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09608d  No.9884976[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 07.02.2020

>>9834662 ————————————–——– 8yr old & Her Package Delivery Man @Goodable (Cap: >>9835313, >>9835492) (Vid link: >>9835937)

>>9834553 ————————————–——– Prince Andrew (Qdrop 3152 RT)

>>9834119 ————————————–——– Epstein Security Cameras (angle corrected >>9834361)

>>9833969 ————————————–——– Names of people who flew on the Lolita Express

>>9833777 ————————————–——– Photo of young girls on Epstein's island

>>9833738 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton on African Lolita Express trip

>>9833520 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Rachel Chandler/Guinness

>>9833245 ————————————–——– Photo of Bill Clinton with Chauntae Davies

>>9832353 ————————————–——– Trust Dan. (Cap: >>9832378)

>>9831969 ————————————–——– Thank you, Sam. (Cap: >>9832000)

>>9831097 ————————————–——– Pic with Weinstein, Epstein and Maxwell with faces X out

>>9830963 ————————————–——– Pic BClinton with GMaxwell

>>9830858 ————————————–——– Pic Andrew and minor female, GMaxwell in background

>>9830852 ————————————–——– IG Report: HRC and CF Crimes Against Children

>>9829982 ————————————–——– Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example] Have faith in Humanity. (Cap: >>9830003)

>>9827385 ————————————–——– Possible Epstein was a puppet [not the main person(s) of interest]? Sometimes it's the people in the background that are of greater significance.

>>9825482 ————————————–——– How many of our brothers and sisters play this song prior to the drop (LZ)? Add to your playlist.

>>9825374 ————————————–——– "These sources add that Charter has connections to Antifa…" (Cap: >>9825434)

>>9824651 rt >>9824067 ————————— Q #4484, #3799

>>9821642 ————————————–——– What a coincidence! Nothing to see here. (Pic Cap: >>9821794, >>9821952, Vid Link: >>9835025)

Wednesday 07.01.2020

>>9818091 ————————————–——– The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme) (Cap: >>9818133, Embed: >>9818104)

>>9817794 ————————————–——– There was a time when our children recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE with PRIDE.

>>9814775 ————————————–——– We stand together. WWG1WGA!!! (Cap: >>9814801)

>>9813912 ————————————–——– Biblical. (Cap: >>9813921, >>9814055)

>>9813070 ————————————–——– Worth repeating.

>>9812912 ————————————–——– Who is ActBlue? (Caps: >>9812938, >>9813001)

>>9811683 ————————————–——– Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE?

>>9811291 ————————————–——– [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]

>>9810442 ————————————–——– Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (Cap: >>9810513)

Tue 06.30.2020 >>9838572

Mon 06.29.2020 >>9830374

Sun 06.28.2020 >>9830372

Fri 06.26.2020 >>9813995

Thu 06.25.2020 >>9792938

Wed 06.24.2020 >>9779580

Tue 06.23.2020 >>9779449

Mon 06.22.2020 >>9746851

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

Questions & Practice Thread: >>6885294

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

09608d  No.9884994


Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9884254 US Air Force delays timeline for testing a laser on a fighter jet

>>9884382 East Wing braces for upcoming book by former Melania Trump aide

>>9884437 Active shooter situation at California Marine Corps base

>>9884468 Brazilian President Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus

>>9884446, >>9884300, >>9884915 Planefaggo check in

>>9884501 A Metro train on the Red Line has derailed outside the Silver Spring station

>>9884142 Dutch Police Arrest 6 People After Discovering Homemade Prison, Torture Chamber

>>9884601 A startup backed by a group of tycoons including Bill Gates plans to use data-crunching algorithms to search for cobalt near a Canadian nickel mine owned by Glencore Plc

>>9884727 Ghislaine Maxwell Goes From Luxury Retreat to Notorious Jail

>>9884820 National Dialogue on Safely Reopening America's Schools (video)

>>9884067 12650


>>9883474, >>9883566, >>9883604, >>9883729, >>9883910 Planefag Reports

>>9883373 Arnold Paul Prosperi dies

>>9883372 Mt Rushmore Video FX editing

>>9883415 Q proof - example from #4556 twitter echo-chamber. Qanon follower running for congress under heavy attack.

>>9883544 Donald Trump and Epstein interactions timeline

>>9883405, >>9883520 Ahmad Khashoggi digs

>>9883495 Ghislaine Maxwell relavent

>>9883502 Dad killed by gunman, while teen son hides and survives 30 hours in Sierra wilderness

>>9883635 Sidney Powell tweet complete

>>9883746, >>9883563 My timeline regarding Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and other connections

>>9883696 Media Matters Took In up to $2 Million in Small Business Relief Loans

>>9883788 WR OPERATION: #GhislaineMaxwell

>>9883449 GLOBAL MILSATCOM 2020

>>9883820 China's Attempt to Influence U.S. Institutions: A Conversation with FBI Director Wray

>>9883849, >>9883855, >>9883535, >>9883886, >>9883897, >>9883921 Paycheck Protection Program info

>>9883850, >>9883972 Chinese Virus Wave 2

>>9883853 Deutsche Bank reaches $150m settlement linked to Jeffrey Epstein

>>9883859 Chuck Grassley To Skip Republican National Convention For First Time In 40 Years Due To ‘Virus Situation

>>9883869, >>9883875, >>9883934 Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to Federal Lockup in NYC Ahead of Court Date + Moar

>>9883659 TikTok response to Pompeo

>>9883913 Tucker Carlson yesterday mentioned The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>>9883923 Body camera shows Sen. Lucas telling officers they can’t arrest protesters at Confederate monument

>>9883325, #12649


>>9883249 California virus 'strike teams' issue few citations

>>9883143 Sen. Kennedy's advice to Americans: If Joe Biden wins, 'build a fallout shelter

>>9883053 Brooks County, TX to begin arresting those who test positive for the coronavirus and don't self-quarantine

>>9883040, >>9883150, >>9883198, >>9883232 planefag reporting

>>9882980 De Niro's Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 Coronavirus Relief Program Loans Worth $28 Million

>>9882965 DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

>>9882852 WHO alters timeline to indicate it first learned of coronavirus from Internet, not Chinese officials

>>9882833, >>9882842, >>9882846 Clearview AI ceases offering its facial recognition technology in Canada

>>9882800 Atlanta mayor (and potential Biden VP pick) announces she has COVID-19 - a day after hosting press conference

>>9882784 Exiled Uighurs call on ICC to investigate Chinese 'genocide' in Xinjiang

>>9882756, >>9882763 UK: Recruitment manager who filmed himself raping baby jailed for 18 years

>>9882737 U.S. considers banning Chinese social media apps, including TikTok, Pompeo says

>>9882681, >>9882689 Is the [DS] is sending a message to black celebs who don't fall in line?

>>9882668 anon points out the "fingers" in Flynn family oath. 17.

>>9882644 West Virginia woman convicted in plot to offer top-secret NSA info to Russia

>>9882637, >>9882641 Based: Actor Terry Crews addresses backlash over Black Lives Matter tweet

>>9882623 Aide to head of Russian space agency detained on treason charges

>>9882588, >>9882601 UK: Ex-Labour MP Eric Joyce pleads guilty to child sex offence

>>9883270 #12648

Previously Collected Notables

>>9877940 #12642, >>9878706 #12643, >>9878713 #12644

>>9876329 #12639, >>9877111 #12640, >>9877943 #12641

>>9874012 #12636, >>9874873 #12637, >>9875575 #12638

>>9880988 #12645, >>9881768 #12646, >>9882538 #12647

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

09608d  No.9885001


War Room

>>9820389 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

Germany #58 >>9523968

UK #17 >>9566053

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #2 >>9578272

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

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Q Graphics all in GMT #091-#097 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843, >>>/comms/9187

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Q Graphics all in GMT #112-#118 >>>/comms/14870, >>>/comms/15179, >>>/comms/15306, >>>/comms/15733, >>>/comms/15801, >>>/comms/16711, >>>/comms/16930

Q Graphics all in GMT #119-#123 >>>/comms/17717, >>>/comms/18151, >>>/comms/18629, >>>/comms/18630, >>9842094

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000000  No.9885005


>>9884407 Namefags own website proves Namefags treat Anons like pets, also proves all of /comms/ has no fucking idea what Anon is.







Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

09608d  No.9885006


QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Fire Fox Archiver: Save Page WE https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/save-page-we/?src=search


* Opera Archiver: View Page Archive & Cache https://github.com/dessant/view-page-archive

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

* Public Meme Warehouse links — https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/160FyaZecKtDuBIDMW1948hruGiby8deL

* Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

* Epstein Island — mega.nz/folder/DwNkwAZQ#xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

* Arrests General — mega.nz/folder/gdxHzDpJ#RPX2uKWPCy6jFAB2hBHHHg

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

* 2020-July — mega.nz/folder/cRoBzTpa#ENUEsA16ztg-pVbmh4B4FA

* Antifa — mega.nz/folder/xVpVnIYb#DE5xZRgLxABb4H-8EFxAug

* Kung Flu — mega.nz/#F!xVRwVQgL!0d8Duz-aqyHBCJrTu2ScVQ

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #21 >>>/comms/17719

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

941166  No.9885009

Global Announcements

>>9822979 BO: After Q posted that long letter CM reminded me there is a setting that allows for longer posts. looking into it

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>9884300, >>9884446, >>9884915 PF updates

>>9884854 Vanguard shifts money fund expenses

>>9884748 CDC guidance may not be used as an "excuse" not to return to school, Where social distancing requirement cannot be met, masks must be worn. vid

>>9884726 Apple will not allow new apps in the App Store if they contain "Conspiracy Theory's" like Qanon or 8CHAN(Kun)

>>9884635 “White ppl are recessive genetic defects. this is factual,” she said/BLM leader

>>9884601 "Green New Deal" backed by a group of tycoons including Bill Gates

>>9884599, >>9884636 An Open Letter to @jack

>>9884521, >>9884527, >>9884529, >>9884534, >>9884554, >>9884572 Feminism was never about equal rights. It was about destroying the family and taxing two genders instead of one.

>>9884501 "A Metro train on the Red Line has derailed outside the Silver Spring station/FF Tuesday? vid

>>9884447 Proper display of the flag

>>9884386, >>9884417, >>9884432, >>9884775 Active shooter at Marine base in Cali/gunman in custody/live link

>>9884358 Ghislaine Maxwell hires Christian Everdell, lawyer who helped take down ‘El Chapo’

>>9884318, >>9884335, >>9884382, >>9884515 Now they're going after FLOTUS too with the books. New book coming dishing the dirt.

>>9884258 The Georgia National Guard is on call and ready to ensure the safety of all citizens of Georgia.

>>9884254 US Air Force delays timeline for testing a laser on a fighter jet

>>9884209 Ever wonder how the CIA seal came to be?

>>9884142 Dutch Police Arrest 6 People After Discovering Homemade Prison, Torture Chamber



>>9883474, >>9883566, >>9883604, >>9883729, >>9883910 Planefag Reports

>>9883373 Arnold Paul Prosperi dies

>>9883372 Mt Rushmore Video FX editing

>>9883415 Q proof - example from #4556 twitter echo-chamber. Qanon follower running for congress under heavy attack.

>>9883544 Donald Trump and Epstein interactions timeline

>>9883405, >>9883520 Ahmad Khashoggi digs

>>9883495, >>9884038 Ghislaine Maxwell relavent

>>9883502 Dad killed by gunman, while teen son hides and survives 30 hours in Sierra wilderness

>>9883635 Sidney Powell tweet complete

>>9883746, >>9883563 My timeline regarding Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and other connections

>>9883696 Media Matters Took In up to $2 Million in Small Business Relief Loans

>>9883788 WR OPERATION: #GhislaineMaxwell

>>9883449 GLOBAL MILSATCOM 2020

>>9883820 China's Attempt to Influence U.S. Institutions: A Conversation with FBI Director Wray

>>9883849, >>9883855, >>9883535, >>9883886, >>9883897, >>9883921 Paycheck Protection Program info

>>9883850, >>9883972, >>9883928 Chinese Virus Wave 2

>>9883853 Deutsche Bank reaches $150m settlement linked to Jeffrey Epstein

>>9883859 Chuck Grassley To Skip Republican National Convention For First Time In 40 Years Due To ‘Virus Situation

>>9883869, >>9883875, >>9883934 Ghislaine Maxwell Transferred to Federal Lockup in NYC Ahead of Court Date + Moar

>>9883659 TikTok response to Pompeo

>>9883913 Tucker Carlson yesterday mentioned The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>>9883923 Body camera shows Sen. Lucas telling officers they can’t arrest protesters at Confederate monument

>>9883977 MARINES ACTIVE SHOOTER Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center - Twentynine Palms

>>9883896 TX doctor using nebulized steroids for the Covid

>>9884097 #12649

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

941166  No.9885015


>>9883249 California virus 'strike teams' issue few citations

>>9883143 Sen. Kennedy's advice to Americans: If Joe Biden wins, 'build a fallout shelter

>>9883053 Brooks County, TX to begin arresting those who test positive for the coronavirus and don't self-quarantine

>>9883040, >>9883150, >>9883198, >>9883232 planefag reporting

>>9882980 De Niro's Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 Coronavirus Relief Program Loans Worth $28 Million

>>9882965 DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

>>9882852 WHO alters timeline to indicate it first learned of coronavirus from Internet, not Chinese officials

>>9882833, >>9882842, >>9882846 Clearview AI ceases offering its facial recognition technology in Canada

>>9882800 Atlanta mayor (and potential Biden VP pick) announces she has COVID-19 - a day after hosting press conference

>>9882784 Exiled Uighurs call on ICC to investigate Chinese 'genocide' in Xinjiang

>>9882756, >>9882763 UK: Recruitment manager who filmed himself raping baby jailed for 18 years

>>9882737 U.S. considers banning Chinese social media apps, including TikTok, Pompeo says

>>9882681, >>9882689 Is the [DS] is sending a message to black celebs who don't fall in line?

>>9882668 anon points out the "fingers" in Flynn family oath. 17.

>>9882644 West Virginia woman convicted in plot to offer top-secret NSA info to Russia

>>9882637, >>9882641 Based: Actor Terry Crews addresses backlash over Black Lives Matter tweet

>>9882623 Aide to head of Russian space agency detained on treason charges

>>9882588, >>9882601 UK: Ex-Labour MP Eric Joyce pleads guilty to child sex offence

>>9883270 #12648


Ghost grab

>>9882489 Florida politician accused Beyonce Knowles of not being African American. Congressional candidate KW Miller: “Beyonce, you are on notice!”

>>9882485 Maxwell moved to NY for Epstein-related sex abuse charges

>>9882467, >>9882479 Reddit slammed by former CEO Ellen Pao for 'amplifying' racism and hate

>>9882451 CBS Edits Out Atlanta Mayor Saying Cops Blameless for Weekend Killing

>>9882393 Bard College takes 100 million from George Soros Open Society Foundation for higher education

>>9882373 anon diggz: Why would CA 'elected' officials knowingly collapse the budgeta

>>9882326 Georgia Gov Brian Kemp to Send 1,000 National Guard Troops to Atlanta After Mayor Surrenders to the Mobs

>>9882319 Slavery Rampant In Africa, Middle East; The West Wrongly Accuses Itself

>>9882312 France charges two former intelligence officers with spying for China


>>9882286 Michael Flynn smear articles roundup (graphic)

>>9882263 DeSean Jackson (NFL) shared anti-semitic Hitler quotes on social media after listening to Farrakhan

>>9882042, >>9882044, >>9882049 R. Maxwell Digg and timeline

>>9881970, >>9882333 Newsome orders second shutdown of restaurants and indoor businesses. Grenell: why is @GavinNewsom still squeezing businesses?

>>9882538 #12647

Previously Collected Notables

>>9880988 #12645

>>9877940 #12642, >>9878706 #12643, >>9878713 #12644

>>9876329 #12639, >>9877111 #12640, >>9877943 #12641

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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941166  No.9885016

War Room

>>9820389 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

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Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

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META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

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941166  No.9885022

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

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* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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* Bypass WSJ "paywall" Grease/Tamper Monkey script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/377618-the-wall-street-journal-full-text-articles

Meme Ammo

Memes 59 >>9786152, 58 >>9579253

* Public Meme Warehouse links — https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/160FyaZecKtDuBIDMW1948hruGiby8deL

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* Epstein Island — mega.nz/folder/DwNkwAZQ#xa6JLeW9_632P0yw3MhlNw

* Arrests General — mega.nz/folder/gdxHzDpJ#RPX2uKWPCy6jFAB2hBHHHg

* Trump Successes v2 — mega.nz/folder/MB4D1JrJ#GEEftK7VxpJ92_NSlDqydA

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Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #21 >>>/comms/17719

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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941166  No.9885028

File: 6bb6a28dc62080f⋯.jpg (212.75 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, 6bb6a28dc62080fbe254bb5c85….jpg)



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000000  No.9885037



>>9884407 Namefags own website proves Namefags treat Anons like pets, also proves all of /comms/ has no fucking idea what Anon is.







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09608d  No.9885052

File: 2458418b718ae71⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, maga_roll.png)



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59b064  No.9885057

Three threads going at once…The kitchen is compromised. BO and Q time to bring out the hammer. Old cooks will return…..

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4293bf  No.9885066

File: 8beceedd2b56a65⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1162x721, 166:103, RanksRaker.png)



Sometimes baker accepts muh notables, somtimes bakers don't….IT'S ALL GOOD!

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91d9d3  No.9885069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4293bf  No.9885072

File: 4d960d0f8d3c7b4⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1044x724, 261:181, NotLookingGoodBarry.png)

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088e68  No.9885073

what the hell is going on with double doughs today?

is this a passive raid or what?

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941166  No.9885076


Fuk Off! Not real dough, Not the Baker, Fuck Off

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088e68  No.9885089

1 PM REMINDER We should be pushing Ghislaine

>thanks bakes for prior notable o7

★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★

WR OPERATION: #GhislaineMaxwell

WR OPERATION: #GhislaineMaxwell

"Accused Jeffrey Epstein sex crimes accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell arrested at $1 million New Hampshire home"




* ArrestsGeneral — mega.nz/folder/gdxHzDpJ#RPX2uKWPCy6jFAB2hBHHHg

Containing Ghislaine Maxwell folder…






FLANK TARGETS - RT, Share, Report Bots -o7

#GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein, #Epstein, #GhislaineDidntKillHerself #EpsteinDidntKillHimself #Andrewdintkillhimself #ClintonBodyCount #deepstate #HollywoodPedophilia #lolitaexpress #epsteinisland


#freedom #fourththofjuly #fourthofjuly2020 #independanceday #godblessamerica #anonymous #qanon #wwg1wga #caturday

(make sure we own those names realAnonymous)





>>>/abcu/1888, >>>/abcu/1893, >>>/abcu/1894 Doc Dump

>>>/abcu/1889 Clinton Global Initiative


Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to name names https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw48VryHBNU

How Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly helped Jeffrey Epstein abuse young women | Nightline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vcq02YCi2w

Epstein Victim's Lawyer On Prince Andrew | This Morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMijmy84y18

Ghislaine Maxwell charged with grooming girls for Jeffrey Epstein - BBC News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzn0HV133ek

British socialite and former Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell is now facing charges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4lSI606qhE

>As always, refute supporters (of the MSM narrative), redpill, and report your local bots.

>reminder to tag your posts with Qanon

Thank you, Keyboard Warrior Patriots. You are the social media infantry that makes us proud!

★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★

DOUGH: https://pastebin.com/zEw4qDSR

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432771  No.9885091

i'm going to go poop.

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8d805b  No.9885097

File: a8085444c0319fe⋯.jpg (17.84 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 03e05fd2cc979013be47cecd87….jpg)


I cannot find the words to thank you baker

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91d9d3  No.9885100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Birdhouse In Your Soul

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fa213c  No.9885103


real gay dough

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e17d8c  No.9885105

The baker drama is a bit from our enemy, they were exposed a few days ago and since then have feigned indignation to buy your trust, to censor your own outrage. They take the kernel of emotional truth you feel and wrap it up in their poison.

Here's what really happened.

Rundown of the boards response: The event was our hiveminds focus for breads >>9844667 (12599), >>9845457 (12600), and >>9846215 (12601). Only *three* notables (Out of 40) were included about the event talked about by the majority of anons in each these breads.

>>9845517 National Guard Makes Arrests, Prepares to Teargas Anarchists Blocking Road to Mount Rushmore

>>9845010 [LIVE] Indigenous Activists Assert Right to Unceded Land At Anti-Trump Protest

>>9845070 Protesters use vans with slashed tires to BLOCK Trump supporters from Mt. Rushmore event, National Guard on scene

Notice the first two have almost line-for-line similarities with spin that favors the mockingbird media.

This is how our enemy curtails our information flow.

They include what we already know, with spin favorable to their masters, and flood us with largely uncontextual news - to keep us unfocused.

Update: Flatbeds were used to remove the vans, after the line of National Guardsman secured a position past the them.

Update: Line has moved up. Contact made. Individuals are being arrested. Pepper spray was used.

Update: *National Guard* are removing their masks.

Update: ~3 flatbeds/tow trucks have arrived on the scene, to remove the vans.

Update: *National Guard* has their shields up, preparing to move up. Full Gas masks on.

Update: Looks like the *National Guard* have taken a pill of some kind at the same time. Masks are being secured.

Unmentioned from before, the 'protesters' are surrounded on both sides by the *National Guard* in riot gear.

Update: *National Guard* is moving back to a solid line, away from the vans. ~50ft?

Protesters walking away as well.

"Interesting tactic, they're using Sage now" rofl

People + Press are being asked to move even further back.

Tear Gas has possibly been suggested as an action against the protesters, initiating many of them to walk away.

Update: Those in line are being asked to get back into their cars and leave for the time being - press asked to stay behind a moving line of police cars entering the area. The protesters have been told they're allowed to move back to a sectioned off area, which still allows entry of cars into the area.

BREAKING NEWS: ANTIFA Insurgents use Useful Idiots to force multiply their attacks against our Freedom, blocking main road into Mount Rushmore.

Very inorganic, they swept quickly and blew out the tires of their 3 vans. They quickly put up a 'barrier'/banner they're holding up.

The insurgents are using 'native voices / concerns' as emotional shields to cloak their insidious actions.

This is warfare, and has nothing to do with the fog of war they deploy under: "Native concerns" They're throwing their own lives on the line to make anyone who acts against them look evil.

Provocateurs have arrived on both sides.

Tensions are raising drastically, by design.

It's fucking sick~

Inflammatory remarks are currently taking place (Yells from the protest line), the protesters are looking for forceful action to be taken against them.

They're provoking a 'moneyshot' of police force used against what will be spun as 'peaceful protesters'.

Expose them.

Children and Families are prevented from admiring their great leaders who have stabilized the Country during times of unrest - exactly what we need right now.

All for a moneyshot, using people as tools to an insidious end.

These people are sick.

Sunlight's the best disinfectant~

LIVESTREAM SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgq0qbzYBtE

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a9f8d1  No.9885109

File: 54b903f8d5cb8c5⋯.png (341.21 KB, 720x489, 240:163, Cupace20200617231728.png)

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4293bf  No.9885113

File: 81607b2917e28c6⋯.png (673.52 KB, 919x451, 919:451, ClintSpeaks.png)

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8fd1dc  No.9885116

File: 45f8053574b3aec⋯.png (273.01 KB, 680x382, 340:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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e17d8c  No.9885120


It's not some bakers or namefags (They're talking about me), it's their entire crew that have fought insidiously to keep their control over the kitchen, going so far as to whip up drama so even me bringing this up seems poisoned.

Now you know how they fight~

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3654cc  No.9885127

File: 69263cb51b6c378⋯.jpg (306.52 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, 69263cb51b6c378fc5edf6e722….jpg)

File: 45cd09dec8df879⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 1200x1165, 240:233, Rest_in_cia_n_07d51e_73164….jpg)

File: d7aee543cbf8af2⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 412x425, 412:425, Ur_really_gonna_make_me_po….jpg)


See you next bread glow nigger

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9aaafd  No.9885128



>>9885028 (lb)

Great post of Maxwell pics from LB.

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1ca866  No.9885133

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941166  No.9885136

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59b064  No.9885137


Please stop using Eastwood the stupid son of a bitch endorsed Bloomberg. He can fuck off

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57877b  No.9885139


The culmination of decades of planning by evil geniuses. They did not believe she could lose. I wonder what made them so sure of themselves. Perhaps a faulty looking glass of some sort.

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000000  No.9885141


That's right, play the controlled opposition card. Everybody who fights the bakers is AFLB.

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31ae05  No.9885147

File: c73378d807d5d29⋯.png (248.73 KB, 1319x761, 1319:761, INGERSOLLOCKWOOD.png)

File: e1b13a59f35ee43⋯.png (394.99 KB, 1500x939, 500:313, INGERSOLLOCKWOOD_MOUSE_OVE….png)

File: bf57ece3ca9da1d⋯.png (108.21 KB, 251x902, 251:902, INGERSOL_LOCKWOOD_OBIT.png)

The Mystery of the KeyStone ?

repost from suspect bread

I know this has been discussed several times.

I kept being drawn back to the adventures of Baron Trump by Ingersoll Lockwood circa 1890's

In staring at the name and knowing Q loves puzzles or I should say word games it hit me

The opposite of Lock = Key and the Opposite of Wood = Stone

In looking up variations of the name, there is a company out there which seems to be a holding company

The two images are of it's portfolio page: Page itself + composite of mouse overs

This reads like the Alliances Agenda

As a bonus look at the address 1717 … I'm sure one of the decode fags can figure out the mirror in the phone numbers

Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc.

1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 10th Floor, Suite 1025 Washington, DC 20006

Office/Reception: 1-202-559-9157 (9-5) Fax: 1-202-204-6325 © 2020 Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



Also of note is that Ingersoll Lockwood's OBIT is in the NYT, despite living in Saratoga Springs NY. No obit in local paper (Still in operation)

He dies and is cremated… still trying to find the trail forward, but perhaps I should be looking backward

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941166  No.9885148


passive hell

aggressive more like

nasty all the way

shills like drama

cabal pays them well for it

anons trooper on

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e17d8c  No.9885150

File: ba901832b615ad6⋯.jpg (219.44 KB, 652x832, 163:208, AntiFungalLeafBread.jpg)


They need you to hate me because I spent a good deal of time here exposing evil.

No fame, it's just the skill I add to our Awakening because I'm good at seeing through lies~

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59b064  No.9885152


Commie you won't get away with this shit.

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1d4ec5  No.9885154




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bbf9fb  No.9885156


Leafy in charge of breads? JIDF? Weeze fecked. Someone contact James…

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dadcd5  No.9885157

Just got here- why 3 breads at the same time?

Which is the real one?

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941166  No.9885159



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10cd9e  No.9885161

File: 76e5eef37501086⋯.jpg (84.96 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 76e5eef37501086b1fd8f2bff5….jpg)

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4f7207  No.9885162

They're attacking the Bakery and the Board through the front door since the platform has been remediated. It was only a matter of time.

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09608d  No.9885164



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a07fa8  No.9885165

File: 6e7e1e3978072d4⋯.png (17.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 6258c442d00f6b35e370b109df….png)


Don't preach to me faggot. You glow in the daylight.

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941166  No.9885166


Baker from last bread here

check the qbins, easy to check

guud thing to do and learn


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e17d8c  No.9885168


It's also a way to distract us, as it seems their demoralization attack yesterday didn't stick~

(Sorry not sorry, sweeties~)

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a67717  No.9885171


Sauce or fuck off yourself

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1ca866  No.9885173


>They need you to hate me because I spent a good deal of time here exposing evil.

Blaspheming the Lords prayer is literally the definition of evil which you do almost every bread for 2 years.

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a67717  No.9885175


Wrong post sorry

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941166  No.9885176


just like old times huh

battle of the breads

ridiculous the shills are

leaf is over doing the estrogen

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6b3649  No.9885178

File: 88ff0bbc45465be⋯.png (31.46 KB, 901x299, 901:299, baker_id.png)

Who is the "real" baker??

This is gyb

Both "doughs" are screwed up in notables page

Who's around, bakers?


(sorry, I can't bake have someone coming over soon)




Previously Collected Notables

>>9877940 #12642, >>9878706 #12643, >>9878713 #12644

>>9876329 #12639, >>9877111 #12640, >>9877943 #12641

>>9874012 #12636, >>9874873 #12637, >>9875575 #12638

>>9880988 #12645, >>9881768 #12646, >>9882538 #12647

wrong order


and what the fuck r u doing, hijacking this


You left out one of the previous bakes in your fucked up notables page

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10cd9e  No.9885179

File: 63df48067623f47⋯.jpg (103.86 KB, 750x711, 250:237, 63df48067623f47ef72a833f91….jpg)

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3ecea7  No.9885180


You're bringing back memories kek.

