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File: edcabc463f4c988⋯.jpg (9.52 KB, 255x143, 255:143, q research general.jpg)

65dfcd  No.6646362

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Sunday 05.26.2019


>>6593482 ————————————–——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)

Thursday 05.23.2019

>>6574269 ————————————–——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?

>>6573322 ————————————–——– Enjoy the Show

>>6573291 ————————————–——– FisaGate Poster

>>6572954 rt >>6572883 -————————– Moves & countermoves.

>>6572842 rt >>6572785 -————————– Repost of Crumb #1745

>>6572698 rt >>6572656 -————————– UK/AUS assist/set up

>>6572667 rt >>6572364 -————————– Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.

>>6572484 rt >>6572267 -————————– Carter Page 'public' FISA.

>>6572270 rt >>6572140 -————————– Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.

>>6572190 rt >>6572130 -————————– Follow the Watch

>>6572005 ————————————–——– Important to Remember

>>6571844 ————————————–——– PANIC IN DC

Sunday 05.12.2019

>>6482822 rt >>6482812 -————————– Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)

>>6482810 ————————————–——– NO SLEEP IN DC

>>6482617 ————————————–——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)

>>6482574 ————————————–——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

65dfcd  No.6646372

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164

>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078

>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)

Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode


are not endorsements

#8498 ghost handoff, baker pickup

>>6645631 Dick Morris: Trump Is Waging (and Winning) a Peaceful World War III Against China (op-ed)

>>6645635 POTUS Tweet to Virginia gov.: "We Are With You" is missing

>>6645690 Mike Pence meets with Trudeau

>>6645696, >>6645943 Pence then Hussein Meets with Trudeau & Virginia Beach

>>6645697 Congress weighs whether to allow GITMO prisoners to come to U.S. for medical care

>>6645698 Joint Base Innovation Lab challenge personnel to create new methods/products

>>6645714 Is this Iranian bunker really in Israel? (look for flag in back floor)

>>6645719 May Habbenings-Calendar-ty anon!

>>6645735 Judy Shelton: Who Is Trump’s Newest Fed Pick?

>>6645738, >>6646228 Trump Imposes New Tariffs on India

>>6645761 Meghan McCain Uses Assassination Rhetoric on Trump Impeachment

>>6645775 Donald Trump says Boris Johnson would be 'excellent' Tory leader

>>6645817, >>6646013 Trump National Golf Club Washington D.C.; POTUS here now

>>6645873 Chinese dissidents executed for their organs, former hospital worker says

>>6645874 Seven-year-old boy raises $22k for Trump's border wall

>>6645935 Walter Mercado says Trump presidency would bring ‘total destruction’ of the world

>>6645974, >>6646144, >>6646238, >>6646306 Comey tweets, deletes, retweets

>>6645979, >>6645985 Australia-Japan-United States Defense Ministers Meeting Joint Press Stmt

>>6645981 Mexican president hints at migration concessions to solve trade problems

>>6645983 Pentagon chief Shanahan says US done ‘tiptoeing’ around China, but did it ever?

>>6646012 Readout of mtg: Vietnam Minister of Nat'l Defense & Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan

>>6646032, >>6646212 Obama officials help Iran defeat Trump foreign policy

>>6646050 Does two lines removed from Mueller Report change its meaning?

>>6646056 Corbyn accuses Trump of interfering in UK politics with Johnson comments

>>6646094 Nunes: Mueller's Report Is A 'Fraud' To Target Trump

>>6646104 Ted Lieu reminds us he banned conversion therapy for minors in California

>>6645867 Virginia Beach Festival in April: "Something in the Water" (Was it a marker?)

>>6646041 Sentara doctors to livestream an update on the Virginia Beach survivors soon

>>6646256 Craddock worked at water-pump station ("something in the water"?)

>>6646270 Moar Mueller-reading events (this time in NY theaters)

>>6646346 #8498

#8497 baker change

>>6644911 Virginia Beach victims names

>>6644966 mockingbird media beginnings…lots of fuckery in the 30's…how/when they decided to #mkultra us…

>>6644899 Journalist tweets DS keywords CONCRETE, DOGS, and CHERNOBYL all in one tweet.

>>6645064 Alaskan Mission Ops Center NSA wiki (re BARR in Alaska)

>>6644919 New DJT - spoke to Gov, Mayor, Vice Mayor of Virginia

>>6645287 last HRC before VA is a gun violence twat

>>6645566 #8497

Previously Collected Notables

>>6643211 #8494, >>6643998 #8495, >>6644771 #8496

>>6640981 #8491, >>6641717 #8492, >>6642459 #8493

>>6638623 #8488, >>6639407 #8489, >>6640179 #8490

>>6636323 #8485, >>6637108 #8486, >>6637886 #8487

>>6633984 #8482, >>6634736 #8483, >>6635537 #8484

>>6631617 #8479, >>6632430 #8480, >>6633172 #8481

>>6630063 #8476, >>6630056 #8477, >>6630844 #8478

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

65dfcd  No.6646374

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———– https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6600735 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>6528824 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #10 Leaven Rising to Heaven Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips on planefagging

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6470608 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #9

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Letters of Gratitude


Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6600184

Q Graphics all in EST


65dfcd  No.6646376

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!cjZQRAaL!aTvYqIifJmSRQYUB5h4LmOJgjqNut2DOAYHFmYOV1fQ

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ux6qfl2m40vbaah/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VI.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/408371553/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VI?secret_password=m2IeU6xGZ7OtQhl7vvyg

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

Meme Ammo

 • 47 >>6467693, 46 >>6192694

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #4 >>6139677

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archives

New online archive at qanon.news: >>6412377

Plain text archives of all QR threads: https://pastebin.com/2f1897vD

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

e5e797  No.6646386

Soundtrack for tonight

Underground radio stations' underground radio station


65dfcd  No.6646388



Thanks much for all your help, anons!!

d4aff8  No.6646389

>>6646355 (lb)

>>6646338 (lb)

Sorry baker, just got in and was checking notables. Noticed this shill stuff creeping back in and wanted to call it out. Godspeed

>>6646331 (lb)

Aggree with anon below baker.

>>6646355 (lb)

5db592  No.6646390

File: 41184a62e8a5a20⋯.jpg (212.63 KB, 800x1067, 800:1067, danielle_knudson_23.jpg)

Thank You Baker

95e146  No.6646391

File: 3515d39bd5d615d⋯.png (92.56 KB, 1080x1829, 1080:1829, Screenshot_20190602-001835….png)

File: 7d386327b8e8389⋯.jpg (119.3 KB, 1548x1124, 387:281, IMG_20190601_235134.jpg)

Twitter is Shadowbanning our memes guys. Full force, Now. Light them memes.

3a4ffc  No.6646392

File: d4880dc6e4a5d8b⋯.png (93.1 KB, 400x355, 80:71, redhead-with-freckles.png)


TY Baker!!!

10f2f6  No.6646393

File: bf57092fedfacc9⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 231x280, 33:40, abe_lincoln.jpg)

File: a117129e7a6f2f5⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190601-143039.png)

File: 7c0aed20fbd61b2⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20190601-143114.png)

Union Masons. Masons always around mass death.

12cb02  No.6646394

REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS

That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)

Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.


96e7b9  No.6646396

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

12cb02  No.6646397

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech

(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.

They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.

Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".

"Do you see what I see?

Can you hear what I hear?

Do you feel like I feel?

Do you dream like I dream?"


More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif

The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis

Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.

Quote from edwardsnowden.com

“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”

What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?

Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech




779abe  No.6646398

The Virginia Beach Police had a workshop planned Saturday on mass shootings

The Virginia Beach Police Department had scheduled a free community workshop for Saturday morning on what to do during mass shootings. About 24 hours before the class, a disgruntled employee opened fire in a city building, killing 12 people, police said.

At least 36 people intended to attend the Active Threat Citizen Defense session, according to the department's Facebook page. The workshop has since been canceled, police said early Saturday.

The class was planned days before the shooting and highlighted the need to prepare for potential active threat situations.

"Having to face an armed individual with bad intentions is every person's worst nightmare," the class description said. "You can't stop evil, you can only respond to it. The aggressor's actions are not your fault; failure to plan and failure to train, is."

The class was aimed at enhancing preparedness for citizens to "rise to the occasion" during such situations.

The teachings would have included recognizing hostile situations, utilizing common items for defense and a "no-skills needed" maneuver to combat a gunman.


e7bcc4  No.6646399

Deep State Prosecutors Defy Judge’s Order: Refuse to Release Transcript of Flynn-Kislyak Call that Will Confirm Obama Spying on Trump Team

On May 17th Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered federal prosecutors to release transcripts of the General Michael Flynn’s conversations with Russian officials including transcript to a call made in December 2016 between Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Judge Sullivan is presiding over former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s case.

On Friday federal prosecutors refused to release the transcript of the Flynn-Kislyak phone call. Doing so would prove the Obama administration was spying on the Trump transition team.

The deep state never sleeps.

Via The New York Times:

Federal prosecutors rebuffed a judge’s order to release by Friday highly classified transcripts of discussions that Michael T. Flynn, the president’s former national security adviser, had with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.

The transcripts between Mr. Flynn and Sergey I. Kislyak, formerly Russia’s top diplomat in the United States, were expected to show that they talked in December 2016 about sanctions that the Obama administration had just imposed on Russia…

…The calls between Mr. Flynn and Mr. Kislyak were referenced repeatedly in court documents and the special counsel’s report on Russian election interference but never released, and prosecutors have not acknowledged the existence of the wiretap. Judge Sullivan, who is overseeing Mr. Flynn’s case, ordered that audio recordings of his conversations with Mr. Kislyak be made public along with a voice mail message made by the president’s lawyer.

The Justice Department’s refusal to comply with the judge’s order made clear that prosecutors had no interest in confirming the wiretap, which was approved by the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

“This would be a rare step to make public” such intelligence collection, said Joshua Geltzer, a former Justice Department official. “What you see in today’s filing is the government trying to avoid disclosing that material.”


efafa6  No.6646400

The Anons breakdown{lb} of the Comey Tweet - Q connect should be a HIGHLY notable

Excellent assessment Anon

8b5c86  No.6646401

File: b0f80899505c1fd⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x533, 1280:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Getting interesting now.


SCOTUS could intervene in try to push Trump from office as impeachment racket grows: Dershowitz


3db1df  No.6646402

File: 0b555ce83c21ede⋯.png (125.94 KB, 1432x849, 1432:849, barrband.png)

Rod Rosenstien advised Trump to fire Comey so Comey could leak his memo which sparked the calling for a special counsel ( Mueller). So Mueller could investigate and expose election collusion from Clinton and the DNC. NOT TRUMP. Checkmate.

fe26d8  No.6646403

File: 0189425a4be9123⋯.png (104.88 KB, 1067x678, 1067:678, Screenshot_2019-06-01 Geor….png)

Any Rushfags have access to the newsletter?


65dfcd  No.6646405


Really, really appreciate it, anon. This seems to be a problem lately, subtle stuff that requires time to look at. There is no time when baking during the day, anons' help makes a tremendous difference.

076e41  No.6646406



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

c3ce94  No.6646407

File: 7bdd050ea4dc644⋯.jpg (137.81 KB, 1036x470, 518:235, Capture.JPG)

File: c685546fe475edf⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 905x581, 905:581, Capture2.JPG)

File: cdaca0384899483⋯.jpg (138.14 KB, 804x514, 402:257, Capture332.JPG)

File: 1340cfe8ecb60f3⋯.jpg (51.58 KB, 335x551, 335:551, Capturjddhe2.JPG)

File: 351595933618cde⋯.jpg (51.8 KB, 781x585, 781:585, peale.JPG)

Trump Interview with Tom Brokaw (3 times MENTIONS he's 33 years old)


:08 - Donald Trump 33 YEARS OLD. Then goes to picture of WORLD TRADE CENTER

:20 - Donald Trump 33 YEARS OLD

3:36 - You're 33 YEARS OLD 3:36

WTC fades in and reaches 100% right at 9 SECONDS. Brokaw then mentions 110 stories. (9/11 0)

Trump's pastor Norman Vincent Peale (33 Degree Mason)


All just a COINCIDENCE I guess.

4ed5ed  No.6646408


9afa81  No.6646409

File: 881e382901cad2a⋯.png (426.6 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190601-145000.png)

Curved tunnel? Ceiling Lights are not straight…

a13f3f  No.6646410

File: 0f05a374ec09bab⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1574x1080, 787:540, pepe on patrol.png)

e7bcc4  No.6646411

Illinois Is Set To Repeal Its Ban On Partial Birth Abortion. Here's How That Barbaric Procedure Is Done.

The Illinois state House this week passed a radical pro-abortion bill that would legalize abortion through every stage of pregnancy and officially codify the dehumanization of the unborn into law. It would also eliminate spousal consent and require insurance companies to cover abortion. Under this law, a woman would have the right to kill her child at any point in pregnancy, for any reason, regardless of the father's wishes, and regardless of her ability to pay. And that's not even the most extreme aspect of the legislation.

Democrats in Illinois felt it necessary to go several steps further and repeal the state's ban on partial birth abortion. This should not immediately result in any partial birth abortions actually taking place, as the federal ban on the practice remains, for now, intact, but it is bad enough that Democrats want this unthinkable barbarism to be legal. It is increasingly clear that Democrats will get rid of the federal ban if ever they have enough power to do so. When that day comes, here is a description of the procedure that will be performed legally in Illinois and probably several other states:

A fully developed and viable infant child is pulled feet-first out of the womb with forceps. The baby is delivered until just his head remains lodged in the birth canal while the rest of his body dangles out. The child at this point is alive and moving. He has been almost completely delivered. A pair of scissors are then jammed into the base of his skull. The child has a fully functioning nervous system so he will feel the indescribable pain of sharpened metal piercing through his tiny neck. A vacuum tube is shoved into the hole and his brains are sucked out of his head while he's still alive. His collapsed skull is then pulled out of the vagina and the child's corpse is thrown in the garbage.

This is what Democrats in Illinois support.

Any decent human being can see that this is savagery. You do not need to be right-wing or conservative to oppose sucking the brains out of infants. You merely need to be a human being. Only a soulless animal could possibly look with approval on such a practice. There are a lot of soulless animals in the Democrat Party, unfortunately. In fact, I doubt you'd find even as many as ten Democrats on Capitol Hill who would come out against it. And that is a fact that Republicans should be obsessively highlighting from now until 2020 and beyond.

There was quite a lot of hand wringing and bellyaching over the "extremism" of Alabama's law, which prohibits abortion in almost every case. Well whether that was extreme or not — and it wasn't, it was just morally and intellecutally consistent — it certainly does not come close to the extremism of crushing an infant's skull 10 seconds before birth. Indeed, the word extremism doesn't do it justice. This is ghastly. Beastly. Demonic. And, for the modern Democratic Party, mainstream.


d137ee  No.6646412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Military planning at it's finest.

5db592  No.6646413

File: 279e969009ea10d⋯.jpg (383.55 KB, 1199x928, 1199:928, _2112_back.jpg)

dd3541  No.6646414

File: 242b7e11be1c2c6⋯.jpg (145.14 KB, 489x470, 489:470, 34435h809429302843524309df….jpg)

File: 5d606c152158717⋯.jpg (107.87 KB, 390x215, 78:43, w345qm87962d4553546590d354….jpg)

File: 138153b6d42a042⋯.jpg (146.41 KB, 489x470, 489:470, 34435h809429302843524309df….jpg)

342cca  No.6646415

Why do people want to fuck ivanka

Dont you know how much nigger dick shes taken


And sex with her dad

Fucking disgusting

Truly awful offspring of a truly awful man

12cb02  No.6646416


>We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

>Yuge gapeing leaks

Okay… 😐

3a4ffc  No.6646417


George has a new book?!?! Bloody FUCK! How'd I miss this!


5aba44  No.6646418

File: 6d3c7391c57c885⋯.jpg (190.03 KB, 634x974, 317:487, 20190601_195520.jpg)


446f9a  No.6646419

File: 43802432be3a842⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 800x500, 8:5, mn.jpg)

650705  No.6646420

File: 678cd349bb0b9eb⋯.jpg (32.23 KB, 400x600, 2:3, bb110eg.jpg)


Thanks for taking the kitchen heat, baker!

d4aff8  No.6646421


o7 baker here to help. Keep up the great work!

Also fun that "5:5" got the right answer :)

a13f3f  No.6646422


Huber prosecutes…key point here.

e7bcc4  No.6646423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jim Willie: Trump, Putin & Xi SECRET GLOBAL RESET Meetings – Dollar To Be Replaced By GOLD, Not The SDR!

Jim Willie drops a BOMBSHELL revelation about the secret meetings held to coordinate the global reset, beat the globalists and avoid WWIII…

Jim Willie took some time out from his busy Thursday afternoon to share some important developments with us.

In this interview, some of the things we discuss include:

The Global Reset and the New Silk Road Order

De-dollarization and the move away from the US Dollar

The global loss of confidence in the United States

China & Russia’s global expansion

The death of the Petro-dollar

And of course, we discuss Jim’s bombshell revelation and analysis of the Trump, Putin & Xi meetings, held in secrecy, in a coordinated effort to defeat the globalists and avoid World War III.

To listen to all of those topics and a whole lot more, tune-in to the interview in its entirety!


efafa6  No.6646424


Damn. His twatter is full of it

You living under a rock

6a83a8  No.6646426


Presidents too, eh?

Of course you can't sauce these people were masons.

Andddddd….. you're debunked:


65dfcd  No.6646427


Baker requires handoff

Can wait for 10 mins or so, but will then need to Ghost.

Any lurking bakers?

If not, please prepare to take notes.

(Helpful if note-taker announces at the start, don't be intimidated, just jump in!)

779abe  No.6646428


>So Mueller could investigate and expose election collusion from Clinton and the DNC. NOT TRUMP. Checkmate.


d92b8a  No.6646429

File: 499ee78d9c1599f⋯.jpg (46.56 KB, 500x335, 100:67, GuessWho.jpg)

a13f3f  No.6646430

File: e49eaf73dc5e4c9⋯.jpg (244.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Geddy's WM drink.jpg)

af62ee  No.6646431

>>6646029 lb

I saw that…

She was awesome!!

650705  No.6646432


Information overload, anon. So much to keep track of.

7f1afd  No.6646433

File: 4ffee22509a6b82⋯.jpg (91.79 KB, 500x633, 500:633, Mass Invasion.jpg)

File: 7372befe09678ff⋯.jpg (73.98 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Rapist.jpg)

Trump failed big-time and should resign.

