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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

df5272 No.208 [Last50 Posts]

23NOV20 to 25NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

df5272 No.148617

File: 0ef23bb00babb23⋯.png (91.12 KB,1312x595,1312:595,Clipboard.png)

File: ae167aba1f72110⋯.png (70.81 KB,1312x458,656:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d061e03baab6f2⋯.png (132.43 KB,1309x511,187:73,Clipboard.png)

File: d1409cd551033f9⋯.png (87.73 KB,1318x492,659:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752245 (231757ZNOV20) Notable: Is This Glitch THAT Glitch? "Glitch is the friendly community where everyone codes together

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Is This Glitch THAT Glitch?

Glitch - Teams

"Glitch is the fastest and easiest way to collaborate on code with colleagues.

Rapid prototype, troubleshoot code, and build your community with Glitch Teams."


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df5272 No.148618

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752249 (231757ZNOV20) Notable: Former Secretary of State John Kerry will return to government in a new role tackling climate change, President-elect Joe Biden's transition team announced Monday

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Here comes another Ponzi scheme


Former Secretary of State John Kerry will return to government in a new role tackling climate change, President-elect Joe Biden's transition team announced Monday.

Kerry will serve on the National Security Council as the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.

His position would be the first on the NSC dedicated to climate change.

"America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is," Kerry tweeted shortly after the announcement.

"John Kerry will fight climate change full-time as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and will sit on the NSC," the Biden transition team said in a news release. "This marks the first time that the NSC will include an official dedicated to climate change."

By sitting on the NSC, Kerry will not need Senate confirmation. Over the summer, Kerry partnered with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, to lead the Biden campaign's climate coalition. He also threw his support behind a new financial product that tracks the market for carbon units.

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df5272 No.148619

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752256 (231758ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun from #15001 / New Book Exposes History and Money Behind the Transgender Lobby, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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New Book Exposes History and Money Behind the Transgender Lobby

An upcoming book from Antelope Hill provides meticulously sourced insight into the corrupt institutions and wealthy financiers that have created and imposed the inorganic transgender movement on the West and beyond.

In The Transgender Industrial-Complex, a copy of which was provided to National Justice for review, author Scott Howard provides over 400 pages of mostly unknown names and groups who, largely over the last 20 years, have used their money to fund phony science, corrupt law, judges and politicians, disseminate disinformation, and organize often thuggish and violent activism to force mostly English-speaking liberal democracies to seriously debate whether men can get pregnant or children should be allowed to choose to take drugs and have irreversible “gender affirmation surgeries.”

Those who disagree on the grounds of ethics or science are marked for destruction.

Howard’s book is effective because its chapters focus on tracing the money, examining the history, and looks at how the European Union and Washington export transgenderism to other nations. It effectively packages the actual science on transgenderism, that it is nothing more than organized and well-funded delirium, in a highly readable format.

The history of transgenderism as we know it is believed to have originated in Jewish circles in early 20th century Germany, but Howard’s research shows that references to breaking down gender in Jewish circles go back to the 14th century, almost hundreds of years years before Martha Baer, a B’nai B’rith member in Germany, became the world’s first “sex-change” operation recipient. There is an interesting anecdote where a Jew involved in gender ideology converted to Catholicism and exposed the movement as an attempt to provoke moral chaos in European host societies. Magnus Hirschfeld is generally credited with creating the ideological rationale for “Trans” and “queerness” more broadly, but it was a Hirschfeld adept named Henry Gerber who imported the bizarre doctrine to the United States via “The Society for Human Rights” in Chicago.

Disagreeing with the concept of transgenderism or what the gender ideology does to those who subscribe to it is forbidden in American society. Howard explains the mechanism for this censorship, listing the small group of wealthy people — most of them Jews — who have created carrots and sticks in academia, the press and the culture at large for aspiring professionals to defy their own two eyes and embrace the 21st century’s Lysenkoist crusade.

Just recently, the largest study ever conducted on transsexuals found that rather than being a biological flaw for man to correct through drugs and surgery, the lifestyle and practice of wanting to change your sex is merely a type of aggressive autism with psychiatric co-morbidities such as schizophrenia.


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df5272 No.148620

File: d53b74760e2e6be⋯.png (68.06 KB,758x477,758:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 17d6e68806715f6⋯.png (29.65 KB,750x448,375:224,Clipboard.png)

File: e6845187bf9f7e1⋯.png (271.34 KB,753x540,251:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a630b613fd0950⋯.png (24.77 KB,705x431,705:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752267 (231759ZNOV20) Notable: Is This Glitch THAT Glitch? "Glitch is the friendly community where everyone codes together

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Is This Glitch THAT Glitch?

About Glitch

1. A simple tool for creating web apps

2. A friendly, creative community

3. A different kind of company


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df5272 No.148621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752283 (231800ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun from #15001 / Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that he and his family are going to self-quarantine after exposure to someone with COVID-19.

“Late Friday evening, @JenSiebelNewsom and I learned that 3 of our children had been exposed to an officer from the California Highway Patrol who had tested positive for COVID-19,” the Democrat wrote on Twitter early Monday morning. “Jen and I had no direct interaction with the officer and wish them a speedy recovery.”

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) provides security for the governor, his wife and their four children, who range in age from four to 11.

“Thankfully, the entire family tested negative today,” he continued. “However, consistent with local guidance, we will be quarantining for 14 days.”

“We are grateful for all the officers that keep our family safe and for every frontline worker who continues to go to work during this pandemic,” Newsom added.

“After they learned of the exposure to the infected CHP officer, the family was advised by health professionals to wait until Sunday to get tested again, according to Newsom’s office,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “The children who were potentially exposed to the virus were not identified for security reasons.”

Last Monday, Newsom declared that, with rising COVID-19 infections in the state, he was pulling the “emergency brake” on reopening the economy.

“We are sounding the alarm,” Newsom said. “California is experiencing the fastest increase in cases we have seen yet — faster than what we experienced at the outset of the pandemic or even this summer. The spread of COVID-19, if left unchecked, could quickly overwhelm our health care system and lead to catastrophic outcomes.”

The new regulations Newsom ordered put 41 of the state’s 58 counties in the most restrictive of the four-tier system, which affects 37 million residents. The move stopped reopening plans, banned indoor worship, shut down many businesses, and closed schools.

Newsom and his wife came under fire for attuning a birthday party with a dozen friends on Nov. 6 at the expensive French Laundry restaurant in Napa, north of San Francisco. The governor said the dinner was outdoors, but pictures tell a different story.

“We’ve obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he’s in hot water over,” FOX-11 in Los Angeles reported. “The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed.”

In the pictures, no one at the table is wearing a mask or practicing social distancing, even though Newson has been urging both for months.

Newsom eventually apologized. “I made a bad mistake,” he said. “I should have stood up and … drove back to my house. The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradicted. I need to preach and practice, not just preach.


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df5272 No.148622

File: 4e278a658cc2623⋯.png (49.36 KB,762x542,381:271,Clipboard.png)

File: c12002694dbdd92⋯.png (82.68 KB,751x641,751:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 488c47800994098⋯.png (41.36 KB,747x533,747:533,Clipboard.png)

File: a03e41ddf9153d1⋯.png (77.28 KB,749x649,749:649,Clipboard.png)

File: c3ffb10a62ffa95⋯.png (55.03 KB,740x525,148:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752288 (231801ZNOV20) Notable: Is This Glitch THAT Glitch? "Glitch is the friendly community where everyone codes together

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Is This Glitch THAT Glitch?

About Company - Leadership - Founders - Advisors



Anil Dash - CEOBoard Member

former advisor to the Obama White House’s Office of Digital Strategy

advises major startups and non-profits including: Medium, DonorsChoose, Project Include

Jordan Harris - COO

New Media Group at Reed Elsevier

founded Hurricane Interactive and Notara Inc., which pioneered Brand Marketing Automation

advises non-profits including Eyebeam, a platform for artists to engage society's relationship with technology

Alexa Scordato - VP of Marketing

Alexa Scordatolsa seasoned marketing leader who loves to help startups scale

previously built teams at Andela, Stack Overflow, and 2U

Victoria Kirst - VP of Engineering

Victoria Kirst loves making good useful things on the web

Prior to Glitch - software engineer at Google where she worked on Chrome, Maps, and VR

lecturer at Stanford CS where she created a course on web development

Nkasi Okafor - VP of Legal & Administration

over fifteen years of legal and policy experience, with particular interest in data privacy and education

former Director of Legal Services for Teach For All

maintains privacy certifications in US and European law from the International Association of Privacy Professionals

New York City Bar’s Information Technology and Cyber Law Committee (2020)

Team leads - Jessica Lord


Joel Spolsky, Co-Founder - Board Member

Co-Founder of Glitch (formerly Fog Creek Software)

created FogBugz and Trello (now part of Atlassian)

CEO and Co-Founder of Stack Overflow

Michael Pryor, Co-Founder

Head of Product, Trello at Atlassian.

Co-Founder and President of Fog Creek Software

CEO of Trello until its acquisition

serves on the board of Stack Overflow


Kimberly Bryant

entrepreneur and innovator

founder and CEO of Black Girls Code

Franklin Leonard

film executive and founder ofThe Black List,a yearly publication of Hollywood’s most popular unproduced screenplays

diversify the Box Office by facilitating creative opportunities and partnerships… writers from underrepresented groups

Jason Goldman

first-ever Chief Digital Officer of the White House

experienced tech industry executive - pivotal roles at: Blogger,Google, TwitterObviousBranch,Medium

Camille Fournier

Head of Platform Engineering at Two Sigma

prior roles:

CTO of Rent the Runway

Software Engineer at Microsoft

Technical Specialist at Goldman Sachs

open source contributor and project committee member

Manager’s Path

Alan Cooper

software design leader and author

widely known as the "Father of Visual Basic

helped humanize technology - groundbreaking work in the field of user experience (UX) and interaction design

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df5272 No.148623

File: 8ebbcc6b97cbf69⋯.png (49.69 KB,572x320,143:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752379 (231809ZNOV20) Notable: CALI BACK IN PLAY — California Conducted Fatally Flawed Election In 53 of 58 Counties

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CALI BACK IN PLAY — California Conducted Fatally Flawed Election In 53 of 58 Counties



by Markham Robinson, November 18, 2020

The Constitution of the United States gives the power and responsibility of appointing Electors for President and Vice President to each State Legislature as shown in the Constitutional text below:

ARTICLE TWO Section 1.

2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. [Emphasis added]

California, as have the other States, has chosen to grant this power of appointment to the voters of the State by means of an election by ballot. California has very particular, high standards for these ballots, some of which it deemed so vital that it decreed that ballots not printed in accordance with them “shall not be cast nor counted at any election.” [Emphasis added].

Moreover, the State Legislature largely decentralized responsibility for determination of the format of said ballots to the County Elections Officials of its 58 Counties making the role of the California Secretary of State’s Elections Division in this matter mostly advisory. The Secretary of State embodies his advice in what are called CCROV (County Clerks & Registrars of Voters) advisories. CCROV’s—no matter how expert they might be and worthy of respect—do not command obedience. Regulations issued by the Secretary of State, by contrast, governing electoral matters do require compliance by the County Registrars of Voters. However, individual Registrars of Voters have the power and responsibility of deciding whether a State or Federal law or the State or Federal Constitutions override them. Below find the link to the CCROV Advisories:

https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/advisories-county-elections-officials .

The particular provisions to which we beg to draw the Court’s attention are the following:

Elections Code DIVISION 13. BALLOTS, SAMPLE BALLOTS, AND VOTER PAMPHLETS [13000 - 13502] ( Division 13 enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2. )CHAPTER 3. Ballot Printing Specifications [13200 - 13282] ( Chapter 3 enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2. ) ARTICLE 1. General Provisions [13200 - 13220] ( Article 1 enacted by Stats. 1994, Ch. 920, Sec. 2. )

Or, more tersely put, to some parts of Elections Code Chapter 3 Ballot Printing Specifications [13200 – 13282] which we will cite below.


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df5272 No.148624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752382 (231809ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun from #15001 / Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal from Pennsylvania., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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POTUS's lawyer Jenna Ellis

NEW: Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal from Pennsylvania.


h/t https://parler.com/profile/JordanSather/posts

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df5272 No.148625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752419 (231812ZNOV20) Notable: #15001

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baker will be seeking handoff at next bread dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>148572 @LLinWood: I appeared on @JudgeJeanine WABC radio show. We talked election irregularities, Kyle Rittenhouse and . . . AOC

>>148573, >>148581, >>148588 Jamestown Foundation DIGG re: >>148540, >>148554

>>148574 Facebook Helps Launch New Tech Industry Lobbying Group To Battle Anti-Monopoly Push

>>148575 @USArmy Drill Sergeant Hayon Ju & her Soldiers salute during the playing of the national anthem at their basic combat training graduation on @OfficialFtSill

>>148578 Pennsylvania Republicans File Emergency Request To Block Vote Certification

>>148579 @Clintonfdn: Amid the COVID-19 crisis, our work has expanded…Tonight, we gathered (virtually) to celebrate the work of the Foundation community — including 5 inspiring leaders

>>148580 House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers

>>148583, >>148589, >>148589, >>148601 Dominion Digg re: >>148569, >>148570, >>148571

>>148585 Report: New York’s Democrat Attorney General Puts Pressure on Business Leaders to Coerce Trump to Concede; Talk of Withholding Donations to GOP Georgia Senate Races

>>148586, >>148591 @Whitehouse: re: >>148577 (needs link sauce)

>>148587 Netanyahu Flew To Saudi Arabia For First Known Meeting With Crown Prince

>>148590 UNICEF planning ‘mammoth operation’ to deliver 2 billion Covid-19 vaccines to 92 low-middle income countries in 2021

>>148592 ‘Disgusting abuse’: Documentary shows mother encouraging ‘transgender’ TODDLER to announce new gender at church congregation

>>148594 After Years Behind Bars, Activist Who Exposed ‘Shadow CIA’ and US Gov’t Crimes to Be Freed

>>148599 Sidney Powell links to series of tweets by Pasquale "Pat" Scopelliti @ThyConsigliori Here is a pdf of them and the link

>>148603 Sidney Powell Agrees She Is Not Part of Trump Legal Team, Says Lawsuit Coming This Week: ‘It Will Be Epic’

>>148604 UN accuses Japan of ‘extrajudicial abuse’ in arrest of former Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn

>>148607 German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas is meeting his French and British counterparts in Berlin today for talks focussing on the #nuclear deal with #Iran

>>148611, >>148612 History of Sequoia Voting Systems,Inc REPORT OVERVIEW

>>148613 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY!” – Americans from Coast to Coast Defy COVID Orders

>>148614, >>148617, >>148620, >>148622 Is This Glitch THAT Glitch? "Glitch is the friendly community where everyone codes together

>>148615 British Airways 747 bursts into flames at Spanish airport where it was being stored following its retirement

>>148618 Former Secretary of State John Kerry will return to government in a new role tackling climate change, President-elect Joe Biden's transition team announced Monday

>>148623 CALI BACK IN PLAY — California Conducted Fatally Flawed Election In 53 of 58 Counties

>>148593 Planefag Reports


baker will be seeking handoff at next bread dough

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df5272 No.148626

File: f30b88bcb1dd811⋯.png (38.46 KB,604x323,604:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 4508f19dfdb1860⋯.png (128.31 KB,753x1274,753:1274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752563 (231825ZNOV20) Notable: @TheJusticeDept": Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

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Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges


The defendants charged in the seven-count superseding indictment are Steven Mazzone, aka “Stevie,” 56; Domenic Grande, aka “Dom,” “Mr. Hopkins,” “Mr. Brown,” and “Dom14,” 41; Joseph Servidio, aka “Joey Electric,” 60; Salvatore Mazzone, aka “Sonny,” 55; Joseph Malone, 70; Louis Barretta, aka “Louie Sheep,” 56; Victor DeLuca, aka “Big Vic,” 56; Kenneth Arabia, aka “Kenny,” 67; Daniel Castelli, aka “Danny,” “Cozzy,” aka “Butch,” aka “Harry,” age 67; Carl Chianese, age 81; Anthony Gifoli, aka “Tony Meatballs,” 72; John Romeo, 58; Daniel Malatesta, 75; Daniel Bucceroni, 66; and John Michael Payne, 33.

According to court documents, the Philadelphia LCN is one of a number of LCN organized crime families based in various cities throughout the United States. The purpose of the LCN in Philadelphia and elsewhere is to make money through the commission of various crimes, including illegal gambling, loansharking, drug trafficking, and extortion.

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df5272 No.148627

File: 2aba4d350ba1a09⋯.jpg (189.03 KB,1080x623,1080:623,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752570 (231826ZNOV20) Notable: @TheJusticeDept: Florida and Tennessee Pain Clinic Owner Extradited from Italy to the United States to Face RICO Charges

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Florida and Tennessee Pain Clinic Owner Extradited from Italy to the United States to Face RICO Charges


The charges against Palma are varied, and reflect his alleged role in owning and operating pain clinics in South Florida and the Knoxville area over the course of several years.   Included in those charges are a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) conspiracy and a conspiracy to distribute oxycodone, oxymorphone, and morphine outside the scope of professional practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose.


This sweeping prosecution, which has resulted in approximately 140 convictions so far, is the result of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee, the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang Section, and the FBI High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, comprised of investigators assigned to the task force by the Loudon County Sheriff’s Office, Knoxville Police Department, Blount County Sheriff’s Office, Roane County Sheriff’s Office, Harriman Police Department, and Clinton Police Department. 

Here comes the Pain?

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df5272 No.148628

File: 7fc368bac4d44da⋯.png (460.03 KB,605x1181,605:1181,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b39f839d774cc3⋯.png (13.65 KB,490x359,490:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752571 (231826ZNOV20) Notable: Statement From Sidney Powell "STATEMENT FROM SIDNEY POWELL TO "WE THE PEOPLE"

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Statement From Sidney Powell


I agree with the campaign's statement that I am not part of the campaign's legal team. I never signed a retainer agreement or sent the President or the campaign a bill for my expenses or fees.

My intent has always been to expose all the fraud I could find and let the chips fall where they may–whether it be upon Republicans or Democrats.

The evidence I'm compiling is overwhelming that this software tool was used to shift millions of votes from President Trump and other Republican candidates to Biden and other Democrat candidates. We are proceeding to prepare our lawsuit and plan to file it this week. It will be epic.

We will not allow this great Republic to be stolen by communists from without and within or our votes altered or manipulated by foreign actors in Hong Kong, Iran, Venezuela, or Serbia, for example, who have neither regard for human life nor the people who are the engine of this exceptional country.

#WeThePeople elected Donald Trump and other Republican candidates to restore the vision of America as a place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You may assist this effort by making a non tax-deductible contribution to www.DefendingTheRepublic.org. #KrakenOnSteroids"

Sidney Powell



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df5272 No.148629

File: 2250d076df34bfb⋯.jpg (485.77 KB,1913x969,1913:969,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 65334e5b29063ff⋯.jpg (478.67 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752572 (231826ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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BOXER55, POKER55, an F35LTNG and a BRRRTT. Some good spots tonight.

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df5272 No.148630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752592 (231828ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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C-130s up over Marietta, GA

Usual call sign COBB##

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df5272 No.148631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752602 (231828ZNOV20) Notable: Anon bun from #15001

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>>148576 HRC pushing Vaccines

>>148582 Chelsea Clinton pushing Vaccines

>>148584 "You Are Such A Dick" - New Jersey Governor Heckled While Enjoying Mask-Free Meal With Family

>>148595 John Kerry pushes climate change

>>148596 Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From ‘Screen Interface Down To Chip Level’

>>148597 @TomFitton The number of Obama officials implicated in corruption that Biden proposes to add to his team is astounding

>>148598 Trump To Ban US Exports To Nearly 100 Chinese Communist Party-linked Tech Firms

>>148600 Michigan AG Seeks Criminal Charges For State Legislators Who Spoke With Trump

>>148602 Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says Areas Face Red Zone Restrictions, Which Prohibit ‘Non-Essential Gatherings of Any Size’

>>148605 Oregon’s Democrat Governor Wants Citizens to Snitch over Lockdown Violations

>>148606 Britain ‘Will Suffer’ If It Blocks Chinese Businesses, Warns China Lobbyist Group

>>148608 Over 2,000 ‘Child’ Asylum Seekers in the UK Lied About Their Age to Cheat the System: Report

>>148610 Booz Allen is an AWS partner

>>148619 New Book Exposes History and Money Behind the Transgender Lobby

>>148621 Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure

>>148624 Third Circuit Court of Appeals grants expedited review for Team Trump’s appeal from Pennsylvania.

Not noted Anon Bun hmmmmmmm

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df5272 No.148632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752629 (231830ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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A C-32, tail No. 02-4452 is on a course for Little Rock.

0+2+4+4+5+2=17, just sayin'.

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df5272 No.148633

File: b590e12c0408492⋯.jpg (631.76 KB,1917x963,213:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752634 (231831ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Forgot the cap.

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df5272 No.148634

File: 5da40b4e06cc8ea⋯.png (73.33 KB,760x916,190:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752639 (231831ZNOV20) Notable: Logistics Experts: COVID-19 Marks End Of Globalization, Makes National Supply Chains Critical Infrastructure

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Logistics Experts: COVID-19 Marks End Of Globalization, Makes National Supply Chains Critical Infrastructure

Logistics experts say that the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic will mark the end of globalization, paving the way for localized supply chains to be fundamental once more. The industry survey, conducted by Bollore Logistics and Transport Intelligence, noted that 34 percent of the respondents agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic will signal the end of global supply chains, and local supply chains will be of utmost importance again. Five percent of the survey’s respondents expressed strong agreement. On the other hand, 27 percent disagreed with the statement and six percent expressed strong disagreement.

“Despite the relatively even spread of results, it is remarkable that as many as 34 percent of respondents agree that the COVID-19 crisis will lead to the end of globalization,” the authors of the report wrote.

In addition, the report mentioned that the figures were “particularly striking,” as the respondents were professionals who had “witnessed the benefits of globalization first-hand.”

The firm interviewed 422 logistics professionals from Europe, Asia Pacific and North America between July and August 2020. More than half of the respondents represented retail and manufacturing shippers that use air and sea forwarding services, while freight forwarders made up almost a fourth of the respondents.

Bolloré’s report described the pandemic as a once-in-a-generation disruption that impacted a global freight forwarding market already facing significant challenges, including the U.S.-China trade war and moves towards protectionism. However, the respondents agreeing with COVID-19’s effects on the logistics sector represented a significant change from the previous consensus.

When asked how the crisis would affect their supply chain strategy over the medium term, 37 percent of respondents said it would have a significant impact, 36 percent answered it would be moderate and 25 percent mentioned a slight effect. Only two percent believed the crisis would have no effects on their supply chain strategies.


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df5272 No.148635

File: ab99b8afb08b102⋯.png (488.48 KB,689x535,689:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752667 (231833ZNOV20) Notable: LA reports 300 homicides for the first time in a DECADE as cops blame the coronavirus lockdown and cuts to the police

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LA reports 300 homicides for the first time in a DECADE as cops blame the coronavirus lockdown and cuts to the police

The city of Los Angeles has recorded its 300th homicide this year equalling a total last reached in 2009.

Despite various lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, there has been a 32% increase in shootings.

After a brief lull in killings that police attributed in part to lockdowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic earlier in the year, homicides and shootings began to rise again and then spiked this summer.

Police Chief Michel Moore has said that he believes some of the increased crime is due to problems related to the pandemic, such as economic struggles and virus-related restrictions on services and interventions.

This year's spike in violence mirrors that seen in other cities across the country including Houston, Chicago and New York.

Last year, the city recorded 253 homicides, with 260 in 2018.

Four shootings that took place overnight Saturday into Sunday nudged the city over the 300-death mark for the first time in a decade.

The victims were 17-year-old boy riding a bike, a 50-year-old homeless man, a 20-year-old man and a 41-year-old woman.

'The reality is there are 300,' Los Angeles Police Department Captain Stacy Spell said to the LA Times. 'It's tragic.'

The majority of the violence was in South L.A. and Central L.A.

In the Los Angeles Police Department's South Bureau, which covers South L.A., homicides are up by 50% from last year.

In addition to homicides, nonfatal shootings are also up.

As of October, the number of victims who had been shot was up more than 21% compared with the same time last year, according to the latest set of data from the LAPD.

Moore called the pace of violence in 2020 a 'terrible loss' and an 'erosion' of progress that had been made reducing gun violence in the city in recent years.

He said he believed that economic struggles have increased across the city's population.

The threat of the virus has undercut efforts to provide services and interventions for individuals who have been victims of shootings and may be vulnerable to becoming perpetrators of retaliatory violence.

Moore also said more people seem to be carrying guns around.

Adding to the problem, the increase in violence comes as the LAPD works to reorganize after a $150-million budget cut that forced it to begin reducing its ranks of sworn officers by several hundred.

Despite the figures being the highest in more than ten years, the city is still some way off the shocking statistics on the 1980s and 90s when some years experienced more than 1,000 killings.


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df5272 No.148636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752714 (231837ZNOV20) Notable: New Mexico to boost COVID-19 testing with saliva samples

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New Mexico to boost COVID-19 testing with saliva samples

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The New Mexico Health Department hopes to expand testing capacity by offering saliva testing.

Officials said the FDA-approved test will be offered starting Monday at the Balloon Fiesta Park in Albuquerque. The method involves swabbing the mouth to collect a saliva sample.

State officials say saliva samples have been shown to be at least as accurate as nasal swabs. The tests will be self-collected, but trained personnel will be present when and where these tests are available to ensure samples are properly collected.

New Mexico has seen cases skyrocket in recent weeks and officials have been looking for ways to expand testing options.

“We continue to look for better and more innovative ways to serve New Mexicans amid this pandemic,” said Acting Department of Health Secretary Billy Jimenez. “We are excited to provide faster, more convenient methods of COVID-19 testing to the public. The saliva test is less invasive to clients, reduces exposure to healthcare workers, alleviates some of the strain on our labs and will hopefully reduce the burden of PPE usage in our state.”

New Mexicans who want to get tested must pre-register. Tests are free.


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df5272 No.148637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752743 (231839ZNOV20) Notable: Saudi denies MBS meeting with Israel's Netanyahu re: Netanyahu Flew To Saudi Arabia For First Known Meeting With Crown Prince, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Saudi denies MBS meeting with Israel's Netanyahu

Saudi today denied reports that Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the kingdom last night.

Israel Army radio had claimed Netanyahu made a secret trip to Saudi Arabia yesterday to meet Bin Salman and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Neom on the Red Sea coast.

However, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud took to Twitter today to deny the news, and said that the meeting "was only between Saudi and American officials".

I have seen press reports about a purported meeting between HRH the Crown Prince and Israeli officials during the recent visit by @SecPompeo. No such meeting occurred. The only officials present were American and Saudi.

— (@FaisalbinFarhan) November 23, 2020

Netanyahu, for his part, declined to comment on the reports.

The US has been calling for Saudi to normalise relations with the occupation state of Israel and follow in the footsteps of its neighbours and allies, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain who signed normalisation deals with the occupation in September.


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df5272 No.148638

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752821 (231844ZNOV20) Notable: This pb notable quotes a fake Giuliani twitter account. You can see 3 underscores in URL. Spelling matters! re: anon reminds doubters that spelling matters

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This pb notable quotes a fake Giuliani twitter account. You can see the 3 underscores in the URL. Spelling matters!

>>148521 anon reminds doubters that spelling matters

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df5272 No.148639

File: 5aa3d904d5fb75a⋯.png (1.42 MB,1004x646,502:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f864b61fbdcac⋯.png (171.9 KB,894x465,298:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752831 (231845ZNOV20) Notable: Court arrests Dagestani police official in 2010 Moscow subway terror attack criminal case

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Court arrests Dagestani police official in 2010 Moscow subway terror attack criminal case

The terror attacks carried out on March 29, 2010 claimed the lives of 39 people while over 100 others were injured

MOSCOW, November 23. /TASS/. Moscow’s Basmanny Court has placed Head of the Interior Ministry Department for the Kizlyar District of Dagestan Police Colonel Gazi Isayev into custody in the 2010 Moscow subway terror attack criminal case, the court’s press office told TASS on Monday.

"The investigator’s request has been granted. Custody until January 4, 2021 has been chosen for Isayev," the press office said.

As part of the criminal probe into the terror attacks carried out at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury (Park of Culture) stations of the Moscow subway, the Investigative Committee’s Main Investigation Department jointly with the Federal Security Service of Russia has detained Chief of the Russian Interior Ministry Department for the Kizlyar District, Police Colonel Gazi Isayev. He is charged with committing crimes stipulated by Part 3 of Article 210, Part 3 of Article 209 and Part 3 of Article 205 of Russia’s Criminal Code (participation in a criminal community, banditry and a terror act), Investigative Committee Spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko said earlier on Monday.

As the investigators say, Isayev was a member of the Imarat Kavkaz criminal community (outlawed in Russia). In 2009-2010, using his official position, he provided information to the ringleaders of the criminal community on the activity of the Kizlyar District Interior Department and on special operations against illegal armed formations.

Also, he repeatedly personally transported the ringleaders of the criminal community’s structural units across the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and personally delivered a female suicide bomber with an explosive fastened to her to the bus terminal in the area of Kizlyar in his car for her to depart for Moscow for committing a terror attack.


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df5272 No.148640

File: 108d2bf650f8f42⋯.png (562.3 KB,672x401,672:401,Clipboard.png)

File: f4f36417decb35e⋯.png (167.37 KB,882x514,441:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752875 (231849ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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ZONE35 USAF Rivet Joint just sayin' "hi" to Maduro out of Offutt AFB and west after a long run across the "top" of VZ.

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df5272 No.148641

File: e909ae8bc0a4264⋯.png (104.76 KB,415x298,415:298,Clipboard.png)

File: ade5d455c4978bd⋯.png (318.96 KB,849x771,283:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 63732ffccf7a43f⋯.png (456.73 KB,858x711,286:237,Clipboard.png)

File: ff3cb0b985efa55⋯.png (720.76 KB,855x774,95:86,Clipboard.png)

File: fca67247fd28301⋯.png (75.2 KB,858x804,143:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752884 (231850ZNOV20) Notable: If Illegitimate and Unexplained Negative Votes Were Reversed or Eliminated in Georgia, President Trump Would Easily Win the State

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If Illegitimate and Unexplained Negative Votes Were Reversed or Eliminated in Georgia, President Trump Would Easily Win the State

We’ve reported numerous times on the vote and election fraud in Georgia. We now have uncovered that if the illegitimate and unexplained negative votes that were recorded and included in Georgia’s vote totals were properly reversed or eliminated, President Trump would hold the lead in Georgia.

Overall it is clear that Georgia did not vote for Joe Biden. We believe not many people did. Once the stinch of fraud is eliminated, Georgia will end up a very red state. President Trump won Georgia by more than 5% in 2019. There is no way this was reversed. The amount of fraud that occurred in this state in 2020 is inconceivable.

In 2020 President Trump set a monumental new record by adding over 11 million new votes to his 2016 tally across the US.

President Trump won bellwether states Florida and Ohio by 5% and by more than this in Iowa.

But now the media wants you to believe that Georgia went blue under Donald Trump.

Does anyone believe this?

The results in Georgia were not random. They were stolen.

Not a single batch in our data set after the “lead switch event” varied from that margin for all new vote batches. This is inconceivable and indicates fraud.


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df5272 No.148642

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752907 (231852ZNOV20) Notable: Blinken is ‘a friend of Israel,’ ex-officials say

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Blinken is ‘a friend of Israel,’ ex-officials say

“I think he's worth investing time in and I think he can be a very positive influence.”

Former Israeli officials who had worked with US President-elect Joe Biden’s choice for secretary of state, Anthony Blinken, had overwhelmingly positive things to say about him.

Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the US, called Blinken “a great diplomat and true friend of Israel.”

“I had the honor and pleasure of working with him for years in Washington and know him to be brave and clear-sighted statesman,” Oren tweeted. “I can think of no finer choice.”

Blinken was National Security Adviser to Biden when he was vice president from 2009-2013, then Deputy National Security Adviser to former president Barack Obama and then Deputy Secretary of State. He also was the foreign policy adviser to Biden's 2020 campaign. Blinken is Jewish and his stepfather was a Holocaust survivor.

Former foreign ministry director-general of Dore Gold to the State Department in 2016, which included a meeting with Blinken.

Gold said he was “impressed with him and found him to be very professional and a good listener.

“I didn’t detect any kind of anti-Israel undertone. To the contrary, he was very open,” Gold added. “The meeting was an eye-opener. We saw he was a really good guy.”

Blinken’s attitude towards Israel was contrary to some officials in the Obama administration who were “simply difficult,” Gold said.

“I think he's worth investing time in and I think he can be a very positive influence,” Gold added.

Blinken tweeted after their meeting: "In face of unprecedented regional threats, affirmed ironclad support for [Israeli] security with Israel Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold."


Sounds like a line out of GOODFELLAS

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df5272 No.148643

File: cbb1d7ea744f066⋯.png (496.81 KB,652x608,163:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d52c4bd888d397⋯.png (221.54 KB,546x401,546:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752929 (231854ZNOV20) Notable: George Soros-linked election software company lies about ties with Dominion

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George Soros-linked election software company lies about ties with Dominion

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 7:21 AM PT – Monday, November 23, 2020

A manufacturer of electronic voting systems tied to billionaire George Soros has reportedly been caught lying about its connection to Dominion Voting Systems.

According to a Sunday report, foreign-owned Smartmatic licensed voting technology from the controversial company. Smartmatic once owned Sequoia Voting Systems, but divested from its U.S. holdings following a 2007 court ruling with Dominion purchasing the company in 2010.

While Smartmatic has denied any continued ties, a recently resurfaced 2015 interview with chairman Mark Malloch Brown shows this was far from the truth. Smartmatic continued to license Dominion technology. Brown has sat on the boards of several Soros’ organizations.

“The fact is, yes, a part of our technology is licensed from Dominion, but you tell me a large technology company which isn’t using in part licenses from other companies,”stated the chairman. “And we have a license for the international use of that particular piece of the technology that we employ.”

WATCH: @ChanelRion on “Dominion-izing the Vote”

(PART 2) pic.twitter.com/mrk0CcIHOs

— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) November 22, 2020

It’s unclear whether Smartmatic maintains any financial interests in Sequoia’s U.S. holdings.


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df5272 No.148644

File: c5c4cd1ea22ced8⋯.png (361.35 KB,535x589,535:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752930 (231854ZNOV20) Notable: Blinken is ‘a friend of Israel,’ ex-officials say

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Former Israeli officials who have worked with US President-elect Joe #Biden’s choice for secretary of state, Anthony #Blinken, have had overwhelmingly positive things to say about him.



Define friend

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df5272 No.148645

File: 22dec2faa280306⋯.png (419.69 KB,781x442,781:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eba5114e7554cc⋯.png (311.16 KB,1214x2533,1214:2533,Clipboard.png)

File: 13fa48a71de7eff⋯.png (414.96 KB,1132x536,283:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752939 (231855ZNOV20) Notable: Maybe Rudy was pointing at KNOWINK Is that INK on Rudy's head? The election security hole everyone ignores

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Maybe Rudy was pointing at KNOWINK

Is that INK on Rudy's head?

The election security hole everyone ignores

Increasing numbers of polling places use electronic devices to check in voters and verify their eligibility. But the devices often create chaos and introduce new vulnerabilities to elections.


08/31/2020 08:03 PM EDT

Growing numbers of elections offices across the U.S. are using electronic devices to sign voters in at the polls — a shift that has occurred with little scrutiny despite a host of security questions and a history of balloting meltdowns.

Problems with the devices, known as electronic pollbooks, caused long lines during this year’s presidential primary in Los Angeles County and contributed to chaos and hours-long waits during Georgia’s primary in June. They led to past years’ snafus in places such as Philadelphia, North Carolina, Indiana and South Dakota.

While tampering with e-pollbooks wouldn’t directly change anyone’s vote, malfunctions or cyberattacks against the devices could sway the outcome in other ways — for instance by causing delays that prevent people from voting.

Pollbooks, unlike voting machines, do not undergo federal testing and certification and have no uniform standards governing their design or security. There is also no oversight of the handful of vendors who dominate the industry to ensure they keep their own networks secure. Kremlin-linked hackers attempted to breach the network of at least one U.S. e-pollbook provider in 2016, according to a leaked NSA document.

Federal lawmakers such as Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) have questioned electronic pollbook makers about the security of their products and networks. E-pollbooks and the companies that make them have gone too long without oversight, Wyden told POLITICO in an email.

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df5272 No.148646

File: b5c4f378c23c98e⋯.png (54.26 KB,742x895,742:895,Clipboard.png)

File: fb131f868975998⋯.png (61.41 KB,750x918,125:153,Clipboard.png)

File: f45a0483c2fbfbc⋯.png (131.78 KB,780x915,52:61,Clipboard.png)

File: bc1188021c3c7b5⋯.png (55.48 KB,759x902,69:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d19419560444d8⋯.png (56.47 KB,767x878,767:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752950 (231856ZNOV20) Notable: A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

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A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

From ejected ballot observers to fraudulently backdated mail-in votes, the evidence of irregularities is growing nationwide.

While many Democrats and their allies in the traditional media argue there is no evidence of systemic voting irregularities in the Nov. 3 election, a mountain of evidence has been amassed in private lawsuits alleging there was, in fact, significant and widespread voting misconduct.

The question for the courts is whether the irregularities were widespread enough to impact the outcome or erase Joe Biden's lead in at least three of the six battleground states where results are being contested.

And while both President Trump's campaign and private entities like the Amistad Project are planning to file more lawsuits on Monday, Just the News reviewed the scores of filings and affidavits and declarations in the court cases.

Here are the 12 most compelling pieces of evidence presented to the courts as of Sunday night:

City of Detroit worker swears she witnessed thousands of ballots being falsified

Of all the sworn statements to date, career civil servant Jessy Jacob of Detroit provided the most sweeping claim of election fraud.

She stated in an affidavit she personally witnessed — and in some cases was instructed — to backdate thousands of absentee ballots the day after the election to make them appear legal even though they were not in the Qualified Voter File and had not arrived by the deadline. "I estimate that this was done to thousands of ballots," her sworn statement says.

Jacob also described how in the weeks before Election Day she witnessed Detroit poll workers skipping voter ID checks and that she was "instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice."



Jacob described 70 to 80 other poll workers who also were instructed to falsify ballots, potentially a massive fraud.

Nearly three quarters of Detroit's precincts had mismatched voting totals

Wayne County Board of Canvassing member William Hartmann, a Republican, says in a sworn declaration that Michigan's largest county certified results knowing there were massive discrepancies between the approved voter files and the ballots cast and counted in Detroit.

"In my review of the results, I determined that approximately 71% of Detroit's 134 absentee voter counting boards were left unbalanced and many unexplained," his statement said.

Hartmann also raised concerns that birth dates in voter ID files "were altered in the pollbooks."


img-201118215108 (1).pdf



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df5272 No.148647

File: 4cac548080ffd52⋯.png (435 KB,598x539,598:539,Clipboard.png)

File: f92de261439c83a⋯.png (22.2 KB,863x429,863:429,Clipboard.png)

File: c7ed8f9622dccff⋯.png (998.48 KB,1916x975,1916:975,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752954 (231856ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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>>148532 LB

yes thats the tweet

maybe something maybe nothing

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df5272 No.148648

File: bd8be069401b2ac⋯.png (100.51 KB,746x918,373:459,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b359464ad7478c⋯.png (65.14 KB,747x698,747:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11752981 (231858ZNOV20) Notable: Dept of Justice: Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

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Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges


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df5272 No.148649

File: b5ef8bb71191a1b⋯.png (182.88 KB,505x582,505:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 558998326d7358c⋯.png (163.98 KB,747x768,249:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d6f725a2f00fcb⋯.png (156.87 KB,573x600,191:200,Clipboard.png)

File: fb24c0cbbfab411⋯.png (283.09 KB,703x407,19:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753024 (231902ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Exec VP Lets It Slip: Software Switched Votes From One Candidate To Another (dcclothsline)

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Dominion Exec VP Lets It Slip: Software Switched Votes From One Candidate To Another

Here is PROOF Dominion has done it and can do it: in a Palm Beach Post news article, Waldeep admits and explains in simple terms how the votes were changed during transmission from precinct to central, switching votes from one mayoral candidate to the other.

In the software business, once the source code exists, like yeast for bakery bread or wine vineyards, it is always there and can be expanded or deployed when needed. It never disappears.

Waldeep Singh is originally from Sequoia, CA. His name and signature are on all the contracts Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan…. Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) has the source code software to do this. The shady David Orr in Chicago (see more on Orr below) deal was the first DVS 5.5 purchase. And the software was developed and designed for Cook County, and the software was FIRST developed and designed for Cook County/Chicago.

Was this practice before they got to the big leagues, not thinking the little old lady volunteers would actually count the ballots in Palm Beach?

It appears all roads lead back to Chicago – the first domino to fall. The voting system ES&S, based in Nebraska with Thomas Dee of Vedder Price, filed a Federal Complaint that Cook County/Chicago chose an uncertified new system now known as the infamous Dominion 5.5. Although Cook announced an RFP period March – July 7 2017, I have obtained documentation that indicates:


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df5272 No.148650

File: 19c6a37127b28db⋯.jpg (172.73 KB,1080x1043,1080:1043,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753084 (231908ZNOV20) Notable: An Air Force pilot became disoriented because of reduced visibility, crashed his fighter jet off the coast of England earlier this year, U.S. Force officials said Monday

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Air Force Crash

By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Monday, November 23, 2020

An Air Force pilot became disoriented because of reduced visibility and crashed his fighter jet off the coast of England earlier this year, U.S. Force officials said Monday following the results of an accident investigation.


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df5272 No.148651

File: b592c8b719ec35e⋯.png (337.26 KB,656x464,41:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753089 (231908ZNOV20) Notable: FBI reportedly investigating threats against Georgia election officials

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FBI reportedly investigating threats against Georgia election officials

The FBI is investigating threats being made against Georgia’s top election officials amid allegations of voter fraud, according to reports.

In a joint operation with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), agents are probing targeted threats made against Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and members of his team, Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs confirmed to Forbes, without detailing the threats.

“The GBI has information of possible threats. We are in the process of investigating any such statements directed at Georgia officials to determine their credibility,” the GBI said in a statement, according to local news anchor Rahul Bali.

The confirmation came a day after the Peach State’s voting system manager, Gabriel Sterling, complained of threats being made against him.

“So this is fun … multiple attempted hacks of my emails, police protection around my home, the threats,” Sterling, a Republican, tweeted Saturday.

Despite calling himself a “proud” supporter of President Trump, Raffensperger has also found himself repeatedly under attack over the handling of the state’s election process after declaring Joe Biden the victor following a hand recount.

“Georgia’s voting system has never been more secure or trustworthy,” the Republican insisted in an op-ed in the Washington Post Saturday, complaining about “unfounded” criticism of the local system.

The threats came as Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said last week she’s received “ongoing and escalating” threats of violence in the aftermath of Biden’s presidential win.


FBI should look at his crimes instead of running defense

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df5272 No.148652

File: 3dbf1c90bf182de⋯.png (469.66 KB,917x537,917:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753105 (231910ZNOV20) Notable: NYT: Joe Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary

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NYT: Joe Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary

Former US Vice President Joe Biden, the media's presumptive winner of the 2020 US election, will nominate ex-Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) Alejandro Mayorkas as his pick for DHS secretary in his anticipated administration.

Citing Biden's transition office, the New York Times reported Monday that the Democratic presidential nominee intends to nominate Mayorkas, a fellow Obama-era official, as DHS secretary. If confirmed, the Cuban-American lawyer would be the first Latino to head the department.

Mayorkas entered the Obama administration as director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2009, following a unanimous Senate confirmation vote. He was then promoted to DHS deputy secretary and held the position from 2013 to 2016.

Biden was initially slated to make this announcement and more nominations during a Tuesday address from Wilmington, Delaware. However, the former vice president released a statement on Monday confirming an array of cabinet and high-level administration nominations.

"We have no time to lose when it comes to our national security and foreign policy," Biden said in a statement, as reported by NBC News. "I need a team ready on Day One to help me reclaim America’s seat at the head of the table, rally the world to meet the biggest challenges we face, and advance our security, prosperity, and values. This is the crux of that team."

US foreign service veteran Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who served as assistant secretary of state for African affairs between 2013 and 2017, will be nominated as US ambassador to the United Nations, according to the transition office.

The UN ambassador position will also be elevated to cabinet-level status, sources noted to the NYT. US President Donald Trump removed the ambassador seat from his cabinet following Nikki Haley's 2018 exit.

Thomas-Greenfield, who is a Black American woman, is expected to be one of many diverse nominees for Biden's cabinet.

"These individuals are equally as experienced and crisis-tested as they are innovative and imaginative," Biden said in a November 23 statement obtained by NBC News. "Their accomplishments in diplomacy are unmatched, but they also reflect the idea that we cannot meet the profound challenges of this new moment with old thinking and unchanged habits – or without diversity of background and perspective. It’s why I’ve selected them.”

Avril Haines, a former White House deputy national security adviser, has been tapped as Biden's director of national intelligence. Confirmation to the position would make her the first woman to ever hold the position.

Biden's transition office also confirmed reports that former US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Jake Sullivan were selected to serve on the Democrat's potential administration.

Blinken was tapped for US secretary of state and Sullivan, a senior policy adviser with Hillary Clinton's Department of State, received the nomination to serve as Biden's national security adviser.

Former US Secretary of State John Kerry was also picked by Biden to serve as special presidential envoy for climate. The 76-year-old Democrat publicly accepted the nomination via social media Monday.

America will soon have a government that treats the climate crisis as the urgent national security threat it is. I'm proud to partner with the President-elect, our allies, and the young leaders of the climate movement to take on this crisis as the President's Climate Envoy.

— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) November 23, 2020


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df5272 No.148653

File: 987474572ed374d⋯.png (797.19 KB,990x642,165:107,Clipboard.png)

File: cb6add8d2ce6574⋯.png (1.32 MB,1230x773,1230:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753136 (231913ZNOV20) Notable: Maybe Rudy was pointing at KNOWINK Is that INK on Rudy's head? The election security hole everyone ignores

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of course they share a building with mason communications



for politico article and knowink







E-Pollbook Failure in GA, OH, TX Undermines a (So Far) Surprisingly Smooth Election Day 2020: 'BradCast' 11/3/2020

'Poll Pad' systems made by KNOWiNK shut down, slow voting in several states; USPS ordered to sweep for undelivered ballots; Houston voters win again; World awaits election results…

By Brad Friedman on 11/3/2020 6:01pm PT

I've got to be quick about this today, as polls are now closing on the nightmarish hellscape that is Election Day 2020. But, on today's BradCast, we cover some of the reported problems voters had around the country on Tuesday, thanks to failed voting systems in battleground states such as Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas. [Audio link to show follows below.]

Happily - perhaps due to so many voters having already voted during Early Voting or by-mail - there were far fewer problem reports today than in recent Presidential elections. At least as of air time. Frequently, problems don't reveal themselves until later. But, for now, we focus on a few places where voting systems went down entirely, preventing voters from voting in those states.

In almost every case it was related to the failure of electronic pollbooks made by a company named KNOWiNK, which produce the devices called "Poll Pads". Those systems seem to be behind the countywide shutdown of voting for the first several hours of Election Day in Spalding County, GA and in Morgan County, GA. Despite months of warnings from voting systems experts - and a federal court order - and the systems failing during the state's June primaries — Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger did not make sure that backup paper pollbooks were in place. That meant that voters in Spalding could not vote at all for hours on Election Day. In Morgan, election officials were a bit more prepared, it seems. They were able to keep the process going, even if lines were a bit longer than hoped.

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df5272 No.148654

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753145 (231913ZNOV20) Notable: NYT: Joe Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary

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Cali Swamp Rat. Probably why Cali is a Sanctuary State

>Alejandro Mayorkas

ominated by President Obama on April 24, 2009 and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 7, 2009, USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas oversees the administration of the world’s largest immigration service.

Mayorkas has served as the United States Attorney for the Central District of California and previously was a partner in the law firm of O’Melveny and Myers LLP. Last year, he was named one of the 50 Most Influential Minority Lawyers in America by the National Law Journal. Mayorkas previously served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California from 1989 to 1998.


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df5272 No.148655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753179 (231916ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan Department of State / Secretary of State Michigan Board of State Canvassers LIVE

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Michigan Department of State / Secretary of State

Michigan Board of State Canvassers LIVE

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df5272 No.148656

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753238 (231921ZNOV20) Notable: #15002

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baker seeking handoff next bread at dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>148626 @TheJusticeDept": Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

>>148627 @TheJusticeDept: Florida and Tennessee Pain Clinic Owner Extradited from Italy to the United States to Face RICO Charges

>>148628 Statement From Sidney Powell "STATEMENT FROM SIDNEY POWELL TO "WE THE PEOPLE"

>>148631 Anon bun from #15001

>>148634 Logistics Experts: COVID-19 Marks End Of Globalization, Makes National Supply Chains Critical Infrastructure

>>148635 LA reports 300 homicides for the first time in a DECADE as cops blame the coronavirus lockdown and cuts to the police

>>148636 New Mexico to boost COVID-19 testing with saliva samples

>>148637 Saudi denies MBS meeting with Israel's Netanyahu re: >>148587 Netanyahu Flew To Saudi Arabia For First Known Meeting With Crown Prince

>>148639 Court arrests Dagestani police official in 2010 Moscow subway terror attack criminal case

>>148638 This pb notable quotes a fake Giuliani twitter account. You can see 3 underscores in URL. Spelling matters! re: >>148521 anon reminds doubters that spelling matters

>>148641 If Illegitimate and Unexplained Negative Votes Were Reversed or Eliminated in Georgia, President Trump Would Easily Win the State

>>148642, >>148644 Blinken is ‘a friend of Israel,’ ex-officials say

>>148643 George Soros-linked election software company lies about ties with Dominion

>>148645, >>148653 Maybe Rudy was pointing at KNOWINK Is that INK on Rudy's head? The election security hole everyone ignores

>>148646 A dozen compelling allegations of voting irregularities in 2020 election

>>148648 Dept of Justice: Fifteen Members and Associates of Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges

>>148649 Dominion Exec VP Lets It Slip: Software Switched Votes From One Candidate To Another (dcclothsline)

>>148650 An Air Force pilot became disoriented because of reduced visibility, crashed his fighter jet off the coast of England earlier this year, U.S. Force officials said Monday

>>148651 FBI reportedly investigating threats against Georgia election officials

>>148652, >>148654 NYT: Joe Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Homeland Security Secretary

>>148655 Michigan Department of State / Secretary of State Michigan Board of State Canvassers LIVE

>>148629, >>148630, >>148632, >>148633, >>148640, >>148647 Planefag Reports


baker seeking handoff next bread at dough

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148657

File: 2267f53b3ccface⋯.png (400.06 KB,650x752,325:376,Clipboard.png)

File: fbbbcaa87ebd1b2⋯.png (77.1 KB,588x274,294:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753343 (231931ZNOV20) Notable: Third Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Expedited Review For Team Trump’s Appeal in Pennsylvania

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JUST IN: Third Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Expedited Review For Team Trump’s Appeal in Pennsylvania

Tweet from @JennaEllisEsq https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1330917531146711041


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df5272 No.148658

File: c66f97acafaf4ad⋯.png (1.08 MB,782x883,782:883,Clipboard.png)

File: cd23eddae310099⋯.png (20.24 KB,777x282,259:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fbc27b80b59855⋯.png (1.08 MB,1156x924,289:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 48652304004a82f⋯.png (177.28 KB,1180x626,590:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 58301013e1ad745⋯.png (27.37 KB,761x311,761:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753354 (231932ZNOV20) Notable: Gabon’s First Family Stashed Cash in DC Property

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Gabon’s First Family Stashed Cash in DC Property

The Bongo family has ruled Gabon for over five decades — and for nearly as long, they have been accused of looting their nation’s wealth. Authorities in France and the U.S. have over the years investigated bundles of cash, customized cars, and pricey properties, assets potentially purchased with proceeds of corruption.

Now reporters have discovered that over the past two decades, the Bongos and their inner circle — including a judge who has been instrumental in helping the family hang on to power — have purchased at least seven properties worth over US$4.2 million in and near the U.S. capital, a destination whose real estate has long attracted African dictators.

The Bongos’ Washington, D.C.-area homes were all purchased with cash.

Rules meant to prevent the laundering of illicit funds don’t require real estate professionals in the U.S. to ask questions about all-cash transactions, or to report suspicious activity to authorities. This lack of obligation has drawn repeated criticism from the Financial Action Task Force, a Paris-based global anti-money laundering watchdog, which identified it as a vulnerability in the U.S. financial system.

In an apparent effort to bridge this gap, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has issued temporary orders in targeted locations considered to be high-risk for money laundering. In 2016, the agency ordered real estate title companies in some counties in California, New York, Florida and Texas to report all-cash property purchases over a certain amount. The most recent order, renewed earlier this month, requires title companies in 12 U.S. metropolitan areas to identify individuals behind shell companies buying property with cash.

Washington, D.C. is not on that list.

“If you go through a bank, there’s actually some pretty good rules in place,” said Gary Kalman, the director of Transparency International’s U.S.office, referring to the due diligence requirements in place for financial institutions that process mortgage loans. But “if you make an all-cash purchase with an anonymous company outside of those 12 metropolitan areas, there’s no rules whatsoever,” said Kalman.

The Bongo family’s proclivity for cash is not new to U.S. authorities. When he was president, Omar Bongo brought $1 million in shrink-wrapped $100 bills to the U.S. and handed it over to one of his daughters, Yamilee Bongo-Astier. The unemployed university student kept the stash in a bank safety deposit box and, when questioned, told bank employees that she expected additional funds from her father to purchase a $2.2 million condo in New York City, according to a 2010 Senate report on illicit financial flows into the United States.

According to the Senate report, Bongo-Astier was able to deposit large sums of her father’s cash into accounts in U.S. banks, which often did not flag her as a politically exposed person, a designation that could have triggered enhanced scrutiny of the source of those funds. She also confirmed that she bought luxury vehicles for Gabonese officials in the U.S. at her father’s request.

By the time of his death in 2009, Omar Bongo had ruled oil-rich Gabon for over four decades and amassed a fortune that reportedly included at least 183 cars, 39 luxury properties in France, and 66 bank accounts. In the country’s capital, Libreville, this accumulation of wealth exclusive to the president, his family, and their inner circle is popularly referred to as the “Bongo system.” Meanwhile, a third of Gabon’s population lives in poverty, according to the World Bank.


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df5272 No.148659

File: ee970e8bfdaeb7c⋯.png (251.57 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: cb78a8bb8b5fddc⋯.png (150.17 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 9373900575a7aa9⋯.png (137.74 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d60bdf448674b5⋯.png (82.7 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: b380332a38f4e10⋯.png (186.84 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753364 (231933ZNOV20) Notable: MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

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As i was researching more about them i came to find that they are in a close relationship with Cybernetica. Thats an Estonian company that is responsible for Estonian I-Voting system.

They joined forces with Smartmatic and they do share offices in Estonian cities.

One interesting this about this that Cybernetica's voting system was used in Utah !!

So basically now we have Smartmatic in Utah.(not talking about 2020 elections)

So now we  recognized that maybe Estonia is full of voter fraud. Their voting system is used in so many countries around the world that itsjust CRAZY!!!

We need seriously more research in this cause i saw  that they really do have their ties in many countries WW.

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df5272 No.148660

File: 65628becc6db245⋯.jpg (542.42 KB,1080x1500,18:25,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753442 (231940ZNOV20) Notable: PA GOV I guess Prohibition treats Covid?

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I guess Prohibition treats Covid?


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df5272 No.148661

File: dbe032b6f93e139⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753476 (231944ZNOV20) Notable: twat MP4 Bidens plan to tax gun owners

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Bidens plan to tax gun owners

$200 tax on guns and magazines or get fined and jailed THEN lose your guns anyway because you’d be criminal


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df5272 No.148662

File: c29e38ee2557f39⋯.png (817.21 KB,773x516,773:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753481 (231944ZNOV20) Notable: Fox News ‘interviews’ Dominion spox Michael Steel, a former strategist for John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Jeb! Bush

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Fox News ‘interviews’ Dominion spox Michael Steel, a former strategist for John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Jeb! Bush

If there are lingering doubts that Fox News is and likely has been part of the opposition party, this should dispel them.

Fox News played an interview of Dominion Voting Systems spokesperson Michael Steel Sunday morning. From the get-go, the “interview” was framed as a debunking session for “conspiracy theories” being exposed by President Trump’s attorneys, particularly Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. Here’s how the stage was set by Fox News anchor Eric Shawn: “One of the claims of election fraud that’s been disputed centers on Dominion Voting Systems,” Shawn began. “The machines are used in 28 states. You know, the company has repeatedly denied allegations of switched votes, foreign or Democratic Party influence, secret tampering, but its responses have done little to dampen skeptics even though the head of the Department of Homeland Security Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs, was fired for reporting quote, ‘There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.’ The President called that quote highly inaccurate.” Before even asking a question, the Fox News host established innocence for Dominion, credibility for their claims through Christopher Krebs, and criticism for President Trump for firing him. It’s a public relations masterpiece and they were just getting started. “With us now is Michael Steel, a principal with the Washington, D.C., firm Hamilton Places Strategies, which is representing Dominion,” Shawn continued.

Steel is a partner with Hamilton Places Strategies. His political history is crowned through his work with three of the most notorious Republican Establishment and Trump-hating men in America. He was Press Secretary for Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan, Press Secretary for Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senior Advisor for Policy and Communications for the 2016 Jeb Bush Presidential campaign. “The first question people want to know, did a Dominion machine change one vote from Biden to Trump or from Trump to Biden?” Shawn asked. Steel responded with an immediate half-truth. “No. This is a non-partisan American company. It is not physically possible for our machines to switch votes from one candidate to the other.” Technically speaking, this is true. And it’s conspicuous that the question and answer were unnecessarily specific about a “machine” switching votes. It is, as Steel said, physically impossible. But that’s not the real question Americans want answered. We want to know if people operating the machines in person or remotely changed votes. As we discovered shortly after the election, this was definitely the case, admitted as such by Dominion and Michigan election officials a day after we broke the story. “Let’s be very clear,” Steel continued. “Our election system is run by local elected officials and non-partisan poll watchers. We simply provide a tool to count the ballots and to print and count ballots. There is no way such a massive fraud could have taken place and there are no connections between our company and Venezuela, Germany, Barcelona, Kathmandu, whatever the latest conspiracy theory is.”

It’s true that the system is run by local election officials, but what Steel did not mention is that shortly after testifying before the Senate in January, Dominion released a correction to their testimony that stated many of their machines had remote access capabilities. He was also accurate when he said the company he’s representing has no known connections with Kathmandu. The rest of what he said is comprised of lies. Even CNN had to acknowledge a connection to Venezuela in their attempt to debunk a connection to Venezuela, George Soros, and the Clinton Foundation. He repeated the lie about Venezuela later in the interview. How can he do this? Because Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic are in the process of hiding all ties between the companies. As CNN reported, Smartmatic is the originator of Dominion and had direct ties to Venezuela. Smartmatic was founded in Florida by two Venezuelans, and did provide election technology to the Venezuelan government. Later in the interview, Steel claimed that the reason Dominion’s machines were rejected by Texas was because they were too complex for Texans. Seriously. “Well, look, the great thing about our system is that every state gets to certify their own equipment,” Steel said. “Texas being Texas is a little bit different. They were afraid that our system was a little too complex and they chose to go elsewhere.”


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df5272 No.148663

File: d3eb82ebe041285⋯.png (43.58 KB,738x267,246:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753547 (231951ZNOV20) Notable: PA GOV I guess Prohibition treats Covid?

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I think Democrats are having a contest to see who can be the biggest DICtator.


BREAKING REPORT: Pennsylvania Governor Issues Alcohol Ban, EXTENDS STAY AT HOME ORDER & Ramps Up Enforcement Action just before Thanksgiving…


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df5272 No.148664

File: 4f0ab3df8161c78⋯.png (905.86 KB,757x860,757:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753594 (231955ZNOV20) Notable: footface Kerry twat KERRY PANIC COMMS….MUH CLIMATE CHANGE

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The work we began with the Paris Agreement is far from done. I'm returning to government to get America back on track to address the biggest challenge of this generation and those that will follow. The climate crisis demands nothing less than all hands on deck.

Timestamp CST


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df5272 No.148665

File: 868226c38d16da1⋯.png (448.9 KB,599x600,599:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753629 (231958ZNOV20) Notable: Is it aliens? Wildlife officials discover mysterious 12-foot-tall metal monolith in Utah desert

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Is it aliens? Wildlife officials discover mysterious 12-foot-tall metal monolith in Utah desert



Government workers had a close encounter of the strange kind out in the Utah desert.

A crew with the state wildlife resources department was aboard a Utah Department of Public Safety helicopter when they spotted a mysterious monolith sticking out of the dirt last week.

About 10 to 12 feet tall, the shiny metal object was firmly planted in the ground, suggesting it wasn't just dropped from above.

Officials suggest it could be have been constructed by an artist or 'a huge fan of 2001: Space Odyssey.

The unlabeled object is located inside a red rock cove but, fearful amateurs could endanger themselves trying to get a closer look, the workers have withheld details about its exact location.

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df5272 No.148666

File: 08e350827662b44⋯.png (126.01 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 614f7063e995bc1⋯.png (136.02 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ba2d0c56e7258d⋯.png (157.31 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c15e4e690ead8a⋯.png (152.89 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753651 (232000ZNOV20) Notable: MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

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Hello Estonia…

As i was researching more about them i came to find that they are in a close relationship with Cybernetica. Thats an Estonian company that is responsible for Estonian I-Voting system.


Dig on this man.

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df5272 No.148667

File: 864438e6574409e⋯.jpg (364.52 KB,1078x1151,1078:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753667 (232001ZNOV20) Notable: Fitton Twat on biden NSC nominee

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Tom Fitton


Biden, if he wins, proposes to put Clintin-linked national security risk in NSC post. Meanwhile, Barr DOJ moving to shut down all Clintin email inquiries.


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df5272 No.148668

File: 5e7582e7e6d72d1⋯.png (90.76 KB,674x583,674:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753691 (232003ZNOV20) Notable: Fitton Twat on biden NSC nominee

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Biden, if he wins, proposes to put Clintin-linked national security risk in NSC post. Meanwhile, Barr DOJ moving to shut down all Clintin email inquiries.


Quote Tweet

clintin clinton

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df5272 No.148669

File: 3b4391162da71a7⋯.png (113.63 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 6acd441f160606e⋯.png (144.34 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753741 (232007ZNOV20) Notable: MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

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DARPA is investing money in Cybernetica.

So now we have Smartmatic and DARPA with Estonian Company how controls Estonian I-Voting system.


Just wait to post in how many countries they are operating!

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df5272 No.148670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753743 (232007ZNOV20) Notable: Corona fines

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Twatter of guy getting

cuffed and stuffed for

not wearing his face diaper

Enjoy Bidens America


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df5272 No.148671

File: 3d6b8a70fe5155f⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,320x576,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753782 (232010ZNOV20) Notable: no mash on son, arrested MP4

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Happy thanksgiving

enjoy your tyranny.

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df5272 No.148672

File: ae8a885b67b3e2b⋯.png (687.11 KB,640x1315,128:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ecbc17edf2dc79⋯.png (260.7 KB,640x1315,128:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 45d8f40e4cda296⋯.png (540.47 KB,640x1315,128:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c905dede40ad69⋯.png (367.03 KB,467x960,467:960,Clipboard.png)

File: 6556fee35301c9e⋯.png (778.5 KB,961x832,961:832,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753853 (232018ZNOV20) Notable: Corona fines

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Canada went full retard.

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df5272 No.148673

File: bff99def081da94⋯.jpg (478.32 KB,1913x967,1913:967,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6ee4eb2b3256e33⋯.jpg (398.79 KB,1919x957,1919:957,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753861 (232019ZNOV20) Notable: planefag

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Our old friend GTMO844 is on the move again. That weird Slovenian register light plane, N37RR is out there again. Why is it military?

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df5272 No.148674

File: 3a13accf385abd8⋯.png (538.67 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753920 (232023ZNOV20) Notable: Pence house gets xmas trees WH TWAT

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The White House Retweeted

Second Lady Karen Pence


Excited to share that the @VP Residence Christmas trees have arrived! A special thank you to Wyckoff’s Christmas Tree Farm LLC in Belvidere, New Jersey for the amazing trees.Time to start [D]ecorating!


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df5272 No.148675

File: 01a0f93d50355c2⋯.png (290.04 KB,842x603,842:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753935 (232025ZNOV20) Notable: planefag

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df5272 No.148676

File: 1e138d743b40e25⋯.png (404.96 KB,960x642,160:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11753943 (232025ZNOV20) Notable: planefag

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df5272 No.148677

File: bd6abdd3cebd7ea⋯.png (179.11 KB,500x260,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754070 (232035ZNOV20) Notable: Oregon Governor Pushes Residents To Report Neighbors Who Break Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions

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Oregon Governor Pushes Residents To Report Neighbors Who Break Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions

The Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, has commenced another lockdown due to rising cases of COVID-19, according to Town Hall.

“The situation is dire, and requires an urgent, immediate, and decisive response to quell the current surge in COVID-19 infections, before it is too late.”

“Look, this is no different than what happens if there’s a party down the street and it’s keeping everyone awake. What do neighbors do? They call law enforcement because it’s too noisy. This is just like that. It’s like a violation of a noise ordinance.”


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df5272 No.148678

File: 6ad81176f08bd11⋯.png (100.69 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fe3dc1043a342a⋯.png (108.1 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c3c4a9d33357ee⋯.png (96.28 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 718d6725c919cbc⋯.png (95.91 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 59c81724bc75f49⋯.png (99.92 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754086 (232036ZNOV20) Notable: MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

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df5272 No.148679

File: a8261b69fbb6014⋯.jpg (38.93 KB,457x523,457:523,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754151 (232046ZNOV20) Notable: U R G E N T R E Q U E S T I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

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Patriots, please share Lin Wood's tweet on your social media.


T h a n k y o u,frens!

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df5272 No.148680

File: fb2b7ee8e679ff7⋯.jpeg (682.83 KB,828x1193,828:1193,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754174 (232048ZNOV20) Notable: Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

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https://mobile.twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1330976222059393029 NEW #FLYNN Letter to AG Barr from Senators




alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes. Senators request further declassification + ALL Taylor interview docs. Former DHS official

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df5272 No.148681

File: 5b208c9dcfaf9fe⋯.png (118.23 KB,652x893,652:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 324053ed91bf1f4⋯.png (764.07 KB,633x858,211:286,Clipboard.png)

File: 07449ad410ab26d⋯.png (666.54 KB,665x822,665:822,Clipboard.png)

File: 84cc189e54f0eec⋯.png (371.71 KB,651x864,217:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 4246a4d24772307⋯.png (159.62 KB,641x675,641:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754175 (232048ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun #15005 E-bake well one of them / (You), WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

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WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

The FBI Covered Up This Information

High-level whistleblowers exclusively tell NATIONAL FILE that Dominion Voting Systems has been a “national security threat” for years and its machines, programmed in Serbia, are known for vote-flipping like the kind that Dominion was caught engaging in during the 2020 presidential election in Michigan. According to whistleblowers, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden personally visited Serbia to take part in a scheme that gave Democrats control of America’s Dominion voting machines in coordination with Eric Holder’s Justice Department. The plot is also linked to the Chinese, the Clinton Foundation, and George Soros. This article will take you through the entire globalist plot, step by step.

Dana Jill Simpson and her husband Jim are election integrity and technology experts who have worked for Tides Foundation insiders (the Tides Canada Foundation shares office space in Toronto with Dominion Voting Systems’ headquarters). They are both anti-war progressives in the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party. Dana Jill Simpson has been investigating Dominion for years, and she brought her concerns about voter fraud to the FBI in 2016 — including information about Dominion — but the FBI ignored her pleas for help. Simpson said the scanners for Dominion are made by a company called Flextronics in Plano, Texas, whose CEO does business with the Chinese company Huaewei.

The Obama-Biden administration literally gave Dominion its market share through a 2010 forced divestiture.

A March 8, 2010 press release from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice entitled “Justice Department Requires Key Divestiture in Election Systems & Software/Premier Election Solutions Merger” announced that DOJ was forcing a divestiture of election technology from a top company. Dominion ended up getting that technology and thus nearly a third of the electronic voting systems market in America.



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df5272 No.148682

File: c44440c9cc91e0c⋯.png (557.31 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754186 (232049ZNOV20) Notable: Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

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Replying to


Miles Taylor recently

revealed he was the anonymous author behind NYTimes Op-Ed, "I am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration."


READ: https://grassley.senate.gov/sites/default/files/2020-11-20%20CEG%2C%20Johnson%20to%20DOJ%20-%20May%202017%20FBI%20Briefing%20Notes%2C%20Miles%20Taylor.p

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df5272 No.148683

File: bfd4fe247ad6d38⋯.png (533.55 KB,1918x953,1918:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 0928eeaeaa74e78⋯.png (1.64 MB,1399x925,1399:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754188 (232049ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk

Up at Briggs Army Air Field

Unknown destination

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df5272 No.148684

File: 96c0b899f80b162⋯.png (211.42 KB,645x756,215:252,Clipboard.png)

File: 06a399c20efae70⋯.png (459.39 KB,625x914,625:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d8c1becaa94e26⋯.png (104.69 KB,671x817,671:817,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754192 (232050ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun #15005 E-bake well one of them / (You), WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

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Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto, NATIONAL FILE has learned. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.

The Robertson Building’s Directory of Tenants shows that Dominion Voting is listed at both Suite 200 (the suite Dominion lists publicly) and also Suite 370, which places it in neighborly range of the Tides Canada Foundation in suite 360. Tides Foundation in America, based in San Francisco, created and financially supports Tides Canada Foundation. The Tides Foundation has reportedly received more than $20 million in donations from George Soros’ groups, and Tides shares Soros’ vision for a radical left-wing makeover of Western civilization and the world. Tides has given out money to numerous left-wing groups including ACORN and Project Vote and recently created the Black Lives Matter Support Fund.

This is just one link between Dominion Voting Systems and George Soros. Access Wire reported that “Dominion entered into a 2009 contract with Smartmatic and provided Smartmatic with the PCOS machines (optical scanners) that were used in the 2010 Philippine election, the biggest automated election run by a private company.”

Smartmatic is chaired by Mark Malloch-Brown, who is good friends with George Soros and even called Soros his landlord at a five-bedroom house in Westchester County, New York. Malloch-Brown has worked with Soros on various projects including as vice chairman of the Open Society Institute and also Soros Fund Management. Mark Malloch-Brown is listed as a Global Board Member of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Here is Malloch-Brown photographed with his friend George Soros:


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df5272 No.148685

File: 6f91d5b51b07595⋯.png (649.44 KB,694x560,347:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754195 (232050ZNOV20) Notable: Biden to nominate Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

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Biden to nominate Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

President-elect Joe Biden will name former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as his Treasury secretary nominee, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

Yellen, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, would be the first woman to serve as Treasury secretary. She had been seen as a top candidate for the position, and one who could probably be confirmed by the Senate even if it is in GOP hands after the results of two runoff elections in Georgia in January.

The Senate in 2014 confirmed Yellen as Fed chair in a 56-26 vote, though many of the Republicans who backed her then are no longer members of the Senate. Yellen's nomination would be the latest signal of Biden's effort to set up a diverse Cabinet. On Monday he announced he would nominate Alejandro Mayorkas to serve as Homeland Security secretary, Avril Haines to be director of national intelligence and Linda Thomas-Greenfield to serve as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) was seen as a top contender for the post, and some of her supporters are likely to be disappointed that Biden did not choose to nominate her for the position. Yellen, 74, became the first woman to chair the Fed board of governors in 2014, leading the central bank’s efforts to bolster the recovery from the Great Recession. Her insistence on keeping interest rates near zero for much of her tenure laid the groundwork for a major shift in the way the Fed balances unemployment and inflation, though some progressives have criticized the rate hikes during the second half of her tenure.

President Trump declined to nominate Yellen for a second four-year term when her term expired in 2018. Her Republican successor, Jerome Powell, had voted in lockstep with Yellen on interest rates and led the Fed’s efforts to formalize its new emphasis on reducing unemployment.

If confirmed by the Senate, Yellen would be the first person to chair the Fed, lead the Treasury Department and serve as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers — a position she held from 1997 to 1999 during the Clinton administration.


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df5272 No.148686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754208 (232051ZNOV20) Notable: Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine

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Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Monday called on New York and other states to accept a COVID-19 vaccine once it’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said he “doesn’t agree” that it’s necessary for Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state leaders to conduct their own in-house review process before distributing a vaccine.

“Hopefully I can appeal to them to say that yes, you can look at the data, everybody should be looking at the data — there’s nothing wrong with that — but trust the process because it’s a sound process,” Fauci told the Washington Post.

Fauci said although he “doesn’t fault them for wondering what’s going on,” he fears the states’ own reviews could slow the process of rolling out the vaccine to their residents.

“I hope if they do it then they do it in an expeditious manner that doesn’t delay anything,” Fauci said.

Cuomo has come under fire for saying he plans to assemble a team of experts to review the vaccine before distributing it in the Empire State — because he believes New Yorkers are going to “need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it’s safe.”

“We’re going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and the protocol and if they say it’s safe, then I’ll go to the people of New York and I’ll say it’s safe with that credibility,” he said.


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df5272 No.148687

File: e2b2473357d095d⋯.jpg (722.67 KB,1076x1687,1076:1687,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1caa3186b514176⋯.jpg (301.47 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 939e885ea51dc81⋯.jpg (460.27 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ba6c5a54d0f7c1f⋯.jpg (487.23 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754211 (232052ZNOV20) Notable: Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

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df5272 No.148688

File: d13f5bf23dbd2f8⋯.png (332.09 KB,609x346,609:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754232 (232054ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff

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Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff

What could possibly go wrong?

Georgia elections officials on Monday voted to extend the use of ballot drop boxes for the January 5 twin Senate runoff where the Republican majority in the Senate is on the line.

The use of ballot drop boxes, which opens the door for illegal ballot harvesting, was set to expire in December, but the 5-member Georgia State Election Board voted to extend the use of drop boxes.

Georgia is already struggling with how to deal with residency concerns after Democrats have called on people to temporarily move to Georgia to vote in the Senate runoff.

GOP incumbent Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are fighting to keep their seats.

Fox News reported:

The five-member Georgia State Election Board, chaired by Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, voted on Monday to extend the use of the 24/7 monitored drop boxes for use through the runoffs. Use of the boxes was originally set to expire in late December.

The move comes amid a surge in absentee ballot requests in the runoff elections. Officials said that as of Monday morning 762,000 requests for absentee ballots had been submitted.

A second rule adopted allows counties to continue to begin processing absentee ballots two weeks before Election Day – but now also mandates them to start processing them no later than a week and one day ahead of the election. But as per Georgia law, none of the ballots would be tabulated and counted until the polls close on Jan. 5.

The board didn’t discuss or rule on a measure dealing with residency concerns. The secretary of state’s office opted instead to send an official election bulletin to counties regarding residency information.

The deadline to register to vote for the runoff elections is Dec. 7 – and early in-person voting in the twin contests begins on Dec. 14.

President Trump was up by more than 110,000 votes in Georgia on election night when Fulton County suspended counting due to a burst pipe.

There is no evidence that a pipe actually burst at the State Farm Arena tabulation center, however according to GA GOP Chairman David Shafer, elections officials continued to count ballots in the dead of the night with no observers present.

Corrupt officials in Atlanta continued to produce/count mail-in ballots for Joe Biden without checking signatures days after the election and Biden now leads Trump by approximately 12,000 votes in Georgia.

The Democrats will use the same mail-in voter fraud tactics to steal the twin Senate runoff and the RINO Secretary of State is assisting them with the steal.


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df5272 No.148689

File: 2e5f08b229e399a⋯.jpg (392.37 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e2632b21b7e5c76⋯.jpg (371.83 KB,1919x961,1919:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7d943f285e4894f⋯.jpg (423.87 KB,1733x961,1733:961,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6ee4eb2b3256e33⋯.jpg (398.79 KB,1919x957,1919:957,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754243 (232054ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM167 landed at MacDill AFB. We now have a second GTMO flight in the air, GTMO845 has taken off from Fort Lauderdale.GTMO844 flew from Jacksonville.

I've never seen Two GTMO flights like this before.

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df5272 No.148690

File: 19bb88ca3d49572⋯.png (330.96 KB,631x385,631:385,Clipboard.png)

File: adcd188153bf00a⋯.png (342.61 KB,580x558,290:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754251 (232055ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving

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Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving

Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. “Rachel” Levine issued a one-night suspension of alcohol sales on Wednesday, just one day before Thanksgiving.

