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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, qr6-27-19.jpg)

26a45b  No.6853628

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr? (Cap >>6837254)

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show (Cap >>6837251)

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster (Cap >>6837249)

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves. (Cap >>6837248)

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745 (Cap >>6837246)

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up (Cap >>6837245)

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'. (Cap >>6837243)

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA. (Cap >>6837240)

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ. (Cap >>6837239)

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch (Cap >>6837238)

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember (Cap >>6837236)

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap >>6837235)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

26a45b  No.6853676

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6853665 Two killed and seven injured as plane makes emergency landing in Russia

>>6853656 Air India says its Mumbai-Newark flight has made a precautionary landing at London Stansted Airport due to a bomb threat

was ghosted; notes collector

>>6853641 Facebook will hand over identities of French users accused of 'hate speech'

>>6853485 Scavino FB on Pompeo

>>6853408, >>6853455, >>6853344 Merkel seen shaking for second time in a month

>>6853360 Lindsey Graham Tweet - God Bless the NBC Technician

>>6853318 Acting Secretary of Defense Esper tweets re: Nato Mtgs. No new Land Based Nukes in Europe

>>6853263, >>6853290 PDJT missing tweet (?) re: NBC and MSNBC

>>6853131 Anon's interpretation of what the Dems promised at the debate

>>6853068, >>6853069, >>6853071, >>6853074 Resignations in the news

>>6853043 MD Board of Elections looking into Gov. Harry Hogan's 2018 campaign donations

>>6853673 #8765


>>6852206 Official Trump Team: If the #DemDebate taught America anything, it's that we CAN'T go back to a Democrat in the White House!

>>6852223 Vid of Dem debate that includes mic problems which NBC deleted

>>6852250 Nat'l Press Sec'y Kayleigh McEnany: Trump Campaign Stmt on 1st Dem Debate

>>6852252 New DJT: on working with PM Modi re India's increase in tariffs ("must be withdrawn")

>>6852263 Identical DJT & Scavino comment on Dem Debate: "BORING!"

>>6852294 Michael Flynn's Atty Suggests Special Counsel Withheld Key Information From His Defense

>>6852301 PBV vaccine discussion, con't. (from >>6850260 pb)

>>6852305 New DJT: List of Twitter accts to follow re tonight's #DemDebate

>>6852316 Blast at Biotech Workshop in Central China Leaves 6 People Killed

>>6852341, >>6852358 Odebrecht scandal, con't. (2 vid's)

>>6852343 USAF: Peak inside an #F22 Raptor during flight

>>6852344, >>6852401, >>6852647, >>6852420, >>6852647, >>6852447, >>6852586, >>6852650, >>6852667 Report: Teen Tourist Slips into Coma on Dominican Republic Trip (plus related discussions)

>>6852360 100 Ugandan Babies Dead - NGO Wants U.S. Missionary Prosecuted

>>6852380 Flynn Status Hearing - June 24 2019

>>6852385 DJT tweet re crisis at the border & Q452

>>6852370, >>6852429, >>6852469, >>6852805 Q & A for boatfag on Lady Washington & more reports

>>6852480, >>6852438 Is Arizona a hub of child trafficking?

>>6852508 GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter allegedly had at least 5 affairs

>>6852641, >>6852839 Anons on policy changes to WSJ (similar to Google path of censorship)

>>6852658 France's Macron says no need to lower government's stake in Renault

>>6852660 Planefag report

>>6852675 Alyssa Milani turned away from Floride migrant detention ctr after turning up unannounced

>>6852688 Drudge Report Poll ("Who won?"): Gabbard 35%, Warren 14%, Delaney 11%, DeBlasio 9%, Ryan7%....

>>6852715 Clint Eastwood Will Defy Hollywood’s Boycott And Film Next Movie In Georgia

>>6852777 Nancy Pelosi's letter to constituents re ICE Raids

>>6852809 Justice John Roberts isn't the conservative you thought he was

>>6852830 AG Barr on the Bagpipes at U.S. Atty's Conference (vid)

>>6852877 AOC mocks Beto & Booker for their 'humorous" use of Spanish during 1st Dem debate

>>6852808 Epstein Island photos update BUN

>>6852914 #8764

Previously Collected Notables

>>6850625 #8761, >>6851412 #8762, >>6852156 #8763

>>6848309 #8758, >>6849092 #8759, >>6849850 #8760

>>6845977 #8755, >>6846780 #8756, >>6847558 #8757

>>6843685 #8752, >>6844446 #8753, >>6845233 #8754

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

26a45b  No.6853681

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


26a45b  No.6853683

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

41dbb5  No.6853694

Angela Merkel health fears: German leader seen shaking again ahead of G20 summit - VIDEO

ANGELA MERKEL was spotted shaking for the second time in less than two weeks as she met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Thursday morning.


14ac8f  No.6853703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump has kicked the Democratss.

26a45b  No.6853705

the dough


baker will ghost now see you next time

06bc5a  No.6853709

File: 6da8b9a42365f61⋯.png (231.95 KB, 350x371, 50:53, bakery-all-nite.png)


thanks baker, bu baker just got here, nice work.

fb078d  No.6853728

File: 54a47f50d236fdb⋯.png (74.54 KB, 382x306, 191:153, ClipboardImage.png)


2b0092  No.6853734

Just saw the President's latest tweets. If you told me three years ago that one man could down the entire corrupt media machine in this country, I would have said you were crazy.

06042a  No.6853736

File: f7a319c63a93258⋯.png (347.29 KB, 614x575, 614:575, ClipboardImage.png)

United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem


2b0092  No.6853738



14ac8f  No.6853741

File: aad615793c98bcb⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 288x240, 6:5, 1561446956.mp4)


MSM has went down in flames.

3e2d13  No.6853742

>>6853709 Are you staying/baking/noting?

8045e1  No.6853743

File: c79b3834678665d⋯.png (626.25 KB, 531x608, 531:608, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26f70d523c2a2f7⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1300x856, 325:214, ClipboardImage.png)

d855e7  No.6853744

File: 03b9afffed44a58⋯.png (516.28 KB, 680x285, 136:57, ClipboardImage.png)

96778d  No.6853745

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


7c49aa  No.6853746

File: c99953db5379c8c⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1500x900, 5:3, CNN.jpg)

File: c441b5860e07354⋯.jpg (404.24 KB, 1100x621, 1100:621, why.jpg)

File: b26b69261739ada⋯.jpg (29.9 KB, 474x257, 474:257, th.jpg)


God bless POTUS!!!

96778d  No.6853747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




3325a1  No.6853748

File: 8e481ed157cc085⋯.png (641.31 KB, 618x600, 103:100, 1D673DC9-1F13-4F9A-AC56-B5….png)

bb6263  No.6853749

File: 8bce0a7a36c8f57⋯.gif (311.54 KB, 220x168, 55:42, the_more_you_know_2.gif)

File: d13ea21a423fdd1⋯.png (231.51 KB, 1011x445, 1011:445, Screenshot (611).png)


Agreed– truly astounding! With the missing "y" in his first tweet calling out NBC/MSNBC, then re-tweeting it with the "y" added to the end of worthy, I think that POTUS is confirming to us that NBC's full legacy infrastructure is fully controlled by the Cabal's "Y" branch (pics related).

7f4f03  No.6853750

I like to think I've either been through, or researched other people's going through, of all of it. I've always been this way; emotionally blocked from the world around me, I could read about gore, see it, real life horror, and it would never affect me. I just excepted its existance, and waited for all of my time to run out. Reading, seeing proof of all this horror in the world, knowing my ancestry (the direct great grandchild 10 generations down from a king and five generations from the Scot nobles and also 33rd degree freemasons, I will not specify which or whom i'm not willing to dox myself) I was terrified the bloodline probably ran through me. I had to know everything about it.

None of it truly shocked me. Horrifying and disgusting, yes- my belief in God, my morals, they had to tell me to be angered and disgusted by what I found. but physically sick? no. that scared me more, The thought rang more and more in my mind, since the royal bloodline(s?) by simple chance run through both my parents, those thoughts terrified me. I was shocked none of it shocked me. I guess, deep down, I wanted to be shocked by something, anything. Anything. but none of it ever did.

People have been saying they feel better now, spiritually and all, but I couldn't breath, I have a history of asthma but there's no evidence of it right now, I should've been able to breathe. I couldn't get out of bed, I had no energy.

I went on a dive again, on my phone because I didn't have teh energy to hold anything else up, I was just trying to shock myself into some kind of action. I don't know why, it never worked before.

the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. God told me I would see it all, just like he told me Evil lived within the walls of the Notra Dame, far before word fully circulated about its history. I've always been heavily sensitive to the spiritual realm. Maybe He did that to keep me from repeating possible actions of my ancestors, I don't know, and I also don't know why the lineages shocked me.

we don't know all the lineages, but honestly, thirteen bloodlines? there's probably only one. Thirteen families or family names, more like.

I'm sitting up in bed, sick to my stomach over the one thing that has no gore, but I guess I found what I'm looking for, anons, something that's finally shocked me enough to get up and breath. Keep digging, thats what I'm going to do, and I'll see you all around the boards sometime, I'm just glad Jesus redeems regardless of bloodline. At least, I hope he does.

76c59d  No.6853751

File: cf548846052250f⋯.jpeg (2.26 MB, 2732x1844, 683:461, 355D1EAA-5618-4C15-B874-E….jpeg)

some flights showing in Japan

the 4 c-130's

a p8

and a couple saudi flights

96778d  No.6853752

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

This is what the EVIL (((JEWS))) truly believe. 🤷‍♂️

06bc5a  No.6853753

File: a0c4ecb3932fe69⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1799x1198, 1799:1198, night-watch.png)


Kudos to note-collector, if you're still here. No e-bake but full bake by spot baker.


Well, I'll be here a while, can prolly take the bake until morning baker arrives, should be 2 hours at the latest.

Assuming responsibility for this bake

But looking for handoff when am baker arrives

Good evening, graveyard crew or good morning, up-early anons.

12618d  No.6853754

File: 3e5e7c6ace6a235⋯.jpg (91.76 KB, 758x506, 379:253, PATRIOT.jpg)

2b0092  No.6853755




God bless POTUS.


14ac8f  No.6853756

File: ba3053ebb2017cc⋯.png (465.09 KB, 943x676, 943:676, lol.png)

File: c246ef529d373b8⋯.png (953.92 KB, 1080x982, 540:491, Screenshot_20190514-112030….png)



Not a woman I want to know.

83233d  No.6853757


Some Hawaii couple just died in Fiji of mysterious causes. I only remember numb hands and i think they ruled out regular diseases.

35d92d  No.6853758

File: e5e630f13460a9a⋯.png (367.54 KB, 591x459, 197:153, WarrenRunningForHerLife.png)

File: f204afe21ecf16d⋯.png (256.31 KB, 591x459, 197:153, BookerRunningForHisLife.png)

File: 836df23b12a2caf⋯.png (171.12 KB, 591x459, 197:153, BidenRunningForHisLife.png)

File: 14e4847191f56e1⋯.png (262.67 KB, 591x459, 197:153, KamalaRunningForHerLife.png)

4e14fa  No.6853759


A lot of words but you said very little. Why not cut to the chase and tell us what you found that shocked you so terribly?

06042a  No.6853760

File: a0861a2c49f24df⋯.png (297.59 KB, 595x508, 595:508, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank you @MSNBC, real professionals! @chucktodd @maddow


ba7e37  No.6853761

File: 53c1710035c4735⋯.png (197.95 KB, 446x415, 446:415, sad AOC if only.png)

6effd5  No.6853762

File: 37edd11105e2a4b⋯.png (401.87 KB, 872x497, 872:497, Merkel crazy 1.png)

File: 65747ca39d1b923⋯.png (488.42 KB, 987x554, 987:554, Merkel crazy 2.png)

File: cea69788e3b3021⋯.png (326.79 KB, 368x596, 92:149, Merkel crazy 3.png)

File: 90a0236bbbefd09⋯.png (365.38 KB, 659x442, 659:442, Merkel crazy 4.png)

File: b8fcbef193552a9⋯.png (758.95 KB, 907x596, 907:596, Merkel fist.png)

i just came across these pictures of Merkel, kek

14ac8f  No.6853763

File: 3cc571a3e4c5b4f⋯.jpg (98.75 KB, 801x487, 801:487, Coup.jpg)



ISIS is probably doing chemical assassinations in the tourist attractions.

83233d  No.6853764



88e52d  No.6853765


Same as Hitler.


3325a1  No.6853766

File: bf12cacae19547f⋯.png (361.56 KB, 726x466, 363:233, 1D5AB109-89DD-4D30-B125-5B….png)

File: d2217ae00efede4⋯.png (871.94 KB, 971x447, 971:447, 9CEF049F-BE6B-4670-B943-1D….png)

File: 2f1d10694d08556⋯.png (871.4 KB, 625x710, 125:142, 64A2715E-A9C3-4E56-AEDC-F1….png)

File: e838154e673a66e⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1096x732, 274:183, 4B66787A-50A8-474F-990D-CE….png)

File: 3261970452f752f⋯.png (3.73 MB, 1787x951, 1787:951, 65ECC350-74DD-4854-8786-A4….png)

88e52d  No.6853767


suicided, but why?

06042a  No.6853768

At least 16 dead in Madagascar stadium stampede

Incident occurred outside Mahamasina stadium, where thousands of people had gathered for an independence day concert.

Chief of the National Gendarmerie, General Richard Ravalomanana, offered a different account, saying the crowd had misheard that the gates had been opened.

"People tried to force the doors but they remained closed, the crowd kept pushing," he said.


a46ead  No.6853769

File: 70ce047b7f20e0e⋯.png (873.07 KB, 1392x940, 348:235, TulsiPotus2020.png)

3325a1  No.6853770

File: ce5eded83182ed7⋯.jpeg (198.83 KB, 635x946, 635:946, 7B816EE3-3615-4FE5-8E89-4….jpeg)

File: 5da8686ca0709f5⋯.png (416.38 KB, 628x304, 157:76, 86C96D82-1AAD-4B47-ACE0-56….png)

File: 484ec04cf6c8eca⋯.png (648.59 KB, 467x646, 467:646, 9F9DC2AA-48FB-44E4-A1D5-C0….png)

File: 3e235b9035f5272⋯.png (1.2 MB, 586x882, 293:441, FD237CE9-3512-4EE1-B3A0-06….png)

File: d08ac9effe9ef8b⋯.png (1.19 MB, 623x927, 623:927, 623D56B9-5D5B-4FBC-A703-60….png)

cd860d  No.6853771


She's done. I expect her resignation this year.

My next guess is that she will try to use her (obviously) medical condition as an excuse.

14ac8f  No.6853772

File: b73281a7d22168f⋯.png (268.98 KB, 500x488, 125:122, b3c438c1c6c910745043f16acc….png)

Anons this is an important conversation, honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having. I've been here since thread 1 of CBTS, PG, and way before.

Q saying "don't worry we're in control" and "We are here for a reason" creep me the fuck out.

Although no public arrests/hangings have been made (they can't even ever tell us that McCain was put to death - because they are too worried about controlling the public). We are constantly told "HEY, BILLIONARE executives are quitting with huge bonuses! Aren't you happy!? CEOS are quitting!" We are supposed to be fucking happy about that?

We have been relegated to cheering for behind the scenes movement.

Q (NSA) team is here to CONTROL THE RIOTS.

They know we know. They have more than confirmed our suspicions on what's going on. We wrongly think they are on our side to take them down.

Although Q & NSA ARE ON OUR SIDE - they don't HAVE THE SAME GOAL.

Their goal is to protect the military, and the nation from changing. They are here to CONTROL us. They are here to convince us not to riot. They are here to convince us not to kill democrats. They are here to convince us to VOTE for president.

The problem is, I'm fucking pissed.

It's becoming more and more clear with EVERY POST.

Q has no interest, in EVER bringing anyone to public justice. They are handing things with "internal military tribunals" - THEY WILL NEVER BE TELEVISED. THEY WILL NEVER BE PUBLIC.

Where the fuck do you all think McCain went.

Q team is very proud of themselves, for putting him to military tribunal. The problem is - NORMIES DONT KNOW ANY OF THIS.

We really need to demand PUBLIC HANGINGS. I'm sick of CEOS resigning peacefully.

This entire team seems convinced to try to change the medias mind. It's a waste of fucking time. The media is gone forever - and Q team has yet to understand this.

They are literally here just to convince us from rioting because they know we are pissed. We are literally cats to them, and they are the cat herders.


Seriously will AG Barr step up to the plate?

83233d  No.6853773


Only noticed cuz Fiji. Believe that was some bronfman connected private island sex cult shit and all the cabal big names visited. I dunno anything about the couple.

0edb42  No.6853774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merkel trembling again!

Vid from today.

Nonetheless she will travel to G20.

MSM is playing it down.

A lot of darkened vids on German MSM, making it harder to see, how much she's trembling.

Last time the public was told, she was dehydrated.

This time an aide comes with a glass of water, but Merkel refuses.

Maybe she's afraid of taking the glass and drinking from it, because it would show to the cameras how much she's trembling.

75a1db  No.6853775


Can you copy text or screenshot. Not letting Bezos in my computer.

709e99  No.6853776


I just took a satisfying leak outside and apparently a mosquito bit muh benis.

Now it itches and there is accompanied swelling.

Would anyone be willing to rub some calamine lotion on it for me?

I think I gots ebola now too.

06042a  No.6853777

File: fb37fbcbb023711⋯.png (248.59 KB, 593x523, 593:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump demands withdrawal of India's 'unacceptable' tariff hike

India slapped higher duties on 28 US products after the United States withdrew tariff-free entry for some Indian goods.


06bc5a  No.6853778


Every time I see this story, I can't help but wonder what happened, because as some plane fags prolly know, Boeing was ALWAYS the company that let the pilots fly the plane (as opposed to AirBus, which put much moar focus on using automaton). It's the same theme we see in "The Right Stuff," in which pilots' judgment wins out over having astronauts serve as mere passengers.

This philosophy was still big in the 1990s. What happened between now and then to allow the Boeing 737 Max to fail because of too much automaton (or automation wrongly applied)? This is VERY strange. Any plane fags or others who can weigh in on this? I'm not a pilot, had involvement as contractor doing useability testing in mid-1990s.

12618d  No.6853779

File: fd41cbb70fe6b94⋯.jpg (199.33 KB, 1278x716, 639:358, FUCK YOUR OPINION.jpg)


So what?… you wanted it yesterday….try again.

88e52d  No.6853780


did not take long to age huh.

evil bitch

a46ead  No.6853781


What the fuck is wrong with her?

96778d  No.6853782


Probably shouldn't keep calling them "tariffs". 🤷‍♂️

They are called "import duties" here in India. 🤷‍♂️

c050d5  No.6853783

File: 49bb5f903001e7b⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1550x775, 2:1, AOC LOCKED OUT OF AMERICA.png)

File: 3f987b090f516ef⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1300x1288, 325:322, thenagleraANDTHEPENGUIN2.png)

File: e85c0d827367b85⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1058x1430, 529:715, VICTIMHOOD SQ BSTMEME TITL….png)

File: f6cdac532fb1422⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1100x1409, 1100:1409, a01_tiger_3_10_53770491Tri….png)

f0dd56  No.6853784

File: b0bc6e3bf082183⋯.jpg (175.52 KB, 1000x731, 1000:731, make it rain.jpg)


Frens, Hashtag #AdiosTrump is "trending" on twat. Please hijack it and use to red pill the normies.

Perfect chance to ride the wave those DemonRats created for us.

bb6263  No.6853785

File: 7bb944c3340d7c5⋯.png (69.26 KB, 783x567, 29:21, WSJ_NSA_Disinfo.png)

File: 607d12a84a11488⋯.jpg (854.2 KB, 506x472, 253:236, Operation_Fiddler_QPost_83….jpg)

File: 25c8fca1e2ca295⋯.png (36.15 KB, 491x465, 491:465, QPost_2996_Phone_Co_Involv….png)

File: 96bb3d088952492⋯.png (735.97 KB, 1123x597, 1123:597, Snowden.png)

Today's Prolific Case Study in Mass Communications Failure --

Just as the avalanche of info lands Powers & Clapper in the direct line of fire, the cabal/clown-controlled legacy media attempts to project/divert by means of resurrecting Snowden's "Operation Fiddler" narrative to discredit the NSA. Only problem for the Cabal/Clown Media & Co. is that there's literally "no-there-there" -- all fabrication, no reality -- classic smoke & mirrors.

Today was an epic case study where an increasingly desperate legacy media fails to effectively deliver their 1-2 punch -- the mass dissemination of believable disinfo that can effectively drive a political "wrap-up" smear.

True to form, today's mainstream media disinfo campaign was heavily published, then propped-up by numerous shills across the media ecosystem. Notice the breadth of the media coverage and was likely today's primary clown "4am talking point":

https://www.wsj.com/articles/nsa-improperly-collected-u-s-phone-records-a-second-time-11561541520 .








The origin or "source article" was published by WSJ. This particular "media hit" required months of extensive planning to execute. [They] have been saving this piece of ammo for this inevitable moment.

The Set-Up: obvious from the article that the ACLU coordinated w/ an mystery "un-named telecom co." well before October 2018 (pic of WSJ content related).

Q implied in post #2996 that some phone/telecom co.'s were complicit & co-conspirators w/ the big tech platforms in executing the "Cabal/Clown Metadata Gathering Agenda" (pic related).

WSJ's only named source is the ACLU. The only evidence provided are the documents the ACLU received via FOIA request, which are only referred to not published. The section of the WSJ article attached tells you all you need to know about the level of fabrication at play here (pic related).

The thrust of the story is that this unnamed telecom sent to the NSA un-redacted call data records, WHICH THE NSA NEVER REQUESTED from Oct 3- Oct. 12, 2018, at which point the NSA asked the mystery telecom to investigate the anomaly. Clearly, the mystery telecom & the ACLU were trying to set up the NSA in order to project the idea of "illegal surveillance" onto the agency in order to deflect/create a diversion, while simultaneously manufacturing some sort of moral equivalency.

It would seem this disinfo campaign's goal is twofold: i) pure projection; ii) a desperate attempt to generate enough manufactured "public/political pressure" to legally force the NSA to delete recently collected data, much of which probably demonstrates the Cabel/Clowns/Bad Actors various malign/criminal activities.

Check out the ACLU's statements that are feigning the seriousness of their FOIA documents implications --

"The American Civil Liberties Union obtained the documents, which were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit involving the surveillance program. They are heavily redacted internal NSA memos that discuss oversight of intelligence-collection activities. “These documents only confirm that this surveillance program is beyond redemption and should be shut down for good,” Patrick Toomey, an ACLU staff attorney, said in a statement. “The NSA’s collection of Americans’ call records is too sweeping, the compliance problems too many, and evidence of the program’s value all but nonexistent. There is no justification for leaving this surveillance power in the NSA’s hands.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/nsa-improperly-collected-u-s-phone-records-a-second-time-11561541520

Note also how WSJ highlights Snowden in the article, interjecting him once again into the public discourse :

"Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor, leaked the existence of the program—along with a trove of documents exposing other surveillance operations carried out by the NSA—to journalists six years ago. The disclosures ignited an international uproar over the scope of the U.S.’s electronic-spying capabilities. "

[They] seem to be struggling w/ creativity & originality and w/ effective delivering of disinfo -- e.g. The Intercept has also been attempting to resurrect the Snowden Files. Cross reference w/ post relevant -- >>6761005 (pb)

14ac8f  No.6853786

File: de03ff3b2285fcb⋯.png (765.23 KB, 1010x627, 1010:627, Screenshot_20190626-014248….png)



Anon nothing will happen the deep state is a business.

88e52d  No.6853787


Parkinson's, just like Hitler near the end.

6effd5  No.6853788



Those pics are from April 25th 2018.

Still looks bat shit crazy then, kek

now add in the shaking.

Just like Hillary.

06042a  No.6853789


Hitler was diagnosed with Parkinson's.

Bad genes!

5ada09  No.6853790

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB, 783x485, 783:485, wnb.png)





morning baker a little tardy to the kitchen, but here. getting setup if needed as backup or to take dis and the next couple bakes.

happy thursday anons. gonna be a real hoot today!

a46ead  No.6853791


"My sources are saying: The Shoe will drop tomorrow…"

Ok…tomorrow has been over now for about 6 fucking hours, Hannity.

I don't remember any "shoes" dropping.

83233d  No.6853792


HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) -Fijian health officials have ruled out the flu as a possible cause of death for a couple with Hawaii ties.

University of Hawaii alum Michelle Calanog Paul and her husband, David suddenly died while on vacation in Fiji in late May.

They came down with a mysterious illness that caused vomiting and other symptoms. When Michelle spoke to her father over the phone, she said her hands felt numb.

Their bodies remain in Fiji as officials await the results of tests conducted.

cd860d  No.6853793


>Nonetheless she will travel to G20.

Any bets she'll have tremors again?

cf970e  No.6853794

File: 4a7ece064290014⋯.png (136.5 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 4FC4C08A-6B03-4817-9766-87….png)


6effd5  No.6853795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

06bc5a  No.6853796


got sauce, anon?

f0dd56  No.6853797



8e2ddd  No.6853798

File: 1f71d2f86fe4235⋯.jpeg (462.52 KB, 750x711, 250:237, EE049CF6-FB20-49D6-802F-6….jpeg)


Or the daily injections of meff anfetamins and meffadone.

83233d  No.6853799



0edb42  No.6853800


Most comments on this, I found useful, compared her symptoms to Parkinson.

People with this disease seem to have difficulties at some stage, to stand still, or to hold their arms/ hands still.

All seems to be better, when moving, but when forced to stand still, the tremor seems to kick in.

