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 No.812 [Last50 Posts]

ITT great soundtracks
I know I've mentioned Drowning with Numbers recently since I watched it recently but damn it's got a hell of a soundtrack.
Have the Akira soundtrack as a bonus:
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The Werckmeister Harmonies soundtrack.
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Zbigniew Preisner
Eleni Karaindrou
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+Wojciech Kilar
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Here's some Andrzej Korzynski
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are polandboos becoming a thing now?
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still can't into space tho
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I love this track (and movie). Zdenek Liska seems pretty underrated, he composed hundreds of scores yet only a few can be purchased.
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Anything from Hans Zimmer :^^^^^>
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I'm sorry i'm retarded

"Well done movie for the subject. Not revolutionary but could've gone a lot worse. Soundtrack is truly amazing."
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>no auto embed

this too
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Great soundtrack if you're into the MGS4 or even the cod modern warefare games
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Have I heard Preisner? Surely you meant van Budenmayer
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I like this groovy little EP with Claude Bolling's music from QUI?

This track was also used for the TV series Eurotika
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Stavros Xarhakos - Girls In The Sun (1968)

This Greek movie looks a bit silly, but the soundtrack has some cool acoustic textures.
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Even though the film was far from perfect (still one of my favorite "recent" films) the soundtrack for the fountain was absolutely fantastic. I adore Clint Mansells work in general. If you like minimalistic soundtracks that in structure work almost like a concept album you should definitely give this one a listen.
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Probably one of the actual scary things about the movie.
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The soundtrack for La Planet Sauvage was very good indeeddd

kilimanjaro darkjaz ensemble
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Michel Magne - Le Monocle rit jaune (1964)

Cool jazz via France
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Stranger than Paradise soundtrack, composed by John Lurie (who is a main actor in this film as well), strikes me as insanely good in the sense of fitting the vibe of minimalism and perdition, flowing with moving images and landscapes, desolate wastelands and frozen lakes. It's got a nice Eastern European feel, similar to the works of Arvo Pärt.

It's also one of my favourite films of all time.
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Sugary sweet German chorus and strings for what looks to be a vile torture movie called Mark of the Devil (1970).
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Here's one of the best Lee Hazlewood songs I've heard, coming from an otherwise mediocre soundtrack to a Swedish TV movie called A House Safe for Tigers.

Since there are probably too many embedded videos on this page…

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André Previn - "Executive Party"
from Rollerball (1975)
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Stelvio Cipriani - "Sophisticated Shake"
from Femina Ridens (1969)
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H-Hello? Is anyone there?

Official Back from the Dead Theme Song

Giuliano Sorgini ‎- "John Dalton Street"
from The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974)
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the most peaceful and beautiful theme for the most violent and ugly film <3
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No Morricone posted yet?

How about a Catholic Psychedelic Freakout…
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Always preferred this version to the original
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From a BBC television play of Alice in Wonderland
It's not my favourite adaptation of the story but Ravi Shankar's music stands out
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So brief but I can't think of a more haunting bit of film music
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Library music used in a Radley Metzger movie

David Gold - Forbidden Fruit
from KPM 1141 - Image (1974)
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Visionary and massively influential electronic compositions by Louis and Bebe Barron for Forbidden Planet (1956)
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great choice. in a similar vein, Peter Thomas' groovy space music for Raumpatrouille. it's tv…but i really doubt /tv/ would ever talk about this show.
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I've got a few electronic tracks to share.

This is Vangelis - Pulstar, which really stood out when I was watching a trailer compilation for "adult films"

It was used (perhaps without permission) in Skintight (1981)
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Giorgio Moroder - "The Apartment" from Paul Schrader's American Gigolo (1984)

a nice moody piece
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Mort Garson's moog madness on a Didn't You Hear? (1983), a forgotten Gary Busey movie that I could never find
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from Daft Punk's Electroma
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Needs more jazz
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nice dubs brah
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I've been watching a lot of Takeshi Kitano lately (inb4 entry level cinema, his stuff's fucking great) and if there's one thing that stands out above all else it's probably the OST. I particularly enjoyed Hana-bi's, but I liked Sonatine as well.
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Here's a very cool Italian baroque groove from Armando Trovajoli.

