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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

c5f3c8 No.142 [Last50 Posts]

05SEP20 to 07SEP20


Re-Posts of notables

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c5f3c8 No.99045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534256 (050623ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence)

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Christiane Amanpour

Ghislaine Maxwell

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c5f3c8 No.99046

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534309 (050632ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: FE1BE62D_DDB5_4DA9_8878_ED9D91200550.jpeg

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Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA and some other evil thing with three letters that begins with “C”.


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c5f3c8 No.99047

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB,494x247,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534311 (050633ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence)

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>Christiane Amanpour

>Ghislaine Maxwell



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c5f3c8 No.99048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534339 (050637ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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I’m so happy right now. Surrounded by those I love. And those who see truth when it is there, not when it’s convenient. My movement was never #MeToo. Like I’ve always said, I am a #MeToo, I’m not #MeToo. My real name is Rósa Arianna McGowan. I am here to subvert the dominant paradigm. I am here to force a hard Cultural Reset. I came to finish my father, Daniel McGowan’s work. My mother Saffron’s work. There are two agencies that rule your mind. They both being with C. Being a Radicaj Utopian, I consider myself a social Anarchist. It has been my life’s unwavering mission to get those in the greater cult of bordered nations, of bordered minds. I affect the System because I can. Because I was born into a world not like yours, not like almost anyone on Earth. Understand this, I am not like most of you. I was not raised to think, act or be like you. Your collective values, by and large, are not mine. Your System is not mine. But the way I got out of the Cs was by going public in 2014, at first with my work, Dawn. Best laid plans. I had to break my way out of two iconic evils. Hollywood. DC. I know them both all too well. They are united against all of us.its not you, it’s them. Trust me. I want nothing from anyone, I only wish to educate and make those unaware aware. I have lived in both evils, worked with both evils, I know cults well. What has the system you are in done for you mentally? How do you feel? Going well? No. I offer an alternative way of thinking and seeing traditional thought. I’ve lived behind the scenes in a life that would be unimaginable to most, but necessary and vital for me, and lifesaving for many. I thank you all for going through another bloody round in this exodus.

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c5f3c8 No.99049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534353 (050639ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>>Christiane Amanpour

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c5f3c8 No.99050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534356 (050640ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: christine_maxwell.jpeg

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Christine Maxwell


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c5f3c8 No.99051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534377 (050644ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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She has decided to take down the CAA

And she is using comms here to send a message to CAA Agents who she is gonna target.

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c5f3c8 No.99052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534389 (050645ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence)

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>>>/qresearch/10534338 the duck duck is your fren

Christiane Maria Heideh Amanpour is a British-Iranian journalist and television host.

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c5f3c8 No.99053

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534390 (050645ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Christiane_Amanpour.png

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c5f3c8 No.99054

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534400 (050646ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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Sounds like Kappy before he 'Jumped' from a bridge

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c5f3c8 No.99055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534470 (050701ZSEP20) Notable: Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence)

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tripple trips



a quad of quads confirms

the gematria is strong with this one

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c5f3c8 No.99056

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534474 (050701ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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CAA is the main agency that Rose is angry at.

From an ABC Nightline interview...

When asked why she didn’t like Milano, McGowan said, “Do you think I don’t know these people?”

“I'm not looking at this from the outside. I have a lot of experience,” continued McGowan. “I know [Milano is] married to a CAA agent. Do the math. Who's behind Time’s Up? CAA. Where do they meet? CAA? Who needs good PR? CAA. Who are part of the pimp problem? CAA.” The Creative Artists Agency (CAA) did not respond to “Nightline’s” request for comment for this story.

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c5f3c8 No.99057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534494 (050705ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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c5f3c8 No.99058

File: 09ce7fd34e371de⋯.jpeg (268.99 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: aa19eb1ae814db3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534552 (050714ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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Right. She didnt come out w any of this shit till now??!

COG (Child of God)

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c5f3c8 No.99059

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534568 (050718ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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Oh, by the way. in addition to gunning for the CAA she is gunning for COG, not for the clowns.

There may well be some clown connections, but her main targets are the CAA and its agents

And the Children Of God where Julian Assange was raised. So Rose was undercover???


Will she be in London on Sept 7th for Assange's next hearing?

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c5f3c8 No.99060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534587 (050722ZSEP20) Notable: #FreedomDayAustralia, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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The ANZAC Spirit lives on

This handful of people will go down in Australian history as a band of patriots who stood up to tryanny for ALL Australians, and for all people of the world.

This image says it all.



Your sacrifices are not in vain.

Perth Western Australia Freedom Day - 9,500 + attended

80% QANONS who never knew the other existed!




We love you Q

We love you President Trump

Never give in, we are winning

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c5f3c8 No.99061

File: b0e1fcfb61699c4⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,502x280,251:140,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534594 (050724ZSEP20) Notable: Protesters in Rochester NY are "shutting down restaurants", tables are broken, people running off scared.

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Protesters in Rochester NY are "shutting down restaurants", tables are broken, people running off scared.

Protests turned to Riots in Rochester NY as it got declared an Illegal Assembly.

Pepper Balls and Tear Gas was deployed by Police. Fireworks and various other objects were deployed by rioters.

@scootercastor (FNTV)


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c5f3c8 No.99062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534599 (050725ZSEP20) Notable: LIVE: Police in riot gear guard Portland’s Police Association as protesters gather outside

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LIVE: Police in riot gear guard Portland’s Police Association as protesters gather outside


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c5f3c8 No.99063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534614 (050728ZSEP20) Notable: Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

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COG, and others like it, maybe even manson's family, were communes first which were either clown set ups or infiltrated by clowns to make use of the spoils of war, taking spun out disillusioned hippies of the 60s after the drugs & free love killed off the vietnam war protests, burned them out ...it was perfect for the cia to groom traumatized kids with sketched out 'parents' with the pedo/incest crap so gals like Rose, huma, and untold numbers of these assets.

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c5f3c8 No.99064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534621 (050731ZSEP20) Notable: #13481, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 0e8c58f3fcef00fd83bc1ec97de33a5a_imagejpeg.jpg

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Notables #13481

notetaker anon @600

any bakers in da haus

>>99038 The Hill: Biden says he'd be open to meeting with Trump in Pennsylvania

>>99039 , >>99040 , >>99042 Moar Portland Shooting Anon Breakdown

>>99043 Some type of Li Lab in nearly every college. Matrixx states the Li Family is one of 13 bloodlines.

>>99035 , >>99041 , >>99037 Lin Wood Tweet; BIRTHING STATIONS (possible connection to New Mexico Epstein Ranch)

>>99046 , >>99048 , >>99054 , >>99036 , >>99051 , >>99056 , >>99057 , >>99058 , >>99059 , >>99063 Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA

>>99045 , >>99047 , >>99049 , >>99050 , >>99052 , >>99053 , >>99055 Ghislaine Maxwell | Christiane Amanpour (doppleganger level resemblence)

>>99060 #FreedomDayAustralia

>>99061 Protesters in Rochester NY are "shutting down restaurants", tables are broken, people running off scared.

>>99062 LIVE: Police in riot gear guard Portland’s Police Association as protesters gather outside

Is the Pelosi shit in this brednotable??? havent been following

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c5f3c8 No.99065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534788 (050807ZSEP20) Notable: Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble (Caps & Twitter)

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Lin Wood


Take them seriously.

Pray & prepare.

The next 2-3 months are going to be challenging & unlike anything you have experienced in your lives.

A struggle between. good & evil.

Walls of Jericho will soon fall & Freedom Loving Americans will take our country back.

Pray & prepare.

Quote Tweet



· 3h

“Death to America” a banner reads

— Black bloc Antifa carry a sign proclaiming the destruction of this country

While chanting about burning down every police precinct in NY

I say take them seriously, and arrest them all on terrorism charges

Embedded video



9:36 PM · Sep 4, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets




Anons post thevid and screen capthis is NOTABLE AF

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c5f3c8 No.99066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534799 (050809ZSEP20) Notable: Continuation of LB investigation re: Reinhoehl and Danielson, Jay and Pappas (Caps & Seattle Times), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>>>/qresearch/10534467 LB

These pictures are all of them walking on the same side of the road with Jay and Pappas INFRONT of Fuck 12 and Striped Whale. With Shooter Mike in Wait.

they were all on the same side of the street as Lotus and Bean. Then Jay and Pappas cross infront of the two cars in the middle of the road. With "Fuck12" and Shooter Mike crossing behind them.

orange shirt bitchute guy is in on it as well. he moves the camera so we do not see them walking behind Jay out of the parking garage to shoot him after they fuck with him.

Lotus & Bean is on the same side of the street that the orange shirt camera man is on shooting all of this. This is the reason he turns the camera away @ 17:37 of this video:


Once the cars rev their engines he focus's on blm bullhorn's black car because the shooter and "fuck 12" guy are following Jay and Pappas across the street. The two cars blocking the road were in on it too. They stop and fuck with Jay and Pappas. Reason why Jay has his Bear Spray out in your first pic I attached as well. Once he crosses the street infront of the black jeep and red car, fuck 12 and shooter Mike go behind the cars, with Fuck 12 or red car yelling, "we got a few right here".

The red car or jeep said something to Jay to get him to pull out his bear spray. Jay yells at them to "Move, Go Man, Move". But at this point Jay is across the street and Spotter blocks Jay and Pappas view of Shooter Mike with his weapon drawn to shoot them..


Once Jay is shot the jeep pulls over and you hear someone yelling at the cops, "that guy has been fucking with cars in traffic all night". Which is totally normal. When someone is lying in the road dying you want to make sure the cops know he got shot for yelling at cars and spraying bear spray at them. The black jeep or red car had words with Jay making him cross the street at them. Then the black jeep is a witness to Jay being an instigator.

The 30 cops that responded to Jay must have every face of every BLM/Antifa around Jay.

What Makes Orange shirt bitchute in on it, he never gets any of the shooter or his blm/antifa friends faces on camera. and he purposely does not film Jay and Pappas until they have crossed the street where Jay is ultimately shot.

what a shame!

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c5f3c8 No.99067

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534806 (050811ZSEP20) Notable: Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble (Caps & Twitter), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_09_05_Lin_Wood_on_Twitter.png

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c5f3c8 No.99068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534844 (050822ZSEP20) Notable: Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble (Caps & Twitter)

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@LLinWood: Take them seriously.

Pray & prepare. (next 2-3 months) A struggle between. good & evil.

"Death to America” a banner reads — Black bloc Antifa carry a sign proclaiming the destruction of this country While chanting about burning down every police precinct in NY


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c5f3c8 No.99069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10534931 (050842ZSEP20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs (bun), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_91.png, Screenshot_92.png

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Hunter Biden traveled to China with his father on Air Force Two in 2013 and returned from the trip with an unheard-of $1 billion deal — later expanded to $1.5 billion — for his investment firm.

Later, as Joe Biden’s presidential campaign heated up, Hunter resigned from the board of Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), the company involved in the deal. But he has reportedly kept his 10% stake in the company, which could be worth tens of millions of dollars.

Again, his only qualification was his father.





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c5f3c8 No.99070

File: 550acae0f7969cb⋯.png (1.33 MB,1889x880,1889:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535014 (050900ZSEP20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs (bun)

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Hunter Biden is invested in Human Rights abuse via MIDvii AI Technology.


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c5f3c8 No.99071

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535083 (050918ZSEP20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs (bun)

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c5f3c8 No.99072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535126 (050928ZSEP20) Notable: Rioter who faced no prosecution now being charged w/Federal crimes (The Post Millennial.com), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_04_at_12_13_48_PM.jpg

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Feds arrest and charge accused Portland rioter who had local charges dropped by DA

A Portland man who faced no prosecution for allegedly assaulting Portland cops with a powerful laser is now being federally charged instead.

Andy Ngo and Mia Cathell

The Post Millennial

September 4, 2020 8:23 PM


A Portland man who faced no prosecution for allegedly assaulting Portland cops with a powerful laser is now being federally charged instead. Hugo Ryan Berteau-Pavy, 26, was arrested on Wednesday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and has been charged with felony civil disorder by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon. Berteau-Pavy was identified and photographed by a Portland Police Bureau officer watching the crowd of hundreds of BLM-antifa protesters and rioters who surrounded the Multnomah County Justice Center in downtown Portland on June 13. The complaint says he was standing in the street and shining his laser into the faces of officers protecting the building, which had been broken into and set on fire two weeks prior. Rioters at the time attempted to topple and dismantle the fence set-up around the building. As the protest continued into the early hours the next day, Berteau-Pavy joined a march to Mayor Ted Wheeler’s condominium in northwest Portland. There, he was also observed shining a laser into homes in the building, according to the complaint. In recent weeks, BLM-Antifa protesters have returned to Wheeler’s home to protest and riot. On Monday, rioters broke into a business in the area and set the building on fire. At the time, Portland Police charged Berteau-Pavy with unlawful directing of light from a laser pointer, interfering with a peace officer, and disorderly conduct in the second degree. His bail was quickly paid and he was released. The Multnomah County DA did not pursue any of the charges. None of Hugo Berteau-Pavy's charges from his two arrests this summer were prosecuted by the Multnomah County DA. Previously, Berteau-Pavy was among 48 arrested at a June 6 unlawful assembly when a commercial grade firework was launched over the Justice Center fence, injuring two deputies. He was charged with interfering with a peace officer and bailed out. The Multnomah County DA did not pursue that charge either. Berteau-Pavy appeared for the first time in federal court on Thursday and was released pending further court proceedings. If convicted, Berteau-Pavy faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison.

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c5f3c8 No.99073

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535150 (050932ZSEP20) Notable: Alleged Sarah Lawrence sex-cult leader trial delayed by judge (NY Post), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: jud_del.png

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Judge delays trial of alleged Sarah Lawrence sex-cult leader Lawrence Ray

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c5f3c8 No.99074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535175 (050936ZSEP20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs (bun)

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>>>/qresearch/10534750 DOUGH


Notes @360


>>99073 Alleged Sarah Lawrence sex-cult leader trial delayed by judge

>>99072 Rioter who faced no prosecution now being charged w/Federal crimes

>>99066 Continuation of LB investigation re: Reinhoehl and Danielson, Jay and Pappas

>>99065, >>99067, >>99068 Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble

Call 'em out anons

Baker Needed!!

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c5f3c8 No.99075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535187 (050938ZSEP20) Notable: Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs (bun)

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Hunter Biden and Bohai Harvest diggs

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c5f3c8 No.99076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535195 (050940ZSEP20) Notable: Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble (Caps & Twitter), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: lin.png

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Lawyer of Kenosha Kid, fires shots at pedo nigs.

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c5f3c8 No.99077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535233 (050945ZSEP20) Notable: Lin Wood Twat; Pray and Prepare - Walls of Jericho will tumble (Caps & Twitter), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 03e7652cbc7811f28b72c1fbb62a18f87c50e25bfca7ec9a80b76acdd8d770c6.gif

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>Need the link


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c5f3c8 No.99078

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c5f3c8 No.99079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535268 (050953ZSEP20) Notable: WOW: Democrats Tried To Smear Abe Lincoln With Fake Story Of Him Disrespecting Dead Union Soldiers & Mail in ballots were part of the plan! (Archived Newspaper & WaPo), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: lincoln_smear_same_as_potus_smear_1.png, lincoln_smear_same_as_potus_smear_2.png, lincoln_smear_same_as_potus_smear_3.png, lincoln_smear_same_as_potus_smear_4.png

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WOW: Democrats Tried To Smear Abe Lincoln With Fake Story Of Him Disrespecting Dead Union Soldiers

Published by : Jacob Palmieri


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c5f3c8 No.99080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535272 (050953ZSEP20) Notable: WOW: Democrats Tried To Smear Abe Lincoln With Fake Story Of Him Disrespecting Dead Union Soldiers & Mail in ballots were part of the plan! (Archived Newspaper & WaPo), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 5B6FCB80_C56D_4AEB_842E_B962F2CAC9C5.jpeg

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c5f3c8 No.99081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535284 (050955ZSEP20) Notable: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and 13 others adopt self-regulation code: IAMAI (TelecomEconomic Times), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: self_reg.png

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Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and 13 others adopt self-regulation code: IAMAI

"The goal of this industry-wide effort is to empower consumers with information and tools to assist them in making an informed choice with regard to viewing decisions for them and their families, while at the same time, nurturing creativity and providing creators the freedom to tell the finest stories," IAMAI said.

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c5f3c8 No.99082

File: 85c3e947eab1bd9⋯.mp4 (4.23 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535333 (051005ZSEP20) Notable: Epstein Victim Speaks up and Shares how she was sex trafficked to BIDEN! (Cap)

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c5f3c8 No.99083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535361 (051010ZSEP20) Notable: Portland man who allegedly bear-maced cops at Antifa riot arrested by feds (The Post Millennial.com), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Kevin_Phomma.jpg

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Portland man who allegedly bear-maced cops at Antifa riot arrested by feds

The US Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon moved to prosecute a local man with felony civil disorder following an FBI investigation that found he allegedly assaulted Portland cops with bear mace during a riot.

Andy Ngo and Mia Cathell

September 5, 2020 12:30 AM

In the latest case of federal crackdowns on Portland riots, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Oregon moved to prosecute a local man with felony civil disorder following an FBI investigation that found he allegedly assaulted Portland cops with bear mace during a riot. According to the Justice Department, 26-year-old Kevin Phomma was armed with a shield and a can of bear mace when he sprayed multiple officers at an unlawful assembly on Aug. 26 outside the local Immigrations and Customs Enforcement facility. When he was eventually taken into custody, police found him carrying a three-inch dagger on his hip. Phomma was charged by Portland Police with 11 felonies and misdemeanours, including interfering with a peace officer, disorderly conduct in the second degree, three counts of harassment, three unlawful tear gas misdemeanours, and three felony counts of unlawful macing. His bail was set at $33,000, which was paid. Phomma lists his pronouns as “they” and “he” on social media, and previously listed a web address for an “Antifa facilities department”''' on his Instagram profile.

Kevin Phomma

That evening on the 93rd night of organized violence by Antifa, approximately 200 people surrounded the ICE facility in SW Portland and blocked nearby city streets. The intersection they occupied is located near a hospital. As the building was vandalized, one officer was injured by a large-sized rock launched at law enforcement. Officers with the Department of Homeland Security declared a riot just before the Portland Police Bureau instructed the crowd to disperse. On Friday, Phomma turned himself in to the U.S. Marshals Service. He was released by a US magistrate judge pending further proceedings. If convicted, Phomma faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison.

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c5f3c8 No.99084

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535365 (051010ZSEP20) Notable: Nancy Caught out during the Riots! (Keks), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Hairpocrazy.png

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c5f3c8 No.99085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535410 (051018ZSEP20) Notable: Los Angeles plagued by human trafficking and underage prostitution & Undercover Footage (France24), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: plagued.png

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Los Angeles plagued by human trafficking and underage prostitution

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c5f3c8 No.99086

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535458 (051028ZSEP20) Notable: Body Found in Park Pond in front of Kensington Palace & Update (The Sun), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 67A5AF74_7962_44A6_B9B0_6C7D3BFDD900.jpeg

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c5f3c8 No.99087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535469 (051029ZSEP20) Notable: The Dems Plan to Steal the Presidency (American Thinker), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: dems_plan.png

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The Dems Plan to Steal the Presidency

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c5f3c8 No.99088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535610 (051054ZSEP20) Notable: Continuation of LB investigation re: Reinhoehl and Danielson, Jay and Pappas (Caps & Seattle Times), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 09042020_scene1_122532_1020x680.jpg, capture_1357_05092020_034418.png

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‘All I heard was gunshots’: Neighbors, investigators provide details about officers’ fatal shooting of Portland homicide suspect

Sep. 4, 2020 at 4:58 pm Updated Sep. 4, 2020 at 7:46 pm


By Joseph O’Sullivan , Hal Bernton and Lewis Kamb

Seattle Times staff reporters

OLYMPIA — For much of Thursday, a fugitive task force led by U.S. marshals surveilled a brick-face apartment building in a suburban neighborhood in Thurston County.

Shortly before 7 p.m., Michael Forest Reinoehl, a 48-year Oregon man suspected of killing a pro-Trump protester in Portland on Saturday, left the building and got into a silver Volkswagen station wagon. Four law enforcement officials unleashed gunfire soon after that took his life. “He made it to the car and started it up and attempted to leave,” Thurston County Sheriff’s Lt. Ray Brady said Friday, as more details emerged about the shooting near Lacey. “As he did, [task force officers] pulled in and attempted to box in the vehicle.” While Reinoehl was still in the car, officers fired into the vehicle, and they fired more shots after he got out. He died at the scene, Brady said. Reinoehl was a veteran of Portland summer protests who once described himself as “100% ANTIFA,” or antifascist. He was a suspect in the Aug. 29 fatal shooting of a supporter of the right-wing Patriot Prayer group, Aaron “Jay” Danielson, on a downtown block in that city, where supporters of President Donald Trump — who arrived in a motor caravan — and other protesters had clashed. On Thursday, law enforcement obtained a court-authorized warrant for Reinoehl’s arrest. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office filed a “charging instrument” accusing him of “murder in the second degree with a firearm,” according to a statement and documents released Friday. The state was “prepared to prove that Reinoehl unlawfully and intentionally, using a firearm, caused the death of Mr. Danielson,” according to the statement from the district attorney’s office. The effort to apprehend Reinoehl, which involved the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI and state and local law enforcement, came just as Trump is pushing a law-and-order theme in his reelection campaign.


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c5f3c8 No.99089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535617 (051056ZSEP20) Notable: Continuation of LB investigation re: Reinhoehl and Danielson, Jay and Pappas (Caps & Seattle Times)

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And Reinoehl’s death was noted Friday by U.S. Attorney General William Barr, who in a statement called him a “violent agitator” and a “suspected murderer.”...In the Pacific Northwest, the deaths of Danielson and Reinoehl escalate tensions after a long summer of protests spurred by the May 25 death of George Floyd under a police officer’s knee in Minneapolis, as well as right-wing rallies. In Portland, the police, at this difficult moment in the city’s history, will receive assistance from the Oregon State Police, which have been deputized by the federal government. This could lead to federal prosecution for some protesters who are arrested. Labor Day weekend events expected in the city include a rally and march scheduled Saturday to mark the 100th day of protests against police violence and racial injustice. Then on Monday, Trump supporters are expected to organize another rally, and there could be more clashes with protesters. Danielson died on Portland’s Third Avenue Southwest from a single shot to the chest. He wore a Patriot Prayer cap and his friend, Chandler Pappas, who was there at the time, alleged that he and Danielson were “hunted down.” Reinoehl, in an interview that aired on Vice News Thursday evening, said he feared for his life and that the killing of Danielson was justified. Reinoehl was named earlier this week by The Oregonian as a suspect as well as in social media posts, and his family received death threats. “In our last conversation Mike talked constantly about wanting his children to be safe if something were to happen to him,” wrote Tiffanie Wickwire, a friend, in a Facebook post that noted his children were also being targeted. “Our last words to each other was telling each other to stay safe!!” A protester told The Seattle Times Reinoehl sometimes acted as a scout who watched out for those who might want to harm protesters. Some photos and videos taken during the protests show him wearing a white vest and other clothing similar to that worn by the tall, thin man seen on a video of Saturday’s fatal shooting. Reinoehl was committed to the Black Lives Matter movement, which he described in a June 8 Instagram post as a “revolution” with a need for people who are “willing and ready to fight.” Reinoehl, in an interview this summer with Bloomberg QuickTake News, said he sometimes brought his daughter to the protests as a form of education and described how he had been “working security” during the protests and wrestled a gun away from another man threatening some young Black protesters. Evening gunfire in Lacey. The fugitive task force located Reinoehl in the apartment complex in the Lacey area, a couple of blocks off a main thoroughfare. Residents described it as mostly quiet and a neighborhood where children play outside, outdoor birthdays are held and residents decorate for the holidays.

>moar pix at the link

>Again, Barr's boyz be cleaning up.

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c5f3c8 No.99090

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535681 (051115ZSEP20) Notable: Mikal Smith, former Arizona football player and the son of Illinois head coach Lovie Smith, arrested for sex trafficking (247 Sports.com), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: smith_arr.png

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Mikal Smith, son of Lovie Smith, arrested for sex trafficking

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c5f3c8 No.99091

File: 8e979558d271c8f⋯.jpg (775.56 KB,1519x7930,1519:7930,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535682 (051115ZSEP20) Notable: Body Found in Park Pond in front of Kensington Palace & Update (The Sun)

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c5f3c8 No.99092

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535763 (051135ZSEP20) Notable: MSM attacking Qanon is a Badge of honor, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Q2.png

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All for a larp right? Why is this movement such a big deal in my small country if it's nothing but a conspiracy theory? I've been MANY different conspiracy theories throughout the years and none of them have gotten this much media coverage in here than Qanon has. This is like millionth time our MSM talks about Q.

The title says: Mysterious Q started hinting about Elite's corruption - Qanon cult was born and it's spreading rapidly in Finland


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c5f3c8 No.99093

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535823 (051145ZSEP20) Notable: More on Human trafficking and underage prostitution, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 12_in_ut.png

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Uncover sting operation in St. George leads to 12 arrests on suspicion of child trafficking, sexual exploitation

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c5f3c8 No.99094

File: 9b40150868b372d⋯.png (1.42 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a52281a1b0815b⋯.png (599.9 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 8240fdd37a6889c⋯.png (1 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 459ad8a1cf08166⋯.png (1.31 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: c41db584b6c0c2b⋯.png (1.41 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535826 (051146ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A

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>>99046 , >>99048 , >>99054 , >>99036 , >>99051 , >>99056 , >>99057 , >>99058 , >>99059 , >>99063 Rose McGowan is popping off tonight on Twitter and Insta about being CIA



So Rose McGowan is claiming to be CIA, and she's saying the CIA controls Hellywood  through Creative Artists Agency,  known as CAA.

I know people who work in "reality TV" and they told me there's a rumour that Lisa Vanderpump trafficked young people through her Los Angeles based restaurants. 

This board for years has had threads linking BravoTV network (part of NBC Universal) to the clowns. 

Here's proof that not only is Vanderpump part of CAA, but her little dog is, too.   And in a Bustle article,  posted in 2015 before we started connecting these evil fuckers to Satan, a story bragged about the dog's connection to Lady Fucking Gaga.

We should dig the fuck out of https://www.caa.com

The clowns have been using these evil fucks on Bravo and other networks to brainwash us. They don't call it '''TV Programming for nothing.

Don't forget, faggots, that the photo of Anderson Cooper with the Gannett papers in his dressing room originally came from the Instasgram page of Andy Cohen, aka Bravo Andy.. 

Dig lads, dig.

SAUCE - https://www.caa.com/caaspeakers/lisa-vanderpump

ARCHIVED - https://archive.is/npwcu

SAUCE - https://www.bustle.com/articles/132363-13-facts-about-giggy-vanderpump-you-didnt-know-photos

ARCHIVED - https://archive.is/0iIGv

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c5f3c8 No.99095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535827 (051146ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_6_45_52_AM.png

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Isn't Rose a little starter...wowser!


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c5f3c8 No.99096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535830 (051146ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: AG_Barr_praises_killing_of_Portland_suspect_Reinoehl.png, POTUS_AGBARR.jpg

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AG Barr praises killing of Portland suspect Reinoehl in “effort to restore law and order”


SEPTEMBER 04, 2020 11:23 AM , UPDATED SEPTEMBER 04, 2020 02:59 PM


Thurston County sheriff’s Lt. Ray Brady discusses the fatal shooting in Lacey by a U.S. Marshals task force. The victim is believed to be Michael Forest Reinoehl, the suspect in last weekend’s fatal shooting in Portland...Attorney General William Barr released a statement Friday praising the “apprehension and takedown” of Michael Forest Reinoehl, a suspect in the fatal shooting of a right-wing activist in Portland. Four law enforcement officers from Pierce County, who were acting in U.S. Marshal capacity as part of a task force looking for Reinoehl, shot the suspect during a confrontation in the Tanglewilde neighborhood near Lacey in Thurston County about 7 p.m. Thursday evening. Reinoehl was pronounced dead at the scene. Reinoehl was a suspect in the shooting death in Portland of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer that is known for stoking and engaging in violent conflicts with opposing groups such as Antifa. He had reportedly admitted to the shooting in a video interview with Vice News. The shooting occurred during a clash between supporters of President Trump and protesters demonstrating against police brutality. In the Vice interview, Reinoehl identifies himself as “100% anti-fascist,” but says he doesn’t consider himself “a member of Antifa” or any other group. He also called the shooting “totally justified.” In his statement, Barr calls Reinoehl’s killing “a significant accomplishment in the ongoing effort to restore law and order to Portland and other cities.” “Last Saturday, Aaron ‘Jay’ Danielson was shot and killed amid the continuing violence in Portland,” Barr’s statement begins. “Local authorities subsequently obtained an arrest warrant for Michael Forest Reinoehl, a self-described Antifa member suspected of the alleged murder. Reinoehl fled to Washington state, where he was located yesterday by members of a fugitive task force led by the U.S. Marshals Service, the FBI, and state and local law enforcement partners. When Reinoehl attempted to escape arrest and produced a firearm, he was shot and killed by law enforcement officers. “The tracking down of Reinoehl — a dangerous fugitive, admitted Antifa member, and suspected murderer — is a significant accomplishment in the ongoing effort to restore law and order to Portland and other cities. I applaud the outstanding cooperation among federal, state, and local law enforcement, particularly the fugitive task force team that located Reinoehl and prevented him from escaping justice. The streets of our cities are safer with this violent agitator removed, and the actions that led to his location are an unmistakable demonstration that the United States will be governed by law, not violent mobs.” The sheriff’s office investigating Reinoehl’s shooting said Friday he was armed with a semiautomatic handgun when he was killed, but has not yet confirmed whether he wielded or fired the weapon. President Donald Trump, Attorney General William Barr and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf arrive at Andrews Air Force Base after a trip to Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday. Barr on Friday praised the “takedown” of Michael Forest Reinoehl.

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c5f3c8 No.99097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535863 (051152ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_6_44_50_AM.png

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>>>/qresearch/10534861 (pb)

Interesting phrase in that sentence. I'd like to know if professional anarchists who have funding sources within the US political class and possibly among foreign entities can truly be called "anarchist". They have an organization (even if it is "loosely" organized) with an apparent hierarchy and they definitely believe in coercing others towards their way of doing things AND they are using state power (comped DAs, mayors, Democrat money and perhaps even foreign funding) to do it! Are these people "anarchists" or something else. AINO's (Anarchists in Name Only).

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c5f3c8 No.99098

File: cba79b716cf54db⋯.png (3 MB,1782x1118,891:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535866 (051153ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A

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hory shit…china branch…

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c5f3c8 No.99099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535871 (051154ZSEP20) Notable: More on Human trafficking and underage prostitution

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>>99085 (LB notable)

>Los Angeles plagued by human trafficking and underage prostitution & Undercover Footage (France24)

The 7 minute video report embedded in the article can be found here


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c5f3c8 No.99100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535872 (051154ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

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USA: Police arrest number of protesters as BLM demonstrations continue in Portland

518 views•Sep 5, 2020•Ruptly

Officers in riot gear were deployed outside Portland's Police Association as Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters gathered outside the building in the early hours of Saturday. Several activists were arrested and tear gas fired as tensions were high during the rally. Demonstrations against police brutality and racism have been taking place in the city and across the US since late May, following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of a police officer.

>Bless you, RT/Vlad`love you, nohomo...

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c5f3c8 No.99101

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535887 (051157ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A

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In September 2008, McGowan caused controversy while promoting her film Fifty Dead Men Walking at a Toronto International Film Festival press conference, when she stated, "I imagine, had I grown up in Belfast, I would 100% have been in the IRA. My heart just broke for the cause. Violence is not to be played out daily and provide an answer to problems, but I understand it."

McGowan was born September 5, 1973, in Florence, Italy,[1] to American couple Daniel McGowan, an artist,[1] and Terri, a writer. She has two half-siblings.[4] Her father ran an Italian chapter of the Children of God, which he and his wife were members of until 1978.[5] McGowan spent her early childhood at the group's communes, often traveling through Europe with her parents.[4]

Through her father's art contacts in Italy, she became a child model and appeared in Vogue Bambini and various other Italian magazines. Her parents returned to the United States when she was 10 years old, and settled in Eugene, Oregon.[4][6] McGowan had an untraditional childhood, living as a teenage runaway in Portland, Oregon and associating with a group of drag queens in the city.[4][7] When her parents divorced, she lived with her father in Seattle, Washington, attended Roosevelt High School and Nova Alternative High School, and worked at McDonald's. She took ballet lessons until she was 13. At 15, she officially emancipated herself from her parents[8] and moved to Los Angeles.


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c5f3c8 No.99102

File: 73544ef3c29e593⋯.png (476.54 KB,1698x1872,283:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535889 (051157ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A

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It is all in the Wikipedia frankly…it is EVERY SINGLE A lister influencer…


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c5f3c8 No.99103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535896 (051158ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Rose McGowan 'controlled' by C_A?

Rose McGowan


My real name is Rósa Arianna McGowan. I have lived a double life. Being a radical has been my only way out of being controlled by three letters that start with C. It’s nice to meet you all. Go to my IG for more. #CulturalReset


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c5f3c8 No.99104

File: 45c059892de4514⋯.jpg (795.4 KB,1391x2451,1391:2451,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535898 (051158ZSEP20) Notable: Q Post! Decodes N Delta's

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c5f3c8 No.99105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535905 (051200ZSEP20) Notable: Obamagate Reports

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Andrew Weissmann Wants Kevin Clinesmith to “Stop Snitchin”

September 1, 2020

Really long article on why Clinesmith is valuable to Durham

“Mr. Weissmann, when did you stop violating the civil rights of members of the Trump campaign?”

• That might be the first question Attorney General Barr could ask Andrew Weissmann if given the chance to inquire about his role as “Mueller’s Pit Bull” in the Special Counsel’s Office.

•Andrew Weissmann is a relative

Generally speaking, a “criminal conspiracy” is an agreement by two or more people to commit one or more crimes, combined with an overt act taken by one or more conspirators “in furtherance” of carrying out the purpose of that agreement.

• But for purposes of understanding the importance of Clinesmith to Durham (and others), the most significant factor to understand is the question of “how” a prosecutor builds and proves a conspiracy case.

• Complicating Durham’s investigation is the fact that the various actors involved will all profess they were simply conducting a criminal investigation. They will claim that all the actions taken by them in the course of conducting that investigation were legitimate law enforcement inquiries.

