalling the result until Jan 6th

TRUMP for Speaker tomorrow!

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335940 No.1848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082403 (051908ZJAN23) Notable: Round 8 underway

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>Round 8 underway

it's like boosters

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335940 No.1849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082426 (051909ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Ray Hern

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Kevin Ray Hern (born December 4, 1961) is an American businessman and politician from the state of Oklahoma. A Republican, he is a member of the United States House of Representatives for Oklahoma's 1st congressional district. He was first elected in 2018. Hern was ranked number 7 in the United States House of Representatives by total number of stock trades while in office between January 2020 and January 2022 and he violated the STOCK Act in 2021.

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335940 No.1850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082465 (051913ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Ray Hern

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Boebert and Brecheen

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335940 No.1851

File: e4c727d5616f84a⋯.png (5.55 KB,348x82,174:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082514 (051917ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy trending

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335940 No.1852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082534 (051919ZJAN23) Notable: Gaetz: Donald John Trump again

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Gaetz: Donald John Trump


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335940 No.1853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082540 (051919ZJAN23) Notable: Gaetz: Donald John Trump again

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Yes.He.Did. Kek!

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335940 No.1854

File: 3dadc4221bef2b5⋯.jpeg (53.58 KB,800x533,800:533,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfca86cd86c821b⋯.jpeg (37.54 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8b1b04f271c5897⋯.jpg (36.08 KB,800x424,100:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082605 (051926ZJAN23) Notable: Recapture of Ovidio Guzmán, son of ‘El Chapo’, in Culiacán

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Culiacanazo 2.0: They recapture Ovidio Guzmán, son of ‘El Chapo’, in Culiacán

The ‘Black Thursday’ is repeated for one of the most important cities in Sinaloa, which is paralyzed by narcobloqueos.


Ovidio Guzmán, son of Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, considered one of the leaders of the Sinaloa cartel, was arrested in the early hours of Thursday by an army elite group.

Military authorities said unofficially that the capture of the capo occurred during an operation in Culiacán, a city that is involved in narcobloqueos and clashes.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said in his ‘Mañanera’ on Thursday that the Secretariat of Security will offer a report on the operation.

Guzmán had already been arrested in October 2019 by federal elements. However, it was released after criminal groups caused blockages and attacks in what was later known to ‘El Culiacanazo’.

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335940 No.1855

File: 90e1dbaeccce837⋯.png (429 KB,506x556,253:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082631 (051929ZJAN23) Notable: Round 8 underway

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335940 No.1856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082650 (051931ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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What power does the speaker have? Why is this made into a circus why not just nominate someone else.

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335940 No.1857

File: de364b858a999bd⋯.png (489.89 KB,791x477,791:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ba2dc3ce1c66bb⋯.png (77.03 KB,704x547,704:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082653 (051931ZJAN23) Notable: Fed’s Bullard Says Rates Are Getting Closer to Sufficiently High

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Fed’s Bullard Says Rates Are Getting Closer to Sufficiently High

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said interest rates are getting closer to a high enough level to bring down inflation, suggesting he’s comfortable with policymakers’ projections of how much further they will hike this year.

Bullard, in a presentation Thursday to business leaders in St. Louis, pointed to optimistic signs that price gains could slow further this year and that the central bank may succeed in taming the strongest inflation in a generation. His remarks also stopped short of hammering home the hawkish tone he delivered through much of last year, when he was ahead of peers in advocating for the US central bank to take more aggressive moves to cool prices. “The policy rate is not yet in a zone that may be considered sufficiently restrictive, but it is getting closer,” Bullard said in the slide deck. A chart in his presentation suggested that Fed officials’ median projection for where rates will end this year, at 5.1%, is in the territory of being restrictive enough to rein in inflation.

Bullard’s presentation didn’t specify how high he prefers rates to rise or indicate whether the Fed should again slow its pace of rate hikes at the next meeting. The St. Louis Fed chief said the central bank’s actions have helped to lower inflation expectations to a level “consistent with the Fed’s 2% inflation target.” He said he also sees inflation falling to a lower level this year as the economy “normalizes.”

Fed officials raised rates by a half point last month, slowing down after four straight 75 basis-point hikes while extending the most aggressive tightening campaign since the 1980s. That brought the target on its benchmark rate to a range of 4.25% to 4.5%.

Officials also issued fresh forecasts that showed they expect policy to remain tight this year, with 17 out of 19 officials projecting rates above 5% by the end of 2023. No Fed official forecast rate cuts this year.

Minutes of the Fed’s Dec. 13-14 meeting, released Wednesday, showed that policymakers last month affirmed their commitment to bringing down inflation. Officials also warned against an “unwarranted” loosening of financial conditions, which suggested frustration that markets could undermine their efforts to tame prices.

Other Officials

Several Fed officials this week have reiterated their concerns that inflation is still too high, with Kansas City Fed President Esther George saying earlier Thursday that she sees the federal funds rate remaining above 5% well into 2024. “I see staying there for some time, again, until we get the signals that inflation is really convincingly starting to fall back toward our 2% goal,” George said Thursday in an interview on CNBC television. That followed remarks from Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic that inflation is still “way too high” and remains the biggest headwind in the US (yet you have GDPNOW at 3.8%-cap #1-2 and lowered by 1/10th of a point earlier today). “I appreciate recent reports that include signs of moderating price pressures, but there is still much work to do,” he said at a Fed conference in New Orleans Thursday. Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari said in an essay Wednesday that he projects rates will rise to 5.4%.


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335940 No.1858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082657 (051932ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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Control of money and power.

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335940 No.1859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082663 (051932ZJAN23) Notable: Ex-Philadelphia official picked for key elections post

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The fix is in in PA for 2024:

Ex-Philadelphia official picked for key elections post

A former Philadelphia election official who has told of enduring death threats for defending the city's 2020 vote-counting against former President Donald Trump's lies will be nominated for the top election administration post in Pennsylvania by the incoming Democratic governor, Josh Shapiro.

Al Schmidt's coming nomination to be secretary of state, announced Thursday by Shapiro, sets him up to oversee what is expected to be a hard-fought 2024 election in the critical presidential battleground. Schmidt is Shapiro's first Cabinet selection to be revealed ahead of his Jan. 17 inauguration.

Protecting elections and voting rights was central to Shapiro's campaign, as he emphasized his intention to nominate a “pro-Democracy” secretary of state and his role, as attorney general, in fighting efforts in court by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

“Al Schmidt has a proven track record of defending our democracy, protecting voting rights and standing up to extremism — even in the face of grave threats," Shapiro said in a statement.

Schmidt, 51, is a Republican, fitting in with Shapiro's theme of fashioning a bipartisan administration in politically divided Pennsylvania.

Schmidt is president and CEO of the Committee of Seventy, a good-government group in Philadelphia. Before he joined the group a year ago, Schmidt spent a decade as a Republican elected to the three-member board that oversees elections in Philadelphia.

On Friday, the second anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Schmidt will be among 12 people to receive the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Joe Biden in a ceremony at the White House. This is the first time Biden has given the medal, the nation’s second-highest civilian award.

“During the 2020 election, he kept the vote tally going in the face of pressure and efforts to overturn the election,” the White House said.

Holding the post of secretary of state is subject to confirmation in the Republican-controlled Senate.

The $165,000-salary job involves overseeing how the state's 67 counties run their elections, giving them guidance and assistance on how to manage it — a task that has grown in complexity with the advent of the state's no-excuse mail-in voting law and conspiracy theorists inspired by Trump's lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

The department also administers a long list of professional licensing commissions that report to the department.

In 2020, Schmidt became the face of Philadelphia's protracted vote count when Trump and his campaign repeatedly claimed that “bad things happen in Philadelphia” and spread lies to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the election in the heavily Democratic city.

With help from Philadelphia, Trump lost Pennsylvania to Biden.

Few, if any, Republicans came to Schmidt's defense during a time when he has said he received Trump-inspired death threats against him and his family that he has called “domestic terrorism.” Rather, the state Republican Party and most state GOP lawmakers sought to stop Pennsylvania's electoral votes from being awarded to Biden.

No lawsuit, prosecutor or election worker has produced evidence of widespread fraud in Philadelphia's 2020 election.

In the wake of the election, Schmidt testified in front of a U.S. Senate committee and the congressional commit


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335940 No.1860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082668 (051933ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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>What power does the speaker have?

The speaker is the most powerful politician domestically after the president.

They decide on what is voted on and what is not voted on.

>why not just nominate someone else.

As long as McCarthy refuses to step away, the circus continues. It only ends when McCarthy sudukos.

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335940 No.1861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082673 (051933ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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>What power does the speaker have? Why is this made into a circus why not just nominate someone else.

Dirty speaker is needed to cover up the crimes of congress.

They all hang if they're exposed.

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335940 No.1862

File: a3ee38dbdf7c8ec⋯.png (479.39 KB,598x654,299:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082676 (051934ZJAN23) Notable: Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of combat engagement

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Russia state-affiliated media

Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of combat engagement in the zone of the special military operation from 12:00 on January 6 until 24:00 on January 7, the Kremlin press service reported


God bless motherland!


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335940 No.1863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082716 (051938ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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Since Newt, tremendous power.

Massie and Gaetz discuss it in The Swamp if you get a chance to see that.

Newt changed the rules making members money making toward the party determine which committees you get, etc. It turned them into (bigger) whores for the RNC/DNC. That 9-member rules committee rules everything. So McCarthy wants to be a king, but they want to make him just another representative.

Here's hoping Donalds or PDJT gets the job

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335940 No.1864

File: b6b2802bfd53d80⋯.png (95.9 KB,1024x566,512:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 82dc78f7ef12e55⋯.png (99.89 KB,1024x588,256:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082719 (051939ZJAN23) Notable: Call for memes, call for trends MATT GAETZ, DONALD TRUMP

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335940 No.1865

File: 0dedbc1e57621a0⋯.png (772.81 KB,1029x831,343:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082722 (051939ZJAN23) Notable: Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of combat engagement

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yo this is lame, anything else on


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335940 No.1866

File: ac7eca84e290447⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b6015faece6bad0⋯.mp4 (274.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 21776a864f2a9f7⋯.mp4 (413.55 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 64483ae7d3c08c4⋯.png (401.94 KB,500x573,500:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 152cc11b99e3b2e⋯.jpg (82.18 KB,640x340,32:17,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082755 (051942ZJAN23) Notable: Joe has no idea what he's talking about anymore

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Joe Biden has no idea what he’s talking about.

“Then we’re gonna have to use Title 9—Title, uh, 8? 8, right? Am I right?”


Joe Biden calls Kamala Harris as "President Harris."


Joe Biden: "If the most extreme Republicans continue to demagogue this issue, and reject solutions, I'm left with only one choice: To act on my own, do as much as I can on my own to try to change the atmosphere."



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335940 No.1867

File: 2894fe141a1b22f⋯.png (146.48 KB,523x677,523:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082775 (051945ZJAN23) Notable: Brunson case, likely scenario

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Brunson case, likely scenario:

#5 relates to the SOH voting we are seeing now.


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335940 No.1868

File: 987b0e58b423667⋯.png (13.75 KB,384x193,384:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 41d169027108db8⋯.png (318.76 KB,600x566,300:283,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c658460ebcfe4⋯.png (24.8 KB,598x118,299:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 51ed94d900dcbec⋯.png (89.92 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082788 (051946ZJAN23) Notable: Call for memes, call for trends MATT GAETZ, DONALD TRUMP

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Trend Matt Gaetz


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335940 No.1869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082792 (051947ZJAN23) Notable: Brunson case, likely scenario

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The Brunson case will bring the Red Wave that Q predicted. 2 Moar decades

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335940 No.1870

File: cb492ee65b8e778⋯.png (12.83 KB,384x193,384:193,Clipboard.png)

File: b7baf9f795959df⋯.png (298.88 KB,598x478,299:239,Clipboard.png)

File: ea4ccce7ae5f441⋯.png (347.93 KB,598x436,299:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082800 (051948ZJAN23) Notable: Call for memes, call for trends MATT GAETZ, DONALD TRUMP

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Trend Donald John Trump


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335940 No.1871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082818 (051950ZJAN23) Notable: US House LIVE

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>anyone gots a live feed


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335940 No.1872

File: 85d749ed62ec85a⋯.png (451.31 KB,1000x575,40:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082836 (051951ZJAN23) Notable: 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

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1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

For the absolute hamster-wheel brains who claim the number of athlete cardiac arrest deaths have not increased in the last couple of years, this study shows that he average was 29 athlete deaths for decades up until now.

A few later studies indicated between 60-70 deaths per year. Regardless, all of these are massively dwarfed by the recent amount of heart attacks, the majority of which resulted in death.

Something extremely dark and significant is going on and it can no longer be ignored.

Article lists ALL cases so have at em. I doubt you’re going to be able to whittle it down by 1500.



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335940 No.1873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082885 (051956ZJAN23) Notable: To NFL players concerned about possible cardiac damage

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To NFL players:

"Spend $1,000 of your own money and no, not any team-approved or affiliated NFL doc either. Pay a qualified independent cardiac specialist.

Go get a troponin test and a cardiac MRI looking specifically for LGE.

If you come positive for damage on either or both go get a lawyer to tell your club to either fork up the entirety of your contract balance, in cash, right now and release you from all further obligation or you're going to sue the living crap out of both the club and the NFL for coercing you to do what you have every reason to believe caused that condition and which makes you unfit to play."

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335940 No.1874

File: aa1146da7909f0e⋯.png (7.01 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a9fb916059fb65⋯.png (127.79 KB,591x1126,591:1126,Clipboard.png)

File: 059a4736770e6fe⋯.png (110.61 KB,749x675,749:675,Clipboard.png)

File: be4fec1e5a52cdb⋯.png (634.19 KB,828x1552,207:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082907 (051958ZJAN23) Notable: Q Clock Jan 4 2022

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QClock January 04, 2022 - Stay Tuned

there's more to this clock but i was feeling lazy.

timestamp: 10:11 — wind the clock in 12 hr increments: 10:11, 22:11, 3411, 4611.

1) 22:11 quotes "background"

2) 4611: "welcome to the digital battlefield / information warfare" message

3) OCT 11 (ergo 10:11) — also, "welcome to the digital battlefield / information warfare

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335940 No.1875

File: 4f404a6cde3d235⋯.png (359.98 KB,598x673,598:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082920 (051959ZJAN23) Notable: Netanyahu will undergo a routine gastrointestinal examination

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The Jerusalem Post


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will undergo a routine gastrointestinal examination on Friday.

As he will be under partial sedation, Arye Deri will fill in for Netanyahu during the examination, in accordance with the coalition agreements.



On Friday!

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335940 No.1876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082946 (052002ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discusses vax regret with those who got the vax

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Had to sit in a waiting room for 5 hours yesterday. Filled with Dems. One guy started talking vaccine. His brother had died 6 weeks after taking it. 30 days in ICU before passing. The same guy said that six weeks after he got the vaccine he had a stroke.

There were 8 dems in the room so, me being me, I asked if any of them regretted getting the vaccine. 4 of the 8 said yes. 2 seemed reluctant to say it but they also thought Biden is a moron so there is that. The other 2 refused to speak once they realized that no one was on their side.

It was interesting. One guy I spoke to outside even admitted to being a life long dem and still considers himself a dem but he voted for Trump.

So, overall it was encouraging to see some Dems swaying. Ironically, their viewpoints and knowledge seemed more aligned with Republicans than Dems.

Perhaps there is still hope for them.

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335940 No.1877

File: f7d1dc762b02f39⋯.png (518.66 KB,1170x1055,234:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082970 (052006ZJAN23) Notable: Luntz rt to Dr Drew: Damar went down due to a hard chest hit

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McCarthy’s best friend and “roommate”.

Holy shit lol

@WokeSocieties 🇺🇸


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335940 No.1878

File: 4917f4f812a4e31⋯.jpg (159.37 KB,1440x907,1440:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18082997 (052009ZJAN23) Notable: Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

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Speaker of the House as Commander in chief. Or Commander and chief?

Maybe something her in to find?


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335940 No.1879

File: 24425ffc3f99a4c⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,2972x2984,743:746,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083058 (052015ZJAN23) Notable: Trump's plan to take down the cartels

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335940 No.1880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083093 (052020ZJAN23) Notable: #22164

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>>1843 Matt Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden's Laptop Into the Congressional Record

>>1844, >>1846, >>1847, >>1848, >>1855 Round 8 underway

>>1845 Watch live: House of Representatives continues speaker vote

>>1849, >>1850 Kevin Ray Hern

>>1851 McCarthy trending

>>1852, >>1853 Gaetz: Donald John Trump again

baker change

>>1871 US House LIVE

>>1854 Recapture of Ovidio Guzmán, son of ‘El Chapo’, in Culiacán

>>1857 Fed’s Bullard Says Rates Are Getting Closer to Sufficiently High

>>1859 Ex-Philadelphia official picked for key elections post

>>1862, >>1865 Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed to declare a ceasefire along the entire line of combat engagement

>>1856, >>1858, >>1860, >>1861, >>1863, >>1878 Anon discussion: What power does the Speaker have?

>>1864 , >>1868, >>1870 Call for memes, call for trends MATT GAETZ, DONALD TRUMP

>>1866 Joe has no idea what he's talking about anymore

>>1867, >>1869 Brunson case, likely scenario

>>1872 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection

>>1873 To NFL players concerned about possible cardiac damage

>>1874 Q Clock Jan 4 2022

>>1875 Netanyahu will undergo a routine gastrointestinal examination

>>1876 Anon discusses vax regret with those who got the vax

>>1877 Luntz rt to Dr Drew: Damar went down due to a hard chest hit

>>1879 Trump's plan to take down the cartels



baker seeking handoff nb

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335940 No.1881

File: f0f63aba2d1b91b⋯.png (109.11 KB,640x465,128:93,Clipboard.png)

File: 2894fe141a1b22f⋯.png (146.48 KB,523x677,523:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083125 (052023ZJAN23) Notable: Brunson con't.

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335940 No.1882

File: 2f7004152208784⋯.png (550.19 KB,852x837,284:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083142 (052025ZJAN23) Notable: Bed Bath & Beyond exploring options including bankruptcy, shares crater

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Bed Bath & Beyond exploring options including bankruptcy, shares crater


1:40 PM · Jan 5, 2023

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335940 No.1883

File: cb409a00b0f548d⋯.png (30.76 KB,592x164,148:41,Clipboard.png)

File: e592cc3b7fe50a1⋯.png (74.99 KB,854x350,61:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083155 (052028ZJAN23) Notable: PDJT: Save America statement is false (22 hours ago)

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@realDonaldTrump - Jan 04, 2023, 3:50 PM


The Statement just put out using a Save America masthead is a forgery and a fake. Please disregard it entirely.

from pb

masthead is an interesting choice. not header? masthead…of a SHIP?

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335940 No.1884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083158 (052028ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It! (Gateway Pundit)

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HUGE: Steve Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It!

Earlier today in the 7th vote for the US House of Representatives, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz called for President Trump for Speaker.

Steve Bannon on the War Room just called for Trump as Speaker as well.

From a reliable and trusted source – President Trump would do it if voted as Speaker.

Bannon made a case for Trump on the War Room moments ago.

At the beginning of the segment, Bannon showed the misdirection play from RINOs like Rep. Ben Crenshaw who made fun of Rep. Bob Good for doing what’s right and not electing McCarthy.

Bannon then shared:

It can’t continue on like this. This fight has been brewing for 10 years…since the Tea Party revolt in 2010.

All of the big guns running the GOP House are gone except McCarthy.

I said on here over a year ago, that Donald Trump should be the Speaker. At least come in for an interim of 100 days. Why did I say that? I knew this was going to end up…

… [after talking about a modern day Church commission to investigate the weaponization of the government] …What about Trump and do it for some interim period, maybe 100 days?

Would you not rather have Trump leading in the negotiation of the debt ceiling and the spending than some of these other people? Would you not? And that’s what it’s going to come down to. We’re hurling towards an economic and financial crisis just like the 1930s. We’re going through a dark valley…

Listen to this historic segment from Steve Bannon on the War Room.

(How awesome it would be if President Trump was sworn in as Speaker tomorrow on Jan 6?)


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335940 No.1885

File: 51344884fe25eb5⋯.png (526.14 KB,978x1369,978:1369,Clipboard.png)

File: b34863fc4b327b0⋯.png (9.21 KB,220x145,44:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083159 (052028ZJAN23) Notable: NEW: White House calls for gun control after Utah family of 8 found fatally shot in apparent murder-suicide

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NEW: White House calls for gun control after Utah family of 8 found fatally shot in apparent murder-suicide

2:27 PM · Jan 5, 2023

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335940 No.1886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083176 (052030ZJAN23) Notable: Noem in a tough position re transgender movement in SD

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The largest employer in the state of South Dakota is Sanford Health, and they are in the transgender surgery and treatment money-making business. So, they would clearly have significant sway over any Chamber of Commerce-type Republican.

So if she goes against this bullshit, a massive percent of her constituents lose their job when the company leaves SD. If she goes with the bullshit, the jobs stay, but kids get mutilated.

Sounds like a lose/lose.

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335940 No.1887

File: d53f04fbc48f050⋯.png (281.58 KB,598x677,598:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083182 (052031ZJAN23) Notable: Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam, the “world's most wanted human trafficker” has been arrested in the UAE.

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Middle East Eye


Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam, the “world's most wanted human trafficker” has been arrested in a multinational police operation overseen by the UAE.

Kidane escaped from a courthouse in Ethiopia in February 2021 and had been on the run since




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335940 No.1888

File: a9e2a440ddd6a7c⋯.png (6.88 KB,598x82,299:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 445c157567cebe5⋯.png (6.02 KB,598x82,299:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fdfa03e4334d4b⋯.png (6.17 KB,598x82,299:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083192 (052032ZJAN23) Notable: Current Top Trends

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OPTICS: Current Top Trends

Donald John Trump https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Donald+John+Trump%22

#TrumpForSpeaker https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpForSpeaker

#speakertrump https://twitter.com/hashtag/speakertrump

McCarthy https://twitter.com/search?q=McCarthy

Matt Gaetz https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Matt%20Gaetz%22

#Speakerofthehousevote https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Speakerofthehousevote&f=live

The Speaker https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20Speaker%22

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335940 No.1889

File: c5d7013432da8a6⋯.png (225.68 KB,561x691,561:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083220 (052035ZJAN23) Notable: “We Can’t Trust Him Around Actual Power… He Sells it to the Lobbyists” – Rep. Matt Gaetz Slams RINO McCarthy After Failed Negotiation

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“We Can’t Trust Him Around Actual Power… He Sells it to the Lobbyists” – Rep. Matt Gaetz Slams RINO McCarthy After Failed Negotiation

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA 20th District) was huddling with his detractors in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday after two days of brutal losses.

Following the meeting, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL 1st District) blasted McCarthy following closed-door meeting.

“He’s a desperate guy whose vote share is dropping with every subsequent vote, and I’m ready to vote all night, all week, all month, and never for that person,” Rep. Gaetz told reporters.

On Wednesday night, Rep. Matt Gaetz provided details on the negotiations regarding who will serve as Speaker of the House during a Twitter Space discussion.

The topic turned to his criticism of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and he declared that “there is blood in the water” in the race for the speakership.

“The Republican Party right now is in need of change, and Washington is in need of change, and McCarthy kind of embodies a lot of the things that are the worst features of Washington and the worst features of the Republican Party,” Gaetz said.

“So I am in the Lauren Boebert camp. If we can’t wake this guy up every day and put him in a straight jacket right after the prayer of the pledge where basically he is a disembodied portrait, we can’t trust him around actual power because we know what he does with it. He sells it to the lobbyists and the special interests for money that he then redistributes. It is a crazy game that you almost never actually want to win,” Gaetz continued.



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335940 No.1890

File: e14345e7c8c085c⋯.jpeg (423.79 KB,892x2729,892:2729,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083225 (052035ZJAN23) Notable: Belarus Sign Calls For 'All Male Citizens' To Attend Enlistment Office

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Draft: Belarus?


Belarus Sign Calls For 'All Male Citizens' To Attend Enlistment Office

A video of an electronic announcement at a bus terminal in Belarus calling for males of military age to go to an enlistment center has led to speculation over whether mobilization could take place in the country whose leader is Vladimir Putin's close ally.

The appeal appears on digital signage hanging on the first-floor balcony of the waiting room at the transport hub in the city of Barysau (Barysaw), located in the Minsk region, around 45 miles northeast of the capital city.

The digital text in Russian rolling across the screen says, "all male citizens from 18 to 60 years old must come to an enlistment office or village executive committee to clarify their data."

The clip, which as of Wednesday afternoon had received over 157,000 views, was tweeted by Hanna Liubakova, a journalist from Minsk and a non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank, who added the message, "What on earth is that?"

Twitter user MarqS, who tweets about Ukraine to more than 100,000 followers, wrote in a thread under the video that the call could be linked to ongoing military exercises in Belarus.

"Then again, many think (general) mobilization will start in Russia by tomorrow, maybe in Belarus too?" MarqS added. Other Twitter users also expressed concern that it could signal a mobilization of the Belarusian population.

"Hope the people have the strength to stand up against Lukashenko," wrote one user, amid concerns about what role the country's leader, Alexander Lukashenko, might play in the invasion of Ukraine by his ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Newsweek subscription offers >

Belarus has been used a staging post for Russia's invasion of Ukraine although so far Lukashenko has avoided more direct Belarusian involvement in the war.

Tensions rose again last week, however, when Belarus blamed Ukraine for a downed missile on its border, suggesting that the incident could be a provocation by Ukraine's armed forces.

Although Belarusian authorities announced that there were no plans for mobilization, the process of military eligibility check-ups in the country began in October 2022, Liubakova told Newsweek. This entailed Belarusian men being summoned to military registration and enlistment offices via letters or phone calls.

"The announcement at a bus station is new yet it looks like another way of dragging people to enlistment offices," Liubakova said.

The Belarusian Defense Ministry said in October that an annual check of the credentials of those liable for military service would be completed by the end of the year but that no mobilization events would be held.

Liubakova said that in December, "propaganda and various ads appeared with posters and videos calling for men to turn up to enlistment offices for the checkups," which suggested the process had been extended.

"It can be interpreted as potential preparation for future mobilization," Liubakova told Newsweek, "However, today there are no signs of the beginning of real mobilization in Belarus, although we can't exclude such a scenario."

"For the regimes in Belarus and Russia, the deployment of unmotivated Belarusian troops could mean instability in the country."

There is a lot of anti-Western propaganda in Belarus, whose regime is seeking to push a narrative that there are NATO troops on its border ready to invade, Liubakova said. "That's why the regime is checking people's data—as they claim."

Putin has deployed military equipment and troops to Belarus and Lukashenko is dependent on his ally for his political survival, especially after a disputed election in 2020 condemned internationally as rigged.

Despite the presidents' symbiotic relationship, Franak Viačorka, chief political adviser to Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, told Newsweek in December the chance of direct Belarusian participation in the war in the short term was "very low."

However, Viačorka said that Lukashenko would still provide airfields, territory intelligence and other support for his only ally. Newsweek has contacted the Belarusian Foreign Ministry for comment.

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335940 No.1891

File: c34bc7496d06d63⋯.jpg (79.71 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083231 (052036ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter Poll on Speaker

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335940 No.1892

File: 64f7e6ac604197c⋯.png (140.86 KB,836x452,209:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083238 (052037ZJAN23) Notable: Citadel Posts Record $35.5 Bilion In Revenue For Hedge Fund, Securities Op

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Citadel Posts Record $35.5 Bilion In Revenue For Hedge Fund, Securities Operations

Yesterday we listed some of the best and worst performing hedge funds of 2022: we missed the most important one.

After a stellar 2021, when it generated $16.2 billion in revenue, in 2022 Ken Griffen's Citadel hedge fund - which had $54.5 billion in AUM as of Jan 1 - had a blowout year, and according to the WSJ, it generated about $28 billion in revenue, citing sources. It wasn't immediately clear what exactly is meant by "revenue" here: new funds, services rendered, or unbooked and booked gains, but whatever it is, the number is a lot, and follows an impressive 38.1% return at the company's flagship multi-strategy fund, Wellington. It also far outstripped the hedge fund's prior record of $16.2 billion the year before.

Additionally, Citadel Securities, a separate entity and one of the world’s biggest electronic-trading firms, had $7.5 billion in revenue, also up from the prior record of $7 billion in 2021. Although in a market where there has been virtually no "lit" (or exchange liquidity) and where most trades have gone through internalizers like Citadel, this particular success is easier to comprehend.

And yes, those pointing out that companies which control both a hedge fund and a trading operation are not that different from SBF's empire, which consisted for the FTX exchange and the Alameda hedge fund, are not too far off.

As the WSJ recounts, after its near-death experience in 2008, Citadel has outpaced many rivals in recent years, and each of its hedge funds posted double-digit gains after fees in 2022. Operating under tight risk controls that leave Citadel with little directional exposure to markets, the firm’s 1,000-plus traders make bets across asset classes in markets around the world. The firm doesn’t provide detailed information to clients about significant trades, though earlier in the year it told them it had benefited from successful commodities bets.

As for Citadel Securities, regular readers are quite familiar with it (not lease because of their threat to sue Zerohedge for suggesting it was frontrunning client orderflow just days before securities regulator FINRA accused it of doing just that) as a global market-making operation that handles more than 20% of the shares that change hands in U.S. stock markets each day. The business, which also trades futures, options, Treasuries and currencies, benefits from increased volumes and volatility, as well as reduced liquidity allowing it to pocket huge bid/ask spreads and prosper even when markets fall.

Furthermore, the pandemic-era boom in activity by retail investors benefited Citadel Securities’ so-called retail-wholesaler unit, which executes orders for brokerages such Robinhood and, to a lesser extent, Schwab.

The revenue bonanza will add to Griffen's already considerable fortune who in addition to regularly breaking records in the real-estate and art markets, has emerged as a major GOP donor. Forbes estimates his wealth at around $31 billion.

To be sure, most other hedge funds have had a rougher year. As we noted yesterday, Goldman told its prime-brokerage clients that hedge funds betting on and against stocks lost an average 12.9% for the year, on an asset-weighted basis, while the S&P 500 lost about 18% including dividends.


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335940 No.1893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083250 (052038ZJAN23) Notable: Florida orders universities to account of how money is spend on diversity, critical race theory

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Florida orders universities to account of how money is spend on diversity, critical race theory

State law mandates “dutiful attention to curriculum content,” governor’s office says.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week announced that public institutions of higher education in the state will be required to detail the total amount they spend on programs and initiatives related to diversity and "critical race theory."

The governor's office said in a press release that “each Florida College System and State University System institution ”will be required “to provide a comprehensive list of all staff, programs, and campus activities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and critical race theory.”

Schools will have to provide descriptions of said programs, “positions, including full and partial FTE” that staff the programs, “total funding” spent on them, and the amount of that funding that comes from the state.

Schools have until Jan. 13 to collect the data and submit it to the governor's office.

“I appreciate your assistance in this matter as we continue to work to provide our students with a world-class higher educ


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335940 No.1894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083251 (052038ZJAN23) Notable: The powers of the House

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The powers of the House.

The House has several powers assigned exclusively to it, including the power to initiate revenue bills, impeach federal officials, and elect the President in the case of an Electoral College tie.


Yes. Judges too.

The Constitution confers upon Congress the power to impeach and thereafter remove from office the President,1 Vice President, and other federal officers—including judges—on account of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors


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335940 No.1895

File: 7988a5aa9e53552⋯.png (12.52 KB,493x196,493:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083271 (052041ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert: We’re not making a point. We’re making a change.

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Rep. Lauren Boebert


We’re not making a point.

We’re making a change.

2:50 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1896

File: 3810d5d45eea6f3⋯.jpg (544.17 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083272 (052041ZJAN23) Notable: CDC's helpful guide to blood clots and travel (kek)

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How long some of them been sitting?


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335940 No.1897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083297 (052044ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert noms Kevin Hern for Speaker

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335940 No.1898

File: febe555b0b84cea⋯.jpg (61.94 KB,724x752,181:188,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083311 (052045ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert noms Kevin Hern for Speaker

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Kevin Hern

Wikipedia had already updated to include Boebert's nom by the time I went check him.

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335940 No.1899

File: 95e9096d6ac817d⋯.jpeg (427.96 KB,750x847,750:847,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083319 (052046ZJAN23) Notable: Matt Gaetz pic of Trump as Speaker

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335940 No.1900

File: f3416f5999d8001⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB,892x9351,892:9351,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083322 (052046ZJAN23) Notable: Putin deploys frigate to Atlantic Ocean armed with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles

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>Draft: Belarus?


Putin deploys frigate to Atlantic Ocean armed with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles


Russian ship named Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov test-fired missiles last year

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Wednesday the deployment of a frigate armed with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles — a type of weaponry he says has "no analogues" — to the Atlantic Ocean.

The ship, named Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, is deploying months after Russia’s Ministry of Defense touted a successful test launch of the missiles, which cleared a distance of 625 miles.

"The ship is equipped with the latest hypersonic missile system — 'Zircon' — which has no analogues," Putin said during a video conference with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Igor Krokhmal, the ship’s commander, according to Reuters. "This is a hypersonic sea–based system."

Shoigu said the ship will travel through the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in addition to the Atlantic, Reuters added.

The Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov will travel to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, Russia's defense minister says.

Video released by Russia last May showed a Zircon missile being fired from the Barents Sea near Scandinavia and striking a target in the White Sea with great precision.

"Today, the lead frigate of Project 22350 Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov fired a Zircon hypersonic cruise missile at a sea target position in the White Sea from the Barents Sea," the defense ministry announced at the time.

The Zircon missile can travel nine times the speed of sound, according to intelligence on the new weapon.

Russia also recently has completed test launches of the Sarmat, an intercontinental missile that can carry nuclear warheads, according to reports.

Ukraine ain't in the Atlantic. NATO tho…

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335940 No.1901

File: 1b461b421e0f9ee⋯.png (464.74 KB,1180x892,295:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083329 (052047ZJAN23) Notable: Missouri Bill Would Take Steps Toward Treating Gold And Silver As Money

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Missouri Bill Would Take Steps Toward Treating Gold And Silver As Money


A bill introduced in the Missouri Senate for the 2023 legislative session would take important steps toward treating gold and silver as money instead of as commodities and would set the stage for currency competition in the Show-Me State.

Sen. William Eigel (R) filed SB100 last month. The legislation would take several steps to encourage the use of gold and silver as money in Missouri, including making it legal tender, eliminating the state capital gains tax on gold and silver, and establishing a state bullion depository.

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335940 No.1902

File: 9f86bb7ef445d5b⋯.png (897.2 KB,634x699,634:699,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc50c211c9c5df⋯.png (702.25 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 04da9b1419ef887⋯.png (581.09 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083381 (052053ZJAN23) Notable: NEW: White House calls for gun control after Utah family of 8 found fatally shot in apparent murder-suicide

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seems fishy

michael haight



A Utah insurance salesman killed his wife, their five children and his mother-in-law

Authorities say Michael Haight then turned the gun on himself

It's been reported that his wife, Tausha, had recently filed for divorce

The family were well known in the town of Enoch and were active in the Mormon community

If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions, please contact the National Suicide Hotline at 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

A Mormon family – including five children – were found shot dead inside of their rural Utah home by the family patriarch on Tuesday. The children's father then turned the gun on himself.

The bodies of Michael, 42, and Tausha Haight, 40, their five children and Tausha's mother, Gail, 78, were found on Wednesday in the town of Enoch with gunshot wounds.

The children were only identified as three daughters, aged 17, 12, and 7, and two sons, aged 7 and 4 years old. Police had been called to their home to perform a welfare check by other family members.

