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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

6337f9 No.226 [View All]

16DEC20 to 18DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 848 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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6337f9 No.162856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070473 (172251ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia to conduct statewide 'signature match review of absentee ballots

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Georgia to Conduct Statewide ‘Signature Match Review’ Of Absentee Ballots

Georgia is conducting a statewide review of signatures on absentee ballots after weeks of pressure from President Trump and his campaign.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the statewide review in a press release on Thursday. The announcement comes after his office approved an initial signature review in one county, Cobb, on Monday.

“We are confident that elections in Georgia are secure, reliable, and effective,” Raffensperger said in a statement. “Despite endless lawsuits and wild allegations from Washington, D.C. pundits, we have seen no actual evidence of widespread voter fraud, though we are investigating all credible reports. Nonetheless, we look forward to working with the University of Georgia on this signature match review to further instill confidence in Georgia’s voting systems.”


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6337f9 No.162857

File: f904b13e9a00ad1⋯.png (22.03 KB,402x611,402:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070480 (172251ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Investors Are Funding Malign PRC Companies on Major Indices, Affiliates of Chinese Military Companies

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Affiliates of Communist Chinese Military Companies (pics 1-12)

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6337f9 No.162858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070497 (172252ZDEC20) Notable: Former Goldman CFO Marty Chavez Calls For Universal Basic Income "To Stave Off Revolution"

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Former Goldman CFO Marty Chavez Calls For Universal Basic Income "To Stave Off Revolution"

Former Goldman Sachs CFO Marty Chavez thinks that income redistribution via Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the only way to stave off revolution as the wealth gap continues to increase.

n an interview with The Business of Business, host Gregory Ugwi asked Chavez if he agrees with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who says "there should be no billionaires in the US as long as there are poor families," adding that venture capitalist Paul Graham says that income inequality is a "natural part of capitalism, and a sign that the process is working."

Chavez, a Democrat donor (most recently Pete Buttigieg's presidential bid), agreed that the income gap is a consequence of capitalism, but said "at the same time, it isn't an inevitable feature of capitalism that the inequality be as extreme as it's getting. There have been long periods in American history where there was always inequality - but it wasn't this kind of inequality."

He also isn't a fan of AOC, saying "I am not in AOC's camp - at all. I didn't vote for her, I wouldn't vote for her. I hear her, and she's just not saying anything that makes any sense to me."

"At the same time, I'm a big proponent of a universal basic income.

My personal view is that if you're just being pragmatic and looking at inequality - and not thinking about some abstract concept of justice - you don't want the inequality to be so extreme that it leads to revolution. So you ought to be prepared to pay to decrease that probability.

This is what I say to, you know, friends who you might call 'oligarchs,' right? Why it would make sense for everybody to have some baseline income and why we should all pay for it."



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6337f9 No.162859

File: 806ecc8ea60e17e⋯.png (892.54 KB,827x512,827:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070503 (172253ZDEC20) Notable: Woman born with no hands kicked out of Vancouver bookstore for not wearing a mask

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A Vancouver woman who was born with no hands was kicked out of an Indigo Chapters bookstore location for not wearing a mask. When attempting to explain her medical disability exemption, staff threatened to call the police.

Elisabeth Walker-Young is a four-time Paralympic swimmer. She was denied entry to a Vancouver Indigo location for not wearing a mask. Walker-Young is physically unable to put on a mask because she was born with no hands, according to Global News.

The Order of Canada recipient said, "When I am out with my daughter or my husband, they will help me put on a mask. But when I am out in the world independently, I just can't do it."

"It's just not fair. I am not an anti-masker. I actually don't go out often because I am trying not to make people feel uncomfortable, which is an awful way to navigate the world," said Walker-Young.


