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/dao101/ - Domestic affairs and other information

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0d6b94 No.1 [Open thread]

Hello this board is for learning new stuff on the web. I hope you will enjoy your stay.

You can learn and talk about politics and other stuff here like videogames cooking and other stuff you can learn on this board.This board allows all discussion politics and other topics.

This board is meant to be comfy, try to treat others here with respect.

This board also allows anons to investigate certian happenings as well as operations of any sort, whether it be pushing a meme to the public domain or trying to find out who a person is.

This board allows freedom of speech and expression, you can be racist etc etc but there are a few rules to keep this place from going a bit bad.

Threads should at least be more than just a simple one word like 'BTFO'D' 'LMAO', some dumb twitter screencaps or mp4/pdf threads with no context.

This place isn't /rand21/

This board will also not have threads supporting terrorism of any kind.

Don't talk about doing illegal shit

Don't shill your dumb chan, you will be banned for this if you do this.

This board will not allow porn threads.

Also follow the 8kun rules.

Direct all criticism and complaints here.

If you would like to talk to me via email I have an email address called justaguydoingstuffonline@protonmail.com , you can message me if you want.

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d4cbd3 No.64

Meh, not really into political nonsense, I gues I'll be in the lurk mode for now, anyway, good luck fella anon!

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a2fddb No.91 [Open thread]

Now before I talk, I do not think trans people are bad people. I support you if you wanna become trans, and I have nothing against trans people. However, I don't think becoming trans is a good idea.

The reason why I think it's a terrible idea to become transgender is because it destroys your body. You get artificial body parts you weren't supposed to have when you were born. And, while you might wanna switch gender, our current methods I don't think are good enough. I have heard multiple stories of people being depressed after becoming trans because it was worse than they thought. On top of that, there's also a high chance it ruins your looks and makes you less attractive.

So, while I don't have anything against trans people, I think that it's just not a good idea to become trans

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d66b7a No.90 [Open thread]

I hate how the Internet has changed since 2020. First reason is because of ads. There are so many ads. It's becoming more and more unbearable to go on the Internet without ad blocker. On top of that, there are also cookies that most websites have, which, in a lot of cases steal your data like a little bitch.

There are also people botting comments, saying npc-like shit, as well as people posting gen alpha brain rot, even though it's not even fucking funny, and no one above the age of 12 is laughing at that shit. I just wanted to go on a little rant, because, I'm seriously tired of the internet's bullshit

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20f68b No.89 [Open thread]

I hate how the Internet has changed since 2020. There are so many ads everywhere, and, it's becoming more unbearable to go on the Internet without ad blocker because of the amount of ads and data-stealing cookies.

On top of that, people are just botting comments and saying npc-like shit, as well as posting gen alpha brain rot, which is fucking cringe, and no one above the age of 12 is gonna laugh at that shit. I just wish that the Internet would be as fun as it used to be

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2dc11e No.35 [Open thread]


I was watching Vox explained on Netflix and out of nowhere they talked about how imageboards (4chan and 8chan) are cults and they talked a bit about the incel Alek who killed 9 people and Brenton Tarrant.

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5a6f3c No.76


,..imagine if these fuckin spineless liberals eunuchs researched the correlation between the influence of blm on niggers going full chimp out and murdering cops point blank.

,..thats justified. Name one liberal to denounce the violence against Police Officers.

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8adc14 No.88

I'm not a lawyer or anything, but, I'm pretty sure cults are illegal, and, if 8kun and 4chan were websites filled with cults, the sites would be illegal. But, here I am. On 8kun, not breaking any laws

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efe0e2 No.52 [Open thread]

Space, Aliens, UFO, UAP, AAV, anything related to out of this world.

Extra Terrestrial


Only Real UFOs, AAVs, UAPs, New uploads almost daily.

The number of sightings right now is unprecedented, that's the line about huge civilian increase

Here's the line about contact ignoring governments, this will increase


the time is coming bros

9 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5d09c3 No.83

"When we pay attention and we care about what is happening to the planet and people, we will begin to clearly see an agenda designed to assault and damage the human nervous system."




"The point is that there is a tradition stretching back thousands of years of beings abducting humans and their offspring; these beings fly in globes of light, can paralyze their victims, induce amnesia about the event, force strange drinks on their victims, and, in many cases, ultimately drive them to madness, physical ruin, or even take over their bodies for their own use."




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5d09c3 No.84

"To have witnessed between 30 and 40 mutilated Human beings in countries including the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Germany, Alaska, Australia, Yugoslavia, and Russia."

"Russia's military knew about what was going on but were happy to leave the cleanup operations to NATO teams who had access to better technology."