It was later revealed that massacre occurred shortly after Tausha filed for divorce from her husband, reports KSL. Until last week, Michael had been working as an insurance agent for Allstate.

A statement from Enoch City Manager Rob Dotson identified Michael Haight as the only suspect in the crime. Dotson said: 'While this intense investigation is ongoing, investigators currently believe there are no suspects outstanding. Evidence suggests that the suspect took his own life after killing seven others in the home. The suspect is 42-year-old Michael Haight.'

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335940 No.1903

File: 65c61e4cf279d2d⋯.jpg (629.77 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083385 (052054ZJAN23) Notable: Boebert noms Kevin Hern for Speaker

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Cannot find information on how exactly the Challenger disaster effected this guy. What did he do prior to becoming a MCd franchisee?


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335940 No.1904

File: 5f3dbe51d539449⋯.pdf (979.57 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 56f93254035be97⋯.pdf (6.18 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083388 (052054ZJAN23) Notable: Idaho Officials Release Criminal Affidavit Outlining Murder Charges Against Suspect Bryan Kohberger

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Idaho Officials Release Criminal Affidavit Outlining Murder Charges Against Suspect Bryan Kohberger

With the extradition process completed, law enforcement officials in Idaho have released the arrest warrant and criminal affidavit against murder suspect Bryan Kohberger.

Within the probable cause affidavit outlining the evidence against Bryan Kohberger, the investigators release a lot of very specific new evidence against the suspect, including an eyewitness within the house…


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335940 No.1905

File: 4f93f3e5d095223⋯.png (454.99 KB,1120x866,560:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083395 (052054ZJAN23) Notable: Michael Flynn: I'm with Gaetz.

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335940 No.1906

File: 316c3d1747e46cd⋯.png (41.69 KB,642x570,107:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083396 (052054ZJAN23) Notable: Current Top Trends

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not sure who needs to see this


President Harris

Speaker Trump

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335940 No.1907

File: e2e006ae7eae497⋯.jpg (60.5 KB,846x208,423:104,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083409 (052056ZJAN23) Notable: He Won’t “Budge an Inch to Conservatives…But We All Know He’ll Fold Like a Cheap Tent to the Democrats” – Catturd

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He Won’t “Budge an Inch to Conservatives…But We All Know He’ll Fold Like a Cheap Tent to the Democrats” – Catturd on Kevin McCarthy


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335940 No.1908

File: 906afbc9ca46202⋯.png (742.18 KB,1251x1310,1251:1310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083424 (052058ZJAN23) Notable: What's next for the mRNA vaxxes - MIT

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MIT Tech review:

>What’s next for mRNA vaccines

>mRNA vaccines helped us through the covid-19 pandemic—but they could also help defend against many other infectious diseases, offer universal protection against flu, and even treat cancer.

>Jessica Hamzelou

>January 5, 2023

>“I don’t want to give the impression that mRNA vaccines will be the solution for everything,” says Loré. Blakney agrees. “We’ve seen the effects that these vaccines can [have], and it’s really exciting,” she says. “But I don’t think that, overnight, all vaccines are going to become RNA vaccines.”

>Still, there’s plenty to look forward to. In 2023, we can expect an updated covid-19 vaccine. And researchers are hopeful we’ll see more mRNA vaccines enter clinics in the near future. “I really hope that in the next couple of years, we will have other approved mRNA vaccines against infectious disease,” says Pardi.

>He is planning ahead for the next global disease outbreak, which may well involve a flu virus. We don’t know when the next pandemic will hit, “but we have to be ready for it,” he says. “It’s crystal clear that if you start vaccine development in the middle of a pandemic, it’s already too late.”



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335940 No.1909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083432 (052059ZJAN23) Notable: Nommed anon opine on living in a movie

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Most of us know that we've been living in some kind of movie that is almost over. It appears that one of the main themes of the movie is to remember who we are as divine beings. We were taught to think that we were nothing, worthless, that we made a mess of our lives, or that our bodies don't know how to heal themselves, and to rely on the external world that has power over others and has had power over us. Now we have enough information, as we awaken, to walk away from the reliance on the old material world. We are done with it!

Won't it be a relief when we can throw away the old programs and start anew! We will be able to create magic, miracles and perfect lives for ourselves. We will be empowered, amazed and astounded at what capabilities we have. We had to forget all of this to come to the third dimensional earth and participate in this movie.

Some of the things that we will find ourselves doing will be flying, manifesting things out of the thin air, walking through walls, walking on water, time traveling, teleporting, telepathy, creating new technologies, space travel, meeting our galactic friends and families, terraforming, seeing the elementals, devas, fairies, and nature spirits, living in spiritual communities, creating multidimensional art and music, having open communication with animals and plants, reversing aging, and talking with family and friends on the other side. We will be able to discover that we can do pretty much whatever our mind can create. We will live in harmony, kindness, cooperation, love, abundance, joy, beauty and magnificence. How is that for a start at 2023? We will be free!

The earth is becoming our playground, a laboratory for our lives. We will be energized by our creativity and our relationships with our spiritual family and friends. Loneliness will be a thing of the past, so will self doubt and blame. There will be no more need for antidepressants or the old invasive ways of medicine. We will be unstoppable like torpedoes of light blasting throughout creation.

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335940 No.1910

File: 1fc4a8d7aeb7cf6⋯.png (387.54 KB,598x458,299:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083474 (052105ZJAN23) Notable: Mexican cartel leader dies in shootout after mass jail break

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Business profile picture



Mexican cartel leader dies in shootout after mass jail break

MEXICO CITY, Jan 5 (Reuters) - An escaped Mexican cartel kingpin known as "El Neto" died after a shootout early on Thursday, four days after he fled prison in a violent mass break-out, authorities said.

El Neto", whose full name was Ernesto Alfredo Pinon de la Cruz, was tracked down by intelligence forces in the city of Ciudad Juárez on the U.S. border, and then shot after a pursuit, officials said.

"He was located, chased. He was injured, but on the way (to the state attorney general's offices) he died," Chihuahua state governor Maru Campos said on Twitter.




Fast and furious is over.

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335940 No.1911

File: 30165ce4ab5eee2⋯.png (425.86 KB,879x859,879:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083481 (052105ZJAN23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith gets trove of new documents from local election officials

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Believe fake n ghey,

But, there's THIS


Special counsel Jack Smith gets trove of new documents from local election officials

By Zachary Cohen, CNN

Updated 8:29 PM EST, Wed January 4, 2023

Special counsel Jack Smith has received a trove of new documents from local election officials in Wisconsin and Nevada who were subpoenaed as part of the ongoing criminal investigation by the Justice Department into efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

The documents were handed by officials in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, and Clark County, Nevada, in response to Smith’s subpoena. They include communications with lawyers working on former President Donald Trump’s behalf.

The subpoenas requested any communications with several individuals who were involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election at the state level, including some who are known to be of interest to federal prosecutors and were identified by the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol as key players in the push to upend Joe Biden’s victory.

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335940 No.1912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083508 (052108ZJAN23) Notable: A female to male tranny may play superman in movie

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>>>/qresearch/18083467 a female to male trannie to play superman in movie


looks like a wimp

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335940 No.1913

File: d2f30078f3e1ef7⋯.jpeg (334.6 KB,750x842,375:421,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083515 (052109ZJAN23) Notable: Forbes: Why Trump could serve as House Speaker

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335940 No.1914

File: 42adf88e3baa9f3⋯.png (264.56 KB,598x633,598:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 9779cd554be4c3c⋯.png (178.19 KB,420x293,420:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083538 (052112ZJAN23) Notable: Cali's PG&E has reported a leak in one of its reactors at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant

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Business profile picture

SF Examiner


PG&E has reported a leak in one of its reactors at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in San Luis Obispo County — leading to more questions about the facility’s infrastructure.


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335940 No.1915

File: 1b7cb1f94d486c3⋯.png (1.9 MB,1178x1158,589:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083569 (052116ZJAN23) Notable: Hillary Clinton to be Columbia U professor

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Hillary Clinton to be Columbia University professor.


Columbia University will soon have a politically divisive new professor — former U.S. secretary of state and presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will be joining the faculty, according to a press release Thursday.

The long-anticipated announcement (she was in discussions for a position in 2017, according to the Daily News) says she will teach at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). She will also be a presidential fellow at Columbia World Projects.

"Given her extraordinary talents and capacities together with her singular life experiences, Hillary Clinton is unique, and, most importantly, exceptional in what she can bring to the University's missions of research and teaching, along with public service and engagement for the public good," University President Lee Bollinger wrote to students and faculty.

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335940 No.1916

File: dd3c24541907351⋯.png (160.79 KB,768x460,192:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083599 (052120ZJAN23) Notable: James Gunn Endorses Pedophilia in 10,000 Deleted Tweets

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>12 year old boy

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335940 No.1917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083602 (052120ZJAN23) Notable: James Gunn Endorses Pedophilia in 10,000 Deleted Tweets

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335940 No.1918

File: 86f2fc0c85fa628⋯.png (107.21 KB,604x602,302:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 86f2fc0c85fa628⋯.png (107.21 KB,604x602,302:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083621 (052122ZJAN23) Notable: Noem in a tough position re transgender movement in SD

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This kind of stuff makes me feel like we are too late. Well funded and organized groomers are taking over the Republican party ins SOUTH DAKOTA. Jesus wept.


Article behind paywall at National Review:https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/01/how-gender-ideology-conquered-south-dakota/>>>/qresearch/18083495

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335940 No.1919

File: 4a8ff790f28ac79⋯.png (2.76 MB,676x9563,676:9563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083629 (052123ZJAN23) Notable: James Gunn Endorses Pedophilia in 10,000 Deleted Tweets

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335940 No.1920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083648 (052125ZJAN23) Notable: Special counsel Jack Smith gets trove of new documents from local election officials

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Smith did not attend the briefing in Washington, D.C., that announced his appointment. The DOJ said he will return to the U.S. from the Netherlands after he recovers from a recent bicycle accident,

Smith began work as a prosecutor in 1994 for the New York County District Attorney’s office investigating and prosecuting sex crimes and domestic violence offenses, according to the New York Post. He later moved to the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York and served in a number of supervisory roles, at one point overseeing the work of about 100 prosecutors.

In 2008, Smith left Brooklyn for the Netherlands to take on the role of investigation coordinator in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, NYT reported. He spent the next two years overseeing war crimes investigations into foreign governments and high-profile militia groups.

Smith returned to the United States in 2010 to take up a post at the Justice Department under former President Barack Obama. For the next five years, he led the DOJ Public Integrity Section and oversaw numerous corruption cases brought against politicians and others, including the high-profile cases of former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell and former Arizona Rep. Rick Renzi, both Republicans.

Smith took over the Public Integrity Section at a period of turmoil for the division after a high-profile case against Republican then-Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska broke down, according to NYT. After Smith took charge, the division dropped a number of cases against other lawmakers, raising questions that the division may shy away from pursuing cases against lawmakers.

During his stint at the DOJ, Smith was linked to one of the most infamous scandals of the Obama administration: the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Citizens United, the IRS unfairly scrutinized and delayed hundreds of conservative organizations’ applications for tax-exempt status from 2010-2012, according to a 2013 report from the U.S. Treasury Inspector General.

A congressional investigation into the affair uncovered that an official from the DOJ met with Lois Lerner, then-head of the Exempt Organizations Division at the IRS, in October of 2010. Days later, Lerner said in a discussion at the Sanford School of Public Policy that “everybody is screaming at us right now, fix it now before the election,” referring to Citizens United and the relaxed rules on corporate political funding.

In May of 2014, Richard Pilger, then the director of the DOJ’s Election Crimes Branch, told congressional investigators that the DOJ-Lerner meeting was set up at the behest of Smith to discuss campaign finance law. More specifically, Smith wanted to discuss the IRS being “more vigilant to the opportunities from more crime in the … 501(c)(4) area,” Pilger said according to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), then chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Republicans said the meeting was part of a pressure campaign on the IRS to target conservative groups in the wake of Citizens United. Both Pilger and Smith in meetings with lawmakers denied that any such pressure or influence was brought against Lerner over the Supreme Court ruling.

Smith left the DOJ in 2015, and from February of that year to August 2017, Smith worked as the First Assistant U.S. Attorney and Acting U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee. Smith then served as vice president and head of litigation for the Hospital Corporation of America before taking a post at The Hague in 2018.

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335940 No.1921

File: 03e3b985bdc0933⋯.png (393.78 KB,1245x1701,415:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083670 (052127ZJAN23) Notable: Russia Says It Shot Down a UFO

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Russia Says It Shot Down a UFO


A mystery object described by one local news outlet as a "UFO" has been shot down in the southern Russian region of Rostov.

Vasily Golubev, the governor of Rostov oblast, wrote on Telegram that a "small-size object in the shape of a ball" had been discovered flying "in the wind" at an altitude of around one and a half miles on January 3. With the object spotted above the village of Sultan Sala in the region's Myasnikovsky district, Golubev said "the decision was taken to liquidate it."

"I urge everyone to remain calm. To ensure security, all forces and means are involved. The sky is covered with anti-aircraft defenses," he added, without specifying what the object was.

Object above Rostov, Russia

An image shared on Russian social media shows an object above the southern Russian region of Rostov on January 3, 2023. The regional governor said that an object was shot down in the area which has been the scene of drone attacks.

In reporting his comments, local news outlet Pivyet Rostov carried a headline that said "a UFO in the form of a ball was shot down in the sky."

Telegram channels that night described how air defense systems in Rostov had been operating. The channel Ostorozhna, Novosti (Caution, News) published a video showing a shining object flying and then exploding in the sky.

"Look, another one has gone," someone is heard saying in the clip, which was captioned, "another video of the work of Rostov regional air defenses." A witness told the channel how "there was a very strong explosion" and that "everything in the house shook. We realized that the air defenses were in operation."

Newsweek has contacted the governor's office for further comment.

Rostov borders the Sea of Azov, which is connected to the Black Sea by the Strait of Kerch, a strategic location for both sides of the war in Ukraine. Since the start of Vladimir Putin's invasion, the oblast near Ukraine has been subjected to regular shelling and drone attacks.

In October, Rostov was named as one of six Russian regions and two annexed regions in which Putin introduced a "medium-response level" to the threats posed by the war. This includes restrictions on movement and strengthening public order measures.

He also announced a "maximum response"—effectively martial law—on the four regions he claimed to have annexed but does not fully control; Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ukrainian drone attacks are believed to have been behind strikes on Russian airbases in December that reportedly damaged aircraft. Kyiv has not directly claimed responsibility for the strikes on the Dyagilevo and Engels air bases, located in Ryazan and Saratov respectively.

However, Kyrylo Budanov, Ukraine's chief military intelligence official, welcomed the attacks, which have reportedly forced Russia to station its bombers in the Far East.

Budanov told ABC News that Putin could expect attacks "deeper and deeper" inside Russia.

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335940 No.1922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083688 (052129ZJAN23) Notable: #22165

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>>1881 Brunson con't.

>>1882 Bed Bath & Beyond exploring options including bankruptcy, shares crater

>>1883 PDJT: Save America statement is false (22 hours ago)

>>1884 Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It! (Gateway Pundit)

>>1885, >>1902 NEW: White House calls for gun control after Utah family of 8 found fatally shot in apparent murder-suicide

>>1886, >>1918 Noem in a tough position re transgender movement in SD

>>1887 Kidane Zekarias Habtemariam, the “world's most wanted human trafficker” has been arrested in the UAE.

>>1888, >>1906 Current Top Trends

>>1889 “We Can’t Trust Him Around Actual Power… He Sells it to the Lobbyists” – Rep. Matt Gaetz Slams RINO McCarthy After Failed Negotiation

>>1890 Belarus Sign Calls For 'All Male Citizens' To Attend Enlistment Office

>>1892 Citadel Posts Record $35.5 Bilion In Revenue For Hedge Fund, Securities Op

>>1891 Twitter Poll on Speaker

>>1893 Florida orders universities to account of how money is spend on diversity, critical race theory

>>1894 The powers of the House

>>1895 Boebert: We’re not making a point. We’re making a change.

>>1896 CDC's helpful guide to blood clots and travel (kek)

>>1898, >>1903, >>1897 Boebert noms Kevin Hern for Speaker

>>1899 Matt Gaetz pic of Trump as Speaker

>>1900 Putin deploys frigate to Atlantic Ocean armed with hypersonic Zircon cruise missiles

>>1901 Missouri Bill Would Take Steps Toward Treating Gold And Silver As Money

>>1904 Idaho Officials Release Criminal Affidavit Outlining Murder Charges Against Suspect Bryan Kohberger

>>1905 Michael Flynn: I'm with Gaetz.

>>1907 He Won’t “Budge an Inch to Conservatives…But We All Know He’ll Fold Like a Cheap Tent to the Democrats” – Catturd

>>1908 What's next for the mRNA vaxxes - MIT

>>1910 Mexican cartel leader dies in shootout after mass jail break

>>1911, >>1920 Special counsel Jack Smith gets trove of new documents from local election officials

>>1912 A female to male tranny may play superman in movie

>>1913 Forbes: Why Trump could serve as House Speaker

>>1909 Nommed anon opine on living in a movie

>>1914 Cali's PG&E has reported a leak in one of its reactors at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant

>>1915 Hillary Clinton to be Columbia U professor

>>1916, >>1917, >>1919 James Gunn Endorses Pedophilia in 10,000 Deleted Tweets

>>1921 Russia Says It Shot Down a UFO




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335940 No.1923

File: 43ac6ee6de87344⋯.png (249.91 KB,1080x1238,540:619,Clipboard.png)

File: f2553f3fad5afa6⋯.png (650.92 KB,1280x719,1280:719,Clipboard.png)

File: c2501c6ec58f9b9⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x1254,640:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 4df765f08b43d3a⋯.png (103.03 KB,923x689,71:53,Clipboard.png)

File: f43b18255b3aa8c⋯.jpg (12.18 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083754 (052138ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine Rejects Putin's Christmas Truce Proposal As "Hypocrisy" & "A Trap"

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335940 No.1924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083762 (052139ZJAN23) Notable: Ken Buck didn't vote (reduced McCarthy's tally by one)

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Just heard on C-SPAN he didn't vote

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335940 No.1925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083770 (052140ZJAN23) Notable: MTG: Good things are coming. Hold a little longer.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Good things are coming.

Hold a little longer.

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335940 No.1926

File: d749701aeeec73e⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x592,30:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083773 (052140ZJAN23) Notable: Defense system in Rostov - shining object exploded in the sky

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Telegram channels that night described how air defense systems in Rostov had been operating. The channel Ostorozhna, Novosti (Caution, News) published a video showing a shining object flying and then exploding in the sky.

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335940 No.1927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083796 (052142ZJAN23) Notable: Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

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CSPAN update…Buck had to leave for medical appt and will be out rest of today and maybe tomorrow.

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335940 No.1928

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083797 (052143ZJAN23) Notable: Patients of Miami sex change surgeon Dr Sidhbh Gallagher come forward about gruesome post-op complications

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Former patients of Miami sex change surgeon Dr Sidhbh Gallagher come forward about gruesome post-op complications

The Miami surgeon who specializes in amputating the healthy breasts of teen girls and young women is facing backlash from several former patients who say they experienced severe post-op complications.

The Miami gender surgeon who specializes in amputating the healthy breasts of teenage girls and young women and advertises her services directly to vulnerable young people via social media is facing backlash from several former patients who say they experienced severe post-op complications.

Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher, the celebrity surgeon who jokingly refers to herself as Dr. Teetus Deletus, has been under increased scrutiny since one of her obese trans-identified biological female patients told the harrowing tale of experiencing life-threatening complications after going under Gallagher’s knife.


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335940 No.1929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083803 (052144ZJAN23) Notable: Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

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Cspan giving EXCUSES of potential conflicts.

Project that panic.


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335940 No.1930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083804 (052144ZJAN23) Notable: Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

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CNN reporting that Buck was on his way to an appt today; out tomorrow?


Hern's mother died this week, funeral is Saturday. Will voting continue thru the weekend?

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335940 No.1931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083835 (052149ZJAN23) Notable: Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

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Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

Russia called on international bodies to condemn the mistreatment of Marat Kasem

The arrest of Sputnik Lithuania’s editor-in-chief is a violation of international norms of freedom of speech and the rights of journalists, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. She called on international organizations to react appropriately to Latvia’s “overreach” in arresting Marat Kasem.

“Riga has once again demonstrated that for it such values of a democratic society as media pluralism and the rights of journalists are nothing more than empty phrases,” Zakharova said in a statement.

Earlier, the spokeswoman shared a video on her Telegram channel of Kasem speaking about the problems he was facing, noting that he had complained for years about pressure and mistreatment at the hands of governments in the Baltic states. All the international organizations concerned with freedom of speech, who spent years ignoring Kasem’s safety concerns, should “finally justify their existence” and intervene, Zakharova argued.

“It is not just a duty, but an obligation of the international community to do everything so these overreaching regimes would return to following the law,” she said.

Kasem is a Latvian citizen, but has lived and worked in Moscow for the past several years. He returned to Latvia on family business just before New Year’s Eve. On Thursday, the authorities in Riga ordered his arrest and reportedly charged him with espionage and violating EU sanctions against Russia. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years behind bars.

His lawyer has not yet been given the case files, and her request to release Kasem on bail has been denied. He is currently being held in Riga’s Central jail.

Moscow has complained about the ongoing persecution of several journalists in Baltic states back in 2021, prior to the conflict in Ukraine escalating. Kasem had been detained in Vilnius and deported from Lithuania as a “threat to national security” in 2019. His colleague Valentin Rozentsov, editor-in-chief of Sputnik Latvia, was detained and interrogated in Riga in 2018.

The former Soviet republics have adopted a hardline stance on the conflict in Ukraine. Just last month, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia protested French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to offer Russia security guarantees, and demanded no exemptions on the ban on Russian fertilizer exports, despite EU concerns about potential famine in Africa.


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335940 No.1932

File: 8d4801ca849964b⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 75c23403e831d27⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083840 (052149ZJAN23) Notable: VIDEOS - Detonations and shots fired in several Mexican cities, possible retaliation after Ovidio Guzman (son of 'El Chapo') re-apprehension?

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Happening now, possible retaliation from the cartels (very probably related to >>1854 Recapture of Ovidio Guzmán, son of ‘El Chapo’, in Culiacán).

These videos were taken by people of the localities of Navojoa and Obregon in the Mexican state of Sonora, sent via phone to anon's relative.

Events took place in the Obregon Airport and a supermarket in Navojoa.

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335940 No.1933

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083849 (052150ZJAN23) Notable: The Longest and Most Contentious Speaker Election in House History

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For the record.

Historical Highlights

The Longest and Most Contentious Speaker Election in House History

February 02, 1856

After two months and 133 ballots, the House finally chose Representative Banks by a vote of 103 to 100 over Representative William Aiken of South Carolina.


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335940 No.1934

File: 75c23403e831d27⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083859 (052151ZJAN23) Notable: VIDEOS - Detonations and shots fired in several Mexican cities, possible retaliation after Ovidio Guzman (son of 'El Chapo') re-apprehension?

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As usual, the media is silent.

Here's another one.

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335940 No.1935

File: d8ea112f5df246d⋯.png (150.76 KB,627x469,627:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083860 (052151ZJAN23) Notable: “Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year

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“Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year


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335940 No.1936

File: d8ea112f5df246d⋯.png (150.76 KB,627x469,627:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083860 (052151ZJAN23) Notable: “Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year

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“Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year


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335940 No.1937

File: bc4ef3443348960⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,240x426,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083907 (052157ZJAN23) Notable: VIDEOS - Detonations and shots fired in several Mexican cities, possible retaliation after Ovidio Guzman (son of 'El Chapo') re-apprehension?

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Also happening now, shots fired in Culiacan, in the Mexican State of Sinaloa. Source arrived via phone as well.

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335940 No.1938

File: a9478ef8afc88f9⋯.png (686.89 KB,801x929,801:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083930 (052159ZJAN23) Notable: Damar wakes up, asks docs, "who won the game?"

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>Damar Hamlin Wakes Up, Asks Doctors ‘Who Won the Game?’

>The doctor said that he replied saying, “The answer is yes, Damar, you won the game of life.”

>Pritts added that Hamlin started to have flashes of awareness late on Wednesday night and slowly regained consciousness into Thursday morning.

>On Tuesday, Hamlin’s family released a statement thanking fans and both teams for their support and prayers for Damar’s recovery.


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335940 No.1939

File: 1e5200867048831⋯.png (1.2 MB,978x1080,163:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083943 (052201ZJAN23) Notable: More fear pron incoming, Omicron variant - be afraid be very afraid

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Ready for more hyperbole and fear porn?


Subvariant of Omicron most transmissible strain of COVID-19, says public health

Most transmissible generally means least dangerous so this strain is otherwise known as the common cold.

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335940 No.1940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18083993 (052207ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy FAILS 9th VOTE for Speaker – Byron McDonalds Wins 17 Votes – Rep. Hern Receives 3 Votes

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Kevin McCarthy FAILS 9th VOTE for Speaker – Byron McDonalds Wins 17 Votes – Rep. Hern Receives 3 Votes


8 to go

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335940 No.1941

File: f8a38b773ac22ae⋯.png (90.26 KB,640x550,64:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084004 (052208ZJAN23) Notable: Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

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Rep. Ken Buck(R-Colo.)

who missed the 9th ballot after traveling back to his state for a "planned non-emergency medical procedure," a spox told POLITICO. Buck's office didn't detail a timeline for when he will return.

4:58 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1942

File: f51efe583876b59⋯.png (790.72 KB,894x1280,447:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084009 (052209ZJAN23) Notable: They Want To Weaken Your Children w/soy milk- The Blaze

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They Want Your Children weak

Communist Color Revolution no longer hides



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335940 No.1943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084016 (052210ZJAN23) Notable: Legislation that would require the U.S. House Speaker be a Member of Congress

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This weasel tried to do an end around.

July 19, 2021

Legislation that would require the U.S. House Speaker be a Member of Congress


"The Speaker of the U.S. House is second in the United States presidential line of succession. That Donald Trump's name would even be tossed around as a potential speaker in the people's house, should serve as an alarm bell that our current requirements need to be amended in the name of protecting our nation and our democracy. As such, our laws should mandate that the Speaker be a member of the U.S. House. This legislation would establish that mandate in very clear and direct language, and it would serve as a check against those who would seek to undermine and derogate the authority and responsibilities of the Speaker's office."


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335940 No.1944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084018 (052210ZJAN23) Notable: Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

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Olivia Beavers




Replying to


1. Hern's mom died this week (Told the funeral is on Saturday and if votes go through weekend, he will miss them)

2. Wesley Hunt's wife just gave birth (Haven't heard if he will/will not actually miss votes, but his name is being raised)

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335940 No.1945

File: 32d83d34a8fc00a⋯.png (3.77 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084026 (052212ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Demanded Jim Jordan Swear Off Speakership Role; Jordan Refused

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Kevin McCarthy Demanded Jim Jordan Swear Off Speakership Role; Jordan Refused

January 5, 2023

Jim Jordan could be more receptive to assuming the speakership than he’s publicly indicated, National File has exclusively learned.

A high-ranking staffer on Capitol Hill tells National File that Freedom Caucus Rep. Jim Jordan rejected a request from Kevin McCarthy and members of the GOP establishment to swear off the speakership for himself when he nominated McCarthy on the House floor on Tuesday, but Jordan refused, indicating his receptiveness to the speakership.

National File can exclusively report, per a high-ranking, well-sourced Hill staffer, that Rep. Jim Jordan rejected a request from Kevin McCarthy and his closest supporters to publicly swear off the speakership when he stood to nominate McCarthy for the role.

Despite Jordan’s public media comments, indicating that he isn’t running for Speaker of the House and is backing Kevin McCarthy, the Freedom Caucus leadership member received 19 votes of his own after standing to nominate McCarthy.


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335940 No.1946

File: a34fa17988c7421⋯.jpg (551.53 KB,1080x3788,270:947,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084041 (052213ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Hern digg

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Okay, so Hern was a Aerospace Engineer for Rockwell, prior to becoming a McDonald's Franchisee


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335940 No.1947

File: dc9b2500ea73bce⋯.jpg (330.8 KB,1080x1937,1080:1937,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084082 (052217ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Hern digg

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>>1946 (me)


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335940 No.1948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084091 (052218ZJAN23) Notable: HAPPENING 2: NEW C-19 FOIA JUST DROPPED from State Dept.

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>We received 7 new batches of #FOIA documents from @StateDept in response to ongoing litigation. @StateDept redacted over 130 pages. Many seem to be related to Covid-19 and its origins.

The time for screaming is now.


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335940 No.1949

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084099 (052218ZJAN23) Notable: Cardi B goes on a rant about the cost of food and understands economics more than Krugman

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Cardi B goes on a rant about the cost of food and understands economics more than Krugman. Cover your ears if profanity bothers you. Kek

Biden’s Destructive Inflationary Force Is Now Unavoidable For Americans Of All Classes

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023




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335940 No.1950

File: a7fb81022a60aea⋯.png (279.73 KB,1810x1102,905:551,Clipboard.png)

File: ea456e2874fb384⋯.png (204.01 KB,1950x1434,325:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084111 (052220ZJAN23) Notable: HAPPENING 2: NEW C-19 FOIA JUST DROPPED from State Dept.

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7th Floor

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335940 No.1951

File: 0e4769d85b0457b⋯.jpg (716.42 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084129 (052222ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Hern digg

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>>1946 (me)

He had an older sister die from spinal Bifida which he also has


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335940 No.1952

File: 04ead444848ef1c⋯.jpg (50.91 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084138 (052223ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin Hern digg

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Kevin Hern digg

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335940 No.1953

File: b103ff3fd94e91a⋯.png (701.22 KB,828x591,276:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084148 (052225ZJAN23) Notable: Screen cap: Mcarthy loses again, 11th vote incoming tomorrow

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mccarthy loses again, 11th vote incoming tomorrow

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335940 No.1954

File: 398325bcddaf7de⋯.png (30.98 KB,645x262,645:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084206 (052231ZJAN23) Notable: Stephen Miller "dings" Hakeem Jeffries

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Stephen Miller "dings" Hakeem Jeffries

And by “the people” I presume you mean the millions of illegal immigrants Joe Biden and the Democrats are bringing into our country?

Hakeem Jeffries @RepJeffries·8h

It’s time to get to work.

For. The. People.

@StephenM 5:00 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.1955

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084220 (052233ZJAN23) Notable: vid: Bannon saysTrump As speaker, even for a 100 days can deal with the debt ceiling

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Bannon saysTrump As speaker, even for a 100 days can deal with the debt ceiling

This is funny, Mike Davis calls McCarthy out for the traitor he is.

McCarthy has given away his socks, pants, shirts and underwear, he can’t be elected. Kevin McCarthy is the problem.

Mike Davis: Kevin McCarthy Will Never Get 218 Votes For Speaker, Steve Scalise Is The Correct Choice

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023


He’s got Jeff Miller lobbyist for google and Amazon is shilling for McCarthy!


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335940 No.1956

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084250 (052236ZJAN23) Notable: vid: Bannon Makes The Case Of Donald Trump For Speaker Of The House

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Listen to Crenshaw and the hatred for Good and Boebert. This guy is despicable and disgusting!

Bannon Makes The Case Of Donald Trump For Speaker Of The House, Best Negotiator For America’s Crisis

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023


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335940 No.1957

File: 40dc4858b8687d0⋯.png (259.55 KB,522x377,18:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 2233dca8020a694⋯.png (263.53 KB,484x526,242:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084259 (052237ZJAN23) Notable: After Trey Gowdy Calls McCarthy Opposition “Clown Show,” Matt Gaetz Goes There On The Benghazi Hearings

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After Trey Gowdy Calls McCarthy Opposition “Clown Show,” Matt Gaetz Goes There On The Benghazi Hearings

Matt Gaetz is leading the opposition to Kevin McCarthy.

And he’s taking flack from a lot of do-nothing Republicans because of it.

Trey Gowdy called the battle for Speaker a “Clown Show” – he wants Gaetz and the others to fall in line.

From the video above:

“Trey Gowdy: We’re going to have to. Unless you believe in minority rights in the extreme you don’t go from 20 to 218. You’re never going to get some of these people Sean…they live to be in opposition to Republicans. But people watching your show need to call and say I didn’t work my tail off in November to watch ya’ll look like a clown show on national television.”

Gaetz blasted Trey Gowdy for his criticism – and brought up all the promises Trey Gowdy made about Benghazi.

From the video above

“Matt Gaetz: Trey Gowdy would know something about clown shows. That’s probably how a lot of us would categorize the Benghazi hearings that resulted in people screaming at each other in a big report but no real accountability. I remember the Trey Gowdy who went on your network as a Congressman and said that he’s reviewed what had gone on with the FBI and department of justice and that they had done nothing wrong and that actually the American people would be happy with what they were looking at with President Trump. We now of course know that to be false and even Trey Gowdy has expressed regret about that so I don’t exactly take a lot of armchair quarterbacking from someone who during his time in Congress wasn’t among the fighters.”

Whatever happened to the criminal referrals that were to come out of the Benghazi hearings, Trey?


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335940 No.1958

File: 2282956ddaffb40⋯.png (1.87 MB,2496x1664,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084372 (052255ZJAN23) Notable: After Trey Gowdy Calls McCarthy Opposition “Clown Show,” Matt Gaetz Goes There On The Benghazi Hearings

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Gaetz burn'n the whole dam thing down.

After Trey Gowdy Calls McCarthy Opposition “Clown Show,” Matt Gaetz Goes There On The Benghazi Hearings (VIDEO)


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335940 No.1959

File: fecdf8e44396529⋯.png (384.63 KB,742x686,53:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 8894cfa4dd28216⋯.png (277.17 KB,504x832,63:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084373 (052255ZJAN23) Notable: NEW: Biden tweets out his position on securing the border

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NEW: Biden tweets out his position on securing the border

Join @ResistorNewswire against censorship


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335940 No.1960

File: 70dbfd8bf8a73ac⋯.png (494.34 KB,768x766,384:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084418 (052302ZJAN23) Notable: #22166

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>>>/qresearch/18083714 - Dough



>>1923 Ukraine Rejects Putin's Christmas Truce Proposal As "Hypocrisy" & "A Trap"

>>1924 Ken Buck didn't vote (reduced McCarthy's tally by one)

>>1925 MTG: Good things are coming. Hold a little longer.

>>1926 Defense system in Rostov - shining object exploded in the sky

>>1944, >>1941, >>1927 , >>1929, >>1930 Buck and Hern may be out of the voting on Fri for Buck and Hern for Sat

>>1928 Patients of Miami sex change surgeon Dr Sidhbh Gallagher come forward about gruesome post-op complications

>>1931 Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

>>1934, >>1932, >>1937, VIDEOS - Detonations and shots fired in several Mexican cities, possible retaliation after Ovidio Guzman (son of 'El Chapo') re-apprehension?

>>1933 The Longest and Most Contentious Speaker Election in House History

>>1936 “Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year

>>1938 Damar wakes up, asks docs, "who won the game?"

>>1939 More fear pron incoming, Omicron variant - be afraid be very afraid

>>1942 They Want To Weaken Your Children w/soy milk- The Blaze

>>1943 Legislation that would require the U.S. House Speaker be a Member of Congress

>>1945 Kevin McCarthy Demanded Jim Jordan Swear Off Speakership Role; Jordan Refused

Baker Change

>>1940 Kevin McCarthy FAILS 9th VOTE for Speaker – Byron McDonalds Wins 17 Votes – Rep. Hern Receives 3 Votes

>>1948, >>1950 HAPPENING 2: NEW C-19 FOIA JUST DROPPED from State Dept.

