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R:3 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome to /dao101/-Domestic affairs and other information

Hello this board is for learning new stuff on the web. I hope you will enjoy your stay.

You can learn and talk about politics and other stuff here like videogames cooking and other stuff you can learn on this board.This board allows all discussion politics and other topics.

This board is meant to be comfy, try to treat others here with respect.

This board also allows anons to investigate certian happenings as well as operations of any sort, whether it be pushing a meme to the public domain or trying to find out who a person is.

This board allows freedom of speech and expression, you can be racist etc etc but there are a few rules to keep this place from going a bit bad.

Threads should at least be more than just a simple one word like 'BTFO'D' 'LMAO', some dumb twitter screencaps or mp4/pdf threads with no context.

This place isn't /rand21/

This board will also not have threads supporting terrorism of any kind.

Don't talk about doing illegal shit

Don't shill your dumb chan, you will be banned for this if you do this.

This board will not allow porn threads.

Also follow the 8kun rules.

Direct all criticism and complaints here.

If you would like to talk to me via email I have an email address called justaguydoingstuffonline@protonmail.com , you can message me if you want.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

my opinion on people becoming trans

Now before I talk, I do not think trans people are bad people. I support you if you wanna become trans, and I have nothing against trans people. However, I don't think becoming trans is a good idea.

The reason why I think it's a terrible idea to become transgender is because it destroys your body. You get artificial body parts you weren't supposed to have when you were born. And, while you might wanna switch gender, our current methods I don't think are good enough. I have heard multiple stories of people being depressed after becoming trans because it was worse than they thought. On top of that, there's also a high chance it ruins your looks and makes you less attractive.

So, while I don't have anything against trans people, I think that it's just not a good idea to become trans

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

the Internet isn't as fun anymore

I hate how the Internet has changed since 2020. First reason is because of ads. There are so many ads. It's becoming more and more unbearable to go on the Internet without ad blocker. On top of that, there are also cookies that most websites have, which, in a lot of cases steal your data like a little bitch.

There are also people botting comments, saying npc-like shit, as well as people posting gen alpha brain rot, even though it's not even fucking funny, and no one above the age of 12 is laughing at that shit. I just wanted to go on a little rant, because, I'm seriously tired of the internet's bullshit

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

the Internet isn't as fun anymore

I hate how the Internet has changed since 2020. There are so many ads everywhere, and, it's becoming more unbearable to go on the Internet without ad blocker because of the amount of ads and data-stealing cookies.

On top of that, people are just botting comments and saying npc-like shit, as well as posting gen alpha brain rot, which is fucking cringe, and no one above the age of 12 is gonna laugh at that shit. I just wish that the Internet would be as fun as it used to be

R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Vox thinks 4chan and 8chan are cults


I was watching Vox explained on Netflix and out of nowhere they talked about how imageboards (4chan and 8chan) are cults and they talked a bit about the incel Alek who killed 9 people and Brenton Tarrant.

R:14 / I:7 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Space, Aliens, UFO, UAP, AAV, anything related to out of this world.

Extra Terrestrial


Only Real UFOs, AAVs, UAPs, New uploads almost daily.

The number of sightings right now is unprecedented, that's the line about huge civilian increase

Here's the line about contact ignoring governments, this will increase


the time is coming bros

R:5 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The STATE of western animation.

I watched Cartoon Network today with my 5 year old cousin, partly out of curiosity to see what kinds of shows their airing these days. For the first few hours it was a nonstop bastardization of Teen Titans called “Teen Titans” go. It was obnoxious and low-iq, but harmless enough. THEN CAME A SHOW THAT HAD ME READY TO TEAR MY HAIR OUT. It was called Steven Universe and it was about a fat boy who I couldn’t tell whether he was supposed to be gay or mentally retarded, who lived with a bunch of lesbians who fight other lesbians from outer space. It was the ugliest most blatant propaganda shit I’ve ever seen, and after a quick wikipedia search I discovered that sure enough, it was made by a jew named Rebecca Sugar. I can’t believe the little guy is growing up on this. No wonder his generation is so fucked up.

This is a great little exposé on Steven Universe and other CN shit.

Turns out it isn't the corporations pushing agendas, instead cancerous and degenerate people are the slowly infesting industries and ruining. Basically there is a cabal of sjws pushing homosexuality in western cartoons. People from western cartoon companies are literally sneaking in gay kisses and other degeneracies past the censors. Sounds just like the same thing that just happened in Poland. Just a couple of loud minorities that are destroying the world and indoctrinating your kids that straightness is also Hitler like being white, etc. Just wondering and have been looking at the mess that is the ((current years)) animation industry. How much of these incestuous relationships are there in the animation industry as of late?

