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Welcome Page | Index | Archive | Voat Subverse | Q Posts | Notables | Q Proofs
Q's Board: /PatriotsFight/ | SFW Research: /PatriotsAwoken/ | Bakers Board: /Comms/ | Legacy Boards: /CBTS/ /TheStorm/ /GreatAwakening/ /pol/ | Backup: /QRB/

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, Q.jpg)

d13318  No.6139841

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

THE Q MOVEMENT IS ABOUT TRUMPING THE ESTABLISHMENT - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDFe_yKnRf4XM7W_sWbcxtw

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening

PDF: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082809

PICS: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/3082784.html#3082821

PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

The Best of the Best Q Proofs >>4004099 SEE FOR YOURSELF

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

Q's Latest Posts

Thursday 04.11.2019

>>6138770 ————————————–——– All for a 'LARP'?

Wednesay 04.10.2019

>>6121936 ————————————–——– PANIC (Cap: >>6122122)

Friday 03.29.2019

>>5967783 ————————————–——– THINK FOR YOURSELF. DIVIDERS will FAIL.

>>5967516 ————————————–——– Define ‘Bait’.

>>5967079 ————————————–——– On the move.

>>5967016 rt >>5966972 ————————— Shill count HIGH.

>>5966972 rt >>5966583 ————————— FAKE NEWS IN FULL PANIC. (less than 10).

>>5966375 ————————————–——– Data streams accessible?

>>5966027 ————————————–——– FAKE NEWS = propaganda arm of [D] party. (Cap: >>5981933)

Thursday 03.28.2019

Compiled here: >>6028589 (Part 2)

Compiled here: >>5948668 (Part 1)

Wednesday 03.27.2019

Compiled here: >>5946363

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Q's Trip-code: Q !!mG7VJxZNCI

Those still on the board — https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html

All Q's posts, archived at - qanon.app (qanon.pub) , qmap.pub , qanon.news , qposts.online

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>2322789, >>2323031 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

d13318  No.6139852

Global Board Admin Announcements

>>6137135 Bakers reminder, do not add Q's posts WITHOUT a tripcode to the dough

>>6121805, >>6122032 New BO, FastJack, announced in Meta (Cap: >>6121863)

>>6102951, >>6102968 8bit on global notables and baker assist

>>5958613 Please use PNGs or JPGs (not JPEGS) for images

>>6069810 BV's announce BO's resignation in Meta thread. All board-related decisions will be made by BV's as a group

>>6069934 8bit, thank you for your service to /qresearch/


are not endorsements


>>6139161 , >>6139356 Former Obama Counsel Charged With Making False Statements

>>6139200 Former Pope Benedict blames church’s scandals partly on the ‘60s

>>6139221 Teacher/Parents sound alarm over graphic CA Sex ed lessons

>>6139251 @OfficeofMike Devin Nunez sends referrals to AG Barr

>>6139297 @45_Schedule New Update: Closed meeting at Oval Office

>>6139349 Gore Vidal's Sister Says He Was a Pedophile

>>6139551 New @seanhannity on panicking Chuck Shumer

>>6139705 @CIA tweet Bookworms??

>>6139735 @NewsBreaking School evacuated in El Granada CA

>>6139329, >>6139511 Q proof: Sudan army overthrows President

>>6139770 @EDVAnews JA charged in computer hacking conspiracy

>>6139814 Former Arkansas State Senator Indicted for Embezzlement and Public Corruption Scheme


>>6138405 @USACEHQ RED CASTLE talking about WATER.

>>6138410 Federal charges filed: father/son allegedly selling body parts on the black market

>>6138422 Oprah attacking 2A again. Wants your guns.

>>6138530 EU clears way for start of formal trade talks with U.S

>>6138560 Gore Vidal interview from 4/7

>>6138572 , >>6138574 IMFC Statement of Secretary Mnuchin

>>6138608 @GeorgePapa19 twat: warning for DS actors

>>6138617 Tough guy Avenatti faces up to 335 years in the slammer

>>6138753 , >>6138589 McCain family dog is finally set free. Greener pastures.

>>6138765 Interdasting Nassif twat regarding JA

>>6138939 @45_Schedule New Twat

>>6139007 New PapaD Twat

#7849 baker change

>>6138194 , >>6138209, >>6138222 Dig on JA's book by Gore Vidal

>>6138132 In Furious Tweetstorm, Pamela Anderson Slams "Toxic Coward" Trump

>>6138124 Assange and The Vatican

>>6138117 Navy Assange tweets from 12/25/17

>>6138112 IMF approves $4.2bn loan for Ecuador

>>6138081 Feds ask judge to delay Nxivm ‘sex cult’ trial

>>6138074 C_I agents that tried to trap Assange in Sweden want his rape case reopened

>>6138065 Past Q Post on JA, SR and June ETA

>>6138029 Today is national PETS DAY and Q dropped markers

>>6137963 Amazon admits it has team tasked with listening in on private conversations

>>6137984 Clip: Assange on sources and Seth Rich's murder

>>6137943 On UK Guidance Extradition Process and Review

>>6137940 DeptOfDefense tweet: The Show Starts Now

>>6137918 POTUS: "I know nothing about WL, it's not my thing"

>>6137764 Clip: Twitter exec denies shadow banning in Senate hearings

>>6137734 "Server or JA = truth exposed (SR)"

>>6137720 HRC tweets re POTUS' sister's retirement as judge

>>6137652 Anon on how Assange can blow it all open

>>6137651 Refresher: HRC considered a drone attack on Assange

>>6137649 Michael Avenatti indicted on 36 counts

>>6137630 John Podesta tweets re Assange

>>6137629 Ted Cruz on Mother Teresa being 'hate speech': Twtr and FB speechless

>>6138325 #7849

Previously Collected Notables

>>6136933 #7847, >>6137548 #7848

>>6134439 #7844, >>6135259 #7845, >>6135991 #7846

>>6132124 #7841, >>6132883 #7842, >>6136142 #7843

>>6129849 #7838, >>6130302 #7839, >>6131042 #7840

Notables Archive by BV's (updated nightly): https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384)

d13318  No.6139857

War Room

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] \\#QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

[4] Q's requested hashtags on of 3/11/19:






Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet LASERFAST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads —- Proofs of Q's Validity >>4004099

QProofs.com ———- Website dedicated to Q Proofs

QAnonProofs.com — Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs —– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here - https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL —- https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y


Resignations Thread —————– >>2714136

All Resignations Website ———- https://www.resignation.info

Resignation Posts Search Tool — https://qresear.ch

Spread The Word

>>5973059 – The BE HEARD Bread II: Be Loud! - Make Us Proud! - Make Noise For Q!

>>2006252 – The BE HEARD Bread: Ideas, graphics and Q's in the wild

Board Discussions & Q Q&A Threads

>>6064510 ——— META (for board admin queries)

>>3383237 ——— QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>>/qproofs/130 — Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky

International Q Research Threads:

>>6115583 compiled here


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>5578121 - Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #9: The Pharisees are the Jews Edition

>>1796608 – Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 –– Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>6097863 – New World Order Research Thread #5

>>1311848 – PLANEFAGGING 101: Hints and tips all about planefagging to be put here

>>5006160 - Planned Parenthood: Resources, Facts, Ops and Memes

>>5911192 – Clockwork Qrange #9

>>6050258 - Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #8

No Name Research Thread Archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2288160.html

Vatican Jesuits Research thread: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5241423.html

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#10 >>>/comms/486, >>>/comms/487, >>>/comms/488, >>>/comms/489, >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#20 >>>/comms/491, >>>/comms/545, >>>/comms/950, >>>/comms/951, >>>/comms/952, >>>/comms/953, >>>/comms/987, >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#27 >>>/comms/1119, >>>/comms/1156, >>>/comms/1286, >>>/comms/1288, >>>/comms/1303, >>>/comms/1307, >>>/comms/1462

Q Graphics all in GMT #28-#34 >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>>/comms/2071, >>>/comms/2072, >>>/comms/2073, >>>/comms/2100, >>>/comms/2164

Q Graphics all in GMT #35-#41 >>>/comms/2176, >>>/comms/2228, >>>/comms/2229, >>>/comms/2261, >>>/comms/2268, >>>/comms/2270, >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #42-#48 >>>/comms/2306, >>>/comms/2312, >>>/comms/2314, >>>/comms/2327, >>>/comms/2450, >>>/comms/2491, >>>/comms/2496

Q Graphics all in GMT #49-#55 >>>/comms/2520, >>>/comms/2528, >>>/comms/2605, >>>/comms/2801, >>>/comms/2831, >>>/comms/2869, >>>/comms/2981

Q Graphics all in GMT #56-#62 >>>/comms/2990, >>>/comms/2996, >>>/comms/3019, >>>/comms/3116, >>>/comms/3187, >>>/comms/3464, >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #63-#69 >>>/comms/3687, >>>/comms/3688, >>>/comms/3701, >>>/comms/3702, >>>/comms/3858, >>>/comms/3859, >>>/comms/3882

Q Graphics all in GMT #70-#76 >>>/comms/3898, >>>/comms/3920, >>>/comms/3975, >>>/comms/4029, >>>/comms/4197, >>>/comms/4335, >>>/comms/4386

Q Graphics all in GMT #77-#80 >>>/comms/4388, >>>/comms/4423, >>>/comms/4443, >>6133830

Q Graphics all in EST


d13318  No.6139862

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!liYk1C4L!fYd01ipkA7gUc_9TjJLAqX6R8MvBscSCBjNDzfSIOl4

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/396947368/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-V?secret_password=dyEKxNsrf3t0v3p41VUC

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwbwkxbgme4u3p7/Q+Anon+-+The+Storm+-+X.V.pdf

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE & 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap Zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Twitter Video Downloader http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Research Section Backup: >>>/comms/220 (updated 1.12.19)

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* How to Edit Hosts File (DNS): >>5697825, >>>/comms/4396

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db https://bad-boys.us/

Meme Ammo

 • 45 >>6008836, 44 >>5851711, 43 >>5639586

 • Q Research Graphics Library https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ 44,637+ memes & infographs - 12 GB – Keyword-searchable filenames

 • QNN blanks (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!XtNhURSb!1Mdrvt-Y_onBw5VlFDRdCQ!a1122AwC

 • Memewar2020 #2 >>5520584

 • NPC Memes https://mega.nz/#!lc8VCYxR!4xZoxqgglasf8DoYdKfg9rFDx-gBQIJ-qk-FPsWlKIU

 • Op Stop Taxpayer Funding for Planned Parenthood >>5006160

 • Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Infanticide, Fetal Tissue (folder in Mega library) https://mega.nz/#F!HgtDxCKR!PK-mv3ndB4gstVLLnSadlQ

Advanced Graphics

>>2730380 The Letter Q Thread 2 & Archive of Letter Q Graphics: https://mega.nz/#F!7T5wwYRI!9WfTfCYc2vNIzEyyLnw0tw

>>93735 Side by Side Archive

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8ch.net/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ga | qarchives.000webhostapp.com | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist —- main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)https:'//'docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https:/mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

Notable Posts Archive (searchable)

Threads 0001 - 2000: https://pastebin.com/Mu7x3siJ - Threads 2001 - 4000: https://pastebin.com/j1LrHs5h

Threads 4001 - 6000: https://pastebin.com/iVVDBWDw - Threads 6001 - 8000: https://pastebin.com/J8ahXsey

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions >>5848016

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Check Out This Baker Thread: >>>/comms/154

Baker Templates For Formatting Crumbs And Their Links https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Video: How to Bake In 2 Mins: >>5848043

d13318  No.6139874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



10b8ee  No.6139882

File: eab0adfcbaccdc2⋯.jpg (829.06 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Bless-this-Bread-QofChange.jpg)

File: 4a0e887775bc67f⋯.jpg (355.51 KB, 600x833, 600:833, Fresh-Bread-TYBaker.jpg)


Thanks, Baker.

Fresh Bread, Fresh Hope!

49c8ea  No.6139900

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

10b8ee  No.6139901

File: 1b52047e05417b4⋯.jpg (121.4 KB, 402x550, 201:275, Queen-of-Hearts.jpg)

File: ac812c8c098356c⋯.jpg (132.75 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-1.jpg)

File: c21399ac5f3171d⋯.jpg (138.55 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-2.jpg)

File: d8c10121c4a8c50⋯.jpg (138.61 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-3.jpg)

File: f491cbf0b192326⋯.jpg (139.91 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-4.jpg)

49c8ea  No.6139906

File: a4d409dc71a9cc1⋯.jpg (77.68 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SethRichSource.jpg)

File: 5845bd8db1f0511⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 800x430, 80:43, SethRichUndercover.jpg)

d61503  No.6139909

File: e87c1d8abc3e164⋯.png (1.06 MB, 780x1170, 2:3, pinkvintage2.png)


c0769c  No.6139910

File: a47c7fb618c4072⋯.png (678.17 KB, 900x505, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)



d13318  No.6139912

baker requests handoff whenever ready

d39206  No.6139913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bibi just crashed the moon,

"LIVE: SpaceIL's "Beresheet" crashes on the Moon! Rest in peace, Beresheet."

3f583f  No.6139914

Hey Q, Serious Question. I thought we had the Senate 53-47? It's looking more like 49-51 (in dems favor)….

Trump Fed pick Herman Cain will not get confirmed: 4 RINOS's to oppose: Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah; Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska; Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo; Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D.

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, expects to oppose Cain's nomination if it comes before the Senate, a spokeswoman for the Romney confirmed. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, has said she will not support Cain for the Fed seat, according to a spokeswoman for Murkowski. Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., also reportedly plans to vote against Cain, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 2012. Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, N.D., on Thursday became the fourth member of his party's caucus to tell reporters he would vote against the nomination of former pizza executive Herman Cain to join the board of the Federal Reserve.

a98c5c  No.6139916


How do you choose a book cipher?

What was Assange holding?

The insurance file keys would be derived from the book cipher?

10b8ee  No.6139921

File: 9dafd9b477e7be9⋯.jpg (137.54 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-5.jpg)

File: 118e5d2ce9287a2⋯.jpg (138.12 KB, 402x550, 201:275, QofHearts-What-Happened-6.jpg)

File: 7a77cbead0586db⋯.jpg (146.68 KB, 402x550, 201:275, Queen-of-Hearts.jpg)



939278  No.6139922



7d7c04  No.6139924

File: 52ef8a41e026aee⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 740x317, 740:317, rg19.jpg)


I can bake.

Handoff confirmed

31bf7b  No.6139925

File: 4340ba909825fb6⋯.jpeg (571.18 KB, 1479x1733, 1479:1733, 4340ba909825fb620758cbaae….jpeg)


Tasty bread, baker.

d13318  No.6139927


forgot to add links at the bottom of the notable blocks if next baker can fix dough

bc3ae8  No.6139928

File: 9db6440525b84e6⋯.jpg (101.35 KB, 1080x1336, 135:167, 1161249.jpg)

6bb496  No.6139929

File: aa28883f87f31b8⋯.png (33.91 KB, 394x432, 197:216, ClipboardImage.png)

UK involved in FISA abuse scandal. Helped with spying, helped with setup, helped with dossier.

Trump threatens on Twitter - TRADE = TARIFFS. Would destroy EU.

EU Arrests assange next day extradites to US.

We have the source.


Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



cb9883  No.6139930

File: e015c178a920397⋯.png (594.94 KB, 984x490, 492:245, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)

Al Qaeda supposedly chose 9/11 as the day to attack because of the reference to 9-1-1, emergency services.

Assange is removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy on 4/11. What does 4-1-1 signify? Information.

Also, if you didn't think this was a part of the plan, how come Wikileaks hasn't dropped their insurance files? I bet what we are seeing play out may have even been discussed with Congressman Rohrabacher, who visited JA a while back.

3f583f  No.6139931



20837d  No.6139932

File: 3f2cc175e4c8cff⋯.jpg (31.85 KB, 364x374, 182:187, 2trtz0.jpg)

TY Baker

BO Welcome aboard!

BV you're running a nice tight ship here

c0769c  No.6139933

File: 37e7702ace1770f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 912x844, 228:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dea47f3bd7c1468⋯.png (916.76 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


If it wasn't for Wikileaks releasing the Podesta emails, most of us would have no idea about the high level pedophiles & devil worshippers in our gov't.

Today, #Assange was arrested while @johnpodesta walks free.

All who are good of heart, act now!



5b7408  No.6139934

File: cd2de81b0859f13⋯.jpeg (2.12 MB, 1554x1560, 259:260, 420B3FEA-2667-4D87-9C55-F….jpeg)

Today would get especially tippy top if Q or Q+ links to the video one MOAR time.


544282  No.6139935

Shep Smith is the female Rachel maddow

939278  No.6139936


Dont fight ghosts

d13318  No.6139937

File: b854268059ef870⋯.jpg (91.4 KB, 1000x749, 1000:749, FlagByJnn13Wiki-1000x749.jpg)



nerves get a lil better each time I get a rep in

sorry for any mistakes all

Godbless you badass motherfuckers

4b11c8  No.6139938

File: 97deea2797aea93⋯.png (50.31 KB, 621x440, 621:440, ClipboardImage.png)


60d4eb  No.6139939

File: f9234ac981f36a7⋯.jpg (182.44 KB, 1284x735, 428:245, QNN Crooked Hillary Report….JPG)

0cda35  No.6139940

File: 0cc24233ec66f06⋯.jpg (154.62 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, anonphone.jpg)

Here's a friendly reminder that subversion never takes the day off.

166fe4  No.6139941

File: d7945e3f11d6fe4⋯.png (436.67 KB, 1463x832, 1463:832, mikanpc.png)

245ade  No.6139942

File: 8ac7ff4e4594665⋯.jpg (340.92 KB, 499x720, 499:720, DIANA (2).jpg)

11cfb8  No.6139943


Look i get it

They did it to me too

Way worse than normal

I get it guys

Life is misery


Promises joy

But that joy never comes

Just be skeptical at least

Dont blindly believe Q

4838aa  No.6139944

File: 11a983d27a882b2⋯.jpg (72.77 KB, 800x500, 8:5, Tymoszenko.jpg)

File: 735e781842665e4⋯.jpg (71.07 KB, 1050x700, 3:2, 12044241_web1_AP_162917367….jpg)

File: 5bf3cfab9f18005⋯.jpg (13.89 KB, 512x288, 16:9, 4on_weber_1611.jpg)

A summary of Obama’s former lawyer Greg Craig Indictment -

In or about early 2012 Ukraine was facing international criticism regarding Yulia Tymoshenko’s trial. It was widely perceived as being a corrupt trial. To fight this image, Ukraine hired Craig’s law firm to independently investigate the conduct of the government and Tymoshenko’s conviction. The real financial backer wasn’t the Ukraine gov though. According to the indictment it was an unnamed wealthy Private Ukrainian who was the real finance behind for the report Craig was to write. He paid 4.1 million dollars for Craig’s report. This was not known publicly though. Officially the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice was paying Craig 12k for the report. To make matters worse Craig had already worked on behalf of the Ukrainian government in Tymoshenko’s prosecution.