>>1949 Cardi B goes on a rant about the cost of food and understands economics more than Krugman

>>1952, >>1951, >>1947, >>1946 Kevin Hern digg

>>1953 Screen cap: Mcarthy loses again, 11th vote incoming tomorrow

>>1954 Stephen Miller "dings" Hakeem Jeffries

>>1955 vid: Bannon saysTrump As speaker, even for a 100 days can deal with the debt ceiling

>>1956 vid: Bannon Makes The Case Of Donald Trump For Speaker Of The House

>>1957, >>1958 After Trey Gowdy Calls McCarthy Opposition “Clown Show,” Matt Gaetz Goes There On The Benghazi Hearings

>>1959 NEW: Biden tweets out his position on securing the border



Baker Taps at the top

bakering now

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335940 No.1961

File: 16951770026e0bc⋯.png (50.46 KB,523x885,523:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084475 (052310ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder - "A clean [H]ouse is very important."

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he told us

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335940 No.1962

File: f2e80a8a3cdfb6b⋯.png (1.16 MB,861x837,287:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084480 (052311ZJAN23) Notable: Massachusetts State Police Release Statement Following the Sudden Death of Three Officers Within Four Days

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Massachusetts State Police Release Statement

Following the Sudden Death of Three Officers

Within Four Days

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: Harlowe, 1/5/2023 5:52:54 PM

On Wednesday, Massachusetts State Police released a statement following the sudden deaths of three officers within four days last December 2022. Three active-duty Law Enforcement Officers, Officer John F. Santos (25) of The Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department, Officer Sean Besarick (48) of the Brockton Police Department, and Officer Christopher A. Davis (42) of the Stoughton Police Department died suddenly last week.(Snip)…Gov. Charlie Baker mandated the COVID-19 vaccine for Executive Department employees, including police, that took effect in mid-October 2021.(Snip)About 1,000 state workers overall were fired or terminated amid a wave of suspensions and disciplinary hearings, in which they were urged to get the shot,”

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335940 No.1963

File: 82682ae0368fbd2⋯.png (562.68 KB,672x716,168:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084492 (052313ZJAN23) Notable: Joe Biden Blames Republicans for Border Invasion, Claims Partisan Hostility Is Problem

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Joe Biden Blames Republicans for Border

Invasion, Claims Partisan Hostility Is Problem

Breitbart Politics, by Wendell Husebø

Posted By: Imright, 1/5/2023 4:50:30 PM

President Joe Biden blamed the Republican Party during a Thursday White House speech for the southern border invasion. Biden’s statement that Republicans are to blame for the border crisis was followed by a claim that partisan divisiveness has prevented immigration solutions. Under Democrat rule, 2.2 million illegal migrants have overrun the border in fiscal year 2022, a 33 percent increase from 2021. “I sent congress a comprehensive piece of legislation that would completely overhaul what has been a broken immigration system for a long time,” Biden said. Biden alleged preventing illegal immigration is a priority but Republicans have opposed his plan.

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335940 No.1964

File: 6e4c2ffb7dd3685⋯.png (44.01 KB,1377x389,1377:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084514 (052316ZJAN23) Notable: Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University as professor, presidential fellow

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Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University

as professor, presidential fellow

Fox News, by Timothy Nerozzi

Posted By: Frederic F. Frew, 1/5/2023 2:13:13 PM

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to join Columbia University as a professor and presidential fellow. Clinton has accepted a professorship at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs. Additionally, she has joined the Columbia World Projects program as a presidential fellow. "I am honored to join Columbia University, and the School of International and Public Affairs and Columbia World Projects," Clinton said of her new position.

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335940 No.1965

File: f052adb6e1b1275⋯.png (57.73 KB,600x369,200:123,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d4ee35974e0884⋯.png (90.78 KB,690x533,690:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 890f5854924ee07⋯.png (615.56 KB,722x762,361:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084523 (052316ZJAN23) Notable: A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in Australia called XBB.1.5. Here’s what experts say about it

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A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in Australia called XBB.1.5. Here’s what experts say about it

Many infectious disease experts have been increasingly worried about the new Omicron subvariant XBB.1.5.

Described as "highly contagious," the variant has rapidly spread across the United States with a very small number of cases emerging here in Australia.

Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization's (WHO) Covid-19 technical lead, has described it as "the most transmissible subvariant that has been detected yet". Although, there isn't enough data to know how severe its impact will be.

Here's what we know so far.

What is the XBB.1.5 subvariant?

It's a descendent of Omicron and a close relative of the XBB variant.

Professor Adrian Esterman, chair of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of South Australia says it has similar mutations to its parent XBB.1, "enabling it to evade our immunity".

"However, in addition, it has mutations that make it easier to bind to the ACE2 receptors on human cells. This 'double whammy' makes it the most transmissible subvariant to date."

It first emerged in New York in October and has been spreading rapidly across the United States.

Is XBB.1.5 in Australia?

Yes. So far, eight cases of XBB.1.5 have been detected in Australia.

Federal health department data on XBB.1.5 shows it makes up less than 1 per cent of cases in Australia, as of January 3.

While the WHO said it was "the most transmissible subvariant that has been detected," there is no indication as yet that it causes more severe disease than other types of COVID.

So, where is XBB.1.5 spreading?

So far XBB.1.5 has been detected in more than 25 countries, with cases rising in Europe and the United States.

It's exploded in prevalence across the United States, according to projections from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

More than 40 per cent of COVID-19 cases in the US are now caused by XBB.1.5, data from the CDC showed last week, with the subvariant doubling from the previous week.

Dr. Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert at the University of Minnesota, described it as "the worst variant that the world is facing right now".

Recombinants of the BA.2 variant, XBB and XBB.1.5, together accounted for 44.1 per cent of the total cases in the country for the week ending December 31. For the previous week, XBB.1.5 made up 21.7 per cent of the total cases.

According to genomic sequencing data uploaded globally, the variant only accounts for a small percentage of cases detected in other countries like Canada and the UK.



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335940 No.1966

File: 8d3cbf960e645a0⋯.png (45.15 KB,1056x286,48:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084547 (052320ZJAN23) Notable: Biden admin will block more Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Haitians at border, but also open more legal pathways

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Biden admin will use Title 42 to block

more Nicaraguans, Cubans, Haitians at

border, but also open more legal pathways

NBC News, by Julia Ainsley

Posted By: Dreadnought, 1/5/2023 11:38:18 AM

The Biden administration announced new policies at the southern border on Thursday, effective immediately, that will bar more immigrants from Cuba, Haiti and Nicaragua from crossing the border to claim asylum while increasing the number of legal pathways for those migrants to apply for asylum from their home countries. The announcement comes as the Biden administration faces record numbers of illegal border crossings, particularly by migrants from those three countries. Previously Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans have been able to skirt the Covid-19 border restrictions

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335940 No.1967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084693 (052336ZJAN23) Notable: “The conservative conciliarism represented by Benedict XVI is dead. Francis killed it.”

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Harnwell:“The conservative conciliarism represented by Benedict XVI is dead. Francis killed it.”

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023


Benedict was right hand man of Pope Paul, he guided him and worked for him. He never wanted to be Pope, he resigned but kept an eye on Francis. If you thought it was bad since he became Pope, Francis is going to be wild and leftist. No one is watching him now. No wonder so many Catholics organizations in the US are smuggling women and children to be trafficked in the US.

Harnwell says Benedict didn't get respect in his death. And now that Francis doesnt have a conservative Pope looking over him, he’s going to go hog wild in the Catholic church!

May God Almighty judge the evil in the church NOW!


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335940 No.1968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18084785 (052344ZJAN23) Notable: Anon Opine on why anons anon

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>>>/qresearch/18084223, >>>/qresearch/18084444, >>>/qresearch/18084551


anons were chosen for a very specific reason, they were to bear the burden of awakening before the rest of the world. anons would see the truth before the rest and feel the pain of knowledge every step of the way while the rest of the world was asleep. anons are selfless in their dedication to find truth no matter how painful it was, no matter how many friends were lost on the way. To be awake is to know the darkness and not just the light, anons were chosen by GOD to help shepherd the normies to salvation. Anons fight the battles most aren't even aware of. Anons were chosen for a very specific reason. Bear the cross of truth, no matter how much they are persecuted

Hi pool

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335940 No.1969

File: d8bc3db782fd7a6⋯.png (31.42 KB,426x245,426:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085247 (060041ZJAN23) Notable: DOD CONTROLLED COVID ‘VACCINES’ FROM THE START UNDER NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAM – LIED THE ENTIRE TIME – Were NEVER ‘Safe and Effective’

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335940 No.1970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085265 (060044ZJAN23) Notable: It's not out of the realm of possibilities the 17th vote happens tomorrow at 6 o clock.

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If they go again for the 12th ballot.

It's not out of the realm of possibilities the 17th vote happens tomorrow at 6 o clock.

These votes take a little over an hour each.

Full wolf moon rises at 6:08.

This motion to adjourn might pass. I hope it doesn't and they go one moar time.

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335940 No.1971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085268 (060044ZJAN23) Notable: It's not out of the realm of possibilities the 17th vote happens tomorrow at 6 o clock.

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either way, the vote goes on tomorrow January 6th.

If Trump wants it, he will get it.

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335940 No.1972

File: 008eecd971ad4d0⋯.png (14.54 KB,439x218,439:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085296 (060049ZJAN23) Notable: It's not out of the realm of possibilities the 17th vote happens tomorrow at 6 o clock.

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335940 No.1973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085304 (060050ZJAN23) Notable: Trudeau Liberals exceed immigration goals, increase to 500,000 by 2025

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Trudeau Liberals exceed immigration goals, increase to 500,000 by 2025

Trudeau's immigration minister said that Ottawa was planning to welcome 431,645 new immigrants, a goal that has been reached, surpassing the previous year's record of more than 401,000.

Canada set a new immigration record for 2022, welcoming more than 430,000 newcomers into the country, Trudeau's Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Sean Fraser, said on Tuesday.

Ottawa intended to welcome 431,645, a goal that has been reached, surpassing the previous year's record of more than 401,000 immigrants.

"Today marks an important milestone for Canada, setting a new record for newcomers welcomed in a single year," Fraser said. "It is a testament to the strength and resilience of our country and its people."

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processed approximately 5.2 million permanent residency applications in 2022, more than double the number from 2021.

Canada's goal for 2023 is 465,000 immigrants, increasing to 485,000 in 2024, then 500,000 in 2025, with an emphasis to be placed on skilled workers.

To help facilitate this steady increase, the Trudeau government's fall budget committed an additional $50 million to the IRCC for the 2022-23 fiscal year in order to "address ongoing application backlogs, speed up processing, and allow skilled newcomers to fill critical labour gaps faster."

"Newcomers play an essential role in filling labour shortages, bringing new perspectives and talents to our communities, and enriching our society as a whole," Fraser said. "I am excited to see what the future holds and look forward to another historic year in 2023 as we continue to welcome newcomers."

The Liberals cited immigration as the reason for Canada having "experienced one of the fastest recoveries from the pandemic," adding that the acute labour shortages the country is facing will be helped by immigration.

"We know there is over a million jobs in Canada that remain unfilled, so we need immigrants, skilled immigrants, to come in and help us fill those unfilled jobs and help us grow our economy," Housing Minister Ahmed Hussen told Global News. "In addition to that, the irony is we actually need more people, skilled immigrants, to also help us in the building trades and the construction sector of our economy."

"We need those workers to actually come in and help us build the housing that Canadians need," he added.


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335940 No.1974

File: cc551c4596af699⋯.png (212.29 KB,420x359,420:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085309 (060051ZJAN23) Notable: Gowdy on Fox

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​ (https://conservativebrief.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Gowdy.jpg)'I’ve Got Bad News': Gowdy Drops Big Update on Fox News About Speaker Debacle

READ: https://fearless.report/ieb6ts

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335940 No.1975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085317 (060052ZJAN23) Notable: Gowdy on Fox

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He's big mad.

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335940 No.1976

File: ebbaff7c10ae5ba⋯.png (123.98 KB,426x481,426:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085331 (060054ZJAN23) Notable: Holy smokes. Chuck walks around a Ghost Town because the entire population of men invaded the US.

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Invasion USA — Holy Smokes

Holy smokes. Chuck walks around a Ghost Town because the entire population of men invaded the US.

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335940 No.1977

File: 59e2aa32f9c0a41⋯.png (207.79 KB,502x725,502:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b9d132e90bd1c0⋯.png (137.22 KB,518x564,259:282,Clipboard.png)

File: f49ba7e1ffc21af⋯.png (400.81 KB,600x1050,4:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 551ee0ce9c2d646⋯.png (254.89 KB,1796x888,449:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085341 (060056ZJAN23) Notable: Members Of Congress Beat the S&P 500 Again – “Unusual Trades Resulting In Huge Gains”

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Members Of Congress Beat the S&P 500 Again – “Unusual Trades Resulting In Huge Gains”

It is time to ban stock trading for members of Congress.

Despite the market having the worst year since 2008, Members of Congress once again beat the market.

The S&P 500 was down 18% in 2022. Democrats were only down 1.76% and Republicans were up .389% on the year.

Unusual Whales.org:

Well the Pelosi family had a greatly reduced trading year in 2022. In 2021 and 2020, they flourished, with huge outsized returns. We wrote entire reports on her trading style, as well as created a series of free ETFs to follow her moves.

Pelosi had a terrible year with options, where her deep ITM call strategy for her tech plays really did not work out in 2022. She exercised most of her plays that expired at a loss, and immediately sold those stocks. You can see her active options positions (down 99%) as well as the ones she exercised below:

Pelosi also added a 50k interest in an LLC called REOF LLC, bringing the total REOF investment to around 350k. Ultimately, Pelosi’s strategies worked well in 2020-2021, but failed as interest rates rose.

Is this corruption?


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335940 No.1978

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085348 (060057ZJAN23) Notable: Gowdy on Fox

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Gowdy is an intergalactic freak show.

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335940 No.1979

File: 9ad892edfc63072⋯.jpg (718.75 KB,1440x1080,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085354 (060058ZJAN23) Notable: Holy smokes. Chuck walks around a Ghost Town because the entire population of men invaded the US.

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The (Black/White) Pope's Army.

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335940 No.1980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085370 (060100ZJAN23) Notable: Gowdy on Fox

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I got great news

Gowdy is a washed up cabal stooge taken out early in the game.

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335940 No.1981

File: 631e513196861f5⋯.png (2.09 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.png)

File: d1073db74b53893⋯.png (715.86 KB,658x1024,329:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085371 (060100ZJAN23) Notable: NY woman sues RudyG for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

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NY woman sues Rudy Giuliani for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

A New York woman filed a $3.1 million lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, claiming he demanded sexual favors and created a “toxic” work environment before firing her and stiffing her for work she’d already done, new court papers show.

Noelle Dunphy, 43, claims she worked for the former mayor as “an off-the-books, secret employee” doing business development work from 2019 through 2021, when Giuliani allegedly “sexually harassed [her] and demanded sexual favors,” according to a Manhattan Supreme Court summons from Tuesday.

“Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former US Attorney, once hailed as ‘America’s Mayor,’ is a sexual predator and abuser,” Dunphy’s filing alleges.

Dunphy – who is representing herself in the lawsuit – described a “toxic and sexually-hostile work environment” replete with derogatory comments toward women, minorities and anyone “suspected of ‘disloyalty,'” the court papers claim.

“Giuliani frequently made racist, bigoted, and/or anti-Semitic remarks, as well as anti-LGBTQ and anti-woman remarks, often during confused and hostile alcohol-laced tirades,” the documents claim.

Dunphy says when she started working for Giuliani, his “publicly-documented abuse of alcohol worsened” because of his expensive and bitter divorce from Judith Giuliani, and “mounting” political and legal controversies during and after his time working for former President Donald Trump, the court papers allege.

Dunphy says Giuliani forced her to receive “deferred compensation” and be a secret employee – while none of his male employees were subjected “to this arrangement,” the filing claims.

Dunphy’s summons doesn’t specify whether she succumbed to Giuliani’s alleged sexual advances but she told the Daily Beast: “It began with Rudy as my boss and lawyer and later turned romantic.”

“I can’t stay silent any longer,” she told the outlet.

Giuliani eventually lost interest in Dunphy, shifting his “desire” to another employee — and fired Dunphy in 2021 “not on the basis of any legitimate reason, and without issuing the compensation for work already done,” the filing claims.

She also claims she wasn’t offered severance and wasn’t reimbursed for work expenses, the summons alleges.

Later, when she asked for Giuliani’s help in finding a new job, he “became spiteful” and “demanded that [she] remain silent about all associations” with him, the court papers allege.

Giuliani allegedly threatened Dunphy that if she didn’t stay quiet, he’d use his private investigators and connections to Trump to “retaliate in other ways,” the summons claims.



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335940 No.1982

File: 2d691518ac65b3c⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085400 (060104ZJAN23) Notable: Holy smokes. Chuck walks around a Ghost Town because the entire population of men invaded the US.

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335940 No.1983

File: 267d0bc1e71482b⋯.png (778.98 KB,972x682,486:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 7afe5563b15fb1a⋯.png (86.72 KB,448x176,28:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085406 (060104ZJAN23) Notable: Epiphany 2023 Jan 6 "Twas the night before Christmas"

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> planned long ago

>Trump speaker

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335940 No.1984

File: 61207b7df9c6eb6⋯.png (165.92 KB,699x389,699:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b18c2ae580beb3⋯.png (123.28 KB,474x340,237:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085421 (060106ZJAN23) Notable: (You) RCH4178 C-17 Globemaster takin' equipment to Mexico City Int'l for "I'm visiting the border next week" Potato

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RCH4118 C-17 Globemaster takin' equipment to Mexico City Int'l for "I'm visiting the border next week" Potato and the closest border location is Brownsville/Matamoros which is approximately 652 miles to Brownsville, TX from Mexico City

It did dome roundies over San Diego at 29k ft before crossing into Mexican airspace-cap #2

From Travis AFB ground stop >>1806 pb

Joe Biden to Visit U.S.-Mexico Border Next Week

>The location for the visit was not revealed. But it is scheduled around an international meeting in Mexico City when Biden will meet with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


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335940 No.1985

File: 240f64226949850⋯.png (122.39 KB,241x305,241:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085444 (060109ZJAN23) Notable: frosty trips

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We received about 20 inches of snow this week. So……….

8:00 am: I made a snowman.

8:10 - A feminist passed by and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman.

8:15 - So, I made a snow woman.

8:17 - My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest saying it objectified women everywhere.

8:20 - The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit and moaned it could have been two snowmen instead.

8:22 - The transgender man.. women… person asked why I didn't just make one snow person with detachable parts.

8:25 - The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food and are not used to decorate snow figures.

8:28 - I was being called a racist because the snow couple is white.

8:30 - I used food coloring to make one of the snow couple a different color and be more racially inclusive.

8:37 - Then accused of using a black face on the snowperson.

8:39 - The middle eastern gent across the road demanded the snow woman be completely covered.

8:40 - The police arrived saying someone had been offended.

8:42 - The feminist neighbor complained again that the broomstick of the snow woman needed to be removed because it depicted women in a domestic role.

8:43 - The 'council on equality' officer arrived and threatened me with eviction.

8:45 - TV news crew from ABC showed up. I was asked if I know the difference between snowmen and snow-women? I replied "Snowballs" and am now a sexist.

9:00 - I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe, and sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.

9:10 - I was asked if I have any accomplices. My children were taken by social services.

9:29 - Far left protesters offended by everything marched down the street demanding that I be arrested.

9:45 - The boss called and fired me because of the negative association with work that had been all over social media.

10:00 - I cry into my drink because all I wanted to do was build a snowman…

Moral: There ain't no moral to this story. It is what this world has become because of a bunch of snowflakes.

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335940 No.1986

File: 4a24c064b0acca8⋯.png (588.12 KB,527x1305,527:1305,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d0a293e0e852ff⋯.png (32.22 KB,561x315,187:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 59af54628d9318d⋯.png (65.76 KB,516x446,258:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085462 (060111ZJAN23) Notable: The National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute are Open Society Institute Partners

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The National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute are Open Society Institute Partners

If Anon told you that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) are Open Society partners, would you think it might have something to do with the current circus at the capital? Anon has provided a few screencaps. Anon humbly suggests that you may want to look closely at this 11 page document. It is full of information like this. Would like to suggest that this find its way to as many Q Research boards as possible. Anon saw many countries mentioned.

20 Patriots in DC.

Open Society Institute - partnersPDF


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335940 No.1987

File: be1a8a8256c8d5b⋯.png (192.91 KB,508x486,254:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085474 (060114ZJAN23) Notable: NY woman sues RudyG for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

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Creamer's crazies.

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335940 No.1988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085498 (060117ZJAN23) Notable: Gowdy on Fox

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let me guess, he's going to threaten that unless the 20 dissidents vote for McCarthy, Dems will take the chair.


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335940 No.1989

File: 4da763f8dd8906c⋯.png (50.41 KB,602x379,602:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 103ad4ed9ca6c20⋯.png (20.48 KB,575x128,575:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085508 (060118ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Holdout Rep. Ralph Norman Says There Is Written Deal for Speakership

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McCarthy Holdout Rep. Ralph Norman Says There Is Written Deal for Speakership

The breakthrough reports about a deal being on the table to secure McCarthy’s speakership come amid a long day of negotiations, concessions, and multiple failed Speaker votes.

The House on Thursday tried to elect a Speaker for a tenth time, with the 11th vote expected to fail as well.

McCarthy has already offered his conservative detractors several concessions, including:

One member motion to vacate, instead of five.

More House Freedom Caucus members on the House Rules Committee.

Promises to hold votes on controversial term limit and border security bills.

The McCarthy-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) and conservative activist group Club for Growth have also struck a deal that would prevent CLF from weighing in on any open-seat primaries in safe Republican districts.


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335940 No.1990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085509 (060119ZJAN23) Notable: Congress Votes to Adjourn After 11th Failed Vote for Speaker – VOTE PASSES 219 to 213 – Will Reconvene Friday at Noon

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Congress Votes to Adjourn After 11th Failed Vote for Speaker – VOTE PASSES 219 to 213 – Will Reconvene Friday at Noon


6 to go

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335940 No.1991

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085514 (060120ZJAN23) Notable: Speaker of the House 101 soc media

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Glenn Beck: Speaker of the House 101

This is an amazing breakdown by Glenn Beck!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

McCarthy isn’t getting the votes because it appears we actually have MAGA elected officials working for us!

What a concept! (Mike Lindell voice 😂)

Matt Gatez & others are asking to have MAGA people in the decision committees & actually want congress to debate bills instead of passing bills last minute that NOBODY HAS HAD TIME TO READ!

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335940 No.1992

File: cadd69aceb3aac3⋯.jpg (109.31 KB,813x160,813:160,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085522 (060121ZJAN23) Notable: Elon Musk Throws Support Behind Kevin McCarthy, Here’s Why

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Elon Musk Throws Support Behind Kevin McCarthy, Here’s Why


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335940 No.1993

File: e07665364eb54f4⋯.png (210.23 KB,587x512,587:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085624 (060133ZJAN23) Notable: WhatsApp’s New Proxy Feature Allows You To Bypass Internet Shutdowns [Video]

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Meta Platforms Inc’s WhatsApp said on Thursday users of the messaging app will now be able to use proxy servers to access the service in countries where the app is blocked.

A proxy server is an intermediary between users and web services and acts as a web filter that allow netizens to circumvent restrictions and censorship.

WhatsApp said proxy support on the app is now officially available for users with the latest version.

Users in countries such as Iran and Syria have used virtual private network (VPN) services to navigate around internet censorship.

The messaging service said, “in case these shutdowns continue, we hope this solution helps people wherever there is a need for secure and reliable communication.”

WhatsApp “will do anything” within its technical capacity to keep the service accessible and that it was not blocking Iranian phone numbers, the messaging service had said in September.

Iran restricted access


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335940 No.1994

File: 848734858484bb9⋯.png (116.46 KB,751x907,751:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085680 (060142ZJAN23) Notable: Former Arkansas Judge Arrested for Bribery and Obstruction of Justice

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Former Judge Arrested for Bribery and Obstruction of Justice


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335940 No.1995

File: 5a790b3170998be⋯.png (108.14 KB,598x690,13:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085684 (060143ZJAN23) Notable: Potato with moar vax shillin'

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335940 No.1996

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085686 (060143ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniversary with presidential medals for election officials and police

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been gone all day

it looks like a lot of posts and notables about the house speaker

did anyone mention that the pedo is going to give ruby freeman , micheal fanone and 10 others

the presidential citizens medal tomorrow?

to honor their protecting the country during the election and the insurrection

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335940 No.1997

File: 57344c3e8653ec8⋯.png (188.28 KB,681x912,227:304,Clipboard.png)

File: bac69d96fadc7d8⋯.png (42.2 KB,680x355,136:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085696 (060145ZJAN23) Notable: Film Producer Pleads Guilty To Bank Robbery

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Film Producer Pleads Guilty To Bank Robbery


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335940 No.1998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085717 (060150ZJAN23) Notable: Sheriffs Threaten To Arrest Journalist! Judge's Order Does NOT Supersede The U.S Constitution y/t

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1st Amendment Wins Again!!!

Sheriffs Threaten To Arrest Journalist! Judge's Order Does NOT Supersede The U.S Constitution!


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335940 No.1999

File: c94824abf733d51⋯.png (731.29 KB,1041x320,1041:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085730 (060151ZJAN23) Notable: NASA Selects Final Investigations for GDC Mission-Thermal Plasma Sensor/NEMISIS Investigation

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NASA Selects Final Investigations for GDC Mission

NASA has selected the final two investigations for the Geospace Dynamics Constellation mission, or GDC. This mission will provide key advances in our understanding of Earth’s ionosphere-thermosphere system, including providing the scientific foundation for our ability to quantify and forecast space weather effects both on Earth and in space.

The Thermal Plasma Sensor (TPS) and the Near Earth Magnetometer Instrument in a Small Integrated System (NEMISIS) will join the GDC mission and deliver instruments for integration on the GDC spacecraft.

Thermal Plasma Sensor

The TPS investigation – led by Phillip Anderson from the University of Texas, Dallas – will address the following three key aspects related to the structure and dynamics of the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and space, called the ionosphere-thermosphere system:

The collisions that couple the thermospheric (neutral) flows and the ionospheric (ion) flows

The role of large-scale ionospheric flows in generating smaller-scale ionospheric structures at high latitudes

How structure in the low- and mid-latitude ionosphere is generated during times of geomagnetic activity

As part of its investigation, TPS will deliver a low-energy plasma instrument that will enable GDC to precisely measure the ionospheric flows. This instrument has flown and been proven on previous NASA and non-NASA missions and will be combined with the other GDC instruments to observe and measure the thermosphere and ionosphere.

NEMISIS Investigation

The NEMISIS investigation – led by Mark Moldwin from the University of Michigan – will map out and study the electromagnetic energy that enters the upper atmosphere from Earth’s magnetosphere. It will quantify how these energy inputs vary in both space and time, and how they directly drive and control dynamics observed in the ionosphere-thermosphere system across all spatial and temporal scales.

As part of its investigation, NEMISIS will deliver an integrated magnetometer system that will enable GDC to measure perturbations in Earth’s magnetic field. This system integrates and combines flight-proven hardware that is compact, lightweight, and uses minimal power that will be coupled with machine-learning algorithms to isolate the perturbations and produce high-quality data for the GDC science investigation.

TPS and NEMISIS are the final investigations selected for GDC. They will provide capabilities crucial to understanding the upper atmosphere as a collection of distinct parts and a system that acts and reacts together.


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335940 No.2000

File: 9adbb3b9c9ff510⋯.png (927.15 KB,1919x938,1919:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085740 (060153ZJAN23) Notable: PF:Persist tracking on shows 116 individual Helos (Military) up in the last 5 minutes alone.

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Those are all Mil - the U filter cuts out civilian traffic.

Persist tracking on shows 116 individual Helos (Military) up in the last 5 minutes alone.

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335940 No.2001

File: fd0f75ffd080e95⋯.png (150.84 KB,714x417,238:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085748 (060154ZJAN23) Notable: PF: EJM473 G650 on descent for Palm Beach Int'l after it's Morristown Muni depart and wannabe KING44 C-130 Combat King II doin' roundies at Patrick SFB

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>>1838 pb >>>/qresearch/18084879 lb

EJM473 G650 on descent for Palm Beach Int'l after it's Morristown Muni depart and wannabe KING44 C-130 Combat King II doin' roundies at Patrick SFB

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335940 No.2002

File: af48b8b976eb6c1⋯.png (406.5 KB,869x675,869:675,Clipboard.png)

File: b7977bdd717bee0⋯.png (22.49 KB,569x308,569:308,Clipboard.png)

File: d749701aeeec73e⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,480x592,30:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085769 (060157ZJAN23) Notable: Sky Event?

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Catalog is borked!

That pb "Russia shot down a UFO" is legit. >>1926

Don't believe me, fine. I saw one of these much closer than this, same exact thing, and I am thankful that Russia shot the fucks out of the sky.

First pic is what they look like.

Second is what they look like just after a shot rips through them.

Third is the mp4 from last bread from https://t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/13608

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335940 No.2003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085777 (060158ZJAN23) Notable: PF:Persist tracking on shows 116 individual Helos (Military) up in the last 5 minutes alone.

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A lot could just be training - Fort Rucker etc… however I don't believe I have seen 71 Blackhawks up at the same time ever….

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335940 No.2004

File: ca917359b209c4e⋯.jpg (148.56 KB,1260x642,210:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085812 (060205ZJAN23) Notable: Soc media musings on MTG and McCarthy

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Sundance said what we're all thinking. kek

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335940 No.2005

File: 082d7291a66c911⋯.jpg (193.1 KB,1233x651,411:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085820 (060207ZJAN23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy spotted in heated discussion with GOP holdout amid House speaker vote gridlock

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Kevin McCarthy spotted in heated discussion with GOP holdout amid House speaker vote gridlock


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335940 No.2006

File: 992ad269c1c7467⋯.png (72.51 KB,536x412,134:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085837 (060209ZJAN23) Notable: On Jan 3rd & 4th the Talibs (rec'd) US $80,000,000 consolidation funds in the name of humanitarian aid-soc media

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Amrullah Saleh



Jan 1

On Jan 3rd & 4th the Talibs are going to recieve eighty (80,000,000) US$ consolidation funds in the name of humanitarian aid.ThIs is just less thn a week after women were erased from all types of work & education. Cash will be flown by flight number HYA7011. HYPROCRTICAL CONDUCT


Amrullah Saleh


The UN will assign eleven armored vans in order to safely pass the cash from airportt to d Talib run Da Afghanistan bank.The chair of the bank is on the UN terror list & was finance chief of terror attacks. Shall people trust the condemnation statements from doer(s) of Doha deal?

4:23 AM · Jan 1, 2023


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335940 No.2007

File: 40ee7272328298a⋯.jpeg (114.7 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085844 (060210ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniversary with presidential medals for election officials and police

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This is Ruby. Tater's giving her a medal tomorrow on 1-6.

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335940 No.2008

File: 3aca567c1c386b5⋯.png (399.12 KB,871x491,871:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 00c9170333cf881⋯.png (111.96 KB,838x818,419:409,Clipboard.png)

File: e1dd5fd6c2d8b19⋯.png (101.77 KB,840x795,56:53,Clipboard.png)

File: a9a512322a8eca1⋯.png (101.23 KB,848x784,53:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 077776c02c3a3f8⋯.png (358.86 KB,864x658,432:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085859 (060213ZJAN23) Notable: Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election

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Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election

In a rare show of courage, conviction and commitment, a Team Member from the 2020 Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Investigation, came forward this week and is naming names and releasing details involving the election fraud that clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman was appointed to investigate the 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election by Wisconsin Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), after the Speaker succumbed to public pressure in late summer 2021 and after many months of empty promises with no results to get to the bottom of the election that was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes resulting in the certification of Wisconsin’s 10 electoral college votes against President Trump.

After just a few months of investigating, Justice Gableman filed his historic Election Fraud Report to the Wisconsin State Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections on March 1, 2022, disclosing extensive election fraud details involving election officials with the assistance of Mark Zuckerberg’s non-profit CTCL.

In Justice Gableman’s opinion, this election fraud clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election, supposedly decided by 20,682 votes, and recommended to the Republican-controlled Legislature that they needed to seriously consider reclaiming Wisconsin’s 10 Electoral College Votes until it could be determined irrefutably that the election fraud did indeed affect the outcome of the election.

Things got messy with Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) involving his professional relationship with Justice Gableman and what direction the investigation should take regarding the public revelation of the election fraud details and any possible prosecutorial referrals for the known bad actors.

The messiness with Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) ended up with the firing of Justice Gableman just before the November 8, 2022, election.

On Tuesday, January 3rd, outside the offices of Wisconsin Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), a Gableman Investigation Team Member, finally decided it was time to go public to finally shine a light on what appears to be the cover-up of the documented election fraud by Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) that clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin.

This Gableman Team Member went into great depth and detail in just a matter of a few minutes to get to the crux of the election fraud that without question affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election by naming names and asking Speaker Vos (R-Rochester) for the immediate release of the investigation details for the immediate prosecutorial referrals of the bad actors.


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335940 No.2009

File: 928ca78a2d0217c⋯.jpg (145.33 KB,967x283,967:283,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3596acc46a71514⋯.jpg (143.37 KB,595x724,595:724,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085862 (060213ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniversary with presidential medals for election officials and police

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Holy Shit. Anon is right.

Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniversary with presidential medals for election officials and police


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335940 No.2010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085873 (060216ZJAN23) Notable: Epiphany 2023 Jan 6 "Twas the night before Christmas"

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January 6th SCOTUS considers Brunson case…

January 7th is Eastern Orthodox Christmas…


(apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)

'twas the night before (orthodox) Christmas, and all thru the (US) HOUSE

the swamp rats were squirming, all the minions of Klaus;

meanwhile nooses were hung down at GITMO with care,

in the knowledge that the traitors soon would be there;

the normies were nestled all snug in their beds,

while s-proteins and graphene danced in their heads;

and wifeanon in her 'kerchief and i in my cap,

had just settled in for a dark winter's nap,

when in the high court there arose such a clatter,

i hurried to c-span to see what was the matter.

away to the TV i flew like a flash,

and flipped thru the channels to get past the trash.

the monitor's light filled the room with a glow,

and the pictures displayed were a marvelous show.

when what to my wondering eyes should appear,

but chief justice roberts and eight of his peers.

with a wily old lawyer, so lively and quick,

i knew in an instant this was going to be slick.

surrounded by eagles, in the justices came,

roberts whistled and shouted and called them by name;

come thomas, alito, sotomayor and kagan,

come gorsuch, come kavenaugh, come barrett and jackson,

to the chambers and courtroom, with the flag on the wall,

now outta the way, outta the way, outta the way all.

as dry leaves caught in the whirlwind must fly,

the deepstate's objections were swept to the side.

then behind the bench the high court was seated,

while MSM, libtards, and sheeple all bleated.

i pulled up a chair as i sat in my jammies,

to hear opening statements by Brunson's attorneys.

but the doors of the courtroom flew in with a thump,

as a platoon of marines escorted in donald trump.

he wore a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie;

he winked at the cameras with a gleam in his eye;

"i've come here to tell you, 'cause i thought you should know,

if you rule for the plaintiff, who'll be running the show."

"when the contested elections are turned on their ear,

i'll be chosen as speaker to a deafening cheer.

so when joe & the ho are placed in detention

i'll be next in line of presidential succession."

