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File: d5055660dbbb0b7⋯.jpg (585.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DoughImage.jpg)

b1b53a  No.6654825

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

b1b53a  No.6654826

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements


>>6654800 Planefag: R1944 - OMAHA - Eisenhower quote.

>>6654748 Sarah Sanders Tweets her and Scavino's Instagram to keep up with the UK trip.

>>6654693 More details on the Clinton Caribbean cruise.

>>6654415, >>6654463 US Army Tweet referencing the route of Uranium 1?

>>6654451 FB helping dox Trump supporters?

>>6654427 Attacks on Syria.

>>6654397 Thailand employing aerial reforestation procedures.

>>6654395, >>6654402, >>6654542, >>6654565, >>6654610, >>6654694 Planefag updates: Army/Marines & other notable flights.

>>6654318 Assange will not face charges over Vault 7 leak.

>>6654306, >>6654361, >>6654393, >>6654382, >>6654464, >>6654727, >>6654756 Google engine down. Regional YouTube issues. Outage spreads to Snapchat and Uber.

>>6654241 Opposition conservatives prevail in Greek local election runoffs.

>>6654231 Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard is a Hillary shill.

>>6654220 Dupont and 3M knowingly contaminated drinking water across the US, lawsuits allege.

>>6654203 Abrams preposterous political rise. Globalist backed.

>>6654163 Planefag: AZAZ0909 confirmed on the ground in Colorado Springs / Peterson AFB.

>>6654162 Details on the increasingly hot trade war.

>>6654160 Head of German Social Dems & Merkel’s coalition partner to step down.

>>6654139 Pentagon sends stern message to White House over USS John McCain debacle.

>>6654135, >>6654165, >>6654157 USMC Tweet: "Stone Cold Killers"

>>6654122 Biden involved in the genesis of the Russia "investigation."

>>6654821 #8509

#8508 baker change

>>6653945, >>6653983 Symbolism will be their downfall. Upside down stars.

>>6653952 Missing and murdered indigenous Canadian women: genocide. (video)

>>6653894, >>6653919 POTUS status and FLOTUS full UK schedule.

>>6653893 Anna Timmer lays the public smack down on Amash.

>>6653882, >>6653991 Planefag: AZAZ0909 flight from Davison & other interdasting flights. Headed towards Denver.

>>6653854 DJT Tweet: "Mexico is sending a big delegation to talk about the Border…"

>>6653838 UN expert says Sky News & BBC World dropped his interview on Assange torture.

>>6653806 DJT Tweet: "Peggy Noonan, the simplistic writer for Trump Haters all…"

>>6653731 GOP targets Comey and Brennan as Spygate investigations heat up.

>>6653691 Cruise ship crashes into tourist boat & dock on Venice canal.

>>6653668 German politician found shot dead in his home.

>>6653665 ISIS claims responsibility for Afghan triple bombing.

>>6653641 The Virginia Beach Police had a workshop planned Saturday on mass shootings.

>>6653638, >>6653968 Golan Heights ski resort releases video of alleged rocket attack from Syria. Israel carries out strikes in Syria.

>>6653620 Media tries to downplay attacker's identity.

>>6653591 Kappy obit.

>>6653587 Russia has withdrawn key defense advisers from Venezuela.

>>6653585, >>6653599 Clintons touring the Carribean.

>>6653575 Olbermann's concrete and go Tweets.

>>6653533 Biden implies the Trump admin is responsible for the murders of Black trannies.

>>6653503 White House deploying DHS agents to Guatemala-Mexico border.

>>6653490, >>6653957 US DoD: Together we fight and win!

>>6653481 Anti-trust and regulations coming to the big tech giants.

>>6653478, >>6653940 Mike Pompeo: U.S. open to Iran talks 'with no preconditions'.

>>6653470 HRC uses VA Beach tragedy to push more gun control.

>>6653467 Marketfag update: Banks feel the Brexit coming.

>>6653397 Trump tells U.K. to refuse $49 billion Brexit divorce bill.

>>6653369 Kennedy tells the Dems to step up or pound sand.

>>6654035 #8508

Previously Collected Notables

>>6652507 #8506, >>6653294 #8507,

>>6650199 #8503, >>6650948 #8504, >>6651706 #8505

>>6647909 #8500, >>6648687 #8501, >>6649461 #8502

>>6645566 #8497, >>6646346 #8498, >>6647099 #8499

>>6643211 #8494, >>6643998 #8495, >>6644771 #8496

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

b1b53a  No.6654827

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


b1b53a  No.6654830

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

b1b53a  No.6654837

File: 69adec5a9da0e88⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 960x720, 4:3, POTUSscavinomarineone.jpg)



9b20b1  No.6654847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.


If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.

Never filter, point out the JIDF shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'



9b20b1  No.6654850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


9b20b1  No.6654853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

9b20b1  No.6654855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.

9b20b1  No.6654858

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)





Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

9b20b1  No.6654862

File: 89c64b0586e1cf4⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 892x860, 223:215, 6_millie.jpg)

File: 0355f03c9946562⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 450x381, 150:127, 0355f03c9946562ceb8f219ea8….jpg)

File: 0d0d4ab06ae9c80⋯.jpg (198.54 KB, 726x436, 363:218, muh-holocaust.jpg)

File: 8a09c7d7195fe94⋯.jpg (56.77 KB, 700x700, 1:1, quack.jpg)






https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/ https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/

334e31  No.6654865

17 meme teams ready to go to War

team ready for meme battle of Britain

Op Lady Di

9b20b1  No.6654867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







100% Proof the Jewish Talmud Approves Pedophilia!

9b20b1  No.6654871

File: 9f677f25870f0a5⋯.jpg (79.98 KB, 600x554, 300:277, ask.jpg)

b459bc  No.6654875

post removed 6654436

76e9c5  No.6654878

File: 5a63edb7fbaa482⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 400x318, 200:159, 9Ivi8GN.jpg)

What they hell happened to site txt? settings change?

9b20b1  No.6654880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b20b1  No.6654885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

e7ffa4  No.6654886

File: a9c899056f6c253⋯.jpg (6.03 MB, 4087x6113, 4087:6113, support bakers.jpg)


Thank-You Baker.

90262d  No.6654891


Maybe dough shouldn't be posted until previous bread is full…

9b20b1  No.6654894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

9b20b1  No.6654899

File: 63556ce93789de8⋯.jpg (190.12 KB, 782x730, 391:365, cry.jpg)

>>6654891←- JIDF SHILL' Note id.

>Maybe dough shouldn't be posted until previous bread is full…

75ddad  No.6654900

File: efa4e1768824af8⋯.png (1020.78 KB, 930x620, 3:2, we heard theres shills.png)

File: 54748e50cbde77a⋯.png (655.45 KB, 897x596, 897:596, blending.png)

File: 1b1da4b5ed519a9⋯.png (498.27 KB, 930x617, 930:617, you gotta be kiddin_ff.png)

File: a3f82421eb952ef⋯.png (717.92 KB, 885x591, 295:197, almost there [05312019].png)

File: 1e0215c37b91ba0⋯.png (635.84 KB, 652x576, 163:144, KEKFORCE SEAL FINAL (1).png)





…we're gunna make em wish they never even signed up to play. know that.

75ddad  No.6654903

File: bd8a4dc743dd77a⋯.png (764.6 KB, 879x659, 879:659, only in Q research japan.png)

11768f  No.6654904

File: 7a34023df612669⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 408x630, 68:105, MZ Panic Chute.jpg)

On your MARK's get set, Panic Chute….

8 Mar 2019 - FACEBOOK CEO Mark Zuckerberg is rumoured to have a secret 'panic chute' in his conference room which he can use to flee the building as quickly as possible. Last year, the security plan for Zuckerberg and his family cost Facebook $10 million(£8 million)


9b20b1  No.6654907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8900a5  No.6654910

‘Historic Moment’ as Brexit Party Tops Westminster Polls for First Time

Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brexit Party have sensationally topped the opinion polls in national elections for the first time, with Nigel Farage hailing it as a “historic moment”.

The poll by Opinium showed that, in the event of a general election, the Brexit Party would be the largest party in Parliament with 26 per cent of the vote.

The Labour Party came second on 22 per cent and the governing Conservative Party in third place on 17 per cent, followed by the Liberal Democrats on 16 per cent. The Green Party received 11 per cent — a significant rise for them from just four per cent in the last Opinium poll.

Meanwhile, the anti-Brexit Change UK (CUK) party achieved just one per cent.

According to an electoral seat calculator, the poll’s results would translate to 306 seats in the House of Commons — only 20 short of a majority — for the Brexit Party, with the Labour Party on 205 seats and the Tories down to just 26 seats.

The new survey results come just a week after the Brexit Party won the European Parliamentary Elections in Britain, and just days after a YouGov poll showed the party in a close second place in a national opinion poll — despite the pollsters hiding them in the “Other” category.


90262d  No.6654911


That's not just for you faggot. Not everything is about you. Prevents anyone migrating before previous bread is filled, but that does include (you)

9b20b1  No.6654912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.













PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 "Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes"

b1b53a  No.6654914




God bless fren.

9b20b1  No.6654916

File: cd0f6c01be54ff4⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 594x448, 297:224, cryke.jpg)

>>6654911←- Cry moar

e7ffa4  No.6654917

File: ecacd25a13d412d⋯.png (3.72 MB, 1186x1431, 1186:1431, Memes.png)

9b20b1  No.6654918

File: 8ee3650da0b746c⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 640x336, 40:21, 8ee3650da0b746.jpg)

File: bbc4b9ae059e17b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB, 730x481, 730:481, henny.jpg)

File: 13699b504d7c49c⋯.png (84.89 KB, 636x384, 53:32, henny.png)

File: 2578d830a71c575⋯.png (495.76 KB, 1788x984, 149:82, henny_white_enemy.png)

File: bf0771e07b61921⋯.jpg (216.32 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, loxism.jpg)

b65ea3  No.6654919

File: 54679ed94bd5a27⋯.jpg (86.01 KB, 600x600, 1:1, StMichaelPrayer.jpg)

God Bless POTUS, The Patriots, & The United States of America!

Saint Michael, please stand beside us!

ecb3ca  No.6654920

File: 04149ca2ef28eaf⋯.png (1.12 MB, 980x804, 245:201, watchdam.png)

d25dc7  No.6654923

File: 9dc52a9b388d010⋯.png (92.6 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, NewAnons.png)

48e587  No.6654924

File: 413e9165e202bd3⋯.png (1.81 MB, 708x893, 708:893, FlynnCV_July2008_page_0001.png)

File: 32b6f6c1c44cd54⋯.png (1.99 MB, 737x940, 737:940, FlynnCV_July2008_page_0002.png)

File: fb82f774d113dc0⋯.png (2.04 MB, 742x957, 742:957, FlynnCV_July2008_page_0003.png)

File: c697324332a35a6⋯.png (1.93 MB, 706x952, 353:476, FlynnCV_July2008_page_0004.png)

Dig on Steve Flynn

Re: #8507 >>6652946 [Gary Hart, McAleenan, & Skippy dig]

The first four pages of Flynn's CV tie him to [Hart] [CFR] [Ports] and moar.

>[McAleenan] @link above; "Than(k) you again for putting Steve Flynn in contact with me.

>We had a great breakfast last week and I'm hoping to be able to work with him as

>he determines his role in the transition."


[McAleenan] hangs with swamp critters. Shit-can this one GEOTUS!

1c3289  No.6654925

>>6654139 lb pb

Just reaffirming the non political nature of the military before the USMC starts to round up all the black hats.

9b20b1  No.6654926

File: 45bf46c76b13dcd⋯.png (201.14 KB, 640x446, 320:223, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 56dac608784e8d9⋯.png (815.44 KB, 1332x869, 1332:869, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: 0b99f4abef8eadc⋯.png (546.43 KB, 474x656, 237:328, BLOOD PASSOVER - demonic o….PNG)

File: ac2ffcdd91e02fa⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 720x984, 30:41, blood.jpg)

File: 651aac94ae6582b⋯.jpg (102.57 KB, 550x550, 1:1, blood_libel.jpg)

9b20b1  No.6654928

File: 9ceb4eb185006b0⋯.png (171.37 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, (.png)

30dc19  No.6654929

File: 1bd1a3fcbf387ec⋯.jpg (394.23 KB, 1905x863, 1905:863, R1944 2 Jun 19 2150.jpg)

File: e2aaac5c629916d⋯.jpg (450.12 KB, 1905x861, 635:287, GRZLY39 March AFB 2 Jun 19….jpg)

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, AF Recon_png.png)


Just to make this clear. Army flight R1944 landed at Omaha, Nebraska. This was follwoed by Marines flight GRZLY39 landing at March Air Force Base.

1944 - Omaha - March

This is it, Anons, D-Day is upon us!

7cf55e  No.6654930


Your a sick fuck.

b5711b  No.6654931

File: e3d46d8516217be⋯.png (188.47 KB, 1239x1754, 1239:1754, l061b_en.png)

Understanding that a single Divine Being, or Existent, is the very Ground or Substratum of all existents (from the subatomic to the galactic) is a rudimentary realization (though one seemingly beyond the capacity of spiritually contracted atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, and Sam Harris). What is an advanced (and exceedingly difficult) realization is that of ontically, or yogically, coinciding with the Divine Being. And only the rarest of humans is able to permanently coincide with (and conduct/radiate the Light-Energy of) the Divine Being.

The radical (or gone-to-the-root) Method of coinciding with the Divine Being is simple in theory, but oh so difficult in practice. In practice, one must be able to assume the asana of being directly, immediately, unobstructedly present to (and through) all that appears and arises in one’s field of awareness. When one’s consciousness (or soul) cuts through all appearances (gross and subtle), it encounters the Causal Dimension of Reality – pure Spirit: Divine Power, or Clear-Light-energy. This Dimension, or “Body,” or Hypostasis, is called Shakti in Hinduism, the Holy Spirit in Christianity, and the Sambhogakaya in Buddhism. When one’s individual consciousness (or soul) coincides (or unites) with this universal Spirit (or Divine Power, or Clear-Light-Energy), then, spontaneously this alchemical union, “produces” or unveils, the Divine Being as one’s fundamental, and irreducible, True Condition, or Nature.

The Divine Being is the Divine Domain – and when a yogi attains ontic union with It, he has metaphysically (or spiritually) “cracked the cosmic code” by transcending (and escaping the clutches of) the cosmic (or phenomenal and, conditional) domain, a.k.a. the Matrix.

841d4a  No.6654932

Is this already out?


862058  No.6654934

File: adf567b95b5dcf0⋯.jpg (25.29 KB, 540x313, 540:313, trumpshills.jpg)

7e2855  No.6654935

File: 879ad7a8740a581⋯.gif (788.02 KB, 500x286, 250:143, DC.gif)

90262d  No.6654936


18 Shill Posts in the first 40 and I'm the Shill. Fuck I would like to meet you in the real world. You had to have been bullied as a child

ecb3ca  No.6654937

File: 77732c432e83245⋯.png (368.54 KB, 560x538, 280:269, sick.png)

334e31  No.6654938




17 million people are praying for the

Patriots, POTUS and family and meme warriors

US prayer alert across the nation for today and for Potus and team trip to UK.

Also please pray for the Patriots and the people in uk in the battle of britain meme war ……

Its illegal to meme in UK

04c0b5  No.6654939

File: 8f321bcb91f015c⋯.png (501.98 KB, 448x565, 448:565, thank you baker 2.PNG)

c4cb99  No.6654940

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8900a5  No.6654941

‘Aladdin’ Star Sues Tesla over Car Wreck

The star of Disney’s live-action Aladdin film, Mena Massoud, is reportedly suing electric car manufacturer Tesla over a recent car wreck in his Tesla Model 3, according to TMZ. A lawsuit obtained by TMZ shows that Massoud is claiming that his brand new Tesla Model 3 had multiple manufacturing and design defects that caused him to crash into a tree.

Massoud alleges that he purchased the Tesla vehicle in September and the next day was driving on Hollywood Boulevard. He alleges that when attempting to change lanes, the right front wheel crumpled and flew off the car, causing his vehicle to skid across the sidewalk and into a tree. The lawsuit includes photos of the damaged vehicle and tree.

Massoud has hired attorney Kevin K. Javidzad at Colony Law and alleges that he has suffered personal injuries and totaled his Tesla 3 as a result of the crash. Massoud says the blame for the incident lies directly with Tesla. TMZ reached out to Tesla for comment but received no response.

Tesla critics on social media, known as $TslaQ, document problems with Tesla wheels. The description in Massoud’s lawsuit closely mirrors a phenomenon $TslaQ calls “whomp wheels.”


bc4122  No.6654942

File: 133d3f202731e79⋯.png (725.8 KB, 884x880, 221:220, ClipboardImage.png)


56dc24  No.6654943

BARR is Experiencing some resistance is receiving Key Documents.

APPLY THE CRIMINAL CODES (This is not that difficult)

Barr should immediately send a letter to all government employees that he has a sworn duty do prosecute anyone who hides, alters, destroys or delays information that is needed to do proper investigations according to policies and procedures will be terminated and possibly charged with obstruction of Justice etc.

PDJT “Knows” directly/indirectly where the paper/digital trails of evidence are located.

If any department FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, shows any resistance of producing documents; PDJT and Barr have the power to by-pass normal procedures for the release of Documents by walking into the FBI/DOJ/CIA/DNI or any department and demand documents immediately.

PDJT and the Attorney General will do their “Sworn Duty” of having the A/G and maybe even P/T control directly each department FBI/DOJ (P/T stated if he needs to manage the FBI/DOJ directly he will).

Following the paper/digital trials and arrest several hundred immediately (Easily done).

Charge each employee on each count of obstruction of Justice mounting to many years in prison.

In Short; apply the criminal code.

P/T and Barr has the option to drill deep into the criminal swamp even below upper management if needed.

I also agree with the President’s power to acquire documents and finding each person will not be that difficult. Good way to drain the Criminal Swamp.

In addition; the documents that have been over-classified intentionally to hide evidence is also obstruction and there is a footprint that clearly show who ordered and implemented the order. It is easily proven that the documents were classified for no reason other than to hide the coup. In fact many documents have been held back for a year under the disguise of being highly classified, are now shown to have been done to hide evidence. How easy is this to apply the direct criminal codes?

In the Corporate world; the President of a company will usually follow policies and procedures to request documents or any information to make decisions. If there appears to be resistance; the President of the company can walk into any department and immediately demand documents.

The Constitution is not going to be destroyed by a Coup because the President and the Attorney General will not do their sworn duty by walking into any department (FBI/DOJ) demanding documents.

These documents belong to the American People and the People elected P/T to expose these documents to the American People. P/T has the power given by the Constitution/People to personally obtain these documents.

The FBI/DOJ/CIA and DNI works for the President of the United States and the American People who pay their salaries. FBI/DOJ/CIA and DNI do not rule and control the United States.

30dc19  No.6654944


It proves we are over a target, Anon. They only post this shit when they now their backs are against the wall.

4e74d6  No.6654945


Posted concern about mcaleenan graveyard

c4cb99  No.6654947

>>6654934←- JIDF SHILL Note id.

d3f556  No.6654948

File: 8d143214fecb46b⋯.png (397.71 KB, 606x701, 606:701, Scavino re POTUS AF Academ….PNG)

File: 08ed2f9c4ea2c01⋯.mp4 (5.47 MB, 568x320, 71:40, Video Scavino re POTUS AF ….mp4)

ICYMI: here it is, 1 hour and 22 minutes - in ONE MINUTE….


04c0b5  No.6654949

File: ce1d76730678d35⋯.jpg (19.72 KB, 255x182, 255:182, Zuckerdouche panc slide.jpg)


we know

cc8d80  No.6654950

File: c84c6e2a41d1500⋯.png (39.53 KB, 200x124, 50:31, ClipboardImage.png)

MUHJOO shitposters have one goal - to trigger anons and normies - this is achieved by posting the most absurd nonsense that can be imagined by a deranged mind - or vile insults and epithets - over and over. The more blatant the lie or insult the better - all 100% fake and gay.

It is exactly like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum - "LOOK AT ME"


They cannot get any attention with rational fact based arguments so this is all they have. It is really pathetic - admittedly annoying to many inc. this anon - I do not tolerate tantrums well - toddler or adult (aka "mantrum") Many anons - esp femanons - are able to tolerate such behavior and make it better for themselves and the child - credit to them. In this case however the shills just need a stake in the heart.

That is all

49d40c  No.6654951

File: aae85cd74009495⋯.jpeg (262.22 KB, 1484x1113, 4:3, 425457A4-FEC4-4174-A97C-E….jpeg)

Sign on DeWayne Craddock’s Family Home.

4e07a0  No.6654952

File: 63b461d3eb4536c⋯.jpg (64.63 KB, 422x413, 422:413, shark corn kike shill.jpg)




<yo anon fren team! keks & gigs & o7!! shadilay anshit!

87b895  No.6654953

File: cced6f3c1c5acbe⋯.png (617.88 KB, 828x1095, 276:365, 97F7B168-2011-4DA6-ABD2-E2….png)

17 minutes.

c4cb99  No.6654954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cc8d80  No.6654955

File: 549c6aff4c7c7f2⋯.jpg (15.83 KB, 255x235, 51:47, pepebible2.jpg)

scrolling this board now is no bedder than strolling the streets of san francisco

human shit all over the streets = muhjoo shitposts all over the bred

attacks will intensify - YUP - massive muhjoo shitposting still every bread - waves of trash pouring in under multiple UID's - and we know where POTUS stands - with Jews and Israel - so the shitposters latest goal post move was to attack POTUS! - yes along with the NY Times - would any US patriot commit or condone this attack on our beloved POTUS? NO.

Any mystery where all the muhjoo shilling comes from? Nope - its the left, the globalists, the corrupt media who have all adopted muslims as their spearhead to destroy western civilization - and the tip of the spear is the MUHJOO narrative - that is why it is shilled so relentlessly by useful idiots doing the bidding of the cabal - by belief or by payment.

But - as Q has posted - this will not succeed - in fact we are watching them destroy themselves with this hysterical nonsense which is why Q allows it to continue - never interfere with an enemy destroying themselves - KEKS abound. Anons know.

4cfb3e  No.6654956

File: 92cf799b96338f5⋯.jpg (33.33 KB, 280x350, 4:5, Scooter_photo.jpg)


Five minutes to curtain, Mr. Frog.

e468df  No.6654957


who is hiding his face?

1db08a  No.6654958


You are alone in having this problem.

Probably, your browser did not fetch the appropriate stylesheet or javascript.

Try these in order:

Check your 8ch.net options (upper right corner) and make sure the theme selected is board-specific.

If that doesn't help, try forced refresh (CTRL F5).

If that doesn't fix it, close your browser and restart the browser.

If that doesn't fix it, use your browser's tools and delete site's offline data for 8ch.net then restart browser.

Good luck.

That's all I will say.

c4cb99  No.6654959

File: fe0b83bd0dad935⋯.png (227.75 KB, 600x439, 600:439, DumbJoo.png)

>>6654955←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.


c06290  No.6654960

File: 7802eae954667bc⋯.jpg (15.53 KB, 236x296, 59:74, the pain.jpg)

680f84  No.6654961

Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.

Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.

A series of scenarios is currently being conducted ['game the sys'] to test response, risk, and calc results.

'Censorship' [added] layers of inserted code 'through keyword targeting' in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.

'China-Russia-Iran' 'fake' take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.


Countermeasures in place.


Think Emergency Alert System.

Think WH controlled *new* RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform

Think Here.

Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

Why do we make things public?


cc8d80  No.6654962

File: 2feaa20ecebe67f⋯.png (15.67 KB, 255x255, 1:1, pepeandfeelz.png)

We see plenty of anti-Israel and anti jewish posts on the board. What is the nature and origin of this attitude and belief? Who started it and why is it still current? Proponents always offer a simple buzzword, phrase, or concept that completely begs these questions. Here is the answer for all anons that care about history and truth.