Craig wanted to keep all these facts quiet and was able to do so, because he did not register as a FARA agent. If he had he would have to disclose all these things, and such a disclosure would shred the credibility of the so called independent investigation he was working. At one point a Ukrainian newspaper questioned the price of 12,000 bucks for such a report. In response to this legitimate questioning, the Ukraine gove and Craig faked and bac dated receipts saying the Ukraine Gov actually paid 1.25 mil for Craig’s services.

Craig then worked with members the media and a former congressman (Vin Weber?) to pump the story around western media outlets, including a meeting and leaking of info to a reporter in new work working for a well known publication. He was successful in his efforts and created a massive and well received media blitz proclaiming the prosecution of Tymoshenko to be above board.

The indictment charges that this kind of activity merits registering as a FARA agent, which would have forced him to be much more honest with his finances, and transparency would of killed the report. Also his registering as a FARA agent would have potential setbacks on future U.S. gov employment.

Manafort all over again. But this time it’s our turn.



324c26  No.6139945

It's cute how MUELLER shills pretend he had no part of 9/11…or as if he wasn't at HRC's celebration 'victory' party that never celebrated a victory.

626af0  No.6139946


Working for the white hats does not mean white hat. It simply means white hats' bitch.

022a66  No.6139947

File: 8e649ad4915dae8⋯.jpg (225.71 KB, 997x1500, 997:1500, Kitchen help.jpg)

9b1bc3  No.6139948

File: 1e1e2622bc993a3⋯.jpg (280.45 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, QOX News Shep Smith.jpg)

d13318  No.6139949


BO confirmed??

99bad1  No.6139950


missed a Q posting because of a clogged tractor filter

i'm hurt but will survive lol

cc244e  No.6139951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have the source!

Watch the skys and PRAY!





af9112  No.6139952

>>6139897 /pb/

Just trying to land a probe on the moon is all. Israel makes the 7th country to do so.

NASA has a mandate to land Americans back on the moon by 2024. China will get there first. They are a lot more successful in their space programs than we are being led to believe.

166fe4  No.6139953



4bbe9b  No.6139954



d61503  No.6139955


Psyop fuckboy.

ea8ca9  No.6139956

File: 260ba2add8cabd1⋯.jpg (123.24 KB, 800x1103, 800:1103, IMG_20190410_125751_512.JPG)

Dumb bitch

1d6ef0  No.6139957

File: 5ce7c1d9751d4a9⋯.jpg (269.53 KB, 1073x809, 1073:809, Ty-baker-x-DD.jpg)

TY Baker

11cfb8  No.6139958


But but im a shill

Even tho i post on here like 7 hours a week max

3da804  No.6139959


can we get a refund of any of our $38B?

1e6911  No.6139960

File: 83ec35df2ea0ff4⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1640x1044, 410:261, ahwatukee.png)



c66fab  No.6139961


You think Q is Ask Jeeves?

324c26  No.6139962


False. 9/11 is Christ's real birthday.

544282  No.6139963

245ade  No.6139964

File: 58a748e89125979⋯.jpg (120.9 KB, 576x864, 2:3, MOONFAKERY.jpg)


they crashed the question really is why all now …why china what israel …why are we doing it again …what is going on up there ….

19ff92  No.6139965

>>6139684 lb

Board Owner (BO) is a role, not a person.

Whoever has the passwords to the site has BO-level authority.

6bb496  No.6139966



Fucking bitch.

4bbe9b  No.6139967



9d4807  No.6139968

"If [RR] is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

if Mueller is dirty, [RR] must also be dirty." -Q

"DECLAS of FISA = [RR] self-incrimination." -Q

Anons understood long ago both mueller and rr are dirty.

If (you) were wrong, no biggie.

It's good to debate both sides until a truth can be found.

Honest debate, not dem debate.

af2255  No.6139969

File: 53a866ef29d8032⋯.jpg (82.96 KB, 768x512, 3:2, Pamela.jpg)


TY Baker!!!

b3b127  No.6139970


Her relationship with her children is what happened. You can't initiate two kids into the Illuminati with an uninitiated watchful mother in the way. Once those kids were old enough she was useless to the royals.

eda764  No.6139971


welcome back RGB

c2ed8d  No.6139972


Heya, Bro… :)

514876  No.6139973


Kicked off the moon

add to the list

4bbe9b  No.6139974

Pitty the ghosts

dc3124  No.6139975


wsup BO

91c0dd  No.6139976

>>6139705 lb

That means I can get a card

3da804  No.6139977

File: 9ba61dfc4cea59b⋯.jpg (21.68 KB, 500x281, 500:281, CrUOIL-UAAEJE9A.jpg)

7d1e15  No.6139978

File: 9b1b87418d1c8db⋯.png (365.71 KB, 727x505, 727:505, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)

Democrat @TedLieu to CNN: The FBI didn't spy on the Trump campaign, "This was authorized surveillance."


Oh, there is evidence, but it was legal.


4fff65  No.6139979


Was a magazine called George, founded by John F Kenedy jr

11cfb8  No.6139980


They got them

Harry is one of them now

291fc7  No.6139981


Dumb questions anon is back.

Uh geeee…. I dunno maybe you like the book?

4bbe9b  No.6139982



c4424e  No.6139983

File: 103117b8ac83953⋯.jpg (384.19 KB, 1101x1470, 367:490, !Awakening19.jpg)

2cddb7  No.6139984

File: 21d3a270ed066f9⋯.jpg (217.2 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-143351….jpg)

File: 17e304e8497395f⋯.jpg (249.84 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-143358….jpg)

File: 5f4b0871e339774⋯.jpg (511.51 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-143500….jpg)

File name… a day early??

11 months later on the 11th?

d61503  No.6139985



I mean Psyop fuckboy.

You assholes are obvious as fuck.

38733c  No.6139986

File: 092368234e7ffee⋯.jpg (535.82 KB, 2417x1983, 2417:1983, PicsArt_04-11-03.36.19.jpg)

1d6ef0  No.6139987

File: fca8c6208df41e0⋯.jpg (224.92 KB, 1133x801, 1133:801, promises-made-kept-potus.jpg)

3f583f  No.6139988


Not at all, but one should be prepared to explain one's words…

c66fab  No.6139989


Cheaper than trying to bring it back.

fd00f3  No.6139990


digitally speaking of course.

c66fab  No.6139991


To you.

Who are you, again?

4b11c8  No.6139992

File: 9c86c143f37f9b4⋯.png (41.11 KB, 621x330, 207:110, ClipboardImage.png)


67ac2e  No.6139993

>>6139976 you could be the new Q

d13318  No.6139994





0378b9  No.6139995

>>6139871 (pb)

"Some disinformation is necessary", et al

No, some of Q's lies were wholly unnecessary ('Reagan, like POTUS, was an outsider'), unless you realize framing Trump in a certain light was more important than being truthful.

That so many anons bought the ruse and went around calling Reagan a hero, and regurgitating every other assertion, just confirmed how feebly inept the community is, and how incapable most anons are of doing anything remotely resembling unbiased research.

490186  No.6139996


all i saw was RBG .. dyslexia and all . kek

welcome back RGB

4bbe9b  No.6139997



7d7c04  No.6139998


No worries fren, you're a pro at this point.


Thanks new BO, I was just here yesterday.

Setting this thing to 315 degrees. o7

380415  No.6139999

File: f09105e1af7e1f5⋯.png (390.45 KB, 589x595, 589:595, SWALLOWSeverything.png)

4bbe9b  No.6140000



324c26  No.6140001


Too much drama.

Gone, back, which is it?? Don't care.

Hope you're true, hope you're safe.

91c0dd  No.6140002

4bbe9b  No.6140003



5f6158  No.6140004


need more help

af9112  No.6140005


We should have had a permanent base on the moon by now. The moon is a strategic location. The most important part is the southern hemisphere, where there is water-ice and nearly 24 hour sunlight. We need to be exploring our solar system. If mankind is to survive we need to colonize other planets.

27c082  No.6140006


read globals

6bb496  No.6140007


Why the fuck you here then? Broke ass piece of shit. Go get a job you fucking clown bitch.

d115c7  No.6140008

File: 1add50188c93912⋯.png (20.27 KB, 402x442, 201:221, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6138770 (pb)

…and this is why I never thought Mueller was a white hat. If anything, he's grey hat but only because he's trying to avoid a military firing squad. He's a traitor.

d99974  No.6140009

File: a0c83406f6a6e52⋯.png (399.39 KB, 628x856, 157:214, Podesta Seth Rich 'example….png)

798986  No.6140010

File: 93d6d12bb0f5486⋯.jpeg (153.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Do9v_yQU0AEK-Fq.jpeg)

File: a7f2dd22aeeeab1⋯.jpg (75.06 KB, 872x635, 872:635, Do9Ny5pVAAAY8-w.jpg)

c66fab  No.6140011



324c26  No.6140012


Your mins and seconds equal your last two digits.

91a2f8  No.6140013

File: 2c14a8de4cad2f5⋯.jpg (160.86 KB, 640x619, 640:619, 2c14a8de4cad2f50c10730c0b8….jpg)

4bbe9b  No.6140014

What a gay larp

f6a1b4  No.6140015


More than one meaning

52041d  No.6140016

I'm so glad that MAGA chemtrails, MAGA 5G, and MAGA forced vaccinations are so much better for us. 2019 is even more glorious than '18.

I can tell, I keep coughing up that evil poison. Trump is giving us the GOOD CHEMTRAILS!!!

31bf7b  No.6140017

File: 881a2eb7e28dcd1⋯.jpg (192.32 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, 881a2eb7e28dcd1a7bc9c0c46d….jpg)

Testing .jpeg to .jpg

67ac2e  No.6140018

File: cde3d3d60db7998⋯.png (43.5 KB, 596x360, 149:90, ClipboardImage.png)


Charity Executives, Former Arkansas State Senator Indicted for Embezzlement and Public Corruption Scheme

11:37 - 11 abr. 2019

Home » Office of Public Affairs » News


Justice News

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Charity Executives, Former Arkansas State Senator Indicted for Embezzlement and Public Corruption Scheme

Two former executives of a Springfield, Missouri-based charity and a former Arkansas state senator have been indicted by a federal grand jury for their roles in a multi-million-dollar public corruption scheme that involved embezzlement, bribes and illegal campaign contributions for elected public officials in Missouri and Arkansas, announced Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division and U.S. Attorney Tim Garrison of the Western District of Missouri.

Bontiea Bernedette Goss, 63, her husband, Tommy Ray Goss, aka “Tom,” 63, both residents of Springfield, Missouri, and Boulder, Colorado, and Jeremy Young Hutchinson, 45, of Little Rock, Arkansas, were charged on March 29, 2019, in a 32-count indictment by a federal grand jury in Springfield, which was unsealed today.

The indictment alleges that the Gosses, who were high-level executives at Preferred Family Healthcare Inc. (formerly known as Alternative Opportunities Inc.), and Hutchinson, who is an attorney and served as a state senator in the Arkansas Senate from 2011 to 2018, along with others, participated in a conspiracy from 2005 to November 2017 to embezzle and misapply the funds of a charitable organization that received federal funds, to pay bribes and kickbacks to elected officials (including Hutchinson), and to deprive the citizens of Arkansas of their right to the honest services of those elected officials. According to the indictment, in exchange for the bribes and kickbacks offered by the Gosses and other co-conspirators, Hutchinson and other elected officials allegedly provided favorable legislative and official action for the charity, including directing funds from the state’s General Improvement Fund (GIF).


e1cb88  No.6140019


Ask Jews

1a1fc2  No.6140020

File: 3b1bb1c2a7d915c⋯.jpg (80.51 KB, 316x472, 79:118, 20190411_153732.jpg)


Does Assange have 3 hands? Two holding magazine and 1 pointing around?

4bbe9b  No.6140021



d61503  No.6140022


>unless you realize framing Trump in a certain light was more important than being truthful.

Implying that Trump would sign onto the assassination of a sitting US Senator (with terminal brain cancer), even if that Senator was a cunt …..

Every anon with a brain should have seen Q for what he is after that bullshit.

914886  No.6140023

Anonymous 04/11/19 (Thu) 21:23:11 25033e (3) No.6139746>>6139772 >>6139778 >>6139801


I have been at work all day so when I returned home and my husband told me JA was arrested, I immediately came HERE! I only believe what is here with my TRUE patriots who are the ONLY trusted news source…AND if I am questioning anything, I wait for Q to step in and set us straight like he did here. I believe, I have faith, I trust the plan, I trust Q, I trust Trump, and I trust my fellow Qanons. I am at unbelievable PEACE knowing I can come here and receive the information that is TRUE and direct.

Thank you Q for this drop to reassure my brain as it often short circuits due to the programming it has endured all my life. Remember the black cat in The Matrix…

There are no de ja veau's

There are no coincidences

Trust FEW

Stay strong

We are unplugged and we will prevail!


490186  No.6140024


kek , better than moochelle ,

59111c  No.6140025

File: b13f3122fd49a58⋯.png (80.92 KB, 681x337, 681:337, -2- Home - Twitter 4-11-20….png)


I guess we can keep up this charade until the illicit FISA warrant is revealed that was on me; Joseph Mifsud’s FBI handlers; and Alexander Downer being sent to spy on an American; Stefan Halper. If that was all court ordered, even better for the American people to see.

d84736  No.6140026


Good question. Do not quit asking questions.

544282  No.6140027

In the past 24 hrs we’ve had rain, white snow, brown snow (Texas dust), blizzard, 66 mph winds, rain, thundersnow and now sleet. Kek!

3f583f  No.6140028


Funny you're more worried about who I am..

776db3  No.6140029


kek found the 9 year old

4b11c8  No.6140030

File: b436c05ac13d589⋯.png (24.5 KB, 615x232, 615:232, ClipboardImage.png)


89ce11  No.6140031

File: a57d9d44110c4cf⋯.png (25.86 KB, 448x227, 448:227, 2019-04-11_115308.png)

File: 94b8b7b5b266ad9⋯.png (25.36 KB, 447x241, 447:241, 2019-04-11_115335.png)

File: bfa459e5cdea0cc⋯.png (50.44 KB, 449x414, 449:414, 2019-04-11_115425.png)

"We have the source"


05032a  No.6140032


Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant.

024541  No.6140033

File: b395110d61c9019⋯.png (206.69 KB, 793x523, 793:523, ClipboardImage.png)


Live from Golgotha: The Gospel according to Gore Vidal is a novel by Gore Vidal, an irreverent spoof of the New Testament. Told from the perspective of Saint Timothy as he travels with Saint Paul, the 1992 novel shifts in time as Timothy and Paul combat a mysterious hacker from the future who is deleting all traces of Christianity.

{{{A Mysterious hacker from the future - Deleting all traces of Christianality}}}


In Vidal's memoir, Point to Point Navigation, he says that the book was originally titled Live from Golgotha and that the subtitle, "The Gospel According to Gore Vidal", was added by the book cover's designer without Vidal's permission.[1]

245ade  No.6140034


why its all fake only thing out these is demons who like sodomy ….im sorry the distance and the ratios for the sun and moon are insane and you too many masonic numbers in them as well…something is up there but its not what we think

f6a1b4  No.6140035


I don't think that gloved hand is his. His two would be together, likely cuffed.

1a50f7  No.6140036


Yes, Julian Assange has three hands.

87aede  No.6140037


hey guys I just remembered back a few Q posts…

Q gave us (this is just an example, not actual #'s) [21][+2][+4]

some anon did some math with dates and came up with 4-11 and 4-15 and associated them this way:

4-11 Information

4-15 Tax day (Pay day)

Anybody got recollection of that ??

6bb496  No.6140038


Yea i bet you love 9 year olds you sick boomer fuck

385e25  No.6140039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A chapter in book on the Fed is called " The CREATURE swallows congress "Creature From Jekyll Island - Private bank Cabal

c66fab  No.6140040


When there's a poisonous spider in the room, I like to know where it is.

1d6ef0  No.6140041

File: c35a45633d09e34⋯.jpg (114 KB, 813x773, 813:773, may-trick-treaty.jpg)

8c454b  No.6140042



Notable bin # for #7850

>>6139045 #7850

3ded22  No.6140043


Take a break

324c26  No.6140044


Watch the water.

5b3d05  No.6140045


Always pay attention on the 11th and the 22nd of each month and dates throughout history. You might see a pattern.

776db3  No.6140046





d2fe9b  No.6140047

File: bef0c62376fa98d⋯.jpg (126.69 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault (3).jpg)


TY baker

647f21  No.6140048


Been sitting here wondering what Shep is high on today. Dude is out of his mind on whatever it is.

edec6f  No.6140049

File: 9cc9cb8927e4477⋯.png (207.71 KB, 484x336, 121:84, Screenshot 2019-04-11 at 2….png)

3d219b  No.6140050

File: 986ad8ee024f2ec⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 500x694, 250:347, d2da5e05-b657-4058-b7bd-94….gif)


where is this?

4bbe9b  No.6140051

What a gay larp


f6a1b4  No.6140052



291fc7  No.6140053


The measles outbreak in Brooklyn is impacting specifically Hasidic Jews.

Just sayin.

4bbe9b  No.6140054


What a gay larp


412b21  No.6140055

File: f24a5da2d9b44b0⋯.png (194.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Some big booms today…

3f583f  No.6140056


KEK…have a nice day…

4bbe9b  No.6140057


What a gay larp


cc1578  No.6140058


The moon is anti-semitic!

534931  No.6140059

BREAKING: Israeli spacecraft crash lands on moon; mission failed

acc238  No.6140060

>>6138770 pb

You’re not a LARP. You’re a PSYOP. Big difference.

c66fab  No.6140061


Folks one would not expect to be vaccinated.

cc244e  No.6140062

File: 3f60864f1a8a7a0⋯.png (42.22 KB, 645x299, 645:299, israel-space-craft-crashes….png)

Israel is not allowed on the moon.


8a582c  No.6140063


Do you get a bonus every time you use the word 'boomer'?

d61503  No.6140064

File: 90e37731e98dabb⋯.png (432.42 KB, 1007x316, 1007:316, jugearsfagpics1.png)


>Why the fuck you here then?

To keep lil Davey's fuckboys like you in check.Don't worry your little cunt about why I'm here.

Scroll on by if you don't like what I post .. your ShariaBlew bullshit tactics won't work on me.

e3301c  No.6140065




2cddb7  No.6140066

File: 9d6e454a3b536a0⋯.jpg (576.96 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-144011….jpg)

File: 365a361e066ce0a⋯.jpg (674.33 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-144018….jpg)

File: c6dbd4ef0b8fcdf⋯.jpg (636.56 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-144024….jpg)


More FB fuckery

af9112  No.6140067


and I thought you were a sane person….