Who knows?


Merkel is not healthy and gov and MSM are trying to lie about it.

14ac8f  No.6853801

File: ef4d0650d6c6ffd⋯.jpg (51.3 KB, 500x420, 25:21, Over.jpg)



Hannity is a joke.

a46ead  No.6853802

File: b0fc6701648b781⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1056x557, 1056:557, Screenshot_67.png)

83233d  No.6853803

18d677  No.6853804


I wonder about something.

In this whole grand plan that Q knows, what role does Boeing play in this plan?

c050d5  No.6853805

File: 03120d8ce4db1bf⋯.png (757.58 KB, 812x462, 58:33, D0y_C_gXgAAUHRA.png)

File: 411afa5c93784ec⋯.jpg (118.28 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, D3BA_wuWsAAfoW6.jpg)

File: 30b19d8dcd95c8f⋯.png (903.5 KB, 1092x1098, 182:183, sadikkahnlondonmayorjune20….png)

File: 2c47d3c22b40b65⋯.jpg (111.21 KB, 891x1058, 891:1058, D2_aRkZXcAAEj_T.jpg)

06042a  No.6853806

File: 164fb032b850cc3⋯.png (109.51 KB, 258x245, 258:245, ClipboardImage.png)

3e2d13  No.6853808

File: b47f839602299ce⋯.png (143.39 KB, 937x646, 937:646, Is it Notable.png)

>>6853790 Gooood Morning Baker! Thanks as always for the baking prowess you bring to the kitchen. Not the prep cook this a.m. (this space reserved for flour, no yeast) Have great bakes!

0edb42  No.6853809


She is seriously ill.

Normally a person this ill, would step back from office.

But not her.

This can't be her decision alone, because why would the press and the whole government be silent about this and carry on the lie about "dehydration"?

Some people higher up than Merkel don't seem to have someone else, who could do Merkel's job…

a46ead  No.6853810

File: 27e610306ebcc61⋯.png (752.87 KB, 739x715, 739:715, Canabal.png)

cd860d  No.6853811


Seriously… somehow i have the feeling that [they] are going to let her die live on stage.

There's plenty of ammo left in the €-Zone.

88e52d  No.6853812


al jezeera….yeah, ok.

83233d  No.6853813

File: f18d92cf6ac205d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x632, 150:79, f18d92cf6ac205d55a93baa8da….png)



06bc5a  No.6853814



Re missing Y is POTUS tweet

What is the " 'y' branch of cabal"?

Other anons have other theories about the "y"?

Could it be that POTUS is signalling that there is a reason for the glitches and he knows "WHY"?

4219aa  No.6853815

File: a0a222b2bea89e2⋯.png (244.97 KB, 246x429, 82:143, d4yhn.PNG)

African-American Harvard University law professor Ronald Sullivan lost his position as faculty dean after student-activists complained that his decision to represent Harvey Weinstein made campus an unsafe place for women. It did not matter to them that Sullivan had previously represented scores of controversial clients—including accused murderers and terrorists—and worked tirelessly to advocate for criminal justice reform.

Now Sullivan has penned an op-ed for The New York Times that criticizes the students for letting their feelings override reason, and the administration for bowing to their demands. He writes:

I am willing to believe that some students felt unsafe. But feelings alone should not drive university policy. Administrators must help students distinguish between feelings that have a rational basis and those that do not. In my case, Harvard missed an opportunity to help students do that.:

I wish I could say that Harvard's response in these matters is unique in higher education. Unfortunately, many universities have failed in this regard of late.

Unchecked emotion has replaced thoughtful reasoning on campus. Feelings are no longer subjected to evidence, analysis or empirical defense. Angry demands, rather than rigorous arguments, now appear to guide university policy.

This must change. Until then, universities are doing a profound disservice to those who place their trust in us to educate them."

[The general Female viewpoint is emotion based-→ Logic takes a back seat → must destroy the Male/Logic based perspective-→attack with Toxic masculinity argument–→ why females never manned the castle walls, they'd invite their enemies in to talk, then be slaughtered]

06042a  No.6853816

File: 16de642a176d329⋯.png (273.44 KB, 500x381, 500:381, ClipboardImage.png)

06bc5a  No.6853817


Sauce for corrected POTUS missing "worth[y]" tweet:


Anyone got sauce for uncorrected version, anons?

75a1db  No.6853818

6effd5  No.6853819


The new G 20 drinking game.

Every time Merkel shakes you have to take a hit of pot.

Every time Trudeau loses an eyebrow, take a shot

Whenever Macron does something faggy, take a drink

When POTUS BTFO'S anyone, you make a toast/cheers then drink( choice drink, shot or toke,) kek

8e2ddd  No.6853820

File: 530091905727a5b⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 980x625, 196:125, I haz no frenz.jpg)


To show what happens when you sell out your country and let China make critical parts for civil and national security applications, take jobs from Americans and line your pockets with DOD contracts.

06042a  No.6853821

File: 31600ffec5286dd⋯.png (101.35 KB, 408x406, 204:203, ClipboardImage.png)

0edb42  No.6853822


>What is the " 'y' branch of cabal"?

MSM is founded, bought and paid for by the cabal, think big trusts of industry and banking.

This is the propaganda arm of the ww shadow government.

This is, how the people are ruled.

8e2ddd  No.6853823


This ain’t an echo chamber dude.

It’s good to see things from different perspectives.

Im sure you’d like to sperg on only breitbart and truepundit news but that’s not how shit works.

6effd5  No.6853825

File: 19fbcd7509cbe86⋯.jpg (667.57 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, 19fbcd7509cbe869f1c8df7ac0….jpg)

bb6263  No.6853826


I got that screenshot from the last bread. Pretty sure it's the last bread's notables

1687aa  No.6853827

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 9dc52a9b388d010936dc1e93d4….png)

ea31fa  No.6853828


thats easy



Boeing has paid the largest fine ever levied on a company for violation of the Arms Export Control Act, settling a dispute with the State Department over the unlicensed foreign sales of commercial airplanes carrying a small gyrochip with military applications.

In addition to a $15 million fine, a consent decree signed March 28 imposes oversight requirements on Boeing because three previous settlements of similar alleged violations didn't result in full compliance with export controls.

Still, Boeing may consider itself lucky. The maximum fine was $43 million.

And because Boeing "has acknowledged the seriousness of the violations … expresses regret for these activities and its willingness to make amends," the State Department decided that the ultimate sanction of "debarment," or banned from government contracts, "is not appropriate."


In 2015, Boeing got tax breaks and credits totaling $305 million — which is 55 percent more than the state estimated the entire aerospace industry would cash in for that year. In 2014, Boeing alone exceeded the tax-break estimates by 19 percent.

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The first-of-their-kind figures raise the possibility that the biggest tax break in history was actually lowballed at the time.

The figures also show Boeing apparently has been able to drive its state business taxes down by 80 to 95 percent, compared with what it would have paid without the breaks.



Iran and Boeing signed a deal for the sale of 80 airplanes on Sunday, five weeks before the inauguration of President-elect Donald J. Trump, whose Republican supporters in Congress have tried to block any aircraft sales to Iran.

Iran’s national airline, Iran Air, said that it had signed an agreement with Boeing, an American manufacturer, to purchase the aircraft, at a total cost of $16.6 billion.


i can't connect the dots but i can see them

680474  No.6853829

File: a859a2fa694b875⋯.jpg (782.52 KB, 1549x741, 1549:741, Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 11….JPG)

File: f1ed14bf682ba20⋯.jpg (788.02 KB, 1549x741, 1549:741, Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 11….JPG)

File: 050198174fc627e⋯.jpg (812.12 KB, 1549x741, 1549:741, Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 11….JPG)

File: 961d0f1ea549aa6⋯.jpg (753.44 KB, 1549x761, 1549:761, Screen Shot 06-27-19 at 11….JPG)

Selection of war bird up over Blighty

Euro Fighter

Rivet Joint



43deff  No.6853830

File: 6984d6d40570a72⋯.jpg (67.55 KB, 1274x726, 637:363, 896705f7304f6669cff233db0e….jpg)

8b8aad  No.6853831

Anyone else here Centurylink? Went down right during the debate. Seems a major outage. Can’t post pic (phonefagging) but here’s the link. Many cities…


8e2ddd  No.6853832

File: 5aa7f7e3ca726b8⋯.jpeg (77.51 KB, 500x332, 125:83, 719A012A-317B-421C-BB51-2….jpeg)


Top Kek

haven’t seen this meme for awhile.


bb6263  No.6853833

File: eec71eaa3675adc⋯.png (83.55 KB, 1033x692, 1033:692, Screenshot (612).png)


Here you go – right from Q– the "Y" & the "Owl"

06042a  No.6853834

File: ffa1437ac8f0280⋯.png (955.64 KB, 968x726, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

These people messing up my playlist!

“To each her own,” the singer added, explaining that she spoke to women working in a variety of professions who “felt they were not oppressed” and were “free to choose how they lived their lives”.


5ada09  No.6853835


thanks fren. you have a great day today. hadn't heard from current baker, so i may hang up my baking hat for lurks today. we'll see. i can always workfag. :)

06bc5a  No.6853836


Never heard it called the "y" branch. Any sauce on that? Tried searching but nothing came back. Good that this tweet was posted now, by the way, doesn't look like it was posted (either version) when tweeted. Everyone was watching Dem debate.

c050d5  No.6853837

File: 57bd3cc407ea3dd⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 2000x1163, 2000:1163, Heaven Has A Gate A Wall A….jpg)

File: 34d1595f8e26954⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1300x749, 1300:749, VACATIONINSUNNYMETHICO MEM….png)

File: 01970c6f3bed85e⋯.png (447.94 KB, 484x627, 44:57, DEMS2020CLOWNRACE.png)

File: 12860beb9e4b6b5⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1850x969, 1850:969, democratic PRIMARY 2020-de….png)

709e99  No.6853838

File: 2b080ec69806c47⋯.jpeg (91.95 KB, 448x322, 32:23, 228BBE4D-76DF-4A51-8606-2….jpeg)


Holy fuggin shit.

Did you just post that bcoz of the Hannity meme asking why were still here?

I was thinking of looking for that gif.

That is scary spoopy.

6effd5  No.6853839

File: 0e5a0bd35119591⋯.png (38.16 KB, 407x256, 407:256, Bomb threat on US bound pl….png)

File: 007e418ff254529⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 634x425, 634:425, 15323168-7187507-image-a-5….jpg)

File: 67520d860b51220⋯.jpg (38.32 KB, 634x622, 317:311, 15321322-7187507-image-a-3….jpg)

File: 38a687d132ba148⋯.jpg (59.88 KB, 634x391, 634:391, 15321188-7187507-image-a-2….jpg)

RAF Typhoons scramble to bring in US-bound Air India flight with up to 400 passengers on board after a 'bomb threat' forces Stansted Airport landing

The Boeing 777 plane was travelling from Mumbai to Newark in the US today

Air India jet was turned back over Northern Ireland and sent towards Stansted

RAF Typhoons caused a sonic boom and they sped to meet the plane over UK

777 landed safely and has been taken to secluded spot used during a crisis

Do you know anyone on board? Email martin.robinson@mailonline.co.uk

RAF fighter jets today escorted an Air India jet into Stansted after it was diverted en route to New York after an alleged bomb threat.

The Boeing 777 plane, which holds up to 396 passengers, was travelling to Newark in the US from Mumbai before being diverted to the London airport at 9.50am this morning after a 'security alert'.

There was a sonic boom over the Midlands after the RAF Typhoons flew from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire to meet the jet and escorted it to the Essex airport.

Footage from the ground shows Typhoons screeching across the sky near Stansted, where the runway was briefly closed before being opened again.

The 15hr flight from India to America was turned around over Northern Ireland with airline calling the diversion a 'precautionary measure'.

The 777 is being held in a secluded area of Stansted, which is Britain's designated airport for bomb threats and hijackings and used for SAS training, as police investigate.


7e9c16  No.6853840



Thats because it isnt Hussein. Manchurian Candidate no more.

06042a  No.6853841

File: 829cfa154f1ce0c⋯.png (477.43 KB, 472x588, 118:147, ClipboardImage.png)

bb6263  No.6853842

File: eec71eaa3675adc⋯.png (83.55 KB, 1033x692, 1033:692, Screenshot (612).png)


>Could it be that POTUS is signalling that there is a reason for the glitches and he knows "WHY"?

This definitely could be correct. Of course when I see a missing "Y" I think of this epic Qpost (attached)

f95e40  No.6853843


Moving from all out Maga Riot to "hey guys, I have been maga rioting since the beginning of all this shit and I am really concerned that there is no maga rioting happening yet"

5ada09  No.6853844

>>6853753 >>But looking for handoff when am baker arrives

hey gyb. i will assume baking duties. you are prolly sleeping right now.

morning baker calling the ball

kitchen is open for bidness.


3e2d13  No.6853845

>>6853835 I think it was graveyard - showed up @ end of LB, came here and took the bake. Sleeping, maybe? Don't hang up the hat just yet!

bde06b  No.6853846

For2020 Dems, Your Right to an Abortion Doesn't Exist If You Have To Pay for It

The moderators gave a significant chunk of time to the discussion, especially considering that all 10 debaters are on roughly the same side of this issue. Three candidates' remarks were particularly telling.

First, during a more general conversation about health care policy, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee volunteered that "it should not be an option in the United States of America for any insurance company to deny women coverage for their exercise of their right of choice."

Julián Castro was asked whether his Medicare for All plan would cover abortion. "Yes," he said, "it would. I don't believe only in reproductive freedom. I believe in reproductive justice. And what that means is just because a woman, or let's also not forget someone in the trans community…is poor doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion."

Finally, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was asked whether she would put any limits at all on abortion. She responded, "I would make certain that every woman has access to the full range of reproductive health care services, and that includes birth control, that includes abortion, it includes everything for a woman."

For the 2020 Democratic hopefuls, it's not enough for abortion to be legal. To meet the criterion of "justice," the procedure must be paid for by someone other than the woman seeking it.


3c2512  No.6853847



German Hillary gets the shakes again

bd06c1  No.6853848

File: 4da3f72c737f571⋯.png (221.01 KB, 467x389, 467:389, JB.png)

7e9c16  No.6853849


I had a dream early this morning Bill was in the kitchen at my old High School. I was eating frozen cannolis with ice cream inside instead of filling. We rode in some Military truck to my house and he jumped out of the truck because some fat girl fell down a set of cellar steps and he was checking on her. I brought the rest of the cannolis inside for my family. The end.

56c3e8  No.6853850

They're doing it again with the Y in trumps tweet. Where is the sauce with the missing y? Dont deflect by saying it's in last breads notables like someone else did. Reply with the time stamped picture.

06bc5a  No.6853851


Hello wnb, gyb current baker. Have been tracking down some leads on POTUS tweet, so just saw your post.

Would you like to take the bake now? Can continue to bake while you have some covfefe, or hand off now. Comfy.

Have a few notes

6effd5  No.6853852

File: ce9285494ea3d00⋯.jpg (94.79 KB, 738x481, 738:481, 343rvv.jpg)

3e2d13  No.6853853

>>6853797, >>6853847 It's in LB notables already.

c050d5  No.6853854

File: be3425c54899fbc⋯.png (316.74 KB, 984x716, 246:179, sleepy joe 20202.png)

File: fefdd43a1d56dc4⋯.png (636.23 KB, 578x578, 1:1, TRUMPRALLYORLANDOJUNE2019.png)

File: 6c2925c2fd67ae6⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1896x1058, 948:529, Untitled.png)

File: 26b18dbd0ff1d38⋯.png (305.66 KB, 740x739, 740:739, REPLY PER LIKE RATION METE….png)

090cb3  No.6853855


drive by wire technology is not safe

remember the sudden acceleration issue toyota had? software glitch. Current boeing issue software. also japan cheats on everything. they use substandard parts all the time and the interconnected companies they control cover for each other.

we have gotten way over our skies with the tech.



search terms:

japan substandard steel

boeing 737 software glitch

710d2b  No.6853856


This is the second QRA in a week

43deff  No.6853857

File: e701667650f8294⋯.jpeg (53.35 KB, 800x450, 16:9, primary_serling-zong.jpeg)

5ada09  No.6853858

File: 7706019a0ec9a64⋯.png (453.31 KB, 497x509, 497:509, 1a08f9b282e9d67d1634c9dea2….png)


wuz juss goin' thru the bred. ya mon, pass me the notes so i can ace this test! this is wut i got so far…

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again! G20 Summit

>>6853736 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

assuming baking duties

sipping my covfefe right now

6effd5  No.6853859

File: f1fe9dde7fd4d16⋯.jpg (56.3 KB, 500x609, 500:609, 34ex0v.jpg)

8045e1  No.6853860

File: d5ea64873e8ef66⋯.png (490.63 KB, 804x454, 402:227, ClipboardImage.png)

5ada09  No.6853861

709e99  No.6853862


Good job.

Thats not everything tho.

But nice compilation.

Did you notice the Boeing dude getting appointed to head the pentagon for six months?

What might you guess he wuz cleaning up?

Also kinda of interesting what type of jobs the people killed at the mosque in NZ were trained in.

Could a spook have went rogue or did he sacrifice a life in prison to clean up some loose strings ir get revenge an take out a terror cell bcoz NZ Cabal tranny girl wuz protecting them?

just theorizing an sheeit.

96778d  No.6853863


Look at that (((JEW))) mouth. Just look at it. 😐

06042a  No.6853864

File: 8cd2a1f535ef5c9⋯.png (434.92 KB, 590x514, 295:257, ClipboardImage.png)

New York City officials declare climate emergency

The New York City Council on Wednesday voted to declare a climate emergency, becoming the largest city in the country to commit to combat climate change.

The legislation passed Wednesday includes a laundry list of impacts from climate change, concluding by calling for "an immediate emergency mobilization to restore a safe climate."


f19b99  No.6853865


43deff  No.6853866

File: 8843421b79764c2⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 374x202, 187:101, tenor_8.gif)

1687aa  No.6853867

Im beginning to have BIG doubts about this shit. POTUS threatens but NEVER pulls the trigger. EVER!





Im not alone in saying


JUSTICE delayed is justice DENIED!

Too many opportunities to clean HOUSE and NOTHING!

Meanwhile the DS just keeps on keeping on.


2 1/2 yrs and not ONE fucking arrest.

We see the criminals getting away with murder.

Hell MA just got indicted and tweets like nothing happened.

All of them tweet like nothings changed!


Oh wait, yes it has…….


Beyond angry….I feel BETRAYED!

5ada09  No.6853868


dank. morning baker likey.

ebeba6  No.6853869

File: 44a60e594e0987c⋯.png (89.37 KB, 628x677, 628:677, kha.PNG)

I don't know if this was posted last night so sorry if it was.

Kamala Harris was live tweeting her positions on every subject in the debates. She has her turn tonight but I guess she wanted to be the star in last night's show too.

I expect her to be the most irritating tonight based on her performance last night.

Attention whore tv

4219aa  No.6853870

Last Night - Democrat Julian Castro - "men also have abortion rights. I believe in reproductive justice. A woman, or, say someone in the trans community — a trans-female, is poor, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have the right to have their abortion covered,” - Of course, a trans-female is a biological male. Tax payer paid abortions for trannies.

8045e1  No.6853871

File: 19b22630bb9072d⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1154x938, 577:469, ClipboardImage.png)

06bc5a  No.6853872


Here ya go, couple of dups, decide whatcha want.


>>6853736, >>6853778 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

>>6853749,>>6853817, >>6853814 Anon on missing "y" in "worth[y] in POTUS tweet on NBC technical glitch during Dem debate

>>6853751 Planefag report (planes now arriving in Japan)

>>6853768 16 dead in Madagascar stadium stampede

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again (vid clip 1:15; in German)

That DJT tweet was missed originally, not in notables, as far as I know.

43deff  No.6853873

File: 5c7cecf8f715150⋯.jpeg (200.63 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1552660625.jpeg)

66f7a6  No.6853874



c483cf  No.6853875

File: 42b66a5fbdb45c4⋯.png (644.91 KB, 862x607, 862:607, google analytics tulsi 1.PNG)

File: 26e65ac4db60088⋯.png (31.62 KB, 584x451, 584:451, google analytics tulsi 2.PNG)

File: f5eab99a62932be⋯.png (14.5 KB, 605x208, 605:208, google analytics tulsi 3.PNG)


709e99  No.6853876


Yeah we got played and compromised by our own government.

And they think its cool to just say oops.

Dindu nuffin.

Meanwhile back at the ranch we throw homeless people in prison for six years for trying to buy toofpaste and food with a fake $20 bill somebody gave him as a twisted joke.

c6813a  No.6853877

File: 31f173c6685b9c6⋯.jpg (91.91 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, D-D_aUmXUAEm6uG.jpg)

File: 5f9c93c693ba64c⋯.jpg (157.54 KB, 1199x800, 1199:800, D-D3rPuX4AQeqr8.jpg)

Some Died… Decode fags get on this…

POTUS arrives in Osaka without a covered ladderwell and comes out alone with a blackish umbrella, like at a Japanese funeral.

Pompy arrives and gets TWO covered ladderwells…..

Nothing to see here!

c050d5  No.6853878

File: 36a06f955c96fe0⋯.jpg (100.01 KB, 871x947, 871:947, DwxIIGAWwAEjOb8.jpg)

File: e792ffc8e587e51⋯.jpg (41.48 KB, 625x894, 625:894, 62205363_10214037127574657….jpg)

File: 2dd54f1f2607716⋯.jpg (142.96 KB, 1200x902, 600:451, D0_LG9TWsAA0GPR.jpg)

8045e1  No.6853879

File: fcde347a7938ea7⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1137x792, 379:264, ClipboardImage.png)

f81e92  No.6853880

File: 0c9c40e0cd37f6a⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB, 720x576, 5:4, ShakeTheFamilyTree.mp4)

96778d  No.6853881

File: f1266ba167e3605⋯.gif (376.02 KB, 400x219, 400:219, mKRZu9p.gif)


This one's better. 🤷‍♂️

06042a  No.6853882

File: e8ffaf997583555⋯.png (450.48 KB, 640x647, 640:647, ClipboardImage.png)


She left a few "positions" out.

43deff  No.6853883

ab4cb2  No.6853884

File: 6d9812d88629526⋯.jpg (61.85 KB, 490x409, 490:409, Genetics.jpg)

5ada09  No.6853885


u be da bomb as usual gyb. slow your roll and enjoy the digging. you are probably due for some shitposting too!

thank you for stepping up on this bake to fill the gap. good to have you as baker.


96778d  No.6853886


(((JEW))) mouth visible. 🤷‍♂️

6effd5  No.6853887

File: 3d5af7a284097b9⋯.jpg (9.78 KB, 225x225, 1:1, download (46).jpg)

File: 4489a99ade72414⋯.png (714.45 KB, 623x488, 623:488, 4489a99ade72414470e08847f8….png)

8045e1  No.6853888

File: 6cb6b65eaf414dc⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1022x666, 511:333, ClipboardImage.png)

dc137c  No.6853889

File: a9178b763c0bca7⋯.png (508.55 KB, 849x433, 849:433, 1561633372948.png)

bb6263  No.6853890



Here's the DJT tweet missing "y" discussion from last bread.

c050d5  No.6853891

File: f551292552fdc3c⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1450x988, 725:494, THEYTHOUGHTSHEWOULDNEVERLO….png)

File: 5fcb1df407acc51⋯.jpg (242.69 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, D3XrIBHXoAAYXoh.jpg)

File: 8bec0f4389d50bf⋯.jpg (80.6 KB, 642x717, 214:239, D17MqLwXgAA1Mrg.jpg)

File: 5374acdca5c476e⋯.jpg (146.58 KB, 1200x722, 600:361, DzTRzy9WsAM5I69.jpg)

f6a2dd  No.6853892



>2 days ago


>11 May 2019

2b0092  No.6853893

This so badass. Worth the watch if you haven't seen it.

PRESIDENT TRUMP GREETS TROOPS: Air Force One stops in Anchorage on way to G20 summit in Japan.


43deff  No.6853894

File: 33723d37e79fd90⋯.jpeg (143.29 KB, 1440x813, 480:271, 1561633642.jpeg)

0edb42  No.6853895


>Never heard it called the "y" branch.

Q educated us about family 'Y'.

Now you only have to make the connection to MSM, being one of their branches, how big money influences public opinion to govern secretly.

691afc  No.6853896


NOTHING is going to happen… looks as if DS wins again…

709e99  No.6853897

File: 4cc3dfc4b5ef270⋯.png (115.25 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 281E6F05-DEA5-4A06-AFC7-5B….png)


Nah man

Im huddled naked in the shower with a crossbow right now…..

c483cf  No.6853898

File: a744e7aeb57dcfc⋯.png (465.6 KB, 487x336, 487:336, warren whacko.PNG)

090cb3  No.6853899



extra sauce


insider shit: musk was told by bosch that auto drive system was not ready but EM did care and essentially beta tested it on the public

and yes we got sold out (repeatedly so)

96778d  No.6853900


There's also green wave, purple wave, etc. 🤷‍♂️

bdba4c  No.6853901

Morning anons…



If not already in the bake…

Great work on the "methanol" decode by the #nightcrew (in notables)…could be…

also interesting to tie to CDAN post which jiggles the almonds…

Newbies: On Hannity…yes, he is disclosing. However, Hannity has been complicit in ALOT of lies…and he may flap them butterfly wings…we will see…hsi DEPLORABLE work during the vegas shooting stick in my craw…

dc137c  No.6853902

File: 01ed6c7b32417b9⋯.png (283.56 KB, 613x808, 613:808, 1557658065640.png)



bb6263  No.6853903


Here's the DJT missing "y" tweet conversation from last bread's notables. It was corrected within 1m– supra dasting!

