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File: e1c02b43c5fc1b0⋯.jpg (493.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ze1c02b43c5fc1b06dad409388….jpg)

c9e6ba  No.6367877

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

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PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Saturday 04.27.2019

>>6335740 ————————————–——– Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr - SDNY) FREE FLYNN? (Cap: >>6335864 )

>>6335313 rt >>6335179 -————————– A House needs to be constantly cleaned. (Cap: >>6335355 )

>>6335075 rt >>6335030 -————————– C comes before D.

>>6334984 ————————————–——– Soon To Be A HouseHold Name. (Cap: >>6335048 )

>>6334889 ————————————–——– DRAIN THE [SWAMP].

Thursday 04.25.2019

>>6316088 ————————————–——– Define 'Renegade'.

>>6315906 ————————————–——– [HUSSEIN] (Cap: >>6316045 )

>>6305138 ————————————–——– Will this age well? (Cap: >>6305150 )

>>6304666 ————————————–——– Stay tuned. (Cap: >>6304703 )

Wednesday 04.24.2019

Compiled here: >>6354269

Friday 04.19.2019

Compiled here: >>6354261

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

c9e6ba  No.6367883

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6348477 BO Related Global Notables

>>6261140 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGs)

>>6364968 There are captchas for every post now


are not endorsements


>>6367232 Trump Sues Deutsche Bank and Capital One to Stop Them From Complying With Congressional Subpoenas

>>6367253 Anon on the interesting references in Rosensteins' resignation letter

>>6367291 Statement from the parents of the San Diego shooter

>>6367294 RR also quoted POTUS in resignation letter: "A nation exists to serve its citizens"

>>6367691, >>6367788 Anon's dig on the Holy See

>>6367735 FBI arrests from around the Country

>>6367724 Islamic State airs video purporting to be leader al-Baghdadi

>>6367863 #8142


>>6366432 Brexit sees surge in support for Scottish independence

>>6366532 Huawei: US may withhold intelligence from UK if it lets Chinese firm build 5G network, official says

>>6366625 Newsome announces $15m in security funding for religious, community-based non-profits

>>6366799 Americans Prepare First Lawsuits Against Corporations Using Stolen U.S. Property in Cuba

>>6367050 Judge signs off on homeless shelter on ‘Billionaires’ Row’

>>6367116 #8141

#8140 Baker Change

>>6365745 [RR] Resigns 90 days After Q Drop Say [RR] Removal

>>6365666 House Democrats set the stage for a Barr standoff

>>6365722 Austrian deputy leader endorses far-right term 'population replacement'

>>6365828 Anon on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6365845 USMC Tweet-How Much Do You Lift, Bro?

>>6366004 Courts Denies Several Raniere Motions – Four Major Issues Remain Unresolved

>>6366165 Democratic NJ mayor resigns, charged with election interference

>>6366212 Trump wants to charge asylum-seekers to apply

>>6366232 Hit piece: After California Synagogue Shooting, 8Chan Is Back In the Spotlight

>>6366233 House panel chairman says Barr must testify Thursday

>>6366332 #8140


>>6365304 Mexican Senate passes labor bill, key to approving new NAFTA (Reuters)

>>6365371, >>6365495 Autism applied to "typos" in DJT tweet

>>6365491 Mattis ignored orders from Trump, White House on North Korea, Iran (Hill)

>>6365416 DJT Jr's GF, Kimberly Guilfoile, joining Trump Campaign as senior advisor

>>6365263 DJT: If the D's don't give us the votes to change [our Immigration Laws], we must fight [in 2020]!

>>6365170, >>6365168 DJT: The Coyotes and Drug Cartels are in total control of the Mexico side...

>>6364980 Daily Caller memeing: "It's Finally Happening!"

>>6364971 Judicial Watch: Maxine Waters Unfit to Chair House Financial Services Committee

>>6364968 [Captcha intensifies] trololololo

>>6364963 Numberfaggotry: RR tenure 746 days, 7+4+6 = 17

>>6364940 Billionaire game dev, Notch, blacklisted from Minecraft anniversary due to Q endorsement + twitter trolling

>>6364937 Just for Keks: Halfchan memelords trolling automatic customer support

>>6364931 Clockfag Update

>>6365571 #8139


>>6364800 Border Patrol agent: Human smugglers running radio ads in Central American countries (DCExaminer)

>>6364772 RE-READ [RR], [LL] Drops

>>6364703, >>6364742 Gossipy Biden dirt (Follow the wives), Joe's son's wife's marriage falls apart?

>>6364529 Planefag report USAF G5 VIP en route towards Eurozone ~ SAM998

>>6364626 Blackstone Stock bought by Blackstone Holding's III LP, dig?

>>6364543 Side by side on Goodbye RR

>>6364363 Pentagon to send over 300 more troops to southern border (Hill)

>>6364182, >>6364244, >>6364377 Pence CoS, Josh Pitcock, Digg

>>6364156 Dig? Pentagon ends secret group 'Jason''s contract. (NPR)

>>6364134 Officials participate in bilateral meetings with officials from Japan, South Korea.

>>6364120 Senate Judiciary will vote next month on Trump's pick to succeed Rosenstein (Hill)

>>6364117 RE-READ [RR] and DECLAS drops

>>6364115 Mexican Government Official Says MS-13 Infiltrated Caravans Headed For US (DailyCaller)

>>6364824 #8138

Previously Collected Notables

>>6364031 #8137

>>6361724 #8134, >>6362456 #8135, >>6363243 #8136

>>6359341 #8131, >>6360093 #8132, >>6360967 #8133

>>6357050 #8128, >>6357817 #8129, >>6358590 #8130

>>6354767 #8125, >>6356050 #8126, >>6356279 #8127

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

c9e6ba  No.6367887

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

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Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Book of Q Proofs —– https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6160438 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>6224992 - Mueller Report Dissemination Research #1

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

>>5240137 - Information Warfare Research

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

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Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

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Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#81 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>>/comms/4684, >>6339245

Q Graphics all in EST

>>6069766, >>6171428

c9e6ba  No.6367891

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

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Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 46 >>6192694, 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Threads 8001 - 10,000: https://pastebin.com/bjb0Y5FP

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

c9e6ba  No.6367900



Requesting Handoff, Ghost Handoff™ if needed

3e89aa  No.6367901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - Full documentary

(It's a video, click it.)




No hate went into the creation of this post.

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

If you lurk long enough you will notice it's always the same attacks and attackers to this and the other posts. None of them dispute the information. They can't because they know it's the truth.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor satanist/luciferian. Or a bot.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremisit" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

b : the battle taking place at Armageddon

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


3e89aa  No.6367906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."

Shills will call it a hoax like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out and all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


3e89aa  No.6367913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It lays out (((their))) entire game plan and CLEARLY matches world events for the past 120 years or so.

7e35a5  No.6367917

File: 8bdaa647bcc16ed⋯.jpg (151.12 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, EYTsun.jpg)

Reclaiming my spot tomorrow.

Live in the maunin'

3e89aa  No.6367927

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, oprotocols_full.png)




Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Text

51a69f  No.6367930

File: 4bd63ac7eefa03c⋯.jpg (960.38 KB, 776x1200, 97:150, memefree_Rosenstein.jpg)

3e89aa  No.6367931

File: 04effbbfb53c43a⋯.png (609.53 KB, 910x848, 455:424, T_y_da_laws.png)









647b1a  No.6367932

File: e0b69078832ebed⋯.jpg (153.98 KB, 736x925, 736:925, IMG_312.jpg)

patriots laugh!

7e35a5  No.6367933



Q and I are pretty tight.

You should check it out

d8b7f5  No.6367934

Blake was such a gentleman and held my hand and soothed me the whole time. I was so grateful to have him and would do anything for him!

A few minutes later Needles walked in and pulled the curtain shut. He spoke with Blake and Blake told him what we wanted done. I had this weird feeling that Blake and Needles knew each other but it couldn't be. Blake worked on Wall Street. He was a Yale graduate and totally clean cut. Needles on the other hand was covered in tattoos, he had spiked orange hair and rainbow colored feathers hanging off his earrings.

Needles nodded, inspected my pussy and spoke to me. "Thanks for being clean shaven. I am going to pierce you with ten 1.2 by 6 by 3mm hoop rings. I will then attach a vice grip to each one to act as a heat sink while I weld them permanently shut."

It was embarrassing in a sexy way to have my pussy viewed, inspected, fondled and talked about.

With that Needles went to work. He thoroughly cleaned my labia with rubbing alcohol. I watched with fascination as needles pierced the first one. I felt like a pinch but nothing I couldn't take. Needles wiped off the small amount of blood a few times and then swabbed by pussy with rubbing alcohol again before proceeding to the next one. As he kept repeating the process I got totally wet from all the stimulation! The embarrassment and all the rubbing and wiping. After the fourth piercing Needles was wiping up more pussy juice secretions than blood by far!

649d64  No.6367935


Kikey no likey…

Don't be so mad, kike. It's not like the entire world hates you… Oh wait… Shit. My bad.

424ba8  No.6367936

File: 6d62001aeeb724c⋯.jpg (106.74 KB, 960x932, 240:233, bz-5cc7c1673c954.jpg)

Joe's Sniff Collar

3e89aa  No.6367937

File: 9f13adb32ed372e⋯.jpg (48.73 KB, 474x418, 237:209, eaac167de1dc699.jpg)

File: a9a4137402b8eb4⋯.jpg (390.57 KB, 713x636, 713:636, edb4a8bd3941a.jpg)

File: edb4a8bd3941b18⋯.jpg (224.82 KB, 720x666, 40:37, edb4a8bd3941b.jpg)

File: e2b5906a4c60a89⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 742x529, 742:529, edb4a8bd3941bb.jpg)

File: 0843991bfff0759⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1464x1464, 1:1, edb4a8bd3941bbb.jpg)

3f4e1f  No.6367938

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\_|\_/ |_| |_||_| |_| |_/|_|_\|_|/_/ \_\ |___/

Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

Regex Filters:

/* Filters any name other than [left empty], Q, and Ron(CodeMonkey) */

[Enter as a Name filter] ^(?!(Anonymous$|Q$|Ron$))

/* Filters just the clowns limbic recon + sigil deployment tool, AKA cr[e]epbot */

[Enter as a Name filter] ([*]*)=,e

/* Filters any combination of upper and lower case letters eg. re: milts' spam */

[Enter as a Comment filter] [Hh][Oo][Ll][Oo][Cc][Aa][Uu][Ss][Tt]

[Enter as a Comment filter] [Zz][Ii][Oo][Nn]

[Enter as a Comment filter] \(\(\([Qq]\)\)\)

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Get Comfy, Stay Centered.

Write when Insight Strikes

d8b7f5  No.6367939

"You got a horny one here, Blake!" Needles announced, after the fifth piercing.

I felt like the most special woman in the world and must have gushed out a bunch more fluid when I heard Blake reply "That and a many other reasons is why we are locking ourselves up for each other."

Needles continued his work and I just got wetter and wetter down there! I had to force myself to be still, I just wanted to squirm all over the place!

Once the last piercing was done, Needles announced to us that he was going to get the guard plate and lock and that he would be right back. As soon as Needles left the curtain enclosed area I grabbed Blake by his cock and pulled him in for the most passionate French kissing that I ever had!

"You better pound the hell out of me tonight!" I assertively told Blake right before Needles returned.

Needles walked in carrying a beautiful platinum covered stainless guard plate and a small elongated curved paddle lock. The plate had a bunch of ornately carved designs in it and Blake's initials right in the center surrounded by a heart. He showed us how the paddle lock's shackles were curved to fit into the guard and how the lock body completely separates from the shackle on both sides.

327cb6  No.6367940


do not try to sniper.

Trying to snipe the FRESH BREAD post as close as possible to 751 might make you feel good bc of your impressive skills being shown to the world.

But it is not helpful for anons work, as you miss the snipe quite often - leading to no fresh bread post at all.

That, together with the catalogue beeing 'frozen' many times, and newfags maybe not knowing how to go through index, makes it a really bad idea.

Please do not try to snipe any more.

Please facilitate anons work the best you can.

Please push your ego elsewhere.

d8b7f5  No.6367941

I took the guard plate from Needles and inspected it closely. It was actually made from two plates that were fused together. They were separated in two places along most of the length where hollow tubes were created allowing the paddle lock shackle to slide through. On the side of the guard plate that would lay against my pussy along these two separations for the shackle there were ten little slits, five on each side. The whole edge of the guard plate was folded over creating a nice rounded barrier shaped like a gasket. At the end of the guard plate the two layers separated completely allowing for a pocket where the body of the paddle lock would be inserted. It was a genius design! The paddle lock body and shackle would be covered hiding their outline and they would not be able to flop around!

Needles then proceeded to show Blake how to put it on. He inserted the top two piercings into the top slits and slid the shackle into the tubes until it just passed though them. He then inserted the next two piercings into the nest two slits and slid the shackle down just a little more. He repeated this process five times until the shackle had gone through all ten piercings and jutted out into the paddle lock pocket cavity. He then took the lock body and slid it in where it clicked onto the shackle ends!

I now had my pussy completely locked up! I was so horny I almost came right there! The whole thing felt very comfortable and molded nicely against my pussy. It covered me from about an inch above my clit all the way down to just a little above my asshole. It completely covered my clit, labia (and obviously my pussy opening!), and most of my taint. Yet, it was thin so it did not rub against my thighs.

9cb9c7  No.6367942

File: eaada52f0eae150⋯.jpg (41.82 KB, 254x188, 127:94, sosts.jpg)

d1be78  No.6367943

File: 79730057ceb42fa⋯.jpeg (60.6 KB, 670x503, 670:503, 52154C0E-FF5D-44A7-8162-2….jpeg)

File: 34ccc251da7c913⋯.jpeg (750.54 KB, 2400x1823, 2400:1823, 962603CA-21F8-4658-9F48-C….jpeg)

File: d896bb3f9ae1891⋯.jpeg (147.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 18D91270-E0F8-4B3E-A70D-8….jpeg)

File: 62858edbc9897e3⋯.jpeg (276 KB, 1242x1222, 621:611, 9E11795E-146D-4281-B082-3….jpeg)

Night Shift.

99f640  No.6367944

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, 113ff3d53ad7edd.jpg)

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7eddd.jpg)

File: 8a9147385e04297⋯.jpg (106.25 KB, 534x307, 534:307, 337ea5137718aa.jpg)

File: 337ea5137718aa2⋯.png (774.98 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 337ea5137718aa.png)

File: b78cc7ffc3a64a2⋯.png (330.75 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 337ea5137718aaa.png)

a83d1d  No.6367945

File: 894b66f1df37c06⋯.jpg (123.32 KB, 745x745, 1:1, baker.jpg)

Anons take on the CAPTCHA on all posts.

The common anon theory here is that CAPTCHA were enabled on all posting to keep the shill bots from sliding the bread.

Something BIG BIG BIG is about to drop! Need to keep the spam shills from sliding so us Anons cannot see the drops and collaborate.

BUT…Spam shills have continued to spam even though it has been enabled. Well, that sucks, right?

Well no. The current CAPTCHA scheme has been the same for ever right? It takes time for shill bot owners to re-code to be able to read it.

Here is the ingenious part. The BO can now rotate in any CAPTCHA scheme at will and the spam bot owners will not have time to re-code to slide the bread. A single tweak can cause a recode. Remember, (((they))) don't have the technology to read MEMES.


Lets hope the BO implements it soon.

a9c19c  No.6367946

>>6367878 lb

Nap used to be a quite good legal analyst, something I’m in a good position to know. He even lost his show for excessive truthiness. Not now. Just a never-Trumper.

92d13b  No.6367947

File: 9984efbf4c676e0⋯.png (69.44 KB, 257x256, 257:256, Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at ….png)

If you're whining about having to fill out the captcha,You are posting too much.

Think before posting, if you're constantly shitposting, that is fine we all do that sometimes….but fill out a captcha.

Shills be gone. Any anon that has been here awhile should agree with /BO/ on this one.

i am comfy af

e23618  No.6367948

File: 030ef8efba20853⋯.jpg (222.57 KB, 660x982, 330:491, 1554575984966.jpg)

i haven't seen shills this mad since Q said there is no R

7e35a5  No.6367949


49b085  No.6367950

File: 9fd5ae5c7288226⋯.jpg (586.23 KB, 2250x1399, 2250:1399, IMG_20190429_235940.jpg)

Here is a meme ready pic

c376eb  No.6367951



‘Tis fuckery

c264d9  No.6367952

File: 60880b7bfa313f0⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 709x765, 709:765, kys.jpg)

93db4c  No.6367953


Me thinks you need to go outside.

9c9827  No.6367954

File: f30f78ea6acadbc⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1119x1868, 1119:1868, 998ABC2E-400F-48FF-86B6-6E….png)

c762ec  No.6367955

File: c037c4b2778a5b5⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1272x616, 159:77, Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at ….png)

File: 81030c030781a8e⋯.png (76.97 KB, 774x578, 387:289, Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at ….png)

>>6367232 (lb)

-Deutsche Bank handing over Trump loan documents: source-

New York (AFP) - Deutsche Bank has begun to provide documents on financing for some of President Donald Trump's projects to New York State authorities, a source familiar with the matter told AFP on Wednesday.

In mid-March, New York Attorney General Letitia James subpoenaed the German bank, demanding records related to loans and lines of credit granted to the Trump Organization.

The money was intended to finance projects such as Trump hotels in Washington, DC, Miami and Chicago, another source told AFP last month on the condition of anonymity.

It was unclear whether Deutsche Bank had provided all the documents requested.

"We remain committed to cooperating with authorized investigations," a bank spokesman told AFP, while declining to comment on a CNN report that the company was handing over the documents.

James' office also declined to comment on the status of the documents regarding financing for the Trump Organization, the holding company that has been run by Trump's sons Eric and Donald Trump Jr since he entered the White House.

New York authorities also wanted records related to the Trump Organization's failed attempt in 2014 to buy the Buffalo Bills football team, the source said on condition of anonymity.

James demanded the information from Deutsche Bank after Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen testified before Congress, saying among other things that Trump wildly inflated his net worth in order to secure loans from Deutsche Bank.

Deutsche Bank was one of the few major banks to continue to lend to Trump following the bankruptcies of his casinos and other businesses in the 1990s. The German bank in recent years has loaned Trump more than $300 million.

That put the bank at the center of investigations and congressional scrutiny.

When opposition Democrats took control of the House of Representatives in January, they sought information on interest rates granted to the Trump Organization, as well as details on a huge Russian money laundering case that earned Deutsche Bank a $630 million fine in January 2017.


7e35a5  No.6367956


They were even more butthurt when R posted…

e52d8e  No.6367957

File: 1b4427ceaadbec4⋯.png (8.91 KB, 104x95, 104:95, ClipboardImage.png)


44f1e3  No.6367958

>>6367881 lb

>Expends more of [their] ammunition.

the level of stupid…..

The purpose of this board was to bring new eyes. NOT drive them away. We are suppose to be the news now. Yet some of you are hell bent on driving away good researchers and for what? Captcha's that serve no fucking purpose? REALLY???

Good luck with that.

ab0da7  No.6367959









d8b7f5  No.6367960

"Try to touch yourself." Needles commanded.

I tried to insert a finger under the skirt of the guard plate but could not get more than just the tip under. There was no way than I would be able to reach my clit or any other part of my pussy without pulling very hard on the piercings creating serious pain.

Needles then explained to Blake that it was very important that he remove the shield at least twice a day morning and evening to suave the piercings with alcohol to make sure that they did not get infected. I was then crushed when he told Blake no sex, penetration or oral for at least a month! Maybe even six weeks! Here I was hornier than I had ever been before in my life and I would have to wait at least a month to relieve my itch! I wanted to kill Blake!

Needles then instructed me to put on my panties. After putting them on he showed Blake and myself that the whole contraption was completely hidden. I thought to myself at least I won't have to worry about ever having a camel toe. I then pulled up my stockings and put on my skirt and heels while Needles gave Blake the two paddle lock keys, a bottle of alcohol, medical wipes and a little bottle of iodine. Once again, he explained the importance of cleaning the piercings at least twice daily and complete abstinence from sex and any oral activities. He warned Blake that human saliva is swarming with bacteria.


f269d5  No.6367961

File: fa657e5ac8e2995⋯.png (263.22 KB, 594x508, 297:254, pepe rr no blinks.png)

File: 37c195bedf13fa2⋯.png (29.92 KB, 430x180, 43:18, Capture 1.PNG)

93db4c  No.6367962


I can't see it, can you make it smaller?

327cb6  No.6367963

>>6367384 lb


you did not even care to ask anons for their opinion but just did a dictator move and tried to fuck up the board.

Be sure, anons will keep on fighting.


- does not keep the shills away. as the first posts of this very bread prove.

- is very annoying, especially for newfags i believe

- is very bad when Q tries to make DELTAS

It is not helping but only bad for anons work.

After ex BO loving the muh jew shills so much.

After old BO attacked anons posting on masonry often.

After the muh jew breads baked and never deleted.

After having so many muh jew shill bakers and shill bakers leaving out notables.

After the sudden leave of BO, guided with fuckery on global notables (not any more Q info, but only meta stuff)

After many many shilly moves by BVs that were stopped by anons.

After some US Mil tweets that lead to Q400 (board fuckery with Q´s tripcode).

After all this now the fuckery with CAPTCHA IS CLEAR SHILLING OF THE BOARD TEAM.

Q told anons what to do.


= expose masonry




a9c19c  No.6367964


Get him some oven mittens and cancel his viagra prescription and he’s good to meet peeps..

ab0da7  No.6367965

7e35a5  No.6367966



4a8f12  No.6367967

File: 8dc103b3c5d35bd⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 400x203, 400:203, Shill sniper.gif)





Multiple shills, one shot! See you next bread faggots!

d8b7f5  No.6367968


Needles and Blake shook hands and hugged each other as we left the curtained area. Blake went to the receptionist and I was surprised at the $1,200 price tag!

Blake saw the shock on my face and said. "Your worth it Honey." I almost melted from love even though I knew that the next month would be hell.

Blake then took me out to an expensive restaurant. Dinner was great, but I was so horny. I could feel my pussy creaming and stuffed a couple of napkins between my thighs so that the juices would not soak the back of my skirt.

When we got home, Blake went to the bathroom and I reflected on the comfort of the device since having it put on. I had ridden in a cab from the piercing place to the restaurant, sat through a meal, walked to the subway, rode the train home and then walked from the station back to our apartment in total comfort.

When Blake finished in the bathroom he had me strip. He easily opened the paddle lock with one of the keys and together we removed the guard plate. It was much easier than putting it on. All we had to do was pull the shackle out and the whole thing came off. It was late so Blake inspected the piercings and my labia. He then swabbed me down with an alcohol soaked medi-wipe and wiped up all the stickiness on my taint and thighs! Yes, that's how horny I was!

"Honey, lets make sure we can get this back on." He told me as he put it over my mound.

eda090  No.6367969

File: 23031f3692cc70b⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1008x711, 112:79, oopsie.png)

8d0b13  No.6367970

File: 41db05fd1470db3⋯.png (372.42 KB, 640x360, 16:9, APP-052218-Final-Year-001.png)

c9e6ba  No.6367971


Like I said already, I don't try to snipe, never have. I just post around 740 posts so the bread can fill and anons can see the fresh bread post.

Always have.

Honestly, I had the fresh bread post with the captcha filled out for too long, and the captcha changed when I didn't see it. So when I posted it was wrong and had to repost which resulted in it being posted at 750.

327cb6  No.6367972

File: d1cd49b1852cda8⋯.png (95.64 KB, 590x370, 59:37, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL.png)

File: 6a8b2c4c1307d92⋯.png (58.34 KB, 890x156, 445:78, SHILLS_go_to_JAIL2.png)


so you are a shill with both topics?

<more captcha, fuck up this board! slow it down!

<RR is a bad guy, bc i got a picture of him looking funny

b1fd28  No.6367973


shills are flooding the board with garbage. its really hard for anons to work together with this much noise on the board. what do?

c4cc9d  No.6367974

File: 837252d01c87f70⋯.png (21.46 KB, 390x341, 390:341, RandomFlag.png)

File: 11e4716b8a1e1b0⋯.png (86.44 KB, 795x523, 795:523, FlagRR.png)

File: 7dcd1dd6d726468⋯.png (95.71 KB, 792x549, 88:61, FlagMay10.png)

File: ec68f9a4929c3a8⋯.png (224.85 KB, 797x409, 797:409, FlagMay20.png)

File: 857eb4c239f71cc⋯.png (160.93 KB, 1202x706, 601:353, TheShot.png)

Anon here has an interdasting post....

>>6365828 (pb)

I suspect the 4-10-20 catch is on the mark, but I think these are not date markers. Instead, I think we are supposed to read these all together....

Step back... there are actually four posts of the same flag image by Q. I caught an angle on the other two just recently by looking into the RR stuff...

The first flag post seems basically to be just a marker, with a random filename, on 12 Nov 2017.

Then the second flag post comes with a ONE minute delta after a post related to RR's departure and "red line", that Q "sort of" reposts on 24 April 2019. The point of that is to link the RR departure with the Q "red carpet rollout". RR is a white hat and part of the rollout. The flag pic is renamed to FREEDOM_.png.

Full set of posts on that:

>>6364221 (pb)

Most relevant:

>>6350794 (pb)

tl;dr: the SECOND flag pic is being linked to the PRIOR Q drop, and it is also being linked to the Q "red carpet rollout"

Now look at the third flag pic, on 4/10/18.

The delta with the prior drop is 17 min. That's just confirming that we've got the delta thing right... the flag pics ARE aligned with previous drops.

In this case, the prior drop includes the "Fellow patriots... snowball is rolling" passage and a link to "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected". Q has posted that text several times, and the video link MANY times, and it is also tied into the "Flight 93 Election" theme and the public rollout of Q.

Now check out the fourth flag pic on 4/20/18. I don't see anything significant with the delta, but no problem, as we've got that down. The prior pic this time is "We are Q!" and WWG1WGA.jpg. NOICE! This ALSO fits with the public rollout theme.

So... it looks like flag pics 2, 3 and 4 are ALL being tied to immediately prior drops linked to the public Q rollout.

Now step back to the 4 in 4,10,20. It is a cannon shot. Is this "the shot heard around the world"? I think it fits.

As for all the "technical" stuff on 5/4, I suspect this is linked to Q setting up a "closed" board to post when the SHTF. Shills and newfags will run rampant...

It looks like the 4,10,20 theme in May 2019 is not a set of date markers, but rather a thematic collection. And I suspect it has been ACTIVATED by the RR departure...

(Suspect there is more to dig on this... might come back to it....)

d8b7f5  No.6367975

Blake had to fool around with the pierced hoops a bit more than Needles had to but after about five minutes Blake had the shield locked snuggly over my pussy. He then put one of the keys on the chain that he wore around his neck and told me the other key would be going into the bank vault.

"Honey, you should wear it to sleep tonight." He suggested. "It will keep your piercings safe and you need to get used to it. Besides, we don't want you playing with yourself in your sleep while those piercings are healing. I will even wear my CB6000 to bed tonight."

I couldn't argue with him and agreed.

Blake went to get his cock cage and when he came back he was totally hard.

"Why don't you suck me off, so I can get it into this thing." He suggested.

I was so horny that I just started sucking him off without even thinking about he unfairness of the situation. Since I had started, I decided to just finish him off. Besides I love sucking a nice cock!


3b34fa  No.6367976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For those of you who don't know about OCR (Optical Character Recognition) business, Captchas or correcting Captchas is a HUGE global business.

It would be interesting to see what type of revenue stream 8Chan is signed up to?

Insane Way To Make Money With Captcha Typing | Make as Much as $60 an Hour 😱💵💰😱 (WORLDWIDE)



Demonstrating you’re not a robot is getting harder and harder




386062  No.6367977

shill count high.

Bots too.


44f1e3  No.6367978


>spam bot owners

maybe 1 or 2 spam ots. Rest are humans that can and do captcha. So forcing the cpatcha isn't going to stop it.

8063b1  No.6367979


Yep its going to lead right to the Jews who bailed him out.

a1ffc0  No.6367980


Yup. Using ciazhat tactics.

Discredit poster: call them shill, call them a person who Hate Jews, label them as jihad for calling out captcha even though anonhas never sais anything bad about jews - ever.

Its like:

The anit-captcha anons are the new Repub party and pro captcha are the Democrats trying to Rule everyone & everything: were the bad guys will do anything and everything to shut us down, call us names, mock us, discredit us.. etc…

Good guys turning into bad guys… wow, talk about.divison. so much for being United.



>It's assholes like you that will continue to drive away Patriots. Keep it up. I'm sure you'll love what this board is turning into.


100% 👍

b3ca34  No.6367981

File: 851a100804f6548⋯.jpg (11.1 KB, 255x248, 255:248, pepe8f21d8d0f9af9825cc14ee….jpg)

>>6367916 lb

I'll pray for your Spouse and You too. Caretaker is a stressful roll. Stay strong.

c9e6ba  No.6367982


but you're reddit spacing and have a screen shot of a pic with borders still around it

e23618  No.6367983


seeing shills cry about captchas is surprisingly entertaining

11204c  No.6367984

So much for constacap.

Same ole bots. Same old shills.

9cb9c7  No.6367985



d8b7f5  No.6367986

I teased Blake's head for a few minutes and then I was deep throating him down. I love the feel of his head passing into my gullet and I am proud of my cock sucking skills. I was so horny that I just put all my frustrations into this blowjob and in only a few minutes I could feel Blake start to swell. I love the taste of a mouthful of cum so I came up leaving just his head in my mouth and enjoyed the spurts flooding my mouth. When he was done, I swished his load around some, opened my mouth to show him the whole load on my tongue and swallowed it down. I then went back to his cock gently sucking on it as it shrank.

I then put phis cock into the CB6000 and locked it up. Blake gave me the two keys. I put one on a necklace that I like to wear a lot and the other one in my purse. I would put it in my parent's house for safe keeping.

We then when to sleep. I spooned with Blake at first but was so horny and fidgety that we separated soon after he dozed off. I did not have a good night of sleep I was just too horny. I tried getting my fingers under the shield, but it caused pulling on the piercings and it hurt too much so I quickly gave up. Not being able to go to sleep I got up and poured myself a glass of wine and started softly stroking the little bit of taint next to my asshole that was not covered by the shield. It felt divine but would not let me cum. Soon I was also stroking my asshole and for the first time ever inserted my finger into it. It felt great so I put in a small vibrator. Man was it good, but I could not cum! >>6367984

d34192  No.6367987


It does not you see captcha is to curb the possibility of scripts that over-ride the infitychan framework to flood threads. That being said Q can easily post on /pf/ and then work with the delta that way or post with captcha its not hard. I garuntee you they are not hitting second deltas without automation meaning Q can post directly with teh help of probably codemonkey. Q can directly post without captcha or have a post timed without captcha. ITS TO CURB SPAM AND PROMOTE QUALITY POSTS.

Remember when q posted like 10 times at once. Or when he doubleposted at once?

140b34  No.6367988

File: 0b3a10d4e77c9f1⋯.png (289.39 KB, 532x549, 532:549, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli Ambassador Slams New York Times: ‘Cesspool of Hostility to Israel,’ ‘Safe Space for Those Who Hate the Jewish State’


c376eb  No.6367989

File: f39bdf1e130fd67⋯.jpeg (94.64 KB, 828x613, 828:613, 1432A1C4-75E6-4DDA-86AB-3….jpeg)

8d06e0  No.6367990

File: b244b7be626f209⋯.jpeg (2.41 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, FED9C178-3B9A-4A51-BF79-D….jpeg)


Below Average Joe supporters can just take their Killary shit and say “I’m with him”

Just gonna throw that shit away anyhow

d8b7f5  No.6367991

I finally went to bed after 4 more glasses of wine and being even more frustrated than before.

I tossed and turned in frustration for hours into the morning. I must have fallen into a deep slumber just a bit before the alarm went off because I woke up with a pounding head and a dizzy feeling when the alarm went off.

The hot shower made me feel better and while I was getting dressed Blake asked me for a morning blowjob.

"My cock is straining from the excitement of knowing that we are locked up for only each other." He stated, "Could you please take some of the pressure off so that it will be comfortable wearing this cage for the first day?"

I was so filled with love for him, how could I refuse. I quickly found myself sitting on the floor between his legs, with his cock going down my throat as he sat on the bed. I was still so horny but sucking on him calmed me. In no time he spurted into my mouth and I swallowed his juices down with satisfaction and gently suckled on him as he went soft making sure to enjoy the last drops of his cum.

327cb6  No.6367992



end the captcha fuckery.

6557e8  No.6367993

can we get the normal captcha plus a picture captcha?

b3ca34  No.6367994

File: 3298b1abe5b70fb⋯.webm (2.94 MB, 266x400, 133:200, gif0fb55ac383621c32acbcfe….webm)


Ur such a Nigger.

d8b7f5  No.6367995

Once again Blake removed my shield and swabbed me with alcohol. The piercings looked good. There was no swelling and just a bit of redness. My labia were very tender but not in pain. I guess practice makes perfect because Blake was able to get me locked back up much faster this morning.

I then locked him up, in his cage. We both dressed for work, kissed each other passionately and hurried off to the subway together.

Work flew by in a haze and I barely realized that I was wearing the shield. Sometimes it would pinch me when I sat down fast with my legs closed but other than that I didn't even think about it.

After work I hit the gym and spent forty minutes on the treadmill and stationary bike. Usually I spend half an hour on each but about ten minutes into the bike my crotch stated getting sore.

When I got home, Blake was waiting for me. We unlocked each other, and we noticed that there were some blisters on my skin around the edges of the shield. Blake called Needles and I could hear him explaining to Blake that it is normal in the beginning. He suggested that I ease into physical activities and allow the skin to toughen up. He suggested putting any kind of salve or Aloe Vera lotion on it.

I had Aloe Vera ointment, and it felt so good rubbing it on. I therefore started rubbing my clit to relieve the sexual frustration. Blake got an immediate erection watching me play with myself and told me how badly he wanted to fuck me! I wanted to be fucked too but knew that I couldn't. Thinking about how good the vibrator felt in my ass the previous night, I suggested that he fuck my ass.

d34192  No.6367996


that was (lb) sorry about that!

d8b7f5  No.6367997

Blake was in shock by my suggestion but jumped at the chance. I told him that he would have to go slow because I never had anal sex before.

I got onto my hands and knees on the bed as if I were getting ready for regular doggie style penetration and Blake started fondling my ass and between my thighs. He couldn't get enough of just feeling and squeezing and I was loving it. Soon he was rubbing some of the Aloe Vera ointment onto my nether hole and just lightly circling it with the pad of his finger. It felt divine and I went back to lightly rubbing and pinching my clit.

Soon Blake started working a finger in and then two. I took them easily.

"Are you ready Honey?" Blake asked.

"Oh, you don't know how ready I am!" I replied, totally lust crazed.

Blake put some more of the Aloe Vera ointment onto his cock and then I felt the blunt head at my entrance. I felt a sharp pain as it went in and yelled for him to stop. I didn't move, and Blake calmed me with just the head in. The pain went away after a little bit and I started making little rocking motions with my whole body that gradually forced his cock further and further into me. It hurt yes, but I felt so full and sexy too!

a1ffc0  No.6367998

d8b7f5  No.6367999

I knew that he was all the way in when I felt his hips on my ass cheeks! I couldn't believe it! I took Blake's large cock all the way into my ass! No one had ever been in my ass before! I was going to spend the rest of my life with him!