Mass migration at America's southern border under the Trump administration that will change the demographics of the united states.

Trump's own words:

I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.

e7bcc4  No.6646434

File: 855734cb8e3e66e⋯.png (596.91 KB, 558x658, 279:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5eec543c8948842⋯.png (69.71 KB, 942x480, 157:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e636dced563c6c9⋯.png (7.91 KB, 909x91, 909:91, ClipboardImage.png)

China Launches Investigation Of FedEx In "Warning To Foreign Companies"

Just hours after China’s retaliatory tariffs on the U.S. officially kicked in at midnight on Saturday in Beijing, affecting more than 2,400 goods that face levies of as much as 25%, compared with the previous charges of 10%, China took its first non-tariff retaliatory step, when it launched an investigation into FedEx for the wrongful delivery of packages, the country's state run Xinhua News Agency reported.


a13f3f  No.6646435


can do the first half of bread baker.

645b08  No.6646436

File: c6df763f9c98c7f⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1767x5558, 1767:5558, 1ff291fbc09ac85bbb0c9e2b51….jpg)

These were good times.

Great to see where this has come.

Good for new eyes too.

c3ce94  No.6646437


Damn. Good thing this stuff happened to him. He's making a killing off it.

edbed4  No.6646438

Virginia Beach press conference soon. Not sure when- ABC showing them setting up.

342cca  No.6646439


>Jim Willie: Trump, Putin & Xi SECRET GLOBAL RESET Meetings – Dollar To Be Replaced By GOLD, Not The SDR!

>Jim Willie drops a BOMBSHELL revelation about the secret meetings held to coordinate the global reset, beat the globalists and avoid WWIII…

>Jim Willie took some time out from his busy Thursday afternoon to share some important developments with us.

>In this interview, some of the things we discuss include:

>The Global Reset and the New Silk Road Order

>De-dollarization and the move away from the US Dollar

>The global loss of confidence in the United States

>China & Russia’s global expansion

>The death of the Petro-dollar

>And of course, we discuss Jim’s bombshell revelation and analysis of the Trump, Putin & Xi meetings, held in secrecy, in a coordinated effort to defeat the globalists and avoid World War III.

>To listen to all of those topics and a whole lot more, tune-in to the interview in its entirety!



Its not a reset old money is buying up gold and crypto

They are going to crash all currency before the end to cause pure chaos

In said chaos they will be safe in their underground bunkers and cities

The chaos will continue until,the mass extinction event

I wonder how many times this has happened

3a8266  No.6646440

File: 1c962d4726dfa69⋯.png (1.14 MB, 716x1000, 179:250, ClipboardImage.png)

3a4ffc  No.6646441




4ed5ed  No.6646442

self indulegent jack has a 40 minute video of himself practicing the guitar on his twitter.


no wonder he's hated here at Q research!

356f6e  No.6646443


Jeezus what’s next for pdop, a “leaked” sex tape?

Why do so many people write fucking books.

b20444  No.6646444

>>6645974, >>6646144, >>6646238, >>6646306 Comey tweets, deletes, retweets LB


Patriot Anons

Would JC by any chance trying to say that AG Barr is Q

I don't know?????????????????????

d4aff8  No.6646445



lol you shills are nothing if not hilarious

efafa6  No.6646446




65dfcd  No.6646447

File: 3c96ebc8b65f308⋯.jpg (6.39 KB, 275x183, 275:183, nature cherry blossom.jpg)


Anything for Flour Girl.

5db592  No.6646448

File: 52d740dea9d82af⋯.jpeg (178.53 KB, 1440x1002, 240:167, 1531186643.jpeg)

dbe16e  No.6646449

e7bcc4  No.6646450

File: af51b9812633871⋯.png (102.08 KB, 692x898, 346:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42668ce9d5ecfc0⋯.png (36.57 KB, 783x715, 783:715, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d49807e8c33997e⋯.png (439.08 KB, 697x370, 697:370, ClipboardImage.png)

Cop Indicted After Horrifying Video Shows Him Beating Homeless Woman With a Baton

Decatur, GA — Katie McCrary is a homeless woman doing whatever she can to survive. But while she may have a criminal history, she, like other law-breakers, still deserves to be treated humanely and with some sense of decency. But that didn’t happen when Dekalb County police officer Phillip Larscheid, 29, struck her with his baton nearly too many times to count.

Now, because someone decided to film the police, Larscheid has been indicted on charges of aggravated assault and violation of his oath of office.

One of the most troubling aspects of this case is the fact that the police department originally cleared Larshcheid of any wrongdoing and only after the video went viral were they forced to “reopen the investigation.”

The incident happened on June 4, 2017 when police were called to the scene of a local convenience store at the corner of Glenwood and Line St. in Decatur. McCrary had been propositioning patrons for money. Others say she’s frequently there and may have mental issues.

But when Larshceid arrived, McCrary allegedly pushed him and would not follow his commands. That’s when bystanders say he began beating her with his baton.

“Like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, that’s excessive,” customer Calvin Smith said.

After the beating, a complaint of “excessive use of force” was filed as a result of the officer’s actions. The department investigated, and came to the following conclusion which exonerated the officer.


Link to video


6a83a8  No.6646451


Shill bad at tariff math.


30990a  No.6646452

>>6645822 (lb)

Anons know why there is never any data available for North Georgia?

d94e6d  No.6646453


Is this shopped?

3db1df  No.6646454

File: f891b5ce515f21d⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, muellerworkingfortrump.mp4)

File: e57a89238ba8549⋯.jpeg (351.28 KB, 1242x1782, 23:33, muellerdesigned.jpeg)

File: 8dc5db33f996fc3⋯.jpg (582.38 KB, 1079x1562, 1079:1562, muellerflynn.jpg)

4dbe45  No.6646455


All the swamp dwellers are in and out of the


and when there out they just wait to get back in.

Thats one thing Trump dont have.

Loyal swamp dwellers.

e699f1  No.6646456


Fuck off Hillary

342cca  No.6646457


Money laundering

Everything is done legally

They put all that shit about secret hidden wealth and shit like the panama papers to confuse


In reality all illegal money is laundered thru the megacorps




How do you move money from unspeakable acts legally?

Anyone wonder where all the "sleeper indie hits" and "garage door corporations" like google come from

e03b21  No.6646458

File: ddd96937e4ae098⋯.gif (1009.71 KB, 300x407, 300:407, 4db065ea-a5b0-4da3-844c-a8….gif)


8b5c86  No.6646459


Because it's CNN territory.

e7bcc4  No.6646460

‘Record Number’ of Migrant Boats in English Channel, ‘Home Office Needs to Get a Grip’

The number of boats transporting illegal migrants to Britain appears to have hit a daily record, with HM Coastguard reporting it has assisted with 13 “incidents” off the Kent coast and a dinghy sighted off East Sussex.

The Kent incidents involved nine boats carrying dozens of migrants, according to Sky News — prompting Charlie Elphicke, MP for the Dover and Deal constituency on the frontline of the crisis, to admonish the authorities.

“If confirmed this would be a record number of boats arriving in a single day. This crisis was meant to have been dealt with at Christmas, yet numbers continue to rise,” he tweeted, in reference to Home Secretary and Tory leadership hopeful Sajid Javid having declared already “major incident” in the Channel as the number of boats were beginning to surge over the festive period.

“It looks set to surge to record levels through the Summer. The Home Office needs to get a grip on this crisis,” Elphicke added.

The MP warned that the Channel crisis was “about much more than simply border security”, noting that the “the exploitation of vulnerable people by criminal trafficking gangs” and the inherent dangerousness of the voyages were also concerns.

He reiterated the urgent need for the British and French authorities to crack down on the people-smugglers to avert “a tragedy in the middle of the English Channel resulting in loss of life”.

Australia managed to avert a similar crisis in the Pacific with its Operation Sovereign Borders policy, which deterred migrants from embarking on journeys in the first place by making it clear that anyone reaching their country by sea would either be turned back or, if found to be genuine refugees, resettled in another safe country.

While the boat migrants crisis has concentrated the minds of politicians and commentators on illegal migration into Britain, the hundreds of people involved make up a relatively small proportion of clandestine entrants — with tens of thousands still using more tried and true methods of breaking into lorries, ferries, or the Channel Tunnel in order to make their crossing.

Unlike the Australians, the British are able to deport very few illegal migrants who do make it to British soil or territorial waters, despite France — where most come from — being a safe country, thanks to onerous EU asylum regulations.


4ef309  No.6646461

File: 386e11ab4544a25⋯.png (46.47 KB, 601x449, 601:449, Presler re Res Stops 6-1-1….PNG)

A woman in Tennessee has an RV & loves my idea of registering voters at rest stops.


Anons, please be aware

1. I think this a a STUPID idea

2. In my state and I've read some other states as well, there is a HIGH level of crime at rest stops right now

Prostitution, Drugs, Trafficking

Trafficking lanes are being shut down and rest stops are being used as an alternative

There was a murder at a rest stop in my state a few weeks ago

If you are so inclined to register voters at rest stops, have a form of protection and your eyes on rotation

338878  No.6646462

File: 1e0215c37b91ba0⋯.png (635.84 KB, 652x576, 163:144, KEKFORCE SEAL FINAL (1).png)

File: a3f82421eb952ef⋯.png (717.92 KB, 885x591, 295:197, almost there [05312019].png)

File: 1d2b5a7a86c6b49⋯.png (793.28 KB, 927x619, 927:619, the frogs are aliens.png)

File: d2d4f776e9de167⋯.png (1014.95 KB, 885x593, 885:593, watch the kid.png)

File: e6a4349864cbf57⋯.png (1.11 MB, 930x617, 930:617, we come in peace.png)




>Darkest Night Just Before Dawn

we are OFFICIALLY assembled and ready to go… it shouldn't be much longer now.

>[D] DAY

59ebb0  No.6646463


You have the most degenerate url history I have ever seen.

You are definitely going down for subversion.

342cca  No.6646464


Fuck off neocon

The people of yemen libya iraq and many other put a curse on you

4ed5ed  No.6646465



I went back there in the link 404's so don't bother with the link it doesn't work.

I suppose you know how to go to his facebook page on your own.

e26dd3  No.6646466

File: dc7a6985a5a8e6f⋯.png (37.69 KB, 676x661, 676:661, LGBT statement 1Jun19.PNG)

LGBT Pride Month "Statement from the President"

Issued on: June 1, 2019

As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!



342cca  No.6646467


This is a free country supposedly with free speech

Who gave you the right to spy on,me

I have a legal right to come,blow your brains out

c4018e  No.6646468

File: aaec05807c1b7c5⋯.jpeg (397.95 KB, 750x1174, 375:587, 0C00992B-12CB-4DA6-A738-0….jpeg)

“Mueller— has spent 2-1/2 years”

Barr is very precise with his words. Did he misspeak or has Mueller been involved since November 2016?!?

Was Mueller part of setting up the coup after the election; tried to insert himself as Comey’s replacement; and when that failed was appointed SC to take over the coup/coverup?


5aba44  No.6646469

File: 60e3ad0198b3030⋯.jpg (257.29 KB, 720x943, 720:943, 20190601_200233.jpg)


d8bbd9  No.6646470

File: 47f7a7badf43b56⋯.png (407.55 KB, 615x661, 615:661, Grotesque - Copy.png)

65dfcd  No.6646471



Thanks baker. That is better than NO half of a bread.

Handoff confirmed?

Still looking for baker to bake the bread and note-takers for second half, anons


dbe16e  No.6646472


Just wanted to know which Jack.

c3ce94  No.6646473

File: ae7c343e38d1040⋯.jpg (30.93 KB, 695x369, 695:369, Capture.JPG)

21331f  No.6646474


That's how The Light gets in…

7f1afd  No.6646475

File: b9222f97f4820db⋯.jpg (51.08 KB, 500x574, 250:287, ad19d88e3a9362480573ac73b5….jpg)



Q fizzled out bigly and didn't get anything on the scoreboard.

3a8266  No.6646476

File: be7d1961aeb2c50⋯.png (458.48 KB, 594x396, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>Fucking disgusting

>Truly awful offspring of a truly awful man

c3ce94  No.6646477


Midterms are SAFE.

0bcb4c  No.6646478

>>6645974 (pb)

Regardless of his intent in adding Q at the end, Comey just gave Q massive publicity and credibility.

52b2e7  No.6646479

File: 2432a1ebdf831c6⋯.png (507.72 KB, 657x646, 657:646, Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at ….png)



JC sending Q signal, but in a 'tarded, groping, stumbly gay and faggoty sort of way…

342cca  No.6646480


>LGBT Pride Month "Statement from the President"

>Issued on: June 1, 2019

>As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!




Spoken like a fucking jew

Fuck gay people

Theyre victims brainwashed by satan

All they do is create more victims

How can anyone see the fucking crap this truly evil man pulls

No wonder hes lost his entire base

At least the woke,part

Elections are rigged tho so he will win 2020

11322c  No.6646481

File: 0093b6e8f207fa1⋯.png (396.31 KB, 640x829, 640:829, ClipboardImage.png)


ty baker

1ae69e  No.6646482

>>6645738 (LB) Trump Declares Trade War On India, Imposes New Tariffs

I am very aware that India protects goods made in India and tariffs anything not made in India. The Indian version of the Getty/Rockeffellers is the TATA company. TATA is in everything and controls much of everything.

Probably the biggest imports from India to the USA average Americans are aware of is basmati rice and clothing, and "services" or "Knowledge work" in IT.

I hope this trade war involves the cost of using overseas contractors that the likes of AT&T, Verizon, et al use while they fire US citizen workers instead of focusing on stupid shit imports like rice.

59ebb0  No.6646483


You have to go back you faggot 65IQ.

We own every drop dumbass.

650705  No.6646484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police

Such sound advice…

338878  No.6646485

File: d5ef4144692a783⋯.png (634.59 KB, 1486x1486, 1:1, bahaha.png)


thank you anon! GREAT WORK!

3c8bac  No.6646486

>>6644598 Assange tortured

>>6572667 Q: Under protection.

Yeah, fuck that. Assange is getting tortured while Q claims he's under protection. Q = nothing but 2020 campaign. We'll never get arrests.

0afa1c  No.6646487



>Q causing 'contractions

dbe16e  No.6646488

File: cf7839ceffda778⋯.jpeg (77.97 KB, 705x780, 47:52, 35422837-577F-40A8-8130-1….jpeg)


54308b  No.6646489


did you screencap all your (you)s yet from lb notable bun?

fap fap fap

what we ever do without you

highest ranking faggot news aggrigator

4ed5ed  No.6646490


You think if someone is going to post music of themselves playin that it would actually take some time to make it sound OK and do some post processing. Even if it's a famous and good player, you got to have the sound enhancement or it's very tiring to hear it very quickly.

Posting is just cruel to anyone who thinks you're worth following.

He's such a dope. He's got no understanding of how to be a cool media guy.

2be4c7  No.6646491

File: f7587b52f8096ad⋯.jpg (19.66 KB, 200x171, 200:171, bf6f86f2f43e5b9576378333fc….jpg)

IT savvy at last, non citizens are going to get the zuckfuck treatment double time, national ID coming up


5db592  No.6646492

File: 888ed0ec1ae757a⋯.jpeg (108.1 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1554575721.jpeg)

bc3108  No.6646493

File: 50ae22d20410b75⋯.png (211.69 KB, 705x916, 705:916, ClipboardImage.png)

Fucking Hussein was quite as mouse while he accumulated the most mass shootings in our nations history.


e7bcc4  No.6646494

File: c4fa09e1e46d53d⋯.png (244.57 KB, 847x621, 847:621, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b15f6d3b9a0c5e⋯.png (225.21 KB, 823x470, 823:470, ClipboardImage.png)

‘Most valued partner’: NSA fed Israel intel for targeted assassinations, leaked docs show

Frustrated by a legal ban on sharing intelligence with Israeli operatives conducting targeted assassinations against Hezbollah, the NSA crafted a loophole giving them total access even to US citizens' data, leaked documents show.

The Israeli SIGINT National Unit (ISNU), the NSA's counterpart in Tel Aviv, convinced the Americans to circumvent the legal prohibition on providing surveillance data for targeted assassinations during Israel's 2006 war with Lebanon, according to the newest revelation from the archives obtained by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Using the familiar rationale of "terrorism" to excuse cooperation they knew was illegal, the NSA and ISNU found a workaround using the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that provided the Israelis with all the intel they needed, according to an October 2006 article in the NSA's internal publication.

"To ISNU, this prohibition [on sharing data for targeted killings] was contrary not only to supporting Israel in its fight against Hizballah but overall, to support the US Global War on Terrorism," said an article in SIDToday.

Its author, whose name is redacted, details the "late-night, sometimes tense discussions" he had with ISNU officials who believed they deserved an exemption from the US prohibition on abetting targeted killings.

The documents don't include details of what "arrangement" was eventually worked out with the ODNI, but the Israeli military used American data to lay waste to Lebanon's civilian population, much like the tech-enhanced US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, whose kill-counts swelled with civilian victims after they received access to NSA targeting data.



342cca  No.6646495


Daily reminder that cops are 90% corrupt and all law and order canidates are jewish

Controlled and only care about enslaving,you

Heres a test anons

Name one thing,trump has done for real american

Not corporations

Not a slight tax relief that expires

Name one thing

None of you can

65dfcd  No.6646496


You are most welcome, anon.

93eca6  No.6646497


That's not a debunking. That Wikipedia "article" is disinfo. The hidden hand <i>obviously</i> means the hidden hand that drives history, secret societies. Impolite to speak with your hand outside your waistcoat? What crap. Are those two guys talking to Lincoln? At the same time? While they're standing still being photographed by a Brady camera. Please.

b43423  No.6646498


"getting the band back together" sounds a lot like "Blues Brothers"…

And yes, Q told us early that Mueller didn't investigate Trump.

He investigated the plot against Trump.

Because the first time, when Barr told the public that Mueller used a wording that Mueller could not conclude that Trump is not guilty, this was done to bait the Dems into impeaching Trump.

It didn't work: The Dems talked a lot, but didn't go for impeachment.

Second try:

Mueller himself reported on his report, weirdly saying again that he couldn't find evidence that Trump is NOT guilty.


Trump wants to be impeached.

It would destroy the Dems.

And Trump could use a lot of evidenced gathered in ways that do not allow this evidence to be brought before court normally.


If you are indicted of something, you have the right to defnd yourself with EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!

e03b21  No.6646499

File: a8066998f038e6e⋯.gif (987.16 KB, 500x280, 25:14, 5cb18d73-06c6-4268-80f7-4e….gif)

why you folk not seein' flood data?

why'm'æı not seein it fer that matter…


<interdasting times.

