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 No.83602 [Open thread]

testing only

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testin only

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new tesss

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new tesssss

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File: 23f148f559bc0b8⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB,292x172,73:43,7101A5BD_77BE_462A_B5CD_1….jpeg)

 No.83601 [Open thread]

Thanks to a collaboration between devices, equipment, and software from The Maharbiz group, Jose Carmena, and Professor Rikky Muller's research group and Travis Massey for the latest developments of what a brain computer interface looks like in action. In all of its action potential and its greatest achievements, an example of how sorting vast amounts of data into remarkable discoveries. Accessibility to an artificial neural network alongside a biological neural network: plus a bonus switch: (analog to digital conversion) leads to significant advancements in today’s medical research.

​​The Folk/Daniels research team has been working on a breakthrough discovery for multiple sclerosis. The Seattle based research group has found a link between the debilitating disease and unhealthy red blood cell production. They have discovered that iron deficiency and elevated oxygen saturation may be major contributing factors in the cause of the disease.

Much credit to: Devices, equipment, and software use for testing.

The Maharbiz group,

Jose Carmena




Rikky Muller's research group

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 No.83482 [Open thread]

new test thread




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qr being attacked by spam bot

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File: 81462ab3e8574c9⋯.mp4 (118.09 KB,464x256,29:16,wish2.mp4)

File: 3e8250359391f2a⋯.mp4 (229.7 KB,614x332,307:166,wishdragon.mp4)

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File: ff5d4f6e9914e80⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,640x480,4:3,tfsaber.mp4)

File: 5e4875f10f17c53⋯.mp4 (150 KB,366x366,1:1,kund.mp4)

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 No.83593 [Open thread]

join joint joinient jointent nioj

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File: 978dbbed7e94cf9⋯.png (Spoiler Image,90.56 KB,262x264,131:132,Wii_Toaster.png)

 No.83592 [Open thread]


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 No.83556 [Open thread]


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good job!!!

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what did you eat this morning???

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new test

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 No.83588 [Open thread]

hello there, this is just a test

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 No.83587 [Open thread]




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 No.83586 [Open thread]




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 No.83584 [Open thread]


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 No.83578 [Open thread]


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File: 3581733c912d312⋯.jpg (19.26 KB,a_few_good_men.jpg)

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 No.83577 [Open thread]


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File: abff7706d27d68e⋯.jpg (117.12 KB,941x559,941:559,fuckery_afoot.jpg)

 No.82384 [Open thread]

Best not be standing in the way.

41 posts and 107 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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File: 2aa479ec203f671⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,302x220,151:110,catpaws.jpg)

File: 189d0acdec6a02b⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,1000x550,20:11,firefox.jpg)

File: ef83c4d7af97373⋯.jpg (10.45 KB,250x141,250:141,film_icon.jpg)

File: 1bbfe82bc9ca53a⋯.jpg (20.64 KB,478x360,239:180,toadstool.jpg)

File: d155eb3fb76d45c⋯.jpg (86.37 KB,1024x754,512:377,they_are_watching.jpg)

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File: 2aa479ec203f671⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,302x220,151:110,catpaws.jpg)

File: 189d0acdec6a02b⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,1000x550,20:11,firefox.jpg)

File: ef83c4d7af97373⋯.jpg (10.45 KB,250x141,250:141,film_icon.jpg)

File: 1bbfe82bc9ca53a⋯.jpg (20.64 KB,478x360,239:180,toadstool.jpg)

File: d155eb3fb76d45c⋯.jpg (86.37 KB,1024x754,512:377,they_are_watching.jpg)

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File: 2aa479ec203f671⋯.jpg (14.86 KB,302x220,151:110,catpaws.jpg)

File: ef83c4d7af97373⋯.jpg (10.45 KB,250x141,250:141,film_icon.jpg)

File: 189d0acdec6a02b⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,1000x550,20:11,firefox.jpg)

File: d155eb3fb76d45c⋯.jpg (86.37 KB,1024x754,512:377,they_are_watching.jpg)

File: 1bbfe82bc9ca53a⋯.jpg (20.64 KB,478x360,239:180,toadstool.jpg)

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what a fucking feet

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File: e1b6f073287646d⋯.png (34.38 KB,700x924,25:33,frustratiegebied.png)

 No.79884 [Open thread]

testing out if my BO tripcode still works

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hey presto itsa testo

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test more

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Jim Watkins rapes kids

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 No.83563 [Open thread]

testing testing

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testing only

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tesgin newww

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