"then the house will proceed with impeaching the pair

for the treasonous crimes in which they both share.

and the outcome in congress will be the beginning;

next come the courts martial, and america winning."

"and all 'round the globe news will spread like wildfires,

and corrupt governments will topple like domino tiles;

folks will take to the streets shouting 'off with their heads,'

while the globalist elites hide under their beds."

"but the masses of peoples, freedom so long denied,

will show them no mercy, wherever they hide;

then nuremburg 2.0 trials will take place,

and ultimate judgment, the evil will face,"

"then all humankind will unite in world peace,

when the truth and the tech and the cures are released."

and lastly, he added, as they walked into the night,

"Merry Christmas to anons who fought the good fight."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2011

File: a6cb76324e541ea⋯.png (1020.75 KB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

File: 0eabd77b545d23e⋯.jpg (117.56 KB,1291x715,1291:715,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6201180e31f6db2⋯.jpg (362.85 KB,1653x1192,1653:1192,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf89b5d84aeb959⋯.jpg (293.69 KB,1020x1123,1020:1123,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c3f0793e65b2a6⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,1099x682,1099:682,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085907 (060222ZJAN23) Notable: NY woman sues RudyG for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

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Nuisance Suit v Rudy, apparently the GEOTUS touched me well ran dry, off to a new victim to target. Disgusting Democrats and their bs playbook. SAD. TIRED. BORING..

NY woman sues Rudy Giuliani for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

January 5, 2023

A New York woman filed a $3.1 million lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani, claiming he demanded sexual favors and created a “toxic” work environment before firing her and stiffing her for work she’d already done, new court papers show.

Noelle Dunphy, 43, claims she worked for the former mayor as “an off-the-books, secret employee”doing business development work from 2019 through 2021, when Giuliani allegedly “sexually harassed [her] and demanded sexual favors,” according to a Manhattan Supreme Court summons from Tuesday.

“Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former US Attorney, once hailed as ‘America’s Mayor,’ is a sexual predator and abuser,” Dunphy’s filing alleges.

Dunphy – who is representing herselfin the lawsuit – described a “toxic and sexually-hostile work environment” replete with derogatory comments toward women, minorities and anyone “suspected of ‘disloyalty,'” the court papers claim.

“Giuliani frequently made racist, bigoted, and/or anti-Semitic remarks, as well as anti-LGBTQ and anti-woman remarks, often during confused and hostile alcohol-laced tirades,” the documents claim.

Dunphy says when she started working for Giuliani, his “publicly-documented abuse of alcohol worsened” because of his expensive and bitter divorce from Judith Giuliani, and “mounting” political and legal controversies during and after his time working for former President Donald Trump, the court papers allege.

Dunphy says Giuliani forced her to receive “deferred compensation” and be a secret employee – while none of his male employees were subjected “to this arrangement,” the filing claims.

Sauce/more blah blah blah: https://nypost.com/2023/01/05/ny-woman-sues-rudy-giuliani-for-3-1m-claiming-he-demanded-sexual-favors-created-toxic-work-environment/

WTF is a Noelle Dunphy https://guestofaguest.com/directory/noelle-dunphy


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335940 No.2012

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18085995 (060233ZJAN23) Notable: #22168

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#22168 Huge ShoutOut to GOLD Noter o7


>>1970, >>1971, >>1972 It's not out of the realm of possibilities the 17th vote happens tomorrow at 6 o clock.

>>1973 Trudeau Liberals exceed immigration goals, increase to 500,000 by 2025

>>1974, >>1975, >>1978, >>1980, >>1988 Gowdy on Fox

>>1976, >>1979, >>1982 Holy smokes. Chuck walks around a Ghost Town because the entire population of men invaded the US.

>>1977 Members Of Congress Beat the S&P 500 Again – “Unusual Trades Resulting In Huge Gains”

>>1981, >>1987, >>2011 NY woman sues RudyG for $3.1M claiming he demanded sexual favors, created ‘toxic’ work environment

>>1983, >>2010 Epiphany 2023 Jan 6 "Twas the night before Christmas"

>>1984 (You) RCH4178 C-17 Globemaster takin' equipment to Mexico City Int'l for "I'm visiting the border next week" Potato

>>1985 frosty trips

>>1986 The National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute are Open Society Institute Partners

>>1989 McCarthy Holdout Rep. Ralph Norman Says There Is Written Deal for Speakership

>>1990 Congress Votes to Adjourn After 11th Failed Vote for Speaker – VOTE PASSES 219 to 213 – Will Reconvene Friday at Noon

>>1991 Speaker of the House 101 soc media

>>1992 Elon Musk Throws Support Behind Kevin McCarthy, Here’s Why

>>1993 WhatsApp’s New Proxy Feature Allows You To Bypass Internet Shutdowns [Video]

>>1994 Former Arkansas Judge Arrested for Bribery and Obstruction of Justice

>>1995 Potato with moar vax shillin'

>>1997 Film Producer Pleads Guilty To Bank Robbery

>>1998 Sheriffs Threaten To Arrest Journalist! Judge's Order Does NOT Supersede The U.S Constitution y/t

>>1999 NASA Selects Final Investigations for GDC Mission-Thermal Plasma Sensor/NEMISIS Investigation

>>2000, >>2003 PF:Persist tracking on shows 116 individual Helos (Military) up in the last 5 minutes alone.

>>2001 PF: EJM473 G650 on descent for Palm Beach Int'l after it's Morristown Muni depart and wannabe KING44 C-130 Combat King II doin' roundies at Patrick SFB

>>2002 Sky Event?

>>2004 Soc media musings on MTG and McCarthy

>>2005 Kevin McCarthy spotted in heated discussion with GOP holdout amid House speaker vote gridlock

>>2006 On Jan 3rd & 4th the Talibs (rec'd) US $80,000,000 consolidation funds in the name of humanitarian aid-soc media

>>1996, >>2009, >>2007 Biden to mark Jan. 6 anniversary with presidential medals for election officials and police

>>2008 Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election


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335940 No.2013

File: fe410751db45d4a⋯.png (166.54 KB,853x749,853:749,Clipboard.png)

File: a3eed0046a2ed8d⋯.png (456.13 KB,541x741,541:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 520ba6b5d9be835⋯.png (80.03 KB,827x425,827:425,Clipboard.png)

File: a36d85a2f97af5e⋯.png (86.01 KB,836x567,836:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086031 (060239ZJAN23) Notable: Potato to Grant Mass Amnesty and Work Permits to 30,000 New Illegal Immigrants a Month – Impeachment Time!

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Joe Biden to Grant Mass Amnesty and Work Permits to 30,000 New Illegal Immigrants a Month – Stephen Miller Demands House GOP Open its Impeachment Inquiry

Joe Biden on Thursday delivered remarks on border security and enforcement.

Biden is already blaming Republicans for the failure of his amnesty-in-disguise “comprehensive immigration reform.”

More than 5 million illegal aliens have crossed the border since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

Biden announced a new app that illegals can use to seek asylum in the US.

“Through the CBP One app, we are also providing a new mechanism for noncitizens to schedule appointments to present themselves at ports of entry, facilitating safe and orderly arrivals. Initially this will be used for those seeking an exception from the Title 42 public health order. Once the Title 42 order is no longer in place, CBP One will be used to help ensure safe and orderly processing at ports of entry,” Homeland Security said in a statement.

Individuals who use the CBP One app will be able to schedule an appointment to present themselves at the following ports of entry:

Arizona: Nogales;

Texas: Brownsville, Hidalgo, Laredo, Eagle Pass, and El Paso (Paso Del Norte); and

California: Calexico and San Ysidro (Pedestrian West – El Chaparral).

Up to 30,000 asylum seekers per month from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti will be admitted under Vice President Joe Biden’s new immigration plan, while the same number will be ‘rapidly’ deported back to Mexico for crossing the border illegally.

“DHS is establishing new parole processes for Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans, modeled on the successful processes for Venezuelans and Ukrainians, which combine safe, orderly, and lawful pathways to the United States, including authorization to work, with significant consequences for those who fail to use those pathways. We are also continuing the process with respect to Venezuelans,” according to the press release.

“Nationals from Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua who do not avail themselves of this process, attempt to enter the United States without authorization, and cannot establish a legal basis to remain will be removed or returned to Mexico, which will accept returns of 30,000 individuals per month who fail to use these new pathways.”

“The expansion of the Venezuela process to Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua is contingent on the Government of Mexico’s willingness to accept the return or removal of nationals from those countries. It also is responsive to a request from the Government of Mexico to provide additional legal pathways for migrants, and it advances both countries’ interests in addressing the effects throughout the hemisphere of deteriorated conditions in these countries,” it added.

“Through a fully online process, individuals can seek advance authorization to travel to the United States and be considered, on a case-by-case basis, for a temporary grant of parole for up to two years, including employment authorization, provided that they: pass rigorous biometric and biographic national security and public safety screening and vetting; have a supporter in the United States who commits to providing financial and other support; and complete vaccinations and other public health requirements. Individuals who enter the United States, Mexico, or Panama without authorization following today’s announcement will generally be ineligible for these processes. These processes will allow up to 30,000 qualifying nationals per month from all four of these countries to reside legally in the United States for up to two years and to receive permission to work here, during that period,” DHS announced.


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335940 No.2014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086038 (060240ZJAN23) Notable: USDA Greenlights First-Ever Honeybee Vaccine

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USDA Greenlights First-Ever Honeybee Vaccine

Honeybee populations have declined precipitously in the past few decades at increasing clips, which is not just bad news for honey production. Complete honeybee extinction would collapse the global food supply and potentially starve billions, as the insects are responsible for pollinating $500 billion worth of crops worldwide annually.

Per results from a survey conducted by Bee Informed Partnership, American beekeepers “lost 45.5% of their managed honey bee colonies from April 2020 to April 2021.” Habitat loss, pesticides, and parasites all contribute to these declines.

An American biotech firm has gained regulatory approval for a potential remedy for at least one of the maladies afflicting the global honeybee population, a bacterial infection called American foulbrood disease.

Via The Guardian:

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has granted a conditional license for a vaccine created by Dalan Animal Health, a US biotech company, to help protect honeybees from American foulbrood disease…

There is currently no cure for the disease, which in parts of the US has been found in a quarter of hives, requiring beekeepers to destroy and burn any infected colonies and administer antibiotics to prevent further spread.

80% of the world’s flora, wild or cultivated, rely on pollinators (animals/insects that transfer pollen between plants) for reproduction. 75% of the world’s crops likewise depend wholly or in part on pollinators. And honeybees are the most prolific pollinators of all.

Honey bees are the world’s most important single species of pollinator in natural ecosystems and a key contributor to natural ecosystem functions… The results indicate the honey bee (Apis mellifera) is the single most frequent visitor to flowers of naturally occurring (non-crop) plants worldwide. Honey bees were recorded in 89 percent of the pollination networks in the honey bee’s native range and in 61 percent in regions where honey bees have been introduced by humans.

Until a profiteer like Bill Gates or whoever devises a scheme to eliminate honeybees from the agricultural equation and replace them with his own patented product (which he surely would love to do), honeybee and human welfare are inseparable.


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335940 No.2015

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086046 (060241ZJAN23) Notable: US Sending Delegation to Taiwan for Trade Talks in Move Sure to Anger China

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US Sending Delegation to Taiwan for Trade Talks in Move Sure to Anger China

The delegation will be led by an assistant US trade representative

The US is sending a delegation to Taiwan next week for trade talks with Taipei, the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) said on Wednesday, in a move sure to anger Beijing.

The US and Taiwan agreed to hold formal trade talks last year, and the first round was held in New York in November. Since Washington and Taiwan don’t have official relations, the negotiations are being held under the auspice of their respective de facto embassies, the American Institute in Taiwan, and the Taipei Economic Cultural Representative Office in the US.

But the US delegation is being led by Terry McCartin, the assistant US trade representative for China affairs, meaning the effort is being carried out by President Biden’s Executive Office. The USTR said the meetings in Taiwan would be attended by officials from several other government agencies.

According to The South China Post, Yang Jen-ni, Taiwan’s deputy trade representative, will lead the Taiwanese delegation, which will include dozens of officials from other departments.

China is against contact between high-level US and Taiwanese government officials as it views such cooperation as the US moving away from the one-China policy. Beijing is especially opposed to high-level US officials visiting Taiwan and typically reacts by launching military drills around the island.

The trade talks are an effort by the US to reduce economic dependence on China, and the overall increase in US contacts with Taiwan is part of the Biden administration’s strategy to counter China’s influence in the region. The USTR has dubbed the trade talks the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and said they are intended to “develop concrete ways to deepen the economic and trade relationship.”

The USTR said the talks will focus on multiple areas, including “reaching agreements on trade facilitation, good regulatory practices, strong anti-corruption standards, enhancing trade between our small and medium enterprises, deepening agriculture trade, removing discriminatory barriers to trade, digital trade, robust labor and environmental standards, as well as ways to address distortive practices of state-owned enterprises and non-market policies and practices.”

Another major factor in the talks is the fact that Taiwan is the world’s largest producer of advanced semiconductors, and the Biden administration is trying to entice Taiwanese companies to open more facilities inside the US. The US has targeted China’s chip industry with major sanctions in recent months, which marks a major shift in US trade policy toward the country.


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335940 No.2016

File: 02f65328773ab97⋯.png (106.23 KB,827x868,827:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086048 (060241ZJAN23) Notable: Why would a killer leave the knife, supposed weapon, at the crime scene and just saunter out of the building?

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i have been wondering why the killer would leave the knife, supposed weapon, at the crime scene and just saunter out of the building?

what kind of PhD candidate is stupid enough to leave the knife behind?

And why does it seem only one family is on the news all the time.

maybe two families.

But i have never seen 2 of the families on the news talking about their kids.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2017

File: 3ec5fce2c657465⋯.jpg (735.65 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086051 (060242ZJAN23) Notable: End the Endless. Vote Trump for speaker of the house

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End the Endless. Vote Trump for speaker of the house


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335940 No.2018

File: 442d0a6650e85cf⋯.png (60.68 KB,603x422,603:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086072 (060245ZJAN23) Notable: Potato to Grant Mass Amnesty and Work Permits to 30,000 New Illegal Immigrants a Month – Impeachment Time!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WH released a summary of Biden’s new unilateral executive mass amnesty. In short:



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335940 No.2019

File: 4c1456286ccacc8⋯.png (505.75 KB,1924x662,962:331,Clipboard.png)

File: c1c0da5d0e34b35⋯.png (129.44 KB,1369x1080,1369:1080,Clipboard.png)

File: 15433b8084309ab⋯.png (232.09 KB,1369x1049,1369:1049,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e50d5f966e700b⋯.png (236.22 KB,1399x1079,1399:1079,Clipboard.png)

File: deadee6174c012d⋯.png (203.43 KB,1539x1076,1539:1076,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086093 (060249ZJAN23) Notable: Mexican Cartels are attacking targets with the most intense happening in and around Culiacan, Mexico. The airport has been closed

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News reporting indicates the Mexican Cartels are attacking targets with the most intense happening in and around Culiacan, Mexico. The airport has been closed. DId some diggin for NOTAMS and last flights into Culiacan.




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335940 No.2020

File: 73c2f1b51e3594d⋯.jpg (464.49 KB,1080x1947,360:649,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086103 (060251ZJAN23) Notable: USDA Greenlights First-Ever Honeybee Vaccine

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Bee references are also used in leadership courses


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335940 No.2021

File: aea973c7c66520e⋯.png (222.96 KB,598x616,299:308,Clipboard.png)

File: b303e4d27dc0dcf⋯.png (227.56 KB,598x582,299:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fe0e5f7fc2bb87⋯.png (278.66 KB,598x636,299:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086105 (060251ZJAN23) Notable: Mexican Cartels are attacking targets with the most intense happening in and around Culiacan, Mexico. The airport has been closed

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Sinaloa Cartel members preparing to fight.

moar here… https://twitter.com/LPMisesCaucus/status/1611115750147637253

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335940 No.2022

File: d4d26032ae580b3⋯.png (282.26 KB,494x422,247:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086107 (060252ZJAN23) Notable: There's that hand signal again.

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PatriotTakes 🇺🇸


The QAnon crowd is pointing out the hand signal here.

7:25 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.2023

File: 62a9bd9422b8e18⋯.png (295.67 KB,1276x790,638:395,Clipboard.png)

File: fb21851a3206c82⋯.png (107.41 KB,1804x838,902:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086135 (060256ZJAN23) Notable: Looks like the Sun just had an X 1.2 flare about an hour ago. First xrays hitting over eastern Australia.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Looks like the Sun just had an X 1.2 flare about an hour ago. First xrays hitting over eastern Australia.

Can't tell yet if CME was produced…occluded by LASCO C3 disc. Maybe updates coming on C3 will show better.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2024

File: 3cae6a9704edabf⋯.png (232.47 KB,634x430,317:215,Clipboard.png)

File: a4f716f115b35e4⋯.png (380.01 KB,634x521,634:521,Clipboard.png)

File: a0dd11d4998ef10⋯.png (346.95 KB,634x498,317:249,Clipboard.png)

File: f183ecb9f94087a⋯.png (477.52 KB,634x740,317:370,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d36c137d3ab58e⋯.jpg (219.02 KB,897x1219,39:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086139 (060257ZJAN23) Notable: This is the longest speaker battle since the American Civil War!

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The last time the Speaker vote went on this long in 1859 - it took 44 rounds and two months, Darwin published his theory of evolution, Oregon became a state and the first oil well was drilled

Kevin McCarthy failed again on nine(11)previous attempts

It was a throwback to the vicious political clashes of the 19th Century

McCarthy faces opposition from group his allies compare to hostage takers

1859 featured debut of new Senate chamber, oil discovery in Pennsylvania

McCarthy allies were trying to reach an agreement with holdouts

January 5, 2023

The House passed another historic milestone with Thursday's chaos in the Capitol – holding its 10th vote for speaker for the first time since 1859, with no clear path to resolution for Kevin McCarthy yet.

It was yet another throwback to fractious earlier years in the republic – and in particular to a 19th Century filled with angry political clashes in Congress in the run-up to the Civil War.

The last race to go this long was the 1859 contest that resulted in the election of Speaker William Pennington of New Jersey.

But that didn't happen until the 44th ballot – as the Republican moderate was joined by northern Democrats who were disaffected from the Buchanan administration. (McCarthy extended his losses to an 11th vote Thursday evening).

Sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11604463/The-time-Speaker-vote-went-long-1859-took-44-rounds.html

Burning down the House: The Capitol was still under construction in 1859, the last time a vote for Speaker extended to 10 ballots. The Senate first met in its new chambers that year

Drill baby drill – The first commercial oil well in the U.s. opened in Titusville, Pennsylvania that year

Washington was dotted with one and two-story buildings the last time a vote for speaker went this long. It came during a tumultuous time before the Civil War

Charles Darwinpublished his On the Origin of Species, following his extensive voyages about theBeagle.


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335940 No.2025

File: 951254565a9a49d⋯.mp4 (5.49 MB,406x720,203:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086143 (060257ZJAN23) Notable: WTC Water fountain / Brent Mosely theory

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18085728 pb

>>1996 pb

>>>/qresearch/18085917 pb

>>2010 pb

>>>/qresearch/18085887 pb

>>>/qresearch/18085917 pb

Check out the 9/11 Truther connection here too?

Water / cold fusion / steven jones 1/2 founder of "Scholars for Truth"

supposedly debunked it.

The man who's work he debunked ended up dead in a rare accident in his laboratory.


the vid on the cold fusion case allegedly debunked anon lost.

so far

vid has been purged, that anon knows of.

I'll put this one about Repulsine of Victor Schaubergers instead.

WTC Water fountain / Brent Mosely

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335940 No.2026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086155 (060258ZJAN23) Notable: Looks like the Sun just had an X 1.2 flare about an hour ago. First xrays hitting over eastern Australia.

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335940 No.2027

File: 56436cf7639d228⋯.png (219.86 KB,494x515,494:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086170 (060301ZJAN23) Notable: Brian @Kilmeadev calls Republicans who refuse to back @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy for speaker 'insurrectionists'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Washington Examiner


Brian @Kilmeadevcalls Republicans who refuse to back @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy for speaker 'insurrectionists'


Brian Kilmeade calls Republicans who refuse to back McCarthy for speaker 'insurrectionists'

Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade called the Republican House Freedom Caucus members who refuse to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for House speaker "insurrectionists."

4:53 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.2028

File: be975ebd07c7be2⋯.mp4 (185.88 KB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086184 (060303ZJAN23) Notable: There's that hand signal again.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086189 (060304ZJAN23) Notable: #22167 posted in 22169

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we're in for nasty weather

batten down the hatches


>>1961 Reminder - "A clean [H]ouse is very important."

>>1962 Massachusetts State Police Release Statement Following the Sudden Death of Three Officers Within Four Days

>>1963 Joe Biden Blames Republicans for Border Invasion, Claims Partisan Hostility Is Problem

>>1964 Hillary Clinton joins Columbia University as professor, presidential fellow

>>1965 A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in Australia called XBB.1.5. Here’s what experts say about it

>>1966 Biden admin will block more Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Haitians at border, but also open more legal pathways

>>1967 “The conservative conciliarism represented by Benedict XVI is dead. Francis killed it.”

>>1968 Anon Opine on why anons anon

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335940 No.2030

File: c66098183736239⋯.jpeg (392.38 KB,1763x868,1763:868,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086190 (060304ZJAN23) Notable: End the Endless. Vote Trump for speaker of the house

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> End the Endless. Vote Trump for speaker of the house

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335940 No.2031

File: 65f32e902f163e8⋯.png (13.08 KB,451x182,451:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086194 (060305ZJAN23) Notable: House Rs say they are doing a conference call tomorrow — interesting choice with all members already in town

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Olivia Beavers


House Rs say they are doing a conference call tomorrow — interesting choice with all members already in town

10:03 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.2032

File: 764c7b09edca5d3⋯.jpg (194.36 KB,1119x808,1119:808,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086199 (060305ZJAN23) Notable: Ex-Capitol Police boss says politics hampered Jan. 6 security under Pelosi: 'Recipe for disaster'

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Ex-Capitol Police boss says politics hampered Jan. 6 security under Pelosi: 'Recipe for disaster'

Ex-Chief Steven Sund compares Capitol security and intelligence lapses to 9/11, says he was "dumbfounded" by threat warnings that were kept from him.

The Capitol Police chief who handled the Jan. 6 riot says political bureaucracy under Speaker Nancy Pelosi put optics over safety and hampered his department from crafting an appropriate security plan to protect the home of Congress that fateful day.

Steven Sund, who resigned as the head of the $600 million a year Capitol Police Department after the tragedy, told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show on Wednesday that significant lapses occurred inside his department, inside the political leadership of Congress and across federal law enforcement and security agencies in the days before the Capitol riot.


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335940 No.2033

File: c8f64c886ef6a44⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1e94725d603216f⋯.pdf (137.38 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086212 (060308ZJAN23) Notable: Ex-Capitol Police boss says politics hampered Jan. 6 security under Pelosi: 'Recipe for disaster'

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>Ex-Capitol Police bos

Need more to remember Stenger

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335940 No.2034

File: e5a85f406d1ad3c⋯.png (143.04 KB,275x283,275:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fe964353398d6c⋯.png (101.12 KB,252x246,42:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 211fa24f20b6d8b⋯.png (162.1 KB,372x244,93:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 950cbda8442b150⋯.png (204.04 KB,1103x508,1103:508,Clipboard.png)

File: 97e8a7cca679435⋯.png (61.5 KB,216x130,108:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086227 (060310ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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genie o log

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335940 No.2035

File: 5afdf898308e716⋯.jpg (254.38 KB,1080x740,54:37,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086234 (060311ZJAN23) Notable: POTUS45 trolling the crazies back in 2015

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TRUMP trolling the crazies back in 2015 KEK


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335940 No.2036

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086250 (060314ZJAN23) Notable: President Trump Outlines Plan to Destroy Drug Cartels

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Interesting Timing – President Trump Outlines Plan to Destroy Drug Cartels

January 5, 2023 | Sundance

Interesting timing here as the North American Summit is scheduled to take place in Mexico City, Mexico, on January 10th. Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) are scheduled to have several meetings to discuss trade, economic and energy policies.

President Trump releases a video {Direct Rumble Link} and outline for a proposal to eliminate drug Cartels.

Mar-a-Lago, FL – As Joe Biden prepares to make his first-ever trip to the southern border that he deliberately erased, President Trump announced that when he is president again, it will be the official policy of the United States to take down the drug cartels just as we took down ISIS.


• Restore all Trump border policies and fully secure border

• Deploy all necessary military assets, including the U.S. Navy, to impose a full naval embargo on the cartels, to ensure they cannot use our region’s waters to traffic illicit drugs to the U.S.

• Order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations

• Designate the major drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations

• Cut off the cartels’ access to the global financial system

• Get full cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the cartels, or else fully expose the bribes and corruption that protect these criminal networks

• Ask Congress to ensure drug smugglers and traffickers can receive the Death Penalty

BIDEN’S DEADLY DESTRUCTION OF OUR BORDER: Joe Biden has spent the last two years dismantling the southern border. Biden’s Open Borders policies are killing innocent Americans, ravaging American communities, enriching the cartels, and destabilizing large parts of Mexico and Latin America.

Since Joe Biden took office, an estimated 200,000+ Americans have died from drug overdoses.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds of ultra-lethal fentanyl, heroin, meth, cocaine, and other illicit narcotics are pouring across our wide-open border and into American communities. Federal officials estimate that they only seize up to 10% of these drugs.

Enough fentanyl was seized at the border last year to kill every single American.

Biden inherited the strongest border in U.S. history, and turned it into the greatest border disaster in the history of the world.

Biden stopped wall construction, gutted Remain in Mexico, ripped up asylum cooperation agreements, imposed catch-and-release across the entire southern border, slandered and attacked border agents, announced the cancelation of Title 42, and effectively abolished interior enforcement.

Drug cartels and human smugglers have seen their revenue skyrocket by an estimated 2,500%, netting $13 billion this year. Trafficking illegal alien migrants is now a major source of revenue for the drug cartels.

Fueled in major part by Biden’s border disaster, the number of Americans killed due to fentanyl increased by 94% since 2019, and fentanyl poisoning has become the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.




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335940 No.2037

File: dfd9140cc146245⋯.png (384.51 KB,780x432,65:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086258 (060316ZJAN23) Notable: There's that hand signal again.

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McConnell got the same hand signal as Speaker

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335940 No.2038

File: a951018f05dd1e8⋯.png (93.27 KB,798x640,399:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086260 (060317ZJAN23) Notable: IDIOT girlfriend of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick attempts to sue Donald Trump, suddenly, after two years

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Sitnik estate is suing President Trump.


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335940 No.2039

File: b83b83b244be860⋯.png (757.71 KB,851x1198,851:1198,Clipboard.png)

File: 58f32456e133425⋯.png (941.69 KB,991x592,991:592,Clipboard.png)

File: 96dd51811cbe9e0⋯.png (781.14 KB,1275x577,1275:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 043045cab3c9f37⋯.png (59.07 KB,628x429,628:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086264 (060317ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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Protester Diaz Love speaks out about deadly Seattle car ramming and the journey to recovering


Liz Brazile Headshot 2021

Liz Brazile

Jul 23, 2020 at 3:21 pm


bigger than imagination

these sumbitches are sickos

how can the story be told without unmasking?

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335940 No.2040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086276 (060320ZJAN23) Notable: Looks like the Sun just had an X 1.2 flare about an hour ago. First xrays hitting over eastern Australia.

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Current imagery in several bands.


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335940 No.2041

File: 2fdcee695323f53⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,606x1280,303:640,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086279 (060320ZJAN23) Notable: There's that hand signal again.

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this screen cap is old

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335940 No.2042

File: 404aba5e27ace7f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1314x1650,219:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086287 (060322ZJAN23) Notable: RINO from Greenwich, CT, having a tantrum

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RINO from Greenwich, CT, having a tantrum. and still butt hurt for losing his seat in the local republican party caucus last year for being a RINO himself, and for being a traitor to his party.


and looks like Quigley's first selectman buddy is gonna get him some zuckerbucks for the next election…

Repeat of 2020? Left-Wing Tech Group Doles Out Millions in Grants in Eerily Familiar Election Scheme


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335940 No.2043

File: ac55b6782e31b9d⋯.jpeg (99.73 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086327 (060332ZJAN23) Notable: UN disbands mission probing Ukraine POW camp shelling

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5 Jan, 2023 22:53

UN disbands mission probing Ukraine POW camp shelling

A lack of security guarantees has been cited as a reason for the move

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, has decided to disband a fact-finding mission, which was expected toinvestigate a July strike on a detention center housing Ukrainian POWs in Donbass, his spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, told a news briefing on Thursday. The mission was called off due to a lack of security guarantees, he added.

The decision was taken “in the absence of conditions required to deploy the mission to the site,” Dujarric said. The spokesman noted that “for … a dangerous mission in what is an active war zone, we require clear safety and access guarantees from both sides. We did not feel we had received them.”

At the same time, he confirmed that the UN had a “political agreement” on the mission. Dujarric did not go into details on what specific guarantees were lacking. He also dodged a question about which of the two sides failed to provide the guarantees.

When asked about why the UN decided to scrap the mission altogether instead of postponing it, Dujarric said that one cannot keep its potential participants “on standby” for months. “It was clear to us that we should disband and let the people return to their daytime jobs.”

The mission was scheduled to be headed by the retired Brazilian general, Carlos dos Santos Cruz, who previously led a UN peacekeeping force in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cruz was to be joined by the former Icelandic foreign minister, Ingibjorg Gisladottir, and Issoufou Yacouba, a high-ranking police officer from Niger, who served as a Police Commissioner with the UN stabilization mission in Mali.

The UN secretary general is ready to “re-constitute the mission extremely quickly, should the guarantees be given,” Dujarric said. Neither Kiev nor Moscow have commented on the development so far.

The July strike on a detention center housing Ukrainian POWs in Elenovka in the Donetsk People's Republic left 50 prisoners dead and another 73 injured. Moscow blamed the attack on the Ukrainian forces. Kiev denied the accusations, claiming that Russian troops had launched the strike to frame Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry then called on the UN and the International Red Cross Committee to launch an impartial investigation into the incident.

(UN was threatened by Ukraine, its obvious. They are the Mafia of the NWO)


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335940 No.2044

File: e01c99c406aac93⋯.png (831.5 KB,1341x583,1341:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cfd7d3420d8601⋯.png (453.2 KB,958x537,958:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086345 (060338ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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Paul Ryan really wants McCarthy for Speaker

juss thuh faux

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335940 No.2045

File: 51bd0f428058c98⋯.jpeg (150 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086351 (060339ZJAN23) Notable: Pentagon touts ‘tank killers’ for Ukraine

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6 Jan, 2023 02:54

Pentagon touts ‘tank killers’ for Ukraine

The latest “lethal aid” falls short of Kiev’s demands for more powerful weapons

The US government is set to supply Ukraine with a number of armored personnel carriers in an upcoming aid package, described as “tank-killers” by a senior military official.

The move follows reports that Washington isstill refusing to consider heavier armorfor Kiev, despite its repeated requests for the Abrams main battle tank.

Chief Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder announced the latest aid on Thursday, telling reporters that Kiev will receive an unspecified number of Bradley Fighting Vehicles, as well as training and maintenance support for the armored troop carriers.

“It is obviously an armored capability that can transport mechanized infantry into battle in support of both offensive and defensive operations, providing a level of firepower and armor that will bring advantages on the battlefield,” Ryder said, adding “It’s not a tank, but it’s a tank-killer.”

The weapons package will include up to 50 Bradleys and other gear, according to two unnamed officials cited by Reuters, which noted that more details would come on Friday.

Ryder declined to offer a timeframe for when the vehicles might reach the battlefield, nor how long it would take to train local soldiers to use them. Though Washington has approved more than $21 billion in direct military aid since the conflict in Ukraine kicked off last February, it is unclear how much of that weaponry has arrived to the country or is actually in service due to lengthy delivery schedules.

Kiev has clamored for increasingly heavy weapons throughout the conflict, specifically requesting the M1 Abrams main battle tank in a Christmas 'wish list’ shared by a senior advisor to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky last month. However, US officials continue to rule out the 60-ton tank, with an unnamed government staffer telling the Washington Post they are unsuitable for Ukrainian forces due to their tendency to break down and heavy fuel consumption.

Instead, Washington and some Western allies, including Germany and France, have offered lighter armor, with Paris recently agreeing to send several aging AMX-10 armored fighting vehicles and Berlin announcing future shipments of the comparable Marder vehicle. All three countries have rebuffed requests for heavy tanks.

Developed in the 1980s to contend with Soviet BMP fighting vehicles, the Bradley was designed to transport and provide cover for infantry, coming in several different variants. While the Pentagon did not specify the model that will be shipped to Ukraine, the M3 Bradley is typically operated by a three-man crew, and has extra space for scout troops and BGM-71 TOW missiles, an anti-tank weapon.


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335940 No.2046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086355 (060340ZJAN23) Notable: Anon was wondering if the commission files withheld would be covered under the Speaker/House leadership - didn't see anything in the foreward

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Sooo, a post from lb -got my noodle spinning.

wrt JFK death - ie Warren Commission


I was wondering if the commission files withheld would be covered under the Speaker/House leadership - didn't see anything in the foreward.


Bibliographic note: Web version based on the Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1979. 1 volume, 686 pages. The formatting of this Web version may differ from the original

The comment was 'cover up of 70 years'

Encompasses a lot of 'conspiracy stories' in that time frame. Wonder which one is the 'big one'?

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335940 No.2047

File: 6bdd69b3665d449⋯.jpeg (69.33 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086381 (060345ZJAN23) Notable: Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

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5 Jan, 2023 18:17

Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

Russia called on international bodies to condemn the mistreatment of Marat Kasem

The arrest of Sputnik Lithuania’s editor-in-chief is a violation of international norms of freedom of speech and the rights of journalists, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday. She called on international organizations to react appropriately to Latvia’s “overreach” in arresting Marat Kasem.

“Riga has once again demonstrated that for it such values of a democratic society as media pluralism and the rights of journalists are nothing more than empty phrases,” Zakharova said in a statement.

Earlier, the spokeswoman shared a video on her Telegram channel of Kasem speaking about the problems he was facing, noting that he had complained for years about pressure and mistreatment at the hands of governments in the Baltic states. All the international organizations concerned with freedom of speech, who spent years ignoring Kasem’s safety concerns, should “finally justify their existence” and intervene, Zakharova argued.

“It is not just a duty, but an obligation of the international community to do everything so these overreaching regimes would return to following the law,” she said.

Kasem is a Latvian citizen, but has lived and worked in Moscow for the past several years. He returned to Latvia on family business just before New Year’s Eve. On Thursday, the authorities in Riga ordered his arrest and reportedly charged him with espionage and violating EU sanctions against Russia. If convicted, he faces up to 20 years behind bars.

His lawyer has not yet been given the case files, and her request to release Kasem on bail has been denied. He is currently being held in Riga’s Central jail.

Moscow has complained about theongoing persecution of several journalistsin Baltic states back in 2021, prior to the conflict in Ukraine escalating. Kasem had been detained in Vilnius and deported from Lithuania as a “threat to national security” in 2019. His colleague Valentin Rozentsov, editor-in-chief of Sputnik Latvia, was detained and interrogated in Riga in 2018.

The former Soviet republics have adopted a hardline stance on the conflict in Ukraine. Just last month, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia protested French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to offer Russia security guarantees, and demanded no exemptions on the ban on Russian fertilizer exports, despite EU concerns about potential famine in Africa.