It all begins with the Bible and ends, surprisingly, with IRAN, of all places. It's easy to trace.

Since the time of St. Paul, the conversion of the Jews has been, for many Christians, a longed-for mark of the end of history, the prelude to the Messianic Age. The Christian obsession with Jewish conversion is tied to critical end-time theology of Paul (“And so all Israel will be saved,” Paul wrote, in Romans)

The simple version of this is to blame Jews "who killed the savior." Yet this does not stand to reason, since the Savior himself, all the Apostles, and Paul, were Jewish. No - the real source of this impulse is to protect church doctrines.

Can Jesus really be God? Can he really be raised from the dead? The Jewish “No!” rings far more loudly than any other negation, whether from Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. This is because the entire teachings of Jesus were based on Jewish scripture. That is why the effort to change “No!” into “Yes!” has been an engine of Christian persecution of Jews for two thousand years.

The general principles were made formal in the Justinian Code in 528 AD: (1) to separate them from social intercourse with Christians as far as possible; (2) to prevent them from exercising any authority over Christians, either in a public (as officials) or a private capacity (as masters or employers); (3) to arrange that the exercise of the Jewish religion should not assume the character of a public function.

The Reformation did nothing to change this, as the idea that Judaism was hostile to Christianity was rapidly and fully assimilated into Protestant dogma. In fact most of the current anti-semitic ideas orifinate with Prtotestant/Evangelical/fundamenalist Christian groups. Neo-Nazi, skinhead, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), white supremacist, motorcycle gangs, and some militia groups fall into this category.

These Christian Identity adherents believed that white Aryans were the “chosen people,” that Africans were subhuman, that Jews were descendants of the Devil, and that the world was moving toward race war.

Ironically, 2,500 years fore the term ‘Aryan’ became popular among racists and nationalists, the Persian king Darius introduced himself as an Aryan, of Aryan lineage. Indeed the word "IRAN" is translated to "ARYAN."

The use of ‘Aryan’ underwent its first extension of meaning in Germany in 1808. Philosopher Friedrich Schlegel declared that the ancestors of the Germans were the ancient Persian ‘Aryans’, proclaiming that ‘…our Germanic ancestors, while they were still in Asia, were known foremost under the name “Aryans”.

More importantly, concepts of the ‘Aryan’ were increasingly charged with specific character traits that were considered racially inherent and linked to the notion of racial superiority.

By the turn of the century, the term ‘Aryan’ had become popular among the racial and racist vocabulary of scholars, publicists and political activists as a synonym for ‘master race’ or ‘highest race’. Moreover, anti-Semites used the term as a synonym for ‘non-Jewish’. Eventually, the term became widely used as a synonym for ‘Nordic’ or ‘Germanic race’.

The adoption of the term ‘Aryan’ by the Nazis would discredit it in Europe, but clearly the ideas have not disappeared. Why not? The answer is simple and should be familiar to every anon on this board who supports the Great Awakening.

That is - you have been lied to. The entire Jew hating and blaming tactic was invented by the church and adopted by the State for the same reasons. The battle between church and state is a battle for control over WE THE PEOPLE. Both church and state compete and fight each other for this control. They both use the same tools and techniques. Dividing by gender race and religion and endless other arbitrary categories. The list is endless but it is 100% clear that both have used anti semitism as one of the primary tools in their quest for domination of WE THE PEOPLE.

Let's end it once and for all - it is a lie now as it has always been. Only dividers and cabal tools promote anti semitism.

6bbe8b  No.6654963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

OMG Chris Wallace Beaten Down by Mick Mulvaney, I kekked heartedly at every junction. Chris Wallace is a tool and he was stumped and couldn’t penetrate the impenetrable shield of truth if Mick. I love the Irish.

Sunday Talks: Mick Mulvaney -vs- Chris Wallace…

Posted by sundance

Acting chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney appears on Fox News to answer Chris Wallace question about whether President Trump is serious about punishing Mexico with tariffs for their lack of action on illegal central American migrants.

Mulvaney skewers Wallace and predicts the tariffs will hit. Additionally Mulvaney sets the record straight on the impact of tariffs on consumers.

Generally, watching a Chris Wallace segment is worthless; however, Mulvaney’s linguistic Ginsu delivery is so good, this one is worth watching:


a4d54c  No.6654964

File: 0e1cab444607aad⋯.jpg (77.29 KB, 635x636, 635:636, 0e1cab444607aadbbc84f2322f….jpg)


Thanks CryingChildPosterFag duly noted.

2272bf  No.6654965

File: 4320d067afd12cf⋯.jpeg (603.5 KB, 3300x2550, 22:17, prayer-to-st-michael-the-….jpeg)

File: 207cc06794c3e76⋯.png (360.89 KB, 2356x737, 2356:737, Prayer by Jacob Duche.png)

Prayers for POTUS

30dc19  No.6654966


Please be on the lookout for any military aircraft call signs such as Juno, Sword, Omaha, Gold and Utah.

These will re-affirm the 'GO' signal.

bf02d3  No.6654967


It's cta. He is just here trying to trigger people. It is literally all he has to do

86c471  No.6654968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? These will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".

They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9


862058  No.6654969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Baker

1db08a  No.6654970

File: 2c85b2cf07a5d9a⋯.jpg (111.01 KB, 565x536, 565:536, Trump pray.jpg)

File: 090f7fe0ca57b3c⋯.jpg (508.41 KB, 1552x870, 776:435, PrayJustice3.jpg)

File: 7d103a4369bfb95⋯.jpg (105.43 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, PrayForPOTUS2.jpg)

File: 6e6f0626cf5ad58⋯.jpg (101.12 KB, 474x676, 237:338, LetUsPray.jpg)

File: 9c4b35afcf24ba6⋯.jpg (733.96 KB, 2048x1458, 1024:729, Pray-Moar-SunPepe.jpg)

3e09a9  No.6654971

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Best of Epic Music 2017 - 2018 (2 hours)

- EpicMusicVN

Anons, I listened to this earlier today and it is awesome! It's also an opus magnus…the editors of this music channel worked their butts off putting this together. I HIGHLY recommend watching it as if you were watching a movie…it is 29 chapters, 37 tracks, and brilliantly edited scenes from 165 movies and games set to the music tracks.

If you're on this board a lot, you will recognize many of the tracks as I have featured most and many a few times…these folks know their stuff. I'm frankly blown away at the scale of effort that went into this.

Even if you're not going to listen to it now…be sure and save it for watching later. You're welcome.

As with any long track, recommend R-clicking into a new tab to help with pausing and carryovers.



04c0b5  No.6654972

File: f75747d732660e8⋯.jpg (34.44 KB, 640x420, 32:21, POTUS 17.jpg)



86c471  No.6654973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Canaanite Jews 1

680f84  No.6654974



461169  No.6654975

File: c0999586d0ca132⋯.jpeg (66.53 KB, 618x393, 206:131, BFE3E678-A33F-4803-9B53-3….jpeg)

ecb3ca  No.6654976

File: 2dfd3a60c2b27c0⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1024x1313, 1024:1313, doitpotus.png)

30dc19  No.6654977

File: c57fd1c6e17962f⋯.png (598.85 KB, 800x600, 4:3, concern_vs_planefags.png)

File: 098528efd5ef9f0⋯.jpg (61.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Planefags Wing.jpg)

File: 540ade969e2b88b⋯.jpg (54.15 KB, 752x499, 752:499, Planefags Prevail 4.jpg)

File: 15edaef1bd84e1b⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 540x413, 540:413, Planefags Prevail 2.jpg)

File: 7dc08c5b9de2c21⋯.jpg (84.49 KB, 960x406, 480:203, Planefags Prevail.jpg)

4e07a0  No.6654978



ok, ya got me:


promo dept. for Breitbart?

5ff3c9  No.6654979

File: 2089543fb7fe8c1⋯.png (1018.61 KB, 1262x517, 1262:517, Barr.png)

Any mememakers able to this into pepe?

75ddad  No.6654980

File: c5e714ddec2a674⋯.png (1007.19 KB, 930x568, 465:284, Jerusalem Day Tippy Top Pr….png)

File: 2a6de99210354a0⋯.png (401.16 KB, 927x524, 927:524, only in Qresearch [0601201….png)

File: d2c7df70571ad12⋯.png (307.52 KB, 467x696, 467:696, QNN on this day.png)

File: e6a4349864cbf57⋯.png (1.11 MB, 930x617, 930:617, we come in peace.png)

File: 075aef6e57fb5ac⋯.png (706.91 KB, 885x591, 295:197, welcome [05312019].png)


somethin like that

cc8d80  No.6654981

File: 49e99afdf139160⋯.png (96 KB, 318x159, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

When Abraham discovered that the problem of his countryfolk was disunity and alienation, he began to urge them to unite. Even when he was deported from his homeland he kept calling out his message, and anyone who resonated with the message of unity above all differences was welcome to join him. Maimonides, the great 12th century scholar, describes Abraham’s efforts to spread his message of unity and bequeath it to his descendants—both physical and spiritual—until his tiny entourage had become a nation based on unity and brotherly love: “[Abraham] began to call out to the whole world … wandering from town to town and from kingdom to kingdom until he arrived at the land of Canaan… And since [people in the places where he wandered] gathered around him and asked him about his words, he taught everyone…until he brought them back to the path of truth. Finally, thousands and tens of thousands assembled around him, and they are the people of ‘the house of Abraham.’ He planted this tenet in their hearts, composed books about it, and taught his son, Isaac. And Isaac sat and taught, warned, and informed Jacob, and appointed him a teacher to sit and teach… And Jacob the Patriarch taught all his sons…”

No other nation has been forged in this manner, where people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and faiths became a nation based on brotherly love, transcending different origins, beliefs, or any other dissimilarity. They did this because they sensed that this was, as Maimonides put it, “the path of truth.” They felt that alienation and animosity do not lead anywhere good and therefore sought to unite.

86c471  No.6654982

>>6654962←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.

>>6654962←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.

>>6654962←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.

>We see plenty of anti-Israel and anti jewish posts on the board. What is the nature and origin of this attitude and belief? Who started it and why is it still current? Proponents always offer a simple buzzword, phrase, or concept that completely begs these questions. Here is the answer for all anons that care about history and truth.


>It all begins with the Bible and ends, surprisingly, with IRAN, of all places. It's easy to trace.


>Since the time of St. Paul, the conversion of the Jews has been, for many Christians, a longed-for mark of the end of history, the prelude to the Messianic Age. The Christian obsession with Jewish conversion is tied to critical end-time theology of Paul (“And so all Israel will be saved,” Paul wrote, in Romans)


>The simple version of this is to blame Jews "who killed the savior." Yet this does not stand to reason, since the Savior himself, all the Apostles, and Paul, were Jewish. No - the real source of this impulse is to protect church doctrines.


>Can Jesus really be God? Can he really be raised from the dead? The Jewish “No!” rings far more loudly than any other negation, whether from Muslims, Buddhists, or atheists. This is because the entire teachings of Jesus were based on Jewish scripture. That is why the effort to change “No!” into “Yes!” has been an engine of Christian persecution of Jews for two thousand years.


>The general principles were made formal in the Justinian Code in 528 AD: (1) to separate them from social intercourse with Christians as far as possible; (2) to prevent them from exercising any authority over Christians, either in a public (as officials) or a private capacity (as masters or employers); (3) to arrange that the exercise of the Jewish religion should not assume the character of a public function.


>The Reformation did nothing to change this, as the idea that Judaism was hostile to Christianity was rapidly and fully assimilated into Protestant dogma. In fact most of the current anti-semitic ideas orifinate with Prtotestant/Evangelical/fundamenalist Christian groups. Neo-Nazi, skinhead, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), white supremacist, motorcycle gangs, and some militia groups fall into this category.


>These Christian Identity adherents believed that white Aryans were the “chosen people,” that Africans were subhuman, that Jews were descendants of the Devil, and that the world was moving toward race war.


>Ironically, 2,500 years fore the term ‘Aryan’ became popular among racists and nationalists, the Persian king Darius introduced himself as an Aryan, of Aryan lineage. Indeed the word "IRAN" is translated to "ARYAN."


>The use of ‘Aryan’ underwent its first extension of meaning in Germany in 1808. Philosopher Friedrich Schlegel declared that the ancestors of the Germans were the ancient Persian ‘Aryans’, proclaiming that ‘…our Germanic ancestors, while they were still in Asia, were known foremost under the name “Aryans”.


>More importantly, concepts of the ‘Aryan’ were increasingly charged with specific character traits that were considered racially inherent and linked to the notion of racial superiority.


>By the turn of the century, the term ‘Aryan’ had become popular among the racial and racist vocabulary of scholars, publicists and political activists as a synonym for ‘master race’ or ‘highest race’. Moreover, anti-Semites used the term as a synonym for ‘non-Jewish’. Eventually, the term became widely used as a synonym for ‘Nordic’ or ‘Germanic race’.


>The adoption of the term ‘Aryan’ by the Nazis would discredit it in Europe, but clearly the ideas have not disappeared. Why not? The answer is simple and should be familiar to every anon on this board who supports the Great Awakening.


>That is - you have been lied to. The entire Jew hating and blaming tactic was invented by the church and adopted by the State for the same reasons. The battle between church and state is a battle for control over WE THE PEOPLE. Both church and state compete and fight each other for this control. They both use the same tools and techniques. Dividing by gender race and religion and endless other arbitrary categories. The list is endless but it is 100% clear that both have used anti semitism as one of the primary tools in their quest for domination of WE THE PEOPLE.


>Let's end it once and for all - it is a lie now as it has always been. Only dividers and cabal tools promote anti semitism.

a84628  No.6654983

File: 4dba4f12f4e522d⋯.png (184.82 KB, 395x344, 395:344, HonkHonkFireman2.png)

19d646  No.6654984



11768f  No.6654985

File: 84a7820d0b10ed8⋯.jpg (510.13 KB, 848x894, 424:447, Screen Shot 06-02-19 at 10….JPG)

Assange as free to leave as someone ‘on a rubber boat in a sharkpool’ – UN's Melzer destroys Hunt

Published time: 31 May, 2019 13:11

Edited time: 1 Jun, 2019 08:47


2272bf  No.6654986

File: dac2c7f2961d9a6⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1275x1650, 17:22, FinkleshillPNG.png)


Newfags and Normies, muh-joo anti-WWG1WGA shilling is easy to filter. Just click on the triangle and use the list.

d25dc7  No.6654987

File: 5771c4c29c5c3ea⋯.png (316.56 KB, 622x447, 622:447, Scramble2.png)

e04c47  No.6654988

File: c8a0bffce6a9207⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, WH Prayer Walk 190602 1.JPG)

File: a4159f7ebb62dbf⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, WH Prayer Walk 190602 2.JPG)

File: 1c46f9591f0dfcf⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, WH Prayer Walk 190602 3.JPG)

File: 335afdefa4f09b9⋯.jpg (1012.31 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, WH Prayer Walk 190602 4.JPG)

File: 346ef0bc2c625e2⋯.jpg (417.74 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, WH Prayer Walk 190602 5.JPG)

Prayer Walking Anon circles the WH secure perimeter.

07:10 – 07:50 ET, 02 June, 2019.

PRAYER is POWERFUL anytime, and anywhere, but is MAGNIFIED with physical presence.

Anon on location preparing the WH grounds to receive the RIGHTEOUS prayers of Anons WORLDWIDE.

The WORD of Almighty God in verse from Scripture spoken aloud from memory.

A petition for an OVERFLOWING portion of the HOLY SPIRIT for DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

WISDOM, STRENGTH and PROTECTION in body, soul and spirit for him, his family, advisors, staff and security.

The WH a beacon of LIGHT and TRUTH to the world now and forever. Amen.


ea32ac  No.6654989

File: fc17c6706f26ddd⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1000x563, 1000:563, nips.png)

File: 07876888a5b3e98⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1000x563, 1000:563, nips1.png)

Muh nips

Question: Do you think a set of those nipple plates would go well at my family Thanksgiving dinner?

86c471  No.6654990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Canaanite Jews 2

87aed2  No.6654991


Amen, may the Lord protect POTUS now and always Ps. 121

cc8d80  No.6654992

File: 7866e4fbe6dad01⋯.png (57.98 KB, 202x250, 101:125, ClipboardImage.png)

The arrival of Moses introduced a new phase in the development of the Israeli nation. Self-centeredness and alienation increased in the world around them as it did in them. At the time of Moses, Israel had amassed such a level of disunity that they needed a new method if they were to unite above it. They were also far more Hebrews than the tribe that went into Egypt. By Moses’ time there were three million of them, far too many to be taught the way Abraham had taught his students.

As the saying goes, “necessity is the mother of invention.” The necessity to find a new way to teach people to unite resulted in the giving of the Torah, the Pentateuch, a.k.a., The Five Books of Moses. But the reception of the Torah came with a prerequisite: you must first agree to unite “as one man with one heart.”

Once the Hebrews united, they were given the Torah and became a nation. But that nation was like none other. Being founded upon the principle of love of others, they were entrusted with a task to pass on the method for uniting, for loving your neighbor as yourself. This is when they were told that they must be “a light unto nations,” namely to show the way to unity to the whole world, just as Abraham had tried back in Babylon and wherever he went.


the history of almost all of the Jewish holidays can be summed up succinctly: "They wanted to kill us; we won. Let's eat."

4cfb3e  No.6654993


It's a bot, anon. The operator is a merc and is paid.

30dc19  No.6654994

File: e80e5044be77472⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 612x407, 612:407, Scramble.jpg)


Roger that!

86c471  No.6654995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

48e587  No.6654996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moar Mulvaney beat down on Sleepy Chuck

04c0b5  No.6654997

File: 1ba83db59febaba⋯.jpg (136.21 KB, 700x380, 35:19, Roger over.jpg)


got to skate now but will do this when I return.


0614ff  No.6654998

File: 711cc15f75a8835⋯.png (400.05 KB, 671x883, 671:883, 46FF3D02-3761-41AD-ABEE-1B….png)

Mufsud = Italian intel asset

86c471  No.6655000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3e09a9  No.6655001


Mind blowing scale of editing…talent from another level. Thank you…peace to you, Anon.

30dc19  No.6655002


Acknowledged, thanks.

86c471  No.6655003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Naked Bible Podcast 211 — Was Cain the Seed of the Serpent?

b1b53a  No.6655004


>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

c53566  No.6655005


>Think Emergency Alert System.

>Think WH controlled *new* RT 'news' website

>Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform

>Think Here.

>Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

>Why do we make things public?

>Think Here

>Think Here.

>Think Here.

This is why the deep state, in the end, is fucked.

Fucking with a public utility is highly illegal. DDOS'ing here would become a federal crime.

13b33c  No.6655006



e34e72  No.6655007






7e2855  No.6655008

File: 54029d590ceaa67⋯.jpg (264.44 KB, 700x1113, 100:159, archangel-michael-spanish-….jpg)

4e07a0  No.6655009


nothing is beyond our reach

we are just being /pol/ itically correct

and if you weren't such a newfag kike shill…

19d646  No.6655010


peace dj anon

a83389  No.6655011

the fake pelosi vid is a stepping stone for hillary to claim her vids are fake.

>who created the pelosi vid?

1db08a  No.6655012


It's not even an "attitude and belief". It is purely, solely, shills who want to paint this board. It represents only the poster (who is a shill and is paid to post their repetitive stuff), and nobody else. Each poster on this board represents themself and nobody else.

Have you lurked moar?

30dc19  No.6655013


Woo! Triple dubs confirm!

d97ea4  No.6655014

>>6654736 lb

Mueller's job was to oversee the SC, which was empaneled to harass Trump, basically.

This was predictable - the SC. Mueller was put in charge because he is a conflicted person who the deep state could plausibly believe is on their side.

I am actually playing against "our side" by trying to clear up the confusion - but I am an independent actor here, and the package has already been delivered.

Mueller was given radically expanded powers… Why? To shut down parallel investigations by the dems. Only one investigation into collusion; no do-overs. Meanwhile, other investigators were investigating FISA and other issues. Anything Mueller found was referred to them. No parallel construction.

Mueller's statements were specifically designed to play things into the hands of Congress. The dems wanted Mueller to say: "I think the President committed obstruction" so that they could claim, during impeachment, that they were acting on the advice of Mueller. Mueller has said "the report speaks for itself. I left it open for you to do whatever it is you feel is necessary, but it is your interpretation, not mine."

This also infuriated Comey and Bannon, as now the question has become just who argued for the dossier to be included in FISA. I'm not as familiar with how all of that works out - but it's a direct result of Mueller's statements that Bannon and Comey are now playing hot potato with the steele dossier.

Mueller has walked the razor's edge very, very well. For people who are "nowfags" and don't understand that timing is everything - Mueller appears to be a bad guy. Mueller is deliberately in the thick of the shit and will, as history plays out before us, continually be the one who has sold the deep state the rope to hang themselves and kept the evidence they knew they were ordering others to break the law while using the system to make it appear legal.

6458f0  No.6655015

>>6654769 (lb)

Thank You.

I'll check the links as the trip progresses!

8322bb  No.6655016

File: bae0d32994f2ce6⋯.png (2.97 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Habbening Pepe Q Alpha.png)

File: 51b6a3ea77ff052⋯.jpg (482.81 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Habbening Pepe Q.jpg)

Habbening Pepe Q .jpg & Alpha .png Files

8e518d  No.6655017

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

4e74d6  No.6655018

File: 0cf3419c2320337⋯.jpeg (26.32 KB, 210x254, 105:127, E20422CD-4F89-4ABF-871A-8….jpeg)

File: 7a47372ebbbc401⋯.jpeg (113.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 79C3345F-4B57-4BA8-AD4B-7….jpeg)

File: 248587f3db958b1⋯.jpeg (107.14 KB, 500x612, 125:153, 9340BA27-45E3-4609-A1B5-7….jpeg)

File: a940cc21bf4bfd8⋯.jpeg (74.5 KB, 627x391, 627:391, 18AF21AD-C960-4B61-BF2F-A….jpeg)

File: b08d9d70b6770af⋯.jpeg (141.75 KB, 678x499, 678:499, 83C74A06-608A-44AA-8E29-5….jpeg)

0a9e76  No.6655019

File: 4ed582b5df3e8ca⋯.png (494.99 KB, 1392x1900, 348:475, q post misc nothing can st….png)

File: ebb8b1adb58f403⋯.jpg (79.96 KB, 604x580, 151:145, 4e557aea979d0c78d9693ecb2a….jpg)

File: 06cbc9d5877ea0e⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 575x293, 575:293, 06cbc9d5877ea0e8593ca091db….jpg)

File: 5b33dbbd92f962e⋯.jpg (279.03 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 809628b32b3bb2194137a462ca….jpg)

>>6654800 lb

>on the eve of D-Day

>You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade

>toward which we have striven these many months.

>The eyes of the world are upon you.

>you will bring about the destruction of the machine, the elimination of tyranny over oppressed peoples &security for ourselves in a free world.

>Your task will not be an easy one.

>Your enemy is well trained, well equipped, and battle-hardened.

>He will fight savagely.

>The tide has turned.

>The free men of the world are marching together to victory.

>I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle.

>We will accept nothing less than full victory.

<Nothing can stop what is coming.



4cfb3e  No.6655020

File: 25c4ad95828e9fc⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 667x397, 667:397, trump is jew too.jpg)


Actually, it's smart to be wise to the jew but they don't need to spam the board.

8e518d  No.6655021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5bda3f  No.6655022

File: 2c51d7a15790a6d⋯.png (320.94 KB, 794x395, 794:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02a59a8ebdf4faf⋯.png (298.03 KB, 755x399, 755:399, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6654223 (lb)

Anon familiar with Saturian moon Iapetus?

