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File: 6fb7a87bc80038b⋯.jpg (5.25 MB,3416x1920,427:240,3efe573b3a8e89140d6b9d7743….jpg)

8d02b2 No.9

They have done a lot of shit in China.

>doxed a friend of barack obama

>Doxxed several gay rapists

>got a furry artist arrested and put in a detention facility

>follow an anti globalist Christian guy called Liu Zhongjing

>harassed some Japanese dude, this incident was shown on tv in japan

>harrased numerous targets and doxed their families

>has hacked into the chinese gov database just to try and get info on said families

>has done several flood campaigns on several websites

>made several people go into detention facilities

>They dislike leftist retards

>Anti astablishment, does it for the lulz

>Had a 2016 battle of memes which had targets that included Taiwan sovereigntists and pop stars

>organised a flood team again, in order to flood the Facebook pages of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs

>joined forces with the Hong Kong government and did various counteractions to 2019 Hong Kong protests

>Some of the sites got taken down for their doxing

>2 teens got arrested for browsing the imageboards

>Memed President Xi Jinping as Hitler.

They seem based and redpilled to be honest





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ad660a No.14

This looks to me like a government controlled operation, obviously inspired by the western imageboards. Makes you think how much our imageboards are government controlled.

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fa45b4 No.15



I joined their telegram group (Zhina Wiki / Esu Wiki)

And no, I don't think there were any Chinese imageboards

>They're libertarian and anti-commie, but not really /ourguy/

>They started aware some PRC agents were among in the admins last few mouths

Here's another similar websites that's not dead yet


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8d02b2 No.16



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ad660a No.25


Textboards and in extension imageboards are Japanese in origin. I know there existed a 2ch/5ch style textboard in Hong Kong, they came to 8ch for a brief (1-2 days) time and they basically overtook 8ch over that period, but yes, I don't know about any such communities in mainland China.

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af16d7 No.43


>got a furry artist arrested and put in a detention facility


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4c0758 No.51

File: b66bf55819ec3ff⋯.jpg (108.1 KB,550x813,550:813,jingri-4.jpg)

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