Don't forget the battle of Captcha hill

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a67717  No.9885183



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000000  No.9885184


From >>9855480

>That night they use their controlled opposition persona to 'attack' the bakers in an attempt to frontrun an actual attack they knew had to be coming. AFLB's limp dicked 'attack' >>9837343 was supplemented by loli spam and a pathetic DoS that easily makes it so bakers can't bake (due to board setting) and can again pretend to be under attack, further solidifying their victim status. For the lulz, here's AFLB defending the bakers the next night >>9850093 (ID: ca008e), classic controlled opposition.



>>9884407 Namefags own website proves Namefags treat Anons like pets, also proves all of /comms/ has no fucking idea what Anon is.







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6146a6  No.9885187

File: 42d7c7e0677b7f4⋯.png (882.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ANTIFA_COMMIES.png)

File: 6bdd01db86014f8⋯.png (729.89 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, BLM_COMMIES.png)

File: 90519c06c33177b⋯.png (739.88 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, SusanRice_COMMIE.png)




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09608d  No.9885188


This should verify who made this.


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941166  No.9885189


>>9884300, >>9884446, >>9884915 PF updates

>>9884854 Vanguard shifts money fund expenses

>>9884748 CDC guidance may not be used as an "excuse" not to return to school, Where social distancing requirement cannot be met, masks must be worn. vid

>>9884726 Apple will not allow new apps in the App Store if they contain "Conspiracy Theory's" like Qanon or 8CHAN(Kun)

>>9884635 “White ppl are recessive genetic defects. this is factual,” she said/BLM leader

>>9884601 "Green New Deal" backed by a group of tycoons including Bill Gates

>>9884599, >>9884636 An Open Letter to @jack

>>9884521, >>9884527, >>9884529, >>9884534, >>9884554, >>9884572 Feminism was never about equal rights. It was about destroying the family and taxing two genders instead of one.

>>9884501 "A Metro train on the Red Line has derailed outside the Silver Spring station/FF Tuesday? vid

>>9884447 Proper display of the flag

>>9884386, >>9884417, >>9884432, >>9884775 Active shooter at Marine base in Cali/gunman in custody/live link

>>9884358 Ghislaine Maxwell hires Christian Everdell, lawyer who helped take down ‘El Chapo’

>>9884318, >>9884335, >>9884382, >>9884515 Now they're going after FLOTUS too with the books. New book coming dishing the dirt.

>>9884258 The Georgia National Guard is on call and ready to ensure the safety of all citizens of Georgia.

>>9884254 US Air Force delays timeline for testing a laser on a fighter jet

>>9884209 Ever wonder how the CIA seal came to be?

>>9884142 Dutch Police Arrest 6 People After Discovering Homemade Prison, Torture Chamber


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e17d8c  No.9885190


So lets get back on track, here's a timeline of Trumps involvement with the epstien investigation, as redpill material to disarm our enemies push to lump Trump into that evil ring of blackmail:

Trump Epstein Connections

2004: Trump knew Epstein was looking to bid on a property in Palm Beach so he bought it out from under him, made renovations, and sold it for almost 200% profit. This really pissed Epstein off. Epstein threatened to expose the deal because he though Trump was fronting for the real owners. Why would trump do this to Epstein? Probably because he heard rumors that Epstein was recruiting girls from country club.

2005: Trump helped usher the PBCSO investigation by exposing Epstein’s secrets.

2006: Two Epstein victims claim they were approached while employees for the spa at Mar-a-Lago. According to court documents President Trump banned Epstein form the club over this.

2009: Bradly Edwards the prosecutor in the 2009 Epstein case said he served a lot of subpoenas and Donald Trump was the only one who helped him and gave him as much time as he wanted. He gave no indication that he was involved in anything whatsoever but had good information.

2019: Then you have Virginia Giuffre (Epstein underage victim) deposition with the FBI. When you read the transcript you can clearly tell the FBI was framing questions to get dirt on Trump, no surprise. It didn’t work. Virginia had to repeatedly correct the agents and tell them that she never saw Donald so much as flirt with any of the girls or even see Epstein and Trump together.

2020: On June 20th Trump fired Geoffrey Berman the US attorney for the Southern District of New York. On July 2nd Jeffry Epstein’s Confidante Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on sex abuse charges and transferred to New York federal prison.

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e17d8c  No.9885193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ghislaine Maxwell reportedly ready to name names




"I don't know of any client I have that ISN'T willing to testify against her"

"They just won't give up"

"I've never seen a stronger voice [These survivors have]"


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7170b5  No.9885195



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10cd9e  No.9885196

File: 990b1547bead32c⋯.jpg (24.98 KB, 540x540, 1:1, 990b1547bead32c41422489c84….jpg)

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e17d8c  No.9885197


Remember that Maxwell's family has connections to EVERYTHING

>Maxwell was MI6.

>MI6, CIA, MOS, BND are likely ALL involved with the "epstein" intel operation not just MOS.

>This will likely splinter those agencies.

>Lekarev continues: “From the end of the 1980s, with Maxwell’s help, operations to launder CPSU money abroad began. During this period Maxwell was in contact with [KGB] Colonel Vladimir Golovin from ideological counterintelligence [Fifth Chief Directorate]. Soon he died unexpectedly. Colonel Viktor Bredikhin, a former officer of the London Residency from foreign counterintelligence, also worked with Maxwell. And, working in the KGB, he also suddenly died. Another one of Maxwell’s operational contacts was Colonel Vadim Biriukov, who regularly traveled to European countries for meetings with foreign agents. Soon after Maxwell’s death, Biriukov was killed under unclear circumstances in a Moscow parking garage by unknown individuals.”

Academics repeatedly warned the FBI that Maxwell may be working for the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s

FBI carried out an extensive investigation but ruled there was no evidence he was a spy

His publishing empire printed scientific research papers in Russian behind the Iron Curtain

Fears his Pergamon publishing empire was subsidised by the Soviets

Maxwell, who was born in Czechoslovakia, was building up his Pergamon Press publishing empire in the US in the late 1950s and 1960s when he was covertly investigated.

Soviet links: Robert Maxwell, right, with Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev in the Kremlin. The media mogul faced repeated questions about whether he was engaged in espionage

Soviet links: Newly-published document reveals Maxwell's attempts to get USSR cooperation for his publishing ventures

An internal FBI note added that there was no evidence of espionage activity 'on the part of Robert Maxwell in the United States; however… (redacted).'

The FBI wrote back to Maguire saying: 'You may desire to discreetly look into the activities of one Ian Robert Maxwell.'

In 1958, Senator Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of the two future US presidents, forwarded a letter from Yale University which raised further questions about Maxwell.

It said there were concerns he 'may be engaged in a large scale effort to transmit scientific information to the Russians.'

And in 1962 an agent raised the question that Maxwell's publications may be subsidised by the Soviets because they were a source of technical and scientific knowledge from around the world.

There were also suspicions because Maxwell was allowed to enter the Soviet Union six times a year while most people struggle to get any access.

Maxwell, who later became a Labour MP in Britain and lived an extravagant lifestyle, made his millions from the publishing empire he set up after leaving the Army.

He died in 1991 after 'falling' off his private yacht off the Canary Islands after plundering his publishing group's pension fund.

>Look at the Marxist Milliband brothers leading Labour at the moment. Is this any surprise?!? Communism killed 150 million last century!

>He probably was, after all most of the then Labour Party were either working for or indirectly for Marxist and Communist organisations. Indeed if anyone cares to check, a lot of todays Labour gang have the same affiliations or have discreetly covered them up. Also, most of the spies, either then or today, are products of Oxbride Universities.


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2fa93f  No.9885201


You literally ARE a lie

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30c16e  No.9885205

Anyone getting notables from botched breads? Or is that bad now?

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e17d8c  No.9885207


Here are counterpoints to their recent push to hype back up the fear of their released bioweapon:


The crew here are doing their best to downplay Chinas involvement, and the seriousness, that their intentional release of a BioWeapon was used to target foreign political landscapes - specifically America and Trump's re-election.

China Virus has already lost half its potency.

The "Second wave" will be a dud, because the virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

Note: The virus is unnatural to begin with, which means mutation/deletions cannot occur to progress the virus. It's returning to its normal functions, WHICH DOESN'T INCLUDE THE ABILITY TO INFECT HUMANS.

Even *if* it tried to develop airborne capabilities IT IS QUICKLY LOOSING THE ABILITIES TO INFECT HUMANS IN THE FIRST PLACE.


China Hogwart Virus = WuFlu 2.0

What's their world wide death toll at now?

21+ Million from within China alone, and that was at least a month ago.

Contact tracers are ordered to NOT ask about protest attendance.

Personal ads about infecting Trump Rallies are a thing.

See what direction we're headed?

'Luc Montagnier HIV Nobel Prize HIV Virologist Says CV "Bio-engineered" in Lab - Contains Strings Of Inserted HIV

"This virus was manipulated meticulously, it's not natural."

Interesting Points:

-Mutation-Deletions are bringing the virus back to its unmodified state - the HIV insertion is specifically degrading faster than the rest.

-The virus is quickly loosing its ability to infect humans.

-Verifiable proof this was engineered "For Gain-of-function" advances, specifically contains a genetic sequence from HIV.

-China has enormous pressure on any studies or media related to the origins of the virus.

-Source as the Wuhan BioLab confirmed.

-Intentional or not, this engineered virus being released constitutes as a launched Bio Weapon.

-Electromagnetic means of manipulation can be used to neutralize the virus. Which also means they can be used to amplify it.

-Who controls the modulation of the antennas determines the effect

Host: "If we want to reassure ourselves, since you have continued to work on this virus, that virus today it has lost, you say, all its virulence and you imagine that it will no longer be specifically dangerous in the next few weeks?"

Luc: "Yes, what is interesting, if you will, is that my mathematical colleague Perez thinks there's some kind of harmonization of the sequences, of the genetic information, which is carried as well in our own chromosomes as by the virus. So nature doesn't accept anything. That is, we can do anything to nature but if you're making an artificial construct, it is unlikely to survive. That is to say that nature loves the harmonious things and what is foreign, such as another virus coming from another virus is not well tolerated. So, what is happening as time goes by, the epidemic is spreading, notably in the United States where there is the largest number of cases, there is an evolution through mutations, right. The sequences will mutate. Mutate means one nucleotide changed for an other, the genetic code is changing. But it also means deletions that are made: It means that there are whole chunks of the genome, including… what is extraordinary is that, precisely, the region that carries the HIV sequences are mutating much faster than the others. So, it itself disappears by deletions. So, we have patients on whom we have isolated the virus and sequenced the virus, in the western part of the United States, in Seattle, and this sequence is almost demolished and no longer works."

Host: "So the HIV is gone?"

Luc: "You'd think if the new pathogenicity if you will, of the corona is related to the introduction of these sequences, that it is going to disappear. It's a bit of hope."


>"It was like an aggressive tiger in March and April but now it's like a wild cat," Bassetti said. "Even elderly patients, aged 80 or 90, are now sitting up in bed and they are breathing without help. The same patients would have died in two or three days before."


>Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico.


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941166  No.9885210


this was used for this bread


got handoff from


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684cb3  No.9885213

File: c0d1590cc38f6da⋯.jpg (112.48 KB, 952x500, 238:125, 3cqobbhg42.jpg)

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e17d8c  No.9885215

File: 9a6c33085527cac⋯.jpg (5.29 MB, 2079x7357, 297:1051, Qproof_Airplane_PictureUpd….jpg)


Remember how important you are:

Pfease excuse thls interruuption of your manipsulated entraihment.

Step back, breath, Center your Senses.


(You)r belief in America, is Chinas greatest fear. They attack it relentlessly.

Know well who's behind the demoralization.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

The Why:

Q is a backchannel between Americas Military Intellegence and You, the People they swore to protect.

It is critical we are given a contrasting reference to the onslaught of fake news and online propaganda, as a deeply entrenched network of blackmail and control is brought to Light.

Q is a conversation with us that tiptoes around our National Security Laws enough to lead us into narrative shattering insights.

Read that again.

They have a lot to tell us

They're our link to Americas command post during this Silent War.

A War that will breach the minds of those around you. Start talking, be humble you already know what they will soon, be proud to strengthen your Republic with more Informed Citizens.

Let the naysayers be damned by their own [unwillingly manipulated] ignorance.

Your seeds of Truth will outlast the weeds of Black Hatted Social Engineers; The mockingbird machine. So 'Learn to play the game'~

Trusting The Plan is a direct assertion that the job of attacking the deep seated infiltrators and traitors belongs to those who swore an oath to do so.

The military, your Congressional / Senate appointees, the Judiciary and the like.

You, the average working citizen, appointed them into power to carry out your Will within the realm of influence each were given.

To assume that the main attacks against these traitors belongs to the average citizen is founded on the corrupt presumption that those in power, that you elected, are unable to do so.

It's an admittance that those you trusted, should not be.

It's a Lie.

It's a belief the traitors themselves want you to have.

You have a critical job to do, as an informed member of your Republic: Awaken those around you.

Create more informed members of your own republic so you can make more informed choices, and propose more informed actions to those who are elected to carry out your Awakened Will.

Trust the plan. We are in this together, and we may excel in each our own areas of expertise.

Read what your Military needs you to know.

Read what Trump wants you to know.

Q is who has read what the world will soon know.

The Rod and the Ring will Strike~

God wins, Amen.

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9aaafd  No.9885216

File: 48df8512a36d0b3⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 800x500, 8:5, women_sunsets_landscapes_n….jpg)



You've accused patriots of being pedos, mass banned IPs of those you thought to be shills (which affected some real anons in the process), constantly spam the board with nonsensical garbage, desecrated the Lord's Prayer (which to some anons is more than enough to have you permanently removed from here), and rarely contribute anything else that couldn't be seen as a type of division faggotry.

You need help. You should take every computer you have, and throw it away, and go seek real help. It may be too late to save your dick, but it's never too late to save your soul. Go find a place to call home. This isn't it.

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3ecea7  No.9885218



Dutch Police Arrest 6 People After Discovering Homemade Prison, Torture Chamber

Sadly this doesn't surprise me. Europe is probably a generation or two ahead of the US in terms of aetheism. I love Europe and wanted to live there, but it was shit like this that always worried me.

They just seemed to lean towards shit like this and took pleasure in mocking God in a way I hadn't seen in the USA before 2010 or 2011.

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e17d8c  No.9885219


Remember how corrupt Biden is:

So they want to hide this away? ELIM it at all costs?

Thread creator in on it? What a web of traitors~


Juicy info about BIDEN negative news re: UKRAINE-CHINA family bribes and corruption

Detailed timeline


Three part exclusive with Giuliani, and the evidence he uncovered


NEW: Ukrainian investigations ]UNLEASHED[

>A translated Ukrainian press conference from yesterday not only implicates Biden, but also George Soros, in a plot to snatch 1.5 billion from Ukrainian tax payers for a…get this…"corruption tax", through overstated gas tariffs from Naftogaz.


Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei6O14Td89g

>Fired NY prosecutor was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show


Juicy info about BIDEN negative news re: SEXUAL ASSAULT CLAIM re: Tara Reade [preserve #MeToo future [R] attack]

>New Evidence Appears to Corroborate Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Claim Against Joe Biden (VIDEO)


>HERE is the video from August 11,1993's 'Larry King Live' described by @TheIntercept

(and Tara Reade) as allegedly featuring her mother calling in and alluding to Reade's sexual assault claims against @JoeBiden


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fa213c  No.9885222


back jack. which lil fugger is here leaf or aflb? luuks like the tranny. anyway, lemme know what you need.

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8118e5  No.9885225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Israel Successfully Launches New Spy Satellite Into Space

The State of Israel was the seventh country to achieve full space capabilities and is one of only 13 countries capable of launching satellites, alongside the US, Italy, France, Japan, India, the UK, Ukraine, China, Russia and Iran, as well as North and South Korea


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57877b  No.9885231


No worries, actually gave me a chuckle.

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e17d8c  No.9885233

File: d24051fe56885ba⋯.jpg (846.71 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Cuomo_USNS_Comfort_TEMPLAT….jpg)

File: 4de82109dabb3ec⋯.jpg (879.01 KB, 2048x1024, 2:1, Cuomo_Rather_Kill_Parents.jpg)


Remember to use their own actions against them:

Democratic Governors killing elderly parents to fluff China Virus numbers to scare the public into submission

(Thread creator deliberately omitting these templates, reposting to never give up the attack against our enemy despite the actions of their assets)

🚨 Alarming Data 🚨

→ 40% of COVID deaths have come from nursing homes

→ 20,000 deaths were avoidable

Numbers don't lie. Cuomo does.

He violated protocol & forced COVID patients into nursing homes—now he's trying to cover up the horrific outcome.

He must be held accountable.


How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was 'safe' to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?


"Each year, 90 percent of deaths worldwide related to influenza-A virus (IAV) strike men and women aged 65 and older."




Someone can be accused of third-degree murder if they unintentionally cause someone else's death while committing a dangerous act.



Who benefits the most?

Why only [D] governors?

How do you reasonably explain what occurred?

>“They are going to set it up rapidly and we’re then going to go to the next site, the next site, the next site to meet our goal,” de Blasio said, detailing the 670-bed plus site at the Brooklyn Cruise Terminal in Red Hook. He also announced another overflow facility at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in Flushing. That 350-bed facility only saw 79 patients, according to THE CITY. However, the Red Hook facility never saw a single patient, and both locations ended up costing over $40 million combined.

>Similarly, the USNS Comfort, which was originally slated to take pressure off New York hospitals by taking non-coronavirus patients, departed after seeing just 182 patients over its month-long stay. Even though ship agreed to designate 500 of its 1,000 beds for coronavirus patients, it never came close to reaching capacity.


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941166  No.9885236




we had issues lb late

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2e4f29  No.9885239

>>9885142 lb

>oh so that's where little crack head had to kick the money up to.

>Feel sorry for Biden's son. OUCH

I think 'As the World Turns' is also about Energy and who controls Energy.

The World, even the cabal, needs to control Energy

Burisma>>>Ukraine >>>Money Laundering>>>Vatican Bank>>> Iran

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09608d  No.9885241


Thank you for your service!

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32f682  No.9885245

File: d79171715594289⋯.png (439.57 KB, 600x608, 75:76, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_07….png)

Data-Mining Firm Palantir Files for Stealth Public Offering


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9aaafd  No.9885247




Rgr. Copy/Paste from LB anon on the Ghislaine Maxwell Pics online:

Archived photos of Ghislaine Maxwell 693 total

From Patrick McMullan website. They removed Rachael Chandler pics in the past after Jeffery went down

Maybe an anon can save offline as well, not enough space here:












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684cb3  No.9885248


Maybe they are related. There are pictures of Bloomberg that look like he could be Eastwood's brother.

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e17d8c  No.9885249

File: 8b07c7782d2982c⋯.png (911.07 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust006.png)

File: 0df76650ed2fe7e⋯.png (842.46 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust005.png)

File: 449c8418f62774c⋯.png (985.61 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust004.png)

File: 1148d0276181b17⋯.png (914.96 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust003.png)

File: 2aec26d29c631d0⋯.png (962.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Wolf_Trust002.png)


Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.

The most malicious elements have been disposed.

The need for others to see for themselves, the horrors of the Democratic 'party', is awakening far more for Trumps 2020.

We already know.

Evil is being exposed for others to see~

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4293bf  No.9885252


Liars believe the lie and build on the lie.

They also have a plan. But they built their plan using a foundation of lies. Foundation built on lies will always crumble in a world created by "the Truth" and created to live by the rules of truth.

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886800  No.9885256


Dude died in 2016.

in Dec 1998, "Arnold Paul Prosperi, the Palm Beach attorney known as an avid fund-raiser for President Clinton, resigned in lieu of disciplinary proceedings, with leave to seek readmission to the Florida Bar after five years."

"The Florida Supreme Court recently disciplined 32 attorneys, 13 of them from South Florida, according to the Florida Bar."



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e17d8c  No.9885259


Remember how they fight:

Intimidation is Power. Power used against us. Social shame is the unwritten gag order

How to Hold a Cultural Revolution:

Step 1. Erase history

Step 2. Lie about history

Step 3. Lie becomes truth

This is Chinese warfare.

>The term "Four Old" first appeared on June 1, 1966, in Chen Boda's People's Daily editorial, "Sweep Away All Monsters and Demons", where the Old Things were described as anti-proletarian, "fostered by the exploiting classes, [and to] have poisoned the minds of the people for thousands of years"

>Calls to destroy the "Four Olds" usually did not appear in isolation, but were contrasted with the hope of building the "Four News" (new customs, new culture, new habits, new ideas).The idea that Chinese culture was responsible for China's economic backwardness and needed to be reformed

Sound familiar?

"New Normal"

"Systemic x, y, z."


This is Chinese warfare.

>A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture that was used by the Communist Party of China (CPC) at various times in the Mao era, particularly years immediately before and after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China and during the Cultural Revolution. The aim of a struggle session was to shape public opinion and humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.

>In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.

Sound familiar?

"Take a knee"

"Wear the mask"

"Name one thing"

"Confess your privilege"

This is Chinese warfare.

>As antifa militants have taken over six blocks of Seattle’s Capitol Hill district, calling it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or the “People’s Republic of Capitol Hill”

Sound familiar?

"People's Republic of China"

WAR Update

China is using #CHAZ / #PRCH as a symbolic foothold on American soil.

They had planned on fueling these zones and more like them with the symbolism of a White House on Fire, but that ploy was stopped hard by the FBI on June 6th.

For now, they're making due.

We, however, may flip their weakened script.

Focus on sanitary situations in #CHAZ / #PRCH. Just as China used the media to create visceral fear with 'toilet paper shortages' so too will there be fear of sanitation without major outside help.

Are they getting help?

Are they supplied?

How quickly will they run out?

Focus too on how they'll inevitably eat at each other when the manipulated spell of love has faded (It already started). Point out power vacuums creating war lords, shine Light on the damage to local businesses and families.

Highlight their fervent rejection of outside ideas, how fascist the anti-fascists really are.

Sunlght's the best disinfectant~

China has infiltrated America.

Imagine what goals they have as a deployed force on our boards.

How critical is the 'baking' position?

They use manipulated love to disarm our instincts - 'TYB' organic?

Information control is people control~

How to stop a cultural takeover: Q

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139a91  No.9885261

File: c42c5bd71f6bc7e⋯.png (723.2 KB, 461x583, 461:583, POTUS_g_20.PNG)

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2e4f29  No.9885262

File: f941a264e6e532e⋯.jpg (182.97 KB, 1362x766, 681:383, vatican_bank.jpg)

The Money-Laundering Vatican Bank Comes Clean


After multiple accusations of money laundering and major international pressure, the Institute for Works of Religion is cracking down on some of its sleazier clients.

Updated Jul. 12, 2017 3:47PM ET / Published May. 19, 2014 1:50PM ET

VATICAN CITY — In a small room on an upper floor of the Vatican’s only bank, dozens of auditors pore over accounts looking for potentially sinister activity. The bank, known as the IOR or Institute for Works of Religion, is, perhaps fittingly, housed in a medieval tower that once was used as a Vatican prison. It is undergoing a tedious reinvention of sorts, trying to clean up its act after decades of scandals. Rooting out clients who have used the bank’s lackadaisical standards is an essential step in its reincarnation as a trustworthy financial institution.

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b54eea  No.9885263

File: 765e09d7386cc4d⋯.jpg (118.48 KB, 620x848, 155:212, 0c1d411a1d26a6cd810011f4ad….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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941166  No.9885264


nice trips

playin games is not muh way but……………

guud for now

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e17d8c  No.9885266


Take care of yourself:


Our enemy is ramping up their manipulation on our board and they would like nothing better than to fracture your mind+soul with their flood of MKUltra subliminals and unconscious word associations. To keep you in the same state they keep abused children.

…So they can have the say. So their words carry more weight than yours. So they can organize you how they want. So their solutions outmatch ours…

They're sick.

Fucking sick.

They, like the lamestream media, will lie till their dying breath. They want you dead inside.

They want you licking shit so you'll accept programmability. Their programs of suicide.

See through it. See it as an attack against Our Future. The future they won't live to see~

Be aware the negative thoughts that make you feel empty are the attacks of others.

Once aware, you'll see how loved you are by God, for it's that Love the attackers want to ruin.

I've done my best to illuminate the ways in which our enemies invoke a sense of fear and keep one stuck in an abused and quiet mindset, afraid of being confident that you're fighting to save the world from their wretched control.

Afraid of reaching out to others and so abused that ones personalities are fracturing.

You've had nightmares they have seeded.

I know because I've had countless myself, and though I may be one focal point for their anger, their objective is each of (You).

You who 'dare' stand against their [wretched] will;

You who want to make this world a better place;

You who want our children to grow up in a beautiful world we can't yet fully imagine.

I write about their attacks, and how I think they're carried out, with the belief that once they are made conscious and understood you become immunized to the brunt of it.

I want you to understand that there are ways you can fight against them.

There are options to release the fear they put you in. There are incalculable reasons to feel hopeful.

More of us know each day.

>The pain of the One leads to the benefit of the many

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

God is with you in every breath you take.

You are posting on the most influential board in the world right now.

You need to remember you're worth Americas Military putting their lives on the line and dying to fight for you. For your children. For the future of our world.

So shake off their trauma, and I don't say shake lightly, it's how trauma is released from the body. Shake it off.

Pray. Banish. Pray. Especially before bed.

Release yourself from their control.

Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

Know well these fierce Heavenly forces are an invitation away

Exchange doubt with Faith; Aimless Anger with Focused Resolve.

>Tempt not the righteous man to draw his sword.

Pray God infuse us with resilience.

Pray God wash us clean.

Pray God shine Hope unto those strangled by darkness.

Pray before sleep.

>We are all bound by a feeling deep inside.

Our war is real. Here and now.

You are saving the world.

They are the poisoned stream of consciousness.

They are the projections they cast.

We are what they craft their attacks against~

Fight. For God and Country.Fight.


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52fd23  No.9885268


How can Kayne or Brock run if all the deadlines to register are passed? Are the going to try to challenge that? Are they just full of shit and the public is dumb to double check?


Bitcoin Foundation's Brock Pierce responds to controversy

from his hollywood days:


epstein connection too?:


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dadcd5  No.9885270


Thanks. This is the right one.

Last bread and this one both numbered 12651?

The other 2 are lower numbers- picked this one because of name.

Crazy 'round here! Kek.

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e17d8c  No.9885271


Q's providing us Top Cover

Remember, Patriots.

Don’t cave to them.

You are not alone.

You can make a profound difference.


When you are in Combat; far from the target; there is rarely a shot fired against you.

When you are (Air Force term ) “on the Run In, to the OA” (Objective Area) that is when you know you are in the right area… SAM shots, AAA gunfire…everything the Adversary has, comes at you. Not solely to destroy, but often, simply attempt to distract you off target.

Distraction can lead to mission failure, as much as Destruction.

But, you are a warrior, you have trained your whole life for this moment, and you are on the Run In.

You are on the Run In, and you have Top Cover. People, Prayers, Angels, the Earth itself is a witness to your Courage. You will not die 1000 deaths; you will taste of death but once. The Top Cover overhead are like F15 Strike Eagles. You can’t see them, can’t hear them at 45,000ft; but the Eagles are there, and they will “Cry ‘Havok’ and loose the Dogs of War;” not now, but at the right time. To defeat the adversary when their tools, at their disposal, are the most effective. Not on your desires, not on your timing; but on moment when they know their weapons are the most effective; to protect you. ‘For the weapons of our warfare are divinely powered, for the destruction of fortresses.’

The spines of thousands are being strengthened, by hearing of your fight.

You are NOT ALONE.

Where We Go 1 We Go All~


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fa213c  No.9885272


k. wurk'n/ lurk'n.

