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File: 1a9488abab74da5⋯.jpg (98.44 KB,850x1031,850:1031,_toki_blue_archive_drawn_b….jpg)

 No.118784 [Open thread]

The lies of the Jéws must be defeated. Pyon pyon.

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The Japanese Gooks are allied with the Kikes

Go kill yourself weeb

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"gooks" is Koreans, retard. You are the illiterate one, you kys.

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File: 1852a8cb7e8538b⋯.jpg (229.6 KB,1280x1707,1280:1707,Heather_Hot_Cookie_Mason.jpg)

 No.118794 [Open thread]

Kill Mara. Behead Mara. Roundhouse kick Mara into the concrete. Slam dunk Mara into the trashcan. Crucify Mara. Defecate in Mara's food. Launch Mara into the sun. Stir fry Mara in a wok. Toss Mara into an active volcano. Urinate into Mara's gas tank. Judo throw Mara into a wood chipper. Twist Mara's head off. Karate chop Mara in half. Curb stomp Mara. Trap Mara in quicksand. Crush Mara in the trash compactor. Liquefy Mara in a vat of acid. Eat Mara. Dissect Mara. Exterminate Mara in the gas chamber. Stomp Mara's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Mara in the oven. Lobotomize Mara. Drown Mara in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Mara with a ray gun. Kick Mara down the stairs. Feed Mara to alligators. Slice Mara with a katana.

The Four Anti-Mara Truths

I. Suffering is inseparable from existence.

II. Craving is the root cause of suffering.

III. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.

IV. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.

ᛋ drive.google.com/file/d/1YxZS4v8-jlj-2CfpfDMPyk_6J0wqQBe_/view

ᛋ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm



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File: 5e8e0f291bf9171⋯.jpg (635.77 KB,2213x1440,2213:1440,OneWhiteOneMiddleEasternMu….jpg)

 No.118744 [Open thread]

merchantish ancestry is a topic of much debate, but the fact of the matter is that the existence of merchantish (Ashkenazi) racial genetics is not possible. DNA testing sites claim that certain individuals have merchantish genes, but such claims are not backed up by science. After all, the genes in question are not labeled as merchantish before they appear on a report. They are only labeled as such after the fact, which is to say, arbitrarily.

Furthermore, it is strange that merchantish genes appear on genetic reports, but there are no such occurrences for Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion. Many people of merchantish backgrounds carry similar genes due to ancestral circumstances, but that does not make those genes merchantish. It simply means that a group of people carry similar genes, such as a group of people carrying genes for blonde hair or blue eyes.

Therefore, the labeling of certain genes as merchantish is done either out of ignorance or to serve an agenda. Since merchantish Supremacists consider themselves the chosen of a supposedly omnipotent God, it is most likely the latter because claiming that they have special genes serves to deem them as chosen on a genetic level. However, one can see that such a claim does not hold up under scientific scrutiny.


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Insightful, bump

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File: 9f00319ef668129⋯.jpeg (44.66 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1.jpeg)

I don't know if some fag did it or if it is automatic, but merchantish' was changed to 'merchantish' in the entire post. Probably the faggot deva that runs their gay little cult.

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File: 2edd7623b8f51b1⋯.png (311.17 KB,574x309,574:309,image_1.png)

 No.118783 [Open thread]

The lies of the Jéws must be defeated.

(Lel that cuck Troomp sold his daughterwife to a fucking Jéw.)

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File: 033990d12617eae⋯.jpeg (18.58 KB,255x191,255:191,4chan_slideshow.jpeg)

 No.118778 [Open thread]

Want to play 4chan gif/videos in a automatic slideshow?

Then check out my webapp that lets you auto play 4chan videos one by one.

Add 4chan urls of threads with videos (e.g. /gif) - as many as you like. The webapp will play all the mp4 videos it finds in a slideshow. Use the app here: https://depvana.com/topic/344

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File: 1be6ce68b133b4b⋯.webp (36.58 KB,2880x1308,240:109,banner_background.webp)

 No.118264 [Open thread]

Fellow Anons - I have made this website concept, what do you think?

Depvana! A platform that organizes online discussion rooms by topic. Topics and subtopics are arranged in a hierarchical tree structure with unlimited depth, allowing each topic to have subtopics, which can further contain additional subtopics, and so on.

* No accounts needed - post anonymously or logged in, the choice is yours.

* Each topic serves as a digital space where people can exchange information and engage in discussions. Users can post text, images, and videos, participate in voice chats, and even create their own subtopics to explore more specific aspects of the main topic.

* Any user can create any topic they want. A topic can be public, protected or private. Respectively; Anyone can view and post, Anyone can view but only choosen can post, only choosen can view and post.

* No site-wide rules, people moderate their own topics.

