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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

b8bdce No.195 [View All]

08NOV20 to 09NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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b8bdce No.139555

File: 6821f34cc891238⋯.jpeg (146.31 KB,828x339,276:113,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 94fd32ccb7733f5⋯.jpeg (447.74 KB,828x647,828:647,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5dd41229b384206⋯.jpeg (556.51 KB,828x1601,828:1601,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561218 (091945ZNOV20) Notable: CHRISTOPHER C MILLER

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This guy was in charge of MISO.


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b8bdce No.139556

File: e97185f4c1e6bcc⋯.jpeg (258.96 KB,750x1014,125:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26829d63ba685b1⋯.jpeg (253.47 KB,750x1104,125:184,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f4d98d408aa98e6⋯.jpeg (207.35 KB,750x964,375:482,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561222 (091945ZNOV20) Notable: Detroit’s getting sued for election fraud. “Eyewitness accounts of direct evidence”…

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Detroit’s getting sued for election fraud.

“Eyewitness accounts of direct evidence”…


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b8bdce No.139557

File: 71374e6baa97f39⋯.png (526.42 KB,678x674,339:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 10da8b25b7fdfc5⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB,1114x720,557:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561224 (091945ZNOV20) Notable: BUSTED: Fox News Anchor, Sandra Smith Gets Busted On Hot Mic Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud

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Rev. Scott Anthony Medium starMedium starMedium star


BUSTED: Fox News Anchor, Sandra Smith Gets Busted On Hot Mic Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud….


Fox News is NOT Our Friend / Ally….

10:35 AM · Nov 9, 2020

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b8bdce No.139558

File: b54fe3e7087cccf⋯.png (823.96 KB,755x532,755:532,Clipboard.png)

File: 564575072f9bdc8⋯.png (45.78 KB,861x697,21:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 59683b03d7a2914⋯.png (52.81 KB,878x763,878:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 74ae647656e72ff⋯.png (48.32 KB,860x735,172:147,Clipboard.png)

File: cbf0070d8a24a2b⋯.png (59.76 KB,866x851,866:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561226 (091945ZNOV20) Notable: Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man

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Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man

As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, cutting short what would have otherwise been his final months at the Pentagon, in anticipation of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition in January.

Delivered via tweet, Trump announced Chris Miller, previously the National Counterterrorism Center director, will step in immediately as acting defense secretary.

Esper’s Pentagon exit had been expected for months, as tension both subtle and obvious bubbled with the White House. Some had expected that Esper would beat him to the punch with a resignation, but with the election coming up, it appeared neither side wanted to rock that particular boat.

In fact, Esper went nearly underground in the run-up to the election, last hosting a Pentagon briefing in late July. He continued to bring reporters along on several trips both within the U.S. and abroad, but declined on-the-record interviews. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s apparent election victory temporarily quelled rumors that Esper would either resign or be fired, but in the end, the Trump administration decided it would rather finish out its last 10 weeks with someone else.

Speaking to Military Times in an exclusive interview on Nov. 4, Esper confirmed that he never had any intention of quitting, and though he expected the other shoe to drop, he didn’t have a good read on when.

“So what I’m trying to do is, kind of, share my views and perspectives while they’re still fresh,” he said.

He was also conscious of his legacy, particularly where it concerned the National Defense Strategy.


Anon's knew Esper was mil industrial complex neocon shitbag from the get go

Pentagon nominee Esper, a former Raytheon lobbyist


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b8bdce No.139559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561251 (091947ZNOV20) Notable: Anon opines on Keystone

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We were told "re-read past drops"

I realize double meanings exist, but the "Find the Keysrtone" is not related to Pennsylvania and the election.

Q drop 2998 explains the Keystone

Keking out right now. Pretty sure I found something. Rip me apart if I’m wrong though. So many shills on here. You’re missing crumbs. Look here, not [here]. Responding to post 2996 Q says, “how is that possible for a ‘supposed’ non_gov entity?”

How is it possible that FB tracks data even when the app is deleted? In post 2993 (3/7/109) Q is calling out @Snowden. So I used the filter to find posts relating to WikiLeaks. Q’s post from July 31, 2018 is a screenshot of the Wikileaks Vault 7… released MARCH 7. Sounds confusing just trying to show you my thought process, stay with me, it makes sense.

“Unlike bullets, bombs or missiles, most CIA malware is designed to live for days or even years after it has reached its 'target'. CIA malware does not "explode on impact" but rather permanently infests its target. In order to infect target's device, copies of the malware must be placed on the target's devices, giving physical possession of the malware to the target. To exfiltrate data back to the CIA or to await further instructions the malware must communicate with CIA Command & Control (C2) systems placed on internet connected servers. But such servers are typically not approved to hold classified information, so CIA command and control systems are also made unclassified.” FROM VAULT 7

Links below that direct you to user forums on how to not leave a digital fingerprint that can be associated with the CIA, and how to construct an imitation fingerprint. Using Facebook as their ‘fingerprint’ they are able to install malware on peoples’ phones, tablets, and computers which relay all data back to a central server using HIVE.

I suggest all anons who have given up life to research this shit like me should read this document to completion.

I noticed the enormous amount of comparisons between “packets of data” and “bombs”, dunno why probably just autistic. I looked back in the Qmap and on March 5, 2019 an anon posted how London Police “called them bombs not suspicious packages” Q responds in 2974 with “Fire”.

I went into Vault 7 Projects, search for “fire”….

“Angelfire is an implant comprised of five components: Solartime, Wolfcreek, Keystone (previously MagicWand), BadMFS, and the Windows Transitory File system”


“Keystone is part of the Wolfcreek implant and responsible for starting malicious user applications. Loaded implants never touch the file system, so there is very little forensic evidence that the process was ever ran.” This makes post Q 381 much easier to understand

“We Won’t telegraph our moves to the ENEMY.

We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.”