The Democrats have brought back the prohibition in order to combat Covid, because science.

CBS Pittsburgh reported:

On Wednesday, Nov. 25, restaurants and bars are ordered to suspend alcohol sales at 5 p.m. until 8 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 26. Gov. Wolf says the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the “biggest day for drinking” and acknowledged bars and restaurants have been hit hard by the pandemic, but this one-night ban is needed.

“The thing that we can’t do is ignore reality and say ‘yeah you folks, for no fault of your own, have been hit hardest by this virus.’ But the virus is what’s doing this. It’s not me. It’s not the administration. It’s not the government,” said Gov. Wolf.

There’s also a stay-at-home advisory, and Dr. Levine says people shouldn’t gather with others outside their household.

“Orders already in place and those announced today will be enforced, and law enforcement and state agencies will be stepping up enforcement efforts, issuing citations and fines and possible regulatory actions for repeat offenders,” says Dr. Levine.

“It has to be our collective responsibility to protect our communities, our healthcare workers and our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians from COVID-19.”


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df5272 No.148691

File: 4b452517b57e136⋯.png (25.09 KB,1014x1003,1014:1003,Clipboard.png)

File: b967aa0f5b2890d⋯.png (83.78 KB,726x612,121:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754303 (232059ZNOV20) Notable: Miles Taylor in Wikileaks

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I searched Miles Taylor in Wikileaks & it got one hit:


I did a quick search for Wellspring because it sounds so fucking familiar, but I don't know why atm

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df5272 No.148692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754307 (232100ZNOV20) Notable: House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources

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House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources

Washington, D.C. — Today, Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn B. Maloney, Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey, Oversight and Reform Committee’s Government Operations Subcommittee Chairman Gerald E. Connolly, and Appropriations Committee’s Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee Chairman Mike Quigley sent a letter insisting that General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Emily Murphy brief them tomorrow on her ongoing refusal to grant the Biden-Harris Transition Team access to critical services and facilities specified in the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 and millions of dollars in funding that Congress appropriated on October 1, 2020, for transition activities under the Act.

“We cannot wait yet another week to obtain basic information about your refusal to make the ascertainment determination,” the Chairs wrote. “Every additional day that is wasted is a day that the safety, health, and well-being of the American people is imperiled as the incoming Biden-Harris Administration is blocked from fully preparing for the coronavirus pandemic, our nation’s dire economic crisis, and our national security.”

Last Thursday, the Chairs sent a letter asking Murphy for a briefing by today. Earlier today, Murphy’s staff sent an email indicating that her Deputy would provide the briefing instead of her, and that her Deputy would not provide the briefing until next week. The email also indicated that GSA may have a problem with its ability to set up video-conferencing.

In response, the Chairs offered to accommodate GSA by pushing the briefing to tomorrow and proposing a host of times to conduct the briefing via a virtual platform or conference call. The Chairs asked GSA to respond by 5 p.m. today.


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df5272 No.148693

File: 60c36aceec16ff4⋯.jpg (484.47 KB,1919x967,1919:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754315 (232100ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Two C-130s call sign VADER04 and VADER22 - Kek!

Marines and Army flights headed West.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148694

File: cb9f1903f860cc5⋯.png (139.95 KB,845x875,169:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754335 (232102ZNOV20) Notable: Yet another way to stop Covid

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yet another way to stop Covid:

In order for the SARS-CoV2 virus to enter host cells, its "spike" protein has to be cleaved by the cell's own enzymes – proteases. The protease inhibitor aprotinin can prevent cell infection, as scientists at Goethe University, the University of Kent and the Hannover Medical School have now discovered. An aprotinin aerosol is already approved in Russia for the treatment of influenza and could readily be tested for the treatment of COVID-19.

The surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is studded with spike proteins. The virus needs these in order to dock onto proteins (ACE2 receptors) on the surface of the host cell. Before this docking is possible, parts of the spike protein have to be cleaved by the host cell's enzymes – proteases.

In cell culture experiments with various cell types, the international scientific team led by Professor Jindrich Cinatl, Institute for Medical Virology at the University Hospital Frankfurt, Professor Martin Michaelis, and Dr Mark Wass (both University of Kent) demonstrated that the protease inhibitor aprotinin can inhibit virus replication by preventing SARS-CoV2 entry into host cells. Moreover, aprotinin appears to compensate for a SARS-CoV2-induced reduction of endogenous protease inhibitors in virus-infected cells.

Influenza viruses require host cell proteases for cell entry in a similar way as coronaviruses. Hence, an aprotinin aerosol is already approved in Russia for the treatment of influenza.

Professor Jindrich Cinatl said: "Our findings show that aprotinin is effective against SARS-CoV2 in concentrations that can be achieved in patients. In aprotinin we have a drug candidate for the treatment of COVID-19 that is already approved for other indications and could readily be tested in patients."



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df5272 No.148695

File: ffa020933bf7948⋯.png (245.84 KB,792x441,88:49,Clipboard.png)

File: e5ef494f4179604⋯.png (226.86 KB,539x263,539:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b9fd4fb9a7bdc4⋯.png (120.58 KB,822x453,274:151,Clipboard.png)

File: d056a40e32c19bb⋯.jpg (415.25 KB,959x626,959:626,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754343 (232102ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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LOKI82 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Bragg nw after an arrival on 1121 as DROOP33

Heading back to Offutt AFB

This AC is used by the Sec. of Defense

SAM042 USAF G5 departed Peterson AFB east after an overnight and inbound from Hickam AFB, Oahu

571/kts gs

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df5272 No.148696

File: 3639bb9201bc303⋯.png (30.29 KB,600x282,100:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754436 (232108ZNOV20) Notable: FBI setting up alibi???!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#FBI issued a warning about spoofed FBI internet domains. Unattributed cyber actors have registered numerous domains spoofing legitimate @FBI

websites - don't be fooled!


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df5272 No.148697

File: 451d3f589930338⋯.png (16.36 KB,547x197,547:197,Clipboard.png)

File: ce58edd1adef111⋯.png (18.98 KB,543x249,181:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b8bdedfc16fce6⋯.png (16.65 KB,557x188,557:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 9fd03482c4a4b5a⋯.png (13.18 KB,568x132,142:33,Clipboard.png)

File: bb8f3d9b152ccb7⋯.png (19.38 KB,574x203,82:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754509 (232114ZNOV20) Notable: "They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team

Update (1600ET): Hillary Clinton has spoken out to deliver a ringing endorsement to Biden's "national security" team.

The architect of Obama's interventionist foreign policy approach has spoken: expect the Biden team to undo any last-minute Trump orders to lower American troop totals in the MENA region.

* * *

Update (1310ET): Charles Gasparino, Fox Business's senior correspondent, has just reported that LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Democratic mayor of America's most infamously traffic-clogged metropolis, is the front-runner to serve as Biden's secretary of transportation, taking over from Elaine Chao, wife of Senate leader Mitch McConnell.

But even more interesting than Gaspo's tweet about Garcetti was his follow-up, where he reported that Yellen has leap-frogged Brainard and Roger Ferguson to become the front-runner to lead Biden's Treasury Department.

The logic makes sense: "Shes liked by banks, OK with progressives and easily confirmed. Plus we keep Lael at the Fed where she can replace Powell at some point".


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df5272 No.148698

File: 5f14fa89b21bd29⋯.png (218.59 KB,1210x581,1210:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 40ea5c82a131294⋯.png (76.46 KB,734x883,734:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754536 (232116ZNOV20) Notable: The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !

Dominion PDF :



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df5272 No.148699

File: 69ca86ccaaf721f⋯.png (208.23 KB,1532x1642,766:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 7250b86439e94bb⋯.png (371.76 KB,1562x1684,781:842,Clipboard.png)

File: f66093f5160c831⋯.png (254.41 KB,1795x1621,1795:1621,Clipboard.png)

File: 3282faf6c83324c⋯.png (120.26 KB,1082x925,1082:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754665 (232127ZNOV20) Notable: Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Kek, you'll like this - Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

Co-founders: Eugenia Kuyda, Philipp Dudchuk

According to Eugenia's LinkedIn, Luka was founded in Aug 2013. Philipp is now Product Manager at FB. He is also an Advisor to awarenow.






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df5272 No.148700

File: 89093f8894194fe⋯.jpeg (174.75 KB,1663x707,1663:707,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754720 (232132ZNOV20) Notable: Wayne County Clerk Admits to Committing Fraud on Camera

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From halfchan:

Wayne County Clerk Admits to Committing Fraud on Camera



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df5272 No.148701

File: ab90ff52dc671bf⋯.jpg (479.31 KB,1913x961,1913:961,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754726 (232133ZNOV20) Notable: PF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VADER04 and VADER22 over Youngstown at angels 3

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df5272 No.148702

File: 7b626ed5266d719⋯.png (736.17 KB,1914x877,1914:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d0f03638377684⋯.jpg (230.07 KB,1158x463,1158:463,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754750 (232135ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Spending a lot of time over the west side of San Antonio, TX.


Country:United States

Type code:C5M

Type:Lockheed C-5M Galaxy

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df5272 No.148703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754810 (232139ZNOV20) Notable: Anon theory

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This is just speculation but will try to sauce as much of it as possible to at least make it educated speculation.

I feel like the name JIMMY CHAGRA popping up recently isn't by accident, and somehow plays into the Sidney Powell narrative so going down that rabbit hole, if you aren't familiar with him, the short of it is he was the biggest marijuana trafficker in the Southwest, in fact some say undisputed Kingpin in the West that ran drugs from El Paso to Vegas from the 1969-79'ish era who ended up going away because he had the judge in his case murdered (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamiel_Chagra

It's at this point where the rabbit hole gets interesting and seems to lay out a lot of connections and fuckery to present day.

1) As mentioned above, Sidney Powell (who we all know by now is from DURHAM) was the one who prosecuted Chagra when she was working as an Assistant DA in West Texas. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Powell).

2) Chagra's attorney was none other than famed mob attorney, OSCAR GOODMAN, who not only went on to be the Mayor of Vegas (and is originally from PHILLY, that's a shock…said no one ever) from 1999-2011, but his wife Carolyn took over for him and still is serving as the Mayor as we speak. More on the relevance of that in a second. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Goodman).

3) The hitman who CHAGRA hired to kill the judge, was Woody Harrleson's dad, who would then go on to claim he was contracted years before to kill JFK(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Harrelson)

Now that seems outlandish and wasn't ever proven, but this old interview that I have embedded with Woody and Barbara Walters has always been a WTF moment to me that gains more relevance now since the interview was from a long time ago….but Woody is steadfast that his dad WORKED FOR THE CIA. On a sidenote, Woody has had one hell of a career, and careers in Hollywood don't happen by accident.  He pretty much launched right out of the gate on Cheers at age 24 and hasn't looked back since. That's quite remarkable for some poor kid from Ohio, unless of course their is in fact a lot more to the CIA and the Harrelson family marriage, which would certainly help place him in Hollywood if that is true.

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df5272 No.148704

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754815 (232139ZNOV20) Notable: Anon theory

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>>148703 Continued from above….

4) Now let's look at the cities involved….Chagra is from EL PASO…..The Goodman's resided in LAS VEGAS….Both Chagra and Harreslon spent their prison time in the federal prison in ATLANTA (with Harrleson later being moved to Colorado after trying to escape).

Connecting all these cities….they are all deep state hub cities. El Paso more than ever as of late with their FF Wal Mart shooting, and now trying to hardsell a rampant COVID outbreak, not to mention many border crossings and "Cartel connections" over the years, and for fucks sake VEGAS has always been the epicenter of the Deep State from flying the Bin Laden family out of McCarron when everyone else was grounded after 9-11 (https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/27/washington/world/the-reach-of-war-arranged-departures-new-details-on-fbi.html) to the bullshit Steven Paddock story… Not really sure what this all means other than to say that as we take a sledgehammer to the Deep State, we are exposing the cities and people who have been in control of those places for a far, far long time. The Goodmans have ran Vegas for over 21 years now, and that's just from an official capacity. They have not changed their routes at all. They are flowing from the directions that they always have.

5) Has Q implied this connection? Yes Q has in drop #3581 just a little over a year ago.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9b601a No.7352869 

Nov 11 2019 18:23:51 (EST)"Calm Before the Storm." - POTUS

Month/Day 'Q' public campaign initiated?

Month/Day 'Durham' initiated?

What famous crime family did Durham target?

"Also spearheaded mob prosecutions of the [Gambino], Genovese and Patriarca crime families."


What AB[C] agency did Durham target?

How are messages sent?


[Dec 12 2018]

"What if there's another prosecutor (outside of DC) assigned by SESSIONS w/ the same mandate/authority?" - Q

Do you believe in coincidences?


Be ready, Patriots.


6) Now here is the hard part for me in regards to Powell and even Lin Wood if you want to lump them in together, and I'm not trashing them as they very well may be good guys, just pointing out that whether it's an act or true, they take on a carnival barker persona. I am baffled at the Gen Flynn/Powell constant Retweeting and endorsing the likes of e-celebs and grifters who have taken lots of money as PAY-triots like Tracy Beanz, Ann VanderSteel, Praying Medic, etc. Why and the fuck are lawyers at the tip of the sphere mentioning those clowns?….Well that very well could be because those clowns have always been Q ran Twitter Accounts. They served their purpose in waking up masses of normies and also as a mouthpiece to mention things that Anons didn't directly pick up on. IN fact to me that is the only logical explanation….unless you want to believe that Powell and Flynn are somehow bad, which I do not.

As we wait for POTUS and Q to bring the whole fucking house down, I just wanted to point out some possible deeper connections that show how deep this shit runs. I could be way off base and out there, but the Swamp isn't just in DC and you are talking about having to take out people like the Goodman's and exposing all the CIA routes and people they have in other places, like Denver, and the Pacific NW, etc…

I do believe we are in fact in the precipice and have been now for a few weeks. We are near the end, as we have to be with the finalizing of the election.  HOLD THE LINE ANONS, I know it's fucking hard but if you have committed thus far to watching a "movie" play out, then you should use that as your strength right now that what is playing out is as Q said, that WE MUST SHOW THEM….The true spirit has emanated in this country since 1776. Don't let them take it!!! 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and thanks for indulging me the forum here to post this. 

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df5272 No.148705

File: ff622811381d520⋯.png (136.73 KB,1257x972,419:324,Clipboard.png)

File: c05f9cec6a26579⋯.png (65.5 KB,1012x772,253:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 94c87016259de48⋯.png (79.05 KB,991x972,991:972,Clipboard.png)

File: 9729b11fa977026⋯.png (469.42 KB,1367x841,1367:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754867 (232143ZNOV20) Notable: Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alex Fayette of ACME VC, formerly of Sherpa Capital, is one of Replika's Board members





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df5272 No.148706

File: 89566e434f9a38d⋯.png (69.04 KB,1365x550,273:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11754926 (232148ZNOV20) Notable: Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Moar Replika

Board Members include:

Scott Stanford	ACME Capital	Board Member	

Sven Strohband Ph.D	Khosla Ventures	Board Member

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df5272 No.148707

File: 36454305f2a52dd⋯.png (666.73 KB,689x1693,689:1693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755068 (232203ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11754973 lb

>How does Trump, Flynn, etc expect American Patriots to maintain morale in this environment

Kevin McCullough @KMCRadio "BREAKING: There are too many eye-witnesses that saw it happen. Another one ON THE RECORD.The American people do not accept the vote totals as they stand.Criminals are attempting open theft. They’ve been sloppy and the eye-witnesses are speaking out."


Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out — Saw the Biden Ballot Dump at 4 AM and Witnessed Officials Tampering with Tabulators!https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/michigan-witness-former-us-congressional-candidate-speaks-saw-biden-ballot-dump-4-witnessed-officials-tampering-tabulators/

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df5272 No.148708

File: cbf6595099957cc⋯.png (106.7 KB,478x626,239:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755079 (232204ZNOV20) Notable: Adam Schiff: Your refusal to recognize Biden’s win will do serious long-term harm.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam Schiff


Dear @GSAEmily,

Your refusal to recognize Biden’s win will do serious long-term harm.

To national security, our fight against COVID, and more.

Trump’s frivolous lawsuits and baseless conspiracies to overturn the people’s mandate will not succeed.

Do your duty. Right now.


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df5272 No.148709

File: 052784b315f05c0⋯.png (121.6 KB,688x725,688:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755090 (232204ZNOV20) Notable: I need some help from GA Patriots.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lin Wood


Good afternoon. Busy day!

I need some help from GA Patriots.

I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

If you cast such a ballot or know someone who did, please email me at lwood@fightback.law.

We The People will take action to secure our votes.https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1330961964982562826

Lin Wood


Good afternoon. Busy day!

I need some help from GA Patriots.

I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

If you cast such a ballot or know someone who did, please email me at lwood@fightback.law.

We The People will take action to secure our votes.https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1330961964982562826

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148710

File: fa58ca686c8d097⋯.png (689.58 KB,792x445,792:445,Clipboard.png)

File: f42641e4da6ab75⋯.png (476.98 KB,598x634,299:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755272 (232216ZNOV20) Notable: Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure

"… exposed to an officer from the California Highway Patrol"

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that he and his family are going to self-quarantine after exposure to someone with COVID-19. “Late Friday evening, @JenSiebelNewsom and I learned that 3 of our children had been exposed to an officer from the California Highway Patrol who had tested positive for COVID-19,” the Democrat wrote on Twitter early Monday morning. “Jen and I had no direct interaction with the officer and wish them a speedy recovery.” The California Highway Patrol (CHP) provides security for the governor, his wife and their four children, who range in age from four to 11. “Thankfully, the entire family tested negative today,” he continued. “However, consistent with local guidance, we will be quarantining for 14 days.”

“We are grateful for all the officers that keep our family safe and for every frontline worker who continues to go to work during this pandemic,” Newsom added. “After they learned of the exposure to the infected CHP officer, the family was advised by health professionals to wait until Sunday to get tested again, according to Newsom’s office,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “The children who were potentially exposed to the virus were not identified for security reasons.” Last Monday, Newsom declared that, with rising COVID-19 infections in the state, he was pulling the “emergency brake” on reopening the economy. “We are sounding the alarm,” Newsom said. “California is experiencing the fastest increase in cases we have seen yet — faster than what we experienced at the outset of the pandemic or even this summer. The spread of COVID-19, if left unchecked, could quickly overwhelm our health care system and lead to catastrophic outcomes.”

The new regulations Newsom ordered put 41 of the state’s 58 counties in the most restrictive of the four-tier system, which affects 37 million residents. The move stopped reopening plans, banned indoor worship, shut down many businesses, and closed schools. Newsom and his wife came under fire for attending a birthday party with a dozen friends on Nov. 6 at the expensive French Laundry restaurant in Napa, north of San Francisco. The governor said the dinner was outdoors, but pictures tell a different story. “We’ve obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he’s in hot water over,” FOX-11 in Los Angeles reported. “The photos call into question just how outdoors the dinner was. A witness who took photos tells us his group was so loud, the sliding doors had to be closed.” In the pictures, no one at the table is wearing a mask or practicing social distancing, even though Newson has been urging both for months. Newsom eventually apologized. “I made a bad mistake,” he said. “I should have stood up and … drove back to my house. The spirit of what I’m preaching all the time was contradicted. I need to preach and practice, not just preach.”



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df5272 No.148711

File: 54a835fc0bd4935⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755320 (232220ZNOV20) Notable: 2017 DR. ERIC COOMER EXPLAINS ON VIDEOTAPE HOW TO ALTER VOTES IN THE DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f**king sure of that!” - Dr. Eric Coomer VP of US Engineering for US Dominion Voting Company.


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df5272 No.148712

File: eae556631f79dcf⋯.jpeg (363.44 KB,640x816,40:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755404 (232225ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan election board certifies Biden win

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michigan just certified..


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df5272 No.148713

File: 82644402265412a⋯.png (138.25 KB,1235x535,247:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755411 (232226ZNOV20) Notable: ECW retweets "Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Issues Statement Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ECWretweets Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Issues Statement Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755436 (232228ZNOV20) Notable: #15004

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#15004 notes from the other 15005-ebake (>>>/qresearch/11755197)


>>148679 U R G E N T R E Q U E S T I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

>>148680, >>148682, >>148687 Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

>>148681, >>148684 WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

>>148683, >>148689, >>148693, >>148695, >>148701, >>148702 PF

>>148685 Biden to nominate Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

>>148686 Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine

>>148688 Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff

>>148690 Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving

>>148691 Miles Taylor in Wikileaks

>>148692 House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources

>>148694 Yet another way to stop Covid

>>148696 FBI setting up alibi???!!!

>>148697 "They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team

>>148698 The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !

>>148699, >>148705, >>148706 Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

>>148703, >>148704 Anon theory

>>148700 Wayne County Clerk Admits to Committing Fraud on Camera

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df5272 No.148715

File: 6af3856cfad6646⋯.mp4 (328.7 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755487 (232231ZNOV20) Notable: Protestors drown CNN broadcast with "CNN SUCKS" chant.

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Protestors drown CNN broadcast with "CNN SUCKS" chant.


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df5272 No.148716

File: 82f73956cad3b2a⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755495 (232232ZNOV20) Notable: kek triggered woman metal

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148717

File: 001a8b78faa5db5⋯.png (565.63 KB,747x780,249:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755496 (232232ZNOV20) Notable: FLOTUS Christmas comm with and evergreen in a bag at 23 seconds long.

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FLOTUS Christmas comm with and evergreen in a bag at 23 seconds long.


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df5272 No.148718

File: 7384c1894566085⋯.png (365.61 KB,535x488,535:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755516 (232234ZNOV20) Notable: GOP senator: No indication of widespread voting irregularities, window for Trump challenges is "closing"

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GOP senator: No indication of widespread voting irregularities, window for Trump challenges is "closing"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148719

File: 4e0ed9589dc3d87⋯.png (479.33 KB,597x520,597:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755532 (232235ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan county board approves resolution in support of impeaching Whitmer

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Michigan county board approves resolution in support of impeaching Whitmer


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148720

File: 4af1898c0f5b08e⋯.png (328.83 KB,618x410,309:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755541 (232235ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Tony Meatballs’ among 15 mobsters busted in Philadelphia

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‘Tony Meatballs’ among 15 mobsters busted in Philadelphia

A reputed wiseguy nicknamed “Tony Meatballs” is among more than a dirty dozen alleged South Philly mobsters charged in a sweeping federal indictment unsealed Monday. The suspects are accused of everything from illegal sports betting to heroin-peddling to offering loans at 400 percent interest — not to mention plotting to kidnap and possibly murder a drug dealer to save their reputations after the guy sold them fake narcotics. Anthony “Tony Meatballs’’ Gifoli, 72, was named in the superseding grand-jury indictment along with others including accused La Cosa Nostra underboss Steven “Stevie’’ Mazzone and alleged capo Domenic “Mr. Hopkins’’ Grande, the feds said. Underlings targeted by the indictment include Louis “Louie Sheep’’ Barretta, Joseph “Joey Electric” Servidio and Daniel “Harry” Castelli, the FBI said.

The crime syndicate has been working from Philadelphia to Atlantic City, NJ, the feds said — as they laid out the Mafia hierarchy in court documents, as well as offered definitions for related key terms. Federal officials said that unlike New York City, where several crime families have ruled over the years, Philadelphia and its surrounding area has been continuously under siege from the same single Mafia family since 1931. The court documents only identified the family’s current “street boss’’ by the initials “M.L’’ The street boss can serve in place of the boss when the higher-up is “incapacitated due to imprisonment,’’ the papers said. The Philly crime family’s consigliere — “typically an older, experienced mobster who counsels [the boss] on important issues’’ — was ID’d by the initials “J.L.’’ The feds described in the papers how “made men,’’ or “soldiers,’’ in a Mafia crime family must be of 100 percent Italian ancestry and vow at a secret initiation ceremony to “burn in Hell if I betray my friends.” If they turn “rat’’ and break “Omerta,’’ or the mob “Code of Silence,” they can be killed. Meanwhile, mob “associates’’ are not “made men’’ because they either haven’t been initiated yet or they lack full Italian heritage, the papers explained.

In terms of Mazzone’s alleged group, they schemed in places including the now-defunct Broadway Theatrical Club in South Philadelphia, an Italian restaurant in Collingswood, NJ, and a cafe and lounge in Margate, NJ, according to court documents. The seven-count indictment against the men includes charges of racketeering conspiracy, extortion, illegal gambling and narcotics distribution. About half of the defendants are already behind bars. An original indictment in the case was filed in January 2019 against four of the suspects, with the latest one adding more defendants and charges. “The charges unsealed today against these 15 alleged members and associates of the Philadelphia La Cosa Nostra show that the mafia remains a criminal presence in our city and beyond,” said Michael Driscoll, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Philadelphia Division, in a statement. “From loansharking and illegal gambling to drug trafficking and extortion, the mob continues to keep its fingers in many different pots, in its ceaseless quest for illegal profits. “This group should’ve learned by now that the FBI is as committed to eradicating organized crime as wiseguys are to embracing it.” US Attorney William McSwain added, “The Philadelphia mob isn’t what it used to be, and thank God for that. “But it is still a problem and is still allegedly committing serious federal crimes, which is why we at the Department of Justice are focused on stamping it out. We will not rest until the mob is nothing but a bad memory.”


Fifteen Members and Associates of the Philadelphia Mafia Indicted on Federal Racketeering and Related Charges


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df5272 No.148721

File: 03f7bb295ea90ec⋯.png (362.3 KB,598x562,299:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755543 (232236ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan election board certifies Biden win

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Michigan election board certifies Biden win


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148722

File: ef84a8ee2577b7f⋯.png (419.68 KB,598x617,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755576 (232237ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania governor halts alcohol sales day before Thanksgiving

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Pennsylvania governor halts alcohol sales day before Thanksgiving


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148723

File: 8597fe0d7e2a27a⋯.png (562.1 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

File: c9162cf31bc6edb⋯.jpg (228.8 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755624 (232241ZNOV20) Notable: Meet Corn and Cob, turkeys vying for Trump's presidential pardon

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Meet Corn and Cob, turkeys vying for Trump's presidential pardon



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df5272 No.148724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755634 (232241ZNOV20) Notable: Kim Jong Un’s nephew taken into protective custody by the CIA

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Kim Jong Un’s nephew taken into protective custody by the CIA


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df5272 No.148725

File: 608347bb8979c8c⋯.jpg (72.06 KB,828x810,46:45,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755702 (232247ZNOV20) Notable: "Certification by state officials is simply a 'procedural step'" - Jenna Ellis

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"Certification by state officials is simply a 'procedural step'" - Jenna Ellis

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df5272 No.148726

File: cac1f6aca7473da⋯.jpg (64.88 KB,482x534,241:267,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755941 (232302ZNOV20) Notable: Let there be light! - US Navy

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df5272 No.148727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755959 (232303ZNOV20) Notable: #15003

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>>148663 Pennsylvania Governor actions before Thanksgiving

>>148665 Wildlife officials discover mysterious 12-foot-tall metal monolith in Utah desert

>>148667, >>148668 Fitton tweet Clintin/Clinton

>>148670, >>148672 Corona fines

>>148677 Oregon Governor Pushes Residents To Report Neighbors Who Break Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions

>>148659, >>148666, >>148669, >>148678 Dig on Cybernetica

>>148657 Third Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Expedited Review For Team Trump’s Appeal in Pennsylvania

>>148658 Gabon’s First Family Stashed Cash in DC Property

>>148659, >>148666, >>148669, >>148678 MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

>>148660, >>148663 PA GOV I guess Prohibition treats Covid?

>>148661 twat MP4 Bidens plan to tax gun owners

>>148662 Fox News ‘interviews’ Dominion spox Michael Steel, a former strategist for John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Jeb! Bush

>>148664 footface Kerry twat KERRY PANIC COMMS….MUH CLIMATE CHANGE

>>148665 Is it aliens? Wildlife officials discover mysterious 12-foot-tall metal monolith in Utah desert

>>148667, >>148668 Fitton Twat on biden NSC nominee

>>148671 no mash on son, arrested MP4

>>148673, >>148675, >>148676 planefag

>>148674 Pence house gets xmas trees WH TWAT

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df5272 No.148728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756070 (232310ZNOV20) Notable: #15005

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Dough: >>>/qresearch/11755032


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>148707 Michigan Witness and Former US Congressional Candidate Speaks Out

>>148708 Adam Schiff: Your refusal to recognize Biden’s win will do serious long-term harm.

>>148709 I need some help from GA Patriots.

>>148710 Gov. Newsom And Family Go Into Isolation Following COVID-19 Exposure


>>148712, >>148721 Michigan election board certifies Biden win

>>148713 ECW retweets "Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Issues Statement Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg."

>>148715 Protestors drown CNN broadcast with "CNN SUCKS" chant.

>>148717 FLOTUS Christmas comm with and evergreen in a bag at 23 seconds long.

>>148718 GOP senator: No indication of widespread voting irregularities, window for Trump challenges is "closing"

>>148719 Michigan county board approves resolution in support of impeaching Whitmer

>>148720 ‘Tony Meatballs’ among 15 mobsters busted in Philadelphia

>>148716 kek triggered woman metal

>>148722 Pennsylvania governor halts alcohol sales day before Thanksgiving

>>148723 Meet Corn and Cob, turkeys vying for Trump's presidential pardon

>>148724 Kim Jong Un’s nephew taken into protective custody by the CIA

>>148725 "Certification by state officials is simply a 'procedural step'" - Jenna Ellis

>>148726 Let there be light! - US Navy

re-post missed notables

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df5272 No.148729

File: 02892fc4758be5e⋯.png (801.54 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755058 (232202ZNOV20) Notable: China pays US MSM millions of dollars to push progressive propaganda to American public

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df5272 No.148730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755072 (232203ZNOV20) Notable: Anon lays out the plan very succinctly

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Anon lays out the plan very succinctly.

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df5272 No.148731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755073 (232203ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Dr. Andreas Noack was reportedly under investigation by German authorities for being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the government

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Dr. Andreas Noack was reportedly under investigation by German authorities for being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the government. During a livestream broadcast of his views on the authoritarian COVID-19 rules, the German police broke down his door and arrested him. The arrest was made after the German Parliament passed the “Infection Protection Law”.

The balaclavas and heavily armed tactical rifles are a nice touch, WATCH:

(Media Report) – Reports from Germany indicate that a German doctor, Dr. Andreas Noack was arrested during a police raid while he was recording a live video. The reasons for the police raid and arrest of the german doctor have not been officially revealed yet. However, there are rumors that Dr. Andreas Noack provided medical assistance to hundreds of protestors during lockdown protests against the administration. (read more)

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df5272 No.148732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755092 (232204ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion LinkedIn archives

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25 Files / 15 Original

Files for dominion-linkedin


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df5272 No.148733

File: 052784b315f05c0⋯.png (121.6 KB,688x725,688:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755105 (232205ZNOV20) Notable: U R G E N T R E Q U E S T New Lin Wood - Calling all GA voters casting a Military Absentee Ballot

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Lin Wood


Good afternoon. Busy day!

I need some help from GA Patriots.

I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

If you cast such a ballot or know someone who did, please email me at lwood@fightback.law.

We The People will take action to secure our votes.

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df5272 No.148734

File: d3c5c380945dc9f⋯.png (23.99 KB,1081x421,1081:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 769e09e66aea013⋯.png (27.03 KB,957x451,87:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 0322ba5332bcacd⋯.png (44.08 KB,987x445,987:445,Clipboard.png)

File: e315acdd7ff758c⋯.png (52.52 KB,1349x693,1349:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755150 (232208ZNOV20) Notable: Replika AI's website designer - creepy

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The Company that made that Replika AI site that is creepy AF


Thousand Plateaus

There's more stuff that's creepy too…There is a company that gave them money Y Combinator & a few others

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df5272 No.148735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755205 (232211ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan election board certifies Biden win (The Hill)

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Michigan election board certifies Biden win

The Michigan State Board of Canvassers on Monday certified the state’s election results showing Joe Biden defeating President Trump in the presidential race.

The four-member panel voted 3-0 to certify the results from Michigan’s 83 counties, further formalizing Biden’s win amid Trump’s flailing efforts to challenge the election results in court. Biden leads Trump in Michigan by over 150,000 votes.


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df5272 No.148736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755224 (232212ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Trump-hating actor Robert De Niro: President's supporters 'should be afraid of what's gonna happen' when he's out of office

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Trump-hating actor Robert De Niro: President's supporters 'should be afraid of what's gonna happen' when he's out of office

'They're gonna try to crawl back'

Actor Robert De Niro said supporters of President Donald Trump have a lot to worry about once he leaves office — presumably in January — and predicted that some will "have the gall to try and crawl back."

De Niro is about as far away from a fan of Trump as one can get. Last December he said he wanted to see the president "confronted and humiliated" in public — specifically wanting to witness a "bag of s**t" hit him in the face. De Niro also told TV host Stephen Colbert last November that America under Trump is like living in an "abusive household."

And during a Friday appearance on "The View," De Niro fielded a number of questions from the co-hosts — and fellow Trump-hater Ana Navarro began by asking "Bob" if anyone will be able to convince the president to concede the election to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and also, "Why are so many Republicans still kissing the ring among other things?"

'They should be afraid'

"I'm — I don't know what — what logic they're using except they're just afraid," De Niro replied. "They should be afraid of what's gonna happen later when he's not around, and they're gonna try and crawl back, the ones that would have the gall to try and crawl back. It's gonna be — it's going to be interesting to see."

De Niro added that Trump is such a "sham" and a "bully" who will "go anywhere" to give himself an advantage.

"He'll pardon himself," the actor said. "He'll pardon everyone around him, who he can, who's gonna be possibly prosecuted and/or convicted, and then some." He added that if Trump were reelected, it would mean "the end of this country, period. I'm not being overdramatic."

De Niro also said Trump's "base" will discover how his behavior "trickles down to them."

De Niro has spent just a little bit of time disparaging Trump since his 2016 election:

In 2018 he walked onstage at the Tony Awards, raised his fists, and declared, "I'm gonna say one thing: F*** Trump. It's no longer, 'Down with Trump,' it's 'F* Trump." Many in the audience laughed and gave De Niro a standing ovation.

The actor took the stage on the closing night of his Tribeca Film Festival in April 2018 and blasted Trump — as well as Republicans — with expletives: "I'm not so much concerned about Republicans believing Trump's bellowing bulls**t about fake news. They're not that stupid, most of them, but they're pretty f*ing stupid."

De Niro also called Trump a "scumbag" during a 2018 interview about the festival.

And a month prior to the 2016 presidential election De Niro called Trump "a punk, he's a dog, he's a pig, he's a con, a bulls**t artist, a mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about."


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df5272 No.148737

File: caaf33d5dc27ccd⋯.png (303.23 KB,456x346,228:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755246 (232214ZNOV20) Notable: 'Anonymous' Anti-Trump NYTimes Writer Identified As Witness In Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

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'Anonymous' Anti-Trump NYTimes Writer Identified As Witness In Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

Two GOP Senate committee chairs have requested FBI documents that apparently identified the “anonymous” anti-Trump New York Times op-ed writer who claimed to be part of the “resistance inside the White House” two years ago.

Several weeks ago, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staffer Miles Taylor outed himself as the “anonymous” author. He also penned a book that was released in 2019.

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), in a letter (pdf) to the Department of Justice (DOJ), requested the declassification of an 11-page document that allegedly “includes information about the status of the then-ongoing investigations into those individuals and references new information obtained through witness interviews.”

“One of the witnesses named in the section of the document labeled ‘Michael Flynn [CROSSFIRE RAZOR]’ is Miles Taylor,” they wrote.

“Although the document does not fully explain the FBI’s interest in Taylor in relation to Flynn, the memo included a ‘place holder’ for an ‘interview w/ Miles Taylor.'”

They noted that Taylor, who was former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s chief of staff before his departure in 2019, revealed that he wrote the 2018 NY Times article, “I am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration,” where he said he would “thwart” President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 11, 2019. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Taylor, they said, appeared to have been a witness in 2017 records pertaining to former national security adviser Michael Flynn as part of a probe. Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, but he later recanted his guilty plea and professed his innocence.

“This heavily-redacted document suggests that the FBI spoke directly to Taylor and it also provides additional information relating to Crossfire Hurricane,” the senators wrote. “Accordingly, we request that the entire document be further declassified.”

The two senators also indicated that Flynn’s lobbying organization, Flynn Intel Group, met with Taylor in October 2016.

No more details were provided.

“Witness interview of Miles Taylor, mentioned in the FARA documents, indicated Flynn Intel Group’s involvement with a late 2016 Turkey-related briefing to the now-National Security Adviser to the Vice President,” their document stated.


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df5272 No.148738

File: fc6562f917d38e3⋯.png (388.94 KB,528x331,528:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755271 (232216ZNOV20) Notable: Apple Head Of Security Charged With Attempted Bribery Over Concealed Carry Gun Licenses

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Apple Head Of Security Charged With Attempted Bribery Over Concealed Carry Gun Licenses

Apple's Chief Security Officer, Thomas Moyer, has been charged by a California District Attorney for attempting to bribe state officials in return for concealed firearms licenses, according to Bloomberg, citing court documents and a statement from the Santa Clara DA's office.

Apple's Thomas Moyer, 50, was named along with Santa Clara County Undersheriff Rick Sung and Captain James Jensen in a scheme to trade CCW licenses for 200 iPads worth close to $70,000. The deal was called off after Sung and Moyer learned that the District Attorney's office had executed a search warrant at the Sheriff's Office, seizing all CCW license records.

The two-year investigation by the District Attorney’s Office revealed that Sung, aided by Jensen in one instance, held up the issuance of concealed firearms (CCW) licenses until the applicants gave something of value. -Bloomberg

"In the case of four CCW licenses withheld from Apple employees, Undersheriff Sung and Cpt. Jensen managed to extract from Thomas Moyer a promise that Apple would donate iPads to the Sheriff’s Office," reads a statement from the DA. "The promised donation of 200 iPads worth close to $70,000 was scuttled at the eleventh hour just after August 2, 2019, when Sung and Moyer learned of the search warrant that the District Attorney’s Office executed at the Sheriff’s Office seizing all its CCW license records."

"The various fees required to obtain a CCW license generally total between $200 and $400. Under state law, it is a crime to carry a concealed firearm without a CCW license. Although state law requires that the applicant demonstrate “good cause” for the license, in addition to completing a firearms course and having good moral character, the sheriff has broad discretion in determining who should qualify," the statement continues.

Moyer, who has been with Apple for approximately 15 years, has been the head of global security since November 2018, according to LinkedIn.

His attorney said in a statment: "Tom Moyer is innocent of the charges filed against him," adding "He did nothing wrong and has acted with the highest integrity throughout his career. We have no doubt he will be acquitted at trial."


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df5272 No.148739

File: c85c5bb4c2ff411⋯.png (330.63 KB,614x519,614:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755273 (232216ZNOV20) Notable: New FLOTUS - Evergreen COMMS

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Dead Evergreen

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df5272 No.148740

File: 5d369151e869915⋯.png (321.72 KB,573x417,191:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 70139ec7bc38171⋯.png (441.41 KB,577x404,577:404,Clipboard.png)

File: a65b874eda815ef⋯.png (297.1 KB,580x712,145:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755301 (232218ZNOV20) Notable: Armed Black Lives Matter Militants Shut Down Traffic in Louisville, After Local Activist Was Shot and Killed During Carjacking (Gateway Pundit)

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Armed Black Lives Matter Militants Shut Down Traffic in Louisville, After Local Activist Was Shot and Killed During Carjacking

Black Lives Matter militants in Louisville are stopping traffic with long guns.

In footage from a livestream taken at the “protest” a man with a long gun is seen standing in front of a vehicle to make sure that the driver cannot safely pass.

The militants are out protesting the death of Travis Nagdy, a local BLM activist who was killed on Monday. The 21-year-old was shot during a carjacking and died in the hospital. The department’s homicide unit is investigating, but no suspects have been identified.


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df5272 No.148741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755322 (232220ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / THE NEW WORLD ORDER: COMMUNISM BY THE BACKDOOR (2015), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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By The Last Trumpet (Stellar Prophet)

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The New World Order Communism by the Backdoor – Great Documentary Video!

Monday, November 23, 2020 15:30

The New World Order Communism by the Backdoor Compilation – Short Version from full documentary below.

New World Order – Communism by backdoor is Dennis Wise’s second documentary after his first documentary “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told.” New World Order – Communism by backdoor focuses on New World Order and historical information that are related to New World Order.






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df5272 No.148742

File: 6554dce27488655⋯.png (238.99 KB,828x810,46:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 028411d4095f9c4⋯.png (148.85 KB,555x615,37:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755390 (232224ZNOV20) Notable: New Statement from Trump Campaign

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df5272 No.148743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755398 (232225ZNOV20) Notable: University Of Hypocrisy: Elite U.S. Institutions Receive Billions From ‘Nations That Abuse Human Rights On A Massive Scale’

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University Of Hypocrisy: Elite U.S. Institutions Receive Billions From ‘Nations That Abuse Human Rights On A Massive Scale’

An unsettling investigative report about American universities and funds they receive from foreign nations

National Review released Monday an unsettling investigative report about American universities and funds they receive from foreign nations. “While governments of allies such as England, Germany, and Italy all donate directly to U.S. colleges,” writes National Review, “roughly one-third of declared foreign funds come from nations that abuse human rights on a massive scale.”

American universities; the most liberal places on earth, where outrage and freedom of expression with zero consequences are as free-flowing as the oxygen in the air, receive billions of dollars from the most oppressive countries in the world. All credibility touting equality and fighting for human rights is completely gone.

“Following a series of investigations by the U.S. Department of Education, various universities reported receiving $6.6 billion in recent years from countries including Qatar, China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates” reports National Review. The Education Department fears “this amount is a fraction of the true total” and the money could be considered a “national security risk.”

It’s the most elite institutions receiving the funds including “Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, Texas A&M, Cornell, and MIT.” Education Department records reviewed by the Clarion Project showed “between 2012 and 2019 Harvard has disclosed donations of $79,272,834 from China, $7,077,754 from Qatar, and $30,637,202 from Saudi Arabia.” MIT has disclosed “$83,358,344 in donations from Russia, $31,472,548 from China, and $83,100,000 from Saudi Arabia.”

Hypocrisy is the least of the problematic consequences. In March of 2018, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made a highly publicized trip to Boston’s Massachusetts Institute of Technology to promote multi-million dollar partnerships between the Saudi government and elite universities. Traveling with the prince was Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, “a diplomatic official who appeared to be acting as a bodyguard. Six months later, Mutreb would coordinate the killing of Saudi citizen and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.”

National Review notes just how close this scenario was to our universities. “Mutreb ‘had engaged with members of the M.I.T. community’ during the crown prince’s visit, associate provost Richard Lester old the New York Times in June 2019.” Lester said it was “an unwelcome and unsettling intrusion into our space, even though evident only in retrospect.” It’s doubtful any of the millions were returned on principle, but shame on these universities for taking money from the largest human rights violators on the national stage.


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df5272 No.148744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755417 (232226ZNOV20) Notable: Biden and Friends Busted Partying and Singing Without Masks or Social Distancing at Joe’s Elite Birthday Bash (Investment Watchblog)

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Biden and Friends Busted Partying and Singing Without Masks or Social Distancing at Joe’s Elite Birthday Bash

Democrats attend birthday parties indoors.

But expect you to celebrate Thanksgiving alone outside.

Americans are tired of the hypocrisy.

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 22, 2020


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df5272 No.148745

File: 56c7919f39f261a⋯.png (74.02 KB,863x856,863:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 9367b4e2ac43fb2⋯.png (68.74 KB,781x842,781:842,Clipboard.png)

File: b777f988fb2c4d9⋯.png (98.66 KB,784x858,392:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a1822b09a22848⋯.png (46.23 KB,788x757,788:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755453 (232229ZNOV20) Notable: 7 Things That Were "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" Until 2020 Happened

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7 Things That Were "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" Until 2020 Happened

Remember back in the old days of, say, 2019, when anyone who talked about microchip implants, Americans being forced to show travel papers, and re-education camps was thought to be a crazy conspiracy theorist? And then 2020 rolled around and voila! It turns out those conspiracy theories weren’t so “crazy” after all.

And I’m not just talking about the government releasing info about UFOs.

We’re living in a time when someone will attempt to beat the crap out of you, burn your house down, or even kill you if you voted for the “wrong” presidential candidate. We’re being subjected to curfews, our movement is restricted, and our businesses have been forcibly shut down. One day, people will look back on this as the year that everything changed – or depending on how Americans respond to the mandates – the year we finally said enough.

Here are seven things that were considered crazy conspiracy theories…until now, when they’re becoming far too real.

#1) Universal Basic Income

Did you ever really think we’d live in a country where the government would tell private business owners when and how they could operate? Where workers would be told, “You can no longer go to work for your own good?”

Well, welcome to 2020.

22 million jobs were lost and only 42% of those were recovered by last August, when the country began to reopen. Millions of the lost jobs were permanent losses, as businesses across the country fold under the weight of the restrictions that either don’t allow them to operate or the money problems of their former customers.

“It’s clear that the pandemic is doing some fundamental damage to the job market,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “A lot of the jobs lost aren’t coming back any time soon. The idea that the economy is going to snap back to where it was before the pandemic is clearly not going to happen.”

…More than 10 million Americans are currently categorized as temporarily out of work. But historically, nearly 30% of people who tell the Labor Department that they are temporarily unemployed never get their job back, said Heidi Shierholz, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think tank.

“Even though we don’t know if the historical record will hold in this case, it’s an extremely valid concern that not all of those people are going to get called back,” she said.

People who are counting on businesses reopening their doors may be surprised to find that a temporary loss has become permanent one, said Zandi. (source)

Of the businesses that have closed, many will never reopen. Most harshly affected were small businesses.

About 60% of businesses that have closed during the coronavirus pandemic will never reopen, and restaurants have suffered the most, according to new data from Yelp. (source)

So we have not only people who became unemployed, but we also have business owners who’ve lost everything. As we go into the second round of lockdowns across the United States, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that some of the small businesses that have thus far managed to stay afloat will succumb to the economic effects of these mandates…taking with them even more jobs and plunging even more people into poverty.

Poverty is a vicious cycle and one seemingly small thing can suck those who are struggling into a vortex of fees and penalties from which emerging seems impossible. I’ve written about my own experiences with poverty here. The concern is that even fewer people will recover financially after this round of government mandates, leaving even more Americans broke, hungry, and homeless.


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df5272 No.148746

File: abea94f47b20970⋯.jpg (31.87 KB,460x287,460:287,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755460 (232230ZNOV20) Notable: French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy stands trial for corruption

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Gaddafi Boomerang!

French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy stands trial for corruption

By Associated PressNovember 23, 2020 | 11:00am | Updated

PARIS — Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy went on trial Monday on charges of corruption and influence peddling in a phone-tapping scandal, a first for the 65-year-old politician who has faced several other judicial investigations since leaving office in 2012.

Sarkozy is being accused of having tried to illegally obtain information from a magistrate about an investigation involving him in 2014.

He stands trial in a Paris court along with his lawyer Thierry Herzog, 65, and the magistrate, Gilbert Azibert, 73. They face a prison sentence of up to 10 years and a maximum fine of $1.2 million. They deny any wrongdoing.

Sarkozy and Herzog are suspected of promising Azibert a job in Monaco in exchange for leaking information about an investigation into suspected illegal financing of the 2007 presidential campaign by France’s richest woman, L’Oreal heiress Liliane Bettencourt.

Sarkozy arrived at the court surrounded by his lawyers and bodyguards, in the presence of dozens of journalists. The Paris court has been placed under high security as hearings in the case, scheduled until Dec. 10, are taking place at the same time as another key trial — that of the 2015 attacks at the Charlie Hebdo offices and a kosher supermarket.

Sarkoy’s trial started Monday afternoon in the absence of Azibert. His lawyer told news broadcaster BFM TV that he intends to request the postponement of the trial, arguing his client’s bad health makes it risky for him to travel and appear in court amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In 2014, Sarkozy and Herzog used secret mobile phones — registered to the alias name of “Paul Bismuth” — to be be able to have private talks as they feared their conversations were being tapped.

Sarkozy and Herzog explained that they bought the phones to avoid being targeted by illegal phone tapping. Investigative judges, however, suspect they actually wanted to avoid being tapped by investigators.

Judges have found that discussions between Sarkozy and his lawyer suggested they had knowledge that judicial investigators at the time tapped their conversations on their official phones — they mentioned “judges listening.”

Sarkozy argued that he never intervened to help Azibert, who never got the job and retired in 2014.

Investigative judges consider that as soon as a deal has been offered, it constitutes a criminal offense even if the promises haven’t been fulfilled.

Legal proceedings against Sarkozy have been dropped in the Bettencourt case.

Sarkozy, a lawyer by training, pointed at judicial harassment, accusing judges of breaching lawyer-client privilege via wiretapping.

“I don’t want things that I didn’t do to be held against me. The French need to know… that I’m not a rotten person,” he told BFM TV earlier this month.

He said he was facing the trial in a “combative” mood.

Sarkozy’s predecessor, Jacques Chirac, was found guilty in 2011 of misuse of public money, breach of trust and conflict of interest and given a two-year suspended prison sentence for actions during his time as Paris mayor, before he was president from 1995 to 2007.

Sarkozy’s name has appeared for years in several other judicial investigations.

ded up in victory for Socialist rival Francois Hollande.


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df5272 No.148747

File: fb934d6ee0cd369⋯.jpeg (671.23 KB,1939x1461,1939:1461,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755509 (232233ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Here’s how George Soros is stealthily taking over the American law enforcement system

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Here’s how George Soros is stealthily taking over the American law enforcement system


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df5272 No.148748

File: 2b07a23975bb9b8⋯.png (429.11 KB,514x661,514:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dc4e106e0288d1⋯.png (176.76 KB,525x649,525:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 18701a5f497abd8⋯.png (408.23 KB,860x778,430:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 25bd2fe383426b4⋯.png (167.59 KB,518x529,518:529,Clipboard.png)

File: b051b9a4fb8a8e7⋯.png (48.09 KB,854x359,854:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755545 (232236ZNOV20) Notable: One Hour Before Fake “Republican” Jeff Timmer Demanded Certification Of MI Vote, He Tweeted: “Merry F**king Christmas Melania Trump” (Gateway Pundit)

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One Hour Before Fake “Republican” Jeff Timmer Demanded Certification Of MI Vote, He Tweeted: “Merry F**king Christmas Melania Trump”

100 Percent Fed Up – I worked as a poll challenger in Detroit and left feeling like I was living in a third world country. The chaos, the shouting, the badgering, threatening, bullying, and intimidating of anyone identified as a member of the other team (Republicans) was off the charts. I walked away, feeling like the America I love is being stolen by an evil “win-at-all-cost” ideology.

The video below is just one example of how the paid Wayne County election workers, Democrat poll challengers, and Democrat operatives cheered after they managed to get another GOP poll challenger or attorney working for the GOP removed from the room where they were observing the ballots.

Last week, the lives of two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers and their families were threatened by unhinged people who were furious that after following the rules to not certify the votes if the boards are out of balance, voted to not certify the votes in the city of Detroit where a whopping 71% of the precincts were out of balance, meaning the final tabulation of votes doesn’t match the number of ballots cast.

Today, two Republican members (who were pre-emptively threatened), and two Democrat members of the Michigan Board of State Canvassers are being asked to ignore hundreds of affidavits pointing to massive voter fraud, intimidation of GOP poll challengers, and even accusations of fraud witnessed by a Dominion worker at the TCF Center, and certify the state’s November election results.

Yesterday, an email was sent out with a link for Michigan citizens to join the zoom call today and have their voices heard. Almost three hours into the call and most of the outside voices have been those of Democrat officials, many of whom were never at the TCF Center, demanding that the vote be certified today. One of the strongest voices, former MI GOP Executive Chair Jeff Timmer, was curiously chosen as the first non-elected official to speak. Timmer used his time to demand that the MI Board of Canvassers “do their jobs” and certify the vote.

Timmer’s hatred isn’t limited to President Trump, the unhinged “Republican” retweeted a message of support for Senator Congressman Bill Huizenga for Senator John James. Timmer tweeted: “Great big whoopity shit,” saying that Republicans haven’t “offered any evidence of fraud in any court.”

Timmer was one of the few “Republicans” allowed to speak today. This is how democracy works in Michigan, 90% of Democrats were able to share their opinions on the zoom call while, one of the only spots given to Republican to speak, was given to a Trump-hating fake Republican.


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df5272 No.148749

File: 862f3cce1bb302d⋯.png (2.45 MB,988x917,988:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755615 (232240ZNOV20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On November 22, the Turkish Army established a new military post near the village of Ruwayha;

On November 22, an Syrian Arab Army (SAA) intelligence servicemember was shot dead in Jalin town by unknown gunmen;

On November 22, Syrian President Bashar Assad has appointed Faisal Mekdad as the new foreign minister;

On November 22, Turkish-backed forces continued shelling areas near Ain Issa town. Two civilians were reportedly wounded;

On November 22, A leader of the Sham Legion was injured by a bomb explosion in his car in the town of Kafr Takharim;

On November 22, a US military delegation and representatives of the International Coalition met with leaders of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Deir Ezzur military council in the Omar Oil Fields area.


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df5272 No.148750

File: 08d52bc37415aaf⋯.png (1014.71 KB,1500x1367,1500:1367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755840 (232255ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Sidney Powell is registered as a military lawyer???!!! Needs digg

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df5272 No.148751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11755868 (232257ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>>>/qresearch/11754976 lb

>>>/qresearch/11754940 lb

VADER04 Northbound over my house at 4:31pm

VADER24 Southbound ... at 5:41pm


For 31 5:5

(although I doubt times over target of ME is relevant)

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df5272 No.148752

File: 44b6f56da54fddb⋯.png (1.33 MB,1500x1152,125:96,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756212 (232318ZNOV20) Notable: Dianne Feinstein to step down as top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary panel

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df5272 No.148753

File: 380ae4f5e1e9c07⋯.png (292.98 KB,573x632,573:632,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a55712afe3f68⋯.png (341.71 KB,854x570,427:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756215 (232318ZNOV20) Notable: SECOND VIDEO REVEALED of Dominion Voting System’s Eric Coomer Explaining to Elections Officials How to Switch Votes

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SECOND VIDEO REVEALED of Dominion Voting System’s Eric Coomer Explaining to Elections Officials How to Switch Votes

Dr. Eric Coomer who is responsible for the strategy and Security of Dominion Voting Systems at Dominion Voting Systems.

But if you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors.

Dr. Coomer’s statement brings to light a very serious issue all voters should understand. Voting systems must be re-certified each time they make changes to the hardware or software. Recertification is an expensive and time consuming process. What Dr. Coomer told the Board is that Dominion Voting does not go back for recertification of software when threats to their code are discovered. Rather, they rely on post-election audits and providing advice to election jurisdictions about security. I have reviewed all of the recertification documents produced by Dominion, and I do not recall any software adjustments for security purposes.

This is the reality of the security of your vote. Software systems that count and record the vote across Illinois and throughout the USA are not updated to address security problems, and even if they were, the software can be completely bypassed by going to the data tables that drive the systems.

And in 2017 Eric Coomer explained how to alter votes in the Dominion Voting Systems in a Chicago demonstration.

Here is the video…


Now this…

A video turned up from 2017 where Dr. Eric Coomer from Dominion Voting explained to Chicago elections officials how to alter votes in the Dominion voting machines.

This then is the SECOND VIDEO of top Dominion executive explaining to elections officials how to alter votes with the Dominion machines!

This was a separate demonstration in the Chicago area (notice he is wearing a dark jacket and is without the wrist protector.)


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df5272 No.148754

File: 70a963782fe6330⋯.png (797.95 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756218 (232319ZNOV20) Notable: Biden-Harris Transition website domain info show interesting dates.

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Biden-Harris Transition website domain info show interesting dates.


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df5272 No.148755

File: 87fd4e0bd9213ff⋯.png (29.64 KB,597x306,199:102,Clipboard.png)

File: 42d7abd086163d4⋯.png (33.61 KB,606x309,202:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756245 (232320ZNOV20) Notable: New POTUS

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I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good…


…fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.


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df5272 No.148756

File: e1c5c46034fba54⋯.png (247.11 KB,554x695,554:695,Clipboard.png)

File: d1a1677bf653f00⋯.png (276.24 KB,454x865,454:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756264 (232322ZNOV20) Notable: GSA letter on Dems threatening her and family

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General Services Administration Reportedly Tells Biden Transition Can Formally Begin

The US General Services Administration has told Democrat Joe Biden that the transition of power can formally begin, CNN reported on Monday, citing a letter by GSA Administrator Emily Murphy.

According to the letter, the Biden transition team may access post-election resources and services.


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df5272 No.148757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756315 (232324ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Pope Francis Holds Unprecedented Meeting With NBA Players to Discuss Social Justice Efforts, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Pope Francis Holds Unprecedented Meeting With NBA Players to Discuss Social Justice Efforts

In recent months, there have been several instances of police brutality against Black Americans, including the killing of 46-year-old George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

A delegation of five National Basketball Association (NBA) players and officials met on Monday with Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss ways to address social justice and economic inequality following the deaths and injuries of several Black Americans at the hands of police.

The visit, which took place in the Apostolic Palace, was arranged after the Vatican extended an invitation to the players’ union, the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA); the pope recently expressed interest in learning more about the players’ social justice activities, the union said. Executive Director of the NBPA Michele Roberts and players Kyle Korver, Sterling Brown, Anthony Tolliver, Marco Belinelli and Jonathan Isaac joined the meeting.

During the meeting, the players discussed social efforts they are involved in related to the Black Lives Matter Movement and also offered the pope a book that outlines many of their community and social initiatives as well as an Orlando Magic jersey and a Black Lives Matter T-shirt.

“We are extremely honored to have had this opportunity to come to the Vatican and share our experiences with Pope Francis,” Korver said, according to a news release from the NBPA. “His openness and eagerness to discuss these issues was inspiring and a reminder that our work has had a global impact and must continue moving forward.”

Both Brown and Korver were players who refused to take part in scheduled basketball games for the Milwaukee Bucks in August after the shooting of Blake, as a protest of police brutality. The wave of protests also spread to other leagues, including Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer and the Women's National Basketball Association.

During the meeting, Francis referred to the players as “champions,” AP reported.

“You're champions," Pope Francis said. “But also giving the example of teamwork, you've become a model, giving that good example of teamwork but always remaining humble ... and preserving your own humanity."

Since Pope Francis was elected in 2013, he has attempted to address issues of social justice, including poverty, migration and inequality.

In his October encyclical titled “Brothers All,” the pope wrote that “a readiness to discard others finds expression in vicious attitudes that we thought long past, such as racism, which retreats underground only to keep reemerging.”

“Instances of racism continue to shame us, for they show that our supposed social progress is not as real or definitive as we think,” he added.


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df5272 No.148758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756359 (232327ZNOV20) Notable: Staple Street Capital, owner of Dominion, has not raised capital or had substantial new investors since 2014/2015 of about $200M. Website is updated.

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Look Who Owns Dominion Voting Systems: Politically Motivated PRIVATE Equity NY Hedge Fund

November 23, 2020 MJA Uncategorized 12

h/t Janitor

Geller Report:

Staple Street owns Dominion and is a relatively small private equity company, who has not raised capital or had substantial new investors since 2014/2015 of about $200 million. But now after a rushed Delaware Corp., filing October 5, 2020, Staple notified U.S. SEC 10/08/20 they’re expecting $800 million minimum. Yet Staple Street’s website is suddenly shut down, except for the base page.



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df5272 No.148759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756367 (232327ZNOV20) Notable: Stacey Abrams: ‘More than 750,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election (Gateway Pundit)

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Stacey Abrams: ‘More than 750,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election

Failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams announced Monday that “more than 750,000 Georgians have requested their ballots” for the Senate runoff election taking place on January 5.

“More than 750,000 Georgians have requested their ballots for the January 5 runoff elections,” Abrams wrote. “Have you? Request yours today and let’s get it done… again.”

🚨BREAKING: More than 750,000 Georgians have requested their ballots for the January 5 runoff elections. Have you? Request yours today and let’s get it done… again: https://t.co/xCyh7BhY3o. 🗳👏🏿 #gapol pic.twitter.com/q1xSybczXg

— Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) November 23, 2020

Included in Abrams’ announcement on Twitter was a gif with the caption: “I’ve got a secret for you… we’re going to win.”

Also included in Abrams’s tweet was a link at which Georgia residents can request a mail-in ballot for the runoff elections between Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and her Democrat challenger, Raphael Warnock, and another between Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) and his Democrat opponent, Jon Ossoff.

In an effort to shift power in the Senate to Democrats, a voting rights group founded by Abrams has already reportedly dropped $2.7 million ahead of the runoff election.

Earlier this month, it was reported that those two Senate races in the Peach State could be some of the most expensive in history. One estimate said the spending could go beyond $200 million.


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df5272 No.148760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756400 (232329ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Governor Bans Alcohol Sales On The Day Before Thanksgiving (Zero Hedge)

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Pennsylvania Governor Bans Alcohol Sales On The Day Before Thanksgiving

Democratic Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is tapping into his state's Quaker roots to deliver an economy-sized dose of Thanksgiving disappointment. In an effort to avert a coronavirus-inspired lockdown, the governor said Monday that he would ban alcohol sales in the state on the day before Thanksgiving via executive order.

Bars and restaurants should stop selling alcohol starting at 1700ET on Wednesday until 0800ET Thanksgiving morning. Since Thanksgiving is typically "the biggest day for drinking", the governor hopes the mandate could help slow the spread of the virus.

So, for the millions of Americans who ignored the CDC's warnings and traveled home for the holidays anyway, the traditional pre-Thanksgiving tradition of hooking up with an old high school classmate while out at the ol' stomping ground bars on the night before Thanksgiving will be - like pretty much everything else in 2020 - ruined, in Pennsylvania and many other states.

Because while alcohol sales can legally continue in New York and New Jersey, those states have curfews in place or other restrictions to stop bars from opening to patrons this holiday season.

"This is an advisory," Wolf said. "All Pennsylvanians, in order to stay safe, ought to stay home. It is vital that every single Pennsylvanian takes these mitigation steps seriously."

The ban on alcohol sales follows orders to limit holiday gatherings to members of one's immediate family or household. The governor warned that all of these restrictions would help the state avoid "greater strain" on its health-care system, which is more vulnerable in rural parts of the vast Keystone state.

"As our hospitals and health care system are facing greater strain, we need to redouble our efforts to keep people safe," Wolf said in a statement. "If our health care system is compromised, it isn’t only COVID-19 patients who will suffer. If we run out of hospital beds, or if hospital staff are over-worked to the breaking point, care will suffer for every patient – including those who need emergency care for illnesses, accidents, or chronic conditions unrelated to COVID-19."

To be sure, many Pennsylvanians had probably grown weary of Wolf's aggressive restrictions even before this latest executive order.

They'll have their chance to get their revenge at the polls some day. But for now, at least the Steelers game is still on.


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df5272 No.148761

File: 12a120c6ec4b115⋯.png (225.5 KB,889x835,889:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e03c5a35bda0e4⋯.png (293.64 KB,910x822,455:411,Clipboard.png)

File: d7070d1b5c69ce3⋯.png (422.47 KB,956x709,956:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756432 (232330ZNOV20) Notable: Central Banks To Add Liquidity Worth 0.66% Of Global GDP On Average Every Month In 2021 (Zero Hedge)

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Central Banks To Add Liquidity Worth 0.66% Of Global GDP On Average Every Month In 2021

Earlier today we explained why Morgan Stanley's chief equity strategist Michael Wilson voiced concerns about the continuation of the "overcooked" equity rally, expecting a drawdown into year end for the simple reason that "both fiscal and now monetary policy have become reactive rather than proactive. For markets, that becomes the itch that needs to be scratched–i.e. market pressure is necessary and likely to get Congress and/or the Fed to act."

And yet, once the coming period of volatility is over, Morgan Stanley sees the bull market continuing with the S&P expected to rise another 10% over the next 12 months.

Why? The answer is simple, and is the same one explaining the market's rally over the past decade: the unprecedented liquidity injection by central banks since 2009.

As Morgan Stanley's chief rates strategist Matthew Hornbach wrote in a note this morning, while conceding that "unforeseen obstacles to a buoyant risk environment will arise" he said that "current central bank policies are aimed at softening those blows, and will be effective at doing so." Indeed, as Hornback predicts, "not only will central bank balance sheets continue to expand", with the Morgan Stanley strategist expecting G4 central bank balance sheets to hit just why of $30 trillion in two years, up from $25 trillion currently…


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df5272 No.148762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756560 (232336ZNOV20) Notable: The Goodmans digg cont.

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I wanna go further on THE GOODMANS after my initial thread to add to The Notables if deemed worthy.

They ADOPTED 4 children in the 1970's. ALL 4 adoptions….went thru CATHOLIC CHARITIES (https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/las-vegas/carolyn-goodman-is-mom-before-mayor-for-adopted-children/)

One of their kids, Eric Goodman, is currently a judge who back in 2015 went against the prosecutor's recommendation of 750K bail per person, in a heroin trafficking case of 2 Mexican Nationals who were Drug runners and arrested in Vegas with over 1M in heroin in their car…to 40K and 30K (yeah that's really normal) and one of them of course later jumped bail and led town.


There is ZERO chance that the Goodmans aren't knee deep in the fuckery of whatever the Deep State does in Vegas, and like I said we can legitimately tie Oscar Goodman as far back as to the 70s with Jimmy Chagra.

P.S. Q in the event Im on the right path and you guys are hiring when this all shakes out…Id gladly doxx myself and work for fucking free 100 hrs a week to help put all of these motherfuckers who have lied to, stolen from, and murdered our friends and family…away forever. Just send for me!

Godspeed to the team. WE THE PEOPLE

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df5272 No.148763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756799 (232346ZNOV20) Notable: Anon on importance of thinking

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Remember when they tried to get you to believe that people were just dropping dead in the streets in the very beginning of all this fake pandemic scare? Fear-based control. Remember when they tried to tell you that piles of bodies were stacking up in waiting rooms, utility rooms, and being loaded into big trucks? Remember when they tried to tell you that they had to dig huge mass graves? Fear-based mind control. It works easily on weak-minded, gullible, lazy, willfully ignorant people. Remember when they tried to get you to believe that you had to wear a mask everywhere? Remember when they told you that masks weren't enough and you should wear goggles? Remember when they tried to make goggles "trendy" by telling you that you could decorate your goggles and have fun? Remember when they had doctors and nurses make song and dance videos to get you into the programming? Remember how there were no bio-bins everywhere for all of those "contaminated" masks and gloves and ignorant maskholes just threw them on the ground? If it was a real pandemic, there would be bio-hazard bins everywhere. Duh. Remember how there were so many people ignoring so many very important details like that one. Remember how the homeless never bathe, never wash their hands, never use hand sanitizer, and the homeless population wasn't wiped out by this fake pandemic.

Remember how brainwashed triggered dipshyts yelled at random people for not wearing a mask or social distancing? Remember how brainwashed ignorant dipshyts put their children through hell for no reason? Remember how people weren't allowed to go to work, feed their children, wipe their ass, go to the park, go to funerals, visit our elderly, go on vacation, go to church, go to school, hold graduations, hold weddings, but RIOTS ARE OK? Looting, rioting, arson. They brought a young violent thug into a nursing home to beat the hell out of elderly while preventing their family from being anywhere near them. They released thousands upon thousands of dangerous criminals. They arrested, locked up, and heavily fined innocent upstanding citizens. Remember how businesses had to shut down? Remember how people had to suffer without much-needed medical care? Remember how many people committed suicide? Remember how many families will lose their homes? Remember how many marriages were broken? Remember how there were no more outstanding number of deaths in America in 2020 than in any previous year? Look what you've done, people.

Look at what you've done.

Ignorance is a choice.

Ignorance is dangerous.

Complacency kills.

Complacent = Complicit

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df5272 No.148764

File: 0e45b89e5415c3d⋯.png (488.43 KB,594x603,66:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756821 (232347ZNOV20) Notable: Dog comms

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Police dog dies after falling down elevator shaft while searching for burglary suspects


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df5272 No.148765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756874 (232350ZNOV20) Notable: Dianne Feinstein to step down as top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary panel

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df5272 No.148766

File: 390ac9ab453cad1⋯.png (234.5 KB,1376x670,688:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a5c218fe29b3d6⋯.png (84.35 KB,1393x346,1393:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 8575c53637ec910⋯.png (154.12 KB,1373x392,1373:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f1519d30ee236d⋯.png (122.54 KB,1375x348,1375:348,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e6bb13f3536e87⋯.png (176.23 KB,1376x402,688:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756964 (232354ZNOV20) Notable: Wearing a mask is against the law according to the law on criminal anarchy

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If you want a more interesting twist, what they can't do is compel you to commit a crime in order to receive service. Check your state laws, most have LAWS, not rules prohibiting the wearing of masks on the public ways, in private businesses, on public property, etc…

Here are some from Florida, but states freq have very similar laws to one another. Most of the mask laws derive from Klan activity or robbery prevention, but nevertheless, they are on the books and a very good defense to not complying as you might be breaking a LAW vs non-compliance with a rule or order.

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df5272 No.148767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757401 (240017ZNOV20) Notable: Reminder: Fauci's daughter is a software engineer for Twitter

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Fauci’s Daughter Ali Fauci Is A Software Engineer For Twitter


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df5272 No.148768

File: ad21b609df0111b⋯.jpeg (191.68 KB,640x486,320:243,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756126 (232312ZNOV20) Notable: Eric Coomer vid - Ballot images sent to a central adjudication server

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Save this video before Twitter takes it down!!!

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df5272 No.148769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756128 (232313ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

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df5272 No.148770

File: 5f386a9e2f41b56⋯.jpeg (272.11 KB,1242x1250,621:625,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756163 (232315ZNOV20) Notable: Sauce for GSA

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Sauce for GSA.


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df5272 No.148771

File: eb55b2713424e97⋯.png (39.39 KB,218x509,218:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756181 (232316ZNOV20) Notable: dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

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dump of hunter's laptop

confirmed real


thread on pol


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df5272 No.148772

File: 5a07f02437de6d6⋯.png (60.57 KB,612x553,612:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756239 (232320ZNOV20) Notable: DJT Tweet re: GSA

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kiwi time


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df5272 No.148773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756317 (232324ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. Rips Georgia Senate Runoff Boycott

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Why are they ripping the very people trying to help them?

Donald Trump Jr. Rips Georgia Senate Runoff Boycott


Content 3 hours old so I'm sure already posted and discussed.

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df5272 No.148774

File: a8be2e53aead350⋯.png (294.31 KB,604x476,151:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756351 (232326ZNOV20) Notable: CNN: The Trump administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that they are ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter obtained by CNN

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JUST IN: The Trump administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that they are ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter obtained by CNN

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df5272 No.148775

File: caad71306cab864⋯.png (1.34 MB,858x2725,858:2725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756461 (232331ZNOV20) Notable: Dems Threatened GSA Govt Official, Her Family And Pets in Order to Obtain Govt Transition Funds for Biden

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Dems Threatened Govt Official, Her Family And Pets in Order to Obtain Govt Transition Funds for Biden


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df5272 No.148776

File: 2051a2e025d67a0⋯.png (168.13 KB,1366x728,683:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756469 (232332ZNOV20) Notable: DJT Tweet re: GSA

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East Coast twat time

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df5272 No.148777

File: d34d7ee9ef711a1⋯.png (548.93 KB,598x605,598:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756506 (232334ZNOV20) Notable: FLOTUS: Today I welcomed the arrival of the beautiful @WhiteHouse Christmas Tree!

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Today I welcomed the arrival of the beautiful @WhiteHouse Christmas Tree! We are excited to begin decorating the People's House for the holiday season! #WHChristmas


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df5272 No.148778

File: 9a1f1b1f6828460⋯.png (21.76 KB,1216x162,608:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756509 (232334ZNOV20) Notable: Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

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Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

Michigan House hearing set for Wednesday, and 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals grants expedited review.

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df5272 No.148779

File: aee15962a20bcee⋯.png (380.14 KB,791x645,791:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756529 (232335ZNOV20) Notable: Obama Staffers Who Joined NBC, MSNBC, and CNN, Now Headed to Biden Admin (PJMedia)

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Revolving Door: Obama Staffers Who Joined NBC, MSNBC, and CNN, Now Headed to Biden Admin

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df5272 No.148780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756563 (232337ZNOV20) Notable: US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG

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US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG, con't.: NASS Next

Looking at organizations such as NASED, NASS (Nat'l Assn of Secy's of State), Humphrey School UMN (election official cert. program), EAC (Election Assistance Commission), and the Int'l Assn of Gov't Officials (merger of 2 orgs: Int'l Assn of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials & Treasurers (IACREOT) and Nat'l Assn. of County Recorders, Election Officials & Clerks (NACRC)).

Work to date

Digging to see whether there is a systematic pattern of infiltration/corruption of key orgs involving election officials at every level.

So far, all indicators support that idea.

So far have done deep digs on NASED and Humphrey School UMN (offers a certificate in voting elections systems).

Both are blatantly left-wing/globalist.

NASED (Nat'l Assn of State Election officials)

now essentially merged with left-wing org Democracy Works. Supported by Omidyar's Democracy Fund, Foundation for the Jewish Community (FJC) - which is aligned with Smartmatic board member Mark Malloch Brown's UN foundation. Also supported by [comp'd] voting system giants like Dominion, Hart & ES&S.

Humphrey School UMN

very leftwing school that openly supports Paul Raskin's Great Transition (think Great Reset). What exactly do they teach future election officials?

NASS detailed post ATTACHED

Says it's non-partisan, but list of corporate affiliates and list of those endorsing their #trustedinfo2020 campaign says otherwise.

All leftwing or globalist.

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df5272 No.148781

File: 69ef3da913445e2⋯.png (1.2 MB,963x733,963:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756583 (232337ZNOV20) Notable: Trump supporters demonstrate in California waving flags & burning face masks to protest state’s month-long Covid curfew

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'RECALL NEWSOM' Trump supporters demonstrate in California waving flags & burning face masks to protest state’s month-long Covid curfew

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df5272 No.148782

File: ca7c8bfbc5b7a31⋯.png (1.29 MB,1607x1707,1607:1707,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b7cc28545a36da⋯.png (1.12 MB,2248x5470,1124:2735,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ab76efab4f42b6⋯.png (330.2 KB,2025x1808,2025:1808,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b7b39693632723⋯.png (925.36 KB,1018x2860,509:1430,Clipboard.png)

File: fa72be9487ef9b3⋯.png (1.01 MB,1558x8900,779:4450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756593 (232338ZNOV20) Notable: US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG

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US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG, con't.

NASS: National Association of Secretaries of State

Secy's of State; can be either elected, appointed or part of the legislature (most are elected).

Includes both dems and repubs.

Twatter: https://twitter.com/NASSorg?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor. [twats are rather bizarre right now; NASS is ignoring the voting controversy, full of miscellany tips, etc. But one thing is consistent: many Secy's of State speak of voters turning out in record numbers.


Founded in 1904, NASS is the oldest, nonpartisan professional organization of public officials in the U.S. Membership is open to the 50 states and all U.S. territories. NASS serves as a medium for the exchange of information between states and fosters cooperation in the development of public policy.


CORPORATE AFFILIATES see CAP for entire list

Platinum: Facebook, Ingalls Information Security LLC

Gold: ES & S, Smartmatic, Voatz,

Silver: Amazon, Ancestry, Clear Ballot, Comcast, Dominion, Hart, Microsoft

NASS stmt on Sept 14 2020

"Numerous states have implemented multi-factor authentication for access to their statewide voter registration and election management systems, even upgrading their protections and protocols during the pandemic to increase security while many work remotely."

In anticipation of a contested election?


#TrustedInfo2020 campaign

NASS Launches #TrustedInfo2020: A Public Election Education Initiative 11-12-2019

#TrustedInfo2020 encourages American citizens to look to their state and local election offi­cials as the trusted sources for election information. Driving voters directly to election officials’ websites and verified social media pages will ensure voters are getting accurate election infor­mation, and cut down on the misinformation and disinformation that can surround elections.


NASS is still pushing the "trust us" narrative - see CAP.

Who endorsed this campaign? Reads like a WHO's WHO of leftwing organizations, see CAP - sauce is there. Some highlights:

Brennan Center for Justice (Soros funded)

Campaign Legal Center (fights voter ID laws)

Ctr for Democracy & Technology (wants net neutrality, int'l reg of domain names not USA)

Center for Election Innovation & Research (Zuck just increased their budget 50fold w/a $50mil donation in August)

Ctr for Technology & Civic Life (wants more inclusive elections)

Democracy Fund (Omidyar)

Election Center ( = NASED)



iCivics (indoctrinating kids young)

NonProfit VOTE (Tides Foundation funding - Soros)


Verified Voting (donates to Rock the Vote - progressive activist gp)

most of the rest were gov't entities; there were no conservative orgs listed.