"The bodies recovered in retrieval missions had suffered the classic neat-edged surgical incisions with bloodless remains, identical to cases of animal mutilation. Once the team had sealed off and secured an area where bodies or other evidence was discovered, a second American team which included scientists would then be called out to remove the remains, he referred to this team as the Collectors. When corpses were removed by these teams, information would not be given to the authorities about the discovery of the remains, individuals would be placed on the missing persons registry indefinitely."

"They are in our atmosphere regularly."

"The largest recovery of bodies was in Australia, a case where 24 bodies had been left. Injuries are the same as animal mutilation type injuries. He said that internal organs would be removed and also brains. He seemed to think that anything connected with the nervous system is what they would take. He did not see alot of blood on the corpses. They usually choose remote, out-of-the-way places to carry out Human mutilations. They knew where to go and where to take from, where the people would not be missed for a long time. Bodies included people and children."

"A girl and boy. Girl of 16, boy of 21… No genitals, gone. Teeth missing. And the boy had, most of his skin was peeled off, all the top layer, was just red."

"No genitals, nothing, all gone… Where the genitals are, there was like a circle, like a cutter had gone in, but there was no mess… It was just clean cut, it was like somebody had put a cutter in and taken it… No teeth, no eyes, lips are gone… He said it was like somebody just peeled it off, all the top part. All her hair was gone, looked like a newborn child that had been grownup thoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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5d09c3 No.85

"So as an example, we have a 4 year old in Virginia who disappeared and was found 3,372 feet higher in elevation than where they were lost.

So stop. And think about this.

How about a 2 year old, found 3,000 feet higher?

So ya gotta 4 year old, Rocky Mountain National Park, 2,500 feet higher than where they were last seen.

A 2 year old, 1,800 feet higher.

2 1/2 year old, 2 1/2 year old, 615 feet and 850 feet.

A 4 year old, 1,000 feet.

A 4 year old, 1,200 feet.

3 and 3 year old, 1,400 feet."

Missing 411 - Statistical Facts & The Disappearance of Three People Found in Water. CanAm Missing by David Paulides


Rest In Peace, Broughty Cole.

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5d09c3 No.86

1) Aliens can alter our perception of our surroundings.

2) Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us in any number of guises, and shapes. [As Humans and domesticated animals. Possibly, holographic shapeshifting.]

3) Aliens can take us - our consciousness - out of our physical bodies, disable our control of our bodies, install one of their own entities, and use our bodies as vehicles for their own activities before returning our consciousness to our bodies.

4) Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.

5) Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three- and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.

6) Females abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breasts and uterus, and to hysterectomies.

7) Aliens take body fluids from our necks, spines, blood veins, joints such as knees and wrists, and other places. They also inject unknown fluids into various parts of our bodies.

8) A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn't have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can't identify.

9) Some abductees experience a degeneration of their mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Excessive behavior frequently erupts, such as drug abuse, alcoholism, overeating, and promiscuity. Strange obsessions develop and cause the disruption of normal life and the destruction of personal relationships.

10) Aliens show a great interest in adult sexuality, child sexuality, and in inflicting physical pain on abductees.

11) AbductePost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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c005cc No.87

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811a21 No.21 [Open thread]

I watched Cartoon Network today with my 5 year old cousin, partly out of curiosity to see what kinds of shows their airing these days. For the first few hours it was a nonstop bastardization of Teen Titans called “Teen Titans” go. It was obnoxious and low-iq, but harmless enough. THEN CAME A SHOW THAT HAD ME READY TO TEAR MY HAIR OUT. It was called Steven Universe and it was about a fat boy who I couldn’t tell whether he was supposed to be gay or mentally retarded, who lived with a bunch of lesbians who fight other lesbians from outer space. It was the ugliest most blatant propaganda shit I’ve ever seen, and after a quick wikipedia search I discovered that sure enough, it was made by a jew named Rebecca Sugar. I can’t believe the little guy is growing up on this. No wonder his generation is so fucked up.

This is a great little exposé on Steven Universe and other CN shit.

Turns out it isn't the corporations pushing agendas, instead cancerous and degenerate people are the slowly infesting industries and ruining. Basically there is a cabal of sjws pushing homosexuality in western cartoons. People from western cartoon companies are literally sneaking in gay kisses and other degeneracies past the censors. Sounds just like the same thing that just happened in Poland. Just a couple of loud minorities that are destroying the world and indoctrinating your kids that straightness is also Hitler like being white, etc. Just wondering and have been looking at the mess that is the ((current years)) animation industry. How much of these incestuous relationships are there in the animation industry as of late?