Q is saying that they are using the Anglefire to predict the Deep State’s moves without being detected. In the user files it says a key must be used to open magicwand (keystone). In Q post 270 he says that ADM R/NSA (W&W) + POTUS/USMIL = Apply the Keystone. Paint the Picture. In post 167 Q says POTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thinking. What is the keystone? Now this could be confirmation bias but based off of what we just read we can now infer that Q was saying trump gave Admiral Rogers permission to use Keystone and Activate malware in order to collect data on DS. Furthermore who uses a magicwand? A wizard. (W&W)

>>>/qresearch/5565314 (/pb)

Something you should explore further.

Impressive, most impressive.


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b8bdce No.139560

File: b4a49d48571ac41⋯.png (169.1 KB,609x479,609:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561255 (091947ZNOV20) Notable: @seanmdav "In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data

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"In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims." https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1325803289955487744

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b8bdce No.139561

File: 291b15c4fa66bf5⋯.png (502.04 KB,885x368,885:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561262 (091948ZNOV20) Notable: GSA Tells Biden Campaign: No Transfer Of Power Until A 'Clear, Constitutional Winner' Is Decided

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GSA Tells Biden Campaign: No Transfer Of Power Until A 'Clear, Constitutional Winner' Is Decided

As the campaign for Joe Biden attempts to push the General Services Administration (GSA) to approve a transfer of power, the agency said that it has not made an assessment of the situation.

“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its Administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesperson with the GSA told Epoch Times on Monday morning.

The agency said that the GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only initiate the transition when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”

“The Administrator’s ascertainment is done for the purposes of making services provided by the [Presidential Transition Act] available,” the spokesperson added.

“Until an ascertainment is made, the statute allows for the Biden Transition Team to continue to receive the pre-elect services from the government (e.g., limited office space, computers, background investigations for security clearances). GSA has met all statutory requirements under the PTA for this election cycle and will continue to do so.”

A number of media outlets projected that Biden, a Democrat, was the winner, although Trump’s team has filed lawsuits in key battleground states, alleging irregularities and voter fraud. And in others, vote-counting is still ongoing.

The Epoch Times will not declare a winner of the 2020 presidential election until all results are certified and any legal challenges are resolved. Both candidates have claimed victory in certain states, but it appears increasingly likely that this election will be resolved in the courts.

Trump’s campaign has also pushed for recounts and canvasses in several states like Wisconsin and Georgia. Trump’s team said they would provide more evidence and announce more lawsuits.

According to Reuters, if the GSA signed off on the transition plan, it would provide Biden’s campaign with federal funding for travel and salaries.

Sen. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), the chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Operations, told Reuters that there needs to be a speedy transition process due to the pandemic.

“The Administrator plays a critical role in the peaceful transfer of power and ensuring vital government services are not disrupted. This is all the more important amid a deadly pandemic,” Connolly added.

In a 1963 law (pdf), the GSA’s administration will decide when a winner is determined. Then it opens the doors to U.S. federal agencies and provides them with operational funding. The incoming administration then had about two months to organize itself before Jan. 20.


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b8bdce No.139562

File: ba72373d793a9d0⋯.png (17.59 KB,556x156,139:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561266 (091948ZNOV20) Notable: AG Barr just walked into Senate Majority Leader McConnell's office

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b8bdce No.139563

File: 279f8765ef83a92⋯.png (15.54 KB,593x152,593:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561267 (091948ZNOV20) Notable: AG Barr just walked into @senatemajldr’s office

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AG Barr just walked into @senatemajldr

’s office


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b8bdce No.139564

File: 6fd0c9d18b6c596⋯.png (449.26 KB,634x252,317:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561296 (091949ZNOV20) Notable: UK spy agency to launch pro-vaccine offensive cyber operation

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UK spy agency to launch pro-vaccine offensive cyber operation

BRITAIN’S SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE AGENCY is preparing to launch a major offensive cyber operation against state-sponsored propaganda aimed at undermining research on the COVID-19 vaccine. According to the London-based Times newspaper, which published the information about the purported cyber operation, it will be aimed mostly against disinformation campaigns coming out of Russia.

According to the paper, the operational mandate of the 77th Brigade and GCHQ prevents them from tackling disinformation and misinformation originating from ordinary social media users, rather than state agencies. Additionally, the offensive cyber campaign cannot target websites that are based in Britain’s so-called Five Eyes allies, namely Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Instead, British spies are required to notify their Five Eyes counterparts, so they can take action instead.

The Times reports that the British government considers shutting down the alleged Russian disinformation campaign a strategic priority, which grows in significance the closer British scientists get to their goal of creating a successful vaccine against the pandemic. London has therefore ordered the British Army’s 77th Brigade, which specializes in information operations, to launch an online campaign that will counter deceptive narratives about a potential vaccine against the coronavirus.

Whitehall has also mobilized the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Britain’s signals intelligence agency, which focuses on cyber-security, to launch offensive operations against the sources of the disinformation, says The Times. The paper cites a government source as saying that the spy agency will be using tools originally developed to monitor and incapacitate websites and other online platforms used by the Islamic State for recruitment.

According to the paper, the operational mandate of the 77th Brigade and GCHQ prevents them from tackling disinformation and misinformation originating from ordinary social media users, rather than state agencies. Additionally, the offensive cyber campaign cannot target websites that are based in Britain’s so-called Five Eyes allies, namely Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Instead, British spies are required to notify their Five Eyes counterparts, so they can take action instead.


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b8bdce No.139565

File: 5a30255b2ed65e9⋯.png (245.32 KB,551x694,551:694,Clipboard.png)

File: dfb8257d4b58800⋯.png (506.7 KB,554x1364,277:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561303 (091950ZNOV20) Notable: Twitter Could Strip Trump of Certain Privileges Post-Presidency

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Twitter Could Strip Trump of Certain Privileges Post-Presidency

By VOA News



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b8bdce No.139566

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561312 (091950ZNOV20) Notable: MI Election Lawsuit on Election Irregularities

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MI Election Lawsuit on Election Irregularities


Lawfag analysis (not mine): They have sworn statements from members of the MI bar association that were acting as poll watchers swearing to some pretty serious allegations of voter fraud in Wayne County.