229f35  No.6140068


Why didn't the good guys intervene, then?

1a50f7  No.6140069

File: 5553d68843d58ea⋯.png (531.5 KB, 960x539, 960:539, ClipboardImage.png)



Good to get back to the shill shitshow that was Dec. 2017. Fun times!

4bbe9b  No.6140070

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


52041d  No.6140071


As in real Jews. Meaning that vaccination they're going to force them to take ain't going to help do anything but kill them.

edec6f  No.6140072


Trump just threaten to shut the FED down…

FUCK these dirty RINOs

40d9df  No.6140073

File: 13ca051f35c04d0⋯.png (15.68 KB, 654x465, 218:155, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)


Spinning Wheel of Death for the past 20 minutes

e3301c  No.6140074



d8828a  No.6140075

Ok I don’t understand then. Q was the first to hint that Mueller was a white hat. Guess I was wrong I will stay out of the conversation going forward personally because I don’t want to mislead people.

61a118  No.6140076

File: f6a0cd01c2b5443⋯.png (80.04 KB, 609x350, 87:50, FakeJack.png)

>>6138770 pb Q


>Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.

>FAKE & FALSE narrative.


>>6139047 pb

>shills here tried to interject that Mueller was a white hat.

And who might that have been, ya wonder? Joint coalition operation?

> if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit

> (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media)

wrap up smear take #197835

c0769c  No.6140077



4881cd  No.6140078

File: 59f13c9b5569abd⋯.png (839.13 KB, 800x1061, 800:1061, PANIC.png)

c66fab  No.6140079


I also like to pull its legs off, one at a time.

166fe4  No.6140080

File: b147c35d2d20113⋯.png (376.21 KB, 1294x1214, 647:607, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)


Unreal, anons.

c4424e  No.6140081

File: 9f1aaca311e3da3⋯.png (209.42 KB, 1268x346, 634:173, bakerSupport.png)


you're doing an excellent job BAKER

324c26  No.6140082


Mueller is scum. Research his past.

413f83  No.6140083

File: 7a6d1454b5c5b1d⋯.png (685.95 KB, 761x883, 761:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 126b73ac78f5653⋯.png (109.42 KB, 932x831, 932:831, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87e4eff6c8c108f⋯.png (57.41 KB, 889x454, 889:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b35dad158daa8c2⋯.png (9.63 KB, 488x149, 488:149, ClipboardImage.png)

Ecuador Caves to US Government — Hands Over Julian Assange to UK Authorities INSIDE THE EMBASSY

The Ecuadorian government who has protected 2019 Nobel Peace Prize nominee and award-winning publisher Julian Assange has caved to pressure from the U.S. government and allowed him to be arrested by the UK government inside the embassy.

A lawyer for Assange told the Gateway Pundit that the arrest was really quick.


434dde  No.6140084


….yeah..leave for a few hrs and shitshow

c66fab  No.6140085



Fake MAGA Coalition

e1cb88  No.6140086


Yeah but people flip "Mueller is working to save his own ass" . Meaning working for POTUS now or wut? I think thats the question people have. Not white hat but possibly grey.

626af0  No.6140087


Doesn't bode well for Meghan Markle.

b529e4  No.6140088

Should have stayed on the dark side.


245ade  No.6140089


i am i just dont agree with the narrative…how come we never went back to the moon…oh right they deleted the telemetry even though we got there on less tech then a cell phone….no its funky….something is up with the entire idea of space ….plus i dont think the earth is flat but i do not think it would be too hard to turn a camera around so we can see …nasa and space programs are liars ..the question is why are they lying

5f6158  No.6140090

9fa8c4  No.6140091




33964d  No.6140092

Do you not think that going to the moon wouldn’t have been all over the news ? It’s all fake news coming from Kikeville …. Space is fake ..carry on

cc104e  No.6140093


Absolutley Anon Absolutley

166fe4  No.6140094


I didn't realize there was a list of topics on which we all came to a consensus.

What a faggot.

64f239  No.6140095

File: 4f9bf3b4c72a286⋯.jpg (121.97 KB, 749x500, 749:500, 2yclyo.jpg)

524c4e  No.6140096

>>6138770 pb

>Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?

because that's the name of the game

3da804  No.6140097

File: 89e0583725a1354⋯.jpg (37.68 KB, 465x344, 465:344, bibi crash.JPG)


applauding the news of the crash - "i think we can be proud"

now that's fkn spin

c66fab  No.6140098


Yeah, if he cuddles up to Trump, Trump will let the treason, sedition, and nuclear war prep go.

Holy shit you're dumb.

166fe4  No.6140099

31bf7b  No.6140100


Makes you wonder what was on the lander, and if it was crashed by white hats.



1a1fc2  No.6140101


I will, but I've watched at 0.5 speed 5 times and can't reconcile to whom the gloved hand belongs other than JA

380415  No.6140102

File: abead9e85e9d62f⋯.png (163.51 KB, 487x260, 487:260, Screenshot from 2019-04-11….png)

1a50f7  No.6140103


>….yeah..leave for a few hrs and shitshow

Best carnival ride EVER!

edec6f  No.6140104

File: 61f864aec570949⋯.png (76.55 KB, 250x241, 250:241, pepeeyeroll.png)


Yet we landed a grade school project on

the moon 50 yrs ago….on the first try

d61503  No.6140106

File: 24064ac977acf67⋯.jpg (34.72 KB, 510x422, 255:211, 0bamapick.jpg)


you were right. Q was clear about his implications re Mueller … as well as many other bullshit posts of his.

Now Q tries to blame anons …. what a fucking joke.

a935fe  No.6140107


Love you, Q but with all that is happening you choose to come back and post another "I'm not a larp" post? We are your choir, Q, we already believe.

d8828a  No.6140108


Obviously q is saying that definitely now so I was wrong my judgment isn’t good enough better for me to just observe

6bb496  No.6140109

File: 0d9d3b9bfa49c08⋯.png (35.14 KB, 390x515, 78:103, ClipboardImage.png)





c0769c  No.6140110


Israel has enuf $$ for a space program but we give them $38 billion/yr in "aid"?

Makes you really hate our gov't.

Why is dual-citizenship allowed?


1a9e63  No.6140111


Strange gays indeed

7d7c04  No.6140112


Thanks anon, already got both bun numbers added in. Good eye.

291fc7  No.6140113


They are both pro-GOLD which means NWO full pressure against both. Moore will be out soon as well.

1a50f7  No.6140114


>Makes you wonder what was on the lander, and if it was crashed by white hats.

Everyone knows the moon is fake.

324c26  No.6140115


He's either made a deal with them

Or, they're making him.

Either way, that's where "enjoy the show" comes in. This is an act as in it needs to play out like 'real life', to not upset the social order of the world. Mueller is a shit person, regardless to whatever noble things he SEEMS to be doing now.

d99974  No.6140116


>Why didn't the good guys intervene, then?

You expect candidate Trump/Q team/Mi to intervene during the campaign, before they were in control? GTFOH

5f6158  No.6140117


national election… moon landing. Seems normal

c66fab  No.6140118


Way to not even try to scratch the surface of a Q post newfag.

c374bf  No.6140119

File: ac479a4e5eed010⋯.png (3.05 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, QC04113x3JAexwPICCHESSSR.png)


Added on the clock, Anon.

Embassy cat on Fox.

National Pet Day.


27c082  No.6140120

File: 00ecd6493e9db8c⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1901x2526, 1901:2526, ClipboardImage.png)

8 Referrals, Q posts 7 pictures

Theory is the last one is Christopher Steele, and that Q posted the pictures to let us know they were being referred for criminal prosecution.

8c454b  No.6140121

File: 0ccab370c5c05c6⋯.jpg (83.71 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Adam-Schiff 08 PI.jpg)

He's a pencil neck

9ed17c  No.6140122

File: e3127ea1003f3e5⋯.png (423.49 KB, 595x628, 595:628, working hard.png)

File: 88f1ec0bdb59013⋯.png (576.57 KB, 470x752, 5:8, trust the plan.png)

File: dbbea67999d53e5⋯.png (581.96 KB, 470x752, 5:8, the truth.png)




5b3d05  No.6140123

File: 72cd0c1e2004c85⋯.png (70.7 KB, 806x207, 806:207, ClipboardImage.png)


The former Senator is the current Governors Nephew!

4bbe9b  No.6140124

File: f574f6ed7f107f5⋯.jpg (213.44 KB, 1080x1064, 135:133, IMG_1648.JPG)

File: 1e2327033be2150⋯.jpg (37.57 KB, 322x315, 46:45, IMG_1851.JPG)

Let's ride those necromancy stunt dummies through the swamp gasses of sorosanon and hobbits

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


39c681  No.6140125

Julian has 3 hands?

Mueller a white/grey/pink hat?

FFS Anons, wtg…

413f83  No.6140126

File: b6f4963520ea129⋯.png (10.78 KB, 487x119, 487:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e8d24d95c15021⋯.png (171.7 KB, 860x676, 215:169, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d8f1cef0e3fdca⋯.png (602.82 KB, 910x722, 455:361, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db43c4381efff96⋯.png (506.43 KB, 849x521, 849:521, ClipboardImage.png)

Assange charged with helping Manning crack password to leak classified US docs – DOJ statement

The US indictment against Julian Assange alleges that the whistleblower engaged in “conspiracy” with US Army soldier Chelsea Manning in 2010, according to a statement from the US Department of Justice.

The statement said Assange is charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and alleged attempts to break the password for a classified US government computer.


c1df04  No.6140127

>>6139807 LB

> this nobody Rachel Chandler

hey MikeRoth


91a2f8  No.6140128


Anons know who footed the bill for that space junk….




514876  No.6140129



hat trick

0164eb  No.6140130


what if something else DID make it down safely?

245ade  No.6140131


hahahha it looked like a tent covered in aluminum foil with radio part bits….its such a joke…i just want to know why now the other countries are trying again …what give s

178f44  No.6140132

File: 47738c4d75eaba4⋯.png (219.48 KB, 635x590, 127:118, 7ADB3D1F-6EC6-4E69-A3FD-11….png)

Conspiracy is not a theory, Chuck.

It’s a Felony.

Someone with a twat account mind sharing this newsflash with him?

2cddb7  No.6140133

File: 48f0d439498a9d4⋯.jpg (536.7 KB, 1079x1142, 1079:1142, Screenshot_20190411-144452….jpg)


Rt… just now


a88921  No.6140134

File: 0a80f42ed0d17d6⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 742x461, 742:461, 2ycm2o.jpg)


eb776b  No.6140135

d61503  No.6140136


> … ome back and post another "I'm not a larp" post?

Q doth protest too much …

59111c  No.6140137


Do we have an indictment map going, that way Anons can see what's going down where?

a9b9b3  No.6140138


Wow and I bet he's fucking that slut in total recall.

Wake up

3a4643  No.6140139

File: 8f749da83498ffd⋯.png (995.7 KB, 641x994, 641:994, Screen Shot 2019-03-17 at ….png)

>>6138888 (pb) Can't believe nobody checked my quads.

d91d33  No.6140140


I must've been on Windows Vista myself

Got rebooted twice then had to reinstall at midnight….

Now I'm feeling solid state with quantum write your own codes



ca62e5  No.6140141

File: e68460ce5cc0490⋯.jpg (25.33 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ruth-bader-ginsburg.png.jpg)

ba04b0  No.6140142

This may be nothing but gave me a laugh all the *sane…..

4/11 -→ 411 -→phone # for information -→answers to unknowns (directory assistance)

Or, there's the old awful cliche "what's the 411" *cough, chuckles

Anyway, what a day to kick back and observe knowing you (I) don't know wtf is going on and then imagining D's reaction.

"Alice, grab the popcorn" ~ said in best Jackie Gleason voice

7e5904  No.6140143

File: f5c878db0749660⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1428x1068, 119:89, big-dreams-go-boom.png)

Too soon?

27c082  No.6140144



9fcff4  No.6140145

Two ice agents hit, one suspect killed, two suspects in custody. ICE not local. Outstanding warrants, subjects being followed, turned into a shootout.


af9112  No.6140146

Mueller has never been a White Hat. Look at his History. Read Louis Gohmert's report regarding Mueller.


5a4039  No.6140147

File: 9a89d177fffbeb1⋯.png (69.2 KB, 616x357, 88:51, Breaking_assange.png)


a352f0  No.6140148


U can see her old face under her new face if u look around her eyes.

Why do stars do that? gross

166fe4  No.6140149


Or that he didn't hide evidence that would clear defendants, or turn a blind eye to Whitey Bulger's crimes in exchange for info, or that he was the lead investigator on Pan Am 103 Lockerbie crash and buried the fact it was caused by the C_A, or…..

64f239  No.6140150


when candace fucks you up so bad

fb0631  No.6140151


timing is crucial here too then

coordination with the UK

c66fab  No.6140152


Small country.

Small crater.

1a1fc2  No.6140153


Does anyone know yet what magazine he is holding?

291fc7  No.6140154


That's not the list. Nunes already hinted Strozk is one.

166fe4  No.6140155


I refuse to believe this.

49c8ea  No.6140156


I assume someone good was in some type of control and position to see the plan and prevent it. I'll trust myself until later and maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not leaving.

462b53  No.6140157

File: 7d4adf5dd19091d⋯.png (208.27 KB, 853x733, 853:733, icarus.png)

Blackmail can be rendered worthless without having to use it.

Find the weakness. Free the world

324c26  No.6140158


Nothing bad about being wrong. Everyone is wrong sometimes, Anon. Just learn from mistakes and grow. ;) Look at his history. Just before 9/11 he got a promotion.

9fa8c4  No.6140159


Seems clear to me this is what Q was referencing.

5d8c38  No.6140160

File: e9da11818f52bad⋯.jpg (570.76 KB, 2097x1440, 233:160, IMG_20190411_154303.jpg)

5f3621  No.6140161


Ohhhhhh man.

490186  No.6140162


most peculiar mama

d61503  No.6140163


Didn't address the facts of my post, just thought that you'd call me some name that means nothing.


Uninformed idiot. Go back to homeroom.

4b11c8  No.6140164

File: 7ed896e2b7a4293⋯.png (457.45 KB, 625x822, 625:822, ClipboardImage.png)


c66fab  No.6140165


Yeah, it was snippets of Gore Vidal writings. Something something age of global spying.

d1b77b  No.6140166


I see only one hand that is awkwardly holding the book.

413f83  No.6140167

File: 2211881ccb68608⋯.png (557.53 KB, 904x812, 226:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22cd2daa1f700c6⋯.png (21.62 KB, 907x155, 907:155, ClipboardImage.png)

Coinbase Crypto Exchange Launches Visa-Enabled Payments Card


One world currency?

31bf7b  No.6140168


Fake and gay or holy shitballs?

291fc7  No.6140169


Let me correct myself: 8 referrals does NOT mean 8 people. It can be up to two dozen people in one referral.

0378b9  No.6140170


"If Q is BS, why spend your time on a Q board??"

Typical response from anons. Why? Because groupthink is dangerous, and more so when anons claim to be "thinking for themselves" while performing selective 'research' that completely ignores any critical analysis of POTUS's policies or establishment appointments.

Monitoring this contracted operation (ConOp), and its deleterious effects on anons is a responsible endeavor, especially when anons regurgitate every falsehood pushed by this new 'Hope and Change' narrative.

Sycophantic lickspittles chasing Rachel Chandler links while ignoring their AG's CIA past, supporting CIA regime change plots in Venezuela 'because socialism', or giving a pass to slobbering adoration of a proxy state of the aristocracy (Pompeo: "Anti-Zionism is antisemitism") are but a few examples of how stupidity can be weaponized to distract and disinform the public.

af2255  No.6140171


3 disclosures - FBI, CIA and the FED. It's ironic to say it, I realize this… but buckle up y'all, it really is happening. In reality, it's BEEN happening. "You'll see"

9d6524  No.6140172

File: 7a160ee08580313⋯.jpeg (460.07 KB, 1876x1902, 938:951, C667A33C-90F2-4D8B-8738-C….jpeg)


A book can be used as a KEY to decrypt messages.


A book cipher is a cipher in which the key is some aspect of a book or other piece of text. Books, being common and widely available in modern times, are more convenient for this use than objects made specifically for cryptographic purposes. It is typically essential that both correspondents not only have the same book, but the same edition.[1]

Traditionally book ciphers work by replacing words in the plaintext of a message with the location of words from the book being used. In this mode, book ciphers are more properly called codes.

This can have problems; if a word appears in the plaintext but not in the book, it cannot be encoded. An alternative approach which gets around this problem is to replace individual letters rather than words. One such method, used in the second Beale cipher, substitutes the first letter of a word in the book with that word's position. In this case, the book cipher is properly a cipher — specifically, a homophonic substitution cipher. However, if used often, this technique has the side effect of creating a larger ciphertext (typically 4 to 6 digits being required to encipher each letter or syllable) and increases the time and effort required to decode the message.

The main strength of a book cipher is the key. The sender and receiver of encoded messages can agree to use any book or other publication available to both of them as the key to their cipher. Someone intercepting the message and attempting to decode it, unless they are a skilled cryptographer (see Security below), must somehow identify the key from a huge number of possibilities available. In the context of espionage, a book cipher has a considerable advantage for a spy in enemy territory. A conventional codebook, if discovered by the local authorities, instantly incriminates the holder as a spy and gives the authorities the chance of deciphering the code and sending false messages impersonating the agent. On the other hand, a book, if chosen carefully to fit with the spy's cover story, would seem entirely innocuous. The drawback to a book cipher is that both parties have to possess an identical copy of the key. The book must not be of the sort that would look out of place in the possession of those using it and it must be of a type likely to contain any words required. Thus, for example, a spy wishing to send information about troop movements and numbers of armaments would be unlikely to find a cookbook or romance novel useful keys.

27c082  No.6140173



eb776b  No.6140174


No fuckin way!!!!

1a50f7  No.6140175

File: a97deb24b31739a⋯.png (72.28 KB, 865x282, 865:282, ClipboardImage.png)



4b11c8  No.6140176

e1cb88  No.6140177


Ecudorian embassy be doing weird shit to niggas hands bruh.

a352f0  No.6140178


Yeah and WHO authorized the surveillance?

0fd960  No.6140179

File: aa30c4afc70a344⋯.png (62.85 KB, 500x671, 500:671, shilly.png)

cc1578  No.6140180

File: e721223ddf3abf1⋯.png (1014.26 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1555011991947.png)

38ef9b  No.6140181

324c26  No.6140182


This anon knows.

