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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, aaaaaabakerQR.jpg)

f763d6  No.6847572

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr? (Cap >>6837254)

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show (Cap >>6837251)

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster (Cap >>6837249)

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves. (Cap >>6837248)

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745 (Cap >>6837246)

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up (Cap >>6837245)

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'. (Cap >>6837243)

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA. (Cap >>6837240)

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ. (Cap >>6837239)

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch (Cap >>6837238)

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember (Cap >>6837236)

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC (Cap >>6837235)

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board --- https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

f763d6  No.6847581

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6799992 Index has been reduced to 15 pages from 25.

>>6744237 Notable collecting notable.

>>6810808 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6755645 Please no JPEGs (with conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6846895, >>6846909, >>6846935, >>6847303, >>6847372, >>6847395 Planefag update

>>6846865, >>6846957, >>6847024 @11thmeu THINK MIRROR

>>6846876 Natalie Harp’s on how POTUS’s #RightToTry saved her life.

>>6846894, >>6846945, >>6847140, >>6847355 Megan Rapinoe dig

>>6846936, >>6846931, >>6847084, >>6847138, >>6847370 A pro-Trump subreddit is full of calls for violence in support of Oregon GOP

>>6846979 Project Veritas new vid about Sen. Cruz vs. Google

>>6847115 President Trump, who spoke to reporters at the White House, stopped for a moment at stairs, waved to the pool and boarded Air Force One

>>6847153 PapaD twit

>>6847154 Bernie Sanders border twits/pic

>>6847190 Top EPA Official Steps Down After Spearheading Trump’s Deregulatory Agenda

>>6847194 Unexplained disruptions see multiple jets losing #GPS signal in #Israeli airspace

>>6847211 Donald Trump: Google ‘Trying to Rig the Election’

>>6847213 New DJT

>>6847239 National Guard turns up at funeral of five-year-old boy who dreamed of being a soldier

>>6847260 Suspected gas blast in Vienna causes partial building collapse

>>6847294, >>6847352 GoFundMe Fundraising for Planned Parenthood, Abortion Industry

>>6847326 Barr plays bagpipes with NYPD

>>6847394 BREAKING: The National Rifle Associations' top lobbyist, Chris Cox, is resigning in another sign of turmoil within the powerful gun lobbying group.

>>6847405 Venezuelan government says they have thwarted a coup attempt

>>6847410 Don Jr twit

>>6847461 Crew member from Brazilian president’s plane detained in Seville with 39 kilos of cocaine

>>6847461 "Not Enough": UAE Rejects US "Proof" Of Iran's Role In Prior Tanker Attacks

>>6847537 New DJT

>>6847558 #8757

Previously Collected Notables

>>6845977 #8755, >>6846780 #8756

>>6843685 #8752, >>6844446 #8753, >>6845233 #8754

>>6841397 #8749, >>6842144 #8750, >>6842903 #8751

>>6839000 #8746, >>6839807 #8747, >>6840597 #8748

>>6836723 #8743, >>6837494 #8744, >>6838272 #8745

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

f763d6  No.6847591

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads ---- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ---------- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com --- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs ----- https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup -- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more -- https://bad-boys.us/


Resignations Thread ----------------- >>2714136

All Resignations Website ----------- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool --- https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 -- The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 --------- META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——--- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 --- Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

Main Calendar URL ---- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


f763d6  No.6847598

QPosts Archives

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

Meme Ammo

48 >>6740853, 47 >>6467693

Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 45,000+ memes & infographs - 13 GB -- Keyword-searchable filenames

A few direct-linked folders in the Mega library

--> Trump Accomplishments after 2 Yrs in Office https://mega.nz/#F!C49DHYIa!jOxYHczFjauTrdWWb9VUqw

--> QNN blanks https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

--> Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Guardians of the Great Awakening Meme Gallery 1300+ safe-for-work memes for the curious + newly redpilled https://mega.nz/#F!ajhWzAID!wk3PMHb6AC7ZDX_ixGwQOA

NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist ---- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon ------------------ https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

How to Properly Nominate a Notable

>>6692040 , >>6744237

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6778033

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

89251c  No.6847602

File: b4950f116324b3b⋯.jpg (278.2 KB, 800x554, 400:277, CwxUDrp40kqlodta.jpg)

betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

f763d6  No.6847607

File: 935a1df5747cd0f⋯.png (337.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 935a1df5747cd0f3964c2bb37a….png)

Fresh Dough


Baker requests hand off

bd2c6d  No.6847609

File: be67810da9f2189⋯.jpeg (37.73 KB, 200x280, 5:7, BDC696AC-6E99-4192-887F-7….jpeg)

finklefag is my bitch

570136  No.6847610

Notre-Dame fire: Prosecutor says no sign of criminal cause

French authorities say they have no reason to believe that criminal action was to blame for a fire that tore through the iconic Notre-Dame cathedral in April.

The cause of the blaze remains unknown, but investigators are now probing the possibility of negligence.

A "badly stubbed out cigarette" or electrical fault are among the possible causes being considered.


50346b  No.6847619

House Oversight Committee votes to subpoena Kellyanne Conway for alleged ethics violations

Rep. Elijah Cummings announced the results by saying 'nobody is above the law, not even Kellyanne Conway'

The House Oversight Committee has voted 25-16 to subpoena White House adviser Kellyanne Conway over alleged ethics violations.

What did the committee say?

The committee was following up on charges by the Office of Special Counsel which accused Conway of violating the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act, which was passed in 1939, limits "certain political activities of federal employees." This Office of Special Counsel is a completely separate entity from Special Counsel Robert Mueller and investigation.

The same committee had sent a letter to Conway on June 13, inviting her to testify. However, the White House responded by saying that Conway was "absolutely immune from the congressional testimonial process" and would be declining the invitation.

In a statement, committee Chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings (R-Md.) called Conway's conduct a "clear-cut case of a federal employee violating federal law." He added that "[n]obody is above the law, not even Kellyanne Conway." Cummings claimed that Conway had "engaged in an astounding show of defiance by increasing the frequency of her illegal activity and disparaging the law itself." He also said that he did not believe that White House aides were immune from testifying before Congress.

The committee voted largely along party lines, with only Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) crossing party lines to vote in favor of the subpoena. According to the Hill, Amash said that "[w]ith respect to the vote, the point is not whether she is violating the Hatch Act or not, it is whether she should comply with the subpoena." He added that "we should have brought her in and had an opportunity to ask her about the Hatch Act and to make her case for why she thinks she is complying with it."

One of the Republicans on the committee voiced his opposition to this

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-S.C.), who sits on the committee and voted against the motion, accused his colleagues of using the subpoena as "nothing more than a political spectacle." He told Cummings that the committee was "setting a dangerous course." He said if the same standard used for Conway was applied to members of Congress "they are violating, indeed would be violating the very rules of this House." He called out frequent cable news guests Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) by name.


392b4a  No.6847622

File: 543367803800086⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot&flat_tards&muh_joos_….jpg)

Waa, waa, waaaa

95% of our clown posts come from CIrAn.

Creepbot is CIrAnian.

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

[They always strike through a proxy]

[Source obscuration is cyber 101]

["Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy"]

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

>You attack those who threaten you the most




(John Bolton is /ourPerceptivePatriot/)

Shilling gets harder the more these Deep Sweeties are exposed~


edd868  No.6847623

File: 51ce5c280d7cf1e⋯.jpg (99.19 KB, 636x848, 3:4, 1319879520565352591.jpg)

TY Baker

153b1e  No.6847627


7173f9  No.6847629

File: eca79f8a6b61e61⋯.jpg (117.07 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, DECLAS - all.jpg)

f07783  No.6847630

File: 6ed37d2f8f778bd⋯.png (111.29 KB, 250x201, 250:201, ClipboardImage.png)


who was Hitlers Handler ?

who financed the Nazi party ?

what did Standart Oil has to do with WW2?

who is elena blavatsky?

what is the Thule Society ?

who was Hitlers father and grandfather?

sick of this stupid nazi faggot´s who don´t know history,

yes hitler did somethings right, but he did more wrong, go suck a dick and cry in a corner now

50346b  No.6847631

File: 78e0e70c96c926d⋯.png (650.31 KB, 758x857, 758:857, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b38bcc083b9d616⋯.png (37.02 KB, 773x419, 773:419, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump’s Chief Of Protocol Reportedly To Resign Amid Allegations Of Keeping Whip In Office

The chief of protocol for the Trump administration reportedly plans to resign amid a potential investigation into behavior at his office, including allegations he carried a whip, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

Sean Lawler is a State Department official and ambassador who has been the chief of protocol for over 18 months. He was supposed to join President Donald Trump at the G-20 on Friday and Saturday. The G-20 is an international forum comprised of 19 countries and the European Union, and Lawler would have played an important role, the sources said, according to Bloomberg.

The investigation is reportedly looking into claims that Lawler intimidated staff and carried a whip in his office. There are also allegations he raised his voice and used profanity in the office, was demeaning to employees and was unprofessional, a State Department official said.

Senior staff in the protocol office were told Lawler was leaving because of personnel issues, according to CNN. However, Lawler was allegedly told he needed to leave because of the nature of the investigation, two State Department officials said. He has reportedly been suspended indefinitely amid the possible investigation.


c095a6  No.6847632

File: 42b910509b8e973⋯.png (120.5 KB, 590x441, 590:441, ClipboardImage.png)


3/22 = Mueller sent report to Barr

322 days after Mueller's bday, the news that he will testify in open session "breaks" (yesterday)

Enjoy the show!

Down they go…

a3373b  No.6847633

File: 8e677195156e969⋯.mp4 (6.25 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dems are exposed being beh….mp4)

6c1d65  No.6847634

File: 43a7cd9db7fcb15⋯.png (287.53 KB, 400x418, 200:209, 43a7cd9db7fcb1590576ad3482….png)

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and the (((Q))) "psyop" is (was?) actually targeted at someone who (((JEWS))) think is literally Satan. Me. 🤣🤣🤣😈😈😈

This isn't about politics and all political news (if not all news) should be considered "fake news".

You are living in a (((JEW))) World Order in case you didn't already know. Those "larping" as (((Q))) themselves said that the "N" in NWO doesn't stand for "New" but it seems they failed to mention that the "N" is supposed to be a "J". 🤣

Anyway, it seems (((they))) have been watching me since I was a kid similar to what was shown in the movie The Truman Show. 🤷‍♂️


d126b5  No.6847635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



6924e3  No.6847636

File: f9a55f7377488c1⋯.jpg (82.33 KB, 918x1172, 459:586, jet.jpg)

82ddbc  No.6847637

File: 481aa48e60c73d2⋯.png (249.99 KB, 820x847, 820:847, 2019-06-26_14-56-20.png)

File: 49d8d8d333c16ad⋯.png (118.73 KB, 824x827, 824:827, 2019-06-26_14-57-04.png)

File: 04bea5744210c9d⋯.png (87.43 KB, 804x1197, 268:399, 2019-06-26_14-57-26.png)

File: cdabc259db5ace3⋯.png (70.08 KB, 654x449, 654:449, 2019-06-26_14-53-14.png)

File: ee21fb5a90a3acf⋯.png (64.03 KB, 543x483, 181:161, 2019-06-26_14-53-42.png)

The people want to hear Trump without any filtering from the media!


Weekly Cable Ratings Ranker: Fox News Televised Entirety of President Trump’s Re-election Campaign Event, and It Paid Off in the Ratings

By A.J. Katz on Jun. 25, 2019 - 5:10 PMComment

The numbers are in, and Fox News marked 24 consecutive weeks as the most-watched basic cable network across total day, per Nielsen live-plus-same-day data.

For the week of June 17th, FNC averaged 1.3 million total viewers and delivered 224,000 in the 25-54 demo across the 6 a.m. – 6 a.m. daypart, and averaged 2.6 million total viewers in the prime time daypart.

Fox News defeated MSNBC and CNN by a significant margin this past week, highlighted by its coverage of President Trump’s prime time rally/re-election campaign event in Florida last Tuesday. FNC televised the entirety of event from 8:15 – 9:30 p.m. ET, and that move gave FNC its third-most-watched night of the year both in total viewers (4.23 million) and A25-54 viewers (800k).

Fox News averaged more total viewers in the 9 p.m. hour than NBC (Songland) and more A25-54 viewers than ABC (Beat the Connors).

MSNBC did not televise the Trump campaign event, and CNN dipped out after about six minutes.

In addition to the Tuesday’s programming, FNC prime time programs made up the top 7 cable telecasts of the week in total viewers.

FNC’s Fox News @ Night anchored by Shannon Bream marked its 13th consecutive weekly win in the 25-54 demo over MSNBC’s The 11th Hour with Brian Williams (267,000 to 189,000). Bream’s show also finished No. 1 in the hour in total viewers. Williams had been winning the hour in that measurement.

MSNBC and CNN, on the other hand, were down significantly across the board from the same week in 2018.

Perhaps surprisingly, MSNBC’s exclusive live coverage of the South Carolina Democratic Party Convention on Saturday from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. ET struggled relative to Saturdays of the recent past. The party’s decision to grant the MSNBC exclusivity to live coverage of the event ignited controversy in the TV news world. C-SPAN, in particular, wasn’t happy about the SCDP’s move.

Despite audience losses, MSNBC was still the second-most-watched network on basic cable last week.

CNN finished No. 13 in total prime time audience, but earned a spot in the top 10 when measuring total viewers across 6 a.m. – 6 a.m. (No. 6).

Versus the comparable week in 2018, Fox News was +2% in total prime time viewers, MSNBC was -15% in total prime time viewers, and CNN was -7%. In total day, Fox was -9%, MSNBC was -12% and CNN was -13%.

Cable News Week of June 17 (Total Viewers)

Fox News: Prime Time (2,566,000) and Total Day (1,337,000)

MSNBC: Prime Time (1,519,000) and Total Day (842,000)

CNN: Prime Time (853,000) and Total Day (548,000)

Cable News Week of June 17 (Adults 25-54)

Fox News: Prime Time (406,000) and Total Day (224,000)

MSNBC: Prime Time (198,000) and Total Day (115,000)

CNN: Prime Time (185,000) and Total Day (125,000)

According to Nielsen live-plus-same-day data, here are the 10 most-watched basic cable networks for the week in total day and prime time:


1.Fox News Channel (2,566,000)

2.MSNBC (1,519,000)

3.ESPN (1,301,000)

4.HGTV (1,249,000)

5.A&E (1,184,000)

6.USA (1,078,000)

7.History (1,012,000)

8.Hallmark (916,000)

9.TLC (915,000)

10.Investigation Discovery (889,000)


1.Fox News (1,337,000)

2.MSNBC (842,000)

3.HGTV (698,000)

4.ID (691,000)

5.Nickelodeon (662,000)

6.A&E (570,000)

7.ESPN (553,000)

8.History (551,000)

9.CNN (548,000)

10.Food Network (535,000)

d126b5  No.6847638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


6c1d65  No.6847639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




e9f256  No.6847640

The demoncrats are a death cult, which is why they love abortion and pix of dead wetbacks.

2910ab  No.6847641

File: c5d0abc07370d94⋯.jpg (68.73 KB, 1200x619, 1200:619, Someone Did Summit.jpg)

Someone Did Summit

POTUS 45 Does Summit

0cfd08  No.6847642

File: ac1d83747d19ead⋯.jpg (217.28 KB, 1852x980, 463:245, Our promise to 'counter'..jpg)

Patriot Anons

Our promise to 'counter'.

9e9017  No.6847643

File: 4e0ec9659f1ce56⋯.jpg (71.08 KB, 637x466, 637:466, useless.jpg)

df2a08  No.6847644



Moar fuckery coming

Screenshot dat

7f673d  No.6847645

File: a597687095b1da7⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 600x873, 200:291, Bz0ZPmsCMAAZyaV.jpg)

Thank You Baker

7173f9  No.6847646

File: 029009c251d3038⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1000x656, 125:82, StealthBomber.jpg)

File: a9ee67cc80aa604⋯.jpg (97.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, SecretGoodGuyQuestionMark.jpg)

d126b5  No.6847647

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

File: cfc1d1921e5ad16⋯.jpg (179.84 KB, 393x912, 131:304, (((they))).jpg)

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, ((.jpg)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, (.jpg)

fde830  No.6847648

File: 25f8feeefa01710⋯.jpeg (2.67 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 862F892E-C0B0-4FB0-AC62-A….jpeg)

Hope anons appreciate this…saw this today while in Port Clyde, Maine today.

a3373b  No.6847649

File: 128295d1613d900⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Dems exposed 2.mp4)

d126b5  No.6847650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers

50346b  No.6847651

File: 45711bc8c580bba⋯.png (73.72 KB, 673x908, 673:908, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9df51f5d7fc79b4⋯.png (65.69 KB, 680x900, 34:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc68b9eb97dbb3b⋯.png (80.15 KB, 705x920, 141:184, ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin McCarthy Slams Democrats’ Protection for Child-Smuggling by Cartels

GOP leader Kevin McCarthy is slamming the House Democrats’ border emergency bill for choking agency cooperation against the cartels’ business of smuggling children to foreign parents living illegally in the United States.

“Let’s talk about how [Democrats] make this problem even worse,” McCarthy said in a floor speech late Tuesday night, about the $4.5 billion supplemental spending bill. He continued:

After weeks of doing nothing and denying that a crisis exists, they are offering legislation that is misguided and is political. They are once again taking what should be a bipartisan issue and inserting partisan poison pills.

McCarthy specifically targeted the Democrats’ protection for the cartels’ lucrative child-smuggling business, saying:

I’m not sure anybody’s read the bill. I’m not sure even those on the other side know what’s in it. Here’s how it’s worse — [it says the] Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services [HHS] cannot share information about the sponsors of [Unaccompanied Alien] children [UAC].

Think about that for one moment. They’re making sure two departments cannot share information in their own government. This [sharing] is necessary to ensure children are not placed with human traffickers or other predators. Maybe if you had a little time, maybe if you didn’t care about politics, you’d allow a little sharing of information for the children.

The GOP members of the Senate appropriations panel have already accepted a similar pro-cartel gag order which was demanded by Democrats for the Senate’s version of the spending bill.


c09ac4  No.6847652

File: 8d9bafa5b4e9c38⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 1125x1040, 225:208, QAnonLogicalThinking.jpg)

>>6847625 lb


Anon offers intelligence, reason, and logic.

973c42  No.6847653

File: cd200789f129e81⋯.jpg (331.66 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, obamadoggin.jpg)

>>6847624 lb

>ABC 'News' Live feed showing the world's largest hot dog being unveiled in New York City.That's news.

5dc9ba  No.6847654

File: 1917a88a7255577⋯.jpg (226.47 KB, 772x833, 772:833, Screenshot_416.jpg)

File: d6f181559ce5993⋯.jpg (187.06 KB, 786x487, 786:487, Screenshot_417.jpg)


f42742  No.6847655


Speculation at best

Put it in the "disinformation is necessary" category

You are just sick of having to lie when this Alex Jones German death cult nonsense has to be defended

d126b5  No.6847656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Is Anything in McDonald's Kosher? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

e9f256  No.6847657

How long until Hannity loses half his viewers for failure to deliver on deep state arrests, just like Madcow did for failure to deliver on the Russian Hoax?

Different sides of the same controlled media coin?

450f82  No.6847658

File: e70c049d6b9fd26⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1290x966, 215:161, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)

File: 78bfca1b6e98e26⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1609x1105, 1609:1105, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at ….png)


TY BakerAnon!

d126b5  No.6847659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Why do we Believe in Moses and Not Jesus?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

5970dc  No.6847660

File: cfd5bdf18a42b69⋯.png (12.13 KB, 255x206, 255:206, pepelove.png)

adebda  No.6847661


these are payed shills and or bots.

german bread is under attack of muh jew shills too.

problem will be solved automatically when q posts again :) the shills only thrive when there is not much going on.

d126b5  No.6847662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







Rabbi Admits that White Genocide is the Goal

edd868  No.6847663

File: e7178d114f45202⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 484x484, 1:1, 1dwabu.jpg)


I don't believe (((you))).

5e377c  No.6847664

File: 14a310c1162c882⋯.png (185.92 KB, 469x820, 469:820, fuckery1lane.PNG)

File: 56c6440f6fbdaf8⋯.png (47.22 KB, 559x492, 559:492, fuckery11lanecso.PNG)

File: d8e19d1ab3565a1⋯.png (231.82 KB, 444x841, 444:841, fuckery6lane.PNG)

File: 30f39e30b46484d⋯.png (128.84 KB, 500x696, 125:174, fuckery5polk.PNG)

File: 8ed038983562fd3⋯.png (224.5 KB, 411x836, 411:836, fuckery4douglas2017.PNG)

So this would fall under the "See Something, Say Something" catagory.

I was browsing through some mugshots for some Oregon counties, and something caught my eye.

I noticed that the booking information under 'Race', that even though the perp was clearly Hispanic, they were listed as, White.

Now I know someone could pass this off as, "they were in a hurry, they entered it incorrectly, etc. But, in a few particular

counties, Lane County was where I was looking, it was not an anomally. All recent bookings of Hispanics, were listed

as White.

Piquing my interest, I looked at some other counties. Some don't list race, but so far I found that Douglas, Lane, and Polk counties

have Hispanics listed as White.

Some people may not believe this is concerning, but I believe there is some type of Fuckery going on.

Crime statistics are gathered from law enforcement for a myriad of reasons. In this case, which ethnic groups, White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.

commit what crimes. So by manipulating the numbers, a city, county, state, can show that a particular race commits the most or, least crimes. For what reason?

THAT'S what I want to know.

Some kind of FUCKERY is going on!

Two pics are of the same person. One is from the mugshot page, and the other is from LCSO official website.

93d670  No.6847665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kevin McCarthy Slams Democrats’ Protection for Child-Smuggling by Cartels Video


f07783  No.6847666


>Put it in the "disinformation is necessary" category

>You are just sick of having to lie when this Alex Jones German death cult nonsense has to be defended

that doesn´t even make sense you faggot

1f42d6  No.6847667

Gotta run anons, be back later.

d126b5  No.6847668

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, hen.jpg)

File: 69f467379e886ea⋯.jpg (75.1 KB, 474x474, 1:1, henn.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny.png)

File: 79b413019752540⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1463x1023, 133:93, henny_.png)

cd341c  No.6847669

File: 0c419a5c929cbba⋯.jpg (233.79 KB, 1500x367, 1500:367, e05b5ab766f308088eafceb701….jpg)

Did some weed. Watched Hatch Act hearing. Made a meme.

2dc7e3  No.6847670


Psychophant psyopathic seo optimized queer posting gynotology necromancy is neigh a form of government

9b14de  No.6847671

just jeard

big strum comin

frens a stringer stgrunger strunnin

shit f off s


fren's off the hook

but in my opinion

they sure look

em clouds are

effin scary

gotta say – storm in comin

46d520  No.6847672

File: a0398a426fbbbb2⋯.gif (306.58 KB, 628x628, 1:1, 20190626_142629.gif)


e9f256  No.6847673

Natalie Harp is a real woman.

Megan Rapeho is a perverted, degenerate POS.

3ed87a  No.6847674

File: ab566da55ff55f8⋯.jpeg (72.33 KB, 606x583, 606:583, 9786305B-F28F-4351-AF20-3….jpeg)

54b41f  No.6847675

File: 88e1e2dfe8942a7⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile-9.jpg)

File: 5d9a75843fce47e⋯.jpg (26.26 KB, 311x273, 311:273, downloadfile-9_1(1).jpg)

File: 822ae820ef064eb⋯.jpg (153.45 KB, 968x645, 968:645, downloadfile-9(2).jpg)

Third world madness.

adebda  No.6847676



Muh Jew / Hentai Shitposter


b61fd7  No.6847677

I'm blind, I can't Planefag. I feel like my arm has been cut off.

If we can't see anything, then the bad guys can't see anything either… I'm good with that.

d126b5  No.6847678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda

392b4a  No.6847679


Found the CIrAnian astroturfer~

f6f477  No.6847680

File: 9fa408e272f7409⋯.jpg (123.41 KB, 644x580, 161:145, Screenshot 2019-06-26_15-2….jpg)


6c1d65  No.6847681


Assholes can taste chilies I believe. 🤷‍♂️

2dc7e3  No.6847682


Dantes eighth level is loaded with hipocrites

c09ac4  No.6847683

File: e13dd7fc8222c94⋯.jpg (303.63 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ThinkLogicallySPOCK1.jpg)

File: 4a08bf38c468840⋯.jpg (158.86 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, QCrumbsTrustYourselfLogic.jpg)

File: 6228a0f0de31902⋯.jpeg (140.16 KB, 1125x1176, 375:392, QCrumbsLogical.jpeg)

File: e267e90650801d8⋯.jpg (140.24 KB, 673x873, 673:873, DoJJusticeLogical.jpg)

File: 5f590475c544071⋯.jpg (119.14 KB, 852x480, 71:40, EmotionsCloudLogic2.jpg)

50346b  No.6847684

File: 64c7e9072914c05⋯.png (67.12 KB, 677x807, 677:807, ClipboardImage.png)

Conservative Schools Minister: All Primary Children Will Learn About Same-Sex Relationships

The UK’s education secretary Damian Hinds has said that all children from the age of four will have mandatory lessons on same-sex relationships in keeping with the “diversity of our society”.

Regulations on the teaching of sex, health, and relationship education was approved by both Houses of Parliament on May 9th, with the Government publishing the final statutory guidance on Tuesday.

In a written statement, Mr Hinds said the Conservative government had “brought forward measures requiring the introduction of compulsory relationships education for all pupils in primary schools, compulsory relationships and sex education for all pupils in secondary schools, and compulsory health education for all pupils in state-funded schools from September 2020”.

The Department for Education’s secretary said that the government wants all small children to learn about the varied “loving, healthy relationships” in society, explaining that the changes to how — and whether — children should be taught about personal relationships was “at the heart of preparing children for life in modern Britain”.

“Our new guidance is clear that children should leave school having learnt about LGBT relationships,” Mr Hinds asserted, adding: “I would strongly encourage schools to discuss with children in class that there are all sorts of different, strong and loving families, including families with same-sex parents, while they are at primary school.”

Also on Tuesday, Mr Hinds unveiled official guidance for ‘online education’ which includes teaching pupils about the dangers of sexting and online pornography when pupils are being taught about technology and the internet.


Child abuse by the state

5b3cc8  No.6847685

File: c1e739e5a754401⋯.png (143.87 KB, 496x368, 31:23, 2019-06-12_22-11-27qq.png)

>>6847537 lb

Prayers for POTUS and all for a safe trip!

973c42  No.6847687

File: 73cab03ce28a392⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 640x480, 4:3, lemonzucker.jpg)


stop asking questions!

6 million!

f42742  No.6847688


Just because "Q" says something doesn't make it true faggot

He was challenged on this and backed off because it's proven that antifa was fighting the national socialsts in the exact same manner as Trump supporters faggot

01b3ad  No.6847689

File: 27baa894dad4714⋯.png (152.81 KB, 858x411, 286:137, Screenshot_2019-06-26 Q Re….png)

2 days ahead of schedule?

b61fd7  No.6847690

File: 38886ce187179f3⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 481x325, 37:25, xhibit.jpg)

File: 224b1ea8424d537⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 481x325, 37:25, xhibit2.jpg)


Yo dawg…

2dc7e3  No.6847691


Thank god they all huff farts right

d126b5  No.6847692

File: 9351e726642a3fc⋯.png (350.39 KB, 500x668, 125:167, jew_law.png)

File: 34aff72a70e3dc0⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x419, 600:419, 34aff72a70e3dc0.jpg)

File: 41a8728b81c8680⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 400x328, 50:41, 34919513_11220.jpg)

File: 1dbcddc8f833b24⋯.png (638.1 KB, 1763x815, 1763:815, lovekids.png)

File: c4bf028343a9ac3⋯.jpg (162.78 KB, 555x637, 555:637, mason_8.jpg)

863a7c  No.6847693

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Respect.jpg)

daf1d3  No.6847694

File: 846322b174a3a91⋯.jpeg (383.89 KB, 1514x1606, 757:803, 1C93B1A3-65E8-43BD-80C0-7….jpeg)

Someone rate this meme before I put a fucking bullet in my genius head.

edd868  No.6847695

File: ff313a5cad05a46⋯.jpg (537.82 KB, 1000x1083, 1000:1083, nazi_chibi_by_succubusretu….jpg)


Bye, bitch.

50346b  No.6847696

File: ee74d47571c1cd1⋯.png (789.65 KB, 956x546, 478:273, ClipboardImage.png)

e36625  No.6847698


Der_Zognald is gone.

d126b5  No.6847699

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2910ab  No.6847700

File: 14cd504027f9ea8⋯.jpg (124.54 KB, 445x561, 445:561, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 04….JPG)

File: 64e02eb7f9512b5⋯.jpg (117.46 KB, 705x561, 235:187, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 04….JPG)

File: 8df624c6c45075b⋯.jpg (123.19 KB, 510x561, 10:11, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 04….JPG)

54b41f  No.6847701

File: b85e9290919cbae⋯.png (744.73 KB, 1012x634, 506:317, Screenshot_20190626-072745….png)

File: 731149aba2f9174⋯.png (399.03 KB, 965x962, 965:962, Ayatollah Faggot.png)

9e9017  No.6847702


your should be you're.

c7ed8f  No.6847703



some of the AI are blind

I made a meme that said "blind cat is blind and so he can't meme"

I posted it a couple of times. And then I thought "Well, how does a blind person meme?"

I decided that a blind person memes with sculptures.

or with engravings.

or bump maps.

So I said sometime like "blind cat memes with reneasaince sculpture"

how do you interpret memes? Is there a service that has someone explain it to you?

how does a blind person meme?

3cd7e5  No.6847704

Crenshaw Takes Big Tech Execs To The Woodshed Over Censorship & Conservative Targeting


c09ac4  No.6847705

File: 2f0ce27f93c82eb⋯.jpeg (299.81 KB, 1505x1129, 1505:1129, QCrumbsTrustYourselfChoic….jpeg)

File: bb39681b95ca307⋯.jpg (26.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, TrustYourself52B4144F-2A99….jpg)

File: c5a667c67346444⋯.jpg (510.94 KB, 1203x1567, 1203:1567, QCrumbsTrustYourself3.jpg)

File: 6293842560a3bc3⋯.jpg (159.84 KB, 643x500, 643:500, q_sent_paul_revere_1_TRUST….jpg)

File: 34065654df790c5⋯.jpg (133.17 KB, 753x500, 753:500, FightTrustYourselfEagle2.jpg)


No ya didn't, faggot.

So you don't respect Q's own words to use logic, exclude emotion, trust the plan?

You glow like fuck.

2dc7e3  No.6847706

Fruitcake salesman

d03766  No.6847707

All DS minions in this board are going to be arrested and face the horrors of prison rape and random violence.

