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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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0f8ff2 No.222 [View All]

12DEC20 to 13DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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0f8ff2 No.159852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007062 (131219ZDEC20) Notable: (Party Insiders In The Ranks: Communists INFILTRATE Western Consulates?!?++

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Party insiders in the ranks: communists infiltrate Western consulates(Part 2 of 3)

“There is a clear distinction in the roles, responsibilities and work of Australians who are posted and locally engaged staff at our embassies and high commissions.

“We value the contributions of our locally engaged staff members. We do not comment on the ­details of individual security clearances.”

Liberal MP Andrew Hastie, the chairman of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, said not every member was a concern but it was “a huge conflict of interest for CCP members to be working on projects that have national significance for Australia”.

“China is a one-party state. Many people would join the CCP just to get ahead in life,” Mr Hastie said. “Transparency and sunlight are the best weapons for defeating the challenges posed by authoritarian regimes.”

But an intelligence officer interviewed by The Australian said CCP members working in consulates, even in junior positions, posed a serious security risk.

“Any CCP member who is ­allowed to work in a foreign country’s embassy or consulate is a ­potential spy,” he said.

“Even at a low level they would have access to information on visas, or be able to grant visas to people who might otherwise not get into the country.

“At a higher level, they may have access to information such as the identities of intelligence officers operating in the country, or even cipher traffic.

“It is extraordinary that some countries have persisted in employing locally engaged staff in China when these threats have been clear for some time.”

Samuel Armstrong, a spokesman for the British Henry Jackson Society foreign policy think tank, said “the SFASD looks and smells like a well-organised, state-sponsored spy ring”.

“The Australian government has done a good job at eliminating long-term security risks from China but Foreign Minister (Marise) Payne will need to urgently explain how such a glaring intelligence threat came to be normalised in one of DFAT’s missions,” he said.

Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.

“Embassies handle information of the gravest security risk, ASIO must now investigate what sensitive material has been disclosed to a hostile government by virtue of this arrangement.”

The leaked database also shows one CCP member worked for the NZ Consulate in Shanghai for four years as policy adviser for trade and economics.

A NZ Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman declined to comment, citing privacy obligations. There are also six CCP members who have worked at the US Consulate in Shanghai in roles including a political specialist, a procurement supervisor and ­an assistant.



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0f8ff2 No.159853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007064 (131219ZDEC20) Notable: (Party Insiders In The Ranks: Communists INFILTRATE Western Consulates?!?++

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Party insiders in the ranks: communists infiltrate Western consulates(Part 3 of 3)

One official has spent 12 years as an employee and, according to Linked In, is still working at the US consulate, while another has spent 13 years at the Consulate, according to Linked In.

There is a current senior officer at the British consulate in Shanghai, who according to security sources, works near MI6 officers operating under diplomatic cover, with concerns intelligence could be passed back to the CCP.

A senior British security source said of the revelations there of CCP members being hired in foreign agencies was “a massive security risk and complete breach of protocol.”

“There will be serious questions asked about the Secret Intelligence Service team’s vetting procedures. In that station (the person) will be sat one floor away from the SIS team,” he said.

“Anybody walking past her office and up the staircase she could identify as an intelligence officer to pass back to the Chinese Communist Party.”

“There is an awareness that information could be passed to the CCP by local consular staff but we are working all the time to eliminate those problems.”

The Swiss Embassy has a trade officer and deputy head of station who are CCP members while the German Consulate has a clerk who is a CCP member.

One CCP member spent 12 years in the Italian consulate, another spent 16 years in the South African consulate.

Another CCP member spent eight years as a senior political and government affairs specialist at the US consulate before moving to the British consulate.

Australian consulate staff also participate in many social activities organised by the SFASD including cooking classes, photo competitions and a trampolining event. The agency maintains an active alumni database and networking events.

Details from the CCP database have been sent to each embassy but only the Australian, New Zealand and British governments responded to a request for comment by publication.

Mr Smith said: “The government must now move to expel and remove any members of the Communist Party from our Consuls throughout China.

“They can either serve the UK or the Chinese Communist Party. They cannot do both.”

The leak of the Communist Party membership database from Shanghai has laid bare how the party structure under President Xi Jinping operates — by setting up branches inside companies and government agencies.