I luxuriated in the feeling of fullness and just ground my firm ass cheeks into Blake's hips. I loved the way he was now grabbing me by my hips and pulling me in so tight. I could feel him all the way inside of my bowels and I loved the feeling! I couldn't believe that I had never tried this before.

I guess that Blake wanted some movement because he started slowly pulling his cock almost all the way out and then pushing it back in. I loved it! Especially when I felt his hips slap against my ass cheeks. At this point I felt so full! Blake slowly built up speed and was plowing into me fast and hard. I loved feeling and hearing the smacks his hip made on my back side. I was gently stroking my nub the whole time. I knew that I would not be able to last much longer. So, I pinched and pulled on my nub and had the most mind-blowing orgasm ever! My one arm gave out and my face and tits fell into the bed. My ass clenched Blakes cock with repeated spasms and Blake plowed away into me.

My clenching must have set Blake over the edge because soon I could feel extra hard thrusts and could feel a wetness in my ass as it became so much more lubricated. Blake kept fucking me slowly now as his cock started to deflate.

93db4c  No.6368000

I was wondering.

649d64  No.6368001

File: c8ed1bc9a64cbce⋯.png (362.81 KB, 876x670, 438:335, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

Alright, let's party…

a9c19c  No.6368002

File: 70fbeaa2286fd6a⋯.jpeg (248.19 KB, 594x380, 297:190, DDF4005E-5DB2-41E7-9B9A-7….jpeg)

b1fd28  No.6368003



Increase the captcah fuckery, 10 captcha's to post.

e52d8e  No.6368004

File: ff42c03312d2803⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1917x1095, 639:365, ClipboardImage.png)


I can't zoom in anymore

d8b7f5  No.6368005

I was still pinching my clit and when Blake slapped my ass hard and shouted, "That was the best fuck ever Honey!" I was pushed over the edge a second time!

When Blake pulled out, I turned over onto my back to catch my breath. I could feel his cum starting to ooze out. I was a little sorry because I love sticking my fingers into my twat after a good fucking and licking the juices off. However, I was not about to lick up something that had been in my ass, so I just let the mess dripple out onto the sheets.

As the month wore on the shield became almost unnoticeable to me. I could do my whole exercise routine and even jog five kilometers with no chaffing or blistering after just two weeks. Blake kept me in the shield almost all the time. I just didn't bother taking it off and didn't need to when Blake wanted to fuck my ass, which I have grown to love. Twice a day he would take it off and swab my pussy with alcohol. The piercings healed nicely and there was very little soreness. Blake would then put the shield right back on after the swabbing it as he wasn't interested in fucking my pussy. He told me that I needed to get used to it.

I could easily defecate with my shield on. Urinating with it kind of grossed my out at first but I have come to enjoy it. The urine rushes down my crack and dribbles out of the shield into the toilet at the bottom close to my asshole. This is the only stimulation that my pussy gets other than the constant feel of stainless steel. I have grown to enjoy the tickling that my urine provides when rushing through my crack. I have also started carrying a syringe around in my purse. I fill it up with water and can just get its nozzle under the shield to flush out the remaining urine. If I don't do this my pussy smells like a urinal when Blake removes the shield.

44f1e3  No.6368006

d1be78  No.6368007

File: fab36d4ac47f71f⋯.jpeg (18.36 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 14C5A85C-3024-4064-ACC3-B….jpeg)

File: 5d030148510aa37⋯.jpeg (32.95 KB, 280x280, 1:1, 58E8F0F6-9AEE-441F-86F6-5….jpeg)

File: b6ee5fccf3c718f⋯.jpeg (58.97 KB, 474x578, 237:289, 14313AF2-B74A-4888-A688-6….jpeg)

b28234  No.6368008

File: 534fc608927f62f⋯.png (446.67 KB, 287x1191, 287:1191, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at ….png)

Ty, baker

647b1a  No.6368009

File: 9e4a5cee32f0a77⋯.jpg (627.1 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, IMG_294.jpg)

patriots remember!!

4c3f62  No.6368010

>>6367899 lb

About captchas

For me, makes it difficult to bake because of all the extra keystrokes due to tendonitis (not because of timing, that can be worked out). Baking tends to cause it because of all the copypasta in a short amt of time. Captcha compounds the problem. Especially when you get the wrong captcha and have to do it again once or several times. There are other arguments that anons have put forth (re deltas, obnoxiousness, sudden implementation with no input beforehand, doesn't stop shills, etc). I'd rather ignore the shill posts than use captcha as a not-very-good solution….btw, just failed the captcha several times. Lots of extra typing, kek.

93db4c  No.6368011

Welp have fun in captcha hell.

Who pissed off Q?

c376eb  No.6368012

File: 4ddd0011a8ace8c⋯.jpeg (136.19 KB, 828x655, 828:655, FD0153B1-9069-4C57-8674-3….jpeg)

d8b7f5  No.6368013

A week before the month was up Blake told me that he was going to keep me in the shield continuously until after Needles inspected my piercings.

"Think of how great your first vaginal sex in a month will be if you have not cum in over a week!" Blake stated.

I couldn't fault his logic and asked him if he would also stay in his cage the whole time too.

"Sure Baby." Was his reply and he kissed me and then slapped my ass.

That last week was tough as hell and then I was frustrated more than ever when on Monday Blake called me up at work and told me that Needles had canceled the inspection and would only be able to do it on Friday!

The week wore on and I kept getting hornier and hornier. Blake was not even taking my shield off for cleaning. He told me that the month was up and that the piercings healed nicely so there is no reason to take it off.

The shield did not come off for five days between Monday's cancelled appointment with Needles and Friday's actual appointment. I had never been hornier in my life and tried to satisfy my lust by letting Blake fuck my ass. It was looser now, and I enjoyed it, even though I had never cum from any of my anal poundings.

f2c000  No.6368014


>picture captcha

you know that's a google service, right?

8de407  No.6368015

File: 516d84f20adeeec⋯.jpeg (294.92 KB, 1798x1472, 899:736, 323EAF7C-0D30-40FF-813E-7….jpeg)

649d64  No.6368016

File: 7618cceb7664915⋯.png (91.36 KB, 866x438, 433:219, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

File: c8ed1bc9a64cbce⋯.png (362.81 KB, 876x670, 438:335, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

327cb6  No.6368017

MUELLER and RR are ourguys.

Many DS assets and masons around the world were hoping for the Mueller Blockade and RR to somehow be able to get rid of POTUS .

Now they all are finding out that POTUS and Q were, again, playing out deepstate.

Mueller, RR, Whitaker, Barr - all part of the plan.

Not an obstacle, but importante collecting of evidence now to be make public.

Nothing can stop what is coming.



6fb988  No.6368018

File: ccdadd7cab4c8c5⋯.jpeg (51.95 KB, 566x381, 566:381, 23CADC28-4C8C-4975-9713-D….jpeg)

File: 9eac91050177d30⋯.jpeg (49.61 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 55D36142-9790-49AC-8061-1….jpeg)

It looks like the 8Chan shills are also on the editorial board at The NY Times.


d8b7f5  No.6368019

When Friday arrived, I could hardly concentrate on work. At 4:45 I went to the bathroom and used the syringe probably seven or eight times, to squirt water under my shield. It had not been off for five days now and I wanted to make sure that Needles and Blake did not get hit the stench of stale urine when it finally came off. That would be embarrassing!

I met Blake on the corner close to Needle's tattoo and piercing shop. By this point just walking was turning me on! We walked in arms around each other's waists and were told to sit while Needles finished up with another customer.

Blake and I softly talked while we waited for Needles. It was odd but all I could think about was Blake fucking my ass! Hopefully soon I was going to get the OK to have good old vaginal sex and all I could think about was having my ass fucked good and hard!

Needles finally came out and motioned us to follow him. We followed, and he closed the curtains around us. I sat on the "gynecological bed," and Blake gave Needles the key, he quickly unlocked my shield, setting it aside on a tray. Needles poked, prodded and inspected.

"Everything is healed up nicely." Needles stated, "You are as good as new. No more need for alcohol swabs and you can feel free to have sex."

I think that both Blake and Needles were a little shocked when I said thank you, and asked needles to put my shield back on. He gladly did so and returned the key to Blake. Blake Shook Needle's hand we walked home hand in hand.

eda090  No.6368020


they go up so fast…

93db4c  No.6368021


I was teasing you. I knew what it was right away.

4c3f62  No.6368022


Think we're being punished, anon? Dank humor, that.

49b085  No.6368023

File: e4878e2473e816f⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, IMG_20190427_013210253_HDR.jpg)

File: 5ffcfb5b2ce84e0⋯.jpg (276.6 KB, 1132x1401, 1132:1401, IMG_20190427_013011.jpg)

d8b7f5  No.6368024

Once we walked into our apartment I attacked Blake, sexually. I was so horny from not cumming in almost two weeks that needed release. In the last five weeks I had grown to love my shield and felt comforted by it. I did not want to take it off. I knew that I would be offering Blake my ass again as I took down his pants and released him from his cage.

"Blake Baby, I don't feel like taking the plate off. Just fuck me in the ass as you have been." I moaned with lust, as I pushed him onto the bed and put his cage on the dresser.

I took the lube from its hiding place and lathered up both Blake's cock and my ass. Blake jumped up and pushed me face down into the mattress. I was pinned, and I could feel his cock at my ass entrance!

The blunt head rested right on my hole, teasing me cruelly. I guess that Blake wanted to take it easy on me, but I was consumed with lust and needed it badly! With all my strength I thrusted up with my ass and felt Blake's head and part of his shaft enter my most filthy hole! It was glorious and just felt so right!

"Fuck me Baby!" I commanded Blake, harshly.

Fuck me he did. Deep penetrating strokes. Even though Blake couldn't have been as horny as I was he went to town on my ass. I had never felt so owned, used and dirty! I could feel his head rubbing against the back of my vagina on the way in and out. What a glorious feeling! It felt so dirty and so right.

a1ffc0  No.6368025


Hahahhha. Seriously!

59b3be  No.6368026

File: 2aede37d693329f⋯.jpg (161.05 KB, 610x461, 610:461, duck-in-flight.jpg)


Its a duck. now stop sliding. nobody gives a fuck about your duck.

44f1e3  No.6368027



Should be obvious by now that failed. End the cpatcha's. No reason for it.

d34192  No.6368028

Captchas also curb necro-bumping which scrambles the catalog. It means ebot has to not just input the thread url and wait for a new thread he has to fill out 70 captchas. Toots has to fill out captchas and captchas for his novice vpn hopping.its fucking the shills.

d8b7f5  No.6368029

Soon I came, and came harder than ever before in my life. I came without having my pussy touched! I squirted, and I could feel the sticky juice running between my lips and my shield! My asshole contracted trying to pull Blake in even deeper! I guess this set off Blake's orgasm and I could feel him flooding me with his cum. I couldn't believe that I came from anal sex!

I know that Blake was satiated because he rolled off me, laid on his back and told me how great it was. I was not satiated, and I don't know what came over me. Usually, I am logical and sanitary but now I got up on fours and took Blake's filthy cock, that had just been up ass, into my mouth! It was coated in cum and a little more. His cum had an earthy flavor to it, mixed in with some lubricant, but I didn't care. I sucked all the juices off Blakes cock and swallowed them down.

Blake started getting hard again from my oral attention. Soon I was sitting on his cock again, with it deep in my ass! This time however, it went in without lubricant! Blakes cum from his previous orgasm was more than enough. This time I controlled the action, and set the pace!

21c652  No.6368030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dedicated to the Q Team & all Night Shift Bakers –

LOVE unlimited to you all


"Straighter roads are up ahead

Soon there'll be no stop lights on red

Soon there'll be no dark clouds ahead

We're heading the direction for redemption"

327cb6  No.6368031

File: e29b698c24bd2d7⋯.png (23.68 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ShillsAttacking.png)

File: 86c4ebe6b0c6d73⋯.jpg (302.94 KB, 1600x1042, 800:521, STRONG_TOGETHER.jpg)

File: 5414e900ce91431⋯.jpg (135.3 KB, 1200x536, 150:67, Unity_notDivision.jpg)


Anons are attacked by muh jew shills again.

Since Q called them out again they PANIC.

There are two kinds of muh jew shills.

1 - glowing ones using nose images and saying kike and rabbi in every post.

2 - blended in ones (repliying to concern shills) and using (((echos))) to create a "people vs jews" narrativ.

<DS wants the people divided

Don´t fall for it.


Look here → joooos, only joooos, every joooo

Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …

If it is that simple like

<muh jooos

why do we even have a research board?

4a8f12  No.6368032


Multi shill sniping at one time early in the bread makes the rest of the bread comfy as fuck.

6557e8  No.6368033


hmm. scratch that. cucked by corporatism. maybe mil got some?

d8b7f5  No.6368034

Blake was tired so I rode him mixing it up. I would come right off his cock feeling the emptiness as it left my rosebud and quickly impale myself all the way down on it feeling my ass slap against his thighs. Sometimes I would just grind down hard on him while his cock was deep inside and sometimes, I would just wiggle my ass with only his head lodged in me. I rode him for a long time, until I felt my ass starting to get sore and then I just ground into him. I could feel his cock rubbing against the back of my uterus and had another mind-blowing orgasm! So much better than regular sex!

I collapsed onto Blake's broad chest and just held him tight in an exhausted satiated state. Blake still had not cum so he grabbed my ass cheeks, each in a hand and pulled me onto him strongly. I just laid on top of him as he rocked my whole-body forwards and backwards by pulling on my ass. It didn't take him long to blow his second load into my ass. I just laid on him in loving bliss and could feel his cock deflating in my ass. After a few minutes it plopped out and I felt supper slutty feeling the two loads of cum starting to leak out.

Blake scooped some of the dribble up with two fingers and brought it to my lips. I don't know why but I just opened my mouth and sucked the stickiness off his fingers. I could smell my ass but couldn't taste it, just the rich bleachy creamy flavor of male cum that I love so much! Blake continued feeding me the dribble until it ceased and I fell into a deep sleep nestled on his chest.

a1ffc0  No.6368035

File: 7fd012169b81012⋯.jpg (310.29 KB, 798x846, 133:141, Screenshot_20190429-220703….jpg)

380929  No.6368036

File: bee22388f654c8e⋯.jpeg (28.9 KB, 540x369, 60:41, Bernard Barcio older with….jpeg)

File: e505ad35ffac495⋯.jpg (126.18 KB, 659x837, 659:837, Cover_of_The_Pompeiiana_Ne….jpg)

File: 192653cb53dc0ed⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1813x3754, 1813:3754, St Thomas Aquinas Church -….png)

File: 512a1ffed6056aa⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1813x8692, 1813:8692, Karen Pence is right at ho….png)

File: 3bf9980577f20f9⋯.png (6.93 MB, 1813x10288, 1813:10288, Karen Pence's secret first….png)

Karen Pence


>daughter of Lillian (née Hacker; 1931–2004) and John M. Batten (1931/1932–1988), a United Airlines official.

raised mainly by mother (Lillian) and step father, (Bernard Barcio)

(mother died in 2004) http://www.tributes.com/obituary/show/Lillian-R.-Barcio-89232475

(real father died in 1988)


>Publisher and journalist Lillian Rose Barcio founded The Village Sampler, served as the newspaper's editor in chief, and along with her husband, Bernard F. Barcio, was a founding partner of its publishing company, BLB Enterprises, Inc.

>Karen Pence’s secret first marriage

>http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/305457/karen-pence-secret-marriage-karen-whitaker-mike-pence-indiana/ (now wiped)


step father Bernard Barcio in an interest cat

>famous as a latin teacher in Indiana/Indianapolis


>Pompeiiana, Inc. was a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation dedicated to the study of Latin at the secondary school level.

nearly fully archived (PDFs) at https://pompeiiana.blogspot.com/

this publication has interesting cover art and goes through several phases, during the 80s/90s it was in a tabloid like format but did't look into the PDFs much at all

step father B.B. is also famous for "The National Catapult Contest"

>The National Catapult Contest was an annual, national competition held between 1966 and 1977 in Indianapolis, Indiana, which, over the course of its history, led to the creation of more than 100 modern catapults.

so Roman LARP'ing for real

>docu on catapult contest


there is also a book on google books about the catapults and competition

>go to books.google.com and search for "Catapult Design, Construction & Competition"

Despite all of this information, the circumstances of her meeting Mike Pence and their courting is not clear in the wikipedia article

>Karen met Mike Pence while she was playing guitar at Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (https://www.yelp.com/biz/st-thomas-aquinas-church-indianapolis), a Catholic church they both attended.

(from the yelp link)

>As you can read from the tips, they also sponsor SausageFest and have an attached elementary school.

>The church is located across the street from the Governor's Mansion.


>In the mid-1980s, she was teaching shop at the Orchard School and playing guitar at Mass at

>St. Thomas Aquinas. One day Mike Pence came up after church and they chatted. Turns out

>Karen's sister and he were in law school together.

(Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law)

still have not found out much info on their conversion (they got married as Catholics, not sure if it was in a Church tho). in the indy start article she has some interesting skills it seems. just following the wives, hope this gives some more retards a start.

f269d5  No.6368037

File: e4e0fa78d96c3f8⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 500x666, 250:333, muh feelz.jpg)


nice try fucker

8d06e0  No.6368038

File: d38209716837114⋯.jpeg (708.86 KB, 1288x1854, 644:927, 7DF971AA-CF40-43A0-AE54-0….jpeg)

File: 4ae6cb8d0377fe7⋯.jpeg (558.28 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, C373C43F-2ADB-4AA5-B0EE-A….jpeg)

File: 530546bc0b87380⋯.jpeg (18.98 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 6A262EF1-000F-4C7D-97D1-4….jpeg)


Almost fun time.

Stage set?





We have it all

11859d  No.6368039

File: 443e21810b015e1⋯.jpg (11.81 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2s9wva.jpg)

649d64  No.6368040

File: d46753c56fb7629⋯.png (298.61 KB, 878x525, 878:525, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

File: 3f53f4bd3184be0⋯.png (267.87 KB, 873x380, 873:380, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

5e0cc4  No.6368041

Do you not realize the site is under heavy attack? Wake up Patriots. The problem isn't Captchas, or the spammers, they are launching a full scale attack on the chans. You lot need to wake up and stop letting the enemy direct your focus. We have a serious fight here, and you lot on both sides are distracting from the mission. Our mission is digging, data collection, and dissemination. If you're not doing that then go.

(For the record, against barriers to posting in general. Anything that could discourage anons from posting is seen as a detriment to myself)

c9e6ba  No.6368042


Ghost Handoff™ in effect at 250 posts

1aa36b  No.6368043

File: e56ccefb6059b1a⋯.jpg (451.23 KB, 1417x1701, 1417:1701, ComfyAF.jpg)




140b34  No.6368044

File: 0064e5a70ff48bb⋯.png (341.34 KB, 805x475, 161:95, ClipboardImage.png)

Who came up with this fabulous idea?

93db4c  No.6368045



Thanks alot. I had to Google dank humour so I knew wtf you were talking about. 😂😂😂😂

86faf0  No.6368046

File: 746ee5deeceb3bc⋯.png (581.27 KB, 870x574, 435:287, NSAEulogy.png)

a 44 gun salute will be fired and then we'll have a party in baltimore

and by that I mean lol the riot probably already happened idk I'm not fucking psychic you fucking morons it's called cold reading there was a fucking show about it

holy fuck Baltimore is fucking stupid, I can't believe they killed themselves

327cb6  No.6368047


aaaand you are a muh jew shill too.

are so few of you shills left that you really have to deploy all scripts at once?


83360a  No.6368048

C comes before D.

Comey comes before ???

d1be78  No.6368049

File: b901b1e2e13c44c⋯.jpeg (174.42 KB, 1250x650, 25:13, DD1C6D61-0D6B-43AF-A0C3-B….jpeg)

File: ad624dd961811ed⋯.jpeg (141.76 KB, 707x693, 101:99, B69A34CE-C3FF-4A52-B5B7-A….jpeg)

File: c956141b822d660⋯.jpeg (114.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, B04FA691-39E9-4A50-B65E-F….jpeg)

File: d313310de8533d5⋯.jpeg (197.51 KB, 943x726, 943:726, 032F825E-529C-40C5-B3FD-F….jpeg)

File: c600e382cad6762⋯.jpeg (282.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 88CC8245-546B-4039-8CEA-F….jpeg)

401e82  No.6368050

File: 876d56083fcf036⋯.png (10.36 KB, 543x146, 543:146, Rudy re M 4-28-19 7 33 pm ….PNG)

File: a7baba6b7cec625⋯.png (39.27 KB, 606x390, 101:65, Rudy re FBI Minesota 4-29-….PNG)

File: 89c64b4ad337d40⋯.png (346.67 KB, 615x588, 205:196, Kerik re Terror Problem Mi….PNG)

Was 'M' for Minnesota?

Good work by the real FBI and DOJ that work hard to keep us safe from terrorism.

'''This is really what they are all about.

Thank you US Attorney Andrew Lugar, you are the rule and there are plenty of you in DOJ and FBI.


FBI: 'We have a terror recruiting problem in Minnesota' - CNN Video


4e2c03  No.6368051

>>6367860 PB

If RR is /ourguy/, is Mueller /ourguy/ too?

3f4e1f  No.6368052

newfag here, looking for a great place to start learning everything i can about mason(fucke)ry

29d9d0  No.6368053


I hope Floor Jack isn't missing the salt.

327cb6  No.6368054

File: b984db0d3d1440f⋯.png (3.01 MB, 2398x1671, 2398:1671, [FREEMASONRY_ILLUMINATI].png)

File: 0dee60597affdc8⋯.jpg (34.57 KB, 255x229, 255:229, Freemason_Illuminati.jpg)

File: 506e1e7236e5de2⋯.jpg (17.12 KB, 460x307, 460:307, order3.jpg)

File: 41cdf284b141f57⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 400x317, 400:317, Symbolism.jpg)


Q is fighting the worldwide ruling class, the global illuminati/masonic Deep State - including governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, …

Q is fighting what was hidden a long time by the word "conspiracy" and by a lot of effort of MSM and 'stars.'

Shills want to slow down (they can´t possibly think they could stop anons.) the Q movement by "divide and rule" and by giving fake news media a reason to blame Q followers nazis.

This is what MSM is doing right now with POTUS and followers and begins to do it with Q now.

Don´t let shills divide you.

Good vs. evil.

We the people vs golbal DS Eilte.

















d34192  No.6368055


ebot inputs most likely the fresh bread url and waits for the next bread and sits back. Captchas fuck him it fuckes toots it fucks the other "night bread" interlopers. You have never seen flooding it may have seen flooding and that is why we have it. Flooding sucks especially if they load a bunch of ips into the bot/script.

00d0de  No.6368056


Think picket fences in the Civil War; barbed wire in WWI & WWII. It didn't stop the enemy but it slowed them down.

d0072e  No.6368057

Cocklust Ch. 29

My first few days working for Thaxter went just as I'd expected. I had to do everything from bussing tables to taking orders to running cards, basically the same work I'd been doing before. The main difference was the atmosphere, which of course was very gay. Thaxter wanted to cater to every kind of mo, from leather bears to drag queens to everything in between. It made for a hell of a work environment. Some guys were so over-the-top that they made me feel completely straight by comparison.

Every day we went through the same basic drill. For the first few hours after we opened, we'd mostly serve guys who were just there to hang out. The later it got, the more you'd start seeing couples on dates, or bigger groups of friends coming to party. The rowdiest time of all was late at night, when we'd have strip shows and other special events, which brought the horny drunks out of the woodwork. They kept making passes at each other, and at the performers, and at us staff. By the time we closed every night, we were always exhausted.

It wasn't long before Thaxter asked me to help out behind the bar. I hadn't really expected that, since I was so new; but he was stretched thin and I wasn't about to complain. The part that made me nervous was how many of the bartenders worked shirtless. They did it voluntarily, and I'd been in enough gay bars to know this wasn't unusual. I liked to think I was in good shape, though I wasn't sure how my body stacked up to the go-go dancers, strippers, and other ripped guys around me. Still, I figured I had nothing to lose, so I might as well try to fit in. Sure enough, on my first shift working topless, I got way better tips. I also got a few catcalls, which I didn't know how to take. Part of me was flattered, though part of me was grossed out; the most aggressive guys were usually the slimiest. To say nothing of the fact I was taken.

When I did have time off, I naturally wanted to spend it with Chad. But it turned out to be easier said than done. Since Chad worked at a congressional office, he mostly had to operate on Washington time, which was three hours ahead of San Diego. He had to get up early every morning, at an hour when I was always asleep. If I was lucky, he might get home before I had to leave for my shift, but most days we missed each other. He was mostly only free late at nights and on weekends— which was right when I had to work. By the time I got home, he was invariably in bed.

I usually ended up jacking off in the bathroom. It wasn't ideal, but under the circumstances, I knew I needed a release. I didn't want Chad to feel guilty or whatever, so I made sure to cover my tracks. I forced myself to stay quiet: I just sat on the toilet while I pounded my pud. I tried to cum as fast as I could, to avoid any suspicion. Then, after I finished, I brushed my teeth and went to bed. I usually snuggled up to Chad's unconscious body, though I had to be careful: sometimes my dick was still hard, so I had to make sure he wouldn't feel it. Then I held him tight as I drifted off to sleep.

I found myself counting the hours till Saturday and Sunday mornings. I knew I'd be tired then, since the nights before were the busiest times of my week. But I almost didn't care, since those were main times we could really be together. I was determined to make the most of them, so I swore we'd fuck each other's brains out. I couldn't help wishing we'd brought our sex toys with us— we'd left them at our apartment— but I told myself we'd make do. After all, I thought, we could still experiment any number of ways. It was just too bad that we always seemed rushed.

"Hey," Thaxter said. "Earth to Scott."

c376eb  No.6368058

File: 3e0e7fb36c830fc⋯.jpeg (284.21 KB, 828x942, 138:157, C7811715-4FB2-4D33-AB67-E….jpeg)

File: 506264eb8fb7f3b⋯.jpeg (148.97 KB, 828x898, 414:449, 22F9D7CA-B5BA-46AD-B32B-1….jpeg)

File: ce696be5a9b7809⋯.jpeg (132.24 KB, 828x528, 69:44, 376499F7-3AE7-4431-B348-5….jpeg)

3b34fa  No.6368059

Slider Captcha

The slider captcha separates itself from the rest of the pack. It stops 99% of spambots because most can’t interact with the slider. It’s also user-friendly because all users need to do is slide the knob across to verify they’re not a spambot. And all mobile users need to do is swipe.

One potential drawback is that keyboard-only users might not be able to activate the slider if you don’t make it accessible. If you use this captcha, you have to make it keyboard accessible. Follow these accessibility guidelines so that all users will be able to activate your slider.

Implement the slider and KILL e-bot if the BO is serious about Spam. Or both, for the win.

(it sucks for people who don't have hands or can't use a mouse, but things already suck for them so….)

8de407  No.6368060

File: 8e7370889578950⋯.jpeg (503.53 KB, 1796x1471, 1796:1471, E7E98972-C996-400A-90C2-A….jpeg)

93db4c  No.6368061


Too the left down the hall last the red room where all the people dressed in animal costumers are.


aa0553  No.6368062



44f1e3  No.6368063


The cabal is already trying to shut us down. Why tf would BO make a move that is only dividing us without any benefit? It's not stopping shit. It's almost like BO is working for (((them))).

0aff22  No.6368064

File: bfdc0d8f54c5f18⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 259x310, 259:310, Back-In-My-Day.jpg)



327cb6  No.6368065

File: c0876a178b90f91⋯.png (182.14 KB, 1042x418, 521:209, MUELLER_ourguy.png)

File: 89e0de0d80e2f7c⋯.png (609.6 KB, 750x1035, 50:69, RR_ourguy.png)


both working for the plan - not meaning they are complete white hats though.

double agents.

f269d5  No.6368066

File: 93efc8e04d7e0e1⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB, 1186x777, 1186:777, pepe comfy at da beach.jpeg)


too funny. Full on meltdown

64ba43  No.6368067

Much love anons

d0072e  No.6368068

I blinked and turned around. I was standing behind the bar, but at that particular moment, we just had a trickle of customers. "O-oh sorry," I said.

"Is something on your mind?"

"No, it's cool," I replied. I didn't want to tell him I was thinking of sex with my boyfriend.

"Uh-huh," Thaxter said. He paused for a moment, then cleared his throat. "You know, as quiet as it is, you should probably clock out. At least for now."

"Okay sure," I replied. I wasn't thrilled at that thought, since I needed all the money I could get. But then again, this was part of what I'd signed up for, and Thaxter did warn me about this beforehand. I suspected the business would pick up later, so I didn't want to venture too far. I just retreated to the private parts of the building.

I ended up browsing through the backstage areas, which were full of all sorts of props. A lot of them were just random knickknacks, but some of them did pique my interest. I found a bunch of masks and blindfolds, along with collars and leashes. I also went through a trove of cock pumps, nipple clamps, hog ties, and other paraphernalia. Some of these things I didn't even recognize; I assumed they were used for something kinky, though I didn't know what.

I picked up a chest harness, held it in my hands for a minute, then slid it over my shoulders. Since I was already shirtless, the metal buckles felt cold against my skin, at least for the moment. I adjusted the straps till they were tight across my pecs. Then I picked up a collar and fastened it around my neck. Finally I looked in a mirror and turned my body around.

I had to admit, it was a helluva sight. Up until recently, I'd never imagined myself dressing like that. It was so out there, so stereotypically gay, that I'd never thought it might be up my alley. At the same time, I was kind of tempted to go back behind the bar in that outfit, just to gauge the reaction I might get.

eda090  No.6368069

File: df684b5d1528fb4⋯.jpg (71.38 KB, 556x396, 139:99, rodsterl.jpg)


>in captcha hell.

649d64  No.6368070

File: ba94ede259d44cf⋯.jpg (32.95 KB, 350x276, 175:138, kushner-and-ivanka2.jpg-at….jpg)

93db4c  No.6368071

f5b208  No.6368072

File: c1e99ce1cca7fbb⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Virt….png)

File: f17f3138c5ecc1b⋯.png (546.78 KB, 800x467, 800:467, ClipboardImage.png)

USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6364529 (pb)

>>6367560 (pb)

fc5c1b  No.6368073

I'm done.

d0072e  No.6368074

I also considered taking these toys home to Chad, so we could explore our kinky sides some more. I didn't want to get in trouble, so I figured I'd need to keep it secret from Thaxter. It was hard to gauge tell if it was really worth the risk. After all, Chad and I had some pretty incredible sex one-on-one, without any special gear at all. The add-ons were really just icing on the cake. At least that was my opinion, though I realized Chad had as much to say about it as I did.

I was trying to decide what to do when I heard some voices nearby. I took off the harness, along with the collar, and I tried to sneak away. But I'd just gone a few steps when I heard the words: "Oh fuck yeah." Then: "hey Mason, look who it is."

I froze in my tracks. That voice belonged to the twins, Mason and Madison, who Chad and I had hooked up with months before. I'd actually forgotten that they worked there. It took me a second to realize what that meant. I now had co-workers who'd slept with both me and my boyfriend.

"O-oh hi," I said as I turned around, and I tried to act casual. "Long time no see."

"Yeah, no kidding," Madison said. "What brings you back here?"

"I, well… I work here now."

"No shit! Are you going onstage?"

"You mean as a stripper?" As soon as I said that, I realized I sounded too dismissive. After all, both Mason and Madison were strippers themselves. "I-I mean I'm just working the front of the house. Right now I'm on break—"

"That's too bad. I was hoping we'd get to see a show."

I licked my lips. I felt like saying: Haven't you already seen it? But those words got caught in my throat.

"Are you still with that boyfriend of yours?" Mason asked.

"Chad? Yeah, we're still together—"

"I thought his name was Charles?"

Aw shit, I thought. I didn't want to admit we'd used fake names with these guys. But I also didn't know if I could keep the charade going, since all my other co-workers knew me by my real name.

a1ffc0  No.6368075


Flooding is gay. I did hate that.

8d06e0  No.6368076

File: ab98346a04c264f⋯.jpeg (31.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, 3EACE7D3-F08F-44A0-8883-F….jpeg)


Here here!

The cunting about the captchas is no good.

Required it is to quell the shilling


d40126  No.6368077

File: e29e21f23a89e54⋯.pdf (3.35 MB, Secret Teachings of All Ag….pdf)

4a8f12  No.6368078

You got to love Ben Lying Rhoades stating on camera that the Obama admin abided by all firewalls IF there was any investigation, which they knew nothing about. I repeat, they abided by all firewall protocols IF there was an investigation they knew nothing about.

Can you smell the desperate response of lies?

6fb988  No.6368079


Outed shill!

I wonder what else you’re hiding “in the closet”.


e07f48  No.6368080

>"A nation exists to serve its citizens"

This bothers me a lot as the entire concept has been trashed - people don't even know what a Nation is anymore.


Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus

America is no longer a coherent Nation - its a melting pot of Nations all competing on the same soil - incoherent and guaranteed to fail. A mass scale experiment.

4c3f62  No.6368081


Good luck, anon. Hope BO is monitoring for alternative ideas.

d0072e  No.6368083

"You know," Madison said, "we had a good time that night. We were hoping to see you guys again."

I bet, was all I could think. I had to admit we'd had a hell of an experience with them. I could never forget the sight of Chad sucking Madison's dick while I was sucking Mason's. Not to mention the feeling of Madison inside me while Chad pounded Mason beside us. I didn't necessarily regret what we'd done, but then again, there were plenty of reasons why Chad and I had never done that again. "Well," I said, "we've been busy—"

"Welcome to the club," Mason said.

"You've got to admit," Madison said, "you did kind of ghost us."

"Sorry about that," I said. "I mean, we had to go back to school. At least now we'll be here all summer." Before I even finished my sentence, I knew I'd said too much. I didn't want to give these guys ideas, but it was too late.

"That's cool," Madison said. "You know, maybe if you have time… you should come over. Whenever you can. That goes for both of you."

I was under no illusions about what he really meant. After all, it was the same invite he'd extended before— and we all knew how that had gone. "Thanks man," was the most diplomatic response I could think of. "I'll let him know."

"Sweet," he replied.

I knew I had to change the subject, but just then my phone buzzed with a text. I jumped to answer it, and I saw it was from Chad.

11859d  No.6368084

File: 5885c3d60e85755⋯.jpg (107.99 KB, 870x500, 87:50, 2zqxz0.jpg)

64ba43  No.6368085

File: a561c3ed1d9d681⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1018, 621:509, A9F5DD1B-6CE1-448F-97A9-E….jpeg)

File: 35207591a2414aa⋯.jpeg (1014.09 KB, 1242x1013, 1242:1013, 01529732-B9B7-4D66-9C70-4….jpeg)

327cb6  No.6368086

File: c9ea343bfe30515⋯.jpg (45.56 KB, 500x360, 25:18, [THEM].jpg)

File: aebd64e288f9baa⋯.jpg (42.87 KB, 500x373, 500:373, mason04.jpg)

File: d49dd3131ff2514⋯.jpg (38.19 KB, 629x346, 629:346, mason08.jpg)

File: 4fdd98cc015a18c⋯.jpg (32.94 KB, 499x350, 499:350, gloria-steinem.jpg)

44f1e3  No.6368087


hey stupid, ebot is not a real bot but a real person. Haven't you figured that out by now? SMDH

We don't have a smapbot problem. We have a paid shill problem and captcha's aren't going to stop that.

f269d5  No.6368088

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, pepe laughs at this.png)

66474e  No.6368089


>>6367507 lb

>I know baking can be done with Captcha, I'm just not sure I can manage it physically.