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6337f9 No.162860

File: 0ca205b81931fcb⋯.png (15.75 KB,388x573,388:573,Clipboard.png)

File: 33f4c52dd0b8e2a⋯.png (15.73 KB,396x584,99:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d565a8b158c0cb⋯.png (17.72 KB,389x625,389:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 389715d1291bda5⋯.png (16.29 KB,392x575,392:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 8931fec4f0fa494⋯.png (16.5 KB,384x616,48:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070505 (172253ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Investors Are Funding Malign PRC Companies on Major Indices, Affiliates of Chinese Military Companies

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Affiliates of Communist Chinese Military Companies (pics 1-12)

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6337f9 No.162861

File: 397b6ef42ccc5d8⋯.png (1.58 MB,982x516,491:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a58f39091ebac5⋯.png (113.59 KB,770x824,385:412,Clipboard.png)

File: b23e3f23b177575⋯.png (277.25 KB,1903x1469,1903:1469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070523 (172255ZDEC20) Notable: Foreign hack of US government bigger than previously known, CISA warns (Is CISA foreign hacked as well?)

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Foreign hack of US government bigger than previously known, CISA warns

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency revealed on Thursday that the massive global hacking campaign conducted by foreign actors is even larger than originally reported. The cyber actors gained secretive backdoor access in more ways than just through the publicly known SolarWinds software update being corrupted. “One of the initial access vectors for this activity is a supply chain compromise of the following SolarWinds Orion products. CISA has evidence of additional initial access vectors, other than the SolarWinds Orion platform; however, these are still being investigated,” CISA wrote on Thursday, emphasizing that “the SolarWinds Orion supply chain compromise is not the only initial infection vector this advanced persistent threat actor leveraged.” The federal security agency also warned on Thursday that “this threat poses a grave risk to the Federal Government and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments as well as critical infrastructure entities and other private sector organizations.” CISA said that the foreign hackers had compromised “U.S. government agencies, critical infrastructure entities, and private sector organizations” beginning “at least” in March and that the cyber actors “demonstrated patience, operational security, and complex tradecraft in these intrusions.” The agency added that it “expects that removing this threat actor from compromised environments will be highly complex and challenging for organizations” and that “it is likely that the adversary has additional initial access vectors and tactics, techniques, and procedures that have not yet been discovered.” CISA issued a government-wide directive just before midnight on Sunday to purge all federal agency networks of potentially compromised servers after discovering that, at the very least, the Treasury and Commerce departments were victims of a monthslong cyber campaign suspected by many to be a Russian hacking effort. The Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, and the National Institutes of Health are also believed to be victims.

SolarWinds acknowledged Sunday night that its systems had been compromised by hackers who infiltrated the company's Orion software updates in order to distribute malware to its customers' computers. The U.S. network-management company said roughly 18,000 of its customers were affected. Before the customers were removed from the company website, it boasted its 300,000 customers included "more than 425 of the US Fortune 500," the 10 biggest telecommunications companies in the United States, "all five branches" of the U.S. military, and a number of different government agencies — including the State Department, the National Security Agency, the Justice Department, and the Office of the President. Republican Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Grassley and Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig on Thursday, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, asking for a briefing, writing: “Given the extreme sensitivity of personal taxpayer information entrusted to the IRS, and the harm both to Americans’ privacy and our national security that could result from the theft and exploitation of this data by our adversaries, it is imperative that we understand the extent to which the IRS may have been compromised.” On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of six senators told the FBI and CISA that “we are seeking all available information on the scope and details of the recently exposed vulnerability’s impacts on the U.S. federal government.”



Sunburst Malware hmm..

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6337f9 No.162862

File: 56384c467a1d238⋯.jpg (494.05 KB,720x1560,6:13,Clipboard.jpg)

File: feb42b56870a76e⋯.jpg (178.81 KB,720x1246,360:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070585 (172259ZDEC20) Notable: New Ghidra happenings

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➿ Ghidra users can now enjoy the same (and more!) benefits available in IDA Pro from VirusTotal's VTGrep plugin with this open-source plugin from #SentinelLabs by @kasifdekel cc: @MarcoFigueroa

#infosec #SentinelLabs #Ghidra #VTGrep #VirusTotal



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6337f9 No.162863

File: 113dafced1fb874⋯.png (738.3 KB,950x515,190:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070649 (172303ZDEC20) Notable: Lincoln/Jackson for XMAS (anon dig on Scavino Pic)

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Lincoln/Jackson for XMAS

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6337f9 No.162864

File: e6116f3e39e0ef1⋯.png (877.14 KB,712x791,712:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070661 (172304ZDEC20) Notable: DOD tweet - Prepped and ready. @USMC Marines and Japanese soldiers prepare for a simulated air assault

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Prepped and ready.

