Board Archive
8kun, Speak freely - legally.
September 21-31
Ello - New Social Network
October 1-10
HAIR GENERAL - 10/2/14
Wishlist thread.Things you want but cant have… for now....
Fascist/Nazi inspo
October 11-20
Shoe thread
November 1-10
Most /fa/ music video....
What frames do you wear? Looking for something new. Any suggestions?Pic related: My current pair....
November 11-20
December 1-10
In the market for a ring and looking for more like this. Also general ring...
December 11-20
Best clothing for hot weather?
Guys, I need some advice.What hat looks normal? I mean, the one which evokes the...
January 11-20
How to look casual in a suit?
What kind of hair cut should I get? How do I know if it will...
January 21-31
Ideas, Suggestions, CSS, and Meta Discussion
Chicks need to wear thigh boots more often because quite simply, theyre hawt as fuck....
Comfy and looking good
February 1-10
I think we need to talk about this. Theyre not as bad as the Rick...
February 21-31
futuristic foccbois
How do I keep my hair from smelling without showering in the morning?Every single day...
March 21-31
These are my top two go-to brands. What are yours /fa/?...
Sauce on shirt
April 1-10
Cologne recommendations, /fa/?Ive been using Dior Homme exclusively for about a long while now and...
Help me find similar
For how many days i a row is it acceptable to wear the same t-shirt?...
April 11-20
April 21-31
Necklaces on men.
Cargo Pants
May 1-10
Online shopping
beard braid
May 11-20
>Had job interview today>wore this>r8 for IT guy going for IT job interview for another...
May 21-31
June 1-10
/fa/ lookbook
Daily reminder Saks Fifth Avenue is the top GOD of clothing.If I want to buy...
Good budget clothing for a guy who is 63 and wears double xl? The only...
This board is so dead. We need to advertise it more. SUMMON THE BOARD OWNER....
Just ordered these. What do?...
June 11-20
Where do I get these jeans?...
Lets talk about cloth wristbands....
Hello, /fa/ts.One of your members did some unsubtle advertising for your board over on /fatpeoplehate/....
Hey /fa/,Do you know where I could get a classical bomber jacket under $1000 USD?...
What kind of hair product do you think Hitler used?...
Where can I find Mussolinis hat, pic unrelated....
The fashion world has discovered My Little Pony
June 21-31
Bucket Hats
Does anyone know what kind of Ralph Lauren sweater (pullover or shirtsweater) crew neck is...
Dear /fa/,/improve/ here. How many pieces of clothing do I need? Im looking at throwing...
Evening, clothecucks. Why do you value clothing and labels and colours and silhouettes? All clothes...
Amateur Fashion Designer Discussion
rate my look /f/...
Whats youre everyday fit?...
sorry if dumb question, new here.Is there like a name for this kind of fashion?...
So Rick Owens punched one of his male models.
ebay questions
Blessed Rick...
July 1-10
>tfw fatBreak it to me /fa/, will I ever look fashionable?...
Blue Nike Windcheater
welp, I stupidly fucked up an eyebrow trying something newthough my hair grows quickly, my...
Hey /fa/I need a new pair of swimming trunks, but since I am an autist...
The Elusive Loadsamoney Jacket
July 11-20
Medium Length, straight, black hair. Large Forehead. Could /fa suggest to me a suitalble hairstyle?I...
Got any giftcodes for a poorfag?plsIm interested in Outlier. Can those codes be generated somehow?...
Greetings!Dear /fa/nnons I need your opinion on quality of most popular and worldwide avaible brands...
So I accidentally ordered a brown dress shirt (one should not shop online when drunk,...
how to get my hair to look like the blonde faggot?...
Help me find a suiting hairstyle /fa/My current cut is disgustingthnx...
I need a haircut, someone suggest a viable haircut? My hair is pretty straight and...
2 Shirt Etiquette
Shirt Design
Best Sites To Get Shirts Made
July 21-31
I need /fa/shionable bumper stickers have any ideas?...
posting classic video...
tired of my stupid ugly bowling shoes tier common projects shoestime to buy these lol
zach hill parka
You guys have 30 minutes to help me decide what wallet Im buying.wallet number one...
>be me>wearing this pair of vans for the past five years because ex-gf made me...