I don’t know what the relief is for this, but I don’t see how the MI SOS will be able to certify these results.

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b8bdce No.139567

File: 1e14bb0cd4b434e⋯.png (108.45 KB,596x541,596:541,Clipboard.png)

File: afac2d8dfa5c900⋯.png (355.81 KB,853x583,853:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561315 (091951ZNOV20) Notable: EU pushes for access to encrypted messages, Austrian broadcaster reports, amid recent terrorist attacks

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EU pushes for access to encrypted messages, Austrian broadcaster reports, amid recent terrorist attacks

In the wake of the Vienna terror attack, the EU wants to access the type of encryption that makes communications nearly impossible to snoop on, an Austrian broadcaster has reported. Actually, this has been in the works for years.

End-to-end encryption (E2EE) protects communications between two devices from eavesdropping by a third party, even if the snooper intercepts the message. Popular Services like WhatsApp, Telegram or Facebook Messenger use it to protect user privacy.

Austrian public broadcaster ORF reported on Sunday that the EU may soon get access to this type of protection, linking the potential policy shift with the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, including in Vienna. It cited a draft document of the Council of the European Union, which member states may approve as soon as this month.

The EU believes that “competent authorities must be able to access data in a lawful and targeted manner,” according to the draft. E2EE makes it “extremely challenging or practically impossible” to see the contents of the communications “despite the fact that the access to such data would be lawful.”

Actually, the document in question has been in the works long before the latest terrorist attacks in Europe, while the issue of undefeatable encryption has been under debate for years. Public perception of encryption gained a boost in the wake of the 2013 revelation by Edward Snowden of mass electronic surveillance by the US and its allies. E2EE helps journalists protect their sources, facilitates anonymous anti-government speech in repressive nations and otherwise serves the goals of freedom.


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b8bdce No.139568

File: 450cfee28701e7a⋯.png (495.99 KB,440x425,88:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 8515ac87145824e⋯.png (439.25 KB,1026x820,513:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561317 (091951ZNOV20) Notable: Catherine Tait, CEO of Canada's CBC is the Chair of the Global Task Force of the Public Media Alliance

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Catherine Tait, CEO of Canada's CBC is the Chair of the Global Task Force of the Public Media Alliance

The Global Task Force for Public Media (GTF) is a group of eight leaders of major public service media from around the world.

Established in 2020 and chaired by Catherine Tait, President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, the GTF provides “an important opportunity to strengthen the great work each of us does for citizens in our countries. I look forward to working with other like-minded public media around the world.”

The Global Task Force exists to defend the values and the interests of Public Media.' (i.e. it is a lobbying group) Its members include:

- ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) / represented by: David Anderson, Managing Director, ABC

- BBC / represented by: Tony Hall, Director General, BBC

- CBC / Radio-Canada / represented by: Catherine Tait, President & CEO

- France Télévisions / represented by: Delphine Ernotte Cunci, President & CEO, France Télévisions

- KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) / represented by: Yang Sung-dong, President & CEO, KBS

- RNZ (Radio New Zealand) / represented by: Jim Mather, Chair of the Board, RNZ

- SVT (Sveriges Television - Sweden) / represented by: Hanna Stjärne, Director General, SVT

- ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen - Germany) / represented by: Thomas Bellut, Director General, ZDF

The Public Media Alliance (PMA) is the largest global association of public media organisations and focuses specifically on providing advocacy and support for public media worldwide.

Founded in 1945 as the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA), the organisation today has a global membership, offering members an equal opportunity to exchange ideas, views and best practice in public media. Our vision is a world where the public can continue to access free, independent, engaging and representative national and international media wherever they are.

The Public Media Alliance is a membership association of 102 TV and radio broadcasting organisations with a public service remit. We are a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, with a UK-based staff.

In July 2020, when FB announced that it had begun labelled content originating from state-controlled media organizations, PMA said these "attacks on public media are an attack on democracy".

In April 2020, the GTF indicated that the common duties of the public media is: inform, educate, entertain, and engage. The task force seeks to contribute to the public discourse on the issues and challenges facing public media such as financial pressure, competition for audience share in the digital market, and online disinformation. Seven values are listed in its mission statement: access, accuracy, accountability, creativity, impartiality, independence, and high standards of journalism.

The GTF cites examples of its work done by public media during the pandemic (i.e. fear porn):

- ABC:

→ Coronacast podcast, giving updates on COVID and answering listener's questions.

→ ABC Education: Launched a $5M fund to supercharge development of content geared towards children, linked to educational curriculum

- BBC:

→ Bitesize Daily, a broadcast and online education platform, linked to educational curriculum

→ Big Night In, celebrating acts of kindness, humour, and spirit of hope

- CBC:

→ Creative Relief Fund, funding $3M to initiatives in the creative industry

→ CBC Kids programming, a Q&A period with Trudeau and Theresa Tam on COVID

-France Televisions:

→ Lumni, an education platform for youth

→ #OnVousRépond, a Q&A initiative on the pandemic

- RNZ:

→ Coronavirus Podcast, Q&A and 'information' podcast

→ #StandAtDawn, A Remembrance Day initiative for Anzac Day

- SVT:

→ Data Visualization, data visualization platform for COVID

→ An evening together, Fundraiser for COVID and entertainment event with the Swedish musical elite

- ZDF:

→ Adaptation, Programming updates in light of the COVID pandemic

→ Children's content, COVID content for kids and topics for homeschooling

Prior work of this organization was an open letter in Financial Times in support of the British, Australian and Danish public broadcasters, which had experienced funding and staff cuts and, in the case of ABC, been served with search warrants.




