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d33985 No.51008 [View All]


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Rizon: #8/u/



IRC channel rules: Don't spam the chat with emoticons and type in English.

Email: yuriboard@8chan.co

Twitter: @eightyuri8 (((shadow banned)))

New Twitter: @u_8ch

Boards that are welcoming to yuri








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402 posts and 89 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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72b780 No.56130



Yuri in general tends to lean towards stories that lack any actual substance or pretty closed off lore; stories tend to be compressed leaving little time for discussions on what they could do.

Both of these factors leave Yuri in general a pretty bad discussion piece after a while.

The only way 8/u/ would become active would be making content ourselves realistically.

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f9b198 No.56131

File: 0e0fcc70c55f5d9⋯.png (173.85 KB,535x377,535:377,Fuu's Explosive Cheek Pull….png)


>The only way 8/u/ would become active would be making western """""yuri""""" and defeat its own purpose

I'm about to start a CYOA thread on this board sooner or later. Tight schedule and anxiety with a smattering of procrastination have been holding me back until now.

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9bfad4 No.56139


Try to do a short story to test the waters

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a4cb8e No.56146


I can do the technical grunt work for a VN if we get story and art covered. I've been working on a top down 2d rpg with free assets lately but getting that in a good state for a /u/ game would probably be more work than a VN

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ab2c5b No.56153


>it's his attitude

You're probably not going to find another board owner that had the same perspective and interpretation of moderation that I once had. I was far too naive and in reality my tendency towards temperance expressed itself as blunting and passivity. Jesus is more suited to the position precisely because he isn't like me. Perhaps the reasons as to why I stepped down and chose him as my replacement aren't well understood. Maybe I should clarify this at some point.

>since he isn't even on the mod staff anymore (I think?)

Utenanon is not board staff and hasn't been since the /cow/ incident when he relinquished the BO account.

The current board staff are -

BO - Jesus

BV - Kolovrat

BV - k712

>My complaint against you was about the kinds of doujin you show off on the board and how you tell people that you have them.

The Izetta doujin became a self deprecating joke. It's also probably referenced because while it isn't the only non-yuri doujin I've bought in error, it is the only one I've released. At the time of the first large comiket order I did for the board, both myself and the first BV were looking for Izetta doujin. We agreed that this particular one was most likely yuri. When it arrived it wasn't. It was a lesson that needed to be learned. The appearance of doujin covers can be deceptive and the information offered by doujin sites is often inadequate. I have already explained that most doujin sites, particularly those selling second hand doujin do not list something as yuri or straight. Yuri usually falls under the seinen category, as does futa and straight doujin. The complaint that I do post the covers of non-yuri doujin to the board is a fair one. In future I will refrain from doing so.

If you're complaint is about the doujin in the second image here >>55982

This is the final LRIG Lab doujin that I had already confirmed as having yuri content when I ordered it.

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9cb3d1 No.56156


>if we got story and art covered

We don’t lol. Especially art. I guarantee you would need to hire someone.

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310bc7 No.56157



I mean considering how long a story would take to be made from a board of this speed, you may as well make it an actual game.

A full on artist seems kinda like a crapshoot; i actually can do decent pixel art but full on CGs and such in that is a nightmarei'd be willing but it'd be incredibly slow.

Even portraits would take a long time if they had to be the focus of the game, VNs really shouldn't have small portraits.

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14fa5c No.56160



I think you underestimate how far you can get with shitty mockups and just some lonely nerds writing to an empty message board

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c83f62 No.56165


Katawa Shoujo took several years and barely got made and the momentum behind that was a gajillion times more than anything we could do here. I don’t understand why people feel the need to make grandiose statements about things they are supposedly going to do. Just do it then tell us about it later.

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3cdbbf No.56167


I'm not going to do shit unless there's a crew that wants to work on a game, I'll just keep dicking around with this engine and free assets. There are definitely ways to reduce workload and release games despite lack of time and resources though, as was done for games like Kurovadis and Dark Elf

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aa42e4 No.56171


I wasn't saying it was impossible just really slow realistically.

i'd also just prefer some actual game with story, instead of raw VN and the slow speed of how everything will go lends well to refining gameplay


Well as i said i'll lend my support if it actually manages to start getting made.

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aa4a72 No.56198


The problem isn't that it has het or that it doesn't have yuri it's what het it does have.

I didn't see this when you posted it because it was lost in the productive discussion.

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466a1e No.56227



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544a48 No.56360

So, what the fuck is happening in half/u/?

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fd1a74 No.56375


What do you mean? Seems pozz'd as usual.

