>>128679 VIDEO: What They Left Behind At Cerro Gordo Was Worth Millions (YouTube)
>>128681 (GAB) A Rough Guide To Nixon's Conspiracy Theories
>>128683 (GAB) On the left: Exposed genitalia to throngs of children in a public park
>>128685 (GAB) Stephen Colbert’s staffers were just arrested for illegal entry of the Capitol building. A year and a half in solitary confinement without bail is what I believe the going rate for that crime and that’s *with* the cops letting people in, so it’ll be interesting to see just how uneven our two tier Justice system really is when it deals with this one….
>>128687, >>128688 WashintonExaminer (Twatt) A source familiar told @dcexaminer that the @colbertlateshow crew were initially let into the Capitol complex on Thursday for pre-arranged interviews with members of Congress, but “overstayed their welcome.”
>>128689, >>128690 Benny (Twatt) Your pain and suffering is a joke to these people
>>128691 ThomasMassie (Twatt) “One of the most insidious despotic innovations of the Obama administration was to repurpose and revitalize the Wilson-era Espionage Act as an all-purpose weapon to punish whistleblowers who denounced Obama's policies.”
>>128692, >>128695, >>128696 BREAKING: U.S. President Joe Biden crashes a bike while riding up to members of the public during a bike ride in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, U.S.
>>128697 (Twatt) Warned you about this. RE: TikTok accessing American's private data
>>128699 Benny (Twatt) This RATIO is getting massive. Keep going
>>128700 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) The price of bitcoin fell below $20,000 on Saturday for the first time since late 2020, in a fresh sign that the selloff in cryptocurrencies is deepening.
>>128701 IlPresidento (TruSoc) Buenos dias to everyone who knows how to use a bike…
>>128702 MayorLatoyaCantrell (TWAAAT) As Juneteenth approaches, we celebrated with an unveiling in Lafayette Sq. This sculpture is very fitting for this time & place as we celebrate the freedoms that we have gained We know that it doesn’t come without struggles, fights, and protests for 200+ years
>>128704 IlPresidento (TruSoc) WHO DID THIS??
>>128705 IlPresidento (TruSoc) Trump with a Wrench
>>128706 ILPresidento (TruSoc) LOVE FAITH & FREEDOM!!!
>>128707 (TruSoc) #ThisIsHowItsDone! Two men bust up #DragQueenStoryHour shouting “#WhoBroughtThePedophile?” Women demand they mask up. “No thanks.” Women say it’s for kids. “Then #WhyIsThePedophileHere? #YouShouldBeAshamedOfYourself! #ThesePoorChildren! WhatTheHellisWrongWithYouSickPeople?”
>>128708, >>128711 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: After New Mexico County Commissioner Couy Griffin Votes to Decertify Recent Illegitimate Election Results -- He’s Sentenced to 14 Days for Peacefully Protesting the Stolen 2020 Election on Jan 6
>>128709 NewsMax (Twatt) The China Virus has finally met its maker.
>>128710 TheHill (Twatt) Yellowstone flooding rebuild could take years, cost billions
>>128712 LaurenBoebert (Twatt) Why was @StephenAtHome’s staff breaking federal law and at my office last night?
>>128713 RichardGrenell (Twatt) lol. Hey Kyle, look in the mirror.
>>128714 ANON: @GreggPhillips asked to explain the #CounterIntelOp
>>128716 ILPresidento (TruSoc) HAD TO DO IT!!!
>>128717 VIDEO: Gutfeld: Kamala Harris, the new Twitter content moderator (YouTube)
>>128719 VIDEO: ‘The Five’ react to Biden’s inflation portrayal (YouTube)
>>128720 USArmy (Twatt) Flag Week reminds us that #OldGlory unites us all.
>>128721 (TruSoc) Until we can afford prosthetics and equipment for every single wounded warrior, we have no business paying for sex changes.
>>128723 (GAB) The President drops anonymously on /qresearch/ in 2018. It is impossible for the Great Reset State to win because global consciousness is awakening. This is why it's so important to stay upbeat, even as the world falls around our ears. The Cult WANTS us to be fearful and uncertain. It's not about not giving them the satisfaction, it's about literally depriving them of one of their weapons against mankind. Stay positive, point and laugh at how stupid and evil and inflexible they are, and prepare for their extermination.
>>128724 ILPresidento (TruSoc) Putin did it!