Featuring the choir heard on many other great Italian soundtracks – I Cantori Moderni.
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I don't think anyone has posted Tôru Takemitsu yet. Here's one of his melodic compositions but of course he's better known for creating avant garde sound textures for films.
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>Library music

Bending the rules since I can't figure out if this was actually used somewhere, but damn it's a killer track
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Delia Derbyshire interprets Bach, used in Enter the Void
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9:36 if you can't be bothered listening through it all, at least listen to 9:36
The Geinoh Yamashirogumi are absolutely amazing
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For my money it doesn't get any better than this
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famously sampled…
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I like the music (sung by Donny Osmond) in this Roger Vadim film about high school girls

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This soundtrack sounds a lot like a private press garage psych record.

It came out a few years ago on Andy Votel's Finders Keepers label.

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Hi /film/, here's one that might seem obvious. But this iconic soundtrack is actually hard to find! Usually you can only get the re-recorded score, yuck. The original music faster, but in poor condition … which kind of makes it creepier! I like how the strings sound like they are tearing each other apart.

I just came across a new vinyl release of the original score so I want to post it for you guys … enjoy.


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The Conversation is #1 because of the entire thing is about sound/audio and it's so fucking well executed, rest are mostly about how good the OST/soundtrack were.

Nino Rota and Angelo Badalementi are my favorites.

Actually haven't seen the Social Network - yet - but the album Trent and Ross made blew my mind.

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I had to look up The Conversation because I forgot the music but it's got that cool piano riff. That film has fantastic sound design too. It might be my favorite from Coppola.

I hadn't thought about David Shire but I really like his killer theme to The Taking of Pelham One Two Three.

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It is my favorite Coppola. The music isn't the thing, it's the entire movie and how it's executed around sound/audio that gets me.

The opening sequence is pure sex.

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twin peaks is my favorite soundtrack for sure

love merry christmas mr. lawrence as well

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can you guys think of people who would create all of a film's sound design and all the music too? the audio might sound like an ongoing experimental track with some music.

i know about michel fano and i think toru takamitsu would do it too. who else?


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david lynch, see eraserhead, inland empire.

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Forbidden Planet qualifies

there should be more experimental electronics examples

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i didn't like Un prophete as much as most people

but the song over the end credits is comfy as fuck

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my favorite david sylvian song right there

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it's make me feel nostalgic even though i just saw the film for the first time a few weeks ago. kind of makes me think of spirited away

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This thread needs more Death Waltz a cool new label focused on horror soundtracks.

Beyond the Black Rainbow is obviously worth owning and I like the music from the Maniac remake with Frodo.



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great fuckin logo

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here is minimal electronic music from a planetarium visual art project called "a song for echo". i like the composer richardo donoso.


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"Haunted", is far superior than "Haunted Sequence" IMO

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Steve Moore fits with these last few posts

Music from The Guest (haven't seen it)

His regular music: https://stevemoore2600.bandcamp.com/album/primitive-neural-pathways

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One for Halloween. I like horror synth a lot more than zombie movies tho

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The 10 best vinyl soundtracks of 2015 – chosen by Mondo and Death Waltz


> Mondo and Death Waltz (joint operations as of last year) have dropped some of our favourite soundtrack releases this year – from that creepy-sexy A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night edition to those blockbuster Batman and Back To The Future box sets.

> They’re not the only heroes in the game though – a swathe of labels are pressing down midnight movie scores, anime classics and video game soundtracks to limited, irresistibly packaged wax. With that in mind, we’ve invited Death Waltz and Mondo to roundup the year in soundtracks with their pick of 10 from across the board.

Popol Vuh - Nosferatu, The Vampyre

The Silly Symphony Collection

Johnny Jewel ‎- Lost River

Steve Moore - Cub

Junkie XL - Mad Max: Fury Road

A Goofy Movie Soundtrack (WTF??)

Le Matos - Chronicles Of The Wasteland / Turbo Kid

David Wise - Battletoads

James Newton Howard - Nightcrawler

Basil Poledouris ‎- Robocop

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I was looking for Jonny Trunk's year-end list but found that instead

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Mike Vickers - Retribution

from Odyssey: The Ultimate Trip

and Captain Kremmen

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Morricone's Oscar winning score (found in a /mu/ sharethread): https://mega.nz/#F!slVi1A4a!RFjBhykxmqZJbInxbmIE2g

They made the old man scale down a bunch of stairs to accept the award for his 57th best musical composition. I'm glad he didn't break a hip. I like this theme but the rest of the album isn't too special. Needs more whistling and a tuned-down guitar.

