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File: 51c86d24e25bd20⋯.jpg (395.37 KB,800x800,1:1,c08fabd7231a8ea210e21bf18f….jpg)

d33985 No.51008 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


Board Rules


Public Board Log


Board Archive


8/u/ Reader


8/u/ Scanlations alternative site


8/u/ Scanlations


Board staff contact

Rizon: #8/u/



IRC channel rules: Don't spam the chat with emoticons and type in English.

Email: yuriboard@8chan.co

Twitter: @eightyuri8 (((shadow banned)))

New Twitter: @u_8ch

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67f682 No.57840


THE OFFICIAL SUCCESSOR IS HERE: https://smuglo.li/yuri/

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File: a7474ff3b20632a⋯.jpg (882.92 KB,1920x1200,8:5,djt.jpg)

c99f39 No.17370 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Read the guide before asking questions.


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0ba304 No.57855

To view pree teens and toddler photos,child images

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File: 58835b9bac4a8f5⋯.jpg (32.5 KB,230x230,1:1,6193168355aa1e79f8415f4a_n….jpg)

3ec44d No.57826 [Open thread]


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60c4f7 No.57846


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8f45b6 No.57847


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4a0c72 No.57856


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39b31b No.57857


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fe70a8 No.57862


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File: 4d998be5611edce⋯.jpeg (51.08 KB,546x562,273:281,images_1.jpeg)

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File: cca57bc170fcdce⋯.jpg (810.18 KB,2680x1654,1340:827,113330663_p0.jpg)

94280e No.57853 [Open thread]

This is Koharu

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f39cfb No.57854

File: 155e88963fe960b⋯.png (2.27 MB,1408x1792,11:14,110568859_p0.png)

delicious fidgety Koharu

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File: b5ff21a5d218933⋯.jpg (54.15 KB,900x476,225:119,5956c9ba87456f2f2e8b457f_d….jpg)

10e0b2 No.57851 [Open thread]


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File: 495a554d3beeb2f⋯.png (6.62 KB,500x250,2:1,Oekaki.png)

a71327 No.57848 [Open thread]


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30db39 No.57850


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File: a80f843186e80a0⋯.jpg (123.38 KB,720x1560,6:13,abccdc78b5f6e983f43c304520….jpg)

31a443 No.57849 [Open thread]

Hi there guyz fckyou

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7744c1 No.57852


Saw comment in youtube video about seasonal yuri that “children isn’t yuri. I hope japan stop with its obsession toward highschool”

Only 2 countries pumping lesbianism in animation form and if you still complain about the process then cry fucking more

That aside,this kind of elitism is something from boomer generation. but when it is hetero, you won't doubt 8yo is capable of straight love. when you were little you know more about world than adult think you do so I don’t know where this mindset came from.

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File: 3e234943d1b14c1⋯.png (307.29 KB,900x1000,9:10,62413658_p1.png)

3acbe2 No.21418 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

How big an age gap is too big?

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6e665a No.57686

File: a319ba623cea922⋯.jpg (141.33 KB,579x826,579:826,04040118042.jpg)


Is 10 and 16 fine?

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eb6a55 No.57728

File: bbe723c828f98ef⋯.jpg (77.09 KB,780x1098,130:183,001.jpg)

So, this is the thread that make you want to call police?

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813355 No.57844

File: 6db2f686528275d⋯.jpeg (273.99 KB,800x951,800:951,unknown_6.jpeg)


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f881fb No.57860


Troll saying

>require creativity: artists (usually untalented ones) si

Are the same one glazing

>when compared to the great ammount of faceless men doujins (as

IN RESPONSE to how hetrape involve yuribait

> with the sole difference that men there are replaced with other cucks, as long as they're cuck guys with tits.

