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55ed3d No.19844 [Open thread]


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5ba9e9 No.19843 [Open thread]

崩 溃 了

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

124db3 No.19834 [Open thread]


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124db3 No.19835

File: e325cf154b83671⋯.jpg (507.27 KB,837x859,837:859,G_.jpg)


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File: a583fe99b3cb600⋯.jpeg (50.69 KB,404x523,404:523,Gh3jq_0a8AAGzre.jpeg)

e50709 No.19804 [Open thread]


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b0fe33 No.19826

File: 214f77aae92bb26⋯.jpeg (99.63 KB,720x935,144:187,IMG_1537.jpeg)


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File: 60e2c171ac41e43⋯.jpg (344.09 KB,1130x2048,565:1024,20250123_002657.jpg)

942343 No.19822 [Open thread]



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17471e No.19825


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File: e8da80713837c3d⋯.jpeg (157.37 KB,978x1723,978:1723,IMG_9066.jpeg)

d863df No.19819 [Open thread]


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4fe483 No.19785 [Open thread]

妈的到底是哪个岛民用着digitalocean ip刷我的破网站😡😡😡

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2d09ff No.19787


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a339bf No.19790


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79770f No.19817


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161428 No.19818


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File: 7f194b508f4a9ee⋯.png (194.74 KB,640x970,64:97,gl33xtqakh4b1.png)

0c575b No.19782 [Open thread]


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5f39c2 No.19805

File: 677df94c8344f99⋯.png (129.83 KB,448x261,448:261,FBjdAn6UYActf3z.png)




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e81e12 No.19808



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24816f No.19809

File: 9c6eaac094e9bd8⋯.png (201.78 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_20240518_125114_466.png)



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5aa1b0 No.19813



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

87d38b No.19810 [Open thread]


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3a8951 No.19811


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3aa42b No.19812



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File: d9488b8c825c138⋯.jpeg (687.09 KB,2730x4096,1365:2048,IMG_9039.jpeg)

e33185 No.19806 [Open thread]


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77cada No.19807


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599f57 No.19799 [Open thread]


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4c3191 No.19800

File: 83a331d0a2ec76c⋯.jpg (193.45 KB,953x953,1:1,d1160924ab18972ba6841deea0….jpg)

File: 6ae6632672425e6⋯.jpg (62.84 KB,720x541,720:541,c2fdfc039245d688ccdff78ce2….jpg)

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08af86 No.19803



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File: 99e6fcccab0e204⋯.mp4 (5.67 MB,720x1280,9:16,1737550383669.mp4)

751143 No.19802 [Open thread]




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000000 No.19801 [Open thread]


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6e9ee5 No.19794 [Open thread]


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5e22a3 No.19797

File: 15727292ad07aa1⋯.png (206.41 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_20240706_225357_856.png)

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000000 No.19798



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0a8ef8 No.19791 [Open thread]


下个月就辞职,不知道劳动仲裁能不能起码把加班费要回来 常年996没有加班费😡

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183cd9 No.19792



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cd6e3f No.19796


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