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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, _JPG.jpg)

cb3687  No.9891030[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020

>>9834662 ————————————–——– 8yr old & Her Package Delivery Man @Goodable (Cap: >>9835313, >>9835492) (Vid link: >>9835937)

>>9834553 ————————————–——– Prince Andrew (Qdrop 3152 RT)

>>9834119 ————————————–——– Epstein Security Cameras (angle corrected >>9834361)

>>9833969 ————————————–——– Names of people who flew on the Lolita Express

>>9833777 ————————————–——– Photo of young girls on Epstein's island

>>9833738 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton on African Lolita Express trip

>>9833520 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler/Guinness

>>9833245 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Chauntae Davies

>>9832353 ————————————–——– Trust Dan. (Cap: >>9832378)

>>9831969 ————————————–——– Thank you, Sam. (Cap: >>9832000)

>>9831097 ————————————–——– Pic with Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell with faces X out

>>9830963 ————————————–——– Pic BClinton with GMaxwell

>>9830858 ————————————–——– Pic Andrew and minor female, GMaxwell in background

>>9830852 ————————————–——– IG Report: HRC and CF Crimes Against Children

>>9829982 ————————————–——– Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example] Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9830003)

>>9827385 ————————————–——– Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]? Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

>>9825482 ————————————–——– How many of our brothers and sisters play this song prior to the drop (LZ)? Add to your playlist.

>>9825374 ————————————–——– "These sources add that Charter has connections to Antifa…" (Cap: >>9825434)

>>9824651 rt >>9824067 ————————— Q #4484, #3799

>>9821642 ————————————–——– What a coincidence! Nothing to see here. (Pic Cap: >>9821794, >>9821952, Vid Link: >>9835025)

Wednesday 07.01.2020

>>9818091 ————————————–——– The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) (Cap: >>9818133, Embed: >>9818104)

>>9817794 ————————————–——– There was a time when our children recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with PRIDE.

>>9814775 ————————————–——– We stand together. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9814801)

>>9813912 ————————————–——– Biblical. (Cap: >>9813921, >>9814055)

>>9813070 ————————————–——– Worth repeating.

>>9812912 ————————————–——– Who is ActBlue? (Caps: >>9812938, >>9813001)

>>9811683 ————————————–——– Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

>>9811291 ————————————–——– [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]

>>9810442 ————————————–——– Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (Cap: >>9810513)

Tue 06.30.2020 >>9838572

Mon 06.29.2020 >>9830374

Sun 06.28.2020 >>9830372

Fri 06.26.2020 >>9813995

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

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7334c0  No.9891812

File: 4332490839810af⋯.png (102.54 KB, 860x805, 172:161, BF52D5B4_D252_41DD_BAD5_D3….png)


One scoops and an insanity plea defense for a murderer. DM me for more info.

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d116dc  No.9891813


>Kek, weinergate link worked on a 2nd try & there is a picture of Huma & Weiner getting married, officiated by Bill Clinton.

Married on a July 10. Seth Rich murdered on a July 10.

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7667b2  No.9891814


You have to look at the analytics (which are kept secret, unless a whistle-blower published them) to see that Trump is smoking Hidden' Biden.

(((THEY))) post bullshit polls to demoralize Trump supporters.

See election 2016 for details.

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f0b614  No.9891817

File: e973f2ebbaa795a⋯.png (172.58 KB, 273x357, 13:17, Screen_Shot_2020_07_07_at_….png)



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ac2a22  No.9891818



soldier based at us army–


it is from may

was a notable 6 weeks ago

not an update

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d116dc  No.9891819


>You have to look at the analytics (which are kept secret, unless a whistle-blower published them) to see that Trump is smoking Hidden' Biden.

You have only to use your brain. 45 hasn't fired any ammo yet. Biden is trash and his whole deep state gang is going down.

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fbdd5d  No.9891820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Ayers and weather underground. Scott Adams recent tweet is not far off.

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f14437  No.9891821


no it doesn't, it's unintelligible.

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98068d  No.9891822


already baked

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98068d  No.9891823


>>9891130, >>9891354, >>9891709 Justice Department unearths more notes from Peter Strzok and others in Flynn case digs

>>9891186 Beijing to join US-Russia talks if US cuts nukes to Chinese level, China's Foreign Ministry says

>>9891210 What graphs is FAUCI actually using?Is the public allowed to see his special graph of horror? Is it not the CDC? Let's see!

>>9891265 Boatfag reports

>>9891269 CNN’s Lemon is out of his mind: The Way to Fix Mount Rushmore Is Add Obama

>>9891271 Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell Alleged To Have Secret Video Tapes Of Prince Andrew

>>9891285, >>9891391, >>9891396 Planefag reports

>>9891287 Sarah Carter: UN Says U.S. Broke International Law In Killing Soleimani

>>9891292 Well now… Isn’t this an interesting phrase: Fauci says we're 'knee deep'?