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b8bdce No.139569

File: 5314f5b92cd0aaf⋯.png (341.97 KB,835x770,167:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561332 (091951ZNOV20) Notable: James Woods tweet A good man responding to Joe Biden’s destruction of his life. He was just one American then. Now he is 70 million of us.

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A good man responding to Joe Biden’s destruction of his life. He was just one American then. Now he is 70 million of us.


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b8bdce No.139570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561355 (091952ZNOV20) Notable: As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday

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As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday, cutting short what would have otherwise been his final months at the Pentagon, in anticipation of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition in January.

Speaking to Military Times in an exclusive interview on Nov. 4, Esper confirmed that he never had any intention of quitting, and though he expected the other shoe to drop, he didn’t have a good read on when.

“So what I’m trying to do is, kind of, share my views and perspectives while they’re still fresh,” he said.

Dubbed “Yesper” by his critics, including the president, he takes umbrage with the idea that he has been anyone’s “yes man.”

“My frustration is I sit here and say, ‘Hm, 18 Cabinet members. Who’s pushed back more than anybody?’ Name another Cabinet secretary that’s pushed back,” he said. "Have you seen me on a stage saying, ‘Under the exceptional leadership of blah-blah-blah, we have blah-blah-blah-blah?’ "

Like retired Marine Gen. James Mattis before him, Esper gave off the distinct aura of someone trying to be the adult in the room, the last line of defense between the world’s most powerful military and a commander in chief who saw it as a political bludgeon.

Following his testimony in Trump’s impeachment proceedings, concern flared that the administration might try to retaliate against now-retired Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who had been a Ukraine expert at the National Security Council.

Months after his February testimony, something appeared amiss, as the Army’s expected colonel promotion list had still not dropped. Vindman’s camp alleged that someone in the chain of command was holding it up, though behind the scenes, both Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Esper had signed off.

“You know, the Army had done all its due diligence on him. He was qualified for promotion. They asked me, you know, what to do,” he said. “I said, if he’s qualified for promotion, do the right thing, put him on the list. I endorse it. We’ll just let the chips fall where they might.”

Then he had his first public break with the president, who had ordered active-duty troops from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, to assemble outside the D.C. area in case they were needed to put down violent protests.

“The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort, and only in the most urgent and dire of situations,” Esper said, strongly countering the president’s threatening message. “We are not in one of those situations now. I do not support invoking the Insurrection Act.”

The president was reportedly furious.

“I was really concerned that that continued talk about Insurrection Act was going to take us in a direction, take us into a really dark direction," Esper said. "And I wanted to make clear what I thought about the situation as secretary of defense and the role of the active-duty forces. And to kind of break the fever, if you will, because I thought that was just a moment in history where … if somebody doesn’t stand up now and say something and kind of push the pause button, then … it could spiral.”

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b8bdce No.139571

File: fd4b3ffc1e3a21e⋯.png (146.56 KB,663x912,221:304,Clipboard.png)

File: ff2c7a99c293c36⋯.png (646.48 KB,2308x1234,1154:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cbe55241a8cbda⋯.png (464.01 KB,2254x956,1127:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561361 (091953ZNOV20) Notable: RBG issued an absentee ballot 7 days after she died….

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RBG issued an absentee ballot 7 days after she died….


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b8bdce No.139572

File: 60ec36880e07467⋯.png (648.77 KB,817x475,43:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561378 (091954ZNOV20) Notable: Easing of Scotland's Covid-19 restrictions ‘highly unlikely’ says Sturgeon, ahead of Tuesday review

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Easing of Scotland's Covid-19 restrictions ‘highly unlikely’ says Sturgeon, ahead of Tuesday review

Scotland’s First Minister has warned that any easing of current Covid restrictions is “highly unlikely,” ahead of a government meeting on Tuesday to review the current measures.

Nicola Sturgeon told the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday that case numbers made it difficult for the government to consider an easing of Covid restrictions.

Cases in Scotland are still too high for comfort

Sturgeon claimed that there was some evidence that the measures taken, including the circuit breaker lockdown in October, and the new five-tier system, were starting to have an impact on the spread of the virus.

However, the first minister insisted that they needed to see a “significant and sustained reduction in cases” before making any decisions to reduce Covid restrictions.

The government will be reviewing the five-tier Covid restrictions system for the first time on Tuesday, having introduced it on November 2. Sturgeon said that any easing would be “highly unlikely.”

The first minister also described the announcement that Pfizer’s vaccine is 90 percent effective as the “best news in weeks.”

Scotland’s most populated areas are currently subjected to tier-three measures, which sees severe restrictions on hospitality venues and on socializing.

Following a firebreak lockdown in October and the introduction of the five-tiered system, Scotland is the least coronavirus-afflicted nation in the UK.

Overall infection rates in Scotland are significantly lower than in England, with 147.3 cases per 100,000 in the last seven days in Scotland compared to 243.2 cases per 100,000 in England.


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b8bdce No.139573

File: f12bd7c846dfd25⋯.png (364.21 KB,677x690,677:690,Clipboard.png)

File: c178fad0d35dfab⋯.mp4 (6.91 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561396 (091955ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet with video VOTE VOTE VOTE

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Watch. POTUS will do this again. I'm certain.


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b8bdce No.139574

File: a690b14edd4807e⋯.png (26.22 KB,598x213,598:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561404 (091955ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes.

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Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes. @mschlapp & @AdamLaxalt are finding things that, when released, will be absolutely shocking!


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b8bdce No.139575

File: 9faecfb1ccf8869⋯.png (132.49 KB,1110x906,185:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561412 (091956ZNOV20) Notable: Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.

