>>28051 (OP)
I didn't even know anything about this. Apparently this beef is from early this year. I watched a video of Karuna ranting about it. Whose nudes are we even talking about? Can't blame /asmr/ for this one since it was down when this happened. Karuna makes mention of the "mean girls" several times. IIRC, wasn't there a forum called "pretty little liars" where they refer to each other, anons, as mean girls? IDK. There's also the Farm and Julay among other places. Contrary to popular belief, niggas be talkin shit all over the internet. It's not just the fine lads from Channel 8 who are trolling for teh lulz. TBQH with you famalamadingdong, I think half the traffic from the old /asmr/ was other ASMRtits shitting on other ASMRtits. When that shitshow got shutdown, the drama had to go somewhere. Well, here we have it.
>nudes get leaked
Just another day on the internet.
>but muh copyright!
The music industry has been crying about this since napster, but that didn't stop (you) from downloading their music, did it? When (you) upload anything, especially your tits, to the internet, it now belongs to the internet and it will be here forever. (When will they learn? When will they learn?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!)
>Karuna shows up to get involved in other peoples' drama.
Karuna used Toxic. It's super effective.
>Feelings get hurt.
Boo hoo.
>Deleted e-careers.
Who even wanted to see Brave or Crinkel's tits anyways? No thanks.