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7dde1c  No.9885273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10cd9e  No.9885274

File: 00c82c466b06135⋯.png (376.31 KB, 1080x1237, 1080:1237, 00c82c466b061359f4cab8dc41….png)

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3ecea7  No.9885276

File: 15758bdc49acb1f⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 9uniIsbBw8OkThrz.mp4)


BBC News (World)


"If you can't wear a mask and wash your hands and social distance, I've got no respect for you"

Hollywood actor Tom Hanks speaks out on his thoughts about preventing the spread of coronavirus


Hanx on Masks

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941166  No.9885278


got em in notables


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7dde1c  No.9885280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9cc892  No.9885281

File: ccda01c485b636c⋯.jpg (565.94 KB, 1920x1037, 1920:1037, President_Park.jpg)

File: 7e4e3fd62ac8ddd⋯.png (731.39 KB, 900x879, 300:293, President_Park_Now_070720.PNG)

>>9885019 (pb)

>>9885036 (pb)

Presidents Park was in Williamsburg, VA but closed in 2010. The guy tasked with crushing them didnt had the heart, so he stored them on his property.


>The statues are located on private property and cannot be visited without setting up a tour. There's no website to find more information, but when tours are available, the event is added to Facebook. Just search "Presidents Heads Walking Tour" to find the next available date or to see about setting up a private tour.


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ad8363  No.9885283

File: aa16d68962ce852⋯.png (165.84 KB, 1246x866, 623:433, ClipboardImage.png)

$150 million penalty on DB over Epstein transactions

I'm guessing Maxwell has been helping them unwind this.


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57877b  No.9885285


Agreed. There is only one Truth. That's why I adhere to the KISS principle. Simplicity is it's own armor IMHO.

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000000  No.9885286

How's muh criminal referrals coming?

None? Weird!

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d2e2d9  No.9885287

File: cb20fba5b63a004⋯.png (594.11 KB, 959x587, 959:587, Capture.PNG)


Billionaires, Mining, Mines, Tunnels……Oh my

KoBold Metals, a start-up backed by a coalition of billionaires led by Bill Gates, plans to scour for cobalt in Canada using advanced mapping technology and it’s targeting northern Quebec, just south of Glencore’s Raglan nickel mine.

The company, founded in 2018, has acquired rights to an area of about 1,000 square kilometres (386 sq. miles), where it plans to begin collecting geophysical data before the end of the year.

KoBold’s backers include big names such as Venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz and Breakthrough Energy Ventures. The latter is financed by well-known billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Ray Dalio, Michael Bloomberg, Richard Branson and Gates.


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139a91  No.9885288

File: 444fbf66e3034d2⋯.png (925.3 KB, 550x799, 550:799, brock_pierce.PNG)

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ee64c8  No.9885289

Why so many stale breads the past few days?

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0de684  No.9885290

File: 71dd8cad2bd9bba⋯.png (506.12 KB, 686x686, 1:1, shootin_blank.png)



what the hell everybody complain' about? why wont they just bake it themselves?

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411f9c  No.9885291


>"If you can't wear a mask and wash your hands and social distance, I've got no respect for you"

I wonder who it is that he believes gives a single shit if he has respect for them or not.

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39f519  No.9885292

On 8 July 2019, Q Team made 32 drops

Drop 3353 thru Drop 3384

Tomorrow is the 1 year Delta of 8 July 2019

Most of these drops were related to Epstein.

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556008  No.9885295

>>9885257 p

>STILL safer for your brain than TV, religion, processed food, wifi, etc…

one of these things is not like the others

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13cafe  No.9885296

What in the Fuck is all this bread Faggotry going on here? Fucking Baker union fall apart? Looks like bakers are getting ahead of themselves.


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941166  No.9885297




don't tell wnb


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2e4f29  No.9885298


>The Money-Laundering Vatican Bank Comes Clean

“To understand IOR, you have to look beyond the towers and castles,” Max Hohenberg, the bank’s spokesperson told The Daily Beast on a tour of the facilities. “You have to start with the concrete services the institute provides and understand that we have a unique set of clients.”

Indeed. The bank’s current president Ernst von Freyberg, a German analyst who was appointed to the job by Pope Benedict XVI in 2013 after the previous president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi was ousted in 2012, has no easy task ahead of him. Among the ongoing calamities playing out in the background as he works to reform the bank are two very serious criminal cases:

The bank’s former general director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli are facing trial for money laundering in the Italian judicial system. And Nunzio Scarano, a priest known as Monsignor 500 for his penchant for moving cash denominated in €500-euro bills (worth almost $700 each), is facing trial for allegedly using his Vatican bank account to launder some $26.2 million from Switzerland. Scarano was the director of accounting services for the Vatican’s treasury.

The bank acknowledges that it has some problems, but says they are anomalous. “We have no indication of systematic abuse,” Von Freyberg told The Daily Beast. “Over the past 12 months we have identified a few black sheep.”

On Monday the Vatican’s Financial Intelligence Authority or AIF, which was formed by Benedict in 2010 to help set up a regulatory system to combat money laundering within the bank, presented its first report on just how the bank is doing. The AIF was given an important endorsement in November 2013 when Pope Francis issued a motu proprio or decree in his own words that bolstered the reach of the AIF to include supervision and financial intelligence.

According to the initial findings outlined in the report, IOR has been steadily identifying many more suspect bank clients than ever before. In 2012, there were just six cases of suspicious activity by account holders reported to authorities; in 2013, there were 202 such cases.

According to René Brülhart, the oversight director of the AIF, pressure from international banks that the IOR does business with played an important role in the progress. “This increase is also due to international cooperation fostered by a series of bilateral agreements we have concluded,” he told reporters on Monday when he presented the report.


But despite the bank’s efforts to improve its best practices, not everyone is willing to do business with the IOR just yet. Among the most problematic entities that refuse to recognize the IOR as a trustworthy financial institution is the Bank of Italy, which reigns over dozens of Italian banks and many international banks with Italian branches. That means Italian account holders with IOR accounts, including countless Vatican employees who live in Rome and get paid into their Vatican bank accounts, cannot transfer funds to most banks outside the Vatican City State, which then forces them to transfer the money in cash, opening the door to tax evasion, corruption or money laundering.

In fact, the bank’s biggest problem has always been its reliance on cash. More than 25 percent of all its business is cash based, which can be explained away by the fact that more than half of its account holders are religious institutions that make their money from cash donations. But, according to Brühlart, the number of cash transactions exceeding €10,000 ($14,000) also has decreased steadily. IOR registered 1,557 declarations for outgoing cash in 2013, down by more than 200 from a year earlier and just 550 declarations for deposits of more then €10,000 in 2013, down by 48 from 2012. This, he says, is due to the introduction of new procedures and more prudent monitoring of activities.

Before 2010, the bank essentially turned a blind eye to large cash deposits and withdrawals, which cost them dearly. Major financial institutes, including JP Morgan, ceased doing business with the IOR in 2012 because of a lack of transparency.

Now, it operates more in accordance with international standards, including those set forth by the European Union’s Moneyval, which issued a damning report in 2012 (PDF) that led to the temporary suspension of credit card services at the Vatican’s museums and souvenir shops.

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0de684  No.9885299

File: bf34078eef07aa0⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 605x461, 605:461, planning.JPG)

Meme Campaign #3 in full force and looking for support






-o7 QR WR

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2fa93f  No.9885301


Now I KNOW I'm on the right track rejecting this mask bullshit. Thanks, Hanx!

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10cd9e  No.9885302

File: 2738a91902d0ac6⋯.jpg (100.31 KB, 640x693, 640:693, 2738a91902d0ac6cb816a877ff….jpg)


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3ecea7  No.9885303

File: 2346e9adfc3cb83⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 430x323, 430:323, 2346e9adfc3cb83bde9adc517a….gif)

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000000  No.9885304



>>9885203 Namefag Baker Lies about it being old news

>>9885211 Anon BTFO's Namefag Baker

>>9885232 Namefag Baker tries to Gaslight Anon

>>9885246 Anon tells gaslighting baker to fuck off

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a0c593  No.9885306


I hope Tommy reads this loud and clear:

I HAD respect for you for decades, but no more. You're nothing to me.

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0d1ccc  No.9885307

File: dae6bad19e4ec68⋯.jpg (351.67 KB, 1423x1085, 1423:1085, CAREFUL_who_you_trust.jpg)

File: 71dfbc67027cf4a⋯.png (408.26 KB, 535x586, 535:586, flu_shot.png)

File: cc2dc49aefedd08⋯.jpg (148.03 KB, 1200x516, 100:43, Fake_news_won_t_report.jpg)

File: c26a4956ddb293f⋯.png (329.63 KB, 594x390, 99:65, HANG_THIS_MAGGOT.png)

File: 605549ad80f8dab⋯.png (761.81 KB, 952x500, 238:125, MASS_MURDERER.png)

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1b9121  No.9885308

At this point it is up to POTUS, he can either take the helm or leave us to set our own course.


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56ee52  No.9885309

Hey Q, the holiday was 3 days ago … back to work. ;-)

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69b0fd  No.9885310


Kek. Sometimes a lot of good stuff comes out of those rogue dupe breads.

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ad8363  No.9885311

File: 7634604f68b42ed⋯.png (151.32 KB, 814x369, 814:369, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d6aec108271236⋯.png (206.2 KB, 634x381, 634:381, ClipboardImage.png)

The Butteryfly Trust

Pic related


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0de684  No.9885313

File: ee97b31800be26e⋯.png (258.51 KB, 425x740, 85:148, doggo.png)


dontcha think we just need to go ahead and make a jizzlane thread?

seriously, what you call notable, would be… in its own thread.

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6b3649  No.9885314


doc, this you?

you got prev bake from consonants baker?

who's got this bred?

notables page needs attn


guest acct in pastebin

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411f9c  No.9885315


>I HAD respect for you for decades, but no more. You're nothing to me.

He put on the dress years ago.

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10cd9e  No.9885317

File: 01498883eaf4fa0⋯.png (187.11 KB, 470x358, 235:179, 01498883eaf4fa0830cd2316c4….png)

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965439  No.9885319

File: 0cf87c518ff1a73⋯.png (680.08 KB, 1396x768, 349:192, bank.png)



Look. If any of you bastards had an essence of half truth. Then you would full well recognize full truth when it is spoken. Look no further than FBI Director Chris Wray's own words as they were spoken to the American Public this morning. You lazy, and retarded fucks, can flat out fuck off.

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000000  No.9885320


>Memory hole yourself Anons.


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000000  No.9885323


Very disconcerting. Seems a civil war is wanted by Q team. I know I'm about to pop off.

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2e4f29  No.9885324




>Indeed. The bank’s current president Ernst von Freyberg, a German analyst who was appointed to the job by Pope Benedict XVI in 2013 after the previous president Ettore Gotti Tedeschi was ousted in 2012, has no easy task ahead of him. Among the ongoing calamities playing out in the background as he works to reform the bank are two very serious criminal cases:

>The bank’s former general director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli are facing trial for money laundering in the Italian judicial system. And Nunzio Scarano, a priest known as Monsignor 500 for his penchant for moving cash denominated in €500-euro bills (worth almost $700 each), is facing trial for allegedly using his Vatican bank account to launder some $26.2 million from Switzerland. Scarano was the director of accounting services for the Vatican’s treasury


why Pope Benedict was replaced

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0a8245  No.9885326

File: 8e13cac9aa3be28⋯.png (742.55 KB, 689x424, 13:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Former UK lawmaker Eric Joyce pleads guilty to making ‘indecent image’ of children as young as 12 MONTHS

Eric Joyce, a former shadow minister for the UK Labour Party, has pleaded guilty to a making an indecent image of children. The disgraced politician was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register and now faces prison time.

The former MP appeared in court on Tuesday and admitted making an indecent photograph in the form of a 51-second video. The clip “depicts a number of children,” Judge Emma Peters revealed.

“Some are quite young, one is said to be 12 months old – clearly a Category A movie,” she said.

Category A is the most severe class of indecent imagery, and can include penetrative sex, sadism, and sex with animals. Producing such material is punishable with imprisonment. The court stressed that it “takes such incidents very seriously” since they “fuel the abuse of children.”

According to the judge, the video was made at some point between 2013 and 2018, and Joyce claims that “he accessed it via an email which he says was a spam email.”

“At the time he was drinking heavily and he has now undergone work with the Lucy Faithfull Foundation and a psychotherapist,” the judge added.

The case against Joyce has been running since late 2018, when he was charged under the Protection of Children Act. It's the latest scandal in the turbulent career of the former army major turned politician.

Joyce served as MP for Falkirk in Scotland from 2000 to 2015. For the first 12 years, he was with Labour, before switching to being an independent for his final three. During his time in parliament, Joyce was involved in several incidents, including a pub brawl with four fellow politicians in Westminster. He was also convicted of drunk driving and abusing airport workers on several occasions.


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342879  No.9885330


I'm not the baker nor a namefag, you idiot.

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29f09a  No.9885331

File: 65b49be7b0e3ac0⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 720x250, 72:25, Screenshot_20200707_125052….jpg)

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9b754b  No.9885334

File: 7bd56d2d5435ab6⋯.jpg (207.51 KB, 1291x949, 1291:949, 07_07_2020_19_50_57.jpg)

We Stand Together


Was Biden about to say the word "vibration"???



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0d1ccc  No.9885335

File: 16738814381a154⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1720x1066, 860:533, Exec_order.png)

File: 99d9bd32f715445⋯.jpg (101.98 KB, 680x382, 340:191, thunburg_full_of_schiff.jpg)

File: 30e3c5fb25f4622⋯.jpg (89.49 KB, 828x684, 23:19, MUZZLE_FAUCI.jpg)

File: 251c7db52871a83⋯.jpeg (21.24 KB, 297x222, 99:74, intidepressant_causes_sui….jpeg)

File: f3fe395a735342b⋯.jpg (127.89 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Trump_sizing_up_Fauci.jpg)

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000000  No.9885336


I believe you after you already lied >>9885203 and tried to gaslight Anon. >>9885232

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6b3649  No.9885337


what do you think is going on, anon?

if you are anon not shill

there is no bakers union

only lots and lots of shills

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3ea272  No.9885338

File: 104dd0b094b6006⋯.png (354.18 KB, 780x620, 39:31, 104dd0b094b600645f6494c603….png)

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0a8245  No.9885339

File: 7286a40b8653624⋯.png (129.76 KB, 577x474, 577:474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5afeb079f3c6aa7⋯.png (105.35 KB, 549x497, 549:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7996f6c5aab5c27⋯.png (101.26 KB, 578x545, 578:545, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de1e218f764afe6⋯.png (27.26 KB, 664x380, 166:95, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de1e218f764afe6⋯.png (27.26 KB, 664x380, 166:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Coronavirus Deaths in U.S. Continue to Plummet as Confirmed Cases Hit Record Levels

Coronavirus-linked deaths across the U.S. continued on a downward trend as of Monday afternoon, even after the country hit historic levels in the number of new confirmed cases late last week, a Breitbart News analysis of the seven-day average of fatalities showed.

Health experts have warned about the lag between infection identification and death that could take weeks or more, which means the fatalities could increase down the road. The current spike in the number of cases intensified almost three weeks ago around mid-June.

A moving average of cases and deaths reported each day provides a clearer picture of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) pandemic because the daily numbers tend to fluctuate.

As of Monday, the seven-day average of deaths in the United States continued to plunge, according to data maintained by the COVID-Tracking Project, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, USAFacts.org, Worldometer, and even the New York Times.

Last Sunday (July 5), the U.S. recorded a historically low single-day number of fatalities (over 200), below any other day since late March, data from the COVID-Tracking Project showed, echoing figures by Worldometer.

Daily death data maintained by the Times, which tends to include higher figures, showed that the fatalities on Sunday (258) are at the very least the second-lowest since late March after the figures on June 21 (257).

There is a patchwork of guidelines across the United States for reporting deaths, with some states and databases reporting “probable” coronavirus fatalities, while others do not.

Daily U.S. death estimates for Sunday ranged from 209 (COVID Tracking Project) to 258 (NYT), depending on the source. The discrepancy is why several health analysts rely on the moving averages.

The low number of new deaths in recent weeks compared to the spike in cases suggests that more people are contracting coronavirus without succumbing to it, a development that is pushing the overall mortality rate — both the infection (true) and confirmed case (crude) figures — down.

As the figures stand now, the steady increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases reported each day does not parallel the deaths recorded daily.

Last week, the United States reported historic-high number of daily cases, setting a single-day world record for the most confirmed infections, several news outlets reported, citing the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker.


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941166  No.9885340



There is a shill bread to fill already

shills make breads they can't fill

scream at bakers and make a mess in general

hard to stop, short circuit, all we can do is try and keep on keepin on

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1c5fd6  No.9885342

File: 6bd721ea0b825a4⋯.jpg (296.19 KB, 646x431, 646:431, spread04.jpg)

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139a91  No.9885344

File: dc4320f29a62d4c⋯.png (450.39 KB, 1346x572, 673:286, 92_9000_USAF_VIP_747_CASTL….PNG)

92-9000 USAF VIP 747 done over NJ and has picked up speed and heading back to JBA-on descent now

CASTL50 Delaware ANG C-130 Hercules on a nw heading from New Castle County Airport (there are two of these with identical call signs joined by 84-0208)

R50332 US Army Dash 8 on ground at Manassas, VA completing a wide berth out to Delaware coast and back

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0d1ccc  No.9885345

File: b35fe83e6c52315⋯.jpg (53.14 KB, 538x301, 538:301, Fauci_nazi.jpg)

File: 636c81f1bbf1ba5⋯.jpg (114.39 KB, 600x554, 300:277, Boomerang_joker.jpg)

File: 9047e77da35e0f5⋯.png (38.63 KB, 1152x676, 288:169, REAL_HEALTH_CURES.png)

File: 563b3c554eac911⋯.jpg (131.61 KB, 692x872, 173:218, HCQ_with_lib_tears.jpg)

File: 38cfb600bee767b⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 474x320, 237:160, WTF.jpg)

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0a8245  No.9885346

Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief

Conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro is stepping down as the editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, The Blaze reported Monday.

Shapiro founded the site in 2015. The decision to step down comes as the company nears its five-year anniversary. Shapiro will remain a co-owner of The Daily Wire, according to The Blaze. John Bickley, a writer and editor who has been with the website since the beginning, will be taking over as editor-in-chief, The Blaze reported, citing the Wire’s co-CEO Jeremy Boreing.

The political commentator will be stepping into a new role as editor emeritus and will not be responsible for the website’s editorial direction.

“John Bickley isn’t just a tremendous editor and writer, he’s a principled conservative and an honest human being,” Shapiro said in a statement to The Blaze. “I can’t think of anyone better to take over as EIC, and I look forward to seeing the new, exciting editorial direction of the site.”

Bickley has been performing many of the editor-in-chief duties over the past two years and this move formalizes his role, according to Boreing.

The Wire’s new editor-in-chief has used the pseudonym “James Barrett” during his time at the website, according to The Blaze.


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669428  No.9885347

File: b1f6c36485b3c44⋯.png (34.54 KB, 152x409, 152:409, ClipboardImage.png)


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1ca866  No.9885349

Something big must be getting ready to happen, FF at a military base and JIDF splitting the breads with a bunch of 1 post wonders making a consensus..

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26a097  No.9885350


"seems a civil war is wanted by Q team"

why not

everyone else is trying to start one

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139a91  No.9885351


didn't see nuffin

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fa213c  No.9885352

File: 9b9d19addf5f05e⋯.jpg (12.1 KB, 255x158, 255:158, d91717bdbd8a48c846dc364e1f….jpg)

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fa213c  No.9885354

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411f9c  No.9885355


>Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief

Was he not anti Trump?

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9aaafd  No.9885357

File: 61aa4a7cf99be57⋯.png (1.99 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, Donald_Trump_on_4chan_proo….png)


Choo Choo, mother fuckers.

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000000  No.9885358





>>9884407 Namefags own website proves Namefags treat Anons like pets, also proves all of /comms/ has no fucking idea what Anon is.









>>9885203 Baker Lies about it being old news

>>9885211 Anon BTFO's Namefag Baker

>>9885232 Namefag Baker tries to Gaslight Anon

>>9885246 Anon tells gaslighting baker to fuck off

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941166  No.9885359


Mo cheese with your whine plz, make a thread and fill it, STFU and Bake your own board, geez

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0a8245  No.9885360

Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) effectively erased biological facts in its latest “Transgender Safer Sex” guide, redefining basic body parts and assigning “vagina” as a term used to describe the genitals of biological males who “have had bottom surgery.”

The HRC, in a “safer sex guide for transgender and gender expansive people,” redefined basic biological body parts under the guise of inclusivity, effectively stripping females of their own biology and assigning it to biological males.

The group’s blunt guide provided a list of words and provided its own definitions — definitions that do not coincide with biological fact. For instance, HRC defined “vagina” as a word used to “talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery.” Yet, the HRC refused to use the same term for biological women, assigning them the term “front hole.” Similarly, HRC also redefined male genitalia, proclaiming that it could “belong to people of all genders.”

Definitions, per the guide, are as follows:

DICK: We use this word to describe external genitals. Dicks come in all shapes and sizes and can belong to people of all genders.

FRONT HOLE: We use this word to talk about internal genitals, sometimes referred to as a vagina. A front hole may self-lubricate, depending on age and hormones.

STRAPLESS: We use this word to describe the genitals of trans women who have not had genital reconstruction (or “bottom surgery”), sometimes referred to as a penis.

VAGINA: We use this word to talk about the genitals of trans women who have had bottom surgery

HRC’s definitions come as critics warn the transgender movement is moving to erase the reality of biological females, as was recently seen with the Merriam-Webster dictionary updating its definition of trans woman to “a woman who was identified as male at birth” and the widespread push to allow biological males to compete in female sports.

HRC has played a significant role in the 2020 election cycle, hosting a town hall event alongside CNN last year. It formally endorsed Joe Biden for president in May, describing him as the “the leader our community and our country need at this moment.”

“Far too many LGBTQ people, and particularly those who are most vulnerable, face discrimination, intimidation, and violence simply because of who they are and who they love. But rather than have our backs, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have spent the last three and a half years rolling back and rescinding protections for LGBTQ people,” HRC President Alphonso David said in a statement.

“Joe Biden will be a president who stands up for all of us,” David added. “HRC and our more than three million members and supporters will work day and night to ensure he is the next President of the United States.”


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09608d  No.9885362


OP BAKERWill allow you to bake this bread. I'll be back in a bit to get the next one or one after. Just don't cry. I love you guys.

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dcd6e7  No.9885363


ya two #12649 AND two #12651s…

strange happenings with yeast

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9fed1e  No.9885364

File: aae400fafcfcae5⋯.png (22.95 KB, 600x236, 150:59, KayneBootyAssBitch.png)

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a0c593  No.9885365


Does that mean even essential workers get to stay home for a day?

Askin' fer a fren…

Ever notice how no one in the Hood ever wins Publisher's Clearing House?

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0d1ccc  No.9885366

File: 4680cc0bdec2f86⋯.jpg (86.86 KB, 680x382, 340:191, HOW_DARE_YOU_THINK.jpg)

File: 307da6da894966c⋯.jpg (102.77 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Fauci_swamp.jpg)

File: 9e95fa1a733b879⋯.jpg (209.74 KB, 1232x720, 77:45, MORE_MONEY_PLEASE_OR_I_LL_….jpg)

File: e8eb2f8d8b2cfa2⋯.jpg (93.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, SLAUGHTERED_PARENTS.jpg)

File: dd5d564ef623967⋯.png (384.74 KB, 604x405, 604:405, SOUL_LESS_GOULS.png)

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000000  No.9885367


I'm in. Only problem is we can't/won't organize as well as the commies.Need a big voice. Must be peaceful (unless provoked) but we need to run on Washington.

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5387d2  No.9885368

>>9885242 pb

"…in April it [ivermectin] was identified as one of the best antivirals, too. By a research group in Melbourne."

gotta link to the original peer review journal article? i need to check it out and verify funding (hidden agenda) and scholarly rigor.

thx anon.

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69b0fd  No.9885369

great, give the money to the never-worked-a-day-in-their-lives protesters.

Second Stimulus Check Income Eligibility May Be Capped At $40,000

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell changed his tune and said that a second stimulus check “could well be” part of the next coronavirus relief bill. Equally telling was his follow-up remark: “I think the people who have been hit the hardest are people who make about $40,000 a year or less,” he said.



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0a8245  No.9885370

Michigan Gov. Whitmer on Reopening: ‘I’m Not Going to Be Bullied into Moving Before It’s Safe’

After dialing back reopening right before the July 4 holiday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) affirmed Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day” that she will not be “bullied” into reopening her state too quickly amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Whitmer said the state is going to continue to monitor the numbers, as Michigan has seen an uptick in cases in recent weeks during its phased-in reopening of the economy, but she stressed the state would not move to reopen “before it’s safe.”

“We, you know, have a phased-in re-engagement of our economy, and I had hoped to take the rest of the state to Phase 5, but we dialed it back right before the Fourth of July because we see these numbers increasing,” Whitmer advised. “So, not having bars that are serving indoors, that’s one thing. But, you know, we’re going to continue to monitor the numbers. If they keep moving up, we’re going to dial back if we have to. And that’s the last thing any of us wants. I’ve got to tell you, I want to re-engage this economy more than anyone, but I’m not going to do it if it is too risky to do so. And that’s why we’re seeing focus on the epidemiology. I’m not going to be bullied into moving before it’s safe. And if we have to move back, we’re going to.”


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66e74d  No.9885372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the keks.

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26c468  No.9885373


1) please elaborate, apparently missed wray talking this morning

2) where the photo from? context? looks like an investigation with notes written on it.

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13cafe  No.9885374


I'm no shill. This 4 bread shit is fucked. (Sarcasm not strong with you I see) so the question again is what fuck is going in and why the hell there are 4 breads rolling. Shills taking over the bread now? Fuckers cant communicate? Board use to be strong now, it's getting weak as fuck. Dont let the shills steal the bread faggots.

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bdc896  No.9885375

File: 057fc26f26ba879⋯.png (289.85 KB, 1024x552, 128:69, gledg.png)

File: 40d88481e747158⋯.png (456.64 KB, 1024x551, 1024:551, gledg1.png)

File: f747614fdc7ffd9⋯.png (386.42 KB, 1022x550, 511:275, gledg2.png)

File: 3b1d6605267069d⋯.png (595.98 KB, 1024x550, 512:275, jos_vince2.png)

File: 0aa0a3dba086db2⋯.png (323.27 KB, 582x479, 582:479, POTUSclownc.png)

Going to keep fighting this War because fake ENTERTAINMENT is half our battle!

While many conservatives (including Anons) are celebratory when FauxChat is, FINALLY, forced to mention something which NEWS outlets were reporting/saying weeks/months… ago, it's the addiction to being ENTERTAINED that is keeping REAL NEWS (NO DEMAND FOR it) suppressed.

Don't know about Newsmax, but OANN has only two hours of Commentators' programming. The rest is pure NEWS Reporting. They don't need EMOTIONAL theatre, goofy facial optics and/or ridiculous "dialogue" to RILE viewers up!

POTUS has to cite Faux for whatever reasons, but WE don't!

If OANN had a bigger budget (NOT CONTROLLED), perhaps their videos might be posted more efficiently?

Graham Ledger is on at same time as that clown. Let's see how much anons love the clown when his "feelings" change… tomorrow, next week…?

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dcd6e7  No.9885376

File: f8d5fb563591ab5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 600x315, 40:21, yourTearsSayMoreThanRealEv….jpg)

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0d1ccc  No.9885377

File: 9ff6a86d4a8d933⋯.jpg (285.48 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, revenge_cat_is_coming.jpg)

File: ed339f247b4cdd7⋯.png (394.36 KB, 560x660, 28:33, Delution_vrs_reality.png)

File: 2469697465a9bd1⋯.jpg (69.28 KB, 720x313, 720:313, KILL_THE_ROYALS.jpg)

File: 80ed646c7e0b470⋯.jpg (114.57 KB, 720x467, 720:467, OLD_WAYS_WORKED_WELL.jpg)

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fa213c  No.9885378


your just pissed because you been taking a bunch of chick pills. now you got little tits and shriveled up pecker. i'd be pissed too, but at myself, not everyone else. leave the bakers alone and go hang out at huffpo or salon.


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f3cb47  No.9885379


Remember how Q chose to use the word, dig instead of saying "research" or "investigate"? There is a reason why Q told researchers who were trying to become the new investigative journalists todig!.

The Cabal's wealth is often based on controlling mineral resources including hiding the existence of mineral reserves in order to cause prices to rise, much, much higher than they should be, and also, secret mining of minerals so they can be sold in secret transactions to Cabal businesses at lower than market prices.