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oh definitely, I downloaded the thing a dozen times every time I exchanged laptop

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It's not operatic either like his early compositions

The soaring vocal crescendos made crappy b-westerns seem timeless and larger-than-life

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Abel Korzeniowski - W.E. (2011)

wonderful modern classical score

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I love this music from John Sangster made for Australian nature documentaries in the 1970s. I have no idea which nature documentaries but the music was commissioned by the Australian Museum.


more info: http://neverenoughrhodes.blogspot.com/2009/07/john-sangster-australia-and-all-that.html

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That reminded me of another favorite Australian vinyl OST

Tully - Sea of Joy (a surfing documentary scored by a psych band)


the OG is on ebay for $300 right now - http://archive.is/VcKuJ

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It's cool to see the evolution of music and graphics

I know this is tv but so was the previous post

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Air Doll and most kore-eda's works have beautiful soundtracks

Also, obligatory Jeanette in Cría Cuervos


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>obligatory Jeanette in Cría Cuervos

Yes, that's one of those songs that sounds very familiar even though you never heard it before

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File: 1470863107571.webm (7.25 MB,640x480,4:3,i love this music.webm)

unreleased ost

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Thank you!

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Sorry I made a mistake! That is a re-recorded soundtrack rather than the original music from Solaris, Stalker, Zerkalo

There's a 4 volume set from Japan (also on iTunes) of Tarkovsky music. It looks like a better option... presumably with the original music. If anyone has flacs of these discs, please share!


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Second try: Cliff Martinez music from the remake


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Do you have this one? I can't find it anywhere and not even a place to buy it last I checked.

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I don't have it. That's all the classical music Tarkovsky used?

I used to be on a private soundtrack forum but I don't think I've ever seen that before

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more that I like 4u


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3x polanski


2x czech


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File: cb65285a30428da⋯.jpg (242.22 KB,800x800,1:1,louis-armstrong-we-have-al….jpg)

Thanks for all the shares guys

This might be my favorite original song written for a film. From the Lazenby Bond movie, orchestrated by John Barry, it's Louis Armstrong's final recording "We Have All the Time in the World" — performed as time was running out on his own life


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File: 239cf539ace1466⋯.webm (5.9 MB,800x450,16:9,wat tune is this.webm)

do you know this tune? I've heard it in another movie too. It's some kind of Japanese festival music


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La Scoumoune (Thème principal)

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Hanna has a great soundtrack by The Chemical Brothers.

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I had to.

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Damn this girl is amazing

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Beyond the Black Rainbow had a damn fine soundtrack.

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Stranger Things had me thinking about Beyond the Black Rainbow (which is better)

I wonder why Panos hasn't made another movie

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Αmazing scene. What you can hear is a muffled "Tsintskaro", a Georgian folk song that has also been featured in Herzog's Nosferatu.



This is one of my favorites.

I love Monteverdi.


Scenes and quotes from this movie have inspired some immortal running jokes that are likely to come up when eating almonds :)

If you like music by Xarhakos you might want to give a listen to this sensitive little song he wrote for another film: https://youtu.be/Eo1SV9KmZbc

It came on the radio yesterday when I was driving back home and I was reminded of this thread.

While not a soundtrack, Richard Einhorn's Voices of Light was inspired by The Passion of Joan of Arc and has accompanied screenings of the silent film.

Embeded is one of the many parts that give me the chills.

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I know Xarhakos for The Red Lanterns. I was surprised to read he got into politics for a little while.

I like that Einhorn. The first one you posted (must have been deleted) was very intense! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWo6jyyhncY

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nice to wake up to this

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Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Billy Green - Stone

> Meet Stone. The trailer says it all. A deep Australian drawl narrates the scene over a psychedelic swamp-funk rhythm section doused in electronic percussion and treated keyboards. “Stone Is A Trip… The grave diggers are on the move – a new breed of motorbike gang” The screen fills with images of slo-mo bike accidents, hallucinogenic trips and a death defying cliff stunt which could easily mistaken for a doppelganger scene in Psychomania. “Vietnam veterans with their own style of life, their own rules, their own religion.”