Calm your transphobe


You (cuck)


People like this are the one sperging over non-yuri

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f881fb No.57861

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File: 620b56ca50b444c⋯.jpg (104.6 KB,800x1127,800:1127,040030713482-1p.jpg)

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File: 40b8ab844f7403f⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,800x1128,100:141,040030713482-7p.jpg)

21a607 No.57689 [Open thread]

Fish and Wolf

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ccd0db No.57731

File: 43b462468069b3e⋯.jpg (690.31 KB,914x1200,457:600,@eichi_yuu 121229493965401….jpg)

File: 8a1e91e22b48c48⋯.jpg (86.35 KB,780x1120,39:56,1214806 03 - Copy.jpg)

College lesbian

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771cc3 No.57790

In e-hentai if you comment, if a comment goes below -50 it get hidden. Sometimes I make comment to tell other to downvote but in doing so, I lose my power to vote in that gallery. Let me tell you friend there is a loophole in that system. I can’t tell more for risk of mods fixing the hole. Reread my sentence.

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ec096c No.57800

File: e558a3a64a1d3f0⋯.jpg (145.93 KB,362x512,181:256,1140066.jpg)


I move to https://8chan.moe/u/res/117.html

I will be busy moving around

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5c487b No.57839

File: 5ddfd061cb00bae⋯.jpg (94.11 KB,850x638,425:319,3917755_p0.jpg)

labor day

Thank you (very much) for everything, Sakuya(-san)!!

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File: 7116f4a4b8f5e95⋯.jpg (164.42 KB,850x680,5:4,dont_mind_the_futas.jpg)

8d4bb5 No.57815 [Open thread]

After 8chan change their name to 8kun, some people rebuild a different site using more decentralize mindset


This /u/ hold more content then 4/u/ and pretty much every yuri except bisexual (which not accepted anywhere anyway) and mtf gender bender (4/u/ actually accept it).

The fact that there is smuglo.li in the meta thread OP shows people running this place either had planed to evacuate even before the first shutdown or the old BO in 2018 was a mod from smug (since their mods origin is similar to 4chan. Instead of coming from users, they are either someone the mods know or pass though interview then get assigned to a board)

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8d4bb5 No.57816

8kun mods incompetency bother me and if they are indeed the same person ruling smug/u/ now, then that board is just a ticking time bomb (if centaur indecent is any indication). Judging from how less smug /u/ mod know about yuri It appear they are different person but the implication is unnerving.

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99ed34 No.57836

All these time when I invite batch of people from danbooru there is exactly 1 person who replies.

Batch 6c. 20 people who like non-yuri futa. None of them reply

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File: 5022821a1dc0e0a⋯.png (1011.7 KB,918x1298,459:649,c42ccef1d5a85d2b0756fee200….png)

dbbb15 No.57832 [Open thread]


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dbbb15 No.57833

I can't see any images.... there are only "Join or 404" !??

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File: d3416e1bf13deca⋯.png (781 B,160x160,1:1,bone.png)

3aa1cf No.57830 [Open thread]

this is

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File: e7ea8861d14db6b⋯.jpg (164.42 KB,1001x1001,1:1,image0.jpg)

e896e7 No.57829 [Open thread]


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File: 18f6faffd346b5b⋯.jpg (10.88 KB,384x410,192:205,GabriellaHall1.jpg)

6943bf No.57821 [Open thread]

I have been fucked over my entire life! Born a ricecel, worked my ass off to get through college and get a good job, make good money, and stuck with a worthless piece of shit dumb ugly wife whose eggs are fucking useless! There should be laws that allow law abiding men to exchange useless wives for decent looking fertile women, so that we can breed a generation of hard workers to pay down the national debt and carry our nations forward in terms of innovation and economic competitiveness.

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File: ea87cfbc52d877b⋯.png (33.16 KB,510x400,51:40,PROYECTONEGATIVO.png)

cdb5a6 No.57819 [Open thread]

Texts, literature, fiction and non-fiction to support or even choose a life without women, bad for the world, bad for man.

Textos, literatura, ficción y no ficción para soportar o incluso elegir una vida sin mujeres, mal del mundo, mal para el hombre.



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848fee No.57824


>stop reading op's bait

this board is so abandoned even the troll leave

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