The database has details of over 79,000 branches, with 62.8 per cent of the members male and 98.9 per cent from


FUCK YOU CONmunism……

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0f8ff2 No.159854

File: 795f1cd188e14e0⋯.png (21.03 KB,633x206,633:206,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007082 (131225ZDEC20) Notable: Basketball Stars + COVID Scars? +

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0f8ff2 No.159855

File: 06aaf2c55e6531f⋯.pdf (1.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 006fc110436cc65⋯.mp4 (12.64 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007089 (131227ZDEC20) Notable: "The Flexner Report" How (((they))) Hijacked the Medical Industry.

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The Flexner Report

All you need to know!

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0f8ff2 No.159856

File: c9eb51b2f6e60d9⋯.png (961.23 KB,967x692,967:692,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007097 (131230ZDEC20) Notable: (Party Insiders In The Ranks: Communists INFILTRATE Western Consulates?!?++

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Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party


A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.

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0f8ff2 No.159857

File: e62f5afeae6cea4⋯.png (609.95 KB,745x410,149:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 8641cfe855feb0b⋯.png (208.57 KB,844x545,844:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007104 (131231ZDEC20) Notable: Remember This Newscasters.

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0f8ff2 No.159858

File: 6113c6d97b305bc⋯.png (53.83 KB,1110x265,222:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 9eaa90adf71da61⋯.png (697.46 KB,745x388,745:388,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007108 (131232ZDEC20) Notable: 'Over My Dead Body!' NJ Gym Owner Defies Unlawful Closures

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Atilis Gym co-owner Ian Smith said in video posted on Instagram that the only time New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy will be able to shut his gym’s doors is when he’s dead.

“We have been open against unconstitutional shut down orders since May,” he said in the description. “Not once have we flinched, and the petty tyrant of New Jersey governor Murphy has tried everything he could possibly think of to ruin us. Over seven months later we will open our doors every single day. No government official will ever tell me that I am not able to provide for my family. I do not answer to public servants – no matter what threats or punishments they impose. I am a free man. I do not ask for permission. I do not ask for forgiveness. You work for us. The only way you’ll ever close these doors is when you close my casket.”

In the video, Smith stands in front of the camera with a similar message typed out, explaining that they’ve been fined more than $1 million and racked up dozens of citations for their defiance.

“We have had our business license stripped,” the note says. “We have had our doors locked and barricaded. We have been arrested and have over 60 citations.”

He says they don’t require masks in the building and never will.

Murphy has called for limited gym use in a purported effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, but the gym co-owners have argued there is “no science” to support this position.

“What’s happening to the middle class and small businesses in America is nothing short of a complete tragedy," Smith told Fox News's “America’s Newsroom” Thursday. "I would go so far as to call it criminal. You are putting people out of business for good. You are making them reliant on big government. You are taking away their civil liberties under the guise of pretending like you care about public health.”


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0f8ff2 No.159859

File: 7700133a71fe040⋯.png (2.07 MB,1039x715,1039:715,Clipboard.png)

File: ea9001e592c291c⋯.png (9.68 KB,541x176,541:176,Clipboard.png)

File: b6d8b9861d42a66⋯.png (9.48 KB,542x175,542:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007110 (131233ZDEC20) Notable: Solar Eclipse Scheduling and Timing+

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>>159796 (pb) SKYEVENT

Dec 14, 2020 is ALSO exactly the half-way mark between the two great American Solar Eclipses (see attached)

Dec 14, 2020 is 2211 days since the August 21, 2017 eclipse and is 2211 days until the next April 8, 2024 eclipse.


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0f8ff2 No.159860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007124 (131238ZDEC20) Notable: Biden is going to continue with the propaganda and control Obama put in, along with the attack and taking away free speech

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This tells us Biden is going to continue with the propaganda and control Obama put in, along with the attack and taking away free speech

More Silicon Valley Insiders Added to Biden Transition Team

Allum Bokhari12 Dec 2020

After an election year in which the tech giants repeatedly interfered in the election against President Donald Trump, Joe Biden is now rewarding Silicon Valley by appointing insiders to a range of roles in his transition team.

Shortly after election night, the Financial Times reported that former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is being considered to lead a key tech task force inside the White House.

As Politico recently reported, four more Google and Facebook employees have been added to Biden’s transition team.

