I just shaved today with my cheap one I got from my mo mfor Christmas two years ago, before heading to the gym, and I'm still using Barbasol cream, extra sensitive. I don't use my Brut as much anymore, but it's whatever. And I don't use the little brush or the cream.
But if you do start using a safety razor for the first time you should STRONGLY, and I mean STRONGLY, consider buying a septic pen - and you can find one in the same aisle as the shaving shit, it's a little white stick that looks like chalk, you're going to cut and nick yourself, there's no fucking doubt. And all you do is get the little thing wet and draw it over your nicks or cuts and the bleeding will stop within seconds to minutes.
One blade can last you over a month, depending on how often you shave and how well you take care of everything. Keep your shit dry, consider a post-shave lotion to help cool the skin afterwards so you can avoid razor burn or red, rashy skin. It might take upwards of a year or so to get the hang of properly using a safety razor, good luck OP. don't use a fucking safety razor on your balls or scalp