- http://enterprisemission.com/moon1.htm

- http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon2.htm

- http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon3.htm

- http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon4.htm

- http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon5.htm

- http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon6.htm

eb1a9f  No.6655023

File: 2eda556bd055816⋯.jpg (101.68 KB, 615x836, 615:836, BW.jpg)


7cf55e  No.6655024


Im glad the right people are here to remove these posts as fast as they do.

Thank you patriots.

I also hope the right people know who they are and act accordingly.

I see the ones posting are aware of how to push the boundary of what is legal.

However there is a Higher Law.


13b33c  No.6655025


This is beautiful, anon. Don't hate.

e7ffa4  No.6655026

File: 657780b9b9b108f⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, Sick.jpg)


a84628  No.6655027

File: 01f02f4338d642a⋯.jpg (203.62 KB, 960x540, 16:9, IMG_3516.JPG)

mocking faux outrage is just too much fun.

85f011  No.6655028


They're going all in today.

680f84  No.6655029


The Armor of God Prayer

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI27 Feb 2019 - 12:56:40 AM

The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


e34e72  No.6655030



Fucking sick faggots!!!! I hope you both die today.

BO ban these sick fucks

8e518d  No.6655031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>6655021"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL

1db08a  No.6655032


OK so it is a message from US Military commanders to— who? us? someone else? And if it's a clear message,

@ →

what in the world does it mean?

4cfb3e  No.6655033


>Why do we make things public?

To watch the reaction.


13b33c  No.6655034


Trust the Plan, faggot.

3e09a9  No.6655035



Set your video playback to 1080P and your sound system to music video and turn it up to LOUD.

bf02d3  No.6655036



It's just one, and you're giving him exactly what he wants. Its cta - been here nearly as long as the board has

30dc19  No.6655037

File: 424c7b07e78c68c⋯.jpg (332.66 KB, 1907x771, 1907:771, AZAZ0909 2 Jun 19 2225.jpg)

AZAZ0909 back in the air out of Colorado. I need to turn in shortly, is there another Planefag around that can take over tracking this flight?

d9922e  No.6655038

File: 8b60fe5b6ecd59b⋯.png (232.1 KB, 640x627, 640:627, ClipboardImage.png)



She rails at the 'nihilistic globalist elites, driven by international finance' who want to erase Christian identity and make Italians slaves: Opinion @arieldavid1980

1:57 PM - 2 Jun 2019


a035cf  No.6655039


I second that motion. That fucking piece of shit needs deleting! !!

13b33c  No.6655040



680f84  No.6655041


Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI15 Aug 2018 - 9:12:17 PM

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

– Corinthians 13:4-13

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

0a9e76  No.6655043

File: 2fef5f45e3b455a⋯.png (22.72 KB, 815x320, 163:64, 11.PNG)


i've reported - you can too

then filter

1db08a  No.6655044

File: 72b9f82714b5565⋯.jpg (302.08 KB, 1050x549, 350:183, ControlQ.jpg)

File: 27a43057ee85228⋯.jpg (330.28 KB, 1500x980, 75:49, QRN:PatriotsFullControl.jpg)

File: 772e9e34452bd01⋯.jpg (204.8 KB, 772x1200, 193:300, TrumpNoDealsTreason.jpg)

File: a88239f26ba2329⋯.jpg (63.57 KB, 665x375, 133:75, NoDealsZero1.jpg)

File: 4d7507d3744c316⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 782x500, 391:250, NoFuckingdeals.jpg)



13b33c  No.6655045


Your front hole is leaking. It smells like faggot.

33b24b  No.6655046


that is technically two goals.

c08da1  No.6655047

File: ca68d5ce637e2ea⋯.png (181.08 KB, 1072x578, 536:289, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Flig….png)

File: f6fc5c7a20ed71d⋯.png (826.62 KB, 1918x806, 959:403, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

US Navy 737 peoplemover AE0977 from Wash State to the Caribbean somewhere @40k

30dc19  No.6655048


I reckon Q Team to the Marines.

"Who does POTUS trust?!

Semper Fidelis!


4cfb3e  No.6655049


>Q's D-Day is D-Day

Fun if true.

6673a2  No.6655050

File: f5e6f577c6c6c7b⋯.jpg (13.04 KB, 500x229, 500:229, Screen-Shot-2018-08-01-at-….jpg)

57d70b  No.6655051



Just girls doing gymnastics

Out of placeforsure

CP not

f0fbd4  No.6655052


jews are now posting child porn. They can't help themselves.

e7ffa4  No.6655053

File: 22c983e680c6e0e⋯.png (157.09 KB, 291x379, 291:379, Think.png)

File: fed5d3b32504274⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1851x2561, 1851:2561, msm 2.png)

c53566  No.6655054

File: b21560d6fb0709e⋯.jpg (30.64 KB, 500x297, 500:297, captain-mad-jack-churchill….jpg)


>1944 - Omaha - March



cf9eca  No.6655055

File: 71d8d0484013705⋯.jpg (113.84 KB, 634x623, 634:623, Screenshot 2019-06-02_17-3….jpg)


884bf8  No.6655056

File: e57bb50f7c887a4⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 300x175, 12:7, th-6.jpg)

680f84  No.6655057


Be Strong in the Lord and in His Mighty Power

Q!CbboFOtcZs21 May 2018 - 12:34:26 AM

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."

– Ephesians 6:10-18

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

– 1 Cor 13:4-13

30dc19  No.6655058

File: 25204c490bcdd7c⋯.jpg (65.76 KB, 578x432, 289:216, Jo0o0o0os.jpg)

They are throwing everything including the kitchen sink at this. They can't stop what's about to hit them all.

a14935  No.6655059

File: 2c52eabfe06f666⋯.jpg (39.98 KB, 375x450, 5:6, 911.jpg)

982333  No.6655060

File: 1d4ae2e3f3598ed⋯.jpg (5.98 MB, 2880x2160, 4:3, 20190425_214804.jpg)

Kids doing gymnastics is CP?

6bbe8b  No.6655061


Absolutely the best shut down of Wallace I’ve ever, hope all watch this, because Chris was stuttering and drowning in his identity politics pool. Seriously laughed so hard

1db08a  No.6655062

File: cd10e7363aa177b⋯.png (147.41 KB, 307x308, 307:308, KAF-Recon1.png)

File: e80e5044be77472⋯.jpg (58.86 KB, 612x407, 612:407, PlanefagsScramble.jpg)


Copy. Assuming duty station.




d7d159  No.6655063



07fee0  No.6655064


Planefag lurker here, I can keep eyes on. Is this the plane that landed at March?

56dc24  No.6655065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


eba230  No.6655066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anybody else remember the 80's in the USA?

0bd39c  No.6655067

File: 558b5cdc0bc4c2f⋯.png (301.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 397CD450-6577-4012-84DD-41….png)

31581b  No.6655068

File: b3b35aba2b3afd6⋯.png (401.92 KB, 1513x814, 1513:814, Screenshot (508).png)

File: 345ed02f07f9d00⋯.png (213.87 KB, 1596x716, 399:179, Screenshot (509).png)

File: bb6cfbe0513b1ee⋯.png (66.26 KB, 808x797, 808:797, ChinaWarning.png)

>>665030 LB

Atlantanon checking in.

This story is bigger than many from outside the southeast may think.

Emory is basically the Berkeley of the southeast. EXTREMELY liberal, as is the entire city of Decatur/DeKalb County community where it is located.

I can't imagine how outrageous, egregious these two Chinese "professors" must have been for the massively-endowed Emory (think very old Coca-Cola money, original blueblood Atlanta Buckhead people who are mostly dead now). These two Chinese guys must have either screwed up massively, or made the wrong administrator absolutely furious.

Night shift anons were digging on this, and included the obvious connection to Confucius Institute.

Confucius Institute = Hanban and the United Front Work Institute

It's their Politburo, basically.

http://english.hanban.org/ for more

Some universities have already begun drop-kicking the Confucius Institutes off their campuses:


This Newsweek article is a pretty solid rundown:


But I'm partial to the Bannon summary in pic related. He knows.

e34e72  No.6655069


Shut the fuck up you pedophile piece of shit. You just tried to notable CP. You're a shill faggot and I hope you catch on fire and die. Fuck you.

e7ffa4  No.6655070

File: c93051d26ebd693⋯.jpg (325.12 KB, 774x587, 774:587, spiritual warrior.jpg)

417c42  No.6655071

File: ce459a2b84ed988⋯.jpg (475.12 KB, 978x1329, 326:443, Screenshot_20190602-161921.jpg)

File: f44fc84a33d5dac⋯.jpg (498.62 KB, 1080x1450, 108:145, Screenshot_20190601-232716.jpg)

Am I the only one in the friggen world not falling for the "facebook doxxing creater of fake pelosi video" narrative?!! It's FAKE NEWS. Made up. They reported James Woods reaffirmed she was drunk in twat with 17000 retweets and 55000 likes.

First off! Those numbers are absurd.

Second, Woods has not tweeted since April 19th in protest of censorship when he was suspended.

Fake. Pelosi was glitching so don't fall for narrative focus change.




d9922e  No.6655072

File: 4604ddd66f196c1⋯.png (59.07 KB, 640x375, 128:75, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6655047 Caribbean you say?

(pb) Notables


Bill Clinton Retweeted Clinton Foundation

Tomorrow, we head back to #USVI to check on progress as we continue helping the Caribbean build back better.

d25dc7  No.6655073


Something big is going down. CP and Scat porn generally only injected to drive away normies and give CNN a narrative.

c08da1  No.6655074

File: 3ec4bbbefb0be85⋯.png (423.93 KB, 1918x723, 1918:723, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

GTMO844 is up outa Fort L Floriduh

6673a2  No.6655075

File: 0efefa49c0f9837⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 249x249, 1:1, 1529858618708s.jpg)

Proud to have served in precursor to Space Force

4cfb3e  No.6655076


Just be sure to filter properly. You might be missing valuable posts by filtering because of (((someone's))) agenda.

Which is their plan.

4fb7e8  No.6655077


Yes, nervous as fuk.

7e2855  No.6655078

File: 8c115f95dc0fd86⋯.jpg (217.71 KB, 1024x1008, 64:63, coin.jpg)




Big Red One



Dog Green

Dog Red

Dog White

Easy Green

Easy Red

Easy White

Fox Green

Fox Red

Fox White


4e07a0  No.6655079

File: 12346c67d3af9ce⋯.jpeg (43.59 KB, 512x288, 16:9, pumpkin barf.jpeg)


that time when rubber stamp memeshill

couldn't help himself

the memes are for the normies. this is the factory. you simpletons are not even entertaining to anons. - aand yet here you are, 5 memes / post, 8 posts / bread, the same worn out shit over and over.

you are proving a point, and i don't think it is the one you are trying to prove.

and it seems that the image server(s) are able to keep up now, so the DdoS aspect isn't even valid.

982333  No.6655080

File: 4bd63a8eb2d04c8⋯.jpeg (133.99 KB, 903x900, 301:300, 1556543807.jpeg)

30dc19  No.6655081


Negative, that was R1944. AZAZ0909 left Peterson AFB is currently East of Colorado Springs.

00e8aa  No.6655082

File: ace6756bebbfe1f⋯.jpeg (300.76 KB, 750x899, 750:899, DA665F0C-C1A3-4E80-8B99-D….jpeg)

Producer: Dodi Fayed

b98ecc  No.6655083

File: 2bce38974991d84⋯.jpg (178.24 KB, 1916x1079, 1916:1079, satrn1sf.jpg)

File: ee32c3e560519a2⋯.jpg (262.1 KB, 1916x1079, 1916:1079, dgsdhgshcgsdsdgdh.jpg)

File: 95adac52393e2fb⋯.jpg (91.95 KB, 1258x672, 629:336, hsfhxcbsdhadh.jpg)

File: 251871f5fca2be6⋯.jpg (716.2 KB, 1916x1077, 1916:1077, vsdadbsdgag.jpg)

8f9dd9  No.6655084


Youre not trusting the plan hard enough

191a7e  No.6655085


when the picture is intended to be used for arousal it is CP.

The clothin g and positioning is intended to do just that. Yes it is CP. It is used by predators for the purpose of arousal.

Parents posting pics like this with their privacy setting made public should know their children's pictures get passed around CP networks and some predators come looking for the child they become obsessed with

a14935  No.6655086


Read the Bible.

Every time the Hebrews anger God he kicks them out of the land until they atoned for their sin.

Have they repented for killing Jesus yet?

What have they done to atone?

bf02d3  No.6655087



Not this time. Its just cta/toiletboi/resident loser. He has been doing various bullshit for over a year now. Just to fuck with anons because he has no life - in Texas

6458f0  No.6655088


you can call it what you want to but it's distasteful, exploitative, out of place , and with a high level of very creepiness. Juxtiposed near pictures of clear and visible adult women who show their . . .

ya, make an excuse.

thing can technically be 'legal' but still indicative of a disorder of mind.

4cfb3e  No.6655089



Only you can make yourself look bad, anon.

Don't fall for (((lies))) about group identity.

d9922e  No.6655092

File: 7f84f272672c222⋯.png (5.93 KB, 433x136, 433:136, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1fdcdbc57067fb⋯.png (17.06 KB, 358x237, 358:237, ClipboardImage.png)



Q:How do you capture a very dangerous animal?

A:Making him come out of his burrow?

07fee0  No.6655093


Gotcha. I'll try to update anons if anything notable happens o7

c06290  No.6655094


dill, bread or sweet?

680f84  No.6655095


To all Americans, please pray.



We appreciate all of the prayers.

We really do.

Thank you.



Thank you all for your trust, faith, and patriotism.

WE are privileged to serve you.

Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our FREEDOM.

You are safe.

God bless.


Seals are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!


POTUS will be up all night.


Watch the news tomorrow.


19 OPs [now].

Operators active.

Operators in harms way.

POTUS awake.

No sleep during OP.



Please pray.

Operators are in harms way.

High risk.

High value targets.

Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.

More to follow.


Now is the time to pray.

We're operational.

God bless the United States of America.


I t i s o n ! ! !

d3f556  No.6655097

File: 59d388417fca21c⋯.png (241.82 KB, 785x805, 157:161, July 4th National Mall Fir….PNG)



4th of July Fireworks on the National Mall


>17 Minutes

c590c3  No.6655098


it prolly podesta posting the cp pics

729b22  No.6655099

Eagle eye

Blue skies - 45er maybe more, who knows – we can be talking 2020 as well - why not? the opposing field is as week as amy and msnbc's best - can't think of the rest - they all smell likethe rottin corpses they represent/


we taling inbred - un-electable - un/accountable - never showin up for work nigger moddda niggers

gonna vote

gonna live

gonna be

gonna free

gonna go long

curve ball

or heater



shake shake shake

robot talk


he hears no thing and all things


mets go long and yank fall short - but


brrrrrt b2 bombs falll where they may. Flee the city – flee, flea.

982333  No.6655100

File: c39085a039486ba⋯.jpeg (95.65 KB, 1440x570, 48:19, 1542044298.jpeg)

a4d54c  No.6655101


Don't forget preventing forest fires, that son of a bitch has been slacking off.

334e31  No.6655102

asking for former military and militia to be at the ready

Patriots that will defend the US be at the ready

Patriots help Patriots …. be at the ready help and pray for your families

and your country…. The good people will take back this country

Truth will be incoming … as you know Truth is a weapon

Memes at the ready…..

For God and Country

c69a7d  No.6655103

File: 2d592b1c5a7eac9⋯.png (4.64 KB, 480x161, 480:161, ClipboardImage.png)



GITMO 844 - Q post 844

ecb3ca  No.6655104


What was that

30dc19  No.6655105

File: 5b4677aeedd9f92⋯.jpg (260.58 KB, 1908x748, 477:187, GTMO844 2 Jun 19 2235.jpg)

GTMO844 in the air, we know where that one ie headed :D

4e07a0  No.6655107


>and it seems that the image server(s) are able to keep up now, so the DdoS aspect isn't even valid.

even so filtering memespammers makes the bread load faster and comfy af

19d646  No.6655108

wow, cta brought a whole crew in today

look at em all go, overreacting, pontificating, trivializing

filter and report em all, let bo sort em out

fuck em all

e090d7  No.6655109


you are getting good memer senpai

picking up gimp well

are all these 5 originals again?

01d5af  No.6655110


So you got a boner then?

a035cf  No.6655111

Funny how the language you use makes you feel special. Its cute you would advocate for the posting of lewd material with minors in them… stay on your high horse and keep up the good work Thanks for calling me out im gonna play with my fronthole hole like a faggot now xxoo

729b76  No.6655112

File: 1a4f06ceaa7dc2f⋯.jpg (166.69 KB, 931x1393, 133:199, IMG_8346.JPG)


































>Tranny grease and Elon holes

>Cold War merkeba Jews and Hilton ashtrays

>Oppenheimer was a joto


Attention anon

Matt rethorford blew his jewhole O-ring



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

07fee0  No.6655113

Do any anons have know stonetear's CO address? Trying to corroborate something.

d5fb1c  No.6655114

File: c715da1b43e2304⋯.jpg (22.21 KB, 326x261, 326:261, c715da1b43e23041fb5e7bdc59….jpg)

File: f3eb13bc8d33c01⋯.jpg (219.51 KB, 1390x706, 695:353, f3eb13bc8d33c01013d2fb7bea….jpg)

52a634  No.6655115

File: eb5a83799b35c0f⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 1308x466, 654:233, D8FQu-IXkAAAk_L.jpg)


f0fbd4  No.6655116

File: 9bcb94ac02e5880⋯.jpg (99.85 KB, 674x672, 337:336, 1554565899083.jpg)

File: b284a051a803a96⋯.jpg (311.63 KB, 1024x892, 256:223, 1554557649406.jpg)

File: ca1f3855c8fc1a6⋯.jpg (97.72 KB, 720x556, 180:139, ymiLDY9.jpg)

File: 8a6eb95dd3fa92b⋯.jpg (118.44 KB, 698x512, 349:256, 1557212180677.jpg)

How do people deny the jews being behind 90+% of the worlds corruption?

48e180  No.6655117

File: 5be6a3435a70739⋯.png (62.57 KB, 260x188, 65:47, ClipboardImage.png)

mom kidnaps own kids: FTW


ddfa7a  No.6655118


This here is notable

52a634  No.6655119



6458f0  No.6655120


you can make no excuse for this. you are a sick degenerate.

862058  No.6655121

File: 0f9877681ac30fb⋯.jpg (295.31 KB, 1130x823, 1130:823, indictments5:19.jpg)


Born and raised and fled to appalachia atlantanon here , wtf are you still doing in that god forsaken town?

woodward alum

how many sealed indictments you wager?

17a46d  No.6655122





planefag spot GTMO844 corresponds to Q 4BOOM

e7ffa4  No.6655123

File: f5c3234122d4a01⋯.jpg (111.88 KB, 408x582, 68:97, Dig.jpg)



Have another.

8923b4  No.6655124

File: 46b78dfb9cb7498⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 3150x1800, 7:4, 02 mirror of 48.jpg)

File: b87593af9ed7aca⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2700x1500, 9:5, 48 mirror of 02.jpg)

File: cd1317f522365cb⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 2700x2250, 6:5, 32 mirror of 18.jpg)


Today's Q Clock :02

They are trying to start a war.

Old to New.


Scandalous Media Bias?

Think WL list of journalists who colluded w/ HRC/DNC (2016 Pres election).


[Dec 4, 2017] > [Dec 4, 2018]

Today's :25/:55 Q Clock Mirror :48






In the coming weeks it will be important to have one central location (non 8ch).

Panic in DC.

Today's 180-Degree Q Clock Mirror :32

Watch the sell-offliquidity events.

Suicide watch.

How do you obtain 'inside knowledge' to closed door 'financial' investigations?

Think HRC panic.

Protective measures are in place.


The World Is Watching.


8f9dd9  No.6655125


Not trying to. I love CP. Deal with it.

461169  No.6655126

274788  No.6655127


hey faggot kill yourself ....slice your wrists you sick fuck , better yet tell us where you are so we can come over and help ...we want to release you from you pain ..you sick fuck come on faggot keep it up....your life is over FAGGOT ..THE HUNT IS ON ....

7080be  No.6655128

When the shills are scared

they tend to post CP.

Report/ filter and for the fuck on.

Dont givve these mother fuckers

a fucking(You)

They are pissed and scared


You're asses and your handlers are FUCKED!

247051  No.6655129

File: 643a93015762dd1⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1001x1041, 1001:1041, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0da4030614e48f⋯.png (522.68 KB, 1903x1439, 1903:1439, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6654245 lb

It's also on his facebook.

btw his website looks empty, but maybe that's always the case. Never checked.

sauce: https://www.facebook.com/Maher http://www.billmaher.com/

7e2855  No.6655130

File: 9d2383a3f031a43⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 500x277, 500:277, shills clothing tag.jpg)

[ 4e07a0 ]

729b76  No.6655131

File: bbb32fa8d521af4⋯.jpg (66.82 KB, 564x585, 188:195, IMG_8341.JPG)



































>Tranny grease and Elon holes

>Cold War merkeba Jews and Hilton ashtrays

>Oppenheimer was a joto


Attention anon

Matt rethorford blew his jewhole O-ring



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

a14935  No.6655132


Abraham separated himself from the idol worshipers and by faith alone went into wilderness.

He kept himself and his household separate from those that lived in sin.

Maimonides was an asshole.

52a634  No.6655133

File: 2a3fe9166acc46f⋯.png (340.74 KB, 1113x641, 1113:641, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)


680f84  No.6655134

4cfb3e  No.6655135


No, she stabbed her father in the back and is the kosher nationalist candidate now.

Yes, they will even make you betray your own flesh and blood.

30dc19  No.6655136

File: 13788acc2630e32⋯.jpg (572.49 KB, 1899x761, 1899:761, 2GJJA 2 Jun 19 2235.jpg)

Can someone please track this spoopy little bugger too? Thanks.

Over and out.

8f9dd9  No.6655137


The cia sounds like bad news. How can we stop them?

7cf55e  No.6655138

8900a5  No.6655139

Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre

President Trump made an unscheduled visit to an evangelical megachurch in Vienna, Va., to pray for the victims of Friday's mass shooting in Virginia Beach, Va., where 12 people and the gunman were killed.

Trump stopped by

McLean Bible Church

Sunday, where he stood on the stage, head bowed, and with his hair lacking its customary careful styling. Lead pastor David Platt, holding a Bible in his right hand, placed his left hand on the president’s back and began to pray.

“We stand right now on behalf of our president and we pray for your grace and your mercy and your wisdom upon him,” Platt said. He also prayed to give Trump’s family strength and wisdom and prayed for leaders at the national and state levels.

After applause from the congregation, Trump walked back off stage without making any remarks.

“President Donald J. Trump is visiting McLean Bible Church in Vienna, VA, to visit with the Pastor and pray for the victims and community of Virginia Beach,” White House Deputy Spokesman Judd Deere said in a statement.


52a634  No.6655141


speed is 17 miles an hour

4e74d6  No.6655142


>Producer: Dodi Fayed


Did not know

Watched years ago

680b8b  No.6655143


Kek worthy..Wallace loses out on every childish issue brought up..Stellar Job MM!

461169  No.6655144

These niggas trying so hard to project their bullshit here, when will they learn it won’t work

191a7e  No.6655145



no pigs. It is part of the Supreme Court decision regarding child porn. That is how it gets defined followed by " I know it when I see it "

d7d159  No.6655146



These pics have nothing to do with qresearch and seem to be posted only for one reason: to provoke Anons and make 8chan look bad.

It is not the first time the exact same pics have been posted.

I remember them also been posted in 2018, it ended only when Anons protested and reported them.