Past Statement on 2016: "No election fraud"

Jan. 24 Statement by NASS - January 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC -The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), which represents 40 of the nation's chief state election officials, today issued the following statement:

"We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump, but we are open to learning more about the Administration’s concerns. In the lead up to the November 2016 election, secretaries of state expressed their confidence in the systemic integrity of our election process as a bipartisan group, and they stand behind that statement today.”


NASS works closely with NASED

NASED is clearly aligned with left-wing, globalist causes and election voting systems organizations like Dominion, ES&S, and Hart

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df5272 No.148783

File: d647abe7a53cdec⋯.png (387.46 KB,535x602,535:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756615 (232339ZNOV20) Notable: Pope Francis holds unprecedented meeting with #NBA players to discuss #SocialJustice efforts

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PopeFrancis holds unprecedented meeting with #NBA players to discuss #SocialJustice efforts


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df5272 No.148784

File: 12935c9e684449d⋯.png (25.22 KB,973x407,973:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756627 (232339ZNOV20) Notable: One in 20 tweets about the election now come from a QAnon account (Vice)

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QAnon Lies Are Taking Over Election Conversations Online

One in 20 tweets about the election now come from a QAnon account.

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df5272 No.148785

File: 85403fdffbf3d25⋯.png (532.94 KB,714x679,102:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756746 (232344ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Anonymous’ Anti-Trump NY Times Writer Identified as Witness in Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators (Epoch Times)

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‘Anonymous’ Anti-Trump NY Times Writer Identified as Witness in Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

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df5272 No.148786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756795 (232346ZNOV20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun #15005 E-bake well one of them

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>>148679 U R G E N T R E Q U E S T I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

>>148680, >>148682, >>148687 Herridge: @SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes

>>148681 (You), >>148684 WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

>>148683, >>148689, >>148693, >>148695, >>148701, >>148702 PF

>>148685 Biden to nominate Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

>>148686 Anthony Fauci calls on New York to accept FDA approval of vaccine

>>148688 Georgia Elections Officials Extend Use of Ballot Drop Boxes For January Twin Senate Runoff

>>148690 Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Levine Issues One-Night Suspension of Alcohol Sales Starting Night Before Thanksgiving

>>148691 Miles Taylor in Wikileaks

>>148692 House Dems Demand GSA Briefing on Ongoing Refusal to Grant Biden-Harris Team Access to Transition Resources

>>148694 Yet another way to stop Covid

>>148696 FBI setting up alibi???!!!

>>148697 "They Could Not Have Chosen Better" - Hillary Clinton Endorses Biden's Foreign Policy Team

>>148698 The pdf Code Monkey said to save show up in WH visitor logs. 2012-2016 – Obama Years. Interesting, Voting Industry ppl Show up in Whitehouse Logs !

>>148699, >>148705, >>148706 Replika was founded by Luka Inc. who was originally based in Moscow but then moved to San Francisco.

>>148703, >>148704 Anon theory

>>148700 Wayne County Clerk Admits to Committing Fraud on Camera

#15005 E-bake well one of them

>>148731 Dr. Andreas Noack was reportedly under investigation by German authorities for being non-compliant with the COVID-19 lockdown laws enacted by the government

>>148735 Michigan election board certifies Biden win

>>148736 Trump-hating actor Robert De Niro: President's supporters 'should be afraid of what's gonna happen' when he's out of office

>>148737 'Anonymous' Anti-Trump NYTimes Writer Identified As Witness In Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

>>148738 Apple Head Of Security Charged With Attempted Bribery Over Concealed Carry Gun Licenses

>>148740 Armed Black Lives Matter Militants Shut Down Traffic in Louisville, After Local Activist Was Shot and Killed During Carjacking



>>148743 University Of Hypocrisy: Elite U.S. Institutions Receive Billions From ‘Nations That Abuse Human Rights On A Massive Scale’

>>148744 Biden and Friends Busted Partying and Singing Without Masks or Social Distancing at Joe’s Elite Birthday Bash

>>148745 7 Things That Were "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" Until 2020 Happened

>>148746 French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy stands trial for corruption

>>148747 Here’s how George Soros is stealthily taking over the American law enforcement system

>>148748 One Hour Before Fake “Republican” Jeff Timmer Demanded Certification Of MI Vote, He Tweeted: “Merry F**king Christmas Melania Trump”

>>148749 Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2020 (Map Update)

>>148750 Sidney Powell is registered as a military lawyer???!!! Needs digg

>>148751 PF

>>148753 SECOND VIDEO REVEALED of Dominion Voting System’s Eric Coomer Explaining to Elections Officials How to Switch Votes

>>148754 Biden-Harris Transition website domain info show interesting dates.

>>148755 DJT I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country.

>>148756 General Services Administration Reportedly Tells Biden Transition Can Formally Begin

>>148757 Pope Francis Holds Unprecedented Meeting With NBA Players to Discuss Social Justice Efforts

>>148759 Stacey Abrams: ‘More than 750,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election

>>148761 Central Banks To Add Liquidity Worth 0.66% Of Global GDP On Average Every Month In 2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148787

File: 488e6bbd0c11318⋯.png (19.23 KB,862x165,862:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756820 (232347ZNOV20) Notable: House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers (Gateway Pundit)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148788

File: 505c5639b40b503⋯.png (654.69 KB,664x631,664:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11756912 (232352ZNOV20) Notable: Hollywood Heavyweights Including Will Smith, Mandy Moore, George Clooney, Pour Cash into Georgia Senate Runoffs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hollywood Heavyweights Including Will Smith, Mandy Moore, George Clooney, Pour Cash into Georgia Senate Runoffs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148789

File: e04f0f59a28ef8c⋯.png (1.96 MB,1074x808,537:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757011 (232356ZNOV20) Notable: Every single elected person in the swamp has failed this country (Breitbart)

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we already had it


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757083 (240000ZNOV20) Notable: #15007

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dough: https://pastebin.com/2nnT43fS

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>148772, >>148776 DJT Tweet

>>148768 Save this video before Twitter takes it down!!!

>>148770 Sauce for GSA

>>148771 dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

>>148773 Donald Trump Jr. Rips Georgia Senate Runoff Boycott

>>148774 The Trump administration has informed President-elect Joe Biden that they are ready to begin the formal transition process, according to a letter obtained by CNN

>>148775 Dems Threatened Govt Official, Her Family And Pets in Order to Obtain Govt Transition Funds for Biden

>>148777 Today I welcomed the arrival of the beautiful @WhiteHouse Christmas Tree!

>>148778 Trump scores two wins as Michigan legislature, federal appeals court agree to election reviews

>>148779 Obama Staffers Who Joined NBC, MSNBC, and CNN, Now Headed to Biden Admin

>>148781 Trump supporters demonstrate in California waving flags & burning face masks to protest state’s month-long Covid curfew

>>148780, >>148782 US Election Officials - Organizations DIGG

>>148783 PopeFrancis holds unprecedented meeting with #NBA players to discuss #SocialJustice efforts

>>148784 One in 20 tweets about the election now come from a QAnon account.

>>148785 ‘Anonymous’ Anti-Trump NY Times Writer Identified as Witness in Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

>>148787 House Democrat Seeks Disbarment of Giuliani and 22 Trump Election Lawyers

>>148788 Hollywood Heavyweights Including Will Smith, Mandy Moore, George Clooney, Pour Cash into Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>148789 Every single elected person in the swamp has failed this country

re-post missed notables

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757185 (240006ZNOV20) Notable: YT remains complicit, taking down Brendan O'Connell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

YT finally took down Brendan O'Connell



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148792

File: a7b6aad9a913172⋯.png (124.67 KB,842x804,421:402,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fb07f80d2e94e9⋯.png (47.76 KB,794x374,397:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757239 (240010ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Transition Fails To Disclose Tony Blinken’s Involvement In Lucrative Consulting And Private Equity Firms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden Transition Fails To Disclose Tony Blinken’s Involvement In Lucrative Consulting And Private Equity Firms

President-elect Joe Biden announced Monday that he would nominate his longtime aide Tony Blinken to serve as his secretary of state.

Blinken’s bio on the Biden transition website does not disclose that he co-founded a corporate consulting firm in 2018 that he allegedly used to cash in on his experience working in the Obama administration.

Over 275 delegates to the Democratic National Convention urged Biden in a letter in August to cut his ties with Blinken.

President-elect Joe Biden’s transition website does not disclose that his secretary of state pick, Tony Blinken, co-founded a corporate consulting firm in 2018 that he allegedly used to cash in on his experience working in the Obama administration.

Blinken co-founded WestExec Advisors in 2018 following his service as Biden’s national security advisor from 2009 through 2013 and former President Barack Obama’s deputy national security advisor and deputy secretary of state from 2013 through 2017. WestExec’s co-founder Michèle Flournoy told The Intercept in 2018 the firm was staffed with “people recently coming out of government” who can help corporations “figure out how to sell in the public sector space, to navigate [the Department of Defense], the intel community, law enforcement.”

Blinken’s biography on Biden’s transition website does not mention his involvement with WestExec, nor does it mention Blinken’s work with the private equity firm Pine Island Capital Partners, which was also founded in 2018.

Blinken’s role as a partner with Pine Island was to capitalize on his “influential networks” and work in tandem with the firm’s investment professionals to “source deals, conduct analyses, win bids, close transactions, and directly advise the companies” it invests in, according to the company’s website.

In August, the progressive wing of the Democratic Party urged Biden to cut ties with Blinken.

“We ask you not to rely on foreign policy advice from those who may have a conflict of interest as a result of their relationships and lobbying on behalf of merchants selling weapons and surveillance technology,” said a letter signed by more than 275 delegates to the Democratic National Convention, according to HuffPost. The letter specifically mentioned Blinken and his work with WestExec.

The Biden transition team did not immediately return a request for comment.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148793

File: 642f5e141403119⋯.png (53.61 KB,600x307,600:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757287 (240012ZNOV20) Notable: Anon on POTUS requesting drug test for Biden

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>>>/qresearch/11757062 (LB)

The time to think outside the box is actually all the time, especially in this battle for our country anon.

Example, POTUS used the word STRONGLY in his recent tweet. Here is a reminder of what the so-called President-Elect may have to face reviewing a old tweet:

"I will be strongly demanding a Drug Test of Sleepy Joe Biden prior to, or after, the Debate on Tuesday night."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148794

File: b8e772e5030e9a3⋯.png (807.82 KB,3277x5022,3277:5022,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757290 (240012ZNOV20) Notable: Marker 1

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Posted late last bread.

Interesting or no?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148795

File: 0733c50fad3d7aa⋯.jpg (325.31 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757311 (240013ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on the wild ride - have faith or leave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148796

File: b55cde5a984a30d⋯.pdf (5.17 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757318 (240013ZNOV20) Notable: Hallie Biden's text messages, Hallie Biden's text messages, alt format

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hallie biden's text messages

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148797

File: 024fc06bf2e955c⋯.jpg (67.02 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757319 (240013ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on the wild ride - have faith or leave

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For the loser shills.

For the crybaby shills.

For the quitter shills.

For the "I'm more patriotic because I want violence" shills.

For the same shills who have been angrily quitting for the last 3 years but are still here for some reason.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148798

File: 478f091f5fb1955⋯.jpeg (388.82 KB,640x840,16:21,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757336 (240014ZNOV20) Notable: Supreme-court-rules

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148799

File: fd96fef9d3a3f51⋯.png (268.29 KB,613x615,613:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757357 (240015ZNOV20) Notable: (You), Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148800

File: 889fb036d836313⋯.pdf (2.06 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757389 (240017ZNOV20) Notable: Hallie Biden's text messages, Hallie Biden's text messages, alt format

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hallie biden's text messages, alt format

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148801

File: 3ebf4e5c071543b⋯.jpg (9.86 KB,680x227,680:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757408 (240017ZNOV20) Notable: LLinWood status,

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Praying Medic Retweeted

Lin Wood




Good afternoon. Busy day!

I need some help from GA Patriots.

I need identity of any GA voter who cast a MILITARY ABSENTEE BALLOT.

12:50 PM · Nov 23, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



If you cast such a ballot or know someone who did, please email me at lwood@fightback.law.

We The People will take action to secure our votes.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148802

File: 703a2d2b89eb5b4⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1080x1155,72:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 398456dd571728d⋯.jpeg (984.93 KB,2045x792,2045:792,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757429 (240018ZNOV20) Notable: Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Leaders.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Did a little digging on Ben Shapiro and Jeffrey Epstein.

Shapiro was one of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Leaders.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148803

File: cd2e1ef1a012309⋯.jpg (44.4 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd214c4824ae62e⋯.jpg (71.49 KB,680x544,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757443 (240019ZNOV20) Notable: LLinWood status,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Lin Wood


Attorney at L. Lin Wood, P.C. Speak Truth. BE FEARLESS. #FightBack for Freedom


#WorldOfTheBlocked. #WWG1WGA. PARLER handle: linwood Folded handsRed heartFlag of United States

Atlanta, GAlinwoodlaw.comJoined September 2010

8,181 Following


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148804

File: 56ef7ee40665d9d⋯.png (130.05 KB,1107x808,1107:808,Clipboard.png)

File: e66a81c174a0bd5⋯.png (121.44 KB,1119x755,1119:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a7658e888f98a7⋯.png (48.24 KB,1113x764,1113:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 25c13b3276338ff⋯.png (144.29 KB,1114x683,1114:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ee673d9e4698df⋯.png (89.32 KB,1115x457,1115:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757448 (240019ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

pop in contacts

hallie biden

hunter biden

sara biden

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757482 (240021ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-23-2017 16:55:16,Outgoing,4 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-23-2017 15:28:44,Outgoing,Cancelled

Ron Olivere,13025307470,01-23-2017 15:27:11,Outgoing,45 second(s)

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-23-2017 15:26:56,Outgoing,Cancelled

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-23-2017 15:22:56,Incoming,Missed

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-23-2017 15:22:30,Incoming,Missed

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-23-2017 15:22:19,Incoming,Missed

Tatnall School,+13029982292,01-23-2017 14:44:47,Outgoing,15 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-23-2017 14:44:16,Incoming,Missed

,+13028030436,01-23-2017 14:44:09,Outgoing,Cancelled

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-23-2017 14:43:22,Outgoing,17 second(s)

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-23-2017 14:04:05,Incoming,47 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-23-2017 13:39:10,Outgoing,45 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-23-2017 13:34:21,Incoming,Missed

,+13028030436,01-23-2017 13:11:25,Incoming,Missed

Tatnall School,+13029982292,01-23-2017 12:30:34,Incoming,30 second(s)

Ron Olivere,5307470,01-23-2017 11:41:12,Outgoing,6 minute(s) 54 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-23-2017 11:05:37,Incoming,50 second(s)

,+13028030436,01-22-2017 21:13:59,Outgoing,21 second(s)

,+13028030436,01-22-2017 21:13:32,Incoming,Missed

Natalie Biden,+13023335338,01-22-2017 20:08:21,Incoming,Missed

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 19:03:07,Outgoing,Cancelled

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 19:02:21,Outgoing,7 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-22-2017 18:31:02,Outgoing,1 minute(s) 45 second(s)

Lexie Vadas,+13025452800,01-22-2017 18:07:41,Incoming,Missed

Lexie Vadas,+13025452800,01-22-2017 18:06:03,Incoming,Missed

,+13028030681,01-22-2017 17:54:49,Incoming,55 second(s)

Ron Olivere,13024785078,01-22-2017 17:49:25,Outgoing,6 minute(s) 16 second(s)

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 17:38:02,Outgoing,1 minute(s) 13 second(s)

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 17:09:24,Outgoing,59 second(s)

Nana,+13025848849,01-22-2017 17:09:07,Outgoing,Cancelled

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 17:08:53,Outgoing,4 second(s)

Natalie Biden,+13023335338,01-22-2017 17:06:21,Incoming,Missed

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-22-2017 15:48:39,Outgoing,11 second(s)

Beau Biden,+13025435199,01-22-2017 14:46:10,Incoming,Missed

Nana,+13025848849,01-22-2017 14:22:14,Incoming,28 second(s)

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 14:19:39,Outgoing,43 second(s)

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 13:16:05,Outgoing,1 minute(s) 7 second(s)

Ron Olivere,13024785078,01-22-2017 12:51:38,Outgoing,1 minute(s) 59 second(s)

Ron Olivere,4785078,01-22-2017 12:51:15,Outgoing,Cancelled

Natalie Biden,3023335338,01-22-2017 12:48:41,Outgoing,2 second(s)

Ron Olivere,5307470,01-22-2017 12:48:16,Outgoing,1 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-22-2017 12:45:19,Outgoing,59 second(s)

Ron Olivere,+13024785078,01-22-2017 12:15:21,Incoming,1 minute(s) 14 second(s)

Hunt (little) Biden,+13023339004,01-22-2017 10:57:30,Outgoing,4 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-22-2017 09:49:49,Outgoing,Cancelled

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-22-2017 09:49:13,Outgoing,5 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-22-2017 01:20:28,Outgoing,7 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-21-2017 20:37:02,Incoming,9 second(s)

,+16823191386,01-21-2017 20:33:29,Incoming,1 second(s)

Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:23:01,Outgoing,Cancelled

Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:22:30,Incoming,10 second(s)

Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:20:26,Incoming,18 second(s)

Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:20:03,Incoming,12 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-21-2017 19:15:48,Incoming,1 minute(s) 25 second(s)

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-21-2017 16:20:23,Incoming,1 minute(s) 29 second(s)

Liz Olivere,5300600,01-21-2017 16:11:20,Outgoing,3 minute(s) 32 second(s)

Lexie Vadas,+13025452800,01-21-2017 16:08:32,Outgoing,1 minute(s) 59 second(s)

Lexie Vadas,+13025452800,01-21-2017 15:59:39,Incoming,Missed

Natalie Biden,+13023335338,01-21-2017 15:58:27,Incoming,1 minute(s) 24 second(s)

Mom Olivere,+13025300411,01-21-2017 15:39:06,Incoming,Missed

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-21-2017 15:00:29,Incoming,Missed

Liz Olivere,+13025300600,01-21-2017 14:53:44,Incoming,Missed

Ron Olivere,+13025307470,01-21-2017 14:24:46,Incoming,Missed

,+13028030436,01-21-2017 13:39:53,Incoming,17 minute(s) 31 second(s)

,+13028030436,01-21-2017 13:31:29,Outgoing,2 second(s)

Hunter Biden,+12024319244,01-21-2017 13:30:45,Outgoing,5 second(s)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148806

File: 87109c8d6eff340⋯.pdf (166.92 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757514 (240023ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

hunter call history

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757519 (240023ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:23:01,Outgoing,Cancelled


>Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:22:30,Incoming,10 second(s)


>Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:20:26,Incoming,18 second(s)


>Pop,+12026153535,01-21-2017 20:20:03,Incoming,12 second(s)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148808

File: 2c74e0679b8607c⋯.png (18.86 KB,668x254,334:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757574 (240025ZNOV20) Notable: Michael Flynn Jr.

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Michael Flynn Jr.: Folks cannot even imagine what’s going on behind the scenes right now. There are amazing patriots.

Keep the faith! We will win.


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df5272 No.148809

File: 4a53bb619c46e7c⋯.png (149.21 KB,608x793,608:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 1361781a5e83589⋯.png (121.81 KB,639x790,639:790,Clipboard.png)

File: 9721303c1e5c638⋯.png (155.1 KB,665x783,665:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a9c2c96a50e489⋯.png (224.33 KB,1111x707,11:7,Clipboard.png)

File: a85d5880baacdd3⋯.png (49.66 KB,1097x416,1097:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757610 (240027ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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biden family leaks

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df5272 No.148810

File: db2d072f885290d⋯.png (1.05 MB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757619 (240027ZNOV20) Notable: Not even Once Kek

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>not if you smoke weed first. numnutz.

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df5272 No.148811

File: 3f800e6c7a5ed91⋯.jpeg (401.29 KB,828x1035,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757669 (240030ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Administration to start Biden Transition.

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Trump Administration to start Biden Transition.


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df5272 No.148812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757691 (240031ZNOV20) Notable: lb dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

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>>148771 lb dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

For anyone that doesn't know what a RAT is

it's software hackers use to have full access to your computer.

It's called being ratted.

Lots of computers are comp'd because of this simple software.

They attach the install program to a seemingly innocent file-

then when the victim opens the file, it auto-installs the software under the radar.

You might never know you've been ratted.

But the hacker on the other end of it can use your camera, microphone, can put keyloggers on your machine, harass you, steal your files.

Anything you can do yourself on your computer, the RAT software allows the hacker to do.

It's pretty common.

RAT = Remote Administration Tool

It's just like remote desktop.

This is one major reason why it's dangerous to download stuff off the internet.

Don't fall for honeypots, my dudes.

I'm probably too late for some of you, but get yourself educated on cybersecurity.

RATs have been a thing for a LOOOONNNNG time.

This hard drive dump stinks of rats.

Maybe some astute Anon can download it on a virtual OS and run some tests to ensure it's not crawling with RAT style software, but for now I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT TOUCH THIS

that is all

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df5272 No.148813

File: c85c5bb4c2ff411⋯.png (330.63 KB,614x519,614:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757702 (240032ZNOV20) Notable: FLOTUS status Evergreen

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df5272 No.148814

File: 8991beab335d054⋯.png (283.58 KB,516x679,516:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 803f2b54fa65238⋯.png (406.38 KB,685x664,685:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757748 (240034ZNOV20) Notable: GSA's letter never said that Biden won

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I see people giving up all over the place because they didn't read this letter.

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df5272 No.148815

File: fface3901919678⋯.png (38.29 KB,643x344,643:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757754 (240034ZNOV20) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia

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"WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia: The FBI Covered Up This Information"

Patrick Howley by PATRICK HOWLEY November 23, 2020

"High-level whistleblowers exclusively tell NATIONAL FILE that Dominion Voting Systems has been a “national security threat” for years and its machines, programmed in Serbia, are known for vote-flipping like the kind that Dominion was caught engaging in during the 2020 presidential election in Michigan. According to whistleblowers, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden personally visited Serbia to take part in a scheme that gave Democrats control of America’s Dominion voting machines in coordination with Eric Holder’s Justice Department. The plot is also linked to the Chinese, the Clinton Foundation, and George Soros. This article will take you through the entire globalist plot, step by step.

Dana Jill Simpson and her husband Jim are election integrity and technology experts who have worked for Tides Foundation insiders (the Tides Canada Foundation shares office space in Toronto with Dominion Voting Systems’ headquarters). They are both anti-war progressives in the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party. Dana Jill Simpson has been investigating Dominion for years, and she brought her concerns about voter fraud to the FBI in 2016 — including information about Dominion — but the FBI ignored her pleas for help. Simpson said the scanners for Dominion are made by a company called Flextronics in Plano, Texas, whose CEO does business with the Chinese company Huaewei.

The Obama-Biden administration literally gave Dominion its market share through a 2010 forced divestiture.

A March 8, 2010 press release from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice entitled “Justice Department Requires Key Divestiture in Election Systems & Software/Premier Election Solutions Merger” announced that DOJ was forcing a divestiture of election technology from a top company. Dominion ended up getting that technology and thus nearly a third of the electronic voting systems market in America.

“Jim and I as an election team working for Harvard lawyer Cliff Arnebeck located all the DOJ Documents to prove how Dominion Voting owes it 30% Market share to an Obama-Biden DOJ Antitrust division sale done by Eric Holder. No party running for office should have any ties to a company but Biden while in office with Obama let Eric Holder handle this sale to their pet company Dominion . That my friends is as corrupt as it gets,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

The Science Defies Politics blog reported: “It is not clear what products or services the company has developed. It found almost no buyers, until Obama was elected in 2008. In 2009, New York ordered a few dozens of systems from it. In 2010, Obama’s DOJ (Holder – Mueller) took the EVS unit, purchased from Diebold, away from the market leader ES&S, and gave it to Dominion. This gift included the installed base of about 30% of the US electronic voting systems (EVS) market. Within two weeks, Dominion also acquired Sequoia, which was formally spun from Smartmatic, but ties between these two companies remained. Smartmatic is a UK based EVS vendor, whose software was used by Chavez to “win” the Venezuelan referendum in 2004. Smartmatic’s unit Sequoia faced troubles in the US. Those troubles quickly ended when its assets were purchased by Dominion.”



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df5272 No.148816

File: 48b884f3abda62f⋯.png (487.34 KB,1019x936,1019:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757770 (240035ZNOV20) Notable: (You), Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER

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“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”

November 23, 2020 the Marshall report

So don’t let spin doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number of them, more than anyone could have imagined!

Powell stated that the ‘New World Order’ has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party’ and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the “New World Order” in return for large cash payments in the form of “enormous bribes.” Sidney Powell warned the GOP risks being “neutered like a bitch” by “the Great Reset” in 2021 if President Trump’s second term is stolen from him by “children of darkness.”

Thank you to Sidney Powell for exposing corruption on all sides. The Republican Party sold out for some cash and the American People have found out! Now wait and see the real uniting- patriots stand for a nation not a party! RINOS join your minions on the left and get out of America’s way! We are for freedom and we are standing up!

These are strong and vividly colorful words from a serious, well seasoned Military Attorney who just won’t roll over and allow the media to drag her reputation through the mud. She is chomping at the bit to get on with the real justice and that is the days in court. Be it the Supreme Court or before the Military Tribunal.

In an interview Sunday Powell stated, “The Republican elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fueled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in D.C., and silencing patriots who speak out against this insanity.

“When Trump begins his second term a tidal wave of punishment will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.” In a news report by Hal Turner, his sources state that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both allegedly took money from Communist China, perhaps to intentionally STEAL the November 3rd Election for Joe Biden.

Click link to read full report: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/k-a-b-o-o-m-governor-and-secretary-of-state-in-georgia-took-money-from-china-to-steal-election-from-trump?fbclid=IwAR39S7jlhYktsvvSQpEJCbWPo4XixSk-OPi8OUURa_x3OO1k1v3QdkADqaM

Excerpts from Hal Turner Report: “According to very high level sources from my years working National Security Intelligence with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.

“A recent report states the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.

“The Trump election legal team forced the President to WAIT before revealing this, until both Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the Election results.

“According to those same sources, once Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the results, their crime was complete. Both men certified those election results this week. By law, Mr. Raffensperger was obliged to certify the election results before 5 p.m. on Friday. Gov. Kemp, had to then certify the results by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Both men did exactly those acts.

“The implications of this revelation are staggering. First, that a sitting REPUBLICAN Governor would stab his Party’s President, and our nation, in the back, for a foreign government, is utterly horrifying. People are already asking ” My God, what could they have offered that he would sell out his own people? His own country?”

“That a foreign nation would DARE to pay money in order to rig or steal a U.S. Presidential Election is . . . a casus belli (Cause for war.) China appears to have tried to STEAL our freedom by STEALING our Elections. War is justified.

“Again, the national security intelligence sources with whom I have spoken, assure me this information is solid and the proof is already in government hands.“


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df5272 No.148817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757771 (240035ZNOV20) Notable: California,Newsom,China & Covid kickback scheme

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"We are now hearing that communist China ran a web of financial kickbacks and bribes to multiple governors and state officials across America, including California and Georgia, with many other states soon to follow. In every case, governors and state officials transferred huge sums of money to Chinese front companies for “covid supplies” that were either never delivered, or delivered as low-cost, low-quality items nowhere near the stated value. A portion of the extra funds was paid back to family members and specially structured business entities connected to the state officials, giving them control over the illicit funds."


Video/audio at that site from Lin Wood.

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df5272 No.148818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757801 (240036ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on Biblical times

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A string of miracles:

1. DJT nominated by GOP

2. DJT elected

3. DJT spied on - no useful dirt found!

4. Assassination attempts fail

5. America great again

6. Russia hoax exposed

7. Impeachment fails

8. Plandemic fails

9. Yuge crowds chant "We love you"

10. MSM loses power of hypnosis

11. Citizens resist covidiot tyranny

12. People worldwide pray for DJT and US

Big, big miracles! An astounding future is ahead. God made this happen. Is He now going to abandon us because the ancient enemy made a really lame attempt to avoid the inevitable victory of Light? NO WAY! Stay the course, beloved friends!

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df5272 No.148819

File: c074b8c54e26e8f⋯.png (141.07 KB,1075x784,1075:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757813 (240037ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Mind control?

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to hunter from jessica

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df5272 No.148820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757821 (240038ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on importance of computer safety and restore points when handling and dealing with suspicious internet downloads

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If you get ratted, you fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book.

And you should be very embarrassed by it.

Your life could be over very shortly, depending on what info is saved on your computer.

And btw they spread like a disease.

The hacker could attach RAT software to something you're about to share and then whoever you send it to gets ratted too.

Take it from me, I've had to start my whole life over because of a RAT.

They're no joke.

Bank accounts, login information, phone numbers, pictures, videos, music, vital info like SSN, all your stuff is vulnerable.


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df5272 No.148821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757846 (240039ZNOV20) Notable: "THE DOMINION VOTING TECHNOLOGY IS PROGRAMMED IN SERBIA

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“I got a tip that Biden took a Trip on May 20th 2009 and that is when he cut a deal to help Serbian Hackers in Belgrade where he was visiting to get control of info about ES and S Machines so he and Obama would have a better chance in 2012. Well, not only did they get a better chance but Biden had Holder force ES and S in a divesture suit in the Antitrust department in the US DOJ to give over half of ES and S to Serbian programmers for Dominion Voting Systems. Such a disgusting situation,” Dana Jill Simpson said. The date for Biden’s May 2009 Serbia trip checks out.

Biden is good friends with the Serbian Crown Prince, who has prematurely congratulated Biden for supposedly getting elected president. They have visited each other at their respective houses.

Here is Biden in Belgrade in 2016.


Dominion programmers in Serbia have been scrambling to hide their LinkedIn accounts.

Infowars reported: Screenshots show over 100 employees of the controversial voting machine company Dominion have deleted their LinkedIn profiles. On November 6th, the LinkedIn page for Dominion showed 243 employees on the site and by November 16th, only 140 remained…Why are Serbian software engineers in charge of a product being used in American elections?”

“I have one goal in this election and it is to destroy Dominion Voting,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

“Anyone who stands up for this machinery is nuts and they are misleading the public about where the equipment is made. I know I have been to the Denver office and all it does is sell foreign programmed machines to US voters like they were made in Denver when they are not . The New York Times and Washington Post are misleading the public with lies. I double dare those papers and any papers in the world or other Media to visit the Denver office and then say machines and programs are made there. It is a bald face lie. The Machines are made by Flex in China for the most part and the programming is done in Serbia and Canada and the International Corporation is Barbados. They have direct ties to Clinton Foundation in Delian Project,” Dana Jill Simpson said.

“This machinery not only stole the election from Trump but also Bernie . This bunch in Serbia and Canada of Dominion Computer Programmers hackers works with Hillary and with the UN on overthrowing Foreign Countries with the Delian Project,” Simpson said.


A Clinton Foundation website item states:

In 2014, Dominion Voting committed to providing emerging and post-conflict democracies with access to voting technology through its philanthropic support to the DELIAN Project, as many emerging democracies suffer from post-electoral violence due to the delay in the publishing of election results. Over the next three years, Dominion Voting will support election technology pilots with donated Automated Voting Machines (AVM), providing an improved electoral process, and therefore safer elections. As a large number of election staff are women, there will be an emphasis on training women, who will be the first to benefit from the skills transfer training and use of AVMs. It is estimated that 100 women will directly benefit from election technology skills training per pilot election.

Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto, NATIONAL FILE has learned. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.



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df5272 No.148822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757847 (240039ZNOV20) Notable: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET

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>SUBJECT: Implementing the Presidential Transition Act

List of Agencies to Provide Agency [Presidential] Transition Director (By May 1, 2020)

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of Defense

Department of Education

Department of Energy

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Homeland Security

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of the Interior ·

Department of Justice

Department of Labor

Department of State

Department of Transportation

Department of the Treasury

Department of Veterans Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Office of Personnel Management

Office of Government Ethics

National Archives and Records Administration

Timetable of Required Agency Actions

3. ''Not later than September 15, 2020, and in accordance with subchapter III of chapter 33 of

title 5, United States Code, the head of each agency [1] shall ensure that a succession plan is in place for each senior non-career position in the agency.''

[1] As used in this memorandum, the term 'agency' means an Executive agency, as defined in section 105 of title 5,

United States Code.


I can't find any resources to see who the agencies appointed as "transition directors". But it looks like every agency has been ordered to prep for a purge kek.

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df5272 No.148823

File: b16bee0fa621665⋯.png (270.74 KB,977x380,977:380,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757881 (240041ZNOV20) Notable: GSA's letter never said that Biden won

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It's the reporting requirements that will kill Biden.

we get to see them, no?

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df5272 No.148824

File: c4dacb5de82ce49⋯.png (74.52 KB,1132x983,1132:983,Clipboard.png)

File: b81664f083d6cab⋯.png (13.65 KB,634x223,634:223,Clipboard.png)

File: e9d3484a98255f4⋯.png (10.28 KB,632x216,79:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757886 (240042ZNOV20) Notable: (You), Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER

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Sidney Powell - military lawyer??

To become a military lawyer, a candidate must complete an undergraduate degree, apply for and pass the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) and complete law school with a Juris Doctor degree in law.


https://www.federalappeals.com/attorneys/sidney-powell/ - Page gone - here's the cached version:


Sidney Powell's Education:


Juris Doctor from the University of North Carolina School of Law (1978)

Bachelor of Arts and Laws from the University of North Carolina (1976)

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df5272 No.148825

File: 822e5535a4c5dd2⋯.png (66.79 KB,859x600,859:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757938 (240044ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court has once again shown its contempt for a free and fair election.

The PA Supreme Court on Monday ruled that mail-in/ballots with no dates or handwritten names/addresses on the outer envelopes can be counted.

The Trump campaign challenged the decision of the Philadelphia County Board of Elections to count 8,320 mail-in/absentee ballots arguing the voters failed to handwrite their name, address or the date (in some cases a combination of all three) on the outer envelope.

Trump’s legal team argued that the General Assembly set forth in the Election Code the requirements for how a qualified elector can cast a mail-in or absentee ballot.

A voter is required to “fill out, date, and sign” the declaration on the outside envelope the Trump campaign argued (citing 25 P.S. §§ 3146.6(a) and 3150.16(a)).

The Trump campaign argued that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the requirements of the sections of Election Code impose mandatory obligations that the ballots cast falling short of these requirements cannot be counted.

The Philadelphia Board actually argued that the Election Code set forth by the General Assembly does not require them to set aside “timely-filed ballots” for “merely missing handwritten names, street addresses, and/or dates on the signed voter declaration.”

Who cares about filling out the outer envelopes? We are a banana republic.

The Trump team argued that a Pennsylvania court already invalidated 2,349 absentee ballots in Allegheny County where the voter didn’t date their declaration.

Commonwealth Court Judge P. Kevin Brobson last Thursday reversed a lower court judge and directed the “Elections Board to exclude the challenged 2,349 ballots from the certified returns of election for the County of Allegheny.”

“…[There] is an obvious and salutary purpose behind the requirement that a voter date the declaration. The date provides a measure of security, establishing the date on which the elector actually executed the ballot in full, ensuring their desire to cast it in lieu of appearing in person at a polling place. The presence of the date also establishes a point in time against which to measure the elector’s eligibility to cast the ballot, as reflected in the body of the declaration itself,” the judge wrote.


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df5272 No.148826

File: 76dc6f9d30ce420⋯.png (164.43 KB,754x795,754:795,Clipboard.png)

File: f0553c1aefb62c7⋯.png (115.58 KB,716x745,716:745,Clipboard.png)

File: df512b23e3408bc⋯.png (229.08 KB,678x852,113:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757939 (240044ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter files from halfchan earlier

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regal entertainment hunter confidential comms

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df5272 No.148827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757961 (240046ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on importance of computer safety and restore points when handling and dealing with suspicious internet downloads

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If you downloaded it, and are worried about it, revert to a restore point prior to downloading it.

And do it soon before they delete your restore points.

Number one reason I set it up to auto save restore points every single night.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148828

File: 0eedc27a4a98030⋯.png (368.2 KB,540x679,540:679,Clipboard.png)

File: ee2a6fec6f2da44⋯.png (375.74 KB,505x657,505:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757962 (240046ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter files from halfchan earlier

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agreement between hunter and secretary general of china energy fund committee

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df5272 No.148829

File: a7579883069830d⋯.pdf (53.52 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 58be1e98df8c877⋯.pdf (26.89 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: e212fa645c5f8d7⋯.pdf (30.76 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: c0e0234c1032d84⋯.pdf (41.89 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: d6001a7a03bd8bc⋯.pdf (33.79 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757990 (240048ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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jeffrey cooper

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df5272 No.148830

File: 4d52ad4447fde48⋯.pdf (105.68 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 88f795462803031⋯.pdf (235.05 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

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File: f1386bd11c34fce⋯.pdf (103.91 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: a1052ed565b1c90⋯.pdf (90.82 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11757997 (240048ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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df5272 No.148831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758003 (240048ZNOV20) Notable: Prosecution by Military Commission versus Federal Criminal Court: A Comparative Analysis

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Prosecution by Military Commission versus Federal Criminal Court: A Comparative Analysis


Paul H. Hennessy


Federal Courts

Volume 75 Number 1


June 2011


The author presents an overview of how the United States utilizes military commissions to prosecute suspected war criminals such as Omar Khadr, and how this process differs from criminal prosecution in U.S. District Court, drawing from the Military Commissions Act of 2009, the Manual for Military Commissions, and an interview with a member of the Office of Military Commissions at Guantanamo Bay.


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df5272 No.148832

File: 496f97a717b8f89⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758016 (240049ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on importance of computer safety and restore points when handling and dealing with suspicious internet downloads

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Install linux.

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df5272 No.148833

File: 052c141de74d090⋯.pdf (4.58 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: a933fed21253344⋯.pdf (478.11 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: d6957b1f2f93838⋯.pdf (1.8 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 46e14f71cd97b9a⋯.pdf (273.41 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758033 (240050ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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beau foundation

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df5272 No.148834

File: c0a9306e9638a8d⋯.pdf (281.74 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: d2beaf1fb2ecb6e⋯.pdf (291.19 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 558b0795f860464⋯.pdf (273.83 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758036 (240050ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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df5272 No.148835

File: 0af4a28aa64fa41⋯.pdf (15.87 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 38294c40572a1f9⋯.pdf (15.8 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 0be7fc44334bc38⋯.pdf (15.81 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 2503fbbf913f173⋯.pdf (15.58 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: ce1c2e3bbd0d61b⋯.pdf (13.17 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758046 (240050ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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AMTRACK boarding pass

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df5272 No.148836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758047 (240051ZNOV20) Notable: Anons on Biblical times

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Reminding Anons the entire POINT of this exercise is to get court cases like this kicked up to SCOTUS. If they had ruled in Trump's favor it would be a bigger problem in the overall plan.

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df5272 No.148837

File: f0a2810e0f233d1⋯.jpg (100.79 KB,950x527,950:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758056 (240051ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell credentials are here

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Fake and gay.

Actual source for sidney's credentials are here: https://www.federalappeals.com/sidney-powell

Services of her law firm are here: https://www.federalappeals.com/services

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df5272 No.148838

File: 5a0e872be8e9b4d⋯.png (542.74 KB,1514x1900,757:950,Clipboard.png)

File: 78fbe9479638b8e⋯.png (570.73 KB,1560x2028,10:13,Clipboard.png)

File: c53281ac65aee12⋯.pdf (83.44 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758090 (240053ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, CallHis,

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bizarre letter to hb. reminds me of "positive affirmations"

Hunter, Ignore Media Nonsense! Focus on Priority = Support Your Father

1. Whoever you date/hangout is your personal matter, and it is your freedom. Your personal life has nothing to do with your business outside of your household. More importantly, your personal life has nothing to do with your father. Regardless who you are, your personal space and your freedom in personal life deserve to be respected and protected. Don’t let bad people abuse every small gossip they can find to distract you. There is an adage that says if someone wants to find fault in you, they will always find a way, no matter what you do. Why care about what they say?

2. Maybe some people feel entitled to criticize their leader/president’s marital life, but they should not disturb the private life of president’s children and relatives, unless you are Donald Trump who practices nepotism obsessively by granting his family members top security clearance and promoting his children into key posts/government positions.

3. You should be proud of your work as a lawyer and as a business executive. Through my work with you, I could tell you are a righteous person always interested in helping others and helping this country through your involvement in the business world. You were helping American companies and American entrepreneurs to make money in energy, agriculture, real estate, and sectors that our national policy promotes exports and investments globally. You have contributed to “Made in America” for this country’s best interest.

You treat your business partners not only fairly, but try to find the best solution with everyone’s interest in mind, even sometimes that sacrifices your own interest. No matter how experienced and gifted businessman you are, you will always stumble upon bad deals, dishonest individuals, or bad people who took advantage of you, and run into incompetent partners who cause burdens without your knowledge. These people’s conduct has nothing to do with you.

Trump advocate’s stupid book with exaggeration and fabrication on your business connection with Chinese or that NYTimes article mentioning a retired Hong Kong official trying to reach you/Uncle Jim when need help have no relevance whatsoever! “Fake friends”, “acquaintance of all sorts”, and even strangers, may have access to your contact info, so what? In business, you have no control over your counterparties’ action, you can’t predict the conduct of random businessmen who claim to “know you well” either. Some folks love to “namedrop” and call your number simply because of a casual conversation in public events, your attendance of formal business engagement, or after meeting in conferences. Nevertheless, as with any professionals or business executives, you are obligated to attend such functions/events and meet people from all walks of life from diverse cultures.

If there is anyone who deserve to be scrutinized for doing business with Chinese, it would be Donald Trump:

I could agree with Trump that it is the right direction to re-evaluate China and prevent another country take advantage of the U. S., but Trump is so inexperienced with execution! By the way, keep in mind, before Trump, it was President Obama and your father’s administration who initiated this effort of curtail China’s global influence, and it was Democrats’ initiative to fight against Huawei espionage under President Obama and your father’s administration. The critics who first raise concerns about China’s raise to power and about trade are primarily Democrats. Trump should not take credit from the administration before him + play the China card to gain popularity. (If we were really to play the China card and debate on policy toward China, Blue should have the upper hand. Lastly, the mistakes made on China policy should really trace back to Republican era of Nixon/Kissinger and the Bushes were all pro-China, more so than anyone else.)

Last word on the trade war, we have a hand of good cards to start with, but Trump didn’t use it well, at least not fully utilize it, with his inexperience in diplomacy/international affairs, his arrogance and overconfidence, his poor strategy and subpar execution. I don’t mean to be arrogant, but I really think even I have better ideas than him and could have done much better negotiating for America.

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df5272 No.148839

File: 9b3b6dbaf44c71b⋯.png (76.27 KB,655x264,655:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bf6f54dab7e9ea⋯.png (65.3 KB,618x246,103:41,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e005e36bc3b56⋯.png (408.84 KB,588x393,196:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758168 (240057ZNOV20) Notable: WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia: The FBI Covered Up This Information

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df5272 No.148840

File: ed3956c1150b6e9⋯.jpeg (1009.99 KB,1125x1768,1125:1768,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758230 (240102ZNOV20) Notable: Trudeau forget holidays

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nuff said

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df5272 No.148841

File: e5004c4b0b0a853⋯.png (324.24 KB,678x366,113:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dc1eb8d5e8acf4⋯.png (169.35 KB,605x507,605:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758234 (240102ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL

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“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”



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df5272 No.148842

File: a81ee3639fe6933⋯.png (324.56 KB,599x576,599:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758281 (240105ZNOV20) Notable: Qantas Airlines covid vaxx or fuck off

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df5272 No.148843

File: baa6c7dc4237f55⋯.png (312.53 KB,538x511,538:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c83909549bba7b⋯.png (44.18 KB,546x397,546:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758295 (240106ZNOV20) Notable: GSA Administrator tells Biden he can access transition resources and services

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Get Used to President Biden

Say Goodbye to America and Freedom

Breaking: GSA Administrator tells Biden he can access transition resources and services | Just The News


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df5272 No.148844

File: 79f9b8e23e9ec5d⋯.png (36.9 KB,597x370,597:370,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758351 (240110ZNOV20) Notable: CM on Coomer video

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“Right on the screen, I can go ahead and say ‘You know what… the voter meant to mark this. They wanted those votes to count for those candidates.’ … and then I can hit complete. It's going to go on to the next ballot.” -Coomer


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df5272 No.148845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758358 (240110ZNOV20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani on Break with Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Pursuing Two Different Theories’

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Rudy Giuliani on Break with Sidney Powell: ‘We’re Pursuing Two Different Theories’

Monday, during an appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani responded to a question about his team’s decision to announce a break with Sidney Powell on Sunday.

Giuliani attributed it to his pursuit of a different theory than Powell’s approach and proceeded to lay out his effort.

“I think it’s because we’re pursuing two different theories,” he said. “Our theory of the case to get to the Supreme Court now in four places — and it’s soon going to be in two others, and there’ll be an overall lawsuit — is basically misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states in which the misconduct of the election involved depravation of constitutional rights for the president. For example, in one part of the state, you could fix a ballot, Democrat part. Other part of the state, you couldn’t fix a ballot. One part of the state, the ballots were examined. The other part of the state, they didn’t care if the ballots were examined. In Pennsylvania, there are 680,000 unexamined ballots that virtually were put in secretly by Democrats alone. That’s outrageous. That is misconduct of the election.”

“Elections are supposed to be conducted under the auspices of the laws passed by the legislature, and, in fact, they made a mockery of it in Pennsylvania,” Giuliani continued. “The only place maybe worse is Michigan, and particularly the city of Detroit. The city of Detroit probably had more voters than it had citizens. I’m exaggerating a bit, but all you have to do is look at statistical data, and you can see that the fraud was rampant and out of control. What happened this time, Lou, they had these mail ballots — which I think was always part of the plan. They always cheated somewhat with absentee ballots. But, for example, they only had 450,000 absentee ballots four years ago in Pennsylvania. This time they had 2.6 million. That’s like, you know, that’s like letting a couple of thieves free all night in Tiffany. And these expert voter fraud people, which you’ve got to say that Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania — and Philadelphia and Detroit have a great expertise in voter fraud. It isn’t the first election they’ve stolen. But this time, they had massive ballots to do it with.”

“And we have evidence,” he added. “The evidence has been presented, and the media lies that we have no evidence. They’re just too lazy to read our 100 affidavits, which are on the public record, from American citizens whose votes were stolen from them.”


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df5272 No.148846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758370 (240111ZNOV20) Notable: Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from California’s Stay-at-Home Order

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Gavin Newsom Exempts Entertainment Industry from California’s Stay-at-Home Order

As millions of Californians endure another coronavirus stay-at-home order, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has reportedly decided to exempt the state’s signature industry from his lockdown mandate, allowing film and TV shoots to continue. The decision not only affects celebrities but also the thousands of blue-collar crew members who light the sets, transport the scenery, and keep everyone fed.

Deadline reported that the governor’s latest order doesn’t apply to the entertainment production industry, which is on the list of essential work and is thus exempt from the rule.

Gov. Newsom’s order requires the vast majority of the state to stop all non-essential work, travel, and gatherings between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. every day through December 21. The order affects Californians in “purple-tier” counties, where coronavirus cases are rising the fastest.

Movie and TV shoots remain big business in California, employing thousands of people each year, the vast majority of whom are so-called “below-the-line” — crew members who toil long hours behind the scenes. They include camera operators, sound engineers, electricians, carpenters, truck drivers, makeup artists, and caterers.

Many shoots take place at night and require crews to work before and after the actors have shot their scenes.

The state’s production industry employs tens of thousands of crew members, according to data from the California Film Commission. It also helps keep ancillary businesses thriving, such as local restaurants, hotels, and various suppliers.

During California’s first shut-down in March, all movie and TV production came to a halt and remained dormant for several months, throwing thousands of people out of work and dealing a blow to the state’s economy. Production has gradually resumed around the state, with strict coronavirus guidelines including masks and social distancing

Among the shows currently shooting in California are American Crime Story: Impeachment, Ryan Murphy’s FX limited series about the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and CBS’ drama series SEAL Team.

The California lockdown comes as Gov. Newsom continues to deal with fallout for attending a party at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in Napa where guests failed to wear masks or practice social distancing, in direct contradiction of the governor’s own recommendations.


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df5272 No.148847

File: dd3a07d05783f35⋯.png (4.73 MB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758398 (240113ZNOV20) Notable: tits for POTUS

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Holding the Line!

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df5272 No.148848

File: 2a97b7cc37f1235⋯.jpg (166.21 KB,1079x649,1079:649,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e61fd36c10e2f45⋯.png (431.4 KB,396x515,396:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758414 (240114ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL

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“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”


So don’t let spin doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number of them, more than anyone could have imagined!

Powell stated that the ‘New World Order’ has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party’ and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the “New World Order” in return for large cash payments in the form of “enormous bribes.” Sidney Powell warned the GOP risks being “neutered like a bitch” by “the Great Reset” in 2021 if President Trump’s second term is stolen from him by “children of darkness.”

Thank you to Sidney Powell for exposing corruption on all sides. The Republican Party sold out for some cash and the American People have found out! Now wait and see the real uniting- patriots stand for a nation not a party! RINOS join your minions on the left and get out of America’s way! We are for freedom and we are standing up!

These are strong and vividly colorful words from a serious, well seasoned Military Attorney who just won’t roll over and allow the media to drag her reputation through the mud. She is chomping at the bit to get on with the real justice and that is the days in court. Be it the Supreme Court or before the Military Tribunal.

In an interview Sunday Powell stated, “The Republican elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fueled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in D.C., and silencing patriots who speak out against this insanity.

“When Trump begins his second term a tidal wave of punishment will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.” In a news report by Hal Turner, his sources state that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both allegedly took money from Communist China, perhaps to intentionally STEAL the November 3rd Election for Joe Biden.

These two sold our votes and constitutional rights to China for a buck! The devil went down to Georgia and indeed he found some to fiddle with!

Click link to read full report: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/k-a-b-o-o-m-governor-and-secretary-of-state-in-georgia-took-money-from-china-to-steal-election-from-trump?fbclid=IwAR39S7jlhYktsvvSQpEJCbWPo4XixSk-OPi8OUURa_x3OO1k1v3QdkADqaM

Excerpts from Hal Turner Report: “According to very high level sources from my years working National Security Intelligence with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.

“A recent report states the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.

“The Trump election legal team forced the President to WAIT before revealing this, until both Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the Election results.

“According to those same sources, once Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the results, their crime was complete. Both men certified those election results this week. By law, Mr. Raffensperger was obliged to certify the election results before 5 p.m. on Friday. Gov. Kemp, had to then certify the results by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Both men did exactly those acts.

“The implications of this revelation are staggering. First, that a sitting REPUBLICAN Governor would stab his Party’s President, and our nation, in the back, for a foreign government, is utterly horrifying. People are already asking ” My God, what could they have offered that he would sell out his own people? His own country?”

“That a foreign nation would DARE to pay money in order to rig or steal a U.S. Presidential Election is . . . a casus belli (Cause for war.) China appears to have tried to STEAL our freedom by STEALING our Elections. War is justified.

“Again, the national security intelligence sources with whom I have spoken, assure me this information is solid and the proof is already in government hands.“

And now you know why Attorney Sidney Powell said she was going to Blow up Georgia starting with the Governor and Attorney General!

According to Hal Turner, Intel sources now also confirm that “Other Governors, Secretaries of State, State Election officials, County Election officials and even several big city Mayors also allegedly received payments from Communist China and those payments have been tracked as well.”

Dianne Marshall

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df5272 No.148849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758449 (240116ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines on POTUS twat to deflect from the Republic

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>>>/qresearch/11757520 lb

So it seems POTUS offered himself as the "sacrificial lamb" to take all the insults, the false accusations, the attempts at his life, being dragged through an election which HE and the Team KNEW would be fraudulent: JUST TO UNCOVER THIS ELECTION MACHINE WORKING AGAINST THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Yeah, a big, big deal. Warrant the CAPS.

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df5272 No.148850

File: 28ae970b72e0062⋯.png (261.03 KB,599x769,599:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758498 (240119ZNOV20) Notable: CM - Who can access the ballot images?

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Who can access the ballot images? What format are they saved in?

Can they be deleted? Can they be seen and tampered with before any official adjudication process starts?


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df5272 No.148851

File: 49e2c08fd76cb64⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758524 (240121ZNOV20) Notable: CM on Coomer video

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35 seconds in

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df5272 No.148852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758619 (240127ZNOV20) Notable: SIDNEY GOTS WITNESSES WHO GOT FUCKED IN GEORGIA BY SWAMP!!!!!

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Guess who included Sidney in her tweet, and sides with Trump, none other than Cynthia McKinney, Georgia democrat. I’d say she the next Vernon Jones. Read her thread.

Being a Georgian I heard the worst things about her as a Conservative 20+ years ago, unfortunately I didn’t know the depth and breadth of the absolute corruption then. I have no excuse really, didn’t really like or was interested in politics.

Cynthia McKinney PhD


Thanks for finding and posting this

@rising_serpent.I said it then and sadly now you ALL know it's true! They experimented on me and perfected it on @POTUS @realDonaldTrump same folks doing evil interfering in US elections





Rising serpent Flag of United States

@rising_serpent · 9h

Democrats then: "electronic voting machines are a threat to our democracy"

Democrats now: "safest and most secure election ever"

Embedded video



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df5272 No.148853

File: 065e0d8fd197c0b⋯.png (556.69 KB,697x767,697:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758645 (240129ZNOV20) Notable: John Gilbert Getty, heir to the Getty oil fortune, dead at 52 LOOKS LIKE HE IS 100

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John Gilbert Getty, heir to the Getty oil fortune, dead at 52 https://trib.al/YHuV4yx

52?? Suspicious.


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df5272 No.148854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758721 (240134ZNOV20) Notable: SIDNEY GOTS WITNESSES WHO GOT FUCKED IN GEORGIA BY SWAMP!!!!!

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Shit guess who Mckinney lost to in 2000, Hank Johnson, you know the island of Guam Is going to flip over. This brainiac just got really-elected

See video fucking hilarious, the admiral was surprisingly composed and didn’t laugh out loud

In her video in 2000, she says electronic voting machine stole her votes.

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df5272 No.148855

File: 8549b17c8c2e685⋯.png (463.8 KB,676x828,169:207,Clipboard.png)

File: d141b1b302f6fe1⋯.png (437.86 KB,674x917,674:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758805 (240138ZNOV20) Notable: British Business Facing ‘Hammer Blow’ from Boris’s Lockdown, Warns Former Tory Leader

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British Business Facing ‘Hammer Blow’ from Boris’s Lockdown, Warns Former Tory Leader

British businesses are facing a “hammer blow” from the government’s decision to extend lockdown restrictions, warned the former leader of the Conservative Party, Iain Duncan Smith.

On Monday, Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned that the UK would not return to normality until at least Easter, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced further regional lockdown restrictions that will be imposed following the end of the second national lockdown on December 2nd.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Conservative MP and former Tory leader, Iain Duncan Smith, said that, in light of the economic damage that has already been inflicted by the lockdowns, he fears that more restrictions “will force vast numbers of firms out of business and cast countless people out of work”.

“The hospitality sector is collapsing, and more and more people will fall into unemployment as business can no longer be sustained,” Smith wrote.

The former Tory leader said that the government must provide the public with a “proper cost-benefit analysis” of the impacts lockdown measures will inflict upon the British economy “before it is too late”.

“Given that the economy is in free fall, borrowing is rising like a rocket and tens of thousands of people face major delays for non-Covid health treatment, I wonder if those advising the Government have any concept of the devastating consequences of such a proposal,” he said.


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df5272 No.148856

File: 9ab7d9b82204e52⋯.png (470.5 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758827 (240139ZNOV20) Notable: WaPo 666 comms?

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666 children? What kind of crazy comm. is this from WaPo? It used to be 535 children.



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df5272 No.148857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11758831 (240140ZNOV20) Notable: SIDNEY GOTS WITNESSES WHO GOT FUCKED IN GEORGIA BY SWAMP!!!!!

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Yep now I’m posting his greatest hits in congress. The island capsizing was his greatest of stupid shit, but watch this retard. McKinney must have disobeyed her masta’s

Congressional Hits and Misses: Best of Hank Johnson

C’mon man it’s funny, laugh a little

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df5272 No.148858

File: f99af80be271cba⋯.png (1.66 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759034 (240154ZNOV20) Notable: Polis, Fauci discuss COVID-19

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Polis, Fauci discuss COVID-19

Gov. Jared Polis on Friday had a discussion with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic as the situation continues to worsen in Colorado.

The discussion, according to Polis' office, offered hope of the pandemic getting better and also served as a reminder that Coloradans need to continue to do whatever possible to mitigate the spread of the virus in the state.

"Colorado benefits from Dr. Anthony Fauci sharing his advice with me today about the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fauci said help in the form of a promising vaccine is near and urged us to let that new redouble our individual efforts to stay apart now," Polis said in a statement following the private talk between the two men.

Polis said Fauci discussed how Coloradans must not let pandemic fatigueprevent them from listening to science and doing what is known and has shown has worked to slow the spread of COVID-19.

"Dr. Fauci highlighted the importance of targeted actions and reiterated that major drivers of virus transmission are connected to innocent personal gathering, sharing that he himself will be spending Thanksgiving separate from his children," Polis said. "I also extended an invitation to Dr. Fauci to join us virtually in Colorado in the near future to share his expertise and hope he will."

The governor's office said it plans to put in a request to the White House to allow Fauci to speak with Coloradans in the coming months during one of Polis' press briefings.

Polis also recently spoke with Preside-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris about the response to COVID.


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df5272 No.148859

File: 6fbc17e2a1676ef⋯.mp4 (14.49 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759050 (240155ZNOV20) Notable: Putin Strut down long hallways

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df5272 No.148860

File: 8a1a7e688b033d7⋯.jpeg (254.65 KB,774x1072,387:536,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 333f341c9d3d1d6⋯.jpeg (299.37 KB,1080x2160,1:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 96276db353b94c2⋯.jpeg (253.43 KB,1067x1238,1067:1238,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759072 (240156ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Shapiro was one of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Leaders.

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Next try…

Dan Shapiro was one of Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Leaders.


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df5272 No.148861

File: 2f5a5e448d655e2⋯.png (1.58 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759086 (240157ZNOV20) Notable: Polis, Fauci discuss COVID-19

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Polis issues order allowing at-capacity Colorado hospitals to transfer patients, deny new admissionsDENVER — Gov. Jared Polis on Monday signed an executive order allowing at-capacity hospitals to transfer patients, and stop admitting new ones, to help them respond to a surge in COVID-19 patients across the state.

Hospitals will not have to receive a patient's consent for a transfer, if directed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, according to Polis' order. The order also applies to freestanding emergency room facilities.

Colorado's hospitalization numbers have been on the rise in recent weeks, with 1,670 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients in the hospital as of Monday, according to data from 87% of hospitals across the state. According to the data, 11% of Colorado facilities are expecting a shortage of intensive care beds in the next week.

The executive order from Polis comes amid other measures being taken across the state. Denver and more than a dozen other counties in Colorado were moved Friday to "Level Red" on the state's COVID-19 dial, bringing with it more restrictions, including a prohibition on indoor dining.

Currently no county in Colorado is on "Level Purple," a new level added to the COVID-19 dial. Level Purple is designated for counties that have exceeded their hospital capacity or are near capacity, among other COVID-19 metrics.

Last week state officials said an estimated 1 in 49 Coloradans are infectious with the virus.


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df5272 No.148862

File: 74eb5cd0a220c21⋯.png (1.69 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759177 (240203ZNOV20) Notable: Jared Polis names former Boulder County judge to Colorado Supreme Court

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Jared Polis names former Boulder County judge to Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis’ first appointment to the state’s highest court went to a former Boulder County district court judge on Friday.

==Judge Maria Encarnacion Berkenkotter,v= 57, will replace Chief Justice Nathan B. Coats, who is scheduled to retire on January 1. Justice Dan D. Boatwright will become the Colorado Supreme Court's next chief justice.

Coats, who has served on the court for over 20 years, offered congratulations to his successor, saying Berkenkotter’s experience will serve her well on the court.

During these unprecedented times, our court’s purpose to uphold the Colorado Constitution has taken on new meaning, and I know that Judge Berkenkotter will treat this duty with the deliberation and care that she has shown throughout her career,” Coats said in a statement.

The new chief justice also shared his support for Berkenkotter’s nomination.

“Judge Berkenkotter has shown extraordinary dedication to upholding the laws of Colorado,” Boatright said in a statement. “She will be a terrific addition to the Colorado Supreme Court and I look forward to our work together.”

A citizen-led nominating commission screened applicants earlier this year. Along with Berkenkotter, the commission returned the names of Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrea Wang and civil litigator Timothy McDonald for consideration.

In a statement, Polis said he chose Berkenkotter because she has “deftly presided over high-profile, complicated, and often emotional cases, and has implemented beneficial operational changes within the Judicial Branch.”

“Throughout her career, she has shown a keen ability to render sound and wise decisions on a broad range of issues,” the governor continued.

After graduating from Denver University’s Sturm College of Law in 1987, Berkenkotter began her career as an associate with Holmes & Star before becoming an assistant attorney general with the Colorado Attorney General Regulatory Law and Consumer Protection Sections between 1990 and 2000.

She was elevated to the bench of Colorado’s 20th Judicial District Court in 2006, where she presided over civil, criminal, domestic relations, and juvenile cases.

After retiring in 2017, Berkenkotter worked as an arbiter for the Judicial Arbiter Group, a group of former judges who provide dispute resolution and arbitration services. She also worked as a judicial coach for the Colorado Judicial Department.

honored to be selected by Governor Polis for this important position,” Berkenkotter said in a statement. “It is essential for the foundations of our democracy, including our courts, to remain strong during these unprecedented times.”


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df5272 No.148863

File: e030f94627610dc⋯.png (461.49 KB,592x478,296:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f92762d8a8eac⋯.mp4 (6.87 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759348 (240213ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS twats tucker's opening MP4

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df5272 No.148864

File: b59f19d7fef636f⋯.jpeg (341.3 KB,750x648,125:108,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759457 (240219ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS twats tucker's opening MP4

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DJT links to Tucker vid on Voting machines

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df5272 No.148865

File: c24835f98a64830⋯.png (428.95 KB,574x606,287:303,Clipboard.png)

File: a9c06d31a376685⋯.png (414.91 KB,580x416,145:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759467 (240219ZNOV20) Notable: US Attorney Gives Antifa Pass On Rand Paul Attack After Refusing To Investigate

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US Attorney Gives Antifa Pass On Rand Paul Attack After Refusing To Investigate

The US Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has declined to investigate who is funding the 'thugs' who attacked him on video following President Trump's August 2020 White House nomination acceptance ceremony.

"The DC U.S. Attorney today confirmed to me that they will not pursue an investigation of who is funding the thugs who attacked my wife and me and sent a DC police officer to the hospital," wrote Paul via Twitter.

Shortly after the incident, Rand and his wife Kelley appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," where he said "It was terrifying."

"I have never experienced anything like that in my life. We felt completely powerless."

"At first I was trying to look in their eyes and trying to have any kind of reason … to see someone as a human being and I realized they did not see us as human beings," said Kelley Paul, adding "We were Trump supporters, so they absolutely despised us."

"in that moment, it was a bloodthirsty mob, and all I could think of was the man who was kicked in the head in Portland … or the man whose jaw was broken [in Kenosha] or an eight-year-old Secoriea Turner. I really thought we were going to lose our lives, I thought someone was going to throw a brick. It was the most terrifying moment of my entire life," she continued.


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df5272 No.148866

File: a1ef880cc55dec3⋯.png (1.99 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759503 (240221ZNOV20) Notable: With Cases Rising Rapidly, North Carolina Tightens Existing Mask Requirements and Enforcement

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With Cases Rising Rapidly, North Carolina Tightens Existing Mask Requirements and Enforcement

Ten More Counties Designated as Red for Critical Community Spread

Nov 23, 2020

Governor Roy Cooper today issued additional COVID-19 safety measures to tighten mask requirements and enforcement as cases continue to rise rapidly in North Carolina and across the country. Executive Order No. 180 goes into effect on Wednesday, November 25 and runs through Friday, December 11.

"I have a stark warning for North Carolinians today: We are in danger," Governor Cooper said. "This is a pivotal moment in our fight against the coronavirus. Our actions now will determine the fate of many."

In addition to extending Phase 3 capacity limits and safety requirements, the Order tightens the existing statewide mask requirement – making it clear that everyone needs to wear a mask whenever they are with someone who is not from the same household. The Order also adds the mask requirement to several additional settings including any public indoor space even when maintaining 6 feet of distance; gyms even when exercising; all schools public and private; and all public or private transportation when travelling with people outside of the household.

The Order also requires large retail businesses with more than 15,000 square feet to have an employee stationed near entrances ensuring mask wearing and implementing occupancy limits for patrons who enter.

Dr. Mandy Cohen, Secretary of North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, updated North Carolina’s COVID-19 County Alert System map due to the rapid rise in cases and hospitalization over the past week. Since introducing the system last week, ten more counties have moved into the red category indicating critical community spread. There are now 20 red counties and 42 orange counties. Read the update to see where each county stands and how the system was designed.

“The coming weeks will be a true test of our resolve to do what it takes to keep people from getting sick, to save lives, and to make sure that if you need hospital care whether it’s for a heart attack or a car accident or COVID-19, you can get it,” said NCDHHS Secretary Mandy K. Cohen, M.D.

Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan spoke at today’s press conference to discuss what the city of Greensboro is doing to step up enforcement of existing, strong statewide safety rules. State officials have encouraged local governments to take action to require compliance and help lower COVID-19 numbers.

Dr. Cohen also provided an update on North Carolina’s data and trends.

Trajectory in COVID-Like Illness (CLI) Surveillance Over 14 Days

North Carolina’s syndromic surveillance trend for COVID-like illness is increasing.

Trajectory of Confirmed Cases Over 14 Days

North Carolina’s trajectory of cases is increasing.

Trajectory in Percent of Tests Returning Positive Over 14 Days

North Carolina’s trajectory in percent of tests returning positive is increasing slightly.

Trajectory in Hospitalizations Over 14 Days

North Carolina’s trajectory of hospitalizations is increasing.

In addition to these metrics, the state continues building capacity to adequately respond to an increase in virus spread in testing, tracing and prevention.


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df5272 No.148867

File: cfc56af2bb454e5⋯.png (630.61 KB,657x356,657:356,Clipboard.png)

File: d8810f6b380a34e⋯.png (635.69 KB,539x895,539:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759548 (240224ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality

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Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality

As litigation over whether voting law can only be amended by the state legislatures goes forward, Georgia tempts fate by allowing a state board to change the rules

At the center of several of the lawsuits currently being pursued by the Trump campaign is this question. Can a court or a board amend election law or do amendments to election law have to be legislated. In Georgia, it appears they are tempting fate going into the most important election since their decision to secede from the Union in 1861.

The Georgia State Board of Elections (GSBE) met in an emergency session to approve two “emergency rules” that related to absentee voting. One rule allowed the continued use of drop boxes and another extended the requirement for Georgia’s counties to process absentee ballots starting one week out from the upcoming election.

A third proposed rule was voted down by the board. That proposal centered on residency concerns for new voter registrations ahead of the January 5, 2021, run-off election.

Marxist-Progressives, Democrat, and Liberals – like failed Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang – have been urging people to move to Georgia to vote in the upcoming run-off. Doing so for that express purpose id a state felony in Georgia.

The GSBE’s failure to address new resident registrations presents a vulnerability in the special election process that promises to invite court challenges, especially if Democrats carry both seats in that race.

The board approved the rules in a meeting Monday overseen by embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. He has come under scrutiny in recent weeks over claims of vote fraud, ballot tampering, secret deals with Democrats, and his lack of standards where the use of Dominion Voting Systems software and machines are concerned.

Dominion Voting Systems is facing charges that their software and machines had crafted vulnerabilities built into both and that those vulnerabilities were used by partisans to commit election fraud.

Most Republicans, including President Trump, charge that Raffensperger mismanaged various aspects of the vote-tabulation effort in the state. They have also accused him of openly thwarting transparency.

Raffensperger has repeatedly denied there was any election fraud in the state, adding the caveat “that would overturn the race in favor of Trump,” which serves as a non-denial-denial.

The GCBE’s moves were made ahead of the the all-important Georgia Senate runoff races between Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), and Rev. Raphael Warnock, as well as Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), and Jon Ossoff.


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df5272 No.148868

File: bd1418a2086594b⋯.png (144.58 KB,775x913,775:913,Clipboard.png)

File: b9724d03fea442e⋯.png (49.43 KB,772x888,193:222,Clipboard.png)

File: 633a3ee029a3f0a⋯.png (175.3 KB,730x911,730:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 80b9c1e15fa6b19⋯.png (48.81 KB,767x887,767:887,Clipboard.png)

File: e6835290ac5b957⋯.png (26.68 KB,770x426,385:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759603 (240227ZNOV20) Notable: The Left’s Way: Violence, Fraud and Intimidation

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The Left’s Way: Violence, Fraud and Intimidation

A revealing incident took place in Wayne County, Michigan last week. What happened is highly instructive, because it exposes the left’s modus operandi. It is important that we learn from it and take measures to prevent its recurrence, because if we don’t, this country will fall into the hands of brutal leftist totalitarians.

In Wayne County two Republican members of the county’s Board of Canvassers, Monica Palmer and William Hartmann, initially refused to certify the results of the obviously fraud-ridden election. Wayne County, by the way, includes the city of Detroit which has been continuously controlled by corrupt Democrats since 1962. Not surprisingly, Detroit has been known to suffer from election irregularities for many years. In this election, among other concerns, around 70 percent of Wayne County precincts were found to be “out of balance,” which means that the number of ballots cast did not match the number of people who signed in to vote.

The refusal to certify this vote with its glaring irregularities made the two honest officials an immediate target of intimidation and blackmail. Within minutes of their decision, death threats began pouring in. “The [death] threats have been made against myself, my daughter and my husband,” Monica Palmer told Detroit Free Press. The threats that Monica Palmer referred to in this statement were conveyed to her privately. But there was more to come publicly so that the whole world could see just how brazen and vicious the American political left is.

In the contentious public meeting that followed the standoff, Palmer and Hartmann were abused and bullied by a succession of Democrat operatives. Astonishingly, in that meeting, which was broadcast on Zoom, Democrats made statements that contained threats of potentially deadly violence against the two board members and their families.

One of the oafs who used this tactic was a man by the name Abraham Aiyash. Aiyash is a hard left activist who had just been elected to the Michigan House of Representatives. He hails from Michigan’s deeply blue District 4 where he received nearly 90 percent of the vote. Prior to his election he worked as a trainer of community organizers. This is how a former co-worked described Aiyash in a Twitter post:

“I’ve worked closely with @AbrahamAiyash with his time working with @MichiganUnited, his job was training the next generation of organizers. Michigan should be proud to have such a fighter and a progressive champion in the state house, I know I am proud to call him a friend.”

At the Wayne County election certification meeting, this “progressive champion” set the scene by accusing Monika Palmer of racism:


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df5272 No.148869

File: 7dc9790db304e33⋯.png (979.68 KB,1200x1800,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759726 (240235ZNOV20) Notable: Other than it's from Hal Turner, it's just great. A registered civilian military lawyer IS NOT A JAG which is a Judge Advocate General.

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Other than it's from Hal Turner, it's just great.

SIDE NOTE ADDED: 11/23/2020

The Marshall Report says:

A registered civilian military lawyer IS NOT A JAG which is a Judge Advocate General. Sidney Powell has been a Federal Prosecutor as well as has her own law firm. In Military courts: Other Federal Courts. Anyone going before a military tribunal can have an attorney appointed through JAG or have one from the civilian sector. We are looking at both non-military justice cases regarding treason against the American people and military treason involvement.

Non-military justice cases relating to national security issues (such as treaty interpretation, constitutional law, federal criminal law, and civil liberties) are heard by the general federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, and U.S. District Courts. For more information on these courts and where you can find their decisions, see the Library’s Case Law Research Guide.https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365986&p=5204253

Laws are complicated but rest assured Sidney Powell knows the law and is both a criminal prosecutor, and defense lawyer. She is now representing the United States Citizens against blatant constitutional, federal criminal, and civil liberty violations WHICH are treasonous and will not relent in representing the citizens at any court level. She is equipted. Moreover, here is a link that shows the laws and offenses those who took part in the election fraud and foreign nation meddling are facing: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1%2Fchapter115&edition=prelim Aside from her extremely huge Federal Attorney record with the Department of Justice with over 500 Supreme Court Cases, Sidney Powell has proven she is more than equipped to represent military justice/Federal cases such as General Flynn in his Military Logan Act case and had it overturned. Deep State is still fighting that ruling. If there is a discrepency, it would be in the part of the statement that “she is the only one who can prosecute at” should be stated “She is the best one to prosecute at”.

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df5272 No.148870

File: 26f92762d8a8eac⋯.mp4 (6.87 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759748 (240240ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweets Tucker clip of the election fraud and Corrupt Dominion voting machines

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Every man deserves more than one chance, I still think Tucker is a patriot, I still trust him, and I give thanks to him for sticking his neck out and bringing good information to the public.

Dear Tucker, I support you, we're all in this together!

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df5272 No.148871

File: 4ecfd2bb740e6c1⋯.jpeg (442.75 KB,640x926,320:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759749 (240240ZNOV20) Notable: Attorney Lin Wood Asks for Assistance from Any Military Member who Cast an Absentee Ballot in Georgia

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Spread the word


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df5272 No.148872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759750 (240240ZNOV20) Notable: Listen Up…It's time to smarten up or GTFO

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Listen Up…

It's time to smarten up or GTFO

The Powell thing happened yesterday, yet there is still chatter about it.

It is what it is. If you don't understand, go away and think about it.

If you wanna concernfag chat with other concernfags go to half chan.

If you aren't contributing sauced content, then you are in the fucking way

Stop wasting your time and the time of others.

Decide now, are you 100% on board or not?

If so STFU and start contributing

If no please FUCK OFF or lurk.

Seriously, this is not only a national emergency

and an international crisis…

Decide now how history records you.

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df5272 No.148873

File: 33d557a5a437f5b⋯.png (140.01 KB,1920x1040,24:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759786 (240243ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden download available here

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hunter download available here:


It DOES NOT contain any CP. Only text and pdf files.

There are probably other sites hosting it as well. Example pic

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df5272 No.148874

File: 54b9abd6d7bd342⋯.png (1.01 MB,1079x1788,1079:1788,Clipboard.png)

File: d26ffd2ec061f55⋯.png (278.95 KB,1080x1643,1080:1643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759799 (240244ZNOV20) Notable: John Gilbert Getty, heir to the Getty oil fortune, dead at 52

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Not that it even fucking matters anymore.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759800 (240244ZNOV20) Notable: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Chairman of Smartmatic

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Government inaction costs votes of 1.1M young people in referendum

London, United Kingdom - July 1, 2016 – New research by election technology firm Smartmatic and WebRoots Democracy illustrates the link between low youth turnout in elections and the UK’s outdated voting system. A survey found 45% of 18-24 year olds and 28% of 25-34 year olds who did not vote in the referendum said they would have been more likely to do so if they had been able to vote online, prompting calls from youth groups for immediate reforms to the UK voting system.

Based on population and turnout, the Smartmatic and WebRoots’ results revealed an estimated 502,000 18-24 year olds and666,000 of 25-24 year oldswould have voted if they could have voted online.

• Nearly three quarters of 18-24 year olds and two thirds of 25-34 year olds voted to Remain

• Polls have suggested that just over a third of 18-24 year olds and just over half 25-34 year olds actually cast their vote

• Across the country, areas with a lower median age saw a much lower turnout

• By contrast, 57% of 55-64 year olds and 60% of 65+ voted to Leave

• In 2015, a ComRes survey found that 57% of disenfranchised 18-24 year olds would be more likely to vote if they could do so online

Despite an increasing number of calls to modernise the UK’s voting system, successive governments have delayed moves to make the voting system more accessible to young people. The Speaker’s Commission on Digital Democracy concluded last year that online voting should be available from 2020 yet the Government has not taken steps to make this a reality.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Chairman of Smartmatic,said, “We will lose a generation of young voters if we don’t modernise our centuries-old voting system. This Government shot itself in the foot by effectively suppressing the youth vote in the referendum and missing chances to introduce online voting. All parties need to learn from this and bring in a modern voting system that makes sense to a generation at ease with technology. The technology exists, we just need political will.”

In light of the referendum, a collection of independent organisations including the National Union of Students, WebRoots Democracy and Bite the Ballot have written an open letter calling on the Government to “act now to upgrade our voting system.”

