I've been mostly awake for years, and fully awake since Q came along. I was deeply damaged as a child and initially chose many wrong paths to cope. For whatever reason, God saved me from various addictions, from prison, and even death, and I now have a full, amazing life full of abundance and integrity for the most part. I've evolved a great deal spiritually, however….. I've still struggled with one last issue.. porn. I still use it once a week or so to help cope with not getting what I need in my marriage. I know the internet is forever, and the universe records everything. I've done my best to fight the good fight as an anon, truth teller, and God has protected me and continues to enable me to do well in life in spite of my last remaining vice. Anyway, to Q or to God, or to the Universe, or all the above…. I'm letting that go today. I want to serve a greater cause and want to be free of all darkness and low vibration stuff. I'm not sure I can do it perfectly, but I want to be free of anything that would hinder my freedom and spiritual growth. I hope that by putting this out there, I can be of more use in this fight and would like to be brought into a deeper level of service in this fight of good vs evil. I am working on total integrity and this will be the last step for me to get there. I want to be more on the inside of things, to do something that really matters and I feel that this weakness is what has held me back. As of today, I'm done. I will be whole no matter how hard it is to do. I'm sorry for it taking this long to acknowledge it and to rid myself of this last thread tying me to the dark side. WWG1WGA
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