@USMC Marines and Japanese soldiers prepare for a simulated air assault during exercise Forest Light, a bilateral training designed to increase interoperability between U.S. and Japanese forces. #partnerships

Flag of Japan


>6 o'clock


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6337f9 No.162865

File: 05a1554c14deba7⋯.png (102.13 KB,627x670,627:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070710 (172308ZDEC20) Notable: New filing in USA v. Maxwell: Notice of Attorney Appearance - USA

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New filing in USA v. Maxwell: Notice of Attorney Appearance - USA

Clerk of Court

United States District Court

Southern District of New York

The undersigned attorney respectfully requests the Clerk to note his appearance in this case

and to add him as a Filing User to whom Notices of Electronic Filing will be transmitted in this



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6337f9 No.162866

File: 0dbbd413f386f15⋯.png (140.38 KB,1249x381,1249:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070831 (172317ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Democrats would never put up with a Presidential Election stolen by the Republicans!

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Democrats would never put up with a Presidential Election stolen by the Republicans!



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6337f9 No.162867

File: 7701f6ea03bad66⋯.png (45.57 KB,885x358,885:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070844 (172318ZDEC20) Notable: Senate Armed Services Committee has received briefings on the ongoing cybersecurity intrusion against the USA

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JUST IN - U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee has received information on the significant, sophisticated, and ongoing cybersecurity intrusion against the United States


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6337f9 No.162868

File: 304144a5cddd9e2⋯.jpg (537.93 KB,1920x1440,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070958 (172328ZDEC20) Notable: America 2.0

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6337f9 No.162869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12070997 (172330ZDEC20) Notable: THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities

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THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities


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6337f9 No.162870

File: ac1affb32c5a016⋯.png (1.36 MB,1372x1150,686:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071008 (172331ZDEC20) Notable: Oregon governor extends COVID-19 state of emergency through March 2021

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Oregon governor extends COVID-19 state of emergency through March 2021


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6337f9 No.162871

File: 4f6c9634b3c065c⋯.png (53.19 KB,882x385,126:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071019 (172332ZDEC20) Notable: White House activates cyber emergency response under Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 41

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NEW - White House activates cyber emergency response under Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 41, the FBI, CISA, and ODNI have formed a Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG) to "coordinate a whole-of-government response to this significant cyber incident."


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6337f9 No.162872

File: 12c67a29bed9535⋯.jpeg (406.78 KB,750x1118,375:559,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071021 (172332ZDEC20) Notable: Extra hidden @Dan watermark

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Extra hidden @Dan watermark

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6337f9 No.162873

File: 9f9db600495e488⋯.png (22.55 KB,1044x328,261:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071033 (172333ZDEC20) Notable: John Roberts saw a dramatic net worth increase from 2012 to 2013. 2012 is when Roberts ruled the tax on ACA

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I researched John Roberts net worth in 2014 because I was so pissed about his ACA tax decision. Being an insurance broker, the damage he did was inestimable on citizens.

This is where I saw the dramatic increase from 2012 to 2013. 2012 is when Roberts ruled the tax on ACA

BTW checked on Open Secrets from 2008-2018 John Roberts has no liabilities they could find, not a mortgage, car payments, nothing.

Question, how does someone's net worth go up and down so dramatically?