* No reddit karma system - focus on conversations, not internet points

* No tracking or data collection

The site is: www.depvana.com

Feedback: www.depvana.com/topic/4

Hopefully you will try it out and let me know what you think? Any suggestions for improvements are highly appreciated. Best!

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This is actually a really good site, looking forward to see where this is going

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File: ac78ed9a146d77d⋯.jpg (723.21 KB,2176x1605,2176:1605,Screenshot_20250130_203645….jpg)

File: 22a7cd0936721e8⋯.jpg (132.79 KB,971x1261,971:1261,Gje4cRxWsAAwKIM.jpg)

 No.118767 [Open thread]

The lies of the Jēws must be defeated.

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File: b3e0f71a36b8f23⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,1133x1602,1133:1602,IMG_1087.jpg)

 No.118549 [Open thread]

Let all gross things perish and all cute things thrive.

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Kill Jéws as well.

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Destroy Kendrick Lanigger and every nigger that somehow thinks he's "good." Fucking untalented faggot.

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File: c249d341f0d812a⋯.png (697.49 KB,720x650,72:65,c249d341f0d812a25f9976214f….png)

 No.117799 [Open thread]


Part 4 of 4 "Premium Blend"

•4chan "Never Fly Economy"

& "Braindead Mouthbreathers"

•Dread "How To Fake a Bank Statement"

•Hidden Answers "15 Questions"

•8kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/ board "NIGGERS RUINED MY GYM"

Link is posted (merge) 8kun has regulation of posting links to sites now,

Fuckin Goddamn jim watkins & his family, so I'm doing my best to work around it,

Link is here 👇








1 more time,








15 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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White bitch

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Always copying daddy

like the good bitch you are


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6:39 on video

💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂 

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California is HOT🔥 But Not as HOT🔥as this NEW COMEDY SPECIAL (JESUS C CADENGO) CREDIT CARD 💳/ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AT 6:39 mark in this link video

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PLEASE put all your episodes on the new YT channel and make a playlist with all of them in order. Or just pay for premium Podbean. But don't have it all scrambled like this across 50 diff. podbeans.

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File: 99e6d6b66cdce31⋯.jpg (5.07 MB,3440x2580,4:3,tecmo_superbowl_super_bowl….jpg)

 No.118685 [Open thread]

What are you fags doing for the "big game"? Call out your predictions for the shitty Jéw commercials. Fuck Jéws!! Death to Pissrael! 😡

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Can you niggers just not even have an inteloigent conversation about current events?

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File: d10aed7154f40d4⋯.jpg (131.55 KB,1078x876,539:438,GiDlDONXkAAzBKm.jpg)

 No.118762 [Open thread]

Break a Jéw's neck today! Shoot the next nigger you see that says Kendrick Lanigger is a good rapper. He fucking sucks (little boy) dicks.

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File: 7236320857e8573⋯.png (583.28 KB,720x1052,180:263,chrome_screenshot_10_Feb_2….png)

 No.118749 [Open thread]


California is HOT🔥 Bur Not as HOT🔥as this NEW COMEDY SPECIAL (JESUS C CADENGO) CREDIT CARD 💳/ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AT 6:39 mark in this link video

Part 1 of this to start


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File: 7236320857e8573⋯.png (583.28 KB,720x1052,180:263,chrome_screenshot_10_Feb_2….png)

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File: 4c6eea46776b88c⋯.jpeg (127.12 KB,720x1124,180:281,4c6eea46776b88c06f265ba63….jpeg)

 No.118701 [Open thread]




6:39 on video

💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂 

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File: 17ac842fd0b6d94⋯.mp4 (838.07 KB,352x640,11:20,m2e12rto.mp4)

Fuck me

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File: 4c6eea46776b88c⋯.jpeg (127.12 KB,720x1124,180:281,Gi76GeobkAAqRK_.jpeg)

 No.118611 [Open thread]


💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂



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6:39 on video

💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂 

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Rev., how do you feel about the King of Niggers doing the Super Bowl Halftime Show?

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File: a2ccf6383be08b1⋯.png (510.84 KB,720x768,15:16,a2ccf6383be08b19f816dd9094….png)

 No.118576 [Open thread]


💎 ∞Chan.cc (dark web) "Mexico Experience Anyone?/ F*CK Mexico"

💎 4Chan (2007 archive) "Philippines Is a Bona-fide Sh*thole"

💎 ∞chan.moe "Cool Things to do in India"

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💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂



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6:39 on video

💎8chan /N*gg*r Community Wretchedness/ Board

"Celebration 🎉 & Mockery over Destruction of California Being Burn Down by Wildfires 🔥🌳🔥💥"lol 😂 

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California is HOT🔥 But Not as HOT🔥as this NEW COMEDY SPECIAL (JESUS C CADENGO) CREDIT CARD 💳/ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AT 6:39 mark in this link video

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