[–]▶ e065ab (21) No.6650975>>6651411 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
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Sunday 05.26.2019
>>6593544 ---———————————--——– YOU ATTACK THOSE WHO THREATEN YOU THE MOST
>>6593482 ---———————————--——– Japan knows Q/non public (ss >>6593687)
Thursday 05.23.2019
>>6574269 ---———————————--——– Why did POTUS give authority to Barr?
>>6573322 ---———————————--——– Enjoy the Show
>>6573291 ---———————————--——– FisaGate Poster
>>6572954 rt >>6572883 ----———————-- Moves & countermoves.
>>6572842 rt >>6572785 ----———————-- Repost of Crumb #1745
>>6572698 rt >>6572656 ----———————-- UK/AUS assist/set up
>>6572667 rt >>6572364 ----———————-- Key to DNC 'source' 'hack' '187'.
>>6572484 rt >>6572267 ----———————-- Carter Page 'public' FISA.
>>6572270 rt >>6572140 ----———————-- Foreign assist underway w/ DOJ.
>>6572190 rt >>6572130 ----———————-- Follow the Watch
>>6572005 ---———————————--——– Important to Remember
>>6571844 ---———————————--——– PANIC IN DC
Sunday 05.12.2019
>>6482822 rt >>6482812 ----———————-- Boom time baker (Comey MOAB meme) (Cap: >>6500105)
>>6482810 ---———————————--——– NO SLEEP IN DC
>>6482617 ---———————————--——– Eyes on (Cap: >>6482670)
>>6482574 ---———————————--——– BOOM WEEK AHEAD
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>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown
▶ e065ab (21) No.6650979
Global Board Admin Announcements
>>6551371 Voat admin threatens to deplatform QRV, BO creates a backup >>6560164
>>6446595 BO on baker checks and BV removed >>6477078
>>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)
Bakers, please don't add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode
are not endorsements
#8504 baker change
>>6650255 Anon idea on Comey "Q" on twat
>>6650295 Former U.S. president Barack Obama urges Canadians to hope in 'dark age' (kek)
>>6650309 Biden declares that LGBTQ right his No. 1 legislative priority
>>6650336, >>6650537 Paul Combetta dig
>>6650346 Baltimore Missionaries Prepare For Trip To Haiti
>>6650239, >>6650385. >>6650393, >>6650396, >>6650402 Kappy Digg
>>6650539 DARPA capable of exterminating the human race
>>6650421, >>6650487, >>6650498, >>6650546, >>6650555, >>6650700 Red shoe/witch Digg
>>6650704 The New York State Education Department on Thursday instructed a school district to delay its plans to implement the use of facial recognition technology
>>6650767 Israel strikes Syria after rockets fired at Golan
>>6650810, >>6650833 Mexican president expecting ‘good results’ on US/Mexico talks but says his country "is already doing everything it can about immigration"
>>6650948 #8504
#8503 baker change
>>6649754, >>6649761, >>6649764 resignations in the news today
>>6649726 Sputnik: NSA gave intelligence to Israel for strikes.
>>6649700 Mueller investigated a conservative think tank for its America first foreign policy and POTUS connection.
>>6649693 Red Castle Tweets: Are You Prepared? 3:42 timestamp
>>6649767, >>6649937, >>6649840 more chatter on the Red Castle tweet
>>6649676 Feds charge man for falsifying inspection records for hardware supplied to SpaceX.
>>6649613 Russia promotes family creation.
>>6649605 DJT Tweet: "The Great Jerry West will be receiving our Nation's highest civilian honor…"
>>6649594 Global airlines slash profit forecast 21% on protectionism fears.
>>6649591 State Department will now require all visa applicants to provide social media accounts.
>>6650199 #8503
>>6649399 Comey's FBI hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit.
>>6649410 DJT Tweet: "THE TRUTH! The Witch Hunt is dead. Thank you @marcthiessen."
>>6649310, >>6649352, >>6649354 Bill Maher roasts HRC.
>>6649299 Japanese defense minister warns that North Korea remains global threat.
>>6649249, >>6649295, >>6649322 MSM's war on your mind.
>>6649221 Scavino Tweet: Tomorrow evening --- we depart for the UK
>>6649199 What if Adm Mike Rogers had not been appointed to lead NSA/Cyber Command?
>>6648966, >>6649147, >>6649201 Misconduct by FBI for leaks and accepting gifts.
>>6649111 Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper.
>>6648975 Baker unsure if he received 'Russia information' from Perkins Coie before or after the beginning of the investigation.
>>6648971 Only 8% of Americans say abortion should be legal until third trimester.
>>6648976 ProPublica Soros affiliated.
>>6648942 State media: Syrian air defenses confront ‘hostile targets’ in Damascus countryside.
>>6648872 Photos and article on the 'elites' at Bilderberg.
>>6648841 Nigel Farage attacks Downing Street for 'banning' him from meeting Donald Trump.
>>6648837 “Coworker" who was last person who spoke with VIrgina Beach shooter is high order MASON.
>>6648819 PapaD taunting WaPo.
>>6648820, >>6648868, >>6648885, >>6648960, >>6648991 Background on milkshake terrorist.
>>6648739, >>6648988 Enlarged ring photo from VA Beach shooting. Master Chief Petty Officer.
>>6648761 Marines Tweet: "My Fellow Belleau Woodsmen"
>>6649461 #8502
Previously Collected Notables
>>6647909 #8500, >>6648687 #8501
>>6645566 #8497, >>6646346 #8498, >>6647099 #8499
>>6643211 #8494, >>6643998 #8495, >>6644771 #8496
>>6640981 #8491, >>6641717 #8492, >>6642459 #8493
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▶ e065ab (21) No.6650982
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▶ e065ab (21) No.6650983
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Learn To Bake!
Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>6491976
Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY
Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154
Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR
Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043
▶ e065ab (21) No.6650986>>6651026 >>6651036 >>6651048 >>6651072 >>6651099
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6650988>>6650991 >>6650993 >>6650999 >>6651000 >>6651002 >>6651013 >>6651016 >>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel
(It's a video, click it.)
Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.
*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*
A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.
If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.
Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian.
If these posts aren't being posted it's because I have something else to do.
The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.
Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.
When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.
Define ‘deflection’.
Logical thinking.
Shill count HIGH.
What we are currently experiencing is known as:
Definition of Armageddon
1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil
b : the battle taking place at Armageddon
2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation
How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion
Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well
Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood
The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)
Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City
New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6650991>>6650993 >>6650999 >>6651000 >>6651002 >>6651013 >>6651016 >>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6650988
Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein
*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*
@ 39:54
"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."
Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.
Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory
New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade
How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion
Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well
Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood
The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)
Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City
New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6650993>>6650999 >>6651000 >>6651002 >>6651013 >>6651016 >>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6650988
McDonalds caught using human baby meat in their burgers
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6651000>>6651002 >>6651013 >>6651016 >>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6650988
SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary
(It's a video, click it.)
Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6651002>>6651013 >>6651016 >>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6650988
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY corresponds with world events.
▶ b056a2 (7) No.6651006>>6651083
>>6650977 (lb)
Combetta mentioned in Strzok/Page Texts.
Needs Sauce but very potentially notable
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651011
>>6649095 (pb)
Woman beater? Sauce for that claim (since it sounds like you pulled that right out of your ass)?
▶ ed5fd7 (15) No.6651016>>6651021 >>6651027 >>6651032 >>6651033 >>6651037 >>6651041 >>6651043 >>6651209 >>6651490
▶ c39ce9 (1) No.6651025>>6651123
All alone here after filtering rabbi noseboig
▶ 6e560d (2) No.6651029>>6651058
>>6650872 (lb)
Let’s see the Tupac action. Thought He’d show up in 2014. Took it too far. MJ slide. Machiavelli had some questionable yet interesting ideas
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651036>>6651048
After anon feedback, meant to delete
>>6650255 Anon idea on Comey "Q" on twat
Correction made now, new corrected pastebin:
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651044
>>6650295 (pb)
He's correct, the "Dark Ages," was his 8 years in the WH! NOW we are entering the Renaissance.
▶ 037ef7 (1) No.6651045
M and S (lb)
Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson
HRC lawyers
▶ 5274f9 (6) No.6651047>>6651049 >>6651051 >>6651055 >>6651057 >>6651059 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Want to know who (((The Jews))) really are? These will help connect the final dots about who and WHY they have a "Blood Libel".
They were never defeated. Hence the term "False Jew" Rev:3.9
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651048>>6651052 >>6651076 >>6651423 >>6651534 >>6651706 >>6651783
Baker departing the kitchen
NEW pastebin
Thanks anons for another great bake.
▶ 5274f9 (6) No.6651049>>6651051 >>6651055 >>6651057 >>6651059 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651047
Canaanite Jews 1
▶ 1362c1 (1) No.6651052>>6651067
Thank You Baker!! God Bless and God Speed.
▶ ca1224 (6) No.6651053>>6651069 >>6651075 >>6651129
If the anon who posted this essay earlier is still around, I made a new version of the graphic to try and improve readability without increasing the already ridiculous image dimensions.
▶ 771361 (5) No.6651056
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651058>>6651091 >>6651107
You can eat shit with your "slide" bullshit.
Not a whole lot going on and it's more than plausible.
A doctor even said MJ showed up at the hospital alive even though fakenews reports of him being dead before.
Good to know I'm pretty close over the target that it was brought to nb though.
▶ 5274f9 (6) No.6651059>>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651047
Naked Bible Podcast 211 --- Was Cain the Seed of the Serpent?
▶ 3c8c22 (3) No.6651063>>6651065 >>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651061
"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"
▶ 3c8c22 (3) No.6651065>>6651209 >>6651490
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651061
"Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories" Censored w/ A.I. Algorithms says ADL
▶ d0be53 (1) No.6651066>>6651071 >>6651203 >>6651243 >>6651249 >>6651255 >>6651351
40,000 ft view.
Nice perspective
I don't feel for the bad actor's
Consequences of playing the game.
The winning side has it all.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651067
Thank you anon, Blessings to you and yours.
▶ 771361 (5) No.6651068>>6651110 >>6651118
I hope you are getting all of this. : )
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651069>>6651115 >>6651217
Incoherent gibberish, and lots of it.
▶ 01863d (1) No.6651070>>6651137 >>6651197
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Even though HA has dissed Q in the past, he's still pretty great at ridiculing the left and has some great comedic moments,
▶ b45b65 (4) No.6651071>>6651078
Bill Barr, Badass
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651072>>6651084
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6650986
For you, baker. Thank you for what you do.
Something to help you relax and while away the hours.
▶ 649654 (6) No.6651074>>6651077
Great watch, if you have (((Bezos))) Prime. I am watching about intel ops in Viet Nam right now and it is a terrific Red Pill flick.
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651075>>6651079 >>6651212 >>6651725
When did Crispin Glover crawl out from under the rock he's been hiding under since the Back to The Future movies? Saw him so high out of his mind on Letterman back in the 80's, that he did a karate kick that barely missed Letterman's head. In retrospect, too bad for the miss!
▶ 2d5dd0 (2) No.6651076>>6651092
god speed bacerbro
▶ 771361 (5) No.6651077>>6651081
A-team cost me almost 15 bucks and my free was pissed at me.
▶ ca1224 (6) No.6651079
This was a long time ago, probably the first hint of what we'd learn from the Podesta emails later on.
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651080>>6651097
>>6650996 (lb)
>Well, the amount of shilling when even mentioning it, let's just say Q is Jr. and not DJT Jr.
>That would surprise quite a few people, would it not?
Sure it would. But you have no basis for belieing so…
Especially because Q has directly stated that this was not the case.
▶ 649654 (6) No.6651081>>6651303
Prime is free. I dont give any $$$ beyond the membership. Expand your thinking.
▶ fa7d19 (2) No.6651083>>6651153 >>6651370
You can read the Strzok-Page texts here.
This one mentions Combetta using Bleachbit.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651084
Just what the doctor ordered. Have a great night, o7.
▶ 908cb7 (3) No.6651087
You are right. They all are him. 15 posts, all him. So we are not going to respond so he ups post count. Lets see this play out. Noticed late last bread shill was gone. Not linking to him.
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651088
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651073
Stevie was the man tho.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651089
Looks like the all-nite cafe has a back room…..lookin' good. Lure more anons to night shift?
▶ b45b65 (4) No.6651090>>6651116 >>6651144 >>6651312 >>6651534 >>6651659 >>6651706
Happening? Would seem so. Opinions?
The FTC has been so quiet I forgot it existed. Who's the head of it?
Google Should Be Afraid. Very Afraid.
(Bloomberg Opinion) -- This is the moment the U.S. technology superpowers surely knew was coming: The U.S. government is preparing to crawl all over Google to figure out whether it is an abusive monopolist. Google parent company Alphabet Inc. and the other tech giants should be quaking in their fleece vests.
Bloomberg News and other news organizations reported late Friday that the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance with antitrust laws. If it goes forward, an investigation will no doubt be broad, lengthy, messy, and impossible for Google and its investors to predict.
That should terrify Google and every other big technology company --- because there’s no guarantee that the antitrust Klieg light will turn on one company alone.
This isn’t Google’s first antitrust rodeo. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission in 2013 closed without further action its own antitrust investigation into whether Google wielded its dominant web search engine like a cudgel to disadvantage rivals, drive up prices for advertisers and ultimately harm consumers. (Google did agree to some voluntary changes.)
And in recent years, the European Union antitrust watchdog imposed billions of dollars in fines after finding antitrust violations, including over how Google conducted business with its Android smartphone software and its internet shopping service. In the U.S. and elsewhere, politicians from all party stripes have sought to attack Google or other tech giants for various perceived sins, including being too big for the good of industry and consumers. Being Google has meant dealing with perennial regulatory and political nightmares.
This latest chapter of “As Google Turns” may have started in January on Capitol Hill. “I don’t think big is necessarily bad, but I think a lot of people wonder how such huge behemoths that now exist in Silicon Valley have taken shape under the nose of the antitrust enforcers,” Bill Barr, now the U.S. attorney general, said to U.S. senators during a confirmation hearing. The DOJ’s chief antitrust enforcer, who represented Google during a merger more than a decade ago, has expressed similar views.
Antitrust investigations are difficult to predict, of course. Once the U.S. government pores over every internal email and business development contract, there’s no telling what it will turn up. If the DOJ moves ahead, it will also be an open invitation for every company or individual with a gripe against Google to pile on, and an investigation will embolden critics of Facebook, Amazon and other tech giants as well.
It’s worth remembering that Google narrowly escaped a possible antitrust lawsuit the last time the U.S. looked closely. Portions of communications between FTC commissioners and staff later showed that staffers wanted to bring an antitrust lawsuit on a few matters including on what they said was Google’s strong-arm tactics to scrape information from websites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor without their permission to improve Google’s search engine. Ultimately the FTC commissioners unanimously voted not to pursue a lawsuit and possibly a breakup of what was then a smaller Google.
That was a different regulatory agency during the administration of President Barack Obama, which was considered relatively cozy with Google. The current White House has been openly critical of Google, largely over bogus claims that it and some other tech companies unfairly suppress conservative voices online.
Washington is much different than it was in 2013, and sentiment in the capitol and beyond has soured as U.S. technology superstars have grown even larger and more dominant. An investigation of Google is likely to be politically popular on both the left and the right. The politics and the optics aren’t in Google’s favor. Now we’ll see -- again – whether the law is against the company as well.
▶ 6e560d (2) No.6651091>>6651154
Cool your jets. Just have seen plenty of this. I’m sure you are glad it made it to nb. Point is he wouldn’t be the first to try.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651092
Godspeed, good to have moar than one baker per bread, one lurking, observing. Much to observe. Anons, too, but they often notice different things.
▶ f90ab8 (2) No.6651093>>6651105 >>6651135
Found global on jpeg conversion and am reattempting with Snapseed.
No coincidences. Red Castle tweet from 2 breads back.
"VICKSBURG" District
Again, apologize for being tech ignorant.
▶ d7a74a (1) No.6651094
Hundreds of names
Here are a few of them.
▶ 1447bf (2) No.6651095
Im a bit confused, if I understand the direct communication coming from our President, that’s an outside comm? I don’t think so….No one tells me what to think or do…My wonderful President gives me all of the information I need to feel safe and secure. Anyone trying to confuse or deliberately mislead….shame on them. Thank You #POTUS45
▶ 771361 (5) No.6651096
good guys win
better days ahead
in the men time moar training
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651097>>6651106 >>6651154
>>6650996 (lb)
> and not DJT Jr.
And btw. what basis do you have for DJT jr. being Q either?
Are you just asserting things for the sake of making assertions?
▶ fa7d19 (2) No.6651100>>6651104
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651104
Doxing Q would imply that we know who Q is…
We don't, so we can't dox Q.
But nice try…
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651105>>6651120
I'm still lurking. Let me know how it works. My global. Anon suggested snapseed and others endorsed, would like anon feedback very much. Can still around a little bit for a report if you'd be so kind.
▶ 1447bf (2) No.6651106
Many say it’s #firedflynn haha 😆 that’s what the Don does, he fires the bad guys. Why would anyone think spotlight flynn is good, he was OBAMAs boy…look it up
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651107
What about MJ's family suing for wrongful death though?
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651108>>6651112 >>6651169
All LB. What are the odds baker and this “anon” post right after one another or within one post of each other this many times? Bread #8504 posts.
Just a coincidence I suppose. Here are the ones only separated by a single post. What are the odds of the consecutive ones above plus the ones below?