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b8bdce No.139576

File: 145bb5ff7b81456⋯.png (44.11 KB,666x728,333:364,Clipboard.png)

File: f975688ff77ef4b⋯.png (23.97 KB,647x464,647:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561417 (091956ZNOV20) Notable: Report: Wisconsin election clerks may have unlawfully altered mail ballots: 'The statute is very, very clear'

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Report: Wisconsin election clerks may have unlawfully altered mail ballots: 'The statute is very, very clear'

Biden leads Trump by a little more than 20,000 votes in Wisconsin

Wisconsin election clerks are being accused of violating state law regarding absentee ballots.

Although Election Day is over, legal challenges across the country are heating up as vigilant Americans scrutinize the electoral process. Whether lawsuits or vigilance pay off remains to be seen. But in a year where many elections are determined by razor-thin margins, the court system could play a greater role in determining election results than ever before.

What are the details?

According to WISN-AM, Wisconsin clerks and poll workers may have "unlawfully altered witness statements" on thousands of mail-in ballots.

Wisconsin state law requires that absentee ballots are signed by a witness, who is also required to list their address. In fact, the Wisconsin Elections Commission circulated a flier in August reminding voters that mail ballots are required to have the voter's information, the voter's signature, and a qualified witness' signature and address.

"If any of the required information above is missing, your ballot will not be counted," the WEC said.

However, just weeks before Election Day, the WEC told clerks that missing witness information needs to be corrected, of course — but the witnesses don't have to do it themselves.

The October directive said:

Please note that the clerk should attempt to resolve any missing witness address information prior to Election Day if possible, and this can be done through reliable information (personal knowledge, voter registration information, through a phone call with the voter or witness). The witness does not need to appear to add a missing address.

Sources told WISN this directive resulted in the inadvertent invalidation of thousands of ballots because clerks filled in the information themselves after the ballots were cast.

"The statute is very, very clear," retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman told WISN. "If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it's not valid. That ballot is not valid."

"In defiance of and direct contradiction to the statute, the Wisconsin Elections Commission gave guidance — that is, cover — to all 72 county clerks and turned the statute on his head," Gableman added. "They said, 'Gee, we know the law says an absentee ballot without the witness address is not valid, but county clerk, you have a duty to go ahead and look up on your own the witness' address if there's no address on the absentee ballot."


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b8bdce No.139577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561439 (091958ZNOV20) Notable: Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.

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Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.


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b8bdce No.139578

File: e303874ce82e86a⋯.png (35.54 KB,591x505,591:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561445 (091958ZNOV20) Notable: THEY ALREADY PRINTED THE BALLOTS……

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b8bdce No.139579

File: a98dfdd214544aa⋯.png (77.8 KB,803x792,73:72,Clipboard.png)

File: aae7c93e61e7acc⋯.png (92.64 KB,830x882,415:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 63f7eb852899e3c⋯.png (68.75 KB,816x907,816:907,Clipboard.png)

File: fd4b50e45f4d4e1⋯.png (41.06 KB,779x904,779:904,Clipboard.png)

File: 297f3f790b112c9⋯.png (34.68 KB,761x796,761:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561456 (091959ZNOV20) Notable: German Doctors Write Letter to Chancellor Merkel: Put an End to the COVID ‘Fear Machine’

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German Doctors Write Letter to Chancellor Merkel: Put an End to the COVID ‘Fear Machine’

Dear Chancellor Dr. Merkel,

We, the signatories, are doctors from all areas of healthcare, who have been serving people in practices and clinics for decades. During this time, we have witnessed more than one seasonal infection in Germany, most of them with far more severe conditions and significantly more deaths than since January 2020 from COVID infectious diseases. Together we serve approx. 70.000 people.

The circumstances of the coronavirus wave in the FRG have been perceived differently than the media and the ongoing warnings of politics, which were unjustified in fact, presented to the public for months. Predictions of individual advisory virologists with millions of seriously ill and hundreds of thousands of deaths in Germany have not been true in any way.

In the practices, hardly any infected patients were infected and if, then with normal, mostly mild progressions of virus flu. The hospitals have been more empty than ever before. There was no overload of ICU. Doctors, doctors and nurses were skillful in short-term work.

Initially, we found the wave of the virus running towards us to be threatening and were able to understand the infection protection measures.

However, there are months of secured evidence and facts that this wave of the virus is only slightly more intense than an ordinary seasonal flu and must be considered much more harmless than, for example, influenza infection in 2017/2018 with 27.000 deaths in Germany.

According to the data situation, there hasn’t been a threat to the German population from Covid-19 for months.

This must be the reason to return to normal life in Germany – a life without restrictions, fear and infection hysteria.


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b8bdce No.139580

File: 757c49284d5317c⋯.png (36.91 KB,1018x648,509:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561472 (092000ZNOV20) Notable: Postal Service policy on back dating mail

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10 Backdating and Pre–Dating

It is the policy of the Postal Service to prohibit backdating and pre–dating of mail except in the following cases:

When postal operating requirements and public demand necessitate that postmarking commence before and/or continue after the date contained in the postmark. However, under no circumstances may any postmarked material be released before the date of the postmark.

When replacements are made for damaged, defective, or missing postmarks or covers.

When all requirements for postmarks are met by a customer but postmarks are not applied because of errors by Postal Service personnel.

When authorization is specifically provided in writing by a Stamp Services manager.


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b8bdce No.139581

File: 44684924004e306⋯.png (229.48 KB,2172x578,1086:289,Clipboard.png)

File: d0c8da503b71f85⋯.png (132.5 KB,1110x906,185:151,Clipboard.png)


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>But you wont because you are a lazy fuck who thinks you deserve to give commands instead of taking control.