Areeq Chowdhury, Founder and Chief Executive of WebRoots Democracy, said, “Young people are underrepresented in the UK. They may only be 20% of the current population, but they are 100% of the future one.

In the past four general elections turnout amongst 18-24 year olds has been the lowest of all age groups. That trend repeated itself yet again in the EU referendum. An out-dated voting system has contributed to a referendum result which has far reaching consequences for the UK and especially for young people who will have to live with the outcome for decades. It’s time that we upgraded to the 21st century and had a democratic system fit for the digital age.”

Youth groups have issued an open letter supporting the call for the introduction of electronic voting. The letter signed by the National Union of Students, WebRoots Democracy, Bite the Ballot, MyLifeMySay and Voting Counts says, “Online voting would have given young people a choice of how to vote, making it easier and more relevant to their lifestyles. Young people want this. Surveys show that young people would be much more likely to vote if they could so online.”



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df5272 No.148876

File: 2cc0d9da97ff074⋯.png (403.26 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759836 (240247ZNOV20) Notable: Jonh Kerry, Linda! Reunited! You will be as amazing in Turtle Bay as you were in Foggy Bottom

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Linda! Reunited! You will be as amazing in Turtle Bay as you were in Foggy Bottom. You really are the best of the Foreign Service and the best of America.


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df5272 No.148877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759837 (240247ZNOV20) Notable: #15007

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Baker, here are notes for #15007

Taken from https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11755015.html. Bread is labelled as 15005 but I've submitted a report to BO/BV to rename to 15007.

>>148729 China pays US MSM millions of dollars to push progressive propaganda to American public

>>148732 Dominion LinkedIn archives

>>148733 U R G E N T R E Q U E S T New Lin Wood - Calling all GA voters casting a Military Absentee Ballot

>>148734 Replika AI's website designer - creepy

>>148735 Michigan election board certifies Biden win (The Hill)

>>148730 Anon lays out the plan very succinctly

>>148737 'Anonymous' Anti-Trump NYTimes Writer Identified As Witness In Gen. Flynn Probe: Senators

>>148738 Apple Head Of Security Charged With Attempted Bribery Over Concealed Carry Gun Licenses

>>148739 New FLOTUS - Evergreen COMMS

>>148740 Armed Black Lives Matter Militants Shut Down Traffic in Louisville, After Local Activist Was Shot and Killed During Carjacking (Gateway Pundit)

>>148742 New Statement from Trump Campaign

>>148743 University Of Hypocrisy: Elite U.S. Institutions Receive Billions From ‘Nations That Abuse Human Rights On A Massive Scale’

>>148744 Biden and Friends Busted Partying and Singing Without Masks or Social Distancing at Joe’s Elite Birthday Bash (Investment Watchblog)

>>148745 7 Things That Were "Crazy Conspiracy Theories" Until 2020 Happened

>>148746 French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy stands trial for corruption

>>148748 One Hour Before Fake “Republican” Jeff Timmer Demanded Certification Of MI Vote, He Tweeted: “Merry F**king Christmas Melania Trump” (Gateway Pundit)

>>148749 Military Situation In Syria On November 23, 2020 (Map Update)

>>148753 SECOND VIDEO REVEALED of Dominion Voting System’s Eric Coomer Explaining to Elections Officials How to Switch Votes

>>148754 Biden-Harris Transition website domain info show interesting dates.

>>148755 New POTUS

>>148756 GSA letter on Dems threatening her and family

>>148758 Staple Street Capital, owner of Dominion, has not raised capital or had substantial new investors since 2014/2015 of about $200M. Website is updated.

>>148759 Stacey Abrams: ‘More than 750,000’ Georgians Already Requested Mail Ballots for Runoff Election (Gateway Pundit)

>>148760 Pennsylvania Governor Bans Alcohol Sales On The Day Before Thanksgiving (Zero Hedge)

>>148761 Central Banks To Add Liquidity Worth 0.66% Of Global GDP On Average Every Month In 2021 (Zero Hedge)

>>148762 The Goodmans digg cont.

>>148763 Anon on importance of thinking

>>148764 Dog comms

>>148752, >>148765 Dianne Feinstein to step down as top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary panel

>>148766 Wearing a mask is against the law according to the law on criminal anarchy

>>148767 Reminder: Fauci's daughter is a software engineer for Twitter

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df5272 No.148878

File: 431a429561b965b⋯.jpeg (76.79 KB,730x487,730:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759903 (240250ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Gets Legal Victories in Michigan and Pennsylvania

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Trump Campaign Gets Legal Victories in Michigan and Pennsylvania


The Michigan state legislature has agreed to hold a hearing about election irregularities in the state. In addition to this development, a federal appeals court has agreed to an expedited election review in Pennsylvania.

“We are grateful to Michigan House lawmakers for not rushing to certify inaccurate election results,” Trump campaign legal adviser Jenna Ellis told Just the News. “We are confident they will share the same concerns once they see the extent of the outright fraud and disregard for the law that happened in Michigan and across the nation. Every American should want to know the truth.”

Ellis also responded to the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that Trump’s “motion for emergency expedited review is granted at the direction of the court.”

“We are grateful to the Third Circuit for accepting an expedited review,” Jenna Ellis said.

The news comes on the heels of federal judge Matthew W. Brann dismissing the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar on Saturday.

“There was no legal reason to deny our amended complaint, other than pure politics and judicial activism,” Ellis continued. “This was an Obama-appointed judge whose opinion was rife with errors. We hope the appellate court will recognize that and properly give us our day in court. The American people deserve for us be able to bring forward our witnesses and evidence showing election fraud — this is at the heart election integrity and fundamental fairness.”

On Thursday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives also voted to approve an audit of the 2020 election.


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df5272 No.148879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11759915 (240251ZNOV20) Notable: #15008

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Bread #15008 Notes

>>148799, >>148816, >>148824 Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER

>>148808 Michael Flynn Jr.: Folks cannot even imagine what’s going on behind the scenes right now.

>>148810 Not even Once Kek

>>148825 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

>>148838 Hunter, Ignore Media Nonsense! Focus on Priority = Support Your Father

>>148826, >>148828, >>148829, >>148830, >>148833, >>148834, >>148835 Hunter files from halfchan earlier

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df5272 No.148880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760522 (240329ZNOV20) Notable: Roger Stone on the record saying Bill Gates/Microsoft created the software for Dominion to steal votes

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Bill Gates/Microsoft created the software for Dominion to steal votes


Enrique Alejandro



Nov 21

#RogerStone Reveals the Mass Manipulator of the 2020 Vote: It’s @BillGates

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df5272 No.148881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760541 (240332ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden #HardDrivefromHell leaks on half chan

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Hunter Biden #HardDrivefromHell leaks on halfchan

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df5272 No.148882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760545 (240332ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From ‘Screen Interface Down To Chip Level’

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Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From ‘Screen Interface Down To Chip Level’


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df5272 No.148883

File: 6734b6958be8b1b⋯.png (464.7 KB,2108x1328,527:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760557 (240334ZNOV20) Notable: GSA Executive Mentioned Threats to Her, Her Family, and Employees

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GSA Executive Mentioned Threats to Her, Her Family, and Employees


It should also be noted that family members of all Federal employees are now protected by § 115(a)(1) of Title 18 against assault, kidnapping, and murder, as well as attempts or threats to assault, kidnap, or murder. However, such violent acts must be done "with the intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with" such Federal employee "while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against" such Federal employee.

Section 115(a)(2) of Title 18 covers threats against all Federal employees, including those covered by § 351, when such threat is done "with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with" such Federal employee "while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against" such Federal employee.

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df5272 No.148884

File: ca81fc99292950a⋯.png (96.62 KB,921x505,921:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 655482f34d1b9bd⋯.png (59.18 KB,940x322,470:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760620 (240338ZNOV20) Notable: Cooperate With China Or World War 3: Kissinger

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Cooperate With China Or World War 3: Kissinger

"I would think we need first of all a dialogue with the Chinese leadership in which we are defining what we're attempting to prevent and in which the two leaders agree that whatever other conflicts they have they will not resort to military conflict," Henry Kissinger told Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait on November 16 at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum.

"Unless there is some basis for some cooperative action, the world will slide into a catastrophe comparable to World War I."

Of course no one wants war of any type with China, but in a little over 14 minutes Kissinger managed to totally misinterpret Chinese history, support Beijing's most important foreign policy goal, and give deeply misguided advice to Joe Biden. Kissinger has evidently learned nothing from years of dangerous Chinese behavior, which is partly the result of his policy formulations.

We start with history, because Kissinger was once an accomplished historian and his incorrect opinions on China today appear to flow from his unsupportable views of the Chinese past. He makes the case that Americans cannot understand Beijing's insecurity.

"Americans have had a history of relatively uninterrupted success," he noted.

"The Chinese have had a very long history of repeated crises. America has had the good fortune of being free of immediate dangers. Chinese have usually been surrounded by countries that have had designs on their unity."

Even if his comments were true, no country now threatens China. China, in fact, has not faced any credible external threat to its unity for more than seven decades. The Communist Party dwells on history, such as the so-called "Century of Humiliation," the subject of ruler Xi Jinping's National Day speech last October, because that telling of history suits the needs of today's insecure regime.

China's troubled past, in short, is an excuse. What, after all, is it in history that justifies present-day Chinese aggression against India, Bhutan and Nepal, or its designs on Tajikistan, the Philippines and Malaysia?

Moreover, what justification is there for the Communist Party's declaration of a "people's war" on the United States in May of last year?

China is aggressive and militant at this moment because of the nature of its communist regime, which is quickly driving the country back to one-man rule and totalitarianism. Xi Jinping, the one man in China's system, is now propagating the audacious concept of tianxia, that "all under heaven" owe allegiance to Beijing.

There are, unfortunately, some points in history when dialogue makes matters worse because hardline leaders perceive others' desire to talk as a sign of weakness.

In any event, dialogue assumes that Chinese leaders can compromise, which at this point is a dubious proposition. For instance, Beijing last compromised a territorial claim in 2011 — with Tajikistan, when it took Tajik territory — but now is trying to reopen the settlement to grab even more. Since then, Beijing has added new claims — to the South China Sea — and has laid the groundwork for additional ones, especially over Japan's Ryukyu chain.


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df5272 No.148885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760634 (240339ZNOV20) Notable: Mayor Rudy Giuliani /Lou Dobbs: The Michigan attorney general doesn't care if Democrats steal an election

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Mayor Rudy Giuliani /Lou Dobbs: The Michigan attorney general doesn't care if Democrats steal an election

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df5272 No.148886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760660 (240341ZNOV20) Notable: #15008

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I gave you last bread.

Not a baker but collected what I thought was relevant.





>>>/qresearch/11757146 to be collected

>>148792 Biden Transition Fails To Disclose Tony Blinken’s Involvement In Lucrative Consulting And Private Equity Firms

>>148794 Marker 1

>>148796 Hallie Biden's text messages, >>148800 Hallie Biden's text messages, alt format

>>148798 Supreme-court-rules

>>148837 Sidney Powell credentials are here

>>148817 California,Newsom,China & Covid kickback scheme

>>148801 LLinWood status, >>148803

>>148802 Klaus Schwab‘s Young Global Leaders.

>>148812 lb dump of hunter's laptop (4chan)

>>148804 Hunter Biden Email/Contacts Diggs, >>148805 CallHis, >>148806, >>148807, >>148809, >>148829, >>148830, >>148833, >>148834, >>148835, >>148838

>>148819 Hunter Mind control?

>>148808 Michael Flynn Jr.

>>148811 Trump Administration to start Biden Transition.

>>148813 FLOTUS status Evergreen

>>148815 WHISTLEBLOWERS: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia



>>148825 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

BAKER NOTES FOR #15006 >>>/qresearch/11757957

>>148831 Prosecution by Military Commission versus Federal Criminal Court: A Comparative Analysis

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df5272 No.148887

File: 0a9119cf470f535⋯.png (470.43 KB,598x605,598:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760668 (240342ZNOV20) Notable: Feinstein vows to not seek chairmanship in US Senate following SCOTUS hearing blowback

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Feinstein vows to not seek chairmanship in US Senate following SCOTUS hearing blowback


So comfy

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df5272 No.148888

File: 66c1188d12228d2⋯.png (23.32 KB,708x245,708:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760670 (240342ZNOV20) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell in quarantine at federal jail in NYC after possible coronavirus exposure

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________________ Keep EYES on.

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df5272 No.148889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760683 (240342ZNOV20) Notable: Hamdi v Rumsfeld

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Hamdi v Rumsfeld (Landmark Court Decisions in America)💬🏛️✅

755 views•Jul 12, 2018

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df5272 No.148890

File: b51ad8741aeef94⋯.png (400.68 KB,954x442,477:221,Clipboard.png)

File: d658b4910078905⋯.png (292.63 KB,685x279,685:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c5c977cb304e74⋯.png (230.74 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760699 (240344ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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>>>/qresearch/11760212 pb

SAM126 USAF C-32A is joined by LOKI82 USAF E-4B Nightwatch se out of Offutt

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df5272 No.148891

File: ba5dc42dbabdd8e⋯.png (134.79 KB,929x847,929:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 486af60cb8ebc43⋯.png (20.24 KB,870x164,435:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760709 (240344ZNOV20) Notable: Philly Faces New Lawsuit After Shutting Down Gun-Carry Permit Proces

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Philly Faces New Lawsuit After Shutting Down Gun-Carry Permit Process

Philadelphia is facing a new lawsuit over its decision to completely shutter its gun-carry permit process over COVID-19 concerns.

The Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a case in federal court accusing Philadelphia of infringing on residents' Second Amendment rights on Friday after the city closed its permit process for at least three weeks. The gun-rights group requested a temporary restraining order Monday that would require the city to open its process back up and provide remote application options to residents, but it was denied. The next hearing in the case is scheduled for Nov. 30.

"We're hoping to have the court rule that the shutdown of the Gun Permit Unit amounts to a total destruction of individuals' right to bear arms outside of the home," Adam Kraut, director of legal strategy for FPC, told the Washington Free Beacon.

The shutdown comes even as other permitting offices in the city remain open. The three driver and photo license centers in Philadelphia have social distancing requirements but are open to the public, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's website.

The Philadelphia Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but a message on the department's Gun Permit Unit website said the shutdown was due to "several positive COVID-19 cases and the need to quarantine as advised by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health." The message added that all appointments would be canceled through at least Dec. 7, 2020, as the permitting facility is cleaned.

Kraut said the suit doesn't question mitigation efforts against COVID-19, but rather PPD's decision to completely suspend permitting instead of implementing alternatives to the face-to-face application process. He pointed to other Pennsylvania counties like Berks and Schuylkill, which accept gun-carry permit applications online.

"There is a mechanism that they could set up … in which they receive the applications, they process them, and then they either call the person down in person or … send them [a certification] via mail," Kraut said. "They could certainly accept applications by mail. They could accept applications by common carrier. They could even set up a locked drop box for people to physically drop off an application. There's a whole bunch of alternatives that exist and there's no indication that they've even considered them."


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df5272 No.148892

File: 539e909703bbb1a⋯.jpg (79.38 KB,634x817,634:817,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760727 (240345ZNOV20) Notable: Prince of Camelot, Patriot, People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive is Alive

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Prince of Camelot, Patriot,

People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive is Alive

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df5272 No.148893

File: f6b08899a90135f⋯.png (700.94 KB,816x822,136:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760734 (240346ZNOV20) Notable: Check it out Anons- Kek

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Check it out Anons- Kek



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df5272 No.148894

File: c4eec39d343c0e2⋯.png (653.96 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: eea54c5ea2b8225⋯.png (911.63 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760738 (240346ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet and subpoena

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Lin Wood tweet and subpoena:

Lin Wood@LLinWood 29m

In time, people are going to prison in Georgia.

Every lie will be revealed.

#FightBack for TRUTH

Lin Wood@LLinWood


In time, people are going to prison in Georgia.

Every lie will be revealed.

#FightBack for TRUTH


interdasting someone has seen the video evidence?

-loading docks footage +elevators to:

-suite 604

-plumbing leak cover-up? evacuate? hmmm…

-asking for deleted versions.

-was the arena where they counted or was it next door?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148895

File: 2d26ae0f8ee0a02⋯.jpg (739.91 KB,1138x1040,569:520,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760739 (240346ZNOV20) Notable: Big Beautiful Black Sky

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>>148730 Anon lays out the plan very succinctly (notables)


>Big Beautiful Black Sky

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df5272 No.148896

File: 47876ca37f21a3a⋯.png (473.49 KB,671x700,671:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760753 (240347ZNOV20) Notable: Catherine Herridge NEW FLYNN Letter to AG Barr from Senators Chuck Grassley + SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor”

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NEW #FLYNN Letter to AG Barr from Senators




alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor” based on heavily redacted May 2017 FBI Director notes. Senators request further declassification + ALL Taylor interview docs. Former DHS official


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df5272 No.148897

File: e32735e38c23e42⋯.png (4.34 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 64c473d0c908c26⋯.png (4.58 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: ba71e84567e4e85⋯.png (3.43 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760768 (240348ZNOV20) Notable: Catherine Herridge NEW FLYNN Letter to AG Barr from Senators Chuck Grassley + SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor”

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148898

File: 905f436bdb26b69⋯.png (455.51 KB,598x611,46:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760773 (240348ZNOV20) Notable: Archaeologist claims to have found the home where Jesus Christ spent his early days in Nazareth

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Archaeologist claims to have found the home where Jesus Christ spent his early days in Nazareth


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df5272 No.148899

File: 8925eb2c18d9480⋯.png (573.04 KB,637x478,637:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760782 (240349ZNOV20) Notable: Anon theory

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1. Sign the September 12, 2108 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election. This authorizes the use of Military Intelligence to monitor foreign and domestic election interference, requires the Director of National Intelligence to provide an assessment and information to POTUS within 45 days after the election, and provides for the freezing of all domestic assets of actors who interfered in the election.

2. Sign the November 16, 2018 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act. This sets up a new agency that POTUS allows the deep state to run, giving the fox its own hen house.

3. Surveil the deep state as they prepare to cheat, and then cheat.

4. File actions in various states to challenge the election results, and appeal until any one of them is heard before the SCOTUS.

5. Declassify the DNI Report which reveals rampant cheating and a landslide victory for POTUS.

6. Freeze the domestic assets of deep state actors, including media organizations.

7. Lodge the DNI Report with the SCOTUS per Rule 32, Subpart 3, and obtain a favorable ruling to finalize the election.

8. Eat popcorn as Durham uses the DNI Report and prior DNI records as a basis to arrest and prosecute deep state actors.

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df5272 No.148900

File: 38368c8314d3e82⋯.png (269.66 KB,535x610,107:122,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760790 (240350ZNOV20) Notable: NASA hopes China shares data obtained during Chang'e lunar mission with scientists

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NASA hopes China shares data obtained during Chang'e lunar mission with scientists


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df5272 No.148901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760808 (240351ZNOV20) Notable: Q drop breathe (Cap) 1 hour version

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df5272 No.148902

File: 4c74886830d9aea⋯.png (101.45 KB,1008x577,1008:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760841 (240353ZNOV20) Notable: This pops up before you can "like" a POTUS tweet!!

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Look at this shit.

This pops up before you can "like" a POTUS tweet!!

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df5272 No.148903

File: c5c48dc4871c5f8⋯.png (440.06 KB,874x553,874:553,Clipboard.png)

File: e1824ccf1cb1d8f⋯.png (414.91 KB,899x588,899:588,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760977 (240403ZNOV20) Notable: Corn & Cob coms to anons…kek

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Corn & Cob coms to anons…kek





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df5272 No.148904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11760997 (240405ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood

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Lin Wood


Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState

if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA.

Several people have seen it. Many more will see it soon.

Video camera eye does not lie.

How do you spell Election Fraud?


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df5272 No.148905

File: 5f9dab8b8ca8a6a⋯.jpeg (111.87 KB,1469x1080,1469:1080,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761046 (240410ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.

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What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.


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df5272 No.148906

File: 1a4da4d55ca1366⋯.png (117.25 KB,798x442,399:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a98759c85a132a⋯.png (439.33 KB,694x413,694:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761060 (240411ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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SAM140 USAF C-32A departed Ramstein AFB after a few hours on the ground-departed JBA earlier today

SAM126 USAF C-32A and LOKI USAF E-4B Nightwatch continue on

Some high level AC's about to descend on JBA

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df5272 No.148907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761093 (240414ZNOV20) Notable: James Mattis: Joe Biden Must Eliminate ‘America First’ from U.S. Foreign Policy

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James Mattis: Joe Biden Must Eliminate ‘America First’ from U.S. Foreign Policy

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis declared in an article in Foreign Affairs on Monday that the “America First” foreign policy had damaged national security, and called on Joe Biden to “eliminate ‘America first'” from U.S. strategy.

Mattis resigned in December 2018, citing policy disagreements with the president, who had just ordered a troop drawdown in Syria. In his resignation letter, Mattis said that the U.S. needed to do more to show “respect” to American allies.

In October 2018, then-Secretary Mattis gave a speech in which he said that “when we talk about America first, it’s not America alone.”

In his new article, however, Mattis says the opposite, calling for the “end of America First”:

The United States today is undermining the foundations of an international order manifestly advantageous to U.S. interests, reflecting a basic ignorance of the extent to which both robust alliances and international institutions provide vital strategic depth. In practice, “America first” has meant “America alone.” That has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.

In January, when President Joe Biden and his national security team begin to reevaluate U.S. foreign policy, we hope they will quickly revise the national security strategy to eliminate “America first” from its contents, restoring in its place the commitment to cooperative security that has served the United States so well for decades. The best strategy for ensuring safety and prosperity is to buttress American military strength with enhanced civilian tools and a restored network of solid alliances—both necessary to achieving defense in depth. The pandemic should serve as a reminder of what grief ensues when we wait for problems to come to us.

Mattis also says that while the greatest threat America faces today comes from China, the U.S. should seek greater peace, not confrontation. He calls for cooperation with China “in areas of overlapping interests, such as pandemic response, climate change, and nuclear security.”

In June, Mattis gave a statement to The Atlantic in which he called Trump a threat to the Constitution, comparing him to a Nazi and repeating false claims that Trump had used the military to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square.


The Butcher of Fallujah


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df5272 No.148908

File: e050589638a8718⋯.jpg (120.61 KB,720x742,360:371,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761120 (240416ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.

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Full speed ahead !

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df5272 No.148909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761154 (240420ZNOV20) Notable: Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

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Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

The Ohio General Assembly voted last week to strip Gov. Mike DeWine of the “ultimate authority” accorded to his health department to impose statewide pandemic orders. Senate Bill 311 was approved in the Ohio House on a party-line vote by a margin of 58-32.

The Ohio Senate approved the measure in September, 20-13, with four Republican senators crossing party lines to vote against the bill.

Under current law, the department of health has “ultimate authority in matters of quarantine and isolation, which it may declare, modify, and enforce.” Gov. DeWine, a Republican, has used the broad authority granted to the health department to issue dozens upon dozens of mandates, lockdowns, school and business closures, trampling the civil liberties of Ohioans, crippling businesses across the state, and keeping children out of their classrooms.

The legislature stripped the word “ultimate” from the code and further modified it to say that the department “shall not issue a general, mandatory statewide or regional quarantine or isolation order that applies to and is enforced against individuals who have not been either directly exposed to or medically diagnosed with the disease that is the subject of the order.”

Further, the health department will no longer be permitted to issue a standing order to prevent the spread of a contagion or infectious disease that “has the effect of being a general, mandatory statewide or regional quarantine or isolation order” that applies to individuals who have neither been directly exposed to or diagnosed with the infection in question.

The bill also gives the legislature power to rescind standing health orders by adopting a concurrent resolution.

Rep. Scott Wiggam, a Republican and cosponsor of the bill, announced on Facebook that checks and balances have been restored to state government. Senate Bill 311 “will allow the Ohio House and Senate oversight through public hearings into the Department of Health orders,” he wrote. “The General Assembly will be able to rescind the orders with a simple majority resolution.”

“For nearly nine months, we have seen one branch of government imposing government order after order after order on Ohioans with full force and effective criminal law and penalties but without consulting with the actual branch of government whose job it is to draft legislation and actual law,” Wiggam told The Dispatch. “This will allow the general assembly to have a say and representation of their constituents across Ohio when it comes to protecting their rights against government overreach.”

The bill now goes to the governor’s desk for his signature. DeWine has vowed to veto it. He told reporters last week that the bill would be “devastating,” making Ohio “slow to respond to a crisis… If by chance it would pass, I would veto the bill because I would have a moral obligation to do so.”

Republicans say they have a veto-proof majority in the House, however, they will need to secure an additional vote in order to thwart DeWine. Rep. John Becker, who has been an outspoken critic of the governor’s COVID-19 lockdown measures, along with Reps. Steve Hambley and Scott Lipps, have indicated that they will vote to override a DeWine veto.

If the legislature is indeed able to override the governor’s promised veto, the law would not take effect for 90 days, as lawmakers were unable to secure enough votes to include an emergency clause.


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df5272 No.148910

File: e660487ddce1a39⋯.png (299.17 KB,896x796,224:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761179 (240422ZNOV20) Notable: WTF??? Collecting your DNA? Is Covid a ploy to grab your DNA?

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WTF??? Collecting your DNA? Is Covid a ploy to grab your DNA?


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df5272 No.148911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761225 (240425ZNOV20) Notable: Joe M , We are in the midst of a Second Revolutionary War

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Joe M post:

President Elect Joe M · @StormIsUponUs

1 hour ago ·



We are in the midst of a Second Revolutionary War. Our General Washington is President Trump, but the moment weary soldiers hear something they don't understand, they put down their muskets and go home. THERE IS THE DELAWARE. IT'S A STONE-THROW AWAY. Hold the line, get back in the damn Durham and let's finish this!!!!!!


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df5272 No.148912

File: ea69d2c21bb7c99⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761235 (240426ZNOV20) Notable: (cap) Roger Stone on the record saying Bill Gates/Microsoft created the software for Dominion to steal votes

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1-min clip

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df5272 No.148913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761249 (240427ZNOV20) Notable: #15012

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Notables are NOT endorsements


>>148911 Joe M , We are in the midst of a Second Revolutionary War

>>148910 WTF??? Collecting your DNA? Is Covid a ploy to grab your DNA?

>>148909 Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

>>148907 James Mattis: Joe Biden Must Eliminate ‘America First’ from U.S. Foreign Policy

>>148908, >>148905, POTUS What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.

>>148904 Lin Wood

>>148903 Corn & Cob coms to anons…kek

>>148902 This pops up before you can "like" a POTUS tweet!!

>>148901 Q drop breathe (Cap) 1 hour version

>>148900 NASA hopes China shares data obtained during Chang'e lunar mission with scientists

>>148899 Anon theory

>>148898 Archaeologist claims to have found the home where Jesus Christ spent his early days in Nazareth

>>148896 , >>148897, Catherine Herridge NEW FLYNN Letter to AG Barr from Senators Chuck Grassley + SenRonJohnson alleges FBI link between Flynn case + a “Miles Taylor”

>>148895 Beautiful Black Sky

>>148894 Lin Wood tweet and subpoena

>>148893 Check it out Anons- Kek

>>148892 Prince of Camelot, Patriot, People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive is Alive

>>148891 Philly Faces New Lawsuit After Shutting Down Gun-Carry Permit Proces

>>148890 , >>148906, PF

>>148889 Hamdi v Rumsfeld

>>148888 Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell in quarantine at federal jail in NYC after possible coronavirus exposure

>>148887 Feinstein vows to not seek chairmanship in US Senate following SCOTUS hearing blowback

>>148885 Mayor Rudy Giuliani /Lou Dobbs: The Michigan attorney general doesn't care if Democrats steal an election

>>148884 Cooperate With China Or World War 3: Kissinger

>>148883 GSA Executive Mentioned Threats to Her, Her Family, and Employees

>>148882 Dominion CEO Admits In Testimony: Machines Rely On Chinese Parts From ‘Screen Interface Down To Chip Level’

>>148881 Hunter Biden #HardDrivefromHell leaks on half chan

>>148880 , >>148912, (cap) Roger Stone on the record saying Bill Gates/Microsoft created the software for Dominion to steal votes


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df5272 No.148914

File: 89107d1b6765631⋯.jpeg (273.03 KB,1125x1364,1125:1364,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761230 (240425ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS TWEET

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POTUS response to concern fags and shills.


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df5272 No.148915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761314 (240432ZNOV20) Notable: DOD Statement on Transition Activities

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DOD Statement on Transition Activities

NOV. 23, 2020

The Department has received notice that pursuant to the Presidential Transition Act, the GSA Administrator is making certain post-election resources and services available to the Biden-Harris Transition Team. This evening, DOD has been contacted by the Biden-Harris team and their designated lead for the DOD Agency Review Team and, based on the ascertainment by the GSA Administrator, we will begin immediately implementing our plan to provide support in accordance with statute, DOD policy and the memorandum of agreement between the White House and the Biden-Harris team. The DOD Transition Task Force will arrange and coordinate all DOD contact with the Biden-Harris team. DOD is prepared to provide post-election services and support in a professional, orderly, and efficient manner that is befitting of the public’s expectation of the Department and our commitment to national security.

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df5272 No.148916

File: 97e361c2936047b⋯.png (504.89 KB,598x651,598:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761362 (240439ZNOV20) Notable: Vincent Kennedy…."All Set." response to POTUS

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Vincent Kennedy…."All Set." response to POTUS


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df5272 No.148917

File: b2e37d336fa028f⋯.png (65.22 KB,389x129,389:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761379 (240440ZNOV20) Notable: Ben Fulford Nov. 23, 2020

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Ben Fulford Nov. 23, 2020

A trip to any real hospital will reveal the Coronavirus is a giant fraud.  For those who still don’t get it, here you can see Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Scientific Adviser for Pfizer acknowledging that “we are basing a government policy, an economic policy, a civil liberties policy, in terms of limiting people to six people in a meeting…all based on, what may well be, completely fake data on this Coronavirus.”


For additional confirmation listen to top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson explain reality to government officials in Alberta, Canada in a brilliant 5-minute summary  https://www.bitchute.com/video/hWPjDdXOWkOo/  of why we should not be tested or vaccinated and how the whole thing is a scam. 


So why are they trying to vaccinate us all for something even the CDC publicly admits they cannot prove exists?

We have also re-confirmed with the Asian secret societies that China was offered a United States of China, including Korea and Japan, in exchange for supporting a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris presidency.

We would like to inform U.S. patriots that Japanese military intelligence estimates the Khazarian Mafia has about 1 million members in the U.S.  Their leadership is concentrated at the top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies. 

Many of their henchmen meet at Synagogues of Satan disguised as Jewish places of worship.  Concentrate on the people who are on the boards of multiple multi-national corporations in order to decapitate their leadership and cut off their money.

The move to cut off the Khazarian Mafia’s funding worldwide is proceeding smoothly.  As we previously reported, they have already lost control of the SWIFT international inter-bank payments system. 

They are also now being deprived of their ability to launder money through stock markets.  This is being reported in the news as “glitches” that are shutting down stock markets in Europe, the far East, and now Australia. 


There is also a fight by Russian, Turkish, and other forces to prevent the Khazarian Mafia from stealing oil revenue in the Middle East. 


Russian FSB sources say Turkey and Russia have reached some kind of deal.  According to this source, the entire so-called war between Armenia and Azerbaijan supposedly pitting Muslims backed by Turkey against Christians backed by Russia was simply an event staged “to promote a giant arms bazaar.”

Sauce: benjaminfulford.net

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df5272 No.148918

File: dde561f5dd2c8ff⋯.jpg (937.43 KB,794x2700,397:1350,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761433 (240444ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Connections MAP

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>>>/qresearch/11761301 (lb)

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df5272 No.148919

File: 71a2bd4af2504f6⋯.png (200.22 KB,586x484,293:242,Clipboard.png)

File: be1a821e9cf287b⋯.png (28.32 KB,603x367,603:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761568 (240453ZNOV20) Notable: FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks

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FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks — CNN Beats FOX in Daytime Viewers — MSNBC Beats FOX in Every Prime-Time Slot but Tucker!

Three weeks ago FOX News was riding high.

It’s ratings had never been higher thanks to Donald Trump and his supporters.

Then the fraudulent election took place and FOX immediately disowned their audience.

Trump supporters were no longer welcome. And if anyone dared to question the fraudulent election they were immediately mocked and sneered at.

FOX News spit on their audience.

And their audience walked.

The latest ratings numbers were released today for the formerly Trump friendly network.


The viewership at FOX News just two weeks ago was larger than CNN and MSNBC COMBINED!

Now look at the numbers!

CNN is crushing FOX News in the key 25-54 demographic in EVERY SINGLE HOUR LAST FRIDAY!

And MSNBC Beat EVERY FOX SHOW except Tucker Carlson!



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df5272 No.148920

File: 7477384e594048d⋯.png (20.51 KB,563x221,563:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761597 (240456ZNOV20) Notable: rump doubles down on fraud claims after GSA green-lights power transfer

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‘We will never concede’! Trump doubles down on fraud claims after GSA green-lights power transfer, says lawsuits moving ahead

US President Donald Trump has vowed to “never concede” the 2020 election, despite the Biden-Harris transition team being given the nod to begin the presidential hand-off, insisting his legal challenges are moving at “full speed.”

“What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history?” Trump said in a tweet late on Monday night, hours after the General Services Administration freed up transition funds and high-level briefings for the new presumptive president-elect.

We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & ‘Dominion.’

Though Trump earlier on Monday said it would be in America’s “best interest” for GSA chief Emily Murphy to sign what’s known as the “letter of ascertainment” – which authorizes the transition process – he refrained from backing anything beyond “initial protocols” while suggesting ongoing lawsuits could still affect the outcome of the November 3 race. Murphy initially declined to sign the letter for some two weeks after the election amid Trump’s various lawsuits, but ultimately relented on Monday, making clear that the delay had nothing to do with pressure from the White House.

Trump has repeatedly alleged massive voter fraud and widespread misconduct in the presidential race, with his campaign and party allies filing suits across key battleground states looking to delay or invalidate vote counts over the supposed irregularities. While the Trump team’s claims have focused on the mail-in ballot system, glitches in voting software and wrongdoing by local election officials, none of the lawsuits have handed any major wins to the president, and have yet to furnish persuasive proof of fraud.


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df5272 No.148921

File: 4b7e3624b1a16b5⋯.png (987.12 KB,845x489,845:489,Clipboard.png)

File: d7bc3630d08356c⋯.png (240.81 KB,566x460,283:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 924a2e1d757e765⋯.png (679.13 KB,590x756,295:378,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761638 (240459ZNOV20) Notable: French police DEMOLISH protest camp

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French police DEMOLISH protest camp, after 450 migrants pitch their tents in center of Paris

Police in Paris have cleared out a temporary migrant camp set up in the middle of the French capital, clashing with pro-migrant protesters. The demonstrators say the migrants set up the camp to demand accommodation.

Rows of identical tents sprung up on the Place de la République in central Paris on Monday.

The camp was organized by Utopia56, a migrant advocacy group, who say that the 450 or so migrants in the encampment were left homeless when police cleared 2,000 migrants from a shanty town in the suburb of Saint-Denis last week.

The sweep didn’t go completely smoothly. Those who refused to leave were muscled out by the riot cops, while pro-migrant protesters who came between the police and the tents were met with batons and shields. Actu reported that some members of the Council of Paris were present, and tried to stop the clearout.

Utopia56 has demanded that the French government provide “1,000 immediate accommodation places” for homeless migrants, and called on the state to set up a “permanent reception system” to house more entering the country.

The total number of illegal migrants living in Paris is unknown. A migrant rights group last year estimated that 2,000 were sleeping on the streets of the French capital, while a 2018 government report claimed that between 150,000 and 400,000 were living either homeless or in accommodation in the suburban region of Seine-Saint-Denis alone.



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df5272 No.148922

File: c4c7499eb252c57⋯.png (380.59 KB,564x754,282:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761658 (240501ZNOV20) Notable: Pentagon to begin providing support for power transition plan

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Pentagon to begin providing support for power transition plan ‘immediately’ as Biden gets access to briefings & funding

The US Department of Defense said it would begin working with the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris transition team to facilitate a transfer of power after the General Services Administration gave a green light to initiate the process.

“The Department has received notice that pursuant to the Presidential Transition Act, the GSA Administrator is making certain post-election resources and services available to the Biden-Harris Transition Team,” Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough said in a statement on Monday night, adding that the agency would start supporting the administration handoff “immediately.”

The DoD Transition Task Force will arrange and coordinate all DoD contact with the Biden-Harris team.

Earlier on Monday, GSA head Emily Murphy signed the official “letter of ascertainment,” which gives the new president-elect access to transition funds and high-level security briefings, among other things. Though Murphy refrained from signing the letter for some time amid a spate of legal challenges from President Donald Trump, who’s repeatedly charged widespread voter fraud in the November 3 election, she reversed course some two weeks after the race.

Trump, despite vowing to continue challenging the election result in the courts, said it would be “in the best interest of our country” for Murphy to sign the letter, saying the GSA chief had been “harassed, threatened, and abused” over her previous reluctance to sign. It was nonetheless one of his more conciliatory statements since the contest concluded, in which time he has insisted again and again that Biden won only due to fraud, software glitches and other irregularities.

Though no formal winner has yet been certified in the 2020 election, several media outlets have called the race for Biden, who scored 306 electoral college votes, according to a tally by the Associated Press, or 36 more than he needed to clinch the win.


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df5272 No.148923

File: 84d178d8e420a74⋯.png (271.99 KB,1903x3029,1903:3029,Clipboard.png)

File: f42871dabc026b0⋯.png (648.35 KB,1903x2476,1903:2476,Clipboard.png)

File: fdebc379c4c5df8⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,1903x4235,173:385,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3741ce62cce5fa0⋯.png (838.46 KB,1903x4667,1903:4667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761684 (240503ZNOV20) Notable: What is ElectionGuard?

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>>>/qresearch/11761217 (PB)


Roger Stone mentions Election Guard by Microsoft. The software used for this is open source on Git hub!!


What is ElectionGuard? Mar 27, 2020


Every election year, millions of Americans are eligible to cast their ballots to elect officials ranging from members of school boards to the President of the United States. Those millions of voters need to be confident that the democratic process is carried out without interference. That’s why Microsoft has been working with governments, NGOs, academics and industry on the Defending Democracy Program. One of the key components is ElectionGuard.

What does ElectionGuard do?

ElectionGuard is a way of checking election results are accurate, and that votes have not been altered, suppressed or tampered with in any way. Individual voters can see that their vote has been accurately recorded, and their choice has been correctly added to the final tally. Anyone who wishes to monitor the election can check all votes have been correctly tallied to produce an accurate and fair result.

How can we trust it? The fundamental principle behind ElectionGuard is that it gives the power to check whether elections are valid to individuals. Every single voter has the ability to verify their own vote – most likely on public websites set up by election boards or local authorities. And anyone can use a verification program to check the final tallies. Nobody has to just take Microsoft’s word for it – or anyone else’s for that matter. ElectionGuard is a set of open source software components that can be accessed here. Anyone with the programming skills can create their own verification tool. In practice, this means every political party, candidate, news organization or pressure group can run their own checks and make their preferred program publicly available for others. The first pilot has already been successfully carried out in an election in Fulton, Wisconsin.


Election Guard Software


Defending Democracy Program


Another step in testing ElectionGuard Feb 17, 2020


Protecting democratic elections through secure, verifiable voting


Difficult to believe this isn't satire!

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df5272 No.148924

File: 5edf543a0f086fe⋯.png (987.72 KB,1920x953,1920:953,Clipboard.png)

File: b859ba4f55fb64f⋯.png (481.84 KB,694x462,347:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761740 (240508ZNOV20) Notable: Planefagging - PF

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Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian on the prowl.

Up at Grey Army Airfield

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df5272 No.148925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11761920 (240524ZNOV20) Notable: Interview of Patrick Byrne, tech millionaire founder of Overstock by Chanel Rion

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Interview of Patrick Byrne, tech millionaire founder of Overstock by Chanel Rion


https://youtu.be/rkwE8PjpgDU via


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df5272 No.148926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762057 (240536ZNOV20) Notable: BCP (Open Source News) Interviews Sidney Powell’s expert that Tucker wouldn’t: Patrick Byrne

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BCP (Open Source News) Interviews Sidney Powell’s expert that Tucker wouldn’t: Patrick Byrne


3-pronged election fraud strategy reverse-engineered from the deep state:

1. Dominion / Smartmatic machines give excessive control to the precinct operator to change votes (drag-and-drop votes to a candidate). Ballot fails to scan? Press green button, put in a pile to be adjudicated layer - but operator can simply drag an entire batch at once

2. Sharpiegate (Maricopa), intentionally used (biro forbidden) on Election Day. Sworn affidavits from voters where the sharpie would cause the ballot scan error, poll worker said it’s ok press the green button = send to adjudication pile (see #1)

3. Statistical anomalies: less than a quadrillion to 1 chance to have thousands of ballots all for one candidate at once (but #1 + #2 explains why this occurred)

The lawyers Byrne is working with (Sidney Powell, and Trump’s lawyers) are in possession of Dominion voting machines and code, which he funded security experts to audit (spend $40m+ of his own money).

Federal crime to possess election software (why CM doesn’t want to touch it) but there are conditions where it can be audited. He has personally seen the vote drag’n’drop interface.

More to come from BCP from this interview in the coming days

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df5272 No.148927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762093 (240540ZNOV20) Notable: BCP (Open Source News) Interviews Sidney Powell’s expert that Tucker wouldn’t: Patrick Byrne

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Byrne is the one that came out last year sometime on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and other networks whistleblowing about the DS.

He was dating that Russian chick I can't remember her name.


This is pretty major

Byrne was a big deal and all the sudden after the interviews he gave, he disappeared


I have the interviews archived, but my hard drive is in storage right now.


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df5272 No.148928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762121 (240544ZNOV20) Notable: Georgia’s top election official is dispatching a team of investigators after a ballot “issue” was discovered in one of the counties most responsible for giving former Vice President Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.

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Georgia’s top election official is dispatching a team of investigators after a ballot “issue” was discovered in one of the counties most responsible for giving former Vice President Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.

While Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) did not reveal the nature of the issue with the ballots, he did announce late Saturday that investigators were headed to State Farm Arena in Fulton County to “secure the vote and protect all legal votes.”

“Fulton County has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Friday. Officials are at State Farm Arena to rescan their work from Friday,” Raffensperger said. “The Secretary of State has a monitor onsite, has sent additional investigators, and dispatched the Deputy Secretary of State as well to oversee the process to make sure to thoroughly secure the vote and protect all legal votes. Observers from both political parties are there as well.”

Brendan Keefe, chief investigator at Atlanta’s WXIA, says that the issue “*may* significantly affect the current Biden lead in Georgia.”

Fulton County issued a statement later on Saturday, in which they disclosed that “some ballots were not captured” in Friday night’s vote, and “a smaller number” of ballots were “not scanned.”

“Out of an abundance of caution, all provisional, military, and [Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act] ballots scanned on Friday, November 6 will be rescanned tonight,” the statement read. “The upload made last night will be pulled and replaced with tonight’s rescanned file.”

Fulton County Election Director Richard Barron, described the issue as a failure to transfer files to a server, necessitating the rescanning of some ballots. He also said the rescanning process was complete.

“Barron said his team rescanned 342 ballots on Saturday ‘so that we balanced out,’ adding that previously some files did not transfer to a server and some ballots had to be scanned on Saturday. He said he did not know if a software issue or physical was to blame.”

Roughly 7,200 votes separate Biden and Trump in Georgia, a narrow margin which prompted Raffensperger on Friday to declare that the state was headed for a recount.

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df5272 No.148929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762150 (240546ZNOV20) Notable: #15013

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>>>/qresearch/11761210 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>148914 POTUS TWEET

>>148915 DOD Statement on Transition Activities

>>148916 Vincent Kennedy…."All Set." response to POTUS

>>148917 Ben Fulford Nov. 23, 2020

>>148919 FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks

>>148920 rump doubles down on fraud claims after GSA green-lights power transfer

>>148921 French police DEMOLISH protest camp

>>148922 Pentagon to begin providing support for power transition plan

>>148923 What is ElectionGuard?

>>148924 Planefagging - PF

>>148925 Interview of Patrick Byrne, tech millionaire founder of Overstock by Chanel Rion

>>148926 , >>148927 BCP (Open Source News) Interviews Sidney Powell’s expert that Tucker wouldn’t: Patrick Byrne

>>148928 Georgia’s top election official is dispatching a team of investigators after a ballot “issue” was discovered in one of the counties most responsible for giving former Vice President Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.

>>148918 Dominion Connections MAP

save em for the next one you beautiful faggots!

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df5272 No.148930

File: 31c02d7d2fb8cb1⋯.png (3.87 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762277 (240559ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY - November 24, 2020

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POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY - November 24, 2020


2:00PM The President and The First Lady present the National Thanksgiving Turkey


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df5272 No.148931

File: 6dc9674cd9a0528⋯.jpg (479.99 KB,810x1403,810:1403,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 08e17093f5b1433⋯.png (717.67 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762280 (240559ZNOV20) Notable: PEN testing

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df5272 No.148932

File: 1bccc2d74007847⋯.jpg (57.52 KB,876x493,876:493,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762284 (240559ZNOV20) Notable: Cory Booker - Sweet Corn (corn comms?)

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I don't know how to make this any clearer. No one is even paying attention.

>>>/qresearch/11762109 lb

Cory Booker

Sweet Corn

I guess older candidates watching their cholesterol could take the hit for one day — or go the sweet corn route like Sen. Amy Klobuchar



The notoriously chatty former senator also tends to commit verbal gaffes and faced recent accusations by some women of uninvited, though nonsexual, touching.


college football-


storm chasing-


Iowa State Fair-2020 Presidential Candidate at the 2019 Iowa State Fair.


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df5272 No.148933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762292 (240600ZNOV20) Notable: (reminder) Biden: "I don't need you to get me elected, I just need you once I'm elected"

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Just a reminder.

Biden: "I don't need you to get me elected, I just need you once I'm elected",in glitchy mechanical dribble, but clear enough.

TS: 0.47

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df5272 No.148934

File: 5a2aa1915395f12⋯.png (285.92 KB,535x589,535:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762306 (240601ZNOV20) Notable: China launches an unmanned spacecraft to bring back lunar rocks – the first attempt by any nation to retrieve samples from the Moon in four decades

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China launches an unmanned spacecraft to bring back lunar rocks – the first attempt by any nation to retrieve samples from the Moon in four decades


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df5272 No.148935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762324 (240603ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS:The Good Fight

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POTUS:The Good Fight


Q Drops Related 1 through 8

>>>/qresearch/11762281 1

>>>/qresearch/11762285 2

>>>/qresearch/11762288 3

>>>/qresearch/11762294 4

>>>/qresearch/11762296 5

>>>/qresearch/11762300 6

>>>/qresearch/11762301 7

>>>/qresearch/11762304 8

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df5272 No.148936

File: c35712979a7fdf0⋯.png (140.94 KB,765x697,45:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762348 (240606ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS:The Good Fight

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>POTUS:The Good Fight

>>>/qresearch/11762281 1

>>>/qresearch/11762285 2

>>>/qresearch/11762288 3

>>>/qresearch/11762294 4

>>>/qresearch/11762296 5

>>>/qresearch/11762300 6

>>>/qresearch/11762301 7

>>>/qresearch/11762304 8

Sauce on POTUS statement RE:The Good Fight


I want to thank Emily Murphy at GSA for her steadfast dedication and loyalty to our Country. She has been harassed, threatened, and abused – and I do not want to see this happen to her, her family, or employees of GSA. Our case STRONGLY continues, we will keep up the good…

…fight, and I believe we will prevail! Nevertheless, in the best interest of our Country, I am recommending that Emily and her team do what needs to be done with regard to initial protocols, and have told my team to do the same.

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df5272 No.148937

File: b77d4df5e933083⋯.png (1.09 MB,685x932,685:932,Clipboard.png)

File: 3371cfbef40805f⋯.pdf (5.75 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: bf1f5eab368d39e⋯.png (923.13 KB,792x713,792:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762374 (240608ZNOV20) Notable: PEN testing

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Read this affidavit from a Manager of a Cyber Forensic Analyst Group on the Michigan votes. Down pointing backhand index

Folks, we are collecting more and more evidence every single day. This election is about to be turned inside out, and the fraud will be exposed. #fraud

Exhibit Q Ramsland Affidavit – #7, Att. #1 in Wood v. Raffensperger

(N.D. Ga., 1:20-cv-04651) –…Supplemental MOTION for Temporary Restraining Order …

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df5272 No.148938

File: 08e350827662b44⋯.png (126.01 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 614f7063e995bc1⋯.png (136.02 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: ee970e8bfdaeb7c⋯.png (251.57 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d60bdf448674b5⋯.png (82.7 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 9373900575a7aa9⋯.png (137.74 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762380 (240609ZNOV20) Notable: MORE DIGGING ON SMARTMATIC…

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As i was researching more about them i came to find that they are in a close relationship with Cybernetica. Thats an Estonian company that is responsible for Estonian I-Voting system.

They joined forces with Smartmatic and they do share offices in Estonian cities.

One interesting this about this that Cybernetica's voting system was used in Utah !!

So basically now we have Smartmatic in Utah.(not talking about 2020 elections)

Another thing is that they are funded by DARPA!! And we know what Q thinks about DARPA.

Also, they are operating globaly like in Japan and Ukraine.

So now we  recognized that maybe Estonia is full of voter fraud. Their voting system is used in so many countries around the world that itsjust CRAZY!!!

We need seriously more research in this cause i saw  that they really do have their ties in many countries WW.

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df5272 No.148939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762399 (240611ZNOV20) Notable: What Is the Good Fight?

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What Is the Good Fight?

Those who will get to heaven must fight their way toward it. There must be a conflict with corruption and temptations, and the opposition of the powers of darkness. Observe, It is a good fight, it is a good cause, and it will have a good issue. It is the fight of faith; we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:3; 2 Corinthians 10:4). He exhorts him to lay hold on eternal life. Observe,

1. Eternal life is the crown proposed to us, for our encouragement to war, and to fight the good fight of faith, the good warfare.

2. This we must lay hold on, as those that are afraid of coming short of it and losing it. Lay hold, and take heed of losing your hold. Hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown (Revelation 3:11).

3. We are called to the fight, and to lay hold on eternal life.

4. The profession Timothy and all faithful ministers make before many witnesses is a good profession; for they profess and engage to fight the good fight of faith, and to lay hold on eternal life; their calling and their own profession oblige them to this (Matthew Henry Commentary).

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df5272 No.148940

File: 3efcb3861831504⋯.png (86.22 KB,281x831,281:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762400 (240611ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS:The Good Fight

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Q was mentioned in in episode that Q posted on (as I recall). Two NSA guys looking at a screen.

Q was also mentioned in at least one other episode of season 1 (highly negative animation interlude).

I watched the full season one after that, and it was SO over the top anti-POTUS that I figured it had been infiltrated and was dropping comms.

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df5272 No.148941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762411 (240612ZNOV20) Notable: Meet Sidney Powell's expert that tucker wouldn't interview

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Meet Signey Powell's expert that tucker wouldn't interview

Talks to Black Conservative Patriot




h/t https://voat.co/v/QRV/4130929

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df5272 No.148942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762413 (240613ZNOV20) Notable: Texas National Guard deployed to help El Paso with morgue overflow

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Texas National Guard deployed to help El Paso with morgue overflow

Texas National Guard troops have been deployed to El Paso, Texas, to help with morgue operations as the city and county grapple with a COVID-19 surge. The Texas Division of Emergency Management said in a statement that "after completing an assessment of the situation on the ground in El Paso County this week, the state has mobilized a team of 36 Texas National Guard personnel to provide mortuary affairs support beginning at 0900 tomorrow," CBS' El Paso affiliate reported Friday.

The city's mayor, Dee Margo, said on Twitter Friday that a "rapid increase in cases and hospitalizations" has brought on a "spike in deaths." The Texas Military will now provide "the critical personnel" to carry out the city's "fatality management plan."

El Paso city and county have secured a "central morgue location to further support the Medical Examiner's Office, funeral homes and mortuaries with additional capacity," he said.

So many have died that the county has posted job openings for morgue attendants.

El Paso County was paying prison inmates $2 an hour to move the bodies of deceased COVID victims. Prison labor isn't unusual, but videos of inmates wearing striped jumpsuits loading plastic-wrapped bodies onto refrigerated trucks sparked concerns about their treatment during the surge in virus cases, especially as outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons have been a recurring issue throughout the pandemic.

El Paso is just one area being hit hard amid a nationwide virus surge. The U.S. recorded 195,000 new virus cases on Friday, the ninth time this month a record has been set for new confirmed infections in a single day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. There have been 1,300 deaths a day since Sunday, and hospitalizations topped 82,000 on Friday.


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df5272 No.148943

File: 362bf41c3244d0c⋯.jpeg (72.39 KB,750x441,250:147,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 37985823ac4c0d6⋯.jpeg (90.81 KB,738x435,246:145,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2d6d2557a481d07⋯.jpeg (225.53 KB,750x952,375:476,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762432 (240615ZNOV20) Notable: Dog comms about Titan the dog related to this?

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Dog comms about Titan the dog related to this? Article about Titan & mentions FIDO.


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df5272 No.148944

File: 0d9c309efba83c2⋯.png (1.02 MB,778x516,389:258,Clipboard.png)

File: f3c6c2bb9a2841f⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,1903x7512,1903:7512,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b3d5735dab194f1⋯.png (24.3 KB,598x299,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dab4454979abb3⋯.png (171.38 KB,1903x1285,1903:1285,Clipboard.png)

File: 60a5b3648578f65⋯.png (51.76 KB,754x706,377:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762458 (240618ZNOV20) Notable: Who Owns Indiana’s Voting Machines?

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Who Owns Indiana’s Voting Machines?

The question of who owns voting machines and the software they run on has resurfaced since the Nov. 3 election with the Trump campaign pointing fingers at Smartmatic, which was started by three Venezuelans. One company that has escaped scrutiny thus far is Hart InterCivic, the third-largest maker of voting machines in the United States, which makes the voting machines used in seven Indiana counties: Cass, Gibson, Harrison, Monroe, Ohio, Washington and Wayne, as well as several counties in southern Michigan, two in Pennsylvania and many in California and Texas. Hart InterCivic, unbeknownst to . . . pretty much everybody . . . was recently acquired by an investment company founded by the son of Clinton associate Strobe Talbott, who helped distribute the Steele dossier – seen by many on the Right as a concocted effort to tie President Donald Trump to the Russian government and to overturn the results of the 2016 presidential election. Why this was not announced anywhere will surely be a topic for conversation going forward, and perhaps result in a push for more transparency about the ownership of machines that count the votes and determine the winners in every American election.

A little background on Hart InterCivic: The company is based in Austin, Texas, and was founded in 1912 as a commercial printer involved in printing ballots for Texas counties. In the 1990s, Hart purchased three election-services companies and thus got into the business of manufacturing electronic vote-tallying equipment. In 2011, Hart InterCivic was purchased by a Miami-based private equity firm called HIG and in July was sold to a group backed by Enlightenment Capital. Enlightenment Capital is an investment company founded in 2012 by Devin Talbott, age 44, and defense expert Pierre Chao. It is based in Chevy Chase, Maryland, a wealthy suburb of Washington, D.C. Devin Talbott is the son of Strobe Talbott, who was ambassador-at-large, Russia advisor and then deputy secretary of state under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001 and the president of the Brookings Institution, Washington’s premier liberal think tank, from 2002 until 2017. It was recently revealed that a Russian citizen who worked at Brookings under Talbott and went on to work for Christopher Steele – Igor Danchenko – was the main or perhaps the only Russian source of information on Trump and Russia in the Steele dossier. It was also reported that Talbott obtained the dossier from Steele and helped distribute it inside the United States – making him a key figure in the Russia collusion narrative that gripped American politics for much of President Donald Trump’s first three years in office. The son, now the managing director of Enlightenment Capital, has also been politically involved. Devin Talbott made 86 political contributions in this election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records, including to the Biden campaign, the Lincoln Project, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee and the Mark Kelly for Senate campaign in Arizona. Devin Talbott did not return calls and messages seeking comment. Hart InterCivic also did not return several calls asking who owns the company and also did not reply to email messages. HIG did reply to emails, confirming they sold Hart InterCivic but said it was to a manager group, and that they were unaware of Enlightenment Capital’s involvement.


Private equity dominated the 2020 election process


Joint Statement from Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees


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df5272 No.148945

File: 6af3856cfad6646⋯.mp4 (328.7 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 55076948d584464⋯.png (509.38 KB,2580x1098,430:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762492 (240623ZNOV20) Notable: DJT using the "Good Fight" here is relevant and links to similarly encouraging Q posts, encouraging us all to fight the Good Fight.

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Michigan and Georgia had to certify to begin official reviews/recounts, as stated in this clip from CNN earlier if you listen over the Patriots screaming "CNN Sucks" in the background.

This put Emily in the position that she had enough to legally move forward with her job and remove the public pressure from Schiff on her.

DJT using the "Good Fight" here is relevant and links to similarly encouraging Q posts, encouraging us all to fight the Good Fight.

This is a fundamental aspect of how DJT communicates with and encourages this board.

So, I'll reiterate that this is post is NOTABLE


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148946

File: 68fe5ad3518d065⋯.png (339.96 KB,598x627,598:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 839913e28da3da3⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,1903x3604,1903:3604,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762503 (240624ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING David Dinkins, New York City’s first and only Black mayor, has died at 93, two senior NYPD officials confirm to NBC New York

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#BREAKING David Dinkins, New York City’s first and only Black mayor, has died at 93, two senior NYPD officials confirm to NBC New York


Former New York City Mayor David Dinkins Dies at 93

The first and only Black mayor of New York City died of natural causes just a month after his wife Joyce Dinkins died at 89


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df5272 No.148947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762511 (240625ZNOV20) Notable: Room Temperature Superconductor Breakthrough at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Room Temperature Superconductor Breakthrough at Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Look into the Tennessee Water Authority too.

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df5272 No.148948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762514 (240625ZNOV20) Notable: Quick notes on 3 things Patrick Byrne brings up

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quick notes on 3 things Patrick Byrne brings up (sorry if confusing)

3 buckets

1. tell voter to hit green button when done, administrator can move the vote where the into biden folder - backdoor, drag and drop

2. maricopa county forced to use sharpies gate, get error then just hit the green button, don't allow regular pens, only sharpies

3. statistical improbabilities in maricopa

thousands of straight biden votes

-functionality of drag and drop adjudicated votes

-voters discouraged from using regular pens (only sharpies)

- statistical results improbable (1 in a trillion or ?)

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df5272 No.148949

File: 6479e8aa3f901a8⋯.jpeg (539.3 KB,727x1334,727:1334,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0080168642b9fb⋯.png (234.38 KB,750x1334,375:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762524 (240629ZNOV20) Notable: I think POTUS just screwed them sideways. (GSA Approval)

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I think POTUS just screwed them sideways.

The Presidential Transitions Effectiveness Act allows the current President to fill ALL VACANCIES that are not under nomination for 30 days if the Transition starts. There doesn’t need to be oversight, advise and consent, or anything. If the TRANSITION starts, the current president is obliged to fill seats for 30 days. Holy crap. Do you know the damage he can do in 30 days? All because they wanted Muh Transition? Beautiful!!!

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df5272 No.148950

File: 98df3e39c5ec389⋯.png (737.4 KB,1125x1103,1125:1103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762526 (240629ZNOV20) Notable: More fucking dog comms?

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More fucking dog comms? Is this why Hussein had such a smirk on his face today? Has he somehow escaped the croc's jaws? Lord I hope not.

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df5272 No.148951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762529 (240629ZNOV20) Notable: Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps

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Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps:

271,301 people were killed, NOT 6 million

The Polish government has also become a major player in the anti-Zionist movement following attempts by the Zionists to extort $300 Billion from that country as “compensation for the Holocaust.”

The Poles have published the Red Cross report on the Nazi concentration camps that claims 271,301 people were killed, not 6 million.

They also have argued that Poland itself was the worst victim of Nazi atrocities.

Sauce: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl%2F2019%2F02%2Foficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3xtHz7dl-ZWskDFDIfukpsOKncfI_gxXNR26t2i0oSMHBNMq9KxlXZbog

Sauce: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/05/benjamin-fulford-may-20th-2019-battleships-and-war-planes-gather-near-indonesia-as-u-s-china-proxy-war-escalates/

Another Anon Sauce: http://www.klubinteligencjipolskiej.pl/2019/02/oficjalne-zrodla-z-miedzynarodowego-czerwonego-krzyza-dowodza-ze-holokaust-byl-zydowskim-oszustwem/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148952

File: 35ae5cc06e334ab⋯.png (424.89 KB,620x556,155:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762550 (240633ZNOV20) Notable: Biden’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Former Facebook And Zuckerberg Insiders

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Biden’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Former Facebook And Zuckerberg Insiders

Biden announced Friday that former Facebook Director of Public Policy Louisa Terrell would direct his White House Office of Legislative Affairs, which will put her in charge of advancing Biden’s agenda in Congress. Terrell, who lobbied for Facebook from 2011 through 2013, currently oversees legislative affairs for the Biden transition team.

Terrell’s appointment to the influential Biden administration post comes shortly after Biden campaign spokesman Bill Russo said in a now-deleted tweet that Facebook was “shredding the fabric of our democracy” for allowing disinformation to propagate on the social media network following the election.

Democratic National Committee Chief Mobilization Officer Patrick Stevenson also tweeted following the election that Facebook and the Republican Party are “the two biggest institutional threats to our democracy.”

Biden told The New York Times editorial board in January that Zuckerberg is “a real problem.”

“I’ve never been a big fan of Facebook, as you probably know,” Biden said. “I’ve never been a big Zuckerberg fan.”

The Biden transition team told Politico on Monday that it supports the criticisms the campaign levied against Facebook.

Politico previously reported that at least two former Facebook board members serve positions in Biden’s transition team.

Biden transition co-chair Jeff Zients served on the Facebook board of directors from 2018 to early 2020, and Erskine Bowles, who held a seat on Facebook’s board from 2011 to 2019, serves as an advisor to the transition team, according to Politico.

Zients reportedly left Facebook due to disagreements with how disinformation was handled on the network and Bowles left after Facebook leadership refused to follow his political advice, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Politico also reported that a former Facebook executive who helped the company navigate the FTC’s probe into Cambridge Analytica, Jessica Hertz, was named general counsel for Biden’s transition team in September, an appointment that was criticized by the left-wing of the Democratic party.

“The ultimate arbiter for ethics for the Biden transition was a senior regulatory official for Facebook up until a few months ago, at a time when progressives and the Biden campaign are fighting against the right-wing agenda of Facebook,” said the Director of the Revolving Door Project, Jeff Hauser, according to Politico.

And at least three individuals serving posts on Biden transition agency review teams recently worked for Zuckerberg’s charity, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Former Facebook engineering director and current Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Vice President David Recordon serves on the Biden transition agency review team for the Executive Office of the President, Management and Administration.

Also serving on the agency review team with Recordon is former Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Technical Program Manager Austin Lin.

Lin, who according to his LinkedIn profile held the same title during a brief stint at Facebook in 2017 and 2018, also serves on Biden’s agency review team overseeing the National Security Council.

And Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Director of Engineering Andrew Nacin holds a seat on the Biden agency review team overseeing the United States Digital Service.

The Biden transition team did not immediately return a request for comment.


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df5272 No.148953

File: 7307ec9e6fadfdc⋯.png (479.42 KB,800x421,800:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 442ce74fc95e16b⋯.png (1.93 MB,1903x7684,1903:7684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762615 (240643ZNOV20) Notable: Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens, study

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Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens, study

The study assesses election results in seven battleground states

A new study finds that Democrat Joe Biden received thousands of illegal votes from non-citizens in battleground states. The findings were made by the nonprofit research group Just Facts, which also said the number of votes would not resulting in President Trump having received enough votes to win reelection. Just Facts looked at election results from seven key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, said group President James D. Agresti. The study included comparing U.S. Census figures on non-citizens (a figure that totals just under 22 million) with the demographics and election results of each of the seven battleground states. Previous election polling data of non-citizens was then factored into the study's calculations. "This is just one kind of fraud," Agresti told the Washington Times. "It’s a sizable number, which is the point. It also decimates the predominant narrative that there is no evidence of large-scale fraud in U.S. elections."

In past decades, Democratic politicians and activists have repeatedly gone to court to prevent states from attempting to enforce the ban on non-citizen voting by stopping officials from requiring proof of citizenship (such as a passport or valid state ID) at the polls. "A wealth of facts show that there are ample openings for non-citizens to illegally vote and that roughly 16% of them voted in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections," Agresti said. Voting patterns appear to show more non-citizens vote Democrat than Republican. A 2012 survey by Harvard University and YouGov found that 14% of self-identified non-citizens said they were registered to vote. An additional 9% said they "definitely" voted, and of that number, 80% said they voted for Democrat Barack Obama to be reelected that year.


Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election


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df5272 No.148954

File: cc849dd9037802b⋯.png (479.14 KB,1123x489,1123:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762618 (240643ZNOV20) Notable: Looking into dominion PAC donations for 2020, they are still giving money to tim kaines PAC

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Looking into dominion PAC donations for 2020, they are still giving money to tim kaines PAC, which I thought was over with a long time ago, yet the website is still open for donation



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df5272 No.148955

File: 7ce83b4621e18ae⋯.png (257.79 KB,1254x1574,627:787,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d6686e7e399154⋯.png (156.55 KB,1360x710,136:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d6686e7e399154⋯.png (156.55 KB,1360x710,136:71,Clipboard.png)

File: ed0624c9d4f9fa4⋯.pdf (139.14 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762637 (240645ZNOV20) Notable: PDF is Biden-Harris Transition Team Ethics Plan

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PDF is Biden-Harris Transition Team Ethics Plan or you can get it at:


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df5272 No.148956

File: 2e423f280a6d6b5⋯.png (1.4 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762662 (240649ZNOV20) Notable: Colorado Republican asks Capitol Police to carry her firearm on Capitol grounds

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Colorado Republican asks Capitol Police to carry her firearm on Capitol groundsRepresentative-elect Lauren Boebert has asked the U.S. Capitol Police about carrying her firearm on Capitol grounds when she takes office in January.

“This was a private discussion and inquiry about what the rules are, and as a result, the congresswoman-elect won’t be going on the record,” Boebert’s spokeswoman Laura Carno told the Associated Press, confirming that the discussion had taken place.

Boebert asked the Capitol Police about carrying her weapon when she and other members of the incoming first-term representatives were in town for orientation programs, two congressional sources told the Associated Press.

A 1967 regulation says that no federal or Washington, D.C., laws restricting firearms “shall prohibit a Member of Congress from maintaining firearms within the confines of his office” or “from transporting within the Capitol grounds firearms unloaded and securely wrapped.”

Members are not allowed to bring their weapons into the House chamber and other nearby areas. Aides are allowed to carry lawmakers’ weapons for them around the Capitol grounds.

“There is no standing requirement” that members have to notify the Capitol Police that they are carrying weapons on the grounds of the Capitol, an agency spokesperson told the Associated Press.

Boebert, who runs a gun-themed restaurant called Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado, was elected to Congress after a surprising primary victory over incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton. She received the endorsement of President Trump, who called Boebert a “fighter” who will “never bow down to the establishment in Congress.”

Rep. Jared Huffman attempted to ban members from carrying weapons in 2018, but he abandoned the effort when he faced opposition from colleagues. He said that he would not make a similar effort this year but noted that he believed the loophole that allowed members to carry weapons was outdated and that there are no checks to make sure guns aren’t brought to the House floor.

“Members could have a loaded AK-47 sitting on their desk, and no one would ever do anything about it,” the California Democrat said in 2018, noting that members and staffers carry guns around the Capitol “all the time.”

Rep. Thomas Massie, however, said he believes that lawmakers should be allowed to have weapons, citing the shooting spree that injured Rep. Steve Scalise during a congressional baseball practice as an example of the dangers that lawmakers face.

“As soon as you leave the Capitol property, you are a target,” the Kentucky Republican said.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, an incoming representative, also backed Boebert’s desire to carry a gun.

“Not only do I support members of Congress carrying a firearm, I believe every American has that right,” Greene said in a statement. “I will work every day to end ALL gun free


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df5272 No.148957

File: 56a8cc05df58d40⋯.png (21.08 KB,1343x155,1343:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fd215c96957b36⋯.png (148.47 KB,841x493,29:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762713 (240655ZNOV20) Notable: Malloch-Brown's father (YMCA)

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Malloch-Brown's father




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df5272 No.148958

File: 9396ca902ccfe1e⋯.jpeg (136.08 KB,1080x782,540:391,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762727 (240657ZNOV20) Notable: Chinese SF Express aka CHINESE MAILING spotted in Georgia polling places.

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Check this out anons. This should blow the fucking lid off of everything. Chinese SF Express aka CHINESE MAILING spotted in Georgia polling places. Here’s a link to the video to prove it isn’t shipped https://news.ltn.com.tw/amp/news/world/breakingnews/3344565

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df5272 No.148959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762782 (240707ZNOV20) Notable: Meet Sidney Powell's expert that tucker wouldn't interview

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All election software has same alogrthim kernel wrt to vote tabulating that originated in VZ in 1997. Interface dressed up.

1st bucket:

Bigggest flaw is local user access to backend. Once local user logged in, potential for (guessing keylogger) operatives in China to log in as well.

If ballot can not be read, local user presses/clicks a green button that puts that ballot in a "to be ejudicated" folder. That "to be ejudicated" folder can be simply dragged into Biden's pile by the local admin or hackers on the WAN.

2nd bucket.

Maricopa County forced to use sharpies which resulted in ballots being placed into a "to be edjudicated" folder. Hundreds (at least) of affadavits.

3rd bucket.

Mathematical probability of all "to be ejudicated ballots" going to Biden is impossible. Example given. If a district were 96% Biden, probability of all 100 of votes going Biden is 60 to 1; Probability of all of 1000 votes going Biden is quadrillion to 1. Some areas had 20, 300 to over 100,000 ballots going Biden.

My question is; Would there be a tally tootal og all green button clicks?

If you looked at the results at the time polls stopped counting, then did the analysis experts use to determine probable reults based on historical precinct data from that point, it looks to me like the number of non-machine ejudicated ballots predicted subtracted from Biden's total would be (roughly) his actual vote count. The same for Trump.

IOW, next step is to collect all data from time of stoppage and do a network election expert analysis of probable outcome, using green button press tally sorted first by same % of Biden/Trump as the actual results.

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df5272 No.148960

File: 601eaecfdd71bfd⋯.jpeg (522.38 KB,1125x1885,225:377,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762819 (240711ZNOV20) Notable: Corn and Cob hatched on July 2nd. There were many Epstein related drops that day (kek, you dont say...)

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Corn and Cob hatched on July 2nd. There were many Epstein related drops that day so did a quick search on Ghislaine Maxwell and found several sources claiming she’s quarantined for C19 exposure.


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df5272 No.148961

File: c2dea565c160045⋯.png (1.04 MB,1297x2048,1297:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762859 (240716ZNOV20) Notable: New Lin Wood: Hey, @GabrielSterling...

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Lin Wood


Hey, @GabrielSterling, you don’t have State of GA email??? How does your company, Sterling Innovative, make money? Did you or your company receive any of this $10+M grant? Implementation Manager??? What do you do except go on TV to deny the clear voting fraud in GA?



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148962

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11762925 (240724ZNOV20) Notable: #15014

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>>>/qresearch/11762178 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>148935 , >>148936 , >>148940 POTUS:The Good Fight

>>148939 What Is the Good Fight?

>>148945 DJT using the "Good Fight" here is relevant and links to similarly encouraging Q posts, encouraging us all to fight the Good Fight.

>>148941 , >>148959 Meet Sidney Powell's expert that tucker wouldn't interview

>>148948 Quick notes on 3 things Patrick Byrne brings up

>>148930 POTUS Schedule for TUESDAY - November 24, 2020

>>148933 (reminder) Biden: "I don't need you to get me elected, I just need you once I'm elected"

>>148934 China launches an unmanned spacecraft to bring back lunar rocks – the first attempt by any nation to retrieve samples from the Moon in four decades

>>148915 DOD Statement on Transition Activities

>>148932 Cory Booker - Sweet Corn (corn comms?)


>>148942 Texas National Guard deployed to help El Paso with morgue overflow

>>148943 Dog comms about Titan the dog related to this?

>>148944 Who Owns Indiana’s Voting Machines?

>>148946 BREAKING David Dinkins, New York City’s first and only Black mayor, has died at 93, two senior NYPD officials confirm to NBC New York

>>148947 Room Temperature Superconductor Breakthrough at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

>>148931 , >>148937 PEN testing

>>148949 I think POTUS just screwed them sideways. (GSA Approval)

>>148950 More fucking dog comms?

>>148951 Poland Published the Red Cross Report on the Number of Jews Dead in the Concentration Camps

>>148952 Biden’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Former Facebook And Zuckerberg Insiders

>>148953 Biden received thousands of non-citizen, illegal votes from non-citizens, study

>>148954 Looking into dominion PAC donations for 2020, they are still giving money to tim kaines PAC

>>148955 PDF is Biden-Harris Transition Team Ethics Plan

>>148956 Colorado Republican asks Capitol Police to carry her firearm on Capitol grounds

>>148957 Malloch-Brown's father (YMCA)

>>148958 Chinese SF Express aka CHINESE MAILING spotted in Georgia polling places.

>>148960 Corn and Cob hatched on July 2nd. There were many Epstein related drops that day (kek, you dont say…)

>>148961 New Lin Wood: Hey, @GabrielSterling…

save the good shit for next bread fags!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148963

File: 9c979213c0da2a6⋯.png (214.2 KB,606x811,606:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 89fe7c7934b71f1⋯.png (18.47 KB,598x310,299:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763047 (240742ZNOV20) Notable: New Flynn: D5

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148964

File: 3bcd29a9e15d176⋯.png (6.45 MB,3570x4300,357:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d20b87bec13e8d⋯.png (6.3 MB,1800x7180,90:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763094 (240753ZNOV20) Notable: 2016 Election Graffics

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11760669 (pb)

>>>/qresearch/11761801 (pb)

Anon in past bread was looking for 2016 election graphics.

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df5272 No.148965

File: e1b95cad0dd6fa9⋯.jpg (112.27 KB,600x800,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 619a77190c77345⋯.pdf (72.53 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763104 (240755ZNOV20) Notable: Things Also Discussed In This Bread (It's the Jews)

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Wagner was a MUSICAL GENIUS.

Even back dying his day, the jews were trying to take over and control the populations by taking control of "pop" culture.

Read what this genius has to say about the NATION DESTROYING SUBVERSIVE JEWS.

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df5272 No.148966

File: 9f24715485fce5e⋯.png (227.99 KB,444x296,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763141 (240801ZNOV20) Notable: Things Also Discussed In This Bread (It's the Jews)

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Don't forget this little classic, straight from the kvetcher's mouth.



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df5272 No.148967

File: add51a78c60ff4a⋯.jpg (63.08 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763142 (240801ZNOV20) Notable: RIGHTING THE COURSE FOR AMERICA’S SPECIAL OPERATORS

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NOVEMBER 23, 2020

“I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me. It will put special operations command on par with the military services for the first time.”

– Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller

With his momentous statements delivered during a recent event at Fort Bragg, Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller significantly progressed a herculean effort some thirty years in the making. Elevating the assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict to a position equal to the Defense Department service secretaries might sound like bureaucratic reshuffling, but it will change the shape of American power. This change will greatly increase the impact of special operations on national defense, improve advocacy for special operations personnel and their families, and assert real civilian control and oversight of U.S. Special Operations Command. Regardless of who serves as secretary of defense in the Biden administration, these changes ought to be sustained and institutionalized. The incoming secretary of defense should adopt comprehensive policies to advance these reforms. Further, Congress should enact long-overdue legislative changes to make them permanent.



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df5272 No.148968

File: 806d4ceb198a04d⋯.png (458.94 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763144 (240802ZNOV20) Notable: Letter from GSA to Biden.

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Letter from GSA to Biden.

Who do you think the threats came from?

I've highlighted what I find interesting…



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df5272 No.148969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763155 (240804ZNOV20) Notable: This is a big deal. Actual election Fraud.

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This is a big deal. Actual election Fraud.

Alex Rodriguez, an “Independent” candidate who ran in the Florida Senate race has been accused of being a shadow candidate who ran solely to syphon votes away from the democratic candidate Jose Rodriguez.

Alex Rodriguez entered the race in an apparently successful attempt to confuse voters by having the same name as the democratic candidate. Managing to get 2600 votes despite being completely unknown to anyone.

Those votes likely would have gone to Jose Rodriguez, but without them he lost to republican opponent Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia, who won by a razor-thin margin of .02 percent, just 34 votes.