• Durham needs someone who tells the same story the targets would tell, but maybe tells it in a way that is not so “self-serving.” This is where the evidentiary rules for “proving” a conspiracy come into play.

• First, the “agreement” between two or more persons to commit one or more crimes does not need to be an “express” agreement. It is not necessary for the evidence to be that the co-conspirators talked about the crime then intended to commit, and then verbalized – or memorialized in a writing – an agreement to commit that crime. A typical “Jury Instruction” in federal court on the crime of conspiracy includes some form of the following language:

• For a conspiracy to have existed, it is not necessary that the conspirators made a formal agreement or that they agreed on every detail of the conspiracy.

• One becomes a member of a conspiracy by willfully participating in the unlawful plan with the intent to advance or further some object or purpose of the conspiracy, even though the person does not have full knowledge of all the details of the conspiracy.

• An overt act does not itself have to be unlawful. A lawful act may be an element of a conspiracy if it was done for the purpose of carrying out the conspiracy. The government is not required to prove that the defendant personally did one of the overt acts.

• Against the backdrop of what a jury would be told, there are many, many appellate court decisions on the subject, which have some form of the following comment:

• “An agreement to commit a crime can be explicit or tacit, and can be proved by direct or circumstantial evidence, including inferences from circumstantial evidence.”

THAT is why Kevin Clinesmith is of value to an investigation. It is highly unlikely that Durham or any other prosecutor going back through the CH investigation is going to find overt or direct evidence that any of the participants entered into an explicit agreement to violate a federal statute. But in many instances, that is not the method by which the existence of a conspiracy is proven in a federal criminal trial

• Concerted actions, circumstantial evidence, and inferences that can be drawn therefrom are the foundations upon which federal criminal conspiracies are often proven.

• What about “intent” to commit a crime a reader might ask? Again, the law recognizes that “intent” is a matter of what was in the defendant’s mind at the time the action was taken and is not subject to “direct” evidence unless the defendant confesses. So “intent” is most often established by circumstantial evidence and the reasonable “inferences” that can be drawn from such evidence.

• That takes us back again to what Clinesmith can tell Durham about what he heard from others, and what he saw while working on CH. All of that is potentially “circumstantial evidence” that could support a “concerted action” or “tacit agreement” approach to proving the existence of a “conspiratorial agreement.”

•When you look at the history of the investigation, and Clinesmith’s function and role over time, you see the potential for Clinesmith to have been a wealth of information – much greater than if you just focused on his job function.

• Clinesmith, like Strzok and maybe only a small handful of others, was involved for nearly the entirety of the “Russian Hoax”

• Clinesmith was with CH from “Day 1”, and lasted 8 months with the SCO before he too was removed in February 2018. Combined, Clinesmith was on the CH investigation for 20 months. That is a lot of ground to cover, and likely involved a lot of meetings where he sat in on or participated in the discussions.


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c5f3c8 No.99106

File: 072762f5128f6e9⋯.png (299.62 KB,2270x650,227:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 1552d7b81e62452⋯.png (78.44 KB,2268x426,378:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535913 (051201ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A

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Every influential gamer, and evenJOE!

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c5f3c8 No.99107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535924 (051203ZSEP20), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: omb_memo_2_638.jpg, omb_memo_1_638.jpg

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FINALLY! Party’s Over: Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Federal Agencies


At the direction of President Trump, the White House Office of Management and Budget will move to identify and eliminate any trace of “critical race theory” in the federal government.

Critical race theory is the leftist, racist doctrine that forms the intellectual underpinnings of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other radical organizations currently engaged in unrest on America’s streets.

It alleges, among other things, that the United States is a white supremacist country, and that all white people are guilty of racism, whether they intend it or not.

President Trump has brought the issue of far-left indoctrination to the forefront of the national conversation in recent months. It was a major theme of the President’s Independence Day speech at Mt. Rushmore, in which he condemned far-left theories that “defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.”

Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget, announced on Twitter that the Trump administration will bring any dabbling in such theories by the federal government to a swift end.

The days of taxpayer funded indoctrination trainings that sow division and racism are over. Under the direction of @POTUS we are directing agencies to halt critical race theory trainings immediately.https://t.co/dyMeJka9rt

— Russ Vought (@RussVought45) September 4, 2020

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c5f3c8 No.99108

File: 73bfcea3209fc5f⋯.png (3.62 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535940 (051206ZSEP20) Notable: Edward-Isaac Dovere, a reporter for The Atlantic, did not deny coordinating a question about Trump’s “soul” with Joe Biden

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They have no fear, it’s open and in our faces.


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c5f3c8 No.99109

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535948 (051207ZSEP20) Notable: James Cameron Sells 31 yr residence (Mansions) on Malibu for 25 mil, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 641E780C_D29D_4CF3_861F_E1A53407662D.jpeg, F73B1E49_1C03_430E_97A8_013993A8CF5C.jpeg

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Lot of rich & famous selling property


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c5f3c8 No.99110

File: d3e5827dcf739c9⋯.jpg (3.06 MB,3453x2137,3453:2137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535962 (051213ZSEP20) Notable: More on Human trafficking and underage prostitution

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Old Spanish Trail went through here.

St George is nearby.

Colorado City, AZ close.

Been poking around.

Flake. No-Name. Romney. Napolitano. Burke. Reid. Lee. Hatch….on and on.

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c5f3c8 No.99111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535966 (051213ZSEP20) Notable: UK police attacking patriots at an anti immigration demo

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UK police attacking patriots at an anti immihration demo

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c5f3c8 No.99112

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535971 (051215ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: michael_ovitz_who_is_michael_ovitz.jpg

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Michael Steven Ovitz is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He was a talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency in 1975 and served as its chairman until 1995. Ovitz later served as President of The Walt Disney Company from October 1995 to January 1997.


Ovitz, whose Artists Management Group collapsed last year (costing him a reported $200 million) and was sold for a bargain-basement $12 million to little-known music agent Jeff Kwatinetz, blames his business troubles on an enemies list that he says includes DreamWorks cofounder David Geffen; Disney Chairman (and former Ovitz boss) Michael Eisner; rival talent manager Bernie Brillstein; Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane and Richard Lovett, partners at Creative Artists Agency (the talent agency that Ovitz used to run); Universal Studio president Ron Meyer (Ovitz’s former partner at CAA); Vivendi Universal Entertainment CEO Barry Diller; and New York Times Hollywood correspondent Bernard Weinraub. ”It was the goal of these people to eliminate me,” Ovitz tells the magazine. ”This business would have worked except for these five or six guys. They wanted to kill Michael Ovitz. If they could have taken my wife and kids, they would have.”

”If I were to establish the foundation of the negativity, it all comes down to David Geffen and Bernie Weinraub,” Ovitz says


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c5f3c8 No.99113

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10535973 (051215ZSEP20), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: NewPOTUS.png

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c5f3c8 No.99114

File: 79d218c9090acc0⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1920x1227,640:409,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536009 (051222ZSEP20) Notable: List of President Trumps accomplishments

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c5f3c8 No.99115

File: c39c4bb4e5b98eb⋯.png (360.36 KB,2074x1248,1037:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536016 (051223ZSEP20) Notable: Q Post! Decodes N Delta's

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last POTUS tweet 3 Sep 2020 - 2:27:10 PM

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c5f3c8 No.99116

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536020 (051223ZSEP20) Notable: The Map, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: F97FFED2_94A6_4E58_B669_98129B6A74D7.jpeg, 96F2F91C_FAEA_4299_9A11_31F429FA7B8B.jpeg, 8853A429_CC1C_45E1_866E_F226ADF718FE.jpeg, 480C90B5_9C2E_4F5D_B1D5_E3CD092F43D8.jpeg, CAB17A54_2A15_4F5D_9529_D3E3A4B6E603.jpeg

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Who won the revolutionary war?

Did the Brits ever REALLY leave?

What is the faith of the “ worst of the worst”

A dark secret, a land mapped out by madmen?

How do you keep a secret?

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c5f3c8 No.99117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536041 (051226ZSEP20) Notable: Aussie facing heat for free speech rights

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Didn't see this in Notables. Protest in Australia live feed ends with a dozen or so near and including the live feeder arrested.


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c5f3c8 No.99118

File: 30f90738c598316⋯.png (2.84 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536042 (051226ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

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BLM riot in>>>/qresearch/10536010

Rochester, NY last night ( which means they are getting closer to my town)

Dude in Punisher shirt trying to calm things down.


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c5f3c8 No.99119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536062 (051231ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: michael_ovitz_creative_artists_agency_caa_james_andrew_miller_04.jpg

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CAA, Seagrams, and Bronfman family are linked

Ovitz knew that Edgar Bronfman Jr., whose family controlled Seagram, was interested in owning a significant piece of the entertainment business, and he was happy to facilitate a deal. In 1995, after selling its 24 percent stake in DuPont for $8.8 billion, Seagram bought MCA Universal for $5.7 billion. As Bronfman thought about who might run his new prize, the list was surprisingly—or unsurprisingly—short. The agent who had helped broker the deal leapt to the top of his list.

:EDGAR BRONFMAN JR. (former C.E.O., Seagram; former chairman, Warner Music Group):' The first time I ever heard from Mike Ovitz was around 1985. He called and told me his father worked for one of Seagram’s distributors in Southern California,



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c5f3c8 No.99120

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536080 (051235ZSEP20), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: DB2C830D_F082_48FE_A99E_D4E020DA2FDF.jpeg, E1F01A60_8070_40F6_A8A7_73D762CC9D90.jpeg, C5E05082_113E_471A_BC77_A0D18ADA416F.jpeg

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Dan Posts a lot of pictures of POTUS with Vets


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c5f3c8 No.99121

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536091 (051237ZSEP20), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: NewPOTUS2.png, NewPOTUS3.png

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c5f3c8 No.99122

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536116 (051241ZSEP20)

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New retweets after also...





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c5f3c8 No.99123

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c5f3c8 No.99124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536144 (051245ZSEP20), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_8_43_34_AM.png

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1 Moar

DJT Tweet


8:31 AM · Sep 5, 2020


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c5f3c8 No.99125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536167 (051249ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_08_47_01.png, Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_08_48_03.png

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c5f3c8 No.99126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536185 (051252ZSEP20) Notable: Schumann Resonancefag Reporting, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_09_05_shm_jpg_JPEG_Image_1540_460_pixels_Scaled_83_.png, daea16c6d35ce3adb004fe415d280877ad8ce305f72b2c24e2591054f1877e2c.png

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...Schumann resonance rockin' a few small spikes. Weather in Tomsk, RU seems fairly calm (no lightning warnings to account for the spikes). Good morning.

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c5f3c8 No.99127

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c5f3c8 No.99128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536210 (051258ZSEP20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets and News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: NewPOTUS4.png

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New POTUS tweet!


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c5f3c8 No.99129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536214 (051259ZSEP20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets and News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_8_55_29_AM.png, Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_8_56_33_AM.png, Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_8_52_34_AM.png

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Time Stamp 8:31



Q 831

Where we go one, we go ALL.

Misspellings matter.

Sentence formation matters.




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c5f3c8 No.99130

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536219 (051300ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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Recently read Weird Scenes From Inside the Canyon.

They're ALL CIA... it'll break your heart knowing the control these demons had over the greatest music era of all time. She's Rose is mentioned in the book because of the incestuous relationship with her dad. Ron Jeremy's name comes up too... and Gimmie Shelter wasn't playing when Merideth Hunter was stabbed. Sympathy for the Devil was.

These People Are SICK.

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c5f3c8 No.99131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536226 (051302ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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c5f3c8 No.99132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536230 (051302ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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Lyrics Relevant

>>>Jack Flash

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c5f3c8 No.99133

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536240 (051304ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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more anons need to read this book, real eye opener. its online here


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c5f3c8 No.99134

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536241 (051304ZSEP20) Notable: Chinese Virus Reports, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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c5f3c8 No.99135

File: b7468c712f7c5fb⋯.png (1.9 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 504c124f71f662d⋯.png (1.62 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 0478fc07e57d03a⋯.png (1.5 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 84137a584c7b700⋯.png (1.07 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e0ca4387bb8ddc⋯.png (1.69 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536243 (051304ZSEP20) Notable: FBI seeks info to help rescue child victims

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Forgot these heres the FBI link https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/ecap/seeking-information/opa-collage-9.pdf

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c5f3c8 No.99136

File: 254b46a83f5f3e7⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x1800,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536248 (051305ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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>These People Are SICK.

Timestamp confirms

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c5f3c8 No.99137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536251 (051306ZSEP20) Notable: Zuckerberg pours $250 million into group funding voting drives in Wisconsin Democratic strongholds

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Zuckerberg pours $250 million into group funding voting drives in Wisconsin Democratic strongholds

Group will fund "local election jurisdictions across the country."

Facebook's billionaire founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have gifted a quarter of a billion dollars to an election activist group pushing major government voting initiatives in several Democratic strongholds in the battleground state of Wisconsin.

The Center for Tech and Civic Life, a group which styles itself as "a team of civic technologists, trainers, researchers, election administration and data experts working to foster a more informed and engaged democracy, and helping to modernize U.S. elections," announced on Tuesday that it had received $250 million from Zuckerberg and Chan.

The organization plans to "regrant [the money] to local election jurisdictions across the country to help ensure that they have the staffing, training, and equipment necessary so that this November every eligible voter can participate in a safe and timely way and have their vote counted."

Notably, the CTCL has already poured a significant sum of money into a voting initiative in five Wisconsin cities. The organization announced in early July that it had partnered with the cities to implement the Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan, a "vision for a safe, inclusive, and secure voting process in 2020 elections" proposed by the mayors of those cities.

(CORRUPT GLOBALIST) mayors of Green Bay, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, and Racine requested and received a collective $6.3 million from the organization in order to facilitate their respective election machines. A plurality of those funds — about 40% — went to support both vote-by-mail and early voting efforts. Around a million dollars went to "voter outreach and education efforts."

The Center for Tech and Civic Life last month also distributed a $10 million grant to the city of Philadelphia for a similar initiative. The city in its grant request pledged to spend over half of those funds on "mail-in and absentee and processing equipment," along with roughly a quarter of the grant on "satellite election offices for in-person mail-in voting."

Organization appears to target Democratic strongholds



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c5f3c8 No.99138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536258 (051308ZSEP20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets and News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_9_07_06_AM.png

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O = 15

Q 15

There are more good people than bad. The wizards and warlocks (inside term) will not allow another Satanic Evil POS control our country. Realize Soros, Clintons, Obama, Putin, etc. are all controlled by 3 families (the 4th was removed post Trump's victory).

11.3 - Podesta indicted

11.6 - Huma indicted

Manafort was placed into Trump's camp (as well as others). The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail (you are seeing it already begin). A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan).

Good speed, Patriots.

PS, Soros is targeted.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99139

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536262 (051309ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536312 (051318ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_05_07_Q_Research_General_11603_Cruzing_the_Airwaves_For_The_BB_OOMs_Edition.png

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99141

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536358 (051326ZSEP20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets and News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_9_22_57_AM.png, Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_9_25_36_AM.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DJT Tweet - Time Stamp 8:54

Great job

@PeteHegseth, one of a kind! @foxandfriends

8:54 AM · Sep 5, 2020


Q 854

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). EX-rvid5774.

We have it all.

Re_read re: stage.

The nail in many coffins [liberal undo].

[Impossible to defend].

[Toxic to those connected].

WE must work TOGETHER.

WE are only as strong as your VOICE.

YOU must organize and BE HEARD.

THIS is why they keep you DIVIDED and in the DARK.


We are here to UNITE and provide TRUTH.

Dark to LIGHT.

EVIL surrounds us.

WE are FIGHTING for you.

Where we go one, we go ALL.

The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].


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c5f3c8 No.99142

File: b21714d69cd369a⋯.mp4 (11.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536375 (051328ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

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Reposting video from last night's 'Burn Loot Murder' domestic terrorist!

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c5f3c8 No.99143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536380 (051330ZSEP20) Notable: more digs req on fake document stating FBI after Qanons

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DIG request for global note on QAnon as domestic terrorists


>>99009 (You) FBI Confirms QAnon Group Not A ‘Terrorist Threat’ - UPDATED

Baker reposted key diggs/info about the claim that QAnon has been designated a domestic terrorist threat by the FBI.

But this is also a DIGG CALL

Because we still don't have:

- a clear statement from the FBI that the document cited is FAKE

- an admission from YAHOO that it's a fake

(as Praying Medic's analysis is designed to show)

- PROOF that it was Yahool's director of photography that created the fake document

(we just know that it's on her Scrib'd account and that she's a Dem activist)

- info on WHO WAS BEHIND this libelous attack on Q movement

(which was published just 4 days prior to 8chan deplatforming - coincidence???)

Without more proof, it's likely that the MSM will keep referring to QAnon as a domestic terrorist group.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99144

File: 869a8365cc3351e⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,1292x752,323:188,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536383 (051330ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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It's still reported truthfully in the original Rolling Stone article, though they even made a movie to tell us otherwise.

Rumors (from the book) are that George Lucas had clear 8mm footage of the entire thing, but they stole it from him the day before he was going to go public with it. (this really happened to someone- the rumor is that it's Lucas)

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c5f3c8 No.99145

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536388 (051331ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536412 (051335ZSEP20) Notable: Planefag Noteables, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: German_AF_GAF689_G5_on_final_at_Dulles_Int_l_from_Montreal_SPICE98_USAF_E_4B_Nightwatch_ne_from_Robins_AFB_GA_632am_pst_090520.png, German_AF_Global_5000_14_04.png, USAF_E_4B_Nightwatch_73_1677.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

German AF GAF689 on final at Dulles Int'l from Montreal-Trudeau Int'l

SPICE98 USAF E-4B Nightwatch departed Robins AFB, GA ne

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c5f3c8 No.99147

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536445 (051340ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Those crazy Antifa kids are alright


The Department of Homeland Security has prepared three draft reports warning that white supremacists are currently the most significant terror threat in the U.S., Politico reported Friday.

All three drafts reviewed by Politico warn that white supremacists represent an even greater threat than violence from foreign terrorist groups.

None of the drafts reviewed by Politico mentioned any threat from antifa, the anti-fascist movement that President Donald Trump has repeatedly characterized as a pressing danger.


None of the DHS drafts POLITICO reviewed referred to a threat from Antifa, the loose cohort of militant left-leaning agitators who senior Trump administration officials have described as domestic terrorists.

Two of the drafts refer to extremists trying to exploit the “social grievances” driving lawful protests.

Ben Wittes, the editor in chief of the national security site Lawfare, obtained the documents and shared them with POLITICO. The first such assessment has not been released publicly, and a DHS spokesperson declined to comment on “allegedly leaked documents,” and on when the document will be made public.

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c5f3c8 No.99148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536456 (051341ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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the original doc was dropped by the peeps who filmed it, taken up by a woman and really powerful

you see the stones scared shitless and singing / playing for their lives

the stage was not set up from the ground properly and they were in danger of being overrun by the mob

so jagger sung his heart out |gimmi shelter'

see if you can get that audio. not the easiest to obtain, or wasn't

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c5f3c8 No.99149

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536484 (051344ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

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Seems to me that Army Psyops has lots of connections to Laurel Canyon

Fort Belvoir is a key Mil Intel site.

Church of Satan founded by Mil Intel guy.

Scientology was founded by L Ron Hubbard who claims he got the dea while in military service.

Rock stars with senior military officer parents like Jim Morrison of the Doors.

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c5f3c8 No.99150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536498 (051346ZSEP20) Notable: LIVE: Unsanctioned anti-government women's march takes place in Minsk

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LIVE: Unsanctioned anti-government women's march takes place in Minsk

The so-called women’s march against the re-election of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko takes place in the centre of Minsk on Saturday, September 5.

Rallies against the president and his government have taken place daily in Minsk and other cities after the August 9 presidential election that saw Lukashenko re-elected for a sixth term.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536521 (051349ZSEP20) Notable: World Anti-Doping agency .US in danger to be barred from sports events if it stops funding

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Sport Public Wars | US in danger to be barred from sports events if it stops funding – WADA

The world of sport is in turmoil, as the World Anti-Doping agency fires a warning shot at the US. It says it could ban America's top athletes from major sporting events if Washington follows through on its threat to stop funding WADA.

>Another gravy train dries up!

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c5f3c8 No.99152

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536531 (051351ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Detroit's police chief dismissed a judge’s ruling banning the department from using several tactics and equipment on "peaceful protesters" for two weeks, saying essentially “nothing has changed.”

U.S. District Judge Laurie Michelson issued a temporary restraining order on Friday barring Detroit police from employing certain tactics, The Detroit News reported.

The ruling comes after advocacy group Detroit Will Breathe filed a federal lawsuit alleging the city’s officers used "unnecessary, unreasonable and excessive force" and violated members' constitutional rights.

Detroit Police Chief James Craig, however, said the officers don’t need to change what they’ve been doing since the judge’s order bars action against “peaceful protesters.”

"The judge’s order is no different than what we’ve always done," Craig said. "Every time we've had to use less-than-lethal force, it's been to address violence by protesters, resisting arrest, or when they've tried to take over an intersection in violation of the law. Technically, nothing has changed."

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c5f3c8 No.99153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536547 (051354ZSEP20) Notable: Trending in United States - Anonymous add the hash #QAnonymous, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_09_05_Trends_Twitter.png

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umm anons o/

Trending in United States - Anonymous


find anythhing positive and RT RT RT RT

add the hash #QAnonymous


we need u pushing #GoVote #Voteinperson agsint their hash #Mailinvoting

please also take a moment to RT these postings


or comment ur own

also dont forget we need teachers for our WRCLASS for noob recruitment. class is offsite, so if u have a problem with that we understand.

ty and 'godbless us all this day' -swordy pretty sure

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c5f3c8 No.99154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536552 (051355ZSEP20) Notable: Updates on Laurel Canyon digs, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 330px_Produced_by_Lookout_Mountain_Laboratory_film_credit.jpg

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99155

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536555 (051355ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: EhJRtyFXsAQ6TOb.jpg

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Democrats are trying to STEAL #Trump2020 Election with Mail in Voter Fraud. Further, Democrat ran states have mass mailed 100's of thousands of unsolicited ballots (Spam) in an effort to do so. These ballots are ending up God knows where. Dumpsters, Ballot harvesters, Democrats only... Our Goal is to Let the People Know that #MailInVoting is a Hoax and to #GOVOTE.


Fri through Sun We will be hijacking particuliar hashes, RT, Commenting and Red Pilling.

>FRI - RT #TRUMP2020 Add #GOVOTE. Target the following hash Trend #trump2020. https://twitter.com/hashtag/trump2020


>SAT - Comment #MAILINVOTING Add #GOVOTE. Saturday target the following hash Trend #MailInVoting https://twitter.com/hashtag/MailInvoting


>SUN - RT #TRUMP2020LANDSLIDE add #GOVOTE. Sunday target the following hash Trend #trump2020Landslide. https://twitter.com/hashtag/trump2020Landslide


Additionaly add a secondary hash with your Direct comments and RT (Pick 1 from each line.)

#Vote #VoterFraud #VoteInPerson... add ur own

#MailInVoterfraud #MailInBallotfraud #MailInBallotHoax #MailInBallotScam #AbsenteeVoting #RiggedElection #MailinVotingScam... add ur own

#MAGA #QANONS #FGNC #TRUMP2020... add ur own

>Can Anons Redpill and get #GOVOTE Trending?


-Latest Intel >>>/qresearch/9967715 https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/9967715.html

-Latest Memes >>>/qresearch/10382365 https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/10382365.html


*Vote-by-mail fraud: https://mega.nz/folder/oEAkEIKJ#KKzRrSDSNga7nf48IOb6Eg

*VoterID / ElectionRigging Vote-by-mail, fraud - https://mega.nz/#F!EV4HkQ7A!fxp-5L2RjgKl1D3YK1xGYA

-DJT https://qanonbin.com/paste/buh25K47y http://trumptwitterarchive.com/archive 'mail'

RT @RaheemKassam: WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Admits ‘Incredible’ Trump Landslide Will Be Flipped By Mail-In Votes...


RT @AriFleischer: This is an excellent Q&A explaining the nuts & bolts of voting in NV...


-Q https://qmap.pub 'mail'

How do you support mail-in ballot election fraud https://qmap.pub/read/4551


Lockdown(s) +C: [D] state mail-in-ballot doorstep flood https://qmap.pub/read/4489

Push vote-by-mail? https://qmap.pub/read/4455

Fear [vote-by-mail] and obey [stay inside or face death or arrest] https://qmap.pub/read/4294

-Vids https://qanonbin.com/paste/iykoYlhgx

Attorney General Barr on universal mail-in voting: “this is playing with fire..." https://youtu.be/bWGOu3WV3Mk

Storm is Upon Us. https://www.bitchute.com/video/w64rFwcO2TSO/

Kayleigh McEnany talks absentee voting vs. mass mail-in voting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TluaR1flWFM

Tom Fitton warns mail-in voting is ‘open invitation for voter fraud' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTcVDHDsPf8

-Intel https://qanonbin.com/paste/6J0kPPVTR

>When millions of mail-in ballots 'go missing


>Michigan Residents Turn Over Ballot Applications Sent to Dead...


>Political insider explains voter fraud with mail in ballots

https://nypost.com/2020/08/29/political-insider-explains-voter-fraud-with-mail-in-ballots/ https://archive.is/VksGe

>U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud


Reminder: 'Trump has installed blockchain voting in the USPS, they won't be able to rig it even if they wanted lol. This is why they were freaking out about trump "gutting" the USPS but it is really a renovation/upgrade.'

Thank (You) and God Bless all Patriots -o7


Dough: https://qanonbin.com/paste/kVvbVLD28

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536557 (051355ZSEP20) Notable: Diggers on CAA / C_A, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 07c113863911cde09c8da3c13872608a225e6781c46b82b1e773692460e272f1.jpg, e8c42e3f278d7ea48eb1e27986fbe03b2f45b71a3731a30cbe79d01767a93791.png, moss.png

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536565 (051357ZSEP20) Notable: Planefag Noteables, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: German_AF_GAF689_Global_5000_departing_Dulles_Int_l_nw_after_quick_gs_656am_pst_090520.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

German AF GAF689 Global 5000 departing Dulles Int'l after a very quick ground stop and nw

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99158

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536570 (051358ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE

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>>SAT - Comment #MAILINVOTING Add #GOVOTE. Saturday target the following hash Trend #MailInVoting https://twitter.com/hashtag/MailInvoting


so today we attack thier hash #mailinvoting.

anons please take a moment to go to twitter and redpill all the followers on mail in voter fraud.



ty again and carry on


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c5f3c8 No.99159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536590 (051400ZSEP20) Notable: Gates Funded Vaccine Paralyzed Kids, World Health Organization Admits

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Gates Funded Vaccine Paralyzed Kids, World Health Organization Admits





On 9 August 2020, the Federal Ministry of Health, Sudan notified WHO of the detection of a circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) in the country. According to the notification, the virus is genetically-linked with Chad (sequencing results showed 12 to 19 nucleotide changes).

Two Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) cases were notified. The first case, a child of 48 months, had onset of paralysis on 7 March 2020 and was from Sulbi city of Kas locality in South Darfur state. The state is in the west of the country, bordering Central African Republic, South Sudan and close to the border with Chad.

The second case, a child of 36 months, had onset of paralysis on 1 April 2020 and was from Shari city of AI Gedarif locality in Gedarif state in the east, close to the border with Eritrea and Ethiopi

WHO risk assessment

WHO assesses the risk of further international spread of cVDPV2 across central Africa and the Horn of Africa to be high. With large-scale population movements with other areas of central Africa and the Horn of Africa. A more thorough region-wide risk assessment is being conducted by the polio program. Across the African continent, 172 type 2 cases in 14 countries have been reported in 2020.

That's right, the vaccine paralyzed kids AND caused an outbreak, the risk of further spread is high.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99160

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536602 (051402ZSEP20) Notable: more digs req on fake document stating FBI after Qanons

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Articles thru July 3 2020 that link either Q or 8 (or both) with domestic terrorism:



https://dailytitan.com/2019/08/domestic-terrorism-white-supremacy/ [says 4chan, 8chan are domestic terrorist sites - U Cal Fullerton student paper]



https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/458764-what-in-the-world-is-adam-schiff-thinking-domestic-terrorism [Q as domestic terror gp—VERY anti-Trump]



https://time.com/5541411/conspiracy-theories-domestic-terrorism/ [Conspiracy theories might sound crazy, but here’s why we can no longer ignore them]





https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/what-is-qanon_uk_5d4c2cb1e4b09e72974283be [FBI says Q is domestic terrorism threat]

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/29/learning/learning-with-one-dead-in-synagogue-shooting-near-san-diego-officials-call-it-hate-crime.html?searchResultPosition=1 [Should the govt treat 8chan as a terrorist org?]

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/05/opinion/white-supremacy-terrorism.html?searchResultPosition=7 [we must treat “domestic terror groups” the same way we treat foreign ones]







https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/03/15/not-all-terrorism-is-treated-equally/?utm_term=.7b659c93875b [linked to Applebaum article]



https://www.mediamatters.org/twitter/fbi-calls-qanon-domestic-terror-threat-trump-has-amplified-qanon-supporters-twitter-more-20 [based on fake Yahoo news report] – see Praying Medic’s thread & vid: https://threader.app/thread/1157151320786128896 / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwgW8FXP41Q&list=PL1rI8bDNfjErTumXevXgV7z4NNAYJ0kil&index=2&t=5s

These are only the ones with the term "domestic" in the title.

There are many more than mention it as part of the article.

List does NOT include articles published after July 3 - if included, would be a much longer list.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536680 (051412ZSEP20) Notable: President Trump's Tweets and News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_05_at_10_11_37_AM.png

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Time Stamp 8:47

Q 847

WATCH the water.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99162

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536751 (051421ZSEP20) Notable: #13483

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Rolled you a fatty Anons


>>99107, >>99113, >>99120, >>99121, >>99124, >>99122, >>99123, >>99127,

>>99128, >>99129, >>99138, >>99141, >>99161 President Trump's Tweets and News

>>99114 List of President Trumps accomplishments

>>99146, >>99157 Planefag Noteables

>>99094, >>99102, >>99098, >>99106 >>99095, >>99101, >>99103, >>99112, >>99119, >>99125, >>99156 Diggers on CAA / C_A

>>99130, >>99131, >>99132, >>99133, >>99136, >>99140, >>99144, >>99145, >>99139, >>99148, >>99149, >>99154 Updates on Laurel Canyon digs

>>99096, >>99097, >>99100, >>99118, >>99142, >>99147, >>99152 BLM Antifa Terrorist War Reports

>>99099, >>99093, >>99110 More on Human trafficking and underage prostitution

>>99104, >>99115 Q Post! Decodes N Delta's


>>99143, >>99160 more digs req on fake document stating FBI after Qanons

>>99092 MSM attacking Qanon is a Badge of honor

>>99105 Obamagate Reports

>>99108 Edward-Isaac Dovere, a reporter for The Atlantic, did not deny coordinating a question about Trump’s “soul” with Joe Biden

>>99109 James Cameron Sells 31 yr residence (Mansions) on Malibu for 25 mil

>>99111 UK police attacking patriots at an anti immigration demo

>>99116 The Map

>>99117 Aussie facing heat for free speech rights

>>99126 Schumann Resonancefag Reporting

>>99134 Chinese Virus Reports

>>99135 FBI seeks info to help rescue child victims

>>99137 Zuckerberg pours $250 million into group funding voting drives in Wisconsin Democratic strongholds

>>99150 LIVE: Unsanctioned anti-government women's march takes place in Minsk

>>99153 Trending in United States - Anonymous add the hash #QAnonymous

>>99151 World Anti-Doping agency .US in danger to be barred from sports events if it stops funding

>>99159 Gates Funded Vaccine Paralyzed Kids, World Health Organization Admits

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99163

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536820 (051429ZSEP20) Notable: UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 800.jpeg

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UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa


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c5f3c8 No.99164

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536835 (051431ZSEP20) Notable: UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

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UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine


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c5f3c8 No.99165

File: c9c9ca8d287ae15⋯.pdf (222.81 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536914 (051442ZSEP20) Notable: Site listing COVID-19 testing kits purchased by country

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This fell off the end of the last bread so reposting.

Just foud this site that gives details of COVID-19 testing kits purchased by country. The list shows that the purchases were done in 2018!!!


Download and save before it gets deleted. PDF attached.

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c5f3c8 No.99166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536924 (051443ZSEP20) Notable: Live stream in Louisville KY - Patriot militia rally

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Live stream in Louisville KY

Patriot militia rally.


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c5f3c8 No.99167

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536954 (051447ZSEP20) Notable: Planefags aloft, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: SPICE98_USAF_E_4B_Nightwatch_change_of_direction_over_DC_west_German_AF_GAF689_Global_5000_continues_nw_from_Dulles_gs_738am_pst_090520.png

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SPICE98 USAF E-4B Nightwatch change of direction over DC west

German AF GAF689 Global 5000 continues nw after quick ground stop at Dulles Int'l

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c5f3c8 No.99168

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536990 (051452ZSEP20) Notable: DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_20200905_074354.jpg, Screenshot_20200905_074358.jpg, Screenshot_20200905_074402.jpg, Screenshot_20200905_074405.jpg, Screenshot_20200905_075147.jpg

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DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

Release Date: September 3, 2020

Releases: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to prepare against ever evolving threats against the American homeland, most recently highlighting efforts to combat an Electromagnetic Pulse attack which could disrupt the electrical grid and potentially damage electronics. Today, the department is releasing the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report as part of an update on efforts underway in support of Executive Order (E.O.) 13865 on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses. E.O. 13865 establishes resilience and security standards for U.S. critical infrastructure as a national priority.

EMP weapons have the potential to disrupt unprotected critical infrastructure within the US and could impact millions over large parts of the country. Since the President’s signing of the E.O. in March 2019, DHS, through the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), in coordination with the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has taken key actions to address known EMP-related vulnerabilities to critical infrastructure. The EMP Program Status Report highlights efforts taken across the public and private sector to foster increased resilience to EMP events. Through data analysis, vulnerability and risk assessments, testing and pilot programs, and government and industry engagement, the department is identifying critical infrastructure and associated functions that are at greatest risk from an EMP, and developing and implementing best practices to reduce the risk.