They are : Zaid Zaid, a Facebook public policy official, Chris Upperman, a Facebook manager, Rachel Lieber, a Facebook director and associate general counsel, and Deon Scott, a Google program manager who also worked in the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

This is just the latest news of the Biden team’s efforts to court current and former Silicon Valley employees.

As Breitbart News previously reported, plenty other alumni of big tech, including former executives at companies like Amazon and Airbnb, are also expected to join the Biden transition team:

A recent report outlines the number of Big Tech executives that are expected to join Joe Biden’s transition team in the coming weeks. The team includes insiders from the entire range of Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe.

A report published by Protocol has revealed that a huge number of Big Tech executives are expected to join Joe Biden’s presidential transition team, with Protocol stating there’s “definitive Silicon Valley representation and thought leaders on tech issues involved in shaping the future of the federal government. ”

Notable tech execs joining the transition team include:

Tom Sullivan, Amazon’s director of international tax planning (State Department)

Brandon Belford, Lyft’s senior director to the chief of staff (Office of Management and Budget)

Divya Kumaraiah, Airbnb’s strategy and program lead for cities (Office of Management and Budget)

Will Fields, Sidewalk Labs’ senior development associate (Treasury Department)

Nicole Wong, former Google and Twitter, former Obama Deputy Chief Technology Officer (Office of Science and Technology Policy)

Martha Gimbel, senior manager of economic research at Schmidt Futures (Council of Economic Advisers)

Linda Etim, senior adviser at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (team lead for International Development)

This comes after Silicon Valley companies intervened in the election on behalf of Joe Biden. In addition to Twitter and Facebook both burying the New York Post’s reporting on the Biden family’s financial ties to Ukraine and China, Google also suppressed conservative news sources.

Six months before the election, following a major change to its core search algorithm, clicks and impressions to Breitbart News from Google searches for “Joe Biden,” dropped to zero and stayed their through election day. Prior to Google’s update, clicks and impressions from the search term saw a normal pattern of activity.


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0f8ff2 No.159861

File: afbc35dd3cdd248⋯.png (1.43 MB,2077x1377,2077:1377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007136 (131241ZDEC20) Notable: OctoberNovember Habbenins' Calendar

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Any morningshift anons have the November habbenings calendar? I've searched qresear.ch and can't find it…..

Last one I collected was Oct 2020.

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0f8ff2 No.159862

File: 9a9b174a5f2bbf6⋯.png (1.87 MB,2417x1641,2417:1641,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c3ce88d01bb3ec⋯.jpg (139.87 KB,570x551,30:29,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 51b6a3ea77ff052⋯.jpg (482.81 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007143 (131244ZDEC20) Notable: OctoberNovember Habbenins' Calendar

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I got em all if need any other

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0f8ff2 No.159863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007146 (131246ZDEC20) Notable: (China's Red Army Global Influencers List? IN ENGLISH!?!+Digs

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男 - MALE

Not sure on all the other Chinese Genders out there!

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0f8ff2 No.159864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007156 (131247ZDEC20) Notable: UNLOCKED FOR PUBLIC: Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit - COURT INTIMIDATED

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UNLOCKED FOR PUBLIC: Loud Arguments in US Supreme Court Chambers over Texas Lawsuit - COURT INTIMIDATED

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0f8ff2 No.159865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007158 (131248ZDEC20) Notable: A Reminder For Anons And OTHERS To Think For Themselves

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Be. Careful. What. You. Click. On.

Be. Careful. Who. You. Trust.

I'll wait til someone verifies it before I go clicking on random files some unverified person/bot made.

Most smart people will do the same.

It's the same tricks over and over.

The same bait style, the same games.

Once you see it a few times, you can't unsee it.

So why would you willingly fall for them?

Backstabbing exists. Honeypots exist. Phishing exists. Spoiling information prior to release exists. False flags exist. etc etc etc.

Most of us live in America, where the media is a lot like the CCP state-run media.

Some of us know that, and know how to look out for the simple bullshit tricks that work on simple-minded people.

I'll be damned if I don't speak up when I see an obvious one.

The real question is why are you defending it so vehemently?

You didn't come up with the list.

They're not even discussing it on halfchan. kek!

Makes you think about all the other thousands of times someone changed their behavior/tone when the first sign of resistance came through.

Telling me think logically. kek!

Logic is where the original argument came from.