944e00  No.6847708

File: b938367cbe1d633⋯.jpg (823.35 KB, 1080x1948, 270:487, Screenshot_20190626-152742….jpg)

File: ac486db27568200⋯.jpg (953.06 KB, 1431x1491, 477:497, SmartSelect_20190626-15280….jpg)

File: efe805df02d156b⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1430x1490, 143:149, 20190626_153152.jpg)


Lots of



Working on my summer dad bod with some new swag from the @trumpstore. Great stuff for you to work your dad or any other bod you may be working. Check it out https://t.co/aMZ0rkUhA3 #dadbod https://t.co/ECQ3RQugWn

973c42  No.6847709


9/10 excellent

13a994  No.6847710

File: f4bc183bc497847⋯.png (150.98 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20190626-152826.png)

New Silex malware is bricking IoT devices, has scary plans

A new strain of malware is wiping the firmware of IoT devices in attacks reminiscent of the old BrickerBot malware that destroyed millions of devices back in 2017.

Named Silex, this malware began operating earlier today, about three-four hours before this article's publication.

The malware had bricked around 350 devices when this reporter began investigating its operations, and the number quickly spiked to 2,000 wiped devices by the time we published, an hour later.

Attacks are still ongoing, and according to an interview with the malware's creator, they are about to intensify in the coming days.


fc39f5  No.6847711

Im tired of seeing the dad and daughter drowning pic. The little girls arm is around the dads neck. Tell me how that is possible if the pic is real

910a02  No.6847712


Henry Makow

Rockefeller, Prescott Bush

Joined with Deutsche Bank to drill oil in the Middle East

A Russian witch who co-founded the Theosophical Society with Col. Olcott and William Judge.

The Theosophical Society is a satanic globalist cult bent on world rule.

The Thule Society sponsored the German Worker Party, which morphed into the National Socialist Party under Hitler.

Hitler's father was Alois Hitler, a fatherless bastard.

b5da23  No.6847713

File: db0bbce3d9fcc70⋯.png (153.82 KB, 624x303, 208:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f3ec8c7778bfe1⋯.png (173.39 KB, 624x412, 156:103, ClipboardImage.png)

95f694  No.6847714

is maria's interview in the notables somewhere

53f8b4  No.6847715

File: 428e6dd461e3092⋯.png (427.92 KB, 600x393, 200:131, Screenshot_2019-06-26 jim ….png)

d126b5  No.6847716

File: a73f1726913830e⋯.png (757.46 KB, 800x522, 400:261, T_chim.png)

File: a4a6ec44f66b8c9⋯.png (357.71 KB, 714x750, 119:125, T_door.png)

File: 820f7b0aff72e19⋯.jpg (53.13 KB, 704x696, 88:87, T_doors.jpg)

File: 2eabc03fc74bbe1⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1200x816, 25:17, T_gas_laws.png)

File: dae2263e6749fd8⋯.png (443.74 KB, 720x883, 720:883, T_holocoaster.png)












https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

6c1d65  No.6847717

File: 25f73a18dbd261f⋯.png (94.7 KB, 480x398, 240:199, output.png)

69b53c  No.6847718



Barr:"I discovered the plot. And so this was my counter surprise"/ Q #2608

1c71b3  No.6847719



A buttplug mayor of South Bendover Indiana. Just another no one cock sucker.

f42742  No.6847720

File: 0e43e85a1266513⋯.jpeg (40.28 KB, 720x464, 45:29, serveimage (14).jpeg)

File: 219ae80a2f67e54⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB, 800x629, 800:629, serveimage (15).jpeg)

File: 195d3400eeeddfb⋯.jpeg (13.71 KB, 265x190, 53:38, serveimage (13).jpeg)

File: 979de62e538c7cd⋯.jpeg (12.03 KB, 319x158, 319:158, serveimage (11).jpeg)

File: d678ac4c0cb9554⋯.jpeg (12.19 KB, 275x183, 275:183, serveimage (9).jpeg)

f07783  No.6847721


>Just because "Q" says something doesn't make it true faggot

i was researching this before Q showed up and you didn´t even have the answers to my questions so fuck off

>He was challenged on this and backed off because it's proven that antifa was fighting the national socialsts in the exact same manner as Trump supporters faggot

wtf ? sauce that or shut up, and it doesn´t even make sense, like i said

you´re saying trump is fighting national socialists ?

well, Socialism is bad mkay ? you´re stupid or what ?

d126b5  No.6847722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













Old Newspaper Read's Six million Jews Died in 1915 1938 Before Hitler was in power.

50346b  No.6847723

File: d0c2c23a7e2391f⋯.png (53.04 KB, 935x542, 935:542, ClipboardImage.png)

Half of BP Workforce Reassigned to Humanitarian Support Duty, 100,000 Migrants Slip into U.S.

With half of the nation’s Border Patrol workforce reassigned to provide humanitarian support for “vulnerable populations,” a record number of illegal immigrants have slipped into the United States and “disappeared into border communities,” the agency’s chief told Congress. The overwhelmed frontline Homeland Security agency has managed to apprehend a record 593,000 illegal aliens this year, but an additional 100,000 have made it through and remain somewhere in the country. The distressing numbers were delivered last week by Border Patrol Chief Carla L. Provost, who told a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border Security that the situation along the southwest border is a crisis that is putting national security at risk.

“The demographic shift towards more vulnerable populations, combined with overwhelming numbers, has caused 40 to 60 percent of Border Patrol agents to be pulled away from our border security mission to provide humanitarian support—that’s 40 to 60 percent of our frontline workforce that is not available to stop drugs, gang members, and dangerous criminals from entering our country,” Provost testified. She added that “100,000 individuals successfully crossed the border illegally and disappeared into border communities before agents could respond. This is the highest level of observed ‘got aways’ since Fiscal Year (FY) 2014. This high level of ‘got aways’ is a direct result of agents being reassigned from the frontline to provide humanitarian support to the unprecedented numbers of individuals and families in custody.”

Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) and family units represent 66% of all inadmissible individuals and apprehensions along the southwest border, Provost said, adding that the never-ending flow of illegal aliens has shattered agency records with more than four months remaining in the fiscal year. “This year-to-date level exceeds the full-year apprehensions of any fiscal year in the last decade,” the Border Patrol chief told lawmakers. “We have also set an unfortunate new record of the largest migrant group ever apprehended—more than a thousand migrants illegally crossing the border together in El Paso, Texas, in late May.” Provost painted a scary picture of an understaffed frontline agency slammed by a crushing wave of illegal immigrants that appears to have no end in sight.


6c1d65  No.6847724


I know now that these memes were created by (((JEW))). 🤷‍♂️

590408  No.6847725


some memes make themselves!

5970dc  No.6847726

File: 8e02aa7eb8d6b82⋯.png (40.68 KB, 673x693, 673:693, IMG_1568.PNG)


You think that little fucking weasel mr. kerner faggot will end up in a gitmo prison cell?

Fuck these low life criminal scumbags.


c09ac4  No.6847727

File: 209c92fc09e10b6⋯.jpg (205.58 KB, 949x632, 949:632, NotAGame.jpg)

File: c619067b77136fd⋯.jpg (371.64 KB, 1902x1440, 317:240, GameOver-10.JPG)

File: ad77597a7c97f73⋯.jpg (36.85 KB, 480x244, 120:61, QCrumbsNotGamePlay.jpg)

File: a871c4cf98d4e01⋯.jpg (156 KB, 701x1000, 701:1000, QCrumbs-pepe_warrior_lady_….jpg)

File: 9644e93c8b680bf⋯.jpg (756.21 KB, 800x1232, 50:77, QCrumbsLearnChessNobodyEsc….jpg)

Godspeed POTUS!

54b41f  No.6847728

File: fb84ac08cd0077d⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 500x601, 500:601, Gunslinger.jpg)

File: 2b845116639e3db⋯.mp4 (6.77 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1561557093-1.mp4)




AG Barr hasn't declassify anything yet.

d126b5  No.6847729

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

f42742  No.6847730


Henry Makow is a biased Jew conspiracy grifter

I'd be embarrassed to still be reading his shit

863a7c  No.6847731

File: 32714380b897381⋯.png (154.83 KB, 193x387, 193:387, Hillbags 1.PNG)

BlackBerry violates SEC rules with use of non-standard metrics

Cybersecurity company is using an adjusted revenue number that is not allowed by the SEC; stock drops toward 5-month low.

BlackBerry Ltd. reported fiscal first-quarter earnings on Wednesday that led with and were dominated by non-standard numbers, putting the company at risk of an enforcement action from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The headline on the earnings release highlights the cybersecurity company’s non-GAAP revenue, or revenue that does not conform with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, a metric the regulator does not allow.

It then proceeds to list four non-GAAP measures, including other non-GAAP revenue numbers, along with their corresponding GAAP measures, but the exclusive focus on non-GAAP over standard numbers is also not allowed by the SEC.

Under SEC rules, companies must lead with their GAAP numbers. They are allowed to add non-GAAP metrics, which many companies say give a truer picture of underlying earnings. But they must give equal prominence to the two sets of numbers and offer a full reconciliation of the two.

Waterloo, Ontario-based BlackBerry BB, -8.45% explained its adjusted revenue in a footnote: “During the first quarter of fiscal 2020, the Company recorded software deferred revenue acquired but not recognized due to business combination accounting rules of $20 million, of which $19 million was included in BlackBerry Cylance and $1 million was included in IoT (Internet of Things).”

In other words, the security software company is adding in revenue that will never be allowed under GAAP as the result of an acquisition.

That matters because that extra $20 million gives the company an “adjusted” revenue of $267 million, which brings it above the FactSet consensus of $265 million. The actual revenue number, under GAAP, is $247 million, below the FactSet consensus.

The stock tumbled 8.6% in active afternoon trading, to put it on track for a 5-month closing low. Trading volume topped 14.1 million shares, more than triple the full-day average.

Many news services reported the higher number early Wednesday, suggesting the company had beaten Wall Street estimates on revenue, when it had not. The company posted a net loss of $35 million, or 9 cents a share, in the quarter to May 31, narrower than the loss of $60 million, or 11 cents a share, posted in the year-earlier period. It’s adjusted per-share number was 1 cent, ahead of the FactSet consensus for breakeven.

Looking back at the company’s annual report for the year to Feb. 28, 2019 shows it adjusted for software deferred revenue of approximately $12 million that was acquired but not allowed to be recognized last year due to business combination accounting rules. That means BlackBerry has made a larger adjustment to revenue in the first quarter than for all of last year.

BlackBerry added to its explanation of the revenue adjustment in another footnote: “During the first quarter of fiscal 2020, the Company recorded deferred commission expense on acquired but not recognized due to business combination accounting rules of approximately $5 million.”

In other words, the company also adjusted its numbers to recognize commission expense on the $20 million of revenue it added back in—even though it will never recognize either sum on its own books.

The company’s head of corporate communications Sarah McKinney responded to MarketWatch questions on the matter with this statement:

“We understand, and report our results in full compliance with, the securities laws and regulations that apply to us as a foreign private issuer, including rules regarding the use of non-GAAP measures. In particular, we present our comparable GAAP and non-GAAP results immediately side-by-side in our press releases, giving them equal prominence, and we provide full reconciliations as we are required to do.

Back in 2016, the year the SEC began a proper crackdown on the overuse of non-GAAP numbers with a set of updated guidelines, it wrote to FedEx Corp. FDX, +2.69% more than once to tell the company it was not meeting reporting requirements related to non-GAAP disclosures. The company responded to say it had made significant “proactive” changes tin its fiscal fourth-quarter earnings release. However, the SEC had to write again to say that those changes were not enough.


392b4a  No.6847732

File: 821819dca0e7d78⋯.jpeg (180.83 KB, 1920x1125, 128:75, Boo.jpeg)


You seem very concerned someone isn't listening to you.

Trait of a CIrA'nian control freak?

More like an insecurity, Deep Sweetie~

171316  No.6847733

File: b312aebab450188⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 372x559, 372:559, Sodom aka America -235-89-….jpg)

d126b5  No.6847734

File: 10e89cc9b72f1a2⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB, 244x255, 244:255, goodjorb.jpeg)

cba197  No.6847735

File: 939b9162839a6af⋯.jpg (117.99 KB, 970x546, 485:273, TrumpjrTranny.jpg)


Is that scar around his neck from the plastic surgery?

2dc7e3  No.6847736

It's like a quantum computer of Jew ham Fag actors on my iPhone 6 64gb 🕋

7173f9  No.6847737




111791  No.6847738

File: f755138fc445fc4⋯.png (55.67 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)


Good for Meadows, the monkey Cummings has no clue of what the rule of law is.

So Q when are we going to drop the dime on CUMMINGS?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

d126b5  No.6847739

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

File: 6d299b6b5a198a3⋯.gif (188.74 KB, 817x818, 817:818, JIDF.gif)

File: bdfdd44855b6ec7⋯.jpeg (145.78 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_aggots.jpeg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpeg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpeg)

171316  No.6847740

File: 58ff0550df8369a⋯.jpg (15.13 KB, 229x323, 229:323, Sodom aka America 9-9-2395….jpg)

5970dc  No.6847741

File: 0a92a471566e34f⋯.jpg (4.29 KB, 220x155, 44:31, mcmullin_041917_0.jpg)


Never Trumper clown pos evan mcmullin

50346b  No.6847742

File: 3194272567164ed⋯.png (257.93 KB, 550x456, 275:228, ClipboardImage.png)

Jim Jordan Goes There – Calls Out Obama’s Corrupt Officials During Hatch Act Hearing – Defends Kellyanne Conway (VIDEO)

God bless Jim Jordan.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Wednesday defended President Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway during a Hatch Act hearing.

Jordan called out Obama’s corrupt officials who targeted conservatives for ruin and said the hit on Conway is “outrageous, unprecedented, unfair and just flat out wrong.”

“In the Obama Administration, Hilda Solis, Mr. Castro and Josh Earnest were all found to violate the Hatch Act, OSC didn’t recommend they be fired — for some of those people they didn’t even issue a public report,” Jim Jordan said, adding, “Americans hate unfairness and they know it when they see it. They also hate double standards.”

Jim Jordan ripped into Obama’s corrupt IRS official Lois Lerner for targeting political opponents.

“Remember just a few years ago when the IRS systematically targeted people because they had different political persuasion? Federal employees can’t do what Lois Lerner in the IRS did when they targeted Tea Party groups,” Jordan said.

The Democrat-led House Oversight Committee voted 25-16 to authorize a subpoena for Kellyanne Conway over (non existent) Hatch Act violations.

Congressman Mark Meadows also called out the corrupt Obama administration on Wednesday during the hearing.

“[W]e have one standard for Kellyanne Conway and another standard for everybody else and so if you’re gonna subpoena people, let’s subpoena Samantha Power,” he said. “Let’s make sure she comes in because you know what I have? I have emails on her official account where she was going after Donald Trump while she was working for our government and indeed at the same time was unmasking individuals!” Meadows said.

Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows are two of only a handful of Republican Congressmen fighting for conservatives and Trump supporters.


04f5dd  No.6847743


Toot! Toot, mutha fuckas!

450f82  No.6847744

File: 0eb7f2253ebd190⋯.png (290.28 KB, 788x690, 394:345, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

President @realDonaldTrump is wheels up for Osaka, Japan, to attend the 2019 #G20 Summit!


c09ac4  No.6847745

File: 7d29f3f147f59e5⋯.jpg (143.63 KB, 1242x886, 621:443, Q12MoveAheadChess.jpg)

File: 194fced41349ed2⋯.jpg (52.12 KB, 630x420, 3:2, BarrHuber2clues_bros_neon.jpg)

File: 7221bc379947708⋯.jpg (261.28 KB, 640x942, 320:471, QCrumbsHuberSeverePainDC.jpg)

File: e1798613ffc517e⋯.jpg (260.91 KB, 1912x1200, 239:150, BarrWars.1.jpg)

File: 83cb70bed74d07d⋯.jpg (401.65 KB, 1834x1175, 1834:1175, Barr:Blur.jpg)

cdfba2  No.6847746

AF Vet here -

A must watch very slowly and pay attention on the 1 minute mark.


cba197  No.6847747

File: 234a0bce66fdd49⋯.jpg (35.97 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 40C1F9AE00000578-0-image-a….jpg)


2 Trannies.

6c1d65  No.6847748


>Trait of a CIrA'nian control freak?

"Circadian rhythm" control freak? 🤔🤷‍♂️

2dc7e3  No.6847749


Special diarrhea booty joos edition

16cc85  No.6847750

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: d76b18baf04cb63⋯.png (140.3 KB, 540x582, 90:97, 337ea5137718aa (2).png)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: 076ad568b012b3f⋯.png (508.89 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

fb70a3  No.6847751

File: d1a725273110720⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4e7a81efa2eafba2ea104ec3f8….jpg)


You a Romeo…kek!

16cc85  No.6847752

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

cf8833  No.6847753


I have been feeling exhausted especially when Q goes silent. I am ready for your new posts Q. I contribute by posting some articles or planefagging that end up being notables. For now I will have to lurk.

df2a08  No.6847754


Real patriot

Who cant do anything in a current situation

Still fights


16cc85  No.6847755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

539444  No.6847756

File: e1d312d21b3ae0f⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 18dc91947848651ddba01de8fc….jpg)

Hey graphicsanons I have a request.

Would one of you keyboard/wacom tabletfags redesign those Q cards, that were business card size, with a QRcode for the wearethene.ws and qmap.pub links. TYA

I find I am constantly writing that and qmap.pub on pieces of paper for folks irl.

b61fd7  No.6847757

File: cecf3635daabce6⋯.jpg (293.89 KB, 1913x691, 1913:691, C560s 26 Jun 19 2035.jpg)

… and breathe.

ADS-B is back.

08e545  No.6847758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>6847601 (lb) Say what you want mouth breather, Facts are that Hitler was a leftist and Q was pointing out that they share many things in common https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHXL00wY3nY

171316  No.6847759

File: 9182fcfdb26723d⋯.jpg (15.3 KB, 255x190, 51:38, fbfeb380debabc159cd3d71937….jpg)

e36625  No.6847760

Nobody cares that the faggots on reddit are going to flood this place soon? Cool.

2dc7e3  No.6847761


It's a rebuttals Hebrew national Jew pork with no taxes

daf1d3  No.6847762

File: 0bb206abc1ea049⋯.jpeg (380.15 KB, 1514x1606, 757:803, F6ECC44E-AA00-446C-8BEB-C….jpeg)


Anons, this grammar gnatzi just saved my life.

Well done, sir.

6c1d65  No.6847763


Doesn't change the fact that you (((JEWS))) are evil. 🤷‍♂️

c09ac4  No.6847764

File: 2f71628ae3e99a3⋯.jpg (46.52 KB, 368x533, 368:533, QCrumbsNotFail.jpg)

File: e800f027845abc6⋯.jpg (102.92 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsfailtheywillQ .jpg)

File: 4dad7c376a3ad1c⋯.jpg (106.75 KB, 640x821, 640:821, QCrumbsDarkLightLiesFail.jpg)

File: 53abbf602a3cc9f⋯.jpg (30.51 KB, 300x300, 1:1, WWG1WGA.jpg)

392b4a  No.6847765

>"Circadian rhythm"

Your way too easy to hook DS~

16cc85  No.6847766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? This will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".

They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9


1aad5e  No.6847767


that beard is not a good look

nice enuf sure but guy seems like a dufus to me

always has

chooses questionable females too

f42742  No.6847768


Trump is fighting bolsheviks

Antifa are bolsheviks

Nazis fought bolsheviks

That's just the truth

I have provided endless screencaps of books from the 1930s like Communism in Germany on this subject

Of course it's inconvenient for the psyop so it's never accepted in the Q cult

16cc85  No.6847769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







58d9bd  No.6847770

File: 311fbbc0bd76754⋯.jpg (479.24 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190626-143753….jpg)

973c42  No.6847771

File: 2cac9ded81b1b45⋯.jpg (43.57 KB, 533x481, 41:37, 2cac9ded81b1b453a1465e63a8….jpg)


>mouth breather

04f5dd  No.6847772

File: 3c9578264fb300d⋯.jpeg (93.96 KB, 611x453, 611:453, 83C28E16-062A-4F29-9634-6….jpeg)

fc74a5  No.6847773


There are only two colors. Kek

69b53c  No.6847774


Honeybadger doesn't give a sh*t, bite's off cobra's head. Kek!

2dc7e3  No.6847775

File: e44b435da4de163⋯.jpg (30.5 KB, 458x453, 458:453, IMG_8564.JPG)

Yahweh or the highway

7173f9  No.6847776


They won't because T_D were the people talking shit about Q. They wouldn't come here.

9fcb1c  No.6847777


Found the cartoon jacker!

910a02  No.6847778


Hitler was also a Jew.

16cc85  No.6847779

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







df2a08  No.6847780


Do you understand that Q posts are useless in a current situation

POTUS has to deliver like yesterday

Otherwise it will be 2020 campaign white noise

daf1d3  No.6847781


Let’s see a picture of your wife.

Let’s see how she stacks up against KG.

6c1d65  No.6847782


>Your way too easy to hook DS~


50346b  No.6847783

File: d41e47f8e96fa7e⋯.png (49.16 KB, 805x866, 805:866, ClipboardImage.png)

Here’s Why Those Airport TVs Are Always Playing CNN… And Why You Can’t Even Change the Volume

For travelers looking to get away from it all, it might seem there’s no getting away from CNN.

Even as the once-proud “news” network watches as its television ratings drop and its public credibility dies away, passengers in America’s airports have long known that just about anywhere they go, CNN is going to be on a TV screen nearby until they get out of the airport atmosphere and into the real world again.

But “Big Brother”-level ubiquity comes at a price – to the traveling public’s mental health and to CNN’s bottom line.

The first 24-hour cable news network set the standard in the long-ago, pre-internet day for news coverage that left most Americans amazed. Anyone who remembers the first Gulf War probably remembers CNN’s coverage from Baghdad in the war’s early days.

(Some of the media coverage of the media was positively giddy then, as a People magazinereport from the time attests.)

It wasn’t until much later that the American people found out CNN had paid for that kind of access by deliberately hiding the barbarity of the Saddam Hussein regime.

By the time then-network executive Eason Jordan revealed that distasteful news in a New York Times commentary in 2003, CNN was already getting a reputation for liberal leanings (as the “Clinton News Network”) but was practically an institution in American life.

With the rise of competitors over the decades, primarily Fox News, CNN’s star has faded to the point where during President Donald Trump’s time in office, it’s almost a parody of itself – propagandizing on behalf of the Democratic Party with all the zeal it couldn’t muster to report on the actual reality of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

And the American viewing public knows it. As commentator Brian Slager wrote Monday at The Federalist, CNN’s ratings have been dropping even as its relentlessly antagonistic coverage of the Trump White House has remained.

“Once the industry standard, CNN has fallen well behind the other major cable news channels — Fox News and MSNBC — for years,” Slager wrote. “And 2019 has gone from bad to brutal for the network….

“To see just how bad—and how isolated—the CNN performance has been, one need only look back to 2018. In year-over-year rating comparisons of prime-time performance, you can see the massive hit CNN has taken, while its competitors fare much better. All three networks are down, but one plunged.


dc9c1e  No.6847784

File: 6c4f1d1e4c1d44c⋯.jpg (113.17 KB, 960x960, 1:1, actors.jpg)

File: ea3132823226531⋯.gif (2.25 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Anderson_Cooper_Gets_Mad_A….gif)

File: f46ba3195aa50b1⋯.jpg (237.98 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, crisisactors (2).jpg)

File: 43349b3e5ca6841⋯.jpg (58.99 KB, 650x619, 650:619, crisisactor911.jpg)

File: 7ec0c07e60868e9⋯.jpg (55.63 KB, 865x400, 173:80, davidwheeler.jpg)

>>6846093 pb

You gotta study moar.

See what's in front of you,

Don't just look.

It's also in the context of much other research into Crisis Actors, if you haven't done that work you might not recognize the players.

Way past plausible coincidence that there are so many crisis actors / gatekeepers / Spies / politicians in that one child group photo.

There's a family who put this one; And it's connected to a "One World Order" proponent, Canadian; Maurice Strong


b61fd7  No.6847785

File: 4a236760462d7ba⋯.jpg (303.07 KB, 1915x687, 1915:687, C560s 26 Jun 19 2037.jpg)

Make that four C560s.

c09ac4  No.6847786

File: 9d23f4caaa7e5e5⋯.jpg (165 KB, 741x410, 741:410, AlligatorWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, WeThePeopleWWG1WGA.jpg)

File: 7a27709027d5f29⋯.jpg (263.52 KB, 1310x1390, 131:139, QCrumbsPhonePresent.jpg)

File: 04a41694734e7c7⋯.jpg (966.64 KB, 2304x1393, 2304:1393, QCrumbssomethingbig.jpg)

File: 525daa990d09614⋯.jpg (104.16 KB, 500x1082, 250:541, QcrumbsTraitorPain2.jpg)

cb2080  No.6847787

I'm from the_donald, can you people stop being so mean? You're hurting my feelings.

16cc85  No.6847788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







The Canaanites, why God destroyed them ?

9fcb1c  No.6847789

File: c074021fab05b86⋯.gif (7.98 MB, 400x533, 400:533, adfadsfkjhdashkjw40943298y….gif)


Oooohhh… even fuckin' quads on that one! Shake it baby!

caa917  No.6847790


>Coral Reefer

You want a disease anon? All those budshot girls are prostitutes and since they do so many drugs they all go bareback.

111791  No.6847791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Monkey Cummings back in 2014 covering up IRS investigation.

Still not indicted or arrested or behind bars.

f6f477  No.6847792

File: 43adb2a3c851cda⋯.jpg (46.23 KB, 639x258, 213:86, Screenshot 2019-06-26_15-3….jpg)


1aad5e  No.6847793


please LORD let this be the trip where it habbens big in public

praying as hard as i can

6c1d65  No.6847794



Highway to hell? 🤔

c09ac4  No.6847795

File: 3ddc1b9970820aa⋯.jpg (71.36 KB, 445x576, 445:576, QNN:QCrumbsLynch000.jpg)

File: cbf9f381fc9dc28⋯.jpg (45.48 KB, 338x352, 169:176, lynch grandkids.jpg)

File: dbb31917be704f0⋯.jpg (302.01 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN LORETTA LYNCH FISAGATE.jpg)

File: a9ecdcd25cc852e⋯.jpg (356.67 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, LynchComeyNeverDid.jpg)

File: b189f6d4c725a0a⋯.jpg (259.51 KB, 1668x891, 556:297, Clinton-Lynch-TarmacDeal.jpg)

5970dc  No.6847796

File: 663e3b083b06d30⋯.png (1.72 MB, 768x773, 768:773, POTUS_points_it_out_dd.PNG)

16cc85  No.6847797

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: 4876f795f3689f4⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 2709x2709, 1:1, canaaitesexgods.jpg)

File: c8b68d4af638b59⋯.jpg (35.4 KB, 474x244, 237:122, donkey_cult.jpg)

File: 149fc09366a1918⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 474x389, 474:389, gay.jpg)

File: 4ad7dd1eb2a704f⋯.jpg (68.14 KB, 800x600, 4:3, their_god.jpg)

dc9c1e  No.6847798

File: 9d20d90d6a82600⋯.jpg (93.71 KB, 643x960, 643:960, crisisactordoubles.jpg)

File: 2486b717e70fe7b⋯.jpg (32.15 KB, 353x395, 353:395, crisisactors911recycled.jpg)

File: bced1f94503dcfc⋯.jpg (493.23 KB, 2160x1440, 3:2, familymauricestrong.jpg)

File: b05f056a86876f5⋯.png (109.27 KB, 282x351, 94:117, lanzafamilyhoaxhhh-282x351.png)

File: bb31d91142fb195⋯.jpg (86.78 KB, 640x478, 320:239, morecrisisactorssmiles.jpg)

e36625  No.6847799


Re-read what you just posted. Read what I posed. Read your post again. Let me know when you've figured out why you're a moran.

f42742  No.6847800


"First they claimed I gassed them"

"Now they say I'm one of them"

Jews (some) are disgusting liars

Their American brainwashed cattle are worse because they believe such nonsense

dc3bb9  No.6847802

So the "Russian hackers" meddling in the election was Google all along. Why isn't this the biggest story in America right now? None of the "trusted" news sources have commented on this at all.

16cc85  No.6847803

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f9478  No.6847804


>A new strain of malware is wiping the firmware of IoT devices in attacks reminiscent of the old BrickerBot malware that destroyed millions of devices back in 2017.

good news

kill it all

df2a08  No.6847805

File: 5782e2430930fab⋯.jpeg (33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 05565B39-61AF-4EAF-AFEA-F….jpeg)

c09ac4  No.6847806

File: 0774e22acde10d4⋯.png (120.22 KB, 340x270, 34:27, ClipboardImage.png)

a723bf  No.6847807


Download the raw data and read, faggots.

910a02  No.6847808


Buttplug's father was from Malta, and a professor.

At the same university where Mifsud was a professor.

Mifsud is also from Malta.

They were there at about the same time.

50346b  No.6847809

File: d59fd3d9f7cd396⋯.png (56.95 KB, 749x719, 749:719, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57554777fabfac1⋯.png (70.8 KB, 755x872, 755:872, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57554777fabfac1⋯.png (70.8 KB, 755x872, 755:872, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c699c183160e072⋯.png (72.54 KB, 787x910, 787:910, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b13e3284230cdfe⋯.png (479.18 KB, 751x510, 751:510, ClipboardImage.png)

Ted Butler: Why Is JP Morgan Above The Law

Recent developments indicate, almost beyond question, that when it comes to silver (and gold), JPMorgan is operating in direct violation of the law. So clear is the proof of this allegation that the only real question is why JPM is allowed to openly flaunt basic commodity and antitrust law? Before getting to the why, let me first establish that JPMorgan is, indeed, violating the law when it comes to silver and gold.

JPMorgan is the largest and most important bank in the US and many would consider its CEO, Jamie Dimon, to be not only the most respected voice in banking, but in the corporate world as a whole. Given its high profile, JPMorgan is closely monitored and analyzed. Despite this coverage, very few know that JPMorgan is the dominant force in silver and gold markets. Yet public data demonstrate that JPMorgan has come to dominate the derivatives and physical sides of silver and gold, particularly since acquiring Bear Stearns in early 2008.

There are two final arbiters in matters of commodity and antitrust law in the US. The federal commodities regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), is responsible for resolving civil infractions in regulated futures trading and the Department of Justice, is the final adjudicator for interstate commodity matters on both a civil and criminal basis.

In regards to the CFTC, the public record indicates the agency was involved in investigating and reviewing allegations of a silver price manipulation on multiple occasions both before and after JPMorgan took over Bear Stearns and it became the largest short seller in COMEX silver and gold futures in March 2008 and would remain so until the present time. The agency began a five-year formal investigation of a potential COMEX silver manipulation in September 2008 that ended inconclusively five years later. Any involvement by JPMorgan in potentially manipulating the silver market was never mentioned by the CFTC, as is typical government policy.




8ff519  No.6847810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Christians were duped by the Scofield Bible.

1aad5e  No.6847811


how do you know im not a female

moran much?

