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Have you heard the good tingly news about your new Christian Aryan whisper mommy anon? Christi ASMR: her name literally means Christ.

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I always got weird vibes from her. Glad I stopped watching ASMR because they all seem to have jigaboos in the closet.

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Jesus Christ! Why are every of my new waifus Jewess, lesbians, or coal burners? Thanks for the heads up anon


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Not anymore. RIP white race.

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Is there a list of blacked ASMRtists?

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There used to be a "coalfax" thread on the old /asmr/, but it got shutdown.

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I only know a few that have been blacked, but there's a lot more who support BLM.

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I believe in reparations, we should let all black lads have sex with our Queens and let them sniff their feet, it's only fair. Who's next - Seafoam or Latte?

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<mUh RePaRaShUnZ!!!

>Thinking that a Native American indigenous person like Nora or an Asian like Latte owes you something because of slavery.

There's that famous 85 nigger IQ in action. The only thing you deserve is a noose.

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Stay mad white boy, must feel bad knowing you'll always be a subhuman redneck, go sniff your sister's feet, honkey. Your women do not want to fuck you, all whites have small dicks and even smaller self-esteem. We're all laughing at you. There will be no white people in 100 years and there is nothing you can do about it. Personally, I like sniffing white women's feet the most, they'll go back home and tell their daughters that the BBC is superior. Don't kill yourself when you realise that.

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>bUt MuH diCk tHo!!!

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We get it white boy, you're insecure.

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lel, you're calling us insecure after that first post you made, top kek.

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Not even 70 IQ superstitious christian hoes want to fuck your kind, they crawl begging for the BBC, and then after getting their pussy stretched, we send them off back to white boys. And we laugh at them knowing their "christian" wives are always craving the BBC and are disappointed every night. Embarassing.

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oh, we're bringing iq into this now are we?

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You're so mad right now, white boy, I should probably stop replying to you or you'll shoot up a school, or whatever your kind does when they feel vulnerable and insecure.

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Waaah, I'm a nazi incel and no one will ever love me!!!! Waaahhh!!!

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The nerve! They should support the tenets of national socialism like all incels.

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There are Neo Nazis who have wives and children, but something tells me you don't care about facts over feels.

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