“EMP attacks are part of the emerging threats against our nation and demand a response,” said Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. “That is why DHS is taking these contingencies very seriously, working diligently to mitigate our risks and equipping our state and local partners with the resources they need to do the same. We’ve made significant progress and look forward to the work ahead.”

“As the Nation’s risk advisor, one of CISA’s priorities is understanding and mitigating threats associated with EMPs,” said CISA Director Chris Krebs. “Over the past year, we have worked with interagency and industry partners to identify the footprint and effects of EMP threats across our National Critical Functions, and are developing sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation’s resilience to EMPs.”

In 2018, DHS released the Strategy for Protecting and Preparing the Homeland against Threats from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD), which was the Department’s first articulation of a holistic, long-term, partnership-based approach to protecting critical infrastructure and preparing to respond and recover from potentially catastrophic electromagnetic incidents.



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c5f3c8 No.99169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10536997 (051453ZSEP20) Notable: Another Yahoo hit piece - this time on "Boogaloo Bois", MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_09_05_at_9_49_28_AM.png, Screenshot_2020_09_05_at_9_50_12_AM.png

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If these faggot journalists are going to blame us

for shit they should at least get their info right

"Boogaloo Bois"??? "Working for Hamas"??


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c5f3c8 No.99170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537089 (051506ZSEP20) Notable: Site listing COVID-19 testing kits purchased by country

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streamer says protest is led by Angry Viking


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c5f3c8 No.99171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537097 (051508ZSEP20) Notable: DOJ reportedly to file antitrust charges against Google (DISRN), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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DOJ reportedly to file antitrust charges against Google in coming weeks

The Department of Justice reportedly plans to file an antitrust case against Google this month, despite protests from the legal team that they are not ready, according to five people who leaked the information to the New York Times.

Justice Department officials allegedly told the legal team — comprised of roughly 40 lawyers — to have their work ready by the end of September. Some said they would not sign the complaint, while others left the case during the summer.

The lawyers reportedly expressed concern that Attorney General Bill Barr was rushing the case in order to take credit for it under the Trump administration. Barr has shown deep interest in the Google case, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Justice Department has reportedly found evidence that Google participated in anticompetitive practices.

🔦 Google controls roughly 90% of webs searches globally and receives about one-third of every dollar spent on online advertising. Rival companies have complained that the company had solidified its dominance by becoming the default search and browsing tools on Android phones.


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c5f3c8 No.99172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537115 (051511ZSEP20) Notable: Trump hits highest approval since February: Rasmussen, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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Trump hits highest approval since February: Rasmussen

President Trump's approval rating hit its highest mark since February — about a month prior to the coronavirus pandemic that paralyzed the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 52% of "likely" U.S. voters approve of the president's job performance, while 48% disapprove.

Rasmussen also reported that an equal 42% "strongly approve" and "strongly disapprove" of the job president Trump is doing. This gives Trump a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0. Trump last saw a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0 on February 12.

In comparison to previous elections, both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush had an approval rating less than 51% on the day they won the election.


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c5f3c8 No.99173

File: 75e598777fcbba3⋯.jpg (774.05 KB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 687b9ba0364d346⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6e253a44ba39291⋯.jpg (2.17 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537194 (051521ZSEP20) Notable: Live stream in Louisville KY - Patriot militia rally

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Went down this morning and passed out flyers and cards, preached peace. I have a friend on the ground running security. If you notice anything from Louisville today. Went to Churchill Downs and posted flyers around Churchill downs for suicide prevention and to let everyone know they are being watched. Patriot group to march to downtown Court House. NFAC supposedly to Churchill downs around 4:30. Hopefully we get through the day without incident. Already spotted a few agitators in the crowd of patriots. In contact with people on the ground who have eyes on. Also contacts in LMPD

Pray for Peace!

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c5f3c8 No.99174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537210 (051523ZSEP20) Notable: Zuckerberg warns of "civil unrest" after election, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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Zuckerberg warns of "civil unrest" after election

In an interview with "Axios on HBO," Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says that "civil unrest" is likely after the 2020 election and that the platform will do everything it can not to contribute to tensions.

Referencing the anticipated reliance on mail-in voting this year, Zuckerberg told Axios that he believed it is the media's responsibility to prepare American citizens for delayed election results.

"We may not know the final result on election day," said Zuckerberg. "One of the things that we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people that there's nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure all the votes are counted."

Zuckerberg went on to detail how Facebook – and presumably other services it owns, such as Instagram and WhatsApp – will take steps to inform people of election results, including adding disclaimers on posts from candidates claiming victory before there is "a consensus result."


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c5f3c8 No.99175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537256 (051527ZSEP20) Notable: Site listing COVID-19 testing kits purchased by country, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_20200905_075211.png

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Found on voat

Needs eyes and archive. Phonefagging.

List from 2018

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c5f3c8 No.99176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537284 (051531ZSEP20) Notable: UNC professor: 'They have deputized all White people to murder us', MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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UNC professor: 'They have deputized all White people to murder us'

A University of North Carolina professor claimed that all Whites have been “deputized” to kill Black people.

She then claimed that those criticizing that statement were racist

A professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science said that all White people have been “deputized” to murder Black people.

In response to a tweet stating that Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson supports “citizen soldiers” in Kenosha, Wisconsin and alleging that Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teenager charged with felony homicide after he was seen walking down a Kenosha street with a firearm slung across his back, is a “citizen soldier," Tressie McMillan Cottom, a black woman, declared that “they have deputized all white people to murder us."

Attorneys for Rittenhouse say the 17-year-old who is being tried as an adult acted in self-defense.


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c5f3c8 No.99177

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537304 (051535ZSEP20) Notable: 1,500 positive COVID-19 tests Friday, DHS blames “problems with lab test reporting”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_09_04_at_1_54_41_PM.png

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1,500 positive COVID-19 tests Friday, DHS blames “problems with lab test reporting”

Wisconsin has set a new one-day record for COVID-19 cases identified within a 24-hour period.

still fudging numbers

The latest numbers from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services show that 1,498 tests came back positive on Friday out of 11,702 tests analyzed


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c5f3c8 No.99178

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537316 (051536ZSEP20) Notable: Anons discuss who has the ability to limit/regulate our meds in the US

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How is it that the WHO controls the USA and has the ability to limit our meds?

What's up with that?

And why hasn't someone intervened with CDC and FDA?

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c5f3c8 No.99179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537322 (051537ZSEP20) Notable: Tariffs applied on imports of COVID-19 Test kits from Canada by country, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Tariffs applied on imports of COVID-19 Test kits from Canada by country

Year: 2018

Additional Product information:COVID-19 Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing

Category: COVID-19 Test kits/ Instruments, apparatus used in Diagnostic Testing

Below table has data from UNCTAD TRAINS for Most Favored Nation (MFN) tariff and Applied tariff applied on imports Of COVID-19 Test kits from Canada by country. MFN and applied Tariff are provided for both traded And non-traded goods.

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c5f3c8 No.99180

File: ec655dab6fbc4ab⋯.png (6.47 MB,2878x1794,1439:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e49f0909dd3630⋯.png (5.45 MB,2880x1780,144:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537353 (051541ZSEP20) Notable: Anon wonders whether Portland tent city could use a DRONES-EYE view

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Here is a google street view of the CHAZ/CHOP hideout in Portland, Oregon.

Lats and Longs are 45.5137, -122.6665

Probably have already been posted but would hate for this info to get into the wrong hands. ESPECIALLY for a certain anon that has some cool drones and camera skillz!

I have a fren that wanted to know if it is possible to drop shit bombs from a drone. Theoretically speaking of course.

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c5f3c8 No.99181

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537397 (051547ZSEP20) Notable: Anons discuss who has the ability to limit/regulate our meds in the US

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CDC/FDA have authority granted by Congress so their 'rules' have force of law, and the precedent ha occured for so long it is hard to unravel. Goruch, etal will try to break this up as congress has unconstitutionally abdicated its power to private DS entities, Fed being the best example.

WHO is likely the overseer/advisor that the CDC/FDA work with, and highlights the original problem with congress giving them power in the first place.

Think FED and foreign bailouts, etc.

Congress gives all its power of the constitution to agencies to make laws (rules/guidelines), these agencies then do things without oversight by the people/congress, and Executive Branch due to separation of powers is limited in what it can do.

Goal is to end the agencies and put power back to congress, this was effectively a privatization of Gov law making power and pushed, efffected by Rockefeller, etal., from the fed to the ama to fda, cdc, epa all to benefit a select few.

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c5f3c8 No.99182

File: 94c46e48eb6d89c⋯.png (5.91 MB,2768x1588,692:397,Clipboard.png)

File: f2686329367fbaf⋯.png (4.56 MB,2874x1618,1437:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537406 (051548ZSEP20) Notable: Anon wonders whether Portland tent city could use a DRONES-EYE view

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Go to google earth and notice from the video that anon dropped of portlands hidden antifa city and look at the streets. Notice how they spray painted it. Could they be secretly marking their territories for others?


Also it would be a shame to call those local business to sniff around to see what they know. Remember they could be in on it so be vague.

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c5f3c8 No.99183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537409 (051549ZSEP20) Notable: Effing Yahoo: Coronavirus keeps spreading across the U.S. ‘because there’s no mask mandate,’ doctor says

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FEAR based ELECTION scam, front and center.

[THEY] will continue to blame POTUS because there isn't a Federal Mandate for their BS inflated CON RONA.

When will there be Charges Filed against those who are pushing the FAKE NUMBERS?

Coronavirus keeps spreading across the U.S. ‘because there’s no mask mandate,’ doctor says

It's been over six months since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S., and transmission continues across the country as communities open up and schools start class.

Making things worse, according to one doctor, is because of the lack of a federal policy on masks.

“It is going through the country because there's no mask mandate,” Dr. Andre Campbell, a trauma surgeon at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, said on Yahoo Finance’s The Ticker (video above). “And there should be, in my opinion, a universal mask mandate, because data shows that we can save 70,000 lives if we mask everybody up right now. Because we're going to be, by the election and the end of the year, we're going to be north of 300,000 deaths, because about 1,000 people are dying a day from this terrible pandemic.”

There are more 6 million confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. and over 184,000 deaths. Those numbers are expected to keep growing, at least until there is a COVID-19 vaccine widely available.


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c5f3c8 No.99184

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537410 (051549ZSEP20) Notable: TSA tests touchless system that matches your ID to your face - CREEPY!, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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Closer Everyday

TSA tests touchless system that matches your ID to your face, avoids COVID-19 risks

The Transportation Security Administration is testing a system that matches your ID to your face, avoiding person-to-person contact that could spread the coronavirus.

The system, now part of a pilot program at Washington’s Reagan National Airport, is similar to a technology that was tested last year at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. But the new system will allow passengers to insert their ID into the scanner rather than handing it to a TSA officer.

“In light of COVID-19, advanced health and safety precautions have become a top priority and part of the new normal for TSA,” Administrator David Pekoske said in a statement Tuesday.

Pekoske said that if the pilot program proves successful, it may be implemented at more airports.

Participation is voluntary for those who have TSA PreCheck, which expedites airport security screening.


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c5f3c8 No.99185

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537439 (051554ZSEP20) Notable: DIG CALL on Dr. Andre Campbell (wants national mask mandate)

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>Dr. Andre Campbell

When the world finds out that Covid was a hoax

what happens to lying cunts like this?

Seems to me if the DOJ was really white hats,

every time one of these swamp rats pipes up

someone should be checking his/her bank records and collecting his/her communications.

But that makes too much sense

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c5f3c8 No.99186

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537450 (051555ZSEP20) Notable: ICAO mandates worldwide government surveillance of air travelers - ANONS DIG, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture.jpg

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ICAO mandates worldwide government surveillance of air travelers

Playing out the endgame we predicted last year of a two-decade campaign by the US government to establish a global regime of government surveillance of air travelers, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted an amendment to the Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation that will require each of the 193 state parties to that treaty — essentially every national government in the world — to require all airlines operating international flights to provide a designated government agency with complete mirror copies of all reservation records (“Passenger Name Records“) in a standard PNRGOV transmission format.

This is an extraordinary and, so far as we can tell, unprecedented globalization and normalization of suspicionless mass surveillance of the innocent exercise of legal rights.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that any industry — much less an industry of common carriers required by law (including by international aviation treaties) to transport all would-be passengers, without discrimination, in the exercise of a right to freedom of movement also recognized by international treaties — has been mandated by international treaty to provide government agencies worldwide with complete copies of its commercial records of each of its transactions with a customer. No such treaty obligation exists, for example, with respect to records of postal, telephone, Internet, or financial transactions


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c5f3c8 No.99187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537457 (051556ZSEP20) Notable: Paul Watson vid on ritual public shaming

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Ritual Public Shaming

Please take 15-minutes and examine this - -


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c5f3c8 No.99188

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537577 (051614ZSEP20) Notable: Another Yahoo reporting: Crater opens in Siberia: "climate change!" say alarmists

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"Climate Change" Pffft

A massive 164-feet deep crater suddenly opened up on Siberia's Arctic tundra and it could be the result of an explosion triggered by climate change, scientists say

A massive 164-feet deep crater that has suddenly opened up on Siberia's Arctic tundra could result from a climate change-induced explosion, scientists studying these formations have said.

The crater was accidentally discovered by a Russian film crew earlier this summer as they were flying over the Yamal peninsula in Siberia on an unrelated assignment.

A group of scientists, who have since visited the site, said that the hole most likely formed because of a huge explosion caused by the build of methane underneath the ground — a process otherwise known as cryovolcanism.

"As of now, there is no exhaustive theory for the formation of these craters," Evgeny Chuvilin, a lead research scientist at Russia's Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery who studied a similar crater found in the same the region two years ago, told Newsweek.

sankel@businessinsider.com (Sophia Ankel)

September 5, 2020, 6:48 AM PDT

A general view taken on August 25, 2014 shows a crater on the Yamal Peninsula, northern Siberia. <p class="copyright">VASILY BOGOYAVLENSKY/AFP via Getty Images</p>

A general view taken on August 25, 2014 shows a crater on the Yamal Peninsula, northern Siberia.


A colossal, 164-feet deep crater which has suddenly opened up on Siberia's Arctic tundra could be the result of a climate change-induced explosion, scientists say.

The giant crater was discovered by a Russian television crew earlier this summer who were flying over the Yamal peninsula in Siberia on an unrelated assignment.

A team of scientists, who have been studying these types of craters for years, say it could be the result of a huge explosion that was caused by the build of methane underneath the ground.

The explosions can occur when methane builds up in underground pockets, which then bubble up due to thawing permafrost.

Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

A massive 164-feet deep crater that has suddenly opened up on Siberia's Arctic tundra could result from a climate change-induced explosion, scientists studying these formations have said.

The crater was accidentally discovered by a Russian film crew earlier this summer as they were flying over the Yamal peninsula in Siberia on an unrelated assignment.

A group of scientists, who have since visited the site, said that the hole most likely formed because of a huge explosion caused by the build of methane underneath the ground — a process otherwise known as cryovolcanism.

"As of now, there is no exhaustive theory for the formation of these craters," Evgeny Chuvilin, a lead research scientist at Russia's Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery who studied a similar crater found in the same the region two years ago, told Newsweek.


"The explosive events behind them are too rare and too hard to catch in the act to study properly: a fresh crater usually 'lives' for just one to two years, and these are remote areas with little observation, although that has been changing due to remote sensing and exploration of Yamal," he added.



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c5f3c8 No.99189

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537627 (051625ZSEP20) Notable: #13484,

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>>99164, >>99163 UN says new polio outbreak in Sudan caused by oral vaccine

>>99165, >>99170, >>99175 Site listing COVID-19 testing kits purchased by country

>>99179 Tariffs applied on imports of COVID-19 Test kits from Canada by country

>>99166, >>99173 Live stream in Louisville KY - Patriot militia rally

>>99167 Planefags aloft

>>99168 DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack

>>99169 Another Yahoo hit piece - this time on "Boogaloo Bois"

>>99171 DOJ reportedly to file antitrust charges against Google (DISRN)

>>99172 Trump hits highest approval since February: Rasmussen

>>99174 Zuckerberg warns of "civil unrest" after election

>>99176 UNC professor: 'They have deputized all White people to murder us'

>>99180, >>99182 Anon wonders whether Portland tent city could use a DRONES-EYE view

>>99177 1,500 positive COVID-19 tests Friday, DHS blames “problems with lab test reporting”

>>99178, >>99181 Anons discuss who has the ability to limit/regulate our meds in the US

>>99183 Effing Yahoo: Coronavirus keeps spreading across the U.S. ‘because there’s no mask mandate,’ doctor says

>>99185 DIG CALL on Dr. Andre Campbell (wants national mask mandate)

>>99184 TSA tests touchless system that matches your ID to your face - CREEPY!

>>99186 ICAO mandates worldwide government surveillance of air travelers - ANONS DIG

>>99187 Paul Watson vid on ritual public shaming

>>99188 Another Yahoo reporting: Crater opens in Siberia: "climate change!" say alarmists

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c5f3c8 No.99190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537650 (051629ZSEP20) Notable: Self Confirm Hand Off, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: osstransparent5.png

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Confirm Handoff


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c5f3c8 No.99191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537651 (051629ZSEP20) Notable: Self Confirm Hand Off

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99192

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537680 (051637ZSEP20) Notable: Joe Biden joked about China helping him become president during remarks at the US-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue in Washington DC in 2013, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Capture_2020_09_05_11_36_43.png

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99193

File: e758c9b23741c61⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537689 (051639ZSEP20) Notable: Joe Biden joked about China helping him become president during remarks at the US-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue in Washington DC in 2013

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c5f3c8 No.99194

File: 7d1459ff1b7ee42⋯.png (347.96 KB,1918x1078,137:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537696 (051640ZSEP20) Notable: United States CV19 Mortality rate per 100,000 straight from the whore's mouth

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United States CV19 Mortality rate per 100,000 straight from the whore's mouth:


Click deaths per 100,000

That's right, 56/100,000 = 0.00056

>>>/qresearch/10537648 Have a nice day.

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c5f3c8 No.99195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537707 (051641ZSEP20) Notable: Louisville Live March Link

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louisville live


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c5f3c8 No.99196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537712 (051642ZSEP20) Notable: Oregon Gov.: I’m Not Deploying National Guard to Portland Because They Aren’t Trained or Needed, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: OregonGuv_BACKs_BLM_Looters_Rioters_National_guard_notasGoodASPolice_q.png

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Oregon Gov.: I’m Not Deploying National Guard to Portland Because They Aren’t Trained or Needed

During a press conference on Friday, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) defended her refusal to deploy the National Guard to Portland despite Mayor Ted Wheeler’s request that she do so by stating that the city needs and she is relying on “our trained law enforcement” and that the Guard isn’t properly trained. Brown said that the Superintendent of the Oregon State Police, Travis Hampton, would agree with her on this point and would say that the Guard isn’t needed at the moment.


exactly what other dem gov mayors said .... gov supporting the over throw of the US government

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c5f3c8 No.99197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537713 (051642ZSEP20) Notable: Detroit Police cannot use striking weapons, chemical agents, rubber bullets against protesters, judge orders

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Is this how the deep state is outing itself by making stupid rules for mostly stupid people?


Detroit Police cannot use striking weapons, chemical agents, rubber bullets against protesters, judge orders

DETROIT — A federal judge has ruled that the Detroit Police Department cannot use batons, tear gas, rubber bullets and other tactics against protesters for the next two weeks.

Judge Laurie J. Michelson of the U.S. District Court in Detroit issued the ruling Friday night granting a temporary restraining order against the City of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department (DPD) on behalf of Detroit Will Breathe, an activist group that has been protesting police brutality toward Black individuals

According to the order, DPD cannot use “certain tactics, including the use of striking weapons, chemical agents and rubber bullets against demonstrators, medical support personnel and legal observers.” The order also says police cannot use a chokehold, tighten zip ties or handcuffs to the point that they cause physical injury, or arrest any demonstrators without probable cause.

Detroit Will Breathe, as well as 14 other plaintiffs, argue that DPD’s violent tactics violate their constitutional rights to free speech and assembly under the First Amendment and the right to be free from excessive force and arrest without probable cause under the Fourth Amendment.

“The court recognizes that police officers are often faced with dangerous and rapidly evolving situations while trying to enforce the law and maintain the safety of the public. And it is important that police officers have non-lethal options to use to protect themselves and the public when necessary,” the motion says. “But the relief that plaintiffs request leaves open all lawful options for police to use reasonable force when necessary to defend against a threat and to make arrests when supported by probable cause.”

While there have been a number of incidents, the order focuses on clashes that occurred between May 29 and June 2, on July 10 and on Aug. 22. The ruling says there is a verified complaint and a number of affidavits for the Aug. 22 incident, in which DPD beat protesters with batons, sprayed them with pepper spray, fired tear gas and rubber bullets at them and rammed them with a police car.

The order references a number of videos from the Aug. 22 protest, which appear to show officers throw tear gas into a crowd and grab, shove and use batons to beat people standing at the front of the group. Other videos show officers chasing people who are “running or walking away from the chaos, apparently not posing any threat, and violently shoving them into the ground or a building.”

According to a scheduling order, the City of Detroit and DPD must respond by Sept. 18, and pre-hearing meetings will follow a few days after.

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c5f3c8 No.99198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537715 (051643ZSEP20) Notable: Oregon Gov.: I’m Not Deploying National Guard to Portland Because They Aren’t Trained or Needed

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Not one sheriff in Oregon will send help and not one board of commissioners will allow it. In Oregon the counties are self insured in a joint pool. Portland is nothing more than a huge lawsuit waiting to happen and counties cannot afford the liability. Second, counties do not want the long term disability claims of injured law enforcement. Cities are subject to insurance pools dominated by counties. If cities send police, they stand a chance of being kicked out of the pool for risk. No prosecutions of crimes or protections of officers take place in

Portland. The governor never talked with outside law enforcement.

It is not going to happen.

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c5f3c8 No.99199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537725 (051645ZSEP20) Notable: Washington & Lee University Offers Course On How To Overthrow The State, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: F46F22AB_18DC_4494_8860_74E64357F0D6.jpeg

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99200

File: 6bc7a338871d41c⋯.jpeg (1023.96 KB,1242x2045,1242:2045,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537751 (051651ZSEP20) Notable: Tweeted by Air Force Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, Military Times and the Army Times

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Tweeted by Air Force Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, Military Times and the Army Times


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c5f3c8 No.99201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537759 (051652ZSEP20) Notable: PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: SAM500_USAF_C_32A_appears_in_n_Wyoming_and_over_Nebraska_with_German_AF_689_Global_5000_departing_Minneapolis_Int_l_nw_951am_pst_090520.png

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SAM500 USAF C-32A (used as primary AF2) appears in nw Wyoming and east over Nebraska

German AF GAF689 Global 5000 departed Minneapolis/St. Paul Int'l after another quick ground stop-quick gs at Dulles Int'l ground stop prior-origin of Montreal

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c5f3c8 No.99202

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537776 (051654ZSEP20) Notable: Washington & Lee University Offers Course On How To Overthrow The State, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: AFBB6943_93AA_4C9F_AD6F_D04676CEDD62.jpeg

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Follow the money


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c5f3c8 No.99203

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537787 (051657ZSEP20) Notable: Virginia House approves sweeping package of police reforms., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T16_56_32_469Z.png

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Virginia House approves sweeping package of police reforms.


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c5f3c8 No.99204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537789 (051657ZSEP20) Notable: Joaquin Phoenix and Rose McGowan Spent Their Early Years in a Religious Cult. Then it Became Infamous., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Joaquin Phoenix and Rose McGowan Spent Their Early Years in a Religious Cult. Then it Became Infamous.

Here's what you need to know about the Children of God.


Joker star Joaquin Phoenix had an unconventional early childhood, living in Venezuela, Florida, and eventually Hollywood with his peripatetic parents and siblings Summer, Liberty, Rain, and late fellow actor River. But until Phoenix was around three years old in 1977, the family were followers of the Children of God, a cult helmed by a rogue preacher called David Berg that would later become notorious amid allegations of child sexual abuse. And he’s not the only celebrity who spent some of their early years in the group—Rose McGowan also spent part of her childhood in the cult. Here’s what you need to know.

Who are the Children of God?

In 1968, preacher David Brandt Berg founded a group initially called Teens for Christ, which at first consisted of young runaways and hippies. This church would evolve into the Children of God, which at one point counted 15,000 members around the world.

The church believed in group living and zealous proselytizing, and soon grew to include hundreds of communes. Members of these communities could be isolated, as they didn’t work—people who held real-world jobs were called “systemites”—or send their children to school.

Berg’s church melded worship of Jesus Christ with ’60s-era free love, and preached a fairly standard cult leader prophecy—the apocalypse was coming, and soon. This doomsday predication encouraged his followers to live hand-to-mouth rather than making long-term plans; ex-members later told The Guardian of begging for alms and subsisting off of donated food.

What are the allegations against the group?

The cult earned notoriety for its sexual practices, which included what Berg dubbed “flirty fishing,” and which found him ordering female followers to have sex with men in order to bring them into the cult. In 1979, he reported that “flirty fishers” had added 19,000 members to the group’s ranks. "It was religious prostitution," one of Berg's daughters told Timeline in 2017.

Joaquin Phoenix told Vanity Fair that the introduction of the "flirty fishing" policy drove his parents to leave the group. "They got some letter, or however it came, some suggestion of that," he said, "and they were like, 'Fuck this, we’re outta here.’"

His mother, Heart Phoenix, told the magazine that "it took several years to get over our pain and loneliness" after leaving the group. Rose McGowan’s family also escaped the cult during her childhood.

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c5f3c8 No.99205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537799 (051658ZSEP20) Notable: "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

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c5f3c8 No.99206

File: 84f5182fa53a67f⋯.jpg (573.8 KB,3500x1969,3500:1969,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537820 (051701ZSEP20) Notable: Ann Sarnoff

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Ann Sarnoff is married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."


Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that new CEO John Stankey at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non-stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naive civilian population - especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.

>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.


Ann Sarnoff is the protege of Geraldine Laybourne, a satanist bloodline witch and an alleged priestess in the dark mother hierarchy. Laybourne tutored Sarnoff in the tactics of corruption and degradation of young minds; skills both women sharpened, working together in Viacom’s notoriously perverse and degenerate "Nickelodeon" network, run by senior cult pedovore, Geraldine Laybourne previously mentioned.

Ann Sarnoff, having polished her mind poisoning skills creating destructive subversive media content at Viacom (Nickelodeon) and BBC (Jimmy Savile) is now the CEO of Warner Brothers, the largest entertainment company in the world.

AT&T needs a new CEO.

Warner Brothers need a new CEO.

& We the People need to stop tolerating endless lies from satanic cultists who have brainwashed our friends, families and fellow citizens.

AT&T and WB are salvageable companies being destroyed by satanist shills bent on further poisoning our reality with evil psyops.

AT&T is a strategic asset, “critical communications infrastructure” and there is justification for USG seizing “critical infrastructure to preserve and protect children's cognitive function” and STOP the relentless, subversive IO targeting children.

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c5f3c8 No.99207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537822 (051702ZSEP20) Notable: FAIL

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Just a reminder of msm fails against POTUS

David Duke …FAIL

Gold Star family …FAIL

2 Corinthians…FAIL

P_Grabbing video…FAIL

Landslide predictions….FAIL

Recount attempt…FAIL

Alt-Right accusations…..FAIL

Racist accusations..FAIL

Too many generals appointed…FAIL

Conflict of interests…FAIL

Electoral College votes….FAIL

Russia hack….FAIL

John McCain-Lindsey Graham dossier leak…FAIL

Golden showers…FAIL

Fake Trump and Obama Polling numbers….FAIL

Fake Crowd Size…FAIL

Kavanaugh raping lies…FAIL

MLK bust missing…FAIL

Refugee Ban EO…FAIL

Logan Act…FAIL


Trump TowerRussia server link…FAIL

Trump's Tax returns…FAIL

Twitter bug accusation…FAIL

Assistant AG firing…FAIL

Comey firing…FAIL

Emoluments clause…FAIL

Trump-Comey dinner…FAIL

CNN's two scoop-gate…FAIL


Trump exposing top secret info…FAIL

Trump's first overseas trip being a disasterFAIL

Kushner back-channel…FAIL

Comey Testimony…FAIL

Sessions Testimony…FAIL

Mika insults…FAIL

CNN wrestling meme…FAIL

Putin punking Trump at the G20…FAIL

Junior meeting with lawyer…FAIL

Mysterious Eighth Person…FAIL

Second Putin Meeting…FAIL

Scaramucci appointment…FAIL

Transgender Ban…FAIL

N Carolina riot statement…FAIL

Paris Accord…FAIL

Spicer leaving…FAIL

Priebus resigning…FAIL

Manafort Firing…FAIL

Kelly controlling Trump…FAIL

Scaramucci Firing…FAIL

Bannon resigning…FAIL

Greensboro speech…FAIL


Schumer Dinner Meeting…FAIL

Fake DACA for Amnesty…FAIL

Alabama Strange endorsement…FAIL

NFL kneelers Speech…FAIL

Inappropriate Texas hurricane visit…FAIL

Inappropriate Florida hurricane visit…FAIL

Puerto Rico slow response…FAIL

Weinstein Connection….FAIL

Niger Soldier killings…FAIL

Niger Gold Star wife call…FAIL

Moore allegations…FAIL

Rachel Maddow's Tax return special …FAIL

Sessions 3rd Testimony…FAIL

Asia Tour…FAIL

Asia Tour Fish food toss…FAIL

Carter Page Indictment…FAIL

Papadopoulos Indictment…FAIL

Manafort Indictment…FAIL

Flake Tweets…FAIL

Moore allegations silence…FAIL

Franken Tweets…FAIL

Moore Support…FAIL

Tillerson insulting Trump…FAIL

Flynn indictment tweets…FAIL

Deutsche Bank records supeona…FAIL

Megyn Kelly's Trump accuser special …FAIL

Brian Ross fake report …FAIL

Rex Tillerson being fired….FAIL

Trump received Wikileaks information earlyFAIL

Trump is going fire Mueller rumors….FAIL

Iran uprising Tweet….FAIL

Bigger button Tweet….FAIL

Bannon betrayal….FAIL

Wolff book….FAIL

Trump mental stability….FAIL

Stable genius Tweet….FAIL

S-thole country comment…FAIL

Stormy Daniels payoff…FAIL

Bannon testimony…FAIL

DAVOS will be an embarrassment…FAIL


Hope Hicks testimony…FAIL

WH aide Porter resignation…FAIL

Dem memo not being released…FAIL

Security clearances…FAIL

Palm Beach property sale…FAIL

Playboy playmate…FAIL

Kushner Security Clearance…FAIL

Hope Hicks resigning…FAIL

Gary Cohn resigning…FAIL

Tariffs causing trade war…FAIL

N Korea meeting…FAIL

McCabe firing…FAIL

McMaster firing…FAIL

John Bolton Hiring…FAIL

Rob Porter firing…FAIL

John McEntee Firing….FAIL

John Dowd resignation…FAIL

Cambridge Analytica…FAIL

Gun Ban rally…FAIL

60 Minutes Stormy interview…FAIL

Michael Cohen office raided….FAIL

Rumors of Rosenstien being fired l…FAIL

Stormy's sketch of person who threatenedher…FAIL

Comey's Interview…FAIL

Comey's book…FAIL

Comey's Memos…FAIL

Obama's Doctor of 8 years, Admiral Jackson,was unvetted…FAIL

Mueller Questions leaked…FAIL

McCain insults…FAIL

Trump's financial statement release…FAIL

Senate Intelligence Report release…FAIL

Trump calls MS13 animals…FAIL

Trump cancels NK summit…FAIL

Trump announces NK summit back on…FAIL

Trump slaps tariffs on NAFTA partners…FAIL

Trump pardons D'Souza, Blagojevich, and Martha Stewart…FAIL

Trump cancels Eagles WH ceremony…FAIL

Melania is MIA….FAIL

G7 summit snub…FAIL

Singapore summit failure…FAIL

Trump honored Kim…FAIL

Cohen flipping on Trump…FAIL

Manafort charged for witness tamperingFAIL

Trump is putting kids in concentrationcamps….FAIL

Trump caves to pressure on separating kidsFAIL

Trumps' SCOTUS pick will end life as we know it….FAIL

Trump tariffs prompt fear…FAIL

Trump Insults NATO by asking for moneyFAIL

Trump Insults Theresa May…FAIL

Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russians prior toTrump's Russia visit…FAIL

Trump/Putin meeting…FAIL

Cohen has Playboy payoff tape…FAIL


Omarosa book claims Trump used N word….FAIL

Cohen has evidence to take down TrumpFAIL

Manafort Trial….FAIL

Anonymous White House tell all op-ed…FAIL

Manafort reaches plea deal…FAIL

Rosenstein possible firing….FAIL

UN Assembly laughs at Trump….FAIL

Russia collusion......FAIL

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537825 (051702ZSEP20) Notable: "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

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kek, srsly

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99209

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537848 (051706ZSEP20) Notable: BREAKING: Kamala Harris Promotes ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theory’ About Coronavirus Vaccine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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BREAKING: Kamala Harris Promotes ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theory’ About Coronavirus Vaccine

The Biden campaign promoted what is being called a “dangerous conspiracy theory” about a potential coronavirus vaccine on Saturday, suggesting that the vaccine may not be safe due to it being rushed for political reasons ahead of the November elections.

Speaking to CNN’s Dana Bash, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the vice presidential running mate of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden, claimed that Trump may muzzle scientific experts and that the president was acting out of desperation.

“Do you trust that in the situation that we’re in now that public health experts and scientists will get the last word on the efficacy of a vaccine?” Bash asked.

“If past is prologue, that they will not, they’ll be muzzled,” Harris claimed. “They’ll be suppressed. They will be sidelined because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days and he’s grasping for whatever he can get to pretend that he has been a leader on this issue when has not.”

“So, let’s just say there’s a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election,” Bash said. “Would you get it?”

“Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us,” Harris answered. “I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.”

Jake Schneider, Deputy Director of Rapid Response for the Trump campaign, responded by writing on Twitter: “And here is Kamala Harris spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory about a potential coronavirus vaccine.”

Republican National Committee (RNC) spokesperson Steve Guest responded to Harris’s remarks by writing: “So much sciencing from Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris. Such a dangerous and deeply cynical message to promote.”