022a66  No.6140183


never stops. hard to stay away even being here that long

d43746  No.6140184

>>6138770 LB

I've been here since day on researching since 4 chan 2017 Q drops. Not only am I thankful for Q team info, I am grateful for Potus. If Q is a larp, then I am a larp as well…..and my family and circle of friends would disagree. Be gone shills, you are disrespectful of the truth.


e5b22b  No.6140185

File: 1a33935d0fe3c45⋯.jpg (581.07 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_6868.JPG)

Glad to know Dorothy got over danielfaggot and that negro cock finally

87aede  No.6140186


Clear how??

sauce ??

c66fab  No.6140187


Q's not gonna punch down that low dude. He's just warning us about the shill tactics the FMC uses.

fb0ad4  No.6140188


Yep. MAGA Co and Gorka called out.

514876  No.6140189



Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.

39c681  No.6140190



9ed17c  No.6140191

File: fb04df15291365e⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 670x682, 335:341, joker2.JPG)

File: 4737127901dbdea⋯.png (413.19 KB, 779x470, 779:470, gregcraig.png)

but theres no muh arrest!!!

muh larp!!!

f7e4bf  No.6140192

Personally, as both a life long follower of @realDonaldTrump & one that has worked Q from the start, I couldn't be more disappointed in this either very slow, or just plain nonexistent, acknowledgement of the Assange situation [ ! ]


1a1fc2  No.6140193

1e6911  No.6140194


The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held on to a book about America author Gore Vidal as he was arrested Thursday in London.

The book entitled "Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State" focuses on the "historical events that led to the establishment of the massive military-industrial-security complex," according to the book's description. The book features interviews conducted with Vidal by Paul Jay, senior editor of the Real News Network, on a number of political topics.

bc3ae8  No.6140195

File: 4130d65e96df555⋯.jpg (13.64 KB, 255x242, 255:242, pepelaugh.jpg)


Using American tax payer money to try and explore the moon? Fuck IsraHell and all the psychopath sand people.

c6801a  No.6140196

File: 1cbec11b132f92a⋯.png (206.13 KB, 388x600, 97:150, 4c7780d5568c28ec448fc5fc38….png)

6bb496  No.6140197



af2255  No.6140198


The ugly on the inside has to be covered so they can continue to look in the mirror.

ca62e5  No.6140199

File: 7a79abf5c9e46de⋯.jpg (24.26 KB, 1024x420, 256:105, PENCE1.jpg)

fb0631  No.6140200


wrong font bitch

work on skillz

5f3621  No.6140201


No suck page exists.

e1cb88  No.6140202


This is normal Texas weather tbh. Throw in a tornado and you are good to go.

531349  No.6140203

File: 1d3489f9f8e3788⋯.png (768.94 KB, 764x500, 191:125, 1555011985437.png)

d8828a  No.6140204


Sure I know but I have too wrong so I will just stay silent, it’s worse to lead people the wrong way then it is to say nothing

c0769c  No.6140205




9d1496  No.6140206


anons watching carefully.

rgb is known for muh jew shilling attempts.

6d020e  No.6140207

File: f632fd4a96fd0c9⋯.jpeg (182.29 KB, 640x694, 320:347, 82132500-9186-4040-B80F-5….jpeg)


There’s a meme for that!

3da804  No.6140208


then it could throw moon rox at us, huh Brianna

c66fab  No.6140209


We're just wondering why you don't think about something else, somewhere else.

Because we desire your absence more than your input.

bc3ae8  No.6140210

File: 6b79093953c7723⋯.jpg (66.04 KB, 828x879, 276:293, pepekek.JPG)

f7e4bf  No.6140211

File: 93ba2775a21828b⋯.png (570.71 KB, 700x528, 175:132, hussein_no_1_got_indicted.png)

27c082  No.6140212


no one likes you megajew

37d776  No.6140213

13e023  No.6140214

File: 11a0d38bf0c2566⋯.jpg (51.21 KB, 600x600, 1:1, JewMoon.jpg)




So now that the jews crashlanded on the moon, is Trump going to declare the moon to be israeli territory too?

or did the good ayys obliterate that lizard shit project before it got there?

626af0  No.6140215


I used to think liberal tears were the best. Now I know it's shill tears.

324c26  No.6140216

Lets see

Well, Q posted….

Twitter has people claiming Q is fake now.

Couple more articles out bashing Q…

still can't ask potus after all this time and money


af2255  No.6140217

File: 40264e949652ba6⋯.jpeg (68.74 KB, 700x500, 7:5, April O'Neil.jpeg)


Oh, you!!!

524c4e  No.6140218



>URGENT: Ecuador has illegally terminated Assange political asylum in violation of international law

wikileaks mad, this seems like a good sign

33964d  No.6140219

I love it when Q is around and criminal referrals are given out ….I call this a winning Thursday …

aa913d  No.6140220


One of my fav q posts! I am not done asking about Vegas either! :)

1d6ef0  No.6140221

File: 634e9e4dbcb85b6⋯.jpg (159.64 KB, 796x814, 398:407, brennan-walmart.jpg)

e5b22b  No.6140222


Spurious and homoerotic is the cia way

Let's ride those necromancy stunt dummies through the swamp gasses of sorosanon and hobbits

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


c66fab  No.6140223


Pretty good palate if you can tell the difference.

20837d  No.6140224

File: f603011c542c70a⋯.jpg (181.43 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 2xyico.jpg)


So getting an ILLEGAL FISA warrant using FAKE information (PEE Dossier) and conspiracy to commit Treason, Sedition & Subversion of this nation doesn't make this legal TED.

Spying and Surveillance are one and the same…

4b11c8  No.6140225

File: 9502559ddf2349a⋯.png (21.54 KB, 626x273, 626:273, ClipboardImage.png)


d61503  No.6140226


Go back and read Q's posts … especially the first ones about everyone around Trump being military .. including RM.

Do your own fucking work. I'm not your nigger.

1a50f7  No.6140227


>hard to stay away even being here that long

I'm fortunate in that I have the resources to have stuck to this thing like glue since 11/17. Insane amounts of infomration.

But the shillstorms haven't been this bad (today) since maybe a year ago. Now we're gettin' back to the good ol' parking lot brawl of yesteryear. Delicious!

dfa4c5  No.6140229

File: 887e4ddaf46bf6f⋯.png (165.49 KB, 601x600, 601:600, 11734225-4B0A-4150-AA2C-04….png)

File: 3d7992e7900ba6c⋯.jpeg (568.34 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EA59639F-D297-4010-BFF9-7….jpeg)

File: 20204f2cfb037f7⋯.jpeg (121.37 KB, 807x500, 807:500, 7C6C9AE2-FC30-4994-B006-2….jpeg)


There are countless attacks by the media in an orchestrated campaign. There are millions spent shaping these narratives, much like Fusion GPS, ShareBlue and others. At least 20% of posts are not related to our research and are various forms of subversion or fake news narrative shaping. While you report your false narratives of muh racist, violent cult etc, we will continue breaking news months ahead of you.

The corrupt political establishment, whose members found their wealth in “service” to America, is who draws our ire. We hope all Americans will WAKE UP and turn their attention to rooting out this corruption. We are merely patriots, working to shine the LIGHT OF TRUTH. We demand JUSTICE for all who have been harmed by their wicked deeds, and JUSTICE IS COMING. We TRUST President Trump and his administration to do so.

The NOTABLES section will help you cut through the chaos and noise.

Notables aren‘t endorsements. Discern for yourself. The notion we can control anonymous posts is a huge leap. ANYONE can post, including our adversaries. If you want DIRT: Read the rest of this page, where the information in the notables and the real research is being attacked relentlessly. Some posts may appear wild and outlandish. We call these posts “slides” and obvious efforts to derail and distract. Notables have at least some level of curation, even if just dig requests or theories.

If it’s HATE based, it’s FAKE / PAID

NOTHING Q has said supports these narratives. We reject any unlawful activity. Groups that fundraise off “hate” are the most likely culprits. Hate is an industry, much like the news media being more interested in ratings than journalism.

E.g. https://qresear.ch/?q=Synagogue+of+Satan

Identical content, posted nearly 2000 times! Organic? We have caught media associates planting similar posts. (Hi Doug)

The shills are never Trump or Q supporters, and never show any enthusiasm over current events. Their round the clock persistence only validates Q. All for a LARP?

Think for yourself and discern posts in context of Q drops at QMAP.PUB and current events.

Thanks For Playing, Come Again




This will be posted regularly given latest Q drops

>>5966972 (Q, pb) rt >>5966583 (pb) rt >>5966470 (pb this)

3a4643  No.6140230

File: e9ce5b1fd35cd94⋯.png (157.12 KB, 495x614, 495:614, Screen Shot 2019-04-02 at ….png)

c6f236  No.6140231

File: 673aefdff83685d⋯.jpeg (13.7 KB, 344x163, 344:163, th.jpeg)


How is it the Israelis can afford a space program yet need billions in aid from American taxpayers every year?

27c082  No.6140232


stop being a nigger ebot

19ff92  No.6140233

File: 6ee22bd385a7a23⋯.jpg (272.17 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ReadyLevelUp2.jpg)

File: 5936594ec4225cf⋯.jpg (397.24 KB, 994x1498, 71:107, ReadyLevelUp5.jpg)

File: ad0e3c18e11fc3e⋯.jpg (773.15 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ReadyMoreAbundantLife.jpg)

File: 0fdfc2f3ca3cad6⋯.jpg (259.47 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ReadyMoreTransparency2.jpg)

File: 20549e393b11685⋯.jpg (145.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, FreeYourSpirit1.jpg)

>>6139901 Good, memeanon.

9ed17c  No.6140234

File: 5560aa8335b6461⋯.png (73.57 KB, 578x136, 17:4, tard.png)

c0769c  No.6140235


anon makes good points

3a4643  No.6140236

File: 370e360ac121782⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1467x1062, 163:118, Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at ….png)


You're under arrest.

ff2c5e  No.6140237


I just checked UK news Fake

d43746  No.6140238

>>6138770 lb. Corrected

I've been here since day one researching since 4 chan 2017 Q drops. Not only am I thankful for Q team info, I am grateful for Potus. If Q is a larp, then I am a larp as well…..and my family and circle of friends would disagree. Be gone shills, you are disrespectful of the truth.


413f83  No.6140239

Most likely

022a66  No.6140240


sure why not. habbens all the time


64f239  No.6140241


nobody told me

14b85d  No.6140242

File: abffa46984accd7⋯.png (60.1 KB, 845x189, 845:189, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 862667e6dd146e4⋯.png (127.16 KB, 867x625, 867:625, ClipboardImage.png)

They were onto the Ukraine connection in October 2017.

David Sanger was the NYT water carrier for the Tymoshenko hit piece.

c374bf  No.6140243

File: 5e915d1c514c918⋯.png (3.37 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, QC04113x3JAexwPICCHESSSREC.png)

Embassy Cat.

On the CLOCK.

Read the story. JA has been out of the embassy since November.

You are watching a movie.

Enjoy the Show.

1a9e63  No.6140244


"Where you only get to pick the menu, once.

11cfb8  No.6140245


I for one congratulate israel on all their winning

Why does this world have to be so terrible god

It wouldnt even be that bad without the elite

c4424e  No.6140246


>China will get there first

what sources? I'm curious about your statement

>we are being led to believe.

space news isn't exactly a headline item these days, and not very many 'specifics' escape the great firewall of china…

what exactly leads you to believe the chinese will beat us in a race for a sustainable base on the moon?

c3d056  No.6140247


I. Assange taken out of the embassy.

He’s clearly afraid and resisting.

II. A few moments later he’s giving a thumbs up in the bus.

What if someone told him something like „We have your back now. Don’t be afraid. „

I don’t know why else he would turn from terrified to thumbs up in such a short time.

Just thinking out loud.

8217ee  No.6140248

File: 6b1be41fea770c0⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 655x527, 655:527, notable.jpg)


I see my "tunes at the dough" schtick is catching on.

c1df04  No.6140249


So how do you know Rachel better than anyone else here?

5b7408  No.6140250

Hey Mossad & Clowns don’t try to pepe your memes.. we can tell and it’s too easy.

You dipshills used to make this fun. sAD!

024541  No.6140251




>A Mysterious hacker from the future - Deleting all traces of Christianality

just seemed odd

edec6f  No.6140252


After all the poor Jews have been through,

don't you think we owe them the moon…and the stars?

ae3df6  No.6140253

File: a5bfd6171dbd902⋯.png (1.72 MB, 962x1424, 481:712, antsbees.png)

d84736  No.6140254


God bless you Anon

67ac2e  No.6140255

>>6140195 Actual Science is a total fraud an scam scheme

change my mind… kek

1d6ef0  No.6140256

File: 898cc46ac4b217f⋯.jpg (146.66 KB, 718x813, 718:813, cortez-ice-eating-fast.jpg)

1899c8  No.6140257



91c0dd  No.6140258



3a4643  No.6140259


Was he terrified or was he trying to get the shot of the book in.

e5b22b  No.6140260

Maybe we can grind Jew potatoes in South American

bc3ae8  No.6140261

JA is a ruskee agent? Now I have to hear about JA and muh russia moar? Ffs we are going to have to order moar rope.

27c082  No.6140262

File: 7c95653dcb10ace⋯.jpg (79.31 KB, 858x830, 429:415, 7c95653dcb10ace54dae995b1c….jpg)

6f282f  No.6140263

File: f80f20925cc1cfe⋯.jpg (14.44 KB, 456x320, 57:40, r87e9075487185437t84r7t891….jpg)

1a50f7  No.6140264


>Just thinking out loud.

Really. You don't think the good guys are smarter than this? This is a very brilliant plan. Julian knew.

38f270  No.6140265

File: 0a9450bd2c32cc3⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e9d.jpg)

9d1496  No.6140266


can´t find ANY other sauce on that,

so pretty sure bs.

try harder, shill&msm.

9ed17c  No.6140267

File: 2a37231810fca08⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1310x1000, 131:100, anon.png)

File: 189408d87e57d5d⋯.png (1.26 MB, 949x703, 949:703, CANNOT SAY THANK YOU ENOUG….png)

File: c7c8c77d08010ec⋯.png (1.41 MB, 970x885, 194:177, MICHIGAN RALLY LOVE.png)


we're all larps when operating in the holy spirit, patriot.


0164eb  No.6140268



af2255  No.6140269

One thing I'm curious about is, are all the other nations of the world going to have to convert to either gold/trade with gold countries before the FED can finally be reshaped, or can it be simultaneous?

cc104e  No.6140270

File: 3e6833364e01b0a⋯.jpg (204.59 KB, 2000x2667, 2000:2667, dark_punisher.jpg)

File: 27e35eb54205058⋯.jpg (3.19 KB, 220x152, 55:38, Q jets.jpg)


Comey says he fears possible counter investigation after Mueller report.

“I don't fear it personally. I fear it as a citizen,” he said. “Right? Investigate what? Investigate that investigations were conducted? What would be the crime you’d be investigating? So it’s a terrible cycle to start.”


4b11c8  No.6140271

File: 64d62ca4675d8e2⋯.png (251.08 KB, 622x720, 311:360, ClipboardImage.png)


245ade  No.6140272


you bastard they deserve all of time and space and your toaster you fucking anti Semite kek

8d05f2  No.6140273


system of cameras to catch 'speeders' supposedly had a flash part that would blind the motorists taking their pictures.

the company that had installed this supposedly immedatley went and removed them

Heard this story from a reliable tech worker who used to travel frequently to Amsterdam working on such equipment. He heard it from engineers who worked on that camera system to catch speeders.

10b8ee  No.6140274



A thought.

>Godfather III

Who more than Princes William and Harry would have motivation to take down the cabal?

Their own family murdered their mother, after waging the most vicious smear campaign against her.

The Princes would be the 3rd living generation of the royal fam.

d61503  No.6140275


>Because groupthink is dangerous

Especially groupthink guided by an anonymous poster of cryptic bullshit on an 8chan board … hidden, secret, and unaccountable.

e1cb88  No.6140276


A deal you dumb fuck. They are done all the time to catch bigger fish. Jesus man drink bleach you toxic fuck.

edec6f  No.6140277


No walnut sauce in Gitmo, Skippy

27c082  No.6140278

File: 96fdfd92ed3ebdc⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1304x1190, 652:595, ClipboardImage.png)

3c6b08  No.6140279

Assange sat on damning info to the cabal..go ahead and be cucks all you want.

d7b889  No.6140280

JA being arrested before 19 of April

This is getting spicy

eac498  No.6140281


Book title should be: "It's happening!"

a88921  No.6140282


ET's on the moon don't want the jews there either.

87aede  No.6140284


So YOU make a false statement and have NO sauce….

The only thing Q said regarding Muller was tied to RR…If one is good, so is the other. If one is bad, so is the other.

9b5770  No.6140285

File: 143d614a0f51a32⋯.png (876.53 KB, 2059x950, 2059:950, ClipboardImage.png)


I think there will be at least 2 or 3 of these Indictments

every week for the Next 12 Months.

We know that there are a Lot to get through

4b11c8  No.6140286


Fake from hours ago.

52041d  No.6140287


It's a good question. My guess is it has something to do with humility being necessary to get to heaven.

Suffering is fertile soil for humility. It tends to kill pride, if you let it.

9b1bc3  No.6140288

File: 309614eb691d3e1⋯.png (9.43 KB, 438x153, 146:51, 8ch_net_qresearch_res_2925….png)

a98c5c  No.6140289

PM May may be a great actress.

Q puts out disinformation that she is controlled by Germany.

Deep State thinks declas relies on Brexit timing.

EU gives extension to prevent secondary effects of declas which mean Iran deal bribes go public.

EU have been led into a trap.

Trap has just been sprung.

How do you catch a wild animal.

UK leaves EU on November 1st.

All Saints Day.

67ac2e  No.6140290

File: 7e82c0b418b4962⋯.png (347.99 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>6139901 Timeless beauty and grace

11cfb8  No.6140291



I also have a grudge because i fell for it due to depression

3a4643  No.6140292



d61503  No.6140293


She's a fucking groupie. Google "groupie" and read a little, boy.

0db09e  No.6140294

File: 57b5a8eac3e8c67⋯.jpg (19.57 KB, 182x268, 91:134, MV5BZjFkYTU2ODctNTQ4MS00Yz….jpg)

f7a81e  No.6140295

File: c2c8eded2929617⋯.jpg (82.27 KB, 1014x676, 3:2, tumblr_nvsdptai471qij4o1o1….jpg)

Thank you Baker!!!

9d1496  No.6140296


thanks, anon.

8a1c63  No.6140297


The Hill

‏Verified account @thehill

Matt Gaetz introduces "PENCIL" resolution targeting Adam Schiff


d91d33  No.6140298

File: 9c1465114a0fc94⋯.jpg (267.88 KB, 770x628, 385:314, 112fec36f03d5efa8a43631934….jpg)



No fear


7e295d  No.6140299

re; images that keep disappearing…remember



▶Anonymous 03/28/19 (Thu) 23:58:23 b5a2a7 (48) No.5958613

Global Notable

The problem with JPEGS

You know how some photos disappear as soon as they are Past Bread? Those are JPEG files.