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651110
No it's not, but then you would have had to take the team to read it through all the way to know that. It hits the nail on the head, and it's over the target, and that's why it triggered a scumbag, POS, shill to attempt to discredit it! That and the shekels you're paid for your faggotry. Sorry asshole, but I'm going to nominate it for a NOTABLE, NIGGER! Here, do us all a favor and-
▶ 11f607 (1) No.6651111>>6651114 >>6651339
Can anyone find the order that says classifications can't be used
to cover a crime or hide indiscretions?
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651112
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651114>>6651132
Those quads are asking me:
Can you? You clearly have some foreknowledge so you must havve an idea where to look.
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651115
No it's not, but then you would have had to take the team to read it through all the way to know that. It hits the nail on the head, and it's over the target, and that's why it triggered a scumbag, POS, shill to attempt to discredit it! That and the shekels you're paid for your faggotry. Sorry asshole, but I'm going to nominate it for a NOTABLE, NIGGER! Here, do us all a favor and-
▶ 649654 (6) No.6651116
Yes, thank you for posting. I am awake at this hour and can concur that I have read this anons reort and consider it to be
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651117
The Marine that "Played" Seth Rich.
Who is the Number One Anon!
Who was a spy/fly in the dim machine
That would bring a smile to the Anon's faces.
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651118
Sorry, wrong post, fren!
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651119>>6651175
Must be Jeff Foxworthy's house.
In one of his standups he talked about how he has 3 daughters and that there are always naked Barbies all over his house.
▶ f90ab8 (2) No.6651120>>6651252
My attempt failed as my pics are still jpeg format. Thought I had it. I'll spend more time in the morning working on it anon.Gotta be back up in a few.
Have a good one.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651121>>6651127 >>6651183 >>6651214
▶ 823a29 (4) No.6651122>>6651619
Mueller and Weissmann manipulated phone call transcript to try indict Trump
Federal prosecutors released the full transcript of a voicemail from John Dowd, one of Trump’s attorneys to an attorney for Michael Flynn that Mueller examined as part of his obstruction inquiry. However, Robert Mueller and Andrew Weissmann have been caught manipulating the transcript of the Flynn Attorney phone call.
The voicemail in question was left for Robert Kelner, a lawyer for the former national security adviser, after Flynn withdrew from a joint defense agreement with Trump’s attorneys and began cooperating in Mueller’s investigation. Mueller examined the voicemail as part of his investigation into whether Trump or others obstructed justice. Mueller and Weissmann then used an edited version of the phone call transcript as evidence that Trump was attempting to interfere with the special counsel Russia collusion investigation. After the call was released it was compared the call transcript to the transcript published in the Mueller report.
And it doesn’t match.
As you will see, in one part Mueller leaves out the context of the call in the edits, and the note the part where Dowd says: “without you having to give up any confidential information.” Mr. Dowd is stating that he does not want to interfere in Flynn’s cooperation with Mueller, which is the complete opposite to the spun lie presented by Weissmann and Mueller’s report.
As Rosie Memos points out: Once again #MuellerReport edited messages to make them appear more damaging, the full transcript of this phone call reveals Dowd’s message was pretty typical for a lawyer and he clearly states he’s not interested in any confidential info. What else did they manipulate?
Statement from former Trump lawyer John Dowd in response to the Special Counsel’s deceptive edits of his voicemail to Flynn’s lawyer read: “It is unfair and despicable. It was a friendly privileged call between counsel -- with NO conflict. I think Flynn got screwed”
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651123>>6651130
Nah no Anon is ever "alone"
▶ c58419 (6) No.6651124
fed theory from older bread
▶ d009dc (3) No.6651126
My guess the white rabbits lead to Playboy etc
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651129>>6651210
I nominate for NOTABLE. Not an easy read, but well thought out, and actually didn't go far enough in his criticism of Spielberg! That sick fuck still has to answer for the death of Heather O'Rourke! My dream would be for him to be marched up to the gallows along with Hildebeast and the rest of the swamp scum!
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651130>>6651205
>no Anon is ever "alone"
Define alone.
No one else is in my vicinity. But i'm not alone?
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651131
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. It's late.
It's night shift; later that that, it's graveyard shift.
We watch the water, wondering what DS "war" will erupt (or DS shenanigans will be proven by Q)
For now, why not relax; watch the water for a short time while wondering, pondering, wishing what might be.
▶ c44abe (5) No.6651133>>6651150
How much of a mess do you want to leave?
▶ 5272cd (1) No.6651134
moar sauce and digs on Combatta raid pls
▶ 1a3d6e (4) No.6651136
▶ 415329 (2) No.6651137
he hasn't bothered to really look into Q and it shows when he talks about the topic.
It's fine though, in my mind - belief is not needed if he's arguing for all the right things anyway.
▶ 403d28 (9) No.6651138>>6651140
Come out with some new revelations against the Clintons. You will be suicided.
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651139>>6651151
Converting jpegs through an app is lame.
Anon said awhile back CM or someone could make it so jpegs convert when posted.
When and why did this jpeg shit become a thing?
▶ 06d2d7 (3) No.6651140
And it will be messy.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651141>>6651148 >>6651149
Nah. I'm considering a night swim.
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651143
If we are just requesting things.
I'd like the cheat codes for Street Fighter X. I don't have time to unlock all characters.
▶ b45b65 (4) No.6651144
Tried to post some more digging on the FTC & related news, but getting repeated error messages. Unable to post, baker.
▶ b83853 (1) No.6651145>>6651288 >>6651357
IMPEACH, Q survey, analysis, theory
Before listing a few stats on 'IMPEACH' in Q code, it is imperative to start where Q started. Primordial Q 16, saying of current POTUS, 'he's 100% insulated with zero risk of impeachment (fact).' This is the first mention of 'impeach,' out of 103 in 37 drops. Most of the 37 have Trump as target of Impeach, 25/37, approx 2/3s, measured by drops. Five of those are copies of previous drop, so 20 unique drops hones accuracy. By the way, popcorn first mentioned at start of 16. Mature Q perceptive knows IMPEACHMENT is part of show, plan. Put on corn, sit back, enjoy.
We now sit at critical Dem fork, 'impeach or no impeach,' start of June 2019. Pelosi (32 times + NPs), see Q 3028 (currently last reference to both impeach and Pelosi), she now argues that Trump wants impeachment. In 3028, nancy and chucky threatened POTUS with impeachment. Her personal tune and tone has changed since 3-11-19.
The great beats are tamed, Mueller and Rosenstein (2381, 1928) plus 18 angry Dems. Our eyes have witnessed the show. Nancy and chucky are now different from their high stance 3-11-19. The chair and whip are on them. My theory is POTUS/Q team offered Pelosi a private pack, pointing out her quilt, she got told, 'No Impeachment, or your indictment comes up next.' It is a matter of when, not if. Truth/Justice forms strong countermoves against evil politicians. Meanwhile, Q/Q+ publicly taunt Dems to impeach, like POTUS' recent, 'impeach is dirty word.'
Q/Q+, before start of first run, they knew impeachment had to be faced. They could never afford a foul-up, especially Trump. Very heavy burden, living through WITCH-HUNT. Q/Q+ knew they had to endure these days. 'Facts,' as in 3028, do not exist. A politically driven House can start Impeachment, even pass it. The Senate will never agree, no 'FACTS.' Impeachment is big, long process requiring many, see 2584, follow the link. The implication is that Dems would take House in 18. It was expected, anticipated, part of plan.
Dark weekend looms over Trump's head, 6-1-19, stocks down, crisis at border, NK and China look bad, Merkle and Royal shun, Nancy on throne, IMPEACHMENT looms. But coming revelations, of far greater relevance, likely Monday, will set the whole world to heel. Those with measures of guilt, not Trump, will topple, tumbled into super-panic mode. True Q Patriots know the balance of JUSTICE tips back RIGHT, TRUE, CENTERED. Dream of impeachment pacifies guilty Dems this weekend, last HOPE to CHANGE final fate, 2658. Mueller flunked 2397.
click, click, click, no clickbait, click, click, click,
dominoes tall, poli-ticks all, evil down fall
pop, Pop, POP, Patriot's, cliQue on top…
'noes' topple… click, click, click… Q next pick
I hope to post further statistics/analytics overview of Impeach for any with interest
▶ a90c89 (1) No.6651146
Jump off of this slide.
▶ c0b1e8 (4) No.6651147
Talk to a physician, cop, or paramedic. Redundancy is the key. Everyone always says I'm sorry. The last thing you feel is an immense and overpowering feeling of regret bordering on panic.
I'm binge watching Lucifer, Trump is organizing prayer rallies with Franklin, and you are online looking for attention.
▶ 28495f (3) No.6651150>>6651156 >>6651157 >>6651170 >>6651225 >>6651372 >>6651510 >>6651595
Don't want a big mess for my family to see.
Won't be a funeral. I just want my ashes thrown in the garbage.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651151>>6651166 >>6651207
I read up on cm post in globales re jpeg etc
Linux issue and png more problematic than jpeg
Certain bakers won’t notable with jpeg
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651152
▶ 908cb7 (3) No.6651153
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651154>>6651168
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651091
I've literally fucking sat here and watched people argue over whether or not Michael O has a dick or not and people let it go, hmm.
Reading comprehension much?
What other Jr. is mainstream right now? Was simply pointing out that I wasn't talking about the one who is obviously alive.
▶ c44abe (5) No.6651156>>6651160
.22 short in the ear. Won`t penetrate the skull but will rip up the brain while it ricochets in your cranium….
▶ c0b1e8 (4) No.6651157
Found the liberal white male.
▶ 7cd5d2 (1) No.6651158
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. OMG Can't Believe These Bilderberg Members Talked To Us And What They Said!
Daftner .Peter, ect..
▶ 5c70c2 (1) No.6651159
2018 Tweet
Jun 2, 2018 12:31:02 PM
There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats). When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our Country. Is the Special Councel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters to the Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems corruption instead?
▶ 28495f (3) No.6651160>>6651172 >>6651735
▶ b45b65 (4) No.6651161
Somebody text Marketfag and tell him to watch Amazon and Google/Alphabet Monday morning
DOJ and FTC are fixin' to put a hurtin' on 'em
I think I may be starting to enjoy schadenfreude more than sex
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651162
The best way is by NOT bringing it here unless you're a delicate, attention seeking infantile. You don't need instructions, nor permission. It's your choice.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651163>>6651191
the bait didn't bite so now the good tide is the next chance for bait and then the next window to use the bait is like hours away. Awful. I don't even have a towel. I blame Q.
▶ df9bbe (6) No.6651164
Group of 20+ vandalizes government building with pickaxes, hammers, police say
DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. - Police say they are searching for a group of dozens of people who vandalized the administrative building in DeKalb County.
The vandalism happened at the Maloof Administrative Building around 9:30 p.m. Friday in Decatur.
Police tell Channel 2 Action News that 20 to 26 adults wearing masks, hoods and gloves were seen walking toward the building.
>After anon feedback, meant to delete
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651166>>6651174 >>6651218
It was never a problem till recently.
Did apple make a change?
I’ve been shitposting with the same device for awhile now. Everything was png and then poof, all the sudden jpeg and phonefags are screwed.
Most bakers will either get new sauce or put it in anyways if its spicy. But yeah this is shit. CM to the rescue pleez.
Thinking bout emailing ron.
▶ 823a29 (4) No.6651167
Exclusive--Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan Hosts CNN’s Jake Tapper for Off-the-Record Meeting
On May 24, McAleenan had lunch at the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., with Tapper for an exclusive, off-the-record meeting, Breitbart News confirmed with two sources close to the administration. Breitbart News first reached out to DHS officials for comment on May 30 after learning of the private meeting. Days later, on June 1, a DHS spokesperson did not provide details of the meeting between McAleenan and Tapper, but said that agency officials engage “with a variety of media partners.”
“As a law enforcement entity, the public’s trust is critical to the Department of Homeland Security’s mission,” a DHS spokesperson said. “To maintain that trust, the Department engages with a variety of media partners to respond to media inquiries and provide factual information about its critical and diverse missions.” An administration official with knowledge of the off-the-record meeting told Breitbart News that McAleenan is “more concerned with ingratiating himself with other Never Trumpers who have always advocated for open borders.”
Another source with knowledge of the meeting said McAleenan offered Tapper an “unprecedented level of access and accommodation.” “What was discussed behind closed doors, we’ll likely never know, but if I’m a member of the administration battling each day to counter the wall-to-wall disinformation campaign of Tapper and the opposition party, this meeting is sacrilege,” the source told Breitbart News. Since his presidential campaign, President Trump has ridiculed CNN for its coverage of his administration. Last year, in particular, Tapper cut off Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller during an interview.
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651168>>6651193 >>6651199
FFS is real.
Why do you think Q must be a Jr.?
Where did that idea originate from?
You said:
>let's just say Q is Jr. and not DJT Jr.
This gives 2 options for who Q could be. My question is why those 2 options. Because I don't agree at all that those are the 2 options.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651169>>6651200 >>6651241
Ok my shilly friend, just how do you plan to do your correlational analysis? What precisely is your hypothesis? What methods will you use to test it? How will you know you have confirmed it? What specific tests will you perform? What software will you employ (SPSS)?
Seems like the main thing you are showing here is that
a. baker posted a lot during toward end of bread
b. baker makes dumb mistakes sometimes.
Here's a categorical breakdown of baker remarks, just for fun:
>>6650615 (You)
>>6650700 (You)
>>6650797 (You)
>>6650916 (You)
>>6650737 (You)
>>6650849 (You)
informational inquiries
>>6650847 (You)
>>6650869 (You)
>>6650871 (You)
>>6650871 (You)
analysis of the kind of shill misstatements designed to discredit this baker and others
>>6650913 (You)
As for the other remarks that aren't mine, they look like a randomly distributed collection of isolated remarks.
Free analysis, lucky you.
(And take some courses in statistical analysis.)
▶ c0b1e8 (4) No.6651170
Anybody want to report this to law enforcement? I hate anyone who would do this and assume it's just some shills trying to fuck with my head after the 22short comment. If the dude offs himself my conscience is clean but yours might not be.
▶ 8f84a9 (4) No.6651171
▶ c44abe (5) No.6651172>>6651192
Let us know how it turns out…..
▶ 8f84a9 (4) No.6651173
Hey newbie, Q here, VOTE PEPE 2020
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651174>>6651184
exclusively phonefag
few hours past updated iOS on iPhone and iTunes
using jpeg=>png app free
unaware if iPhone setting allows saving preferences
used to be png
5s here
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651175>>6651177 >>6651180 >>6651182 >>6651186 >>6651230 >>6651329 >>6651575
"You might be a QAnon if . . ."
Anybody got any thoughts on how to complete this statement?
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651176>>6651332
This day in History for Monday June 3rd
Craaazy day!
UK contractually grabs America, Chile and Peru do a border deal, Reservists beat the crap out of Mexicans, GoM oil spill, Tiananmen Square begins, Hanks premiers BIG, BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY goes GOLD. An historically interdasting day.
1621 Dutch West India Company (WIC) receives charter for The West Indies (The Americas, Caribbean and West Africa)
1929 Chile and Peru sign the Treaty of Lima, finally resolving their border dispute from the War of the Pacific (1879--83). Chile keeps Arica and Peru regains Tacna.
1943 A mob of 60 from the Los Angeles Naval Reserve Armory beat up everyone perceived to be Hispanic, starting the week-long Zoot Suit Riots
1979 Ixtoc I rig in the Gulf of Mexico blows, spilling 3 million barrels of oil in one of the worst oil spills in history
1989 Beginning of the Tiananmen Square Massacre as Chinese troops open fire on pro-democracy supporters in Beijing
▶ 1a3d6e (4) No.6651177>>6651179 >>6651340
spend Saturday night on 8ch
▶ e3659d (3) No.6651178>>6651189 >>6651195
Feels bit bad for things going slow.
Did anyone anticipate that there would be this much scum and cockroaches in the Federal government, IC and the Judicial system?
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651179
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651180>>6651190
You find yourself in casual conversation saying "Kek!"
You must now type the word MORE incorrectly every fuking time.
When your order is incorrect, you refrain from yelling. Tits or GTFO!
▶ e3659d (3) No.6651181
Stop being a cunt and fucking keep breathing, eating and shitting.
Plus there is way more too life than that. Unless you prefer meeting the Devil and getting fucked up bigtime in hell.
▶ 300ff0 (1) No.6651182>>6651188 >>6651202
if when your boss scolds you tell him his asshole is faggot.
▶ 908cb7 (3) No.6651183>>6651196
In aboat ~7 more breads we get to 665555
There is that
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651184
Nope I6 here and you cant rename or set preferences on images. I tried.
watched video an errything.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651185>>6651213
I read >>6508856 Please no JPEGs (new: conversion apps)
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651186>>6651194
You might be Qanon if…..
you're seeking truth and tired of DS, MSM lies.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651187>>6651497
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Rabbi of the Pure Hearts : Inside Lev Tahor - the fifth estate
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651188
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651189
hope is a helluva drug
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651190
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651191>>6651204 >>6651216
Listen bruh.
I ain’t down with this cryptic shit.
Supposed to be some kind of veiled threat?
Speak plainly or gtfo.
▶ c0b1e8 (4) No.6651192
Can you speak up? I can't hear you.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651193>>6651211 >>6651387 >>6651398
Who would surprise anons(who are rarely surprised) for Q to be?