Jumping on bandwagons will often take you somewhere you don't want to go.

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0f8ff2 No.159866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007159 (131248ZDEC20) Notable: (China's Red Army Global Influencers List? IN ENGLISH!?!+Digs

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Found looking at #13 don't know if it's the same zhang peilin. Just an interesting article because CM had mentioned looking at packets once


Packet-in-Packet: Concatenation with Concurrent Transmission for Data Collection in Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks

Publisher: IEEE

Cite This

Peilin Zhang; Xiaoyuan Ma; Oliver Theel; Jianming Wei

Abstract:Concurrent transmission, a novel communication paradigm, has been shown to effectively achieve reliable and energy-efficient flooding in low-power wireless networks. With multiple nodes exploiting a receive-and-forward scheme, this technique works effectively in flooding-based networks, i.e., in one-to-many scenarios. However, application-level scheduling has to be introduced for data collection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose Packet-in-Packet (PiP), an energy-efficient paradigm requiring no application-level scheduling for timely data collection in low-power WSNs. PiP builds on concurrent transmissions, exploiting constructive interference and the capture effect to achieve high reliability and low latency. Moreover, PiP uses a packet concatenation capability to gather single-hop information in a best-effort manner. As a result, PiP significantly reduces collection time. We further compare PiP with a state-of-the-art protocol by extensive experiments in a 30-node FlockLab testbed. Experimental results show that PiP highly reduces collection time (i.e., rounds) and achieves good performance in terms of high reliability of approximately 98.7% and high energy efficiency in all experimental scenarios of the real-world testbed.View less

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0f8ff2 No.159867

File: 7ff5bce0f1bf458⋯.jpeg (322.35 KB,1241x1428,73:84,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007167 (131249ZDEC20) Notable: WTF is wrong with the UK?

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WTF is wrong with the UK?

NHS Charities Together has raised eyebrows with a disturbing advert showing Santa Claus in hospital struggling to breathe with Covid-like symptoms.

The federation of charities supporting the British socialised state healthcare provider, officially the Association of NHS Charities, gained some prominence over the course of the pandemic after Second World War veteran Captain Sir Thomas ‘Tom’ Moore raised £30 million for the NHS through it ahead of his 100th birthday.

While the organisation boasts of giving “£1million a day to the NHS” to provide “vital funds to help the NHS do more”, it has also produced a disturbing fundraising video for Christmas titled ‘The Gift’ featuring an elderly man later revealed to be Santa Claus on the brink of death in hospital.

The advert begins with an unconscious Father Christmas being rushed through a hospital corridor on oxygen while one of the clinicians around him — fully kitted out in masks and face shields — asks “Is he responding?”

He is later seen struggling around the hospital in a walker and answering letter from children from his hospital bed as he his nursed back to health, with his identity being confirmed when he sends a present to a nurse after he is discharged.

“Are you so deluded on your own hype you can’t see how disgusting this is NHS?” commented one social media user quoted by The Sun.

“The NHS have now hijacked Santa and given him Covid to raise money for their charity… Guaranteed to scare the hell out of little ones if they watch it,” added another.

“Disgusting idea that targets the fears of the very young. Massive own goal.”

The charity has for the time being stuck by its traumatic Christmas message, however, insisting that it was “delighted to share our Christmas campaign and video, which has been made possible thanks to generous brand partners.”

“We adore the ad and dedicate it to all NHS workers who’ve given everything to care and keep us safe,” they added.


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0f8ff2 No.159868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007179 (131251ZDEC20) Notable: (Party Insiders In The Ranks: Communists INFILTRATE Western Consulates?!?++

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Issa: China Has ‘Three-Tiered’ Program with ‘Hundreds of Thousands of People That Act Like Spies’

Ian Hanchett11 Dec 2020


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” Rep.-elect Darrell Issa (R-CA) stated that China has a “three-tiered program” of spying that consists of “hundreds of thousands of people that act like spies that are coordinated by China.”

Issa said, “China has a three-tiered program. They have professional spies, they have their various companies that they send over that act like spies, and then they have a network of tens of thousands of students, who are, in fact, interrogated when they go home for the summer and whose families are still in China. You put that all together, it’s not just a few spies, it’s hundreds of thousands of people that act like spies that are coordinated by China. It’s aggressive. It isn’t just looking at government. It’s also looking at every part of our enterprise, every part of our business operations.”


