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Anons Fringe Archive

File: 88bfa31af076bfb⋯.jpg (76.05 KB,736x1104,2:3,1bf9a77e03040e70e56b87d1a9….jpg)



June 21 2020 (6+2+1+2+0+2+0=13)

1. Solar Eclipse Confirmed

Duration - 38 minutes (8+3=11)

Saros - 137 (1+3+7=11)

Greatest Eclipse - 6:41 UTC (6+4+1=11)

Magnitude - 0.994 (9+9+4=22)

Catalog# - (SE5000) 9553 (9+5+5+3=22)

Max. width of band 21 km (13 mi)

2. 193 days left in the year. (1+9+3=13)

3. Conjunction between the Sun and Venus

4. Conjunction between the Sun and Mars

5. Square between the Moon and Saturn

6. Conjunction between the Moon and Uranus

7. Conjunction between Venus and Mars

8. Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn

9. SQUARE between Saturn and Uranus

This is a 1,000 year event. The hidden masters will not let it go to waste. All rituals will be magnified 1000 fold.

This is a warning I got from one of my Mage Friends online. These riots and unrest are a means to generate enough negative energy world wide to fuel the deepstate's Black Magic rituals. Please counter with Prayer and White Magic. Evil must not prevail!

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File: bb3556c8dba2183⋯.jpg (296.73 KB,565x436,565:436,sol1.jpg)


>square between saturn and uranus

>square between saturn and moon

Tbh not sure what they're hoping to accomplish with this.

Any way you look at it this window is only really auspicious for white magic. It sounds more like a bunch of ascended masters have been preparing a big ritual, and the cabal's trying to counter them.

I've seen my energy levels go down massively as the Saturn squares are lining up, so I'll leave this one to the other whiz-kids here, hopefully y'all don't have 100% Saturnine birth charts.

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File: 6ab4cf043e92d26⋯.jpg (140.78 KB,694x392,347:196,6ab4cf043e92d26d6b19c10ded….jpg)

Then we must assemble! Green pill, red pill, brown pill, I call you to defend our world alongside me once more! I will soon bake the bread of assembly. You will know it by the crest it bears, of a horned feline beast of red.

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It's coming near, anyone has anything new to add?

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>These riots and unrest are a means to generate enough negative energy world wide to fuel the deepstate's Black Magic rituals

Rituals of Babylon. This event is being closely watched by those with the Eye of Horus on our planet for this is the appearance of a now powerful new breed of men and women to take over and be in control once again and this time around, it is their world against our world


So this is why we are in a phase right now where the darkest Witchcraft is escalating on a global scale at the same time our people are waking up and speaking out against it, and I think that is the reason why you have noticed a massive increase in MASSIVE earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other large natural events around the world lately. This kind of high strung, angry, Anti-Christ Force has been setting the stage for a long time now and we are the inevitable victims of it. You see, I don't believe the beautiful Planet Earth is just our biological, physical, mental, and spiritual children, but that it is also a sentient planet that is truly alive and is in fact divine in it's very nature. And that is my God-Consciousness which is my Higher Self. This consciousness is everywhere and exists in all things. It is beyond time and space and can unite with any living being.

It can unite with animals, plants, minerals, and people in the most beautiful ways and feed on them to heal them. It can sense the heart and bring the awareness to the various spiritual states of the human soul and make use of it in healing.

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Hi, newfig here quick rundown on the meanings/significance of the conjunctions and squares.

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At what time of day do I do my ritual?

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File: fae55c54205d75d⋯.jpg (986.95 KB,3024x3024,1:1,corona_shrine.jpg)

File: cd38c8d07bc1313⋯.png (433.74 KB,826x657,826:657,corona_and_ebola.png)


Yes this seems, as OP pointed out, as a perfect time to initiate a massive sacrifice by occult means. I have some ideas.

Remember to pray to Sekhmet aka Pandemic-chan or The Lady of Slaughter for protection against the coming waves. You only have to ask, but people today are too dumb and disrespectful to even do that. They prefer their modern fake gods - but those will not protect them!

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They will try to reclaim the ancient world, but must prepare for a fight against the ancient builders and their murderous god who summoned them! A fight they are familiar with as they have waged wars against the gods themselves. As the gods drive back the armies of the human empires, the few remaining gods must attempt to remain on their home turf and defend the tribes of their people. Beware though, even if you have no desire for war or competition, you may very well find yourself being pushed from a position where you can no longer protect the world.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Welp here we go

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You're a fool. Your "god" will kill you if it gets the chance.


This post I am more apt to believe as it's an austere argument compared to the paranoia of >>135051 .

Fill the world with love and wish for basic human decency to prevail over the madness. It makes the demon-worshippers and their toadish minions so butthurt.

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>Your "god" will kill you if it gets the chance.

Well duh. That's the whole point. Do you even death, faggot?

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Why acknowledge a force that cares nothing about whether you live or die. Asking for anything from it wouldn't yield anything, and asking nothing would yield equally nothing, why even bother?

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based Jill the Ripper

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File: 59e62645d9fae13⋯.jpg (50.92 KB,768x727,768:727,1562677384372.jpg)

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File: 0fd38b04b8665b8⋯.jpg (29.36 KB,395x553,5:7,0fd38b04b8665b84763134fd80….jpg)


Jill-chan a gay tbh.