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Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End Credits from Cooties (2014)

Nice synthwave track

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Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are we /soundcloud/ now? I like this mix of classic horror osts with dialogue from the films

The user made spaghetti western and poliziotteschi ost mixes too

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Perhaps my favorite OST from the past couple of years


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Catchy theme tune

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Big horns and funky organ from Keith Mansfield

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Hot groove + nice drum break

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What are good soundtracks from recent movies

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Mellow - CQ OST ('1969'/2001)


I'd like to know too

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They made a documentary about film music called SCORE

First impression looks normie-tier - John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman

GOAT Morricone only appears in archival footage

It's funny how the music of big blockbusters can be so intense and so well-produced yet utterly bland and forgettable

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Finders Keepers has an EP of alternate versions of this great OST. You can stream or buy on their site. https://finderskeepersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/valerie-and-her-week-of-wonders-valerie-a-t-den-div

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I heard this a couple days ago. It's new to me and maybe you too...

The tune is a mellow guitar + harmonica Morricone ripoff from WANTED (1967), composed by Gianni Ferrio http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062047/reference

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he will be in 2018 staring nic cage, i'm deadass

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oh I'm looking forward to that too

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Embedding error.

BBC2 feature on Ennio Morricone from 1995

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I like this John Barry score. I think it's one of his best but not many people seem to know about it

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a bit silly but I like it

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Heh, not bad

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that is a new one to me. melancholy, haunting....great music

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One good thing Wes Anderson did was to bring attention to this guy

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>What are good soundtracks from recent movies

Oneohtrix Point Never - Good Time

I hope this video doesn't get deleted right away

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This library music track "Sammy Burdson - News Background" is used in the most recent Steven Soderbergh film Logan Lucky

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This one is a little different. Music is folk instrumental with some field recording

Indian Summer (1960)

> An old farmer on New York's Delaware River is displaced by the construction of a reservoir.

(under 5 votes on imdb)

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steve moore - mayhem (2017)


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Soundtrack of the Australian film "Snowtown" (2011). Whole thing was originally scored for the movie, and does a good job of matching its constant, unsettling tension.

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Late pass on all the Twin Peaks music from last year. Wow!

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They are at redacted

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Soul Flutes - Trust in Me

Bonus points if you recognize where this smooth flute track was used!

Answer: The Jungle Book (1967)

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>If anyone has flacs of these discs, please share!

All four in flac - #!a8ZlxKIB!wjOltcuprXGpFR9zNCGc1q_JMy3_lMZ96R-GFKQft_U

password - /film/

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METAPHORS / Selected Soundworks from the Cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul

I found out about this recently. Relaxing sounds of nature with woozy music that fades in and out. Stream it at https://subrosalabel.bandcamp.com/album/metaphors-selected-soundworks-from-the-cinema-of-apichatpong-weerasethakul

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Giorgio Gaslini Quartet - 5 Donne Per L'assassino (1974)

Cool jazz soundtrack for a giallo with a title that rips off Bava's Sei donne per l'assassino. The music flows very nicely from track 1 through track 9. Since the tracks are split on youtube I chose my favorite.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

François de Roubaix - Anthologie 1

1. Indicatif (0:00)

2. Journal De Bord (1:36)

3. Enterrement Sous-Marin (4:53)

4. Xavier A La Maison D'Arrêt (6:13)

5. La Vie A Bord (8:45)

6. Thème De Célima (11:19)

7. Les Pirates (12:41)

8. Thème D'Amina (14:33)

9. Chapi-Chapo (16:06)

10. Le Saut De L’Ange (version longue) (18:51)

11. Drive-In (22:23)

12. La Guerre D'Algérie (24:12)

13. À Vous De Jouer Milord (27:09)