>>128725 GinaCarano (Twatt) Gina Carano on Disney firing from ‘The Mandalorian,'
>>128726 FoxNews (Twatt) Putin lambasts US as acting like 'God's messenger,' claims world order is changing
>>128727, >>128729, >>128730, >>128734, >>128740, >>128742, >>128743 Authorities say extreme heat responsible for wave of cattle deaths in Kansas | (JustTheNews) + Moar
>>128731 (Twatt) Rogan/Joe Keks
>>128732 (Twatt) This has to be one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen Car randomly pulls up next to a cop, driver jumps out with an axe
>>128733, >>128735 VIDEO: Daredevils of Dining!! Central Asia’s Extreme Street Food!! (YouTube) + Reuters (TwattFAGS) WATCH: One of the many delights of the Georgian capital of Tbilisi are the small bakeries that specialize in a traditional and popular bread called the Kakheti shoti
>>128736 VIDEO: Republicans winning on every single issue: Pavlich (YouTube)
>>128737 Matt Gaetz (Twatt) Breitbart: Cornyn Gun Control Package Is a Way to ‘Bribe States to Enact Red Flag Laws’
>>128738, >>128739, >>128741, >>128744 Coal train derailment today Lawrence, Kansas. (MultiSauz)
>>128746 TheHill (Twatt) Rare "triple dip" La Nina appears more likely -- what that could mean for you
>>128752 KANSAS (Twatt) The great folks of Tennessee and Mississippi know that we need to fight for our freedoms now more than ever. Any opportunity I get to speak about America and visit with people from all over the country, you can count me in.
>>128753 KANSAS (Twatt) Faith and Freedom are America’s foundational elements. Thank you to Ralph Reed and all the people at the Faith & Freedom Convention for their great work in support of this essential truth tonight in Nashville.
>>128756 Disclose.tv (Twatt) NEW - Pfizer's primary mRNA injections "temporarily" impair semen concentration and total motile count among donors. The scope of the study did not include the effects of additional "booster" injections.
>>128757, >>128763 ANON: Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dads on the board! We celebrate YOU today!
>>128758 USAirForceRecruitiing (Twatt) Pride in all who serve. Only rainbow flags, no American Flags present..
>>128759 ANON: Platform Committee final report (page 40) We reject the certified results of the 2020 Presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.' (TexasGOP.org)
>>128760 (GAB) There should be a punch line for this, but at the moment I can't think of one.
>>128766, >>128767 TheHill (Twatt) These cities, states have said they won’t enforce an abortion ban https://trib.al/Lnn7krQ
>>128768, >>128769 Breitbart (Twatt) The Bank of England has admitted that its inflation predictions were widely off, as the UK is bracing for 11 percent inflation.
>>128769 Reuters (TWATS) High inflation expectations raise stakes for Bank of Canada ahead of CPI data
>>128770 JennaEllis (Twatter) A very special Father’s Day with special guest, MY DAD! We discussed why fathers are important to the family unit and the special role God gives to men, and of course, why I’m so blessed by my dad’s gift of being PRESENT in my life. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads! @newsmax
>>128771, >>128772 dufugg?? + Dufugg, dayum!
>>128773 USNavy (Twatt) #HappyFathersDay to the dads standing watch all over the globe and those here at home. Wishing you fair winds and following seas on your special day!
>>128775 PapiTrumpo RETwTT (Twatt) HAD TO DO IT!!!
>>128777 PapiTrumpo (Twatt) FAMILIA IS EVERYTHING!!!
>>128778 KANSAS (Twatt) “And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Mal. 4:6 KJV
>>128779 TimYoung (Twatt) Does Admiral Rachel Levine celebrate Father's Day? After all, she created 2 children using her penis…
>>128780 BloomBerg (Twatt) The FBI searched emails, texts and other electronic communications of as many as 3.4 million U.S. residents without a warrant over a year, the nation’s top spy chief said in a report.
>>128781 NYPost (Twatt) Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis detained in Italy over sex assault claims
>>128782 BreitBart (Twatt) 32 people were shot, three of them fatally, Friday into Sunday morning across Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago.
>>128783 DineshD'Souza (Twatt) Fantastic news! Sanity is making a comeback. Now the #150 ranked male swimmer can’t “identify” as a woman and win every single women’s event while also watching a movie on his phone
>>128784 NewsMax (Twatt) Ex-FDA Commissioner: "I think it's going to be a little bit more of a slow rollout" for COVID jabs for children under 5
>>128785 RichardGrenell (Twatt) Texas politicians must stand up to the intolerant leadership of the Texas State Republican Party.