We all know that the more somebody insists on this kind of pics being "harmless", "not CP", there is a reason why he posts these pics.

Whatever the reason might be:

Wanting to help with qresearch it is definitely not.

48e180  No.6655148

Chuck's spitting out the "snuffed," silencer reform needed, i guess, because people ar einto silencers? but the witnesses heard shots, and some even communicated with the gunman, so not indiscriminate either?


"The Senate's top Democrat says a universal background check bill must be brought to the Senate floor for a vote. Sen. Charles Schumer's remarks on Sunday came two days after a gunman killed 12 people in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Schumer says the victims were hardworking government employees who were "just snuffed out."

30dc19  No.6655149


Q symbology all over the place. Kek!

e090d7  No.6655150

File: 18002461b17769b⋯.jpeg (110.58 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, EFF7FC82-0B11-44A8-B34A-8….jpeg)


you have the gift

and a style

may the fruits of your labour be dank

461169  No.6655151


Muh nigga Mick ate him for breakfast kek

52a634  No.6655152

File: 1165858cdd9e379⋯.png (134.9 KB, 608x453, 608:453, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

3e09a9  No.6655153

File: b09ac1383ca4190⋯.jpg (186.09 KB, 1300x973, 1300:973, hanging-gallows-hang-em-hi….jpg)


They know the investigative journos are rooting around for stories now to get ahead of Monday's deadlines.. half of these clowns are journos themselves…only so many sources of power and influence and they've corrupted them all. For a little while longer…their nooses are drawing tighter.

680f84  No.6655154

729b76  No.6655155

File: e9a582332581179⋯.jpg (78.09 KB, 600x504, 25:21, IMG_8345.JPG)







































>Tranny grease and Elon holes

>Cold War merkeba Jews and Hilton ashtrays

>Oppenheimer was a joto


Attention anon

Matt rethorford blew his jewhole O-ring



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

982333  No.6655156

File: 9929187f1df5f15⋯.jpeg (43.92 KB, 1440x964, 360:241, 1537891790.jpeg)

01d5af  No.6655157


>make 8chan look bad


272bca  No.6655158

Aight. First week in June.

Let's see what starts poppin'.

1e577b  No.6655159

File: 321b4411f9816c2⋯.png (507.08 KB, 681x441, 227:147, liberalsrnasty.png)


Well, they are libs. What didja expect?

729b76  No.6655160


Bad case of HiVette

Get checked

a81640  No.6655161

File: 139f57117e57a7c⋯.png (559.67 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, GTMO844_2019-03-19_132642.png)

File: 5172d5447aebe65⋯.png (437.06 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, GTMO844_2019-04-03_221729.png)

File: 69e7d23cec3eb9b⋯.png (544.44 KB, 1880x934, 940:467, GTMO844_2019-04-13_210919b….png)


Not the first time this callsign GTMO844 has been used.

I've grabbed it a few times.

19th march

3rd april

13th april

c019f5  No.6655162


>Night shift anons were digging on this,

Why are you trusting masons, anon?

The Confucius Institute is a limited hangout, but that cap is accurate. Chinks are sociopaths.

ecb3ca  No.6655163

File: 39f9db88b9936cc⋯.jpg (827.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, execution.jpg)

File: 376e2d1b855a027⋯.jpg (208.46 KB, 778x471, 778:471, pain.jpg)

7e2855  No.6655164

File: c2ac0acb89330a6⋯.jpg (167.07 KB, 1200x539, 1200:539, Screen Shot 2019-06-02 at ….jpg)


tracking currently o7


Gain Jet Ireland X2GJJA

United Kingdom Military

Gulfstream Aerospace G650 ER

e7ffa4  No.6655165

File: ac7d2a1b38d91be⋯.jpg (413.97 KB, 713x1004, 713:1004, Great awakening.jpg)


Bless You.

c06290  No.6655166


You have no idea how badly you fucked yourself, but you're going to find out

884bf8  No.6655167


this is awesome…read thru the thread this am

seems its really coming true!

future proves past!




Go time.

c69a7d  No.6655169


Here is a good one anons …




HDD = Hard drive.

729b76  No.6655170

File: 46fa9d6e3327d03⋯.jpg (73.16 KB, 960x688, 60:43, IMG_8342.JPG)








































>Tranny grease and Elon holes

>Cold War merkeba Jews and Hilton ashtrays

>Oppenheimer was a joto


Attention anon

Matt rethorford blew his jewhole O-ring



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

d3f556  No.6655171


When you post the child porn

It will be removed

Anons won't tolerate your form of degeneracy

Anons are so far past your kind of bullshit

You WILL NOT shut this board down because of child porn


Our skin is so tough after 1.5 years of cabal bullshit, we just report and move along or just scroll on by posts like yours

The Demoncrats // Muslim Brotherhood and other cabal operatives will not prevail

You know that, so you just try to annoy

Doesn't work

57d70b  No.6655172


Agree and vote to remove

Cuz out of place and has nothing to do with what we do here

Just do not agree that it is CP

Technically not

But vote to remove

d9922e  No.6655173

File: 36ddeb200366303⋯.png (646.44 KB, 640x826, 320:413, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d82af33cbcc5d8a⋯.png (2.4 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Today we commemorate the 40th anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II’s historic celebration of the Mass on June 2, 1979, in Warsaw, Poland.

We celebrate this historic moment and reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that freedom always prevails.


1:35 PM - 2 Jun 2019

461169  No.6655174


Muh sides

1e577b  No.6655175


BO / BV we have regulations for this

delete these posts

0831f6  No.6655176

File: 70969eadd24f48d⋯.jpeg (26.01 KB, 1020x460, 51:23, 6C3E4F84-8622-4550-A729-4….jpeg)

File: 028176552fe2e9e⋯.jpeg (134.26 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 532A1483-F4FB-4B23-9C11-5….jpeg)

File: 06748920ef3d645⋯.jpeg (114.6 KB, 1280x851, 1280:851, 4B784050-F95C-4E55-92EC-B….jpeg)

File: 118cb6e87b276d7⋯.jpeg (51.34 KB, 910x480, 91:48, B1BB154C-CBE1-42D8-A6E3-1….jpeg)

File: b480000f881927b⋯.jpeg (78.1 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 5705DD57-4FB1-41DF-B3A1-3….jpeg)

25cc80  No.6655177


Dodi's mother Samira Khashoggi sister of Adnan Khashoggi just found out what a web these familys have.

729b76  No.6655178

File: 7cfb15088866e89⋯.jpg (75.95 KB, 500x375, 4:3, IMG_8329.JPG)

d7d159  No.6655179


Yes, agree with your kek also…

But what good is it to post these pics?

Children should be off limits here.

c590c3  No.6655180


the shooter legally bought the firearms

33b24b  No.6655181

File: 9f2e09814acbf53⋯.png (389.6 KB, 1918x1758, 959:879, brave_2019-06-02_17-46-12.png)

Nobody playing the game gets a pass.

00e8aa  No.6655182


Same here, fren. Didn’t know until I turned it on just now and saw his name.

Interesting the plot is to fake an assassination with special effects in order to keep someone alive to testify.

30dc19  No.6655183

File: 4a1bbe927aaea23⋯.jpg (576.81 KB, 1903x748, 173:68, PAT009 St Paul 2 Jun 19 20….jpg)


Oh shit, PAT009 landed in St, Paul MN earlier.


9b20b1  No.6655184

File: 9299ccd93077874⋯.png (154.3 KB, 472x549, 472:549, dem_damn_jews.png)


>The Demoncrats // Muslim Brotherhood and other cabal operatives will not prevail

982333  No.6655185

File: 0cd641706d4d0b8⋯.jpeg (82.83 KB, 780x1023, 260:341, 1539527639.jpeg)

c53566  No.6655186

File: 270335bd30d08d3⋯.jpg (141.9 KB, 889x889, 1:1, 9e7282d708a64485e0602b6ebb….jpg)


retardation. Mixed with gender fagging.

78697a  No.6655187


Their not doing their jobs today.

Wouldn't remove doxxed post on last bread either.

52a634  No.6655188

File: f3b6457b220564d⋯.png (307.26 KB, 1270x546, 635:273, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)


51c01f  No.6655189

Q bring us elsewhere please. Attacks intensified etc. But cant out up with a board tolerating any type of CP. No mod. at the moment at least to clarify the situation.

729b76  No.6655190


Trannys are just queer dudes btw

334e31  No.6655191

Enough is Enough

680f84  No.6655192

Full Moons in 2019. The next Full Moon will be on June 17, 2019 at 8:30am UTC.

Full Moon will be on June 17 !


Many days with many habbenings to come.

First public arrests tomorrow?

Be prepered, pray, be best.

4e74d6  No.6655193



>Dodi's mother Samira Khashoggi sister of Adnan Khashoggi just found out what a web these familys have.

ecb3ca  No.6655194

File: baebdc70103ac96⋯.png (291.22 KB, 483x417, 161:139, prepare.png)

437abb  No.6655195

Since the Baker is calling this bread "Pray for POTUS and Crew Edition", I will post this one more time. The Spirit helped me with this, this morning and I think it goes good with our mission for today:

Heavenly Father, we pray for our President Donald J. Trump today in this special National Day of Prayer. Please keep his entire family safe from harm. They have been unjustly treated, in a way that no other First Family has been treated, please give each one of them a renewed strength to carry out your will. We pray that you thwart all evil being sent out by the wicked from touching them, please surround them with Your Angels for protection.

We also pray for all Patriots who have been helping to uncover darkness. May you protect each one of them as they continue to do this important work. Please unlock all barriers that may exist and let the truth come out, so we may have Light in this world. We ask all of this in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you forever. Amen

73b025  No.6655196

File: 9dc93bd39774f2f⋯.jpg (8.04 KB, 288x200, 36:25, campo'd.jpg)

craddock? why does that name sound familiar?


680f84  No.6655197


Anons will stay the course.

Shills can't change shit.

982333  No.6655198

File: 4f5797df46813e2⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 500x287, 500:287, 5667983882_413388e4ea.jpg)

30dc19  No.6655199


Triple Dubs confirm

01d5af  No.6655200


You assume normal societal rules apply here.’

They don’t.

19d646  No.6655201


youre still fucking retarded i see

c019f5  No.6655202


>When the shills are scared they tend to post CP.


Over the target boys

7cf55e  No.6655203

File: f293de3f24dd408⋯.jpeg (109.53 KB, 749x242, 749:242, 50AE453F-81B1-462E-A2DF-B….jpeg)


Refresh page

They are doing their jobs.

See the green link.

Means Poof bye bye sick post.

d7d159  No.6655204


>Just do not agree that it is CP

No, it is not CP.

But out of place and not helpful at all.

And I don't want to discuss the next kid pics that idiot might post…

f586db  No.6655205

File: 23a9794daeac8bf⋯.png (978.56 KB, 930x619, 930:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3196107add973f8⋯.png (132.21 KB, 898x1028, 449:514, ClipboardImage.png)

Why Google has a target on its back in Washington

(Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department is preparing an investigation of Alphabet Inc’s Google to determine whether the technology company violated laws to ensure fair competition, two sources familiar with the matter said. The potential investigation, first reported on Friday, is the latest challenge for Google which already faces a raft of complaints about its business practices from rivals, as well as Democrats and Republicans. EU regulatory actions have already led to multibillion dollar fines and reforms to Google’s business practices.

The U.S. probe would focus on accusations Google gave preference to its own businesses in search results, one source said. Google declined to comment on the possible probe. The latest news underscores a growing U.S. backlash aimed at Silicon Valley companies, and marks one of the biggest steps yet by the Trump administration toward regulating a giant technology firm. The following explains the antitrust concerns about Google from other companies, critics in Washington and the EU, and how a Justice Department probe could impact the sprawling U.S. company.

WHY ARE ANTITRUST REGULATORS INTERESTED IN GOOGLE? Google’s dominance of the search engine market has transformed it from a start-up into one the world’s most valuable companies. Google controls much of the technology used to buy online ads, and its Android operating system runs most of the world’s smartphones. Digital advertising revenue accounted for about 85% of revenue for Google’s parent Alphabet last year. Some web companies, including Yelp Inc and TripAdvisor Inc, have long complained that Google skews search results and uses its market dominance to unfairly promote its own services over theirs. Google has said it is transparent about how it promotes its own services, and that its focus has been on benefiting consumers.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which enforces antitrust laws along with DOJ, previously investigated Google’s business practices. The 2013 settlement with the FTC was widely viewed as a victory for Google because the company was only required to make modest changes to its practices and was allowed to continue to highlight its own services in search results. Under FTC pressure, Google agreed to end the practice of “scraping” reviews and other data from rivals’ websites for its own products, and to let advertisers export data to independently assess campaigns. Europe’s competition authority has taken a tougher stance against Google, handing down three fines totaling more than $9 billion in recent years. In a 2017 deal with the EU, Google agreed to pay $2.7 billion to resolve claims it unfairly steered business toward its shopping platform. In March it was fined $1.7 billion in a case focused on illegal practices in search advertising brokering from 2006 to 2016.

COULD THE DOJ TRY TO BREAK UP GOOGLE? Yes, in theory, but experts have said such action against a technology firm is unlikely. The Justice Department would have to file a lawsuit and convince judges that Google has undermined competition. It is rare to break up a company but not unheard of, with Standard Oil and AT&T being the two biggest examples. Perhaps the most famous case is the government’s effort to break up Microsoft Corp. The Justice Department won a preliminary victory in 2000 but was reversed on appeal. The case settled with Microsoft intact. Justice Department antitrust probes more often result in an agreement to change certain business practices.


7e2855  No.6655206

File: 4785955e8732609⋯.jpg (640.32 KB, 1200x1867, 1200:1867, Stand_Firm_Lion_Artist_Tom….jpg)


shadilay newMemeAnon

d9922e  No.6655207

File: 1709e84b566f6fd⋯.png (81.02 KB, 353x195, 353:195, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6655192 Total Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019

52a634  No.6655208

33b24b  No.6655209

Sorry, it legally counts as CP and thus it is CP.


30dc19  No.6655210

File: 3f13427fdf0d64f⋯.jpg (225.04 KB, 1438x923, 1438:923, Autists.jpg)


OK, I' out. Godspeed, Anons.


680f84  No.6655211


Amen fren!

54fc00  No.6655212


Using logical thinking.. no huge names will go down until after 2020 election. Mockingbord 2.xx would have a field day and get NPC's into the streets and claim election interference/attacking political opponents via false arrests, blah blah blah, etc.

Big names go down well into the second term. Too many still asleep. Arrests have and will happen.. b ut not in the public view… Anons only see 2% as well… keep that in mind.

729b76  No.6655213

File: ef6d574578358d2⋯.jpg (74.52 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8240.JPG)

b07f35  No.6655214


Dumbfuck. You hurt kids you're getting stomped the fuck out. Period. Cry like a bitch all you want. We're done with this shit.

Nothing else matters. If you never took part in this you have nothing to fear. If you did…and there's proof…you'll be dead soon.

ffedc8  No.6655215

File: e6112e8759b1b81⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1306x1292, 653:646, ClipboardImage.png)

fea782  No.6655216



Patriot Anons

Interesting combo GTMO844

Any chance it could be Gitmo [HRC] & [BHO]???????????

d3f556  No.6655217


Their not doing their jobs today.

Wouldn't remove doxxed post on last bread either.

Oh shut the fuck up

The CP post was removed before I even finished telling the loser he would not prevail


0c8ac9  No.6655218

hey Q

who or what is the devil? ai?

b1b53a  No.6655219


Um, that's transcoded you bigot.

7f9b0c  No.6655220

If OIG report is dropping it seems they will have to arrest at the same time. You can't knowingly let corrupt people running the country and making laws! Right…..RIGHT?

235390  No.6655221

File: 6f51cf1220550c0⋯.png (939.29 KB, 894x1410, 149:235, Biden-Shill.png)

7f3dfd  No.6655222

File: ce5f8c87bbe38da⋯.png (501.82 KB, 793x380, 793:380, 00000000.png)

Survivor who crossed path with gunman thought it was a drill


e7ffa4  No.6655223

File: 025a554a2581801⋯.jpg (234.57 KB, 587x467, 587:467, Panic button.jpg)

File: f06133ed100450b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1005x725, 201:145, Swamp fire.png)


I do movies too.



6673a2  No.6655224



729b76  No.6655225

File: 2d233c6bd8f6bec⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8241.JPG)

17a46d  No.6655226


The first post of pics had 3 children gymnasts andz 2 naked women in the same post.

Just because it’s not literally porn does not meant the intent was not made clear.

And why would you argue it’s not CP? Are you stupid or a shill?

7f9b0c  No.6655227

Comey is helping force the question….

48e180  No.6655228



Hundreds of people attended Saturday prayer vigils for the dead. Scott said he, his wife and several others prayed for the shooter too.

"He was a human too, and his family is hurting too," Scott said. "He's not evil … he was just another guy who had problems.""

empathy with the shooter

strange stuff, different approach


680f84  No.6655229


>Too many still asleep

Nope, that is only what you mason fucks are being told in temple works.



2995ea  No.6655230

Got my first twatter suspension for wanting to end illegal immigration.

Badge of honor.

I was told you can't "discriminate based on country of origin".

Looks like globalism is baked into the twatter bread.

….I wonder if "country of origin" discrimination extends to Russia.

7cf55e  No.6655231

File: 8c22c8379a01571⋯.png (614.42 KB, 718x535, 718:535, 67DB4BD4-338C-41A6-86EB-B7….png)

File: f91d39cbd8e8702⋯.jpeg (38.6 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 455D2160-0ABA-44BD-8654-F….jpeg)

0831f6  No.6655232

File: 05049afc823a3c6⋯.jpeg (13.85 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 9E8FC4B3-3617-4E13-A02D-F….jpeg)

File: e09404abcb8297e⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 980E8D0A-D358-4C55-9036-8….jpeg)

File: 39aaa14ba017f04⋯.jpeg (62.26 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, BCEF4A00-E07E-41E8-9230-2….jpeg)

729b76  No.6655233

File: f2325a012c4d950⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8242.JPG)

b1b53a  No.6655234


>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655037, >>6655064, >>6655081, >>6655133, >>6655152, >>6655183, >>6655188 Planefag AZAZ0909 / interdasting flight tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

57d70b  No.6655235


Green means done gone

Thanks BO/BV

ffedc8  No.6655236

File: b57a06a7895d26a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1310x1106, 655:553, ClipboardImage.png)

b459bc  No.6655237


I did contact the FBI and was told it is the responsibility of the BO to remove the posts. The FBI will deal with the poster through BO…..And BO removed my post. This board is compromised and will be the downfall.

c590c3  No.6655238


wuz a drill with live ammo

a4d54c  No.6655239

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>who or what is the devil?

6bc497  No.6655240


Got mo?

274788  No.6655241

File: 2f18ef26f11f1a5⋯.jpg (884.81 KB, 1372x1080, 343:270, Witchfindermmeem.jpg)


have you seen this one

c019f5  No.6655242



>hey moishe, let's shit up the board by posting lewds and then arguing for legality

729b76  No.6655243

File: d461e7855be97fe⋯.jpg (57.94 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8243.JPG)

680f84  No.6655244

a81640  No.6655245


Showing as civil too.

Callsign ALTER07

Hex code 29CBB8

4e74d6  No.6655246


Arrest before sealed indictment unsealed?

b1ed00  No.6655247

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

>>6654806 (PB)

Raise Faraday shields!

Batten down the ablative hatches!

Is the BlackScienceMan(tm) worried about something outside normal human perceptual range? I hope his FLIR helps him avoid whatever it is he's afraid of.

If anon were a satanist pedovore cultist he'd be most afraid of the inhuman hunters, whom the Greeks called the Kindly Ones; or it's a toss up between being tracked and tortured by undead archaic intelligences or located and delivered to justice by a reckon Marine pedovore hunting team.

d9922e  No.6655248

File: 5936e83af05f336⋯.png (505.7 KB, 588x557, 588:557, ClipboardImage.png)

The White House Retweeted

The Royal Family

‏Verified account @RoyalFamily

4h4 hours ago


#US #UK flags adorn The Mall ahead of @POTUS and @FLOTUS’s State Visit to the United Kingdom which starts tomorrow.

Follow #USStateVisit for updates!


b07f35  No.6655249


Big red garbage fish in space you guys pretend is half tree half Abercrombie model.

eba230  No.6655250

Who would encourage that? It's not allowed here, but if you want to talk about it using your words like a big kid then make your case.

729b76  No.6655251

File: 9d100253ac7c0b6⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8244.JPG)

c53566  No.6655252


>Google gave preference to its own businesses i

I'n Android 9.x, When a 3rd party app is reset (cache and data cleared), it defaults to no permissions granted in the OS.

When a Google app is reset, it defaults to full permissions granted.

Try it on any google 9.x handset. Probably the same for the older ones too, but i never tested that during my own research.

d7d159  No.6655253


Kiddo: They do.

If you want to close down ANY place on the webz, you just need pics of children, where they don't belong.

And if you can't expand your thinking to understand that this here is a place many people want to have a reason to close down, you shouldn't be here in the first place.

c019f5  No.6655254


Filter anyone arguing about CP, just like kikeposters.

729fac  No.6655255

File: 6e26bc042a198fd⋯.png (121.97 KB, 595x641, 595:641, ClipboardImage.png)

d5fb1c  No.6655256

File: 930352eef73a225⋯.jpeg (15.24 KB, 230x344, 115:172, 564b1208d8d5cad25ba384008….jpeg)

File: 38c048af2f83719⋯.jpg (66.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (5).jpg)

56dc24  No.6655257


President @realDonaldTrump stayed after his commencement speech at the @AF_Academy in Colorado Springs this past Thursday to shake hands with nearly 1,000 graduating cadets….

ICYMI: here it is, 1 hour and 22 minutes - in ONE MINUTE….


7cf55e  No.6655258


Bakers cant delete posts NewFag unless they are BV/BO happen to be baking.

729b76  No.6655259

File: 2f52a25af64f6bd⋯.jpg (69.75 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8245.JPG)

c7ff95  No.6655260


USVI PSA: Hide your children!

Anyone got a number on how much the CF contributed to the USVI?

17a46d  No.6655261


Phonefaggin so cant get back to it right now but another anon posted Clinton’s tweet abound going to the Caribbean tomorrow…

I wonder if whoever is controlling his twitter is letting us know they’re referring to GITMO resort and spa.

2995ea  No.6655262


I think old age is more likely to be a cause of death than gallows.

We're still on FISA halfway through year 3.

c590c3  No.6655263


if shooter were white male everyone would be screaming white supremacist

680f84  No.6655264

Trust me, I am a namefag.




52a634  No.6655265


User tag is == DOD==

54fc00  No.6655266


Slow the name-calling. I hope you are right. Trust me. Time in this mission has taught me never to assume arrests/huge public happenings …

Remember Early winter 2018? We thought it was just around the corner… low and slow… chipping away at the enemy… to avoid normies from harming themselves, others, or property in the streets. Thats an important part of the mission.

729b76  No.6655267

File: de0955558273aa6⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8246.JPG)

e4bd0d  No.6655268

File: af2a0c7f7783546⋯.png (29.42 KB, 741x568, 741:568, pepe thinking.png)

This Virginia shooting must not be the narrative MSM and the cabal where looking for.. more like the Vegas shooting. Fuckery afoot..

8900a5  No.6655269

HUGE: Evidence and Actions Indicate Mueller Gang Is Illegally Withholding Brady Material from General Flynn and His Attorneys!

As the Mueller Gang misses the timeline for providing all information to General Flynn related to his case, the gang’s crimes are coming to the surface.