Theres obviously some people who are too shit scared to speak up.


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49c3f7 No.30


>Basically there is a cabal of sjws pushing homosexuality in western cartoons

It's not just cartoons, man. They know what they're doing: deliberately trying to subvert the culture and Christian values. Hopefully, people will wake up to this sometime soon, because it does a great deal of harm to everyone, but children especially.

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9c1730 No.45



Those animators are not under a secret cabal or anything, it just organically came out of art college/university. Art college/university is heavily left-wing because of three main reasons:

1. Conservatives discourage their children from doing art, favoring STEM or hard labor. As a result, less conservatives partake in the industry to promote the right ideals.

2. Mandatory non-STEM gen eds are required in university/college, so students are immediately radicalized by leftist courses that they are forced to take. If they disagree with professors in some cases, then professors flunk them.

3. Conservatives burn bridges, leak shit, and infight frequently for clout, so actual conservatives in entertainment industries hide their views so that they won't be taken down by the left or right.

The west is pretty far gone when you consider all of those things. Your hope lies within Russians or Chinese people who are a decade behind culturally.

Also, stop raising your kid with TV. You should give him Piano/art/game dev lessons so that you can train his mind at an early age. Teach him to be a producer, not a consoomer.

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9c1730 No.46


Here's other two major problems unrelated to art university:

1. Conservatives lose their funds/platforms when attacked, receiving little to no support.

2. Most conservatives easily give up when dealt with blowback or stress. Rather than rebanding, doing outsourced work, or forming a competing companies, they endlessly complain about pop culture and grift on podcasts.

You can alleviate this by helping them in time of need. DM them services, offer them services, send them crypto, hire them in your company under an alias while they work remotely, the possibilities are endless. DO NOT MAKE YOUR PLANS TRANSPARENT OR THEY WILL TAKE YOU DOWN..

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b4ad0a No.73



Massive killings of leftists/degenerates (including all jews) is what is needed.

Teach kids to use guns.

Teach them that killing leftists and jews is a good thing. Which it is.

Incite the next generation to become massive jew-killers and leftist-purgers.

There was never any other solution.

And glowniggers will call me a glownigger for saying this.

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59e807 No.82

I pity the jews. They have been framed by the Zionists for several generations. The zionists are edomites pretending to be of the tribe of Yahuwda (Judah) this is a long planned attack on the followers of Yashuwa(falsely changed to jesus) and Yahweh ( falsly titled god) Revelations is upon us. The name Jesus is the name of the beast. Also known as abaddon also known as apollon. Je greeks for diety sus Greek suffix means derived from zues. Apollo the greek sun god son of zues. GREAT DECEPTION

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f4d178 No.79 [Open thread]

Hello, /dao101/. I don't know where else to post this that will take it seriously enough to judge the merits of it and whether or not it could be legit or a LARP.

I was sent this document as a part of a conspiracy mailing list that I am a part of and I would like some second opinions on whether or not this is legitimate.

You can find the file in question here: anonymousfiles io/tmiltXEF/

The document is in PDF format, is a single page, and just lists some rough details about some supposed operation that took place in Michigan.

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cf2121 No.78 [Open thread]

Well, if you want to live through the coming collapse and try to rebuild some sense of order we need to all come to the realization that we are superficially divisive creatures. We have different ethnic backgrounds and religious traditions. The superficial way we look also plays a part in what groups we feel comfortable with. This is just fact. It doesn't matter if it makes not logical sense, it's a fact of life. Therefore, society needs to be reordered. People need to congregate in groups that they feel (maybe irrationally) comfortable with. If this scares the shitlibs then fine, pragmatically address the issue. They want to feel selfless and righteous in their own way so assure them that usually homeless and impoverished people will be "taken care of". This will mean, of course, whatever community group they become a part of from this new reorder mandate will be responsible for however they wish to take care of said people. Just throw the leftists a bone and say that you will give the poor communities minimal funding for necessities IF they agree to send needed manpower to the better-off and economically savvy communities. If this plan sounds good, then by all means spread the idea to whomever you believe will best be able and willing to enact it. Or, you know… just whoever is into creative ideas for the future.

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5b55af No.19 [Open thread]

The company was just purchased by a globalist kike.


From the Kape Technologies board of directors page, their CEO:

>Prior to joining Kape, Ido was acting Joint Chief Executive Officer of VisualDNA (which was acquired by The Nielsen Company), a leading psychographic data business, where he led its geographic expansion

>Prior to VisualDNA, Ido worked as a Senior Associate within KPMG's Private Equity deal advisory practice in London and as a Senior Manager within KPMG's Transaction Services practice focusing on technology deals in Israel and with the Israeli Ministry of Finance. Ido is the author of the bestselling book 'Battle of Strategies' published in Israel by Yediot Books.