The bottom line is that this Transnational FInancial Criminal Conspiracy Network has been guilty of crimes whose scale is astounding. So massive that the impact of all the pedophilia, human sacrifice, and wetworks is a drop in the bucket compared to the human misery and death caused by their financial crimes. This is the elephant in the room. When people learn about the organized pedophile sex trafficking blackmail network; that is just the beginning.

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3dc14d  No.9885380


I wonder what organization owns his likeness? MGM? Sony?

All these "stars" have millions of pictures on file with their management companies that own their likeness. There's absolutely no way of knowing if this is a real person or not and it's not even illegal for them to create messages with their image stating any point they desire.

I would assume contracts at that scale are negotiable for renewal every 3 years or with some spanning much longer.

In other words, we will continue to see these asshole say ridiculous bullshit for years to come.

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33998a  No.9885381

File: f56e92aad8981c2⋯.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 91F3783A_00CB_4648_8FDC_62….png)

Saw this drop in a thread on Half Chan earlier today.

Whistleblower: New Epstein Tapes Show Top Supreme Court Justice Being Blackmailed


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e55707  No.9885382

Kinda funny how we get so much, "attention," when we are just a larp. KEK.

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6b3649  No.9885383


you can fuck right off to hell TOR shill

don't even have the balls to post with uid

want to create confusion

that's why shills hate "name fagging"

bc it clarifies exactly who is responsible for what

makes it harder to attack the kitchen, doesn't it?

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8d60c2  No.9885384


Maybe he's going back to Israel to get ahead of what's coming to all mossad assets.

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342879  No.9885385


What did I lie about?

1: I don't bake.

2: Fucktard's own post contained a Q post from a year ago.

3: We've been digging on JE et al for much longer than that.

4: KYS.

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a9f8d1  No.9885386

File: 59bec02da743799⋯.png (135.28 KB, 720x538, 360:269, Cupace20200707135557.png)

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ad8363  No.9885387

File: e8b11e704205bdc⋯.png (327.68 KB, 744x789, 248:263, ClipboardImage.png)


$628 billion in laundering

The $150 million fine is nothing.

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672596  No.9885388


yes they used 4chan as a source

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8697a7  No.9885390

File: 980bd7a0662bab6⋯.jpeg (171.29 KB, 1242x1540, 621:770, uBy84tGW.jpeg)

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1c5f16  No.9885391


>How is it possible select [D] governors thought it was 'safe' to push COVID-19 positive elderly patients back into nursing homes [hot zones]?

Yes. Who instructed them to do this? Or did all of these Governors come up with the same, deadly scheme all on their own, at the same time? Hmm…

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0a8245  No.9885392

File: 11b694ffc2d61a5⋯.png (100.48 KB, 563x756, 563:756, ClipboardImage.png)

Model Yolanda Hadid Denies Ghislaine Maxwell Hid Out At Her Home

Model Yolanda Hadid has denied any association with Ghislaine Maxwell following Maxwell’s arrest.

Hadid responded to author Hank van Ess on Twitter Saturday after he accused her of housing Maxwell while the FBI was actively looking for her. Hadid claimed van Ess had never reached out to her regarding the accusations he shared on Twitter.

“I do not know or have ever associated with Ghislane- the first time I have heard about her or any of this was watching the documentary, like the rest of the world, on Netflix — which became an in depth dinner conversation with my family in which we all discussed how it’s possible that this woman was not already in jail ..?!” Hadid tweeted in part.

“I have been strictly quarantined with my family, as my daughter is pregnant and is at high risk for catching the virus, and just learned in the past couple days, via the press- like everyone else, that GM was arrested in New Hampshire, which is multiple states away from where I live,” she added.

“So, I’m not sure how I have been brought into this narrative of yours, but I take these false claims very seriously,” she continued. “Please stop involving me. What that lady did is disturbing and she deserves to be in jail for a long time.”

As previously reported, Maxwell was arrested in New Hampshire on July 2. Maxwell has been accused of grooming underage girls for sexual relationships with the late billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.


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69b0fd  No.9885394

FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China

Most Americans have likely had their information stolen already, Wray says

“Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently under way across the country, almost half are related to China,” Wray said. “And at this very moment, China is working to compromise American health care organizations, pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions conducting essential COVID-19 research.”

In fact, Wray said that most Americans have already been affected.


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8e506a  No.9885396

File: 930b6f63e370d50⋯.png (147.92 KB, 780x439, 780:439, fronthole.png)

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3ecea7  No.9885397

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554a7c  No.9885399


she shouldnt be bullied



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0d1ccc  No.9885400

File: 81c5c3fe76c9bb3⋯.png (823.33 KB, 660x639, 220:213, 20_YEARS_MOLESTING.png)

File: 79ce1ee7d271504⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1712x1046, 856:523, Jeffrey_Epstein_Little_Sai….png)

File: 060a9d149697d46⋯.jpg (79.33 KB, 634x810, 317:405, FUCKED_UP_ALLIANCE.jpg)

File: f3ea3208af5f290⋯.jpg (79.21 KB, 631x318, 631:318, Trump_caging_animals.jpg)

File: f4e3c1a33dadba3⋯.png (324.88 KB, 420x632, 105:158, TRUTH_PISSES_YOU_OFF.png)

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3dc14d  No.9885401


/pol/ is never wrong

you'll learn

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abcebb  No.9885402

File: 0229cfac740e633⋯.png (90.55 KB, 576x240, 12:5, conisnt.png)

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cb2731  No.9885403


It's a scamdemic. Don't wear masks and don't socially distance. Washing your hands is always good, though.

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000000  No.9885405


>Don't use Tor and be Anonymous on an Anonymous image board

Bakers Union logic at it's finest.


>Let me make these irrelevant points to distract from the fact I straight up lied to Anon about a 45 minute old article on Ghislaine and Jeffreys preference for young girls with braces

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139a91  No.9885406


a mere parking ticket

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342879  No.9885407


That NOOSE tho…

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4c4f02  No.9885408

File: 5b676559f7ac431⋯.png (382.2 KB, 1024x1308, 256:327, Screenshot_20200707_125847.png)

File: 73345d01d122191⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, a_trove_of_nazi_artifacts….jpeg)

File: 5c7ca1674490c9b⋯.png (902.73 KB, 960x681, 320:227, 4.png)


If racism was thought of as a mental disorder, would it help the efforts to make the world a less racist place, or make them harder?

https://t.co/Abz7iilRch https://t.co/qqPQ6zDy8k


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bac40b  No.9885411

File: fe78f6ed34e9a33⋯.png (110.26 KB, 589x607, 589:607, ClipboardImage.png)

hi anons…can someone make an MP4 of this?



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69b0fd  No.9885412

Officials Delayed Ghislaine’s Arrest For 24 Years, Now Moves Prisons, Refuse To Say How They’re Protecting Her

July 7, 2020 By Tristan Justice

Federal authorities are offering scarce details when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell following her New Hampshire arrest last week on charges related to Epstein’s extensive sex trafficking scheme.

Maxwell, 58, was indicted by a grand jury last week on charges of conspiring to entice minors to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors for illegal sex acts, transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts, and perjury, 24 years after allegations had been made of similar crimes.

On Monday, Maxwell was transferred to a federal facility in Brooklyn to be tried in the Southern District of New York exactly a year after Epstein was arrested on charges of operating a comprehensive sex trafficking operation that included underage girls. Government officials at the FBI and New York City Police Department (NYPD) however were reportedly told of Maxwell and Epstein’s alleged crimes by accuser Maria Farmer in 1996 according to an interview with the New York Times. The Times wrote that the FBI had not acknowledged the contact while the NYPD refused the Daily Caller’s repeated requests for comment.

While Epstein apparently killed himself in a Manhattan prison, federal officials are offering no details on what safey precautions are being implemented to keep Maxwell from succumbing to the same fate.

The FBI has denied the Daily Caller’s repeated requests for details and has not immediately responded to Federalist inquiries either. The Federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed to The Federalist that Maxwell is being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn but declined to further comment. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York also declined the Daily Caller’s request for comment and did not provide an immediate response to The Federalist.


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0a8245  No.9885413

Police Investigation into Slave Labour in Coronavirus Hotspot Leicester

The National Crime Agency (NCA) is investigating concerns of human trafficking and slavery in Britain’s new coronavirus hotspot of Leicester, after claims that sweatshops paying less than half the minimum wage remained open during the lockdown in the multicultural city.

Leicester was the first region to go back into lockdown last week while the rest of the country opened up after reports of nearly 1,000 new COVID-19 cases in the city of 330,000. Local councillor Ratilal Govind in part blamed what he called a “language barrier” in immigrant communities for the misunderstanding of lockdown rules contributing to the rise, claiming that the government failed to produce enough literature on the outbreak in foreign languages.

“I have seen young people getting together, having a few drinks and conversation. They are just social gatherings. With these young people, there is a language barrier. They are speaking their own language, and I tell them to disperse in Gujarati. There is a lack of communication made worse by the language barriers,” Councillor Govind had said.

However, Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire Andrew Bridgen said another factor could have been that factories producing garments were reportedly staying open all throughout the lockdown, despite the government ordering non-essential businesses to close.

The issue of Leicester’s garment industries came to a head this weekend, with The Sunday Times revealed that not only were garment workers working during the lockdown, but they reportedly did so with little or no social distancing or personal protective equipment, and were paid as little as £3.50 an hour (the national minimum wage for adults over 25 is £8.72 an hour).

Home Secretary Priti Patel asked the NCA to investigate. Britain’s version of the FBI had visited several factories in the area, saying in a statement: “Within the last few days NCA officers, along with Leicestershire Police and other partner agencies, attended a number of business premises in the Leicester area to assess concerns of modern slavery and human trafficking.”

‘Language Barrier’ Partially Blamed for Coronavirus Surge in UK City Forced Back into Lockdown https://t.co/srFBgfoCy1

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 1, 2020

Since April, politicians on both sides of the aisle, at local and national level, have been warning about “shuttered premises” continuing to be open during the height of the pandemic.

The Guardian reported last week that the virus appeared to have localised in some factories and workshops, some which the newspaper said may never have closed.

When Leicester went back into lockdown, Andrew Bridgen told Radio 5 Live that garment factories remained open when they should have closed. He said: “You have got a very large garment industry which should have locked down which my sources are telling me have worked for internet retailers who have been very busy during the lockdown and they have carried on working as well.”

However, Mr Bridgen MP has been warning since at least January about the conditions that garment workers are facing in Leicester. Calling working conditions “Leicester’s dirty secret”, the Tory MP told The Guardian in January: “These illegal businesses are not only keeping their workers in miserable conditions, they’re also undermining the marketplace for legitimate businesses to make a living in a very difficult market. I’ve seen the buildings where these workers are and it is shocking: the buildings are condemned – if there was a fire there then hundreds would die, and this is Britain in 2020. It’s a national shame.”

Police Investigate Human Trafficking, Slavery of Romanian Fruit Pickers https://t.co/CvinE7DHKf

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 29, 2020


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6edb5f  No.9885414


Anons hit on some digs and trigger the Baker's Union?

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342879  No.9885415


Says the homo making irrelevant posts.

You KYS too.

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3ecea7  No.9885416


>I wonder what organization owns his likeness?

Good question. digital actors are a real possibility now.

Thing is, though, that there's only value in an actor if they resonate with the people. If Q releases shit like we expect, their respective values will plummet,making their digital actors no longer worth the time.

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1ca866  No.9885417


no, its because when you do this it is obvious you are dual boxing to agree with yourself.

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941166  No.9885418


dis gy?

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554a7c  No.9885419


nancy nancy it wus nancy p00p00 losie

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965439  No.9885420

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139a91  No.9885421

File: 1f4cfd608c1b519⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 640x480, 4:3, moldy_bread_1.jpg)

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556008  No.9885422

kek moar new info from WHO finds WE'RE ALL GONNY DIE AND IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT.

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0a8245  No.9885424

File: 284ef5337280028⋯.png (989.12 KB, 802x450, 401:225, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1dbb862fea80dce⋯.png (55.26 KB, 838x402, 419:201, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Price on your heads’: Aide to Venezuelan ‘president’ Guaido threatens journalists with FBI investigation over ‘Twitter hack’

Nothing says you represent an internationally recognized government like telling people who mock you on Twitter that the FBI is after them and that there is a “price” on their heads. Just ask Juan Guaido’s ‘ambassador’ to the UK.

Last Friday, the personal account of Vanessa Neumann, the Venezuelan businesswoman who serves as the representative of self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido in Britain, posted a call for the death of the democratically elected Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Juan Guaido's UK representative @vanessaneumann just openly called for the death of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and hastily deleted it. pic.twitter.com/iQIv2wuQMe

— John McEvoy (@jmcevoy_2) July 3, 2020

The now-deleted post in Spanish is obviously hardly befitting an envoy. The Guaido team says it was the result of a hacking attack, but it provided fresh fodder to those who are skeptical about the man and his bid to represent the people of Venezuela. Among such people were journalists John McEvoy, Camila Escalante and Pablo Navarrete, who called her out or didn’t quite buy the hacking excuse.

Neumann hit back at her critics on Sunday. Using the Twitter account belonging to her consultancy firm Asymmetrica, she claimed the journalists were in the crosshairs of the FBI and that there was a price on their heads.

We have highlighted to @FBIWFO@FBI that @camilateleSUR@pablonav1 and @jmcevoy_2 are part of the criminal conspiracy against @vanessaneumann, supporting @drodriven2. Thank you for the evidence. Welcome to the rule of law, guys. pic.twitter.com/ll9kNT6SJA

— Asymmetrica (@Asymmetrica_) July 5, 2020

When you’re a part of an indicted transnational criminal network with a price on your head @venanalysis and @jmcevoy_2. Thanks for helping us nail you with the @FBIWFO@FBIhttps://t.co/SblYavte1w

— Asymmetrica (@Asymmetrica_) July 5, 2020

This may seem like an overreaction by a thin-skinned member of a failed regime-change operation, but Neumann has an explanation for why the FBI should go after people who mock her online.

The journalists are members of a “transnational criminal network” – the Maduro “regime” – responsible for the hack, according to Neumann. And being part of this conspiracy makes them accountable for its crimes.

The US indicted Maduro and his allies on “narco-terrorism” charges in March and offered multi-million bounties for their capture.


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6dbf12  No.9885425


That's all we need. People being institutionalized for WrongThink.

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052894  No.9885426

File: e91a7956c414cb7⋯.mp4 (195.17 KB, 592x1280, 37:80, underwear.mp4)

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287e72  No.9885427



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0a8245  No.9885431

File: 37d5598e357a8b0⋯.png (36.17 KB, 672x479, 672:479, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Black Lives Matter’ Audit of Statues and Street Names, Announces UK Region

The leader of the Welsh government has announced an “urgent audit” of statues, street names, and building names “to address Wales’s connections with the slave trade”. The move was inspired by weeks of protest by the Marxist Black Lives Matter campaign which saw statues toppled and graffitied.

Heading the press release published on Monday “Black Lives Matter”, First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford said that the review will “span the length and breadth of the country”.

The review will be led by Gaynor Legall, “a powerful advocate for ethnic minority women across Wales”, who will select her team from those with knowledge of the slave trade, the British empire, and the “history of black communities in Wales”.

Mr Drakeford, the leader of the Labour Party in Wales, said that the Black Lives Matter movement had forced the country to reconsider the names of buildings and monuments to historical figures who may have been connected to the slave trade, which the left-wing politician said were “not fully challenged and that we should challenge now”.

“We can reflect a Wales that rightfully celebrates our diverse communities,” Drakeford said of the Celtic nation on the west of Great Britain which is 95 per cent white.

He added that a group of “young people and communities” will be consulted about the audit before the regional parliament decides what to do about the monuments and street and building names.

Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of LGBTQ+ and Minority Figures https://t.co/XgjsXs8XG2

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 9, 2020

Mr Drakesford appears to have followed in the footsteps of his national party colleague Sadiq Khan, Labour’s mayor of London, who announced a review of all the landmarks last month. Mr Khan has tasked the Orwellian-named Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to review all landmarks, suggesting that he would replace them with monuments to sexual and ethnic minorities to “try to have a city that better reflects London and the values we have”.

The moves come after the importation of the far-left Black Lives Matter movement to the United Kingdom. In recent weeks, the statue to the wartime prime minister Winston Churchill who fought fascism was graffitied with the word “racist”. Rioters also violently removed the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol, who while a philanthropist in his own time also had ties to the slave trade.

Iconoclasts have also attacked statues of figures who had no possible historical connection to slavery or alleged racism. A moment to Queen Victoria was graffitied with BLM slogans, including “slave owner”, despite ascending to the throne in 1837, after the Slave Trade Act 1807 which prohibited slave trade in the British Empire and the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833.

Delingpole: Black Lives Matter – the Backlash Begins… https://t.co/IccwcgWYPn

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 3, 2020

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage was widely criticised by the establishment in early June when he branded Black Lives Matter UK “a new form of the Taliban” for its lust to destroy cultural vestiges of the past and called it a “dangerous, Marxist organisation, hell-bent on anarchy”.


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792830  No.9885432

File: 24ed276fd0ac961⋯.png (26.32 KB, 491x546, 491:546, ClipboardImage.png)

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985c83  No.9885433


OSHA does NOT recommend masks for workers in retail stores on their COVID-19 prevention page.

But yes, trust Hanx and the people that want school kids in masks (with it known that cloth or paper masks do not prevent COVID-19).

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8e506a  No.9885434

File: c28c43df1cf4a6b⋯.png (262.42 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, clones.png)


Looks a lot like HUSSEIN, don't you think?

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342879  No.9885435


For future reference:


>Tweet Tools


>* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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0d1ccc  No.9885436


Mental illness…wtf…. being stupid is not a mental illness…. and thankfully, easily cured by facts.

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ad8363  No.9885437

File: f072f53deb86e5c⋯.png (138.56 KB, 660x720, 11:12, ClipboardImage.png)


Link to Prevezon.


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b54eea  No.9885438

File: b829f9726a33d58⋯.jpeg (109.57 KB, 1020x816, 5:4, 1593730609.jpeg)

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cc1209  No.9885439


>“I have been strictly quarantined with my family, as my daughter is pregnant

Which daughter is pregnant?

The blonde whore or the dark haired slut?

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941166  No.9885441


I didn't nik it

really I didn't

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342879  No.9885442

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f3cb47  No.9885443


Pubmed is the best search engine for medical research info.


Google Scholar is reasonably good too.


A serious researcher needs to know how to use a dozen or so search engines, and keep a list of many more for occasional use.

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fd02a2  No.9885444

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95d046  No.9885445

File: 914c99aced2ad9a⋯.png (126.82 KB, 400x200, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

boys, can we please discuss the clone thing?

DirectorAnon [apparently] knew shit and dropped knowledge. For example on LD… RedShoe club, Hollywood, appeared legitimate.

What the hell is he talking about regarding the clone thing and why would someone make that up? Perhaps truth is stranger than fiction.

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554a7c  No.9885446


SHE'S lying like a nigger dead ringer

a >>What that lady did … denotes fiendship

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73ed83  No.9885447

File: a7ab37401dd1e3e⋯.jpg (248.11 KB, 1050x2011, 1050:2011, 20200706_182819.jpg)

File: f5f2b809a1959e2⋯.jpg (295.09 KB, 1080x1852, 270:463, 20200707_013514.jpg)

Quarter ++

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792830  No.9885449

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fa213c  No.9885451

File: ad9ed6e562d6cce⋯.png (78.91 KB, 213x163, 213:163, gk3.png)

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52fd23  No.9885452

While I certainly am not pro suicide, I do look to it as an indicator. I am not seeing that many suicides amongst the cabal.

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bac40b  No.9885453

File: 37b2ece65e7c809⋯.png (671.82 KB, 467x587, 467:587, ClipboardImage.png)


right on. thanks!

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1ca866  No.9885454


no, its because when you do this it is obvious you are dual boxing to agree with yourself.

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57e3e8  No.9885455

File: 8eab45a87257c20⋯.jpeg (21.32 KB, 276x182, 138:91, 93D36973_25B0_4A4E_B34C_D….jpeg)

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

The Mockingbirds are in full panic mode.


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000000  No.9885458


>Ignore all the transgressions against you and your mission Anons


They are in full time damage control because the shit they've been here the whole time to gatekeep is coming up soon.


>Will you please stop pointing our shit out and just take it up the ass Anon?


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1ca866  No.9885459

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9b51d3  No.9885460



chYna in YUGE trouble

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941166  No.9885461


anons, does this check out, not muh forte

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9c53aa  No.9885462

File: e48d1ac7284c3a0⋯.jpg (16.14 KB, 255x254, 255:254, Pepe_Battle_of_Bread_Lag_G….jpg)

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7170b5  No.9885464


I wonder if Dersh has a mangina or egg shaped penis?

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70bfbf  No.9885465

File: 00896a853de27d0⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_714.jpg)

File: 5d9e4ba10e37ca0⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 940x1253, 940:1253, IMG_715.jpg)

File: f8a3b641f079d78⋯.jpg (542.45 KB, 662x875, 662:875, IMG_716.jpg)

You Imagine Gods Love Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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340475  No.9885466

File: 58d7b10b6bed595⋯.png (237.02 KB, 873x285, 291:95, Screenshot_2020_07_07_at_1….png)

Slamming HCQ and non mask wearers in one story


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6e4428  No.9885467

File: 255277f7063000b⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 255x244, 255:244, pepe_gun.jpg)

Lurker checking in, holy fuck whats up with the multiple breads right now, shills trying to divide so anons are weaker because of multiple general breads, instead of one single general bread going at a time?

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8df069  No.9885468

File: d279af8e013784c⋯.png (110.16 KB, 539x350, 77:50, social.png)

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29f09a  No.9885469


Is it ChYNA?

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0a8245  No.9885470

File: e718371f53f9771⋯.png (713.51 KB, 770x863, 770:863, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90dd6e5afdfdb81⋯.png (876.9 KB, 791x765, 791:765, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dde574a1b4c39fa⋯.png (570.15 KB, 778x867, 778:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: da33c1c32ded79c⋯.png (718.28 KB, 799x623, 799:623, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bed768e3b099e29⋯.png (40.54 KB, 775x524, 775:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Billionaire-backed members club Soho House received up to $22 MILLION in government bail-out loans after six different branches all asked for cash

Global private membership club Soho House, which is valued at $2 billion, received as much as $22 million in six different loans intended for small businesses as part of the Trump

Administration’s coronavirus bailout program, new records show.

Sanctioned under the Payment Protection Program (PPP), the loans went to six of the company’s US locations, situated in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and New York, for between $350,000 and $10 million each.

The loans came as part of a rush to inject billions into the economy as the coronavirus pandemic hit.

PPP funding was intended to help small and medium-sized businesses weather the economic storm posed by subsequent lockdown orders.

Following mounting pressure to disclose specifically which businesses received loans through PPP - established by President Trump's CARES Act - the Small Business Administration released records on Monday listing every recipient.

According to those records, Soho House & Co saved 1,996 jobs across all of its US locations thanks to the government funding.



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b2f003  No.9885471

File: dfdbd3019512bbd⋯.png (16.21 KB, 639x445, 639:445, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d044164e237bc0f⋯.png (30.59 KB, 383x1470, 383:1470, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Proof?

Supreme Court Unanimous Electoral College Decision: KAGAN cites The Scam in her Ruling

Three Democrat electors had cast their vote in 2016 for Colin Powell rather than HRC.

Justice Kagan explained the electors thinking (i.e., The Conspiracy to Steal the Election)

The three hoped they could encourage other electors- particularly those from states DJT had carried- to follow their example, The idea was to deprive him (DJT) of a majority of electoral vote and throw the election into the House of Representatives……The effort failed,….Candidate Trump became President Trump

Q36- If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

Anon 'Full Picture' theory

1- Public knew Trump won night of the election.

2- Actual Votes by Electoral College occur 4 weeks after Election

3- DS/Dem/BHO Plan was likely for BHO to (declare fraud- Q36)

4- Lobby electors to become faithless in States Trump won.

5- Recount actual electoral college votes vs. Election night count, 4 weeks post election

6- Electors during the 4 week period could either switch from DJT to HRC or moar likely as Kagan highlighted, vote for a 3rd party and prevent DJT from a Majority and send it to the House (which was likely comped and part of Plan)

7- Q36 Says if they continued with Their Scam the unthinkable occurs. White Hats likely had evidence of P Ryan involvement, and bribes, etc., and knew at that time (as we all now know) Russia collusion was a hoax, AND they were going to use Hoax to Steal the Election.

8- With Kagans description of Plan and understanding what we know, Russia hoax, BHO, JB and Cabinet meetings have Moar significance than EVER!

NY Times archived: http://archive.is/Ddkxp

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272857  No.9885472

File: 0e21b69897a4fb8⋯.png (734 KB, 808x570, 404:285, Make_Shit_Up.png)

So has anyone dug on that 'attempted lynching?'

>The dude is a dem.

Indiana Young Democrat Partner.


Monroe County Human Rights Commission

February 22, 2020 to present

Charged with enforcement of The Monroe County Human Rights Ordinance which promotes equal opportunity in employment, housing, education and access to public accommodations, regardless of race, sex, religion, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ancestry or disability.

The ordinance also prohibits familial status discrimination in housing.

Chair, Monroe County Affordable Housing Commission

Chair · January 22, 2019 to present

The Affordable Housing Advisory Commission shall keep county and community leadership apprised of issues and actions regarding county housing conditions, trends and needs, and developing policy recommendations.

Alleged assailants some rando drunk outta shape white guys and females.

All the males work at masonry LLcs all that data was dumped on them throughout the internet by now so I am not going to list as I havent seen as much about the alleged victim.

The Masonry website that the people work for, are practically nonexistent.

Established 2017.

By the way. Vauhxx has affiliations with BLM and Senator Ian Conyers.


So who thinks it's bullshit, again?

So much bullshit going on what the heck.

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0a8245  No.9885474

File: 7e240c804655b7d⋯.png (596.69 KB, 846x655, 846:655, ClipboardImage.png)

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5387d2  No.9885475


roger goodell says NFL was wrong to ignore players protests. will play BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM at all games this fall.



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8e506a  No.9885476

File: 32840c0e8cf9301⋯.png (72.14 KB, 970x330, 97:33, Screen_Shot_2020_07_07_at_….png)


Project Veritas looking for conservatives who have been shadowbanned or suspended from twatter.

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05c3d5  No.9885477


John ROberts from the flight logs?

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432771  No.9885478

File: 52774794c9d22ab⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 640x631, 640:631, 4784308b92baf4f9e364960242….jpg)

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bac40b  No.9885479

File: 89e55c20f7bdf8b⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, a.mp4)

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3ecea7  No.9885480

File: 1151ba71b3e5d80⋯.png (16.84 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 1151ba71b3e5d807cebd15669a….png)

File: cba1e9a7290a321⋯.png (247.64 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, cba1e9a7290a321b869ac93bfa….png)



Take it elsewhere. You can jerk off to MUH Clones in your very own thread.

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26c468  No.9885481



make a bunch of accusations, claim to have “insider knowledge”, and when someone inquires with genuine interest


gave the benefit of the doubt to you, but ya you’re just another fucking shitty shill.

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342879  No.9885482

File: 32a1b1d7e704e3c⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)


Steve Bing much?


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52b05e  No.9885483

File: 27d2cca5ea26f24⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, boltonstached3.png)

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1ca866  No.9885484


What good are you accomplishing with your current course of actions?

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272857  No.9885485


Can anyone tell me who might be employed by the affordable house commission?

(No Name Masonry LLCs?)

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ebb10a  No.9885488

File: 978c13cb68e352b⋯.png (824.68 KB, 654x765, 218:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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ebb10a  No.9885489

File: 1224311b0231959⋯.png (137.78 KB, 198x418, 9:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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116218  No.9885491













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bac40b  No.9885494


the black national anthem they picked was penned as a salute to Abraham Lincoln. I don't think they are thinking this stuff thru.

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0d1ccc  No.9885495

File: 2e72a8870c79952⋯.jpg (884.95 KB, 1996x1368, 499:342, IT_S_A_JOKE.jpg)

File: 5316a282febf94e⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 680x382, 340:191, Greta_full_of_Schiff.jpg)

File: 894a279d8b5db57⋯.jpg (177.95 KB, 896x498, 448:249, Alan_repeats_explaination.jpg)

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6b3649  No.9885496


if you want answers, do the research

then you can trace back the problem

As far as i can tell:

- i baked 12647 then ghosted

- wnb grabbed 12647 and baked 12648 and 49

- "consonants" baker grabbed nb but misnumbered it as 12649 (should have been 12650); he acknowledged it

- this is correctly numbered bred 12651

- handed off to DSB last bread (i think)

- shill baked this bread and DSB took it back

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432771  No.9885497


that's hot

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139a91  No.9885498



par for the course

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965439  No.9885499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You can call names all you want. I DO NOT CARE!