I've thought at once maybe Scavino but meh, not really that much of a shocker.
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651194
▶ ff652e (1) No.6651195>>6651206 >>6651390
Honestly, I am surprised there are enough good ones among them left to form a Q team - or to act as the agents of Q team.
Even the good ones were to the point of "… So what does that have to do with your retirement?" When I would explain to them the problems and corruption.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651196
▶ d9b727 (1) No.6651197
Another fake MAGA joo asshole
▶ 649654 (6) No.6651198
Autists Only, hear me. We need to compare the records of Viet Nam Intelligence with records of Iraq and other [current war here] records of intelligence analyst reports that state that the position on the ground was understood and supported by Command.
We are in the midst of a YUGE Deep State Dig. What we have to do is to tie together elements of what we know better than we did yesterday. o7 faggots!
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651199>>6651211 >>6651369 >>6651397
Don't wanna interrupt this show but every time JFK Jr is mentioned, anon gets a visual of scripture; The way to the Father is thru the Son
[JFK being the one man who united our country, which is what is needed]
Whatever that's worth.
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651200>>6651222
Baker was clown putting stupid crap in notables as usual
▶ 3f2bab (3) No.6651201
Fucking fuck off with this suicide crap, why do you idiots want to go to hell when Revelations is starting and the Devil is about to receive a major beatdown from God?
Once you end up in hell, you are stuck there forever. Are you this much of a dumb cunt?
Get high, get drunk, heck get some steroids and maybe some cocaine and have a fucking blast.
I personally recommend single malt Scotch whisky as another great thing as well.
▶ b056a2 (7) No.6651203
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651066
the planck the planck
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651204
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651205>>6651219
Anon, I pray and hope that someday you will realize how deep Love is. Think of your family and how they loved you or think how you will love your own children if you are ever blessed to have them. God says your a man and you would not give a poison snake to your child to play with. If you being man understand that as love how much more Love the the creator of the universe have for His children. He is "ALWAYS" there. Q even says when asked are we "alone" and "answer" No. There are many layers in Q but the Bible verses are there for a reason. You are not alone ever, your real father is right beside you and willing to listen to whatever you want to talk about. My prayer for you is to learn how real that is.
▶ 3f2bab (3) No.6651206
Dangit, no wonder shits getting pushed out so slowly. It's all that retirement fiber making it super hard.
Should get the Angel of Death to go banzai on their punk asses.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651207
Don't know about other bakers, but this baker will definitely notable with JPEG provided that
a. text is used to convey essential info (tweets)
b. it's not the kind of post where all the essential info is in the pic
If time permits, a baker can simply screenshot the jpeg and add as a png post. But so can alert anons, which is even better during fast breads. And jpegs can also be converted using various apps (if not true, plz reply).
so jpegs need be no problem for most anons
But could be a problem for shills trying to stir up dissension……
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651208>>6651215
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Watch the water!
Dream of days!
▶ b1868d (4) No.6651210
>Not an easy read, but well thought out
Such a description would apply to someone like Zolzhenitsyn.
In this case not so much. Besides being monotone and repetative, the typist strings together rhetorical or near rhetorical questions so as to appear deep, but failing badly.
It's a sauceless, poorly composed screed against StvSplbrg that works here because he's preaching to the choir. And for good measure a random peppering of leftist catechism is haphazardly tossed in, none of which enhances the screed; rather it reduces it.
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651211>>6651221 >>6651245 >>6651344
It's a good question that we are still looking for the answer to.
I don't judge Anons for having an opinion. Personally I don't, because who doesn't matter to me.
But the moment they state that opinion i'm gonna challenge it until they can give me a reasonable response to why they think that.
Is that fair ?
Good for you, lovely dub-dubs.
But I would personally be frightened if I got random flashes of passages from some book whenever something was mentioned here.
▶ 9cae5d (1) No.6651212
Watched this on its first run. They immediately went to a commercial break, Krispin was gone when they came back. They brought him back for a later episode, they made sure he was sober.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651213>>6651232
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651214>>6651233
then pick your topic.
from math spaz
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651216>>6651220 >>6651224
▶ 3845a2 (1) No.6651217
I just assume walls of text are probably gibberish rantings.
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651218>>6651226
Quit using Nintendo toy phone and buy an actual computer
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651219>>6651264
First of all. FUCK YOU for assuming that I don't understand love.
Also I don't care what God says. It has no bearing on your definition of "alone".
Please don't waste your time praying for me, if you infact believe prayers are real. Spend your time on something that matters, like the kids we are trying to save.
▶ 649654 (6) No.6651220
Go back. To Hell faggot.
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651221>>6651227
> I would personally be frightened if I got random flashes of passages from some book whenever something was mentioned here.
It's a higher form of multi-tasking Anon! pic related
[and not scary at all- enlightening and thought provoking]
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651222>>6651259
And shill was clown making stupid allegations as usual. Too bad the sauce was so thin.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651224>>6651229 >>6651231 >>6651313
if you are fishing for perch the trophy is much different than fishing for a trophy bass or tuna.
▶ 3f2bab (3) No.6651225
>Won't be a funeral. I just want my ashes thrown in the garbage.
Honestly, whatever biological mess you leave will be incomparable to the mess you will create in your families lives, your SO and friends.
Suicide is the worst thing for those who were close to the one who committed it.
It's not an accident, it's not a random act, its not a disease or cancer. See, even those things actually help in terms of coping with death.
Suicide is just plain shit, someone decided to off themselves that day and no one is ever left with all the answers or the complete picture.
Please find Jesus and pray that he helps you get rest and respite from whatever demons and issues are tormenting you. Suicide and planting thoughts of worthlessness and suggestions of suicide is one of the Devils (and his demons) favorite tricks. The Devil through suicide steals the person and his/her soul forever from God and now that soul is permanently lost in Hell forever. Even Jesus Christ, sadly, will not be able to help you then.
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651226
Send cash gaylord
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651227>>6651254
You say you get visions of scripture.
Sounds frightening to me.
Has nothing to do with multi-tasking or autism.
I can do/have both.
Yet I don't get those flashes.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651228>>6651260
???? I don't get it.
Should I post 2 completely irrelevant memes to your post, like you did to mine?
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651229
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651230>>6651319
you find yourself sounding like Socrates when talking to friends, neighbors and even small children
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651231>>6651239 >>6651242 >>6651250
Likewise, sometimes it's the bait.
Fly fishing is one of the most challenging tecniques of the sport. It's all about the BAIT and the PRESENTATION, not the size of the fish
pic related
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651232>>6651325
Explanation implies not an issue for archived jpegs to appear, more so that archived PNGs fail to appear due to Linux updates, after all. Practicing png posts if notable or Q centric otherwise jpeg for shitposts. Just assisted anon as it appeared he was asked to change format for notable.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651233>>6651238
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651234>>6651237 >>6651497
>>6651209←- Kikey Nosheks
▶ 628ad7 (2) No.6651238>>6651247
Free folk fuck what they want to fuck. Concepts like "gay" are for lesser beings who need approval from others before pouncing on their chosen meat.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651239>>6651254
you just said it a different way.
know what you are fishing for and select the bait needed an place it in front of your prey. I first said quiet but a buzz bait is not quiet some prey need a lot of noise.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651240>>6651251 >>6651497
>>6651237←- Shlomo Saltburg
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651241>>6651293
I'm not doing a scientific study you shilly Baker. Since you're the scientist according to you, you do the analysis. What are the odds/probabilities of what I pointed out? I'm a "gut" person, and my gut tells me the shit I posted is well beyond coincidence. I'm not wrong either. Your reply proves it. Appreciate you bringing moar attention to my post with your reply. Many anons lurk and observe and see this for exactly what it is
▶ 8f84a9 (4) No.6651243
There are no winners for those who play the game.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651245>>6651290
Yes, it's fair. You're free to believe as you wish.
I would think whoever Q is would not be in the public eye because they'd be a target. Less than 10 can confirm them as well.
I would also believe that Q has a very personal reason for going after this cabal and if it were Jr., I'd say that killing his father is a damn good reason to risk it all in an effort to take them down.
Then couple that with him being good friends of DJT way back in the day.
In no way do I believe that this very elaborate 'plan' was thrown together in just a matter of BHO's infiltration of the Whitehouse.
This has to be decades in the making.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651247>>6651256 >>6651257 >>6651265
▶ e3659d (3) No.6651249
What's happening in this video and why is the ramp down
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651250>>6651253 >>6651271 >>6651311
the key is figuring out what will attract the prey be it fishing or other hunting. your first pic is valid.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651252
Hope it works out when you have moar time. A number of anons seemed confident it worked. Godspeed.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651253>>6651263
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651254>>6651269 >>6651278 >>6651405
Much assumption there! NOT a Biblefag- not even close. Not a flash, not a visual, a thought that comes to the fore-front. Always been that way- with many things. Perfectly normal. Just so ya know, retired at age 30- NOT a nut case.
Was adding to your post, not correcting in any way. Also believed the innuendo was fitting with POTUS, bait and presentation. He is the Master.
What anon shared WAS autisticly connected… do you have personal experience or just intuition? Pretty sure ya can't read anon's mind.
▶ 002913 (1) No.6651255
Looks like they dumped somebody off the ramp. KEK
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651256
▶ 628ad7 (2) No.6651257>>6651266
Dude, you aren't supposed to count yourself.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651258
at times it is a soft subtle drop of the bait at other times it is a loud presentation - at other times it may be stealth and strike without notice - each is different.
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651259>>6651299
Not a shill ass hat. My sauce was in my post for everyone to see. Again, bill nye the science guy, pull your actuary tables and statistics class notes out and tell me what the probabilities are for the sauce I posted Run the numbers. I'm waiting.
▶ d97aa5 (1) No.6651260>>6651295
No Don't bother. At first, yours made me giggle, hence the keks. But then I realized how retarded your post was, and I added a second retarded commentary. You are fine - just don't go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and the lakes youre used to.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651261>>6651282 >>6651497
>>6651251←- Still no (you)
▶ b1868d (4) No.6651262
Well some of my favorite techniques involve acme products, explosives and sheer 1000 foot high cliffs.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651263
that is the key in fly fishing yes.
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651264
That's the hard thing about Truth it doesn't matter what you think or how hard you shake your fist what is, IS. I pray and work to reach all that are put before me you answered there was a reason. Your anger is nothing but a knee jerk answer the very first thing a person who has no real answer to the topic at hand does. As far as the children every single one of them are know and Justice will be done again it matters not if you believe it or not.
▶ ca1224 (6) No.6651265>>6651277
There's only so much a man can take, and dick and balls ain't one of them.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651266
▶ 415329 (2) No.6651267
Having dirt on the Clintons and working out in your home gym
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651269>>6651294
no i am mostly opinion kek
50 plus years of opinion.
▶ c027a6 (1) No.6651270>>6651287 >>6651410 >>6651436
Why are the muslim jew haters allowed to dominate this board? We ran off the flat earthers. Why cant we run the muzzies off?
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651271>>6651275 >>6651281
FFS this is Qresearch not Jimmy John's Outdoor Show. Was taking your fish and applying some POTUS to it to make it work and stay on topic … QRESEARCH
Your fish is now a slide.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651272>>6651425
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. If this were a smooth jazz station, I would call this….
"Q After Dark".
I don't really want to do this but TRUE ANONS deserve it.
My favorite song of all time. No lyrics to clog up your mind. Let your mind go. Depending on where it take yous, you may smile, you may tear up, you may do both at the same time.
I reluctantly give you the best "Q After Dark" song of all time.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651275
kek as was I.
would you like me to add geometry I can.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651277>>6651285
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651278
<phonefagging now, It's still me. If you're the type that checks IDs.
Alright. That's fair. Now i'm just wondering why you didn't just say that.
Instead of the higher level multi-tasking mumbo jumbo?
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651279>>6651291 >>6651497
>>6651270←- JIDF SHILL Note id.
>Why are the muslim jew haters allowed to dominate this board? We ran off the flat earthers. Why cant we run the muzzies off?
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651280
smoother navigation
am shift different sort of rapid
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651281
if you cannot extrapolate you should meditate to learn to connect threads together.
▶ 065a3f (6) No.6651282
you're not fooling anons with that lame shit.
▶ 2b3cfd (2) No.6651284>>6651304
One victim shot to death in car outside gun free building.
▶ ca1224 (6) No.6651285>>6651298
You mean a front stick? That's somehow even gayer.
▶ d0eb90 (2) No.6651286
Anons I think Americans are woke to the deep state scumbags.
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651287
If you havn't noticed, nobody responds to them.
They only respond to themselves.
Like crazy people in the psych ward talking to themselves.
It's really kind of hillarious
▶ 685126 (1) No.6651288
very smart. thank you anon.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651289
going fishing is a nice accepted way for a dude to meditate.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651290>>6651305
And I can agree with almost everything you said. Except for 2 things.
1. He's dead.
2. Q has directly stated that it was not him
▶ 065a3f (6) No.6651291
nice one. i'm sure everyone is going to come running to your defence.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651292>>6651297 >>6651310 >>6651497
>>6651282←- Obvious JIDF crybaby bitch Note id.
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651293
Ha-ha, very funny, why should i try to analyze a nonsensical data set that you dreamed up to discredit anons? We all have a "gut" sense, nothing unique about that, right?
But I will tell you something before going. I am overflowing with love. True, not bs. Even for you, despite what you do. I love baking, serving, contributing to keeping this country free. Incredible privilege, once-and-a-lifetime opportunity. That's why I fight so hard to keep this board clear and free of interference.
The thing is, just throwing out allegations, using ridicule, etc., well, it works sometimes. But someone with logic will always challenge that. You attempted a scientific argument and I responded. I know it's annoying but what else would you expect me to do?
I'm happy to bring attention to both posts. TRANSPARENCY is a good thing. I am not your enemy but simply someone in love with truth, as best I know it. You are free to shill, I am free to respond. Aren't we both lucky to have the right to say what we want without being censored??
Time to go, over and out.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651294>>6651308
Tits or GTFO.
>50 plus years
Wait. Never mind.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651295
Of course, little mrs 1 poster, you aren't the one that I reponded to. If you're gonna IP hop, at least get your shit together, asshole.
▶ df9bbe (6) No.6651296>>6651306
Exclusive--Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan Hosts CNN’s Jake Tapper for Off-the-Record Meeting - Breitbart
my note: Tapper has shown some momentary though fleeting sanity as an MSM hack, on occasion, over the last several months. Is he flipping?
On May 24, McAleenan had lunch at the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., with Tapper for an exclusive, off-the-record meeting, Breitbart News confirmed with two sources close to the administration.
Breitbart News first reached out to DHS officials for comment on May 30 after learning of the private meeting. Days later, on June 1, a DHS spokesperson did not provide details of the meeting between McAleenan and Tapper, but said that agency officials engage “with a variety of media partners.”
(snip) Another source with knowledge of the meeting said McAleenan offered Tapper an “unprecedented level of access and accommodation.”
“What was discussed behind closed doors, we’ll likely never know, but if I’m a member of the administration battling each day to counter the wall-to-wall disinformation campaign of Tapper and the opposition party, this meeting is sacrilege,” the source told Breitbart News.
▶ 065a3f (6) No.6651297
have a good night, shill.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651298>>6651301 >>6651314
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651299>>6651307 >>6651338
You'll wait forever, not interested. Time for bed. Godspeed.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651301>>6651315
Freddy I'm back. Don't make me get the genital cuff.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651302>>6651497
>>6651297←- Same lame ass memes as last bread when you got BTFO Thank you for being so stupid.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651303
Last I checked, Prime costs $80/year. No reason to make Bezos any richer.
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651304
Gun free building?
Isn't that more of a suggestion than a law?
Is anybody at the entrance with a scanner?
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651305>>6651316
Yea, and I won't state the obvious thing used to counter that either but one thing is for sure.
We will find out in the end.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651306>>6651309 >>6651322
Intuition oils be to watch Mcaleenan (sp) more so than tapper
Bridge building hopefully
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651307
You gay goat god isn't going to save you.
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651308>>6651316 >>6651327
no problem at this point in the evolution of board tits now mean sauce or wisdom
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651309
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651310>>6651320 >>6651326 >>6651336
This is weak af and has been forever. m_s, c_a, and any real intelligence agency could give af about this board at this point. Only DS ones here are the dnc, cair, ilhan staff, and other DS idiots that think this will change what's coming. Which it won't.
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651311>>6651321 >>6651328
Freshwater fishing lacks danger.
Spearfishing in the ocean.
Now thats when bait, prey, hunter and hunted can change in the blink of an eye.
Fly fishing, bass…. meh
Sounds like a bunch of faggots that rub their rich man AR collections with diapers and run around in the woods like their doing something and think their bad.
Some are to be sure, but they have a superiority complex and look down on the people whose tax money paid for their training and they swore an oath to protect.
Many are now just pitbulls without a leash.
Try standing in a flooded cell naked slung down with tatoos with 75 men who dont like them much for two hours and have nothing to protect you but your balls and your fists and come out with your sphincter intact.
Get over yourselves seriously.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651312
>>the U.S. Department of Justice is preparing to open an investigation
preparing to open… means they've done diddly squat.
▶ c44abe (5) No.6651313
Well you can't tune a piano…….
But you can tuna fish…..
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651315
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651316>>6651324
Glad we could come to some understanding.
You should look up what "Tits or GTFO" because It's not sauce and wisdom that's for sure.