>>9891298 Anon nom: Photo taken with Wild Bill Clinton wearing a red shirt and black singer could possibly be an event prior to the September 2002 Africa trip which was part of a project for Clinton’s foundation

>>9891300 The New CMBS: Italian Mafia Issues 'Crime & Murder Backed Securities'

>>9891317, >>9891341, >>9891371, >>9891403, >>9891431 Lots of stories popping off about a coin shortage:

>>9891327 COVID-19 Drug Could Be More Effective than Rushed Vaccine - Expert on India Setting ‘Wrong’ Deadline

>>9891423 Kremlin: Meeting with Russian Post CEO Maxim Akimov

>>9891432 This is coming out now? Roberts "fell" - riiiiiight.

>>9891439 President Donald Trump argued for over a year that there was mass corruption taking place in Puerto Rico with government funds following Hurricane Maria in 2017 — he was correct the entire time.

>>9891456 Informative Summit @WhiteHouse today on Safely Reopening America’s Schools with @POTUS, @VP, @SecondLady, State & local leaders, health professionals, parents & teachers.

>>9891469 Ghosn wired $860,000 to alleged escape helper, say prosecutors

>>9891498 Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt News Round Up: Anons Get A(nother) Hit Piece Edition

>>9891515 AFL-CIO behind dividing the country and communism

>>9891520 Ivanka: I’m proud to be an American! God bless the U.S.A!

>>9891538 Anon nom: Court docs indicate all parties are accessing Maxwell's court proceedings via video conferencing…

>>9891588 Surprise Surprise! Portland Protesters Rioters Hit with Federal Charges

>>9891635 George Soros-backed DA Charges Couple with ‘Hate Crime’ for Painting Over ‘Black Lives Matter’

>>9891688 President Bolsonaro is taking Dr. Zelenko protocol (HCQ) and is already feeling better

>>9891691 Ilhan Omar Calls for ‘Dismantling’ of America’s ‘Economy and Political Systems? Is she seriously insane?

>>9891693 July 8th, 1776 Colonel John Nixon gives the 1st public reading of the Declaration of Independence to an assemblage of citizens in Philadelphia

>>9891703 Gen Flynn's Book twatter: It’s a good thing we care what Communist Network News @CNN and MSLSD @MSNBC think…And @MalcolmNance calling @GenFlynn nutty is laughable.

>>9891739 Report: Slavery is not a crime in almost half the countries of the world

>>9891780 #12658

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ed7be1  No.9891824


Nope. Wrong ears, wrong nose

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7f1170  No.9891825

File: c44e60a9bac1d52⋯.png (230.54 KB, 236x393, 236:393, Screenshot_2020_07_08_give….png)

File: 1e97112ce761960⋯.png (669.54 KB, 660x372, 55:31, Screenshot_2020_07_08_Time….png)



You need to do this..

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7d9127  No.9891826


I’d fuck Huma three ways from Sunday and dilute those MB genes. She still looks pretty good. Weiner the freakazoid must still be taking care of business. She loves whatever depraved shit he’s into apparently.

Imagine the laptop….kek

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ebf598  No.9891827

File: 2e05cedb7ef8456⋯.jpg (14.5 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3249ad9bf4cd704d2012772d4f….jpg)


ambition has no party affiliation…if Biden does not pick her she will turn faster than a greyhound bus on some black georgia ice after the driver saw a "free drinks" sign

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98068d  No.9891828


fixed it in the dough, will be out after next bread.

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d074d7  No.9891830


nothing says unemployable like face tats, and here I thought asians are supposed to be smarter.

Looks cray cray too.

>>9891626 I've always thought madonna was a pig and a whore. SHe then went on to prove it.

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19f2ca  No.9891831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ok Notre Dame, you and your premo nitchins.

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ebf598  No.9891832

File: 9a96898399e78f4⋯.jpg (16.72 KB, 255x213, 85:71, 09f510cff312e2c4e5d144b11b….jpg)


been salty late lately

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0d460b  No.9891835


Oh wow

Casino employee is lame duck

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5712c3  No.9891836

File: 11d8cea34c5c925⋯.jpeg (137.92 KB, 500x750, 2:3, B17F7522_AE53_431F_9C92_1….jpeg)


I was really into this fucked up movie when I was little. This one, and the Alice wonderland 1985 tv movie with a jabberwocky.

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53326a  No.9891837



>I’d fuck Huma

Satan would jump out of her hole and bite your dick off!!!

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c81af5  No.9891838

only out of body experience i recall is birth. always had thoughts of it stuck in my head and coming back from time to time. this normal? any other anons?

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cfc794  No.9891839


Interdasting. Tried to cross-check the date with Satanic holidays - nada.

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e749ad  No.9891840


Jesus man I just want to get my dick wet with a hottie. This is 8kun free speech not a church. I’ll bag it ffs.

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f14437  No.9891841



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ebf598  No.9891842

File: 98bf26ef150aac3⋯.png (342.77 KB, 513x513, 1:1, 98bf26ef150aac3dca552caa87….png)

Look Black, you ain't fat.