For superior results, please save files as either PNGs or JPGs.

(Check out the default for your program. If it's JPEG, try to change the default–or choose a different option from the "Save as" drop-down menu.)

1a50f7  No.6140300

File: 52e3fdddd95fd24⋯.png (137.41 KB, 300x450, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Upset? Things not going your way? Try incarceration. They give you free food.

e34d7f  No.6140301


I'm not even mad, I'm just trying to understand if it's a computer program or a human that makes memes sooooo baaaaaaaad

544282  No.6140302


Day’s not over yet

fb0631  No.6140303


did u see the clip of him being taken away?


he would not need to be taken away in that fashion to begin with

that should have clued you in

then if you watch JA, he is in no distress at all, not resisting, FAKE, ENJOY THE MOVIE

e5b22b  No.6140304


TIresia is old news

1a50f7  No.6140305


addendum: if they don't kill you.

e333f5  No.6140306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b3b127  No.6140307

109 countries + The Moon

5f3621  No.6140308

File: 7bf749174e3bdbd⋯.jpg (41.71 KB, 590x431, 590:431, Capture.JPG)

9ed17c  No.6140309

File: 5913ab8d0c99e8b⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 600x454, 300:227, happening.gif)

File: dcfb512d1dbbe38⋯.png (802.74 KB, 1082x608, 541:304, homeland security.png)

File: 7c64beb37314a2d⋯.png (592.4 KB, 891x631, 891:631, bitchlied.png)

9b1bc3  No.6140310

File: 92ee0cd8ceef8fe⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 600x314, 300:157, 4OPNONhZ.jpg)

ee654b  No.6140311

>>6138862 (lb)

Imagine for a moment what Q team and Q+ have been through.

Humbled yet?

31c1e6  No.6140312

>>6139517 lb

>>6139615 lb

Do me a favor and tell ole Georgie Boy he can quit sending his larpers on here, and he can just give it up–he's responsible for the deaths of at least a million people who once lived on this planet.

One of the regular guys, sheez.

245ade  No.6140313


i used to think Harry could be saved, william i think is lost and thats sad because Kate is sorta hot but i think when harry got involved with whats her name he picked a side…but having said that you keep hearing about fights between the brothers so who knows at this point…but Diana deserves better

5d8c38  No.6140314

File: da8eef53aa61cdc⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2560x1440, 16:9, IMG_20190411_153733612.jpg)

13e023  No.6140315


as long as it's assured that all of them get to take a a free trip to the moon immediately.

cc244e  No.6140316

File: 43c77de42e7fb79⋯.png (215.1 KB, 700x335, 140:67, 43c77de42e7fb793c62b33ff4d….png)


Lizards can't leave.

1d6ef0  No.6140317

File: d99ed714c4bd4b9⋯.jpg (304.03 KB, 1135x643, 1135:643, potus-batman-shadow.jpg)

11cfb8  No.6140318


Yeah right lol

This much suffering could only be the work of the devil

Why does god allow it

Why does there have to be a heaven ?

e5b22b  No.6140319


Have hobbits relarp oval

69e84e  No.6140320


Hey Baker, you're forgetting to add direct links to the bread at the end of your notables.

0164eb  No.6140321

Anti-Semitic Moon Men say "you got a loicense for that mate?"

5b3d05  No.6140322

File: 4dc8fef9da5e421⋯.png (48 KB, 993x96, 331:32, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5bd00f99639efa⋯.png (49.22 KB, 1244x76, 311:19, ClipboardImage.png)

27c082  No.6140323

File: 00b578227d99081⋯.jpeg (26.67 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 00b578227d990812dc393fcd3….jpeg)

13e023  No.6140324


you think this is the only planet they infest?…

7d7c04  No.6140325


>>6140167 Coinbase crypto exchange launches Visa-enabled payments card.

>>6140133 US Army: "Protecting the skies from the ground…"

>>6140080 YouTube trying to censor Candace Owen's testimony from yesterday.

>>6140030 Herman Cain's confirmation goes South.

>>6139960 ICE: Shooting in Ahwatukee connected to human smuggling.

>>6139913 SpaceIL's "Beresheet" crashes on the Moon! Rest in peace, Beresheet.

d61503  No.6140326


>The only thing Q said regarding Muller was tied to RR

Re-read Q's first posts about military personnel and Trump.

Or don't, I don't give a fuck if you want to remain ignorant.

Now, fuck off back to suckling lil Daveys tinkle.

a352f0  No.6140327


what??? I love suck pages. When did they get rid of those?

0378b9  No.6140328


Your silo isn't informing your opinion.

af2255  No.6140329


Q + Anons vs Catholic Church

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 469a08 No.2769865 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:27:56 (EST)

Anonymous ID: b80eec No.2769783 📁

Aug 28 2018 15:23:20 (EST)





We, the PEOPLE.

-The People (Q)

Power structure:

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 3474d4 No.884858 📁

Apr 3 2018 19:49:59 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 65a39c No.884833 📁

Apr 3 2018 19:48:54 (EST)



>[Pope] will be having a terrible May.[Pope] will be having a terrible May.


Tell us, Q. How many are connected to (((roths)))?


The "Chair" serves the Master.

>Chair of St. Peter

Who is the Master?

P = C.

>P = Payseur


e5b22b  No.6140330



Spurious and homoerotic is the cia way

Let's ride those necromancy stunt dummies through the swamp gasses of sorosanon and hobbits

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


7d7c04  No.6140331


I've fowarded your complaint to the appropriate department.

dc3124  No.6140333

File: 733f245443fd3ea⋯.png (1.2 MB, 995x610, 199:122, ClipboardImage.png)

19ff92  No.6140334

>>6140132 Hey, Chuckie Boy—love, love, love watching you twist in the wind. BTW, conspiracies are one of the things the AG exists to root out. Scared, braying loser. PAIN.

022a66  No.6140335


me too anon. Life became this right at that time-watched and learned for month's. A fortunate as you to have resources as well-not all do-so no begrudging anyone for time here or not. Although first post not made until month's of getting head around it-and there was alot to get around. You are bang on with the shill assessment-the volume and sheer stupidity of it matches a year ago.

An honor the entire time


4d7a0e  No.6140336

File: e9aa868600dd2fd⋯.png (76.97 KB, 526x500, 263:250, oprah and weinstein - suck….png)

c0769c  No.6140337

File: 179dda85bf961e7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 620x932, 155:233, julian.png)






Hey remember when Q released top secret information that totally exposed war crimes, government corruption, and a group of high level pedophiles & devil worshipers?

Oh ya, that was Julian Assange.

Now he is arrested and Podesta is walking around free laughing about it on Twatter.

Thanks for your ground-breaking expose of all these crimes, Q.

Oh ya I forgot, you actually didn't give us any documents or proof. Only things we found on the internet.

What a great movement this is.

1e6911  No.6140338

File: 56669c9856e559b⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1556x950, 778:475, ahwatukee shoot out.jpg)

PHOENIX, AZ (3TV/CBS5) – Phoenix police are investigating a shooting involving ICE agents in Ahwatukee.

[VIDEO: ICE agents involved in shooting in Ahwatukee]

Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) says the shooting was connected to human smuggling

[VIDEO: Heavy police scene after shooting in Ahwatukee]

It happened just before 10 a.m. Thursday near 48th Street just south of Elliot Road.

Phoenix police told us this shooting incident was a "Homeland Security issue."

[PHOTOS: Police situation in Ahwatukee]

According to a statement released Thursday afternoons by ICE, "special agents discharged their firearm, striking two suspects while executing a federal felony arrest warrant connected to human smuggling."

ICE says the Phoenix Police Department is investigating the incident, and ICE’s Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the incident.

From our drone that flew overhead, you can see a car at the scene that had crashed into a wall.

Numerous police and fire vehicles were at the scene.

We saw at least two vehicles with what appeared to be bullet-riddled windows.

Stay with azfamily.com for more on this developing story.

Copyright 2019 KPHO/KTVK (KPHO Broadcasting Corporation). All rights reserved.

14b85d  No.6140339

File: 9fd6e64ab4f32b2⋯.png (221.7 KB, 1096x636, 274:159, ClipboardImage.png)


David Sanger

Another mockingbird faggot

dc3124  No.6140340

File: 568ac800b7c1145⋯.png (766.18 KB, 933x544, 933:544, ClipboardImage.png)

bc3ae8  No.6140341

File: 6d697d43ad0a8ba⋯.jpg (8.73 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 8de1fa4d429cd69c233106e016….jpg)


And teddy boy was a Colonel in the AF. Low life criminal traitor scumbags.

e5b22b  No.6140342

File: 6ddcadf9555196d⋯.jpg (167.23 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_6791.JPG)

19ff92  No.6140343


>only thing Q said regarding Mueller

No, anon. Q just now said

Mueller = whitehat is disinformation, a fake & false narrative


It seems quite clear from this that Mueller was put in place by the Deep State to blockade the Trump administration taking on the Deep State.

4b11c8  No.6140344

File: c2fd636454d7bec⋯.png (24.17 KB, 629x234, 629:234, ClipboardImage.png)


c1df04  No.6140345


that's all you have?


that's just your very limited take on her, and you've nothing to show for it.

even if your opinion could be taken as true, it doesn't adress her role as pimp businesswoman/slave broker

866e7e  No.6140346

File: 8c39c66196784b5⋯.jpg (49.84 KB, 436x600, 109:150, 8c39c66196784b58aba946a30d….jpg)

I guess I'm the only guy that didn't get one.

b5a918  No.6140347

I read this as POTUS putting Assange in protective custody. JA's testimony in will be epic in several cases. Pam Anderson slamming POTUS is just an actor playing a role in the movie. So is POTUS saying Assange is "not my thing".

61a118  No.6140348


>It's good to debate both sides until a truth can be found.

>Honest debate, not dem debate.

Concur. Gets challenging when disinfo artists inject one side with every logical fallacy in the book.

May this experience help everyone sharpen their discernment so that the next one can be kept more within the bounds of honorable engagement.

514876  No.6140349

File: 6a494f74511bb1e⋯.png (681.94 KB, 840x840, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

e5b22b  No.6140350


It's your danielfaggot is trannywhore

1a50f7  No.6140351


WWG1WGA. Our redemption is at near.

d91d33  No.6140352

File: 1f664350ab09919⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 175x255, 35:51, 153dbd2232c9ec47f2ce1a1326….jpg)



022a66  No.6140353

File: 0b6280880867904⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1351x826, 193:118, mz.PNG)

0378b9  No.6140354


Well said, anon.

1a50f7  No.6140355


…or something.

11cfb8  No.6140356


I wonder how many other people like me there are that are now "bait" for the interdimensionals

Aka a fly

Except theres no fisher

Only suffering

8217ee  No.6140357

File: 73faec231605651⋯.jpeg (7 KB, 210x255, 14:17, 5d0b053872b88fa3472180e88….jpeg)



/b/lackup baker standing by

fb0631  No.6140358

File: 7d4c79f2b405860⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1448x1250, 724:625, Screenshot 2019-04-11_15-5….png)



US coordinate this with UK

so obvious

HE IS A FREE MAN, essentially

10b8ee  No.6140359

File: 730df95ea56bce8⋯.jpg (356.27 KB, 640x853, 640:853, Level-Up-QofCreativity.jpg)


Love these, memefren.

Let's all Level Up!

27c082  No.6140360

File: 2013e524063b154⋯.jpg (12.42 KB, 184x184, 1:1, 2013e524063b154d26f5d0a03a….jpg)

681a88  No.6140361


Dead works for me

39c681  No.6140362






93d108  No.6140363


Yes, he has three hands. Strange though how nobody has noticed all these years.

413f83  No.6140364

File: 54a28cd2cd96f5d⋯.png (830.32 KB, 806x427, 806:427, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a50563bf2647b0⋯.png (65.75 KB, 838x824, 419:412, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7da694af7759dc⋯.png (53.55 KB, 850x626, 425:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d866e1194bfeb09⋯.png (28.7 KB, 847x559, 847:559, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93ef94e564733da⋯.png (603.05 KB, 556x573, 556:573, ClipboardImage.png)

Here’s Why the Book Julian Assange Was Holding When He Was Arrested is Vitally Important

As he was dragged from the embassy in handcuffs, Julian Assange managed to grab a very important book.

On Thursday, several men in black suits, surrounded by a dozen cops, raided the Ecuadorian embassy in London and kidnapped Julian Assange. Moments later, the Department of Justice released a statement charging Assange with computer hacking “conspiracy” for allegedly working with US Army soldier at the time, Chelsea Manning. Assange was in handcuffs when he was brought out and as he was being dragged from the embassy, he managed to grab the book, Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State. As he was shoved into the van, Assange held the book facing forward so that it could be seen by the camera.


d61503  No.6140365


I have ZERO fear of Q.

I don't hide by posting behind a VPN.

If Q is who he claims to be, then he knows exactly where to find me.

I have ZERO fear of Q … because Q is a ShariaBlew psyoping cunt … as are most of his pud sucking supporting cast on this board .. the tools who call all dissenters "shills".

866e7e  No.6140366

File: aab6ed67298e34d⋯.jpg (43.42 KB, 441x443, 441:443, Tyrus ButtPlug.jpg)

e5b22b  No.6140367

File: 801ee9e641bca31⋯.jpg (163.92 KB, 800x680, 20:17, 751E2479-8CB8-4D50-A5D2-21….jpg)

File: cb82de8d3d61115⋯.jpg (12.25 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 1EF14050-4E93-4925-B598-78….jpg)

File: a875a37af83b8b7⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 675x675, 1:1, C6E09944-D8BD-468C-A7B0-51….jpg)

File: 792a702dbbc49a4⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 220x229, 220:229, 2DF6FAC2-CC90-48C8-98F2-62….jpg)


Ride the old wood in the Forrest hobbit


Spurious and homoerotic is the cia way

Let's ride those necromancy stunt dummies through the swamp gasses of sorosanon and hobbits

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


1899c8  No.6140368

File: 7e8fa3915612e0c⋯.jpg (216.01 KB, 1263x1366, 1263:1366, 7e8fa3915612e0c618bcd6fb2f….jpg)


here ya go anon.

31c1e6  No.6140369


For us?

d5ef1d  No.6140370


And because of that fraud they’re now worthless.

024541  No.6140371

d5b2ec  No.6140372



166fe4  No.6140373


Everything that happened over the last 2 years is CRUCIAL to getting America back to the way it's supposed to be.

Without this nightmare and upcoming expose, we won't have Voter ID, Destruction of DS, Democrat downfall, return to Constitution, building of wall, reworking of immigration laws, take down of crooked 3 letter agencies…

86f121  No.6140374

File: bd663f3216d37f8⋯.jpg (217.07 KB, 900x1041, 300:347, Trump Winner.jpg)

OK, so we know now from Q that Mueller was no White Hat, and that was needed disinfo.

We may have to regard the Huber/90K sealed indictments as disinfo too.

Surely we have had to fight all the shillsources this whole time

So, what do we have?

1. Assange - He knows Seth Rich sent him the emails - POTUS will have him protected until testimony - Might be quickly?

2. Mueller had bupkus and it was all needed to clear POTUS - No friend in Mueller but BBARR keeps that whole mess honest now.

3. Jeff Sessions may have been disinfo. Considering what we have seen so far, it may be true, but POTUS had to wait until close to Mueller finish to send Jeffy away?

4. BBARR has all the cards. Huber, IG Report, BBARR investigations, and whatever comes from Graham may just be fluff, because Senate/House has no real prosecutorial power

5. House Dems will blow sunshine up POTUS skirts indefinitely until either some people get arrested or SCOTUS orders a cease and desist, which could take place since there is no crime to look for

6. POTUS is squeaky clean on all of it. Mueller's findings plus the whole tax thing. POTUS is so smart he won't have anything out of place or the culprit gets fired.

7. Cohen is a tempest in a teapot and so is the SDNY horse hockey

8. We just have to wait until all the DOJ pieces are in place and BBARR will drop a series of briefcase nukes on Barry's entire team



0378b9  No.6140375


Lots of us "fell for it". Don't feel bad. That was the point of this distraction.

No 'Yellow Vests' in the USA.

3a4643  No.6140376

File: bf0b2ed467e57c6⋯.png (182.5 KB, 467x353, 467:353, Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at ….png)

10b8ee  No.6140377


I think you're On The Money there.

99bad1  No.6140378


every anti-Q post proves we're on the right track

bc3ae8  No.6140379

File: 872840e671681f7⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 220x211, 220:211, pepe_kek.jpg)

20837d  No.6140380

File: e89379d291fe50d⋯.jpg (108.98 KB, 854x622, 427:311, Annotation 2019-04-11 1256….jpg)


‘Lizzie McGuire’ star Lalaine Vergara-Paras says she was ‘forced to look as ‘white’ as possible’ while growing up

(I noticed red shoes) could be nothing…

(orange tint is due to F.lux bluelight app) my apologies!)

1a50f7  No.6140381


>I have ZERO fear of Q.

Q isn't who you need to fear. The people are who you need to fear.

14b85d  No.6140382

File: 6a599e0320e8902⋯.png (316.12 KB, 728x486, 364:243, ClipboardImage.png)

White hat?


f5f9b8  No.6140383

>We have the source.

Direct reference to Assange.

His reveal this morning means the end is near.

DNC “hack” narrative to be disproven.

Inside job —> SR.

JA knows where the bodies are buried.

Patriots in Control.

e3301c  No.6140384





JA ON HIS WAY TO US TO TESTIFY (how do you legally introduce information)





8d05f2  No.6140385




e5b22b  No.6140387


It's a Tijuana burrito on a Mexican bus toilet type of drumpf

9b5770  No.6140388



Nuclear Material ??Summary Information

Transport Logistics International, Inc. ("TLI"), headquartered in Maryland, was in the business of providing logistical support services for the transportation of nuclear materials to customers in the United States and to foreign customers.

Mark T. Lambert was an owner and executive of TLI from about August 1998 through about September 2016. Lambert was the co-President of TLI from about January 2010 through about September 2016. Lambert was a co-owner and co-president at TLI with Daren Condrey, who was charged in a separate proceeding.

JSC Techsnabexport ("TENEX") supplied uranium and uranium enrichment services to nuclear power companies throughout the world on behalf of the Russian government. TENEX was indirectly owned and controlled by, and performed functions of, the Russian government. TENAM Corporation was a wholly-owned subsidiary of TENEX and was TENEX's official representative in the United States.