▶ cb2e9d (8) No.6651317>>6651497
>>6651310←- Cry cry cry
>This is weak af and has been forever. m_s, c_a, and any real intelligence agency could give af about this board at this point. Only DS ones here are the dnc, cair, ilhan staff, and other DS idiots that think this will change what's coming. Which it won't.
▶ df9bbe (6) No.6651318
Huawei: China's State Hackers 'Rigging 5G Tests' Against Nokia And Ericsson
Nooooooooooooo…… ya don't say……
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651319
Yes, the Socratic method can be addictive and effective!
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651321>>6651323 >>6651427
wow that was odd.
i was just talking about fishing.
and if it all goes shtf you will need me more than I need you - water, shelter and fire.
▶ df9bbe (6) No.6651322>>6651349
I agree with you. my point was if the Admin was going to reach out to an embedded MSM hack, Tapper is left respected enough, and has shown some sanity, to be a possible bridge
▶ b5f799 (11) No.6651323>>6651330
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651324
I appreciate nice tits yes but evolution
▶ e065ab (21) No.6651325
I'm guessing updates don't appear too often. The critical time for posts to display pics is the next few hours after they are posted (when anons want to catch up on the news).
The global on jpegs is mine based on info from another anon. If you have a version that explains the problem more accurately (and which might be moar helpful), please post it or ask a baker to post it for you.
Gotta go, so sleepy, Godspeed, o7.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651326>>6651333 >>6651336 >>6651346
You assume Qteam couldn't drop again. That the op is over. True, they haven't actually dropped in forever.
You might be right. But evil is much deeper than some pussy conspiracy to coup a prez.
Huber's investigation on Killary and the Foundation may be coming to 'fruition' soon. Remember FBIanon: the emails are nothing compared to the foundation (not that it all isn't evil).
Trust Huber. If Huber fails, then we call bullshit.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651327>>6651335
If I were a judgemental person, I would have to say you're very stupid.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651328>>6651337 >>6651355
Crikey, mate!
Fish are friends, not food.
▶ fb80ce (1) No.6651329>>6651334
When you blurt out "glownigger" during social gatherings
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651330
nope not in the prison system or even fucking close.
perhaps you should shift your perspective so you are not close to it.
▶ 845afc (3) No.6651331>>6651420 >>6651434 >>6651445 >>6651576 >>6651615 >>6651756
Morning from a UKanon.
In the UK news today, POTUS saying that UK should walk away from any EU deal and no deal should contain a payment to the EU.
News says POTUS is suggesting Boris would make a great PM and that Farage should help lead negotiations.
The other side, those aligned or interests paid for or benefiting from the EU have options.
They can stop Boris from becoming leader and stop Farage from being part of negotiations.
Or they can do as POTUS suggests.
Both are a lose lose for the EU.
Those that support Brexit are quickly aligning behind Brexit party. Remainers are split between parties.
Estimates put over 400 (majority) for a Brexit Party general election victory and ONE seat for conservatives, wiping the Tories from Westminster House of Commons. Lib dems would be opposition, Labour would be a tiny party.
Labour are deluded and would support a general election, lib dems would.
If enough Tories jumped ship to Brexit Party, you have enough votes to call.
If needed, And it may well, DECLAS brings down the government, the House of Commons and causes a General election. Everything is timed well for this to happen soon and put Farage in number 10 to negotiate Brexit and clear out corruption and Make the UK Great Again.
Depends on the surrender terms from the Palace and May's dying cronies.
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651332
>UK contractually grabs America,
LOL, True but nah not on that site
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651334
▶ 08a1b0 (15) No.6651335
you didn't even get the clues I dropped wow.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651337>>6651341
I don't think most fish would agree.
And before you say something stupid. No dolphins are not fish. Kek.
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651338
>You'll wait forever, not interested
In facts. I know. Paid per post, paid per reply, paid per bake, paid per dubs/trips etc.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651339
CFR Title 28 Subsection 17:22
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651340
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651341>>6651345
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651342
Trips confirm Huber operating.
▶ 78cf84 (1) No.6651343>>6651377
I just had a thought about the watch that reads 3:42. The mirrored number would be 243, and 243 years ago was 1776. Perhaps it’s indicating July 4, 2019?
▶ 5b6873 (4) No.6651344>>6651416 >>6651578
Well, it should probably be someone we “know” as having been something else in their past(or present) vocation. Hence, the shock.
Their “known” vocation has either been a true one, or a cover for their true Q vocation.
This is just if/then theorizing and I am not saying any of these theories are true. Just thinking from different angles.
So, to continue: If their “known” vocation has been real, and not a “cover”, then they “”became” a part of the Q team for a limited purpose.
Let’s call them GuestAnon. Why bring them along at all? Any Q could make drops. So why make a Q member from some celebrity?
Anons are above any kind of celebrity worship to need a celebrity face on a 2nd revolution to save humanity. Or are we?
I’ll stop there and wait for anyone who would like to discuss.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651345>>6651354
Haven't seen it.
But my joke still stands.
▶ 7a7a57 (6) No.6651346>>6651353
I don't assume that at all. I think the main purpose of coming here has been accomplished. They'll post again here or on PF. We received insights and spread the word.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651347>>6651356
Last night I posted n article documenting three cases in which inmates were deliberately dehydrated to death. It seems Lynn de Rothschild's threat that we will watch our children die of dehydration is being tested and refined to a science. I posted a nomination for a "Watch the Water" possibility, and not even one anon commented. It seems both relevant and of great concern if people are being deliberately murdered by denial of water at multiple prisons around the USA.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651349
Surely bridges re necessary for trump administration and would be beneficial toward mockingbird death. One day at a Time
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651350>>6651613
▶ b82346 (2) No.6651351
>40,000 ft view
This is not even 20,000ft high.
It's not time for the 40,000ft yet.
Not ready.
▶ 845afc (3) No.6651352
This is an example of today UK headlines.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651353
If you study psy-ops… This thing we do, even IF it was a LARP the entire time (IF for the doubters). It was the greatest counter-psy-op in history. It will be studied forever.
This formula will now be used forever. My anon-peers were a literal part of history.
HOOAH anons.
▶ 821954 (24) No.6651354
Ahh, you did that on porpoise!
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651355>>6651363
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651356>>6651359
Yeah, probably not many anons are gonna care about jailed criminals being dehydrated to death, if that's even happening. Those criminals DID make the decision to say "the hell with society and it's laws; I'm gonna do what benefits me". I'm not seeing a flood of sympathy coming for felons that may or may not be mistreated. But, you go fight the good fight.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651357
>>Dark weekend looms over Trump's head, 6-1-19, stocks down, crisis at border, NK and China look bad, Merkle and Royal shun, Nancy on throne, IMPEACHMENT looms
Very true. Currently in the "dark of the Moon" time. Monday at about 2am EDT a New Moon begins a fresh cycle; the energy will begin to change, and fresh revelations will brighten POTUS' day.
▶ 5e741d (4) No.6651358
[2 year delta]
The clock is ticking.
Follow the watch.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651359>>6651374 >>6651375
POTUS has mentioned the need to reform the "criminal justice" system. Many people who know someone who's been incarcerated for unjust reasons are painfully aware how very corrupt the system is. Your expressed opinion unfortunately represents the majority opinion of all who are unaware of the vast population of innocent, nonviolent people currently rotting away in US prisons. Might want to dig; it's even been mentioned by Q.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651360
REMINDER: Q team is a (((JEW))) team and they are NOT WORKING with POTUS
That's why secret service now confiscates Q merchandise at Trump rallies and why Scott Adams tried to debunk Q after his white house visit but failed miserably. The lesson is, "never try". ;)
Don't do anything (((Q))) team tells you to do (like sneaking in Q merchandise into Trump rallies), except THINK FOR YOURSELF.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651361>>6651372 >>6651399
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. REMINDER: (((Q))) team has access to remote mind "surveillance/control" tech
(((Q))) team has a secret system. A machine that spies on you every hour of every day. Maybe they designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees EVERYTHING. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. (((Q))) team and anyone else that has similar machines probably consider these people irrelevant, that's why they continue to keep it a secret.
They can see what you see, hear what you hear, etc. They can even make you dream like in the movie "Inception". The tech has most likely existed even before the movie "The Matrix" was created. They can probably take control of people remotely similar to how people in the movie turn into agents.
Some capabilities of their tech can also be found in the lyrics of the song "Sleeping Awake" by POD. It's from the soundtrack of the movie "The Matrix Reloaded".
"Do you see what I see?
Can you hear what I hear?
Do you feel like I feel?
Do you dream like I dream?"
More capabilities listed in this image: https://imgoat.com/uploads/79d472a848/212992.gif
The tech has most likely also been used on the Wachowski brothers to turn them into "sisters" now (idiots probably don't know about the tech). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis
Edward Snowden most likely knows about this tech and gave information about it to China and Russia. That's why (((Q))) likes to threaten Snowden regularly.
Quote from edwardsnowden.com
“I don't want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, everyone I talk to, every expression of creativity and love or friendship is recorded.”
What do you think he meant by "everything I do"?
Possible effects of REMOTE MIND CONTROL tech
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651362
We thank you for your service.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651363>>6651495
And that's why it's okay for jew to eat babies too, yes? 😐
▶ df9bbe (6) No.6651364>>6651388 >>6651395
Palace fears Trump will back Brexit in front of the Queen: Aides are braced for the President to make an anti-EU speech at state banquet
Fear and Panic in the UK of POTUS
▶ dbe100 (3) No.6651365
▶ 2ae5c4 (2) No.6651367>>6651378
HighIQ Anons understand your point:
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651369>>6651383 >>6651450
You would personally be Frighted if bible verses were going through your mind. LOL Oh brother, what was all that you can express opinion but challenge, Ok Anon I challenge YOU Frighted Vs. Bible
▶ 48a158 (1) No.6651370>>6651402 >>6651406
Does it matter that the FBI has the wrong spelling for Peter Strzok's name on these? They have it spelled "Srtzok".
▶ b056a2 (7) No.6651371
All comms go dark til moonday
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651372
Ah, but it will cause a mess. You can always go to middle of nowhere to do it. Then (((Q))) team can find and dispose your body using the tech. They will probably steal your organs first though. >>6651361
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651374
I get that. I'm cool with that. However, it's important to remember that most, the largest majority, are in prison because that's exactly where they belong.
▶ 5d8874 (1) No.6651375>>6651458
Hey nigga, we have lives to live. Those incarcerated did it on their own. How about ypu do the fucking digging and get back to us in 2 years. Fuck right off, faggot. Not one of us gives a shit about a felons second chance. Many of us are working to fix our own fucking lives. Fucks like you make this board impotent and a fucking joke.
▶ 5e741d (4) No.6651376>>6651381 >>6651457 >>6651478
day. of light the see soon will truths Difficult
minority. the in not are you and alone not are You
yourself. in faith put and Trust
alone. yours and yours, is choice The
see. clearly to able are you awake, are you When
dogma. or revelation, tradition, authority, than rather empiricism, and reason, logic, of basis the on formed be should truth regarding positions that holds which viewpoint philosophical a is thought" "Free
thought’. ‘free have and collective), (‘group-think’ stable the of outside the on stand you awake, are you When
stable. the and/or narrative the control to attempt who those to threat a becomes it TRANSPARENT & FREE becomes information ‘non-dogmatic’ When
sentiment). same the share who citizens other with alliance and homeland a to attachment of sense and devotion love, of feeling (the pride national or patriotism and expression, thought, of freedom for allows which platform social-networking new ‘starter’ a with thinkers’) (‘free scattered the provides that ‘ship’) (a vehicle a of construction the in aid importantly, more but, ‘group-think’), of chains the (breaking thought individual of regeneration and transparency through events future endure to media) biased heavily & corrupt the of control ‘mind’ longstanding the from (away public the to backchannel a as only not created and designed was Thought’), of ('Freedom Awakening Great The
Enslavement. Mental
form)? some (in themselves represent they do Or,
you? represent they Do
you. label who Those
you. control who Those
you. cull who Those
you. mock who Those
you. attack who Those
free) (be yourself for >Decide
statements). fact-less accepting blindly to resistant (be yourself for >Decide
beliefs). your defending in strong (be yourself for >Decide
facts). the following to open (be yourself for >Decide
beliefs). own your in true (be yourself for >Decide
conclusions). your in objective (be yourself for >Decide
opinion). outside from free (be yourself for >Decide
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651377
Already rumored Jul 4 will be 'magical'.
Good eye Anon!
Notable 3:42
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 3c553f No.567521
Mar 6 2018 11:06:22 (EST)
1st BOOM revealed.
Did you catch it?
The last will be magical. ←---
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651378>>6651380 >>6651418
High IQ anons are few. We've also known our role the entire time.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651380
Why is it called "honk"? Doesn't sound like "honk" to me. 🤔
▶ b056a2 (7) No.6651381>>6651384 >>6651603
Drunk Q go home!
▶ 4445fd (1) No.6651382
DEFCON employee and contributor on a series of UFOs across China.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651383>>6651450 >>6651452
>I think your post was meant for me.
The guy you replied to was the one claiming to get those visions.
I don't understand you question.
Fright VS. Bible?
Fright is an emotional response.
Bible is a a collection of books written by anonymous second hand sources claimed by some to be the litteral word of God.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651384
>Drunk Q go home!
He is trying to write english like hebrew. You know, because he is a jew. Like you. 🤣
▶ d2a3b1 (4) No.6651385>>6651391 >>6651392 >>6651400 >>6651414 >>6651476
Seriously, BO - with all the technical knowledge available on this board, how come this motherfucker that posts all this Jewish shit is still able to make the first posts on this board? Between e-bot and this fucker, the board has become a joke! How is it that no one has been able to write a script to execute when a bread is baked to strip the board of these posts? The wording in these posts are mostly the same, surely there should be a way to flag these posts by the wording and then to delete them? That way this mother will have to rewrite all the posts before they get posted to evade deletion. I'm sure one of the clever people here or Codemonkey could come up with a solution?
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651386
Anons in the Night
time is always short
i keep telling (you)
(you) keep teaching me the World
i keep trying
when time flies, GOOD times
when time drags, hard times
i suppose Godspeed
plan the future and arrive
pass down what you know to the Newbies like the Elders before USALL
i only wish i could do moar
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651387>>6651409 >>6651666
>>Who would surprise anons(who are rarely surprised) for Q to be?
Michelle Obama
▶ 696b1c (2) No.6651388
Dirty cop, Robert Mueller omitted exculpatory evidence from his report. This is clearly prosecutorial misconduct in an attempt to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States.
ALL involved in this massive conspiracy are traitors to our country and must be held accountable.
“Nunes: Mueller’s Report Is A ‘Fraud’ To Target Trump. Transcripts Suggest He Purposefully Left Out Information.”
By Sara Carter
June 1, 2019
“Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes called Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report is a “fraud” citing the investigators conveniently left information out of the report to make it appear President Trump’s counsel may have been obstructing justice.
The newly released transcripts were from a voicemail message left by Trump’s former lawyer John Dowd to National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s lawyer Robert Kelner.”
“One of the deepest, darkest secrets of Russiagate soon may be unmasked. Even President Trump may be surprised.
Multiple witnesses have told Congress that, a week before Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, Britain’s top national security official sent a private communique to the incoming administration, addressing his country’s participation in the counterintelligence probe into the now-debunked Trump-Russia election collusion.
Most significantly, then-British national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant claimed in the memo, hand-delivered to incoming U.S. national security adviser Mike Flynn’s team, that the British government lacked confidence in the credibility of former MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s Russia collusion evidence, according to congressional investigators who interviewed witnesses familiar with the memo.”
▶ 5e741d (4) No.6651389>>6651404 >>6651417
.ecruos eht evah eW
.yfisnetni lliw skcatta eht ,edis rehto eht ot nrut )s(tegrat eht sA
.gnimoc si tahw pots nac gnihtoN
.sniw syawla gnikniht lacigoL
.)aidem SWEN EKAF yb desu scitcat/elcihev emas( smialc eht etaroborroc-fles ot emit eht ekat ton dluow srewollof 'erawanu' 'tceles' gniwonk tidercsid ot 'noitamrofni gnidaelsim eslaf etaerc' uoy ,sliaf taht fi ,ecruos eht kcatta uoy ,yltcerid noitamrofni eht kcatta t'nac uoy nehW
.evitarran ESLAF & EKAF
.tah etihw a si relleuM :er hsup noitamrofnisiD
?Q :er dehsup gnieb noitamrofnisid fo wolf tnatsnoc a ereht si yhW
?'PRAL' a rof llA
?snahC eht no 'ycaripsnoc' a rof llA
?.cte ,skcatta detanidrooc kramkcehc eulb ,)srettam aidem( tpursid ot detresni/diap sllihs ,gninnab/pihsrosnec gniylppa yletarebiled s'oc aidem laicos ,s'oc aidem tseggib s'dlrow eht fo emos yb yliad dekcatta gnieb ew era yhw ,snahC eht no snoitseuq gniksa PRAL a ylerem era ew fI
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651390
>>I am surprised there are enough good ones among them left to form a Q team
Read the old crumbs; Q clearly said there are more good than bad.
▶ b93c87 (5) No.6651391>>6651403 >>6651504
Yeah, what's up with all the lack of censorship here?
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651392
8bit is fighting for every board on the chan. This one is relatively tame. BO's and BV's don't have packet level access to do the things you say.
A serious operator could do IP fingerprinting on all of the bullshit. But that ain't what we got.
Meanwhile… all the grey/black/white hats capture all the packets and learn from this experiment.
