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2dc11e No.35


I was watching Vox explained on Netflix and out of nowhere they talked about how imageboards (4chan and 8chan) are cults and they talked a bit about the incel Alek who killed 9 people and Brenton Tarrant.

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5a6f3c No.76


,..imagine if these fuckin spineless liberals eunuchs researched the correlation between the influence of blm on niggers going full chimp out and murdering cops point blank.

,..thats justified. Name one liberal to denounce the violence against Police Officers.

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8adc14 No.88

I'm not a lawyer or anything, but, I'm pretty sure cults are illegal, and, if 8kun and 4chan were websites filled with cults, the sites would be illegal. But, here I am. On 8kun, not breaking any laws

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