Theres obviously some people who are too shit scared to speak up.


R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Hello, /dao101/. I don't know where else to post this that will take it seriously enough to judge the merits of it and whether or not it could be legit or a LARP.

I was sent this document as a part of a conspiracy mailing list that I am a part of and I would like some second opinions on whether or not this is legitimate.

You can find the file in question here: anonymousfiles io/tmiltXEF/

The document is in PDF format, is a single page, and just lists some rough details about some supposed operation that took place in Michigan.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Do you want to live?

Well, if you want to live through the coming collapse and try to rebuild some sense of order we need to all come to the realization that we are superficially divisive creatures. We have different ethnic backgrounds and religious traditions. The superficial way we look also plays a part in what groups we feel comfortable with. This is just fact. It doesn't matter if it makes not logical sense, it's a fact of life. Therefore, society needs to be reordered. People need to congregate in groups that they feel (maybe irrationally) comfortable with. If this scares the shitlibs then fine, pragmatically address the issue. They want to feel selfless and righteous in their own way so assure them that usually homeless and impoverished people will be "taken care of". This will mean, of course, whatever community group they become a part of from this new reorder mandate will be responsible for however they wish to take care of said people. Just throw the leftists a bone and say that you will give the poor communities minimal funding for necessities IF they agree to send needed manpower to the better-off and economically savvy communities. If this plan sounds good, then by all means spread the idea to whomever you believe will best be able and willing to enact it. Or, you know… just whoever is into creative ideas for the future.

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Anyone on private internet access (PIA) VPN, jump ship.

The company was just purchased by a globalist kike.


From the Kape Technologies board of directors page, their CEO:

>Prior to joining Kape, Ido was acting Joint Chief Executive Officer of VisualDNA (which was acquired by The Nielsen Company), a leading psychographic data business, where he led its geographic expansion

>Prior to VisualDNA, Ido worked as a Senior Associate within KPMG's Private Equity deal advisory practice in London and as a Senior Manager within KPMG's Transaction Services practice focusing on technology deals in Israel and with the Israeli Ministry of Finance. Ido is the author of the bestselling book 'Battle of Strategies' published in Israel by Yediot Books.

They used to be a company called Crossfire that became Kape after they bought that VPN provider as well. Also bought and merged a service called Cyberghost that started selling info to 3rd parties.


R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Its legit. Not on u tube .or other sites. Friend of mine dug this up.

Look at Bloomberg, he says China is not a dictator nation yes and no the CCP party is but china is a cultural nation, not a nation state. The west is good example of national state. They stated publicly that they will be the sword & shield of the "NWO gov .

Well if those documents are fact look at the $$$$ on the DNC & 2nd amendment attacks

& apparently I'm not the only one. Pass it on if u see merit

An armed nation is all in their way now.

It Explains a lot. Didn't see this info coming.

Its censored everywhere I looked. taken off sites .

Interesting & Disturbing. They're talking genocide HERE!


Nice euphemism

I do believe I heard that same term in 1930 -45.


R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

A Discussion on COVID-19 and Propaganda

A Discussion on COVID-19 and Propaganda

To begin, I am attempting to explain the possibilities of the origin of COVID-19 without disinformation or propaganda. I am trying to stay within the realm of common sense and logic to demonstrate only possibilities since we are dealing with unknowns, and you cannot use deductive logic unless you can be sure that the facts that you use are absolutely provable and true. For example, if I tell you that all lions are cats, I cannot say all cats are lions. Lions are a subset of cats, but some cats are not lions. You can only say, SOME cats are lions. Though this is a fact, there are exceptions and due to this it is SOMETIMES true. This is called inductive logic, the more suggestions that a statement is true the better the POSSIBILITY that the conclusion is true, there is never certainty.

With this in mind, we can begin to unravel the possibilities of the origin of COVID-19.

Fact 1: It is a “novel” coronavirus.

What does “novel” mean here? It is used as an adjective, not a noun. So we are not referring to a book. It is usually defined as something new, or unfamiliar. So what can this mean to the average person? That it is either something we have never encountered before, or it is something that we have, and it has been altered into something new. So using inductive logic we CAN say, without the bias of being a “conspiracy theory” that it COULD be something that existed before and then was bioengineered.

Fact 2: Overpopulation has been an issue for decades.