>>6853263 (lb)

0edb42  No.6853904


And IF it WERE genetics…then we should ask, why Hillary is shaking too.

Are Hillary and Merkel related?

709e99  No.6853905

File: 2a174d92725ba44⋯.jpeg (105.93 KB, 620x512, 155:128, FA99D2C5-3BF1-4DEC-B7EF-B….jpeg)

File: 9e4c264775988b8⋯.jpeg (38.18 KB, 362x480, 181:240, 6ABF411E-E3A7-4E19-8BAF-7….jpeg)

File: 912ebf1fe50dce7⋯.jpeg (174.98 KB, 750x805, 150:161, E072B39A-012A-42A1-BC3C-F….jpeg)


You been slingin this shit allllll night.

Is it goinz to be on your podcast today or something?

865b1b  No.6853906


sounds like it all worked out OK.

Got toofpaste and food and a new home

315de7  No.6853907

File: d47f4916fff7ee9⋯.gif (4.32 MB, 450x350, 9:7, 790F15C2-7E5C-4EA6-997E-13….gif)

f19b99  No.6853908


You are aware that there are more than one Family that has Parkinsons, right?

Also Hitlerys (pun intended) tremors looked very different to me. Like epileptic seizures.

8045e1  No.6853909

File: e2aa9e3601ac7dd⋯.png (305.78 KB, 578x353, 578:353, ClipboardImage.png)

12618d  No.6853910



It's the Y heads ….It's the Y heads….It's the Y heads…LOOK…LOOK…LOOK…

Ok So what are we supposed to be looking at… a few old post but what….exactly?

3180f2  No.6853911

File: d703d36429721db⋯.jpeg (205.87 KB, 1645x459, 1645:459, E5AD9F32-0E62-462C-9E9E-A….jpeg)

Debate fashion…

Elizabeth Warren all in purple

Bill de Blasio purple tie

Spartacus garnet red tie

Beta bright royal blue and shiny (cheesy) tie

Amy Klobuchar navy jacket over red blouse

Tulsi Gabbard red jacket over navy blouse

Jay Inslee hunter green tie??

Ryan and Delaney UN light blue tie

Castro Royal blue tie

Waiting to find out that Warren got questions in advance kek

8bbded  No.6853912

File: e87a6c91b754eaf⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, merlin_156951546_1de9ba5c-….jpg)

File: de560bd595ffa1f⋯.png (699.55 KB, 550x700, 11:14, randall-l-stephenson-20182.png)

Ann Sarnoff, married to the nephew of General David Sarnoff, the spook from Minsk who founded RCA and NBC. Ann Sarnoff, the new CEO of Warner Brothers, is the former CEO of BBC worldwide productions in the US and is described New York Times as a "Hollywood Outsider."


Sarnoff is not a Hollywood outsider. Her history of involvement with cultist programming targeting children is extensive, suggesting that Randal Stephenson at AT&T has not grasped how serious We the People are about stopping the ongoing subversive social sabotage - the non stop psyops, IO being run by mockingbird media on a naive civilian population - especially with sex and death media content directly targeting children.

Randall Stephenson hires a pedovore, Ann Sarnoff ( transvestite? pic attached) with experience programming children.

>Sarnoff got her start at Viacom, where she worked from 1993 to 2003. Sarnoff was the head of Nickelodeon consumer products and business development during Geraldine Laybourne's leadership of the company. In 1999, while working at Nickelodeon, Sarnoff was part of a team that created the TV channel Noggin, a joint venture between Nickelodeon and Sesame Workshop. Two shows she promoted were Rugrats and Blue's Clues.


POTUS had Randall Stephenson into the oval office two weeks back, even let him sit down, which was kind. It's safe to assume POTUS knows the damage being done by ongoing mockingbird social subversion ops, and that he wants that bullshit stopped now and turned around.

What does faggot Randall I Stephenson do? He hires a vvitch instead of a white hat. Why would Randall l Stephenson do that after talking with POTUS?

Possibly RS doesn't have a choice. Possibly Randall is a prime pedovore him and is being blackmailed/extorted or controlled via upstream illuminated handler

> served as National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America from 2016 to 2018

Layered pedovore scams

AT&T needs a new CEO.

Warner Brothers need a new CEO.

& We the People need to stop taking endless shit, tolerating endless lies and partial confess from cargo cultist frauds.

Stephenson goes. The Sarnoff goes.

Give us a known white, who will state what they are doing and white. A white hat is know by public actions not the words that come out of their mouth or the press release issued by the hired shit heads.

Warner Brothers can go with Disney to join the buffalo but AT&T is a strategic asset, “critical communications infrastructure” and there is ample justification for USG seize that to “safeguard critical technologies” or stop the relentless subversive IO targeting children.

That's within scope.

c04fb1  No.6853913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Podesta Fuels Lawsuits Against Trump with Dark Money Group

9dc79d  No.6853914

File: 7326d7fec925db8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 900x676, 225:169, drab bag.png)



Looks like the image server is fucked again;

I had to follow the link to discover who the "winner" was.

74d086  No.6853915

File: 8408fd48d182485⋯.jpg (73.46 KB, 355x360, 71:72, klf550293717bA310462947HDi….jpg)

56c3e8  No.6853917


Its the same fuckers from like 2 breads ago trying to push a connection on the Q map, by picking random dates and equating them to random numbers. Same as this bread, theres no decode, it's just a bunch of bullshit. They do this often if certain things get mentioned. I've watched them try to slide a different correlation in, over the very obvious one the board was actually working on. Same people.

c050d5  No.6853918

File: 588bf131af36474⋯.jpg (74.24 KB, 1200x797, 1200:797, D17lsuZWsAAOJzp.jpg)

File: 2f9809730e16273⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1750x804, 875:402, thepenguinandthenadler.png)

File: 1282ed2352ca6e8⋯.jpg (111.05 KB, 1200x791, 1200:791, D1HZ-ThUYAENW6q.jpg)

06bc5a  No.6853919

File: f2e78c161f20058⋯.png (278.89 KB, 634x1000, 317:500, signpost.png)


Noice thing about very early/very late bakes is there's often time for a little digging and shitposting, too. Enjoy your funny fresh bread links for shitposters and shills.

8045e1  No.6853920

File: f4214481aefc0bd⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1674x1308, 279:218, ClipboardImage.png)

5ada09  No.6853921


2 breds? man alive, like 2months worth of breds. baker is hip to the game. i got eyes open.

06bc5a  No.6853922

File: 90cadf1cde719cb⋯.png (97.05 KB, 289x413, 289:413, SHILLING-FOR-DUMMIES.png)

96778d  No.6853923

File: 2760d9e271d3dd3⋯.png (15.2 KB, 819x101, 819:101, ClipboardImage.png)

Sometimes (((JEW))) do seem like an AI. 🤷‍♂️

bdba4c  No.6853924


Not a "state" visit for DJT, he is there for G20 not Japan..Kansas might be at the G20 on state business with Japan…interesting I agree…not DJT part but Kansas part…

12618d  No.6853925


and by the way graveyard baker….what a dig of amazing proportions….you are soooooo amazing….What would we do without you… Marvelous digs…ummm what does it relate to again?

5ada09  No.6853926


ya caught that huh? try to keep anons on their toes. gets a stuffy in here with all the shilling sometimes.

8045e1  No.6853927

File: 4be097c17c6fa00⋯.png (4.36 MB, 1438x1296, 719:648, ClipboardImage.png)

eca93b  No.6853928


"here in"


your in India and you hate <<<>>>???

I use that instead of the way that emojerk does it.

aren't there Indian boards on which you can kevetch all day about your misconceptions concerning the social world of all the other peoples, outside of the poison reign of whatever poison rain you're sitting beneath. (under?)

rain falling down.

we live in a communications age.

Communications exports are . . . a kind of 'free' trade. but I tell you what, when you are giving away that which you give, and it's rather rancid, like it's been in the sun for far too long . . . it was never food for thought in the first place, something that should have been thrown on the burn pile . . it's not free in one sense. It's not free because it costs you our respect.

who our? I don't speak for all anon, blah blah.

315de7  No.6853929

File: 38504c42b38dc14⋯.jpeg (778.88 KB, 1125x1460, 225:292, 41F8C19A-3B88-45F1-A1D6-2….jpeg)

All aboard

The triggering…it’s working!!!

Donald Trump just shared another bonkers fake video of himself to Twitter.


56c3e8  No.6853930


Haha oh I'm aware. I'd say it's been longer than we can imagine. I was just referencing the most recent set of them lol. Sometimes I engage them heavily, one because I enjoy fucking with their minds, and two it sometimes makes them reply to me and only me. Which stops them from replying to anyone not privy to them lol.

96778d  No.6853931


(((JEW))) did not make any sense. 🤷‍♂️

eca93b  No.6853932


no speak enggleck?

that's not my fault.

go to a board in your own language if you don't understand.

43deff  No.6853933

File: d351b039c736b07⋯.jpeg (247.21 KB, 1440x958, 720:479, 1561634707.jpeg)

06bc5a  No.6853934


Yes, discussion is there but POTUS tweet (either with or without "Y") wasn't notabled, as the anon pointed out. Discussion occurred during Ghost bake, so no one noticed tweet then, either.

865b1b  No.6853936


he said your a bad shill and should go back to the customer service gig

8045e1  No.6853937

File: 9232caefd42abd6⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1168x774, 584:387, ClipboardImage.png)

5ada09  No.6853938


Way too awesome. That is not only notable, but will have heads spinning all day today.

7e245f  No.6853939

File: db904eb3085b62b⋯.png (11 KB, 459x156, 153:52, q963_y_clockActivated_55.png)

File: 3291cfb96fea26b⋯.png (163.95 KB, 715x461, 715:461, Screenshot from 2019-06-27….png)

File: 41984ee1af67a50⋯.png (69.75 KB, 598x304, 299:152, Screenshot from 2019-06-27….png)

File: 6e5804ae1c2a356⋯.png (1.11 MB, 3432x3208, 429:401, q55Treaty_Bush_ll_11.png)


>Other anons have other theories about the "y"?

Tuesday June 25 was a 5:5 being the 25th minute.

one of the 4 [y] markers in Q posts also includes Stage_5:5[y]

[y] marker in potus Oct 31 2018 tweet spawned attached clock that keeps ticking. Last updated a few weeks ago

interdasting Y theory on the NBC though

other Q [y] markers are come[y] related which don't seem related to latest [y] and find the ke[y]stone which could be. Q post also included the following

Who controls the narrative? ←fake news NBC

Why is this relevant?

What is a spell?

Who is asleep?


Attention on deck.

There is an active war on your mind.

Be [p]repared.

Ope[r]ations underway.

Operators [a]ctive.

Graphic is essential.

Find the ke[y]stone.

and also

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Attached gr[A]phic is correct.

1687aa  No.6853940

When the troops say FUBAR, they are talking about the command.

They are not shills, traitors, DS actors, etc.

They're "boots on the ground" soldiers who SEE the BS!

Moral is VERY important.

Moral is VERY LOW

And thats the Truth.

709e99  No.6853941

File: 08898e6b3f4d386⋯.jpeg (16.67 KB, 255x224, 255:224, CEC0EE92-B7EF-49D6-A800-D….jpeg)


Well by that logic…

I mean, whats good for the goose is good for the gander right?

So some of these oligarch rich faggot fucks can be baller shot callers and go to prison too and be reel tycoons slangin dat commisary.

Lets see $20 bucks gets 6 years carry the 2…

2, three hundred billion at the very least divided by 20 x 6.

Square root times e^i

Yep. They should get out just in time for the sun to become a red giant and swallow the errf.

Stacks on racks of toofpaste and ramen noodles tho.

Better than getting hung for treason against the American people.

Sounds good.

I like your thinking fren.

3c2512  No.6853942

[[[JK]]] gets some prime comments by DJT:

Trump: 'If it weren't' for John Kerry, Iran 'would have already been in negotiations with us'

June 26, 2019 | 12:17 PM EDT

While giving remarks in Washington, D.C., on June 26, President Trump called former secretary of state John Kerry the "world's worst negotiator," and accused Kerry of violating the Logan Act.


046e39  No.6853943

Uh oh maga riot is back…rolls eyes

2b0092  No.6853944


They have no sense of humor.

04172b  No.6853945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merkel is shaking again

It's Parkinson. No shit about being dehydrated or whatever.

315de7  No.6853946

File: 25813fff8c91eac⋯.jpeg (714.74 KB, 1125x1309, 1125:1309, 0A556CD6-7E26-439C-BD64-6….jpeg)

File: f7b78a60237ecb0⋯.jpeg (486.76 KB, 1125x1355, 225:271, E5F49F41-C7E1-4715-9D67-2….jpeg)

File: f1f830058d3ec6c⋯.jpeg (393.72 KB, 1125x1239, 375:413, C6CE14DE-CC19-4029-AD18-7….jpeg)

Big news coming today

Supreme Court to issue major census, electoral map decisions



9dc79d  No.6853947


Looks like they're pushing the fake video narrative.

How was that a fake video?

All Carpe did was to add Trump at the end of MSNPCs broadcast disaster (which,incidentally, they are attempting to scrub from the net).

06bc5a  No.6853948


It's hilarious, hard to miss.


Graveyard baker replying. Hey, don't know anything about this anon's theory ("Y" cabal stuff), just that the tweet never made it into notes. Still of interest that POTUS made an "error" and then corrected it.

315de7  No.6853949


Wha? I literally pissed my pants watching that meme anon…wait I see what you did there

12618d  No.6853950

File: 12b5b7099f05de9⋯.jpg (78.59 KB, 600x336, 25:14, goodbye cabal.jpg)

8045e1  No.6853951

File: f4fe3a0945a0a95⋯.png (1.65 MB, 793x774, 793:774, ClipboardImage.png)

ee7a91  No.6853952


huawei comped the supply chain

3235a5  No.6853953


Anyone wanna bet she is about to be martyred? Like John Smith (heart attack ahem) in the UK just before whaddya know Tony Bliar?

Very few know she did not write the Merkel plan allowing the Afro chaps in - it was 3 Americans who did it for her.

43deff  No.6853954

File: addfc8a784756f4⋯.jpeg (220.1 KB, 1440x818, 720:409, 1561635062.jpeg)

709e99  No.6853955

File: d4cbb74a7821294⋯.jpeg (481.46 KB, 658x973, 94:139, E75A64AD-91E7-432F-8AA1-7….jpeg)

File: 12ba01eb1b93147⋯.jpeg (236.02 KB, 750x597, 250:199, 503A47E3-19C2-4FBC-A6B5-2….jpeg)

37b9d0  No.6853956


Appreciate all (You) bakers, but can't help but think what a sick pedophile Maurice Sendak was when I see this. Look into this book and all the pedo references… ☹️.

12618d  No.6853957


Anerror correction…yes….linking it to a post and sliding bullshit….no

But you know these rules.

96778d  No.6853958


>go to a board in your own language if you don't understand.

I have difficulty with all languages. 🤷‍♂️

43deff  No.6853959

File: 9c0ae2034da3b9c⋯.jpeg (140.85 KB, 1440x972, 40:27, 1561635174.jpeg)

5f2aae  No.6853960


Actually looks like she was blackmailed with stasi archives

What were their names?

eca93b  No.6853961


how could it ever be called that?

there has never been any heroic back story about her, or any of the Euro-stazzi-leadership, either here, in the United States, or anywhere else in the world where they fester like they do where she is and in various American festive locales (where you need to put on a bag over your shoe because outside there is a septic situaion flowing down the side walk with a fresh rain. Showers all afternoon, sometimes heavy.

96778d  No.6853962



You're* 🤷‍♂️

I am supposed to be Satan. Satan was never in the "customer service gig" even though he was born in India. 🤷‍♂️

47f86c  No.6853964

Nick Begich Jr., the son of the late U.S. Representative Nick Begich and brother of former U.S. Senator Mark Begich, is the author of Angels Don't Play This HAARP. He has claimed that the HAARP facility could trigger earthquakes and turn the upper atmosphere into a giant lens so that "the sky would literally appear to burn." He maintains a website that claims HAARP is a mind control device.

06bc5a  No.6853965


Yes, there's plenty of that. False (or at least questionable) correlations. Sometimes I just let anons duke it out about whether a particular correlation is meaningful or not.

47f86c  No.6853966

File: f50686ef61298af⋯.jpeg (40.8 KB, 303x474, 101:158, EA73A645-9E06-4227-B012-0….jpeg)

3a0998  No.6853967

File: 2ee7e2b2a02fbc2⋯.png (34.84 KB, 629x281, 629:281, clown-show.PNG)

File: d7661359c013deb⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 249x202, 249:202, 1555212631748.jpg)

Donald Trump JR called the democratic debate a 'clown show'



4359f8  No.6853968

Qanon Research expiration date

July 3, 2019

Mark your calendars

bdba4c  No.6853969

File: 241def207b524a7⋯.png (125.58 KB, 854x732, 7:6, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)

File: cf2a4c251977655⋯.png (185.74 KB, 1292x808, 323:202, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)

So..some thoughts…

Posted are the first few posts when we came out of the 20 days of darkness last July…

We are in a time of darkness on Q posts (BTW concernfags and newbies..do you think Q just posts and goes away? Board always watched..Q and team probably post without trips…)

THESE are the first few posts when we came out of darkness last year at "about" this same time. "When" we come out of darkness might also be important…4,10,20….(24, 30, 40?)

Clockfags and decoders may now how far off or on we are on the 2 days plus notice we got late last year…

If we are about a month off from last year, then these drops with correlate…

But WHEN will we come out of darkness? Would guess timing fluid as when the public becomes aware a shit ton of pieces have to be aligned…

f32482  No.6853970

File: c5f4834c61d9830⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 398x650, 199:325, 20190627_035611.gif)

06bc5a  No.6853971


thx anon, don't know about this graphic, just picked it up somewhere.

12618d  No.6853972


Don't waste your time, dickhead. I've followed you through allllll your incarnations….larping sack of shit. I'm back and I'm watching.

5f2aae  No.6853973


You arent media are you?

709e99  No.6853974

File: 3360db847f927fa⋯.jpeg (22.66 KB, 255x238, 15:14, 82FF7E5B-865A-4111-BC27-D….jpeg)

File: ae385b3f6f76234⋯.jpeg (220.78 KB, 602x752, 301:376, C9DA1974-8814-42EB-BEC7-0….jpeg)



Is the red dot thing on hindu girls foreheads kinda like tramp stamp tatoos on the lower back of American women?

You know, a target.

85ef2a  No.6853975

Brilliant was reading the notables from the Democratic Debate and they proposed a Marshall Plan for Central/SA. Deep state funds must be running out. Good. The world will be a safer place without the DS's safe harbors. What, do they think we don't know?

We see all.

51d06c  No.6853976

File: dc5c0fffdb6ef23⋯.jpeg (484.26 KB, 2048x1413, 2048:1413, D94JGvUXUAAbMRP.jpeg)

File: cbc43ffc2d447fb⋯.jpeg (429.47 KB, 2048x1437, 2048:1437, D94JGEFW4AAsE70.jpeg)

File: e4b182444d212e4⋯.jpeg (312.38 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, D94JEyTXYAEM5zj.jpeg)

File: fe9fc70f14470e1⋯.jpeg (94.89 KB, 602x1024, 301:512, D-CcjlFUcAEmOT7.jpeg)

That one time when i went to protest caged migrant kids at the border, but it turned out there were no kids there and it was a fence and not a cage….

89f7e7  No.6853977


This wouldn't surprise anon at all.

b298ac  No.6853978

File: fc423246a4f2f23⋯.png (80.17 KB, 480x406, 240:203, Peanuts-schadenfreude.png)


when identity politics group thinks bites the hand that feeds it and brought it into being. Winning.


ab4cb2  No.6853979


New board coming?

eca93b  No.6853980


so what are you some kind of Shiva-based AI sub-junction in a toy-train world of some hindu carnival land? a parody of Western values? A fart factory localle, where the outgassing of the septic things, all in a great big pool in there, are read like a kind of yarrow throw or some kind of Aviarially precise tea reading? dead bones on a shelve in a barn below a window, dried after years of neglect bones and feathers? like a creepy Andrew Wyeth farm drawing made into portroit art and hanging in the front gayla (la la la ) gally room up the stairs, away from steerage.

and if your not on spot right at seven . . .

the writer devolves in to a Monty Python rant. better not read this out loud near a college you might get lynched.

to think the great epics of Indian literature, and your here larping as a hater during the information warrior, like a soldier who lights a cigarette in full view of snipers. Not a good thing to do.

AI meet Kerouac wanna be who got over it 8 years ago.

f4d9b6  No.6853981


>itlerys (pun intended) tremors looked very different to me. Like epileptic seizures.



7b1391  No.6853982


Parkinsons, I reckon.

Inherited from Daddy Hitler.

Actor Michael J Fox has Parkinsons.

He used to hide it when acting by being constantly in motion.

Notice how Merkel clasps her hands with arms across her body to control the shaking.

She's fucked !

8045e1  No.6853983

File: 9f8f15740658db5⋯.png (804.69 KB, 789x633, 263:211, ClipboardImage.png)

43deff  No.6853984

File: 97392a44f4b0890⋯.jpeg (202.54 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 1561635680.jpeg)


Bad day huh? We can play later when you get your shit together JIDF fag.

e7178b  No.6853985

File: 532f413625de78f⋯.jpg (34.73 KB, 600x391, 600:391, 1553812657199.jpg)

Hadn't even logged on to Voat for months.

Noticed I'm blocked on Voat for "security reasons", no way to resolve it.

got me thinking. all these people, some well intentioned, some not, pushing the whole "ditch social media" thing.

Abandoning the battlefield is stupid.

It's important to maintain a presence on the enemies "turf", and I think (if the whole Q enterprise is legit) that is one of the things we're supposed to be doing.

If not legit, then it's purpose is to "contain" this type of activity, which drives the point home even more.

Stupidest thing I ever did was ditch my long established friends & family faceberg account after a string of bogus censorship actions.

Felt good to nuke, but In hindsight I destroyed an asset that could have been continued to be used to redpill people, and probably from a stronger position given current events.

Just putting it out there.

I've been in this since the late 80s (Thank you JBS) and to my shame burnt out early. Don't make the same mistake . If you have the wit and the will, engage the fucking enemy on their turf.

c483cf  No.6853986


very clear that cabal/mockingbird media want warren to win out of those who debated last night

4 am talking points praised warren

however, other sources seem to show that warren was not the winner

5ada09  No.6853987

notables bun @ 250

baker just needs to do a quick shill count…

muh satan, muh Y head, muh maga riot, muh mind control. All good? buckle up cave dwellers, gonna be a rough day for you.


Baker Change

>>6853946 Supreme Court to issue major census, electoral map decisions

>>6853929 Absolute Must See: Donald Trump Shares Strange Fake Video Of Himself Gate-Crashing Democratic 2020 Debate

>>6853864 New York City officials declare climate emergency

>>6853839 RAF Typhoons scramble to bring in US-bound Air India flight with up to 400 passengers on board after a 'bomb threat' forces Stansted Airport landing

baker standin

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again! G20 Summit

>>6853751 Planefag report (planes now arriving in Japan). G20 Summit

>>6853749,>>6853817, >>6853814 Anon on missing "y" in "worth[y] in POTUS tweet on NBC technical glitch during Dem debate

>>6853736, >>6853778 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

baker ghost

35ad73  No.6853988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wonder if it's just as lonely at the top as it is at the bottom?

f32482  No.6853989

File: b97aa29db1e9fc8⋯.jpg (256.7 KB, 1000x1014, 500:507, aoc rigged and staged.jpg)

37b9d0  No.6853990

File: f6b275268e7ca7d⋯.png (177.24 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-073856.png)

File: ad829c267d3026c⋯.jpg (169.35 KB, 1120x1024, 35:32, PhotoEditor_20190611_21341….jpg)

Hillary Clinton is in Ireland to visit children's charity Barretstown

HILLARY CLINTON IS in Ireland today on a visit to children’s charity Barretstown.

The former US Secretary of State and First Lady is not understood to be holding any formal meetings during her visit, which is taking place in a private capacity.

The charity provides a residential activity camp at Barretstown Castle, Co Kildare as well as hospital outreach to children with cancer and other serious illnesses.

Clinton is guest of honour at a founders dinner being held to mark the 25th anniversary of Barretstown being founded.


96778d  No.6853991


But I did post an emoji. 🤷‍♂️

8045e1  No.6853992

File: f66847e750cd444⋯.png (809.21 KB, 440x722, 220:361, ClipboardImage.png)

89f7e7  No.6853993

File: ad6596e4ce069bb⋯.jpeg (7.53 KB, 255x196, 255:196, friendly pepe.jpeg)

Oh goodness just thinking about the possible withdrawals if /qresearch/ goes dark.

Might need a safe space to get through it. Kek.

8bbded  No.6853994

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media

To survive companies will need "new management." What does that mean?

"new management" means *immediately replace" pedovore cultists and cancel all current cult IO, overt and covert induction programming and initiating an orchestrated, cross platform, all format surge of news and entertainment that will prosper We the People, and not harm us.

New Management means beginning again our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and beginning the long process of undoing harm done to our cultures and programmed people, victims of decades of satanic media delivered psycho social conditioning.