KG is a selfish famewhore

Jr needs to use the head on his shoulders not his crotch

hey BTQ anon

tits or GTFO

590408  No.6847812


>So the "Russian hackers" meddling in the election was Google all along. Why isn't this the biggest story in America right now? None of the "trusted" news sources have commented on this at all.

for those of you missing the red text

6c1d65  No.6847813


99% will end up in hell? 🤔

b61fd7  No.6847814

File: d4f57d8153e6849⋯.jpg (640.62 KB, 1771x913, 161:83, AZAZ0909 Andrews 26 Jun 19.jpg)

The AZAZ0909 that was off Atlantic City earlier landed at Andrews.

8ff519  No.6847815

File: 05bb42321672f1c⋯.png (310.52 KB, 696x688, 87:86, scofield.png)

9fcb1c  No.6847816


That chick can jump on my jimmy if she's still looking.

1ecf18  No.6847817

File: 913312da87a9647⋯.png (234.3 KB, 966x1242, 7:9, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: b481bf7589b10c0⋯.png (374.57 KB, 1494x1086, 249:181, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: 7334b6d9ec00afa⋯.png (102.14 KB, 1564x362, 782:181, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: 58724902b96c2ab⋯.png (216.62 KB, 1522x742, 761:371, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: 0ad65d850c62716⋯.png (99.34 KB, 1550x336, 775:168, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

0391d1  No.6847818


Both of these link to the same Brazil story.

>>6847461 Crew member from Brazilian president’s plane detained in Seville with 39 kilos of cocaine

>>6847461 "Not Enough": UAE Rejects US "Proof" Of Iran's Role In Prior Tanker Attacks

27cfd2  No.6847819

Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. Drops 65 Percent Since Trump-Mexico Deal

From June 18 to June 25, DHS released about 3,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into various American communities. The federal data indicates that DHS is releasing about 375 border crossers and illegal aliens every day — a 65 percent drop in catch and release since the first week of the month when more than 1,000 border crossers and illegal aliens were being released into the U.S. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/26/release-illegal-aliens-u-s-drops-65-percent-since-trump-mexico-deal/

111791  No.6847820


Here Cummings goes nuts because he is caught


No indictment, NO arrest and of course


f07783  No.6847821


>Of course it's inconvenient for the psyop so it's never accepted in the Q cult

nothing to do with that, and again you didn´t adress any of my points, but continue to throw shit together that doesn´t fit.

what does the term nazi stand for you faggot ?

450f82  No.6847822

File: 6bcdee5b5052a0e⋯.png (1.71 MB, 790x1062, 395:531, Screen Shot 2019-05-24 at ….png)

File: d6e45d04c8bd4c3⋯.png (160.22 KB, 764x981, 764:981, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)



2910ab  No.6847823

File: 8a97f3c162bba44⋯.jpg (113.37 KB, 826x314, 413:157, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 08….JPG)

File: d9b94ba375c3f18⋯.jpg (350.59 KB, 838x761, 838:761, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 08….JPG)

US-Iran war ‘wouldn’t last very long, not talking boots on the ground’ – Trump

Published time: 26 Jun, 2019 14:22

Edited time: 26 Jun, 2019 14:32

US President Donald Trump has boasted that a military confrontation with Iran would be a quick affair, but also said that this is something he doesn’t want.

Trump spoke about the possibility of invading Iran during an interview with Fox Business News on Wednesday. “I hope we don’t, but we’re in a very strong position if something should happen,” Trump said.

Less than a week earlier, reports emerged that US forces were poised to launch air strikes against targets inside Iran, before being canceled by Trump just 10 minutes beforehand. The strikes were to occur in response to Iran shooting down an unmanned US drone that Washington claims was in international airspace, something Iranian officials dispute.


ccdc57  No.6847824

"The Senate has approved a bipartisan $4.6 billion border bill, with fewer curbs on Trump immigration policies than were in the House-passed plan. The next step is unclear. - AP"

2dc7e3  No.6847825

File: 54d507d3c8f70e6⋯.jpg (167.51 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_8547.JPG)

File: 721ebbdfe21c630⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 496x584, 62:73, IMG_8549.JPG)

File: c7b4e38ccd492b2⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 720x810, 8:9, IMG_8550.JPG)

File: fd163bf5dcf9fbf⋯.jpg (83.64 KB, 707x1091, 707:1091, IMG_8551.JPG)

6c1d65  No.6847827


Both (((JEWS))), yes? 🤔

7173f9  No.6847828


You were saying that the reddit people will come here. Why would T_D reddit people come to Q Research if T_D doesn't like Q? (maybe I just don't get it and that's okay.)

69b53c  No.6847829


>Why isn't this the biggest story in America right now

Google Nexivm's Bronfman & MSM and google Bronfman & Hollywood.

This is all a big club.

And guess, who's not in it?

9e9017  No.6847830

File: 65012b143f5be02⋯.jpg (31.03 KB, 400x384, 25:24, bidens12.jpg)

ccdc57  No.6847831


Who wants to be "amnesty" is in there?

944e00  No.6847832


They're doing the same thing in UK. Instead of white they call all aliens Asian

edae49  No.6847833

File: 00376896c1a720b⋯.png (377.09 KB, 557x427, 557:427, whodatho.PNG)

File: 736aea4e3d59189⋯.png (318.59 KB, 469x403, 469:403, whodatho2.PNG)

File: 6221a82981ae04c⋯.png (419.57 KB, 550x441, 550:441, whodatho3.PNG)

File: 0f99eb7e4f36310⋯.png (415.71 KB, 612x406, 306:203, whodatho4.PNG)

File: 8a80b43dba41a51⋯.png (527.28 KB, 664x470, 332:235, whodathonberka.PNG)


go back about 27or 28 min watch woman flirting in front of camera

daf1d3  No.6847834

File: ae18304525b64a0⋯.jpeg (145.16 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, 8572C6D4-A626-4B04-B530-8….jpeg)

File: 6c46f42ea79716e⋯.jpeg (129.8 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, B7CE9D5E-BC32-4F8C-B678-9….jpeg)


Fuck you. You don’t deserve tits. Instead you get a double shot at love with this big ol bear.

cba197  No.6847835

File: f1a1191adbf03e2⋯.jpg (15.39 KB, 179x281, 179:281, 2l7ga4.jpg)

File: 3795c30a318ca3c⋯.jpg (16.23 KB, 286x176, 13:8, 2l7gry.jpg)

File: a1dced491919968⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 2l7inl.jpg)

File: 9db2b66cde173f2⋯.jpg (98.98 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, chabad.jpg)

File: 2e100b021137784⋯.jpeg (58.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Chelsea-owner-Roman-Abram….jpeg)

Tranny-Granny-Trump was fucking Ivanka when she was a child. (((they)))The JEWS kidnapped for them.

BIBI fucked Tranny Kushner when sheJared was a child. Bibi proudly said that he was sleeping in Jared's bed when she was a child.

Welcome to (((their))) SATANIC World!

62f0bc  No.6847836

File: a9935ed831641b5⋯.png (464.03 KB, 768x431, 768:431, ClipboardImage.png)

Building explosion in Austrian capital leaves 12 injured


IENNA (AP) — A suspected gas explosion blew a gaping hole in a building in central Vienna on Wednesday, injuring at least 12 people, two of them seriously, according to police and images from the scene.

The explosion occurred around 4:30 p.m. (1430 GMT) in the center of the Austrian capital.

Videos and pictures of the scene posted online showed a huge hole in the front of a building and a debris-covered street. Several men could be seen carrying a person away from the blast site.

Police had earlier said four people were seriously injured but later lowered the number to two.

Officers cordoned off streets around the scene of the incident as they searched for further victims.

5a12c2  No.6847837




f42742  No.6847838



I know about crisis actors and agree with what you posted here. The pick from past bread wasn't a match for me

dc9c1e  No.6847839

File: 00eb31d482c8638⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 640x427, 640:427, mymomwasmurdered.jpg)

File: 377631c1d7fc742⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 635x464, 635:464, obama-visits-family-member….jpg)

File: 5f3aad10a9e0492⋯.jpg (51.15 KB, 600x398, 300:199, sandyhookdad1218.jpg)

File: 8dcf40e56efceb7⋯.jpg (19.64 KB, 320x194, 160:97, Adam-Lanza-Social-Securit-….jpg)

File: e5a847fdc4594ae⋯.jpg (40.35 KB, 960x540, 16:9, brotherjustbeheadedontv.jpg)

b5d4e9  No.6847840


So, time to sacrifice one of our own to set precedent?

Kelly going down for Logan act violations opens up the door to the Obongo admin..

50346b  No.6847841

File: 2b86de505579f04⋯.png (439.27 KB, 644x253, 28:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

It isn't unusual for a car dealership to throw in a couple of all-season floor mats to sweeten the deal when purchasing a new or pre-owned car, but one dealership in Alabama is taking it a step further in honor of Independence Day.

Chatom Ford in Alabama took to their Facebook page to announce a promo that will be running from now to July 31. They promise that anyone who purchases a new or pre-owned vehicle at their dealership will receive a bible, an American flag, and a 12-gauge shotgun.

"God, Guns, and Freedom," the dealership wrote on Facebook in a June 19 post. "This is a small gift to our valued customers and [an] opportunity for us to celebrate our independence."

As always with a dealership, there is some fine print.

In order to receive these add-ons, a customer must be 18 years or older, have a valid ID, can legally purchase a vehicle, and must "pass all checks associated with owning a [firearm] in state of residency."

Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

June 26, 2019 0 Comments


It isn't unusual for a car dealership to throw in a couple of all-season floor mats to sweeten the deal when purchasing a new or pre-owned car, but one dealership in Alabama is taking it a step further in honor of Independence Day.

Chatom Ford in Alabama took to their Facebook page to announce a promo that will be running from now to July 31. They promise that anyone who purchases a new or pre-owned vehicle at their dealership will receive a bible, an American flag, and a 12-gauge shotgun.

"God, Guns, and Freedom," the dealership wrote on Facebook in a June 19 post. "This is a small gift to our valued customers and [an] opportunity for us to celebrate our independence."

As always with a dealership, there is some fine print.

In order to receive these add-ons, a customer must be 18 years or older, have a valid ID, can legally purchase a vehicle, and must "pass all checks associated with owning a [firearm] in state of residency."

According to Chatom Ford's Facebook page, one couple has already taken them up on their offer.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Flowers for being the first to take advantage of our July 4th celebration by purchasing this beautiful Jeep and to receive a bible, 12 gauge, and [an] American flag!" the Facebook post read. "You could be next."

While Chatom Ford is waiting for more customers, it seems their Facebook post is getting the word out to plenty of supporters.

“Hot darn! If only I were in the market for a vehicle,” one commenter wrote, while another added that the offer was “one-stop shopping.”

“Just like a true Southern American! God bless you!” another chimed in.


c68e22  No.6847842

File: 9826beae544ff2a⋯.png (169.35 KB, 2320x1008, 145:63, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: 3c5cddb7aa7fe53⋯.png (521.02 KB, 964x800, 241:200, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

File: 63a37478cccd644⋯.png (1.49 MB, 2500x1258, 1250:629, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

Nepotism at conde nast … reddit

dig Newhouse , family biz


owned by same giant that owns reddit

Chief Financial Officer

David Geithner brother of timothy

dc9c1e  No.6847844



I see. You need to study the particulars of the cases more.

09e227  No.6847845

Re: >>6847410 (DJT jr twat)

Watch till the end..

Did you see it?

He mentions spying and he sais:



f18ccd  No.6847846

File: 62a3ae594bd924f⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 480x360, 4:3, GbergPhoto.jpg)

File: 13c39c454c230be⋯.png (273.3 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Gbergphoto2.png)

File: 00fd824539b0159⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 575x575, 1:1, Gberg3.jpg)


Crisis act, disappear, recreate self for new crisis.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Greenberg's are the court jesters of this shit-show.

Their family responsible for most (if not all) FF.



2dc7e3  No.6847847

File: 2c7154655533ede⋯.jpg (204.2 KB, 1223x800, 1223:800, IMG_5735.JPG)

Tomb of the unknown ass licker

d03766  No.6847848

File: e79d18c8028e93f⋯.jpeg (145.26 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 536DAAB4-AD76-4216-A4CA-C….jpeg)

a971cc  No.6847849

She is fake crying again… lolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzlolzllolzlolzlolzlolzolzlolzlolzlolz

daf1d3  No.6847850

File: b8b6f89dcd7d4ad⋯.jpeg (360.62 KB, 1404x953, 1404:953, 15F1F787-0299-444A-A498-1….jpeg)

The plan is working.

97bc56  No.6847851

File: 1db84e184233b56⋯.jpg (545.02 KB, 1287x697, 1287:697, 5j8FH89I6D06_122DSFDSFT_66….jpg)

>>6847211 pb

POTUS always has this Grandpa innocence that he uses in the media like this…

“Twitter is just terrible what they do,’ he said.

Amazing as behind the scenes is a battle to the death is being fought.

The composure and tact and gamesmanship are historic.

…contrasted in the same segment with a subtle jab at Gennai and her quasi valley girl tardness ,,,he said.

“It’s not even like, ‘Gee let’s lean Democrat,’

Appear weak when you are strong, …

A True Master to be studied for years to come.

edd868  No.6847853

File: cc4b66de3e17362⋯.jpg (159.67 KB, 850x1291, 850:1291, 06ab4ea2203478e7dfc07df1cf….jpg)


The Nazis fought to save their nation and land, when almost everyone was against them.

Soviets had murdered tens of millions of their own citizens and Germans in Ukraine.

France and Britain were grabbing money and land.

Internally, the communists had already made revolutions and uprisings.

The NSDP couldn't even hold rallies or exercise their political rights because of leftist thugs.

Kinda like today.

So if it comes back to it, with communists and thugs running things, there is a time to fight.

So screw the handlers and Tossoffsophists, and whatever was misuderstood here of Qs questions.

Nazis fought rather than go out whimpering.

Good on them.

23de11  No.6847854


She is stacked

e9f256  No.6847855

Shepfaggot and unhappy little troll AB Stoddard just had a real shillfest on FauxNews.

dc3bb9  No.6847856



The DEMS Bill proposes A 2 Year Pilot Program whereby the UN TAKES OVER OUR DETENTION CENTERS!

ccdc57  No.6847857


The House majority decides who gets the violation. You will never see a Democrat called out in this term

944e00  No.6847858



2 days ahead of schedule. I have a list of dates, but I stopped predicting because it frustrates me to no end. Gotta keep calm….drink less. Kek

f42742  No.6847859


Nazi was a derogatory term the Jews called national socialists in the national socialists German workers party. Same way the left today calls anybody to the right of George Will a nazi fascist who wants to kill six million Jews for no reason

2910ab  No.6847860

File: f1ed1f950909e4b⋯.jpg (434.04 KB, 850x724, 425:362, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 08….JPG)


58d9bd  No.6847861

File: 7957fbf7203e55a⋯.jpg (397.63 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190626-144711….jpg)

File: 539539cc244bf96⋯.jpg (602.12 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190626-144717….jpg)

File: ca7d60032f39403⋯.jpg (406.31 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190626-144727….jpg)


50346b  No.6847862

File: 9dd9b41856a2d30⋯.png (129.66 KB, 866x918, 433:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ef7d6398233f87⋯.png (139.8 KB, 875x912, 875:912, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b75be1a18526033⋯.png (146.56 KB, 843x926, 843:926, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c8310957c64bfe⋯.png (140.46 KB, 875x918, 875:918, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 085e25b19b4093f⋯.png (132.43 KB, 868x924, 31:33, ClipboardImage.png)

The West's Trumped-Up Hatred of Iran Serves The Zionist Dream of a Greater Israel Dominating the Middle East

There's no doubt about it. We're at the height of the Silly Season.

First we have Boris 'I-am-a-passionate-Zionist' Johnson, the hot favourite to become the UK's prime minister. His biographer Sonia Purnell, who worked alongside Johnson as a journalist, writes in the Sunday Times that he's "temperamentally unsuitable to be trusted with any position of power, let alone the highest office of all, in charge of the UK and its nuclear codes". She talks of his terrible mood swings "triggered by the slightest challenge to his entitlement or self-worth" and says he has "the fiercest and most uncontrollable anger" she has ever seen. This confirms what many of us feared. And we wonder how those who mix with him in the parliamentary party could possibly back him for top leadership.

Ian Birrell in the 'i' discusses his lack of discipline - turning up to Cabinet dishevelled, unprepared and cluching the wrong papers, and his notoriously poor grasp of detail. "It is strange that anyone might see this bumbling and toxic buffoon as the person to lead a divided Britain amid delicate negotiations."

Then we have the unhinged "cocked and loaded" Trump, bristling with aggression. Nobody is taken in by his claim that, having ordered military strikes against Iran's radar and missile batteries in retaliation for their shootdown of a US spy drone, he changed his mind with only minutes to spare on account of a reminder that this lunacy might actually cost human lives.

It makes no difference if the US drone was 20 miles outside Iran or 4 miles inside. Iran presented GPS coordinates showing it was eight miles from the coast, which is inside the 12 nautical miles considered to be Iran’s territorial waters under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. The drone obviously represented a military threat and a provocation, and the US has no lawful claim of self-defense that would justify a military attack. Iran has the right to ask identification from any aircraft flying this near its territory and Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations is reported to have written to the Security Council that the drone failed to respond to several radio warnings before it was downed.



dc9c1e  No.6847863


'Cept there is a lot going on.

It's a case of "Attacks will Increase"

1aad5e  No.6847864

NOTHING Congress does rightnow has any meaning at all



all fucking bullshit

come on lets end this circus

5a12c2  No.6847865

f763d6  No.6847866


ty, fixed

6c1d65  No.6847867


>come on lets end this circus

How? 🤔

a971cc  No.6847868


Let me try this, my Gen Z kid is faltering.



904948  No.6847869

File: 7f5f369051df8fa⋯.jpeg (860.47 KB, 750x1007, 750:1007, 49BE35F5-78AA-4A5A-A5D1-9….jpeg)

File: 4468c440f064ff8⋯.jpeg (962.91 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, B54A15CC-0885-47F3-9235-3….jpeg)

File: da46b9e9e6f85d4⋯.jpeg (765.56 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 967B0836-7A9F-49F0-A603-2….jpeg)

This photo is a complete set up!

The man’s face isn’t even in the water. You can see his right ear, so his face is sideways & not in the water.

Also, look at his legs….they are bent at the knee. When someone dies they can’t still keep their legs bent unless rigor sets in but in water his knees still would not be bent bc they would be FLOATING.

ALSO, look at the ripples around his right knee & feet…shows movement of these limbs.

Plus, how did the baby end up underneath his shirt & didn’t get swept away?

Why is Social Media allowing a photo of 2 dead people to be published over & over again…bc they aren’t dead & it is part of the Dem propaganda.


5970dc  No.6847870

File: 2aec828a197914e⋯.png (644.29 KB, 1736x1271, 56:41, pepe_pointing.png)


Chek't Quads

30c692  No.6847871


Maybe they can take a BREAK soon. Kek.

f07783  No.6847872


>The NSDP couldn't even hold rallies or exercise their political rights because of leftist thugs.

Kinda like today.

no sauce no nothing, you don´t even get the name right its NSDAP.


50346b  No.6847873

File: 39d704af2bf1534⋯.png (134.99 KB, 869x926, 869:926, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d432ac308293bb9⋯.png (132.9 KB, 863x904, 863:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cf46580dffc3b3⋯.png (50.11 KB, 851x329, 851:329, ClipboardImage.png)


oil, awarding the US and Great Britain the lion's share - 40% going to Anglo-Iranian. The consortium agreed to split profits on a 50-50 basis with Iran but, tricky as ever, refused to open its books to Iranian auditors or allow Iranians to sit on the board.

A grateful US massively funded the Shah's government, including his army and secret police force, SAVAK. Anglo-Iranian changed its name to British Petroleum in 1954. Mossadeq died on 5 March 1967.

Apologise? Hell no… Let’s demonise Iran!

But the West's fun came to an abrupt halt with the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and a great British enterprise that started heroically and turned nasty ended in tears.

The US is still hated today for reimposing the Shah and his thugs and demolishing the Iranians’ democratic system of government, which the Revolution unfortunately didn’t restore. The US is widely known by Iranians as Big Satan and its regional handmaiden Israel rejoices in the name Little Satan. Britain, as the instigator and junior partner in the sordid affair, is similarly despised.

Moreover, Iran harbours great resentment at the way the West, especially the US, helped Iraq develop its armed forces and chemical weapons arsenal, and how the international community failed to punish Iraq for its use of those weapons against Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. The US, and eventually Britain, leaned strongly towards Saddam in that conflict and the alliance enabled Saddam to more easily acquire or develop forbidden chemical and biological weapons. At least 100,000 Iranians fell victim to them.

This is how John King writing in 2003 summed it up…

“The United States used methods both legal and illegal to help build Saddam's army into the most powerful army in the Mideast outside of Israel. The US supplied chemical and biological agents and technology to Iraq when it knew Iraq was using chemical weapons against the Iranians. The US supplied the materials and technology for these weapons of mass destruction to Iraq at a time when it was know that Saddam was using this technology to kill his Kurdish citizens. The United States supplied intelligence and battle planning information to Iraq when those battle plans included the use of cyanide, mustard gas and nerve agents. The United States blocked UN censure of Iraq's use of chemical weapons. The United States did not act alone in this effort. The Soviet Union was the largest weapons supplier, but England, France and Germany were also involved in the shipment of arms and technology.”

While Iranian casualties were at their highest as a result of US chemical and biological war crimes Trump was busy acquiring the Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Trump Castle, his Taj-Mahal casino, the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan and was refitting his super-yacht Trump Princess. What does he know, understand or care about Iran?


973c42  No.6847874

File: 3c0d82406761388⋯.jpg (20.03 KB, 400x353, 400:353, 3c0d82406761388a8810d9d951….jpg)


>sick of this stupid nazi faggot´s who don´t know history,

ouch…you hurted me.

06636d  No.6847875

File: 0f39e29c69346b4⋯.png (189.67 KB, 1529x381, 1529:381, ClipboardImage.png)

Nothing is random. Q is here all the time.

863a7c  No.6847876

File: 58914aed03257a2⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, timmay 1.jpg)

File: f448f84bb7f70c9⋯.png (584.63 KB, 403x541, 403:541, tim geithner.PNG)


Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

Timothy Geithner has just run into a potentially serious obstacle on the road to his confirmation as Barack Obama's Treasury secretary.

Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee made public concerns about Geithner's tax obligations, which resulted in his recent payment of $42,702 in additional taxes and interest for tax years 2001 to 2004. In addition, the committee's report on the matter says that in 2005 Geithner employed a housekeeper for about three and a half months after her ability to work in the U.S. had lapsed.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., described Geithner's errors as "serious," but he said they were "honest mistakes" that "do not rise to the level of disqualification." Baucus also said Geithner corrected the problems as soon as he learned of them. The Montana Democrat wants to have a confirmation hearing on Friday because he says it's important to have a Treasury secretary on "day one." Obama's inauguration takes place Jan. 20.

But Geithner's tax troubles are more worrisome for his confirmation than Baucus lets on–and not just because the Internal Revenue Service is part of the Treasury Department.

According to the Senate committee's report, Geithner "recently filed amended tax returns" for each tax year from 2001 through 2006. However, the report doesn't specify when these returns were filed, leaving open the question about how long Geithner knew about the improprieties before he fixed them.

On Dec. 5, Obama's transition team told Finance Committee staff that Geithner hadn't paid social security or self-employment taxes on income received from the International Monetary Fund from 2001 to 2004, the report says. Three years ago, the IRS audited Geithner for tax years 2003 and 2004, which resulted in him paying back taxes and interest–but no penalties–totaling $16,732.

However, Geithner voluntarily amended his 2001 and 2002 returns only after Obama expressed interest in nominating him to the Treasury post. The total bill this time: $25,970.

Income taxes for U.S. citizens who work for the IMF can be tricky. The IMF doesn't withhold an employee's share of social security taxes, and all of the organization's employees are responsible for meeting their own tax obligations. The IMF gives its employees–Geithner included–direction on how to pay self-employment taxes. And Geithner, a former Treasury official who is now president of the New York Fed, has dealt with complicated tax issues before, the report notes.

Was Geithner previously aware of irregularities on his 2001 and 2002? Did he only correct them when it became evident that a congressional committee would likely scrub his tax records in anticipation of confirmation hearings? The report doesn't say. Officials from Obama's transition team were not immediately available to comment.

But there's another concern, related to three people who have worked for him as household help since 2004. "He did not obtain the required Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, from these persons at the time they were hired to verify their legal work status," the Finance Committee's report says.

Nonetheless, Geithner was apparently aware of their legal status–someone entered into an address book owned by the Geithners, the report says. The Geithners apparently made a record that one employee's legal work status expired in July 2005, though she "did not renew her legal work status and the Geithners did not follow up with the employee to confirm whether she had done so." The person remained on the family's payroll until October 2005.

For now at least, Obama is standing by Geithner, one of his most vaunted Cabinet nominees.

"The president-elect chose Tim Geithner to be his Treasury secretary because he's the right person to help lead our economic recovery during these challenging times," incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said in a statement. "He made a common mistake on his taxes and was unaware that his part-time housekeeper's work authorization expired for the last three months of her employment."

And Senate Democrats–including Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Charles Schumer of New York–are already starting to rally behind the nominee, who has been a major player in the government's response to the economic crisis.


27cfd2  No.6847877

File: f3dce79e81b4406⋯.png (253.24 KB, 435x455, 87:91, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-NFL Player Cierre Wood, Girlfriend Indicted on Murder, 20 Felony Child Abuse Charges

A former pro football player and his girlfriend have been indicted on murder and 20 felony child abuse charges in the death of the woman’s 5-year-old daughter, court officials said Tuesday.

Former NFL and Canadian Football League running back Cierre Marcelle Wood, 28, and Amy Taylor, 26, are accused of killing Taylor’s daughter, La’Rayah Davis, who was found lifeless on April 9 in Wood’s apartment.

Taylor and her daughter had moved in with Wood and his young daughter less than two weeks earlier.

A judge who heard evidence last month against Wood said it was clear that La’Rayah suffered before she died and that Wood and Taylor were responsible for her death.

The judge cited photos of numerous external bruises from what were described as finger-pokes to the girl’s abdomen, back, arms and legs. Autopsy findings showed La’Rayah had 20 newly broken ribs, internal bleeding, a lacerated liver and bruises to her heart, diaphragm and connective tissue.

Taylor told police she sat on the girl while disciplining her about a week before her death, according to court documents.

Wood told police he used exercise as discipline, and had La’Rayah do physical activities including running sprints in the apartment. On the day she died, La’Rayah fell backward while doing sit-ups and hit her head on the carpeted floor, he said.

Taylor told police she was at a grocery store at the time.

A scheduled bail hearing for Wood was called off after the indictment, filed June 14, moved the case to state court for trial with Taylor on charges that could get each of them life in prison if they’re convicted.


69b53c  No.6847878


Somewhere in CO a jeweller was offering a shotgun on top, if you bought their wedding rings.

I found that a bit macabre, when I saw their sign on the street.

93d670  No.6847879

File: bbbfa30bd4b2e3a⋯.png (735.33 KB, 930x619, 930:619, ClipboardImage.png)

Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

(Reuters) - A U.S. jury on Wednesday cleared California semiconductor designer CNEX Labs Inc of stealing trade secrets from Chinese electronics giant Huawei Technologies. Huawei had sued CNEX in U.S. District Court, Sherman, Texas, for misappropriation of trade secrets involving a memory control technology and for poaching its employees. A Huawei spokesman said the company was considering its next steps.


e162f7  No.6847880


He should call Epstein's lawyer. Who was Epstein's lawyer again?

09e227  No.6847881


I second that.

Good eye, anon!

Have seen corpses. Those are NOT corpses.


edd868  No.6847882


I like it.

970fb7  No.6847883


Just when you thought that stupid shit could NOT BE ANYMORE USELESS.

The resident cartoon jack off raises the bar !

c7ed8f  No.6847884

new reports about the Ukranian military aged man who (alledged) set an explosive trailer off after bikers last weekend: he flipped a tracktor trailor in Texas a few weeks ago, so says the Boston Herald.

I've thought for a while that this military aged man seemed more as a operator of a foreign power than any kind of 'migrant'.

seems as though we probably have hundreds of the 'good boy, he's a good boy' types probably with wives and children on welfare, under multiple identities in different states.

all just my speculation.

how many different states has this guy been in? Flipping trucks, killing Marines? Liz Warren, there is a problem.

f18ccd  No.6847885

File: 987f85f410e556b⋯.png (269.56 KB, 720x479, 720:479, lesbo.png)

File: e0fbc747259f74f⋯.jpg (548.78 KB, 900x1394, 450:697, baph.jpg)

File: c32f314d6728df1⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1085x781, 1085:781, MossBaph.png)

Do you see it?

69b53c  No.6847886


>The DEMS Bill proposes A 2 Year Pilot Program whereby the UN TAKES OVER OUR DETENTION CENTERS!

Or shorter:

Dems propose UN takeover

1f955b  No.6847887

File: 835c5082eb03d17⋯.png (238.39 KB, 848x624, 53:39, piedpiper.png)

File: 835c5082eb03d17⋯.png (238.39 KB, 848x624, 53:39, piedpiper.png)

William Barr is the Pied Piper

f07783  No.6847888


>the Jews called national socialists

socialists, there you have it same coin different side. case closed

>Same way the left today calls anybody to the right of George Will a nazi fascist who wants to kill six million Jews for no reason

yes the jew is using this shit and the holohoax is a lie, nevertheless hitler wasn´t the messias

daf1d3  No.6847889



Corrected spelling

944e00  No.6847890



Holy shit, these people are SICK! "2 year program to have UN take over border."


910a02  No.6847891


Plus, no tide to push them up on shore.

Plus, beer cans.

111791  No.6847892

File: 9ee18341085698a⋯.png (64.43 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cfdd5008b35abe⋯.png (89.76 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b04340d87ccfc7⋯.png (71.62 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Here the monkey Cummings uses a true, tried favorite line all of ALL these clowns in congress when they give their little speeches…..



FUCKING REALLY??????????????

I think NOT.

Same BS from Mr. Meadows today……..







Of any of these clowns in Congress.

STILL WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here I thought………………………..



f42742  No.6847893


>>The Nazis fought to save their nation and land, when almost everyone was against them.

>>Soviets had murdered tens of millions of their own citizens and Germans in Ukraine.

>>France and Britain were grabbing money and land.

>>Internally, the communists had already made revolutions and uprisings.

>>The NSDP couldn't even hold rallies or exercise their political rights because of leftist thugs.

>>Kinda like today.

>>So if it comes back to it, with communists and thugs running things, there is a time to fight.

>>So screw the handlers and Tossoffsophists, and whatever was misuderstood here of Qs questions.

>>Nazis fought rather than go out whimpering.

>>Good on them.

Yes. Thank you.


You don't want sauce. I already gave you one. Communism.in Germany. A book written by an American for Americans warning them about the antifa and bolsheviks that Hitler had to fight to gain power.

50346b  No.6847894

File: c15d8c702f92a5f⋯.png (437.87 KB, 476x602, 34:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d45de7f7fc7df7⋯.png (276.83 KB, 522x513, 58:57, ClipboardImage.png)

Tesla’s Head Of Auto Production Unexpectedly Quits

Tesla’s head of production in charge of all vehicle manufacturing at its Fremont factory, Peter Hochholdinger, has left the company, according to electrek.