I don’t think I have to give you chapter and verse on the many times this issue has arisen over the last few decades. The whole “climate change” movement is claiming that human activities are upsetting the balance of the planet and will cause radical adjustments in temperature, weather patterns, and sea levels. They claim we have to make radical changes in our society like the elimination of fossil fuels, reduction of carbon, and the diets of humans to prevent widespread catastrophic changes. The problem with this is we have huge holes in the data needed to make a categorical conclusion, so they use inductive logic to “prove” their facts and demonize those that oppose them. How can you do that when you cannot conclude with certainty that your facts are ALWAYS true? They are arguing that all cats are lions. You can never PROVE a conclusion made with inductive logic, you can only strengthen your conclusions, so how could you with a clear conscience demonize those that disagree with you when it is clear that you COULD be wrong.

Fact 3: Billionaires have met and “concluded” that overpopulation is the most important danger facing the planet.

Funny that this story has been “erased” from the internet. If you know what you are doing, you can find it though. Even stranger is the fact that both Gates and Buffett, who attended this meeting, donated billions of dollars into “vaccine” production. This makes no sense, in that if your premise is that overpopulation is a danger to the planet, saving lives with “preventative” vaccines is probably the worst thing you can do for the planet.

Fact 4: An assistant to a Harvard professor was apprehended with 21 vials containing an unknown substance while traveling to China. The professor received funding from the Gates Foundation.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Niggers and jews are bad news. kfc and watermelon, fuck niggers who eat gay kfc and gay watermelon. jews mad lmao gas the jews kill jews and niggers lulz

69 GET

R:3 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The FBI has released the gamergate files

Well this is a shocker


This is ridiculous.

It's literally just people reporting shitposts.

We've been inadvertently giving Feds job security. This is gay.

They'll seriously sit around and file paperwork on autistic internet shitposting and behave like competent investigators?

While niggers rape our daughters and murder our sons.

This is the retard age.

R:11 / I:4 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

4chan and 8chan are mentioned in a new show called Evil By CBS

4chan is mentioned and namedroped as a place where necrophiles kill and fap to corpses and 8ch is mentioned and namedroped as this place where the evil gamer incels shoot up schools and are mean to minorities.





CBS's version of 8ch is funny just look at that shit

>Forget about women

>>Board: /v/

>There is no such thing as "no"

>>Board: /v/

>How to make love to a pillow filled with motor oil

>>Board: /pol/

>I haven't spoken to a human being in 20 years

>>Board: /pol/

>>Red-pilled at a Thai sex shop

>>Board: /pol/

>It's not racism mom. It's common sense

>>Board: /pol/

>Find me one hot ceo chick

>>Board: /b2/

>revenge porn: a how to guide for white guys

>Delicious fake poop recipies /v/

>Why book clubs are basically Isis /leftypol/

>Lol you gotta see what prank we did on this 87 year old mum /pol/

>Jeffrey Epstein was not a CIA asset

>I haven't spoken to a human being in 20 years

>Muslims say we don't need trees anymore

>Anyone wanna help me bomb a store

>"I actually think Pete Butterbutt has some reasonable ideas"



>Found out my dad has been going to therapy for decades

R:5 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

China limits gaming for minors


>Six measures were outlined in the guidelines, aimed at preventing minors "from indulging in online games." Among them is a ban on online video games for minors between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Minors will also be restricted to 90 minutes of game time everyday except national holidays, when they are allowed a maximum of three hours.

>Online microtransactions, which many view as lucrative and gouging, are also targeted. These purchases are capped monthly at $28 or $57, depending on a minor's age.

>Chinese officials will also require everyone to register accounts for online games using their real name and phone number, which will help government entities to regulate playing time.

>The government hopes this will encourage youth to spend less time playing videogames and more time outside, working, dating, improving themselves


Will this make young men strong again or is it too much?

In my opinion it is good thing china is doing this, gaming corrupts young minds, gets them addicted to dopamine and leads to further degeneracy like porn, masturbation and sexual deviance

R:3 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


(This is an example of a low quality post)

R:6 / I:1 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Chinese imageboards are hardcore

They have done a lot of shit in China.

>doxed a friend of barack obama

>Doxxed several gay rapists

>got a furry artist arrested and put in a detention facility

>follow an anti globalist Christian guy called Liu Zhongjing

>harassed some Japanese dude, this incident was shown on tv in japan

>harrased numerous targets and doxed their families

>has hacked into the chinese gov database just to try and get info on said families

>has done several flood campaigns on several websites

>made several people go into detention facilities

>They dislike leftist retards

>Anti astablishment, does it for the lulz

>Had a 2016 battle of memes which had targets that included Taiwan sovereigntists and pop stars

>organised a flood team again, in order to flood the Facebook pages of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

>joined forces with the Hong Kong government and did various counteractions to 2019 Hong Kong protests

>Some of the sites got taken down for their doxing

>2 teens got arrested for browsing the imageboards

>Memed President Xi Jinping as Hitler.