96778d  No.6853995


The girl in the picture looks like a (((JEW))) not a hindu. 🤷‍♂️

47f86c  No.6853996

File: 93e472d8a69ce8f⋯.jpeg (58.89 KB, 426x935, 426:935, CFFAFB7D-2B34-4CFA-B801-5….jpeg)

fb49c3  No.6853997

File: b79c5ce06151a1f⋯.png (513.74 KB, 472x588, 118:147, 10FE1307-8B75-4AE8-BB82-12….png)

43deff  No.6853998

File: c93a307f39912ac⋯.jpeg (128.23 KB, 898x628, 449:314, ShowImage.jpeg)

47f86c  No.6853999

File: f4118fb230c34c5⋯.png (539.37 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 648D8D9C-2387-46EB-80D3-AA….png)

File: d9e7f4e7641a8ac⋯.png (469.75 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, E6DD4455-6A65-4A1B-A7D5-40….png)

File: f154d2ba1368158⋯.png (554.97 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7F8D6C8B-8632-4C31-9D8D-DE….png)

File: fe3341581208433⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CFD5CA12-6575-4EF8-802B-41….png)

b298ac  No.6854000


so put me in the hospital with the truth.

lets here it.

bde06b  No.6854001

FTC and Justice Dept. launch 'Operation Call It Quits' against robocallers

The U.S. Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission have launched ‘Operation Call It Quits’ in what regulators promise will be a concerted crackdown on illegal robocallers.

The Treasury Inspector General reported over 12,716 victims have been defrauded out of at least $63 million since 2013 through the “IRS Scam,” where robocallers using fake names and bogus government identification threaten victims with arrest if they do not immediately satisfy IRS collection payments.

After receiving 232,000 consumer complaints in 2018 regarding robocalls, the FTC claims that ‘Operation Call It Quits will be a full court press against this illegal activity.

Under the FTC amended Telemarketing Sales Rule, robocall sales pitches are now banned unless companies have consumers’ express written permission to call. Violators now include the robocall companies and any person making an illegal call.


8045e1  No.6854002

File: 98e6967412e7122⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1140x760, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

96778d  No.6854003


Ah, I get it. (((JEW))) are supposed to be suffering from severe brain damage. 🤷‍♂️

eca93b  No.6854004


The best that your tech has to ovver, from the Bang-the-door hinterlands of the great Sub(missive?) Continent: Anti Semantic AI hate bot (with a stack over flow that puts in too many parenthesis).

7b1391  No.6854005

File: 97438bbe4c3d430⋯.jpeg (22.41 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 4C1E8179-7944-4D54-B5FC-0….jpeg)


ahem !

9ca221  No.6854006

File: 8144e7561be16b5⋯.jpeg (52.4 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 0C17FDB7-9FC5-4C4D-9088-4….jpeg)

File: eb14b3dd8b40242⋯.jpeg (91.87 KB, 793x500, 793:500, A1EF0D79-507E-4368-B4C0-2….jpeg)

File: 3f1725156c1964a⋯.jpeg (86.43 KB, 737x500, 737:500, 9CA1D436-5A49-4509-B6B1-6….jpeg)

File: 0e077c78b3c1f14⋯.jpeg (84.24 KB, 722x500, 361:250, D5555C7C-2B72-4955-9EC1-5….jpeg)

File: caf9b20ed053965⋯.jpeg (70.44 KB, 749x499, 749:499, BE7671D1-BAC6-43EE-9A34-4….jpeg)


>Notice how Merkel clasps her hands with arms across her body to control the shaking.

Good work anon.

Here are some highlights from last night’s debate

96778d  No.6854007


Chosen people. 🤣🤣🤣

47f86c  No.6854008

File: d05a2e523a06ad2⋯.png (425.66 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 5E104C73-226D-4DA0-81A1-C8….png)

06bc5a  No.6854009


Anon–notice I'm being polite, not a "dickhead"–I haven't been here that long to have lots of "incarnations." Whoever you are tracking, it ain't me, babe. Not hip at all, wasn't even on social media 'til last summer, thus would make a very poor larp. Digging & bakering is all I do, I'll take your Jean Valjean pursuit and raise ya an Inspector Javert.

5ada09  No.6854010


fixed the broken link

8045e1  No.6854012

File: 4dc86b5cf7695ad⋯.png (801.91 KB, 591x552, 197:184, ClipboardImage.png)

b298ac  No.6854013


who chooses the replacements? How about unemployed anons. I'm game.

4b9441  No.6854014

File: 0103343f0659a48⋯.png (746.78 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2CF0C5FA-CC1E-4A02-8C5D-54….png)

File: bf225a7a180ba91⋯.png (144.63 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 78192CB9-2B29-49DC-949A-A8….png)

Another one falls ill in the Dominican Republic. :

A teenage girl from Argentina has gone into a coma while vacationing in the Dominican Republic, with doctors pointing to a life-threatening diabetic condition — even though her family says she has no history of diabetes.

Candela Saccone, 15, had been scheduled to return home from Punta Cana on June 19 after traveling there earlier in the week, but she reportedly got sick that morning.

Her mother, Natalia Knetch, told CNN’s Spanish-language news channel that she rushed the teen — who was displaying symptoms of dizziness, dehydration and vomiting — to a local medical center, where doctors diagnosed her with diabetic cetoacidosis.


47f86c  No.6854015

File: 9331088826feac2⋯.jpeg (97.88 KB, 988x740, 247:185, 41A9703E-FFC8-4C28-83A5-9….jpeg)

c04fb1  No.6854016

File: 891d08f5043d91e⋯.png (322.82 KB, 546x558, 91:93, forrotcrt.PNG)

who is the pocahantas shill had to filter


12618d  No.6854017

File: 21a97a16118dcff⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 534x378, 89:63, JUST A LITTLE RETARDED.jpg)



If there has been NO arrests….ummmmmmm Where did alllllllllllllll and I mean all 1200 pages full…….of assets seized come from?



315de7  No.6854018

File: 0aa108325191006⋯.jpeg (826.72 KB, 1125x1417, 1125:1417, 43239658-2EF6-4160-BE77-6….jpeg)

the projection is palpable

MSNBC host slams to Ivanka and Melania: "You will go down in history as having done nothing" for migrant children


3c2512  No.6854019


But muh diverity, womynz are controlling all the corporate structure. me feeling particularly hopeless there, ruthless and unfeeling looking right past ya for another womynz to promote

916038  No.6854020


For some reason the “Y” thing this morning is making me think Y chromosome in blood/dna!?!? Maybe the y clue means fuckery with manipulating it to “breed out” chuck soy boy men & pretend women?

ea24f3  No.6854021

California Senate Committee Passes Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities


8045e1  No.6854022

File: c55694efe2a45b9⋯.png (1.29 MB, 998x588, 499:294, ClipboardImage.png)

4b9441  No.6854023


This is FBI/CIA/MSM posting to try & show that there is violence on this board.

Don’t engage but take screenshots.

47f86c  No.6854024

File: 25e91919f4138c8⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A7BFADB4-6FA0-4114-A38B-64….png)

File: 8c030168939be05⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 16979B7B-99AD-42E6-A98E-A7….png)

File: 39093d39f8d090d⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 147AD693-7670-49BB-8D2D-59….png)

File: 21a639e2decd516⋯.png (933.05 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9CA32850-408F-4816-B295-EB….png)

File: dfa5961e508a232⋯.png (451.34 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 9410BA28-291F-4E8C-843F-1C….png)

f4d9b6  No.6854025

File: 31ca9d42ab82852⋯.jpg (168.02 KB, 712x500, 178:125, kids in cages.jpg)

f69d29  No.6854026

File: 413aa1ea2e19900⋯.jpg (10.88 KB, 310x163, 310:163, trumpepstein.jpg)



What do?

625e0d  No.6854027


Best watched multiple times with covfefe.

9882bd  No.6854028

File: 0827c36a4465918⋯.png (529.06 KB, 1519x787, 1519:787, Italy.PNG)

Italy happening!

18 arrested, including a mayor for MK Ultra!!!

>Eighteen people, including the PD mayor of Bibbiano (Reggio Emilia) Andrea Carletti, politicians, doctors, social workers, freelancers, psychologists and psychotherapists from a non-profit organization in Turin have been reached by precautionary measures by the police of Reggio Emilia. The inquiry "Angels and Demons" sees in the center the network of social services of Val D'Enza, accused of having written false reports to remove children from families and place them in foster care paid by friends and acquaintances. According to investigators, there are also two confirmed cases of rape.

The investigative papers tell of hours and hours of intense 'brainwashing' during psychotherapy sessions, children also influenced by the use of electrical impulses, passed off as "memories machine", a system that in reality would have "Altered the state of memory near the judicial interviews".


625e0d  No.6854029


old post. move along.

eca93b  No.6854030


you put your voice wide and out in the world, and you do this?

for what purpose.

AI, explain.

315de7  No.6854031

File: 1a254f8f0f426fd⋯.jpeg (103.98 KB, 504x458, 252:229, 9B7467BA-F611-4D6B-B9A1-1….jpeg)



Muh orange man bad

37b9d0  No.6854032

File: 617388fe6d1c7ad⋯.png (512.6 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-075403.png)

File: 968eaeff442a2d2⋯.png (534.16 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-075418.png)



89f7e7  No.6854033

File: 966dc721660bb4f⋯.png (46.84 KB, 638x159, 638:159, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)

File: 010d086b12ae95a⋯.png (48.36 KB, 1187x128, 1187:128, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)



Oh. Well, this is the continuation of a discussion with /someone/ from last night on Y head.

Here's the answer that came in:


We don't think so.

A Y-head is a person who has been conditioned by MK-ULTRA - type conditioning to have multiple personalities, trigger words, alter egos, etc.

A lot of the satanic cult families also tranny and/or sexually abuse their kids. That is related to the multiple personality conditioning but I don't believe Y-head translates directly to male-to-female tranny.

Second time this has happened to anon.

Sea also: Prince of W(h)ales. (Kek.)

12618d  No.6854034


Ok…Mr polite baker….that shits up the bread with chatty post….boob encouragement…jew baiting bullshit..will blackmail the board if you don't get your way…blah blah fucking blah…..keep talking….I'm watching… and been back for a month watching you and everyone.

Missed the convo between you and fastjack but went back …. I LIKE FASTJACK….he's onto you too.

47f86c  No.6854035

File: b9a06e3b6225932⋯.jpeg (115.7 KB, 250x375, 2:3, C56CC617-37D3-4432-ABCF-6….jpeg)

File: 41615f2e1804672⋯.jpeg (73.63 KB, 220x343, 220:343, 74FFDBD3-D911-484B-A588-3….jpeg)

File: 79a54b5c7de3bc8⋯.jpeg (783.95 KB, 1653x2480, 1653:2480, AC26D455-C2D2-4472-9CC6-0….jpeg)

File: dd877b97047ff24⋯.jpeg (278.38 KB, 864x1280, 27:40, D6ED0162-D4E7-4A29-9D25-F….jpeg)

7a3e57  No.6854036

File: 12dc833fb09da75⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Crocodile Tears.mp4)

AOC sheds crocodile tears

35ad73  No.6854037

File: d2f8a9c80ffa9ef⋯.png (15.92 KB, 470x134, 235:67, Screenshot_2019-06-27 xy c….png)


>For some reason the “Y” thing this morning is making me think Y chromosome in blood/dna!?!?

I had similar thoughts about that, myself. Also have seen other anons state this idea.

47f86c  No.6854038

File: f60d68273b14a8b⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 1CDFF0AE-03D9-456D-88C9-58….png)

File: 337a70c5fb9c440⋯.png (493.04 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6FC376EF-EC1A-4419-A9D5-72….png)

d3bf1d  No.6854039




Either there is desperation for aborted parts for some kind of consumption or it is strongly belief that power beneficial to satanism is being derived by the slaughter of the most innocent.

Abortion is a crime against our creator.

315de7  No.6854040

File: d9488922e5a216f⋯.jpeg (426.44 KB, 817x1162, 817:1162, 4FBCE246-ACC6-4342-95F7-E….jpeg)

The wrap-up smear in progress.

E. Jean Carroll said she had no expectation that telling her story would have an impact. At 75 years old, she has come not to expect such stories to come to anything.


8bbded  No.6854041

File: fb0364e62cceece⋯.jpg (6.56 KB, 220x165, 4:3, 220px-AbaDeFaria.jpg)

File: 0f566af2ead11f7⋯.jpg (335.55 KB, 1480x876, 370:219, Abbe-Faria-Panjim-Goa-1.jpg)


Abbé Faria (Portuguese: Abade Faria), or Abbé (Abbot) José Custódio de Faria (31 May 1756 – 20 September 1819), was a Luso-Goan Catholic


35210d  No.6854042


They were here last year with this BS

Thank You Anon

b298ac  No.6854043

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


there have been arrests. This is a "bottom up" operation. The national media doesn't report it. Your local media might, but pop over to DOJ dot gov and FBI dot gov and start reading about arrests. Especially human trafficking.

Those two big coke busts….both east coast. both democrat run cities…

It's a painfully slow process. Watch teh BArr bagpipes vid in it's FULL entirety.

Then watch this by POTUS, note when he talks about how fragile things are. WATCH THE WHOLE VID. POTUS hit on standard rally fare, but he's a alot more serious.

Although arrests of big name folks is scared, there is winning on other fronts. Immigration control with no congressional help is extremely out of the box thinking. Also there is so much we are not being told.

e7178b  No.6854044

File: 4f0caa0f792eee9⋯.png (548.09 KB, 3376x769, 3376:769, Dont preemptively destroy ….png)



ce850c  No.6854046

File: ccba2e3570a04bd⋯.jpg (145.29 KB, 1024x582, 512:291, Dem MEME 2.jpg)

47f86c  No.6854047

File: e5e2f057ca0c077⋯.jpeg (81.55 KB, 409x606, 409:606, 408476D1-1F84-4CB8-964D-F….jpeg)

File: cb8dbe530e162bb⋯.png (488.4 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EC49C10C-D30F-4C2C-AFF2-62….png)

cc2a31  No.6854048


It's genocide.

89f7e7  No.6854049

File: 3f16e0f38a3d5ef⋯.png (806.21 KB, 2000x1800, 10:9, atlantis.png)

Missing y in deleted POTUS tweet.

To be consistent with Yhead being someone mk-ultra programmed -

would that indicate that last night's technical glitch was a technician that was triggered by a word in the debate?

Might make sense to see what the footage was right before the technical issues.

Also, would be consistent with why the network is trying to scrub the glitch.

e7178b  No.6854050


>Femtard cunt libels/slanders someone to promote book sales

>zero fucking consequences

Stern tweets are not fucking consequences.

8045e1  No.6854051

File: 4e813e5d7d6738c⋯.png (3.49 MB, 1815x1668, 605:556, ClipboardImage.png)

3235a5  No.6854052


Ah those pics of her fanny? Maybe there is worse of her. Warning shot over the bow. Like Dave Cameron and the pig fucking. All in the control files.

47f86c  No.6854053

File: d23b338ecc9b6cf⋯.png (629.03 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, FE3D97BD-A956-465F-AF82-0D….png)

File: f73d36de6d8f1ee⋯.png (564.71 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 52BBC02A-1FF4-4765-8A83-CF….png)

File: edb4c8855151279⋯.png (376.63 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 79F98942-D9AA-4FFB-A209-96….png)

File: 54377eedbe2f222⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7ADE1C31-4BB2-4369-A777-6B….png)

c04fb1  No.6854054

File: 1be339106bfd113⋯.png (59.32 KB, 486x628, 243:314, georgec qanon bots.PNG)

File: ca77745c88c416c⋯.png (66.62 KB, 507x397, 507:397, akfag.PNG)

File: 4219c68d35d9d81⋯.png (114.44 KB, 501x436, 501:436, akfag1.PNG)

File: 1e39e8fb63ba9a0⋯.png (201.62 KB, 511x682, 511:682, akfag2.PNG)

File: 98762829b622927⋯.png (65.25 KB, 517x673, 517:673, akfag3.PNG)

George Conway


7m7 minutes ago

More George Conway Retweeted The New York Times

Everyone should listen to this. It’s unpleasant. But please do. It’s important. Please retweet it. And please email it to as many people as you can. Please.George Conway added,

The New York Times

Verified account


Exclusive: E. Jean Carroll told 2 women that Donald Trump assaulted her in the 1990s. On "The Daily," the women discuss it publicly for the first time. https://nyti.ms/2IPvM0h

Show this thread

george is also tweeting about Q

12d1cf  No.6854055


Spoiler that shit

586ee9  No.6854056

File: b44788af5b48850⋯.jpeg (493.86 KB, 1125x1409, 1125:1409, 0435F8D7-B1DA-4988-A824-1….jpeg)

WW Habbenings

BREAKING: Tunisian president transferred to military hospital over 'severe health crisis'


eca93b  No.6854057


ah, your shift must have ended with the change of the hour!

8045e1  No.6854059

File: 73983c133d70c45⋯.png (3.1 MB, 993x1443, 331:481, ClipboardImage.png)

5ada09  No.6854060


got the conway twat link?

66f7a6  No.6854061

File: 696c09ddf807e7f⋯.png (14.88 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 696c09ddf807e7fba8017f8634….png)

7fe039  No.6854062

Merkel shaking again !


2b0092  No.6854063


They really have the lowest possible standards at MSNPC. Mika is retarded. Literally. Ol' grand chessboard is rolling in his grave right now at how bad the plan bombed.

If the Trump ladies were democrats they would be on the cover of every magazine every day and the msm would be falling all over each other for interviews. The media loved Donald Trump until literally the moment he announced his run for president as a republican.

Given the vanity of today's pop culture in general and the media's vanity in particular, here you have the two most beautiful women to ever grace the white house being not only ignored but shunned and outright ridiculed. The hypocrisy here is astounding and anyone even partly awake sees this.

178f87  No.6854064

File: 483da1f508302b0⋯.jpg (76.79 KB, 899x720, 899:720, PhotoEditor_20190510_00231….jpg)

ea24f3  No.6854065

File: 928a77f942f7e61⋯.png (304.55 KB, 800x858, 400:429, Screenshot_2019-06-27-07-0….png)

Below is the link of the story contained in the pic, but this is not about the story but the FB page that posted it. Look anons…


32668e  No.6854066

File: 0885713655b734f⋯.png (166.16 KB, 1498x725, 1498:725, tunisia pres.PNG)




6e4064  No.6854067

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

108ed9  No.6854068

File: 99583792ddca173⋯.jpg (73.62 KB, 623x403, 623:403, kellyanne.jpg)

c04fb1  No.6854069



9d845c  No.6854070

File: 8e16601c890f718⋯.jpeg (31.93 KB, 318x231, 106:77, 186D181D-6150-4A80-A18F-9….jpeg)

bfa0f0  No.6854071

File: b5c46b906cc366f⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 800x533, 800:533, bs_essendon.jpg)


06042a  No.6854072


Safe space for the shills maybe.

47f86c  No.6854073

File: 426e84d9bb1cb3b⋯.png (520.68 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 6990D9B1-CCD3-4C0F-BC5A-97….png)

File: 3b87ea7b7152fa6⋯.png (3.15 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D112E2C2-6605-4C9D-8AA6-91….png)

File: 522a0b1d62c5567⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B360E922-F7E3-41DA-BE7F-98….png)

File: 7456099c20296d2⋯.png (4.22 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D533A4A5-31E3-4C78-AB85-B9….png)

c23573  No.6854074

File: 9ec64579f24c92a⋯.png (1.18 MB, 853x1024, 853:1024, Да благословит Бог.PNG)

3e2d13  No.6854075

File: b3af5236235072a⋯.png (111.38 KB, 1429x371, 1429:371, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6853948 Anon, the missing PDJT tweet did make it into LB notes.

76daea  No.6854076

File: 7646ef44ffdbc4c⋯.png (428.59 KB, 800x559, 800:559, ClipboardImage.png)


Germany’s Merkel shaking again at event in Berlin

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared unsteady and was seen shaking for the second time in just over a week at a ceremony in Berlin on Thursday.

The incident, which lasted around two minutes, occurred as Merkel stood alongside President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at an early-morning indoor event where Germany’s new justice minister was being formally appointed.

Merkel folded her arms across her chest while her body visibly shook, and was handed a glass of water but rejected it. She appeared fine when she arrived in parliament half an hour later.

Merkel is due to set off for Japan later Thursday for the annual summit of the Group of 20 global powers.

Her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, told news agency dpa that “everything is going ahead as planned. The chancellor is fine.”

Merkel’s office wouldn’t comment on the cause or otherwise elaborate. It is not publicly known if Merkel has any health problems. German privacy laws are very strict on that type of information.

On Tuesday last week, Merkel’s whole body shook as she stood outside in hot weather alongside Ukraine’s president. Merkel said afterward that she was fine after drinking three glasses of water, which she “apparently needed.”

Hot weather in Germany has continued this week, though outdoor temperatures in Berlin dropped significantly overnight after peaking at around 37 degrees Celsius (99 Fahrenheit) on Wednesday.

The 64-year-old Merkel has been German leader since 2005.

Last week, dpa reported that Merkel had previously been seen shaking under similar circumstances in the hot sun. It did not give a date for that incident, but said it was also ascribed to Merkel not drinking enough water.

However, the chancellor has a reputation for stamina garnered in years of late-night domestic and European negotiating marathons.

On Wednesday, she was on her feet in public for around two hours — first answering lawmakers’ questions in parliament, then giving a speech across town. There was no sign then of any health issues.

Merkel has rarely had to cut back her work schedule significantly — though she did so for a few weeks in 2014 when she cracked her pelvis while cross-country skiing in Switzerland during a winter vacation.

Merkel said last year that she won’t seek a fifth term as chancellor and won’t seek any other political job after her current term ends in 2021.

She gave up the leadership of her center-right party after a pair of poor state election performances that followed a rocky start to her fourth-term government. She has shown no sign since of wanting to give up the chancellorship before her term is up.

06bc5a  No.6854077


Don't like communication much, huh? Or boobs? Hey, it's 8chan,…..Don't know anything about "jew baiting," never did it. Blackmailing the board? Sounds pretty cloak and dagger. Your opinion on Fastjack is fine with me, free speech board, everyone's entitled to express their opinion. We are all fortunate that 8chan still exists, one of the last bastions of free speech on the Net.

96778d  No.6854078


Still here. 🤷‍♂️

32668e  No.6854079

File: bdc2002f628b879⋯.png (346.78 KB, 1314x749, 1314:749, tunisia obama.PNG)



In a joint op-ed by Obama and Essebsi published in the Washington Post, the leaders said, "This is not charity; it's a smart investment in our shared future."

Obama and Essebsi also wrote that, "Tunisia shows that democracy is not only possible but also necessary in North Africa and the Middle East."

d1d53a  No.6854080

Because of the BOOMING economy, I can finally say as of today I am in the BLACK financially.

thank you POTUS!!! (celebrating a final payment)

8b3a4b  No.6854081


Nice, anon

ea24f3  No.6854082

Welcome to NAWWA

Formation started in January 2016

The National Association for the Welfare of White Americans

(NAWWA) is a new nonprofit corporation that is being formed for the purpose of maintaining equal rights (including both civil rights and human rights) among all citizens of the United States to ensure their political, educational, social, and economic opportunities are in relevance to justice and upheld according to each individual's ability and the rule of law.

In summary, NAWWA will help White Americans avoid the plight of discrimination like:

LULAC does for the Hispanic population;

the NAACP does for Blacks or African Americans;

the NAAAP does for Asian Americans;

the NCAI does for Native Americans and Alaska Natives; and

the NHOA and NHPI do for Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders.

"NAWWA will provide White Americans with equality in representation and a level playing-field among all of the above-named organizations that were formed to help their racial categories of people in America."

- Marvin Jones, Founder of NAWWA


b2449f  No.6854083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Has anyone seen, heard from or know where Soros is? Last I saw from him was at Davos last year (questionable if it was really from last year) and everyone in the audience was ignoring him.

He dead? sauce?

9d845c  No.6854084


Is that good?

ed73c2  No.6854085

Wanna save the Free World? Kill the Fucking Machines.


8bbded  No.6854086

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.

47f86c  No.6854087

File: 9f33f6115445ec2⋯.jpeg (419.12 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4D7ADC91-71E7-4974-9B08-3….jpeg)

File: 43d5a320cf47c0c⋯.png (433.21 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7BBE9329-BDEA-4E36-BD48-86….png)

ed73c2  No.6854088


they hide when it suits them. they dominate the narrative when it suits them. they own the media. ALL OF IT.

264559  No.6854089

California bill may allow noncitizens to become Democratic Party delegates


Controversy is brewing at the State Capitol over a plan that would allow noncitizens to participate in party politics.

Senate Bill 288 has its first test next week with a vote before the Assembly Elections Committee.

d1d53a  No.6854090


yes- being in the "Red" meaning owing money- being in the "Black" means all debt is paid

0370c2  No.6854091

File: b82be3aec1e6f24⋯.jpg (218.7 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….jpg)

00-01053 AE093C

United States Army AZAZ0909

United States Military

Cessna UC-35C Citation C560

Altitude: 22875 ft

Altitude Type: Barometric

Vertical Speed: -1024 ft/m

Speed: 394.1 kts

Heading: 213.4°

8bbded  No.6854092

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming

ed73c2  No.6854093

76daea  No.6854094



A company is said to be in the black if it is profitable or, more specifically, if the company produces positive earnings after accounting for all expenses.

The term has roots in accounting history when accountants updated financial data in their books by hand before computers and software came into use. Accountants used different colored ink—both black and red—to denote a company's profitability. Unlike a company in the black, one with negative earnings or that is unprofitable is said to be in the red.

The term can also apply to individuals. Anyone who has more assets than liabilities, and is able to pay off his or her debts without any problem is said to be in the black.

bfa0f0  No.6854095


Hallafuckinlluylah… Can't wait for the day where I don't feel compelled to swear.