Alex Rodriguez, 55 year old mechanic was a registered republican before suddenly decided to run for senate as an Independent. Alex did not have any campaign website or do any fundraising at all.

The only money recorded for the candidate is a $2,000 loan from himself and an undisclosed amount from a PAC called Our Florida. This PAC has be linked to 2 other possible shadow candidates in the Senate race.


When news stations tried to track down the mysterious Alex Rodriguez he initially tried to pretend to be somebody else. The following short video shows this interaction plus reports of a criminal history and evidence that this is part of a wider effort to subvert fair elections.


Alex doesnt even live in the county he ran for despite signing documents under oath that he did.


Another accused shill shadow candidate shares a lot in common with Alex Rodriguez.

Celso Alfonso, an 81-year-old retiree running as a no-party candidate in District 39, brought up several similarities.

Both had until recently been registered as Republicans. Both paid a qualifying free to be candidates on 12 June. Both listed Gmail addresses in the same format — first initial, last name, district number, and 2020. And both list just one contribution to their campaign — a $2,000 self-loan.

Support for each candidate also comes from the same Political Action Committee, ‘Our Florida’, which lists no previous political contributions or expenditures.

The PAC paid for fliers for each candidate from the same printing firm, Advance Impressions — its only expenditure, dated 5 October for $370,000 — using funds contributed two days earlier by a firm called Proclivity.

Proclivity’s address is a mailbox at a UPS Store in Atlanta, Georgia.


So…… its all a little bit suspicious dont you think??

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df5272 No.148970

File: cfbd118dc6ec588⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,388x360,97:90,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763200 (240813ZNOV20) Notable: Things Also Discussed In This Bread (It's the Jews)

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She began to question …

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df5272 No.148971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763219 (240817ZNOV20) Notable: Counter Point to Things Also Discussed In This Bread (It's the Vatican)

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More truth than most can handle.



>>>/qresearch/11663635 Q DROP#154Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica

>>>/qresearch/11306328 Q DROP#189The Cult Runs the World > GODFATHER III > PAPAL ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD > VATICAN

>>>/qresearch/11726307 Q DROP#306 "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant?" SEE DROP #154 ABOVE

>>>/qresearch/11306340 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican> Catholics In Action, Catholics In America, Clowns In America

>>>/qresearch/11306348 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>>/qresearch/11306360 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>>/qresearch/11306372 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"

>>>/qresearch/11306379 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>>/qresearch/11306412 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>>/qresearch/11306430 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"

>>>/qresearch/11306440 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."

>>>/qresearch/11306453 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."

>>>/qresearch/11306467 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"

>>>/qresearch/11306475 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"

>>>/qresearch/11306478 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>>/qresearch/11306489 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>>/qresearch/11306494 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."

>>>/qresearch/11306507 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].

>>>/qresearch/11306522 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."

>>>/qresearch/11306537 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>>/qresearch/11306550 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"

>>>/qresearch/11306563 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."

>>>/qresearch/11306591 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.

>>>/qresearch/11306685 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?

>>>/qresearch/11306697 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the

nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>>/qresearch/11306720 Q DROP#4429Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS-Biblical Battle Light vs Dark> "Armor of God" Vigano is not our friend.

>>>/qresearch/11306736 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.148972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763221 (240818ZNOV20) Notable: Counter Point to Things Also Discussed In This Bread (It's the Vatican)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hold still as this will hurt for a second…


More truth than most can handle.



>>>/qresearch/11307180 MEET GEORGE SOROS > A "Jew" or a Catholic Court Jew?

>>>/qresearch/11307149 WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

>>>/qresearch/11306887 ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr. "The CIA killed my Father RFK and Uncle JFK" + Vaccines>COVID on Ron Paul's Show.



24 year assistant Director of the Who, Milton Siegel explains exactly how the Vatican controls the W.H.O. > consider the implications now with covid.

Is the story about China controlling the W.H.O a cover story? Does the Vatican secretly control China? The CIA?

>>>/qresearch/11306927 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part I

>>>/qresearch/11306949 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part II

>>>/qresearch/11307201 MEET BERNHARD STEMPFLE Catholic Jesuit Priest who wrote and edited parts of Mein Kampf

>>>/qresearch/11307730 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part I

>>>/qresearch/11307750 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part II Von Papen, Mussolini, Fascism, Pious XII

>>>/qresearch/11307784 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part III Jesuits and the CIA

>>>/qresearch/11307499 Cuban Immigrant warns of evils of Socialism - at TRUMP round table event - Castro was trained by Catholic Jesuits

>>>/qresearch/11307274 MEET ALPHONSE LOUIS CONSTANT AKA Éliphas Lévi Zahed Failed Catholic Priest responsible for adding "SOLVE ET COAGULA" to Baphomet image

>>>/qresearch/11307925 MEET ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANO - Deep State, Deep Church, Invisible Enemy

>>>/qresearch/11716167 List of recent news Articles proving that Vigano, Taylor Marshall and Timothy Dolan lied about the McCarrick Sexual Abuse Scandal.

>>>/qresearch/11307021 MEET TIMOTHY DOLAN Archbishop of New York - Deep State/Church


>>>/qresearch/11306800 Q said "Soros takes order from P." Q DROP#416

>>>/qresearch/11306807 Q asks "Who controls the [D] party" and "Who really controls the [D] party?" [GS] George Soros? Q DROP#3749

>>>/qresearch/11306822 Q said "Guardian of the Pope" and titled the accompanying image of an owl "GUARDIAN_P" Q DROP#1413

>>>/qresearch/11306775 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = Pope/Papal Royal Families (Black nobility) Papal Orders of Knighthood (Malta)

Orders such as the Jesuits.

>>>/qresearch/11306837 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = ? Part II

>>>/qresearch/11307120 Link between SAUL ALINSKY and the Roman Catholic Jesuits > Alinsky and the Jesuits also link to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton




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df5272 No.148973

File: e7883a4a35b9b04⋯.png (140.55 KB,1125x462,375:154,Clipboard.png)

File: 400515044c71962⋯.png (449.67 KB,1514x735,1514:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763258 (240823ZNOV20) Notable: BARR CONNECTED TO DOMINION

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I was doing some digging on dominion energy because hunter Biden emails and stumbled upon William P Barr.

Link https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/715957/000119312517089312/d340312ddef14a.htm

I now found through https://quantumterminal.com/reports/DOMINION-ENERGY%2C-INC that Dominion energy owns Dominion voting systems. To be honest I don't know the validity of the source but they have no reason to lie.

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df5272 No.148974

File: 9056e02782315b7⋯.png (270 KB,1599x678,533:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763259 (240823ZNOV20) Notable: United Nations 747 back in US. Just landed in Anchorage, AL

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United Nations 747 back in US. Just landed in Anchorage, AL

In the last several days it's flown from Chicago to Osaka, Japan, to Taiwan, and now back to Anchorage, Alaska.

Just keeping tabs…

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df5272 No.148975

File: eaced33375bdae8⋯.png (589.82 KB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763265 (240825ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell: Georgia Pipe Burst Lie

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df5272 No.148976

File: 6e86a7ccf9a1d4e⋯.jpg (21.93 KB,220x335,44:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 90f509551e56895⋯.png (539.21 KB,734x1041,734:1041,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dcdf9c270dda7f⋯.png (804.11 KB,974x940,487:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 109797aeb84212c⋯.png (73.66 KB,320x689,320:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763272 (240825ZNOV20) Notable: No coincidences? Sydney/Tucker/NRA/Maria Butina

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No coincidences?

Two TOTALLY different topics of discussion tonight point to the same person… and I have NO idea what it amounts to.


First, as one only four posts after a LONG delay (18 hours), POTUS links a Tucker monologue. Most are probably looking at this in terms of the whole Sydney Powell blowup (but hold that thought). Much of what Tucker said was pretty good stuff, but mostly familiar to anons grinding it every day. But one angle I hadn't thought about at all, and this was Tucker's comment about how legal actions against the NRA had highly suppressed their normal voter turnout efforts (@2:47). (I suspect he is referencing the threats brought by the NY AG a few months back.) That's an angle I hadn't thought about AT ALL (WRT the recent election) since I probably wouldn't have been in the standard NRA demographic and don't have a deep grasp of their "ground effort", but it jumped RIGHT out when he said it. I was even thinking to gather some of the background and post on this itself but got distracted.

OK, now jump to a seemingly different topic. Check these two anon posts, both in the notables tonight:

>>148925 (pb)

>Interview of Patrick Byrne, tech millionaire founder of Overstock by Chanel Rion

That's an interview by Chanel of Patrick Byrne.


>>148941 (pb)

>Meet Signey Powell's expert that tucker wouldn't interview

This interview is by Black Conservative Patriot and he is interviewing the person so described, apparently:


And that person is also Patrick Byrne.

(Note: haven't even watched either interview yet… had them queue'd up for tomorrow…)

OK, now here's where shit gets crazy. The REALLY interesting part of the POTUS Tucker post was about the NRA turnout suppression.

And now two different interviews of Tucker's "rejected guest" - Patrick Byrne - get dropped on the same night.

Now for the kicker: Patrick Byrne had a real and/or fake romantic liason with a certain Maria Butina.

And she subsequently got an 18 month federal sentence (and did 5) for trying to infiltrate the NRA on behalf of Russia!




(And yeah, I know that is an "error" in Q924, but double meanings…)

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df5272 No.148977

File: f6b59d8cad4acf1⋯.png (1.5 MB,718x3710,359:1855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763279 (240827ZNOV20) Notable: Feinstein Not Seeking Top Democrat Position on Senate Judiciary Committee, Durbin Plans to Run

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Feinstein Not Seeking Top Democrat Position on Senate Judiciary Committee, Durbin Plans to Run


The 87-year-old congresswoman announced, “After serving as the lead Democrat on the Judiciary Committee for four years, I will not seek the chairmanship or ranking member position in the next Congress.”


In late October, Feinstein faced backlash from Democrats when she praise Republicans for their organization of the hearings with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the then-Supreme Court nominee.

The hearings ended on Oct. 15, upon which Feinstein hugged Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the chair of the Judiciary Committee, and praised him for “one of the best set of hearings that I have participated in.”

“I want to thank you for your fairness and the opportunity of going back and forth. It leaves one with a lot of hopes, a lot of questions and even some ideas—perhaps some good bipartisan legislation we can put together to make this great country even better,” she told Graham on Oct. 15.


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df5272 No.148978

File: 7c4b074e85f91e3⋯.png (30.7 KB,1032x352,129:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 60025d61ed8dec5⋯.png (68.6 KB,715x897,55:69,Clipboard.png)

File: da6f30bd7936330⋯.png (53.85 KB,1650x474,275:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763298 (240830ZNOV20) Notable: HUNTER BIDEN EMAIL DROP

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df5272 No.148979

File: 1d0187e384f9c86⋯.png (85.78 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763312 (240832ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS winning BIGLY: Ascertaining the “Apparent Successful Candidates”

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Can You Say WINNING??

Our POTUS is one smart Man!! Below simply says that Biden does not get anything till there is clear winner of the Election.

>>148905 (PB) POTUS What does GSA being allowed to preliminarily work with the Dems have to do with continuing to pursue our various cases on what will go down as the most corrupt election in American political history? We are moving full speed ahead. Will never concede to fake ballots & “Dominion”.

Ascertaining the “Apparent Successful Candidates”

For the purposes of the PTA, the President-elect and Vice-President-elect are defined as “the apparent successful candidates for the office of President and Vice President, respectively, as ascertained by the [GSA] Administrator following the general elections.”58 In the immediate aftermath of the contested November 7, 2000, presidential election, neither major candidate (George W. Bush or Al Gore) was provided with the resources that would be available for the President-elect and Vice President-elect. In testimony before the House Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Management, Information, and Technology, Administrator David J. Barram testified, “In this unprecedented, incredibly close and intensely contested election, with legal action being pursued by both sides, it is not apparent to me who the winner is. That is why I have not ascertained a President-elect.”59 In his testimony, the Administrator drew on a 1963 House floor debate concerning the PTA, during which a sponsor of the legislation stated that, “in a close contest, the Administrator simply would not make the decision.”60 The GSA Deputy Administrator reportedly provided PTA facilities and funds to the Bush-Cheney transition team on December 14, 2000, the day following Vice President Gore’s concession speech.61


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df5272 No.148980

File: 47919c1bb62dad3⋯.png (331.05 KB,696x2967,232:989,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763325 (240834ZNOV20) Notable: Signature Matching in Georgia Recount Can’t Be Done, Says Secretary of State

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Signature Matching in Georgia Recount Can’t Be Done, Says Secretary of State

Georgia’s secretary of state said Monday that signature matching will not be possible for the state’s third count of votes set to begin Tuesday morning amid demands from the Trump campaign and Republicans to “conduct an honest recount.”

The office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has repeatedly asserted that at this point in the process, signature matching is impossible because of state election rules designed to protect voter privacy. After initial verification, ballots in the state are separated from their envelopes, where the signatures are located. Raffensperger’s office has said this makes it impossible to reconnect the two after ballots are counted while the Trump campaign has alleged a lack of due process during the initial count, citing instances of voter irregularities, issues with voting machines, and poll watcher access.


“President Trump and his campaign continue to insist on an honest recount in Georgia, which has to include signature-matching and other vital safeguards,” Trump’s legal team said in a statement Saturday. “Without signature-matching, this recount would be a sham and again allow for illegal votes to be counted.”

“If there is no signature-matching, this would be as phony as the initial vote count and recount. Let’s stop giving the people false results. There must be a time when we stop counting illegal ballots. Hopefully it’s coming soon,” the statement continued.


Gabriel Sterling, Georgia’s voting system implementation manager, said during a press briefing on Monday that there is no legal process in place in the state to allow signature verification as part of the recount.

“There’s no way to match [the ballot] back. The only remedy would be to throw out all absentee ballots … in a particular county,” Sterling told reporters. “I don’t think there’s a judge in the land that would throw out all those legally cast votes if there’s proof of a handful of illegally cast ones potentially, which, again, we’ve seen no proof or evidence that actually exists.”


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df5272 No.148981

File: 6b8750563394080⋯.png (16.51 KB,1525x78,1525:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763389 (240851ZNOV20) Notable: I did a bit more digging into dominion resources and their shady PAC. (Dan Coates)

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I did a bit more digging into dominion resources and their shady PAC.

Guess who they donated to back in 1990



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df5272 No.148982

File: 0401e6ea813091a⋯.jpg (103.59 KB,1280x825,256:165,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763404 (240853ZNOV20) Notable: Vault 7 drop - this is the CIA server raid in Frankfurt. WE SEIZED THE CIA SERVER NOT SCYTL (notable anon theory)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






SO I would say this is NOTABLE AF

if it has not been covered already

This is from Wikileaks vault 7 drop this is the CIA server raid in Frankfurt. WE SEIZED THE CIA SERVER NOT SCYTL -CONFIRMED

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df5272 No.148983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763407 (240854ZNOV20) Notable: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7

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df5272 No.148984

File: 56a356ecf537610⋯.png (83.66 KB,995x607,995:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763421 (240856ZNOV20) Notable: THIS MIGHT ESTABLISH THE LINK BETWEEN DOMINION VOTING AND DOMINION RESOURCES

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halfchan research thread just came up with something



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df5272 No.148985

File: ab66092d961f409⋯.png (26.43 KB,465x211,465:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763454 (240903ZNOV20) Notable: I did a bit more digging into dominion resources and their shady PAC. (Dan Coates)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>dominion energy donated to COATS

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df5272 No.148986

File: 1f85eddd8ebccdd⋯.jpeg (104.18 KB,750x478,375:239,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763518 (240917ZNOV20) Notable: This Day in History November 24 1963 - Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald

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November 24 1963

Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald


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df5272 No.148987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763568 (240927ZNOV20) Notable: KEI STONE

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df5272 No.148988

File: 67ccbe0c694880b⋯.png (141.62 KB,552x755,552:755,Clipboard.png)

File: b4fbe2c6dfe66c9⋯.png (181.04 KB,555x953,555:953,Clipboard.png)

File: fbc75638912d10f⋯.png (141.66 KB,542x960,271:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763582 (240932ZNOV20) Notable: 2016 Election Graffics

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See a couple noms on this. May have been posted prev but some good bits in there to ponder.

Large files (6mb each), so need to dl and review. Couple snippets attached as examples.

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df5272 No.148989

File: 015d2075c963094⋯.png (2.14 MB,1900x3440,95:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763593 (240936ZNOV20) Notable: DOMINION ENERGY INFOGRAPH

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df5272 No.148990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763640 (240953ZNOV20) Notable: Ohio (AP) — President Donald Trump won more votes in this year’s presidential election than any candidate in Ohio history

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — President Donald Trump won more votes in this year’s presidential election than any candidate in Ohio history, certified county results compiled by The Associated Press indicate.

The more than 3.1 million votes cast for the Republican president in the Nov. 3 election exceeded the former record of 2,940,044 cast for Democrat Barack Obama in 2008. Trump won the state by a little over 8 percentage points this year and a slightly smaller margin than four years ago.

Trump grabbed about 53% of the state’s vote to Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s about 45%, according to combined totals counties turned in between last week and Monday. The president’s ultimate loss to Biden broke the state’s streak of siding with White House winners, which, before this year, had held in all but one election since World War II.


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df5272 No.148991

File: 198e26442e59e59⋯.png (382.16 KB,638x633,638:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763654 (240956ZNOV20) Notable: Warren Buffet invests 10 Billion into Dominion Energy (July 6, 2020)

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>Warren Buffet invests 10 Billion into Dominion Energy


im starting to think we hit the motherload

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df5272 No.148992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763689 (241006ZNOV20) Notable: Sir Roger Penrose & Dr. Stuart Hameroff: CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE PHYSICS OF THE BRAIN

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The Long version


January 10, 2020

Roth Auditorium - Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine

La Jolla, CA

An intimate lecture with renowned mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Dr. Stuart Hameroff, followed by a conversation with The Science Network co-founder Roger Bingham. Co-organized by The Penrose Institute and the UC San Diego Institute for Neural Computation, with the support of Intheon, Neocortex Ventures, and the Data Science Alliance.

Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff discuss one of the leading theories of consciousness recently selected by the Templeton Foundation for study.

Is the brain a sophisticated computer or an intuitive thinking device? Following on from their conference in Tucson which pitted Integrated Information Theory (IIT) against Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR), Sir Roger Penrose OM and Stuart Hameroff discuss the current state of theories that might explain human consciousness.

Sir Roger Penrose describe examples of ‘non-computability’ in human consciousness, thoughts and actions such as the way we evaluate particular chess positions which cast doubt on ‘Turing’ computation as a complete explanation of brain function. As a source of non-computability, Roger discuss his ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’) self-collapse of the quantum wavefunction which is a potential resolution for the ‘measurement problem’ in quantum mechanics, and a mechanism for non-computable physics.

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df5272 No.148993

File: 4b1d4e59921cd77⋯.png (587.64 KB,764x653,764:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763886 (241041ZNOV20) Notable: Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

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Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

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df5272 No.148994

File: 9d74d5e1d6989a7⋯.png (40.53 KB,848x296,106:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 938edad1db5174f⋯.png (581.56 KB,430x696,215:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763895 (241043ZNOV20) Notable: F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”

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df5272 No.148995

File: 2df806d513bb989⋯.png (50.06 KB,623x404,623:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763902 (241045ZNOV20) Notable: American Thinker: This is War (good read)

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November 24, 2020

This is War

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df5272 No.148996

File: 2c3f8682c7c2553⋯.png (573.5 KB,663x725,663:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763916 (241046ZNOV20) Notable: TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes

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TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes – source

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df5272 No.148997

File: 03a382c3d08bc61⋯.png (599.38 KB,717x618,239:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763957 (241053ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell promises to save America from Trojan voting machines snuck into the country

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Climbing into bed with the Kraken


Sidney Powell promises to save America from Trojan voting machines snuck into the country

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df5272 No.148998

File: b35c9567abd7228⋯.png (294.69 KB,860x682,430:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763966 (241056ZNOV20) Notable: The secretive consulting firm that’s become Biden’s Cabinet in waiting

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The secretive consulting firm that’s become Biden’s Cabinet in waiting

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df5272 No.148999

File: 12ee5b7a467b0f9⋯.png (15.03 KB,1309x175,187:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763980 (241058ZNOV20) Notable: Linda Thomas-Greenfield at U.N. will seek to humble, shame America

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Linda Thomas-Greenfield at U.N.

will seek to humble, shame America

Washington Times, by Cheryl K. Chumley

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df5272 No.149000

File: fed90f1adea6326⋯.png (54.85 KB,632x407,632:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763992 (241100ZNOV20) Notable: Guess who warned about Smartmatic’s Venezuela ties in 2006

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November 23, 2020

Guess who warned about Smartmatic’s Venezuela ties in 2006!

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df5272 No.149001

File: 8032727625e246d⋯.png (351.25 KB,871x599,871:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11763998 (241101ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

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df5272 No.149002

File: b8f01db49b81dac⋯.png (415.27 KB,863x828,863:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764025 (241104ZNOV20) Notable: FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks

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FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks — CNN Beats FOX in Daytime Viewers — MSNBC Beats FOX in Every Prime-Time Slot but Tucker!

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df5272 No.149003

File: 850834163688728⋯.png (441.84 KB,858x619,858:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764031 (241105ZNOV20) Notable: “The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate” – Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming Sidney Powell

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“The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate” – Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming Sidney Powell (VIDEO)

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df5272 No.149004

File: d5721fa2a3ab4fa⋯.jpeg (156.2 KB,1198x1269,1198:1269,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764034 (241106ZNOV20) Notable: 'Toward The Great Awakening' -book by Sidney Powell (published 1949 -time travel keks)

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df5272 No.149005

File: f84597fe6a53a96⋯.png (283.01 KB,854x651,122:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764044 (241108ZNOV20) Notable: WATCH: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump

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WATCH: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump

'I don't have faith in any election system after having witnessed this fraud'

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df5272 No.149006

File: a052af9deb9e94a⋯.png (555.45 KB,856x694,428:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764053 (241110ZNOV20) Notable: Constitutional experts: Fraud could put election outcome in state legislators' hands

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Constitutional experts: Fraud could put election outcome in state legislators' hands

Analysis reveals lawmakers have 'total authority' to select electors

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df5272 No.149007

File: 0e5e9ca058bc369⋯.png (13.05 KB,595x157,595:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764162 (241137ZNOV20) Notable: PapaD: The World Is Watching

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df5272 No.149008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764173 (241141ZNOV20) Notable: Great interview of Patrick Byrne by Black Conservative Patriot - Explains Fraud in Maricopa County

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Great interview of Patrick Byrne by Black Conservative Patriot

Explains Fraud in Maricopa County

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df5272 No.149009

File: d4700ad836ac166⋯.png (531.81 KB,699x593,699:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764184 (241143ZNOV20) Notable: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday denied an appeal request by the Allegheny County Board of Elections...

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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday denied an appeal request by the Allegheny County Board of Elections, which sought to overturn a lower court’s order directing the county to not count 270 provisional ballots that missed signatures or were found defective for other reasons.

In a one-sentence order, the court declined the county’s petition to review the Nov. 20 opinion issued by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.

Nicole Ziccarelli, a Republican candidate for the Pennsylvania State Senate, challenged the 270 provisional ballots in a lower court on Nov. 16. Two days earlier, the Elections Board voted to canvass the votes and counted the disputed ballots.

During the trial court hearing on Nov. 17, the judge examined an outer envelope for a provisional ballot that features two declarations that must be signed by the voter. The Elections Board argued—but did not provide evidence—that some voters failed to sign one of the two statements because they were given faulty instructions.

The trial court sided with the Elections Board on Nov. 18, arguing that voters “should not be penalized because they were given and relied on incorrect information by the election administration.” Ziccarelli appealed the decision to the Commonwealth Court the same day.

Two days later on Nov. 20, the Commonwealth Court reversed the trial court’s order and directed it to instruct the Elections Board to not count the 270 votes.

“Our General Assembly, in clear and unmistakable language, dictated that, in circumstances like this case, the ‘provisional ballot[s] shall not be counted,'” the Commonwealth Court’s opinion stated. “This Court is not at liberty to ignore this mandate.”

The Elections Board appealed the order to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same day. The board argued that “there is no reason–much less a compelling one–to disenfranchise approximately 250 voters for a minor deficiency or error that likely resulted from the incorrect advice or instruction of an election worker.”

The appeal pointed out that each voter would have had to fill out the signature section in front of a judge and a minority inspector, who then must sign the provisional ballot envelope.

Nicole Ziccarelli (R) ran against James Brewster (D) for Pennsylvania State Senate District 45. As of Nov. 24, she led Brewster by four votes.


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df5272 No.149010

File: c855424163fffa5⋯.png (39.74 KB,440x134,220:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 87a43314ffce6ef⋯.png (261.44 KB,663x636,221:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f086252dc404d8⋯.png (522.85 KB,1702x806,851:403,Clipboard.png)

File: e8694117a1795ac⋯.png (246.54 KB,361x705,361:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764200 (241146ZNOV20) Notable: Durham.December 25–26, 1776 -Q

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 518aba No.11621106 📁

Nov 13 2020 00:20:55 (EST)

Durham.December 25–26, 1776



Military Intelligence.

What is 'State Secrets' and how upheld in the SC?

What must be completed to engage MI over other (3) letter agencies?

What must occur to allow for civilian trials?

Why is this relevant?

What was Flynn's background?

Why is this relevant?

Why did Adm R (NSA) meet Trump privately w/o auth?

Does POTUS know where the bodies are buried?

Does POTUS have the goods on most bad actors?

Was TRUMP asked to run for President?


By Who?

Was HRC next in line?

Was the election suppose to be rigged?

Did good people prevent the rigging?

Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?

Has POTUS *ever* made a statement that did not become proven as true/fact?

What is POTUS in control of?

What is the one organization left that isn't corrupt?

Why does the military play such a vital role?

Why is POTUS surrounded by highly respected generals?

Who guards former Presidents?

Why is that relevant?

Who guards HRC?

Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?

What authority does POTUS have specifically over the Marines?

Why is this important?

What is Mueller's background? Military?

Was Trump asked to run for President w/ assurances made to prevent tampering?

How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?

Who is helping POTUS?

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df5272 No.149011

File: 2dc237722a3a3e5⋯.png (416.75 KB,916x854,458:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764208 (241148ZNOV20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell in jail quarantine after possible coronavirus exposure

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Ghislaine Maxwell in jail quarantine after possible coronavirus exposure



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df5272 No.149012

File: 969b7fefb6ef832⋯.png (15.92 KB,404x283,404:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 88d6bdf7fb2608d⋯.png (754.13 KB,723x505,723:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764236 (241153ZNOV20) Notable: John Gilbert Getty one of the heirs to the Getty fortune has died.

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John Gilbert Getty one of the heirs to the Getty fortune has died.

Law enforcement sources tell us … John passed away Friday in San Antonio, this after he was discovered unresponsive in a hotel room. We're told no foul play is suspected at this point, and the cause of death is pending an autopsy.

The family broke the news through a rep, saying … "With a heavy heart, Gordon Getty announces the death of his son, John Gilbert Getty." The spokesperson adds, "John was a talented musician who loved rock and roll. He will be deeply missed."

John's other brother, Andrew, died in 2015 from meth intoxication … and his own, mother, Ann, died from a heart attack just this past September.


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df5272 No.149013

File: 6057fdf44e87d27⋯.png (30.42 KB,1080x1397,1080:1397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764314 (241212ZNOV20) Notable: Hunter Biden Email Drop: Massive List of US Politician Cell Phone Numbers (now anons, be VERY responsible with this information.... kek)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


ooh looky

From: Mackler, Alexander Alexander_S_Mackler@ovp.eop.gov

Subject: These are all cell numbers.

Date: June 7, 2015 at 12:52 PM

To: rhb@rspdc.com

Alexander S. Mackler

Office of the Vice President

202-456-2672 (o) | 202-503-5370 (m)

- Original Message -

From: Chung, Kathy S. EOP [mailto:kathy_s_chung@ovp.eop.gov]

Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2015 12:40 PM

To: Mackler, Alexander; Muldoon, Anne Marie; Ricchetti, Steven

Subject: Fw: See below. These are all cell numbers.

This is what I sent him to get him started.

- Original Message -

From: Chung, Kathy S. EOP

Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2015 12:39 PM

To: Peters, Robert L.; 'hbiden@rosemontseneca.com'

Subject: See below. These are all cell numbers.

President Clinton, 212-348-8882

Sec. Clinton, 202-236-5546

Sen. Dodd, 202-728-0418

Sen. Reid, 702-997-9969

Sen. Mcconnell, 202-997-9969

Denis McDonough, 202-503-5900

Gov. Markell, 302-270-4943

Sen. Carper, 202-236-5481

Sen. Durbin, 217-836-5725

Rep. Pelosi, 415-517-1745

Sen. Leahy, 202-359-4619

Sen. Joe Manchin, 304-993-0414

Sen. Coons, 302-354-4647

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, 240-988-1130

Rep. Steny Hoyer, 202-225-0030

Rep. Dutch Ruppersburger, 202-225-0030

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, 954-993-3524

Rep. John Carney, 302-379-3079

AG Loretta Lynch, 917-856-3865

Sec. Tom Vilsack, 202-213-9120

Sec. Tom Perez, 202-631-2394

Sec. Anthony Foxx, 202-308-0336

Sec. Arnie Duncan, 202-315-8357

Sec. Gina McCarthy, 202-596-0247

Fmr Rep. Eric Cantor, 804-212-603

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df5272 No.149014

File: 6d52abd8c6ffdad⋯.png (59.58 KB,674x448,337:224,Clipboard.png)

File: 4caae53cb0e98ce⋯.png (1.76 MB,1272x734,636:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764330 (241214ZNOV20) Notable: Behind the Lines: The Durham Boat

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Behind the Lines: The Durham Boat

Originally built to carry heavy cargo on colonial waterways, Durham boats became General George Washington’s landing craft of choice in late 1776.

"For the most renowned river crossing in American history— General George Washington’s surprise attack across the Delaware River on the Hessians in Trenton, New Jersey, on December 26, 1776”


Hard to tell if this has been noted earlier given how fucked up breads have been.

Regardless, we are crossing the Delaware men!

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df5272 No.149015

File: 907105bead02f94⋯.jpg (226.04 KB,2192x978,1096:489,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c8bdc97d0ad81a⋯.jpg (112.04 KB,1290x374,645:187,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f5a4cbcb6cd68d⋯.jpg (138.55 KB,1612x316,403:79,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764388 (241225ZNOV20) Notable: Double meaning of 'Durham'? Not the only game on town?

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Double meaning of 'Durham'? Not the only game on town?

In Western Texas, Ms. Powell was one of the prosecutors in the trial of Jimmy Chagra for continuing criminal enterprise violations


Jimmy got into drug smuggling in 1969 and became one of the largest smugglers in the United States, trafficking drugs from Mexico and Colombia by plane and boat. He had dealings with the Patriarca crime family and Joseph Bonanno, the retired head of the Bonanno crime family.


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df5272 No.149016

File: 87101a467bacb05⋯.jpeg (165.39 KB,768x1024,3:4,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764431 (241233ZNOV20) Notable: Utah: DPS Aero Bureau Encounters Monolith in Red Rock Country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


DPS Aero Bureau Encounters Monolith in Red Rock Country

On November 18, 2020, the Utah Department of Public Safety Aero Bureau was working with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources to conduct a count of big horn sheep in a portion of southeastern Utah.

While on this mission, they spotted an unusual object and landed nearby to investigate further.

The crew members found a metal monolith installed in the ground in a remote area of red rock.

The crew said there was no obvious indication of who might have put the monolith there.

The exact location of the installation is not being disclosed since it is in a very remote area and if individuals were to attempt to visit the area, there is a significant possibility they may become stranded and require rescue.

It is illegal to install structures or art without authorization on federally managed public lands, no matter what planet you’re from.

The Bureau of Land Management will be determining if they need to investigate further.

Photos and Videos – credit Utah Department of Public Safety

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df5272 No.149017

File: 126efd1c31dfb62⋯.jpg (328.7 KB,720x1520,9:19,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764438 (241234ZNOV20) Notable: Epoch Times: Michigan County Board Approves Resolution To Impeach Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149018

File: 429253486b6c27a⋯.jpeg (248.95 KB,828x875,828:875,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764447 (241234ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Needs to Shine the Light on Election Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://americanmind.org/salvo/trump-needs-to-shine-the-light-on-election-fraud/ Trump Needs to Shine the Light on Election Fraud

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df5272 No.149019

File: d1d1ebdae360a36⋯.jpg (289.78 KB,719x1210,719:1210,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764475 (241239ZNOV20) Notable: NEW @POTUS: 79 percent of Trump Voters believe election was stolen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149020

File: dc0600af29b29d8⋯.png (82.83 KB,502x543,502:543,Clipboard.png)

File: 222db233da88b3d⋯.png (72.75 KB,502x635,502:635,Clipboard.png)

File: f5088a561d2bcb4⋯.png (15.65 KB,505x185,101:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764487 (241240ZNOV20) Notable: Petition to Remedy Voter Disenfranchisement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Petition to Remedy Voter Disenfranchisement

Anons, I've been feeling frustrated that I have no way of affecting this fight for election integrity because my state is not one of those where the battles are being fought. If the petition mentioned in this American Thinker article is a way for all of us to speak out, then I think we would all want to do our part. Please share all around in order to get enough signatures.

Link to article and petition…



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df5272 No.149021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764502 (241244ZNOV20) Notable: #15016

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11763728 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>149004 'Toward The Great Awakening' -book by Sidney Powell (published 1949 -time travel keks)

>>148993 Ohio Gov. DeWine Vows to Veto Bill Stripping His 'Ultimate' COVID Powers

>>148994 F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell

>>148996 TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes

>>148997 Sidney Powell promises to save America from Trojan voting machines snuck into the country

>>148998 The secretive consulting firm that’s become Biden’s Cabinet in waiting

>>148999 Linda Thomas-Greenfield at U.N. will seek to humble, shame America

>>149000 Guess who warned about Smartmatic’s Venezuela ties in 2006

>>149001 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Mail-In/Absentee Ballots with No Dates or Handwritten Name/Address Can be Counted

>>149002 FOX NEWS CRASHES! Viewers Cut in Half in 3 Weeks

>>149003 “The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate” – Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming Sidney Powell

>>148995 American Thinker: This is War (good read)

>>149005 WATCH: Poll monitor describes 4 a.m. Biden ballot dump

>>149006 Constitutional experts: Fraud could put election outcome in state legislators' hands

>>149007 PapaD: The World Is Watching

>>149008 Great interview of Patrick Byrne by Black Conservative Patriot - Explains Fraud in Maricopa County

>>149009 The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Monday denied an appeal request by the Allegheny County Board of Elections…

>>149010 Durham.December 25–26, 1776 -Q

>>149011 Ghislaine Maxwell in jail quarantine after possible coronavirus exposure

>>149012 John Gilbert Getty one of the heirs to the Getty fortune has died.

>>149013 Hunter Biden Email Drop: Massive List of US Politician Cell Phone Numbers (now anons, be VERY responsible with this information…. kek)

>>149014 Behind the Lines: The Durham Boat

>>149015 Double meaning of 'Durham'? Not the only game on town?

>>149016 Utah: DPS Aero Bureau Encounters Monolith in Red Rock Country

>>149018 Trump Needs to Shine the Light on Election Fraud

>>149019 NEW @POTUS: 79 percent of Trump Voters believe election was stolen

>>149017 Epoch Times: Michigan County Board Approves Resolution To Impeach Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

>>149020 Petition to Remedy Voter Disenfranchisement

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD you beautiful faggots!

Baker Seeking Handoff

Will be ghosting @100 NEXT BREAD

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df5272 No.149022

File: d8574623f3dc6b4⋯.png (27.12 KB,590x220,59:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764681 (241308ZNOV20) Notable: DJT r/t Randy Quaid ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another new Potus Tweet https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1331219093563781122

The war continues, Drain it!

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df5272 No.149023

File: e6faba29cbc62f9⋯.png (39.22 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764785 (241321ZNOV20) Notable: NEW POTUS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



“In Wisconsin, somebody has to be indefinitely confined in order to vote absentee. In the past there were 20,000 people. This past election there were 120,000…and Republicans were locked out of the vote counting process.” @VicToensing @newsmax

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df5272 No.149024

File: 606ec72ad960cb0⋯.png (177.17 KB,1206x852,201:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764786 (241321ZNOV20) Notable: New CM: Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ron SQUARE OVER the target with adjudication…

"Did you know that Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election?"


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df5272 No.149025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764788 (241322ZNOV20) Notable: anon Theory on Money flow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Theory on Money flow

Which gets me thinking about electronic fraud. Remember the gal selling votes in Texas. You could do that with electronic voting. Say $10 gets you a vote in a smaller race.

Do you care about party? No. You own them when they hand over the cash.

Next up you have to cut the $10 up. Pollsters to tighten the race, technicians, programmers.

How does the money flow? Let's use the Democratic model.

BLM -> ACT Blue -> Campaign -> Consultants, Marketing etc -> Fronts selling votes -> Dominion + expenses -> Shareholders

Not perfect, bit it seems everything is set up to make and launder money.

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df5272 No.149026

File: 5097363b5078a57⋯.jpg (345.2 KB,1438x1326,719:663,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a4a0613489e062⋯.jpg (249.69 KB,1384x1012,346:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764850 (241331ZNOV20) Notable: anon decode for your discernment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy SHIT - Q knew

What happened in Michigan? They blocked the windows & locked out Republican watchers.

SS detail(s) ordered @ max perimeter def?

Nice color choice.

It's a shame the windows had to be blocked out to eliminate that view.


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df5272 No.149027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764901 (241339ZNOV20) Notable: Bill Brockbrader former Navy Seal 2 part interview

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bill Brockbrader former Navy Seal

Full interview PART 1:


Full Interview PART 2:


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df5272 No.149028

File: cbbecd16c466c7f⋯.png (358.17 KB,598x656,299:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764902 (241339ZNOV20) Notable: New CM: Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Did you know that Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election?


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df5272 No.149029

File: 2b41a161bb9f346⋯.png (197.07 KB,1060x563,1060:563,Clipboard.png)

File: ce173619efaa615⋯.png (22.82 KB,651x286,651:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764912 (241340ZNOV20) Notable: Toward the Great Awakening by Sidney W Powell, originally published in 1949

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great Awakening, Sidney Powell, Capstone

Toward the Great Awakening by Sidney W Powell, originally published in 1949. First chapter title = The Lost Capstone

Either this is the greatest hoax of all time or things are about to get real.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149030

File: 0c6b434883a5b4b⋯.png (333.81 KB,591x743,591:743,Clipboard.png)

File: e7a0a5db7e01f71⋯.jpg (1008.27 KB,4096x2926,2048:1463,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62fdc8e5a26e63e⋯.jpg (413.17 KB,2853x2038,2853:2038,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5067d585608302c⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764928 (241342ZNOV20) Notable: Airmen from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina participated in exercise Combat Hammer, which is an evaluation of the process of dropping munitions, from assembly to landing.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Combat Hammer Hammer and pick

Airmen from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina participated in exercise Combat Hammer, which is an evaluation of the process of dropping munitions, from assembly to landing.



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df5272 No.149031

File: 39d7889ef2d7d4c⋯.png (853.64 KB,1210x978,605:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 051cde2213cd1c6⋯.png (5.98 MB,2290x1816,1145:908,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b39e1d1bcc64fa⋯.png (2.22 MB,1992x776,249:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ce79648276deb5⋯.png (2.58 MB,1980x810,22:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764929 (241342ZNOV20) Notable: read this affidavit from an IT expert.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Affidavit is KILLER!

"Do not read this affidavit from an IT expert. We know what is documented here is impossible as the Maricopa County Supervisors told us everything is fine and go back to sleep and pay your taxes and wear a mask. And leftist reporters told us to move on."



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df5272 No.149032

File: c313be309b0c459⋯.png (23.89 KB,248x297,248:297,Clipboard.png)

File: a09fd88b4719abf⋯.png (17.21 KB,452x303,452:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11764956 (241345ZNOV20) Notable: We will be doing an audit checking signatures and doing a full recount!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States




’s recount starts tomorrow here in Georgia.

I am now a certified ballot monitor.

We will be doing an audit checking signatures and doing a full recount!

7:18 PM · Nov 23, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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df5272 No.149033

File: e254a379a39ac49⋯.jpg (104.66 KB,665x391,665:391,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765092 (241357ZNOV20) Notable: DJT r/t Randy Quaid ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Crazy Quaid (fake) points out that 79 million don't believe the election results are legitimate. You can't move forward with that many people who doubt the entire result. Then he proposes a "re-vote". Hmmm. Retweeted by POTUS.

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df5272 No.149034

File: d5014b6c4ced833⋯.png (234.41 KB,662x696,331:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765121 (241359ZNOV20) Notable: Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis urges Joe Biden to end Trump’s ‘America first’ policy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis urges Joe Biden to end Trump’s ‘America first’ policy

“In January, when President Joe Biden and his national security team begin to reevaluate U.S. foreign policy, we hope they will quickly revise the national security strategy to eliminate ‘America first’ from its contents, restoring in its place the commitment to cooperative security that has served the United States so well for decades,” Mattis wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine in an op-ed published Monday.

“The best strategy for ensuring safety and prosperity is to buttress American military strength with enhanced civilian tools and a restored network of solid alliances – both necessary to achieving defense in depth,” he continued.

Mattis, who stepped down in December 2018 after clashing with Trump’s policy against protracted engagement in Syria, said “‘America first’ has meant ‘America alone.'”

“The United States today is undermining the foundations of an international order manifestly advantageous to U.S. interests, reflecting a basic ignorance of the extent to which both robust alliances and international institutions provide vital strategic depth,” Mattis wrote adding that the policy “has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.”


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df5272 No.149035

File: 2fca2e439efb8c0⋯.jpeg (284.44 KB,1769x597,1769:597,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cd928ed70267c1f⋯.jpeg (202.04 KB,828x861,276:287,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765215 (241408ZNOV20) Notable: US Cyber dropping hint they would need to retrieve property in Germany?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From May 2019 US Cyber Com Media round table.

Document from Cyber Com reading room.

US Cyber dropping hint they would need to retrieve property in Germany?


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df5272 No.149036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765266 (241413ZNOV20) Notable: #15017

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>149024, >>149028 New CM: Arizona's first new law in 2020 was emergency legislature which passed unanimously to allow "Digital Adjudication" to be used in Maricopa county for the presidential election

>>149023 NEW POTUS

>>149022, >>149033 DJT r/t Randy Quaid ?

>>149025 anon Theory on Money flow

>>149026 anon decode for your discernment

>>149029 Toward the Great Awakening by Sidney W Powell, originally published in 1949

>>149030 Airmen from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina participated in exercise Combat Hammer, which is an evaluation of the process of dropping munitions, from assembly to landing.

>>149031 read this affidavit from an IT expert.

>>149032 We will be doing an audit checking signatures and doing a full recount!

>>149034 Ex-Defense Secretary Mattis urges Joe Biden to end Trump’s ‘America first’ policy

>>149027 Bill Brockbrader former Navy Seal 2 part interview

>>149035 US Cyber dropping hint they would need to retrieve property in Germany?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149037

File: 9ea77db2e902865⋯.jpg (102.13 KB,1045x797,1045:797,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765371 (241425ZNOV20) Notable: Biden must meet reporting requirements to receive services and funds from GSA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check mate


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df5272 No.149038

File: dc79cf67aec5fdb⋯.png (13.4 KB,509x115,509:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765378 (241426ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet… Filled vs Filed?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

POTUS tweet…

Filled vs Filed?


"Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen‘ https://breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/23/poll-79-of-trump-voters-believe-election-was-stolen-through-illegal-voting-and-fraud/ via @BreitbartNews They are 100% correct, but we are fighting hard. Our big lawsuit, which spells out in great detail all of the ballot fraud and more, will soon be filled. RIGGED ELECTION!"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149039

File: 0a323e585f5cead⋯.png (694.52 KB,614x716,307:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765400 (241428ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS RETWEET - I CONCEDE NOTHING!!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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df5272 No.149040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765449 (241434ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines Game Theory says Game Over

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sidney Powell - coming tomorrow or friday

White House / POTUS - this week?

Lin Wood - GA this week?

Not a lawsuit

DNI Ratcliff assessment anytime before Dec 18th

I cannot see a scenario where (((they))) win or at least even have a shot at it. POTUS not conceding. SCOTUS involved at state levels. All bases covered.

Game Theory says Game Over

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df5272 No.149041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765458 (241434ZNOV20) Notable: Patrick Byrne: Dissecting The Electronic Steal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Patrick Byrne: Dissecting The Electronic Steal

479 views•Nov 24, 2020


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df5272 No.149042

File: 9aa7e66ee449ada⋯.jpg (77.52 KB,385x429,35:39,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765480 (241437ZNOV20) Notable: fraud vitiates every thing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765493 (241438ZNOV20) Notable: would taking that money “knowingly” from the government make things a whole lot worse for all of them?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>148843 GSA Administrator tells Biden he can access transition resources and services

I was wondering if the Biden campaign takes money and resources from the government, knowing he’s not president and will never be; and they committed all sorts of punishable felonies for voter fraud, would taking that money “knowingly” from the government make things a whole lot worse for all of them? Maybe there’s some people on his staff and appointments that the Team, just needed to open the door a little wider, for slam dunk obvious fucking crimes. They all knew, but the did it anyway! Give the criminals enough rope, they’ll hang themselves and get more criminals involved. Wouldn’t be surprised if HRC gets in on the money grab. Kek!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149044

File: 472c4cc179f890c⋯.png (846.28 KB,816x816,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 901948e61259988⋯.png (3.49 MB,3814x1948,1907:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765500 (241439ZNOV20) Notable: Apple’s chief security officer indicted on bribery charges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Apple’s chief security officer indicted on bribery charges



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df5272 No.149045

File: 4c2d46559efe72b⋯.png (39.61 KB,748x516,187:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765524 (241441ZNOV20) Notable: @JosephJFlynn1 Very good summary #HoldTheLinePatriots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Overstock.com guy sez, yep, cheating.

Joseph J Flynn


Very good summary #HoldTheLinePatriots



· 9h

BREAKING: Patrick Byrne, PhD & Founder of http://Overstock.com, says that based on what he’s seen, forensically, he is “100% confident” that the election was rigged. States that he’s had the evidence for 15-16 days. “I could get in front a judge, and if I could bring a couple

Show this thread

7:55 AM · Nov 24, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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df5272 No.149046

File: 37e5c3ca24f1048⋯.png (2.75 MB,3814x1948,1907:974,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765541 (241442ZNOV20) Notable: Two of Joe Biden's national security picks have ties to past scandals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two of Joe Biden's national security picks have ties to past scandals

National Security Adviser-designate Jake Sullivan was key figure in Clinton email probe; Secretary of State designate Tony Blinken faced scrutiny in Hunter Biden business deals.


Biden on Monday announced he wanted as his national security advisor former State Department official Jake Sullivan, who at 43 years old would be the youngest in history. Biden also chose longtime Senate and White House aide Antony Blinken to be his secretary of state should he be sworn in on Jan. 20.

While both picks command enormous respect in national security circles, their past ties to Obama-era scandals could give Republicans fodder for confirmation hearings. Sullivan was a key figure in the probe of Clinton’s mishandling of classified information on a private email server, while Blinken had contacts with Hunter Biden and his Burisma Holdings colleagues in the Ukraine impeachment drama.

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df5272 No.149047

File: 6f756a4fcbe5c30⋯.jpeg (512.79 KB,1125x1445,225:289,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 421777cf4e62552⋯.jpeg (540.54 KB,1125x1450,45:58,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80af2c06435ee60⋯.jpeg (503.33 KB,1125x1452,375:484,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765594 (241446ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell’s Origin Story?

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>>>149029 PB Toward the Great Awakening by Sidney W Powell, originally published in 1949

Wordpress research in Sidney Powell

Kaiser Wilhem Wordpress

Sidney Powell’s Origin Story?

Well lads, I have been researching Sidney Powell this evening, that was how I found the weird “Toward the Great Awakening” book (which was a VERY interesting find!). She kind of came out of nowhere last year when she became Flynn’s attorney and starting doing interviews. Now, she is suddenly a household name and I wanted to figure out how she got caught up in all of this. I tried to find any references to her from before 2018, and found this 2015 book event. She is billed as a former federal prosecutor who had written a book about corrupt and illegal tactics used by other federal prosecutors and is giving a presentation to the Family Research Council.

Here are some highlights:

Starting at about the 13:30 minute mark she talks about “a corrupt cabal” of prosecutors running the government in “any number of areas” and even mentions by named Andrew Weismann from the Mueller investigation by name. The other two names she drops are Leslie Caldwell who, according to wikipedia, “was recruited by then-San Francisco US Attorney Robert S. Mueller III to head his efforts against white collar crime in Silicon Valley” and Matthew Friedrich, who was also a known Mueller associate and whose wife was the judge that presided over the case Mueller brought against a Russian company called Concord during the Russia investigation. Very weird we see these recurring characters, keep in mind this was in 2015!


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df5272 No.149048

File: 57f0ba6487a1cb5⋯.png (850.8 KB,996x664,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765631 (241448ZNOV20) Notable: John Kerry – Schwab’s Davos-Man in Biden’s Cabinet

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hope you're right, because this is what we're looking at if your not!

John Kerry – Schwab’s Davos-Man in Biden’s Cabinet

November 24, 2020

John Kerry is a Davos Man. He has already publicly stated at Davos at the World Economic Forum that a Great Reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism – (i.e. Trump supporters). They regard Trump was elected by “populism” so what he was saying was to suppress those who voted for Trump which is anti-Democratic. He is preaching totalitarianism because they are right and everyone else must therefore be wrong. Kerry vowed that under a Biden administration, America would rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement to push the Great Reset but added, that this was “not enough.”

“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before” according to Kerry. He added: “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”

A Biden Administration will invoke civil war. Texas might as well secede from the USA now. They intend to wipe out the oil industry. They will bring Texas to its knees. Texas joined the USA on December 29, 1845. It is now in its 20th 8.6-year cycle. The Commerce Clause, provision of the Constitution (Article I, Section 8) that authorizes Congress “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes.” The commerce clause has traditionally been interpreted both as a grant of positive authority to Congress and as an implied prohibition of state laws and regulations that interfere with or discriminate against Interstate Commerce (the so-called “dormant” commerce clause). Under a Biden government, the Democrats have already been scheming to strip the Supreme Court of the power to rule on specific legislation……

The Biden Administration WILL go after stripping the Supreme Court of ruling on pet issues from abortion to socialism. In HARRIS v. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980), the Supreme Court held that the Constitution was negative and as such it did not require the government to create any social programs or pay for anything on behalf of a citizen. The Constitution was intended to be a NEGATIVE RESTRAINT upon government rather than a positive list of rights for the individual.

So get ready. The Biden Administration is going to completely change the United States using executive orders to circumvent votes in Congress or debates. They argued that Kennedy was Catholic and the same argument was used against Barrett’s appointment to the Supreme Court that their religion would make them subservient to the Pope. This time, the Democrats are subservient to the World Economic Forum. Say goodbye to the Supreme Court on anything meaningful anymore.


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df5272 No.149049

File: c2f26439abf312b⋯.png (76.82 KB,1247x465,1247:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765640 (241449ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT, Remember GSA does not determine next POTUS, & anons opine.

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So that whole narrative that occurred about a week ago, with the 1963 Presidential Transition Act establishing the GSA as the 'official source' of the outcome of Presidential elections was wrong.

I was duped.

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df5272 No.149050

File: c75226a80a2a917⋯.jpg (89.53 KB,624x361,624:361,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765651 (241450ZNOV20) Notable: until they came here many of these 'undocumented immigrants' were bought and sold with the land they were born on.

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>>>/qresearch/11764857 (PB)

>>>/qresearch/11764914 (PB)

IN Socal there are a lot more than the estimated 5 million illegals. Might be much closer to 20 million. In greater LA/Socal


Until recently these California immigrants from Mexico and Central America - until they came here many of these 'undocumented immigrants' were bought and sold with the land they were born on.

More recently, the Pew Research Center, estimated that, in 2016, 2.2 million unauthorized immigrants resided in California, about 6 percent of the state's entire population and 21 percent of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States.

In 2014, the Public Policy Institute of California, estimated the unauthorized immigrant population in California to be mostly from Latin American (78 percent) with a declining majority being from Mexico (52 percent). Further, about a tenth of the state's workforce was composed of unauthorized immigrants and 12.3 percent of California's K-12 school children had an unauthorized immigrant parent.

in 1829 Mexico made slavery illegal - but the very few American slaves who fled there in search of freedom discovered that the peonage system was every bit as oppressive as slavery.

In 1493 Pope Alexander VI, while granting Spain the right to colonize the New World, mandated that the indigenous people be converted to Catholicism and prohibited their enslavement. However, he added a “catch 22” by going on to say that those who did not accept Christianity or reverted to their old religion, should be punished and could be enslaved. More positively, in 1500, Queen Isabella of Spain had expressly ordered, “all the Indians of the Spaniards were to be free from slavery.” This order had no ifs or buts. When she died in 1504, her will instructed her successors to continue these policies.


Indian and Mestizo people who have been chattel for a hundred generation and been conditioned for generations to obey the boss's orders without question.


Not to obey the law, not to hold the law subordinate the the constitution as the source of government's legitimate authority but to obey the patron immediately and in all the things, without question.

eonage was especially prominent in New Mexico, where lower-class citizens often fell into debt out of sheer necessity. Sometimes a small loan from a wealthier landholder would be necessary for basic subsistence or shelter. Just as commonly, a debt originated with Roman Catholic priests, who charged exorbitant amounts of money to perform weddings, baptisms, and funerals. In order to marry one’s sweetheart, anoint a child in the church, or bury a deceased relative, a cash-poor person had no choice but to seek a loan from a person of financial means.


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df5272 No.149051

File: dc7bbaf6faf76ff⋯.jpg (92.86 KB,669x272,669:272,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765667 (241452ZNOV20) Notable: New DJT, Remember GSA does not determine next POTUS, & anons opine.

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Important reminder for the masses, as the MSM makes the GSA's decision to advance the $7 million to the Biden camp as some kind of proof that Biden is now president. Far as I can tell, GSA is little more than an administrative body that provides some office resources and money to start setting things up. The GSA makes no determination of anything really, which is why I think they only made this move upon Trump's direction.

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df5272 No.149052

File: a7a430c0131c9c2⋯.png (56.61 KB,691x510,691:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765683 (241454ZNOV20) Notable: A CNN pundit has made the extraordinary claim that President Donald Trump will form a “shadow government” and hold his own “counter-inauguration” in January.

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A CNN pundit has made the extraordinary claim that President Donald Trump will form a “shadow government” and hold his own “counter-inauguration” in January with the help of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Without providing any evidence to back up his claims, self-professed ‘presidential historian’ and CNN pundit Douglas Brinkley made the outrageous comments, worthy of any online conspiracy theory message board, on cable news during a recent segment.

The 59-year-old professor of history at Rice University alleged Trump, whom he dubbed a “tinpot dictator,” is “living in some kind of fantasy zone,” and was aiming to “create a kind of second shadow government out of Mar-a-Lago” with the help of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.

The historian opined that Trump “will philosophically and emotionally refuse to believe that he lost,” adding that he doesn't think Trump will attend Biden's inauguration and will instead “be petulant and pout” and might even hold a counter-inaugural event.

Commentators online couldn’t help but draw parallels between Brinkley’s claims and what many have insinuated about former US President Barack Obama and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton throughout Trump’s presidency.

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df5272 No.149053

File: 33b788ef1cb7157⋯.png (667.37 KB,838x898,419:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765693 (241455ZNOV20) Notable: @StateDept Live now! @SecPompeo delivers joint statements with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Live now! @SecPompeo

delivers joint statements with Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah.


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df5272 No.149054

File: 4b4cb78669ab92e⋯.png (19.08 KB,886x378,443:189,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f0a623ad0278b8⋯.png (12.58 KB,459x361,459:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 06c42efd33f0529⋯.png (14.5 KB,524x349,524:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765714 (241457ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines: It's a trap

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It's a trap


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df5272 No.149055

File: fc85670bd491b19⋯.jpeg (188.56 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765722 (241458ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines: The sting was trapping of traitors in a brazen act of treason in front of the world’s OPEN EYES.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It’s clear as day now that the entire Q operation was about this election. All of the other shit, Carter Page, Nellie Ohr, the spider web of 2015-16 could never be prosecuted in a persuasive way. Especially with a controlled MSM. All of that was to lay groundwork and confuse the enemy and especially OPEN EYES and build TRUST with an army of digital soldiers.

If you believe it was all a lie, that it was all for nothing, then you’re a nihilist. Moreover, you must also believe Trump is a psychopath. In which case, you belong with the enemy. Not here.

The sting was trapping of traitors in a brazen act of treason in front of the world’s OPEN EYES.

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df5272 No.149056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765744 (241501ZNOV20) Notable: Declassified diplomatic cables from Caracas warning of Smartmatic Voting Machines used in Venezuela containing background on the ownership and how it was set up in Venezuela to steal elections clear back in 2006.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Declassified diplomatic cables from Caracas warning of Smartmatic Voting Machines used in Venezuela containing background on the ownership and how it was set up in Venezuela to steal elections clear back in 2006.



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df5272 No.149057

File: aae9755128d6889⋯.jpg (6.08 KB,201x251,201:251,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6cd7c65b7714ead⋯.png (175.44 KB,447x583,447:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765819 (241511ZNOV20) Notable: Algebra Of Conscience notable every time just like SWFQW.

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df5272 No.149058

File: a0588bfca7e15a1⋯.png (563.75 KB,837x834,279:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765836 (241513ZNOV20) Notable: @DOD_Outreach With #Thanksgiving Day on the way, service members send shoutouts to their families back home and wish everyone a happy holiday!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


With #Thanksgiving Day on the way, service members send shoutouts to their families back home and wish everyone a happy holiday! Hear from @USMC Staff Sgt. Rene Rosado as he supports @CJTFOIR.


There goes that number again. COMMS

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df5272 No.149059

File: 30d01d31dd3c766⋯.png (622.49 KB,777x437,777:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765864 (241517ZNOV20) Notable: Trump Campaign Continues To Fight As More Evidence Of Voter Fraud Emerges

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Campaign Continues To Fight As More Evidence Of Voter Fraud Emerges


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df5272 No.149060

File: d0580278dc9fb69⋯.png (119.62 KB,954x829,954:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765909 (241523ZNOV20) Notable: Graham hug = Kiss of Death

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Dianne Feinstein, 87, is to step down as top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary panel after anger over Kavanaugh and ACB SCOTUS confirmations and Lindsey Graham COVID hugging controversy


Graham hug = Kiss of Death

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df5272 No.149061

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765920 (241524ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Notable boobtube OAN interview:

Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.

79,002 views•Premiered 67 minutes ago

One America News Network

One America's Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion spoke with the founder of FEC United, Joe Oltmann, who made a bombshell discovery about a key member of Dominion's leadership. Here's more.

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df5272 No.149062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765935 (241526ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.

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>Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made f***ing sure of that.

Did Coomer tamper with the election?

Here's linkypoo


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df5272 No.149063

File: 70859ab5e1baa47⋯.jpeg (670.7 KB,822x1196,411:598,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11765951 (241527ZNOV20) Notable: What if Fox News just shifted to AI talking heads?

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What if Fox News just shifted to AI talking heads?

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df5272 No.149064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766019 (241532ZNOV20) Notable: anon opines: 3 more weeks and Trump and the people will win.

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Dude, Trumps whole presidency is about exposing and cleaning up corruption and MAGA,

Exposing this election fraud will be the cornerstone of the prosperity to come.

3 more weeks and Trump and the people will win.

Have patience.

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df5272 No.149065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766152 (241548ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / dough

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the dough






baker has left the building

ghost protocol invoked

call your posse

start taking notes

self confirm for victory

you have a bread if you can keep it


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df5272 No.149066

File: 26816d4360c08b1⋯.png (1.1 MB,837x803,837:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 9feec40cd26cc7a⋯.png (960.14 KB,823x2099,823:2099,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766169 (241550ZNOV20) Notable: @OANN: Apple security official indicted in concealed carry permit scheme

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Apple security official indicted in concealed carry permit scheme - https://www.oann.com/apple-security-official-indicted-in-concealed-carry-permit-scheme/


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df5272 No.149067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766173 (241551ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / 14 people dead in Afghanistan blast, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: AD793D04_26B4_42D2_873B_90D16B8C958F.jpeg

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149068

File: 4744217831dcd8d⋯.png (104.91 KB,631x688,631:688,Clipboard.png)

File: a2a64e9e87a7e6b⋯.png (123.6 KB,686x722,343:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ad6fdda0f01a43⋯.png (83.91 KB,877x659,877:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f1e6579ee99889⋯.png (125.01 KB,681x665,681:665,Clipboard.png)

File: 97d7c2f13b07f52⋯.png (54.07 KB,1185x701,1185:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766177 (241551ZNOV20) Notable: @justin_hart: Georgia timeline in 2 charts: 1) At 1:34AM Biden gets a dump with earning 82.4% of those votes cutting Trump's lead in half…

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Who can pick this one apart?

9:32 AM · Nov 24, 2020

Justin Hart


Georgia timeline in 2 charts:

1) At 1:34AM Biden gets a dump with earning 82.4% of those votes cutting Trump's lead in half. Then, like Michigan and Wisconsin - the tallies stop coming in.

2) Things resume and over the next days Trump has thousands of votes "removed" taken away

6:13 PM · Nov 23, 2020

Replying to


I have no idea if fraud was involved. There is no audit of what happens between all of the dashboards we watch and when the voters votes. It's an opaque black box. But between misplaced votes, thumb drives and algorithms smelling to high heaven - I want more sunlight please.

Justin Hart




Again - this "pause" didn't happen in other states.



Justin Hart


Replying to


There is still a chance to do something dramatic here. Make it happen


8:06 PM · Nov 23, 2020

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df5272 No.149069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766185 (241552ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Russia chases off US warship in sea of Japan, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: D0E8AF90_1733_4BA3_9BD4_F8A9CE6BAA25.jpeg

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df5272 No.149070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766191 (241552ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / "If it is proven Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey aided and abetted foreign interference in our election, what can be done to their assets?"

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"If it is proven Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey aided and abetted foreign interference in our election, what can be done to their assets?" https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1331237411851018241

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df5272 No.149071

File: 85ae00967a90abb⋯.jpeg (372.44 KB,1590x1310,159:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766193 (241553ZNOV20) Notable: Ed Stack, Dick's Sporting Goods CEO who took stance on guns, to step down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Add to the resignation list


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df5272 No.149072

File: 8388dfddae6227d⋯.png (187.37 KB,781x443,781:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766229 (241556ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag Reports

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SAM180 USAF C-32A departed JBA ne

This AC is used as primary AF2

00-9001 USAFSOC C-32B departed McGuire AFB, NJ ne and on approach for Portsmouth Int'l-New Hampshire

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df5272 No.149073

File: b0c2318505ece97⋯.png (56.68 KB,1119x719,1119:719,Clipboard.png)

File: e10b7fbcb7ff3de⋯.png (44.44 KB,1030x541,1030:541,Clipboard.png)

File: b4882282f587e2d⋯.png (47.61 KB,1048x623,1048:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 53727044d95f72f⋯.png (167.05 KB,1305x756,145:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766240 (241557ZNOV20) Notable: @justin_hart: Georgia timeline in 2 charts: 1) At 1:34AM Biden gets a dump with earning 82.4% of those votes cutting Trump's lead in half…

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df5272 No.149074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766249 (241558ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / FEDERAL RULES APPLYING TO CERTIFYING ELECTION

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States certify election results, often the governor has to sign off. States have to follow their state laws relating to contested election results that were on the books prior to the election. They can't change the rules after the fact.

Congressional Research Service

The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline



November 4-December 14, 2020: Counting Popular Votes and Filing Certificates of Ascertainment

Following election day, the states are to count and certify popular vote results according to their respective statutory and procedural requirements. When the states have completed their vote counts and ascertained the official results, the U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §6) requires the state governors to prepare, “as soon as practicable,” documents known as Certificates of Ascertainment of the vote. The certificates must list the names of the electors chosen by the voters and the number of votes received in the popular election results, also the names of all losing candidates for elector, and the number of votes they received. Certificates of Ascertainment, which are often signed by state governors, must carry the seal of the state....

December 8, 2020: The “Safe Harbor” Deadline

The U.S. Code (3 U.S.C. §5) provides that if election results are contested in any state, and if the state, prior to election day, has enacted procedures to settle controversies or contests over electors and electoral votes, and if these procedures have been applied, and the results have been determined six days before the electors’ meetings, then these results are considered to be conclusive, and will apply in the counting of the electoral votes...........

Joint Session Challenges to Electoral Vote Returns

While the tellers announce the results, Members may object

to the returns from any individual state as they are

announced..................An objection to a state’s electoral

vote must be approved by both houses in order for any

contested votes to be excluded

==In NM, the contested part starts after the state certifies.

NMSA 1-14-1, 1-14-2 AND 1-14-3.==

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df5272 No.149075

File: 96f148d565c79e0⋯.png (120.56 KB,837x900,93:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766325 (241606ZNOV20) Notable: @GovernorTomWolf: Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and vice president of the United States

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Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and vice president of the United States.

As required by federal law, I’ve signed the Certificate of Ascertainment for the slate of electors for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Again, I want to thank the election officials who have administered a fair and free election during an incredibly challenging time in our commonwealth and country's history.

Our election workers have been under constant attack and they have performed admirably and honorably.


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df5272 No.149076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766336 (241608ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / F grades up by 83% in VA school system after switch to online learning, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Hannah Natanson


BREAKING: Stunning data for Fairfax County, VA's largest school system, shows HUGE academic cost of online learning — Fs up by 83% this year.

Vulnerable children struggling most: Fs for students w/ disabilities up by 111%, for English learners up by 106%

7:31 AM · Nov 24, 2020

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df5272 No.149077

File: 3c3061f58e192cd⋯.jpeg (490.37 KB,1241x2156,1241:2156,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 12f80bdee7c506b⋯.jpeg (434.72 KB,1241x2159,73:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766366 (241611ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Trump/Flynn analysis

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Really good thread, some screenshots


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df5272 No.149078

File: ee1d0ed7e9ba45e⋯.png (62.77 KB,739x484,739:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766401 (241615ZNOV20) Notable: @LLinWood: …Evidence of fraud is pouring in. ENEMY wanted to be caught after demoralizing us

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It will be important in coming days to know that Biden/Harris was a middle finger to America.

Evidence of fraud is pouring in. ENEMY wanted to be caught after demoralizing us.

Propaganda saying


is planning coup. LIE. He is planning to defend our country. TRUTH.


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df5272 No.149079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766429 (241618ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Biden email address from Hunter Biden laptop, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_11_25_at_02_40_16.png

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N Biden email address from Hunter Biden laptop

Page 15 middle


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df5272 No.149080

File: f26ede773e6716c⋯.jpeg (68.71 KB,650x340,65:34,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766449 (241620ZNOV20) Notable: Giuliani Explains the Trump Campaign's Split with Sidney Powell (released a statement on Sunday)

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Giuliani Explains the Trump Campaign's Split with Sidney Powell

Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, explained why the Trump campaign released a statement on Sunday distancing itself from attorney Sidney Powell.

“I think it’s because we’re pursuing two different theories,” Giuliani told Fox Business host Lou Dobbs. “Our theory of the case to get to the Supreme Court, now in four places, and it’s soon going to be in two others, and there will be an overall lawsuit, is basically misconduct of the election by state officials in at least five or six different states in which the misconduct of the election involved deprivation of constitutional rights for the President.”

Giuliani argued there were discrepancies across states with regard to curing, for example, which allows the voter to fix their ballot over something like a missing signature so it can still be counted. The former New York City mayor said in one part of the state, a Democratic part, this was allowed, while in another, it wasn’t. He also pointed to examples of “misconduct” in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

“We have evidence,” he said. “The evidence has been presented, and the media lies that we have no evidence. They're just too lazy to read our 100 affidavits, which are on the public record, from American citizens.”

The campaign announced the split with Powell on Sunday, noting “she is practicing law on her own” and is “not a member of the Trump Legal Team.” The statement came days after Powell appeared alongside Trump campaign lawyers at a Republican National Committee press conference where she alleged massive fraud through voting systems. Dominion has disputed her claims, saying it’s “physically impossible” to switch votes in the manner she has alleged.


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df5272 No.149081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766493 (241624ZNOV20) Notable: Upcoming Events: 2:00 PM EST President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey The White House

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Upcoming Events

2:00 PM EST

President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey

The White House


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df5272 No.149082

File: 8f8ae2f1d2deba5⋯.jpg (140 KB,720x874,360:437,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c91866eb8037ddf⋯.mp4 (11.23 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766497 (241624ZNOV20) Notable: @IvankaTrump: Quite literally the fruits of your efforts (USA/UAE/Israel)

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Quite literally the fruits of your efforts


, Jared and


! 👍

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df5272 No.149083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766512 (241626ZNOV20) Notable: Kash Patel, recently installed Trump loyalist, now leading Pentagon transition (politico)

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Kash Patel, recently installed Trump loyalist, now leading Pentagon transition

Patel was named chief of staff to acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller just two weeks ago, the day after the president fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

Background: Patel was named chief of staff to acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller just two weeks ago, the day after the president fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. His former chief of staff, Jen Stewart, resigned shortly after. Trump allies were also installed in top positions overseeing intelligence and policy.

Stewart was leading the transition effort before she left the Pentagon, so it was expected that Patel would take over those responsibilities.

Other personnel moves: Tom Muir, the director of Washington Headquarters Services, will be the agency transition director, the Defense Department transition task force lead and the senior career executive for transition, the spokesperson said.

On the Biden team: Kathleen Hicks, a senior vice president at the center for Strategic and International Studies, is leading a group of more than two dozen people handling the Defense Department transition for the Biden team.

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df5272 No.149084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766546 (241629ZNOV20) Notable: Upcoming Events: 2:00 PM EST President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey The White House

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It can also be viewed here if you like RSBN feed instead of the WH feed.

2pm EST

🔴 LIVE: President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey

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df5272 No.149085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766602 (241634ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Why the rush?, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 216E17CB_DFA4_43C1_B1FC_E611546C3510.jpeg

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df5272 No.149086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766620 (241635ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump still keeping his promises! Dow Jones just popped 30k

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The Dow Jones Industrial just broke 30,000.

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df5272 No.149087

File: 3291ea06e37a929⋯.jpeg (856.72 KB,1842x2272,921:1136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766634 (241636ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump still keeping his promises! Dow Jones just popped 30k

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President Trump still keeping his promises!

Dow Jones just popped 30k


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df5272 No.149088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766655 (241637ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Antifa threats, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, Screen_Shot_2020_11_24_at_10_37_12_AM.png

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df5272 No.149089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766665 (241637ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / JPOST: Netanyahu, UAE Crown Prince nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.png

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JPOST: Netanyahu, UAE Crown Prince nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by past recipient Lord William David Trimble


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df5272 No.149090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766708 (241640ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / Cleveland Clinic COVID analysis, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: melatoninCovid.jpg, Screenshot_2020_11_24_083748.jpg

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Okay so guise.... I am 100% sure that COVID is a nothing burger.

We have flu and then there is Pneumonia and there are Medically induced Cytokine storms (whether from previous Vaccines, nano-whatever, OTHER MEDS like MAB drugs -which are notorious for causing CYTOKINE cascade immune events)

However this info fromCLEVELAND CLINICmay be useful....

Data analysis by Cleveland Clinic foundpatients who used supplemental melatonin had a 28% lower risk of testing positivefor COVID-19. Blacks who used melatonin were 52% less likely to test positive for the virus

Melatonin attenuates several pathological features of COVID-19, including excessive inflammation and oxidation, exaggerated immune responseresulting in a cytokine storm

(note: remove asterisks in url link)


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df5272 No.149091

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766721 (241641ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019 / GSA transition dollars accepted = co conspirator?, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 6C965E3C_E9BA_4677_9A8C_82EB88D691D1.jpeg

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>>149043 (You) would taking that money “knowingly” from the government make things a whole lot worse for all of them?

I want you all to know, I did not come up or post this theory after seeing this post, I thought of it this am when I was not the least bit flustered by the “news” last night. But it makes me believe even more strongly, it’s a trap like another posted here. I think the Hive Mind has been activated!



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df5272 No.149092

File: 1866524332b0b21⋯.png (1.42 MB,802x2221,802:2221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766830 (241651ZNOV20) Notable: Sen. Feinstein to not pursue top Judiciary Committee position

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Sen. Feinstein to not pursue top Judiciary Committee position


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df5272 No.149093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766843 (241652ZNOV20) Notable: Anon notables bun #15019

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#15019 Notables, ghost protocol in effect

>>149065 dough

>>149066 Apple security official indicted in concealed carry permit scheme

>>149067 14 people dead in Afghanistan blast

>>149068 >>149073 "biden bump" anomaly analysis

>>149069 Russia chases off US warship in sea of Japan

>>149070 "If it is proven Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey aided and abetted foreign interference in our election, what can be done to their assets?"

>>149071 Dick's Sporting Goods CEO resigns

>>149072 PF: AF2 departing



>>149076 F grades up by 83% in VA school system after switch to online learning

>>149077 Trump/Flynn analysis

>>149078 "Evidence of fraud is pouring in" 11:11 marker?

>>149079 Biden email address from Hunter Biden laptop

>>149080 Giuliani Explains the Trump Campaign's Split with Sidney Powell

>>149083 Kash Patel, recently installed Trump loyalist, now leading Pentagon transition

>>149085 Why the rush?

>>149088 Antifa threats

>>149089 JPOST: Netanyahu, UAE Crown Prince nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

>>149090 Cleveland Clinic COVID analysis

>>149091 GSA transition dollars accepted = co conspirator?

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df5272 No.149094

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11766939 (241659ZNOV20) Notable: #15019

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>>149066 @OANN: Apple security official indicted in concealed carry permit scheme

>>149068, >>149073 @justin_hart: Georgia timeline in 2 charts: 1) At 1:34AM Biden gets a dump with earning 82.4% of those votes cutting Trump's lead in half…

>>149071 Ed Stack, Dick's Sporting Goods CEO who took stance on guns, to step down

>>149072 Planefag Reports

>>149075 @GovernorTomWolf: Today @PAStateDept certified the results of the November 3 election in Pennsylvania for president and vice president of the United States

>>149078 @LLinWood: …Evidence of fraud is pouring in. ENEMY wanted to be caught after demoralizing us

>>149080 Giuliani Explains the Trump Campaign's Split with Sidney Powell (released a statement on Sunday)

>>149083 Kash Patel, recently installed Trump loyalist, now leading Pentagon transition (politico)

>>149081, >>149084 Upcoming Events: 2:00 PM EST President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey The White House

>>149086, >>149087 President Trump still keeping his promises! Dow Jones just popped 30k

>>149082 @IvankaTrump: Quite literally the fruits of your efforts (USA/UAE/Israel)

>>149092 Sen. Feinstein to not pursue top Judiciary Committee position

>>149093 Anon notables bun #15019


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df5272 No.149095

File: f9afc36031387e8⋯.png (673.3 KB,998x1476,499:738,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ec4b76c8221da9⋯.png (114.37 KB,237x236,237:236,Clipboard.png)

File: ce41d1ae82cc4ac⋯.png (35.65 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767036 (241710ZNOV20) Notable: CORN/NROC COBB/BBOC mirror, National Reconnaissance Operations Center, BBOC is an alliance of civil rights organisations

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The United States' National Reconnaissance Operations Center (NROC) is the focal point for the National Reconnaissance Office's current operations and for time-sensitive space-borne intelligence reporting for the United States Intelligence Community (USIC). The NROC was created in response to the September 11th terrorist attacks.[1]


The BBOC is an alliance of civil rights organisations including the National Urban League, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

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df5272 No.149096

File: c315fba97ce1420⋯.png (275.1 KB,533x490,533:490,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bbaae0f1710949⋯.png (199.08 KB,527x613,527:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 59ab89ab98b4dbf⋯.png (159.79 KB,798x315,38:15,Clipboard.png)

File: 61714ecb0013a8e⋯.png (258.32 KB,865x676,865:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767071 (241714ZNOV20) Notable: Pittsburgh Area Antifa Leader Tweets Warning To Trump: “We are armed…If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas”

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Pittsburgh Area Antifa Leader Tweets Warning To Trump: “We are armed…If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas”

During the September 29 debate, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden responded to President Trump’s remarks about Antifa being a violent organization by telling him that Antifa is simply “an idea” and “not an organization.”