7cfe63  No.6646500


Will this force the question? Mr Prseident - Where is the Q?

d92b8a  No.6646501


All bark and no bite. Go try and intimidate people on Myspace, faggot. We don't believe you.

1ae69e  No.6646502


made in China,,,

>>6646450 imagine the shit show if the officer was white

1778a2  No.6646503


Rates of human traffickers and pedofucks have increased, so there is that.

338878  No.6646504

File: dbbea67999d53e5⋯.png (581.96 KB, 470x752, 5:8, the truth.png)


you MIGHT be slow and dumb…


that means ANYTHING IS ALLOWED TO BE SAID for National Security purposes.

that means you're getting duped, and you're falling for it.

…because it seems like Wikileaks is trying to paint a false narrative right now, allow me to remind you ALL what Q told us re: Julian…

Under protection.

Threat is real.

Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.


but what do you mean 'KEY'?


I tagged abe because he is my fren… but the message is CLEAR for everyone.

headlines will stir emotions in hopes to keep Julian's name on top of the headlines (BECAUSE HE DOES DESERVE JUSTICE) …but at the same time, Julian knows exactly what is going on. If Trump were to wave his magic wand and get JA out of this hole, we would have to do the same thing for HRC when her time comes…

the :drumroll: is just building up the HEARING, where Julian will have BOMBSHELLS of information re: what exactly habbened and who exactly is involved…

Mark Warner (senator) → Adam Waldman (Julian's 'homie') →Julian Assange… ALL WHILE Deripaska was visiting with Waldman (you can GUESS what that conversation was about) …Deripaska was a KNOWN Russian intelligence agent… LEAKS were coming from the same office Mark was in at the SAME TIME he was in comms with Adam, who had the KNOW ALL about Julian… that means Warner WAS AWARE of where the intel was coming from, probably aware who was behind guccifer, and yet STILL tried leaking shit to the media at the time in hopes to sway an election…

any questions?

>we are here for a reason

f5450c  No.6646505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

How Attorney General Bill Barr Prepares For Each Day


Posted on June 1, 2019 by DCWhispers

Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/how-attorney-general-bill-barr-prepares-for-each-day-video/#VfbQGRwGWMB87cL5.99

7f1afd  No.6646506

File: 4ffee22509a6b82⋯.jpg (91.79 KB, 500x633, 500:633, Mass Invasion.jpg)

File: 9338724250c3664⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 155x153, 155:153, downloadfile-2_1.jpg)

But Gringo's I like living illegally in America and committing identity and tax fraud.

Trump will not get my vote again.

edbed4  No.6646507

Virginia Beach update press conference has started.

1778a2  No.6646508


As in getting busted.

398e59  No.6646509

File: 48428ffc9b3a817⋯.jpg (174.64 KB, 1252x1252, 1:1, Barr.No.jpg)

File: 3b1df22a6d448c6⋯.jpg (186.66 KB, 1406x1204, 703:602, Barr3.JPG)

File: ea0417861ae2305⋯.jpg (84.08 KB, 401x600, 401:600, Barr_wars_.jpg)

File: 0ab66071c6f3975⋯.jpg (145.31 KB, 789x836, 789:836, BARR47.JPG)

File: 8798b9ae5a77e48⋯.jpg (272.25 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNN BARR.jpg)

446f9a  No.6646510

File: be8d93e9eabc019⋯.jpg (59.3 KB, 640x480, 4:3, h.jpg)

342cca  No.6646511


Nigger i literally tested 129 iq

Im,smarter than everyone,left on,this board by far

You know why anon?

Cuz everyone smarter than me,left last summer or on 11 11

No amount of ai can fake it

No wonder Q is too much of a pussy to post anymore

Probably takes it in the ass too

2be4c7  No.6646512

File: b984e80721770d1⋯.png (427.76 KB, 854x769, 854:769, bern3.png)

need one of these with Bern's face, in he name of equality and all


3a4ffc  No.6646513

File: e3731ef9325d6d8⋯.jpg (52.38 KB, 634x1024, 317:512, rs_634x1024-161021124403-6….jpg)


Think of it this way. Even if this isnt shopped, theres no way she can compare to Linda Carter, and Linda is 70 years old now. That other chick's genes are shit.

e2101f  No.6646514


Attention anon

Matt rethorford blew his jewhole O-ring



We think his jewhole blew an O-ring

Yuge gapeing leaks

ec5ef9  No.6646515

File: ff6acb70b09f7c5⋯.jpeg (238.6 KB, 750x603, 250:201, 192EB928-7FD0-46E6-A033-5….jpeg)

New Comey Twat


1778a2  No.6646516


Believe it or not, mine is tested at 132

645b08  No.6646517

File: 2b51f0ff1f756ab⋯.jpg (57.24 KB, 500x370, 50:37, Really.jpg)

f14b92  No.6646518

really wish Q would materialize

342cca  No.6646519


Rates of arrest?


He is arresting people but my guess is the competition

338878  No.6646520

File: 21f282e42545d6e⋯.png (817.01 KB, 885x589, 885:589, they fall for it.png)


>I tagged abe because he is my fren…

woops, that was suppose to be taken out, this is copypasta from the QF discord… forgive me, abe.

e7bcc4  No.6646521

File: c5db6f0cb7d335f⋯.png (439.17 KB, 543x471, 181:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Meghan McCain Uses Assassination Rhetoric on Trump Impeachment: “If you take this kill shot, Democrats, you better not miss, you better hit his jugular”

The View co-host Meghan McCain, who is involved in a feud with President Donald Trump over her late father Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), shot her mouth off on Friday’s show, using Trump assassination rhetoric to encourage Democrats’ efforts to impeach the President.

Meghan McCain: “…I will say, if you take this kill shot, Democrats, ya better not miss. (Co-host Joy Behar: “Yeah”) Ya better hit his jugular and if there’s even a finger still moving at the end of it you’re gonna ruin your chances in 2020. But you better do this well, if you’re gonna do it. And my faith in Democrats…”

Following a helpful clarification from co-host Whoopi Goldberg who interrupted to save her, McCain immediately apologized, saying, “I don’t mean literally! I’m so sorry! Oh my God! I’m so sorry! (Stuttering) I don’t mean…Oh my God! I mean like a metaphorical. I talk, I’m a shoo…, I’m a hunter and a shooter, I’m sorry about my metaphors. And I talk like a redneck, so sorry. But I will say, you have to, you have to, you have to definitely do this. If you’re gonna impeach him, you have to impeach him. It can’t just be proceedings that don’t end up successful. And again, please don’t take that the wrong way, that’s how I talk.”

Behar followed with a baseball metaphor, “If you swing you have to hit the ball,” for which McCain thanked her.

McCain claimed that’s just the way she talks, yet she raised her hand and waved a finger to illustrate her point about the need to be assured of killing President Trump by not leaving “a finger still moving.”


356f6e  No.6646522

If Huber was a decoy and Sessions was truly comped, as Gateway Pundit put it, then this whole fucking this was a ruse. You understand that right?

If Q sez “Trust Sessions” and Sessions turns out to be a paper bag, then that’s not misinformation. That’s straight up wishful thinking. That’s what somebody who doesn’t ACTUALLY know what’s going on HOPES is happening.

This Huber/Sessions shit might be a sign that we been played in one of two ways:

- the whole thing is really Sean Hannity

- Q is real, but they are going to decommission the operation, make whatever arrests they can, and put the rest of this away forever.

398e59  No.6646523

File: 58b346aaabc381d⋯.jpg (339.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Barr:RR18.jpg)

File: ce7d8ff0374c753⋯.jpg (76.31 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, Barr:spying.jpg)

File: 0eeb7cef6879129⋯.jpg (130.85 KB, 864x874, 432:437, Barr_ppp.jpg)

File: 35a44d7f1bd5a8b⋯.jpg (187.92 KB, 1819x1091, 1819:1091, BarrOurTurn.JPG)

File: f69da6208c68dbc⋯.jpg (225.91 KB, 1929x1198, 1929:1198, Barr:Evidence.JPG)

342cca  No.6646524


Yeah right nigger

Anyone who believes Q is sub 80

1778a2  No.6646525


Hey a pedo is a pedo.

d92b8a  No.6646526


This actually makes sense, because Trump is stuck cleaning up the shit these kind of scumbags have put the citizens of this country in to begin with.

edbed4  No.6646527

File: 98756ef883c3ba7⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2mzl5g.jpg)

65dfcd  No.6646528


We can't say you're come enough, either, patriot. Godspeed, may be all get through that night together, o7.

3a8266  No.6646529

File: 593bdb0b1af2169⋯.png (2.01 MB, 2048x1209, 2048:1209, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok Boomer.

cd6187  No.6646530

File: de6a635ac445dba⋯.png (59.03 KB, 1114x462, 557:231, oij1.PNG)

File: 1022ab5dfd972af⋯.png (19.76 KB, 576x202, 288:101, oij.PNG)

oiJ search


General Directorate

Is responsible for directing and coordinating all the overall activities of the OIJ.

General Secretariat

Coordinates everything related to the budgetary system of transport and radio; assigns the distribution of researchers in different sections.

Criminal Investigations Department

It is responsible for search and collect all tests necessary and to make inquiries relevant to the proper clarification of the case. It is composed of:



Economic and Financial Crimes



Against property

Division Thefts

Division of Assaults and Theft vehicles Operational Support Unit

Section Juvenile

Speculation in Transit

Various Crimes

Kidnappings Unit

Sexual Crimes

Family and Against Life

Receive Complaints

Prison and Transportations

Police Service Immediate Intervention (SPII)

Plans and Operations

Research Background Screeners


Museum Criminology is located in the building of the OIJ in the First Judicial Circuit of San Jose.

Department of Legal Medicine

Its primary function is to carry out the autopsies, reconnaissance, and other examinations in respective cases that require it. Evacuate medical consultations forensics applied to the Agency.

It is composed of different sections:

Clinic Medical

Forensic Pathology

Psychiatry and Psychology

Forensic Medicine Labor

Criminal Objectives Deposit

Criminal Museum

Canine Unit

Account in addition to the Chair in medicine of University of Costa Rica as a teacher. And the Medico-Legal Council and believes that rules on medico-legal aspects that occurred in judicial proceedings when requested by the court. The Department of Forensic Medicine is at the Forensic Complex, San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia.

Forensic Science Laboratory

Technically analyzes each of the evidence gathered during investigations. What are the following sections:

Analysis and structure of dubious documents

Forensic biology


Photo and video

Physical skills


Analytical chemistry




Located at the Forensic Complex, San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia.

3db1df  No.6646531


Flynn "lied" on purpose. States secrets. He knows where the bodies are. Manafort leads to the podesta's.

19a28b  No.6646532


Assange isn't getting tortured if you believe that then you need to start from the beginning..Your following the deep state not a clear head.

11322c  No.6646533


>Nigger i literally tested 129 iq

sad. why so low?

51c9e1  No.6646534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill O'Reilly: Trump Says Reason Mueller Dislikes Him Is Due to $15K Country Club Fee Dispute

Bill O'Reilly: Trump Says Reason Mueller Dislikes Him Is Due to $15K Country Club Fee Dispute

Former Fox News Anchor Bill O'Reilly alleges he had a phone call with President Trump where the president said the reason Robert Mueller dislikes him is due to a $15,000 deposit dispute at one of Trump's country clubs.


5 min O'Reilly interview on Glenn Beck discussing why Mueller hates Trump.

Bill O'Reilly is writing "The United States of Trump" out Sept 24th 2019 (history of Trump), tells O'Reilly that Mueller hates me. When I fired Comey Mueller called asking for his job and I said No. but it goes beyond that Mueller was in one of his golf clubs on the Potomac River was going to move out of the neighborhood and wanted his deposit back and I refused.

d94e6d  No.6646535


Top kek. That’s brilliant

398e59  No.6646536

File: 014f1ac0eca288a⋯.jpg (65.65 KB, 507x479, 507:479, ComeyTreason-treesun2.jpg)

File: 3c22de31d103eb5⋯.jpg (355.04 KB, 1200x1499, 1200:1499, TraitorComeyFrametreason.jpg)

File: 12212f0ce4d2d92⋯.jpg (223.41 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, BrennanClapperComeyTreatOb….jpg)

File: 03fd4c246663b5c⋯.jpg (50.56 KB, 500x625, 4:5, ComeyTreason.jpg)

File: 9570e1f791fc110⋯.jpg (84.14 KB, 452x550, 226:275, pepe fallout pinup bomb ev….jpg)

645b08  No.6646537

File: 3b129f7afb0e5bf⋯.jpg (260.19 KB, 1200x1114, 600:557, 3b129f7afb0e5bf0b3485d0d69….jpg)

1778a2  No.6646538


Yes, because sub 80 can use imageboards.

If I have two watermelons, and three nogs are hungry steal one watermelon

obvious trick

6a3a09  No.6646539

>>6645714 oh

>I trust everyone understands the Iranian bunker is not an Iranian bunker. 4 seconds in you clearly see the Israeli flag on the ground.

The flag is on the ground geniuses, would Israel put their own flag on the ground to be walked on?

The bunker is in Iran

0bcb4c  No.6646540


Stupid dirty cop just gave Q more publicity and credibility within his DS audience and other sheeples.

edbed4  No.6646541


It's a shill. Has posted that a bunch of times.

342cca  No.6646542












0afa1c  No.6646543




curious digits are curious

cd6187  No.6646544


oiJ continued


The OIJ was criticized for its illegal surveillance of Diario Extra journalist Manuel Estrada, who had written an article critical of the OIJ. In a victory for press freedom and citizen journalists, Judge Ernesto Jinesta Lobo of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court censured the OIJ for conducting illegal wiretaps to identify his sources for the article. In addition to “traditional” journalists, Judge Lobo indicated that citizen journalists (those who “regularly contribute” to reporting or public opinion) also deserve to be shielded from prosecutorial abuses of surveillance.[2] Further criticism includes automatic dismissal of investigations related to intellectual property crimes up to 2011.[3]

See also

Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica

Public Prosecutor of Costa Rica


"Nuevo director del OIJ Wálter Espinoza promete golpear el crimen organizado" (in Spanish). Retrieved March 14, 2017.

International Press Institute (March 25, 2014). "Costa Rican court rules surveillance of journalist is unconstitutional". IFEX.

Colegio de Abogados. "Ministerio Público Cambió Política de Persecución Penal para los Delitos de la Propiedad Intelectual" (PDF). Retrieved May 21, 2014.

5db592  No.6646545

File: 7df6b963fd0c387⋯.jpeg (136.09 KB, 1440x1091, 1440:1091, 1532719862.jpeg)

398e59  No.6646546

File: b484452b51623bb⋯.jpg (202.79 KB, 856x498, 428:249, QTreasonNoDeals.jpg)

File: 1f6ce7e13285566⋯.jpg (491.55 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClintonsTreason.jpg)

File: 471c97e0c3cf929⋯.jpg (130.84 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, WhatIsTreason.jpg)

File: 0b99d277dccb7ee⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, TreasonObama.jpg)

File: 1ef6106820ef951⋯.jpg (815.03 KB, 1629x1661, 1629:1661, treason201.jpg)

c70a23  No.6646547

File: e1234edd58368ba⋯.png (203.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)





d94e6d  No.6646548


Shopped, unfortunately.

342cca  No.6646549


Assange isnt getting tortured even tho he was dragged out screaming and is currently being held by the most evil people in the world

How fucking stupid are yoy anoms

You take everythint dear leader says as fact

So fucking stupid

If i saw you irl it wouldnt end well for you

191fd2  No.6646550

File: 4d0a6cc0c0987c0⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 4d0a6cc0c0987c08b485935cc1….jpg)

e7bcc4  No.6646551

File: f86eb945a80d520⋯.png (491.92 KB, 707x929, 707:929, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af7909563e7d0b3⋯.png (40.18 KB, 732x912, 61:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a3044c147f9025⋯.png (55.55 KB, 764x898, 382:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fcf48a96370c796⋯.png (25.44 KB, 777x373, 777:373, ClipboardImage.png)

What the Numbers Tell Us About the U.S. Drug Crisis

The U.S. has been battling a growing drug use epidemic for several years. This crisis has resulted in an increase in overdose-related deaths as well as an increase in prescription drug spending. By looking at how much people are spending on prescription drugs in each state, we begin to understand the scope of the problem.

So how large of an impact has this drug crisis had on each state? Let’s take a look at the numbers to get an idea.

Fatal overdoses in the United States are continuing to increase. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths increased significantly by 9.6% from 2016 (19.8 per 100,000) to 2017 (21.7 per 100,000).


5c69a8  No.6646552



boris johnson is bullingdon

jeff sessions was SES

f69ab6  No.6646553

File: 3e4faca9387a600⋯.png (361.57 KB, 900x900, 1:1, bestflotusbeinbest.png)


thank YOU baker fren!

3a4ffc  No.6646554


I was there in that bread, and that was almost as glorious as when Q screen capped anon with all the redhead porn bookmarks. Which was also, glorious.

19a28b  No.6646555


Ah….time for me to take a break…..Thanks.

398e59  No.6646556

File: 6595c579b11a34c⋯.jpg (358.33 KB, 1200x994, 600:497, UraniumTreason.jpg)

File: 55e9a0cbddc09c7⋯.jpg (141 KB, 500x615, 100:123, treasonAngry.jpg)

File: caa5625253d9480⋯.jpg (106.98 KB, 622x636, 311:318, Treason1.jpg)

File: 0ebf529fc811de5⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 677x470, 677:470, TreasonRope.jpg)

File: a1640889fa27904⋯.jpg (400.84 KB, 1200x866, 600:433, Garrison:TREASON.jpg)

4ef309  No.6646557

File: b66ff6bd877922f⋯.png (242.03 KB, 559x799, 559:799, 1 DC CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: 9b0a7ddc3be651b⋯.png (79.09 KB, 527x748, 31:44, 2 DC CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: 83d49666b365c66⋯.png (51.9 KB, 531x504, 59:56, 3 DC CRoss re Papadopoulos….PNG)

File: 73c901746943f0f⋯.png (350.81 KB, 553x285, 553:285, Sam Clovis Pic.PNG)

File: d62dc34a5495a2e⋯.png (69.93 KB, 1372x375, 1372:375, Clovis Wiki.PNG)


The loser was shilling his book at 1 am last night

Tweet after tweet

ICYMI in Overnight Notables

Bread 8495 [pb]




>He was a little pissant nothing

>So who brought him on?

How Did George Papadopoulos End Up On The Trump Campaign?