14. Titan (28:59)

15. Un Tank Pour L’Aventure (31:34)

16. Angoisse Sous-Marine (33:31)

17. Le Provocateur (35:36)

18. Les Sesterain Ou Le Miroir 2000 (37:32)

19. Amour Et Mariage (39:39)

20. Tignes (41:33)

21. Schuss… (44:05)

22. Sial IV (45:55)

23. Le Monde Est Fou (48:01)

24. Loin (Version Inédite) (50:24)

25. Miniland (52:21)

26. La Plongée (54:14)

27. Générique (56:06)

28. Cavaliers En Monoeuvre (58:12)

29. Le Soleil Se Lève A L'Est (1:00:17)

30. La Vie Commence à Minuit (1:02:41)

31. La Scoumoune (1:04:21)

32. Tramp (1:07:07)

33. Les Caïds (1:08:46)

34. Trois Pas (1:10:26)

35. L’Appel Du Large (1:12:07)

36. Enterrement Sous-Marin (alternate, bonus) (1:14:06)

37. Les Caïds (alternate, bonus) (1:16:10)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

François de Roubaix - Anthologie 2

1. Dernier Domicile Connu (0:00)

2. Ecoute Le Temps (voc. Brigitte Bardot) (3:50)

3. Générique Jeunesse "L’Age Tendre" (6:30)

4. Deux Chevaliers Dans Les Andes (8:22)

5. Le Ciel Nous Fait Rêver (9:55)

6. Poursuite Dans Les Airs (11:31)

7. Tahiti (13:19)

8. Le Canal Gelé (15:51)

9. Poursuite A Anvers (17:49)

10. Laurent Et Eva (19:12)

11. La Bulle De Pépin (voc. Jean-Jacques Gallard) (20:35)

12. En Avant Pépin! (22:44)

13. Valse Du Vertige (Version 1) (24:14)

14. La Loi Du Survivant (25:26)

15. Valse Du Vertige (Version 2) (26:50)

16. Tom (27:53)

17. Les Prisonniers (30:46)

18. Vendetta (voc. François De Roubaix) (34:03)

19. Les Mémés Flingueuses (36:21)

20. Les Etrangers (37:59)

21. Les Anges (39:35)

22. A Dossiers Ouverts (42:09)

23. Calomnie (43:25)

24. Requiem Pour Un Congre (45:29)

25. Valse Du Poulpe (47:40)

26. Millénaires (49:52)

27. Je Suis Sportive (51:55)

28. Amours, Delices Et Orgues (53:31)

29. Balade De Pénélope (56:18)

30. Pénélope Se Déchaîne (58:57)

31. Une Vie A L’envers (1:00:18)

32. Des Jeunes Filles Et Des Fleurs… (1:02:52)

33. Rêverie (Maquette De Travail Inédite) (1:05:53)

34. Les Aventuriers (Maquette D'Une Chanson Inédite) (voc. Joanna Shimkus) (1:10:30)

35. Demain… (Maquette De Travail Inédite) (1:12:26)

36. Les Dunes D’Ostende (bonus) (1:15:14)

37. L’homme Orchestre (bonus) (1:17:04)

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Wonderful music

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Here's a new collection of surf soundtracks from CJ Mirra

It's completely different than "surf music" as defined by Dick Dale



<Ethereal soundscapes, lo-fi guitar excursions and rising orchestral, neo-classical moments summon images of the wild, awe-inspiring surf destinations – Iceland, Ireland, Scotland, The Faroes and beyond. Aficianados of cold water cinematic adventures will already be familiar with CJ’s work. The album is a selection of 8 tracks, each originally composed for one of a number of award winning surf films scored by CJ Mirra over the past four years. “The light, the landscape, the size of the waves and colour of the water all had an influence on the sound,” says CJ on harnessing the essence of these cold water locales.

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Jang Hyun - Please Wait

This track was used at the end of Norfolk (2015)

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The soundtrack to Akira, by the musical collective Geinoh Yamasirogumi, is pretty magical. I was just able to find a copy of their discography the other day, so I'll be giving their other albums a listen soon, but their soundtrack to Akira is really great on its own.

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Are there any current composers who continue the musical legacy of the great Toru Takemitsu?

I can't think of any, and that's a shame. If there are new Japanese films with Toru's style of soundtrack I'd love to know about them.

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Hell yes 👲🎤🎸🎺🥁

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An hour after this post, the same story posted on /tv/ got 50+ replies. Here, it is like pulling teeth to get a single reaction to anything. I'm not pretending it's the best topic but holy shit.

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There's no way you could have thought he was serious not only because he collaborated with Tarantino, but because as good of a musician as he is, he's literally Reddit: The Composer.

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Thom Yorke does music for the Suspiria movie? How is that going to work?

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File: 33460a75ff1e69e⋯.jpg (24.77 KB,731x104,731:104,suspiria.jpg)

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From the Illusionist.

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I wish CM would stop being a bitch and allow us to upload mp3s/flac. There are still some pieces of music that aren't on streaming sites. The best track from this OST is nowhere to be found.

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Similar to the previous post, groovy tunes from a Jack Nicholson biker movie: Hell's Angels on Wheels

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John Barry's theme for On Her Majesty's Secret Service is a great instrumental.

So great, in fact, it was a placeholder theme for The Incredibles, going by the arrangement that played in the teaser trailer with Bob trying to put his belt on.