Hochholdinger had come from Audi, where he was previously in charge of production for the Audi A4, A5 and Q5. At Audi, he oversaw more than 400,000 cars being built annually. Tesla touted his hire in 2016, sending out a press release at the time and saying they were “excited” to have him join the team. He was widely regarded as a veteran manufacturing executive that would lend credibility and much needed experience to the Model 3 manufacturing process.

His tenure at Tesla lasted barely over 3 years, which is basically a lifetime compared to many other executives who have departed the company in shorter order. Even the pro-Tesla bloggers at electrek couldn’t put a positive spin on Hochholdinger’s departure, stating:

While I often defend Tesla on their highly publicized executive departures, I think it’s fair to say that they had some significant talent exodus over the last year or so and now with Passin and Hochholdinger, it’s especially true for the production executive team.

Just seven days ago we reported that the company’s former VP of Human Resources and Head of Diversity, Felicia Mayo, had also left the company. Mayo nearly made it to her two year anniversary, but like many other departing executives, had enough and packed up in relatively short order.

Mayo was described as “one of a few black women leaders to break the glass ceiling and rise to executive ranks in a large, Silicon Valley tech firm.” According to the Kapor Center, less than 0.5% of Silicon Valley tech leadership positions are held by black women.

She was previously a VP at Juniper Networks before her move to Tesla, where she reported to Tesla’s vice president of people and places, Kevin Kassekert, and CEO Elon Musk.

Twitter seemed to take the news of Hochholdinger’s departure with slight skepticism.


f18ccd  No.6847895


EXACTLY. Note that there is NO discoloration of the skin- this man is NOT dead.

Also note the baby's diaper- parents know, if this diaper was immersed, it would blow up like a balloon. That's a fake child with a fake diaper.


392b4a  No.6847896


95% of our clown posts come from CIrAn.

Creepbot is CIrAnian.

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

[They always strike through a proxy]

[Source obscuration is cyber 101]

["Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy"]

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

>You attack those who threaten you the most




(John Bolton is /ourPerceptivePatriot/)

Shilling gets harder the more these Deep Sweeties are exposed~


fb7fa7  No.6847897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New T[][]L album drops Aug 30!

Maynard knows…

69b53c  No.6847898


In Grimm's Fairy Tales the Pied Piper leads the rats out of the rat infested city, frees the people from the rats.

0d57fb  No.6847899

‘’’ISAAC KAPPY MEGA DATA DUMP [download and archive]’’’


Rough overview of Kappy developments since his alleged suicide. Others have followed closer but just some texture for those getting involved now.

@Robert_QSentMe (Robert the Deplorable) had become a focal point of the anon investigation into the Kappy ‘suicide’. Evidently he had developed some personal connection or friendship with Kappy since he had appeared on the social media scene.

He started to think very clearly that Kappy had been driven to suicide, or it was a fake suicide/murder, and he had been pushed in this direction by the 2 roommates and the social network around them. One of the women claims she took Kappy in no charge. It’s one of the details that makes the whole thing appear scripted, like a social media ‘play’ mixed with real murder?

Much of Robert’s working theory involved close watching of Kappy’s later videos and the videos of the roommates. Apparently he was also in touch with all these people handling Kappy’s files and others somewhat close to the story, and he seemed confident law enforcement(FBI) was already looking into it and the case would be reopened.

In one of Kappy’s last videos he answers a comment to blink his eyelids twice to show he’s under duress. When asked if he’s alone he seems to hint ‘no’. In one video when he is purportedly alone, another man is heard quieting a dog just off camera. He pointed to missing teeth or something.

The videos of the roommates also seem odd, faked, awkward. They play with Kappy’s items without emotion. They aren’t serious about MAGA or Q issues, not serious about Kappy’s specific topics, not serious about losing someone close. Robert and others were noting that they seemed to have access to Kappy’s bank information in a computer of his that was apparently wiped.

‘’’DO a search for ‘Isaac Kappy roommates’ and watch the original videos and the analysis that has been done.’’’

He was aware this was dangerous territory and looking into it [think of the the topics IK was highlighting] was putting his life in danger. He said he was not suicidal and had protection. It was such an active situation that he was moving, commented on the secureness of his location, and also tweeted about a ‘doxxing’ where a sister/wife’s property had been visited but it was occupied by a tenant. (sorry going from memory of now-deleted account)

9fcb1c  No.6847900


So he had a shaky hand… that a crime?

99835e  No.6847901


he also says that he is proficient at spying on people

910a02  No.6847902


You idiots are unhinged.

89251c  No.6847903

File: 137f9955f1e5474⋯.jpg (188.77 KB, 800x533, 800:533, cuCq5M.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

9e9017  No.6847904

File: a23ffaa9ad7222c⋯.png (30.98 KB, 255x212, 255:212, trololo10.png)

0d57fb  No.6847905


In early June I returned to the @Robert_QSentMe account to see where the story had gone[he was waiting to release details from IK’s files, others reviewing it for safety] but instead the story had veered off. His twitter account name had been changed to @pureugliness411 (socialmediaisthedevil) and apparently taken over by Robert’s uncle since Robert had [!]attempted suicide by hanging, was in the hospital, still alive. LTV is following up on this aspect pretty well. But Robert and others had complaints about him not understanding the rest of story.

Now that twitter account has been taken down and all of Robert’s periscopes deleted. For several days Robert’s followers networked on his old posts and the few new ones from his supposed uncle, but with the account down plus Robert gone the tip of the spear of the anon’s Kappy investigation is broken off.

‘’’What is going on here?’’’

Some videos to help those getting into this topic now:

This anon video shows the bridge where Kappy’s suicide happened and makes the point(with images) that a similar bridge suicide in AZ received much more attention from first responders but Kappy’s event seems barely to have happened. There are no images of first responders at Kappy’s jump. Prove me wrong.
Footage From Isaac Kappy "Days In Story" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hIzZhLdwF4

‘’’Robert_QSentMe’s working theory from his periscope from around May 20, 2019’’’

Periscope account Please StopThePedos

Kappy's roommate & Neighbor busted? (do not think this guy killed himself)

Follow this guy I think he is over the target


*** Issac Kappy Case Reopened (Robert the Deplorable periscope only 1 week after Kappy death)

“it was a HIT. He was MURDERED… I’ve been threatened” … and now this guy is supposedly suicided.

MUST WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSDw2ihN5E0

In this he mentions that the FBI is reopening this, and that that is a fact. Also mentions that someone knows Seth Green.

@Robert_QSentMe periscope from around May 26, 2019, one week later


Perhaps the theory that he’s in witness protection makes sense.

Isaac Kappy was not alone during his last video Listen closely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m4wvR-2ok0

Kappy investigator https://twitter.com/MrMichaelDade account (Recommended/trusted by Robert) now also down.

Count me among the group who always thought Kappy seemed like he was just parroting the MAGA language. That you would just find 2 cool women in LA who would be warm and accepting of all this MAGA and QAnon also seems not just unlikely but implossible.

This other guy seemed to think Kappy was partially copying him & also has other interesting info

Kappy and Mindwars= they are blatantly mocking everyone. its satanism!


The sheriff of YT is actually kind of on it here, but unfortunately doesn’t know Q is legit

SharkBellyKelly 📌Places Herself Under International Investigation ✂️the Deplorable Qsentme CaseFile

Attention is rising around this event again lately https://twitter.com/BeThePlan/status/1143393283139198976

later fam, peace

f07783  No.6847906


>I already gave you one

no link no nothing, where´s that book ?

circlejerking each other doenst make it right you faggot

50346b  No.6847907

Conservative SCOTUS Justices move to overturn precedents raising questions on Roe v. Wade


The high court on Wednesday will consider a longstanding decision that gives power to federal agencies to tell businesses what their regulations actually mean.

But the recent tendency to overturn existing precedents has raised alarm bells among left-leaning activists and justices over fears that the landmark 1973 ruling on abortion rights could be next, Bloomberg reported.

“Today’s decision can only cause one to wonder which cases the court will overrule next,” dissenting Justice Stephen Breyer wrote last month after the high court overrode a 1979 precedent that states are shielded from private lawsuits in other states’ courts.

“Today’s decision can only cause one to wonder which cases the court will overrule next.”

— Justice Stephen Breyer

“Well, that didn’t take long,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote after another precedent was overruled. “Now one may wonder yet again.”

In such rulings, the so-called conservative bloc, consisting of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, formed a slim 5-4 majority.

This, despite the fact that President Trump’s nominees, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, went to great lengths during their confirmation hearings to reiterate their respect for the court’s precedents.

Kavanaugh said during his confirmation hearing that Roe v.

Wade was “an important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times,” adding that Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a 1992 abortion case, reaffirmed Roe’s central holding, as “precedent on precedent.”

It remains unclear how the high court might rule on the issues of abortion. Last month, the court turned away a case regarding abortions based on an unborn child’s race or gender.

But while the conservative bloc sometimes overturns cases, the Trump-appointed justices have exercised an independent streak and have sided with liberals on multiple rulings.

“The defining characteristic of both Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh is that they have a very solid judicial philosophy.

It’s not a political approach to the cases where you say what the outcome of this case is going to be and now find a judicial and legal rationale," Carrie Severino, with the conservative Judicial Crisis Network, told Fox News.

"It starts with the law, and it starts with how we interpret this law and using the same type of interpretive techniques regardless of what the real world political results may be, but having a consistent legal approach," she continued. "That doesn’t always lead to results that one might characterize as liberal or conservative."

"That doesn’t always lead to results that one might characterize as liberal or conservative.


daf1d3  No.6847908

File: 920c3110a7d453e⋯.jpeg (167.19 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, D1F80B06-FFB2-4A6A-9CB2-E….jpeg)

File: 9332d3d9a2ba137⋯.jpeg (29.76 KB, 328x250, 164:125, 7F65F13F-5209-4FC2-A66F-4….jpeg)

File: 8576f8949600595⋯.jpeg (82.91 KB, 720x479, 720:479, 6514E81F-F608-4100-8A3B-1….jpeg)

File: 7c9c5ecc80cef0d⋯.jpeg (77.62 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 8B9113C5-5BAF-4FEE-B182-E….jpeg)

File: 276907dd9b35a9c⋯.jpeg (131.42 KB, 876x675, 292:225, 9604BB87-3C77-4F66-8326-F….jpeg)


You bite your fucking tongue. MM is a saint.

9fcb1c  No.6847909


Niggas gon' Nig.

694e5d  No.6847910

File: 408026d470723f8⋯.jpg (101.22 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 3W66N4WZNNA3NKU46IXBNKZMFI.jpg)



0a5114  No.6847911

File: be528e187c00396⋯.jpg (383.46 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER31.jpg)

File: 530cabe4659fa3c⋯.jpg (345.86 KB, 800x600, 4:3, biden7.jpg)

File: bf6e32863f016d1⋯.jpg (179.98 KB, 800x600, 4:3, WALTER29.jpg)

99835e  No.6847912


Rosenstein is out and the Piper is in.

Is that Barrs handle? PIPER?

50346b  No.6847913

File: b56a3419d7e07b0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 899x555, 899:555, ClipboardImage.png)

daf1d3  No.6847914

File: 144b4480ae9a2f3⋯.jpeg (73.79 KB, 583x428, 583:428, 6B301852-A81A-4288-907C-C….jpeg)


Who did, Bette Midler?

111791  No.6847915

File: 8d9658eea33b76a⋯.png (47.35 KB, 255x212, 255:212, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6847904 No asshole that is you…I've been here since almost day one.

getting tired of the same old BS.

c7ed8f  No.6847916


people withdraw as they realize he's gone and he ain't coming back.

722f40  No.6847917


Dear newfag,

"Faggot" is a term of endearment here.

Also, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, …there you go. Free commas, so you can actually look as smart as you think you are.

You need to go back.

2ac91c  No.6847918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Juan O Savin says, "Don't buy (((their))) lie any moar." …

We're NOT letting one family run OUR Country any more…



2910ab  No.6847919

File: 8a42ee522e85c2e⋯.jpg (448.4 KB, 915x763, 915:763, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 08….JPG)

Could someone confirm?

Showing no military AC over Europe at the moment


99835e  No.6847920


>You idiots are unhinged.

it is kind of fun being unhingned sometimes

910a02  No.6847921


Makes it look even less likely that they are dead.

Tied up the boat.

Jumped back into the water.

7173f9  No.6847922


Nah. Major stretchy.

08e545  No.6847923

File: 7091148046f683f⋯.jpeg (386.6 KB, 1130x637, 1130:637, 5A190784-B3D2-4F03-A7BB-F….jpeg)

>>6847800 mouth breather. Q has already said Hitler was a puppet for the cabal

f40553  No.6847924

File: 0a9a91bfb0345f7⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1199x863, 1199:863, Screenshot_62.png)

94f3e6  No.6847925


Syrian boy all over again. Destroy civilization for a staged photo that manipulates emotions. Sad!

50346b  No.6847926

File: a54158433d23dad⋯.png (659.76 KB, 749x392, 107:56, ClipboardImage.png)

West Texas school bus driver charged with possessing child pornography

ODESSA, Texas — A West Texas school bus driver remains in federal custody following his June 19 arrest for possessing child pornography.

This arrest resulted from a joint investigation by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).

Reid Derrick Witcher, 45, was arrested after authorities executed a state search warrant at his Odessa home. According to the filed federal criminal complaint, Witcher said he has been downloading and viewing child pornography for about 10 years, and he possessed about 100,000 images of child pornography contained in electronic media. Agents found a binder inside Witcher’s house that contained about 125 photos of child pornography.

“Innocent children who are sexually exploited physically or through disseminated child pornography may suffer irreparable trauma,” said Jack P. Staton, special agent in charge of HSI El Paso. “Under our ongoing Operation Predator program, our HSI special agents continue to work jointly with our law enforcement partners to rescue victimized children, and aggressively target child predators for their heinous crimes.”

This investigation was conducted under HSI’s Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 19,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child exploitation material, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children. In fiscal year 2018, more than 3,000 child predators were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative and more than 850 victims were identified or rescued.

HSI encourages the public to report suspected child predators and any suspicious activity through its toll-free Tip Line at 1-866-DHS-2-ICE or by completing its online tip form. Both are staffed around the clock. From outside the U.S. and Canada, callers should dial 802-872-6199. Hearing impaired users can call TTY 802-872-6196. Suspected child sexual exploitation or missing children may be reported to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, an Operation Predator partner, via its toll-free 24-hour hotline, 1-800-THE-LOST. For additional information, download HSI’s Operation Predator smartphone app or visit the online suspect alerts page.

Odessa Police Department assisted with executing the arrest warrant on Witcher.

A criminal complaint is merely a charge and should not be considered as evidence of guilt. The defendant is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


694e5d  No.6847927

File: 52202cd86f72c7d⋯.jpg (401.8 KB, 736x460, 8:5, had to 16.jpg)

ccdc57  No.6847928

The biggest bombshell in history regarding the Clinton Foundation happened in his hearing and he hasn't uttered 1 single word about it since.

b61fd7  No.6847929

File: 5cb50339e2ec113⋯.jpg (259.56 KB, 1497x987, 499:329, Cloudflare down.jpg)


ADS-B down because of Cloudflare.

f42742  No.6847930

File: acc90e27c2174b8⋯.png (97.36 KB, 500x300, 5:3, serveimage (7).png)

File: 973541eff592382⋯.jpeg (243.74 KB, 740x400, 37:20, serveimage (27).jpeg)

File: 806febb70c7c574⋯.jpeg (167.18 KB, 622x343, 622:343, serveimage (28).jpeg)

File: b7344a583b41b74⋯.jpeg (87.83 KB, 845x394, 845:394, serveimage (26).jpeg)


Hitler's definition of socialist is very different than the commie version.

910a02  No.6847931


That's how you know there's an active investigation going on.

You do know that there is an active investigation going on, don't you?

And that the HRC emails were in Comey's office the entire time?

450f82  No.6847932

File: b8b126cec368009⋯.jpg (64.85 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1024x768.jpg)


what id the child is akshully a doll?

4a233a  No.6847933


And crying girl who was picked up immediately and taken with her mom right after photo. No separation.

f40553  No.6847934

File: 531a57012a72cfb⋯.png (71.43 KB, 424x352, 53:44, lollolpnt.png)



dubl cheezbrgrs!

That's the ticket!

1f42d6  No.6847935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep Crenshaw vs google

111791  No.6847936

>>6847908 Sorry but, I've been here since almost day one.

getting tired of the same old BS.

Then let's see him be BETTER THAN THAT

3b3726  No.6847937

This dude sounds as screwed up as Kappy was in his last video


cefec8  No.6847938


I wonder what else was destroyed?

In a follow-up to the Times’ original investigative piece of two weeks ago, journalist Jody Rosen has dug deeper and reported a list of more than 700 additional artists whose tapes were destroyed, culled from

UMG’s own “Project Phoenix”

effort to assess what was lost in the months and years following the devastating blaze.

2575d4  No.6847939

File: 48718930e82e932⋯.jpeg (729.26 KB, 1125x2301, 375:767, AAA3E74A-9F42-49B0-BC2B-6….jpeg)


973c42  No.6847940

File: ef5f3449dbcf42e⋯.png (360.37 KB, 561x503, 561:503, mushroooooooomzzzz.png)


history channel says so…wow!

it must be true!

03c2ce  No.6847941


It's just leafy.

Hardly worth sperging like a newfag about it.

108876  No.6847942

File: 7c568473d36580b⋯.jpg (798.29 KB, 1011x1720, 1011:1720, Screenshot_20190626-135611….jpg)

1f42d6  No.6847944


Was thinking same thing, getting rid of rats

2ac91c  No.6847945

File: 0202b612f7a5c6e⋯.jpg (225.52 KB, 787x1043, 787:1043, G20PressCall.jpg)

My summary from Background Press Call on

President's Visit to the G20 Summit

and to the Republic of Korea

G20 is primarily an economic forum held over two-days. The basic agenda in Japan follows:

Official welcome and family photo session.

Four working group sessions.

1) Growth, trade, and investment.

2) The digital economy and AI.

3) Women's workforce participation, the future of work, and the aging crisis.

4) Environment, energy, and climate.

Two side events.

1) The digital economy, and

2) Women's empowerment.

G20 presidency press conference.

Closing session

Ivanka Trump will attend both (and keynote one) of the Women's Empowerment events.

While at G20 Summit, POTUS will conduct a number of meetings with world leaders, including:

Prime Minister Morrison of Australia,

Prime Minister Abe of Japan,

Prime Minister Modi of India,

Chancellor Merkel of Germany,

President Putin of Russia,

Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia,

President Xi Jinping, China, and

President Erdogan, Turkey.

After the G20, POTUS will travel Seoul, South Korea. He'll have a full schedule the evening on July 29th, and then the following day, Sunday, June 30th.

Lots moar at link:


b61fd7  No.6847946

File: 0c63ee6da5c0aa2⋯.jpg (261.9 KB, 1261x915, 1261:915, Cloudflare down 26 Jun 19 ….jpg)


Latest Cloudflare outage map. It's getting worse.

99835e  No.6847947


I think he has his arm under him because the stick was poking his stomach.

and I don't think the girl would drown with her arm still around her dad's neck. Girl probably fell asleep and he posed with her while she slept

also if you read the story, they were not destitute.

they were in an asylum holding camp already.

94f3e6  No.6847948


Sad we still have cuckservatives here who unironically say "dems r real racists," and "nazis r real leftists"

e03bfe  No.6847949

this is not a game

…..but this board is full of useless shit

f18ccd  No.6847950


Yep- could be one of those child CPR dummys but your pic is possible as well.

The 'father' isn't dead- skin color says so.

Child's diaper woulda been blown up like a balloon in the water and it' not. Fake kid, fake diaper. FF FAIL

(you could get the adult to act dead in the water but not the child so they use a dummy)

f763d6  No.6847951



>>6847785, >>6847814 Planefag update

>>6847610 Notre-Dame fire: Prosecutor says no sign of criminal cause

>>6847642,>>6847718 Barr Our promise to 'counter'

>>6847731 BlackBerry violates SEC rules with use of non-standard metrics

>>6847792 Senate passes 4.6B ER border spending bill

>>6847819 Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. Drops 65 Percent Since Trump-Mexico Deal

>>6847841 Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

>>6847861 former usc gynecologist dr george-tyndall-who-is-accused-of-molesting-hundreds-of-patients-over-a-period-of-several-decades-has-been-arrested-by-lapd

>>6847876 Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

>>6847879 Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

>>6847887 anons Barr pied piper

>>6847899, >>6847905 Isaac Kappy Dig

>>6847907 Conservative SCOTUS Justices move to overturn precedents raising questions on Roe v. Wade

>>6847926 West Texas school bus driver charged with possessing child pornography

cefec8  No.6847952


Do we know what music he was playing that will be important?

2910ab  No.6847953

910a02  No.6847954


Items on the real agenda

1. Iran

2. Norks

3. ChiComms

4. Trade

caa917  No.6847955


Assange's dead man's switch?

f42742  No.6847956


I don't care what "Q" says. It's a lie.

The truth is too sensitive to "national security". AKA the lies of the USA during WWII and it's aftermath.


It's free online. Unless the Jews have completely banned it.

910a02  No.6847957

File: ee249edd3a9b5a5⋯.png (356.57 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

96fb0b  No.6847958


Run him like a blade

Cater to the hollow

Blade runner

Black hole sun

f07783  No.6847959


can i get an original quote instead of shitty english propaganda ?

519a7f  No.6847960

File: 2c0fb566caaca85⋯.png (144.17 KB, 594x998, 297:499, ClipboardImage.png)

Sick how the fake news never mentions the mass graves of students executed in Mexico by the cops, and now Canada.


9e9017  No.6847961

File: d7d9b9204222200⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 409x583, 409:583, ConcernShills.jpg)

6f1cc4  No.6847962

can I ask you Anon's to tweet "Deutsche bank collapses" starting at 1700hrs UTC, which is noon edt.. we can attempt to see if we can cause a flash crash. pass the word along if you wanta help.. just tweet that message at or soon after 1700hrs.

1ba0b1  No.6847963

File: c279a62c9dd29ad⋯.jpg (98.2 KB, 735x1024, 735:1024, Hitler piece of shit.jpg)

f18ccd  No.6847964


>also if you read the story, they were not destitute.

Anon posted pb of pic of both at a kid center having a fabulous time- smiles all around. Seemed happy so why'd they leave a good life. <rhetorical

450f82  No.6847965


Barr re-emerged onstage and tucked a bagpipe under his arm as the crowd of government attorneys laughed and applauded. A low drum beat sounded and the traditional bagpipe march

"Scotland the Brave"

began with Barr joining in. The crowd gave him a standing ovation at the end of the performance.

Barr takes the bagpipe very seriously – he's been playing since before his legal career began. Barr was a member of the now defunct U.S.-based Grade 2 Denny & Dunipace Pipe Band – which later evolved into the Scottish & Irish Imports and City of Washington – from the early-1980s until the early-1990s. Barr played with the band in a number of competitions, including the World Championships.

Soon afterward, Barr joined the Bush administration to serve his first stint as attorney general, effectively putting his competitive piping career on hold.

Barr later went on to serve as a board member of the U.S. Piping Foundation, an organization that supports competitions for bagpipers, from January 2017 to December 2018.


9e9017  No.6847966

caa917  No.6847967


Duncan RCMP, anon. Start digging there. They protect bikers and pedos.

93d670  No.6847968

File: 644ea37812eab2f⋯.png (523.59 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

3 steps to a winning G-20 for Trump and Japan's Abe

This month’s Group of 20 (G-20) meeting in Osaka, Japan could be a welcome turning point for President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Abe. Having failed to strike an agreement at their recent summit, both leaders face intense pressure to deliver a “win.” Compromise and accommodation may be quaint notions nowadays, but to Trump and Abe, they represent the best opportunities for leaving the G-20 meeting with something worthwhile to show for it.

Japan was an economic juggernaut 30 years ago. Having suffered from decades of stagnation, economic growth under Abe remains tepid despite the prime minister’s well-designed regulatory reforms and other long-overdue measures to reinvigorate the Japanese economy. Much of Japan’s problem is demographic; it’s difficult to produce strong and sustained economic growth with an elderly and shrinking population. That said, Japan can do more to grow its economy. Economic growth results when a country expands its labor force and provides that labor with the training and tools to be productive. Government policies that inhibit labor supply growth, or that undermine productivity, are detrimental to economic growth. Accordingly, repealing those policies would boost growth.

Step 1: Trump and Abe can boost long-term economic growth for both the U.S. and Japan by radically lowering tariff and non-tariff trade barriers. Publicly committing at the G-20 to the ratification of a U.S.-Japan Free Trade Agreement within two years would give both Trump and Abe unambiguous wins and, perhaps more importantly, provide additional leverage to both countries in their trade dealings with the rest of the world. For that to happen, both countries need to be more accommodating than ever before. The Japanese agricultural and U.S. automotive sectors, long sticking points in trade negotiations, are ripe for a healthy dose of competition. Call it the “zero solution:” zero tariffs on U.S. agriculture and autos paired with zero tariffs on Japanese agriculture and autos.

Step 2: Prime Minister Abe should announce a fundamental shift in Japan’s approach to economic growth: Less government planning, more private innovation;

less regulation and fewer subsidies;

more freedom to hire and fire employees as needed;

less government spending;

lower taxes on everything; and

most importantly, far more emphasis on policies to coax workers into the labor force and to arm them with the training and tools to be productive.

Japanese governments spent decades chasing economic growth with deficit spending on infrastructure and public-sector projects. The results have been worse than disappointing. Since 1992, Japan’s economy has grown by less than 1 percent per year on average. Consequently, Japanese economic growth rates lagged the United States for all but two years since 1992. Because Japan’s debt has grown while its economy has not, Japan’s gross debt has exploded to more than 250 percent of GDP. By comparison, gross U.S. federal debt — while still too high — totals only somewhat more than 100 percent of GDP.

Step 3: President Trump is (rightly) encouraging America’s international allies to shoulder more of the burden of our common defense. Were Prime Minister Abe to commit to accelerating Japan’s planned increase in defense spending — from 0.9 percent of GDP in 2017 to 1.3 percent or more by 2024 — and were President Trump to reiterate the centrality of the U.S.-Japanese alliance to international security, both leaders could leave the G-20 as undeniable winners. It is said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. But, with three single steps, President Trump and Prime Minister Abe can dominate the news coming out of the upcoming G-20 summit and demonstrate to the world that the U.S. and Japan are great together again.


7173f9  No.6847969

c68ade  No.6847970

File: 03ac5c0f6f40c6b⋯.png (71.48 KB, 503x702, 503:702, 563.png)

File: ddd563e4d302e2c⋯.png (20.57 KB, 377x347, 377:347, 925.png)

File: 8b4986b2ce267f0⋯.png (32.91 KB, 386x443, 386:443, 2174.png)

File: 2eebe5c6a56a177⋯.png (176.83 KB, 792x1368, 11:19, 2436.png)

File: 7f7baadc2924529⋯.png (63.37 KB, 400x800, 1:2, 2994.png)

Because this is not about race, religion or political parties…..

Anyone who argues otherwise may just have a different agenda….

cb2e67  No.6847971

File: 4ef61ee63edb39e⋯.png (550.86 KB, 570x409, 570:409, ClipboardImage.png)

f40553  No.6847972

File: 6548b6cc98ba9e0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 728x996, 182:249, RaccoonGirl.png)

1f42d6  No.6847973


Heads can totally still breathe. Think white helmets and the “staged photo ops” and also think to the company that made the supposed beheading videos. Bet they are connected to this also.

daf1d3  No.6847974

File: 6ffdb121fe654e3⋯.jpeg (43.56 KB, 408x306, 4:3, 51E60EE0-6B71-45C4-86DC-4….jpeg)

694e5d  No.6847975

File: 7de3f4de6e75565⋯.jpg (73.1 KB, 1094x711, 1094:711, rio.JPG)

Quick dig will show many drown crossing the Rio Grande river…just not widely reported until it's politically advantageous.


f42742  No.6847976


Sad indeed. Dinesh Disinfo understanding of the world. It makes you feel good but it's ultimately untrue and stupid.


Shut up faggot

53f8b4  No.6847977


Market manipulation so you can make a few bucks? That would be a no.

910a02  No.6847978



58f1a9  No.6847979


No.. leafy is the mossadfag who swapped over to the

>muh iran

narrative recently


99835e  No.6847980

Trump attorney is on CNN now

jay sekulow

2910ab  No.6847981

File: 62012cf32679e55⋯.jpg (811.75 KB, 1542x742, 771:371, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 09….JPG)

3da2a2  No.6847982


Why did he make so many horrible decisions that led to excessive losses of his own military?

Being a Cabal puppet makes more sense than the official "his story".

9f2d2d  No.6847983

File: cce2f6cf8bb2bdb⋯.png (215.96 KB, 453x480, 151:160, No stopping the declas.png)

f6f477  No.6847984

File: 8c2c07710a75223⋯.jpg (34.85 KB, 632x191, 632:191, Screenshot 2019-06-26_16-0….jpg)

Federal officials have reportedly charged 14 members of a San Pedro, California, based gang who are accused of trafficking narcotics out of bars and a hotel.

The charges come as part of a joint operation between the federal government and the state of California in an effort to curb the Rancho San Pedro street gang’s activity. The main federal indictment, which charges 13 defendants, outlined a narcotics trafficking conspiracy in which gang members and their associates allegedly distributed methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine and opioids, while using violence and firearms to maintain their drug trafficking territory.

A second indictment charges one member of Rancho San Pedro, shot caller Alexander Gallardo, 31, with possessing ammunition after being convicted of a domestic violence offense, a charge that carries with it a statutory maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison.

Four of the defendants were taken into federal custody today, while seven others are in state custody, and three others are currently fugitives.


cefec8  No.6847985

File: 4f99b6d04582960⋯.jpg (209.31 KB, 800x1148, 200:287, Scots_Wha_hae_wi'_Wallace_….jpg)


ty Anon

Hark when the night is falling

Hear! Hear the pipes are calling,

Loudly and proudly calling,

Down thro' the glen.

There where the hills are sleeping,

Now feel the blood a-leaping,

High as the spirits of the old Highland men.

Towering in gallant fame,

Scotland my mountain hame,

High may your proud standards gloriously wave,

Land of my high endeavour,

Land of the shining river,

Land of my heart for ever,

Scotland the brave.

50346b  No.6847986

File: 5b1da237c8251c8⋯.png (547.78 KB, 657x871, 657:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53ecb72b0f7c9b8⋯.png (587.41 KB, 637x858, 49:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a238abcfd0c143⋯.png (46.59 KB, 641x794, 641:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0f1bb065c1eb2e⋯.png (27.91 KB, 655x437, 655:437, ClipboardImage.png)

Declaring Netanyahu’s time as up, Ehud Barak announces formation of new party

Former premier pans Blue and White leadership for lack of passion needed to convince voters in the last campaign, says size of blocs, not individual parties will determine winner

Declaring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political career to be over, his predecessor and former coalition partner Ehud Barak announced the establishment of a new political party on Wednesday that will compete in the September elections.