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6337f9 No.162874

File: 315e3c1e870e2b3⋯.png (25.43 KB,731x213,731:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071036 (172333ZDEC20) Notable: George Papa - The Comey FBI was wiretapping my phone calls with the VP of Fox News

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Breaking: the Comey FBI was wiretapping my phone calls with the VP of Fox News


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6337f9 No.162875

File: 7ce1621030d6f62⋯.png (757.99 KB,802x833,802:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071057 (172334ZDEC20) Notable: US Energy Department Takes Action to Prevent Chinese Hack on Power Grid

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BREAKING: US Energy Department Takes Action to Prevent Chinese Hack on Power Grid

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette issued a prohibition order designed to reduce the risks that entities associated with the People’s Republic of China pose to the Nation’s bulk-power system (BPS).

The U.S. electric system has become increasingly dependent on CCP suppliers for essential items, including software components that can easily be hacked. A cyber attack on the power grid could cause widespread power outages and even cost lives.

The Energy Department’s order stops utilities that supply critical defense facilities from buying from the China, certain power grid equipment that poses a risk to the system.




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6337f9 No.162876

File: d4928f3fc52b2c1⋯.png (52.2 KB,544x578,16:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071143 (172340ZDEC20) Notable: Obama created PPD41? (US Cyber incident coordination)

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so obama is the one who put the PPD41 into effect. This page details what they can and will do at least on the superficial level that can be public.


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6337f9 No.162877

File: ede8dc64989e922⋯.png (332.95 KB,505x368,505:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071197 (172345ZDEC20) Notable: Security Researcher Reveals Solarwinds' Update Server Was 'Secured' With The Password 'solarwinds123'

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Security Researcher Reveals Solarwinds' Update Server Was 'Secured' With The Password 'solarwinds123'


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6337f9 No.162878

File: fb13756f5615445⋯.png (259.6 KB,478x542,239:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071215 (172346ZDEC20) Notable: Pence's holiday: Vice president scheduled to leave country after Jan. 6 vote

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Pence's holiday: Vice president scheduled to leave country after Jan. 6 vote


Let me guess where…

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6337f9 No.162879

File: 5b23181b1fe5d81⋯.jpg (22.41 KB,420x420,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071221 (172347ZDEC20) Notable: Joint Statement by the (FBI) (CISA) (ODNI) on attacks on Fed infrastructure

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Joint Statement by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)


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6337f9 No.162880

File: 148a2b826f89609⋯.png (284.29 KB,594x666,33:37,Clipboard.png)

File: bc9e0f014eecaf7⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,560x320,7:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071286 (172353ZDEC20) Notable: Whistleblower spills on Chief Justice Roberts intimidating other Justices in Texas Election Fraud case

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Full source video (see 1h33m mark for attached segment)


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6337f9 No.162881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071314 (172356ZDEC20) Notable: America 2.0

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America 2.0

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6337f9 No.162882

File: 09efc7e98d1f142⋯.png (690.51 KB,721x2705,721:2705,Clipboard.png)

File: 688ed10f5c1a54d⋯.png (285.79 KB,729x2481,243:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071382 (180001ZDEC20) Notable: California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalid

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California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalidhttps://uncoverdc.com/2020/12/17/california-clearly-violated-election-law-votes-are-invalid/

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6337f9 No.162883

File: 26c3674bba81113⋯.png (359 KB,600x793,600:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c7e0e355cbe96b⋯.png (544.48 KB,923x892,923:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071385 (180001ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia announces signature matching review in all counties

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6337f9 No.162884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071411 (180004ZDEC20) Notable: Dig needed on '@nowthisnews' ? (Hit piece on Q just posted)

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“Now This” Fresh Qanon Hitpiece




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6337f9 No.162885

File: 37ae9ec15c6f5d8⋯.jpg (121.49 KB,707x859,707:859,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071425 (180005ZDEC20) Notable: Swalwell evading reporters re: sleeping with a Chinese Spy

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Currently running out the clock hoping Biden presidency will save him



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6337f9 No.162886

File: dd0622525e9232d⋯.png (40.86 KB,587x429,587:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071433 (180005ZDEC20) Notable: @GenFlynn "@UncoverDC continues to break through the barriers of fake news with blockbuster journalism."