1. Papadopoulos is from Chicago

2. Clovis also brought on Carter Page

The former real estate mogul has denied that he or his campaign engaged in collusion. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders downplayed the

Papadopoulos news on Monday, telling reporters that his role on the campaign “was extremely limited.”

“It was a volunteer position. And again, no activity was ever done in an official capacity on behalf of the campaign in that regard,” she said.

TheDC reported in August that Papadopoulos suggested such a meeting during a March 31, 2016 meeting of the campaign’s national security advisory committee. Sources inside the meeting told TheDC that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who was chair of that committee, shot down Papadopoulos’ idea.

342cca  No.6646558


It is low

But its higher than 95% of humans

How fucking stupid is your species that someone born with a genetic defect is smarter than normal humans

Im gonna be so fuckinghappy when i quit this shit race

Fuck god for making me come here

5db592  No.6646559

File: ed4d468efce822a⋯.jpg (6.44 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 92b722f61b5ace253074874904….jpg)

398e59  No.6646560

File: d56bf1f141139e0⋯.jpg (62.36 KB, 500x597, 500:597, Obamatreason.jpg)

File: 14e241fe1eac398⋯.jpg (210.46 KB, 768x768, 1:1, IranRansomTreason.jpg)

File: d8e3d61069198f8⋯.jpg (55.98 KB, 500x519, 500:519, TreasonDeath.jpg)

File: ee802da453fa85e⋯.jpg (466.84 KB, 1600x1162, 800:581, IranRansomTreason2.jpg)

File: 4a0f7396353c2e4⋯.jpg (325.37 KB, 1200x883, 1200:883, ObamaTreasonCharge.jpg)

f69ab6  No.6646561

File: 5d46a79b1659492⋯.png (181.92 KB, 742x543, 742:543, genflynnhero.png)

File: c891434dd60845b⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 700x724, 175:181, genflynnnothincanstopusnow.jpg)

File: 271e809a1b6ef7e⋯.png (915.9 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, gennflynnwarfare.png)

19a28b  No.6646562


Mental breakdowns on the internet are always fun to watch…Take a break….

10f2f6  No.6646563

File: ccb790a44baa84a⋯.jpg (42.37 KB, 333x500, 333:500, MaynardJamesKeenanbook.jpg)

File: 3e6c6d5293333e5⋯.jpg (27 KB, 213x280, 213:280, The Beatles Freemasons Hid….jpg)


Per Wikipedia "The pose appeared by the 1750's to indicate leadership in a calm and firm manner." GTFO with your Wikipedia bullshit

e7bcc4  No.6646564

File: f1bdae62d2580aa⋯.png (314.93 KB, 746x847, 746:847, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c10a326dcdf616⋯.png (32.77 KB, 777x287, 111:41, ClipboardImage.png)

Bubonic Plague ‘Likely’ Already Present In Los Angeles, Dr. Drew Says

Los Angeles is going down the drain.

The city, with a population topping four million and a broader metropolitan area with many millions more, is awash in massive problems — overcrowding, lack of housing, and high demand for free services among them. But other far more serious problems are lurking, Dr. Drew Pinksy said on Thursday.

“We have a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now,” Pinsky told Fox New host Laura Ingraham. “We have the three prongs of airborne disease, tuberculosis is exploding, rodent-borne. We are one of the only cities in the country that doesn’t have a rodent control program, and sanitation has broken down.”

Pinsky said bubonic plague — also known as the “Black Death,” a pandemic that killed off millions in the 14th century — is “likely” already present in Los Angeles. The plague is spread by infected fleas and exposure to bodily fluids from a dead plague-infected animal, with the bacteria entering through the skin and traveling to lymph nodes.

Typhus, which broke out in the city last year, will likely return, Pinsky said. Already, a Los Angeles police officer has contracted typhoid fever, which infects fewer than 350 Americans each year. The various types of typhus are caused by a bacterial infection and spread by body lice, chiggers or fleas. In the 1600s, the disease decimated Germany.

“This is unbelievable. I can’t believe I live in a city where this is not Third World. This is medieval,” Pinsky said, according to Fox News. “Third World countries are insulted if they are accused of being like this. No city on Earth tolerates this. The entire population is at risk.”

Pinsky said the city simply can't handle the demand for services, noting that many homeless are mentally ill and don't want to accept housing.

“[T]he government is somehow insisting that housing is the problem when in fact we have chronic mental illness, we have addiction, we have people who don’t want to leave the streets,” Pinsky said. “They literally won’t take the housing if we give it to them. And that’s the population that’s vulnerable, and is going to get so ill this summer. It scares me for their well-being.” The famed doctor also said California cities are suffering after allowing thousands of illegal aliens to flow in. He said the liberal politicians running most cities are “disgustingly negligent.”

Homelessness is also exploding in San Francisco — the home district of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.


65dfcd  No.6646565


Anon note-taker(s), you might want to gather up some notes, I don't see a handoff confirmation yet

And please everyone, call out notables and provide a brief description, helps moar than you can imagine

Thanks much, Godspeed friends.

GHOST BAKE IN EFFECT unless baker later confirms handoff

a05919  No.6646566

File: 8c5954e7e2ac0b3⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2350x1815, 470:363, 087E52BD-A5BA-471B-8C1A-7….jpeg)

edade8  No.6646567


was there for both of them, forgot about the porn bookmarks…kek

65dfcd  No.6646568


discusses as bogus in earlier breads

342cca  No.6646569


Clearly someone has never been on b

Which is a higher iq board than this

And im,talking about the original b

Not b2

Thats how fucking stupid you niggers are

Tbh theres probably more real people on there than here

Theres legit 10 real people here

7 are cia

1 is me

That leaves 2 other people


c70a23  No.6646570

File: 097e7dfd98947a3⋯.png (125.74 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)







51d21d  No.6646571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

higglepiggle and arglebargle

381717  No.6646572

File: aae978635e1842e⋯.png (306.87 KB, 560x622, 280:311, ClipboardImage.png)

already discussed but rather funny

398e59  No.6646573

File: 65b5b899635180d⋯.jpg (59.09 KB, 500x331, 500:331, TREASON_obamaAdmin.jpg)

File: 99c69463c405efb⋯.jpg (207.19 KB, 797x588, 797:588, TreasonCanBeDeadly.jpg)

File: e6d071a569736bc⋯.jpg (402.68 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, ObamaLoganActTreason.jpg)

File: ec755344c6d37f7⋯.jpg (469.03 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, TreasonSedition5Eyes.jpg)

File: 7c7e5f03d472d64⋯.jpg (365.01 KB, 1200x1183, 1200:1183, HillarySkolkovoTreason.jpg)

beabfb  No.6646574

File: 5f935acbfe24460⋯.png (1.31 MB, 636x834, 106:139, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96b0e7ba76b592b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 636x935, 636:935, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ef2e08ffcc8f7d⋯.png (132.48 KB, 682x969, 682:969, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump mayhem: Protesters vow to paralyse London during the President's visit with marches, a rude robot and THAT blimp

Hundreds of thousands of activists are preparing to paralyse London with mass demonstrations during Donald Trump’s state visit next week. More than 20,000 police officers will be deployed at 20 separate events planned across the country in a security operation expected to cost about £18million.

The main protest will be held in central London on Tuesday with organisers claiming a quarter of a million will march from Trafalgar Square to Parliament Square. Scotland Yard has given them permission to protest just yards from Downing Street while the US President has lunch there with Prime Minister Theresa May.

Two groups – Stand Up To Trump and Stop Trump – are co-ordinating protest groups for what they are calling a ‘carnival of resistance’. They have laid on coaches to bring thousands of supporters to the capital from cities and towns across the UK. A spokesman for Stand Up To Trump said: ‘We will be bringing central London to a standstill. By the time he leaves he will know, and the world will know, that people here reject him and his toxic politics.’ Stop Trump added: ‘We will make it clear to the British Government it’s not OK to normalise Trump’s agenda and the fear it has sparked.’

Mr Trump and his wife Melania are being given the full red carpet treatment, with the Queen hosting no fewer than four events in tribute to them. Royal gun salutes will fire in Trump’s honour at the Tower of London and in Green Park, while Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry and the Duke of York will be heavily involved too.

The protesters, who are being led by a ragbag army of hard-Left activists and Corbynistas, are planning to fly an offensive 20ft blimp depicting the President as an angry baby. It was previously flown during Mr Trump’s visit last year after London’s Labour mayor Sadiq Khan licensed its use. Last night the mayor’s office once again granted permission for it to be flown over the capital, although protesters still need final approval from the Metropolitan Police before it is launched. A 16ft talking robot of Mr Trump sitting on a gold toilet, which has been shipped to the UK from China, is also expected to make an appearance. It depicts the US leader with his trousers round his ankles while tweeting, and emits breaking wind noises and recordings of some of Trump’s provocative soundbites, including ‘no collusion’, ‘you are fake news’ and ‘I’m a very stable genius’.


342cca  No.6646575


Im still sane just mad

Very mad

7f1afd  No.6646576



Do you have a picture of Bezos's wanker in your wallet??

338878  No.6646577

File: fef7b8f93ac1df6⋯.png (362.53 KB, 582x573, 194:191, _ff.png)

File: 09412088dd61af3⋯.png (396.41 KB, 857x499, 857:499, 8ch.png)

File: 8e4717d26b1a892⋯.jpg (139.08 KB, 960x960, 1:1, Obama_Huma_Muslim_Brotherh….jpg)

File: 6323ec8735faa3d⋯.png (47.48 KB, 497x471, 497:471, r]greatawakening.png)

File: c6e4f9148e7faeb⋯.png (121.75 KB, 939x553, 939:553, r_cbts_StreamDec17-Mar18_R….png)


the blooper reel will be GLORIOUS! [2024]

coming to a theater near you!

7de1a9  No.6646578

File: 9d3eb5a78cd618f⋯.png (9.41 KB, 220x125, 44:25, ClipboardImage.png)


that'a dude, dudes.

645b08  No.6646579

File: 54ba8ffe46d3eb6⋯.png (498.74 KB, 2031x2513, 2031:2513, 54ba8ffe46d3eb60671583d447….png)

Early Comms.


a13f3f  No.6646580



why bitch about it? At least it's content….



a highlight for sure. the best part is ya owned it upfront-07


got one going currently, dropping around 300 hundy then done.


4ef309  No.6646581

File: ac5a8fe883ceb1c⋯.png (688.34 KB, 444x667, 444:667, Whoradopoulos Go Fund Me M….PNG)


>Money laundering

f14b92  No.6646582


she should be put in front of a firing squad for this

19a28b  No.6646583


You need to take a break seriously it's not pretty.

342cca  No.6646584

"Hey bolton i think im gonna go larp about how i love niggers again

Everyone at bilderburg always laughs at that one"

Donald trump

How come he has to go out of his way to tell us how much he loves jews niggers and gays?

8efa83  No.6646585

File: 9f2767894cf14de⋯.jpg (23.39 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Lurking.jpg)

e7bcc4  No.6646586

File: 261b4c3271cd4f3⋯.png (47.59 KB, 788x766, 394:383, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0537d9ae1e4b88c⋯.png (60.18 KB, 757x875, 757:875, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0915260449660d⋯.png (59.95 KB, 742x836, 371:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d4874ad7a6ccb6⋯.png (13.01 KB, 759x271, 759:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Scientists: 5G Huawei Samsung mobile wireless technology dangerous to health!!!! Bolton: 5G risky for national security!

5G, the next-generation mobile wireless technology, will create the always-on, always-connected wireless world long-sought by the wide-eyed champions of this technology. It will infuse billions of connected devices, which will ceaselessly emit and receive wireless signals as they work to satisfy users all around the world.

The electromagnetic radiation from the hundreds of billions of 5G-connected devices will bombard the entire planet and most every human on it every second of every day. And herein lies the problem, say critics of 5G concerned about the health hazards of this new technology.

5G is a health risk, they contend, and a mounting number of studies seem to prove this point.

This new tech took its biggest leap forward in April when South Korea proudly boasted to the world that it had become the first country to deploy a nationwide 5G network. Samsung then revealed the world’s first 5G mobilephone, the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G.







a05919  No.6646587


Who? What? Where?

Speak English and use complete sentences.

26d18f  No.6646588

File: 60158943df8b4d9⋯.png (198.79 KB, 1454x810, 727:405, ComeySuppliesMissingQ.png)

So many Q uestions.

Either @Comey is trolling us, which seems like a petty use of his time, or these are Comms.

All for LARP, right?

398e59  No.6646589

File: 38fe4d62722ec4e⋯.jpg (195 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, UnfoldingRightNowTreason18.jpg)

File: 49907e9f5782d05⋯.jpg (145.82 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsUnfoldingRightNowTr….jpg)

File: c92b3d6bf7ecb07⋯.jpg (146.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, QCrumbsUnfoldingRightNowTr….jpg)

File: 6947a1edf9873b6⋯.jpg (497.95 KB, 1591x934, 1591:934, SwordPenaltyTreason.jpg)

File: 611994b8ae81f3c⋯.jpg (215.41 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, TreasonBidenObamaDossier4.jpg)

7f1afd  No.6646590

File: eceeafc291fe7d9⋯.png (548.52 KB, 921x952, 921:952, Toilet Ring.png)



I bet you have a picture of Bezos's 3 inch wanker in your wallet??

3a8266  No.6646591

File: a63e8be4d593e3d⋯.png (5.25 KB, 444x188, 111:47, Screenshot_2019-06-01 Q.png)

10 days of Dark after Declas is monday the 3rd. It goes down Monday.

1 Q post last year on June 3rd…

Boom MotherFuckers

b43423  No.6646592


Yes, same thing.

"How do you introduce evidence?", Q asked.

By letting yourself be indicted.

THEN you can use everything(!) you have, to defend yourself.

This is the reason, why Trump wants to be impeached.

And Barr, Mueller and maybe even Comey now are baiting the Dems to do this.

Question is: If Dems see the trap and refuse to impeach,

what is Plan B then?

fc3634  No.6646593

File: a98b208253a4119⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 314x680, 157:340, comey tweet Q.jpg)

Deleted post by @comey lol

f69ab6  No.6646594

File: 38312a4957cb3a4⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1016x394, 508:197, VAvictimsPics.PNG)

File: 7e6b88247ba65d9⋯.png (452.58 KB, 1298x839, 1298:839, looksfamiliar.PNG)


svd, you think theres anyting to this theory ive been pondering dis morning? sounds cray buy some of the art in embezzies artists pics look like the really old and blurry pics presented of the VA shooting victims. sounds crazy I know

342cca  No.6646595


I dont give a fuck

Take me off the list and stop using tech on me if you dont like it

Id never hurt a real innocent

But i will hurt you people

And your families

Because you are not sentient human or good

And anything i do to you is karma free

342cca  No.6646596


Classic jew manipulation

Tell us its bad so we will think its good

Get new tricks you big nose fucks

f69ab6  No.6646597

File: 38391346af02077⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 474x354, 79:59, fukoffandstfu.jpg)

7d4ae0  No.6646598


Exactly right. (((They))) and (((Trump))) included are taking out the competition.

His friend and long time business partner was caught prostituting children on his yacht and his Hotels. So there is that…..

1121ea  No.6646599

File: 294d6a729c433a5⋯.jpg (68.09 KB, 637x398, 637:398, Screenshot 2019-06-01_15-2….jpg)


342cca  No.6646600

Lmao so few people here that when the ai fucks up my posts are next to each other

Now that.

Is funny

d92b8a  No.6646601


You will do nothing, you shill trashbag. Same tired ass tactics over and over. Failing over and OVER.

fc3634  No.6646602

File: a98b208253a4119⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 314x680, 157:340, comey tweet Q.jpg)

4dbe45  No.6646603


Get ready for the Chips in the hand.

No cards No nothing you want your hand out.

please scan first.

709809  No.6646604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you watch the Hannity clip from 5/31 around the 37 minute mark and Victoria Toensing says Buckwheat and Bite Me down go to jail.

If this is the case with all we know then we will continue to live in a two tiered justice system.

Those two and all the main players need to by tired for treason and either eliminated or sent to GITMO for life.

These assholes all better be hung up to dry or we wasted the last two years.

Trusting the plan and no excuses.

Sidney Powell gets it and let her do the prosecutions.


d2098f  No.6646605

File: 57c1e78a8d44822⋯.png (242.4 KB, 479x267, 479:267, 2019-06-01_15-20-27.png)


Once, just once, would like to see a parent stand up to this POS and tell him to leave their child alone?

a05919  No.6646606


These people are running out of Frazzledrip funds, so they have to be cutting corners.

Keep digging. There is no such thing as concernfagging with these people.

f14b92  No.6646607

File: ace0abf9dd4cd7f⋯.png (39.75 KB, 673x284, 673:284, comey-barr2.png)


very interdasting


e7bcc4  No.6646608

U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) states that he probably killed ‘hundreds of civilians’ while serving as an artillery officer in Fallujah: ‘I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians.’

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, said he probably killed “hundreds of civilians” while serving as an artillery officer in Fallujah.

His comments were made public Monday on the latest episode of the podcast “Zero Blog Thirty.”

“I was an artillery officer, and we fired hundreds of rounds into Fallujah, killed probably hundreds of civilians,” he said. “Probably killed women and children if there were any left in the city when we invaded. So, do I get judged too?”

Hunter recalled this story in response to a question about the actions of Navy SEAL Edward R. Gallagher who is on trial in San Diego accused of war crimes including shooting at civilians. Gallagher has pleaded not guilty.

During the podcast, Hunter was asked specifically about one of the individuals Gallagher is accused of killing, a teenage ISIS fighter. According to prosecutors, the SEAL stabbed the teen who was brought in for medical treatment.

“I frankly don’t care if he was killed,” Hunter said. “I just don’t care.”

The Congressman added that he has seen photos and videos from the Gallagher case and has talked to other SEALS who served with him who say they don’t believe the charges. Hunter also said Gallagher should be given a break and that the ISIS fighter he is accused of killing was going to die anyway.

In a statement, Capt. Joseph Butterfield with the Marine Corps said the Marines are aware of Hunter’s comments, but it is too early to speculate on any future actions.

According to the statement, “Marines are required to comply with the law of war during all military operations, however characterized. If mistreatment of the dead were committed intentionally, it could be considered a violation of the law of war. U.S. service members have been charged and punished under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for posing for pictures with human casualties. Generally, the statute of limitations under the UCMJ is five years.”