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b8bdce No.139582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561488 (092001ZNOV20) Notable: “People” born in 1800 voting in Pennsylvania

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“People” born in 1800 voting in Pennsylvanian


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b8bdce No.139583

File: 9828bcb6004c6e6⋯.png (54.09 KB,535x473,535:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561494 (092001ZNOV20) Notable: GOV Doug Ducey In Arizona, we are still counting the votes, with roughly 75,000 to 80,000 left. Our expectation is that we finish counting

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Doug Ducey

In Arizona, we are still counting the votes, with roughly 75,000 to 80,000 left. Our expectation is that we finish counting. 1/

We’ve been through this drill before in Arizona. Making it easy to vote and hard to cheat has also resulted in time consuming efforts to ensure the integrity of our elections. We’ve already seen the outcome of races change to a dramatic degree, and some results remain unclear. 2/

The President, just like any other candidate, has the right to all available legal challenges and remedies, and we are confident they will be properly adjudicated. We will respect the election results. 3/3


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b8bdce No.139584

File: 117b909c2307be7⋯.png (22.04 KB,596x187,596:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561525 (092003ZNOV20) Notable: DJT Tweet Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon!

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Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon! @Reince @SeanDuffyWI


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b8bdce No.139585

File: f41892f420e281f⋯.png (5.87 KB,306x260,153:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 92ada469b87df81⋯.png (309.27 KB,1913x889,1913:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561532 (092003ZNOV20) Notable: Mine Collapse in virginia reading 2.7 on usgs

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Mine Collapse in virginia reading 2.7 on usgs

Link from hell


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b8bdce No.139586

File: ea8b9085de728b8⋯.png (35.23 KB,625x277,625:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561536 (092003ZNOV20) Notable: Sperry tweet - "BREAKING: The Democratic Party of Georgia has been pressuring election officials across the state to count rejected provisional ballots for Biden,

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"BREAKING: The Democratic Party of Georgia has been pressuring election officials across the state to count rejected provisional ballots for Biden, contending thousands have "curable defects" https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1325829359417126912

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b8bdce No.139587

File: 78c29e0b718c432⋯.png (396.78 KB,613x513,613:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561566 (092005ZNOV20) Notable: THESE FUCKERS ADMIT THE FRAUD!

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"#BREAKING: Georgia Election Official: "We are going to find that people did illegally vote. That's going to happen. There are going to be double voters…That will be found." https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1325878377568493568

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b8bdce No.139588

File: 6b782e2679e5d86⋯.png (52.76 KB,720x891,80:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561601 (092007ZNOV20) Notable: Can the US nullify a presidential election?

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Can the US nullify a presidential election?


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b8bdce No.139589

File: c2ff8365de64959⋯.png (299.4 KB,635x675,127:135,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e0717eaa200528⋯.png (233.35 KB,618x728,309:364,Clipboard.png)

File: 56e6e00c00d3a4c⋯.png (245.36 KB,589x781,589:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e6605f651cd4fc⋯.png (132.61 KB,601x590,601:590,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561604 (092007ZNOV20) Notable: US Police Chief Resigns Over Apparent Calls for Violence Against ‘Marxist Democrats

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US Police Chief Resigns Over Apparent Calls for Violence Against ‘Marxist Democrats’

An Arkansas police chief has resigned after he authored several posts on a right-wing social media website that called for violence against so-called “Marxist Democrats” in relation to US President Donald Trump losing the recent election, according to a recent statement from Marshall Mayor Kevin Elliott.

Elliot announced in a Saturday news release that he “strongly condemns” the online “bullying” and “threats of violence” tied to Lang Holland, the former police chief of Marshall, Arkansas.

“The Marshall community does not in any way support or condone bullying or threats of violence to anyone of any political persuasion! We condemn it!” he wrote.

The mayor’s comments came on the heels of tweets exposing posts authored by an account using Holland’s name and likeness on Parler, a social media website that promotes “free speech” and has a majority pro-Trump base.

“When this is over and Trump is president for 4 more years. Do not go to sleep,” user @Langholland wrote on the website. “Do not forget what these Marxist Democrat bastards have tried to do. When you see one in public get in their face do not give them any peace.”

Another post by the account declared, “Death to all Marxist Democrats.”

(2/n) These posts made Friday night quickly circulated social media.

The posts, as well as the @Langholland account, were removed from the platform hours later, according to KATV News’ Viktoria Capek.

A new profile, @Chieflangholland, was created soon after with private account settings.

KATV reported the new profile claimed to be “the real chief” and said the other account was an imposter, as he was a “protector of all citizens.”

Both accounts were inactive as of Saturday, according to the outlet.

“Upon my meeting with Mr. Holland he resigned as Police Chief for the City of Marshall effective immediately. Mr. Holland is no longer employed with the city,” Elliot wrote in the release.

Holland previously drew attention to the small city over the summer after he penned a news release stating his department would not be enforcing the face mask mandate imposed by Republican Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson.

“I Chief Lang Holland feel this order is a very large overreach of the powers given to State government by the citizens of the state of Arkansas,” he wrote in the July 17 release.

“It is a free country if you want to wear a mask wear one, if you do not want to wear one don’t wear one.”


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b8bdce No.139590

File: d8b800b803ce5ef⋯.png (1.04 MB,858x615,286:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561632 (092010ZNOV20) Notable: Top USAID Official Tells Agency Leadership: ‘There Is No Transition In Place’

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Top USAID Official Tells Agency Leadership: ‘There Is No Transition In Place’

The acting deputy administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, John Barsa, told colleagues on Monday that there will be "no transition" until the General Services Administration certifies the election results.

"You should be aware, the only official announcement about an election result that matters is from the head of GSA, so until the head of GSA makes a determination as to who won an election, nothing changes. There is no transition in place," Barsa told his colleagues, according to a recording of the call obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The General Services Administration is tasked with determining when an election winner has been "ascertained" and enabling a transition effort thereafter.

The White House intervened on Friday to save Barsa's job and keep him atop the agency. Because he had been serving as acting administrator, Barsa was slated to step down: Under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, acting officials must step aside after 210 days. So the director of presidential personnel, John McEntee, fired deputy administrator Bonnie Glick, who was slated to take over the agency. Barsa is now serving as acting deputy administrator.