100 Percent Fed Up – Conservative Robby Starbuck immediately jumped into action, creating a video to show Joe Biden and his handful of supporters that Antifa is hardly an “idea,” but instead, a well-organized, violent domestic terror group.


#WalkAway founder Brandon Straka, one of America’s bravest patriots, shared a screenshot this morning from “Antifa [idea] leader” Adam Rahuba, of Pittsburgh, PA, warning President Trump and his supporters that if he doesn’t concede and turn the keys over to the far-left, radical regime of puppet Joe Biden, there will be blood in the streets of the suburbs in America.

The tweet reads: Attn: @realDonaldTrump

If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas.

Your supporters will not be able to go to work or go to the grocery store to feed their families.

We are armed and will retaliate to attempts of vehicular homicide.


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df5272 No.149097

File: e448742a726b7eb⋯.png (1.82 MB,1563x3527,1563:3527,Clipboard.png)

File: a31cdb449954727⋯.png (158.3 KB,1634x791,1634:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767076 (241714ZNOV20) Notable: 10,947 Canadians had died from COVID-19, 10,781 were in long-term care homes

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Peter McCaffrey




According to CTV as of Nov. 15:

10,947 Canadians had died from COVID-19

10,781 were in long-term care homes

This is utterly astounding.

I've been paying close attention to the figures and had no idea the number of deaths outside long-term care homes was so low.



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df5272 No.149098

File: bdbe2b2fb11cf53⋯.png (476.92 KB,600x789,200:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767106 (241716ZNOV20) Notable: #USArmy researchers developed an artificial intelligence architecture that can learn & understand complex events

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#USArmy researchers developed an artificial intelligence architecture that can learn & understand complex events, enhancing the trust & coordination between human & machine needed to successfully complete battlefield missions.


I am in the Minority, but I wouldn't mind having an AI companion. Have nice talks with someone that doesn't act like a fool or is condescending, retarded or wrong would be nice.

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df5272 No.149099

File: 864c5a36079cb8e⋯.png (20.06 KB,548x250,274:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cc0088c26c2252⋯.png (684.58 KB,589x622,589:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767107 (241716ZNOV20) Notable: PA Governor Congratulates Crooked Election Workers That Kicked Out Trump Campaign Poll Observers

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PA Governor Congratulates Crooked Election Workers That Kicked Out Trump Campaign Poll Observers: “Performed Admirably and Honorably”

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on Tuesday morning certified the state’s election results showing a ‘Biden victory.’

The crooked Democrat governor of Pennsylvania congratulated the corrupt election workers that kicked out Trump campaign and GOP poll observers from ballot tabulation centers.

“Our election workers have been under constant attack and they have performed admirably and honorably.” Wolf said.

A few weeks ago an appellate judge handed the Trump campaign a win by allowing it to observe Pennsylvania officials count ballots.

However, Republican observers were barred from entering the Philadelphia vote counting center even after receiving the appellate court order.

This is what Governor Wolf calls “honorable.”


The Philadelphia Sheriff did not enforce the appellate court order, according to Corey Lewandowski who was on the ground in Philly.

This is a banana republic.

Pam Bondi said the counting machines were moved far away from observers, defying the court order allowing GOP observers to be no more than 6 feet away from officials counting ballots.


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df5272 No.149100

File: 150d19d38d21b41⋯.png (440.61 KB,554x632,277:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767149 (241720ZNOV20) Notable: De Blasio Unleashes 'COVID Checkpoints' To Catch & Fine NYC Travelers Who Violate Holiday Quarantine

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De Blasio Unleashes 'COVID Checkpoints' To Catch & Fine NYC Travelers Who Violate Holiday Quarantine

As millions of Americans defy the CDC's warning not to travel for the holiday season, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has once again dispatched police to key traffic chokepoints where his quarantine rules will be strictly enforced.

New York City Sheriff Joseph Fucito said the sheriff's office (a separate entity from the NYPD) will conduct spot checks when out-of-state buses drop riders off at the curb, and will also check cars will out of state and New York licenses plates. Test-and-trace teams will also be on the ground to help direct people to testing sites while providing "education" about quarantine.

New York's statewide 14-day holiday quarantine mandates that travelers quarantine, or take a test showing they're negative. Violations of self-quarantine will be enforced, and may carry fines of $1,000 to $2,000, the mayor's office has said.

Around the US, few jurisdictions have actually enforced quarantine and social distancing rules, though people have been killed in fights spurred by mandatory mask requirements. Some governors, including Kristi Noem in South Dakota, have refused to make wearing masks and other social distancing measures mandatory.

But most governors who have imposed mandatory mask orders and other measures typically haven't enforced those measures by doling out fines, unlike authorities in Europe.

According to anecdotal reports, travels through NYC's airports have had to complete contact tracing forms for weeks now. The city will continue to enforce those measures at both of the city's airports, as well as Grand Central and Penn Station, as well as the Port Authority bus terminal.

Lines at NYC testing centers reached record numbers over the weekend, a sign that many New Yorkers still planned to travel, and were hoping to get tested before leaving. This is irritating many self-appointed COVID travel referees…

…who chimed in to remind their followers that a negative COVID test doesn't mean you can safely socialize with others. We're curious to see how many people adhere to that guidance.


Papers please

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df5272 No.149101

File: ecbb8046e6716cc⋯.png (41.09 KB,720x487,720:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767151 (241721ZNOV20) Notable: RICO Rudy reminds the world about his deadman switch

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Rudy Giuliani indicating a deadman's switch


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df5272 No.149102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767175 (241724ZNOV20) Notable: Russian Sputnik V vaccine at least 95% effective say its creators, but vaccination won't be mandatory, and Putin hasn’t had it yet

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Russian Sputnik V vaccine at least 95% effective say its creators, but vaccination won't be mandatory, and Putin hasn’t had it yet

The team behind Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine have said it is proving to be more effective than previously thought, as the country’s top health officials say it will be made available for citizens, but not forced on them.

In a second interim analysis of data, Moscow’s Gamaleya Center, which developed the formula, claimed on Tuesday that more than 95 percent of those who received it achieved immunity to Covid-19.

This is based on close to 20,000 volunteers who were given two doses in a Phase Three double-blind, randomized trial, and is an increase on previous estimates that its success rate was around or above 90 per cent.

At the same time, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova announced on Tuesday that a programme of mass vaccination would begin in the country, starting early next year. Already, she said, the “vaccination of at-risk groups – medical staff and teachers” has begun.

Golikova went on to refute claims that the public would be required to be vaccinated by law, saying the rollout would take place “in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, [and] vaccination is voluntary.”

President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman also told reporters on Tuesday that the country’s leader has not yet been given a jab. Dmitry Peskov said that the president would wait his turn, as “We have not yet begun widespread vaccination, and as a volunteer, of course, the head of state cannot take part in vaccination. Just because he is head of state, he cannot participate as a volunteer – this is impossible.”

Read more

Russia claims its pioneering Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine will cost less than Western rivals as US pharma giants announce price tags Russia claims its pioneering Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine will cost less than Western rivals as US pharma giants announce price tags

More than 117,000 doses of Sputnik V have already been made available, and plans are underway to deliver more than two million before the end of the year. In addition, another formula, the Siberian-made EpiVacCorona, is also under development by the Chumakov Scientific Center, with clinical trials set to be completed by the new year. A number of deals have also been struck with countries like India, Brazil, China and South Korea to manufacture vials for export.

Golikova also named the regions most affected by a recent rise in cases of the virus. Crimea, Mordovia, the Komi Republic and St Petersburg are all reporting that more than 90 percent of available hospital beds are currently occupied. Although the rise in infections has levelled off in 29 federal subjects, it continues unabated in 19, according to the deputy prime minister.


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df5272 No.149103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767185 (241725ZNOV20) Notable: Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: The Election Was Rigged Deeply – They Used the “Drop and Roll” Technique

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Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: The Election Was Rigged Deeply – They Used the “Drop and Roll” Technique

Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock.com, went on with Christopher McDonald of “The McFiles” to discuss the “drop and roll” strategy Democrats used to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump.

President Trump set all new records for a sitting US president in a presidential election. President Trump’s coattails were deep and wide, winning at least 14 GOP seats in the US House, holding the senate and picking up seats in several state legislative bodies.

But it wasn’t enough to beat Joe Biden. As we previously reported Democrats used the “Drop and Roll” technique to steal the states they needed for an improbable win with a senile candidate who hid in his basement all year.

We posted on the “drop and roll” technique last week.

Patrick Byrne discussed this technique with Christopher McDonald, “The used the ‘drop and roll’ technique. .. I think the Democrats have a long history of using black people in very pernicious ways… They’re using the black people as they have done for so many years… At a certain point in the election counting they essentially freeze and see how many ballots they need to get up over the guy who is actually winning and from then on they just set, whatever new batch that comes in is pre-figured. There are some states where they found 53 data points in a row. This will all be revealed in charts that will be coming public tomorrow.”


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df5272 No.149104

File: 6b0440127e9e879⋯.png (275.48 KB,902x810,451:405,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767218 (241728ZNOV20) Notable: Kiwi Soars After New Zealand Central Bank Asked To Add Home Prices To Monetary Policy

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Kiwi Soars After New Zealand Central Bank Asked To Add Home Prices To Monetary Policy

The New Zealand dollar soared overnight, reaching a two year high, bid up by shocked FX traders who learned that Finance Minister Grant Robertson sent a letter to the central bank expressing concerns over how low rates have stoked home prices.

In a stunning development, Robertson asked the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to add home prices to its monetary policy remit, a proposal which would crash any prospects for further rate cuts or additional bond-buying programs.

Remarkably, just two weeks ago traders had been pricing in over a 50% chance of a rate hike implying negative rates by the end of 2021; however then the central bank projected a more upbeat view of the economic recovery and added a lending program that led traders to price out the chance for negative rates. Following the Robertson letter, the odds of a rate cut tumbled to less than 25%.

"Today’s announcement just reinforces the notion that negative rates are less likely in New Zealand,” said Prashant Newnaha, senior rates strategist at TD Securities in Singapore. “The economy has held up remarkably well."

In kneejerk response, the kiwi surged as much as 1.1%, briefly topping 70 U.S. cents, the highest level since June 2018. The currency has risen almost 6% this quarter, leading gains among the Group-of-10 peers against the dollar.

In short, at least one central bank is starting to realize that keeping rates lower for ever may not work in an economy where the housing market is already overheating. We wonder how far US home prices will rise before Powell (and Brainard after) decide that it's time to do similar damage control in the US…


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df5272 No.149105

File: 3a6ecc6ac10a733⋯.png (343.42 KB,540x520,27:26,Clipboard.png)

File: ad72435ffcb7ecb⋯.png (376.29 KB,545x499,545:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767276 (241733ZNOV20) Notable: NYPD Union Tells New York Subway Riders ‘You’re On Your Own’ Due To Anti-Cop Policies

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NYPD Union Tells New York Subway Riders ‘You’re On Your Own’ Due To Anti-Cop Policies

New York City government’s anti-law enforcement bent is leaving that city’s residents targeted by criminals on the subway

New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, has made no secret of his disdain for not only law and order, but the New York Police Department and law enforcement in general. This snub of New York City’s finest is resulting in city residents being hunted by criminals in the New York subway system.

Over the course of the past month there has been a rash of incidents where assailants have shoved unsuspecting subway riders onto the tracks in an effort to commit bodily harm and murder.

The president of the NYPD’s largest police officer’s union issued a stark and chilling warning to subway riders Friday regarding the recent spate of shoving incidents: You’re on your own.

Pat Lynch, president of Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York, placed the blame squarely at the feet of New York City’s elected class. He accused lawmakers of hampering police officers from doing their jobs. “Keep both eyes wide open,” Lynch said to subway users.

“The politicians have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want cops enforcing transit system rules, connecting the homeless with services, engaging with seriously mentally ill people or doing any of the things necessary to prevent these terrifying random attacks,” Lynch said.

Lynch continued, “While our elected leaders are closing their eyes and wishing the problem away, we recommend that all New Yorkers keep both eyes wide open while in our transit system.”

Lynch’s warning to New Yorkers came a day after a 40-year-old woman was pushed onto the tracks and into the path of an oncoming train. The incident happened at Manhattan’s 14th Street-Union Square station around 8:30am Thursday. She narrowly escaped being dismembered by the train.

It was the second incident of its kind in as many days. It was the fourth incident since October 19, 2020.


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df5272 No.149106

File: 37e02da5ca15dc9⋯.png (552.2 KB,605x446,605:446,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767291 (241734ZNOV20) Notable: Alleged cartel boss arrested over slaughter of Mormon family in Mexico

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Alleged cartel boss arrested over slaughter of Mormon family in Mexico

The alleged boss of a Mexican drug cartel has been busted in connection to the slaughter of three Mormon mothers and their six children last year, according to reports.

Roberto González Montes, the alleged leader of La Línea, who is known as “El32” or “El Mudo,” meaning the mute, was arrested as part of a huge multi-agency investigation into the murders in Mexico last November, sources told El Diario on Monday.

The arrest in the northern province of Chihuahua was confirmed by the local Secretary of State for Public Security, Emilio García Ruiz, who said Montes had already been flown to Mexico City to be charged before a judge, according to Entrelineas. It was not clear when he was arrested.

The massacre allegedly came during turf warfare between Montes’ La Línea and the rival Sinaloa Cartel that was previously led by Joaquin ” El Chapo” Guzman, according to the outlet, citing an Attorney General investigation.

He was arrested alongside Eulalio Domínguez Alanís and Santiago Casavantes Radovich, who is known as “El Condor,” the sources said.

The alleged cartel members were arrested by the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime Investigation, the Secretary of National Defense, the National Intelligence Center and the navy, El Diario said.

It was not immediately clear what role the trio is accused of playing in the slaughters of the nine, who were part of a convoy of 17 ambushed while driving to a wedding in the border state of Sonora.

see also

Death toll climbs in Mexican cartel shootout as more US citizens ID'd

So far, more than a dozen alleged cartel members have been arrested.

The dead and six others injured were all members of La Mora, a decades-old settlement in Sonora founded as part of an offshoot of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Among those killed were Christina Marie Langford Johnson, a mother who stepped out of her SUV to confront one of the gunmen. Her 7-month-old daughter, Faith Langford, survived.

Dawna Ray Langford, who was driving an SUV with her nine children inside, was slain nearby along with her two sons, Trevor, 11, and Rogan, 3. Rhonita Miller, 30, was also killed along with her four children, including 8-month-old twins.


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df5272 No.149107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767314 (241735ZNOV20) Notable: In Seattle, 34 more officers ditch the force as city slashes police budget for a second time

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In Seattle, 34 more officers ditch the force as city slashes police budget for a second time

'I'm witnessing a professional police agency revered by many fall victim to radical activism'

An additional 34 police officers have exited the Seattle Police Department since October as the city council voted to slash the police budget for a second time.

According to Jason Rantz of KTTH-TV, the latest exodus brings the total number of separations since the start of this year to a historic high of 144, with "scores of other [officers] still applying elsewhere." Rantz said rumors are swirling internally that separations could hit 200 by the year's end.

The news comes as the Seattle City Council approved the city's 2021 budget on Monday, in a move that shrank police department funding by 18%, KING-TV reported. The budget cuts are expected to affect overtime pay and training while leaving dozens of vacant jobs unfilled and moving 911 dispatchers and parking enforcement out of the department's jurisdiction.

"I am sad and yet, I'm not surprised that many of the great human beings that do the job of policing in Seattle are still leaving SPD at an alarming rate," Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan told KTTH-TV. "It saddens me because I'm witnessing a professional police agency revered by many fall victim to radical activism that is swallowing Seattle."

Under the new budget, millions of dollars that previously funded the police department will now go to community programs. Activists applauded the new budget, though it fell far short of their goal of cutting police funding by 50%.

"These are all really exciting things that have been won after many, many years of mobilizing and partnering together," said Nikkita Oliver, a prominent local activist. "They've been won because of the uprising and defense of black lives, and the many people who put their feet to the ground, who have made calls, sent emails, and organized their communities."

Councilwoman Lisa Herbold, who originally campaigned on hiring more officers, said, "Our work to shift the public safety response away from police, is a beginning to address our nation's shame in that history of policing."

In response, Solan called the city council "naïve" and argued the budget cuts would ultimately make the city even less safe.

"You're going to see crime rise, we're already seeing increased homicide rates that we haven't seen in decades," he said.

The Seattle Police Department is now dangerously understaffed. The number of deployable officers now sits at approximately 1,200, which is lower than it was in the 1990s despite the population increasing by 44% since then. According to KTTH-TV, the mayor's office said in the coming months that number could drop even further, to 1,072.


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df5272 No.149108

File: e10350f615044dc⋯.png (514.38 KB,619x413,619:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767335 (241736ZNOV20) Notable: Man tried to rape teen girl in hallway of Brooklyn medical office

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Man tried to rape teen girl in hallway of Brooklyn medical office

A perv tried to rape a 14-year-old girl in the hallway of a Brooklyn medical office, disturbing new video shows.

The teen victim, who was riding a scooter, arrived for the appointment at a cardiology office on Foster Avenue near East 3rd Street in Kensington just before 1 p.m. Sunday, authorities said.

She was standing in the hallway waiting for her mother — who trailed behind — when the stranger walked in, approached her and exposed himself, cops said.

The victim attempted to get away from him, but he grabbed her, knocking her to the ground while covering her mouth, the brief clip shows.

He yelled at her to “shut up” and “stop screaming,” cops said.

The teen continued to resist, prompting her attacker to take off. He hopped on a moped, driving along Foster Avenue toward McDonald Avenue.

He remained on the loose Tuesday morning. The victim was unharmed, cops said.


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df5272 No.149109

File: ae65ad884158856⋯.png (194.97 KB,555x522,185:174,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767344 (241737ZNOV20) Notable: RICO Rudy reminds the world about his deadman switch

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Insurance file

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df5272 No.149110

File: 86c20b9b436fa8f⋯.jpeg (708.07 KB,828x1322,414:661,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767361 (241738ZNOV20) Notable: Milwaukee Finds another 386 Unopened Ballots, Three Weeks After Election

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https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/milwaukee-mysteriously-finds-another-386-unopened-ballots-recount-three-weeks-election-video/ Milwaukee Mysteriously Finds Another 386 Unopened Ballots During Recount, Three Weeks After the Election (VIDEO)

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df5272 No.149111

File: 95ca3a3286bed1f⋯.png (116.74 KB,900x713,900:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f1d35f33a2c358⋯.png (168.95 KB,922x530,461:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767375 (241739ZNOV20) Notable: Elon Musk Is Now The Second Richest Person In The World

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Elon Musk Is Now The Second Richest Person In The World

It seems fitting that Elon Musk has become the second richest person in the world during the month we have written about:

a major Chinese recall over Model S and Model X suspensions falling apart

159,000 Tesla vehicles that can likely expect their infotainment systems to die at some point soon

the Model X having an "exploit" that allows you to clone its key and steal it for "about $300 in equipment"

a Tesla wreck that launched scalding hot battery parts into the homes of innocent bystanders

Jay Clayton preparing to step down from the SEC

And that's just this month.

Did we mention that Musk was also accused of having committed securities fraud? And that there's vaguely odd options buying and accounting practices that appear to be driving his company's value - and his net worth - higher at the same time?

But we digress. We guess, with all those things out of the way, we can congratulate Musk, who is now second only on the rich list to Jeff Bezos after passing Bill Gates, who Musk called a "knucklehead" back in September.

Musk's wealth now stands at $127.9 billion after adding $100.3 billion to his net worth in just this year alone.


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df5272 No.149112

File: f88b3507a535f45⋯.png (849.98 KB,858x499,858:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767387 (241740ZNOV20) Notable: Mayors of Budapest & Warsaw revolt against Hungarian & Polish govts, ask EU to send money directly to them

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Mayors of Budapest & Warsaw revolt against Hungarian & Polish govts, ask EU to send money directly to them

The governments of Hungary and Poland have been blasted for derailing the EU budget and Covid-19 recovery fund by the mayors of Budapest and Warsaw, who wrote to Brussels urging it to work directly with regional authorities.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski have proven that they are eager to risk “an EU-wide political crisis” and leave the bloc without a much-needed stimulus just to shield their own “egotistical political interests,” the mayors said in their letter.

Mitigating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic turned out to be less important for the two governments than maintaining the ability to “protect their corrupt interests, attack the rule of law and promote illiberal policies,” Budapest city head Gergely Karacsony and his Warsaw counterpart Rafal Trzaskowski added.

Last week, Hungary and Poland vetoed the adoption of the 2021-2027 EU budget and recovery fund. The pair were dissatisfied with a clause in the draft budget that linked access to funds with respect for the rule of law by member states. Brussels has questioned attempts by the leadership in the two Eastern European nations to undermine the independence of the courts, the media and NGOs.

The mayors of the Hungarian and Polish capitals called upon the EU to forward the funding to them, bypassing the federal governments of their states altogether. The regional authorities are closer to the people and more capable of spending the monies effectively to achieve “a greener, healthier and more resilient future,” they insisted.

Karacsony and Trzaskowski, who are both members of opposition parties, vowed to keep fighting for direct access to EU funds so that their citizens wouldn't have to suffer due to the “irresponsible” actions of their national governments.


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df5272 No.149113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767416 (241742ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS announces New Record STOCK Market broke 30,000

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POTUS announces New Record STOCK Market broke 30,000

Short announcement, starts around 7 mins?


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df5272 No.149114

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767425 (241743ZNOV20) Notable: 140,000 SUNY Students Must Test Negative for Coronavirus to Leave for Thanksgiving

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140,000 SUNY Students Must Test Negative for Coronavirus to Leave for Thanksgiving

140,000 students in the State University of New York (SUNY) system will be required to test negative for coronavirus before they leave campus for Thanksgiving break. Students will self-administer a saliva swab diagnostic test as part of the university’s efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus.

According to a report by ABC News, about 140,000 students enrolled in the SUNY system will be required to test negative for coronavirus before they are permitted to return home for the Thanksgiving holiday.

In a statement to ABC News, SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras said that the policy was adopted to ensure that students don’t spread the virus to their families. Many students won’t return to campus until January as the university system plans to hold its winter session remotely.

“The health experts said you need to wind down your semester after Thanksgiving break and then go all remote because you don’t want people traveling back and forth in the cold months,” SUNY Chancellor Jim Malatras said. “We don’t want to send our students home, possibly infected.”

Malatras claims that the SUNY system has been one of the “most aggressive” in the nation in terms of their response to the coronavirus pandemic. “I felt that we needed to bring a little more rigor to the process, and more uniformity to the process,” Malatras continued. “Every campus dealt with infractions against their codes of conduct differently. But what you saw there was an uneven application was leading to bad results on some of our campuses.”

Breitbart News reported in August 2019 that a professor at SUNY Brockport had argued that the dairy industry’s milk production process involved the “rape” and “sexual assault” of cows.


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df5272 No.149115

File: fa14a7af05b8e7d⋯.png (71.31 KB,807x557,807:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 41323fa34ef7df8⋯.png (29.08 KB,855x259,855:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 700d63aaf4364a6⋯.png (50.5 KB,819x356,819:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767457 (241746ZNOV20) Notable: Meadows Tells White House Staff Not To Go Out Of Their Way To Work With Biden’s Transition Team

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Meadows Tells White House Staff Not To Go Out Of Their Way To Work With Biden’s Transition Team

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has reportedly instructed administration staff not to work with President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, despite President Donald Trump ordering the process to begin on Monday evening.

The memo pledges that the White House will “comply with all actions needed to ensure the smooth transfer of power,” but states that White House officials “are not permitted to speak directly with a member of the Biden transition team or the federal transition coordinator,” unless specifically authorized, according to Bloomberg.

The White House did not respond to Daily Caller’s inquiries by press time.

Meadows was reportedly part of a group of White House officials and outside advisors who convinced Trump to greenlight the transition process earlier on Monday.


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df5272 No.149116

File: 2572442b8c535e9⋯.jpg (567.12 KB,850x910,85:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 77a18fd1150fa68⋯.jpg (152.9 KB,422x413,422:413,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767460 (241746ZNOV20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell quarantined after jail staffer tests positive for Covid-19

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Ghislaine Maxwell quarantined after jail staffer tests positive for Covid-19

24 Nov, 2020 08:13

Alleged 'madame' of the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, has been quarantined in a NY prison after a staffer tested positive for coronavirus. Maxwell is awaiting trial on multiple counts of child trafficking.

The quarantining of the high-profile inmate at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn was revealed by US prosecutors in a letter to a district judge late on Monday.

The jail staffer tested positive for the virus last week, while Maxwell was checked for the virus as well and tested negative. Still, she will remain in quarantine for 14 days and undergo another Covid-19 test afterwards. Maxwell has not shown any symptoms of the disease.

British socialite Maxwell is awaiting trial on multiple counts of child trafficking, as she allegedly procured girls as young as 14 for Epstein to abuse. She is also suspected of abusing some of the girls herself. Maxwell has denied all the charges she is facing.



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df5272 No.149117

File: a5d6873be7de7e2⋯.png (89.27 KB,260x146,130:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767495 (241750ZNOV20) Notable: RNC Chair: Democrats used COVID to remove election safeguards

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RNC Chair: Democrats used COVID to remove election safeguards


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df5272 No.149118

File: c4d687428abdde5⋯.png (851.86 KB,642x482,321:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767501 (241750ZNOV20) Notable: Spain Deploys Police to West Africa as Canary Islands Migrant Influx Increases by 1,000 Per Cent

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Spain Deploys Police to West Africa as Canary Islands Migrant Influx Increases by 1,000 Per Cent

Spain will send law enforcement personnel into Senegal, Africa, to tackle people-smugglers after illegal migration from West Africa to the Canary Islands increased by 1,000 per cent on 2019.

Around 17,000 migrants have made landfall on the Spanish islands, a popular destination for holidaymakers and retirees from Britain, Germany, and other more northerly European countries, so far in 2020 — a stunning increase on the numbers for the previous year.

Well over 2,000 migrants surged into the archipelago over a single weekend earlier in Novemeber.

This illegal migration route into Europe first became popular in the 1990s, with numbers rising exponentially in the mid-2000s — but deals with Senegal and Mauritania to deploy Spanish border control personnel and technology directly to the African countries, along with various inducements, were previously regarded as a model of crisis containment, with arrivals falling from 12,478 in 2007, to 196 in 2010.

That has all changed under the current Socialist government, however, with the Canaries rapidly becoming one of the main points of entry for illegal migrants to Europe.

52 Migrants Storm Spanish Border Fence, Four Guards Injured https://t.co/I8UfLSTXeC

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 12, 2019

Defense Minister Margarita Robles confessed earlier in November that there is now a “humanitarian crisis” in the Canary Islands.

Local politician Ana Oramas offered an even grimmer prognosis, describing the islands as “a powder keg” and “a volcano waiting to explode”.

Foreign Minister Arancha Gonzalez Laya pledged Spain would increase the “presence of men and women from the Guardia Civil, the national police, fighting to dismantle criminal networks of human trafficking in [Senegal]” — but also suggested Spain would increase access to social security for Senegalese nationals in Spain legally, as if that would discourage illegal entry, somehow.

The Socialist government’s Minister for Social Security, Inclusion, and Migration, José Luis Escriva suggested at he beggining of the year that Spain needs “eight or nine million people just to keep our working population at the same level”.

“The demographic trajectories are there. It will happen, we will not escape it,” he insisted.

The Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla, exclaves on the North African coast, have also come under increasing pressure from illegal migrants forcing or attempt to force their border fences, often violently, from neighbouring Morocco.

Some have also crossed from Morocco directly to the Spanish mainland, disgorging into the middle of packed beaches and scattering into the country’s interior.

Huge Boatload of Illegal Migrants Storms Luxury Resort Beach in Spain https://t.co/rmY92ICgkT

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 28, 2018


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df5272 No.149119

File: 8a36fd3fb659e75⋯.png (90.03 KB,511x620,511:620,Clipboard.png)

File: f5c0647096b9080⋯.png (797.92 KB,1545x2000,309:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767645 (241804ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood: A1 Shredding now cooperating with election investigation after patriot journalist records them at polling station

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A1 Shredding is cooperating


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df5272 No.149120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767705 (241809ZNOV20) Notable: #15020

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baking now


>>149096 Pittsburgh Area Antifa Leader Tweets Warning To Trump: “We are armed…If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin to block roads in conservative areas”

>>149097 10,947 Canadians had died from COVID-19, 10,781 were in long-term care homes

>>149098 #USArmy researchers developed an artificial intelligence architecture that can learn & understand complex events

>>149099 PA Governor Congratulates Crooked Election Workers That Kicked Out Trump Campaign Poll Observers

>>149100 De Blasio Unleashes 'COVID Checkpoints' To Catch & Fine NYC Travelers Who Violate Holiday Quarantine

>>149101, >>149109 RICO Rudy reminds the world about his deadman switch

>>149102 Russian Sputnik V vaccine at least 95% effective say its creators, but vaccination won't be mandatory, and Putin hasn’t had it yet

>>149103 Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: The Election Was Rigged Deeply – They Used the “Drop and Roll” Technique

>>149104 Kiwi Soars After New Zealand Central Bank Asked To Add Home Prices To Monetary Policy

>>149105 NYPD Union Tells New York Subway Riders ‘You’re On Your Own’ Due To Anti-Cop Policies

>>149106 Alleged cartel boss arrested over slaughter of Mormon family in Mexico

>>149107 In Seattle, 34 more officers ditch the force as city slashes police budget for a second time

>>149108 Man tried to rape teen girl in hallway of Brooklyn medical office

>>149110 Milwaukee Finds another 386 Unopened Ballots, Three Weeks After Election

>>149111 Elon Musk Is Now The Second Richest Person In The World

>>149112 Mayors of Budapest & Warsaw revolt against Hungarian & Polish govts, ask EU to send money directly to them

>>149113 POTUS announces New Record STOCK Market broke 30,000

>>149114 140,000 SUNY Students Must Test Negative for Coronavirus to Leave for Thanksgiving

>>149115 Meadows Tells White House Staff Not To Go Out Of Their Way To Work With Biden’s Transition Team

>>149116 Ghislaine Maxwell quarantined after jail staffer tests positive for Covid-19

>>149117 RNC Chair: Democrats used COVID to remove election safeguards

>>149118 Spain Deploys Police to West Africa as Canary Islands Migrant Influx Increases by 1,000 Per Cent

>>149095 CORN/NROC COBB/BBOC mirror, National Reconnaissance Operations Center, BBOC is an alliance of civil rights organisations

>>149119 Lin Wood: A1 Shredding now cooperating with election investigation after patriot journalist records them at polling station

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df5272 No.149121

File: 91ccc99e85b9329⋯.png (1.29 MB,1630x848,815:424,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fe361bef9ba2b4⋯.png (221.63 KB,1102x888,551:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767799 (241818ZNOV20) Notable: Delian project founded by Dominion, CEO is Dominion CEO's wife

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The Delian Project is indeed founded by Dominion Voting Systems

Now it makes sense why these fools are panicking!

High Commission of Canada to Trinidad and Tobago

High Commissioner Carla Hogan Rufelds visited UWI St. Augustine on March 9th, 2017 to observe the (UWI) St Augustine Guild of Students elections conducted using paper ballot tabulators donated Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) of Canada, a manufacturer of voting machines. This initiative is a collaborative effort between Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) and the DELIAN Project which is the philanthropic arm of DVS. The machines tabulate votes automatically. The older technology is given to Delian who undertake international outreach in developing countries where it is used trade unions and universities around the world.

Special Advisor to the DELIAN project, Mr. Allan Best was on hand to spearhead the initiative.


Archive: https://archive.vn/DM1rl


GECOM Considering the Possible Introduction of Automatic Ballot Scan and Tabulation System for Future Elections

In recognition of the need to tabulate, certify and announce accurate results of elections in a timelier manner, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is exploring the possibility of embarking on a pilot project in which automatic scanning and tabulation machines could be used in a future election.

Accordingly, a team of Representatives of the DELIAN Project, an independent, non-profit organization registered in Canada, and the United States of America, visited GECOM on Monday, January 13, 2014, and conducted a demonstration on the use of automatic ballot scan and tabulation technology.

The DELIAN team comprised Mr. Jean-Pierre Kingsley, erstwhile Chief Executive Officer of the International Foundation of electoral systems and currently Chairman of the DELIAN’s Advisory Board, who served as the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada from 1997 to 2010; Mr. John Hollins, Chairman of the DELIAN Board of Directors, who was Chief Electoral Officer for the Province of Ontario form 2001 to 2008, and Mr. Allan Best, Managing Director.

The DELIAN Project was created in 2011 as a philanthropic entity by the Canadian elections technology firm Dominion Voting Systems (DVS). The DEILAN Project procures and donates electoral technology to emerging and growing democracies. DELIAN is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, and recently joined the Clinton Global Initiative.

At the demonstration, it was pointed out that the DELIAN Project could donate up to 25 paper based, automatic ballot scan and tabulation machines to Guyana for a future election. Each machine can handle roughly 1,000 – 1,250 voters on a typical polling day. The automatic ballot scan and tabulation system could be deployed on a pilot basis at up to 25 polling stations at a future election, as selected by GECOM.


Archive: https://archive.vn/u7eOl

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df5272 No.149122

File: 0b2d5748c9a8187⋯.jpg (155.77 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767820 (241819ZNOV20) Notable: TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes

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TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes – source


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df5272 No.149123

File: 503366b3981a7fd⋯.jpg (48.1 KB,314x680,157:340,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767839 (241821ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”

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F-E-L-O-N-Y. — Lin Wood Drops Late-Night Bombshell: “Would someone ask my never-to-be friend Brad Raffensperger @GaSecofState if he has seen this tape of election fraud at State Farm Arena in Fulton Co., GA?”


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df5272 No.149124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767860 (241823ZNOV20) Notable: China Caught Spending Millions on U.S. Media Publications: @WSJ, @latimes, @ForeignPolicy, @latimes, @HoustonChron, and @BostonGlobe

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China Caught Spending Millions on U.S. Media Publications: @WSJ, @latimes, @ForeignPolicy, @latimes, @HoustonChron, and @BostonGlobe

China Daily, controlled by the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department, paid @WSJ $85,000, the @latimes $340,000, @ForeignPolicy $100,000, among other U.S. newspapers for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020t.co/aoNkGc8B2d

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 23, 2020

China Daily also paid $110,000 to the @latimes, $92,000 to @HoustonChron, and $76,000 to @BostonGlobe for printing costs.

They've spent a total of more than $4.4 million on printing, distribution, advertising and administration over the past six monthst.co/aoNkGc8B2d

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 23, 2020

We are bringing the Chinese Communist Party's coercive tactics to light. @StateDept has designated the CCP's propaganda arms in the U.S. as foreign missions, including Confucius Institute-U.S. and PRC-run media entities. t.co/Af7pyhh6Np

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) November 20, 2020

VIDEO: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warns Politicians He Has the List of Who Has Been Selling Out America to the Communist China Party



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df5272 No.149125

File: c25ff9938fbcb1b⋯.png (866.53 KB,1918x949,1918:949,Clipboard.png)

File: cb15ad401787412⋯.png (882.2 KB,1920x947,1920:947,Clipboard.png)

File: ae412c22addb65b⋯.png (509.02 KB,747x424,747:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767939 (241830ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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We have two of the big boys watching over us today.




Boeing B-52H Stratofortress

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df5272 No.149126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767967 (241832ZNOV20) Notable: The Unmasking of Gen. Flynn & The Presidential Transition

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The Unmasking of Gen. Flynn & The Presidential Transition

“He was the incoming National Security Advisor of the President… Does that tell you anything about all the hypocrisy of the Republicans and Democrats who are pressuring President Trump to give up all his challenges?”

President Trump’s detractors are calling for the president to concede the 2020 election and initiate the transition process. Some have described Trump’s resistance to concede as “a threat to democracy,” but as Fitton explained in last week’s Weekly Update, Americans are facing an “an electoral coup” on the part of the Left. While they insist on the transition of power, Fitton argued that “everybody remembers what they were doing during the Obama-Trump transition. Comey was spying on Trump personally during the transition.”

As Judicial Watch has previously exposed, Joe Biden repeatedly requested Flynn’s unmasking in the final days of the Obama Administration, a key component of the SpyGate operation against the Trump presidency. “Given his corruption, I consider him a national security threat,” Fitton stated Friday. “Until the law absolutely requires it, I wouldn’t do anything to give Biden a clearance.” As Fitton announced last week, Judicial Watch has opened a new FOIA Lawsuit on General Flynn’s unmasking, a core element of what Fitton describes as “the greatest corruption scandal in American history.”

As the SpyGate scandal goes unresolved, Fitton argued that the Left should “spare us the lectures about how important transitions are,” and that the President should pursue his challenges to the results, as his is right under the Constitution. As Fitton concluded, “the corruption of the Biden-Obama group isn’t gone away. Barack Obama has a new book out, but by the way if you’re looking for a new book about Obama, get Judicial Watch’s new book. I talk about Obama, I talk about the coup, about the attack on General Flynn.”


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df5272 No.149127

File: 580bfe2491bd67f⋯.png (456.24 KB,756x506,378:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767984 (241835ZNOV20) Notable: Scavino Twitter goes black and white

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Scavino twatter in Black and White?


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df5272 No.149128

File: b8070d752597726⋯.png (83.29 KB,727x829,727:829,Clipboard.png)

File: d8ce1b425cf5f97⋯.png (36.68 KB,738x337,738:337,Clipboard.png)

File: f68923c84e6a03e⋯.png (615.81 KB,771x509,771:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11767987 (241835ZNOV20) Notable: Netanyahu trial postponed until February

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Netanyahu trial postponed until February

The trial had been scheduled to start in January.

The Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday postponed the start of the public corruption trial until February in light of ongoing evidentiary disputes between the prosecution and the defense.

The trial had been scheduled to start in January.

While the postponement seemed like a modest victory for Netanyahu, who has consistently tried to push off the stage at which witnesses will be called, there was no sign from the court that there would be further delays.

If the trial proceeds according to a February calendar then it could fall in the middle of any impending new election in March.

In fact, the court did not postpone the upcoming deadlines of November 29 for the defense to file motions to dismiss the case on broad legal grounds without need for witnesses (motions which the court is expected to reject), or the December 6 pretrial hearing of those motions orally.

In light of the evidentiary disputes, the court did push back the submission of a formal and final answer by Netanyahu and other defendants to the indictments against them to January 4.

On November 19, Jerusalem District Court Judge Rivkah Friedman-Feldman endorsed a request by Netanyahu to have certain pre-trial evidentiary disputes heard by a different panel of judges.

Friedman-Feldman's decision kept the trial and certain pretrial evidentiary issues under her purview, but specifically moved any issues which require a hearing out of the presence of Netanyahu's defense lawyers to another panel.

Friedman-Feldman referred the handling of the other panel of judges to Jerusalem District Court President Aharon Farkash, who still has yet to select the new panel.


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df5272 No.149129

File: 379eda3fb949a0c⋯.png (56.18 KB,749x846,749:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 77da09f9be2fce8⋯.png (57.86 KB,737x902,67:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cce7846fa0a3b9⋯.png (38.85 KB,746x606,373:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768006 (241836ZNOV20) Notable: Two of Joe Biden's national security picks have ties to past scandals

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Two of Joe Biden's national security picks have ties to past scandals

National Security Adviser-designate Jake Sullivan was key figure in Clinton email probe; Secretary of State designate Tony Blinken faced scrutiny in Hunter Biden business deals.

Joe Biden reached deep into the Obama Administration's alumni for his prospective Cabinet – should he be certified the winner of the 2020 election – and in so doing also threatened to resurrect old scandals like Hillary Clinton's email debacle and the Hunter Biden influence controversy.

Biden on Monday announced he wanted as his national security advisor former State Department official Jake Sullivan, who at 43 years old would be the youngest in history. Biden also chose longtime Senate and White House aide Antony Blinken to be his secretary of state should he be sworn in on Jan. 20.

While both picks command enormous respect in national security circles, their past ties to Obama-era scandals could give Republicans fodder for confirmation hearings. Sullivan was a key figure in the probe of Clinton’s mishandling of classified information on a private email server, while Blinken had contacts with Hunter Biden and his Burisma Holdings colleagues in the Ukraine impeachment drama.

Emails recovered from Clinton’s private email server show Sullivan was among the senior State officials to regularly correspond with the secretary of state using the insecure communications channel, including sending her information that was subsequently deemed to be classified at the top secret and secret level.

For instance Sullivan emailed Clinton on her personal account a memo about Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar on June 7, 2012, a topic later to be determined to classified at the “secret” level. Clinton responded several hours later:

“I’m even more determined to do this and have some ideas I want to discuss w[ith] you,” Clinton wrote Sullivan.

At the time, U.S.-Pakistani relations were facing a difficult patch as Khar was demanding the United States apologize for an airstrike that killed 26 Pakistanis the previous day.

In other classified emails made public under lawsuits from the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, Sullivan:

Sent an email June 13, 2009, to Clinton and aide Cheryl Mills discussing Sullivan’s conversations with Northern Ireland leaders.

Sent classified information in a January 26, 2010, email to Clinton and top aide Huma Abedin explaining that he has “pasted” (his word) from another document a written summary sent to him from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blair’s conversations were with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Irish leaders regarding the sensitive Northern Ireland peace process.

Forwarded an email dated August 31, 2011, from former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman sent to former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, William Burns and that was released heavily redacted as classified. The secretary of state responded, “I called him [redacted.] Didn’t you get memcon?”


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df5272 No.149130

File: b0dad8162a1c0fd⋯.png (342.64 KB,841x886,841:886,Clipboard.png)

File: e031774a84f75b0⋯.png (115.38 KB,744x956,186:239,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af9e90278ccc5e⋯.png (95.35 KB,1087x762,1087:762,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768011 (241837ZNOV20) Notable: Delian project founded by Dominion, CEO is Dominion CEO's wife

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Wife of Dominion Voting CEO John Poulose, Colleen McClure-Poulos, is a Director of the DELIAN Project kek!




What are the odds - seriously!

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df5272 No.149131

File: f483d75229fb5e8⋯.png (115.38 KB,804x824,201:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768043 (241839ZNOV20) Notable: Biden DHS pick Mayorkas intervened to help Democrat-connected foreign investors: IG

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Biden DHS pick Mayorkas intervened to help Democrat-connected foreign investors: IG

Biden pick intervened in cases involving Harry Reid, Terry McAuliffe, Ed Rendell

President-elect Joe Biden's pick for Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, faced criticism during the Obama administration after a scathing inspector general report found that he intervened to help foreign investors in the EB-5 visa program who were connected to top Democrats.

The EB-5 visa program, administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), allows foreigners who invest significant money in U.S. business ventures that create jobs for Americans to apply for a green cardor legal permanent residencein the U.S. Certain family members of the investors may also apply for green cards.

In three EB-5 cases, each involving high-profile Democrats, Mayorkas intervened "outside the normal adjudicatory process" and "in ways that benefited the stakeholders," the report found.

In one case, Mayorkas "pressured staff" to expedite the review of a Las Vegas hotel and casino investment at the request of then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, according to the report.

In another, Mayorkas executed an "unprecedented" intervention to help GTA, a company chaired by former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, the report found.

And in a third, he ordered USCIS to reverse a decision to deny EB-5 funding for Sony movie projects in Los Angeles after hearing from former Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, according to the inspector general.

The cases would have been "decided differently" if not for Mayorkas' intervention, according to the March 2015 report.

"His intervention in these matters created significant resentment in USCIS," the inspector general wrote, saying that the investigation was triggered after complaints from USCIS staff.

Mayorkas appeared before the Republican-led House Homeland Security Committee in 2015 to answer questions after the inspector general report was released.

"The [Department of Homeland Security] Inspector General found that… employees perceived I exercised undue influence in these cases,” Mayorkas told the committee, according to ABC News. “I bear responsibility for the perception of my employees. That is my responsibility and I acknowledge that.”

In a statement after the report's release, Mayorkas said he would "learn from it," but went on to slam the EB-5 as "badly broken when I arrived," claiming that he had to get involved.

"While I disagree with the Inspector General’s report, I will certainly learn from it and from this process. … The EB-5 program was badly broken when I arrived at USCIS," Mayorkas said in a statement after the report's release.


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df5272 No.149132

File: 2d3cde66c50d2ba⋯.png (420.77 KB,478x635,478:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768053 (241841ZNOV20) Notable: Killary tweet

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I'm biased. But I love these.


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df5272 No.149133

File: c9af4626358c7f8⋯.jpg (103.16 KB,400x600,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 33532c4b1ee3de9⋯.jpeg (103.72 KB,800x718,400:359,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f7479ce39c1335b⋯.jpg (472.12 KB,1600x1066,800:533,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7e5153893593a28⋯.jpg (91.42 KB,960x530,96:53,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768073 (241843ZNOV20) Notable: Key Dates between vote and inauguration

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Would love comments how 12 amendment plays into the SCOTUS part will scotus eliminate enough fraudulent ballots to turn states or just go along with the lie and force the congress to do there job??? and will they?

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df5272 No.149134

File: 61be8bd80be4078⋯.png (474.67 KB,704x528,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768076 (241843ZNOV20) Notable: OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to criminal charges

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OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to criminal charges

Mike Spector

Tue, November 24, 2020, 12:09 PM CST

Mike Spector

Tue, November 24, 2020, 12:09 PM CST

By Mike Spector

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Purdue Pharma LP pleaded guilty to criminal charges over the handling of its addictive prescription painkiller OxyContin, capping a deal with federal prosecutors to resolve an investigation into the drugmaker's role in the U.S. opioid crisis.

During a court hearing conducted remotely on Tuesday

before U.S. District Judge Madeline Cox Arleo in New Jersey, Purdue pleaded guilty to three felonies covering widespread misconduct.

The criminal violations included conspiring to defraud U.S. officials and pay illegal kickbacks to both doctors and an electronic healthcare records vendor, all to help keep medically dubious opioid prescriptions flowing.

Members of the billionaire Sackler family who own Purdue were not part of Tuesday's court proceedings and have not been criminally charged. They agreed in October to pay a separate $225 million civil penalty for allegedly causing false claims for OxyContin to be made to government healthcare programs such as Medicare. They have denied the allegations.

Purdue Chairman Steve Miller entered the guilty plea on the company's behalf and admitted to its criminal conduct under questioning from Assistant U.S. Attorney J. Stephen Ferketic. Of the three criminal counts against Purdue, two were for violations of a federal anti-kickback law while another charged the Stamford, Connecticut-based company with defrauding the U.S. and violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Purdue's plea deal carries more than $6.5 billion in penalties, most of which will go unpaid. A $3.54 billion criminal fine is set to be considered alongside trillions of dollars in unsecured claims as part of Purdue's bankruptcy proceedings.

Purdue agreed to pay $225 million toward a $2 billion criminal forfeiture, meanwhile, with the Justice Department foregoing the rest if the company completes a bankruptcy reorganization dissolving itself and shifting assets to a "public benefit company" or similar entity that steers the $1.775 billion unpaid portion to thousands of U.S. communities suing it over the opioid crisis.

A sentencing imposing those penalties is set to come down the line, near the time Purdue receives court approval for a bankruptcy reorganization.


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df5272 No.149135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768094 (241845ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump Delivers Remarks on the Stock Market - November 24, 2020

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POTUS Remarks: Donald Trump Delivers Remarks on the Stock Market - November 24, 2020

Well, thank you very much, and I just want to congratulate everybody. The stock market Dow Jones Industrial Average just hit 30,000, which is the highest in history. We've never broken 30,000, and that's just – despite everything that's taken place with the pandemic.

I'm very, uh, thrilled with what's happened on the vaccine front. That's been absolutely incredible. It's – nothing like that has ever happened medically, and I think people are acknowledging that, and it's having a big effect.

But the stock market's just broken 30,000 never been broken, that number. That's a sacred number, 30,000. Nobody thought they'd ever see it. That's the 9th time since the beginning of 2020, and it's the 48th time that we've broken records in during the Trump administration.


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df5272 No.149136

File: 9c4422976572839⋯.png (281.19 KB,598x606,299:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768113 (241846ZNOV20) Notable: Snake BTFO by killer frog

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Snake or snack? Daredevil froggie was craving some jungle-style noodles for dinner



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df5272 No.149137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768159 (241849ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan County Board Approves Resolution to Impeach Gov. Whitmer

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Michigan County Board Approves Resolution to Impeach Gov. Whitmer

A county in northern Michigan announced its support of impeaching Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Friday.

Members of the Kalkaska County, Michigan Board of Commissioners voted 4-2 to introduce a resolution that would call for the impeachment of Whitmer. It will be sent to the Michigan Legislature for consideration.

Many accuse Whitmer of abuse of power and unconstitutional actions amid the COVID-19 pandemic and have expressed outrage at actions taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Kalkaska County Commissioner David Comai said that Whitmer signed “unconstitutional executive orders” that were “the primary cause of the economic crisis Kalkaska County is experiencing,” and are grounds for impeachment, according to reports from WPBN/WGTU.

Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock claimed that Whitmer had “Ignored court orders. Violated our Constitutional rights. Completely ignored due process and the legislature. Weaponized contract tracing databases to aid democrat campaigns. Caused the unnecessary death of thousands of our vulnerable elderly who died alone and scared in nursing homes,” when listing the reasons he believed she should be impeached.

Maddock, one of Michigan’s most conservative and outspoken lawmakers, has been critical of Whitmer’s actions during the coronavirus pandemic.

In a statement posted earlier to Twitter, he wrote, “Michiganders have been beaten down for too long. Restaurants losing dine-in customers watching their life’s work circle the drains. Thank you to my fellow legislators who are calling for impeachment hearings of @GovWhitmer #FreeMichigan #ImpeachWhitmer #MILEG @realDonaldTrump.”

Michigan Speaker of the House Lee Chatfield, a Republican, criticized the impeachment resolution in a Wednesday statement.

“We’re not the party that impeaches someone because we’re upset with policies that they’ve enacted,” Chatfield said. “I thought it was shameful what the Democrats did to President Trump last year and I would assume that any attempt by Republicans right now, with the current set of facts that we have to impeach the governor, would be on the same level.”

A petition calling for Whitmer’s impeachment on Change.org has received over 7,800 signatures as of Monday. The petition states that Whitmer’s refusal to allow doctors to use chloroquine as a coronavirus treatment made Whitmer “more than incompetent, she is deadly and who knows how many lives have been lost due to her ignorance.”

Under the new restrictions, Michigan residents are required to work from home, if possible, all college and high-school classes are to be conducted remotely, indoor dining is prohibited in bars and restaurants while movie theaters, casinos and stadiums remained closed. The restrictions are expected to remain in place until December 8.


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df5272 No.149138

File: c22f470fb5489de⋯.png (852.77 KB,842x491,842:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768182 (241852ZNOV20) Notable: Destroyer McCain conducts FONOP in Sea of Japan; Russia claims it led to a tussle with one of its destroyers

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Destroyer McCain conducts FONOP in Sea of Japan; Russia claims it led to a tussle with one of its destroyers

The guided-missile destroyer John S. McCain conducted a freedom of navigation operation in the Sea of Japan — and Russia asserts the operation led to a tussle with a Russian destroyer.

According to the U.S. Navy, the McCain entered the Peter the Great Bay in the Sea of Japan Tuesday as part of the FONOP and the service claimed the destroyer adhered to international law while challenging “Russia’s excessive maritime claims.”

In response, Russia’s Defense Ministry said its destroyer Admiral Vinogradov issued a verbal warning to the McCain and accused the U.S. destroyer of trespassing two kilometers into its internal waters, Russian state-run outlet TASS reports. Russia also warned it would employ a “ramming maneuver” to drive the McCain out of the region, per TASS.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the McCain then exited its territory and resumed sailing in international waters.

But the 7th Fleet challenged Russia’s assertions and cited how the USSR established a 106-nautical mile line to claim the Peter the Great Bay as internal waters in 1984. Russia has continued to claim the waters are theirs, which is “inconsistent with the rules of international law,” the 7th Fleet said.

“The Russian Federation’s statement about this mission is false. USS John S. McCain was not ‘expelled’ from any nation’s territory,” the 7th Fleet said in a statement. “McCain conducted this FONOP in accordance with international law and continued to conduct normal operations in international waters.”

“By conducting this operation, the United States demonstrated that these waters are not Russia’s territorial sea and that the United States does not acquiesce in Russia’s claim that Peter the Great is a ‘historic bay’ under international law,” the 7th Fleet said.

The 7th Fleet did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Navy Times for additional details.

The McCain, now based out of San Diego, just recently resumed operations following a fatal collision with a tanker in the Western Pacific in August 2017. The incident resulted in the deaths of 10 of its crew members.

After being sidelined for several years as it was undergoing massive repairs, the McCain started conducting operations again in June 2020 for the 7th Fleet.


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df5272 No.149139

File: 198e59a7ff9699a⋯.png (15.2 KB,594x172,297:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768184 (241852ZNOV20) Notable: Creepy, Sleepy Joe 3 0 3 3 0 tweet

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America is back.

1:45 PM · Nov 24, 2020·TweetDeck


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df5272 No.149140

File: 87465873405d3a4⋯.png (311.04 KB,598x603,598:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768197 (241853ZNOV20) Notable: Two people dead after a plane crashes in southern #Israel

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Two people dead after a plane crashes in southern #Israel




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df5272 No.149141

File: b1259969231dfea⋯.png (409.6 KB,579x422,579:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 1936ed04b47fa54⋯.png (468.37 KB,579x413,579:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 85e465b328c5827⋯.png (470.12 KB,593x493,593:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768218 (241855ZNOV20) Notable: After Lecturing Trump Supporters on Masks, Jon Karl Caught Taking off His Mask in WH Press Briefing Room When He Thinks the Cameras Are Off

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After Lecturing Trump Supporters on Masks, Jon Karl Caught Taking off His Mask in WH Press Briefing Room When He Thinks the Cameras Are Off

President Trump delivered remarks from the White House on Tuesday.

The President reacted to the DOW surpassing 30,000 – a new record high.

After a very short presser, Trump exited the briefing room as reporters shouted questions.

ABC News White House Correspondent Jon Karl stood up after the President exited the briefing room and removed his mask when he thought the cameras were off.

Jon Karl loves to lecture Trump supporters and others on mask wearing.


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df5272 No.149142

File: 479cf37c983f51c⋯.png (215.36 KB,489x570,163:190,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e0f8fff37a0551⋯.mp4 (12.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768219 (241855ZNOV20) Notable: RICO Rudy clip from Lou Dobbs

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df5272 No.149143

File: 86f4f9aac9b9c64⋯.mp4 (5.65 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 3904b59fd592ebf⋯.png (382.86 KB,598x610,299:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768266 (241859ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood: Video of voter fraud evidence destruction in Cobb County, GA TODAY

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Destruction of voter fraud evidence TODAY in Cobb County, GA.


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df5272 No.149144

File: 4f1f2932d152e0a⋯.jpg (130.03 KB,720x1046,360:523,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ff2d8ea9c70aba⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,718x600,359:300,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768272 (241900ZNOV20) Notable: The GSA letter forces Biden to disclose conflicts of interest with himself and his team to "foreign nationals, and other foreign agents

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FYI Anons –

The GSA letter forces Biden to disclose conflicts of interest with himself and his team to "foreign nationals, and other foreign agents…"


So basically, Trump has just cornered Biden using the #laptopfromhell!!



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df5272 No.149145

File: e6b21329eb5c904⋯.png (791.96 KB,2660x1653,140:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 661fd875212992f⋯.png (427.24 KB,1239x705,413:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768286 (241901ZNOV20) Notable: Delian dig cont: Mark Shuttleworth's Shuttleworth Foundation is on the leftist Mozilla Foundation Board; Mark Surman, Exec Director of Mozilla Foundation is former husband of founder of the DELIAN Project

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Mark Shuttleworth's Shuttleworth Foundation is on the leftist Mozilla Foundation Board; Mark Surman, Exec Director of Mozilla Foundation is former husband of founder of the DELIAN Project

Aha! Found it!

Helen Turvey of the Shuttleworth Foundation (of Mark Shuttleworth), serves on the Mozilla Foundation Board.

Mozilla Foundation is HQ'd in Toronto. Its partners include:

- Omidyar Network (Omidyar is one of the founders of PayPal – he funds Arabella Advisors via Omidyar Network)

- Ford Foundation

- Open Society Foundations

- Craig Newmark Philanthropies

How does the Mozilla Foundation tie in to current affairs?

The DELIAN Project is housed at The Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) at 192 Spadina. Remember how Rebel News found out that the current location of Dominion is formerly of the CSI? On a past dig I did, the divorced husband of the co-founder of CSI is Mark Surman, the Executive Director of the Mozilla Foundation in Toronto who is partnered with the Open Society foundations.

The Founders and Board of Voting Works/VotingWorks that is messing up things in #Georgia has connections to Mozilla Foundation, @Jack, Center for Election Security, and City of Toronto. See >>147564 for their full connections.


https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11725747.html#11726286 (if the above link doesn't work)

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df5272 No.149146

File: 803ebe9691365d1⋯.png (424.41 KB,535x583,535:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768302 (241901ZNOV20) Notable: An #Israeli Air Force pilot and cadet were killed Tuesday after their light training aircraft crashed in a field north of the city of Beersheba.

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An #Israeli Air Force pilot and cadet were killed Tuesday after their light training aircraft crashed in a field north of the city of Beersheba.



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df5272 No.149147

File: be812a804c9cf03⋯.jpeg (349.08 KB,750x647,750:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768378 (241909ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Planefags confirm?


Okay - Been doing a little research and our GTMO bird *C2307 - now showing as a LOVE20 from Costa Rica to GTMO is actually a NAVY H60 with a refueling boom (typically spec ops). Booyah!

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df5272 No.149148

File: eb817742e53c1e3⋯.png (343.82 KB,598x683,598:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 27bc5f5414786d2⋯.mp4 (507.35 KB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7543d1bdf268993⋯.jpg (21.87 KB,255x201,85:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768389 (241910ZNOV20) Notable: DeNiro is back: if you support trump, you better be afraid when trumps not around anymore

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Trump deranged Robert DeNiro is back, and he’s saying if YOU support Trump, YOU better be afraid when Trump’s not around anymore! Prick!


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df5272 No.149149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768402 (241911ZNOV20) Notable: TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by communist China in covid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes

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I read many stories about Newsom's $1B deal with china for masks

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df5272 No.149150

File: ef6c74edfbec5c4⋯.png (519.62 KB,1918x935,1918:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768416 (241913ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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df5272 No.149151

File: 0a28f6f94fd3fa9⋯.png (263.18 KB,598x407,598:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e5365d1b78754⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768432 (241915ZNOV20) Notable: Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum in Davos (2017): "Dark Winter, Pandemics, Bio-Terrorism, RNA Vaccines.

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Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum in Davos (2017): "Dark Winter, Pandemics, Bio-Terrorism, RNA Vaccines.


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df5272 No.149152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768487 (241920ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet storm destruction and shredding of election fraud evidence in Cobb County GA

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Holy Radar – that’s the Kracken!!! Who knew it is a Department of Defense Cyber Warfare Program? It Tracks Systems and aquires evidence of nefarious activities and crimes committed by The Deep State!

[ much more in article ]

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df5272 No.149153

File: 9577ee83d8389ea⋯.png (399.94 KB,591x569,591:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768546 (241927ZNOV20) Notable: Netflix Yanks 'Chappelle's Show' at Dave's Request

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Netflix Yanks 'Chappelle's Show' at Dave's Request



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df5272 No.149154

File: 128d3fc581f9382⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB,1242x2131,1242:2131,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e9525da5d21274a⋯.jpeg (46.02 KB,243x288,27:32,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768553 (241927ZNOV20) Notable: Space Force tweet

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df5272 No.149155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768581 (241929ZNOV20) Notable: Gov. Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team – You Can’t Show Your Cards to this Anti-Trump Media

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Gov. Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team – You Can’t Show Your Cards to this Anti-Trump Media

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was on Newsmax again on Tuesday.

And once again Governor Blagojevich defended President Trump and his legal team.

Blagojevich, a former Democrat governer, believes the election was stolen from President Trump and he openly admits it.

Rod Blagojevich: President Trump has a constitutional duty to make sure their is election integrity in our voting systems. And the voting is overwhelming. I should say the allegations of the wrongdoing is overwhelming… The evidence will be there. They’re going to find it because of the statistical anomalies of the case as well as the unlikelihood, the improbability that you can be ahead by 800,000 votes in Pennsylvania, or a little less than that, with 63 percent of the vote in and then somehow you lose?… It would be wrong I think for them to fight this case exclusively in the court of public opinion. And you have to be very sensitive to the courts and respectful to the court process. If they show their cards too soon the corporate media that’s in a conspiracy to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency they’re trying to ratify what is in my belief, a corrupt election. They’re going to be all over the place trying to take away the arguments that Trump’s people have… So it would be imprudent I think for the Trump team to do too much of this publicly.

Via Newsmax.


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df5272 No.149156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768589 (241930ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey

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President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey

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df5272 No.149157

File: f303b0cb41d8f2d⋯.png (59.16 KB,642x914,321:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 9891925132cfe95⋯.png (59.65 KB,676x903,676:903,Clipboard.png)

File: a91d3c56e98090e⋯.png (16.52 KB,631x277,631:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768631 (241933ZNOV20) Notable: Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

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Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

A choice that transcends the political right and left

When the founders of our newspaper fled a communist regime to come to America, they never expected that this great nation would one day become the focal point of the battle between communism and freedom.

Many Americans believe communism is an abstract concept, something that only affects faraway nations, without realizing that it has already arrived at our doorstep.

Communism has spread in America under names such as socialism, progressivism, liberalism, neo-Marxism, and so on, in a slow process over decades of systematic subversion by first the Soviet Union, and now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

This cumulative battle for the future of America—and with it, the rest of the world—is now coming to a head in the U.S. presidential election.

This is a conflict that transcends partisanship and party affiliation.

Belief in God has always been fundamental to America. The early colonists fled here so that they could practice their religion freely. This nation was founded on the belief that we are all created equal by God and endowed by the Creator with our rights. The U.S. motto is “In God we trust.”

Belief in God and the principles derived from that belief are the fundamental reasons why the United States can enjoy freedom, democracy, and prosperity, and why the United States has become the nation it is today.

In this great tradition, voting is a sacred duty in which each citizen may take responsibility for who governs. This year, a record number of Americans voted to choose their next leader.

We have since learned that this process has been subverted. Numerous credible allegations of voter fraud have emerged, pointing to a systematic effort to change the outcome of the election.

The far-left and the communist devil behind it—the same force that Karl Marx once described as haunting Europe—are using lies, fraud, and manipulation in an attempt to deprive the people of their rights and freedoms.


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df5272 No.149158

File: 4a1a534a2c105a3⋯.jpeg (509.76 KB,1242x1803,414:601,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768654 (241935ZNOV20) Notable: Two hurt in Kife attack in Swiss city of Lugano

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df5272 No.149159

File: fb29d3a88d183fa⋯.jpg (563.68 KB,1051x1392,1051:1392,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768680 (241937ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS pardons Corn

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df5272 No.149160

File: 8a3b2950389bbf5⋯.png (409.42 KB,595x585,119:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768742 (241941ZNOV20) Notable: Obama reveals daughters Malia and Sasha both took part in anti-racism protests this summer

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Obama reveals daughters Malia and Sasha both took part in anti-racism protests this summer


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df5272 No.149161

File: f880fd2fd54a82d⋯.png (451.27 KB,609x347,609:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768843 (241948ZNOV20) Notable: Turkey Complains Of Illegal Ship Search By EU’s Libyan Embargo-Enforcing Mission In Mediterranean Sea

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Turkey Complains Of Illegal Ship Search By EU’s Libyan Embargo-Enforcing Mission In Mediterranean Sea

On November 23rd, tensions between Turkey and its fellow NATO member states, once again, flared up in the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkey protested to Germany and the EU after German forces belonging to an EU military mission boarded and tried to search a Turkish cargo ship that they suspected of taking weapons to Libya illegally.

The EU mission in question is IRINI, and it aims to actually enforce the arms embargo set on Libya, which Turkey acts like doesn’t exist.

Soldiers from the frigate Hamburg boarded the Roseline A overnight but withdrew after Turkey raised objections with the EU mission, which had ordered the search, the German Defense Ministry said.

Turkey released footage showing armed men in military uniform marshalling sailors with their hands on their heads on the bridge of what it said was the Roseline A, at sea southwest of the Greek Peloponnese peninsula.

Ankara said the vessel was carrying humanitarian aid and that the Hamburg had violated international law by not waiting for permission from Turkish authorities to board. It summoned the EU, German and Italian ambassadors to hear a protest.

Turkish state outlet Anadolu Agency, also reported that the EU mission was “Greek-led” and that the search was entirely illegal.

“The search reportedly violated international law, which requires a party to obtain the consent of a ship’s flag state before searching a vessel, according to the law of the sea.

Apparently flouting this principle, personnel from the German ship, the Hamburg, landed on the ROSELINA-A in a helicopter, even as the cargo ship’s crew captured the scene on footage.

After blocking the ROSELINA-A’s course towards Misrate port for hours, the troops departed the vessel when they realized it only carried humanitarian supplies, food and paint.

During the search, they opened all the containers on the ship, ignoring warnings that their actions did not have permission from Turkey and were thus illegal.

Turkey reportedly plans to take action before international organizations concerning the incident which also reportedly violated the principle of “freedom of the high seas.””

Germany, however, said it had actually requested permission to board, but hours passed with no reply.

It was standard practice to consider this as implicit permission.

“All procedures were followed correctly,” a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

The German Defense Ministry said the soldiers had not found anything suspicious by the time they were ordered off the ship.

Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said the Roseline’s captain had shared information with the Hamburg about his ship’s freight and its course.

“Despite this, at 17:45, armed forces from the Irini Operation boarded the ship and carried out a ‘monitoring’ that lasted long hours,” he said.

“We protest this act, which was carried out by force and without authorization (and) retain the right to seek compensation.”

The 16,000-tonne container ship left the Turkish port of Gemlik near Bursa last week, and was last seen heading southwest towards Libya, according to Refinitiv Eikon data.


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df5272 No.149162

File: a7e70cb97813d69⋯.png (16.95 KB,599x194,599:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768850 (241948ZNOV20) Notable: FOX NEWS: NYPD won't enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving gathering order

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FOX NEWS: NYPD won't enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving gathering order


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df5272 No.149163

File: 34ed39b243ef442⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1242x1607,1242:1607,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768857 (241949ZNOV20) Notable: Economist: Plausibly the Antichrist's moment now

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149164

File: 8f7fe522137eb24⋯.png (182.04 KB,541x800,541:800,Clipboard.png)

File: a86af8238012a0f⋯.png (755.16 KB,802x830,401:415,Clipboard.png)

File: bb4f5c4bf891adb⋯.png (392.23 KB,580x557,580:557,Clipboard.png)

File: 249dcfd89d3ad90⋯.png (737.33 KB,620x652,155:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ba4fc6304ed747⋯.png (584.72 KB,600x626,300:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768898 (241951ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet storm destruction and shredding of election fraud evidence in Cobb County GA

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Attorney Lin Wood Goes on Tweet Storm — Posts Video of Destruction and Shredding of Election Fraud Evidence in Cobb County

Attorney Lin Wood posted photos and video on Friday of alleged Shredding Company truck leaving elections office in Cobb County Georgia.

Two Georgian women filmed the shredding company trucks picking up the “trash” from the Jim R. Miller Park election office in Cobb County.

The shredding company was forced to respond and later released a statement saying “we do not inspect nor do we have any knowledge of the contents of the materials that we are asked to pick up and shred.”



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df5272 No.149165

File: d7ca7e7ac616422⋯.png (683.5 KB,584x768,73:96,Clipboard.png)

File: 537b0fd917a3e9f⋯.png (684.7 KB,585x804,195:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768905 (241952ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet storm destruction and shredding of election fraud evidence in Cobb County GA

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df5272 No.149166

File: 3a0c5b140392ec2⋯.png (410.02 KB,535x563,535:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768948 (241954ZNOV20) Notable: Cuba's Interior Minister Vice Admiral Julio Cesar Gandarilla passed away in Havana from a prolonged illness at 77

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Cuba's Interior Minister Vice Admiral Julio Cesar Gandarilla passed away in Havana from a prolonged illness at 77.


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df5272 No.149167

File: d3ec26643a88295⋯.png (2.47 MB,986x921,986:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768974 (241956ZNOV20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On November 24, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On November 24, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On November 23, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Fatirah, Deir Sonbol and al-Barah;

On November 23, Mohammad Taleb al-Akhi, died from severe wounds he had received in an explosion of IED at his car in the Kafr Takharim;

On November 24, 3 SDF members were killed due to the explosion of a bomb planted in an SDF cargo vehicle in the town of Al-Shuhail;

On November 24, Russia reported that militant groups violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 33 times: 18 – in Idlib province, 4 – in Aleppo province, 9 – in Latakia province, 2 – in Hama province.


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df5272 No.149168

File: ecb4fc62340da55⋯.png (688.27 KB,680x740,34:37,Clipboard.png)

File: fc01aa43b522999⋯.png (715.46 KB,654x895,654:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11768993 (241957ZNOV20) Notable: De Blasio’s reason for failing to stop huge Hasidic wedding: ‘It’s a big city’

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De Blasio’s reason for failing to stop huge Hasidic wedding: ‘It’s a big city’

Clueless Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday dismissed the fact that the city incredibly failed to pick up on a Hasidic wedding attended by thousands amid COVID-19 this month — scoffing to a reporter, “It’s a big city.”

De Blasio spouted the tone-deaf brush-off even after he acknowledged just how dangerous the Nov. 8 Brooklyn wedding was by announcing late Monday that the city would slap the involved synagogue with a $15,000 fine for breaking coronavirus safety regulations.

In crowing about the fine, de Blasio told NY1 of the dangerous gathering, “That’s just not acceptable, I mean, we’ve been through so much.

“This was amazingly irresponsible, just unacceptable,” the mayor said of the wedding, which The Post exposed over the weekend with video of the crowds while detailing the incredible lengths organizers went to to fly under authorities’ radar.

Yet when asked by a reporter Tuesday whether leaving oversight of social-distancing enforcement to a relatively small number of city authorities wasn’t a bit of “a joke” — especially considering the undetected massive Brooklyn gathering and ongoing rampant local underground party scene — de Blasio insisted his administration’s ability to ferret out scofflaws has “been very, very consistent.


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df5272 No.149169

File: 8d06dc6d2c94f44⋯.png (380.45 KB,535x597,535:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769000 (241958ZNOV20) Notable: A group of Chilean lawmakers presented a bill to reform the Constitution to anticipate Chile's presidential and parliamentarian elections.

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A group of Chilean lawmakers presented a bill to reform the Constitution to anticipate Chile's presidential and parliamentarian elections.


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df5272 No.149170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769047 (242002ZNOV20) Notable: Robert Epstein: Google Shifted a ‘Minimum’ of 6 Million Votes in 2020

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Robert Epstein: Google Shifted a ‘Minimum’ of 6 Million Votes in 2020

Psychologist and search engine expert Dr. Robert Epstein appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight yesterday to reveal his findings on Google’s search manipulation in the 2020 election, which Epstein claims could have shifted a minimum of six million votes in one direction.

“First of all, we had 733 field agents in three key swing states this year: Arizona, North Carolina, and Florida, and we preserved more than 500,000 ephemeral experiences… That’s about 30 times more data than we got in 2016,” said Epstein.

“Google search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats. This was not true on Bing or Yahoo. The bias was being shown to pretty much every demographic group we looked at, including conservatives…. Conservatives got slightly more bias in their search results than liberals did. How do you account for that?”

“We also found what seems to be a smoking gun. That is, we found a period of days when the vote reminder on Google’s homepage was being sent only to liberals — not one of our conservative field agents received a vote reminder during those days.”

Epstein says that Google “backed off” after he went public with his findings. “They literally shut off that manipulation that night, and so for four days before the election they were showing vote reminders to everyone, finally.”

“The bottom line at the moment is that these manipulations, the ones that we’ve so far quantified, could easily have shifted at least six million votes in just one direction. That’s the bare minimum at this point, that I’m confident. The maximum we haven’t even begun to estimate that yet because we have so much data to look at.”


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df5272 No.149171

File: 265479b11b769a8⋯.png (253.92 KB,596x541,596:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769061 (242003ZNOV20) Notable: more Lin Wood tweets

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df5272 No.149172

File: d721ac4185f4a28⋯.png (117.36 KB,669x821,669:821,Clipboard.png)

File: 33cec93eaf6d49f⋯.png (115.18 KB,708x784,177:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769067 (242003ZNOV20) Notable: Suicide Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 in Japan, Report Shows

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Suicide Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 in Japan, Report Shows

Early in the coronavirus pandemic, scientists warned that economic lockdowns could cause serious mental health repercussions.

“Secondary consequences of social distancing may increase the risk of suicide,” researchers noted in an April 10 paper published by the American Medical Association. “It is important to consider changes in a variety of economic, psycho-social, and health-associated risk factors.”

Essentially, researchers warned, forced isolation could prove to be “a perfect storm” for suicide.

Seven months later, new evidence is emerging to suggest these researchers were right.

“Far more Japanese people are dying of suicide, likely exacerbated by the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic, than of the COVID-19 disease itself,” CBS News reports. “While Japan has managed its coronavirus epidemic far better than many nations, keeping deaths below 2,000 nationwide, provisional statistics from the National Police Agency show suicides surged to 2,153 in October alone, marking the fourth straight month of increase.”

For years in Japan, suicides had been on the decline. But the arrival of COVID-19 and strict regulations designed to curb transmission of the virus have changed that trend.

The 2,153 suicides reported last month are about 600 more than the previous year, CBS reports, with the largest gains coming in women, who saw an 80 percent surge in suicide.

“We need to seriously confront reality,” said Katsunobu Kato, Japan’s chief government spokesman, adding that new efforts to counsel potential victims are being made.

Unlike Japan, the United States has yet to publish national figures on suicide. But anecdotal evidence suggests the US might be struggling with its own suicide epidemic.

Prior to the arrival of the coronavirus, suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in America, claiming between 42,000 and 49,000 lives annually in recent years. Though we don’t yet know what 2020’s toll will be, surveys show more than half of Americans say they’ve suffered mentally during the pandemic, which has seen the widespread use of lockdowns and social isolation to combat the virus.

Meanwhile, some localities have reported sharp upticks in suicide. These include Dane County, Wisconsin — the second largest county in the Badger State — which saw suicides in young people nearly double so far in 2020, as well John Muir Medical Center, a health care service headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, which in May reported an “unprecedented” surge in suicide.


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df5272 No.149173

File: 05f2727f8db6510⋯.png (27.83 KB,679x390,679:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769072 (242004ZNOV20) Notable: Nolte: Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Is Legitimate Winner

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Nolte: Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Is Legitimate Winner

We all need to keep in mind that, except for a handful of pollsters, polling is irretrievably broken. So, with a grain of salt and a big, broad smile across my face, I am happy to pass along this CNBC/Change Research poll that shows only three percent — a mere three percent, of President Donald Trump’s supporters see former Vice President Joe Biden as the legitimate winner of the 2024 presidential election.

Alternately, far-left CNBC reports that a “staggering 73% of respondents consider Trump the legitimate winner. Another 24% said they are not sure.”

Staggering. LOL.

Only three percent of “Trump voters believe he should concede to Biden and start the peaceful transfer of power. Another 31% want the president to fight in court until states certify results. Two-thirds, or 66%, think Trump should never concede.”

Never concede. LOL.

The CNBC write-up contains a number of lies about Trump’s efforts to contest the election and ensure every legal vote is counted.

“[T]he poll underscores the potentially bigger harm Trump’s lies about the vote tallies have done to public faith in the electoral process,” CNBC writes without evidence. “The president appears to have convinced many of his supporters he lost unfairly, even as state officials and judges have repeatedly shot down claims of fraud and wrongdoing,” CNBC again says without evidence.

The truth is Trump’s legal team has not yet presented what they say is evidence of widespread fraud, enough fraud to overturn the election results. We are only 21 days past the election. Al Gore spent 38 days contesting the 2000 presidential election.

Trump has every legal, constitutional, and moral right to ensure the November 3 election was not rigged.

Let’s never forget that four blue counties in four swing states — Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Michigan — all stopped counting voted on the night of the election. This is unprecedented and has still not been explain. Before the vote counting stopped, Trump looked like he was on his way to reelection. After the vote counting restarted Will you look at all those Biden votes!

I’ve been watching national election late into the night since 1984 — presidential and midterm elections. I have never before seen a state stop counting.

With… the poll gets even better…

A “vast majority of Trump voters — 81% — said they would not give Biden a chance as president. Only 19% said they would.”

Never give Biden a chance. LOL.