>>6367693 lb

>Yes, it would be nice to have fewer shill posts. But at what cost??

It seems you're having a hard time separating your personal needs from your opinion of what's best for the board, Anon.

Q came here for free speech, no filters.

That's job one.

But we all need to rest from time to time.

No shame in needing to take a break.

Anons will rise to the call.

d0072e  No.6368091

I just talked to Pam, he wrote. She's doing a thing for Dad's birthday. Any chance you can get the 26th off?

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. This was the perfect excuse to break off the conversation. "Sorry guys," I said, "but I gotta run. I'll see you around, okay?"

"No worries," Madison said. "You know where to find us."

I nodded and headed back toward the bar. As I walked, I texted back to Chad: That's a Sunday, right?

Yeah, was his response.

I'll see what I can do, I wrote. Will need to get someone to cover my shift.

Cool, he replied. Mom says she can't make it, and Patrick was just there, so I kind of feel like it's my turn to go.

I chewed my lip for a moment. I sent him a heart emoji, but I had a lot of mixed feelings right then. I worried that we were getting roped into drama, in more than one front. But it didn't seem right to talk about it over text. I resolved to wait till we could properly discuss it. Then I took a deep breath and put away my phone.

As I expected, the store had gotten busier in the time I'd been on break. Lo and behold, Thaxter had learned some of the lessons I'd taught him. He'd started to get the hang of social media, and he'd done a bunch of posts to lure in customers. Early indications were that it seemed to be working.

"Hey Scott," Thaxter said, "here's someone you should probably meet." He gestured toward a guy with curly brown hair. "This is Jean-Jacques."

"Hey man," I said. "I'm Scott."

Jean-Jacques shook my hand. "Hello."

"He says he found us online," Thaxter said. "Apparently he's got quite the following of his own."

"Really? Do tell."

3f65f7  No.6368092


Unwilling black hats, flipped to gray hats to save themselves. Doubt they were in on the creepy stuff, prob just took some money to do some dirt or look the other way on some dirt.

What they know could be invaluable to the plan though…

9d0950  No.6368093

File: ba4bb6b3d99fa1c⋯.jpeg (179.23 KB, 1125x827, 1125:827, 982735FE-8845-403E-AF92-9….jpeg)

File: 21637bf7ffd2683⋯.jpeg (88.94 KB, 637x622, 637:622, 562E0089-4896-49F1-BD98-8….jpeg)

KY Jelly is advertising on the Biden2020 hashtag.

83360a  No.6368094

Beto: We only have ’10 years’ left on Earth if we don’t address climate change


00d0de  No.6368095


GOOD researchers aren't going to stay away. They have a drive for truth. A few obstacles won't deter them.

3b34fa  No.6368096


Sliders are the industry standard for crypto and banking now, but you don't get paid….

3c5c4d  No.6368097

File: 659ea76087d3473⋯.png (3.44 KB, 216x122, 108:61, screenshotAtUploadCC_15566….png)

File: 9c8353a9669db92⋯.png (21.82 KB, 412x92, 103:23, screenshotAtUploadCC_15566….png)


Baker: The link listed in the bread is no longer available.

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q

041070  No.6368098

Tomorrow, 1 May, is May Day


18d1d4  No.6368099

File: f22f53ffbe02d6b⋯.png (12.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 6601c8bbefd4ab893fbb5d420c….png)

c9e6ba  No.6368100


Thanks anon, bread edited

d0072e  No.6368101

"I'm a fashion photographer." He handed over his phone, which was open to Instagram.

I looked down and started scrolling through his posts. My first thought was that "fashion" wasn't the right word. His models were hardly wearing clothing at all; they were mostly in underwear or sometimes even just jewelry. Still, the pics made for great eye candy— I saw some beautiful bare butts and thighs— and they'd gotten him more than a hundred thousand followers.

"I have other pictures too," he said, "though I can't post them on Instagram. So many in this country can be— what's the word? Prudes."

"That's what this bar is for," Thaxter said. "Scott's heard my soapbox plenty of times."

"Well," I said, "one way or another, these pictures are hot." I was about to say something else when I recognized one of the faces. "You've worked with Flynn Taylor?"

"Many times. You like him?"

"I…" I debated how to answer. I didn't want to tell him he was Chad's favorite porn star. "Yeah, I mean he's cool."

"He'll be around next month. He'll be performing at the Cockpit."

"No shit?"

"Do you want to meet him?"

a1ffc0  No.6368102


I'd be down for this.

Slide option availabe on app as well?

c592c4  No.6368103

File: 74a6346bb6afeb4⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2250x1399, 2250:1399, DRAW4.png)

c9e6ba  No.6368104

de08e6  No.6368106

File: 7f64eec18f5608b⋯.jpg (9.8 KB, 244x206, 122:103, download.jpeg.jpg)

Do you shills know how happy you make me? You're like a satisfying 'ping' when we score a hit, get over the target, or get a Q drop.


Why are media hit pieces against Q, 8ch, /pol/, Anon, and POTUS always coordinated? Why are attacks on Q and POTUS coordinated?

Why does it seem like MSM


the shills?

f2c000  No.6368107


a different style of captcha isn't something that BO can implement. you would have to pass that idea to codemonkey.

also, although there may be some bots/shills who post muh joo shit, to think that every post criticizing jews is a shill and not a sincere anon is fucking retarded. you literally cannot restore sovereignty without chopping off jewish influence at the kneecaps.;

0aff22  No.6368108


>Slider capcha

Newfags don't know how the board works anons.

d0072e  No.6368109

"I… well sure, if I can." I was trying to play my cards carefully. Jean-Jacques seemed like a cool guy, so I didn't want to come across as over-excited. Selfishly, I knew he could be useful to us, especially if he gave the bar a shout-out online. He had so many followers that he could send us quite a bit of business. I figured I should take this one step at a time.

I kept wanting to call Chad, but I didn't get the chance. Apparently word had gotten out that the twins would be performing, so more and more people were streaming into the bar. I tried to clear my head as best as I could. The busier it got, the faster I had to move, which was probably a good thing.

When the twins came onstage, I tried to avoid even looking in their direction. Of course there was no avoiding the pulsating music, the lights flashing back and forth, or the cheers from the crowd. My imagination could fill in the rest; after all, I'd seen them perform before, in more ways than one. But I tried to avoid even thinking about that stuff. I kept reminding myself that I had a job to do, and I needed to focus.

Even so, by the time I got off work, I was definitely hard. I felt incredibly relieved to be going home to Chad. With any luck, I thought, he might still be awake. I had so much on my mind, and so much I wanted to tell him, that I didn't know where to start.

As it turned out though, Chad was fast asleep— not that I was surprised. He was sprawled on his side of the bed, snoring softly, with the sheets twisted all around his body. I could see just enough skin to know he was naked. I was seriously tempted to wake him up; I would've loved to ravage his body or have him ravage me. But I forced myself not to.

I just stepped back, stripped off my shirt, and tossed it in the hamper. Then I let my pants and underwear drop to the floor. I bent over to pick up my clothes, but as I did, I noticed something under Chad's side of the bed. Something that didn't seem to belong.

649d64  No.6368110

File: 69fa93a0462133b⋯.png (531.05 KB, 1071x670, 1071:670, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)


327cb6  No.6368111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



570a6a  No.6368112

File: 422822b61e0b1db⋯.gif (940.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, giphy.gif)

d34192  No.6368113


flooding is a mess they have psychos who will flood with cp to shut down sites i think that is why tor is banned on this board. its out of necessity when you reach this level of threat to the cabal you have to increase the buffer of automated attacks. They use bots on chans a lot too they don't talk about that.

f269d5  No.6368114

File: c5d33fa490f2cff⋯.png (631.14 KB, 684x445, 684:445, planefags AF1 o7.PNG)

>>6368072 Planefag report-USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998


d0072e  No.6368115

I crouched down for a better view. As soon as I did, I realized I was looking at a pair of my own underwear. Except I'd never put it there— plus it had cum stains all over it, which were not my doing.

I reached down and took the underwear in my hands. I caught a whiff of a familiar scent. It was clearly Chad's jizz; I could've recognized his brand anywhere. I brought the underwear to my nose, took a deep breath, and let the aroma of my man's juices fill my lungs.

All I could think about was what this must mean. Chad must've been using my underwear as a cumrag. Which meant he'd been jacking off without me— the same way I'd been jacking off without him. And judging by the dampness of the cloth, he'd probably enjoyed a session that same night.

Holy shit, I thought. If Chad kept his cumrag within reach, then it stood to reason he'd been beating off in bed. In the same bed we shared. The same place he was lying at that moment. Hell, for all I knew he could've been pleasuring himself while I was talking to Jean-Jacques— or the twins, for that matter.

I felt myself getting hornier and hornier. I wasn't thrilled at the thought of him doing this by himself, though I knew I couldn't complain. After all, Chad had even warned me how much he'd nutted in that room: You probably don't want to use a blacklight in here. I guarantee you'd find cum in places you never expected…

I licked my lips as the implications sank in. I knew Chad's stroking was a hell of a sight, and if he was cumming in my underwear, he was probably thinking of me as he did it. The more I mulled that over, the more tingly I got. My dick was rock hard, and it pointed straight out, practically begging for a release. I loved thinking I'd been turning him on; I just wished I could've seen that show myself.

140b34  No.6368116

File: d42614e02a5820d⋯.png (233.34 KB, 800x667, 800:667, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6368064 Where?

9c9827  No.6368117

File: c7afe939a32c6cf⋯.jpeg (4.55 MB, 2672x2302, 1336:1151, 94C31616-88B0-40B7-968E-F….jpeg)

d0072e  No.6368118

I turned away and tiptoed into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, then smelled my underwear again. I tried to guess how many of Chad's loads were in there. Clearly he'd deposited more than one, though it was hard to gauge the exact number. After all, his wads could vary in size. If he'd been edging a long time, then he could've cum buckets; but if he'd been going for multiple orgasms, he might've just shot a few drops with each one. I couldn't help asking myself: had he been doing this all summer? Or had it just been the last few days?

I sat on the toilet and slid my fingers along my shaft. Thoughts of Chad got me so much hotter than all those other guys. My fingers were practically on autopilot: I teased my cockhead a little, then closed my eyes and just savored the sensations. I could still hear the soft purr of him snoring in the next room. Hormones went pumping through my bloodstream, and my nerves immediately responded. I tried to keep the tease going as long as I could, but then I just had to start gripping my cock. I still kept going as slowly as I could, hoping to heighten the sensation, though my urges kept telling me to move faster.

My boyhole was itching, and I wanted to finger it. But at that point I couldn't: I just had one free hand to work with, and I was still craving the smell of Chad's cum. So I kept holding the rag to my nose, and I kept breathing in deeper and deeper.

I can't tell you how bad I need it right now, I remembered Chad saying. I assumed he'd felt the same way jacking off. Of course, I'd never actually seen him do it in private, which I knew was totally different from doing it for show. But I knew him well enough to know how it had probably gone down. I imagined him lying in bed, on top of the sheets, pounding away. I knew he'd probably keep his legs partway up, spread nice and wide, so his ballsack could bounce around freely. The foot of the bed would've had a great view of his taint, along with the start of his buttcrack behind it, and possibly even his pucker.

5e0cc4  No.6368119


Make a seperate bread for that particular issue. Gather consensus. Until then people need to stop shitting the bed, something big is going on and we need to be focused, I've been here since day 2 and this is a bad one. Something big is rumbling up and it seems likely to shake things up.

(I can say from experience it definitely hurts anons. But that discussion shouldn't be had here)

d0072e  No.6368120

By now I was stroking much faster. My cock flapped back and forth as I yanked away at it. Chad's cumrag fell from my grip; I wanted to pick it back up, but I didn't want to stop what I was doing. Besides, I had other things I could do with that hand. I arched my back a little, reached back, and dabbed at my hole. My sphincter was still itchy— still very eager for dick— and I would've loved to have given it a dildo. But since that wasn't an option, I did the next-best thing and slid my fingers inside.

I couldn't help thinking of Chad's love for butt play. I remembered the first time we'd fucked, when he'd made me plow his ass. Not to mention when I'd fingered him and eaten him out the first time he'd come to my dorm…

I couldn't help myself at that point. I jacked off harder and faster, and I forced myself to stifle my groans. Fuck, I thought, this was pretty near fantastic. I sensed myself getting closer and closer, till I was just about to bust.

Just then the door whipped open. Chad was standing there, still naked, with a startled look on his face. I jumped with surprise, and I tried to stop, but it was too late. My body was already spasming: a rope of cum shot out of me and landed on my abs. Then a few more spurts splattered on my body, followed by some gobs that just dribbled down my shaft.

Chad seemed just as surprised as I was. Maybe even more so. It was one of the few times he'd made a face that I couldn't quite read.

A wave of embarrassment washed over me. There was obviously no hiding what I'd been doing. My right hand was still wrapped around my cock, drenched in jizz. My left hand was still partly shoved up my butt. "H-hey babe," was all I could say.

d0072e  No.6368121

Chad seemed just as embarrassed as I was. And he was almost as speechless. "Um… I mean… why—"

"W-well I, uh, didn't want to wake you—"

"If you were really that horny… I mean…" Then his voice trailed off, and I realized he was looking at his cumrag beside me. I could practically see his brain put two and two together.

I relaxed both of my hands, and I laid them on my lap. It was pretty crazy awkward, though I'm not quite sure why. After all, practically all guys jerked off. Hell, the first time we really met was at that circle jerk with the Kap Eps. Yet it still seemed taboo to get caught in the act.

c376eb  No.6368122

File: 3dcded783b114e1⋯.jpeg (137.38 KB, 828x781, 828:781, 0C55C535-E45C-4250-A80D-3….jpeg)

Stupid out asshole pedophile Saturn worshipping piece of shit faggot cocksucking cannibal scum.

You are fucked.

a1ffc0  No.6368123


Only ur lack of pride and dignity anon. Come take a look.

9d0950  No.6368124

File: db1dc85b2105ff8⋯.gif (511.78 KB, 607x609, 607:609, 56D414BB-2514-4444-A2EB-8A….gif)


Thank God!

4a8f12  No.6368126

File: 29944d34bfa6f49⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 500x552, 125:138, faggots.jpg)

d0072e  No.6368127

We just stood there in silence at first. Neither of us seemed to know what to say. Finally Chad cleared his throat. "I-I guess… well, considering we were both doing it when I was in D.C., it's just…"

"It's just what?"

Chad took a deep breath. "I dunno, I figured now that we're living together… I guess I assumed we wouldn't need to."

"Wouldn't need to jack off?"

"Well… you don't need to put it that way."

"I-I mean… is there a better way to put it?"

Chad paused for a second. He seemed to have something on the tip of his tongue. But then he shook his head. "I don't know," he finally said.

I wanted to get up and hug him, except I still had jizz on me. I was tempted to use his cumrag to clean off my chest— maybe mix our loads together— but I wasn't sure I should. Instead I reached for the toilet paper roll.

Chad jumped forward and slammed his body against mine. I flinched at first, but then I felt his lips against my mouth, and I sensed the familiar taste of his tongue.

I wasn't about to argue with this. I instinctually put my arms around him, and a glob of cum smeared across his back.

649d64  No.6368128

File: 5320e08218a70b1⋯.png (49.21 KB, 1042x165, 1042:165, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

44f1e3  No.6368129


>GOOD researchers aren't going to stay away.


the captcha's are not going to do what the purpose for implementing it was for. As soon as you realize that, you won't be on the captcha bandwagon.

93db4c  No.6368130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q we are sorry, we don't need the cake.

e662c6  No.6368131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That feeling you get before you are Oscar Mike

Bring it. bring the Pain.

950839  No.6368132

File: 2b9ab745b2d6a27⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hoax.mp4)

Very Fine People Hoax Video


d0072e  No.6368133

"Baby," he said between kisses, "I've been wanting this so bad…"

"Uh-huh," I replied. "Is that why you dirtied up my underwear?"

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry—"

"I didn't say it was a bad thing. You don't think I've been wanting it too?" I tried to stand up while we kissed. We stumbled a little, but then we regained our balance, and Chad pulled me back toward the bedroom.

Both of us knew where this was headed. We plopped into bed, and the mattress shuddered beneath us. "You have no idea how fucking horny I've been…"

"Oh, I think I can imagine…"

Chad gripped my torso and slammed his lips against my chest. He kissed the groove between my pecs, made his way down to my bellybutton, and he slurped up all the cum that was there. Then he paused for a second, apparently admiring my dick. He seemed to rumble with pent-up sexual energy. Finally he opened his mouth, gulped down my cock, and started sucking away.

"Oh fuck," I gasped. My nerves were still pretty tingly from my orgasm. But I wasn't complaining; after all, I was finally getting what I'd been wanting all week. I stretched my body flat against the bed, and I savored the feeling of his tongue against my meat.

Chad sucked me nice and hard, just the way I liked it. As he did it, he gripped the base of my shaft with one hand, and he played with my balls with the other.

a1ffc0  No.6368134

File: 40cac123a04ae35⋯.jpg (268.95 KB, 1073x940, 1073:940, Screenshot_20190429-210436….jpg)

eda090  No.6368135


Beta is half right. If Dems would win in 2020(won't happen), we certainly would have 10 yrs left. Not the climate part

28629d  No.6368136


I agree, and it bothers me too. In this context it should be a Government, not a Nation. Nation would be redundant, because the nation is the people.

3f65f7  No.6368137


Where is Assange held these days?

4a7bf8  No.6368138

File: e3539b7c80bf5b4⋯.png (126.54 KB, 572x615, 572:615, 2019-04-30 Julien Pain - a….png)

Attacks on 4chan/8chan are WW

here in France : a journalist from France Info, whining that his "fact checking" tax-payer funded video gets de-monetized by youtube over a "dislike" campaign launched on the chans…

d0072e  No.6368139

"Yeah baby," was all I could say. I ran my hands through Chad's hair. "Oh fuck, that feels so good…"

Chad went at it for a little bit longer, then let my dick fall from his mouth. "I think I'm gonna give you a taste of your own medicine."

"What does that mean?"

He didn't answer at first. He got up, stepped over to his closet, and went through his sporting equipment. He picked up his rope; then to my surprise he pulled out a ski mask. "Now," he said, "I want our safe word to be something cool. Something like 'fidelio.'"


"Unless you've got a better idea."

"N-no, I guess it's all right…"

"Okay good. Now get on all fours."

I rolled over and stuck my ass in the air. Chad tied my hands together, then bound them to the headboard so they could hardly move. Then he did the same with my feet. I could already feel my adrenaline start to flow: part of me was nervous, but the other part was excited.

Chad ran hands up my legs, then traced the middle of my buttcrack. "Mm," he said, "fuck, I love this ass…"

"Then stop teasing it," I said.

"Fuck that," he replied. "I'll do with it what I want."

773490  No.6368140


Hopefully May Day doesn't include an emergency use of the phrase 'Mayday mayday mayday' like so many people trying to dial 911 on 9/11

9d0950  No.6368141

File: 4e8158349dbd115⋯.jpeg (118.71 KB, 1024x1085, 1024:1085, 9B27FDE5-FA70-4115-8F7E-2….jpeg)

9a199d  No.6368142

File: 2aaab89d29dbf50⋯.png (117.13 KB, 431x552, 431:552, PowaySynagogueShooter-Jewi….png)

>>6367291 lb

>>6367677 lb

Jewish white supremacist?

334b81  No.6368143

File: 9f966d40e44da3a⋯.png (196.71 KB, 1230x1024, 615:512, 1556424436287.png)


We control "Saturn".

You control nothing.

We are not fucked.

You are fucked.

647b1a  No.6368144

File: 1ab78d29a60c2dd⋯.jpg (610.96 KB, 960x1334, 480:667, IMG_292.jpg)

patriots remember!!!

d0072e  No.6368145

I felt a rush of excitement. Chad had gotten so into being dominated, I hadn't expected him to want to turn the tables. Not that I had any objection; I loved the idea of being his bitch. Or his slut. Or whatever else he wanted to call me.

I felt something over my eyes, and suddenly I couldn't see a thing. Chad had pulled the ski mask over my head. Except he'd made sure the eye holes wouldn't line up with my eyes. I could breathe just fine, but I couldn't see a thing. My first thought was to adjust it, but when I tried to move my hands, the rope kept them firmly locked in place.

"Oh shit," was all I could say. I could feel my heart pounding harder and harder. I had no idea what Chad was about to do, but I couldn't wait to find out.

I felt the familiar sensation of liquid in my ass. I could tell Chad was lubing up my hole. Then I felt his cock against my taint, and I fully expected him to guide it inside me. But he didn't. Instead he started hotdogging me: he slid his boner up and down my crack. His dick passed right past its target, over and over, to and fro, back and forth; but it didn't go in.

My sphincter shuddered with every thrust. I was so eager by now, my nerves were all going haywire. After all, Chad's dick was the one I'd been wanting all this time. The one I'd been craving. The one that seemed made just for me. "Fuck me," I said.


e23618  No.6368146

File: 3d109cb70d85940⋯.jpg (226.45 KB, 860x694, 430:347, crssfrreeehrrcnne.jpg)


very nice barr meme, got a non thumbnail version?

649d64  No.6368147

File: e8bc4bbf60f3ea2⋯.png (266.08 KB, 1056x385, 96:35, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

327cb6  No.6368148

File: ca1243da62db266⋯.png (43.36 KB, 804x502, 402:251, ClipboardImage.png)

11204c  No.6368149


Exactly, anon. These are the same sheep who dix not bat an eye when new BO came onboard.

Low iq reddit fags.

f2c000  No.6368150


this. captcha will reduce the number of anons posting, but shill count will remain the same. i'm already sick of this shit.

a1ffc0  No.6368151


Tor was banned so the intel ag. cud figure out who's who. Also, harder for them to maintain order on chan

d0072e  No.6368152

"I told you," he said, "I'm calling the shots around here."

I felt another burst of adrenaline. Since I couldn't see, all my other senses seemed heightened. I could hear everything from Chad's voice to his breath to the rustling of the sheets. I could smell his armpits, which hadn't been washed since that morning. I could taste the residue of his spit in my mouth, and I savored it as long as I could. Most of all, I could feel Chad's legs against my thighs, his hands on my hips, and the subtle tickle of his pubes against my butt.

Suddenly, WHAM! He rammed his thick rod inside me. My body jumped with surprise, and I let out a shriek.

"Oh shit!" I yelled as soon as I regained use of my voicebox. My ass had cramped up pretty tight, and pain was cascading through my body. I almost said our safe word, but I forced myself to hold back. Instead, I used my old tried-and-true technique: I pushed my inner muscles like I was taking a shit. Sure enough, it started to hurt really good. Then the pain disappeared completely, and a feeling of pleasure took over. Wild, sexy, delirious pleasure.

"Oh fuck yeah," Chad was saying. He was pistoning into me so hard that the whole bed was shaking. "That's the best fucking ass…"

"Tear it up," I said. "I want you to fuck that shit up."

Chad smacked me hard. "I told you," he said, "I'm the one calling the shots."

"Uh-huh…" My innards seemed to be doing somersaults, and my limbs yanked at their restraints. Yet somehow that was what made it so hot. >>6368146

4e743c  No.6368153

File: 7d6d45646ac1890⋯.jpg (28.84 KB, 451x541, 451:541, 7d6.jpg)

Shills complaining captcha doesn't work as they call in backup to spam as much as possible so their argument seems correct.

So obvious. Hope you have lots of Redbull niggers. Your bonuses are in danger!

a83018  No.6368154


RR is out you have to say something.

d0072e  No.6368155

Chad kept on pounding away. I arched my back downward, and I felt his rod re-position itself inside me. I squeezed his cock with my sphincter, giving it just a little milking, and I swiveled my hips around. I wanted nothing more than to pleasure my man. My dom. My daddy. My master.

"Oh fuck," I gasped. I still couldn't see anything, but I knew what Chad probably looked like right then. Especially since I could feel him, the way his cock slid in and out of me faster and faster.

"Fuck yeah," Chad said as he picked up his intensity. His pubes were slapping against me so hard I could feel my whole body jiggle. It was probably a good thing I'd already cum; otherwise I wouldn't have lasted. He hit my prostate and sent jolts of electricity through me.

"Oh give it to me," I gasped. "Holy shit…"

"What do you think I'm doing?" he asked, and he smacked me again. That slap felt so fucking good, I almost wanted more. But before I could say anything, Chad reached down and grabbed my cock. "Cum for me," he said.


d34192  No.6368156


You have not observed the effect of this gestating into the flow of the board. You want the captchas removed so you can run you skripts. Fuck off unless you are truly unsure of the captcha and don't trust the plan. They do stress tests they know when to do this it only drives away shitposters who are not even shitposting but wasting the thread.

c376eb  No.6368157

File: 9a1ce9088b051ee⋯.jpeg (108.37 KB, 828x820, 207:205, 1FEA8392-CACA-41A0-81D8-7….jpeg)


I will eat your fucking soul, I will be in your nightmares, chew on tinfoil as you fall into the slowly turning cube of fire.

649d64  No.6368158


Has anyone here even heard of "The Tanya"??? Haven't seen it mentioned… (It is the text Chabad-Lubavich follows.)


dfc6a3  No.6368159

Hannity tonight said we will be getting a cascade of information… an avalanche.

Sounds like an information waterfall or D5 avalanche

4cbedf  No.6368160

Holy shit anons! Watch this!

Can't embed for some reason, so here you go.


c87cdc  No.6368161

File: 0ccfb72b6c308d2⋯.png (210.45 KB, 636x357, 212:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b3e450a6c278db⋯.png (30.78 KB, 308x494, 154:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 044c071faa23fc8⋯.png (443.38 KB, 636x862, 318:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ae3430ef1218af⋯.png (227.65 KB, 636x426, 106:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b817f11354d74ef⋯.png (54 KB, 636x498, 106:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

Ancestry.com is updating its databases and altering the results for some users

As more users join the service, accuracy increases, changing prior findings

This will be the second time in about a year that Ancestry has honed in results

Ongoing updates to popular genealogy company Ancestry.com have sent some users into a full-blown identity crisis. Ancestry.com is beginning to roll out changes to its users' ethnic backgrounds which will continue throughout the course of the next month, reported the Sydney Morning Herald. As a result, some patrons are seeing their prior genetic and ethnic histories undergo an entire transformation, leading users to somewhat jarring realizations.

'Did you know that Ancestry can change your results?' posted one angry patron on Twitter. 'Received an email to check updates now [that] DNA is improved. Instead of being 57 percent Scottish and Irish and 10 percent [English], and [the] rest Europe with a few others, I'm now 62 percent British and 28 percent Scottish/Irish/Wales. WTF!' Likewise, in a recent CNBC report, one writer saw a dramatic shift in her heritage, as it jumped from just 8 percent of her heritage originating from Great Britain to 71 percent.

According to the company, the changes are a result of two major factors impacting how Ancestry produces its reports, one of them being a new algorithm rolled out in 2018. 'With this new algorithm and a larger DNA reference panel, Ancestry can now break down geographic ethnicity estimates with more precision,' a representative told Dailymail.com in an email. The company said that lineage information has been changed since the update rolled out in 2018, but some users may have just noticed now after not checking their account for many months. 'To see their updated results customers must login to their AncestryDNA account, so if a customer hasn’t logged into their DNA account since September 2018 they won’t see the changes,' a representative added.

Ancestry says the other factor behind changes to users' background is an expanding database. With a larger sampling of genetic information and a clearer picture of family trees around the world, the company says it's able to hone the results of its genealogical tests further and further, resulting in greater accuracy. In a statement from September, the company said it now has the ability to reference 5 times as many samples compare to its last update. 'We added 13,000 more samples to our reference panel, which increases our ability to identify the genetic signature of a region within one’s DNA,' said an Ancestry spokesperson. Though the results for users have technically been 'improved,' the outcome doesn't always sit well for those who have placed stock in the company's original findings.

In September last year, the company underwent a similar update to its accuracy – a change that was met with similar feedback. Though disgruntled users on the receiving end of Ancestry's changes may disagree with the company's practices, the shift in some customers' results is a marker of success for the company and others like it. Both Ancestry and its similarly popular competitor, 23andMe, have exploded in popularity throughout the last several years giving rise of an unprecedented and growing catalog of genetic information.

In a study from the MIT Technology Review, an analysis found that a whopping 26 million people have taken an at-home ancestry test as of February this year. If that pace continues, says the report, in just two years, the database could total 100 million people from across the world. Ancestry is still leading the way among the two players with a reported 14 million kits sold as of November last year – the most recent numbers reported by the company. Aside from the recent swell of disgruntled users, genetic companies have also faced skepticism over what happens with their DNA results after they've been logged by the companies. n some cases genetic information is a valuable asset for ancestry companies, as made apparent through a recent $300 million between the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline and 23andMe which will be used to study and develop new drugs. A a result, many companies - 23andMe included - have now introduced their own consent forms which allow users to opt-in and out of sharing their information.


c9e6ba  No.6368162




prime example, this retard (who is probably trying to make this point ffs, which is insufferable): d0072e (17)

It's ineffective and stupid as fuck

d0072e  No.6368163


I gyrated my ass, and I savored his firm grip on my shaft. By now our bodies were moving back and forth in perfect synchronization; although my limbs couldn't move, it didn't seem to matter.

"I want to feel you cum," he said, more insistently this time, as he yanked away at my cock.

In the position I was in, I had no way of aiming my jets. I knew I'd end up busting on the sheets, the same ones we'd need to sleep in. Of course, like any follow-up load, it'd probably be smaller than the first one. But one way or another, I had my orders. I felt myself getting close, and I did nothing to fight it.

"Oh fuck," Chad said as he too went over the edge. His muscles went rigid, and I heard a primeval noise come out of his mouth. Then he started moving again, which was when I felt his warm gooey juices inside me.

"Shit!" I gasped as I shot on Chad's hand. The ropes jerked with tension, and I could sense endorphins surging through my body. I could even feel my ass spasming around my man's penis.

"Fuck yeah," Chad said. He waited a few seconds longer, till my orgasm was over. Then he wiped off his hand— on my back this time— and he pulled off the ski mask so I could properly see. Finally he undid the ropes, and we both collapsed into bed. "That was so fucking sexy."

"Yeah it was," I replied. I was surprised to see that I liked being a sub. But I was even more surprised to find the bondage was almost incidental. The part that had really turned me on was the thought of me belonging to Chad. I suspected the feeling was mutual, in that he seemed to dig the thought of belonging to me. In that case, I thought, we might not need whips or chains after all…

649d64  No.6368164


Hannity SAYS al lot of shit…

3b34fa  No.6368165


Hi Stupid Sally.

I have tested E-bot, over 50 times.

Yes the posts are done automatically, but there is a "person" adapting the posts/scripts. Whatever we can do to slow that automatic reply down would help with e-bot fuckery. I have tested it and had others test it, if you want to know how look up Turing test questions… E-Bot fails them every single time, unless there is a person (whatever flavor of religion or security agency you choose) replying.

Personally I think E-Bot is a program to collect and do some kind of predictive analysis on posts. But hey, I'm just a potato farmer.


If there is no form of revenue derived via the captcha, I cant see the problem, sliders work on a phone. Regarding the Jooo stuff, thats above my pay grade :-)

334b81  No.6368166

File: 38cdf3fbc3824e6⋯.jpg (103.6 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 1556601325735.jpg)

950839  No.6368167

File: 2ec0f34497d345d⋯.png (78.57 KB, 706x527, 706:527, Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at ….png)

Potus Schedule 4/30/19


f269d5  No.6368168

File: 6d68631346c5cd1⋯.jpg (11.51 KB, 189x255, 63:85, ain't clicking that shit.jpg)

327cb6  No.6368169

File: e51bfd32bd663cd⋯.png (281.55 KB, 415x1328, 5:16, PowerToThePeople.png)

File: 7cd75747268774e⋯.png (967.34 KB, 1125x2436, 375:812, PUNISHER_1776_REVOLUTION.png)

d0072e  No.6368170


"You know," he said, "I want to make sure you get off as much as you need."

"Say what?"

"I'm not saying we should sleep around or whatever. I mean… if we need to jack off, either of us… there's no shame in it, right?"

"Well right," I replied. I didn't want Chad to feel embarrassed, any more than I wanted to feel embarrassed myself. I liked to think that we'd moved beyond any hangups or internalized homophobia or whatever you wanted to call it. Or at least I hoped we had.

"The point is," Chad said, "I want to make sure you're taken care of."

"Well…" I put my arms around him. "I want to make sure you are too."

Chad nodded. "You sound like you've got something else on your mind."

I sighed and chewed my lip. Chad was obviously right. We had a lot more to talk about than just masturbation— in fact, that was probably the least awkward of the issues we needed to tackle. I knew I had to tell him about getting hit on at work. I also had to acknowledge Jean-Jacques, and the fact that Flynn was coming to town. But the biggest issue of all was how to handle the twins. I was pretty sure Chad would have plenty to say about them, and I knew it wouldn't be the easiest discussion. But if we were going to be candid with each other, there was no way around it.

I just looked in Chad's eyes, and I put my hand on his chest. And I tried to figure out the best way to approach this.

To be continued…

a78707  No.6368171

File: 9bd4a900d6d8893⋯.jpg (96.44 KB, 796x500, 199:125, clapperbren2.jpg)

a1ffc0  No.6368172

File: a6b363813d1ad96⋯.jpg (183.2 KB, 1077x489, 359:163, Screenshot_20190429-222224….jpg)

Tax payers $$ is going to fake anons pretending ro defend the dumbest idea ever taken.

327cb6  No.6368173


thanks anon!


d1dfba  No.6368174

File: 01405f53d518557⋯.jpeg (164.32 KB, 1200x665, 240:133, A4EF2D72-1374-4321-ADEA-3….jpeg)

File: b531af352d9076b⋯.jpeg (77.86 KB, 656x666, 328:333, 20BC7625-9292-4C91-B45B-5….jpeg)


Might be the Human Resources Division of the NSA

c4cc9d  No.6368175

File: ccf296251fa94a6⋯.png (451.47 KB, 1249x371, 1249:371, RollingCoverage.png)

File: fcee66629260208⋯.png (181.97 KB, 807x969, 269:323, SkyQ.png)

File: e11c9cec04b9e2f⋯.png (784.07 KB, 384x1620, 32:135, PaulDaviesBookPic.png)


Followup on NOICE anon catch:

>>6365828 (pb)

Anon also notes the SKY EVENT post by Q+...

Actually "Sky Event" appears in TWO drops... BOTH linked to the 4-10-20 theme.

One is by Q+ on 5/TEN/18... and the other is by Q on 4/19/18=Lexington/Concord="the shot heard around the world"=cannon post on 5/4

And the EVENT checks out.....


This simulated asteroid impact event started on... 4/29...

And the main site promises ROLLING COVERAGE (= "red carpet rollout")

But dig deeper... is this related to some of the utmost cabal fuckery... were they plotting a mass extinction event tied to a fake alien invasion... Q has suggested this very obliquely and I think some Q "Anon" postings dive deeper into this....

Still... "the pill must be easy to swallow" and maybe this is all just a cue for hardcore Anons...

(It seems Killary is holding a book by Paul Davies on alien contact...)

