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File: 8bd49f4c4b435f2⋯.png (41.02 KB,250x242,125:121,so_tired_no_sleeeeeeeep.png)

 No.12954 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

{\__/}                   [\=/]

( • w •).  ❤❤   (° w ° )     5th /tingles/ Pastel thread!

/ つ.    ❤❤❤     ヾ. \.          mein lieblings! OwO

Previous: >>>/tingles/11371


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File: 691ea31ef087415⋯.gif (606.99 KB,244x200,61:50,sigh.gif)


I concede that the price is really the drawback of a Mac. I got mine on Ebay for $300 and by some miracle it works well with only a few scratches (who knows what kind of weird shit is on it though that made the owner wanna chuck it, heh). If I had the money I would still go with a MacAir since I just love the OS so much but I agree that if people don't even like the OS then it is a pretty bad deal.

Someday I hope that Apple will understand that to be really competitive with Windows they will have to lower their prices but at the same time they're doing really well honestly and I don't want there to be a quality drop in their laptops.

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File: 0a403d2481d367c⋯.jpg (26.14 KB,298x201,298:201,Capture.JPG)

PastelYuri secret project exposed OwO

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hehe, well, it was only secret because I wasn't sure if she wanted me to talk about it or not! I guess she doesn't care if I do though, kek

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File: 8d88ad463902d1b⋯.mp4 (912.96 KB,854x480,427:240,moon lulz.mp4)



>gaym about anon forum

Yikes, hehe ( ° ͜ʖ °)

Can I ask how did the collab came to be Pasta?

Also it looks like she would be doing it for fun, how long do u think will it take for u both to finish it?

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File: a763ae74fad4505⋯.jpg (17.15 KB,255x255,1:1,0656e2e35e9f59c480c7278c24….jpg)

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File: bf85b930d2d370c⋯.png (685.6 KB,720x1280,9:16,20190319_222227.png)

 No.13227 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread >>12420

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Lol. When I type "tingles 8chan" the first result is:

/tingles/ - Tingles is Cancer Now

No GNM :p

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File: 409c6c3b0372315⋯.jpg (100.41 KB,1073x767,1073:767,eringrr.jpg)


I like the frequent shitposting tbh. This is where I come when I'm bored.

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Keep pooposting. We're not in a hurry. Pre-PJ time was better though

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Even typing 'tingles goodnight moon 8ch' doesn't show anything related to this site.

Earlier, it used to show the links to this site by typing that. Don't know what happened now.

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Fresh poothread created

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File: 5bd31791f3ec398⋯.jpg (126.83 KB,1080x1350,4:5,4edee4bda416dc337f98fb5eef….jpg)

 No.12420 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Négligée edition

Previous thread >>11804

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File: 5ea527a4b2047ff⋯.png (5.67 KB,253x243,253:243,5ea527a4b2047ff7e003081aac….png)


Nothing at all. Just this confidence thing. That she stays that way in case of shitstorm and doesn't take 30 steps back.

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I mean we may disagree on lots of things but atleast one thing we can agree on is that we don't want to see her get fugged up do we?

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Yep totally. Confident and happy Erin is the best Erin. Hope no tragedies strikes her and she stays like this forever.

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Yea tragedy is my worst nightmare atm. Fuck I'm thinking too much again.

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Would be time for a new shrine but don't know about pic to use 8)

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File: 364ab476f369741⋯.jpg (69.08 KB,656x718,328:359,pastel-piggutails-owo.jpg)

 No.11371 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

{\__/}             [\ = /]

( • w •).          (° w ° )   4th /tingles/ Pastel thread!

/ つ💓💓 💓💓ヾ \.        mein lieblings! OwO

Previous: >>>/tingles/9339


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>Are all the Erin orbiters in here right now or are they only active at night I'm confused.

Varies. I'd say it's the most active during EU evening times, and pretty much dead at morning times.

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File: d7848d6e931b4a0⋯.gif (665.66 KB,365x274,365:274,wooobois.gif)


>vehemently reject the idea if anyone says it

I hate this too. By them doing lewd things and saying they're not lewd, they're basically making all of ASMR seem lewd.

>She could joke about it, she was laid back

I don't care if a girl does lewds and I wouldn't even call her a hoe as long as she's honest. It's just filling a hole in an open market and if it's legal then it's fair game I say.


Oh thanks man <3 Glad this one isn't blocked.