779abe  No.6646609

File: e62613f8d7dbad3⋯.png (266.8 KB, 499x277, 499:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Obama, Trudeau meet at Ottawa brewery


4ef309  No.6646610

File: c365b37af4f0eb8⋯.png (33.08 KB, 589x277, 589:277, Bongino re Comey 6-1-19.PNG)

Whoever is giving Jim Comey legal advice should immediately surrender their law license. It’s rare to see someone with an ego as big as Jim’s be surrounded by such complete ignoramuses.


I love the word ignoramus

I use it here often when referring to shills

beabfb  No.6646611


I think this all points to Potus visit in London this week..

d92b8a  No.6646612

File: d46ed5a6b799a10⋯.gif (1.86 MB, 450x242, 225:121, KazamMF.gif)

650705  No.6646613


And you're here for hours and hours shitposting anti Q faggotry, for what? To save the world from Q? Because you love /qresearch/ anons sooooo much and can't stand to see them misguided? Like you're a fucking missionary or some shit? Like a faggot version of Mother Theresa saving the poor and wretched of Calcutta?

You realize how patently fake and gay that is, right? You need another angle. Your efforts are a complete waste of time. 100%. It would be sad if it weren't funny.

c2e582  No.6646614

>>6646439 Willie has been entertaining for many years now. Knowledgeable and hard to refute his points. But he has been making those points for a long time, with nothing happening. Still, gold is right in the mix, one way or another.

Can not say you are wrong about the future, but will continue to fight it out here because it is the only game in town. My efforts go toward something "other" happening, in the full awareness that it could happen as you say.

1778a2  No.6646615

File: 9a20165031ecd41⋯.png (232.36 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4fdffef48c2ae2db3009fe25bd….png)



342cca  No.6646616


Lol all you have to do to btfo qtards is state facts

Like how trump wants 5g

How trump let awan get off with immunity

How trump constantlt virtue signals to israel and the jews

His entire cabinet

All goldman sachs or worse

Daughter is an obvious satanist

Roths bailed him out

Treasury sec is a roth banker

And on and on and on

Its so obvious it hurts

Stupid people i understand believing in hi

Or desperate people

I was one once

But now theyre making it obvious to make it sting more

And people still follow like sheep

fc3634  No.6646617

File: a98b208253a4119⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 314x680, 157:340, comey tweet Q.jpg)


He deleted this then reposted the one u have.

b27d0d  No.6646618



b9f903  No.6646619

File: 3e3d8c34483d642⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 2558x2601, 2558:2601, aslkmascmasckm.jpg)

4ef309  No.6646620

File: 916929d1987cecb⋯.png (35.99 KB, 601x360, 601:360, SCarter re Comey re Barr 6….PNG)

.@Comey should be worried about the real intelligence being collected by the DOJ that allegedly involves him and his failure to uphold the standards of the FBI


7f1afd  No.6646621

File: 68c59e70dff9861⋯.png (324.35 KB, 500x496, 125:124, Brown Monkeys.png)

File: cbc60e4f3734ff7⋯.jpg (24.67 KB, 444x289, 444:289, downloadfile-1(1).jpg)

Mexicans are so stupid they believe American law does not apply to them.

The illegal bean shits really do believe that.

342cca  No.6646622


You dont understand anon

Im,not using a tactic

I am 100% serious

When i find out who is doing,this to,me

I will kill their entire family

0 mercy

I dont even care if they have a toddler

402535  No.6646623


Scared much?

f69ab6  No.6646624


dis one looks familiar too. like an older version of the woman top row far right next to black woman.

e7bcc4  No.6646625

Former bank director calls for Sir John Key to be forced to resign from ANZ

A former top bank director has reportedly called for former Prime Minister Sir John Key to resign "or be removed" as chairman of ANZ following an incident that saw it censured by the Reserve Bank.

In a letter to Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr, Kerry McDonald, the chairman of BNZ for 12 years until 2008, said he was "amazed" at the limited penalty imposed on the bank, Stuff reported.

McDonald also took aim at several others at ANZ – including chief executive David Hisco – saying they should resign.

The Reserve Bank revoked ANZ Bank New Zealand's accreditation to model its own operational risk capital requirement due to a "persistent failure" in its controls and attestation process.

The decision means ANZ is now required to use the standardised approach for calculating appropriate operational risk capital. From March 2019, this will increase its minimum capital held for operational risk by around 60 per cent, to $760 million.

According to the Reserve Bank, ANZ's failure to use an approved model was revealed after encouraging ANZ to review its attestation and assess its compliance with capital regulations.

A spokesperson for ANZ said: "ANZ New Zealand does not believe there is a systemic failure in its controls and attestation processes.

"While isolated, and with no impact on customers or the operation of the bank, ANZ New Zealand is disappointed this error occurred.

"Mr McDonald is welcome to discuss the issue with us at any time."

Sir John Key was named chairman of ANZ Bank's local arm in October 2017 and began his role in early 2018.


edbed4  No.6646626

My audio is kinda bad, but I think a reporter at the press conference said that 'federal sources' told him the shooter had been fired. The Chief of Police says no, not true. Who knows who his sources are, but could be an interesting discrepancy.

338878  No.6646627

File: 178ac7bdeb863ff⋯.png (751.53 KB, 927x618, 3:2, BIRDBOX.png)


YOU ma'am are the obvious sheep.

knowing this place is SURROUNDED with barrels pointed at you and you STILL CHOSE to be disrespectful and shill for the enemy.

I hope you enjoy recieving your flag as much as I enjoy giving it to you!

e56714  No.6646628

File: 9059c570a8e2ff0⋯.jpg (112.16 KB, 591x499, 591:499, post.jpg)

f14b92  No.6646629


what's up with the Q at the end

8a98ec  No.6646630

Barr should declass some batch on Sat or Sunday (and never on 5 pm on Friday) to that there is not the implication of political influence.

342cca  No.6646631


Theres a reason they target me anon

I know pattern analysis because im autistic

Apparantly that is a threat to them

When i can get lucid at least

d92b8a  No.6646632


You say this same retarded shit everyday. Blow it out your front hole and back hole, dipshit.

5af59f  No.6646633

File: adc4aba6ef0aeb9⋯.png (26.52 KB, 757x483, 757:483, baker18.png)

Baker testimony page 18


342cca  No.6646634


Uh the enemy?

Im,not shilling for anyone faggot

I have guns pointed at me from all sides including Q

Q is a freemason

Im,the one in the right here

6e94c6  No.6646635

File: f76904a33eedda2⋯.jpg (142.45 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, melania-trump-premiere-the….jpg)

f69ab6  No.6646636

File: ade43d807d5ff86⋯.png (128.26 KB, 420x842, 210:421, alsofamiliar.PNG)


sheit dis wat iment w


e26dd3  No.6646637

File: a2a1f4a3f68f187⋯.png (498.83 KB, 567x430, 567:430, maga lgbt.PNG)


> My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!


>Theyre victims brainwashed by satan

Guess you forgot about, Together we Win and all the (((they))) want you DIVIDED.

Found this photo from 2016. The gay guy interviewed, Dwayne D. Beebe Franqui, said, “If he wants the LGBT vote he’s going to have to give more than lip service.”

I'd say that POTUS's statement is way moar that lip serve. #WWG1WGA


342cca  No.6646638


Also even tho i act feminine im,male fuck off

402535  No.6646639


I like peabrainasaurous.

7d4ae0  No.6646640


same here. (((They))) have put me through so much torture that I am willing to torture them and their whole family to death!

342cca  No.6646641



They will be worm food

All the fucking npcs at least

Anyone who isnt a npc can live

We will win and they will rot


e7bcc4  No.6646642

File: 4d6724a3b773e00⋯.png (302.56 KB, 871x689, 67:53, ClipboardImage.png)

338878  No.6646643

File: 4fe2eeb2245b2a7⋯.png (496.7 KB, 927x418, 927:418, twisted up again.png)


bro why you gotta be so salty and emotional?


24 post count and you've done nothing but complain.

take it to /pol seetheart.

b43423  No.6646644


Maybe the Q is not as important than the next tweet with the "missing Q".

Trumps LGBT-tweet today had also missing the Q.

Now we have both Trump and Comey tweeting something with a missing Q.

1778a2  No.6646645


Wait are you danielfaggot?

cd6187  No.6646646

File: 8ff0251fc025e4f⋯.png (65.24 KB, 255x205, 51:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4e86cc6227f90ed⋯.png (137.34 KB, 766x367, 766:367, jc puzzle.PNG)


4ef309  No.6646647

File: ffce18da30d09f3⋯.png (25.83 KB, 601x310, 601:310, Nunes re Honey Badger 4-18….PNG)


>Would JC by any chance trying to say that AG Barr is Q

Maybe // Maybe not

Either Way Honey Badger is going to deal with Comey

f39c76  No.6646648

File: d8245f7d6a4f1f3⋯.jpg (37.53 KB, 460x515, 92:103, 61860508_2579435878746885_….jpg)

6aa378  No.6646650

Q is running Comey's twatter account!

And just gave us a wink.

Prove me wrong.

338878  No.6646651

File: c7f88967fbc0762⋯.png (703.72 KB, 885x592, 885:592, just a moron [05312019].png)




because spelling matters (sumtimes)

342cca  No.6646652


Yeah right gaslighter

I know its you freddy

All your jewish mind control posts mocking me are like so funny

I hope youre family finds it funny

Its gonna hurt me wheni kill them

But its worth it to hurt you

I would legitmiately do anything to you people

d94e6d  No.6646653


Lurk moar, much moar.

fc3634  No.6646654

Wish I knew! >>6646629

7f1afd  No.6646655

File: 7f604a249876f09⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 758x630, 379:315, downloadfile-6_1.jpg)

File: f5d0c77361b975f⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 500x393, 500:393, downloadfile-13.jpg)

File: ef5a27ebecb9731⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 250x360, 25:36, downloadfile-1(2).jpg)

File: 9f583e4ba69b1e4⋯.jpg (216.51 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, downloadfile-1(1).jpg)

Cher puts down Trump's children on Twitter so let's take a look at what her daughter looks like now.

f14b92  No.6646656


yes I saw that - just got back on from last night.

this is very strange

4e9afd  No.6646657

File: 04007979ee4e097⋯.jpg (248.03 KB, 715x540, 143:108, iploser.jpg)

342cca  No.6646658



Daniel i assume is real cus ebot hates him

I guess

338878  No.6646659

File: dbde8a9b073363f⋯.jpg (52.34 KB, 752x381, 752:381, trolling is fun [comey][cu….JPG)

File: 877d3b5e297c117⋯.jpg (33.83 KB, 734x311, 734:311, trolling is fun [comey].JPG)

File: 5491c255d87bc98⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 567x571, 567:571, comeydrunk.jpg)


your gettin' close… but you're wrong.

d2098f  No.6646660

File: b1e2ca8787e572b⋯.png (128.65 KB, 340x271, 340:271, 2019-02-16_15-24-58.png)


>I bet you have a picture of Bezos's 3 inch wanker in your wallet?

About the size of a regular cigarette, minus the filter then?

d24c6f  No.6646661

File: d1a68b5f37e4b15⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 630x920, 63:92, comey 2.jpg)


Haha fag

4ef309  No.6646662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Either Way Honey Badger is going to deal with Comey


342cca  No.6646663


Id rather be a loser than participate in your faggot clown world

How many "people" are even real people

1778a2  No.6646664


How do you know that you're being targeted?

e7bcc4  No.6646665

File: 2199dbafa1ef124⋯.png (72.18 KB, 878x895, 878:895, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1582a6b98348039⋯.png (55.86 KB, 733x751, 733:751, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c85c2642111f0f8⋯.png (66.96 KB, 749x906, 749:906, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6073da236b0410⋯.png (613.63 KB, 717x924, 239:308, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e824c31c492a59⋯.png (63.99 KB, 724x890, 362:445, ClipboardImage.png)

God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel — and Then Trampled on the Constitution

On the afternoon of April 19, 2018, a group of Texas Republicans received an email confirming their upcoming all-expenses-paid trips to Israel. An orientation packet filled with background on their destination “for reading on the flight,” the message said, was forthcoming.

The May 2018 trip to Israel would not be Texas politicians’ first — Gov. Greg Abbott, for one, flew to Israel on casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s private jet in 2016.

But it was unique in at least one crucial way: The trip was organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, according to records obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and reviewed by The Intercept. The right-wing group of over 2,000 state legislators, lobbyists, and corporate backers writes legislation to be exported to statehouses around the country and has largely focused on issues like “stand your ground” gun laws and voter suppression efforts. By leading a delegation to Israel, ALEC was opening up a new front, demonstrating the extent to which support for Israel has become a central part of the GOP’s policy agenda, especially in Texas.

The delegation, which included eight elected Texas officials, was a reflection of Texas Republicans’ deep ties to Israel: rooted in a combination of economic interests, an Israel-loving evangelical base, and pro-Israel advocates whose campaign contributions have helped the state’s GOP maintain its 16-year governing trifecta. Those ties have grown stronger in recent years, even as Israel lurches to the extremist right, entrenches its military occupation of Palestinian land, and continues to build settlements, considered by most of the world illegal under international law.



c7aded  No.6646667

File: 2a03fc2afe330fb⋯.gif (997.58 KB, 500x195, 100:39, E6482703-A8A8-44C9-B432-7D….gif)

File: 7f88d784f92286e⋯.jpeg (119.97 KB, 750x574, 375:287, 316B3711-DE25-440E-B4E1-6….jpeg)

342cca  No.6646668


Come say that to my face

Then youll get shot by a tranny

5c69a8  No.6646669

File: 31df13b32045758⋯.png (22.12 KB, 1218x287, 174:41, Screenshot_2019-05-14 The ….png)


like the amish then?

and masons

and the supreme court

and big pharma

d24c6f  No.6646670

File: efd382e78a9f558⋯.jpg (163.25 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, xtronic.jpg)

1778a2  No.6646671


Oh wait are you leaf?

f69ab6  No.6646672


its a slide, anons are all targeted. by the bad guys, an therefore by the good guys too to keep us alive. don't engage w the shill fren :)

402535  No.6646673


And yet they still appoint this POS to Muellers team.

2be4c7  No.6646675

gee Meggy, disregard the constitution like your dad much? Whoopi get to finger you under the table at the view? what is it that makes you smile?



d2098f  No.6646676

File: 069d91572b1f12c⋯.png (190.07 KB, 362x377, 362:377, 2019-03-16_08-58-33.png)

342cca  No.6646677


I dunno maybe the 24/7 skin burning

The tinnitus

My phones auto correct reading my thoughts

Constant gaslighting

The ufo outside my house from,the dod

The guy who showed up at my work

When they put a cd of banned books in my mailbox

And things you dont even want to know about

1778a2  No.6646678


But I'm interviewing them.

b43423  No.6646679


We all assume that Comey is bad.

And maybe he is.

But we should bear in mind that Q told us that we're watching a movie.

A lot of actors…actors playing bad persons don't have to be bad persons in real life…

We'll know someday…

19a28b  No.6646680


Threatening peoples lives gets the FBI called. You should have got off the board and got the help you needed..Now you're in a world of trouble.

342cca  No.6646681



Not an actually tranny either

Just soy i guess

33a99b  No.6646682

File: a892adc7b83b105⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 511x658, 73:94, 1559238094415.jpg)


look at your fucking post count and look at the content of your posts.

>haha you qtards are so dumb

>trump is a jew


>act like a violent 'anon'

you are a fucking bronie-loving discord tranny cia niggerfaggot and we all know it!

your efforts here are meaningless.

kys faggot

338878  No.6646683

File: 0641c97b7164aea⋯.png (642.99 KB, 882x666, 49:37, here to help_ff.png)


>Q is a freemason

is an assumption.

you aren't right, you're just a self entitled snowflake like the rest of the losers that are in our way…


4e9afd  No.6646684

07389c  No.6646685


How did Mueller keep his team in check….or did he?

ec5ef9  No.6646686


You banging your Hillary blow up dolll alongside your howdy doody puppet?

d92b8a  No.6646687


>Id rather be a loser than participate in your faggot clown world

>How many "people" are even real people

That's it. You're in OUR world. You can't leave. WE have you now, fucko! More real people than you can imagine. And we've all had enough of you and your master's shit.

1778a2  No.6646688


Wow, that sounds fucking exciting!

c7aded  No.6646689

File: f8b93e5fe585d94⋯.png (259.45 KB, 518x521, 518:521, 0FD4FF87-95E0-48BC-B8EC-46….png)

3a8266  No.6646690


We'll see. Screen cap it Faggot.

d24c6f  No.6646691


I don't know what you're doing wrong. The attempts on my life stopped after Obama was removed.

8efa83  No.6646692

File: d33084f632dba78⋯.png (223.54 KB, 1000x341, 1000:341, ClipboardImage.png)



.300 Blackout

8a98ec  No.6646693


I do not know the context of this comment it could be strippers to DS actors to underground aliens on this board.


31e427  No.6646694

File: 757babcd3c9b3c8⋯.png (642.84 KB, 894x1137, 298:379, hrc facebook.png)

Excellent point. What a disgusting disrespect of these graduates.

Is HRC looking more unstable than usual?


e7bcc4  No.6646695

File: 67ee820858b0a00⋯.png (848.8 KB, 1131x457, 1131:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2a1f2aa7354da5⋯.png (752.9 KB, 753x883, 753:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f960db60a6e87c5⋯.png (58.32 KB, 720x839, 720:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06d3d909371a6fa⋯.png (73.07 KB, 734x896, 367:448, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9deb8950550fa50⋯.png (70.13 KB, 720x931, 720:931, ClipboardImage.png)


Miller’s approach aligns with the Christian right’s backing of Israel’s settlement project. U.S. Christian nonprofits have sent tens of millions of dollars to Israeli settlements over the past decade, and hundreds of evangelicals go to the occupied West Bank every year to volunteer in Israeli settlement farming projects. That commitment has led to a flowering of ties between Christian evangelicals, right-wing American Jewish groups that also back Israeli settlements, and Israeli settlers themselves.

“They’re working openly, and have been for years, to argue there is no distinction between Israel and settlements, that all the land was given to them by God, and that making a distinction between settlements and Israel is anti-Semitic,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, a liberal think tank whose work focuses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“What we did over there is now being mirrored by Trump and his peace plan for that part of the region. So we were kind of the leading edge of it.”

Cont. from images:

who was forced to end nine years of work in public schools when she refused to sign the pledge.

“I had to choose between continuing to express my support for Palestinian rights and the commitments I had made to sources as a journalist,” said Hale, who ended up signing the contract but made a clear note of his disagreement in the margins.

In April 2019, a federal judge sided with the plaintiffs, blocking the anti-BDS law and issuing a scathing decision that blasted Texas lawmakers for passing a law “intended not to combat discrimination on the basis of national origin, but to silence speech with which Texas disagrees.”

