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 No.26061 [Open thread]

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Go back >>>/4channnel/

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 No.25834 [Open thread]

she's actually shouting in an asmr video, is this bitch retarded?

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It's not even ASMR, just audio roleplay fantasy shit for weebs and vrchat tards.

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 No.25769 [Open thread]


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God has a wholesome, fair skinned, red haired, 80's waifu waiting for you in Heaven, son. The day of retribution draws nigh! Put on the whole armor of God and vanquish your foes with the Sword of the Spirit.

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 No.22733 [Open thread]

Have you heard the good tingly news about your new Christian Aryan whisper mommy anon? Christi ASMR: her name literally means Christ.

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oh, we're bringing iq into this now are we?

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You're so mad right now, white boy, I should probably stop replying to you or you'll shoot up a school, or whatever your kind does when they feel vulnerable and insecure.

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Waaah, I'm a nazi incel and no one will ever love me!!!! Waaahhh!!!

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The nerve! They should support the tenets of national socialism like all incels.

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There are Neo Nazis who have wives and children, but something tells me you don't care about facts over feels.

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 No.25349 [Open thread]

Lindsey Tingles ASMR

My name is Lindsey, I live in Kentucky and have loved ASMR for years. I am in love with the art of making people relax and I'm always trying to improve and try new things. Please check out my videos and see if you enjoy them. Thank you!



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Nobody gives a fuck, kill yourself

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noone likes you, Gibi.

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>smoking in every other thumbnail


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Big yike

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File: 1bcd8193b4bdb00⋯.jpg (18 KB,480x360,4:3,Budget-Emma-Watson.jpg)

 No.6598 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

>"we need Emma Watson whispering shit on a binaural mic, but we got no budget"

>alright senpai, I got this

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$40 for a publicly posted video

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She supports BLM so I decided to drop. I hope she grows up one day and stops copying the other e-thots.

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Thanks anon! I have spent more than that on her wishlist.

Any recommendation of what videos she agrees to do?

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Imagine financially supporting an e-girl who supports BBC.

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Someone have the "ASMR Up Close Personal Attention | Pampering You 🌷" she erase the vide by mistake.

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 No.25074 [Open thread]

/asmr/ seems to be back online. You can't post though and all the posts are from years ago. did jim bless us?

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Indigo really is underrated. No homo, but if Indi had a cock, I'd suck her off till her eyes rolled back in her head.

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Her lack of popularity wasn't really from being overlooked, but her 30-something chuuni goth larping only bringing in a small crowd (the old thread discussed this..)

Seems she's reappeared with a note on her Paetron lately– but it imho indicates she's taking a permanent hiatus (that LDR wedding fell through with the internet girl scoper, didntit) by only taking care of the already overpaid obligations.

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>Her lack of popularity wasn't really from being overlooked, but her 30-something chuuni goth larping only bringing in a small crowd

youtube is a great example of how important looks are.

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God I miss /asmr. The OG page circa 2017/18 provided my with so much entertainment and fantasy faps. If only we could ever get that back. I still haven't found anywhere else that's nearly as…populated. I didn't have the resources to digital horde content back then, so it's all been religated to my own memory.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened anon

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 No.17520 [Open thread]

Is Soe back?

Somebody told me that he thinks this is her

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this is 1000% her wtf are u talking about anon

her french accent sounded like this in her soe streams

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File: 60528d9c95e786a⋯.png (Spoiler Image,92.73 KB,1198x1200,599:600,4fZZq7w.png)


Soe didn't have a French accent. She had a Scottish accent. Clearly this isn't Soe. :^)

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Who the fuck is Soe? This is Dude That's Lewd. Claiming that one person is someone else is very disingenuous, and quite frankly, rude.

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So who is it really boys?

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>necromancing a dead thread with dead links from summer of 2019 back to life

You should be ashamed of yourself, anon. What's wrong with you?

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 No.25017 [Open thread]

Let's cut to the chase - I'm a lonely girl and I want attention. I love ASMR and I'm minoring in film and audio production, meaning that I could make quality content. But, is it worth it? I want guys to call me cute and have fanboys, nothing sexual but free attention. I don't care about money or fame. (I love ASMR too, ofc.)

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tits or gtfo

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OP can't post tits because no pics allowed.

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Have sex femcel

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Sex is a sin outside of marriage.

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I'll give you a serious answer, OP. Is it worth it? It all depends on what you're looking for. If you're lonely and looking for fanboys, start small by posting pics on instagram and twitter. You can find friends that way and simps will say nice things about you. Once you take the step to start making ASMR videos on YouTube, you're stepping out onto the world's stage. The internet loves and hates people in a chaotic manner. You might upload a video and everyone instantly falls in love with you. You might upload a video and nobody will give a flying fuck that you exist. It can't be controlled. It's a gamble. A risk. Once the train leaves the station though, you're in for the ride. I regretfully point to someone like Cloveress as an example. She made a video eating a banana and it went viral. Blew up! Instant e-fame. Months later she was cruising around Hollywood in a limo with a group of other thots. Got hooked on drugs. Went crazy. Eventually on the verge of homelessness and died of a drug overdose in a shitty motel room. All that in just a matter of a few short years. Tragic. ASMR Darling is another example. College girl from Florida decided to make videos. Everyone thought she was cute. Pewdiepie featured her in one of his videos and BOOM. Instant e-celebrity. I've also seen many talented creators never gain any traction. It can be depressing if you put in the time and effort to create something and nobody gives a shit. It's equally frustrating when someone without talent achieves fame while you remain overlooked. Having fans might seem cool, but I always remind everyone that 1% of the population suffers from some form of psychopathy. When you finally reach 100k subs and get your coveted silver Play Button, you also probably have 100 psychos as fans. There's good and bad in all people and you won't be able to control who watches your videos or shares pics of you. The music industry tried unsuccessfully for the past 30 years to stop people from sharing music. The industry, with all of their money and power, couldn't stop it. The same goes for video. Once you upload it, it's here forever. What happens as a result is out of your control. Maybe nobody watches your video. Maybe you wake up the next morning and thousands have seen your video. Such is life on the internet. BuzzFeed is cancer, but this is actuaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.24954 [Open thread]

G-gee! M-Marimo s-sure is c-cute!

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He really almost looks passing.

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What's wrong with her head shape?

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Nice, thanks for the rec, OP

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 No.24981 [Open thread]

Was it kino?

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 No.24967 [Open thread]

Good news, alwaysslightlysleepy is back, but this time she's chinese.

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Chinese brother sister impregnation roleplays? Incest. It's not just for Alabama anymore. Fun for the whole family. :^)

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 No.24470 [Open thread]

When is she gonna do an OF/lewds like the rest of these ethots.

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prolly not but her shit has never even been leaked yet wtf

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 No.23766 [Open thread]

Finally found my new muse a girl i love more than bluekatiehoe

This is a sammyjammy board now

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I fell in love lol

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best one yet

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>Email me for custom video requests sammyjammyasmr@gmail.com

well, what are you waiting for anon?

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Nice try. I emailed her and got sent back a fake text document which was actually an exe. I ran it in a VM and analyzed network traffic and it tried instantly pinging a server. So her channel and email are in control of FBI or some other LEA.

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Mahoney bait confirmed.

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 No.21691 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Is this the end, my friend?

Previous thread >>21043

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We all knew this would happen. Tbh i no longer care, anonbros.

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Just go up and talk to her.

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no, in no way is she an 8, sorry.

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video removed by user

it must have been interesting

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