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0f8ff2 No.159869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007184 (131252ZDEC20) Notable: Election was stolen using "Automated Test Decks" of pre-filled Biden ballot stacks that were fed into Dominion machines multiple times after Election Day + Moar

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Election was stolen using "Automated Test Decks" of pre-filled Biden ballot stacks that were fed into Dominion machines multiple times after Election Day


This improbable Biden ballot dump, observed in Fulton County, corresponds with this smoking gun video evidence that shows Democrats pushing fraudulent ballots through the Dominion machines in the middle of the night. The video shows how the 12:18am Biden ballot dump handed Democrats an improbable 98 percent vote haul out of 23,487 votes! This evidence also corresponds to eye-witness testimony (recorded in sworn affidavits) testifying that there were thousands of “pristine sheets” fed into the system after hours. These crisp ballots had “no creases” and a “bubble selection perfectly made” out for Biden in advance.

This fraudulent ballot stuffing is made possible thanks to Dominion voting systems. One of the first red flags of election fraud was that Biden over-performed by five percent on Dominion machines, compared to all other voting machines used in the 2020 election. Dominion was deployed for every single county in Georgia for the 2020 election, despite warnings about their potential for fraud.

Now we know why Biden over-performed with Dominion. In Dominion’s user manual, there are instructions that openly permit fraud. Dominion allows a feature called “automated test decks” that are not currently part of U.S. EAC certification. These test decks can be generated automatically for a specific candidate “using the EMS Test Deck application.” This feature allowed Democrats to print thousands of pre-filled ballots on demand.

These pre-filled test decks were easily brought into existence and their origin concealed by using the names and addresses of unknowing, non-participating Democrat voters. A signature match and forensic audit would find that thousands of Biden votes were actually pre-filled test decks with no envelope or signature to match. Dominion’s user manual states:

The Automated Test Deck Generator creates comprehensive test decks for efficient and easy logic and accuracy testing. Using the election project database, a deck of vote marked ballots is randomly generated to provide the highest assurance of system accuracy. When scanned these automated test deck ballots create known outcomes that can be compared with the tabulated results, providing verification of both the quality of the printed ballots as well as the complete accuracy of each tabulator.

Using these machines, a Democrat operative can then "generate test ballots (test decks), either manually from unmarked ballots or automatically using the EMS Test Deck application with a predetermined voting pattern and expected result totals."

'''Number of fraudulent ballots found in Georgia is enough to swing election ten times over

In Georgia:'''

At least 2,056 felons voted illegally.

There were 66,248 kids under eighteen who voted illegally.

There were 2,423 who voted with no voter registration at all.

There were 1,043 voters who illegally used a PO Box.

4,926 voted past the registration date.

10,315 dead voters participated.

Election officials also identified 395 people who voted in two states.

A stunning 15,700 votes were from people who had moved out of the state.

An additional 40,279 votes were from people who changed counties in Georgia and didn’t re-register to vote.

If these votes are rightfully removed, then Biden cannot claim a victory in Georgia (because his so-called margin of victory is only 12,670 votes). The state legislature must take account of these fraudulent votes and the corrupt Democrat schemes that defrauded Trump's victory in the state. The state legislator must now ignore the fraudulent popular vote and send their own slate of Electors to the Electoral College. To help out with election integrity, support DefendingTheRepublic.org.

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0f8ff2 No.159870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007187 (131252ZDEC20) Notable: Alex Jones Makes Unwanted Physical Contact with an Individual in the "At High Risk Category" Completely Disregarding Their Possible Desire For Physical Distance

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Gen Flynn Knew AJ was controlled Op for MOS

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0f8ff2 No.159871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007204 (131256ZDEC20) Notable: (China's Red Army Global Influencers List? IN ENGLISH!?!+Digs

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chinese dictionary


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0f8ff2 No.159872

File: 49a703424246cab⋯.mp4 (295.06 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007210 (131258ZDEC20) Notable: Biden is going to continue with the propaganda and control Obama put in, along with the attack and taking away free speech

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Biden=Obama's third term, from HIS basement.