44f1e3  No.6368176


>Make a seperate bread for that particular issue. Gather consensus

NO. It should be had exactly here since this is where BO made a unilateral decision that affects us all. There is no logical reason for it. Not one anon has been able to provide one. Yet some are all about calling shill for pushing back against the foolishness. This is OUR board. Q only posts here or on PF. This is not a monarchy here. We can't just up and move unless Q does. Previous BO went 1.5 yrs without doing this, for a reason. IT WON'T WORK!

a83018  No.6368177


boomers had to be born before 64, Millennial.

d34192  No.6368178


When they are using multiple ip's it increases the captchas per every ip hop so they are filling out even more captchas it slows them down enough to regain fractions of the thread back. It is successful.

327cb6  No.6368179


division shills glow.

you only prove intended captcha fuckery.

4cbedf  No.6368180


if you try to embed that link it doesn't work on 8chan for some reason. I promise it's a good video.

11204c  No.6368181


Did he also say, "tic toc"? Kek

f2c000  No.6368182


>If there is no form of revenue derived via the captcha, I cant see the problem

i'ts nothing to do with revenue, anon. the options the BO can change is frequency of captcha required. the BO has no control over which captcha the site uses. if anons want the captcha switched to a different type, they have to take the issue to codemonkey or jim. BO has no control over it. this is also probalby my last post. i'm not doing this shit all night.

4e2c03  No.6368183

File: afb398d37474c11⋯.jpeg (32.08 KB, 474x343, 474:343, image.jpeg)

8d06e0  No.6368184

File: 3a9447322010a4c⋯.jpeg (269.83 KB, 1237x604, 1237:604, 711D66D8-56DD-4C87-9BF6-6….jpeg)



Get that horse face bitch on the 2020 presidential race!!!

She giving us an extra 2 years

c9e6ba  No.6368185

File: 1a961a4f0a656de⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 849x425, 849:425, 8a124551eb6ea85a1696037ed3….jpg)


ok, I kekked

>fills out captcha

f269d5  No.6368186

File: 15d7ed70d59b5ec⋯.jpeg (574.27 KB, 800x792, 100:99, Pepe all your algo's bero….jpeg)

Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

Japan will develop its first-ever computer virus by next March as a defense measure against cyberattacks, sources have said.

The Defense Ministry is considering malware that can break into a computer system, hoping such a computer virus could work as a deterrent against cyberattacks, the sources said Monday.

The government has said it is looking to enhance its defense capabilities beyond the ground, marine and air domains to address security challenges in new areas such as cyberspace and outer space amid technological advances in recent years.

Japan lags behind other countries in addressing the threat of cyberattacks. It plans to increase the number of personnel in its cyberspace unit to 220 from 150, compared with 6,200 in the United States, 7,000 in North Korea and 130,000 in China, according to the ministry.

The ministry has been considering specific measures against cyberattacks since it pledged to bolster its cyberspace defense under its latest national defense guidelines launched last December.

Some defense experts say the ability to obstruct an enemy’s use of cyberspace could exceed the limits of the country’s exclusively defense-oriented policy.

The virus, to be developed by private companies, will be used only for defense purposes — not for pre-emptive attack — a ministry source said. Government policy allows cyber-attacks only against a country or an organization considered equivalent to a country.


4e743c  No.6368187

File: 063a4ddf2c0e14e⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e884417e86d09eb8b53b11b037….jpg)


Touched a nerve I see. Glow harder.

9a199d  No.6368188





Why does this shill try to get you to look here?

Why are you circumcised since 1967 Mr. American?

Who infiltrated Freemasonry?

Why did American tanks in Iraq have their symbology?

Why is there a skull & bones in their castle temple?

Who financed Hitler and sold them weapons to kill Americans while remaining neutral?

Which WW II American General, who then became President was a sleeper agent of theirs?

Masonic Switzerland - Home of the Pharaohs


44f1e3  No.6368189


You're so fucking stupid. ebot eve has a criminal record, but you wouldn't know that if you hadn't been here since he first starting posting as ebot. Nor would you know the reason why he posts as ebot. But go ahead with your stupid theories. Some of us know the truth.

e9b698  No.6368190

File: 7f176f7b30845f8⋯.png (364.94 KB, 493x370, 493:370, tour-guide-trash.png)


please take your trash with you

as you leave the bus>>6368005

415447  No.6368191


he needs a beta, and a better website to post on…

de08e6  No.6368192

File: 25f708a4f5d2f90⋯.png (384.64 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190429-221855.png)

File: 3404b77679ff5f0⋯.png (493.1 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190429-221822.png)

Just gonna throw this one out there.

"Easter worshippers" is basically saying "Ostara worshippers." As in the goddess.

Not only is the phrase not saying "Christians," it's really giving ofd the impression that the victims in Sri Lanka were supplicated to a pagan goddess-the one for whom Easter is named.

Even sounds close to "Ishtar."

3f65f7  No.6368193

File: c8ec6021745728f⋯.jpg (411.43 KB, 1077x833, 1077:833, Assange planefag map.jpg)


Answered my own question, Assange is in Belmarsh, about 1:20 from the airport.

a1ffc0  No.6368194


>>>6368172 (You)

>division shills glow.

>you only prove intended captcha fuckery.

Lol, no one on here believes u expect ur ops bros.

Only ÷, is the dude that setup cap. 4every post

d0072e  No.6368195


She can't bring herself to go in.

It's not a dungeon. Not his apartment. Just a coffee shop.

The door is glass. If he's in there, he's probably looking at her.

She pulls the door open. Glances around.

He's there.

He looks just like in his pictures. The ones where he has naked girls bent over his lap.

She scuttles over and sits down across from him.

She can't look at him.

She waits.

Eyes up. He smirks. Eyes down again.

"Are we playing the quiet game, then?" he says.

She laughs. No, giggles. Whatever it is, it's too loud. However she looks, it's too red.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

She shakes her head.

"Can you tell me why we're here?"

"I…" she flounders.

"You want to enlist my services. Am I wrong?"

She shakes her head. Eyes up, then down.

"And those services involve me bossing and tossing you around. Wrong?"

She shakes her head. She smiles slightly at his playful tone.

"So if I wanted to get you a drink, I could. Wrong?"

She shakes her head.

d34192  No.6368196


so they tend to keep to the same vpns making them filterable and regaining organic board flow. it also demorilizes them making them have to work to even post when they are spree posting without thought it only impedes spree posting NOT QUALITY POSTING

44f1e3  No.6368197


The past 3 breads prove you wrong

d5e018  No.6368198

So are Bolton and that fat Pompeo (Volcano - No wonder he gets all sweaty every time he is interviewed) not our guys and the ones who are trying to ruin the NK deal?

That is my gut feeling and I think it's right

dfc6a3  No.6368199



Had Jim Jordan on who emphasized that there is a bunch more info that will come out besides Comey Crapshoot, DECLAS, and IG Report

99f640  No.6368200

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _02.jpg)

File: 8b02f4b75b67edf⋯.jpg (53.31 KB, 400x321, 400:321, mason_1.jpg)

File: cde13dd4081797c⋯.jpg (581.58 KB, 721x608, 721:608, mason_2.jpg)

File: b8b12213debb251⋯.jpg (500.15 KB, 700x619, 700:619, mason_3.jpg)

File: e86216b85b416f8⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 550x344, 275:172, mason_4.jpg)


>Who infiltrated Freemasonry?

a1ffc0  No.6368201

File: 2302145902358cd⋯.jpg (421.45 KB, 1075x900, 43:36, 20190429.jpg)



c6bdae  No.6368202

File: 2601a98fb1ca0a9⋯.png (361.14 KB, 1204x610, 602:305, 1KL50M-187ANBSYHE-OPEL23UI….PNG)

John 20: 5-7

And stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in. Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb. He saw the linen cloths lying there, and the face cloth, which had been on Jesus'[a] head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up in a place by itself.

(They dont want you to find out that God is VERY real.) Without light we walk through darkness

950839  No.6368203

File: 247102dcb31a3a4⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Biden Mumble Mouth.mp4)

Mumble-Mouth Creepy Joe short on Adrenochrome?


d0072e  No.6368204


"Now, I'm going to give you another chance. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Yes," she says. She almost adds "Sir", like some of the girls in the videos do, but she doesn't. One syllable-step at a time.

"Different question now. Do you want anything to drink?"

She hesitates. If she once knew the answer, she doesn't anymore.

He smiles. So innocent, he thinks. He decides to go easier on her. "How about I'll get you some water, and if you want anything else, you just tell me, all right, love?"

She nods.

He goes to get water.

So far, this is going exactly how she didn't know she wanted. She doesn't know much about sex. Good Catholic girls don't. But she's always known that she likes to be helpless. None of the men she's been on dates with were controlling enough. Or at all. Of course, she never asked them to be, but of course she wouldn't. She doesn't want to give up her choices. She wants them taken from her.

In her furtive Internet searches (always in private mode), she found John Smith, the "Dom" to "sub" she's learned to name herself. Every step—clicking the Contact button, sending a message, responding to each email—required a new bout of courage. And now she's here.

4c3f62  No.6368205


Baker, I'll give it a go if you've got notes to 250 or moar. Don't think I can play catch up and captcha at the same time, kek.

handoff confirmed?

Will notify bo/bv.

d34192  No.6368206


it impedes spree posting not articulate posts

d0072e  No.6368207

He comes back with a cup of water.

"Thank you," she manages.

She takes a sip.

"Ever heard of roofies?" he grins at her.

She looks at him in horror.

He laughs. "I'm just joking," he says. "I wouldn't roofie you like this. That's something you have to earn."

She looks at him in amazement. Now she wants what she didn't want five seconds ago. She wants it because she can't have it. He really is a pro.

"Two truths, one lie," he begins. Living up to his nickname of the Playeur. "Ready to guess?"

She nods.

"I've had thirty-one subs. None of them has ever gone to the police. I want to bring you to my car and fuck you in it right now."

She gasps and looks away. She feels something in her stomach. A pang. A clench. She was trying to follow along—the thirty-one number she remembered from his website—but now she can't speak. The bad word sticks in her mind. …fuck… She hopes no one else heard him. She feels her sex getting wet. Why does it do that?

"Go on, guess," he says. "Which one's the lie?"

"The…the last one?" she says.

"You wish," he says. "It's the second. One of my subs was a police officer," he grins.

"Oh," is all she can say.

"Your turn," he says. "Two truths and a lie. Or, if you like, a lie and two truths," he smiles.

She thinks. "Um…my favorite color is pink. I'm no good at this game. And I've never…done it in a car."

He gives her a burning look. "I'd bet you've never 'done it' at all."

She blushes.

c592c4  No.6368208

How would that work exactly? Don't you have to know who to target before you end the virus? How is that defensive or protect?


eda090  No.6368209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3b34fa  No.6368210


Point on the doll where e-bot touched you

d0072e  No.6368211


"Am I wrong?"

She shakes her head.

"Why haven't you?"

"No one has wanted to," she says.


This is a compliment. She doesn't know what to say.

"Why haven't you wanted to?"

She looks at her cup of water. "Well…"

"Let me guess," he says. "They drive you home. They kiss you. They put their hands on your knee, and when they start to put their hands under your skirt, the word escapes your lips: 'No'. And then they just stop."

She looks at him with big eyes.

"But you don't want them to stop. You want them to take you. You want them to force you. You want to be owned, don't you, little girl?"

Slowly, she nods.

He moves to the chair next to her. She starts trembling. He hasn't touched her.

He leans in close to her. His breath's on her cheek. "So," he says in a low voice, "what is your favorite color?"

She can't help but laugh. She chances a glance at him. A harmless sparkle shines from his eyes.

"Red," she says.

He smiles. "Are you using your safeword?"

"Oh! No, sorry," she says. They did agree to that safeword over email.

"So, 'no' is your favorite word, and red is your favorite color. You were born for this."

44f1e3  No.6368212


> it also demorilizes them

kidding right? Some are paid to be here. But use whatever excuse you can come up with to justify this fuckery.

11204c  No.6368213


Did he say any more about the criminal referrals?

f269d5  No.6368214


sorry for not replying, some domestic issue's needed attending to.

That may be KANSAS, he has traveled on that call-sign previously.

c592c4  No.6368215

d0072e  No.6368216

He slowly lifts his hand to her face. She gasps. Her lips part. She doesn't move. He runs his thumb along her lower lip. It tickles the way fire tickles.

"Will you tell me your name now?"

She takes a deep breath. "Mary," she says.

He smiles. "Well, Miss Mary," he says, "You'd better get used to being called 'slut'."


She follows him into the elevator. It's the day after the coffee shop. He wouldn't let her go home with him the same day. Made her sleep on it. She was grateful for that, but now she's even more excited. Even more nervous.

He presses his floor. 32. Her sub number.

Another man walks in.

"Peter!" John says. They do some kind of bro handshake. "This is Mary."

The doors close. Peter shakes Mary's hand.

"Pleasure," Peter smiles.

She can't tell what kind of smile it is.

32 floors is a long time. John chats with Peter about something. She doesn't really listen. All she can think about is the fact that John is tracing a finger up and down her back over her sweater. It's thrilling enough that he's touching her. But Peter is watching.

e9b698  No.6368217

File: 8839a7900159a0d⋯.png (14.95 KB, 308x364, 11:13, wtf-verification.png)


whatever this is




7c0b5d  No.6368218


why does he look so different.

black alien eye slits. reel creepy- plastic surgery?

950839  No.6368219



3c5c4d  No.6368220


I agree.

BO and Bakers are doing the best they can.

If autists have spent time doing real research and are posting - they don't mind a captcha.

It is only those who have turned this into a chat board who are complaining. Go back to twitter. no captcha there.

415447  No.6368221

44f1e3  No.6368222


hahahaha…not it hasn't.

eda090  No.6368223


vid title..sorry

Pedo Prof Connection and NXIVM Human Experiments

0749e2  No.6368224

Owned. That's what she is.

She remembers that one of his three rules is no playing in public. He must not call this playing. It's sure more play-like than anything she's ever done.

The elevator slows abruptly. She gets that little head rush. The doors open, and the two men walk out. She follows.

John leads Mary down the halls. He keeps his hand on her lower back.

They reach John's door.

"See you at the grill, John," Peter says. "Nice to meet you, Mary." He keeps walking.

John unlocks the door. Holds it open.

She walks in and steps clear of the door. She takes in the place. Wood floor. Black couches. Neat kitchen. Nothing unusual, except maybe a few dice and board game pieces lying loose on the bookshelf.

He closes the door. Deadbolts it. She tenses. She waits for him to descend on her. But he doesn't.

She looks at him. His eyes are filled with a hunger that fills her with fear.

He shrugs off his coat. He goes to hang it in his closet. He kicks off his shoes.

950839  No.6368225


fillers & botox

327cb6  No.6368226

File: e6e8618538c33e9⋯.jpg (183.3 KB, 1200x1172, 300:293, QNewsNetwork.jpg)

dfc6a3  No.6368227

File: a8406b675c42f18⋯.jpg (1002.68 KB, 1529x1792, 1529:1792, Trumpan Empire Coin.jpg)

Don't forget to bet on the good guys and help POTUS with the transition by buying precious metal and getting your loved ones to do the same. The more metal in the hands of patriots, the better. You can't drain the swamp then continue to use swamp currency. Let the RothsChild-Diddlers keep their pedo paper debt notes.

Buy 1oz silver rounds from your local bullion dealer and try to get $2 over spot price (current market price). The Constitution says only silver and gold can be money minted by the government, but since the Fed is a private corporation, they can print currency and trade tot he Treasury for bonds.

Bet on the good guys by diversifying into honest money

0749e2  No.6368228

What if he's a murderer? Who cares that she's already verified his photo, name, address? What if God punishes her? It's bad enough that she taught herself how to orgasm back in college. Now she's chasing kinky thrills. John could kill her. That would teach her.

She could still leave. Yes. That's what she'll do.

"I'm sorry, this was a bad idea," she says.

She turns around, turns the deadbolt, opens the door.

In a flash, he's behind her. He shoves her body against the door. It slams.

She gasps. His chest presses against her back. Something hard is jabbing her hips. Her sex gets wet.

c376eb  No.6368229

File: 126033f0cef432b⋯.jpeg (37.4 KB, 828x304, 207:76, 5F8983D5-1BAA-4010-B075-0….jpeg)

a9c19c  No.6368230



Haha As if the unlawful resident abided by any rules or regs whatsoever. Lock that fucker up.

ecec39  No.6368231

Who got dat Carl Sagan/Hail Satan Wheel-Of-Fortune meme?

5e0cc4  No.6368232


Fair point, but it needs resolved fast then. It's interfering with operations and needs to go, I agree with you. We just need to make sure what we're doing isn't negatively effecting operations either.

f269d5  No.6368233


it's the japapnese don't know who is behind it, white or black hats. but yes you would need to know this or send it out and see who "bite's"

on another topic has anyone successfully loaded anything into the meme folder, tried an hour ago and it would not generate a captcha

0749e2  No.6368234

"Mary," he murmurs into her ear.

Her core clenches.

"Do you remember your safeword?"

She nods.

"Good girl," he breathes.

He strokes her hair. Then he slides his hand up the back of her neck and grips her hair tight. He pulls her head back. She whimpers.

His lips brush her cheek. "You're playing games you don't understand."

She's trembling. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

He smiles. So quick to apologize. "It's okay, baby girl. I'll teach you the rules."

Suddenly, his hand and body are gone. She still feels his heat. She still doesn't move. Then his footsteps clunk away.

"Come on, love, take off your shoes and have a seat," he calls over, tone totally normal.

She turns around. He's gesturing to a couch.

She slips out of her shoes. She goes over, sits down, back straight. She's still trembling.

He sits to her right. Their legs are touching.

There's a big paper on the coffee table. It's laminated. Reusable. Her name and limits are drawn on with dry-erase ink.

3f65f7  No.6368235


Probably going for a beer with Farage! They're real scared of the Brexit party, even threatening members with expulsion if they support Nigel or his new party!

44f1e3  No.6368236


welcome to captcha hell, where BO has decided it's not hard enough to post here.

c9e6ba  No.6368237


kek thank you baker, was just about to post the Ghost Handoff™ pasta.

Handoff Confirmed

Updated dough:


kek, don't count on the BO/BV giving a damn to be honest.

Honestly, on the debate, I haven't been putting anything in notables.

Anons can read the bread, but I don't think it's digs, research, theories, news, info, graphics, and notable.

I appreciate your bakes, baker, thank you again. I see you later, tired as fuck.

93db4c  No.6368238

File: e6cd7dff4c498a2⋯.jpg (39.69 KB, 374x480, 187:240, ishtar.jpg)

a1ffc0  No.6368239

File: 35de50817a881c5⋯.jpg (195.86 KB, 904x714, 452:357, Screenshot_20190424-144920….jpg)


Welcome. We have been fighting this bullshit for a couple of hours now. Idk when it started. This morning it wasnt enabled.

950839  No.6368240



327cb6  No.6368241

File: ffb8a16284ec61c⋯.png (141.59 KB, 996x834, 166:139, SHILL_bible_bread.png)

File: f9278ddf21ff1a7⋯.png (782.65 KB, 996x2877, 332:959, SHILL_bible_bread_2.png)


>BO and Bakers are doing the best they can.


BO is doing capture fuckery.

Bakers bake shilly and attack anons when being called out.

Have you happen to see one of the pure shill breads that are allowed by board team?

0749e2  No.6368242


"I've already sent you my rules, but let's go through them again."

She looks at the paper.

1. No other partners.

2. No public play.

3. No falling in love.

"Second one includes going out on dates. I'm not your boyfriend. Game's over if you break any of 'em. Easy enough?"

She nods. She's used to ten commandments. She can handle three.

He taps the line for her signature and hands her his dry-erase marker.

She looks at him. Her look says, What's the point of signing in erasable ink?

He just smiles.

She signs on the line.

"Let the game begin," he says.

His left hand touches her back and slides up to her neck. He grips her hair again. She whimpers.

He steers her face to face his. Her eyes are big. His eyes are burning.

He kisses her. A long, rough kiss. She's breathless.

His right hand goes to her knee. Her skirt just covers it. He slides his hand up her covered thigh. She pushes at it. He slides his hand back down.

c592c4  No.6368243

nothing like an extra rubber for protection, I assume chans are under scrutiny and attack so this meets the safety parameters



de08e6  No.6368244

File: 95fd58c08a117e3⋯.png (203.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190101-195958.png)

File: 49c063d36598cfb⋯.png (724.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190101-200053.png)

File: 1acd25ac5d3d4a4⋯.png (973.86 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20190101-200446.png)

File: 1599565e9b7f83f⋯.png (276.54 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20190117-105111.png)

Fight back, Anons. If this thread is shit, let it be OUR shit. Infographics. Memes. Research. Caps.

Fuck them. They're scared and it's hilarious.

a9c19c  No.6368245


WRONG! We have 12 years. Duh!

4e743c  No.6368246

I think IRON EAGLE was this.

Iran’s diplomat faces charges of running European spy network

Intelligence reports and opposition groups are disclosing how the Iranian regime is behind a wide-scale spy network throughout Europe aiming to obtain technology to advance its ballistic missile program, weaken and disrupt the measures of opposition groups and ultimately carry out targeted assassinations.

Asdollah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat, was recently arrested in Germany for his leading role of orchestrating a plan to bomb the June 30th Paris rally in support of the main Iranian opposition coalition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), according to opposition sources at a Brussels press conference on Wednesday.

The Iranian regime’s Supreme National Security Council ordered the Paris attack back in January and a senior Intelligence Ministry official, Reza Amiri Moghadam, head of the Foreign Intelligence and Movements, handed over all controls over the plot to Assadi in March.

"Iran's" intelligence network being leaked.

7c0b5d  No.6368247


isnt the official govt price for gold like $42?

isnt that what it will be worth is we switch to a gold standard?

4c3f62  No.6368248


Are you noticing a big lag time on the board? Really, really slow for me.

5cf273  No.6368249

File: a88656c18200894⋯.jpeg (142.9 KB, 622x773, 622:773, 97231E8F-86C4-4C77-B9BE-5….jpeg)

everybuddeh relax!

0749e2  No.6368250


He pulls her head away from the kiss. He looks into her eyes as he slips his hand under her skirt. Her eyes get wider.

"No!" she whimpers.

"Yes," he says in a babying voice.

His touch is already making her sex pulse. But his word and voice pierce the core of her chest.

He kisses her again. She pushes at his hand with all her strength. It doesn't stop him. His hand glides along her skin, along the top of her thighs. She squeezes them tight.

He reaches her panty waistband. He plucks it like a guitar string. Then his hand glides back down to her knees, slowly as it went up. He rubs her knee under her skirt.

He breaks the kiss. "Truth or dare," he breathes.

What's that again? She's supposed to pick one.

"Truth," she whispers.

"Are you scared?"

She tries to nod. She can't with his fist in her hair. "Yes," she breathes.

"Don't be scared, little girl. I won't hurt you right away."

Fear swells in her core. He kisses her again. He forces his tongue into her mouth. She whimpers. He forces his hand between her thighs. She fights. He's too strong. His fingers touch her sex through her panties.

"You're so wet," he murmurs against her lips. "Such a bad girl."

She gets wetter.

He breaks the kiss. He slowly pets her sex. She moans. Then her hands fly to cover her mouth. Such an embarrassing sound, to her. Such a sexy sound, to him.

"Truth or dare," he says softly.

She can't think.

He presses her sex harder. She whimpers into her hand.

a1ffc0  No.6368251


Dude, it has taken me 3 fukn breads to get 1 post b4 this fukn captcha shit!! Hahehhahah. Wat a disgrace to community involvment

327cb6  No.6368252

File: 3acfc9b6b920389⋯.png (227.43 KB, 1388x1009, 1388:1009, ClipboardImage.png)



is that a based baker?

you really think so?

is a based BO letting those bakers shill in the kitchen?

you think?

773490  No.6368253


Have you noticed that there is an Ancient Egyptian Influence in Silver Rounds being sold on Bullion sites?

f269d5  No.6368254

File: 789a711d28f72e5⋯.png (413.44 KB, 690x752, 345:376, nigel wins.png)


just postponing the inevitable.

9cb9c7  No.6368256

File: a1a0b6db0af3bab⋯.jpg (160.96 KB, 800x400, 2:1, buttshill.jpg)

0749e2  No.6368257


He lets go of her hair and pulls her hands away from her mouth. He holds both of her wrists in one hand. He pushes her back against the couch.

"I said, truth or dare," he demands.

"Truth!" she whimpers.

"Do you like the thought of calling me Sir?"

"Yes, Sir," she says quickly. It makes her feel naughty.

"How about 'Daddy'?" he grins.

She gasps. That makes her feel naughtier.

"Yes…Daddy," she breathes.

He smiles. "Good girl," he croons. "You've just been waiting to be a good girl for Daddy, haven't you?"

He narrows his strokes to her clit. She gasps.

"You don't have to wait any longer. I'm here now. Daddy's right here."

He touches her like she touches herself, but better. She starts to moan, but she bites her lip.

"It's okay, baby girl. Moan for me."

327cb6  No.6368258


explain how the captcha attack is increasing safety please.

4e2c03  No.6368259


I have a theory about this new captcha stuff.

Shills and bots will still post

But, now anons say to themselves,

Do I really want to take the time and make the extra effort to respond to a damned shill?

Cuts down on knee jerk reaction to obnoxious shills, maybe

I only say this bc I, myself am guilty sometimes of letting the shills get under my skin and not ignoring them

140b34  No.6368260

File: b8d1d5bff4c51a7⋯.png (45.15 KB, 532x313, 532:313, ClipboardImage.png)

For anyone who says I’m too tall for @Scaramucci, notice how I’m standing on my tippy toes in this picture! Take note!

9:01 PM - 29 Apr 2019


notice how I’m standing on my tippy toes in this picture!

ab0da7  No.6368261


Every patriot is a shill to you, nigger.


327cb6  No.6368262





0749e2  No.6368263


She does. Her mouth falls open. He bites her lip, as if he's biting it on her behalf. She moans more.

"Truth or dare," he murmurs.

"Truth," she sighs.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No," she breathes.

"Do you want me to make you come?"

She nods.

"Say it."

She gasps.

"Say it, little girl. Say you want Daddy to make you come."

"Please…please make me come," she says. "Please…Daddy…"

He moans into her ear. "Yes, Mary. Be a good girl and come for Daddy."

He pinches her clit.

She screams and comes. Pleasure shoots through her. He keeps rubbing her clit through her panties. Her orgasm lasts 32 floors.

de08e6  No.6368264

Various national cemetaries from an Arlington dig.

0749e2  No.6368265


When she comes down, other weights come down on her. Grief. Guilt. She's a slut. Only bad people are sluts. She's going to Hell with a capital H.

He sees her sorrow. It confuses him. They never cry this soon. He's had virgin subs. He's had Catholic subs. He hasn't had virgin Catholic subs. Must have something to do with that.

He lets go of her wrists. He gently moves his hand from her sex to her thigh. He slides his hand out from under her skirt. He lays her skirt over her knees.

"Come here, baby girl," he says.

He picks her up and sits her sideways on his lap. He rubs her back and kisses her hair.

Her tears fall onto her wrists.

"You're such a good girl, Mary," he says. "You did so well."

He holds her for longer than he harassed her.

Her tears dry.


She's home. It's bedtime. She kneels at the side of her bed. She touches her forehead, chest, left shoulder, right shoulder. She prays to God for His forgiveness. But she can't bring herself to tell Him that she won't do it again.

5e0cc4  No.6368266


You missed the point. It goes back to the freedom vs security argument. We reference it here all the time, and it's clear what side the boards fall on.

But every post, including this one, is about the Captcha, and that needs to stop. We're failing at our jobs right now. We need discipline.

44f1e3  No.6368267


It already has. Several have left already. I'm about done with hitting my head against a brick wall. If you thought the state of the board was bad for the last couple of weeks, you ain't seen nothing yet.

11204c  No.6368268


Yea, but I'm mobilefagging.

0749e2  No.6368269


She's at church. She accepts Communion. The people around her are the same faces as always. But is she the same? Can they tell what she did?


She's at her desk job. She can't focus. She thinks of his hands, his lips, his tongue. She could tell him. She could send him a text. But she doesn't dare.


The deadbolt locks.

He steps in front of her. She backs against the wall. Her lips are parted. Already gasping. He kisses her slowly.

He puts his right hand on her waist. His hand moves under her shirt. He touches her skin. She pushes at his hand. She whimpers.

"I've been waiting all week to hear that whimper," he murmurs against her lips.

He nips her lower lip. She whimpers again.

He keeps kissing. He keeps touching. He uses his left hand to collect her trembling wrists. He pins her arms to her chest in an X position. The sign of the cross. She resists, leans forward, but he shoves her against the wall.

She gasps and turns her face away. He licks her cheek. The hand under her shirt skims her belly.

"Have you touched yourself this week?"

aa0553  No.6368270


Get over it! It's the way it is now. Some take-over-the board shilling was in the pike. War sucks but this is a whole lot easier than the guys on the front lines have it.

f269d5  No.6368271

File: c710d546a4ecc5d⋯.jpg (494.18 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Pepe Au Ag.jpg)


$42.22 to be exact

and they don't own it, they hold certificates that are redeemable through treasury.


327cb6  No.6368272

digging on board team now.

0749e2  No.6368273


She shakes her head.

"Good girl."

His hand pushes into her panties.

"No!" she cries out. This is so bad. This is so wrong. She tries to struggle. Her hips squirm on his fingers.

She's wet. So wet. He rubs the lips of her sex. First the outsides. Then straight down the middle. She wails.

She's never touched herself there, let alone put anything inside. Did it happen already? Did he take her virginity?

He hasn't penetrated her. His finger is between her folds. He slides it back and forth.

"You're dripping wet."

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

He laughs.

She feels even guiltier.

"Do you know what it means when you're wet, love?"

She shakes her head.

"It means your little cunt is getting ready to take Daddy's big cock deep inside it.

7c0b5d  No.6368274




This captcha stuff is BS

Youve fuckin ruined this board since the moment you took over. Fuck You

nice job on shutting it down and making it worthless. See how that works when 2020 elections get close

POTUS aint gonna be happy

38e7be  No.6368275

File: ea502de776cd616⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2048x1408, 16:11, WWG1GA.jpg)


So if Anon tells you it's ok- all part of the paln, then you'd be ok with it?

It's on Anon. Everything will be fine.

Quit fuking whining like a little gurl.

fc5c1b  No.6368276

POTUS is better than any of you anons are at meming. He is in his 70's, somebody is helping him.

0749e2  No.6368277


She gasps. She's shaking her head.

"What would your priest say if he saw you now? Dripping at the thought of fucking before marriage."

She whimpers.

"You should be punished."

She winces and nods.

Whoa. He didn't expect that. He thought she'd protest and say no. Good old Catholic masochism.

He has the perfect punishment in mind. He drags his finger up to her clit. He teases it. Tweaks it between two fingers. Drums his fingers on it.

She's moaning. He puts his lips to her ear.

"Do you want to come?"

She nods.

"Say it."

"Please make me come, Daddy," she says.

So needy, he grins. That didn't take her long at all.

"You're not allowed to come, bad girl," he murmurs. He licks her ear.

4e743c  No.6368278


Jesus christ. It's only been a few hours and people are acting like video embed is gone or pictures can't be posted! Real anons aren't sliding about captcha's. Fuck all of the niggers crying.

4c3f62  No.6368279


I'm not, got a good desktop. Oh well…we do the best we can, thanks for everything, have a good night.

a9c19c  No.6368280



He probably went straight to nap time after expending all that “energy.” Dumb old fuck.

de08e6  No.6368281

File: e8ea6564959558e⋯.png (939.91 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-160642.png)

File: 5ea96fd05b5b8b9⋯.png (1.21 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-160403.png)

File: 6f59bab0e0a3bc5⋯.png (788.33 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-160232.png)

File: a1eb340a9a96314⋯.png (966.38 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-155856.png)

File: cded15aaccc6a3b⋯.png (829.76 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-160205.png)


Fight, Anons.

fc5c1b  No.6368282

I think it's M.

00d0de  No.6368283

Yep, the whole captcha debate is now a slide so this is my last comment on it.

44f1e3  No.6368284


exactly!!! The "community" will now be full of paid shills but lack anons. Feels like the final nail.

0749e2  No.6368285

f269d5  No.6368286

File: 3ed22f8a19d0e58⋯.jpeg (49.13 KB, 640x835, 128:167, this nigga.jpeg)

c9e6ba  No.6368287



I agree with these and your previous posts anon.

The absolute state of /qresearch/ is not good, in the opinions of many who care about the board.

But it's going to take good anons and good bakers (who are just anons, kek) that care about the Great Awakening and /qresearch/ to keep contributing digs, research, info, memes, graphics, and information spreading for it to improve.

Thanks for your contributions, this will be resolved soon I think, the captcha shit and the state of the board.



Personally, not too much, basically the normal lag for anybread

>fills out captcha

0749e2  No.6368288

She whimpers in despair.

He moves his fingers back down to her slit. He massages her lips. He avoids her clit.

"Daddy, please stop…"

"No," he breathes. "I'm not going to stop. This is what little sluts like you deserve."

She mewls.

He lightly touches her clit. She gasps.

"How about this. If you're very good, I'll let you come."

"I'll be good, Daddy," she breathes.

"I'm going to let go of you. Don't struggle, do you understand?"

She nods.

He lifts the hand pinning her arms to her chest. She keeps hugging herself anyway.

He slips left his hand under her shirt. His right hand is still rubbing her sex.

His left hand finds her bra. She pushes at his hand.

"Mary," he says. A warning tone.

She whimpers and lets her hands fall to her sides.

"Put your arms around me," he says.

She lets go of herself and wraps her arms around his neck. Her fingers cling to his coat collar.

"Good girl," he croons. "Are you ready to come now?" >>6368278

7ca8f9  No.6368289

lets see

0aff22  No.6368290

File: 8152e950c110f0a⋯.jpg (97.53 KB, 1024x1010, 512:505, D4J_VlnWkAA2GtU.jpg)

File: ca046e9a35b9533⋯.jpeg (7.54 KB, 182x136, 91:68, download (13).jpeg)


This anon gets it. Only faggots that are mad are the retards that want twitter level posting standards. Oh and the boomers that cant be fucked to read a captcha

c4cc9d  No.6368291

File: 89aaf156fd3b4ac⋯.png (18.02 KB, 390x212, 195:106, RedCarpetEvent.png)

File: a60fcddd5a4eb8b⋯.png (948.85 KB, 1366x4126, 683:2063, 917.png)

File: 8ba8bdfdc442473⋯.png (10.54 KB, 382x186, 191:93, QPlus55.png)


Here's an alternate interpretation… as opposed to the "sky event" angle…

Maybe 5/4 is a prep for 5/5… the date for the Daytime Emmy's. (Q: They think you will follow the STARS.)

Q does note the Emmy's as a "red carpet event" date….

Then we get a LOT of Q-rollout-related posts on 9/17/18 with Q recalling the "red carpet" Emmy's…

And note that May 5 = 5/5 = 5:5 seems to fit the "message received" interpretation of 5:5. Will Anons then get a signal that must be properly received? Should we get ready?

4c3f62  No.6368292


Notes so far

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

Anons, plz call out notables, board is very laggy, hard to skip around

0749e2  No.6368293


She nods.

"Too bad," he smirks.

His left hand pushes her bra up. His thumb brushes her right nipple. She gasps.