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09b45e No.56386


Apparently it was some autism drama in /a/. I am amazed at the level of neglect from the mods. The posts about this board were not removed.

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288f64 No.56396


I am not amazed

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3a7655 No.56427


Please elaborate. Depending on your answer I may know.

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2759a4 No.56582


I wasn't important at all, just some /u/sual drama.

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ddefc9 No.57019

File: 741986b092b79af⋯.jpg (47.89 KB,361x512,361:512,1668099.jpg)

I just saw banner on wikipedia about posting your LGBT photographs!

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f9c992 No.57182

Are we dead yet?

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3e4c98 No.57240


If you want don't bump

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988a11 No.57293

Check the transparency report for June, /u/ received a claim. Any idea what it was?

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8c7913 No.57294


Let's dig archive.org and find out


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033d4e No.57296

File: 971689f1f735b75⋯.png (65.54 KB,776x768,97:96,2019-07-12-110105_1366x768….png)


Looks like this post got deleted: https://web.archive.org/web/20190530044216/https://8ch.net/u/res/52131.html

>piracy isn't safe on cripplechan


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ca140c No.57297


>a Christmas release post of all things gets DMCA'd

/u/ BTFO

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31e0c8 No.57298


Time to move to spacechan.

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9fb978 No.57372


Don't we have a better option? where's the /u/ focused IB?

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bd00fc No.57399

What's the difference between /u/niggers and the frequent posters of 8/u/?

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3f71a8 No.57418


People on 4chan.org/u/ actually make OC and have interesting things to say, while most 8/u/ regulars are cringy retards.

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06f4aa No.57419


As you can tell by one of them hanging around here.

Real interesting folk that aren't hated for being retards with shit taste on average.

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2df336 No.57442

Is the BO alive?

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1d0320 No.57470


Retarded tumblr defects VS the occasional repetitive Nazi shitpost.


Get the fuck out.

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c5be03 No.57471

Why the actual fuck is there a banner for that Gridman anime of all things? I don't trust it.

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5ad16e No.57478


The current one or the old one?

Jesus is in the irc channel. He never talks anymore though.

k712 went missing for two months and was presumed dead. He's back now and is SHiN's cleaner.

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a70f44 No.57531

File: 0f3ed8c5a05c6f8⋯.png (24.64 KB,228x239,228:239,1563734453160.png)


>SHiN's cleaner

He gave up the board for that. Jesus Christ.

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da2838 No.57536


Do you think there’s anything fun or rewarding about being board owner of a tiny 8ch board full of reddit-tier bozos?

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f3db30 No.57622

Hey, I know you guys like posting doujins from time to time so please support the call to allow TIF uploads to 8chan.

Using the TIF format you can have multiple pages of images in one file; that means you won't have to upload each page as a single image, leading to significantly less clutter and easier reading.




Thank you.

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2ca334 No.57698

What happened to the old crew that used to run this place? Did they disappear when 8chan died?

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5efb3c No.57699


Pretty much.

K712 - old BO

Left 8ch. Went to rehab.

Protoman - old BV

Mostly offline. Runs /yuri/ on smug

Kolovrat - BV

Still here. Posts the daily releases

Jesus - current BO

Still here.

cythna - translator

Still around

Shamoke - scanlator

Left 8ch. Does releases for /yuri/

Why do you want to know?

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eed4db No.57718

Best yuri board is back, how delightful

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56321d No.57727

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>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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1e6bca No.57754

Where is everyone now?

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76e6ca No.57766



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b95def No.57825

this board is so abandoned even the board tag still same. I could claim it but I don’t because I hate this

I invite people by searching their interest in danbooru. I got about 198 accounts to check but I kinda busy so I search these account for a certain popular character who got shipped by a pixiv artist I know. That’s how I pre-eliminary. Call it unfair gate-keeping but can’t have incels in my board. The result?

15/50 accounts from 2018 lust for them. Gotta diss them

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c7f43b No.57827

end of 2019-early 2022

45 out of 100 users. these coomers disgust me. The closest thing to common denominator is 4 of them like a futa western about 2 streamers

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97533e No.57828


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bba71f No.57831

another 5 from Whiterose. This shipping really attract normie

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b36886 No.57835

My standard for 2nd test is people who fav’d less than 4 pages (about 120 items) of hetsex. 40 people, 24 users fav more than that vs 16 users who don’t fav any of it. Surprising see something so polarising by picking 120 as standard. Like if one like het they will go all the way, if they don’t like it they won’t touch it at all

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67f682 No.57840


THE OFFICIAL SUCCESSOR IS HERE: https://smuglo.li/yuri/

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