Thoughts on Inditex?Brands they own:Massimo DuttiZARAPull & BearBershkastradivariusOYSHOUterqueZARA and Massimo are the more popular ...
August 1-10
lets say I have model aestheticswhat would I do to look most /fa/shionable?...
can we talk about streetwear and how to do it right, unlike pic related?...
August 11-20
>5 active usersWe need to recruit....
effay tv series thread...
Can anyone ID this shirt or know where I can cop it?...
Favorite designers and collections?right now im really felling the viktor and rolf hc aw...
fit critique
August 21-31
I have a chance of becoming a legit model and sign to a really prominent...
whats this kind of jacket called? sure, maybe an overcoat, but more specifically...
>Looking unique is more important than looking good...
Shoe thread
ITT: favorite models...
September 1-10
Yo BO, thought about buying an ad?...
Where do I cop a jacket like the one Kramer always wears?...
best material/dimensions
These hats
September 11-20
Can somebody please identify the kind of vests these handsome manly men are wearing?...
What do you think of the constant model weight discussions in the media?
How long is the acceptable period between wearing the same outfit?For example, if theres a...
90s fashion
is sam hyde /fa/?...
September 21-31
I have huge legs/thighs, how do I look /fa/ in jeans/pants? all I wear nowadays...
Ive been trying to find a shirt that parodies this with aliens. It was in...
October 1-10
I just got redirected here from an anon from /b/, didnt know about this
What does /fa/ think about Irish flat caps?also what does /fa/ think looks best with...
How did determine where you leg meets your ankle? All videos on this are either...
how do you cope with being ugly?i hate this feel....
October 11-20
Looking for a new pair of sneakers, any opinion on these? Hugo Boss Fulteno trainers....
Should we recruit?
what are some good baggy clothing brands? Specifically, do you know of any brands...
October 21-31
Hey, /fa/Where can I find a jacket like this?...
Decent sandals? I bought some thai fishermen pants and have found them super comfy. Id...
w2c circular shades?
November 1-10
I notice most outfits of effay Gs are very lacking in color; full of dull...
Im too much of an autist to dress myself
November 11-20
Bare Ankles
Hands down the sexiest watch ever....
November 21-31
What does UK /f/ags think about Superdy in general (as a brand, quality, pricing. Etc)...
December 1-10
>tfw you will never be as /fa/ as Varg...
Reposting from /b/ because the extra speed wasnt as helpful as I thought it would...
Hair style help / Good outfits
Does anyone know how to remove graphic shit from a black cotton shirt?...
December 11-20
why do young filipino guys always dress like swag-fags?...
Okay I admit this is for fetish purposes but what kind of stockings/pantyhose/nylons would these...
December 21-31
Models having fun...
Youtube /fa/ggots
January 1-10
157 KB PNGAlright /fa/, I just bought my girlfriend these hoop earrings for her birthday,...
January 11-20
Ive been dealing with Dandruff for about 3 months now and have tried selsun blue,...
January 21-31
What do you wear while shitposting?...
February 1-10
jeans general thread
mod is a FAG!...
Hi /fa/,Im having trouble finding what line the blue carhartt jacket belongs to. Know...
February 11-20
box subs
How do I cop the goth ninja look?...
February 21-31
Fashion tips
March 1-10
looking for pants to cop for gf...
How do I into fashion....
March 11-20
March 21-31
>fugbois know about now...
April 1-10
Hello /fa/, first time poster.Lets discuss hats.Since america was tamed by men wearing some of...
April 11-20
Music scenes and originality
Edgy DIY suggestion thread
May 1-10
Jean Recommendations
Conspiratorial/anti-establishment Clothes
May 11-20
It seems people are starting to migrate to so Ive set up a /fa/...
Summer accessories
So, /fa/ I was lately getting for most my life Ive benn wearing some getup...
June 1-10
Okay homos, all five of you that is.I dont do the fashion thing, but I...
June 11-20
June 21-31
What glasses should i buy? Poll!!!
Whats a good place to get a decent quality baseball cap with custom text?...
July 1-10
Can necklaces be considered /fa on men?
Inspo dump
Hugo Boss FASHion
July 11-20
Whats the easiest way to not look like hobo if you have long hair an...
July 21-31
August 11-20
Now General W2C Thread
Where can you cop these jeans?...
September 1-10
I am a bit anxious about getting a haircut.What kind should I get? My hair...