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335940 No.2048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086386 (060346ZJAN23) Notable: Meet Mr. Scott Sessions Harris, 20th Clerk of the US Supreme Court

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Meet Mr. Scott Sessions Harris, 20th Clerk of the US Supreme Court

Mr Harris is the US Supreme Court Clerk that reached out to the Brunson Brothers to expedite (under SCOTUS Rule 11) their Cert Petition (Brunson vs Adams Et Al)

The US Supreme Court is having a conference tomorrow Jan. 6th, 2023 to vote on the Brunson Cert Petition





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335940 No.2049

File: 48bbccd57e518ae⋯.png (1 MB,1053x622,1053:622,Clipboard.png)

File: f2f7a9887445588⋯.png (897.71 KB,1077x503,1077:503,Clipboard.png)

File: f2ec79262d62912⋯.png (407.94 KB,694x465,694:465,Clipboard.png)

File: c85a8dbd50ed11f⋯.png (1 MB,1008x525,48:25,Clipboard.png)

File: fc0cebe5dd56b04⋯.png (425.04 KB,1036x406,74:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086403 (060350ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2050

File: 02e5e237f59a2f8⋯.jpeg (55.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086411 (060352ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take right side’ (is that a new Zelenskyy actor?)

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(Picture: Ukrainian Presidential adviser Mikhail Podoliak © AP / Nicolae Dumitrache)

6 Jan, 2023 00:02

Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take right side’

President Zelensky’s top aide has attempted the ‘carrot and stick’ approach to Tel Aviv

Mikhail Podoliak, the top aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, has urged Tel Aviv to overtly side with Kiev after the new Israeli foreign minister announced he would “talk less” about the conflict and held a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

“You can talk less, but the main thing is to take the right side,” Podoliak told the Israeli outlet i24 on Thursday, insisting that Russia “started the war on its own initiative and without provocation.”

“We need to talk a lot about this kind of war, because it is a genocidal war,” Podoliak also said, seemingly contradicting his own argument.

Zelensky’s outspoken adviser was reacting to remarks by Eli Cohen, Israel’s new foreign minister, who said on Tuesday that the Jewish state intended to continue “significant humanitarian aid” to Ukraine but “talk less” in public about the “Russia-Ukraine issue.”

Kiev’s ambassador in Tel Aviv, Evgeny Korniychuk, swiftly complained about the perceived change in Israeli policy, pointing out that Cohen took a call from Lavrov while his predecessor had refused to do so.

“Israel is unique in terms of our partners. It remains silent,” he told local media, asking for a direct condemnation of alleged Russian actions.

Podoliak took a different tack from the ambassador, complementing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a potential go-between in eventual peace talks between Ukraine and Russia.

“I have no doubt that Netanyahu can be an effective mediator since he understands precisely what modern wars are and what is the essence of mediation under these conditions,” Zelensky’s adviser told i24.

“Israel, which is constantly in a state of war from various entities, has the basic principles of protecting its territory, its right, and its freedom. Therefore, it would be desirable to focus on supplying aid to Ukraine,” he added.

He also argued that “it is not desirable” for Israel “to have relations with Russia with its current regime,” both from the historical standpoint “and the point of view of the country's development in the future.”

Ukraine has attempted for months to pressure Israel into sending it weapons, most of all the Iron Dome air defense system. In October, Korniychuk enlisted US assistance in the effort, but to little avail. The previous government said Israel simply doesn’t have the industrial capability to do so.

(Does anyone else think that Zelensky is pushing his luck in a major way? Or is this a psyop to make the world think Israel and Ukraine are having problems, when they are not?)


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335940 No.2051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086430 (060356ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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"Watch guy behind Zeeborg":


06-Mar-2019 10:41:31 PM PST


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335940 No.2052

File: 9516ca9283ae428⋯.jpg (201.83 KB,1080x770,108:77,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8cb73c110f0db80⋯.jpg (618.02 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086431 (060356ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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2018? Where she go after that


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335940 No.2053

File: 9f5eccf8a33278f⋯.jpg (41.9 KB,768x647,768:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63b7b1fe3386716⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,768x517,768:517,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086441 (060358ZJAN23) Notable: This is the longest speaker battle since the American Civil War!

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335940 No.2054

File: cd8ee7663557ae2⋯.jpg (593.05 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086442 (060358ZJAN23) Notable: CIA staff made a 'suicide pact' to resign if Trump fired director Gina Haspel, former aide says

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This is odd though


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335940 No.2055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086477 (060405ZJAN23) Notable: CIA staff made a 'suicide pact' to resign if Trump fired director Gina Haspel, former aide says

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king & spalding law firm in 2021

also working there when she started

dan coats, rod rosenstien and sally yates

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335940 No.2056

File: 358106d6e880e0f⋯.png (10.78 KB,590x110,59:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a54d0db8b6a2bb⋯.png (1.4 MB,1048x1244,262:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fa79046fab6f0a⋯.png (768.26 KB,1280x1010,128:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fa79046fab6f0a⋯.png (768.26 KB,1280x1010,128:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086486 (060406ZJAN23) Notable: Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

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Suspected 9/11 recruiter Mohammed Haydar Zammar captured in Syria

The 9/11 Commission Report branded the German an "outspoken, flamboyant Islamist" who "relished any opportunity to extol the virtues of violent jihad."

Image: Mohammed Haydar Zammar

Mohammed Haydar Zammar leaves a mosque in Hamburg, Germany, in 2001.Knut Mueller /

Der Spiegel via AP file

April 19, 2018, 5:24 AM PDT / Updated April 20, 2018, 7:52 AM PDT

By F. Brinley Bruton and Courtney Kube


going out on a limb

supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

Q: where does one test their supersoldier models?







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335940 No.2057

File: 3cf3a26232a870e⋯.png (464.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086494 (060408ZJAN23) Notable: IDIOT girlfriend of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick attempts to sue Donald Trump, suddenly, after two years

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Donald Trump sued by girlfriend of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick

U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick's girlfriend, Sandra Garza, is suing former President Donald Trump in an attempt to hold him "accountable" for the death of the officer..


Definition of dumb brain dead scum

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335940 No.2058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086501 (060409ZJAN23) Notable: IDIOT girlfriend of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick attempts to sue Donald Trump, suddenly, after two years

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The girlfriend of Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick who died on J6 is suing President Trump along with two Capitol “rioters” requesting that each pay $10 million. It took her two years to decide to do this!!!!!!

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335940 No.2059

File: 81c3420c5e641ba⋯.jpeg (75.46 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086522 (060412ZJAN23) Notable: Social media may alter brains of children – study

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5 Jan, 2023 00:11

Social media may alter brains of children – study

Participants showed increased sensitivity to judgment by others

Habitually checking social media as a young teenager is linked to hypersensitivity to peer feedback and may potentially lead to permanent changes in the brain’s reward and motivation centers, neuroscientists at the University of North Carolina suggested in a study published on Tuesday in JAMA Pediatrics.

The study looked at a group of 169 teens as their brains developed between the ages of 12 to 15 and their self-reported use of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

When those with usage the researchers classed as “habitual” – meaning they checked their accounts 15 or more times a day – played a game that modeled feedback in the form of peer approval, they became increasingly sensitive to that feedback. Brain scans showed increased activity in areas associated with reward processing, concentration, regulation and control, and the researchers observed that these appeared to contribute to positive feedback loops, further increasing their sensitivity to peer approval.

Those teens who reported checking their social media once at most per day showed a corresponding decrease in activity in these areas, suggesting they were less concerned with feedback from peers or may have more self-control over compulsive behaviors.

While acknowledging that it was impossible to tell from the limited data collected whether it was the social media usage making the teens more concerned with feedback from their peers, or a preexisting preoccupation with being judged by peers that made them more likely to check their accounts, the researchers made it clear they suspected the former.

“Teens who are habitually checking their social media are showing these pretty dramatic changes in the way their brains are responding, which could potentially have long-term consequences well into adulthood, sort of setting the stage for brain development over time,” study co-author Eva Telzer told the New York Times.

She argued the hypersensitivity shown in the habitual social media users was neither good nor bad, but merely an adaptation to living in an increasingly interconnected world.


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335940 No.2060

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086590 (060422ZJAN23) Notable: DATEFAG ALERT: Loy predicts 22-380 win and Trump back as POTUS by 1/13/2023

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Loy predict's case 22-380 win and Trump back as POTUS by 1/13/2023



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335940 No.2061

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086665 (060435ZJAN23) Notable: "The deported multiple times just enter again and again"Troy Nehls: Cartel Crisis at the Southern Border

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The deported multiple times just enter again and again

Troy Nehls: Cartel Crisis at the Southern Border

Bannons War Room

January 5, 2023


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335940 No.2062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086692 (060440ZJAN23) Notable: Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take right side’ (is that a new Zelenskyy actor?)

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>Ukraine pressures Israel

easy ask, they're aligned on this "homeland" restoration

Anon watched a video last night that shed a lot of light on

10 Tribes


It's almost an hour long but there's a lot of good information. Around 33 minutes in goes into the tribes, Egyptian style burial mounds and perfectly preserved relics from the tribes. The Black Sea rose to the present level ONLY 2 THOUSAND YEARS AGO.. Wooly Mammoths were documented as walking the Earth 2,000 years ago.

The Ice Age was a very long process that continued thru 1500 BC.

Thracians (see Tiras) lived around the Black Sea, Cimmerians, Phoenicians.

The climate was as described in Genesis, much wetter and generally cloudy humid and perfect for lush greenery.

Helps explain why the Huns, wave and after wave and all the others, Goths etal. Their lush green fields went desert so they decided to take to the road and take take take, for survival. The Earthquakes, the volcanos were hot hot hot. That flame by day Moses followed? A volcanic eruption…

This was a joint production by





and parts are difficult to understand due to strong accents.

Worth the time imho. The archeology is outstanding. They have boats 1500-1600BC boats (match the rock carvings)



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335940 No.2063

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086721 (060445ZJAN23) Notable: The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican - YT Video Collection

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Nowhere near as bad as this:

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican - YT Video Collection

Inclusive Capitalism Conference - President Clinton - https://youtu.be/OcLqAzr4pX4

President Obama about Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/LJ-aRzKpxWg

The Prince of Wales's video message at the 2015 Inclusive Capitalism Conference - https://youtu.be/CMJ6T_UwcsY

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican - https://youtu.be/lJoXwh0Vu9M

Vatican forms alliance with the Council for Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/USWLnN-jkJo

The Vatican wants to make capitalism more inclusive - https://youtu.be/H9ty44_dnj0

Pope Francis Joins Bank of America, Salesforce CEOs to Push for Economic Equality - https://youtu.be/VlW_PVhSfjM

His Holiness the Pope’s Statement at the 2015 Conference delivered by Cardinal Nichols - https://youtu.be/iO56RZE6SEQ

Conference on Inclusive Capitalism 2015: The Indispensable building blocks of Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/IBB4CUU9Vw8

Dreamtalk: Inclusive Capitalism | Salesforce Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild - https://youtu.be/3Moyfky5fuw

Vatican’s debt, Council for Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/JuZn2AH-VPE

Toward a More Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/brKrGeS1RO0

Inclusion Capitalism: Solving for Our Grandest Challenges | Frantz Alphonse | TED - https://youtu.be/Tqh8Z0XTUQ8

Nelson Mandela Foundation On Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/uVJ3C2Cirnc

Lord Mayor Welcome – Alderman Alan Yarrow - 2015 Conference on Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/Tc4pecLnSmk

Can Capitalism Ever Really Be Inclusive? ft. Lynn Forester de Rothschild & Stephanie Mehta - https://youtu.be/FCtJwmaiV8c

BlackRock's Fink on Optimism, China, Deficits, Inclusive Capitalism - https://youtu.be/xAsWTIE0XxA

Main web links for the Council and Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism



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335940 No.2064

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086824 (060502ZJAN23) Notable: Are Jab Companies Paying people off Families of the Dead?

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Jab Companies are Paying people off Families of the Dead

Giving them new phones and Names

Moving them to a new home

and they have to sign NDAs

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335940 No.2065

File: 8679ad34a6c72ae⋯.mp4 (139.1 KB,450x270,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086886 (060514ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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Pay attention to what he does with his hands during the applause. This is what the Freedom Caucus is up against. Satan worshipping globalists.


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335940 No.2066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086893 (060515ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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It's like a salute.

Trump mocks them when he sits there doing it at g7 and eu meetings

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335940 No.2067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086898 (060516ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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Thats the new NWO salute, fukn demons.

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335940 No.2068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086905 (060517ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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what if they're acting like they some shit but they ain't

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335940 No.2069

File: abc42cbbabe6ef3⋯.png (217.68 KB,1344x730,672:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086906 (060517ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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AR is such a corrupt shithole.

Former Gov Huckabee is currently outing himself as deep swamp during this Speaker show.

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335940 No.2070

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086909 (060518ZJAN23) Notable: Media Silent as Twitter Files Expose Flagrant Misconduct in Govt. & Journalism

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Media Silent as Twitter Files Expose Flagrant Misconduct in Govt. & Journalism | SYSTEM UPDATE #15 - Glenn Greenwald


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335940 No.2071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086910 (060518ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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It’s soooooo fucking deliberate in this case! Sometimes it can be possibly excused as an awkward movement, specifically in stills. But THIS! He makes the sign, holds it for a flash, and then stops the sign completely, grabs podium, then hands in pocket. He doesn’t do some other hand to hand awkward movement. Crazy obvious. These new cameras are sweeet

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335940 No.2072

File: f7d2ea07cab004d⋯.png (735.69 KB,611x1282,611:1282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086937 (060523ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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335940 No.2073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086941 (060524ZJAN23) Notable: MSN sayz rape in headlines but is clearly talking about human sex trafficking in the first paragraph

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Multiple women come forward with rape accusations against Andrew Tate

"Unfortunately for Tate, this wasn’t the end of the accusations. Now, a Vice report has shed some light on rape allegations against the misogynist content creator. The report states that Tate wasn’t only arrested for the human trafficking but due to a rape case from 2015.

A woman told Vice that she “cried” when Tate was arrested, stating that she’d told the police about him in a previous report. A second woman said that they were happy he was being arrested but “not completely hopeful,” since he’s “walked free” from similar charges in the past.

“I have been very frustrated by the British police and court system for a long time,” said one of his anonymous victims. “They could have stopped him from doing the exact same abuse to these women in Romania.”

Vice to release special report on Andrew Tate rape accusations

Vice is going to go more in depth into the sexual assault and abuse allegations against Andrew Tate in an upcoming special report airing on January 12. But the news site did post an exclusive clip from the documentary that had one woman detailing her experience with Tate.

The woman, calling herself “Sally,” was approached by Tate for sex work when she was 20. She didn’t want to give her real name due to the harassment she felt she’d face from his fanbase. She said Tate punched her arm “for no reason,” leaving her confused and crying in the bathroom.

“When I came out of the bathroom, he was super, super nice. That night we cuddled. We ended up having sex. I was really, really drunk. Then every single night I would work. As soon as he handed me my money, I soon forgot him hitting me and everything else,” Sally recalled.

Sally said that they soon moved into a bigger apartment and more women began working for him. She started to allegedly witness verbal and physical abuse, which got worse over time. He would call them names, smack women, and would even strangle some of them, including Sally. She also accused Tate of raping a woman.

“When he threatened to beat me up in the bathroom, saying he didn’t give a f— if I called the police, I knew I had to get out of there,” Sally said.

But when she left and went to the police, nothing was done. She said that the other woman also went to the police and he was arrested. But the case was dropped. Vice reached out to the police who said the case was closed after reviewing all of the evidence and concluding it “did not reach our legal test.”

At this point, Tate appeared on the reality show Big Brother. After hearing about Tate’s previous arrests and the accusations against him, the team behind Big Brother began to look into the matter. They also said he was “closely monitored” until he was removed from the house.

“I think people have this perception that if you tell someone you’ve been raped, that person instantly goes to prison. They don’t realize it’s so, so hard to convict someone of rape,” Sally said.

After her experience with Tate, Sally expressed concern with all of the young men saying Tate is their “idol.” She told them not to be fooled by the money and that real men “don’t lay their hands on women.” Despite ongoing accusations and investigations into Tate for human trafficking and abuse, many men have continued to talk of his innocence and praise him for his behavior."

(There is no difference between human trafficking and rape. Human trafficking is gang rape, until these psychopaths decide to murder her.)

Go to hell with your evil disgusting snide remarks and rot.


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335940 No.2074

File: 19090d0682f51d9⋯.jpg (289.12 KB,1174x1274,587:637,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086945 (060524ZJAN23) Notable: Patato claims 20,000 lbs of fentanyl is "enough to kill as many as 1,000 people in this country." (20,000 lbs of fentanyl would kill 4.5 billion people.)

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Joe Biden claims 20,000 lbs of fentanyl is "enough to kill as many as 1,000 people in this country."

20,000 lbs of fentanyl would kill 4.5 billion people.


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335940 No.2075

File: 11cfb025b3ec903⋯.png (1.38 MB,998x1142,499:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086950 (060526ZJAN23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm.

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335940 No.2076

File: 31548ecf89fed4a⋯.jpeg (88.76 KB,404x422,202:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086964 (060529ZJAN23) Notable: all they signals are belong to us.

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all they signals are belong to us.

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335940 No.2077

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086966 (060529ZJAN23) Notable: Todd Benson said Bidan announced to the world today, that all illegal aliens would get an extralegal way (that’s illegal) to enter our country.

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Listen starting at 34:20 Todd Bensonsaid Bidan announced to the world today, that all illegal aliens would get an extralegal way (that’s illegal) to enter our country.

All of them would be grantedwhile in Mexicobe designated as not illegal aliens, but legal immigrants with a humanitarian designation.

Bidan isn’t going there to view the carnage, but towelcome millions more in, more than those who are coming now!


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335940 No.2078

File: c3fb1c9415f938f⋯.png (788.22 KB,964x544,241:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dd4b67be8b4bea⋯.png (492.36 KB,634x936,317:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b2a7dc1bf41e6c⋯.png (694.53 KB,634x670,317:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 983a39d77b0529f⋯.png (276.89 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b90b52f755d99c⋯.png (1020.42 KB,1024x584,128:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086977 (060531ZJAN23) Notable: Former Browns running back Peyton Hillis is in critical condition in Florida hospital after saving his children from DROWNING in ocean

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Former Browns running back Peyton Hillis is in critical condition in Florida hospital after saving his children from DROWNING in ocean

January 5, 2023

The former Cleveland running back is still in the hospital following the accident

He's reportedly unconscious and in an ICU after the accident in Florida

A Facebook post believed to be from his uncle says he's critical but 'improving'

Hillis retired from the NFL in 2015 & is known for being on the cover of Madden

Peyton Hillis, the former star running back for the Cleveland Browns, is reportedly unconscious and in an ICU after saving his children from drowning in the ocean in Florida.

Hillis saved his children from a swimming accident in Pensacola, Florida and was helicoptered to a local hospital, according to KNWA. They added that his breathing 'is improving.'

A post on Facebook believed to be from Hillis's uncle says Peyton is 'doing better'

'He's still in intensive care and having some problems with his kidneys and his lungs but the doctors say he is improving,' the post read.

sauce/more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-11605185/Former-Browns-RB-Peyton-Hillis-critical-condition-saving-children-DROWNING.html

After stints with the Chiefs, Buccaneers, and Giants, Hillis retired from football in 2015

(RIP Joe) Never forgotten…

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335940 No.2079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18086989 (060532ZJAN23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm.

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Chekt. Real.

2:00 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.2080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087031 (060542ZJAN23) Notable: #22169 posted in 22170

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let's try that again

last bread, now with correct number


>>2013, >>2018 Potato to Grant Mass Amnesty and Work Permits to 30,000 New Illegal Immigrants a Month – Impeachment Time!

>>2014, >>2020 USDA Greenlights First-Ever Honeybee Vaccine

>>2015 US Sending Delegation to Taiwan for Trade Talks in Move Sure to Anger China

>>2016 Why would a killer leave the knife, supposed weapon, at the crime scene and just saunter out of the building?

>>2017, >>2030 End the Endless. Vote Trump for speaker of the house

>>2019, >>2021 Mexican Cartels are attacking targets with the most intense happening in and around Culiacan, Mexico. The airport has been closed

>>2022, >>2041, >>2037, >>2028 There's that hand signal again.

>>2024, >>2053 This is the longest speaker battle since the American Civil War!

>>2023, >>2026, >>2040 Looks like the Sun just had an X 1.2 flare about an hour ago. First xrays hitting over eastern Australia.

>>2025 WTC Water fountain / Brent Mosely theory

>>2027 Brian @Kilmeadev calls Republicans who refuse to back @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy for speaker 'insurrectionists'

>>2031 House Rs say they are doing a conference call tomorrow — interesting choice with all members already in town

>>2032, >>2033 Ex-Capitol Police boss says politics hampered Jan. 6 security under Pelosi: 'Recipe for disaster'

>>2035 POTUS45 trolling the crazies back in 2015

>>2036 President Trump Outlines Plan to Destroy Drug Cartels

>>2042 RINO from Greenwich, CT, having a tantrum

>>2043 UN disbands mission probing Ukraine POW camp shelling

>>2045 Pentagon touts ‘tank killers’ for Ukraine

>>2046 Anon was wondering if the commission files withheld would be covered under the Speaker/House leadership - didn't see anything in the foreward

>>2047 Arrest of Russian outlet’s journalist is blow to press freedom – Moscow

>>2048 Meet Mr. Scott Sessions Harris, 20th Clerk of the US Supreme Court

>>2050, >>2062 Ukraine pressures Israel to ‘take right side’ (is that a new Zelenskyy actor?)

>>2052, >>2054, >>2055, >>2056 CIA staff made a 'suicide pact' to resign if Trump fired director Gina Haspel, former aide says

>>2056, >>2034, >>2044, >>2051, >>2039, >>2052, >>2049 Supersoldiers, the middle east, and the C(_)A

>>2057, >>2058, >>2038 IDIOT girlfriend of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick attempts to sue Donald Trump, suddenly, after two years

>>2059 Social media may alter brains of children – study

>>2060 DATEFAG ALERT: Loy predicts 22-380 win and Trump back as POTUS by 1/13/2023

>>2061 "The deported multiple times just enter again and again"Troy Nehls: Cartel Crisis at the Southern Border

>>2063 The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican - YT Video Collection

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335940 No.2081

File: 6716be214b0928c⋯.jpg (646.24 KB,2260x1194,1130:597,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ff6be541f1b05ea⋯.jpg (331.54 KB,1023x966,341:322,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b61f79686603ff⋯.jpg (230 KB,781x1128,781:1128,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76b0f836c9d54ac⋯.jpg (142.13 KB,832x777,832:777,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5422ba4290f45d⋯.png (565.38 KB,634x638,317:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087129 (060604ZJAN23) Notable: RE: Gina Haspel C_A suicide pact

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>2052 lb

>>2054 lb

>>2055 lb

>>2056 lb

>CIA staff made a 'suicide pact' to resign if Trump fired director Gina Haspel, former aide says

Former Aide Alyssa Farah Griffin says

Griffin was press secretary for U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Special Assistant to President Donald Trump from October 2017 to September 2019. In 2019, she was appointed the youngest press secretary of The Pentagon in history. She served as Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and the Press Secretary for the United States Department of Defense from 2019 to 2020.


So… who would tell Griffin this nonsense/ Former (*never former) coworkers at CIA, Pence or Trump.

Betting on Pence if anyone at all and it's not garbage like the Sicknick nuisance suit or the Guliani nuisance suit. Just random noise to detract from what's really going on.

That will be $.02

Muh last nerve I tells ya, muh last nerve..

Farah Griffin let loose on new mum McEnany, accusing her of helping Trump, 76, perpetuate false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

Asked in her testimony where McEnany "fell" after the 2020 election and whether she had an attitude of "hey, we lost, let's gracefully exit," or "let's facilitate the big lie," Farah Griffin blasted: =="I am a Christian woman, so I will say this,

"Kayleigh is a liar and an opportunist."==

She went on to say that McEnany, who has not addressed the comments in public, is a "Harvard law grad," before adding: "This is not an idiot. She knew we lost the election.

"But she made a calculation that she wanted to have a certain life post-Trump that required staying in his good graces.

"And that was more important to her than telling the truth to the American public."

The former comms director admitted she never confronted McEnany on the matter, saying she didn't think "it would have been constructive".

(because bad mouthing Kaylee on TV is so much more constructive than airing grievances personally)





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335940 No.2082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087167 (060619ZJAN23) Notable: Nattokinase breaks down the spike protein

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Wow. I wouldn't doubt this, so the concert was a test to see what decibel, tones, rhythms, sound waves etc would actually kill people???

>Sounds like It was a test to see how to wipe out millions by music, tones, decibels or anything related to music,or something related to the Emergency Alert Systems

>They are building their plan for the day it’s determined is the day to eliminate millions or billions.

>We have got to stop this!Have any anons figured out how to reverse the effects of the jab?Is anyone in contact with the good doctors? Malone, McCollough, Cory, etc.

>This is a theory but knowing their goal its not insane, they are insane!

Nattokinase breaks down spike protein, in vitro, in vivo, in serum, and once it's attached to a cell wall.

We need the vaxxed to learn this. So far it's the only thing that we're aware of that actually breaks down the spike protein once formed.

It also dissolves blood clots and has virtually no side effects and a two thousand year safety record with billions of users.

Gift from God.

Natto is a popular traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented by Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Nattokinase is found in natto [4] and is one of the most important extracellular enzymes produced by B. subtilis var. natto [5]. Nattokinase consists of 275 amino acids and is approximately 28 kDa [6,7]. Nattokinase inactivates plasminogen activator inhibitor1 and increases fibrinolysis [8]. It also decreases the plasma levels of fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII [9]. Nattokinase has the highest clot-dissolving potency among naturally known anticoagulants [10]. A clinical trial demonstrated that oral consumption of nattokinase was not associated with any adverse effects [11].

Thus, nattokinase is now considered an efficient, secure, and economical enzyme that has drawn central attention in thrombolytic drug studies [12,13]. In addition, nattokinase is used in the treatment of some tumors [14,15]. A recent study revealed that natto extract inhibits bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1) and SARS-CoV-2 infection [16]. These results indicate that natto extract protease might be effective against SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether the inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection by natto extract is caused by nattokinase derived fro



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335940 No.2083

File: 8155f306099246a⋯.png (260.81 KB,1301x534,1301:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087178 (060625ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

Remember this

v v v

>>>/qresearch/18037590 PB Judicial Watch released 49 pgs of State Dept docs showing top Soros representatives in Romania collaborating with the State Dept in a program funded by Soros Open Society Foundations – Romania, USAID, & others – called the Open Government Partnership

and this

v v v

>>311 PB Bill Gates, World Bank and Human Capital

and this

>>1986 PB The National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute are Open Society Institute Partners?

Well, there's lots more. First thing you need to know is that sauce is in the graphic and in each screencap.

The US State Dept. has an Open Government Initiative webpage. Open Government Partnership has a United States member page that lists contact information at the US State Department. OGP says that the US joined the partnership in 2011. The World Bank/Open Government Partnership has a project called Open Government Partnership Country Capacity Support (project # P17667). The P17667 webpage provides an interesting project map that causes Anon to ask the question, "Capacity for what?".

Open Government and World Bank (IBRD) have an Open Government and Public Financial Management Project # P133798 in Tanzania. World Bank (think Civil Society) have another project (# P177600) titled "Strengthening of CSOs and Youth Organizations to improve health and nutrition gains for women, children and adolescents Project". Just like project # P17667, it provides a very interesting project map.

World Bank was established along with the International Monetary Fund at Bretton Woods Conference in 1944. World Bank (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), International Development Agency (IDA) work hand in glove to include world governments in their ranks. Those governments must agree to abide by the by-laws of World Bank Group in order to be members of WBG. Through the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Anon believes that the World Bank is able to manage financial disputes in a way that is acceptable to stakeholders.

Anon has become convinced that, when the elites talk about "Civil Society", they don't mean what we think they mean. World Bank has "Civil Society" partners (Anon opines that it's a club and we aint in it).

This is getting long. If you like, please study the graphic and see the screencaps in attached posts. A list of links to theBy-LawsandArticles of Agreement(to which members must adhere) can be found in 8/8 below.

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335940 No.2084

File: 75ec7b875f00d56⋯.png (278.35 KB,509x700,509:700,Clipboard.png)

File: be5a148726b1efc⋯.png (379.18 KB,498x906,83:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d370ad560c8dc3⋯.png (180.24 KB,496x611,496:611,Clipboard.png)

File: b7081fd2ab64677⋯.png (326.83 KB,639x511,639:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 84daf9bb42ac57e⋯.png (163.63 KB,527x433,527:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087185 (060627ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

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335940 No.2085

File: c1b1a162a77f0bb⋯.png (216.78 KB,508x566,254:283,Clipboard.png)

File: b9a001755f78909⋯.png (222.45 KB,506x599,506:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 69a21c7a3b0175a⋯.png (229.68 KB,499x553,499:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a39603a85a2e5c⋯.png (216.88 KB,522x510,87:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087189 (060629ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

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335940 No.2086

File: 698763d0d61e78b⋯.png (364.94 KB,662x510,331:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 16538b9d750a102⋯.png (363.56 KB,628x679,628:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087195 (060631ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

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Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2087

File: 02fe4c5d4ebb3e0⋯.png (338.87 KB,519x745,519:745,Clipboard.png)

File: 374ed35487210b2⋯.png (275.59 KB,507x744,169:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b8429127109c82⋯.png (164.94 KB,491x786,491:786,Clipboard.png)

File: ef1462fa930826f⋯.png (410.13 KB,498x1044,83:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087200 (060632ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

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Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2088

File: b044dfe48b276de⋯.png (108.79 KB,801x438,267:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 7892920860026e6⋯.png (226.23 KB,496x668,124:167,Clipboard.png)

File: ca622dba4ef55e4⋯.png (275.33 KB,654x517,654:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f33330a2ac86b9⋯.png (46.14 KB,518x446,259:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087203 (060634ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2089

File: f4a8232a7b0059f⋯.png (116.94 KB,505x569,505:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c8fb23e9cbb2d8⋯.png (228.06 KB,513x512,513:512,Clipboard.png)

File: c0aad14114b7233⋯.png (549.53 KB,594x527,594:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d2d4e5a9916502⋯.png (425.27 KB,598x527,598:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087208 (060636ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087212 (060637ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton too

All PDFs

World Bank - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - By-Laws

(As amended through May 17, 2021)



(As amended effective June 27, 2012)


World Bank - INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION - Articles of Agreement - (As amended through June 27, 2012)


World Bank - International Finance Corporation - By-Laws - (As Amended through May 17, 2021)


World Bank - INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Articles of Agreement - (Effective September 24, 1960)


World Bank - International Development Association - By-Laws - (As amended through March 2, 1981)


WB - Convention - Establishing Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - 2010


WB - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency - By-Laws

(Adopted by the Council of Governors June 8, 1988,

Amended by the Council of Governors April 3, 2003 and May 17, 2021)


WB - Commentary on the Convention Establishing The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency


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335940 No.2091

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087274 (060704ZJAN23) Notable: Breakdown of the Damar Hamlin situation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jon Root @JonnyRoot_


This is the most thorough breakdown of the Damar Hamlin situation you find from @P_McCulloughMD. I appreciate him joining me for this important discussion.



Around the 2 minute mark Dr. McCullough talks about the taxpayer money that the NFL has received, and we deserve answers.

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335940 No.2092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087278 (060704ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker clip from tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tucker was on fire last night, here's a clip from tonight

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335940 No.2093

File: 0489d633f5fb007⋯.png (33.27 KB,766x299,766:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087300 (060710ZJAN23) Notable: Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Clinton Global Initiative - Clinton Foundation - Search for World Bank



Seems that they have a history.

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335940 No.2094

File: 12301c855daf139⋯.png (14.45 KB,776x155,776:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087320 (060716ZJAN23) Notable: RE: Oath of office

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18085885 pb

Not sure if true but dis poast seemsNOTABLE! Spotted over on Truth Social.


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335940 No.2095

File: 1ef43beae2eb585⋯.png (300.07 KB,1049x928,1049:928,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087387 (060735ZJAN23) Notable: Putin declares unilateral cease fire in Ukraine for 36hrs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Putin declares unilateral cease fire in Ukraine for 36hrs

in response to a request by patriarch Kirill, Putin ordered all russian troops in ukraine to observe a cease fire from 12:00 hrs (moscow time) on 1/6 until 24:00 hrs on 1/7, so that orthodox Christians might safely Christmas masses in their churches. we will see if the nazis likewise observe the ceasefire, or if they use it to attack, and claim it proves the russians are losing. what are the vegas odds?


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335940 No.2096

File: c279d9b69596f89⋯.png (88.48 KB,1094x452,547:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 55608e07851b831⋯.jpg (92.2 KB,820x1067,820:1067,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 71551226041bb95⋯.png (437.66 KB,1072x571,1072:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087388 (060735ZJAN23) Notable: TOMORROW in SCOTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


not date fagging here BUT THIS IS TOMORROW in SCOTUS. Pretty YUGE FRENS.

might be why the HOUSE is like "meh" lets see what habbens…5 year anon here haven't posted in a min..good to be back in this toast kek..but eyes on..tomorrow is the Brunson SCOTUS decision that really could turn the tides….i dont do dates anymore but sheeeettt…just sayin…LFG

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335940 No.2097

File: 7a92ab0bca7c995⋯.png (33.32 KB,650x322,325:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087407 (060742ZJAN23) Notable: @paulsperry We are exploring all legal options, including suing @AdamSchiff personally for defamation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_

DEVELOPING:We are exploring all legal options, including suing @AdamSchiff personally for defamation

11:23 PM · Jan 5, 2023


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335940 No.2098

File: a5d659d3f39ef6a⋯.png (1.26 MB,1158x1162,579:581,Clipboard.png)

File: cd5714c66b27ae5⋯.png (7.34 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087440 (060751ZJAN23) Notable: @POTATUS Stopped by Just Q’in for some BBQ and cobbler yesterday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Biden


United States government official

Stopped by Just Q’in for some BBQ and cobbler yesterday.

4:04 PM · Jan 5, 2023

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335940 No.2099

File: ba47d08d74b3e27⋯.png (273.59 KB,595x529,595:529,Clipboard.png)

File: d7b161359fc1fc3⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087454 (060758ZJAN23) Notable: Tucker clip from tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tucker Video.

"You don't want to be ruled by a man who wears a Ukrainian flag lapel pin and lives with Frank Luntz?"


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335940 No.2100

File: d1d25dae38df174⋯.jpg (65.14 KB,604x558,302:279,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087456 (060758ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter coordinated with the DOJ to intercept the communications of users potentially dangerous to the Biden campaign, like Tara Reade

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Newly released court documents show that Twitter coordinated with the DOJ to intercept the communications of users potentially dangerous to the Biden campaign, like Tara Reade, ​the former Biden Senate staffer who alleged that Biden had sexually assaulted her decades earlier. The DOJ subpoenaed her Twitter account, likely with the purpose of giving the company cover for finding out which journalists had contacted her about her allegations.


Babylon must fall

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335940 No.2101

File: 1c5371a561dd7de⋯.gif (1004.01 KB,520x248,65:31,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087501 (060810ZJAN23) Notable: pb Solar Flare Video mp4 and webm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Newly-emerging sunspot AR3182 poses a threat for strong solar flares. On Jan. 3rd it produced a probable X-class eruption on the farside of the sun, and this morning it produced a definite X-flare on the Earth side. There's no reason to think the flares will stop as AR3182 turns to face our planet in the days ahead.

