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all fur one and one fur all

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File: 3fdaba552b027af⋯.jpg (65.19 KB,640x327,640:327,Neverending Story.jpg)

File: e0e831794bb8f65⋯.png (69.99 KB,250x207,250:207,Papa_Werewolf.png)

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 No.111904 [View All]

It's time for a real thread. Post lycanthropes. Wolfmen included. From movies, cartoons, comics, games, OC, whatever. It doesn't matter whether it's lewd or not.

19 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 9e0ad38f8d044a1⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,203.16 KB,865x1098,865:1098,werewolf_on_bridge_trek.jpg)

File: 1e066808dc4400e⋯.jpg (43.54 KB,512x270,256:135,Benwolf_Stages.jpg)

tar Trek's malleability in regards to bending the laws of science has made it perfect for those kinds of explorations, and Star Trek has never shied away from lewd situations, with numerous episodes across the decades involving things from diseases that incite irrational thinking and lust, to energy beings that impregnate people with their consciousness, to alien sex-slavers, to cat-girls, to people trying to make their virtual waifus real, and lesbian kissing and sexy stretches.

So there is plenty of precedent for lewds and fetishes as well as plenty of transport shenanigans.

Given this, how would you incorporate your fetish into a Star Trek episode and do it subtly enough for it to air on television? What concepts and ideas would you like to see the show explore?

- Perhaps its an alien adaptation by a species which hunts at night and rests and does more mental activities during the day, transforming back and forth in synchronization.

- Or it could be a disease which ravages people and forces them to change according to a lunar cycle, and that it becomes dangerous if not kept closely scheduled; a crew stranded on an alien planet without communication and/or proper chronometery would have to rely on their personal bonds and knowledge to deal with this problem in one of their fellow crewmen.

This idea of course comes with the stereotypical animal behaviors and body features, among other stuff that gets fetishized to that purpose. the furries win again

After all, the idea of an alien Werewolf isn't new either, with a prominent example being Loboans from Ben 10.

https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Loboan (pic 2)

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>werewolves untalked about, worgens forgotten

Sad to see such a thread left untapped on this board

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Deathbattle did a pair of werewolf characters from Killer Instinct and Nightstalkers in a fight. Fun IMO.


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File: 3f6aafe893338bf⋯.png (1.04 MB,640x965,128:193,taurus.png)

Not a real werewolf, but look at this cutie.

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Looks awesome but unfamiliar. What is this paperback about?

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>What is this paperback about?

I haven't gotten this far in the series, so I'm not entirely sure. You can read the backcover blurb here:


As for this series as a whole, which I do enjoy, it's sci-fi. Sometimes with a military bias, sometimes with a medieval romance bias, often with action or mystery biases.

Basically, the universe this world is set in is one where humanity has colonized many planets via wormholes. One of those planets, Barrayar, had its only known wormhole collapse, and was lost to humanity for a few centuries. During that time period, they grew a feudal society. Suddenly, an interplanetary human empire finds planet Barrayar again and decides to conquer it, but they successfully use guerilla warfare to fight back, and even steal back some spaceship tech. That happened about a century before the time period the books cover, where the main character, Miles, is a young count from this still-rural-and-backwards planet who wants to do military stuff in space but gets sidetracked by other adventures.

Totally'd recommend.

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I'll note that paperback is actually an omnibus containing two whole novels and a novella.

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File: 3957cc741097bde⋯.jpg (428.44 KB,1271x1920,1271:1920,pride_of_chanlur.jpg)



This sounds metal AF, typical of 90s/early 2000s literature. Reminds me of pic related

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Nice cat harem.

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Top kek. Reverse Cat-lady

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File: 26cb97042a07efd⋯.jpg (33.78 KB,640x480,4:3,31_Wolf_into_Werewolf.jpg)


Post retro werewolves or the like

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Dog Soldiers got a review from Brandon's Cult Movie Reviews. Pretty decent werewolf film.

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File: 3a8776ed420fa29⋯.jpg (87.12 KB,500x638,250:319,0f07235a740858042cc2f0e2c8….jpg)

A weird AF commies OC of a Werewolf related character is Crimson Moon

>Crescent Moon Mask's scheme involved the creation of a town filled with people abducted by him and his minions, then injecting all those within the town with a drug that can turn people into werewolves upon his command.

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>>111842 Man Wolf

and also Wolfsbane are superhero werewolves

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communist moon man

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Someone give me a rundown on Nightstalkers demon lore, the wikis are shit and the anime and cartoon are very sparse and confusing.

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MFW Darkstalkers, fucking autocorrect


As a sidenote Jon Talbain's face off with his Dark Side counterpart is really reminiscent of Naruto fighting his Dark Inner Self at the Waterfall of Truth.

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Halloween is over. You can stop pretending to like werewolves now.

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The 1990s are over, you can stop pretending to be a contrarian emo now.

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>literally only 1 post on the thread is from October in general

<but muh Halloween!!!


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Werewolves are a Halloween monster just like vampires, witches, ghosts, or frankenstein. Liking them outside of the spooky season is kinda cringe.