He kisses her ear. "Does this feel good?"


"Which part?"

"All of it," she gasps.

"You're making me really hard, you know that?"

More gasps. She's a trembling mess of whimpers and wetness.

"Do you want to feel my hard cock inside you?"

She starts shaking her head before he finishes his sentence.


"No," she whimpers.

"You don't want Daddy to fuck your virgin cunt?"

She whimpers. "No, please…"

"Do you want to come?"

"Yes, please, Daddy!"

a88913  No.6368294


BO already posted a response. Its hidden in the 10 hour long Trololo vid here: >>6364968


5e0cc4  No.6368295


We need to understand the clear purpose is to divide us, force us to direct our energy inward rather then outward. And we need to do the opposite of what they want.

Honestly, stop reacting negatively or to negative posts. We don't need to engage them. Throw an obligatory shout out against the captcha on every dig, but do it within relevant digs. That way we aren't helping them flood the boards.

fc5c1b  No.6368296


She actually rick rolled everybody.

44f1e3  No.6368297


> Real anons aren't sliding about captcha's.

you're gonna have fun with your new "real anons".

93db4c  No.6368298

Well it didn't take long for the Captcha to turn into an ugly monster and divide lol! 🤔

0749e2  No.6368299


He suddenly pulls his hands away from her. Out of her panties. Out of her shirt.

He sucks her wetness off his fingers. She watches him in shock.

He picks her straight up. He carries her to the kitchen table and lays her on it. He sits before her. He pulls her panties off her hips and legs.

She feels like she can't breathe. She's never had a man look at her sex. She's definitely never had a man lick her sex. He licks her. She cries out. It doesn't hurt. It just feels so unbelievably good.

He takes out his swollen cock. He holds her panties and fucks them.

He kisses her sex. He kisses her clit. He swirls his tongue on it and sucks it.

"Daddy, please!" she screams.

"No, Mary. Don't come," he says. His voice rumbles on her clit. It makes everything worse.

She tries to wriggle away. He folds his arm over her hips and pins her to the table.


"Don't you dare fucking come, you gorgeous slut," he growls.

11204c  No.6368300


WTF are you talking about? War? This is a digital conflict.

d91624  No.6368301

File: 7ab6bf2d9fc6fdb⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1439x1327, 1439:1327, 7ab6bf2d9fc6fdb2373572be0c….png)

0749e2  No.6368302



She holds back her orgasm. She hears him moan. Another moan. A sigh.

He lifts his tongue from her sex. Her sex still tingles, hopeful for release.

He closes his pants. He pulls her upright.

She looks down at him. He's holding her panties. The inside is smeared with something milky.

"Do you know what this is?"

She thinks so. She nods.

He puts her panties around her ankles.

Her breath catches in protest.

He raises an eyebrow at her. "Would you rather I send you home wearing nothing?"

She looks away and shakes her head.

"Good girl."

He helps her off the table. She stands. He pulls her panties all the way up. She feels his stickiness against her sex. So, so dirty.

7ca8f9  No.6368303

File: ffb64638a5e4d44⋯.png (29.15 KB, 879x201, 293:67, Q_55.png)

9c14c4  No.6368304

File: 7a92b52eb1088f9⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1168x1316, 292:329, ClipboardImage.png)


de08e6  No.6368305

File: 83957abdfd90863⋯.png (1.12 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-155246.png)

File: 239a489c14724c9⋯.png (889.76 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181219-153601.png)

File: 3d798156ac71c1f⋯.png (434.73 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20181218-230455.png)


Spamming back.

0e154e  No.6368306


Division by age discrimination? POTUS is over 70, so, of course he can't possibly be TROLLING THE FUCK out of the world. I'd like to see you say that to his face.


8378fe  No.6368307

File: cfde7f20fb17933⋯.png (338.22 KB, 482x736, 241:368, telaviv8.PNG)


Nice try Hiram..

4e743c  No.6368308


We'll see. I'm just saying let's see how it goes a few days. I'm not saying it isn't a valid point, but it's now become a slide at the moment stifling night shift greatness. o7

a9c19c  No.6368309


Qresearch is likely a temporary thing, as is Q. Trump is supposed to be in charge of the whole country, not just an internet board. Q has mostly just reposted earlier posts or news links since the failures of the 1-year marker and 11/11/18 nothingburgers.

f71e8e  No.6368310

File: 72172c4794b5db3⋯.png (216.31 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 6881d71264ede32afd6476a320….png)


Trusts the captcha plan

d087f0  No.6368311

File: f5025e830fab2a7⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 518x762, 259:381, Annotation 2019-04-30 0036….jpg)

File: 70e7fa8c62ac7e7⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 788x407, 788:407, Annotation 2019-04-30 0034….jpg)

FF incoming……read between the lines…be aware and prepared pack it if you got it

9cb9c7  No.6368312

File: 894077b36bf3d97⋯.jpg (177.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, alien_hogg.jpg)

adf44e  No.6368313

He leads her to the couch. He cuddles her. He can feel how tense she still is. He strokes her hair. Slowly, she sinks into the comfort of his arms.

"Truth or dare, love," he says softly.

She tenses a bit. "Truth," she says.

"Do you believe in God?"

She relaxes again. "I'm Catholic," she says.

"So you believe in a narcissistic God?"

"No!" she giggles.

"Really, do you believe in God?"

She looks up at him. She's confused. "Of course I do. Have you ever met a Catholic who didn't believe in God?"

3f65f7  No.6368314


You'd think the British crown would figure out by now that people like freedom, and hate top down tyranny. I mean, how much of their empire has fought them for independence, and now their own people are doing it!

what a legend!

adf44e  No.6368315

"I was one."

She's surprised.

He smiles down at her.

"Then I started fantasizing about kidnapping girls and making them scream. I figured that if there is a God, he wouldn't want me claiming his image."

"Oh," she says.

"If God made you in his image, he must be a very beautiful God indeed," he says. He strokes her cheek.

She blushes and smiles.

"Mary, this week, I need you to be a good girl for me. I want you to touch yourself every night. But just before you make yourself come, you have to stop. Do you understand?"

She shakes her head.

"Have you touched yourself before?"

She nods.

"Then what don't you understand?"

"Why do you—why?"

"Because I said so."

She's quiet.

"Can you do that for me?"

She nods.

"Good girl."

He kisses the top of her head.


That night, Mary takes off her clothes. She doesn't look at her panties before throwing them straight into the laundry.

a9c19c  No.6368316

File: 81ed373a1d9a12b⋯.jpeg (257.91 KB, 597x542, 597:542, 108C86C8-1499-49E0-B78B-4….jpeg)

4c3f62  No.6368317


Night shift still great, anon. Better days around the corner?

f269d5  No.6368318



don't have the lag you have..you asked for some, not much to choose from though.

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368186 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

a50dcc  No.6368319

File: 31e65893af70ceb⋯.jpg (38.9 KB, 720x576, 5:4, 1544054087055.jpg)

3425cf  No.6368320

Resignations in the news today - part 1

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein resigns


7News director retiring after 34 years


Selma fire chief resigns


Victoria County auditor to retire after 43 years in government


Kraut Fest canceled as organizer resigns, criminal investigation underway


After 50 years supporting K-State students, Pat Bosco is leaving his ‘slice of heaven


Democratic NJ mayor resigns, charged with election interference


Joan Baez on retiring from music and channeling her energy toward the quiet life


Spencer School Board accepts Wagner's resignation


Nashville’s Emergency Communications Center director to retire


Doctors’ organisation in crisis as president and council step down


Orlando Magic co founder Pat Williams retiring


Alberta energy regulator official quits ahead of being fired by incoming premier


Debbie Yow retires with plenty accomplished


Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale to resign as MSP in summer


Center for Teaching Excellence Executive Director John Rakestraw to retire


Göran Persson is resigning from the Board of the Bank of Åland


Cloverdale High School teacher fired after alleged involvement in student fight club


Del. Boyce Resigns from Black Caucus as Controversy Mounts Over Speaker Vote


City employee fired after thousands of pornographic images found on work computer


adf44e  No.6368321


She steps into the shower. She hopes the warm water will wash away all of today's sins.

At bedtime, she says her prayers. Then she crawls into bed. She lies awake. Her hand drifts to her panties. So naughty, to go from having her palms together to having her palm on her sex.

She touches herself. Long-latent strokes, but still familiar. Never under her panties, always over.

She touches her clit. Her nerves jump to life. They're extra sensitive. Extremely sensitive. He harangued her clit with his hands, his tongue, his lips, and then he left her hanging. It wouldn't take much to send her over the edge.

She feels hot. Her breath gets fast, shallow. Her mouth drifts open. She needs more air. She needs more pleasure.

She pulls her hand away. She almost went too far.

It takes a long time for her breathing to return to normal.


It's the next night. She's about to fall asleep. Then she jerks awake. She forgot to do what he asked. She doesn't really understand this game the Playeur is making her play.

She touches her clit through her panties. Lazy circles, sleepy strokes. It feels good. She doesn't get close to orgasm before she falls asleep.

fc5c1b  No.6368322


I hope the world sees it your way.

0aff22  No.6368323


Reddit baker drank the kool aid yesterday you are talking to a brick wall

0ba175  No.6368324

RR is not in a kill box.

He is retiring with great pension benefits and can now make even more in the private sector

He had said he would leave when the new AG took over, which is normal, and now he is in fact leaving.

3425cf  No.6368325


Resignations in the news today - part 2

MakerDAO's CTO Resigns Due to Internal Conflicts, Mismanagement Issues


Track coach Ken Porter fired following sex abuse investigations


Freshii Inc. Announces Resignation of Chief Financial Officer


Only female firefighter at southwest Arkansas fire department retires


Ascent Industries, Shareholders, Reach Agreement For Directors To Resign


DeKalb Police Chief Eugene Lowery to retire


Chief of Maryland medical system resigns amid scandal


After patrolling Peaks Island for decades, police officer calls it a career


With New Chief Judge Appointed, Tehran's Hardliner Prosecutor 'Resigns'


St. Louis assistant high school lacrosse coach fired for providing alcohol, drinking with players


CEO at Financial Accounting Foundation resigns after 11 years at helm


Shelton to retire after 44 years


“Ridiculous” Quake Rules Force UK Shale Gas Commissioner To Resign


Flint Water Crisis Special Prosecutor Fired After 3 Years


Lubbock’s director of planning, AJ Fawver, announces resignation


Biel retiring after 32 years of government service


Deloitte resigned as Ferrexpo auditor over charity probe delays


Hales Corners Fire Chief Martin Freibergs has resigned, village president says


Farm Bureau Insurance CEO to retire


Northport trustee resigns as deputy mayor over work on his property


6efd84  No.6368326


I’m fucked tomorrow?

8378fe  No.6368327

File: 29195e80f0ced65⋯.png (177.47 KB, 771x770, 771:770, hoggpointer.png)

File: 32d5809d6e011dd⋯.png (1.22 MB, 829x598, 829:598, hoggempathizesFord.PNG)

File: 188dc569b4294ac⋯.png (890.35 KB, 958x445, 958:445, hoggjfk.PNG)

File: 9823bafad47c1a0⋯.png (314.97 KB, 890x637, 890:637, hoggayylmao.PNG)

File: c555f28066cb5d5⋯.png (700.72 KB, 697x618, 697:618, hoggmouth.PNG)

adf44e  No.6368328



Night three. She touches herself through her panties. She imagines that she can feel his hand. Like the first time he made her come. She replays having his fist in her hair. Pulling her head back. Forcing her to face him so he could push his tongue past her lips.

She moans. Then she gasps in surprise at her moan.

She stops touching herself. Her nerves reverberate with indignation.


Night four. She counts how many more nights she'll have to do this. Just three more after tonight. Then she'll go to him and hope he'll let her stop this.

She's never touched herself directly. Until now. She slips her hand into her panties. She draws in a sharp breath. Her clit is so sensitive. And it feels so wet and hard under her fingertips.

"Such a bad girl," he said. She can hear it in his voice.

"This is what little sluts like you deserve."

She rubs a finger over her clit, left to right. It doesn't feel quite like when he touched it. What did he do? He moved it more. He touched it lower. She does the same. Her fingers pull at a fold of skin. She touches her clit underneath the skin. A zing runs through her.

3425cf  No.6368329


Resignations in the news today - part 3

Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts resigning as federal investigation swirls around him


Norman Geisler retiring from Southern Evangelical Seminary over health issues


KY high school teacher resigns, accused of recording people changing in bathroom


Seattle Archbishop To Retire, Pope Appoints Successor


Odell Miller resigns as Woodland Hills boys basketball coach


Thomas resigns as Franco Center’s executive director


WMU School of Communication director to retire after 10 years


Gregg County assistant district attorney resigns after DWI arrest


Retiring Utah Pastor France Davis honored for 45 years of 'amazing' service


PM Accepts Resignation Of Doctor Ubaldus Raymond


JP Councilman Chris Roberts abruptly resigns


Somerset County Chief Deputy to retire after over four decades of service to the state


Rockson Bukari resigns over journo bribery saga


Chiquita King resigns as CEO of The 6AM Agency after two weeks in the role


Tyler police investigator resigns after public intoxication arrest


Conemaugh Township chief retiring after 30 years as cop


One Nation's Steve Dickson resigns over strip club footage


Rippavilla Plantation executive director Kate Wilson announces resignation


Summerland’s CAO resigns


Fairbanks family physician to retire after 38 years


3f65f7  No.6368330

File: 7c9e195cc8602ff⋯.jpg (93.03 KB, 635x468, 635:468, Farage plane wreck.jpg)



Forgot pic related. Looked for one with the crash and a cig, couldn't find it.

9c14c4  No.6368331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3425cf  No.6368332


Resignations in the news today - part 4

Airport authority board member who invested in OneJet resigns


Caramagna Arrested, Resigns


Popular St. Michael’s math teacher to retire after 38 years


Resignation opens seat on Petoskey school board


Dolores Elder, keeper of the history of Occoquan, retires


Muni’s chief announces resignation after disastrous month, effective this summer


de08e6  No.6368333



a1ffc0  No.6368334



>The cabal is already trying to shut us down. Why tf would BO make a move that is only dividing us without any benefit? It's not stopping shit. It's almost like BO is working for (((them))).

I only agree w/ u on the ÷ part. I dont believe BO is comp.


>Do you not realize the site is under heavy attack? Wake up Patriots. The problem isn't Captchas, or the spammers, they are launching a full scale attack on the chans.

QResearch has never been where the bad guy posted. Its always somwhere else. UR theory is shit. Bad guys can go to 4chan & post some FF & it will still be blamed on 8ch & Q. Bad guys can & do Post on FCBK & say they were on 8chan. Its NOT the chan fuk face. ITS ALL STAGED.

So captcha bullshit isnt going to stop the imposters

>>You lot need to wake up and stop letting the enemy direct your focus. We have a serious fight here, and you lot on both sides are distracting from the mission. Our mission is digging, data collection, and dissemination. If you're not doing that then go.

THE ONLY enemy currently is stupidity

Whoever imposed the captcha either didnt read Art of War or didnt Grasp the Concepts.

>(For the record, against barriers to posting in general. Anything that could discourage anons from posting is seen as a detriment to myself)

At leasr i agree w/ u on last part

adf44e  No.6368335


She whips her hand away. She feels ashamed. It's the apple she was never supposed to touch.


Three more nights to go.

She touches the cover of her clit. Her clit tingles. She moves three fingers down the length of her sex. She feels her folds. They're wet in the middle, dry on the outside. Where they're dry, they catch on her fingers. She slides her middle finger down her slit. She starts at her clit and moves slowly between her lips. It's slippery. When she gets to the end of her sex, she goes back up. She didn't really find an opening. She wonders where he could possibly put…

"Daddy's big cock"…"Your little cunt is getting ready to take Daddy's big cock deep inside it."

She gasps. Wetness coats her finger.

She moves her fingers back to her clit. She massages it. Her orgasm teeters on some brink inside her.

She whimpers in exasperation. She pulls her fingers away.


Second to last night.

She slips her hand into her panties. She feels her wetness. She spreads it over her puffy lips, over her tingling clit.

She explores her sex again. She still doesn't understand where anything could fit.

c762ec  No.6368336


what is going to become of the NY AG faggot trying to pull all of our dear POTUS financials???

please advise.

c9e6ba  No.6368337


Please see: >>6368287

Keep on keepin on anon.


You might not get much baker, hasn't been that many and it took looking through shit to find them.

see: >>6368318

and: >>6368320, >>6368325, >>6368329, >>6368332

Heading out now, thanks again baker.

>fills out captcha

4c3f62  No.6368338


thanks, anon, although these look kinda familiar….I'll check 'em out and see!

3b34fa  No.6368339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a50dcc  No.6368340

File: e7ad1c7778982b1⋯.jpg (171.17 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, rosensting.jpg)


[RR] stepped down so he could be a witness in U1 case.

The U1 case that will put HRC in jail.

[RR] signed a FISA wa[RR]ant to continue the surveillance of POTUS.

[RR] played both sides of the fence. Protecting Mueller on one side and keeping the 'Plan' in motion with Trump on the other.

>[RR] = Red Line.

Consider the following:

In the 80's Trump was a CI with the FBI and helped to take down NY and Atlanta organized crime.

90's the FBI was pushed hard against the Mob.

Consider this cast:

Rudi Giuliani - led the Mafia Commission

Robert Mueller - led the the Gambino prosecution (90-93)

Rod Rosenstein worked for Mueller at this time.

William Barr was DAG then AG.

Look familiar?

[RR] prosecuted Ranbaxy a Clinton Global Initiative partner that produced watered-down HIV job drugs. [RR] spent five years on that investigation of U1 and was rightly proud of his conviction and then Obama overturned and pardoned Cartwright who was involved in the U1 scandal.

The resignation letter from [RR] says a lot. He is getting his payback.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV12UaCDvZE (Your Voice America)

d91624  No.6368341


I'm pretty indifferent about the captcha fuckery in general. It's something. But it seems pretty gay.

adf44e  No.6368342


She remembers how hard he felt against her backside when he pinned her against the door.

"Do you want to feel my hard cock inside you?"

She does. So badly, she does. But she wants him to force her. She wants to fight against him. Against her wants. Against her will.

Maybe God will forgive her if she keeps saying "no". She hopes she can count on John to not listen to her.

She moves her left hand under her shirt. Wit that hand, she massages her nipple. With the other, she massages her clit. Her left hand knows what her right hand is doing.

She feels herself getting close to coming. She briefly wonders how well she could hide it from him if she let herself come. Just this once…

She gasps and stops touching her clit. She puts both of her hands on her nipples. She scrabbles at them desperately, rolling and rubbing. She almost comes. She cries out in frustration and pulls her hands away.

She can't fall asleep.

A long time passes. She still can't sleep.

f269d5  No.6368343

File: c3525dca58d27a6⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 435x491, 435:491, POTUS you are fired.jpg)

>>6368320 Resignation's today Part 1

>>6368325 Resignation's today Part 2


9cb9c7  No.6368344


he gets around.

*posted using Captcha Brand captcha.

8d0b13  No.6368345

File: 9872e0a6cd6a356⋯.png (1.7 MB, 589x3094, 589:3094, Screenshot_2019-04-30 QMAP….png)

9c14c4  No.6368346

File: 482a598a58fcd6d⋯.png (969.74 KB, 800x585, 160:117, ClipboardImage.png)

adf44e  No.6368347


She moves her hands to her nipples again. She plucks them. She pinches them. She feels the twinges echo in her sex. But they don't make her come.


Tomorrow, she'll see him.

She slips her hands into her panties. She massages her clit. Over its skin covering, of course.

What will he do?

Will it be like the first time? Will he sit her on the couch and play with her? Maybe find her mysterious opening and push his fingers inside her?

Will it be like the second time? He'll kiss her down there, and maybe he'll let her come this time?

Will it be something new? A new game? Will he…make love to her? (Or is it "with" her?) Will it be like in the movies, where they hold each other and kiss while time fades in and out?

"Daddy…" she breathes.

Or will it be something even better? Something even darker? Something close to the fantasies she has only begin to let herself imagine, the ones called rape fantasies? This is her perversity: her desire to have her desires in reverse.

c762ec  No.6368348

File: 44bb01ed9c59fd2⋯.png (44.08 KB, 452x194, 226:97, Screen Shot 2019-04-29 at ….png)

Z, Q is real, CAPTCHA said so!

d91624  No.6368349


Lol. Oh ffs. What horrible shit is this from, 50 shades? Jfc.

adf44e  No.6368350


It doesn't take long for her orgasm to draw near. She's so close to coming. But she's so close to the end of the assignment. She moves her hand away. She gives up on her pleasure. It's out of her hands now.


The deadbolt locks.

He walks to the kitchen. She just stands there next to the door.

"I'm making noodles," he says. "Do you like noodles?"

She nods.

"Have a seat."

She walks over and sits at the table. There's a book on it. Stories That Stimulate - A collection of cheesy romances by S. Rosa.

"I was just getting to the good part. Go on and pick up where I left off. I want you to read it out loud."

She picks up the book. She flips it to the spot that has a playing card tucked into it (the card is not actually part of the standard deck, it's one of those cards that has instructions or something that she never reads but still puts back in the box every time).

"Should I start at the top of the left page?"

"Top left to bottom right."

"Um…" she begins to read, "/He checks to see if she's wet./" Uh oh, she thinks. This is probably about sex. "/If she isn't, he'll force himself to slow down. But boy, is she wet./" She takes a deep breath. "/Good thing, because he can't wait any longer. He lowers his body onto hers./"

11204c  No.6368351


WTF is wrong with you?>>6368327

7ca8f9  No.6368352

show me the numbers

a1ffc0  No.6368353


When did it start?

adf44e  No.6368354


John sits in a chair to her right.

"/He runs his hand along her left thigh—/"

John puts his hands on Mary's thighs. She gasps.

"Keep reading," he says.

She takes a shaky breath. "/And…and pulls her knee up./"

John slowly rubs her thighs over her skirt. He pulls her thighs apart.

"/She feels his…hardness pressing at her entrance. She gasps against his lips. It hurts, but she's determined not to show it. She clings to his arms. He slowly penetrates her./"

John puts his hand under her skirt. She gasps. She snaps her thighs together. She takes one hand off the book and pushes at his hand. Her clothes are what keep her modest. He's not supposed to trespass against them.

"Uh uh," he scolds. "Hold onto that book."

She obeys. She holds the book tight. Her hand would be trembling if she didn't.

He pulls her thighs apart. His hand crawls between them. She gasps.

"Keep reading."

She reads. Her voice is getting high. Weak. Shaky. "/It feels excruciating. Every time she thinks he couldn't possibly go any further, he pushes another torturous inch deeper into her…her virgin sex." She wonders if that's what it will be like. No, not will. Would. "She wants to scream, but she suppresses her voice to a whimper./"

He touches her sex over her panties. She whimpers like the woman in the book.

f269d5  No.6368355

File: 8463b5b5e8d8800⋯.jpg (35.81 KB, 627x571, 627:571, pepe bolsanaro.jpg)


like other anon said…not much to look at now. People discouraged with new stuff but fuck 'em. This is what we have so we adapt.

4e743c  No.6368356

Q post 2327.

It takes time to reach the public domain.

Why were the 'McCabe Memos' released to the NYT >>> [RR] 'wear a wire'?



What did they think was about to drop?


Did the delay and smear tactics used by D's re: Justice K help R's re: public support / endorsement re: confirmation & NOV 6 E?

Did select D's expose themselves re: leaks / release of confidential personal info, [CDE[F]?

If you know your opponents move(s)….


We know C = comey, D maybe is declass, what would E or F be? Perhaps this is a list of leakers and people about to get assrammed by the DOJ?

140b34  No.6368357

File: 70ad27e086b5069⋯.png (598.52 KB, 532x579, 532:579, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ff44a8cf33e93d⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

e7d673  No.6368359

File: 01d3e8bf93bca86⋯.png (473.47 KB, 551x579, 551:579, sleepyjoe.png)

0aff22  No.6368360

File: 17f49c8cc1f7448⋯.png (237.65 KB, 400x350, 8:7, kektastrophe.png)


>Anons, plz call out notables, board is very laggy, hard to skip around

Oh boy anons lets see if tendonitis baker fucks up the bake and blames it on the captcha.

fc5c1b  No.6368361


Cunt comes before Dick. Good advice, but maybe somebody else can explain it better?

3b34fa  No.6368362


The Bible - According to John C Holmes

adf44e  No.6368363


"/He hears her whimper as a pleasured moan, and he groans into their kiss. They belong to each other, and it feels so…/" so fucking good, it says. "/So good,/" she says. She hopes John didn't notice that she skipped the bad word.

John toys with her panty waistband. She pauses.

"Go on," he grins.

She stumbles over the words. "/He withdraws his…his cock and slowly thrusts into her again, even deeper this time. She whimpers again. He lifts his head so he can look into her eyes, but they're closed. Her eyebrows are pinched together. Her head is tilted back, and her lips have fallen open. She's either blissed out or in pain./"

John slips his hand into her panties. He touches her sex. She gasps. He's fingering a week's worth of built-up tension. But he's careful not to make her come.

She moans. "John, please," she says.

"Is that not what I'm doing?"

She can barely process his joke. She starts to lower the book.

"Uh uh," he says. "You can't put that down."

"Please stop," she gasps.

"Stop? You don't want to come?"

She shakes her head.

"Why not?"



"Because it's wrong," she breathes. "John, please—"

"You don't get to call me John," he says.

"Daddy…" she says.

"Yes, baby girl?"

Her core clenches.

"Daddy, please stop…"

"You want Daddy to stop torturing you?"

"Yes, please, Daddy!"

"Is it too much for you?"

"Uh huh," she nods.

"Too bad."

He brushes her clit. She whimpers.


She grips the book. She keeps reading. Her voice is tense. She's almost wailing. "/'Sweetie, you're shaking,' he breathes! 'Is this good for you?' She doesn't answer immediately. Which means he knows the answer. He pauses his thrusting. She opens her eyes. And he's startled to see that they're wet with tears. 'Please keep going,' she whispers! She can barely speak!/"

"You want me to keep going?"

>fills out captcha

0ba4b3  No.6368364

Germananon just got up.

Goodbye [RR].

Anons knew.


773490  No.6368365


F = Feinstein?

11204c  No.6368366


You guys just give in to whatever so easily.

f71e8e  No.6368367

File: f8b9d6cb6b180b7⋯.jpeg (55.53 KB, 589x441, 589:441, c236811ac0713dded01a812a2….jpeg)


I agree, in general (pic related)

d57c65  No.6368368

File: 6774a324ab8f626⋯.png (277.11 KB, 1437x1302, 479:434, Screen Shot 2018-03-28 at ….png)

D5 incoming

0ba175  No.6368369

By the way this new capcha is wonderful, dumbasses can't deal with it.

Thanks to BO or whoever put it in place.

Ambient IQ is moving upward with each passing minute.

adf44e  No.6368370



He massages her clit. She moans.

Then he slips his hand out of her panties. He licks her wetness off his fingers. One at a time. She tries not to watch.

"Mmm," he hums.

He stands up. He looms over her. Her heart jumps. But he just walks to the stove.

She sits there. Body shaking. Breath trembling. Hands shivering.

He puts two bowls of noodles on the table, along with forks and napkins.

"No reading at the table," he says.

He plucks the book out of her hands and tosses it behind him. It spins through the air and lands on the couch.

She looks down at the bowl. Steam rises from it.

"Don't worry," he says, "you still haven't earned roofies."

She takes a deep breath. She's still recovering from almost coming. She picks up her fork. He starts eating once she does.

The noodles are delicious. But they're not sating her hunger.

adf44e  No.6368371


"What do you think?" he asks. "Too salty?"

"No, it's good," she says. Her voice is quiet.

"So you're going to church tomorrow?" he asks.

She nods.

"What's that like?"

She looks at him. He looks so genuinely curious. "Haven't you been?" she asks.

"Not since my dad kicked me out for a night for turning a statue of a cross upside down."

She giggles.

He looks at her. He's amused. "You're laughing? You really are a naughty Catholic."

She tries to look serious.

"Can't fool me."

She smiles.

"Maybe you should come to church with me sometime and find out what it's like."

"Hell no," he says.

She scoffs an embarrassed laugh at his cursing.

They soon finish their noodles.

She tilts her head thoughtfully at him. "What happened after your dad kicked you out?"

"Oh, nothing," he says. "I just snuck back in through the window, turned every cross in the house upside down, left through the front door, and never went back."

She looks at him with wide eyes. "Never?"

"Well, I went back to egg the place on Halloween," he says. "That was before I got mature." He puts a scallion on his fork and flings it at her.

She squeals and bats it away. She puts it on her napkin.

"How old were you?" she asks.

"Eh, sixteen or something. Whenever kids usually rebel against the people who are just trying to look out for them."

"Do you still talk with your parents?"

"Talked to them this morning. I told them all about you," he grins.

She stares at him.

"Told them you're a raging sex addict I'm trying to convert to Catholicism," he grins.

ee0468  No.6368372

What happens when an enlisted soldier is given an order that they know is inappropriate, but that they must follow?

How much guilt does that soldier carry? How much of that guilt manifests in physical ailments and suicide?

POTUS is the first person that recognizes the predicament these soldiers are in, and he is doing his best to rectify the situation.

Thank you, POTUS!

3b34fa  No.6368373

File: bcf989397a9ef22⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 700x394, 350:197, 43801233_303.jpg)


Breakfast is ready!

f269d5  No.6368374

File: 7332588ed2a32a9⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 577x433, 577:433, scratch MUH balls.jpg)


not "giving" in to anything

and who is this "you guys"….


adf44e  No.6368375


Her eyes get wide. She doesn't know what shocks her more. The lie, that he told his parents she was a sex addict, or that he told them about her at all. She wonders what he referred to her as.

"What did you call me, your 'sub'?!"

"Of course not," he says. "I told them you were my girlfriend."

She stares.

"They wouldn't stop nagging me about getting one," he says. "Had to get them off my ass. Figured you wouldn't mind, since you're so good at playing pretend," he grins.

"So it's just a ruse?" That's fine with her. She just wants to be clear.

"Just like all your 'no's and protests. When really we both know how much you're dying to be taken," he says.

She avoids the subject. "Where did you go after you left home?"

"Here and there. Wasn't hard for a smart, handsome guy like me to find his way in the world," he smiles.

"And you've never been back to your parents' house?"

"Why, want to come with me?"

She quickly shakes her head. "I couldn't face anyone who thinks I'm a…a 'raging sex addict'."

"I actually said you're a prostitute."

"What?!" she shouts.

"That's exactly what my mom said."

"Oh my goodness, John," she says.

"They don't call me a player for being serious all the time," he grins.

He stands up. "Do you want more noodles?"

"No, thank you," she says.

"Do you want more orgasms?"

She blushes. Looks away.

8d06e0  No.6368376


No need to step down to testify

4e2c03  No.6368377


I know some Christian families who refuse to celebrate Halloween bc it is a pagan holiday.

So they have for their children, what they call a Harvest Party. That way the kids don't feel like they are missing out on the fun.

I see no problem in substituting a wholesome celebration for an unholy celebration.

God gave the Israelites lots of festivals to celebrate and they all had special meaning relating to God's promises.

God also warned the Israelites not to engage themselves in idol worship and/or the festivities that accompanied idol worship.

773490  No.6368378


Someone working solo using a chemical spread at a grocery?

4334aa  No.6368379

File: 42e35e12dfd3d2a⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, 101_1400.JPG)

4c3f62  No.6368380


If I screw up the bake, it won't be because of captcha but very bad lagging, never had it like this before.

44f1e3  No.6368381


BO created this division. No one else. He alone can stop it. I'm done until the captcha's are removed. I'm not the only one. If you thought the ratio between anons and shills was bad before, it's only going to get worse now.


ThankQ anon for your thoughtful words. I care about this board. I've lived on this board and sacrificed so much for it. It has been difficult to watch the degradation here. This is the final straw for me. I can not and will not stand by and watch the final nail go in. You seem to understand what the fall out of the captcha's will be better than most here. There aren't enough good anons pushing back against BO for doing this.

When the captcha's are removed, I'll be back to dig and meme. Praying always. Hopefully, there will be divine intervention here before it reaches the point of no return.


de08e6  No.6368382

File: 1875d90a0bb87ac⋯.jpg (176.32 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, 2.jpg)



>OIG report


>something we posted

>incoming Q drop

>last of the month means they have to meet their quota

7afbff  No.6368383

"Coming right up," he says. He takes the bowls to the sink. "I want you to go wait for me in my room." He nods towards a hallway.

"Okay," she says meekly.

She goes into the hallway. She finds the room with the bed in it. It's spacious. It has a couch on one side. The window is on the other side. The shades are open. Outside is an intricate city skyline.

The bed is tidy, but the room is messy. The bed is an island in a sea of junk. There's stuff on dressers and stuff on the floor. Books, DVD boxes, men's underwear. She tries not to look too closely at any of it.

She's not sure if she's allowed to touch anything, but there's so much stuff everywhere that it's hard not to. She steps carefully onto the patches where the floor is visible. She makes her way to the window.

She looks out. Some buildings are closer than others. She can see dormant lamps in other people's living rooms. She thinks of dollhouses. The street is far below. The horizon is far beyond.

She sees movement in the window reflection. He walks into the room.

She turns around. When it was just her, the room felt like a home. Now it feels like a trap.

"What are you doing all the way over there, love?" he says. "Get back here."

He kicks stuff out of the way. He clears a wide space around the foot of the bed. She walks to it. She stands in front of him.

He lifts his hand to her shoulder. He trails a finger all the way down her arm. She shivers.

"Don't you know you're too little to be going home with strange men?" he says. His voice is low.

Her voice goes back to being tremulous. "Are you…are you going to rape me, Daddy?"

8378fe  No.6368384

File: ee1a13303ae65ef⋯.png (12.09 KB, 255x255, 1:1, jewpepe.png)

File: 1cf7e7067878a5d⋯.jpeg (15.97 KB, 166x255, 166:255, jewscalp.jpeg)

File: ae07735ccc518e4⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 893x884, 893:884, jewfinch.jpg)

<WTF is wrong with you?


Hi Shlomo, filtered kike

7afbff  No.6368385


He chuckles. His laugh rumbles. He trails his finger back up her arm.

"I only rape bad girls. Are you a bad girl?"

She shakes her head.

"Are you a good girl who does as she's told?"

She nods.

"Take off your sweater."

She unbuttons her cardigan. It's difficult. Her fingers tremble. She peels the cardigan off her shoulders. She holds it in her hands. He takes it from her. He walks away and sits on the couch. He leans back, arms spread wide over the back of the couch. He looks her up and down. Lazily. Lustfully.

She stands there in her blouse and skirt.

"Keep going," he says.

She touches her hair nervously. She puts her thumbs in her waistband and slowly pushes her skirt down to her ankles. She steps out of it. Her blouse covers her hips, barely.

She looks at him. Her eyes ask him whether she really has to do this. His eyes tell her she does.

She pulls her blouse over her head. She drops it to the floor.

She stands there in her bra and panties.

"Keep going," he purrs.

She unclips her bra. She slips it off her chest. She pushes her panties down her legs and leaves them on the floor.

She's naked, restored to the first state of Adam and Eve before their first sin.

d087f0  No.6368386


-? check the attack time in Poway, CA it is reported to be just before 11:30 am

-Comey's post was at 11:47 am

which means TWIYTC

45f8a8  No.6368387



ee0468  No.6368388


What the fu** is this copy pasta BS?