Sunspot AR3182 is living up to the hype. Fully visible for less than 24 hours, the active sunspot has already produced an intense X1.2-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the eruption on Jan. 6th just before 0100 UT:

The explosion inflated a dome of glowing-hot plasma, which hovered above the blast site for more than an hour. This may have contained the debris. So far no coronal mass ejection (CME) has been observed emerging from the area.

A pulse of X-rays and extreme UV radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout across South Pacific:

Ham radio operators, mariners and aviators may have noticed unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 30 MHz for as much as an hour after the flare.


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335940 No.2102

File: ca22a825ce258a3⋯.jpg (178.23 KB,1200x783,400:261,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087506 (060812ZJAN23) Notable: SilentWeapons_for_QuietWars.pdf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2103

File: d12574ddbcba0c2⋯.png (620.29 KB,1170x1312,585:656,Clipboard.png)

File: d85217c602c9193⋯.png (52.31 KB,854x560,61:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087510 (060814ZJAN23) Notable: @POTATUS We can get things done. In Ohio, Kentucky, and all across America – we can move the nation forward.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Biden


We can get things done. In Ohio, Kentucky, and all across America – we can move the nation forward.

10:21 PM · Jan 5, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2104

File: dccd1eead086fdf⋯.pdf (528.46 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087533 (060824ZJAN23) Notable: SilentWeapons_for_QuietWars.pdf

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Its been real for a while.

It is just becoming more obvious.

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335940 No.2105

File: e31a57457440317⋯.png (524.26 KB,654x696,109:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087537 (060825ZJAN23) Notable: California’s Trans Law Makes Prisons ‘Unsafe’ for Women: "It's the worst human science project I've ever seen."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

California’s Trans Law Makes Prisons ‘Unsafe’ for Women:

"It's the worst human science project I've ever seen."

A new California law, allowing men who identify as female to be housed in women’s prisons, is wreaking havoc within the women’s prison system and creating an environment of fear and “total chaos emotionally,” according to Amie Ichikawa, a plaintiff in a lawsuit which seeks to overturn it.

“It’s the worst human science project I’ve ever seen,” she said during a recent episode of EpochTV’s California Insider. “This is very callous and brazen psychological warfare that is occurring right in our own state being fully funded by taxpayers’ dollars.”

Ichikawa, at 24, was incarcerated at the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla for five years. She recently founded the nonprofit Woman II Woman, which provides resources, education, and support for currently incarcerated women.

She said since 2020 when California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the bill—named The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act and authored by California State Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco)—she has received more phone calls, emails, and letters than she can count from incarcerated women in fear of their safety, post-traumatic disorder triggers, pregnancy, and STDs.

California women’s cells now house eight inmates each, she said—extremely close living quarters of about 6-feet per inmate, leading to concerns by some female prisoners they may end up housed with a man—who now identifies as female—who has raped, for example, or who has “predatory intentions.”

“That’s a very tight space to share with anyone,” she said. “But even more so with someone who has a history of violence against women.”

Ichikawa, now 40, said she realizes there is no privacy in prison, but with the new law, “there is no dignity either,” as some transfers are and will be full-bodied males, sharing what was once single-sex space.

The law allows an inmate who identifies as transgender, non-binary, or intersex to be housed, at their choice, with either male or female prisoners. By all accounts, it was written to help the transgender community feel more comfortable if incarcerated.

But according to Ichikawa, it has not benefited anyone.

“It has really created a toxic, diabolical situation of … the prison of the mind,” she said. “People are afraid. Women are afraid to say anything. It’s crippling.”

She said there have been 40 such cases of men being transferred to women’s prisons since the law went into effect in January of 2021 and there are currently nearly 300 more applications in the pipeline, with more than one-third from inmates who are registered sex offenders.

According to Ichikawa, typically about 17 percent of California’s incarcerated are registered as such. Some, she said, are men capitalizing on the law to move from typically more dangerous lockdowns because it’s easy to do so, with few requirements for a transfer other than self-identification.

“This is open season for anyone who wants to get out of the men’s prisons,” she said. “There are very few reasons why someone would not want to take advantage,” of this.

Ichikawa said currently incarcerated women were given little preparation for the change, but said she learned from some that a poster was introduced in one woman’s prison detailing options in the event of pregnancy. Condoms, she said, are also now dispensed.

“Those were never available before in women’s prisons,” she said.

She said she was also shocked to learn only nine California lawmakers voted against the bill, and that the California Women’s Legislative Caucus, composed of dozens of female Senators and Assemblymembers, backed it.

“It took my breath away to learn how much support was behind this,” she said. “I didn’t know so many elected officials hated women so much. This has got to be a nationwide, even a global movement to erase women,” Ichikawa said.

She said lawmakers who passed the bill didn’t fully understand its ramifications.

“Any adult breathing and with a pulse can see it will create a huge problem when you take a whole population and handpick a little part of it and give them all these privileges. It’s going to be dangerous,” she said.

She said she believed politicians got caught up in today’s ideological culture wars and were “fooled by pretty language, inclusive words.”

Ichikawa’s lawsuit, filed in November of 2021 in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California, Fresno, alleges the law violates the federal and state rights of women currently incarcerated in California’s prisons.


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335940 No.2106

File: c7997223780a933⋯.jpeg (17.95 KB,545x600,109:120,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087552 (060830ZJAN23) Notable: TOMORROW in SCOTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





thank you baker

not date fagging here BUT THIS IS TOMORROW in SCOTUS. Pretty YUGE FRENS.

might be why the HOUSE is like "meh" lets see what habbens…5 year anon here haven't posted in a min..good to be back in this toast kek..but eyes on..tomorrow is the Brunson SCOTUS decision that really could turn the tides….i dont do dates anymore but sheeeettt…just sayin…LFG

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335940 No.2107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087587 (060841ZJAN23) Notable: #22170

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Notables are not Endorsement



>>2064 Are Jab Companies Paying people off Families of the Dead?

>>2065, >>2066, >>2067, >>2068, >>2069, >>2071, >>2072, >>2076 all they signals are belong to us.

>>2070 Media Silent as Twitter Files Expose Flagrant Misconduct in Govt. & Journalism

>>2073 MSN sayz rape in headlines but is clearly talking about human sex trafficking in the first paragraph

>>2074 Patato claims 20,000 lbs of fentanyl is "enough to kill as many as 1,000 people in this country." (20,000 lbs of fentanyl would kill 4.5 billion people.)

>>2075, >>2079 @OfficialFtSill The calm before the storm.

>>2077 Todd Benson said Bidan announced to the world today, that all illegal aliens would get an extralegal way (that’s illegal) to enter our country.

>>2078 Former Browns running back Peyton Hillis is in critical condition in Florida hospital after saving his children from DROWNING in ocean

>>2081 RE: Gina Haspel C_A suicide pact

>>2082 Nattokinase breaks down the spike protein

>>2083, >>2084, >>2085, >>2086, >>2087, >>2088, >>2089, >>2090, >>2093 Open Government Partnership, US Dept. of State, World Bank Group, Gates, Human Capital and a Clinton bun

>>2091 Breakdown of the Damar Hamlin situation

>>2092, >>2099 Tucker clip from tonight

>>2094 RE: Oath of office

>>2096, >>2106 TOMORROW in SCOTUS

>>2095 Putin declares unilateral cease fire in Ukraine for 36hrs

>>2097 @paulsperry We are exploring all legal options, including suing @AdamSchiff personally for defamation

>>2098 @POTATUS Stopped by Just Q’in for some BBQ and cobbler yesterday.

>>2100 Twitter coordinated with the DOJ to intercept the communications of users potentially dangerous to the Biden campaign, like Tara Reade


>>2103 @POTATUS We can get things done. In Ohio, Kentucky, and all across America – we can move the nation forward.

>>2102, >>2104 SilentWeapons_for_QuietWars.pdf

>>2105 California’s Trans Law Makes Prisons ‘Unsafe’ for Women: "It's the worst human science project I've ever seen."


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335940 No.2108

File: 33b6924a88a25ea⋯.jpg (98.37 KB,797x957,797:957,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087606 (060846ZJAN23) Notable: Dough

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2109

File: 1c79dfd37aa32cd⋯.png (416.27 KB,821x859,821:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 4de89d7c7e7123f⋯.png (816.32 KB,1205x1721,1205:1721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087655 (060905ZJAN23) Notable: Meme & Decode from Trump, Jan 05. Biden - says he's 'here to stay'. Trump - 'No, you're not'.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Funny as shit meme & Decode from Trump, Jan 05.

Biden - says he's 'here to stay'.

Trump - 'No, you're not'.

Date/Timestamp overlapping match - 1:05:41. Pinpoint!


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335940 No.2110

File: 267d0bc1e71482b⋯.png (778.98 KB,972x682,486:341,Clipboard.png)

File: b91e90f6afc7b5c⋯.png (2.98 MB,1856x1172,464:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087656 (060905ZJAN23) Notable: Happy Epiphany, anons

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happy Epiphany, anons

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335940 No.2111

File: b4101bcbccb3758⋯.jpg (169.44 KB,767x960,767:960,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087664 (060908ZJAN23) Notable: Happy Epiphany, anons

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Twelfth day of Christmas.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2112

File: 762e705adedd7d9⋯.png (204.84 KB,834x747,278:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b05ac42fe36804⋯.png (600.77 KB,1999x1037,1999:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087674 (060911ZJAN23) Notable: Elon Musk and Venn Diagram Meme gives interesting connects, all about FISA.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Musk Tweet Decode, Jan 3.

Venn Diagram Meme gives interesting connects, all about FISA.


(1 Drop)

'WE ARE HERE' - 2 Drops, 1 relevant.



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335940 No.2113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087693 (060921ZJAN23) Notable: Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress + Jim Jordan, Standing His Ground

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress


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335940 No.2114

File: 4f49ee776d6df90⋯.png (753.32 KB,725x1416,725:1416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087696 (060921ZJAN23) Notable: Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

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>>2094 (LB)

Space Force just took over all military satellites last week


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335940 No.2115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087697 (060922ZJAN23) Notable: Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress + Jim Jordan, Standing His Ground

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Body Language: Jim Jordan, Standing His Ground

January 5, 2023

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335940 No.2116

File: ce9b2046a28867f⋯.png (546.84 KB,769x413,769:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bf43be203ee84f⋯.png (197.03 KB,561x679,561:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 666c86690d427c1⋯.png (50.06 KB,561x349,561:349,Clipboard.png)

File: e5021a12431e35f⋯.png (50.09 KB,565x348,565:348,Clipboard.png)

File: ffb29dcaf0f952c⋯.png (290.27 KB,561x660,17:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087708 (060929ZJAN23) Notable: Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

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>Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

Here's an older article from a few months ago:

ALERT: Space Force Takes Over All Military Satellite Communications


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335940 No.2117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087712 (060930ZJAN23) Notable: Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Tribune News Service) — The Space Force has taken over all of the Department of Defense's military satellite communication functions, a major step in building the new service.

The Navy and the Army have transferred major satellite communication operations to the Space Force in an effort to consolidate training, operations, acquisition and other activities, according to a news release. The transfer marks the first time all military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service.

The Army's transfers were expected to include $78 million in operations, maintenance and 500 positions, the release said. As part of the consolidation, the Army transferred the Wideband Global SATCOM and Defense Satellite Communications System to the Space Force in August. The Wideband Global SATCOM system is considered the "backbone of the U.S. military's global satellite communications," according to the Space Force.

The Colorado Springs area did not see a net gain in jobs although some people did transfer from Fort Carson to Schriever Space Force Base, said Col. David Pheasant, commander of Delta 8. His delta focuses on satellite communications as well as position, navigation and timing, and represents about 10% of the Space Force.

As part of the overall consolidation, Pheasant said he expects those trained in space operations will be able to spend their entire career working on space missions.

"They can build on that knowledge and be able to share it with others," he said.

Previously, a soldier in the Army might spend just a few years working as a satellite operator before moving on to a new job, he said.

The transfer of all new Space Force members as part of the consolidation is still underway and is expected to last through December, he said. However, those people are already working for the Space Force, even though they may still officially be members of other military branches.

As part of growing Space Force capabilities, Pheasant said he expects the service to grow its partnerships with other countries.

For example, the service could put payloads on some of Denmark's satellites, he said.

Expanding capability in space is important because the military is seeing demand for satellite connectivity in the field proliferate, just as demand for data connections has risen in homes. Any resident likely has five devices or more in their home requiring a connection. Similarly one military vehicle in the field likely has five different pieces of equipment that need satellite connectivity.

©2022 The Gazette (Colorado Springs, Colo.)

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335940 No.2118

File: 1b5348194bf18ee⋯.png (210.33 KB,772x939,772:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087735 (060942ZJAN23) Notable: Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

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IoT + Starlink is worth more than all the money in circulation, now.

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335940 No.2119

File: c46871fc4650826⋯.png (44.95 KB,606x405,202:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087863 (061054ZJAN23) Notable: South Carolina Supreme Court rules 3-2 to toss out Fetal Heartbeat Act

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Gov. Henry McMaster


Our State Supreme Court has found a right in our Constitution which was never intended by the people of South Carolina. With this opinion, the Court has clearly exceeded its authority. The people have spoken through their elected representatives multiple times on this issue.

Quote Tweet

Business profile picture





The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled 3-2 to toss out the ban, also known as the Fetal Heartbeat Act.


6:42 AM · Jan 5, 2023

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335940 No.2120

File: 036a8368d8ea6f3⋯.png (303.39 KB,601x644,601:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087917 (061115ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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Keean Bexte


UH OH: Oncology Professor Gus Dalgleish has sounded alarm bells on the safety of the Covid vaccines, suggesting they're leading to cancer relapses among his patients.


Oncologist worried Covid booster is worsening cancer - The Counter Signal

Oncology Professor has sounded alarm bells on the Covid vaccines, suggesting they're leading to cancer relapses among his patients. 

11:04 AM · Jan 5, 2023

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335940 No.2121

File: c23a8d9c00cbc47⋯.jpg (226.83 KB,1080x1706,540:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087924 (061117ZJAN23) Notable: New Baker Confirmed

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New baker acknowledged

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335940 No.2122

File: 9a169d95143e36d⋯.png (729.97 KB,789x578,789:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087948 (061128ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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Cause of Death of 17-Year-Old Basketball Player Max Sorenson Revealed

John Symank&#09;by John Symank&#09;

January 3, 2023

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335940 No.2123

File: 55a32295c8315bc⋯.png (452.81 KB,598x563,598:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087954 (061132ZJAN23) Notable: Connecticut lawmaker killed in crash on way home from swearing in

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Tragic 💔


Connecticut lawmaker killed in wrong-way crash on way home from his swearing in

Two drivers, including a state lawmaker, were killed in a wrong-way crash in Connecticut Thursday morning.

12:30 AM · Jan 6, 2023

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335940 No.2124

File: 3a87b81d22f221b⋯.png (750.76 KB,645x4040,129:808,Clipboard.png)

File: d8f4e2349861052⋯.png (772.57 KB,640x3865,128:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087979 (061141ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

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Tiffany Pontes Dover

The comments are full of info, ripe for a dig. More below.

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335940 No.2125

File: 592901501517511⋯.png (69.69 KB,423x613,423:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087983 (061142ZJAN23) Notable: CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

And now it’s clear why they tried to hide them.


Follow @Daily_Clout

Become a Member (https://dailyclout.io/memberships/) | Latest News (https://dailyclout.io/) | Donate (https://dailyclout.io/donate/)

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335940 No.2126

File: 8a63600bfa10ddc⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087985 (061143ZJAN23) Notable: Dank

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2127

File: c12211e4e79a59b⋯.png (659.22 KB,423x867,141:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087996 (061148ZJAN23) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat: C19 Vaccines for Dummies

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If the government takes your tax dollars to pay for a Pfizer product…

Then takes away your rights until you take that Pfizer product…

Then shields Pfizer from any financial liability if you are harmed…

Is the government a subsidiary of Pfizer❓



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335940 No.2128

File: bffda060cee307f⋯.png (144.36 KB,577x454,577:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 1539fbdbb56e224⋯.jpeg (26.2 KB,348x360,29:30,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: abbbd58a8aba07f⋯.png (206.81 KB,564x542,282:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18087999 (061149ZJAN23) Notable: (Is it Friday?) Bot Army assembling

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bot Army assembling

Something BIG about to drop?





Noticed something weird today .@elonmusk

We’re getting hundreds and thousands of new followers with brand new accounts, no profile pics, and no followers. They all just started following only Conservative accounts too.

It’s like a damn bot army is assembling

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335940 No.2129

File: aa7b6f424701a6c⋯.png (219.16 KB,1049x725,1049:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 50c60b72bf08633⋯.png (702.17 KB,776x1511,776:1511,Clipboard.png)

File: 004857ebcfc60ea⋯.png (62.14 KB,793x420,793:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088042 (061209ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

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from the archives

#12805431 at 2021-02-03 01:25:55 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #16346: The 'Baker Whack-A-Mole' Edition


No matter what MSN says, it seems that there was some evidence that Ms. dover had died.

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335940 No.2130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088056 (061218ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





from the archives

Tiffany Dover & Amber Lynn - 🕵️‍♂️ Facial Analysis 🤯

Joe Leonard

22.5K subscribers

65,840 views Dec 31, 2020

Tiffany Dover and Amber Lynn Honea have a lot in common. Tiffany is five days older. They're both nurses at CHI Hospital. They spend time together. They're both Moms. And many say they even look alike. Some people say that Amber Lynn is Tiffany Dover's body double in the infamous 21-second video released by CHI Memorial on December 21st. Let's look at the images we have and then perform an image analysis where we layer their faces on top of each other to see if it looks like a match or not. Let me know what you think! 🙏

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335940 No.2131

File: 277d2320380ce47⋯.png (85.16 KB,292x284,73:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 45db75561896eea⋯.png (1.88 MB,1107x2202,369:734,Clipboard.png)

File: b68ff01d16ade34⋯.png (1.49 MB,1107x1305,123:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 3275b2f14bd2d42⋯.png (2.09 MB,1107x2201,1107:2201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088107 (061252ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

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>A true conspiracy theory, haven't had one in a good minute.


#12175926 at 2020-12-26 00:47:12 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15545: Merry Christmas AnonsEdition

Short dig on tiffany dover Instagram

This is about the nurse that is supposed to have been collapsed 17 minutes after getting the COVID-vaccine, gave a short interview afterwards and then disappeared. Days later another video shows up, but the nurse looks completely different now.

I was able to find 2 photos with a "33".

One of the original videos of the nurse collapsing has a duration of 3:03.

The other one is shorter, but the nurse collapses at 0:33 time stamp.

09/28/2019 "33" (2nd photo)




01/14/2018 "33"



What was obvious to me immediately that both original videos had Q inside the URL.

One video had it at the end of the video-id, the other one at the front.

Officially she also collapsed17minutes after getting the shot, which is really weird.

She also said that:

"I have a history of having an over-active vagal response, and so with that if I havePAINfrom anything, a hangnail or if I stub my toe, I just pass out."

Now comes the fun part:

11/13/2018: Alice in Wonderland



29/09/2019 "17"



Finally there is also a photo with the letters "QR"

QResearch? The URL even has a Q at the end

11/3/2019 "QR" (election day + 1 year delta?)



Am I going crazy?

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335940 No.2132

File: 3b41dc99831a9e0⋯.png (8.34 KB,255x170,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088123 (061303ZJAN23) Notable: Dank

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

335940 No.2133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088143 (061310ZJAN23) Notable: Catalog Broken: Here is the index link for newfags

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Here is the index link for newfags


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335940 No.2134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088152 (061311ZJAN23) Notable: Dank

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shhhh. dont tell anybody about the secret door, with a magic key. kek. more fun to watch em bitch

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335940 No.2135

File: bc0910151f5c27d⋯.png (152.07 KB,423x675,47:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088156 (061313ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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14,530 deaths were registered in England and Wales in the week ending 23 December 2022 (Week 51).

This was 20.7% above the five-year average (2,493 excess deaths).

The number of deaths was above the five-year average in private homes (37.5% above, 1,120 excess deaths), hospitals (18.8% above, 1,031 excess deaths), care homes (10.5% above; 282 excess deaths) and other settings (7.0% above, 61 excess deaths) in Week 51 in England and Wales.


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335940 No.2136

File: 5dbbb1ad24e9803⋯.png (2.09 MB,1393x721,199:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 4113995d46dbb10⋯.png (476.94 KB,809x497,809:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088165 (061316ZJAN23) Notable: NFL cancels Bills-Bengals game, modifies playoffs

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NFL cancels Bills-Bengals game, modifies playoffs

by Jared Gans - 01/06/23 7:31 AM ET

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335940 No.2137

File: f6a0d13f354c162⋯.mp4 (401.88 KB,1162x480,581:240,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 150ced1cc8af546⋯.png (20.06 KB,505x239,505:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a1e1de00ed9a84⋯.png (433.67 KB,684x579,228:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dc563209c4696d⋯.png (457.51 KB,535x623,535:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 97ea44e50390655⋯.jpeg (27.22 KB,360x247,360:247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088192 (061325ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

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>A true conspiracy theory, haven't had one in a good minute.

Rollllllllllll Tide

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335940 No.2138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088201 (061327ZJAN23) Notable: Hillary Clinton gets new job: professor at Columbia University in New York

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Hillary Clinton gets new job

The former top US diplomat said she is “thrilled” to be able to influence the “next generation of policy leaders” at a prestigious university

Former secretary of state and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been hired as a professor at Columbia University in New York, where she will instruct students on public affairs and global politics, following her long career.

The university’s president, Lee C. Bollinger, announced the decision on Thursday, saying the former politician would be appointed “professor of practice” at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs beginning in February.

Her work will cover “a variety of major initiatives, especially those focusing on global politics and policy and on supporting female leaders,” Bollinger added, also noting she will serve as a presidential fellow at Columbia World Projects, with a focus on “renewing democracy and advancing efforts for effective engagement of women and youth.”

Clinton herself later commented on the appointments in a social media post, hailing the university for “helping to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges” and for its “commitment to educating the next generation of policy leaders.”

“Thrilled to join the community,” she said.

Serving as secretary of state between 2009 and 2013 under then-President Barack Obama, Clinton previously represented New York as a US senator, and was first lady to President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. A longtime Democrat, she adopted a number of hawkish positions during her time in office, including strong advocacy for the 2011 overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, whose murder at the hands of US-backed rebels helped to plunge the country into chaos and violence that has continued to this day.

After losing to Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential contest, Clinton was among the most vocal proponents of the discredited ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory, which alleged that Moscow colluded with Trump to hijack the election using ‘fake news’ and social media trolls. She remains a harsh critic of the former president, and continues to insist the race was stolen from her.


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335940 No.2139

File: 67870dbfb95ca6e⋯.png (122.57 KB,423x544,423:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088202 (061327ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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Subclinical Myocarditis and a Primary Cardiac Arrest At the 'Top of the List' of Damar Hamlin's Differential Diagnosis

Dr. McCullough: (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) "I think other things have been relatively ruled out now, including a spinal cord, head, and neck reflexive effect on the heart [and] commotio cordis …"

Dr. Peter McCullough (http://t.me/c19expertchannel) is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America and the Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company (http://t.me/thewellnesscompany).

Follow us @TheWellnessCompany

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335940 No.2140

File: 4b5eef623fc34f6⋯.jpg (49.57 KB,828x797,828:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088235 (061334ZJAN23) Notable: Dank

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335940 No.2141

File: 71da266a0df2c77⋯.png (621.51 KB,1293x958,1293:958,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a71c491a9a9257⋯.png (160.44 KB,1139x699,1139:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 071dd16a33f86cc⋯.png (56.92 KB,867x477,289:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088239 (061335ZJAN23) Notable: Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

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>>A true conspiracy theory, haven't had one in a good minute.

>Rollllllllllll Tide


Tiffany Dover is a registered nurse at CHI Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee, who fainted while talking to reporters after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination onDecember 17.


JAB MYSTERY Tiffany Dover ‘dead’ rumours – Hospital denies outlandish claims ‘missing’ nurse who fainted after Covid jab has died

Olivia Burke

Published: 6:17 ET, Dec 21 2020Updated: 3:39 ET, Dec 22 2020

Olivia Burke

Published: Invalid Date,

Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)

Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)

THE Tennessee nurse who passed out live on television after receiving the coronavirus vaccine has "vanished" sparking outlandish claims she had died.

Tiffany Dover, 30, fainted around 17 minutes aftershe was given the Pfizer vaccine, fueling wild conspiracy theories.

She has since been inactive on all of her social media accounts and has not been seen in the public eye.

This has led users to flood her pages with comments and concern as rumours continue to circulate of her "death".

After the outlandish claims of her death continued on Twitter, CHI Memorial Hospital issued a statement via their Twitter account stating Dover was alive and well.

The hospital wrote: "UPDATE: Nurse Tiffany Dover appreciates the concern shown for her. She is home and doing well. She asks for privacy for her and her family."

Despite the statement, people remained unconvinced as they questioned the reason for the hospital providing the statement.


#12130249 at 2020-12-22 11:49:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15487: DayShift Rock and Roll Edition

Beyond grateful for the gift of discernment bestowed on the world through this operation.

I don't have to watch her faint.

I don't have to know her health history.

I don't have to see an obituary.

It doesn't matter to me if there was one or not.

ALL I NEED to know…

All that's required for me to decide…

The ONLY thing I need to see…

Is what the fake news is doing, what they're saying, what they're showing, and, perhaps more as if not more importantly, what they're NOT showing.


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335940 No.2142

File: df2d4e109863193⋯.png (1.31 MB,954x838,477:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088242 (061335ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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Political Moonshine

The U.S. Department of Defense Has Been Engaged in Biowarfare Against the American People This Entire Time

We live in dangerous times. I'm not sure how it gets more dangerous than this…

By Political Moonshine

January 6, 2023

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335940 No.2143

File: 685c6741a8fc30f⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB,720x960,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088247 (061337ZJAN23) Notable: lb, Mexican AF FAM3528 737 had a quick stop of about 40m at Zapopan AB north of Guadaljara last night (drop off nd likely related to the above) and then returned to Mexico City a lot of activity in last week for Mexi AF 737s and G4s-It's east now from Mex City Int'l

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The Mexican Military and the Sinaloa cartel are duking out a war in your backyard folks.

And your attention, money, and supplies are being wasted on the Ukranian border.


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335940 No.2144

File: 7f77b4a97df99a3⋯.png (229 KB,420x524,105:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088253 (061339ZJAN23) Notable: COVID-19 Bun

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Rep. Jason Crow Says Bio-Weapons Have Been Developed to Target People Based on DNA

“There are now weapons under development, and developed, that are designed to target specific people…You can actually take someone’s DNA, take their medical profile, and you can target a biological weapon that will kill that person.”



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335940 No.2145

File: 1e557cd78a7c763⋯.png (1.56 MB,1426x1312,713:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088272 (061345ZJAN23) Notable: Major Twitter hack revealed – researcher

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Major Twitter hack revealed – researcher

Malicious actors stole the data of 235 million users, making them vulnerable to various attacks, a cyber expert has said

ata from more than 200 million Twitter accounts has been leaked and posted by hackers on an online forum, a security analyst said on Wednesday.

In a post on LinkedIn, Alon Gal, the co-founder of Israeli cybersecurity firm Hudson Rock, revealed that the leak “contains 235,000,000 unique records of Twitter users and their email addresses.”

Describing the incident as “one of the most significant leaks I’ve seen,” Gal noted that this data “will unfortunately lead to a lot of hacking, targeted phishing, and doxing.”

According to the analyst, the breach will enable hackers to target Crypto Twitter accounts and crack profile pages belonging to prominent public figures and politicians.

“It goes without saying that agencies around the world will use this database as well to further harm our privacy,” Gal claimed.

Earlier, the analyst linked this apparent Twitter breach to the hacking of accounts pertaining to Canadian businessman Kevin O’Leary and UK broadcaster Piers Morgan.

The first reports of a major personal information leak date back to late December, when Gal, citing an “apparently credible threat actor,” said that hackers had stolen the data of around 400 million Twitter users. At the time, the malicious actors stated that data was obtained up to early 2022 due to an exploit in Twitter. According to Gal, the hackers also made an offer to Twitter CEO Elon Musk to buy the leaked records to avoid lawsuits.

Later, the researcher lowered the estimated number to 235 million, adding, however, that the database, which is “real and has an impact on almost every Twitter user,” is being circulated by more than one actor.

The social media platform has yet to comment on the reported breach. However, this comes after Twitter said in August 2022 that it had discovered a vulnerability in its system that allowed potential malicious actors who already had an email address or phone number to find any account that had shared that information with the platform.

At the time, Twitter added that in July, it learned that someone could have potentially used this loophole through a press report. Earlier, hackers were spotted selling private information from more than 5.4 million Twitter accounts.


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335940 No.2146

File: 4da202dd8094056⋯.mp4 (8.66 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088310 (061356ZJAN23) Notable: Dank

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335940 No.2147

File: 5534efbaacd8c70⋯.png (180.06 KB,527x553,527:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088333 (061401ZJAN23) Notable: USNI: #OTD in 1945, a kamikaze struck USS Columbia, killing 13 men and injuring 44

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#OTD in 1945, a kamikaze struck USS Columbia, killing 13 men and injuring 44. Effective damage control allowed the ship to stay in action and support landings in Lingayen Gulf. Days later, another kamikaze killed 24 and injured 97 but the Columbia still continued her mission.


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335940 No.2148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088369 (061408ZJAN23) Notable: #22171

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>>2108 Dough

>>2109 Meme & Decode from Trump, Jan 05. Biden - says he's 'here to stay'. Trump - 'No, you're not'.

>>2110, >>2111 Happy Epiphany, anons

>>2113, >>2115 Body Language: Carnal Knowledge In Congress + Jim Jordan, Standing His Ground

>>2114, >>2116, >>2117, >>2118 Space Force just took over all military satellites last week

>>2119 South Carolina Supreme Court rules 3-2 to toss out Fetal Heartbeat Act

>>2121 New Baker Confirmed

>>2112 Elon Musk and Venn Diagram Meme gives interesting connects, all about FISA.

>>2125 CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines

>>2123 Connecticut lawmaker killed in crash on way home from swearing in

>>2124, >>2130, >>2129, >>2131, >>2137, >>2141 Tiffany Pontes Dover Digs

>>2126, >>2132, >>2134, >>2140, >>2146 Dank

>>2127 @KanekoaTheGreat: C19 Vaccines for Dummies

>>2128 (Is it Friday?) Bot Army assembling

>>2133 Catalog Broken: Here is the index link for newfags

>>2136 NFL cancels Bills-Bengals game, modifies playoffs

>>2138 Hillary Clinton gets new job: professor at Columbia University in New York

>>2142, >>2144, >>2120, >>2122, >>2139, >>2135 COVID-19 Bun

>>2143 The Mexican Military and the Sinaloa cartel are duking out

>>2145 Major Twitter hack revealed – researcher

>>2147 USNI: #OTD in 1945, a kamikaze struck USS Columbia, killing 13 men and injuring 44

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335940 No.2149

File: 5bef7453d006a5f⋯.png (345.48 KB,531x581,531:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088428 (061421ZJAN23) Notable: USN: The hard work never stops!

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The hard work never stops! 💪 ⚓

Sailors conduct routine operations aboard #USSNimitz (CVN 68) while in the


area of operations.

📸 by MC2 Justin McTaggart, MC3 Hannah Kantner, and MC2 Samuel Osborn


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335940 No.2150

File: 8e0ab7c8c9dd350⋯.png (92.54 KB,472x698,236:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088446 (061425ZJAN23) Notable: C_A announces a modernized and streamlined approach to hiring

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CIA announces a modernized and streamlined approach to hiring.



Clown recruitment down?

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335940 No.2151

File: 28d4a15a464ccd7⋯.png (207.25 KB,293x568,293:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088450 (061426ZJAN23) Notable: USNA Franklin Roosevelt delivered his famous Four Freedoms speech on January 6, 1941

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Franklin Roosevelt delivered his famous Four Freedoms speech on January 6, 1941.

FDR added the Four Freedoms in his fourth draft. They would become the foundational principles that evolved into the Atlantic Charter.




#FDR #speechwriting


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335940 No.2152

File: ec8fd18e482ffb2⋯.png (355.43 KB,473x494,473:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088454 (061427ZJAN23) Notable: Be like the Army Band–bring on the good times

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Be like the Army Band–bring on the good times. 🎷 🎸

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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335940 No.2153

File: 8d833f6252241b9⋯.png (1.44 MB,1102x1290,551:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088518 (061439ZJAN23) Notable: How Pope Benedict XVI Sparked Controversy with Quote on Islam Spreading ‘Evil’ by the Sword

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How Pope Benedict XVI Sparked Controversy with Quote on Islam Spreading ‘Evil’ by the Sword

Pope Benedict XVI, laid to rest at the Vatican on Thursday, stirred controversy early in his pontificate by quoting a Byzantine emperor critical of Islam.

A scholarly theologian who passed away aged 95 at the close of 2022, Benedict provoked suspicion if not hostility from much of the media establishment when he became pontiff in 2005, due to the widespread perception that he was a conservative — or at least a liberal turned conservative.

He was first pounced on in a sustained manner just a year into his pontificate when he gave his infamous Regendsburg address on September 12th 2006 — a day after the fifth anniversary of the September 11th radical Islamic terror attacks on the United States — in which he quoted from a dialogue between “an educated Persian” and Emperor Manuel II Paleologus.

Paleologus was the ruler of what historians now call the Byzantine Empire but what the Byzantines themselves insisted was the Roman Empire, though it no longer included Rome and was not in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.

“Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached,” Benedict quoted the emperor as saying, acknowledging that the Qur’an at one point says there should be no compulsion in religion but further noting that “[a]ccording to some of the experts, this is probably one of the suras of the early period, when Mohammed was still powerless and under threat… naturally the emperor also knew the instructions, developed later and recorded in the Qur’an, concerning holy war.”

Benedict further quoted the emperor as saying that God “is not pleased by blood”, and that “[w]hoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death”.

Though he said the emperor’s words were delivered with “a brusqueness that we find unacceptable” in his long and schlorarly address, Benedict was heavily criticised in the Islamic world and in the press, with Pakistan’s parliament passing a unanimous resolution condemning him and demanding an apology, Morocco’s autocratic king recalling his ambassador to the Vatican, and “Palestinians wielding guns and firebombs attack[ing] churches of various Christian denominations” in the West Bank and Gaza, according to National Public Radio (NPR).

Britain’s leftist Guardian, meanwhile, reported that the Muslim Council of Britain declared the “Byzantine emperor’s views about Islam were ill-informed and, frankly, bigoted,” and that a “religious leader such as the Pope [should] act and speak with responsibility and repudiate the Byzantine emperor’s views in the interests of truth and harmonious relations between the followers of Islam and Catholicism.”

Emperor Manuel II is believed to have made his remarks between 1394 and 1402, when Bayezid I, the Muslim ruler of the Ottoman Empire, was besieging his capital, Constantinople, in an effort to starve it into submission.

The city survived this siege, but was conquered by the Ottomans during the reign of Manuel’s son, Constantine XI, in 1453, with many of its inhabitants murdered or enslaved, countless Christian icons and relics destroyed or plundered, and its ancient churches desecrated, including the Church of the Holy Wisdom or Hagia Sophia — then the greatest cathedral in the world, now forcibly converted into a mosque.

Benedict, for his part, expressed great regret at the offence he had caused, and the Vatican’s online copy of his address contains a footnote lamenting that the quotation “has unfortunately been taken as an expression of my personal position, thus arousing understandable indignation.”

