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2367cb No.74

Its legit. Not on u tube .or other sites. Friend of mine dug this up.

Look at Bloomberg, he says China is not a dictator nation yes and no the CCP party is but china is a cultural nation, not a nation state. The west is good example of national state. They stated publicly that they will be the sword & shield of the "NWO gov .

Well if those documents are fact look at the $$$$ on the DNC & 2nd amendment attacks

& apparently I'm not the only one. Pass it on if u see merit

An armed nation is all in their way now.

It Explains a lot. Didn't see this info coming.

Its censored everywhere I looked. taken off sites .

Interesting & Disturbing. They're talking genocide HERE!


Nice euphemism

I do believe I heard that same term in 1930 -45.


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