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df5272 No.149174

File: 5ca86be55bbe3ef⋯.jpeg (161.22 KB,1517x709,1517:709,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769074 (242004ZNOV20) Notable: Vaccine roll out by mid December

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End of second week of December is 12/11


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df5272 No.149175

File: 3b8dca97366eaa7⋯.png (330.17 KB,612x501,204:167,Clipboard.png)

File: d3361d3c898c3d8⋯.mp4 (700.29 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769093 (242006ZNOV20) Notable: After President Trump pardons turkey a reporter shouts, "Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?!"

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After President Trump pardons turkey a reporter shouts, "Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?!"

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df5272 No.149176

File: ca21a94fc61f801⋯.png (395.92 KB,652x552,163:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769114 (242008ZNOV20) Notable: more Lin Wood tweets

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Forgive if already posted…

"Lin Wood




I have worked closely with @SidneyPowell1

& others over recent weeks.

The lawsuit Sidney will be filing tomorrow in GA speaks TRUTH.

Enemies of America will deny its allegations. Do NOT believe them.

Believe Sidney & me. We love America & freedom. Our enemies do not."


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df5272 No.149177

File: d2fadfe2e4de7c3⋯.png (54.26 KB,627x784,627:784,Clipboard.png)

File: efdaf4f2e7f251a⋯.png (45.21 KB,719x691,719:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 32aa22f4bc56351⋯.png (43.83 KB,667x781,667:781,Clipboard.png)

File: f8e3dba3310e0c0⋯.png (10.71 KB,662x196,331:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769117 (242008ZNOV20) Notable: Rand Paul says the 'vast majority' of voting must be in person to mitigate potential for fraud

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Rand Paul says the 'vast majority' of voting must be in person to mitigate potential for fraud

Paul cited a flawed study about absentee votes in Pennsylvania to make his point.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said that the "vast majority" of voting needs to be in person to limit the potential for voter fraud in an interview Monday evening, citing a study about absentee ballots in Pennsylvania that has been flagged by statistical experts as flawed.

Appearing on "The Story" with host Martha MacCallum, Paul said the 2020 presidential election was "unprecedented" due to the high volume of mail-in votes cast because of the coronavirus pandemic. These mail-in votes, Paul claimed, are difficult to "validate."

"This was an unprecedented election," Paul said. "Normally, 99% show up in person and we can kind of police that the right people showed up because you don't have the same people showing up again and again. They sign in, they show an ID, and it's pretty easy to validate the vote."

"But now we have an election where maybe a third to a half mailed in their ballots," he added. "This has never ever happened in our history, so we have to validate, were they the right people?"

Paul cited a statistical analysis from a Williams College professor that purportedly shows more than 89,000 absentee ballots requested by Republican voters in Pennsylvania were not counted or were requested by someone other than a registered Republican. The analysis is part of a sworn affidavit from professor Steven Miller, a Yale- and Princeton-trained math expert, who used data provided by former Trump campaign data chief Matt Braynard. Braynard leads the "Voter Integrity Fund," a group led by former Trump campaign staffers and government employees that is analyzing voter data in key battle ground states looking for evidence of fraud and investigating irregularities.

Pennsylvania on Tuesday certified the results of the presidential election, which former Vice President Joe Biden won by more than 80,000 votes. Paul suggested that if the Trump campaign takes Miller's statistical analysis to court, a judge may be persuaded to order a review of absentee ballots in Pennsylvania.

"I would think that if we took this to a court, the court would then mandate that you have to look at all of the absentee votes one at a time, not count them, but verify whether or not the person who you say voted, you actually call them and ask them, 'did you vote' and 'who did you vote for' to verify the vote," Paul said.

However, the analysis cited by Paul has drawn criticism from statisticians for failing to meet basic standards of statistical analysis and been called "irresponsible" and "naive" by academic peers reviewing the study. Critics who spoke to the Berkshire Eagle say the study was wrong to separate basic mathematical analysis from questions about the validity of the data.


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df5272 No.149178

File: 17f667d42f9adcc⋯.jpeg (445.66 KB,1241x1751,73:103,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 443c86d355626ee⋯.jpeg (197.39 KB,1242x856,621:428,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 73a2e62feefd892⋯.jpeg (398.97 KB,1242x1675,1242:1675,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769152 (242012ZNOV20) Notable: Group files emergency petition in WI after finding 150k potentially fraudulent ballots

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df5272 No.149179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769244 (242020ZNOV20) Notable: #15022

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# 15022

>>149153 Netflix Yanks 'Chappelle's Show' at Dave's Request

>>149154 Space Force tweet

>>149155 Gov. Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team – You Can’t Show Your Cards to this Anti-Trump Media

>>149156 President Trump and The First Lady Present the National Thanksgiving Turkey

>>149157 Election Fallout Reveals Battle Between Freedom and Communism

>>149158 Two hurt in Kife attack in Swiss city of Lugano

>>149159 POTUS pardons Corn

>>149160 Obama reveals daughters Malia and Sasha both took part in anti-racism protests this summer

>>149161 Turkey Complains Of Illegal Ship Search By EU’s Libyan Embargo-Enforcing Mission In Mediterranean Sea

>>149162 FOX NEWS: NYPD won't enforce Cuomo's Thanksgiving gathering order

>>149163 Economist: Plausibly the Antichrist's moment now

>>149164, >>149165, >>149152 Lin Wood tweet storm destruction and shredding of election fraud evidence in Cobb County GA

>>149166 Cuba's Interior Minister Vice Admiral Julio Cesar Gandarilla passed away in Havana from a prolonged illness at 77

>>149167 Military Situation In Syria On November 24, 2020 (Map Update)

>>149168 De Blasio’s reason for failing to stop huge Hasidic wedding: ‘It’s a big city’

>>149169 A group of Chilean lawmakers presented a bill to reform the Constitution to anticipate Chile's presidential and parliamentarian elections.

>>149170 Robert Epstein: Google Shifted a ‘Minimum’ of 6 Million Votes in 2020

>>149171, >>149176 more Lin Wood tweets

>>149172 Suicide Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 in Japan, Report Shows

>>149173 Nolte: Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Is Legitimate Winner

>>149174 Vaccine roll out by mid December

>>149175 After President Trump pardons turkey a reporter shouts, "Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?!"

>>149177 Rand Paul says the 'vast majority' of voting must be in person to mitigate potential for fraud

>>149178 Group files emergency petition in WI after finding 150k potentially fraudulent ballots

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df5272 No.149180

File: 6d5d94b0d7d009e⋯.png (45.81 KB,621x438,207:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769354 (242031ZNOV20) Notable: Alyssa Milano: I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.

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I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.

I am ready to move #ForwardTogether.

There’s so much work to do to heal the nation. Let’s be a part of the solution and not add to the problems we face.

My comments are open. Please reply with #ForwardTogether.



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df5272 No.149181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769372 (242032ZNOV20) Notable: Live: China launches Chang'e-5 lunar mission with Long March-5 rocket

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Live: China launches Chang'e-5 lunar mission with Long March-5 rocket嫦娥五号“挖土”之旅启航

229,629 views•Streamed live on Nov 23, 2020

Who believes this fake CGI China propaganda?

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df5272 No.149182

File: 2251cfcefe22446⋯.png (1.43 MB,3813x1862,3813:1862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769383 (242033ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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df5272 No.149183

File: 3bc01e73b542529⋯.png (28.95 KB,598x247,46:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769391 (242033ZNOV20) Notable: Youtube demonetizes OAN, wont let them post new content

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df5272 No.149184

File: d31f46fc39f9bc4⋯.png (39.47 KB,898x274,449:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d8dc1319d1ac23⋯.png (46.5 KB,650x871,50:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769427 (242036ZNOV20) Notable: Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid

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Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid

A circuit court ruled Monday that Texas and Louisiana can exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding, a win for the movement to deprive the abortion provider of federal funding.

The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a district court's preliminary injunction preventing the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding. The court of appeals ruled in an 11-5 majority that Planned Parenthood did not have the right to challenge the state's decisions regarding who receives Medicaid benefits.

Medicaid beneficiaries "have no right under the statute to challenge a State’s determination that a provider is unqualified," the court's chief judge wrote in the majority's opinion. Because Planned Parenthood, or its patients, did not have the right to challenge Texas or Louisiana's decision to remove it from Medicaid benefits, the states are allowed to proceed with removing the organization from Medicaid funding.

The legal battle over Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood in the two states began in 2015 after the release of controversial undercover videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of fetal tissue. Texas and Louisiana state officials moved to kick the abortion provider out of Medicaid funding, citing the videos as evidence that the organization showed a willingness to profit off the sale of fetal tissue. In 2017, a lower court blocked the states from cutting off the Medicaid funding.

The loss of Medicaid funding comes after Planned Parenthood withdrew from Title X funding because of a Trump administration rule forbidding participants in the program from providing direct abortion referrals. The organization cannot receive federal funding for abortion services but does receive Medicaid funding for other health care services it provides.

Planned Parenthood criticized the decision for politicizing health care coverage.

"The governor wants to control where you can get family planning and sexual health care — once again, political ideology is driving health care policy, resulting in reduced access to care," said Planned Parenthood South Texas president and CEO Jeffrey Hons.

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, along with pro-life groups, cheered the decision.



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df5272 No.149185

File: cdb576794114b55⋯.jpg (69.59 KB,948x1659,4:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769454 (242038ZNOV20) Notable: Brazil faces $112 bln refinancing cliff in early 2021

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Brazil faces $112 bln refinancing cliff in early 2021

Brazil’s debt has ballooned to unprecedented levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the government faces a $112 billion refinancing cliff early next year, with April’s funding needs the highest ever for a single month.

Publicly, at least, Treasury officials in Latin America’s top economy insist there will be no problem getting investors to extend their loans. Their so-called liquidity cushion can cover at least three months of borrowing.

Additionally, almost all of Brazil’s debt is denominated in reais and over 90% of it is held by domestic investors, many of whom are compelled to hold it by banking rules.

Financial analysts also see little risk of a boycott by lenders, which would likely trigger a serious crisis and wreak havoc on Brazilian financial markets.

But the chances of the Treasury running into difficulty rolling over the debt, due to sudden unfavorable political, economic or market conditions, are not zero. And it is likely to pay a premium for shifting so much debt at once, analysts say.

According to Treasury figures, some 605 billion reais ($112 billion) of domestic federal debt is coming due in the first four months of next year. That is 14.1% of Brazil’s domestic debt pile of 4.82 trillion reais.

The month to watch is April, when 283 billion reais of debt needs to be rolled over. That is 6.6% of Brazil’s outstanding debt and will be the biggest single month for maturing debt on record, according to the Treasury.

“It’s a big amount, and if people want to cut back their exposure a bit for whatever reason, it becomes a significant amount,” said Sergi Lanau, deputy chief economist at the Washington-based International Institute of Finance (IIF).

“It’s not a great situation to be in, but it would be a lot worse if it was external debt. We are not too concerned about the bunching of maturities. If anything goes wrong at that time though, then you are exposed,” he said.

IIF analysis shows that the government’s domestic debt maturing in April amounts to 3.7% of GDP, also an all-time high for a single month.

Economy Minister Paulo Guedes has said he sees “no problem” for the Treasury rolling over its debt. Around half of the 600 billion reais coming due early next year may already covered by an influx of cash from the central bank and public sector banks, he said. The government’s surprisingly aggressive fiscal response to the pandemic, mainly via direct income transfers to the poor, has exploded its deficit and debt to record levels far above most other emerging countries.

Brazil’s primary deficit, excluding interest payments, is forecast to hit almost 12% of GDP this year, with overall debt rising to around 95% of GDP, according to the government. That has forced the Treasury to borrow more, increasingly in short-dated paper because it is cheaper and because growing concern around the fiscal outlook means investors are reluctant to lend longer term to the government.

While reducing the average length of debt maturities and record low official interest rates have brought average interest costs down to their lowest on record, the so-called “roll over risk” for the Treasury has increased sharply.

The difference between longer- and short-dated interest rates has widened sharply. Pre-pandemic, the gap between January 2022 and January 2027 rates futures was 180 basis points or less. That tripled to 460 basis points in September, and is now creeping back up to that all-time peak. The Treasury has failed to sell the full allocation of bonds on offer at several auctions in recent weeks, both fixed-rate ‘LTN’ notes and floating-rate ‘LTF’ notes linked to the central bank’s official Selic rate.

To attract buyers, Treasury has had to pay higher premiums. It has also relied on other sources of financing, including a recent transfer of 325 billion reais from the central bank.


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df5272 No.149186

File: 59b5a61e33e50e8⋯.png (342.59 KB,2328x742,1164:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769594 (242049ZNOV20) Notable: Delian/Thawte dig cont: C_A forged SSL certificates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Continuing with Thawte and CIA forged SSL certificates

Found this http://tadviser.com/index.php/Company:Central_Intelligence_Agency_(CIA)

Other anon linked Shuttlesworth to Open Society and Mozilla

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df5272 No.149187

File: 6f134413f29890c⋯.png (918.33 KB,743x608,743:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769621 (242051ZNOV20) Notable: Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will put $455 billion in unspent Cares Act funding into an account that his presumed successor, former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, will need authorization from Congress to use.

Mnuchin plans to place the money into the agency’s General Fund, a Treasury Department spokesperson said Tuesday. That fund can only be tapped with “authority based on congressionally issued legislation,” according to the Treasury’s website. The money includes $429 billion that Mnuchin is clawing back from the Federal Reserve which backed some of the central bank’s emergency lending facilities and $26 billion that Treasury received for direct loans to companies. Both initiatives were created under the sweeping Cares Act that was passed earlier this year as the coronavirus pandemic inflicted economic pain on the U.S.

The move will leave Yellen selected by president-elect Joe Biden as his nominee for Treasury secretary with just under $80 billion available in the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund, a pot of money that can be used with some discretion by the Treasury chief. Mnuchin sent a letter to Powell last week asking for the return of money provided to the Fed by the Treasury as a backstop that allowed the central bank to lend to certain markets in times of stress. The Fed publicly objected to the move, but agreed to return the funds.

Mnuchin said that many markets are no longer in danger of seizing up and don’t need aid beyond next month, when the programs are scheduled to expire. He said that the funds can be better applied to specific areas of the economy with the greatest need, through congressionally approved grants. “For companies that are impacted by Covid such as travel, entertainment and restaurants they don’t need more debt, they need more PPP money, they need more grants,” Mnuchin said in an interview last week.

Mnuchin isn’t required to move the money into the General Fund – the Cares Act states that the Treasury Department can maintain access to the money by keeping it in its Exchange Stabilization Fund until 2026. Yet moving the unspent money will make it virtually impossible for Yellen, if confirmed by the Senate as Treasury secretary, to deploy on her own. The Biden transition team last week called Mnuchin’s clawing back of unspent money from the Fed “deeply irresponsible.”


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df5272 No.149188

File: 11a34fcbd32061c⋯.png (753.88 KB,1917x945,71:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769626 (242052ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Arriving @ FLL hopefully taking on some "cargo"

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df5272 No.149189

File: 9977e8c068ca34d⋯.png (570.73 KB,642x386,321:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769704 (242057ZNOV20) Notable: 4500km heat wave hits Australia, set to smash records

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All time records set to smash as 4500km-long heatwave hits

Extreme weather stretching 4500km is set to break all-time heat records with some towns right in the crosshairs of the blistering conditions.

A 4500km conveyor belt of scorching weather stretching from Broome all the way to the country’s south east could prove “dangerous” in the coming days as Australians have yet to acclimatise to the blistering conditions following a wet and cool spring, a climate scientist has warned.

The all-time record for Australia’s hottest ever November day could be broken with the mercury rising close to 50C.

There’s also a possibility the Sydney and Adelaide CBDs could top out at 40C. Sydney’s west is expected to easily get into the 40s on both Saturday and Sunday.

“There’s a big build-up of heat in a belt stretching from Broome to Canberra. Once we get to Thursday that will start to kick in across the south and east and peak on the weekend,” Dr James Goldie from Monash University’s Climate Change Communications Research Hub told news.com.au.


Weather weapons or Climate change!

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df5272 No.149190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769760 (242102ZNOV20) Notable: NBA players travel to Vatican to discuss social justice work with Pope Francis

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NBA players travel to Vatican to discuss social justice work with Pope Francis

An assistant to the pope reportedly reached out to set up the meeting

By Paulina Dedaj | Fox News

A delegation of NBA players traveled to the Vatican on Monday to meet with Pope Francis to discuss the league’s efforts to combat social injustice.

The National Basketball Players Association sent five playersKyle Korver, Jonathan Isaac, Marco Belinelli, Sterling Brown and Anthony Tolliverto meet with the pope “to discuss their individual and collective efforts addressing social and economic injustice and inequality occurring in their communities,” the NBPA said in a news release.

Sources told ESPN that an assistant to the pope initially reached out to set up the meeting because of his desire to learn about their recent work and future plans to address the ongoing issues.

“We are extremely honored to have had this opportunity to come to the Vatican and share our experiences with Pope Francis,” Milwaukee Bucks forward Korver said. “His openness and eagerness to discuss these issues was inspiring and a reminder that our work has had a global impact and must continue moving forward.”

The meeting, which lasted about an hour in the papal library of the Apostolic Palace, was quickly set up with the season scheduled to begin on Dec. 22.

“You're champions," Pope Francis said, according to The Associated Press. “But also giving the example of teamwork, you've become a model, giving that good example of teamwork but always remaining humble … and preserving your own humanity."

NBPA Executive Director Michele Roberts and Matteo Zuretti, the NBPA’s Chief of International Relations, were also in attendance.

“This meeting validates the power of our Players’ voices,” Roberts said. “That one of the most influential leaders in the world sought to have a conversation with them demonstrates the influence of their platforms. I remain inspired by our Players’ continued commitment to serve and support our community.”

The audience was held days before a book comes out in which Pope Francis supports demands for racial justice, specifically the actions taken following the killing of George Floyd, who was Black, on May 25 while in the custody of Minneapolis police.


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df5272 No.149191

File: a0c153aefb7727e⋯.png (810.72 KB,723x762,241:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769761 (242102ZNOV20) Notable: XVIII Airborne Corps tweet: "Twin dragons emerged from the sky, ugly beasts when contrasted with the brilliant simplicity of the clouds."

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anyone got gud trump dragon energy memes?

new twat

XVIII Airborne Corps




"Twin dragons emerged from the sky, ugly beasts when contrasted with the brilliant simplicity of the clouds."

- Andy Contractor, "The Day the Dragons Found Me"

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df5272 No.149192

File: 117e7421b2c1729⋯.png (212.84 KB,616x560,11:10,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769871 (242110ZNOV20) Notable: Sample of the postal facilities (USPS, FedEx, UPS) addresses disguised as apartments, etc. in Georgia.

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Sample of the postal facilities (USPS, FedEx, UPS) addresses disguised as apartments, etc. in Georgia.

I will release the full dataset for GA and PA with the package that includes the survey toplines, etc.


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df5272 No.149193

File: 4cc1a9d1f8d11c5⋯.jpg (321.82 KB,839x722,839:722,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769872 (242110ZNOV20) Notable: Beware of dog: Aussies losing millions as PUPPY SCAMS surge globally amid the pandemic

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Beware of dog: Aussies losing millions as PUPPY SCAMS surge globally amid the pandemic

24 Nov, 2020 16:30


Dog comms??

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df5272 No.149194

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769876 (242111ZNOV20) Notable: #15023

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baker will seek handoff at next breads dough


alyssa milano is a cunt. but she's the enemis cunt, and shes talking to us directly. im keeping it in. its relevant.


>>149180 Alyssa Milano: I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.

>>149181 Live: China launches Chang'e-5 lunar mission with Long March-5 rocket

>>149182, >>149188 Planefag reports

>>149183 Youtube demonetizes OAN, wont let them post new content

>>149184 Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid

>>149185 Brazil faces $112 bln refinancing cliff in early 2021

>>149186 Delian/Thawte dig cont: C_A forged SSL certificates

>>149187 Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

>>149189 4500km heat wave hits Australia, set to smash records

>>149190 NBA players travel to Vatican to discuss social justice work with Pope Francis

>>149191 XVIII Airborne Corps tweet: "Twin dragons emerged from the sky, ugly beasts when contrasted with the brilliant simplicity of the clouds."

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df5272 No.149195

File: 6e8cfb114c0a942⋯.jpg (938.63 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769885 (242112ZNOV20) Notable: AT&T reportedly considers selling big minority stake in DirectTV

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df5272 No.149196

File: 051db1846df81b9⋯.jpeg (450.67 KB,640x678,320:339,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 028189e60f76f35⋯.jpeg (459.29 KB,640x885,128:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769925 (242115ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood RT: GA ballot drop boxes are monitored by cameras, request the footage

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df5272 No.149197

File: 2013354550286c4⋯.png (296.12 KB,637x400,637:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11769986 (242120ZNOV20) Notable: Paul Ryan calls on Trump to concede race and end lawsuits

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Paul Ryan calls on Trump to concede race and end lawsuits

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan (R) on Tuesday called on President Trump to concede the election to President-elect Biden and "embrace the transfer of power," in an address at a financial conference first reported by Politico.

Why it matters: Trump has continued to deny that he lost the election, despite his administration granting so-called "ascertainment" on Monday, allowing the transition to formally begin.

Background: Ryan's comments come as most members of the GOP's congressional leadership have not yet publicly acknowledge Biden as president-elect, arguing that multiple lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign needs to play out before the election is over.

"The election is over. The outcome is certain," Ryan said at Bank of America’s virtual European Credit Conference in remarks confirmed by the Washington Post. He added that the president's lawsuits "only serve to undermine our faith in our system of government, our faith in our democracy."

“[T]hese legal challenges to the outcome and the attacks on our voting system really need to stop, in my opinion. The outcome will not be changed…"

"[T]he mere fact that the president’s lawyers throw these sort of baseless conspiracy theories out at press conferences but offer no evidence of these in court tells you that there is not the kind of widespread voter fraud or systemic voter fraud that would be required to overturn the outcome of this election."

— Former House Speaker Paul Ryan

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df5272 No.149198

File: a9c102ec9c68ed1⋯.png (482.95 KB,645x695,129:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770014 (242122ZNOV20) Notable: President Donald Trump leads in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary

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President Donald Trump leads in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary, with a majority of Republican and Republican-leaning respondents choosing him over other potential contenders, a Tuesday Morning Consult/Politico survey showed.


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df5272 No.149199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770035 (242124ZNOV20) Notable: #15023

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baker seeking handoff next bread


>>149180 Alyssa Milano: I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.

>>149181 Live: China launches Chang'e-5 lunar mission with Long March-5 rocket

>>149182, >>149188 Planefag reports

>>149183 Youtube demonetizes OAN, wont let them post new content

>>149184 Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid

>>149185 Brazil faces $112 bln refinancing cliff in early 2021

>>149186 Delian/Thawte dig cont: C_A forged SSL certificates

>>149187 Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

>>149189 4500km heat wave hits Australia, set to smash records

>>149190 NBA players travel to Vatican to discuss social justice work with Pope Francis

>>149191 XVIII Airborne Corps tweet: "Twin dragons emerged from the sky, ugly beasts when contrasted with the brilliant simplicity of the clouds."

>>149192 Sample of the postal facilities (USPS, FedEx, UPS) addresses disguised as apartments, etc. in Georgia.

>>149193 Beware of dog: Aussies losing millions as PUPPY SCAMS surge globally amid the pandemic

>>149195 AT&T reportedly considers selling big minority stake in DirectTV

>>149196 Lin Wood RT: GA ballot drop boxes are monitored by cameras, request the footage

>>149197 Paul Ryan calls on Trump to concede race and end lawsuits

>>149198 President Donald Trump leads in a hypothetical 2024 Republican primary

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149200

File: cd8cd5c5d7f71bd⋯.png (353.06 KB,598x969,598:969,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bd12ba7c147559⋯.png (308.67 KB,596x618,298:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 7da9c549c29bb96⋯.png (274.89 KB,611x297,611:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770163 (242135ZNOV20) Notable: https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1

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df5272 No.149201

File: 2441cc553554f7f⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770207 (242138ZNOV20) Notable: A Japanese man who has a green card says he received a mail-in ballot despite not being an American citizen.

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A Japanese man who has a green card says he received a mail-in ballot despite not being an American citizen.


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df5272 No.149202

File: 824d555e79e5a61⋯.png (531.37 KB,553x526,553:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770213 (242139ZNOV20) Notable: 'Get Paid To Snitch' - NYC Bill Proposes Crowdsourcing To Report Illegal Parking

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'Get Paid To Snitch' - NYC Bill Proposes Crowdsourcing To Report Illegal Parking

A new bill proposed by Councilman Stephen Levin (D-Brooklyn) encourages anyone in NYC to report illegally parked cars, and in return, whistleblowers would receive part of the fines paid by violators.

The bill, introduced by Levin and Council Speaker Corey Johnson on Nov. 19, would increase parking ticket fines from $115 to $175. It allows anyone who reports an infraction to receive 25% of the money or a max payout of around $45.

The bill "creates a new violation and civil penalty for hazardous obstruction by a vehicle of a bicycle lane, bus lane when bus lane restrictions are in effect, sidewalk, crosswalk, or fire hydrant when such vehicle is located within a radial distance of 1,320 feet of a school building, entrance, or exit," Levin and Johnson wrote.

The bill's co-sponsors hope the proposed change would improve safety on bike lanes, bus lanes, crosswalks, sidewalks, and fire hydrants.

According to ABC7 New York, those who report parking violators will do so via an online portal. The site will be managed by the Department of Transportation, which would review each case.

Vehicles with city-issued placards are not exempt under the proposed bill.

This caused NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) to poke fun at the proposal on Twitter:

"Imagine if every cop wrote a summons to every vehicle parked illegally or vehicles that violate the vehicle and traffic laws.

"We could probably bail out NYC, NYS, and even feed the homeless. Everyone will then get exactly what they ask for," the SBA snarked last week.

Some on social media were quick to react, replying to SBA with pictures of vehicles parked illegally throughout NYC:


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df5272 No.149203

File: fd90c99e327d16c⋯.png (16.81 KB,590x174,295:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770214 (242139ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING - White House has given formal approval for Biden to receive the President's daily intel briefings.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING - White House has given formal approval for Biden to receive the President's daily intel briefings.


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df5272 No.149204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770255 (242142ZNOV20) Notable: Watch the Dough

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i copied and did same, so next dough reflect.

WATCH THE DOUGH >>>/qresearch/11769976

last baker was shill fucking with the notable scrapper. why he so pissed i confirmed handoff.

look at the notable count number. they are not next to the # sign. the scraper cant read that.

# 15023

>>149180 Alyssa Milano: I’d like to extend an olive branch to Trump supporters.

>>149181 Live: China launches Chang'e-5 lunar mission with Long March-5 rocket

>>149182, >>149188 Planefag reports

>>149183 Youtube demonetizes OAN, wont let them post new content

>>149184 Court Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid

>>149185 Brazil faces $112 bln refinancing cliff in early 2021

>>149186 Delian/Thawte dig cont: C_A forged SSL certificates

>>149187 Mnuchin to Put $455 Billion in Funds Out of Yellen’s Easy Reach

>>149189 4500km heat wave hits Australia, set to smash records

>>149190 NBA players travel to Vatican to discuss social justice work with Pope Francis

>>149191 XVIII Airborne Corps tweet: "Twin dragons emerged from the sky, ugly beasts when contrasted with the brilliant simplicity of the clouds."

>>149194 #15023

# 15022

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df5272 No.149205

File: e711ecad3447f9d⋯.png (308.69 KB,582x354,97:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770288 (242145ZNOV20) Notable: MILWAUKEE — Each day of the recount seems to bring some new controversy.

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And yet we expect these people to be fair


MILWAUKEE — Each day of the recount seems to bring some new controversy.

And on Tuesday morning, the controversy briefly turned to poop — or more specifically, poop emoji wristbands given to recount observers who arrived at the Wisconsin Center in downtown Milwaukee.

On previous days, the observer wristbands featured things like "VIP" in gold or purple lettering.

But all observers — those for Donald Trump, Joe Biden or media members — who arrived Tuesday morning had a paper wristband with smiling poop emojis affixed around their wrists to show they passed the required health screen. Some were not happy about it.

"A recount volunteer says she and others were forced to wear these bracelets to participate in recount," conservative radio talk show host Vicki McKenna tweeted. "Staff, attorneys and volunteers all wearing them. Do these people NOT take elections seriously?"

Milwaukee County Clerk George Christenson dismissed the controversy as silly.

"I always thought it was chocolate ice cream, personally," Christenson said when asked about the poop emoji wristbands.

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df5272 No.149206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770298 (242146ZNOV20) Notable: Old campaign literature littered the road, along with the truck’s load of corncobs.

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Old campaign literature littered the road, along with the truck’s load of corncobs. Dunn, the truck driver, heaved himself out of the wreckage and was the first to get to the station wagon, the newspaper said.

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df5272 No.149207

File: c62dbef624ae411⋯.png (317.46 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770311 (242147ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered

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BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered


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df5272 No.149208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770320 (242148ZNOV20) Notable: Minnesota Republicans Sue to Stop Election Certification, Claim Secretary of State ‘Illegally Altered’ Election Laws

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Minnesota Republicans Sue to Stop Election Certification, Claim Secretary of State ‘Illegally Altered’ Election Laws

Even as the Democrat Secretary of State in Minnesota races to certify that states election results, a coalition of constitutionally literate lawmakers is filing suit to stop him

With Democrat election officials across the several battleground states that still have challenges to their elections racing to certify their votes, Minnesota lawmakers have filed a lawsuit to halt the certification of the state’s election results.

A group of lawmakers who are part of Minnesota’s New House Republican Caucus filed a lawsuit late Monday to halt the certification of that state’s election results. The lawsuit claims misconduct by Secretary of State Steve Simon. The lawsuit alleges that Simon, a Democrat, “[I]llegally altered Minnesota’s election laws.”

Members of New House Republican Caucus say they are suing to suspend certification of Minnesota's election, set for Tuesday. Caucus spokeswoman could not immediately provide copy of suit. I'm not yet seeing anything field in Ramsey or federal court. pic.twitter.com/NEvKIafj3D

— Stephen Montemayor (@smontemayor) November 23, 2020

The suit was brought forth by State Republican Reps. Steve Drazkowski, Tim Miller, and Jeremy Munson. It was enjoined by Jose Jimenez, co-founder of the MN Election Integrity Team.

“His office issued unlawful consent decrees that greatly affected the rules that govern absentee ballots and who can assist people at the polls,” Drazkowski, Miller, and Munson said in a joint statement. “To circumvent the Minnesota Legislature and unilaterally change election law is entirely unconstitutional. This abuse of power must be addressed.”

The lawmakers pointed out they were engaging with other legislators and candidates in legal action against Simon.

Jimenez said his team found that Dominion Voting Systems were employed in at least 6 of 87 counties. He said is team also concluded that “many irregularities were witnessed at the polls and with the management of Absentee ballots by the Secretary of State at various county locations.”

A spokesperson for Simon said the office was appraised of the lawsuit “but absent any order to the contrary, we’re proceeding with the statewide canvass as planned.”

The New House Republican Caucus members associated with the lawsuit said that Simon’s rule changes violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment due to the fact they resulted in absentee and/or mail-in ballots being treated differently from county to county.

“Contrary to Steve Simon’s beliefs, only the Minnesota Legislature has the power to change election law. The secretary’s refusal to adhere to constitutional principles is an affront to free and fair elections. We intend to fix this mess,” their statement said.

Minnesota’s state canvassing board was slated to certify the election results on November 24, 2020.


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df5272 No.149209

File: 80f19878a9f722f⋯.png (85.38 KB,746x923,746:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770385 (242154ZNOV20) Notable: Five MS-13 Members Charged with Murder

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Five MS-13 Members Charged with Murder


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df5272 No.149210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770396 (242155ZNOV20) Notable: Pope Benedict XVI's former butler, Paolo Gabriele, dies aged 54

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Pope Benedict XVI's former butler, Paolo Gabriele, dies aged 54

Paolo Gabriele died on Tuesday after a long illness, leaving behind a wife and three children.

By Vatican News

Paolo Gabriele, the former butler of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, died on Tuesday after a long illness, aged 54.

After several years of service to the Holy See as part of the Pontifical Family, Mr. Gabriele, in 2012, became the protagonist of the first “Vatileaks”, the theft of confidential documents later published in a book.

He was judged and found guilty by the Tribunal of Vatican City State in October 2012.

On 22 December of the same year, he received the forgiveness and official pardon of Pope Benedict XVI. He later served at the Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital in Rome.

He is survived by his wife and three children.


‘Vatileaks’ butler who betrayed Pope Benedict dead at 54 after illness

By Tamar Lapin November 24, 2020 | 4:17pm

Pope Benedict’s former butler Paolo Gabriele — who triggered the infamous “Vatileaks” scandal — has died at 54, officials said Tuesday.

The Vatican’s official media said Gabriele died in a Rome hospital following a long illness, without elaborating. He leaves behind his wife and three children.

Gabriele worked as Benedict’s private butler for several years before he stole confidential letters and other documents from the pontiff’s desk and leaked them to an Italian journalist in 2012 — who then went on to write a tell-all book about corruption in the Catholic Church.

Gabriele was arrested in May 2012 after police found an “enormous” stash of documents in his Vatican City apartment.

The former butler admitted that he’d given the papers to reporter Gianluigi Nuzzi because he believed the pope wasn’t being informed of the “evil and corruption” in the Vatican — and that exposing it publicly would get the church back on track.

He was convicted on charges of theft and served a few months of his 18-month sentence in a tiny jail cell at the Vatican police barracks, before Benedict pardoned him at Christmas.

It’s believed the scandal played a small part in Benedict’s decision to resign a few months later.

After he was released, Gabriele went on to work at a Vatican-owned pediatrics hospital in Rome.


One of the Vatican's "Inner Families" aka the Black Nobility passes away after a long undisclosed illness.

All of that Vatican corruption yet Benedict had no idea what was going on…

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df5272 No.149211

File: 68690d6a9787501⋯.png (34.38 KB,598x374,299:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770403 (242155ZNOV20) Notable: State Dept. emails reveal while on Burisma board, Hunter sought meeting with Dep. SOS Antony Blinken, Joe's pick for SOS

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df5272 No.149212

File: f64034715471833⋯.png (705.31 KB,742x389,742:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770411 (242156ZNOV20) Notable: ICE HSI investigation seizes $16.7 million in counterfeit drugs, products

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ICE HSI investigation seizes $16.7 million in counterfeit drugs, products

NEW ORLEANS – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) New Orleans seized 51,000 counterfeit items valued at more than $16.7 million during a holiday-related intellectual property rights surge operation.

The HSI-led initiative, dubbed Operation Safety Claus, was supported by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation, with support from the U.S. Attorney Eastern District of Louisiana. The coordinated federal law enforcement operation focused on interrupting counterfeit efforts in the New Orleans metro area during the holiday shopping season.

This year’s operation nearly doubled the HSI New Orleans 2019 totals, which resulted in 33,000 items seized, valued at $8 million.

HSI New Orleans acting Special Agent in Charge Gilbert Trill said that intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement is a priority for HSI amongst all the federal crimes the agency is tasked with investigating.

“Counterfeit products such as pharmaceuticals poses a serious threat to the health and safety of unsuspecting consumers, impacts legitimate trade and compromises our national security,” said Trill. “We are committed to working closely with our federal and state partners and private sector stakeholders to keep illegal and dangerous products away from the U.S. public, while disrupting revenue streams that fund transnational criminal organization.”

Beginning in late October, more than two-dozen HSI New Orleans special agents began conducting surveillance of area business locations ultimately identifying numerous vendors engaged in the illegal sale of counterfeit goods, with an emphasis on Halloween-related items such as cosmetic contact lenses and makeup that pose a potential public safety threat due to possible bacterial and heavy metals contamination.

Although Black Friday has long been the unofficial start to the U.S. holiday season, retailers have pushed holiday shopping earlier for the last decade or so, and the pandemic has created more online shopping demand. During the second phase of the operation, special agents shifted focus to the holiday gift-buying season and seized cosmetics, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, cell phone accessories, sports memorabilia, designer watches, clothing and shoes, and other miscellaneous items.

“CBP continues its trade enforcement efforts in collaboration with our federal and industry partners to identify counterfeit and illicit goods in cargo shipments that include e-commerce,” said CBP New Orleans Field Office Director Steven Stavinoha. “CBP remains committed to enforcing intellectual property rights to ensure the safety of our citizens and to protect our businesses. If an online sales item looks too good to be true, it probably isn’t the real thing, which could be hazardous to you or the recipient.”

HSI special agents investigate and enforce violations of federal trademark, copyright and patent laws. HSI’s commercial fraud program focuses on commercial imports based on false statements and deceptive business practices. The production and trafficking of counterfeit goods poses a significant risk and safety threats to consumers. It also impacts the economic growth of legitimate businesses and consumers through lost revenue, downtime and replacement costs. The HSI-led National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center is one of the key weapons in the fight against criminal counterfeiting and piracy. HSI agents with the IPR Center work alongside other federal, state and local law enforcement partners across the country to share information, develop initiatives, coordinate enforcement actions and conduct investigations related to intellectual property theft.


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df5272 No.149213

File: 80cdea0458b5170⋯.jpg (88.81 KB,792x624,33:26,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bde1af628d37ec2⋯.jpg (31.1 KB,702x208,27:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770419 (242156ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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just now


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df5272 No.149214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770421 (242157ZNOV20) Notable: Prosecutors: 2 adults, juvenile charged with starving infant twins

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Prosecutors: 2 adults, juvenile charged with starving infant twins

Camden, N.J. – Two adults and a juvenile have been charged in connection with starving a pair of two-month-old twins, leading to the death of one of the infants, according to Acting Camden County Prosecutor Jill S. Mayer and Gloucester Township Police Chief David Harkins.

Joy Wilson, 36, Sharode Snell, 22, and a 17-year-old juvenile, all of Lindenwold, have each been charged with one count of second-degree Manslaughter, two counts of second-degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child, and one count of second-degree Aggravated Assault.

Police were called to the La Cascata development on July 8, 2019, for a report of an unresponsive infant. The infant was transported to an area hospital and was pronounced dead.

After performing an autopsy, a medical examiner requested additional testing to determine the infant’s cause and manner of death. Detectives said the other two-month-old infant was admitted to the hospital after doctors determined the baby was severely underweight and had healing injuries.

The infant’s death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner on July 8, 2020 after test results confirmed the baby’s death was not due to a genetic disorder, but starvation.

“This is one of those tragic cases that you can hardly believe when you learn the suffering these two babies went through, ultimately leading to one of their deaths,” said Mayer. “While we are deeply saddened that one of the babies died as a result of this abuse, we are grateful that her twin sister was able to be treated and is now thriving and safe. The lengthy and meticulous investigation in this matter was of paramount importance to everyone who took part in it-, from the CCPO detectives, assistant prosecutors, and victim advocates to the Gloucester Township detectives, to the doctors at the New Jersey CARES Institute, to the Camden County Medical Examiner’s Office. Each agency worked tirelessly to bring about some measure of justice for these babies.”

Wilson was arrested in Lindenwold on Nov. 19. Snell and the 17-year-old were located and arrested in North Carolina by the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force on Nov. 23.


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df5272 No.149215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770452 (242159ZNOV20) Notable: A truck carrying corn cobs broadsided the family’s white Chevrole

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A truck carrying corn cobs broadsided the family’s white Chevrolet station wagon, shearing off the left rear wheel, sending the back door into the backseat, and launching the station wagon about 150 feet into an evergreen thicket. Naomi was 13 months old, and his wife was 30, Politico reported.


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df5272 No.149216

File: 2cffd27c633bd9f⋯.png (176.94 KB,850x1026,425:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770456 (242159ZNOV20) Notable: New Flynn Tweet more voter fraud evidence

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New Flynn


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df5272 No.149217

File: 212f1ca796e69d6⋯.png (23.65 KB,598x434,299:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770462 (242200ZNOV20) Notable: Kentucky residents advised NOT to travel to Ohio

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df5272 No.149218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770471 (242200ZNOV20) Notable: Anon feels This is 1.5 hrs of the most important listening you can do

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Posted this link last bread, but without comment.

This is 1.5 hrs of the most important listening you can do. James Delingpole interviews the great Patrick Wood, expert on all things technocracy. What’s really going on with covid and the Great Reset in historical and contemporary context. Ends with a powerful call to action.

Hear it while it’s still available.

YT embedded.

Apple podcast here:


Baker (respectfully) needs to make notable, because of the importance of this material

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df5272 No.149219

File: 7cf828962bac7dc⋯.png (39.13 KB,598x479,598:479,Clipboard.png)

File: b9f4239c1916929⋯.png (24.01 KB,598x443,598:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770506 (242203ZNOV20) Notable: CALL TO DIG Hunter Biden Internet Archive

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https://archive.is/Kt5qc CALL TO DIG

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df5272 No.149220

File: 7567a8ddd8841d6⋯.png (41.9 KB,598x404,299:202,Clipboard.png)

File: 445746cbc93e726⋯.png (42.84 KB,598x434,299:217,Clipboard.png)

File: e78a2588caa3ae3⋯.png (12.36 KB,849x79,849:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770547 (242207ZNOV20) Notable: New follow the pen

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df5272 No.149221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770592 (242211ZNOV20) Notable: 6.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses expected to be shipped to states by mid-December

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6.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses expected to be shipped to states by mid-December

States will begin receiving the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines in mid-December, but will make their own determinations on who will be first in line for a shot.

An estimated 6.4 million doses of Pfizer’s vaccine will be distributed to states and territories by mid-December, assuming it receives Food and Drug Administration authorization by that point, Operation Warp Speed officials told reporters Tuesday.

State officials were notified Friday how many doses they should expect to receive in the initial distribution, and they will make their own decisions about who will be prioritized for the first doses.

Still, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar said Tuesday the agency is working on recommendations for prioritization, and he suggested health care workers, people living in nursing homes and other vulnerable people should be first in line.

“[Governors] will decide whom the vaccine is given to. We hope that our recommendations will carry weight with them but at the end of the day they will make that decision,” Azar told reporters.

Officials still expect 40 million vaccine doses will be ready by the end of the year.

Azar said he expects vaccines will be available for the general population in the second quarter of next year.

Pfizer last week asked the FDA to issue an emergency use authorization (EUA) for its vaccine, which was found to be 95 percent effective in clinical trials. It’s not clear when the FDA will make a decision. An agency advisory committee meets Dec. 10 to vote on whether they will recommend the FDA should authorize the vaccine.

Pfizer is the only company to have asked for an EUA so far, but Moderna, which announced recently that its COVID-19 vaccine is 94.5 percent effective, is expected to file a request in the coming weeks.


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df5272 No.149222

File: af71681e1f0bcd8⋯.png (2 MB,1860x906,310:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c70358bbd84d23⋯.png (731.28 KB,818x1226,409:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770611 (242212ZNOV20) Notable: Matt Braynard has discovered many absentee ballots in Macon

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Anons check this out. Matt Braynard has discovered many absentee ballots in Macon, Georgia were actually filled out with the residential address leading back to the UPS Store. The Postal Office!



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df5272 No.149223

File: db0e47d6203e99c⋯.png (907.57 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770650 (242215ZNOV20) Notable: PF

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Found Waldo!


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df5272 No.149224

File: a8dbeb2ca7feee8⋯.jpg (415.54 KB,1919x971,1919:971,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 18588963814aa90⋯.jpg (593.42 KB,1913x971,1913:971,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fe69cfa0fff79c2⋯.png (544.87 KB,700x500,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770765 (242224ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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On it. Also a R0530909 "ROSE" flight as well as R103O1

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df5272 No.149225

File: 9c379e716650ebb⋯.png (458.15 KB,557x558,557:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770780 (242224ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

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Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

In early October, a week before early voting started in Georgia, Eric Coomer updated all the voting machines in Georgia.

A report at 11 Alive news in Georgia reported:

The state told us last week that the update was routine. But the sheer scope of the update of the state’s 34,000 or so voting machines is what’s raising eyebrows. The biggest update occurred last week at Fulton County’s voter warehouse in northwest Atlanta. Critics have filed suit to scuttle the voting machine because they say the update is more than Georgia’s 159 counties can safely handle.


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df5272 No.149226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770802 (242226ZNOV20) Notable: #15024

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>>149204 Watch the Dough

>>149200 Matt Braynard releases sample of postal facilities (USPS, Fedex, UPS) disguised as apartments in Georgia

>>149211 Hunter requested meetings with now Biden pick for Secretary of State after joining Burisma Board

>>149200 https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1

>>149218 Anon feels This is 1.5 hrs of the most important listening you can do

>>149215 A truck carrying corn cobs broadsided the family’s white Chevrole

>>149206 Old campaign literature littered the road, along with the truck’s load of corncobs.

>>149223 PF

>>149222 Matt Braynard has discovered many absentee ballots in Macon

>>149201 A Japanese man who has a green card says he received a mail-in ballot despite not being an American citizen.

>>149202 'Get Paid To Snitch' - NYC Bill Proposes Crowdsourcing To Report Illegal Parking

>>149203 BREAKING - White House has given formal approval for Biden to receive the President's daily intel briefings.

>>149205 MILWAUKEE — Each day of the recount seems to bring some new controversy.

>>149207 BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona — Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered

>>149208 Minnesota Republicans Sue to Stop Election Certification, Claim Secretary of State ‘Illegally Altered’ Election Laws

>>149209 Five MS-13 Members Charged with Murder

>>149210 Pope Benedict XVI's former butler, Paolo Gabriele, dies aged 54

>>149211 State Dept. emails reveal while on Burisma board, Hunter sought meeting with Dep. SOS Antony Blinken, Joe's pick for SOS

>>149212 ICE HSI investigation seizes $16.7 million in counterfeit drugs, products

>>149213, >>149224 Planefag reports

>>149214 Prosecutors: 2 adults, juvenile charged with starving infant twins

>>149216 New Flynn Tweet more voter fraud evidence

>>149217 Kentucky residents advised NOT to travel to Ohio

>>149219 CALL TO DIG Hunter Biden Internet Archive

>>149220 New follow the pen

>>149221 6.4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses expected to be shipped to states by mid-December

>>149225 Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

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df5272 No.149227

File: 5b706542e0c23d2⋯.png (12.8 KB,497x252,71:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770938 (242235ZNOV20) Notable: New POTUS tweet AMERICA FIRST!!!

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New DJT Tweet


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df5272 No.149228

File: 399d30daaf0758f⋯.png (333.25 KB,1600x649,1600:649,Clipboard.png)

File: d8ba47cd4083f40⋯.png (640.18 KB,1579x654,1579:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770939 (242235ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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GTMO845 now, Q000001 & Q000002 in the air this morning

Q000001 & 2 were Brit fighters flying together this morning. I thought it was cool

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df5272 No.149229

File: 699a28b0f841ac7⋯.jpeg (309.1 KB,1113x1048,1113:1048,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770942 (242235ZNOV20) Notable: PA, AZ, MI legislatures to hold public hearings on 2020 election

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>notabled last bread

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df5272 No.149230

File: 1c31eed62e4ae22⋯.png (96.82 KB,747x911,747:911,Clipboard.png)

File: c93dd79a82ee048⋯.png (94.01 KB,741x892,741:892,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770978 (242238ZNOV20) Notable: Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Kickback Conspiracies

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Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Kickback Conspiracies


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df5272 No.149231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11770998 (242240ZNOV20) Notable: PA, AZ, MI legislatures to hold public hearings on 2020 election

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df5272 No.149232

File: ba87f0eea79e31c⋯.png (850.19 KB,672x697,672:697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771034 (242242ZNOV20) Notable: Heir to $5 billion fortune John Gilbert Getty dead at 52 in hotel

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Heir to $5 billion fortune John Gilbert Getty dead at 52 in hotel

The famous Getty family has suffered another tragedy with the death of the 52-year-old heir, which comes just months after his mother passed away.

The heir to the $5 billion Getty fortune has died aged 52 in yet another tragedy for the dynasty.

John Gilbert Getty was found unresponsive at a hotel in San Antonio, Texas, just months after the death of his mum and nearly six years after the death of his brother.

He was set to inherit the Getty family fortune, which is estimated to be worth more than $5 billion.

The family released a statement that said: “With a heavy heart, Gordon Getty announces the death of his son, John Gilbert Getty.

“John leaves behind his daughter, Ivy Getty, whom he loved beyond measure, and his brothers Peter and Billy. His brother, Andrew, predeceased John.

“John’s mother, Ann Gilbert Getty, passed this September.

“John was a talented musician who loved rock and roll. He will be deeply missed.”

A cause of death was not given, although there is not believed to have been any foul play.

The 52-year-old is survived by his daughter, Ivy.


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df5272 No.149233

File: ef59f8b3e6564ec⋯.png (203.75 KB,613x663,613:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 05ab544930cdf10⋯.png (275.43 KB,604x466,302:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771079 (242245ZNOV20) Notable: Syrian Media Report 'Israeli Aggression' in Quneitra

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Syrian Media Report 'Israeli Aggression' in Quneitra

The reports follow last week's airstrikes conducted by the Israeli military, which, the IDF said, targeted Iranian Quds and Syrian Army objects in Syria. The attack resulted in three soldiers killed and one injured, Syrian media said, citing a military source.

An explosion was heard south of Quneitra in Syria, a SANA correspondent reported on late Tuesday, describing it as "Israeli aggression".

There has been no further information so far concerning possible casualties or damage as a result of the strike, but reporters on social media suggest more than one explosion was heard in the area.

According to the Syrian newspaper Al-Watan, the air defence systems repelled some of the attacks.

The alleged photos of the strike have been shared on social media.

Last Wednesday, SANA said explosions were heard in the sky above the capital of Damascus, which the Israeli military took responsibility for, saying it struck "Iranian Quds Force & Syrian Armed Forces targets". The attack was conducted from the Syrian Golan Heights in retaliation for explosive devices by the Alpha Line allegedly placed by Iran and Syria to hit Israeli troops, the IDF added.

Since the start of the civil war in Syria, Israel has conducted numerous attacks on its territory targeting what it claims are


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df5272 No.149234

File: e9fc0071c35da91⋯.jpeg (748.73 KB,1536x991,1536:991,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771082 (242246ZNOV20) Notable: CALL TO DIG wikileaks: Smartmatic, Dominion, ES&S

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df5272 No.149235

File: 77fcc45b3a50acf⋯.png (1.18 MB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771112 (242249ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Osprey callsign ANON. Heading E from North Island.

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df5272 No.149236

File: 19772f714e88a4e⋯.png (1.15 MB,924x522,154:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771122 (242249ZNOV20) Notable: Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots

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Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots

"These discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law” – Amistad Project's Phil Kline

The national conservative group Amistad Project filed an emergency petition Tuesday with the Wisconsin Supreme Court challenging the state’s unofficial results in the 2020 presidential election, saying it has identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots.

Results from the Nov. 3 balloting in the state show Democratic candidate Joe Biden defeated President Trump by a roughly 20,000-vote margin.

Phill Kline, director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, said the number of potentially fraudulent ballots identified are “more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results.”

“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law,” he also said.

Several major news outlets have declared Biden the winner of the presidential race, as Trump and his legal team continue to challenge results in key states.


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df5272 No.149237

File: 250d7dcf15cc753⋯.png (372.2 KB,534x382,267:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771199 (242255ZNOV20) Notable: Biden's National Security Pick Said US Should "Encourage" China's Rise & Not Contain It

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Biden's National Security Pick Said US Should "Encourage" China's Rise & Not Contain It

Joe Biden's announced nomination for National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, had some interesting and eyebrow-raising words on China a few years back. The comments are even more relevant now as he's expected to assume this top cabinet position on the heels of Trump's ongoing pressure campaign and months-long trade war with China.

The former staff member under Hillary Clinton when she was Obama's Secretary of State gave a 2017 speech - the contents of which are once again making the rounds wherein he said Washington should support China's "rise" as opposed to containing it.

"We need to strike a middle course – one that encourages China’s rise in a manner consistent with an open, fair, rules-based, regional order," Sullivan said in the context of a thinking tank foreign policy event.

"This will require care and prudence and strategic foresight, and maybe even more basically it will require sustained attention. It may not have escaped your notice that these are not in ample supply in Washington right now.”

He further said "it needs to be about our ties to the region that create an environment more conducive to a peaceful and positive sum Chinese rise" at the Lowly Institute event.

He underscored during the 2017 lecture that a "thriving China" was in the end good for the global economy.

It's unclear the degree to which his views have changed or shifted, also given Biden has campaigned this year on getting "tough" on China, including maintaining pressure and crucial alliances capable of bringing leverage to "shape the rules of the road" and soften the PRC to "reflect democratic interests and values."

We’ll start seeing a lot of stories about how the rise of China is inevitable. The Establishment knows that they will do nothing to stop the CCP, so it’s in their interest to argue that nothing can be done. https://t.co/ag2kCWhmcK

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) November 24, 2020

Biden wrote it in a Foreign Affairs op-ed last spring that his administration will stand up to China and framed it in terms akin to a new Cold War: "As president, I will take immediate steps to renew U.S. democracy and alliances, protect the United States’ economic future, and once more have America lead the world. This is not a moment for fear. This is the time to tap the strength and audacity that took us to victory in two world wars and brought down the Iron Curtain," he wrote.

"The triumph of democracy and liberalism over fascism and autocracy created the free world. But this contest does not just define our past. It will define our future, as well," Biden continued at the time. Sullivan is certainly expected to reflect the above muscular foreign policy posture as Biden NatSec advisor, especially given his role in the so-called 'Arab Spring', where's he said to have favored robust US covert action in what were essentially regime change wars sold as 'humanitarian intervention'.


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df5272 No.149238

File: ebf3f677a1075b6⋯.png (40.47 KB,646x648,323:324,Clipboard.png)

File: 0bb13bf14a735ac⋯.png (21.69 KB,646x324,323:162,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fbd3603fbb3b2a⋯.png (709 KB,700x587,700:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771220 (242257ZNOV20) Notable: Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

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Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

'What differentiates this study is that patients were diagnosed very early with COVID-19 in an outpatient setting, and only high-risk patients were treated early on'

A peer-reviewed study analyzing the effectiveness of a triple drug cocktail including hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 patients found that the treatment was effective and that it significantly reduced hospitalization and mortality rates for those in the treatment group.

The study, authored by the controversial Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in partnership with two German doctors, was accepted for peer-review and will be published in the December issue of the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. An online-only version of the study was published Oct. 26.

Dr. Zelenko and team, Drs. Roland Derwand and Martin Scholz, sought to describe the outcomes of high-risk patients with laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 who received early treatment with zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine, and azithromycin. A total of 141 diagnosed COVID-19 patients were prescribed the triple treatment over a five-day period. They were compared with a control group of 377 confirmed COVID-19 patients who did not receive the treatment.

The study found that treated patients were 84% less likely to be hospitalized than untreated ones. Of 141 treated patients, four were hospitalized, which was significantly fewer than 58 of 377 untreated patients who were sent to the hospital. Additionally, the mortality rate for treated patients was lower. Only one patient in the treatment group died versus 13 patients in the untreated group. The patient who died had a history of cancer and only took one daily dose of the triple therapy before hospital admission.

The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has been the subject of intense public debate after President Donald Trump championed it as a potential "game changer" in March just after the onset of the pandemic. Earlier studies conducted in April and May found that the drug had no positive impact on patients. Another study published in Lancet claimed that the drug could be dangerous for some patients, but was later retracted by its authors. A more recent study published in November found patients treated with hydroxychloroquine showed no signs of significant improvement in "clinical status" compared with those given a placebo.


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df5272 No.149239

File: bc6a5b927375812⋯.png (2.79 MB,647x6146,647:6146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771231 (242258ZNOV20) Notable: Dow, S&P, & Bitcoin Soar To Record Close As Dollar & Gold Sink

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Dow, S&P, & Bitcoin Soar To Record Close As Dollar & Gold Sink


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df5272 No.149240

File: ce79b4ffd7efac8⋯.png (276.62 KB,642x490,321:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771232 (242258ZNOV20) Notable: Mueller Investigator Andrew Weissmann Calls for Biden DOJ to Prosecute Trump

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Mueller Investigator Andrew Weissmann Calls for Biden DOJ to Prosecute Trump

Andrew Weissmann, an MSNBC contributor and top deputy to former special counsel Robert Mueller, is calling on former Vice President Joe Biden to prosecute President Donald Trump, assuming he will be inaugurated in January.

Weissmann, in an op-ed for the New York Times that the next Department of Justice “should investigate Mr. Trump and, if warranted, prosecute him for potential federal crimes.”

“Mr. Trump’s criminal exposure is clear,” he said, adding that there is “ample evidence to support a charge that Mr. Trump obstructed justice,” in the Mueller probe, which cleared the president of any criminal wrongdoing between himself and the Russian government during his White House transition.

Weissmann then floated the possibility that President Trump could “pardon not just his family and friends before leaving office but also himself in order to avoid federal criminal liability.”

“In short, being president should mean you are more accountable, not less, to the rule of law,” he concluded.

Weissmann’s op-ed comes after the former Mueller prosecutor compared President Trump to Nazi Germany Dictator Adolf Hitler.

“For those people who say we should appease Trump, how did that approach go for Neville Chamberlain,” he wrote on Twitter.

In September, Weissmann seemingly threw Mueller under the bus by lamenting that they “could have done more” in their investigation into President Trump.

“Had we given it our all — had we used all available tools to uncover the truth, undeterred by the onslaught of the president’s unique powers to undermine our efforts?” he wrote in The Atlantic. “I know the hard answer to that simple question: We could have done more.”


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df5272 No.149241

File: da6dd3b9ca77a68⋯.jpeg (277.53 KB,1536x1336,192:167,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771254 (242300ZNOV20) Notable: CALL TO DIG wikileaks: Smartmatic, Dominion, ES&S

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df5272 No.149242

File: af5145097ead6df⋯.png (313.59 KB,941x580,941:580,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e90429b14ab89⋯.jpg (90.15 KB,960x633,320:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771300 (242303ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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This is from midterms 2018

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df5272 No.149243

File: 0ac52aa7f1f8833⋯.png (304.9 KB,611x541,611:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771308 (242304ZNOV20) Notable: Michigan ballot fraud witness explains how it was done

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df5272 No.149244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771317 (242304ZNOV20) Notable: Abortion is the leading cause of death during the coronavirus, killing 37 million worldwide

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Abortion is the leading cause of death during the coronavirus, killing 37 million worldwide

250,000. That’s the number of Americans who have died from the coronavirus despite the best efforts of President Donald Trump, frontline medical workers and Americans doing what they can to protect themselves and others.

(Article by Steven Ertelt and Micaiah Bilger republished from LifeNews.com)

It’s a heartbreaking number — no one ever wants to see someone die from a disease, virus or medical condition. And scientists, doctors, nurses and other people in the medical field have worked furiously to find a vaccine and develop treatments to help patients recover and recover more quickly.

But it’s also a number that deserves some perspective.

As people have sacrificed worldwide — losing businesses and jobs, closing schools and churches, distancing, wearing masks etc. — the abortion industry hasn’t taken a break anywhere around the world and especially not in the United States. Even while frontline medical workers were desperate for more PPEs, abortions clinics remained open and hogged those previous resources throughout the crisis, putting both mothers’ and unborn babies’ lives at risk while actual medical facilities closed to protect their patients.

As a result, abortion remains the leading cause of death in both the United States and worldwide.

While 250,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus and 1,358,413 have died worldwide, those tragic numbers pale in comparison to the number of babies killed in abortions. The number of unborn babies who died in the U.S. and internationally from abortions far surpasses both.

Based on Worldometer abortion statistics, there were an average of around 3.5 million abortions per month in the world so far in 2020. That means that approximately 37,709,161 unborn babies were aborted this year. At a clip of 125,000 abortions on babies every day, that means the same number of babies have been killed in abortions in just 11 days as the number of people worldwide who have died in total from the coronavirus. No death is better or worse than another and every human being has the exact same right to life, but the comparison is staggering.

In the United States, there are over an estimated 2,465 babies who die in abortions daily, according to estimates from the Alan Guttmacher Institute. That means, as of today, 796,438 babies have been killed in abortions — more than three times the number of Americans who have died from the coronavirus. But there is not the same nationwide attention on their deaths as their is COVID.

These abortions did not destroy “pregnancies” or blobs of tissue or clumps of cells. They destroyed unique, living human beings – unborn babies with their own separate DNA and almost certainly a beating heart. This is basic biology, and abortionists themselves admit that abortions kill human beings.

Whether from the coronavirus or abortion or another cause, every death marks the end of a unique, valuable human life that can never be replaced. And how much more tragic deaths are when they are preventable. People all across the world made sacrifices to save people from dying from COVID-19. If only more would do the same for unborn babies.


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df5272 No.149245

File: 274e127206eb92e⋯.png (921.8 KB,1880x970,188:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771339 (242306ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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Found the bewb lover E-6 OGLER40.

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df5272 No.149246

File: de8cb3db95488f6⋯.png (389.88 KB,600x670,60:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771391 (242310ZNOV20) Notable: US Navy tweet Making history! #FlyNavy

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Making history! #FlyNavy

A CMV-22B Osprey from the “Titans” of Fleet Logistics Multi-Mission Squadron (VRM) 30 lands aboard #USSCarlVinson while operating in the Pacific Ocean. This evolution marked the first time the #USNavy’s CMV-22B Ospreys have landed on a carrier.


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df5272 No.149247

File: 82d41e6ca314dcd⋯.png (42.55 KB,665x661,665:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 508ee996d71b3c2⋯.png (64.1 KB,636x862,318:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771421 (242313ZNOV20) Notable: ‘This is going nowhere’: Gantz, Netanyahu shout at each other at cabinet meeting

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‘This is going nowhere’: Gantz, Netanyahu shout at each other at cabinet meeting

In latest manifestation of coalition crisis, debate over pandemic response said to devolve into recriminations; Likud minister says he expects Knesset to be dissolved in December

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly got into a shouting match with Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi during a coronavirus cabinet meeting Monday night, as friction within the coalition was widely expected to lead to the fall of the government by next month.

Tensions have been growing for months between Netanyahu’s Likud party and Gantz’s Blue and White over the failure to pass the state budget and to make a series of senior appointments, including for police chief, attorney general and Justice Ministry director-general.

Netanyahu and Gantz clashed earlier Monday as well over an inquiry Gantz announced Sunday into the so-called submarine affair. Gantz also said Israelis should be concerned about the leaking of news that Netanyahu flew Sunday to meet with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, implying that the story was published for Netanyahu’s partisan political purposes. Those incidents further shook up the already rickety unity coalition and signaled that the long-expected fall of the government was nearer than ever.

The distrust was apparent during Monday’s marathon eight-hour meeting of the coronavirus cabinet, a ministerial body that makes decisions regarding the pandemic. At one point, Gantz and Ashkenazi shouted at Netanyahu that he was trying to change the focus of the meeting just because his opinion wasn’t being accepted.

The body eventually decided early Tuesday to approve Education Minister Yoav Gallant’s plan to reopen most schools across the country. High schoolers in areas designated green and yellow will go back to school on Sunday, while middle schools will reopen the following Sunday, December 6. Schools in red zones, those with high morbidity rates, will remain closed.

But earlier, Netanyahu expressed reservations about that plan and tried to delay its approval, preferring to focus on ways to lower the virus’s basic reproduction number, or R0 — the average number of people each COVID-19 patient infects — which is currently above 1, meaning the number of active cases is on the rise, risking a renewed outbreak.

“The public is looking at us and saying, ‘Come on, get the disease under control.’ Nobody is making a suggestion on how to lower the R0. If I need to be the bad guy, I will,” Netanyahu was quoted by Hebrew-language media as telling ministers. “I want to see how we lower the R0 before we decide on [reopening] education and malls. It isn’t comfortable from a publicity point of view, but it’s our duty even if it takes another day.”


Trouble in paradise

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df5272 No.149248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771439 (242314ZNOV20) Notable: #15025

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>>149228, >>149235, >>149242, >>149245 Planefag reports

>>149227 New POTUS tweet AMERICA FIRST!!!

>>149230 Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Kickback Conspiracies

>>149229, >>149231 PA, AZ, MI legislatures to hold public hearings on 2020 election

>>149232 Heir to $5 billion fortune John Gilbert Getty dead at 52 in hotel

>>149233 Syrian Media Report 'Israeli Aggression' in Quneitra

>>149234, >>149241 CALL TO DIG wikileaks: Smartmatic, Dominion, ES&S

>>149236 Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots

>>149237 Biden's National Security Pick Said US Should "Encourage" China's Rise & Not Contain It

>>149238 Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

>>149239 Dow, S&P, & Bitcoin Soar To Record Close As Dollar & Gold Sink

>>149240 Mueller Investigator Andrew Weissmann Calls for Biden DOJ to Prosecute Trump

>>149243 Michigan ballot fraud witness explains how it was done

>>149244 Abortion is the leading cause of death during the coronavirus, killing 37 million worldwide

>>149246 US Navy tweet Making history! #FlyNavy

>>149247 ‘This is going nowhere’: Gantz, Netanyahu shout at each other at cabinet meeting

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df5272 No.149249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771459 (242316ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Needs to Grow Further’: US Space Force Acquisition Chief Promises ‘Plussed Up’ 2022 Budget Pitch

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‘Needs to Grow Further’: US Space Force Acquisition Chief Promises ‘Plussed Up’ 2022 Budget Pitch

The Pentagon’s newest branch, the US Space Force (USSF), has taken over the US’ space-based assets and has big plans for expanding its surveillance and offensive capabilities both on the ground and in space.

Lt. Gen. John Thompson, commander of the USSF’s Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), said at a recent forum that the service would continue to seek larger budgets in the coming years, confident that lawmakers and Pentagon planners alike will support a rapid expansion of space capabilities.

“If you thought space was going to be a priority in a kind of one-and-done way, that’s not clearly what’s been happening, right?” Thompson pointed out at the Air Force Association’s Schriever Space Futures Forum last week, according to C4ISRNET. “Three years in a row, budgets have gone to the Hill with foundational changes to the space budget.”

“We plussed up the space portfolio significantly to address users’ needs,” Thompson said about the fiscal year 2022 budget proposal still in the works. “I can’t give you the exact dollars and obviously it’s all pre-decisional. But the DMAG [Deputy’s Management Action Group] and many other DoD [Department of Defense] leaders are clearly sending a message that across the [Future Years Defense Program], the importance of the space enterprise is growing and needs to grow further.”

For some perspective, in fiscal year 2021, the Department of the Air Force boosted its budget for the USSF some $800 million from the year prior, to $15.4 billion. That’s a lot of money for a service branch officially founded in December 2019 and sporting just 16,000 uniformed and civilian personnel. That’s about $962,500 spent per person.

Earlier this month, amid the ongoing dispute over the November 3 US presidential election results, Joshua Huminski, director of the Mike Rogers Center for Intelligence and Global Affairs’ National Security Space Program, told SpaceNews that whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden becomes the nation’s next president, “The mission and threat will continue on and perhaps accelerate” in the coming years.

“I think the important thing to consider is that the intellectual foundation of the Space Force existed well before President Trump - the need for a separate culture, space as a warfighting domain and the threat from Russia and China on orbit,” Huminski added.

The new service is taking over the space-based assets separately managed by each service branch, as well as taking responsibility for a slew of new satellites, weapons systems, and defensive efforts like counter-jamming abilities - ostensibly to better protect them from the increased threat of Russian and Chinese interference or intercept. However, Beijing and Moscow alike have denied any intent to militarize space and have accused Washington of perpetrating that which it seeks to prevent.

Last month, the US Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate opened its Deployable Structures Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, a facility for testing out new materials and designs for space structures before deploying them into orbit. That could include a slew of new ballistic missile early warning satellites as well as structures such as a proposed solar energy collector that would beam its energy down to Earth to provide electrical power.

The Space Force also has offensive weapons in the form of the Counter Communications System, an Earth-based array that can jam enemy satellite transmissions - something SMC combat systems branch materiel leader Lt. Col. Steve Brogan said at its January unveiling “puts the 'force' in Space Force and is critical for Space as a warfighting domain.” Its next iteration, dubbed “Meadowland,” will see the technology further miniaturized and multiplied into a vast network of offensive jamming capabilities.


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df5272 No.149250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771475 (242318ZNOV20) Notable: Mysterious Metal Monolith Discovered in Remote Area of Utah Desert

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Don't forget the Mysterious Metal Monolith Discovered in Remote Area of Utah Desert'''

I think there will be a place for it in the map.


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df5272 No.149251

File: 83c66ce6599bfa2⋯.mp4 (755.34 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 205e777d20f4bb6⋯.png (320.61 KB,589x393,589:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771482 (242319ZNOV20) Notable: @SidneyPowell1: Election conspiracy "Is a massive criminal voter fraud.

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"@SidneyPowell1: Election conspiracy "Is a massive criminal voter fraud." https://twitter.com/HizbkKhan/status/1331353498101948417

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df5272 No.149252

File: 951e3bb2b57ba28⋯.png (357.96 KB,544x514,272:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bfca3cdaef7395⋯.png (438.89 KB,663x734,663:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771493 (242320ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Prolific’ Paedophile Pleads Guilty to Abusing and Blackmailing 96 Boys

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‘Prolific’ Paedophile Pleads Guilty to Abusing and Blackmailing 96 Boys

One of Britain’s “most prolific” paedophiles pled guilty on Monday to 96 counts of child sexual abuse against 51 boys between the age of four to fourteen.

An investigation carried out by Britain’s equivalent to the FBI, the National Crime Agency (NCA) found evidence that David Nicholas Wilson, 36, of Norfolk, created a series of fake identities online to blackmail at least 5,000 children in the UK and abroad, including in America and Australia.

The paedophile was revealed to have used unregistered phones to send pornographic images of young women to boys on in exchange for them sending him revealing photos and videos of themselves in return.

Wilson would then blackmail the children by threatening to send their photos to their friends in order to force the boys into sending more extreme footage of themselves and in some cases videos of the children abusing their siblings. The torment he inflicted upon his victims was so extreme that some of the boys spoke of wanting to end their lives, a statement from the NCA said.

Appearing before the Ipswich Crown Court on Monday, Wilson pled guilty to charges of blackmail as well as to a slew of online related paedophilia charges. He will be sentenced on January 12th of next year.

The head of Child Sexual Abuse operations for the NCA, Tony Cook said: “David Wilson is a prolific offender who has caused heartbreaking suffering to some of the boys and their families in this case.”

“He knew the anguish victims were suffering but ignored any pleas from them to stop until he got what he wanted from them,” Cook said, adding: “Wilson is an example of adult sexual offenders who use the internet to hide their real identities, using plausible online personas to exploit children.”

“We know children are increasingly sharing personal material on social media sites but I would implore them to think carefully about their interactions online and be aware of the hurt and long-term damage manipulative offenders like Wilson cause,” he warned.

The NCA said that in June and July of 2017, Facebook identified 20 accounts of boys aged between 12 and 15-years-old who had shared explicit images of themselves to a fake account by the convicted paedophile, which appeared to be a 13-year-old girl.

The crime agency said that Facebook’s plans to implement end-to-end encryption on its messenger service would have prevented the paedophile from being caught.


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df5272 No.149253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771527 (242322ZNOV20) Notable: Netanyau tells convicted American spy: ‘We’re waiting for you’

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Netanyau tells convicted American spy: ‘We’re waiting for you’

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday phoned Jonathan Pollard, the former U.S. Navy analyst convicted of spying for Israel in the 1980s, telling him: “We’re waiting for you.”

The U.S. Justice Department announced last Friday that Pollard had completed his parole, clearing the way for him to move to Israel 35 years after he was arrested.

“You should have now a comfortable life where you can pursue, both of you can pursue your interests,” Netanyahu said in a conversation with Pollard and his wife Esther. Netanyahu’s office released excerpts of the videotaped conversation.

Esther Pollard is undergoing medical treatment in New York for cancer. It is not yet clear when the couple will be able to move to Israel.

Netanyahu promised top-notch medical care for Esther Pollard, and speaking in Hebrew to her, said the country is ready to receive them with “open arms.”

“Your nightmare is over and you can come home to Israel,” Netanyahu said.

Pollard, a civilian intelligence analyst for the U.S. Navy, sold military secrets to Israel while working at the Pentagon in the 1980s. He was arrested in 1985 after trying unsuccessfully to gain asylum at the Israeli Embassy in Washington and pleaded guilty. The espionage affair embarrassed Israel and tarnished its relations with the United States for years.

Pollard was given a life sentence and U.S. defense and intelligence officials consistently argued against releasing Pollard. But after serving 30 years in federal prison, he was released on Nov. 20, 2015, and placed on a five-year parole period that ended last week.


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df5272 No.149254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771618 (242328ZNOV20) Notable: #15025

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repost missed notes next bread. baking early to BTFO /comms/ lurkers


>>149228, >>149235, >>149242, >>149245 Planefag reports

>>149227 New POTUS tweet AMERICA FIRST!!!

>>149230 Opioid Manufacturer Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Kickback Conspiracies

>>149229, >>149231 PA, AZ, MI legislatures to hold public hearings on 2020 election

>>149232 Heir to $5 billion fortune John Gilbert Getty dead at 52 in hotel

>>149233 Syrian Media Report 'Israeli Aggression' in Quneitra

>>149234, >>149241 CALL TO DIG wikileaks: Smartmatic, Dominion, ES&S

>>149236 Group files emergency petition in Wisconsin after finding 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots

>>149237 Biden's National Security Pick Said US Should "Encourage" China's Rise & Not Contain It

>>149238 Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

>>149239 Dow, S&P, & Bitcoin Soar To Record Close As Dollar & Gold Sink

>>149240 Mueller Investigator Andrew Weissmann Calls for Biden DOJ to Prosecute Trump

>>149243 Michigan ballot fraud witness explains how it was done

>>149244 Abortion is the leading cause of death during the coronavirus, killing 37 million worldwide

>>149246 US Navy tweet Making history! #FlyNavy

>>149247 ‘This is going nowhere’: Gantz, Netanyahu shout at each other at cabinet meeting

>>149249 ‘Needs to Grow Further’: US Space Force Acquisition Chief Promises ‘Plussed Up’ 2022 Budget Pitch

>>149250 Mysterious Metal Monolith Discovered in Remote Area of Utah Desert

>>149251 @SidneyPowell1: Election conspiracy "Is a massive criminal voter fraud.

>>149252 ‘Prolific’ Paedophile Pleads Guilty to Abusing and Blackmailing 96 Boys

>>149253 Netanyau tells convicted American spy: ‘We’re waiting for you’







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df5272 No.149255

File: 509582f391466be⋯.png (282.71 KB,502x611,502:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771758 (242339ZNOV20) Notable: Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings

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Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings

Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania will hold hearings on election fraud in the coming days.

The three swing states used dubious and illegal techniques to steal the 2020 election from President Donald Trump.

In Pennsylvania President Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes at midnight on Election day. Democrats generated over one million votes in this state in the next 24 hours to steal the state from the American people.

Life News reported:

Three state legislatures will hold hearings on election fraud after all three states came under fire for potential election fraud and illegal voting that President Donald Trump’s campaign says was problematic in the 2020 presidential election.

The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign Legal Team today announced that the State Legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan will hold public hearings on the election beginning tomorrow and next week in an effort to provide confidence that all of the legal votes have been counted and the illegal votes have not been counted in the November 3rd election.

The first hearing, held by the Pennsylvania State Senate, will be conducted tomorrow, Wednesday, November 25th, in Gettysburg, PA, where each participating Senator will give a five-minute opening statement followed by testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to 2020 election fraud. Tomorrow’s hearing will also feature a presentation from former New York City Mayor and Personal Attorney to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani.

On Monday, November 30th, the Arizona legislature will hold their own hearing, followed by the Michigan legislature holding their own hearing on Tuesday, December 1st. Details for both hearings to follow.

“It’s in everyone’s interest to have a full vetting of election irregularities and fraud,” said Mayor Giuliani. “And the only way to do this is with public hearings, complete with witnesses, videos, pictures and other evidence of illegalities from the November 3rd election.”


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df5272 No.149256

File: 4d6533927a87d68⋯.png (91.25 KB,752x918,376:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771789 (242341ZNOV20) Notable: South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS

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South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS


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df5272 No.149257

File: d0f3db1316643f3⋯.png (88.07 KB,746x859,746:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 4409ef39a9cc4b1⋯.png (17.18 KB,742x298,371:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771797 (242342ZNOV20) Notable: Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession

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Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession


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df5272 No.149258

File: 902f609cd2ffc48⋯.jpg (44.79 KB,500x300,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771804 (242342ZNOV20) Notable: Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has killed himself in wake of child s.e.x abuse allegations

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Saturday, February 15, 2020


Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has killed himself in wake of child s.e.x abuse allegations, cops say.

Deputies in Florida were attempting to serve a warrant to the 54-year-old Martin earlier today when they found him dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to the Pasco County Sheriff's Office.