The judge overseeing the General Flynn case, Judge Emmet Sullivan, requested that the Mueller team provide all information related to the General Flynn case that the defendant is legally required to be provided. The first line of the Judge’s order states –

The Pursuant to Brady v. Maryland , 373 U.S. 83 (1963), and its progeny, the government has a continuing obligation to produce all evidence required by the law and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

Mueller’s team was required to provide all this information to General Flynn in a timely manner but it now appears they didn’t provide it.

For example, Mueller ignored the court order by not providing the transcript of General Flynn’s call with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which was the reason Flynn was questioned in the White House within a week of the inauguration.

This questioning by corrupt FBI Agent Peter Strzok led to Flynn’s firing from the incoming Trump administration and to his indictment by the Mueller gang.Mueller and his ‘pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann have a history of withholding Brady material in their court cases.

Former US Attorney Sidney Powell was on with Mark Levin and she discussed the criminal actions these two took in their actions with Enron, Arthur Andersen and Merrill Lynch in the 2000’s.

Mueller has also edited the information in its bogus 400+ page report recently released. This was addressed late in the week when President Trump’s attorney’s call to Flynn was released. This report showed that Mueller edited out key parts in their report that were beneficial to the President and General Flynn.

For some reason, Mueller has not been asked to testify in front of a single Republican led committee in the US Senate.

This would no doubt lead to more crimes and the uncovering of Mueller misdeeds. The reason for this is unknown as Americans are begging for justice in regards to the Mueller investigation.


d9922e  No.6655270

File: 75932bc06253b4e⋯.png (15.17 KB, 334x243, 334:243, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6655234 Baker

any problem with official WH tweets?



d7d159  No.6655271


Read to what I replied to.

Did you report the creepy pics?

I did.

So, fuck off.

729b76  No.6655272

File: 9a818649eb0d9a5⋯.jpg (66.7 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8247.JPG)

e7ffa4  No.6655273

File: dd8621e3b3cea7f⋯.jpeg (262.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, KJU Pepe.jpeg)




884bf8  No.6655274

File: a0d6ba9a33333b7⋯.jpg (294.38 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, tumblr_mcnqaj4kdV1qifv4go1….jpg)

982333  No.6655275

File: 13857d916987273⋯.jpeg (242.08 KB, 1080x1270, 108:127, 1559512579.jpeg)

19d646  No.6655276


its called pilpul

he brought a crew

the objective is not to spam the board with questionable content

the objective is to get you all arguing about it

filter/scroll and report, dont bother arguing the vagaries of whether its cp or not, who gives a fuck

680f84  No.6655277


Do not namefag, shill.

c06290  No.6655278


Yeah we know, A →Asshole

31581b  No.6655279

File: 0adea255f40dabf⋯.jpg (36.94 KB, 586x683, 586:683, Scarlett.jpg)


>woodward alum

LOL, my best friend's older brother was the guy who actually cut down the big magnolia that used to be on Woodward's campus

Yep, kicked out, hello Sprayberry HS

Spouseanon and I are geezers and don't have to drive anywhere, or we'd be gone already.

Have a house way out in suburbs surrounded by trees, so we're okay. Reluctant to leave; both our families are 6th generation Georgians. There are a few roads named after them in North Fulton and Forsyth. Still good, kindly folks. Love 'em.

Family has house on a trout stream up in Clay County NC which is so far out there's no cell service. It's next to a massive forest service tract and will stay nice and quiet :)

If I can ever get my hands on a time machine, I'm going to bar hopping in Buckhead in 1980 again. It was murdered by Ray Lewis and greedy developers, and it's TERRIBLE now. Whole Foods! Restoration Hardware! Don't it just make your skin crawl with the cringe? Hah.

I hope to God all those wretched Hollywood types who keep threatening to leave will actually do it. The town is FULL. Go home, carpetbagging maggots!

729b76  No.6655280

File: 8ca96fe834cafb0⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8248.JPG)

3e09a9  No.6655281


May the Lord bless you and keep you, PrayerAnon…you are a spiritual beacon and I will pray with you and ask that your prayers are magnified and lifted up before the Holy Throne. Bless you and know you are clothed in immense power!

4e74d6  No.6655282

File: 8ef5de570811b0f⋯.jpeg (332.09 KB, 1393x2033, 1393:2033, 5B099223-367C-4199-A826-2….jpeg)

4c789a  No.6655283

File: 07c144f6f407457⋯.jpg (640.58 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, they life.jpg)

b1ed00  No.6655284

File: b05bac202efd2b3⋯.jpg (213.46 KB, 1120x813, 1120:813, b4a82d435b98798c470da4f1de….jpg)

Hello Legacy Media

Welcome to Q research.

We are peaceful civilian researchers who have by directed diligence have exposed your lies.

Your genocidal psyop has failed. Your protectors are murdering each other as they fight for safe exit.

It's the end of an epoch.

Legacy shill media has failed in its sole mission for predictable causes: arrogance, greed and pathetic underestimation of the nature and quality of the forces opposed.

Keep an eye on the door, media shills. Whether you’re a "news" producer, a talking head, a teamster or the child rapist Steve Spielberg. Justice is coming.

Every individual who has sexually abused a child or protected those who do will be delivered to justice.

We know, and will prove, legacy media acted wittingly to protect pedovores and to cover up their atrocious crimes against children for decade and much more.

Not one will escape justice. Not 1.

4e74d6  No.6655285

File: cfd3f07d71bdccf⋯.jpeg (403.14 KB, 1382x2008, 691:1004, 5B7C0CEA-BFE8-4DE3-B783-8….jpeg)

729b76  No.6655286

File: e4ef2a0756f62ef⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8249.JPG)

f586db  No.6655287


You are correct..have to make sure the permissions are set each and every time one goes through the process of cleaning. A colossal pain imho. All this because you don't want to be spied on.

7f8c32  No.6655288

File: aabfce2435e4f68⋯.jpg (29.25 KB, 370x205, 74:41, fireworks.jpg)


Fireworks will return to Mount Rushmore for the Fourth of July in 2020, Gov. Kristi Noem announced on Tuesday.

Noem said that she's excited and honored for the fireworks to return to "our nation's Shrine of Democracy." Fireworks last went off over Mount Rushmore in 2009

The entire world was able to view a celebration of our nation's freedoms from the majestic memorial and the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota

We are grateful to President (Donald) Trump and Interior Secretary (David) Bernhardt for helping us make this happen.


a81640  No.6655289

File: 89c2c116ef59b9b⋯.png (125.56 KB, 813x313, 813:313, Opera Snapshot_2019-06-02_….png)


Check top right of grab shows civil.

17a46d  No.6655290


Appreciate the explanation. Will filter+ o7

c08da1  No.6655291

File: 647e291bc79faa0⋯.png (603.93 KB, 1918x815, 1918:815, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

>>6655047 (me)


Here's the last look I got b4 it went off map. I gotta go feed my face now so pleese other planefags keep watching…..

ffedc8  No.6655292

File: 57a9728c2bef522⋯.png (685.71 KB, 1570x1502, 785:751, ClipboardImage.png)

6458f0  No.6655293


juxtaposed next to whohaa photos of full grown women. Creep admits 'liking' the unholy and taboo, and totally illegal.

this person deserved to be deleted. And if not arrested, at least put on a watch. Admitted to 'liking' it is not just free speech but an admission of, if not a crime, the desire to commit a crime.

If you have known or been in a place where children often go missing you'd not flirt with these fools or make excuses for their degenerate shill postings of exploitative images.

d7d159  No.6655294



But on top of the obvious shills, there are also Anons, who don't get it.

48e180  No.6655295

File: ee7741464c3edfe⋯.png (82.83 KB, 276x201, 92:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Shark News! Queeeeeer

Body found after shark interrupts search for swimmer swept to sea by riptide in Oahu

“I could see that there were three people in the water in a riptide that was pulling them out and they looked like they were struggling,” Bob Hall said, according to KITV. Bob and Deb Hall, of Huntington Beach, paddled out to the swimmers on their surfboards and managed to rescue two women, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported. The third swimmer, a man in his 20s, vanished beneath the waves before they could go back for him. A passer-by found a body matching the description of the missing 21-year-old swimmer Sunday on a beach and called 911, KHON reported. Deb Hall said the man, believed to be in the military, had only been in Hawaii for a month and had just met the two women, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported.


729b76  No.6655296

File: 04d32a9f5febfa9⋯.jpg (65.35 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8250.JPG)

381e16  No.6655297

File: 953f4424244ee9f⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3666x4882, 1833:2441, kh42.jpg)

File: 3ad7ab2a6bf69df⋯.png (556.34 KB, 681x945, 227:315, ad38b0a3217d3aaf36c7c6709b….png)

File: b4a25a76e1248fe⋯.jpg (57.98 KB, 600x686, 300:343, Bust-some-seams-with-a-dos….jpg)

File: 97a54de34845b99⋯.jpg (264.49 KB, 1019x1920, 1019:1920, d013841ed242d026d3e58be3e4….jpg)


Thank You Baker!

52a634  No.6655298

File: 8a9abb17c4fcab5⋯.png (441.83 KB, 1114x618, 557:309, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

It's still in the air over Atlanta

56dc24  No.6655299


Flight Trace for N71PG

N71PG has been in service to the CDC to fly EBOLA and OTHER FATAL INFECTIOUS DISEASE patients to special isolation facilities for several years. There are other similar aircraft under contract to the CDC for the same purpose.

The interiors of these aircraft are renovated to take a maximum of 4 patients to a CDC-approved isolation facility. The aircraft cabin contains total-isolation beds / protected airlock entry and exit / necessary medical supplies are contained in each closed-off patient area / all flight crew and medical crew are in full HazMat PPE.

The aircraft lands in a special closed-off area of the destination airport. The patient is met by a special ambulance and medical personnel for transport to the hospital with the EBOLA isolation unit suite.

UNLESS it is absolutely proven otherwise, the CDC / federal government is now flying EBOLA or OTHER FATAL INFECTIOUS DISEASE patients WHO COME ACROSS THE SOUTHERN BORDER, to CDC-approved isolation facilities.

NOW—since there are ONLY 4 CDC-approved isolation units across the United States, AND only about 34 other CDC-certified hospitals that can treat people sick with EBOLA or OTHER FATAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES —- what happens when all of those beds are full?

According to the CDC, the USUAL Level 1 or 2 trauma units in United States hospitals are NOT completely ready or equipped to deal with people sick with EBOLA.

In addition, since 2016, several previously-certified hospitals have opted OUT of the list.

ffedc8  No.6655300

File: 9d9dba7d6596c0f⋯.png (658.3 KB, 540x720, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

e7ffa4  No.6655301

File: 222f3514d82c9ab⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1409x2049, 1409:2049, scoundrels.png)

729b76  No.6655302

File: 47edbc6fd61a17d⋯.jpg (69.43 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8251.JPG)

6673a2  No.6655303


Colorblind here red and green look the same 2 me

Thx tho

d25dc7  No.6655304

File: 44534581a6c50ff⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1800x1465, 360:293, flak.png)

7e2855  No.6655305

File: 4fa97d6149c9c0e⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Keep Up.jpg)


TY Anon

909874  No.6655306


Why is it that you jew sympathizers always, and I mean every single time, post pictures of kids to try and play the sympathy card much in the same way fakestream media does to tug on people's heart strings to try and pull in normies to your agenda when the reason for the jew posts is outlined in the very welcome message of this entire board?

b1b53a  No.6655307


>>6655173 WH Tweet: John Paul II's Mass June 2, 1979.

>>6655269 Mueller withholding Brady material from Flynn and his attorneys?

>>6655248 WH re-Tweeted The Royal Family Tweet.

>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655037, >>6655064, >>6655081, >>6655133, >>6655152, >>6655183, >>6655188, >>6655291, >>6655298 Planefag AZAZ0909 / interdasting flight tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

729b76  No.6655308

File: aba7bebf5f50b51⋯.jpg (71.21 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8252.JPG)

eba230  No.6655309


Needs to be reported and removed. The chans are going to have to figure out how to emulate this board if they want to survive. Mods can't do everything for you, the whole community has to be responsible. That's why the autists love these places, closest they get to IRL without going outside.

ffedc8  No.6655310

File: b185bc51539439a⋯.png (441.42 KB, 616x508, 154:127, ClipboardImage.png)

729fac  No.6655311

File: 0fee820e90be647⋯.png (602.63 KB, 720x319, 720:319, ClipboardImage.png)

31581b  No.6655312


Well, that's no surprise.

Even if you're going to hell, you still gotta change planes in Atlanta first.

1e577b  No.6655314


BO / BV board under attack

729b76  No.6655315

File: 3f0883ddeba68c1⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8253.JPG)

a634e8  No.6655316

File: b893509383db3b9⋯.png (5.47 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, 28BA1568-9921-48E7-B95A-4B….png)

File: 2ff63ee5c91b14b⋯.jpeg (236.57 KB, 959x640, 959:640, F96CA803-E20E-4506-ACAD-4….jpeg)

File: d6acd4bcb32175b⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1223x1592, 1223:1592, D770F337-C75E-4030-86F6-4….jpeg)


Vertical speed is 17 ft/m, retard

6458f0  No.6655317

File: 5d3de3b4969fafa⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2313x2010, 771:670, ripple_glow_09899.jpg)


I made this and it 'pops' but it's red and green. Do you see any three dimensionality to it?

729b76  No.6655318

File: 63cd817766450de⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 720x540, 4:3, IMG_8254.JPG)

729b76  No.6655319

File: a7ea167bb22ef39⋯.jpg (60.09 KB, 392x374, 196:187, IMG_8302.JPG)

File: 856503363140df4⋯.jpg (130.92 KB, 999x845, 999:845, IMG_8303.JPG)

File: d925d2729827e21⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 607x451, 607:451, IMG_8304.JPG)

File: 88ae1f6d2b81ae8⋯.jpg (449.5 KB, 3000x2250, 4:3, IMG_8306.JPG)

a4d54c  No.6655320

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



Oops here is the other part to that.

96f160  No.6655321

File: a3dc1f67c14e1ec⋯.png (834.43 KB, 1846x815, 1846:815, declas.png)

Can you hear it?

That deafining sound of the ticktock… slowly, powerfully resonating around the world at a ~17s period.

92510d  No.6655322

File: cd607f5add4972c⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1954x3000, 977:1500, finding the lies.jpg)

File: faf27fb111ad3ea⋯.jpg (129.88 KB, 540x540, 1:1, over.jpg)

File: 37a32fa25c091e0⋯.jpg (182.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, REVO.jpg)

File: 96bc6f34f3b3704⋯.jpg (202.22 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, PAIN2.jpg)

eba230  No.6655323


Mine are all paid back so I don't have a dog in that fight, but I also think the majority of people were being actively brainwashed in the process and I have a hard time supporting the notion that they should have to be debt slaves for the rest of their lives.

48e587  No.6655324

File: cfdd5f1fb20441b⋯.png (974.67 KB, 717x463, 717:463, capture_638_02062019_14565….png)

File: 6b8b080711799d9⋯.png (1.18 MB, 890x463, 890:463, capture_634_02062019_14534….png)

File: 205bee0d751a498⋯.png (1.18 MB, 890x461, 890:461, capture_635_02062019_14534….png)

File: 4f54639c48df2ec⋯.png (1.18 MB, 892x462, 446:231, capture_637_02062019_14543….png)


Mick was finding it difficult not to bust out loud…

729fac  No.6655325

File: 81d2df43116da8f⋯.png (579.67 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ede0a441fd30ea5⋯.png (143.46 KB, 638x366, 319:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d8ba718631fb410⋯.png (410.41 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


flood detected after 3 posts

a298aa  No.6655326


The indictments will be unsealed when there are exactly 6 gori llion. And not before.

09c309  No.6655327

File: 5e821ff4ac86189⋯.jpg (85.51 KB, 480x566, 240:283, 20190602_170055.jpg)

File: 5e6db411428a21e⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 480x854, 240:427, FB_IMG_1559512958804.jpg)

Paul Combetta raid? I think this needs a dif.

b1ed00  No.6655328

File: 0e8285c249199dd⋯.jpg (333.15 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 13557132_262849237413658_1….jpg)

File: c3c5cb14e68a43c⋯.jpg (306.94 KB, 599x746, 599:746, ayahuasca-raura-pablo-amar….jpg)

File: 04cfa5d2d33a110⋯.jpg (612.89 KB, 1234x1552, 617:776, f4433e60d2718984ce7f107fbd….jpg)

7cf55e  No.6655329

File: 4f7f6c43caf0fc5⋯.jpeg (754.1 KB, 750x694, 375:347, 6FA0B2DB-06C6-4693-B394-7….jpeg)

eba230  No.6655330


That's why I support government sponsored student loan forgiveness programs for places that help undo the brainwashing. Like the US Military.

9f59ba  No.6655331

>>6654415 lb

>>6654463 lb


As of December 2013, five of the

seven most recent trafficking incidents involving

unauthorized possession of highly enriched uranium

(HEU) had taken place in the EU’s neighbourhood

in the Black Sea region. One seizure was made on

the Bulgaria–Romania border in 1999, three more

in Georgia in 2003, 2006 and 2010, and another in

Chisinau, Moldova’s capital, in 2011. In a sixth HEU

case, in France in 2001, the subsequent investigation

established criminal connections to the region,

particularly to Moldova and Romania, and identified

links to the 1999 seizure in Bulgaria. The modalities

of the 2011 incident in Chisinau suggested that it

might also have been linked to the Bulgarian and French HEU cases. The three HEU seizures in Georgia

also had apparent links between them, including the

degree of uranium enrichment, the similarity of the

packaging and the involvement of some of the same

individuals. The two series of what appear to be

interlinked trafficking incidents have raised concern

that criminal networks may be using the Black Sea

region to smuggle nuclear materials along the routes

that are also used for drug and human trafficking.

c53566  No.6655332

File: 0767df6da6d53dc⋯.png (24.65 KB, 647x187, 647:187, personal_responsibility.png)

File: b56a5754ff22fd6⋯.png (102.59 KB, 716x925, 716:925, 9e58f84c27a0e838c7e1419332….png)


The posters have more to worry about than the website.

Sometimes law enforcement doesn't want deletions ;) Pic relates.

7f8c32  No.6655333


Plus the cost of college has been artificially inflated over the past 20 or so years to deliberately create debt slaves. It's all part of their plan.

461169  No.6655334


A nigga would not have brushed his teeth before murkin folks, ijs

729b76  No.6655335

File: cb7c2e85bf1597f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_7783.JPG)

File: 044c5fbb488a955⋯.jpg (84.99 KB, 597x890, 597:890, A1F893BF-EA74-436E-B35E-E8….jpg)

File: 994d6e12b321c0e⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 50947AC6-C185-489B-A1D1-E6….jpg)

File: 6469769ebf70eca⋯.jpg (40.42 KB, 236x241, 236:241, IMG_8286.JPG)

File: c75529d04eb30fd⋯.jpg (185.15 KB, 960x800, 6:5, IMG_8295.JPG)

Genuine batshit 🦇 💩

e7ffa4  No.6655336

File: c1f60376d1bf48d⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, Hired.jpg)

3e09a9  No.6655337

File: e7a977f740195aa⋯.png (302.11 KB, 496x409, 496:409, e555d13821759c2520c661a494….png)

57d70b  No.6655338

File: d099d9aa755e985⋯.jpeg (154.6 KB, 1532x932, 383:233, AF0A8DA6-4B7D-4120-8D2B-D….jpeg)


We determined false alarm

This is the original and single sauce

a14935  No.6655339

File: 2ab78b8be20c0db⋯.png (82.16 KB, 291x303, 97:101, Audry.png)

02769f  No.6655340

Syria slams final statement of Islamic summit held in Mecca

Damascus, SANA_ Syria has slammed the final statement of the Islamic summit held in Mecca in Saudi Arabia, saying that it reflects the submission of the participating countries to their masters in the West.

” The summit should instead find solutions to the problems of some of its states represented in extremism, violence, backwardness, the lack of democracy and freedoms and the daily violation of human rights,” a source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement on Sunday.

The source added that the final statement issued at the end of the summit expresses only the open and continuous dependence of these countries to their masters in the West.

The source affirmed that the Golan is a Syrian Arab land and will remain so and that Syria will liberate all its territories occupied by “Israel” or by terrorism by all available means.

“Syria does not wait for support or any statement from such a meeting or other to affirm its right to its Golan or to liberate its territories.” The source concluded.


729b76  No.6655341

File: 6329a071305648a⋯.png (170.81 KB, 1220x383, 1220:383, 14778233-34AA-4482-8AE9-4F….png)

92510d  No.6655343

File: 41bce27af244f90⋯.jpg (632.58 KB, 842x1028, 421:514, pepe army 3 memes.jpg)

File: a669d3438561911⋯.jpg (139.92 KB, 300x500, 3:5, Injecting MEMES 3.jpg)

8ea1e5  No.6655344

"Scientists revisit the cold case of cold fusion"

"Scientists from the University of British Columbia (UBC), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Maryland, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Google are conducting a multi-year investigation into cold fusion, a type of benign nuclear reaction hypothesized to occur in benchtop apparatus at room temperature."

Read the rest here:


02769f  No.6655345

College Admission Scandal CFO Pleads Guilty, Agrees To Cooperate With Prosecutors

The body count of participants in the largest college admission scandal of all time continues to pile up.

The chief financial officer of mastermind William "Rick" Singer's firm has now pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and is cooperating with federal prosecutors, according to Bloomberg. Steven Masera, 69, assisted Singer in laundering fees and bribes that parents paid to fix their children’s college entrance exams and designate non-athletes as recruited athletes to get them preferential treatment. The cash was funneled through a sham charity called the Key Worldwide Foundation.

Masera was in charge of billing the parents, many of whose children were illegitimately admitted to schools like Georgetown, Yale, Stanford and USC. The government claims that Masera helped launder between $9.5 million and $25 million. He was also responsible for sending actress Lori Loughlin and her husband an invoice in 2017 seeking a $200,000 payment just one week after one of their daughters was accepted to USC.

The invoice read: "Thank you for your pledge to The Key Worldwide Foundation. Your pledge is now due. … Our receipt letter will go out to you upon full payment."

For his cooperation, prosecutors have agreed to recommend that Masera serve the "low end" of 57 to 71 months in prison. The US has agreed to give him immunity from prosecution for information he provided in an April 10 letter in hopes of leniency in sentencing. It is unclear from the agreement with prosecutors what information Masera may have for prosecutors that they don’t already know or that may lead to more arrests.

He is the latest to plead guilty in the admissions scandal, joining 4 coaches and 13 parents. Last month we reported that former USC soccer coach Laura Janke was cooperating with prosecutors after pleading guilty.

Janke's guilty plea stood in contrast with our prior update on the scandal, where we noted that some parents had decided to "punch back" and vigorously defend themselves in court. “I expect a lot more guilty pleas,” Diane Ferrone, a criminal defense lawyer in New York who isn’t involved in the case, told Bloomberg last month. Looks like she was right.

Several weeks before that, we noted that parents charged in the scheme were seeking out "prison life consultants" to find out what life would be like in the big house.

In the beginning of April, a total of 16 parents were indicted. Another 19 parents, including Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli are fighting the charges against them and are expected at pre-trial hearings this Monday. Singer will be sentenced September 19.


52a634  No.6655346

File: 1151eb9540df2eb⋯.png (346.39 KB, 1183x666, 1183:666, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

It's like he's pointing at something

862058  No.6655347


cut magnolia, after my time(think I've heard the story, but not sure, central courtyard?)

My parents were carpetbagging maggots in the 1960's .

I fled to Boone for college and stayed.

I have no cell service.

Comfy af

ecb3ca  No.6655348


17 miles per hour? Isn't that impossible?