Your response was too fast.


f71e8e  No.6368390

File: 27b9dd5d8be522e⋯.jpg (36.1 KB, 371x500, 371:500, 27b9dd5d8be522e34f5b362859….jpg)

93db4c  No.6368391


You make me wanna stab you in the eye with a spoon.

4e743c  No.6368392

File: 90ff0c3376a2409⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 1011x1024, 1011:1024, 0dafaa9f57b4e35c2a03aefef7….jpg)


Yea i thought that as well.. Especially since it was around Kavanaugh confirmation.

[A] = April, B = Barr, C = Comey, D = Declass, E = ? F = Feinstein? Freedom?

Maybe we need to relook at single letters in [] and numbers in [] as well. I'll be digging while mining the salt in the meanwhile.

38e7be  No.6368393

File: eccb7bf6307991a⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 936x560, 117:70, abrams.jpg)


>What horrible shit is this from, 50 shades?

Bet it's that Stacey Abrams bitch- she wrote romance novels before she committed herself to satan.

d57c65  No.6368394

File: a8595918a37e1cb⋯.png (322.27 KB, 327x366, 109:122, a8595918a37e1cb46a0f692f3a….png)


Over Target anons

11204c  No.6368395


If the order is illegal or against regulations, the soldier does not have to follow that order. Of course he will get a ration of shit, but under mil law, he does not have to comply.

7afbff  No.6368396


"Mmm," he hums.

She freezes. She doesn't know what that means.

She stands there in her blush.

He gets up. He walks over to her. He touches her waist. He runs his hand up and down her back. His hand smooths over her bottom. He slips his fingers around and under her. They reach her sex.

She gasps.

"Did you do what I told you to do this week?"

She nods.

"Did you make yourself come?"

She shakes her head.

He puts his mouth to her ear. "You're such a good girl," he croons.

She passed the test. She completed her punishment. She starts to relax.

"I'm going to rape you now."

She gasps. She tries to back away from him, but he holds her tight.

"What? But you said—"

"That I only rape good girls," he grins.

She pushes at his chest. "I don't understand…"

"I want to use your delicious little body. Is that so hard to understand?"

She doesn't know how to answer.

He licks her ear. "This will only hurt a lot."

"No! Daddy, please—"

Suddenly, he picks her up. He throws her onto the bed. She sits up and scrambles to the head of the bed, getting far away from him even though she knows it won't help.

He quickly opens his pants. He takes out his cock. This time, she sees it. She can't miss it. It looks even bigger than in his videos. She feels a rush of fear.

He reaches over. Grabs her ankles. Yanks her towards him. She falls back on the bed.

The next moment, he's above her. She turns her head to the side. Her limbs lock up. She can't move. Her sex is pulsing. Her body is trembling.

She feels it on her thigh. His cock. She whimpers.

5e0cc4  No.6368397


Sucks to hear anon. I'm just gonna push through, not much else to do that wouldn't be abandoning the mission unfortunately.

839fc3  No.6368398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For captcha keks:

fc5c1b  No.6368399

Let's say that one shill is right, and the board is mostly shills, nobody else here but you. Do you know how bad they could fuck with a bakers head? Go on up ahead and find out for me.

1aceb7  No.6368400

bye bye RR

7afbff  No.6368402


"Mary," he says into her ear. His voice is soft. He says her name like he's asking her a question. It makes her feel in her heart that she's all right.

"Do you need to use your safeword, baby girl?"

Safeword. She knows what that is. But she doesn't think she needs it right now. She can't really think at all. She's too busy being aroused.

She shakes her head.

He grips her hair and pulls her head back. He growls into her ear. The growl makes her core clench. "So you like this?" he says. "You're such a naughty girl. You want Daddy to rape your virgin cunt?"

"No! Please…please don't rape me, Daddy…"

"Beg for it."

He pinches her nipple. She cries out.

d57c65  No.6368403

File: 26b24530af114a7⋯.png (528.59 KB, 675x696, 225:232, 26b24530af114a7ef232df607f….png)

8d0b13  No.6368404


BO is protecting the board from a massive attack. If you haven't been paying attention we are under attack across all platforms.

c762ec  No.6368405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shills ought to pay attention, cash had it right!

7afbff  No.6368406


"Beg for it, slut."


"Please, what?"

She trembles.

"Mary…" he says in a warning tone.

She takes shaky breaths. She whispers, "Please rape me."

He pinches her other nipple.


"Beg harder," he demands.

"Please rape me, Daddy," she tries to say. Her voice is weak. "Please rape my virgin cunt with your big cock…"

She feels that big cock against her sex. She whimpers.

"All you had to do was ask," he breathes.

He pushes. Hard. His cock forces her sex open.

"Ahh!" she screams. She bites her own arm. "Daddy, it hurts!" she whimpers. Tears fill her eyes. She didn't know it would feel like this.

She pushes weakly at his chest.

"I know, baby girl, I know," he croons. He grips her arms and pins them to the bed. "You're being such a good girl. Giving yourself to Daddy."

"No…please take it out," she whispers.

"Like this?" He starts to pull his cock out.

She nods. "Thank you, Daddy."

"Do you want me to take it out more?"

"Yes, please…"

He pushes back in.


"But look, if I put it back in, I can take it out more."

He starts thrusting.

She cries out. The thrusting makes her lose her mind. It hurts so much. It feels so good.

a53cdd  No.6368407

File: e09309b729f1fa2⋯.png (44.13 KB, 466x329, 466:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8846aa9d03dac1e⋯.png (936.43 KB, 736x971, 736:971, ClipboardImage.png)


No choice in the matter after the FF cali passover shooting; blaming & framing 8chan pol.

one fukingjoo died and faget drudge headlines

The Nation Mourns or some shitt.

Sunday was Orthodox Easter; instead of proclaiming

Christ Is Risen

across the globe;

once again mankind must bow down to the fuknjoos.

de08e6  No.6368408




7afbff  No.6368409



Her hands flail, but her arms are pinned. He thrusts slowly. She's feeling feelings she's never felt before. He's touching parts of her that have never been touched before.

He kisses her. He starts to push his tongue past her lips. She whimpers. That feels as dirty to her as his thrusting. She turns her face away. He lets go of one arm and grips her hair. He forces her face back to his. He penetrates her mouth with his tongue. She moans.

"Mmm…I love making you moan," he groans into her mouth.

He thrusts harder. She moans more. Her free hand scrabbles at his shirt, clings to it. His thrusting revives the tension she's been building all week. Her moans get higher. Bolder. He holds her on the brink of orgasm.

"Daddy!" Her voice is urgent.

"Do you want to come?"

"Yes, please, Daddy!"

"Come for me, Mary. Come on Daddy's cock," he groans. He bites her lower lip.

She comes. Pleasure consumes her. Spasms wrack her body. She arches up against him, but he pins her down. He keeps thrusting through her orgasm. It's the biggest and longest orgasm of her life. The deepest and heaviest. She feels like she wasn't living until now.

She thinks it's over now. But no, his cock doesn't stop pumping her sex. She's delighted.

c9e6ba  No.6368410


>actually believing this
















>fills out captcha

1aceb7  No.6368411

7afbff  No.6368412


did somebody say lube?

0e154e  No.6368413


IKR? The spacing just gets an automatic filter. It's as bad as watching the 12 year olds trying to hook up in Al Jazeera's chat feed, lol.

7c20d6  No.6368414


Penthouse Letters called. They said the rejects department is planning to sue

0102a2  No.6368415

File: 1dcbe0900671809⋯.png (822.17 KB, 797x719, 797:719, ClipboardImage.png)

Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

A 33-year old man has been arrested after a report of suspicious items at a property in Phillipstown, Christchurch.

Police were called to an empty property in Newcastle St about 3.15pm on Tuesday.

A police statement said houses on Newcastle, Glasgow and Harrow Sts were evacuated as a precaution.

The New Zealand Defence Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit were at the scene. The unit deals with explosives, however police have yet to confirm if any explosives were found.

Several officers and a police dog entered a property on Newcastle St about 5pm. A drone was seen flying near the property.


Masonic 33?

de08e6  No.6368416


NBC called 8ch out by name.

f71e8e  No.6368417

File: 3a756925111653d⋯.jpg (123.31 KB, 628x838, 314:419, Do Unicorns exist.jpg)

a50dcc  No.6368418

File: 8c5eec2730e0c6d⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1280x1828, 320:457, cat_walk.png)


true. i could rephrase that.

i didn't mean to imply that's why he left. he left because his job is done.

he will be a key figure in that trial because he knows the case (U1) very well.

should be a good show

7afbff  No.6368419


"No more, Daddy, please…"

"Oh, but you need more," he croons. "Daddy's not done with you. Daddy's going to rape you 'til you're sore."

He thrusts deep into her. She moans. She thought she was sensitive before. She's even more sensitive after her orgasm.

He sits up. He's still inside her. He pulls off his shirt and tosses it away. He leans back down. He makes a fist in her hair. He grips her hip and holds her in place as he thrusts. Her body still jolts.

He puts his mouth on her neck. Kisses it. Licks it. Sucks it. Nibbles it. Then he does the same to her left nipple. Then her right. The whole time, he thrusts. The whole time, she moans.

He returns his lips to her ear. "Oh, Mary," he breathes.

His cock is pleasuring her sex. But his voice pleasures her heart.

"Daddy…" she breathes.

"Come, Mary," he murmurs.

She gasps. Another orgasm crashes through her.

"Again, Mary. Again."

More orgasms strike her. Each one is like all her past orgasms combined. They blend together. They rise up. They assault her. They suffocate her. She doesn't want them to end.

He looks at her face. It's stricken with bliss. Her pleasure triggers his. He bites her neck as he comes inside her. The bite just makes her come harder. He thrusts his orgasm deep into her sex. He moans. Another moan. A sigh.

a1ffc0  No.6368420

File: acc590e5c4f025f⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1379x1824, 1379:1824, 1556604037373.png)


JA knows best!

7afbff  No.6368421


He keeps his cock inside her. He kisses her slack lips.

"You belong to me now," he murmurs against her lips. "Understand, little girl?"

She nods sleepily.

"Say it."

"I belong to you, Daddy. I'm yours."

He pulls out of her. Her sex still tingles. He lies next to her. He hugs her to his chest. Strokes her hair.

"I want to see you tomorrow after church, okay, love?"

She's surprised. She wonders if she'll be able being taken like this two days in a row. But she nods.

"Good girl."

She's his good girl now.


She lies awake in her bed. He didn't give her any assignments this time. But she still touches herself a bit. Her sex is sore.

She bled a little. Guilt returns to her. She could have saved that for marriage. But as she replays the day, she asks herself if she would have wanted anything to be different.

The answer?



647b1a  No.6368422

File: 71c8b27b0761f9e⋯.jpg (301.12 KB, 677x981, 677:981, IMG_281.jpg)

patriots remember!!!

d57c65  No.6368423

File: 75591e0c56617c6⋯.png (462.23 KB, 1006x499, 1006:499, Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at ….png)

0102a2  No.6368424

Germany will continue to train soldiers from Saudi Arabia despite its brutal military campaign in Yemen.

Germany will continue to train soldiers from Saudi Arabia despite its brutal military campaign in Yemen, reported German news agency DPA on Monday.

Five Saudi soldiers are expected to start an officer's training course in July with the German army, while two others are to receive similar preparation with the air force. Seven more Saudi soldiers will begin German language training in July in anticipation of starting officer's training in 2020.

The training was part of an agreement made in 2016 during an official visit by German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen.

Last year, Germany imposed a temporary halt on arms exports to Saudi Arabia following the assassination of Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi in a Saudi diplomatic building. However, it has lifted restrictions on certain components following French and British pressure.


Berlin also cited the 4-year-old Yemen war when suspending arms exports to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The conflict triggered what the UN has described as currently "the biggest humanitarian disaster in the world."

Christian Blex, an opposition state lawmaker for the far-right Alternative for Germany, criticized the military cooperation in a tweet, saying: "[Angela] Merkel, [Heiko] Maas, von der Leyen — anyone with their hand in the game is a disgrace," referring to the German chancellor, foreign minister and defense minister, respectively.


93db4c  No.6368425

All I really want to know is how to meditate with out falling asleep.

1aceb7  No.6368426

File: 50fc78e934e0edf⋯.png (216.2 KB, 550x381, 550:381, g1400970229763069693.png)

754d19  No.6368427


Scared of a guard they can’t bribe at GITMO.

Moves and counter moves.

7afbff  No.6368428


She dips her fingers into the holy water at church. She touches the sign of the cross on herself. She genuflects at the pew. Her sex is even more sore today. It aches when she kneels.

The whole mass, she doesn't hear what the priest says. She looks up at the light slicing through the stained glass windows. God's light. She hopes her soul, however stained, is still worthy of it.


John gives her a welcome kiss. It feels uncannily familiar. Like they're a couple who's been married for years.

He picks up a beach ball from the kitchen table. He tosses it to her. She catches it in both hands.

"Let's play a game," he says. "How's your balance, love?"


He walks over to her and takes the beach ball from her.

"Hold out your arms," he says.

She does. He pulls her arms straight out in front of her. He turns her palms face-up and presses her forearms together. He balances the ball up on her wrists.

It's easy enough to balance. She looks at him questioningly.

He stands behind her. He slips his hands under her shirt. He touches her waist, her stomach.

She gasps. She drops her arms and pushes his hands away.

"Uh uh uh," he scolds. "You're being a bad girl."

He wraps his arms around her. He holds her flush against his body. She melts into his arms. It feels so good to be held by him.

"Do you know what happens to bad girls?"

f269d5  No.6368429

File: 5b1559cf8a11934⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 553x401, 553:401, pepe tin foily's.jpg)

the shill "mgmt team" at work. They had a meeting and decided they were going to do….

Penthouse letter's

fuggen hilarious!

0ba4b3  No.6368430

Muh Captcha!


Some cheese to the whine?

229223  No.6368431

File: 6c0c42197ea3636⋯.jpg (243.89 KB, 1879x944, 1879:944, 1st of Mayday.jpg)

Patriot Anons

This is a theory

It maybe a stretch

4c3f62  No.6368432


Yup, Ben Collins on duty.

7afbff  No.6368433


She shakes her head.

He puts his lips to her ear. He murmurs, "They get punished."

Suddenly, he drags her to the kitchen table. He bends her over it. He flips up her skirt.

"But, Daddy—"

"Uh uh. No buts. Except this one."

He spanks her bottom. A sharp slap slashes the air. The sound is worse than the pain. But the pain is still pretty bad.

"I'm sorry, Daddy!" she cries out.

He rips down her panties.

"No!" she whimpers.

He positions himself behind her. He leans over her body. She feels his hardness through his pants.

"You're sorry?" he croons at her ear.

"Yes!" she breathes.

He grips the hair at the back of her head. He pulls her up by her hair. She stands on unsteady feet. Her panties fall to her ankles. He pulls her backwards away from the table. She trips over her panty-shackles. She falls back against him. He catches her.

"Not very good balance at all, huh?" he grins. "This will be fun."

He kneels down and tugs her panties off of her ankles. She feels too exposed, but she's grateful to have the trip hazard removed. He puts the panties in his pocket.

"Round 2," he says. "Put 'em up."

She figures out what he means. She puts her forearms up. Now that she knows the rules, she'll be more careful about following them.

He puts the ball on her forearms.

"You'd better try hard, because I'm going to use any excuse I can to spank that sexy ass of yours again."

She holds as still as she can.

7c0b5d  No.6368434

File: 7a6362717850348⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 1555x652, 1555:652, SOLID_MAGA.jpg)

File: 3456d3eed2ebb27⋯.jpg (56.47 KB, 856x440, 107:55, BSQ.jpg)


This is BS #QAnon

Q stops posting, BO quits, new BV censors & namefags and now this. Play capthcha monkey every post. QR is dead by design. Please all go home, we;ll wind you up again for 2020 elections. I'm OUT


heres the asshole BO responsible


Fuck You Traitor Jack

de08e6  No.6368435


Unless the bots intend to post using our IP's. Who has that information?

Whatever. This is a clear indication they're scared.

fc5c1b  No.6368436


Try to fall asleep.

f71e8e  No.6368437

File: a89eb10a47c46b8⋯.jpg (337.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, a89eb10a47c46b84c29080ec72….jpg)


Best response against the bots.

93db4c  No.6368438


It's easy. LOL!

a1ffc0  No.6368439


Id like to punch you in ur ovaries

4c3f62  No.6368440


Notes @515

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368161 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

>>6368415 Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

Thanks for the call-outs, pretty slim pickings

a53cdd  No.6368441


only fuknjoo shills cry about captcha

de08e6  No.6368442


Bad news:


fc5c1b  No.6368443


Then try harder.

7afbff  No.6368444







He stands behind her. He puts his hands under her shirt again. He touches her sides, her stomach. She gasps.

His hands move up to her back. He unclips her bra. It releases her breasts. He moves his hands around to the underside of her breasts. He traces along their outer curves.

She doesn't drop the ball. Not even when he brushes his fingers over her stiffening nipples. She gasps.

He tickles the very tips of her nipples with his pinkies. She whimpers. She squirms a little. The ball wobbles. She tries to steady herself, but it falls.

"I'm sorry!" she says.

He makes a tsk, tsk noise. He pushes her forward to the table again. He bends her over it.

He flips up her skirt. She tenses. A worried whimper leaves her lips.


The sound smacks the air and her skin. She yelps.



He spanks both sides of her bottom.

"Daddy!" she cries out. "Please stop, Daddy! I'll be good!"

>all hail fastjackoff

ab23c7  No.6368445

Ezekiel 33:33

When all this comes true, and it surely will, then "they" will know that a prophet was among them.

0102a2  No.6368446

File: ef7b2edc8bbc44d⋯.png (83.52 KB, 913x917, 913:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2937cb1db9b6203⋯.png (80.33 KB, 956x917, 956:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01a4a8f5458136b⋯.png (69.4 KB, 955x848, 955:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 100af6639e67b21⋯.png (80.72 KB, 943x867, 943:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d621de000dea660⋯.png (561.98 KB, 908x854, 454:427, ClipboardImage.png)

CBD Has Unique Ability to Cross Blood-Brain Barrier

The cannabis plant has over 400 chemicals and at least 60 different cannabinoids1 — chemical compounds the human body is uniquely equipped to respond to. Of the two primary chemicals, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), only THC has psychoactive properties.

THC is the compound in cannabis triggering a “high,” whereas CBD has no psychoactive effects. Both compounds, and other phytochemicals found in medical marijuana plants, have a long list of beneficial effects on health.

Medical marijuana is a term used for the use of the whole, unprocessed plant or its chemicals to treat a medical condition.2,3 With the exception of four cannabis-containing or cannabis-related products for specific conditions with a prescription, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any “marketing application for cannabis for the treatment of any disease or condition.”4 On the other hand, some states have gone ahead and approved it themselves for certain medical conditions.5

The number of states that have decriminalized, legalized or allowed medical marijuana sales continues to grow. In some states, cannabis is fully legal or illegal, but in others the laws are mixed, allowing medicinal use but not recreational.6

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,7 notable scientific study results led to the creation of two FDA-approved medications containing cannabinoid chemicals in pill form, but not the use of the whole plant. Recently scientists proved CBD can carry other chemicals across the blood brain barrier, opening up its medicinal potential even further.

The Blood-Brain Barrier Is Designed to Protect Your Brain

More than 100 years ago, scientists discovered not everything injected into the bloodstream would reach the brain or spinal cord.8 Through research, scientists discovered the blood-brain barrier is semi permeable; in other words, it allows some materials to cross into your neurological system, but prevents others.


1aceb7  No.6368447


They? its just so damn anoying . fuck whoever did this, its not going to stop shills you dumb motherfucker

93db4c  No.6368448

9cb9c7  No.6368449



It's Ben Rhodes posting his manifesto.

5b0fe7  No.6368450

File: 828531da6f91c5b⋯.jpeg (478.57 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 734BE0D1-AA6E-4A95-80A9-6….jpeg)

90ed9a  No.6368451

The shills are feeling extra bootyblasted by the new captcha rules and another Dem taken down for election fraud. Remember when they used to argue Q was a larp… before they totally gave up on anything but shitting bread?

7afbff  No.6368452


"I know you will," he says in a babying voice. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll do anything Daddy says."

He rubs her bottom. Rubs the pain away.

He steps up to her. He grinds his hardness against her hips. She whimpers in shock.

She squirms to get away, but all she does is grind back against his cock. He growls and grinds harder.

She gasps and freezes.

He leans down to her ear. "What are you doing, little girl? Are you asking Daddy to fuck you right here on the kitchen table?"

She shakes her head.

"Could have fooled me, the way you're grinding on my cock. I think your little cunt needs to be reminded of what it's missing, don't you think?"

"No, please, Daddy, I'm too sore," she breathes.

"Aww," he croons in a babying voice, "you're sore?"

She nods.

He pulls away from her for a second. Then she feels his bare cock on her sex.

"No!" she yelps. "Please, Daddy!"

She squirms. Again, she grinds.

"Look at what you're making me do," he breathes.

He slides his cock up and down the outside of her sex. She whimpers.

"All I wanted to do was play a game. But you just couldn't wait to feel Daddy's cock again, could you?"

"No, Daddy!"

She tries to stand up, but she can't. He presses his body against hers. He rubs his cock on her clit. She starts to moan.

4c0b80  No.6368453


go make >>>/qshitpost/ then

a1ffc0  No.6368454


I dont post for bots. I post for lukers. One sided mind fuks r gay and anti-american.

Ppl need to think & not associate a pic w/ an idea.

4d6bad  No.6368455

File: c7f98793e8c42dc⋯.jpg (54.15 KB, 765x490, 153:98, lkjgfhhgfd.JPG)


So did ABC.

7afbff  No.6368456


He groans into her ear. Then he tears himself away from her. She lies there, stunned.

"Stand up," he says. He's breathless.

She obeys.

"Put your arms up."

She does. She puts her forearms into position. He scoops the ball off the floor and puts it on her arms. She tries not to shake.

He stands behind her. He tugs down her skirt. The ball starts to wobble, but she catches it by holding it between her forearms.

He voices an exaggerated gasp. "Mary, are you cheating?"

"I'm sorry," she says. She puts the ball back.

He pushes her to the table again. She whimpers.





"Daddy, please stop!" she cries out. "I won't cheat again!"

"You'd better not," he growls.

He leaves her. He goes to his room. She stands up from the table.

He comes back. He's holding a length of rope. The sight of it thrills her.

He slings the rope over a chair. He pulls her shirt off. Her hair gets all messy. He rips her bra off of her chest. He kicks her skirt to the side and throws her clothes with them.

She's naked. She hugs her arms to her chest.

"Uh uh," he says.

He grabs her arms. He binds her forearms together, from her wrists to her elbows. The rope is now the only thing she's wearing.

He pulls her arms up into position. He puts the ball on it.

"Last chance," he warns.

She doesn't even know how she can win this game. She'll just hold on for as long as she can.

He stands behind her. His hands alight on her waist. They roam all over her body. Down the front of her thighs. Around to her bottom. Up her back. Back down. Around to her stomach. Up to her breasts. Upon her nipples. She has to try so hard not to squirm.

"Daddy, I don't want to play this game," she says.

"You don't?" he croons.

She shakes her head.

"Then let's hurry it along."

He goes to his room again. When he comes back, he's holding a feather.

Oh no, she thinks.

He smirks at the look on her face.

f269d5  No.6368457



you have the ancestry story duped, hooked to the Japanese description

ad6540  No.6368458


A Nikon DSLR for Video????

You are joking, right???

90ed9a  No.6368459


then why are all the shills crying about how it won't stop them?

d57c65  No.6368460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are you ready?

7afbff  No.6368461



He takes his phone out of his pocket. "I'm going to set the timer for five minutes. If you can last five minutes, I'll be gentle with you. If you can't, I'll fuck you hard."

She suppresses a shiver.

He puts the phone on the table where they can both see it. He stands behind her. He whispers in her ear, "But you wouldn't mind that so much, would you?"

He trails the feather along the outside of her thigh. She gasps.

"Do you want Daddy to rape you again?"

She shakes her head. "No, Daddy…"

He steps back. He trails the feather up and down her spine. She shivers. She manages to keep the ball steady.

He trails the feather up and down the backs of her legs. It tickles so much. He swirls it around each side of her bottom. There are areas on her bottom that are so sensitive that she squeals. Still, she doesn't drop the ball.

"You're so sensitive," he says. "And still such a good girl."

He steps to her side. He trails the feather up her thighs, her stomach, her breasts. He swirls the tip of the feather on the tip of her left nipple. Then her right. She whimpers and moans, but she doesn't drop the ball.

He looks at the timer. She has a good shot at winning.

"Legs apart," he says.

She opens her legs.


She opens them more. Her sex is exposed to the air.

4334aa  No.6368462

File: 0893ed6f62e8eef⋯.jpg (43.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 101_1456.jpg)


>▶Q Research General #8143:

de08e6  No.6368463

Well, my internet went down. Whole IP doesn't work now.

9cb9c7  No.6368464

File: c070baf93dc35ba⋯.jpg (152.12 KB, 497x500, 497:500, what.jpg)

7e35a5  No.6368465

File: 21bc909b53089ec⋯.jpg (119.39 KB, 720x633, 240:211, Snapchat-504405701.jpg)

Hey man.

a1ffc0  No.6368466


Why do u hate Jews?

8378fe  No.6368467

File: 55c30bf59deb947⋯.png (237.21 KB, 545x402, 545:402, ClipboardImage.png)

How many more (((" '" Anons '))) will complain about the captcha tonight?

You kikes are so easy to spot, IP hopping & copypasta'ing I'm done here & using almost the same script to tell us they're leaving 30 times..

7afbff  No.6368468



He brushes the tip of the feather on her clit. She cries out. "Daddy, stop," she says. "I can't take it."

"Good," he says.

He tortures her clit with the feather. She screams. She starts dripping with arousal. It's as if her sex is crying.

She looks at the timer. Twenty seconds left. She can hold on. She has to. Her sex is too sore for anything rough. But more importantly, she wants to prove that she can be obedient. A good sub.

Ten seconds left. Her clit screams for more pressure.

Five, four, three—

John hits the ball away. Before she can process what's happening, she's bent over the table. She's leaning on her bound arms.

"You naughty girl," he growls in her ear. "You think you could cheat Daddy out of raping you again?"

She whimpers. And when she feels his hard cock pressing against her sex, she cries out. "No, Daddy!" She wants to push him away, but she can't.

"You don't get to say no to me, you wet slut," he growls.

He forces his cock into her. She screams.

"Daddy!" she wails.

"That's right," he groans. "Scream for Daddy. Scream as Daddy rapes your cunt raw."

He plunges deep into her. She screams again. It's a different kind of pain compared to yesterday. It's more blunt, more broad. He withdraws almost all the way. He pushes all the way back in.

He grips her waist with his right hand. He thrusts long, deep strokes. She screams.

a9c19c  No.6368469


Gowdy is full of shit. Good riddance.

1aa36b  No.6368470


Shills don't like it.

They rely upon the timing of their posts to maximize entrainment.

Captcha's are a god send.

fc5c1b  No.6368471

Obviously, when they turned the shills off the quality of posts decreased. But does the Baker know whats going on?

a1ffc0  No.6368472


… same copy past huh.. lame.

7afbff  No.6368473


He moves his hand around to her stomach, up to her breasts. He kneads both of her breasts. Her screams waver into moans and whimpers.

He puts his hand in her hair. Pulls her back against his thrusts. His thrusts get rougher. He pulls out slowly and pushes in fast. Stabs her over and over.

"Do you like this? Huh?" he breathes. "Do you like being fucked hard?"

"No," she wails. "Please stop, Daddy…"

He forces her flat onto the table. Her arms lie above her. Her breasts are pressed against the table.

He thrusts deep into her. He groans into her ear. That groan drops to the pit of her stomach. He turns her head to the side. Kisses the nape of her neck. Nibbles it. Licks it. It's a tantalizing combination of sensations. The light tickle of his tongue. The tight grip of his fist. The hard thrusts of his cock.

"Daddy," she whimpers. "Please…"

"Do you want to come?"

"No," she breathes.

"You don't? Why not?" he breathes. "Huh? Why don't you want to come, little girl?"

"It's too much, Daddy…"

"Too much?" he croons. "Too much for baby girl's sore little cunt?"

She nods.

He lets go of her hair. His hand trails down her sides. Around to her clit. She gasps. He rubs her clit.

"Come, baby girl. Come for me."

She comes. It's a brutal, exquisite orgasm.

He feels her body tense. Hears her telltale moan.

"Oh, yes," he groans in her ear. "Mmm…Good girl."

He keeps thrusting. Keeps rubbing her clit. Keeps making her come.

ad6540  No.6368474


Lief, what the fuck is you point? You have been driving both sides of this Shill bullshit since the day you got your BV status revoked.

93db4c  No.6368475

a9c19c  No.6368476


Maybe sleep is what you need.

4c3f62  No.6368477


What's the sauce for the second one?

7afbff  No.6368478


He can't hold on anymore. "Oh, Mary…" he groans.

He comes. He pours his orgasm into her sex and his moans into her ear. He shoves a few last, desperate thrusts into her.

She feels his cock pull out of her poor, raw sex. She already knows how sore she's going to be. And she thought her sex couldn't get any more sore after yesterday.

She feels his semen seeping out of her. It tickles her clit.

He spreads the lips of her sex open. Admires the view before wiping it up with a napkin.

He pulls her up off the table. He walks her over to the couch. He lies down and pulls her on top of him. They lie together. He cradles her in his arms.

He lazily unties the ropes around her arms. Her arms are striped with imprints.

He strokes her hair. He strokes from the back of her head down to her back.

"Thank you, Daddy," she murmurs.

"Mhm," he hums.

He kisses the top of her head.

He holds her for a long time. As long a time as he spent taking her.

"I want to show you something," he says.

They sit up so he can get off the couch. She watches him walk to the kitchen table. Gosh, he looks hot.

He walks back to her. She tries not to look at his cock. But she does. She can't help it.

He plops down next to her, to her right. He pulls her legs over his lap. Wraps his left arm around her. He's holding his phone in his right hand. He holds it sideways and hits play on a video.

"Oh my gosh," she says.

7d624a  No.6368479

File: 6765029aaff3743⋯.png (231.55 KB, 1015x736, 1015:736, mafia.PNG)


UNTOLD STORY: Jihadists have also infiltrated the FBI. In fact, a "dirty" Muslim agent in Los Angeles field office compromised a multi-agency terror investigation by tipping off ringleader of cell under surveillance. See pp 116-117 of my book MUSLIM MAFIA:


4e2c03  No.6368480

File: b246a4d28555945⋯.jpeg (34.93 KB, 255x164, 255:164, image.jpeg)


Stole this from the last bread

e9b698  No.6368481


lost the sauce on this

but way back when HRC's email scandal started

I came across a pdf (?) of the protocol of the intelligence community

when classified information is lost

or made public

well, whatever

the protocol involved an audit to analyze any damage done

or any assets that were endangered

and then the process to protect assets

or fix the loss of information


what do you think they had to do

when they realized HRC had exposed the entire system to hacking

did anything get done before President Trump took over?

and so, it occurred to me

it might take TWO YEARS to completely rebuild the national security framework

and nothing could be done until it was finished

thus – the mueller investigation

to cover the rebuild

as an excuse to the international community

about various things that could/could not be done at the moment

because of the Special Counsel

making all players

good guys

44f1e3  No.6368482


>BO quits, new BV censors & namefags and now this. Play captcha monkey every post. QR is dead by design.

This is exactly what it feels like. Many anons said there was fuckery when BO quit. I stayed on the fence about it, until tonight. I'll be praying Q moves to another board with a trusted BO.

1aa36b  No.6368483

File: 4664ff2c50825db⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 601x601, 1:1, Comfy They told me I could….jpg)


Rofl, oRly?

Do go on~

93db4c  No.6368484


*closes blinds*

a1ffc0  No.6368485

File: 815de4a19b51297⋯.png (851.63 KB, 1300x1936, 325:484, 4Sup1745.png)


Sing it brother! Someone Grab him a Podium!

4c3f62  No.6368486


thx anon, will fix, trying to deal with lag is distracting me.

5496c2  No.6368487

File: cb03eee273d4376⋯.png (167.72 KB, 478x430, 239:215, 2019-04-30_02-05-45.png)

File: 68d661762e98900⋯.png (191.93 KB, 508x345, 508:345, 2019-04-30_02-09-59.png)


Thumb in - sign of the curse/Satan?

1aa36b  No.6368488


Your scapegoat shtick is stale, get some new material!

d57c65  No.6368489



7afbff  No.6368490


She sees herself. Her back, her bottom. His cock rubbing her sex.

"/'You naughty girl…You think you could cheat Daddy out of raping you again?'/" his voice says.

She watches in awe. She's awed at how she looks. She's awed at how she sounds. Most of all, she's awed at how hot the whole thing is. The sex, the fact that he recorded it. It's like she's watching her own rape.

She sees him force his huge cock into her. Sees it scrape in and out of her overstretched sex. The flesh on her hips ripples with every thrust.

"So, what do you think?" he asks. Like an artist showing his work.

"I…I couldn't say," is all she can say.

They keep watching. It's a long video. There are parts she doesn't even recognize because her mind was so far gone.

The angle changes. It's when she's flat on the table. He has the phone in front of her. Mary watches her own expression. In the video, her eyes are closed and her lips are open. She can't believe she looks like that. And it looks so hot to see his lips on her ear and her neck as her whole body shakes from his deep thrusts. It's making her sex tingle again.

"Wow," she says.

"Look how sexy you are, Mary," he smiles. "Did you even know I was taking a video?"

She shakes her head.

"You were just so into it, weren't you?"

"And so out of it," she says.

He chuckles. "Fucked on camera," he says. "You're a bona fide slut now." He grins at her. "Get it? 'Bonified'?"

She laughs. He's so silly.

8378fe  No.6368491

File: 23164864f6a22ca⋯.jpg (14.91 KB, 255x143, 255:143, shillresponse.jpg)


<Too late kike you're already filtered, so fuck off

4c89d7  No.6368492


They will be having to keep manipulating the data more and more to cover for the truth.

Next there will be corporate demands for uniform DNA interpretation, and all will have to comply.

13c1c7  No.6368493

File: 078707fa2c43c00⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1061x601, 1061:601, Screenshot_2019-04-29 trum….png)

File: 059c045628b334a⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1069x608, 1069:608, Screenshot_2019-04-29 joe ….png)

Can you tell the difference?

Keep America Great!

7afbff  No.6368494


"Think I should put this on the website?" He's just joking. They already established that posting her online is a hard limit.

She smiles and shakes her head.

"But just imagine how many people we could make jealous! What's the point of having a great time if you're not going use it to make someone else feel bad about themselves?"

She laughs. "I don't want to make people jealous!"

"How about angry? Is that better? We could donate it to a Catholic sex-shaming organization for them to use in their educational videos. 'Listen up, brethren, this is what sin looks like.'"

She laughs.

He smiles. He keeps joking, "'Don't watch it, don't think about it, and definitely don't jack off imagining that you could be the one fucking this beautiful woman right here.'"

She blushes and smiles. "I'm yours only," she says. She kisses his cheek.

That does something to his heart, but he tries to ignore it. His only.


That night, she falls asleep with an ache in her sex and a smile on her face.


She's at work. She's staring off into space.