“I hope that the reader of my text can see immediately that this sentence does not express my personal view of the Qur’an, for which I have the respect due to the holy book of a great religion,” the pontiff added.


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335940 No.2154

File: 3c3ef0ab1875989⋯.png (299.3 KB,529x603,529:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088545 (061443ZJAN23) Notable: #Marines fire a .50 caliber machine gun from an MV-22 Osprey assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 266 during training operations ver the Gulf of Aden, Jan. 2.

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#Marines fire a .50 caliber machine gun from an MV-22 Osprey assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 266 during training operations over the Gulf of Aden, Jan. 2.

#VMM266 deployed to support the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) area of responsibility.


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335940 No.2155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088546 (061443ZJAN23) Notable: muh sportsball: Former NFL star blasted for wild vaccine conspiracy theory Jan 5th

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The Comeback

View Profile

Former NFL star blasted for wild vaccine conspiracy theory

Story by Kevin Harrish • Yesterday 1:21 PM

Former NFL wide receiver Golden Tate is no longer in the league after spending 10 seasons in the NFL with five different teams, but that’s not stopping him from making headlines in the sports world for some unfortunate reasons.

Early Thursday morning, Golden Tate shared quite a controversial Tweet in which he urged people to watch a documentary called Died Suddenly which pushes an anti-vaccine conspiracy theory.

“I would HIGHLY HIGHLY ENCOURAGE EVERYONE to check out #DiedSuddenlydocumentary .Im really anxious to hear the perspectives of pro vax doctors,embalmers and any professional with data to combat these jaw dropping stats mentioned in Died Suddenly.Watching it FOR SURE has me shook!,” Tate said in a Tweet.

Tate did not specifically connect his Tweet to the terrifying situation regarding Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin, who collapsed on the field during Monday night’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals and required CPR. However, the timing of his Tweet suggests he may be subtly trying to draw a connection to Hamlin, especially considering the concerning number of people trying to link the vaccine to Hamlin’s collapse on the field.

Regardless of whether he intended to connect the documentary to Hamlin’s situation, Tate was absolutely blasted for his conspiracy theory.

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335940 No.2156

File: 57ea3b65f633534⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088547 (061443ZJAN23) Notable: pb Solar Flare Video mp4 and webm

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Solar Flare video.



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335940 No.2157

File: 3d46dee46033ab9⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088561 (061445ZJAN23) Notable: A Ferrero Rocher chocolate under a microscope, allegedly.

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A Ferrero Rocher chocolate under a microscope, allegedly.

What the fuck???



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335940 No.2158

File: cba545c414502f4⋯.png (205.22 KB,719x422,719:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c216026de204b9⋯.png (690.31 KB,862x567,862:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088574 (061448ZJAN23) Notable: lb, Mexican AF FAM3528 737 had a quick stop of about 40m at Zapopan AB north of Guadaljara last night (drop off nd likely related to the above) and then returned to Mexico City a lot of activity in last week for Mexi AF 737s and G4s-It's east now from Mex City Int'l

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>2143 lb The Mexican Military and the Sinaloa cartel are duking out

>>2019, >>>/qresearch/18086175 pb

Mexican AF FAM3528 737 had a quick stop of about 40m at Zapopan AB north of Guadaljara last night (drop off and likely related to the above) and then returned to Mexico City

Mexican AF has had mucho activity over the last week with flights to Juarrez, Tijuana, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Obregon, Mexicali, Culiacan, Santa Lucia, Veracruz, with the 737s and some G4 activity as well (brass)

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335940 No.2159

File: 238080aadb821ba⋯.png (108.76 KB,527x654,527:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088575 (061448ZJAN23) Notable: #California: Stay safe after a flood if your area was affected by the recent storms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#California: Stay safe after a flood if your area was affected by the recent storms:

🔹 Pay attention to authorities for information and instructions

🔹 Stay away from flood waters

🔹 Don’t touch wet electrical equipment or if you are standing in water



The recent eq's, now the super storm. California tunnels getting washed clean?

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335940 No.2160

File: c7451addb1d94d1⋯.png (296.22 KB,530x531,530:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088585 (061450ZJAN23) Notable: Connecticut state lawmaker killed in car crash

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Connecticut state lawmaker killed in car crash | Just The News


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335940 No.2161

File: 4c9a79eb0c2f0ad⋯.png (21.96 KB,555x169,555:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088594 (061452ZJAN23) Notable: DJT TS: "Good things will be soon happening for the Republican Party, and 2024 will be a “Monster” (in a good way, of course!)." Drop #3387

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8:36 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Good things will be soon happening for the Republican Party, and 2024 will be a “Monster” (in a good way, of course!).

Jan 06, 2023, 8:36 AM


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335940 No.2162

File: d5bd09dc8425fb9⋯.png (19.69 KB,376x381,376:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088606 (061454ZJAN23) Notable: DJT TS: "Good things will be soon happening for the Republican Party, and 2024 will be a “Monster” (in a good way, of course!)." Drop #3387

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reaching the point of a narrative shift? Then paradigm shift? during your nightshit, wich is my dayshift?

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335940 No.2163

File: 81dbb35583f82c1⋯.png (27.35 KB,882x202,441:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088639 (061500ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

cannot find squat for Brunson SC case today. Is it considered an oral argument or..??


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335940 No.2164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088640 (061500ZJAN23) Notable: A Ferrero Rocher chocolate under a microscope, allegedly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>A Ferrero Rocher chocolate under a microscope, allegedly.

Real or fake, all needed not to have another one of those, grab one at checkout on occasion. This cured me of future desire, ty anon!

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335940 No.2165

File: 1c55761b58a790e⋯.png (670.25 KB,962x541,962:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088663 (061504ZJAN23) Notable: all member GOP conference call in 15 min, per FOX live.

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all member GOP conference call in 15 min, per FOX live.


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335940 No.2166

File: da55f8bcac16839⋯.png (454 KB,391x668,391:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088675 (061506ZJAN23) Notable: At least 31 @USNavy ships are named after the state. Learn that and more below.

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Happy Birthday to the Land of Enchantment - #NewMexico! 🎉

At least 31


ships are named after the state. Learn that and more below.


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335940 No.2167

File: 400b6db302d3f27⋯.png (237.99 KB,582x643,582:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088686 (061507ZJAN23) Notable: OPEC’s Second-Largest Oil Producer (Iraq) Issues Arrest Warrant For Donald Trump Jan 5th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OPEC second largest producer (Iraq) issue arrest warrant Trump


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335940 No.2168

File: 9303cec4292f4a9⋯.mp4 (763.34 KB,788x454,394:227,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088689 (061507ZJAN23) Notable: It’s been 2 yrs since Pelosi threatened violence against Trump on J6 saying, “This is my moment - I’ve been waiting for this”-soc media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rogan O’Handley@DC_Draino

It’s been 2 yrs since Pelosi threatened violence against Trump on J6 saying, “This is my moment - I’ve been waiting for this”

Sounds like something the House GOP will want to investigate in ‘23

It was a SETUP - only question is who else was involved

Rogan O’Handley

9:57 AM · Jan 6, 2023


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335940 No.2169

File: 1b731077c1ea63d⋯.png (1.72 MB,3216x2136,134:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088733 (061514ZJAN23) Notable: US Destroyer Enters Taiwan Strait As Tensions Escalate Between Taiwan And China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Destroyer Enters Taiwan Strait As Tensions Escalate Between Taiwan And China

by Jen SnowJanuary 6, 2023


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335940 No.2170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088738 (061515ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There will be no oral arguments on Brunson. SC is in conference today and the only action is either Yay, or Nay. It's all gonna come down regardless of what they rule. They rule yay, they preserve their standing by abiding by their "Oaths". They rule Nay, they have violated their oaths and will join the other 388 defendants in being removed. KJB is disqualified as her appointment and confirmation by defendants were unlawful acts.

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335940 No.2171

File: 3932130ff9418a9⋯.png (454.89 KB,622x1106,311:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088740 (061515ZJAN23) Notable: John Bolton Eyes a White House Run

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BoltOn wants to be president:

>Bolton said during a televised interview Sunday he "is prepared to get into the race" for president in 2024 to stop his former boss.

>"I think to be a presidential candidate you can't simply say I support the Constitution; you have to say I would oppose people who would undercut it," Bolton told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "We used to have a thing in the House of Representatives called the House Un-American Affairs Committee. I think when you challenge the Constitution itself the way Trump himself has done, that is un-American. I'm prepared to get in the race."

>Bolton served as one of Trump's national security advisers from 2018-19 before being fired.



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335940 No.2172

File: a30beb1afbeaaf1⋯.gif (2.02 MB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.gif)

File: 7e7c0745bff9acc⋯.png (141.27 KB,929x591,929:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088764 (061518ZJAN23) Notable: Tesla Shares Tumble As More Price Cuts Hit Markets-EM's levered loan ratios are dangerously close to being called

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tesla Shares Tumble As More Price Cuts Hit Markets

Tesla shares fell more than 6% in premarket trading as the carmaker announced another round of price cuts in the Chinese market that now makes a Model Y sport utility vehicle price significantly cheaper than ones sold in the US.

Bloomberg first noticed the price cuts of the locally built Model Y on the company's Chinese website. The price plunged to a new low of 259,900 yuan ($37,875) from 288,900 yuan ($42,106). This means that the standard-range Model Y is now 43% less than the most basic Model Y made in the US. The Model 3 was also cut to 229,900 yuan ($35,500) from 265,900 yuan ($38,750), about 30% cheaper than the standard version sold Stateside. China's increasingly crowded EV market in October forced Tesla to slash vehicle prices. Domestic EV companies such as BYD Co., Xpeng Inc., and Nio Inc. are increasing market share, threatening Tesla's dominance in the Asian market. International carmakers, such as Porsche AG and Mercedes Benz Group AG, also grow EV sales in the region. Additionally, Tesla also cut prices on its Model Y and Model 3 in Japan, South Korea and Australia, according to Nikkei. Traders found the price cuts as more bearish news as the global EV market cools. Tesla's shares fell 6.4% to $103.25 in premarket trading. Twitter users also pointed out that the carmaker has no new models planned for the Chinese market this year. Where is that Cybertruck?

These are really big price cuts for Tesla in China. What’s worse is that Tesla has NO NEW MODELS even PLANNED for that market. https://t.co/Slu8UzxixB — Taylor Ogan (@TaylorOgan) January 6, 2023

The latest total deliveries from Tesla in the fourth quarter were 405,278 vehicles but missed Wall Street estimates. Tesla is facing a significant demand problem that could continue pressuring shares lower.



New 52 week low today and can't get out of it's own way or back over the most recent low of $108.xx last week-cut teh pre-market drop in half but hey being told not to do anything with the Fauci files and his levered loan ratios are dangerously close to being called-I dunno the actual mark for it as much has changed but he's got to be getting close

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335940 No.2173

File: a7ad1d633c8f70b⋯.jpg (51.85 KB,612x407,612:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088777 (061520ZJAN23) Notable: kek trips

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335940 No.2174

File: 56ff65bc9b9c997⋯.png (1.24 MB,1100x1386,50:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088807 (061525ZJAN23) Notable: Prince Harry Claims Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, Cocaine Let Him See ‘The Truth’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prince Harry Claims Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, Cocaine Let Him See ‘The Truth’

Troubled California-based royal Harry, Duke of Sussex, has suggested that illegal drug abuse helped him see “the truth”, according to his memoir Spare.

While the Z-list style tell-all memoir, which also details such inglorious incidents as Harry losing his virginity outdoors to an older woman who treated him like a horse and being tossed into a dog food bowl by brother William during an argument over Meghan Markle’s alleged rudeness, was not supposed to be released until Tuesday, with pre-release publicity tightly controlled through tame legacy media journalists.

This plan has been thwarted by Spanish bookshops releasing the Spanish-language version of the memoir, however, with the press now awash with light write-ups of various sordid episodes in the woke royal’s life — including hard drug abuse from the age of 17.

“I was a 17-year-old willing to try almost anything that would upset the established order. At least that was what I was trying to convince myself of,” said Harry of the fact that he started doing lines of cocaine in 2002 — perhaps not aware of the fact that he still seems bent on upsetting the established order as a multi-millionaire in his late thirties.

While cocaine made him feel “different” it did not, the prince recalls, make him notably happier — but taking magic mushrooms in California while drunk of tequila had a more profound impact.

Harry recalled seeing a bathroom rubbish bin appearing to stare at him and growing a head, while a toilet turned into a head as well and began talking to him — an incident he described as “the experience of a lifetime”. He also asked the moon to change his life.

Two years later he married Meghan Markle, now Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

Harry also revealed that he is a long-term cannabis abuser, and that he believes psychedelic drugs helped him see there is “another world where the red mist d[oesn’t] exist”.

Red mist appears to be Prince Harry’s way of discussing anger or violence, perhaps a coping mechanism developed through his use of a therapist. In the book, he describes having seen “the red mist” inside his brother Prince William during the incident in which the heir apparent physically put him into a bowl of dog food.

The effect of being able to see “another world” is said to have stuck with the prince after the drugs wore off, leaving him with a conviction that his other world is ”just as real and twice as beautiful” as the real one, which is “not all there is.”

“Only the truth existed,” Harry opined.


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335940 No.2175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088825 (061528ZJAN23) Notable: Prince Harry Claims Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, Cocaine Let Him See ‘The Truth’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Same ole retarded boring script.

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335940 No.2176

File: 161d81f97f00f92⋯.png (5.35 MB,3088x1572,772:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088828 (061529ZJAN23) Notable: 6-year delta tomorrow for the Silver Fags… which should be ALL of (you). proof

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6-year delta tomorrow for the Silver Fags… which should be ALL of you.

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335940 No.2177

File: 7272f47eb6b3360⋯.png (333.67 KB,585x388,585:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088836 (061531ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You won't. It is unlikely to be heard at all.



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335940 No.2178

File: 462b2af4f5ca959⋯.png (449.66 KB,1292x682,646:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088837 (061532ZJAN23) Notable: graphics: NK Monster Missile

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"in a good way". Possible explosive information about to drop.

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335940 No.2179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088846 (061534ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>So…what are the chances it goes forward?

In 2010, there were 5,910 petitions for a Writ of Certiorari filed with the Supreme Court, but cert was granted for only 165 cases. That is a success rate of only 2.8%.


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335940 No.2180

File: ea9178e8c32a553⋯.png (28.85 KB,743x450,743:450,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b810fe431035ab⋯.png (33.98 KB,997x282,997:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088862 (061537ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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335940 No.2181

File: ede4d02719eb0e6⋯.png (671.82 KB,1245x663,415:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088868 (061538ZJAN23) Notable: 118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues (Day 4) y/t

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues (Day 4)


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335940 No.2182

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088871 (061539ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Conference Days: The Justices meet in a private conference to discuss cases argued earlier that week. The Justices also discuss and vote on petitions for review. The building is open to the public but the Justices do not take the Bench.

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335940 No.2183

File: e7b568b84feca11⋯.jpg (60.43 KB,595x119,5:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088876 (061540ZJAN23) Notable: 118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues (Day 4) y/t

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

House GOP conference call on Speaker's election begins


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335940 No.2184

File: 23f7c3edd439fc2⋯.png (547.3 KB,1999x1037,1999:1037,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088877 (061540ZJAN23) Notable: Graphic: Preview Are Over

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Caught this on a prior bread, thought it was pretty slick.


>>>/qresearch/18087627 (PB) - Graphic Preview Are Over


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335940 No.2185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088899 (061543ZJAN23) Notable: 118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues (Day 4) y/t

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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335940 No.2186

File: 5b229895c820470⋯.png (7.42 MB,5523x3038,789:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088904 (061544ZJAN23) Notable: graphics: NK Monster Missile

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Interesting, I put this together last night, wasn't quite sure how to organize it, but there is a "missile" and N. Korea component to it as well.

Maybe it jiggles something for you…

QClock January 05, 2023- Nukes Rockets n Missiles

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335940 No.2187

File: ffddbbd874d73ab⋯.jpg (60.43 KB,899x202,899:202,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088908 (061545ZJAN23) Notable: US economy 'added' 223,000 jobs in December, lowest monthly increase in two years

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US economy added 223,000 jobs in December, lowest monthly increase in two years


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335940 No.2188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088910 (061545ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE: Supreme Court scenes as court conducts cert review of Brunson case



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335940 No.2189

File: 0c1c9e58a20926e⋯.png (315.6 KB,598x595,598:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088928 (061550ZJAN23) Notable: Dmitry Medvedev commenting on the ceasefire.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russians With Attitude


Dmitry Medvedev commenting on the ceasefire.


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335940 No.2190

File: 24b9438dfa91b85⋯.png (228.72 KB,937x406,937:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088929 (061550ZJAN23) Notable: lb, Mexican AF FAM3528 737 had a quick stop of about 40m at Zapopan AB north of Guadaljara last night (drop off nd likely related to the above) and then returned to Mexico City a lot of activity in last week for Mexi AF 737s and G4s-It's east now from Mex City Int'l

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mexican AF FAM3528 737 east from Mex. City depart and since they are there 2 GTMOs 842/845 inbound

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335940 No.2191

File: 3df6cc2f7dd8d79⋯.jpg (60.96 KB,648x416,81:52,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088937 (061553ZJAN23) Notable: WWE confirms Vince McMahon is rejoining the board, stock spikes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WWE confirms Vince McMahon is rejoining the board, stock spikes


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335940 No.2192

File: 89c36a974e80940⋯.png (372.65 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088943 (061555ZJAN23) Notable: A print shop in Kiev is now printing "Azov Bible" books with the blood of "living martyrs" added to the ink-soc media

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A print shop in Kiev is now printing "Azov Bible" books with the blood of "living martyrs" added to the ink


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335940 No.2193

File: a78e204d33f1d0f⋯.png (94.12 KB,560x1586,280:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088945 (061556ZJAN23) Notable: Dmitry Medvedev commenting on the ceasefire.

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Western swineherds…lol

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335940 No.2194

File: af86a401d9babe8⋯.png (831.64 KB,1098x1440,61:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088951 (061557ZJAN23) Notable: SELLIN: China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

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SELLIN: China’s Reseach with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

Mosquitos as bioweapon delivery platforms: The imminent danger posed by China’s fused military-civilian research program

China has a history of recklessness in its use of genetic engineering and the handling of dangerous microorganisms.

In a Planet of the Apes, life imitating art scenario, in 2019, Chinese scientists inserted human brain development genes into monkeys.

Leaks out of Chinese laboratories occurred in two separate incidents in April 2004, involving researchers infected with the deadly coronavirus SARS-CoV-1, responsible for the 2002-2004 first “COVID” pandemic, which also began in China.

Then, of course, China created the COVID-19 virus, which leaked from a laboratory, or, possibly, was deliberately released, causing a global pandemic and millions of deaths.

But those examples represent only the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone needs to understand that, in China, there is no difference between military and civilian research, the fusion of which was mandated in 2016 by the Chinese Communist Party as part of its Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

When everything has dual-use potential, no research can be automatically considered benign.

In a recent Gateway Pundit article, Cullen Linebarger wrote about a South China Morning Post report that Chinese scientists conducted experiments using mosquitos to deliver vaccines.

A Chinese scientific team, led by Professor Aihua Zheng, created a new hybrid virus by combining the recently-discovered Flavivirus called Chaoyang virus, which allegedly only replicates in insects, with the human-infecting Zika virus, also a member of the Flavivirus family.

Flaviviruses are RNA viruses like COVID-19, but are far more dangerous, attacking the central nervous system. They include yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, dengue fever and Zika virus, which is known for infecting pregnant women and causing severe brain damage to their babies.

In Professor Aihua Zheng’ s experiments, mosquitos infected with the genetically-engineered Chaoyang-Zika virus would bite animals, producing an immune response, which would then protect the animals from Zika virus infection via anti-Zika antibodies.

If you think that sounds benevolent, think again.


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335940 No.2195

File: 4f115bb184b2bdc⋯.png (3.7 MB,5424x9550,2712:4775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088952 (061557ZJAN23) Notable: BLM Global Network-Graphic

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335940 No.2196

File: e3613d5f6d6e1d6⋯.png (452.18 KB,700x471,700:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088956 (061559ZJAN23) Notable: US economy 'added' 223,000 jobs in December, lowest monthly increase in two years

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and the ubiquitous revisions down to the prior month

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335940 No.2197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088980 (061604ZJAN23) Notable: SELLIN: China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

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>>2194 add


The South China Morning Post article did not mention that Professor Aihua Zheng is a close collaborator with China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), in particular, Cheng-feng Qin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing.

The South China Morning Post may have also deliberately misspelled Professor Aihua Zheng’s name to throw investigators off the scent.

It is important to note that Professor Aihua Zheng was trained at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York, where he studied the envelope or E-protein of another Flavivirus, the lethal dengue fever virus.

While studying the dengue fever E-protein in the United States, Professor Aihua Zheng was the beneficiary of U.S. taxpayer research support from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The PLA has placed a special emphasis on Flaviviruses like Zika and its envelope or E-protein, which “contains many single amino acids that affect viral neurovirulence and neuro-invasiveness” (Med J Chin PLA, Vol. 35, No. 9, September 1, 2010).

In that regard, General Rui-fu Yang together with three of his senior PLA colleagues Zhi-Kai Xu, Zhong-Tian Qi and Fu-Quan Hu wrote that the new era required a military microbiology strategy that “should strive to cultivate and bring up a team of scientific and technological talents with strong innovation ability” regarding “pathogenic substances, pathogenic mechanisms and immune mechanisms of important pathogenic microorganisms” “including the construction and management of high-level biosafety laboratories” for research related to “biological warfare” (Med J Chin PLA, Vol. 35, No. 9, September 1, 2010).

Although Flaviviruses are usually only transmitted by mosquito or other insect bites and are diseases not common in the United States, the PLA may be in the process of changing that situation.

The PLA has long had an extensive Flavivirus military-civilian research program, which uses genetic engineering to create new combination viruses such as a combined Japanese encephalitis-Zika virus and conducts “gain of function” experiments using genetic engineering, making native Zika viruses more infectious.

PLA scientists have already begun studies on possible human-to human transmission of Zika virus via intranasal inoculation of non-human primates and the transmission between animals in close proximity.

Alarmingly, the PLA has also shown a keen interest in and has conducted numerous studies on the American strain of Zika virus.

Given China’s fused military-civilian research program, mosquitos capable of carrying vaccines could, just as easily, carry bioweapons.


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335940 No.2198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18088981 (061604ZJAN23) Notable: SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

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According to penguinsix, there are 435 cases being considered today. The Court will release an order list at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, January 9, of which cases will move to arguments.

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335940 No.2199

File: 1d661d0e93e8796⋯.jpg (23.82 KB,729x213,243:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4f35f2e44329b86⋯.jpg (123.72 KB,776x727,776:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089006 (061609ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to mark anniversary of Jan 6 riots with awards to the day's 'heroes' (noted yesterday ftwmi)

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Biden to mark anniversary of Jan 6 riots with awards to the day's 'heroes'


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335940 No.2200

File: 0da645a7bba8c4d⋯.png (123.69 KB,988x912,13:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089008 (061609ZJAN23) Notable: BLM Global Network-Graphic

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noice detail in the map when archived offline. (pic example crop)

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335940 No.2201

File: 693995c9ab5a924⋯.png (434.7 KB,910x582,455:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089036 (061614ZJAN23) Notable: ISM Services Slumps Into Contraction, Factory Orders Plunge Most Since COVID

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ISM Services Slumps Into Contraction, Factory Orders Plunge Most Since COVID

After a surprise bounce in November (and following S&P Global's Services PMI weakness), analysts expected ISM Services survey to show deterioration in December and they were right but the magnitude was very significant. ISM Services tumbled into contraction at 49.6 (vs 55.0 exp) from 56.5 in November. That is the biggest drop since 2020 and the first contraction since May 2020…SM Services New Orders collapsed. Across both ISM and PMI and Services and Manufacturing sides of the economy, December saw weakness accelerating with all in contraction. That is the biggest drop since April 2020 (peak COVID lockdowns).

So, in December, both sides of the economy saw significant weakness accelerating… AND YET UNEMPLOYMENT RATES PLUNGED?


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335940 No.2202

File: cc9104c2a4e5ddf⋯.jpeg (167.49 KB,1241x813,1241:813,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089067 (061620ZJAN23) Notable: John Bolton Eyes a White House Run

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Bolton has no self awareness, he’s hated by everyone, even the left. He’ll waste a lot of money two days on the trail. Pathetic little man.


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335940 No.2203

File: 090fbd42b96a21c⋯.jpeg (114.34 KB,1241x600,1241:600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089082 (061623ZJAN23) Notable: Chip Roy is about to cave! More fiery speeches coming, maybe it will be strongly worded letter this time!-Agent POS soc media

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Chip Roy us about to cave! More fiery speeches coming, maybe it will be strongly worded letter this time!


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335940 No.2204

File: f3009d318a3e5a2⋯.png (446.62 KB,503x515,503:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089115 (061630ZJAN23) Notable: #22172

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>>>/qresearch/18088385 Dough

>>>/qresearch/18088552 Ghosted bread (ty baker for the notes!)


>>2149 USN: The hard work never stops!

>>2150 C_A announces a modernized and streamlined approach to hiring

>>2151 USNA Franklin Roosevelt delivered his famous Four Freedoms speech on January 6, 1941

>>2152 Be like the Army Band–bring on the good times

>>2153 How Pope Benedict XVI Sparked Controversy with Quote on Islam Spreading ‘Evil’ by the Sword

>>2154 #Marines fire a .50 caliber machine gun from an MV-22 Osprey assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 266 during training operations over the Gulf of Aden, Jan. 2.

>>2155 muh sportsball: Former NFL star blasted for wild vaccine conspiracy theory Jan 5th

>>2156, >>2156, >>2101 pb Solar Flare Video mp4 and webm

>>2157, >>2164 A Ferrero Rocher chocolate under a microscope, allegedly.

>>2158, >>2143 lb, >>2190 Mexican AF FAM3528 737 had a quick stop of about 40m at Zapopan AB north of Guadaljara last night (drop off and likely related to the above) and then returned to Mexico City a lot of activity in last week for Mexi AF 737s and G4s-It's east now from Mex City Int'l

>>2159 #California: Stay safe after a flood if your area was affected by the recent storms

>>2160 Connecticut state lawmaker killed in car crash

>>2161, >>2162 DJT TS: "Good things will be soon happening for the Republican Party, and 2024 will be a “Monster” (in a good way, of course!)." Drop #3387

>>2163,>>2170, >>2177, >>2179, >>2180, >>2182, >>2188, >>2198 SCOTUS Brunson case..cool yer jets peeps nuffin to see yet

>>2165 all member GOP conference call in 15 min, per FOX live.

>>2166 At least 31 @USNavy ships are named after the state. Learn that and more below.

>>2167 OPEC’s Second-Largest Oil Producer (Iraq) Issues Arrest Warrant For Donald Trump Jan 5th

>>2168 It’s been 2 yrs since Pelosi threatened violence against Trump on J6 saying, “This is my moment - I’ve been waiting for this”-soc media

>>2169 US Destroyer Enters Taiwan Strait As Tensions Escalate Between Taiwan And China

>>2171, >>2202 John Bolton Eyes a White House Run

>>2172 Tesla Shares Tumble As More Price Cuts Hit Markets-EM's levered loan ratios are dangerously close to being called

>>2173 kek trips

>>2174, >>2175 Prince Harry Claims Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis, Cocaine Let Him See ‘The Truth’

>>2176 6-year delta tomorrow for the Silver Fags… which should be ALL of (you). proof

>>2178, >>2186 graphics: NK Monster Missile

>>2181, >>2183, >>2185 118th Congress - House Speaker Election Continues (Day 4) y/t

>>2184 Graphic: Preview Are Over

>>2187, >>2196 US economy 'added' 223,000 jobs in December, lowest monthly increase in two years

>>2189, >>2193 Dmitry Medvedev commenting on the ceasefire.

>>2191 WWE confirms Vince McMahon is rejoining the board, stock spikes

>>2192 A print shop in Kiev is now printing "Azov Bible" books with the blood of "living martyrs" added to the ink-soc media

>>2194, >>2197 SELLIN: China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform

>>2195, >>2200 BLM Global Network-Graphic

>>2199 Biden to mark anniversary of Jan 6 riots with awards to the day's 'heroes' (noted yesterday ftwmi)

>>2201 ISM Services Slumps Into Contraction, Factory Orders Plunge Most Since COVID

>>2203 Chip Roy is about to cave! More fiery speeches coming, maybe it will be strongly worded letter this time!-Agent POS soc media

No one has claimed the bake-here are notes for whoever is going to bake it

not staying

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335940 No.2205

File: 090fbd42b96a21c⋯.jpeg (114.34 KB,1241x600,1241:600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089151 (061635ZJAN23) Notable: DOUGH

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#22173 https://fullchan.net/?a5fec5d4b7163412#2CCPMapjnh8kG8wWLV6Bh26ao8J1NSe97fVt6a1FbHtd

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335940 No.2206

File: 1dd57d642a31b9f⋯.png (20.6 KB,851x179,851:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089169 (061638ZJAN23) Notable: Today marks the two year anniversary of January 6th.

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Today marks the two year anniversary of January 6th. Over one hundred political prisoners of the Biden Regime still languish in prison two years later, most of them pre-trial detainees being held UNCONSTITUTIONALLY. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/january-6th-hero-year-special-tribute-ashli-babbitts-mom-americas-political-prisoners-beautiful-video-letters/

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335940 No.2207

File: 68e237d6d62bfe0⋯.png (772.92 KB,1024x677,1024:677,Clipboard.png)

File: de3c1afccb7216e⋯.png (115.74 KB,281x315,281:315,Clipboard.png)

File: 92e6eacd939e240⋯.png (422.41 KB,672x797,672:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089230 (061653ZJAN23) Notable: Three Kings Day Celebration in NYC LIVE

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Three Kings Day Celebration in NYC LIVE


When did they put this together?

Looks like all the welfare queens were forced outside. kek

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335940 No.2208

File: 61dbba3af530ebb⋯.png (612.3 KB,702x749,702:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089243 (061657ZJAN23) Notable: Biden to honor 12 officers, election officials

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Biden to honor 12 officers, election officials

with medals for Jan. 6 anniversary

United Press International, by A.L. Lee

Posted By: Imright, 1/6/2023 11:37:15 AM

President Joe Biden will commemorate the second anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol by presenting one of the nation's highest civilian honors to the officers who fought to protect Congress and local election officials who defied extreme pressure to overturn the results of the 2020 ballot. Biden will present the Presidential Citizens Medals Friday during a special White House ceremony. The honor is bestowed to those who "performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens," White House officials told NBC News, CNN and The New York Times. (Video) The ceremony comes two years after a violent mob stormed Congress

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335940 No.2209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089281 (061703ZJAN23) Notable: LIVE Streams: Speaker of the House Vote, January 6th Protest

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LIVE Streams: Speaker of the House Vote, January 6th Protest

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335940 No.2210

File: b86c0eff9ee0c00⋯.png (495.46 KB,594x600,99:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089323 (061715ZJAN23) Notable: DeSantis-backed plan to take control of Disney's land announced

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Fox News


BREAKING NEWS: DeSantis-backed plan to take control of Disney's land announced


DeSantis-backed plan to take control of Disney's land announced

Planned legislation pushed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis aims to replace Disney World's self-governing power with a state-run board comprised of appointees.

5:43 AM · Jan 6, 2023

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335940 No.2211

File: 4d60933c130908b⋯.png (162.47 KB,600x315,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089330 (061716ZJAN23) Notable: Take 60 seconds to help stop a RINO coup in the Ohio Republican Party

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Take 60 seconds to help stop a RINO coup in the Ohio Republican Party! CLICK TAKE ACTION ABOVE TO HELP!

The Ohio swamp is full of turncoat Republican In Name Only politicians right now! Just this week a group of RINOs executed a coup on the Republican-led House of Representatives to install a FAKE REPUBLICAN, career politician as the Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives.

NOW! Those same swamp dwellers are attempting a coup to install their "chosen" ally as the head of the Ohio Republican Party.


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335940 No.2212

File: 701af506c497724⋯.jpeg (659.67 KB,1170x1306,585:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089476 (061737ZJAN23) Notable: “We’re going to make progress, we’re going to shock you,” McCarthy says walking into the Capitol

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“We’re going to make progress, we’re going to shock you,” McCarthy says walking into the Capitol


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335940 No.2213

File: b5c352bdbf1358b⋯.png (686.65 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089477 (061737ZJAN23) Notable: REMINDER - Pinal County Elections Director Collects $25,000 Bonus After Reporting Inaccurate Results

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WTH? Pinal County Elections Director Collects $25,000 Bonus After Reporting Inaccurate Results, Retires, Moves to Texas BEFORE Recount Discovers Hundreds Of New Votes For Abe Hamadeh

Pinal County Elections Director Virginia Ross, who oversaw the General Election discrepancies discovered in the recount of Abe Hamadeh’s race for Arizona Attorney General, reportedly collected a $25,000 bonus to run a good election, despite the significant errors and her failure to disclose the issues.

“Ross retired on Dec. 2, according to county spokesperson James Daniels, and moved to Texas the next day,” says the report below. Ross moved out of the state the day after she retired on December 2nd, and there is no publicly listed information for her. The recount was ordered by a court days later.

“If errors were known to the board, we would have not likely canvassed,” said County Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh.

This is likely why Katie Hobbs threatened County Supervisors who did not vote to certify the election with felonies and arrests.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Virginia Ross resigned from her role as County Recorder to be appointed as Elections Director after the Pinal County primary election disaster, where the County ran out of Republican Ballots.

Before the Primary Election on August 2, the elections department also sent 63,000 incorrect ballots to Pinal County voters.

This is odd. The Gateway Pundit published an article asking why was the woman who previously oversaw these debacles in part as County Recorder appointed to another position within the County? Was there a backroom deal to get her a better-paying job?

In 2020, Pinal County’s Elections Director was paid $46.46/HR to former Recorder Virginia Ross’s $30.67/HR.

Why was Virginia Ross still employed with Pinal County and receiving a raise?

According to a new report, Ross also “collected a $25,000 bonus for running a smooth election despite reporting final results with significant inaccuracies.” Ross was also paid $175,000 for four only months of work.

The recount in Pinal County found hundreds of new votes, heavily favoring Abe Hamadeh and likely other Republican candidates, whose races were not recounted.

Katie Hobbs knew about the discrepancies in Pinal County but withheld the information in court. The Gateway Pundit reported that Hobbs’ lawyers asked to delay the recount results from being presented before Abe Hamadeh’s lawsuit was dismissed.

Kari Lake said this is “unbelievably corrupt.”


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335940 No.2214

File: 76cbd318dce8f03⋯.png (536.11 KB,559x775,559:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089514 (061742ZJAN23) Notable: WHO Posts Video Falsely Claiming “Anti-vaccine Activism” is Deadlier than “Global Terrorism”

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WHO Posts Video Falsely Claiming “Anti-vaccine Activism” is Deadlier than “Global Terrorism”

Kills more than gun violence.

The World Health Organization shared a video on Twitter promoting the claim that anti-vaccine activism is deadlier than global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and gun violence.

Yes, really.

The video quoted Baylor College of Medicine’s Dr. Peter Hotez, who stated, “We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.”

Hotez went on to assert that 200,000 Americans died from COVID because they refused to get the vaccine, a claim that isn’t backed up by any source.

“And now the anti-vaccine activism is expanding across the world, even into low and middle income countries,” added Hotez.


