The Natural Foods That Easily Destroy Corona Virus COVID Are The Hot Spicy, Bitter
Nature do wonder and have every cure for all kind of diseases.
The best natural foods that can easily destroy all kind of virus including the corona virus are the one have hot spicy and bitter features.
Some examples:
Hot Spicy: Ghost Pepper, Naga Viper, Moruga Scorpion, Carolina Reaper, etc.
Bitter Foods: Wormwood, Dandelion, Bitter Melon, Papaya Seed, etc.
They are best to eat in raw state, but if you mix it up with any other ingredients they are still good for the body.
If you want to “verify” my words, all you need it go to the lab house and use test above ingredients/foods with the corona virus COVID.
Virus die in high temperature that what everybody know, do the super hot spicy pepper have “low” or “high” temperature? It is obviously super high, there is no doubt about it !
Even though putting in lab house vs put in the human body are not the same, but who care when the toxic COVID vaccine do that way.
If you are looking an alternative to all kind of COVID vaccine on the market, then the perfect natural answer are the hot spicy pepper one.
It is hard for normal people to eat spicy pepper in general, let alone those top level super hot one.
But I can guarantee they will either increase human healthy system and/or have ability to kill any virus for sure.
If those above bitter, spicy foods cannot kill the COVID virus, then there is no any drug could !
Do not believe it, go try, test and verify it !
That’s just a small little knowledge from me, and it only temporary solve the COVID problem, but cannot solve the cPost too long. Click here to view the full text.