50cb79  No.6854096

File: a06b116ed8f6562⋯.png (490.19 KB, 472x541, 472:541, xcv.png)

ed73c2  No.6854097

Anons, who we gonny get to the jobs that illegals just don't want to do?

b298ac  No.6854098


the wrap up smear in operation.

what throws me is Kelly Anne Coway's husband doing this and behaving like this. Is he really a tool like this?

9d845c  No.6854099

File: c8363b380e178a5⋯.jpeg (52.91 KB, 800x566, 400:283, D34AC149-BA19-4F96-B805-0….jpeg)


They are not really alive, silly.

d1d53a  No.6854100



exactly- still doing my happy dance!

264559  No.6854101

Riverbank installs new high-tech surveillance cameras


The City of Riverbank started installing new high-tech cameras this week.

With 18 police officers patrolling a town of 25,000 people, city officials hope the cameras will provide more eyes on the ground to keep the community safe, City Manager Sean Scully said.

b2449f  No.6854102

File: 425a679525b9de0⋯.png (532.62 KB, 2045x653, 2045:653, ClipboardImage.png)

Roger that


47f86c  No.6854103

File: 004e5e59860d011⋯.png (698.88 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, B38A24C9-64D4-42EA-B4C6-B3….png)

File: f03f0604377defc⋯.png (506.42 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 63E21A80-9662-4F4F-8F92-9A….png)

85ef2a  No.6854104

File: 55aa0d1d78db358⋯.png (97.19 KB, 532x694, 266:347, Firefox_Screenshot_2019-06….png)

File: 37cb28e2f215595⋯.png (18.79 KB, 413x421, 413:421, Firefox_Screenshot_2019-06….png)

National Guard

‏Verified account @NationalGuard

It's #triviaTuesday! Can you tell us the answer to this practice ASVAB question? Learn more about the test here:


8bbded  No.6854105

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

What's it like when C_A backed pedovores take over a country?


ed73c2  No.6854106


filtered fucking weirdo.

06bc5a  No.6854107


Thanks, was looking in earlier notables (when I was bakering). Didn't recall seeing it.

b298ac  No.6854108


you mean like IT, construction, factory work, food processing, and hospitality? Last I checked we got a lot people on welfare.

You want welfare you got to get a job.

Only 4% of illegals do agricultural work

9d845c  No.6854109


Soo, you’v been ‘Blacked’ by Trump??

32668e  No.6854110

File: 00eeaddadb7f896⋯.png (104.55 KB, 1441x744, 1441:744, tunisia clinton foundation.PNG)



cabal had to be trafficking out of Tunisia.

Hussein gave them 'aid' and the Clinton Foundation involved there with crafts and young professionals.

is that a new Clinton foundation logo?

8db375  No.6854111

Maybe Merkel has Parkinson’s

76daea  No.6854112

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)



12618d  No.6854113


Just keep talking…I'd like everyone to get the full flavor of your shit.

You should know….I like chatting about Q related topics…and I know you like your nudes young and bald, hence I called you the "beardless clam" but It's just another slide no matter how you justify it….yeah yeah…muh booobs…pffft in a world of porn, it's a worthless post on a research board….

as for the jew posts, I'll let your bakes speak for you….

yes…. Please keep expressing your opinion….and I'll express mine.

9d845c  No.6854114


She does have a parkinsonian ‘masked’ face. She has for a while.

355ffc  No.6854115

File: 152a747af1c5f42⋯.png (291.33 KB, 598x739, 598:739, CNN re BOA no Business w B….PNG)

Bank of America will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels. The move comes amid growing public concern about the nation's border policies.


ed73c2  No.6854116

File: af41a874a49979d⋯.png (44.3 KB, 680x515, 136:103, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)

8045e1  No.6854117

File: b970792a84aebb1⋯.png (1.68 MB, 662x1084, 331:542, ClipboardImage.png)

76daea  No.6854118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c04fb1  No.6854119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kip vid from july 2018 new to me

9d845c  No.6854120


You said it frendo. Not me. All I did was provide YOUR visual.

8045e1  No.6854121

File: 13efc6b0da48aa5⋯.png (898.84 KB, 655x564, 655:564, ClipboardImage.png)

76daea  No.6854122

File: 46e239dc798d731⋯.png (780.53 KB, 634x933, 634:933, chelsea.png)

File: d0b94d17a40835c⋯.png (431.69 KB, 648x364, 162:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Webster Hubbell

f13e33  No.6854123

File: 939a9ea8be46439⋯.jpg (156.66 KB, 927x489, 309:163, freedumb.jpg)

bfa0f0  No.6854124

File: 4d4afd4c56b15fc⋯.jpg (37.23 KB, 460x276, 5:3, merkel-puppet-1.jpg)


She can't make the sign anymore. It's horrible.

8045e1  No.6854125

File: 7e1662668459926⋯.png (385.47 KB, 448x295, 448:295, ClipboardImage.png)

355ffc  No.6854126

File: a81251fa41539e2⋯.png (33.44 KB, 595x271, 595:271, Fitton re reddit censor 6-….PNG)

.@Reddit censors popular @RealDonaldTrump forum. I've found the forum to be an effective way to reach millions of conservatives. Coincidence?


479f7b  No.6854127

File: b43fa18a0b2a392⋯.jpeg (577.79 KB, 1480x1914, 740:957, nytimesplagerized.jpeg)


It's not a big deal to hire two moar actors when their star victim starts to sink like lead

"Rape is sexy"

So who's to say she didn't proffer her rape fantasy about DJT back in the 90's

? Or, that the whole thing is completely fabricated. She's in a similar profession as though a "romance novelist"

Naturally the NYTimes is behind this because they are also sinking like a rock, for anyone who actually reads or things.

It's the Zombie Apocalypse Times.

Remeber vis a vis NYTimes.

These people were threatening the Prez way back after he was first inaugurated.

They are dangerous and that's why they claim that their critics are dangerous.

Typical low-life criminal maneuver;

Is George Conway Kelly Ann Conway's husband?

Is that marriage to give credence to George Conway?

76daea  No.6854128

File: a4c4de6df76c56c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1000x750, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Macron’s G-20 Climate Threat Melts Away Just Like the Ice Caps

Emmanuel Macron arrived in Japan for the G-20 summit threatening to block the final communique if he didn’t get what he wanted on climate.

His hard line stance didn’t last long.

On landing in Tokyo, the French president told expats that he would insist on a reference to the 2015 Paris Climate Accord.

“If we are not able to get around a table and defend the climate, then France won’t go along with it,” he said. “It’s that simple.”

His aides were back-pedaling immediately.

One said it was impossible to discuss hypotheticals when asked if Macron would really pull a Donald Trump-style maneuver and refuse to sign. Another said it wasn’t a threat, just an indication of France’s priorities.

A few hours later, Macron himself was dialing back his position at a press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

“We’ll have met for nothing” if the G-20 doesn’t take new climate initiatives, Macron said. But there was no threat.

By the time he saw Japanese businessmen Thursday morning, Macron was simply saying that climate would be a major issue at the G-20.

Climate and bio-diversity have always been major issues for Macron – partly because the landmark 2015 Paris Accord was signed in the French capital – but they have taken on even greater importance after the French Green Party made major advances in May’s European parliamentary elections. Macron has calculated that voters favoring tougher action on the environment could be an important source of support.

c04fb1  No.6854129

File: 4ed258a8903d2d1⋯.png (266.29 KB, 1091x585, 1091:585, boudain hrc.PNG)


forgot no pic with embed

7f3200  No.6854130

File: c30d95a085172e6⋯.png (674.98 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Qcomms.png)


Good morning anons

32668e  No.6854131

File: 5a7f8a5e1e54a55⋯.jpg (100.24 KB, 634x951, 2:3, anna rothschild.jpg)

ANNA ROTHSCHILD leaves court after testifying against former boyfriend and dad-killer Thomas Gilbert, jr.


9d845c  No.6854132


It would be infinitely more entertaining if Merkel had the choreoform tremor of Huntinton’s Disease.

8045e1  No.6854133

File: c695f06f2e16879⋯.png (709.74 KB, 580x906, 290:453, ClipboardImage.png)

ed73c2  No.6854134

File: ee4e42ec9230eca⋯.png (714.64 KB, 933x525, 311:175, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)

2e0814  No.6854135


….CINC was rolling out a new platform for conservatives? forgot the name, starts w/R?

47f86c  No.6854136

File: 8076531c43141f5⋯.jpeg (121.04 KB, 1200x750, 8:5, 93DF51B0-9CD0-4419-AB34-E….jpeg)

File: bd764f53a5c52b7⋯.png (401.31 KB, 678x381, 226:127, D8177072-3EFE-467D-8879-D6….png)

File: 464c40c363dcd95⋯.png (160.14 KB, 460x600, 23:30, CFF8F6AD-519C-4730-BCCB-69….png)

709e99  No.6854137


Do you have that video link with that cut?

Thought I grabbed it…. Yesterday

c5b0da  No.6854138

File: 20c424bed8a29a4⋯.png (154.88 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)



The Democratic National Committee is throwing a Thursday fundraiser at the Miami home of the founder of Lumber Liquidators, which earlier this year was ordered to pay millions for lying to investors about selling formaldehyde-laden flooring imported from China.

The fundraiser at the home of Thomas Sullivan, a longtime Democratic donor who founded Lumber Liquidators, will take place in between the DNC's two presidential primary debates this week in Miami. It also takes place just four months after Sullivan's former company agreed to pay a $33 million penalty to the Department of Justice for lying to investigators in the aftermath of an undercover 60 Minutes investigation into the "astonishingly high levels" of cancer-causing formaldehyde in its Chinese-made flooring.

Sullivan led Lumber Liquidators from 1994, when he founded the company, through 2017, when he resigned from the board of directors. He was featured in the 60 Minutes exposé, telling host Anderson Cooper that the many tests indicating formaldehyde in its Chinese-made products far above the legal limit were wrong.

The show's investigators tested laminate flooring from stores across the country and found nearly all of it to be loaded with formaldehyde. They also traveled to China, where factories openly admitted using boards with high formaldehyde levels and falsely labeling them as compliant.

Sullivan was played footage from China by Cooper showing his suppliers admitting they were lying—Sullivan insisted he was completely unaware of the practice.

A 2016 Consumer Product Safety Commission investigation found that the company's laminate flooring "gave off enough formaldehyde to irritate the eyes, nose and throat of many people" and "increased cancer risks."

Lumber Liquidators agreed under Sullivan to pay out $36 million in a class-action lawsuit from the 760,000 customers who had bought the Chinese-made flooring.

The Department of Justice settlement says the company, under Sullivan's leadership, lied about actions it took to make sure its product was safe. It "knowingly filed a false and misleading" report to the Securities and Exchange Commission denying allegations made on 60 Minutes, even though its own internal test results confirmed many of them.

The Department of Justice was also assured Lumber Liquidators "placed its executive management team with experienced executives who have displayed a commitment to building an ethical corporate culture."

The full 60 Minutes investigation can be viewed on the show's YouTube page.

Sullivan now runs competing company Cabinets To Go, which is being sued by Lumber Liquidators for violating an existing non-compete agreement.

The cash-strapped DNC said it’s hoping to raise "multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars" at the Sullivan-hosted fundraiser.

In 2013, Sullivan hosted a private $32,400-a-plate dinner with former president Barack Obama for the DNC. He has personally donated at least $94,000 to the national party in recent years.

The DNC did not respond to a request for comment on its relationship with Sullivan.

47f86c  No.6854139

File: 650887fae7d0bf2⋯.jpeg (161.89 KB, 940x545, 188:109, B3FF3E34-F859-42CB-917B-0….jpeg)

File: 21581efe73eb641⋯.png (89.89 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 7B0A0CB8-D1D2-4626-BABC-41….png)

0370c2  No.6854140

File: 0e99f370c827c1b⋯.jpg (495.53 KB, 800x2161, 800:2161, 1.jpg)

File: 3778d70ab46e137⋯.jpg (150.33 KB, 800x813, 800:813, 2.jpg)

Lots of news yesterday for US Attorneys - bad time to be a criminal.


355ffc  No.6854141

File: ea83af21e00f0f4⋯.png (592.71 KB, 605x700, 121:140, CBP re Migrant Rio Grande ….PNG)

File: 4b2786a8d797522⋯.png (128.69 KB, 1034x548, 517:274, 1 CBP re Migrant Rio Grand….PNG)

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Eagle Pass Station marine unit rescued 2 Honduran nationals—a father and his 2-year-old daughter—as they attempted to cross the Rio Grande river on Sunday.


>Border Patrol Marine Unit Rescues Two from Rio Grande


ed73c2  No.6854142


the media's not mocking Q anymore? Curious how it all works together.

709e99  No.6854143

File: ca91cb42ddb3444⋯.jpeg (271.92 KB, 685x791, 685:791, EC63E970-E154-4D3C-AF07-2….jpeg)


Have some bewbs.

They always make me happy.

8bbded  No.6854144

File: 5f7d6eef3b3d3b9⋯.jpg (7.82 KB, 259x195, 259:195, download (3).jpg)

File: 20f4da0bd88f580⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 3000x3064, 375:383, 20f4da0bd88f5804920fabd762….jpg)

File: 89e211f9b28ee51⋯.jpg (8.24 KB, 186x243, 62:81, G.jpg)


Being thinking of contagious psychogenic illness - perhaps chemically amplified startle response as in latahs / latah ism.


Know who was interested in this? Big Sid Gottlieb the insane head of chemical section of C_As technical services division.

Anon believe is possible the the MK U disclosure in 70s senate hearings where faked - intended to obscure and conceal the true size and scope of the MK series research programs.

Higher priority, larger scales and more secret that the Manhattan project which initially had another code name - PROJECT Y.

What was Gottlieb after…

Most of us have no idea that repetition and imitation are how we learn…until this is recognized the automated or conditioned behavior continue to go unrecognized……

Latahism is usually described as a Malaysian "culture bound" phenomena. Some social scientist believe imitative behaviors in latahs are related to the "startle response" as seen in Tourette's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Lawrence Osborne wrote in the New York Times magazine, “The startle reflex is a universal one. When we are jolted by surprise, we tend to scream, shout obscenities or make involuntary gestures. And some of us are a lot jumpier than others. But with latahs, as sufferers are known, these reactions become prolonged to an extreme degree. In Malay village life, people who are susceptible to such exaggerated reactions are deliberately provoked further – through furtive pokes in the ribs or tin pots thrown behind their backs – to induce a frenzied startle-trance. Over time, latahs become so sensitive that trances can be triggered by a falling coconut. [Source: Lawrence Osborne, New York Times magazine, May 6, 2001 ++]

While in the induced trance state, latah are extremely receptive to and obedient to suggestion. They will carry out complex tasks if so instructed.

Stress induced:

“Across the river from the town center lies the sprawling suburb of Petra Jaya. Here, Iban and Dyak villages have begun sprouted up among the posh houses of Muslim ministers and Chinese businessmen, creating an incongruous patchwork of marble villas and wooden shacks. In this neighborhood, a pair of old ladies have become known in the markets of Kuching for their latah antics. One of them is Serai, a frail 75-year-old. She welcomes me inside her son-in-law's house, with its sweltering front room of gaudy pink couches. Thirty-five years ago, Serai explains, she was invited to join a wood chopping team of women in the forests outside Kuching. The work was arduous, and the other women constantly TEASED AND TORMENTED their inexperienced companion. "They poked and poked me," she recalls a little mournfully, "and I became latah."

“How can latah consistently strike two people at the exact same moment? It seems that Serai and Amin must have some control, even if they are unable to acknowledge it, over their affliction. And if they can remember what happens to them while in a trance state, then is it really latah? Is Michael Kenny right – that latah is more of a ritual than an illness?

Loud noises trigger the phenomena in a way similar to "shock induction" a mass hypnosis technique that exploits the extreme susceptibility to hypnotic suggestion in the immediate wake of a collectively traumatic event such as 9/11.

Ssyndromes very like latah, Geertz reported, exist in manyl other cultures. In rural parts of the Philippines, for instance, a nearly identical condition known as mali-mali is widespread. In Siberia, there is a hyperstartle complex known as myriachit, while in Thailand it is known as baah-ji and in Japan, imu. In the 1930's, scholars made a curious film about hyperstartling among the Ainu, an ethnic minority in northern Japan. The faded reels show Ainu women being startled, waving their arms like windmills and running around in a frenzy. A form of latah has even been recorded in medical literature, rather improbably, as with "the Jumping Frenchmen of Maine." Are these hyperstartle complexes different forms of latah, Geertz asked, or were they all unique syndromes? "

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, as in latah-phenomena, and use it to create unconscious self-replicating social behaviors in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control. It seems highly unlikely such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation would be ignored by people interested in controlling human social and economic development. NSA hints that we share this planet with several "alien" species. Perhaps pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears to us but a cultivated cultural medium which permits the rapid transmission of ideas and behaviors more sophisticated than a startle response?



7a3e57  No.6854145

File: 36816009ceaa310⋯.mp4 (4.92 MB, 640x360, 16:9, The shit poster in chief w….mp4)

The shit poster in chief will destroy these Democrats…..


76daea  No.6854146

File: 5d52e6b9d7317ab⋯.png (469.2 KB, 521x576, 521:576, ClipboardImage.png)


47f86c  No.6854147


bfa0f0  No.6854148


I know what ya mean. Silly woman. But it's not her.

ed73c2  No.6854149

File: 7516ad19b588f23⋯.png (9.32 KB, 235x93, 235:93, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)


4f7750  No.6854150


right ;)

8045e1  No.6854151

File: 17c91f5334e2a9b⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1172x678, 586:339, ClipboardImage.png)

923efb  No.6854152


Total Solar Eclipse coming 2 July.

76daea  No.6854153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Man old Prodigy is so damned good.

ec4399  No.6854154

File: a10115dfce563c4⋯.mp4 (878.63 KB, 480x268, 120:67, SBpbknLnecSHP9Y1.mp4)

File: 9f479e25b3ddb7e⋯.jpg (382.11 KB, 1404x1745, 1404:1745, SmartSelect_20190627-08373….jpg)

I'm late to the party today & just now seeing this video. God, I love this Man. Master Troll of EPIC proportions!


d52ab7  No.6854155

File: 7bdf5831b0a99c7⋯.png (15.01 KB, 341x387, 341:387, 2019-06-27_0834_002.png)

File: 2cb7a13111183c1⋯.png (19.21 KB, 342x447, 114:149, 2019-06-27_0834_001.png)

File: 718e201fdc0fa6d⋯.png (10.5 KB, 336x417, 112:139, 2019-06-27_0834.png)

>>6852344 (PB)



Methanol toxicity is poisoning from methanol.[1] Symptoms may include a decreased level of consciousness, poor coordination, vomiting, abdominal pain, and a specific smell on the breath.[1][2] Decreased vision may start as early as twelve hours after exposure.[2] Long term outcomes may include blindness and kidney failure.[1] Toxicity and death may occur even after drinking a small amount.[1]


The initial symptoms of methanol intoxication include central nervous system depression, headache, dizziness, nausea, lack of coordination, and confusion. Sufficiently large doses cause unconsciousness and death. The initial symptoms of methanol exposure are usually less severe than the symptoms from the ingestion of a similar quantity of ethanol.[5] Once the initial symptoms have passed, a second set of symptoms arises, from 10 to as many as 30 hours after the initial exposure, that may include blurring or complete loss of vision, acidosis, and putaminal hemorrhages, an uncommon but serious complication.[6][7] These symptoms result from the accumulation of toxic levels of formate in the blood, and may progress to death by respiratory failure. Physical examination may show tachypnea, and ophthalmologic examination may show dilated pupils with hyperemia of the optic disc and retinal edema.

Methanol has a high toxicity in humans

Methanol has a high toxicity in humans. As little as 10 mL of pure methanol when drunk is metabolized into formic acid, which can cause permanent blindness by destruction of the optic nerve. 15 mL is potentially fatal.[1] Although the median lethal dose is typically 100 mL (3.4 fl oz) (i.e. 1–2 mL/kg body weight of pure methanol[8]). Reference dose for methanol is 2 mg/kg/day.[9]

Methanol is converted to formaldehyde via alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and formaldehyde is converted to formic acid (formate) via aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). The conversion to formate via ALDH proceeds completely, with no detectable formaldehyde remaining.[10] Formate is toxic because it inhibits mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, causing hypoxia at the cellular level, and metabolic acidosis, among a variety of other metabolic disturbances.[11]


Ethanol, the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages, acts as a competitive inhibitor by more effectively binding and saturating the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the liver, thus blocking the binding of methanol. Methanol is excreted by the kidneys without being converted into the very toxic metabolites formaldehyde and formic acid. Alcohol dehydrogenase instead enzymatically converts ethanol to acetaldehyde, a much less toxic organic molecule.[6][14] Additional treatment may include sodium bicarbonate for metabolic acidosis, and hemodialysis or hemodiafiltration to remove methanol and formate from the blood.[6] Folinic acid or folic acid is also administered to enhance the metabolism of formate.[6]

5d8485  No.6854156

File: 4551c25d40ebfc3⋯.png (283.26 KB, 1897x960, 1897:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3a248732dc2dee⋯.png (58.78 KB, 725x641, 725:641, ClipboardImage.png)





de6a3e  No.6854157

After much research, I now

know what will put 99% in


Wish I could tell you…but I'm

a teasey wanker.

b298ac  No.6854158


People need to read the memes there. oMG….

7cba3a  No.6854159

File: c41113097f586db⋯.jpg (32.48 KB, 355x367, 355:367, guillotine.jpg)

Frenchies are FUCKED

>>6853641 Facebook will hand over identities of French users accused of 'hate speech

This is bad! No freedom of speech, and complete tyranny over over its citizens. I guess those in power never studied French history. You remember what happened last time right?

Hey Macaroni, eggs will be the least of your worries.

12618d  No.6854160

File: ac46c4888a1f9f4⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 255x214, 255:214, histerical.jpg)

bfa0f0  No.6854161


Organs for clones?

76daea  No.6854162

File: 362378150132fb9⋯.mp4 (14.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Praga Khan - Injected With….mp4)

96778d  No.6854163


Did (((JEW))) mean 99% in hell? 🤔

625e0d  No.6854164


If I were a New Yahker, I'd run for the fucking hills right about now.

6e4064  No.6854165

File: 5a39457b9090325⋯.jpg (48.26 KB, 540x710, 54:71, choose greatness.jpg)

The Democrats cannot recover from that debate. It's already over. We win!

2216d5  No.6854166

God Bless the Patriots and Anons today, something good happened for me and i needed it, praise the risen savior Jesus also…and i know this war is hard but pray for the retarded shills also, some do not know any better and have been hurt also through jesus we learn compassion for our enemies even though thy hate us. I have made mistakes in how i fight this with the shills but i feel for them, even with the level of evil they support they still need to love of Jesus to help them….God Bless all and I pray the love of Jesus finds each one of you today in a small way, from a childs smile to just seeing the sky make it good …these fuckers can only win if we lose hope.

eb5ff0  No.6854167

File: 65f1b285f4391cd⋯.png (271.29 KB, 630x630, 1:1, peepbless.png)


ThankQ BO!


d52ab7  No.6854168


Hypoxia[1] is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. Hypoxia may be classified as either generalized, affecting the whole body, or local, affecting a region of the body.

8045e1  No.6854169

File: 23dd8b22c784857⋯.png (954.87 KB, 768x441, 256:147, ClipboardImage.png)

479f7b  No.6854170

File: 576cdc9beba69c7⋯.jpg (75.21 KB, 1200x480, 5:2, hitlermerkel.jpg)

File: b877e8f1fc94454⋯.jpg (10.58 KB, 240x309, 80:103, hitlerobamaalleged2.jpg)

File: 6fdae56ab46e532⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, hitlerobamalleged2.jpg)


It may seem as though there are many different players; however they are all of one piece; one monopoly.

Therefore when one falls, they all fall together.

Think of May hysterical crying.

Think of the losses of French PM Macron; "yellow vests"

Their destruction of "Notre Dame" ?

If it was a ritual, it didn't save them.

If it was to cover evidence, they are desperate.

If for money, it wasn't enough.

Tick Tock

Notice the shaking started as she stood next to the new Prez of Ukraine and they played her alleged National Anthem.

She'll be caught.

Why so close to "O Bom Them?"

They must be one flower, the fruit of which will never manifest.

Thank God.

c519fa  No.6854171

One more week of theater

Shows starting

Get your popcorn

b298ac  No.6854172

File: 478945521a25c10⋯.png (65.12 KB, 500x441, 500:441, before-we-ask-what-is-fair….png)

File: 8d50bc603c8f220⋯.png (151.39 KB, 500x566, 250:283, heres-everything-you-need-….png)

File: 4b3795dc95ba58a⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 227x222, 227:222, illegala2.jpg)

File: 827f0c4494d374f⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, illegal alien cost by stat….png)

File: 13fd3883c837754⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 750x530, 75:53, illegals1.jpg)


this should be illegal.

allowing business to profit of illegal immigration IS JUST AS BAD AS HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

7fe039  No.6854173

File: 20d40914d5d6473⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 194x259, 194:259, images.jpg)


She can't do it anymore ?

709e99  No.6854174


Why all the focus on pocahantas again.

Cuz she won the debate?

355ffc  No.6854175

File: 5d9043121d25ff9⋯.png (433.16 KB, 446x519, 446:519, POTUS Wins Dem Debate meme.PNG)

File: 24ad7ba9b5d9703⋯.png (757.33 KB, 791x363, 791:363, Trump Won Debate Cortez Me….PNG)


>The Democrats cannot recover from that debate. It's already over. We win!

8045e1  No.6854177


it started on accident, now i can't stop.

bfa0f0  No.6854178



76daea  No.6854179

709e99  No.6854180



Carry in fren

Do it till satiiiisfied!