They used to be a company called Crossfire that became Kape after they bought that VPN provider as well. Also bought and merged a service called Cyberghost that started selling info to 3rd parties.


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bda65f No.75

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2367cb No.74 [Open thread]

Its legit. Not on u tube .or other sites. Friend of mine dug this up.

Look at Bloomberg, he says China is not a dictator nation yes and no the CCP party is but china is a cultural nation, not a nation state. The west is good example of national state. They stated publicly that they will be the sword & shield of the "NWO gov .

Well if those documents are fact look at the $$$$ on the DNC & 2nd amendment attacks

& apparently I'm not the only one. Pass it on if u see merit

An armed nation is all in their way now.

It Explains a lot. Didn't see this info coming.

Its censored everywhere I looked. taken off sites .

Interesting & Disturbing. They're talking genocide HERE!


Nice euphemism

I do believe I heard that same term in 1930 -45.


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ca38db No.70 [Open thread]

A Discussion on COVID-19 and Propaganda

To begin, I am attempting to explain the possibilities of the origin of COVID-19 without disinformation or propaganda. I am trying to stay within the realm of common sense and logic to demonstrate only possibilities since we are dealing with unknowns, and you cannot use deductive logic unless you can be sure that the facts that you use are absolutely provable and true. For example, if I tell you that all lions are cats, I cannot say all cats are lions. Lions are a subset of cats, but some cats are not lions. You can only say, SOME cats are lions. Though this is a fact, there are exceptions and due to this it is SOMETIMES true. This is called inductive logic, the more suggestions that a statement is true the better the POSSIBILITY that the conclusion is true, there is never certainty.

With this in mind, we can begin to unravel the possibilities of the origin of COVID-19.

Fact 1: It is a “novel” coronavirus.

What does “novel” mean here? It is used as an adjective, not a noun. So we are not referring to a book. It is usually defined as something new, or unfamiliar. So what can this mean to the average person? That it is either something we have never encountered before, or it is something that we have, and it has been altered into something new. So using inductive logic we CAN say, without the bias of being a “conspiracy theory” that it COULD be something that existed before and then was bioengineered.

Fact 2: Overpopulation has been an issue for decades.

I don’t think I have to give you chapter and verse on the many times this issue has arisen over the last few decades. The whole “climate change” movement is claiming that human activities are upsetting the balance of the planet and will cause radical adjustments in temperature, weather patterns, and sea levels. They claim we have to make radical changes in our society like the elimination of fossil fuels, reduction of carbon, and the diets of humans to prevent widespread catastrophic changes. The problem with this is we have huge holes in the data needed to make a categorical conclusion, so they use inductive logic to “prove” their facts and demonize those that oppose them. How can you do that when you cannot concPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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ca38db No.71

What was in the vials? When did this occur in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan? Where in China was the assistant traveling? Could the answers to these questions raise additional questions on the origin of COVID-19? Common sense alone tells us that it does as well as the immediate downplaying of any suggestion that COVID-19 was an engineered product. No one can be sure, as again we are using inductive logic, but the immediate assertion is that to say otherwise is a “conspiracy theory”. Let me put that in perspective, everyone “knew” the sun revolved around the earth. You can clearly see that it does by watching it travel overhead, but those that first proposed otherwise were persecuted, even though no one knew for sure. How can anyone discount a theory that is possible, without being able to categorically prove the theory wrong? Think of all the things that would have been “impossible” like permanent satellites (everything that goes up MUST come down) or computers (machines can’t think).

New questions have arisen in the last few days as well. Is there truth to the claim that in China, patients were put into body bags inside the hospital and then cremated alive? Why would this happen? Well, if they were discharged from the hospital (recovered/survived) and then died from another cause you can count them as both a survivor and a non-COVID death. What about a report that the impeachment began on the day that a suspected COVID carrier arrived in the US? Finally, would a totalitarian government use the cover of a pandemic to eliminate any dissent and/or protesters?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture now. It is clear that the possibility exists that we still have no clear and irrefutable evidence to prove that this was just a freak of nature. Why would some of the most educated and intelligent people around the world fall into the same ignorance that governed the world for thousands of years before the advent of the scientific method? We will never be sure, as again all we can do is use inductive logic to suggest a solution. So let me suggest one. Are you ready? Here it comes… I’m not going to tell you. The whole point of this was to get you to THINK FOR YOURSELF, not let other people tell you what to think. My opinion is mine, my purpose is for you to make yours, by yourself, using your own mind and experiences, just like the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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ca38db No.72