Trump campaign spokesperson Andrew Clarke responded by writing on Twitter: “When reporters are done asking Biden how his ‘soul’ is doing, maybe they can get around to asking whether comments like these from Biden and Harris are endangering public health.”

Even critics of President Donald Trump responded by calling Harris’ remarks “grossly irresponsible.”

Media figures weighed in by noting that Harris’ remarks are in line with “anti-vaccine rhetoric.”


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c5f3c8 No.99210

File: 3a514095f80c059⋯.jpg (20.94 KB,360x460,18:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537872 (051712ZSEP20) Notable: New York Times - "Where the pedovores roam"

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New York Times

"Where the pedovores roam"

Mark Thompson, CEO of the pedovore protectin' New York Times is the former CEO of BBC - the British Broadcasting Corporation where the satanist pedophile Jimmy Savile worked for 30 + years, raping 10s of 000s of children, some of them in hospitals, others in the studios on premises owned by the BBC.

Thompson engineered the BBC Savile cover up then jumped ship to become CEO of the NY Times. Thompson continues to protect the satanist pedovore cultists who rape and sacrifice children.







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c5f3c8 No.99211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537873 (051712ZSEP20) Notable: Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T17_11_52_687Z.png

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Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void.


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c5f3c8 No.99212

File: ca94295cd77618b⋯.png (637.13 KB,1280x4666,640:2333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537877 (051712ZSEP20) Notable: 'Ultra-Processed' Junk Food Linked to Advanced Ageing at Cellular Level, Study Finds

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'Ultra-Processed' Junk Food Linked to Advanced Ageing at Cellular Level, Study Finds

People who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food are more likely to exhibit a change in their chromosomes linked to ageing, according to research presented Tuesday at an online medical conference.

Three or more servings of so-called "ultra-processed food" per day doubled the odds that strands of DNA and proteins called telomeres, found on the end of chromosomes, would be shorter compared to people who rarely consumed such foods, scientists reported at the European and International Conference on Obesity.


Earlier studies had pointed to a possible link with sugar-sweetened drinks, processed meats, and other foods loaded with saturated fats and sugar, but the findings were inconclusive.

Ultra-processed foods are industrially manufactured substances composed of some mix of oils, fats, sugars, starch, and proteins that contain little if any whole or natural foods.

They often include artificial flavourings, colourings, emulsifiers, preservatives, and other additives that increase shelf-life and profit margins.

These same properties, however, also mean that such foods are nutritionally poor compared to less processed alternatives, the researchers said.

Earlier studies have shown strong correlations between ultra-processed foods and hypertension, obesity, depression, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

These conditions are often age-related in so far as they are linked to oxidative stress and inflammation known to influence telomere length.


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c5f3c8 No.99213

File: 40b9ebdefd16d55⋯.jpg (1.27 MB,2874x1618,1437:809,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537878 (051713ZSEP20) Notable: Portland rioters tent city I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters."

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>>99180, >>99182 Anon wonders whether Portland tent city could use a DRONES-EYE view (pb/notables)

Portland tent city aka terrorist encampment - who paid for and installed the privacy fencing around a parking lot? looks to be both lots. so not only are the parking spaces gone but they also added a fence&hellip;for privacy? what are they trying to hide?

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c5f3c8 No.99214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537884 (051713ZSEP20) Notable: Fraternal Order of Police national president on why his union is endorsing Trump

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Fraternal Order of Police national president on why his union is endorsing Trump

Patrick Yoes, the national president of the Fraternal Order of the Police, talks to Fox News’

Neil Cavuto about why the union is endorsing President Trump.

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c5f3c8 No.99215

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537931 (051722ZSEP20) Notable: "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

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Maybe it's time to repost this to train newfags how we work here.

"We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

1. Remember journalism's five "W"s: Who, What, When, Where, Why/hoW.

These are reporting basics. For us, DATES are critical; always include.

2. "Use your words" (not just images) for Q proofs, etc.

If you can't describe it, how is baker supposed to?

Text is important. People searching for your info in qresear.ch can only search on text.

3. Use RED TEXT & bold to call out notables.

This REALLY helps bakers locate notables & avoid eye strain.

Always spell out the word 'notable'. This is critical to help the anons who use the Bakertools javascript; they can just navigate right through the notables IF the word is spelled correctly.

4. Include article and video TITLES, not just links.

Sauce on vids is usually sparse; try to include a date plus a short abstract.

5. For tweets, copypasta the text too, so the info gets into qresear.ch

Qresear.ch is a great resource, but it's 100% text.


Shills post old but jazzy news on purpose, then say 'clown baker' if notabled. Defeat this with dates.

7. If post is part of an ongoing dig, say the DIG name so it's gets notabled.

Don't assume the baker knows. An individual baker is not here 24/7 and they may not know.

8. Only got JPEGS on your Apple phone? Then use text instead (links, title, date).

9. Go to step 1. Wash, rinse, repeat!

>>>/qresearch/10537803 No it's certainly NOT about feelings. It's about an efficient workplace where the tasks are distributed among multiple cooperating anons.

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c5f3c8 No.99216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537942 (051724ZSEP20) Notable: Top Insider Trading-week of August 30th-2020, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: pepe_insider_trading_news.png, Ceridian_hcm_thomas_lee_advisors_dump_083120.png, Odanate_Therapeutics_boxer_capital_buy_090520.png

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Top Insider Trading-week of August 30th-2020

Top Sale

Ceridian HCM Holding sold by Thomas Lee Advisors: $520.94m-August 28th

reported on August 31 and part of a secondary/public offering

Ceridian Announces Pricing of Secondary Public Offering


Ceridian HCM Holding Inc. is a human capital management (HCM) software company. The Company operates in two segments, HCM and LifeWorks. Through the HCM segment the Company develops its flagship product Dayforce. Dayforce is a cloud HCM platform that provides human resources (HR), payroll, benefits, workforce management, and talent management functionalities. The platform optimizes the management of entire employee lifecycle in an organization. The Company also provides Powerpay, a cloud HR and payroll solution for the Canadian small business market through HCM. Through the HCM segment, the Company also offers Bureau HCM solutions through the service-bureau model. It includes three services lines, such as payroll, payroll-related tax filing, and outsourced HR solutions. The Company, through the LifeWorks segment, offers employee assistance, wellness, recognition, incentive programs, and employee engagement analytics.


Thomas H. Lee Partners, L.P. is an American private equity firm based in Boston, Massachusetts specializing in leveraged buyouts, growth capital, special situations, industry consolidations, and recapitalizations. Founded in 1974 by its namesake Thomas H. Lee, Thomas H. Lee Partners, often referenced as THL or THL Partners has raised approximately $22 billion of equity capital, investing in more than 100 businesses with an aggregate purchase price of more than $150 billion, completing over 200 add-on acquisitions. In 2012, Private Equity International ranked THL Partners 22nd of the top 300 private equity firms based on funds raised. Thomas H. Lee Partners’ team includes 21 senior partners led by Anthony DiNovi and Scott M. Sperling, who became co-presidents of the firm in 1999. The firm's namesake, Thomas H. Lee, left the firm and formed Lee Equity Partners in 2006.



Top Buy

Odanate Therapeutics bought by Boxer Capital: $20m-August 28

Love the logo on this one.....

reported September 1st

Odonate Therapeutics, Inc., formerly Odonate Therapeutics, LLC, is a pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the development of therapeutics to improve and extend the lives of patients with cancer. It is focused on the development of tesetaxel, a novel chemotherapy agent. It has completed Phase-II studies in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). The Company's tesetaxel can be administered orally with a low pill burden and dosing regimen. Taxanes destroy cancer cells by preventing them from entering mitosis and thereby leading to apoptosis (cell death). Number of employees : 152 people.


Boxer Capital

Boxer Capital, LLC, a private investment firm, invents and invests in biotechnology drug development companies across multiple therapeutic indications. Founded by the life sciences team at Tavistock Group in 2005, Boxer identifies investment opportunities throughout the business life-cycle – from positions with mature biotechnology companies, to assisting with the building of new biotechnology companies. This unique investment approach has positioned Boxer as a key player within the biotechnology space, aiming to foster investments that will lead to some of the greatest developments in the medical markets.



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c5f3c8 No.99217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10537988 (051733ZSEP20) Notable: "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

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I'm going to add ONE thing:

5. For tweets, copypasta the text too, so the info gets into qresear.ch & wearthene.ws

Qresear.ch is a great resource, but it's 100% text.

Wearethene.ws provides clickable links, so include the article the tweet links to, with the relevant part of the article and a link to it.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c5f3c8 No.99218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538046 (051742ZSEP20) Notable: Portland rioters tent city I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters.", MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Bpjaus.png

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>>99213 Portland rioters tent city



"I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters."

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c5f3c8 No.99219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538064 (051744ZSEP20) Notable: General Michael Flynn’s Persecution Continues: Corrupt DC Judge Sullivan and His Accomplice Gleeson to Hold Court September 29, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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General Michael Flynn’s Persecution Continues: Corrupt DC Judge Sullivan and His Accomplice Gleeson to Hold Court September 29

The General Michael Flynn case is at the heart of Barack Obama’s attempt to set up and destroy President Trump and have him removed from office.

(The above picture from Sara Carter shows General Flynn and his attorney Sidney Powell and corrupt Judges Emmet Sullivan and John Gleeson)

The persecution of General Michael Flynn continues. The General knew too much and had to be set up and indicted. The Obama gang just cannot let him go.

General Flynn’s family came out with a statement this morning regarding their brother and hero:

Sara Carter reported:

The litany of evidence collected during the investigations led the Justice Department to request a dismissal Flynn’s case. Unfortunately, the request to dismiss the case was politicized by Judge Sullivan, who is overseeing Flynn’s case. He has been fighting the request and accusing Barr of intervening on behalf of Trump. Because of this, Sullivan appointed an amicus curiae, a friend of the court, to argue on his behalf as to why the case should not be dismissed until he reviews it further.

Powell fought back against Sullivan’s unusual actions but could not persuade the appellate court last week to order Sullivan to dismiss the case against Flynn based on the Justice Department’s motion to have his case dismissed.

In effect, Flynn and his family have faced an extraordinary ordeal over the past three years that has left the three-star general and war hero depleted of funds and emotionally strained.

The Flynn case is at the heart of Obama’s attempt to set up and destroy President Trump and have him removed from office. Flynn had to be stopped because he knew where the most alarming criminal acts of the Obama Administration likely occurred. Sidney Powell stated that Obama went after Flynn because he was going to audit Obama’s Intel Agencies where billions of off-balance sheet transactions were hidden and covered up.

The corrupt case devised by corrupt agents working with corrupt prosecutors was reviewed by DC outsiders and the DOJ decided to end the case. So corrupt DC judge Emmet Sullivan and the corrupt DC court brought in corrupt and outspoken Judge John Gleeson. Now no one really knows what the hell is going to happen.

Today there was an announcement that the hearing in the case will be held in September:

This railroad job of one of America’s greatest hero’s continues. It is a travesty of justice! Look for more of this in the future if Democrats gain power. They are nothing but street thugs.


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c5f3c8 No.99220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538083 (051747ZSEP20) Notable: Black Lives Matter — The Democrat Shock Troops — March Through Philly Chanting “Death to America!”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Black Lives Matter — The Democrat Shock Troops — March Through Philly Chanting “Death to America!”

The Democrat shock troops were back out in streets on Friday causing mayhem and spreading terror in cities across America.

In Rochester and Denver the BLM mobs stormed restaurants and harassed diners on Friday night.

The BLM mob in Rochester climbed homes and tried to break into apartment buildings.

In Philadelphia Black Lives Matter marched down the streets chanting, “Death to America!… Death to America!”

Democrats have not condemned this domestic terrorist group.

The mob also wants all police precincts burned to the ground.


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c5f3c8 No.99221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538098 (051749ZSEP20) Notable: PF, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: German_AF_GAF689_Global_5000_on_fly_by_duty_at_Winnepeg_Int_l_1045am_pst_090520.png, German_AF_Global_5000_14_04_1.png

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German AF GAF689 Global 5000 on it's second fly-by at Winnipeg Int'l Airport after two quick ground stops at Minneapolis Int'l and Dulles Int'l prior-origin of Montreal earlier

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c5f3c8 No.99222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538099 (051749ZSEP20) Notable: Watch Bill Clinton’s Face as Crooked Hillary Can’t Stop Ranting About Russia During Joint Interview, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Watch Bill Clinton’s Face as Crooked Hillary Can’t Stop Ranting About Russia During Joint Interview

Poor Crooked, she still is stuck back in the Russia-Collusion time warp.

Despite no evidence of Russia colluding with President Trump Hillary and the left still believe it was Putin who put President Trump in office. She still is not accepting her defeat.

Poor sad devilish woman.

Actor James Woods has the best take.


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c5f3c8 No.99223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538101 (051749ZSEP20) Notable: Portland rioters tent city I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters.", MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters."

Q Proof Baby.

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c5f3c8 No.99224

File: 9e69efacf5cbb5e⋯.png (981.29 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538113 (051750ZSEP20) Notable: Portland rioters tent city I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters."

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> 1321 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Re:Supposed address of Portland Rioter tent city




1321 Se Water Ave is a vacant commercial located in Portland, OR 97214. This property features 11,800 sq ft lot.

For the surrounding community of Portland, OR 97214, the nearby schools are excellent and include Sunnyside Environmental School, Franklin High School and Central Catholic High School. The overall crime risk for this area is moderate with 15 criminal and sex offenders residing within 1 mile. The natural disaster risk for this area includes low earthquake risk, and very low tornado risk.


If that is where Portland is allowing these rioters to sleep

Some patriots should go there in shifts all night every night

And light fireworks off at regular intervals

3 days of no sleep and those punks will be calling it quits

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c5f3c8 No.99225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538120 (051751ZSEP20) Notable: 'Stop barking, French dogs!': Protests in Pakistan over Charlie Hebdo's reprint of Prophet Mohammed cartoon, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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'Stop barking, French dogs!': Protests in Pakistan over Charlie Hebdo's reprint of Prophet Mohammed cartoon

Thousands protested in Pakistan after French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo reprinted a cartoon parody of the Prophet Mohammed to mark the opening of the trial of the alleged accomplices to the deadly 2015 attack on its office.

The demonstrations began on Thursday and continued into Friday, spreading into other cities such as Lahore and Islamabad, with crowds marching and some people burning the French flag. "Stop barking, French dogs!" was reportedly chanted by one group of angry marchers.

Pakistan's foreign ministry condemned the magazine's decision ahead of publication, calling it a "deliberate act to offend the sentiments of billions of Muslims," and adding that it "cannot be justified as an exercise in press freedom or freedom of expression."


Nice printed signs in Pakistan.....good one!

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c5f3c8 No.99226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538137 (051754ZSEP20) Notable: FBI Raids Pennsylvania Nursing Home Which Saw A Whopping 447 COVID-19 Infections, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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FBI Raids Pennsylvania Nursing Home Which Saw A Whopping 447 COVID-19 Infections

A nursing home which has seen at least 73 residents die of COVID-19 and more than 400 residents and staff infected has been raided by the FBI late this week after being flagged for rampant health violations, including administering experimental doses of hydroxychloroquine to about half its 435 residents in an attempt to stave off the outbreak, despite not having state health authorities or families' approval to do so.

Brighton Rehabilitation and Wellness Center, located northeast of Pittsburgh, drove headlines last spring into the summer for seeing the single biggest coronavirus outbreak numbers of any facility in the state.

Over three weeks ago Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro launched a criminal investigation related to unsafe “conditions and practices” of the nursing home, namely according to a prior statement, that it failed to meet a “high threshold of certain circumstances when the caretaker of a person fails to properly provide for their health, safety and welfare.”

In other press statements “neglect” of patients has been central to the allegations, including abandoning patients for long periods of time, without access to clean clothes, or simple needs like tissues and enough water to drink.

According to police records, local law enforcement had at some point stopped responding to calls to the facility, given the danger to police of potentially catching the virus.

#BREAKING: The Brighton Twp Police Chief no longer allows his officers to physically respond to calls @ Brighton Rehab and Wellness ever since the outbreak. Officers take calls over the phone. The PD received their highest # of incident calls from that facility. @KDKA pic.twitter.com/d9P2X5qKOl

— MEGHAN SCHILLER (@MeghanKDKA) September 3, 2020

Investigators from the Pennsylvania Attorney's general office assisted in Thursday's FBI raid, including at another nearby hard hit care center, the Mt. Lebanon Rehabilitation and Wellness Center outside Pittsburgh.

Essentially all of Brighton's elder residents caught the disease as well as many staff over a few month period, totaling a whopping 447 residents and staff testing positive, according to Pennsylvania Department of Health data. One staff member had died as well in addition to the 73 deceased residents.


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c5f3c8 No.99227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538150 (051755ZSEP20) Notable: Standing At A Crossroads, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Standing At A Crossroads

“The more we gained knowledge of these new totalitarian systems of mass-rule, the more we realized not only their similarity of structure, but also the fact that we had to do with a type of dominance that had been known in earlier epochs. We discovered that what the ancients called “tyrannis,” or ‘cheirokratia,” what Sulla or the tyrants of the Italian Rennaissance had practised, and what finally alarmed the world in the French Revolution and under Napoleon, had surprisingly many similarities with modern totalitarianism, although this latter had elements with which they cannot be compared, and although it possessed means of domination unknown in past ages.”

- Willhelm Röpke

This is an old quote I very much admire, it is as relevant today as it was in the past. History does not repeat but it does rhyme. Therefore, I believe it is fair to say that the world has already changed tremendously over the past few months in an irreversible way. The current central planners are already promoting the future reality they have in store for us – to let the old economy and system crash and prepare for government-controlled and planned transition into a new economy that is “green and emission-free”. The new Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is ready to finance this “man-made paradise” that we have analyzed in detail in the previous two issues of this magazine. The digitalization shift that occurred over the last 20 years also massively contributes and accelerates this process.

Of course, this technology, like any other, can be used for good or evil, for decentralization and increased independence, or for the concentration of power in the hands of the few and for the exertion of control over everyone else. The government naturally prefers the latter, as it recognized its practical value. We see real-life implementations of this more and more over the last few years. The establishments and promotion of “anointed experts”, who practice the art of divination while playing God and making decisions “for the greater good”, will inevitably lead to a relentless technocratic system of governance, if it hasn’t already, where individuals as treated as units, to be counted and to be tallied, in a vain attempt to forcefully balance a meaningless equation.

In the end, and this must be clear by now, this path leads to the full-scale nationalization of the private economy, to a system without private property rights and without individual liberty. The political measures in connection with the Corona crisis have already served as a preview to that bleak future. They also highlighted that the greatest losers in that system are the poorest, the weakest and the most marginalized among us, as low-income workers and small business owners were the hardest hit by the lockdowns and the shutdowns and they’ll be the last to recover, if they recover at all, which seems increasingly unlikely.


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c5f3c8 No.99228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538168 (051759ZSEP20) Notable: George Washington University cancels classes by 'black' woman who outed herself as Jewish as colleagues call for her resignation, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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George Washington University cancels classes by 'black' woman who outed herself as white as colleagues call for her resignation

The backlash continues

Jessica Krug, disgraced white academic who portrayed herself as an African-American woman, will not be teaching her previously scheduled classes at George Washington University this fall.

In a now-viral — and roundly criticized — blog post published on Medium, Krug admitted that she is a white Jewish woman from a suburban Kansas City, and called to be "cancelled" over her apparent deceit.

In the post, she claimed to have assumed such identities as "North African blackness," "U.S. rooted blackness," and finally, "Caribbean rooted Bronx blackness."

The professor blamed "unaddressed mental health demons" for her behavior.

"I have built my life on a violent anti-black lie," she admitted in the post.

What are the details?

In a statement, school officials announced that Krug would not be returning to the school.

"The members of the faculty of The George Washington University Department of History are shocked and appalled by Dr. Jessica Krug's admission on September 3, 2020 that she has lied about her identity for her entire career," the statement began. "With what she has termed her 'audaciously deceptive' appropriation of an Afro-Caribbean identity, she has betrayed the trust of countless current and former students, fellow scholars of Africana Studies, colleagues in our department and throughout the historical discipline, as well as community activists in New York City and beyond."

The statement points out that Krug — apparently operating under dishonest themes — has raised questions about "the veracity of her own research and teaching."

Faculty members are also calling for Krug to tender her resignation. If she does not, the department insists it will call on the school to revoke her tenure and terminate her employment.

"The discipline of history is concerned with truth telling about the past," the statement continues. "With her conduct, Dr. Krug has raised questions about the veracity of her own research and teaching. Accordingly, the department calls upon Dr. Krug to resign from her position as associate professor of History at GW. Failing that, the department recommends the rescinding of her tenure and the termination of her appointment."

On Friday, the university's provost, Brian Blake, and its dean, Paul Wahlbeck, shared a joint statement on the matter.

"Dr. Krug will not be teaching her classes this semester," the statement added. "We are working on developing a number of options for students in those classes, which will be communicated to affected students as soon as possible."



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c5f3c8 No.99229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538190 (051802ZSEP20) Notable: Federal agency will bail out newspaper corporation's pension fund

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Federal agency will bail out newspaper corporation's pension fund

A federal agency announced on Friday that it would be bailing out the pension fund of the McClatchy Company, a storied newspaper corporation that declared bankruptcy earlier this year due in part to the significant retirement benefits it owes its employees.

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, a U.S. agency originally chartered in 1974, said in a press release this week that it had "assumed responsibility for The McClatchy Company Retirement Plan, which covers over 24,000 current and future retirees."

McClatchy, whose February bankruptcy was driven heavily by its considerable pension obligations, has underfunded its pension fund by around $1 billion, the PBGC said on Friday.

"By assuming responsibility for the plan, we are securing the benefits of the McClatchy plan’s participants," PBGC Director Gordon Hartogensis said in the release. The agency stated that "retirees will continue to receive benefits without interruption, and future retirees can apply for benefits as soon as they are eligible."

Founded in 1857, McClatchy owns nearly 30 newspapers across the country, including the Sacramento Bee, the Charlotte Observer, and the Miami Herald.


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c5f3c8 No.99230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538198 (051802ZSEP20) Notable: Iowa Sending Absentee Ballot Applications to Registered Voters, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Iowa Sending Absentee Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

Officials are sending absentee ballot applications to registered voters in the Hawkeye State, Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (R) affirmed on Friday.

“Iowans will begin receiving absentee ballot request forms from my office this weekend,” Pate announced. “You can vote from home, in-person at your county auditor’s office or at the polls on Election Day. I want every eligible Iowan to participate and to be safe while voting”:

Iowans will begin receiving absentee ballot request forms from my office this weekend. You can vote from home, in-person at your county auditor’s office or at the polls on Election Day. I want every eligible Iowan to participate and to be safe while voting. #BeAVoter #VoteSafeIA pic.twitter.com/lxFxMB7EAr

— Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (@IowaSOS) September 4, 2020

Similarly, the secretary of state’s office sent out ballot applications statewide ahead of the June primary, which ultimately saw a record-high turnout:

We have surpassed the all-time turnout record for a June primary, with more than 487,000 ballots cast & more still coming in. The previous high in Iowa was 449,490 in 1994. My hats off to Iowa voters, poll workers and county auditors. Awesome job! #BeAVoter pic.twitter.com/kwC1ayV35V

— Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (@IowaSOS) June 3, 2020

The final tally topped 530,000.

The Trump campaign sued three Iowa counties in August over absentee ballots which they say were “pre-filled with information.”

As Breitbart News reported:

The Trump campaign has launched lawsuits against Johnson, Linn, and most recently, Woodbury County over the mailing of absentee ballot request forms featuring pre-filled information, including “names, dates of birth and a voting pin number that few people know,” according to the Associated Press (AP).

In March, Pate announced that absentee ballot request forms would be mailed out to every active registered voter in the state ahead of the state’s June 2 primary. Similarly, voters “just have to review, sign and return the forms to get ballots mailed to them beginning Oct. 5,” for the upcoming general election.The issue, though, is the pre-filled information. The campaign contends that it violates Pate’s insistence that blank ballot forms be sent to voters to “ensure uniformity statewide,” according to the AP.

One state judge sided with Trump and Republicans, effectively invalidating over 50,000 absentee ballot applications.

“It is implausible to conclude that near total completion of an absentee ballot application by the auditor is authorized under Iowa law where the legislature has specifically forbidden government officials from partially completing the same document,” Judge Ian Thornhill wrote in the ruling. “Not every county can afford the prepopulated request forms,” the judge added.

“This ruling upholds a key voter protection mechanism and will help to ensure Iowa’s elections are free, fair and transparent,” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel said of the ruling.

In July, Pate announced that Republicans had edged out Democrats in active voter registrations statewide:

Here are Iowa's new statewide active voter registration totals:

Republicans: 681,789

Democrats: 681,148

No Party: 627,444

TOTAL: 2,003,793

And here's the breakdown by congressional district: #BeAVoter pic.twitter.com/OKQuro6PPv

— Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (@IowaSOS) July 1, 2020

Trump secured an Iowa victory in the 2016 election by over nine percentage points.


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c5f3c8 No.99231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538206 (051803ZSEP20) Notable: Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa

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Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) on Friday refused to explain why she has condemned “armed white supremacists” but not Antifa after an explosion of violence in Portland, telling reporters that her primary goal centers around “eradicating racism.”

Following the fatal shooting of Trump supporter Aaron J. Danielson at the hands of a self-identified member of Antifa, Brown released a statement condemning “right-wing vigilantes” and “armed white supremacists” for the escalation of violence in Portland. She did not mention Antifa in her condemnatory statement, prompting questions.

“We’ve had some viewers ask why your anti-violence statement this week about ongoing unrest in Portland mentioned white supremacy but did not also include mention of groups like Antifa and other bad actors. Why was that?” a reporter asked Brown at the close of Friday’s press briefing.

The governor refused to answer the question directly, telling the reporter that she is focused on building a “better Oregon” by “eradicating racism”:

So the first question is why did I specifically hold out white supremacist organizations? Because my goal, my vision for a future Oregon is to build a better Oregon where everyone can thrive and that means eradicating racism. And so my understanding of these organizations is they’re based on hate and I think it makes it really difficult for us to build what Dr. King would call a beloved community.

“Just to follow up would you plan to address issues with Antifa as well?” the reporter pressed.

Again, Brown refused to provide an explanation as to why she did not explicitly reprimand Antifa in her Sunday statement and did not use the opportunity to condemn the group.

“We will continue to work with the community to make sure that folks understand that our goal here is to stop the violence directed toward property, to stop the arson, and obviously stop the person-to-person violence that’s happening, yes,” she responded.

In her controversial Sunday statement, Brown stated that “the right-wing group Patriot Prayer and self-proclaimed militia members drove into downtown Portland last night, armed and looking for a fight.”

She added that she would “not allow Patriot Prayer and armed white supremacists to bring more bloodshed to our streets.”

“Time and again, from Charlottesville to Kenosha to Portland, we have seen the tragic outcome when armed right-wing vigilantes take matters into their own hands,” she continued. “Gun violence is never, ever the answer.”

The man who was under investigation for Danielson’s murder, Michael Forest Reinoehl — who described himself as “100% Antifa” — was shot and killed late Thursday evening after an encounter with the U.S. Marshals Service. As the New York Times reported, “An arrest warrant for murder had been obtained by the Portland police through the Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Ore., earlier Thursday, on the same day that Vice News published an interview with Mr. Reinoehl in which he appeared to admit to the Aug. 29 shooting, saying, ‘I had no choice.'”

According to a U.S. Marshals Service statement, Reinoehl reportedly “produced a firearm, threatening the lives of law enforcement officers.”

“Task force members responded to the threat and struck the suspect who was pronounced dead at the scene,” the statement added.

Attorney General William Barr (R) released a statement following the altercation with Reinoehl.

“The tracking down of Reinoehl — a dangerous fugitive, admitted Antifa member, and suspected murderer — is a significant accomplishment in the ongoing effort to restore law and order to Portland and other cities,” he stated on Friday, lauding the “outstanding cooperation among federal, state, and local law enforcement, particularly the fugitive task force team that located Reinoehl and prevented him from escaping justice.”

“The streets of our cities are safer with this violent agitator removed, and the actions that led to his location are an unmistakable demonstration that the United States will be governed by law, not violent mobs,” he added.


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c5f3c8 No.99232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538211 (051804ZSEP20) Notable: Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ Member Warns that Regulation Could Stifle Free Speech Online

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Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ Member Warns that Regulation Could Stifle Free Speech Online

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the co-chair of Facebook’s “Supreme Court,” has warned that an aggressive approach to regulating the company could infringe upon freedom of speech. Her comments stand in stark contrast to the company’s purge of conservatives and plan to blacklist legal comment that might cause “regulatory impacts.”

CNBC reports that in a recent interview the co-chair of Facebook’s Oversight Board, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, warned that regulation of Facebook could infringe upon freedom of speech. Speaking to CNBC’s Squawk Box Europe, Thorning-Schmidt stated: “If regulation gets too heavy, it actually will impact freedom of speech very heavily. I believe in regulation, I believe that politics has to play a role.”

Thorning-Schmidt added: “I also think we have to be a little bit careful than just demanding regulation, because at some point it will just tip over and be a regulation on our freedom of speech, and I don’t think any of us want that.”

Thorning-Schmidt compared the regulation of Facebook to the recent shutdown of the internet that occurred last month in Belarus following the country’s election results in which President Alexander Lukashenko declared yet another landslide victory. The election has been condemned by world leaders as illegitimate and the European Union has threatened sanctions on Belarusian officials for violence, repression, and election fraud.

Thorning-Schmidt was the prime minister of Denmark before she joined the Oversight Board and was the first woman to hold the post. The board was announced by Facebook in November 2018 and will supposedly have the power to overrule Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on whether to delete controversial posts. However, the board is not yet operational and in July stated that it would not be until late fall.

Other board members include Alan Rusbridger, former editor-in-chief of the Guardian, and Andras Sajo, a former judge and VP of the European Court of Human Rights.

“I do think it’s obvious to most people that we can’t carry on in a world where it’s basically Facebook and ultimately Mark Zuckerberg who takes decisions on what content gets removed or stays up,” said Thorning-Schmidt.

“It might not be ideal and it might be a small step, but it is a step in the right direction to finally have an independent board, an oversight board, that can take these decisions.”

Zuckerberg and Facebook wield that exact level of power today. The platform refuses to allow pages in support of Kyle Rittenhouse, declaring his actions “mass murder” before he ever stepped into court to defend himself. On the other hand, the company was happy to host pages dedicated to terrorists and convicted murderers ranging from Charles Manson to Assata Shakur. These pages were only taken down when Breitbart News pointed out the hypocrisy.


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c5f3c8 No.99233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538229 (051806ZSEP20) Notable: Mifsud Notes Provide More Proof Crossfire Hurricane Was An Excuse To Spy On Trump, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: mua_notes.png

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Mifsud Notes Provide More Proof Crossfire Hurricane Was An Excuse To Spy On Trump

Another Failure to Inform the FISA Court

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c5f3c8 No.99234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538234 (051807ZSEP20) Notable: Ukrainians Caught Smuggling Migrants to Greece from Turkey by Boat

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Ukrainians Caught Smuggling Migrants to Greece from Turkey by Boat

Two Ukrainian men have been charged by Greek authorities after being caught trying to ferry 53 migrants from Turkey to the Greek island of Rhodes aboard a large boat.

The two brothers were initially taken into custody on August 27th after a major Greek coast guard operation rushed to help the vessel containing the migrants around 17 nautical miles off the coast of Rhodes as someone aboard had reported an engine fire.

When the coat guard reached the vessel, no engine fire was found but authorities did transfer the 53 migrants aboard the vessel to coast guard and navy ships.

According to a report from Greek newspaper Proto Thema, the two Ukrainians denied any role in trafficking migrants to Greece, although they did admit to entering the country illegally themselves.

They claimed that they were actually passengers rather than smugglers, and that they had each paid Turkish people-smugglers 3,000 euros each to reach Greece. The pair added that the captain of the boat had abandoned it and left on another vessel prior to the arrival of the Greek authorities.

Greek prosecutors, however, were sceptical of the story of the two brothers and have decided to pursue charges for people smuggling against them.

WATCH: Ukraine Busts People-Smuggling Network Ferrying Migrants to EU https://t.co/LyQC20S8JT

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 23, 2019

According to Greek shipping minister Giannis Plakiotakis. the government has managed to stop at least 10,000 migrants from entering the country by sea so far this year.

“There are cases where [the Turkish coast guard] is accompanying boats with refugees and migrants to our borders and … trying to create problems,” he added.

One such “pushback” of a migrant boast took place last month in the Aegean Sea when Greek authorities fired warning shots near a migrant boat, which is said to have deterred the migrants who turned around back to Turkey.

While migration from Turkey into Greece has drastically diminished in the wake of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, Turkish authorities have promised that migrants will return to the border area as soon as the health crisis is over.

German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) findings indicate that the Turkish government purposely incited riots at the Greek border by planting members of its security services among crowds of migrants. https://t.co/Nu6CzyZU0Z

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) March 28, 2020


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c5f3c8 No.99235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538242 (051808ZSEP20) Notable: English City Forcing Annual ‘Equalities Training’ on Elected Officials, ‘Race Equality Education’ on Schools

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English City Forcing Annual ‘Equalities Training’ on Elected Officials, ‘Race Equality Education’ on Schools

Birmingham Council is set to create a fast track recruitment programme for ethnic minorities, force staff to undertake “equalities training” and launch a new “race equality” curriculum in schools.

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, which is funded by many of the world’s biggest corporations, the multicultural city will also review street names, monuments, statues, and public art displays to ensure that they “properly reflect and respect the city’s history and communities”.

A plan drawn up by the Labour council leader Ian Ward and his cabinet includes measures to monitor equality of outcome between ethnic groups in areas including pay and health, BirminghamLive reports.

It includes a raft of proposals for advancing the career opportunities for non-white people at Birmingham City Council, including that shortlists for all staff vacancies must have at least one ethnic minority, and the creation of a “fast track recruitment and development programme for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people”.

In addition, “every elected councillor and every member of staff will be required to participate in mandatory equalities training, which will take place at least annually”.

Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory‘ from Federal Agencies https://t.co/ygXcTXRHsQ via @BreitbartNews This is a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue. Please report any sightings so we can quickly extinguish!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2020

According to the Midlands-based media outlet, the council will also work with historians to create a new curriculum highlighting the so-called diversity of the city, as well as with “partners in the education and community sectors to develop a new ‘Race Equality education programme’ for use in Birmingham’s schools”.