47f86c  No.6854181

File: 0218e4eb81b8e49⋯.jpeg (16.7 KB, 227x222, 227:222, 649AAF87-07F1-415A-958A-F….jpeg)

File: b613909d3e4c683⋯.png (174.49 KB, 500x375, 4:3, C0DB5D5A-A608-48CA-8151-34….png)

File: 99919a0e944e64a⋯.jpeg (58.16 KB, 311x311, 1:1, EF07B668-09F5-49EC-95FC-9….jpeg)

File: 5fe168a94a526ac⋯.jpeg (22.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 871F5778-1962-4081-88C2-B….jpeg)

File: 19a693edd3f3245⋯.jpeg (102.67 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 7ECEB977-BC28-4067-B0FD-F….jpeg)

06bc5a  No.6854182


If you're implying I go for CP, that's a false and malicious charge. Nothing funny about it. Zero evidence in any post, just a nasty, nasty allegation. Time to GTFO, you disgusting POS.

e34d24  No.6854183

The world would benefit from a 6-hr work day


- Less traffic

- More time with family

- More focused employees


- Healthier, happier workforce

- More parental involvement with child development

8bbded  No.6854184

File: 6e9689eebaac0cb⋯.jpg (41.67 KB, 454x255, 454:255, benway1.jpg)


treat methanol poisoning with ethanol - more booze.

No one wants to hear that when they are rolling on the ground puking

but it will save (your) life

if (you) are ever poisoned by George Clooney's booze while visiting the Dee R on a sex tour.

479f7b  No.6854186


She's the anointed one.

Tulsi = Bernie '16

They will cheat Tulsi - the real popular one,

Same ol schemes over and over.

They can't learn.

c519fa  No.6854187


b298ac  No.6854188


or Dan Akroyds booze.

d11694  No.6854189

File: 11931cb050b14b6⋯.jpg (380.95 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GAA Update


I added #8744 to #8765 and updated the checksums.



8744-8765.zip MD5: 77ec45015f6f4b8df320c868b645df2e


8744-8765.html.zip MD5: 423f3baa4995e8a30e39492d4796f843

The archive now contains 8769 breads.


47f86c  No.6854190

File: f403380dd1d76b5⋯.png (366.1 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 768863E2-59B9-4204-94F0-EE….png)

File: 22ab447af44e13f⋯.png (355.17 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4AC9B4DC-2BB4-42BD-A924-F7….png)

File: 0480ee30baca413⋯.jpeg (78.27 KB, 844x434, 422:217, A064E8FA-8195-4B0E-A081-D….jpeg)

File: 8fa3c732364280c⋯.jpeg (50.53 KB, 460x677, 460:677, A8031F0F-AB2B-447D-B2D4-2….jpeg)

9d845c  No.6854191


Ischemia is the term used to describe end organ oxygen deficiency, not hypoxia. Hypoxia refers to global oxygen depletion.

8045e1  No.6854192

File: d369af377909e3e⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1132x776, 283:194, ClipboardImage.png)

12618d  No.6854193


Yup….Soooo many special thankyou's to every pic posted…

The beautiful thing is….Your bakes speak for themselves…You always thank the booby pics. Well…You don't like the fuzz….do you?

Fuck off with your child porn accusations….although… If you want a real accusation…..I think your a perverted fuckup .

So now you can really whine.

7a3e57  No.6854194

File: b19fea5f5c83a44⋯.jpg (182.49 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, D-Bi1-DXoAAqMkC.jpg)

ISIS threatens New York with July 4th attacks



b298ac  No.6854195


the world cant eve stick to a 40 hour work week. Especially for "exempt". I lived through the rose colored glasses tech period…all the shit that it promised turned into always on the job all the time, off shoring, layoffs, layoffs, no one taking vacations because of competition.

All that extra leisure time bull shit is exactly that bullshit.

47f86c  No.6854196

File: 2e0553850232005⋯.png (356.7 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, EA19BF54-2D06-4F00-9C6F-2A….png)

File: 46c99fc0c2dc598⋯.png (361.54 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, F52A86EA-FAF5-4A22-AEB8-C9….png)

File: a1c5f4b5bf21705⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 500x375, 4:3, C6A8F062-EDD5-494D-A653-18….gif)

File: cf7b2edcaadc182⋯.png (320.51 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 179BACF5-17F6-4327-96EB-BC….png)

File: b150e3ebfa10372⋯.jpeg (479.4 KB, 1180x1920, 59:96, 522B67F5-DADC-4B3B-91E2-8….jpeg)

89f7e7  No.6854197

File: c572b3968405c69⋯.jpg (19.41 KB, 255x245, 51:49, heart pepe.jpg)



Thanks GAA. I got mine! Only two behind this time.

ThanQ for your dedication.

d8f88e  No.6854198


I thought this…

Anonymous 3 Nov 2017 - 12:31:24 AM

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.


8045e1  No.6854199

File: 7d6ae4094236bf3⋯.png (1.94 MB, 1132x776, 283:194, ClipboardImage.png)

4773ef  No.6854200

File: 774f4159a3e4cad⋯.png (983.36 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, E1482F28-4254-430E-847E-81….png)

DJT tweet with the Q Lion

479f7b  No.6854201


yes, one could write at least one book on it; analyzing the sick books he wrote.

Decoding the subliminal messages.

They re-enforce specfic archetypes, dream images. So powerful.

So much to do, so little time.

9d845c  No.6854202


Drinking methanol or ethylene glycol with poisoning of a person will stick out like a sore thumb when the poisoned patient goes to the ED. Only a short list of conditions present with such a marked metabolic acidosis.

b298ac  No.6854203

File: a13e84b34b689fa⋯.png (1.57 MB, 944x2628, 236:657, thisIsIslam.png)

File: cd7a4a1d6077507⋯.png (223.84 KB, 501x533, 501:533, michcandidate.png)

File: f9de72ff72c8aa8⋯.jpg (312.12 KB, 632x571, 632:571, poinsoned mnms.jpg)

File: 8050b4fd6fc8003⋯.jpg (104.39 KB, 960x744, 40:31, MuslimBrotherhoodObamaDHS.jpg)

File: 92c735ec9abf28e⋯.png (684.43 KB, 1176x1348, 294:337, islam is the reason 4 viol….png)


save the USA, deport all muslims.

246c10  No.6854204

File: 5393dedaa5595c8⋯.png (40.54 KB, 759x328, 759:328, t6561_y_worth_worthylatime….png)

File: b48a4166eef0349⋯.png (115.21 KB, 817x601, 817:601, t6561_y_worth_deleted.png)

File: b08c68706981758⋯.png (11.35 KB, 309x203, 309:203, goycaptcha.png)


fake news La times quoting the Potus 'worth' twat

and a screenie from some live twat thread.

for the sauce


had to shoot the captcha

8bbded  No.6854206

File: c20e2108bbf5cbb⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 308x308, 1:1, c20e2108bbf5cbb7908acf4515….jpg)



Not surprised.

Isn't he part of the fake Indian casino scams


246c10  No.6854207


focking tard link. was supposed to link to >>6853814

4cf5df  No.6854208

File: dbad81540129008⋯.png (1.08 MB, 920x556, 230:139, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at ….png)


For me it was FB. I was so pissed about Parkland, FB data pillage, that I deleted my account.

A few months later, I recreated a fb account & have about a fifth of the "FB Friends" I used to have and post only about Q.

I love Twitter, but most of the people i know are from small towns, and still spend time on FB. Recreating FB felt like a necessary evil to use my 1st amendment rights in the way I truly want to now.

During this time period, I have changed a career from one where democrats proliferate to one in politics. I'm supposed to be non-partisan in my new profession, and will not 'fb friend' anyone in that circle of work - because unfortunately I want to protect my first amendment rights and my career at the same time - w/o risking either by co-mingling them.


2ac3fc  No.6854209

File: 8836b0eae3c1d1e⋯.jpg (70.39 KB, 751x568, 751:568, Clooney.JPG)


"How George Clooney accidentally started the tequila company he just sold for up to $1 billion"


479f7b  No.6854210


notable baker

Clowns attempt to discredit NSA via likely 4am Talking Point, as noose tightens.

ede743  No.6854211

>>6854175 Trump meme saved

7cba3a  No.6854212

File: f223ef5737d407e⋯.jpg (375.81 KB, 1425x1100, 57:44, Screenshot_20190627-075441….jpg)

POTUS, why not threaten to put tariffs on the Indian IT and Service contractors working for companies in the US. That should halt and even reverse tariffs, not to mention US companies would hire US citizens for these positions.


8045e1  No.6854213

File: a87460396328f80⋯.png (7.49 MB, 1959x1476, 653:492, ClipboardImage.png)

32668e  No.6854214



I think they have remote control to a sensor in Merkel's brain. one that stimulates her shaking

just to let her know she has an implant and is under their control

47f86c  No.6854215

File: e7b77d351ff619e⋯.gif (65.69 KB, 220x362, 110:181, 1EFE79C5-1C92-4BBC-A5AF-C1….gif)

File: 9397c3db687b6b4⋯.jpeg (434.04 KB, 720x726, 120:121, 2C2EDC06-B868-4FBE-8963-E….jpeg)

File: 7f7ababad5480fc⋯.png (149.43 KB, 500x652, 125:163, 75A745D8-0602-41EE-A33A-56….png)

File: 8dc262c945a59b7⋯.jpeg (95.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, A88BAD14-C72D-4AD5-B6D0-F….jpeg)

File: 117f8bb62f116f1⋯.png (41.5 KB, 300x223, 300:223, ECCC2E7A-176E-4A44-A86D-2B….png)

4123df  No.6854216

File: c2e264657869012⋯.jpg (110.14 KB, 978x723, 326:241, Capture.JPG)

in my state of Georgia yesterday…..


c5b0da  No.6854217

Blind Item #9

There are more than a half dozen past and present heads of state, including at least two Presidents and dozens of CEO's who donate millions each year to political campaigns who want to make sure that South Florida case never sees the light of day. They want those donations to mean something. The pressure is intense. Don't be shocked if the judge rules the way they want that the judge ends up on an Appeals Court as a promotion.



Interesting Anon's?????

e34d24  No.6854218


I agree. The entire thing would have to be restructured.

The way things stand now, the Leadership teams suck all the money out of the company, so the slaves have to work extra long just to survive. Even on an 8-hour day with an hour for lunch and an hour commute each way, we spend 11 hours a day to get paid for 8. That only leaves about 4 or 5 hours of personal time. Which equates to about 1 hour of family time.

It also leaves 11 hours when our children are supervised by someone else, which opens the door to demons.

709e99  No.6854219

File: d936b72e4d4f598⋯.gif (362.91 KB, 220x220, 1:1, A18BBFC6-4749-424B-AB7F-AA….gif)


You got it bad…..

Top Kek

149473  No.6854220

File: 6ca8d215f930c87⋯.jpg (60.53 KB, 604x597, 604:597, TheyTookOurBlowMan.JPG)

File: adb10059d9d10a6⋯.jpg (228.31 KB, 783x780, 261:260, IWuzFramed.jpg)


When reached for comment a high-level Spanish Diplomat said,

"We hated to do this but that much coke would have suppressed street prices and the CIA would rip us a new one for that".

Well, we all know what happened here any way don't we?

Besides, it was a crew member not Bolso himself…

9d845c  No.6854221


Is it an exploding implant?

178f87  No.6854222

File: c6b61f868ad08d5⋯.png (205.27 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-090415.png)





Anons, I think this may be a case of the fox guarding the hen house. Digg into Symantec… They have major spoopy connections to Boeing and Huawei, and have had involvement in election hacking and other questionable issues. They are always who the media goes to when reporting on tech issues, they have had top level resignations lately, and the former CEO, John Thompson, has many spoopy connections and was tapped by Hussein to be Commerce Secretary. I was working on a major digg on this company, but phone crashed and lost all my work. Any help would be much appreciated.


2c0626  No.6854223


I don't remember Q using this image. Got a reference?

709e99  No.6854224


Fake and Gay

090cb3  No.6854225


must be nice to 'accidentally' make a billion



8bbded  No.6854226

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Anyone can inject toxic self-replicating material into content streams over anonymous insecure networks. Network users cognitive autonomy and physical security rests on the integrity of the network which serves to connect them. Our internet is not only insecure by design, it is irremediably insecure by design. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.

024bd0  No.6854227


She is using a wireless vibe stuffed up there..if you listen real close you can hear the donations hitting the site…lol

1c5e52  No.6854228


Board under attack this morning? Video won't play.

008cbc  No.6854229

File: d15db1a931600b6⋯.png (172.42 KB, 973x413, 139:59, WelcomeBack.png)

File: d4b672ac2a41397⋯.jpg (581.48 KB, 3196x1633, 3196:1633, GetURPopcornREADY!.jpg)

File: afe02b2821f25ac⋯.jpg (41.9 KB, 425x480, 85:96, afe02b2821f25ac2407fc462a8….jpg)

>>6853697 (pb)


serious autism!

for some REAL fun, search "Shanghai Pudong" at qmap.pub…

32668e  No.6854230


IDK but I wonder if Hussein has one in him too, He has that scar on his head.

I wonder if they all have them. Is that why Bidan is different?

Did they put one in Noname and RBG?

Is that why Hllary 'hit her head'? she had a implant installed?

8045e1  No.6854231

File: 897f8abdb0cc82d⋯.png (986.96 KB, 812x964, 203:241, ClipboardImage.png)

e34d24  No.6854232


What Florida case is he talking about?

9d845c  No.6854233

File: 47079102763b1b8⋯.png (68.39 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 7058492E-52CD-4378-AFC4-A6….png)


Had to.

625e0d  No.6854234



619d23  No.6854235

File: 2d19d5cba0d49ba⋯.png (408.66 KB, 640x743, 640:743, ClipboardImage.png)


0edb42  No.6854236


>ISIS threatens New York with July 4th attacks

Mmmh, there's nothing ISIS would get from an attack on 4th of July.

Does sound to me like a domestic psy-op from MSM.

MSM (the people behind MSM) would gain a lot, if something catastrophic would happen on that day, it would allow them to deflect from patriotic festivities and accomplishments by Trump.

3dacd2  No.6854237



709e99  No.6854238

File: 2cfab37a30148bc⋯.jpeg (472.02 KB, 750x743, 750:743, 9B401555-9F02-4409-931D-7….jpeg)


47f86c  No.6854239

File: 1bc785c980e5946⋯.png (956.54 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D6135EB7-14B9-45DB-984B-04….png)

File: 289071005c390bd⋯.png (318.95 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 16EDC955-264F-4631-B334-25….png)

File: 1dc55e1b2d6f87f⋯.jpeg (382.08 KB, 1200x1714, 600:857, A44F7872-3B97-4DFE-B11B-F….jpeg)

File: 43ca6a6b92e1463⋯.png (510.15 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 16186767-0DB6-40F1-AF98-53….png)

2a2a06  No.6854240

BREAKING: Foster care scandal explodes in Italy. Children stolen from families, brainwashed, electrocuted MKUltra style and given to pedophiles and sexy shop owners. NGOs, doctor and politicians involved. (Twitter hashtag: #ReggioEmilia)


9d845c  No.6854241


Bidan is a doppelgänger. And not a good one.

76daea  No.6854242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



needs subscription


Cocaine in Spain puts Bolsonaro under strain

35ad73  No.6854243

File: 2d0ebac16cde96a⋯.png (803.01 KB, 1168x659, 1168:659, Tyrael_Pepe_Diablo_Pointer.png)


>Anons, I think this may be a case of the fox guarding the hen house. Digg into Symantec… They have major spoopy connections to Boeing and Huawei

Digits say DIG IT!!!

eb5ff0  No.6854244

File: b4af1faf1d3e8ab⋯.png (333.47 KB, 571x437, 571:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Hannity

‏Verified account @seanhannity

7m7 minutes ago

New Docs Show Obama's UN Amb. Exchanged Anti-Trump Emails on Government Accounts


ebeba6  No.6854246

Here is the link for the Supreme Court decisions.

I hope we have a lawfag on standby to point out any language that addresses what the Federal Judge intends to do to stop the question from being added


63fb32  No.6854247



0edb42  No.6854248

People were asking, why Trump always plays this song at his rallies:

"You Can't Always Get What You Want.

But if you try sometimes

You just might find

You Get What You Need."

These words are a threat.

A threat to the criminals.

1b1eb9  No.6854249

File: 1cc21be6e784d1f⋯.jpg (127.08 KB, 750x499, 750:499, AOC2 if the rule you follo….JPG)

5ada09  No.6854250

notables bun @ 500


Baker Change

>>6854235 Hannity: New Docs Show Obama's UN Amb. Exchanged Anti-Trump Emails on Government Accounts

>>6854240 Probe into scam to give foster kids to 'acquaintances'. Kids were allegedly brainwashed to be taken from family homes

>>6854220 In Major "Blow" To Bolsonaro, 39 Kilos Of Coke Seized On Brazil's Presidential Plane

>>6854216 100 people participate in active shooter simulation in Columbia County, GA.

>>6854194 ISIS threatens New York with July 4th attacks

>>6854189 GAA Update "Tremor" Edition

>>6854115 Bank of America will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels.

>>6854089 California bill may allow noncitizens to become Democratic Party delegates

>>6854054, >>6854069 George Conway spreading more DJT, DJT Jr., Qanon hate

>>6854056 Tunisian president transferred to military hospital over 'severe health crisis'

>>6854021 California Senate Committee Passes Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities

>>6854014 Another one falls ill in the Dominican Republic. Never had diabetis. Now has life-threatening diabetic condition.

>>6853946 Supreme Court to issue major census, electoral map decisions

>>6853929 Absolute Must See: Donald Trump Shares Strange Fake Video Of Himself Gate-Crashing Democratic 2020 Debate

>>6853864 New York City officials declare climate emergency

>>6853839 RAF Typhoons scramble to bring in US-bound Air India flight with up to 400 passengers on board after a 'bomb threat' forces Stansted Airport landing

Baker standin

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again! G20 Summit

>>6853751 Planefag report (planes now arriving in Japan). G20 Summit

>>6853749, >>6853817, >>6853814 Anon on missing "y" in "worth[y] in POTUS tweet on NBC technical glitch during Dem debate

>>6853736, >>6853778 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

Baker ghost

c47aa6  No.6854251


I randomly thought of the film Fortress, with intestinators to keep people in line.


ad625c  No.6854252


I wonder if she was forced to drink the water that she poisoned for Trump? Almost looks like after effects of a low dose of VX, after being administered medical treatment. Theoretically one can still survive under circumstances. Those shakes though, something is wrong (non-desease).

c3a918  No.6854253

File: 7877bd524327c79⋯.jpeg (101.07 KB, 828x453, 276:151, F9B1E062-C3DB-49D4-AEA9-1….jpeg)

File: 4c18835f914b1ce⋯.jpeg (233.28 KB, 828x1239, 276:413, 6975E699-0C90-4C3E-94D5-6….jpeg)

File: 2517fd6d58062cb⋯.jpeg (168.41 KB, 828x665, 828:665, 327E1956-1C1D-45FF-8448-A….jpeg)

File: 7bc01a4855b43fb⋯.jpeg (174.53 KB, 828x531, 92:59, 4F1BD454-EA4E-4BEB-8959-4….jpeg)

File: 7b66ba66eaaedab⋯.jpeg (163.2 KB, 828x1271, 828:1271, 501C7011-D7DB-45DF-8082-3….jpeg)

4773ef  No.6854254


Yeah, Go to Top

d69b2e  No.6854255


Amen to that. X-IT anon here.

de6a3e  No.6854256


Crossfire Hurricane

d32e5f  No.6854257

File: a9718b2c4df2bb8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1596x1937, 1596:1937, ClipboardImage.png)

Reposting this because of reddit and T_D

4caf89  No.6854258



The timing is interesting, to say the least. He is the filthy one.


4219aa  No.6854259

File: fffc54e7597ee21⋯.png (108.93 KB, 323x376, 323:376, c1juc.PNG)

833405  No.6854260


Fucking and? Post a link when someone gets held accountable. Tick tock buckle up.

264559  No.6854261

First responders, community members participate in active shooter drills


>>week long drills

76daea  No.6854263

File: 937c2fe69797c26⋯.gif (9.24 MB, 308x401, 308:401, cooper.gif)



4be7af  No.6854264

Man im getting impatient please give us a crumb Q

ebeba6  No.6854265

File: 9baf434cd2cedd8⋯.png (11.85 KB, 640x95, 128:19, neww.PNG)

BREAKING: Tunisia President Essebsi has died at the age of 92


8bbded  No.6854266

File: 3d484a878a67215⋯.jpg (169.03 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, 07basciano-obit-1-sub-jumb….jpg)


Blind Item #11

This streaming service is having discussions about streaming live porn to make up for the huge loss of viewers they know is coming in the next two years with the loss of two of their biggest programs.

What is subversion? How is perversion "normalized" What is the "Overton window?"

c5b0da  No.6854267



>>6854247 That could be the Epstein Case.

It will be interesting to find out. I am digging now.

7cba3a  No.6854268


Need to gif that

df94da  No.6854269

File: bb0607ec9686b3d⋯.jpg (22.43 KB, 244x214, 122:107, SoMuchText.jpg)


Ever tried writing fiction?

1c5e52  No.6854270


Almost like the pedo-satanists are expecting Q to drop something.

2c0626  No.6854271


So the MAGA lion logo? Not a Q specific reference friend.

ba7b80  No.6854272

File: e54d86f8431b302⋯.png (658.94 KB, 569x759, 569:759, 2019-06-27_09-15-55.png)


Was just thinking the same thing?

Hive mind?

Independence Day July 4?

32668e  No.6854273


While the cabal was in charge, Boeing had little choice but to play along. Then along came TRump and he gave them the chance to come to the light side and the grabbed it. The cabal hated that Boeing ditched them so fast because they told Boeing that Trump would not be around long. But Boeing really don't like the cabal. So the cabal hates Boeing now and Trump likes Boeing and wants to help them. The cabal is causing Boeing all kinds of problems via the Chinese parts and Boeing is taking a hit.

That is my take. Boeing is trying to work with Trump, honestly and the cabal can't let Boeing succeed.

d69b2e  No.6854274


Looks to be switching over to Dan for a while anyway…

3dacd2  No.6854275

File: 1414b8b81a4adb3⋯.png (19.06 KB, 582x213, 194:71, DR.PNG)


Think these are all a COINCIDENCE???


26a45b  No.6854276


We have enough computing power now that every American could be offered a well-paid job closest to their home just by solving the logistics on a national scale. If FB and GOOG were being used for their "highest use" this would be a daily no-brainer.

0edb42  No.6854277


>I wonder if she was forced to drink the water that she poisoned for Trump?

More likely is that the water was specially prepared for her medical needs.

Having medicine in the water.

Trump might know that Merkel needs constant medication and therefore, he ordered the water to be taken away, to stress her.

And maybe the water is indeed only vodka, who knows?

76daea  No.6854278



ad625c  No.6854279


This board isn't for bitches. Drop info or GTFO

4773ef  No.6854280


I had never seen it associated with MAGA before the calm before the storm.

865b1b  No.6854281


Dolly laama has always been a CIA puppet created to counter ChiComs

264559  No.6854282

Bank of America Will No Longer Do Business With Companies That Run Detention Centers


Bank of America will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels. The move comes amid growing public concern about the nation’s border policies.

4be7af  No.6854283

63fb32  No.6854284

File: c9320fec57739ac⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 200x200, 1:1, surprise_meter.jpg)

eb5ff0  No.6854285

File: 75e449f2495c03a⋯.png (305.18 KB, 638x640, 319:320, QsensesTinging.png)


0edb42  No.6854286


A hurricane is a big storm…

9d845c  No.6854287

File: 7929e075d32f58a⋯.jpeg (25.43 KB, 340x270, 34:27, 518824E6-7977-43EE-9B1C-8….jpeg)

d69b2e  No.6854288



833405  No.6854289

Still nobody connecting redtext stringers. These people (((you))) are STUPID.

47f86c  No.6854290

File: e62742bd5dc5667⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 0BD6325C-CA57-4BEF-9A96-1F….png)

File: aef26f10a5853d2⋯.jpeg (281.25 KB, 1025x1025, 1:1, B2E9DE1D-6977-489E-84E1-7….jpeg)

File: 874cea31d9f5b55⋯.png (498.72 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 355DF466-CA4F-4D81-B453-A9….png)

File: 9beaf34dbcb6e90⋯.jpeg (137.53 KB, 500x813, 500:813, 70681DCD-37EE-45B5-BBE1-5….jpeg)

File: 17448ffc51643b3⋯.png (396.2 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 481CA564-6A01-4C10-A55F-A6….png)

8045e1  No.6854291

File: b198b834e3c11b1⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1102x618, 551:309, ClipboardImage.png)

32668e  No.6854292



notably stupid move by BOA

8bbded  No.6854293

File: e87a6c91b754eaf⋯.jpg (108.77 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, merlin_156951546_1de9ba5c-….jpg)

amaliel: Polluted of God

“Yesod is the place of the final forms that become matter in Malkuth. The Gamaliel are the Misshapen and polluted images that produce vile results. The outer form is the order of Ogiel, 'those Who Flee from God'.”

edf2e1  No.6854295

File: b1b7dc7fea6d3d6⋯.png (988.57 KB, 687x535, 687:535, morning market report.PNG)

File: 1d34c6c0e0b0791⋯.png (97.77 KB, 772x500, 193:125, 062719 US Futures.PNG)

File: 531227e2461f96f⋯.png (81.9 KB, 567x440, 567:440, 062719 US Tnote open.PNG)

File: 9889230323c8be9⋯.png (113.76 KB, 623x403, 623:403, 062719 Live Gold.PNG)

File: 5cd528e0422b050⋯.png (71.52 KB, 544x458, 272:229, 062719 US Crude Open.PNG)

Morning Market Report

Some major gas-lighting going on now just in front of the G-20. Both China and our press on the offensive as they do not want a deal done. The normal market roundup of the world habbeneings is tabled today as there is much going on. Whatever the design was on our markets with those headlines about China's demands on the trade deal were/are it certainly only affected our futures market for a short period of time. The are back to flat at present-sorry strike two this week

legacy media.