▶ 2b3cfd (2) No.6651393
Sad news about Kushner.
▶ 5e741d (4) No.6651394>>6651413
1] [Except
way. other no simply is There
Prosecution) and (Transparency
timetable. our on be will This
blind. you keep To
unaware. you keep To
sedated. you keep To
you. (enslave) CONTROL to wish who POWER in those are There
world. this in DARKNESS is There
world. this in EVIL is There
you. loves He
County. this loves He
day? singly every and each endures POTUS what appreciate fully and understand you Do
situation? the of GRAVITY the appreciate fully and understand you Do
commit… to Conspiracy
following: the Define
forward. way only the is TRANSPARENCY
FAIL. WILL extension') ('insurance release delay/prevent to effort an in [MW] [AS], [SDNY], by (investigations THREATS NEW
applied. be always should strategy and thinking Logical
over. take long""NOW!") so taking is now""now""what it ("do desires (emotional) personal let not Do
game. a not is This
occur. will more) (+ documents requested all of DECLASSIFICATION The
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651395>>6651399 >>6651408 >>6651582 >>6651711
Was posted previously- wanna know wtf they mean by 'braced'. What are the plans if POTUS goes off-script (which is what POTUS does)?
Do they expect to dictate what he can and will say? This is insane.
▶ dbe100 (3) No.6651398
David Rockefeller Jr.
in that order.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651399
>What are the plans if POTUS goes off-script (which is what POTUS does)?
I don't think so. 😐 >>6651361
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651400>>6651407
I despise all the copy/pasta muh jew bullshit, along with the nazi bullshit, and lots of others.
However, ask yourself a question….
Do you REALLY want to start down the road of censorship? Isn't that what fascists do? Are you thinking intellectually and logically, or have your emotions taken control of your intellect?
▶ 381c1e (3) No.6651401
for proper reading purposes
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651402
common tactic by DS to hide an incriminating record. they did this with the songbird mcstain confession too
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651404
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651405
KEK, retired at 30 proves nothing. I know people who have never worked. Does that mean their position of truth is above yours since by your own statement you worked till you're 30. State facts, if your facts can not make the argument don't fall back on that YOU mf I am going to have you know I passed this class and took this and scored this etc etc. I have seen this to many times from you
You either KNOW and can prove it. If you are that confident in your position you should be able to defend it with out falling back on a resume
▶ 823a29 (4) No.6651406>>6651447 >>6651534 >>6651659 >>6651706
Not sure if this has been posted before..
▶ d2a3b1 (4) No.6651407>>6651433
I don't mind people posting their opinions, however this shit is spam, same thing that gets posted over and over. How is that censorship? If the fucker has something to say, let him be original then instead of spamming the bloody board.
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651408
they will broadcast it in mock horror and gladly scrape up the views to sustain their dying media conglomerates. I'm really impressed by their stupidity and childishness.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651409
Nope, but Pompeo would.
Search "Alice" in qmap.pub.
NSA in control of C_A?
Alice = HRC?
Alice = Secretary of State?
Pompeo just went to Bilderberg?
Or John Sullivan?
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651410
They're the same people, with fresh marching orders.
▶ fb5913 (1) No.6651411
>>6650975 (OP)
I know all you faggots in here secretly just want the glass ceiling broken and a woman president. Well here ya go. Heres is a woman worthy of such…
Actually this is a good interview (16 minutes). Sidney Powell is an interesting woman. Used to be a head prosecuter in texas. But basically she is right on immigration. Id vote for this woman.
STOP ALL IMMIGRATION NOW! Get our fucking wall built. Let the backlog of all the asylum cases go through. Get our laws updated and voted on. Then when we are ready we open the doors to the smartest fuckers out there. Everyone else, fuck off!! Fix your own damn country.
Any rate Miss Powell pretty much tells it how it is on the border. THIS IS A FUCKING CRISIS!!
Alright Im done with my rant. You girls go back to teaching each other new crochet techniques ;)~
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651412>>6651421
Kennedy was no good guy. Don't be washed.
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651413>>6651419
Why is this Q post backwards?
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651414
Obvious shills that aren't trying to hide are not a big deal, just annoying.
The A team clowns working covertly are more of a problem.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651415
shills hate filters kek
listen to them complain
i don't care if you filter
free speech on a free board in the middle of the Night
▶ 12715e (3) No.6651416>>6651424
anons are above it but normies are not
who can help heal our countries divide?
and wake up the sleeping masses?
most people could give two shits about political happenings
▶ 5b6873 (4) No.6651417
▶ e125fc (2) No.6651418>>6651430 >>6651460 >>6651466 >>6651469 >>6651511 >>6651600 >>6651621
The gifted anons, the autists. Able to see. Able to connect dots. Algos have limits. Big data sets still limited, separated, static. Autists with ability to assemble and visualize, make unconscious insights, link seemingly unrelated multidimensional data points, process and weave a web of complexity, simplified to a 2d pattern we all can understand. The true purpose is to leverage the gifted, among us to supplement the operation with eyes that see differently. To see the unseeable, around corners, 7 steps ahead, 4d situational awareness.
▶ 2568c5 (6) No.6651419>>6651446
>Why is this Q post backwards?
I can't answer as to why that Q post is backwards, but have you never noticed many of Q's posts flow better and make more sense when reversed?
▶ af38eb (1) No.6651420
Wow. 2 houses going down!? Christmas in June!?
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651421>>6651435
not the whole point of Kennedy assassination. DS was fucking with metal markets, same reason Nixon threw in the towel. Kennedy seems to have trampled a lot of DS toes, not just his doing anything about Fed policy.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651422
obvious = ez filter
a team = research, possibly filter
stupid = filter also kek
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651423>>6651534 >>6651706 >>6651783
Anyone have a note collection for this ghost bake?
▶ 5b6873 (4) No.6651424
That’ would be my guess. But what comes of the big reveal of this CelebrityQ?
Is it just to sell us the “car”?
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651425>>6651528
Very nice truly. In two years I have noticed that you seem to prefer music w/o lyric. R, U an audible learner???
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651427
Fren, this is a research board, not a survival board. Every survivalist will tell you situational awareness is key. Know who you are and where you are.
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651428>>6651431 >>6651438 >>6651443 >>6651448
Looks like POTUS Follows [R]18
Check out how many he follows now
For the longest it was 45
Then just recently it changed to 46 for 2020 race right
Now its 47……….
45th POTUS -2016
46th POTUS -2020
47th POTUS -2024
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651429
Acquired that! Powerful. o7
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651430>>6651624
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651431>>6651454
if you're not a shill this is your last chance. 45 is 45 just like Hussein Zero was 44 in 2008 and is still 44 today. I think a better 'decode' would be 45 (4+5=9) quickly skipping 46 (DEMS LOSE 2020) to the number 47 (4+7=11)
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651432
Sadly, I have seen this
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651433>>6651444
I don't disagree. But, again, it's a slippery slope. Is hate speech free speech? If it was a "spam" post every post after dough, but it was stating about USA; PATRIOTISM; WWG1WGA, GOD WILL WIN, etc., would you still have the same objection? If it was something you agree with, would you still call it spam? Let me make it clear, I'm not defending any philosophy. I'm an American patriot and hopefully, that is all I have to say as to where I stand.
▶ 5b6873 (4) No.6651434
Best of luck UK! Will be watching.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651435>>6651442
Get redpilled on _current_ metal market manipulations.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651436
The better question is why are jews defended so much here?
Why would Q come to a board where anons and autists vehemently call out the JQ and trace most of the evil in the world back to rich, jewish "elites"?
Your attempts to paint all those who call out the JQ as muzzies is an utter failure.
When we called out the muzzie infiltration back in 2015(and before) we were labeled as islamophobes, etc.
Think you're cute, I suppose?
2 Nov 2018 - 1:54:16 PM
Ask yourself a very simple question.
Why is the FAKE NEWS media continually expending resources to defame, debunk, and cast as a conspiracy, for, as they say, a nobody who started on 4chan?
Why did the FAKE NEWS media attempt to cast blame of recent events on the 'Q' movement?
Was it an attempt to silence?
[Sample Past 7-Days]
(Links removed from post due to "body too long")
Are we subject to the Hatch Act?
Think Executive Branch / NSA / etc.
Acceptable 'turn on' comms?
[Filter applied - legal analysis]
Cannot point to any particular candidate or party prior to Nov 7?
We, the PEOPLE.
Fight, Fight, Fight!
Attempts to label all those who challenge their narrative as 'racists' 'white supremacists' will fail [predictable].
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651437>>6651455
sometimes its sad to see the future
most time spoopy
sometimes scary, can't sleep
so i check what the Anons are digging
they never disappoint
if i love the Anons this much, i can only imagine how much Q+ Q loves the Anons
the few, the brave, the Anons, the Future
working together to help each other, thus the World
the World is better jus by their effort
inspiration can light the start, then kickoff
but first blossom
then END for some
then peace for moar
watched over still by Anons who still can't sleep
2021+ will be glorious
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651438
POTUS' Twatter changes
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651440>>6651760
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651441>>6651451 >>6651496 >>6651533 >>6651566 >>6651650 >>6651678 >>6651775
Hello, Anons and Good Morning!
400 pound Anon here. Serious about the life-change, and wanted to get some Anons' input. I've struggled with my weight my entire life, dating back all the way into elementary school. Very large body type (although I shouldn't be weighing in at 400 pounds!). This is actually the heaviest I have been in over 20 years! The heaviest I have been was at 485 lbs, back when I worked in an office. Now I work in a factory, so I can keep pretty busy; but I think my old age is taking hold (and battling depression this long winter!).
Anyway, I am working on a daily regimen of waking up at 4 AM, make a cup of Keto Butter Covfefe and another regular cup of Covfefe. Make a huge glass of lemon water and do 30 minutes on treadmill or walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes in the early morning.
During the day, drink water and tea.
After work, at least another 30 min walking session; with Tuesdays and Thursdays weightlifting alternating upper body and lower body workouts.
I have done this before for a few months about a year ago and I was weighing in at 350…I felt so good! Then, for some reason I got hit by depression; but at this moment I do not feel depressed…I feel really good!
So, basically for the majority of the day my body will subsist off of the Keto Butter Covfefe, Water, and tea…then after evening workout (I figure 5:30 PM), I will eat ONE MEAL. High Protein meal.
Last night I had Vegan Chorizo (I am not a vegetarian btw, it's just a recipe I made up a few years ago that I really like and is loaded with Brown Rice, Quinoa, Chia Seed, Wild Rice, Steel Cut Oats, Chopped Black Olives, Chopped Mushrooms, Beets, Chickpeas (pretty much any types of healthy grains, seeds, and veggies you would want to throw into it…steering away from putting white potatoes in the mix, although I am sure it would work out splendidly!)
I usually fry it up with some eggs, then put cheese, sour cream, and guac on it! (With Sriacha sauce to boot!)
Also, I haven't smoked for over two weeks now (I believe I am done) and haven't touched alcohol in over a week.
Anyway, was wondering if any other Anons had suggestions or concerns about what I am doing. Would appreciate the feedback!
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651442>>6651459 >>6651470
well aware. my opinion is that gold and silver prices will rise greatly until a massive monetary and trade reset at which point the prices of said metals can still increase with the usual market fits and starts while the value of government notes/coins starts to catch up. Thoughts? I did briefly peruse that site but didn't see much news to me, no offence!
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651443>>6651462
No wonder baker earlier yesterday ignored me, then when I called it out there was a sudden "baker change".
I caught the 47th follow the day of, which was May 22nd.
Called it out yesterday when it got added to notables instead of when I originally posted it.
Pay the FUCK attention
▶ d2a3b1 (4) No.6651444>>6651461 >>6651464
Yes I would still call it spam, no matter what the message, if it is repeated over and over.
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651445
Best of luck. UK is a shithole but I believe the people can MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN. Farage is a legend.
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651446>>6651456
When Q first started posting, that was a theory bc it was so cryptic
Also the whole mirror thing.
▶ 823a29 (4) No.6651447>>6651534 >>6651540
Peter Strzok Twitter Page..only 1 tweet, and quite a bounty of comments regarding it.
Who is Zuckerman Spaeder?
▶ b93c87 (5) No.6651448>>6651453 >>6651468
Maybe the clue is who he is following, not how many.
I predict that the next number of followers he will have is 48. What would that mean?
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651449
>If you are that confident in your position you should be able to defend it with out falling back on a resume
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651450
>>6651383 (me)
You challenged me.
I accepted your challenge and asked you to clarify.
Is that all? Give up already?
And you're calling my position weak? Kek.
The irony.
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651451>>6651463 >>6651775
Looks like a new twist on an old shill favorite
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651452>>6651467 >>6651499
"someone" at this time not know said they would be concerned/frightened if short passages from a book you read popped into your brain. My argument was Concern/frighten should be context based and not if something positive pops up in your thinking.
▶ 652155 (1) No.6651453>>6651472 >>6651474
An anon can count, well done.
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651454
Whatever your view….. certainly POTUS following 47 is highly unusual AND significant in some way. You decide.
▶ b056a2 (7) No.6651456>>6651493
Define 'Narcissist'.
Stay LOCAL (U.S.)
GLOBAL = reflection of LOCAL.
Know your enemy.
"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."
Knowledge is POWER.
"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
-- Corinthians 13:4-13
Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?
Logical thinking.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No.275544 📁
Feb 5 2018 12:16:50 (EST)
Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?
Did this seem strange to you?
Watch the news.
Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].
Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].
Soros transfer of wealth.
Dopey FREED.
Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.
News unlocks MAP.
Think Mirror.
Which team?
THEY don't know.
These people are EVIL.
Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?
20/20 coming.
Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?
Trip added.
[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.
Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.
Attached gr[A]phic is correct.
Linked graphics are incorrect and false.
Graphic is necessary and vital.
Time stamp(s) and order [is] critical.
Re-review graphic (in full) each day post news release.
Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
Ex: US ML NG (1) False SA True
Why was this necessary?
What questions were asked re: SA prior to SA events?
Why is this relevant?
Think mirror.
Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.
What is a map?
Why is a map useful?
What is a legend?
Why is a legend useful?
What is a sequence?
Why is this relevant?
When does a map become a guide?
What is a keystone?
Everything stated is relevant.
Future provides past.
Map provides picture.
Picture provides 40,000ft. v.
40,000ft. v. is classified.
Why is a map useful?
Think direction.
Think full picture.
Who controls the narrative?
Why is this relevant?
What is a spell?
Who is asleep?
Attention on deck.
There is an active war on your mind.
Be [p]repared.
Ope[r]ations underway.
Operators [a]ctive.
Graphic is essential.
Find the ke[y]stone.
Moves and countermoves.
They never thought she would lose.
Snow white.
Godfather III.
Iron Eagle.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651458>>6651484
Guess you've never heard about ex-wives who lie about crimes because they weren't happy just getting half of everything. Happens to a lot of decent guys. Lighten up a little, Francis, even if you're too lazy to dig.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651459>>6651699
Incorrect. Paper leverage on precious metals massively outweighs phyz. All the banks can down lever precious basically forever to give the illusion that fiat is solvent.
Q said 'gold ends the fed'. What did they mean?
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651460
ThanQ for that. Brought a tear to the eye.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651461
Fair enough. I believe you are being honest.
So, is pic related meme, or any variation, spam? Cuz anyone that's been here has seen this meme ad nauseum. Every bread. Is it spam? If it is, why? If not, why not?
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651462>>6651479
The 47 definitely has meaning.
▶ 2568c5 (6) No.6651463>>6651599 >>6651775
Why would a morbidly fat fuck seek advice on Qresearch?
I I were a cellar dwelling fat fuck, Qresearch or even the Chans is the last place I would ask advice.
▶ b93c87 (5) No.6651464>>6651471 >>6651473
The price of a non-censored forum is having to wade through massive amounts of stupid repetitive crap.
That's what happens when nobody can censor anybody else.
Some people value the absence of censorship so highly that they are willing to put in the effort to scroll past the spam.
This website exists for those people.
If you can't tolerate that, the rest of the internet is your oyster.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651467>>6651494 >>6651499
>"someone" at this time not know said they would be concerned/frightened if short passages from a book you read popped into your brain
Yes, that would be me, although you are misrepresenting what i said. I was talking about "visions" not randomly thinking of stuff.
Yes i would find any random visions from any book frightening If they happen each time someone mentioned a specific topic here.
Wouldn't you?
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651468
His latest is Jim Jordan who is the only member of Congress POTUS does follow.
▶ 696b1c (2) No.6651470
The true “value” of gold won’t / hasn’t historically ever changed much.
The true worth(less) value of the fiat currency will become apparent soon.
“There will be pain”
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651471
By myself, I could trivially denial of service this entire board with random IP's to the point of complete uselessness.
The shills WANT it not to get that far. But.
▶ b93c87 (5) No.6651472
Thanks for the praise, fake Q.
It means a lot.
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651473
This anon understands the price of speech freedom. Much respect to you, anon.
Perhaps freedom of speech isn't for everyone. Perhaps they need a secluded isle where they will be told what to say, what to accept, what to believe, etc……….oh wait, that's the mindset that is trying to take over my America!
▶ 3d951f (2) No.6651474
Hi James 8 Corney! Watch the finger!
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651476>>6651483 >>6651487 >>6651527 >>6651569
I have also found it very odd/interesting that those posts about the Jews always appear at the top of the breads. But thinking about, I highly doubt they are by anyone apart from Q Team. The reason being that they appear on, it seems, every bread.