But instead of backing down, Texas is continuing to crack down on boycott advocates. Two weeks after the judge’s decision, Abbott signed House Bill 793, a law amending the original bill to exclude individual contractors and narrow the law’s focus to companies with state contracts over $100,000.

Civil liberties experts say this law remains unconstitutional, though it may pave the way for Texas to get the current ACLU and CAIR lawsuit against the original bill dismissed because the amended law no longer applies to the plaintiffs. The Texas attorney general’s office said it plans to defend the law on appeal.

The Texas anti-boycott law may eventually be thrown to the wayside as a result of legal challenges. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will retain a memento to remind him of the state’s unwavering support for his government: A year after HB 89 was signed into law, state Sen. Brandon Creighton, who authored the Senate version of the bill, delivered the pen Abbott used to sign the anti-boycott law to Netanyahu.


342cca  No.6646696


Call the fbi

They already know who i am

Im,calling their shit

It proves my point because they dont arrest targeted individuals

If i wasnt dont you think the cops wouldve been called

Remember the faggot who thought it was funny to say hed shoot up a school if Q didnt stop him

He was gone in a day

81eb77  No.6646697


Saw this on Twitter. Wonder what it’s all about?

efeb70  No.6646698

File: 5eec18813f82c09⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 500x375, 4:3, HankHill.jpg)


Whoever this kid's parents were, really screwed her up. Oh wait. Sonny and Cher are her parents…now I understand.

06f944  No.6646699

>>6645714 /pb

Maybe and Israeli bunker in Iran?

7f1afd  No.6646700

File: c40c296a69d4af2⋯.jpg (56.99 KB, 500x521, 500:521, Mad Max 3.jpg)



Comey sucks dick daily guaranteed.

701720  No.6646701


So you are a high functioning paranoid schizophrenic. Get some help.

a13f3f  No.6646702

File: 5c2bd204e7aabdd⋯.jpg (67.28 KB, 920x920, 1:1, Mick measuring a circle.jpg)




Notable collection for incoming baker, not endorsements.

>>6646401 SCOTUS could intervene re: Dems impeachment plans

>>6646434 China Launches Investigation Of FedEx In "Warning To Foreign Companies"

>>6646460 ‘Record Number’ of Migrant Boats in English Channel, ‘Home Office Needs to Get a Grip’

>>6646466 Statement from POTUS on LGBT Pride Month

>>6646469 U.S. State Dept to require Visa apps to disclose soc media name (it's BNL…so tread lightly here)

>>6646505 How Attorney General Bill Barr Prepares For Each Day- for keks, why not!

>>6646515 Comey Twat-Questions Barr

>>6646557 George P pimping book (adding for day crew)

>>6646574 Trump mayhem: Protesters vow to paralyse London during the President's visit with marches, a rude robot and THAT blimp

>>6646588 Q Proof-Comey provides the missing Q- ties to upcoming London trip

>>6646591 Q post June 1st 2018-ref 10 days of darkness

>>6646599 NSC Twat-Bolton in London ahead of POTUS

>>6646620 Sara Carter Tweet-Comey should worry about real intelligence…

>>6646646 anon compares JC delete and reposted tweet

>>6646647 Rep Nunes Tweet(from April 18th, 2018 ref: Honey Badger)

another anon please pick it up from here.

5c69a8  No.6646703


LBJ was Jewish

he was smuggling in illegal jews into Texas in the 1930s and 40s

342cca  No.6646704


Idk either

All i know is they left me alone under obama as far as i know

I did have similar symptoms one summer atfter i looked into the franklin coverup

But meh

1778a2  No.6646705


Then follow the chain of conversation.

e7bcc4  No.6646706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AFGHANISTAN: The CIA’s Narco-State (Video)

7743a9  No.6646707

File: eccfa3533e0c398⋯.jpg (355.2 KB, 1079x1603, 1079:1603, 1b417f8b10eb8512a02559e2d1….jpg)

File: 267d36a44bbc181⋯.jpg (430.47 KB, 1080x1511, 1080:1511, Screenshot_20190601-123447….jpg)

Rod and Ted should get together and battle this one out.

19a28b  No.6646708


Learn the hard way I honestly don't give a fuck.

342cca  No.6646709


Yeah except high functioning schizos dont have photo evidence kike

9f580d  No.6646710

File: d237ad1ffa15e7d⋯.png (536.46 KB, 1072x1330, 536:665, 20190601_123308.png)


"Don't overlook this aspect. Awan Brothers case dropped/plea James Wolfe case dropped/plea Obama lawyer Greg Craig case dropped Andrew McCabe case likely dropped Mike Flynn case manipulated plea All connected to: U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu"

3a4ffc  No.6646711


Always wondered if the people on the Special Counsel were doing work on redacted documents under the presumption it was Trump they were investigating.

4e9afd  No.6646712

File: ddb36fe89b4ff34⋯.jpg (67.86 KB, 512x512, 1:1, loser.jpg)

d24c6f  No.6646713


Yeah, I don't get how looking like a latin gangster is any kind of improvement.

efeb70  No.6646714

File: 5cd28f4d9785091⋯.png (1.04 MB, 900x1224, 25:34, PepeRaisingBarr.png)

File: 6dabaefb225451b⋯.png (330.74 KB, 576x360, 8:5, TimeTravel-BarronBarr.png)

File: 1cbdbff778f33c8⋯.png (388.84 KB, 576x360, 8:5, TimeTravel-BarronBarr-blan….png)

99c724  No.6646715

File: e3ef7a419ac665d⋯.png (94.84 KB, 491x595, 491:595, e3ef7a419ac665dc94f53c10eb….png)





Phucket, I'll bake. Firing up the Kitchen

Baker on Duty

Please post 1st half notables.

Ghost Protocol suspended

4c9785  No.6646716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Love you anons, no homo

fc3634  No.6646717


Just a thought but Trumps tweet had a Q missing in LGTBQ post? idk

ff629b  No.6646718


SCOTUS intervention, if one was to be had, would be initiated by Trump, not by SCOTUS.

See, for the basis for requesting SCOTUS intervention, Walter Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. at 244. As stated by Justice White at footnote 3, page 247 of the Walter Nixon case …. see too Justice Souter concurring opinion.

9299a7  No.6646719

File: 9c5aec4e115d9c4⋯.jpg (131.28 KB, 1347x951, 449:317, 2019-06-01_153236.jpg)


Did nobody else find it odd that Trudeau and Obama met at a place called Big Rig?

Read as a noun, a "Big Rig" is a transport truck.

Read as a verb, however, "a Big Rig" with Canadian elections coming up in a few months, makes way more sense.

8a98ec  No.6646720


Nah I will just assume you are interviewing strippers a lot more fun and hell it is Saturday.

beabfb  No.6646721

File: 497a196204204c0⋯.png (17.83 KB, 444x340, 111:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Anon's Serious question here….Is Gina, her given name or is it short for another name…

342cca  No.6646722


Cool neither do i

Put me in jail for 20 years Q

When i get out ill buy an air gun and kill every single member of your family

Imagine being 70 and every single member of your family is dead

Because you thought it was funny to torture some autist

Youre literally going to have to kill me

e0f336  No.6646723


And my benis…

338878  No.6646724

File: e91b27caecc2518⋯.png (1.03 MB, 900x605, 180:121, any questions.png)


anon is wrong. lol

we're probably gunna wait for POTUS to go across the pond, which will land us somewhere around the [D] day anniversary…

this isn't fact, but a VALUED OPINION.. from just a thot.

9c68f5  No.6646725

File: 7a49cf2390890e1⋯.jpeg (833.21 KB, 1241x2120, 1241:2120, 91E5D645-8BEF-467B-B64F-C….jpeg)

Remember what Meganon had to say about Pence? Hmmmm

b755ff  No.6646726


Nothing says “we’re oppressed” like an entire month of pols, megacorps and media celebrating your degeneracy

350a5e  No.6646727


Need to step up your shill game. You’re a naked white hooker standing in a South Atlanta Church’s Chicken at midnight on a Friday. You stick out anon.

b43423  No.6646728



4e9afd  No.6646729

File: 67d9b2e1129432b⋯.jpg (386.43 KB, 922x692, 461:346, justgaybar.jpg)

e03b21  No.6646730

File: 7e094dcf472e1ad⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 422x569, 422:569, 39d8edd7-8f89-4848-a1d4-00….gif)



1778a2  No.6646731


So do you experience any evidence to support these claims?

Could you describe any of the scenarios?

e7bcc4  No.6646732

File: 012f68e0b57e83f⋯.png (53.23 KB, 776x739, 776:739, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35af3596b099c06⋯.png (69.1 KB, 799x824, 799:824, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be0d66d0642bc3c⋯.png (19.07 KB, 768x263, 768:263, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bilderbergers in Switzerland

The 67th Bilderberg Meeting is taking place in Montreux, Switzerland from 30 May – 2 June 2019, where the about 130 invitees – so far confirmed – from 23 countries, are staying at one of Switzerland’s most luxurious venues, the Montreux Palace hotel. About a quarter of the attendees are women.

The Bilderberg meetings started at the onset of the Cold War, as a discussion club of American and European leaders, a fortification against communism, in clear text, against the Soviet Union. The first event took place in 1954 at the Bilderberg hotel in the Dutch town of Oosterbeek. Ever since, meetings of the Bilderberg Group were held annually, in different locations in the western world, most of them, though, in North America.

It’s not a coincidence that the Bilderbergers meet in Switzerland. Switzerland is one of the Group’s favoured host country outside the US. Switzerland hosted their gatherings at least five times before this upcoming Montreux event (1960 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 1970 – Grand Hotel Quellenhof, Bad Ragaz, St. Gallen; 1981 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 1995 – Palace Hotel, Bürgenstock; 2011 – Suvretta House, St. Moritz).

The conferences of the Bilderbergers are the most secretive events, managed by those who pull the strings behind world leaders – politicians, corporate CEOs, big finance, and other business execs – artists, and the who-is-who of the world elite. And we are talking of the western world.

Other than about ten attendees from Turkey, Poland, Bulgaria and Estonia, participants are North Americans or Europeans. The rest of the world doesn’t count.

The Bilderbergers are strictly a western dominion. The farthest east they go is Turkey. It’s like the carrot to Erdogan, hoping to draw NATO Turkey back into the camp of the west. But how much longer? – Turkey, forever wavering between east and west, has more than one leg already in the east – eyeing entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – not exactly the eastern version of the Bilderbergers, because the SCO is an open forum for economic development policies and defense strategies, no secrets, no manipulation western style.

This year’s Bilderberg meeting will be chaired by Henri Castries, France,Chairman of the Paris-based Institut Montaigne, a non-profit thinktank working on public policy and social cohesion. Other prominent attendees include Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, and the driving force of these events and protégé of Rockefeller’s, former US Secretary of State (and war criminal), Henry Kissinger; France’s Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire; Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister, from the far-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy; Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s Defense Minister from the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU); – and, perhaps most noteworthy, Jared Kushner, personal advisor and son-in-law of US President Donald Trump, and intimate friend of Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.


0de576  No.6646733


The only thing that should be on Downing St. is a tungsten rod.

342cca  No.6646734


It was for like 4 months

Then you realize no help is coming

779abe  No.6646735

File: 4b0abffd0d1bba0⋯.png (466.5 KB, 607x486, 607:486, warren dolezal.png)

The Original 'Rachel Dolezal'

89784a  No.6646736

File: c01f5e1fbdd18f2⋯.jpg (248.99 KB, 860x556, 215:139, pompeonkeyes.jpg)

File: 6c125eade0bff76⋯.png (144.66 KB, 1096x1245, 1096:1245, qwindstheclock.png)

File: de374f937bbcde0⋯.jpg (566.82 KB, 1526x1072, 763:536, qproofjpc.jpg)


old ones

6a3a09  No.6646737


99.999% of the Cabal are eunuchs, they just want to be on the team that’s winning. If they aren’t pedovores there’s a deal to be made to bring down the top.

No deals refers to China.

4dbe45  No.6646738

Hey a good thing That Bible don't revolve around

the Jews getting kicked out of Rhode Island.

could you imagine that. Nukes pointed at Ohio.

338878  No.6646739

File: 1de4994451b5c05⋯.png (431.96 KB, 884x587, 884:587, SPACEX_ff.png)


topkek it already habbened. yall missed it.

b9cd6d  No.6646740



342cca  No.6646741



I dont think so anon

Because their master

Is not mt master

Satan can go fuck himself

22f3fa  No.6646742


“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

e39766  No.6646743

File: 44de0fe857b446e⋯.png (219.46 KB, 1220x906, 610:453, ClipboardImage.png)

Comey burned.


402535  No.6646744


Solomon didn't come up w that. I did. But he won't admit he was on Q board reading it. Kek.

8a98ec  No.6646745


even if Trump does pick Pence for his next VP he will create drama about it and drop a hint or two he may not - so you will not know until it happens.

7cfe63  No.6646746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


#BeBest anons

322165  No.6646747


If Barr was on Q team, he wouldn’t have needed DECLAS to access info for Spygate investigation.

1778a2  No.6646748

File: 5d76b3202dddbb1⋯.jpg (17.64 KB, 680x383, 680:383, 5d76b3202dddbb1ed59e7f8cb3….jpg)




Could you describe any of the days that were significant? Any events or details to catalog? If you could put it in words maybe it would be more understandable?

90134b  No.6646749

File: 112980d90a8c351⋯.png (9.39 KB, 1417x163, 1417:163, ClipboardImage.png)

d94e6d  No.6646750



Again, why is this in notables?? What’s going on?

c7aded  No.6646751

File: 8e32638f9e61597⋯.jpeg (80 KB, 673x960, 673:960, A440B48E-A413-4E2D-B99A-F….jpeg)

342cca  No.6646752


Or you could become a 10x worse monster

And then kill them

Then go hug puppies

889576  No.6646753

File: 41daf91ade28b2a⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x2147, 1242:2147, 90DDFFC7-728F-4C3F-BDA3-E….jpeg)

0afa1c  No.6646754


ima say it one mo time niggas the Q 'd Comey tweets had the grammatical contractions

he sayin 'Q muh nigga i feelz da PAINZ'!

31e427  No.6646755


>Excellent point. What a disgusting disrespect of these graduates.

>Is HRC looking more unstable than usual?


Also, does this sound a bit prophetic?

"Let’s send a message to Facebook that those who are in Facebook’s communities would really like Facebook to pay attention to false and doctored videos before we are flooded with them over the next months."

3e8611  No.6646756


Autocorrect has access to just about every app on your phone. I don't think he typed the Q. Just a nice friendly wake up call to get his attention.

650705  No.6646757


The corrected twat is missing 3 letters:

O and I (from the body) and Q as an appendix.

The capitalized letter is J.

Subtract 3 from J, you get G.


5db592  No.6646758

File: f408c7b4ece5320⋯.jpeg (201.76 KB, 1440x1076, 360:269, 1559418024.jpeg)

1b6724  No.6646759

>>6645714 pb


>>6646286 pb

The Israeli flag is painted on the FLOOR at the entrance of a tunnel. That's not where you put a flag that you are honoring. They walk/drive on it. Its sentiment is anti-Israel.

Its apparently pretty common.

US flag code…can't easily find Israeli flag code.

Previous notable is misleading.

Thanks baker…not criticizing

f14b92  No.6646760

File: 782965f1257b47b⋯.png (630.78 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, 1538144128-2.png)

File: 470239d1abbb9b4⋯.png (588.87 KB, 1200x813, 400:271, 1538144088-2.png)

File: a7e2c33c4ab4a45⋯.jpg (501.26 KB, 1721x1836, 1721:1836, 1547398237-1.jpg)

8efa83  No.6646761

File: 3c76a1bfec29a3e⋯.png (980.69 KB, 1463x6453, 1463:6453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fa3f4321683a39⋯.png (17.55 KB, 978x188, 489:94, ClipboardImage.png)




d2098f  No.6646762

File: 997a0331ea3b0b7⋯.png (260.96 KB, 367x327, 367:327, 2019-06-01_15-35-31.png)

89784a  No.6646763

File: 66502850289a0a2⋯.jpeg (5.47 MB, 5007x4584, 1669:1528, qiscomey.jpeg)

File: eec5265df7294d6⋯.jpeg (1.75 MB, 3000x3134, 1500:1567, qcomeycomms.jpeg)

File: 1074010bf50a4fb⋯.png (818.32 KB, 2466x1300, 1233:650, qcomeypost.png)

9c098a  No.6646764


It's MA'AM.

1778a2  No.6646765


It's not how that works, anon. When you kill people, puppies become slippery. Very difficult to hug so I have read.

But do describe an event or day of significance please, if you are a trouble anon I would want to provide comfort and therapy.

beabfb  No.6646766


Appreciate it, but I don't trust wiki..anyone can put anything they want there…

d94e6d  No.6646767


I will, what a shame I can’t hold you accountable for it, anon. But anyway, welcome newfag.

81eb77  No.6646768


That’s right!

All I can take of it…is he is either mocking “Q” or he is trying to let us know he is apart of “Q team” ( I know some anons had floated in past). If so, they are seeing if it was noticed, and testing our reaction.

68ae89  No.6646769

File: d74fe954ffe4772⋯.jpg (36.61 KB, 800x266, 400:133, trump.jpg)



Donald Trump's state visit to the UK set for 3 June

US President Donald Trump will make a three-day state visit to the UK from 3 to 5 June, Buckingham Palace has announced.

8a98ec  No.6646770


This is why the armor of god is needed - other religions call it from white light to Nirvana.