A report prepared on behalf of the council asserts: “The unprecedented socio-economic crisis created by COVID-19, together with the global calls for justice articulated by the Black Lives Matter anti-racism movement, have starkly highlighted the extent to which injustice, inequality and discrimination persist within our society.”

The review of public monuments and artworks in Birmingham follows the lead of London mayor Sadiq Khan, who in June announced that the capital would be looking at street names, statues, and landmarks to remove and replace in the name of reflecting the city’s “diversity”.

Soon after, the Labour Party disclosed that it would be conducting similar reviews at all 130 councils across the United Kingdom where they are in power, Breitbart London previously reported.

Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of LGBTQ+ and Minority Figures https://t.co/XgjsXs8XG2

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 9, 2020

On Thursday, the Bar Standards Board (BSB), which regulates barristers and specialised legal services businesses in England and Wales, launched a “reverse mentoring scheme” in which senior white barristers are given junior barristers from ethnic minority backgrounds as mentors.

The scheme is hoping to “address the barriers to race equality at the Bar, by providing insight into people’s experiences of racism”, according to a press release from the board.

One of the scheme’s first mentees, Paul Stanley QC of Essex Court Chambers, commented: “I know it will make me a better anti-racist ally, and help me to change myself and the profession for the better.”

His mentor, “black female Bar student and race equality activist” Elisha Lindsay, said: “Seeing how receptive members of the Bar are to hearing and learning about anti-racist practices and achieving true diversity within the Bar gives me hope for a more inclusive environment.”

#BlackLivesMatter Activists Urged to Become Magistrates to Increase 'Diversity' https://t.co/ASh4GAC5Ty

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) August 3, 2020


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c5f3c8 No.99236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538275 (051812ZSEP20) Notable: Full Report: C0VlD is Product of Man-Made Manipulation

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Full Report: C0VlD is Product of Man-Made Manipulation

Focus on the info about Cardiomyopathy

Dr. David Martin discusses the irrefutable paper trail that shows C0R0NAVlRUS was manipulated by DARPA, the NIH and Chinese Labs. Nothing in this report is "theory", it is all documented fact

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c5f3c8 No.99237

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538294 (051814ZSEP20) Notable: Today marks the 48th anniversary of the September 5,1972 terrorist attack in Munich, Germany where 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were kidnapped and later murdered, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T18_14_17_193Z.png

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Today marks the 48th anniversary of the September 5,1972 terrorist attack in Munich, Germany where 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were kidnapped and later murdered by the terrorist group Black September. We remember and honor the brave victims of this barbaric attack.


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c5f3c8 No.99238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538301 (051816ZSEP20) Notable: U. of North Texas Expels 15 Chinese Scholars Over Ties to Communist Govt

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U. of North Texas Expels 15 Chinese Scholars Over Ties to Communist Govt

The University of North Texas announced this week that it was expelling 15 Chinese scholars over their relationship with China’s Ministry of Education. Many universities and colleges around the nation have cut ties with researchers this year over allegations that they were using their position to funnel taxpayer-funded research to the Chinese government.

According to a report by the College Post, the University of North Texas ended its relationship with a group of scholars from China. Although the university did not explicitly provide a reason for the decision, some suspect the university cut ties over concerns about research theft.

In its statement announcing the decision, the university urged the scholars to leave campus swiftly. The researchers were only be permitted to collect their items from their residence hall under the supervision of their campus host.

I am writing to inform you that the University of North Texas has come to a decision to end its relationship with visiting scholars who receive funding from the Chinese Scholarship Council…We encourage scholars who are impacted by this decision to work closely with your university host(s) to make the quick transition home as smooth as possible. You will be able to return to campus to collect personal items. You should contact your host, who will make arrangements for you to be accompanied during your campus visit.

A petition with over 6,100 signatures calls on the university to reverse its decision to expel the students. The petition’s author, a graduate of the University of North Texas, claims that the students were not given a reason for the university’s decision to expel them.

On Aug 26th,2020. UNT suddenly terminates the relationship with the Chinese scholars who received Csc scholarship. Until now, UNT didn’t tell the reason why they suddenly cancel the relationship and make the Chinese scholars leave the US within one month. They need to deal with the extremely high flight ticket price, limit flight, Covid-19 test, break the apartment lease, sell the car, affect their academic achievement.

Breitbart News reported earlier this week that a researcher at the University of Virginia had attempted to flee to his home in China carrying proprietary research conducted at the university over several years. The researcher was arrested just prior to his departure.


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c5f3c8 No.99239

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538348 (051822ZSEP20) Notable: George Washington University cancels classes by 'black' woman who outed herself as Jewish as colleagues call for her resignation, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T18_21_32_187Z.png

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Jessica Krug also pretended to be South Bronx Puerto Rican, borough activist says


"Pigment of her Imagination"


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c5f3c8 No.99240

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538371 (051825ZSEP20) Notable: #13485

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Notables are NOT endorsements

New Baker


>>99215, >>99205, >>99208, >>99217 "We are the News": Eight tips for better notable posts

>>99218, >>99213, >>99223, >>99224, Portland rioters tent city I looked it up. The land is owned by the Oregon Department Of Transportation. Basically this is a state funded camp of rioters."

>>99191, >>99190 Self Confirm Hand Off

>>99199, >>99202 Washington & Lee University Offers Course On How To Overthrow The State

>>99196, >>99198 Oregon Gov.: I’m Not Deploying National Guard to Portland Because They Aren’t Trained or Needed

>>99192, >>99193 Joe Biden joked about China helping him become president during remarks at the US-China Strategic And Economic Dialogue in Washington DC in 2013

>>99228, >>99239 George Washington University cancels classes by 'black' woman who outed herself as Jewish as colleagues call for her resignation

>>99201, >>99221 PF

>>99194 United States CV19 Mortality rate per 100,000 straight from the whore's mouth

>>99195 Louisville Live March Link

>>99197 Detroit Police cannot use striking weapons, chemical agents, rubber bullets against protesters, judge orders

>>99200 Tweeted by Air Force Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, Military Times and the Army Times

>>99203 Virginia House approves sweeping package of police reforms.

>>99204 Joaquin Phoenix and Rose McGowan Spent Their Early Years in a Religious Cult. Then it Became Infamous.

>>99206 Ann Sarnoff

>>99207 FAIL

>>99209 BREAKING: Kamala Harris Promotes ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theory’ About Coronavirus Vaccine

>>99210 New York Times - "Where the pedovores roam"

>>99211 Catholic Masses at San Diego-area Navy bases have ended because the Navy, in what it says is a cost-cutting move, has declined to renew its contracts with Catholic priests, and there are not enough Catholic chaplains on active duty to fill the void.

>>99212 'Ultra-Processed' Junk Food Linked to Advanced Ageing at Cellular Level, Study Finds

>>99214 Fraternal Order of Police national president on why his union is endorsing Trump

>>99216 Top Insider Trading-week of August 30th-2020

>>99219 General Michael Flynn’s Persecution Continues: Corrupt DC Judge Sullivan and His Accomplice Gleeson to Hold Court September 29

>>99220 Black Lives Matter — The Democrat Shock Troops — March Through Philly Chanting “Death to America!”

>>99222 Watch Bill Clinton’s Face as Crooked Hillary Can’t Stop Ranting About Russia During Joint Interview

>>99225 'Stop barking, French dogs!': Protests in Pakistan over Charlie Hebdo's reprint of Prophet Mohammed cartoon

>>99226 FBI Raids Pennsylvania Nursing Home Which Saw A Whopping 447 COVID-19 Infections

>>99227 Standing At A Crossroads

>>99229 Federal agency will bail out newspaper corporation's pension fund

>>99230 Iowa Sending Absentee Ballot Applications to Registered Voters

>>99231 Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa

>>99232 Facebook ‘Supreme Court’ Member Warns that Regulation Could Stifle Free Speech Online

>>99233 Mifsud Notes Provide More Proof Crossfire Hurricane Was An Excuse To Spy On Trump

>>99234 Ukrainians Caught Smuggling Migrants to Greece from Turkey by Boat

>>99235 English City Forcing Annual ‘Equalities Training’ on Elected Officials, ‘Race Equality Education’ on Schools

>>99236 Full Report: C0VlD is Product of Man-Made Manipulation

>>99237 Today marks the 48th anniversary of the September 5,1972 terrorist attack in Munich, Germany where 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team were kidnapped and later murdered

>>99238 U. of North Texas Expels 15 Chinese Scholars Over Ties to Communist Govt

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c5f3c8 No.99241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538429 (051832ZSEP20) Notable: Watch: Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: KateBrown_Supports_Antifa.png

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Watch: Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) on Friday refused to explain why she has condemned “armed white supremacists” but not Antifa after an explosion of violence in Portland, telling reporters that her primary goal centers around “eradicating racism.”


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c5f3c8 No.99242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538431 (051833ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Amazon deletes 20,000 reviews after evidence of profits for posts

Amazon has deleted approximately 20,000 product reviews, written by seven of its top 10 UK reviewers, following a Financial Times investigation into suspicious activity.

The FT found evidence the users were profiting from posting thousands of five-star ratings.

Those who had their reviews deleted included Justin Fryer, the number one-ranked reviewer on Amazon.co.uk, who in August alone reviewed £15,000 worth of products, from smartphones to electric scooters to gym equipment, giving his five-star approval on average once every four hours.

Overwhelmingly, those products were from little-known Chinese brands, who often offer to send reviewers products for free in return for positive posts. Mr Fryer then appears to have sold many of the goods on eBay, making nearly £20,000 since June.

When contacted by the FT, Mr Fryer denied posting paid-for reviews — before deleting his review history from his Amazon profile page. Mr Fryer said the eBay listings, which described products as “unused” and “unopened”, were for duplicates.

At least two other top 10-ranked Amazon UK reviewers removed their history after Mr Fryer. Another prominent reviewer, outside the top 10, removed his name and reviews, and changed his profile picture to display the words “please go away”.

The FT’s analysis suggested that nine of Amazon’s current UK top 10 providers of ratings were engaged in suspicious behaviour, with huge numbers of five-star reviews of exclusively Chinese products from unknown brands and manufacturers. Many of the same items were seen by the FT in groups and forums offering free products or money in exchange for reviews.

Although some reviewers removed their history, the reviews themselves remained online until Amazon took action on Friday. After the FT published details of its investigation, the company removed all of the reviews written on the platform by seven of the users highlighted.

The Competition and Markets Authority, the UK’s competition watchdog, in May launched its own probe into online stores over “suspicious” and manipulated reviews, which it estimates influence £23bn in UK online shopping spend every year.

“We will not hesitate to take further action if we find evidence that the stores aren’t doing what’s required under the law,” a CMA spokeswoman said.


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c5f3c8 No.99243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538453 (051835ZSEP20) Notable: Donald Trump says he believes former chief of staff John Kelly is behind claims he called dead troops 'losers' and 'suckers', MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Donald Trump says he believes former chief of staff John Kelly is behind claims he called dead troops 'losers' and 'suckers' as he attacks the gold star father for getting 'eaten alive' and being 'unable to function' in his White House

President Donald Trump attacked former White House chief of staff John Kelly at an extraordinary White House press conference Friday evening as the possible source for a report that he had called fallen troops 'suckers.'

Trump denounced the report and tore into Kelly, saying the former Marine General 'got eaten alive' and 'petered out' serving as his top advisor in the White House.

Trump ripped Kelly when asked about the brutal Atlantic story that reports he spoke of fallen U.S. soldiers as 'losers' and 'suckers' while skipping a planned solemn centennial visit to a cemetery in France that houses fallen Marines over concerns about getting rained on.

'I know John Kelly. He was with me – didn’t do a good job. Had no temperament. And ultimately was petered out. He was exhausted,' Trump said, when asked about Kelly's notable absence from public comment about the story.

Trump did not assert definitively his belief that Kelly was the source of the report – which he also asserted may have come from made-up sources.

But he accused the former top aide of bad mouthing him.

'This man was totally exhausted. He wasn’t even able to function in the last number of months,' Trump said.

'He was not able to function. He was sort of a tough guy. By the time he got eaten up in this world, he was unable to function.'

'I told him: John you’re going to have to go,' Trump said, describing Kelly's prolonged departure. 'And now he goes out and bad-mouths. Now, there are people that are jealous. There are people that are upset that they’re not here anymore. There are people – we’ve done an incredible job, the virus came in, and now w’ere doing an incredible job again,' Trump said, his thoughts shifting to the pandemic.

'I don’t know that it was him. I haven’t seen that. I mean I see "anonymous." But it could have been a guy like a John Kelly – just so you understand,' Trump said.

Kelly was a key figure who appeared twice in the story, once regarding the 2018 trip to Belleau Wood, and once regarding Trump's 2017 visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.



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c5f3c8 No.99244

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538462 (051836ZSEP20) Notable: A suspected gas pipeline explosion at a mosque in Bangladesh killed 17 people and injured dozens as worshippers were about to end their prayers, officials said, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T18_36_31_966Z.png

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A suspected gas pipeline explosion at a mosque in Bangladesh killed 17 people and injured dozens as worshippers were about to end their prayers, officials said


More 17's

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c5f3c8 No.99245

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538463 (051836ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Iran Launches Gold-backed Cryptocurrency as Anticipation for Crypto-Rial Grows to Evade US Sanctions

A gold-backed cryptocurrency has been launched in the Islamic Republic of Iran,. The cryptocurrency known as Peyman (the Persian word for covenant) is the fruit of cooperation between four banks and Ghoghnoos Company.

The four partner banks are Parsian Bank, Bank Pasargad, Bank Melli Iran, and Bank Mellat. Iran Fara Bourse, an over-the-counter exchange, is also expected to host the new currency, Iranian English daily Financial Tribune reports.

Tokenization of Assets Belonging to Banks

According to a Ghoghnoos director, Valiollah Fatemi, Peyman will be used to tokenize banks’ assets and excess properties:


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c5f3c8 No.99246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538485 (051839ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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X22Report: Dark Forces Infiltrated the US by Blackmailing Those at the Top, Their Plan Is Pure Evil - Cyrus Parsa

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c5f3c8 No.99247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538491 (051840ZSEP20) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump to be in Jupiter Tuesday to discuss his administration's conservation and environmental protection efforts in the area, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T18_40_13_865Z.png

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Squared new

President @realDonaldTrump

to be in Jupiter Tuesday to discuss his administration's conservation and environmental protection efforts in the area |


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c5f3c8 No.99248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538494 (051841ZSEP20) Notable: When the voices in your head are giving orders: Pentagon scientists say “talking laser” that beams messages directly into your head coming soon

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When the voices in your head are giving orders: Pentagon scientists say “talking laser” that beams messages directly into your head coming soon

It may sound like something you only see in science fiction, but experts say we may be just a few years away from “talking lasers” that have the power to beam messages right into our heads.

A military initiative known as the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate is working on laser weapons that are capable of transmitting clear snippets of speech across great distances. The program develops ways to stun, deter and otherwise stop adversaries without killing them.

One weapon they are working on uses a “laser-induced plasma effect,” which sees a high-powered laser being fired to create a ball of plasma. A second laser is then shot to oscillate this plasma, which has the effect of creating sound waves. When enough of these bursts are fired from the laser at the right frequencies, the vibrations of the plasma will sound just like human speech. This technology could be used by military personnel to target specific people with warnings or messages without putting themselves at risk.

The Military Times reports that a military-ready version of this weapon could be ready for use in five years. Although it can pass through glass into buildings, it cannot yet penetrate other types of solid barriers. The technology would therefore be best used for protecting static areas like permanent installations and forward bases, experts say. However, with the right power source, it could be mounted to a small vehicle to serve as mobile crowd control to keep individuals away from convoys.

These lasers and plasma balls could be used to keep perimeters secure instead of sending troops out there in person to tell people they need to move. It can give voice commands such as, “Stop, or we’ll be forced to fire upon you.”

Pentagon scientists are hoping to create a version of the laser that is capable of beaming clear messages hundreds of miles away. With such a laser, orders could even be sent down from an aircraft.

Lasers being designed to carry out multiple functions

These lasers can also target people with heat that feels like microscopic pin pricks right through their clothing. This causes a very uncomfortable feeling that prompts people to move out of the way quickly. Although they claim the drilling of the laser does not cause damage, it sets off nerve responses that can lead to extreme discomfort.

The same laser can also be used as an ongoing flashbang grenade that can create repeated sounds to confuse or disorient people. Standard flashbang grenades can only make one or two loud blasts.

MIT researchers are working on a version of the talking laser that is focused at civilians. Their prototype, which was described in the Optics Letters journal, employs a laser beam that wiggles water molecules in the air near a listener’s ear. This creates calculated molecular collisions that generate sound waves. The researchers say these lasers could be used to send messages to specific people across crowded rooms or warn individuals about dangerous situations.

The goal is to come up with a single system that can produce a variety of different effects — such as light, heat and noise — to replace several current non-lethal weapons that produce similar effects individually.

The idea of a safer way for our military to send messages without putting themselves in harm’s way is a good one, but like many inventions that appear to have relatively noble purposes on the surface, it is not hard to imagine all the ways that firing talking plasma laser balls could go wrong. What could these voices be used to drive people to do in the wrong hands?


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c5f3c8 No.99249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538518 (051844ZSEP20) Notable: How funny is this: the mainstream media hates FNC until they find someone there who validates their opinions - then they poop their pants in hilarious unity., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Gutfeld on the Twat.

How funny is this: the mainstream media hates FNC until they find someone there who validates their opinions - then they poop their pants in hilarious unity.


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c5f3c8 No.99250

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538519 (051844ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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NYC Mayor de Blasio won’t allow people to dine in restaurants until a vaccine is deployed

New Yorkers wanting to eat out again will not be able to do so until a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) becomes commercially available, according to a decree from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Indoor dining will remain off-limits in the Big Apple at least until June 1, 2021, de Blasio announced, and only on the condition that New Yorkers agree to get whatever WuFlu jab is ready at that time.

“We do expect – and pray for and expect – a vaccine in the spring that will allow us to get more back to normal,” de Blasio stated at his daily press briefing.

“But I will absolutely tell you, we’re going to keep looking for that solution where we can push down the virus enough where we would have more ability to address indoor dining.”

Despite a meager 0.59 percent infection rate – “one of or lowest” since March, de Blasio admitted – NYC is on track to remain closed indefinitely. Meanwhile, nearby New Jersey is reopening its restaurants for indoor dining at 25 percent capacity starting Friday.

Even other areas of New York state, including neighboring Long Island and Westchester, have had limited indoor dining for several weeks now. But not NYC, which remains under total lockdown for reasons that even de Blasio himself could not elucidate.

“Is there a way where we can do something safely with indoor dining?” he asked during the presser. “So far we have not had that moment, honestly.”

Reopening NYC will require a “huge step forward,” de Blasio warns

Failing to disclose what metrics he is using to determine when it might be “safe” to reopen the city, de Blasio went on to warn that it is still going to take “a huge step forward to get to that point,” suggesting that returning to any type of normalcy is still a long way off.

As for when a vaccine from President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed program might become available, federal officials have already indicated that one could be ready before the end of the year, and possibly even in time for the election.

Since it is still summer, outdoor dining has worked for some NYC establishments – less than half are currently open, though. But the al fresco program currently in place is set to expire on Oct. 31.

After this time, NYC will be too cold for most types of outdoor dining, save for those restaurants that have heavy-duty heat lamps. But de Blasio is planning to extend the al fresco measure regardless, as if this will somehow help restaurants stay afloat through the winter months.

“We’re looking at that right now,” he is quoted as saying. “We’re trying to get a sense from the restaurant community how much interest there is in going longer. There’s definitely openness on our part to going longer if we think it will contribute something.”

On Twitter, one user responded with what most were probably thinking following de Blasio’s announcement:

“Who is the psychopath that is going to dine outdoors in NYC in November?”

There are currently more than 300,000 service industry workers in NYC that remain unemployed due to de Blasio’s continued lockdown orders. All of these are on unemployment waiting for a time, which may never come, when de Blasio will end his reign of terror and get out of the way.

Andrew Rigie, head of the NYC Hospitality Alliance, is one such person who is urging the mayor to cut the crap and bring indoor dining back as soon as possible.

“We need to extend outdoor dining and allow heaters past October, but that’s not a sole solution,” he is quoted as saying. “We need a plan for indoor dining immediately, not a re-evaluation in a month.”


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c5f3c8 No.99251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538534 (051845ZSEP20) Notable: More information on Buckman Community Association, which supposedly owns land Portland rioters are camping on, according to one anon., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: segregation.png

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>>>/qresearch/10538203 (LB)

Apparently the Buckman Community Association owns it - a normal socialist utopian group that raises people's consciousness, as usual.


They have a project going on to create tent cities for the homeless, and typical of leftists, they practice segregation - one tent city for LBJQTs, one for people of color, and one for older adults, wymen, and disabled people.


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c5f3c8 No.99252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538543 (051846ZSEP20) Notable: 'I had no reason to question how old she was': Oscar-winning filmmaker Alexander Payne denies raping Rose McGowan when she was 15, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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'I had no reason to question how old she was': Oscar-winning filmmaker Alexander Payne denies raping Rose McGowan when she was 15 and says they 'went out on a couple dates' after she auditioned for a role that 'required actors of age'

Filmmaker Alexander Payne has denied allegations that he 'groomed' and sexually assaulted actress Rose McGowan in the 1980s when she was just 15 years old.

Payne says he and McGowan first crossed paths years later - in 1991 - and went on 'a couple of dates' after she left a note asking him to call her when she auditioned for a part in his first directing job, which was a comic short he was making for the Playboy Channel that required actors who were 'of age'.

The acclaimed director broke his silence on Friday, three weeks after McGowan accused him of 'grooming' and having sex with her when she was underage and he was 28 years old.


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c5f3c8 No.99253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538559 (051848ZSEP20) Notable: Trump’s Pick for Afghanistan Ambassador Wants to Withdraw US Troops Immediately, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Trump’s Pick for Afghanistan Ambassador Wants to Withdraw US Troops Immediately

Will Ruger has been trying to end the war for years.

For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis, the election, and more, subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter.

In a move the could have major implications for the longest running war in US history, the Trump administration is planning to nominate Will Ruger to be the next ambassador to Afghanistan, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. Ruger, an anti-interventionist conservative, has long championed an immediate withdrawal of American troops from that country.

“A peace deal between Afghans shouldn’t be a prerequisite for doing the right thing for the US.”

Ruger’s planned nomination, which a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Mother Jones, speaks to President Trump’s desire to remove troops from Afghanistan as quickly as possible. Though the United States signed a much-criticized peace deal with the Taliban in February, the administration has been hazy about when to expect a full withdrawal of troops. Trump reportedly wants troops home before Election Day, but the Pentagon has advocated for a much “slower withdrawal schedule,” the New York Times reported in May.

Ruger, like Trump, supports a more expeditious departure. In his role as vice president for research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute, Ruger has long pushed for an immediate end to the two-decade-old war. “We should not equate Afghanistan with Iraq,” he wrote in response to a Washington Post editorial criticizing Trump’s negotiations with the Taliban last year. “Staying longer will not magically achieve the broad and unnecessary goals that have eluded us to date.”

In my past exchanges with Ruger, he has even been more blunt about the need for a withdrawal—even without a broader peace agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government. (No such peace deal has been reached.) “An agreement would be nice but they are separate issues and a peace deal between Afghans shouldn’t be a prerequisite for doing the right thing for the US,” he said in an email last year, after Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg argued similarly for an immediate withdrawal during a fall Democratic primary debate.

If he is confirmed by the Senate—which is no sure thing, given the busy pre-election schedule—Ruger would represent a significant break from the hawkish officials Trump has often installed in key national security posts in the past. “The administration has put people in positions that are simply not aligned with the president,” a source familiar with the nominating process told me. “Under Johnny McEntee [who now leads the Presidential Personnel Office], that’s changing.”

The source added, “You’re going to see more like people like Will Ruger and less people like Brian Hook,” the hawkish special envoy for Iran who resigned last month.

Ruger’s nomination is not only a nod to the Koch empire—which had pronounced disagreements with Trump on trade and other issues even as it financially supported his party—but also a recognition of the growing bipartisan discomfort with America’s endless foreign wars. Last year, the libertarian-leaning Charles Koch teamed up with George Soros in a much-publicized move to fund the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, which aims to provide a dovish counterweight to the Washington, DC, think-tank community.


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c5f3c8 No.99254

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538578 (051850ZSEP20) Notable: Four Marines Safe After Super Stallion Helicopter Catches Fire Mid-Flight

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Four Marines Safe After Super Stallion Helicopter Catches Fire Mid-Flight

Four Marines were able to get out of a heavy lift helicopter safely after it made an emergency landing just miles from their air station.

A CH-53E Super Stallion assigned to Marine Corps Air Station New River in North Carolina made an emergency landing on Thursday. The aircraft landed in Dixon, which is about 11 miles from New River.

All four crew members aboard the aircraft were safe and no injuries were reported.

The Marine Corps released few details about the mishap, citing an ongoing investigation.

"We are thankful for the quick response to the scene by the North Carolina Highway Patrol, Onslow County Sheriff's Office and Onslow County Emergency Medical Service," the service said in a Thursday statement.

The reason for the precautionary landing was not immediately known, the statement adds. The Daily News in Jacksonville said the aircraft started on fire shortly after it landed.

All the Marines were out of the aircraft before it caught fire, according to the paper.

In-flight aircraft fires are rare but not unheard-of. In June 2019, a Marine Corps Super Stallion caught fire while conducting a training flight over Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., and was forced to conduct an emergency landing. The crew emerged safely.


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c5f3c8 No.99255

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538590 (051853ZSEP20) Notable: Did a BLM Logo Creep Its Way Onto the Pages of a Local NJ Board of Elections Website?

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Did a BLM Logo Creep Its Way Onto the Pages of a Local NJ Board of Elections Website?

Matt Vespa

Yeah, good question. I mean, I’m sure you call can guess why this happened, but it doesn’t negate the fact that nonpartisan government websites should just steer clear of this lefty nonsense. Alas, in the Trump era, the derangement syndrome has reached a fever pitch. The liberals are burning down their own cities, folks. It’s been going on all summer. But in New Jersey, a local Republican Party chairwoman is demanding a federal investigation into how a Black Lives Matter logo appears on the Mercer County Board of Elections website (via Trentonian):

The Mercer County Republican chairwoman has called for a federal investigation into why Black Lives Matter "political propaganda" was posted on what she contends is supposed to be a nonpartisan government website.

One of the three logos on the Mercer County Board of Elections voter information web page featured a raised fist with the words "Respect my Vote."

The image is associated with an iconic photograph of Black track-and-field stars Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising their fists on the podium following the 200-meter race at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City. The athletes' protest brought renewed attention to social issues that were impacting the U.S. at the time.

The logos — up as late as Wednesday night, according to Mercer GOP chair Lisa Richford — have been scrubbed from the county website without explanation.


The state has an electioneering law that makes it a disorderly persons offense for people to distribute "circular or printed matter or offer[s] any suggestion or solicit any support for any candidate, party or public question within the polling place or room or within a distance of one hundred feet of the outside entrance to such polling place or room."

"The site in question is providing directions to the public for voter registration and Vote By Mail (VBM)," she wrote. "We all know that it is against the law to promote political agendas when taxpayer dollars are funding the work of government. In this case it is particularly aggreges for a County employee to advance their own political agenda in what should be a sacred non-political forum."

The publication noted that the elections board has had issues in the past, especially when a former chairwoman hosted a fundraiser for a Trentonian mayoral candidate. On Twitter, during the Republican National Convention, the NASA Hurricane account retweeted anti-Trump nonsense over the president’s acceptance speech on the final night. It has since been deleted, but either some angry anti-Trump employee did this on purpose, or the social media team was unaware that they had their social and personal accounts mixed up. Either way, it was totally inappropriate and that could be the case here, albeit a more local one.


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c5f3c8 No.99256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538593 (051853ZSEP20) Notable: Saudis Reduce Oil Pricing in Sign Demand Recovery Is Struggling, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: cc_arabs_1.png

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Saudis Reduce Oil Pricing in Sign Demand Recovery Is Struggling

Saudi Arabia cut pricing for oil sales to Asia and the U.S. for October shipments, a sign that the world’s biggest exporter may see fuel demand wavering amid flare-ups in the coronavirus.

State oil producer Saudi Aramco is cutting its benchmark Arab Light crude more than expected and lowering the grade to a discount for the first time since June for buyers in Asia. It’s the second-consecutive month of cuts for barrels to Asia. Aramco will also trim pricing for lighter barrels to northwest Europe and the Mediterranean region.

Aramco is reducing pricing to Asia for October shipments of the Light grade by $1.40 a barrel, to 50 cents below the regional benchmark. The company was expected to pare pricing by $1 a barrel, to a 10-cent discount, according to a Bloomberg survey of eight traders and refiners.

Oil demand has plunged this year as the pandemic forced governments to lock down economies, airlines to cancel fights and workers to stay at home. Saudi Arabia joined with Russia and other producers in the OPEC+ coalition to make record cuts in production, taking about a 10th of global supply off the market. Crude prices have more than doubled since April to around $45 a barrel but are still down more than 30% this year.

The Saudis had previously supported the rally by raising pricing each month from June to August. However, demand from refineries has softened due to weak profits from turning crude into gasoline and other fuels. Even as economies began to recover, swollen stockpiles rather than supplies of fresh crude absorbed much of the increase in demand.

Saudi Arabia usually sets the tone for pricing decisions by other Middle Eastern suppliers, including Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, the second- and third-largest producers in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.


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c5f3c8 No.99257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538597 (051854ZSEP20) Notable: MOS is pissed Intel minister: We’ll act against sale of F-35s to UAE, including in US Congress, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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MOSSAD is pissed

Intel minister: We’ll act against sale of F-35s to UAE, including in US Congress

Amid reports signing of normalization deal will take place at White House within 10 days, Eli Cohen says Jerusalem will actively oppose advanced weapons deal

Israel’s intelligence minister on Friday said Jerusalem would firmly oppose the sale of F-35 fighters and other advanced weaponry to the United Arab Emirates, while continuing to deny Israel had given its approval — tacit or otherwise — to such a deal.

Eli Cohen told Kan TV news: “We oppose [it]. We will not agree to any sale… We will act against the sale of any weaponry that will hurt Israel’s qualitative military edge, including the F-35.”

His comments came as Channel 12 news reported that Israel and the UAE were gearing up for a signing ceremony of their normalization agreement in Washington within the next 10 days.


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c5f3c8 No.99258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538604 (051855ZSEP20) Notable: More information on Buckman Community Association, which supposedly owns land Portland rioters are camping on, according to one anon.

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>>>/qresearch/10538203 (lb)


More information on Buckman Community Association, which supposedly owns land Portland rioters are camping on, according to one anon.

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c5f3c8 No.99259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538610 (051856ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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5th column?

Trey Gowdy Sides With Dems, Issues Rare Rebuke of President Trump

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy issued a rare rebuke of President Donald Trump this week.

During an interview with left-wing “comedian” Stephen Colbert, Gowdy appeared on his late-night show to promote his new book, titled, “Doesn’t Hurt To Ask.”

Gowdy was asked about the coronavirus and his opinion on how he thinks the Trump administration has handled the pandemic.

Gowdy did not necessarily tear into the president, but he did say that he wishes Trump would have acted sooner to encourage Americans to wear face masks.

Is this the worst comment? No.

But it’s a little bizarre that Gowdy would take the bait from Colbert — a well-documented anti-Trumper — and make a few negative comments about the president.

This is actually the second time in recent months where Gowdy has made a few not-so-flattering remarks about the president.

During an interview a few months ago on Fox & Friends, the former South Carolina GOP lawmaker said the president should not “punch down” at reporters during White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings.

To help avoid these confrontations and to dodge bad press, Gowdy recommended Trump let healthcare professionals handle questions on how to treat the virus.

Gowdy also said Trump should assume the role of “comforter in chief” to guide the American people through the coronavirus pandemic.

“My advice to the president is to let the healthcare professionals handle explaining our healthcare response. He should be the comforter-in-chief, the encourager-in-chief. He should mix in hope with a reality of the statistics, but let the healthcare professionals handle giving us advice on how we should treat this virus,” Gowdy said.

“It is very frustrating to feel like you’re constantly the object of unfair critique. But it’s been that way for four years, and I don’t think he needs to punch down to individual reporters during these White House briefings,” he added.

“I mean, let the doctors handle those questions, be the president of the United States. That’s an incredible honor that very few people will ever have, so don’t punch down the individual reporters as tempting as it may be,” he continued.

“This is an unprecedented event in our country, and it’s hard to be a leader, which is why so few people raise their hands and say, ‘I actually want to be the president of the United States,'” Gowdy said.

He continued, “Be the president of the United States. That’s an incredible honor very few people will ever have, so don’t punch down the individual reporters, as tempting as it may be.”

Gowdy said Trump has been fed up with the “D.C. media” who he said promoted the Democrats’ agenda to launch numerous investigations into his administration.


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c5f3c8 No.99260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538615 (051857ZSEP20) Notable: TRUMPED: US Firms Move Supply Chains Out of China, Explore Options Closer to Home

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TRUMPED: US Firms Move Supply Chains Out of China, Explore Options Closer to Home

The President has been right about the threat of the Chinese regime since inception. Nothing could have proven him more right than the deadly coronavirus pandemic that came from the rogue nation.

American learned very quickly that having all of your eggs in one basket with medicines, along with other key materials and goods in China was a terrible decision.

The following is from our friends at The Epoch Times:

The U.S.–China trade war and the COVID-19 pandemic have forced companies to reduce their excessive dependence on China as a single supplier.

U.S. brands have started to explore sourcing options closer to home, with Latin and South America gaining significant traction in recent months, according to a survey by Qima, a Hong Kong-based supply chain inspection company.

The survey conducted in July among more than 200 businesses around the world found that respondents are increasingly moving their sourcing away from China. Ninety-three percent of U.S. respondents reported that they had plans to further diversify their supply chains. Meanwhile, less than half of EU respondents had a similar strategy.

China is still a major global player for sourcing, however, its dominance has become “noticeably less dramatic” compared to prior years, according to a Qima report that shows key survey findings.

For example, 75 percent of respondents globally named China among the top 3 sourcing geographies this year, compared to an overwhelming 96 percent in 2019.

Many companies especially those in textile and apparel have made supplier diversification a priority for a while, with Vietnam continuing to gain popularity as an alternative to China.

