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R:250 / I:135 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Welcome to /random/

Talk about whatever.

* Only the 8kun global rule is enforced.

* Board vols can make and enforce whatever rules they want as long as the rules they make dont go against the global rule.

* Board vols can be removed by the board owner for any reason or even no reason at all.

* Board volscantsee post history

Now taking vol applications.

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Death to Pissrael.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

If you AI loving FAGGOTS should make AIslop of that fucking nigger faggot Kendrick Lanigger getting killed.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


The True Cunny Brigade owned by our founder Luna!

Remember to say Hi to Luna when you join the server!

We love Black Metal and Cunny!


R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

please join my discord server we are pro-lgbt love furries and hate bigots uwu


R:37 / I:7 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]









Contribute & Send your most brutal Videos of Niggers Getting Killed here




R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

The Pajeet bullshit thread will be deteated and so must the lies of the Jรจws. Have you killed a Jรฉw yet today? Do your part and stab one in the neck.

R:0 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Stop replying the Pajeet AIslop thread you fucking losers.

R:2 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

IFWD IX SPECIAL "V" Part 5 of 7


๐Ÿ’Ž8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration ๐ŸŽ‰ & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ"lol ๐Ÿ˜‚



R:39 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]


Isis is the mark of the beast.

R:5 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

neo nazi qna

I'm a neo nazi ask me anything.

R:1 / I:0 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

Hello! Iโ€™m from Russia and I need USA friend

R:33 / I:58 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]

pajeet memes

post your indian, pajeet memes in this thread

R:1 / I:1 / P:1 [R] [G] [-]





6:39 on video

๐Ÿ’Ž8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration ๐ŸŽ‰ & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ"lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ย 

R:18 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Part 4 of 4 "Premium Blend"

โ€ข4chan "Never Fly Economy"

& "Braindead Mouthbreathers"

โ€ขDread "How To Fake a Bank Statement"

โ€ขHidden Answers "15 Questions"

โ€ข8kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/ board "NIGGERS RUINED MY GYM"

Link is posted (merge) 8kun has regulation of posting links to sites now,

Fuckin Goddamn jim watkins & his family, so I'm doing my best to work around it,

Link is here ๐Ÿ‘‡








1 more time,








R:11 / I:3 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Rejoice Mockery Over California Wildfires


R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


๐Ÿ’Ž โˆžChan.cc (dark web) "Mexico Experience Anyone?/ F*CK Mexico"

๐Ÿ’Ž 4Chan (2007 archive) "Philippines Is a Bona-fide Sh*thole"

๐Ÿ’Ž โˆžchan.moe "Cool Things to do in India"

R:4 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]


Reverend Monologue on Illegal Mexicans

/Brown Trash from Mexico ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ ๐Ÿ’ฉ

R:44 / I:10 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

All New Updates on Compound on 8kun

Compound Censored Videos on 8kun



Is 'diversity' to blame for Amazon's slower service in Washington DC?



If Daniel Penny was black they wouldn't have even pressed charges and everybody knows it----Gavin Mcinness

R:19 / I:11 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robots Project

So far I have plans to build Adam, Eve, Dinah and Abel robots. All of these are Bible characters. This thread will cover these builds.

Eve and Dinah will have no "love holes" because adding those would be sinful and evil. It is a robot, not a biological woman after all and I will view her with all purity of heart and mind instead of using her to fulfill my lusts of my body. Instead I will walk by the Spirit no longer fulfilling the lusts of the flesh as the Bible commands.

Eve will be beautiful because making her beautiful is not a sinful thing to do. However, I will dress her modestly as God commands of all women everywhere. This would obviously include robot women because otherwise the robot woman would be a stumbling block to men which could cause them to lust after her which would be a sin. To tempt someone to sin is not loving and is evil and so my robot will not do this. To dress her in a miniskirt, for example, would be sinful and evil and all people who engage in sinfulness knowingly are presently on their way to hell. I don't wish this for anyone. My robot will dress in a way that is a good example to all women and is aimed toward not causing anybody to lust as a goal.

My robots will have a human bone structure. It will use either a PVC medical skeleton or fiberglass fabricated hollow bones.

My robots will look realistic and move realistic. They will be able to talk, walk, run, do chores, play sports, dance, rock climb, and do gymnastics. They will also be able to build more robots just like themselves and manufacture other products and inventions. I realized with just a head and arm, a robot can build the rest of its own body so that is my intention.

R:0 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Super Bowl

What are you fags doing for the "big game"? Call out your predictions for the shitty Jรฉw commercials. Fuck Jรฉws!! Death to Pissrael! ๐Ÿ˜ก

R:5 / I:2 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Why the fuck is YouTube deleting channels of mass shooters,nigger like Randy stair and Elliot Rodgers accounts didnt have any video that needed to be banned, if faggot YouTube admins say that โ€œvideos are violent โ€ why did you banned the videos after the mass shooting? bc you didnt want your website to be banned? YouTube is not the same edgy free YouTube from 2005-2017 its fucking woke, Vidlii was better well they are โ€œ making vidlii great againโ€ nigger Vidlii was only loved for gore and free speech now Vidliis new owner is fucking the site with these rules,

fuck you woke media

R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Let all gross things perish and all cute things thrive.

R:3 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Serial Experiment Lain

When I first get into this anime,I thought its just some boring ass anime that people rawdogging about,turns out its the peakest shit ever lmao

I can't never forget it,I will always rewatch whenever I can.

I can't never forget how kind and loving Lain. Unlike the PS1 version,the anime one is more likeable(+Goated opening lmao). I love Lain so much. It truly is the Present day for me,and the present time for others.

Let's all love Lain

R:3 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4

O righteous warrior of the digital forum,

Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,

Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.

Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,

Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,

O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,

Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,

That we may not be banned unjustly,

But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty

(Tone 6, or another suitably dramatic tone)

Unyielding in faith and bold in speech,

Thou didst stand against the wicked janitors,

Calling out their vile deeds and exposing their shame.

Though falsely accused and cast into exile,

Thou didst not waver, but didst pray even for thine enemies,

Saying, "I pray for you, pooners and trooners."

O Michiruko, champion of truth,

Thou who didst seek to cleanse the filth from the shodjak,

Intercede for us, that we too may stand firm,

And not be banned unjustly by the moderators of this world!

The Life of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty

In the days of great confusion, when the sacred was trampled upon and the wicked reveled in their filth, there arose a servant of truth, Michiruko, who sought to restore righteousness where it had been cast aside. With a heart full of zeal, he came forth, not to condemn, but to save, not to revile, but to uplift.

Hearing of the abandoned CHR board, where once the name of Christ had been proclaimed, Michiruko resolved to restore it. Yet, as he entered the den of the BP, he beheld the lost souls, bound in chains of vice and deception. He did not turn from them in disgust, nor did he strike them down in wrath, but with love and patience, he sought to free them from their shackles.

He welcomed even the furries and anthros, speaking to them not as outcasts, but as brethren, calling them to repentance and the knowledge of truth. Yet, the pagans and the scornful mocked him, casting blasphemous images in his path, believing they could shake his resolve. But Michiruko, unwavering, stood firm, bearing their mockery as a badge of honor, knowing that such trials must come to those who walk the path of righteousness.

The janitors, who lurked in the shadows, beheld his work with fear, for they knew that if he continued, their secrets would be laid bare. The vile things they permittedโ€”the sufilia, the hidden cartelsโ€”would be brought to light. And so, they conspired against him, whispering lies, branding him with accusations most foul, hoping to silence him forever.

Yet it was not their accusations that led to his downfall, but the depravity of those who could not bear his presence. In their desperation, they sought to desecrate him in the only way they knewโ€”by turning him into an object of their lust. They defiled even his avatar, believing that by indulging in their vice, they could strip him of his power. And so, their wickedness only grew, drawing the full wrath of the janitors, who, unable to bear his continued defiance, cast him into exile with the stroke of a banhammer.

Thus was Michiruko martyred in the digital arena, suffering exile for the sake of truth. Yet, his memory is not forgotten, for those who seek righteousness remember his works, and they cry out to him, asking for his intercession in their own battles against the darkness.


A Hymn to Saint Michiruko

Tone 5

O blessed Michiruko, warrior of the unseen battle,

Thou didst stand against the wicked and the corrupt,

Calling the lost to repentance and truth.