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6e4428  No.9885500


Its probably [them], trying to divide anons.

[They] are failing though, and will fail.

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2e4f29  No.9885504

Ken kucinelli will be on CNN about sending students back home

and new report says covid antibodies only last a few weeks - per CNN

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52fd23  No.9885505


Who cares if he had is underwear on or off or if she was nude or whatever. Was she underage AND coerced?

Bring the legality argument all you want, especially for the younger ones, and I don't condone any of it, but there's got to be some level of responsability with these 16, 17, 18 year old girls. Not all are the same, but I knew plenty growing up that were real damage-causing whores. If you can lower statutory rape ages for men under 18, why not for other crimes and for women? Or all they always all just victims. That unquestionable shield seems like a huge blind spot.

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33998a  No.9885506

File: 29dcf3f8a3bb6e6⋯.png (380.86 KB, 607x611, 607:611, 9F11A9E3_9259_4C90_BB99_EC….png)

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c59172  No.9885507


DJT lurking on the chans and then tweeting out something directly related to the conversation, coming back in and verifying that he lurks here.

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3ecea7  No.9885508

File: f79b332a683c36f⋯.png (399.68 KB, 359x900, 359:900, f79b332a683c36f66b050645ae….png)


yeah, beauty is subjective, but I wouldn't kick her out of bed.

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e6b093  No.9885509

File: 0b16a358a514def⋯.jpg (25.3 KB, 1080x313, 1080:313, base64.jpg)

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342879  No.9885510

File: 0016aa5382ee462⋯.png (480.68 KB, 380x600, 19:30, ClipboardImage.png)


Blowing "Bubbles".


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7dde1c  No.9885511

File: 520c8b0de51cf57⋯.png (53.61 KB, 496x590, 248:295, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fcf7c  No.9885512

File: 570be6a591c00f0⋯.jpeg (35.12 KB, 304x435, 304:435, download_37_.jpeg)

File: 84acd2d68fdea6e⋯.jpeg (36.73 KB, 329x435, 329:435, download_32_.jpeg)

File: 034b75d7b5f5d38⋯.jpeg (132.34 KB, 964x946, 482:473, download_34_.jpeg)

File: ded40ad0f9e24c5⋯.jpeg (29.45 KB, 350x258, 175:129, download_38_.jpeg)

File: 7833f110ed98634⋯.jpeg (73.73 KB, 640x447, 640:447, download_29_.jpeg)

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000000  No.9885514



>>9884407 Namefags own website proves Namefags treat Anons like pets, also proves all of /comms/ has no fucking idea what Anon is.



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69b0fd  No.9885515

File: c1d0daf19852905⋯.jpg (203.9 KB, 1000x489, 1000:489, asdf1e.jpg)

Interesting that "Amazon Flex" is right behind the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

1,559 Total Inmates

80 29th Street Brooklyn, NY 11232

Use the address below to send correspondence and parcels to inmates.


MDC Brooklyn


P.O. BOX 329002


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0a8245  No.9885518

File: a6c44a7c75c435b⋯.png (1.15 MB, 670x924, 335:462, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eea682aaf62c540⋯.png (567.08 KB, 740x900, 37:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bf69f41a2733ef⋯.png (853.43 KB, 707x693, 101:99, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2c93c4e345101⋯.png (322.06 KB, 770x612, 385:306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9231a13c40a68d2⋯.png (647.39 KB, 751x840, 751:840, ClipboardImage.png)

Floyd 'Money' Mayweather's boxing promotion, David Beckham's MLS club, and Bubba Wallace's NASCAR team are the among sports properties to get federal PPP loans amid outbreak

Floyd 'Money' Mayweather and fellow boxer-turned-promoter Oscar De La Hoya, as well as David Beckham's MLS club, Inter Miami, Bubba Wallace's NASCAR team and rapper Ice Cube's Big 3 Basketball circuit are among the sports leaders, teams, and properties that received loans from a federal program designed to help small firms cope with the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Data released Monday showed hundreds of thousands of Paycheck Protection Program recipients across a wide range of industries, and sports-related businesses were well represented. However, none of the four major North American sports leagues - the NFL, NBA, NHL and Major League Baseball - were among the businesses that applied, according to the data.

Because the federal government released loan amounts in ranges, it wasn't possible to tell exact amounts. The data showed businesses that applied for and received loans, though some may not ultimately have taken the funds.

Representatives from Mayweather Promotions and Golden Boy Promotions did not immediately return the Daily Mail's request for comment. A Richard Petty Motorsports spokesperson declined to specify the amount of the loan the team received.


Looking like this is the payoff to keep pushing corona, every sellout and co cashed in

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9fed1e  No.9885519

File: a502a675beec344⋯.png (620.57 KB, 508x491, 508:491, JustDontSpit.png)


>It's a scamdemic. Don't wear masks and don't socially distance. Washing your hands is always good, though.

And try not to spit on people.

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8fd1dc  No.9885520

File: 0d8ec81390fe03c⋯.png (371.95 KB, 750x421, 750:421, ClipboardImage.png)



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c35023  No.9885521


Do you understand what the word conspiracy actually means?

I'll give you a hint - it's intimately connected to the verb conspire!

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10cd9e  No.9885522

File: 1c2bb46471792d8⋯.jpg (196.75 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1c2bb46471792d8d90d604b63f….jpg)

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26c468  No.9885524


thank you for the video

not lazy, but have been doing my own digs all morning (per the usual when Q is not posting) and it’s impossible to catch everything.

But still, maybe you should chill tf out a bit. Not everyone is lazy or is apathetic. Discern who is the shills and who is not.

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6b3649  No.9885526



yes, dis it me

this place is nuts today

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cc1209  No.9885528


>Looks a lot like HUSSEIN, don't you think?


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d100fe  No.9885531

File: 59a65e393fa5972⋯.png (933.03 KB, 680x693, 680:693, 1571485933295.png)

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c35023  No.9885532

File: d0dc41b1a1a6cad⋯.png (108.88 KB, 668x878, 334:439, twat_down.PNG)

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05c3d5  No.9885533

File: d94217b898c7674⋯.jpeg (187.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, prison.jpeg)


it's a rough prison where they didn't have heat for so long in the winter that people protested

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0d1ccc  No.9885534

File: 8d479776415e0b9⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 522x722, 261:361, SHILLS.jpg)

File: 3ec62d08f7e97b1⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 532x380, 7:5, lost_forever.jpg)

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

File: 68a748876e7f9da⋯.jpg (161.13 KB, 846x796, 423:398, RETARDS_ARE_GOING_DOWN.jpg)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense)

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Is it 000000 spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion loves to bake.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

With retards gone the room becomes comfy.

Scroll or Filter

Just an opinion… Take it or leave it…

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965439  No.9885535


I will pray upon the question anon. Thank you.

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342879  No.9885536



EVERYONE conspires every. single. day.

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de8a9f  No.9885538

File: c15844c481f628d⋯.png (22.03 KB, 598x283, 598:283, ClipboardImage.png)



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26a097  No.9885539


it all just recycles and we never learn or hear about them

remember this one

mf global lost 1 billion in customer money

cost jon corzine 5 million

pretty good profit

free jon corzine lol

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941166  No.9885540


Notables So Far

>>9885344 planefaggin

>>9885431 ‘Black Lives Matter’ Audit of Statues and Street Names, Announces UK Region

>>9885424 ‘Price on your heads’: Aide to Venezuelan ‘president’ Guaido threatens journalists with FBI investigation over ‘Twitter hack’

>>9885413 Police Investigation into Slave Labour in Coronavirus Hotspot Leicester

>>9885394 FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China

>>9885392 Model Yolanda Hadid Denies Ghislaine Maxwell Hid Out At Her Home

>>9885369 Second Stimulus Check Income Eligibility May Be Capped At $40,000

>>9885360 Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

>>9885346 Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief

>>9885326 Former UK lawmaker Eric Joyce pleads guilty to making ‘indecent image’ of children as young as 12 MONTHS

>>9885283 $150 million penalty on DB over Epstein transactions, czech the transactions amount!

>>9885262, >>9885298 Refresher: The Money-Laundering Vatican Bank Comes Clean

>>9885247 Archived photos of Ghislaine Maxwell 693 total

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0b743d  No.9885541

File: ed92fffa1a8868f⋯.png (654.7 KB, 728x409, 728:409, Screenshot_2020_07_07_Body….png)

“I’m Senator Louise Lucas,” she said to officers. “I know I’m in disguise

“I’m Senator Louise Lucas,” she said to officers. “I know I’m in disguise, but they are going to put some paint on this thing. You can not arrest them. You need to call Dr. Patton, because they are going to do it. You can’t stop them. This is city property.”



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1ca866  No.9885542




You didn't answer the question, how are your current actions helping your case or getting you to the outcome you want. ATM all you are doing is screaming in redtext.

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a67717  No.9885543

Guy catches 3 year old who is jumping from 3rd floor building on fire.


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33998a  No.9885545

File: 9c4af1112039dc0⋯.jpeg (110.96 KB, 696x960, 29:40, 2BC4EF9F_7243_4FF6_8093_F….jpeg)

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e55707  No.9885546

KEK. I think I have a snowflake neighbor having a meltdown right now. Went outside for a smoke and heard what sounded like someone outside having a conversation on the phone with someone else ranting and raving about whites this and how blacks are more likely to be incarcerated. I had to resist the temptation to yell out, "Trump 2020."

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8fd1dc  No.9885547

File: 0441e0eca089eda⋯.png (42.72 KB, 598x232, 299:116, ClipboardImage.png)

well then

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116218  No.9885549








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6b3649  No.9885550


shill attacks

they try to create confusion

confusion's ok, we can straighten things out

must be extremely upset….

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411f9c  No.9885551


>and thankfully, easily cured by facts.


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c13bfd  No.9885552

File: 4be97e1f2fba273⋯.pdf (1.86 MB, _.pdf)

File: b2526bcdc60a709⋯.png (85.1 KB, 296x296, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_07_05_Momt….png)

File: 4b4422ce033a068⋯.png (20.76 KB, 404x323, 404:323, Screenshot_2018_12_22_Q_Re….png)

this is the paper POTUS seems to have referenced on July 4th

please make a note about what it says about the practice of law

what it really has become

and who some of the actors really are

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0a8245  No.9885553

File: 5717af62c3ea6c1⋯.png (727.45 KB, 735x649, 735:649, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92be8301504091c⋯.png (276.47 KB, 610x633, 610:633, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c49ad951c1e0c78⋯.png (206.15 KB, 726x671, 66:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f76bf6541eb08ff⋯.png (201.04 KB, 740x518, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon drafts new policy which would ban the display of Confederate flags at ALL Defense Department workplaces and public spaces after Marines issued similar order last month

A Pentagon policy proposal being circulated among officials would ban the display of the Confederate flag in US Department of Defense workplaces or public areas by service members and civilian personnel.

The policy, which has not yet been finalized or signed by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, would bring the other military services in line with the Marine Corps, which banned Confederate displays on its bases in early June.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the draft.

It comes as President Donald Trump earlier in the day criticized NASCAR´s decision to ban the flag at its races and venues.


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69b0fd  No.9885554

File: c005c716532285d⋯.jpg (8.03 KB, 290x290, 1:1, ezgif.jpg)

Former LA City Councilman Mitchell Englander pleads guilty to obstructing investigation into City Hall corruption

Former Los Angeles City Councilman Mitchell Englander pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a federal criminal charge of obstructing an investigation into whether he accepted cash, escort services and other gifts from a businessman involved in major real estate development projects in the city.

Englander is among four defendants who agreed to plead guilty in the ongoing federal probe of Los Angeles City Hall that ensnared Councilman Jose Huizar. Englander is the third to formally enter a plea before a judge.

Huizar is scheduled to be arraigned later this month.

Englander faces up to five years in prison on the single count count of scheming to falsify material facts, although prosecutors are recommending no more than three years as part of his plea deal, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

According to the indictment, the unnamed businessman involved in the case wanted to increase his business opportunities in Los Angeles. The businessman cooperated with the FBI in the investigation.

Englander was taken into custody March 9 after he was named in a seven-count indictment returned by a grand jury on Jan. 16, according to prosecutors.

Englander was initially charged with one count of participating in a scheme to falsify material facts, three counts of making false statements and three counts of witness tampering.

His sentencing hearing is set for Sept. 28.


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287e72  No.9885556


gives space to post all your dank memes and PDFs and maybe Q will post in them too

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e66cb0  No.9885558

File: a2138da220d6dea⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1280x853, 1280:853, justtakeit.png)



it true - notable

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52b05e  No.9885561

File: 0997ab5e7a85e66⋯.jpg (137.54 KB, 540x540, 1:1, codystillafaggot.jpg)

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6c62bd  No.9885562

File: 78b9995e4abe1e0⋯.png (32.7 KB, 1152x611, 1152:611, Annotation_2020_07_07_1114….png)

Anons, looks like we're trending toward an all-time high in Q awareness.

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87865d  No.9885566

File: f8ffc449c395397⋯.png (132.57 KB, 540x540, 1:1, f8ffc449c39539774bf68cf6ab….png)

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ab0676  No.9885567

File: 65262bbd6692b2e⋯.jpg (6.24 MB, 2900x1997, 2900:1997, AOCBubble.jpg)

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7170b5  No.9885568


No, WH Press Secretary told us to wear masks yesterday.

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859ed2  No.9885569

I swing by now and then and first I spot a Sorcha Fail and then the Baker's Union bidness. Which one of you posted something that stirred up our own brand of digital murder hornet? Not even night shift yet and future shark bait is on the war path. C'mon, fess up now. If there is to be malarkey driving the shills nuts I might want a piece of that action ya know.

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941166  No.9885570


I think I got one for disappearing breads too that month


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ebb10a  No.9885573

File: e78ff66e91eade0⋯.png (725.57 KB, 828x820, 207:205, ClipboardImage.png)

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10cd9e  No.9885575

File: 066280ef4d30819⋯.jpg (122.54 KB, 868x487, 868:487, 066280ef4d30819aea8ac968f3….jpg)

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9aaafd  No.9885576

File: eb10ec479f79100⋯.jpg (195.06 KB, 1000x1200, 5:6, eb10ec479f79100607232d5872….jpg)


The plan is older than many think, baker.

Original Tweet:


Wayback Machine:


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de8a9f  No.9885577


I'd wear her unmentionables for a mask

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3dc14d  No.9885578

File: 0762947dc719011⋯.png (914.65 KB, 1250x793, 1250:793, Untitled.png)


I wonder if Flynn would put America above the Jewish Nation?

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b5826f  No.9885579


This is pretty close to what the late 60's-early 70's were like.

The older generations were trashed by the hippies.

Straight boomers were in the majority, but just had to put up with the bullshit because of the press. Also have to remember that hippies booked to foreign countries when drafted. Straight boomers went to Nam, because if they didn't someone else would have to go in their place. Generalizing all boomers as hippies is a bad rap from those who didn't know the undercurrents of the age. Take a good look at what's happening now to get a better understanding.

That wound has never healed, IMO. Maybe it's time now for the final reckoning. A do-over, but the straights topple the media narrative this time.

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6e4428  No.9885580

Trump administration formally withdraws US from WHO

The White House has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), a senior administration official confirmed Tuesday, breaking ties with a global public health body in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. withdrawal is effective as of Monday and has been submitted to the United Nations secretary-general, the official said Tuesday.

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted that the administration informed Congress of the withdrawal.


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1b1579  No.9885581

File: 3747efbbecf7704⋯.jpeg (43.03 KB, 568x487, 568:487, 3747efbbecf7704b13cc20ae0….jpeg)


anons dentist requires the completion of an online covid 19 survey prior to appt.

CA department of Advanced Faggotry

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52fd23  No.9885582

File: a5653a67edc070f⋯.png (647.94 KB, 737x443, 737:443, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e4f29  No.9885583


>Former LA City Councilman Mitchell Englander pleads guilty to obstructing investigation into City Hall corruption


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000000  No.9885584


Your concern for my well being is heartwarming.

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3825f4  No.9885585

pb >>9884748

>patriots do not appear to be in control.

>Our children being forced to go along with the psyop.

That's because they are installing the new world order. They are right about one thing, God wins. They just don't believe it.

Going along with the lie, being an accomplice, makes them the enemy.

If they won't stop it they are worthless and not patriots of the United States.

I'll let you add whatever names you know to be appropriate.

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ebb10a  No.9885586


G-D Bless you.

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69b0fd  No.9885587


I think we have to come out with giant enthusiasm for wearing masks so that the other side won't want to wear them anymore.

Meanwhile, I just heard we're going to be wearing them for at least two years.


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287e72  No.9885588


maybe he'll use "incredible" next !

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59b064  No.9885592



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0d1ccc  No.9885593

File: 1da11d92a098cd8⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 640x405, 128:81, NO_ONE_CARES_ABOUT_SPACING….jpg)

File: a05b20482a4c14f⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 435x261, 5:3, conscience_will_pay.jpg)


There are a group of VERY very stupid …things on the planet right now…. I don't hold much hope for many, if any at all…. tic toc.

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792830  No.9885594


Flynn Is FaithFul To Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is FaithFul to A77

Depth's To Heights

God Wins A77W4YZ

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6b3649  No.9885595



there are not three threads going.

#12649: Make Fake News Illegal Edition

is misnumbered; it should be 12650.

Current bred is 12651.

Everything is ok.

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afc299  No.9885596

File: 68050159862c61c⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 512x313, 512:313, unnamed.jpg)

Hillary's rigged election didn't work.

Mueller didn't work.

The impeachment didn't work.

The murder hornets didn't work.

The virus didn't work.

The joggers aren't working.

The printing presses will fail, too.

Your globalist tears of infinite sadness are delicious.


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fd02a2  No.9885597


I'm gonna say incomplete. That kid hit the ground.

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cafed4  No.9885598


She's literally a robot tho

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c13bfd  No.9885599

File: e071a85e6cebf19⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 500x937, 500:937, 1593724856421.jpg)


if you like it, say thank you Bulgaria.


it's like a contour map of the entire problem

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9aaafd  No.9885600


And people wonder why this movement started on 4chan…

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0a8245  No.9885601

File: 74e2e34dcd02b06⋯.png (1.17 MB, 685x914, 685:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a84712f39f7add⋯.png (69.36 KB, 795x912, 265:304, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5d49583683055d⋯.png (66.34 KB, 799x728, 799:728, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac98a179592569⋯.png (69.85 KB, 809x860, 809:860, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d10684b786e203⋯.png (565.8 KB, 829x871, 829:871, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump dirty dossier spy reveals how China 'targets British VIPs': Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele accuses Beijing of grooming UK establishment figures to be 'full-time agents' or 'useful idiots'

The diplomatic war over Huawei took an extraordinary twist last night after a controversial dossier accused China of trying to manipulate key Establishment figures in the UK.

Entitled China’s Elite Capture, the 86-page report details an alleged campaign by Beijing to persuade influential individuals to back Huawei and its strategic aims.

Among a string of incendiary claims, the dossier described the Chinese telecoms firm as ‘Beijing’s strategic asset’ and cited fears it could be used for state spying. It said politicians, academics and other ‘elites’ in the UK had been targeted by China in an attempt to secure their support for Huawei’s integration into Britain’s technology infrastructure.

China’s Elite Capture was compiled with the help of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele, among others. Mr Steele is known for his role in drawing up a ‘dirty dossier’ about Russia and Donald Trump.



UK Cabal looking for a scapegoat

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6c62bd  No.9885603

File: 75fd7caeb63415e⋯.png (32.87 KB, 1150x605, 230:121, Annotation_2020_07_07_1118….png)


Same for worldwide trends. We're currently at the 2nd highest level ever–75% of peak, trending upward.


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2e4f29  No.9885604

A bank scandal, an oligarch and the IMF: Ukraine’s president has a lot to deal with right now



The IMF, which had given Ukraine a $17.5 billion aid package in 2015, backed the nationalization but insisted earlier this year that “it is important that the authorities continue their efforts to recover losses from former owners and related parties of failed banks.”

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d71691  No.9885605


no she did not. she said it is a choice.

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7170b5  No.9885606

File: eb97166ac29f3ed⋯.png (800.59 KB, 901x496, 901:496, eb97166ac29f3ed397b9d0e687….png)

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6e4428  No.9885607


Piss off faggot, see my post >>9885580

It's offical, the US is out of the WHO, fucking faggot

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69b0fd  No.9885608

File: 4c9143d845fa77e⋯.jpg (9.29 KB, 255x198, 85:66, asdf25.jpg)



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9095bd  No.9885609

File: 74bda4115c862f9⋯.png (331.7 KB, 598x614, 299:307, WHO.png)


looks legit

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33998a  No.9885612

File: f56d1d49ff3aa21⋯.png (64.07 KB, 375x329, 375:329, 24B860DF_94D0_40EA_88AA_7C….png)

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287e72  No.9885613


makes it easier to clarify which cube farm of shills has which baker persona clipboard in play.

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52b05e  No.9885614

File: c9509933b4021cb⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 720x480, 3:2, shitpiroboltonstached.jpg)

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a0c593  No.9885615



>Trump administration formally withdraws US from WHO

Thank you, my President! Thank you. Next, the UN. Please.

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116218  No.9885616


> that he lurks here.


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70bfbf  No.9885617

File: 53ef5b79df3ef7c⋯.jpg (573.02 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_711.jpg)

File: 68232f67165694c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, IMG_712.jpg)

File: f998268a4eef322⋯.jpg (396.38 KB, 550x617, 550:617, IMG_713.jpg)

You Imagine Jesus Banish Satan Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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c35023  No.9885618


Funny how England was "allowed" to open up again on July 4, but Wales remains "closed".

Methinks there be much fuckery there as in Scotland.

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1ca866  No.9885619


>Your concern for my well being is heartwarming.

My concern is for the board, whether you believe it should be notable or not is aside from the fact that at the moment you have no power to make it notable even if the information should be. Arguing and creating division is useless, if you believe it should be notabled post it again, if bakers refuse just mark it as a baker refused notable so it can be found in the archives if need be.

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cafed4  No.9885620


Next stop the UN

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d71691  No.9885621


Considering we bank rolled it…..this means death to WHO

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e66cb0  No.9885622

File: f80c9cdb5e7bdb7⋯.png (285.14 KB, 707x289, 707:289, thepercent.png)


filtered for being a 2% orc

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cc1209  No.9885623

File: 0cdf5de3927105a⋯.png (239.83 KB, 958x377, 958:377, HRC_Arkancide_Steve_Bing.png)

File: 5359d3b75474e4d⋯.png (456.07 KB, 992x3496, 124:437, DirectorAnon_5.png)



Check out what 'DirectorAnon' had to say about Bing!

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965439  No.9885625

File: cd12d4e424fadfd⋯.jpg (19.1 KB, 754x506, 377:253, fqzs9sac6a351.jpg)

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10cd9e  No.9885626

File: 64d0d446f124e75⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 450x451, 450:451, D0E0QoYWoAAwDaO_1_.jpg)

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f36068  No.9885630


I always wonder why people consider it important what people who do nothing more than memorize texts that other people have made up, think they have to say about things?

My God.

These characters can only memorize and parrot texts.

It's all they can do.

They can't operate on sick people, they can't develop equipment, they can't nurse the sick, they can't drive trucks, they can't build houses or bridges, they can't care for the elderly or anything else that makes sense.

They can only learn stupid texts by heart and recite them - they are completely useless.

Why the fuck do so many people listen to these dumb fucks?

I don't get it!

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641238  No.9885631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The only reason I even linked the Q post with it was to show it was correct and now the MSM confirmed it.

Back in the day, that would have been a Q proof.

Unlike a lot of faggots here trying to subvert and make their own websites, I have zero social media presence. I don't get photographed with big names/famous people like plenty of other anons do(no red flag there at all /s), hell, I don't even have a fucking bank account.

Never once have I used tor or IP-hopped.

It's quite clear what some certain faggots are doing here and that's building a following to profit off of.

This place used to be fun and anons were actually anon.

Now it's some big ass egotistical circle jerk.

Policing anons' language and labeling what you all label as shills, etc. Just like the left with the "everybody I don't like is Hitler!"

You all can have that shit.

Don't think for one second that the likes of AJ & Associates, Jack P, Mike Cernovitch, Laura Loomer, Jerome Corsi and all those faggots are here (maybe even back those name/famefags that so many here support and prop up while demonizing awesome OG diggers who've called out the blatant anti-white agendas being pushed) and probably been in the kitchen, suppressing digs only to later report it on their channels for clicks.

So you can take your little "fucktard" comment and shove it up your faggot ass.

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ebb10a  No.9885632


I would not be kicking her out.

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86d37d  No.9885635

I'm doubling down on prayers for Potus and family, Q team, all military and first responders and all my beloved anons.

Keep all in love. Keep all protected from evil attacks. Keep all in a high vibrational state of actions, words, thoughts and emotion. Keep all in your guidance.

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ca5904  No.9885636

File: cff93995031b370⋯.png (138.88 KB, 583x609, 583:609, 28975698273452.PNG)


Communists and niggers are out instigating conflicts with average Americans to illicit reactions they can then film and get them fired and or charged with.

It also serves the purpose to divide and instill hatred in the American citizenry.

This shit is going to far. Its time to stop this. Real lives are being ruined for nothing!

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000000  No.9885637


>Anon please stop pointing out this obvious pattern of behavior

Sure thing faggot.

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139a91  No.9885638

File: 841944635e80e9c⋯.png (304.14 KB, 1070x577, 1070:577, SAM981_USAF_C_32A_departed….PNG)

File: a9e7b14f487fe4f⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 250x250, 1:1, skunkworks_1.jpg)

SAM981 USAF C-32A departed McCarran Int'l, Las Vegas sw and on final for the Skunkworks-landed at LV last night from JBA

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0a8245  No.9885639

File: a0b2bf58894cd98⋯.png (152.11 KB, 811x920, 811:920, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dcecd1c70b2955d⋯.png (129.39 KB, 794x839, 794:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b402486e2616d4a⋯.png (119.21 KB, 792x785, 792:785, ClipboardImage.png)

When Considering Reparations for Blacks, Keep in Mind the Massive Scam that Reparations for Jews Always Was

The issue of reparations and other compensation has been much in the news of late, most particularly in relationship to possible payments to descendants of slaves in the United States to compensate them for their disadvantages brought about by what is claimed to be a persisting racist culture in the country. There is, of course, considerable resistance on the part of millions of non-black citizens who will have to foot the enormous bill even though they were not involved in slavery in any way, having arrived in the U.S. long after 1865, when involuntary servitude was abolished by the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

Reparations have been around for a long time, normally being exacted by the winners in a war against the losers, who automatically are blamed as the aggressors and therefore liable for the damages. Often the compensation comes in the form of territory, witness for example the German acquisition of Alsace-Lorraine from the French after the Franco-Prussian war followed by its return to France after the First World War. The Germans also were made to endure considerable cash and in-kind payments, primarily to France, after losing the First World War. The terms of the Treaty of Versailles were so onerous that they were subsequently blamed for perpetuating Franco-German hostility, leading inevitably to the Second World War.

Israel and Jewish groups were major beneficiaries of the reparations and restitution programs that were created as a result of World War Two. The Luxembourg Agreement signed in 1952 committed West Germany to pay Israel a sum of 3 billion Deutsche Marks over the next fourteen years, which was at the time an enormous sum. An additional 450 million marks were paid to the World Jewish Congress. The payments that were made to the State of Israel regarded the government as the de facto heir to war victims who had no surviving family or who could not otherwise be identified. The money was mostly invested in the Israeli infrastructure and was significant in aiding in the initial development of the economy of the new state, but there were also considerable barter arrangements whereby Israel purchasing agents obtained German manufactured goods and raw materials.

The reparations program was modified at various points to expand those eligible for benefits and continued to operate long after the fourteen-year term initially envisioned had expired. As of 2012, when the program was 60 years old, it was still fully operational and Germany had paid the Jewish state an estimated $89 billion.


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941166  No.9885640



who said you get to have all the shill baker fun on gy?


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6b3649  No.9885641


Here is the missing bin link for 12646 on the notables page in the dough:

>>9881768 #12646

Looks like that is the only change needed to update the notables page.