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>California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalid



"@UncoverDC continues to break through the barriers of fake news with blockbuster journalism."


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6337f9 No.162887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071496 (180010ZDEC20) Notable: #15411

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>>>/qresearch/12070783 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12070758 Global Announcements

>>>/qresearch/12070761 15410 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12070764 15409 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12070766 15408 Notables

>>>/qresearch/12070768 Previous Notables

>>>/qresearch/12070774 Social Media Warfare / Global Breads

>>>/qresearch/12070779 Important Anon links (QProofs, Resignation lists, archives, etc…)

#15411 FINAL Notables

>>162866 , DJT tweet - Democrats would never put up with a Presidential Election stolen by the Republicans!

>>162867 Senate Armed Services Committee has received briefings on the ongoing cybersecurity intrusion against the USA

>>162869 THE IMMACULATE DECEPTION: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities

>>162870 Oregon governor extends COVID-19 state of emergency through March 2021

>>162871 White House activates cyber emergency response under Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 41

>>162872 Extra hidden @Dan watermark

>>162873 John Roberts saw a dramatic net worth increase from 2012 to 2013. 2012 is when Roberts ruled the tax on ACA

>>162874 George Papa - The Comey FBI was wiretapping my phone calls with the VP of Fox News

>>162875 US Energy Department Takes Action to Prevent Chinese Hack on Power Grid

>>162876 Obama created PPD41? (US Cyber incident coordination)

>>162877 Security Researcher Reveals Solarwinds' Update Server Was 'Secured' With The Password 'solarwinds123'

>>162878 Pence's holiday: Vice president scheduled to leave country after Jan. 6 vote

>>162879 Joint Statement by the (FBI) (CISA) (ODNI) on attacks on Fed infrastructure

>>162880 Whistleblower spills on Chief Justice Roberts intimidating other Justices in Texas Election Fraud case

>>162881 , >>162868 America 2.0

>>162882 California Clearly Violated Election Law—Votes are Invalid

>>162883 Georgia announces signature matching review in all counties

>>162884 Dig needed on '@nowthisnews' ? (Hit piece on Q just posted)

>>162885 Swalwell evading reporters re: sleeping with a Chinese Spy

>>162886 @GenFlynn "@UncoverDC continues to break through the barriers of fake news with blockbuster journalism."


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6337f9 No.162888

File: c04e37263292ab7⋯.png (547.88 KB,596x619,596:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071662 (180024ZDEC20) Notable: US Navy tweet - @USSConstitution displays holiday lights. #OldIronsides is USNavy's and world's oldest commissioned warship afloat.

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6337f9 No.162889

File: 013f682054bd7f7⋯.png (21.01 KB,601x246,601:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071676 (180025ZDEC20) Notable: CM - SCOTUS is compromised. SolarWinds is a DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR

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SCOTUS is compromised.


We demand EO13848!


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6337f9 No.162890

File: c421b0f97d1f3af⋯.png (28.73 KB,596x283,596:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071755 (180031ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia Giuffre - Jean-Luc Brunel will roll over on everyone to save his bacon. Which Piggy is next?

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6337f9 No.162891

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071777 (180033ZDEC20) Notable: Creator of Drag Queen Story Hour for Toddlers is MICHELLE TEA TOMASIK - JEWISH Lesbian, former sex worker

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Creator of Drag Queen Story Hour for Toddlers is

MICHELLE TEA TOMASIK - JEWISH Lesbian, former sex worker–

She survived childhood trauma and alcoholism to flourish as a queer, feminist and punk writer. Now blissfully married to her ‘husband-wife’.

She had come through a series of traumatic experiences including the discovery that her stepfather had drilled a hole in the wall of her bedroom in Chelsea, Massachusetts, in order to spy on her, and what she calls her “lesbian feminist nervous breakdown”, a sexual and ideological awakening that she laughs about now but at the time she found “overwhelming”.