According to the allegations made in the indictment, between about 2004 and about 2014, Lambert and his co-conspirators agreed to make payments, and caused TLI to make payments, to Vadiim Mikerin, a Director of TENEX and President of TENAM, in order to obtain and retain business with TENEX. According to documents filed in the related case against Condrey, in order to effectuate the bribe payments to Mikerin, the conspirators obtained the money used to pay the bribes by inflating the prices TLI charged TENEX for services, thereby depriving TENEX of money and property.

11cfb8  No.6140389



>I have ZERO fear of Q.

>I don't hide by posting behind a VPN.

>If Q is who he claims to be, then he knows exactly where to find me.

>I have ZERO fear of Q … because Q is a ShariaBlew psyoping cunt … as are most of his pud sucking supporting cast on this board .. the tools who call all dissenters "shills".


I dont fear the demons shills or elite

I fear God not existing,or being evil

And this really being how things are

a5de65  No.6140390


Posobiec, Gorka, Scott Adams, actors? Becuz normally they aren't this facile

022a66  No.6140391

File: a3127cbdb3e2d53⋯.jpeg (64.91 KB, 750x584, 375:292, pepe muh fren.jpeg)


know what you meant the first time

d61503  No.6140392


>What a great movement this is.

At best, Q is a bowel movement.

91a2f8  No.6140393


Random Turkish cop

Too kek tho

6f282f  No.6140394

File: 6a99530b5831e92⋯.png (449.69 KB, 720x432, 5:3, 9a1c36a99530b5831e92a895f7….png)

Timing is everything, there is no coincidence.

BO leaves.

Julian Assange has been moved.

POTUS says dems spied on him and his campaign.

c374bf  No.6140395

File: 7233368ca48b2a3⋯.png (3.73 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, QCRECJA.png)

More KEKs

:50 is the vertical mirror marker of today (:10)

Time stamp KEKs.

413f83  No.6140396

File: 6f7aaa2afe765de⋯.png (46.48 KB, 642x751, 642:751, ClipboardImage.png)

Every House Democrat but one cosponsors bill intended to let biological male athletes compete against females in pubic schools

Only two Republicans are cosponsoring the Equality Act

All the Democrats in the House of Representatives except one are cosponsoring a bill that's intended, in part, to allow biological male athletes who identify as females to compete against biological females in public schools.

The Equality Act would broadly amend civil rights legislation to outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ people in employment, housing, public accommodations, jury service, education, federal programs and credit, NBC News reported. The bill's specific language prohibits discrimination based on peoples' "sexual orientation and gender identity."

But some cosponsors and supporters of the bill are looking at the bill as an avenue to allow transgender athletes in public schools to compete on teams that match their gender identities — which has become a contentious issue nationwide of late.

What do supporters and cosponsors say regarding transgender athletes?

Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (N.Y.) offered the following in his opening statement last week about the Equality Act:

Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women's sports. Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out. Sports have positive impacts on physical, social, and emotional well-being, and we should not be denying transgender athletes those opportunities simply because sometimes they may win. Nor should their occasional success be used as a roadblock to advancing civil rights legislation for LGBT people as a whole.

Sarah Warbelow — director of the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group — championed the Equality Act in written testimony to the House and echoed Nadler's words, saying it's a myth that transgender female athletes have unfair advantages over biological female athletes:

Opponents of equality in athletics for transgender athletes have argued that girls who are transgender have unfair physiological advantages over cisgender girls and as a result, will dominate women's competitive sports. Some have also suggested that girls who are transgender pose a threat to their cisgender teammates both on the field and in shared locker rooms. None of these arguments are rooted in fact. Existing evidence shows that denying opportunities and access to students based on their gender identity causes actual harm to those students, while there is no data to suggest that girls who are transgender are dominating athletics or posing a harm to their cisgender counterparts.


c6f236  No.6140397

File: 411cd9fa0f61d3f⋯.jpeg (5.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 3c99f7ae08898d9314ffebc71….jpeg)


Why would you give a fuck about these people?

The whole scam is a soap opera for morons.

19ff92  No.6140398

File: 02e1646cf31f64e⋯.jpg (344.58 KB, 1200x727, 1200:727, QNN:BigPictureStuff2.jpg)


I think we all did! Feels that way with so much habbening!


QNN hates to use "anonymous sources" but Q is in fact an anonymous source, kek.

c91f96  No.6140399


>anons watching carefully.

>rgb is known for muh jew shilling attempts.


c0769c  No.6140400


For all of us.

002c2c  No.6140401

File: 8d189ff991e2d91⋯.png (3.57 MB, 1243x1600, 1243:1600, BouquetOfMemes-Template.png)

File: 03fffb936bbabd5⋯.jpg (1.49 MB, 1243x1600, 1243:1600, BouquetOfMemes-SamplerPack.jpg)

>>6139455 (pp)

>>6139229 (pp)

Autism Accomplished.

Knock yerselves out.

7d7c04  No.6140402


Thanks backup baker. You night supremacist.

49c8ea  No.6140403


I understand that possibility. Whether he is gone or alive he's a hero to me. I'm holding out hope for some big surprise endings.

d13318  No.6140404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


best idea eva anon










Thanks guys *air guitar*


you are too kind kek

866e7e  No.6140405

File: d4dd4dce1506926⋯.png (893.85 KB, 883x1360, 883:1360, Screenshot_20190411-110653….png)

11cfb8  No.6140406


You dont understand anon

Its worse than simply following Q like a lemming

I believed most of what the demons told me

eab824  No.6140407

File: 1f4b69464f6d525⋯.png (105.57 KB, 235x252, 235:252, 2018-12-08_16-44-03 2.png)


An badge of shame given from that POS and his man wife should be incinerated.

11ffbb  No.6140408

>>6138770 pb q

Thanks for clarifying about mueller q.

I was always on the fence about mueller and [RR]. After all you wrote back in tge day that mueller and [RR] are on tge same side, either good or bad. Given that disinfo is necessary and we know there is a stealth bomber, I was never convinced to either side. Thanks again q team for clarifying.

34c313  No.6140409

5a4039  No.6140410

File: 6d8f3125fb89828⋯.png (55.88 KB, 616x357, 88:51, Breaking_A.png)

<Oh boy. Doing another one of these.


You should listen to your friendly anon that replied, he remembers


might be, but it worked. Kek.



Good job anon.


I surremder, just don't send the bots again.



Another one remembers.





You do know you can set custom font right?



Affinity Photo to be exact.







No, sir. I apologize sir.





I love every permutation of that phrase.


Perposterous and of homosexual nature.



aa913d  No.6140411


Please no.

b1f0e7  No.6140412


God bless governor DeWine!

d84736  No.6140413


>Every battle lost in a war proves we are winning

We are being replaced as I type this response

1d6ef0  No.6140414

File: 4daf3c24fff3b79⋯.jpg (165.14 KB, 572x816, 143:204, assange-wizard-white.jpg)

3c6b08  No.6140415

File: 32089c844b2c946⋯.png (40.19 KB, 465x482, 465:482, Screenshot_2019-03-15 Qmap….png)



When you're this much of a faggot.

1a50f7  No.6140416

File: b22862e8bff987a⋯.png (417.4 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It habbens. o7

e3301c  No.6140417




f1cc04  No.6140419

File: 789c1d3658dc04a⋯.jpeg (3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 5BAC75C5-EBF1-4337-B32F-B….jpeg)

Is Qew confirming Muellies status as NOT /ourguy? or what?

61a118  No.6140420



e5b22b  No.6140421

File: 05e7fa034d68aaa⋯.jpg (561 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, IMG_6865.JPG)

These berliners need to renew their coupon with Larry

5c7160  No.6140422


wait 5 minutes… it'll change again

291fc7  No.6140423


He implied one thing further. Mueller = whitehat are paid shills.

87aede  No.6140424


I see the other Anons talk to you as a shill too.


YOU make a statement, YOU back it up with sauce. That's how it works here. If you can't, then you=shill.

8217ee  No.6140425

File: b8446382da97e41⋯.png (96.81 KB, 371x362, 371:362, b8446382da97e4156c3c24f935….png)


>night supremacist

9ed17c  No.6140426

File: 18587cd1efebefa⋯.png (707.76 KB, 1082x606, 541:303, buckin.png)


this guy gets it

39c681  No.6140427


lol hoo boy

sorry for shitposting, will there be any serious posts, or acceptance of serious posts today?

413f83  No.6140428

Microsoft Worked with Chinese Military University on AI Development

Tech giant Microsoft has reportedly been working on artificial intelligence research with a Chinese military-run university, recent reports claim that the research could be used for both surveillance and censorship.

Tech giant Microsoft has been working with a Chinese military-operated university on research relating to A.I. which could be used for surveillance and censorship practices, according to the Financial Times. Between March and November, three scientific studies were published which were co-written by academics from the Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing. Other researchers involved in the studies had close affiliations to China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT).

Senior fellow at the New America think tank and China tech expert Samm Sacks commented on the possible issues of collaboration between Microsoft and the Chinese military-run university, stating that the recently published papers raised “red flags because of the nature of the technology, the author affiliations, combined with what we know about how this technology is being deployed in China right now.” Sacks added: “The [Chinese] government is using these technologies to build surveillance systems and to detain minorities [in Xinjiang].”

The director of cyberspace policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, Adam Segal, commented on the collaboration saying: “US-China academic partnerships are increasingly under the microscope as the FBI focuses on the threat of espionage from students and scientists, and the Defense Department [focuses] on the possibility that frontier technologies might eventually make their way to the PLA [the Chinese military].”

MIT cut ties with Chinese telecoms group Huawei recently and began an “elevated risk” review process for its Chinese projects, showing that there is increased scrutiny around Chinese tech and surveillance issues.

Worryingly, some of the recent projects Microsoft researchers worked on with the NUDT have direct surveillance applications. One of the papers that was co-authored by Microsoft and NUDT researchers investigated a new A.I. method of recreating detailed environmental maps through the analysis of human faces which experts believe could have direct applications for surveillance.

Pedro Domingos, a professor of A.I. at the University of Washington, commented on such applications stating: “Let’s suppose I’m an intelligence agency and I have pictures of people of interest; I can use the system to tell something about the place they’re in that they didn’t realize they were giving away.”

Other papers that Microsoft researchers worked on with NUDT researchers related to machine learning, an area of technology that could be used for censorship according to experts. Chinese military technology expert and fellow at the think-tank the Center for a New American Security, Elsa Kania, commented on this aspect, stating: “Machine reading comprehension may not seem directly concerning but it could be used for censorship, which is an interest of the Chinese government. They see natural language processing as a way to enable censorship at scale.”

Microsoft commented on the issue stating that its “researchers, who are often academics, conduct fundamental research with leading scholars and experts from around the world to advance our understanding of technology.” The company added: “In each case, the research is guided by our principles, fully complies with US and local laws, and . . . is published to ensure transparency so that everyone can benefit from our work.”


64f239  No.6140429

File: 178227ecfddea1d⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 662x500, 331:250, index.jpg)

d43746  No.6140430


Merkel and May are sister's. The third sister is the President of Lithuania, Dalia Grybauskiate. No coincidence they look the same, all sisters, and work for the Cabal.

e1cb88  No.6140431


The part thats confusing is they both just cleared Trump. If they were really black hats it doesn't make sense that they wouldnt at least try to pin something on POTUS. And why did POTUS have a meeting with Mueller before he took the role. A lot doesn't add up. I think Q wants the DS to think that Mueller is still on their side.

edec6f  No.6140432


"I need to see your papers" - The Moon

e34d7f  No.6140433

File: 97c530e446ff0cb⋯.png (395.53 KB, 370x560, 37:56, ClipboardImage.png)


Wikimedia Foundation welcomes Eileen Hershenov as General Counsel


f11861  No.6140434


"We may have forgot a few nuts and bolts, here and there. Enjoy your flight, kikes… er, I mean… guys." - /America/

44a245  No.6140435


NOt ablew

245ade  No.6140436


well to some degree yes, but also when it comes to brits this is a sore subject for many of them and Americans as well we have to look for any opportunity to redpill normies …..this is one of those stories ….

c64324  No.6140437

>>6138074 (pb)

So, scenario:

C_A honeytraps Assange in Sweden, who flees to London, where US white hats persuade Ecuador to keep him safe until DOJ can be rid of Dem/DeepState operatives, then Ecuador releases for extradition to US to testify against DS, which C_A tries to block by reopening Swedish case.

Or something like that?

8e8de9  No.6140438


e5b22b  No.6140439


Dig more peanuts homo

022a66  No.6140440

File: f7261a291ec1f80⋯.jpg (92.45 KB, 647x499, 647:499, whitaker he lifts bro.jpg)

11cfb8  No.6140441


I dont think Q drones are savable

Some of them are just too far gone

Or are ai

Theres nothing organic about this "movement"

If it was organic the msm would ignore it

Just lije with trump

They got him,elected on purpose

af2255  No.6140442


Diana trusted her life with this guy after discovering how the world worked (child trafficking/sexual abuse/sacrificing/Satanic worship):


He died in a car crash in Paris with Diana, Princess of Wales on 31 August 1997. He was also a first cousin to Jamal Khashoggi through his mother, who was a Saudi journalist killed in Turkey in 2018.

She knew too much. Do did Dodi. Khashoggi's 15 minutes should have been a beacon to discover the truth.

cc1578  No.6140443


Yes, they act like they're MAGA, but they're really just cum dumpsters.

1a50f7  No.6140444


>Is Qew confirming Muellies status as NOT /ourguy?

No. Q is leaving everything possible vague and disclosing as little as possible while causing the maximum force to achieve the desired outcome.

e5b22b  No.6140445


Dig more peanuts homo

f1cc04  No.6140446


then why did Qew hint that muellie was good?

166fe4  No.6140447


Indictments are unsealing, anons!

3ded22  No.6140448


Outstanding answer!

59111c  No.6140449


Orange Vest, like he's working off community service to the entire nation for the previously heinous shit he's done.

a9b9b3  No.6140450

This is how I like the board.

Anons are united and digging.

Electric in the air .

413f83  No.6140451

London’s Khan Says May Should Have Cancelled Brexit

Labour’s London mayor Sadiq Khan has said the prime minister should have cancelled Brexit by revoking Article 50 after Theresa May returned from Brussels with a second delay.

Speaking to LBC radio host James O’Brien on Thursday, Mr Khan said that instead of negotiating for a delay to October 31st, “what the prime minister should have done was to stop the clock… by withdrawing Article 50.”

Continuing, the left-wing mayor said, “And what Theresa May should have done is first work out what sort of relationship we want with the European Union, what will the future terms of that deal be, and once we knew that, once we were comfortable with that, then serve the notice to quit with a maximum of two years and we could have left before then.”

However, the British people had already decided nearly three years ago what “sort of relationship” they wanted with the EU when they voted to leave the bloc.

Leftists and globalist-progressive Tories have been engaged in a continuity Remain campaign since June 2016 to either soften Brexit or stop it, such as by calling for a second referendum on Brexit in true Brussels fashion that if an electorate is asked enough times, they will eventually make a decision preferable to the EU.

Khan has demanded on a number of occasions a so-called “People’s Vote” on any withdrawal treaty agreed in the House of Commons, raising the issue again in Thursday’s LBC interview.

“I think we have reached a position where we are aware we are a million miles away from the promises made during the referendum campaign, and in those circumstances what the British public should be given is a final say.

“Do we accept the deal negotiated by the prime minister and/or the most popular option MPs voted for or the option for the British public to stay in the European Union as imperfect as she is?” Mr Khan said.

Earlier in the week, Tory Brexiteer MP Iain Duncan Smith criticised “puffed-up politicians” who attempt to frustrate Brexit and deny the directives of British people.


e5b22b  No.6140452


This homo digs peanuts

27c082  No.6140453

File: 400119612c119e8⋯.png (428.7 KB, 641x480, 641:480, ClipboardImage.png)

d5ef1d  No.6140454

I love when Q posts, but oh em gee, the low IQ shillage that shows up. I never used to filter, but liberal use makes the bread comfy. Because the a$$hats are so repetitive, filtering on comment works like a charm…

2cddb7  No.6140455

Thank God shep Smith's hour is over… yuck

e5b22b  No.6140456


Circumstances fletcher

e34d7f  No.6140457

File: 2241c4bedb9fe69⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1460x911, 1460:911, ClipboardImage.png)


>Dalia Grybauskiate

166fe4  No.6140458


He never did that.

514876  No.6140459


just a distraction

490186  No.6140460

File: 31456ce107854fb⋯.jpg (10.18 KB, 255x139, 255:139, d95ffbe4e3b0c3d2b920b21545….jpg)

e59245  No.6140461


Pretty simple to disprove…just go to the Twitter page as I did, it's not a feature for today's date. It's BULLSHIT.

866e7e  No.6140462

File: d79d835d69581d8⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 500x315, 100:63, Q Lifts.jpg)

7d7c04  No.6140464


>>6140451 London’s Khan says may should have cancelled Brexit.

>>6140428 Microsoft worked with Chinese military university on AI development.

>>6140396 Every House Democrat but one cosponsors bill intended to let biological male athletes compete against females in pubic schools.

>>6140364 Here’s why the book Julian Assange was holding when he was arrested is vitally important.

>>6140344 Ohio governor signs bill banning abortion after 1st detectable heartbeat, one of the nation's toughest restrictions.

>>6140167 Coinbase crypto exchange launches Visa-enabled payments card.

>>6140133 US Army: "Protecting the skies from the ground…"

>>6140080 YouTube trying to censor Candace Owen's testimony from yesterday.

>>6140030 Herman Cain's confirmation goes South.

>>6139960,>>6140338 ICE: Shooting in Ahwatukee connected to human smuggling.

>>6139913 SpaceIL's "Beresheet" crashes on the Moon! Rest in peace, Beresheet.

c0769c  No.6140465

File: f5de647748edd01⋯.jpeg (51.01 KB, 607x649, 607:649, assange2.jpeg)


>OK, so we know now from Q that Mueller was no White Hat, and that was needed disinfo.

How about let's stop wasting time making 100 different contradictory interpretations from Q's vague posts and instead dig into what we can prove to be real crimes.

Good sources with real documentation proving actual crimes can be found at places like wikileaks.org. Not so much from qanon.pub, unfortunately.

I wish that would change, but it won't.

a82ae8  No.6140466

Nuther indictment today in AR and MO, this one is for preferred health and ties back to the Arkansas swamp. Digz did a breakdown last year.


64f239  No.6140467


make your enemies carry your water ..in public … day after day…just because

f11861  No.6140468


Love it.

245ade  No.6140469


and she also had ties to JFK JR and POTUS …she was sacrificially murdered for what she knew

1a50f7  No.6140470

The shills can smell the defeat.

Yet they have no 'out'.

They simply must continue to shill.

Because the alternative is defeat.

And they are defeated.

Smell the fear.