“We have come here today to announce the establishment of a new party that will work to reform the country and society… This is not the time to remain sitting on the sidelines,” Barak said at a press conference in Tel Aviv with his partners, former IDF deputy chief of staff Yair Golan, law professor Yifat Biton and entrepreneur Kobi Richter.

“Netanyahu has reached the end [of his career],” said Barak, claiming even the prime minister’s associates were well aware of this.


f07783  No.6847987


k you don´t have 1 and the other faggot posted a propaganda book written in 1933, man i gotta tell you, your prooofs are weak as fuck

8ff519  No.6847988

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)


> (some)

874dd1  No.6847989

File: be87d1c7ad2b644⋯.png (107.85 KB, 1007x640, 1007:640, Screenshot_2019-06-26 My S….png)

KHOZAN MARU V next to damaged tanker KOKUKA COURAGEOUS with a tug and an anchor handling vessel nearby. This looks like cargo transfer before KOKUKA COURAGEOUS can be drydocked for inspection and repairs.

Both KOKUKA COURAGEOUS and FRONT ALTAIR remain a the Fujairah Anchorage, United Arab Emerates

519a7f  No.6847990

File: 5a15c430453af24⋯.jpg (50.3 KB, 526x500, 263:250, 5a15c430453af24a54e916ad86….jpg)

File: 3a3fa747710e725⋯.png (12.17 KB, 233x179, 233:179, 6789e524dfca1166a43fbb1023….png)

File: 664764cda6c159a⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 750x415, 150:83, 664764cda6c159ab46812c906f….jpg)

File: 5c15edb6afe1a63⋯.jpg (15.68 KB, 236x339, 236:339, 1561506728420.jpg)

3b3726  No.6847991


>>6847937 see below. Related problems??

910a02  No.6847992


Thank you, Mr. President.

e211c8  No.6847993


No it is. The cabal is Jewish.

fb70a3  No.6847994


As great as that pic is…anons don't post Barron

1f42d6  No.6847995


Was trying to find out


You bastid! How you find it! Kek i couldnt, must have just came out. 👍👍👍

8ff519  No.6847996

File: f66f12df6be5344⋯.png (193.56 KB, 567x440, 567:440, FappinFags.png)

>>6847970 ←-JIDF CUCK SHILL

cb2e67  No.6847998


Real agenda

Israel + (Soros+ C_A clowns+ 5eyes)

910a02  No.6847999

File: 6e3040d8f16462c⋯.png (46.67 KB, 1060x576, 265:144, ClipboardImage.png)

f10dd8  No.6848000


I'd bet both of those monstrosities are full of poison pills, so they can be used against POTUS later. Typical swamp behavior. He should task Miller with going through it with a fine tooth comb, and then tweet out all the bullshit they threw in.

Just saw the UN bit, that should be highlighted immediately!

e211c8  No.6848001



69b53c  No.6848002


Merkel wrote Macron a letter: she wants the Mercosur Deal. Now.

Macron wants to protect his agriculture from the products of the Mercosur states.


Are Trump and Abe interested in a Mercosur deal?

f07783  No.6848003

File: 288ad415b7dec7e⋯.png (375.65 KB, 704x396, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

99835e  No.6848004

I don't think they will start impeachment proceedings because they have nothing and Mueller's report is nothing to base it on _sekulow

"We have no impeachment rebuttal plans in place"

392b4a  No.6848005

File: 5b81edb25e8cc9e⋯.jpeg (180.83 KB, 1920x1125, 128:75, Boo.jpeg)


Relax, there's nothing to be afraid of~

You CIrAnians have the best missles, there's no one better!

dc5bfe  No.6848006


You mean that they are fake Jews, right?

The original Jews don't even exist anymore.

f40553  No.6848007

File: fe7006db0fdce23⋯.png (229.59 KB, 620x628, 155:157, lolbdnpns.png)


sucky sucky cocky cocky.

6f1cc4  No.6848008


no skin in the game, want to see how the algorithms handle such, want to find a way to be proactive, think about it, does the stock markets judge by what is tweeted? I am going to, and hearing others will happily do so..so, think about it.

3b3726  No.6848009

File: 6c719aa316ed257⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 279x181, 279:181, CyberWar.jpg)

For all PatriotAnons

549f05  No.6848010



Among others, Jessie Liu and Huber are sitting in the front row here

f763d6  No.6848011

Baker needs hand off, must go ghost

at next dough

3b3726  No.6848012


Cyber Warfare

50346b  No.6848013

File: dd61609ca5600ad⋯.png (415.83 KB, 999x904, 999:904, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc9f06dec8a3ce3⋯.png (117.29 KB, 1003x800, 1003:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cf5d8ca971b1f1⋯.png (286.63 KB, 1011x771, 337:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a1e86f5cd668c0c⋯.png (267.53 KB, 1021x821, 1021:821, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcc5f17ff4cd6ac⋯.png (82.53 KB, 1048x581, 1048:581, ClipboardImage.png)

When they say that Israel did 9/11, they really mean it.

Israel Did 9-11– A Who’s Who

“Know what all these people have in common?

And I do mean ALL of them. Figure it out yet? Yeah.

They ain’t Muslims. …They’re Jews.

They go to the synagogue-Synagogue of Satan, that is.

They all have ties to ‘Israel’, either as dual-citizens,

committed Zionist fundraisers or both.

This is only the tip of the iceBERG too.”

Proof that the US is a colony of Israel, capital of the Rothschild’s NWO.

(Disclaimer- These men belong to Organized Jewry. The average Jew has as much say

as the average American over the actions of the subverted US government. And, as Greg reminds us in the

First Comment below, the whole American political class, and media are complicit in the cover-up. Not to mention that the CIA and who knows how many other agencies collaborated with the Israelis.)

Israel Did 9-11 and Anyone who thinks Otherwise is an Idiot

by Jonathan Azaziah

It’s been 17 long, hard and savagely bloody years that have left tens of millions murdered, maimed and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Mali, Nigeria and occupied Kashmir.

GWOT, the Global War on Terror, has raped the world. And it’s all because of what happened at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on this day, September 11th, in 2001.

T.H.E.Y. — The Hebrews Enslaving You — told you, the Goyim, i.e. the 99% majority here on this beautiful little sphere of blue and green called Earth, that Muslims did it. That’s right. …YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME…

These are just SOME- you read that right, SOME-of the names that the Monsters don’t want you to call out when you’re discussing 9/11:

Benjamin Netanyahu(real name: Mileikowsky) – 24 hours after the 9/11 attacks, he said that they were “very good” then said later that, “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” Godfather of GWOT with his think tank, the Jonathan Institute, and his book,“Terrorism: How the West Can Win”. Inaugurated the 100-year war against what he called “militant Islam” and revealed as much in June 2012. Previously worked in a nuclear smuggling ring called Project Pinto. War criminal.

Ehud Barak(real name: Brog) – Traveled to the United States and spent about 6 months preceding 9/11 as a chief consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, a shadowy Mossad-run company that does big business with firms that created advanced niche specialty metals and complex metal products for defense industries in the fields of energy, aerospace, infrastructure and chemicals. Among these products are nano-composite explosives laced with thermite, used to blow up the Twin Towers. Barak was on the BBC minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 hit the WTC to literally announce the “clash of civilizations” and call for attacks on Iraq, Iran, Libya and Afghanistan. War criminal.


f6f477  No.6848014

File: 9faf7397a09d1a2⋯.jpg (63.91 KB, 638x292, 319:146, Screenshot 2019-06-26_16-1….jpg)

House counters


450f82  No.6848015

File: a76c2a41880a5d3⋯.png (75.3 KB, 779x377, 779:377, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

The TunnelDwellerDoubleSpeaks;

calls Bernie's 2016 stolen primary debacle a "messy DNC process":

Except one said it even after he won. The other said it after a messy DNC process.

responding to:

Bernie Sanders, like Donald Trump, believes he would have done better in 2016 if not for a “system” that was “rigged”:



c912ad  No.6848016

File: 54a6c9f7c892804⋯.png (366.26 KB, 500x655, 100:131, qmossad.png)


←- How come you never post this one?

Why was "our greatest ally" attacking POTUS?

5dc9ba  No.6848017

File: 5cc5dff4ef61735⋯.jpg (225.79 KB, 798x853, 798:853, Screenshot_420.jpg)

File: 8a033521f1e5acc⋯.jpg (180.43 KB, 787x551, 787:551, Screenshot_421.jpg)

File: c974db2b0f91782⋯.jpg (31.89 KB, 753x106, 753:106, Screenshot_418.jpg)


99835e  No.6848018

tapper, CCC is indirectly telling us the photo is staged when he just said

==" the dramatic photo of a TODDLER'S ARM 'DRAPED' ACROSS HER FATHER"

sounds like a script

f42742  No.6848019

File: f85602674b57ca6⋯.jpg (115.85 KB, 626x500, 313:250, 341o8v.jpg)

File: c891000c839ce92⋯.jpg (261.24 KB, 1767x741, 31:13, c891000c839ce922db4b79f0ee….jpg)

File: 0c41fc50a9d6f50⋯.jpeg (666.53 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 5a0558aeb3742f2d33b26e716….jpeg)

File: 0223471dd7431a3⋯.jpeg (87.96 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 17385d025d897a2c5806244c0….jpeg)

File: 357c8bc5118da8c⋯.png (8.75 KB, 255x210, 17:14, b9a2998a648f4f93805ad67dd9….png)


Q lied. Get over it.


Ha. Gay.

cb2e67  No.6848020

File: 7e06eea9e153a1f⋯.png (405 B, 49x15, 49:15, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6847999 think mirror

daf1d3  No.6848021

File: 1c456e2b253bf50⋯.jpeg (71.77 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 03BF124E-1A3C-414F-8F2A-C….jpeg)

f6f477  No.6848022

File: c5d159e230274f8⋯.jpg (29.02 KB, 606x145, 606:145, Screenshot 2019-06-26_16-1….jpg)

At least one person has been killed after a shooting inside a parking deck at the Riverchase Galleria Mall in Birmingham, Alabama.

First responders say that they arrived to reports of a shooting on the fifth floor of the parking garage. There, they found a male suffering a gunshot wound, who later died due to his injuries.

Witnesses say that they heard five or six shots during the incident. Police have not identified a suspect at this time.

Source: 1 killed in Riverchase Galleria parking deck shooting – al.com


1aad5e  No.6848023


>a winning G-20


we need public action based on Q drops

nothing else matters now IMO

all falls on deaf ears

changes nothing

stalemate is is

very stale

722f40  No.6848024

>>6847762 That damn cat has proved useful more than once.

Maybe put out a bowl of milk?

58f1a9  No.6848025


Yes leafy, please continue stoking the neocohen fires of war with your talk of missiles and shiiieett. because that's exactly what this has always been about isn't it…

a971cc  No.6848026


If you don’t know how the process works, then you’re a shill!!! Bloody fucking bitch period. <—-$

8f9478  No.6848027

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Execs from Google, Facebook, Twitter testify before Congress


habbened earlier today

opens with white supremacists shot up mosque

steering committee wants to drive you

f07783  No.6848028

File: 72e5001b7ca5679⋯.png (383.74 KB, 704x396, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q lied. Get over it.

you don´t get it do you ?

it´s not about Q you shithead faggot, it´s about the truth

694e5d  No.6848029


Week Sauce on last post….re-due…

Drowning Victims in Rio Grande

Authorities say the autopsies of five people whose bodies were pulled from the Rio Grande show they were drowning victims.

The five unidentified people were believed to be illegal immigrants who died while trying to cross the river.

US authorities recovered the bodies of four men and one woman Monday night after a Mexican fisherman reported them.

The bodies were found in a rural area below the Falcon Dam about 65 miles northwest of McAllen.

A Starr County investigator says yesterday's autopsies ruled out homicide.

Authorities say they'll continue to try to identify the victims, who were not carrying I-D cards.

The most recent statistics show 38 drownings from the Border Patrol's El Paso to Rio Grande Valley sectors between October of 2005 and September 15th of this year.


9e9017  No.6848031

File: a7b462db628bd2c⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 178x255, 178:255, shilly.jpg)

File: f3fcddfdfe299c7⋯.png (4.24 KB, 187x141, 187:141, Filter.png)

File: d6a070267630148⋯.png (1.25 MB, 978x617, 978:617, comfee.png)

/ / / The problem / / / / / / / / / / / / The solution / / / / / / / / / / / / The reward ///

973c42  No.6848032

File: 72f4f4b2acb53aa⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 72f4f4b2acb53aa7678107f368….gif)


was a vegetarian…awful!

you win!

50346b  No.6848034

File: 26ca1221d759cb7⋯.png (74.13 KB, 702x915, 234:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39253cf7b133466⋯.png (65.16 KB, 667x921, 667:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca13fb2ef682c1c⋯.png (58.94 KB, 681x921, 227:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41933d9ce12148d⋯.png (79.16 KB, 686x911, 686:911, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eca7136f78edc6f⋯.png (78.96 KB, 654x923, 654:923, ClipboardImage.png)


Summary of W. Tarpley’s Table: “The 46 Drills, War Games and Activities of 9/11” (http://tarpley.net/docs/drills_of_911.pdf)

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, June 8, 2016

ETK Introduction:

The following information validates the hypothesis that Operation 9/11 was primarily an “inside job” (See my 2002 article: “Reflections on the Origins of 9/11,” this website). Indeed, the drills prove that much, if not most, of American military/intelligence played some role in carrying out this “false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terrorist attack.” Startling revelations from the following information include: 1) the U.S. military secretly threatened to unleash its nuclear weapons against Russia and Chine in order to intimidate these nations so they would not retaliate for invading Afghanistan and Pakistan, and 2) Since some of the drills on September 11th involved actual implementation of continuity of government (COG) protocols and procedures (the first and only time in history), it is reasonable to speculate that 9/11 itself functioned as a drill for ushering in COG and military dictatorship in response to an even larger, future (contrived) “false-flag, state-sponsored, synthetic terrorist attack” against the U.S.

Agencies Involved in the 9/11 Coup of 2001:

1) NORAD = North American Aerospace Defense Command- (Wikipedia: combined organization of the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for North America)

2) NEADS = Northeastern Air Defense Sector

3) SEADS= Southeastern Air Defense Sector

4) STRATCOM = U.S. Strategic Command (Wikipedia: United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is one of nine Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Department of Defense (DoD). It is charged with space operations (such as military satellites), information operations (such as information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.)

5) AWACS = Air Warning and Control System

Pentagon MASCAL- Pentagon “mass casualty project” (contingency exercise held by Secretary of Defense between Oct. 24 and 26, 2000. The exercise required emergency response teams, members of the defense protective services, and U.S. government officials to conduct emergency simulations in preparation for a possible plane crash into the Pentagon.)

6) NRO: National Reconnaissance Office

7) Air Combat Command

8) US Space Command

9) U.S. SOCOM: U.S. Special Operations Command

10) U.S. CENTCOM: U.S. Central Command

11) USJFCOM: U.S. Joint Forces Command

12) FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency

13) DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency

14) LIWA:

15) FBI:

16) NY OEM: Office of Emergency Management

17) NY Police and Fire Departments

18) FAA: Federal Aviation Administration

19) Coast Guard

20) Army

21) Navy

23) P2OG: Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group

24) U.S. Dept. of Transportation

25) US Air Force Bases: Andrews AFB, Nellis AFB, Nevada; Offutt AFB, Nebraska; Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; Whiteman AFB, Missouri, Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, OH; Keflavik AFB, Iceland, Dobbins AFB, Georgia;

26) New York City

27) Forts: Fort Belvoir, Fort Monmouth, NJ,

28) Miami Dade County Police Dept.

29) Westmorland Co., Pennsylvania (Shanksville)

30) Cheyenne Mountain, CO (NORAD)

31) Fiduciary Trust Co. of WTC, 97th floor South Tower



fd8e57  No.6848035

File: 6b5cab13d981b9f⋯.jpg (123.78 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, LookingTruth00.jpg)

dc9c1e  No.6848036


july 16 1969 launch of Apollo 11

50 years and a day

july 16 1999 supposed death JFK jr

20 years and a day.

Some ancient holiday around that time

Not just the "Dog Days" from ancient Egypt


"The Dog Days of summer are traditionally the 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11"

1f42d6  No.6848037

File: 7a5b5bd16cddde6⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, CD7144AA-D59C-4CEA-9F2C-68….png)

File: 7d110ef809ce798⋯.png (682.33 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 18B6E6CC-303A-490B-8895-25….png)

File: 47a039cd2e36cfd⋯.jpeg (635.74 KB, 1241x2208, 1241:2208, D9CAFDA4-8C23-4143-93A9-B….jpeg)

File: 091d533360fcfbc⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3DF6D7BD-C7E8-4249-AE9B-0….jpeg)

File: 68f9e99a3317109⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A8B12DF8-5931-4DE9-8AD9-0….jpeg)


YES ITS Wiki.. blow me.

392b4a  No.6848039


Missles, Deep Sweetie.


50346b  No.6848040

File: 641a0f74d4e813c⋯.png (42.53 KB, 664x561, 664:561, ClipboardImage.png)


In “Holy Serpent of the Jews,” Marrs summarizes the geo-political reality behind Operation 9/11:

“The Jewish neocons who control America and are now implementing the New World Order realize that their historic mission is to invent wars and to destroy culture. By way of this “creative destruction,” the neocons expect that Satan will be encouraged to establish his long sought for Kingdom on earth. Michael Ledeen, a necon who is well-known U.S. intelligence and foreign policy operative, explains this historic mission of the kabbalistic Jews:

“Creative destruction is our middle name, within our society and abroad. We tear down the Old Order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace…. We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.”

The neocon Jews drew the first American blood of the 21st century in the 9/11 airstrike. They banded together, forming the “Project for a New American Century.” In a special report that soon became the basis for the foreign policy of the Bush-Cheney Administration, the necons said that there needed to an attack on America similar to Pearl Harbor. After such a shocking surprise attack, Americans could be easily marshaled to fight terrorists and governments around the globe. Thus would the military supremacy of America, chief ally of Zionist Israel, be established.

The 9/11 assaults took place shortly after this report was released, and the world situation has never been the same. The U.S. is continually seeking “Ordo Ab Chao” in the world. Michael Ledeen must be very proud. As we read in the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” Protocol 13: “Who will ever suspect then that all these people were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many generations.” The mission of the Jews is building of a New World. “Tikkun Olam,” the “mending or repairing of the world,” means that the Jews will use “creative destruction” to destroy the structures and cultures of this world, a process in which they are currently heavily engaged.”

Is it possible that in some manner, all of the groups mentioned above are involved; American military-intelligence, the British and American Round Table Groups, the Nazi International, the secret societies, the Jews? Yes, it is, as demonstrated in the research posted on this website. The following statement by German physicist, Harald Kautz Vella, may provide an important spiritual overview of our current situation:

“…. when you look at the entire thing, and you try to find solutions to it, you realize that everybody who is involved on the different levels is making the same mistake. It is of the Luciferic game. “Let me participate in your power, and I will serve you. I don’t know want to know what you are doing. I don’t want to stand in my own responsibility. Just let me participate from your power and I will serve.” This is the Luciferic deal everybody’s doing. And we are doing this by going to vote, the government, that is taking care of all the pipes we’re connected to. But we let go of our responsibility and we let them do. They are giving control to the military domain; the military domain is giving control to the intelligence community; the intelligence community is giving control to the Black Magicians, the Black Magicians are giving control to the demons, and the demons lost control to their AI. (ETK- referring to “artificial intelligence” or to Satan himself?)”


0419c4  No.6848041

File: 04b2931d745bca8⋯.jpg (668.36 KB, 1187x1212, 1187:1212, Go Back.jpg)


You have to go back you cock smoking kike nigger.


daf1d3  No.6848042

File: 7cec4ad77ca4007⋯.jpeg (516.24 KB, 1125x1539, 125:171, DDA2B8B1-0E8F-47C6-8E27-C….jpeg)

File: 7e3ca0224404fee⋯.jpeg (231.96 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, A3B4AADA-C2FD-47FF-B8F2-2….jpeg)


fd8e57  No.6848043

File: f85381adddb9c5c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 852x1089, 284:363, Comfyyyy.png)

cefec8  No.6848044



I think I know what happens after Brexit.

f6f477  No.6848045

File: 5eb78163f2e9b63⋯.jpg (102.65 KB, 640x617, 640:617, Screenshot 2019-06-26_16-1….jpg)


1aad5e  No.6848046


no joooos on that list

and tarply is a john bircher

smart guy too

cb2e67  No.6848047

File: 109637197c8eefa⋯.png (176.16 KB, 399x380, 21:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5667dfe9be0541e⋯.png (354.84 KB, 420x420, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Huawei enters Israel’s solar power market, hours after quitting US


10:10 AM - 26 Jun 2019


42a964  No.6848048

File: 152bdbea8754a8c⋯.jpeg (64.61 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 272D0D1E-0AC7-4524-89DE-4….jpeg)

File: bc28c3885a5db2a⋯.jpeg (60.19 KB, 500x500, 1:1, A5215991-46F2-4666-9290-7….jpeg)

File: 8c4d7aa5087d85b⋯.jpeg (100.6 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 5B276ED7-716D-4E9F-8FFE-B….jpeg)

File: 5b2f3e20bae463b⋯.jpeg (26.39 KB, 250x246, 125:123, 113C1F0A-D907-41DB-BFE3-3….jpeg)

File: d4f05780b16a218⋯.jpeg (202.78 KB, 948x710, 474:355, DA65993C-14B7-47A2-97D9-0….jpeg)

93d670  No.6848049

File: 9813ca6aa988e1b⋯.png (566.57 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump goes after Democrats over photo of drowned migrants

President Trump on Wednesday said he hated to see the photograph of a father and his young daughter who drowned trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border but blamed the situation on congressional Democrats. “I hate it, and I know it could stop immediately if the Democrats change the law,” Trump told reporters at the White House when asked about the photo. “They have to change the laws. And then that father, who probably was this wonderful guy, with his daughter — things like that wouldn’t happen.” The grim image of the man and his 23-month-old daughter lying face down in the Rio Grande inflamed the debate in Washington over the president’s hard-line immigration policies. According to the Mexican journalist who took the photo, the father attempted to cross the border illegally with his daughter after they were unable to present themselves to U.S. immigration authorities to request asylum. They had made the journey north from El Salvador.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) displayed the photo on the Senate floor today to chastise the president. “President Trump, I want you to look at this photo. These are not drug dealers or vagrants or criminals. They are people simply fleeing a horrible situation in their home country for a better life,” Schumer said.

Asked later if his policies were responsible, Trump responded, “The asylum policy of the Democrats is responsible.” “That’s like I’ve been saying. If they fixed the laws you wouldn't have that,” he said. “If we had the right laws that the Democrats are not letting us have, those people, they wouldn’t be coming up. They wouldn’t be trying.” Democrats have pressed for policies that would make it easier for migrants from Central America to apply for asylum, while Trump has tightened existing rules.

The administration’s “metering” policy has dramatically limited the number of migrants who are allowed to request asylum each day at legal ports of entry, creating a backlog of migrants forced to wait on the Mexican side of the southern border. Rather than wait in makeshift camps that can be overcrowded and dangerous, many have attempted to cross the border illegally — a journey that can be deadly.

The Trump administration is also seeking an agreement with Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras that would require migrants to apply for asylum in the first foreign country they set foot in after leaving home.


450f82  No.6848050

File: 34ab6bfa6a26e99⋯.png (66.78 KB, 791x356, 791:356, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

Urgent | News agency #: Interception of a march in Yemeni airspace launched by the Houthis in the direction of the kingdom



12d11d  No.6848051

File: 96eca8010a3e9ca⋯.jpg (26.28 KB, 474x474, 1:1, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

This guy is a…………..hero.

If you do what he did, trying to protect the United States of America from domestic terrorists like, judges, lawyers, police, clerk of the courts, you will be considered a criminal.

WHY! Can't we protect "The people of the United States " from those individuals that erode liberty with a pen.

The people are already divided!

The people are already compartmentalized!

There's nothing we can do but unite and use force against these municipals.

Victory from these treasonous scumbags!








If I don't stop them, the criminals will always get away.

df64c7  No.6848052

File: 175c9b3fa78ff88⋯.png (1.86 KB, 200x200, 1:1, qmap.pub qr.png)

File: 3149243f8a83f7e⋯.png (2.07 KB, 200x200, 1:1, wearethene.ws qr.png)

File: af59e2619ad2b12⋯.png (4.55 KB, 220x92, 55:23, image.png)



free stuff online





50346b  No.6848053

File: e50f25ce5d38d1f⋯.png (1.25 MB, 969x611, 969:611, ClipboardImage.png)

PACE approves resolution on restoring full powers of Russian delegation

The Ukrainian delegation has left PACE after the assembly approved the draft resolution confirming full powers of Russia’s delegation

STRASBOURG, June 26. /TASS/. Members of the summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have approved the resolution drafted by a monitoring committee, which confirms the full powers of the Russian delegation within the organization. On the outcomes of the vote, 116 MPs are in favor of the resolution, 62 delegates are against it, while 15 MPs have abstained from voting.

Earlier, Chairman of the Party of the European Left in PACE Tiny Cox said that the resolution’s text does not violate the rights of the Russian delegation in any way.

The Ukrainian delegation has left PACE after the assembly approved the draft resolution confirming full powers of Russia’s delegation. "We are leaving PACE," one of the Ukrainian legislators said after the voting results were announced.

The Russian delegation to PACE was stripped of its rights to vote, to take part in monitoring missions or make up the PACE leadership institutions in April 2014, following the events in Ukraine and Crimea’s reunification with Russia. In 2015, PACE considered the issues of reinstating the rights of the Russian delegation twice, but the sanctions only got tighter then. In response, the Russian delegation announced that it refused to work in such conditions and since 2016 did not submit its application to confirm its rights. In 2017, Russia also froze the payment of its membership fees to the CE budget.

In April 2019, PACE members approved a resolution on the role and mission of the Assembly, which specifically pointed to the need to maintain Russia’s Council of Europe membership and called on Moscow to form a delegation to PACE and pay membership dues. The Council of Europe’s ministerial meeting held in Helsinki on May 16-17 adopted a statement, which said that all member states had to take part in the work of the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly on an equal basis.


e3bf8f  No.6848054


This bagpipe performance is symbolic for sure.

Only a fool would miss that.

Trump's is Scottish.

His mother's side is Scottish.

She was a person of great Christian Faith and strong character.

I think POTUS refers to her as the strength of the family.

Faith remained pure and strong their for many years in Scotland.

Trump gets many of his qualities from this upbringing.

Let us not forget, this man LOVES GOD today.

He knows his roots and it makes him strong.

910a02  No.6848055


Everyone's got clowns, nigger, and the clowns are all on the same team.

a971cc  No.6848056


DC is a shit hole, it corrupts moar than you know, I’m so sad….

d4f2a1  No.6848057


What's her point? Trump can logically say he beat a system that was rigged against him. Does she not understand you can try to rig something and not be successful??

50346b  No.6848058

246e3b  No.6848059


IoT is barely even a thing yet, and already the obvious is happening. Of course, now that they know how much of a disaster it will be, they'll go full bore with the current implementation.

694e5d  No.6848060

File: ef541f75dc06847⋯.jpg (340.65 KB, 540x540, 1:1, kings.jpg)

519a7f  No.6848061

File: dc68a1f10caa71d⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dc68a1f10caa71d825df3fb0a5….mp4)



>Micheal Scheuer

Good dude & good videos, thx

Here's another good one from Assange (links are downloadable):

This clip: Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia - "Police State" (1:15)

Gore-Vidal-Patriot-Act.mp4 (3.55 MB)

Gore Vidal on 911 (7:06)


An American History Lesson with Gore Vidal (8:19)


Julian Assange carrying a Gore Vidal book. Some interesting things on Gore Vidal below (thread)


10:39- Americans Your Lack Of Education Is The Joke Of The World Gore Vidal


daf1d3  No.6848062

File: ad779f1250e7869⋯.jpeg (265.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 682B49D0-4D55-4437-B3CD-5….jpeg)

File: 26aec28a187e4e3⋯.jpeg (228.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 88754344-E524-4FF3-A45D-5….jpeg)

File: 2d73a663e6e46a8⋯.jpeg (286.94 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, E6A3BA6E-7750-47DB-9A0B-7….jpeg)

File: 2c122246d04ff74⋯.jpeg (136.07 KB, 1034x724, 517:362, 671868C2-70C0-4B3D-A00C-F….jpeg)

File: 6c46f42ea79716e⋯.jpeg (129.8 KB, 1125x1105, 225:221, F553D847-3EED-41F2-A45A-0….jpeg)

53f8b4  No.6848063

File: 3018092644abe42⋯.png (30.99 KB, 822x635, 822:635, Screenshot_2019-06-26 The ….png)

I guess it only matters when President Trump is in office.


d4f2a1  No.6848064




3c7add  No.6848065


Including elected federal workers?


30c692  No.6848066


"fag" is endearment

faggot is still faggot

450f82  No.6848067

File: b4f1e5cef4d919f⋯.png (178.3 KB, 783x624, 261:208, Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at ….png)


>"The Dog Days of summer are traditionally the 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11"

245142  No.6848068

File: 7e532f5a1c544db⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2390x1420, 239:142, bagpipes.png)

AG Barr Shreds on Bagpipes. A Nod to #Q1318?

Interdasting that the only mention of "pipe" in all Q drops is Q#1318, in a few lines that are specifically about AG Barr.

Second mention of "pipe" refers to Wray. Wray taking the stage soon?

Calling attention to Q #1318? Mass exodus? Who has the power? Justice coming?


cefec8  No.6848070


Thisis to rectify Centuries of Injustice.


d4f2a1  No.6848071


What if we lost a decisive, total war?

Would we ever know?

910a02  No.6848072


a march? a missile?

863a7c  No.6848073

File: ff10e3c32021c38⋯.jpg (164.75 KB, 772x500, 193:125, pepe stock mkt report.jpg)

File: ebf41a5dd4aa105⋯.png (123.49 KB, 683x404, 683:404, 062619 US Closed.PNG)

File: c8f8d01a027f685⋯.png (79.65 KB, 578x431, 578:431, 062619 US T note closed.PNG)

File: db88c8d22c5a0d6⋯.png (81.02 KB, 547x456, 547:456, 062619 US Crude closed.PNG)

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, pepe comfy at da beach.jpeg)

US Market Report

A lackluster day today-here as well as on world markets as previously mentioned it is on hold for the weekend habbenings-it has not done much since futures had it's yo-yo action prior to opening bell.

Tech shares led the way even with the current situations surrounding them. Remember we most likely own these things so shorting them will be an exercise in hair-pulling. Munchkins often-repeated mantra of "it's almost done" or "it's X % there" was the catalyst.

Trade-sensitive industrial stocks, led by Boeing Co, provided the biggest lift to the Dow. The SP500 has actually under-performed

when you measure it against the others. Chinese stocks dipped at the open, scrambled back and then did nothing for the rest of the day. European stocks ended lower - despite the Mnuchin pop.Today's strength was a rebound in cyclicals as recent out-performance of defensives was dumped.