>“Personal narrative is a mental illness, but you don’t want to be well.”

Sauce: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/nov/08/michelle-tea-interview-memoir-writing-elfish-act

Michelle Tea Tomasik Created the Drag Queens for Kids in 2015

>video shows a Drag Queen "accidently" flashing Male Genitals to small children at a Story Hour

Sauce: https://www.altright.com/2017/08/02/drag-queen-story-hour-is-a-jewish-invention-to-pervert-young-children/

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6337f9 No.162892

File: 9f156a43a8217f7⋯.png (109.93 KB,2258x450,1129:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071778 (180033ZDEC20) Notable: Family Behind OxyContin Attests to Its Role in Opioid Crisis

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Family Behind OxyContin Attests to Its Role in Opioid Crisis


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6337f9 No.162893

File: b51d26c7aae9cf9⋯.png (150.25 KB,447x466,447:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071799 (180034ZDEC20) Notable: @CBS_Herridge #SolarWindsHack NEW Homeland Security’s Cyber Branch calls the breach of government/private networks a “grave threat”

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Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge

#SolarWindsHack NEW Homeland Security’s Cyber Branch calls the breach of government networks + private businesses a “grave threat” + characterizing the intrusion as widespread going well beyond SolarWinds + difficult to detect

7:05 PM · Dec 17, 2020


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6337f9 No.162894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071841 (180037ZDEC20) Notable: Jenna Ellis Explains Congressional Election of President Donald Trump

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Jenna Ellis Explains Congressional Election of President Donald Trump


With the treacherous betrayal of Americans in Kentucky and South Dakota by Mitch McConnell and the cowchippers of John Thune and Mike Rounds sucking up to Biden's pedo cock, the barge of Truth and Constitution is purging it's way through the United States Congress, and Patriot Jenna Ellis, explains what is the January Advent on the horizon.

With Congressman Mo Brooks, a true Patrick Henry Patriot stating he will arise to contest this fraud election, and Senator Tommy Tuberville, a true Paul Revere stating that he will second this in the Senate, and bring about the rightful election of President Donald Trump.

"Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th (3 weeks from today) when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it's all over and Joe Biden is now officially president…

On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing… Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly. Remember… Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing…

The votes will be opened and at that point, one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector's votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection, everything changes. Everything!!

The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats with 20 delegation votes.

If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.

The Democrats, the media, social networks, and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.

President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!

This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don't listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in the end are on our side."

— Jenna Ellis

None of this is a done deal. Every American will have to begin flooding their treacherous McConnell, Thune, Rounds, Romney and whatever scatwag has gone on their knees to suck pedo penis, with the real message that they vote for the President or they will be recalled as the Benedict Arnolds of the 21st century.

This is finally moving forward and the DNI must have the voices heard in foreign election theft, to clear the way for the President to enact his Executive Order in declaring a state of emergency. We need not to put our trust in one prince, nor in the sons of men, but in the Patriots of the Congress, the Patriots of the US Military with Tribunals and the Patriots of 100 million armed Americans with 400 million firearms to remind the treacherous, this nation, under God, indivisible, has better Angels of our nature, which will like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln martial forces to take back that which has been robbed of us.


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6337f9 No.162895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071907 (180042ZDEC20) Notable: DNI Ratcliffe Refuses to Sign Off on Elections Report Until Intel Officials Include Damning info on China’s Attempts to Influence Election

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DNI Ratcliffe Refuses to Sign Off on Elections Report Until Intel Officials Include Damning info on China’s Attempts to Influence Election — Deep State Hiding the Facts

By Jim Hoft

Published December 17, 2020 at 5:41pm

Newsmax correspondent Emerald Robinson on Thursday reported Ratcliffe is refusing to sign off on the report until the intel officials include the damning information on China and its attempt to influence the 2020 election.