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0f8ff2 No.159873

File: 667d00a522ebfa4⋯.png (629 KB,937x984,937:984,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007221 (131300ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Defense civilian Marga Suwarno of Phoenix, Arizona Honored In Dignified Transfer Dec. 12

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Marga Suwarno honored in dignified transfer Dec. 12


A U.S. Air Force carry team transfers the remains of Department of Defense civilian Marga Suwarno of Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 12, 2020, at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. Suwarno was assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency, Paris, France. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Faith Schaefer)


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0f8ff2 No.159874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007231 (131303ZDEC20) Notable: Election was stolen using "Automated Test Decks" of pre-filled Biden ballot stacks that were fed into Dominion machines multiple times after Election Day + Moar

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Dominion’s vote totals showed 663 people voted in a district where there were only 6 eligible voters and only 3 of those 6 actually voted. Somehow, Dominion added 660 additional votes to the final tally.

Earlier this week, we reported about the lawsuit filed by Matthew DePerno of DePerno Law on behalf of Central Lake resident William Bailey. In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden, Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake.

While ballots were being inserted into the machine, 3 of the ballots were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator. At the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and with three fewer votes, the result was 262-261, and the initiative passed. Of course, this result could only be possible after 3 of the ballots were destroyed.

Two more unexplainable vote counts in Antrim County also left voters stunned by the unexplainable outcome of the vote result by Dominion. In Central Lake’s School Board election, 742 votes were added to the total after a recount on November 6. (First image below)

Dominion’s vote totals showed 663 people voted in a district where there were only 6 eligible voters and only 3 of those 6 actually voted. Somehow, Dominion added 660 additional votes to the final tally. (Second image)

“Based on all the allegation of fraud, statutory violations, and other misconduct,” DePerno wrote, “it is necessary to immediately permit the plaintiff to take a forensic image of the 22 precinct tabulators, thumb drives, related software, the Clerk’s “master tabulator,” and conduct an investigation of those images, after which a manual recount of the election results and independent audit of the November 3 election may be ordered to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the election.”

In his lawsuit, Matthew DePerno claims that based on the evidence they have provided to the court that Dominion Voting Systems “committed material fraud or error in this election so that the outcome of the election was affected.”

At 5:30 PM on Friday, December 4, 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A. Elsenheimer granted permission to William Bailey and his team of IT experts to conduct a forensic study of the 16 Dominion voting machines, tabulators, thumb drives, related software, and the Clerk’s “master tabulator.” In his court order, Bailey was also granted the ability to conduct an independent investigation of the images they obtained in their examination.

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0f8ff2 No.159875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007237 (131304ZDEC20) Notable: Election was stolen using "Automated Test Decks" of pre-filled Biden ballot stacks that were fed into Dominion machines multiple times after Election Day + Moar

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0f8ff2 No.159876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007238 (131305ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden Subpoenaed Over Burisma Two Dozen Other Entities

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If they can keep a secret for 2 YEARS, then I am calling Barr clean.

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0f8ff2 No.159877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007248 (131307ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Defense civilian Marga Suwarno of Phoenix, Arizona Honored In Dignified Transfer Dec. 12

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0f8ff2 No.159878

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007260 (131310ZDEC20) Notable: A Reminder For Anons And OTHERS To Think For Themselves

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We are in a Silent War. This activates everything Silently.

- Executive Orders

- Directives

- Regulations

- Codes

- Statutes

- Amendments

- Annexes

- Lines of Succession

- Must, Shall, Will…


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0f8ff2 No.159879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007276 (131314ZDEC20) Notable: *Part One of Interview with Trump 13-12-2020 5-5:30 and 19:25 25:38 *

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I think this is it. You might have to click around the timeline. The interview is mixed through the show.

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0f8ff2 No.159880

File: 26a21846efdc20f⋯.png (322.61 KB,1003x1185,1003:1185,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bb2b6689e0de34⋯.png (1.13 MB,1080x2280,9:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007322 (131322ZDEC20) Notable: HUMA Digs

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More health/medicine Comms.


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0f8ff2 No.159881

File: 613eb0b7dc27b5d⋯.jpg (58.35 KB,900x846,50:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007329 (131324ZDEC20) Notable: The Left Can't Meme *Left-Crys.* U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar has started selling crude T-shirts that are apparently anti-Trump as a means of raising funds for her campaign committee.

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I updated the shirt.


U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar has started selling crude T-shirts that are apparently anti-Trump as a means of raising funds for her campaign committee.