0789a0  No.6655349

File: 2d14f88225e1f7f⋯.png (8.44 KB, 255x174, 85:58, bd92ce465ad5d0e46167b28843….png)

File: c494335d367a886⋯.jpg (596.66 KB, 1161x775, 1161:775, 36b618fbbff066678db8257f1b….jpg)

File: be6ed4d0545834d⋯.jpeg (20.78 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 0a438fddaa0471c69b1148266….jpeg)

File: d18ebac99ad318d⋯.gif (10.78 KB, 255x185, 51:37, 2d062510449cbe862a59f9485e….gif)

File: 4a7e43191281e96⋯.png (11.88 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 9a436f03f224fdf3aee7df1f78….png)

d7d159  No.6655350


Anon, combine my notable with your post in a new post!

Mine was just a guess, because of what Q told us about U1.

You found a way more important thing here: FACTS!


1db08a  No.6655351


Look anons. If you see something you recognize as CP, just REPORT it immediately using GLOBAL REPORT (triangle on post, select Global Report).

Don't bother calling it out to other anons, just report it ASAP.

That will get it removed the fastest.

Discussing it is not helpful at all. Just report and move on.

(I already global-reported the one very explicit CP post that I saw.)

650d31  No.6655352


does anyone have the address for a google maps check?

a634e8  No.6655353

File: a7ff0fef041ef89⋯.jpeg (462.76 KB, 1676x981, 1676:981, 4D7D45D9-70F3-4916-A938-F….jpeg)

11 trillion worth of bonds with negative interest rates in the world, … negative interest rates didn’t appear in any finance or economics textbooks until 2009

48e180  No.6655354

File: 762d0f04bbbe164⋯.png (104.21 KB, 244x182, 122:91, ClipboardImage.png)

"CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Even after the gunfire erupted, Ned Carlstrom thought the shooting at the Virginia Beach government building where he works was an elaborately staged drill for city employees. He crossed paths with the gunman three times — and survived."


31581b  No.6655355

File: e9c9b1a13ed2a91⋯.png (476.21 KB, 876x727, 876:727, Screenshot (487).png)

File: 84f8eaaf6bf2a7f⋯.png (283.41 KB, 534x640, 267:320, Screenshot (489).png)

File: d271f6ddda95258⋯.png (347.27 KB, 591x628, 591:628, Screenshot (490).png)

Well, this makes sense, although I'd guessed that Carter Page and PapaD were the American patsies in the setup run by De Gennaro out of Italy. The patsies there were that Giulio Occhionero guy and his sister.

I still have a pot simmering on the Operation Charlemagne theory. Occhionero strikes me as very legit, given that he's already served a year in prison for his trouble. And the UK intel community's favorite summer camp, Link Campus Rome, is right on De Gennaro's doorstep. All the logistics line up, at the very least. And then there's Devin Nunes' letter (pics related) that points to Mifsud using the alias Di Gabriele. He's supposed to be from Malta? Really? Who the hell is FROM Malta, where the last name Mifsud is as common as Smith or Jones in the US?

Paul Sperry



Jun 1

BREAKING: Carter Page reveals that he has been both an "FBI informant" and a "CIA informant" for more than a decade, which means that if he were in fact a "Russian agent" as alleged in the dossier-based FISA warrants, he's a double agent!

52a634  No.6655356


OR whatever.


78697a  No.6655357


Don't worry about the shills. This Site is a TRAP for the dishonest. They come in here thinking they have anonymity. Believe me though, everything and anyone going through this sight is on Q and the gangs radar.

If you have a doubt about that then you simply haven't been paying attention.

So go ahead shills, post your fuckery. You'll all hang together.

4e9cc7  No.6655358



6b55a7  No.6655359

File: fa5e3193bd4d533⋯.png (764.92 KB, 904x1169, 904:1169, 1-213705f533_hlite.png)

>>6654343 lb

> when Mueller denied Barr’s request for grand jury redaction (a simple and necessary request),

delayed action, and ultimately hung Barr out to dry by sticking him with the full unredacted report

Mueller intentionally stiffed Barr by not pulling out the Grand Jury info because '''Mueller was

trying to control the narrative''' – from his letter, we see: he just wanted his introduction & executive

summary to be released (Subjective/opinion portions) and not the underlying evidence used to reach

those conclusions (objective)

Now that we know he pulled a textbook Rachel Maddow move, and misrepresented the conversation

between Trump/Flynn attorneys … can anything in the Mueller report be trusted?

9f59ba  No.6655360



all roads lead to rome….

what were those guappos up to I wonder?

b1b53a  No.6655361



Can you upload the pdf or find me a better sauce?

48e587  No.6655362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Money Honey & Ratliff talk Barr.

b1b53a  No.6655363


>>6655345 College admission scandal CFO (Singer's firm) pleads guilty, agrees to cooperate with prosecutors.

>>6655340 Syria slams final statement of Islamic summit held in Mecca.

>>6655173 WH Tweet: John Paul II's Mass June 2, 1979.

>>6655269 Mueller withholding Brady material from Flynn and his attorneys?

>>6655248 WH re-Tweeted The Royal Family Tweet.

>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655037, >>6655064, >>6655081, >>6655133, >>6655152, >>6655183, >>6655188, >>6655291, >>6655298, >>6655346 Planefag AZAZ0909 / interdasting flight tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

1db08a  No.6655364


Context matters. Thanks for context.

31581b  No.6655365


Concur that Boone is absolutely comfy af

You were brilliant to get out before the traffic went absolutely insane.

Very common to hear that our friends' teenagers aren't even interested in getting driving licenses at 16. Ours didn't– both were 18 when they started.

Yep, the magnolia in the central courtyard. You can thank "Chuck".

cde624  No.6655366


They just don’t like Opel, which I fully understand.

ecb3ca  No.6655367

File: d95d7a1ff83fa65⋯.jpg (394.84 KB, 3006x1680, 501:280, bruceeyes.jpg)

6673a2  No.6655368


Just a bit…very cool

99a607  No.6655369

File: 63fc41a3a905301⋯.jpg (150.34 KB, 660x885, 44:59, 3-pin-up-painting-by-gil-e….jpg)

b26c7a  No.6655370

File: 1f0ccbc43096b68⋯.png (311.38 KB, 455x444, 455:444, 05345b3ab4175eb0e319a03402….png)

File: 1b0464fb564be5e⋯.png (130.59 KB, 400x273, 400:273, ClipboardImage.png)


The nationwide 24/7 availability of fentanyl and drugs is a huge operation.

Who exactly is financing this?

Who do they work for?

What is their mission?

With virtually unlimited resources, why didn't our government prevent this?

9f59ba  No.6655371

File: 943ad7a1bf29b34⋯.pdf (1.24 MB, April_2014_39.pdf)



>>6654415 lb

>>6654463 lb

PDF attached and post linked to the others…

f4188f  No.6655372

File: 1d7f533bc51d4d0⋯.jpg (4.09 MB, 4216x4432, 527:554, 1d7f533bc51d4d03681d223ff9….jpg)

862058  No.6655373

File: c51e750aa9bc43b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1182x1316, 591:658, Screen Shot 2019-06-02 at ….png)

File: 02f88848fbc7de9⋯.png (494.41 KB, 1142x638, 571:319, Screen Shot 2019-06-02 at ….png)



Iwo Jima nod at 1:23?

4b0f03  No.6655374


You talking about Boone Nc? I love that place

461169  No.6655375


That’s Tits McGee fam

c9f1f3  No.6655376

File: d42ff005420fc06⋯.jpeg (144.97 KB, 533x727, 533:727, E59EE824-32DB-46AA-87B3-5….jpeg)


>Comey is helping


fd0b4c  No.6655377

File: d51145e375d74c6⋯.jpg (50.68 KB, 773x441, 773:441, Eric Carmelo and Nicole Sn….jpg)

File: 1c4c434a316ece0⋯.jpg (27.32 KB, 957x412, 957:412, the perfection.jpg)

I watched this with my wife.

we were both disgusted. the key players look like the writers Eric Carmelo and Nicole Snyder. It is extremely disturbing given the knowledge it is likely real. I think we need to remember these names. has anybody done a dig on them yet?


Published on Apr 15, 2019

It's time to face the music. Watch The Perfection only on Netflix on May 24, 2019. A troubled musical prodigy (Allison Williams) seeks out the new star pupil of her former school (Logan Browning) with shocking consequences in this elegant and terrifying suspense ride, the most buzzed-about movie at last year's Fantastic Fest. Overflowing with dizzying horror and sly dark humor, THE PERFECTION is directed by Richard Shepard (THE MATADOR, DOM HEMINGWAY, "Girls"), and written by Eric C. Charmelo, Nicole Snyder and Richard Shepard.


8900a5  No.6655378

1 killed after ‘Israeli missiles’ strike Syrian military airbase in Homs, day after IDF raids

Several missiles have been fired at Syrian Arab Air Force Tiyas Airbase, located in the Homs Governorate, killing at least one soldier, just a day after Israel conducted raids against multiple Syrian military targets.

Two projectiles were intercepted by the air defense systems, activated to address the threat. However, at least one person was killed and two others injured, Sana reports. Infrastructure and equipment at the facility, also known as the T-4 Airbase, also suffered damage in what appears to be an Israeli attack, military sources said.

The strikes came less than 24 hours after Israel confirmed unleashing ‘retaliatory’ strikes against Syrian army’s artillery batteries, observation posts and air defense units, using warplanes and combat helicopters. Those strikes came in response to two rockets, allegedly fired from Syrian territory towards Israeli-controlled Golan Heights on Saturday night.

Syrian air defense forces have engaged IAF warplanes on numerous occasions throughout the course of the years-long conflict, as Israel continues to justify its raids as a necessary measure to contain Iran’s and Tehran's proxy presence inside Syria. Previous strikes on late Saturday evening were ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stressed that Israel will “react with great force against all aggression against us.”

Damascus views regular Israeli cross border intrusions as direct violations of its sovereignty and has repeatedly asked the UN to step in and intervene to stop the attacks.


Am so confused about the Middle East situation.

d7d159  No.6655379


>The posters have more to worry about than the website.


But if creepy pics of children would be tolerated on 8chan, I would quit.


Just because I have no tolerance for adults doing this and condoning this.

This is why a lot of people came together here and other places, to end the disgusting "tolerance" and looking to the other side.

What would Q do?

Would he/ they condone this?

I don't think so.

99a607  No.6655380

File: 13db3a05d0e675c⋯.jpg (121.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, IMG_1601.JPG)



An old meme needs air.


1df2d1  No.6655381

File: 9cbf0a54973fec3⋯.png (113.57 KB, 937x705, 937:705, Scree.png)

Who dreams up this crap, America lost the trade war with China 25 years ago.

c30d3e  No.6655382

File: 47bce887ceb7e66⋯.png (355.58 KB, 661x745, 661:745, lm.PNG)


Sounds like Lisa Murkowski is finally getting some protection for Di Fi….that is my reading b/n the lines.

8c3758  No.6655383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

437abb  No.6655384


It does feel like we are on the precipice of something big.

862058  No.6655385

File: d4a9957bbb5d03f⋯.jpg (384.28 KB, 1200x878, 600:439, laughdel.jpg)


Absolute shithole, stay the hell away and tell all your friends

ea3979  No.6655386


This and Google today.

Winds got an odor all of a sudden.

Huawei up to something?

461169  No.6655387

File: 0297c2984b2310d⋯.jpeg (472.5 KB, 1360x2040, 2:3, 1DA7B14D-58B7-4A51-835A-B….jpeg)

9b20b1  No.6655388

File: a10e39ff9916309⋯.jpg (149.64 KB, 960x659, 960:659, SmokinMeats.jpg)

78697a  No.6655389

File: 4c432bcda557423⋯.png (20.95 KB, 449x593, 449:593, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7602b6116f093d⋯.png (16.29 KB, 455x275, 91:55, ClipboardImage.png)




See Q post

2nd post is just because.

147fce  No.6655390


Finklefag is a CIA Nigger, probably posting this shit from Langly.

Marines need to go to various CIA bases with squadrons of A10 Warthogs and napalm those bases to rubble (making sure theres LOTS of CIA Niggers in them first).

6458f0  No.6655391

File: 4817cb342ab914f⋯.jpeg (229.41 KB, 750x694, 375:347, Pepeaisley_001_kek_scope.jpeg)

File: 66cb8c993a2429d⋯.jpeg (277.59 KB, 750x694, 375:347, Pepeaisley_002_kek_scope.jpeg)

a298aa  No.6655392


The Student loan. Program is part of LBJ's 1964 great society plan to enslave the people to the govt.

d7d159  No.6655393


Iirc, q posted "all roads lead to Rome" in connection with an Anon asking about Podesta, or Podesta's travels.

b4e30e  No.6655394


well Chris Wallace has an easy night tonight to get over his beating from Mick.

He’s hosting a democrat sponsored townhall for Kirsten Gillibrand this evening.

Think he’ll ask anything about NXVIUM?


10f9e2  No.6655395

(lb) >>6654397

about a decade ago there were only 3 countries actively reforesting. one of them had by that time (reportedly) managed 30 percent success.

31581b  No.6655396


The board of trustees at Emory would have made that call:


Example to check: Goizueta

Look at the bio. Cuban expat, Auburn, Coca-Cola, Woodruff Arts Center (the late Robert W. Woodruff, also Coca-Cola, really did have more money than God, and he was a solid guy, belongs in the "Anon" hall of fame because that's how he donated millions to charity), and Ronald McDonald House.

19d646  No.6655397


oh god what i would give to be a ride along on that mission

ecb3ca  No.6655398

File: a809a841dbdf05f⋯.jpg (151.47 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, painecommon.jpg)

File: c0b919be92c5205⋯.jpg (102.14 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, painepain.jpg)

a634e8  No.6655399

File: 36094b2cc1c30b0⋯.jpeg (112.18 KB, 1024x657, 1024:657, 7CA2BA9E-2BCF-494A-A8EC-1….jpeg)

Beach week

d7d159  No.6655400

191a7e  No.6655401

File: 300d458c66f6ba5⋯.png (310.34 KB, 610x393, 610:393, demmap.PNG)

the map looks like most areas democrats target.

what is the left talking about that (((they))) don't want to spread to the other part of the dem party?

c30d3e  No.6655402

File: b7da2fea98da4af⋯.png (132.8 KB, 1497x725, 1497:725, nor cruise alaska.PNG)


Norwegian Cruise Lines tried to grease the palm of Juneau AK

1df2d1  No.6655403

File: 727de91da8c22c2⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 500x731, 500:731, Tard.jpg)

Did Trump cave to Obama's SES holdovers?

7cf55e  No.6655404

File: 904cd6cabddc860⋯.gif (536.09 KB, 480x348, 40:29, 464CB33C-C558-4C90-B3F8-AC….gif)

3e3053  No.6655405


Declass is for the investigators to wrap up and file final indictments and arrest warrants. Barr "disagreeing" with treason with potus was a fake out so the criminals don't freak out and decide to take everyone out with them samson option style. They are always given a little breathing room. Like circling your prey and giving it room to run but only in the direction you want which traps them more. The jaws close shut when they least expect it. No one will expect it when the Marines come in and arrest everybody… EVERYBODY.

8c3758  No.6655406

File: d4f1538d6542813⋯.png (300.99 KB, 560x373, 560:373, ClipboardImage.png)

56dc24  No.6655407


are Ebola news true?

ea3979  No.6655408

Running down some gut suggestions.

Huawei reviewing FedEx relationship, says packages 'diverted'


HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei is reviewing its relationship with FedEx Corp after it claimed the U.S. package delivery company, without detailed explanation, diverted two parcels destined for Huawei addresses in Asia to the United States and attempted to reroute two others.

54fc00  No.6655409


Something is definitely habbening. You are correct.. all [[blue]] areas

1db08a  No.6655410



I never saw this Nov 3, 2016 halfchan post before and it is SUPER INTERDASTING and it certainly RINGS TRUE.

baker notable

Please make it notable. Let's get more eyes on.

4fb7e8  No.6655411


IMO, the SC investigation will get investigated thoroughly. I envision the starting point being the FBI investigation, which is what is getting the attention. Not only will it end up going back in time from there, but also forward. The Flynn transcript discrepancy from actual to what was in the report was a teaser. There will be moar like that. Weissman is dirty af, I'd be very nervous if I were him.

0789a0  No.6655412

File: eea6bf4ec1139b1⋯.jpg (53.38 KB, 460x287, 460:287, farage_2920457c.jpg)

Comfy AF

Looking forward to the crazytown shitshow tomorrow

eba230  No.6655413


If this board is under surveillance, can we post one of these every time an anon gets high?

a4d54c  No.6655414

File: 5776f4c23b45236⋯.jpg (124.16 KB, 960x924, 80:77, 5776f4c23b452365865828ea82….jpg)


Nice glitch digits

5ede26  No.6655415

I work at Google. What happened today was incredible and unprecedented. Well done Q, well done.

46dd9c  No.6655416

File: 7bdd050ea4dc644⋯.jpg (137.81 KB, 1036x470, 518:235, Capture.JPG)

File: c685546fe475edf⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 905x581, 905:581, Capture2.JPG)

File: cdaca0384899483⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 804x514, 402:257, Capture332.JPG)

File: 1340cfe8ecb60f3⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 335x551, 335:551, Capturjddhe2.JPG)


No. It was planned. You're in a psyop.

02769f  No.6655417

File: 5f5eb85fcd7dc9e⋯.png (30.31 KB, 599x384, 599:384, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5846bb4092a6848⋯.png (54.57 KB, 602x611, 602:611, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel attacking Syria again


Israel Makes Missile Strike on Syrian Airfield, 1 Person Killed - Syrian Source

Several powerful explosions have occurred and fire started at T-4 military airbase in Syrian province of Homs, source reported earlier. Later, a Syrian military source reported a missile attack by Israel.

Syrian state media reported on Sunday night about missile attack targeting T-4 military airfield in Syrian Homs province.

A source in Syrian military said that the missile attack was conducted by Israel. Syrian air defence reportedly managed to shoot down two missiles. However, according to the source, one person was killed and two were injured as a result of the strike.

"Our air defence repelled the Israeli attack and destroyed two missiles out of those attacking the T-4 airfield," the source said.

An ammunition depot as well as several other buildings and equipment were damaged after the attack, Syrian Arab News Agency reported, quoting a military source.


d4d379  No.6655418

File: 2a03829e410c1fd⋯.jpg (38.52 KB, 512x340, 128:85, cry_.jpg)




At least you cucks have each other.

8c3758  No.6655419



56dc24  No.6655420

'Collapse of a city that's lost control': Shocking new pictures from downtown LA capture the huge problem it faces with trash and rats amid fear of typhoid fever outbreak among LAPD

A decision to not cap property that homeless people can keep on Skid Row was announced last Wednesday

It sparked fury among some who say it will 'only perpetuate the public health crisis that already exists' there

Images from the downtown area show trash piling up as workers struggle to keep the area sanitized

Rows and rows of tents line the sidewalks of Skid Row in the sprawling 50-block area, home to around 4,200

On Thursday it was revealed a Los Angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever

At least five other officers are also showing symptoms and their division polices downtown LA

Dustin DeRollo, a union spokesman, said cops who patrol Skid Row 'walk through the feces, urine and trash'

In an op ed for The LA Times reporter Steve Lopez called it 'the collapse of a city that's lost control'


94f2fc  No.6655421


I can assure you that where he is pointing isn't exactly the safest part of Atlanta metro. I know those areas quite well, actually. Whew lad.

31581b  No.6655422


Rome, Georgia

Small town

There was a fad during the 1800's which made people fascinated with ancient Roman/Greek history.

Plenty of town names and even people with names plucked out of then-history books.

Also the reason for Greek Revival architecture on old southern buildings.

2a443e  No.6655423

File: eb98bbedec64441⋯.png (351.78 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Ladies and gentlemen, these are your future chemtrailers, drone snipers, satellite spies, nuclear warhead launchers, Blue Beam UFO larpers, and lately, random crash victims. KABOOM!

The dregs of humanity.

The USAF was created at the same time as the CIA and behaves just as badly.

Terminate it.

ea3979  No.6655424


China decries US tariff ‘coercion’ as trade rhetoric heats up

Beijing defends drawing up blacklist and FedEx probe as defence minister joins dispute

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at https://www.ft.com/tour.


China has accused the US of “resorting to intimidation and coercion” as Beijing stepped up its trade war counter-offensive with tariff increases on $60bn of American goods and a probe into US delivery group FedEx.

Wang Shouwen, the deputy head of Beijing’s negotiating team, on Sunday hit out at Washington for effectively barring US companies from using equipment made by Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, saying it had complicated efforts to find a resolution to the trade impasse.

ecb3ca  No.6655425


What happened?

4d2676  No.6655426


it looks like goog is trying to limit lib strongholds to access

52a634  No.6655427

File: 2ca8a819f5a0fad⋯.png (310.8 KB, 1167x582, 389:194, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)

He's over Tallahassee now

a7e83a  No.6655429


There's a National Guard base right there

19d646  No.6655430

File: cf3555db482ff30⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 651x467, 651:467, wtfseal.jpg)


please elaborate

334e31  No.6655431

File: 3396aef14362aa9⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 677x355, 677:355, D8DR4mkXsAEPtLH.jpg)

100 million Patriot Anon eyes vs five eyes

Choose a side

c53566  No.6655432




>But if creepy pics of children would be tolerated on 8chan, I would quit.

The site admin and the board owner have both each made their opinion on cp clear.

It'll get removed from the stream once it is deemed a legit complaint and likely forwarded tot he authorities.


>Just because I have no tolerance for adults doing this and condoning this.

perhaps you don't have the stomach to finish the fight then?

Or is ithis concern trolling?

>What would Q do?

>Would he/ they condone this?

>I don't think so.

Q has been quite clear about their opinion on postar that are here to derail research and cause division. Doesn't matter if it's porn or the last in line.

Have a great day, and be sure to report anything you deem to be illegal. All of the admins and this anon would appreciate you doing so.

Have a great evening.

87aed2  No.6655433


AnonSpawn noted same thing. Laughed and said the Outage was just the Democrats (I raised Spawn right)

54fc00  No.6655434


Show your googly tits or gtfo

57d70b  No.6655435


Xplain in details pls

Without doxxing

94f2fc  No.6655436

File: 12a8469d411aeda⋯.png (270.6 KB, 600x535, 120:107, ATL Airport Map.PNG)



As a matter of fact, I'd say that the tip of that angle is basically right over ATL Airport:

906bae  No.6655437


Go on…..

6458f0  No.6655438


do you use a tool to swap around colors or to color-curve the image so that you can see it better?

I use gimp color curves to do masking, but it's also useful for bringing out features of an image.

af8e9d  No.6655439


You make a mistake

If Israel goes down

US goes down

Mystery Babylon!

31581b  No.6655440


That, on top of the announcement (was it Thursday, or Friday?) of the FTC and DOJ splitting up Amazon and Google to go after them hard, has blown me away.

Not sure why there's not a ton of hyperbolic excitement about it here, but it's freaking huge. God only knows what their stock will do tomorrow morning. Asian markets aren't open yet. We'll see, I reckon.

73b025  No.6655441

File: 565d4a480c4ebd3⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 735x611, 735:611, ari.jpg)



395830  No.6655442

Boomers be talkin some fly shit yo


7cf55e  No.6655443

File: ac5704f13059c58⋯.jpeg (71.08 KB, 388x400, 97:100, E62BDB62-372E-4581-AD56-D….jpeg)

File: 9f4d14897e83080⋯.jpeg (347.78 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, E1698078-53F4-43D9-BC81-0….jpeg)

File: 1a221819646fa4d⋯.jpeg (43.1 KB, 740x494, 370:247, C2F66100-F44F-4218-A5F8-F….jpeg)

File: 4f33932632501a6⋯.jpeg (83.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 79927398-7C56-454B-91E4-8….jpeg)

e8abde  No.6655444

File: 037eb4980e78a2f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1126x560, 563:280, al smith dinner 2016.PNG)


>The Money Honey


>That’s Tits McGee fam

Screen grab from 2016 Al Smith Dinner.