342cca  No.6646771


Got a random fever

Reallt weird symptoms

Didnt eat for a week

Coudlnt eat meat after

Started getting weird posts seemingly addressed to me

Some,from ebot too

After that it got 10x worse

Felt like my body was floatint

Had 0 symptoms of any mental disorder before reading Qs posts

You people dont get it

Have you ever gotten followed while off at lunch at work by a spook

Then they hack your work computer and claim to be jesus

And know things that you never told a soul in your life?

a8ef4d  No.6646772


Haha, yeah, after Killary and Bill die of old age, happy and fat on little kids, and our whole lives have passed us by, still ever and always controlled by the death cult that has gone exactly nowhere. Trump's a great president, as those go, but we should be fighting a Civil War right now and eliminating, justly, all of these pieces of human refuse. Sorry, I'm just sick of this garbage while Bill and Hillary plan conferences and laugh in our faces all day long. Many generations have had to endure wars to fight evil, why should ours be different? And, as I've told siblinganon, you can try to prevent Armageddon all you want, but you cannot prevent Armageddon. You will simply contribute to its engagement. Comey is a TERRIBLE human being, not an "actor." The only thing he has in common with actors is getting rich for helping ruin the world. Throw the sonofabitch in prison, then hang him for Treason. Or get off the pot.

f69ab6  No.6646773

File: d4167a4d16661be⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 605x554, 605:554, walkaway.jpg)

File: 5c8faa6fbc045af⋯.jpg (387.74 KB, 852x1358, 426:679, wekno3w.jpg)

File: b120a02bc2d2cff⋯.jpg (164.71 KB, 670x960, 67:96, hi we have it all ur fukd ….jpg)

779abe  No.6646774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson discussed the military’s “different approach” to UFO sightings with former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo on Friday


c7aded  No.6646775

File: 8269d2679e2ff9b⋯.png (596.56 KB, 673x960, 673:960, 5EBDBE8A-444E-4DFB-8BE5-03….png)


Oooops… PNG

7f1afd  No.6646776

File: 5538d2b412d3b68⋯.jpg (39.49 KB, 500x561, 500:561, Nancy Pelosi.jpg)

File: 2924a938fc2a90c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1020x1106, 510:553, Grotesque.png)

The decent thing to do is put Pelosi in a assisted living facility or an old folks home.

Six months to a year max.

efeb70  No.6646777

File: 26a0dbff341d35c⋯.jpg (165.01 KB, 791x1010, 791:1010, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

File: 0bf8f801e7188af⋯.jpg (165.96 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, ArmorOfGod1.jpg)

File: 697eae4b9dc2673⋯.png (352.48 KB, 876x660, 73:55, armorpfGod2.png)

353aa9  No.6646778

File: 565a8474fa6fe07⋯.png (938.69 KB, 1242x1127, 54:49, 565a8474fa6fe0734842d423bf….png)

File: 513ee673b043e88⋯.png (15.47 KB, 593x218, 593:218, 0f4f4aa05f43952224cca42a08….png)

File: 6684753d71677fc⋯.png (29.72 KB, 358x625, 358:625, capture_20190601202052.png)

File: 3c0c4f387e0270f⋯.png (6.89 KB, 359x344, 359:344, capture_20190601202614.png)

File: 756c5aec81694f7⋯.png (3.5 KB, 366x203, 366:203, capture_20190601203829.png)

342cca  No.6646779


So im a monster because i want to kill the people who harm me and every other real sentient human?

We all know the npcs are holow and soulless

Artifcial humans

c2e582  No.6646780

File: ea9378d518dd014⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, FindTruth.jpg)

File: 3383b6edeec8949⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, WholeTruth7.jpg)

File: c85ee75ca80104b⋯.jpg (403.25 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, ReadyTruth20.jpg)

File: 34772863fe9ad95⋯.jpg (108.59 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ReadyTruth21.jpg)

File: ebd1f6d407a6dda⋯.png (14.1 KB, 381x168, 127:56, 2019_06_01_15:14:22_EDT.png)

0de576  No.6646781


BO BV please remove. These girls look young.

2be4c7  No.6646782

File: 34e8ff39704f81a⋯.png (8.36 MB, 1919x1951, 1919:1951, world3.png)

a7f605  No.6646783

File: 1c4684af2257e72⋯.jpg (63.75 KB, 1200x283, 1200:283, qcom2506.jpg)


No. That's far-fetched.

they did not put it there to dishonor it.

If you dishonor you put a red slash through it,

At the entrance like that?

Implies ownership.

Perhaps this tunnel is really in Israel and it was a fake news "fuck-up"

would not be the first time.

They do terrible mistakes ALL THE TIME.

Now you know. You know what to look for.

>>6645861 pb bread. was nominated.

By the time I got the citation it was out of Notables?

Not Notable Baker

Contradicts info from "q"

Also "Q team" communicated that anyone who spoke badly of Sessions, was in trouble.

06f944  No.6646784

>>6645817 pb

Soundtrack to Trump golf club promo video is the music from Cloud Atlas. Also, video shows the riverside area that was dedicated to the fallen in the battle where everyone says there was no battle…

342cca  No.6646785


And this is an actual person

Idk why im,telling this to the bot network

Anyone real left here a year ago

Just me and the bots

11322c  No.6646786

File: 559e183bceeb0fd⋯.mp4 (11.15 MB, 1414x600, 707:300, BlackKnightLoud.mp4)

99c724  No.6646787


Got ya covered, THANK YOU!

8a98ec  No.6646788


it is not about the faith it is about the connection to the divine that protects from evil.

It can be any faith aligned with the divine.

66bed4  No.6646789

File: 218f7c2c5c17b49⋯.png (392.85 KB, 524x700, 131:175, 52b8c6a2259554e90720267ebb….png)


Maybe Comey is part of Q after all.


beabfb  No.6646790


I have a reason for asking this. Have known Gina name to be a shortened version of the name Regina. Regina name meaning is …………Queen

5db592  No.6646791

File: 8053bb9735c076e⋯.jpg (53.3 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 961ad2c2ad2d6cbbadd1a8c023….jpg)

68ae89  No.6646792

File: 8464d784d443d2a⋯.jpg (122.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ArmorOfGod.jpg)

342cca  No.6646793


I wonder how pelosi would react if we made her grandkids fight to the death

Imagine the look on her face when she has to choose which one lives

Then you kill the one she chose to live

457fad  No.6646794

Good article recapping Barr interview. Good for sharing with normies.

New Details on Spygate, Mueller & Ongoing Investigations Revealed in Barr Interview

First three paragraphs:

In an hour-long, wide ranging interview with CBS News’ Jan Crawford, Attorney General Bill Barr provided a significant amount of new information regarding the Mueller Report, the Russia Investigation, and his examination of the events surrounding the 2016 presidential election.

Barr addressed the actions taken by the leadership of the FBI and other agencies, and noted the dangers of allowing “government power, law enforcement or intelligence power, to play a role in politics, to intrude into politics, and affect elections.”

He also addressed declassification, his ongoing investigation into surrounding matters, and the involvement of U.S. Attorney John Huber, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, and U.S. Attorney John Durham.


ff629b  No.6646795


Rot looks out for itself, and tends to spread. Risky to have an honest person in the upper eschelons.

c2e582  No.6646796

File: c902c600b1e587c⋯.jpg (666.87 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, ReadyTruth23.jpg)

File: cc2b35960607bb2⋯.jpg (461.79 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, ReadyTruth22.jpg)

File: 4e47785a8074a49⋯.jpg (251.65 KB, 1201x795, 1201:795, ReadyTruth13.jpg)

File: 1b4f222f369d6dd⋯.png (198.89 KB, 640x340, 32:17, AwakentoTruth.png)

File: 4059d106621ec5b⋯.jpg (367.36 KB, 1600x800, 2:1, SeekTheTruth1.jpg)

f69ab6  No.6646797

File: 317e9cc9104b68e⋯.jpg (365.04 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, god wins.jpg)

File: 903da83eb7dd927⋯.jpg (129.81 KB, 900x636, 75:53, godwins magicsword.jpg)


trips of TRUTH!

time to shine, frens

9c2b3d  No.6646798

Doo dirty … kek

7d4ae0  No.6646799


Dude, you think you are the only tortured by (((them))) with covert military tech?

I was lying in hospital for a year and my whole body was swollen from that shit and that is the physical torture, combine that with psychological torture while your whole you built is getting destroyed as you slowly bleed out of money….If I find out and I have a strong suspicion who is behind this….who has access to secret covert military weapons (((Mossad))).

It just needs to surface into the light!

342cca  No.6646800


Yeah when you kill people

The cabal are not people

Neithe are the npcs that support them

1778a2  No.6646801

File: 2fc838f0021613e⋯.jpg (73.23 KB, 601x625, 601:625, 2fc838f0021613e763b055448e….jpg)


So it began with a fever. You felt some strange symptoms. Did you seek any medical attention or family aid during this period?

Also, not eating is very dangerous. A WEEK ANON?! You will become delirous without food for a day or two.

Anyways, so then it effected your appetite?

Couldn't eat meat anymore, started getting some strange postings on the board. They seemed to be messages coded for you correct? As if they had some hidden meaning special just for you?

This sensation continued to grow, the messages seemed to even come from ebot of all things. Once ebot entered the equation you got significantly worse and felt dizzy, you were floating.

Am I following this correctly?

06f944  No.6646802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Cloud Atlas

>>>6645817 pb

>Soundtrack to Trump golf club promo video is the music from Cloud Atlas. Also, video shows the riverside area that was dedicated to the fallen in the battle where everyone says there was no battle…

650705  No.6646803


>Nigger i literally tested 129 iq

Literally? Not figuratively? Or hypothetically?

Anyway, 129? You how many anons are snickering at that? You are a joke.

338878  No.6646804

File: b75251ff0ca776a⋯.png (767.96 KB, 879x585, 293:195, my god is greater.png)





5db592  No.6646805

File: d664de82e8fe575⋯.jpeg (211.87 KB, 1440x1577, 1440:1577, 1559418448.jpeg)

c2e582  No.6646806

File: 4a9edc50a65891f⋯.jpg (130.24 KB, 1000x928, 125:116, TruthIsRising3.jpg)

File: e59a3c02c0f9ede⋯.jpg (724.88 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, TruthIsRising1.jpg)

File: 6b4cbafde4f2691⋯.jpg (123.8 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, LookingTruth00.jpg)

File: ac09555facec4bd⋯.jpg (210.54 KB, 992x725, 992:725, QCrumbsTruthFree.jpg)

File: 65531c151475105⋯.jpg (424.34 KB, 973x976, 973:976, QCrumbsTruthWillShock.jpg)

e0f336  No.6646807


Speak for yourself pls

No one here would even generate such thought

You have a sick mind

0afa1c  No.6646808

File: 71e4a4629b1e2b5⋯.gif (95.86 KB, 220x199, 220:199, 71e4a4629b1e2b5afa1391f2e0….gif)


>pic related

muh (ewes)

1b6724  No.6646809

File: dc3eab829e1a7d7⋯.png (228.74 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-06-01-14-2….png)

File: a5b9a4aa334aefa⋯.png (288.04 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_2019-06-01-14-2….png)

Doh! Forgot images


6a3a09  No.6646810


Do you have an American flag on your floor?

Smart one gets a boot in the butt

342cca  No.6646811


Yeah idk why they dont do worse to me

They seem to get off on making it bad enough to ruin my,life

But not bad enough to be proof

0de576  No.6646812

File: 656188ad65ee0e1⋯.png (275.23 KB, 640x360, 16:9, bocheny.png)

e7bcc4  No.6646813

File: f05d3f4c6c15003⋯.png (25.21 KB, 634x229, 634:229, ClipboardImage.png)

e03b21  No.6646814

File: 6a57f083c329563⋯.png (58.87 KB, 451x451, 1:1, 47da75fc-fe31-4326-ac36-91….png)

> >6646788

no che_kt fer (ýü)

just about stupid huh¿

<dunno where ye are do ye.

8a98ec  No.6646815


it sounds like you are very confused.

First about who you are.

Second about why you are here.

Third about your mission/learning from being here.

All is divinity even you.

You are here to grow and come closer to your own divinity.

The lesson part is the hardest and most veiled - we seem to see a fog there and not the road.

1778a2  No.6646816

File: 07b98e464ee2b2f⋯.png (267.9 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 07b98e464ee2b2fadd9de1a68d….png)


Think of the puppies, anon.

be51ed  No.6646817

File: df8a0a28ea1628a⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 670x525, 134:105, df8a0a28ea1628aff86b72e507….jpg)

cd6187  No.6646818

File: 1022ab5dfd972af⋯.png (19.76 KB, 576x202, 288:101, oij.PNG)

File: 9e26e0faf1e8f9a⋯.png (39.86 KB, 537x469, 537:469, oji.PNG)

File: 754771e7e241dbf⋯.png (22.99 KB, 568x236, 142:59, joi.PNG)

File: 265c0eef23cf507⋯.png (35.76 KB, 327x584, 327:584, jio.PNG)

File: 61de6d9d378bddd⋯.png (46.13 KB, 555x575, 111:115, ijo.PNG)

just chekin

342cca  No.6646819


Yeah torture tends to do that

Im willing to do anything and everything to these people

0 limits

Give me a room with hillary

She wont be sentient after im done

Alive yes

Sentient no

68ae89  No.6646820

File: 9e2a71ce67cd016⋯.jpg (458.38 KB, 1824x1212, 152:101, ArmorOfGod2.jpg)

92f982  No.6646821


this is israeli wonder woman

i bet she's a spy

lynda carter is 1/2 mexican

troubled life, but always looks great

338878  No.6646822

File: 30036ac3ae73be9⋯.png (1 MB, 879x589, 879:589, me and an angel.png)


(thats me hiding behind my frog…)

when I say hiding, I mean tears of joy FULL CONFIDENCE in what the future holds.

a7f605  No.6646823


I see what they did there.

The Shooped the heads older girls.

onto younger bodies.

Their "creativity" is sub-standard.

5db592  No.6646824

File: 41950b5546fc267⋯.jpeg (126.77 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1553029152.jpeg)

c31a44  No.6646825

File: 7862c32a35eb382⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 400x204, 100:51, 1555176635149.gif)

File: a69fa252b8020db⋯.png (619.56 KB, 710x532, 355:266, 1510218790463.png)


Jim Stone said it best today:

This included ALL data on government officials with the agreement that "Israel would respect that data and delete it".

Obviously they did not delete it, because they used that data when Obama was in, to fully corrupt the entire U.S. government. Any government official that was not 100 percent in lock step with destroying the United States got removed from office and replaced with one that was. This NSA list is probably how Obama purged the command structure of the U.S. military of so many decent people.

But it is worse than that. Israel got handed detailed profiles on ALL non-Jewish company leaders and owners and most likely everything the NSA had on all non-Jewish owned companies, including all the company contacts and supply lines. Such data could be used to bring the value of a company to zero so the Jews could buy it up for nothing and subsequently revive it. The bottom line now is that there is very little of significance the Jews don't own, and there are very few government offices, right down to the city level, that they don't own also.

This RT report is scathing, and if you read between the lines, it is obvious Israel used the NSA data exactly the way I said above. RT played it safe and did not take it to the ultimate conclusion.

342cca  No.6646826



All i care about is revenge

c2e582  No.6646827

File: da58f5623386c67⋯.jpg (330.51 KB, 1200x1167, 400:389, QCrumbsPublicInterestSunSh….jpg)

File: d0aaf0e94782db0⋯.jpg (454.67 KB, 979x784, 979:784, QCrumbsDoNotForce-TruthWil….jpg)

File: 2fbc5366d0c3777⋯.jpg (171.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, GreatAwakeningShineLight1.jpg)

File: 5bd2b241b8d261e⋯.jpg (130.54 KB, 430x600, 43:60, AngelLightShines.jpg)

File: a7f7400040cb95a⋯.jpg (479.98 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, QCrumbsRevealTruthCompelli….jpg)

d2098f  No.6646828

File: e5615a7cfbda308⋯.png (127.51 KB, 254x249, 254:249, 2018-12-19_22-36-46 copy.png)

353aa9  No.6646829

File: a624837c02cc6d7⋯.jpg (6.25 KB, 368x504, 46:63, 61604938_253074705556792_7….jpg)

File: be20850cd9d354f⋯.jpg (8.18 KB, 368x504, 46:63, 61659247_462394324524436_7….jpg)

File: bbbd581e6cadc72⋯.png (9.05 KB, 451x331, 451:331, capture_20190601194607.png)

flying over the U.K

was sent pic with little info

not a drone

fc3634  No.6646830


I don't think he is part of Q, but mocking or communicating more likely with undesirables.

0bfe70  No.6646831

File: 975d496e5c90e58⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x166, 255:166, f2858d3f63f785187cfb7b6e1b….jpg)

cd6187  No.6646832

File: 552f24354553443⋯.png (26.23 KB, 787x516, 787:516, ioj.PNG)

File: 7e89384ea83bfb6⋯.png (6.52 KB, 274x94, 137:47, ClipboardImage.png)


last one

342cca  No.6646833


Puppies will be spared

beabfb  No.6646834

8a98ec  No.6646835


On the third point it is often our family or friends that 'see' what we cannot and give us guidance.

7997fd  No.6646836

File: 28f58a0946755d0⋯.png (1.69 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f5210b99f882da⋯.png (847.63 KB, 967x500, 967:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9844e3cba929083⋯.png (201.97 KB, 524x500, 131:125, ClipboardImage.png)


Top kek. I made one too, but just a pic :( It's shit. I'll post it anyway.

Everyone all aboard the MAGA BUS!

66bed4  No.6646837

File: b6638f852a96d9e⋯.png (68.43 KB, 800x586, 400:293, ClipboardImage.png)



The Flood is leaving the WH.

342cca  No.6646838


Like i want to watch hillarys grandkids bleed while she crys

c668aa  No.6646839

File: cf28d29108e6440⋯.jpg (112.55 KB, 997x395, 997:395, _96386825_2017-06-063-obam….jpg)

two years of Trump

d92b8a  No.6646840


Blah, blah, blah, words, words, words with ALL these people. Put on your big boy pants and drop the damn evidence. He says they have indeed recovered material from these crafts. Well, it's Show & Tell time. No more bullshit. That is all.

402535  No.6646841


Can you imagine if POTUS found out aliens existed with advanced tech and they were part of the deep state? Kek. Time for a Space Force!!

5db592  No.6646842

File: 4f5797df46813e2⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 500x287, 500:287, 5667983882_413388e4ea.jpg)

8a98ec  No.6646843


Many have followed that path to weep at the end.

0cdb93  No.6646844

New DJT tweet.

Donald J. Trump

Verified account


15 seconds ago

The United States stands ready to work with @NayibBukele to advance prosperity in El Salvador and the hemisphere. Congratulations President Bukele on your inauguration!

338878  No.6646845

File: dc2ea491be61971⋯.png (518.07 KB, 882x500, 441:250, you good bro [Mueller Repo….png)




a7f605  No.6646846


You're imagining she actually cares for her grandchildren, as a normal person would

She's abnormal, psycho.

2ae830  No.6646847


Legally, he would.

You can't prosecute with evidence that isn't collected under due process.

1778a2  No.6646848

File: 0bf7fe94f572cc5⋯.jpeg (35.05 KB, 464x464, 1:1, 0bf7fe94f572cc5903d7c7cd6….jpeg)


But who wouldn't feel strong sensations of protection for the innocents whose lives have been robbed from them. It is not a insidious notion or an evil feeling. It is something from your heart, that is fill of love and compassion for the innocent. You are strong so you choose to protect.