I gave a speech in high school (during the cold war) about the benefits of living in the Soviet Union. No I am not a Communist, it was to demonstrate the use of propaganda and during the whole speech, I never lied. I just used propaganda techniques. These include half-truths, bandwagon, glittering generalities, etc. Take a half-truth like: You can say anything you like in Moscow, even if it is critical of the government. The fact is you can, you just might end up in a gulag for it, but you CAN say it. Bandwagon techniques are like commercials, that show people drinking a particular beer and showing people having a great time, beautiful women all around them, with the mental impression that if you drink this beer, you can have fun like this, you know.. Everyone is doing it. Glittering generalities are used in politics and the legal profession all the time, saying something like to reduce crime you need to ban guns and citing a study that shows a city that increased restrictions on the number of gun stores and a lower crime rate. They didn’t ban guns, they made more restrictions, but they want to “prove” the position by using data from a study that shows results they can make you think applies to the narrative that works for them. Of course if you see a trend in lower crime, you could quickly pass a law to try to reinforce your narrative, in other words you use the event as a way of validating your narrative.

If COVID-19 is a novel virus, then how can we infer that it will act the same as other viruses? It is in the coronavirus family, but it still is unique, right? How can we make models that are first reliant on data from China when we know the totalitarian government there had the first person to raise the alarm to the world arrested? They claim that they keep changing the model based on data, that is good, but when the data may be completely skewed to begin with, the predictions you make with the model are skewed as well. What does all this mean? Ok, hypothetically let us pretend that the lethality of the virus is greater depending on the amount of a certain protein that is produced in the lungs, and Asians produce a greater amount of this protein than other races. The death rate would be higher in China, right? So a model produced on the assumption that the death rate is constant regardless of the race of the person infected would be hugely inaccurate. But, what could happen? ThPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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44027f No.69 [Open thread]

Niggers and jews are bad news. kfc and watermelon, fuck niggers who eat gay kfc and gay watermelon. jews mad lmao gas the jews kill jews and niggers lulz

69 GET

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d2b521 No.44 [Open thread]

Well this is a shocker


This is ridiculous.

It's literally just people reporting shitposts.

We've been inadvertently giving Feds job security. This is gay.

They'll seriously sit around and file paperwork on autistic internet shitposting and behave like competent investigators?

While niggers rape our daughters and murder our sons.

This is the retard age.

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08a2d0 No.50

File: b8b07d2800c3685⋯.gif (1.7 MB,200x200,1:1,laughing puppets.gif)

>yfw the government is paying glowniggers to read your shitposts

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d0a8f1 No.65

Aren't the gamergays those ones who has ruined imageboard culture?

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42d0aa No.68


Epstien is a nigger

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File: 0b046dc2e419833⋯.jpg (256.4 KB,2560x1440,16:9,PicsArt_11-15-06.20.43.jpg)

de4e33 No.7 [Open thread]

4chan is mentioned and namedroped as a place where necrophiles kill and fap to corpses and 8ch is mentioned and namedroped as this place where the evil gamer incels shoot up schools and are mean to minorities.





CBS's version of 8ch is funny just look at that shit

>Forget about women

>>Board: /v/

>There is no such thing as "no"

>>Board: /v/

>How to make love to a pillow filled with motor oil

>>Board: /pol/

>I haven't spoken to a human being in 20 years

>>Board: /pol/

>>Red-pilled at a Thai sex shop

>>Board: /pol/

>It's not racism mom. It's common sense

>>Board: /pol/

>Find me one hot ceo chick

>>Board: /b2/

>revenge porn: a how to guide for white guys

>Delicious fake poop recipies /v/

>Why book clubs are basically Isis /leftypol/

>Lol you gotta see what prank we did on this 87 year old mum /pol/

>Jeffrey Epstein was not a CIA asset

>I haven't spoken to a human being in 20 years

>Muslims say we don't need trees anymore

>Anyone wanna help me bomb a store

>"I actually think Pete Butterbutt has some reasonable ideas"

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6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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376fac No.34


>Pete Butterbutt

Do they mean Pete Bootyjizz?

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6f47a7 No.36

File: 0b4e5381040fbc5⋯.gif (753.39 KB,900x722,450:361,1573583377939.gif)


Man I sure do love this new normalfag-friendly, anti-racist political discussion board. Thanks Jim!

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652639 No.38


>Man I sure do love this new normalfag-friendly, anti-racist political discussion board. Thanks Jim!

The board isn't anti racist, nor is it normalfag friendly, fuck off

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25f60b No.66

Bumping this board to prevent it from deletion.

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3b3792 No.67



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