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File: 57b4888cd668623⋯.png (36.54 KB,752x436,188:109,EKjUElrXUAEgN5s.png)

b8d766 No.39

He calles out the jews more than once on his twitter page



He is quite well known in the UK for winning the first xfactor competition

Here is his winning song


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b8d766 No.40

File: 3023b61972c2544⋯.png (250.53 KB,721x762,721:762,Screenshot (2533).png)


Here are the other pics

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b8d766 No.41

File: 368b28231daa488⋯.png (56.01 KB,734x521,734:521,Screenshot (2532).png)


Another one

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b8d766 No.42

File: a72a2c88807f5e9⋯.jpg (27.58 KB,480x480,1:1,uktv-xfactor-steve-brookst….jpg)


Here is the guy's face

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