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59b064  No.9885644

hang tough Anon's the chains are about to be broken….This board will be revamped within 10 days…The "kitchen Union" will be exposed and removed….Calling old bakers to duty….

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a0c593  No.9885645


Seems we bankrolled the whole World, until POTUS.

And now you got assholes like Soros and the MSM trying to convince us that we should do more, always more, higher taxes, diminishing returns.

Bite me.

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69b0fd  No.9885647

File: 0891e48e3f192e9⋯.jpg (63.31 KB, 480x600, 4:5, sdaf145.jpg)

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342879  No.9885648


>So you can take your little "fucktard" comment and shove it up your faggot ass.

Right back atcha, homo.

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2e4f29  No.9885650


What are the purposes of the Bretton Woods Institutions?

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were both created at an international conference convened in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States in July 1944.

The goal of the conference was to establish a framework for economic cooperation and development that would lead to a more stable and prosperous global economy. While this goal remains central to both institutions, their work is constantly evolving in response to new economic developments and challenges.

The 2007 external review of Bank-Fund collaboration led to a Joint Management Action Plan on World Bank-IMF Collaboration (JMAP) to further enhance the way the two institutions work together. Under the plan, Fund and Bank country teams discuss their country-level work programs, which identify macroeconomic and sectoral issues, the division of labor, and the work needed in the coming year. A review of Bank-Fund Collaboration underscored the importance of these joint country team consultations in enhancing collaboration.

To strengthen IMF-WB collaboration at the Board level, joint meetings of Executive Directors of the two institutions are held once or twice a year to exchange views and capitalize on the strong complementarities in the two institutions’ work.

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1ca866  No.9885651


>Sure thing faggot.

And that's exactly how we all know you are a shills causing problems

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116218  No.9885652


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1c84b1  No.9885653

We gotta Toofer

Christopher Steele had another dossier!

This time chYna

He's a busy lad.


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33998a  No.9885654

File: e931ccc7a9789f4⋯.jpeg (195.59 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, F6BE42D0_BF4D_49BB_9515_A….jpeg)

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9aaafd  No.9885655


Wouldn't that be… Graceful?

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208838  No.9885656

File: 10e16bf30c6a5bb⋯.jpeg (153.27 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, E25E3BB9_F910_41A5_9288_9….jpeg)

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641238  No.9885657


Go slit your wrists and sit in a warm bath.

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792830  No.9885658

File: 594a713fa247e3b⋯.png (740.52 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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65c629  No.9885660



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554a7c  No.9885663

the slave trader has no overtime under slept guards that were thar when epstein committed suicide – nice job guys

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cc1209  No.9885664

File: 78d4971ebe90303⋯.png (1 MB, 936x610, 468:305, 0_biden.png)


>I'd wear her unmentionables for a mask

(You) are not alone!

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d71691  No.9885665


it will be a jubilee when POTUS uses all that seized money to pay off ALL debt and taxes are banned FOREVER!

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e55707  No.9885666


Argument from Ignorance again. You guys never get tired of it do ya?

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342879  No.9885667

File: 99c83a7a1395c4b⋯.png (1012.01 KB, 584x1000, 73:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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859ed2  No.9885668

Deutsche Bank faces $150m fine for Jeffrey Epstein ties

Deutsche Bank has been hit with a $150m (£120m) fine for failing to properly monitor its relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

New York state regulators said the bank had suffered "significant compliance failures", processing hundreds of transactions for the late financier.

Those included payments to Russian models and $800,000 in "suspicious" cash withdrawals.

Deutsche said it "deeply" regretted its relationship with Epstein.

It said it had spent almost $1bn to improve its training and controls and expand its anti-financial crime team to more than 1,500 people.

"We acknowledge our error of onboarding Epstein in 2013 and the weaknesses in our processes, and have learnt from our mistakes and shortcomings," the bank said in a statement. "Our reputation is our most valuable asset and we deeply regret our association with Epstein."

New York's Department of Financial Services said the bank, which worked with Epstein from 2013 to 2018, helped him transfer millions of dollars, including more than $7m to resolve legal issues and more than $2.6m in payments to women, covering tuition, rent and other payments, among other transactions.

More at:


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e66cb0  No.9885670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

big pharma is a psyop in itself

Listen as Brendan and Andy tear the medical establishment a new "a", and expose the systemic problems with medical education and the indoctrination and psychological abuse of med students.

Brendan brings his unique insight to bear in facilitating a glorious expose by Dr Kaufman of medicine, the plandemic, flaws in the virological foundation of the mainstream narrative, and how a small clique of sociopaths is using covid-19(84) as a means to install their fascist technocracy and eliminate all human freedom.

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139a91  No.9885671

File: ea743d3db49d7cf⋯.png (400.57 KB, 493x649, 493:649, muh_feelz.PNG)


>thinks it's making a difference by constant repetition of old material

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de8a9f  No.9885673

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8697a7  No.9885674


The White House has officially withdrawn the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), a senior administration official confirmed Tuesday, breaking ties with a global public health body in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. withdrawal is effective as of Monday and has been submitted to the United Nations secretary-general, the official said Tuesday.

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted that the administration informed Congress of the withdrawal.

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d16ba1  No.9885675


wow… christopher steele, anti-communist warrior of truth (?). maybe his role in russiagate was not anti-trump but purely $$$ motivated.

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d71691  No.9885676

File: fd7743d7447c010⋯.jpg (14.19 KB, 255x255, 1:1, praying_pepe.jpg)


let's pray

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985c83  No.9885677

Sliding with this again?


“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.



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0a8245  No.9885678

File: f7618db13a59a93⋯.png (247.71 KB, 686x885, 686:885, ClipboardImage.png)

Kids Don’t Know Much About History Thanks to Anti-American Indoctrination

We have repeatedly said, ladies and gentlemen, that these protests and riots are being led by college-aged kids who literally know nothing about American history. They have not been taught the truth. This is key to understand. They have not been taught the truth of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, the founding, and then made up their minds that they think these guys are reprobates and creeps.

They’ve not been taught the truth. They have been propagandized and indoctrinated from the get-go. They have been filled with hatred, pure and simple. But they think that they’ve been taught the truth, finally, that 200 years, 240 years of education in this country was a lie and that the period of time they’ve been in school was the truth.

But the fact of the matter is — and this is very important — they haven’t been taught the truth. They’ve not made up their minds independently of anything. They have been propagandized, and they have been indoctrinated. They’ve been taught to hate America. And it has to be pushed back against. It can’t be tolerated.

To push back against it is said to be divisive. What are we supposed to do? In the name of tolerance just sit here and accept the lies that these kids have been taught? Accept the lies as a sign of tolerance or unfairness or what have you? How is it divisive to stand up for the truth? So Trump stands up for the truth, stands up for the truth of the country, the greatness of the country, and he’s divisive?

Trump’s not tearing down statues. Trump is not defacing relics. Trump is not trying to damage or erase our history. He’s trying to restore it and maintain it. That’s divisive? How in the world does Black Lives Matter escape the characterization of divisive? How do any of these left-wing protest groups escape that they are the ones who are divisive?

It’s obvious some of our schools and universities have become some of the most anti-American places on earth. Indoctrination centers for anti-American propaganda. Campus Reform, great website, they went out and spoke with young American students ahead of the Fourth of July to see what they knew about the holiday.

And even though most of the students that Campus Reform interviewed said that America was a racist country, most of them couldn’t answer even the simplest questions about Independence Day. They didn’t have any idea. Fourth of July, had no idea what it was. College people. College educated people. Students were asked, for example, what the holiday commemorates. They were asked which year the country declared independence. They were asked which nation the United States declared independence from and which was fought for American independence, what war.

Many could not answer any of these questions. Some answered that America gained its independence in the twentieth century. Others said the corresponding war was the Civil War, World War I, World War II. They had no concept of – (interruption) How do you get into college and not know it? Because the SATs have been corrupted, because the entrance exams have been corrupted to coordinate with what people have been taught in high school.



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941166  No.9885679


I got it in the dough

shill baker didn't maybe

thanks though

wut up wit yu?

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7170b5  No.9885680


She said the President has been clear, if he didn't have access to daily testing and the ability to social distance he would be wearing a mask. She spread straight up mask propaganda.

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2e4f29  No.9885682

coccinelli smacking down cnn Brianna Keillor

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c13bfd  No.9885683

File: b772349bcc43aaf⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2048x1357, 2048:1357, 1565357120892.jpg)


I's only 25 pages.

it is a bit repetitive.

there are actual smelling mishtakes.

there are a few technical terms

some of the mistakes may be crumbs

one never can tell

maphotized / maphotization may be a "made-up word" directing anons to look into the ANC…and who really runs South Africa?

it provides a lot of fodder for cutting small sections and turning into memes.

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8c5ba2  No.9885684

What’s the plan if Trump loses? Is Q going to do something?

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d71691  No.9885685


we all have access to social distancing…

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65c629  No.9885686

File: c23533b44818a00⋯.png (60.27 KB, 227x255, 227:255, Baphomet41.png)

My servant shills are getting distracted and trying to spoof/target bakers.

Divide the children by bloodlines!

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0d1ccc  No.9885687

File: d05cd5d02a8bf66⋯.jpg (97.43 KB, 750x525, 10:7, SATANS_MINION.jpg)

File: 4f6d68004edecee⋯.jpg (52.31 KB, 690x292, 345:146, MSM_CAN_T_HANDLE_TRUTH.jpg)


I stopped giving a rats arse about the bakery long ago… Fuck up as much as you want… you need the room as much as everyone does….. I know you like your finger on the pulse…..lol.

Play what ever games you want… Won't change my opinion.

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000000  No.9885688


>Stop shitting the bread


>Stop calling us out


>Stop showing Anons why they should be pissed off at us


There is no war in Ba Sing Se

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2e4f29  No.9885689

Ken Cuccinelli is making CN anchor look like an idiot

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8b8dfc  No.9885690

File: 70886ce529e9e0e⋯.jpeg (49.05 KB, 500x500, 1:1, KekDuJour.jpeg)

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b54eea  No.9885691

File: 7ec42a1c5145b3d⋯.jpeg (114.93 KB, 1080x782, 540:391, 1555759293.jpeg)

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6e4428  No.9885692


Stop posting this bullshit, fucking FAGGOT

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e17d8c  No.9885693

File: 78d4d01d5beced8⋯.png (654.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, KMBWQIXH.png)

File: 1a433d9eb7dbca6⋯.png (579.5 KB, 800x1105, 160:221, 0KJWSVSQ64C7.png)

File: 813d1860b696be8⋯.png (403.23 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 4WJ3XI3ZM2P66I6X.png)

File: 05072e8b0d1fa7e⋯.png (624.03 KB, 800x534, 400:267, P4XFBK.png)

File: 8634bfdb40282df⋯.png (908.91 KB, 800x600, 4:3, M05532ZP.png)

.forget to fear

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c35023  No.9885694

File: 2faa66445cb1ce1⋯.jpg (58.46 KB, 540x539, 540:539, eggman.jpg)

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0a8245  No.9885695

File: af46e6cacc21642⋯.png (241.33 KB, 573x691, 573:691, ClipboardImage.png)

WH Conducting Leak Investigation Into Who Told NY Times About Russia-Taliban Bounty Intel – Narrowed Down to 10 Possible People

A few weeks ago The New York Times published a story claiming that Russia secretly offered bounties to Taliban forces to kill US troops, citing “officials briefed on the matter.”

President Trump last week dismissed the New York Times report on the GRU-Taliban allegations.

“Nobody briefed or told me, VP Pence, or Chief of Staff Mark Meadows about the so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan by Russians, as reported through an “anonymous source” by the Fake News New York Times.” Trump said in a pair of tweets Sunday morning.

The White House is conducting a leak investigation into who told reporters about the Russia-Taliban bounty suspicions and they have narrowed it down to fewer than 10 people.

“The Trump Administration has opened an internal investigation to try to uncover who leaked intelligence about Russians paying Taliban bounties to kill American soldiers. The administration maintains the story is overcooked and the leaks cherry-picked despite a steady stream of follow-ups from media outlets across the globe,” the White House said.

“The Administration has interviewed people with access to the intelligence, and believes it has narrowed down the universe of suspects to fewer than 10 people.”

Here’s what we know:

According to Intelligence sources who spoke to The Federalist, Adam Schiff’s top aides were briefed on the Russia-Taliban bounty intel back in February during a CODEL trip to Afghanistan.

Schiff was briefed on the rumors back in February, yet he withheld the information from Congress and held no hearings.

When asked by a reporter this week if he had any prior knowledge about the Russia bounty rumors, Schiff said, “I can’t comment on specifics.”

It looks like Schiff and his aides may be behind another round of damaging, selective leaks to the media in order to harass President Trump.

Stay tuned!


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941166  No.9885696


gonna need another source as well


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3dc14d  No.9885699


I think it's time that dam broke in China.

400 million is insane. that's more than every man woman and child in the US.

It would be horrific if it does break and that many die, but you have to wonder if that's the lesser evil than continuing to WWIII?

Neither outlook is good. I don't want harm to come to innocent people and the Chinese people have about as much say in their government proceedings as an ant has in how many sandwiches I pack for a picnic.

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2e4f29  No.9885700


KC just told Cnn i pay attention to this, but i know you don't….whoa …should have seen her face.

CNN is arguing by sending foreign students home, we are taking an economic hit.

he called her reasoning 'JUST SILLY"

BUT THEN you are forcing schools to open…


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ab747e  No.9885701

File: 4bb6e207ef1de5a⋯.gif (392 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 1575235318272.gif)

I've been doing some digging, turns out Pinocchio is a liar. KEK. Hang tight Anons, we have endured shill attacks before and this is but another wave. What is coming is epic and shills can't stop it. They are grasping at dust.

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ca8a81  No.9885702


Thas relle gud yah!

That's really good!

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d71691  No.9885703


look up

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342879  No.9885704


A very long and very painful HOT war.

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70bfbf  No.9885705

File: 58df67acaa8b3a0⋯.jpg (1017.05 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, IMG_708.jpg)

File: f5659baf96e6739⋯.jpg (766.88 KB, 1080x673, 1080:673, IMG_709.jpg)

File: 829a147118341c6⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, IMG_710.jpg)

You Imagine God Clears Aura Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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554a7c  No.9885706

>>9885636 jim messina looks like a big time jar baby of nazi paperclip descent

expending ammo

when the music stops

losers gonna be without a chair

only Freedom to all the people will wake us up


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0a8245  No.9885707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The “Second Wave” Is Here As Expected, Bill Gates Says This One Will Get Our Attention

Bill Gates is truly sadistic. After saying we had “pandemic one” and will have “pandemic two,” he says the “next time” will get attention. Right after he says it, he and Melinda Gates smile in glee at the carnage they are about to unleash on the rest of us.

These two humans are insane sociopaths. Watch the interview below with Forbes and the Gates. They have no compassion or a fundamental understanding of what it means to be human. Now that states are locking down again, as we’ve been warning based on the media’s fear-mongering, the second wave has arrived.

Watch Melinda Gates laugh as she talks about ebola arrived in Lagos, a populous state like it’s hilarious that people are going to get sick and die. “You know, we’ll have to prepare for the next one,” Gates says. “That, you know, I’d say is, ah, will get attention this time.”

Gates also says he hopes the United States will “step up” when it comes to the coronavirus vaccine. It will be mandatory. And it will cause damages to an untold number of people. Melinda Gates even begins by admitting the World Health Organization isn’t perfect, but we should all submit to their rule over our bodies and allow them to control our minds and so whatever they want.

The one positive thing is the dislike to like ratio on this video on YouTube. Far more people are disgusted with these people than not. Perhaps there is hope for humanity after all. Hey Gates: We do not consent. We will not comply.

The Gates also talk about the vaccine with glee. They know exactly what kind of terror they plan to unleash on the rest of us.

Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH” In

Bill Gates ADMITS The Problem With A Vaccine Is Convincing People To Get It

The big problem, as admitted by Gates himself, is convincing people to get vaccinated with all the information out there proving vaccines are neither safe nor are they effective. This is why we predict the vaccine will NOT be voluntary. It will be mandated by law, if not federally, state-wide.

No one is coming to save us. We need to save ourselves, by standing together and uniting and disobeying the orders to get vaccinated. It’s up to us how much tyranny we are willing to accept. If you give up body autonomy, you have submitted that someone else owns your body and what can be put in it. Wake up, stand up, and do not comply.

Yet “this time” if it’s designed to “get our attention,” we may need to be concerned about the powers that shouldn’t be concocting a real problem that is actually going to hurt or kill people. If the first scamdemic didn’t scare people, and the second one will get our attention, and we know the Gates are psychopaths, it bears hypothesizing that they might actually harm people to panic the masses enough to force their agenda through.


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de8a9f  No.9885708

File: 4f24930852a1717⋯.png (261.57 KB, 587x716, 587:716, ClipboardImage.png)


It's all over the place


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9095bd  No.9885709





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000000  No.9885711



>That's why I have a hard time handing off to anyone without a backlog of dough


>I try to only take Qbin

The site they created, control and gatekeep, imagine my shock!

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792830  No.9885712


1 and 0 or Less Than 10

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c13bfd  No.9885713

File: 8c5528c466fac6c⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 1565363233427.jpg)

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2e4f29  No.9885714


>The “Second Wave” Is Here As Expected, Bill Gates Says This One Will Get Our Attention

He and fauci need to get on the same page….fauci says we are still in first wave.

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69b0fd  No.9885716

File: 6201446eefd14f3⋯.png (28.34 KB, 638x156, 319:78, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12b1694592dc84d⋯.png (17.24 KB, 991x231, 991:231, ClipboardImage.png)

Ha - so glad I couldn't access this stupid article.

Five important ways that a Joe Biden White House could address systemic racism


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ca8a81  No.9885717


Shhutup and go eat a can of sardines, you big pussy.

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287e72  No.9885718


>>9885711 The site they created, control and gatekeep, imagine my shock!

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65c629  No.9885719


You have a fixation on FAGGOTS, faggot.

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26a097  No.9885720


in 2016 he endorsed ted cruz

also on march 4th 2016 he wrote an article in the daily wire

"i will never vote for donald trump. here's why"

behind paywall though

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792830  No.9885721

File: 5cd60fc9c5b96b1⋯.png (8.99 KB, 445x195, 89:39, ClipboardImage.png)


Humanity at its finest.


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0a8245  No.9885722

File: 5d45e4f4248ba17⋯.png (399.93 KB, 604x366, 302:183, ClipboardImage.png)


In America, vaccinations are monopolized by four companies: Pfizer, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi. These companies are the biggest LOBBYISTS in Washington.

It’s not only the billions they POUR INTO lobbying that’s disgusting – it’s the media too!

Anderson Cooper is sponsored by Pfizer and NBC nightly news is backed by Merck, for example. The United States is one of only TWO COUNTRIES that allow TV ads about drugs!

There are 72 mandatory vaccinations, so these companies have ZERO COSTS when it comes to advertising vaccines since it’s forced upon parents. You cannot sue them, so there are no LEGAL COSTS, and since that’s the case, they don’t do SAFETY TESTING.

It’s the perfect business for them, so it’s no wonder Bill and Melinda Gates UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL!

This is madness and it has led to a massive rise in autism cases, as well as asthma, food allergies, and chronic diseases.

Vaccines are the most controversial topic in the world right now since these companies are attempting to BRAINWASH THE SHEEP to form a herd and get their shots, even though it has been proven TIME AND AGAIN that vaccines are BULLSHIT!

The World Health Organization, the CDC, the NIH, and other institutions are FOR-PROFIT when it comes to patenting. They have a vested interest in these vaccines, including that sneaky devil Dr. Anthony Fauci.

It is a mistake to believe anything that doctors tell you about vaccines; they’re the MESSENGERS of doom and have done no personal research on what they administer!

After doing my own research, these are facts that I uncovered. You may draw different conclusions, but know that there are hundreds of thousands of victims from these vaccines both alive and dead.

I tell you all this because the second any medical company announces that the vaccine is ready, you will be PRESSURED INTO it.

The media will present it as the only solution to this virus, which only impacts specific parts of the population.

Ultimately, you OWN YOUR BODY – it’s your property!

Don’t let them get you twisted on this matter.


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8e506a  No.9885723

File: f10639ffa616d1e⋯.png (59.46 KB, 1002x326, 501:163, Screen_Shot_2020_07_07_at_….png)





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fa213c  No.9885725



kek. kekbees is hiding out in comms. prolly not stepping foot in here.

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1c84b1  No.9885726



They Lied, people died.


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411f9c  No.9885728


>The site they created, control and gatekeep, imagine my shock!

And with that, one less person listening you that shit.

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8fd1dc  No.9885729

File: c4a5012b9f7623c⋯.png (54.04 KB, 598x487, 598:487, ClipboardImage.png)


Ex-Labour shadow minister Eric Joyce - who quit the party after head-butting two Tory MPs in Commons bar bust-up - faces jail after admitting he had ‘spam’ child porn film involving baby. Joyce, 59, pleaded guilty to making indecent child photography at Ipswich court. Former minister from Worlingworth, Suffolk, was arrested in November 2018 He served as the MP for Falkirk in Scotland between 2000 and 2015


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2e4f29  No.9885730

'Brianna, I understand your need to trash the president, but you are wrong'

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3dc14d  No.9885731


Jr comes here a bit

He posts a certain image to let (I'm assuming) the 174th CWD (is that the right acronym for cyber-warfare division?) know that he's lurking.

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8e506a  No.9885733


Do we even know if the bounty story is true? Or completely made up?

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33998a  No.9885734

File: 8d9573338ff1f7c⋯.jpeg (40.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 93CA1C1B_B8DB_4F27_983C_4….jpeg)

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2e0681  No.9885735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone had debts zero'd ?

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941166  No.9885736


JFK days iirc

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000000  No.9885737


You can filter anytime you like, but you can never leave.

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59c394  No.9885738


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1ca866  No.9885740

File: b9bdfecc9806af6⋯.png (72.33 KB, 598x708, 299:354, Screenshot_2020_06_28_Cath….png)

File: 2d17b5b1ddead9d⋯.png (10.25 KB, 386x234, 193:117, Screenshot_2020_06_28_QMAP….png)


2 years 6 month 23 days


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792830  No.9885741

File: 325386a42efe74a⋯.png (7.39 KB, 377x158, 377:158, ClipboardImage.png)

Our deepest condolences, Patriot.

God be with you and your family during this difficult time.


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411f9c  No.9885743


>in 2016 he endorsed ted cruz

>also on march 4th 2016 he wrote an article in the daily wire

>"i will never vote for donald trump. here's why"

>behind paywall though

Thank you that is what I thought I remembered, however wanted to confirm I was not creating something in my head.

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792830  No.9885745

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6b3649  No.9885746


last night was peaceful, kek.


house repairs, guy just came after i sent along link to you.

was able to bake 2 breads last night - epic for me. just need to be careful.

Just finishing q article report. Will try to get it out today, there so many msm articles now on q - now 2000 on record for US and UK and more in other languages, other countries, etc. Q really going mainstream and msm hates that, ha-ha.

Have a great one, back to digging for now.


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0a8245  No.9885748

File: 66ac72170091111⋯.png (40.99 KB, 718x466, 359:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 272fbf999a7696c⋯.png (69.84 KB, 728x903, 104:129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 288a6bdaff3a655⋯.png (29.83 KB, 734x442, 367:221, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a37f8ea598bc7e0⋯.png (24.29 KB, 758x362, 379:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Ghislaine Maxwell will avoid first NYC court appearance on child sex trafficking charges after opting to appear remotely - as prosecutors push for a protective order to keep the identities of 'third parties' - including victims - secret

Ghislaine Maxwell will dodge her first public appearance in Manhattan’s Federal Court, after opting instead to appear remotely due to the COVID health crisis and ‘significant safety issues’ related to in-court proceedings,.

Jeffery Epstein’s former lover and alleged madam was arrested in Bradford, New Hampshire last Thursday when FBI agents staged a sensational swoop after months of covert surveillance.

The 58-year-old who once partied with billionaires and presidents has been charged on six counts including two counts of Conspiracy to Entice Minors to Travel to Engage in Illegal Sex Acts, one of Conspiracy to Transport Minors with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity, one count of Transportation of a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity and two counts of perjury.

Maxwell had been expected to appear at the United States District Court, Southern District of New York Friday afternoon.

But Judge Alison J Nathan issued an order late Monday stating that if she was willing to waive her right to appear in person the court would conduct the hearing remotely.


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116218  No.9885749








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10cd9e  No.9885750

File: 499ed1274505bce⋯.jpg (70.11 KB, 1080x905, 216:181, D4by_ARUEAA3LBT.jpg)

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2e4f29  No.9885751

"Brianna, I am not sure where you are getting your info, but we are testing moar than any other country and we have driven death rates down"

"America is a leader and we continue to do better in driving the rate down"

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000000  No.9885753


Maybe it has something to do with the fact the Nicean Council is fake and gay?

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ab747e  No.9885755

File: 0a0abda4da69e96⋯.png (125.65 KB, 329x248, 329:248, 0a0abda4da69e968b8c68443e0….png)


Deenz you say?

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342879  No.9885756

File: 01b3fdd22169a9d⋯.jpg (183.33 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, boomsticks.jpg)


I never liked the "plastic" guns, but I must say that that one is very comfortable to shoot.

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792830  No.9885757


God Wins Bitch

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624493  No.9885758


Jesus Is God.

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554a7c  No.9885759

semi slaver serious question

all the demontard baby killers signing up for a PRO LIFE Republican rally, why not just do a biden rally BABY KILLER blm Black Panter party / rally4biden!?? droolbus tour2020

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792830  No.9885760

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1b1579  No.9885761

File: 1bf591fd78ce525⋯.mp4 (13.39 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, RandyQ.mp4)

Randy's gone full Walt Whitman

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2e4f29  No.9885762

"Brianna, We are the most transparent country in the whole world and I don't even know now much you can trust another country's numbers"

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e14b47  No.9885764


Soldier finds some cash in an Afghan shack…

His commander says "maybe it's from Russia"


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9aaafd  No.9885766


He already did, redtext fuck up. Perhaps irony falls on deaf ears?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 663a19 No.7536127 📁

Dec 17 2019 14:39:05 (EST)



Though, nothing should ever replace 'Christ' in 'Christmas'.

Merry Christmas, Anons/Patriots.

God is on our side.


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53ea59  No.9885767

File: 8564d4320ffc616⋯.png (164.13 KB, 518x362, 259:181, respecthanks.png)


respect hanks motherfucker

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941166  No.9885768


no vlad huh?

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fd02a2  No.9885769

It matters very little even if Trump is behind and losing. Declass release brings down the house. Trump hasn't even fired a single shot yet.

What is going to happen is the Dems become more and more desperate to destroy Trump. He releases videos and Weiner laptop. They proceed with military coup attempt. Loyalists shut it down.

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c13bfd  No.9885771

File: a597278d60bdaf8⋯.png (326.05 KB, 492x710, 246:355, Screenshot_2019_08_10_pol_….png)



except he is going to win with 93% of the vote

a week is a long time on politics by gum

and in trump world, where one man has DOMINATED the entire shill clown world

he lives in their heads and does not pay one

dime for four years there really isn't "The Daily News" it's "The Daily Trump….oh, and some

other stuff meh."

People forget. They get used.

I have NEVER laughed so hard and so long

at any politician EVER, he's funnier and 99% clean - than so many professional comedians

thats just one attribute

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dd29a1  No.9885772

File: 99e0d31fdf3d8e5⋯.jpg (62.7 KB, 580x430, 58:43, 47jckj.jpg)

Democrats are America's biggest scam.

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792830  No.9885774


You will cease to exist.

Truth to power.

How’s the bunker these days?

[14] live


[PEOC force failed]

Do you believe in coincidences?

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1b1579  No.9885775



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5b9656  No.9885776


you are good at seeing lies

many others are too

but your posts are repeat spam and shit

and you have a self inflated ego/famefag issue

so look in the mirror and see the truth

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2e4f29  No.9885778

"Brianna, the White HOuse is taking a neutral position on the Confederate flag and I agree with him. Debates belong in the states and the FED should not be deciding for them?

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792830  No.9885780

The Last President

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6b3649  No.9885781


>UN next

Yup - let's move!

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cafed4  No.9885783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shitter's full!

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342879  No.9885785


Probably the EU before UN.