>But she didn't own up to it by the end tho and quits

Might have been bc IRL people found out and shamed her. I don't think girls like her should be shamed :(


Ah, I see, hehe. ALSO I'M THE 400th post >: )

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File: ee0b9511ce80694⋯.webm (414.95 KB,986x552,493:276,noo.webm)

Thread is kill

New one is up

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>Are all the Erin orbiters in here right now or are they only active at night I'm confused.

I think this is the official /tingles/ general thread now tbh famfam

>Oh yeah I watched that too.

It's an easy hole to fall down man. I can barely quit eating sugar. Imagine Heroin.


>But she didn't own up to it by the end tho and quits :'(. Hope she's doing fine.

Her final video in the red dress was so innocent UwU. She will be missed. There will never be another like her. Well maybe iBokki. Gawd dayum she has a fat butt. Hmmm mm. oh yeah she seems like a cool person too

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>Her final video in the red dress

Screenshot or clip? I believe i missed that one/don't remember cause i was just following casually.

I was absent for a couple of days and just sawn the thread that she quits. Owo

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.26 [Open thread]

She's back and she's amazing. Make her your waifu today. She'll kiss your face with a lion toy then eat it with a fork.

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>you will never get a cheeky kiss from Victoria

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File: 5ea527a4b2047ff⋯.png (5.67 KB,253x243,253:243,1478124345242.png)

>last video one year ago

it hurts

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and Victoria Spongs is gone again.

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When did she come back?

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File: 860fb13c3d856dd⋯.jpg (54.47 KB,1280x720,16:9,My-Kinda-Woman.jpg)

 No.11804 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous thread >>11223

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File: 70cae5cda9d6229⋯.png (230.61 KB,1886x820,23:10,CHAD123.png)

File: ec09da789e69d84⋯.png (39.76 KB,720x693,80:77,Screenshot_2019-03-12-00-5….png)

Jimmy posted this cute little lewd-ish fanart on patreon and made Erin scream out of laughter.

If Jimmy can, then you can make Erin laugh too,guys.

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I think I have seen this one before

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and ofc you can, she must be getting bored of constant asskissing and general faggotry

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File: 82cd5ecba669932⋯.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.85 MB,640x360,16:9,FlimsyLividApe-mobile.mp4)


Like this, anon?

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New thread is up

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.5830 [Open thread]

Film scenes where our fav ASMR-fus will never understand

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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Why haven't I watched this movie. Looks pretty good actually.

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this movie in general is straight kino

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>"I-i'm your orbiter"

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Kino in it's purest form

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File: ba871d66877d332⋯.jpeg (45.03 KB,370x829,370:829,Old times.jpeg)

 No.9823 [Open thread]

I'm curious, what are the things that would make you drop your beloved waifu/s?

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File: 476c6c04c8b61f4⋯.jpg (69.4 KB,480x366,80:61,run grampa.jpg)

-Complaining and getting mad at viewers for the lack of success of a video/their channel.

-Making their ASMR all about money.

-Using skin/tiddays to get more views I don't actually care if random girls do this, but I wouldn't feel the waifu feels.

-Blatant attention seeking behavior see this a lot in ASMR tbh.

-Be Clover ashamed to admit I liked her a lot back when she first came out

-Become too self obsessed they evolve into every video just being them rambling about how important they think their own existence is.

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if they have ever looked at or spoken to another man

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File: 7f095997b306845⋯.jpg (6.84 KB,249x247,249:247,1549028988883s.jpg)


Literally every single asmr-girl.

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File: 14312a3915dd308⋯.png (219.49 KB,623x424,623:424,1547997374062.png)


>When they have confirmed Chads

>When they start begging for money

I hate sluts

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A women without a dick

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File: e2f4162c7e9002a⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,1242x1129,1242:1129,BB367240-9D5B-4D63-B74A-D….jpeg)

 No.11223 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

A new shrine has been born

Previous thread >>10606

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Oh my gaaaaawd… I want to put my mouth on her tiddies and milk her DRY. Moo moo choo choo!!

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All aboard the calcium express! 😄

It's good for your boners!!

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"Newfag is reporting back to /asmr/ about us lel

Imagine being this stupid reporting in a public space like that.

Further proves the point that we should think three times before inviting new people in"

Explain these or apologize!

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How could he resist that? Just fucking how?

