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cf2121 No.78

Well, if you want to live through the coming collapse and try to rebuild some sense of order we need to all come to the realization that we are superficially divisive creatures. We have different ethnic backgrounds and religious traditions. The superficial way we look also plays a part in what groups we feel comfortable with. This is just fact. It doesn't matter if it makes not logical sense, it's a fact of life. Therefore, society needs to be reordered. People need to congregate in groups that they feel (maybe irrationally) comfortable with. If this scares the shitlibs then fine, pragmatically address the issue. They want to feel selfless and righteous in their own way so assure them that usually homeless and impoverished people will be "taken care of". This will mean, of course, whatever community group they become a part of from this new reorder mandate will be responsible for however they wish to take care of said people. Just throw the leftists a bone and say that you will give the poor communities minimal funding for necessities IF they agree to send needed manpower to the better-off and economically savvy communities. If this plan sounds good, then by all means spread the idea to whomever you believe will best be able and willing to enact it. Or, you know… just whoever is into creative ideas for the future.

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