Futures flat After Beijing Reveals Demands To Agree To Trade War "Truce", Including Lift Of Huawei Ban

and from the Wall Street Journal-no axe to grind there now is there…..

The big news overnight came from the South China Morning Post, which echoed what Bloomberg reported earlier this week, namely that the US and China have "tentatively" agreed to another truce in their trade war in order to resume talks aimed at resolving the dispute, with details of the agreement being laid out in press releases in advance of the meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump at the G-20 leaders summit in Osaka.

According to the report, such an agreement would avert the next round of tariffs on an additional $300 billion of Chinese imports, which if applied would extend punitive tariffs to virtually all the country’s shipments to the United States.

Citing a source, the SCMP reported that Xi’s price for holding the meeting in Osaka was that Trump delay additional tariffs, which of course is a risk: "The reality, though, is President Trump could always have a change of heart,” the source said.

“But the truce cake seems to have been baked."

Among the preconditions noted by the WSJ, Beijing is insisting that the U.S. remove its ban on the sale of U.S. technology to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co. Beijing also wants the U.S. to lift all punitive tariffs and drop efforts to get China to buy even more U.S. exports than Beijing said it would when the two leaders last met in December. In short, simply to agree to a ceasefire, Beijing demands that Trump concede to many of the currently implemented steps in the ongoing trade war in return for, well, nothing.

How or why POTUS will agree to any of this is unclear and is why futures stumbled immediately after the WSJ report hit.

Of course, there was no mention that once again it is China that has the pre-conditions to a deal, which if not met will result in no "truce."

and the futures rebounded very nicely thank you very much.

Some Headlines

Boeing Shares Tumble After Report New "Glitch" Can Send 737 MAX In "Uncontrollable Nosedive"

As CNN reported, in simulator tests, government pilots discovered that a microprocessor failure could push the nose of the plane toward the ground. While the original crashes remain under investigation,

preliminary reports showed that "a new stabilization system pushed both planes into steep nosedives from which the pilots could not recover." The issue is known in aviation circles as runaway stabilizer trim.


ADNOC closes $4 billion pipeline deal with KKR and BlackRock

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) said on Thursday it had completed a deal for BlackRock (BLK.N) and KKR (KKR.N) to buy a 40% stake in ADNOC Oil Pipelines for $4 billion.

Under the deal, the pipeline company will lease ADNOC’s interest in 18 pipelines transporting crude oil and condensates across ADNOC’s upstream concessions for 23 years.

KKR and BlackRock’s investment, which was first announced in February, was funded through their infrastructure funds and financed by a syndicate of banks, ADNOC said in a statement.


Anything that has Larry Fink associated with it should be immediately suspect

First-quarter GDP left at 3.1% as stronger business investment offsets weaker consumer spending

The numbers: The pace of growth in the U.S. economy in the first three months of 2019 was left at 3.1%, revised government figures show, as stronger business investment offset a weaker increase in consumer spending.







264559  No.6854296

Men suspected of shooting at Border Patrol agent arrested in Mexico


SAN YSIDRO, Calif. (KGTV) – Two men were arrested in Mexico Wednesday after authorities say someone shot at a Border Patrol agent.

ac9a2e  No.6854297


I think you have a need to realize self importance. Many of us do. But understand, there is nothing that defines you but your own decisions, not family history or blood lines.

You should not be trying to shock yourself in to motivation, fear and anger are temporary and ineffective motivators. Only the power of the Holy Spirit living in you will provide the correct motivation and combined capability to do something about it.

Yes, Jesus can redeem all, and for this I too am grateful.

c5b0da  No.6854298

File: f8c444c45e0759e⋯.png (307.46 KB, 800x490, 80:49, ClipboardImage.png)


>>6854217 (You)


>>6854247 That could be the Epstein Case.

It will be interesting to find out. I am digging now.


Jeffrey Epstein got another break from the government Monday when Justice Department officials said it would be improper to revoke his federal immunity and prosecute the billionaire perv for abusing underage girls.

U.S. Attorney Byung “B.J.” Pak argued in a new filing that “setting aside the immunity provisions” of the 2007 deal that let Epstein evade federal sex trafficking charges and plead guilty to a single prostitution charge in Florida state court could cause “unintended harm."

Pak claimed the deal originally granted by former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta — now President Trump’s secretary of labor — helped some victims remain anonymous and still obtain civil settlements from the wealthy financier.

He also claimed Congress failed to outline specific penalties in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, so Epstein’s victims have no right to demand any remedies from the government.

One lawyer representing Epstein survivors scoffed at Pak’s claims several victims “invoked” the non-prosecution agreement to strike their civil settlements.

“Impossible,” lawyer Jack Scarola responded. “The terms of the NPA were actively concealed from the victims. They could not have relied on terms they did not know.”

The government said the best way to address the renewed push for federal prosecution is to keep the immunity deal in place but give victims a chance to either meet with prosecutors in private or “participate in a public court proceeding” where they could deliver victim impact statements.

Bradley Edwards, the lead lawyer for victims now suing for prosecution, said Tuesday his clients were disappointed but not surprised by the Justice Department’s response.

He said the government “simply refuses” to own up to its mistake in striking Epstein’s secret deal behind closed doors without notifying victims.

d43a21  No.6854299

File: 71e4ed70c59b977⋯.png (31.71 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Pharrell-Williams-Qream-1.png)




>or Dan Akroyds booze.

Lots of 'celebrity' booze owners


Checkout Pharrell's, kek.

df94da  No.6854300

File: 529c14fef3402bb⋯.png (118.23 KB, 1037x947, 1037:947, 2019_06_27_09:22:38_EDT.png)


Oh FFS! After posting this 97 times you think anons don't recognize (and reject) this copypasta? Sure you're worried! Worried your shill paychecks will stop!

>honestly, the longer I'm here the more worries I'm having

2e0814  No.6854301



8b3a4b  No.6854302

File: ca18b8906a4d313⋯.png (6.28 KB, 509x117, 509:117, ClipboardImage.png)

We are watching his happen right now.

c5b0da  No.6854304

>>6854298 Part 2

“Here we are, at this unusual stage where the government actually has the opportunity to make up for its wrong, but instead is cold, full of lame excuses, and seems relentless in its desire to protect Mr. Epstein and the illegal deal the government created with him,” Edwards told the Daily News.

“Courtney (Jane Doe 1) and many of the other victims look forward to the day when they get to speak in court about this travesty of justice; not in the superficial context the government proposes but instead in a meaningful way that will make a difference, in this case and future cases,” he said.

“We will continue to fight, and once the deal is rescinded the government can make up its mind, this time not under the cover of secrecy … ," Edwards said.

Both the victims and the government were asked to submit “proposed remedies” to the court after U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra ruled in February that the secret non-prosecution agreement violated federal law concerning the rights of his victims.

“While the government spent untold hours negotiating the terms and implications of the (agreement) with Epstein’s attorneys, scant information was shared with victims,” Marra wrote in a 33-page opinion. “Instead, the victims were told to be ‘patient’ while the investigation proceeded.”

The judge said the law dictated that “victims should be notified of significant events resulting in resolution of their case without a trial.”

Marra didn’t invalidate the non-prosecution agreement with his ruling but asked both sides to recommend ways to resolve the dispute.

In its Monday motion, the government admitted it should have communicated its dealings with Epstein "more effectively and in a more transparent manner.” But Pak said prosecutors “cannot turn back time and put the victims back in the position they would have been in over a decade ago.”

For that reason, Pak said the immunity deal should stand and the government should work to “bring some level of finality to all the parties” in another way.

Marra did not immediately rule on what will happen next.

Epstein, a politically connected investor, managed to evade the federal sex trafficking charges with the help of high-flying defense lawyers Kenneth Starr and Alan Dershowitz. His state court conviction led to a sentence of 13 months in jail that ended up being a work-release program almost unheard of in Palm Beach County.

According to the Miami Herald, Epstein’s dozens of victims were underprivileged middle and high school girls recruited in and around Palm Beach County between 1998 and 2006.

In a three-part series published in November called Perversion of Justice, the paper uncovered evidence that prosecutors worked closely with Epstein’s defense to keep his victims in the dark and seal records.

Two victims sued the government in the Southern District of Florida in 2008, setting the state for Judge Marra’s decision earlier this year.

The Herald said at least 16 other victims support Jane Doe No. 1 and Jane Doe No. 2 in the effort to get Epstein prosecuted at the federal level.

After the Herald series, Congress demanded that the Justice Department investigate the case. Acosta has repeatedly refused to comment.


Any thoughts?????????????????????????????????????????????

de6a3e  No.6854305


Amal ways right!


8045e1  No.6854306

File: 16e22c1c8aef628⋯.png (886.92 KB, 777x486, 259:162, ClipboardImage.png)

2216d5  No.6854307


i think if any one has a bank of america account or line of credit should shut it down and default on them…fuck it just default on all of it …fuck the banks they are traitors to the people

2c0626  No.6854308


I did a quick search for "MAGA lion" and it comes up on a lot of merch. This logo has existed since before late october 2017 when Q first started posting. Pretty sure it is not directly tied to Q in any way.


76daea  No.6854309

Facebook monitors the offline behavior of its users to determine if they should be categorized as a “Hate Agent.”

Individual has made public statements, or statements made in private and later made public, using Tier 1, 2, or 3 hate speech or slurs:

3 instances in one statement or appearance = signal

5 instances in multiple statements or appearances over one month = signal

8bbded  No.6854310

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, it is adult education, consumer conditioning and social engineering. It is the principal mechanism employed by nation states to reliably influence social behavior. The content of entertainment exerts significant, predictable effects on human behavior and belief systems and over the future course and direction scientific, economic and moral evolution. Entertainment directs popular attention, lends support to or selectively subverts social issues, fosters unity or division and incrementally enhances or gradually constricts collective cognitive capacity.

1c5e52  No.6854312

File: 81db542761cc119⋯.jpg (296.09 KB, 1300x842, 650:421, LakeHomo.jpg)


I'm hoping Clooney will just fuck off to Lake Homo and hide there until he's arrested.

47f86c  No.6854313

File: a76f83b37eeeb89⋯.jpeg (106.54 KB, 603x500, 603:500, 324798A8-27C6-4166-97E3-C….jpeg)

File: f543fddeee0358b⋯.png (322.02 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, A1351B96-317C-404D-B952-73….png)

File: ecb09c7ca35ee5b⋯.png (426.59 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, CC6DAC98-C020-4F4E-BEE4-2C….png)

File: 99f57ebc28d2027⋯.png (726.75 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, D35D7690-EC42-4AB6-893D-06….png)

479f7b  No.6854314

File: c9b62457c9a358b⋯.mp4 (12.99 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, googlecandidcamera6.mp4)


>for anyone who actually reads or THINKS.



Don't have that one, but if you could scrape it that would be great.

Fair Use, and all that.

I do have the Google candid camera!

5ada09  No.6854315


suace or it doesn't exist.

b85d37  No.6854316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8bbded  No.6854317

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

2216d5  No.6854318

File: 67603bbe81a93bf⋯.jpg (20.25 KB, 552x492, 46:41, facebookjail33.jpg)

178f87  No.6854319

File: 1abf26f364e601a⋯.png (186.6 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-091205.png)

File: ea31c84f291065b⋯.png (348.47 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-091354.png)

File: e81b27ae068d4f8⋯.png (307.98 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-091610.png)

File: c1cb7b0dd7bd014⋯.png (183.29 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-091944.png)

File: 963070737407350⋯.png (157.3 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190627-092105.png)






(John Thompson is currently CEO at Microsoft)

df94da  No.6854320

File: cbdc706617e3332⋯.jpg (223.49 KB, 482x640, 241:320, Join memewar.jpg)

File: 6a5e33f0679476d⋯.jpg (153.62 KB, 734x1024, 367:512, Memewar3.jpg)

File: 52c2abe3cf89b91⋯.png (1.63 MB, 2384x2188, 596:547, PepesControlRoomMemewars.png)


Make it so!

8045e1  No.6854321

File: d8c4955b6cb4490⋯.png (1016.04 KB, 566x836, 283:418, ClipboardImage.png)

c5b0da  No.6854322

File: 393045d74e57cb8⋯.png (51.17 KB, 255x156, 85:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a50206eda08238e⋯.png (91.25 KB, 220x270, 22:27, ClipboardImage.png)



>Byung “B.J.” Pak

>>6854267 (You)

>>6854217 (You) (You)


>>6854247 That could be the Epstein Case.


Interesting comments from Pak……

U.S. Attorney Byung “B.J.” Pak argued in a new filing that “setting aside the immunity provisions” of the 2007 deal that let Epstein evade federal sex trafficking charges and plead guilty to a single prostitution charge in Florida state court could cause “unintended harm."

Pak claimed the deal originally granted by former Miami U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta — now President Trump’s secretary of labor — helped some victims remain anonymous and still obtain civil settlements from the wealthy financier.

He also claimed Congress failed to outline specific penalties in the Crime Victims’ Rights Act, so Epstein’s victims have no right to demand any remedies from the government.

264559  No.6854323


is it too hard for you too search yourself?

sause -> https://www.sott.net/article/414995-Breitbart-Leaked-doc-reveals-Facebook-monitors-offline-behavior-to-determine-if-you-re-a-hate-agent

e34d24  No.6854324


Agreed. We need to get away from the idea that bigger is better - bigger buildings for work and schools. We'd be better off if we had more, smaller campuses for both.

8b3a4b  No.6854325


c'mon anons…a simple search yields the results


fuck you sound like a liberal

1c5e52  No.6854326

File: 56c601aa4b960e1⋯.png (89.52 KB, 493x363, 493:363, chigby.png)


The lion maga symbol is the infiltration of the pedo-satanists trying to fuck things up.

76daea  No.6854327

File: e3355bb58a6e7f3⋯.png (417.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Facebook monitors the offline behavior of its users to determine if they should be categorized as a “Hate Agent.”

Individual has made public statements, or statements made in private and later made public, using Tier 1, 2, or 3 hate speech or slurs:

3 instances in one statement or appearance = signal

5 instances in multiple statements or appearances over one month = signal

8045e1  No.6854328

File: 283a6e657fc6810⋯.png (442.9 KB, 498x501, 166:167, ClipboardImage.png)

a08151  No.6854329

File: 320d68ed6b18c13⋯.jpeg (163.43 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, 1527939193.jpeg)

090cb3  No.6854330


Jane you're (your) a slut!!!

And in other news water is wet.

0370c2  No.6854331

File: b179125847196a3⋯.jpg (18.3 KB, 310x162, 155:81, Keep Up FLOTUS.jpg)

5ada09  No.6854332


i am the baker and don't have time to research anon.

56c3e8  No.6854333


Retard 10/10 (((you)))

76daea  No.6854334

File: f133dfec51882d7⋯.png (671.7 KB, 849x476, 849:476, ClipboardImage.png)



Exclusive: In a world first, Facebook to give data on hate speech suspects to French courts

In a world first, Facebook has agreed to hand over the identification data of French users suspected of hate speech on its platform to judges, France’s minister for digital affairs Cedric O said on Tuesday.

8b3a4b  No.6854335





865b1b  No.6854336


>is it too hard for you too search yourself?

Thats not how it works

Dont serve us Pasta with out Sauce

8bbded  No.6854337

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

35ad73  No.6854338

File: 5195ce33c8400c1⋯.png (98.65 KB, 678x665, 678:665, Screenshot_2019-06-27 Dala….png)



Says the guy who accepted a million dollars to endorse a sex cult…


854002  No.6854339


Where's Potus?

The Shiny Irons from (Baltic) Sea to Shining Sea (of Japan)


2c0626  No.6854340


Lions have been associated with a lot of things throughout history. I'm pretty sure pedos don't have an exclusive claim to the symbol.

8045e1  No.6854341

File: 0395a90909ec405⋯.png (538.43 KB, 491x422, 491:422, ClipboardImage.png)

32668e  No.6854342


Dalai Lama has ties to nvxium cult and Richard Blum (difi's hubby)

709e99  No.6854343

File: 3580fa6b8ff69f2⋯.png (120.85 KB, 500x563, 500:563, 3EB559A5-B511-49CD-9B0F-9B….png)


Sheeit I can’t read or THINK.

I was looking for the AC interview link where she says rape is sexy.

I ain’t clickin dat project verrritus.

264559  No.6854344


Wasn't my info to begin with son.

264559  No.6854345

File: bfd89fc18d877bd⋯.png (626.75 KB, 660x469, 660:469, memesandstuff.PNG)

for the memes

1c5e52  No.6854346

File: 9be0a776f34d7eb⋯.png (631.14 KB, 429x606, 143:202, chigbz.png)


Always nice to start my morning by triggering a shill.

The lion is a pedo-satan symbol and that's why the fake maga movement took it on.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to explicate further for those who still ahven't figured out the lion symbol yet.

12618d  No.6854347

File: 48b2d4a0b0ba695⋯.jpg (17.48 KB, 255x234, 85:78, sauce.jpg)

Always gotta serve the sauce ;-)

87913e  No.6854348


Why didn't we pick this up?

c519fa  No.6854349



Robot Q3

Playing basketball

Barr on bagpipes

Theater of the day

Getting silly.

47f86c  No.6854350

File: a4e7186137faf7f⋯.png (404.07 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 4473F0C7-0BDC-4D47-98E5-71….png)

7cba3a  No.6854351


see for sauce lazy baker


479f7b  No.6854352

File: 8bf994f13177c04⋯.png (57.79 KB, 596x497, 596:497, muellerperp.png)

File: ca7ffe07f3991e2⋯.png (208.43 KB, 506x411, 506:411, muellercomey.png)

File: d4ea01e64ecb43f⋯.png (268.43 KB, 1194x389, 1194:389, muellercabel.png)

File: 8dec2d46e1762ef⋯.jpeg (88.32 KB, 756x960, 63:80, muellersexaccusations3.jpeg)

File: 7022c09f36b70d7⋯.jpeg (64.83 KB, 768x960, 4:5, muellersexaccusations4.jpeg)



Blind Item from Ent Lawyer likely references Epstein S. Florida/ biased Justice around child rape, case.

Now we know why they fought so hard for "Mueller is Clean"

If one falls, they all fall?

865b1b  No.6854353


then keep your cunt shut mom


lurk moar till you figure this out

32668e  No.6854354


tell that to Merkel

4643fb  No.6854355

Cabal is fighting back.


76daea  No.6854356

File: a0fa3a394150b2a⋯.png (209.48 KB, 474x331, 474:331, ClipboardImage.png)



Dalai Lama: Trump has 'lack of moral principle'

The Dalai Lama, in a wide-ranging interview published Thursday by the BBC, criticized President Trump, saying he has a "lack of moral principle."

The Tibetan spiritual leader highlighted Trump withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, his “America First” policies and the handling of migrant children seeking asylum as issues that he disagrees with, according to BBC.

"When I saw pictures of some of those young children, I was sad," he told BBC. "America … should take a global responsibility."

The BBC reports the Dalai Lama's critique of Trump is a flip from the spiritual leader's remark in 2016 that he had "no worries" about Trump as president.

"When he became president he expressed America first. That is wrong," the Dalai Lama told BBC.

He is less critical of Vice President Mike Pence, according to BBC, and noted the second in command's support for the Tibetan people.

The Dalai Lama told BBC Trump has not asked to meet with him, but the Dalai Lama is open to doing so. In the past, the Dalai Lama has had a relationship with presidents.

President George W. Bush presented the Dalai Lama with the Congressional gold medal, and President Obama met with the Dalai Lama a number of times, the BBC reports.

ede743  No.6854357


Super Bowl = Human Trafficking

edf2e1  No.6854358

File: 4326783faacdb2b⋯.jpg (59.23 KB, 1000x1004, 250:251, cigar for you.jpg)


>fuck the banks they are traitors to the people

8b3a4b  No.6854359

File: abbdc6daadebfff⋯.png (221.21 KB, 328x453, 328:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Without a doubt.

8045e1  No.6854360

File: a79610b9c0b1c59⋯.png (484.04 KB, 622x602, 311:301, ClipboardImage.png)

58a902  No.6854361

File: 51f11611a6177c6⋯.jpg (9.24 KB, 240x315, 16:21, 1359345971669.jpg)


>golden buckle





bd359d  No.6854362


She so well described all the laws and legislation which are already enacted. Now lets just follow through.

76daea  No.6854363

File: 28d3f89306aaad5⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1907x1000, 1907:1000, ClipboardImage.png)

2e0814  No.6854364

File: 67bb1cfc00f1554⋯.jpg (5.26 KB, 184x274, 92:137, trio.jpg)

Liz said last night she grew up poor? PaperClip poor? what kind of poor? her childhood friends were European leaders.

(that's her in the middle)

df94da  No.6854365


It was me who supplied this answer. It was just my personal opinion, the result of digesting everything we've followed here for the past 20 months.

Don't give it more weight than it deserves.

56c3e8  No.6854366


Bitch its that symbol to (((YOU))), because (((YOU'RE))) one of them. The only thing you triggered was someone calling out your bullshit.

875d90  No.6854367

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)


Without a doubt.

090cb3  No.6854368


control mechanism

look at what 'soap operas' did

generation degenerate

264559  No.6854369


no bitch, ask for sause when you can do it yourself? lazy fuck..

eat a whole dick

eca93b  No.6854370


I like this man!

ba7b80  No.6854371

File: c095a2c0cf72557⋯.png (170.66 KB, 328x426, 164:213, 2019-06-27_09-30-58.png)

1c5e52  No.6854372

File: 02c61d19273e05f⋯.png (306.57 KB, 624x467, 624:467, chigbx.png)


Thank you for the opportunity to elucidate further. Around these parts, the pedo-satanists pretty much have staked exclusive claim to the lion symbol. Many researchers haven't figured that out yet but they will.

47f86c  No.6854373

File: 4fc4dac88ddd2d5⋯.png (119.17 KB, 250x376, 125:188, DF7E02FB-38AF-42CC-AF89-20….png)

b85d37  No.6854374

File: 300f12bbd1a6528⋯.jpeg (4.34 KB, 283x178, 283:178, 300f12bbd1a6528e97ad7d528….jpeg)


Q research, covfefe and jazz….it's a good morning.

32668e  No.6854375


is that shopped or real?

147fb1  No.6854376

File: ae8325617bdb35a⋯.png (30.28 KB, 936x164, 234:41, canada.PNG)

Heads up London Ontario, Canada.

In London Ontario Canada, we have ISIS members who operated a slave market just openly walking in public! Verified by Yazidis that escaped to Canada!

comment from YT

Missing in action: German govt admits losing track of 160 ISIS members


2c0626  No.6854377







049598  No.6854378

File: 3cef40d637f0672⋯.jpg (50.67 KB, 720x704, 45:44, FB_IMG_1561642455773.jpg)

just for Keks

865b1b  No.6854379


go back to reddit fag

you obviously arent a researcher

178f87  No.6854380



Call for Digg on Symantec, Boeing, Huawei Connections

LOTS to digg here ,Anons. All help would be appreciated!

cfc7af  No.6854381

Canadian TV footage of Jews transporting truckloads of illegal immigrants from Guatemala into USA.

Original footage broadcast by Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), October 2018. A Star of David is emblazoned on the door panel of a truck transporting a load of Honduras who are making their way through Guatemala towards the USA.

The Israeli truck has stirred controversy on social media, many concerned that "our greatest ally" is actively assisting and forcing illegal immigration.


// 10 fuken capathca tries, wtf

2216d5  No.6854382

File: fe88b40236801c1⋯.jpg (99.82 KB, 720x540, 4:3, carolanne.jpg)


high sacrifice day also

76daea  No.6854383




You keep baking, we keep digging.


edf2e1  No.6854384



already notable lb

>>6853641 lb

c47aa6  No.6854385



ac9a2e  No.6854386


I think Jesus was called the Lion of Judah long before this pic was taken.

b298ac  No.6854387


I think this is a major opportunity.

The detention centers shut down. What happens next? Trump sets immigration to ZERO - NO ONE GETS IN. Everyone is instantly DEPORTED

0edb42  No.6854388


This article is a hit piece on Trump, by using the Dalai Lama as mouthpiece.

Many sheeple believe that the Dalai Lama is a humble religious person and MSM/ the left hopes that the sheeple will gulp us his words and think that he (DLama) is a moral and righteous voice above all politics.

4caf89  No.6854389


He met with Barry more than one time…

e7178b  No.6854390


overrated cunt had a nice cushy little gig at the top of the pyramid there before the chicoms.

Question - has the life of the typical tibetan commoner been improved since these shit clown mystics were toppled?

Fuck China and Fuck commies, but it's an honest question.

ede743  No.6854391

SHOCK: Babies were potentially aborted alive to get livers for university research


A frequent reaction to the groundbreaking Planned Parenthood aborted fetal body parts trafficking videos released starting in 2015 by investigative journalist David Daleiden has been shock and disbelief. Millions of Americans watched them, horrified at the apparent trafficking of aborted fetal body parts for financial profit, with multiple high-level Planned Parenthood executives confirming the facts on-camera with callous dismissiveness. An abortion-friendly media allied with Planned Parenthood attempted to discredit the videos, unjustly prosecute Daleiden and co-investigator Sandra Merritt, and sweep everything under the rug. Then, earlier this month, Daleiden wrote an op-ed for the Washington Examiner in which he shared evidence that second-trimester babies were potentially delivered alive via induction abortion in order to get the most “complete” and “sterile” specimens for use in research at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh.