For ONE individual to do this would be nigh on impossible. Q has also stated that dealing with Israel (the Jewish 'problem', 'Zionism', etc) will be kept for last. And all the info uncovered since Oct 2017 indicate that they are a major part of the problem. ALL that info about the Jews that are posted at the top of each bread are valid and important. I had listed to that audio/video many years ago about the Rabbi that says they kidnap 100s of 1000s of children to be used in their ceremonies. Damn sickening to hear it but even more shocking is that NO ONE does anything about it.
So instead of complaining or yowling about it, like quite a few are doing here (and you lot are meant to be 'autists'?), why don't we start actually looking at it as info that is meant to be taken on board and dug into????
If that won't happen then we shouldn't complain when nothing happens, because these fuckers are the major reason why the USA is in such a mess. If we refuse to do anything about we deserve all this shit that is coming our way. We have been warned every fucking bread about what these individuals are about and yet all that happens is we COMPLAIN?????
Maybe that is the last red pill to swallow but also the most difficult one. After all how many idiots on Twitter have the Israeli flag in their twiitter profile which means they support Israel? LOTS of them.
You go to any church and they tend to ALL support the (illegal) state of Israel. Talk about Stockholm syndrome…
History has shown that these people have been THROWN OUT OF many European countries because of the problems they have caused which is mainly to undermine the morals and culture of the country they are in.
AND if Q is saying that Israel is for last what do you think that means???? To me it means that the evil that will be uncovered will all point to Israel and right now people will reject that info because they are still in the mindset of SUPPORTING that evil country.
So if you, or any others, have a problem with the info posted about the Jews at the beginning of each bread then YOU are the one that will reject the info about Israel that Q team will drop. And you are not ready for it and probably never will be because you suck up to that country for whatever dumb reason you have and you will actually be an impediment to that final step.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651477>>6651480
Hi shills.
Did you know that packets originating from your source to a VPN jump can be easily fingerprinted on a mass scale? Oh you think IPSEC jumps are going to protect you? You're not safe on your layer 3 handshake.
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651478
LOL, I can be nothing other than what I am ever! I have no problem standing strong right where I am and have been for 50 years now. It is pure logic in addition to Faith. Look up Blasé Pascals wager. If you are saying your "free" because you hold to nothing that is the logic problem for you. If your correct I have lost nothing and enjoyed my life reinforced with my belief/value system. If I am correct and your wrong then you have all eternity to think about it. Point when logically comparing options of cost vs. reward. Christianity just on this plane makes total logic.
Second. A cult tells you to accept what they say period. Christ has never said that God give you facts and proofs and it is a thinking mans faith built by the creator for those who he has chosen.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651479>>6651485
The 47th follow was Jim Jordan.
The rest is shill BS.
How the fuck does someone get R out of 47.
The fact this shit made notables yesterday and is still being pushed for R faggotry means only 1 thing - shill confirmed.
▶ 5da9de (9) No.6651480
>You're not safe on your layer 3 handshake.
It's pretty kewl, right? Loving the green blinky-blinky! 😃
▶ f13871 (1) No.6651481
somebody posted this on 4pol about paul combatta
>clinton township
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651482>>6651491 >>6651531
The Question is why does POTUS follow Jim Jordan as #47…….If its only one Congressman why not Lindsey Graham?
House Oversight Committee Republicans | Est. 1814 | Ranking Member @Jim_Jordan
What might be coming to The House Of Representatives…and soon….47 Jimmy J a clue ??
▶ 24e913 (3) No.6651483>>6651486
>Maybe that is the last red pill to swallow but also the most difficult one. After all how many idiots on Twitter have the Israeli flag in their twiitter profile which means they support Israel? LOTS of them.
It's really not that hard to swallow. The majority of the world eats this redpill daily. Only the subset of evangelical Americans refuse to, because they mistake John Hagee as an actual preacher.
▶ b93c87 (5) No.6651484
In fairness, their lawyers advise them to do that.
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651485>>6651488 >>6651491 >>6651505
Nominated cuz there's something there, there.
Dunno where the R comes in, but the fact that it stayed the same for over 2 years and suddenly is rising- that's a change that is notable.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651486>>6651509
Maybe for you and me its not but we are not the majority. The majority are the problem not us, who understand this info.
▶ 0ae9b9 (1) No.6651487>>6651492
Its pretty obvious whats happening, it's not possible for an individual to post every bread, they would have to sleep at least some of the time, so it MUST be an (((orginization)))!
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651488
That anons (if not shills) has talked about R for over 2 years has no bearing on whether the claim is true or not.
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651491>>6651498 >>6651500
Maybe because on May 22nd(ya know, the day I capped the change) Jim Jordan was not only in the news but dropping some pretty major shit.
It's not notable.
Apparently it wasn't notable when dropped on the 22nd, so not notable now.
Go back.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651492>>6651516
I believe its a small team because an organization implies 'Large'. These posts are the same and that requires DISCIPLINE which only a small dedicated team can achieve. It sure as hell is not the MOSSAD! And it sure as hell is not some libturd(s).
▶ 129c67 (15) No.6651493
June 2
Day of Prayer
Pray for POTUS
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651494>>6651517
You mention Jesus Christ, I am very likely to see Him on the cross unless there is context. It is just so familiar. As far as dreams and visions God gives those as well as evil. So no positive dreams and not sure "vision" when compared to scripture if there consistent No they are a reminder I should put more effort into this area and several times in my life with in a short time I have had need of that review. This is what I was attempting to get across to you. I have had people on here contact me and send me pics of a song I played that they saw before in a vision or what ever. Personally I am very left brained and like logic, facts and science. I am not strong on right brain stuff but If my wife had a feeling about something I would factor that in.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651495
i sometimes wonder about these things when contemplating my own animal nature
but no. Eating babies is bad. It is why i feel no qualms about killing fish.
▶ 1f5ca6 (12) No.6651496>>6651577 >>6651775
Go all-organic. Even non-GMO contains glyphosate. Glyphosate binds with minerals and deprives your body of nutrients needed to be healthy, while simultaneously killing both good and bad bacteria. This causes leaky gut, where food particles enter your bloodstream and cause inflammation, driving your immune system cray chasing down food particles as invaders. This then leads to food allergies such as gluten sensitivity (ie celiac disease). Good bacteria are needed to glean nutrition from the food you eat. Without good bacteria, your body will be malnourished regardless of what you eat. There are many things you could do to help your body attain robust good health; insisting on 100% organic is a good first step. Next, replenish microbiome (gut bacteria) and reduce fungal overgrowth caused by the prior lack of good bacteria.
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651498>>6651506
>Go back.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651499>>6651515
>>6651467 (me)
Look faggot. You started out being condesending to me because you couldn't understand my claim.
Then you challenge me.
Ignore me when I accept your challenge.
Misrepresent my position when pressured.
And when I then try to clarify for you you ignore me again?
Faggot don't challenge someone If you are not gonna put in the effort to defend your position.
▶ b03c2d (6) No.6651500>>6651506 >>6651508
Say what shill ?? Your 'Filtered' Biotch !!
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651501
Unfortunately, one of the _cheapest_ methods of compromising a target is with sexual encounters, and especially child/adult. It costs almost nothing compared to a bribe or anything. Every intelligence agency on earth knows this and uses it.
This is the game. No rules.
Good vs. Evil.
▶ 24e913 (3) No.6651503>>6651547
Has Q ever quoting Serialbrain? That's the only thing to convince me to reconsider. I just can't figure out why people give this schizophrenic dribble such high stock.
▶ 7db50c (1) No.6651504
Censorship would lead to corruption of the board. None of us want to see the bullshit shill posts, however each and every one of us must choose what we want to read and filter out what we don’t.
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651505
You're supposed to wait for clown baker to be in position first to get crap nominated for notable.
must be new shill
▶ e3da7c (12) No.6651506
Stupid shill fucks changing tactics?
Not surprised.
You know how many enemies claim to be pro-Trump only to be outed later?
Keep pushing your bullshit, you'll find out.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651507>>6651538
'History will remember Anons kindly'
'overcome evil w GOOD'
'lead by example'
time is always short
'be safe'
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651508>>6651545
>Say what shill ?? Your 'Filtered' Biotch !!
Always chuckle when anon tags my post and was already filtered.
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651509>>6651513
your no better than Hollywood. Everytime you say evangelicals then Hagge nut job or some other TV crazy to paint it is terrible. Your choice is true believers the way in narrow and few, and Broad and wide is the road going to the wrong place. The list is very long of hypocrites. It would be like me saying all smart people have no room for spiritual things in their life.
▶ 22513f (2) No.6651512>>6651520 >>6651687
>>6650421, >>6650487, >>6650498, >>6650546, >>6650555, >>6650700 Red shoe/witch Digg
September 4, 2018
Stolen Ruby Slippers from The Wizard of Oz Recovered
A pair of ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz and stolen from the actress’ namesake museum in Minnesota more than a decade ago has been recovered, the FBI announced today.
The iconic sequined shoes, known as the “traveling pair”---one of at least four pairs used in the film that are still in existence—were stolen from the Judy Garland Museum in Grand Rapids in 2005 and recovered earlier this summer during a sting operation. But the case is far from over.
“From the outset,” said Special Agent Christopher Dudley, who led the investigation from the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office, “our top priority was the safe recovery of the slippers.” Although multiple suspects have been identified, Dudley said, “we are still working to ensure that we have identified all parties involved in both the initial theft and the more recent extortion attempt for their return. This is very much an active investigation.”
At a press conference in Minneapolis to announce the recovery, the FBI, along with the Grand Rapids Police Department, asked for the public’s assistance. “There are certainly people out there who have additional knowledge regarding both the theft and the individuals responsible for concealing the slippers all these years.” Dudley said. “We are asking that you come forward.”
▶ 24e913 (3) No.6651513>>6651633
Are you replying to me and misquoted? I said a subset of evangelicals. I don't paint all of them that way. I'm talking about dispensationalists. Before them, the Church knew of no such thing as Zionism. Be it Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox. It's relatively recent.
▶ 9f72fd (13) No.6651515>>6651519 >>6651525
I have answered every post I saw and I told you why in a logical reason for the position take it or leave it, matter not to me, bed for me now
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651516>>6651521 >>6651524
I agree. It could be as simple as 2 idiots doing 12 hour shifts each; 3 idiots doing 8 hour shifts. It's really not that much of a concern. Anons that have been here for any length of time see right through it. If any newbies come here and buy into it right away, they're not really worth our concern. They were helpless and hopeless to begin with.
The only question in my mind is: why are they so adamant and persistent in spamming this shit? What do they think they will gain?
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651517
>You mention Jesus Christ
Please point to where I did that.
I'm not gonna keep this up If you're gonna Lie about my claims too.
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651519
I'm sorry, my bad. You posted While i was writing my post.
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651520>>6651526
no " digg " happening on this clown baker " notable "
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651521>>6651524
>What do they think they will gain?
pic related
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651522>>6651529 >>6651535
Which one of you Anons fed her this bullshit?
If true…need sawce!
▶ 55b401 (4) No.6651523
>>6650295 (LB)
From this article I see we have new terminology from the commies.
"baseline truth"
So, we won't have to deal with that pesky,
old, real, honest to goodness truth. "Baseline Truth", somewhere around what the old truth was but now is is just sort of the truth.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651524
▶ 4e8395 (14) No.6651525
>logical reason for the position take it or leave it
Nothing logic about it. When you keep misrepresenting my position.
But fair. I don't take it then.
Learn proper reasoning please. Our world kinda depends on it.
▶ 22513f (2) No.6651526
>clown baker ?
sad if true…
This was notable long ago…just putting it out there again for the new fags.
▶ d2a3b1 (4) No.6651527
No Jew lover, and yes I have read the message they are spreading, not saying I agree with it or disagree with it but are we ducks that have to be force fed?
▶ a4fb94 (17) No.6651528
I don't know anything about the two years but simply put, I'm a music fan and parttime musician. The melody is the most important to me.
Lyrics without a melody is a poem.
If the melody doesn't move me, the lyrics never will.
The music/melody will always move me, take me to places, more that lyrics every will.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651529
but but that's not in Notables kek
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651530
Redpill time. Apologies for copy/pasta but it's important.
"One more word about teaching what the world ought to be: Philosophy always arrives too late to do any such teaching. As the thought of the world, philosophy appears only in the period after actuality has been achieved and has completed its formative process. The lesson of the concept, which necessarily is also taught by history, is that only in the ripeness of actuality does the ideal appear over against the real, and that only then does this ideal comprehend this same real world in its substance and build it up for itself into the configuration of an intellectual realm. When philosophy paints its gray in gray, then a configuration of life has grown old, and cannot be rejuvenated by this gray in gray, but only understood; the Owl of Minerva takes flight only as the dusk begins to fall."
This is Hegel. Hegel is the reason the owl is used in NWO(ish) subcircles. Hegel's mental gymnastics allowed Karl Marx to argue for communism (and even worse philosophies).
*the more you know*
▶ 34ce83 (1) No.6651531
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651532>>6651537
Previously linked to chess. Could be advancement on the gridiron?
1st and 10 on the 40.
Now on the 10 yard line?
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651533>>6651577
First get your blood type figured out and then see which foods that you are eating are difficult for your body to handle. I believe that some of the foods are causing severe problems for your body. Also stay off the usual suspects - High Fructose Corn Syrup, MSG, Sugar, Wheat (all of it is GMO since the 70s even the organic stuff so you have to get spelt, which is the name given to the original pre-GMO wheat).
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651534>>6651540 >>6651542 >>6651626
Collected Notes @~510
>>6651447 Call to dig on Zuckerman Spaeder
>>6651406 Peter Strzok Go-Fund-Me???
>>6651090 DOJ preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance re: antitrust laws
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651535
Sounds like BS. Podesta gets 20 years? Seriously? After all of the CP/Pizzagate? I don't think so.
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651537
Meant to add- Golden KNIGHTS pic related
▶ 7cbd25 (1) No.6651538>>6651539
i liked your post and was going to respond kindly
and didn't even know the response was a (you) for me since I changed devices and got a new id
then when i checked the post you were responding to I saw it was for me
comfy and nice
ty and o7
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651539
>comfy and nice
a good sign
▶ 25c04c (10) No.6651540>>6651544
Call to dig on 10 month old tweet ?
By Who ?
▶ 55b401 (4) No.6651541
Little bug-eyed sprite. What a cutey
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651542
Forever based. Forever notable.
▶ d8a3f6 (1) No.6651543
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651544>>6651546
>>6651540 You're right. Was speeding thru and called it wrong.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651545>>6651556
'i know exactly what you mean' kek
'there is no spoon'
'trust yourself'
'enjoy the show'
2018 was glorious
2019 will be glorious
Love the Anons
PRAY for the Anons
Learn from the Anons
days past, future approaches, prepare the memes
fake news all around
shills all around
trust the sight of our GOOD leaders
'work together'
▶ 91398e (1) No.6651546>>6651550
Zuckerman Spader is just a typical liberal law firm, representing Strzok in a "wrongful termination" case. Likely has extensive experience with FBI agent grievances.
▶ 7d16f9 (2) No.6651547
Unfortunately, Q acknowleged one of SB's posts, which pushed SB way off the deep end… Interesteing talent (a la Music Man - spelled with T, rhymes with P…) ability to confabulate unrelated factoids and number combinations into meaningless associations and truly impressive concatenations of nonsense.
▶ 0493b5 (6) No.6651549>>6651551 >>6651557 >>6651558 >>6651630 >>6651659 >>6651706 >>6651709 >>6651715
Photos of AG Barr during his trip to Alaska.
Moar @: https://www.adn.com/visual/photos/2019/06/01/photos-us-attorney-general-william-barr-and-sen-lisa-murkowski-visit-western-alaska/
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651550
>>6651546 I didn't ck. archives - already removed, Anon. My mistake.
▶ 727c11 (3) No.6651551>>6651565
Holy shit, are those jail cells???
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651552>>6651558 >>6651563 >>6651586 >>6651622 >>6651637
WTF is going on in this pic with Murkowski? Looks like AG Barr is putting her in a tribal cell!
▶ 3d951f (2) No.6651554>>6651601 >>6651616 >>6651642 >>6651685
I have watched a few shortclips from AG Barr at CBS.
English isn´t my first language, so I will try to explain, as good as I can, what I have seen.
The Hosts of the Shows are more soft, than before, in my view. Of Course, they trying to fit their narrative, but not this agressive like we known.
The Guests are stupid as fuck with their opinions, but they are not this crazy mob style like weeks/months ago (before Mueller). Impeach, of course,but…
I recognized the Body language and the Faces of the Hosts. In my opinion, inderdasting! They try to show the viewers, Oh… I am surprised by the new facts.
So it seems to me, they prepering the narrative change! Slow, to not look involved…
And… We haven´t any leak of Huber or Horrowitz! I don´t remember a time without any leaks about any investiations, further, we has witnessed the FIRST DS lie, exposed! No Collusion, no obstruction! In the old world, the Media and the SC where able to spin a narrative and POTUS and all his staff where guilty, HRC would be Presi (Puke)! But we are here and I think (hope) the media will break soon and they prepering this shift! My words in Gods ear!
Stay the Course, frens! We are here to witnessing historical things and a major shift in the World!
Dark and quiet, soon Light and REEEEE!
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651555
the found the captain passed out on the control panel kek
▶ 6c1818 (3) No.6651557
Murkowski. Interesting.