But sometimes anon. The strong need someone to protect them.


It has to be in the Q drops,

Puppies will be spared.

Expand your thinking.

We are with you.

342cca  No.6646849


Everyone in my family is narcissis or too young

Nice try tho

7997fd  No.6646850

File: fb7886d0a077800⋯.png (198.4 KB, 524x500, 131:125, barr cutout.png)

7aeaa3  No.6646851


June 14

Confirmation declass will happen and no more risk of case opening back up by that date

6a3a09  No.6646852


Leave the little children be

e7cd40  No.6646853

File: 31f799b0c09f644⋯.png (929.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, blownPepe_TopKek.png)

0bfe70  No.6646854

File: a309b5d95b37214⋯.png (12.97 KB, 255x194, 255:194, a309b5d95b3721479833cbc40a….png)

eed412  No.6646855

File: b46b44ceb080bef⋯.png (3.96 KB, 468x95, 468:95, ClipboardImage.png)



48 POSTS……PANIIC IS SETTING IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

342cca  No.6646856


Youre mistaking me anon

I used to have that feeling

Now i only want revenge

The agencies watching here know im,serious

be51ed  No.6646857

File: d8db34cd724ddfc⋯.png (1.19 MB, 944x1200, 59:75, d8db34cd724ddfc702e70e7b78….png)

a7f605  No.6646858


She wouldn't cry.

5cf811  No.6646859


>But I'm interviewing them.

No, you're being a dumb fuck and encouraging their behavior. Get lost!

22f3fa  No.6646860

File: d26736e4913d1ac⋯.jpg (935.74 KB, 1920x2563, 1920:2563, 9vardsbgasdgags.jpg)

c2e582  No.6646861

File: ea20783052520fa⋯.jpeg (62.31 KB, 420x660, 7:11, Cheney Dick.jpeg)

e89cdd  No.6646862

File: f593bb2a42c0c67⋯.jpg (47.18 KB, 792x373, 792:373, Capture.JPG)


1778a2  No.6646863


If only they taught real world values in schools we wouldn't have to face such a luxury.

338878  No.6646864

File: 6ea4a00160b5081⋯.png (751.67 KB, 885x590, 3:2, call of duty.png)


EPIC! I stole this.. gunna add it to something for my [BOOSTERPACK] that I'm releasing this afternoon.


8a98ec  No.6646865


i am not a savior - if you can't save yourself then you allow yourself to be damned in any religion because you know you are following a dark path.

e5e797  No.6646866

File: 8844126009a65d8⋯.jpg (128.11 KB, 663x500, 663:500, angelwings.jpg)

23d09b  No.6646867


>Getting interesting now.




>SCOTUS could intervene in try to push Trump from office as impeachment racket grows: Dershowitz



Israel won't let them push trump from office. He hasn't handed over Iran to them yet.

342cca  No.6646868


Lmao rucking retard learn how to you


Make me



Cabal children are demon possesed from,birth

All bloodline are guilty

It looks like a child but it is not

Its not even human

a7f605  No.6646869



Provocateur Shills Team

sorry I gave them a Y O U

5db592  No.6646870

File: 3e164d6e204dfac⋯.jpg (94.8 KB, 400x400, 1:1, go-get-em-tiger.jpg)

41bb3f  No.6646871


The 14th is President Trump’s birthday and Flag Day. Flags Out.

f69ab6  No.6646872

File: 114e51c69d89aaf⋯.png (193.54 KB, 450x350, 9:7, catseysgetabrianmoruns.png)

61b2b3  No.6646873

Don't Shoot The Messenger


0afa1c  No.6646874


same ticker, diff arm

8484f2  No.6646875

File: 5df43ef8f9d8366⋯.jpg (88.77 KB, 670x510, 67:51, Saduskyring.jpg)

File: 13c4da2ebf9d91d⋯.jpg (44.09 KB, 326x363, 326:363, SaduskyUSMCtie.jpg)

White hats have had to fly under the radar for many, many years.

How long ago was the Plan devised?

I believe there are many "FBI anons".

Sitting here watching movie National Treasure.

FBI agent Sadusky is wearing a U.S. Marine Corps necktie.

And a Freemason ring.

Sauce: https://clothesonfilm.com/national-treasure-diane-kruger-a-dress-for-action/

"Much of Sadusky’s distinctive plain clothes uniform was suggested by Keitel himself, eager to reflect a more individual look than the cliché FBI image of dour suits and plain cotton shirts. Hoping to get across semblance of Sadusky’s past, he also put forward the regimental necktie idea. This helps explain why Sadusky is so impressed with Gates and his naval diving experience from the outset. By employing this uncustomary look for a federal agent, Keitel has ensured his character stands out from the herd. Though not from a vanity perspective; we get to know and like Sadusky considerably more than other similar characters from similar movies. By costume alone we understand him and his sympathies that bit better."

26d18f  No.6646876


>>6646468 Barr to CBS: Mueller has spent 2.5 yrs ? Nov 2016?

779abe  No.6646877


>Blah, blah, blah, words, words, words

>it's Show & Tell time. No more bullshit.

Liberals, and many non-Liberals, can't handle the truth about the Satanic DS cabal, Clintons, Hussein etc and you expect full disclosure about aliens? bwhahahahaha Yeah, THAT would go over well!

74d911  No.6646878

File: 1b5a5247c01d7a2⋯.png (99.88 KB, 270x265, 54:53, heroineisbadkids.png)

Come clean, Robert

We see you.

We hear you.

Come clean.

We are relentless.

8a98ec  No.6646879


actually it mostly us that damn ourselves.

In my belief system you will get another chance.

342cca  No.6646880


Religion is a lie the interdimensions tell us to keep us as slaves

They do this shit to us with 0 karma

Life after life

And im going to go hell if i do it back to them once?

Yeah right

e7bcc4  No.6646881


thanks for that. The view that Obama was anti-Israel was a clear deception.

He passed so many laws for their benefit too

d92b8a  No.6646882

File: 2d4f7e6372cc5e9⋯.jpg (112.18 KB, 706x532, 353:266, YouMustBeAShill.jpg)


Sadistic fuck.

19a28b  No.6646883

JamieR { 🎗} Army Girl ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


5h5 hours ago


AWESOME! I’ve watched this several times and tell you that Dad’s don’t get enough credit. This video shows some SuperDad’s in action! Outstanding! ❤️🏆🙎‍♂️🙎🏾‍♂️



To all the super dads out there! Fantastic video!!

342cca  No.6646884


Whos robert?

God i hope you think its me

e39766  No.6646885

File: 0b50777df586b50⋯.png (908.19 KB, 1186x1190, 593:595, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch your wallets and little children Hollywood. The Clinton Crime family is coming to town.


f69ab6  No.6646886

File: d90f837b495f744⋯.gif (815.46 KB, 528x555, 176:185, pepepjs.gif)

File: 1ed67accd26dcfd⋯.jpg (136.54 KB, 938x599, 938:599, pepeteamwork.jpg)

File: 0fe0543a96ef868⋯.png (250.5 KB, 1127x685, 1127:685, pepetrust.png)

File: 9988799d46dd8f4⋯.jpg (94.04 KB, 560x372, 140:93, PepeWalkOfFame.jpg)

File: c37f3ab28d3499b⋯.jpg (10.98 KB, 255x190, 51:38, plzstandby.jpg)

for all the anons riding out dis shillstorm w me, cheers! comfy as a mothafuqa

66bed4  No.6646887

File: 131f693e529e4e5⋯.png (36.81 KB, 555x404, 555:404, ClipboardImage.png)




"Coming" >> "Going"

1b6724  No.6646888




Not far fetched. Jordan recently did the exact same thing and caused outrage.

342cca  No.6646889


I was taught by the best anon

Theyre going to regret teaching me it tho

Cuz i only want to use it on them

c2e582  No.6646890

File: aa2a390f96e8ac8⋯.jpg (104.86 KB, 1134x523, 1134:523, TrumpTheEstablishment-grea….jpg)

File: a831b3ac96a052e⋯.jpg (317.06 KB, 674x1037, 674:1037, TrumpCard5.jpg)

File: e68984704065942⋯.jpg (71.68 KB, 506x677, 506:677, trumpcardFlag.jpg)

File: 42234c159ebcdc3⋯.jpg (108.9 KB, 522x335, 522:335, TrumpCard10.jpg)

File: 423cfb4305e740a⋯.jpg (96.07 KB, 558x371, 558:371, TrumpCardPlay.jpg)

d92b8a  No.6646891

File: 9be178e2d71d884⋯.jpg (187.36 KB, 966x546, 23:13, Psalm23-4.jpg)

e7bcc4  No.6646892

Brazil 'Uninvites' Guaido's Envoy Amid Reports of Possible Talks With Maduro

The snub came as local Brazilian media reported that a number of former military advisers want to pursue a dialogue with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Venezuela's de jure ambassador continues to fulfil his functions in the Brazilian capital Brasilia.

Brazil has revoked an invitation to the envoy for Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to present her diplomatic credentials, the envoy commented on Friday, with Brasilia expected to rule on whether to accept them or not.

Guaido’s ambassador, Maria Teresa Belandria, dismissed the belief that the invitation withdrawal could indicate there was some change in the Brazilian government’s stance. However, she confirmed to journalists that she was “uninvited”.

“Reception or not of the letters of accreditation will be assessed at a more convenient moment,” Brazil's presidential spokesman General Otavio Rego Barro commented, adding that Belandria was the representative of Venezuela’s “legitimate president” and denying an invitation had been withdrawn.

Belandria had been invited to present her credentials at the presidential palace along with the other countries’ envoys, before the government abruptly reconsidered.

According to a report by Brazilian newspapers Folha de S.Paulo and O Globo, Bolsonaro’s government has cancelled her invitation because ex-military advisers seek negotiations with Maduro. Meanwhile, the real Venezuelan ambassador's credentials haven’t been revoked.

“They realise Brazil has to deal with the reality that Maduro is not going anywhere right now and, even if he leaves, Guaido will not be president and a general will likely take his place,” Reuters cited Oliver Stuenkel, a professor of foreign relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, as saying regarding the decision.

Brazil's new right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro had taken sides with the US in his sharp criticism of Guaido, and Trump's advisers reportedly pressed him to take a harder line on Maduro, sparking worries about the possible positioning of US troops in Brazil. Mirroring these concerns, Brazilian diplomat Paulo Roberto de Almeida noted resolutely that the recognition of Guaido’s envoy “was never agreed to by the military, who vetoed the idea of a US base in Brazil from day one”.

A political crisis has been raging in Venezuela since January, when opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself interim president. Washington and its Western allies endorsed Guaido, while Maduro, in turn, accused the United States of trying to orchestrate a coup in order to install Guaido as its puppet and take over Venezuela’s rich natural resources.

Russia, China, Bolivia, Turkey and a number of other countries have voiced their support for Maduro as the Latin American country’s legitimate president.


92f982  No.6646893


this is thanksgiving?

that amount of food will feed about 2 of them.

i hate shit like this

been invited to people's house's and have seen tables like this. you can only take a couple of crumbs of you feel greedy

then you have to leave and go buy a meal.

i've also been to dinner at homes where they will start cooking after you get there. meanwhile i'm starving but i have to wait for two hours to get fed. once i was pregnant and i thought i would die from hunger before we finally ate. this photo triggers me

779abe  No.6646894


>She wouldn't cry.

No, she's be too busy chanting to Lucifer!

8a98ec  No.6646896


WTF? all I can say is WTF?

I defined all is divine first.

Multidimensionals would be divine some white some black - but as you go up octaves more white.

1778a2  No.6646897

File: 8bffb867f86d201⋯.jpg (89.68 KB, 908x641, 908:641, 4e446baf2916d27adbb99dd189….jpg)


If Q was all bad, why would we be allowed this discussion? For you to have audience and be heard? I want you to know that you are safe anon.

That you will be remembered as heroes.

That you don't need to overwork yourself.

Take care of yourself.

Have you heard of self reflection?

Self reflective thought projects the internal experiences onto the external environment.

Many people experience long periods of paranoia or high tension and stress may enter this state of mind.

The television will began sending messages to you. Phone calls are hard to understand. Trouble with keeping track of time, a floating feeling.

Sound familiar?

3daf6e  No.6646898


They gonna make jars of Chelsea's Walnut Sauce?

3db1df  No.6646899

File: f891b5ce515f21d⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, muellerworkingfortrump.mp4)

File: 8dc5db33f996fc3⋯.jpg (582.38 KB, 1079x1562, 1079:1562, muellerflynn.jpg)

8dde50  No.6646900



The Americans have come to Bilderberg in force this year. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived on Saturday afternoon in a motorcade so long it stretched halfway back to Geneva. He’ll be sharing his thoughts on “A New Strategic Order” with the head of NATO, two prime ministers, the German foreign minister, the King of Holland, and any number of finance bosses and billionaires, many of them from the world of tech.

A slew of Silicon Valley luminaries are attending this year’s elite transatlantic conference at a heavily-guarded five-star hotel on the shores of Lake Geneva. They include Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, who is making his first appearance at the secretive summit, and his fellow Microsoft board member, Reid Hoffman, who’s a regular face at the Bilderberg buffet.

The White House is making itself felt at this year’s conference, by sending along not only Pompeo, but Trump’s dealmaking diplomat son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and two members of his National Security Council. Not to be outdone, the Pentagon has sent two senior officials: their top military strategist and the technical director for AI.

As the war machine gets smarter, and every last bit of weaponry becomes AI-enhanced, the lines between Silicon Valley and the Pentagon start to get awfully blurry. Sniff this year’s Bilderberg and you can smell this new kind of war: “cyber threats” and “the weaponisation of social media” are on the agenda. And around the table are the head of GCHQ and the director of NATO’s new StratCom Centre of Excellence, which spearheads “digital engagement” and psychological warfare.

This blurring of tech and war takes physical form in some of the participants at Bilderberg. Longtime conference insider and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt chairs the Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Board and also heads up the new National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. Two other members of the Defense Innovation Board are here in Montreux: Reid Hoffman, and the psychologist Adam M. Grant.

Alongside Schmidt on the Bilderberg steering committee are yet another two tech billionaires, Alex Karp and Peter Thiel. Karp is the CEO of Palantir, a shady data-analytics company which has just won a massive $800 million Pentagon battlefield intelligence contract. Palantir was set up in 2004 by Peter Thiel with backing from the CIA. Thiel, who was a co-founder of PayPal, is a director of Facebook and is high tech’s most vocal supporter of Donald Trump.

4bf460  No.6646901


This is Grotesque

342cca  No.6646902


Anon they only sacrifice their own,kids because they have too

They 100% have a deformed form,of love

And that can be expoited to cause pain

If that doesnt work physical pain can be used

Or reptitive noise

Hey maybe i should join the cia

eed412  No.6646903

File: 32e24e4a4ad97c0⋯.png (14.52 KB, 841x218, 841:218, ClipboardImage.png)


P A N I C H A S S E T I N ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

99c724  No.6646904

Notables @500

#8499 new baker

>>6646401 SCOTUS could intervene re: Dems impeachment plans

>>6646460 ‘Record Number’ of Migrant Boats in English Channel, ‘Home Office Needs to Get a Grip’

>>6646466 Statement from POTUS on LGBT Pride Month

>>6646505 How Attorney General Bill Barr Prepares For Each Day- for keks, why not!

>>6646557 George P pimping book (adding for day crew)

>>6646574 Trump mayhem: Protesters vow to paralyse London during the President's visit with marches, a rude robot and THAT blimp

>>6646591 Q post June 1st 2018-ref 10 days of darkness

>>6646599 NSC Twat-Bolton in London ahead of POTUS

>>6646620 Sara Carter Tweet-Comey should worry about real intelligence

>>6646647 Rep Nunes Tweet(from April 18th, 2018 ref: Honey Badger)

>>6646837 Trump Tweet Emmet Flood

578d2d  No.6646905

File: 1f38fff34f1263b⋯.png (72.78 KB, 330x514, 165:257, ClipboardImage.png)

0de576  No.6646906

File: 090341de5b7e521⋯.png (828.38 KB, 858x601, 858:601, babs2.png)

578d2d  No.6646907

File: f89c014b323373f⋯.png (29.34 KB, 476x125, 476:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the water.

It might Flood.

191fd2  No.6646908


Hang glider

3db1df  No.6646909



e39766  No.6646910

File: 932964b43924029⋯.png (698.49 KB, 1208x1166, 604:583, ClipboardImage.png)

Now do Loretta Lynch's thunder thighs WaPo.

What a pathetic media company they are. Useless mouthpiece for the deep state.


f69ab6  No.6646911

File: 9c0b1b313649f2b⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 255x186, 85:62, georgewashingtontopkek.jpg)

342cca  No.6646912


"Mr trump the psyop isnt working

Please try harder"

"I am kissenger

But theres still so many people who see right thru me and the left"

Daily reminder they are afraid of us

6a3a09  No.6646913


Their saving room for the pies in the corner and the ice cream in the freezer

23d09b  No.6646914


>Saw this on Twitter. Wonder what it’s all about?

He's trolling you. Just like 17 is.

3daf6e  No.6646915


Kansas gonna demand [their] unconditional surrender. It is the last chance before MOABs start going BOOM.

650705  No.6646916

File: 6ba887472a71413⋯.jpg (25.1 KB, 572x399, 572:399, Call_center_turnover_stati….jpg)

Hoping for improvements to the media server SOON.

d2098f  No.6646917

File: 4174e1975f7bd6a⋯.png (339.85 KB, 483x317, 483:317, 2019-06-01_15-59-37.png)

c668aa  No.6646918


the feminist looks menopausal

1ffaea  No.6646919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

London landlord sets up 'Trump Arms' tavern | Ruptly

An hour ago.


9b839a  No.6646920

File: 550ca2d44ed4bed⋯.jpeg (103.88 KB, 636x674, 318:337, F12EED2D-6E10-4FE0-BEA8-1….jpeg)

File: 58ef93fe783b4cd⋯.jpeg (28.14 KB, 255x238, 15:14, 08587787-CEEA-48DD-B40E-E….jpeg)

Was hoping one of our talented Memefags could make a Pepe Boom graphic out of this pic; already has his eyes and head shape. Smoking high Pepe would be funny too. But definitely need a good Boom pic for upcoming habbenings.

26d18f  No.6646921

File: cf455d9f5486fc8⋯.png (15.63 KB, 813x166, 813:166, Barr_Mueller_2_1-2yrs.png)


thank you, anon, nice catch

cbs transcript, sauce confirmed as legit:
