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File: d0b0c30e65d2510⋯.jpeg (119.71 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ea2d3387_a27f_470c_a8d9_e….jpeg)


Allow Tor posting plz

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They already do lol

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File: d510d1800419cd3⋯.png (47.42 KB,1236x336,103:28,hurr_durr.png)


The absolute STATE of nigger posting

No they don’t

And they’re supposed to be about privacy and free speech

Shut up, nigger

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Nah you can you're too retarded to figure it out bitch this ain't like the pussysite you came from faggot


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You can tor post on www.depvana.com

It definitely worked when I tried.

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Beg harder bitch LMAOO

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How's it like being a walking propagonda whore


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Some boards do, others do not. Depends which board you post on and who is the mod (or gatekeeper in some cases.)

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cool didn't know this varied across boards

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Yeah you two are clearly new to this



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alright, which boards are allowing tor then?

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No, it is up to the board owner or moderation to either allow Tor, or block it's use. I've seen this before on other image boards including 8chan back in the day.


/pnd/ allows Tor as far as I know. I do not know about /newsplus/ or others.

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what video formats are allowed here?

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This one got some last I checked boys haven't been there in a while though




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Great site, can confirm tor posting is allowed.

We need tor posting at 8kun/random too though

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Most of them are dead though

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Welcome to imageboard sites there's some that are more active than others but this way of talking to users online has long been an old fad to make a better more streamlined irc alt


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There's good ones out there go look for em

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This one is pretty good

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Yeah this on 8kun, depvana, endchan are the best.

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File: 1e58518f4f5c17e⋯.jpeg (62.82 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tor_posting_girl.jpeg)

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File: 33e8626ba03ccab⋯.jpeg (127.38 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tor_girl_3.jpeg)

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File: 26c90c51bceba88⋯.jpeg (93.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,tor_girl_4.jpeg)

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Haha, good one. What program are you using to generate these?

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Flux schnell on huggingface

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File: f629f67922da64c⋯.webp (1.34 MB,1024x1024,1:1,G_d_VdaWTMm1J5YFi24aAA.webp)

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File: 2c66f00eb59128e⋯.webp (1 MB,1024x1024,1:1,vSvyybKISLmJFZiHRw7PuA.webp)

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File: 029893142d7c984⋯.jpeg (255.26 KB,864x952,108:119,4487692f_cb97_4e4e_a84b_8….jpeg)

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so funny all these postings, think you started a new meme!

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Using bots to compensate for zero talent we are funny animals truly

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“Well done is better than well said.” - Benjamin Franklin

He is doing something I for one think is funny content. We are yet to see your contribution.

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File: bade3f286d1cd7b⋯.jpeg (106.65 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f0a615db_3832_4202_9822_7….jpeg)


Good news champ! The Reddit Power User club has a seat open for you! Why don’t you go where you belong?

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yeah you can tor post on depvana.com and on some of the boards here

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File: 36abc3b4cb0482a⋯.jpg (2.09 MB,2400x1805,480:361,more.jpg)

Anon why no more 'allow tor' memes. The people demand more!

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My words alone caused 2 posts because I hurt your feelings with the truth

Keep posting sheep chop chop



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File: 75a67a0ee02db44⋯.jpg (194.38 KB,1600x900,16:9,angel.jpg)

Tor is so easy to use here figure it out son you'll get there one day


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Update your post link anon. You miss clicked or didn't get the point.

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File: 584623b38bc7128⋯.jpeg (104.32 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f1dd91b3_0a60_4e27_9cfe_0….jpeg)


Haven’t I done it to death? The autism took over the other day so I made all those

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Keep it up boys chop chop



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Perhaps, but I still find them hilarious:P

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File: 30244af945082d0⋯.jpeg (185.86 KB,1024x1024,1:1,8d3c1f5b_9fdd_41f3_b9f1_1….jpeg)


These mf’ers went all the way to the moon to plant this flag lol

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Good boys

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