▶ 0493b5 (6) No.6651559>>6651659 >>6651706
Damn that is some intense shit
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651560
Doors are Un-Barred.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651561
Drop. It's just frens n fam hangin out.
We know.
▶ a3f235 (1) No.6651562
"Land is just a navigational hazard"
▶ fc5fec (3) No.6651563
▶ 631e1d (4) No.6651565>>6651584
Moar like eskimo drunk tanks but yes rez jail cells.
▶ 55b401 (4) No.6651566>>6651572
I have been doing KETO and intermittent fasting for over 2 yrs now and it has changed me. I have had a couple breaks along the way and feel badly when I do.
You soulnd as though you know the program. I would only add one thing, that I taught myself years ago and that is to be your own cheerleader. Congratulate yourself on the smallest achievements of anything you do. Pat yourself on the back and say job well done.
Be grateful for everything you have and are able to. Don't overdo either. At your size you could easily strain or tear tissue and you don't want to set yourself back. Your body will tell you when your workout regime is easy for you. You will feel it, if you pay attention. Then you can add a little more time or difficulty to your routine. Best of luck.
Don't weigh yourself. This is a life change and just keep your head down and keep at it. It doesn't matter how much you lose in a week or month. It matters that you keep the change going no matter what.
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651568
Not buying that lame-ass description. Reeks of msm victimhood.
Murkowski is on the inside and NOT happy. Murkowski in holding.
▶ c84d54 (1) No.6651569
>So if you, or any others, have a problem with the info posted about the Jews at the beginning of each bread then YOU are the one that will reject the info about Israel that Q team will drop
I disagree. I think the shallow anti-Jew spam is a disinfo tactic from JIDF. They are posting bad forgeries in the hope that some Anons will believe some incorrect factual claims and say so in public.
There are some very credible anti-Jew arguments. The crap posted on every bread is not on the list of credible arguments. Read Israel Shahak, Shlomo Sand, etc.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651570
If I was a criminal, I would love to be put into a wooden jail!
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651571>>6651659 >>6651706
It's All About the Open Borders, Stupid
Author Wayne Allyn Root discusses nationalism:
"You know what "nationalism" really means? It's pretty simple. You're a patriot. You love your country and your family. You want to keep your children safe at night. And you don't want your country or culture to commit mass suicide. I call that common sense."
"Nationalism routed globalism all over Europe this past weekend. Trump-like nationalist candidates swept to victories in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands."
And guess who was in the middle of it all? My friend Steve Bannon.
Bannon was in Paris on Monday to celebrate nationalist victories across the continent. Bannon is bringing the Trump mindset to the entire world.
Bannon also worked with We Build the Wall's
Kris Kobach and triple amputee military vet Brian Kolfage.
They completed a nearly mile-long section on private land near El Paso, Texas, which will shut down $100,000 per day of drug smuggling.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651572
Thanks for the thoughts, Anon!
No homo!
▶ c0e8d8 (2) No.6651574
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Saturn & Judaism (Metaphysics of the Gods)
▶ a89087 (7) No.6651576
lizard queen & ongoing cannibal fest ?
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651577>>6651594 >>6651606 >>6651685
This is 'dasting!
Thank you!
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651578
<Back at my PC again. For those keeping eyes on IDs.
I see no reason to discuss it really. As I stated earlier. I don't care who.
But I can agree with with your hypothesi' I see no more here to discuss.
▶ 2ae5c4 (2) No.6651579>>6651628 >>6651663 >>6651676 >>6651690
Just for Anons who have not seen this post yet. Dont be angry if you already saw this. It was pretty good, so i will just spend this one post and not shit bread.
I just want you faggots to know, as someone who works in and around the cabal. YOU HOLD ALL THE CARDS.
Years ago, they truly were the keepers of an ungodly source of pure evil inspiration. This was the engine driving the world system that enslaved minds, and crafted an endless supply of forbidden fruits to tempt the consumptive nature of man. I tapped into this many times and stood in awe of its raw power.
For WHATEVER reason, this cursed wellspring of psychological slavery has now DRIED UP entirely. The machine does NOT work the same way it had flawlessly for ages and there exists a power vacuum in the crumbling cultural hierarchy.
I am now around these same people and many creative superpowers that I operated alongside for years are literal shells of their former selves. It has been said "the left can't meme" but this phenomenon drives far deeper than that.
Having seen how their machine is intended to function, I can say definitively: their time is over. The single greatest concentration of authentic divine inspiration currently exists in the works and shared experiences of the enlightened anon. You are FREE. While cabal pretenders are paralyzed by indecision and doubt, you exist without any limiting parameter. There are NO STRINGS ATTACHED TO YOU!
They are TERRIFIED. They don't understand how or when they lost the power, but they do concede to themselves that something is very wrong. They don't understand why you disorganized lot of disaffected randos consistently outperform their expectations while they struggle to deliver even the most basic iterations of previously mastered cultural archetypes.
Does it seem like they are imitating YOU more and more instead of the other way around? Does it seem like their estimation of outcome has become wildly inaccurate and wholly unpredictable?
Take your power and wield it with impunity. Create instead of consume! Trust your newly discovered inspiration and flow to the finish line. You cannot be stopped. The fruit of their tree is devoid of any sustenance and the world is now open to your influence. Tell the story you wish to tell, one the masses are starving to hear. Show them what true inspiration looks like and let them partake in the mystery of your divine outpouring.
Focus is the currency of the elite creation anons! Do, accomplish, finish, and most of all… WIN!
>shadilay motherfuckers
Original post:
>>6280423 PB
If some smart ass want to bitch about this post, this if is for you: LOWLIFE, NOT EVERYONE IS HERE 24/7 LIKE YOUR SAD ASS.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651580
ignorance is bliss but can't go back
'if you could, would you want to'
find out the World steps away from the abyss
and i'm comfy
World full of ironies
World full of Anons
Normies lucky
Newbies trying
Anons Pray
dig and meme
for Country and World
for Q+ Q
for each other and our Neighbors
shills be sick of the filter
racist be stupid
divided, nah
United, yea
soon, better History thanks to (you)
thank you, 'be safe', Godspeed
▶ 191b57 (2) No.6651581
The fuck is up with this fake n gay jfk jr push the last couple days? The "helper anon" thread that made its way into notables from half chan was done by someone who is there now posting obvious shill-feed with just less cryptic wording. I really can't believe this is how low anons have sunk now. Not even double and triple checking stuff. Here's the 4 thread. Already archived for your non-404 viewing pleasure.
OP is there IP hopping making it look like the thread has legs.
Fucking amateur hour.
http:// archive.is/zdAcV
http:// boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/215001707
Can we finally let this fucking slide die already?
▶ d4d7f2 (2) No.6651582>>6651589 >>6651721
Lots of panic in the UK.
The replies.. Also did anyone notice the chk chk boom lady back in the news.
▶ d00061 (18) No.6651583
▶ 727c11 (3) No.6651584
used for underage trafficked kids?
▶ 863016 (6) No.6651585
In "Jaw-Dropping" Speech Malaysian PM Says "No Evidence" Russia Shot Down MH17
Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States
▶ 62556e (3) No.6651586
She does not look happy.
▶ 9aa019 (2) No.6651587
Today we pray…
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7 NIV
Talk to God as if you were talking to a friend…
God, save this world from the Luciferians and make justice as swift as the sword. Protect the innocents and redeem those who have sinned against you. Grant the Operators, Anons, and Patriots around the world renewed strength resolve and determination to push us over the finish line, and help us to remove the scales from the eyes of those who remain in the darkness. Let them see You in me.
▶ 631e1d (4) No.6651588>>6651591
Eskimo rez drunk tanks are the least of our worries right now. Wtf is this horse shit?
Alaska has a population of 736,000.
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651593>>6651598 >>6651604 >>6651659 >>6651677 >>6651683 >>6651706
This the big story at the top of the Daily Mail.
So the world can see how much of a Disgusting dirty filthy cesspool Dem run cities like LA have become.
Collapse of a city that's lost control': Shocking new pictures from downtown LA capture the huge problem it faces with trash and rats amid fear of typhoid fever outbreak among LAPD
A decision to not cap property that homeless people can keep on Skid Row was announced last Wednesday
It sparked fury among some who say it will 'only perpetuate the public health crisis that already exists' there
Images from the downtown area show trash piling up as workers struggle to keep the area sanitized
Rows and rows of tents line the sidewalks of Skid Row in the sprawling 50-block area, home to around 4,200
On Thursday it was revealed a Los Angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever
At least five other officers are also showing symptoms and their division polices downtown LA
Dustin DeRollo, a union spokesman, said cops who patrol Skid Row 'walk through the feces, urine and trash'
In an op ed for The LA Times reporter Steve Lopez called it 'the collapse of a city that's lost control'
These shocking pictures from downtown Los Angeles capture the growing problem it faces with trash and rodents in a desperate city also trying to contain a typhoid fever outbreak linked to worsening sanitary conditions.
A decision to not cap the total amount of property that homeless people can keep on Skid Row was announced last Wednesday and it sparked fury among some officials who say it will 'only perpetuate the public health crisis that already exists' there.
That, coupled with the news a Los Angeles police detective has been diagnosed with typhoid fever, has sparked concern among LA's residents.
The city has now said it will dispose of sofas, refrigerators and other large items in the 50-block area of downtown.
But councilmen Joe Buscaino slammed the decision, saying: 'The settlement will only perpetuate the public health crisis that already exists in Skid Row and will set a precedent for the rest of the city that will normalize encampments.
'The city is sending a clear signal that we are turning the sidewalks in Skid Row into free, unlimited public storage, doing a disservice to the residents of Los Angeles, especially to those living on the streets.'
Images from the downtown area show trash piling up as workers struggle to keep the area sanitized. They are pictured wearing face masks among the dirt and grime.
Rows and rows of tents line the sidewalks of Skid Row in the sprawling 50-block area, home to around 4,200 homeless people, many in tents and shantytowns.
Some lay passed out in the street, seemingly from the effects of drugs as others are pictured lugging their property around, in search of the next spot to set up.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651594>>6651607 >>6651610
You're welcome! And one thing I forgot to mention is that the GMO'd wheat had one extra protein added to it that causes severe problems for the gastro intestinal tract. This is where most 'overweight' problems come from. I have kept off wheat for 7 years now but have recently started eating croissants. They cause me to bloat up and have a 'large' stomach for a number of days until they get eliminated the other end.
▶ 9dc8aa (2) No.6651595
death is not the answer
ask God to help you
you might be surprised
will pray for you
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651598>>6651659 >>6651706
FILTHY LA part 2
▶ dbe100 (3) No.6651599
Looks like an engorged tick! Damn!
▶ 0493b5 (6) No.6651600
That's deep dude
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651603
That’s what I thought. Smart guy but just a bit too late on a Saturday night
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651604
Republican States be like 'I'm glad this ain't a dem state' kek
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651606>>6651608 >>6651612
And oils to stay away from are:
soya bean oil
canola oil
rapeseed oil
Most olive oil is doctored with canola oil unless you get it from a good source like The Olive Oil Hunter at http://freshpressedoliveoil.us
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651607>>6651614
I've noticed this too in the past. When I would break from a strict regimen and "cheat" that you could feel the difference in your body and my belly would actually start to bloat.
I am thinking my belly bloating at this moment has something to do with my liver size. As I have been drinking between 2 to 3 (sometimes 4!) bottles of wine a day, consistently since about October 2018 until just last week…so about 7 to 8 months of heavy wine consumption along with lots of Taco John's fast food.
I wish wine and Taco John's in mass quantities were healthy for a person!
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651608>>6651617 >>6651618
One more is Corn Oil (most corn is GMO now)
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651610>>6651623 >>6651657
Carbs bind water molecules causing water retention, hence the bloat. Go low carb - high protein, eat vegetable carbs, not wheat.
▶ 863016 (6) No.6651611>>6651635 >>6651680
7:28 = 19:28
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.169 📁
Aug 19 2018 23:00:08 (EST)
[Movie 1]
>>BO>>CS>>BO>>NO>>CS>>NO>>BO>>[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
Who instructed the DOJ to release 'select' text messages?
When did [RR] learn of involvement [BO][NO]?
What happens if [RR] knew PRIOR TO signing CP FISA?
Why did [RR] under congressional testimony refuse to answer the question re: reading of FISA prior to execution?
Who signed pg 380?
Who signed pg 389?
Who signed pg 390?
Who signed pg 391?
Who signed pg 392?
https://vault.fbi.gov/d1-release/d1-release/viewWho📁 is [1 of 4] FIREWALLS?
Who signed?
Who signed?
FISA [20]
MOVIE 1 [Full]: The 'START'
Coming SOON to a theater near you.
MOVIE 2 -- Coming this FALL.
Enjoy the show.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651612>>6651627 >>6651629 >>6651648
Wouldn't the bottle have to say it contains canola?
I think I am buying a good brand.
I'm buying one that's imported from Italy, it comes in a cool glass bottle with a ceramic stopper and a metal stopper holder=downer! The Olive oil is kind of cloudy and at the bottom there is a cloud of "stuff" that reminds me of the Mother in Braggs Apple Cider or a bottle of Kambucha.
I don't remember the name of it though.
▶ 2c83cc (20) No.6651613>>6651668
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651614>>6651631
God, that is a lot of wine! Your liver is not a happy camper!!! I hope you can stay off that stuff for good.
▶ 7d16f9 (2) No.6651616>>6651642
I feel/see it, too, fren. The change is real. But media are (so far) positioning only for self preservation - still fully otherwise in service of DS. Nonetheless, "Nothing can stop what is coming", and the Light will be glorious, worldwide. WWG1WGA !!
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651617>>6651634 >>6651639
Yeah, two types of oils that I am using at the moment (excluding Grass Fed Butter for my Covfefe):
Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
That's pretty much it for what I use at home.
▶ 9aa019 (2) No.6651618
High fructose corn syrup- usually number 2 ingredient in sodas… stopped drinking 2-6 soft drinks a day when I learned about Pepsi co using fetal liver for flavorings… down 25 lbs in the following 4 month. fat just melted off my body
▶ 26c244 (3) No.6651619
And yet, NOTHING will happen, and no one will be held accountable… Just ask the former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, who committed illegal acts and was NOT prosecuted…
▶ 863016 (6) No.6651621
if we are sooo good, how do we get sooo much wrong?
▶ a49914 (3) No.6651622>>6651643
I'm thinking he is letting her out of a jail cell. Remember that pic of her with Feinstein ChiCom?
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651623
Yes! Forgot about that. Nice to know there are others here with the 'knowledge'!
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651624
Indeed. The ability to move something forward resides in the outliers. The 80% is important, but it’s the 5% that take you next level. If you can keep them out of the asylum.
▶ 38f909 (1) No.6651625
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651626
Anons - just lost internet and had to reset router. Still collecting notes but w/new ID.
me: >>6651534
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651627
I thought so too but it seems there is some law out there where they don't have to say that if the canola oil (or olive oil) is at a certain percentage.
▶ 62556e (3) No.6651628
Nice post, Anon. I learned something about evil lacking creativity and mimicking us years back. "The left cant meme" rang to me in Truth and I had posted about it months back… or a year ago.. who knows at this point. I am with (You) on this… whether figurative or literal. Either way.. I agree.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651629
Also, the only way you would really know is if you had it tested.
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651630
Someday that girl will tell her grandchildren about meeting Barr at this time in our history.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651631>>6651636 >>6651646
You can't see it, because it is all covered up with Taco John, Burger King, and Oreo packages/bags; but underneath all that trash is a solid layer of empty wine bottles…and there are more that are not in the picture!
Gotta be over a hundred empty wine bottles!
This I gathered from October until around Memorial day.
Most is cleaned up now.
This is the Demon that I struggle with!
▶ a08da1 (3) No.6651632
Is this considered a Q marker?
▶ b82346 (2) No.6651633
Mystery 200-year-old letter revealed World War 3 plans -- and final battle against Islam
Albert Pike, who was a captain for the US army during the American Civil War, is alleged to have penned a doctrine to an Italian politician outlining plans for three global conflicts to bring a one world government.
It plots how and why the first and second world wars raged in the early 1900s -- and provides a chilling prophecy over a third and final battle.
The letter features heavily in the book Satan, Prince of this World, by former naval officer William Guy Carr.
It was reportedly sent by Pike, a freemason, to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini and was dated August 15, 1871.
The letter, it is claimed, suggested World War 1 was planned to overthrow the Tsars in Russia and make Russia a communist stronghold.
World War 2 was sparked as a catalyst to destroy Nazism, so communism could take over wearier governments and for a sovereign state of Israel to beset up in Palestine.
The third global war, according to Pike, will be fought between the west and leaders of the Islamic war .
Pike is alleged to have written, according to Carr's book: "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism.
"The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war.
"At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists.
"This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
"During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651634>>6651638
One other thing I have done is eliminate salt from my diet after coming across this site:
We get the sodium (that is needed) from the food we eat.
▶ d4d7f2 (2) No.6651635>>6651647
Soon To Be A HouseHold Name.
▶ 62556e (3) No.6651636
Go to rehab.
▶ 20b216 (1) No.6651637
Sauce on this pic?
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651638>>6651654
I usually don't add table salt.
Cooking, I use a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt…that's my salt of choice.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651639>>6651640
One other really great piece of info is the PDF The Owner's Manual for the Human Body.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651640>>6651662
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651642>>6651644
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651646>>6651667
You might want to check out this audio of a radio show I did back in 2014.
