Furry is >>115323
0. Global rules (https://8kun.top/globalrule.html)
0a. No cub porn (no loli/shota global policy).
1. Don't disrupt the board with spam, derails, drama, etc.
2. Don't treat /fur/ as a fetish board or porn aggregate.
3. Spoiler lewds. Tame and artistic nudity may pass.
4. Don't be antagonistic.
5. Don't promote hateful language or politics.
6. No doxxing, harassment, or raids.
0. Install uwupgrade (link; instructions)
1. Use the catalog and catalog search.
2. Use the report system.
3. Try to cultivate discussion in your threads
4. If you have a singular, specific request you should look for a suitable thread. Don't be selfish.
5. Remember spoiler etiquette.
6. Zoophilia isn't furry. Don't post it.
How we moderate:
We try to be flexible and give situations time to breathe before acting. Rules are not always strictly enforced, and at times we will act on unforeseen problems.
Please feel welcome to discuss the board in the meta thread (make one if it isn't there). Feedback is always encouraged.
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