Emerald Robinson, “We’ve heard from sources that there is raw intelligence that is pretty damning and much more expansive on the efforts of China implemented in order to counter a possibility that there would be a Trump second term… The fact that Ratcliffe is waiting for that to be included is that there is a portion of the intelligence community that is refusing to sign off or to conduct a detrimental assessment of China and its efforts.


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6337f9 No.162896

File: 218d72a1fd902ff⋯.png (63.08 KB,427x689,427:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12071956 (180045ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter trending now - Roberts

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TWITTER Trending now…

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6337f9 No.162897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072009 (180049ZDEC20) Notable: Supreme Court Is Purposefully Delaying Sidney Powell Emergency Petitions – State Responses Not Due Till January 14

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OUTRAGEOUS: Supreme Court Is Purposefully Delaying and Slow Walking Sidney Powell Emergency Petitions – State Responses Not Due Till January 14

How many more different layers of corruption do the American people have to endure before their President is rightfully recognized as the winner of the 2020 election?

Continue to pray for the President, his family, and America as a whole.

Sidney Powell, the blessed attorney who is fighting for our President, tweeted that the Supreme Court is now delaying our (America’s) cases in swing states that need to be heard. These cases show the corruption and the magnitude of the efforts to steal the election from President Trump.

These cases should have the highest priority. Americans want justice and will not stand for a stolen election. We will not agree to a communist takeover of America.

But for some reason, the Supreme Court is delaying cases from being heard related to the election steal. To date, the courts have heard no cases related to the greatest election steal and fraud in world history.

They were submitted electronically Saturday morning and all copies hand-delivered and fees paid. #SupremeCourt clerk refused to give reason and will not return phone calls!!

What is going on??

Unprecedented lack of professionalism @realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @POTUS @Scavino45 pic.twitter.com/NE5gwpjfzT

— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) December 17, 2020

The Supreme Court can attempt to delay the President’s rightful claim as the winner of the 2020 election but Americans won’t put up with this. Americans who love their country are reaching their limit. This is the most important moment in our history. We will either have our country or we will not.

The Supreme Court needs to understand that their delays will not be tolerated. Americans want justice now.


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6337f9 No.162898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072054 (180053ZDEC20) Notable: DNI John Ratcliffe Confirms There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Report

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DNI John Ratcliffe Confirms There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Report

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe confirmed that there was foreign interference in the 2020 election, according to CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge.

“Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January,” Herridge said.

Ratcliffe’s office did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ request for confirmation of the report.

Ratcliffe’s statement contradicts others made by national security officials.

Christopher Krebs, the recently-fired top cybersecurity official during the presidential election, testified before the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

“While elections are sometimes messy, this was a secure election,” Krebs said.

On a Nov. 27 “60 minutes” interview, Krebs was asked what he thought of the Trump legal team’s allegations that votes were tabulated in foreign countries and were manipulated.

“So, all votes in the United States of America are counted in the United States of America,” Krebs said. “I don’t understand this claim. All votes in the United States of America are counted in the United States of America. Period.”

Adding, “So, again, there’s no evidence that any machine that I’m aware of, has been manipulated by a foreign power. Period.”

Sidney Powell a former federal prosecutor who has been seen working alongside President Donald Trump’s legal team pushing election challenges, filed a letter with the Supreme Court on Dec. 13 to notify them of two batches of recently obtained evidence about Dominion Voting Systems voting equipment.

Her letter outlines new affidavits from two forensic experts who allege that international interference took place in the 2020 election and that Dominion systems were connected to foreign systems around the globe.

Powell said that two military intelligence analysts have signed sworn affidavits stating that the SSL certificates from dominionvoting.com were used multiple times from Canada, Serbia, and the United States.

Meanwhile, the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) confirmed that their upcoming report includes information about “relevant” foreign threats from the recent election.

“The IC has received relevant reporting since the election and a number of agencies have not finished coordinating on the product,” said Amanda Schoch, a spokeswoman for the office, adding that Ratcliffe remains committed to an expeditious release of the report.