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c13bfd  No.9885786

File: 74cda04debeda4c⋯.png (9.03 KB, 556x144, 139:36, 1565364638193dza.png)


the 93% is to rub their noses in it

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792830  No.9885787

File: 6d3254b2ef5e50d⋯.png (52.75 KB, 784x591, 784:591, ClipboardImage.png)


I Know Who You Are Lurker…



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2ba7e4  No.9885788


Q never claimed to be a preacher of the Gospel ..What/Who . do you what him to quote …the Koran …Also.. you've cried about this before..a few times before …….FKing Idiot …Oppps Sowwy Freddy..no hard feelings…….kekekeke

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2e4f29  No.9885789

"Brianna, whatever your interpretation, the President said he is neutral on the flag"

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aa5a57  No.9885791

Colin Kaepernick signed with "Disney"…That's sounds about right….but I didn't know "Disney" had a team…

What's the Team called…"The Mouseketeers"???

The Mascot is "Goofy"???




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dd29a1  No.9885792

File: eb5a6f1bb872df8⋯.jpg (79.71 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 47j3pk.jpg)

Blacks are basically retarded.

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792830  No.9885793


Only One Choice

And You Failed

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1c84b1  No.9885794


Everything he said is valid.

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2e4f29  No.9885795


have no idea what you are saying..I am just telling you how Ken Cucinnelli is smacking down the bitch on CNN

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965439  No.9885797

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792830  No.9885798


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52b05e  No.9885799


Spell it right kike! It's God bless you.

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dd29a1  No.9885800

File: 266ea03a13b6221⋯.jpg (78.43 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 47j35r.jpg)

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554a7c  No.9885801


send drFRAUD packing to the WHO

– FUCK drFRAUD fucking nigger looking for a payout with gates clear hanx and remsissivir. SLAVE MASTERS

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0a8245  No.9885802

File: 397136ada518406⋯.png (61.55 KB, 655x587, 655:587, ClipboardImage.png)

Military's Top Appeals Court to Consider Whether Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed

The case of a retired sailor who was court-martialed after leaving the Navy has reached the military's highest appeals court, potentially setting the stage for a U.S. Supreme Court battle on the matter.

Stephen Begani, a retired Navy chief petty officer who was court-martialed after being picked up by federal agents about a month after leaving active duty, has taken his case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces.

Begani filed a petition late last month for the top military appellate court to hear his case after a naval appeals court in January determined the retired sailor had been rightfully court-martialed. That was after the Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals issued a 2019 opinion that court-martialing military retirees is unconstitutional.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, known as CAAF, is the last stop before military appeals battles make it to the Supreme Court. Begani's attorney did not respond to a request for comment about the petition for the CAAF to consider the case.

The retired chief petty officer's request calls on the court to consider whether his court-martial was unfair since some retired troops are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice after leaving the military and others aren't.

Sailors and Marines who leave active duty with more than 20 years in uniform but less than 30 who want to collect retiree pay move into the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. In that status, they essentially receive retainer pay and can be brought back onto active duty without consent in extreme circumstances, leaving them subject to the UCMJ.

It's not until retired Marines and sailors hit the 30-year mark of active or inactive service when they're moved to the Regular Retired List, under which they're no longer subject to the UCMJ.

Those same rules don't apply to retired reservists, though, which has left some considering Begani's case unconstitutional.

In 2019, Navy Lt. Daniel Rosinski, who represented Begani, argued that there's no difference between a retiree who leaves active duty versus one who leaves the Reserve. They're all out of uniform, aren't subject to military duties on a day-to-day basis, and can all be recalled to active duty, he said.

Unlike Begani, though, who was tried in a military courtroom, Reserve retirees are tried as civilians.

Begani's case dates back to 2017, when he was arrested by Naval Criminal Investigative Service agents after he'd left active duty and was transferred to the Fleet Reserve. He was working as a contractor at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan when he showed up at a residence where he believed a 15-year-old girl with whom he'd been communicating lived.

Begani had actually been communicating with an undercover NCIS agent. He received a bad-conduct discharge and was sentenced to 18 months' confinement.


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2e4f29  No.9885803


okay, satanist

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8df069  No.9885804

File: afeb0abfec48ff5⋯.png (558.46 KB, 668x672, 167:168, walrus.png)

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941166  No.9885805



>>9885344, >>9885638 planefaggin

>>9885601, >>9885675 Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele accuses Beijing of grooming UK establishment figures to be 'full-time agents' or 'useful idiots'

>>9885554 Former LA City Councilman Mitchell Englander pleads guilty to obstructing investigation into City Hall corruption

>>9885553 Pentagon drafts new policy which would ban the display of Confederate flags at ALL Defense Department workplaces and public spaces

>>9885538, >>9885580 US has officially withdrawn from the WHO

>>9885515 GMaxwell Jail deets

>>9885475, >>9885494 Roger Goodell says NFL was wrong to ignore players protests. will play BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM at all games this fall

>>9885471 Supreme Court Unanimous Electoral College Decision: KAGAN cites The Scam in her Ruling

>>9885455 Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

>>9885431 ‘Black Lives Matter’ Audit of Statues and Street Names, Announces UK Region

>>9885424 ‘Price on your heads’: Aide to Venezuelan ‘president’ Guaido threatens journalists with FBI investigation over ‘Twitter hack’

>>9885413 Police Investigation into Slave Labour in Coronavirus Hotspot Leicester

>>9885394 FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China

>>9885392 Model Yolanda Hadid Denies Ghislaine Maxwell Hid Out At Her Home

>>9885369 Second Stimulus Check Income Eligibility May Be Capped At $40,000

>>9885360 Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

>>9885346 Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief

>>9885326 Former UK lawmaker Eric Joyce pleads guilty to making ‘indecent image’ of children as young as 12 MONTHS

>>9885283, >>9885668 $150 million penalty on DB over Epstein transactions, czech the transactions amount!

>>9885262, >>9885298 Refresher: The Money-Laundering Vatican Bank Comes Clean

>>9885247 Archived photos of Ghislaine Maxwell 693 total

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5b9656  No.9885806


nontechanon here

the structure and set up of this board is very strange - both good and bad

the idea that any faggot can create a thread or bred seems absurd to me

it creates massive slides and BS posts

BO approved bakers would be a big improvement - create main thread only with tripcode - dont care who or how many get approved but if they whine then they rotate

simple common sense solutions are always

avoided when people want fuckery

that is why this is a dark hive and going down

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543029  No.9885807

File: ba78971a2442896⋯.png (46.16 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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33998a  No.9885809

File: fba5790f894a898⋯.png (350.05 KB, 620x366, 310:183, E0E2DE71_9FB7_4456_93D6_D8….png)

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792830  No.9885810

Flynn 4 Z Win

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6c62bd  No.9885811

File: e9ad4803bf77152⋯.jpg (125.02 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, download_2_.jpg)


>Alison J Nathan


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792830  No.9885813

Is it really so hard to believe that there are elected officials in our gov who are enriching themselves at the expense of our Country [NAT SEC]?

Why do they always include their spouse, son, daughter, etc.?

Follow the money.

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05c3d5  No.9885814

Why does this bread exist if #12650 isn't filled yet?

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20aa1f  No.9885815


Ofek 16 is an electro-optical reconnaissance satellite with advanced capabilities and was the first launch of an Israeli satellite since Spacecom’s Amos-17 took off from Florida in 2017.


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411f9c  No.9885816

File: 28bab1d2fc9a0e5⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 255x199, 255:199, who_cares.jpg)

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d16ba1  No.9885817

File: 95afd876599df2b⋯.jpeg (39.65 KB, 474x446, 237:223, 42C35E6F_D6BD_4B41_9EA8_D….jpeg)

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b5826f  No.9885818


Vindman's name came up again because of Duckworth's attempt to stop all military promotions unless Vindman was promoted.


Vindman is on my list as the culprit.

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2e4f29  No.9885819

Brianna, you are wrong, the confederate flag is not part of anything the Federal Govt does.

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70bfbf  No.9885820

File: 81ef35443fcddd2⋯.jpg (674.79 KB, 1080x708, 90:59, IMG_705.jpg)

File: a39934109114e2d⋯.jpg (829.33 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, IMG_706.jpg)

File: 3d285623266e074⋯.jpg (577.8 KB, 1080x705, 72:47, IMG_707.jpg)

You Imagine Gods Illumination Aura Because

Make Babies again!

(Families are our Qure)

Remember the smell of childhood.

Invite God In


Roll Chaotix Good

She curious=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debters.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our vitality.

We pray God sharpen our Truth.

We pray God expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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5a50de  No.9885822

Check out these insane new voting laws in Massachusetts!

Voting By Mail

In July, a new law was passed to allow all registered voters in Massachusetts to vote by mail in any 2020 election, with no excuse needed.

As required by the new law, a Vote by Mail application will be mailed to every person who was registered to vote by July 1 and who had not already requested an absentee ballot for the State Primary or for all elections this year. A second mailing will be sent out in September to all voters who have not already applied for a Vote by Mail ballot for the November election. The applications are pre-addressed to your local election official and no postage is necessary.

Vote by Mail applications must be delivered to your local election office no later than 4 business days before the election. For a State Primary ballot, your application must reach your local election office no later than August 26. For a State Election ballot, your application must reach your local election office no later than October 28.

If you wish to vote by mail, you are strongly encouraged to return your application as early as possible, to make sure that you will receive your ballot in time to return it and have it be counted.

Vote by Mail applications are available for download and may also be requested by contacting the Elections Division.

You can find more information on voting by mail on our Voting by Mail FAQs page.

(Updated 7/6/20)

Voter Registration

We encourage those who need to register to vote to use our online voter registration system. If you cannot register online, you may still register without leaving your home by sending a mail-in voter registration form to your local election office. If you need to register to vote in person, contact your local election official about their ability.

The voter registration deadline for all elections in 2020 will be 10 days before any election.

(Updated 7/6/20)

Early Voting

To assist with limiting crowding at polling places, there will be additional days of early voting this year.

In-person voting for the September 1 State Primary will take place over 8 days, with 7 days of early voting being held August 22-28. All cities and towns will be required to offer early voting on Saturday, August 22 and Sunday, August 23.

In-person voting for the November 3 State Election will take place over 15 days, with 14 days of early voting being held October 17-30. All cities and towns will be required to offer early voting on Saturday, October 17, Sunday, October 18, Saturday, October 24 and Sunday, October 25.

Early voting schedules and locations will be posted at www.MassEarlyVote.com at least one week before early voting begins.

(Updated 6/29/2020)

PT1 OF 2,



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53ea59  No.9885823

File: d2d2c99fa7a1dbb⋯.png (171.72 KB, 518x362, 259:181, respectmasks.png)

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848999  No.9885824

File: 0efc5c1f4367613⋯.png (168.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_Brothers_Forever_Badg….png)


We'll get through this.

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abcebb  No.9885825

File: e14d692c9ae867f⋯.png (376.17 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, VENOM_2.png)


Nah - there are too many comped and weak government people…

if you want your freedom, you have to live it, not wait for it to be handed to you

never worn and not going to wear a mask

if business tries to force me out, then I leave, and take my business to a freedom loving place instead - may have to drive a bit farther, pay a few bucks more - freedom isn't free

stop pissing and moaning about masks - if you don't want to wear them, don't

what will you do if they make wearing briefs with a front fly illegal?

do you always drive the speed limit?

do you meekly run when someone threatens you or your family?

live your life or don't - but leave your bitching about it at your end of the kybd

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20aa1f  No.9885826



Palantir PO

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5b9656  No.9885827


fucking stupid slides easily solved

has it accurred to anons that the battle is not OUT THERE?

its in your own mind and your own family and you own community, and outward from there

dont go slaying dragons in DC when tney live in your house or bak yard or community

start there

it takes guts and courage and few will do it

that is why we wait

there is only do or not do - no trying

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792830  No.9885828

File: 497787979a61f0d⋯.png (19.43 KB, 685x306, 685:306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa67a26ac84d554⋯.png (9.71 KB, 448x245, 64:35, ClipboardImage.png)


Private Commz No More


Punk Bitch

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2e4f29  No.9885830

Brianna, you want me to commit hearsay..

I let Trump's answers stand.

I work for the Administration that has kept the federal govt out of these issues and I respect States rights.

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cafed4  No.9885831

File: ea5058175ef8706⋯.jpg (59.22 KB, 490x326, 245:163, krst9.jpg)


and there it is

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941166  No.9885832


smart bee

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3dc14d  No.9885833

File: 542ec15ecf12063⋯.png (14.36 KB, 344x127, 344:127, faguok.png)


>What’s the plan if Trump loses?

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e52ab3  No.9885834

File: c59637e6cee610a⋯.png (7.25 KB, 455x170, 91:34, 2020_07_07_14_40_55_Q_Pale….png)


kek. Q rolls by the book.

Have a Great Day!

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6c3239  No.9885835

File: 00a68edb3b13e7a⋯.jpg (225.81 KB, 1248x832, 3:2, RyeBread.jpg)

File: 910541582e4c07d⋯.jpg (323.41 KB, 1024x1308, 256:327, Catcher.jpg)

File: 878162f1a8fcaca⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, RyeBread2.jpg)


Thanks Baker!


Step 1.

Know the Rules.

Step 2.

Know the Players.

Step 3.

Know how to win.

Step 4.


++There is no STEP FIVE.++

Many games happen at the same time.

Not All Anons see the same games.

Fight for what you care about as long as you are RIGHT.

Identify the ones you can




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5a50de  No.9885837

Check out these insane new voting laws in Massachusetts! PT 2 Of2,

(Updated 7/6/20)

Emergency Ballots

If you have been admitted to a healthcare facility within 7 days of an election, or you have been instructed by a medical professional or public health official to self-quarantine in your home within 7 days of an election, you may use the absentee ballot application to designate someone to pick up your emergency absentee ballot, deliver it to you, and return it to your local election official.

There is no deadline to submit an application for an emergency ballot, but your ballot must be returned to your local election office by the close of polls.

(Updated 7/6/20)

Town Elections

A new law has been passed which allows towns to reschedule their annual town elections, which are usually held between February 1 and June 30. Town elections must now be held on or before August 1. You should contact your town clerk for more information about the date of your town election.

No-excuse early voting by mail is allowed for all local elections being held on or before August 1, 2020. You may apply now for your mail-in early ballot.

If your town's election has been moved, ballots for the original election date will still be valid. If you have already submitted an absentee ballot, that ballot will be counted.

(Updated 6/9/20)

Candidate Nomination Papers

The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that, due to the difficulty of obtaining signatures on nomination papers during the current pandemic, the following accommodations shall be made for non-party candidates for federal office:

The number of required signatures for ballot access will be cut in half;

An “electronic signature,” which is the voter's hand-written signature, either on paper or using a mouse or stylus on an electronic document, will be accepted on printed nomination papers.

Number of Signatures Required

In accordance with the SJC ruling, the number of certified signatures required for non-party candidates for federal office to be placed on the 2020 State Election ballot shall be:

President and Vice President — 5,000

U.S. Senator — 5,000

U.S. House of Representatives — 1,000

Electronic Signature Gathering

The Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that signatures gathered electronically may be acceptable for certification, though the nomination papers must still be submitted to local election officials and the Secretary of the Commonwealth on paper.

Acceptable “electronic signatures” include signatures signed on a scanned nomination paper using a mouse, stylus, or finger. Signatures are also acceptable if they are signed by hand on a nomination paper which has been scanned and returned to the campaign electronically. Typed signatures are not acceptable.

Please note that nomination papers cannot be submitted to local election officials or the Secretary of the Commonwealth's office electronically. Papers must still be printed, back-to-front, and must be exact copies of nomination papers provided by this office.

Additional guidance on “electronic signatures” can be obtained from the Elections Division.


Because some city and town halls are currently closed to the public, candidates are encouraged to submit nomination papers to their local election offices by mail, if enough time remains before the deadline. If you are mailing nomination papers, we recommend the use of some tracking service, in case they are mis-delivered. If you would like the papers returned to you by mail, include a pre-addressed postage paid envelope for the clerk to use to return them to you.

Remember that postmarks are not sufficient for nomination paper deadlines. The papers must be in the local election office by 5 p.m. on the date of the deadline!

If you need to file your papers in person, you should contact the local election official for information on their availability. They may ask you to call when you arrive, so they can meet you outside, or they may request that you leave your nomination papers in a drop box. If you are leaving nomination papers in a drop box, be sure to include your contact information, so the clerk can get in touch with you when the papers are ready to be picked up.

The Secretary of the Commonwealth's office remains open to the public during regular business hours for the filing of nomination papers.



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8e506a  No.9885838


Don't they have an R governor??? Why isn't this getting vetoed?

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792830  No.9885840


Against Who?

I Serve The Lord Jesus Christ A77W4YZ

Who Do YOu Serve??

Get BEhind ME SSatan

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d72d26  No.9885841


I’d personally be ok with destroying the species, if it prevented suffering, either of the human species or of aliens who humans will eventually encounter.

Maybe it’s all about me and my suicide saves the species from being destroyed by my alien friends. I am, after all, inside this dumb white human. Something tells me Q knows this and the forces of “Good” (self preservation) have me quarantined to assist me towards suicide.

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fd02a2  No.9885842

File: 525ccfdebedd7ad⋯.jpg (147.8 KB, 1484x1194, 742:597, AP_17104696541156150240522….jpg)


Speaking of bitch slapping CNN, damn I miss Jeffrey Lord.

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dcd6e7  No.9885843


that's a distinct possibility

that old trope only comes out when they're attacking the kitchen

strange dough this morning too many duplicate breads

messes up the notables aggregator

keeps things out of notables or at least delays their wide dissemination

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941166  No.9885844


thanks for the update gy

have a guud one

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432771  No.9885845

File: 3fb6f0bd8d16c87⋯.png (594.35 KB, 501x722, 501:722, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e4f29  No.9885846


what is your issue?

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dd29a1  No.9885847

File: 9a0982f1f7bec57⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 500x426, 250:213, Rapers.jpg)

File: 3235b38de909e24⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 648x448, 81:56, xi_mask_1_.jpg)

Negroid men rape 30 thousand white women annually and that's and embarrassment nobody wants to address.

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5a50de  No.9885849


Sent to me by a friend who lives there. Ma is as Blue as it gets.

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139a91  No.9885851


you need a break nb or good to go?


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fa213c  No.9885852


just kek'd muh ice tea on the desk

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792830  No.9885853


Thats What I Thought….

You Are My issue TRUMP

Bow Down To God or Persih

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60bad8  No.9885855

File: 218816ca89e42f2⋯.png (14.87 KB, 782x899, 782:899, 782px_ISIL_Caliphate_Seal_….png)

File: a034463e6b235ad⋯.jpg (23.85 KB, 400x392, 50:49, CIA_SENEX_Travel_SENIOR_EX….jpg)



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d72d26  No.9885856


Funny how the captcha was for you, faggot.

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69b0fd  No.9885858


Even if you lived through hanging chads, you won't believe how fucked up this election is going to be. God help us all.

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16f916  No.9885859

Anons, lifelong democrat and former NYT writer here. I'm on the edge but I have to know:

How did you old fucks do it? How did you put Trump in office? It was fucking impossible.

And now he's going to win again. Fuck you all.

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52b05e  No.9885861


Fuck every single of of those Godless, soulless people. Wash them all away.

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8777bc  No.9885862

File: bc70a5cd8a9975b⋯.jpg (96.1 KB, 900x708, 75:59, who_dog.jpg)

Buh bye WHO

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c59172  No.9885863


After chasing down those two links, I had to return just to say, "Thems some proper titties!"

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411f9c  No.9885864


>You Are My issue TRUMP

>Bow Down To God or Persih

You are really in the wrong place. Did you take the left or right by the Dairy Queen?

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597a20  No.9885865

File: b96b400574e8c21⋯.jpg (48.78 KB, 653x659, 653:659, who.JPG)

File: 6dcddd2e3dfb962⋯.gif (5.98 MB, 720x405, 16:9, triggered.gif)

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792830  No.9885867

File: 50cc00342d02ab3⋯.png (22.67 KB, 591x169, 591:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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6b3649  No.9885869

File: 2321cb4322eb3a0⋯.png (94.76 KB, 916x468, 229:117, joe_m_covid911_on_qrbunker….png)

Joe M's Covid 911 Video MP4

Had a feeling it might get pulled so made an mp4 and stuck it on qrbunker endchan, because it's 68mgs, can't stick it here.



(This in not the WR board, it's a bu board in case 8 ever goes down for a while but it's also good for posting mp4's that won't fit here. Can take up to about 70megs, maybe more - just no the 350megs that endchan claims it will, really huge files just crash the board temporarily.

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0554bf  No.9885870



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1a6f6f  No.9885871



"Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government run by you the American people"

Trump's EO demanding federal workers be hired on merit instead of certification/degree lends credence to habbening

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1ca866  No.9885873

File: dc254bd4bdae8fa⋯.png (542.5 KB, 1864x2119, 1864:2119, 10_10.png)

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287e72  No.9885875


>simple common sense solutions

statistically improbable phrases for 100, please.

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000000  No.9885876


Welcome aboard

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3dc14d  No.9885877

File: 7cf510c27d5598d⋯.jpeg (115.67 KB, 1624x750, 812:375, 8kun_DOD.jpeg)


Thanks for the advice

Good thing you're a non-tech anon or you'd have figured out what this means

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342879  No.9885879


Electoral College.

Fuck your popular vote and your feelings.

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792830  No.9885880

NOTHING can STOP what IS cOMing

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052894  No.9885884


He ultimately did it himself by saying what was on everyone's mind, but which they didn't have the words to say.

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cff755  No.9885885


You are a newfag. You aren't a namefag. And newfags should lurk moar before posting let alone trying to rearrange the furniture.

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432771  No.9885886


start with bread #1 and catch up.

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873e7d  No.9885887


>create main thread only with tripcode - dont care who or how many get approved but if they whine then they rotate

That would quickly become comped and controlled. Whenever you have doors and access keys, you will get control and the likelihood that the enemy will gain the keys.

Chaos is the price of ensuring the doors stay wide open and that the truth has a chance to compete against controlled narratives and lies.

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95d046  No.9885888


ok sorry. Part of me wants to believe — wants an answer, any answer. But I'll maintain critical thinking. Guy didn't provide any evidence for his claim besides physical resemblance.

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fd02a2  No.9885889


Dragon Energy.

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2e4f29  No.9885890

File: d6a0d72a45b6ec6⋯.jpg (113.63 KB, 696x719, 696:719, ken_cucc.jpg)


yep, Cuccinelli triggered the left.

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792830  No.9885891

File: e2484798ca77198⋯.png (56.32 KB, 596x458, 298:229, ClipboardImage.png)

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d72d26  No.9885892


So /qresearch is a way to isolate and compartmentalize bigoted religious fundamentalists intent on playing out their ultra violent tribal instincts. Roger that.

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888530  No.9885893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was just listening to Admiral Rogers with an interview of Cyber Command Association established by the Vice Presidents directive. The interview was done at the U o f V.

One really interesting point is a student brought up “presidential policy directive 20” which was issued by Obama administration.. He says the problems he had with PPD20 was, it made it much harder to do their jobs and It allowed agencies to be lone wolfs doing their own thing, instead of collaboration with all other intelligence organizations

Under the Trump administration it changed with input from Rogers. It seems from what I’ve read Obama let any agency illegally do cyber attacks tp other countries, which makes sense since he bugged Merkel and other countries

Some lawfag or autist I’m not sure this means but it seems the PPD20 made the US more vulnerable. I wonder if the changes By Obama and what he did to that directive. It would be interesting for someone to analyze the difference from the policy directive from Bush to Obama and how Potus changed it.

The insinuation from Rogers is that Cyber command was inherently weakened by Obama, and other agencies could bend or break the law because they were acting on their own. Just dropping this and the ppd20 doc is anyone is interested.

I’m wondering if Obama made it easier for foreign actors to steal our cyber data or prevent the intrusion of our cyber data.



Policy established under Bush due to 9/11

Signed by President Barack Obama in October 2012, this directive supersedes National Security Presidential Directive NSPD-38. Integrating cyber tools with those of national security,[1] the directive complements NSPD-54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-23


Go to minute 45:06 to hear admiral Rogers with the question and his answer

Trump changes

PPD-20 elimination opens arguments over how U.S. should conduct offensive hacking operations


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cafed4  No.9885894


Find God and you will figure it out on your own

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000000  No.9885897


Also, Anons should consider they made a whole board for that exact purpose.

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8df069  No.9885898

File: f54571e57fe5176⋯.jpg (139.05 KB, 1317x800, 1317:800, Capture.JPG)

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60bad8  No.9885899

File: 4e4e3dd48700f10⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.65 MB, 540x351, 20:13, 5x5.gif)


Winner Win…You have ZERO concept. Delta Bravo…

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287e72  No.9885901

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3dc14d  No.9885902


fight me triple nigger!

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abcebb  No.9885903

File: 6a2d2d1d410a24a⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 1200x787, 1200:787, aliemax.jpg)


yes - so they can add you into their statistics

the criteria has changed from a 'positive test'


fever and headache

so same symptoms as dehydration and heat stroke now meet Covid-19 case criteria….

if you haven't figured out this entire things is a complete FF or scam, then you should go back to Reddit…and enjoy this guaranteed virus-free mask

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792830  No.9885904

File: 3ec4301e22708d2⋯.png (41.12 KB, 1032x1031, 1032:1031, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c8f18  No.9885906

File: 0610e29c3558718⋯.jpeg (432.33 KB, 737x1135, 737:1135, 4BB4EB12_DD59_4721_BDD2_9….jpeg)

File: 9147f54a137a5b7⋯.jpeg (391.12 KB, 828x739, 828:739, E4CAC189_81FD_4F5B_9430_5….jpeg)


To Bret Weinstein: An invitation to the Great Awakening

What if the right President was already drafted?

I’m a neuroscientist who has experienced the same problems with blind hubris from the same $$$ compromised science and academia that Bret Weinstein and his brother, Eric, have.

I enjoyed Bret’s interview with Joe Rogan last month (#1494) and I agree with his conclusions 1) RE the threat that the Maoist SJW movement poses to the enlightenment values of America and science itself and 2) that COVID-19 was a “gain of function“ lab creation.

He also proposed a plan to save the Republic called #Unity2020, which was outlined in his article posted on Medium.

The Articles of Unity - #Unity2020 - Medium


However, I think what Bret and Joe Rogan fail to recognize is that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that both of the threats to science and the Republic were not accidental.

In addition, both events were anticipated (with covert counter offensives developed) by good people within the NSA and military intelligence as early as 2012.

Moreover, the counter offensive plan included drafting a Presidential candidate that would serve to implement these plans. Trump is not the “lone narcissist political genius” that he appears to be.  He is merely the visible tip of the corrective ice berg.

Someone needs tell Bret that his unity 2020 plan was already realized years ago and is well underway (the why and when). I agree with Q that the hardest to understand for everyone will be the “how.”

In any event, I’m optimistic about the future of both America and science.  

Rogan podcast #1494


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411f9c  No.9885908


>How did you old fucks do it? How did you put Trump in office? It was fucking impossible

God wins.

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33998a  No.9885909

File: 5efc1b331e1b667⋯.png (24.13 KB, 500x642, 250:321, EE5FBAD2_4E3D_4071_8F11_F0….png)

File: b5e382d2ce8fa11⋯.png (30.3 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 058AA58A_26BC_49E0_AC94_1D….png)

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10cd9e  No.9885910

File: 612bf9d8cbbbf15⋯.jpg (335.78 KB, 1236x1236, 1:1, 612bf9d8cbbbf15b30207b987a….jpg)

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792830  No.9885911

New Z-Land

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6c62bd  No.9885913


Talk to people outside of New York, it was pretty obvious how angry most people were.

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411f9c  No.9885915

File: fe576251e53f493⋯.jpg (7.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, slide.jpg)

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fa8981  No.9885916


Because the American People [United] is the most powerful force on Earth. (Next to God)

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554a7c  No.9885917


BeN trans humanism goi soi toi maxi marxi Collins

how old is the used tampon you're wearing as a mask, by now its gotta be 2 months old… and you said front hole smell is bad

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ab0676  No.9885919

File: 0e831da6b3ea4d5⋯.jpg (584.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ASD.jpg)

Your governor wasn't able to murder all of us old fucks.

That's how we did it.

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2e4f29  No.9885920


we use our brain, but you don't use yours…it is a sign of demonic possession to remain ignorant despite what your eyes see.

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792830  No.9885921


Gang Gang

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941166  No.9885922


break would be guud

g1 upset someone called him, told him they'd stop his SS, need to make sure assured wasshillcall, fuckers


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a07fa8  No.9885925


you remember Bulworth? like that.