The volume on it has been less than stellar too-that will need to see some improvement imo.

Treasury yields spiked notably higher today (front-end under-performing). See Cap#3

10Y yields worked their way back up to a key resistance level from FOMC day…with a deja vu nature to the move.

The Dollar dipped today but remains in a tight range for the 3rd day since the FOMC day dump. A rise in crude prices boosted energy stocks-cause meet affect.

We had a draw-down on oil/gasoline inventory's (that were at record levels BTW)

and oil and gasoline futures (RBOB) took off. Of course, right in front of holiday weekend travel. The Aramco bond-holders get a bit of a reprieve on that too. Volumes down a bit but that is to be expected with a sit-on-the-hands type of holding pattern.

And then there is Bitcoin……up over $2000 in the last 24 hours - Bitcoin's biggest daily dollar rise since Dec 2017)

Gee I wonder what got signed at the same time…How about the Executive Order of asset seizures…

President Trump Freezes Assets Of Human Traffickers


BTW gold has now disconnected from Bitcoin, it had been tracking it almost tick by tick.Gold dropped most in 3 weeks today… back to 2-day lows.

Some headlines

Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

A U.S. jury on Wednesday cleared California semiconductor designer CNEX Labs Inc of stealing trade secrets from Chinese electronics giant Huawei Technologies.

Huawei had sued CNEX in U.S. District Court, Sherman, Texas, for misappropriation of trade secrets involving a memory control technology and for poaching its employees.


US Prosecutors Join Hunt For Shadowy International Insider-Trading Ring

this was a notable in pb but this is from another source and a bit moar ascerbic-btw this pepe absolutely hates these fuckers-no skill or brians needed, just grift and lack of a moral compass

American prosecutors are joining forces with prosecutors from several European countries to investigate an international ring of sophisticated traders who rely on insider tips to reap huge profits.

As Bloomberg describes it, the cabal of more than a dozen traders sounds like something out of a movie: The shadowy illicit traders are scattered across Europe and the Middle East.

The group has used sophisticated techniques, which we detail below, to trade ahead of media reports, reaping tens of millions of dollars in profits.

The group has a very clear MO: They cultivate sources who might have access to insider information, then they feed that information to the media.

Before the story broke, the traders would position accordingly.

rest at link


pepe used about five sentences from here today but credit must be given





859472  No.6848074

File: 34bddf7513599fe⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1257x704, 1257:704, ClipboardImage.png)


Well spotted anon, maybe its just Pipers though? - P_pers similar to C_A

42a964  No.6848075

File: ef4df49cad1f685⋯.jpeg (57.54 KB, 500x500, 1:1, CF72F87F-E1A1-4AEF-8685-2….jpeg)

File: 66d34ef0bb0d7fb⋯.jpeg (208.59 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 514C3924-2D11-4C79-BF3A-3….jpeg)

File: 284680fd3d3f238⋯.jpeg (335.83 KB, 800x1018, 400:509, C20BC7B6-FB12-4E96-BBE6-F….jpeg)

File: 1b7c85c626617e1⋯.jpeg (190.36 KB, 1536x556, 384:139, B964C24C-CCA8-41BC-BFA8-1….jpeg)

File: 702a71009d039a5⋯.jpeg (475.63 KB, 1685x1100, 337:220, 1F167E2B-F638-4890-8D7B-0….jpeg)

694e5d  No.6848076

File: fb33e70e214270e⋯.jpg (204 KB, 680x708, 170:177, good.jpg)

549f05  No.6848077

File: 33dae9848462f45⋯.png (10.64 KB, 473x500, 473:500, PepeScotland.png)


I have old Scots and Scotch-Irish in the family tree. Montgomerys, Alexanders, Sandlins… Cannot begin to describe what an earthquake this would be to present-day Scots. Oh my word. The celebrations would last for weeks.

e36625  No.6848078

So about that drop Hannity blue-balled us on… TICK TOCK BUCKLE UP.

694e5d  No.6848079

File: 54f032eb4760579⋯.jpg (217.53 KB, 640x432, 40:27, no polite way.jpg)

973c42  No.6848080

File: ffbabb29df2c626⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 320x384, 5:6, mitchexpresses.gif)

a759d8  No.6848081


You don't get it.

Your only "evidence" that antifa are Nazis and Hitler was a puppet is from "Q"

Now antifa NOT FIGHTING NAZIS is just about the dumbest Dinesh tier level lie we've ever heard

It's not my fault your brainwashing procludes you from unraveling the lie

edae49  No.6848082

File: 81c51bad74d70df⋯.png (421.13 KB, 714x603, 238:201, 1stclock.PNG)

File: 035f55d406c93b0⋯.png (432.51 KB, 711x591, 237:197, 1stclock1.PNG)

File: f98f16904cb474d⋯.png (5.74 KB, 235x98, 235:98, ClipboardImage.png)

did a muh joo bomb just go off in here?

1stad twat clocks not moving vid 1:18 but clock is same

3d5c6d  No.6848083

File: b159f063358bc1e⋯.png (1.84 MB, 806x1491, 806:1491, JunioroinuJ.png)


Fixed that for you!

cb2e67  No.6848084

File: 91449a295c8adf1⋯.png (927.97 KB, 750x421, 750:421, ClipboardImage.png)




Don't call us, we'll call you…

df2a08  No.6848085


Stop watching Hannity

He is not good for mental health

50346b  No.6848086

File: fd16058a1df7211⋯.png (791.3 KB, 724x915, 724:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d58666af4b86706⋯.png (399.28 KB, 721x921, 721:921, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17cc819140a35b8⋯.png (155.83 KB, 726x425, 726:425, ClipboardImage.png)

“5G Ready”? UK Government’s “5G Rural First”: “Dangerously High” Levels of Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMF) in Southern England.

Glastonbury Festival-goers Are Walking into an EMF Minefield

This weekend, a group of us drove around the site of Glastonbury Festival in Pilton, Somerset UK). We had an electromagnetic field radiation detector that was continually bleeping alarmingly and flashing red, indicating that the EMFs it was detecting were way above World Health Organisation recommended safety levels. They were penetrating on to the main road which runs past the site, and there were several hotspots in the quaint little village of Pilton itself, including the village hall and the Working Men’s Club.

A couple of weeks before, I had attended a meeting of Pilton’s parish council. It was standing room only as residents packed in to express their dismay about a telecommunications mast that had been erected, without any consultation with them, in the children’s skate-board park. Engineers had informed one of them that it was going to be made “5G ready” at the end of May, in time for the music festival.


0f71d5  No.6848087

Anons is it a stupid idea to retake towns by encouraging homesteading and refusing to pay outrageous prices for overpriced crap by growing communities organically with a farm that provides lumber for fine woodworkers who provide the need for blacksmiths who all eat the food of the farmer so help him produce more stuff as part of their job while building beautiful communities because it's their community and their labor?

I mean I guess it is. The US population in 1960s was 150 million. The US hasn't had replacement birth levels since the 60s. There are now over 400 million "Americans".

Traditional Americans have been successfully genocided by the immigration policies of the 1960s. That America is gone. Conquered. Next step is a mixed society where some American homesteads and the rest cities. We know who will win that war.

The long slow march will not be stopped, because people are more scared of the person who points it out than the person who is committing it. Because they know where the violence comes from. And they are trained like dogs to attack.

Just want to cry

910a02  No.6848088


Hannity said that Samantha Power emails would be released today. Not sure if that's the "big event" he teased, or not.

Odd how being loyal to Hussein is just fine, even if you are a violent criminal, and a traitor.

But POTUS asking Comey if he was loyal, well, that's Hitler.

450f82  No.6848089

File: b8f3d7109fd33ed⋯.jpg (94.95 KB, 1125x803, 1125:803, D-AQW_HW4AE5UJH.jpg)


moar mirror…

e36625  No.6848090


>mental health

<is on this board

Pick one faggot

cefec8  No.6848091



Golfers worldwide revere Scotland's St. Andrews as the "Cathedral of Golf." It's considered the oldest golf course in the world, and Mary had a vacation cottage there and played often. She had likely learned the game as a child in France (or, at least a similar pastime called pell mell), and one longstanding story is that she coined the term caddie based on the military cadets who carried the clubs for royal players. According to sports columnist Sally Jenkins, "It's thought that her accented pronunciation of the term was further bent by a brogue when she came to Scotland to assume the throne."


cb2e67  No.6848092

File: b99121742c9b8ab⋯.png (310.29 KB, 357x451, 357:451, ClipboardImage.png)

549f05  No.6848093


Southernfag here

This is just a black-people-being-black-in-hot-weather story

Nothing to see here

Certainly not "news"


daf1d3  No.6848094

File: d00e3f998affdf3⋯.jpeg (164.24 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 2E668AD1-DB2C-44CB-965A-3….jpeg)


Left it blank on purpose

f07783  No.6848095


>Your only "evidence" that antifa are Nazis and Hitler was a puppet is from "Q"

no you shitfuck, hitlers name was Schicklgruber his father was Alois Schicklgruber

>Now antifa NOT FIGHTING NAZIS is just about the dumbest Dinesh tier level lie we've ever heard

never said that

944e00  No.6848096

File: 9c74ad1b52b46af⋯.jpg (281.57 KB, 1437x821, 1437:821, SmartSelect_20190626-16243….jpg)



df2a08  No.6848097



You are right

910a02  No.6848098

File: 149760df574765e⋯.png (73.21 KB, 202x249, 202:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fdc963bb449e66⋯.png (101.23 KB, 175x287, 25:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dadee5893ec3c33⋯.png (66.54 KB, 259x195, 259:195, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 727d553f87b4f1f⋯.png (61.47 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cc5e6d16bd2509⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

50346b  No.6848099

File: fc1f19bf98c2e2f⋯.png (303.84 KB, 555x470, 111:94, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7bf5a82b425962⋯.png (703.41 KB, 518x641, 518:641, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fa8becd9b1264b⋯.png (10.22 KB, 507x148, 507:148, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns Against Socialism and ‘Massive Government Expansion’

While much of the Democratic Party appear to have embraced socialism, one 2020 candidate, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, is warning his party members that it is not a winning strategy.

Speaking to reporters ahead of the first Democratic Party primary debate, Hickenlooper said that “the word socialism by itself has a lot of baggage in this country and especially in swing states … it’s not a winning solution and I continue to say you don’t need massive government expansion to change this country.”

Hickenlooper noted that in swing states like Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are unlikely to support socialism.

“These are states where they care about jobs and are very cautious about this thing called socialism. They get anxious about that.”

As Hickenlooper was speaking out against socialism, Bernie Sanders was in an adjacent room defending it, The Hill reporter Jonathan Easley wrote on Twitter.

“To me, what Democratic socialism is about, is saying health care is a human right. If you work 40 hours a week you should earn a living wage. Education is a human right, and by the way, we’re going to have a tax system that is fair…we are going to ask the wealthiest and large corporations to pay their fair share and start paying taxes,” Sanders said.

Hickenlooper reportedly has such low name recognition that he wasn’t recognized by staff at the debate that he is set to speak at. When he arrived at the venue in Miami on Wednesday, security asked if he was a reporter looking to pick up his credentials. Hickenlooper had to inform them that he is a candidate.


d6af3f  No.6848100

File: 5d933af15188148⋯.jpg (105.25 KB, 744x698, 372:349, snbsnddnandf11sdg.jpg)

f40553  No.6848101

File: ef9122538b06501⋯.png (496.85 KB, 465x464, 465:464, Screenshot_63.png)




Cambozola, which is made by Kasseri Champignon in Bavaria, is a rich and creamy Camembert-type cheese with a bloomy white rind. Beneath its crust, one finds streaks of tangy blue. Hence its name: the marriage of Camembert and Gorgonzola gives us Cambozola. Very popular all over the world, Cambozola is the perfect addition to the after-dinner cheese course and pairs well with fruit and nuts.

I eat this cheese at room temp.

It spreads EASY!

Usually, I put on a cracker or toast that isn't heavy in flavor. A saltine type of cracker is perfect for this cheese! Enjoy with Gewuertztraminer wine!

0e9536  No.6848102

File: 3bf284f2eab6787⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1408x790, 704:395, Scavino45 FB 6-26-19 Leav….PNG)

Taking off for Japan🇺🇸🇯🇵


910a02  No.6848103


The time is today's date.

f6f477  No.6848104

what type of bagpipe did Barr play>?

daf1d3  No.6848105

File: 8e2a4af3aa9c61b⋯.jpeg (412.74 KB, 2032x1125, 2032:1125, 9466A982-931E-4908-B723-E….jpeg)

bae176  No.6848106

File: 172443ff9c99a21⋯.png (643.21 KB, 2310x1704, 385:284, TheEND.png)

549f05  No.6848107

File: 7ba0a51f6894d99⋯.jpg (136.2 KB, 716x900, 179:225, Sandilands.jpg)

62f0bc  No.6848108

File: 8081c24ea530053⋯.png (495.33 KB, 720x500, 36:25, ClipboardImage.png)


>Head of Diversity

171316  No.6848109

File: de127ca61ca7668⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 582x350, 291:175, Sodom aka America -2358098….jpg)

0e9536  No.6848110

File: 1ee7e818aebc7a0⋯.png (28.19 KB, 589x244, 589:244, POTUS 6-26-19 1 24 pm PDT.PNG)

New POTUS Tweet


910a02  No.6848111


>That America is gone.

We'll have none of that here.

Feds own more than 51% of the land in the USA.

Would not surprise me, one bit, if Trump opened that land up to homesteaders.

a53473  No.6848112


dunno, but the real kind


f94dd7  No.6848113

Pardon, if someone has already posted this, but I have a theory, that the Q post on January 27, 2018 response to British Anon for help for UK was fulfilled on POTUS & FLOTUS’s trip to meet the Queen June 3-5, 2019. I’m not great at Q proofs or analysis, but here’s a try, anyone that sees more details, please reply, see Q’s response (see below)


UK Undergoing House Cleaning

Q !UW.yye1fxo 27 Jan 2018 - 2:48:10 AM

Anonymous 27 Jan 2018 - 2:38:41 AM

I’m British, and have been on the Trump train for about a year and a half. Like most people, when i first heard Donald Trump was running for president i was very skeptical. …..

God speed everyone.

God speed.

On a side note: any chance after USA has been un-corrupt, can you maybe sort out the UK. We are hurting. Bigly ;)

Q !UW.yye1fxo 27 Jan 2018 - 2:48:10 AM

Anonymous 27 Jan 2018 - 2:38:41 AM


May is neutralized.

MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning

Queen/monarchs seeking shelter


So is this a Q proof, because Trump’s trip to England was June 3-5th, 2019? See the number of days, weeks and months in the grid below, from the post on January 27, 2018 to the date they arrived on June 3-5 to meet the Queen and meet with May. It doesn’t come up to 17 months but pretty close.

But what more fascinating is Qs statement of shelter seemed to be proved true and was finalized during this visit the Queen. The Queen looked extraordinarily happy whenever she was with Trump, along with POTUS being happy and comfortable with her; probably the happiest I’ve ever seen the Queen in pictures and press. So the Queen got shelter. Now Trump with May was very uncomfortable looking, she looked jittery and gun shy, so May must have been neutralized; plus we know all the intelligence agencies are being shaken up in England and Italy, so that's happening too

Q post POTUS meets Queen Days Weeks Months

1/27/2018 6/3/2019 492 70.29 16.40

1/27/2018 6/4/2019 493 70.43 16.43

1/27/2018 6/5/2019 494 70.57 16.47

a759d8  No.6848114

File: bdb45b0c56c6734⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1500x6000, 1:4, bdb45b0c56c6734f6c291643fd….jpg)



Really convincing.

863a7c  No.6848115

File: fd37593eded7e38⋯.jpg (72.89 KB, 888x499, 888:499, dolby dump 4.jpg)

File: bc7b5a615fb3d07⋯.jpg (69.45 KB, 888x499, 888:499, dolby dump 3.jpg)

File: d9dd9dfb44519bb⋯.jpg (105.53 KB, 888x499, 888:499, dolby dump 2.jpg)

File: bf896f97ab33915⋯.png (803.42 KB, 1024x722, 512:361, blinded me with science.png)

Dolby 10% owner sold $7.07m in shares-June 21-25

Dolby Laboratories, Inc. designs and manufactures audio and imaging products for the cinema, television, broadcast and entertainment industries. Its products for cinema include Digital Cinema Servers and Cinema Audio Products, and broadcast and other include Dolby Conference Phone and Other Products. It offers services to support theatrical and television production for cinema exhibition, broadcast and home entertainment, including equipment training and maintenance, mixing room alignment and equalization, as well as audio, color and light image calibration. Its technologies include Advanced Audio Coding and High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding, Dolby AC-4, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Vision, Dolby Voice and High Efficiency Video Coding. It distributes its products in over 80 countries. Its technologies are incorporated in offerings in various end markets, such as the broadcast, Personal Computer, mobile, consumer electronics and other markets.

Number of employees : 2 151 people.



b61fd7  No.6848116

File: c3bd4d3c8f32056⋯.jpg (293.85 KB, 1917x737, 1917:737, C560s 25 Jun 19 2120.jpg)

It's flickery as Hell, but we are getting something…

cefec8  No.6848117

File: aa1f682efb9b90e⋯.jpg (186.26 KB, 820x1493, 820:1493, 938474.jpg)


President Trump’s royal ancestry: Denmark and Scotland

Mr. Trump is a descendant of King Christian I of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Trump can also trace his ancestry to the Scottish royalty. Christian I of Denmark was the father of Queen Margaret of Scotland, the spouse of King James IV of Scotland. Their son, King James IV of Scotland is also Mr. Trump’s forefather.

Trump’s royal British ancestors have been reported on earlier, and Trump and his democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, are related through a common ancestor, John of Gaunt, son of King Edward III.

This is fuckin SPOOOPY



f763d6  No.6848118



>>6847785, >>6847814 Planefag update

>>6847989 Boatfag update

>>6847610 Notre-Dame fire: Prosecutor says no sign of criminal cause

>>6847642,>>6847718 Barr Our promise to 'counter'

>>6847731 BlackBerry violates SEC rules with use of non-standard metrics

>>6847792 Senate passes 4.6B ER border spending bill

>>6847819 Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. Drops 65 Percent Since Trump-Mexico Deal

>>6847841 Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

>>6847861 former usc gynecologist Dr George Tyndall who is accused of molesting hundreds of patients over a-period of several decades has-been-arrested-by-LAPD

>>6847876 Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

>>6847879 Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

>>6847887 anons Barr pied piper

>>6847899, >>6847905 Isaac Kappy Dig

>>6847907 Conservative SCOTUS Justices move to overturn precedents raising questions on Roe v. Wade

>>6847926 West Texas school bus driver charged with possessing child pornography

>>6847968 3 steps to a winning G-20 for Trump and Japan's Abe

>>6847986 Declaring Netanyahu’s time as up, Ehud Barak announces formation of new party

>>6848014 House counters twit

>>6848017 Concrete Cartel RICO

>>6848022 At least one person has been killed after a shooting inside a parking deck at the Riverchase Galleria Mall in Birmingham, Alabama.

>>6848042 Clinton praises Megan Rapinoe

>>6848047 Huawei enters Israel’s solar power market, hours after quitting US

>>6848049 Trump goes after Democrats over photo of drowned migrants

>>6848050 Urgent | News agency #: Interception of a march in Yemeni airspace launched by the Houthis in the direction of the kingdom

>>6848053 PACE approves resolution on restoring full powers of Russian delegation

>>6848068 anon Barr decode

>>6848073 US Market Report

>>6848096 NEW DJT

>>6848099 Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns Against Socialism and ‘Massive Government Expansion’

973c42  No.6848119

File: 01c30fd981831b6⋯.jpg (49.33 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, 01c30fd981831b67470e9dba52….jpg)


>Would not surprise me, one bit, if Trump opened that land up to homesteaders.

i'd love it.

f07783  No.6848120


oh man , you are really stuck in your meme folder, i never said he was a jew either

89251c  No.6848121

File: f8c6e72e5454ee5⋯.jpg (309.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, kv4SOrLfNXGY.jpg)


betereke cheshme hasud

[may jealous eyes explode!]

30c692  No.6848122

File: 78eea9eaffb27e0⋯.jpg (36.97 KB, 474x628, 237:314, Pepe_TinFoil.jpg)



Dangerous Intermediate Location?

POTUS making a stop prior to Japan?

9e9017  No.6848123

File: 4a131222654100c⋯.jpg (81.54 KB, 500x437, 500:437, shills!.jpg)


If it tries to divide…It's a shill!

If it tries to cause doubt…It's a shill!

If it tries to sow discord…It's a shill!

If it tries to blame one particular religion…It's a shill!

212a4d  No.6848124

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1493340724316.gif)


Only Q drop with DANGEROUS (all CAPS) is 161.


2b979f  No.6848125


Next round(s) of suicides will be high profile cabal members faking own deaths after moving funds to crypto currency

a971cc  No.6848126


Sadness will end in happiness, it always does when you are righteous…

Try a Goolag search of a slightly misspelling of righteous, we’ll you Patriots won’t be surprised, and hopefully suppressed anymoar…..

edae49  No.6848127

File: 36be1640f77cc2a⋯.png (122.23 KB, 409x272, 409:272, 1stclock3.PNG)


looks like 6/28 to me

daf1d3  No.6848128

File: 5f4996f9a252569⋯.jpeg (62.9 KB, 612x407, 612:407, D2CB0A6E-6F8A-4FFB-A1C0-5….jpeg)

1f42d6  No.6848129

File: e69cfdf64a5b78d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 68853FF3-7F66-4168-88A3-18….png)

File: 8de7899e95615a5⋯.png (522.62 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, A6F6689D-25D6-4DFE-853B-24….png)

File: 2b33f9691e1330b⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, E0F712AB-0AD8-4B65-BD96-9….jpeg)

Anons, thinking ahead. We know the patterns. Here are some things that happened during last G20 to overshadow the news/event. Remember, gotta clog the news cycle for these events.

GHWB “dies” on Nov 30th, which takes all news away from what was habbening w POTUS/world leaders/PEACE.

f40553  No.6848130

File: 95a4fbfb8c8abe0⋯.png (817.8 KB, 1361x586, 1361:586, Screenshot_58.png)

File: dafa800a7dc9454⋯.png (199.57 KB, 369x713, 369:713, Screenshot_59.png)

Jussie wears jacket with Brand of Sacrifice-like symbols on it.

fd8e57  No.6848131

File: e2c4579355ebc8f⋯.jpg (159.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsAntifaGlobalism1.jpg)

File: 66fd682b5b3ff91⋯.jpg (53.52 KB, 533x399, 533:399, NPCantifa.jpg)

File: 94e2a6053d01f00⋯.jpg (78.17 KB, 640x426, 320:213, ANTIFASLAVES.jpg)

File: f4860a33d616b50⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 507x499, 507:499, NPCpantifa.jpg)

File: 2afc350b7178338⋯.jpg (38.78 KB, 455x414, 455:414, AntifaBerkeley.jpg)


So, with /TD closed down we're getting restless visitors…

30c692  No.6848132



Where was POTUS at 3:24 pm central?

a4b9ff  No.6848133


Like when the cabal refer to themselves as human. Like they want to make a point to anyone who can clearly see they are a different species.

I know no one who does that in my sphere.

df64c7  No.6848134

File: 066ddd5c9a6eac2⋯.gif (2.38 MB, 288x512, 9:16, del 20596175.gif)

thanks baker

570136  No.6848135

File: f367588da9b3291⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, thehill-114390802413169868….mp4)

"We are no longer going to stand for" this

"Tyrant" and his

"Reign" of "terror"

This is absolutely a call to violence.

863a7c  No.6848136

File: 09ceea216ee9f07⋯.gif (334.12 KB, 498x417, 166:139, thats raycist.gif)


>This is just a black-people-being-black-in-hot-weather story.

'dats rayyyycist

50346b  No.6848137

File: cf523bcdaea3c8a⋯.png (685.35 KB, 617x431, 617:431, ClipboardImage.png)

How Israel's Desire for Nuclear Weapons Destroyed the USA

Iran has made it clear, Trump isn’t in charge and doesn’t really care who knows it. His hollow threats, always ready to nuke somebody or save us all from madman Bolton…this is why I wrote the article for the Russian audience titled “Lesser men.”

Never before has the door to the creepy underworld of the Deep State opened to such a degree, for those who know what to look for, as it has under Trump.g

Israel had JFK killed because he wouldn’t let them have nuclear weapons. The Permindex corporation was the organisation who carried it out and Permindex was the front for Mossad operations in North America. Key Mossad figures like Tibor Rosenbaum, Louis M Bloomfield and Roy Cohn were involved in Permindex, the Canadian Bronfman family helped fund it, they used both CIA and Jewish mafia assets (Meyer Lansky was always happy to help Israel).

Cohn was Trump’s mentor, he created Donald Trump, which means from day one, Trump was under Israeli control as Cohn ran a huge pedophile ring in Washington/New York that ensnared politicians and officials in order to gather compromising material on them and thus allow Mossad to control them. Trump will have been compromised and controlled from the start; today, the pedo rings to control politicians still run, Jeffrey Epstein ran it, his assistant/handler was Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the notorious Mossad agent Robert Maxwell, one of the key locations they used to fly the bigwigs to was Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort.

So does anyone really doubt that Trump isn’t controlled by Israel? The Russian ties exist, since 1991, but it is with the Russian Jewish mafia – the Trump organisation laundered a lot of the huge sums of money the Russian Jewish mafia oligarchs stole in the 90s, something that was natural for Trump to do as he had spent his business career upto that point laundering money for the Jewish mafia in the US, that is why all his projects in Las Vegas, Atlantic City etc. failed, supposedly losing hundreds of millions – they were intended to fail, they were just scams to launder mafia money.

The Israelis have hundreds of nukes, many of them made in the USA, some made in the USSR. We know from Mordecai Vanunu that the Dimona reactor had to be shut down around 1985 because they had worn it out through over use. So they needed a new source of bomb building materials and leveraged their compromising material on George Bush Sr. to enact the theft of 350 warheads from the Pantex decommissioning plant in Texas, these were mini nukes and some of them were used to create the nukes used on 9-11. There was also theft from the stockpiles in the USSR, particularly after the USSR broke up, the Russian Jewish mafia were involved, they have largely taken over Israel since 1995.

Nuclear non-proliferation has always been a joke, Ben Gurion was always adamant that Israel had to have nukes to survive, JFK had to die to achieve this, Israeli control of the US government, largely through pedophile rings, enabled Israeli to obtain all the nukes it needed, Israel is a criminal enterprise posing as a nation state, a mafia with nukes.


c912ad  No.6848138

File: 12d6899b30b15a0⋯.png (336.62 KB, 550x379, 550:379, 12d6899b30b15a04cbca49682b….png)

d5f20a  No.6848139


I love this man's face; it speaks to me of joviality and tlolerance and integrity and kindness. Bill Barr is not a handsome mna but if I could choose a father, he'd look like this. Compare with John Brennan. To me, that represents the kind of face you end up with after sixty years of anger, duplicity, self-rigteousness, power-hunger - in short, narcissism.

You can't help the face you are born with but sure you can help the face you end up with.

845aa2  No.6848140

File: f4e15401094ff5f⋯.png (78.36 KB, 1831x727, 1831:727, ClipboardImage.png)

im not even allowed to enter the donald. continue button is useless!!!

556555  No.6848141

File: 8d573e20a963dcc⋯.png (525.99 KB, 633x531, 211:177, ClipboardImage.png)



93d670  No.6848142


Agreed, the bag pipes always remind me of strength..the amount of wind needed to expel to create the beautiful sound exudes the power of strength in itself. Not to mention the power of the Scotch people historically, the spent years fighting for independence from the Queen.

daf1d3  No.6848143

File: f0c1d36dca10822⋯.jpeg (166.77 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, 9DBA1B92-9D8D-422A-B8C2-F….jpeg)


Trump is related to Christ by blood.

771f5b  No.6848144

File: 9b9bf25db83761a⋯.jpg (130.52 KB, 496x864, 31:54, antifag.jpg)

f18ccd  No.6848145

File: 13d180b7ae2fe2f⋯.png (178.18 KB, 498x599, 498:599, siriCol.png)

File: 1c571dc09ad4f00⋯.png (10.22 KB, 493x319, 17:11, siri pyr.png)

File: 538287df3d53146⋯.jpg (46.91 KB, 640x471, 640:471, Orion.jpg)

File: 4776a850940a8b9⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1281x638, 1281:638, OrionV.png)



^^^THIS is about the star SIRIUS appearing on our horizon at that time.

Egyptians looked to its appearance on the horizon as a sign the floods were coming to the Nile.

The yramids are designed so a shaft / chamber is angled to accept the LIGHT on the day the sun and SIRIUS conjoin.

The time that both conjoin (line up) was thought to magnify both the sun's heat and combine it with SIRIUS' heat, making it doubly warm, hence the dog days.

SIRIUS is also located in the constellation Canis Major (canis=dog) Sirius lies in the collar of that dog in the ORION constellation.

392b4a  No.6848146

File: b9d6063e5bb4a94⋯.png (568.22 KB, 500x697, 500:697, BOOM.png)

Welcome New Eyes, to the Great Awakening.

Your enemy has obscured themselves for a long time now, but we've just exposed the hell out of 'em~

95% of our clown posts come from CIrAn.

Creepbot is CIrAnian.

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

[They always strike through a proxy]

[Source obscuration is cyber 101]

["Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy"]

The anti-jew narrative is CIrAnian.

>You attack those who threaten you the most




(John Bolton is /ourPerceptivePatriot/)

Shilling gets harder the more these Deep Sweeties are exposed~


18db20  No.6848147


My take on this is -

The Democrats would save many lives if they would change our broken and very DANGEROUS ILLINOIS.

It can be done instantly.

1f36dc  No.6848148

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice.

Not 1.

12bb2e  No.6848149

File: b1093752ec505f8⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 500x523, 500:523, ae51b0c5bd1f28b04818b0c3a9….jpg)

Anyone ever notice that the two BIGGEST stars from Friends were named Rachel and Chandler? Has anyone done a dig?

032108  No.6848150

File: 3508ab2d3096471⋯.png (3.34 MB, 3360x1974, 80:47, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

POTUS approaching Winnipeg

no altitude reading

daf1d3  No.6848151


Noyce autism, brah!

Digging now

e2ed4d  No.6848152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stand With TRUMP!


efb6ce  No.6848153


Published: March 15, 1996 12:00 am

As many as 3,200 illegal immigrants died along the Texas-Mexico border between 1985 and 1994, most by drowning in the swift waters of the Rio Grande, according to a study released Thursday.

<Clinton Era

Drownings of Migrants Along Rio Grande Increase

March 30, 2015 08:16 AM

It's not like slow dying in the desert or in the prairies of South Texas," said Nestor Rodriguez, a University of Texas at Austin sociology professor who published a study that found drowning was the most common cause of migrant deaths. "A drowning happens in a minute or two and it's much more difficult to save someone."


<Hussein Era

ef5537  No.6848154

have any PACERfags bought the NXIVM transcripts yet?