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I thought OHMSS was used as the main music for Goldeneye 64, but it's been a while since I played it

I've always liked the Louis Armstrong track from that movie too. I think it was the last music Armstrong recorded. It's probably my favorite song of any Bond movie. Again Barry does an excellent job with delicate orchestration.

I embedded John Barry's title music for Seance on Wet Afternoon. This was one of his first soundtracks, a creepy slow-burning English gem featuring a young-ish Richard Attenborough. Well worth watching.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Les Raisins De La Mort, Theme by Philippe Sissman

I'm really digging this music, from a Jean Rollin film I haven't watched yet

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Soundtrack for Insomnia (1997).

Check it out if you enjoy ambient music.

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Yeah the Nordic countries do ambient music very well. It's easy to listen to this stuff and imagine a cold lonely existence where the sun barely shines.

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If you like film soundtracks you should check out KURO (2017). The composer not only directs but also acts in the film. I think the music has a closer connection to the images than you'll find in many other films. The music is best experienced by watching the film rather than just listening.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another beautiful, transcendent soundtrack from Jessica Curry. What active composer is making better music that this?

Full OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-8THFq3viU or https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5521351

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Dead Man's soundtrack got remastered recently.

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Taxi Drivers' soundtrack use is unmatched, I believe. Haven't been mesmerized by a combo of sight and sound like the one in taxi driver in a long time, give recs of something similar pls

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File: 162ca7742a0bd88⋯.webm (3.35 MB,500x500,1:1,1. (1993) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 2456c57b656385f⋯.webm (2.8 MB,500x500,1:1,2. (1993) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 8c898d1aae7569a⋯.webm (2.02 MB,500x500,1:1,3. (1993) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 158ff758dfeea19⋯.webm (5.04 MB,500x500,1:1,4. (1993) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: da21cc53fa1318b⋯.webm (2.68 MB,500x500,1:1,5. (1993) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

Joe Hisaishi has been a big shot for a long time now, making the bulk of his scoring career with Ghibli films, but one of his niche appeals are his 7 scores for Takeshi Kitano ranging from 1991 to 2002.

Here's a quick shot at 5 of them, and while these are a little campy for some folks i think they are worth a shot, especially this one for 1993's Sonatine and its title track variations. The interesting part that really caught me was the shifting droning background in some of the songs (1st, 3rd and 4th webms) that appear as a silence replacement in scenes either at night or in moments of emotional investment were time passes in a flash, creating a somewhat dense atmosphere as the movie version is more evident. The omnipresent soft echo adds to the flavor, especially in the piano pieces.

The film's overseas distribution is a good story itself, a funny series of benign accidents on enthusiasts and foiled malicious plans of plagiarism by directors.

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File: 1904b9df55e4342⋯.webm (3.03 MB,500x500,1:1,6. (1991) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 0b4067df5a24a31⋯.webm (4.03 MB,500x500,1:1,7. (1991) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 2095c20e2a45e34⋯.webm (3.36 MB,500x500,1:1,8. (1991) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: 15b35325006db1e⋯.webm (1.6 MB,500x500,1:1,9. (1996) Joe Hisaishi - ….webm)

File: bdf19be385ff8cd⋯.webm (2.92 MB,500x500,1:1,10. (1996) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

Returning a little into a more soft and juvenile side there's 1991's A Scene at the Sea, or That Summer, The Calmest Ocean... in its translated original title with a prolonged subtitle available in the poster and cover art here, seemingly coming from one of the surviving protagonists.

Very sweet yet melancholic vibe going on, i believe the director wanted to make clear the impression that the entire story was being told as a memory recapitulation instead of a real-time event, that something in the nostalgic music exacerbates this feeling very well. A well done exercise in terms script too, trying to move a slow-burning story with 2 mute characters.

Now jumping a short later after Takeshi's mysterious bike accident it's 1996's Kids Return, an ambiguously semi-biographic coming-of-age movie without the man himself starring anywhere. The playful and explicit tones give away the nature of the characters and the movie early on, which quickly turns into frustrated shuffles when some of the kids some? i meant all of them start stumbling with the hardships of a demanding recession-ridden Japan of the 90's.

There's a lot of mood swings but the explosive title theme takes the cake mainly for its timely appearance, pretty rad guitar too.

