> be me
> average yellow gurl
> be born in Vitenam to Korean dad and VC mom
> talk Chinese home cause actually I'm about 80% chink
> have to learn vc outside
> move back to Korea at 9 cause dad has to go back
> have to learn gook in school but alright cause I've learnt some from dad when young
> go through the shitty korean school system
> barely graduate
> want to flee korea but fuck going to vietnam or china
> believe in the American dream
> try to apply for US uni
> can't pay the fucking anual fees (fuck you US)
> apply for mexican uni right on the border of US (Tijuana)
> go there with the sole purpose of escaping Asia
> learn to speak taco in the years I am there
> get married to a taco chad
> get a Mexican passport
> Feel great living here despite originally wanting to go to US
> see how shit is going crazy in the US, especially with health insurance
> see that Mexico has no anual purge
> see that Mexico has free universal healthcare
> get sick -> go hospital -> go home for free
> people ask if I want to go back to Asia and I say I don't want to work 16hrs a day for some oligarch
> enjoy tacos
> mfw I am living the Mexican dream