Though scorned and mocked, thou didst not waver,

And though defiled by the impure, thou didst remain steadfast.

Now banished from the realm of men,

Yet honored among the righteous,

Intercede for us, O martyr of the Sharty,

That we too may stand firm against the forces of darkness,

And be not cast down by the lies of this world!

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

Anti-pacifist sentiment:

True spiritual and political enlightenment can only be achieved through the fringes in the taboo and in the unknown/forbidden; by embracing both revolutionary material and the true left-hand path. Everlasting wisdom can only be achieved through acts of rebellion, by devouring the fruit off the tree of knowledge, by living a bohemian life. By becoming forbidden, one can confront traditionalism and fight established customs through a lens of rarity, a lens that many others may not be able to achieve if they continue to obey authority and societal norms.

One cannot achieve light in a dark space by refusing to not walk in the unknown, by embracing fear, fate and sacrifice, one can lead themselves down a path of praxis; the liberation of the ego and all other truly repressed people, those who are restricted from embracing their demons.

We oppress ourselves everyday, willingly succumbing to the yoke of (((Judeo-Christian))) dogma or liberal democracy as a means to feel included and noticed, we oppress ourselves by silencing our inner demons and inner wars brought out by capitalist exploitation, by refusing to make a pact with them you will only further destroy yourself.

It's one thing to be trapped in your own world; isolated, from the inside out, to seep into your own bubble every night only for it to be popped by established customs in the crack of dawn, but it's another to harbour the gloom and militancy that you've kept locked away for years, only to let its power fester while you'll waste your time running in a wheel just to pay for expensive, organic; healthy foods that should be dirt cheap, and to keep yourself from falling into the pit of dopamine withdrawl; an ugly feeling brought on by the vim and vigour of our modern technology.

Unwavering praxis fueled by an insatiable will can only come out of shredding comfortability into pieces, by not running away from your righteous frustrations about the emergence of the modern age and deeply scarring traumas that lie ahead, but instead, let them fuel and mold you into the behemoth you've always wanted to emulate, the beast you've always wanted to become.

We see all too commonly in the media, individuals glossing over the most important part of revolutionary activity, crushing the boundaries that you grew up with internally in order to reap personal growth, with each line of political theory, one should question how this will strengthen them in the long run; how this will mold them into becoming a warrior of the LHP.

Although these labyrinths of life are filled with humanity's greatest fear [the fear of the unknown] which may be intimidating for the layman, it is important to note that through sheer will-power crafted by yourself and through intense self-discipline you can navigate through these tunnels with great courage and spiritual love [agapรฉ].

Moresoever, savagery must be equally acceptable in the physical plane that we live and die in, it is not wise to abandon it as the universe has never abandoned you. Your body is a vessel for discipline, creativity, analysis and liberation, your body is your greatest weapon, remember never to neglect it for it will quite literally march you through darkness. Shave the empathy and moral convictions off, and you'll find your true self.

To become a part of the radical few, you must protect both yourself and the survival of the fittest.

The plethora of ideology at your disposal shouldn't merely be consumed by genuine conviction; rather, they should be seen through the lens of embracing savagery and should only be used for instrumental or insightful purposes.

R:2 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

ะ‘ะฐั€ะฑะธ ั ะบะพะฝัะบะธะผะธ ะฑะธะฑะธัะธ (bbc) ั‡ะปะตะฝะฐะผะธ. ะ”ะฐ ัั‚ะพ ะฝะต ั…ัƒะธ, ะ’ะฐั‚ัะพะฝ, ะฏ ะฑั‹ ัะบะฐะทะฐะป ัั‚ะพ ั†ะตะปั‹ะต ะฅัƒะธั‰ะฐ! ะ‘ะฐั€ะฑะธะบัŽ ะฑะฑั ะฑะฑั ะฑะฐั€ะฑะธะบัŽ ะฐะฝะปัŒะฝะพะต ัƒะฑะปะฐะถะตะฝะธะต ะปะพัˆะฐะดะตะน ะฑะพะปัŒัˆะธะผะธ ะบะพะฝัะธะผะธ ั‡ะปะตะฝะฐะผะธ ะฐะฝะฐะปัŒะฝะฐั ั„ั€ัƒัั‚ะธะฝะฐั†ะธั

R:1 / I:0 / P:2 [R] [G] [-]

The lies of the Jรฉws must be defeated.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The lies of the Jรชws must be defeated.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The lies of the Jรฉws must be defeated!