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File: b340d08ca79bd07⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,902.23 KB,5200x3000,26:15,f7124a7d4cebd3e5690f1de20b….jpg)

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File: 729db49511d8e8e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1005.22 KB,2500x4000,5:8,f_1604525652802.jpg)

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File: 35046aeb1d1cd38⋯.png (5.58 MB,3000x4000,3:4,611121bbdf2188f3e41f9faed9….png)

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File: 3ef49e272c206fc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,457.74 KB,4000x2000,2:1,ae2236d92009f83222ecae8e13….jpg)

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File: 95a1476c4757804⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,374.66 KB,2892x2000,723:500,7f29bf987931606342ced7d13f….jpg)

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File: 925b5d3e0d1fb82⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,957.43 KB,3000x2160,25:18,37a28d51e0764062a92577dd08….jpg)

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File: ac1d60f9853f14d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,307.58 KB,2000x2500,4:5,6b461cbf424b4a377edcec4474….jpg)

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File: c7d3a3a741d97db⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,174.22 KB,2825x1821,2825:1821,870eb69d0d26843ab54685dff2….jpg)

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File: db9be1dc4c18d53⋯.png (Spoiler Image,589.33 KB,1432x1825,1432:1825,836fd6dbee9adbb05fe97c36f0….png)

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File: 964390747094399⋯.png (10.18 MB,4960x4388,1240:1097,2b6a58665534d716ad261c5e06….png)

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File: 63c9a7dc4a1ee4d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB,3850x2973,3850:2973,0727d80cda372148c855385ec6….png)

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File: 08e4dd94448e654⋯.png (Spoiler Image,2.91 MB,2000x3500,4:7,7c53a1e067aa04e5b33eb2d212….png)

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File: 172c074cf1b4468⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.39 MB,3750x2400,25:16,4daae2af74ad2a587ab9832508….png)

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That's the most 😬retarded take I've heard in a while. ALL of those monsters and creatures are associated with Halloween, but their mythos developed over time and concern all seasons. Really ought to learn mythologies and legends more.

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to what purpose?

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File: a710ba77eea4ecd⋯.jpg (520.98 KB,3200x3600,8:9,81dacd256f414d042d839a4dcd….jpg)

File: 21060e5672b320d⋯.jpg (643.48 KB,3200x3600,8:9,2d7f6b9ce33c3e8404c9333bd8….jpg)

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I suppose snout would be a better word than head here

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Post werewolves that are not explicitly named as werewolves in media.

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File: 734842d455594dc⋯.jpg (292.49 KB,973x733,973:733,1509577795159.jpg)

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File: 129a44f03b724ec⋯.png (334.25 KB,466x664,233:332,ClipboardImage.png)


Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood


>"Hello this is CNN, and recently a videogame where the player is a werewolf has gotten massive backlash on twitter."

>"This is a result of a feature ingame that allows the player to zoom the camera in on the werewolfs groin region, where the developers have added a sheath and massive testicles."

>"This feature has caused outrage among communities, primarily ones including Social Justice Warriors, Twitter users, and Tumblr users."

>"This also caused the game to recieve an M rating and content filters to have been enabled on many copies of the game."

>"We now go live to a woman who bought the game for her son, only to find this horrible feature."

>Camera flips to a redneck woman

>"I just feel like this is some form of zoophilia, like the creators want to force their absolutely sick actions onto our children. I do sincerely hope they take this game down entirely."

>Camera goes back to news station

>"As said by the woman, this action is despicable and will most likely continue to recieve massive hate. Though the developers of said game said they plan to remove this feature, more on this story at 9."

>Cuts to commercial

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File: cb6ad69e02f4ffc⋯.jpg (460.9 KB,1280x1800,32:45,1_010.jpg)

File: d7bf7f23852369b⋯.jpg (357.89 KB,1280x1770,128:177,1_001.jpg)

>Idea: Story of a dude who transforms into a horny female werewolf on the fullmoon who gets into a relationship.

That could actually bring in an interesting angle, it's a kind of forced bisexuality.

Like, in his regular mode he's this twinky beta-male type dude, gets scooped by a gunner career-oriented gal, and it's all good except she's never content when he has to "drive up to Buckshot County and help Granny with something at the old family farm" every month.

So finally she gets her old fuckbuddy at the dealership to put a Lojack tracker onto his Honda, and she follows him up into the hills, gets lost halfway up the mountain and arrives way after dark. His car's parked outside this rundown log cabin in a creepy glen, next to about a half dozen other random makes and models. She creeps up to the porch and peers in thru the window shutters, and BANG! Werewolves all over the place!

Yadda yadda, she gets caught by one of them, and almost gets torn to shreds when this HUGE alpha female jumps in, knocks a few heads together and drags her into a back bedroom. Surprise, it's the boyfriend! He can only string together a few words at a time, but (s)he explains it to the GF, also tells her that she can't leave knowing what she now knows.

She's like, "are you gonna kill me?" and he's like "there's two ways of doing it, and that's one of them." Other way is to Turn her, but it's hard to do, the blood's not as strong in her/him and it's only active when she's ovulating. And wolves are triggered ovulators, they have to be breeding with their chosen partner to do it. More yadda yadda, fortune cookie liberally applied to the girlfriend's face, girlfriend's fist ends up buried in werewolf cookie, it's a wrap!

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File: 1cfd74893b8f30b⋯.png (2.09 MB,1800x1280,45:32,wolftfag.png)

>Your best friend is this camfag

<come home to this shit

What You Do? Would You Do?

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Take her on a candlelight dinner, make sweet love to her, then pimp her around town since this is clearly our revenue stream

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"When Animals Dream" is showing on Australian FTA TV tonight...

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Wasn't too bad, but not a classic or sequel/followup worthy, or having better writing than most. No way the actress was passing for 16, you wouldn't call it "Horror" (being more of a Supernatural Drama about part-blood Werewolves), and the Monster Effects were shit (dubbed-over wolf growl, pulled-zipline jumps, etc.) She did make a cute fuzzy even with the blood on her face, though.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And now they're showing this..

Must be Furry Week at SBS.

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Where do you find such odd niche content like this?

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So an episode of the Japanese property that was clipped to make the power rangers? Was this the same show with the Chainsaw Nazi?

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>Chainsaw Naz

No that was Danger Five, an Australian parody series

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Is smile dog a werewolf I wonder if skilego wi a awwwol

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