The shirts display the vulgar message, “F**k around and find out,” which comes from a recent podcast called “Deconstructed” that Omar was featured on.

“He effed around and found out, I guess,” Omar said when she was asked how President Donald Trump could have been so wrong about his prediction that he would flip Minnesota.

Trump tweeted before the election that Omar would be the reason he would win Minnesota: “In 2020, because of America hating anti-Semite Rep. Omar, & the fact that Minnesota is having its best economic year ever, I will win the State!”

Omar has been an opponent to Trump since she was first elected to Congress. She has called President Trump a “racist xenophobe” and said “he spreads the disease of hate everywhere he goes, and these cult rallies that he’s holding across the country are now being fueled by fear.” She has also likened Trump campaign events to “Klan rallies.”

She is considered part of the “Squad” in the House of Representatives, which also includes Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. All are far-left progressives and have been publicly opposed by Trump.

Omar is also selling stickers with the same slogan and shirts that say “organized people beat organized money.”

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0f8ff2 No.159882

File: 7d083402bfd7db3⋯.jpg (221.98 KB,1200x1838,600:919,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007331 (131324ZDEC20) Notable: Missed Notables LB. Sorry was busy with my crayons...

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>>159811 pb

another "sources tell us"

why wasnt' that in the notable title?

>>159814 pb

so we've got the comped bakers back with the fifty mile long notables

What happened. Was hoping you'd all leave for good.

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0f8ff2 No.159883

File: 8d45e51f4fcb20d⋯.webm (6.25 MB,1280x716,320:179,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007333 (131325ZDEC20) Notable: Alex Jones Makes Unwanted Physical Contact with an Individual in the "At High Risk Category" Completely Disregarding Their Possible Desire For Physical Distance

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0f8ff2 No.159884

File: 29da0aefe2c7fe7⋯.png (921.44 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007343 (131327ZDEC20) Notable: PHILLY MOB WORKED WITH DNC TO SECURE PENNSYLVANIA FOR BIDEN

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0f8ff2 No.159885

File: 8c12930f4f9d0e6⋯.png (442.38 KB,1366x722,683:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 3094f1792dc9676⋯.png (104.23 KB,792x256,99:32,Clipboard.png)

File: 72174cc80b166eb⋯.png (626.31 KB,2126x870,1063:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007375 (131335ZDEC20) Notable: Has anyone dug deeper on CM digs? Anyone looked at how the Gov's are receiving kickbacks? PRC Org Digs.''''

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Morning anons…

Has anyone dug deeper on CM digs? Anyone looked at how the Gov's are receiving kickbacks?



"The PRC government partially funds these programs, under guidance from the CCP’s United Front Work Department. On August 13, 2020, the Department of State designated the Confucius Institute U.S. Center (CIUS), which serves as the Washington D.C.-based de facto headquarters of the Confucius Institute network, as a foreign mission of the People’s Republic of China. The opacity of this organization and its state-directed nature are the driving reasons behind this designation."

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0f8ff2 No.159886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007381 (131336ZDEC20) Notable: Solar Eclipse Scheduling and Timing+

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Tomorrow 12/14/2020

Geminid meteor shower

Solar Eclipse




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0f8ff2 No.159887

File: 41edc7d8c1b763a⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,888x3249,296:1083,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007382 (131336ZDEC20) Notable: Basketball Stars + COVID Scars? +

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This Novel Virus is a substitute for the Global interests WHO also benefit from these other tragedies and war.

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0f8ff2 No.159888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007389 (131337ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: "Keep Christmas" Rally & Celebration from Washington, D.C.

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🔴 LIVE: "Keep Christmas" Rally & Celebration from Washington, D.C.

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0f8ff2 No.159889

File: feeb12b02a49261⋯.png (172.11 KB,475x495,95:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007395 (131338ZDEC20) Notable: Basham Tweets: "BREAKING: VIDEO- Data Scientists Identify Huge Vote Shift Across Multiple States On Election Night. Vote Counts Went Backward For @realDonaldTrump & Votes Were Shifted From Trump To Biden Across Multiple States, Counties, & Precincts!"

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"BREAKING: VIDEO- Data Scientists Identify Huge Vote Shift Across Multiple States On Election Night. Vote Counts Went Backward For @realDonaldTrump & Votes Were Shifted From Trump To Biden Across Multiple States, Counties, & Precincts!"