>>128786 ANON: Truth Dies behind paywall lines. (ZeroHedge) is pay-walling now. TISK TISK TISK.
>>128787 #703
Archived Breads
Previously Collected Notables
>>128125 #697, >>128227 #698, >>128339 #699, >>128398 #700, >>128488 #701, >>128675 #702,
>>127287 #690, >>127413 #691, >>127547 #692, >>127637 #693, >>127752 #694, >>127942 #695, >>128036 #696,
>>126551 #683, >>126668 #684, >>126743 #685, >>126859 #686, >>126994 #687, >>127087 #688, >>127191 #689,
>>125770 #676, >>125883 #677, >>126034 #678, >>126184 #679, >>126286 #680, >>126336 #681, >>126449 #682
>>124974 #669, >>125113 #670, >>125252 #671, >>125304 #672, >>125397 #673, >>125532 #674, >>125632 #675,
>>124482 #662, >>124248 #663, >>124346 #664, >>124485 #665, >>124603 #666, >>124727 #667, >>124823 #668,
>>123322 #655, >>123612 #656, >>123606 #657, >>123950 #658, >>123825 #659, >>123948 #690, >>124049 #691
>>122498 #648, >>122621 #649, >>122774 #650, >>122829 #651, >>123110 #652, >>123048 #653, >>123306 #654,
>>121773 #641, >>121894 #642, >>121966 #643, >>122085 #644, >>122437 #745, >>122338 #646, >>122415 #647,
>>120985 #634, >>121135 #635, >>121271 #636, >>121365 #637, >>121484 #638, >>121584 #639, >>121648 #640,
>>120227 #627, >>120388 #628, >>120509 #629, >>120562 #630, >>120660 #631, >>120734 #632, >>120914 #633,
>>119538 #620, >>119658 #621, >>119752 #622, >>119851 #623, >>119971 #524, >>120048 #625, >>120170 #626,
>>118736 #613, >>118893 #614, >>118992 #615, >>119162 #616, >>119312 #617, >>119551 #618, >>119437 #619,
>>117942 #606, >>118076 #607, >>118259 #608, >>118257 #609, >>118388 #610, >>118518 #611, >>118643 #612,
>>116877 #599, >>117137 #600, >>117263 #601, >>117421 #602, >>117590 #603, >>117785 #604, >>117932 #605,
>>115678 #592, >>115800 #593, >>115918 #494, >>116130 #595, >>116271 #596, >>116530 #597, >>116678 #598,
>>114726 #585, >>114837 #586, >>114971 #587, >>115062 #588, >>115212 #589, >>115384 #590, >>115547 #591,
>>113603 #578, >>113952 #579, >>113954 #580, >>114220 #581, >>114255 #582, >>114460 #583, >>114524 #584,
>>112687 #571, >>112828 #572, >>112971 #573, >>113066 #574, >>113312 #575, >>113301 #576, >>113434 #577,
>>111785 #564, >>111964 #565, >>112112 #566, >>112301 #567, >>112403 #568, >>112527 #569, >>112622 #570,
>>110879 #557, >>111013 #558, >>111168 #559, >>111307 #560, >>111432 #561, >>111535 #562, >>111645 #563,
>>109749 #550, >>109940 #551, >>110091 #552, >>110279 #553, >>110494 #554, >>110638 #555, >>110751 #556,
>>108652 #543, >>108860 #544, >>108929 #545, >>109112 #546, >>109288 #547, >>109533 #548, >>109602 #549,
>>107452 #536, >>107549 #537, >>107704 #538, >>107899 #539, >>108063 #540, >>108214 #541, >>108412 #542,
>>106539 #529, >>106714 #530, >>106710 #531, >>106940 #532, >>106957 #533, >>107089 #534, >>107276 #535,
>>105434 #522, >>105757 #523, >>105767 #524, >>105865 #525, >>105992 #526, >>106248 #527, >>106297 #528,
>>104419 #515, >>104529 #516, >>104756 #517, >>104879 #518, >>104989 #519, >>105210 #520, >>105315 #521,
>>103420 #508, >>103495 #509, >>103807 #510, >>103819 #511, >>103922 #512, >>104031 #513, >>104185 #514,
>>102301 #501, >>102556 #502, >>102677 #503, >>102810 #504, >>102918 #505, >>103131 #506, >>103303 #507,
>>101357 #494, >>101435 #495 , >>101552 #496, >>101657 #497, >>101803 #498, >>101994 #499, >>102148 #500,