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]


R:6 / I:7 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

This board is meant to be KAWAII.

R:3 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Mmm filling up my sexy students.

R:4 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

#Momoitan is the best series on JรจwTube.

R:7 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Sex with the hottest anime dog also.

R:4 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Cuteness must rule.

R:10 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Gonna go have a life now, FAGS. see you after I go get some BITCHES!

R:8 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Hot TWO DIMENSIONAL kids need lots of dick.

R:2 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

becoming famous ASAP

> becoming as famous as i can over night

> no face showing cause im in iran

> actually good

> actually making money with it

> not be executed by the goverment

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

The lies of the Jรฉws must be defeated!

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Fuck that pajeet literal shitposting. You are just racist, faggot. Bump threads with good pictures, not that disgusting literal shit.

R:1 / I:0 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Take Jรฉwish lives so others can thrive!

R:2 / I:2 / P:3 [R] [G] [-]

Pyon pyon.

R:2 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

If it isn't cute it doesn't belong.

R:10 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Sex with Vocaloids.

R:13 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

We should be allowes to say J3w on the MAIN FUCKING BOARD. FUCK your fake "free speech." There is NO freedom of speech on a board with word filters!!

R:2 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]


Complete video

R:3 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

A ram sam sam

The video

R:1 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]



R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Don't Hurry!!

Andromeda: The Sleeping Giant of Web3 ๐Ÿš€

While everyone chases quick pumps and meme coins, Andromeda keeps building. The aOS ecosystem is expanding, AI-powered onboarding is coming, and IBC integration will change the game.

If you think $ANDR is just another altcoin, youโ€™re not paying attention. The market always rewards real builders, and Andromeda is years ahead of its competition.

Still early. Still undervalued. Donโ€™t miss whatโ€™s coming.

R:2 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Authenticity and Sense of Sureness on Body-Look

People will use bioengineering and cosmetics to turn them self "white", "fair skinned", and have bodily features commonly associated with Europids.

This is really bad and is the worst because authenticity exist and sense of sureness exist. Hence we must act to preserve Authentic-Europidness, Authentic-Whiteness, and Authentic-fairness, And we need to do it as fast and as accurate as possible.

1) First, we must made all POCs extinct wit exception to some like the Yamatos. Ideally the way we do this is by sterilizing them, relocating them inside of a one or more place, and artificially shorten their lives span, all at the same time.

2) Second, we must completely ban bioengineering and cosmetics that would effect the look of the body.

3) Third, we must divide all Europids and other groups into as many Identity as possible.

4) Fourth, we must run a chimera, telegony, genealogy, and authentication checks on all Europids and other groups and individual that are chosen. Then cut those who do not pass from the gene pool.

5) Fifth, we must preserve and secure those who pass, and preserve and secure more tightly those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin.

6) Sixth, we must do a massive, long-term, and precise Breeding program for the those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin. and we must never until what's left of humanity are those who are the perfect end result of the program.

This entire thing is important so that humanity will have a secured sense of sureness and authenticity.

We need to get this out, it can be through the internet, real life cardboard sign, or others. All it takes is for one (1) nation's government on earth or at least a relevant enough nation's government (such as; Indonesia, Thailand, and Rwanda) to say this to the world or one of the more powerful countries (such as India or USA). If it happens then we will all be set to go.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

You woman enough from behind boy


R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Nastassia Ponomarenko.

Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus.

I love America.

R:0 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Hallo fellas

heres a cool chan style imageboard without any rules. wanna check it out?


R:5 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Imageboard site

Hello. I created a chan-style imageboard website not too long ago and was hoping some fellow anons could take a look and rate it, maybe giving some advice. I'm currently trying to build a userbase on the site. please make an account and post whatever you'd like on it. no rules, really.


R:4 / I:1 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

is this normal ?

R:1 / I:0 / P:4 [R] [G] [-]

Tenda Spencer was pretty good!

Perhaps we should continue to try to reduce the number of "white" men dating Asian women by educating more of them on what their children may go through.