Among other Asian countries, Taiwan is emerging “an indisputable leader” as it enjoys overwhelming preference as a sourcing market among American companies.

The pandemic has also accelerated the need to reshore supply lines to the United States or near-shore to Latin and South America.

“Consistently ranking among China’s regional competitors, Vietnam continues to reap the most benefits of the continued mass exodus of Western buyers from China, with 40 percent of EU respondents and almost as many U.S. brands including Vietnam among their top sourcing regions,” the report stated.

“For U.S.-based companies, sourcing destinations closer to their home country continue to grow steadily, with the popularity of Latin and South America almost doubling compared to last year,” the Qima report stated.


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c5f3c8 No.99261

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538621 (051858ZSEP20) Notable: Gold bullion ownership shenanigans, sauce post and then summary, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: gold_bar_ETF_bullshit.png

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c5f3c8 No.99262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538636 (051859ZSEP20) Notable: Color Revolutions Mini-bun

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>>98941, >>98942, >>98943, >>98944, >>98946, >>98947, Transition Integrity Project: Is this Soros Linked Group Plotting a “Color Revolution” Against President Trump?

>>98892, >>98893, >>98894, >>98895, >>98897, Color revolution playbook http://www.softpanorama.org/Skeptics/Political_skeptic/Fifth_column/color_revolutions_playbook.shtml

>>98787, >>98808, >>98806, >>98805, >>98804, >>98801, >>98798, >>98814, >>98818, >>98827, >>98838, >>98839, >>98842, >>98849, >>98851, >>98864, >>98874, >>98875, >>98890, EXCELLENT WEBSITE FOR RESEARCH THAT HAS ARCHIVED NEWS ARTICLES AND INFORMATION ON COLOR REVOLUTIONS AND THE FIFTH COLUMN SINCE 2016 - FIFTH COLUMN

>>98745, >>98746, >>98747, >>98749, >>98751, >>98754, >>98755, >>98756, >>98758, >>98760, >>98761, >>98763, >>98764, >>98766, >>98779, >>98784, Evidence of a Color Revolution Underway in America with supporting pictures tying into Q FIFTH COLUMN post

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c5f3c8 No.99263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538659 (051904ZSEP20) Notable: DEVIL WORSHIP: Exposing Satan's Underground: Part 1 through 10

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If any anon hasn't seen Geraldo's special on satan worshiping cults then stop what you are doing and catch up.

This is what we are fighting.

DEVIL WORSHIP: Exposing Satan's Underground: Part 1 through 10










And by the way TED GUNDERSON (older anons best friend) is in this series.

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c5f3c8 No.99264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538666 (051904ZSEP20) Notable: The 3d U.S. Infantry, traditionally known as "The Old Guard," is the oldest active-duty infantry unit in the Army, serving our nation since 1784., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T19_04_28_749Z.png

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Meet the @USArmyOldGuard


The 3d U.S. Infantry, traditionally known as "The Old Guard," is the oldest active-duty infantry unit in the Army, serving our nation since 1784.

“Pride, Honor, History”


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c5f3c8 No.99265

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538676 (051907ZSEP20) Notable: Gold bullion ownership shenanigans, sauce post and then summary

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basically they tried to pass off that bar as part of the ETF holdings of GLD when it was not.

Got to have permission from the actual owners of said bar to even be let near it-they did not have any permission and then got BTFO when someone ran the actual serial number and it turned up owned by a different party.

They are so sloppy

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c5f3c8 No.99266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538677 (051907ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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c5f3c8 No.99267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538691 (051911ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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Mackenzie Phillips Confesses to 10-Year Consensual Sexual Relationship With Father

Stepmother doubts Phillips' drug-fueled incestuous relationship with rocker dad.


September 23, 2009, 5:02 AM

• 4 min read

Sept. 23, 2009 &ndash; Former child-star Mackenzie Phillips, whose life has been marred by drug abuse and arrests, confessed today that she engaged in a 10-year consensual sexual relationship with her father, rock star John Phillips.

Phillips, 49, the former star of '70s-'80s sitcom "One Day at a Time," told Oprah Winfrey that she was first raped by her father in a hotel room when she was 18 while passed out after a drug binge but continued to use drugs and have consensual sex with him for years.

The relationship continued long after she married Jeff Sessler when she was 19, and ended only when she became pregnant and feared her father was the baby's father, Phillips said. John Phillips, she said, paid for an abortion.

Reading an excerpt from her new book, "High on Arrival," on Winfrey's show today, Phillips said of her first sexual experience with her father: "I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my father. I don't know how it started."

She was raped by her father, lead singer of the Mamas and the Papas, in the hotel room in the late 1970s, Phillips said.

"For a moment, I was in my body for a horrible truth," she said of waking up and realizing she had had sex with her father.

"I boxed it away. I started very early on in my life compartmentalizing. ... This was the mother of all difficult experiences. ... I [have spent] the last 30 years trying not to look at it," she said.

Michelle Phillips, Mackenzie Phillips' stepmother and a member of the '60s group the Mamas and the Papas, told the Hollywood Reporter she believed the allegations were false.

Phillips said Mackenzie had "a lot of mental illness" and that "she's had a needle stuck up her arm for 35 years."

"Mackenzie is jealous of her siblings, who have accomplished a lot and did not become drug addicts," Michelle said.

Mackenzie Phillips told Winfrey she confronted her father about the rape, but he characterized their relationship as romantic, Mackenzie said.

"After the first experience, I went to my father and said we need to talk about how you raped me. My dad said: 'Raped you? Don't you mean made love?' In that moment, I thought I'm really on my own here."

In 1980, soon after she'd been fired from "One Day at a Time" because of her out-of-control drug use, Phillips began to travel with her father's new band, the New Mamas and the Papas. It was during that time, she said, that she began regularly doing drugs and having sex with her father.

"It didn't happen every day, it didn't happen every week, but it certainly happened and happened many times," she said.

Mackenzie Phillips Forgave Her Father

"It became a consensual relationship over time. I can't believe I'm the only one this happened to," she said.

"No matter what kind of incest, it is an abuse of power ... a betrayal of trust."

She forgave her father on his deathbed, but his death, in 2001, relaunched her abuse of drugs, Phillips said.

In excerpts from "High on Arrival" printed in People magazine, Phillips writes: "On the eve of my wedding, my father showed up, determined to stop it. I had tons of pills and dad had tons of everything too. Eventually I passed out on Dad's bed.

"I was a fragment of a person, and my secret isolated me," she writes, according to People. "One night Dad said, 'We could just run away to a country where no one would look down on us. There are countries where this is an accepted practice. Maybe Fiji.'"

Phillips was supposed to be reunited last year with her former television co-stars on the "Rachael Ray Show" but was arrested at Los Angeles International airport for possessing cocaine.

Former co-star Valerie Bertinelli learned of Phillip's incestuous relationship while backstage during the taping of the Winfrey show.

"You're only as sick as your secrets," Bertinelli told her old friend and said she regretted not being there to help Phillips earlier.

Phillips hails from a famous Hollywood family. Her sisters are singer-actress Bijou Phillips and Chynna Phillips. She has been married three times and has one son, born in 1997.

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c5f3c8 No.99268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538719 (051916ZSEP20) Notable: Harris on getting any COVID-19 vaccine before election: 'I would not trust Donald Trump'

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Harris on getting any COVID-19 vaccine before election: 'I would not trust Donald Trump'

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris said she would not take President Trump’s word about the efficacy of a potential coronavirus vaccine released before the November election.

In an interview with CNN set to air in full on Sunday, Harris said she was not confident that health officials would get the “last word” on the effectiveness of a vaccine.

“If past is prologue that they will not, they’ll be muzzled, they’ll be suppressed, they will be sidelined, because he’s looking at an election coming up in less than 60 days, and he’s grasping for whatever he can get to pretend that he’s been a leader on this issue when he’s not,” the California senator said.

“I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he's talking about,” she added.

BASH: "Let’s just say there’s a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it?"

HARRIS: "Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump... I will not take his word for it." #CNNSOTU pic.twitter.com/jhxtdvaMF1

— State of the Union (@CNNSotu) September 5, 2020

The remarks come amid concerns that the administration is pushing for a vaccine to be produced prior to Election Day to boost the president’s reelection bid. CNN reported Thursday that Trump has pressured officials to accelerate the development of a vaccine to portray the sense of a close end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also asked state governors last week to fast track applications for building permits for vaccine distribution sites that would be up and running in early November before Election Day.

Polling has shown voters remain skeptical of Trump’s word on a coronavirus vaccine, with only 14 percent in a Politico/Morning Consult poll last month saying that that’d be more likely to receive a COVID-19 vaccination if the president recommended it.

By comparison, 46 percent said they’d take one on the advice of their family and 43 percent said they would on the advice of the CDC or Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert.

“Too much of the evidence points to the Trump administration pressuring the [Food and Drug Administration] to approve a vaccine by Election Day to boost the President’s re-election campaign,” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement this week referencing a report from The Washington Post addressing the concerns.

“All Americans want a safe and effective vaccine as soon as possible, but if these important life and death decisions appear political, it will only undermine Americans’ confidence in a vaccine and prolong the pandemic.”

Officials have worked to downplay worries, with Fauci this week suggesting he’d trust health officials if they say a vaccine is safe.

“I mean I will look at the data and I would assume and I’m pretty sure it’s going to be the case that a vaccine would not be approved for the American public unless it was indeed both safe and effective. And I keep emphasizing both safe and effective. If that’s the case ... I would not hesitate for a moment to take the vaccine myself and recommend it for my family,” he said.


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c5f3c8 No.99269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538745 (051920ZSEP20) Notable: ICE Denver arrests child sex assault suspect at the airport

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ICE Denver arrests child sex assault suspect at the airport

Denver Justice Center failed to honor ICE detainer

DENVER —U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested an unlawfully present Honduran man charged with sexual assault on a child at Denver International Airport Sept. 4.

In February, Celin Villeda-Orellana, 33, was arrested by the Denver Police Department for sex assault on a child and ICE lodged an immigration detainer Feb. 11 with the Denver Justice Center. The document requested the DJC hold Villeda-Orellana briefly until ICE officers could pick him up prior to any planned release. DJC declined the detainer Feb. 21 and Villeda was released back into the community to reoffend.

“A man charged with hurting a child in such a heinous manner has been released from the Denver Justice Center and was found at the airport. How is it justice to the victims to release these types of criminals to the streets?” said John Fabbricatore, field office director, ERO Denver. “It is unconscionable to allow people like Villeda to be released and not honor our detainer while he potentially reenters the community to harm another child.”

Villeda was found Thursday at DIA and was arrested as part of Operation Noble Guardian.

Previously, Villeda entered the U.S. through Nogales, Arizona in April 2007 without being admitted by an immigration officer. ICE arrested Villeda in Chicago, Illinois Apr. 26, 2007. On Jun. 6, 2007, an immigration judge ordered him removed to Honduras and ERO officers removed him Jul. 19, 2007.

In November 2018, United States Border Patrol (USBP) arrested Villeda near Rio Grande, Arizona and he was issued a notice of intent to reinstate prior order (of removal) pursuant to Section 241(a)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. He was released in San Antonio Nov. 7 on an order of supervision due to him being part of a family unit.

Villeda is currently in ICE custody pending removal from the U.S.

Operation Noble Guardian is a focused effort by ICE to identify alien adults exploiting the U.S. border by arriving with a child in an effort to be deemed a family unit and avoid detention, and who then after securing entry into the U.S. subsequently return the child back to their native countries where they are frequently used again by other adults to then enter the U.S. again as an alleged family unit.


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c5f3c8 No.99270

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538789 (051926ZSEP20) Notable: Fifth Column of Neoliberal Globalization, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Fifth Column of Neoliberal Globalization


We will define "fifth column" as the "transnational" part of national elite along the lines of "The Revolt of the Elites" theory. There are other definitions. For example

The fifth column is the people in positions of power, who act in the interests of another state, and they are used as a tool to achieve foreign state political goals,"

Modus operandi of the US imperialism (which of course never calls itself imperialist state) was always to install some puppets/controlled government as away to rule a vassal state without making it outright colony. So they polishing fifth column concept to perfection, providing strong ties of part of the elite via education in US universities, via their technological achievements, via advertizing of American way of life and export of American culture and first of all Hollywood films and via their multinationals, many of them have world recognizable brands. As Merkel told US congress during her recent visit to the USa one of her dreams when she was young and living in German Democratic Republic was to get a pair of American jeans. This is how neoliberalism operated as well. It relies less of direct military intervention and more of putting nations into debt slavery. The contry is controlled by its own fifth column &ndash; a tiny strata of "globalised" elite

Previous consensus was that the national elite generally shares the idea that the society in which they live works best when all members of society can engage in upward mobility and improve their status via education and entrepreneurship. If there are adequate upward mobility channels, then most members of society perceive themselves as belonging to the same team and care about ensuring that that this team succeeds.

But in the new "internationalized" world dominated by transnational corporations, the notion that a company or corporate executive of transnational corporation or a professional (for example, IT professionals) working in such a corporation is bound by an allegiance to their country of origin and work for its benefit is passé.

Such elite is leaching the country using stronger neoliberal states as "protection racket" and hiding their stolen money in London, Zurich and New Your with full knowledge of their criminal behaviour (and often support as they represented interests of multinational in their native country) by government of such neoliberal states. London generally contains the most interesting and disgusting collection financial criminals from Russia which amazingly after crossing the border escaping prosecution instantly became freedom fighter.

The elites of today are more bound to one another and in case of executives to the transnational corporations they serve more to the country where this international corporation reside, then to country where they reside. And this effect is not limited to executives. For example many programmers read almost exclusively the US computer journals and media and that naturally affects their "social affiliation". This was true even in the time of the USSR, when access to foreign magazines was extremely difficult.

Also the fact that the greed on neoliberal oligarchy (especially financial) is just overwhelming and the possibility to get higher salary (sometimes in convertible currency) decimates all other considerations such as patriotism and moral obligations. Amorality became a norm and Randism became a new ideology of elite.

In a sense prols people outside the elite became just tools, not compatriots and their standard of living means nothing. Ukraine is a pretty telling example of such a country.

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c5f3c8 No.99271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538826 (051932ZSEP20) Notable: Flynn Files Joint Motion With DOJ: Requests Court Expedite A Ruling On DOJ’s Decision To Dismiss Case

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Flynn Files Joint Motion With DOJ: Requests Court Expedite A Ruling On DOJ’s Decision To Dismiss Case

Former National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn and the Department of Justice filed a motion late Friday to expedite his case after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit denied his petition for a writ of mandamus against Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is overseeing the case.

Flynn’s case has been a roller coaster ride since the former Special Counsel Robert Mueller targeted the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who went on to be a loyal and trusted member of Trump’s team in 2016.

Moreover, Flynn has been up against a behemoth of opposition from former Obama officials and Sullivan, who has acted more like a prosecutor than a judge. The circumstances surrounding Flynn’s case have led Trump, along with many others, to call for his exoneration. Evidence discovered over the past year by the DOJ’s Inspector General, Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, and an appointed counsel put in place by Attorney General William Barr reveal extensive malfeasance in the FBI’s handling of its investigation into the Trump campaign and Flynn.

The litany of evidence collected during the investigations led the Justice Department to request a dismissal Flynn’s case. Unfortunately, the request to dismiss the case was politicized by Judge Sullivan, who is overseeing Flynn’s case. He has been fighting the request and accusing Barr of intervening on behalf of Trump. Because of this, Sullivan appointed an amicus curiae, a friend of the court, to argue on his behalf as to why the case should not be dismissed until he reviews it further.

Powell fought back against Sullivan’s unusual actions but could not persuade the appellate court last week to order Sullivan to dismiss the case against Flynn based on the Justice Department’s motion to have his case dismissed.

In effect, Flynn and his family have faced an extraordinary ordeal over the past three years that has left the three-star general and war hero depleted of funds and emotionally strained.

“We look forward to getting a ruling on the government’s motion to dismiss as soon as possible,” Powell told SaraACarter.com. “Between the issues fully briefed for the Court of Appeals in which Judge Sullivan fully participated as if he were a party and the briefing already filed in his court, there is no reason for any delay.”

In the motion Powell and the Justice Department argue that it “is not necessary, however, for this Court to wait until September 21 to proceed with this case. The Court instead may, and should, set a schedule to resolve this case as soon as possible.”

“Indeed, in this very case, the Court allowed briefing on the government’s motion to dismiss to continue while General Flynn’s petition for mandamus was pending before the court of appeals panel…Accordingly, the Court need not wait for the issuance of the court of appeals’ mandate or for the formal termination of appellate court proceedings before deciding the government’s motion to dismiss,” the motion states.

The proposed hearing dates for the case are Sept. 23, 24, 28, or 29.”

Flynn update – the DOJ and Flynn have filed a motion to expedite the resolution of the case.

The parties "agree that this Court should resolve the pending motion to dismiss with dispatch."

Proposed hearing: Sept. 23, 24, 28, or 29.

Full doc: https://t.co/PdMkQRRSXA pic.twitter.com/knYirF1Jtk

— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) September 4, 2020


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c5f3c8 No.99272

File: fa811bba89ff839⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,664x360,83:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538863 (051937ZSEP20) Notable: 2017 Laurene Powell Jobs, owner of The Atlantic, with Kamala Harris, talking about how she is buying media to control the narrative. This was after the standard “Trump is racist” segment

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2017 - Laurene Powell Jobs, owner of The Atlantic, with Kamala Harris, talking about how she is buying media to control the narrative. This was after the standard “Trump is racist” segment


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c5f3c8 No.99273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538878 (051939ZSEP20) Notable: Psy Op Today, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Sep2020_Psych_Today.png, June2020_Psych_Today.png, Mar2020_Psych_Today.png, Mar2010_Psych_Today.png

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Psy Op Today

Psychology Today obviously invested in protecting, shapinig MSDNC group-think for the long term. Screen caps related.


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c5f3c8 No.99274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538881 (051940ZSEP20) Notable: Michael Scheuer, a former CIA agent and Georgetown adjunct professor who resigned under pressure due to his criticism of Israel, came out late last year as a Qanon supporter., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 982ovi08h.png, F7F7DB00_AC2E_44E0_98A9_7E1B3965E031_4_5005_c.jpeg, 2BA86D1B_33C5_4EB4_9505_D009619C1274_4_5005_c.jpeg

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Anons, I think I found something of note. Michael Scheuer, a former CIA agent and Georgetown adjunct professor who resigned under pressure due to his criticism of Israel, came out late last year as a Qanon supporter. While doing a quick dig into Scheuer, I came across another interesting nugget that relates to a recent Q post. In a 2009 debate against Alan Dershowitz and Dore Gold, Scheuer laid out his belief that a pro-Israel fifth column is subverting America. Scheuer has been quite vocal against the coup plotters undermining Trump, and the names he singles out are in line with his fifth column hypothesis.



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c5f3c8 No.99275

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538900 (051943ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Look at this propaganda designed to discredit us

How Facebook, Google algorithms feed on hate speech, rage

Radical posts or conspiracy theories always seem to float to the top of social media feedsand there could be a very deliberate and sinister reason why.

Notice how those unsavoury posts liked by some long-forgotten friend always seem to float to the top of your curated social media feeds?

Wonder how an incitement to violence can stay on your screen for days?

What about that infuriating conspiracy that keeps getting forced down your throat?

According to an Australian digital security researcher, it’s no bug. It’s a feature. It’s a subliminal mechanism designed to extract maximum revenue out of your inbox.

Zac Rogers, a researcher for JBC Digital Technology, Security and Governance, says the evidence is mounting that social media monopolies such as Facebook and Google actually need the powerful appeal of hate forums to energise their marketing algorithms.

“We are participating in a system whereby attention markets are being assembled by an algorithm, which fundamentally is optimising for more rage, more extremism, more violence, more hatred,” he says.



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c5f3c8 No.99276

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538916 (051946ZSEP20) Notable: BLACK LIVES MATTER FUNDING SOURCES AND INSTRUCTION GOOGLE DOCS EXPOSED

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>Interesting bread…

Well post whats of interest faggot.






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c5f3c8 No.99277

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10538925 (051948ZSEP20) Notable: Bernie Sanders: 'America Must Be Prepared When Trump Refuses to Leave Office'

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Bernie Sanders: 'America Must Be Prepared When Trump Refuses to Leave Office'

Every few days Democrats will trot out the tiresome charge that Donald Trump won’t leave office no matter what the result of the election.

Trump fans the flames of this charge by refusing to rule out a challenge if it’s close. What kind of an idiot would promise to leave office under circumstances that America is facing in 2020?

Joe Biden hasn’t promised to leave either. He was even encouraged by 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton to “never concede” the election.

New York Post:

Hillary Clinton has some advice for Joe Biden: If it is a close race on election night, do “not concede under any circumstances.”

In a clip from an interview with her former campaign staffer Jennifer Palmieri on Showtime’s docu-series “The Circus,” the failed 2016 presidential candidate was asked what she thought President Trump and the Republican Party would do if Biden triumphed in November.

Clinton outlined exactly the strategy that Republicans will use in a close election. It sounds a helluva lot like the Democrats’ strategy.

Clinton speculated the GOP would try “messing up absentee balloting” and would launch lengthy legal battles with an army of lawyers to contest the result. The Trump campaign has already begun suing states like New Jersey over their mail-in ballot plans.

“We’ve got to have a massive legal operation, and I know the Biden campaign is working on that,” Clinton says — predicting a bitter and messy election and urging fellow Democrats to not give “an inch.”

When Republicans do it — bad. When Democrats do it — good.

It sounds like Hillary is urging Biden not to give up. This is what Bernie Sanders is predicting Trump will do — except when Trump does it, it’s dirty politics.


“This is not just idle speculation,” said Sanders, pointing to comments the president made at the GOP convention. “Trump was saying that the only way he could lose the election is if there was — let me get the exact quote — ‘the only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election.’ Now he is making that statement at a time when virtually every national poll has him behind.”

The Vermont senator said Trump also signaled the possibility of refusing to concede after defeat in a July interview with FOX News’ Chris Wallace, in which he was asked whether he would accept the election results. Trump said, “I have to see. Look, you — I have to see. No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time, either.

Has anyone asked Joe Biden if he will “accept” the election results? Of course not. Biden will not concede anything until every mail-in ballot is counted — at least once. If past is prologue, they will keep “finding” ballots that had been “mislaid” by some unfortunate registrar. They will “find” these ballots until Biden is declared the winner.

Why should Trump concede under those circumstances, when Biden won’t either?

What Democrats are doing is sowing the seeds of doubt if the election result shows Trump winning. Trump is doing the same thing. It’s how the game is played and Democrats better stop playing “holier than thou” or we’re going to have a crisis the likes of which the U.S. has rarely seen.


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c5f3c8 No.99278

File: 0ad10f110b424e1⋯.jpg (626.21 KB,2000x1500,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539031 (052005ZSEP20) Notable: Trump Loves Our Veterans meme bun

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c5f3c8 No.99279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539037 (052006ZSEP20) Notable: Trump Loves Our Veterans meme bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: VeteransHousingTrumpAccomplishments.jpg, historic_accomplishments_veterans_1a.jpg, historic_accomplishments_veterans_2b.jpg, TrumpAccomplishmentsVeteransMedicalCare2YrAchievementsSquare.jpg, TrumpSuccessVeterans10175.jpg

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c5f3c8 No.99280

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539043 (052006ZSEP20) Notable: Trump Loves Our Veterans meme bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: TrumpSuccessVeterans10470.jpg, TrumpSuccessVeterans10486.jpg, TrumpSuccessVeterans10491.jpg, TrumpSuccessVeterans10502.jpg, Veterans10TrumpAccomplishments6.jpg

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c5f3c8 No.99281

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539045 (052006ZSEP20) Notable: Trump Loves Our Veterans meme bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: VeteransVATrumpAccomplishments4.jpg, Q_A_VeteransHotline_TrumpSuccess.jpg, VeteransHousingTrumpAccomplishments4.jpg, TrumpAccomplishmentsVeteransMedicalCare2YrAchievementsSquare9.jpg

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c5f3c8 No.99282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539052 (052009ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Did Fauci’s NIH Institute Financially Assist China’s Military?

How much US taxpayer money approved by Dr. Fauci has benefited the Chinese military?

U.S. patent number 8933106 entitled “2-(4-substituted phenylamino) polysubstituted pyridine compounds as inhibitors of non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase, preparation methods and uses thereof” is assigned to the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of China’s People’s Liberation Army.

One of the inventors of that patent, Shibo Jiang, is a graduate of the First and Fourth Medical University of the People’s Liberation Army, Xi’an, China.

He is a long-time collaborator with institutions associated with the Chinese military and, since 1997, a recipient of U.S. government research grants from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci.

In one of the two scientific references used to support the above-mentioned patent “Discovery of diarylpyridine derivatives as novel non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors,” Shibo Jiang is listed as a co-author, along with the four other inventors on the patent.

In the Acknowledgments section of that scientific publication, which supports the patent application, three separate NIAID grants are cited, two of which, AI46221 and AI33066, were awarded to co-inventors on the patent, Shibo Jiang and Kuo-Hsiung Lee, respectively.

Shibo Jiang and Kuo-Hsiung Lee are co-inventors on another U.S. patent, 8309602, also assigned to the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences of China’s People’s Liberation Army.

Although no scientific publications are listed in the 8309602 patent, you can compare the chemical compounds with those in “Diarylaniline Derivatives as a Distinct Class of HIV-1 Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors,” which has as co-authors all the co-inventors of the patent.

That research was also supported by three separate NIAID grants, two of which, AI46221 and AI33066, were awarded to co-inventors on the patent, Shibo Jiang and Kuo-Hsiung Lee, respectively.

NIAID funding of China’s military research programs does not appear to be restricted to those two patents.


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c5f3c8 No.99283

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539163 (052025ZSEP20) Notable: #13486

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>>99242, >>99245, >>99250, >>99246, >>99252, >>99259, >>99266, >>99275, >>99267, >>99282, Other News

>>99278, >>99279, >>99280, >>99281 Trump Loves Our Veterans meme bun

>>99258, >>99251 More information on Buckman Community Association, which supposedly owns land Portland rioters are camping on, according to one anon.

>>99261, >>99265 Gold bullion ownership shenanigans, sauce post and then summary

>>99241 Watch: Oregon Governor Refuses to Explain Why She Didn’t Condemn Antifa

>>99243 Donald Trump says he believes former chief of staff John Kelly is behind claims he called dead troops 'losers' and 'suckers'

>>99244 A suspected gas pipeline explosion at a mosque in Bangladesh killed 17 people and injured dozens as worshippers were about to end their prayers, officials said

>>99247 President @realDonaldTrump to be in Jupiter Tuesday to discuss his administration's conservation and environmental protection efforts in the area

>>99248 When the voices in your head are giving orders: Pentagon scientists say “talking laser” that beams messages directly into your head coming soon

>>99249 How funny is this: the mainstream media hates FNC until they find someone there who validates their opinions - then they poop their pants in hilarious unity.

>>99252 'I had no reason to question how old she was': Oscar-winning filmmaker Alexander Payne denies raping Rose McGowan when she was 15

>>99262 Color Revolutions Mini-bun

>>99253 Trump’s Pick for Afghanistan Ambassador Wants to Withdraw US Troops Immediately

>>99254 Four Marines Safe After Super Stallion Helicopter Catches Fire Mid-Flight

>>99255 Did a BLM Logo Creep Its Way Onto the Pages of a Local NJ Board of Elections Website?

>>99256 Saudis Reduce Oil Pricing in Sign Demand Recovery Is Struggling

>>99257 MOS is pissed Intel minister: We’ll act against sale of F-35s to UAE, including in US Congress

>>99260 TRUMPED: US Firms Move Supply Chains Out of China, Explore Options Closer to Home

>>99264 The 3d U.S. Infantry, traditionally known as "The Old Guard," is the oldest active-duty infantry unit in the Army, serving our nation since 1784.

>>99268 Harris on getting any COVID-19 vaccine before election: 'I would not trust Donald Trump'

>>99269 ICE Denver arrests child sex assault suspect at the airport

>>99270 Fifth Column of Neoliberal Globalization

>>99271 Flynn Files Joint Motion With DOJ: Requests Court Expedite A Ruling On DOJ’s Decision To Dismiss Case

>>99273 Psy Op Today

>>99274 Michael Scheuer, a former CIA agent and Georgetown adjunct professor who resigned under pressure due to his criticism of Israel, came out late last year as a Qanon supporter.

>>99272 2017 Laurene Powell Jobs, owner of The Atlantic, with Kamala Harris, talking about how she is buying media to control the narrative. This was after the standard “Trump is racist” segment

>>99277 Bernie Sanders: 'America Must Be Prepared When Trump Refuses to Leave Office'

>>99263 DEVIL WORSHIP: Exposing Satan's Underground: Part 1 through 10


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c5f3c8 No.99284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539275 (052034ZSEP20) Notable: CONFIRMED: The Leftist Atlantic Behind the Garbage Military Hit Piece on Trump — Is Owned by a Joe Biden Mega-Donor, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: mega_doner.png

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CONFIRMED: The Leftist Atlantic Behind the Garbage Military Hit Piece on Trump — Is Owned by a Joe Biden Mega-Donor

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c5f3c8 No.99285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539287 (052036ZSEP20) Notable: AUSTIN, Texas – Authorities in Texas confirmed to ABC News they are responding to "multiple distress calls" and "a few boats have sunk" where a "boat parade" in support of President Donald Trump was being held Saturday afternoon., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T20_36_04_565Z.png

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AUSTIN, Texas &ndash; Authorities in Texas confirmed to ABC News they are responding to "multiple distress calls" and "a few boats have sunk" where a "boat parade" in support of President Donald Trump was being held Saturday afternoon.

The incidents were reported at Lake Travis in Travis County, home of the state capital Austin.


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c5f3c8 No.99286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539315 (052039ZSEP20) Notable: Meadows on Barr prior to Horowitz report.

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to be honest, its not that complicated.

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c5f3c8 No.99287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539331 (052042ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Study Shows that More than 90% of Cases Tested COVID-Positive Are Wrongly Diagnosed!

Even a broken clock is right two times a day. The New York Times of all places released their one honest article this year that shows that the majority of those who tested positive for the China coronavirus were misdiagnosed.

The Redstate shared the results of a recent study reported at the New York Times:

The New York Times just reported something incredible.

You know those standard PCR tests for the COVID-19 virus that everybody in America has been rushing out to get? Well, according to the Times, they’re “diagnosing huge numbers of people who may be carrying relatively insignificant amounts of the virus” and “are not likely to be contagious.”

In fact, when they looked at three sets of testing data from Massachusetts, New York, and Nevada, the Times says that, because of faulty procedures used at every single testing site in the country, “up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus” at all.

The experts they talked to were astonished that such cases are even getting classified as infections.

Not surprising since, as we’ll see, in the first of many curious understatements about how bad the scandal they’re reporting on really is, the research the Times cites actually suggests that those bogus positive tests they discovered were given to people carrying no virus whatsoever, not just insignificant amounts, as they report. And they’re upper bound of 90% for bogus positives is likely too low as well.

After billions spent on these tests it appears that the US wasted a lot of money.

No wonder as the number of tests increases, the number of individuals identified with the virus increases but the number of hospitalizations and deaths decreases. As we previously posted, the increased testing is a bit insane and probably should have been more directed:


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c5f3c8 No.99288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539356 (052045ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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Russia Not Interested in Arms Race, Defence Minister Says

According to the Russian military, NATO has increased its aerial surveillance efforts near the Russian border by 30 percent compared to the previous year.

Russia is not interested in an arms race, but is forced to combat capabilities in response to unfriendly actions by NATO, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Saturday.

"All measures taken are aimed exclusively at strengthening the defense, are limited in scale and correspond to modern military dangers", Shoigu told reporters. "We are not interested in the arms race. To reduce tensions, we intend to adhere to the maximum openness regarding military activity", the minister said adding that the relevant information is being posted on the Defence Ministry's website, while briefings are held for military attaches and media.

Shoigu pointed out that Russia had offered NATO a reduction in the number of drills amid the pandemic to prevent further difficulties, but the alliance responded negatively.

"The military leadership of Russia has repeatedly proposed to agree on joint measures in order to prevent further complications in relations", Shoigu said.

According to the minister, these measures include transferring military drills to the inland exercise areas from the contact line between Russia and NATO, agreeing on the minimum permissible distance of approach of ships and aircraft, reducing the number of exercises and other activities of the Russian armed forces and the joint armed forces of NATO during the pandemic.

"These initiatives are still relevant. However, Brussels perceives them negatively. NATO is not yet ready to work together constructively to enhance regional stability", Shoigu added.

The minister said that the North Atlantic Alliance has recently intensified its aerial surveillance efforts.

"The intensity of NATO's air reconnaissance near the Russian border increased by more than 30 percent compared to the last year, in August of the last year, [there were] 87 flights, now about 120", Shoigu told reporters following the end of the International Army Games.

According to the minister, from 23 August to 2 September, Russian jets were scrambled at least 10 times to intercept foreign planes over the Baltic, Barents, and Black seas.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in late August that Moscow has repeatedly offered NATO to start de-escalating military tensions, but the alliance has not demonstrated its readiness for similar steps. "Russia has already abandoned large-scale exercises near the borders of NATO countries, and moved large-scale military drills inland", Lavrov said.

Shoigu expressed hopes that the alliance's stance would change in the future.


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c5f3c8 No.99289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539373 (052046ZSEP20) Notable: Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland

Portland police made multiple arrests overnight on Friday during what one independent journalist described as a "violent Antifa riot". Nearly 100 days have passed since the unrest started, and it looks like the seemingly professional class of demonstrators keeping the unrest alive aren't slowing down at all.

The night after the suspect in a fatal shooting - a suspect who once described himself on camera as "100% Antifa" - was himself gunned down after pulling a gun on the cops who came to arrest him, violent rioters in Portland once again came out to attack federal property.

According to Reuters, police arrested 27 people, mostly on charges of interfering with law enforcement or disorderly conduct. Many were arrested for throwing projectiles at officers.

"Officers began to make targeted arrests and in some cases moved the crowd back and kept them out of the street,” according to a press released issued on Saturday.

Here's a more in-depth description of the protest from the AP, which said a few hundred demonstrators participated. The demonstrators ultimately tried to target the Portland Police Association building.