ODNI announced late Wednesday that the Intelligence Community (IC) has notified Ratcliffe that they will not meet the Dec. 18 deadline set by President Trump’s executive order to submit the report on foreign threats during the November election as “agencies have not finished coordinating on the product.”

“This afternoon the DNI was notified by career intelligence officials that the Intelligence Community (IC) will not meet the Dec. 18 deadline, set by executive order and Congress to submit the IC’s classified assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections,” said Schoch.

Dec. 18 marks 45 days after the Nov. 3 general election, when, according to Trump’s executive order from 2018, the DNI was expected to deliver a report regarding “to the maximum extent ascertainable” whether any interference attempts took place, and the nature of such interference, methods used, and who was involved and authorized such efforts.

Mimi Nguyen Ly and Isabel Van Brugen contributed to this report

From The Epoch Times


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6337f9 No.162899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072082 (180058ZDEC20) Notable: “Chief Justice John Roberts Is Corrupt and Should Resign Immediately” – Attorney Lin Wood GOES SCORCHED EARTH

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“Chief Justice John Roberts Is Corrupt and Should Resign Immediately” – Attorney Lin Wood GOES SCORCHED EARTH on SCOTUS Chief Justice

Attorney Lin Wood went SCORCHED EARTH on Chief Justice John Roberts on Thursday.

Wood accused Roberts of links with Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile island.

Lin Wood said this “may be the most important tweet of my life.”

That’s saying something!

This may be most important tweet of my life.

Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt & should resign immediately. Justice Stephen Breyer should also resign immediately.

They are “anti-Trumpers” dedicated to preventing public from knowing TRUTH of @realDonaldTrump re-election.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020

John Roberts has been led along like a dog on a leash since Barack Obama was president. His rulings make no sense to anyone.

This may explain why–

I have long had questions about “the John Roberts” on Jeffrey Epstein private jet flight logs. I suspected it was our Chief Justice. MSM has shown no interest in investigating issue to find TRUTH.

America is now entitled to know the answer.

Every lie will be revealed.


— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020

Corruption & deceit have reached most powerful office in our country – the Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court.

This is a sad day for our country but a day on which we must wake up & face the truth.

Roberts is reason that SCOTUS has not acted on election cases. Others involved.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 17, 2020

There were reports earlier of the flight logs from Epstein’s Lolita Express.



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6337f9 No.162900

File: c24af2ff689da12⋯.png (29.72 KB,597x333,199:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072084 (180058ZDEC20) Notable: CM - SCOTUS is compromised.

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SCOTUS is compromised.

Without rule of law, the republic is imperiled.

Checks and balances are moot.

Our Constitution is in it's death throes.

@realDonaldTrump, you know what to do.


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6337f9 No.162901

File: 9db20efd2e73666⋯.png (29.57 KB,787x212,787:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072092 (180059ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Compromised judges must resign!

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Compromised judges must resign!


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6337f9 No.162902

File: bc1519cbf6b4b32⋯.png (361.79 KB,535x600,107:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072170 (180107ZDEC20) Notable: General Motors launches factory expansion to make infantry vehicles for US Army

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General Motors launches factory expansion to make infantry vehicles for US Army


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6337f9 No.162903

File: 1a65d01a8fd4d27⋯.png (576.05 KB,762x659,762:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072175 (180108ZDEC20) Notable: “We’re gonna fight regardless of what happens come January 6” Attorney @JennaEllisEsq

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“We’re gonna fight regardless of what happens come January 6”



says President Trump’s legal team will continue to contest the #ElectionResults even after Congress counts and validates the #ElectoralCollegeVote.


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6337f9 No.162904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12072202 (180109ZDEC20) Notable: OAN Newsroom - Joe Biden is Not President Elect

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Joe Biden is Not President Elect

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 11:38 AM PT – Thursday, December 17, 2020

You won’t hear it said anywhere else, but until the joint session of Congress and the Senate meet on January 6 — Joe Biden is not the president elect.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how President Trump could still be declared the winner of the 2020 election.

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6337f9 No.162905

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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