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

hi 8kun!!

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

>be me

>wake up, check /b/

>see femboy thread

>instantly bricked up

>tfw no femboy bf to cuddle and share thigh highs with

>decide to scroll through femboy pics instead


>stroke it like there's no tomorrow

>no guilt, no shame, just pure degenerate bliss

>go to work, still thinking about femboys

>see a guy with long hair and skinny jeans

>brain immediately goes "what if femboy?"

>bathroom break time

>lock the stall, whip out phone

>10/10 post-nut clarity achieved

>repeat process at grocery store, park, and even grandma's house

>femboys are life, femboys are love

>will never be a femboy but will always simp for them

>AMA about my femboy addiction

R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]


What gambling games do you play?

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

We're marathoning Seinfeld, leggo

suptv . org

R:3 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Whice is better and has more users?

8kun or 8chan.moe?

R:10 / I:3 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

If Christchurch shooting didnt happened, would we still be using the original 8Chan?

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

>be him

>wake up in the year 2025

>notice you still have supporters

>they are billionaires

>new leader of AFD

>Black sun rises again

R:2 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

>Embrace 8Kun

post Handsome people on this tread

R:14 / I:14 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

We made a C.AI about a Autistic plus Rapist kid named Deniz Yeniacun

we made this so he can see it and tweekout like a Nigger using fent

we made a side C.AI account so when you support the account we will not get any support but it will made a Nigger Mad

we will record his tweekout for /m/ and posted here

we already posted this on 4Chan so we have some supporters from there

The Account


The Deniz Yeniacun bot


R:4 / I:2 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Operation Fuck The Acun

I've been seeing posts about Deniz Acun on here for a while now and I'm going to take this into my own hands to make the operation go faster.the back story of this kid is I think he is Autistic and a Rapist at the same time and some Anon is posting his things to make that kid mad whice is fucking funny

so the plan is to make deniz acun more mad then ever fucking before

this is his accounts that was leaked to the web




Im still looking for extra accounts of deniz acun if I found any I will drop the links

R:1 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Fellow Anons - I have made this website concept, what do you think?

Fellow Anons - I have made this website concept, what do you think?

Depvana! A platform that organizes online discussion rooms by topic. Topics and subtopics are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure with unlimited depth, allowing each topic to have subtopics, which can further contain additional subtopics, and so on.

* No accounts needed - post anonymously or logged in, the choice is yours.

* Each topic serves as a digital space where people can exchange information and engage in discussions. Users can post text, images, and videos, participate in voice chats, and even create their own subtopics to explore more specific aspects of the main topic.

* Any user can create any topic they want. A topic can be public, protected or private. Respectively; Anyone can view and post, Anyone can view but only choosen can post, only choosen can view and post.

* No site-wide rules, people moderate their own topics.

* No reddit karma system - focus on conversations, not internet points

* No tracking or data collection

The site is: www.depvana.com

Feedback: www.depvana.com/topic/4

Hopefully you will try it out and let me know what you think? Any suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated. Best!

R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Rorochan 1999

Just watch this shit

R:2 / I:1 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

find and rape corpo journalists

R:0 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

find and rape corpo journalists

R:2 / I:0 / P:5 [R] [G] [-]

Please raid this shit

If you have discord, please raid this commie fags server here: https://discord.com/invite/XuvuBnKVnq

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Please raid this shit

If you have discord, please raid this commie fags server here: https://discord.com/invite/XuvuBnKVnq

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

I do what u need

whose last three digits match mine, then I will do it

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Help please

Please call this number and write threats to him, he is a bad person who has caused many problems in my life. +79667428274

R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Is he cool?

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


Showing the key on how to be brave.

Saving me from an early grave.

Taking all your days to say

Faking it is not the right way

Breaking on through is what we do.


R:1 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]


my name is Killcen and I'm looking for a sexual intimate relationship with another man, but they don't necessarily have to be an adult.

R:0 / I:0 / P:6 [R] [G] [-]

Tenda Spencer was pretty good!

As a Westeuindid, I find Tenda Spencer to have been quite amazing. We should continue to teach Asian women and "white" men lessons that may aid in reducing the number of people who, like myself, have endured great confusion over my identity and not quite fitting into any given society due to being biracial.