I really hope y'all know what you're doing with those US riots. You've decided to cast your cringe spells on a shithole across the ocean, so you're responsible for whatever happens next.

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>Why acknowledge a force that cares nothing about whether you live or die

Lol. I personally know both of them. Or all three of them depending on who you meant.

Corona-chan = Nut

Ebola-chan = Inanna

Pandemic-chan = Sekhmet

>Asking for anything from it wouldn't yield anything

This attitude is why humans today won't get any protection. Ask nicely, that's all it takes. They can kill millions but they're not unreasonable. If a single person just asked them to leave their area alone, they may do so. But no one asked. Now who's the fool?


>I really hope y'all know what you're doing with those US riots.

The spell just removed the foothold of liberalism in the US. It was nothing almost. Liberals themselves did everything else, the rioting is all them. They could just have accepted Trump and submitted, instead they choose to burn their own neightbourhoods. Notice how so many of them burned and looted businesses owned by blacks and liberals themselves? It can not be allowed any other way.

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You're assuming they have any power.

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fake virus, fake god, fake news

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So what's happened? News have been slow, and I felt nothing out of ordinary

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A small feud for power and the destiny of Earth. Pay attention to international news on the next 2 weeks.

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I stopped looking at news… sick of constant jogger shit…

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How is it going to be on the news, this is not an isolated event. Unless you made one. This is about fundamentally obliterating the trust in western liberalism and democracy, to recreate a decent society.

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File: 6b6c17ad68f9c99⋯.png (370.86 KB,598x588,299:294,c76481f131a3ef0e5a873207dd….png)


I think what anon meant is that this final removal of corruption will manifest as changes in the world's power balance, so a trained eye should be able to pick up the disparate events reflecting this, like changes in international relations, economic shifts, and popular opinion turning against the autistic death throes of modernity.

You've probably noticed the constant shifts throughout this year. It'll only get more ridiculous from this point onward.

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I meant somenthing like that, but not requiring a trained eye.

There will be big international events and/or shifts of power in the coming weeks.

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What I meant by trained eye, is that you'd need to be acquainted with the occult scene to understand why those power shifts and events are happening, and what they really mean, but obviously the average layman will notice that shit's going down, as well.

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It is not hard to understand that some countries and economical interest want to change the balance of world power in their favor and then everyone in the middle is kind of on the fence about it because the Burguer hegemony after wwII already expired and defending their bullshit it is probably worse than just letting them rot and face whatever comes next with reset mindse.

Its the same political fare as always, just another cold war but part of that whole affair is a major shift in consciousness too and a psycological warfare is going on. It will eventually seem less chaotic, when the endgoal is either realized or fails, normal people are being taken for a spin but we`ll see whats up eventually a lot more clearly.

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This was my entire reason for interest in the occult and spiritual studies. Not for some magical powers, but UNDERSTANDING. A desire to know what's really going on.

>the average layman will notice that shit's going down, as well

And this is particularly alarming to me. Not saying that it's a good or bad thing that normies are taking notice, but I think it's a symptom of how blatantly obvious it has all become.


>A psychological Cold War

I like how you phrased that. Care to elaborate on this upcoming major shift in consciousness?

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This is about the similar bad guys


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we are currently in, simultaneously, a:

>cold civil-war

>global cold-world-war

>psychological cold-war


Please read everything, very important.

save and back up.

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Are you guys paying attention to the news? In the last 48 hours…

>there was a flooding in China, with a risk of future rains colapsing the biggest dam in China,

>huge locust swarms risk food production in Argentina and Brazil.

>huge dust cloud named as "Godzilla" comes from Sahara and is about to reach Mexico and US.

>5.8 magnitude earthquake in California.

And it's not even been a full week yet. I'm expecting more trouble in China.

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Actually that's not even close to the full effect of this shift, even for this week. A lot of stuff has been happening behind-the-scenes, much bigger than some pussy shit earthquake or a dust plume from the sand dunes.

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>muh consciousness shift

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there are things changing for sure, whatever you wanna call it

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There are no white wizards. All are in a BIG DECEPTION, DECEIVING AND BEING DECEIVED.


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No, the consciousness shift is up to each individual to enact for themselves. There's no big, species-wide change in perception, and there never will be. The zeitgeist is determined by the people and the times, not the other way around.

What I'm talking about is big, concrete events, shifting the balance of power, nothing to do with consciousness, at least directly.

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Prayer for a dark blessing for success in their plans for Agenda 21, or as it's now being called The Great Reset.

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What did you mean by this?

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Hey them ascended masters are not such bad guys! They stopped the blood sacrifice just MOMENTS before it was able to manifest. That's some power in the hands of Crowley's crew… I feel them beaming information into my skull as I write. They're saying: OP is a faggot, and that this entire thread is garbage. Lo and behold, the rest of this sentence is just a distraction to hide the last phrase from immediate view.

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Nah it seems to be working pretty well. You missed the recent increase in corona cases in the US?

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Is that your metric?

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>actually believing that

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>unironically believing the Corona-chan meme

You need to lay off the MSM there friend.

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You guys think that these nuts' "White Magic" is automatically good news for YOU? Just think for a second, what huge magical attack by a bunch of recluses could benefit any ordinary schmoe (that ordinary, unaffiliated schmoe being YOU)?

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Ask that question to the little little black spectral insect that's giving you paranoid thoughts and leeching off your loosh.

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Whatever it is, it's bad news for somebody.

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