>MASSIVE sex scandal – sex cult involving billionaires, actresses, blackmail, pedophilia, rape, slavery, pizzagate and connections to the toppest of top Democrats. This could be the trial that breaks it all open, but anons need raw info before they can start digging. Especially the transcripts of testimony from cooperating witnesses, there's no telling how much dirt is there.

>There are several NXIVM threads on pol right now and they're all kind of stalled, we are hoping there's a law guy in here that can help cough up the raw info so people can start connecting dots. This is a huge scandal; at one point they were planning on taking over the government of Mexico and who knows where they have their tentacles in the USA – links to Gillibrand and illegal fundraising for the Hillary campaign have already been documented.

>Anons with PACER accounts – help us out??? TIA


c912ad  No.6848155

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 89c64b0586e1cf4c614029a4d0….jpg)


Hormones out of whack, again?

b61fd7  No.6848156


On board AF1 preparing to head to Japan.

7173f9  No.6848157

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

8f9478  No.6848158


>This is absolutely a call to violence.

is that some sort of call to jihadi's?

27cfd2  No.6848159

File: 6061f2abdf43dcd⋯.png (359.17 KB, 603x414, 67:46, AG Barr not sure yet.png)


>tolerance and integrity and kindness

cefec8  No.6848160



1f36dc  No.6848161

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming

50346b  No.6848162

File: 928eb52f2ccf244⋯.png (89.02 KB, 1178x873, 1178:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91b96fe753697df⋯.png (15.32 KB, 1159x162, 1159:162, ClipboardImage.png)

Western News Agencies Mistranslate Iran's President Speech - It Is Not The First Time Such 'Error' Happens

Yesterday the news agencies Associated Press and Reuters mistranslated a speech by Iran's President Hassan Rouhani. They made it sound as if Rouhani insulted U.S. President Donald Trump as 'mentally retarded'. Rouhani never said that.

The agencies previously made a similar 'mistake'.

A 2005 speech by then President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmedinejad was famously misquoted. Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president headlined the Guardian at that time. Others used similar headlines. The New York Times wrote:

Iran's conservative new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Wednesday that Israel must be "wiped off the map" and that attacks by Palestinians would destroy it, the ISNA press agency reported.

Referring to comments by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution, Ahmadinejad said, "As the imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map."

The statement was used by the G.W. Bush administration and others to whip up hostility against Iran:

Ever since he spoke at an anti-Zionism conference in Tehran last October, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has been known for one statement above all. As translated by news agencies at the time, it was that Israel "should be wiped off the map." Iran's nuclear program and sponsorship of militant Muslim groups are rarely mentioned without reference to the infamous map remark.

Here, for example, is R. Nicholas Burns, the under secretary of state for political affairs, recently: "Given the radical nature of Iran under Ahmadinejad and its stated wish to wipe Israel off the map of the world, it is entirely unconvincing that we could or should live with a nuclear Iran."

However Ahmedinejad never used those words:

"Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom exists in Persian," remarked Juan Cole, a Middle East specialist at the University of Michigan and critic of American policy who has argued that the Iranian president was misquoted. "He did say he hoped its regime, i.e., a Jewish-Zionist state occupying Jerusalem, would collapse." Since Iran has not "attacked another country aggressively for over a century," he said in an e-mail exchange, "I smell the whiff of war propaganda."

Jonathan Steele, a columnist for the left-leaning Guardian newspaper in London, recently laid out the case this way: "The Iranian president was quoting an ancient statement by Iran's first Islamist leader, the late Ayatollah Khomeini, that 'this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time,' just as the Shah's regime in Iran had vanished. He was not making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the future. The 'page of time' phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon."

570136  No.6848163

File: ee068504663d724⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, tomselliott-11439436948836….mp4)

Flashback montage: CNN, MSNBC, Democrats tell Americans the Trump Administration is "manufacturing" a phony crisis on the border

30c692  No.6848164


Yes, but where was the plane geographically.

0e9536  No.6848165

File: a3f085f0318a0c5⋯.png (495.75 KB, 597x511, 597:511, POTUS 6-26-19 1 31 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 90461bb9e8c8483⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video POTUS 6-26-19 1 31 ….mp4)


New POTUS Tweet and Video




a971cc  No.6848166


Are you ready to be righteous?

392b4a  No.6848167

File: 1f9273789341bb4⋯.jpeg (180.83 KB, 1920x1125, 128:75, Boo.jpeg)


Feeling exposed?~

032108  No.6848168


only every time digging on rachel chandler they show up conatantly

haven't found anything tho

f42742  No.6848169


The other guy did

The problem with you guys is you think we are saying antifa was good for fighting Nazis. We aren't.

01ea4a  No.6848170

Just thought of something, after seeing the revelations regarding Jean Carroll and the Law and Order plot line plagiarism:

What if the exposure of her fraudulent story was intentional? Follow me here…

When the Storm comes, the Earth-shattering revelations about the corruption of our society will be more than most can bear. Many will look for any reason to discredit– solely to protect their fragile mental state.

Many of the things Q has either affirmed or revealed to us (i.e. black hat communication via XBox Live chat) are concepts that have been prominently featured in pop-culture fiction. (Movies, TV shows, etc.)

What if Jean Carroll is their sacrificial lamb–and knowing that she would have no credibility anyway, decided that her official story should be ripped from pop-culture fiction. This establishes a precedent to cast skepticism on future claims of specific real-life scenarios that have also been featured in pop-culture fiction.

Just a thought.

12d11d  No.6848171

File: 3b28f6dd51f92f8⋯.png (112.48 KB, 298x522, 149:261, Screenshot_2019-06-26 Q Re….png)

daf1d3  No.6848172

File: 2922148e04703d3⋯.jpeg (47.23 KB, 649x385, 59:35, 3D084AD2-E2E3-45C9-A58C-0….jpeg)

42a964  No.6848173

File: ccf0275dc395b40⋯.jpeg (223.58 KB, 640x1086, 320:543, 3FCC3D0E-6C78-492B-965A-0….jpeg)



0f71d5  No.6848174



I mean anon do you watch this? Even Trump says "what do you want me to do".

What hope? He can't even speak the truth, but he's going to remake America? I mean you can say that I guess. But when the children go to sleep can we have an actual conversation about this? There are a lot of people here now, and very different cultures. How are we going to reconcile this, given that they openly talk about using demographic replacement to win votes and genocide people. I mean it's not like I'm saying it out of no where, these people actively encourage it.

But I'm acting defeatist because I want to just talk about reality I guess.

891733  No.6848175

File: cfe6284f1e89e8d⋯.jpg (862.22 KB, 1800x1343, 1800:1343, democratic_race_biden.jpg)

e341f0  No.6848176


I’m moving to a town where they do just that. We are currently slowly selling and donating things we will no longer need or want once we downsize. Our neighbor has cattle, deer and honey. We will have veggies and eggs, to start. It’s possible and we will try to be as free as we can possibly be, self sufficient. I realize flying 100% off the radar is an impossible task but we will try to get as close as we can.

fd8e57  No.6848177

File: 8f6d5112ac2d342⋯.jpg (152.39 KB, 829x600, 829:600, WalkawayDEMViolence.jpg)

File: 83ad1a5fa8dd297⋯.jpg (175.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob2.jpg)

File: dcf0cecb0827be9⋯.jpg (160.09 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob3.jpg)

File: fa9536d82ac8e86⋯.jpg (154.57 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob4.jpg)

File: 0e193a6989b032f⋯.jpg (184.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob10.jpg)

403ab5  No.6848178


>>>6847876 Geithner's Tax Troubles Are Serious

that article is from 2009. Why is it in notables?

944e00  No.6848179

File: 6f29cd622596448⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 997x2749, 997:2749, Screenshot_20190626-163309….jpg)

File: 17eda9cb003689b⋯.jpg (803.17 KB, 1440x2492, 360:623, 20190626_163730.jpg)

JUNE 27, 2018

Locked & Loaded.

RBG next.


b4d354  No.6848180

File: 96975c4d9640d5b⋯.png (579.91 KB, 533x810, 533:810, ClipboardImage.png)

f07783  No.6848181


>The problem with you guys is you think we are saying antifa was good for fighting Nazis. We aren't.

wtf are you sperging about, never said anything like that

fd8e57  No.6848182

File: 4e4294e3e74c639⋯.jpg (138.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob11.jpg)

File: ae9b917325cae48⋯.jpg (179.21 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob12.jpg)

File: 9b7497c2d965e1c⋯.jpg (168.29 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob13.jpg)

File: 904ccda49bb58ff⋯.jpg (253.57 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromMob14.jpg)

File: 95697eef18d0451⋯.jpg (147.25 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WalkawayFromRage25.jpg)

246e3b  No.6848183


Oh yeah, that's the idea. Put up these antennas blasting unsafe levels of radiation, especially in areas with lots of children. Then belittle and mock anyone who has concerns. Who are the sick fucks running these programs? Good candidates for the death penalty.

bae176  No.6848184

File: f23a4ff13888fbc⋯.png (263.52 KB, 581x401, 581:401, John316.png)

File: 77bfe311a9811c3⋯.png (60.82 KB, 384x687, 128:229, FollowMaria.png)

50346b  No.6848185

File: 5ccc4c3567c19f4⋯.png (17.31 KB, 538x243, 538:243, ClipboardImage.png)

0e9536  No.6848186

File: c4adf0d6bc6e1bf⋯.png (831.58 KB, 575x823, 575:823, Sullivan re Fake Cortez Bo….PNG)

File: 2cd6546c290bc7d⋯.png (814.66 KB, 439x830, 439:830, Sullivan re Fake Cortez Bo….PNG)

File: 8021d5313602ba0⋯.png (1.08 MB, 670x662, 335:331, Cortez Crying Pepes.PNG)

So AOC was really just trying to get some stock border crisis images for Getty. The “crying at the border” pics were just crying at cars behind a fence 🤷🏼‍♀️


4ed3c7  No.6848187

The Unraveling of a Cover-up: Bernardin: Homosexual Predator Satanist

n in-depth Church Militant investigation has turned up a career-long track record of accusations against former Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin that not only was he a homopredator his entire career but that at various stops in his career, many of those sexual assaults were tied to satanic rituals.

Current Cardinal Blase Cupich has reported none of this to the Illinois attorney general, deliberately covering up at least one serious allegation.


Sorry if someone posted this already. I've been working all day.

f18ccd  No.6848188


Posting pics of shaved women.

You'd really like a child, wouldn't you?

This is why women are being socially groomed to go bald- so men will eventually accept they really like children better.

Pedo wanna-be right there.

13a994  No.6848189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Madame Cyberhack Lands in Devil's Glen

Gemma O'Dougherty reporting from Ireland on the anticipated arrival of Hillary Clinton (simultaneously with Irish Google employee Jenn Gennai).

cb2e67  No.6848190

File: 44dded3e793d129⋯.png (217.28 KB, 399x459, 133:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d517b18a4556901⋯.png (137.02 KB, 403x403, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

We thank the U.S. Defense Attaché to Israel, Brig. Gen. Corey J. Martin, for his 2 years of service. He has played a key role in ensuring that the U.S.-Israel defense partnership remains strong & steadfast.

We look forward to working with incoming

Brig. Gen. Charles E. Brown 🇮🇱🇺🇸


7:17 AM - 26 Jun 2019


30c692  No.6848191

File: 27996d2f2067169⋯.png (45.18 KB, 111x157, 111:157, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

b61fd7  No.6848192


What is 3.21CST in BST, CET or Zulu time?

171316  No.6848193

File: 332945f97472a9c⋯.jpg (37.72 KB, 485x306, 485:306, Sodom aka America 20398509….jpg)

403ab5  No.6848194


we got kappy digs, misleading barr graphics that totally misuse Q drops, articles from 10 years ago, and a mall shooting???

wtf is this notable garbage?

fd8e57  No.6848195

File: 7135ec7bb35f1ae⋯.jpg (327.42 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, TurnAroundWalkAway.jpg)

File: f9bbfefd7717db7⋯.jpg (148.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NeverGoingBack12.jpg)

File: 435f6998c3ac41c⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NeverGoingBack15.jpg)

File: 0c9d090760de9b5⋯.jpg (133.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NeverGoingBack17b.jpg)

File: fb52bd52b5b5229⋯.jpg (212.3 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, NeverGoingBack19.jpg)

2ac91c  No.6848196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE now

Subcommittee on Government Operations Hearing on “FITARA 8.0”

22 watching now


Started streaming 29 minutes ago


50346b  No.6848197

Kushner in Bahrain: Criticizing our plan won't help Palestinians

“When people criticize, the question I would ask them is what is your idea, what ideas are you putting forward,” he told reporters.

MANAMA, Bahrain – It is easy to be against things, and much more difficult to state what you are for, and then detail it, US top official Jared Kushner said to his critics on Wednesday at the end of the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop here.

“When people criticize, the question I would ask them is what is your idea, what ideas are you putting forward,” he told reporters in a briefing after a day of sessions devoted to how to invest in the Palestinian territories and in the region.

“It is easy to be against things, but that is not going to help the Palestinian people, it is not going to help the region,” Kushner said. “But what we’ve tried to do is take the harder task of being for something. And we’ve put out 140 pages of details.”

Kushner said that in politics people don’t like putting out detail, because detail invites criticism: “We are actually seeking constructive feedback, and then we are going to modify it and move forward.”

Kushner said that the administration has no intention of “punishing” the Palestinian leadership for boycotting the conference.

“This isn’t about punishing the Palestinian people one way or the other; we are trying to help the Palestinian people,” he said.

He added that much of the criticism has come from people who have been involved with the issue for a very long time and “can get very jumpy” when things are not done their way.

“The ways of the past have not worked, and we are going to keep doing it in a way that is a logical framework,” he added. The Palestinians, he said, “don’t have a great track record in getting a deal done.”

Kushner said that the conference was specifically designed to invite finance ministers – the finance ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar were on hand – rather than foreign ministers, because the “traditional policy community” is “stuck” on the issue and seems unable to bring it forward.

He said that those who drew up the administration’s economic plan “were not aware of what is in the political plan,” which will be rolled out at a still yet-to-be-determined date.

“We’ll get to the political plan when we are ready to get to the political plan,” he said.

The last session of the conference included the finance ministers of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

UAE Minister of State for Financial Affairs Obaid al-Tayer gently chided the Palestinian Authority leadership for not showing up at the conference.

“We need to provide prosperity to the Palestinians, and they have to aspire for a better future,” he said. “If this is the initiative on the table, and what is being discussed, we should give it a chance.”

Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa also indicated in an interview with Channel 13 that the Palestinians made a mistake by not participating in the conference.

“It is always a mistake to miss an opportunity to achieve peace,” he said. “Yes, this has nothing to do with the [political] peace plan the US will propose. But this was an opportunity that we wanted to see them here, but they chose not to come.”

Asked what his message was to the Israeli public, Khalifa said, “Yes, you do have peace with Egypt and Jordan, and some kind of understanding with the Palestinians. But this is not the limit of the scope of where you belong. Israel is a country in the Middle East. It is part of the heritage of this region. The Jewish people have a place among us. So communication needs to be a prerequisite for solving all the dispute. We should talk.”

In an interview with KAN News, Khalifa said, “This is an opportunity not to be missed.” He likened it to the Camp David Accords which brought peace between Egypt and Israel, which he said was a “game-changer.”

“I think if we take this matter [the conference] seriously, it could be a very important game-changer,” he said.

The one Palestinian businessman who spoke at the conference, Ashraf Jabari from Hebron, said that the PA leadership did not boycott the conference, because it was not invited. “It is a conference for businesspeople,” he said.

Jabari was one of about a dozen Palestinian businesspeople who bucked the PA pressure and showed up at the event.

Asked by Kushner at one of the sessions on Wednesday what he would do were he the head of the PA, former British prime minister Tony Blair said that he learned two lessons in politics: Think creatively about one’s situation, and always engage.


30c692  No.6848198

File: 2753bddc50c49ff⋯.png (80.66 KB, 632x273, 632:273, Screen Shot 2019-06-25 at ….png)


Gennai has to be a plant.

3d5c6d  No.6848199


"America's greatest ally"

They'll give business, support, and relief to just about anyone we embargo, sanction, or blacklist.

032108  No.6848200

File: d86d316a8eb7993⋯.png (3.03 MB, 3360x1966, 1680:983, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)



with Upset

910a02  No.6848201


Ok, here's some reality.

We are hurtling through space at over a million miles an hour on a rock that's falling apart, quickly, under a sun that's going dark soon, with a magnetic field that's dying.

So, to put things in perspective, today's a good day.

905246  No.6848202

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)



I'm firing up the ovens baker. Does top of next bread work for you?


891733  No.6848203



saw that!

f763d6  No.6848204

ready to bake?

11597b  No.6848205


King Dahhhhhhnald

85c3c9  No.6848206

File: 84b3a36210504d3⋯.png (461.21 KB, 843x689, 843:689, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac4cb3efc2796bc⋯.png (446.25 KB, 846x614, 423:307, ClipboardImage.png)

2 options on POTUS 3 Judicial Watch Retweets first thing this morning.

$1.5M & $1.5 million

#1 Planned Parenthood Drop: $1.5 BILLION with 65million spent on the 2018 midterms. How much did they spend on the 2016 election.

#2 Delta between RT storm is 1:01 Drop 101 is BO extraction Go Code from the Philippines. Anon mentions 1.5 hours in reference to the extraction.

Could be either, could be both considering the 1.2M RR reference to both the BO documents and Q followers.

032108  No.6848207


ackshually that was 3:21 est

910a02  No.6848208



I think we are the Queen's shelter. The USA.

f18ccd  No.6848209


You're a pedo. GTFO

30c692  No.6848210

File: f4b329b600f3827⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 600x800, 3:4, cheesehead pepe.jpg)

Well I'll be damned.

Thanks planefag.

f42742  No.6848211

File: 252c725c6262723⋯.png (1004.07 KB, 1378x675, 1378:675, AntifaHorseshit3.png)

File: ba2c8bfdd5d8c7a⋯.png (1009.14 KB, 931x446, 931:446, AntifaFounders.png)

File: 15bbecf58de187e⋯.png (453.71 KB, 799x515, 799:515, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png)

File: a8760adc4eb12e8⋯.png (249.84 KB, 1458x738, 81:41, AntifaschistischeAktionKom….png)

File: 230d24c1abe7682⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1492x740, 373:185, AntifaCodeMega.png)

392b4a  No.6848212


Terrified CIrAnians~

53f8b4  No.6848213


Well damn

f8743c  No.6848214


Why don´t they show pictures of MS-13 victims on television?

f40553  No.6848215

File: 4cf0da5c738b9d0⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 600x669, 200:223, KEKIVM.gif)


Oh well. Vote her out, call for her to be removed from office.

It was a call to nothing but for the left to be more retarded than what they already are.

No biggy.

Go back to drinking beer and humpin' mama.

785885  No.6848216

File: 78c1d1553e7a9c2⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 470x594, 235:297, Miley Cyrus Is A Classy Gi….jpg)

RE: the spitting incident on Eric Trump…if they will spit in POTUUS sons face in a public fancy restaurant, this makes me think twice about eating out especially when someone simply sees my white skin in any ordinary food place.

SPIT and what else is in my takeout or sit down meal???

Seriouly glad I prapare most of my meals at home.

c912ad  No.6848217

File: 1e4d79cc7115bfe⋯.jpg (122.42 KB, 640x750, 64:75, 1560999930170.jpg)


Not really.

But YOU JEWS are feeling OVER EXPOSED.

Too bad for your and your kind that Al Gore invented the Internet.

Now the Jew cat is out of the bag.

f763d6  No.6848218

good deal, I'm fading fast, got the dough ready to go though



0f71d5  No.6848219


Have you heard of "Joel Salatin" anon? Tons of useful information for building a farm. Has a super awesome philosophy.

It's not about cutting out completely. It's about cutting out the crap. Do you need to make spreadsheets so you can afford to send your kids to day care and then state run education systems where they're actively encouraged to hate you and your culture? Or do you have them learn how to be self sufficient humans who can live anywhere anytime and don't need babysitters. Who can enjoy that freedom and do what they want with it.

I mean i know what some people want…


I don't understand the words you're using in the way they're using them in the way that you do, fren.

Nihilism doesn't play

905246  No.6848220



If that was a response to me, I'm gtg.

590408  No.6848221



beware half-helpful faggotry everywhere

9e9017  No.6848222

File: 951719c731480b7⋯.jpg (187.47 KB, 500x677, 500:677, planefags.jpg)

93d670  No.6848223

File: 221687af5aa65e7⋯.png (444.28 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

House approves bill increasing federal worker pay

The House on Wednesday approved the $24.6 billion financial services and general government bill, the 10th of 12 appropriations bills, which included a provision to raise federal pay by 3.1 percent. The measure passed by 224-196, largely along party lines. “House Democrats are fighting to ensure that America is safe, strong, and moving forward. The investments in this bill to fund financial regulators and small businesses improve the financial security of every family,” House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.) said.

On Tuesday, the House passed a 5-bill appropriations package covering $383 billion, and a week earlier passed a 4-bill package amounting to nearly $1 trillion. Along with the pay raise, the bill includes provisions for top Democratic priorities. It would allow the federal government to hire DACA recipients and clear the way for financial institutions to service recreational and medical cannabis businesses in states where they are legal. It budgeted $16.2 million for improving election security, and stripped away restrictions on the District of Columbia spending local money on issues such as abortion, legalizing marijuana, and needle exchange programs. Almost half the bill was devoted to the Internal Revenue Service, which Democrats say need more resources to enforce tax law and bring in revenue.


Democrats have two more spending bills in the docket. The first, which covers the legislative branch, is being held up over disagreements on whether to raise pay for members of Congress, who have not received a pay increase in over a decade, and which limits top pay for Congressional staff. The second is the Homeland Security bill, which deals with the politically explosive issue of immigration. Clashes over funding for President Trump’s proposed border wall in the Homeland Security bill led to a 35-day shutdown earlier in the year.

The financial services bill that passed on Tuesday included a provision that would block Trump from reprogramming funds from the Treasury toward building the wall, an approach he sought as part of his emergency declaration for the southern border. The Senate has yet to pass any appropriations bills, but is expected to begin moving ahead in July.

Republicans objected to both the provisions in the bill and the overall spending level. “The Financial Services bill continues the themes seen throughout the FY20 appropriations bills: increase spending, encourage illegal immigration, and limit the Administration’s authority,” said Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), the top Republican on the House Appropriations Committee.


910a02  No.6848224


Yeah, Jakob.

Totally not Jewish.


032108  No.6848225


winnipeg i think


2910ab  No.6848226

File: 011b618f54e13dd⋯.jpg (78.59 KB, 510x318, 85:53, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 09….JPG)

1f42d6  No.6848227

File: ea6c8f3dd5de17a⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 15ED4169-610F-4F25-B3C8-25….png)


Me likey


Did you know merkle and harry are nicknamed chandler and monica? There is something to it, just not sure. What’s megan’s real name? Rachel.

30cb42  No.6848228

File: 7234591adf987d3⋯.jpeg (10.82 KB, 255x60, 17:4, AC955ED5-952B-41CD-8DA4-6….jpeg)

File: 1045c40483ba152⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB, 2620x3969, 2620:3969, EC7A5EDB-D528-43CD-9C15-C….jpeg)

File: 4d5427310e701e1⋯.jpeg (62.26 KB, 627x375, 209:125, FEA884B0-83FF-4BFC-A742-3….jpeg)

b61fd7  No.6848229

File: 602d4b43ff65ef9⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1205x927, 1205:927, ClipboardImage.png)


AF1 would have been over Duluth.

cefec8  No.6848230


Pronounced DAHN-əld


From the Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world", composed of the old Celtic elements dumno "world" and val "rule".

I love his mum - serioulsy I LOVE HIS MUM


30c692  No.6848231


Upset31 - Hoover?

0e9536  No.6848232


>New POTUS Tweet and Video

To the Anon that always bashes Hannity for interrupting

Listen up you whiny bitch, Maria interrupts POTUS more than Hannity ever has

Good interview despite all the interruptions

403ab5  No.6848233


moar like mossad. U new here? Rogue cia agents work for mossad anyways.

910a02  No.6848234


Right, sorry about that.

t. John Titor

b4d354  No.6848235

File: 91ee5b40df5a123⋯.png (555.29 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

9e9017  No.6848236

File: 74fbaad19784391⋯.jpg (188.47 KB, 1074x680, 537:340, Liberal - Logic.jpg)

590408  No.6848237


"I'm sorry to surprise you like this but we couldn't reach you on your shoe phone."

1f42d6  No.6848238


have a safe flight. WRWY

We will be following👍🇺🇸

549f05  No.6848239


A set of the Foxfire books, or at least the edition that focuses on food, food storage/prep, would be a great help.

Our grandparents and ancestors may not have had "formal educations" (although we now know precisely what THAT is worth), but they knew about living by their wits and off the land.

f763d6  No.6848240

no, one offers are complaining about noteables, just asked them if they were ready to bake, 3rd bread is a bitch!


d03766  No.6848241

File: 5ea98862fa22a4a⋯.jpeg (214.79 KB, 828x603, 92:67, 5AE5BDDA-6F55-4040-9351-9….jpeg)

Pedostate Cabal,

Your lies are to be known.

Your thievery is to be known.

Your influence is to be known.

Your depravity is to be known.

Your abominations are to be known.

Your centuries of murder are to be known.

Your weakness is your fear of exposure.

All is to be known.

There is NO going back.

You will lose it ALL.

Your wealth is gone.

Your fame is gone.

Your reputation is gone.

Your freedom is gone.

Evil dies.

891733  No.6848242

Trump Smacks Down Russia-Obsessed Liberal Reporter, ‘What I Say to Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit Is None of Your Business’ (VIDEO)


President Trump on Wednesday took questions from reporters from the South Lawn of the White House as he was preparing to depart for the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan.

A Russia-obsessed liberal reporter asked President Trump whether he plans on bringing up 2020 election meddling with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This reporter had the gall to ask about the non existent Russian meddling in our elections just days after James O’Keefe exposed that Google was working to prevent a “Trump situation.”

Google and big tech are clearly meddling in US elections yet this reporter asked about Russia. This is why Americans hate the mainstream media.

Trump let her have it and shut her right up.

“I’ll have a very good conversation with him [Putin]. What I say to him is none of your business,” Trump said without skipping a beat.

863a7c  No.6848243



anon is correct… it is, and it's pretty clear with the sauce

b4d354  No.6848244

File: 709d3afea873ea1⋯.png (431.99 KB, 640x488, 80:61, ClipboardImage.png)

2f7c12  No.6848245

Just a heads up/warning. Titus Frost aka @ImperatorTruth on Twitter claims to have an Isaac Kappy dead's man's switch. (Which technically should have gone off when he died). Other anons say to watch out for this person as an infiltrator like Defango 0Hour Unirock etc. and this "switch" could infect the system. If this or he comes to your attention, I'm sure you know how to handle it and stop it. I suggested (along with other anons) to encrypt it here and seek protection without knowing he may not be trusted. Heads up eyes on Patriots! Love you all… been silent from this board for a while.

ccdc57  No.6848246


==notable== seriously

3ed87a  No.6848247

File: 3b0c41079d3d5f7⋯.jpeg (774.4 KB, 1125x1491, 375:497, 00C36563-E755-40EA-8CED-8….jpeg)

New John Solomon

Unmasker in Chief

Strzok deja vu? 'Unmasker in Chief' Samantha Power spewed anti-Trump bias in government emails


b56735  No.6848248

File: ff19eaf1eac9ed0⋯.png (331.86 KB, 791x609, 113:87, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6847355 (pb)

Wonder why DJT is calling her out specifically?

bae176  No.6848249

910a02  No.6848250


Pantifa. That's hilarious.

Maybe Antifa didn't get the message that they've been over for quite some time now. Even before the ISIS memo went out.

8b68ab  No.6848251

File: 0cb05e8b5ff9a93⋯.png (63.89 KB, 1193x580, 1193:580, ClipboardImage.png)

When did this happen to the_donald ?

55b2f7  No.6848252

File: 00dca25ed0d2d9f⋯.png (233.72 KB, 955x634, 955:634, u.png)

ccdc57  No.6848253




edae49  No.6848254

File: 6ddf9791637c475⋯.png (165 KB, 802x652, 401:326, okefegoog.PNG)

my twitter time keeps changing time zones should be 4:59

9e8ae0  No.6848255


aa5236  No.6848256


She is the one who cheated on him. Should be a female form dangling there.

e341f0  No.6848257


Love his stuff, yes, t y :). Agree with you about stuff. We’re the oddballs who didn’t have garbage service for 3 years in the suburbs (spouseanon broke and made us sign up recently) but we’re not consumers for the most part. I’ve never liked living in this city and am just ready to finally live in an area with virtually no rules, ready to barter. Sorry for the slide..ready for my life to finally begin. :)

7173f9  No.6848258

File: 3a8954f419244ef⋯.jpg (163.37 KB, 1380x956, 345:239, SmartSelect_20190626-15464….jpg)

File: 6bdb8dfc31ca2b6⋯.jpg (518.14 KB, 1079x715, 83:55, SmartSelect_20181122-18522….jpg)


Duluth Rally had some intensity!

13a994  No.6848259



Occasional Cortex Busted Virtue Signaling for Photo Op

53f8b4  No.6848260


Is this Hannity's big bomb shell that was supposed to drop today?

392b4a  No.6848261


You lot are so easy to pick out now~

b4d354  No.6848262

File: b676cb8564047d0⋯.png (508.46 KB, 568x640, 71:80, ClipboardImage.png)

f6f477  No.6848263

File: 4bf3c68cc894a93⋯.png (936.43 KB, 950x694, 475:347, 2pot.png)

File: 4bf3c68cc894a93⋯.png (936.43 KB, 950x694, 475:347, 3329.png)

File: 7ed2068f4a9eeb9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 902x748, 41:34, 5port.png)

File: bd1ab58e491e001⋯.png (978.57 KB, 895x745, 179:149, 6port.png)

File: 5e729fd46d1a66f⋯.png (1008.6 KB, 898x744, 449:372, 3port.png)

One-Eyed Man is wearing a necklace to Allah, and Katy takes him down.

Katy is portraying “SEKHMET” – Warrior Goddess


Sekhmet’s name comes from the Ancient Egyptian word “sekhem” which means “power”. Sekhmet’s name suits her function and means “the (one who is) powerful”. She also was given titles such as the “(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles”, “Mistress of Dread”, “Lady of Slaughter” and “She Who Mauls”.

The name of her cult center? Memphis, Leontopolis. When the fallen angels were compelled to experiment with DNA, there are many lines of manipulation on Earth, and this was one reason for GOD to place the world under a Great Deluge (flood). I wonder if this was one of the breeds! Does she originate from this line? OR was this the exact deity?

She was known as Ra’s daughter, and also Hathor. Ra supposedly sent her to destroy mortals who conspired against him. Oh, by the way…Ra is known as Satan as well. She was known to represent a period of war, and judgment upon the Earth, and bought vengeance upon it.

But what you may nor know is she also is known as a Kali. The Goddess Kalika Devi. Shiva is known to be a consort of Kali, which means DEATH…whose body she is often seen standing. Shiva lies in the path of Kali, whose foot on Shiva subdues her anger.