A few hundred demonstrators had met at Kenton Park before making their way to the Portland Police Association building, where officers warned protesters to stay off the streets and private property. Those who refused could be subject to citation, arrest, the use of tear gas, crowd-control agents or impact munitions, police said.

Around midnight, police ran down the street, pushing protesters out of the area, knocking people down and arresting those who they say were not following orders — as some people were being detained, they were pinned to the ground and blood could be seen marking the pavement. Law enforcement officers used smoke devices and shot impact munitions and stun grenades while trying to get the crowd to disperse, The Oregonian reported.

The Portland Police Bureau issued a statement Saturday morning, saying some officers reported that rocks, a full beverage can and water bottles had been thrown at them, prompting police to declare the gathering an unlawful assembly.

Police said at one woman who was detained was bleeding from an abrasion on her head, and she was treated by medics at the scene before being transported by an ambulance. The Portland Police Bureau said she jumped out of the ambulance and ran away before it left the scene, however.

Most of those arrested were arrested on suspicion of interfering with a peace officer or disorderly conduct, police said.

Portland wasn't alone: violence, vandalism and looting swept across Rochester and NYC last night, too.


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c5f3c8 No.99290

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539389 (052048ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Macron: 'To Be French Is to Defend the Right to Mock'

French President Emmanuel Macron told an audience gathered to witness a naturalization ceremony that “To be French is to defend the right to laugh, jest, mock and caricature, of which Voltaire maintained that it is the source of all other rights.”

There is not an American politician on the left who would dare utter such apostasy. There are many young people who think they should have the right not to allow anyone to hurt their feelings — First Amendment be damned. Some believe it should be illegal to mock anyone’s race or ethnic heritage, their sexual orientation, or the sex they’ve chosen for themselves. White males? Well, no one much cares if their feelings are hurt or not.

Macron was speaking at the Pantheon, where, 150 years ago, the Third Republic was founded. Today, he used the occasion to blast Islamic extremism. The trial of more than a dozen accused accomplices in the bloody 2015 Charlie Hebo massacre began on Friday, so the contrast with a fundamentalist religion that will kill you for mocking the prophet was clear.

Associated Press:

French President Emmanuel Macron criticized Friday what he called “Islamic separatism” in his country and those who seek French citizenship without accepting France’s “right to commit blasphemy.”

Macron defended satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which published caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that helped inspire two French-born Islamic extremists to mount a deadly January 2015 attack on the paper’s newsroom.

The weekly republished the images this week as the trial began of 14 people over the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and on a kosher supermarket.


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c5f3c8 No.99291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539401 (052049ZSEP20) Notable: Other News

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Lebanese Army Intelligence Arrested ISIS Cell Linked To Recent Attack

On September 5, the Lebanese Armed Forces announced that its Intelligence Directorate had arrested the members of a terrorist cell linked to ISIS.

In an official statement, the armed forces said the cell’s members were arrested in a series of security operations in the North and Beqaa provinces. The cell’s members received military training and gathered weapons, which were seized by the armed forces. They also carried out a series of thefts to finance their operations.

“The eradication of this cell comes in the framework of preemptive operations and permanent follow-up of terrorist organizations and cells associated with them,” the statement reads.

The Lebanese Armed Forces revealed that the cell was led by none other than wanted terrorist “Khaled Al-Talawi,” who is still on the run.

Al-Talawi was reportedly involved the August 21 Kaftoun attack. The son of the northern town’s mayor, Alaa Fares, and two police officers, Fadi Sarkis and George Sarkis were killed in the attack that was carried out by gunmen riding a car owned by al-Talawi.

The arrest of the cell will likely reveal new information on Kaftoun attack, which may have been carried out on ISIS orders.


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c5f3c8 No.99292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539428 (052052ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Taliban Say Team In Qatar For Afghan Peace Talks

The Taliban's negotiating team has arrived in Qatar, a spokesman said Saturday, in a sign that long-delayed peace talks with the Afghan government are inching closer to starting.

A date for the talks, to be hosted in Doha, has not been set but the warring sides have this week signalled that negotiations could launch soon, following efforts to wrap up a drawn out prisoner exchange.

"All members of our negotiating team have arrived in Doha. The talks will begin once some small technical issues are resolved," Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told AFP.

US special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad traveled to Doha on Friday, the State Department said, in another sign that talks could be imminent.

"The Afghan people are ready for a sustainable reduction in violence and a political settlement that will end the war," the department said in a statement.

"Afghan leaders must seize this historic opportunity for peace. All sides have taken important steps to remove obstacles for the start of IAN. Now is the time to start," it added, referring to Intra-Afghan Negotiations.

The Taliban team had recently been in Pakistan discussing the peace process with the government in Islamabad.


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c5f3c8 No.99293

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539446 (052055ZSEP20) Notable: Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Oregon_Crud.jpg

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>Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland

Oregon Crud cleanup takes some time.

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c5f3c8 No.99294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539451 (052055ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Rioters Destroy and Torch St. John’s Church in DC — Then Are Asked to Come Back and Paint Race-Based Murals on Torched Church, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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BLM Rioters Destroy and Torch St. John’s Church in DC — Then Are Asked to Come Back and Paint Race-Based Murals on Torched Church

This is sick.

Black Lives Matter DESTROYED and TORCHED the historic St. John’s Church in Washington DC in late May.

St. John’s was designed by noted architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe to serve Episcopalians in the neighborhoods in the western end of Washington. The cornerstone of St. John’s was set on September 14, 1815.

Beginning with James Madison, until the present, every President of the United States has attended a service at St. John’s Church.

BLM torched it.

This weekend the church will reward lawlessness and destruction.

St. John’s Church leaders invited Black Lives Matter to paint race-based themes on the boarded up church this weekend.

They did not ask for Christian themes — they asked for racial themes.

Beginning with James Madison, until the present, every person who has held the office of President of the United States has attended a service at St. John’s.


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c5f3c8 No.99295

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539493 (052059ZSEP20) Notable: Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

The pastor of a New York City, Jesuit-led Roman Catholic parish is asking his parishioners to recite a “pledge for racial justice” during Mass that affirms “white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled.”

In the video below, Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J., pastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier, asks parishioners to recite the “pledge for racial justice” after communion:

The parish notes on its website the pledge came from the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, Texas, and was “revised” by St. Francis Xavier.

The pledge states the parish “joins with people throughout the world, in committing itself to racial justice” and asks parishioners to respond “yes” to these questions:

DO YOU SUPPORT justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

DO YOU AFFIRM that white privilege is unfair and harmful to those who have it and to those who do not.

DO YOU AFFIRM that white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled wherever it is present?

DO YOU SUPPORT racial equity, justice, and liberation for every person.

DO YOU AFFIRM the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Therefore, from this day forward . . .

WILL YOU strive to understand more deeply the injustice and suffering white privilege and white supremacy cause?

WILL YOU COMMIT to help transform our church culture to one that is actively engaged in seeking racial justice and equity for everyone.

WILL YOU make a greater effort to treat all people with the same respect you expect to receive.

WILL YOU COMMIT to developing the courage to live your beliefs and values of racial justice and equality.

WILL YOU strive daily to eliminate racial prejudice from your thoughts and actions so that you can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church.

WILL YOU renew and honor this pledge daily, knowing that our church, our community, our nation, and our world will be better places because of my efforts.

The parish conducts a workshop titled, “Dismantling Racism,” one part of which is intended “for white people to better understand white privilege.”

Kara Dansky, a former senior counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and meditation instructor, leads the program.

In a statement sent to Breitbart News, Boller wrote St. Francis Xavier “has striven to be inclusive and respectful of all people in a conscious and purposeful way.”

He added:

Over the years this has led to the establishment of the Xavier Mission with its outreach to feeding, clothing and sheltering the homeless, establishing a strong program of spiritual direction to help parishioners deepen their prayer life, providing a spiritual home to members of the LBGTQ+ community and many other initiatives. All these initiatives emanate from our commitment to putting Catholic social teaching into practice through works of charity and acts of peace and justice.

Boller said his parish has been focused on the issue of racism for the past two years.

“After the death of George Floyd, the Church of St. Francis Xavier wished to be even more pro-actively anti-racist,” he continued, adding the parish recently held a prayer service for “victims of racism” and erected a display to draw more attention to the issue.


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c5f3c8 No.99296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539544 (052105ZSEP20) Notable: Bombshell Cover Up: Records Admittedly Deleted Concerning VP Biden Sexual Assault of Secret Service Agent’s GF Allegations, Judicial Watch Sues, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Bombshell Cover Up: Records Admittedly Deleted Concerning VP Biden Sexual Assault of Secret Service Agent’s GF Allegations, Judicial Watch Sues

OPINION – Conservative government watchdog group Judicial Watch, who has done more to expose Spygate than anyone in the federal government to date, has announced they are filing a new lawsuit in hopes of obtaining some answers after the Secret Service apparently admitted to deleting documentation concerning an altercation that took place at a photo op, after Joe Biden allegedly cupped the breast of a Secret Service agent’s girlfriend, Illicit Info Opinion Blog reports.

From Judicial Watch:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for records that the Secret Service claims to have destroyed related to a reported physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:20-cv-02457)).

The lawsuit was filed after the Secret Service failed to respond to a July 14, 2020 administrative appeal challenging its claim that all files related to the 2009 altercation, “ha[d] been destroyed,” due to “retention standards.”

On March 29, 2020, the Gateway Pundit republished a 2017 report alleging that an unidentified Secret Service agent was suspended for a week in 2009 for “shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him.” “The situation got so heated … that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President,” according to the report.

Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, made on May 12, 2020, sought:


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c5f3c8 No.99297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539614 (052119ZSEP20) Notable: Just updated this folder with all the memes we had on Trump Successes re: veterans & military.

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Just updated this folder with all the memes we had on Trump Successes re: veterans & military.

* Trump Successes v2Hundreds of topics usable NOW (3Q 2020) to promote successful Trump policies & actions. Veterans. Farmers. Economic prosperity for all. Opportunity zones. Drinking water. Infrastructure. Healthcare. Freedom of Religion. Tax reform/reduction. Trade schools. Funding for Historically Black Colleges. Paid family leave. US-Canada-Mex trade agreement (USMCA). Energy. Medical price disclosure. Environment. Native Americans, and so many moar.https://mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA — 28-Aug-2020 — 395 images — 85M

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c5f3c8 No.99298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539622 (052120ZSEP20) Notable: Study: America Hit By Roughly 550 Violent Demonstrations In Three Months, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Study: America Hit By Roughly 550 Violent Demonstrations In Three Months

Data gathered in a Thursday study suggested that the U.S. experienced nearly 550 violent demonstrations since May 26, the day after the death of George Floyd.

The vast majority of U.S. states have experienced riots in the past three months with Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Mississippi, West Virginia, Hawaii and Alaska being the only ones unscathed by violence, according to data gathered by The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED).

There were a total of 7,750 Black Lives Matter-linked demonstrations in the U.S. in 2,440 locations across all 50 states, according to ACLED’s data.

Ninety-three percent of these demonstrations were peaceful, but that indicated that approximately 543 events were violent, according to ACLED’s statistics.

Violent demonstrations have largely been contained to 220 locations with Portland being the hardest hit location, the data show.

There have been 38 incidents where riots damaged or brought down historical statues. Law enforcement deployed non-lethal munitions in 54% of the demonstrations where they were present, ACLED reported. A total of 5% of BLM protests have been met with force from officers, data showed. (RELATED: ‘A Gut Punch,’ ‘We Just Feel Abandoned’: Police Union Execs Sound Off About Lack Of Morale That They Say Is Resulting From Politicians)

ACLED also claimed that 50 incidents across the country in the past three months have featured armed individuals, and BLM protests have been recorded in South America, Africa, Asia and several violent demonstrations have been reported in Europe.


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c5f3c8 No.99299

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539640 (052122ZSEP20) Notable: Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne Will Be 1st Living Delta Force Member to Receive Medal of Honor, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne Will Be 1st Living Delta Force Member to Receive Medal of Honor

Seconds after U.S. military helicopters landed on their objective, Army commandos knew their mission to rescue 70 Islamic State-held hostages was off to a chaotic start.

"Ramp drops; it's complete brown-out, part of the compound was already in a pretty intense firefight," Sgt. Maj. Thomas "Patrick" Payne recalled in a video interview released by the Army this month.

Then-Sgt. 1st Class Payne was the assistant team leader of a group of operators attached to 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, which joined Kurdish commandos on a Oct. 22, 2015, nighttime raid to liberate Iraqi hostages from the ISIS prison compound in the northern town of Hawija.

Fierce close-quarters fighting during the raid claimed the life of Payne's teammate, Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler, before the hostages were freed. For his actions that day, Payne will become the first living Delta Force member to receive the Medal of Honor, multiple sources confirmed to Military.com. Army officials have identified Payne as a Ranger, but they have not publicly confirmed his affiliation with the elite and highly secretive Delta Force.

Before the mission began, Payne's team spent an entire week planning and rehearsing, according to an Army account of the operation. The mission received a green light when intelligence showed the hostages' lives were in imminent danger.

"What was significant was, there were freshly dug graves, and if we didn't action this target, then the hostages would probably have been executed," Payne said in the video interview.

Payne's team was responsible for clearing one of the buildings in the compound.

"As we maneuvered to the building, we threw up the ladders," Payne said. "The other part of my team went over to their blocking position; that's when we heard that there was a man down, and it was Master Sgt. Josh Wheeler."

The momentum stalled briefly when Kurdish forces hesitated at the breach point of the building.

"That's when one of my teammates looked them right in the eye and said, 'follow me,'" Payne said. "We cut the locks on the prison doors and opened the cell.

"There were over 25 hostages in one cell and probably 11 in the other and you see their faces light up and they are being liberated."

But the fight was far from over, Payne recalled, his demeanor calm and almost gentle.


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c5f3c8 No.99300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539674 (052130ZSEP20) Notable: Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders' Call For Regime Change Plan To Force Trump From Office, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders' Call For Regime Change Plan To Force Trump From Office

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democratic Party leaders claim that US President Donald Trump will appear to win on election night only to lose once millions of mail-in votes are counted. They say he is already laying the ground to claim ballot fraud and refuse to concede defeat.

US Democratic Party Senate leader Chuck Schumer has backed Bernie Sanders' call for a plan for the "nightmarish scenario" of President Donald Trump refusing to concede in November's election.

Vermont Senator Sanders is the latest Democrat to claim Trump will refuse to accept defeat if he loses the election scheduled for November 3, in an interview with website Politico.

"This is not just idle speculation," Sanders insisted, quoting the presidents comments at the Republican National Convention in August. "Trump was saying... ‘the only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election’."

"What we have got to do in the next two months is to alert the American people about what that nightmarish scenario might look like in order to prepare them for that possibility and talk about what we do if that happens," Sanders warned. "This is not just a ‘constitutional crisis.’ This is a threat to everything this country stands for."

In recent week, Democrats including former president Bill Clinton and failed candidates Al Gore and Hillary Clinton claim that Trump might win based on votes cast at polling stations, only to lose when millions of postal votes are counted over the following weeks.


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c5f3c8 No.99301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539734 (052137ZSEP20) Notable: Get Ready fo COVID-19 FEMA Camps, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Get Ready fo COVID-19 FEMA Camps

As our long national nightmare of “15 days to flatten the curve” drags into its sixth (sixth!) month, many of our nation’s governors and bureaucrats are inventing new ways to wield their power.

On August 31, without much fanfare and with almost news coverage, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R-Lost His Way) ordered Interim Director of Health Lance M. Himes to amend the insidious (and unconstitutional) health order the state’s citizens have been suffering under since March to create what amounts to FEMA camps. The order purports to “avoid an imminent threat with a high probability of widespread exposure to COVID-19 with a significant risk of substantial harm to a large number of people in the general population, including the elderly and people with weakened immune systems and chronic medical conditions.”

Never mind that deaths and hospitalizations have been on the decline in Ohio since July 1.

DeWine has been using an archaic sentence in the Ohio Revised Code, which gives the health director “ultimate authority” during a pandemic, to order everything from shutdowns to a statewide mask order to school closings. Several of these orders have been overturned by judges who have ruled them unconstitutional, but that hasn’t stopped DeWine from continuing to pile more orders onto the original abomination.

The latest order involves the construction and use of what are essentially FEMA camps to isolate individuals “who are unable to safely self-quarantine in their place of residence and to isolate those diagnosed with or showing symptoms of COVID-19.”

The order gives examples of the circumstances that might lead to confinement (internment?) in a camp.

Examples of the types of persons included in this order are those who test positive for COVID-19 who do not require hospitalization but need isolation (including those exiting from hospitals); those who have been exposed to COVID-19 who do not require hospitalization; and asymptomatic high-risk individuals needing social distancing as a precautionary measure.

The language in the order mirrors the text of a Frequently Asked Question section about non-congregate sheltering on FEMA’s website outlining FEMA’s support for such measures.

The State of Ohio, and likely many other states, entered into an agreement with FEMA in March, “authorizing applicants to apply for emergency protective measures including non-congregate sheltering.”

Whether or not individuals testing positive for COVID-19 will be required to “shelter” in these camps is to be “determined by a local public health official’s direction or guidance and should be based on individual needs.”

The order is vague enough to give local mini-dictators plenty of reason to believe they have the power to order people into these camps… er… shelters.

DeWine plans to make these facilities a reality by ordering the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (EMA) to:

…secure the necessary approvals for the use of non-congregate sheltering statewide and local government agencies should take all necessary actions to identify both public and private facilities, secure available space, and enter into any contracts or mutual aid agreements that may be necessary to procure, equip, and operate non-congregate shelters throughout the state. In the event state officials determine there is a need for the state to operate a non-congregate shelter, the Ohio EMA shall coordinate with the appropriate state entities.


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c5f3c8 No.99302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539848 (052151ZSEP20) Notable: 12-year-old boy suspended, cops called to his home, over plastic toy gun seen in virtual class

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12-year-old boy suspended, cops called to his home, over plastic toy gun seen in virtual class

A Colorado middle schooler has been suspended from school for briefly holding a toy gun at his home, nowhere near his actual school, while logged into his virtual class.

In a country where the right to bear arms is enshrined in the constitution, the anxiety surrounding gun-like toys has always seemed strange – especially when the toy gun is clearly a brightly-colored plastic toy that hardly resembles a real firearm.

And now, a Colorado middle schooler has been suspended from school for briefly holding a toy gun at his home, nowhere near his actual school, while logged into his virtual class.

Isaiah Elliott, 12, is a student at Grand Mountain K8, a grade school just south of Colorado Springs.

On Thursday, Aug. 27, the seventh grader was sitting at his computer attending his online art class when his teacher briefly saw a neon green and black handgun flash across the screen. The orange-tipped toy had the words “Zombie Hunter” printed on the side.

The teacher quickly notified a school administrator, who suspended the boy for five days and called the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a welfare check on the child without so much as notifying his parents.

“It was really frightening and upsetting for me as a parent, especially as the parent of an African-American young man, especially given what’s going on in our country right now,” said the boy’s father, Curtis Elliott, in an interview with KDVR.

According to the sheriff’s report, the art teacher “said she assumed it was a toy gun but was not certain.” In recorded footage from the class held on Zoom, Isaiah can be seen flashing the toy across the screen “for maybe one or two seconds at the most.”

Isaiah is also traumatized after sheriff’s deputies told him that his behavior could have led to criminal charges, the parents say. The Elliotts now plan on transferring him to another school.

“It would’ve been a lot easier for me to understand if my son had made a threat,” said Isaiah’s mother, Danielle Elliott, who is furious over her son’s ordeal.

“For them to go as extreme as suspending him for five days, sending the police out, having the police threaten to press charges against him because they want to compare the virtual environment to the actual in-school environment is insane,” she explained.

“If her main concern was his safety, a two-minute phone call to me or my husband could easily have alleviated this whole situation to where I told them it was fake,” Danielle Elliott added.

The parents also weren’t allowed to view the video recording of the incident, which district officials refused to disclose following their requests.

A sheriff’s deputy, however, showed the boy’s father the footage that he had recorded with his body-worn camera. In the footage, Isaiah Elliott can be seen momentarily lifting the toy that was sitting at his right side and moving it to his left side, inadvertently flashing the toy in front of his camera.

He was clearly not brandishing the toy gun or even attempting to show it to his virtual classmates, Curtis Elliott said. The parents maintain that the response was entirely disproportionate to the supposed offense – especially when the school involved police in the matter.

“He was in tears when the cops came. He was just in tears. He was scared. We all were scared. I literally was scared for his life,” said Curtis Elliott. “The virtual setting is not the same as the school setting … He did not take the toy gun to school. He’s in the comfort of his own home. It’s a toy.”

The parents still shudder at the thought of law enforcement officers potentially overreacting to the possibility of a young Black boy wielding a firearm.

“I definitely feel they crossed the line,” said Danielle Elliott. “They were extreme with their punishment, especially sending the police out and traumatizing my son and my family.”

“Especially with the current events, with Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy getting killed over a toy gun, you know these things are very scary and they’re very real,” she told KOAA in a separate interview. “This is not the first time my son has faced racism or discrimination or anything like that.”

The school district is now being inundated on social media by critical comments over the matter. The district has denied its response was driven by racial discrimination but admits that it recorded the virtual class without parental consent.

“We follow all school board policies whether we are in-person learning or distance learning,” the district said in a statement. “We take the safety of all our students and staff very seriously. Safety is always our number one priority.”


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c5f3c8 No.99303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539868 (052154ZSEP20) Notable: Other News, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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Covid-19 tests may be detecting traces of DEAD virus, giving ‘false positives’ and EXAGGERATING pandemic – research

New research has discovered that coronavirus tests may be finding dead traces from weeks-old infections, resulting in false positives that inflate the scale of the pandemic.

The study was carried out by experts from the University of Oxford’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and the University of the West of England. It found there was a risk of “false positives” because of how Covid-19 testing is being conducted.

The scientists discovered that, despite people with Covid-19 being infectious for only around a week, one test used to detect the disease can still give a positive reading weeks after the patient has recovered.

The team examined 25 studies on the widely used polymerase chain reaction test, which is used to determine if someone has the virus in their system. The test takes a sample from a suspected Covid-19 case and uses a process that increases the amount of DNA, or genetic material, in the sample, to enable it to be examined.

The research found that the tests can amplify coronavirus genetic material that is not a viable virus and no longer capable of causing an infection.

Professor Carl Heneghan, one of the authors of the study, said there was a risk that a surge in testing across the UK was increasing the risk of this sample contamination occurring and it may explain why the number of Covid-19 cases is rising but the number of deaths is static.

“Evidence is mounting that a good proportion of ‘new’ mild cases and people re-testing positives after quarantine or discharge from hospital are not infectious, but are simply clearing harmless virus particles which their immune system has efficiently dealt with,” he wrote in The Spectator magazine.

Professor Heneghan said an “international effort” was required to avoid “the dangers of isolating non-infectious people or whole communities”.


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c5f3c8 No.99304

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10539981 (052207ZSEP20) Notable: #13487,

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>>99292, >>99287, >>99288, >>99291, >>99290, >>99303, Other News

>>99289, >>99293 Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland

>>99284 CONFIRMED: The Leftist Atlantic Behind the Garbage Military Hit Piece on Trump — Is Owned by a Joe Biden Mega-Donor

>>99285 AUSTIN, Texas – Authorities in Texas confirmed to ABC News they are responding to "multiple distress calls" and "a few boats have sunk" where a "boat parade" in support of President Donald Trump was being held Saturday afternoon.

>>99286 Meadows on Barr prior to Horowitz report.

>>99294 BLM Rioters Destroy and Torch St. John’s Church in DC — Then Are Asked to Come Back and Paint Race-Based Murals on Torched Church

>>99295 Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

>>99296 Bombshell Cover Up: Records Admittedly Deleted Concerning VP Biden Sexual Assault of Secret Service Agent’s GF Allegations, Judicial Watch Sues

>>99297 Just updated this folder with all the memes we had on Trump Successes re: veterans & military.

>>99298 Study: America Hit By Roughly 550 Violent Demonstrations In Three Months

>>99299 Sgt. Maj. Thomas Payne Will Be 1st Living Delta Force Member to Receive Medal of Honor

>>99300 Chuck Schumer Backs Bernie Sanders' Call For Regime Change Plan To Force Trump From Office

>>99301 Get Ready fo COVID-19 FEMA Camps

>>99302 12-year-old boy suspended, cops called to his home, over plastic toy gun seen in virtual class


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c5f3c8 No.99305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540052 (052216ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 150b2744ed76c7dd09d312db67d182315919d8f7b5db1a6dbb142ff8c4a9cfce.jpg

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>>>/qresearch/10540031 ty baker

also this


Democrats are trying to STEAL #Trump2020 Election with Mail in Voter Fraud. Further, Democrat ran states have mass mailed 100's of thousands of unsolicited ballots (Spam) in an effort to do so. These ballots are ending up God knows where. Dumpsters, Ballot harvesters, Democrats only… Our Goal is to Let the People Know that #MailInVoting is a Hoax and to #GOVOTE.



Comment #GoVote #VoteInPerson and Redpill on this thread (DO NOT RT)


Redpill #GoVote material https://qanonbin.com/paste/jQn8TkB4q

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c5f3c8 No.99306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540076 (052219ZSEP20) Notable: Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: catholic_spring_wikileaks_hrc_podesta_16yrPlan.png

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Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

The pastor of a New York City, Jesuit-led Roman Catholic parish is asking his parishioners to recite a “pledge for racial justice” during Mass that affirms “white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled.”

In the video below, Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J., pastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier, asks parishioners to recite the “pledge for racial justice” after communion:


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c5f3c8 No.99307

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540083 (052219ZSEP20) Notable: Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

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The parish notes on its website the pledge came from the First Unitarian Church of Dallas, Texas, and was “revised” by St. Francis Xavier.

The pledge states the parish “joins with people throughout the world, in committing itself to racial justice” and asks parishioners to respond “yes” to these questions:

DO YOU SUPPORT justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.

DO YOU AFFIRM that white privilege is unfair and harmful to those who have it and to those who do not.

DO YOU AFFIRM that white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled wherever it is present?

DO YOU SUPPORT racial equity, justice, and liberation for every person.

DO YOU AFFIRM the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Therefore, from this day forward . . .

WILL YOU strive to understand more deeply the injustice and suffering white privilege and white supremacy cause?

WILL YOU COMMIT to help transform our church culture to one that is actively engaged in seeking racial justice and equity for everyone.

WILL YOU make a greater effort to treat all people with the same respect you expect to receive.

WILL YOU COMMIT to developing the courage to live your beliefs and values of racial justice and equality.

WILL YOU strive daily to eliminate racial prejudice from your thoughts and actions so that you can better promote the racial justice efforts of our church.

WILL YOU renew and honor this pledge daily, knowing that our church, our community, our nation, and our world will be better places because of my efforts.

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c5f3c8 No.99308

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540089 (052221ZSEP20) Notable: Malaysia drops criminal charges against Goldman Sachs over looting of state fund after Wall Street bank coughs up BILLIONS

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Malaysia drops criminal charges against Goldman Sachs over looting of state fund after Wall Street bank coughs up BILLIONS

Goldman Sachs will not face criminal charges over its alleged role in the theft of billions of dollars from Malaysia’s government investment fund, 1MDB, after the Wall Street bank agreed to pay $4 billion in compensation.

The bank and its units were acquitted of all charges filed by Malaysia, High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan announced on Friday, as cited by state media.

The charges were dropped after the two sides reached a settlement deal following lengthy talks last month. Under the terms of the agreement, which allows the Wall Street bank to move on from one of the worst scandals in its history, Goldman Sachs agreed to a $2.5 billion cash payment to Malaysia and a guarantee to return at least $1.4 billion in assets acquired with misappropriated funds from sovereign wealth fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). Last week, the bank made the promised $2.5 billion payment.

The fund was set up in 2009 by Najib Razak, the then-prime minister, who was sentenced to 12 years in jail after being convicted on all charges related to 1MDB. Goldman Sachs was the main banker for the fund and helped it to raise $6.5 billion through bond sales. However, much of the funds were misappropriated during the process by government officials and two Goldman bankers, while the bank was accused of covering up the looting of the nation’s state fund.

The money siphoned off from state coffers was used to buy everything from artwork and jewelry to real estate and a superyacht.

The latest development in the 1MDB case in Malaysia does not free Goldman Sachs from prosecution linked to the 1MDB saga in other countries. It is currently in talks to secure a deal with the US Department of Justice. It was earlier reported that the bank is going to pay a multibillion-dollar fine and plead guilty to violating US bribery laws under the possible settlement.


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c5f3c8 No.99309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540115 (052224ZSEP20) Notable: Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman who has allegations of fraud and bribery against him given $42 million in government grants, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman who has allegations of fraud and bribery against him given $42 million in government grants

Leigh Coleman who is a former Hillsong Church executive and close friend of Prime Minister Scott Morrison has had numerous allegations of fraud made against him over the last 15 years including attempted bribery yet his company ServeGate Australia has still managed to be awarded $43 million in government contracts since 2015.

During the same period that ServeGate Australia was being awarded the $43 million in contracts due to the “strong business relations with decision-makers at very high levels including Ministers” as their website says, Scott Morrison was appointed Treasurer in September 2015 and became Prime Minister in August 2018. So was Scott Morrison involved in any way?

ServeGate Australia is now a registered tax-free charity and its operations are suspicious to say the least where they don’t seem to do much work except take a percentage off the top and then sub-contract the real work out to other companies. This has been exposed in an article in The Guardian but we’ll get back to that in a minute because we should look at Leigh Coleman’s past handiwork first of fraud and bribery allegations when he was at Hillsong Church and an organisation called Many Rivers which is also a registered tax-free charity.

Leigh Coleman’s fraud and theft from Aboriginies while working at Hillsong Church

In 2005 allegations were made that Leigh Armstrong and Hillsong Church tried a swifty to rip off the Riverstone Aboriginal Community Association but when caught out they tried to bribe them to keep quiet. The SMH reported:

THE Hillsong Church has denied it used an Aboriginal community to secure a federal grant and then tried to bribe the community to keep silent.

A Labor MP, Ian West, told the NSW Parliament last month the church’s charitable arm, Hillsong Emerge, “misused” the Riverstone Aboriginal Community Association to apply for a $415,000 crime-prevention grant from the Federal Government.

Mr West said Hillsong used the community “to get taxpayers’ money for its own purposes” and then “lamely tried to dole out some of the money in return for their co-option”.

“Taxpayer funding which is needed for local disadvantaged communities is now being channelled directly into Hillsong’s bank accounts,” he said.

Mr West said Hillsong plagiarised funding proposals which were supposed to be made as part of a joint application with the Riverstone association.

In August, the Prime Minister, John Howard, announced the grant to Hillsong but did not mention the involvement of Riverstone or any other partners.

The head of Hillsong, Leigh Coleman, later wrote to the community offering to give it $280,000 from the grant.

Mr West said this was an attempt “to pay off the Riverstone Aboriginal Community Association in return for its silence”.

Last week he told Parliament he had since been branded a “liar” during Hillsong services. (Click here to read more)

Mr West being “branded a “liar” during Hillsong services” suggests Brian Houston was involved at least to some degree.

In 2006 Leigh Coleman’s operation at Hillsong Emerge – the evangelical group’s former benevolent arm – had its funding discontinued after revelations the vast majority of taxpayer dollars went to employing staff. (Click here to read more)


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c5f3c8 No.99310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540121 (052224ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_09_05_govote_Hashtag.png

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noice worktogether anons <3

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c5f3c8 No.99311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540160 (052229ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: wrclass.jpg

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Anons please take a moment to RT #GoVote Trend, or not. ty /warroom/


-Angry Gerbil -o7

Endchan Qanonresearch BO

unrelated to picture

>>>/qresearch/10540030 Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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c5f3c8 No.99312

File: 48f9a03493d1fcf⋯.png (785.84 KB,1218x2048,609:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540163 (052229ZSEP20) Notable: Think about a world where the world's 2 Superpowers are united against the Deep State and hold over 90% of the world's nuclear weapons.

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Think about a world where the world's 2 Superpowers are united against the Deep State and hold over 90% of the world's nuclear weapons.


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c5f3c8 No.99313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540168 (052230ZSEP20) Notable: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed in the Face — Police Arrest Security Guard, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed in the Face — Police Arrest Security Guard

Brandon Straka and his #WalkAway movement held a rally in Dallas, Texas today. During the rally the local Black Lives Matter mob stormed the stage. The young BLM Democrat then put his fist in the security guard’s face when he was forcibly removed from the stage area.

The entire event was caught on video.

That’s when the black security guard leveled the BLM terrorist and tossed him away from the area.

Police came and arrested the #WalkAway security guard.


That young man may think twice next time before he attacks a security guard.


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c5f3c8 No.99314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540180 (052231ZSEP20) Notable: New York AG Opens Grand Jury Investigation Into Killiing Of Daniel Prude, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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New York AG Opens Grand Jury Investigation Into Killiing Of Daniel Prude

One day after the mayor of Rochester suspended 7 officers involved in the death of Daniel Prude, who died 7 days after an encounter with police, who used a 'spit hood' as part of their efforts to restrain Prude - who was suffering what was by all accounts a psychological episode possibly exaggerated by his drug use (the medical examiner confirmed he was intoxicated by PCP at the time of the incident) - New York AG Letitia James has launched a grand jury investigation into the incident.

That means that criminal charges will likely be handed down against at least some of the seven officers, whom the union has defended by saying they were just following protocol.

"The Prude family and the Rochester community have been through great pain and anguish," James said in a statement. She said the grand jury would be part of an “exhaustive investigation" into what happened that night.

Prude's brother called the police after his brother started acting erratically by taking off his clothes and running around naked in the street. However, Prude's brother has told the press that the police department tried to paint his brother's death as a drug overdose, and that his brother was effectively "lynched" by the officers responding.


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c5f3c8 No.99315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540205 (052234ZSEP20) Notable: Phase III trials of coronavirus vaccine to take place at US military sites, Pentagon confirms, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T22_33_56_896Z.png

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Phase III trials of coronavirus vaccine to take place at US military sites, Pentagon confirms


PHASE III is the Military

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c5f3c8 No.99316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540229 (052237ZSEP20) Notable: Typhoon Haishen-emergency warning likely on Sunday, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Typhoon_Haishen.png

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Typhoon Haishen-emergency warning likely on Sunday

What could be the most powerful typhoon in decades is threatening Japan's southwest. The Meteorological Agency has declared it's probable that it will issue an emergency warning for Kagoshima Prefecture on Sunday morning.