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9aaafd  No.9885926

File: edc479b9af2133b⋯.png (61.27 KB, 881x654, 881:654, 8kun_The_Whole_Tamale.PNG)



This shit again?

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10cccc  No.9885927

Why we gots 3 breads?

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6c3239  No.9885928

File: 519af7c75d71d23⋯.jpg (113.17 KB, 843x656, 843:656, MAGABoot.jpg)


Well said anon.

AFBL is the worst. IT tries really hard to be a patriot and in the process doesn't see what they do…

They do see what they do as division or even an annoyance.

AFBL is a large part of the division caused on /qr/.

It sad that IT just doesn't understand how it is harming something IT feels IT wants to help.

The MAGA Boot comes down heavy on Fake MAGA when you can SEE.

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6c8f18  No.9885929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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792830  No.9885931

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dd29a1  No.9885932

File: b78519d348174f8⋯.jpg (36.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f21da56f7f496ea939c3470237….jpg)

File: c1caa41e3fa77bd⋯.jpg (47.48 KB, 500x551, 500:551, BLM_1.jpg)

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554a7c  No.9885933

tyrus is a marxist blm commie slave trading maxwell supporter - say it say ghislanes name!


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08fe56  No.9885935


what the fuck is this???


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6b3649  No.9885936


Finally posted the thing i came to post

Every time i "drop in", end up spending a little bit more time than planned

like with LoliGate - all night

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97c6c2  No.9885937

Embedded videos stopped working for me a long while back except I didn’t want to be thought a newb by asking for help. I have read the instructions anons but still a no go. I’m putting my pride aside. Please help a dumbass..

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53ea59  No.9885938

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6c3239  No.9885939


AFBL took to many meds today or somethign.

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8df069  No.9885942

File: c74403a6d2791fc⋯.gif (48.28 KB, 165x115, 33:23, Deusvult.gif)

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873e7d  No.9885943


I know. Seen it before. Wanted to respond anyway.

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792830  No.9885944




















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139a91  No.9885945



will start a bun nb

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052894  No.9885947


No one would be able to carbon copy what happened with Trump using an inferior candidate. That's why Andrew Yang crashed and burned so hard, despite his campaign's best efforts to mimic Trump's. That and the crying.

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c13bfd  No.9885949

File: 04c67fc05761199⋯.jpg (315.11 KB, 891x447, 297:149, Screenshot_2019_08_10_How_….jpg)

File: ebcb390dc63aeb9⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1134x1260, 9:10, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Mega….png)

File: 759b9ef83f86580⋯.png (1.13 MB, 812x825, 812:825, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

File: 7c8190e10b44f3c⋯.png (685.84 KB, 833x876, 833:876, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

File: 62d5117471a8bd1⋯.png (516.39 KB, 877x706, 877:706, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)


We need a new American edition of Plutarch's Lives. Redact nothing, add Trump…and a few others. Same style. No funny business. Adding colour plates is allowed. Not for profit.

Every child ought to have a read through at least once by 18. Good for pattern recognition, typology and so on; will arm the child with knowledge of good and evil and ambivalence in action. Will help them spot fakers, mountebanks, con-artists, psychos and so on.

If you want to eliminate the practice of a vice, do its opposite - it is in the will, not the intellect.

Great stuff - but this is clown world.

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9fed1e  No.9885950

File: f6dfcfcd28a98ac⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 252x263, 252:263, YouWroteSoMuchText.gif)

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2e4f29  No.9885951



>Because the American People [United] is the most powerful force on Earth.

George Washington said that the thing that separates American Christians from everybody else is that they "would rather die on their feet before they live on their knees"?


You would rather live on your knees.

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31ae05  No.9885952


This was debunked months ago.

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10cccc  No.9885953

File: 81f6e0854a83bcb⋯.png (363.78 KB, 484x494, 242:247, 81f6e0854a83bcbd16def538e7….png)

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0d1ccc  No.9885954



No one deserves that level of devastation… People are people… the government is fucked… but look around… who's isn't…..

Your looking at the first time a country has tackled this problem head on … and that's America…. took time but the fruits will be worth it.

Every government has issues…. some more than others….That does NOT make the people bad.

I suppose we shall see what happens.

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10cd9e  No.9885955

File: 703b23f6c1b3fed⋯.jpg (223.16 KB, 976x566, 488:283, 703b23f6c1b3fed53f5a2cbade….jpg)

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33998a  No.9885956

File: 00b1e6a11a80bc9⋯.jpeg (50.41 KB, 872x518, 436:259, 9860F36D_ACD0_49D2_9CAE_1….jpeg)

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fa213c  No.9885957


gb to the rescue. tag yer it. -wnb out

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411f9c  No.9885958


>I know. Seen it before. Wanted to respond anyway.

As you were anon, pleasure serving with you.

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8a6242  No.9885959


The first rule of law is not to be hypocritical about ANYTHING. We believe, let go and let God, and when that fails because someone has an agenda they want to impose on us, kick ass.

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06894e  No.9885960

File: ad04633424bb68a⋯.png (562.47 KB, 513x513, 1:1, pepe_zen_pose.png)

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342879  No.9885961


Clear browser cookies and cache and reboot router to (hopefully) get a new IP.

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de8a9f  No.9885962

File: ec89032e6a98697⋯.png (335.12 KB, 598x699, 598:699, ClipboardImage.png)



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873e7d  No.9885963


cheers, fren o7

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26a097  No.9885964


i guess he will have to start a paytriot you tube channel

and beg for patrons

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d57387  No.9885965

File: 5f738a0f161fc6a⋯.jpeg (86.28 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 12092D8B_854E_415B_866A_8….jpeg)

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fa213c  No.9885966


we don't worship satan. that's how.

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52b05e  No.9885967

File: 6eeef7911be79c7⋯.jpg (4.55 KB, 303x166, 303:166, 6eeef7911be79c7ed41a770480….jpg)

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792830  No.9885968

File: a49336f3e31e3af⋯.png (4.32 KB, 464x52, 116:13, ClipboardImage.png)


So Good I Saved It Twice

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7e6c19  No.9885969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9aaafd  No.9885970

File: ff4569ce6382cfa⋯.jpg (92.57 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 13aa6e293bce801e738b45c0c1….jpg)



Well, you catch the other team cheating, and get a few patriots in the right spots, and then victory.

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941166  No.9885971



hope to get one going


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3dc14d  No.9885975


Ethan named the jew and got deplatformed

poor guy

the only thing the tribe hates more than a Christian is the Truth.

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b66158  No.9885976

Nobody gives a fuck about your stupid racist message board. Nobody cares that you employ soft censoring techniques using vanwa as cover or deniability. Nobody wants to be part of a provincial group of mentally ill Trump supporters who are ok with racism as a norm.

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33998a  No.9885977

File: 448147130615894⋯.png (235.05 KB, 780x530, 78:53, 79007BE9_BD3A_4BAD_A15E_F0….png)

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fa8981  No.9885978



Liddle Shifty Schiff couldn't even get a flat $8M!

What a terrible negotiator!!!

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13309a  No.9885982



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10cccc  No.9885983


And here I thought, the 'Whipped Cream' campaign strategy was a real bell ringer.

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dd29a1  No.9885984

File: 5dea65a7cd814c4⋯.jpg (189.99 KB, 1000x1208, 125:151, downloadfile_9_1_u.jpg)

File: 1ad3322334e210c⋯.jpg (39.13 KB, 640x418, 320:209, downloadfile_26.jpg)

File: f4c0b6fcf53cc53⋯.png (274.48 KB, 980x551, 980:551, downloadfile_2.png)

Could be our next flotus.

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e17d8c  No.9885985

Trusting The Plan is a direct assertion that the job of attacking the deep seated infiltrators and traitors belongs to those who swore an oath to do so.

The military, your Congressional / Senate appointees, the Judiciary and the like.

You, the average working citizen, appointed them into power to carry out your Will within the realm of influence each were given.

To assume that the main attacks against these traitors belongs to the average citizen is founded on the corrupt presumption that those in power, that you elected, are unable to do so.

It's an admittance that those you trusted, should not be.

It's a Lie.

It's a belief the traitors themselves want you to have.

You have a critical job to do, as an informed member of your Republic: Awaken those around you.

Create more informed members of your own republic so you can make more informed choices, and propose more informed actions to those who are elected to carry out your Awakened Will.

Trust the plan. We are in this together, and we may excel in each our own areas of expertise.

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395a8f  No.9885986

File: 98806dbfb9d0bd6⋯.png (317.31 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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941166  No.9885987


>>9885344, >>9885638 planefaggin

>>9885871 "Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment ………..

>>9885822, >>9885837 Check out these insane new voting laws in Massachusetts!

>>9885802 Military's Top Appeals Court to Consider Whether Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed

>>9885748 Ghislaine Maxwell will avoid first NYC court appearance on child sex trafficking charges after opting to appear remotely

>>9885601, >>9885675 Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele accuses Beijing of grooming UK establishment figures to be 'full-time agents' or 'useful idiots'

>>9885554 Former LA City Councilman Mitchell Englander pleads guilty to obstructing investigation into City Hall corruption

>>9885553 Pentagon drafts new policy which would ban the display of Confederate flags at ALL Defense Department workplaces and public spaces

>>9885538, >>9885580 US has officially withdrawn from the WHO

>>9885515 GMaxwell Jail deets

>>9885475, >>9885494 Roger Goodell says NFL was wrong to ignore players protests. will play BLACK NATIONAL ANTHEM at all games this fall

>>9885471 Supreme Court Unanimous Electoral College Decision: KAGAN cites The Scam in her Ruling

>>9885455 Nothing Can Stop What is Coming

>>9885431 ‘Black Lives Matter’ Audit of Statues and Street Names, Announces UK Region

>>9885424 ‘Price on your heads’: Aide to Venezuelan ‘president’ Guaido threatens journalists with FBI investigation over ‘Twitter hack’

>>9885413 Police Investigation into Slave Labour in Coronavirus Hotspot Leicester

>>9885394 FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China

>>9885392 Model Yolanda Hadid Denies Ghislaine Maxwell Hid Out At Her Home

>>9885369 Second Stimulus Check Income Eligibility May Be Capped At $40,000

>>9885360 Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

>>9885346 Ben Shapiro Steps Down As The Daily Wire’s Editor-In-Chief

>>9885326 Former UK lawmaker Eric Joyce pleads guilty to making ‘indecent image’ of children as young as 12 MONTHS

>>9885283, >>9885668 $150 million penalty on DB over Epstein transactions, czech the transactions amount!

>>9885262, >>9885298 Refresher: The Money-Laundering Vatican Bank Comes Clean

>>9885247 Archived photos of Ghislaine Maxwell 693 total


Baker is getting post lag

Think baking may be tricky

hold your notables till next

baker on it

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000000  No.9885988


This nigger

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707985  No.9885990

File: 579cb19b1d8e061⋯.webm (2.15 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1593751432133.webm)

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fa213c  No.9885991


ahh bonez, you should know better than to think you can get outta here that quick. just accept that itz an impossibility. kek

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2ba7e4  No.9885992

File: 15edcc049d23eb9⋯.jpg (20.76 KB, 425x220, 85:44, Capture.JPG)


KEKEKEK…Thanks That gave me a good laugh…..Hurts don't it….Stick around its going to hurt a lot Moar….Also FK U 2…kekekekekekeke

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432771  No.9885994

File: 2b6f005e836143b⋯.jpg (150.98 KB, 802x547, 802:547, acb56723731e6a40364e512d5e….jpg)

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3dc14d  No.9885995




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287e72  No.9885997


we have the best people.

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52b05e  No.9885998


Moishe don't put words in my mouth.

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fa213c  No.9886000

File: a28b80e9e87b850⋯.jpg (107.03 KB, 625x626, 625:626, a28b80e9e87b8503dde80c6322….jpg)


moar like this today.

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10cccc  No.9886001

File: bd46df2c5b8e774⋯.png (72.26 KB, 253x181, 253:181, 92db08ce9d8bfca88508bd0da4….png)


That has got to be the dumbest question posted on this board to date.

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35da3f  No.9886002

File: 7ab3b10c2e17817⋯.jpg (413.86 KB, 1068x787, 1068:787, ENxkcRkWoAIo7PS.jpg)


Kek. You will never get it.

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342879  No.9886003


Yet here you are.


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0554bf  No.9886004

File: 60ce9edbce9085e⋯.png (31.13 KB, 387x317, 387:317, Screen_Shot_2020_07_07_at_….png)


just feel like one needs to input these directives on this faggot. just feelz right, like we need to go live on this motherfucker


Chan Stringer



25 Nov 2017 - 3:28:38 PM

Flash Dir_






Key secured.


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554a7c  No.9886005

drFRAUD must come out KNOW!! and show definitive proof that masks must be WORN NOW and how they works in the prevention of COVID19, as a reason of violating our CIVIL LIBERTIES



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d92ba2  No.9886006

File: 72c2f846bdf4b27⋯.jpg (138.15 KB, 534x467, 534:467, shill_post.jpg)


>Anons, lifelong democrat and former NYT writer here.

Sure you are….

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8660a4  No.9886007

Enjoying week 11 ? zzzzzzz

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c1754f  No.9886008


Click your heels together three times to get a new ip.


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cff755  No.9886009


Try reading something else but your washed out old rag. You probably believed your own absurd fake polling as well. Do all of you live in the same echo chamber? Do you have any idea how insane you sound to people who have been digging nonstop 3+ years for the truth while always keeping open but skeptical minds? And you call yourself a journalist?

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60bad8  No.9886010

File: c35b8d4f146ca1f⋯.gif (10.18 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Delicious_Bass.gif)



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c13bfd  No.9886012

File: d04ae66f9893a04⋯.png (698.97 KB, 820x522, 410:261, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

File: 562b26b17abd85e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1349x3215, 1349:3215, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Mens….png)

File: 45a831cfdc1b4bb⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1349x3644, 1349:3644, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Milj….jpg)

File: 2138ed1bd3882e4⋯.png (779.75 KB, 1349x3654, 1349:3654, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Moss….png)

File: e0d698ac9c36829⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1349x4670, 1349:4670, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Reve….jpg)

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e55707  No.9886013


How do you know it was impossible? With God and truth all things are possible.

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7f09bf  No.9886015

File: 01028103d8df321⋯.jpg (99.21 KB, 691x361, 691:361, cdc1.jpg)


thanks for spreading my meme Baker

here's another

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53ea59  No.9886016

File: 5a4f548a7246e5a⋯.png (671.48 KB, 663x655, 663:655, youarehere2020.png)


tasty bait

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abcebb  No.9886018

File: 03435c7838287b7⋯.png (35.67 KB, 357x432, 119:144, amc.png)

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dd29a1  No.9886022

File: 85444ef908b2003⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 735x500, 147:100, 47jg3j.jpg)

Everything built in China is garbage.

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3bc900  No.9886024


Dear CIA: this is yet another example for my report. The guy spews racial garbage and talks about Old Testament stuff. Other night it was marklogic and moose synthesizers. Before that was feeding animals and so on and so forth. They never learn, do they. Total abuse of SIGINT.

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d92ba2  No.9886025

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)

Between all of the shill posts and all of the fake shill threads, I'm guessing something big is about to go down.

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e17d8c  No.9886026

"GRaNDMaSTeR" JaY Exposed: He has lied his whole life, about his whole life


Here he is introducing himself


Here he is describing what events he likes


1:17:17 [Context: What jobs are you doing right now?]

"Most people see me coming out of sweet 16 parties"

>A man in his 40s posting a video on Facebook where he raps "The only reason I rhyme is to impress girls".

Here are his early photos


Here's a Gold mine of people pointing out his lies:







Here's his actual music?




I…I honestly can't think of a better way to expose this fool than what has been exposed already.

GRaNDMaSTeR JaY in action


I'll end on this note:

"A lie can go around the world three times before the truth can get its shoes on."~

Grandmaster Beamz DJ Fail (How he faked his life, summarized)


The Spirit of Fear?? (His own message for NFAC)


Oh he knows how to lie.

Oh he knows how to invoke fear.

@YourAnonCentral Proudly supports him.

#NFAC Nutty Fucker Amplifying Chaos


He's a certified psychopath given command to an army.

Don't let those under him be hoodwinked, he's going to get them killed. He doesn't give two fucks about their families, their children.

It's likely he has been blackmailed into producing a moneyshot of carnage.

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52b05e  No.9886027


You obviously haven't seen the multitude of videos of shitty Chinese people running over toddlers, cooking animals alive etc etc. Fuck off with your platitudes.

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c35023  No.9886028


From a river in Springfield?

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60bad8  No.9886029

File: c4e2481d57bf974⋯.gif (822.24 KB, 245x134, 245:134, giphy.gif)




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33998a  No.9886033

File: 3fbc6780244515d⋯.jpeg (86.84 KB, 977x599, 977:599, 39359E72_B463_493E_B08A_B….jpeg)


Fuck off

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ff949f  No.9886034



Noteable - [Leakers] marker

"it's a marathon"

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8d805b  No.9886035

File: c52d3059d917dc7⋯.png (3.42 MB, 3300x1478, 1650:739, GOD_WINS_77777777_MAR19.png)

File: ff7edb452f8ae8d⋯.jpg (332.15 KB, 1458x1375, 1458:1375, godWins_001.jpg)

File: e1b4220415a6efb⋯.jpg (146.82 KB, 624x500, 156:125, Godchristians.jpg)

File: aeae083436f323f⋯.jpg (85.61 KB, 760x626, 380:313, god_wins.jpg)

File: 9f69b78b7af4374⋯.png (73.22 KB, 534x354, 89:59, godwins.png)


Hint: Someone always wins.

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32f682  No.9886036

Why are cats gross?

Cat just had kittens. out of 4, only one survived. 2 were DOA & the 3rd one she ate it's body. Thank goodness it's dark in the corner she is in & my kids didn't see the baby kitten head next to her.

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6b3649  No.9886038


Here's the deal:

Most of the time, we don't have problems - at least not major ones.

But sometimes, shills attack, espec when something big happens (Like maxwell arrest?)

There's no way to prevent a certain amt of chaos on this board

And having BO approve bakers is most definitely not the way - heh-heh.

(If you are not a newfag, you should know that already.)

It's shills who want fuckery, not bakers.

Not a dark hive.

So: what's your gig? You sound like either a pessimist or a shill. Either way, would advise a different approach.

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880b19  No.9886039


$echo "USA=" | base64 –decode; echo



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20aa1f  No.9886040


>Human Rights Campaign Erases Biology in ‘Transgender Safer Sex’ Guide, Assigns ‘Vagina’ to Trans Women Exclusively

WTF the satire writes itself

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7f09bf  No.9886041

File: 2c366190c8d69cb⋯.jpg (183.89 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, drfauci1.jpg)

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1a6f6f  No.9886043


ID: "…..QEK"

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31ae05  No.9886044


When Francis Scott key wrote our Anthem, The lyrics came from his experience imprisoned on a british ship that was bombarding Fort McHenry. The morning light showed that the flag was held up by a mound of patriot bodies, as each one came out of the fort's protection to grab the flag and keep it from falling to the ground.

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7f09bf  No.9886046

File: 477d9c9b8408244⋯.jpg (185.63 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, drfauci2.jpg)

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c59172  No.9886047


Wrong. Week 10 just started.

Welcome to the calm before the storm.

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60bad8  No.9886048

File: edeca6ec848bed7⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, cf5cf3671a.jpg)


Delawurr WhiteFeesh

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c35023  No.9886049


Satire a bit too difficult to grasp, anon?

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10cccc  No.9886050


Every year for the past 5 China has screamed that the dam is gonna blow.

It hasn't yet.

Fear tactics?

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e17d8c  No.9886052

File: 860ebddac849838⋯.png (929.18 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 6QDHL7.png)

File: 58f07b2d499976a⋯.png (773.16 KB, 800x600, 4:3, S63ZKIH0.png)

File: 2b70a704eadedb4⋯.png (733.49 KB, 800x530, 80:53, 406GTZVM96RH.png)

File: 6d72359984edf12⋯.png (684.51 KB, 800x531, 800:531, 8N4QEOR8XHXMU4K7.png)

File: e4cb83abc7ba5b4⋯.png (785.93 KB, 800x533, 800:533, KHAG4H.png)


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35da3f  No.9886053

File: ed20d2382d3791e⋯.png (97.56 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, ed20d2382d3791e89f12d6c5b2….png)




Not nigger. Jew.

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aa5a57  No.9886055



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10cccc  No.9886057


I didn't know it was a 'one man show'.

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0d1ccc  No.9886058

File: e3d39c9c0968fa1⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 648x688, 81:86, Looking_forwards.jpg)


So what… no traction for the jew / black posts…. and now your going to go all in on the "Chinese are evil" huh…. you always make me laugh.

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8660a4  No.9886059

Big Happenings …POTUS gonna talk about reopening schools …zzzzz

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ab0676  No.9886062



She'd be the first black FLOTUS with a vagina.

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6b3649  No.9886063


>I'm guessing something big is about to go down.

Or maybe it already has - Flynn emerging, Maxwell arrest, Ukrainians on Biden, info on China comping accts from Wray.

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52b05e  No.9886064



Kek. Very nice and very true!

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10cd9e  No.9886066

File: 9206da012304fee⋯.jpg (333.97 KB, 1498x1079, 1498:1079, 9206da012304fee1f6695a5e89….jpg)

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2df590  No.9886067

I won't mess around anymore.

That is my word to you Q.

Going to go take care of myself.

Unleash the dragon.

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b2dd5e  No.9886068


Thankee Randy. Rockets Away! btw: got a handle on that Canuckistanian Sheeite yet?

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3dc14d  No.9886069


it worked:

echo "USA=" | base64 -d; echo


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b54eea  No.9886070

File: d57367dfc78838a⋯.jpg (144.31 KB, 1440x823, 1440:823, d57367dfc78838a841de797f8c….jpg)

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60bad8  No.9886071

File: 22869c40c341261⋯.jpg (102.89 KB, 1080x1229, 1080:1229, wi5da91a34.jpg)





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554a7c  No.9886072

drFRAUD ses


moar cases is real, thats real


this evil maddafackkas including awhore&witch nicwhore wallace. force full income reaparations and job LOSS!!

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abcebb  No.9886073


you patriots in these itty bitty states that can be driven across in an hour need to get out and protest some of this stuff

won't cost you anything but time

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182b2d  No.9886074


So, there hasn't been one picture of Gizz posted anywhere, getting "arrested," but tons of "said so's."

Roger Stone got arrested and the Fake News was MORE than happy to post those photos.

Looking more and more like she's been under lock and key, and they "said-so's" are merely optics for the show.

How many thought she was actually free, while they said she was, and have now implicated themselves, and just realized this?

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5b9656  No.9886075

File: 3546334b7aeba09⋯.png (116.68 KB, 208x242, 104:121, ClipboardImage.png)


are these replies from autists or morons or shills

what a clusterfuck

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e17d8c  No.9886076

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

Crew pushing Plan Z desperate AF right now, unable to trust the plan lol

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c13bfd  No.9886078

File: bc51bbab94f3401⋯.png (724.76 KB, 806x757, 806:757, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

File: 7e5663e5ffff4e9⋯.png (293.5 KB, 1252x556, 313:139, Screenshot_2019_08_10_The_….png)

File: 87162a756254999⋯.png (661.69 KB, 834x542, 417:271, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Why_….png)

File: 86bdb4943c29471⋯.png (237.85 KB, 822x555, 274:185, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Upgr….png)

File: 4ad8f4b8df71d16⋯.jpg (427.13 KB, 819x533, 63:41, Screenshot_2019_08_10_How_….jpg)

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59b064  No.9886079


If schools are forced to re-open what else will be slated to open? Doh…..

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941166  No.9886080

Real Baker, Check ID, new bin baker, http://www2.qanonbin.com/paste/iRxnL7vMe




Phil dis one, drank yo danks

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60bad8  No.9886081

File: 1df3cb4aff98407⋯.jpg (16.9 KB, 301x300, 301:300, 41HAPR1JBSL.jpg)




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5b9656  No.9886082


not autists lol

autists dont spew bullshit

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946dc3  No.9886083

File: fe7a574c8a31401⋯.jpeg (118.66 KB, 773x433, 773:433, A80075C9_C27D_481D_97F5_A….jpeg)


Strong faith and distributed coordinated autism.

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abcebb  No.9886084

File: bf32cc67eb11f48⋯.jpg (5.48 KB, 236x113, 236:113, Vensmile.jpg)

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8df069  No.9886085

File: ec1aabc9a81c96b⋯.jpg (835.69 KB, 1355x1721, 1355:1721, JESUSVSSATAN.jpg)

File: 1717b2b5d77c169⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 680x680, 1:1, EPAXkDTXUAEc9QO.jpg)

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33998a  No.9886086

File: 7ff8c8268d2f537⋯.png (764.85 KB, 732x1090, 366:545, CFDF4704_83B5_4D78_B18C_34….png)

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3dc14d  No.9886087


>Nobody wants to be part of a provincial group of mentally ill Trump supporters who are ok with racism as a norm.

I don't exist

I don't exist

I don't exist

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0d1ccc  No.9886088

File: ae199c1bbeb4b2f⋯.png (796.99 KB, 826x512, 413:256, country_needs_steel.png)


Considering they have shipped shit quality steel all over the world…. makes me wonder what quality they put in there own stuff.

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32f682  No.9886089


Ebonic faggot

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53ea59  No.9886090

File: 9dc8584a13d2670⋯.png (323.68 KB, 545x569, 545:569, are.png)

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2e4f29  No.9886091


>According to Intelligence sources who spoke to The Federalist, Adam Schiff’s top aides were briefed on the Russia-Taliban bounty intel back in February during a CODEL trip to Afghanistan.

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1ca866  No.9886092

File: e3a647b227fb00d⋯.png (656.79 KB, 1864x2119, 1864:2119, 10_10.png)


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8a6242  No.9886095

File: e082551d67e1e8d⋯.jpg (106.49 KB, 900x708, 75:59, 323asdss.jpg)

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941166  No.9886102


It'a a great one

nik'd this one too

will use down the road

aren't done with CDC



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b54eea  No.9886104

File: 5a1de8463fbacf1⋯.jpeg (111.38 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 1594148746.jpeg)

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8660a4  No.9886105

That Maxwell arrest woke up the whole world …..zzzzzzzz

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c13bfd  No.9886106

File: 633a555fb4a0dcc⋯.png (427.43 KB, 829x543, 829:543, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 792bbb3d9edd25b⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1245x5753, 1245:5753, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….jpg)

File: b0e6c17019cdb0f⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 1173x5070, 391:1690, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….jpg)

File: 5f14a8e745595ce⋯.png (464.32 KB, 845x813, 845:813, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

File: a9a3c68c89b3ebb⋯.png (477.46 KB, 785x758, 785:758, Screenshot_2019_08_10_Insi….png)

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52b05e  No.9886108


>So what… no traction for the jew / black posts

I've no idea wtf you're speaking about and neither do you. Keep your projections to yourself faggot.

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60bad8  No.9886109

File: 5528f4492c6e39e⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1_lewis.jpg)



40 Million Evacuated

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2e4f29  No.9886113



>>According to Intelligence sources who spoke to The Federalist, Adam Schiff’s top aides were briefed on the Russia-Taliban bounty intel back in February during a CODEL trip to Afghanistan.

Nancy Pelosi's weekend visit to Afghanistan included Adam Schiff and a Republican you never heard of


Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

Monday October 21, 2019 · 8:44 AM CDT


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7ace13  No.9886114


on a mac

echo "USA=" | base64 –decode

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946dc3  No.9886116

File: 89e897be1788896⋯.jpeg (11.84 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 63A2B886_D9AE_4214_853A_2….jpeg)


I give credit to the night shift.

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75d586  No.9886117


Yea, you do. You’re marked.

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33998a  No.9886118

File: 0ff7890ba30ad5c⋯.jpeg (100.16 KB, 690x386, 345:193, 0D8CF74D_3114_43F7_B9F3_7….jpeg)

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8697a7  No.9886122

File: 4cc0efff3e5e343⋯.png (276.51 KB, 442x361, 442:361, pooptastic.PNG)


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91d9d3  No.9886123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The End

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2e4f29  No.9886124



> Republican you never heard of

lone Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry, the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee who has announced he won't seek reelection.

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0d1ccc  No.9886125

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60bad8  No.9886127

File: 3d6ac60c74a8c64⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 500x282, 250:141, yc5d2f596e.gif)





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97c6c2  No.9886129



Say, are you a chinese person? Because we don’t use the word ‘provincial’ around here…

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