67ac2e  No.6140471

File: b454a97608bbff1⋯.png (43.61 KB, 601x353, 601:353, ClipboardImage.png)


Washington-Based Lawyer Indicted on Charge of Making False Statements to the Department of Justice 11:37 - 11 abr. 2019

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Washington-Based Lawyer Indicted on Charge of Making False Statements to the Department of Justice

A federal grand jury today returned an indictment charging Gregory B. Craig, a Washington-based lawyer, with making false statements and concealing material information about his activities on behalf of Ukraine from the Department of Justice, National Security Division’s Foreign Agents Registration Act Unit (FARA Unit).

The announcement was made by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu for the District of Columbia, and Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney, Jr. of the FBI’s New York Field Office.

Craig, 74, of Washington, D.C., was indicted by a grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for willfully falsifying and concealing material facts from the FARA Unit, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1001(a)(1), and for making false and misleading statements to the FARA Unit, in violation Title 22, United States Code, Section 618(a)(2).


31c1e6  No.6140472


Please go on, explain.

b529e4  No.6140473

File: 98b28a6cfa099df⋯.jpg (183.11 KB, 500x502, 250:251, amp-quot-i-tried-so-hard-i….jpg)

e5b22b  No.6140474

File: 1f92e7656d845fe⋯.png (118.26 KB, 500x462, 250:231, 71C424C0-2308-43B9-BCD5-A8….png)

Eat more Jews

af2255  No.6140475

File: bedb60453a86906⋯.jpeg (373.2 KB, 1024x1004, 256:251, NSA.jpeg)


>Only things we found on the internet.

Who do you think put them there, anon? JA, all by his little lonesome?

44a245  No.6140476

File: b62cd8d30c53314⋯.jpeg (24.93 KB, 664x630, 332:315, 9B2B1B17-37AD-4F7E-8D67-7….jpeg)


You getting it, helps me get it, so I thank you.

a369e1  No.6140477

File: 891df2a305eaf3f⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 249x225, 83:75, Asshole-STFU.jpg)

a54180  No.6140478

File: 383a9a4c9982a67⋯.jpeg (90.55 KB, 750x481, 750:481, 75F3339A-0087-4A1C-BE7C-0….jpeg)

59111c  No.6140479


They're going to end up burning their whole country down.

166fe4  No.6140480




11cfb8  No.6140481

Remember when this board had actual digging into all the elite

Including trump

Those people mustve all left

Cuz this board is basically twitter now

Just endless idol worship of Q and trump and shamint any and all who question

67ac2e  No.6140482

47e665  No.6140483

File: d6d4968c189d7f5⋯.gif (1000.84 KB, 312x213, 104:71, itscappening.gif)



Assange - on his long treck to USA court

BO takes off

Avenatti ist fuck arrested

Barr on attack mode

Muh missing any big pieces?

bc3ae8  No.6140484


You mean Rockefeller foundation science? What pisses me off is stolen American tax payer monies for this crap. 22 Vets a day have been committing suicide for years and it has not been addressed and monies go to crap bag sand people of the world.

f1cc04  No.6140485


if rr good then muelli good

if muelli bad then rr bad

refresh yer memory boomer trash

77a1e8  No.6140486


The question is not whether or not you are a LARP, it is clear that you are working with President Trump. The concern is that we have been burned for so long, and without clear victories, we have to question the motivation until we see the end result.

I hope desperately you do what you say you are, but you must understand our caution and reluctance to trust.

524c4e  No.6140487

File: 1119640a8292e15⋯.mp4 (4.25 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, assange-small.mp4)




haven't seen video posted for Assange yet, so here

this is originally from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_DvELW3Flw

I can't make out what he's saying, anons?

892114  No.6140488

File: 9bff0eb6d86b239⋯.jpg (410.07 KB, 1071x816, 21:16, lies.jpg)

5f3621  No.6140489



0378b9  No.6140490


Tremendously convenient.

Meanwhile, anons eschew anonymous sources - just not This anonymous source.

c0769c  No.6140491


>No 'Yellow Vests' in the USA.

Didn't wikileaks post on twatter that Q was here to subdue us/keep us complacent?

2bf6c5  No.6140492

File: 0875fac629572e8⋯.png (763.05 KB, 1022x590, 511:295, parofsoro.png)


Have to wonder what kind of dirt this scum have on each other. Until everything comes out exposing these cretins, it will be the same old-same old.

3a4643  No.6140493


Sounds legit.

5f3621  No.6140494


Fat finger syndrome on this end of the keyboard.

892114  No.6140495

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, 113ff3d53ad7ed.jpg)

d61503  No.6140496


>They're going to end up burning their whole country down.

England is already a third world moozlum shithole .. they have themselves to thank for that.

Never give up your guns, anons … NEVER.

8cac97  No.6140497

File: b5bb5ae037734fb⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 596x590, 298:295, 411triptestJA.JPG)

File: ef47e25f1b39f9e⋯.jpg (69.5 KB, 976x598, 488:299, sealsbroken.JPG)


9b5770  No.6140498


Mark T Lambert Indictment ?

People involved in Uranium 1 charged on

Another Crime, but are they going to make

a Plea Deal and spill the beans on Uranium 1 ?

166fe4  No.6140499


>Concur. Gets challenging when disinfo artists inject one side with every logical fallacy in the book.

This is what liberals do every day in their echo chambers of social media.

413f83  No.6140500

File: 40da7182423fc27⋯.png (596.4 KB, 641x469, 641:469, ClipboardImage.png)

1,000 Pounds of Meth Seized by Mexican Authorities

Elements of the Mexican Federal Police, Mexican Army, and Mexican Navy seized more than 1045 pounds of methamphetamine and 3.5 tons (7054.7 pounds) of marijuana. The seizures took place in three separate operations during the last week in the northern Mexican border states of Baja California and Sonora.

The first incident took place on April 3 at the Tijuana airport when Mexican federal police assigned to customs inspections in the section which received incoming parcels. During random inspections, agents received an alert from a K-9 drug detection dog on a substance contained within seven large plastic containers. The containers originated from Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes — a state located in central Mexico. The K-9 alerted to a second container which originated from Campeche, Campeche which was also determined to contain, methamphetamine. The total weight of both seizures totaled 201 kilograms, or 443 pounds, according to local media reports. The methamphetamine seized was in liquid form.

The next seizure occurred on April 4 when Mexican Navy personnel assigned to the San Felipe and Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point) sector seized approximately four tons of marijuana and methamphetamine in the vicinity of the Gulf of Santa Clara, Baja California. According to the government officials, Mexican Navy (SEMAR) carried out surveillance in the area north of San Felipe, BC based on intelligence developed on illegal drug activity in the area where organized crime has been transporting illicit cargo by sea. Navy personnel spotted two suspicious vessels which fled after being spotted. Navy personnel eventually located the two abandoned vessels containing more than 3,200 kilograms (7,054 pounds) of marijuana and 160 kilograms (352 pounds) of methamphetamine.

The final seizure took place in the Mexican border city of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, which sits directly across the border from San Luis, Arizona. According to local media reports, personnel of the Federal Attorney General’s office executed a search warrant at a residence in San Luis Río Colorado after being tipped off by elements of the Mexican Army. According to a statement from the state attorney general’s office, law enforcement officials executed a search warrant at a residence after an individual fled from security elements into the house. A search by investigators resulted in the discovery of granular substance believed to be methamphetamine with a weight of 39 kilograms (86 pounds) and a liquid substance believed to be methamphetamine with a weight of just over 74 kilograms (163 pounds). The total weight of both the granular and liquid meth came out to 250 pounds. Investigators also seized an AR-15 rifle with extra ammo and magazine.


1d6ef0  No.6140501

File: 6ceb0c298c4fd9c⋯.jpg (126.39 KB, 721x739, 721:739, terminator-trump.jpg)

7d7c04  No.6140502


Thank you anon. It's in the old bread next to a typo.

Checked and fixed. o7

002c2c  No.6140503


We've also been accused of being agitators.

What's your point?

5371a7  No.6140504

File: cec1e0f157ab3ea⋯.jpg (14.54 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 2a0ef73a3cf467178eca5ef08f….jpg)

d84736  No.6140505


One last distraction for the White man that isn’t already distracted.

38f270  No.6140506


"once a marine, always a marine." Q did leave some ambiguity. JS

1a50f7  No.6140507


>You getting it, helps me get it, so I thank you.

You're welcome. Everypony deserves a fair chance at life, which is what the cabal has stolen.

Now everypony gets to watch as the traitors are summarily executed. And watch they will. With glee.

(Explaining a lot of this as we move into the future is going to both suck ass and also be wonderful, all at the same time.)

94dc6f  No.6140508


Over the months I’ve concluded that Mueller (and therefore Rosenstein) is a gray hat.

So today’s drop has me wondering..

But Q didn’t rule that out.

Only that he’s not a white hat.

But, of course it’s possible that I’m wrong.

1899c8  No.6140509


where does it say 2020 platform?

60610a  No.6140510

File: a72a3dca7676b9c⋯.jpg (126.32 KB, 891x500, 891:500, jagtrf56e92ycooa.jpg)

e34d7f  No.6140511

File: 3c5a6066c0eaebe⋯.mp4 (8.97 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, How to paint like a social….mp4)

d512bc  No.6140512


>>6140320 forgetting to add direct links to the bread at the end of your notables.


Baker, anon is correct, we need a way to review Previously Collected Notables and used for archiving.

d91d33  No.6140513

File: 94fc4413210184d⋯.jpg (350.38 KB, 640x966, 320:483, 7ca24cf41e9fe1ac0ef6fe6662….jpg)



Prayers are always given up unceasingly for all PATRIOTS


God bless the USA

c6f236  No.6140514

File: 2df4fa55a46bdc9⋯.jpg (11.29 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 61e9599b7f1510f4307937da91….jpg)


Your normalcy bias is showing.

380415  No.6140515

File: f25193fce284187⋯.jpg (164.5 KB, 1850x1287, 1850:1287, HOROWITZ23.JPG)

File: 201ec3d718f731c⋯.jpg (213.93 KB, 1892x1334, 946:667, HUBER11.JPG)

File: 6b1e290b3697156⋯.jpg (208.5 KB, 1979x1130, 1979:1130, BARR34.JPG)

7d1e15  No.6140516

File: 2f663bac4d63af3⋯.png (769.88 KB, 617x598, 617:598, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)

e5b22b  No.6140517

File: 035d492187beeba⋯.jpg (184.49 KB, 1464x800, 183:100, IMG_6815.JPG)

Eat more Jews

Ride the old wood in the Forrest hobbit

Spurious and homoerotic is the cia way

Let's ride those necromancy stunt dummies through the swamp gasses of sorosanon and hobbits

It's not a fart

What a gay larp


5f3621  No.6140518


Just jealousy.

11cfb8  No.6140519


Q has the gall to shame us for not trusting the plan that has 0 basis in reality

While potus and his people spend all their time accumulating money and power for themself and their friends

While doing nothing to stop the horrors put on the american public

Do they think were stupid?

Luckily most outside of this board rightfully call out Qs shit

But this place

Pure npc

27c082  No.6140520






2cddb7  No.6140521

File: b8bdde854d2bc60⋯.jpg (843.29 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20190411-150439….jpg)

We get a real Moran.. who is assuredly not a moron

002c2c  No.6140522



That's how you say "fuck you" in england.

914886  No.6140523

Is there a link with the Brexit report for 6 months and Julien Assange?

001ae2  No.6140525

File: a699d0132135720⋯.jpeg (94.62 KB, 620x389, 620:389, meme.sea.dissapointment.jpeg)


Always dissapoint when that happens.

4b11c8  No.6140526

File: 2a713d15e9a9b76⋯.png (344.54 KB, 627x585, 209:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Of course he knows EXACTLY what Barr is talking about.


012850  No.6140527


So Is Minneapolis And Detroit

eab824  No.6140528

File: d7d647f6c862af0⋯.png (142.75 KB, 339x333, 113:111, 2019-04-11_16-05-32.png)

0a818c  No.6140529


Mueller as trojan horse dates back before Q


11cfb8  No.6140530


Im torn on whether to just off myself

Or stay alive to make sure my family is ok

863f41  No.6140531

File: 2b9c4747ba815ca⋯.jpg (82.69 KB, 800x533, 800:533, assange.jpg)

If Q+ doesn't help, then the whole "transparency going forward" is utter bullshit.

7d7c04  No.6140532


No worries anon I was just playing around. All should be fixed by next bread.

Let me know if you guys notice any other errors.

9d1496  No.6140533

Shills are using latest Q for shilling on Mueller.

Anons have to read what exactly Q said in this post and in the previous ones.

Mueller is a former black hat turned /ourguy/. He works for the plan and hade oversight by patriots at all times.

Mueller was needed (no white hat clearly patriot) bc of optics for DS and sleeping public.

DS thought Mueller would lead to POTUS impeachment.

Q was 12 moves ahead.

Blockade removed, no harm to POTUS, but many intel on DS gathered.

PAIN coming.

>Why didn't POTUS fire [RR] after reporting re: offer to wear wire?

>Why did WHITAKER/BARR retain [RR] to the END?

>Who signed off on the MUELLER summary report submitted by BARR yesterday?

>Who signed fraudulent FISA warrants?





<Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule?

<Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?

>What is Pelosi’s net worth?

>How was this obtained given salary as career official?

>Why is Pelosi’s memory going?

>Could it protect against prosecution?

>How so?

>What if John M’s surgery was fake?

>Why would this occur?

>What could this prevent potentially?

>What is the Mayo Clinic?

>Who sits on the BOD there?

>Why is there a constant flow of disinformation being pushed re: Q?


>Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.

>FAKE & FALSE narrative.


>When you can't attack the information directly, you attack the source, if that fails, you 'create false misleading information' to discredit knowing 'select' 'unaware' followers would not take the time to self-corroborate the claims (same vehicle/tactics used by FAKE NEWS media).

>Logical thinking always wins.

>Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.

→ shills attacking mueller and saying he is comped.


2c5e8c  No.6140534

File: 2e3a019738adc50⋯.jpeg (255.63 KB, 1380x1100, 69:55, 1541161787.jpeg)

914886  No.6140535



490186  No.6140536


serious ?

9b25f8  No.6140537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

todays JA Arrest.

reminds me of this scene from HACKERS..

the book..

what did he say?

could it all be code/clues?

64f239  No.6140538


right here


291fc7  No.6140539


Newfag funny.

0378b9  No.6140540


Your circumspection is not the norm, unfortunately. The norm here is uncritically consuming propaganda of the preferred flavor and burying our heads in rabbit holes.

I wish more anons questioned the falsehoods presented here. Quality disinformation campaigns always contain portions of truth, and anons selectively promote the truths while wholly ignoring the contradictions. Any dissenting voices must (MUST!) be 'paid shills'.

d2d6c1  No.6140541

File: 250a595589f8be8⋯.jpg (174.94 KB, 613x807, 613:807, Swalwell gun buybacks.jpg)

I hate this motherfucker so much! Pic is def related.

Q, how much longer are we gonna have to tolerate these California retards like him and pencil neck and Lieu? Seriously, it's getting harder and harder to resist going Kaczynski…

Sauce on twat:


f1cc04  No.6140542

The LARP accusations/meme seem to really rustle Qew’s jimmies, why?

dd68dd  No.6140543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's happening???

9d1496  No.6140544

File: c0876a178b90f91⋯.png (182.14 KB, 1042x418, 521:209, MUELLER_ourguy.png)

67ac2e  No.6140545

File: 5553691bac5ee9e⋯.png (162.75 KB, 381x478, 381:478, ClipboardImage.png)


Today, @SecPompeo will travel to South America to highlight our partnerships with Chile, Paraguay, and Peru. The Secretary also will travel to Cucuta, Colombia, to provide an opportunity to assess personally how the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela is affecting its neighbors. 12:28 - 11 abr. 2019


19ff92  No.6140546


Right. Good save.


To test weak minds and sort out the independent thinkers from the paid shills.

166fe4  No.6140547


That doesn't say mueller is good, it says he's only good if RR is good, which RR isn't.

514876  No.6140548


yellow vest would not work here

different culture

c0769c  No.6140549

File: ec321867cde5637⋯.jpg (13.78 KB, 248x255, 248:255, ec321867cde5637c0eb2378183….jpg)

8515bf  No.6140550

2f6715  No.6140551



"Ecuador says Assange put feces on embassy walls"


They are trying to paint him as a madman, so they can say that nothing he would testify on, is trustworthy.

dd68dd  No.6140552

File: de4d7ca87772b84⋯.png (234.56 KB, 358x475, 358:475, ClipboardImage.png)

e10451  No.6140553

File: b0088e8e8cfd9da⋯.png (703.91 KB, 1554x944, 777:472, ClipboardImage.png)

ef8eba  No.6140554

>Disinformation push re: Mueller is a white hat.


Q again trying to deceive the C_A/MOS lurking in herer.

Mueller is definitly ourguy

11cfb8  No.6140555


Remember when this douche laughed off congress

They own us

There is no panic

The only people i see panicking are the puppets who didnt bother to hide their crimes

And now theyre freaking,out cuz the bloodlines are mad they paid them only for them to fuck up

Like hillary obama schiff etc

Same with letting pizzagate get out

c91f96  No.6140556

File: 26eb93447945cd2⋯.png (39.52 KB, 607x402, 607:402, Lieu re Flynn and Craig 4-….PNG)

Michael Flynn trending on twitter

Lieu is top comment


a691fc  No.6140557

File: 30dc0c73db40267⋯.jpg (101.07 KB, 800x450, 16:9, DP - 55.jpg)

af2255  No.6140558

File: 6dbed1465994e82⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, detective board.jpg)


I like this one. The real question is, Did JA take the bait in Sweden? If so, that's going to make some folks very upset at their favorite "journalist".

8bfae1  No.6140559


Some official didn't get their payoff money for this to have happened, IMO.

44a245  No.6140560

File: 1185d4061ddcfa9⋯.jpeg (671.56 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, 9DCBFA7E-B2E0-4D4B-BF96-6….jpeg)



The hard thing is the right thing, more often than not.

866e7e  No.6140561

File: e417680a8512c3a⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 500x541, 500:541, Do you lift.jpg)

d61503  No.6140562

File: 51a5986ba0c5618⋯.png (906.09 KB, 1272x777, 424:259, TrumpKim.png)


>"once a marine, always a marine." Q did leave some ambiguity. JS

Q also let the speculation run rampant and unchecked that Mueller was a white hat.

Now Q tries to blame anons' guessing for his own deliberate disinformation?

Does a good leader let his followers take the piss for his mistakes?

Q is a narcissistic fraud … at best.

c0769c  No.6140563


>Who do you think put them there

Primarily Bradley Manning and then Seth Rich.