Report Story

845e49  No.6368495

First it was shapefag now it’s fanficfag, what’s next gymteacherfag?

839fc3  No.6368496


Imagine a river in your mind while meditating. The most beautiful you can imagine. Each thought and feeling that distracts from this perfect moment in your mind must be let go of as if it was a leaf floating on by. Learning to use your mind to create while meditating should help. Most meditation guides advise you clear your mind which is what many people do to fall asleep.

3425cf  No.6368497

Resignations in the news today






Baker - please don't miss these (they're a bitch to post with the new captchas)

f71e8e  No.6368498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a53cdd  No.6368499

File: 1b423b330ff04b5⋯.png (116.22 KB, 282x807, 94:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e72aafe46db111b⋯.png (263.16 KB, 601x629, 601:629, ClipboardImage.png)


Watching @ChrisCuomo getting owned with facts is glorious…😎

"You have a big audience…getting smaller by the minute now." 🤣

4:11 PM - 29 Apr 2019

ad6540  No.6368500


You are as transparent as you are idiotic.


You are not a scapegoat. You are fucking evil.

44f1e3  No.6368501


>abandoning the mission

which makes me feel like shit, but I see no alternative, unless Q migrates again. I think that should be the next step.

8378fe  No.6368502

File: 866d37b58b8e9a8⋯.png (1.34 MB, 853x766, 853:766, kikebishslap.PNG)


<Moar filtration

<Someone Grab him a Podium!

1aa36b  No.6368503


Just imagine how many times milts got the captcha wrong.

I'm dying

7afbff  No.6368504



"You know," a voice says.

She starts and turns around. Her coworker is standing at the entrance of her cubicle.

He says, "I've been standing here waiting for you to notice me, but you're apparently too busy memorizing the pattern on the wall."

She laughs. "Sorry, Michael. What can I help you with?"

"Well, I was going to ask you for a copy of the shareholder report, but now I want to know what's got you dreamy-headed."

She smiles. "It does seem like a dream, doesn't it," she says wistfully.

He guffaws. "Wow, Mary! You've got it bad."

"What is it I got bad?"

He looks around and lowers his voice. Shields his mouth with the back of his hand as if he's about to say something forbidden. "Love."

She smiles a confused but guilty smile.


She walks through his door.

He immediately slams it and pins her against it. He grinds his hips against hers. She gasps. She can feel how hard he is. He kisses her. He pushes his tongue into her mouth. She moans.

She tries to push him away.

"Mm," he hums into her mouth. "I love it when you struggle, little girl. The harder you fight, the harder I get."

He fumbles with his pants. Then he puts his hand under her skirt.

"No…" she whimpers.

She pushes at his hand. It's no use. His hand finds her sex. He rubs her sex roughly. She moans.

He wrenches her panties to the side. He picks her up. She finds herself wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Daddy, I don't understand…"

She feels his cock against her sex. Her eyes get wide.

"No, Daddy!" she whimpers.

She holds onto his shoulders. She tries to push herself as high up as she can. Away from his spear of a cock.

"Shh, baby girl," he murmurs. "It'll be over soon, and by that time, you won't want it to end."

He lowers her onto his cock. Spears her. Her head tilts back. She cries out. She's still not used to this feeling. It's so intense. He groans against her neck. He kisses it.

a9c19c  No.6368505


I usually pass out about 10 mins into meditation but the meditations still “work” after I awake.

15e323  No.6368506


(Super \pb)

More numberfagging

[90 days]1 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds -> 1 + 5 + 5 + 6 = 17

7afbff  No.6368507


He thrusts. She moans. His thrusts are slow but hard every time. Her hips bang against the wall. He's so deep inside her. The whole weight of her body is sinking her down onto his cock.

"Ugh, you feel so good," he groans against her neck. "Does this feel good to you?"

She just moans.

"Answer me, little girl," he breathes.

"Yes…" she breathes.

"Do you want to come?"

"Yes, please…" she admits.

"Too bad," he croons.

He digs his nails into her bottom. She screams.

"Ohh…" he moans. "Ugh…" He comes. He thrusts hard into her sex. Rough, urgent thrusts. He breathes hard against her neck.

He slowly lowers her to her feet. She stands unsteadily. He reaches under her and puts her panties back in place.

She's flustered. She doesn't understand why he didn't let her come. Her bottom stings. Her unfulfilled pleasure tingles in her sex.

"Did I do something wrong?" she says quietly.

"Oh, Mary" he croons. He holds her close. "Of course you didn't, baby girl."

Tears fill her eyes. They surprise her. She's not actually that sad, but the way he's soothing her is making her body respond this way. It's like she's showing her vulnerability now that she's been given permission to be vulnerable.

He strokes her hair. "You're such a good girl."

d57c65  No.6368508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are One

93db4c  No.6368509


I'll try. I don't visualise well. LOL. Picture a river..i see the inside of my eyelids. 😂😂😂😂🙈


f71e8e  No.6368510

File: 0e55938f79f53fa⋯.jpg (14.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 00a0a007de70dac9e803fe3c02….jpg)

fc5c1b  No.6368511

Obama got some shit past the censors, but compared to Trump? Game over.

90ed9a  No.6368512


yep, it just makes their shilling seem less organic since now they have to manually reply to every anon they can find to try to create some sort of organic rhythm to the bread.

This is what Mossad faggots get for backing retards.

4c3f62  No.6368513


Thanks for posting them–and then reposting again, KEK.

7afbff  No.6368514



She wraps her arms around him. She nuzzles her face against his chest. Her tears dry.

He kisses her forehead.

"Are you all right?"

She nods. She gives him a meek smile.

"Had to make sure you had that just-fucked look before I took you out to dinner."

Wait a second. "Out?" she says. Doesn't that break the Playeur's second rule? She thinks through her mental haze.

"It's opposite day!" he says. "Or should I say, it's not opposite day," he says with exaggerated mystique.

She giggles.

He steps away from her. He gets his coat, puts it on. He opens the door and walks out.

"Wait, we're really going out?" she asks.

"Unless you'd rather stay here by yourself. There's a vibrator in the right kitchen cabinet," he calls over his shoulder. He strides away.

"Wha—" She goes out and closes the door. Turns the handle to make sure it's locked. She trots after him.

They wait at the elevator. She looks at him. He looks back at her. He grins at her confusion.

"Let's play the quiet game," he says. "The winner gets to have sex with the loser."

She laughs.

"You've lost already!"

"I didn't know the game started already," she giggles.

The doors open. There's no one else inside.

They go in.

"Game starts now."

The doors close.

Suddenly, John pins her against the wall. It's no less thrilling for being the second time today. She gasps.

"I swear, if you do so much as whimper, I will fuck you right here."

He puts his fist in her hair. He pulls her head back and kisses her. He starts putting his hand under her skirt.

"I want to make you come," he murmurs against her lips.

He rubs her clit. She gasps. She wants to moan, but she stops herself.

Her sex answers to his touch. The orgasm he didn't let her have before now rushes through her. It's potent and powerful. Her eyes roll back. She would fall to the floor if he weren't pinning her to the wall with his body.

The doors open.

"Good work," he says. "You win. You can get your prize from me later."

He steps away from her. She steadies herself. She follows him out of the elevator. Her orgasm still buzzes in her mind.

"Wait, John," she whispers, "how did you know I'd come before we arrived?"

"I didn't," he grins.

She scoffs playfully at him.

They walk down the hallway and out to the lobby.

There's an older couple standing off to the side. They start to walk towards her and John. She's confused. She looks back and forth between them and John. Oh NO, she thinks. Her heart drops.

"Mom, Dad, this is Mary," he says cheerfully.

Her face is the reddest it's ever been. She sticks out her hand. "Hi, M—Mrs. Smith, Mr. Smith," she stumbles.

"Mary!" cheers the woman. She shakes Mary's hand. Then she gives her a hug. "Please, call me Evelyn."

27ff29  No.6368515


Hello Awan's.

f269d5  No.6368516

File: 928735acbb8260c⋯.jpg (91.92 KB, 729x495, 81:55, sessions confirms.jpg)


it's pretty slow news-wise. hollah if you need something

0cf7ce  No.6368517

Message to deepstate members: You will not stop this. This is not just an internet message board. This is truth. No matter how hard you try to silence the truth, it will spread. You have lost because you underestimated us. You thought your crimes would never see the light of day, you were smarter than everyone else. Now it is our turn to attack and we are more powerful than you could have ever imagined. You have hurt so many innocent people and now it is time for you to feel the same terror your victims felt. This is just the beginning, it will get much worse for you.

7afbff  No.6368518


"And I'm Ben," the dad says. He shakes her hand and hugs her. "We're so happy to meet you," he says. "I can't tell you how long we've been waiting for our little Johnny to find a lady."

She just smiles. She has no idea what else to do. She keeps smiling and nodding all the way to the restaurant. They tell her about their little Johnny. How he put food coloring in his and his siblings' toothpaste, and they all went to school with blue teeth. How cats used to follow him home because he'd give them his lunch. How he won an award in fifth grade for being the best student in the whole class.

"Mom," he complains.

"Johnny, I carried you in my belly for ten months, and I still can't sneeze without peeing a little. The least you can do is let your mama brag about you to your first girlfriend!"

He puts his hand on his head. Mary smiles at him. He looks legitimately embarrassed.

They walk into the restaurant. They get seated. When Mary sits down, she thinks she feels John's semen spread against her sex.

Aside from that, she's feeling remarkably at ease. His parents are so nice. They smile at her. She wonders if they really think she's a prostitute. She's glad she's not dressed like one. On the outside, anyway.

"So you work in finance?" his dad asks.

"Yes," she says with relief. Thank goodness. John must have told them the truth. Or at least, the truth about her job. Maybe not about them being…like, boyfriend and girlfriend.

"What church do you go to?" his mom asks.

"Oh, St. Elizabeth's, out in the financial district," she says.

"How lovely. We go to St. Agnes. Father Isaac was the one who baptized Johnny. Though some would say Johnny baptized him!"

Both of his parents laugh. She smiles. She looks at John. John rolls his eyes but smiles.

"I can tell where John gets his great sense of humor," she says.

1aa36b  No.6368519


You think I am.

That's for sure.

7afbff  No.6368520


"What sense of humor?" his mom says with a serious face.

Then his parents look at each other and crack up again.

Mary laughs. This is definitely not how she was expecting to spend this evening. She loves it.

The waiter takes their orders, and soon the food arrives. John picks up his fork.

"Johnny," his mom says in a warning tone. As if he's five years old. "First we need to say grace."

John whispers to Mary, "Grace."

She giggles.

His parents hold hands and extend their hands to Mary and John. Mary holds his mom's hand. John goes along with it. In the back of her mind, Mary smiles at the fact that John is holding her hand in public.

"Oh, Lord, thank You for providing for us, Your servants. Please bless this food, that it may bless our bodies. In Jesus's name. Amen."

"Amen," Mary says.

Everyone but John makes the sign of the cross on themselves. His parents pretend not to notice.

They eat. The food is delicious. John's parents take turns telling stories. After a while, John even contributes some of his own. Mary listens happily. She knows she's being delusional, but the four of them already feel like a family. She hopes she'll get to meet his siblings someday. And maybe she'll even introduce John to her own parents…

When the bill arrives, John takes it out of the waiter's hand and thanks him.

"No, no, Johnny boy, let your old man celebrate this day," his dad says.

John hands the waiter his credit card. "Too late," John says. He doesn't owe his father anything, and he's going to keep it that way.

On the way back to the apartment building, Mary and John's mom are walking together, and John and his dad are a few paces behind them. They're chatting in pairs.

John's mom leans close to Mary. "Mary, we need your help," she says. She takes Mary's hand.

Mary looks curiously at her.

"Johnny has drifted from grace," she says. "He's lost. He hasn't been to church since he was sixteen. But I know God sent you to help him find holiness again."

Mary feels a pang of guilt that she's already slept with John.

The men in the back have gotten quiet. They're probably listening.

"Can you do that for our Johnny?" his mom asks.

Mary is taken aback, but not in a bad way. She thinks it's so sweet of his mom to ask something like this, and of her. "I will do my best. May God give me the strength for it," she says. She puts her other hand on his mom's hand and squeezes it.

"Oh, you'll definitely need strength!" the older woman laughs. "Johnny is more stubborn than Saint Peter at the gates!"

She smiles. Behind them, John's dad laughs.

7c20d6  No.6368521

File: d720b27b789d30f⋯.png (330.35 KB, 767x400, 767:400, Dio.png)

45f8a8  No.6368522


I like it.

4e2c03  No.6368523

File: 71306cf65f340db⋯.jpeg (38.99 KB, 474x394, 237:197, image.jpeg)

0ef7db  No.6368524


E= Epstein

4c3f62  No.6368525


Notes @590

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368186 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

>>6368415 Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

>>6368479 Paul Sperry: UNTOLD STORY is that jihadists have infiltrated the FBI too

>>6368320, >>6368325, >>6368329, >>6368332 Resignations in the new today


thanks–just anything I mighta missed

8378fe  No.6368526

File: 848842fb7d6c1ef⋯.png (75.14 KB, 642x745, 642:745, potuspoints.png)


Yup, shilling for food soon, when POTUS cuts off aid to Kikeland, he hinted about it at last MAGA rally

9c9827  No.6368527

File: 8aeebcc50ed9c94⋯.jpeg (102.34 KB, 1080x969, 360:323, 4D2C8EA7-905B-40EC-91D7-6….jpeg)

902f67  No.6368528

The deep state must be really terrified. The shilling with stupid slides that have nothing to do with the subjects of this room are out of control tonight/

7afbff  No.6368529



They get to the apartment building.

"Where'd you park?" John asks. "I'll walk you to the car."

"And leave Mary by herself? Didn't your mama teach you better?"

"We'll go together," Mary smiles.

They walk to the parking garage. Even after they get to the car and John opens the door for his mom, his parents keep talking with them for ten minutes. They're just so excited.

"Okay, Mom, we have to go now," John says.

"Then stop holding us up," his mom says. "Mary, tell him to be a good boy."

Mary bursts out laughing. She hopes his mom doesn't know why.

John grins at her.

His parents get in their car. John and Mary watch them drive away.

Mary turns to him. "John, your parents are so delightful!"

"I think they want to trade you for me in their offspring lineup," he says.

She giggles. "You're so much like them."

He gives her a sharp look. "Don't make me go all Satan on you to prove you wrong," he says. His words would be funny if his voice weren't so low.

She looks away. Her sex wonders how sinful he can get. Her brain tells her sex to be quiet.

93db4c  No.6368530

I havent remembered a dream in over 20 years. I'm pretty sure my dreams are broken lol

fc5c1b  No.6368531


And my fork.

7afbff  No.6368532


"If they only knew," he smirks.

He starts walking out of the garage. She follows him. He walks towards the apartment building. But to her surprise, he doesn't go in. She trots over to catch up to him.

"Where are we going?" she asks.

"That dinner was way too virtuous," he says. "I need some vice."

She guesses she'll find out soon enough what he means by that.

"So you didn't really tell them I was a prostitute?"

"Hell no," he says. "I don't need to give them more reasons to be disappointed with me."

"They're not disappointed with you, John," she says. "They just want the best for you."

"And you know this because you've known them your whole life?"

She's quiet. She ventures, "All I know is that a mom who brags about the award her son got in fifth grade is a proud mom."

She looks at him. He smiles.

"Hey, I worked hard for that award," he says.

She giggles.

"I divided, like, a billion fractions for it."

She laughs.

As they walk, she keeps touching the back of her hand to the back of his. First as if it were an accident, but then more insistently.

Suddenly, he pulls her into an alley.

"Stop it," he says. "We're not dating. I am not going to hold your hand."

She's startled. Tears flood her eyes. She's crying, and this time, she means it.

"Yes, Da—I mean…yes, John," she figures she should say.

He instantly regrets what he did. It's only fun to make her cry when it's a game. Now he's hurt her for real.

He puts his hands to her face. Brushes her tears away with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry, baby girl," he says.

She looks up at him. Her tearful eyes look straight into his soul. For a moment, he forgets where he is.

"It's opposite day," she says. "So that means if we're not dating, you have to hold my hand," she pouts. There's a hint of a smile behind her pout.

He smiles. "All right, love," he says, "since it's opposite day, we'll do what you want."

He picks up her hands. He folds her arms behind her back. She gasps. He holds her wrists tightly in his left hand. He pulls her body against his.

She feels a clench of arousal in her chest. This is totally worth having him be mean to her.

"How's that?" he says. "Am I holding your hands tight enough?"

She nods.

He puts his fist in her hair. Pulls her head back. She gasps.

He doesn't kiss her lips. Instead, he kisses the trails her tears traced down her cheeks. He tastes the salt of her sadness.

Her breath is shaky. From the crying, and from the being aroused.

327cb6  No.6368533

File: 64d5ccc23306e6b⋯.png (245.86 KB, 588x569, 588:569, ClipboardImage.png)

mason cunt and new BO FastJack has a VERY shill twatter.

for example, here, he joins the attack wave of shills attacking the loud voices.

FastJack retweeted this account called "occulturalism".




Call out those mason fags!


2f4297  No.6368534

File: fc89eab086ea3be⋯.jpg (104 KB, 639x660, 213:220, Screenshot 2019-04-30_02-1….jpg)

File: 878e98f843676cf⋯.jpg (42.57 KB, 601x227, 601:227, Screenshot 2019-04-30_02-1….jpg)


f269d5  No.6368535

File: 82f80bd95d6203b⋯.jpg (26.14 KB, 474x380, 237:190, pepe aussie.jpg)

Australian right-wing senate candidate resigns after strip-club video emerges

SYDNEY (Reuters) - The leader of Australia’s right-wing One Nation party, Pauline Hanson, said on Tuesday one of her senate candidates has resigned from the party after footage emerged showing him making derogatory comments and touching a dancer in a U.S. strip club.

The resignation, less than a month before a general election, threatens to further erode support for One Nation, which has seen voters abandon it after a series of scandals.

Hanson said Steve Dickson offered his resignation after an Australian channel aired footage from an undercover investigation by the Al Jazeera network that showed him putting money into a dancer’s lingerie while talking in disparagingly terms.

“Steve’s language and behavior was unacceptable and does not meet my expectations nor the greater public’s expectations of a person who is standing for public office,” Hanson told reporters.

Dickson has apologized for the incident in a statement. He said he was drunk.

Professor of political science at Flinders University, Haydon Manning, said Dickson was one of One Nation’s best-known candidates.

“This video adds to the picture that the party is in disarray and will hurt its support,” Manning said.

One Nation’s troubles could intensify a battle for the right-wing vote among small parties and independents challenging the conservative Liberal and National parties.

A Newspoll for the Australian newspaper on Monday showed One Nation on course to win just 4 percent of the primary vote in the May 18 election, half of its expected tally a month earlier.


f71e8e  No.6368536

File: 1bb4e3df4793d91⋯.jpg (16.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, pepe.jpg)

File: 6e05c7d120bb0cd⋯.png (280.05 KB, 1278x1008, 71:56, 678b1eea793852e6291d2cb54d….png)

File: 23e093ed47dc5de⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 657x527, 657:527, eyes.jpg)

File: a802f9bf7babe84⋯.jpg (83.92 KB, 1280x892, 320:223, 5be3366247aa8428bde3bf8879….jpg)



a9c19c  No.6368537


Yeah, the Penthouse Letters shills are pretty bizarre.

839fc3  No.6368538


Keks. You make the captcha whimps look like weak sauce normies with all your posts!

7afbff  No.6368539


He kisses her lips. He nibbles her lower lip. She whimpers.

Her panties had dried by now, but she's sure getting them wet again. Wet eyes, wet sex.

He slowly lets go of her. His hands run down her body. He takes her right hand in his left. He leads her out of the alley. He looks down at her. She's beaming up at him. He smiles. Maybe giving her what she wants isn't so bad after all.

"Just for today," he warns.

She nods. Still beaming. She can be distraught later. Right now, she's just elated to have someone holding her hand as she walks down the street. It's her first time.

They reach a part of town where people are prowling more than walking, and signs are glowing with neon reds.

"Have you ever been to a club?" he asks her.

She shakes her head.

A group of women pass them. They're wearing nothing but sequins, yet Mary is the one who feels inappropriately dressed. She looks down at her calf-length skirt. She picks at her thigh-length cardigan.

"You look great," he says.

She smiles at him.

They keep walking. Heavy beats rumble out of the open doors they pass.

He stops at a doorway. She can't tell what makes it different from the other doorways. He lets go of her hand so he can take out his wallet and pay the bouncer. He takes her hand again and leads her inside.

They enter a world of dark bodies and thick music. She feels like she's breathing in sound.

A woman walks up to them. She asks them to follow her. They walk through clusters of people. The hand-holding is a navigational necessity now. The hostess presents them with a round booth and table. He speaks to her. She nods and goes away.

John puts his hand on Mary's lower back and leads her to sit down on the booth's bench. He slides in to her right. They have a view of most of the club.

He props his left arm on the back cushion of the bench, around Mary's shoulders. He leans close to her ear. He has to, the music is so loud.

"Now this is more like it," he says.

She turns to him. "I'm definitely not dressed right."

"Do you even own a thong?"

"You mean sandals?" she says.

He laughs. He kisses the side of her head.

A server comes back with a bottle of vodka and a shot glass. She asks if they need anything else. John shakes his head. The server leaves.

"Now, one of my favorite games is Truth or Dare," John says. "But you never choose Dare. So we're going to play a different version."

He takes the shot glass and tops it off with vodka.

"Dare or Drink."

She looks nervous. The most alcohol she's drunk is the wine at church.

"Go on, pick one," he says.

She hesitates. She looks at the shot glass. She picks it up. She sips it.

She coughs. It's so strong.

He laughs.

"That's not drinking," he says. He takes the glass out of her hands. "Like this." He puts to his lips and throws his head back. It's gone in one go.

He hands the shot glass back to her. She holds it. He takes the bottle and tops off the glass.

She looks at it. She grimaces and drinks it the way he did. It burns her throat all the way down. She coughs more.

"First time?" he grins.

She nods.

He puts his lips to her ear. "You're such a naughty girl, letting Daddy corrupt you."

His voice makes her sex tingle.

"Dare or drink," he says.

She can't do another shot right now. "Dare," she concedes.

He grins. "I dare you to take off your panties."

She gives him a pleading look. She shakes her head.

"Drink, then," he says simply.

Her throat still burns. She looks around. She doesn't see how she could take her panties off without it being obvious. It's dark, and no one is watching, but still.

"May I go to the restroom to take them off?"

He smiles and shakes his head.

It was worth a try. She shifts the back of her skirt up. It's still covering her legs in the front, but this way, she can reach under it to get to her panties. She slips them off of her hips. Down her thighs, over her knees, off of her feet. She hopes she's not going to make a wet spot on the bench.

He takes them out of her hands. He puts them straight up on the table. Her eyes get wide. He grins at her. People walk by. They don't even look at them, but for all she knows, they're judging her hard.

"Dare or drink," he says.

a9c19c  No.6368540


If you smoke pot, you can’t recall dreams.

4c3f62  No.6368541

File: 2e838c4d540eb93⋯.jpg (10.5 KB, 206x245, 206:245, barrrel of laughs.jpg)


Righto, anon!

8d0b13  No.6368542

File: 2ae538d1a9ff526⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 478x358, 239:179, fork in the face.jpg)

90ed9a  No.6368543


I wonder when their resources get so low they just mass spam breads without even trying to bait anons into engaging just to control exposure to normies. Their next immediate tactic will be projecting and accusing every anon post of being pasta, they already tried it in this bread to me but I didn't reply. Do not reply to faggots and watch em starve.

7afbff  No.6368544


captcha runs through my veins

a50dcc  No.6368545

File: 6038c8b2c686f10⋯.gif (2 MB, 352x265, 352:265, trump_duck.gif)

File: 1eea18ce8e02a95⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 1000x123, 1000:123, huber_barr.jpg)

File: 8904403ee0ea68a⋯.jpg (324.05 KB, 833x1511, 833:1511, barr_fbi_probe.jpg)


>bread hasn't been this comfy since we first moved to hatechan.

Comey report that is coming is from Huber.

Huber is investigating everything [Clinton].

Comey's misconduct opens the door to HRC > U1

0ba4b3  No.6368546

File: 3d6911b2da34cca⋯.png (95.54 KB, 807x571, 807:571, 117.png)


That might be quite a stretch.

Q#3058 03.14.2019


Thats 1month and 17days ago.


Stealth bomber?

7afbff  No.6368547


She's afraid to see how much more daring his dares can get. "Drink," she says.

He tops off the shot glass. She drinks it down. She coughs.

"Good girl," he croons in her ear. "I want to make you helpless."

She feels heat in her core. It's not just the vodka.

He kisses her ear.

She's definitely going to make a wet spot.

She feels like people in the club are watching them. She doesn't look to see if she's right.

"Dare or drink," he says. He licks the crest of her ear.

Her breathing is getting shallow. "Dare," she says.

"Take off everything but your sweater," he says. "You can keep your shoes on."

She looks at him. "No, John, please," she says.

"Uh uh," he says. "Ask Daddy nicely."

"Please, Daddy, please don't make me take off my clothes," she says.

"Either you do it or I will," he warns. "And I won't stop at the sweater."

She gasps. She looks away in defeat. She looks around at the crowds of people. When she thinks she has the highest chance of everyone looking away, she starts retracting her arms in her sleeves. She could unbutton her cardigan first and take it off, but no way is she going to do that. She resorts to her middle school locker room tactic, using the cardigan as a covering while she contorts herself out of her bra and shirt. She gets them around her waist. She puts her arms back in her cardigan sleeves. She pulls her bra, shirt, and skirt down over her hips and legs. She puts them on the bench next to her.

"Impressive," John says.

902f67  No.6368548

>>6368540 You obviously haven't smoked much pot. If anything they enhance your dreams and your ability to remember them.

a9c19c  No.6368549


Pish. What a pussy. That shit is almost a requirement for our Congress.

45f8a8  No.6368550

Anons…If I filter an ID on accident, how do I bring it back live?? Thank you!!

2bd6f5  No.6368551

File: 68de862ef4708a5⋯.jpg (98.9 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 1556605270268.jpg)

You bigots can’t argue with this!

327cb6  No.6368552

File: dc38d3f1a326385⋯.png (268.84 KB, 588x546, 14:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a980fa0f95c3ed1⋯.png (246.75 KB, 588x609, 28:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c852a975a9a98db⋯.png (13.54 KB, 386x288, 193:144, ClipboardImage.png)


mason scum is running the board.





44f1e3  No.6368553


Isn't that what the captcha's were suppose to stop?

140b34  No.6368554

File: eeac705b6157f82⋯.png (732.58 KB, 712x475, 712:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e17acd108e5381b⋯.png (131.87 KB, 168x266, 12:19, ClipboardImage.png)

“Being normal is boring!”

― Marilyn Monroe

e8b384  No.6368555

Amen I'm ready!>>6368460

f71e8e  No.6368556

File: c09888d192c4ec0⋯.gif (539.48 KB, 354x304, 177:152, William Barr.gif)


Not true. Individuals react individually.

a9c19c  No.6368557


Incorrect. I’ve smoked pot since long before you were born. This is a consensus opinion. Assumefags on here are always the stupidest.

7afbff  No.6368558



She giggles nervously. The neckline of her cardigan dips in a low V. The hem of it is long enough to cover her hips, but just barely. She feels so exposed.

He puts his right hand on her right knee under the table. She tries to push it away.

He grips her hair in his left fist. Slowly pulls her head back.

"Uh uh," he scolds her. "Are you asking to be punished?"

She can't shake her head. "No, Daddy," she breathes.

He slips his right hand up her thigh. She whimpers.

He touches the front of her sex. She gasps. He rubs her clit. She squirms on his hand.

"Moan for me, baby girl," he groans in her ear.

She moans. She blames it on the alcohol dissolving her inhibitions. Still, she hopes the music drowns out that sound for everyone but him.

He kisses her throat. "Good girl," he purrs. She can feel the vibrations of his voice on her throat, and he can feel the vibrations of her moans on his lips.

"You're so sensitive," he murmurs. "Do you want to come?"

"Yes, please, Daddy…"

"Come," he commands.

She obeys. The music and her orgasm reverberate through her body.

He doesn't stop rubbing her clit. He raises another orgasm in her. Her moans heighten. She comes again.

He lets go of her hair. Her head lolls on his shoulder. If she wasn't drunk on alcohol before, she's drunk on orgasms now.

He strokes her hair. She opens her eyes. She thinks she can see some people looking at her. She feels so red. Neon red.

"Do you like putting on a show for other men?" he says.

She immediately shakes her head.

"It's opposite day, little girl," he says. "Choose your answer carefully."

She's flustered. The one drink she had isn't helping her think.

"Look at those men out there," he says. "They're staring at you. They want to fuck you. Do you want them to fuck you?"

"No! I mean—Daddy, I…I don't know what to say."

"Opposite day, little girl. If you say no, that means yes."

She bites her lip. Then she gives him a thoughtful look. "I guess that's usually true."

He laughs. He kisses her forehead. "You are adorable."

She smiles.

He picks her up by her waist. Sits her on his lap. She can feel how hard he is. His left arm, he wraps around her waist. The right hand he slips into the V of her cardigan.

"No!" She squirms.

"Mary," he says in a warning tone. "If you keep grinding on me like that, I'm going to fuck you in front of everyone until we get kicked out."

She gasps. She stops moving. She holds onto the arm around her waist.

His hand fondles her left breast. He kneads it. Runs his fingers over her nipple.

She sees a group of men looking at her from a ways away. They smirk. They say things to each other. She turns her face away from them.

"You see that, little girl?" John murmurs. "You see how much they're enjoying your show? Wishing they could be the ones taking advantage of you?"

His words make her burn.

"Dare or drink," he says.

Such a difficult choice. She can't tell if she's had too much to drink already. But she knows that a dare would definitely be too much.

"Drink," she says.

He takes his hand out of her cardigan. He pours a drink for her and holds the shot glass to her lips. He helps her down it. She coughs again.

"Dare or drink," he says immediately.

She makes a noise of frustration. "Daddy, please, not yet."

"Dare, or drink," he says. Slowly. Ominously.

She flounders. "Drink."

He pours another glass for her. Pours it past her lips. She coughs.

"Dare or drink."

She looks around at him in desperation. She doesn't want to drink. She doesn't want to do a dare. She doesn't want to ask him to stop.

"Dare," she says.

2f4297  No.6368559

package defused

93db4c  No.6368560




Everyone is different

4c3f62  No.6368561



Notes @630

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368186 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

>>6368415, >>6368534 Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

>>6368479 Paul Sperry: UNTOLD STORY is that jihadists have infiltrated the FBI too

>>6368320, >>6368325, >>6368329, >>6368332 Resignations in the new today

>>6368535 Australian right-wing senate candidate resigns after strip-club video emerges

7c0b5d  No.6368562

File: 929c87a7506a7ca⋯.jpeg (802.03 KB, 649x1823, 649:1823, 929c87a7506a7cac6c3a41f09….jpeg)

File: 2feb13680914200⋯.jpeg (352.45 KB, 1054x1008, 527:504, 2feb1368091420015adb2b4a9….jpeg)

File: 99080a3aee4e1bc⋯.jpg (37.37 KB, 937x279, 937:279, 8bit.jpg)



It was posted when 8bit switched out

>>6121805 pb

>>6121836 pb

heres the asshole BO responsible


Fuck You Traitor Jack

899ced  No.6368563

File: dd73b4b31e2cee6⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 612x473, 612:473, Think MirrorQ.jpg)

File: f22475a2c53b5d1⋯.jpg (333.81 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, WJCP.jpg)

File: b328e556c7fe0c1⋯.png (7.38 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, Knight Shift 01.png)

File: ac3d3e00b0e8944⋯.jpg (273.57 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, NS Worldwide 01t.jpg)

Night Shift

I ligit started lurking about March 2018

Lurking for about 3 months before I ever posted

Instead was tracking each bread info into a spreadsheet

Going back to bread one on Q Research

Spreadsheet is current thru this bread.

I have posted here, received a few notable listings

Made many memes that have been posted by others

Kinda fun seeing that happen

And have had a great time interacting with both Anons and shills.

But am deciding to return to just LURKING and tracking

Personally do NOT appreciate the new capcha policy

But understand why and guess BO has reasons.

I think breads go slow enough on night shift even before the capcha change, and will hate to see how much slower posts will be entered now, and breads will prolly take foreva to finish

But too slow for me and laborious for each capcha needed

So back to lurking I will go

Thanks for the past interactions.

And I'll be watching behind the scenes.


fc5c1b  No.6368564


With POTUS is going around telling people the news is fake, there happen to be a non-zero amount of people who believe that a significant percentage of terror incidents are not what they are being reported as. Even if that is the case, especially if that is the case, people deserve to have a trusted source of information in their government leaders and both sides are claiming the other side is lying their asses off. Why haven't they told us what they are really fighting over yet?

9cb9c7  No.6368565



take it outside boys. or should we now be expecting the pot/dream slide for the rest of the bread and into the next?

c2f241  No.6368566


He chuckles. The victory in his voice makes her feel like she made the wrong choice.

"Ask one of those men to dance with you."

She whips her face towards him. Looks at him in shock. She can't even find the words to ask if he's serious.

He's grinning.

She starts shaking her head. "John, that's going too far."

"It's just a dance. Unless you'd rather fuck them."


"Does that mean yes?"

She shakes her head.

"It's opposite day. You'd better fix your answer, or I'm going to have them tie you up and rape you tonight."

She whimpers.

"Do you want them to rape you?"

He runs his hands over her thighs and stomach.

"Hmm?" he asks.

"Um…yes?" she whispers.

"What's that?" he grins.

"Yes," she says.

"Say it. Tell me what you want."

"I want them…to rape me," she says. Her core clenches. Her mind spins. She doesn't know what she's saying, but it's opposite day, and he would never let that happen anyway…

"Good girl," he says. He kisses her neck. "Now tell me how you want them to rape you."

Her head lolls back. The alcohol is really getting to her. "I don't know, Daddy."

"Do you want them to blindfold you so you can't see how many of them there are?"

He puts his right hand into her cardigan again. She gasps.

"No—I mean, yes," she breathes.

He lazily massages her breast.

"Do you want them to tie you up so you can't fight them?"

"N—um…yes…" she gasps.

"Do you want them to gag you so you can't scream as they take turns raping your delicate little cunt?"

"Yes, Daddy…" she whimpers.

He holds her nipple between his thumb and middle finger. With his index finger, he brushes the very tip of her nipple. It's so sensitive that the teasing is like torture.

She gasps and squirms.

He growls. He keeps her nipple pinched between his fingers. He keeps teasing the tip of it. Aggravating her pleasure.

"Daddy, you're going to make me come," she whimpers.

"Do it," he says.

She comes. Pleasure tingles in her nipples, her sex, her compromised mind. Her head falls back on his shoulder. Her back arches. Her chest thrusts forward. Still, he keeps his fingers on her nipple. He molests it through the duration of her orgasm.

e9b698  No.6368567


creeps making things big and important

that are nothing but crap

looks to me more like a symbol of DIVISION

which makes more sense

the arrogance of some people

who want to have unfair power over others

and who use deception

even if we had the magic power to cause things to happen

why would we?