A spokeswoman for the agency did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

On the same call, White House liaison Catharine O'Neill reiterated the White House's view that "the election is still happening."

"The Electoral College has not voted yet, so we are still here, business as usual, working for the president, and making sure that everything that we’re doing is to serve the president of the United States," she said.

McEntee is also warning political officials that anybody caught looking for a new job will be fired, according to CNN's Jake Tapper. McEntee himself, who previously served as body man to President Donald Trump, was escorted out of the White House in 2018 over an unspecified "security issue" and brought back earlier this year.

Barsa had a more muted warning for his colleagues: "D.C. is a really small town, sooner or later everyone gets outed for who they are," he told colleagues. "So until you are no longer in your role, please continue to carry out your duties with the same pride and enthusiasm you have always had for your jobs, don’t let anything distract you from the mission you have before you and the task the president has trusted you to execute. It’s a small town. Comport yourself in a manner that you’ll be proud of years from now."


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b8bdce No.139591

File: 991d1b67ecbcefd⋯.png (218.77 KB,809x762,809:762,Clipboard.png)

File: 60954fd633785ac⋯.png (27.87 KB,724x634,362:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 515a7020d55471b⋯.png (30.4 KB,712x773,712:773,Clipboard.png)

File: cc481b84bdfbc42⋯.png (22.13 KB,794x724,397:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561642 (092010ZNOV20) Notable: EVIDENCE

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b8bdce No.139592

File: 48492ce7beaf016⋯.png (363.15 KB,535x539,535:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561644 (092011ZNOV20) Notable: What if an attack was planned in the right place?

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What if an attack was planned in the right place?


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b8bdce No.139593

File: 45bf17ad5c26542⋯.png (982.66 KB,747x513,83:57,Clipboard.png)

File: e212341a14348f1⋯.png (357.21 KB,812x857,812:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 183b48b86c13ff3⋯.png (26.55 KB,756x204,63:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561651 (092011ZNOV20) Notable: Report: Big Tech, Media 'Stole the Election' by Burying Biden-China Scandal

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Report: Big Tech, Media 'Stole the Election' by Burying Biden-China Scandal

In the critical weeks before Election Day, Big Tech and the legacy media took extreme measures to bury the unfolding story of Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s personal ties to his son Hunter’s notorious business deals in China, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Facebook and Twitter suppressed a New York Post story even before a fact-check, and legacy media outlets refused to cover the story even as evidence mounted. According to a blockbuster new poll, this unprecedented suppression of a bombshell story arguably cost President Donald Trump his reelection.

A Media Research Center (MRC) poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates found that 36 percent of Biden voters were not aware of the evidence behind claims that Joe Biden was personally involved in his son Hunter’s business deals with China. Thirteen percent of those voters (4.6 percent of Biden’s total vote) said that if they had known the facts, they would not have voted for Biden.

Such a shift away from Biden would have given Trump the election, according to MRC’s analysis of the preliminary — and contested — election results predicting a Biden win. Had the Biden-China story seen the light of day, Trump would have won the election with 289 electoral votes.

“It is an indisputable fact that the media stole the election,” MRC President Brent Bozell argued. “The American electorate was intentionally kept in the dark. During the height of the scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, the media and the big tech companies did everything in their power to cover it up.”

Bozell noted that Twitter and Facebook limited sharing of The New York Post‘s bombshell report, while legacy media outlets largely ignored it. After the Post story failed to get the kind of traction many expected it would, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, came forward with firsthand knowledge — and evidence — tying Joe Biden to the notorious deals.

Democrats, former intelligence officials, and even the Biden campaign claimed — without evidence — that the evidence was “Russian disinformation.” Not only did numerous sources debunk that claim, but Vladimir Putin himself came out to vouch for Hunter Biden.

Even so, many media outlets refused to cover the story in the lead-up to the election.

“Now we know the impact of that cover-up,” Bozell argued. He noted that “4.6% of Biden voters say they would not have voted for him had they been aware of evidence of this scandal. This story would have potentially changed the outcome of this election. The media and Silicon Valley were fully aware of this, so they actively tried to prevent it from reaching the American public. The American people deserved to know the truth; now it’s too late.”

MRC and McLaughlin surveyed 1,000 actual voters (including early voters).

“At the time you cast your vote for President, were you aware that evidence exists in emails, texts, eyewitness testimony and banking transactions that the FBI has been investigating since last year directly linking Joe Biden to a corrupt financial arrangement between a Chinese company with connections to the Chinese communist party and Hunter Biden’s business, which may have personally benefitted Joe Biden financially?” the survey asked.

Perhaps surprisingly, 73 percent of respondents said they had heard about the allegations, while only 27 percent said they had not heard of them — a rather impressive showing for conservative media breaking through the Big Tech and legacy media efforts to bury the story. Yet 36 percent of Biden voters said they had not heard of the allegations.


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b8bdce No.139594

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561678 (092013ZNOV20) Notable: 11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property

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11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property

Define the criminal act element required for burglary.

Define the criminal intent element required for burglary.

Define the attendant circumstances required for burglary.

Analyze burglary grading.

Define the elements of criminal trespass, and analyze criminal trespass grading.

Define the criminal act element required for arson.

Define the criminal intent element required for arson.

Define the attendant circumstances required for arson.

Define the harm element required for arson.

Analyze arson grading.

Define the elements of criminal mischief, and analyze criminal mischief grading.


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b8bdce No.139595

File: 8f1258eb3241b71⋯.png (119.06 KB,712x529,712:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 501d37966721677⋯.png (104.95 KB,808x479,808:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561683 (092014ZNOV20) Notable: 323k vote differential in Wayne county.

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323k vote differential in Wayne county.

It could completely wipe out Biden's Michigan win.

They are going to be MAD when all these ballots are thrown out as spoiled.

