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A judge sided with the plaintiff against Patreon over censorship and allowed the trial to be heard. This means possibly millions of dollars will be lost as Patreon attempts to defend itself. Video related. Somewhat ASMR related because so many content creators rely on Patreon for income.

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One hopes, but naw, never happen. Patreon isn't going anywhere.

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This is the single most retarded retelling of this lawsuit and its wider implications I've read so far, expected from someone who watches Pool.

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why sue them. Just clone the website and take their customers and get rich.

Want to take it to the next level. Upload your website to the darkweb, that way nobody wont even know who owns the cloned website kek

boomers really need to learn how to code kek

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You don't even know what boomer means, son. Quitting spending all day jerking off and playing roblox. Do what you said and be a millionaire.

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That's good news.

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Is that the kid destiny dunked on? LMAO

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talking really fast in a sarcastic tone so nobody can actually address any point you make isn't really dunking

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Every destiny argument is him giving a strawman on what the other person meant and then talk over them when they try to explain that that's not what they meant at all.

And then his braindead fanbase claps their fat hands thinking destiny "won" because the other guy never got a chance to explain.

The definition of a pseudo intellectual circle jerk.

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]