Interestingly the etymology is time, or also black in honor of creation before light. Again a reminder of the fallen angels. Who else has all the time in the world/universe? But the Bible also reminds us their time is short being that we are in the end times now.

After the great deception, she rises as a PHOENIX! She burns everything and rebirths the Earth.

Mother Sekhmet Speak with the Great Council at Shambhalla


Lies…all lies. This is the Ascended Masters who are fallen angels.


All through this video, Katy is seen taking down different men with the ‘blue’ side winning over the ‘red’ side. Goddess Kali represents the mother figure at the end of the age which destroys the ego that ‘eats’ all the demons and rebirths the Earth. This is a true representation of Satan’s ‘reincarnation’ theory of the New Age doctrines.

Throughout the video it centers on ‘blue’ people who give her sacrifices, they represent the Pleiades. And if you know anything about the elite and Freemasonry then you know they revere Sirius and Orion. This is a reference to the many false flags upon Earth and the elite’s sacrificial count within them.

In IPET Goat II, you will notice that the woman is holding a red apple surrounded by ‘blue’ people and she is giving out ‘the deception’. Also notice the rabbit in the foreground which parallels the women in costume as cats in the Katy Perry video. This deception has set up a massive ‘sleep’ factor upon the Earth and this is how many people will parish….


905246  No.6848264

File: 4d489612a8468e3⋯.png (91.24 KB, 400x333, 400:333, pepecoffeederp.png)


Oh, top kek baker. Give 'em hell.

b61fd7  No.6848265

Where do all roads lead to..?

VM767 ln the pattern at Rome, NY (Griffiss International)

9e8ae0  No.6848266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f763d6  No.6848267


>>6847785, >>6847814, >>6848150 Planefag update

>>6847989 Boatfag update

>>6847610 Notre-Dame fire: Prosecutor says no sign of criminal cause

>>6847642,>>6847718 Barr Our promise to 'counter'

>>6847731 BlackBerry violates SEC rules with use of non-standard metrics

>>6847792 Senate passes 4.6B ER border spending bill

>>6847819 Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. Drops 65 Percent Since Trump-Mexico Deal

>>6847841 Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

>>6847861 former usc gynecologist Dr George Tyndall who is accused of molesting hundreds of patients over a-period of several decades has been arrested by LAPD

>>6847879 Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

>>6847887 anons Barr pied piper

>>6847899, >>6847905 Isaac Kappy Dig

>>6847907 Conservative SCOTUS Justices move to overturn precedents raising questions on Roe v. Wade

>>6847926 West Texas school bus driver charged with possessing child pornography

>>6847968 3 steps to a winning G-20 for Trump and Japan's Abe

>>6847986 Declaring Netanyahu’s time as up, Ehud Barak announces formation of new party

>>6848014, >>6848223 House counters twit

>>6848017 Concrete Cartel RICO

>>6848022 At least one person has been killed after a shooting inside a parking deck at the Riverchase Galleria Mall in Birmingham, Alabama.

>>6848042 Clinton praises Megan Rapinoe

>>6848047 Huawei enters Israel’s solar power market, hours after quitting US

>>6848049 Trump goes after Democrats over photo of drowned migrants

>>6848050 Urgent | News agency #: Interception of a march in Yemeni airspace launched by the Houthis in the direction of the kingdom

>>6848053 PACE approves resolution on restoring full powers of Russian delegation

>>6848068 anon Barr decode

>>6848073 US Market Report

>>6848096 NEW DJT

>>6848099 Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns Against Socialism and ‘Massive Government Expansion’

>>6848149 Anyone ever notice that the two BIGGEST stars from Friends were named Rachel and Chandler? Has anyone done a dig?

b4d354  No.6848268

File: 2192d2940cb7c7c⋯.png (248.52 KB, 540x540, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

f40553  No.6848269

File: b170c4e290625eb⋯.webm (6.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Watch Barr plays the bagp….webm)

b61fd7  No.6848270

File: 12847eabd67696d⋯.jpg (417.53 KB, 1913x961, 1913:961, VM767 26 Jun 19 2145.jpg)

0419c4  No.6848271

File: 589ef2d191e3b34⋯.jpg (825.02 KB, 2038x3109, 2038:3109, Cia ops.jpg)


That's a very confused meme.

dc9c1e  No.6848272


Are the pyrimids really that old?

I don't believe that for a whole bunch of reasons, including photo analysis of the rate of erosion.

Anyway, to resolve that, I figure they were constructed in more modern times to appear to be from 25K B.C.

Cabal created a lengthened fake "echo" history to cover for the fact they erased the real past.

f6f477  No.6848273

File: 023bc888922b39d⋯.jpg (196.72 KB, 730x1048, 365:524, bsqgjjbciaallnn-large.jpg)

File: bd1ab58e491e001⋯.png (978.57 KB, 895x745, 179:149, 6port.png)

File: 7ed2068f4a9eeb9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 902x748, 41:34, 5port.png)

File: a9a91db079ccf0b⋯.jpg (219.03 KB, 907x1112, 907:1112, katy-perry-performs-dark-h….jpg)

File: b5531a544ac38be⋯.png (987.11 KB, 897x742, 897:742, 4port.png)

d5f20a  No.6848274


Methinks feet are a very effective vote - probably more effective than X on a ballot.

I applaud your decisin and wish you well.

b4d354  No.6848275

File: 11bc5ef77016e46⋯.png (253.39 KB, 480x640, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

d56b94  No.6848276


also. black people owned slaves and land too. and whites were slaves. but whatever. who's keeping track any more.

910a02  No.6848277


Feb 14, 2018 (Valentine's Day)

SEALED COMPLAINT as to Keith Raniere (1). (Attachments: # (1) Sealing Cover Sheet) (Sica, Michele)[1:18-mj-00132-LB]

I'll see if there's anything interdasting.

e341f0  No.6848278


Will add to my library..thx! I also love Carla Emory. I call it my bible.

171316  No.6848279

File: 17097446c77b635⋯.png (5.11 KB, 186x255, 62:85, a11d9acec49c4f91e193a168f8….png)

19a8ab  No.6848280

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)


As Q told in many posts the anons on Q Research and the whole Q movement are a DIRECT THREAT to many people ww.

Not only to the few families of the ruling class, but also to the many DS assets in politics, science, economy, fake news reporters, masons and "knights" around the world.

Shills apply all kind of tactics and most of them have it´s base on "divide and rule".

Attack people of the Q patriots and sow division to weaken the movement.



Shills attack the loud voices on YT (especially prayingmedic, in the matrix) and on TV (Hannity and other).

Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Shills are desperate bc anons and patriots ww are so many and are so strongly bound in the fight against evil.

Shills still try to sow division and make the recent FalseFlags work ('Q is a nazi movement', 'orange man nazi').

Shills spread disinfo (RR and mueller not our guys for example).

Shills spread stupid info to make anons look ridiculous.

One shill calls everyone "bot" and want´s you to think that there are not thousands of anons contributing and millions of lurkers spreading info on other channels.

Shills attack relevant info (was noted two months ago, why should anons care, not relevant, …)

Shills glow if you regard all posts made here in the context of ALL Q DROPS.

The end for shills is near and JUSTICE will be served soon.




0e9536  No.6848281


>Wonder why DJT is calling her out specifically?

I was just discussing that with someone

The video is from January and was re posted yesterday

I told other anon that she must have an indictment or perhaps is using illegals to manufacture for her company


50346b  No.6848282


Greatest ally stabbing em in the back as usual

171316  No.6848283


Vileness is exalted

among the children

of man Ps 12:8

8b68ab  No.6848284


"All creators are held to the same standard"… right. Anyone who posts stuff they don't like they terminate. That is what they mean.

2b5cac  No.6848285



570136  No.6848286

File: e34f33fba934b37⋯.pdf (143.66 KB, 201912.pdf)

FEC authorizes Area 1 Security, Inc to provide cybersecurity services to federal candidates and political committees.


549f05  No.6848287

File: 9a83e23bb9dda69⋯.jpg (574.61 KB, 2028x1624, 507:406, SamanthaPowerCassSunstein.jpg)



Samantha Power is SO utterly vile.

Don't forget about that nasty husband of hers, Cass Sunstein.

Aren't they just a HANDSOME couple, though?


032108  No.6848288

File: 51f87ba1b9daf6e⋯.png (20.88 KB, 516x46, 258:23, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)


see above post capped at 4:33:33 (kek) so somewhere before winnipeg





973c42  No.6848289

File: 5856b935fdca867⋯.jpg (302.78 KB, 2647x1985, 2647:1985, gettyimages-524117124.png.jpg)

18db20  No.6848290

File: f50340a898eae07⋯.png (600.22 KB, 1880x933, 1880:933, FRIDAY1_2019-06-26_214940.png)

File: 67355765215675b⋯.png (500.19 KB, 1880x933, 1880:933, FRIDAY1_2019-06-26_214822.png)


Odd callsign FRIDAY1 near Tuscaloosa with a very weird flight path.

Remind you of anything.

b61fd7  No.6848291

File: 7c9c471816e6b14⋯.jpg (370.73 KB, 1913x903, 1913:903, C560s 26 Jun 19 2145.jpg)

VM767 at Rome, NY. 166500 landing at Miramar.

771f5b  No.6848292

File: 442dcfe5a13a45f⋯.jpg (28.16 KB, 475x458, 475:458, FB_IMG_1490733664401.jpg)



905246  No.6848293


>The music is about to stop.

973c42  No.6848294

File: fb6b9a23064ed7b⋯.jpg (105.98 KB, 550x811, 550:811, sunstein_collid=books_cove….jpg)

2a510e  No.6848295



f40553  No.6848296

File: 046513d6693a627⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1832x772, 458:193, 6f9d7d5caae0df2de2f8a9162f….png)

Didn't Hannity say there was supposed to be a "SHOE DROPPED" today????

1f42d6  No.6848297


Anon, did you see my post? Below.. think we just cracked this week’s news


5dc9ba  No.6848298

File: 7ea11682b8db168⋯.jpg (36.03 KB, 400x492, 100:123, Screenshot_423.jpg)

File: 0021863f2f2721a⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 379x492, 379:492, Screenshot_422.jpg)

c6cc87  No.6848299

File: 8ed00a421eb431d⋯.png (101.91 KB, 280x240, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

403ab5  No.6848300


of course shes married to a jew

cb2e67  No.6848301

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


691f66  No.6848302

>>6847494 (PB)

No. That's what an incredibly fit woman's calves look like when they are deliberately flexed. It's what YOUR calves should look like, too – but probably don't. Can you even see your dick without a mirror?

The flag-disrespecting dyke is in better shape than you are.

c68ade  No.6848303


Flying Spaghetti Monster?

e341f0  No.6848304


I actually think they have a point. Brazilians became popular in the early-mid 2000 due to the rise of pornstars and mags showing shaved. Why was the shaved look pushed so heavily?

50346b  No.6848305


Trump will start a war for his Zionist masters before declas and and once he does that declas will no longer matter.

The Zionist plan

1. Announce peace plan.

2. Start a huge war.

3. Get the antichrist whether fake or not to end the war.

4. Implement Noahide World Order.

5. Peace for a few years while they roll out the full satanic agenda.

6. Then press on with their depopulation plans beheadings of those who follow Jesus.

7. Cattle maintained at 500 million slaves, 2900 for every Jew.

(((Q+))) don't say you weren't warned.

c68e22  No.6848306

File: 62d6865e9c86224⋯.jpg (852.49 KB, 1280x1707, 1280:1707, airfap.jpg)


Excellent digits

01b8a7  No.6848307



Are you PRAYING!?

7ea6ae  No.6848308


????????? Is today over????????

f763d6  No.6848309



>>6847785, >>6847814, >>6848150, >>6848270, >>6848290, >>6848291 Planefag update

>>6847989 Boatfag update

>>6847610 Notre-Dame fire: Prosecutor says no sign of criminal cause

>>6847642, >>6847718, >>6848068 Barr Our promise to 'counter'

>>6847731 BlackBerry violates SEC rules with use of non-standard metrics

>>6847792 Senate passes 4.6B ER border spending bill

>>6847819 Release of Illegal Aliens into U.S. Drops 65 Percent Since Trump-Mexico Deal

>>6847841 Alabama car dealership offers free shotgun, bible, and American flag to customers

>>6847861 former usc gynecologist Dr George Tyndall who is accused of molesting hundreds of patients over a-period of several decades has been arrested by LAPD

>>6847879 Huawei Technologies loses trade secrets theft case against U.S. chip designer

>>6847887 anons Barr pied piper

>>6847899, >>6847905 Isaac Kappy Dig

>>6847907 Conservative SCOTUS Justices move to overturn precedents raising questions on Roe v. Wade

>>6847926 West Texas school bus driver charged with possessing child pornography

>>6847968 3 steps to a winning G-20 for Trump and Japan's Abe

>>6847986 Declaring Netanyahu’s time as up, Ehud Barak announces formation of new party

>>6848014, >>6848223 House counters twit

>>6848017 Concrete Cartel RICO

>>6848042 Clinton praises Megan Rapinoe

>>6848047 Huawei enters Israel’s solar power market, hours after quitting US

>>6848049 Trump goes after Democrats over photo of drowned migrants

>>6848050 Urgent | News agency #: Interception of a march in Yemeni airspace launched by the Houthis in the direction of the kingdom

>>6848053 PACE approves resolution on restoring full powers of Russian delegation

>>6848073 US Market Report

>>6848096 NEW DJT

>>6848099 Democrat Presidential Candidate Warns Against Socialism and ‘Massive Government Expansion’

>>6848149 Anyone ever notice that the two BIGGEST stars from Friends were named Rachel and Chandler? Has anyone done a dig?

032108  No.6848310

File: d3169b298e87ec3⋯.jpg (587.54 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, IMG_3218.JPG)


the ancient punisher

guessing george is going downer friday??

c912ad  No.6848311

File: 9921cff622aa25b⋯.jpg (125.97 KB, 1009x1024, 1009:1024, 1561335081185.jpg)


>Shills attack individual anons and call them names (boomer, kike, …).

Let me guess…

You're a boomer kike.

Thanks for playing.

b61fd7  No.6848312

File: 48cfbe4cda478dd⋯.jpg (286.42 KB, 1908x744, 159:62, VM767 Rome 26 Jun19 2155.jpg)

I can't tell if ADS-B is doing this or it's spoopy shit.

2910ab  No.6848313

File: 13bea74ee5e3772⋯.jpg (112.19 KB, 753x565, 753:565, predestination.jpg)

File: f5c047ac459c890⋯.jpg (26.34 KB, 578x300, 289:150, predss.jpg)

File: 3bedbf1c6356c66⋯.png (771.83 KB, 1700x702, 850:351, 6a-copy.png)


>Samantha Power

Reminds me of Jane/John in Predestination

cefec8  No.6848314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1b4aee  No.6848315


Q Team. Can you post on my 60th B Day today please? Like many I've been here since the beginning and hope I'm not making a 'God' request to speak to us humble anons? What's the score Q Team?

a02e6f  No.6848316


They ARE all held to the same standard, that standard is just "whatever we feel like."

863a7c  No.6848317

File: fe48ea16b699c14⋯.png (1 MB, 833x535, 833:535, POTUS at miramar.PNG)

944e00  No.6848319


Would be freaking amazing to hear from Q or Q+…while POTUS is up in AF1

403ab5  No.6848320

File: 556bfbb69ac344a⋯.jpeg (72.35 KB, 440x683, 440:683, 063FDCAF-B8A7-4072-983A-A….jpeg)

File: f8aa109463d25bf⋯.jpeg (505.46 KB, 1189x1144, 1189:1144, 3A245815-174E-49A3-B591-9….jpeg)

File: 18168761fc7c5e9⋯.jpeg (457.05 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, F900C649-B9CB-4D3E-BD14-0….jpeg)

File: cf517b180a5b9e6⋯.jpeg (256.27 KB, 1397x565, 1397:565, C50B3F8A-C9CF-4F80-9C14-6….jpeg)


Hi mossad. Not surprised ur triggered by me mentioning mossad.

What do these Q posts make u feel? Let me guess, u gonna claim MOS is a server?

0a5114  No.6848321

File: 87c213d910235d3⋯.gif (52.37 KB, 760x242, 380:121, JOE1.gif)

c68e22  No.6848322

File: 5b78a19b75ec803⋯.png (35.88 KB, 488x224, 61:28, Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at ….png)

46d520  No.6848323

File: 5a093a7d637a31b⋯.png (705.79 KB, 1074x947, 1074:947, Photo_1561582193443.png)

File: a4d70f8b2746d35⋯.png (375.79 KB, 1074x912, 179:152, 20190626_145717.png)


910a02  No.6848324


You do not have access to this transcript.

TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings as to Keith Raniere, Allison Mack, Clare Bronfman, Kathy Russell, Lauren Salzman, Nancy Salzman held on April 22, 2019, before Judge Scanlon. Court Transcriber: Typewrite Word Processing Service, Telephone number 518-581-8973. Email address: transcripts@typewp.com. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER.File redaction request using event "Redaction Request - Transcript" located under "Other Filings - Other Documents". Redaction Request due 5/14/2019. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/24/2019. Release of Transcri pt Restriction set for 7/22/2019. (Rocco, Christine)


f42742  No.6848325

File: dc543d74dbd8884⋯.jpeg (12.34 KB, 194x259, 194:259, serveimage (29).jpeg)

File: b8fe42fc956857f⋯.jpeg (79.31 KB, 692x515, 692:515, serveimage (30).jpeg)

0f71d5  No.6848326


The more I think about it, the more I think setting up some kind of system to train farmers with him to send them to various impoverished communities who are full of heroin epidemics and turn them into communities in need of labor and fine craftsmanship is something that the president should get on asap. There's no reason to not do this.

Better, more local food. Better farmland. Better, smarter, more productive citizens, more robust citizens. They have more problems so will find better solutions and come up with solutions. Less fighting because the community is more cohesive.

There's only 1 reason to not do it.

95f694  No.6848327

heartless = 107

273f96  No.6848328

File: b4cb3e52c0d02c7⋯.png (364.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, grats (2).png)


Oh, look, it's she without sin, who likes to cast stones

874dd1  No.6848329

File: 844a426c346c1a5⋯.jpg (110.96 KB, 989x765, 989:765, 021303007eecf105d99108d780….jpg)

File: a711b4e48014580⋯.jpg (109.86 KB, 500x888, 125:222, DrWS4KWWsAECAa6.jpg)

18db20  No.6848330

File: a5ba012df13a2b5⋯.jpg (62.51 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, Punisher_6.jpg)

7173f9  No.6848331

File: 0ac1a7800abd371⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 444x492, 37:41, 111-85421332-111288BLACK_B….jpg)


Let's see the pen on AF1.

8e4091  No.6848332


Looks more like an ACDF (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion) scar.>>6847735

891733  No.6848333

File: aaa78bf3a60fe36⋯.png (144.9 KB, 600x511, 600:511, Happy_Birthday_PNG_Transpa….png)

e341f0  No.6848335


Ooh..post the reason next bread. I’m intrigued.

9a67d2  No.6848336

File: d0b4ce5dd4eebf8⋯.png (216.56 KB, 499x499, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)




"17 TIMES"




c912ad  No.6848337

File: 54a6c9f7c892804⋯.png (366.26 KB, 500x655, 100:131, qmossad.png)


Don't forget this one.

f40553  No.6848338

File: 01a8de1462e3200⋯.png (328.01 KB, 369x363, 123:121, TootsJussiePee.png)


Yeah, pretty much by 5pm, everything that needed to be done should have been done by now…so yes…today is over.

53f8b4  No.6848339


Pretty much. The markets are closed, anything big would have been dropped after the market closed. Hannity is wrong more often then not as far as time frames go. Pretty sure he get fed misinformation the same reason we do.

6a7552  No.6848340

thanks for the jpegs , dumb fucks

23eee4  No.6848341

File: 52074b84908a5cf⋯.png (2.46 MB, 1592x3359, 1592:3359, 6.26 MAGIC.png)

dc9c1e  No.6848342


Yes, I noticed that too.

Liz looked relaxed with a true smile


There must be an amazing back story to that.

392b4a  No.6848344


Oh their day will come, you just won't be in an actionable position when it happens Deep Sweetie~

863a7c  No.6848345

File: 1989aeccb9cf081⋯.jpg (24.43 KB, 255x222, 85:74, pepe champers.jpg)


Happy Birthday anon

910a02  No.6848346


All porn leads to cp

f40553  No.6848348

File: 6e35b72c23423a0⋯.jpeg (282.5 KB, 1479x1733, 1479:1733, 4340ba909825fb620758cbaae….jpeg)



032108  No.6848349

File: 46f92375b486009⋯.jpg (198.33 KB, 1047x785, 1047:785, hb5042018130325.jpg)


not Q but happy birthday

b61fd7  No.6848350

File: cce14c1ba4d33fb⋯.jpg (483.99 KB, 1907x730, 1907:730, 166500 Miramar 26 jun 19 2….jpg)

166500 on final into Miramar.

910a02  No.6848351


You projected nihilism.

Open your eyes; only eternal things matter.

30c692  No.6848353

File: e5f1880b7693ed0⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 255x255, 1:1, confused pepe.jpg)


That's the Dangerous IL? Godfather III?

Last used Dec 9. 22 times starting Nov 4.

Map related.


But even the plot of Godfather III looks like the image attached to anon.

Hello, btw.

0f71d5  No.6848354


You're trying to squeeze every drop of knowledge and soul from the country before you destroy it and move to China to start again to maintain your empire of degeneracy.

0e9536  No.6848355

File: d2a9d63bfd6c6e9⋯.png (16.16 KB, 605x156, 605:156, Jr re Plastic Straws 1 43 ….PNG)

File: 24b00b72f341504⋯.png (317.62 KB, 853x894, 853:894, Archive Jr re Plastic Stra….PNG)

File: 5e2f51d5e3dc538⋯.png (725.32 KB, 594x800, 297:400, Pecker Checker Jr re Plast….PNG)

File: b4569e9bc812e0b⋯.png (961.89 KB, 587x743, 587:743, Pecker Checker Posobiec.PNG)

This is an absolutely asinine tweet by Jr

Particularly since POTUS enacted Rules to clean up the oceans and waterways

I am not for municipalities banning plastic straws that harm business'

To be better by finding alternate materials that are environmentally friendly is great

Was just at the beach for dinner and the place had compostable plastic for its tarter sauce etc

Nothing wrong with that



BTW The MOS operative and pecker checker is the top comment

970fb7  No.6848356


That loud mouth bitch makes Hannity look like he is mute!

I will go out of my way to NOT cross her path.

What a 'tard.

a723bf  No.6848358


Notice how bots operate

722f40  No.6848359

>>6848209 If true, how do you explain the many women who prefer a man to shave, rather than than let facial hair reveal their age?

I don't like hair in my soup, or anything I want to eat. If hungry enough, I will pick it out… but prefer to indulge without having to stop to clean up.

619299  No.6848360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure if this has already been posted!

Sorry Anons, I haven't kept up today! Trying to clear my land - doing burn piles!

But I just saw this and wanted to paste it:

Text "RALLY" to 88022 and vote for a Trump Rally in your state!

Text "BORDER" to 88022 to build the WALL

403ab5  No.6848361


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one too.


smoke less meth faggot

150b3e  No.6848362

File: 44500d4ff4132e9⋯.png (27.79 KB, 602x248, 301:124, ClipboardImage.png)

212a4d  No.6848364

File: fc512d9b621d571⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 480x320, 3:2, 4Zk0B.gif)


For you.

fb70a3  No.6848365

File: 3baaa1c37aaba16⋯.png (350.6 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 3baaa1c37aaba164969dceaa5d….png)


Happy B'day patriot!

691f66  No.6848366


Ask Gillette … they shave all sorts of pussies.

9a67d2  No.6848367

0f71d5  No.6848369


I ascribed it to society. Is it not accurate? What is the "correct" take anon?

2910ab  No.6848370

File: 14cd504027f9ea8⋯.jpg (124.54 KB, 445x561, 445:561, Screen Shot 06-26-19 at 04….JPG)


Happy Birthday, play the pipes

30c692  No.6848371


Then explain the lack of the same definition from the incredibly fit gal's calves standing before (((it))).

549f05  No.6848372


Most of what I know deals only with food/hunting in the Southeast, because I live here

90 degree heat is why nobody ever had a hog killin' in the summertime. Wait til it gets good and cold outside, and be sure to have some family/friends helping. It is hard work that takes several strong hands. There are YT videos of hog killings for reference.

If you are going to start with some laying hens, you could probably easily raise a few hogs.

If you had a couple of geese, they would let you know LOUDLY if an person or animal predator came up on your place, and geese are also fantastic for insect control on your vegetable plants.

Always sleep with your outdoor shoes right next to where you sleep, so in case you need to put them on fast during the night, you can.

Growing sweet potatoes, and learning how to keep them over the winter in a hole, layered with hay or straw, is a cinch.

My grandparents always dried fruit slices out in the sunshine on old window screens. Just lay them out there on a good dry couple of days. Oh my goodness, the fried peach and apple pies…

I could go on all day long.

Good luck to you buddy, you're gonna be just fine. It will all seem natural to you in no time.

d6af3f  No.6848373

File: 9085691acd4aecb⋯.jpg (38.99 KB, 516x161, 516:161, yujgdsencxj.jpg)

File: 93f252dc4c31749⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 2304x955, 2304:955, itsaabnaedfnnbsn.jpg)

905246  No.6848374

File: 419cb6565531410⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepebirthdayboy.jpg)


Happy birthday anon.

30cb42  No.6848375

File: dbb0ca94ed4b700⋯.jpeg (169.04 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, 9913B6D6-DAFE-4D06-B73E-D….jpeg)

File: eca27b127c3c482⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB, 2178x2244, 33:34, ACED34AD-D55F-4090-9A71-1….jpeg)

691f66  No.6848376


Even if only in the past tense.

f763d6  No.6848377

File: 23d251935a78c82⋯.png (262.35 KB, 592x390, 296:195, BREAD2.png)

277450  No.6848378

I wish I knew more about quantum mechanics and math. I struggle with shit like angular momentum, can't imagine shor's algorithm. I mean I just want to figure out (0, 1)!

0e9536  No.6848379


>That loud mouth bitch makes Hannity look like he is mute!

She is not a bitch

But she did excessively interrupt POTUS

Much much more than Sean ever has

417738  No.6848380


Happy B-Day from one just a few years behind you and, like you, I have been here since the beginning.

9e8ae0  No.6848381

Now they All Lose

93d670  No.6848382

File: c622ce24f9fb958⋯.png (510.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc6ed8169cfeaa6⋯.png (222.67 KB, 708x1626, 118:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8b1d7d45dd6356⋯.png (147.87 KB, 704x1050, 352:525, ClipboardImage.png)

'Unmasker in Chief' Samantha Power spewed anti-Trump bias in government emails

Former United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power may share an unflattering stage with a text-loving FBI agent and his Donald Trump-hating paramour from the bureau. Fired agent Peter Strzok and ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page are infamous today for texting on FBI phones their anti-Trump sentiments while allegedly having an affair. They played key roles in the now-debunked Russia collusion investigation.

It turns out that Power — the diplomat whose authority inexplicably was used to unmask hundreds of Americans’ names in secret intelligence reports during the 2016 election — engaged in similar Trump-bashing on her official government email, according to documents unearthed by an American Center for Law and Justice lawsuit. The conservative legal group is run by Trump defense attorney Jay Sekulow. The discovery could add a new dimension — a question of political bias — to a long-running congressional investigation into why Power's authority was used to unmask hundreds of Americans' names in secret National Security Agency intercepts during the 2016 election. That practice of unmasking continues to grow today.

Power’s barbs toward Trump started as early as the GOP primaries, when she used her email to connect Oskar Eustis, the artistic director at the Public Theater in New York, with oft-quoted think tank scholar Norman Ornstein, the memos show. “Oskar, Norm will explain our political system, in a way that will fleetingly make it seem rational, though maybe not after Trump and Sanders win NH,” she wrote, predicting the future president and upstart socialist senator, Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), would win the esteemed New Hampshire primary.

After Trump stunned the world with his general election win over Hillary Clinton, the observations of Power and those emailing her on her official government account turned more vitriolic. “I am discouraged and frightened. Electing a right-wing president is something, but such a morally repugnant bully!” read a Nov. 14, 2016, email to Power from a sender whose name the State Department redacted for privacy reasons. The email referred to former Trump strategist Steve Bannon as “an avowed racist” and predicted, “The worst is coming.”

There is no evidence in the released documents that Power responded or chastised the sender for using government email for such political animosity. But there is ample evidence she engaged in similar Trump-bashing. In December 2016, for example, when sent a news story about Trump’s effort to communicate a new policy direction for the U.N., Power snarkily replied: “This reflects the lack of understanding of history.” When Trump announced his intent to withdraw the U.S. from a global climate deal, Power emailed a colleague: “Lord help us all.” And when a routine diplomatic issue with Japan arose in late November 2016, Power emailed another colleague: “It is unreal how the Trump dynamic has changed things.” Perhaps most telling are Power’s efforts to arrange media interviews and speeches during her final days in office, clearly aiming to counter the incoming president’s agenda and fan the narrative that Trump might be dangerously soft on matters involving Russia and mercilessly hard on immigrants.

When Jorge Ramos, news anchor for the Spanish-language network Univision, floated an idea for an exit interview, Power suggested her anguish at seeing Democrats lose the election was receding the more she watched Trump in action. “If we do something, we will make it good,” Power wrote Ramos. “PTSD in retreat — Trump has vanquished it.”

Power and her staff spent time brainstorming a possible CBS “60 Minutes” interview as Trump’s transition period began. The idea was to parlay Power’s remarks at an upcoming citizenship event and the TV news magazine interview into forums to shame the president-elect on immigration. “Ambassador: Have a draft for your remarks for the naturalization ceremony on Tuesday, which has proven a useful and somewhat cathartic vessel to channel some post-Trump messages about who we are,” fellow State Department official Nikolaus Steinberg wrote on Nov. 11, 2016. Power responded: “Need to move out on 60 mins idea to seek maximum amplif.”


549f05  No.6848384

File: 8c40e09c110b568⋯.jpg (39.92 KB, 450x360, 5:4, Birthday.jpg)


Happy birthday, anon! Right behind ya!

cb2e67  No.6848385

File: e44aa906a5274cf⋯.png (193.69 KB, 399x455, 57:65, ClipboardImage.png)

Mr. Rogers Republican leader says the Democrats is trying to turn over our CBP processing centers to the UN. Wake up America Democrats want to destroy our country!


11:56 AM - 25 Jun 2019

>>6847746 o7

691f66  No.6848387


Different sport. Also, her call whether to flex or not.

Both of them are in better shape than 90% of us.

ca1df8  No.6848388


>99% will end up in hell?

What do you think this 'world' actually is…

The truth of that will put 99% in hospital.

Now we fight the demons who run this world to end their rule.

And their lackeys who sacrifice children for power and wealth.

fb70a3  No.6848389

File: 04d2b213c3ea0de⋯.jpg (77.8 KB, 960x768, 5:4, 04d2b213c3ea0dee1aca8172ae….jpg)

f40553  No.6848390



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