The warrant, issued out of Tennessee, was for three counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, three counts of aggravated sexual battery and one count of solicitation of a minor to commit rape of a child.

"The PSO SWAT team called in to assist, as Martin previously made threats of harm against himself and others," the sheriff's office said.

Martin, also a reality TV star, was arrested last month in Florida in wake of allegations that he masturbated next to a child, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

He was also charged for similar offenses in Tennessee in 2018.

Posted by Ladun Liadi at 6:49 PM

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df5272 No.149259

File: 1a8d8937e007d1f⋯.png (129.73 KB,473x459,473:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771807 (242343ZNOV20) Notable: SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020

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SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020

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df5272 No.149260

File: 856f9189bf3c0b0⋯.png (657.62 KB,600x584,75:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771815 (242343ZNOV20) Notable: Too early to get a Christmas tree? The Pompeos think not!

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Too early to get a

Christmas tree

tree? The Pompeos think not!


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df5272 No.149261

File: f7ca9bcf3398ecc⋯.png (393.24 KB,780x482,390:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771834 (242345ZNOV20) Notable: Big Tech Expert Says Google's 'Manipulations' Shifted 'at Least Six Million Votes' to Joe Biden

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Big Tech Expert Says Google's 'Manipulations' Shifted 'at Least Six Million Votes' to Joe Biden

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df5272 No.149262

File: 0b9dc458e1e1888⋯.png (195.01 KB,677x543,677:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771842 (242346ZNOV20) Notable: Donald Trump: I Should Have Fired Jim Mattis Sooner

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Donald Trump: I Should Have Fired Jim Mattis Sooner

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df5272 No.149263

File: dab28aac112c76d⋯.png (37.41 KB,770x536,385:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771851 (242346ZNOV20) Notable: Every available legal means must be used to assure Trump is not pushed out of office improperly

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By Every Legal Means Necessary

Every available legal means must be used to assure Trump is not pushed out of office improperly, and, if he has lost, that that result is the consequence of a fairly conducted and tabulated election.

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df5272 No.149264

File: fe1fdec87bd92e1⋯.png (544.15 KB,709x695,709:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771866 (242347ZNOV20) Notable: Subpoena in Georgia Election Lawsuit Seeks Video Footage From State Farm Arena

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Subpoena in Georgia Election Lawsuit Seeks Video Footage From State Farm Arena

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df5272 No.149265

File: 0c35187d3e6b4dc⋯.png (910.45 KB,1216x1106,608:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771872 (242348ZNOV20) Notable: Anthony Blinken met twice with Hunter Biden in 2015

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Moral of the story

Democrat Criminals get rewarded. Book deals, awards, Cabinet positions, lucrative consulting deals etc.

Conservative opponents get persecuted and set up on non-crimes.


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df5272 No.149266

File: 5732bec7e529128⋯.png (448.22 KB,775x557,775:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771874 (242348ZNOV20) Notable: President Trump tweet - We are providing better care, and more choice, at lower cost.

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We are providing better care, and more choice, at lower cost. We are delivering a healthier, safer, brighter, and more prosperous future for EVERY citizen in our magnificent land – because we are proudly puttingAMERICA FIRST!

7:07 PM · Sep 24, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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df5272 No.149267

File: af4e49ba769736f⋯.png (693.76 KB,707x674,707:674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771877 (242348ZNOV20) Notable: FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop

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FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop

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df5272 No.149268

File: f8fccd03cd03fbb⋯.png (576.84 KB,856x702,428:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771886 (242349ZNOV20) Notable: YouTube Suspends Far-Right News Network OANN Account for One Week, Citing COVID Misinformation

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YouTube Suspends Far-Right News Network OANN Account for One Week, Citing COVID Misinformation

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df5272 No.149269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771894 (242349ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

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Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

Presumed US President-elect Joe Biden told reporters on Tuesday that in a future Biden administration, he would rebuild the US State Department's morale and expand US alliances in the Pacific while dodging involvement in a new war.

Speaking from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, Biden said his security team was "ready to lead the world," pledging to strengthen US alliances in the Asia-Pacific region.

Earlier, Biden began announcing some of his nominees to fill key cabinet positions. Biden promised that longtime advisor Antony Blinken, who he picked to become secretary of state, would return "trust" to the department, which is presently run by former CIA director Mike Pompeo.

"He's one of the better-prepared for this job," Biden said of Blinken. "No one's better prepared in my view … He will rebuild morale and trust in the sate department where his career in government began … Tony is ready on day one."

"This team behind me, they embody my core beliefs that America is strongest when it works with its allies," he said. "Collectively this team has secured some of the most defining national security and diplomatic achievements in recent memory, made possible through decades of experience working with our partners."

"That's how we truly keep America safe without engaging in needless military conflicts," Biden continued.

His comments come on the heels of a group of Asian nations penning the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a 15-country trading bloc that notably includes China but excludes the United States. Many of the nations are US allies, including Japan, South Korea, and Australia, as well as nations Washington has sought to sway from China's influence, including Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Biden has said he has no intentions to strengthen the slew of trade restrictions imposed on China by the administration of US President Donald Trump. However, in those same comments, he repeated the same logic Trump has used to enhance its efforts to halt Chinese political and economic expansion: that China isn't playing the game according to the rules and that sanctions and tariffs are intended to force Beijing back into line.

Last week, the US State Department's Office of Policy Planning published a document that laid out a multi-decade plan for stopping China's rise. As Sputnik reported, several of its policy recommendations included fortifying the “rules-based international order” the US created after World War II; working to “reevaluate its alliance system and the panoply of international organizations in which it participates” to ensure they support this vision; and strengthening existing alliance systems and creating new ones.


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df5272 No.149270

File: 1ed6c859b3b30a6⋯.png (34.59 KB,1142x245,1142:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771927 (242351ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell is a beacon of hope to sad Qanon supporters

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Sidney Powell is a beacon of hope to sad Qanon supporters

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df5272 No.149271

File: 99f0a3175a59cf2⋯.png (395.93 KB,937x719,937:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771940 (242352ZNOV20) Notable: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood do not represent the Trump campaign

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"President Donald Trump and his failed re-election campaign have engaged in an unlawful strategy aimed at overturning the results of the 2020 election in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, according to a lawsuit recently filed in federal court.

On Tuesday morning, the case was assigned to a judge who, during the Trump era, has been viewed as particularly unsympathetic to current occupant of the White House: U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, the judge overseeing retired lieutenant general Michael Flynn’s never-ending Trumpworld passion play."

Sidney Powell and Lin Wood do not represent the Trump campaign WOMP WOMP

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df5272 No.149272

File: cec666bac33ea60⋯.png (901.17 KB,898x628,449:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 47c892597602ce1⋯.png (3.12 MB,1500x844,375:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771956 (242353ZNOV20) Notable: Neil Bush in Hunter Biden laptop archives

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>> (PB)11771435

How about the Hunter Biden archives

First doc I looked at, draft email "Will"- discussing GS (George Soros?) and NB (Neil Bush?) pulling out.

Neil Bush from wiki "Neil Bush was a member of the board of directors of Denver-based Silverado Savings and Loan from 1985 to 1988, during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. As his father, George H. W. Bush, was Vice President of the United States, his role in Silverado's failure was a focal point of publicity."



So much digging to be had anon. Grab a shovel! IMO- this is the NB/Neil in the draft letter. Checked it out because I thought it was a draft will, not a draft FROM Will. kek


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df5272 No.149273

File: 1c09c7f6b1cea4f⋯.png (693.76 KB,627x578,627:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771962 (242354ZNOV20) Notable: Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Family

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Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Family

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df5272 No.149274

File: 3db8b986ce6a515⋯.png (250.43 KB,1903x2542,1903:2542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771963 (242354ZNOV20) Notable: PARLER HACKED. PRIVATE INFO EXPOSED!!! (Ron (CM) called it

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df5272 No.149275

File: e6fcb20a4cd7e53⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b575656af9e069f⋯.jpg (118.4 KB,1601x648,1601:648,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771972 (242355ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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df5272 No.149276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11771974 (242355ZNOV20) Notable: BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.

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BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.” “It is massive.”https://twitter.com/anonpatriotq/status/1331385267605938177

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df5272 No.149277

File: 46804b8a64ac2b3⋯.jpg (60.58 KB,1000x666,500:333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772012 (242358ZNOV20) Notable: Jewish Cop Terry Yetman (38) Charged With 20 Counts of Sexually Abusing Animals and 31 Counts of Pornography Involving Children

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Jewish Cop Terry Yetman (38) Charged With 20 Counts of Sexually Abusing Animals and 31 Counts of Pornography Involving Children

By dacasonaccess_time1 year ago

Satanic Temple Founder Linked To Judaism and It’s Creation Islam: “More Than 50% of Our Membership is LGBTQ” (read more)

Founder of Jewish Talmudism Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai Sentenced to Hell (video)

Pedophilia Endorsing Jewish Talmud Permitted Rabbi Shmuley Boteach To Defend Alleged Kabbalah Worshiping “King of Pop” Pedophile Michael Jackson? (read more)

The Jewish Invented Cult of Transgenderism’s Bewitching of America (read more)

Jewish Church Founder Preaches Benefits of Satanic Social Change (read more)

Son of Israeli Politician Linked To Founder of The World Zionist Organization “We’re Forced To Practice Satanism In Modern Israel” (read more)

Jewish Church of Satan Founder Anton Lavey Was a Zionist Gun-Runner For Israeli Mossad (read more)

How The Ancient Jewish Tradition of ‘Fake-Hate’ Created Islam (read more)

Hundreds Gather for Unveiling of Satanic Baphomet Statue in Detroit (read more)

Why the Satanic Temple Is Opening Its Doors to American Muslims (read more)

Islam = Baal Worship, Allah = Lucifer (video)

Baal Arch Erected In Washington D.C. 9/28/2018 (video)

Jewish Invented U.N. Plot to Exterminate Humanity Revealed “Global Dimming” Using Elements That Spell Baal (read more)

Jewish Invented United Nations’ “Resolution 666” Plan To Starve 90% of America To Death (read more)

Jewish Controlled Media Companies Behind Race Mixing, White Genocide Advertising (video)

Loving v. Virginia: 15-Years After Rabbi’s 1952 Declaration ‘Forbid Whites To Mate With Whites’ (read more)

Jewish Rothschild Family Linked Kalergi Plan: The Genocide Of White European People and Culture (read more)

Israeli Mossad Planning To Detonate Nuke or Bio-Weapon In Florida, Blame Placed On Iran? (read more)

“It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the “Goyim” the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place material needs.” – Protocol No.4, We Shall Destroy God, Subsection 3, (video)

Christians For Truth, 5/21/2019

A Bossier City police officer who is already facing 40 counts of sexual abuse of animals was booked at the Bossier Parish Jail on Friday on 31 counts of pornography involving children:

Terry Yetman, 38, was arrested on warrants and booked at the jail after 8 p.m. with a bond amount of $620,000, according to the booking records Friday evening.

Yetman was scheduled for a bond reduction hearing on Tuesday, April 23, regarding his sexual abuse of animal charges, according to Bossier Parish court minutes on Thursday.

In January, a judge denied Yetman’s request for bond reduction. The bond previously set for the sexual abuse of animals charges totaled $350,000.

The Shreveport Times was unable to reach District Attorney J. Schuyler Marvin or Yetman’s attorney, Paul Carmouche, on Friday afternoon.

Yetman was arrested in mid-December 2018 following a months-long investigation and charged with 20 counts of sexual abuse of an animal by filming, distribution and/or possession of pornographic images, and twenty counts of sexual abuse of an animal by engaging in sexual contact.

Yetman had been employed with the Bossier City Police Department since November 2014 and was assigned as a patrol division officer. He was placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation by BCPD, according to previous reports.

Doll Stanley, an In Defense of Animals campaign director, traveled about five hours from Mississippi to bring a document containing more than 20,000 signatures to give Marvin on Thursday, she said.

The signatures were collected in a campaign, made available in early February, through the California-based animal protection organization’s website for people to sign in favor of a strong prosecution.

“We will let Bossier County 26th District Attorney Marvin Schuyler know we are watching this case very closely and that we fully expect Yetman to be prosecuted for each of the forty counts of felony animal abuse and that no plea deals or mercy should be offered for his atrocious crimes,” the campaign description read.

read more:


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df5272 No.149278

File: fa9726fc292749d⋯.png (128.45 KB,1164x748,291:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772066 (250001ZNOV20) Notable: Emerald Robinsin OANN tweet - CNN is for sale

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What shame.

CNN used to a good name in news until the propaganda artists decided to shipwreck it in their pursuit of power.

They will destroy everything in their quest for power. They knew that their propaganda and shilling would destroy ratings. But to the ultra rich who are trying to control the world, that is a small price to pay.


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df5272 No.149279

File: 85db220502dc59b⋯.png (19.37 KB,725x218,725:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772083 (250003ZNOV20) Notable: How to save Democracy from technology

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Consider the path taken by followers of QAnon, an elaborate far-right conspiracy theory that posits the existence of a global pedophilia cabal. After having their content restricted by Facebook and Twitter, QAnon supporters abandoned the big platforms and migrated to 4chan, a more permissive message board. When 4chan’s moderation teams started tempering incendiary comments, QAnon followers moved to a new platform, 8chan (now called 8kun). These conspiracy theorists can still communicate with one another through ordinary email or on encrypted channels such as Signal, Telegram, and WhatsApp. Such speech, however problematic, is protected by the First Amendment.

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df5272 No.149280

File: dea9f5a48cab091⋯.png (306.85 KB,867x619,867:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772152 (250008ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

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Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

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df5272 No.149281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772154 (250008ZNOV20) Notable: NAACP federal lawsuit against Trump campaign assigned to Judge Emmet Sullivan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/11771691 pb

NAACP federal lawsuit against Trump campaign assigned to Judge Emmet Sullivan…Judge Emmet Sullivan Will Oversee Voting Rights Act Case Against Trump Campaign


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df5272 No.149282

File: 1fc4e119d702b14⋯.png (290.61 KB,859x538,859:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772175 (250010ZNOV20) Notable: Trump: Voters are '100% correct' that 2020 'election was stolen'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump: Voters are '100% correct' that 2020 'election was stolen'

Jenna Ellis: 'Media chatter of Joe Biden picking his cabinet is like fantasy football'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149283

File: 78d33713d19123f⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,250x246,125:123,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2add5b4f64cdbc2⋯.jpg (37.17 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2bdb48f5210172d⋯.jpg (36.33 KB,350x525,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e82981d2a510fdf⋯.jpg (33.51 KB,526x395,526:395,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772176 (250010ZNOV20) Notable: Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has suicided after child sex abuse allegations according to police

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


love the word:

>Daniel Lee Martin

Martin Was


By A Grand Jury In 2018

well hmmm???


Daniel Lee Martin Dead: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Former country music singer Daniel Lee Martin was found dead from a self-inflicted apparent gun wound, according to TMZ. He was 54.

The singer and Brotherhood Outdoors reality TV star was under investigation for child sex abuse crimes. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office found his body inside his Florida home while attempting to serve him a warrant out of Tennessee for 3-counts of sexual exploitation on a minor, along with aggravated sexual battery and solicitation of a minor to commit rape.

Martin was arrested on charges of lewd and lascivious exhibition and prohibition of certain acts in connection with obscenity in late January. He was released on $15,000 bail within three hours of his arrest.

According to an affidavit obtained by the Tampa Bay Times, “the victim told detectives that Martin exposed his genitals to her while the two were sitting on a couch and that Martin began fondling himself after applying lotion to his penis. The victim also told detectives that Martin had shared pornographic images with her depicting men and women engaged in sexual acts. The incidents took place on numerous occasions while the victim spent the night at Martin’s home, the affidavit stated.”

Here’s what you need to know about Daniel Lee Martin:

1. Martin Was Indicted By A Grand Jury In 2018

In Williamson County, Tennessee, Martin was indicted by a grand jury on September 12, 2018, on four counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of aggravated sexual battery, two counts of solicitation of a minor to commit rape of a child, two counts of indecent exposure and one count of solicitation of a minor.

He turned himself into the police on October 10, 2018, and a trial was scheduled for March. The allegations against Martin were reported by children ages 9 to 12, for incidents that allegedly took place between May 2014 and January 2018. According to The Tennessean, at least two of the victims were female.

2. Martin Was Previously Married To Wife Julie Mcqueen (any relation to the dead designer Melania wore)

The country singer tied the knot with Julie Mcqueen in 2013. Together, and they starred in the CarbonTV show, Til Death Do Us Part. Martin and McQueen loved outdoor adventures, as she was a licensed pilot, and she was a huge supporter of his country music career.

In a joint interview in 2014, Martin said of working alongside his wife, “We always hunt together if we have that option and we make a very good team! I think last year we hunted more than 200 days together. We also work together full-time. Our offices are connected, our calendars are linked, and we collaborate on everything from production details, photography, hunt locations to what’s for lunch! Needless to say, we are rarely apart. We had a solid friendship from the beginning, and we have a mutual respect for the others opinions.”

However, shortly after he was indicted in 2018, Mcqueen filed for divorce.

3. Martin Released Two Country Music Albums During His Career

According to American profile, Martin left his job in marketing in 1997 to pursue a country music career, which inspired his move from Florida to Tennessee. After sining with ChinMusic records in 2002, he released the album, All That I Am,” a year later. In 2007, Martin released his sophomore effort, “On My Way To You.”

He toured and performed as an opening act for Willie Nelson, Charlie Daniels and Vince Gill.

4. Martin Started The Production Company ‘Backstage & Backroads’ With His Ex-Wife Julie

Martin invited celebrities to go hunting and fishing with him on The Sportsman Channel’s Backstage & Backroads. He also hosted Brotherhood Outdoors on the same network, which was also based around shooting and hunting.

In 2017, he made a guest appearance on The Outdoor Experience, a talk show hosted by Blake Alma.

5. Martin Was Reportedly A Professional Golfer

According to Martin’s All Music profile, he used to play baseball and was a professional golfer before he found country music.

In 2009, Daniel Lee Martin attended a baseball fundraiser in Florida, “Baseball for Kids” Weekend as part of the MLB Players Alumni Association.

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df5272 No.149284

File: 7ed1d1794ff19e7⋯.png (509.74 KB,1228x921,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4af5467bfbbb7a4⋯.png (809.35 KB,761x4092,761:4092,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772227 (250014ZNOV20) Notable: The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China?

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The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China? (plus weird logo) 1/2

A backup plan in case Covid-19/21 fails?

The 4 empires (US, UK Commonwealth, UE, Japan) uniting in the wet dream of the roths (where Biden is president) to start a cold war with China?



The second cold war

The China strategy America needs

President Joe Biden should aim to strike a grand bargain with America’s democratic allies

THE ACHIEVEMENT of the Trump administration was to recognise the authoritarian threat from China. The task of the Biden administration will be to work out what to do about it.

Donald Trump’s instinct was for America to run this fight single-handed. Old allies were henchmen, not partners. As Joe Biden prepares his China strategy (see article), he should choose a different path. America needs to strike a grand bargain with like-minded countries to pool their efforts. The obstacles to such a new alliance are great, but the benefits would be greater.

To see why, consider how the cold war against China is different from the first one. The rivalry with the Soviet Union was focused on ideology and nuclear weapons. The new battlefield today is information technology: semiconductors, data, 5G mobile networks, internet standards, artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing. All those things will help determine whether America or China has not just the military edge (see article), but also the more dynamic economy. They could even give one of the rivals an advantage in scientific research.

The first cold war created separate looking-glass worlds. The protagonists in the second are interconnected. That is partly a result of China’s integration into the global economy, especially after it joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in 2001. But it also stems from the network efficiencies of many tech businesses, which reward size and spread. And it reflects how hard it is for any one country to master the full range of specialisms in the tech economy. In chips, say, American or British designs may be made in Taiwanese plants, using Japanese and Dutch equipment with German lenses before being assembled in Chinese factories. It is no accident that autarkic North Korea can build nukes but not advanced computers.

The Chinese Communist Party has understood that tech is the path to power. China is blessed with a vast market, ambition and plenty of hard-working talent. The party is supercharging the efforts of Chinese firms with subsidies and industrial espionage. Aware of how scale matters, China is touting its technologies by securing export contracts, promoting itself as a digital power using the Belt and Road Initiative and waging a campaign of pro-China standards-setting in global bodies.

Mr Trump’s abrasive solo response has had some successes. He has browbeaten some allies to stop buying gear for 5G networks from Huawei, a Chinese firm. And by threatening sanctions on chipmakers who supply Huawei, he has damaged it.

But in the long run this approach favours China. It has already accelerated China’s efforts to create its own world-class chip industry—though that could easily take a decade or more. More important, if a bullying America always focuses solely on its own narrow interests, it will drive away the very allies that can help it stay ahead in tech. Europe is increasingly unwilling to leave itself open to American pressure. The European Union’s highest court has twice restricted the transfer of data to America, where they may be picked over by the intelligence agencies. And European policymakers have announced plans to impose rules on the cloud, to impose digital taxes on American tech giants and to limit foreign takeovers—including, potentially, American ones.

A grand bargain would turn that conflict with Europe into collaboration (see Briefing). Rather than be consumed by squabbles, the allies could share an approach to issues like taxation, takeover rules and supply chains. For example, Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is on the way to becoming a de facto standard outside Europe. With closer collaboration in intelligence, the alliance could be more alert to security threats from Chinese hackers and tech firms. By co-ordinating their efforts on critical technologies, they could specialise rather than duplicate research. By diversifying supply chains and vetting each link they can protect themselves from accidental or malevolent disruptions. By working together on technical standards such as OpenRAN, which uses mostly off-the-shelf hardware for 5G networks, they can create a favourable environment for their own companies. Crucially, by collaborating on ethical norms over, say, facial recognition, they can protect their societies.

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df5272 No.149285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772233 (250014ZNOV20) Notable: The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China? (plus weird logo) 2/2

Instead of leaving America isolated, a grand bargain would help it keep ahead in the race for tech dominance by bringing it the gains of closer co-operation with like-minded countries. The whole alliance would be boosted by the tech industry’s formidable network effects. A bargain would also leave America more open to cross-border scientific collaboration and immigration, vital for a place that thrives on the contributions of foreign students, many of whom stay on to carry out research or work in tech. Such openness is a strength that China lacks.

Some people argue that co-operation of this sort needs a treaty, an institution like NATO or the WTO. But that would take a long time to set up. What it would possess in gravitas it would lack in flexibility. A grouping like an enlarged G7 would be more adaptable and less clumsy.

Either way, striking a grand bargain will be hard. For one thing, America would need to acknowledge that it is not as dominant as it was when it set up global governance after the second world war. It would have to be willing to make concessions to its allies right now—over privacy, taxation and some details of industrial policy, say—in order to protect its system of government in the long term. For the strategy to be credible abroad, there would need to be bipartisan consensus in Washington.

America’s allies would have to make concessions, too. They would have to trust a country which, under Mr Trump, has sometimes looked on the transatlantic alliance with contempt. Some Europeans would have to temper their dream of becoming a superpower that stands apart from both China and America.

Yet that European dream has always looked far-fetched. And if anything can overcome divisions in Washington, China can. Moreover, the sacrifices would be worth it. A grand bargain would help focus competition with China on tech, potentially enabling detente in areas where collaboration is essential, such as curbing global warming, health and, as with the Soviet Union, arms control. A grand bargain could make the world safer by making it more predictable. When superpowers are set on a collision course, that is something profoundly to be wished for.

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df5272 No.149286

File: 9af8adcbe38f0ac⋯.png (195.31 KB,819x488,819:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772235 (250014ZNOV20) Notable: Planefag reports

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ANON Osprey in now RUDY34

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df5272 No.149287

File: 7455f633d6a30e5⋯.png (647.61 KB,914x717,914:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772245 (250015ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Taps Staffer Who Said Suicide Bombings Were ‘Last Resort’ for Palestinians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden Taps Staffer Who Said Suicide Bombings Were ‘Last Resort’ for Palestinians

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df5272 No.149288

File: 8675341db18578d⋯.jpg (33.18 KB,474x315,158:105,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4d79612ad4e3360⋯.jpg (191.92 KB,769x1024,769:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 37b92aad28543de⋯.jpg (105.11 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 48038405f8c0c5a⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,1400x600,7:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772265 (250017ZNOV20) Notable: Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has suicided after child sex abuse allegations according to police

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fiance quote withthe pic

A rare occasion when we don't have camo on, fish slime on our hands, or camera gear to work on…

I'm marrying this guy tomorrow!!

had hot wife

but had to keep diddling kids



Catching Up with Julie McQueen,

co-host of CarbonTV’s

‘Till Death Do Us Part’

OutdoorHub Reporters 04.12.17


Catching Up with Julie McQueen, co-host of CarbonTV’s ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ | OutdoorHub


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df5272 No.149289

File: 1cde46dade72263⋯.jpg (267.72 KB,2048x1153,2048:1153,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772347 (250021ZNOV20) Notable: election fraud evidence mash up video

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df5272 No.149290

File: ec0b6fa966b7d51⋯.png (617.01 KB,677x679,677:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772357 (250022ZNOV20) Notable: Pasadena Bucks Gavin Newsom’s Prohibition on Indoor Dining at Restaurants

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pasadena Bucks Gavin Newsom’s Prohibition on Indoor Dining at Restaurants

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149291

File: 0056fb4d84afc61⋯.png (87.02 KB,723x738,241:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772385 (250023ZNOV20) Notable: ICIT Briefing: Hacking Elections is Easy!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

ICIT Briefing: Hacking Elections is Easy!

October 20, 2016

Washington D.C.


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df5272 No.149292

File: a252c9d2ecddd01⋯.png (51.12 KB,602x496,301:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772447 (250028ZNOV20) Notable: New POTUS tweet calls out GA SOS Raffensperger

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why isn’t the @GASecofState Brad Raffensperger, a so-called Republican, allowing us to look at signatures on envelopes for verification? We will find tens of thousands of fraudulent and illegal votes…

…This could also be very helpful to @SenDavidPerdue and @SenatorLoeffler. Why is he afraid of Stacey Abrams? We don’t need the ballots — we only need the signed envelopes!


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df5272 No.149293

File: 18a669d50deca21⋯.png (27.37 KB,443x191,443:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772456 (250028ZNOV20) Notable: New POTUS tweet https://www.dailywire.com/news/experts-listed-27-house-races-as-toss-ups-republicans-won-all-27

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27



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df5272 No.149294

File: c9c1541fc2f31d0⋯.png (47.25 KB,816x543,272:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772466 (250029ZNOV20) Notable: Jenna Ellis Retweeted JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jenna Ellis Retweeted

JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local. Will allow 15 depositions for each side between now and then. Atty is @SidneyPowell1's co-counsel in Flynn case, @jbinnall


5:44 PM · Nov 24, 2020·


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df5272 No.149295

File: edc12566ff33288⋯.png (384.5 KB,597x531,199:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772467 (250029ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet - 27 House races listed as toss ups. GOP won all 27

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df5272 No.149296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772475 (250030ZNOV20) Notable: #15026

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#15026 Notables FINAL for Baker

>>149255 Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings

>>149256 South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>149257 Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession

>>149258 Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has killed himself in wake of child s.e.x abuse allegations

>>149259 SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020

>>149260 Too early to get a Christmas tree? The Pompeos think not!

>>149261 Big Tech Expert Says Google's 'Manipulations' Shifted 'at Least Six Million Votes' to Joe Biden

>>149262 Donald Trump: I Should Have Fired Jim Mattis Sooner

>>149263 Every available legal means must be used to assure Trump is not pushed out of office improperly

>>149264 Subpoena in Georgia Election Lawsuit Seeks Video Footage From State Farm Arena

>>149265 Anthony Blinken met twice with Hunter Biden in 2015

>>149266 President Trump tweet - We are providing better care, and more choice, at lower cost.

>>149267 FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop

>>149268 YouTube Suspends Far-Right News Network OANN Account for One Week, Citing COVID Misinformation

>>149269 Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

>>149270 Sidney Powell is a beacon of hope to sad Qanon supporters

>>149271 Sidney Powell and Lin Wood do not represent the Trump campaign

>>149272 Neil Bush in Hunter Biden laptop archives

>>149273 Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Family

>>149274 PARLER HACKED. PRIVATE INFO EXPOSED!!! (Ron (CM) called it

>>149276 BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.

>>149277 Jewish Cop Terry Yetman (38) Charged With 20 Counts of Sexually Abusing Animals and 31 Counts of Pornography Involving Children

>>149278 Emerald Robinsin OANN tweet - CNN is for sale

>>149279 How to save Democracy from technology

>>149281 NAACP federal lawsuit against Trump campaign assigned to Judge Emmet Sullivan

>>149282 Trump: Voters are '100% correct' that 2020 'election was stolen'

>>149287 Biden Taps Staffer Who Said Suicide Bombings Were ‘Last Resort’ for Palestinians

>>149291 ICIT Briefing: Hacking Elections is Easy!

>>149290 Pasadena Bucks Gavin Newsom’s Prohibition on Indoor Dining at Restaurants

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149297

File: c69dba7eb6b363b⋯.png (125.23 KB,1328x913,16:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 26240369c2072ea⋯.png (26.95 KB,559x168,559:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772496 (250032ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Voting office in Denver, CO used to be the registered home for DELIAN Project in the US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dominion Voting office in Denver, CO used to be the registered home for DELIAN Project in the US

>>149130 (pb), >>149121 (pb)

Now the DELIAN Project's home is in Canada.

But seriously anons, what are the odds? KEK


From prior diggs earlier today, we know that John Poulos' wife, Colleen McClure-Poulos, is one of the registered Directors for DELIAN Project that is registered in Canada.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772518 (250034ZNOV20) Notable: #15026

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

final notables


>>149275, >>149286 Planefag reports

>>149256 South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>149257 Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession

>>149258, >>149283, >>149288 Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has suicided after child sex abuse allegations according to police

>>149261 big tech expers says google's manipulations shifted at least 6 million votes to biden

>>149264 Subpoena in GA election lawsuit seeks video footage from state farm arena

>>149265 Antony Blinken met twice with hunter biden in 2015

>>149269 Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

>>149276 BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.” “It is massive.”

>>149280 Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

>>149284, >>149285 The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China?

>>149289 election fraud evidence mash up video

>>149292 New POTUS tweet calls out GA SOS Raffensperger

>>149293 New POTUS tweet https://www.dailywire.com/news/experts-listed-27-house-races-as-toss-ups-republicans-won-all-27

>>149297 Dominion Voting office in Denver, CO used to be the registered home for DELIAN Project in the US

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df5272 No.149299

File: 6379191e4b72889⋯.jpeg (212.58 KB,828x598,18:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772623 (250042ZNOV20) Notable: GMax awakened every 15 minutes to prevent suicide in jail

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772638 (250044ZNOV20) Notable: Anon reports - BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sauce for

>>149276 BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.” “It is massive.”

IS flimsy, twitter post, but video won't play… did anyone see the video, can give actual working link?

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df5272 No.149301

File: 03a39ec1c8f8350⋯.png (634.14 KB,1689x960,563:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772650 (250045ZNOV20) Notable: Judge Emmet Sullivan will oversee voting rights act case accusing trump of anti black campaign to overturn election

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772679 (250048ZNOV20) Notable: Detroit Voter Fraud Witness Statement

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Detroit Voter Fraud Witness Statement


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772688 (250048ZNOV20) Notable: Anon reports - BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow

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df5272 No.149304

File: e9f18d036a9a99d⋯.png (246.06 KB,492x538,246:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 16bf0416a798249⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772697 (250049ZNOV20) Notable: Maricopa County's Director of Election Day and Emergency Voting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maricopa County's Director of Election Day and Emergency Voting

"Yes, there WERE Dominion employees working in our Tabulation center…."

"…we rely on [Dominion's] expertise to ensure that we can provide a [sic] accurate, reliable election for Maricopa County voters."

-Maricopa County's Director of Election Day and Emergency Voting


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df5272 No.149305

File: e9dcfd0b72e4bc8⋯.jpg (229.47 KB,1080x1060,54:53,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 64b097d5e60f7ad⋯.jpg (260.36 KB,1080x1449,120:161,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5b5d8134adb145f⋯.jpg (210.71 KB,1080x994,540:497,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5a005b8c42c185b⋯.jpg (111.72 KB,696x1200,29:50,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5bfe04682e62af⋯.jpeg (5.92 KB,201x251,201:251,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772704 (250050ZNOV20) Notable: McCracken Kracken planted in Utah in 2016, found yesterday. Just when the Kraken is about to drop. Comms in coordinates?

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McCracken Kracken planted in Utah in 2016, found yesterday.

Just when the Kraken is about to drop.

Comms in coordinates? Or just whitehats trolling?

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df5272 No.149306

File: ed16514ddfc9067⋯.png (596.07 KB,709x855,709:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772723 (250052ZNOV20) Notable: Ariel Investments has ties to disgraced convicted former mayor of Baltimore Catherine Pugh

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turtle is Fabian society symbol; what is Ariel investments link?

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df5272 No.149307

File: 6b991f1ad0f4a72⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,2405x3008,2405:3008,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772741 (250054ZNOV20) Notable: Anon opines about verifying fake news stories

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Researcher test

In how many ways is the 'country singer" daniel Lee Martin story bullshit?

There it sits in notables, radiating stink lines, just as it did before.

If we don't check stories, we might as well be MSM, and simply make them up.

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df5272 No.149308

File: d6a202e590ea46b⋯.png (448.93 KB,568x644,142:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772748 (250055ZNOV20) Notable: Arizona Michigan and Pennsylvania legislatures hold hearings about 2020 Election vote fraud

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df5272 No.149309

File: 8f186a720c557f2⋯.png (15.11 KB,598x152,299:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772766 (250056ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet - Great Job Dr Paul Gosar Thanks

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Great job @DrPaulGosar. Thanks!


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df5272 No.149310

File: b6a20c5400793d3⋯.png (305.66 KB,1504x948,376:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772798 (250059ZNOV20) Notable: Yubikeys were the USBs with the "Y"s on them that we say that were linked to the Dominion voting machines!

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df5272 No.149311

File: 8cb279abfab907c⋯.mp4 (6.98 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a705dc9307d651c⋯.png (536.79 KB,598x896,299:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772814 (250100ZNOV20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani on Lou Dobbs (Video cap)

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Rudy on Lou Dobbs


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df5272 No.149312

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772857 (250105ZNOV20) Notable: Mr Pig meme - God Bless America (Gott segne Amerika)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df5272 No.149313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772858 (250105ZNOV20) Notable: Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’

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Edison May Cut Off Power to Southern California Homes on Thanksgiving to ‘Prevent Fires’

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) restricted Californians from gathering for Thanksgiving and now a utility company is threatening to cut off power as a preventative measure against dry conditions and high winds.

Edison International may cut off power to Southern California homes and businesses on Thanksgiving to ‘prevent fires.’

Strong winds are in the forecast for Thursday and Friday and the utility company may resort to preemptively cutting power to prevent electrical lines from starting fires.

Bloomberg reported:

Edison International could cut power to some Southern California homes and businesses on Thanksgiving as strong winds are forecast to return to the rain-deprived region.

The utility owner hasn’t determined how many customers could be affected by the outages, intended to prevent power lines from sparking wildfires during the gusts. Power would likely be out until Friday evening, Southern California Edison spokeswoman Taelor Bakewell said. The state’s utilities have resorted to preemptively cutting power after electrical lines touched off a series of deadly blazes in recent years.

Last fall more than 1.5 million Californians were without power after Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) cut off electricity to even more residents in order to ‘prevent dangerous wildfires.’

Rotting fish, spotty internet and closed businesses marked day 3 of last year’s deliberate power outages in Gavin Newsom’s Socialist utopia of California.

The Socialist utopia of California: Where homelessness, used needles in the streets and deliberate power outages that resembles something out of India in the 1970’s or current day Venezuela and North Korea are the new norm.

But fear not because Gavin Newsom is working hard for the people of California and just signed a law banning tiny plastic shampoo bottles in hotels.


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df5272 No.149314

File: 9f42324f67de53d⋯.png (168.89 KB,535x551,535:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772859 (250105ZNOV20) Notable: US destroyer performs ‘FONOP’ in Peter the Great Gulf, claiming excess Russian Sea grab

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US destroyer performs ‘FONOP’ in Peter the Great Gulf, claiming excess Russian Sea grab


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df5272 No.149315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772871 (250106ZNOV20) Notable: Yubikeys were the USBs with the "Y"s on them that we say that were linked to the Dominion voting machines!

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Yubikeys were the USBs with the "Y"s on them that we say that were linked to the Dominion voting machines!

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df5272 No.149316

File: 0cc93090bbed08f⋯.png (342.45 KB,540x353,540:353,Clipboard.png)

File: 856752ac017b60a⋯.png (253.23 KB,500x325,20:13,Clipboard.png)

File: a9b40170df16985⋯.png (167.62 KB,721x622,721:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 61dd0c85919e115⋯.png (559.83 KB,654x417,218:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772877 (250107ZNOV20) Notable: Dig on Carlyle Group founder David M Rubenstein

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Carlyle Group founder /co-Executive Chair sold: $54.6m-Nov 23

following a sale on Nov 9th of $54.64m

David M. Rubenstein is a founder and Co-Executive Chairman of Carlyle. He was elected to our Board of Directors effective July 18, 2011. Previously, Mr. Rubenstein served as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Carlyle. Mr. Rubenstein also serves on Carlyle's Executive Group.

Prior to forming Carlyle in 1987, Mr. Rubenstein practiced law in Washington, D.C. with Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge LLP (now Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP). From 1977 to 1981, Mr. Rubenstein was Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. From 1975 to 1976, he served as Chief Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments. From 1973 to 1975, Mr. Rubenstein practiced law in New York with Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP.

Among other philanthropic endeavors, Mr. Rubenstein is Chairman of the Boards of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Council on Foreign Relations; a Fellow of the Harvard Corporation; a Regent of the Smithsonian Institution; a Trustee of the National Gallery of Art, the University of Chicago, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Institute for Advanced Study, the National Constitution Center, the Brookings Institution, and the World Economic Forum; a Director of the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; and President of the Economic Club of Washington. Mr. Rubenstein is a member of the American Philosophical Society, Business Council, Harvard Global Advisory Council (Chairman), Madison Council of the Library of Congress (Chairman), Board of Dean’s Advisors of the Business School at Harvard, Advisory Board of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University (former Chairman), and Board of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community.



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df5272 No.149317

File: b5d0efc2691bd81⋯.jpeg (168.97 KB,2031x323,2031:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7ffb106202c1af6⋯.png (4.83 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 55e118669a99396⋯.png (5.39 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ae214c5c9bdb5ef⋯.png (2.37 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772914 (250109ZNOV20) Notable: Anon opines on dig priorities

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We have two things right now:

1. Voter fraud / stolen election

2. COVID-19 / The Great Reset / The New Normal / Building Back Better / The New World Order

I miss the digging in those things. I have no technological background, I can‘t grasp how Dominion functions. But I can dig into Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum and the Young Global Leaders. But there is no reaction here to that…and that‘s SAD!!!

Wake up and dig and post! And support those who dig and give them feedback! Thanks patriots!

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df5272 No.149318

File: 9dc79f0e7c54076⋯.png (388.25 KB,694x656,347:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772918 (250109ZNOV20) Notable: Barr Drops The Hammer — Dem Lawmaker ARRESTED

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Barr Drops The Hammer — Dem Lawmaker ARRESTED





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df5272 No.149319

File: f17158634478cb9⋯.png (30.87 KB,595x237,595:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772920 (250109ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet of Newsmax poll - Should President Trump concede to Biden? Poll Results: No: 190,593 (98.9%) Yes: 2,181 (1.1%) Total Votes: 192,774

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Should President Trump concede to Biden? Poll Results: No: 190,593 (98.9%) Yes: 2,181 (1.1%) Total Votes: 192,774. @gregkellyusa @newsmax For the good of our Country we must prevail!


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df5272 No.149320

File: 79c0ba6efed2279⋯.png (336.4 KB,535x559,535:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772935 (250111ZNOV20) Notable: DOJ indicts 15 members and associates of the 'Philadelphia Mafia' on federal racketeering charges

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DOJ indicts 15 members and associates of the 'Philadelphia Mafia' on federal racketeering charges Just The News



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df5272 No.149321

File: e8c06c2e9d393ee⋯.jpeg (113.48 KB,739x700,739:700,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772945 (250112ZNOV20) Notable: Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

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>>149238 .pb

Peer-reviewed hydroxychloroquine study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations among early treated outpatients

How is this guy still walking the streets?

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df5272 No.149322

File: fbaa3c358caec41⋯.png (261.72 KB,817x671,817:671,Clipboard.png)

File: a21784a3e656b6d⋯.png (57.43 KB,817x360,817:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772953 (250113ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Bongino claims Parler not hacked. Calls journalist momma's boy basement dweller.

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Dan Bongino




When LeGate’s parents found out what a loser they spawned (he can’t even pull off a blackmail op), LeGate started another fake news story about Parler being hacked. Which liberal imbeciles (but I said the same thing twice) ran with because they hate Parler, and they’re dopey.


Bongino says the Parler hack story is fake

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df5272 No.149323

File: 7f906757f92d25f⋯.png (50.04 KB,906x455,906:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772968 (250114ZNOV20) Notable: Board log quiet for 3 hours

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df5272 No.149324

File: 50f48a8406436f1⋯.png (322.07 KB,596x569,596:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11772994 (250117ZNOV20) Notable: Chuck Woolery tweet - AG Barr calls emergency meeting with POTUS after major discovery

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chucky chiming in…..


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df5272 No.149325

File: e86eb6af210f663⋯.png (221.23 KB,596x731,596:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773018 (250119ZNOV20) Notable: How to train snitches 101 Fascist Vermont governor emulating commie Russia and nazi Germany? Watch out, Grandma!

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How to train snitches 101 Fascist Vermont governor emulating commie Russia and nazi Germany? Watch out, Grandma!


Céline McArthur Flag of United States@CelineTVNEWS

VERMONT COVID UPDATE: To combat a potential Thanksgiving surge, K-12 students will be asked if they were part of a multi-household holiday gathering before they can return to class. If they were, they will be sent home for quarantine. Click Right-pointing triangle to hear more from Governor Scott.

11:34 AM · Nov 24, 2020

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df5272 No.149326

File: aa7aabdc733252b⋯.jpeg (73.87 KB,320x400,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773023 (250120ZNOV20) Notable: Anon prayer for anons

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Father God, thank You for the discernment given to anons and information from The Source. Thank You in advance for the next four years under President Donald J Trump. Open the right doors for the attorneys fighting for truth and close the doors leading to evil. We ask You would avenge us and send back double the works assigned against us. All glory to You.

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df5272 No.149327

File: c9e75d5df3518a2⋯.png (778.21 KB,1107x760,1107:760,Clipboard.png)

File: 18745c81ca3ca8b⋯.png (1.06 MB,1089x592,1089:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773024 (250120ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Family to move Jeep to China?

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> Jeep trails


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df5272 No.149328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773045 (250122ZNOV20) Notable: Anon opines C_A actually means 'Certificate of Authority'

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pb notable >>149186 Delian/Thawte dig cont: C_A forged SSL certificates

Watch CA

Certificate Authority.

[out of order_insert important]

Watch CA>Watch C_A>

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df5272 No.149329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773056 (250123ZNOV20) Notable: Biden: I Have ‘Very Progressive Agenda’ and ‘Significant Representation’ from Progressives in Administration

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Biden: I Have ‘Very Progressive Agenda’ and ‘Significant Representation’ from Progressives in Administration

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” Joe Biden said that he isn’t taking nominating Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) off the table for Cabinet positions, but noted that there already is “significant representation among progressives in our administration,” and that his “very ambitious, very progressive agenda,” will require “really strong leaders in the House and Senate to get it done.”

Host Lester Holt asked, “What about former rivals from your own party? Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren. Have you talked to them about Cabinet positions?”

Biden responded, “We already have significant representation among progressives in our administration, but there’s nothing really off the table. But one thing is really critical, taking someone out of the Senate, taking someone out of the House, particularly a person of consequence, is a really difficult decision that would have to be made. I have a very ambitious, very progressive agenda, and it’s going to take really strong leaders in the House and Senate to get it done.”


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df5272 No.149330

File: 1d1275d326afe38⋯.png (449.09 KB,884x678,442:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773068 (250124ZNOV20) Notable: $500 Million In Coal Stranded Off China's Coast As Australian Trade Spat Intensifies

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$500 Million In Coal Stranded Off China's Coast As Australian Trade Spat Intensifies

At least 50 giant bulk carriers loaded with Australian coal, worth $500 million, are anchored off several Chinese ports, as the latest diplomatic spat between Canberra and Beijing intensifies.

Bloomberg, citing shipping data from Kpler, said 66 vessels are loaded with Australian coal had been moored off China's coast for more than a month. The ships collectively have 5.7 million tons of coal and about 1,000 seafarers onboard. Vessel sizes range from Capesize to Panamax.

The ban on Australian coal is occurring as both countries are locked in a one-sided trade war, with Beijing slapping tariffs and blacklisting commodities from the country this year.

According to Braemar ACM Shipbroking, Beijing has halted Australian coal imports, with vessels unable to clear customs.

"Some ships have been waiting for months," said Nick Ristic, a dry bulk analyst with Braemar.

A recent report from the shipbroker said some of the vessels were being diverted from China's coast to other countries, such as India or Vietnam.

Bulk Carriers Hauling Coal Around China


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df5272 No.149331

File: 4c0445672d217b5⋯.png (68.55 KB,731x595,43:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773085 (250126ZNOV20) Notable: Gen. Mattis Pens Pro ‘America Last’ Op-Ed Begging for Biden Admin Role

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Gen. Mattis Pens Pro ‘America Last’ Op-Ed Begging for Biden Admin Role

General Jim Mattis – recommended by President Obama to President Trump and perhaps naively accepted – has penned an op-ed for the narrowly-read foreign policy industry magazine Foreign Affairs. In the co-authored piece, the four authors appear to embrace an “America Last” foreign policy in the style of the Obama administration.

In what could only be viewed as a bid for “jobs for the boys” in a potential Biden administration, Mattis alongside his co-authors from the D.C.-swamp think tanks the Hudson Institute and American Enterprise Institute state:

The United States today is undermining the foundations of an international order manifestly advantageous to U.S. interests, reflecting a basic ignorance of the extent to which both robust alliances and international institutions provide vital strategic depth.

In practice, “America first” has meant “America alone.” That has damaged the country’s ability to address problems before they reach U.S. territory and has thus compounded the danger emergent threats pose.

In reality, America First never meant America alone – with President Trump actually forcing NATO member countries to pay their fair shares and elevating them to partners in the deal, rather than protectorates.

But the neocolonial instincts of America’s pro-war, foreign policy establishment have clearly not been quelled by four years of relative peace under President Trump. Clearly, they’re more bloodthirsty than ever.

Revealingly, the authors denigrate America’s abilities to defend itself, despite record military investment over the past four years and a series of effective detentes with previously aggressive and hostile regimes.

“Not even the United States is strong enough to protect itself on its own,” states Mattis alongside his authors Kori Schake, Jim Ellis, and Joe Felter.


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df5272 No.149332

File: ee322af465ec421⋯.png (197.67 KB,526x846,263:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e4535aa12d471f⋯.png (94.35 KB,512x703,512:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773100 (250127ZNOV20) Notable: Democrat ‘Justice’ Bill Would Seize Private Farmland And Give It To Blacks For Free

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Democrat ‘Justice’ Bill Would Seize Private Farmland And Give It To Blacks For Free

Bill that would squander $80 billion in taxpayer funds draws comparisons to racist South African policies

Radical legislation introduced this week by Senators Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand seeks to spend a staggering $80 billion of taxpayer funds on seizing land from American farmers via eminent domain, and redistributing said land to vaguely defined “black farmers” as a reward for having suffered even more vaguely defined “systemic racism.”

The so-called Justice for Black Farmers Act has already drawn comparisons to similar racist land expropriation measures enacted in South Africa.

A “Department of Agriculture Civil Rights Oversight Board” would be used to oversee the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture’s Office and accept “civil rights complaints” from black activists, while an “Equity Commission” would focus on studying “historical and continuing discrimination by the Department of Agriculture against Black farmers and ranchers.”

Taxpayer-funded studies regarding the races, ethnicities, ages, localities, wages and benefits” of farm workers would receive particular attention.

The sheer number of new powers granted to the civil rights board and equity commission, including oversight of local Farm Service Agency Committee, is so staggering that it constitutes several pages of the legislation.

Any black individual over the age of 21 who can claim one parent of African ancestry would be eligible for free training from the USDA, as well as handouts of farmland acquired via eminent domain by the USDA in numbers of “not less than 20,000 land grants” for each year starting in 2021 and continuing through 2030.

A total of $8 billion would be authorized for the racialized land grants each year, adding up to a ridiculous $80 billion in expenditures over the course of the next ten years.

The “black farmers” who received the free land handouts would then be eligible for direct operating loans from the USDA starting immediately, with zero percent interest charged for the first seven years and deferred payments for the first year.

Republicans currently retain narrow control over the Senate, but if Kamala Harris were to be elected Vice President and the Republicans were to lose the upcoming Senate runoff election in Georgia, Bookers’ woke fantasy land reparations bill could easily become reality.


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df5272 No.149333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773121 (250129ZNOV20) Notable: #15026

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TOR BAKER ty anon notables updated


>>149275, >>149286 Planefag reports

>>149256 South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>149257 Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession

>>149258, >>149283, >>149288 Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has suicided after child sex abuse allegations according to police

>>149261 big tech expers says google's manipulations shifted at least 6 million votes to biden

>>149264 Subpoena in GA election lawsuit seeks video footage from state farm arena

>>149265 Antony Blinken met twice with hunter biden in 2015

>>149269 Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

>>149276 BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.” “It is massive.”

>>149280 Dominion’s Trump-Hating Executive Eric Coomer Performed a Suspicious Update in Georgia a Week Before Early Voting Started

>>149284, >>149285 The rothschilds signalling they're thinking of unleashing a 'second cold war' scenario with China?

>>149289 election fraud evidence mash up video

>>149292 New POTUS tweet calls out GA SOS Raffensperger

>>149293 New POTUS tweet https://www.dailywire.com/news/experts-listed-27-house-races-as-toss-ups-republicans-won-all-27

>>149297 Dominion Voting office in Denver, CO used to be the registered home for DELIAN Project in the US

>>149255 Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings

>>149256 South Carolina Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to ISIS

>>149257 Massachusetts Man Charged with Child Pornography Possession

>>149258 Country singer Daniel Lee Martin has killed himself in wake of child s.e.x abuse allegations

>>149259 SPECIAL REPORT: The Stealing of the Presidency, 2020

>>149260 Too early to get a Christmas tree? The Pompeos think not!

>>149261 Big Tech Expert Says Google's 'Manipulations' Shifted 'at Least Six Million Votes' to Joe Biden

>>149262 Donald Trump: I Should Have Fired Jim Mattis Sooner

>>149263 Every available legal means must be used to assure Trump is not pushed out of office improperly

>>149264 Subpoena in Georgia Election Lawsuit Seeks Video Footage From State Farm Arena

>>149265 Anthony Blinken met twice with Hunter Biden in 2015

>>149266 President Trump tweet - We are providing better care, and more choice, at lower cost.

>>149267 FBI Buried Hunter Biden Laptop

>>149268 YouTube Suspends Far-Right News Network OANN Account for One Week, Citing COVID Misinformation

>>149269 Biden Says Will Strengthen US Alliances in Asia-Pacific Region

>>149270 Sidney Powell is a beacon of hope to sad Qanon supporters

>>149271 Sidney Powell and Lin Wood do not represent the Trump campaign

>>149272 Neil Bush in Hunter Biden laptop archives

>>149273 Fox News Settles With Seth Rich's Family

>>149274 PARLER HACKED. PRIVATE INFO EXPOSED!!! (Ron (CM) called it

>>149276 BREAKING: Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs confirms her lawsuit will be filed “no later than tomorrow.

>>149277 Jewish Cop Terry Yetman (38) Charged With 20 Counts of Sexually Abusing Animals and 31 Counts of Pornography Involving Children

>>149278 Emerald Robinsin OANN tweet - CNN is for sale

>>149279 How to save Democracy from technology

>>149281 NAACP federal lawsuit against Trump campaign assigned to Judge Emmet Sullivan

>>149282 Trump: Voters are '100% correct' that 2020 'election was stolen'

>>149287 Biden Taps Staffer Who Said Suicide Bombings Were ‘Last Resort’ for Palestinians

>>149291 ICIT Briefing: Hacking Elections is Easy!

>>149290 Pasadena Bucks Gavin Newsom’s Prohibition on Indoor Dining at Restaurants

>>149294 Jenna Ellis Retweeted JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local

>>149295 POTUS tweet - 27 House races listed as toss ups. GOP won all 27

>>149297 Dominion Voting office in Denver, CO used to be the registered home for DELIAN Project in the US

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df5272 No.149334

File: 545fd7e8c24d147⋯.png (61.33 KB,517x234,517:234,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773122 (250129ZNOV20) Notable: World's Largest Model Agency Attempt To Go Public Via SPAC Collapses

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World's Largest Model Agency Attempt To Go Public Via SPAC Collapses

Just how ridiculous is the blank check IPO fever that has gripped markets in 2020? Consider this: SPACs, or blank-check companies which go public for the express purpose of buying an existing firm and which also exploded in 2007 just before the housing/credit bubble burst, now make up a record share of U.S. initial public offerings this year. According to Bloomberg, SPACs have collectively raised $66.4 billion year-to-date, accounting for nearly half of all the $138.9 billion raised in U.S. IPOs (SPACs only accounted for 19% of the $71.4 billion IPO pie last year).

And while there is no stopping the blank check juggernaut absent a full-blown market crash - so far in November, the SPAC pipeline has continued to grow with 18 more filings on deck to list on U.S. exchanges - one company that won't be going public via a SPAC merger is the world's largest model agency, Elite Model World, whose merger discussions with blank-check firm Galileo Acquisition have fallen apart without a deal being reached according to Bloomberg, which reported that Elite informed investors this month that the talks had collapsed.

Maybe the models demanded that the SPAC be denominated in Euros?

In any case, with the deal dead, Galileo is searching for a new merger target. The $138 million SPAC is focused on “the consumer, retail, food & beverage, specialty industrial, technology or medtech sectors which are headquartered in Western Europe, with an emphasis on Italian family-owned businesses, portfolio companies of private equity funds, or corporate spin-offs, and that have significant North American exports and a clearly defined North American high growth strategy.” That’s a real kitchen sink, so for simplicity’s sake, let’s just say “Western Europe/Italy”.

Elite Model has in recent years diversified into representing social media influencers, as well as its traditional fashion model clientele. Unfortunately, judging by the sudden collapse of the SPAC, it does not appear to have diversified into actually being profitable.

Galileo and Elite Model held talks last month with potential investors about raising new equity for a merger that would have taken the agency public, Bloomberg reported at the time.


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df5272 No.149335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773129 (250130ZNOV20) Notable: GMax awakened every 15 minutes to prevent suicide in jail

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Ghislaine Maxwell is woken up every 15 minutes in jail to prevent suicide: lawyers

Accused child abuser Ghislaine Maxwell is roused by a flashlight every 15 minutes in her cell to make sure she hasn’t killed herself like Jeffrey Epstein — and subjected to more onerous conditions than the Bureau of Prison’s most dangerous inmates, her lawyers wrote Tuesday in a letter.

“She is overmanaged under conditions more restrictive than inmates housed in 10South, the most restrictive unit in the MCC; or individuals convicted of terrorism and capital murder and incarcerated at FCI Florence ADMAX, the most restrictive facility operated by the BOP,” the filing states.

The letter is in response to a Monday filing from federal prosecutors informing the judge that Maxwell had a COVID-19 scare after possible exposure to an infected staffer at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn and was placed in quarantine.

The government’s letter, which said Maxwell had tested negative for the virus, stated that she had received more favorable treatment than other inmates.

But the British socialite’s lawyer, Bobbi Sternheim, wrote that just the opposite was true and rattled off a lengthy list of complaints about the conditions of her confinement.

The letter addressed to US District Judge Alison Nathan states that Maxwell had to endure two nasal swabs under the threat of a 21-day quarantine if she declined — and was never informed of the results.

“Ms. Maxwell was ordered to remove her COVID-protection mask for an in-mouth inspection, further risking exposure to the virus,” Sternheim wrote.

Maxwell was also initially quarantined without soap or a toothbrush, and medical staff had ceased checking on her daily since she was put in isolation, the letter whines.

While staff are not supposed to enter Maxwell’s cell during quarantine, an unidentified man entered to snap photos of her and a guard to conduct a search, the attorney wrote.

Sternheim said the situation was no better pre-quarantine.

“Ms. Maxwell has spent the entirely [sic] of her pretrial detention in de facto solitary confinement under the most restrictive conditions where she is excessively and invasively searched and is monitored 24 hours per day,” the letter says.

see also

Ghislaine Maxwell in quarantine after COVID-19 scare in jail

In addition to a camera in her cell, another device records her every movement when she leaves even during in-person legal visits, according to the filing.

“And despite non-stop in-cell camera surveillance, Ms. Maxwell’s sleep is disrupted every 15-minutes when she is awakened by a flashlight to ascertain whether she is breathing,” Sternheim wrote.

The letter requests that the judge summon Warden Heriberto Tellez for a full account of her “disparate treatment.”

Maxwell is being held without bail while she awaits trial on charges she groomed underage girls to be abused by her and Epstein.

Her lawyers wrote in a previous letter that she was being subjected to especially onerous conditions to ensure she didn’t meet the same fate as Epstein, who committed suicide in custody while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.


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df5272 No.149336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773141 (250131ZNOV20) Notable: California paid up to $1 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims to prisoners — including death row inmates

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California paid up to $1 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims to prisoners — including death row inmates

'The murderers and rapists and human traffickers should not be getting this money. It needs to stop.'

California taxpayers have been bilked out of hundreds of millions of dollars — possibly even $1 billion — this year, that went to jail and prison inmates through fraudulent unemployment claims filed as part of the state's pandemic relief system.

Murderer Scott Peterson, convicted in 2004 of killing his pregnant wife Lacy, was one of the recipients, according to prosecutors.

What are the details?

Widespread job losses amid the coronavirus pandemic spurred governments to act quickly in making financial relief available for those struggling financially. But in the rush, critical fraud prevention measures were missed, and in California, prisoners and their loved ones were able to take advantage.

The Los Angeles Times reported on the massive racket conducted through California's Employment Development Department, which was revealed through a letter from nine district attorneys and a federal prosecutor who wrote to Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), urging him to put an end to the loopholes.

The newspaper reported:

So far, investigations have uncovered more than $400,000 in state benefits paid to death row inmates, and more than $140 million to other incarcerated people in California's 35 prisons, according to [Sacramento County Dist. Atty. Anne Marie] Schubert. In total, payments to those ineligible due to incarceration in prisons and jails could total nearly $1 billion, the prosecutors claim.

Schubert told the Times, "The murderers and rapists and human traffickers should not be getting this money. It needs to stop."

But the prosecutors noted that the huge racket was not as simple as incarcerated individuals filing their own applications for relief funds, although some purportedly did just that. The New York Post reported that "the alleged con took many forms: some claims were submitted directly by inmates or by their family and friends, while other prisoners were unwitting victims."

Anything else?

Authorities believe prison gangs may also be involved in some instances of large-scale, organized scams to rake in jobless claims.

Peterson's attorney claims his client was not involved in any fraud, and that we was unaware of the accusations by the prosecutors. Other notorious convicts named as recipients of the unemployment funds include death row inmates Cary Stayner, a serial killer, and Isauro Aguirre, who tortured and killed an 8-year-old boy.

Newsom issued a statement thanking the district attorneys "for their commitment to resolving this issue," according to The New York Times.

"Unemployment fraud across local jails and state and federal prison is absolutely unacceptable," said the governor, who announced his own task force to aid district attorneys and coordinate state anti-fraud efforts.


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df5272 No.149337

File: 794114ac0fe7f0e⋯.jpg (272.86 KB,719x1161,719:1161,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773169 (250133ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Bongino claims Parler not hacked. Calls journalist momma's boy basement dweller.

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df5272 No.149338

File: e8345e7b45188d8⋯.png (540.27 KB,816x938,408:469,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc8bf786a68939⋯.png (2.93 MB,1080x3132,10:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773174 (250133ZNOV20) Notable: Attorney General William Barr is launching a crackdown… some expect that the City’s most senior mobsters are getting ready to flip on former Boss ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino

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this could be why

“Attorney General William Barr is launching a crackdown… some expect that the City’s most senior mobsters are getting ready to flip on former Boss ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino, who is widely suspected of rigging the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.”



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df5272 No.149339

File: b5f1624f842612b⋯.png (23.23 KB,448x242,224:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773182 (250134ZNOV20) Notable: Dan Bongino claims Parler not hacked. Calls journalist momma's boy basement dweller.

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With timestamp for baker

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df5272 No.149340

File: 9688457d92660fe⋯.png (410.41 KB,628x730,314:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773186 (250134ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet on America heroes 'names you don't know like Kenny Ledford & Lee Ullman' Anon dig?

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df5272 No.149341

File: e73cda0f6c44a58⋯.jpg (54.55 KB,611x297,611:297,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773225 (250138ZNOV20) Notable: Vote Fraud conspirators use actual address of a Post Office building as the voter address (Sidney Powell tweet)

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cheaters use actual address of a Post Office building as the voter address

go look in your city for voters

who used a real Government Post Office location physical building address for their fake address

Just look up all the Post Offices in your state

then go find out how many ballots are attached to the Post Office addresses

Example image is for GA Post Offices which includes USPS, FedEX, UPS addresses disguised as apartments, etc. in Georgia.

What a scam.


Sidney Powell

Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐






Great work Matt & team!

God bless America Flag of United States







Matt Braynard



- Sample of the postal facilities (USPS, FedEx, UPS) addresses disguised as apartments, etc. in Georgia.

I will release the full dataset for GA and PA with the package that includes the survey toplines, etc.

12:49 PM · Nov 24, 2020·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets



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df5272 No.149342

File: 2c6610599cd01c1⋯.png (493.79 KB,780x813,260:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773229 (250138ZNOV20) Notable: This Saturday on OANN: The Fall of Joe Biden (Reason why OANN got banned by Youtube?)

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This Saturday on OANN: The Fall of Joe Biden

That could be the real reason why OANN just got banned for 1 week by youtube.

Reminder: you can watch OANN for free on https://www.klowdtv.com/ until the end of the year, including replay of programs.

Let people know so that they can watch The Fall of Joe Biden



Emails, lewd photos, text messages – it's the smoking gun scandal the Biden campaign & its media lapdogs are doing everything to squash.

Join @ChanelRion

to learn more about what was found on Hunter Biden's laptop. Plus, an exclusive sit-down with Rudy Giuliani. #OANN

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df5272 No.149343

File: 93a8dfd2ae63c9f⋯.jpg (66.09 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773237 (250138ZNOV20) Notable: South Africa - LAND EXPROPRIATION WITHOUT COMPENSATION (EWC)(Land Grabs)

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Currently, expropriation is allowed and is governed by both the Constitution and the Expropriation Act. Section 25(2) of the Constitution (the property clause) is quite clear: expropriation is allowed subject to compensation, which must be just and equitable.


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df5272 No.149344

File: 8dd1cc1d1a76026⋯.png (39.61 KB,598x489,598:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773242 (250139ZNOV20) Notable: Long thread from @ArtofWarNews 'Look at the Big Picture'

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Long Thread read it here https://twitter.com/ArtOfWarNews/status/1331383421906595844

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df5272 No.149345

File: d4a3c041cb8bf9c⋯.png (295.04 KB,357x789,119:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 21e5bf614c25f27⋯.png (596.96 KB,788x781,788:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773262 (250140ZNOV20) Notable: Rebekah Mercer statement on Parler 'no involvement, nor ownership of, Parler.'

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df5272 No.149346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773276 (250142ZNOV20) Notable: Anon opines on the grief shills are giving Mr Pig

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Let me make this clear. The fact that all of you KNOW of a 'Mr.' Pig, means 'she' has done 'her' job… purrfectly, and with flying colours.

We are known as Qheerleaders.

We are the MORALE BOOSTERS of QResearch.

Qlearly, you've played into OUR distraction, using, OUR 'weapon', which in this SHADOW WAR, is INFORMATION. Info that which, entranced ALL of THOSE whom, needed a boost to their morale.

You're all welcome!




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df5272 No.149347

File: b973e1f844fdec0⋯.png (145.59 KB,577x654,577:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773298 (250143ZNOV20) Notable: @HonorandDaring tweet - 'If you live in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Arizona please call your state rep and express your concern about the fraud'

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This is potentially huge. If you live in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Arizona please call your state rep and express your concern about the fraud.


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df5272 No.149348

File: 22af658cb71b318⋯.jpg (43.11 KB,1437x402,479:134,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773437 (250153ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion glitch found in Arizona Biden lead down to 4000

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Dominion glitch found in Arizona

Biden lead down to 4000

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df5272 No.149349

File: 508ce77b7d3925b⋯.png (284.05 KB,846x1030,423:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 224ebc4fb7a4e40⋯.png (438.07 KB,1622x1112,811:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773446 (250153ZNOV20) Notable: Last week, Illinois reported 15,415 cases in a single day, more than Florida ever did in a single day. This is despite Illinois' population being 40% lower.

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Last week, Illinois reported 15,415 cases in a single day, more than Florida ever did in a single day. This is despite Illinois' population being 40% lower.

Many of you probably did not know the dire situation in Illinois. That's because no mainstream media chose to report it.

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df5272 No.149350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773448 (250154ZNOV20) Notable: Coronavirus Australia: SA Premier Steven Marshall says medi-hotel COVID-19 patients to be placed under police guard

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Coronavirus Australia: SA Premier Steven Marshall says medi-hotel COVID-19 patients to be placed under police guard

South Australian Premier Steven Marshall says all people who test positive to coronavirus in the state will be moved from medi-hotels into a separate medical facility, managed by police and protective security officers.


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df5272 No.149351

File: ad36a22e07f692f⋯.png (440.54 KB,697x646,41:38,Clipboard.png)

File: 25af4704a228637⋯.png (324.02 KB,788x686,394:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773469 (250157ZNOV20) Notable: Scott Morrison defends $4,000 per hour plane for Mathias Cormann's OECD pitch, says 'he would have got COVID' flying commercial

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Scott Morrison defends $4,000 per hour plane for Mathias Cormann's OECD pitch, says 'he would have got COVID' flying commercial

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has defended allowing a former government minister to fly around the world on a taxpayer-funded Royal Australian Air Force jet.

Key points:

Former finance minister Mathias Cormann is campaigning to be the head of the OECD

The Prime Minister supported Mr Cormann's use of a taxpayer-funded jet, saying otherwise he "would have got COVID"

In 2018, Mr Cormann booked a $37,000 solo flight to spruik the Government's plan for business tax cuts

Former WA senator Mathias Cormann has clocked up more than 20,000 kilometres campaigning to become the next head of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Air Force planes cost taxpayers more than $4,000 per hour of flying, but Mr Morrison said using commercial flights would have been risky.

"There really wasn't the practical option to use commercial flights in the time we had available, because of COVID," he told radio station 2GB.

"If Mathias was flying around on commercial planes he would have got COVID, the risk of that was extremely high."

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is supporting Mr Cormann's campaign with a taskforce of eight staff, and he is also accompanied by one DFAT officer while overseas.

"The duties of the taskforce include coordinating advocacy by the Prime Minister and senior ministers, visit and travel coordination, as well as the preparation of briefs and communications materials to support the campaign," a DFAT spokesperson said.

The staff will return to other duties when the campaign concludes in March 2021.

Former senator Natasha Stott Despoja successfully won a spot on a UN committee fighting for equality for women last month.

She told the Sydney Morning Herald she travelled to Washington in March, and to Canberra during the pandemic, but otherwise campaigned via teleconference from her Adelaide home, participating in close to 200 meetings.


This fucker is a German Born Eurocrat, how is he even an Australian MP???

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df5272 No.149352

File: 2a28b92a4b05dbf⋯.png (56.4 KB,816x604,204:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773478 (250157ZNOV20) Notable: Mollie Hemmingway tweet MSNBC guy says Biden camp is terrified that a Biden inauguration would turn into a Million MAGA march

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MSNBC guy says Biden camp is terrified that a Biden inauguration would turn into a Million MAGA march ….

Quote Tweet

Sam Stein


· Nov 11

“What do you do if our people don’t show up and his do?” asked one official involved in inaugural preparations. “They probably will and the last thing you want is a MAGA rally on the Mall when Joe Biden is sworn in as president."

that would be epic. I'm going now.


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df5272 No.149353

File: d2b14a8fd36c751⋯.png (195.49 KB,1382x688,691:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773499 (250159ZNOV20) Notable: Dig on Utah Data Center

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Utah Data Center - Wikipedia





See also

External links

The data center is able to process "all forms of communication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Internet searches, as well as all types of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digital 'pocket litter'." In response to claims that the data center would be used to illegally monitor email of U.S. citizens, in April 2013 an NSA spokesperson said, "Many unfounded allegations have been made about the planned activities of the Ut…

Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license

The 1.5 Million-Square-Foot Utah Data Center Stores Public …


Aug 26, 2020 · The Utah Data Center Covers More Than 1 Million Square Feet, And It Holds A Massive Amount Of Info. The Utah Data Center is a huge government facility in Bluffdale, Utah that stores personal emails, Internet searches, cell phone calls and other public data. Part of the National Security Agency, the massive data repository is reported to have the largest data storage capacity in the world.

Author: Catherine Armstrong

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df5272 No.149354

File: 8a8fc8ec73b50ff⋯.jpg (80.28 KB,622x640,311:320,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 508a83db9e99ef7⋯.jpg (102.46 KB,1500x500,3:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2beb66b4c11d8a9⋯.jpg (11.27 KB,276x276,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9ac495b47a876ec⋯.jpg (32.51 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dfb6356576dd980⋯.jpg (35.61 KB,600x200,3:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773526 (250201ZNOV20) Notable: New Tactic from Swamp - Attempt to disbar Rudy Giuliani

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now they are trying to disbar as a tactic



Sidney Powell Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐ Retweeted

Jesse R. Binnall Medium star Medium star Medium star


Lawyers who would be intimidated from zealously representing clients because of such threats should surrender their bar cards. But here's the thing about Trump lawyers: our cause is just and we don't scare easy.


, if you're looking for me, I'm barred in VA and ID.

Jesse R. Binnall Medium star Medium star Medium star


Attorney, Baseball Fan, Sailor, Pilot, SCUBA Diver, Geek. Proud member of Gen. Michael Flynn's legal team.

Alexandria, VAharveybinnall.comJoined May 2010

1,044 Following



Bill Pascrell, Jr.


Police cars revolving light

I’ve just filed legal complaints with the AZ, MI, NV, NY, and PA bars against Rudy Giuliani and 22 other lawyers seeking their disbarments for filing frivolous lawsuits and trying to help Trump steal the election and dismantle democracy.

Bill Pascrell, Jr.


New Jersey's Progressive Fighter representing the Ninth Congressional District #NJ09

Paterson, NJbillpascrell.comJoined March 2012

223 Following


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df5272 No.149355

File: 0e5c7de369547fc⋯.png (63.6 KB,956x568,239:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773536 (250202ZNOV20) Notable: BO/BV mia for 12 hours

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Meanwhile, no BO/BV action for almost 12 hours.

(Chris Hansen doesn't count - that's a Global BV that doesn't handle Gerbil spergouts)

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df5272 No.149356

File: 1eacf7e7f91025f⋯.png (564.24 KB,816x958,408:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773541 (250202ZNOV20) Notable: @RudyGiuliani: Hundred thousand ballots were brought in the early morning on the election day in trucks and all those ballots were counted for Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#Facebook funded #mafia steal ?

Jeesh !

Quote Tweet

Hizbullah Khan


· Nov 23

.@RudyGiuliani: Hundred thousand ballots were brought in the early morning on the election day in trucks and all those ballots were counted for Biden.


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df5272 No.149357

File: 045b0e2e83047ff⋯.jpg (137.08 KB,663x492,221:164,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773544 (250203ZNOV20) Notable: New Mr Pig meme thanking bakers for keeping dough straight

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df5272 No.149358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773582 (250206ZNOV20) Notable: AG Barr launches vote fraud crackdown and veiled threats appear on Twitter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


He didn't drop dead…the mob whacked him

“Attorney General William Barr is launching a crackdown… some expect that the City’s most senior mobsters are getting ready to flip on former Boss ‘Skinny Joey’ Merlino, who is widely suspected of rigging the presidential election in favor of Joe Biden.”



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df5272 No.149359

File: e1a61577d38a5a2⋯.png (727.74 KB,816x994,408:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773590 (250206ZNOV20) Notable: @MajorPatriot opines - This is a military operation. Military precision at its finest.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is a military operation.

Military precision at its finest.


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df5272 No.149360

File: 99144e6b5e4aefa⋯.png (1.47 MB,1187x1125,1187:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773633 (250209ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission

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Fucking Eric Coomer…is going to hate getting raped in prison for the rest of his miserable fucking life!!!


"In GA, during (late?) Sept, Dominion’s radical Leftist Eric Coomer made a “critical software change” to GA’s Dominion voting machines “without adequate testing or certification from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission”. From this 9/29/20 AJC story" https://newspapers.com/image/684956226 https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1331331445743374337

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df5272 No.149361

File: 51fffbfb584c104⋯.png (296.39 KB,816x1449,272:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773637 (250210ZNOV20) Notable: Lin Wood Tweet - Cobb County GA Patriots are helping reveal lies. Susan Knox is American hero. More video from Susan to follow.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cobb County GA Patriots are helping reveal lies. Susan Knox is American hero. More video from Susan to follow.

She caught A1 on video & now A1 will cooperate. A1 was played by traitors in Cobb County.

Please BE PREPARED for Thanksgiving.

Pray for USA, ALL, & @realDonaldTrump


Prepared for Thanksgiving? Nov 26th.

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df5272 No.149362

File: 0d3a8bbce2cad9f⋯.png (91.57 KB,1456x416,7:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f75f6f3fed8e6f⋯.jpg (128.73 KB,777x644,111:92,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773694 (250214ZNOV20) Notable: Parler CEO (Bongino re-tweet) response to alleged hacking of Parler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dan Bongino Retweeted

Michael Kan


Parler's CEO on reported hack: "The alleged 'hack' is a screenshot from a WordPress website that has been circulated repeatedly over the past 6 months, despite Parler’s multiple responses that we do not use WordPress products, nor WordPress databases." Also calls out Twitter

5:40 PM · Nov 24, 2020

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df5272 No.149363

File: a38e4de6d2ea93f⋯.jpg (115.68 KB,767x744,767:744,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ccf95495596be9c⋯.png (1.27 MB,1104x1384,138:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773712 (250215ZNOV20) Notable: Trump tells confidants he plans to pardon Michael Flynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


9 mins ago - Politics & Policy

Scoop: Trump tells confidants he plans to pardon Michael Flynn


Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu

Michael Flynn

Photo: Alex Wroblewski/Getty Images

President Trump has told confidants he plans to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts, two sources with direct knowledge of the discussions tell Axios.

The big picture: Flynn's pardon would be the culmination of a four-year political and legal saga that began with the FBI's investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russian government in the 2016 election.

This story is breaking news. Please check back for updates.

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df5272 No.149364

File: eb774f821b0a6be⋯.mp4 (126.58 KB,400x224,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773714 (250216ZNOV20) Notable: Josh Gerstein tweet - Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






Jesse R. Binnall

Medium star Medium star Medium star


Tracy Beanz


Oh, that “Kraken”?


Josh Gerstein


JUST IN: Carson City, NV judge hearing election challenge filed by Trump electors has set a hearing for 12/3 at 130PM local. Will allow 15 depositions for each side between now and then. Atty is


's co-counsel in Flynn case,



3:44 PM · Nov 24, 2020·TweetDeck




Quote Tweets



Josh Gerstein




Replying to


Binnall said part of the challenge is over the use of Agilis scanner and signature matcher. 'It is important, for sure, but is far from the main meat of our challenge," he said.

Josh Gerstein




We could see fight over secrecy relating to witnesses. Binnall said he wants a protective order b/c of threats, but idea that a presidential election challenge will be resolved based on secret testimony seems highly implausible. List of challenger witnesses due by 5PM local tomw

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df5272 No.149365

File: 113045f1db36b27⋯.png (129.3 KB,485x533,485:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773751 (250218ZNOV20) Notable: 42 art works, you say (John McCracken monolith art)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


42 art works, you say

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df5272 No.149366

File: db47fe3c5c77214⋯.jpeg (546.67 KB,828x1026,46:57,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11773767 (250219ZNOV20) Notable: Trump tells confidants he plans to pardon Michael Flynn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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df5272 No.149367

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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