How can you see what God is doing

if there are people out there trying to ACT LIKE GOD –

you might be able to find proof of God

if you kept your damn hands off the magic

902f67  No.6368568

>>6368557 LOL ! You must be pretty old then, since I retired back in '08. I smoked a lot of pot and dropped a lot of acid over the years. I have experience, a lot of experience, so piss off, kiddie.

de08e6  No.6368569

4c3f62  No.6368570


thanks, was looking around on Twatter

c2f241  No.6368571


She sinks back against him.

"Good girl," he croons. "Coming so hard for Daddy as you think about getting raped by other men."

His words hit her in the core of her chest. They're so naughty. So wrong.

"Now go ask for that dance," he says.

After that last orgasm, she can barely keep her eyes open. "No, Daddy," she slurs.

He moves to the end of the bench. He stands up and pulls her upright.

"Which one are you going to ask?" he says.

She looks at him with wide eyes. He really means it.

She looks around the club. How is she supposed to pick someone?

"Choose carefully, little girl," he says.

What is that supposed to mean?

"Daddy, let's just go home," she says.

He can see she's slurring her words. Her stance is unsteady. Her eyes are unfocused. She's so vulnerable, and he loves it.

"Not until you've danced with another man," he says.

"But why, Daddy?" she whines. She leans against him. Clings to his shirt. "I belong to you. Only you."

He smiles. "I know. And that means I get to do whatever I want with you, and you're going to do whatever I say. Do you understand?"

She pouts. But she nods.

He grips her wrists and pulls her hands off of his shirt. He angles her towards the room.

"Go," he says.

She takes timid steps away from him. Timid, teetering steps. She holds her arms around her body. Her cardigan is so low up top and so high down low that she feels as good as naked. She looks around. There's the group of men who were watching her before. She looks away in embarrassment. She keeps walking, but she somehow doesn't walk in a straight line.

She finds herself in front of them. If she could count right know, she'd know that there are five of them.

"How are you doing tonight, babe?" one of them asks. "What can we do you for?"

"Um…" She turns around to look at John. He's just standing there and grinning.

"Is your boyfriend gonna beat us up for talking to his girl?" another one says.

Not my boyfriend, she thinks hazily. "No," she says. "Could I ask…if one of you would dance with me?" Her words are slurred.

"What was that, babe?"

"I want…I want to dance," she says. She loses her balance. She stumbles forward into their arms. Into nothingness.


Mary wakes up to the feeling of her sex being ravaged.

She tries to scream. To struggle. To open her eyes. But she can't. Something's covering her mouth. Her eyes. Her arms are tied behind her back. Her ankles are bound. She's face down on a hard floor, and someone is taking her from behind.

"Oh, fuck yes," she hears. She panics harder. It's not John's voice.

She screams again into the cloth. Her scream is muffled.

Her body rebounds from the man's thrusting. Her sex is throbbing with sensation.

She feels a slap on her bottom. Another slap.

"Where's your boyfriend now?" he says.

She feels the man lean down against her body. She hears his panting. His tongue swirls into her ear. She screams another muffled scream.

She feels a hand pull the cloth down from her mouth. She screams with all her might. She sobs.

His lips assault her lips. He nips the side of her chin with his teeth.

The man sits back up. He lifts her hips so she's kneeling. Her cheek is pressed to the floor. He pounds into her exposed sex. She sobs hysterically. The blindfold is wet with her tears.

"Come on my cock, you fucking slut," the man says.

She can't help it. She comes. This is what her body responds to. Being used. Being raped.

Her orgasm is sharp and charged. Violent. Fiery. Her sobs become moans.

"Fuck!" She hears the man come. A moan. Another moan. A sigh.

Her head spins with pleasure, intoxication, and now confusion. The man sounds like John.

The man turns her on her side. She hears him laugh. It's John's laugh. The blindfold is torn from her face. She looks up at him. It is John. She's on the floor of his apartment.

She sobs in relief. "Oh, John," she sniffles. "I thought…"

He keeps laughing. "You thought you were really being raped?"

She nods. Tears keep dripping from her eyes.

"Thought you'd get that lucky, huh? Which one did you hope it was? The blonde one?" he grins.

He starts untying her arms and ankles.

"That's the one I got to record the lines," he says. He holds up his phone. "Such a helpful guy."

She doesn't say anything. She's still trembling from the intensity of it all.

He picks her up from the floor. He carries her to his bedroom. Lays her in his bed.

He kisses her forehead. He goes out to turn off all the lights. He comes back and lies crawls into bed next to her. He cuddles her under the blankets. Strokes her hair.

She knew the Playeur liked to joke, but what he did tonight was cruel. She really thought she was being raped.

fc5c1b  No.6368572


They are doing a better job considering the issue than the FDA did.

8378fe  No.6368573

File: 51b3efc4a72ad54⋯.png (711.27 KB, 857x481, 857:481, shillfood.PNG)

45f8a8  No.6368574


Glad to know you'll still be onboard Anon.

God's Blessings.


c2f241  No.6368575


And it made her come so hard. She's more of a sinner than she thought. What if it really were one of the men from the club? What if all of his friends were there, too? The thought makes her shiver with fear. And not just fear.

But whether or not she liked it, how could he do that to her? How could someone play a prank so cruel? It wasn't an act of love. Of course it wasn't, she reminds herself. He doesn't love you.

The reminder hurts. But it should. She's a sinner. She deserves to be punished.

She prays to God. She tells Him how sorry she is.

Her tears keep falling.


Last night, Mary awoke to her sex being pounded. This morning, she awakes to her hair being pet.

She opens her eyes. She sees John looking at her.

He kisses her forehead. "Good morning, baby girl."

"Good morning, Daddy," she says quietly. Her body feels lazy. Her mind feels heavy, and the aftereffect of the alcohol isn't the only weight on it. "What time is it?"

He picks his phone up from the nightstand. "Eleven," he says.

"Oh, no! I missed Mass! I need to make the noon service," she says.

She quickly gets out of bed. Too quickly. Her head was already muddled, but now the blood rushes out of it. She loses her balance. In a flash, he sits up and catches her as she falls back onto the bed.

"Careful, baby girl," he says.

"Sorry," she says.

He pulls her back against him. Lies her back down onto the bed.

"No," she whines playfully.

"Any chance I can convince you to skip church today?" he asks.

She giggles. "Any chance I can convince you to come to church with me?"

He laughs. "What's in it for me? And don't say salvation."

She laughs. "You don't have to come. But I have to go." She tries to release his grip on her waist. He lets her pull his arms a little bit away. But then he makes an X with her arms and holds them tightly against her chest. She gasps.

He holds both of her arms with his left hand. He trails his right hand up her thigh.

"No—Daddy, I need to go," she says.

She squirms, but he holds her against his body. His hand touches her clit. She gasps.

"John, I mean it," she breathes. "Red."

His hand freezes. Then he pulls it away and lets go of her.

"It's really that important to you, huh?" he says.

He abruptly gets out of bed.

"John," she says. She didn't mean to make him mad.

"Shower's that way, your clothes are there," he points. He doesn't look at her.

"John, I'm sorry," she pleads.

"Go on, you're late," he says.

"I'll come back right after," she says.

"Don't bother."

He pulls on some boxers and walks out of the room.

She just stands there. A minute ago, she was reveling in his compassion. Now all she's sensing is revulsion. He doesn't want her there. He doesn't want her.

He doesn't love you, the reminder echoes again. And now you've gone and made him angry. She starts to cry, but she's quiet. She quickly gets dressed. Every article of clothing feels tainted.

She goes to the kitchen. He's there. She doesn't look at him as she walks to the door. She wonders if he's going to say anything. She wants him to say something. She wants him to say anything. He's silent.

She looks down. She mumbles through her tears, "It's okay if you never want to see me again. This has still been the most fun I've ever had."

9cb9c7  No.6368576



stick with the same id so I only have to filter you once. show some courtesy.

de08e6  No.6368577

Bombs in Santa Monica pier and LA freeway were stopped.

Q, is the rest of this liberal shithole safe?

4c3f62  No.6368578


Yes, I pointed out this problem of slow breads–VERY slow breads–for night shift as the result of Captcha policy. 'Hope somebody takes notice.

9a199d  No.6368579



Nation would seem an oxymoron as citizens are subjects.

Perhaps he is referring to the government services corporations chartered under the Act of 1871, which created the municipal UNITED STATES, chartered in France I believe, to provide services to the municipal District of Columbia under control of Congress. The District has its own flag which may have a Templar Cross iirc.

Here's how they did it:



Also, see The Pharaoh Show this and previous breads; connects Templars, Switzerland, Nazis, Freemasons, Jesuits, World Wars, Banksters, oh, and Khazarians too wit further research

f269d5  No.6368580

File: 9e90a52b99713a3⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, Pepe thumbs up.jpg)


you good, have too many posts now. laying low as many will think I'm one of them now.

getting slides a plenty anyway

dd925e  No.6368581


your wish is my command

She opens the door and closes it quietly behind her.

She follows trails familiar enough that she can navigate them through blurry tears. Over to the elevator. Down the 32 floors. Lobby to sidewalk, sidewalk to cab, cab to home.

The whole time, she wonders if he's going to chase after her, but he doesn't. The whole time, she wonders if he's going to text her, but he doesn't. She agonizes over what she did wrong. Sleeping there overnight? Sleeping with him at all? Reaching out to him on his website? Being weak against temptation? Having those temptations in the first place?

Maybe it's a good thing he doesn't want to see her again. She wouldn't have the willpower to stop herself from sinning with him more. So much more. So many more times.

She goes into her apartment and takes off her tainted clothes. She quickly showers, not even waiting for the water to get completely hot first. She needs to repent. A cold shower is the least she can do.

The water flows, the crying stops. She thoroughly washes her hair and scrubs herself down. She even rinses her sex with her hand. She feels between the folds. They're very sensitive.

She dries off and throws on her clothes. She looks at the time. She can still make it to twelve o'clock Mass. New time, same sanctuary. She's starting to feel better. She heads back out the door.


She walks up to the church.

"Mary!" a cheerful voice says.

She turns to look. It's her coworker Michael.

"Michael," she says. "What a nice surprise." She didn't know he was Catholic.

"Is it your first time here?" he asks. "I haven't seen you here before."

"Oh, I usually go to the 10:15 Mass," she says. "I was…running late."

"Well, this is great," he says. "Now we can sit together."

They go in. Make their holy-water signs of the cross.

"I usually sit here," he whispers to her as he leads her to a pew near the front.

"Me too," she smiles.

"I knew I liked you for a reason," he says.

They genuflect and enter the pew. The priest begins the service. Mary feels the weights lifting from her mind. They might return later, but for now, it's nice to feel safe in God's house and have the comfort of His grace.

She doesn't want Mass to end. She doesn't want to have to carry her heart out of this shelter and into the lonely reality of the world.

When Mass ends, she thinks about going to confession. But Michael is still here, so she'll at least walk with him as he leaves.

They go to the doors of the church. More holy water. They step out onto the sidewalk.

Her stomach drops. John is waiting for her. The weights crash down again.


John's in his kitchen. He watches Mary walk out his door.

It's not the first time a girl has walked out that door. In fact, it's the thirty-second time. No big deal.

So why does he want to run after her? Why does he want to call her name and hear his name on her lips? Why does he want to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to his bed and never let her leave?

Is it because this is the first time he's seen a girl walk away crying?

Is it because this is the first time he's had a sub use her safeword?

Is it because this is the first time he's been in—

No. Don't even say it. Don't even think it.

He's a player. He's the Playeur. He's the one who does the playing. He's not going to let love play him.

f71e8e  No.6368582

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night_shift_circle.gif)


Thanks for the hard knocks.

10451c  No.6368583

File: 995219c75f7cbc8⋯.png (540.44 KB, 811x811, 1:1, gW and the 2nd.png)

File: e0e27eb805dd82d⋯.jpg (157.31 KB, 630x415, 126:83, HomeDepotOCT-3crop.jpg)

File: 75f459d5ad093c0⋯.png (406.48 KB, 490x767, 490:767, brilliant burn for virtue ….png)


lovely potus pic..stealing it

018d14  No.6368584

File: 26bcc1d6d69dfe1⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1838, 621:919, 7A540D88-1B4F-4DF8-9FC2-D….jpeg)

NEW p dap

9cb9c7  No.6368585


not hard to do a better job than the government.

f5b208  No.6368586

File: ec72032f77c7c16⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1918x864, 959:432, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Virt….png)

File: e8e3658f71003af⋯.png (633.97 KB, 544x570, 272:285, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Goog….png)

WIZRD42 back in it's fav spot on the map. I suspect in support of

Gryphon Group based at Laurinburg-Maxton airport

ed55ad  No.6368587

Biggest crime in US lottery history.

So far less than $1,300 has been repaid. At the current rate, Oklahoma estimates it will be fully reimbursed in 190 years.

Law and Order seems to not apply with these two crimminals.

Read how much they owe, how much they paidso far and how much they still own nin real property. Just gross how they get away with this. The states involved should be fuming that their lawmakers are not going after these for all that is owed and more.

Two brothers who were behind the largest lottery scam in U.S. history and owe more than $2.3 million in unpaid restitution and court fees recently transferred several properties they owned to their mother.

Tommy Tipton, a former Texas magistrate, has served his 75-day jail term and retains his longtime residence in Flatonia, Texas. The home — which was transferred in 2013 to a trust owned by Tommy and his now ex-wife — has a pool and a market value of almost $780,000, property records show.


Can't the DOJ get involved?

"If I was a taxpayer of somewhere like Oklahoma, I would be pounding at my government's door right now."


dd925e  No.6368588


Mary's heart jumps at the word.

John extends his hand. Michael shakes it.

"So you're the lucky guy," Michael says. He's nothing but friendly.

John hides his surprise. Mary talked about him?

"Mary's been head over heels for weeks. Right, Mary?"

She blushes and looks away.

"You two have a good day. See tomorrow, Mary," Michael says. He walks away.

John stares at Mary. His eyes burn into her. She can't tell if their fire is of passion or anger. She guesses anger. "Head over heels?" he says quietly. "You haven't broken my third rule, have you?"

She shakes her head. If she ever wants to sleep with him again, she needs to play the part.

John hides his disappointment. Of course she hasn't broken the rule. She doesn't love you.

"You're not in love with him, are you?" He nods in the direction Michael left.

She shakes her head very surely this time.

"Because when I said you could ask someone to dance, I didn't mean you could flirt with men you actually wanted to date," he warns.

"I don't want to date Michael," she reassures him.

"Why not? He's good-looking. He's Catholic. He's probably thought about fucking you in a conference room or two."

She gasps and shakes her head.

He takes her hand. He starts walking away with her.

She's happy but confused. Telling her not to bother coming back, but then introducing himself as her boyfriend. Letting her believe he never wanted to see her again, but then holding her hand in broad daylight. What's he playing at?

"Why did you tell Michael that you were my boyfriend?" she asks.

d57c65  No.6368589


Was at a meeting this evening with normies I've been involved with for about 4 years. I'd mentioned Q occasionally over the past year and a half. Tonight had 4 of em asking about Q.. KeK. There's no stopping what's coming!

0ac87d  No.6368590

It's so funny that I set you up for "success" and you all (((Failed)))

839fc3  No.6368591


Hi there is a cyber shadow civil war going on. Please refer to your civil war guide book to ensure full understanding of disinformation & propaganda.

15872d  No.6368592


check this one for context…


8d06e0  No.6368593

File: 22c9fb2386973cb⋯.jpeg (29.14 KB, 255x234, 85:78, 6C32A0A6-F590-4CDC-9FE4-D….jpeg)


Cameras are for pictures.

4c3f62  No.6368594

Fellow Anons, it's a tough night here on the board. Many strong opinions and unresolved differences. Would you all please PRAY for a speedy resolution to these problems, whatever they are? Thank you. WWG1WGA.

7f1078  No.6368595

File: 2c791981206f16a⋯.png (690.5 KB, 807x1028, 807:1028, Screenshot 2019-04-29 at 1….png)

dd925e  No.6368596






















































9a199d  No.6368597


Shilled by your own meme fool

>>>Theodor Herzel, 1897


Blame it on the Jews?


647b1a  No.6368598

File: d8562e49b5b00be⋯.jpg (328.87 KB, 1400x900, 14:9, IMG_556.jpg)

patriots want!

0e154e  No.6368599


Where would you like to start? The myth of white privilege, the accusation that white nationalists "target" Jews and Muslims or that there is a black Muslim Woman who is innocent of inciting her own murderous rampage?

Your butt-hurt, victim-hood is showing. The fact that you are calling someone else a bigot makes you one, as well.

I have a name for you: Jussie Smollett. Now stick that in your SJW craw and choke on it.

fc5c1b  No.6368600


Did somebody steal my idea to rig the lottery and launder the money by placing those ads where they sell you a program to make you lucky?

dd925e  No.6368601


She shakes her head. "I don't want them," she says. "I love you. I need you. I need you to—I need you to need me, too."

He looks at her. His expression softens.

"Please, John. You're the only man I've ever loved, you're the only man I ever want to love."

He looks at her with passion. He kisses her. He kisses her roughly, then slowly, then roughly again. He pushes her backwards to the coffee table again. Pushes her back on it. She moans eagerly. She opens her legs for him.

"Yes, Daddy, please take me," she breathes. "Make me yours."

"You are mine," he growls. He thrusts his cock into her.

She screams. His cock razes her abused sex. It feels hellish and heavenly.

But then he takes his cock out of her. She whimpers and looks pleadingly at him.

"Ask me to fuck you," he says.

She looks at him with big eyes. She takes a deep breath. "Please…fuck me," she whispers.

"Louder. So everyone can hear you."

She hesitates.

He pinches her nipple.

"Ahh!" she screams. "Fuck me, Daddy, please!"

He does. He buries his cock into her. He pounds her with all the fury, all the jealousy, all the lust he built up from watching other men enjoy her. And even worse, from watching her enjoy them.

0ac87d  No.6368602


No Ib don't pray for fags unless prey.

4e2c03  No.6368603




dd925e  No.6368604


Mary moans. Her nails dig into his back. Her legs wrap around him and pull him closer to her.

With all the other men, she's experienced extreme pleasure. Violent orgasms. A lot of new ways to feel good. But nothing compares to having John take her and make her his.

She comes. Her orgasm swells and crashes in her.

"Mary," he murmurs. "I love you."

As her orgasm drowns her, she feels his voice against her lips. Breathing life into her.


John stands in front of the church doors. He balks.

"Please, John, just this once," she smiles.

"You let your girlfriend take you to church one time, and pretty soon you're eating someone's body and blood."

She laughs.

"We don't have to come back next week if you don't want to, I mean it," she says.

"Don't you go tricking me now," he says.

She giggles, but he's only half-joking..

They walk through the doors. He's uneasy. If he weren't holding Mary's hand, his hand would be a fist.

The room is full of people. How can this many people be delusional? Fucking religion. If there's one thing he has to give it credit for, it's gaslighting more people than he ever could.

She lets go of his hand for a moment to dip her fingers in the water and make the sign of the cross. She slips her hand back into his. He can feel the remnants of the water on his skin.

"Where do you want to sit?" she asks.

"The make-out section," he grins.

"What?" she giggles.

He leads her to an empty pew off to the side and in the back. He watches her kneel and make the sign of the cross. He stands as tall as he can as he stomps into the pew. He sits down and puts his arm around her as if this were his living room.

The priest (the actual priest) begins the service. It's as boring as John remembers. He makes it as interesting as he can.

"Show us, O Lord, your mercy," the priest says.

"And grant us your salvation," the room replies.

John whispers, "You can have my salivation any time."

She playfully hits him on the shoulder.

John waits for the service to end. Talking happens. Singing happens. He puts his hand on Mary's knee, but she pushes it off. He lets her. She keeps her eyes straight ahead.

"Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again."

4c3f62  No.6368605


This is a JPEG, friend, plz either write it out or repost NB, thanks

dd925e  No.6368606


John whispers, "You know what else is risen?"

She smiles and shakes her head in disbelief.

"You know who else will come again?" he grins.

She has to stop herself from laughing. "Stop it, John," she whispers.

He puts his hand on her knee. She tries to push it away, but he doesn't let her. He slips his hand under her skirt. She gasps. She shakes her head, but he moves his hand higher up her thigh.

He puts his lips to her ear. "Mary, I want you to know that if this church weren't so important to you, I'd gladly get you kicked out of it." He kisses her ear. "I want to pin you down on this pew, push your panties to the side, and fuck you for hours."

She gasps.

"Would you like that?"

She shakes her head. But by now, he knows what that means.

He runs his hands over her thighs, and then he takes his hand out. She breathes a sigh of relief.

At one point, Mary kneels down on the padded bar to pray. She feels John's hand on her lower back. She whips her head around to look at him. She shakes her head and looks pleadingly at him.

His hand slips lower. She starts to sit back on the pew, but he pushes her back to her knees.

She feels his hand slip over her bottom, then under her skirt. She quickly reaches back to push at his hands, but he's too strong. His fingers reach her panties. He pushes them to the side and enters her. She suppresses a moan. She's grateful that the sound of everyone's singing is masking the sound of her whimpers.

He leans close to her ear. "Such a slut," he murmurs. "Letting a man finger-fuck you in church."

She gasps.

"Tell me what a bad girl you've been."

She covers her face with her hands.

"Say it. Say that you've been a bad girl."

"I've been a bad girl," she whispers.

"Yes, you have," he sneers. "Daddy's going to have to punish you later."

She whimpers. She relinquishes her self to the feeling of his fingers. Soon, she comes. She clasps her hands tight together and presses them to her mouth. Her eyes roll closed. Anyone looking at her would see a woman in exceptionally passionate prayer.

Her head falls forward on her hands. She catches her breath. He pulls his fingers out.

She climbs back on the pew. She looks at her feet. She's too afraid to look anywhere else. Someone might see her smiling.

He kisses her ear. "Shall I fuck you now?"

She shakes her head. "No, Daddy," she whispers.


She looks into his eyes.

"All right," he says. He holds her hand. "Not this time. We'll be back next week."

She looks at him and smiles. She smiles with all her heart.


a1ffc0  No.6368607

File: e9328f6ea6ca692⋯.jpg (350.84 KB, 1536x1638, 256:273, 9042019102134.jpg)

File: 8ef3b6cfec6d368⋯.jpg (560.95 KB, 1080x1762, 540:881, Screenshot_20190428-195252….jpg)

File: 53b80443db0b114⋯.jpg (115 KB, 1077x350, 1077:350, Screenshot_20190418-061648….jpg)

File: 2abffdf1c91c293⋯.jpg (447.13 KB, 1334x1251, 1334:1251, 20181024_235752.jpg)



>Shills don't like it.

>They rely upon the timing of their posts to maximize entrainment.

>Captcha's are a god send.

^^ what does this look like?

Let me give you a hint: CNN does it all the time.

They spin reality. They try to deceive the ppl from what is really going on. They claim we are shills. Look up my ID. Few of my posts, i have provided. Am i a shill? Am i anti-Q or Potus?

They tell you want they want you to believe, to think by skewing the information.

I am no shill but they try to project me as one to defend the captcha. A terrible idea, implemented by false logic, & ÷ing the board.

I am a Patriot but i will not fall victim to Indocuration. I am NO ONE'S puppet. I cannot be Bought! And i WILL not be intimided NOR WILL I EVER BACK DOWN. My heart beats for Justice and Freedom.

YOU cant manipulate the ppl all the time spooks! We r here to help the agencies not fight against u. You guys were the Ones who betrayed us!! YOU GUYS were the ones who let evil shit behind closed doors occur… And now u are asking us to help clean up the mess you guys let fester. When some of you turned ur backs on patriots to save ur own skin ( like Gunderson..etc)

I ask all of you who r reading this to ask ursleves what is going on here.

140b34  No.6368608

File: 47a39324b35eea2⋯.png (584.19 KB, 1579x760, 1579:760, ClipboardImage.png)

California Army veteran arrested for allegedly planning terror attack in ‘retribution’ for New Zealand mosque shootings

Mark Steven Domingo, 26, was nabbed Friday after receiving what he thought was a live bomb from an undercover officer, federal officials said Monday.



99f640  No.6368609

File: 10e89cc9b72f1a2⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB, 244x255, 244:255, goodlort.jpeg)

290e4f  No.6368610



Nothing solved and real anons annoyed.

8d06e0  No.6368611

File: 81806b363550821⋯.jpeg (343.66 KB, 750x1270, 75:127, A7EFB5EF-9BE2-4423-A918-4….jpeg)

File: 6dcb77dc4fb2272⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 5992261B-A34D-4E80-B82D-8….jpeg)


Fire on high

Smoke in the air

Blessings to all anons

This is the best time


1aa36b  No.6368612

Poor 'milts didn't get what he wanted so he's throwing a tantrum spam.

Crying us all a fucking river~

0ac87d  No.6368613

Anybody show em this yet?


Goodbye [RR]

dd925e  No.6368614

File: 387475a823c5759⋯.png (220.72 KB, 680x680, 1:1, honk.png)

4c3f62  No.6368615


Notes @630

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368186 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

>>6368415, >>6368534 Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

>>6368479 Paul Sperry: UNTOLD STORY is that jihadists have infiltrated the FBI too

>>6368320, >>6368325, >>6368329, >>6368332 Resignations in the new today

>>6368535 Australian right-wing senate candidate resigns after strip-club video emerges

>>6368586 Plane fag update

>>6368608 California Army veteran arrested for allegedly planning terror attack in ‘retribution’ for NZ mosque shootings

Baking soon

9cb9c7  No.6368616

File: 0b84b2de72281b9⋯.jpg (577.2 KB, 1242x1838, 621:919, papad_1129pm_4_29_19.jpg)


converted to jpg

018d14  No.6368617



Anon, this comes from a good place: (both what you said and what I’m about to say) don’t engage. The autists are always lurking along with anons. Contribute or lurk. No need to engage shills bickering amongst themselves attempting to get a rise. o7

1aa36b  No.6368618




de08e6  No.6368619



3f65f7  No.6368620


Oh look, the FBI foiled another attack that they set into motion. Is this guy retarded like so many others they entrap are?

9a199d  No.6368621


Slow bread before captcha happened, but why is that a problem?

Night Shift has been feeling more like the good old days, until Synagogue Shill showed up. Now we have a porn writer and Patriots Remember Idiot taking up residence.

eeb5a5  No.6368622


Your cube mate already tried the aspect of concernfagging you are right now, last week. They not paying you guys enough shekels to come up with something more original rather than recycling your bullshit?

e8b384  No.6368623

File: 7464bbb672dbafb⋯.png (522.21 KB, 1349x637, 1349:637, Doth not even nature itsel….png)

018d14  No.6368624


Thanks for the assist, anon. I’m phonefagging. Is there an app for that? Kek sure there is

5b0fe7  No.6368625

File: a59e1c1172db1a4⋯.jpeg (296.71 KB, 750x1089, 250:363, 686542DE-C3B5-446B-9E7A-2….jpeg)

4c3f62  No.6368626


thx, got it

018d14  No.6368627



f71e8e  No.6368628

File: d19f3154d82c780⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 800x400, 2:1, you-picked-the-5bb864.jpg)


Agreed, but the real bots can't handle, so real anons can cope. right?

4c3f62  No.6368629


Notes @630

>>6367974 More on May 4th, 10th, and 20th

>>6367976 How CAPTCHA Works

>>6368072 Planefag: USAF G5 VIP on final into Stansted ~ SAM998

>>6368167 Potus Schedule 4/30/19

(Baker Change)

>>6368161 Ancestry.com under fire as update to its database drastically changes the ethnicity of many users overnight

>>6368186 Japan to develop computer virus to defend against cyberattacks

>>6368415, >>6368534 Bomb squad called to 'incident' in Phillipstown, Christchurch

>>6368479 Paul Sperry: UNTOLD STORY is that jihadists have infiltrated the FBI too

>>6368320, >>6368325, >>6368329, >>6368332 Resignations in the new today

>>6368535 Australian right-wing senate candidate resigns after strip-club video emerges

>>6368586 Plane fag update

>>6368608 California Army veteran arrested for allegedly planning terror attack in ‘retribution’ for NZ mosque shootings

>>6368616 New PapaD


f16fbb  No.6368630



"Jesus Not Coming Back By The Looks Of It” Admits Vatican

428657  No.6368631


Stop your faggotass bitchin for one thing. Do u REALLY think letting them know their tactics are working is going to make them stop u Fuckin retard? Ignore it pussy and move on

647b1a  No.6368632

File: b52036d587607b0⋯.jpg (195.93 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

patriots look!

9cb9c7  No.6368633



no problem.

*posted using Captcha® Brand captcha.

327cb6  No.6368634



Anons will stay the course.

None of the shill tactics worked, bc anons know how important this fight for GOOD is.

Anons will stay the course, no matter what.

Shill will however suffer severe consequences for their doing.

de08e6  No.6368635



0ac87d  No.6368636


My kind of shill

816b90  No.6368637


It’s on. B-2

85f0b1  No.6368638

File: 88fca2ed22ac3c6⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1590x2319, 530:773, grease.png)

a1ffc0  No.6368639


? I sure hope my taxes arenr fundind u low iq anon. That doesnt even make sense.

327cb6  No.6368641

Masonry is going down!

Think for yourself is you want to be part of the evil cult when shtf.

Don´t let your masters think and decide for you.

Free yourselves.

290e4f  No.6368642


Who is feeling like the end of the 4ch Q deal….agggg

Since captcha hell the shills must feel like they are winning because they are thick.

10451c  No.6368643


NYT Sarah Jeong is their racist, american hating korean immigrant using left-prog Asian priviledge. What else would anyone expect?

839fc3  No.6368644


. "Pope Benedict XVI served as head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. " fake Pope took over and hates Jesus, loves Satan.

9a199d  No.6368646


Why did POTUS meet with Mueller the day before being appointed SC when he was unqualified due to term limits to serve as FBI Director, which was the cover story?

What might the meeting of military in an adjoining(?) room in the WH at the same time have to do with POTUS meeting a former(?) Marine?

Has Mueller been hunting subversives and traitors his whole career in law enforcement as a grey hat - one who has to cross the line into illegal activities to further an investigation?

85f0b1  No.6368650

He worked for Grease and probably on Cyprus for the pipeline, he's not working for Israel


290e4f  No.6368651


Ebot was petty amusement. The shills are worse and now they are swarming like fucking locust.

8d06e0  No.6368653

File: df48fff7325a4de⋯.jpeg (21.23 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 54C16198-A190-40CC-8F6A-F….jpeg)

File: d86ad4aa962064c⋯.gif (3.73 MB, 498x298, 249:149, D191AD67-9DF5-4A14-BB90-99….gif)

File: c0c696c19fbd887⋯.jpeg (272.05 KB, 1891x1229, 1891:1229, E2B34F8B-EC83-4455-9C45-D….jpeg)


Some people done did sumthin

90ed9a  No.6368654


fuggen saved :)

f311f2  No.6368655



nobody said all jews, but there are plenty jews worthy of our attention that (((glow like you))) at the highest levels of global illuminati/masonic DeepState, governments, agencies, organizations, thinktanks, companies, media.

these so-called 'muh jew' shills you complain about nonstop have only shared stuff that's backed up with sauce from what i've seen and, as such, shine a light on the role zionist/talmudic jews have played throughout history. If you deny that they've played a clearly subversive role throughout history, then you're the shill, pal.

4ba069  No.6368656

ITT anons forget that shilling and spamming a board with only one active thread is easy when you have millions of $ to throw at the effort

10451c  No.6368657

File: a9d804d21063f23⋯.png (356.36 KB, 888x499, 888:499, deplorable Q.png)

File: ccc00fa903e6e3f⋯.jpg (17.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, wwg1wgaUSA.jpg)


I dont mind.

However my dear late night shift anons, could nutty bread mean Q is going to post to patriots fight?

7ca8f9  No.6368658

File: 7f5b8c6a506873b⋯.mp4 (9.5 MB, 852x480, 71:40, SaudiArabia_NYrent_17.mp4)

Clip of Saudi Arabia bit and the NY rent that adds to 17. 113.57

bc838b  No.6368661

File: c85299b65b97c93⋯.png (728.69 KB, 618x1164, 103:194, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

File: 5bfc3e81464b12f⋯.png (299.36 KB, 594x798, 99:133, Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at ….png)

imagine being this gay




5795d2  No.6368663


I like this, this is nice>>6367932

4c3f62  No.6368664

9cb9c7  No.6368666


shilling, other than pron writer and captcha concerns, seems pretty slow at the moment.

a1ffc0  No.6368667

File: 7e700614ca813fb⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 382x254, 191:127, Screenshot_20190429-234839….jpg)

4c3f62  No.6368668


Plz fill in the bread before hopping over, thx!

90ed9a  No.6368669


is it? u retards stopped arguing Qboomerlarp last summer and are down to copypasta from erotic lit sites written by teenaged Israeli girls fantasizing about aryan cock?

f71e8e  No.6368671

File: 5fb04bcaedc2261⋯.png (57.92 KB, 638x544, 319:272, DEFCON.PNG)

b8e815  No.6368673

map at 1:32 Long Beach…? Wasn't the pic Q posted on 4/18 Long Beach?


f5b208  No.6368677

File: 2cf298c067aaf13⋯.png (13.5 KB, 434x122, 217:61, Screenshot_2019-04-30 Q Re….png)

9a199d  No.6368678


You seem sincere, so I won't yet call you a dumb-ass.

Do moar research before you honk like a clown though.


290e4f  No.6368679


Would be good. I wanna rip through some IG or FISA shit. Either that or go on AUS or UK board. Or is it still gonna be captcha over there. Fucking two in a row not ledgible.

90ed9a  No.6368680


>shills spend millions on Q, second most attacked target

>shills spend millions trying to influence those least likely to turn on Trump instead of focusing all resources on one target

srsly look in the mirror if the shills are spending millions here it is millions wasted on amusing us. Mossad lost the moment they felt Q was a threat.

f269d5  No.6368681

File: 11b9767b93085e5⋯.jpg (92.07 KB, 680x451, 680:451, pepe row row.jpg)

1aa36b  No.6368683


Good eyes.

269264  No.6368686

File: f4a8466f17dbb8f⋯.png (162.14 KB, 472x593, 472:593, FUCKOFFshills.png)

90ed9a  No.6368688


they're fuckin done, they're threatening to leave like they do every time one of their narratives gets busted

290e4f  No.6368690


The jew shills showed they could get through earlier and a bunch of others. Slower now that it is late.

f71e8e  No.6368691

What is the new dig?

10451c  No.6368692



That article is written by ..LOOK AT IT.


90ed9a  No.6368693


pt isn't to stop them, it's to waste them here, read my earlier posts this bread

9cb9c7  No.6368694


no where near what it was before captcha.

8378fe  No.6368695

File: b63ba091ac4dd58⋯.png (1.09 MB, 719x701, 719:701, ClipboardImage.png)

d57c65  No.6368696

File: fe7297c644586a4⋯.png (240.24 KB, 506x475, 506:475, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at ….png)

8378fe  No.6368699

File: b4dcc273725d242⋯.png (101.24 KB, 686x682, 343:341, chainsmokingpepe.PNG)

90ed9a  No.6368703


yeah also fuckin this. The shills are a million times easier to spot now that they can't dip their toes in the bread and then inject automated shit freely


mUh tEnDoNiTiS

I have bad tendonitis from old injuries and captcha is nothing, it has never stopped me from bein anon.

5496c2  No.6368705

File: 989b0e65f06745e⋯.png (84.32 KB, 252x188, 63:47, 2018-10-20_23-40-18 copy.png)

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