An agency official said, "Typhoon Haishen is expected to approach or make landfall in Kagoshima Prefecture late Sunday night. Kagoshima is expected to enter the storm zone shortly after noon on Sunday. We may issue an emergency warning for violent winds, high waves, and a storm surge in Kagoshima on Sunday morning." The Meteorological Agency is warning of record-breaking winds, high waves, storm surges, and unprecedented heavy rain elsewhere in Kyushu.

It typically issues a typhoon-related emergency warning 12 hours before the center of the storm reaches its target area. Weather officials say Typhoon Haishen was 200 kilometers southeast of Amami Oshima Island in the Pacific Ocean at 6 a.m. on Sunday. They say it was moving north at 20 kilometers per hour.

Haishen has a central atmospheric pressure of 920 hectopascals. The typhoon is packing maximum winds of more than 180 kilometers per hour near the center &ndash; and gusts of up to 252 kilometers per hour. Officials are calling on people to stay on highest alert and evacuate early in line with evacuation advisories and orders issued by local governments. They also say it's better to act quickly, before violent winds limit movement.

A land ministry official says there is a growing risk of flooding on a number of big rivers in Kagoshima, Miyazaki, and Kumamoto prefectures in the Kyushu region.


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c5f3c8 No.99317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540238 (052239ZSEP20) Notable: WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE

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Thomas Sowell has pointed out that communists believe that it only takes 1% of them to takeover any organization. Just 1% plus 8 or 9% who don't think clearly.

The 1% have taken over the Catholic Church.

catholic spring wikileaks

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c5f3c8 No.99318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540385 (052258ZSEP20) Notable: Sylvester Stallone says director's cut of 'Rocky IV' is coming for film's anniversary, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T22_56_19_225Z.png

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Sylvester Stallone says director's cut of 'Rocky IV' is coming for film's anniversary


They are doing it again. Like Godfather III yesterday

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c5f3c8 No.99319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540414 (052302ZSEP20) Notable: #17, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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c5f3c8 No.99320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540420 (052304ZSEP20) Notable: Given the political reality the nation is facing, Anita Hill is not only going to vote for Biden – she's also willing to work with him, should he become president., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T23_03_53_642Z.png

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Given the political reality the nation is facing, Anita Hill is not only going to vote for Biden &ndash; she's also willing to work with him, should he become president.



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c5f3c8 No.99321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540442 (052307ZSEP20) Notable: #17

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Tiz The Law


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c5f3c8 No.99322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540469 (052311ZSEP20) Notable: Baltimore postal facility sat on 68,000 pieces of election mail for 5 days ahead of primary, audit shows, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: BallzDeepInElectionFraudMaybe.png

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The Cabaltimore Sun (free trial, then paywall)


Baltimore postal facility sat on 68,000 pieces of election mail for 5 days ahead of primary, audit shows. Baltimore was in the midst of several contentious political races at the time, including those for mayor, comptroller and City Council president.

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c5f3c8 No.99323

File: 29e4d8940a8f17b⋯.pdf (1.79 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540601 (052323ZSEP20) Notable: Ohio Dept of Health order includes rounding up ASYMPTOMATIC Covid people for segregation camps

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In the middle of the night, Governor Mike DeWine signed an order creating FEMA camps for asymptomatic Covid patients

Ohio Dept of Health order includes rounding up ASYMPTOMATIC Covid people for FEMA camps

"asymptomatic high-risk individuals needing social distancing as a precautionary measure"

PDF attached



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c5f3c8 No.99324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540606 (052324ZSEP20) Notable: Officials renew calls to close 'unsafe' NYC school with air flow issues, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_05T23_22_40_110Z.png

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Officials renew calls to close 'unsafe' NYC school with air flow issues


Keep this one on file in your heads just in case in a few years, there is a shooting there & they say the school has always been open

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c5f3c8 No.99325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540778 (052342ZSEP20) Notable: #13488

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>>99324 Officials renew calls to close 'unsafe' NYC school with air flow issues

>>99323 Ohio Dept of Health order includes rounding up ASYMPTOMATIC Covid people for segregation camps

>>99322 Baltimore postal facility sat on 68,000 pieces of election mail for 5 days ahead of primary, audit shows

>>99320 Given the political reality the nation is facing, Anita Hill is not only going to vote for Biden – she's also willing to work with him, should he become president.

>>99319, >>99321 #17

>>99318 Sylvester Stallone says director's cut of 'Rocky IV' is coming for film's anniversary

>>99316 Typhoon Haishen-emergency warning likely on Sunday

>>99315 Phase III trials of coronavirus vaccine to take place at US military sites, Pentagon confirms

>>99314 New York AG Opens Grand Jury Investigation Into Killiing Of Daniel Prude

>>99313 BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed in the Face — Police Arrest Security Guard

>>99312 Think about a world where the world's 2 Superpowers are united against the Deep State and hold over 90% of the world's nuclear weapons.

>>99309 Scott Morrison’s Hillsong mate Leigh Coleman who has allegations of fraud and bribery against him given $42 million in government grants

>>99308 Malaysia drops criminal charges against Goldman Sachs over looting of state fund after Wall Street bank coughs up BILLIONS

>>99306, >>99307 Jesuit-Led Parish Asks Parishioners to Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

>>99305, >>99310, >>99311, >>99317 WEEKEND OPERATION #GOVOTE


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c5f3c8 No.99326

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540874 (052352ZSEP20) Notable: MLK III Calls Kaepernick a ‘Prophet,’ Says ‘New Era of Athlete Activism’ Will ‘Fulfill MLK Jr.’s Dream’-breitbart Sept 4, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: kaepernick_a_marxist_profet.png

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MLK III Calls Kaepernick a ‘Prophet,’ Says ‘New Era of Athlete Activism’ Will ‘Fulfill MLK Jr.’s Dream’

In an editorial at Rolling Stone, Martin Luther King III expresses his joy that the “new era of athlete activism,” will help bring about his martyred father’s dreams of racial equality.

In his Sept. 4 piece, MLK III insisted that Colin Kaepernick is a “prophet,” praised the athlete’s’ repeated strikes and boycotts, and yet, claimed that sports “builds community.”


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c5f3c8 No.99327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540888 (052353ZSEP20) Notable: Upon election day if its not tabulated (You) #GoVote vid

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Time: 1:14:00


Upon election day if its not tabulated

(You) #GoVote


#Qanon #Qanonymous #GodBless #QAmerica

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c5f3c8 No.99328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10540990 (060003ZSEP20) Notable: An abandoned 31-meter lighthouse on Cape Aniva was lit on Sakhalin for the first time since 2006. The move is timed to the 75th anniversary of the end of world war II.-rt via soc media, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Firefox_Screenshot_2020_09_06T00_03_07_525Z.png

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An abandoned 31-meter lighthouse on Cape Aniva was lit on Sakhalin for the first time since 2006. The move is timed to the 75th anniversary of the end of world war II.


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c5f3c8 No.99329

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541021 (060007ZSEP20) Notable: Peace Agreement Signed In Sudan-southfront.org, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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Peace Agreement Signed In Sudan

The government of Sudan announced on Wednesday that it has met with rebel leaders to begin implementing a deal that aims to end a war in which hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. Rebel commanders from the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the transitional government met face-to-face for the first time on Tuesday, one day after striking the deal.

The meeting held on Tuesday was the first joint meeting to be held after the finalization of the accord. Alhadi Idris, the head of the SRF rebel coalition, stated to SUNA news agency that the meeting considered preliminary matters relating to the agenda to be followed.

“We discussed in this meeting what will happen going forward,” Idris said, adding that there were “still issues related to the timeline to implement the deal”.

The agreement aims to put an end to 17 years of civil war and conflicts which in turn followed decades of intermittent conflict that have ravaged the country since the 1950s.

The SRF, founded in 2011, is an alliance of five armed rebel groups and four political movements from the vast western region of Darfur, and the southern states of South Kordofan and Blue Nile.

“Our priorities now are economic progress and humanitarian issues related to people displaced by the conflicts,” said Minni Minawi, who leads a faction of the Darfur-based Sudan Liberation Movement.

The peace deal signed on Monday covers issues related to security, land ownership, transitional justice, power sharing and the return of people who fled their homes because of fighting.

It also provides for the dismantling of rebel forces and the integration of the fighters into the national army.

Sudan’s transitional government, which took power after the April 2019 ouster of then President Omar al-Bashir, has made forging peace with rebel groups a priority. Fighting in the Darfur conflict has killed approximately 300,000 people and displaced 2.5 million others, according to the UN.

The rebels groups are largely drawn from non-Arab minority populations that long protested against Arab domination of the national government based in Khartoum. Sudan’s Revolutionary Front comprises four armed movements that have been fighting in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states in the south, and in Darfur, in the west.

The movements in Darfur include Sudan’s Liberation Army, spearheaded by Arko Minnawi, and the Justice and Equality Movement, led by Jibril Ibrahim, brother of founder Khalil Ibrahim, a former minister in Al-Bashir’s government.

The agreement proposes a federal system for Sudan and grants autonomy to the South Kordofan and Blue Nile regions. According to the terms of the agreement, the Darfur region, which was split into five states, will be reunified into one area after seven months and have its own governor.

Revenues and resources of the two states shall be divided between the federal authority, which will receive 60 per cent, and local authorities, that will be given 40 per cent.

According to the agreement, Sudan’s Revolutionary Front shall be allocated 25 per cent of cabinet and parliamentary seats (including 75 seats in the transitional legislative assembly of 300 members which is still yet to be established), and three seats in the 11-member Sovereign Council.


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c5f3c8 No.99330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541030 (060009ZSEP20) Notable: Google is building its own town near its Silicon Valley headquarters, complete with parks, restaurants, and affordable housing-businessinsider, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: own_town.png

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Google is building its own town near its Silicon Valley headquarters, complete with parks, restaurants, and affordable housing

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c5f3c8 No.99331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541041 (060010ZSEP20) Notable: Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives-wnd, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: fda_power.png

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Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives

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c5f3c8 No.99332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541056 (060011ZSEP20) Notable: The Next Normal: Is Central-Bankism Transitioning To Fascism-zh, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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The Next Normal: Is Central-Bankism Transitioning To Fascism

The Next Normal: What it "-ism" and what it "-ism't"

“Normality is the Great Neurosis of civilization.” - Tom Robbins, author


We are now moving from the “New Normal” into the realm of “The Next Normal”: can we define what our new architecture will look like?

To do so, we look beyond economics to the historical “-isms” of political-economy

We believe we live under capitalism: do we, as fiscal and monetary Rubicons are crossed?

Or are we already heading for central-bankism, a post-capitalism with echoes of feudalism?

Marxism claims it is still alive: but it looks much more central-bank capitalism

There are unhappy parallels between aspects of our emergent political-economy and fascism

US-China tensions are about mercantilism, but still matter for that

We need a new political-economy in the “Next Normal”, but none provide a solution for our global trilemma, which suggests some forms of schism are inevitable

Indeed, expect more populism, underlining why we need a political-economy ‘guide rail’

Volatility looms as populist political-economy will naturally demand internal and external “reallocation”

The “Next Normal”

In late 2019 we published a report titled “A Decade of… What Exactly?” which underlined how disappointing the economic erformance in the post-global financial crisis “New Normal’ era had been on almost all fronts.

It showed how the experience had been one of: lower GDP growth, lower inflation, lower wage growth, and lower productivity alongside higher inequality, higher debt, higher asset prices, high and rising political populism, and high and rising geopolitical tensions, particularly between the US and China. All of these were issues we had been flagging for years.

We concluded that the outlook for the decade of the 2020s was deeply worrying.

We had likewise already recognised earlier in the year that the socio-economic impact of Covid-19 is likely to be severe and broad-ranging enough. Indeed, so much so that the concept of “The New Normal” is already behind us; we are now moving into the realm of “The Next Normal”.

This report will look at what this is likely to mean structurally – can we define what our new architecture will look like?

In order to look at overarching structures one needs overarching definitions: and in order to deal with such definitions one needs to deal with political-economy.

This is understandably not something the market wants to pay attention to – for reasons we will explain. Markets and economists would much rather be talking about monthly ISM surveys than the world of “-isms”.

Of course, such key US data are important – but they are cyclical at a time when it is crucial to understand the structural trend.

Not doing so means we don’t understand the foundations we are building on, or how solid or not they are. It is, at best, to ignore the long-run for the short-run and, at worst, to mistake signal for noise.

Indeed, we will try to show that “-isms” have major implications for markets; especially given most current markets have been driven to record highs by very ‘wet’ central-bank liquidity. We may like to think that development itself isn’t an “-ism”, but it very much is!

“Markets weed out inefficient practices, but only when no one has sufficient power to manipulate them.” - Ha-Joon Chang, economist



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c5f3c8 No.99333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541064 (060012ZSEP20) Notable: Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump-nypost, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: js.png

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Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump

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c5f3c8 No.99334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541070 (060013ZSEP20) Notable: The Next Normal: Is Central-Bankism Transitioning To Fascism-zh, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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China is mercantilist in that for it trade is political and always aimed at a surplus as high up the value chain as possible. As we covered extensively in “The Great Game of Global Trade”, a mercantilist approach will always generate a backlash from a free-trade partner eventually, and that’s true even if both countries are nominally capitalist.

Obviously, mercantilism is in opposition to free trade, which, oddly, has sat largely untouched as part of our new central-bankism so far. However, as the discussion turns to political-economy the attractions of mercantilism as national security, or to “bring jobs home” will grow. Here lies the potential for real problems.

“Fascism is capitalism plus murder.” - Upton Sinclair, writer


Time for another “-ism” then. Consider this political-economy definition:

XXXX-ism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie….

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, XXXX-ism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, XXXX-ism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.

Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, XXXX-ism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, XXXX-ism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, XXXX-ism denatured the marketplace.

Can you define the missing term? The answer is fascism. (NB The above description from Seth Richman: there is no precise definition of ‘fascist economy’.) It was developed by Mussolini in the 1920s as a corporatist system to resolve class conflict through collaboration between the classes: a political-economy “reallocation” resolving top vs. bottom by turning it into us vs. them (and Mussolini on top).

Let us be abundantly clear: we are NOT saying China or countries who will embrace a more active central-bankism are fascist. However, it is a matter of historical record that fascist economies used the power of their private sector to achieve state-defined “national goals”.

Very broadly, capitalism is private ownership of the means of production for private goals; communism is state ownership of the means of production for state goals; and fascism is the private ownership of the means of production for “state goals”.

Market mechanisms play a key role in China, but operate with over-arching “state goals”. Under central-bankism, won’t we see the same happen elsewhere?


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c5f3c8 No.99335

File: d81dcfd191cf509⋯.png (281.53 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541072 (060013ZSEP20) Notable: MLK III Calls Kaepernick a ‘Prophet,’ Says ‘New Era of Athlete Activism’ Will ‘Fulfill MLK Jr.’s Dream’-breitbart Sept 4

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Apparently he forgets MLK Senior was a Republican...


As we celebrate civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. across America today, it is important to note that MLK was a Republican. Dr. Alveda King, a civil rights activist and his niece, has long tried to share this information with the world through the National Black Republican Association and other efforts.

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c5f3c8 No.99336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541084 (060015ZSEP20) Notable: Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump-nypost, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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c5f3c8 No.99337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541093 (060016ZSEP20) Notable: Police: Rioters Cause $100,000 in Damage in NYC-breitbart, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: peacefulRiotsCostMoney.png

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Police: Rioters Cause $100,000 in Damage in NYC

Eight people were arrested on Friday when a group of 150 rioters smashed windows and vandalized the storefronts of lower Manhattan banks and chain stores in New York City, police said.

At least five banks, two Starbucks, and a Duane Reade had their windows smashed in, causing an estimated $100,000 in damage, the New York Post reported.

Police recovered burglary tools, spray paint, two stun guns, and smoke grenades. The protest had been advertised on social media by groups identifying themselves as the far-left “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” (RAM) and the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party”

TONIGHT (Friday, September 4th) – 6:00pm – Rally to #DropTheCharges and demand #AmnestyForAll. Where? 100 Centre Street. PULL UP! pic.twitter.com/aBXXtIpb5a

— NYC ABC (@nycabc) September 4, 2020


The looting Continues for BLM

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c5f3c8 No.99338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541105 (060017ZSEP20) Notable: Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump-nypost, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: more_than_one.png

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Massive Trump Boat Parades Underway in North Carolina, Minnesota, Texas, Missouri, Ohio, Florida – Thousands of Boats! (VIDEO)

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c5f3c8 No.99339

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c5f3c8 No.99340

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541156 (060022ZSEP20) Notable: Pope’s New Encyclical to Praise Jihad Terror Supporter as Example of ‘Peace’ and ‘Fraternity’-pjmedia, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: pope.png

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Pope’s New Encyclical to Praise Jihad Terror Supporter as Example of ‘Peace’ and ‘Fraternity’

Pope Francis’ new encyclical, Fratelli tutti: sulla fraternità e l’amicizia sociale (“All Brothers: On Fraternity and Social Friendship”) will be issued on October 3, the Vatican confirmed Saturday. According to Church Militant, the encyclical is “a sequel to his controversial Abu Dhabi pact with Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayyeb last year, and will cite Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas], a Palestinian backer of terrorism, as an example of ‘peace’ and ‘fraternity.’” No, this is not the Babylon Bee; this is real.

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c5f3c8 No.99341

File: c9a91abdf7b0c89⋯.png (3.05 MB,1408x10257,1408:10257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541158 (060023ZSEP20) Notable: Sidney Powell re-tweet Barbara(Flynn)

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Sidney Powell



Redgate #WhoLeakedGenFlynn


The Coming Coup? -“Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes.”~Michael Anton ⁦@realDonaldTrump

⁩ ⁦@GenFlynn

⁩ ⁦@SidneyPowell1

⁩ ⁦@KerriKupecDOJ

⁩ ⁦@DNI_Ratcliffe

⁩ -A Very Real Possibility



Good article.

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c5f3c8 No.99342

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541173 (060024ZSEP20) Notable: The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy-goodreads.com, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy


The first investigation into why a ring of senior Washington officials went rogue to derail the election and the presidency of Donald Trump.

There was nothing normal about the 2016 presidential election, not when senior U.S. officials were turning the surveillance powers of the federal government designed to stop terrorist attacks against the Republican presidential team. These were the ruthless tactics of a Soviet-style police state, not a democratic republic.

The Red Thread asks the simple question: Why? What is it that motivated these anti-Trump conspirators from inside and around the Obama administration and Clinton networks to depart so drastically from "politics as usual" to participate in a seditious effort to overturn an election?

Finding clues in an array of sources, Diana West uses her trademark investigative skills, honed in her dazzling work, American Betrayal, to construct a fascinating series of ideological profiles of well-known but little understood anti-Trump actors, from James Comey to Christopher Steele to Nellie Ohr, and the rest of the Fusion GPS team; from John Brennan to the numerous Clintonistas still patrolling the Washington Swamp after all these years, and more.

Once, we knew these officials by august titles and reputation; after The Red Thread, readers will recognize their multi-generational and inter-connecting communist and socialist pedigrees, and see them for what they really are: foot-soldiers of the Left, deployed to take down America's first "America First" and most anti-Communist president.

If we just give it a pull, the "red thread" is very long and very deep.

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c5f3c8 No.99343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541201 (060028ZSEP20) Notable: WHERE’S THE MEDIA? Hundreds of Armed Black NFAC Activists March in Louisville Outside of Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day-gatewaypundit, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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WHERE’S THE MEDIA? Hundreds of Armed Black NFAC Activists March in Louisville Outside of Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day

Hundreds of black Not F*cking Around Coalition activists marched in Louisville, Kentucky today on Kentucky Derby Day.

The radical black group marched to Churchill Downs, the home of the Kentucky Derby.

The armed activists gathered at GG Moore Park a few blocks from Churchill Downs

This march was a warning and meant to intimidate the Derby fans.


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c5f3c8 No.99344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541212 (060029ZSEP20) Notable: Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives-wnd, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 7D7ED117_0CD5_4909_8057_E087A23A7670.jpeg, 548FD86B_79A7_43EE_A647_B37403EDAC4D.jpeg, 74DD743E_BFDA_4E86_86BA_31B1BEE494B2.jpeg, 41191F4A_8C7D_46BA_A46E_69CA0163D8E2.jpeg

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Not OP, but it’s IN THE ARTICLE and in these screencaps.



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c5f3c8 No.99345

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541218 (060030ZSEP20) Notable: Portland Shooting Suspect Followed Victim Before Killing Him, Newly Released Pictures Show-sputnik

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PortlandShooting suspect followed victim before killing him, newly released pictures show


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c5f3c8 No.99346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541236 (060032ZSEP20) Notable: Grocery store chain says employees can't wear American flag masks because they're 'offensive' — it quickly changes course after backlash

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Grocery store chain says employees can't wear American flag masks because they're 'offensive' — it quickly changes course after backlash

Quick turnaround

North Carolina-based grocery chain Food Lion will now permit its employees to wear American flag-themed face masks while working at its stores.

The company went viral earlier this week after one of its employees revealed he quit after being told to avoid wearing his American flag-themed mask.

What are the details?

According to a recent report from WCTI-TV, the move appears to be in response to the employee — as well as his supporters — demanding such masks after the company initially prohibited them.

Saturday saw the company's Twitter page share a status on the development, writing, "We listened to our associates and customers about our uniform policy. We require that associates wear masks without writing, insignia, or symbols. We will allow associates to wear masks with the American flag that meet this standard."

The company also promised that it "deeply respects the American flag."

Food Lion deeply respects the American flag. We listened to our associates and customers about our uniform policy.… https://t.co/pu8n3i1StU

— Food Lion (@Food Lion)1599309242.0

Controversy initially brewed after employee Gary Dean, a 69-year-old U.S. Air Force veteran showed up to work wearing an American flag-printed mask.

Dean said that a store manager told him that someone found the mask offensive, and informed Dean that he could no longer wear the mask while working.

"As a veteran, my dad being a World War II hero, my best friend killed in Vietnam, out of respect for them, I can't just say, 'No, I'll take my flag and put it in my pocket," Dean said.

So instead, he quit — and his story began to gain traction across the internet.

Days later, the company changed its stance on the masks.

"While we continue to maintain our uniform standards requiring associates to wear masks without writing, insignia or symbols, we will allow associates to wear masks with the American flag that meet this standard," a portion of a follow-up statement added. "We appreciate and thank our more than 77,0000 associates who are working hard every day to safely nourish our neighbors in the towns and cities we serve."

It is unclear at the time of this writing whether Dean will return to work following the newly instituted policy.


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c5f3c8 No.99347

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541247 (060032ZSEP20) Notable: @ CBS_Herridge:"to avoid professional + personal conduct/communications that leave you open to be compromised + blackmail"

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c5f3c8 No.99348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541274 (060035ZSEP20) Notable: @ CBS_Herridge:"to avoid professional + personal conduct/communications that leave you open to be compromised + blackmail", MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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to avoid professional + personal conduct/communications

that leave you open to be compromised + blackmail @CBSNews

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c5f3c8 No.99349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541300 (060037ZSEP20) Notable: State bars GOP voter statement, says it was 29 seconds late-washtimes, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: statement.png

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State bars GOP voter statement, says it was 29 seconds late

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c5f3c8 No.99350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541315 (060039ZSEP20) Notable: Jacobson vs Fauci – No, You Do Not Have to Submit to the Jab!-opensourcetruth

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Jacobson vs Fauci:

Fauci Loses!

Opinion, Ralph Fucetola, JD

Trustee, Natural Solutions Foundation September 5, 2020

You can see it floating on the wind, like some disease miasma, the rumor that the only thing that will “save us” is a barely safety-tested gene-editing COVID vaccine, with tracking chips, using a new and untested DNA-modifying technology to change the human genome. “What” as Natural Solutions Foundation Medical Director Rima Laibow, MD has said, “could possibly go wrong?” The question is rhetorical. Good Doctors like Dr. Rima, know that the first rule of humane medicine is Do No Harm. She also knows that everything could go wrong.

Wrong, that is, for us. But if the vaccines harm us in our hundreds of millions (and we have no meaningful legal remedies should that happen), and if huge numbers of people die, that is just dandy for the controllers and depopulationists.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates, along with the others in their dangerous circles, most assuredly are both would-be controllers and depopulationists, according to their own statements.

Political physicians, like Dr. Fauci, however, have long forgotten their oaths [1]. Behind the scenes and in the glare of the mass media spotlight they are ceaselessly trying to convince the public not to think, not to exercise the Right of Informed Consent, but to bow their heads and obey.

Whether they are telling us to:

– Not mask

– Mask

– Test

– Not test

– Test again

– Not test again,

the point is to train us to just do whatever we are told to do.

Whether that is wearing masks that we know conclusively do more harm than good [2] or accepting the “unavoidably unsafe” COVID vax, the mad vaxx mandators just want our obedience.



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c5f3c8 No.99351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541355 (060044ZSEP20) Notable: Bolivian govt raid on international human trafficking - Haiti, Bolivia, Chile-explica.co (this is poorly written), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: F11E2D24_5124_4CA9_86AF_5FA2466AF91F.jpeg

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The Bolivian Government, through the Intelligence services in permanent coordination with Migration, has the suspicion of aninternational gang dedicated to human traffickingand smuggling, which is using the country as an exit point to Chile and other regions.

This was made known this Saturday by the Minister of Government, Arturo Murillo, when disclosed the arrest of two individuals who were transporting 10Haitiannationals who were supposed to reach Chilean territory, using the country as a transit point.

According to Intelligence reports, which are handled in this State portfolio, Haitian women are taken to Chilean territory in order to be sexually exploited or to traffic their organs.

A similar situation occurs with the minors who are in these raids carried out by Migration, since in the last operations there are always minors.


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c5f3c8 No.99352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541369 (060046ZSEP20) Notable: TikTok could 'weaponize your kids' data,' says Donald Trump Jr.-nbcnews sept 4, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: jr_on_tic.png

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TikTok could 'weaponize your kids' data,' says Donald Trump Jr.

"They minimized the threat [of the coronavirus] to the world. You think they're going to be good with your data?" Trump Jr. said of China's ownership of TikTok.

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c5f3c8 No.99353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541374 (060047ZSEP20) Notable: Bolivian govt raid on international human trafficking - Haiti, Bolivia, Chile-explica.co (this is poorly written), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 75249FC2_6E80_4026_ABF9_1FFF727F8F83.jpeg

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>Arturo Murillo

Amnesty International is concerned about the public statements made by government minister Arturo Murillo on 15 April this year in relation to the arrest and criminal prosecution of "67 political actors" charged with participating in "destabilisation and misinformation movements" and engaging in a "virtual war", 37 of whom have already been convicted by the use of "summary proceedings".


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c5f3c8 No.99354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541516 (060103ZSEP20) Notable: DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

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DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch.

Harris’s links to the company are found with her husband, Douglas Emhoff, who has served as a Partner in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology practice and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment sector since 2017.

DLA Piper boasts of having “long-established and embedded “China Desks” in both the U.S. and Europe” to assist their China-focused consulting, prompting questions about the firm’s potential proximity to the White House could be leveraged by DLA Piper, exploited by the Chinese Communist Party, or represent a financial conflict of interest for the Vice Presidential candidate.



To facilitate DLA Piper’s China practice – which has received countless prestigious awards from the China Business Law Journal and China Law and Practice – the company employs a host of former Chinese Communist Party officials.

Ernest Yang, who serves as the firm’s Head of Litigation & Regulatory department and Co-Head of International Arbitration, was appointed to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) in 2013. The CPPCC serves as the top advisory board for the Chinese Communist Party, and Yang was promoted to the body’s Standing Committee in 2019.

Jessica Zhao, a Senior Advisor, served as the Deputy Secretary General of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), a government-owned body established by the Chinese Communist Party in 1956. It was developed under the auspices of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, “a governmental body for the furtherance of Chinese trade promotion.”

Other high-level employees, such as Gloria Liu who serves as Partner, have “represented lead investors” in deals with Bytedance, the parent company of TikTok, a controversial app is set to be banned by President Trump for its compromising links to the Chinese Communist Party.

The hires serve to bolster DLA Piper’s China operation, which it outlines as necessitating “liaising with the central and local authorities” in China.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that American DLA Piper lawyers have worked on behalf of the Chinese government. Consultant James Phillips, for example, identifies himself as having “advised” the Chinese Embassy in Canberra, Australia.


DLA Piper has engaged in a bevy of business deals that have left them on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Payroll.

The company listed itself as an adviser to two government-owned airlines: China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines.

DLA Piper has also advised China Merchants Group (CMG), a state-owned company “under the direct supervision” of the Chinese Communist Party’s State Council, on a $2.5 billion tech deal. CMG also identifies itself as a “crucial participant and promoter of the national initiative of the Belt and Road,” the Chinese Communist Party’s scheme to expand its economic and political control across the developing world.

The firm has also advised Huarong Investment Stock Corporation Limited, a subsidiary of one of China’s largest state-owned bad debt managers, and China National Gold Group, a state-owned mining and refining company.

Tencent, the host of the WeChat app which is set to banned by the Trump administration for its compromising links to the Chinese Communist Party, partnered with DLA Piper on a $230 million deal with the Chinese tech giant’s food delivery app known as Miss Fresh.


The Cohen Group, a consulting firm started by former Secretary of Defense and Joe Biden endorser Bill Cohen, has a self-described “strong strategic partnership with DLA Piper.”

Despite the former Defense Secretary slamming President Trump as a “tyrant,” his firm similarly employs a host of high-level Chinese Communist Party apparatchiks and has advised party officials as part of a Harvard program which counts attendance from entities sanctioned by the Trump administration for committing “serious human rights abuses.”

Cohen has visited China several times to meet with Chinese Communist Party officials to increase Chinese capital flowing into the U.S., the primary avenue whereby espionage and intellectual property theft occur.


While Emhoff is “currently on a leave of absence from the firm,” presumably in relation to Harris’s Vice Presidential bid, his ties to the company are eerily similar to Joe Biden’s son Hunter profiting immensely from billion-dollar business deals with the Chinese Communist Party.

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c5f3c8 No.99355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541582 (060110ZSEP20) Notable: #13489

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#13489 Notes by 8kun exclusive, world class, SFT'lous d'oh Much Appreciation Bro! GOLD!

>>99327 Upon election day if its not tabulated (You) #GoVote vid

>>99326, >>99335 MLK III Calls Kaepernick a ‘Prophet,’ Says ‘New Era of Athlete Activism’ Will ‘Fulfill MLK Jr.’s Dream’-breitbart Sept 4

>>99328 An abandoned 31-meter lighthouse on Cape Aniva was lit on Sakhalin for the first time since 2006. The move is timed to the 75th anniversary of the end of world war II.-rt via soc media

>>99329 Peace Agreement Signed In Sudan-southfront.org

>>99330 Google is building its own town near its Silicon Valley headquarters, complete with parks, restaurants, and affordable housing-businessinsider

>>99331, >>99344 Doctors' group: HCQ-hoarding FDA cares more about power than Americans' lives-wnd

>>99332, >>99334 The Next Normal: Is Central-Bankism Transitioning To Fascism-zh

>>99333, >>99336, >>99338 Thousands attend Jersey Shore boat parade to support cops, President Trump-nypost

>>99337 Police: Rioters Cause $100,000 in Damage in NYC-breitbart

>>99339 Flashback-some articles on Biden's health

>>99340 Pope’s New Encyclical to Praise Jihad Terror Supporter as Example of ‘Peace’ and ‘Fraternity’-pjmedia

>>99341 Sidney Powell re-tweet Barbara(Flynn)

>>99342 The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy-goodreads.com

>>99343 WHERE’S THE MEDIA? Hundreds of Armed Black NFAC Activists March in Louisville Outside of Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day-gatewaypundit

>>99345 Portland Shooting Suspect Followed Victim Before Killing Him, Newly Released Pictures Show-sputnik

>>99346 Grocery store chain says employees can't wear American flag masks because they're 'offensive' — it quickly changes course after backlash

>>99347, >>99348 @ CBS_Herridge:"to avoid professional + personal conduct/communications that leave you open to be compromised + blackmail"

>>99349 State bars GOP voter statement, says it was 29 seconds late-washtimes

>>99350 Jacobson vs Fauci – No, You Do Not Have to Submit to the Jab!-opensourcetruth

>>99351, >>99353 Bolivian govt raid on international human trafficking - Haiti, Bolivia, Chile-explica.co (this is poorly written)

>>99352 TikTok could 'weaponize your kids' data,' says Donald Trump Jr.-nbcnews sept 4

>>99354 DLA Piper, a multinational law firm, boasts nearly 30 years of experience in China and over 140 lawyers dedicated to its “China Investment Services” branch.


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c5f3c8 No.99356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541639 (060117ZSEP20) Notable: Exposing satan's underground government part 3

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Exposing satan's underground government

part 3

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c5f3c8 No.99357

File: f6a84ab32a1970e⋯.png (1.29 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541673 (060121ZSEP20) Notable: Joseph Flynn Shows Us What It's Like without Flinching on the Tw@t

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c5f3c8 No.99358

File: c459d5b21db92d0⋯.mp4 (4.31 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541698 (060125ZSEP20) Notable: Videos and photos are starting to emerge from today's QAnon-inspired "Save Our Children" march in central London

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Shayan Sardarizadeh @Shayan86

Journalist covering online disinformation and conspiracy theories

for @BBCMonitoring @BBCWorldService | DMs open | Email: shayan.sardarizadeh@bbc.co.uk

45-second clip

vid London Protest - Qanon UK heatmap - & a twitter poll

Videos and photos are starting to emerge from today's QAnon-inspired "Save Our Children" march in central London. I'd say the number of people attending seems to be a bit higher than two weeks ago. Once again, young women are at the forefront of the march

This is, of course, not surprising. QAnon has been spreading like wildfire in the UK during the pandemic. Britain is now the second country in the world, behind the US, where QAnon is getting the highest share of online interactions. Germany is third

Based on this map, tweets about QAnon are appearing in all four nations of the UK. The South East and the North West of England appear heavily red-pilled


Vote in twitter pool here:


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c5f3c8 No.99359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/10541720 (060127ZSEP20) Notable: An unusually low prevalence of current smoking was observed among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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“An unusually low prevalence of current smoking was observed among hospitalized COVID-19 patients compared to the expected prevalence based on smoking prevalence in China,”

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