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File: 590fb6e4aacc51e⋯.webm (1.99 MB,500x500,1:1,11. (1997) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

File: 5052790eddab0ec⋯.webm (2.55 MB,500x500,1:1,12. (1997) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

File: 5cebc8b2d2e70d7⋯.webm (4.2 MB,500x500,1:1,13. (1997) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

File: 7c2cd04e58a6cdc⋯.webm (4.13 MB,500x500,1:1,14. (2002) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

File: 3c70fe92587d9ed⋯.webm (2.96 MB,500x500,1:1,15. (2002) Joe Hisaishi -….webm)

A year later the man would go on to win the once-coveted Venice Golden Lion (formerly Coppa Mussolini) with Hana-Bi aka Fireworks, competing against rivals like Yimou Zhang's Keep Cool, Pedro Costa's Ossos and the russian gem The Thief.

The movie itself is gluttonous for misery, a sure-fire catnip recipe when the jury is composed of women, and the dramatic score for strings gives an elegant and poignant accent to all the mishaps and event successions around the personal life of a beat cop, interpreted by no other than the director, again.

The mix of dry and absurd humor coming once in a while is a much appreciated aspect that i found to be a little lost recently, especially from movies where everyone is dragging themselves in an emotional swamp plus the precise allocation of such segments gives places to a strong contrast effect when the movie is about to drop someone.

And speaking of misery and prizes, Kitano wanted to go at it again in 2002 and made a little shining gem called Dolls, a cinematographer-driven film about lovelessness in different japanese social groups such as salarymen, yakuza and otaku men, along with trying to visually and ideologically explain the meaning and appeal behind the old japanese puppet theater; such attempt done in a successful way in my opinion. The score is subdued but pretty dramatic at one point, its titular theme being the juicy cherry of the mix with the inclusion of the old familiar percussion from previous projects.

The film was entered into its respective Venice Film Festival edition and faced stiff melancholic competition like Chang-Dong Lee's Oasis, Konchalovsky's House of Fools and bleeding edge The Magdalene Sisters by Marx Engels Mullan. The latter being a woman-beating hellhouse story it became a hit among the female jury, which did not forgive and gave the edge in the split decision. Obviously this is not or shouldn't be about the prizes nor immediate recognition, i just found the clear trends behind jury decisions funny like Del Toro convincing the Netflix-involved jury members to vote for Cuaron

...Yeah anyways hope these weren't a big camp, here's a couple of links if someone fancies them

>A Scene at the Sea




>Kids Return






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Thanks for the albums. I didn't know about this guy before.

Is it quick to encode audio webms? Video webms are pretty slow, so now I only make mp4s.

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>Is it quick to encode audio webms?

Yes, certainly much more than videos even with VP9 enabled. There's a couple of details i forgot how to handle but the recipe i found always gives me decent results. In my PC for example the first webm, Play on the Sands, took me 10 seconds to encode.

ffmpeg -r 1 -loop 1 -i A.jpg -i 1.mp3 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:a 96k -t 4:45 1.webm

I do have to set the specific time because the option to finish encoding at the end of the audio is pretty buggy as it continues indefinitely sometimes or abruptly finishes before.

I suppose you know the parameters but for anyone who doesn't and wants to try out:

"-r 1" is the desired framerate per second, 1 is the basic for just a single image i think, there might be another option to make the image stream static

"A.jpg" is the name of the image file you want.

"1.mp3" is the name of the audio file accompanying it.

"-c:v libvpx-vp9" is the video encoder, it's either "libvpx-vp9" or "libvpx", the difference i think it's the latter being VP8 and the former the VP9 checkmark in the "WEBM for Retards/Bakas" GUI, which makes it more lightweight but takes longer.

"-c:a libopus" is the audio encoder, it's either "libopus" or "libvorbis". Opus is, in very broad terms, the upgrade from Vorbis but i think both are recognized as .ogg at the end of the day.

"-b:a 96k" is the audio bitrate. While the bare minimum should be 128k i found that 96k is more than enough for these preview purposes unless the original audio is a very contemporary production like a WavPack or a kinky ASMR.

"-t 4:45" is the total runtime of the audio, there's an option to detect it automatically but like mentioned it's not very reliable.

"1.webm" is the name of the desired final product.

Obviously these commands are injected into an installed ffmpeg opened directly from the command window (shift+right-click in the same folder as the files to see option). There's more commands and lines but for the basic use here that should be okay, we can find many more by tinkering with the "WEBM for Xs" options and checking the argument line in the "Advanced" tab.

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