They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed.

b26c7a  No.6655445


That was when the first production crop of parentless yuppy scum bred by progressives in the 70s issued forth from the indoctrination centers and went mainstream. Crack warfare, junk bonds and the S&L bailout heist ensued.

680f84  No.6655446



Dark to Light Marker

Q!CbboFOtcZs 3 Jun 2018 - 9:58:29 PM









Ready the memes!

Memes, memes, and more memes!

Why are memes so important?


There is TRUTH in MEMES.

TRUTH that DESTROYS the FAKE NEWS narrative.







ea3979  No.6655447

File: 51ed8d6d445a81a⋯.jpg (14.99 KB, 254x254, 1:1, A Chuckle.jpg)


Attention Whore Level=Expert

b1ed00  No.6655448

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


94f2fc  No.6655449


Access kills, right?

Anything relevant to Eric Schmidt or the Jun 15 2018 drops from Q team?

5ede26  No.6655450


Google was attempting a massive move and archive of data in order to start an unheard of process of shutting down/destroying evidence. Team Q took down the entire IT OPs infrastructure. Google knows.

d7d159  No.6655451


Could one say that the google outages are in regions with important harbours? Drugs, people trafficking?

0e54e1  No.6655452


fake n gay

5ce9e5  No.6655453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Migrant Caravan From AFRICA Caught In Texas? WTF Q?

774110  No.6655454

Theory DOJ seized google servers?

12866f  No.6655455

File: 9071fdd5d7b0c7f⋯.jpeg (251.38 KB, 1125x724, 1125:724, CC2C4290-5883-4D13-8C23-4….jpeg)


Beautiful digits! Blessings today.

f3110a  No.6655456


Hunger Games/GoT etc might be a bigger worldview-shaper in the youth than we know.

680f84  No.6655457




>>6654306, >>6654361, >>6654393, >>6654382, >>6654464, >>6654727, >>6654756 Google engine down. Regional YouTube issues. Outage spreads to Snapchat and Uber.

54fc00  No.6655458


Its impossible to destroy evidence. "We have it all" means… we have it all.

da33c0  No.6655460


Holy shit. Any chance of an anon proof/timestamp?

80fa58  No.6655461


Is this why I can’t access my gmail?

96799a  No.6655462

File: 828821074c15575⋯.png (29.6 KB, 434x432, 217:216, g.PNG)

02769f  No.6655463

Syria says Israeli missiles target Iran-linked base near Homs; 5 reported killed

Reports say strike destroys weapons depot on airbase that Israel has targeted several times before; attack comes hours after Netanyahu warns Tehran


Attack Syrian army blame Iran, the jew cries out as he strikes you!

19d646  No.6655464

File: cbe8e049b232340⋯.jpg (43.43 KB, 629x353, 629:353, magahope.jpg)


well fuck yeah

thanks for the update

31581b  No.6655465


Must have been quite an operation:


There’s no official data on how many servers there are in Google data centers, but Gartner estimated in a July 2016 report that Google at the time had 2.5 million servers. This number is always changing as the company expands capacity and refreshes its hardware.[1]

The locations of Google's various data centers are as follows:[2]

United States:

Berkeley County, South Carolina (33°03′50.8″N 80°02′36.1″W) — since 2007, expanded in 2013, 150 employees

Council Bluffs, Iowa (41°13′17.7″N 95°51′49.92″W) — announced 2007, first phase completed 2009, expanded 2013 and 2014, 130 employees

Douglas County, Georgia (33°44′59.04″N 84°35′5.33″W) — since 2003, 350 employees

Jackson County, Alabama[3]

Lenoir, North Carolina (35°53′54.78″N 81°32′50.58″W) — announced 2007, completed 2009, over 110 employees

Montgomery County, Tennessee (36°37′37.7″N 87°15′27.7″W) — announced 2015

Mayes County, Oklahoma at MidAmerica Industrial Park (36°14′28.1″N 95°19′48.22″W) — announced 2007, expanded 2012, over 400 employees[4]

The Dalles, Oregon (45°37′57.04″N 121°12′8.16″W) — since 2006, 80 full-time employees

Henderson, Nevada — announced in 2018 : 1,210 acres of land bought in 2017 in the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center;[5] project approved by the state of Nevada in November 2018[6]

South America:

Quilicura, Chile (33°21′30.5″S 70°41′50.4″W) — announced 2012, online since 2015, up to 20 employees expected. A $140 million investment plan to increase capacity at Quilicura was announced in 2018.[7]


Saint-Ghislain, Belgium (50°28′09.6″N 3°51′55.7″E) — announced 2007, completed 2010, 12 employees

Hamina, Finland (60°32′11.68″N 27°7′1.21″E) — announced 2009, first phase completed 2011, expanded 2012, 90 employees

Dublin, Ireland (53°19′12.39″N 6°26′31.43″W) — announced 2011, completed 2012, 150 employees[8]

Eemshaven, Netherlands (53.425659°N 6.8593522°E) — announced 2014, completed 2016, 200 employees

Fredericia, Denmark — announced 2018, planned completion in 2021[9]


Jurong West, Singapore (1°21′04.8″N 103°42′35.2″E) — announced 2011, completed 2013

Changhua County, Taiwan (24°08′18.6″N 120°25′32.6″E) — announced 2011, completed 2013, 60 employees

d7d159  No.6655467


>perhaps you don't have the stomach to finish the fight then


Have a great evening too.

191a7e  No.6655468


it looks like strategic voting areas and liberal strongholds to me

8c3758  No.6655469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Migrants from countries in Africa, Haiti and other nationalities cross the Suchiate through the southern border of Mexico.

Source: https://chiapas.quadratin.com.mx/principal/oleadas-de-migrantes-extracontinentales-continuan-ingresando-a-mexico/

b1b53a  No.6655470

eaa2a5  No.6655471

File: f9c12e78e2e8ca3⋯.png (583.49 KB, 790x548, 395:274, flotusisourhero.png)

love u frens

8900a5  No.6655472

Updated story on Cruise ship v dock in Venice

"The MSC ship had an engine failure, which was immediately reported by the captain," Davide Calderan, head of a tugboat company involved in accompanying the ship into its berth, told Italian media.

"The engine was blocked, but with its thrust on, because the speed was increasing," he said.

The two tug boats that had been guiding the ship into the Giudecca tried to slow it, but one of the chains linking them to the giant snapped under the pressure, he added.


99a607  No.6655473

File: 5d61de24fd8c0fd⋯.jpg (292.57 KB, 776x1140, 194:285, we-can-do-b5391c.jpg)







73b025  No.6655474

File: eeded51e47079a5⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 900x900, 1:1, SAG.jpg)

youre getting close


1df2d1  No.6655475

File: c40c296a69d4af2⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 500x521, 500:521, Mad Max 3.jpg)

File: d197bc9b7584693⋯.jpg (65.63 KB, 500x559, 500:559, Devil on the doorstep.jpg)

Trump will shutdown the social media sites when the Comey arrests and others occurs.

54fc00  No.6655476

Who has the Servers?

Gina has the servers.

In the Cloud

Bad move.

262be7  No.6655477


She looks like a man

52a634  No.6655478

Lost him in the circle

52a634  No.6655479

File: a3b2899b01163ea⋯.jpg (767.09 KB, 1338x518, 669:259, gonebutnotforgotten.jpg)



Sorry. Im high

b1ed00  No.6655480

File: ffb130c5cfec864⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 450x575, 18:23, ffb130c5cfec86472cc8fd209f….jpg)

Song of the Hours

All in the very morning hour

Our gentle Lord and Savior

Was fettered and arraigned before

the bailiff of Judea.

But heathen Pilate found no stain

In him or civil terror

Accordingly he sent him on to

Magistrate King Herod

Third hour, and the son of God

Was scourged by whips and bludgeoned.

And then those sinful people placed

A crown of thorns upon him.

Revile him, did those citizens

And beat him, did those soldiers.

The cross on which he was to die

was laid upon his shoulders.

Sixth hour, they stripped him of his robe

And on the cross they nailed him.

The Christ was bleeding freely now.

(And are the faithful wailing?)

His enemies made sport of him,

So did the true believers.

The sun itself retired then

To scorn their cruel behavior.

Ninth hour, Jesus Christ cried out

"My God I am forsaken!"

They gave him bile and vinegar

His mortal thirst to slaken.

Then Jesus Christ gave up the ghost

And all creation trembled;

The temple fell and from the hill

The rock of Ages tumbled.

And in the very vesper hour

The two thieves' bones were broken.

A spear was thrust in Jesus side,

And Jesus' side did open.

And blood and water did run out,

It flowed beyond all measure,

And all the folk from round about

did mock our lord and Savior.

b1b53a  No.6655481


>>6655463 Syria says Israeli missiles target Iran-linked base near Homs; 5 reported killed.

>>6655373 DoD Tweet: "Working together to bridge the gap!"

>>6655331, >>6655350, >>6655371 Nuclear trafficking issues in the Black Sea region.

>>6655345 College admission scandal CFO (Singer's firm) pleads guilty, agrees to cooperate with prosecutors.

>>6655340 Syria slams final statement of Islamic summit held in Mecca.

>>6655173 WH Tweet: John Paul II's Mass June 2, 1979.

>>6655269 Mueller withholding Brady material from Flynn and his attorneys?

>>6655248 WH re-Tweeted The Royal Family Tweet.

>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655470 Planefag tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

2a443e  No.6655482

File: 2bb2cf07881088e⋯.jpg (70.35 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2bb2cf07881088e16adc072bb4….jpg)


Lick your chains in peace faggot.

a634e8  No.6655483

File: 9f851a545990ba7⋯.jpeg (390.9 KB, 2224x1503, 2224:1503, 9AB827B0-C403-49D7-92DF-4….jpeg)

5ede26  No.6655484


That's a much longer topic. This estimate isn't even estimating the correct things at this point. Yeah, no, not even close to true operations. People are legitimately panicked right now. Anyway that's all.

d7d159  No.6655485


Yes, definitely.

And harbours, everywhere lots of water.

b6cd16  No.6655486

729fac  No.6655487

File: 2c779ad3d22ecc9⋯.png (733.84 KB, 711x569, 711:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db1bf4f8809748d⋯.png (461.16 KB, 606x407, 606:407, ClipboardImage.png)

Hitler & his daughter, Angela Merkel Hitler

262be7  No.6655488


This looks like a pic of my soul

0789a0  No.6655489

File: 091152ebab2fd52⋯.jpg (22.25 KB, 255x170, 3:2, c6bf293d3a68e35390a64cc1eb….jpg)

461169  No.6655490


Can’t ignore those digits

7cf55e  No.6655491


Well if the Elites wouldn’t have started a war over heroin and killed a president they wouldn’t have lost the hearts and minds of the youth.

And it’s happening again with the youth.

Filled pockets and left them an America they cant afford to live in with the highest inequality of 1st world countries on the planet.

Now you blame them for choosing socialism.

They are the future and they have been left out of the club… And they know it.

This cycle has played out throughout history.

eaa2a5  No.6655492

File: 1a6616b8aa48a66⋯.jpg (876.48 KB, 1024x1222, 512:611, ignoressideeyegraciously.jpg)

52a634  No.6655493

File: 6c16c4ba3848f04⋯.png (258.94 KB, 1197x585, 133:65, Screenshot_2019-06-02 Virt….png)


Oh shooot! hes back with new name

680f84  No.6655494


Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.

Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.

A series of scenarios is currently being conducted ['game the sys'] to test response, risk, and calc results.

'Censorship' [added] layers of inserted code 'through keyword targeting' in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.

'China-Russia-Iran' 'fake' take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.


Countermeasures in place.


Think Emergency Alert System.

Think WH controlled *new* RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform

Think Here.

Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

Why do we make things public?


4535a5  No.6655495


Do you think Q team has not thought of that play ever coming to pass? 5D chess at play here. They have EVERYTHING and can hear those sonofabitches breathing. Let’s play a game.

6458f0  No.6655496


Hoping for your break up, not your destruction. The idealists who were absorbed by the criminals at Alphabet were conned, they should be made back into the companies that they were before and made to compete.

anything anyone did and software Google would claim title to it. They tried to steal the Linux OS as Android. Android needs to be a 'spin' of Linux, not the only Linux.

We should be able to load Fedora on our cell phones treat them like work stations, with all the SELINUX stuff freely available, and allowed to 'snap out' circuits and replace them as needed.

It's exciting how much rearchitecting needs to happen.

Those of us chased away from tech for being free speakers would go back but how do we regain respect for the HR and the hiring managers when, in order to apply, we have to compromise our privacy?

da9cd9  No.6655497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

94f2fc  No.6655498

File: 645ba8632ae9503⋯.jpg (107.29 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 077e20e5affdeaa469792aa54b….jpg)


Panic is good. Panic is right.

862058  No.6655499

File: 47bec19f26aed98⋯.gif (2.04 MB, 318x237, 106:79, afroninja.gif)


Boone has bad traffic now too, can only fit so many roads amongst the mountains.

I'm a 35 minute commute to it and the nearest walmart in three other directions as well.

Further doxxing myself to a dedicated autist there are maybe 7 stoplights in my county.

I left atl right before the olympics. Never liked going back. Folks from atl, they always like to visit.

Thanks Chuck, though I think they later demolished that building .

When I was there it was the largest boarding school in the nation (Amy Carter celeb guest) , a few years after I left the boarding program was gone and with growth WA became the largest private school in the nation. Woot.

92510d  No.6655500

File: 529fdd3e3c2719e⋯.jpg (468.86 KB, 962x641, 962:641, Disinformation.jpg)

262be7  No.6655501


Still looks like a dumb slutty bitch in 7 languages too.

c69a7d  No.6655502


Now that is some solid work - gg planefag. Underrated post - eyes on anons.

73b025  No.6655503

File: 5ce9cf44b5ea021⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, aic.png)

9acfa3  No.6655504


>DeWayne Craddock

Black Democrat. so much for white privilege!

5ede26  No.6655505

One more thing, I don't know a lot about Q but he was onto something about Google in North Korea. You have no idea.

02769f  No.6655506

>>6655481 Baker please add to

>>6655463, >>6655417, >>6655419 Israel strikes Syria again

Moar sauce and detail

d7d159  No.6655507


Great Anon!

And: Somewhere in the breads before, someone posted a pic of (military? personnel) with a "D-patch".

D-DAY confirmation again!

334e31  No.6655508



Naz World Order

876d85  No.6655509

File: 3fa47bd6f0369db⋯.jpeg (66.89 KB, 828x348, 69:29, 6BB74F87-8C12-4AD2-BC44-B….jpeg)

File: e336872bbc2abd6⋯.jpeg (147.24 KB, 828x830, 414:415, AE234561-F20F-4070-8B65-7….jpeg)

The pedo cabal and it’s minions are to suffer.

They are known.

Their locations and “bolt holes” are known.

[They] are going down.

19d646  No.6655510

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, weseeyou.png)


good to hear

680f84  No.6655512





49de73  No.6655513

Hi anons

Does anyone have a link to that post that included a copypasta from 4chan of some posts about what they thought was going to happen over the next couple of months? It was in a recent notable but I can't seem to find it. Like in the last couple of days.

Thank you

e4bd0d  No.6655514

Today in my local News

Gay Pride


New Synagogues.

5 k run

and a outdoor fruit market

5ce9e5  No.6655515

File: e09fa3b9221068c⋯.gif (611.74 KB, 245x184, 245:184, Patterns of Force Star Tre….gif)

01d5af  No.6655516


I’m typing slow so you can keep up…

It isn’t hard to gain the moral high ground here, but it doesn’t do much for you.

This place is a fucking shitty cesspool of shills, fags and niggers.

You whinnying like prudish mare won’t change that.

Report it and move on.

Appeals to some higher calling are quixotic.

There is no higher calling here. None.

6458f0  No.6655517


We want to hear more. Please expand your commentary.

e72be3  No.6655518


cant be Merkel with Hitler. She was born in 1954.

2274fd  No.6655519


Maybe it is a shot across the bow indicating that censorship can have consequences.

a634e8  No.6655521


I keep all my shit double backed up on 2-terabit external hard drives, the Cloud is (((their))) territory

c019f5  No.6655522


Google is a spy network for the PRC and housed by the norks so it's not "directly" spying.

Also, didn't the norks drill down to almost the core and threaten to blow it up, killing the earth?

058dff  No.6655523


Schmidt is just trolling you.

d3f556  No.6655524

File: 41c6d787f2cd3c1⋯.png (485.07 KB, 600x531, 200:177, WH 6-2-19 3 07 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 294859281697bbc⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1147x765, 1147:765, WH 6-2-19 3 07 pm PDT Pic….PNG)

File: b964ce2dbc5815f⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1018x678, 509:339, WH 6-2-19 3 07 pm PDT Pic….PNG)

Tonight, President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS will embark on their second trip—and first official state visit—to the United Kingdom!


7cf55e  No.6655525

File: a24e36fa95c5f20⋯.jpeg (40.54 KB, 642x360, 107:60, DC887279-D5F6-4BF1-AC1A-2….jpeg)


Oh I think there are anons here who might have a theory or two.

d7d159  No.6655526


This here?


461169  No.6655527

5ede26  No.6655528


People are going to prison.

881f89  No.6655529


what the dumb ass for buying it.

Oh they are not stars they are entertainment workers.

5ce9e5  No.6655530

File: 44fbb64376cbb64⋯.jpg (58.24 KB, 887x665, 887:665, 44fbb64376cbb64df64ae10e94….jpg)

eba230  No.6655531


It's a subset of a population heatmap. My guess is that some performance bottlenecks haven't been solved. Looks like an engineering problem.

884bf8  No.6655532

File: ff672c99a1dfcfe⋯.png (306.56 KB, 1880x1506, 940:753, ff672c99a1dfcfec54165f981b….png)

082dcd  No.6655533

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Gets Impromptu Prayer Huddle from Alabama Football Team

921f8e  No.6655534


Good way to disrupt secret comms while actions are taking place.

Nothing like blinding the enemy while you move with impunity.

Go Q+ !!!


8c3758  No.6655535

File: 66942d75b55a10f⋯.png (362.55 KB, 660x371, 660:371, ClipboardImage.png)


Germany's Merkel vows to carry on despite coalition setback

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says her coalition government will continue despite the surprise resignation of the leader of its junior partner, the Social Democratic Party (SPD).

Mrs Merkel said she respected the "far-reaching" decision by Andrea Nahles.

Ms Nahles resigned after her centre-left party came third, behind Mrs Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) and the Greens, in the European elections.

She had been criticised by the SPD's left for remaining in the coalition.

5ce9e5  No.6655537

File: 5727e036a910580⋯.jpeg (63.01 KB, 480x600, 4:5, listen.jpeg)

31581b  No.6655538

File: 09b84eaaa31a9da⋯.jpg (37 KB, 500x364, 125:91, suspishusdoggo.jpg)


"network congestion" = "the dog ate my homework"

""related to a larger network issue"

Larger issue, indeed.

eaa2a5  No.6655539


fake and gay it sounds.

174394  No.6655540


This path is similar to the one that the huge hurricane went in last fall

94f2fc  No.6655541



JFK Jr Larp fest.


7cf55e  No.6655542

File: 509c6a8ff7d1b7c⋯.jpeg (378.63 KB, 750x1077, 250:359, E2FC882B-131A-41B6-B095-C….jpeg)


This is what they see.

I can’t argue with it.

Neither can anyone else, rationally.

680f84  No.6655543


Tweeted at :07

Matching the plane that changed names!




b1ed00  No.6655545

File: 39a5a5b0d5e894a⋯.png (601.34 KB, 962x590, 481:295, 39a5a5b0d5e894ac2a3d1799b4….png)

Legacy media shills

are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

Legacy media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and a half dozen similar previous scandals.

Legacy media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

Legacy media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for legacy media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake. Justice is coming

c7ff95  No.6655546

NEW YORK — Google is saying users of YouTube and other services are seeing errors or slow performance due to high levels of network congestions in the eastern United States.

Alphabet Inc.’s GOOGL, -1.33% GOOG, -1.28% YouTube, Google Cloud and G Suite services are affected, but Google said it believes it has identified the cause of the congestion and expects to return to normal service shortly. The company first identified the issue on its Google Cloud status dashboard at 3:25 p.m. Eastern time.

The sound of millions of cat videos being suddenly silenced reverberated across the internet, and #YouTubeDOWN was a trending topic on Twitter.


75ddad  No.6655547

File: 71bcb2a6a487f5f⋯.png (562.99 KB, 879x502, 879:502, I know you see it [japan].png)

File: b98276b49fe3438⋯.png (52.63 KB, 721x879, 721:879, PAINFLAG.png)

File: 8c58bfcf46f5bab⋯.png (973.51 KB, 930x600, 31:20, keep dreaming.png)

File: 4fe2eeb2245b2a7⋯.png (496.7 KB, 927x418, 927:418, twisted up again.png)

File: 260aa326b9c4d6b⋯.png (613.17 KB, 698x899, 698:899, COMEY ISNT COMFY.png)




but that is the beauty of it.

TRUTH will always win

7080be  No.6655549

File: a75f19e87fb6eee⋯.png (469.43 KB, 595x588, 85:84, ClipboardImage.png)

A red pilled boomer.

Good for him.Imagine how many

of his grand children, friends, family

he is red pilling.


680f84  No.6655550

5ce9e5  No.6655551

File: d7a90bb5598ec88⋯.jpeg (133.61 KB, 794x977, 794:977, bz-5cdc4d3c6307c.jpeg)


d3f556  No.6655552

File: 9cb5806f731aaab⋯.png (411.1 KB, 591x674, 591:674, DoD 6-2-19 3 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 3743354eaa1a806⋯.mp4 (6.69 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Video DoD 6-2-19 3 pm PDT.mp4)

Working together to bridge the gap!


1ae795  No.6655553

File: 0904ec43c139819⋯.png (779.37 KB, 691x858, 691:858, GOD WINS.png)

876d85  No.6655554

File: 3dcded783b114e1⋯.jpeg (137.38 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 747406A3-5C91-49A4-AB17-0….jpeg)

The old guard is to be obliterated , the Tavistock programmed pedowood filth exposed, the Saturn worshipping poisoners in BiG pharma brought to justice, the Mockingbird media destroyed, the Pedo-BaAlist Banking cartel atomized, the Masonic Law enforcement networks eviscerated, all of these evil Families brought to light and they will lose everything including their bloodline.

It is time.

884bf8  No.6655555

File: f3eb13bc8d33c01⋯.jpg (219.51 KB, 1390x706, 695:353, 5aed4aefb80dec616adaae2a03….jpg)



hope pron for now but so was this in Nov 16…


982333  No.6655556

File: b06c664fd5d47b6⋯.jpeg (79.32 KB, 1032x1251, 344:417, 1546173857.jpeg)

680f84  No.6655557


efa85f  No.6655558



I haven't had the energy to pull together a post like yours, but I totally agree that these children should not be in these positions, saying inappropriate things and getting inappropriate attention.



Yeah, this is the scum that was chosen to save the world.

1df2d1  No.6655559

File: 59a41eb92b04962⋯.png (774.67 KB, 1080x1648, 135:206, AG Barr.png)

File: fc2ea4752a74a48⋯.jpg (49.57 KB, 500x551, 500:551, Pull It Now_1.jpg)

Trump and Barr shutdown the social media giants today a precursor to the massive deep state takedown.