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File: ebd81383e401d7d⋯.jpg (43.67 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Qazwsx.jpg)

 No.618 [Open thread]

Post an anime look-alike of your ASMR-fus

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*Yukiko Amagi

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Kys rn tbh nigger

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File: aac878f5340598c⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,4096x4096,1:1,AnimuaShit.jpg)


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File: 6cff2256da1e117⋯.jpeg (19.74 KB,400x400,1:1,Pop-team-ebin.jpeg)

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File: e9f65dfeceb1e8c⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,661x661,1:1,IMG_20190122_145122.jpg)

 No.9339 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


( • w •). 3rd /tingles/ Pastel thread!

/ つ. mein lieblings! OwO

Previous: >>>/tingles/7937

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no, you are wrong. i have no problem with certain kind of nudity, but poor aftynrose is a tryhard low-level camwhore, i do not hate her, just dont't consider her as a serious asmrtist or as a serious high-level camwhore

It is perfectly acceptable that certain "orbiters" don't want to see tasteful nudity, but i am a person who would like. i would like to see the naked body of all my favourite asmrtists.

this is completely normal

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File: e891fc4dc8b754b⋯.jpg (150.28 KB,1440x720,2:1,lucywhore.jpg)


Ur waifus have a soul of a whore. uwu

I like Soe's face and her personality. but I'm never really drawn to promiscuous girls like her. I dunno why. I just can't feel it with them maybe. 0wo

<. What I don't get is the people who ask for such content and then turn on girls when such content is delivered. Absolute schizophrenic faggotry.

basically, most of /asmr/ anons. x_X

They fap and obsess about them but kept shaming them and fucking with their channels, etc.

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File: 6ebbfe50c96a38a⋯.jpg (45.35 KB,1001x1001,1:1,6ebbfe50c96a38ae7fb0b26fae….jpg)


Well I don't think Pastel is going to pop them titties on screen any time soon lad. You're gonna have to use your imagination or maybe doodle anon will draw you some nice Pastel futanari to get your rocks off, lel

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File: 57a44e0114a392d⋯.jpeg (15.59 KB,636x358,318:179,images (3).jpeg)


>Pastel Futa

That's gonna be a big yikes for me dawg

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Almost bump limit

New thread is up owo

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File: 4d6b9b115b37459⋯.jpg (21.6 KB,300x300,1:1,2551c6d6-ca0b-4ffe-97c5-3c….jpg)

 No.10887 [Open thread]

Because you guys seem less gay over here.

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File: 2af1d2cba981d01⋯.png (281.81 KB,740x1000,37:50,1546798566074.png)

Hai! :D

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File: 57d4738efaa4966⋯.jpg (26.75 KB,495x362,495:362,AftynRose-ASMR-Reading-6.jpg)


Hai friend. Do you watch AftynRose? I really like her ASMR. The sound quality is great and the content is wholesome.

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File: 93f9eab665442de⋯.jpg (194.24 KB,1083x720,361:240,IMG_20190127_181344.jpg)


I don't really watch her or follow her stuff but I occasionally watch what's been leaked/posted on asmr.

I don't like sluts like her at all but her vids are alright tingles-wise, and pic-related you posted has a hot concept, she's pretty creative with her lewd stuff, I'd give her that.

But she's a "no" for me.

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gayer than gay rights activists you mean

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aftynrose is here?

jesus christ, are you out of your mind?

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File: 62fe47faffb92a9⋯.jpg (87.51 KB,640x800,4:5,Once-Twice-Three-Times-a-L….jpg)

 No.10606 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Previous Thread >>10072

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I think a lot of them would secretly prefer the lewd stuff tbh

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No lie, but the beginning should be smooth, not too harsh stuff. Gradually go deeper.

Much like what happened in asmr threads back in days

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Delete all the threads of her on the first page or even the 2nd one. Start a fresh thread with no lewd or talking about personal life like pj and all. Talk only about her asmr.

And start inviting people who seems a bit obsessed like that person Conor or whatever his name is. And from there we can take it forward by gradually lewding her. What do you say, guys?

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Sounds good. Much like turning a new leaf in your life expect it'd devolve into same old mess eventually

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Hahaha, just watched that 30-60s card video and realized she was sponsored by a VPN provider. Pretty random choice for a sponsor.

Prior to this I only watched the patreon version

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.284 [Open thread]

fuck it, let's go

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just don't mind the comment section.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want a gf like this. Wtf is wrong with me?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Your girlfriend gets you ready for a Christmas party which you weren't actually invited to irl

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Oh wow this is the sister of a former online friend that me and others tried making her vids viral

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Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found a better one.

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