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b8bdce No.139596

File: df2c6d4b4287d6c⋯.png (283.4 KB,1444x895,1444:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561723 (092017ZNOV20) Notable: Shill bakers NEVER add a link to previous bread notables.

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same shills as always, they NEVER add a link to previous bread notables.

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b8bdce No.139597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561726 (092017ZNOV20) Notable: #17461

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#17461 FINAL

>>139547 CNN’s Jake Tapper Tells Trump Staffers Concede or Get Blacklisted

>>139548 Graham: If GOP Doesn’t Fight, There Will ‘Never Be Another Republican President Elected Again’

>>139550 Nolte: Corrupt Media Desperate to Close Books on Contested Election

>>139549 Republican Attorneys General Hold News Conference on Pennsylvania Election Legal Action

>>139551 , >>139553 , >>139554 DJT Tweet The threshold identification of Ballots is turning out to be even bigger than originally anticipated.

>>139552 The Great Lakes Justice Center files action in Wayne County Circuit Court alleging massive fraud in election vote-counting procedures

>>139556 Detroit’s getting sued for election fraud. “Eyewitness accounts of direct evidence”…

>>139558 Esper, on his way out, says he was no yes man

>>139559 Anon opines on Keystone

>>139560 @seanmdav "In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data

>>139561 GSA Tells Biden Campaign: No Transfer Of Power Until A 'Clear, Constitutional Winner' Is Decided

>>139567 EU pushes for access to encrypted messages, Austrian broadcaster reports, amid recent terrorist attacks

>>139569 James Woods tweet A good man responding to Joe Biden’s destruction of his life. He was just one American then. Now he is 70 million of us.

>>139570 As had long been expected, President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday

>>139572 Easing of Scotland's Covid-19 restrictions ‘highly unlikely’ says Sturgeon, ahead of Tuesday review

>>139562 AG Barr just walked into Senate Majority Leader McConnell's office

>>139573 POTUS tweet with video VOTE VOTE VOTE

>>139574 Nevada is turning out to be a cesspool of Fake Votes.

>>139576 Report: Wisconsin election clerks may have unlawfully altered mail ballots: 'The statute is very, very clear'


>>139579 German Doctors Write Letter to Chancellor Merkel: Put an End to the COVID ‘Fear Machine’

>>139580 Postal Service policy on back dating mail

>>139582 “People” born in 1800 voting in Pennsylvania

>>139583 GOV Doug Ducey In Arizona, we are still counting the votes, with roughly 75,000 to 80,000 left. Our expectation is that we finish counting

>>139584 DJT Tweet Wisconsin is looking very good. Needs a little time statutorily. Will happen soon!

>>139585 Mine Collapse in virginia reading 2.7 on usgs

>>139586 Sperry tweet - "BREAKING: The Democratic Party of Georgia has been pressuring election officials across the state to count rejected provisional ballots for Biden,


>>139588 Can the US nullify a presidential election?

>>139590 Top USAID Official Tells Agency Leadership: ‘There Is No Transition In Place’

>>139592 What if an attack was planned in the right place?

>>139593 Report: Big Tech, Media 'Stole the Election' by Burying Biden-China Scandal

>>139594 11.3 Crimes That Invade or Damage Property

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b8bdce No.139598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561758 (092019ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS - Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

no warning from twitter

new post

Donald J. Trump


Pennsylvania prevented us from watching much of the Ballot count. Unthinkable and illegal in this country.

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b8bdce No.139599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561813 (092023ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS - Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!


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b8bdce No.139600

File: e3ef1fc36f71073⋯.png (162.83 KB,1382x919,1382:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 789aaa0b879da11⋯.png (90.95 KB,1369x750,1369:750,Clipboard.png)

File: eb86ae9d9b684d1⋯.png (90.71 KB,872x668,218:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 002cdec68a0cf0c⋯.png (411.12 KB,1058x761,1058:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 3201800d105f5f9⋯.png (29.92 KB,678x652,339:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561821 (092023ZNOV20) Notable: Scytl, involved in voter data manipulation, is formerly SOE Software Corporation, who developed Clarity

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Scytl, involved in voter data manipulation, is formerly SOE Software Corporation, who developed Clarity

Many of its directors work for Scytl today. Might be worth looking through the directors and their connections to other orgs.

One director, Matthew Brown, also serves on boards of online advertising.


Scytl acquires SOE, the leading election software company in the United States

January 11, 2012 | Corporate

Scytl has acquired 100% of SOE Software (www.soesoftware.com), the leading software provider of election management solutions in the United States. The integration of these two software companies creates the industry leader in the election software market with a full range of solutions covering from Internet voting to election night reporting and online pollworker training, and a strong market presence worldwide. SOE Software, based in Tampa, has developed Clarity, a suite of 8 software modules that allow election authorities to be more efficient and transparent in their management of elections and in their communications with citizens and media. Over 900 jurisdictions in 26 states across the United States, including 14 state-wide customers, currently use SOE Software solutions in their electoral processes. For more information, please check the press release.

www.soesoftware.com → Redirects to: www.scytl.us

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b8bdce No.139601

File: 9a8e3fe69439bdb⋯.jpeg (403.88 KB,1242x1280,621:640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561851 (092025ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS - Georgia will be a big presidential win, as it was the night of the Election!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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b8bdce No.139602

File: 8ed6a363f50a4e8⋯.png (753.55 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561879 (092027ZNOV20) Notable: Get in here!! - Concaine Mitch Going in

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Get in here!!

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b8bdce No.139603

File: 0d077458cf89872⋯.jpg (484.78 KB,1917x969,639:323,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11561896 (092028ZNOV20) Notable: Unidentified aircraft EAGLE31 headed up the West Coast.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unidentified aircraft EAGLE31 headed up the West Coast.


Lots of SIGINT still in the air and an E-4B Nightwatch callsign CLUB22 over DC.

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b8bdce No.139604

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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