4c789a  No.6655560

File: d6246d777f74901⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1188x1268, 297:317, PatriotTraitor.png)


We are just fucked, here… Green 20% in the european election and they will get (poll) at 27%… The german majority is mentally ill! And we haven´t any party who can bring us back… I am so sick of the stupidity here, I can´t find words!

eaa2a5  No.6655561


i dont even kno wat those digits are called anon, but NOICE. u better believe that sheit is savd now kek

e468df  No.6655562

b1ed00  No.6655563

File: 00872065d2f4044⋯.jpg (169.22 KB, 504x713, 504:713, 00872065d2f4044e9f04e9c876….jpg)

8fbbcd  No.6655565


They call it (((divide and conquer))).

Both generations need to take the JQ into account.

982333  No.6655566

File: 67344fb1042af6e⋯.jpeg (89.87 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554654792.jpeg)

7cf55e  No.6655567


Heck yeah,

Nothing better than waking up next to a woman and not knowing whose legs are whose.

75ddad  No.6655568

File: 149ba58518db499⋯.png (946.6 KB, 1008x768, 21:16, time machine.png)

File: 0efd583100863ab⋯.jpeg (27.37 KB, 472x472, 1:1, evil eyes patch.jpeg)

File: 697eae4b9dc2673⋯.png (352.48 KB, 876x660, 73:55, armor of god.png)

File: f2cf8d51ae582ce⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 483x622, 483:622, jackson the team mascot.JPG)

File: 827b40a07946b38⋯.jpeg (278.96 KB, 720x1066, 360:533, mary me.jpeg)





eba230  No.6655569


Sorry, they were too busy taking care of everyone other than you. It's your turn now.

b79c9a  No.6655570

widespread apple mail / gmail down

73b025  No.6655571


Q predicted this

5ce9e5  No.6655572

File: 975f53f92a9cf51⋯.png (113.97 KB, 432x313, 432:313, a952db5ba9befdf1d5f8d23e93….png)



ca3b65  No.6655573

Did The Government Just Test The Internet Kill Switch


"'I felt a great disturbance in the farce, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced."

At 3pmET, it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline.



11768f  No.6655574

File: ef22f80d471afc8⋯.jpg (410.14 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 12308166101027292490248711….jpg)


Panic Chute direct to prison

76951c  No.6655575

File: 7f4a4c3ffa3049c⋯.gif (591.93 KB, 480x293, 480:293, android_noo.gif)

File: 9a864e28a955a04⋯.gif (4.2 MB, 390x278, 195:139, back_in_laughter.gif)

File: 37a3dbc983f966d⋯.gif (560.29 KB, 583x583, 1:1, bad_feel.gif)

File: dc539d11537e1b2⋯.gif (1008.81 KB, 500x270, 50:27, bahaha.gif)

File: 1451fdfabac55dc⋯.jpg (13.77 KB, 275x183, 275:183, faggot_detector.jpg)


>Did you get it all down in your little black book. Gonna spend the rest of the day trying to get your fat ass out of the chair so you don't Shit your self.

>Your a moron if you think you gained something.


>a moron

>It's laughable.

>What a miserable existence.

>Sitting around with your thumb up your ass

>all day waiting for a dox.

>I guess that was some power bait.

>Pulled your left ass right out of the pond.

Imagine posting shit like this and thinking anyone will take you seriously!


b459bc  No.6655576

File: c2e3aab383a8652⋯.png (157.56 KB, 600x435, 40:29, glenbeck.png)

STUNNER: Tramp-Basher Glenn Beck: “Justin Amash Is the Man I Have Been Waiting for My Whole Life…”

Glenn Beck ruined his reputation and career by endorsing Hillary Clinton for President and for repeatedly comparing Trump supporters to Nazis

** Glenn Beck Regularly Compared Trump Supporters to Nazis

** Glenn Beck warned CNN of Trump’s Alt-Right Racist, Nazi, KKK Threat

** Glenn Beck accused Steve Bannon of clear ties to white nationalists.

** Glenn Beck said voting for “sociopath” Trump brings “eternal consequences”

** Glenn Beck ENDORSED Hillary Clinton for President.

Donald Trump won in a landslide.

In May 2018 Glenn Beck put on a Trump #MAGA hat and endorsed the Republican president.

It took him a year-and-a-half to endorse President Trump.

At the end of his confession Glenn Beck asked forgiveness from Donald Trump.


6458f0  No.6655577

File: f378ad738431b23⋯.jpeg (200.18 KB, 750x694, 375:347, Pepeaisley_004_kek_scope.jpeg)

56dc24  No.6655578

Did The Government Just Test The Internet Kill Switch?


461169  No.6655579


Nah fam, that ain’t it

afd0e9  No.6655580

File: 797e9e88727a4a5⋯.png (124.15 KB, 382x178, 191:89, ClipboardImage.png)

8fbbcd  No.6655581


The fez makes a nice holder for their severed heads

8c3758  No.6655582

File: 41e6a73afcdabb1⋯.png (1.09 MB, 752x1024, 47:64, ClipboardImage.png)

67374a  No.6655583

File: 297b2b166c7ab6f⋯.jpg (371.68 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER-NADLER1.jpg)

File: 34d14cf7c23040e⋯.jpg (319 KB, 800x600, 4:3, MUELLER30.jpg)

Watch and listen, if Nadler stops his demands for the SC report "underlying documents" then it was a part of a deal with Mueller for the public statement.

Mueller did not want to face Republicans' questions and he does not want the work product out there for his political enemies to dissect.

eaa2a5  No.6655584

File: 4d50b5cfcf3bb69⋯.jpg (46.29 KB, 800x771, 800:771, MADMANitsalive.jpg)

f11480  No.6655585

File: 4d75c73d849b035⋯.jpeg (55.19 KB, 350x350, 1:1, 04F4EAAA-A3CC-4FEC-A878-6….jpeg)

7cf55e  No.6655586


Are you kidding?

seriously thats weak af

da59fb  No.6655587

File: a3dc2a9a92060fa⋯.png (254.14 KB, 1629x533, 1629:533, Sketch.png)

File: df8627147c259d0⋯.png (377.87 KB, 1253x824, 1253:824, Ske1h.png)

anybody thinking D5 is dday + 5 , June 11th, as well as avalanche? a bit of a stretch, but thought i would throw it out there.


c97e09  No.6655588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

neocons and democrats pushing through

thot crime bill

680f84  No.6655589


AfD is the party being with Steve Bannon and Populists.

Elite is terrified bc of them.

MSM pushed so hard pro green and anti populists that gaining 50×% is great for AfD.

September they are likely to become largest party in one or even two state.

e72be3  No.6655590


awesome. Restores my faith in the generation coming up.

680b8b  No.6655591

File: 567dad8a49fe2a7⋯.jpg (92.87 KB, 364x405, 364:405, dumbassyou.jpg)


Beck is a fuggin' idiot

d4d379  No.6655592

>>6655585←- JIDF SHILL Note Id.

926416  No.6655593

File: 42f6cf7f648174e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 942x1194, 157:199, FLOTUS-vol7.png)

0a2abb  No.6655594

File: c9f7715453405c3⋯.png (21.04 KB, 666x282, 111:47, ClipboardImage.png)

One year Delta, tomorrow.

Blackout has begun

1df2d1  No.6655595

File: 07366034b353512⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 500x378, 250:189, Hell Fire.jpg)



Anon then you found out it was a man.

8fbbcd  No.6655596


You're seriously weak as fuck Chiam.


c7ff95  No.6655597

FAA Identifies Potentially Defective Parts On More Than 300 Boeing 737 Jets

U.S. air-safety regulators said parts inside the wings of more than 310 of Boeing Co.’s 737 jets, including grounded Max models, may be defective and need to be replaced.

The Federal Aviation Administration’s Sunday statement indicated the manufacturing problem doesn’t pose an imminent accident hazard. But the move comes during heightened global scrutiny of the 737 Max’s safety and amid separate efforts by the FAA and plane maker to agree on a software fix to prevent misfires of a potentially dangerous flight-control system.

The FAA said the plane maker alerted it that a manufacturing problem means the suspect parts — which guide the movement of movable flight-control panels on the front of wings — may be weaker and less durable than required.

After the FAA’s move, Boeing BA, -2.36% put out its own statement indicating it “has not been informed of any in-service issues related to this batch” of suspect parts. The company also said it intends to issue a service bulletin outlining the inspection process, noting that a total of 41 planes are those most likely to need replacement parts. The company said the work will take one or two days to complete.


680f84  No.6655598

7cf55e  No.6655599

File: 0d6f5fade379a23⋯.jpeg (491.29 KB, 750x1240, 75:124, CF57DA28-689B-4CA4-A304-A….jpeg)



461169  No.6655600



Double quintuple?

Quintuple double?

7e2855  No.6655601

File: e835ab5bd257f2f⋯.jpg (182.25 KB, 1200x925, 48:37, screen.jpg)

Subject: In-town pool report #11: Leaving White House

From: Brett Samuels

Date: June 2, 2019 at 5:26:22 PM EDT

Subject: In-town pool report #11: Leaving White House

Motorcade departed the White House at 5:25 p.m. for the short drive to Ford’s Theatre. POTUS is wearing a tux and the first lady is wearing a black dress with two white stripes.

The president and the first lady are scheduled to attend the

Ford's Theatre

Gala performance, with the president expected to deliver remarks there.

Brett Samuels

White House reporter | The Hill

C: (630) -xxx-xxxx

57d70b  No.6655602


1 year 2 days delta as per Q

b1b53a  No.6655603


>>6655594 One year Delta, tomorrow.

>>6655535 Germany's Merkel vows to carry on despite coalition setback.

>>6655524 WH Tweet: Second trip and first state visit to the UK!

>>6655463, >>6655417, >>6655419 Syria says Israeli missiles target Iran-linked base near Homs; 5 reported killed.

>>6655373, >>6655552 DoD Tweet: "Working together to bridge the gap!" (video)

>>6655331, >>6655350, >>6655371 Nuclear trafficking issues in the Black Sea region.

>>6655345 College admission scandal CFO (Singer's firm) pleads guilty, agrees to cooperate with prosecutors.

>>6655340 Syria slams final statement of Islamic summit held in Mecca.

>>6655173 WH Tweet: John Paul II's Mass June 2, 1979.

>>6655269 Mueller withholding Brady material from Flynn and his attorneys?

>>6655248 WH re-Tweeted The Royal Family Tweet.

>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655470, >>6654929 Planefag tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

12866f  No.6655604

File: 5e35cc2e05fbe3c⋯.jpeg (694.14 KB, 1125x1555, 225:311, 9115E4E9-044A-441F-9AF4-6….jpeg)


d89cd3  No.6655605


If only.

bTW anons, OnStar NOT connecting to satellite in North Central Texas. Only 4g available.


908233  No.6655606

File: ccaacc97937cd55⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1439x2452, 1439:2452, Capture _2019-06-02-14-38-….png)


4d2676  No.6655607


There are alot of us hanging around.

b79c9a  No.6655608



c85282  No.6655609

File: 2aaeea69ee9a676⋯.png (377.63 KB, 775x699, 775:699, screenshot-theworldnews.ne….png)

German Politican (CDU) found dead with headshot yesterday.

Dr. Walter Lübcke is dead. The Kassel district president died unexpectedly on the weekend in his home town of Istha. An obituary.

Dr. Walter Lübcke (CDU) is dead. The Kassel district president died completely unexpectedly on early Sunday morning in his home parish of Wolfhagen-Istha. Lübcke was 65 years old.

The public prosecutor's office in Kassel announced on Sunday that the circumstances of his death were unclear. Therefore, the State Criminal Investigation Office has started investigations. There was no further information. Lübcke, who holds a doctorate in economics, was regarded as down-to-earth and a man of the clear word. Lübcke leaves behind his wife and two adult sons with their families.

The news of Walter Lübcke's death spread quickly throughout northern Hesse on Sunday. She met with sympathy and dismay. And on disbelief.

Because Walter Lübcke was a man who stood in the middle of life. He knew what one thinks and feels in Northern Hesse. He was one whom people liked to meet on the many occasions a government president had to attend. One with whom it never got boring. He loved his homeland and his job.

Officially, his service ended on March 31. At the request of Prime Minister Volker Bouffier, Walter Lübcke (CDU) went into extra time. Initially for six months. He was just a "civil servant for life", he said, when we met him a few weeks ago. Nobody could have guessed or known that his life had ended so abruptly. For ten years, the economist with a doctorate was the head of the Mittelbehörde, which has around 1300 employees. Lübcke's term in office was thus the third-longest of all 28 Kassel district presidents. When he took over the post on 21 May 2009 at Roland Koch's suggestion, some people would not have believed him capable of doing so, recalls Lübcke. Because he is neither a lawyer nor an administrative expert.

Above all, Wolfhager was not a bureaucrat. Under his leadership, the authority between the state and the municipalities in northern and eastern Hesse was restructured in terms of structure and personnel. Today the RP Kassel is a digital model authority in the state and performs central tasks for the whole of Hesse, such as the fine office and the state aid department.

Lübcke told us in his perhaps last interview that he had been able to accompany, make, moderate or initiate many decisions for the regional council over the past ten years. As examples, he lists the procedures relating to the K+S mining group, the A 44 and A 66 motorways, the construction of Kassel Airport and the wind power plants.

During his term of office, the Regierungspräsidium had been given many new tasks. These included the initial reception facility at the former Calden airfield.

Refugees were also the topic that hit the headlines nationwide for Kassel's district presidents in October 2015. In a citizens' meeting, Lübcke responded to angry interjections that it was worth living in Germany and standing up for the values of the republic. "Those who do not represent these values can leave this country at any time if they disagree. That is the freedom of every German." Although this caused a great stir, Lübcke stuck to his statement. The RP was one who did not hide behind paragraphs. He came along rather directly and more often moody. Lübcke was perceived as a "down-to-earth doer and man of the clear word," according to a statement by the regional council on his ten-year term in office. And he continued: "Technocracy and legal weighing are not his strengths.

"I am a generalist," said Walter Lübcke about himself. His employees had made it easy for him. He knew that he could rely on them professionally. But he also knew how to assert himself. His summary: "Those were ten good years."

His family, his many friends, politicians and companions must now say goodbye to a great northern Hesse. Walter Lübcke embodied the region like no other.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

a634e8  No.6655610

I can’t believe Dutarte was a male orostitute sucking 5 peso cock, disillusioned and hurt by this


395830  No.6655611

Hammer being taken off line in increments?


982333  No.6655612

File: 93c42b6f19e7d74⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 604x339, 604:339, IMG_20180930_072807.jpg)

b1b53a  No.6655613


>>6655601 Update on POTUS movements: Ford's Theatre.

>>6655594 One year Delta, tomorrow.

>>6655535 Germany's Merkel vows to carry on despite coalition setback.

>>6655524 WH Tweet: Second trip and first state visit to the UK!

>>6655463, >>6655417, >>6655419 Syria says Israeli missiles target Iran-linked base near Homs; 5 reported killed.

>>6655373, >>6655552 DoD Tweet: "Working together to bridge the gap!" (video)

>>6655331, >>6655350, >>6655371 Nuclear trafficking issues in the Black Sea region.

>>6655345 College admission scandal CFO (Singer's firm) pleads guilty, agrees to cooperate with prosecutors.

>>6655340 Syria slams final statement of Islamic summit held in Mecca.

>>6655173 WH Tweet: John Paul II's Mass June 2, 1979.

>>6655269 Mueller withholding Brady material from Flynn and his attorneys?

>>6655248 WH re-Tweeted The Royal Family Tweet.

>>6655205 Insight into why an anti-trust lawsuit is being prepared against Google.

>>6655139 Trump stops by evangelical church to pray for victims of Virginia Beach massacre.

>>6655074, >>6655103 Planefag: GTMO 844 / Q crumb 844.

>>6655124 Q clock update. Re-read crumbs.

>>6655055 Church fire in Poland.

>>6655470, >>6654929 Planefag tracking.

>>6654953 4th of July fireworks duration: 17 minutes.

>>6654963 Can't trick the Mick. Mulvaney gives Wallace the Sunday morning beating.

>>6654948 POTUS shook the hands of all 1,000 graduating cadets.

>>6654941 ‘Aladdin’ star sues Tesla over car wreck.

>>6654924 Dig on Steve Flynn.

680f84  No.6655614

7e2855  No.6655615

File: 47ff1f186edf94c⋯.jpg (402.56 KB, 800x800, 1:1, potus.jpg)

9f0def  No.6655617

File: 7600f1ed025b626⋯.png (275.98 KB, 380x377, 380:377, birdguy.png)

>>6654318 Assange will not face charges over Vault 7 leak. (previously notable)

Looks like it's actually starting, boys.

Alea iacta est

650d31  No.6655620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Digits confirm

b1ed00  No.6655622

File: 40ddd814d21a525⋯.gif (8.04 MB, 325x453, 325:453, 40ddd814d21a5252bdcd68b42a….gif)


Potty Monsters' getting downright arrogant.

b9e3f9  No.6655623


The Hammer program comped Glenn Beck like it did Justice Roberts.

b79c9a  No.6655625


AND POTUS will be on AF1 to UK???

19d646  No.6655627


dub six full of quint quints

272bca  No.6655628


I wonder who's getting blacked out…

30fb99  No.6655630

File: c1aeaa5685b4fe7⋯.png (1.16 MB, 998x700, 499:350, ClipboardImage.png)

52a634  No.6655631


Then he changed it to TRACTR1 then went off radar

e4bd0d  No.6655632


The Abash guy is not far off from what the conservatives will be pushing. Palestinian Christian is what he is. and for the anti-Jew squad in here should be a nice welcome. some will be butt hurt. But the next President after Trump will be similar to this.

ea025c  No.6655633

File: 283adcec0c35199⋯.png (181.51 KB, 172x464, 43:116, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

876d85  No.6655634

File: 8631b0a184095de⋯.jpeg (140.96 KB, 828x589, 828:589, 1CD94C48-EA3B-4CD6-893E-5….jpeg)

680f84  No.6655636




Would be nice if you could add the word "Blackout" to the notable….full meaning missed with current name.

eaa2a5  No.6655637

silly pedos, prison is for first time offenders only (ya ya i kno it shuld/culd b tho)

ea025c  No.6655638

File: d8fddbc1a664e3b⋯.png (6.7 MB, 2844x1796, 711:449, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

75ddad  No.6655639

File: 34aca7fd4583c2d⋯.png (822.8 KB, 930x578, 465:289, kekforcechamp_ff.png)


yup, wouldn't it be awesome if we had something drop while he's across the pond?

like he meets with'em one mornin then we get a chunk dropped so the next day is quite awkward…

(while the world is watching)

yep, sounds about right.

5ce9e5  No.6655640

File: 3c12d61e9d97e44⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 750x513, 250:171, offended.jpg)

d3f556  No.6655642


>Blackout has begun

Twitter keeps updating

Revolving door of what is down

Snapchat down

Now its gmail…ans so on and so on

a634e8  No.6655643


Why did blixseth give the Hammer interview to sheriff srpachio ? Was there an Arizona link?

7cf55e  No.6655644

File: f64783e662594e7⋯.jpeg (15.85 KB, 299x168, 299:168, F7B6361E-A92C-4E9C-8D1A-E….jpeg)



4c789a  No.6655646


I don´t trust them (AfD). I voted for them, but with a bad feeling! I think, they are planned to calm down the Patriots here! Oh, look we are here for you…

The Base and the voters are top, but politicans are politicans…

The good thing, the other countrys are woke! That´s positive and we need their help!

I am just done with the People here… It is frustrating beyond beyond!

906bae  No.6655647


How many times we gotta say it? Recent released JFK docs prove Hitler was in Argentina into the 50’s. Anon posted caps earlier today. I’m phonefagging and to lazy to go look.

881f89  No.6655649


google execs and Eric Schmidt were at the Bilderberg meeting just days ago and google goes down? Hmm

Message sent? Only Q knows.

ea025c  No.6655650

File: 401239b562b5264⋯.png (6.41 MB, 1492x1800, 373:450, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

File: 401239b562b5264⋯.png (6.41 MB, 1492x1800, 373:450, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

7080be  No.6655653


Millennial here, dont have grand parents

(wish i did) but If I would, I would hope they'd

be red pilled as much as some here.

Nothing like an older generation connecting

with the young to wake up the sheep in hopes to save our Country , our Ppl , our world.


d7d159  No.6655654


And German MSM is astonishingly quiet about this !

Lübcke told German citizens that when they opposed mass immigration, they could leave the country…


ea025c  No.6655655

File: e70bd5f1c579dce⋯.png (4.04 MB, 1892x912, 473:228, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

1e577b  No.6655656



Learn the comms

GTFO with that "fam" shyt.

12866f  No.6655659


Fake and gay

ad5ff8  No.6655660

File: 19c9809866cee49⋯.png (78.52 KB, 260x189, 260:189, 2019-01-20_10-21-28.png)

a298aa  No.6655661

Watch Gillibrands town hall, or beat myself over the head with a 2x4? #toughdecisions

e468df  No.6655662


I know what you mean. But we have to keep our heads up. Never loose Hope. Have faith. As Q said, the "cure" will spread WW.

982333  No.6655663

File: c876a7f96823857⋯.jpeg (194.71 KB, 1440x1439, 1440:1439, 1523934892.jpeg)

b79c9a  No.6655664


POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans.


1db08a  No.6655665



Capped the image for posterity

Notabled it earlier


b1ed00  No.6655668

File: 6038c3652c713b9⋯.jpg (88.38 KB, 468x634, 234:317, article-2206995-1523382800….jpg)

File: f07c4dfefa7dc6c⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 600x403, 600:403, f07c4dfefa7dc6cc8f14547854….jpg)

File: f9dc7a0c35fe676⋯.jpg (91.55 KB, 500x580, 25:29, f9dc7a0c35fe6765e68d3b9f50….jpg)

ea025c  No.6655670

File: 49e1596fb7044c8⋯.png (8.75 MB, 2468x1968, 617:492, 661943e032b046b5a375665b10….png)

eaa2a5  No.6655671

File: 508e1f1eb82f4a1⋯.jpg (24.46 KB, 499x445, 499:445, underestimatedkek.jpg)

File: 025a3e0b9910420⋯.jpg (108.5 KB, 753x500, 753:500, wakeupnormies.jpg)

File: d4167a4d16661be⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 605x554, 605:554, walkaway.jpg)

File: 5ad5a3dcfb90d33⋯.jpg (84.19 KB, 439x450, 439:450, weirdquestiontbh.jpg)

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, wekno3w.jpg)

do the elites know we don't fear them now?

7cf55e  No.6655672

a634e8  No.6655673

Like the fat x-wing fighter pilot in Star Wars, some anons will not be able to stay on target to see the photon pulse weapon destroy the Death Star.

b1b53a  No.6655674

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

ea025c  No.6655676

File: 11b38c8563fb4b1⋯.png (520.31 KB, 599x334, 599:334, bewbions.png)

ea025c  No.6655679

File: 0ded794a3c40b89⋯.png (308.4 KB, 611x539, 611:539, BidenArnoldGrope.png)

ea025c  No.6655681

File: 620e47b24c6a6fc⋯.png (746.38 KB, 458x608, 229:304, 911.png)

906bae  No.6655682

File: 39aa73c1da7bde6⋯.jpeg (56.97 KB, 500x654, 250:327, 7D2B4096-4D66-4214-B905-3….jpeg)

982333  No.6655684

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB, 1080x1091, 1080:1091, 1553704436.jpeg)

9857e6  No.6655685


It works like this. SOME people led productive lives, others, like the radical leftists from the 60's and 70's went into politics and became teachers so that they would push their communist/socialist agenda. They were pretty successful unfortunately.

Try a little discernment. SOME did indeed cause many of the problems listed here, but not ALL of them. So stop painting with such a broad brush is what I would say. Target the ones who actually caused the problems rather then blaming the whole group just because they happened to be born around the same time.

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