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d11f1d No.19449 [Open thread]

岛民是一个最~~~~恶劣的handsome girl

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e8baa6 No.19447 [Open thread]


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a3e767 No.19442 [Open thread]


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91294d No.19443

File: 2f92cf507dfb9e6⋯.jpeg (58.73 KB,GWi0SiaaYAA1Qt3.jpeg)

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000000 No.19446



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File: 8309cb26be1f02b⋯.png (476.25 KB,541x745,541:745,ClipboardImage.png)

bc03c5 No.19432 [Open thread]


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000000 No.19433


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5a978e No.19434

File: 6970fa730256521⋯.jpeg (117.41 KB,GbYQ06LWQAED_Dd.jpeg)


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000000 No.19445



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000000 No.19417 [Open thread]

▶虫友 01/12/25 (Sun) 05:49:03 No.1049


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75ea37 No.19444


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e5f990 No.19441 [Open thread]


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000000 No.19440 [Open thread]


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8add74 No.19439 [Open thread]


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3aa72a No.19438 [Open thread]


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File: cd63cd19f6dd8b4⋯.jpeg (387.84 KB,1170x2391,390:797,c20i6cgmkade1.jpeg)

d4dabe No.19423 [Open thread]


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000000 No.19430


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File: 0193a8bd617871b⋯.jpg (148.94 KB,1080x1983,360:661,1737077063287_acd0578aj00s….jpg)

2efad3 No.19424 [Open thread]


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2b5542 No.19426

File: 9c6eaac094e9bd8⋯.png (201.78 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_20240518_125114_466.png)

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000000 No.19428



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84d988 No.19396 [Open thread]

今天14:40左右支付宝出现重量级bug 用支付宝支付无论什么订单都-20%折扣 疑似测试国补导致

有人两个支付宝互相扫码付款撸两万多 我没撸到我好恨

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3ae1a5 No.19406

File: 04591f0e98d7c83⋯.jpeg (35.42 KB,472x1024,59:128,GhaiduZaYAA0_nA.jpeg)


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22f46a No.19413


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097562 No.19419


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cbc8e2 No.19421

File: f46f8896e0cea3b⋯.jpg (97.17 KB,486x1280,243:640,IMG_20250117_030415_477.jpg)

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501d2a No.19427



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File: 72b0a4e4ed91e41⋯.png (49.36 KB,800x1199,800:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

7d8707 No.19410 [Open thread]


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ebc07b No.19411

File: 60f66d2cb8e5ab1⋯.jpg (500.72 KB,GPTZHlBbEAAe2W_.jpg)



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30962a No.19412

File: 60f66d2cb8e5ab1⋯.jpg (500.72 KB,GPTZHlBbEAAe2W_.jpg)



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2fbbf5 No.19425


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000000 No.19418 [Open thread]

HK Anonymous 24/08/01(Thu)13:10 No. 1003230 ID: d989f1 hide watch quickreply [回复]

操你妈 好想上ku岛啊,8kun真的没那味儿

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4fe7f5 No.19422

操你妈 好想上ku岛啊


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000000 No.19416 [Open thread]

Anonymous 2025-01-14 09:21:33 No.23

你是要看CP呢还是ai-generated shit?看看自由ku岛现在成什么逼样子

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