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c81af5  No.9891843


not the actual birth but feeling like i was in the womb seeing yellow light then the out of body likely 12 hours after

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f14437  No.9891845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ee1abf  No.9891846

File: 3bb2f51f62a1166⋯.jpeg (205.69 KB, 796x1614, 398:807, DF133BAA_52E3_477C_AEB9_2….jpeg)

File: 18c2b8a4433924a⋯.jpeg (21.92 KB, 220x223, 220:223, F4E81F5E_6232_4007_BC8B_F….jpeg)

This is the first time this information is being posted.

>What is Palau?

>What country owned Palau?

>Who was in charge of reviewing Palau’s 15-year check-in? (JB)

>What is YAP?

>What is Micronesia?

>Who lead the effort to make Palau it’s own country? What year did he die?

>What position did this person have in the United Nations? (SB - “Ambassador to Oceans and Seas)

>How many times did this individual (SB) invite Maxwell to speak to the UN?

>why was Maxwell referred to as “the ruler of the oceans and seas”?

>If a resident of Palau wanted to visited or reside in America what is the process?

>watch this video from 4:00 to the end for more information

> https://youtube.com/watch?v=i2JLR-AJCxc

>Maxwell name drops Gates, Clinton, Stuart Beck (????)

>Maxwell tells wealthy donors that can donate for a passport to this new country

Been too scared to post everything I have on this the last few days so here are some crumbs.. love you all anons.

Proof this isn’t bait:

Google “Ambassador to Oceans and Seas”

>what are the odds a UN Ambassador that has a one-off title/Maxwell connections only has 7 search results?

>his Wikipedia bio links to his various social media accounts. Click on the red hyperlink under his picture “Papuan Ambassador to Oceans and Seas” (highlighted in pic related)

>memory hole?

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5afe07  No.9891849


Day after day, with minimal automation, the mind geeked coomer shoves pornography in the faces of people who know how porn is made. Bottom of the barrel.

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304f5f  No.9891850

I'm so sick of the chinks.

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5712c3  No.9891851


I remember my crib and I though that was crazy. You’re next level.

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a12f10  No.9891854


No. But I had an out of body experience as a young child. I didn't know what that had been until I was in my 40's and read about it.

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98068d  No.9891855

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130ce3  No.9891856

File: 4efc9bf5d012586⋯.jpeg (14.44 KB, 199x253, 199:253, 55C9C2B3_2B6A_44FA_9CC6_A….jpeg)

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04aea2  No.9891857

File: 16ed77b295e16d1⋯.png (396.43 KB, 640x922, 320:461, covid_voter_roll.png)

Fixed this Certainly Not News headline to reflect truth…


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f6b0c8  No.9891858

Confirmed years ago as Esthetician Equipment Microdermabrasion/oxygen concentrator. Google "Esthetician Equipment & Supplies" >>9891389


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0d460b  No.9891859


Oh wow

Lunchmeat of teh future

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b73e3f  No.9891861


it's our fault. we all should have said something about your habit a long time ago when we first noticed it getting out of hand.

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ac2a22  No.9891866



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ebf598  No.9891869

File: b145fd954f3c66b⋯.jpg (12.24 KB, 187x255, 11:15, ready_for_bed_swinging_pep….jpg)


life is weird >>9891859


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4e15f6  No.9891870


Hey, Nevada lawfags, join the fray.

Twat Mike Yoder and get involved!!

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4755c2  No.9891871

File: 2f873f3dd4aca7f⋯.jpg (12.34 KB, 270x400, 27:40, alien_hyb.jpg)

File: 678c30d106e62cd⋯.jpg (48.99 KB, 712x561, 712:561, gray_alien_50yrs_of_denial….jpg)

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ebf598  No.9891873

File: 5cbb0ae3b4d4eec⋯.jpg (73.94 KB, 530x664, 265:332, 5cbb0ae3b4d4eec0a424e0a7d9….jpg)

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7667b2  No.9891874

File: 10212c8d9593ccf⋯.jpg (24.64 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 1591731407987.jpg)


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57e55b  No.9891875


Leave Portland and head out into the countryside then. Won't have an army for long

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c55707  No.9891878

File: ed1be7fbde704cd⋯.png (315.29 KB, 867x469, 867:469, after_you.png)

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04aea2  No.9891882

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c55707  No.9891885

File: 351cab36f71f4a1⋯.jpg (6.03 KB, 255x183, 85:61, fuck_around.jpg)

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f14437  No.9891887

I hadn't checked in on Veterans today for a while so I did and see the entire site going apeshit propaganda against DT and it hit me, just like the traitor generals that are working against him, trying to poison him, due to his removal of American troops from warzones around the globe, the asshats at VT also are mercenaries and their fat lifestyle is negatively impacted so it explains perfectly why this site looks unhinged and triggered.

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