70339a  No.6140564

File: 63d21accfdc4d21⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 399x422, 399:422, path to Islam.JPG)

File: b47ff5ca598c9e9⋯.jpg (87.15 KB, 600x763, 600:763, rotterdam.jpg)


and this should surprise no one.

291fc7  No.6140567


They said he didn't change his cat litter…

9fa8c4  No.6140568

File: 66ab5ffdd3656c8⋯.jpeg (321.78 KB, 1668x656, 417:164, 1439F417-83A9-4967-B30E-0….jpeg)

I don’t see Q as confirming nor denying the BM/RR white hat theory. He is simply calling out this clown for his fake news narratives.

11cfb8  No.6140569


Cus Q doesnt want to be called a larp

It makes the psyop less powerful

914886  No.6140570


Proud of it

714c3c  No.6140571

File: d71da15a313df4f⋯.png (66.41 KB, 941x611, 941:611, herman-godfather.png)

is Fed nominee Herman Caine one of the Godfather references?

19ff92  No.6140572

File: cad392e727f1383⋯.jpg (271.19 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, QAnonCardsFlynn1.jpg)

File: 6a1535866bedeb4⋯.jpg (283.26 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, QAnonCardsFlynn2.jpg)

File: b1c8cc27fff1880⋯.jpg (272.88 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, QAnonCardsFlynn3.jpg)

File: efbeb3e12304752⋯.jpg (341.37 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, QAnonCardsFlynn4.jpg)

File: 9634d7448fc6d80⋯.jpg (218.14 KB, 1200x1681, 1200:1681, QAnonCardsFlynn5.jpg)

002c2c  No.6140573



dueces means something different over there

cc471f  No.6140574

File: e57c0abbe82dcb5⋯.png (116.13 KB, 963x178, 963:178, post.png)

black hole = Julian Assange

1a50f7  No.6140575


>They are trying to paint him as a madman, so they can say that nothing he would testify on, is trustworthy.

This will fail spectacularly and just goes to show how desperate they are. Assange has to his credit hundreds if not thousands of hours of evidence that he's one of the most calm, cautious and controlled individuals in the species. They won't be able to show any evidence (despite having cameras all over that embassy.)

9b5770  No.6140576


What a liar !

He deserves everything that's coming his away . . .

7d7c04  No.6140577


>>6140526 Comey claims he has no idea what Barr is talking about re: Spying.

>>6140500 1,000 Pounds of meth seized by Mexican authorities.

>>6140451 London’s Khan says may should have cancelled Brexit.

>>6140428 Microsoft worked with Chinese military university on AI development.

>>6140396 Every House Democrat but one cosponsors bill intended to let biological male athletes compete against females in pubic schools.

>>6140364 Here’s why the book Julian Assange was holding when he was arrested is vitally important.

>>6140344 Ohio governor signs bill banning abortion after 1st detectable heartbeat, one of the nation's toughest restrictions.

>>6140167 Coinbase crypto exchange launches Visa-enabled payments card.

>>6140133 US Army: "Protecting the skies from the ground…"

>>6140080 YouTube trying to censor Candace Owen's testimony from yesterday.

>>6140030 Herman Cain's confirmation goes South.

>>6139960,>>6140338 ICE: Shooting in Ahwatukee connected to human smuggling.

>>6139913 SpaceIL's "Beresheet" crashes on the Moon! Rest in peace, Beresheet.

Last call / Baking in 30

2f6715  No.6140578


They use character assassination.


64f239  No.6140579

File: 5e44736fae28bfa⋯.png (41.22 KB, 546x127, 546:127, Screenshot_2019-04-11 QMAP….png)

d84736  No.6140580


You have to keep moving forward. I’ve been watching this shitshow since 10/19 and have tried to be optimistic. I have never once said anything to anybody about Q because, well, this.

acd2da  No.6140581

File: c0779d4c64b2466⋯.png (434.04 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

He finally sent it!


EXCLUSIVE: Nunes sends criminal-referral notice to AG in Russia probe


dc3124  No.6140582

File: 73946ddba0a6c72⋯.png (353.47 KB, 627x475, 33:25, 73946ddba0a6c7273da492624d….png)

Board surviving a stress test right now?

a369e1  No.6140583

>>6138132 (pb)

A completely irrelevant has-been airhead, trying to stay relevant. File her in the "nobody cares" file along with Stormy.

914886  No.6140584

2c5e8c  No.6140585

f53d98  No.6140586

JA gonna get the same treatment Manning got

3fb094  No.6140587


RR is a terrible person, Dirty.


Mueller is a terrible person, Dirty.

Those who say otherwise?

Paid to lie.

d61503  No.6140588


>The LARP accusations/meme seem to really rustle Qew’s jimmies, why?

Guilt and defense.

Q is bullshit … and it's becoming increasingly more obvious.

Q is doing damage control … won't work.

c0769c  No.6140589


>What's your point?

Always keep plausible alternate interpretations of what could be happening to prevent group think, confirmation bias.

3c6b08  No.6140590


Best part is when little shits like you think your post matters in the slightest and you support censorship(for whatever reason) which is one of the main things we're fighting against.

Stating you're filtering is grounds for the same in return.


For the mouth-breathing MSM niggers - Mueller is not a fucking white hat you imbeciles.

7e295d  No.6140591

File: eaa2550ddaeb8a8⋯.jpg (336.81 KB, 1555x1238, 1555:1238, paris-hilton-crying-01.jpg)

File: 22d94a922efd336⋯.jpg (250.82 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, download.jpg)


I think Q team is rubbing it in (((their))) faces that Q team knows how it all works and is now doing things the way (((they))) used to get away in the MSM news cycle. Think about long ago…Paris Hilton arrest…..and how it ate up the news cycle……Julian Assange in my eyes is very similar in the way it looks……and to me it is really funny as JA is the topic of the day on the fake news.but it will blow up on them. Nice MIRROR by Q team?

Paris was a Q drop recently. Brittney Spears also. Now Spears just went into a mental hospital…HMMM?

Q is really good at running the news now.



291fc7  No.6140592


Solitary til broken.

681a88  No.6140593

File: a41a4b044f9cd28⋯.png (576.39 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, emblemhungclown.png)

File: 14c45320b8106a8⋯.jpg (13.68 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 67ecaf4185e4b2fc747b5c250d….jpg)

49c8ea  No.6140594


They're going to turn him into a woman? (kidding)

91a2f8  No.6140595


Chief of naval operations…

He knows his way around a belly button!!

And a lot more.

3fb094  No.6140596


You should continue to describe yourself.

c2ed8d  No.6140597


Nah, JA doesn't think he's a girl.

166fe4  No.6140598

File: 8942ef29196c1a0⋯.png (573.61 KB, 1194x1148, 597:574, Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at ….png)


This woman is beyond stupid. We're watching a human being sink into retardation in real time.

13e023  No.6140600


Oh fugg a Julie Anne Assange?

490186  No.6140601


fuck you cabal . top kek

1e3a98  No.6140602

File: 57116ff59da6fa0⋯.png (82.84 KB, 558x568, 279:284, ClipboardImage.png)

Workfagging so haven't checked the whole bread. Apologies if repost

1a50f7  No.6140603


Not sure this is a test, anon. I suspect it isn't. We're beyond testing now. This is the shit.

d61503  No.6140604


What are you, 12?

c6f236  No.6140605

File: 3971e1184fb9c68⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Red_Grant_(Robert_Shaw)_-_….jpg)


>RR is a terrible person, Dirty.


>Mueller is a terrible person, Dirty.

This is true.

So what does this say about Barr?

2f6715  No.6140606





64f239  No.6140607


they are finally getting emboldened

914886  No.6140608


Remember of a tweet, talk about 11 billion dollars payback or something like that

70339a  No.6140609


there should be not working with chinks. They culturally lie. Think you stupid id your honest. And they are thieves. Stop supporting and start deporting

14b85d  No.6140610




It's pretty obvious that Mueller was only going to prosecute the cases that led to the narrative he was pursuing Trump.

The other cases got deferred to other US Attorney's, for later prosecution, once they were ready to go public.

That is happening NOW.

7bca7a  No.6140611

File: 47595f5614b119a⋯.png (19.53 KB, 383x468, 383:468, Capture.PNG)


Just how stupid are you …JA basically was under house arrest for how long and now probably will testily..

A timeline of Julian Assange's 6.5-year confinement in a 330-sq.-ft. space in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he hung out with Pamela Anderson and hardly saw the sun


ef8eba  No.6140612


If Mueller is not our guy, why he didn't warned the Ds that his report is a nothing burger?

291fc7  No.6140613


Kek That's a keeper

a369e1  No.6140614

File: ad48dbb4d7d0f05⋯.jpg (8.36 KB, 225x224, 225:224, Eat Shit.jpg)

514876  No.6140615


UK/EU has less time for crimes than USA

I think you only get like 5 years for murder

maybe he should have given it up earlier

10b8ee  No.6140616

File: 9c3c0bd5fdcf9cd⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 1920x1402, 960:701, Queen-of-Order.jpg)

File: 89a6711c7528723⋯.jpg (485.52 KB, 860x1000, 43:50, Queen-of-Grace.jpg)

File: 81bf187de5c2a2e⋯.jpg (817.39 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Queen-of-Change.jpg)

File: 29afe89e1bb6eb4⋯.jpg (277.14 KB, 640x896, 5:7, Queen-of-Truth.jpg)

File: 7149577a169be2f⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 1500x877, 1500:877, Queen-of-Peace.jpg)


It has been a soap opera, bread and circuses to distract the masses.

But figure heads also matter. They loom large in the collective subconscious. People model their lives after them without even realizing it because those seen as royalty (whether royal family, ppolitical leaders, or H-wood stars) carry archetypal power.

That's why it's essential to have leaders of integrity and good character. Because those traits will be replicated throughout the population via meme magic (in all its multitude of forms).

c0769c  No.6140617


>yellow vest would not work here

Not saying that's the best way to go about it, but we have to go about doing something that has an actual chance at changing things.

No matter how many crimes we expose online, how can we expect the people who we expose to arrest themselves?

The whole government will not arrest itself.

cf7d80  No.6140618

File: 6bfda48d5c20917⋯.jpg (100.96 KB, 1142x960, 571:480, anon-army-cap.jpg)

866e7e  No.6140619

File: cd0d2c98da97967⋯.jpg (140.49 KB, 615x683, 615:683, cd0d2c98da9796759d98f7c1de….jpg)

File: d79d835d69581d8⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 500x315, 100:63, Q Lifts.jpg)

38f270  No.6140620


whelp, theres at least one anon here with a fucking working brain.

166fe4  No.6140622


Giuliani was friends with Comey back in SDNY. You saying he's comped too?

You can have history with people who turn bad.

11cfb8  No.6140623


If it was just the shithow i think i could deal

But lets just say

Every since finding this board

Negative entities and cia nigs have been on me like flies on honey

Pretty sure the rest of my life will be like this

Whats the point of being alive when every day is just pain

With a demon in your ear telling you youre worthless and need to suffer cuz God wants you to

3fb094  No.6140624


It was always a nothing burger and they all knew that.

0378b9  No.6140625


Just like anons running around pretending NSA has their best interests in mind. They don't. They're abrogating everyone's 4A rights daily.

No protesting coming from this crowd, though. Good little lemmings cheering on the executive because they think it's on their 'side' now. Slower than slow.

de3939  No.6140626

File: 720f5eb9143d613⋯.png (15.54 KB, 112x112, 1:1, PepePopcorn.png)


as i thought: >>6135574

"we have the source"

Arrest Assange

Wiki retaliate with data dump

Clinton/Obama corruption fully exposed

Everyone goes down and Trump doesn't have to take the direct heat as the 'bad guy out to bring them down'

kekcorn ready

ab08cf  No.6140627

Went outside to trim a few shrubs and a damn shill pissed Q off

Why are Liberals so fucking STUPID

Any one with a lick of common sense would know to go and hide from the Trump Army

It is coming else your handlers would not be sending your dumb asses here to protect themselves

1e3a98  No.6140628

File: 57116ff59da6fa0⋯.png (82.84 KB, 558x568, 279:284, ClipboardImage.png)

This time w/thauth

87aede  No.6140629


Same lie…..and still NO SAUCE

fffa40  No.6140630


Paris Hilton got arrested? Not notable.

7d7c04  No.6140631


>>6140581 Nunes sends criminal-referral notice to AG in Russia probe.

>>6140526 Comey claims he has no idea what Barr is talking about re: Spying.

>>6140500 1,000 Pounds of meth seized by Mexican authorities.

>>6140451 London’s Khan says may should have cancelled Brexit.

>>6140428 Microsoft worked with Chinese military university on AI development.

>>6140396 Every House Democrat but one cosponsors bill intended to let biological male athletes compete against females in pubic schools.

>>6140364 Here’s why the book Julian Assange was holding when he was arrested is vitally important.

>>6140344 Ohio governor signs bill banning abortion after 1st detectable heartbeat, one of the nation's toughest restrictions.

>>6140167 Coinbase crypto exchange launches Visa-enabled payments card.

>>6140133 US Army: "Protecting the skies from the ground…"

>>6140080 YouTube trying to censor Candace Owen's testimony from yesterday.

>>6140030 Herman Cain's confirmation goes South.

>>6139960,>>6140338 ICE: Shooting in Ahwatukee connected to human smuggling.

>>6139913 SpaceIL's "Beresheet" crashes on the Moon! Rest in peace, Beresheet.


19ff92  No.6140632



Sounds great, but let's not forget suicide weekend. Some of these creatures are going to find a doorknob or a bathtub.

fb0631  No.6140633

if Barr has the Mueller report and there is spying occurring, hasn't Mueller perfectly setup Barr to pursue the illegalities in process?

64f239  No.6140634


makes you wonder why they are scared of lynching and guns

3fb094  No.6140635


What are you, broken?

f53d98  No.6140636


Yep. Tried as a traitor. Convicted. Jailed. Never heard from again until fi ally released from prison a mental vegetable.

5b9bbe  No.6140638


Excellent question.

359d5b  No.6140639

File: 61d1063891ca73c⋯.png (660.24 KB, 978x543, 326:181, assange smeared poo on wal….PNG)


d84736  No.6140641


Typical Qanon

1e3a98  No.6140643

File: 57116ff59da6fa0⋯.png (82.84 KB, 558x568, 279:284, ClipboardImage.png)




1a50f7  No.6140644


>doorknob or a bathtub.

nailguns. they like nailguns.

1218ea  No.6140646

Late bread notable:

BO is a faggot.

2f6715  No.6140647


11 is an important number to the cabal.

Q team reverses/ mirrors their important numbers, by taking them from them and using this date, the 11th, against them.

d61503  No.6140648


>If Mueller is not our guy, why he didn't warned the Ds that his report is a nothing burger?

Who says he didn't?

The dims likely saw their best course of action against a nuthingberder as a narrative to bash Mueller by denying that Mueller's report was complete.

The dims are fucking nuts … and they think voters are stupid (and most are).

11cfb8  No.6140649


So what causes the trans


Cabal reincarnating people in the wront bodies?


Who knows

a369e1  No.6140650

File: 91c835d6901b940⋯.jpg (9.83 KB, 255x187, 15:11, KYS Meme.jpg)

166fe4  No.6140652


They did the handoff inside on purpose. So DS can't assassinate him.

ef8eba  No.6140653


Sure, but why the Ds are fighting so hard to release to the public like they think there's something there that can incriminate Trump?

If they know is anothing burger, why realese to the public?

8a1c63  No.6140654


That guy is such a dumb cunt. Attention whore that is full of shit.

490186  No.6140659


the smear right nancy , wrap up .

64f239  No.6140660


he looks like a crazy russian hermit…probable did go a little loony

best friend is pam says something

39c681  No.6140663


You are right to point out that Q is definitely real and has already changed the world regardless of how it started.

Now wait to be molested by hyena posters.

I believe in the mission.

as for …

"Decisions will now bye made by Board"Volunteers " as a whole


the most dangerous questions

d61503  No.6140664

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, scotch3.gif)

3fb094  No.6140665



Attempted Damage Control.

Personally I think they learned how much it hurt to for an enemy to suggest what they'll do when it's the only action they can do.


59111c  No.6140666


He didn't even get Christopher Steele's name right in that MI6 doc, FFS.

174b90  No.6140667


The good guys are intervening. They're just doing it a little different than normal.

It's like hunting roaches in the dark.

You could just flip the light on and see them all scatter, but you'd only get 10% of them. The mothers (the ones you're really after) run first.

They're a lot more comfortable in the dark, easier to hunt. Comfy and dumb.

Good guys have night vision and fly swatters.

American people have been in the dark so long you can't just flip on the light, it'll hurt half the country's eyes.

166fe4  No.6140668

Remember anons, the entire MUH RUSSIA investigation and hoax centers around

Russia hacking the DNC servers and giving info

to Wikileaks/Assange.

They do NOT want him out of the embassy.

They want him dead.

He is crucial to proving the entire Russia collusion was bullshit from the start.

d1b12e  No.6140669



mueller can be gray but RR white

just that both or neither are dirty

that is my opinion RR clean all along

mueller not but redeemed

d84736  No.6140671


Your mind is your own and you can say no. Say the word no. Say it.

7e295d  No.6140673


Apostle Paul lived with a THORN in his side until he died. You can handle what eer comes your way Anon. Buck up and spend more time with Jesus not this board.

914886  No.6140674


Now Spears just went into a mental hospital…HMMM?

Nice moove

a369e1  No.6140675

File: 891df2a305eaf3f⋯.jpg (14.41 KB, 249x225, 83:75, Asshole-STFU.jpg)

e34d7f  No.6140676


Who is this Nassif dude?

cab3e2  No.6140677


So, they are "sister's"?

You really didn't get it, did you.

Enter "tavistock" in your preferred search engine, and learn.

1899c8  No.6140678

File: 929b56ce1716af0⋯.png (582.11 KB, 510x600, 17:20, 929b56ce1716af0e0a1109da25….png)


meme anon gets it

we are fractals of our thoughts.

60610a  No.6140680


Shit, You know my Spouseanon?

f1cc04  No.6140681

File: 85af5d5bbac1dbe⋯.jpeg (73.64 KB, 1041x430, 1041:430, 2F76A041-A6EA-4657-8B50-8….jpeg)

File: 7b9ead733c82fd2⋯.jpeg (384.16 KB, 1316x1678, 658:839, 5C529399-1D4D-4A8A-A6AA-4….jpeg)

c6f236  No.6140683

File: acfbcfdb8ffb755⋯.jpeg (7.33 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 8ba05166f47b0c9f2c093a0b5….jpeg)


> of integrity and good character

This has never described the English royals.

022a66  No.6140684

File: ed3f70a1c8d5ad6⋯.jpg (13.38 KB, 255x234, 85:78, iron mike patriot.jpg)

d1b77b  No.6140686

7d7c04  No.6140687

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

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