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0f8ff2 No.159890

File: 82579e0f392c22c⋯.png (248.25 KB,333x359,333:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007405 (131341ZDEC20) Notable: Basham Tweets: "BREAKING: VIDEO- Data Scientists Identify Huge Vote Shift Across Multiple States On Election Night. Vote Counts Went Backward For @realDonaldTrump & Votes Were Shifted From Trump To Biden Across Multiple States, Counties, & Precincts!"

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>"BREAKING: VIDEO- Data Scientists Identify Huge Vote Shift Across Multiple States On Election Night. Vote Counts Went Backward For @realDonaldTrump & Votes Were Shifted From Trump To Biden Across Multiple States, Counties, & Precincts!"

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0f8ff2 No.159891

File: 0a1fe5526e63d81⋯.png (269.56 KB,857x566,857:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007418 (131344ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Asks the Supreme Court to Intervene and Decertify States’ Results in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin

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Sidney Powell Asks the Supreme Court to Intervene and Decertify States’ Results in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin

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0f8ff2 No.159892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007419 (131344ZDEC20) Notable: Has anyone dug deeper on CM digs? Anyone looked at how the Gov's are receiving kickbacks? PRC Org Digs.''''

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somehow those red lil devils move money around…to Universities, to Pols, etc…


Would guess NGO's -> donations -> pol fam or pol direct

NGOs -> U's…

If so…what are the NGOs? Confucius Institutes have the locations and the relationships…no smoking gun yet, but there will be…there will be more…

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0f8ff2 No.159893

File: 266aca25d791668⋯.png (20.66 KB,967x128,967:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007424 (131346ZDEC20) Notable: (Party Insiders In The Ranks: Communists INFILTRATE Western Consulates?!?++

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Leaked files expose mass infiltration of UK firms by Chinese Communist Party including AstraZeneca, Rolls Royce, HSBC and Jaguar Land Rover

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0f8ff2 No.159894

File: b632e67a5ed7bb2⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007425 (131346ZDEC20) Notable: COVID Coca-cola?

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Coca-Cola tests positive for COVID19

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0f8ff2 No.159895

File: afccaf9736843f4⋯.png (25.82 KB,869x276,869:276,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007433 (131348ZDEC20) Notable: Basketball Stars + COVID Scars? +

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Why Did The WHO Bury This Damning Report On Italy's COVID-19 Response?

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0f8ff2 No.159896

File: f911916ab64aca9⋯.jpg (85.24 KB,756x490,54:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007435 (131349ZDEC20) Notable: A Reminder For Anons And OTHERS To Think For Themselves

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without a doubt, and Q likely still posts here WITHOUT his blinky lil nametag…

but what I'm saying is…

Q isn't going to 'type in his trip in the box where a name goes'… he's gonna either use the trip or not.

the 'bold trip' fake Q is just a joke at this point…

to show up daily saying 'soon'…

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0f8ff2 No.159897

File: 771cacced1512a0⋯.mp4 (13.79 MB,422x236,211:118,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007447 (131351ZDEC20) Notable: *Part One of Interview with Trump 13-12-2020 5-5:30 and 19:25 25:38 *

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Very strong 5 minutes in which Trump explains how clearly he won and how the election was stolen:

Kilmeade: "You have 77% of Trump supporters who believe you won the election…"

Trump: "I've heard higher numbers than that."

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0f8ff2 No.159898

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007473 (131358ZDEC20) Notable: Sunday Service

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Happy Sunday Patriots!

welcome to church!

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0f8ff2 No.159899

File: 6f58d8a17d680b4⋯.png (1.54 MB,1433x839,1433:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007496 (131402ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats call civil war cease-fire during Georgia Senate runoffs

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Democrats call civil war cease-fire during Georgia Senate runoffs

"We’re doing this because we understand the math," said one progressive leader.

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0f8ff2 No.159900

File: 3fe04104ad7e9b8⋯.png (3.49 MB,2326x1290,1163:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12007505 (131403ZDEC20) Notable: Has anyone dug deeper on CM digs? Anyone looked at how the Gov's are receiving kickbacks? PRC Org Digs.''''

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Confucius Institute Program


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0f8ff2 No.159901

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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