They seem based and redpilled to be honest





Archives of sources:




R:5 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

YouTube to censor all non-monetized videos by Dec. 10th

Looks like we’re getting closer to seeing JewTube delete all content that isn’t monetized and ad-friendly by December 10th.


You know what they say: the internet isn’t what it used to be. The internet’s gone downhill drastically since late 2017. I remember back in 2016 when there were hundreds, if not, thousands of Moon Man videos all over JewTube. Now they’re all but gone. The enforcement of hate speech policies on JewTube used to be much more lax up until Charlottesville. That was the moment when the Anti-Defecation League kikes who run JewTube realized that the type of content they allow on mainstream platforms is redpilling too many white people so they decided to shut it down. But hey, at least we still have 4chan and PornHub, so I guess we can redpill degenerates instead.

To me, this is just another case of JewTube stabbing it’s userbase in the back. They’ve been doing this since at least 2009 with the whole Viacom and Hulu thing.

R:3 / I:3 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The first xfactor winner Steve Brookstein states london attack was a zionist false flag

He calles out the jews more than once on his twitter page



He is quite well known in the UK for winning the first xfactor competition

Here is his winning song


R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The decline of the web

2007-2009 marked a shift in society. We have the election of Obama in 2008, the iPhone, financial crash, and arguably most important- the maturity of the internet. 2007 was the worst year for the internet and mobile phones and videos becoming more popular. This opened the floodgates for the lowest common denominator of people being able to access the internet. Other things plagued the internet like the internet becoming indistinguishable from everyday life, becoming a part of life and who we are instead of a hobby. It was also the time where companies got a foothole on the internet and tried to regulate it. 2007 was when the internet turned to shit, especially internet communities.

The early 2000s was the wild west of the internet and life in general. The new century for new life, new beginning, and new dreams. Now, it's feels old and too jaded. Everything feels like a jungle-tron and is infested of drugs, depression, and other sad things. Social media has become a incorporated to the point where you can't say anything without being threaten to be unemployed for what you twitted/ stated on facebook, demonized or even speak freely. Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and other big time social media platforms are the newest forums. Any active forum before that is now a ghost town.

Prior to 2007, the internet really was the Wild West. The golden age for me was 2001-07, high speed internet and the feeling of endless exploration. Facebook was still “cool” This era marked a shift in the way content was produced. The old internet was exciting because it was new and lawless. Lawmakers had no idea what the internet was in 2000. Fear about hackers stealing your money from the banks, phone companies not understanding what a script/virus that called a 900 number from your computer was.Hell congress use the movie "Hackers" as evidence for trying to regulate the internet?

The internet was used to promote anything and everything , it was full of pirated everything, Napster was insane when it came out. Think of what they charged for CDs, games, and such in 2000. You had no option but to buy it or try to copy one of the 2 songs from a cd off the radio. They kept trying to regulate it but no one in power had any idea what was going on or how to even start regulating the internet. It was around 2005-7 that companies realized the money they could make with it. Things like EBay Amazon and Apple music started to take off. When the companies started making money, they told congress how to regulate the internet to insure their profits. Torrent something nowadays without a vpn and there is a good chance your cable company will cut off your service.

I honestly doubt the internet will get better, and it honestly seems like it's getting worse. The censorship crackdown many places online seem to have been taking place, from the shut down of right wing controversial commentators like Alex Jones, to the shut down of 8chan, to even attacking small relatively unnoticed creators like MisterMetokur it seems like the internet is getting worse each year and it seems like in 2020, the internet censorship brigade will go in full swing and the internet becomes TV.2.0. Honestly at this point I think the internet, the world wide web at least is unsalvagavble in terms of communities. Not to mention that any sort of internet movement that was born on the internet and wasn't shilled by any establishment groups, that actually changes something gets shut down by the federal agents. Not to mention china wanting to influence the world and send its message abroad by censoring games and events, eg blizzcon, the nba eccetera.

R:3 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Test thread to verify that his is freeze peach

Test post to verify that this board qualifies as being a freeze peach zone and to make sure that the BO isn't a nigger faggot who will turn on anyone because he's a snake in hiding.

(Mate no porn is allowed here by default, go to /rand21/, you also sound like an /intl/ fag)