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335940 No.2215

File: 950a2afccaf09ab⋯.png (62.4 KB,599x290,599:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089545 (061746ZJAN23) Notable: REMINDER PDJT - 'it’s now time for all of our GREAT Republican House Members to VOTE FOR KEVIN'

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335940 No.2216

File: 14522eef75e8278⋯.png (3.7 MB,2576x1932,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089735 (061807ZJAN23) Notable: Chinese Street signs in Canada?

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Chinese Canada, 5 to 4.

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335940 No.2217

File: 8ca9f46e06e67f6⋯.png (709.22 KB,1515x1392,505:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089781 (061811ZJAN23) Notable: Anon QMapping Trump Speaker acceptance post

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335940 No.2218

File: f743128367ff6cf⋯.png (6.18 KB,598x82,299:41,Clipboard.png)

File: cb1edbb6849f471⋯.png (40.49 KB,598x198,299:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 700fb7804f99eaf⋯.png (310.99 KB,598x416,23:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f5deceefa9f259⋯.png (131.43 KB,598x716,299:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089800 (061813ZJAN23) Notable: McCarthy Trending

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McCarthy Trending


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335940 No.2219

File: b20151f58e16a4a⋯.png (37.18 KB,596x303,596:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089873 (061821ZJAN23) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Proud of my conservative friends in the house

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Donald Trump Jr.


Proud of my conservative friends in the house who just won the best deal the right has ever gotten from Republican Leadership. We need to put petty personal disputes aside & do what's best for the movement. This is a transformational deal that will change Congress for the better!

7:20 AM · Jan 6, 2023

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335940 No.2220

File: 411ab61d3fc58af⋯.png (5.14 KB,348x82,174:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 66327d351635c26⋯.png (41.42 KB,598x278,299:139,Clipboard.png)

File: b15e439ad58eb36⋯.png (255.56 KB,598x602,299:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b79abb280ae8f4⋯.png (143.5 KB,598x725,598:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089880 (061822ZJAN23) Notable: TREND - With McCarthy

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TREND With McCarthy


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335940 No.2221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089915 (061825ZJAN23) Notable: #22173

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>>2205 DOUGH

>>2206 Today marks the two year anniversary of January 6th.

>>2207 Three Kings Day Celebration in NYC LIVE

>>2208 Biden to honor 12 officers, election officials

>>2209 LIVE Streams: Speaker of the House Vote, January 6th Protest

>>2210 DeSantis-backed plan to take control of Disney's land announced

>>2211 Take 60 seconds to help stop a RINO coup in the Ohio Republican Party

>>2212 “We’re going to make progress, we’re going to shock you,” McCarthy says walking into the Capitol

>>2213 REMINDER - Pinal County Elections Director Collects $25,000 Bonus After Reporting Inaccurate Results

>>2215 REMINDER PDJT - 'it’s now time for all of our GREAT Republican House Members to VOTE FOR KEVIN'

>>2214 WHO Posts Video Falsely Claiming “Anti-vaccine Activism” is Deadlier than “Global Terrorism”

>>2217 Anon QMapping Trump Speaker acceptance post

>>2218 McCarthy Trending

>>2216 Chinese Street signs in Canada?

>>2219 @DonaldJTrumpJr Proud of my conservative friends in the house

>>2220 TREND - With McCarthy


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335940 No.2222

File: 45fb71d31b1d609⋯.png (1.92 MB,1708x852,427:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18089997 (061834ZJAN23) Notable: Rumble shows LIVE Chat now without logging in

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Rumble shows Chat now without logging in

Rumble updated today!


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335940 No.2223

File: feabe4bebece6d9⋯.png (138.42 KB,842x561,842:561,Clipboard.png)

File: b7ee044cdfa449d⋯.png (150.58 KB,854x750,427:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090006 (061835ZJAN23) Notable: Incoming AZ Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Claims Machines DID NOT Fail On Election Day

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Incoming AZ Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Gets Triggered, Staffers Escort Him Away From TGP Reporter – Claims Machines DID NOT Fail On Election Day

The Gateway Pundit correspondent spoke with incoming Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, who was inaugurated Thursday morning following the questionable Midterm Election in Maricopa County, Pinal County, and likely other counties across the state.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Katie Hobbs, Kris Mayes, and others with suspicious election wins gave their inaugural addresses yesterday. After the speeches, Katie Hobbs was nowhere to be found, and a pool of media was held off by security until she was gone.

As we reported, after the speeches, Katie Hobbs was nowhere to be found, and a pool of media was held off by security until she was gone.

During the ceremony, Fontes went on a bizarre, Biden-Esque rant accusing Republicans who care about election integrity of threatening election officials. “domestic terrorism,” labeling them “anathema to the constitutional order.” He then stated, “honor and integrity will replace conspiracy and fascism.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the massive voter disenfranchisement that occurred in Maricopa County and Pinal County’s 2022 Midterm Elections.

On Election Day in Maricopa County, over 50% of tabulators and printers failed the moment that polls opened, causing voters to be turned away from the polls and creating long wait times of four hours or more. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates. Many of the thousands of voters disenfranchised by this catastrophe were forced to vote provisionally.

Fontes refused to call this a failure during our interview, claiming that it proved “you can’t counterfeit Maricopa County’s ballots,” and the system is “actually better than the system that people would expect.”

Election Director Scott Jarrett’s conflicting and dishonest sworn testimony in Kari Lake’s election trial states that this was caused by a ballot printer failure and that “it would have been a mistake.”

The recount in Pinal County found hundreds of new votes, heavily favoring Abe Hamadeh and likely other Republican candidates, whose races were not recounted.

This is a massive and concerning number of votes for a recount.


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335940 No.2224

File: 161b2c5a9770ea8⋯.gif (1.55 MB,480x198,80:33,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090016 (061836ZJAN23) Notable: The list of patriots still standing strong

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The list of patriots still standing strong:

Andy Biggs (voted jordan)

Lauren Boebert (voted hern)

Eli Crane (voted hern)

Matt Gaetz (voed jordan)

Bob Good (voted jordan)

Andy Harris (voted jordan)

Matt Rosendale (voted hern)

The list of traitors:

Dan Bishop

Josh Brecheen

Michael Cloud

Andrew Clyde

Byron Donalds

Paul Gosar

Anna Paulina Luna

Mary Miller

Ralph Norman

Andy Ogles

Scott Perry

Chip Roy

Keith Self

Victoria Spartz

McCarthy needs 217 today.

He got 214 in round 12

5 holdouts still needed to stop him

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335940 No.2225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090030 (061838ZJAN23) Notable: US House LIVE

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335940 No.2226

File: d399f4d41d0d01d⋯.png (1.13 MB,1825x786,1825:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090036 (061839ZJAN23) Notable: Rumble shows LIVE Chat now without logging in

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Live chat is visible on Rumble!


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335940 No.2227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090061 (061843ZJAN23) Notable: US House LIVE

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335940 No.2228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090086 (061846ZJAN23) Notable: Did a US Official Bragged that Pope Benedict Would be Forced to Resign Weeks After His Installment?

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This is chock full of interdasting information re: Pope Benedict and the NSA.


— Italian General claims NSA official bragged about knowing the Pope would resign.

— Supposedly there’s a group known asRoman circlethat iseviland very powerful/influential.

REVEALED: Retired Italian General Says a US Official Bragged that Pope Benedict Would be Forced to Resign Weeks After His Installment

An Italian General reported this week that anAmerican official bragged about removing Pope Benedict weeks after he was installed. Also, avery dark group surrounding the Pope was working against him and the church.

A report coming out of Italy this week has some shocking news related to the late Pope Benedict.

On the eve of Pope Benedict XVI’s burial, Piero Laporta, a retired Italian brigadier general, published a stunning piece on his own blog.

This Catholic author, who previously lobbied to have Benedict participate (and influence) the controversial Synod on the Family some eight years ago, is now revealing that in the first weeks after the election of Joseph Ratzinger to the papal throne in 2005,an official of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) “was bragging about the resignation to which H.H. Benedict XVI of revered memory would soon be forced.”

If this story is true, however, “soon” would have to mean seven years, as that is the time it actually took for Benedict to resign

Laporta is a retired brigadier general who worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Italian Military, and since his retirement writes for multiple blogs and for different newspapers, collaborating with, among others, our colleague Marco Tosatti and his blog Stilum Curiae…

The even more shocking piece from Laporta’s remarks is his mention ofa “Roman circle” of what sound like anti-Catholic and anti-Christian individualswho wereworking against the church.

Laporta then revealed that there exists “a great Roman circle that is still active today,” that is more powerful than the so-called “Sankt Gallen group,” which has been historically opposed to Benedict.

Laporta further relayed that in 2005, “a leading delegate of the U.S. government, who had his hands in Italian finances (where he is still active) and in Italian politics,” and was “a figure in the highest ranks of the National Security Agency (NSA),” was “bragging about the resignation to which H.H. Benedict XVI of revered memory would soon be forced.”

This man, Laporta went on to say, spoke “with a nonchalance and with an arrogance” outside of his own circle about this matter.

This “Roman circle” was reportedlydedicated to the slogans “God is dead” and “Jesus is fake news,” and ==was in “panic”= when Benedict was elected.

The“Sankt Gallen Mafia,”Laporta added, was “no joke,” butis a mere fig leaf compared to this “Roman circle”that Laporta refers to as a “dome of demons.”

According to the Italian general, it was this group who “isolated” Benedict, “leaving him alone while the nescionalsecuiritiagensi[NSA] goons scourged the truth, then crucified it.

Pope Benedict passed away this past week after being the oldest Pope in history upon his death. With this new information, will the Catholic Church fall into a crisis? We asked this previously after Pope Benedict’s death was first reported.


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335940 No.2229

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090108 (061849ZJAN23) Notable: Jan. 6th Was The Inflection Point That Exposed The Intelligence Community, Darren Beattie Explains

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Jan. 6th Was The Inflection Point That Exposed The Intelligence Community, Darren Beattie Explains

Bannons War Room


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335940 No.2230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090122 (061851ZJAN23) Notable: Did a US Official Bragged that Pope Benedict Would be Forced to Resign Weeks After His Installment?

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REVEALED: Retired Italian General Says a US Official Bragged that Pope Benedict Would be Forced to Resign Weeks After His Installment

An Italian General reported this week that an American official bragged about removing Pope Benedict weeks after he was installed. Also, a very dark group surrounding the Pope was working against him and the church.

A report coming out of Italy this week has some shocking news related to the late Pope Benedict.

Lifesite reports:

On the eve of Pope Benedict XVI’s burial, Piero Laporta, a retired Italian brigadier general, published a stunning piece on his own blog.

This Catholic author, who previously lobbied to have Benedict participate (and influence) the controversial Synod on the Family some eight years ago, is now revealing that in the first weeks after the election of Joseph Ratzinger to the papal throne in 2005, an official of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) “was bragging about the resignation to which H.H. Benedict XVI of revered memory would soon be forced.”

If this story is true, however, “soon” would have to mean seven years, as that is the time it actually took for Benedict to resign.

Laporta is a retired brigadier general who worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Italian Military, and since his retirement writes for multiple blogs and for different newspapers, collaborating with, among others, our colleague Marco Tosatti and his blog Stilum Curiae…

The even more shocking piece from Laporta’s remarks is his mention of a “Roman circle” of what sound like anti-Catholic and anti-Christian individuals who were working against the church.

Laporta then revealed that there exists “a great Roman circle that is still active today,” that is more powerful than the so-called “Sankt Gallen group,” which has been historically opposed to Benedict.

Laporta further relayed that in 2005, “a leading delegate of the U.S. government, who had his hands in Italian finances (where he is still active) and in Italian politics,” and was “a figure in the highest ranks of the National Security Agency (NSA),” was “bragging about the resignation to which H.H. Benedict XVI of revered memory would soon be forced.”

This man, Laporta went on to say, spoke “with a nonchalance and with an arrogance” outside of his own circle about this matter.

This “Roman circle” was reportedly dedicated to the slogans “God is dead” and “Jesus is fake news,” and was in “panic” when Benedict was elected.

The “Sankt Gallen Mafia,” Laporta added, was “no joke,” but is a mere fig leaf compared to this “Roman circle” that Laporta refers to as a “dome of demons.”

According to the Italian general, it was this group who “isolated” Benedict, “leaving him alone while the nescionalsecuiritiagensi [NSA] goons scourged the truth, then crucified it.”

Pope Benedict passed away this past week after being the oldest Pope in history upon his death. With this new information, will the Catholic Church fall into a crisis? We asked this previously after Pope Benedict’s death was first reported.


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335940 No.2231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090138 (061853ZJAN23) Notable: ‘Not A Man of God’: Pope Benedict Bans ‘Catholic’ Biden From Attending His Funeral

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‘Not A Man of God’: Pope Benedict Bans ‘Catholic’ Biden From Attending His Funeral

Joe Biden, the first Catholic president in six decades who proclaims himself to be a “devout” follower of the church’s teachings, has been snubbed by the late Pope Benedict XVI and told not to attend his funeral.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Tuesday that America’s Ambassador to the Holy See will attend the funeral instead of Biden. Jean-Pierre said Biden won’t be attending the funeral “in line with the wishes of the late Pope and the Vatican.”

moar & video 11:05


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335940 No.2232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090142 (061853ZJAN23) Notable: Jan. 6th Was The Inflection Point That Exposed The Intelligence Community, Darren Beattie Explains

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Beattie says “nothing REAL is supposed to happen in DC, if it does, it happens its by accident”.

They tried to water down the Church Committee

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335940 No.2233

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090167 (061856ZJAN23) Notable: Rep. Madison Cawthorn Explains What Is Going On Behind The Scenes

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Bannons War Room: Rep. Madison Cawthorn Explains What Is Going On Behind The Scenes For The Speaker Of The House Vote.He states all the ways house members are threatened to tow the line


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335940 No.2234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090173 (061857ZJAN23) Notable: German Gov’t Claims Investigating Covid Vaccines Would Be ‘Dangerous For Democracy’

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German Gov’t Claims Investigating Covid Vaccines Would Be ‘Dangerous For Democracy’

An investigation of the government response to the Covid debacle would be “dangerous to democracy”, claims German Ethics Chairwoman and government advisor Alena Buyx, who supported mandatory lockdowns, mask orders and vaccinations during the pandemic.

Many have noticed that the most outspoken officials responsible for brutal COVID restrictions and mandates suddenly don’t want to talk about the last few years, and are wishing the growing scandal will go away. Leftist news outlets are even asking for “pandemic amnesty,” which would absolve government, Big Pharma and the mainstream media from any legal consequences resulting from their actions.

Not only has the economic and mental health damage been of immense dimensions, but so has the loss of life resulting from the measures, especially the vaccines. Excess mortality has skyrocketed.

It is not surprising those responsible for promoting and enacting the disastrous pandemic measures are now behaving like drunk hit-and-run drivers who woke up the next day realizing something awful happened. They are hoping no one will notice and hold them to account.



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335940 No.2235

File: 0282bf06a83ef92⋯.png (13.54 KB,598x204,299:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090178 (061857ZJAN23) Notable: Schumer: Buckle up!

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Chuck Schumer


Buckle up!

8:20 AM · Jan 6, 2021


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335940 No.2236

File: d49e65ce692a863⋯.png (7.63 KB,598x82,299:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a5586d2036ebb4⋯.png (287.89 KB,598x504,299:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090202 (061900ZJAN23) Notable: NEW TREND Republican Kevin McCarthy

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NEW TREND Republican Kevin McCarthy


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335940 No.2237

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090217 (061902ZJAN23) Notable: Bannon: Vought says No Candidate From The D.C. Cartel Can be Trusted In The Speakership

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Bannons War Room


This is some good news, not finalized yet

2 hours ago

Vought:No Candidate From The D.C. Cartel Can be Trusted In The SpeakershipLobbyist may get the axe. And an independent rules committee is in the package, thats how you defeat the Cartel.

Vought: No Candidate From The D.C. Cartel Can be Trusted In The Speakership


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335940 No.2238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090224 (061903ZJAN23) Notable: NEW TREND Republican Kevin McCarthy

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Republican Kevin McCarthy https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Republican%20Kevin%20McCarthy%22

With McCarthy https://twitter.com/search?q=%22With%20McCarthy%22

McCarthy https://twitter.com/search?q=McCarthy

"McCarthy" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22McCarthy%22

Qevin McCarthy https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Qevin%20McCarthy%22

Speakerofthehousevote https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Speakerofthehousevote

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335940 No.2239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090234 (061905ZJAN23) Notable: Twitter “ER doctors” who claimed hordes of patients were dying daily of COVID were FAKE - Revolver

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Remember the Twitter “ER doctors” who claimed hordes of patients were dying daily of COVID? They were fake…

If you were on Twitter back when the COVID “fear mongering” was at its peak, you’ll likely remember the “Twitter doctors” who popped up, seemingly out of thin air, claiming they were losing hordes of patients to COVID every single day.

These so-called “doctors” whipped everyone into a fear frenzy. Their tweets would get tens of thousands of retweets and engagement daily.

The “doctors” posed as ER physicians and were part of the LGBTQ community in some way. They created this hellish/apocalyptic scenario that made it sound as if bodies were piling up in the streets.

Well, this probably won’t come as a huge surprise to you, but those popular “ER doctors” were fake.


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335940 No.2240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090253 (061907ZJAN23) Notable: Potato on 2 year anniversary of J6

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President Biden Marks the Two-Year Anniversary of the January 6th Insurrection During a Ceremony

The White House



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335940 No.2241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090292 (061913ZJAN23) Notable: Pentagon Officials Briefing

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Pentagon Officials Hold Briefing

01.06.2023 02:30:00 PM




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335940 No.2242

File: 147828f120f2017⋯.png (60.38 KB,591x284,591:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090376 (061924ZJAN23) Notable: PDJT: Great convos took place last night

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335940 No.2243

File: 49d541bdc4fac29⋯.png (1.91 MB,1410x1320,47:44,Clipboard.png)

File: e7dde4f8b6a8f2d⋯.png (42.19 KB,218x224,109:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090378 (061925ZJAN23) Notable: Army 2nd infantry division: 17 word tweet, 3776 on the helmet = 23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

17 word tweet

3776 on the helmet = 23


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335940 No.2244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090389 (061926ZJAN23) Notable: Ashli Babbitt's mom ARRESTED during peaceful protest in DC

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NOW 🚨 Ashli Babbitt’s mom is getting arrested by police during peaceful protest.


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335940 No.2245

File: 561d9060c29997d⋯.png (128.21 KB,710x1268,355:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090396 (061927ZJAN23) Notable: Army 2nd infantry division: 17 word tweet, 3776 on the helmet = 23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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335940 No.2246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090408 (061928ZJAN23) Notable: Ashli Babbitt's mom ARRESTED during peaceful protest in DC

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They just arrested Ashli Babbets mom!!!

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335940 No.2247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090500 (061941ZJAN23) Notable: And then there were SIX.…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And then there were six…

Andy Biggs

Lauren Boebert

Eli Crane

Matt Gaetz

Bob Good

Matt Rosendale

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335940 No.2248

File: 7bf00900770876f⋯.png (488.97 KB,613x780,613:780,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090514 (061944ZJAN23) Notable: Ashli Babbitt's mom ARRESTED during peaceful protest in DC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tayler Hansen


The Capitol Police just arrested Ashli Babbitt's mother for holding a memorial service for her.

These Officers have been threatening Micki for over a year, absolutely unacceptable behavior.

Last time I was with Micki in D.C. officers told her to "get in the back of their car".

Quote Tweet

Charlie Kirk




BREAKING: Micki Witthoeft, Ashli Babbitt's mother, was just arrested by Capitol Police while conducting a memorial service on the 2nd anniversary of her daughter’s murder. .

8:42 AM · Jan 6, 2023

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335940 No.2249

File: 4e4b8f2c61065b6⋯.pdf (10.18 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 8fd379e38a8a770⋯.jpg (63.23 KB,612x407,612:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 564539a7a61e899⋯.png (353.07 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090537 (061947ZJAN23) Notable: FBI Twitter account tweets link to files on ‘Protocols of Elders of Zion

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FBI Twitter account tweets link to files on ‘Protocols of Elders of Zion,’ sparking anger and confusion


Still listed in FBI Vault but tweet has been deleted.


Including file here for tinfoil hat enjoyers.

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335940 No.2250

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090546 (061948ZJAN23) Notable: Rosendale on Bannon: Next week lobbyists will fight hard against these rules. Prayers up for the 20

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Really good explanation by Rosendale

Bannons War Room



3 hours ago

Rep. Matt Rosendale: McCarthy Only Agrees To Superficial Changes To The Speaker’s Dictatorial Powers

Next week will be harder, lobbyists will fight hard against these rules. Prayers up for the 20

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335940 No.2251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090554 (061949ZJAN23) Notable: FIFTEEN that flipped.

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>15 that flipped

Dan Bishop

Josh Brecheen

Michael Cloud

Andrew Clyde

Byron Donalds

Paul Gosar

Andy Harris

Anna Paulina Luna

Mary Miller

Ralph Norman

Andy Ogles

Scott Perry

Chip Roy

Keith Self

Victoria Spartz

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335940 No.2252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090559 (061950ZJAN23) Notable: SBF Seeks Access To $450 Million In Seized Robinhood Shares To Pay His Legal Fees

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SBF Seeks Access To $450 Million In Seized Robinhood Shares To Pay His Legal Fees

Sam Bankman-Fried is fighting to persuade a US court that he should be able to access Robinhood shares worth around $450 million to help pay for his legal fees. The problem: the Department of Justice - which does not believe the 56 million shares of Robinhood were property of the bankrupt FTX estate - moved on Wednesday to seize the shares. Another problem: both FTX and BlockFi are also laying claim to the shares as well. And while FTX’s creditors hope the shares can help make them whole, Bankman-Fried said he needs the funds to cover his legal fees.

Lawyers for the disgraced former CEO in a Delaware court filing on Thursday that the 56.3 million Robinhood shares should be returned to Bankman-Fried because the company that owns them, Emergent Fidelity Technology Ltd, is not part of the bankruptcy estate (at least not yet). Bankman-Fried owns 90% of Emergent. He and former FTX chief technology officer Gary Wang borrowed $546 million from Alameda Research (in other words used money stolen from FTX clients) to buy the Robinhood shares, according to court filings. Robinhood’s shares closed at $8.11 on Thursday, giving the stake a value of $456 million.

“Mr. Bankman-Fried has not been found criminally or civilly liable for fraud, and it is improper for the FTX Debtors to ask the Court to simply assume that everything Mr. Bankman-Fried ever touched is presumptively fraudulent,” his lawyers said in the filing. They added that Bankman-Fried’s need to pay his legal bills is greater than the “economic loss” that FTX faces, citing several legal precedents; we are confident that FTX clients would certainly beg to differ.

"Mr. Bankman-Fried requires some of these funds to pay for his criminal defense," the filing read, noting that the disgraced FTX founder is “facing potential criminal liability.” Bankman-Fried pleaded not guilty to all charges, including wire fraud and campaign finance violations, in New York Tuesday.

Bankman-Fried’s move is the latest in an ongoing ownership dispute over the shares. The equities, once worth more than $600 million, have plunged since they’ve been stuck in legal limbo.

On Thursday, court revealed that more than 56 million Robinhood shares are on the line, worth a little more than $450 million as of Friday’s prices. The shares belong to Emergent Fidelity Technologies, of which Bankman-Fried is the 90% stockholder, the filing added.

Representing Bankman-Fried in the bankruptcy proceedings is Gregory T. Donilon from Montgomery McCracken Walker & Rhoads LLP.

Bankman-Fried’s criminal lawyers are Cohen & Gresser’s Christian R. Everdell and Mark Stewart Cohen, who recently represented Ghislaine Maxwell in her sex trafficking case.

Bankman-Fried’s personal legal fees are not public, but Sullivan and Cromwell LLC, the firm leading FTX’s restructuring, accepted a $12 million retainer from the exchange before it filed for Chapter 11 on Nov. 11, 2022. As of Nov. 3, 2022, the firm had already cashed in more than $3.4 million of its retainer, nearly 30%.


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335940 No.2253

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090561 (061950ZJAN23) Notable: Ogles:Congress’ Rules Deny Representatives A Voice, A New Rules Package Would Change Entire Dynamic

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Bannons War Room


Ogles:Congress’ Rules Deny Representatives A Voice, A New Rules Package Would Change Entire Dynamic


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335940 No.2254

File: d5d70fc7ae648da⋯.jpg (160.85 KB,291x391,291:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090579 (061953ZJAN23) Notable: And then there were SIX.…

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335940 No.2255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090604 (061956ZJAN23) Notable: #22174

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baker must leave


>>2222, >>2226 Rumble shows LIVE Chat now without logging in

>>2223 Incoming AZ Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Claims Machines DID NOT Fail On Election Day

>>2224 The list of patriots still standing strong

>>2225, >>2227 US House LIVE

>>2228, >>2230 Did a US Official Bragged that Pope Benedict Would be Forced to Resign Weeks After His Installment?

>>2229, >>2232 Jan. 6th Was The Inflection Point That Exposed The Intelligence Community, Darren Beattie Explains

>>2231 ‘Not A Man of God’: Pope Benedict Bans ‘Catholic’ Biden From Attending His Funeral

>>2233 Rep. Madison Cawthorn Explains What Is Going On Behind The Scenes

>>2234 German Gov’t Claims Investigating Covid Vaccines Would Be ‘Dangerous For Democracy’

>>2235 Schumer: Buckle up!

>>2236, >>2238 NEW TREND Republican Kevin McCarthy

>>2237 Bannon: Vought says No Candidate From The D.C. Cartel Can be Trusted In The Speakership

>>2239 Twitter “ER doctors” who claimed hordes of patients were dying daily of COVID were FAKE - Revolver

>>2240 Potato on 2 year anniversary of J6

>>2241 Pentagon Officials Briefing

>>2242 PDJT: Great convos took place last night

>>2243, >>2245 Army 2nd infantry division: 17 word tweet, 3776 on the helmet = 23

>>2246, >>2244, >>2248 Ashli Babbitt's mom ARRESTED during peaceful protest in DC

>>2247, >>2254 And then there were SIX.…

>>2249 FBI Twitter account tweets link to files on ‘Protocols of Elders of Zion

>>2250 Rosendale on Bannon: Next week lobbyists will fight hard against these rules. Prayers up for the 20

>>2251 FIFTEEN that flipped.

>>2252 SBF Seeks Access To $450 Million In Seized Robinhood Shares To Pay His Legal Fees

>>2253 Ogles:Congress’ Rules Deny Representatives A Voice, A New Rules Package Would Change Entire Dynamic


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335940 No.2256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090666 (062006ZJAN23) Notable: So many 17's today…

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So many 17's today.

That's all I've been hearing and seeing.

217 to win

McCarthy need +17 to win

Last round 17 didn't vote on first call.

Possible round 17 today.

Am I nuts?

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335940 No.2257

File: a2c806a5cfaa5e2⋯.jpg (125.03 KB,720x757,720:757,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26e5e00adaa2310⋯.jpg (39.49 KB,720x330,24:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090691 (062010ZJAN23) Notable: General Flynn returns to Twatter, WELCOME BACK, friend and Patriot @GenFlynn

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General Flynn returns to Twatter


WELCOME BACK, friend and Patriot @GenFlynn

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335940 No.2258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090692 (062010ZJAN23) Notable: Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals

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Russell Bowers, Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, was just given a medal for his efforts in overthrowing the United States government.

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335940 No.2259

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090708 (062012ZJAN23) Notable: Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals

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Career criminal, Michael Fanone, was just given a medal for his efforts in overthrowing the United States government.

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335940 No.2260

File: 4aa9b1df06abdf7⋯.png (1.19 MB,1239x704,1239:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090713 (062013ZJAN23) Notable: What's he looking at?

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335940 No.2261

File: c7f7cede6af5cf9⋯.jpg (444.91 KB,900x901,900:901,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090714 (062013ZJAN23) Notable: What's he looking at?

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Today's Speaker Vote

No to McCarthy

Andy Biggs (voted 12th rd. jordan; 13th rd. jordan)

Lauren Boebert (12th rd. voted hern; 13th rd. jordan)

Eli Crane (12th rd.voted hern; 13th rd. jordan)

Matt Gaetz 12th rd. (voed jordan;; 13th rrd jordan)

Bob Good (12th rd. voted jordan; 13th rd. jordan)

Andy Harris (12th rd. voted jordan; 13th rd. switch to McCarthy)

Matt Rosendale (12th rd. voted hern; 13th rd. jordam)

Swithced to mcCarthy

Dan Bishop (12th vote)

Josh Brecheen (12th round vote)

Michael Cloud (12th round vote)

Andrew Clyde (12th round vote)

Byron Donalds (12th round vote)

Paul Gosar (12th round vote)

Andy Harris (13th round vote)

Anna Paulina Luna (12th round vote)

Mary Miller (12th round vote)

Ralph Norman (12th round vote)

Andy Ogles (12th round vote)

Scott Perry (12th round vote)

Chip Roy (12th round vote)

Keith Self (12th round vote)

Victoria Spartz (12th round vote)

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335940 No.2262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090717 (062013ZJAN23) Notable: Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals

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Ruby Freeman was just given a medal for her efforts in overthrowing the United States government.

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335940 No.2263

File: c4d5c847cb4168e⋯.png (490.25 KB,1729x929,1729:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090728 (062016ZJAN23) Notable: What's he looking at?

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335940 No.2264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090736 (062017ZJAN23) Notable: Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals

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Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals.

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335940 No.2265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090757 (062019ZJAN23) Notable: Apparently, the Capitol Police that waved people into the building on January 6th will not be recognized with medals

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Shaye Moss, daughter of Ruby Freeman, was just given a medal for her efforts in overthrowing the United States government.

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335940 No.2266

File: fbf089d70418022⋯.png (9.15 KB,298x254,149:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090761 (062020ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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335940 No.2267

File: 34581ff9f5c2fbc⋯.png (466.86 KB,581x560,83:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090774 (062023ZJAN23) Notable: What's he looking at?

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335940 No.2268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090777 (062023ZJAN23) Notable: Breaking Exclusive: President Trump Tells Gen. Flynn He Would Serve as House Speaker

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Forwarded from General Flynn

Breaking Exclusive: President Trump Tells Gen. Flynn He Would Serve as House Speaker

January 6, 2023

There has been a stunning development in the ongoing House speaker drama: Former President Donald Trump said he would accept the role of speaker if elected.

Both Kari Lake and Gen. Michael Flynn confirmed the news to The Western Journal.

“I talked to President Trump last night and told him he would be great and he should do it,” Lake told The Western Journal. “[I said] that he could take Congress from the most hated branch of [government] to the favorite branch.”

Lake’s pep talk appears to have worked, because Flynn told The Western Journal the following: “Trump says, ‘I will do it.'”

This would be a shocking turnaround for Trump, who has long supported Kevin McCarthy for speaker.


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335940 No.2269

File: 5174a7096c529dd⋯.png (485.13 KB,600x589,600:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090779 (062024ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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Fun Fact:

Bush 41, aka KennedySniper, code name = Timberwolf.

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335940 No.2270


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the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine ordered by President Putin on the eve of Orthodox Christmas took effect this morning, and Russia intends to observe the truce for 36 hours, from 12:00 local time on 6 January until midnight on 7 January, says this follows the appeal made by Russian Federation religious leader His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia to observe a truce for this Holy Day—a Christmas truce immediately rejected by Ukraine—Ukraine then began shelling a residential area in the city of Donetsk less than a minute after the truce took effect—a Ukrainian attack on innocent civilians





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335940 No.2271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090807 (062028ZJAN23) Notable: Marina Abromivich inspired drag queen convention happening in London today

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English ex popstar calls out nonces and releases a track about nonces, called "Oi nonce,leave those kids alone"

Brian Harvey who is a household name in the uk,and was part of one of the uk's biggest boybands, calls out the Rupaul drag queen convention happening in London today

Marina Abromivich type art, rainbows, tickets for children when people are walking around with dildos, etc etc, all the usual shit

Video includes his new single "Oi nonce, leave those kids alone" it's got biden sniffing kids and everthing, it's excellent and top kek


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335940 No.2272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090898 (062042ZJAN23) Notable: Breaking Exclusive: President Trump Tells Gen. Flynn He Would Serve as House Speaker

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direct link to Flynns acct, seems they are making it hard to search for him.


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335940 No.2273

File: d239566383d0936⋯.png (209.27 KB,480x477,160:159,Clipboard.png)

File: 97d210a8a984bfc⋯.png (153.12 KB,464x494,232:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090902 (062043ZJAN23) Notable: Reminder that Nick Fuentes told his followers to "break down the barriers and disregard the police" on J6

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Reminder that Nick Fuentes told his followers to "break down the barriers and disregard the police" on J6. Multiple groypers were arrested. Everyone talks about Ray Epps, but the media has completely buried this footage of Fuentes. Why?



Nick Fuentes has never shown support or even talked about his arrested followers, except for Baked Alaska (fed informant). In fact, Nick disassociated with a group of former interns, called them losers, and told them to "rot in prison and burn in Hell" after they were arrested.

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335940 No.2274

File: 6a79656a0ffc886⋯.jpg (48.28 KB,590x160,59:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090905 (062043ZJAN23) Notable: And then there were 6, the JANUARY 6

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The January 6


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335940 No.2275

File: 21b4a494695d6ba⋯.jpg (162.64 KB,634x617,634:617,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090917 (062044ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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The Wolf Spirit Animal symbolizes: Strong connection with your instincts or intuition. High intelligence. Loyalty and communication. Deep desire for freedom.

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335940 No.2276

File: f23f737c1ffb6ab⋯.png (33.68 KB,464x528,29:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090925 (062045ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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335940 No.2277

File: 0eb0ad62c00988f⋯.jpg (602.21 KB,1200x1166,600:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090953 (062049ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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They are fucked. We are coming.

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335940 No.2278

File: 5e5914829286001⋯.jpg (213.72 KB,1082x1100,541:550,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090963 (062050ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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335940 No.2279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090978 (062053ZJAN23) Notable: Shill Research bun

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I know a lot of new folks have migrated here over the past few months, so I wanted to let all the new anons know, who maybe did not know,

All of the racist vile shit you see, about blacks and jews, that is all posted by Rick Wilson and people who work for The Lincoln Project, MeidasTouch, and Media Matters.

It is a fact. Also, lots of feds on here posting stuff to make Patriots, who just want a Free Republic, look bad.

Just thought I would put that out there.

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335940 No.2280

File: eb36959dbbe8618⋯.png (240.97 KB,458x628,229:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090985 (062055ZJAN23) Notable: Shill Research bun

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>All of the racist vile shit you see, about blacks and jews, that is all posted by Rick Wilson and people who work for The Lincoln Project, MeidasTouch, and Media Matters.

No mention of InQtel?

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335940 No.2281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18090989 (062055ZJAN23) Notable: Wolf bun AWOO

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JFK Grandkids Singing Timber


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335940 No.2282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18091005 (062059ZJAN23) Notable: And then there were 6, the JANUARY 6

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335940 No.2283

File: aa1cafa4226c772⋯.jpg (123.2 KB,1580x781,1580:781,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18091017 (062101ZJAN23) Notable: And then there were 6, the JANUARY 6

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Who are the JANUARY 6?

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335940 No.2284

File: 471617c41e5ebb3⋯.jpeg (43.57 KB,634x368,317:184,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18091021 (062101ZJAN23) Notable: Shill Research bun

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Wolfe, directly and/or through Metabiota and its sister non-profit Global Viral, is not only been funded by various branches of US Department of Defence but, is also funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and CIA venture capital company In-Q-Tel.


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335940 No.2285

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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