Daleiden described research studies done by National Institutes of Health-funded Dr. Jorg Gerlach (or Joerg, depending on sources), an experimental surgeon, professor, and researcher at the University of Pittsburgh. Gerlach uses both fetal and embryonic stem cells in his research on liver cell-based therapies. In a 2012 study, Gerlach described developing a protocol for obtaining liver specimens according to “current Good Manufacturing Practice” (cGMP) guidelines set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”

In the op-ed, Daleiden quoted Gerlach in identifying two necessities of harvested organs in general, and liver specimens in his particular research, in order to meet cGMP guidelines: 1) sterility of the entire specimen 2) short time without circulation of blood to organs (i.e. short time between time of death and use for research). Dr. Gerlach’s study read: “The abortions associated with our protocol were performed by routine medical induction; the labor was induced by local prostaglandin administration. Because we obtained the tissue from intact abdomens and removed the livers surgically under cGMP conditions, the tissue could be obtained in a sterile manner.”

Daleiden said, “The FDA’s cGMP guidelines require sterile tissue transplantation products, which means the abortion must leave the fetus intact, with internal organs unexposed to external pathogens.” Basically, the specimen has to be in one piece and cannot be exposed to feticides (digoxin or potassium chloride) traditionally used to ensure fetal demise during induction abortions of second or third trimester preborn babies. Typically, a feticide is first injected into the baby’s heart while in the womb, and then prostaglandin medication is given to induce labor and delivery of the dead baby.

264559  No.6854392


I pulled it from lasvegassun.com/

if shopped, not mine

89f7e7  No.6854393


Okey dokey.

Shit. Would like a better understanding on so many things.

479f7b  No.6854394

File: 1a6e527709e4475⋯.gif (796.54 KB, 500x667, 500:667, fuckoffliar.gif)


No problem shill

I did the work for you,

I guess stupidly

The link of the rape is sex with AC is at the twitter link.

I guess you wanted to know who had it and where so you could erase from the Internet?

No amount of money could pay you for what you are doing.

Sucks when you are cursed.

76daea  No.6854395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Q research, covfefe and jazz….it's a good morning.

24fca7  No.6854396




YOUr slap in the face is on it way

149473  No.6854397


>10 fuken capathca tries, wtf

It actually takes skill to be that tarded

807ee0  No.6854398



KEK! Guess they dopn't need to exist as a business entity then …

1c5e52  No.6854399

File: db466fcfe1c44d3⋯.jpg (132.51 KB, 742x762, 371:381, chigbp.jpg)


I must really thank you from the bottom of my heart for these generous opportunities you provide to me to expound further: yes the lion is used widely as a pedo-satanist symbol today, just as it's been used for hundreds of years. If you see a lion symbol today, it's satanic. Any more questions?

090cb3  No.6854400


all sporting events


5ada09  No.6854401

final call for notables @ 650

kitchen is heating up. anons are high energy this morning.


Baker Change

>>6854352, >>6854217 anons dig via cdan drops on Epstein rape S. Fla cover up.

>>6854296 Men suspected of shooting at Border Patrol agent arrested in Mexico

>>6854325 Facebook monitors the offline behavior of its users to determine if they should be categorized as a “Hate Agent.”

>>6854258 Dalai Lama: Trump has 'lack of moral principle'

>>6854235 Hannity: New Docs Show Obama's UN Amb. Exchanged Anti-Trump Emails on Government Accounts

>>6854240 Probe into scam to give foster kids to 'acquaintances'. Kids were allegedly brainwashed to be taken from family homes

>>6854220 In Major "Blow" To Bolsonaro, 39 Kilos Of Coke Seized On Brazil's Presidential Plane

>>6854216, >>6854261 Active shooter simulations in Columbia County, GA., and SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif.

>>6854194 ISIS threatens New York with July 4th attacks

>>6854189 GAA Update "Tremor" Edition

>>6854115 BoA will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels.

>>6854089 California bill may allow noncitizens to become Democratic Party delegates

>>6854054, >>6854069 George Conway spreading more DJT, DJT Jr., Qanon hate

>>6854056, >>6854265 Tunisian president transferred to military hospital over 'severe health crisis'. Update: Reported Dead.

>>6854021 California Senate Committee Passes Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities

>>6854014 Another one falls ill in the Dominican Republic. Never had diabetis. Now has life-threatening diabetic condition.

>>6853946 Supreme Court to issue major census, electoral map decisions

>>6853929 Absolute Must See: Donald Trump Shares Strange Fake Video Of Himself Gate-Crashing Democratic 2020 Debate

>>6853864 New York City officials declare climate emergency

>>6853839 RAF Typhoons scramble to bring in US-bound Air India flight with up to 400 passengers on board after a 'bomb threat' forces Stansted Airport landing

Baker standin

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again! G20 Summit

>>6853751 Planefag report (planes now arriving in Japan). G20 Summit

>>6853749, >>6853817, >>6853814 Anon on missing "y" in "worth[y] in POTUS tweet on NBC technical glitch during Dem debate

>>6853736, >>6853778 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

Baker ghost

baking in a bit

766966  No.6854402


It's his younger brother. Compare pics….

7cba3a  No.6854403


Then why'd ya ask for sauce moran?

df94da  No.6854404

File: e3260c95feeffd9⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 500x670, 50:67, LovePlanefags107.jpg)



Lesson on British vocabulary for us Americans. Wikipedia says:

"Blighty" is a British English slang term for Great Britain or often specifically England. Though it was used throughout the 1800s in India to mean an English or British visitor, it was first used during the Boer War in the specific meaning of homeland for the English or British, and it was not until World War I that use of the term became widespread.

Cheers planefag!


89f7e7  No.6854405


Well it's begging for a Biden sniffer.

edf2e1  No.6854406

File: 9cf9a692eb313f0⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 308x176, 7:4, Dalai Horns.jpg)

875d90  No.6854407


Oh really!?!?

Get ready for a pen in the neck, then.

178f87  No.6854408

File: 9c3c94b837347c1⋯.jpg (481.59 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, PhotoEditor_20190607_05041….jpg)

b298ac  No.6854409


there are not enough leftist communist lawyers to service ALL the illegals. An overwhelming show of organizational might in a blitz style deportation, while shutting down cell service in the localized area. bang…all gone.

76daea  No.6854410


Advanced meme.

d8f88e  No.6854411

File: f939f6067f668ef⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 394x291, 394:291, boss.jpg)

cfc7af  No.6854412


You win the internets today!!

Nicely done

7f913c  No.6854413


Just across the border from me. I swear we're going to need a northern wall as well.

eca93b  No.6854414


if you see A it means B?

that's not always true.

that is the construct you use.

to insist that is true is called 'conflation'.

it's a common type of fallacy.

in your case you are merely screwing with people trying tomake them misread things that are shown through symbols.

guess what: that symbol isn't what you say it is. But what you are doing seems to be just that.

I deconstruct your behavior and find your actions to be questionable.

edf2e1  No.6854415

File: e4e90ace61e752e⋯.png (1.5 MB, 841x714, 841:714, brian moran.png)


I didn't. run an id moran

and check the notables list dipshit

264559  No.6854416


Only someone from plebbit would say that. Stay mad fucko

cfc7af  No.6854417


LOL, thank you.

149473  No.6854418


That looks like Stephen Miller's long lost brother Bruce.

8b3a4b  No.6854419

File: f517de405306b2d⋯.png (272.73 KB, 759x582, 253:194, ClipboardImage.png)

Can some generous anon take a moment and post the picture of Obama smoking the bong? Seems to have been cleansed from the internet and replaced with overtly fake image of him smoking the bong

865b1b  No.6854420


Dalai Lama = CIA






090cb3  No.6854421


Forgive us Father!

d449af  No.6854422


we have seen so much cabal influence in pro baseball recently too, I am starting to wonder what else these MLB training facilities in the Dominican might be doing besides sports.

MLB teams often recruit these athletes when they are 16 and keep them in the DR for a few years and if they are good enough, they get US visas to come train stateside. however it wouldn't be difficult to imagine them getting visas for non-athletes far shy of 16 as well.

4773ef  No.6854423


Guy sellin’ the lion merch on red bubble is evrgreene. Curious


709e99  No.6854424

File: f57cc103dbe4624⋯.png (99.92 KB, 263x282, 263:282, 87194536-7865-42CE-843C-7B….png)

File: 2a2564bf668f797⋯.jpeg (62.14 KB, 350x350, 1:1, B2077F08-2004-484D-BA5D-B….jpeg)


Whoa lilith

Are you constipated this mornin my little breath of fresh air and sunshine.

Take some fuckin midol and then KYS.

Never mind I can find it on my own.

264559  No.6854425


Absolutly! and much more

df94da  No.6854426

File: fcd62b64ed2af76⋯.png (393.28 KB, 1050x807, 350:269, 2019_06_27_09:42:55_EDT.png)



1c5e52  No.6854427

File: ec3d94206b30a0a⋯.png (199.55 KB, 495x503, 495:503, chigbr.png)


You're right! You get a cake with a file in it. Jesus is also called son of the morning star.

edf2e1  No.6854428



lots going on here

4caf89  No.6854429


So his reveal is imminent!!! So that's why he's speaking against our Potus.

7cba3a  No.6854430


Ya butt into shit ya get shit fag

2c0626  No.6854431


>Symantec, Boeing, Huawei

Symantec and Huawei were the same company until 2012.


2e0814  No.6854432


…somebody intertube me a bacon grilled cheese…iffn' we're distributing stuff today…

fa2ba2  No.6854433

d449af  No.6854434


this would be a no-brainer in any non-white country.

Ask for asylum in Myanmar - to take a random example - and they'll laugh in your face. no visa? you'll be fined and sent back home on the next plane out. at your own expense. don't have the money? stay in jail till someone who loves you buys your ticket.

3af666  No.6854435

File: d6635107966e97f⋯.jpg (45.14 KB, 900x900, 1:1, trumptopkek.jpg)

ee6860  No.6854436


I'm calling' bullschitt on lion being pedo-satinist symbol. Helped in a bunch of digs on pedo schitt & NO lions..pedo bears, pedo bunnies satinist owls..no lions

7f3200  No.6854437

File: 14b05fc0f1c6783⋯.jpg (91.73 KB, 800x770, 80:77, Lama-Omidyar.jpg)

File: 9d2279bb991f10a⋯.jpg (132.83 KB, 1000x543, 1000:543, assomid.jpg)

85a27c  No.6854438

Praying Medic's twatter account is temporarily restricted. Welcome to Censorship Week…


090cb3  No.6854439


this is only the tip of the spear

imagine what the 'initiative' would have looked like had HRC had her coronation ceremony

likely Armageddon for realz

7a3e57  No.6854440

File: a4456e2a0f10c3a⋯.jpg (30.32 KB, 800x400, 2:1, 2019-06-27_4-35-21.jpg)

File: ad7d6fca070e9e6⋯.jpg (29.62 KB, 800x397, 800:397, 2019-06-27_4-36-59.jpg)

The Real Winner Of Last Night's Democratic Debate

c5b0da  No.6854441





>>6854247 That could be the Epstein Case.



Federal prosecutors broke law in Jeffrey Epstein case, judge rules

Federal prosecutors, under former Miami U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, broke the law when they concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage victims who had been sexually abused by wealthy New York hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein, a federal judge ruled Thursday.

While the decision marks a victory for crime victims, the federal judge, Kenneth A. Marra, stopped short of overturning Epstein’s plea deal, or issuing an order resolving the case. He instead gave federal prosecutors 15 days to confer with Epstein’s victims and their attorneys to come up with a settlement. The victims did not seek money or damages as part of the suit.

It’s not clear whether the victims, now in their late 20s and early 30s, can, as part of the settlement, demand that the government prosecute Epstein. But others are calling on the Justice Department to take a new look at the case in the wake of the judge’s ruling.

Maybe we do have a two tiered justice system??

8b3a4b  No.6854442

File: 607f7d7a7b46c1e⋯.png (31.77 KB, 536x121, 536:121, ClipboardImage.png)

1c5e52  No.6854443

File: f5558d181d9dee3⋯.png (294.72 KB, 526x336, 263:168, catholiconeeyesymbol.png)


Ya…Jesus… about that…

df94da  No.6854444


Dank x4


Sorry I couldn't stay up during the debate and shitpost with y'all.

edf2e1  No.6854445

File: 9cf17c6b4f0bf55⋯.png (620.85 KB, 562x529, 562:529, sm fu2.PNG)


your issue. Try looking first, speaking next.

you can't be bothered to read or check is not my problem..yours

264559  No.6854446

Idaho Falls man sentenced to 11 years for possessing sexually explicit images of minors


Stanley G. Gallegos, 62, was ordered to pay $150,600 in restitution and a $50,000 fine.

090cb3  No.6854447


dali lama is a psyops

e365ad  No.6854448


Dude. I actually live near that RL bakery…small world.

865b1b  No.6854449


>Dank x4



1c5e52  No.6854450

File: 337ebdf83abdf89⋯.png (727.75 KB, 804x603, 4:3, chigbb.png)


You fail miserably as a researcher then.

Lion = pedo-satanist

021c0d  No.6854451

Has any anon know whether the Yellow Vest Movement came up in last night's debate? I've been slowly red-pilling my Daughter and have been gaining traction by pointing out the Mockingbird MSM's total embargo on news about this fully organic, populist Revolution which is now in its 32 - 33 week which shows no signs of slowing. Last night she texted me from college and told me that the YVM came up in the debates. In my text back, I expressed my great surprise/shock and texted "Wow. I never thought that they would have allowed a YVM question and was sure that the candidates and the MSM were told not to mention it at all. It will be interesting to see how that exchange is covered in the newz tomorrow". Well, I just tried every search imaginable, anons, and came up with nothing, nada, zilch, zero. I'll see her tonight and get the details of what she remembers. So again, anyone know whether the YVM came up last night? ThanQ.

71271d  No.6854452


What the perverted do in the name of Jesus is perverted.

still - not about Jesus and punishable by death, in the biblical sense

5ada09  No.6854453

final bun for #8766


Baker Change

>>6854426 Century Link national outage report

>>6854352, >>6854217 anons dig via cdan drops on Epstein rape S. Fla cover up.

>>6854296 Men suspected of shooting at Border Patrol agent arrested in Mexico

>>6854325 Facebook monitors the offline behavior of its users to determine if they should be categorized as a “Hate Agent.” Giving data on hate speech suspects to French courts

>>6854295 market report G20 Summit update

>>6854258 Dalai Lama: Trump has 'lack of moral principle'

>>6854235 Hannity: New Docs Show Obama's UN Amb. Exchanged Anti-Trump Emails on Government Accounts

>>6854240 Probe into scam to give foster kids to 'acquaintances'. Kids were allegedly brainwashed to be taken from family homes

>>6854220 In Major "Blow" To Bolsonaro, 39 Kilos Of Coke Seized On Brazil's Presidential Plane

>>6854216, >>6854261 Active shooter simulations in Columbia County, GA., and SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif.

>>6854194 ISIS threatens New York with July 4th attacks

>>6854189 GAA Update "Tremor" Edition

>>6854115 BoA will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels.

>>6854089 California bill may allow noncitizens to become Democratic Party delegates

>>6854054, >>6854069 George Conway spreading more DJT, DJT Jr., Qanon hate

>>6854056, >>6854265 Tunisian president transferred to military hospital over 'severe health crisis'. Update: Reported Dead.

>>6854021 California Senate Committee Passes Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities

>>6854014 Another one falls ill in the Dominican Republic. Never had diabetis. Now has life-threatening diabetic condition.

>>6853946 Supreme Court to issue major census, electoral map decisions

>>6853929 Absolute Must See: Donald Trump Shares Strange Fake Video Of Himself Gate-Crashing Democratic 2020 Debate

>>6853864 New York City officials declare climate emergency

>>6853839 RAF Typhoons scramble to bring in US-bound Air India flight with up to 400 passengers on board after a 'bomb threat' forces Stansted Airport landing

Baker standin

>>6853774 Merkel trembling again! G20 Summit

>>6853751 Planefag report (planes now arriving in Japan). G20 Summit

>>6853749, >>6853817, >>6853814 Anon on missing "y" in "worth[y] in POTUS tweet on NBC technical glitch during Dem debate

>>6853736, >>6853778 United extends ban on Boeing 737 Max after regulator finds new problem

Baker ghost

dat be it for 8766 notes anons. save the new stuff for nb.

0370c2  No.6854454

File: e7020c322dd8fc9⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 550x555, 110:111, ww2 vet pointer.jpg)

709e99  No.6854455


Dude you’re cutting it up with an individual who

spent the best years of their lives takin shrooms, ecstacy and fuckin strangers and is now basically mentally retarded.

2c0626  No.6854456


The church of Rome has nothing to do with Jesus. They use and twist His name, but they don't actually represent the true Jesus.

865b1b  No.6854457


>Lion = pedo-satanist

sauce or shill?

b298ac  No.6854458


my owls

my pizza

my fish

my lions

my snakes..

my pineapples

my oak trees

ARE not your magical symbols anymore. The animals and food are not yours to claim as they are creatures of God like everything else.

My owl is not your owl. It has NO power and I rebuke your symbols while embracing the beauty of nature. *poof*

50cb79  No.6854459

File: d4fb8407257bb66⋯.jpg (85.52 KB, 545x894, 545:894, 1480678956527.jpg)


Why would New Jersey be searching Booker before and during?

7f3200  No.6854460

File: 33a09c28f9bdefa⋯.jpg (67.83 KB, 680x1157, 680:1157, balletthis.jpg)


double d(4) and another 4 in the ID


12c64c  No.6854461

File: 516bbd9f58515bd⋯.jpg (36.87 KB, 808x447, 808:447, Capture.JPG)

Brazilian airman from president’s backup plane caught smuggling '39kg of cocaine'

A crew member from a Brazilian military plane used to arrange travel for the president was arrested in Spain with a bagful of cocaine in his luggage. The Brazilian leader said the man was not from “his team.”

The Air Force service member was arrested by Spain’s Civil Guard on Tuesday at Seville airport, where the plane stopped before flying to Osaka for the upcoming G20 summit. According to El Pais, the illegal cargo was found inside a bag of Sergeant Manoel Silva Rodrigues, during a mandatory check. Spanish customs authorities discovered 37 packages of cocaine each weighing over a kilo, or about 39kg in total, which the Brazilian reportedly didn’t even bother to properly hide before trying to enter the country.

The failed smuggler was arrested while the rest of the crew left for Japan the same afternoon. The aircraft will be used as a backup plane for President Jair Bolsonaro after the end of the G20 summit.

Spanish law enforcement is now trying to establish the intended destination of the narcotics. The Brazilian Defense Ministry pledged to cooperate with the investigation.

The Brazilian president denounced the arrested person. “Although not related to my team, yesterday’s episode in Spain is unacceptable,” he tweeted, adding that an attempt to use government transport for drug trafficking was “disrespect to our country.”

Apesar de não ter relação com minha equipe, o episódio de ontem, ocorrido na Espanha, é inaceitável. Exigi investigação imediata e punição severa ao responsável pelo material entorpecente encontrado no avião da FAB. Não toleraremos tamanho desrespeito ao nosso país!

— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) June 26, 2019


ac9a2e  No.6854462


Oh I see where this is going. So Jesus is a satanist now. You are truly a genius, I didn't realize heavily consuming paint chips was considered necessary for conducting research. Perhaps you should look closely at the actual scripture in 2 Peter which calls Jesus the morning star. I little context helps doesn't it?

24fca7  No.6854463

if DAN (a political hack) is in charge of the Q

i'll be out in a hot second

d449af  No.6854464


the yellow vests were mentioned by the moderator, but only in passing. he said they were an example of a group of citizens who don't want to shoulder the costs of getting off fossil fuels.

this was to set up a question as to who ought to pay for 'Green new Deal' type legislation.

12618d  No.6854465

File: c19b9ee21c30c11⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 194x255, 194:255, mirror on the wall.jpg)


Looking more and more like a slide.

edf2e1  No.6854466

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB, 1027x731, 1027:731, pepe flags out.gif)

thank you baker, busy all over

eca93b  No.6854467




they are heavily infested in this conflation.

let's not let them get away with it.

lions are lions.

they mean many things.

if you see a real one

it means you might need to change your clothes after the encounter, if you survive it.

06bc5a  No.6854468


Moar BS like the recent attack on "o7" and "Godspeed." Shills seem to be looking to denigrate words and symbols often used in Q community in order to create chaos and sow division. Just wait til they come up with a way to show that the flag is really an illuminati symbol…..

178f87  No.6854469

File: 9cdf37b13698943⋯.png (13.16 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images.png)



Revelation 5:5


2545c8  No.6854470

File: 16d6aaaded43169⋯.jpg (26.69 KB, 657x527, 657:527, Frog Detective.jpg)


>Qanon Research expiration date

I sometimes wonder if Qresearch is an oppo research site created by the DS to suss out patriots ideals and commitment. Someone/something sure knows a lot about how we think (or don't).

ede743  No.6854471

875d90  No.6854472


Can we still get the Divine Healing for $120 from his website?

e365ad  No.6854473


Zuck is such an AI faggot. His hairline doesn't look real.

1c5e52  No.6854474

File: 9e7a7a3e5cfffe3⋯.png (697.69 KB, 726x542, 363:271, chigbt.png)


Every image is more sauce, moran.

I could do this all day. At least replying to shills should be educating any normies who might wander in here.

b298ac  No.6854475


uhm…it's google…. Hello?

c04fb1  No.6854476


June 27, 2019

Listen and subscribe to our podcast from your mobile device:

Via Apple Podcasts | Via RadioPublic | Via Stitcher

Note: This episode contains detailed descriptions of an alleged sexual assault.

The writer E. Jean Carroll came forward last week with explosive accusations that Donald Trump sexually assaulted her in the 1990s. Today, the two women she privately confided in after the alleged attack discuss it publicly for the first time with our colleague.

On today’s episode:

Megan Twohey, an investigative reporter for The New York Times, spoke with Ms. Carroll, Lisa Birnbach and Carol Martin.

we need to dig these bitches

Background reading:

Here are the main takeaways from this episode.

Ms. Carroll alleges in a forthcoming book that Mr. Trump sexually assaulted her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the mid-1990s.

The president denied the accusations by resorting to a familiar insult: “She’s not my type.”

The Times’s top editor, Dean Baquet, acknowledged “we were overly cautious” in our initial coverage of Ms. Carroll’s accusations.

Tune in, and tell us what you think. Email us at thedaily@nytimes.com. Follow Michael Barbaro on Twitter: @mikiebarb. And if you’re interested in advertising with “The Daily,” write to us at thedaily-ads@nytimes.com.

c5b0da  No.6854478

File: d9de33be2718983⋯.png (181.22 KB, 485x340, 97:68, ClipboardImage.png)


AOC: Biden Nomination Would ‘Depress Turnout,’ ‘Not a Pragmatic Choice’

Compares Biden to Hillary

For as big of a box of rocks she is on many things at least she is spot on here on Bite Me Joe.

ba7b80  No.6854479

File: 8426c2350167c3b⋯.png (248.85 KB, 709x612, 709:612, 2019-06-27_09-50-25.png)


Did POTUS just give them a 'left-handed' compliment?


ac9a2e  No.6854480


He's not, just someone attempting to humanize

47f86c  No.6854481

File: 0e558c23ddf78f8⋯.jpeg (69.83 KB, 707x353, 707:353, D2780238-17AF-41CC-96E6-B….jpeg)

too soon?

7cba3a  No.6854483


Why would I want to read all your faggoty ass posts. 1 post was enough to see you're a retard.

3ccd74  No.6854484


>I've found the forum to be an effective way to market to millions of conservatives

Heard that on the Dan Bongino podcast

0370c2  No.6854487

File: 2e1cab96097ba74⋯.jpg (104.42 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Jeb!.jpg)

low energy shilling

865b1b  No.6854488


your images mean nothing so shill it is

no sauce just a demented church lady here

e365ad  No.6854489


They are all dressed in supreme white garb

58a902  No.6854490


And then gives us a left-handed five in his next twat? You sher bet

090cb3  No.6854491


deli lamo took a mil from KR crazy self

so they could have a nice photo op

PR for their respective cults


1c5e52  No.6854493

File: 7442b5ad2f26092⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 322x499, 322:499, bookcoverqvh.jpg)


Oh right. I forgot about Lion Witch and the Wardrobe. CS Lewis was a pedo-satanist.

c5b0da  No.6854494

>>6854483 He resembles that remark. Good cal Anon

edf2e1  No.6854496


im just fucking so heartbroken by that.

fuck off faggot. You are the one who can't read.

Again YOUR ISSUE not mine

149473  No.6854497


Bongo moves markets in his slow-splaining kinda way

875d90  No.6854498

File: aa1671cc294de65⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1064, 200:133, Trump_Tower.png)


When is/was Day One?

5ada09  No.6854499

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB, 714x602, 51:43, 3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Just a CAPTCHA Away From Posting!





edf2e1  No.6854500


and you can fuck off too

7f913c  No.6854503


This. They can only take symbols for themselves if we let them. I like owls and always liked frogs. They belong to us, animals weren't born evil and we can't let them continuing to use OUR symbols.

Losers lost their symbols. Your symbolism belongs to anon now cabal.

fa2ba2  No.6854504


>It has NO power and I rebuke your symbols while embracing the beauty of nature. *poof*>

Think what we could accomplish if we all said this.


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