It may explain why you have had this 'problem'.
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651648
No Italy is utterly corrupt. I am lucky I can get from aust. Known and traceable. Can’t you find something grown in us?
▶ 26c244 (3) No.6651649
It's been 9 days (May 24th) since POTUS ordered Declassification of Obama Russian Probe Intel… I guess time will tell if Stone is correct on this…
(Jim Stone)
''THERE WILL BE NO MEANINGFUL DECLASS: I am calling it now. I was skeptical to begin with (as anyone who reads this site ought to know). I never believed it would happen because there is too big of a problem with subversion. Trump can order it all he wants, IT AINT HAPPENING.
Even Barr will prevent anything that goes beyond the burning of a lowly corrupted smurf. Funny it is that NO ONE we wanted burned got burned. Actually, NOT FUNNY. If "declass" happens it will be to a select few and sparse documents that reveal NOTHING, and that will be the end of it. I said this immediately when Trump ordered it and much much later, NADA. Just like I said. Wait for them to bust Obama's lost bobble head doll. That's where it will end, with the removal of a lost piece of plastic from the dashboard of a taxi. Zero will come of this, if anything was going to come of this, it would have happened more than a week ago.''
▶ 1a0848 (2) No.6651650
Very cool you've decided to treat your body like the temple that it is!
I agree alcohol is poison. I finally cut it out completely too. I don't even drink socially now.
Your body is part of the system you use to receive God's signal. Keep it tuned!
▶ 863016 (6) No.6651652
2 x people
plus the one taking the pic = 3
▶ a49914 (3) No.6651653
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651654>>6651660
Still needs to be eliminated. ALL 'natural'/fake (table) salt is not good for you.
▶ 06ddcf (2) No.6651655
All governments are nothing more than manufactured consent of the many for the benefit of the few.
If your only tool is a hammer, every problem a nail.
You should seek to construct your own jig's and pass on the false narrative that is government.
▶ bd20b5 (2) No.6651656>>6651668
baker, notable. this kind of hard science should be the foundation of this movement. With so many niggers trying to represent the Q movement, we really need more of this kind of earnest democracy. This is truly a study conducted in the spirit of old fashion American values. Benjamin Franklin would be proud.
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651657>>6651665 >>6651669 >>6651675 >>6651698
Remember the rofschild axe me anything thread? Convinced it’s legit. He said no carbs, good oils and fats. They know, then poison us.
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651659
Collected Notes @~630
>>6651593, >>6651598 Daily Mail - LA Photo Essay: desperate city trying to contain filth/typhoid fever outbreak
>>6651571 Townhall opinion piece - It's all about open borders World Wide
>>6651549 AG Barr Alaska Photos
>>6651548, >>6651559 Cruise ship vs. Tourist boat in Venice, Italy
>>6651406 Peter Strzok Go-Fund-Me???
>>6651090 DOJ preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance re: antitrust laws
▶ 26c244 (3) No.6651660
And most "Sea Salt" supposedly contains plastics…
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651662
Another thing I have done is go over to distilled water. The ultimate water I would like to get is the one created by this unit found here:
▶ 1a0848 (2) No.6651663
I love that post. So much truth in it.
Creativity is the divine.
▶ 06ddcf (2) No.6651665>>6651682
They also can Print money but prefer to rob us?
so what is the point?
Can you not feel the cross hair on the back of your neck? if not you are not listening.
Been that way for all my time.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651667>>6651672
I will listen to it, because I do believe that spirits latch on to us and feed off of emotional impulses of the individual host.
▶ bd20b5 (2) No.6651668
oh wait, i linked to the wrong post from that other patriot who did the rigorous survey. Sorry. I meant to nominate this one
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651670>>6651672 >>6651673
Off to bed now.
Its been refreshing, for once, to be here.
▶ a410ea (1) No.6651671>>6651694 >>6651696 >>6651706
The Democrats are doing nothing on the Border to address the Humanitarian and National Security Crisis! Could be fixed so easily if they would vote with Republicans to fix the loopholes.
▶ aeeaf0 (18) No.6651672
▶ 3459b3 (13) No.6651673
Nighty night anon.
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651674
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651675>>6651710
It's my understanding that the body has to have some carbs to work properly. In the world of veggie carbs, dark green have the fewest. Corn, carrots and beets are highest. Eat dark green veggies and it sheds water retention faster. Also important to drink lots of water with low carb diet. Yes, meat fats and olive oil are good for us.
▶ 631e1d (4) No.6651677
Being filthy communist jew trendy and not being racist sure does have it's benefits.
Welcome to the new world order hell.
▶ c79a7b (1) No.6651678
2 ninety minute walking workouts per week will burn more blood sugar and when the sugar is gone the blood fat begins to be used as fuel.
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651681>>6651688 >>6651693 >>6651695
Alternate theory to Comey and the missing/corrected Q:
White hats are in control of his account and driving folks here to feel the love.
Some of the fake Q from last night was intriguing. Maybe not so fake?
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651682
And mine anon. And now my children and grandchildren. But now we know. And that changes everything.
▶ 280419 (6) No.6651685
Good break down there mystery anon!
POTUS new immigration policy (MERIT based): https://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/immigration/
All good advice and find a good local source of SPRING WATER (deal directly with bottling company to buy in bulk).
Love u homos
▶ a08da1 (3) No.6651687
=Time to Wake Up.
▶ 6be455 (4) No.6651688>>6651701 >>6651702 >>6651705
Comey is Q,or part of it. Talk about leaving breadcrumbs. Read all of Comeys tweets.
Very Q esq
▶ 3c1cee (4) No.6651689>>6651700
door numbers showing , 4 and 5
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651690
Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.
Won’t bore anons with all of the life changes since finding the power of anonymity. Shadilay.
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651692
"Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.
FAKE & FALSE narrative." -Q
▶ 427ad3 (1) No.6651693
anon missed the fake Q - do you recall approx. time/bread #?
▶ ad5b3d (23) No.6651694
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 73f652 No.896591
Apr 4 2018 17:43:17 (EST)
Follow the LOOP.
▶ 423aba (3) No.6651695>>6651707
Does anyone have a graphic of the fake Q posts from last night? Or just the bread # and or ID?
▶ 631e1d (4) No.6651696
Demonrats take their marching orders from foreigners. They will never vote to fix any loopholes concerning human/child/narcotics trafficking. That is their slush funds.
▶ 0493b5 (6) No.6651698>>6651712 >>6651719 >>6651724
POTUS eats carbs. Looks fit as an ox. If I could only be so lucky to have such health at his age or even live till his age. I think passion and energy are much more key to healthy living that broccoli and diets.
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651699
I said exactly what Q means fuckin tard
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651700
I think another autist had noted Door 5 [D5]
▶ 55b401 (4) No.6651701
Next you will be saying Cheney is part of Q
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651706
Collected Notes @670-ish
>>6651671 New PDJT - Democrats doing nothing to address border crisis
>>6651593, >>6651598 Daily Mail - LA Photo Essay: desperate city trying to contain filth/typhoid fever outbreak
>>6651571 Townhall opinion piece - It's all about open borders World Wide
>>6651549 AG Barr Alaska Photos
>>6651548, >>6651559 Cruise ship vs. Tourist boat in Venice, Italy
>>6651406 Peter Strzok Go-Fund-Me???
>>6651090 DOJ preparing to open an investigation into Google’s compliance re: antitrust laws
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651707
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651708>>6651713 >>6651717 >>6651732
I'm thinking this trip was more than just about Eskimos.
I think AG used this trip with Murkowski to gather more info on the DS.
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651709>>6651715 >>6651718
Thought of the best meme, KEK
Last pic,,I added the pepe with a green MAGA hat to that meme last year( or end of 2017)
Had to adjust meme so i could fit in a thought bubble.
▶ 3dc44b (3) No.6651710>>6651722 >>6651740
Industrial food and MSM is the same, the former for your body, the latter for yout brain.
When you body is filled with carbs and trandsormed food with additives and so on, you body stop to tell you anything because it's too busy to manage the shit you're eating.
Once you remove carbs, salt and other addictive substances, you body recover it's own control and after a few weeks you'lle be surprised that you feel like to eat specific things at specific times. Just listen to you body then becaue it took back control.
I did it and now I feel disgusted with everything not safe, each time I feel like to eat something, I try to understand why by getting infos about this specific food, and each time it's totally in line with what I need at the moment.
Same for MSM, they feed you brain with so much shit that you loose any control and any desire to ask questions. Stop it and you brain will naturally ask again "why", like when you was young.>>6651675
▶ c6187d (3) No.6651711
POTUS 45 bringing her in to land, trays up brace brace brace….. mayday mayday mayday
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651712
Seriously? He ain’t that old or healthy. But Mel would keep anyone in”shape”
Ever look at a captcha and think wtf even is that letter?
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651713
i bet murk did a lot of dancing kek
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651714
Some concernfag thinks POTUS goes off script.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651715>>6651718
This is what I was thinking earlier about this photo.
▶ fa429a (1) No.6651716
Very insightful interview with PapaD and his wife on caravan to midnight.
▶ c6187d (3) No.6651717
DS -> ds
Deep State -> deep shit
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651718
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651719>>6651731
POTUS has a weight problem. Look at his stomach. His body double is fit.
▶ 423aba (3) No.6651720>>6651726 >>6651736
Half anon reporting on /pol raid on Paul Combetta.
▶ fc5fec (3) No.6651721
I'm a UKanon and I am disgusted by her
Even though I can't stand her anyway
But a good thing in a way her doing this as it is showing people what kind of person she really is
Panic Panic Panic
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651722
Nice postulation anon. My wife beat cancer and learned how to eat for both of us, but I have a self destructive streak. Love to know it’s origins. Probably pride. The original sin.
▶ 118719 (1) No.6651723>>6651728
Q: What makes a movie good?
GREAT actors.
Just a thought…
When Potus refers in his tweets to some people of Dem persuasion being GREAT (all caps) is he telling us they are actors? That they've been flipped but are still acting the part of anti-Trumpers?
Is the prefix GREAT in front of a person's name a signal to us that they're just playing a part?
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651724
FFS POTUS drinks diet Coke. Can’t be much of a health freak.
▶ a0ec01 (3) No.6651725>>6651733 >>6651753
Took his money and bought a fucken castle in Eastern Europe and said goodbye to assholes in Hollywood- dude is more intelligent and accomplished than 99% of people on this board.
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651726>>6651736 >>6651741
Raid when? Now? Habbening?
▶ 2568c5 (6) No.6651728
>When Potus refers in his tweets to some people of Dem persuasion being GREAT (all caps) is he telling us they are actors?
I posited exactly the same thing yesterday, especially when he's referring to people that we know are filthy as fuck.
▶ a89087 (7) No.6651730>>6651739
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. THE RUIN OF KASCH
is a story about the fall of the richest kingdom on earth. It was collected in marketplace of Khartoum by the 19'th century English explorer and ethnographer, Sir Richard Francis Burton, from the last surviving man who knew it. As written by R Calasso.
25' 07"
▶ fc5fec (3) No.6651731>>6651754
You idiot coming on here to get attention with your stupid comments
Go get a life find yourself a gf or bf and Grow Up
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651733
Danger, Will Robinson. Play nice.
▶ 18b435 (1) No.6651735
May not kill you and just leave you in a vegetative state. It is a slim possibility. I suggest sitting in the kitchen and having a good cup of coffee. Open up a window and listen to shit outside.
▶ b8879e (19) No.6651736
I haven't seen anything yet on the webz?
This would be Yuge if indeed true!
▶ d009dc (3) No.6651737>>6651749
JFK Jr is dead. Sorry anons, he is not Q, and he is not coming back.
▶ 2ed542 (1) No.6651738
The ‘Attacking those that threaten you the most’ concept applies equally to what Leftists do towards Christianity, over and above all other religions.
They don’t see the others as an actual threat to their existence, but Christianity questions their very soul and future. The others pose zero threat to their level of evil.
▶ 3add8d (7) No.6651739>>6651759
▶ 280419 (6) No.6651740>>6651772
local spring water or else get a good filter
deal direct with bottler at source
too many chemicals and nastiness
in municipal water (chlorine, fluoride, lead?, etc.)
be healthy, be best
be mo bestest
▶ 423aba (3) No.6651741>>6651761
No sauce but a claim from neighbor watching them sitting in cuffs on the from lawn.
▶ 315e06 (8) No.6651743
▶ 6be455 (4) No.6651745
Anons sometimes have very little imagination, and definitely can't comprehend whats happening.
Comey is part of Q. Little doubt about it.
If anons can't see that people who are part of the cabal are being forced to do things they wouldn't normally do,than anons are blind.
It is how the cabal works. They are used to it.
But the cabal isn't in control anymore now,is it?
Have fun guessing who is wearing what hat. They all are working for POTUS. All of them.
▶ c07557 (3) No.6651747
Former Obama Officials Helping Iran To Outmaneuver The United States
▶ d009dc (3) No.6651749>>6651755
Correction, @TrueEyeTheSpy
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651750
'be careful who you follow'
▶ a89087 (7) No.6651751
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. All are welcome.
▶ 280419 (6) No.6651753
1st to out SS
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651754
Kma. I love Potus. I don't care that he has a tummy. Facts are facts. Grow up.
▶ 4a43d1 (1) No.6651755
Correction, @FaggotEyeTheSpy
▶ 70186f (2) No.6651756>>6651766 >>6651794
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>6651331
Fararge not supporting Brexit court case said ok to extention to brexit so he could play politics .
▶ 6be455 (4) No.6651758>>6651776
Did anons know Trump used leverage on RR to exonerate him?
▶ a89087 (7) No.6651759
the brimming pages of The Ruin of Kasch circle around the three foremost subjects of the book: ritual and ancient sacrifice, revolution, and the origins of modernity. Significantly, Calasso has chosen the historical figure of Talleyrand, the crafty French statesman and diplomat who managed to hold onto his head during the French Revolution, as guide and interpreter >>6651739
▶ 996e07 (29) No.6651760
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651761
You ARE the news kek
▶ c07557 (3) No.6651762
President Trump has a victory present for newly re-elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi - and it's the economic equivalent of a flaming bag of shit on India's doorstep.
In his latest act of aggressive protectionism in what has already been an action-packed week, Trump late Friday announced that his administration was terminating India's designation as a developing nation under a trade program that allowed Indian exporters to ship 2,000 products into the US duty free. The decision to revoke India's preferential trade status, which mirrors Trump's decision to revoke Turkey's status under the program a few weeks back, comes one day after Modi was sworn in for a second term.
▶ 7e44af (1) No.6651763>>6651768
>>6650421 PB
she died sept 2016
▶ 280419 (6) No.6651766>>6651786
Dear British frens
"Keep Clam & Anon On!"
we scratch our head at some of POTUS's picks
but remember the rule to keep your friends close
and enemies mo closer
Boris may be a bridge to get Britiania where she needs to be
Farage was a Godsend IMHO
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651769
Anon, find the trend between when creation was removed from school teaching and the explosion of single mothers. It was [them] {him}
▶ 3dc44b (3) No.6651772
Good advice, I have a Berkey + additionnal fluoride/heavy metal filter. No cheap but very long lifespan before changing the cartridges.
▶ a0ec01 (3) No.6651773
2018 wasn't glorious.
But sure rest of post was 100 percent true.
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651775
>>6651441 God bless you, and keep up the good work. I agree with this anon
>>6651496, you may need probiotics to help restore your good gut bacteria( Bad bacteria and shortage of good is what is helping to make people sick, overweight and depressed)
Do not be negative or a fucking asshole to anons who seek advice.
Being cruel and evil is what Dems and Hillary does.
Sometimes anons need their frens here for support.
This has been a rough long road for many anons working here. We endure alot working on these boards, and some of us and put aside our vacations and fun and family, in order to participate here as much as possible.
▶ 050ae6 (13) No.6651779
I am going to spark up soon so expect a jump in my intelligence and love for frens. Next bread. I love how QRV never ends. It’s like a 711 for nut jobs. By the way hello ukanon from the colony.
▶ 6ab38b (2) No.6651780>>6651785 >>6651788
keep the meme material coming!
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651783
I took the bake - which is not unlike taking the bait.
Anons, let's phil 'er up!
▶ 6ab38b (2) No.6651785
always aim at the base of the fire folks!
▶ 70186f (2) No.6651786
You are right trust POTUS but I dont trust ANY UK politicians could do with a DECLAS please Barr
▶ ac2cd0 (7) No.6651789>>6651802
Interesting. Wondered if Hillary was the Anti-Christ. Bible verses state that A-C would receive a head wound, but not by human hand nor accident. Would die and miraculously rise again.
▶ 280419 (6) No.6651794
"Keep Calm & Anon On!"
(can we get a meme on this?)
not clam - although sometimes good to clam up
like a will do now
brain damaged by war anon
▶ 7586da (2) No.6651795
Almost 5 and a half hour bread.
Been a long ass night.
▶ 23ea78 (1) No.6651797>>6651806
Stone Cold Killers
Through frigid water and freezing conditions, Marines with @1st_Marine_Div and Norwegian Coastal Ranger Commandos embrace the elements. https://t.co/iH6IZWCiiJ
▶ 162279 (9) No.6651800
Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread
Will Need a Baker NB, Anons!
I gots ta go
▶ c07557 (3) No.6651801
As Dean Vernon Wormer says…….
▶ c3df80 (7) No.6651802
fuck, are trying to give me nightmares?
If that bitch dies, she had better stay dead, kek